La voix qui crie dans le désert








 Après la mort de Josué, les enfants d'Israël consultèrent YEHOVAH, et dirent: Qui d'entre nous montera le premier contre les Cananéens pour les combattre?

 Now after [0310] the death [4194] of Joshua [3091] it came to pass, that the children [1121] of Israel [3478] asked [7592] the LORD, [3068] saying, [0559] Who shall go up [5927] for us against the Canaanites [3669] first, [8462] to fight [3898] against them?


 Et YEHOVAH répondit: Juda y montera; voici, j'ai livré le pays entre ses mains.

 And the LORD [3068] said, [0559] Judah [3063] shall go up: [5927] behold, I have delivered [5414] the land [0776] into his hand. [3027]


 Et Juda dit à Siméon, son frère: Monte avec moi dans mon lot, et nous combattrons les Cananéens; et j'irai aussi avec toi dans ton lot. Ainsi Siméon s'en alla avec lui.

 And Judah [3063] said [0559] unto Simeon [8095] his brother, [0251] Come up [5927] with me into my lot, [1486] that we may fight [3898] against the Canaanites; [3669] and I likewise will go [1980] with thee into thy lot. [1486] So Simeon [8095] went [3212] with him.


 Juda monta donc, et YEHOVAH livra les Cananéens et les Phéréziens entre leurs mains, et ils battirent à Bézek dix mille hommes.

 And Judah [3063] went up; [5927] and the LORD [3068] delivered [5414] the Canaanites [3669] and the Perizzites [6522] into their hand: [3027] and they slew [5221] of them in Bezek [0966] ten [6235] thousand [0505] men. [0376]


 Et, ayant trouvé Adoni-Bézek à Bézek, ils l'attaquèrent, et battirent les Cananéens et les Phéréziens.

 And they found [4672] Adonibezek [0137] in Bezek: [0966] and they fought [3898] against him, and they slew [5221] the Canaanites [3669] and the Perizzites. [6522]


 Cependant Adoni-Bézek s'enfuit; mais ils le poursuivirent, le saisirent, et lui coupèrent les pouces des mains et des pieds.

 But Adonibezek [0137] fled; [5127] and they pursued [7291] after [0310] him, and caught [0270] him, and cut off [7112] his thumbs [0931] [3027] and his great toes. [7272]


 Alors Adoni-Bézek dit: Soixante et dix rois, dont les pouces des mains et des pieds avaient été coupés, recueillaient sous ma table ce qui en tombait. Ce que j'ai fait aux autres, Dieu me l'a rendu. Et, ayant été amené à Jérusalem, il y mourut.

 And Adonibezek [0137] said, [0559] Threescore and ten [7657] kings, [4428] having their thumbs [0931] [3027] and their great toes [7272] cut off, [7112] gathered [3950] [their meat] under my table: [7979] as I have done, [6213] so God [0430] hath requited [7999] me. And they brought [0935] him to Jerusalem, [3389] and there he died. [4191]


 Or, les descendants de Juda attaquèrent Jérusalem, et la prirent; et l'ayant frappée du tranchant de l'épée, ils mirent le feu à la ville.

 Now the children [1121] of Judah [3063] had fought [3898] against Jerusalem, [3389] and had taken [3920] it, and smitten [5221] it with the edge [6310] of the sword, [2719] and set [7971] the city [5892] on fire. [0784]


 Ensuite les descendants de Juda descendirent pour combattre contre les Cananéens qui habitaient la montagne, et le midi, et la plaine.

 And afterward [0310] the children [1121] of Judah [3063] went down [3381] to fight [3898] against the Canaanites, [3669] that dwelt [3427] in the mountain, [2022] and in the south, [5045] and in the valley. [8219]


 Juda marcha contre les Cananéens qui habitaient à Hébron (or, le nom d'Hébron était auparavant Kirjath-Arba), et il battit Sheshaï, Ahiman et Talmaï;

 And Judah [3063] went [3212] against the Canaanites [3669] that dwelt [3427] in Hebron: [2275] (now the name [8034] of Hebron [2275] before [6440] [was] Kirjatharba:) [7153] and they slew [5221] Sheshai, [8344] and Ahiman, [0289] and Talmai. [8526]


 Et de là il marcha contre les habitants de Débir, dont le nom était auparavant Kirjath-Sépher.

 And from thence he went [3212] against the inhabitants [3427] of Debir: [1688] and the name [8034] of Debir [1688] before [6440] [was] Kirjathsepher: [7158]


 Et Caleb dit: Qui battra Kirjath-Sépher et la prendra, je lui donnerai ma fille Acsa pour femme.

 And Caleb [3612] said, [0559] He that smiteth [5221] Kirjathsepher, [7158] and taketh [3920] it, to him will I give [5414] Achsah [5915] my daughter [1323] to wife. [0802]


 Alors Othniel, fils de Kénaz, frère puîné de Caleb, la prit; et Caleb lui donna pour femme sa fille Acsa.

 And Othniel [6274] the son [1121] of Kenaz, [7073] Caleb's [3612] younger [6996] brother, [0251] took [3920] it: and he gave [5414] him Achsah [5915] his daughter [1323] to wife. [0802]


 Et comme elle venait chez lui, elle l'incita à demander un champ à son père; et elle se jeta de dessus son âne, et Caleb lui dit: Qu'as-tu?

 And it came to pass, when she came [0935] [to him], that she moved [5496] him to ask [7592] of her father [0001] a field: [7704] and she lighted [6795] from off [her] ass; [2543] and Caleb [3612] said [0559] unto her, What wilt thou?


 Et elle lui répondit: Donne-moi un présent; puisque tu m'as donné une terre du midi, donne-moi aussi des sources d'eaux. Et Caleb lui donna les sources supérieures, et les sources inférieures.

 And she said [0559] unto him, Give [3051] me a blessing: [1293] for thou hast given [5414] me a south [5045] land; [0776] give [5414] me also springs [1543] of water. [4325] And Caleb [3612] gave [5414] her the upper [5942] springs [1543] and the nether [8482] springs. [1543]


 Or, les enfants du Kénien, beau-père de Moïse, montèrent de la ville des palmiers, avec les descendants de Juda, au désert de Juda, qui est au midi d'Arad; et ils allèrent, et demeurèrent avec le peuple.

 And the children [1121] of the Kenite, [7017] Moses' [4872] father in law, [2859] went up [5927] out of the city of palm trees [5892] [8558][5899] with the children [1121] of Judah [3063] into the wilderness [4057] of Judah, [3063] which [lieth] in the south [5045] of Arad; [6166] and they went [3212] and dwelt [3427] among [0854] the people. [5971]


 Puis Juda alla avec Siméon son frère, et ils battirent les Cananéens qui habitaient à Tséphath, et ils vouèrent ce lieu à l'interdit, et on appela la ville, Horma (Extermination).

 And Judah [3063] went [3212] with Simeon [8095] his brother, [0251] and they slew [5221] the Canaanites [3669] that inhabited [3427] Zephath, [6857] and utterly destroyed [2763] it. And the name [8034] of the city [5892] was called [7121] Hormah. [2767]


 Juda prit aussi Gaza avec son territoire, Askélon avec son territoire, et Ékron avec son territoire.

 Also Judah [3063] took [3920] Gaza [5804] with the coast [1366] thereof, and Askelon [0831] with the coast [1366] thereof, and Ekron [6138] with the coast [1366] thereof.


 Et YEHOVAH fut avec Juda; et ils prirent possession de la montagne; mais ils ne dépossédèrent point les habitants de la vallée, parce qu'ils avaient des chars de fer.

 And the LORD [3068] was with Judah; [3063] and he drave out [3423] [the inhabitants of] the mountain; [2022] but could not [3808] drive out [3423] the inhabitants [3427] of the valley, [6010] because they had chariots [7393] of iron. [1270]


 Et, selon que Moïse l'avait dit, on donna Hébron à Caleb, qui en déposséda les trois fils d'Anak.

 And they gave [5414] Hebron [2275] unto Caleb, [3612] as Moses [4872] said: [1696] and he expelled [3423] thence the three [7969] sons [1121] of Anak. [6061]


 Quant aux descendants de Benjamin, ils ne dépossédèrent point les Jébusiens, qui habitaient à Jérusalem; aussi les Jébusiens ont habité avec les enfants de Benjamin, à Jérusalem, jusqu'à ce jour.

 And the children [1121] of Benjamin [1144] did not drive out [3423] the Jebusites [2983] that inhabited [3427] Jerusalem; [3389] but the Jebusites [2983] dwell [3427] with the children [1121] of Benjamin [1144] in Jerusalem [3389] unto this day. [3117]


 La maison de Joseph monta aussi contre Béthel, et YEHOVAH fut avec eux.

 And the house [1004] of Joseph, [3130] they also went up [5927] against Bethel: [1008] and the LORD [3068] [was] with them.


 La maison de Joseph fit donc explorer Béthel, dont le nom était auparavant Luz;

 And the house [1004] of Joseph [3130] sent to descry [8446] Bethel. [1008] (Now the name [8034] of the city [5892] before [6440] [was] Luz.) [3870]


 Et les espions virent un homme, qui sortait de la ville, et ils lui dirent: Fais-nous voir, nous t'en prions, par où l'on peut entrer dans la ville, et nous te ferons grâce.

 And the spies [8104] saw [7200] a man [0376] come forth [3318] out of the city, [5892] and they said [0559] unto him, Shew [7200] us, we pray thee, the entrance [3996] into the city, [5892] and we will shew [6213] thee mercy. [2617]


 Et il leur montra par où l'on pouvait entrer dans la ville, et ils la firent passer au fil de l'épée; mais ils laissèrent aller cet homme-là et toute sa famille.

 And when he shewed [7200] them the entrance [3996] into the city, [5892] they smote [5221] the city [5892] with the edge [6310] of the sword; [2719] but they let go [7971] the man [0376] and all his family. [4940]


 Puis, cet homme se rendit au pays des Héthiens; il y bâtit une ville, et l'appela Luz, nom qu'elle a porté jusqu'à ce jour.

 And the man [0376] went [3212] into the land [0776] of the Hittites, [2850] and built [1129] a city, [5892] and called [7121] the name [8034] thereof Luz: [3870] which [is] the name [8034] thereof unto this day. [3117]


 Manassé ne déposséda point les habitants de Beth-Shéan et des villes de son ressort, ni les habitants de Thaanac et des villes de son ressort, ni les habitants de Dor et des villes de son ressort, ni les habitants de Jibléam et des villes de son ressort, ni les habitants de Méguiddo et des villes de son ressort; ainsi les Cananéens persistèrent à habiter ce pays-là.

 Neither did Manasseh [4519] drive out [3423] [the inhabitants of] Bethshean [1052] and her towns, [1323] nor Taanach [8590] and her towns, [1323] nor the inhabitants [3427] of Dor [1756] and her towns, [1323] nor the inhabitants [3427] of Ibleam [2991] and her towns, [1323] nor the inhabitants [3427] of Megiddo [4023] and her towns: [1323] but the Canaanites [3669] would [2974] dwell [3427] in that land. [0776]


 Cependant, quand Israël fut devenu plus fort, il rendit les Cananéens tributaires; mais il ne les chassa pas entièrement.

 And it came to pass, when Israel [3478] was strong, [2388] that they put [7760] the Canaanites [3669] to tribute, [4522] and did not utterly [3423] drive them out. [3423]


 Éphraïm ne déposséda point non plus les Cananéens qui habitaient à Guézer; mais les Cananéens habitèrent avec lui à Guézer.

 Neither did Ephraim [0669] drive out [3423] the Canaanites [3669] that dwelt [3427] in Gezer; [1507] but the Canaanites [3669] dwelt [3427] in Gezer [1507] among [7130] them.


 Zabulon ne déposséda point les habitants de Kitron, ni les habitants de Nahalol; et les Cananéens habitèrent avec lui, mais ils lui furent tributaires.

 Neither did Zebulun [2074] drive out [3423] the inhabitants [3427] of Kitron, [7003] nor the inhabitants [3427] of Nahalol; [5096] but the Canaanites [3669] dwelt [3427] among [7130] them, and became tributaries. [4522]


 Asser ne déposséda point les habitants d'Acco, ni les habitants de Sidon, ni d'Achlab, ni d'Aczib, ni d'Helba, ni d'Aphik, ni de Réhob;

 Neither did Asher [0836] drive out [3423] the inhabitants [3427] of Accho, [5910] nor the inhabitants [3427] of Zidon, [6721] nor of Ahlab, [0303] nor of Achzib, [0392] nor of Helbah, [2462] nor of Aphik, [0663] nor of Rehob: [7340]


 Mais ceux d'Asser habitèrent parmi les Cananéens, habitants du pays; car ils ne les dépossédèrent point.

 But the Asherites [0843] dwelt [3427] among [7130] the Canaanites, [3669] the inhabitants [3427] of the land: [0776] for they did not drive them out. [3423]


 Nephthali ne déposséda point les habitants de Beth-Shémèsh, ni les habitants de Beth-Anath; mais il habita parmi les Cananéens, habitants du pays; et les habitants de Beth-Shémèsh et de Beth-Anath leur furent tributaires.

 Neither did Naphtali [5321] drive out [3423] the inhabitants [3427] of Bethshemesh, [1053] nor the inhabitants [3427] of Bethanath; [1043] but he dwelt [3427] among [7130] the Canaanites, [3669] the inhabitants [3427] of the land: [0776] nevertheless the inhabitants [3427] of Bethshemesh [1053] and of Bethanath [1043] became tributaries [4522] unto them.


 Et les Amoréens resserrèrent dans la montagne les descendants de Dan, et ne les laissèrent point descendre dans la vallée.

 And the Amorites [0567] forced [3905] the children [1121] of Dan [1835] into the mountain: [2022] for they would not suffer [5414] them to come down [3381] to the valley: [6010]


 Et ces Amoréens persistèrent à demeurer à Har-Hérès, à Ajalon, et à Shaalbim; mais la main de la maison de Joseph pesa sur eux, et ils furent rendus tributaires.

 But the Amorites [0567] would [2974] dwell [3427] in mount [2022] Heres [2776] in Aijalon, [0357] and in Shaalbim: [8169] yet the hand [3027] of the house [1004] of Joseph [3130] prevailed, [3513] so that they became tributaries. [4522]


 Or, le territoire des Amoréens s'étendait depuis la montée d'Akrabbim, depuis Séla (la Roche), et au-dessus.

 And the coast [1366] of the Amorites [0567] [was] from the going up to Akrabbim, [4608] [6137][4610] from the rock, [5553] and upward. [4605]


 Or, l'ange de YEHOVAH monta de Guilgal à Bokim, et il dit: Je vous ai fait monter hors d'Égypte, et je vous ai amenés dans le pays que j'avais juré à vos pères de vous donner. Et j'ai dit: Je n'enfreindrai jamais l'alliance que j'ai traitée avec vous,

 And an angel [4397] of the LORD [3068] came up [5927] from Gilgal [1537] to Bochim, [1066] and said, [0559] I made you to go up [5927] out of Egypt, [4714] and have brought [0935] you unto the land [0776] which I sware [7650] unto your fathers; [0001] and I said, [0559] I will never [3808] [5769] break [6565] my covenant [1285] with you.


 Et vous, vous ne traiterez point d'alliance avec les habitants de ce pays, et vous démolirez leurs autels. Mais vous n'avez point obéi à ma voix. Pourquoi avez-vous fait cela?

 And ye shall make [3772] no league [1285] with the inhabitants [3427] of this land; [0776] ye shall throw down [5422] their altars: [4196] but ye have not obeyed [8085] my voice: [6963] why have ye done [6213] this?


 Aussi j'ai dit: Je ne les chasserai point devant vous; mais ils seront à vos côtés, et leurs dieux vous seront un piège.

 Wherefore I also said, [0559] I will not drive them out [1644] from before [6440] you; but they shall be [as thorns] in your sides, [6654] and their gods [0430] shall be a snare [4170] unto you.


 Et sitôt que l'ange de YEHOVAH eut dit ces paroles à tous les enfants d'Israël, le peuple éleva la voix et pleura.

 And it came to pass, when the angel [4397] of the LORD [3068] spake [1696] these words [1697] unto all the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] that the people [5971] lifted up [5375] their voice, [6963] and wept. [1058]


 Et ils appelèrent ce lieu-là Bokim (les Pleurs), et ils y sacrifièrent à YEHOVAH.

 And they called [7121] the name [8034] of that place [4725] Bochim: [1066] and they sacrificed [2076] there unto the LORD. [3068]


 Or, Josué ayant renvoyé le peuple, les enfants d'Israël allèrent chacun dans son héritage pour prendre possession du pays.

 And when Joshua [3091] had let the people [5971] go, [7971] the children [1121] of Israel [3478] went [3212] every man [0376] unto his inheritance [5159] to possess [3423] the land. [0776]


 Et le peuple servit YEHOVAH tout le temps de Josué, et tout le temps des anciens qui survécurent à Josué et qui avaient vu les grandes œuvres que YEHOVAH avait faites en faveur d'Israël.

 And the people [5971] served [5647] the LORD [3068] all the days [3117] of Joshua, [3091] and all the days [3117] of the elders [2205] that outlived [0748] [3117] [0310] Joshua, [3091] who had seen [7200] all the great [1419] works [4639] of the LORD, [3068] that he did [6213] for Israel. [3478]


 Puis Josué, fils de Nun, serviteur de YEHOVAH, mourut, âgé de cent dix ans,

 And Joshua [3091] the son [1121] of Nun, [5126] the servant [5650] of the LORD, [3068] died, [4191] [being] an hundred [3967] and ten [6235] years [8141] old. [1121]


 Et on l'ensevelit dans le territoire de son héritage, à Thimnath-Hérès, sur la montagne d'Éphraïm, au nord de la montagne de Gaash.

 And they buried [6912] him in the border [1366] of his inheritance [5159] in Timnathheres, [8556] in the mount [2022] of Ephraim, [0669] on the north [6828] side of the hill [2022] Gaash. [1608]


 Et toute cette génération fut recueillie avec ses pères; et il s'éleva après elle une autre génération qui ne connaissait point YEHOVAH, ni les œuvres qu'il avait faites pour Israël.

 And also all that generation [1755] were gathered [0622] unto their fathers: [0001] and there arose [6965] another [0312] generation [1755] after [0310] them, which knew [3045] not the LORD, [3068] nor yet the works [4639] which he had done [6213] for Israel. [3478]


 Les enfants d'Israël firent alors ce qui déplaît à YEHOVAH, et ils servirent les Baalim.

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] did [6213] evil [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD, [3068] and served [5647] Baalim: [1168]


 Et ils abandonnèrent YEHOVAH, le Dieu de leurs pères, qui les avait fait sortir du pays d'Égypte; ils allèrent après d'autres dieux, d'entre les dieux des peuples qui les entouraient, et ils se prosternèrent devant eux; ainsi ils irritèrent YEHOVAH.

 And they forsook [5800] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of their fathers, [0001] which brought them out [3318] of the land [0776] of Egypt, [4714] and followed [3212] [0310] other [0312] gods, [0430] of the gods [0430] of the people [5971] that [were] round about [5439] them, and bowed [7812] themselves unto them, and provoked the LORD [3068] to anger. [3707]


 Ils abandonnèrent donc YEHOVAH, et servirent Baal et les Ashtharoth.

 And they forsook [5800] the LORD, [3068] and served [5647] Baal [1168] and Ashtaroth. [6252]


 Et la colère de YEHOVAH s'embrasa contre Israël, et il les livra entre les mains de gens qui les pillèrent; et il les vendit à leurs ennemis d'alentour, et ils ne purent plus tenir devant leurs ennemis.

 And the anger [0639] of the LORD [3068] was hot [2734] against Israel, [3478] and he delivered [5414] them into the hands [3027] of spoilers [8154] that spoiled [8155] them, and he sold [4376] them into the hands [3027] of their enemies [0341] round about, [5439] so that they could [3201] not any longer [5750] stand [5975] before [6440] their enemies. [0341]


 Partout où ils allaient, la main de YEHOVAH était contre eux en mal, comme YEHOVAH l'avait dit, et comme YEHOVAH le leur avait juré. Ainsi ils furent dans une grande détresse.

 Whithersoever they went out, [3318] the hand [3027] of the LORD [3068] was against them for evil, [7451] as the LORD [3068] had said, [1696] and as the LORD [3068] had sworn [7650] unto them: and they were greatly [3966] distressed. [3334]


 Cependant YEHOVAH leur suscitait des juges, qui les délivraient de la main de ceux qui les pillaient.

 Nevertheless the LORD [3068] raised up [6965] judges, [8199] which delivered [3467] them out of the hand [3027] of those that spoiled [8154] them.


 Mais ils n'écoutaient pas même leurs juges, et ils se prostituaient à d'autres dieux; ils se prosternaient devant eux, et ils se détournaient promptement du chemin où leurs pères avaient marché en obéissant aux commandements de YEHOVAH; ils ne firent pas de même.

 And yet they would not hearken [8085] unto their judges, [8199] but they went a whoring [2181] after [0310] other [0312] gods, [0430] and bowed [7812] themselves unto them: they turned [5493] quickly [4118] out of the way [1870] which their fathers [0001] walked [1980] in, obeying [8085] the commandments [4687] of the LORD; [3068] [but] they did [6213] not so.


 Or, quand YEHOVAH leur suscitait des juges, YEHOVAH était avec le juge, et les délivrait de la main de leurs ennemis, pendant toute la vie du juge; car YEHOVAH se repentait, à cause des gémissements qu'ils poussaient devant ceux qui les opprimaient et qui les accablaient.

 And when the LORD [3068] raised them up [6965] judges, [8199] then the LORD [3068] was with the judge, [8199] and delivered [3467] them out of the hand [3027] of their enemies [0341] all the days [3117] of the judge: [8199] for it repented [5162] the LORD [3068] because [6440] of their groanings [5009] by reason of them that oppressed [3905] them and vexed [1766] them.


 Puis, quand le juge mourait, ils se corrompaient de nouveau plus que leurs pères, en allant après d'autres dieux, pour les servir et se prosterner devant eux; ils ne rabattaient rien de leurs actions, ni de leur train obstiné.

 And it came to pass, when the judge [8199] was dead, [4194] [that] they returned, [7725] and corrupted [7843] [themselves] more than their fathers, [0001] in following [3212] [0310] other [0312] gods [0430] to serve [5647] them, and to bow down [7812] unto them; they ceased [5307] not from their own doings, [4611] nor from their stubborn [7186] way. [1870]


 C'est pourquoi la colère de YEHOVAH s'embrasa contre Israël, et il dit: Puisque cette nation a transgressé mon alliance que j'avais prescrite à ses pères, et qu'ils n'ont point obéi à ma voix,

 And the anger [0639] of the LORD [3068] was hot [2734] against Israel; [3478] and he said, [0559] Because that this people [1471] hath transgressed [5674] my covenant [1285] which I commanded [6680] their fathers, [0001] and have not hearkened [8085] unto my voice; [6963]


 Je ne déposséderai plus devant eux aucune des nations que Josué laissa quand il mourut;

 I also will not henceforth [3254] drive out [3423] any [0376] from before [6440] them of the nations [1471] which Joshua [3091] left [5800] when he died: [4191]


 Afin de mettre par elles Israël à l'épreuve, pour voir s'ils garderont, ou non, la voie de YEHOVAH pour y marcher, comme leurs pères l'ont gardée.

 That through them I may prove [5254] Israel, [3478] whether they will keep [8104] the way [1870] of the LORD [3068] to walk [3212] therein, as their fathers [0001] did keep [8104] [it], or not.


 Et YEHOVAH laissa ces nations-là, sans se hâter de les déposséder, car il ne les avait point livrées entre les mains de Josué.

 Therefore the LORD [3068] left [3240] those nations, [1471] without [1115] driving them out [3423] hastily; [4118] neither delivered [5414] he them into the hand [3027] of Joshua. [3091]


 Ce sont ici les nations que YEHOVAH laissa pour éprouver par elles Israël, savoir, tous ceux qui n'avaient pas connu les guerres de Canaan;

 Now these [are] the nations [1471] which the LORD [3068] left, [3240] to prove [5254] Israel [3478] by them, [even] as many [of Israel] as had not known [3045] all the wars [4421] of Canaan; [3667]


 Afin que les générations des enfants d'Israël sussent et apprissent ce que c'est que la guerre; au moins ceux qui n'en avaient rien connu auparavant.

 Only [7535] that the generations [1755] of the children [1121] of Israel [3478] might know, [3045] to teach [3925] them war, [4421] at the least [7535] such as before [6440] knew [3045] nothing thereof;


 Ces nations étaient: les cinq princes des Philistins, et tous les Cananéens, les Sidoniens et les Héviens, qui habitaient dans la montagne du Liban, depuis la montagne de Baal-Hermon, jusqu'à l'entrée de Hamath.

 [Namely], five [2568] lords [5633] of the Philistines, [6430] and all the Canaanites, [3669] and the Sidonians, [6722] and the Hivites [2340] that dwelt [3427] in mount [2022] Lebanon, [3844] from mount [2022] Baalhermon [1179] unto the entering in [0935] of Hamath. [2574]


 Ces nations servirent à éprouver Israël, pour voir s'ils obéiraient aux commandements que YEHOVAH avait prescrits à leurs pères par Moïse.

 And they were to prove [5254] Israel [3478] by them, to know [3045] whether they would hearken [8085] unto the commandments [4687] of the LORD, [3068] which he commanded [6680] their fathers [0001] by the hand [3027] of Moses. [4872]


 Ainsi les enfants d'Israël habitèrent parmi les Cananéens, les Héthiens, les Amoréens, les Phéréziens, les Héviens, et les Jébusiens;

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] dwelt [3427] among [7130] the Canaanites, [3669] Hittites, [2850] and Amorites, [0567] and Perizzites, [6522] and Hivites, [2340] and Jebusites: [2983]


 Et ils prirent leurs filles pour femmes, et ils donnèrent leurs propres filles à leurs fils, et servirent leurs dieux.

 And they took [3947] their daughters [1323] to be their wives, [0802] and gave [5414] their daughters [1323] to their sons, [1121] and served [5647] their gods. [0430]


 Les enfants d'Israël firent ce qui est mauvais devant YEHOVAH; ils oublièrent YEHOVAH, leur Dieu, et ils rendirent un culte aux Baalim et aux images d'Ashéra.

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] did [6213] evil [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD, [3068] and forgat [7911] the LORD [3068] their God, [0430] and served [5647] Baalim [1168] and the groves. [0842]


 C'est pourquoi la colère de YEHOVAH s'embrasa contre Israël, et il les livra entre les mains de Cushan-Rishathaïm, roi de Mésopotamie. Et les enfants d'Israël furent asservis huit ans à Cushan-Rishathaïm.

 Therefore the anger [0639] of the LORD [3068] was hot [2734] against Israel, [3478] and he sold [4376] them into the hand [3027] of Chushanrishathaim [3573] king [4428] of Mesopotamia: [0763] and the children [1121] of Israel [3478] served [5647] Chushanrishathaim [3573] eight [8083] years. [8141]


 Puis les enfants d'Israël crièrent à YEHOVAH, et YEHOVAH leur suscita un libérateur qui les délivra, Othniel, fils de Kénaz, frère puîné de Caleb.

 And when the children [1121] of Israel [3478] cried [2199] unto the LORD, [3068] the LORD [3068] raised up [6965] a deliverer [3467] to the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] who delivered [3467] them, [even] Othniel [6274] the son [1121] of Kenaz, [7073] Caleb's [3612] younger [6996] brother. [0251]


 L'Esprit de YEHOVAH fut sur lui, et il jugea Israël, et il sortit en bataille. YEHOVAH livra entre ses mains Cushan-Rishathaïm, roi d'Aram, et sa main fut puissante contre Cushan-Rishathaïm.

 And the Spirit [7307] of the LORD [3068] came upon him, and he judged [8199] Israel, [3478] and went out [3318] to war: [4421] and the LORD [3068] delivered [5414] Chushanrishathaim [3573] king [4428] of Mesopotamia [0758] into his hand; [3027] and his hand [3027] prevailed [5810] against Chushanrishathaim. [3573]


 Et le pays fut en repos quarante ans. Et Othniel, fils de Kénaz, mourut.

 And the land [0776] had rest [8252] forty [0705] years. [8141] And Othniel [6274] the son [1121] of Kenaz [7073] died. [4191]


 Puis les enfants d'Israël firent encore ce qui est mauvais devant YEHOVAH; et YEHOVAH fortifia Églon, roi de Moab, contre Israël, parce qu'ils avaient fait ce qui est mauvais devant YEHOVAH.

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] did [6213] evil [7451] again [3254] in the sight [5869] of the LORD: [3068] and the LORD [3068] strengthened [2388] Eglon [5700] the king [4428] of Moab [4124] against Israel, [3478] because they had done [6213] evil [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD. [3068]


 Églon assembla donc vers lui les Ammonites et les Amalécites; et il alla et battit Israël; et ils s'emparèrent de la ville des Palmiers.

 And he gathered [0622] unto him the children [1121] of Ammon [5983] and Amalek, [6002] and went [3212] and smote [5221] Israel, [3478] and possessed [3423] the city of palm trees. [5892] [8558][5899]


 Et les enfants d'Israël furent asservis dix-huit ans à Églon, roi de Moab.

 So the children [1121] of Israel [3478] served [5647] Eglon [5700] the king [4428] of Moab [4124] eighteen [8083] [6240] years. [8141]


 Puis les enfants d'Israël crièrent à YEHOVAH, et YEHOVAH leur suscita un libérateur, Éhud, fils de Guéra, Benjamite, qui était empêché de la main droite. Et les enfants d'Israël envoyèrent par lui un présent à Églon, roi de Moab.

 But when the children [1121] of Israel [3478] cried [2199] unto the LORD, [3068] the LORD [3068] raised them up [6965] a deliverer, [3467] Ehud [0164] the son [1121] of Gera, [1617] a Benjamite, [1121] [3228] a man [0376] lefthanded: [0334] [3225] [3027] and by him [3027] the children [1121] of Israel [3478] sent [7971] a present [4503] unto Eglon [5700] the king [4428] of Moab. [4124]


 Or, Éhud s'était fait une épée à deux tranchants, longue d'une coudée, et il la ceignit sous ses vêtements au côté droit.

 But Ehud [0164] made [6213] him a dagger [2719] which had two [8147] edges, [6366] of a cubit [1574] length; [0753] and he did gird [2296] it under his raiment [4055] upon his right [3225] thigh. [3409]


 Et il offrit le présent à Églon, roi de Moab; or Églon était un homme très gras.

 And he brought [7126] the present [4503] unto Eglon [5700] king [4428] of Moab: [4124] and Eglon [5700] [was] a very [3966] fat [1277] man. [0376]


 Et lorsqu'il eut achevé d'offrir le présent, il renvoya les gens qui avaient apporté le présent.

 And when he had made an end [3615] to offer [7126] the present, [4503] he sent away [7971] the people [5971] that bare [5375] the present. [4503]


 Puis, il revint depuis les carrières près de Guilgal, et il dit: Ô roi! j'ai quelque chose de secret à te dire. Et il lui répondit: Silence! Et tous ceux qui étaient auprès de lui sortirent.

 But he himself turned [7725] again from the quarries [6456] that [were] by Gilgal, [1537] and said, [0559] I have a secret [5643] errand [1697] unto thee, O king: [4428] who said, [0559] Keep silence. [2013] And all that stood [5975] by him went out [3318] from him.


 Alors Éhud vint à lui (or, il était assis, seul dans la salle d'été); et il dit: J'ai une parole de Dieu pour toi. Alors Églon se leva du trône;

 And Ehud [0164] came [0935] unto him; and he was sitting [3427] in a summer [4747] parlour, [5944] which he had for himself alone. And Ehud [0164] said, [0559] I have a message [1697] from God [0430] unto thee. And he arose [6965] out of [his] seat. [3678]


 Et Éhud, avançant la main gauche, tira l'épée de son côté droit, et la lui enfonça dans le ventre;

 And Ehud [0164] put forth [7971] his left [8040] hand, [3027] and took [3947] the dagger [2719] from his right [3225] thigh, [3409] and thrust [8628] it into his belly: [0990]


 Et la poignée même entra après la lame, et la graisse serra tellement autour la lame qu'il ne pouvait retirer l'épée du ventre, et il en sortit de la fiente.

 And the haft [5325] also went in [0935] after [0310] the blade; [3851] and the fat [2459] closed [5462] upon [1157] the blade, [3851] so that he could not draw [8025] the dagger [2719] out of his belly; [0990] and the dirt [6574] came out. [3318]


 Après cela, Éhud sortit par le portique, ferma sur lui les portes de la chambre haute et poussa le verrou.

 Then Ehud [0164] went forth [3318] through the porch, [4528] and shut [5462] the doors [1817] of the parlour [5944] upon him, and locked [5274] them.


 Quand il fut sorti, les serviteurs vinrent et regardèrent, et voici, les portes de la chambre haute étaient fermées au verrou; et ils dirent: Sans doute il est à ses affaires dans sa chambre d'été.

 When he was gone out, [3318] his servants [5650] came; [0935] and when they saw [7200] that, behold, the doors [1817] of the parlour [5944] [were] locked, [5274] they said, [0559] Surely he covereth [5526] his feet [7272] in his summer [4747] chamber. [2315]


 Et ils attendirent tant qu'ils en furent honteux; et comme il n'ouvrait point les portes de la chambre, ils prirent la clef et ouvrirent; et voici, leur seigneur était mort, étendu par terre.

 And they tarried [2342] till they were ashamed: [0954] and, behold, he opened [6605] not the doors [1817] of the parlour; [5944] therefore they took [3947] a key, [4668] and opened [6605] [them]: and, behold, their lord [0113] [was] fallen down [5307] dead [4191] on the earth. [0776]


 Mais Éhud échappa pendant qu'ils hésitaient; et il dépassa les carrières et se sauva à Séira.

 And Ehud [0164] escaped [4422] while they tarried, [4102] and passed beyond [5674] the quarries, [6456] and escaped [4422] unto Seirath. [8167]


 Dès qu'il fut arrivé, il sonna de la trompette dans la montagne d'Éphraïm, et les enfants d'Israël descendirent avec lui de la montagne; et il se mit à leur tête.

 And it came to pass, when he was come, [0935] that he blew [8628] a trumpet [7782] in the mountain [2022] of Ephraim, [0669] and the children [1121] of Israel [3478] went down [3381] with him from the mount, [2022] and he before [6440] them.


 Et il leur dit: Suivez-moi, car YEHOVAH a livré entre vos mains les Moabites vos ennemis. Ils descendirent ainsi après lui; et, s'emparant des gués du Jourdain vis-à-vis de Moab, ils ne laissèrent passer personne.

 And he said [0559] unto them, Follow [7291] after [0310] me: for the LORD [3068] hath delivered [5414] your enemies [0341] the Moabites [4124] into your hand. [3027] And they went down [3381] after [0310] him, and took [3920] the fords [4569] of Jordan [3383] toward Moab, [4124] and suffered [5414] not a man [0376] to pass over. [5674]


 Ils battirent donc en ce temps-là environ dix mille hommes de Moab, tous robustes, tous vaillants, et pas un n'échappa.

 And they slew [5221] of Moab [4124] at that time [6256] about ten [6235] thousand [0505] men, [0376] all lusty, [8082] and all men [0376] of valour; [2428] and there escaped [4422] not a man. [0376]


 En ce jour-là Moab fut humilié sous la main d'Israël. Et le pays eut du repos pendant quatre-vingts ans.

 So Moab [4124] was subdued [3665] that day [3117] under the hand [3027] of Israel. [3478] And the land [0776] had rest [8252] fourscore [8084] years. [8141]


 Et après Éhud, il y eut Shamgar, fils d'Anath. Il défit six cents Philistins avec un aiguillon à bœufs, et lui aussi délivra Israël.

 And after [0310] him was Shamgar [8044] the son [1121] of Anath, [6067] which slew [5221] of the Philistines [6430] six [8337] hundred [3967] men [0376] with an ox [1241] goad: [4451] and he also delivered [3467] Israel. [3478]


 Après qu'Éhud fut mort, les enfants d'Israël continuèrent à faire ce qui est mauvais devant YEHOVAH.

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] again [3254] did [6213] evil [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD, [3068] when Ehud [0164] was dead. [4191]


 C'est pourquoi YEHOVAH les livra entre les mains de Jabin, roi de Canaan, qui régnait à Hatsor. Le chef de son armée était Sisera, qui habitait à Harosheth-Goïm.

 And the LORD [3068] sold [4376] them into the hand [3027] of Jabin [2985] king [4428] of Canaan, [3667] that reigned [4427] in Hazor; [2674] the captain [8269] of whose host [6635] [was] Sisera, [5516] which dwelt [3427] in Harosheth [2800] of the Gentiles. [1471]


 Alors les enfants d'Israël crièrent à YEHOVAH; car Jabin avait neuf cents chars de fer, et il opprimait avec beaucoup de violence les enfants d'Israël depuis vingt ans.

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] cried [6817] unto the LORD: [3068] for he had nine [8672] hundred [3967] chariots [7393] of iron; [1270] and twenty [6242] years [8141] he mightily [2393] oppressed [3905] the children [1121] of Israel. [3478]


 En ce temps-là, Débora, prophétesse, femme de Lappidoth, jugeait Israël.

 And Deborah, [1683] a prophetess, [0802] [5031] the wife [0802] of Lapidoth, [3941] she judged [8199] Israel [3478] at that time. [6256]


 Et elle siégeait sous le palmier de Débora entre Rama et Béthel, dans la montagne d'Éphraïm, et les enfants d'Israël montaient vers elle pour être jugés.

 And she dwelt [3427] under the palm tree [8560] of Deborah [1683] between Ramah [7414] and Bethel [1008] in mount [2022] Ephraim: [0669] and the children [1121] of Israel [3478] came up [5927] to her for judgment. [4941]


 Or, elle envoya appeler Barak, fils d'Abinoam, de Kédès, de Nephthali, et elle lui dit: YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël, n'a-t-il pas donné ce commandement: Va, dirige-toi sur le mont Thabor, et prends avec toi dix mille hommes des enfants de Nephthali et des enfants de Zabulon?

 And she sent [7971] and called [7121] Barak [1301] the son [1121] of Abinoam [0042] out of Kedeshnaphtali, [6943] [5321] and said [0559] unto him, Hath not the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel [3478] commanded, [6680] [saying], Go [3212] and draw [4900] toward mount [2022] Tabor, [8396] and take [3947] with thee ten [6235] thousand [0505] men [0376] of the children [1121] of Naphtali [5321] and of the children [1121] of Zebulun? [2074]


 J'attirerai vers toi, au torrent de Kisson, Sisera, chef de l'armée de Jabin, avec ses chars et la multitude de ses gens, et je le livrerai entre tes mains.

 And I will draw [4900] unto thee to the river [5158] Kishon [7028] Sisera, [5516] the captain [8269] of Jabin's [2985] army, [6635] with his chariots [7393] and his multitude; [1995] and I will deliver [5414] him into thine hand. [3027]


 Et Barak lui dit: Si tu viens avec moi, j'irai; mais si tu ne viens pas avec moi, je n'irai pas.

 And Barak [1301] said [0559] unto her, If thou wilt go [3212] with me, then I will go: [1980] but if thou wilt not go [3212] with me, [then] I will not go. [3212]


 Et elle répondit: J'irai, j'irai avec toi; mais tu n'auras point de gloire dans ton entreprise; car YEHOVAH livrera Sisera entre les mains d'une femme. Débora se leva donc, et alla avec Barak à Kédès.

 And she said, [0559] I will surely [1980] go [3212] with thee: notwithstanding [0657] the journey [1870] that thou takest [1980] shall not be for thine honour; [8597] for the LORD [3068] shall sell [4376] Sisera [5516] into the hand [3027] of a woman. [0802] And Deborah [1683] arose, [6965] and went [3212] with Barak [1301] to Kedesh. [6943]


 Et Barak assembla Zabulon et Nephthali à Kédès; dix mille hommes marchèrent à sa suite; et Débora monta avec lui.

 And Barak [1301] called [2199] Zebulun [2074] and Naphtali [5321] to Kedesh; [6943] and he went up [5927] with ten [6235] thousand [0505] men [0376] at his feet: [7272] and Deborah [1683] went up [5927] with him.


 Or, Héber, le Kénien, s'étant séparé des Kéniens, enfants de Hobab, parent de Moïse, avait dressé ses tentes jusqu'au chêne de Tsaanaïm, qui est auprès de Kédès.

 Now Heber [2268] the Kenite, [7017] [which was] of the children [1121] of Hobab [2246] the father in law [2859] of Moses, [4872] had severed [6504] himself from the Kenites, [7014] and pitched [5186] his tent [0168] unto the plain [0436] of Zaanaim, [6815] which [is] by Kedesh. [6943]


 On rapporta donc à Sisera que Barak, fils d'Abinoam, était monté à la montagne de Thabor.

 And they shewed [5046] Sisera [5516] that Barak [1301] the son [1121] of Abinoam [0042] was gone up [5927] to mount [2022] Tabor. [8396]


 Et Sisera assembla tous ses chars, neuf cents chars de fer, et tout le peuple qui était avec lui, depuis Harosheth-Goïm jusqu'au torrent de Kisson.

 And Sisera [5516] gathered together [2199] all his chariots, [7393] [even] nine [8672] hundred [3967] chariots [7393] of iron, [1270] and all the people [5971] that [were] with him, from Harosheth [2800] of the Gentiles [1471] unto the river [5158] of Kishon. [7028]


 Et Débora dit à Barak: Lève-toi; car voici le jour où YEHOVAH a livré Sisera entre tes mains. YEHOVAH ne marche-t-il pas devant toi? Et Barak descendit du mont Thabor, ayant dix mille hommes à sa suite.

 And Deborah [1683] said [0559] unto Barak, [1301] Up; [6965] for this [is] the day [3117] in which the LORD [3068] hath delivered [5414] Sisera [5516] into thine hand: [3027] is not the LORD [3068] gone out [3318] before [6440] thee? So Barak [1301] went down [3381] from mount [2022] Tabor, [8396] and ten [6235] thousand [0505] men [0376] after [0310] him.


 Et YEHOVAH mit en déroute Sisera, et tous les chars, et tout le camp, et il les fit passer au fil de l'épée devant Barak; et Sisera descendit de son char, et s'enfuit à pied.

 And the LORD [3068] discomfited [2000] Sisera, [5516] and all [his] chariots, [7393] and all [his] host, [4264] with the edge [6310] of the sword [2719] before [6440] Barak; [1301] so that Sisera [5516] lighted down [3381] off [his] chariot, [4818] and fled [5127] away on his feet. [7272]


 Et Barak poursuivit les chars et le camp jusqu'à Harosheth-Goïm, et tout le camp de Sisera fut passé au fil de l'épée; il n'en resta pas un homme.

 But Barak [1301] pursued [7291] after [0310] the chariots, [7393] and after [0310] the host, [4264] unto Harosheth [2800] of the Gentiles: [1471] and all the host [4264] of Sisera [5516] fell [5307] upon the edge [6310] of the sword; [2719] [and] there was not a man [0259] left. [7604]


 Et Sisera s'enfuit à pied vers la tente de Jaël, femme de Héber, le Kénien; car il y avait paix entre Jabin, roi de Hatsor, et la maison de Héber, Kénien.

 Howbeit Sisera [5516] fled away [5127] on his feet [7272] to the tent [0168] of Jael [3278] the wife [0802] of Heber [2268] the Kenite: [7017] for [there was] peace [7965] between Jabin [2985] the king [4428] of Hazor [2674] and the house [1004] of Heber [2268] the Kenite. [7017]


 Et Jaël sortit au-devant de Sisera, et lui dit: Entre mon seigneur, entre chez moi; ne crains point. Il entra donc chez elle dans la tente, et elle le cacha sous une couverture.

 And Jael [3278] went out [3318] to meet [7125] Sisera, [5516] and said [0559] unto him, Turn in, [5493] my lord, [0113] turn in [5493] to me; fear [3372] not. And when he had turned in [5493] unto her into the tent, [0168] she covered [3680] him with a mantle. [8063]


 Puis il lui dit: Je te prie, donne-moi un peu d'eau à boire, car j'ai soif. Et elle ouvrit l'outre du lait, lui donna à boire, et le couvrit.

 And he said [0559] unto her, Give me, I pray thee, a little [4592] water [4325] to drink; [8248] for I am thirsty. [6770] And she opened [6605] a bottle [4997] of milk, [2461] and gave him drink, [8248] and covered [3680] him.


 Il lui dit encore: Tiens-toi à l'entrée de la tente, et si l'on vient t'interroger, en disant: Y a-t-il ici quelqu'un? Tu répondras: Non.

 Again he said [0559] unto her, Stand [5975] in the door [6607] of the tent, [0168] and it shall be, when any man [0376] doth come [0935] and enquire [7592] of thee, and say, [0559] Is there [3426] any man [0376] here? that thou shalt say, [0559] No.


 Mais Jaël, femme de Héber, saisit un clou de la tente; et, prenant en main le marteau, elle vint à lui doucement, et lui transperça la tempe avec ce clou, qui s'enfonça en terre. Il était profondément endormi et accablé de fatigue; et il mourut.

 Then Jael [3278] Heber's [2268] wife [0802] took [3947] a nail [3489] of the tent, [0168] and took [7760] an hammer [4718] in her hand, [3027] and went [0935] softly [3814] unto him, and smote [8628] the nail [3489] into his temples, [7541] and fastened [6795] it into the ground: [0776] for he was fast asleep [7290] and weary. [5774] So he died. [4191]


 Et voici, Barak poursuivait Sisera, et Jaël sortit au-devant de lui, et lui dit: Viens, et je te montrerai l'homme que tu cherches. Et Barak entra chez elle, et voici, Sisera était étendu mort, le clou dans la tempe.

 And, behold, as Barak [1301] pursued [7291] Sisera, [5516] Jael [3278] came out [3318] to meet [7125] him, and said [0559] unto him, Come, [3212] and I will shew [7200] thee the man [0376] whom thou seekest. [1245] And when he came [0935] into her [tent], behold, Sisera [5516] lay [5307] dead, [4191] and the nail [3489] [was] in his temples. [7541]


 En ce jour-là, Dieu humilia ainsi Jabin, roi de Canaan, devant les enfants d'Israël.

 So God [0430] subdued [3665] on that day [3117] Jabin [2985] the king [4428] of Canaan [3667] before [6440] the children [1121] of Israel. [3478]


 Et la main des enfants d'Israël s'appesantit de plus en plus sur Jabin, roi de Canaan, jusqu'à ce qu'ils eussent exterminé Jabin, roi de Canaan.

 And the hand [3027] of the children [1121] of Israel [3478] prospered, [3212] [1980] and prevailed [7186] against Jabin [2985] the king [4428] of Canaan, [3667] until they had destroyed [3772] Jabin [2985] king [4428] of Canaan. [3667]


 En ce jour-là, Débora chanta ce cantique avec Barak, fils d'Abinoam, en disant:

 Then sang [7891] Deborah [1683] and Barak [1301] the son [1121] of Abinoam [0042] on that day, [3117] saying, [0559]


 Bénissez YEHOVAH de ce que les chefs ont pris le commandement en Israël, de ce que le peuple s'est porté de plein gré au combat!

 Praise [1288] ye the LORD [3068] for the avenging [6544] [6546] of Israel, [3478] when the people [5971] willingly offered [5068] themselves.


 Rois, écoutez; princes, prêtez l'oreille! C'est moi, c'est moi qui chanterai à YEHOVAH; qui psalmodierai à YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël.

 Hear, [8085] O ye kings; [4428] give ear, [0238] O ye princes; [7336] I, [even] I, will sing [7891] unto the LORD; [3068] I will sing [2167] [praise] to the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel. [3478]


 Ô YEHOVAH, quand tu sortis de Séir, quand tu t'avanças des champs d'Édom, la terre trembla, les cieux se fondirent, et les nuées se fondirent en eaux.

 LORD, [3068] when thou wentest out [3318] of Seir, [8165] when thou marchedst [6805] out of the field [7704] of Edom, [0123] the earth [0776] trembled, [7493] and the heavens [8064] dropped, [5197] the clouds [5645] also dropped [5197] water. [4325]


 Les montagnes s'écoulèrent devant YEHOVAH, et le Sinaï même, devant YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël!

 The mountains [2022] melted [5140] from before [6440] the LORD, [3068] [even] that Sinai [5514] from before [6440] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel. [3478]


 Aux jours de Shamgar, fils d'Anath, aux jours de Jaël, les routes étaient abandonnées, et les voyageurs allaient par des chemins détournés;

 In the days [3117] of Shamgar [8044] the son [1121] of Anath, [6067] in the days [3117] of Jael, [3278] the highways [0734] were unoccupied, [2308] and the travellers [1980] [5410] walked [3212] through byways. [0734] [6128]


 Les chefs manquaient en Israël, ils manquaient, jusqu'à ce que je me sois levée, moi Débora, que je me sois levée comme une mère en Israël.

 [The inhabitants of] the villages [6520] ceased, [2308] they ceased [2308] in Israel, [3478] until that I Deborah [1683] arose, [6965] that I arose [6965] a mother [0517] in Israel. [3478]


 Israël choisissait-il des dieux nouveaux, aussitôt la guerre était aux portes. On ne voyait ni bouclier ni lance chez quarante milliers en Israël.

 They chose [0977] new [2319] gods; [0430] then [was] war [3901] in the gates: [8179] was there a shield [4043] or spear [7420] seen [7200] among forty [0705] thousand [0505] in Israel? [3478]


 Mon cœur est aux chefs d'Israël, à ceux du peuple qui furent de bonne volonté.

 My heart [3820] [is] toward the governors [2710] of Israel, [3478] that offered themselves willingly [5068] among the people. [5971] Bless [1288] ye the LORD. [3068]


 Bénissez YEHOVAH, vous qui montez sur des ânesses blanches, qui êtes assis sur des tapis, et vous qui parcourez les chemins!

 Speak, [7878] ye that ride [7392] on white [6715] asses, [0860] ye that sit [3427] in judgment, [4055] and walk [1980] by the way. [1870]


 Chantez! À la voix des archers, entre les sources où l'on puise, qu'on célèbre la justice de YEHOVAH, la justice de ses chefs en Israël! Alors le peuple de YEHOVAH descendit aux portes.

 [They that are delivered] from the noise [6963] of archers [2686] in the places of drawing water, [4857] there shall they rehearse [8567] the righteous acts [6666] of the LORD, [3068] [even] the righteous acts [6666] [toward the inhabitants] of his villages [6520] in Israel: [3478] then shall the people [5971] of the LORD [3068] go down [3381] to the gates. [8179]


 Réveille-toi, réveille-toi, Débora! Réveille-toi, réveille-toi, dis un cantique! Lève-toi, Barak! Et emmène tes captifs, fils d'Abinoam!

 Awake, [5782] awake, [5782] Deborah: [1683] awake, [5782] awake, [5782] utter [1696] a song: [7892] arise, [6965] Barak, [1301] and lead thy captivity [7628] captive, [7617] thou son [1121] of Abinoam. [0042]


 Alors, un débris du peuple l'emporta sur les puissants; YEHOVAH me fit triompher des plus forts.

 Then he made him that remaineth [8300] have dominion [7287] over the nobles [0117] among the people: [5971] the LORD [3068] made me have dominion [7287] over the mighty. [1368]


 D'Éphraïm sont venus les habitants d'Amalek. À ta suite Benjamin marchait parmi tes peuples. De Makir sont descendus les chefs; de Zabulon, ceux qui portent le bâton de l'écrivain.

 Out of Ephraim [0669] [was there] a root [8328] of them against Amalek; [6002] after [0310] thee, Benjamin, [1144] among thy people; [5971] out of Machir [4353] came down [3381] governors, [2710] and out of Zebulun [2074] they that handle [4900] the pen [7626] of the writer. [5608]


 Et les chefs d'Issacar furent avec Débora; et Issacar suivit Barak, et fut envoyé sur ses pas dans la vallée. Près des ruisseaux de Ruben, grandes furent les contestations dans les cœurs!

 And the princes [0082] [0009] of Issachar [3485] [were] with Deborah; [1683] even Issachar, [3485] and also Barak: [1301] he was sent [7971] on foot [7272] into the valley. [6010] For the divisions [6390] of Reuben [7205] [there were] great [1419] thoughts [2711] of heart. [3820]


 Pourquoi es-tu demeuré au milieu des étables, à entendre le bêlement des troupeaux? Aux ruisseaux de Ruben, grandes furent les contestations dans les cœurs!

 Why abodest [3427] thou among [0996] the sheepfolds, [4942] to hear [8085] the bleatings [8292] of the flocks? [5739] For the divisions [6390] of Reuben [7205] [there were] great [1419] searchings [2714] of heart. [3820]


 Galaad, au delà du Jourdain, resta dans sa demeure. Et Dan, pourquoi s'est-il tenu sur ses navires? Asser s'est assis au rivage de la mer, et s'est reposé dans ses havres.

 Gilead [1568] abode [7931] beyond [5676] Jordan: [3383] and why did Dan [1835] remain [1481] in ships? [0591] Asher [0836] continued [3427] on the sea [3220] shore, [2348] and abode [7931] in his breaches. [4664]


 Zabulon est un peuple qui affronta la mort, ainsi que Nephthali, sur les hauteurs de la plaine.

 Zebulun [2074] and Naphtali [5321] [were] a people [5971] [that] jeoparded [2778] their lives [5315] unto the death [4191] in the high places [4791] of the field. [7704]


 Les rois viennent, ils combattent. Ils combattent, les rois de Canaan, à Thaanac, aux eaux de Méguiddo. Ils ne remportent ni butin ni argent!

 The kings [4428] came [0935] [and] fought, [3898] then fought [3898] the kings [4428] of Canaan [3667] in Taanach [8590] by the waters [4325] of Megiddo; [4023] they took [3947] no gain [1215] of money. [3701]


 Des cieux on combat; même de leurs sentiers les étoiles combattent contre Sisera.

 They fought [3898] from heaven; [8064] the stars [3556] in their courses [4546] fought [3898] against Sisera. [5516]


 Le torrent de Kisson les entraîne, le torrent ancien, le torrent de Kisson! Mon âme, foule aux pieds leur force!

 The river [5158] of Kishon [7028] swept them away, [1640] that ancient [6917] river, [5158] the river [5158] Kishon. [7028] O my soul, [5315] thou hast trodden down [1869] strength. [5797]


 Alors les sabots des chevaux retentirent par la course, par la course rapide de leurs guerriers.

 Then were the horsehoofs [6119] [5483] broken [1986] by the means of the pransings, [1726] the pransings [1726] of their mighty ones. [0047]


 Maudissez Méroz, dit l'ange de YEHOVAH; maudissez, maudissez ses habitants! Car ils ne sont point venus au secours de YEHOVAH, au secours de YEHOVAH, avec les vaillants!

 Curse [0779] ye Meroz, [4789] said [0559] the angel [4397] of the LORD, [3068] curse [0779] ye bitterly [0779] the inhabitants [3427] thereof; because they came [0935] not to the help [5833] of the LORD, [3068] to the help [5833] of the LORD [3068] against the mighty. [1368]


 Qu'elle soit bénie entre les femmes, Jaël, femme de Héber, le Kénien! Qu'elle soit bénie entre les femmes qui habitent sous la tente!

 Blessed [1288] above women [0802] shall Jael [3278] the wife [0802] of Heber [2268] the Kenite [7017] be, blessed [1288] shall she be above women [0802] in the tent. [0168]


 Sisera demande de l'eau, elle lui donne du lait; dans la coupe d'honneur elle lui présente de la crème.

 He asked [7592] water, [4325] [and] she gave [5414] [him] milk; [2461] she brought forth [7126] butter [2529] in a lordly [0117] dish. [5602]


 Sa main saisit le clou, et sa droite le marteau d'ouvrier. Elle frappe Sisera, et lui fend la tête; elle fracasse et transperce sa tempe.

 She put [7971] her hand [3027] to the nail, [3489] and her right hand [3225] to the workmen's [6001] hammer; [1989] and with the hammer she smote [1986] Sisera, [5516] she smote off [4277] his head, [7218] when she had pierced [4272] and stricken through [2498] his temples. [7541]


 Il se courbe, il tombe à ses pieds, il se couche. Il se courbe, il tombe à ses pieds; et là où il se courbe, il tombe écrasé.

 At her feet [7272] he bowed, [3766] he fell, [5307] he lay down: [7901] at her feet [7272] he bowed, [3766] he fell: [5307] where [0834] he bowed, [3766] there he fell down [5307] dead. [7703]


 La mère de Sisera regarde par la fenêtre, et s'écrie, à travers le treillis: Pourquoi son char tarde-t-il à venir? Pourquoi ses chars vont-ils si lentement?

 The mother [0517] of Sisera [5516] looked [8259] out at a window, [2474] and cried [2980] through the lattice, [0822] Why is his chariot [7393] [so] long [0954] in coming? [0935] why tarry [0309] the wheels [6471] of his chariots? [4818]


 Et les plus sages d'entre ses femmes lui répondent, et elle aussi se le dit à elle-même:

 Her wise [2450] ladies [8282] answered [6030] her, yea, she returned [7725] answer [0561] to herself,


 N'ont-ils pas trouvé du butin? Ne le partagent-ils pas? Une fille, deux filles, par tête de guerrier; le butin des vêtements de couleur, pour Sisera! le butin des vêtements de couleur brodés! Un vêtement de couleur, deux vêtements brodés, pour le cou du vainqueur!

 Have they not sped? [4672] have they [not] divided [2505] the prey; [7998] to every [7218] man [1397] a damsel [7356] [or] two; [7361] to Sisera [5516] a prey [7998] of divers colours, [6648] a prey [7998] of divers colours [6648] of needlework, [7553] of divers colours [6648] of needlework [7553] on both sides, [meet] for the necks [6677] of [them that take] the spoil? [7998]


 Périssent ainsi, ô YEHOVAH, tous tes ennemis! Et que ceux qui t'aiment soient comme le soleil, quand il paraît en sa force! Puis le pays fut en repos quarante ans.

 So let all thine enemies [0341] perish, [0006] O LORD: [3068] but [let] them that love [0157] him [be] as the sun [8121] when he goeth forth [3318] in his might. [1369] And the land [0776] had rest [8252] forty [0705] years. [8141]


 Or, les enfants d'Israël firent ce qui est mauvais devant YEHOVAH, et YEHOVAH les livra entre les mains des Madianites pendant sept ans.

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] did [6213] evil [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD: [3068] and the LORD [3068] delivered [5414] them into the hand [3027] of Midian [4080] seven [7651] years. [8141]


 Et la main des Madianites fut puissante contre Israël. Et à cause des Madianites, les enfants d'Israël se firent des retraites dans les montagnes, des cavernes et des forts.

 And the hand [3027] of Midian [4080] prevailed [5810] against Israel: [3478] [and] because [6440] of the Midianites [4080] the children [1121] of Israel [3478] made [6213] them the dens [4492] which [are] in the mountains, [2022] and caves, [4631] and strong holds. [4679]


 Quand Israël avait semé, il arrivait que les Madianites montaient avec les Amalécites et les fils de l'Orient, et ils montaient contre lui.

 And [so] it was, when Israel [3478] had sown, [2232] that the Midianites [4080] came up, [5927] and the Amalekites, [6002] and the children [1121] of the east, [6924] even they came up [5927] against them;


 Ils faisaient un camp contre lui; ils détruisaient les récoltes du pays jusqu'à Gaza, et ne laissaient point de vivres en Israël, ni brebis, ni bœufs, ni ânes.

 And they encamped [2583] against them, and destroyed [7843] the increase [2981] of the earth, [0776] till thou come [0935] unto Gaza, [5804] and left [7604] no sustenance [4241] for Israel, [3478] neither sheep, [7716] nor ox, [7794] nor ass. [2543]


 Car ils montaient, eux et leurs troupeaux, et leurs tentes, comme une multitude de sauterelles; et eux et leurs chameaux étaient innombrables; et ils venaient dans le pays pour le ravager.

 For they came up [5927] with their cattle [4735] and their tents, [0168] and they came [0935] as [1767] grasshoppers [0697] for multitude; [7230] [for] both they and their camels [1581] were without number: [4557] and they entered [0935] into the land [0776] to destroy [7843] it.


 Israël fut donc très appauvri par les Madianites, et les enfants d'Israël crièrent à YEHOVAH.

 And Israel [3478] was greatly [3966] impoverished [1809] because [6440] of the Midianites; [4080] and the children [1121] of Israel [3478] cried [2199] unto the LORD. [3068]


 Alors, les enfants d'Israël ayant crié à YEHOVAH au sujet des Madianites,

 And it came to pass, when the children [1121] of Israel [3478] cried [2199] unto the LORD [3068] because [0182] of the Midianites, [4080]


 YEHOVAH envoya un prophète vers les enfants d'Israël. Et il leur dit: Ainsi parle YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël: Je vous ai fait monter hors d'Égypte, et je vous ai retirés de la maison de servitude;

 That the LORD [3068] sent [7971] a prophet [0376] [5030] unto the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] which said [0559] unto them, Thus saith [0559] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] I brought you up [5927] from Egypt, [4714] and brought you forth [3318] out of the house [1004] of bondage; [5650]


 Je vous ai délivrés de la main des Égyptiens, et de la main de tous ceux qui vous opprimaient; je les ai chassés devant vous; je vous ai donné leur pays, et vous ai dit:

 And I delivered [5337] you out of the hand [3027] of the Egyptians, [4714] and out of the hand [3027] of all that oppressed [3905] you, and drave them out [1644] from before [6440] you, and gave [5414] you their land; [0776]


 JE SUIS YEHOVAH votre Dieu, vous ne craindrez point les dieux des Amoréens, dans le pays desquels vous habitez. Mais vous n'avez point écouté ma voix.

 And I said [0559] unto you, I [am] the LORD [3068] your God; [0430] fear [3372] not the gods [0430] of the Amorites, [0567] in whose land [0776] ye dwell: [3427] but ye have not obeyed [8085] my voice. [6963]


 Puis l'ange de YEHOVAH vint, et s'assit sous le térébinthe d'Ophra, qui appartenait à Joas, l'Abiézérite. Et Gédéon, son fils, battait du froment dans le pressoir, pour le soustraire aux Madianites.

 And there came [0935] an angel [4397] of the LORD, [3068] and sat [3427] under an oak [0424] which [was] in Ophrah, [6084] that [pertained] unto Joash [3101] the Abiezrite: [0033] and his son [1121] Gideon [1439] threshed [2251] wheat [2406] by the winepress, [1660] to hide [5127] [it] from [6440] the Midianites. [4080]


 Et l'ange de YEHOVAH lui apparut, et lui dit: Vaillant guerrier, YEHOVAH est avec toi!

 And the angel [4397] of the LORD [3068] appeared [7200] unto him, and said [0559] unto him, The LORD [3068] [is] with thee, thou mighty [1368] man of valour. [2428]


 Et Gédéon lui répondit: Hélas! Mon Seigneur, si YEHOVAH est avec nous, pourquoi donc toutes ces choses nous sont-elles arrivées? Et où sont toutes ces merveilles que nos pères nous ont racontées, en disant: YEHOVAH ne nous a-t-il pas fait monter hors d'Égypte? Car maintenant YEHOVAH nous a abandonnés et nous a livrés entre les mains des Madianites.

 And Gideon [1439] said [0559] unto him, Oh [0994] my Lord, [0113] if the LORD [3068] be [3426] with us, why then is all this befallen [4672] us? and where [be] all his miracles [6381] which our fathers [0001] told [5608] us of, saying, [0559] Did not the LORD [3068] bring us up [5927] from Egypt? [4714] but now the LORD [3068] hath forsaken [5203] us, and delivered [5414] us into the hands [3709] of the Midianites. [4080]


 Et YEHOVAH tourna sa face vers lui et lui dit: Va avec cette force que tu as, et délivre Israël de la main des Madianites. N'est-ce pas moi qui t'envoie?

 And the LORD [3068] looked [6437] upon him, and said, [0559] Go [3212] in this thy might, [3581] and thou shalt save [3467] Israel [3478] from the hand [3709] of the Midianites: [4080] have not I sent [7971] thee?


 Et il lui répondit: Hélas! Mon Seigneur, avec quoi délivrerai-je Israël? Voici, mon millier est le plus pauvre en Manassé; et je suis le plus petit dans la maison de mon père.

 And he said [0559] unto him, Oh [0994] my Lord, [0136] wherewith [4100] shall I save [3467] Israel? [3478] behold, my family [0504][0505] [is] poor [1800] in Manasseh, [4519] and I [am] the least [6810] in my father's [0001] house. [1004]


 Et YEHOVAH lui dit: Parce que je serai avec toi, tu battras les Madianites comme un seul homme.

 And the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto him, Surely I will be with thee, and thou shalt smite [5221] the Midianites [4080] as one [0259] man. [0376]


 Et Gédéon lui dit: Si j'ai trouvé grâce à tes yeux, donne-moi un signe que c'est toi qui me parles.

 And he said [0559] unto him, If now I have found [4672] grace [2580] in thy sight, [5869] then shew [6213] me a sign [0226] that thou talkest [1696] with me.


 Ne t'éloigne point d'ici, jusqu'à ce que je revienne auprès de toi, et que j'apporte mon offrande, et que je la dépose devant toi. Et il dit: Je resterai jusqu'à ce que tu reviennes.

 Depart [4185] not hence, I pray thee, until I come [0935] unto thee, and bring forth [3318] my present, [4503] and set [3240] [it] before [6440] thee. And he said, [0559] I will tarry [3427] until thou come again. [7725]


 Alors Gédéon rentra, et apprêta un chevreau de lait, et fit avec un épha de farine, des gâteaux sans levain. Il mit la viande dans un panier, et le bouillon dans un pot, et les lui apporta sous le térébinthe, et les lui présenta.

 And Gideon [1439] went in, [0935] and made ready [6213] a kid, [5795] [1423] and unleavened cakes [4682] of an ephah [0374] of flour: [7058] the flesh [1320] he put [7760] in a basket, [5536] and he put [7760] the broth [4839] in a pot, [6517] and brought [it] out [3318] unto him under the oak, [0424] and presented [5066] [it].


 Et l'ange de Dieu lui dit: Prends la viande et les gâteaux sans levain, et dépose-les sur ce rocher, et répands le bouillon. Et il fit ainsi.

 And the angel [4397] of God [0430] said [0559] unto him, Take [3947] the flesh [1320] and the unleavened cakes, [4682] and lay [3240] [them] upon this [1975] rock, [5553] and pour out [8210] the broth. [4839] And he did [6213] so.


 Alors l'ange de YEHOVAH avança le bout du bâton qu'il avait en sa main, et toucha la chair et les gâteaux sans levain; et le feu monta du rocher, et consuma la chair et les gâteaux sans levain; et l'ange de YEHOVAH disparut à ses yeux.

 Then the angel [4397] of the LORD [3068] put forth [7971] the end [7097] of the staff [4938] that [was] in his hand, [3027] and touched [5060] the flesh [1320] and the unleavened cakes; [4682] and there rose up [5927] fire [0784] out of the rock, [6697] and consumed [0398] the flesh [1320] and the unleavened cakes. [4682] Then the angel [4397] of the LORD [3068] departed [1980] out of his sight. [5869]


 Et Gédéon vit que c'était l'ange de YEHOVAH, et il dit: Hélas, Seigneur YEHOVAH! Car j'ai vu l'ange de YEHOVAH face à face.

 And when Gideon [1439] perceived [7200] that he [was] an angel [4397] of the LORD, [3068] Gideon [1439] said, [0559] Alas, [0162] O Lord [0136] GOD! [3069] for because [3651] I have seen [7200] an angel [4397] of the LORD [3068] face [6440] to face. [6440]


 Mais YEHOVAH lui dit: Sois en paix, ne crains point, tu ne mourras pas.

 And the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto him, Peace [7965] [be] unto thee; fear [3372] not: thou shalt not die. [4191]


 Et Gédéon bâtit là un autel à YEHOVAH, et l'appela JÉHOVAH-SHALOM (YEHOVAH notre Paix). Il existe encore aujourd'hui à Ophra des Abiézérites.

 Then Gideon [1439] built [1129] an altar [4196] there unto the LORD, [3068] and called [7121] it Jehovahshalom: [3068] [7965][3073] unto this day [3117] it [is] yet in Ophrah [6084] of the Abiezrites. [0033]


 Or, dans cette même nuit, YEHOVAH lui dit: Prends le jeune taureau de ton père, et un second taureau de sept ans, et démolis l'autel de Baal qui est à ton père, et coupe l'emblème d'Ashéra qui est au-dessus.

 And it came to pass the same night, [3915] that the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto him, Take [3947] thy father's [0001] young [6499] bullock, [7794] even the second [8145] bullock [6499] of seven [7651] years [8141] old, and throw down [2040] the altar [4196] of Baal [1168] that thy father [0001] hath, and cut down [3772] the grove [0842] that [is] by it:


 Et bâtis un autel à YEHOVAH ton Dieu, sur le haut de ce lieu fort, dans l'enceinte; tu prendras le second taureau, et tu l'offriras en offrande à brûler, avec le bois de l'emblème d'Ashéra que tu auras coupé.

 And build [1129] an altar [4196] unto the LORD [3068] thy God [0430] upon the top [7218] of this rock, [4581] in the ordered place, [4634] and take [3947] the second [8145] bullock, [6499] and offer [5927] a burnt sacrifice [5930] with the wood [6086] of the grove [0842] which thou shalt cut down. [3772]


 Et Gédéon prit dix hommes parmi ses serviteurs et fit comme YEHOVAH lui avait dit; et comme il craignait la maison de son père et les gens de la ville, il le fit de nuit et non de jour.

 Then Gideon [1439] took [3947] ten [6235] men [0582] of his servants, [5650] and did [6213] as the LORD [3068] had said [1696] unto him: and [so] it was, because he feared [3372] his father's [0001] household, [1004] and the men [0582] of the city, [5892] that he could not do [6213] [it] by day, [3119] that he did [6213] [it] by night. [3915]


 Et au matin les gens de la ville se levèrent de bonne heure, et voici, l'autel de Baal avait été démoli, et l'emblème d'Ashéra, qui était au-dessus, était coupé, et le second taureau était offert en offrande à brûler sur l'autel qui avait été bâti.

 And when the men [0582] of the city [5892] arose early [7925] in the morning, [1242] behold, the altar [4196] of Baal [1168] was cast down, [5422] and the grove [0842] was cut down [3772] that [was] by it, and the second [8145] bullock [6499] was offered [5927] upon the altar [4196] [that was] built. [1129]


 Et ils se dirent les uns aux autres: Qui a fait cela? Et ils s'en informèrent et firent des recherches, et on dit: C'est Gédéon, fils de Joas, qui l'a fait.

 And they said [0559] one [0376] to another, [7453] Who hath done [6213] this thing? [1697] And when they enquired [1875] and asked, [1245] they said, [0559] Gideon [1439] the son [1121] of Joash [3101] hath done [6213] this thing. [1697]


 Les gens de la ville dirent à Joas: Fais sortir ton fils, et qu'il meure; car il a démoli l'autel de Baal, et il a coupé l'emblème d'Ashéra qui était au-dessus.

 Then the men [0582] of the city [5892] said [0559] unto Joash, [3101] Bring out [3318] thy son, [1121] that he may die: [4191] because he hath cast down [5422] the altar [4196] of Baal, [1168] and because he hath cut down [3772] the grove [0842] that [was] by it.


 Et Joas répondit à tous ceux qui s'adressèrent à lui: Est-ce à vous de prendre parti pour Baal? Est-ce à vous de le sauver? Quiconque prendra parti pour Baal sera mis à mort avant que le matin vienne. S'il est dieu, qu'il plaide pour lui-même, puisqu'on a démoli son autel.

 And Joash [3101] said [0559] unto all that stood [5975] against him, Will ye plead [7378] for Baal? [1168] will ye save [3467] him? he that will plead [7378] for him, let him be put to death [4191] whilst [it is yet] morning: [1242] if he [be] a god, [0430] let him plead [7378] for himself, because [one] hath cast down [5422] his altar. [4196]


 Et en ce jour-là, on appela Gédéon Jérubbaal (que Baal plaide), disant: Que Baal plaide contre lui, puisque Gédéon a démoli son autel.

 Therefore on that day [3117] he called [7121] him Jerubbaal, [3378] saying, [0559] Let Baal [1168] plead [7378] against him, because he hath thrown down [5422] his altar. [4196]


 Or, tous les Madianites, les Amalécites et les fils de l'Orient se rassemblèrent; ils passèrent le Jourdain, et campèrent dans la vallée de Jizréel.

 Then all the Midianites [4080] and the Amalekites [6002] and the children [1121] of the east [6924] were gathered [0622] together, [3162] and went over, [5674] and pitched [2583] in the valley [6010] of Jezreel. [3157]


 Et l'Esprit de YEHOVAH revêtit Gédéon; il sonna de la trompette, et les Abiézérites s'assemblèrent pour le suivre.

 But the Spirit [7307] of the LORD [3068] came upon [3847] Gideon, [1439] and he blew [8628] a trumpet; [7782] and Abiezer [0044] was gathered [2199] after [0310] him.


 Il envoya aussi des messagers par toute la tribu de Manassé, qui s'assembla pour marcher après lui. Puis il envoya des messagers à Asser, à Zabulon, et à Nephthali, qui montèrent à leur rencontre.

 And he sent [7971] messengers [4397] throughout all Manasseh; [4519] who also was gathered [2199] after [0310] him: and he sent [7971] messengers [4397] unto Asher, [0836] and unto Zebulun, [2074] and unto Naphtali; [5321] and they came up [5927] to meet [7125] them.


 Et Gédéon dit à Dieu: Si tu veux délivrer Israël par mon moyen, comme tu l'as dit,

 And Gideon [1439] said [0559] unto God, [0430] If thou wilt [3426] save [3467] Israel [3478] by mine hand, [3027] as thou hast said, [1696]


 Voici, je vais mettre une toison dans l'aire; si la rosée est sur la toison seule et que la terre reste sèche, je connaîtrai que tu délivreras Israël par ma main, comme tu me l'as dit.

 Behold, I will put [3322] a fleece [1492] of wool [6785] in the floor; [1637] [and] if the dew [2919] be on the fleece [1492] only, and [it be] dry [2721] upon all the earth [0776] [beside], then shall I know [3045] that thou wilt save [3467] Israel [3478] by mine hand, [3027] as thou hast said. [1696]


 Et c'est ce qui arriva; car le lendemain il se leva de bonne heure, et, ayant pressé la toison, il en fit sortir une pleine coupe d'eau de rosée.

 And it was so: for he rose up early [7925] on the morrow, [4283] and thrust the fleece [1492] together, [2115] and wringed [4680] the dew [2919] out of the fleece, [1492] a bowl [5602] full [4393] of water. [4325]


 Gédéon dit encore à Dieu: Que ta colère ne s'embrase point contre moi, et je ne parlerai plus que cette fois. Je te prie, que je fasse une épreuve avec la toison, pour cette fois seulement; que la toison seule reste sèche, et que la rosée soit sur tout le sol.

 And Gideon [1439] said [0559] unto God, [0430] Let not thine anger [0639] be hot [2734] against me, and I will speak [1696] but this once: [6471] let me prove, [5254] I pray thee, but this once [6471] with the fleece; [1492] let it now be dry [2721] only upon the fleece, [1492] and upon all the ground [0776] let there be dew. [2919]


 Et Dieu fit ainsi cette nuit-là; la toison seule resta sèche, et la rosée fut sur tout le sol.

 And God [0430] did [6213] so that night: [3915] for it was dry [2721] upon the fleece [1492] only, and there was dew [2919] on all the ground. [0776]


 Jérubbaal, qui est Gédéon, et tout le peuple qui était avec lui, s'étant donc levés de bon matin, campèrent près de la fontaine de Harod; et le camp de Madian était au nord, vers le coteau de Moré, dans la vallée.

 Then Jerubbaal, [3378] who [is] Gideon, [1439] and all the people [5971] that [were] with him, rose up early, [7925] and pitched [2583] beside the well of Harod: [5878] so that the host [4264] of the Midianites [4080] were on the north [6828] side of them, by the hill [1389] of Moreh, [4176] in the valley. [6010]


 Or, YEHOVAH dit à Gédéon: Le peuple qui est avec toi, est trop nombreux pour que je livre Madian en ses mains; Israël se glorifierait contre moi, en disant: C'est ma main qui m'a délivré.

 And the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto Gideon, [1439] The people [5971] that [are] with thee [are] too many [7227] for me to give [5414] the Midianites [4080] into their hands, [3027] lest Israel [3478] vaunt [6286] themselves against me, saying, [0559] Mine own hand [3027] hath saved [3467] me.


 Maintenant donc, publie ceci aux oreilles du peuple, et qu'on dise: Que celui qui est timide et qui a peur, s'en retourne et s'éloigne librement de la montagne de Galaad. Et vingt-deux mille hommes d'entre le peuple s'en retournèrent, et il en resta dix mille.

 Now therefore go to, [4994] proclaim [7121] in the ears [0241] of the people, [5971] saying, [0559] Whosoever [is] fearful [3373] and afraid, [2730] let him return [7725] and depart early [6852] from mount [2022] Gilead. [1568] And there returned [7725] of the people [5971] twenty [6242] and two [8147] thousand; [0505] and there remained [7604] ten [6235] thousand. [0505]


 Et YEHOVAH dit à Gédéon: Le peuple est encore trop nombreux; fais-les descendre vers l'eau, et là je les mettrai à l'épreuve; et celui dont je te dirai: Celui-ci ira avec toi, ira; et celui duquel je te dirai: Celui-ci n'ira point avec toi, n'ira point.

 And the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto Gideon, [1439] The people [5971] [are] yet [too] many; [7227] bring them down [3381] unto the water, [4325] and I will try [6884] them for thee there: and it shall be, [that] of whom I say [0559] unto thee, This shall go [3212] with thee, the same shall go [3212] with thee; and of whomsoever I say [0559] unto thee, This shall not go [3212] with thee, the same shall not go. [3212]


 Il fit donc descendre le peuple vers l'eau, et YEHOVAH dit à Gédéon: Quiconque lapera l'eau avec sa langue, comme le chien lape, tu le mettras à part; et tu les sépareras de tous ceux qui se courberont sur leurs genoux pour boire.

 So he brought down [3381] the people [5971] unto the water: [4325] and the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto Gideon, [1439] Every one that lappeth [3952] of the water [4325] with his tongue, [3956] as a dog [3611] lappeth, [3952] him shalt thou set [3322] by himself; likewise every one that boweth down [3766] upon his knees [1290] to drink. [8354]


 Et le nombre de ceux qui lapèrent l'eau dans leurs mains, la portant à leur bouche, fut de trois cents hommes; mais tout le reste du peuple se courba sur ses genoux pour boire de l'eau.

 And the number [4557] of them that lapped, [3952] [putting] their hand [3027] to their mouth, [6310] were three [7969] hundred [3967] men: [0376] but all the rest [3499] of the people [5971] bowed down [3766] upon their knees [1290] to drink [8354] water. [4325]


 Alors YEHOVAH dit à Gédéon: Je vous délivrerai par ces trois cents hommes, qui ont lapé l'eau, et je livrerai Madian entre tes mains. Que tout le peuple s'en aille, chacun chez soi.

 And the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto Gideon, [1439] By the three [7969] hundred [3967] men [0376] that lapped [3952] will I save [3467] you, and deliver [5414] the Midianites [4080] into thine hand: [3027] and let all the [other] people [5971] go [3212] every man [0376] unto his place. [4725]


 On garda les vivres du peuple et ses trompettes. Et Gédéon renvoya tous les hommes d'Israël, chacun en sa tente, mais il retint les trois cents hommes. Or, le camp de Madian était au-dessous de lui, dans la vallée.

 So the people [5971] took [3947] victuals [6720] in their hand, [3027] and their trumpets: [7782] and he sent [7971] all [0376] [the rest of] Israel [3478] every man [0376] unto his tent, [0168] and retained [2388] those three [7969] hundred [3967] men: [0376] and the host [4264] of Midian [4080] was beneath him in the valley. [6010]


 Et YEHOVAH dit à Gédéon pendant la nuit: Lève-toi, descends au camp, car je l'ai livré entre tes mains.

 And it came to pass the same night, [3915] that the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto him, Arise, [6965] get thee down [3381] unto the host; [4264] for I have delivered [5414] it into thine hand. [3027]


 Et si tu crains d'y descendre seul, descends au camp avec Pura ton serviteur,

 But if thou fear [3373] to go down, [3381] go thou with Phurah [6513] thy servant [5288] down [3381] to the host: [4264]


 Et tu entendras ce qu'ils diront, et tes mains seront fortifiées; descends au camp. Il descendit donc, avec Pura son serviteur, jusqu'aux avant-postes du camp.

 And thou shalt hear [8085] what they say; [1696] and afterward [0310] shall thine hands [3027] be strengthened [2388] to go down [3381] unto the host. [4264] Then went he down [3381] with Phurah [6513] his servant [5288] unto the outside [7097] of the armed men [2571] that [were] in the host. [4264]


 Or, les Madianites, les Amalécites et tous les fils de l'Orient étaient répandus dans la vallée, nombreux comme des sauterelles, et leurs chameaux étaient sans nombre, comme le sable qui est sur le bord de la mer, tant il y en avait.

 And the Midianites [4080] and the Amalekites [6002] and all the children [1121] of the east [6924] lay [5307] along in the valley [6010] like grasshoppers [0697] for multitude; [7230] and their camels [1581] [were] without number, [4557] as the sand [2344] by the sea [3220] side [8193] for multitude. [7230]


 Et Gédéon arriva; et voici un homme contait à son compagnon un songe, et il disait: Voici, j'ai fait un songe; il me semblait qu'un gâteau de pain d'orge roulait dans le camp des Madianites, et qu'étant venu jusqu'à la tente, il l'a frappée, de sorte qu'elle est tombée; et il l'a retournée sens dessus dessous, et elle a été renversée.

 And when Gideon [1439] was come, [0935] behold, [there was] a man [0376] that told [5608] a dream [2472] unto his fellow, [7453] and said, [0559] Behold, I dreamed [2492] a dream, [2472] and, lo, a cake [6742] [6742] of barley [8184] bread [3899] tumbled [2015] into the host [4264] of Midian, [4080] and came [0935] unto a tent, [0168] and smote [5221] it that it fell, [5307] and overturned [2015] it, [4605] that the tent [0168] lay along. [5307]


 Alors son compagnon répondit et dit: Ce songe ne signifie pas autre chose que l'épée de Gédéon, fils de Joas, homme d'Israël. Dieu a livré Madian et tout ce camp entre ses mains.

 And his fellow [7453] answered [6030] and said, [0559] This [is] nothing else save the sword [2719] of Gideon [1439] the son [1121] of Joash, [3101] a man [0376] of Israel: [3478] [for] into his hand [3027] hath God [0430] delivered [5414] Midian, [4080] and all the host. [4264]


 Et quand Gédéon eut entendu le récit du songe et son interprétation, il se prosterna, revint au camp d'Israël, et dit: Levez-vous, car YEHOVAH a livré le camp de Madian entre vos mains.

 And it was [so], when Gideon [1439] heard [8085] the telling [4557] of the dream, [2472] and the interpretation [7667] thereof, that he worshipped, [7812] and returned [7725] into the host [4264] of Israel, [3478] and said, [0559] Arise; [6965] for the LORD [3068] hath delivered [5414] into your hand [3027] the host [4264] of Midian. [4080]


 Puis il divisa les trois cents hommes en trois bandes, et il leur remit à chacun des trompettes, et des cruches vides, et des flambeaux dans les cruches;

 And he divided [2673] the three [7969] hundred [3967] men [0376] [into] three [7969] companies, [7218] and he put [5414] a trumpet [7782] in every man's hand, [3027] with empty [7386] pitchers, [3537] and lamps [3940] within [8432] the pitchers. [3537]


 Et il leur dit: Regardez-moi, et faites comme je ferai; quand je serai arrivé à l'extrémité du camp, vous ferez ce que je ferai.

 And he said [0559] unto them, Look [7200] on me, and do [6213] likewise: and, behold, when I come [0935] to the outside [7097] of the camp, [4264] it shall be [that], as I do, [6213] so shall ye do. [6213]


 Et quand je sonnerai de la trompette, moi et tous ceux qui seront avec moi, vous sonnerez aussi de la trompette autour de tout le camp, et vous direz: Pour YEHOVAH et pour Gédéon!

 When I blow [8628] with a trumpet, [7782] I and all that [are] with me, then blow [8628] ye the trumpets [7782] also on every side [5439] of all the camp, [4264] and say, [0559] [The sword] of the LORD, [3068] and of Gideon. [1439]


 Gédéon, et les cent hommes qui étaient avec lui, vinrent à l'extrémité du camp, au commencement de la veille de minuit, comme on venait de poser les gardes. Ils sonnèrent des trompettes et cassèrent les cruches qu'ils avaient en leurs mains.

 So Gideon, [1439] and the hundred [3967] men [0376] that [were] with him, came [0935] unto the outside [7097] of the camp [4264] in the beginning [7218] of the middle [8484] watch; [0821] and they had but [0389] newly [6965] set [6965] the watch: [8104] and they blew [8628] the trumpets, [7782] and brake [5310] the pitchers [3537] that [were] in their hands. [3027]


 Alors les trois bandes sonnèrent des trompettes, et cassèrent les cruches. Ils saisirent de leur main gauche les flambeaux, et de leur main droite les trompettes pour sonner; et ils crièrent: L'épée pour YEHOVAH et pour Gédéon!

 And the three [7969] companies [7218] blew [8628] the trumpets, [7782] and brake [7665] the pitchers, [3537] and held [2388] the lamps [3940] in their left [8040] hands, [3027] and the trumpets [7782] in their right [3225] hands [3027] to blow [8628] [withal]: and they cried, [7121] The sword [2719] of the LORD, [3068] and of Gideon. [1439]


 Et ils se tinrent, chacun à sa place, autour du camp; et tout le camp se mit à courir, à pousser des cris, et à fuir.

 And they stood [5975] every man [0376] in his place round about [5439] the camp: [4264] and all the host [4264] ran, [7323] and cried, [7321] and fled. [5127][5127]


 Les trois cents hommes sonnèrent encore des trompettes, et par tout le camp YEHOVAH tourna l'épée de chacun contre son compagnon. Et le camp s'enfuit jusqu'à Beth-Shitta, vers Tseréra, jusqu'au bord d'Abel-Mehola, vers Tabbath.

 And the three [7969] hundred [3967] blew [8628] the trumpets, [7782] and the LORD [3068] set [7760] every man's [0376] sword [2719] against his fellow, [7453] even throughout all the host: [4264] and the host [4264] fled [5127] to Bethshittah [1029] in Zererath, [6888] [and] to the border [8193] of Abelmeholah, [0065] unto Tabbath. [2888]


 Et les hommes d'Israël, ceux de Nephthali, et d'Asser, et de tout Manassé, s'assemblèrent et poursuivirent les Madianites.

 And the men [0376] of Israel [3478] gathered themselves together [6817] out of Naphtali, [5321] and out of Asher, [0836] and out of all Manasseh, [4519] and pursued [7291] after [0310] the Midianites. [4080]


 Alors Gédéon envoya des messagers dans toute la montagne d'Éphraïm, disant: Descendez à la rencontre des Madianites, et emparez-vous du passage des eaux, jusqu'à Beth-Bara, et du Jourdain. Les hommes d'Éphraïm s'assemblèrent donc, se saisirent des eaux jusqu'à Beth-Bara, et du Jourdain.

 And Gideon [1439] sent [7971] messengers [4397] throughout all mount [2022] Ephraim, [0669] saying, [0559] Come down [3381] against [7125] the Midianites, [4080] and take [3920] before them the waters [4325] unto Bethbarah [1012] and Jordan. [3383] Then all the men [0376] of Ephraim [0669] gathered themselves together, [6817] and took [3920] the waters [4325] unto Bethbarah [1012] and Jordan. [3383]


 Et ils prirent deux des chefs des Madianites: Oreb et Zéeb. Et ils tuèrent Oreb au rocher d'Oreb, et tuèrent Zéeb au pressoir de Zéeb. Puis ils poursuivirent les Madianites, et apportèrent les têtes d'Oreb et de Zéeb à Gédéon, de l'autre côté du Jourdain.

 And they took [3920] two [8147] princes [8269] of the Midianites, [4080] Oreb [6159] and Zeeb; [2062] and they slew [2026] Oreb [6159] upon the rock [6697] Oreb, [6159] and Zeeb [2062] they slew [2026] at the winepress [3342] of Zeeb, [2062] and pursued [7291] Midian, [4080] and brought [0935] the heads [7218] of Oreb [6159] and Zeeb [2062] to Gideon [1439] on the other side [5676] Jordan. [3383]


 Alors les hommes d'Éphraïm dirent à Gédéon: Pourquoi nous as-tu fait ceci, de ne pas nous appeler, quand tu es allé à la guerre contre les Madianites? Et ils le querellèrent avec violence.

 And the men [0376] of Ephraim [0669] said [0559] unto him, Why [4100] hast thou served [6213] us thus, [1697] that thou calledst [7121] us not, when thou wentest [1980] to fight [3898] with the Midianites? [4080] And they did chide [7378] with him sharply. [2393]


 Mais il leur répondit: Qu'ai-je fait en comparaison de vous? Les grappillages d'Éphraïm ne valent-ils pas mieux que la vendange d'Abiézer?

 And he said [0559] unto them, What have I done [6213] now in comparison of you? [Is] not the gleaning [5955] of the grapes of Ephraim [0669] better [2896] than the vintage [1210] of Abiezer? [0044]


 Dieu a livré entre vos mains les chefs des Madianites, Oreb et Zéeb. Qu'ai-je pu faire en comparaison de vous? Et leur esprit fut apaisé envers lui, quand il leur eut dit cette parole.

 God [0430] hath delivered [5414] into your hands [3027] the princes [8269] of Midian, [4080] Oreb [6159] and Zeeb: [2062] and what was I able [3201] to do [6213] in comparison of you? Then their anger [7307] was abated [7503] toward him, when he had said [1696] that. [1697]


 Or Gédéon, étant arrivé au Jourdain, le passa; mais les trois cents hommes qui étaient avec lui, étaient fatigués, et cependant ils poursuivaient l'ennemi.

 And Gideon [1439] came [0935] to Jordan, [3383] [and] passed over, [5674] he, and the three [7969] hundred [3967] men [0376] that [were] with him, faint, [5889] yet pursuing [7291] [them].


 Il dit donc aux gens de Succoth: Donnez, je vous prie, quelques pains au peuple qui me suit, car ils sont fatigués; et je poursuivrai Zébach et Tsalmuna, rois des Madianites.

 And he said [0559] unto the men [0582] of Succoth, [5523] Give, [5414] I pray you, loaves [3603] of bread [3899] unto the people [5971] that follow [7272] me; for they [be] faint, [5889] and I am pursuing [7291] after [0310] Zebah [2078] and Zalmunna, [6759] kings [4428] of Midian. [4080]


 Mais les principaux de Succoth répondirent: Tiens-tu déjà dans ta main le poignet de Zébach et de Tsalmuna, pour que nous donnions du pain à ton armée?

 And the princes [8269] of Succoth [5523] said, [0559] [Are] the hands [3709] of Zebah [2078] and Zalmunna [6759] now in thine hand, [3027] that we should give [5414] bread [3899] unto thine army? [6635]


 Et Gédéon dit: Eh bien! Lorsque YEHOVAH aura livré Zébach et Tsalmuna entre mes mains, je briserai votre chair avec des épines du désert et avec des chardons.

 And Gideon [1439] said, [0559] Therefore when the LORD [3068] hath delivered [5414] Zebah [2078] and Zalmunna [6759] into mine hand, [3027] then I will tear [1758] your flesh [1320] with the thorns [6975] of the wilderness [4057] and with briers. [1303]


 Puis de là il monta à Pénuël, et il parla de la même manière à ceux de Pénuël. Et les gens de Pénuël lui répondirent comme les gens de Succoth avaient répondu.

 And he went up [5927] thence to Penuel, [6439] and spake [1696] unto them likewise: [2063] and the men [0582] of Penuel [6439] answered [6030] him as the men [0582] of Succoth [5523] had answered [6030] [him].


 Il dit donc aussi aux hommes de Pénuël: Quand je retournerai en paix, je démolirai cette tour.

 And he spake [0559] also unto the men [0582] of Penuel, [6439] saying, [0559] When I come again [7725] in peace, [7965] I will break down [5422] this tower. [4026]


 Or, Zébach et Tsalmuna étaient à Karkor, et leurs armées avec eux, environ quinze mille hommes, tout ce qui restait de l'armée entière des fils de l'Orient; car il y avait cent vingt mille hommes, tirant l'épée, qui étaient tombés.

 Now Zebah [2078] and Zalmunna [6759] [were] in Karkor, [7174] and their hosts [4264] with them, about fifteen [2568] [6240] thousand [0505] [men], all that were left [3498] of all the hosts [4264] of the children [1121] of the east: [6924] for there fell [5307] an hundred [3967] and twenty [6242] thousand [0505] men [0376] that drew [8025] sword. [2719]


 Et Gédéon monta par le chemin de ceux qui habitent sous les tentes, à l'orient de Nobach et de Jogbéha, et défit l'armée qui se croyait en sûreté.

 And Gideon [1439] went up [5927] by the way [1870] of them that dwelt [7931] in tents [0168] on the east [6924] of Nobah [5025] and Jogbehah, [3011] and smote [5221] the host: [4264] for the host [4264] was secure. [0983]


 Et comme Zébach et Tsalmuna fuyaient, il les poursuivit; il s'empara des deux rois de Madian, Zébach et Tsalmuna, et mit en déroute toute l'armée.

 And when Zebah [2078] and Zalmunna [6759] fled, [5127] he pursued [7291] after [0310] them, and took [3920] the two [8147] kings [4428] of Midian, [4080] Zebah [2078] and Zalmunna, [6759] and discomfited [2729] all the host. [4264]


 Puis Gédéon, fils de Joas, revint de la bataille, par la montée de Hérès.

 And Gideon [1439] the son [1121] of Joash [3101] returned [7725] from battle [4421] before [4608] the sun [2775] [was up],


 Et il prit un jeune garçon de Succoth, qu'il interrogea, et qui lui donna par écrit les noms des principaux de Succoth et de ses anciens, soixante et dix-sept hommes.

 And caught [3920] a young man [5288] of the men [0582] of Succoth, [5523] and enquired [7592] of him: and he described [3789] unto him the princes [8269] of Succoth, [5523] and the elders [2205] thereof, [even] threescore and seventeen [7657] [7651] men. [0376]


 Puis il vint vers les gens de Succoth, et dit: Voici Zébach et Tsalmuna, au sujet desquels vous m'avez insulté, en disant: Tiens-tu déjà dans ta main le poignet de Zébach et de Tsalmuna, pour que nous donnions du pain à tes gens fatigués?

 And he came [0935] unto the men [0582] of Succoth, [5523] and said, [0559] Behold Zebah [2078] and Zalmunna, [6759] with whom ye did upbraid [2778] me, saying, [0559] [Are] the hands [3709] of Zebah [2078] and Zalmunna [6759] now in thine hand, [3027] that we should give [5414] bread [3899] unto thy men [0582] [that are] weary? [3287]


 Et il prit les anciens de la ville, et des épines du désert et des chardons, et il châtia les hommes de Succoth.

 And he took [3947] the elders [2205] of the city, [5892] and thorns [6975] of the wilderness [4057] and briers, [1303] and with them he taught [3045] the men [0582] of Succoth. [5523]


 Il démolit aussi la tour de Pénuël, et fit mourir les principaux de la ville.

 And he beat down [5422] the tower [4026] of Penuel, [6439] and slew [2026] the men [0582] of the city. [5892]


 Puis il dit à Zébach et à Tsalmuna: Comment étaient faits ces hommes que vous avez tués au Thabor? Ils répondirent: Ils étaient tels que toi; chacun d'eux avait la taille d'un fils de roi.

 Then said [0559] he unto Zebah [2078] and Zalmunna, [6759] What manner [0375] of men [0582] [were they] whom ye slew [2026] at Tabor? [8396] And they answered, [0559] As thou [3644] [art], so [were] they; [3644] each one [0259] resembled [8389] the children [1121] of a king. [4428]


 Et il leur dit: C'étaient mes frères, enfants de ma mère. YEHOVAH est vivant, si vous leur eussiez sauvé la vie, je ne vous tuerais point.

 And he said, [0559] They [were] my brethren, [0251] [even] the sons [1121] of my mother: [0517] [as] the LORD [3068] liveth, [2416] if [3863] ye had saved them alive, [2421] I would not slay [2026] you.


 Puis il dit à Jéther, son premier-né: Lève-toi, tue-les! Mais le jeune garçon ne tira point son épée, parce qu'il craignait; car c'était encore un jeune garçon.

 And he said [0559] unto Jether [3500] his firstborn, [1060] Up, [6965] [and] slay [2026] them. But the youth [5288] drew [8025] not his sword: [2719] for he feared, [3372] because he [was] yet a youth. [5288]


 Et Zébach et Tsalmuna dirent: Lève-toi toi-même, et jette-toi sur nous; car tel est l'homme, telle est sa force. Et Gédéon se leva, et tua Zébach et Tsalmuna. Puis il prit les croissants qui étaient aux cous de leurs chameaux.

 Then Zebah [2078] and Zalmunna [6759] said, [0559] Rise [6965] thou, and fall [6293] upon us: for as the man [0376] [is, so is] his strength. [1369] And Gideon [1439] arose, [6965] and slew [2026] Zebah [2078] and Zalmunna, [6759] and took away [3947] the ornaments [7720] that [were] on their camels' [1581] necks. [6677]


 Et les hommes d'Israël dirent à Gédéon: Règne sur nous, toi et ton fils, et le fils de ton fils; car tu nous as délivrés de la main des Madianites.

 Then the men [0376] of Israel [3478] said [0559] unto Gideon, [1439] Rule [4910] thou over us, both thou, and thy son, [1121] and thy son's [1121] son [1121] also: for thou hast delivered [3467] us from the hand [3027] of Midian. [4080]


 Mais Gédéon leur répondit: Je ne dominerai point sur vous, et mon fils ne dominera point sur vous; c'est YEHOVAH qui dominera sur vous.

 And Gideon [1439] said [0559] unto them, I will not rule [4910] over you, neither shall my son [1121] rule [4910] over you: the LORD [3068] shall rule [4910] over you.


 Et Gédéon leur dit: Je vous ferai une demande; c'est que vous me donniez, chacun de vous, les bagues d'or qu'il a eues pour butin. Car les ennemis avaient des bagues d'or, parce qu'ils étaient Ismaélites.

 And Gideon [1439] said [0559] unto them, I would desire [7592] a request [7596] of you, that ye would give [5414] me every man [0376] the earrings [5141] of his prey. [7998] (For they had golden [2091] earrings, [5141] because they [were] Ishmaelites.) [3459]


 Et ils répondirent: Nous les donnerons volontiers. Et, étendant un manteau, tous y jetèrent les bagues de leur butin.

 And they answered, [0559] We will willingly [5414] give [5414] [them]. And they spread [6566] a garment, [8071] and did cast [7993] therein every man [0376] the earrings [5141] of his prey. [7998]


 Et le poids des bagues d'or qu'il avait demandées, fut de mille et sept cents sicles d'or, sans les croissants, les boucles d'oreilles et les vêtements d'écarlate qui étaient sur les rois de Madian, et sans les croissants qui étaient aux cous de leurs chameaux.

 And the weight [4948] of the golden [2091] earrings [5141] that he requested [7592] was a thousand [0505] and seven [7651] hundred [3967] [shekels] of gold; [2091] beside ornaments, [7720] and collars, [5188] and purple [0713] raiment [0899] that [was] on the kings [4428] of Midian, [4080] and beside the chains [6060] that [were] about their camels' [1581] necks. [6677]


 Et Gédéon en fit un éphod, et il le plaça dans sa ville, à Ophra. Tout Israël s'y prostitua après lui, et ce fut un piège pour Gédéon et pour sa maison.

 And Gideon [1439] made [6213] an ephod [0646] thereof, and put [3322] it in his city, [5892] [even] in Ophrah: [6084] and all Israel [3478] went thither a whoring [2181] after [0310] it: which thing became a snare [4170] unto Gideon, [1439] and to his house. [1004]


 Ainsi Madian fut humilié devant les enfants d'Israël, et il ne leva plus la tête; et le pays fut en repos quarante ans, aux jours de Gédéon.

 Thus was Midian [4080] subdued [3665] before [6440] the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] so that they lifted up [5375] their heads [7218] no more. [3254] And the country [0776] was in quietness [8252] forty [0705] years [8141] in the days [3117] of Gideon. [1439]


 Jérubbaal, fils de Joas, s'en revint, et demeura dans sa maison.

 And Jerubbaal [3378] the son [1121] of Joash [3101] went [3212] and dwelt [3427] in his own house. [1004]


 Or Gédéon eut soixante et dix fils, qui naquirent de lui, car il eut plusieurs femmes.

 And Gideon [1439] had threescore and ten [7657] sons [1121] of his body [3409] begotten: [3318] for he had many [7227] wives. [0802]


 Et sa concubine, qui était à Sichem, lui enfanta aussi un fils, et on l'appela du nom d'Abimélec.

 And his concubine [6370] that [was] in Shechem, [7927] she also bare [3205] him a son, [1121] whose name [8034] he called [7760] Abimelech. [0040]


 Puis Gédéon, fils de Joas, mourut dans une bonne vieillesse, et il fut enseveli dans le tombeau de Joas son père, à Ophra des Abiézérites.

 And Gideon [1439] the son [1121] of Joash [3101] died [4191] in a good [2896] old age, [7872] and was buried [6912] in the sepulchre [6913] of Joash [3101] his father, [0001] in Ophrah [6084] of the Abiezrites. [0033]


 Après que Gédéon fut mort, les enfants d'Israël recommencèrent à se prostituer après les Baalim, et se donnèrent pour dieu Baal-Bérith.

 And it came to pass, as soon as Gideon [1439] was dead, [4191] that the children [1121] of Israel [3478] turned again, [7725] and went a whoring [2181] after [0310] Baalim, [1168] and made [7760] Baalberith [1170] their god. [0430]


 Ainsi les enfants d'Israël ne se souvinrent pas de YEHOVAH leur Dieu, qui les avait délivrés de la main de tous leurs ennemis d'alentour;

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] remembered [2142] not the LORD [3068] their God, [0430] who had delivered [5337] them out of the hands [3027] of all their enemies [0341] on every side: [5439]


 Et ils n'usèrent pas de gratitude envers la maison de Jérubbaal-Gédéon, après tout le bien qu'il avait fait à Israël.

 Neither shewed [6213] they kindness [2617] to the house [1004] of Jerubbaal, [3378] [namely], Gideon, [1439] according to all the goodness [2896] which he had shewed [6213] unto Israel. [3478]


 Or Abimélec, fils de Jérubbaal, s'en alla à Sichem vers les frères de sa mère, et il leur parla, ainsi qu'à toute la famille de la maison du père de sa mère, en disant:

 And Abimelech [0040] the son [1121] of Jerubbaal [3378] went [3212] to Shechem [7927] unto his mother's [0517] brethren, [0251] and communed [1696] with them, and with all the family [4940] of the house [1004] of his mother's [0517] father, [0001] saying, [0559]


 Je vous prie, faites entendre ces paroles à tous les seigneurs de Sichem: Lequel vous semble le meilleur, ou que soixante et dix hommes, tous enfants de Jérubbaal, dominent sur vous, ou qu'un seul homme domine sur vous? Et souvenez-vous que je suis votre os et votre chair.

 Speak, [1696] I pray you, in the ears [0241] of all the men [1167] of Shechem, [7927] Whether [is] better [2896] for you, either that all the sons [1121] of Jerubbaal, [3378] [which are] threescore and ten [7657] persons, [0376] reign [4910] over you, or that one [0259] [0376] reign [4910] over you? remember [2142] also that I [am] your bone [6106] and your flesh. [1320]


 Les frères de sa mère dirent de sa part toutes ces paroles aux oreilles de tous les seigneurs de Sichem, et leur cœur inclina vers Abimélec; car, dirent-ils, c'est notre frère.

 And his mother's [0517] brethren [0251] spake [1696] of him in the ears [0241] of all the men [1167] of Shechem [7927] all these words: [1697] and their hearts [3820] inclined [5186] to follow [0310] Abimelech; [0040] for they said, [0559] He [is] our brother. [0251]


 Et ils lui donnèrent soixante et dix pièces d'argent, de la maison de Baal-Bérith, avec lesquelles Abimélec leva des gens de rien et des vagabonds qui le suivirent.

 And they gave [5414] him threescore and ten [7657] [pieces] of silver [3701] out of the house [1004] of Baalberith, [1170] wherewith Abimelech [0040] hired [7936] vain [7386] and light [6348] persons, [0582] which followed [3212] [0310] him.


 Puis il vint à la maison de son père à Ophra, et il tua, sur une même pierre, ses frères, enfants de Jérubbaal, au nombre de soixante et dix hommes. Il ne resta que Jotham, le plus jeune fils de Jérubbaal; car il s'était caché.

 And he went [0935] unto his father's [0001] house [1004] at Ophrah, [6084] and slew [2026] his brethren [0251] the sons [1121] of Jerubbaal, [3378] [being] threescore and ten [7657] persons, [0376] upon one [0259] stone: [0068] notwithstanding yet Jotham [3147] the youngest [6996] son [1121] of Jerubbaal [3378] was left; [3498] for he hid [2244] himself.


 Alors tous les chefs de Sichem s'assemblèrent, avec toute la maison de Millo; et ils vinrent, et proclamèrent roi Abimélec, auprès du chêne du monument qui est à Sichem.

 And all the men [1167] of Shechem [7927] gathered [0622] together, and all the house [1004] of Millo, [4407] and went, [3212] and made [4427] Abimelech [0040] king, [4428] by the plain [0436] of the pillar [5324] that [was] in Shechem. [7927]


 Or on le rapporta à Jotham. Et il alla se placer au sommet de la montagne de Guérizim; et, élevant la voix, il cria et leur dit: Écoutez-moi, chefs de Sichem, et que Dieu vous écoute!

 And when they told [5046] [it] to Jotham, [3147] he went [3212] and stood [5975] in the top [7218] of mount [2022] Gerizim, [1630] and lifted up [5375] his voice, [6963] and cried, [7121] and said [0559] unto them, Hearken [8085] unto me, ye men [1167] of Shechem, [7927] that God [0430] may hearken [8085] unto you.


 Les arbres partirent un jour pour aller oindre un roi qui régnât sur eux. Et ils dirent à l'olivier: Règne sur nous.

 The trees [6086] went [1980] forth [1980] [on a time] to anoint [4886] a king [4428] over them; and they said [0559] unto the olive tree, [2132] Reign [4427] thou over us.


 Mais l'olivier leur répondit: Renoncerais-je à mon huile, que Dieu et les hommes honorent en moi, pour aller planer au-dessus des arbres?

 But the olive tree [2132] said [0559] unto them, Should I leave [2308] my fatness, [1880] wherewith by me they honour [3513] God [0430] and man, [0582] and go [1980] to be promoted [5128] over the trees? [6086]


 Alors les arbres dirent au figuier: Viens, et règne sur nous.

 And the trees [6086] said [0559] to the fig tree, [8384] Come [3212] thou, [and] reign [4427] over us.


 Mais le figuier leur répondit: Renoncerais-je à ma douceur et à mon bon fruit, pour aller planer au-dessus des arbres?

 But the fig tree [8384] said [0559] unto them, Should I forsake [2308] my sweetness, [4987] and my good [2896] fruit, [8570] and go [1980] to be promoted [5128] over the trees? [6086]


 Puis les arbres dirent à la vigne: Viens, toi, règne sur nous.

 Then said [0559] the trees [6086] unto the vine, [1612] Come [3212] thou, [and] reign [4427] over us.


 Et la vigne répondit: Renoncerais-je à mon bon vin, qui réjouit Dieu et les hommes, pour aller planer au-dessus des arbres?

 And the vine [1612] said [0559] unto them, Should I leave [2308] my wine, [8492] which cheereth [8055] God [0430] and man, [0582] and go [1980] to be promoted [5128] over the trees? [6086]


 Alors tous les arbres dirent à l'épine: Viens, toi, et règne sur nous.

 Then said [0559] all the trees [6086] unto the bramble, [0329] Come [3212] thou, [and] reign [4427] over us.


 Et l'épine répondit aux arbres: Si c'est sincèrement que vous voulez m'oindre pour être votre roi, venez et réfugiez-vous sous mon ombre; sinon, que le feu sorte de l'épine, et qu'il dévore les cèdres du Liban!

 And the bramble [0329] said [0559] unto the trees, [6086] If in truth [0571] ye anoint [4886] me king [4428] over you, [then] come [0935] [and] put your trust [2620] in my shadow: [6738] and if not, let fire [0784] come out [3318] of the bramble, [0329] and devour [0398] the cedars [0730] of Lebanon. [3844]


 Et maintenant, est-ce que vous avez agi en sincérité et en intégrité, en proclamant roi Abimélec? Et avez-vous bien agi envers Jérubbaal et envers sa maison? Et lui avez-vous rendu selon ce qu'il a fait pour vous?

 Now therefore, if ye have done [6213] truly [0571] and sincerely, [8549] in that ye have made Abimelech [0040] king, [4427] and if ye have dealt [6213] well [2896] with Jerubbaal [3378] and his house, [1004] and have done [6213] unto him according to the deserving [1576] of his hands; [3027]


 Car mon père a combattu pour vous; il a exposé sa vie, et vous a délivrés de la main des Madianites.

 (For my father [0001] fought [3898] for you, and adventured [7993] his life [5315] far, [5048] and delivered [5337] you out of the hand [3027] of Midian: [4080]


 Mais aujourd'hui vous vous êtes élevés contre la maison de mon père; et vous avez tué, sur une même pierre, ses enfants, soixante et dix hommes; et vous avez proclamé roi sur les chefs de Sichem, Abimélec, fils de sa servante, parce qu'il est votre frère.

 And ye are risen up [6965] against my father's [0001] house [1004] this day, [3117] and have slain [2026] his sons, [1121] threescore and ten [7657] persons, [0376] upon one [0259] stone, [0068] and have made Abimelech, [0040] the son [1121] of his maidservant, [0519] king [4427] over the men [1167] of Shechem, [7927] because he [is] your brother;) [0251]


 Si vous avez agi aujourd'hui en sincérité et en intégrité envers Jérubbaal et sa maison, qu'Abimélec soit votre joie, et que vous soyez aussi la sienne! Sinon, que le feu sorte d'Abimélec,

 If ye then have dealt [6213] truly [0571] and sincerely [8549] with Jerubbaal [3378] and with his house [1004] this day, [3117] [then] rejoice [8055] ye in Abimelech, [0040] and let him also rejoice [8055] in you:


 Et dévore les chefs de Sichem et la maison de Millo; et que le feu sorte des chefs de Sichem et de la maison de Millo, et qu'il dévore Abimélec!

 But if not, let fire [0784] come out [3318] from Abimelech, [0040] and devour [0398] the men [1167] of Shechem, [7927] and the house [1004] of Millo; [4407] and let fire [0784] come out [3318] from the men [1167] of Shechem, [7927] and from the house [1004] of Millo, [4407] and devour [0398] Abimelech. [0040]


 Puis Jotham s'enfuit et s'échappa. Il alla à Béer, et il y demeura, loin d'Abimélec, son frère.

 And Jotham [3147] ran away, [5127] and fled, [1272] and went [3212] to Beer, [0876] and dwelt [3427] there, for fear [6440] of Abimelech [0040] his brother. [0251]


 Abimélec domina sur Israël pendant trois ans.

 When Abimelech [0040] had reigned [7786] three [7969] years [8141] over Israel, [3478]


 Puis Dieu envoya un mauvais esprit entre Abimélec et les chefs de Sichem; et les chefs de Sichem furent infidèles à Abimélec,

 Then God [0430] sent [7971] an evil [7451] spirit [7307] between Abimelech [0040] and the men [1167] of Shechem; [7927] and the men [1167] of Shechem [7927] dealt treacherously [0898] with Abimelech: [0040]


 Afin que la violence faite aux soixante et dix enfants de Jérubbaal retombât et que leur sang retournât sur Abimélec, leur frère, qui les avait tués, et sur les chefs de Sichem, qui l'avaient aidé à tuer ses frères.

 That the cruelty [2555] [done] to the threescore and ten [7657] sons [1121] of Jerubbaal [3378] might come, [0935] and their blood [1818] be laid [7760] upon Abimelech [0040] their brother, [0251] which slew [2026] them; and upon the men [1167] of Shechem, [7927] which aided [2388] him [3027] in the killing [2026] of his brethren. [0251]


 Les chefs de Sichem lui tendirent donc des embûches sur le haut des montagnes, et ils pillaient tous ceux qui passaient près d'eux par le chemin. Et cela fut rapporté à Abimélec.

 And the men [1167] of Shechem [7927] set [7760] liers in wait [0693] for him in the top [7218] of the mountains, [2022] and they robbed [1497] all that came [5674] along that way [1870] by them: and it was told [5046] Abimelech. [0040]


 Alors Gaal, fils d'Ébed, vint avec ses frères, et ils passèrent à Sichem; et les chefs de Sichem eurent confiance en lui.

 And Gaal [1603] the son [1121] of Ebed [5651] came [0935] with his brethren, [0251] and went over [5674] to Shechem: [7927] and the men [1167] of Shechem [7927] put their confidence [0982] in him.


 Ils sortirent dans la campagne, vendangèrent leurs vignes, en foulèrent les raisins, et firent bonne chère. Puis ils entrèrent dans la maison de leur dieu, mangèrent et burent, et maudirent Abimélec.

 And they went out [3318] into the fields, [7704] and gathered [1219] their vineyards, [3754] and trode [1869] [the grapes], and made [6213] merry, [1974] and went [0935] into the house [1004] of their god, [0430] and did eat [0398] and drink, [8354] and cursed [7043] Abimelech. [0040]


 Alors Gaal, fils d'Ébed, dit: Qui est Abimélec, et qu'est Sichem, pour que nous servions Abimélec? N'est-il pas fils de Jérubbaal? Et Zébul, n'est-il pas son lieutenant? Servez les hommes d'Hémor, père de Sichem. Mais nous, pourquoi servirions-nous celui-là?

 And Gaal [1603] the son [1121] of Ebed [5651] said, [0559] Who [is] Abimelech, [0040] and who [is] Shechem, [7927] that we should serve [5647] him? [is] not [he] the son [1121] of Jerubbaal? [3378] and Zebul [2083] his officer? [6496] serve [5647] the men [0582] of Hamor [2544] the father [0001] of Shechem: [7927] for why should we serve [5647] him?


 Oh! Si j'avais ce peuple sous ma conduite, je chasserais Abimélec! Et il dit à Abimélec: Augmente ton armée, et sors contre nous!

 And would to God [5414] this people [5971] were under my hand! [3027] then would I remove [5493] Abimelech. [0040] And he said [0559] to Abimelech, [0040] Increase [7235] thine army, [6635] and come out. [3318]


 Mais Zébul, gouverneur de la ville, apprit les paroles de Gaal, fils d'Ébed, et sa colère s'embrasa.

 And when Zebul [2083] the ruler [8269] of the city [5892] heard [8085] the words [1697] of Gaal [1603] the son [1121] of Ebed, [5651] his anger [0639] was kindled. [2734]


 Puis il envoya adroitement des messagers vers Abimélec, pour lui dire: Voici, Gaal, fils d'Ébed, et ses frères, sont entrés à Sichem; et voici, ils soulèvent la ville contre toi.

 And he sent [7971] messengers [4397] unto Abimelech [0040] privily, [8649] saying, [0559] Behold, Gaal [1603] the son [1121] of Ebed [5651] and his brethren [0251] be come [0935] to Shechem; [7927] and, behold, they fortify [6696] the city [5892] against thee.


 Maintenant donc, lève-toi de nuit, toi et le peuple qui est avec toi, et dresse des embuscades dans la campagne;

 Now therefore up [6965] by night, [3915] thou and the people [5971] that [is] with thee, and lie in wait [0693] in the field: [7704]


 Et le matin, au lever du soleil, tu te lèveras et viendras fondre sur la ville; alors, Gaal et le peuple qui est avec lui, sortiront contre toi, et tu lui feras selon que tu en trouveras le moyen.

 And it shall be, [that] in the morning, [1242] as soon as the sun [8121] is up, [2224] thou shalt rise early, [7925] and set [6584] upon the city: [5892] and, behold, [when] he and the people [5971] that [is] with him come out [3318] against thee, then mayest thou do [6213] to them as thou [3027] shalt find [4672] occasion.


 Abimélec et tout le peuple qui était avec lui, partirent donc de nuit et se mirent en embuscade près de Sichem, en quatre bandes.

 And Abimelech [0040] rose up, [6965] and all the people [5971] that [were] with him, by night, [3915] and they laid wait [0693] against Shechem [7927] in four [0702] companies. [7218]


 Cependant Gaal, fils d'Ébed, sortit, et s'arrêta à l'entrée de la porte de la ville. Alors Abimélec et tout le peuple qui était avec lui, se levèrent de l'embuscade.

 And Gaal [1603] the son [1121] of Ebed [5651] went out, [3318] and stood [5975] in the entering [6607] of the gate [8179] of the city: [5892] and Abimelech [0040] rose up, [6965] and the people [5971] that [were] with him, from lying in wait. [3993]


 Et Gaal, ayant aperçu ce peuple, dit à Zébul: Voici du peuple qui descend du haut des montagnes. Mais Zébul lui dit: Tu prends l'ombre des montagnes pour des hommes.

 And when Gaal [1603] saw [7200] the people, [5971] he said [0559] to Zebul, [2083] Behold, there come people [5971] down [3381] from the top [7218] of the mountains. [2022] And Zebul [2083] said [0559] unto him, Thou seest [7200] the shadow [6738] of the mountains [2022] as [if they were] men. [0582]


 Et Gaal reprit la parole, et dit: Voici un peuple qui descend des hauteurs du pays, et une bande vient par le chemin du chêne des devins.

 And Gaal [1603] spake [1696] again [3254] and said, [0559] See there come people [5971] down [3381] by the middle [2872] of the land, [0776] and another [0259] company [7218] come [0935] along by [1870] the plain [0436] of Meonenim. [6049]


 Alors Zébul lui dit: Où est maintenant ta vanterie, quand tu disais: Qui est Abimélec, pour que nous le servions? N'est-ce pas là le peuple que tu méprisais? Sors donc, maintenant, et combats contre eux!

 Then said [0559] Zebul [2083] unto him, Where [is] now [0645] thy mouth, [6310] wherewith thou saidst, [0559] Who [is] Abimelech, [0040] that we should serve [5647] him? [is] not this the people [5971] that thou hast despised? [3988] go out, [3318] I pray [4994] now, and fight [3898] with them.


 Alors Gaal, conduisant les chefs de Sichem, sortit et combattit contre Abimélec.

 And Gaal [1603] went out [3318] before [6440] the men [1167] of Shechem, [7927] and fought [3898] with Abimelech. [0040]


 Et Abimélec le poursuivit, et Gaal s'enfuit devant lui, et beaucoup tombèrent morts jusqu'à l'entrée de la porte.

 And Abimelech [0040] chased [7291] him, and he fled [5127] before [6440] him, and many [7227] were overthrown [5307] [and] wounded, [2491] [even] unto the entering [6607] of the gate. [8179]


 Et Abimélec s'arrêta à Aruma. Et Zébul chassa Gaal et ses frères, qui ne purent plus rester à Sichem.

 And Abimelech [0040] dwelt [3427] at Arumah: [0725] and Zebul [2083] thrust out [1644] Gaal [1603] and his brethren, [0251] that they should not dwell [3427] in Shechem. [7927]


 Mais le lendemain le peuple sortit aux champs, ce qui fut rapporté à Abimélec.

 And it came to pass on the morrow, [4283] that the people [5971] went out [3318] into the field; [7704] and they told [5046] Abimelech. [0040]


 Alors il prit sa troupe, et la divisa en trois bandes, et se mit en embuscade dans les champs; et, ayant vu que le peuple sortait de la ville, il se leva contre eux et les défit.

 And he took [3947] the people, [5971] and divided [2673] them into three [7969] companies, [7218] and laid wait [0693] in the field, [7704] and looked, [7200] and, behold, the people [5971] [were] come forth [3318] out of the city; [5892] and he rose up [6965] against them, and smote [5221] them.


 Abimélec, et les gens qui étaient avec lui, s'avancèrent, et se tinrent à l'entrée de la porte de la ville; mais les deux autres bandes se jetèrent sur tous ceux qui étaient dans la campagne, et les défirent.

 And Abimelech, [0040] and the company [7218] that [was] with him, rushed [6584] forward, and stood [5975] in the entering [6607] of the gate [8179] of the city: [5892] and the two [8147] [other] companies [7218] ran upon [6584] all [the people] that [were] in the fields, [7704] and slew [5221] them.


 Abimélec combattit contre la ville tout ce jour-là, et prit la ville, et tua le peuple qui y était. Puis il rasa la ville, et y sema du sel.

 And Abimelech [0040] fought [3898] against the city [5892] all that day; [3117] and he took [3920] the city, [5892] and slew [2026] the people [5971] that [was] therein, and beat down [5422] the city, [5892] and sowed [2232] it with salt. [4417]


 Et tous les chefs de la tour de Sichem, ayant appris cela, se retirèrent dans le fort de la maison du dieu Bérith.

 And when all the men [1167] of the tower [4026] of Shechem [7927] heard [8085] [that], they entered [0935] into an hold [6877] of the house [1004] of the god [0410] Berith. [1286]


 Et on rapporta à Abimélec que tous les chefs de la tour de Sichem s'étaient rassemblés dans le fort.

 And it was told [5046] Abimelech, [0040] that all the men [1167] of the tower [4026] of Shechem [7927] were gathered together. [6908]


 Alors Abimélec monta sur la montagne de Tsalmon, lui et tout le peuple qui était avec lui; et Abimélec prit en main une hache, et coupa une branche d'arbre, l'enleva et la mit sur son épaule; et il dit au peuple qui était avec lui: Avez-vous vu ce que j'ai fait? Hâtez-vous de faire comme moi.

 And Abimelech [0040] gat him up [5927] to mount [2022] Zalmon, [6756] he and all the people [5971] that [were] with him; and Abimelech [0040] took [3947] an axe [7134] in his hand, [3027] and cut down [3772] a bough [7754] from the trees, [6086] and took [5375] it, and laid [7760] [it] on his shoulder, [7926] and said [0559] unto the people [5971] that [were] with him, What ye have seen [7200] me do, [6213] make haste, [4116] [and] do [6213] as I [3644] [have done].


 Ils coupèrent donc chacun une branche, et suivirent Abimélec; et ils placèrent les branches contre le fort, et y ayant mis le feu, ils brûlèrent le fort. Tous les gens de la tour de Sichem moururent ainsi, au nombre d'environ mille, tant hommes que femmes.

 And all the people [5971] likewise cut down [3772] every man [0376] his bough, [7754] and followed [3212] [0310] Abimelech, [0040] and put [7760] [them] to the hold, [6877] and set [3341] the hold [6877] on fire [0784] upon them; so that all the men [0582] of the tower [4026] of Shechem [7927] died [4191] also, about a thousand [0505] men [0376] and women. [0802]


 Ensuite Abimélec alla à Thébets, qu'il assiégea et prit.

 Then went [3212] Abimelech [0040] to Thebez, [8405] and encamped [2583] against Thebez, [8405] and took [3920] it.


 Or, il y avait au milieu de la ville une forte tour, où se réfugièrent tous les hommes avec les femmes, et tous les chefs de la ville. Et ayant fermé les portes après eux, ils montèrent sur la plate-forme de la tour.

 But there was a strong [5797] tower [4026] within [8432] the city, [5892] and thither fled [5127] all the men [0582] and women, [0802] and all they [1167] of the city, [5892] and shut [5462] [it] to them, and gat them up [5927] to the top [1406] of the tower. [4026]


 Alors Abimélec vint jusqu'à la tour, l'attaqua, et s'approcha jusqu'à la porte de la tour, pour y mettre le feu.

 And Abimelech [0040] came [0935] unto the tower, [4026] and fought [3898] against it, and went hard [5066] unto the door [6607] of the tower [4026] to burn [8313] it with fire. [0784]


 Mais une femme jeta une meule sur la tête d'Abimélec, et lui brisa le crâne.

 And a certain [0259] woman [0802] cast [7993] a piece [6400] of a millstone [7393] upon Abimelech's [0040] head, [7218] and all to brake [7533] his skull. [1538]


 Alors, appelant aussitôt le jeune homme qui portait ses armes, il lui dit: Tire ton épée et tue-moi, de peur qu'on ne dise de moi: Une femme l'a tué. Le jeune homme le transperça donc, et il mourut.

 Then he called [7121] hastily [4120] unto the young man [5288] his armourbearer, [5375] [3627] and said [0559] unto him, Draw [8025] thy sword, [2719] and slay [4191] me, that men say [0559] not of me, A woman [0802] slew [2026] him. And his young man [5288] thrust him through, [1856] and he died. [4191]


 Et les hommes d'Israël, ayant vu qu'Abimélec était mort, s'en allèrent chacun chez soi.

 And when the men [0376] of Israel [3478] saw [7200] that Abimelech [0040] was dead, [4191] they departed [3212] every man [0376] unto his place. [4725]


 Ainsi Dieu fit retomber sur Abimélec le mal qu'il avait fait à son père, en tuant ses soixante et dix frères;

 Thus God [0430] rendered [7725] the wickedness [7451] of Abimelech, [0040] which he did [6213] unto his father, [0001] in slaying [2026] his seventy [7657] brethren: [0251]


 Et Dieu fit retomber sur la tête des hommes de Sichem tout le mal qu'ils avaient fait. Ainsi vint sur eux la malédiction de Jotham, fils de Jérubbaal.

 And all the evil [7451] of the men [0582] of Shechem [7927] did God [0430] render [7725] upon their heads: [7218] and upon them came [0935] the curse [7045] of Jotham [3147] the son [1121] of Jerubbaal. [3378]


 Après Abimélec, Thola, fils de Pua, fils de Dodo, homme d'Issacar, se leva pour délivrer Israël. Il habitait à Shamir, dans la montage d'Éphraïm.

 And after [0310] Abimelech [0040] there arose [6965] to defend [3467] Israel [3478] Tola [8439] the son [1121] of Puah, [6312] the son [1121] of Dodo, [1734] a man [0376] of Issachar; [3485] and he dwelt [3427] in Shamir [8069] in mount [2022] Ephraim. [0669]


 Et il jugea Israël vingt-trois ans; puis il mourut, et fut enseveli à Shamir.

 And he judged [8199] Israel [3478] twenty [6242] and three [7969] years, [8141] and died, [4191] and was buried [6912] in Shamir. [8069]


 Après lui se leva Jaïr, le Galaadite, qui jugea Israël vingt-deux ans.

 And after [0310] him arose [6965] Jair, [2971] a Gileadite, [1569] and judged [8199] Israel [3478] twenty [6242] and two [8147] years. [8141]


 Il avait trente fils, qui montaient sur trente ânons, et qui possédaient trente villes, qu'on appelle encore aujourd'hui les villes de Jaïr; elles sont au pays de Galaad.

 And he had thirty [7970] sons [1121] that rode [7392] on thirty [7970] ass colts, [5895] and they had thirty [7970] cities, [5892] which are called [7121] Havothjair [2334] [2971] unto this day, [3117] which [are] in the land [0776] of Gilead. [1568]


 Jaïr mourut, et il fut enseveli à Kamon.

 And Jair [2971] died, [4191] and was buried [6912] in Camon. [7056]


 Puis les enfants d'Israël recommencèrent à faire ce qui est mauvais devant YEHOVAH, et ils servirent les Baalim, et les Ashtharoth, les dieux de Syrie, les dieux de Sidon, les dieux de Moab, les dieux des enfants d'Ammon et les dieux des Philistins, et ils abandonnèrent YEHOVAH, et ils ne le servirent pas.

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] did [6213] evil [7451] again [3254] in the sight [5869] of the LORD, [3068] and served [5647] Baalim, [1168] and Ashtaroth, [6252] and the gods [0430] of Syria, [0758] and the gods [0430] of Zidon, [6721] and the gods [0430] of Moab, [4124] and the gods [0430] of the children [1121] of Ammon, [5983] and the gods [0430] of the Philistines, [6430] and forsook [5800] the LORD, [3068] and served [5647] not him.


 Alors la colère de YEHOVAH s'embrasa contre Israël, et il les livra entre les mains des Philistins, et entre les mains des enfants d'Ammon,

 And the anger [0639] of the LORD [3068] was hot [2734] against Israel, [3478] and he sold [4376] them into the hands [3027] of the Philistines, [6430] and into the hands [3027] of the children [1121] of Ammon. [5983]


 Qui opprimèrent et foulèrent les enfants d'Israël en cette année-là, et pendant dix-huit ans tous les enfants d'Israël qui étaient au delà du Jourdain, au pays des Amoréens, en Galaad.

 And that year [8141] they vexed [7492] and oppressed [7533] the children [1121] of Israel: [3478] eighteen [8083] [6240] years, [8141] all the children [1121] of Israel [3478] that [were] on the other side [5676] Jordan [3383] in the land [0776] of the Amorites, [0567] which [is] in Gilead. [1568]


 Et les enfants d'Ammon passèrent le Jourdain, pour combattre aussi contre Juda, et contre Benjamin, et contre la maison d'Éphraïm; et Israël fut dans de très grandes angoisses.

 Moreover the children [1121] of Ammon [5983] passed over [5674] Jordan [3383] to fight [3898] also against Judah, [3063] and against Benjamin, [1144] and against the house [1004] of Ephraim; [0669] so that Israel [3478] was sore [3966] distressed. [3334]


 Alors les enfants d'Israël crièrent à YEHOVAH, en disant: Nous avons péché contre toi; car nous avons abandonné notre Dieu, et nous avons servi les Baalim.

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] cried [2199] unto the LORD, [3068] saying, [0559] We have sinned [2398] against thee, both because we have forsaken [5800] our God, [0430] and also served [5647] Baalim. [1168]


 Mais YEHOVAH répondit aux enfants d'Israël: Ne vous ai-je pas délivré des Égyptiens, des Amoréens, des enfants d'Ammon, des Philistins?

 And the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] [Did] not [I deliver you] from the Egyptians, [4714] and from the Amorites, [0567] from the children [1121] of Ammon, [5983] and from the Philistines? [6430]


 Et lorsque les Sidoniens, Amalék, et Maon vous ont opprimés et que vous avez crié vers moi, je vous ai délivrés de leurs mains.

 The Zidonians [6722] also, and the Amalekites, [6002] and the Maonites, [4584] did oppress [3905] you; and ye cried [6817] to me, and I delivered [3467] you out of their hand. [3027]


 Mais vous m'avez abandonné, et vous avez servi d'autres dieux; c'est pourquoi je ne vous délivrerai plus.

 Yet ye have forsaken [5800] me, and served [5647] other [0312] gods: [0430] wherefore I will deliver [3467] you no more. [3254]


 Allez, et criez aux dieux que vous avez choisis; qu'ils vous délivrent au temps de votre angoisse.

 Go [3212] and cry [2199] unto the gods [0430] which ye have chosen; [0977] let them [1992] deliver [3467] you in the time [6256] of your tribulation. [6869]


 Mais les enfants d'Israël répondirent à YEHOVAH: Nous avons péché! Traite-nous comme il te semblera bon; seulement veuille nous délivrer aujourd'hui.

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] said [0559] unto the LORD, [3068] We have sinned: [2398] do [6213] thou unto us whatsoever seemeth [5869] good [2896] unto thee; deliver [5337] us only, we pray thee, this day. [3117]


 Et ils ôtèrent du milieu d'eux les dieux des étrangers, et ils servirent YEHOVAH, qui fut touché en son cœur de l'affliction d'Israël.

 And they put away [5493] the strange [5236] gods [0430] from among [7130] them, and served [5647] the LORD: [3068] and his soul [5315] was grieved [7114] for the misery [5999] of Israel. [3478]


 Or, les enfants d'Ammon se rassemblèrent, et campèrent en Galaad; et les enfants d'Israël aussi se rassemblèrent et campèrent à Mitspa.

 Then the children [1121] of Ammon [5983] were gathered together, [6817] and encamped [2583] in Gilead. [1568] And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] assembled [0622] themselves together, and encamped [2583] in Mizpeh. [4709]


 Et le peuple, les chefs de Galaad, se dirent l'un à l'autre: Quel est l'homme qui commencera à combattre contre les enfants d'Ammon? Il sera le chef de tous les habitants de Galaad.

 And the people [5971] [and] princes [8269] of Gilead [1568] said [0559] one [0376] to another, [7453] What man [0376] [is he] that will begin [2490] to fight [3898] against the children [1121] of Ammon? [5983] he shall be head [7218] over all the inhabitants [3427] of Gilead. [1568]


 Jephthé, le Galaadite, était un vaillant guerrier, mais fils d'une femme prostituée; et c'était Galaad qui avait engendré Jephthé.

 Now Jephthah [3316] the Gileadite [1569] was a mighty [1368] man of valour, [2428] and he [was] the son [1121] of an harlot: [0802] [2181] and Gilead [1568] begat [3205] Jephthah. [3316]


 Or la femme de Galaad lui avait enfanté des fils; et quand les fils de cette femme furent grands, ils chassèrent Jephthé, en lui disant: Tu n'auras point d'héritage dans la maison de notre père; car tu es fils d'une femme étrangère.

 And Gilead's [1568] wife [0802] bare [3205] him sons; [1121] and his wife's [0802] sons [1121] grew up, [1431] and they thrust out [1644] Jephthah, [3316] and said [0559] unto him, Thou shalt not inherit [5157] in our father's [0001] house; [1004] for thou [art] the son [1121] of a strange [0312] woman. [0802]


 Jephthé s'enfuit donc loin de ses frères, et habita dans le pays de Tob. Alors des gens de rien s'amassèrent auprès de Jephthé, et ils faisaient des incursions avec lui.

 Then Jephthah [3316] fled [1272] from [6440] his brethren, [0251] and dwelt [3427] in the land [0776] of Tob: [2897] and there were gathered [3950] vain [7386] men [0582] to Jephthah, [3316] and went out [3318] with him.


 Or, quelque temps après, les enfants d'Ammon firent la guerre à Israël.

 And it came to pass in process of time, [3117] that the children [1121] of Ammon [5983] made war [3898] against Israel. [3478]


 Et comme les enfants d'Ammon faisaient la guerre à Israël, les anciens de Galaad allèrent chercher Jephthé au pays de Tob.

 And it was so, that when the children [1121] of Ammon [5983] made war [3898] against Israel, [3478] the elders [2205] of Gilead [1568] went [3212] to fetch [3947] Jephthah [3316] out of the land [0776] of Tob: [2897]


 Et ils dirent à Jephthé: Viens, et sois notre capitaine, et nous combattrons les enfants d'Ammon.

 And they said [0559] unto Jephthah, [3316] Come, [3212] and be our captain, [7101] that we may fight [3898] with the children [1121] of Ammon. [5983]


 Mais Jephthé répondit aux anciens de Galaad: N'est-ce pas vous qui m'avez haï? Et ne m'avez-vous pas chassé de la maison de mon père? Pourquoi venez-vous vers moi, maintenant que vous êtes en peine?

 And Jephthah [3316] said [0559] unto the elders [2205] of Gilead, [1568] Did not ye hate [8130] me, and expel [1644] me out of my father's [0001] house? [1004] and why are ye come [0935] unto me now when ye are in distress? [6887]


 Alors les anciens de Galaad dirent à Jephthé: Nous revenons à toi maintenant, afin que tu marches avec nous, et que tu combattes les enfants d'Ammon, et que tu sois notre chef, celui de tous les habitants de Galaad.

 And the elders [2205] of Gilead [1568] said [0559] unto Jephthah, [3316] Therefore we turn [7725] again to thee now, that thou mayest go [1980] with us, and fight [3898] against the children [1121] of Ammon, [5983] and be our head [7218] over all the inhabitants [3427] of Gilead. [1568]


 Et Jephthé répondit aux anciens de Galaad: Si vous me ramenez pour combattre contre les enfants d'Ammon, et que YEHOVAH les livre entre mes mains, je serai votre chef.

 And Jephthah [3316] said [0559] unto the elders [2205] of Gilead, [1568] If ye bring me home again [7725] to fight [3898] against the children [1121] of Ammon, [5983] and the LORD [3068] deliver [5414] them before [6440] me, shall I be your head? [7218]


 Et les anciens de Galaad dirent à Jephthé: Que YEHOVAH nous entende et nous juge, si nous ne faisons pas ce que tu as dit.

 And the elders [2205] of Gilead [1568] said [0559] unto Jephthah, [3316] The LORD [3068] be witness [8085] between us, if we do [6213] not so according to thy words. [1697]


 Jephthé s'en alla donc avec les anciens de Galaad; et le peuple l'établit chef et capitaine, et Jephthé répéta devant YEHOVAH, à Mitspa, toutes les paroles qu'il avait prononcées.

 Then Jephthah [3316] went [3212] with the elders [2205] of Gilead, [1568] and the people [5971] made [7760] him head [7218] and captain [7101] over them: and Jephthah [3316] uttered [1696] all his words [1697] before [6440] the LORD [3068] in Mizpeh. [4709]


 Puis Jephthé envoya des messagers au roi des enfants d'Ammon, pour lui dire: Qu'y a-t-il entre moi et toi, que tu sois venu contre moi pour faire la guerre dans mon pays?

 And Jephthah [3316] sent [7971] messengers [4397] unto the king [4428] of the children [1121] of Ammon, [5983] saying, [0559] What hast thou to do with me, that thou art come [0935] against me to fight [3898] in my land? [0776]


 Et le roi des enfants d'Ammon répondit aux messagers de Jephthé: C'est parce qu'Israël, quand il montait d'Égypte, a pris mon pays depuis l'Arnon jusqu'au Jabbok et au Jourdain. Rends-le maintenant de bon gré.

 And the king [4428] of the children [1121] of Ammon [5983] answered [0559] unto the messengers [4397] of Jephthah, [3316] Because Israel [3478] took [3947] away my land, [0776] when they came up [5927] out of Egypt, [4714] from Arnon [0769] even unto Jabbok, [2999] and unto Jordan: [3383] now therefore restore those [lands] again [7725] peaceably. [7965]


 Mais Jephthé envoya de nouveau au roi des enfants d'Ammon,

 And Jephthah [3316] sent [7971] messengers [4397] again [3254] unto the king [4428] of the children [1121] of Ammon: [5983]


 Des messagers qui lui dirent: Ainsi a dit Jephthé: Israël n'a rien pris du pays de Moab, ni du pays des enfants d'Ammon.

 And said [0559] unto him, Thus saith [0559] Jephthah, [3316] Israel [3478] took [3947] not away the land [0776] of Moab, [4124] nor the land [0776] of the children [1121] of Ammon: [5983]


 Mais lorsque Israël monta d'Égypte, il marcha par le désert jusqu'à la mer Rouge, et arriva à Kadès,

 But when Israel [3478] came up [5927] from Egypt, [4714] and walked [3212] through the wilderness [4057] unto the Red [5488] sea, [3220] and came [0935] to Kadesh; [6946]


 Et envoya des députés au roi d'Édom, pour lui dire: Laisse-moi passer par ton pays. Mais le roi d'Édom n'y consentit pas. Et il en envoya de même au roi de Moab, qui refusa, et Israël resta à Kadès.

 Then Israel [3478] sent [7971] messengers [4397] unto the king [4428] of Edom, [0123] saying, [0559] Let me, I pray thee, pass [5674] through thy land: [0776] but the king [4428] of Edom [0123] would not hearken [8085] [thereto]. And in like manner they sent [7971] unto the king [4428] of Moab: [4124] but he would [0014] not [consent]: and Israel [3478] abode [3427] in Kadesh. [6946]


 Puis il marcha par le désert, et fit le tour du pays d'Édom et du pays de Moab, et arriva au pays de Moab, du côté de l'orient. Il campa au delà de l'Arnon, sans entrer sur le territoire de Moab; car l'Arnon était la frontière de Moab.

 Then they went [3212] along through the wilderness, [4057] and compassed [5437] the land [0776] of Edom, [0123] and the land [0776] of Moab, [4124] and came [0935] by the east side [4217] [8121] of the land [0776] of Moab, [4124] and pitched [2583] on the other side [5676] of Arnon, [0769] but came [0935] not within the border [1366] of Moab: [4124] for Arnon [0769] [was] the border [1366] of Moab. [4124]


 Mais Israël envoya des messagers à Sihon, roi des Amoréens, roi de Hesbon, et Israël lui fit dire: Laisse-nous passer par ton pays, jusqu'à notre destination.

 And Israel [3478] sent [7971] messengers [4397] unto Sihon [5511] king [4428] of the Amorites, [0567] the king [4428] of Heshbon; [2809] and Israel [3478] said [0559] unto him, Let us pass, [5674] we pray thee, through thy land [0776] into [5704] my place. [4725]


 Mais Sihon, ne se fiant point à Israël, pour le laisser passer par son pays, rassembla tout son peuple; ils campèrent vers Jahats, et combattirent contre Israël.

 But Sihon [5511] trusted [0539] not Israel [3478] to pass [5674] through his coast: [1366] but Sihon [5511] gathered [0622] all his people [5971] together, and pitched [2583] in Jahaz, [3096] and fought [3898] against Israel. [3478]


 Et YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël, livra Sihon et tout son peuple entre les mains d'Israël; et Israël le défit, et conquit tout le pays des Amoréens, qui habitaient ce pays-là.

 And the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel [3478] delivered [5414] Sihon [5511] and all his people [5971] into the hand [3027] of Israel, [3478] and they smote [5221] them: so Israel [3478] possessed [3423] all the land [0776] of the Amorites, [0567] the inhabitants [3427] of that country. [0776]


 Ils conquirent donc tout le pays des Amoréens, depuis l'Arnon jusqu'au Jabbok, et depuis le désert jusqu'au Jourdain.

 And they possessed [3423] all the coasts [1366] of the Amorites, [0567] from Arnon [0769] even unto Jabbok, [2999] and from the wilderness [4057] even unto Jordan. [3383]


 Et maintenant que YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël, a chassé les Amoréens devant son peuple d'Israël, est-ce toi qui aurais la possession de leur pays?

 So now the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel [3478] hath dispossessed [3423] the Amorites [0567] from before [6440] his people [5971] Israel, [3478] and shouldest thou possess [3423] it?


 N'aurais-tu pas la possession de ce que ton dieu Kémosh t'aurait donné à posséder? Ainsi nous posséderons le pays de tous ceux que YEHOVAH notre Dieu aura chassés devant nous.

 Wilt not thou possess [3423] that which Chemosh [3645] thy god [0430] giveth thee to possess? [3423] So whomsoever the LORD [3068] our God [0430] shall drive out [3423] from before [6440] us, them will we possess. [3423]


 Au reste, vaux-tu mieux que Balak, fils de Tsippor, roi de Moab? A-t-il contesté et combattu contre Israël?

 And now [art] thou any thing better [2896] than Balak [1111] the son [1121] of Zippor, [6834] king [4428] of Moab? [4124] did he ever [7378] strive [7378] against Israel, [3478] or did he ever [3898] fight [3898] against them,


 Voilà trois cents ans qu'Israël habite Hesbon et les villes de son ressort, et Aroër et les villes de son ressort, et toutes les villes qui sont le long de l'Arnon; pourquoi ne les lui avez-vous pas enlevées pendant ce temps-là?

 While Israel [3478] dwelt [3427] in Heshbon [2809] and her towns, [1323] and in Aroer [6177] and her towns, [1323] and in all the cities [5892] that [be] along by the coasts [3027] of Arnon, [0769] three [7969] hundred [3967] years? [8141] why therefore did ye not recover [5337] [them] within that time? [6256]


 Je ne t'ai point offensé, mais tu agis mal avec moi, en me faisant la guerre. Que YEHOVAH, le juge, soit aujourd'hui juge entre les enfants d'Israël et les enfants d'Ammon!

 Wherefore I have not sinned [2398] against thee, but thou doest [6213] me [0853] wrong [7451] to war [3898] against me: the LORD [3068] the Judge [8199] be judge [8199] this day [3117] between the children [1121] of Israel [3478] and the children [1121] of Ammon. [5983]


 Mais le roi des enfants d'Ammon ne voulut point écouter les paroles que Jephthé lui avait fait dire.

 Howbeit the king [4428] of the children [1121] of Ammon [5983] hearkened [8085] not unto the words [1697] of Jephthah [3316] which he sent [7971] him.


 Alors l'Esprit de YEHOVAH fut sur Jephthé, qui traversa Galaad et Manassé; il passa jusqu'à Mitspa de Galaad, et de Mitspa de Galaad il marcha contre les enfants d'Ammon.

 Then the Spirit [7307] of the LORD [3068] came upon Jephthah, [3316] and he passed over [5674] Gilead, [1568] and Manasseh, [4519] and passed over [5674] Mizpeh [4708] of Gilead, [1568] and from Mizpeh [4708] of Gilead [1568] he passed over [5674] [unto] the children [1121] of Ammon. [5983]


 Et Jephthé fit un vœu à YEHOVAH, et dit: Si tu livres les enfants d'Ammon entre mes mains,

 And Jephthah [3316] vowed [5087] a vow [5088] unto the LORD, [3068] and said, [0559] If thou shalt without fail [5414] deliver [5414] the children [1121] of Ammon [5983] into mine hands, [3027]


 Ce qui sortira au-devant de moi des portes de ma maison, quand je retournerai en paix de chez les enfants d'Ammon, sera à YEHOVAH, et je l'offrirai en offrande à brûler.

 Then it shall be, that whatsoever [3318] cometh forth [3318] of the doors [1817] of my house [1004] to meet [7125] me, when I return [7725] in peace [7965] from the children [1121] of Ammon, [5983] shall surely be the LORD'S, [3068] and I will offer it up [5927] for a burnt offering. [5930]


 Puis Jephthé marcha contre les enfants d'Ammon, pour leur faire la guerre, et YEHOVAH les livra entre ses mains.

 So Jephthah [3316] passed over [5674] unto the children [1121] of Ammon [5983] to fight [3898] against them; and the LORD [3068] delivered [5414] them into his hands. [3027]


 Et il les battit depuis Aroër jusqu'à Minnith, espace qui renfermait vingt villes, et jusqu'à Abel-Keramim (la plaine des vignes); et les enfants d'Ammon furent abaissés devant les enfants d'Israël.

 And he smote [5221] them from Aroer, [6177] even till thou come [0935] to Minnith, [4511] [even] twenty [6242] cities, [5892] and unto the plain [0058] of the vineyards, [3754]


 Et comme Jephthé venait à Mitspa, en sa maison, voici, sa fille sortit au-devant de lui avec des tambourins et des danses. Elle était son seul et unique enfant, sans qu'il eût d'autre fils, ni fille.

 And Jephthah [3316] came [0935] to Mizpeh [4709] unto his house, [1004] and, behold, his daughter [1323] came out [3318] to meet [7125] him with timbrels [8596] and with dances: [4246] and she [was his] only child; [3173] beside her he had neither son [1121] nor [0176] daughter. [1323]


 Et sitôt qu'il l'eut aperçue, il déchira ses vêtements, et dit: Ah! ma fille! tu m'accables, tu m'accables! Et tu es du nombre de ceux qui me troublent! Car j'ai fait un vœu à l'Éternel, et je ne puis le révoquer.

 And it came to pass, when he saw [7200] her, that he rent [7167] his clothes, [0899] and said, [0559] Alas, [0162] my daughter! [1323] thou hast brought me very [3766] low, [3766] and thou art one of them that trouble [5916] me: for I have opened [6475] my mouth [6310] unto the LORD, [3068] and I cannot [3808] [3201] go back. [7725]


 Et elle lui répondit: Mon père, as-tu fait un vœu à YEHOVAH? Fais-moi selon ce qui est sorti de ta bouche, puisque YEHOVAH t'a vengé de tes ennemis, les enfants d'Ammon.

 And she said [0559] unto him, My father, [0001] [if] thou hast opened [6475] thy mouth [6310] unto the LORD, [3068] do [6213] to me according to that which hath proceeded [3318] out of thy mouth; [6310] forasmuch [0310] as [0834] the LORD [3068] hath taken [6213] vengeance [5360] for thee of thine enemies, [0341] [even] of the children [1121] of Ammon. [5983]


 Puis elle dit à son père: Accorde-moi ceci; laisse-moi pendant deux mois; je m'en irai, je descendrai par les montagnes, et je pleurerai ma virginité, moi et mes compagnes.

 And she said [0559] unto her father, [0001] Let this thing [1697] be done [6213] for me: let me alone [7503] two [8147] months, [2320] that I may go [3212] up and down [3381] upon the mountains, [2022] and bewail [1058] my virginity, [1331] I and my fellows. [7464] [7474]


 Et il dit: Va! Et il la laissa aller pour deux mois. Elle s'en alla donc avec ses compagnes, et pleura sa virginité sur les montagnes.

 And he said, [0559] Go. [3212] And he sent her away [7971] [for] two [8147] months: [2320] and she went [3212] with her companions, [7464] and bewailed [1058] her virginity [1331] upon the mountains. [2022]


 Et, au bout de deux mois, elle revint vers son père, et il accomplit sur elle le vœu qu'il avait fait, et elle ne connut point d'homme.

 And it came to pass at the end [7093] of two [8147] months, [2320] that she returned [7725] unto her father, [0001] who did [6213] with her [according] to his vow [5088] which he had vowed: [5087] and she knew [3045] no man. [0376] And it was a custom [2706] in Israel, [3478]


 De là vint la coutume en Israël, qu'annuellement les filles d'Israël vont célébrer la fille de Jephthé, le Galaadite, pendant quatre jours chaque année.

 [That] the daughters [1323] of Israel [3478] went [3212] yearly [3117] [3117] to lament [8567] the daughter [1323] of Jephthah [3316] the Gileadite [1569] four [0702] days [3117] in a year. [8141]


 Les hommes d'Éphraïm, s'étant rassemblés, partirent pour le nord, et dirent à Jephthé: Pourquoi es-tu allé combattre contre les enfants d'Ammon, sans nous avoir appelés à marcher avec toi? Nous brûlerons ta maison, et nous te brûlerons aussi.

 And the men [0376] of Ephraim [0669] gathered themselves together, [6817] and went [5674] northward, [6828] and said [0559] unto Jephthah, [3316] Wherefore passedst thou over [5674] to fight [3898] against the children [1121] of Ammon, [5983] and didst not call [7121] us to go [3212] with thee? we will burn [8313] thine house [1004] upon thee with fire. [0784]


 Et Jephthé leur dit: Nous avons eu de grandes contestations avec les enfants d'Ammon, moi et mon peuple; et quand je vous ai appelés, vous ne m'avez pas délivré de leurs mains.

 And Jephthah [3316] said [0559] unto them, I and my people [5971] were [1961] at great [3966] strife [0376] [7379] with the children [1121] of Ammon; [5983] and when I called [2199] you, ye delivered [3467] me not out of their hands. [3027]


 Et voyant que vous ne me délivriez pas, j'ai exposé ma vie, et j'ai marché contre les enfants d'Ammon, et YEHOVAH les a livrés en ma main. Pourquoi donc êtes-vous montés aujourd'hui contre moi, pour me faire la guerre?

 And when I saw [7200] that ye delivered [3467] [me] not, I put [7760] my life [5315] in my hands, [3709] and passed over [5674] against the children [1121] of Ammon, [5983] and the LORD [3068] delivered [5414] them into my hand: [3027] wherefore then are ye come up [5927] unto me this day, [3117] to fight [3898] against me?


 Puis Jephthé, ayant rassemblé tous les gens de Galaad, combattit contre Éphraïm; et les hommes de Galaad battirent ceux d'Éphraïm, parce que ceux-ci avaient dit: Vous êtes des fugitifs d'Éphraïm! Galaad est au milieu d'Éphraïm, au milieu de Manassé!

 Then Jephthah [3316] gathered together [6908] all the men [0582] of Gilead, [1568] and fought [3898] with Ephraim: [0669] and the men [0582] of Gilead [1568] smote [5221] Ephraim, [0669] because they said, [0559] Ye Gileadites [1568] [are] fugitives [6412] of Ephraim [0669] among [8432] the Ephraimites, [0669] [and] among [8432] the Manassites. [4519]


 Et Galaad s'empara des gués du Jourdain, avant que ceux d'Éphraïm n'y arrivassent. Et quand un des fugitifs d'Éphraïm disait: Laissez-moi passer; les gens de Galaad lui disaient: Es-tu Éphratien? et il répondait: Non.

 And the Gileadites [1568] took [3920] the passages [4569] of Jordan [3383] before the Ephraimites: [0669] and it was [so], that when those Ephraimites [0669] which were escaped [6412] said, [0559] Let me go over; [5674] that the men [0582] of Gilead [1568] said [0559] unto him, [Art] thou an Ephraimite? [0673] If he said, [0559] Nay;


 Alors ils lui disaient: Eh bien, dis: Shibboleth (fleuve); et il disait Sibboleth, sans faire attention à bien prononcer; alors, le saisissant, ils le mettaient à mort aux gués du Jourdain. Il périt en ce temps-là quarante-deux mille hommes d'Éphraïm.

 Then said [0559] they unto him, Say [0559] now Shibboleth: [7641] and he said [0559] Sibboleth: [5451] for he could not frame [3559] to pronounce [1696] [it] right. Then they took [0270] him, and slew [7819] him at the passages [4569] of Jordan: [3383] and there fell [5307] at that time [6256] of the Ephraimites [0669] forty [0705] and two [8147] thousand. [0505]


 Jephthé jugea Israël six ans. Puis Jephthé, le Galaadite, mourut, et fut enseveli dans une des villes de Galaad.

 And Jephthah [3316] judged [8199] Israel [3478] six [8337] years. [8141] Then died [4191] Jephthah [3316] the Gileadite, [1569] and was buried [6912] in [one of] the cities [5892] of Gilead. [1568]


 Après lui, Ibtsan de Bethléhem jugea Israël.

 And after [0310] him Ibzan [0078] of Bethlehem [1035] judged [8199] Israel. [3478]


 Il eut trente fils, et il maria hors de sa maison trente filles. Il fit venir de dehors trente filles pour ses fils, et il jugea Israël sept ans.

 And he had thirty [7970] sons, [1121] and thirty [7970] daughters, [1323] [whom] he sent [7971] abroad, [2351] and took in [0935] thirty [7970] daughters [1323] from abroad [2351] for his sons. [1121] And he judged [8199] Israel [3478] seven [7651] years. [8141]


 Puis Ibtsan mourut et fut enseveli à Bethléhem.

 Then died [4191] Ibzan, [0078] and was buried [6912] at Bethlehem. [1035]


 Après lui, Élon, le Zabulonite, jugea Israël; il jugea Israël dix ans.

 And after [0310] him Elon, [0356] a Zebulonite, [2075] judged [8199] Israel; [3478] and he judged [8199] Israel [3478] ten [6235] years. [8141]


 Puis Élon, le Zabulonite, mourut, et fut enseveli à Ajalon, dans la terre de Zabulon.

 And Elon [0356] the Zebulonite [2075] died, [4191] and was buried [6912] in Aijalon [0357] in the country [0776] of Zebulun. [2074]


 Après lui Abdon, fils d'Hillel, le Pirathonite, jugea Israël.

 And after [0310] him Abdon [5658] the son [1121] of Hillel, [1985] a Pirathonite, [6553] judged [8199] Israel. [3478]


 Il eut quarante fils, et trente petits-fils, qui montaient sur soixante et dix ânons; et il jugea Israël huit ans.

 And he had forty [0705] sons [1121] and thirty [7970] nephews, [1121] [1121] that rode [7392] on threescore and ten [7657] ass colts: [5895] and he judged [8199] Israel [3478] eight [8083] years. [8141]


 Puis Abdon, fils d'Hillel, le Pirathonite, mourut, et fut enseveli à Pirathon, dans le pays d'Éphraïm, dans la montagne des Amalécites.

 And Abdon [5658] the son [1121] of Hillel [1985] the Pirathonite [6553] died, [4191] and was buried [6912] in Pirathon [6552] in the land [0776] of Ephraim, [0669] in the mount [2022] of the Amalekites. [6003]


 Les enfants d'Israël continuèrent à faire ce qui est mauvais aux yeux de YEHOVAH; et YEHOVAH les livra entre les mains des Philistins, pendant quarante ans.

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] did [6213] evil [7451] again [3254] in the sight [5869] of the LORD; [3068] and the LORD [3068] delivered [5414] them into the hand [3027] of the Philistines [6430] forty [0705] years. [8141]


 Or, il y avait un homme de Tsora, d'une famille des Danites, dont le nom était Manoah; et sa femme était stérile, et n'avait pas d'enfant.

 And there was a certain [0259] man [0376] of Zorah, [6881] of the family [4940] of the Danites, [1839] whose name [8034] [was] Manoah; [4495] and his wife [0802] [was] barren, [6135] and bare [3205] not.


 Et un ange de YEHOVAH apparut à cette femme, et lui dit: Voici, tu es stérile, et tu n'as pas d'enfants; mais tu concevras, et tu enfanteras un fils.

 And the angel [4397] of the LORD [3068] appeared [7200] unto the woman, [0802] and said [0559] unto her, Behold now, thou [art] barren, [6135] and bearest [3205] not: but thou shalt conceive, [2029] and bear [3205] a son. [1121]


 Prends donc bien garde, dès maintenant, de ne point boire de vin ni de boisson forte, et de ne manger rien d'impur;

 Now therefore beware, [8104] I pray thee, and drink [8354] not wine [3196] nor strong drink, [7941] and eat [0398] not any unclean [2931] [thing]:


 Car, voici, tu vas être enceinte, et tu enfanteras un fils. Et le rasoir ne passera point sur sa tête, parce que l'enfant sera Nazarien de Dieu dès le sein de sa mère; et ce sera lui qui commencera à délivrer Israël de la main des Philistins.

 For, lo, thou shalt conceive, [2030] and bear [3205] a son; [1121] and no razor [4177] shall come [5927] on his head: [7218] for the child [5288] shall be a Nazarite [5139] unto God [0430] from the womb: [0990] and he shall begin [2490] to deliver [3467] Israel [3478] out of the hand [3027] of the Philistines. [6430]


 Or, la femme vint, et parla à son mari, en disant: Un homme de Dieu est venu vers moi, et son aspect était comme l'aspect d'un ange de Dieu, fort vénérable. Je ne lui ai point demandé d'où il était, et il ne m'a point dit son nom,

 Then the woman [0802] came [0935] and told [0559] her husband, [0376] saying, [0559] A man [0376] of God [0430] came [0935] unto me, and his countenance [4758] [was] like the countenance [4758] of an angel [4397] of God, [0430] very [3966] terrible: [3372] but I asked [7592] him not whence he [was], neither told [5046] he me his name: [8034]


 Mais il m'a dit: Voici, tu vas être enceinte, et tu enfanteras un fils; maintenant donc, ne bois point de vin ni de boisson forte, et ne mange rien d'impur; car cet enfant sera Nazarien de Dieu dès le sein de sa mère jusqu'au jour de sa mort.

 But he said [0559] unto me, Behold, thou shalt conceive, [2030] and bear [3205] a son; [1121] and now drink [8354] no wine [3196] nor strong drink, [7941] neither eat [0398] any unclean [2932] [thing]: for the child [5288] shall be a Nazarite [5139] to God [0430] from the womb [0990] to the day [3117] of his death. [4194]


 Et Manoah supplia YEHOVAH, et dit: Ah! Seigneur, que l'homme de Dieu que tu as envoyé, vienne encore, je te prie, vers nous, et qu'il nous enseigne ce que nous devons faire à l'enfant qui doit naître.

 Then Manoah [4495] intreated [6279] the LORD, [3068] and said, [0559] O [0994] my Lord, [0136] let [4994] the man [0376] of God [0430] which thou didst send [7971] come [0935] again unto us, and teach [3384] us what we shall do [6213] unto the child [5288] that shall be born. [3205]


 Dieu exauça la prière de Manoah. Et l'ange de Dieu vint encore vers la femme, comme elle était assise dans un champ; mais Manoah, son mari, n'était pas avec elle.

 And God [0430] hearkened [8085] to the voice [6963] of Manoah; [4495] and the angel [4397] of God [0430] came [0935] again unto the woman [0802] as she sat [3427] in the field: [7704] but Manoah [4495] her husband [0376] [was] not with her.


 Et la femme courut vite le rapporter à son mari, et lui dit: Voici, l'homme qui était venu l'autre jour vers moi, m'est apparu.

 And the woman [0802] made haste, [4116] and ran, [7323] and shewed [5046] her husband, [0376] and said [0559] unto him, Behold, the man [0376] hath appeared [7200] unto me, that came [0935] unto me the [other] day. [3117]


 Et Manoah se leva, et suivit sa femme; et, venant vers l'homme, il lui dit: Es-tu l'homme qui a parlé à cette femme? Et il répondit: C'est moi.

 And Manoah [4495] arose, [6965] and went [3212] after [0310] his wife, [0802] and came [0935] to the man, [0376] and said [0559] unto him, [Art] thou the man [0376] that spakest [1696] unto the woman? [0802] And he said, [0559] I [am].


 Et Manoah dit: Quand ce que tu as dit sera arrivé, quelle conduite faudra-t-il tenir envers l'enfant, et que lui faudra-t-il faire?

 And Manoah [4495] said, [0559] Now let thy words [1697] come to pass. [0935] How shall we order [4941] the child, [5288] and [how] shall we do [4639] unto him?


 Et l'ange de YEHOVAH répondit à Manoah: La femme s'abstiendra de tout ce que je lui ai dit.

 And the angel [4397] of the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto Manoah, [4495] Of all that I said [0559] unto the woman [0802] let her beware. [8104]


 Elle ne mangera rien du produit de la vigne, elle ne boira ni vin ni boisson forte, et elle ne mangera rien d'impur; elle observera tout ce que je lui ai commandé.

 She may not eat [0398] of any [thing] that cometh [3318] of the vine, [1612] [3196] neither let her drink [8354] wine [3196] or strong drink, [7941] nor eat [0398] any unclean [2932] [thing]: all that I commanded [6680] her let her observe. [8104]


 Alors Manoah dit à l'ange de YEHOVAH: Permets que nous te retenions, et que nous t'apprêtions un chevreau de lait.

 And Manoah [4495] said [0559] unto the angel [4397] of the LORD, [3068] I pray thee, let us detain [6113] thee, until we shall have made ready [6213] a kid [1423] [5795] for [6440] thee.


 Et l'ange de YEHOVAH répondit à Manoah: Quand tu me retiendrais, je ne mangerais point de ton pain; mais si tu fais un offrande à brûler, tu l'offriras à YEHOVAH. Car Manoah ne savait point que ce fût un ange de YEHOVAH.

 And the angel [4397] of the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto Manoah, [4495] Though [0518] thou detain [6113] me, I will not eat [0398] of thy bread: [3899] and if thou wilt offer [6213] a burnt offering, [5930] thou must offer [5927] it unto the LORD. [3068] For Manoah [4495] knew [3045] not that he [was] an angel [4397] of the LORD. [3068]


 Manoah dit encore à l'ange de YEHOVAH: Quel est ton nom, afin que nous t'honorions, quand ce que tu as dit sera arrivé?

 And Manoah [4495] said [0559] unto the angel [4397] of the LORD, [3068] What [is] thy name, [8034] that when thy sayings [1697] come to pass [0935] we may do thee honour? [3513]


 Et l'ange de YEHOVAH lui dit: Pourquoi t'informes-tu ainsi de mon nom? Il est ADMIRABLE.

 And the angel [4397] of the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto him, Why askest [7592] thou thus after my name, [8034] seeing it [is] secret? [6383] [6383]


 Alors Manoah prit le chevreau de lait, et l'offrande, et les offrit à YEHOVAH, sur le rocher. Et il se fit une chose merveilleuse, à la vue de Manoah et de sa femme;

 So Manoah [4495] took [3947] a kid [1423] [5795] with a meat offering, [4503] and offered [5927] [it] upon a rock [6697] unto the LORD: [3068] and [the angel] did [6213] wondrously; [6381] and Manoah [4495] and his wife [0802] looked on. [7200]


 Comme la flamme montait de dessus l'autel vers les cieux, l'ange de YEHOVAH monta aussi dans la flamme de l'autel. Manoah et sa femme, voyant cela, tombèrent le visage contre terre.

 For it came to pass, when the flame [3851] went up [5927] toward heaven [8064] from off the altar, [4196] that the angel [4397] of the LORD [3068] ascended [5927] in the flame [3851] of the altar. [4196] And Manoah [4495] and his wife [0802] looked on [7200] [it], and fell on [5307] their faces [6440] to the ground. [0776]


 Et l'ange de YEHOVAH n'apparut plus à Manoah ni à sa femme. Alors Manoah reconnut que c'était l'ange de YEHOVAH.

 But the angel [4397] of the LORD [3068] did no more [3254] appear [7200] to Manoah [4495] and to his wife. [0802] Then Manoah [4495] knew [3045] that he [was] an angel [4397] of the LORD. [3068]


 Et Manoah dit à sa femme: Certainement, nous allons mourir, car nous avons vu Dieu.

 And Manoah [4495] said [0559] unto his wife, [0802] We shall surely [4191] die, [4191] because we have seen [7200] God. [0430]


 Mais sa femme lui répondit: Si YEHOVAH eût voulu nous faire mourir, il n'eût pas pris de notre main l'offrande à brûler et l'offrande, et il ne nous eût point fait voir toutes ces choses-là, et, au temps où nous sommes, il ne nous eût pas fait entendre les choses que nous avons entendues.

 But his wife [0802] said [0559] unto him, If [3863] the LORD [3068] were pleased [2654] to kill [4191] us, he would not have received [3947] a burnt offering [5930] and a meat offering [4503] at our hands, [3027] neither would he have shewed [7200] us all these [things], nor would as at this time [6256] have told [8085] us [such things] as these. [2063]


 Puis cette femme enfanta un fils et l'appela Samson; et l'enfant grandit, et YEHOVAH le bénit.

 And the woman [0802] bare [3205] a son, [1121] and called [7121] his name [8034] Samson: [8123] and the child [5288] grew, [1431] and the LORD [3068] blessed [1288] him.


 Et l'Esprit de YEHOVAH commença de l'animer à Machané-Dan, entre Tsora et Eshthaol.

 And the Spirit [7307] of the LORD [3068] began [2490] to move [6470] him at times in the camp of Dan [4264] [1835][4265] between Zorah [6881] and Eshtaol. [0847]


 Or, Samson descendit à Thimna, et y vit une femme d'entre les filles des Philistins.

 And Samson [8123] went down [3381] to Timnath, [8553] and saw [7200] a woman [0802] in Timnath [8553] of the daughters [1323] of the Philistines. [6430]


 Et étant remonté en sa maison, il le déclara à son père et à sa mère, et leur dit: J'ai vu à Thimna une femme, d'entre les filles des Philistins; maintenant, prenez-la, afin qu'elle soit ma femme.

 And he came up, [5927] and told [5046] his father [0001] and his mother, [0517] and said, [0559] I have seen [7200] a woman [0802] in Timnath [8553] of the daughters [1323] of the Philistines: [6430] now therefore get [3947] her for me to wife. [0802]


 Et son père et sa mère lui dirent: N'y a-t-il point de femme parmi les filles de tes frères et dans tout ton peuple, que tu ailles prendre une femme chez les Philistins incirconcis? Et Samson dit à son père: Prends-la pour moi, car elle plaît à mes yeux.

 Then his father [0001] and his mother [0517] said [0559] unto him, [Is there] never [0369] a woman [0802] among the daughters [1323] of thy brethren, [0251] or among all my people, [5971] that thou goest [1980] to take [3947] a wife [0802] of the uncircumcised [6189] Philistines? [6430] And Samson [8123] said [0559] unto his father, [0001] Get [3947] her for me; for she pleaseth [3474] [5869] me well.


 Or, son père et sa mère ne savaient point que cela venait de YEHOVAH; car Samson cherchait une occasion contre les Philistins. En ce temps-là, les Philistins dominaient sur Israël.

 But his father [0001] and his mother [0517] knew [3045] not that it [was] of the LORD, [3068] that he sought [1245] an occasion [8385] against the Philistines: [6430] for at that time [6256] the Philistines [6430] had dominion [4910] over Israel. [3478]


 Samson descendit donc à Thimna avec son père et sa mère, et comme ils arrivaient aux vignes de Thimna, voici, un jeune lion rugissant vint à sa rencontre.

 Then went Samson [8123] down, [3381] and his father [0001] and his mother, [0517] to Timnath, [8553] and came [0935] to the vineyards [3754] of Timnath: [8553] and, behold, a young [3715] lion [0738] roared [7580] against [7125] him.


 Et l'Esprit de YEHOVAH saisit Samson, et il déchira le lion comme il eût déchiré un chevreau, sans avoir rien en sa main. Et il ne raconta point à son père ni à sa mère ce qu'il avait fait.

 And the Spirit [7307] of the LORD [3068] came mightily [6743] upon him, and he rent [8156] him as he would have rent [8156] a kid, [1423] and [he had] nothing [0369] [3972] in his hand: [3027] but he told [5046] not his father [0001] or his mother [0517] what he had done. [6213]


 Il descendit donc, et il parla à la femme, et elle plut aux yeux de Samson.

 And he went down, [3381] and talked [1696] with the woman; [0802] and she pleased [3474] [5869] Samson [8123] well.


 Puis, retournant quelques jours après pour la prendre, il se détourna pour voir le cadavre du lion; et voici, il y avait dans le corps du lion un essaim d'abeilles et du miel.

 And after a time [3117] he returned [7725] to take [3947] her, and he turned aside [5493] to see [7200] the carcase [4658] of the lion: [0738] and, behold, [there was] a swarm [5712] of bees [1682] and honey [1706] in the carcase [1472] of the lion. [0738]


 Et il en prit dans ses mains, et continua son chemin en mangeant. Puis, arrivé auprès de son père et de sa mère, il leur en donna, et ils en mangèrent; mais il ne leur raconta pas qu'il avait pris ce miel dans le corps du lion.

 And he took [7287] thereof in his hands, [3709] and went [3212] on [1980] eating, [0398] and came [3212] to his father [0001] and mother, [0517] and he gave [5414] them, and they did eat: [0398] but he told [5046] not them that he had taken [7287] the honey [1706] out of the carcase [1472] of the lion. [0738]


 Cependant son père descendit chez cette femme, et Samson fit là un festin; car c'était la coutume des jeunes gens.

 So his father [0001] went down [3381] unto the woman: [0802] and Samson [8123] made [6213] there a feast; [4960] for so used the young men [0970] to do. [6213]


 Et sitôt qu'on le vit, on prit trente convives, pour lui faire compagnie.

 And it came to pass, when they saw [7200] him, that they brought [3947] thirty [7970] companions [4828] to be with him.


 Or Samson leur dit: Je vais vous proposer une énigme. Si vous me l'expliquez pendant les sept jours du festin, et si vous la devinez, je vous donnerai trente tuniques et trente robes de rechange;

 And Samson [8123] said [0559] unto them, I will now put forth [2330] a riddle [2420] unto you: if ye can certainly [5046] declare [5046] it me within the seven [7651] days [3117] of the feast, [4960] and find [it] out, [4672] then I will give [5414] you thirty [7970] sheets [5466] and thirty [7970] change [2487] of garments: [0899]


 Mais si vous ne me l'expliquez pas, c'est vous qui me donnerez trente tuniques et trente robes de rechange. Et ils lui répondirent: Propose ton énigme, et nous l'écouterons.

 But if ye cannot [3808] [3201] declare [5046] [it] me, then shall ye give [5414] me thirty [7970] sheets [5466] and thirty [7970] change [2487] of garments. [0899] And they said [0559] unto him, Put forth [2330] thy riddle, [2420] that we may hear [8085] it.


 Il leur dit donc: De celui qui dévorait est sorti la nourriture, et du fort est sorti le doux. Et pendant trois jours ils ne purent expliquer l'énigme.

 And he said [0559] unto them, Out of the eater [0398] came forth [3318] meat, [3978] and out of the strong [5794] came forth [3318] sweetness. [4966] And they could [3201] not in three [7969] days [3117] expound [5046] the riddle. [2420]


 Et le septième jour ils dirent à la femme de Samson: Persuade à ton mari de nous expliquer l'énigme; autrement nous te brûlerons, toi et la maison de ton père. C'est pour nous dépouiller que vous nous avez invités, n'est-ce pas?

 And it came to pass on the seventh [7637] day, [3117] that they said [0559] unto Samson's [8123] wife, [0802] Entice [6601] thy husband, [0376] that he may declare [5046] unto us the riddle, [2420] lest we burn [8313] thee and thy father's [0001] house [1004] with fire: [0784] have ye called [7121] us to take that we have? [3423] [is it] not [so]?


 La femme de Samson pleura auprès de lui, en disant: Certainement, tu me hais, et tu ne m'aimes point; n'as-tu pas proposé une énigme aux enfants de mon peuple, et tu ne me l'as pas expliquée? Et il lui répondit: Voici, je ne l'ai point expliquée à mon père, ni à ma mère; te l'expliquerais-je, à toi?

 And Samson's [8123] wife [0802] wept [1058] before him, and said, [0559] Thou dost but hate [8130] me, and lovest [0157] me not: thou hast put forth [2330] a riddle [2420] unto the children [1121] of my people, [5971] and hast not told [5046] [it] me. And he said [0559] unto her, Behold, I have not told [5046] [it] my father [0001] nor my mother, [0517] and shall I tell [5046] [it] thee?


 Elle pleura ainsi auprès de lui pendant les sept jours du festin; et au septième jour il la lui expliqua, parce qu'elle le tourmentait. Puis elle l'expliqua aux gens de son peuple.

 And she wept [1058] before him the seven [7651] days, [3117] while their feast [4960] lasted: [1961] and it came to pass on the seventh [7637] day, [3117] that he told [5046] her, because she lay sore [6693] upon him: and she told [5046] the riddle [2420] to the children [1121] of her people. [5971]


 Les hommes de la ville lui dirent donc le septième jour, avant que le soleil se couchât: Quoi de plus doux que le miel, et quoi de plus fort que le lion? Et il leur dit: Si vous n'aviez pas labouré avec ma génisse, vous n'auriez pas trouvé mon énigme.

 And the men [0582] of the city [5892] said [0559] unto him on the seventh [7637] day [3117] before the sun [2775] went down, [0935] What [is] sweeter [4966] than honey? [1706] and what [is] stronger [5794] than a lion? [0738] And he said [0559] unto them, If [3884] ye had not plowed [2790] with my heifer, [5697] ye had not found out [4672] my riddle. [2420]


 Alors l'Esprit de YEHOVAH le saisit, et il descendit à Askélon. Et, y ayant tué trente hommes, il prit leurs dépouilles, et donna les robes de rechange à ceux qui avaient expliqué l'énigme; puis, enflammé de colère, il remonta à la maison de son père.

 And the Spirit [7307] of the LORD [3068] came [6743] upon him, and he went down [3381] to Ashkelon, [0831] and slew [5221] thirty [7970] men [0376] of them, and took [3947] their spoil, [2488] and gave [5414] change [2487] of garments unto them which expounded [5046] the riddle. [2420] And his anger [0639] was kindled, [2734] and he went up [5927] to his father's [0001] house. [1004]


 Et la femme de Samson fut donnée à son compagnon, avec lequel il s'était lié.

 But Samson's [8123] wife [0802] was [given] to his companion, [4828] whom he had used as his friend. [7462]


 Quelque temps après, aux jours de la moisson des blés, Samson alla visiter sa femme, et lui porta un chevreau de lait, en disant: Je veux entrer vers ma femme, dans sa chambre. Mais le père ne lui permit pas d'y entrer.

 But it came to pass within a while after, [3117] in the time [3117] of wheat [2406] harvest, [7105] that Samson [8123] visited [6485] his wife [0802] with a kid; [1423] [5795] and he said, [0559] I will go in [0935] to my wife [0802] into the chamber. [2315] But her father [0001] would not suffer [5414] him to go in. [0935]


 Et le père lui dit: J'ai cru que tu avais de l'aversion pour elle; c'est pourquoi je l'ai donnée à ton compagnon. Sa jeune sœur n'est-elle pas plus belle qu'elle? Prends-la donc à sa place.

 And her father [0001] said, [0559] I verily [0559] thought [0559] that thou hadst utterly [8130] hated [8130] her; therefore I gave [5414] her to thy companion: [4828] [is] not her younger [6996] sister [0269] fairer [2896] than she? take her, I pray thee, instead of her.


 Mais Samson leur dit: Cette fois je serai innocent à l'égard des Philistins, quand je leur ferai du mal.

 And Samson [8123] said [0559] concerning them, Now [6471] shall I be more blameless [5352] than the Philistines, [6430] though I do [6213] them a displeasure. [7451]


 Samson s'en alla donc, et attrapa trois cents renards; il prit aussi des flambeaux, et il tourna les queues des renards les unes contre les autres, et il mit un flambeau entre les deux queues, au milieu.

 And Samson [8123] went [3212] and caught [3920] three [7969] hundred [3967] foxes, [7776] and took [3947] firebrands, [3940] and turned [6437] tail [2180] to tail, [2180] and put [7760] a [0259] firebrand [3940] in the midst [8432] between two [8147] tails. [2180]


 Puis, ayant allumé les flambeaux, il lâcha les renards dans les blés des Philistins. Il brûla ainsi tant le blé qui était en gerbes que celui qui était sur pied, et jusqu'aux plantations d'oliviers.

 And when he had set [1197] the brands [3940] on fire, [0784] he let [them] go [7971] into the standing corn [7054] of the Philistines, [6430] and burnt up [1197] both the shocks, [1430] and also the standing corn, [7054] with the vineyards [3754] [and] olives. [2132]


 Et les Philistins dirent: Qui a fait cela? Et on répondit: Samson, le gendre du Thimnien; parce qu'il lui a pris sa femme, et l'a donnée à son compagnon. Alors les Philistins montèrent et la brûlèrent, elle et son père.

 Then the Philistines [6430] said, [0559] Who hath done [6213] this? And they answered, [0559] Samson, [8123] the son in law [2860] of the Timnite, [8554] because he had taken [3947] his wife, [0802] and given [5414] her to his companion. [4828] And the Philistines [6430] came up, [5927] and burnt [8313] her and her father [0001] with fire. [0784]


 Mais Samson leur dit: C'est ainsi que vous en usez? Cependant je ne cesserai point que je ne me sois vengé de vous.

 And Samson [8123] said [0559] unto them, Though ye have done [6213] this, [2063] yet [0518] will I be avenged [5358] of you, and after [0310] that I will cease. [2308]


 Et il les battit dos et ventre, et en fit un grand carnage. Puis il descendit, et habita dans un creux du rocher d'Étam.

 And he smote [5221] them hip [7785] and [5921] thigh [3409] with a great [1419] slaughter: [4347] and he went down [3381] and dwelt [3427] in the top [5585] of the rock [5553] Etam. [5862]


 Alors les Philistins montèrent, campèrent en Juda, et se répandirent à Léchi.

 Then the Philistines [6430] went up, [5927] and pitched [2583] in Judah, [3063] and spread [5203] themselves in Lehi. [3896]


 Et les hommes de Juda dirent: Pourquoi êtes-vous montés contre nous? Ils répondirent: Nous sommes montés pour lier Samson, pour lui faire comme il nous a fait.

 And the men [0376] of Judah [3063] said, [0559] Why are ye come up [5927] against us? And they answered, [0559] To bind [0631] Samson [8123] are we come up, [5927] to do [6213] to him as he hath done [6213] to us.


 Alors trois mille hommes de Juda descendirent vers la caverne du rocher d'Étam, et dirent à Samson: Ne sais-tu pas que les Philistins dominent sur nous? Pourquoi nous as-tu fait cela? Il leur répondit: Je leur ai fait comme ils m'ont fait.

 Then three [7969] thousand [0505] men [0376] of Judah [3063] went [3381] to the top [5585] of the rock [5553] Etam, [5862] and said [0559] to Samson, [8123] Knowest [3045] thou not that the Philistines [6430] [are] rulers [4910] over us? what [is] this [that] thou hast done [6213] unto us? And he said [0559] unto them, As they did [6213] unto me, so have I done [6213] unto them.


 Ils lui dirent encore: Nous sommes descendus pour te lier, afin de te livrer entre les mains des Philistins. Et Samson leur dit: Jurez-moi que vous ne me tuerez pas.

 And they said [0559] unto him, We are come down [3381] to bind [0631] thee, that we may deliver [5414] thee into the hand [3027] of the Philistines. [6430] And Samson [8123] said [0559] unto them, Swear [7650] unto me, that ye will not fall upon [6293] me yourselves.


 Et ils répondirent, et dirent: Non, nous te lierons et nous te livrerons entre leurs mains; mais nous ne te tuerons point. Ils le lièrent donc de deux cordes neuves, et le firent sortir du rocher.

 And they spake [0559] unto him, saying, [0559] No; but we will bind [0631] thee fast, [0631] and deliver [5414] thee into their hand: [3027] but surely [4191] we will not kill [4191] thee. And they bound [0631] him with two [8147] new [2319] cords, [5688] and brought him up [5927] from the rock. [5553]


 Or, quand il vint à Léchi, les Philistins poussèrent des cris de joie à sa rencontre. Mais l'Esprit de YEHOVAH le saisit, et les cordes qu'il avait aux bras devinrent comme du lin brûlé par le feu; ses liens tombèrent de ses mains.

 [And] when he came [0935] unto Lehi, [3896] the Philistines [6430] shouted [7321] against [7125] him: and the Spirit [7307] of the LORD [3068] came mightily [6743] upon him, and the cords [5688] that [were] upon his arms [2220] became as flax [6593] that was burnt [1197] with fire, [0784] and his bands [0612] loosed [4549] from off his hands. [3027]


 Et, ayant trouvé une mâchoire d'âne, toute fraîche, il étendit la main, la prit, et en frappa mille hommes.

 And he found [4672] a new [2961] jawbone [3895] of an ass, [2543] and put forth [7971] his hand, [3027] and took [3947] it, and slew [5221] a thousand [0505] men [0376] therewith.


 Alors Samson dit: Avec une mâchoire d'âne, un monceau, deux monceaux! Avec une mâchoire d'âne j'ai tué mille hommes!

 And Samson [8123] said, [0559] With the jawbone [3895] of an ass, [2543] heaps [2565] upon heaps, [2565] with the jaw [3895] of an ass [2543] have I slain [5221] a thousand [0505] men. [0376]


 Et quand il eut achevé de parler, il jeta de sa main la mâchoire, et nomma ce lieu-là Ramath-Léchi (la mâchoire jetée).

 And it came to pass, when he had made an end [3615] of speaking, [1696] that he cast away [7993] the jawbone [3895] out of his hand, [3027] and called [7121] that place [4725] Ramathlehi. [7437]


 Et, pressé par la soif, il cria à YEHOVAH, et dit: Tu as accordé à ton serviteur cette grande délivrance; et maintenant mourrais-je de soif, et tomberais-je entre les mains des incirconcis?

 And he was sore [3966] athirst, [6770] and called [7121] on the LORD, [3068] and said, [0559] Thou hast given [5414] this great [1419] deliverance [8668] into the hand [3027] of thy servant: [5650] and now shall I die [4191] for thirst, [6772] and fall [5307] into the hand [3027] of the uncircumcised? [6189]


 Alors Dieu fendit le rocher creux qui est à Léchi et les eaux en sortirent; et Samson but; son esprit se remit, et il reprit courage. C'est pourquoi, ce lieu, qui est à Léchi, a été appelé jusqu'à ce jour: En-Hakkoré (la source de celui qui invoque).

 But God [0430] clave [1234] an hollow place [4388] that [was] in the jaw, [3895] and there came water [4325] thereout; [3318] and when he had drunk, [8354] his spirit [7307] came again, [7725] and he revived: [2421] wherefore he called [7121] the name [8034] thereof Enhakkore, [5875] which [is] in Lehi [3896] unto this day. [3117]


 Et il jugea Israël, au temps des Philistins, pendant vingt ans.

 And he judged [8199] Israel [3478] in the days [3117] of the Philistines [6430] twenty [6242] years. [8141]


 Or, Samson alla à Gaza, et il y vit une courtisane, et entra chez elle.

 Then went [3212] Samson [8123] to Gaza, [5804] and saw [7200] there an harlot, [0802] [2181] and went in [0935] unto her.


 Et on dit à ceux de Gaza: Samson est venu ici. Alors ils l'environnèrent, se tinrent en embuscade toute la nuit à la porte de la ville, et se tinrent tranquilles toute la nuit, en disant: Au point du jour, nous le tuerons.

 [And it was told] the Gazites, [5841] saying, [0559] Samson [8123] is come [0935] hither. And they compassed [him] in, [5437] and laid wait [0693] for him all night [3915] in the gate [8179] of the city, [5892] and were quiet [2790] all the night, [3915] saying, [0559] In the morning, [1242] when it is day, [0216] we shall kill [2026] him.


 Mais Samson demeura couché jusqu'à minuit; et vers minuit il se leva, saisit les battants de la porte de la ville et les deux poteaux, et, les ayant enlevés avec la barre, il les mit sur ses épaules, et les porta au sommet de la montagne qui est en face d'Hébron.

 And Samson [8123] lay [7901] till midnight, [2677] [3915] and arose [6965] at midnight, [2677] [3915] and took [0270] the doors [1817] of the gate [8179] of the city, [5892] and the two [8147] posts, [4201] and went away [5265] with them, bar [1280] and all, and put [7760] [them] upon his shoulders, [3802] and carried them up [5927] to the top [7218] of an hill [2022] that [is] before [6440] Hebron. [2275]


 Après cela, il aima une femme dans la vallée de Sorek; elle se nommait Délila.

 And it came to pass afterward, [0310] that he loved [0157] a woman [0802] in the valley [5158] of Sorek, [7796] whose name [8034] [was] Delilah. [1807]


 Et les princes des Philistins montèrent vers elle, et lui dirent: Flatte-le, et sache de lui en quoi consiste sa grande force, et comment nous pourrions le vaincre, afin que nous le liions pour le dompter; et nous te donnerons chacun mille et cent pièces d'argent.

 And the lords [5633] of the Philistines [6430] came up [5927] unto her, and said [0559] unto her, Entice [6601] him, and see [7200] wherein his great [1419] strength [3581] [lieth], and by what [means] we may prevail [3201] against him, that we may bind [0631] him to afflict [6031] him: and we will give [5414] thee every one [0376] of us eleven hundred [0505] [3967] [pieces] of silver. [3701]


 Délila dit donc à Samson: Dis-moi, je te prie, d'où vient ta grande force, et avec quoi il faudrait te lier pour te dompter.

 And Delilah [1807] said [0559] to Samson, [8123] Tell [5046] me, I pray thee, wherein thy great [1419] strength [3581] [lieth], and wherewith thou mightest be bound [0631] to afflict [6031] thee.


 Et Samson lui répondit: Si on me liait avec sept cordes fraîches, qui ne fussent point encore sèches, je deviendrais faible, et je serais comme un autre homme.

 And Samson [8123] said [0559] unto her, If they bind [0631] me with seven [7651] green [3892] withs [3499] that were never dried, [2717] then shall I be weak, [2470] and be as another [0259] man. [0120]


 Les princes des Philistins apportèrent à Délila sept cordes fraîches, qui n'étaient point encore sèches, et elle l'en lia.

 Then the lords [5633] of the Philistines [6430] brought up [5927] to her seven [7651] green [3892] withs [3499] which had not been dried, [2717] and she bound [0631] him with them.


 Or, des gens étaient en embuscade chez elle, dans une chambre; et elle lui dit: Les Philistins sont sur toi, Samson! Mais il rompit les cordes, comme se rompt un cordon d'étoupes lorsqu'il sent le feu; et le secret de sa force ne fut point connu.

 Now [there were] men lying in wait, [0693] abiding [3427] with her in the chamber. [2315] And she said [0559] unto him, The Philistines [6430] [be] upon thee, Samson. [8123] And he brake [5423] the withs, [3499] as a thread [6616] of tow [5296] is broken [5423] when it toucheth [7306] the fire. [0784] So his strength [3581] was not known. [3045]


 Puis Délila dit à Samson: Voici, tu t'es moqué de moi, et tu m'as dit des mensonges. Je te prie, déclare-moi maintenant avec quoi il faut te lier.

 And Delilah [1807] said [0559] unto Samson, [8123] Behold, thou hast mocked [2048] me, and told [1696] me lies: [3577] now tell [5046] me, I pray thee, wherewith thou mightest be bound. [0631]


 Et il lui répondit: Si on me liait de grosses cordes neuves, dont on ne se serait jamais servi, je deviendrais faible, et je serais comme un autre homme.

 And he said [0559] unto her, If they bind [0631] me fast [0631] with new [2319] ropes [5688] that never were occupied, [4399] [6213] then shall I be weak, [2470] and be as another [0259] man. [0120]


 Délila prit donc de grosses cordes neuves, et elle lia Samson; puis elle lui dit: Les Philistins sont sur toi, Samson! Or des gens étaient en embuscade dans une chambre. Mais il rompit comme un fil les grosses cordes qu'il avait aux bras.

 Delilah [1807] therefore took [3947] new [2319] ropes, [5688] and bound [0631] him therewith, and said [0559] unto him, The Philistines [6430] [be] upon thee, Samson. [8123] And [there were] liers in wait [0693] abiding [3427] in the chamber. [2315] And he brake [5423] them from off his arms [2220] like a thread. [2339]


 Puis Délila dit à Samson: Jusqu'à présent tu t'es moqué de moi, et tu m'as dit des mensonges. Déclare-moi avec quoi il faudrait te lier. Et il lui dit: Ce serait si tu tissais sept tresses de ma tête dans la chaîne de ton métier.

 And Delilah [1807] said [0559] unto Samson, [8123] Hitherto [2008] thou hast mocked [2048] me, and told [1696] me lies: [3577] tell [5046] me wherewith thou mightest be bound. [0631] And he said [0559] unto her, If thou weavest [0707] the seven [7651] locks [4253] of my head [7218] with the web. [4545]


 Et elle les fixa par la cheville; et elle dit: Les Philistins sont sur toi, Samson! Mais il se réveilla de son sommeil, et arracha la cheville du métier avec le tissu.

 And she fastened [8628] [it] with the pin, [3489] and said [0559] unto him, The Philistines [6430] [be] upon thee, Samson. [8123] And he awaked [3364] out of his sleep, [8142] and went away [5265] with the pin [3489] of the beam, [0708] and with the web. [4545]


 Alors elle lui dit: Comment peux-tu dire: Je t'aime! Puisque ton cœur n'est point avec moi? Tu t'es moqué de moi trois fois, et tu ne m'as point déclaré d'où vient ta grande force.

 And she said [0559] unto him, How [0349] canst thou say, [0559] I love [0157] thee, when thine heart [3820] [is] not with me? thou hast mocked [2048] me these three [7969] times, [6471] and hast not told [5046] me wherein thy great [1419] strength [3581] [lieth].


 Et elle le pressait tous les jours par ses paroles, et le tourmentait, de sorte que son âme en était affligée jusqu'à la mort.

 And it came to pass, when she pressed [6693] him daily [3117] with her words, [1697] and urged [0509] him, [so] that his soul [5315] was vexed [7114] unto death; [4191]


 Alors il lui ouvrit tout son cœur, et lui dit: Le rasoir n'a jamais passé sur ma tête; car je suis Nazarien de Dieu, dès le sein de ma mère. Si j'étais rasé, ma force m'abandonnerait, et je deviendrais faible, et je serais comme tout autre homme.

 That he told [5046] her all his heart, [3820] and said [0559] unto her, There hath not come [5927] a razor [4177] upon mine head; [7218] for I [have been] a Nazarite [5139] unto God [0430] from my mother's [0517] womb: [0990] if I be shaven, [1548] then my strength [3581] will go [5493] from me, and I shall become weak, [2470] and be like any [other] man. [0120]


 Délila, voyant qu'il lui avait ouvert tout son cœur, envoya appeler les princes des Philistins, et leur fit dire: Montez cette fois; car il m'a ouvert tout son cœur. Les princes des Philistins montèrent donc vers elle, et apportèrent l'argent dans leurs mains.

 And when Delilah [1807] saw [7200] that he had told [5046] her all his heart, [3820] she sent [7971] and called [7121] for the lords [5633] of the Philistines, [6430] saying, [0559] Come up [5927] this once, [6471] for he hath shewed [5046] me all his heart. [3820] Then the lords [5633] of the Philistines [6430] came up [5927] unto her, and brought [5927] money [3701] in their hand. [3027]


 Et elle l'endormit sur ses genoux; et, ayant appelé un homme, elle lui fit raser sept tresses des cheveux de sa tête. Elle commença ainsi à le dompter, et sa force l'abandonna.

 And she made him sleep [3462] upon her knees; [1290] and she called [7121] for a man, [0376] and she caused him to shave off [1548] the seven [7651] locks [4253] of his head; [7218] and she began [2490] to afflict [6031] him, and his strength [3581] went [5493] from him.


 Alors elle dit: Les Philistins sont sur toi, Samson! Et il s'éveilla de son sommeil, et dit: J'en sortirai comme les autres fois, et je me dégagerai de leurs mains. Mais il ne savait pas que YEHOVAH s'était retiré de lui.

 And she said, [0559] The Philistines [6430] [be] upon thee, Samson. [8123] And he awoke [3364] out of his sleep, [8142] and said, [0559] I will go out [3318] as at other times [6471] [6471] before, and shake [5287] myself. And he wist [3045] not that the LORD [3068] was departed [5493] from him.


 Les Philistins le saisirent donc, et lui crevèrent les yeux. Ils le firent descendre à Gaza, et le lièrent de deux chaînes d'airain; et il tournait la meule dans la prison.

 But the Philistines [6430] took [0270] him, and put out [5365] his eyes, [5869] and brought him down [3381] to Gaza, [5804] and bound [0631] him with fetters of brass; [5178] and he did grind [2912] in the prison [0631] house. [1004]


 Cependant les cheveux de sa tête recommencèrent à croître, depuis qu'il avait été rasé.

 Howbeit the hair [8181] of his head [7218] began [2490] to grow [6779] again after [0834] he was shaven. [1548]


 Or, les princes des Philistins s'assemblèrent pour offrir un grand sacrifice à Dagon, leur dieu, et pour se réjouir. Et ils dirent: Notre dieu a livré entre nos mains Samson, notre ennemi.

 Then the lords [5633] of the Philistines [6430] gathered [0622] them together for to offer [2076] a great [1419] sacrifice [2077] unto Dagon [1712] their god, [0430] and to rejoice: [8057] for they said, [0559] Our god [0430] hath delivered [5414] Samson [8123] our enemy [0341] into our hand. [3027]


 Et quand le peuple le vit, ils célébrèrent leur dieu, en disant: Notre dieu a livré entre nos mains notre ennemi, le destructeur de notre pays, et celui qui en a tant tué d'entre nous.

 And when the people [5971] saw [7200] him, they praised [1984] their god: [0430] for they said, [0559] Our god [0430] hath delivered [5414] into our hands [3027] our enemy, [0341] and the destroyer [2717] of our country, [0776] which slew [2491] many [7235] of us.


 Or, comme ils avaient le cœur joyeux, ils dirent: Faites venir Samson, et qu'il nous divertisse. Ils appelèrent donc Samson et le tirèrent de la prison, et il jouait devant eux; et ils le firent tenir entre les piliers.

 And it came to pass, when their hearts [3820] were merry, [2896] that they said, [0559] Call [7121] for Samson, [8123] that he may make us sport. [7832] And they called [7121] for Samson [8123] out of the prison [0631] house; [1004] and he made them [6440] sport: [6711] and they set [5975] him between the pillars. [5982]


 Alors Samson dit au garçon qui le tenait par la main: Place-moi, et fais-moi toucher les piliers qui soutiennent la maison, afin que je m'y appuie.

 And Samson [8123] said [0559] unto the lad [5288] that held [2388] him by the hand, [3027] Suffer [3240] me that I may feel [4184] the pillars [5982] whereupon the house [1004] standeth, [3559] that I may lean [8172] upon them.


 Or, la maison était pleine d'hommes et de femmes, et tous les princes des Philistins y étaient; il y avait même sur la plate-forme près de trois mille personnes, hommes et femmes, qui regardaient Samson jouer.

 Now the house [1004] was full [4390] of men [0582] and women; [0802] and all the lords [5633] of the Philistines [6430] [were] there; and [there were] upon the roof [1406] about three [7969] thousand [0505] men [0376] and women, [0802] that beheld [7200] while Samson [8123] made sport. [7832]


 Alors Samson invoqua YEHOVAH, et dit: Seigneur YEHOVAH, je te prie, souviens-toi de moi! ô Dieu, je te prie, fortifie-moi seulement cette fois, et que je me venge des Philistins pour la perte de mes deux yeux!

 And Samson [8123] called [7121] unto the LORD, [3068] and said, [0559] O Lord [0136] GOD, [3069] remember [2142] me, I pray thee, and strengthen [2388] me, I pray thee, only this once, [6471] O God, [0430] that I may be at once [0259] avenged [5358] [5359] of the Philistines [6430] for my two [8147] eyes. [5869]


 Et Samson embrassa les deux piliers du milieu, sur lesquels la maison reposait, et il s'appuya contre eux; l'un était à sa droite et l'autre à sa gauche.

 And Samson [8123] took hold [3943] of the two [8147] middle [8432] pillars [5982] upon which the house [1004] stood, [3559] and on which it was borne up, [5564] of the one [0259] with his right hand, [3225] and of the other [0259] with his left. [8040]


 Et il dit: Que je meure avec les Philistins! Puis il s'étendit de toute sa force, et la maison tomba sur les princes et sur tout le peuple qui y était. Et il fit mourir beaucoup plus de gens dans sa mort, qu'il n'en avait fait mourir pendant sa vie.

 And Samson [8123] said, [0559] Let me [5315] die [4191] with the Philistines. [6430] And he bowed [5186] himself with [all his] might; [3581] and the house [1004] fell [5307] upon the lords, [5633] and upon all the people [5971] that [were] therein. So the dead [4191] which he slew [4191] at his death [4194] were more [7227] than [they] which he slew [4191] in his life. [2416]


 Ensuite ses frères et toute la maison de son père descendirent, et l'emportèrent; et, étant remontés, ils l'ensevelirent entre Tsora et Eshthaol, dans le tombeau de Manoah son père. Il avait jugé Israël pendant vingt ans.

 Then his brethren [0251] and all the house [1004] of his father [0001] came down, [3381] and took [5375] him, and brought [him] up, [5927] and buried [6912] him between Zorah [6881] and Eshtaol [0847] in the buryingplace [6913] of Manoah [4495] his father. [0001] And he judged [8199] Israel [3478] twenty [6242] years. [8141]


 Il y avait un homme de la montagne d'Éphraïm, dont le nom était Mica.

 And there was a man [0376] of mount [2022] Ephraim, [0669] whose name [8034] [was] Micah. [4321]


 Il dit à sa mère: Les onze cents pièces d'argent qui te furent prises, et pour lesquelles tu fis des imprécations, même à mes oreilles, voici, cet argent est entre mes mains; c'est moi qui l'avais pris. Alors sa mère dit: Que mon fils soit béni par YEHOVAH!

 And he said [0559] unto his mother, [0517] The eleven hundred [0505] [3967] [shekels] of silver [3701] that were taken [3947] from thee, about which thou cursedst, [0422] and spakest [0559] of also in mine ears, [0241] behold, the silver [3701] [is] with me; I took [3947] it. And his mother [0517] said, [0559] Blessed [1288] [be thou] of the LORD, [3068] my son. [1121]


 Et il rendit à sa mère les onze cents pièces d'argent. Sa mère dit: Je consacre de ma main cet argent à YEHOVAH pour mon fils, afin d'en faire une image taillée et une image de fonte; et maintenant, je te le rends.

 And when he had restored [7725] the eleven hundred [0505] [3967] [shekels] of silver [3701] to his mother, [0517] his mother [0517] said, [0559] I had wholly [6942] dedicated [6942] the silver [3701] unto the LORD [3068] from my hand [3027] for my son, [1121] to make [6213] a graven image [6459] and a molten image: [4541] now therefore I will restore [7725] it unto thee.


 Il rendit l'argent à sa mère; et elle en prit deux cents pièces, et les donna au fondeur, qui en fit une image taillée et une image de fonte; et elles furent dans la maison de Mica.

 Yet he restored [7725] the money [3701] unto his mother; [0517] and his mother [0517] took [3947] two hundred [3967] [shekels] of silver, [3701] and gave [5414] them to the founder, [6884] who made [6213] thereof a graven image [6459] and a molten image: [4541] and they were in the house [1004] of Micah. [4321]


 Ainsi ce Mica eut une maison de dieux; il fit un éphod et des théraphim, et consacra l'un de ses fils, qui lui servit de sacrificateur.

 And the man [0376] Micah [4318] had an house [1004] of gods, [0430] and made [6213] an ephod, [0646] and teraphim, [8655] and consecrated [4390] [3027] one [0259] of his sons, [1121] who became his priest. [3548]


 En ce temps-là il n'y avait point de roi en Israël, chacun faisait ce qui lui semblait bon.

 In those days [3117] [there was] no king [4428] in Israel, [3478] [but] every man [0376] did [6213] [that which was] right [3477] in his own eyes. [5869]


 Or, il y avait un jeune homme de Bethléhem de Juda, de la famille de Juda, qui était Lévite, et il séjournait là.

 And there was a young man [5288] out of Bethlehemjudah [1035] [3063] of the family [4940] of Judah, [3063] who [was] a Levite, [3881] and he sojourned [1481] there.


 Cet homme partit de la ville de Bethléhem de Juda, pour aller demeurer où il trouverait son avantage. Et il vint, en poursuivant son chemin, à la montagne d'Éphraïm, jusqu'à la maison de Mica.

 And the man [0376] departed [3212] out of the city [5892] from Bethlehemjudah [1035] [3063] to sojourn [1481] where he could find [4672] [a place]: and he came [0935] to mount [2022] Ephraim [0669] to the house [1004] of Micah, [4318] as he journeyed. [6213] [1870]


 Et Mica lui dit: D'où viens-tu? Le Lévite lui répondit: Je suis de Bethléhem de Juda, et je cherche une demeure où je trouverai mon avantage.

 And Micah [4318] said [0559] unto him, Whence [0370] comest [0935] thou? And he said [0559] unto him, I [am] a Levite [3881] of Bethlehemjudah, [1035] [3063] and I go [1980] to sojourn [1481] where I may find [4672] [a place].


 Et Mica lui dit: Demeure avec moi, et sers-moi de père et de sacrificateur; et je te donnerai dix pièces d'argent par an, un habillement complet et ta nourriture. Et le Lévite y alla.

 And Micah [4318] said [0559] unto him, Dwell [3427] with me, and be unto me a father [0001] and a priest, [3548] and I will give [5414] thee ten [6235] [shekels] of silver [3701] by the year, [3117] and a suit [6187] of apparel, [0899] and thy victuals. [4241] So the Levite [3881] went in. [3212]


 Ainsi le Lévite se décida à demeurer avec cet homme, et ce jeune homme fut pour lui comme l'un de ses fils.

 And the Levite [3881] was content [2974] to dwell [3427] with the man; [0376] and the young man [5288] was unto him as one [0259] of his sons. [1121]


 Et Mica consacra le Lévite, et le jeune homme lui servit de sacrificateur, et demeura dans sa maison.

 And Micah [4318] consecrated [4390] [3027] the Levite; [3881] and the young man [5288] became his priest, [3548] and was in the house [1004] of Micah. [4318]


 Alors Mica dit: Maintenant je sais que YEHOVAH me fera du bien, parce que j'ai ce Lévite pour sacrificateur.

 Then said [0559] Micah, [4318] Now know [3045] I that the LORD [3068] will do me good, [3190] seeing I have a Levite [3881] to [my] priest. [3548]


 En ce temps-là il n'y avait point de roi en Israël; et la tribu de Dan cherchait en ce temps-là un domaine pour elle, afin d'y habiter; car jusqu'alors il ne lui était point échu d'héritage parmi les tribus d'Israël.

 In those days [3117] [there was] no king [4428] in Israel: [3478] and in those days [3117] the tribe [7626] of the Danites [1839] sought [1245] them an inheritance [5159] to dwell in; [3427] for unto that day [3117] [all their] inheritance [5159] had not fallen [5307] unto them among [8432] the tribes [7626] of Israel. [3478]


 Les enfants de Dan envoyèrent donc cinq hommes de leur famille, pris d'entre eux tous, gens vaillants, de Tsora et d'Eshthaol, pour explorer le pays et le reconnaître; et ils leur dirent: Allez, explorez le pays. Ils vinrent dans la montagne d'Éphraïm jusqu'à la maison de Mica, et ils y passèrent la nuit.

 And the children [1121] of Dan [1835] sent [7971] of their family [4940] five [2568] men [0582] from their coasts, [7098] men [0582] [1121] of valour, [2428] from Zorah, [6881] and from Eshtaol, [0847] to spy out [7270] the land, [0776] and to search [2713] it; and they said [0559] unto them, Go, [3212] search [2713] the land: [0776] who when they came [0935] to mount [2022] Ephraim, [0669] to the house [1004] of Micah, [4318] they lodged [3885] there.


 Et comme ils étaient auprès de la maison de Mica, ils reconnurent la voix du jeune Lévite; et, s'étant approchés de cette maison, ils lui dirent: Qui t'a amené ici? que fais-tu dans ce lieu? et qu'as-tu ici?

 When they [were] by the house [1004] of Micah, [4318] they knew [5234] the voice [6963] of the young man [5288] the Levite: [3881] and they turned in [5493] thither, and said [0559] unto him, Who brought [0935] thee hither? [1988] and what makest [6213] thou in this [place]? and what hast thou here?


 Et il répondit: Mica fait pour moi telle et telle chose, il me donne un salaire, et je lui sers de sacrificateur.

 And he said [0559] unto them, Thus [2090] and thus [2090] dealeth [6213] Micah [4318] with me, and hath hired [7936] me, and I am his priest. [3548]


 Ils dirent encore: Nous te prions, consulte Dieu, afin que nous sachions si le voyage que nous entreprenons sera heureux.

 And they said [0559] unto him, Ask [7592] counsel, we pray thee, of God, [0430] that we may know [3045] whether our way [1870] which we go [1980] shall be prosperous. [6743]


 Et le sacrificateur leur dit: Allez en paix; YEHOVAH a devant ses yeux le voyage que vous entreprenez.

 And the priest [3548] said [0559] unto them, Go [3212] in peace: [7965] before [5227] the LORD [3068] [is] your way [1870] wherein ye go. [3212]


 Ces cinq hommes partirent donc, et ils arrivèrent à Laïs. Ils virent que le peuple qui y était, habitait en sécurité, à la manière des Sidoniens, tranquille et confiant, sans que personne dans le pays eût autorité sur eux et leur fît injure en rien; ils étaient éloignés des Sidoniens, et ils n'avaient à faire avec personne.

 Then the five [2568] men [0582] departed, [3212] and came [0935] to Laish, [3919] and saw [7200] the people [5971] that [were] therein, [7130] how they dwelt [3427] careless, [0983] after the manner [4941] of the Zidonians, [6722] quiet [8252] and secure; [0982] and [there was] no magistrate [3423] [6114] in the land, [0776] that might put [them] to shame [3637] in [any] thing; [1697] and they [were] far [7350] from the Zidonians, [6722] and had no business [1697] with [any


 Ils revinrent ensuite auprès de leurs frères à Tsora et à Eshthaol, et leurs frères leur dirent: Que rapportez-vous?

 And they came [0935] unto their brethren [0251] to Zorah [6881] and Eshtaol: [0847] and their brethren [0251] said [0559] unto them, What [say] ye?


 Et ils répondirent: Allons, montons contre eux; car nous avons vu le pays, et voici, il est très bon. Quoi! vous êtes sans rien dire? Ne soyez point paresseux à partir, pour aller posséder ce pays.

 And they said, [0559] Arise, [6965] that we may go up [5927] against them: for we have seen [7200] the land, [0776] and, behold, it [is] very [3966] good: [2896] and [are] ye still? [2814] be not slothful [6101] to go, [3212] [and] to enter [0935] to possess [3423] the land. [0776]


 Quand vous y entrerez, vous arriverez vers un peuple qui est en pleine sécurité. Le pays est de grande étendue, et Dieu l'a livré entre vos mains. C'est un lieu où rien ne manque de tout ce qui est sur la terre.

 When ye go, [0935] ye shall come [0935] unto a people [5971] secure, [0982] and to a large [7342] land: [0776] [3027] for God [0430] hath given [5414] it into your hands; [3027] a place [4725] where [there is] no want [4270] of any thing [1697] that [is] in the earth. [0776]


 Il partit donc de là, de Tsora et d'Eshthaol, de la famille de Dan, six cents hommes munis de leurs armes.

 And there went [5265] from thence of the family [4940] of the Danites, [1839] out of Zorah [6881] and out of Eshtaol, [0847] six [8337] hundred [3967] men [0376] appointed [2296] with weapons [3627] of war. [4421]


 Ils montèrent et campèrent à Kirjath-Jéarim, en Juda; et on a appelé ce lieu-là Machané-Dan (camp de Dan), jusqu'à ce jour; il est derrière Kirjath-Jéarim.

 And they went up, [5927] and pitched [2583] in Kirjathjearim, [7157] in Judah: [3063] wherefore they called [7121] that place [4725] Mahanehdan [4265] unto this day: [3117] behold, [it is] behind [0310] Kirjathjearim. [7157]


 Puis de là ils passèrent dans la montagne d'Éphraïm, et arrivèrent jusqu'à la maison de Mica.

 And they passed [5674] thence unto mount [2022] Ephraim, [0669] and came [0935] unto the house [1004] of Micah. [4318]


 Alors les cinq hommes qui étaient allés pour explorer le pays de Laïs, prenant la parole, dirent à leurs frères: Savez-vous que dans ces maisons il y a un éphod et des théraphim, une image taillée et une image de fonte? Voyez donc maintenant ce que vous avez à faire.

 Then answered [6030] the five [2568] men [0582] that went [1980] to spy out [7270] the country [0776] of Laish, [3919] and said [0559] unto their brethren, [0251] Do ye know [3045] that there is [3426] in these houses [1004] an ephod, [0646] and teraphim, [8655] and a graven image, [6459] and a molten image? [4541] now therefore consider [3045] what ye have to do. [6213]


 Alors ils s'approchèrent de là, et entrèrent dans la maison du jeune Lévite, dans la maison de Mica, et le saluèrent.

 And they turned [5493] thitherward, and came [0935] to the house [1004] of the young man [5288] the Levite, [3881] [even] unto the house [1004] of Micah, [4318] and saluted [7592] [7965] him.


 Or, les six cents hommes d'entre les fils de Dan, qui étaient sous les armes, s'arrêtèrent à l'entrée de la porte.

 And the six [8337] hundred [3967] men [0376] appointed [2296] with their weapons [3627] of war, [4421] which [were] of the children [1121] of Dan, [1835] stood [5324] by the entering [6607] of the gate. [8179]


 Mais les cinq hommes qui étaient allés pour explorer le pays, montèrent, entrèrent dans la maison, et prirent l'image taillée, l'éphod, les théraphim et l'image de fonte, pendant que le sacrificateur était à l'entrée de la porte, avec les six cents hommes armés.

 And the five [2568] men [0582] that went [1980] to spy out [7270] the land [0776] went up, [5927] [and] came in [0935] thither, [and] took [3947] the graven image, [6459] and the ephod, [0646] and the teraphim, [8655] and the molten image: [4541] and the priest [3548] stood [5324] in the entering [6607] of the gate [8179] with the six [8337] hundred [3967] men [0376] [that were] appointed [2296] with weapons [3627] of war. [4421]


 Étant donc entrés dans la maison de Mica, ils prirent l'image taillée, l'éphod, les théraphim et l'image de fonte. Et le sacrificateur leur dit: Que faites-vous?

 And these went [0935] into Micah's [4318] house, [1004] and fetched [3947] the carved image, [6459] the ephod, [0646] and the teraphim, [8655] and the molten image. [4541] Then said [0559] the priest [3548] unto them, What do [6213] ye?


 Mais ils lui dirent: Tais-toi, et mets ta main sur ta bouche, et viens avec nous; tu nous serviras de père et de sacrificateur. Lequel vaut mieux pour toi, d'être sacrificateur de la maison d'un seul homme, ou d'être sacrificateur d'une tribu et d'une famille en Israël?

 And they said [0559] unto him, Hold thy peace, [2790] lay [7760] thine hand [3027] upon thy mouth, [6310] and go [3212] with us, and be to us a father [0001] and a priest: [3548] [is it] better [2896] for thee to be [1961] a priest [3548] unto the house [1004] of one [0259] man, [0376] or that thou be a priest [3548] unto a tribe [7626] and a family [4940] in Israel? [3478]


 Alors le sacrificateur eut de la joie en son cœur; il prit l'éphod, les théraphim et l'image taillée, et se mit au milieu du peuple.

 And the priest's [3548] heart [3820] was glad, [3190] and he took [3947] the ephod, [0646] and the teraphim, [8655] and the graven image, [6459] and went in [0935] the midst [7130] of the people. [5971]


 Ils se remirent donc en chemin, et marchèrent, en plaçant devant eux les petits enfants, le bétail et les bagages.

 So they turned [6437] and departed, [3212] and put [7760] the little ones [2945] and the cattle [4735] and the carriage [3520] before [6440] them.


 Ils étaient déjà loin de la maison de Mica, lorsque ceux qui étaient dans les maisons voisines de celle de Mica, se rassemblèrent à grand cri, et poursuivirent les enfants de Dan.

 [And] when they were a good way [7368] from the house [1004] of Micah, [4318] the men [0582] that [were] in the houses [1004] near to Micah's [4318] house [1004] were gathered together, [2199] and overtook [1692] the children [1121] of Dan. [1835]


 Et ils crièrent après eux. Mais eux, tournant visage, dirent à Mica:

 And they cried [7121] unto the children [1121] of Dan. [1835] And they turned [5437] their faces, [6440] and said [0559] unto Micah, [4318] What aileth thee, that thou comest with such a company? [2199]


 Qu'as-tu, que tu cries ainsi? Il répondit: Vous avez enlevé mes dieux, que j'avais faits, ainsi que le sacrificateur, et vous êtes partis. Que me reste-t-il? Et comment me dites-vous: Qu'as-tu?

 And he said, [0559] Ye have taken away [3947] my gods [0430] which I made, [6213] and the priest, [3548] and ye are gone away: [3212] and what have I more? and what [is] this [that] ye say [0559] unto me, What aileth thee?


 Mais les enfants de Dan lui dirent: Ne nous fais point entendre ta voix, de peur que des hommes irrités ne se jettent sur vous, et que vous n'y laissiez la vie, toi et ta famille.

 And the children [1121] of Dan [1835] said [0559] unto him, Let not thy voice [6963] be heard [8085] among us, lest angry [4751] [5315] fellows [0582] run [6293] upon thee, and thou lose [0622] thy life, [5315] with the lives [5315] of thy household. [1004]


 Les descendants de Dan continuèrent donc leur chemin. Et Mica, voyant qu'ils étaient plus forts que lui, tourna visage et revint en sa maison.

 And the children [1121] of Dan [1835] went [3212] their way: [1870] and when Micah [4318] saw [7200] that they [were] too strong [2389] for him, he turned [6437] and went back [7725] unto his house. [1004]


 Ainsi, ayant pris les choses que Mica avait faites et le sacrificateur qu'il avait, ils tombèrent sur Laïs, sur un peuple tranquille et qui se croyait en sûreté; et ils le firent passer au fil de l'épée; puis, ayant mis le feu à la ville, ils la brûlèrent.

 And they took [3947] [the things] which Micah [4318] had made, [6213] and the priest [3548] which he had, and came [0935] unto Laish, [3919] unto a people [5971] [that were] at quiet [8252] and secure: [0982] and they smote [5221] them with the edge [6310] of the sword, [2719] and burnt [8313] the city [5892] with fire. [0784]


 Et il n'y eut personne qui la délivrât; car elle était loin de Sidon; ses habitants n'avaient aucun commerce avec personne, et elle était située dans la vallée qui s'étend vers Beth-Réhob. Ils rebâtirent la ville, et y habitèrent.

 And [there was] no deliverer, [5337] because it [was] far [7350] from Zidon, [6721] and they had no business [1697] with [any] man; [0120] and it was in the valley [6010] that [lieth] by Bethrehob. [1050] And they built [1129] a city, [5892] and dwelt [3427] therein.


 Et ils nommèrent cette ville-là, Dan, d'après le nom de Dan, leur père, qui était né à Israël; mais le nom de la ville était auparavant Laïs.

 And they called [7121] the name [8034] of the city [5892] Dan, [1835] after the name [8034] of Dan [1835] their father, [0001] who was born [3205] unto Israel: [3478] howbeit [0199] the name [8034] of the city [5892] [was] Laish [3919] at the first. [7223]


 Puis les enfants de Dan dressèrent pour eux l'image taillée; et Jonathan, fils de Guershon, fils de Manassé, lui et ses enfants, furent sacrificateurs pour la tribu de Dan jusqu'au jour où ils furent conduits hors du pays.

 And the children [1121] of Dan [1835] set up [6965] the graven image: [6459] and Jonathan, [3083] the son [1121] of Gershom, [1647] the son [1121] of Manasseh, [4519] he and his sons [1121] were priests [3548] to the tribe [7626] of Dan [1839] until the day [3117] of the captivity [1540] of the land. [0776]


 Ils établirent pour eux l'image taillée que Mica avait faite, pendant tout le temps que la maison de Dieu fut à Silo.

 And they set them up [7760] Micah's [4318] graven image, [6459] which he made, [6213] all the time [3117] that the house [1004] of God [0430] was in Shiloh. [7887]


 Il arriva, en ce temps-là, où il n'y avait point de roi en Israël, qu'un Lévite qui demeurait au fond de la montagne d'Éphraïm, prit pour sa concubine une femme de Bethléhem de Juda.

 And it came to pass in those days, [3117] when [there was] no king [4428] in Israel, [3478] that there was a certain [0376] Levite [3881] sojourning [1481] on the side [3411] of mount [2022] Ephraim, [0669] who took [3947] to him a concubine [0802] [6370] out of Bethlehemjudah. [1035] [3063]


 Et sa concubine se prostitua chez lui, et s'en alla d'avec lui à la maison de son père, à Bethléhem de Juda; et elle y resta l'espace de quatre mois.

 And his concubine [6370] played the whore [2181] against him, and went away [3212] from him unto her father's [0001] house [1004] to Bethlehemjudah, [1035] [3063] and was there four [0702] whole months. [2320] [3117]


 Ensuite son mari se leva, et il s'en alla après elle, pour lui parler selon son cœur, et la ramener. Il avait avec lui son serviteur et deux ânes; et elle le fit entrer dans la maison de son père. Et le père de la jeune femme, le voyant venir, le reçut avec joie.

 And her husband [0376] arose, [6965] and went [3212] after [0310] her, to speak [1696] friendly [3820] unto her, [and] to bring her again, [7725] having his servant [5288] with him, and a couple [6776] of asses: [2543] and she brought [0935] him into her father's [0001] house: [1004] and when the father [0001] of the damsel [5291] saw [7200] him, he rejoiced [8055] to meet [7125] him.


 Son beau-père, le père de la jeune femme, le retint chez lui, et il demeura avec lui trois jours; ils y mangèrent et burent, et y passèrent la nuit.

 And his father in law, [2859] the damsel's [5291] father, [0001] retained [2388] him; and he abode [3427] with him three [7969] days: [3117] so they did eat [0398] and drink, [8354] and lodged [3885] there.


 Le quatrième jour, ils se levèrent de bon matin; et comme le Lévite se levait pour s'en aller, le père de la jeune femme dit à son gendre: Prends une bouchée de pain pour te fortifier, et après cela, vous vous en irez.

 And it came to pass on the fourth [7243] day, [3117] when they arose early [7925] in the morning, [1242] that he rose up [6965] to depart: [3212] and the damsel's [5291] father [0001] said [0559] unto his son in law, [2860] Comfort [5582] thine heart [3820] with a morsel [6595] of bread, [3899] and afterward [0310] go your way. [3212]


 Ils s'assirent donc et mangèrent eux deux, et burent ensemble; et le père de la jeune femme dit au mari: Décide-toi donc à passer la nuit, et que ton cœur se réjouisse.

 And they sat down, [3427] and did eat [0398] and drink [8354] both [8147] of them together: [3162] for the damsel's [5291] father [0001] had said [0559] unto the man, [0376] Be content, [2974] I pray thee, and tarry all night, [3885] and let thine heart [3820] be merry. [3190]


 Et comme le mari se levait pour s'en aller, son beau-père le pressa tellement, qu'il revint, et passa encore la nuit.

 And when the man [0376] rose up [6965] to depart, [3212] his father in law [2859] urged [6484] him: therefore he lodged [3885] there again. [7725]


 Et au cinquième jour il se leva de bon matin pour s'en aller, et le père de la jeune femme lui dit: Je te prie, fortifie ton cœur. Or ils tardèrent jusqu'au déclin du jour, pendant qu'ils mangeaient tous deux.

 And he arose early [7925] in the morning [1242] on the fifth [2549] day [3117] to depart: [3212] and the damsel's [5291] father [0001] said, [0559] Comfort [5582] thine heart, [3824] I pray thee. And they tarried [4102] until afternoon, [3117] [5186] and they did eat [0398] both [8147] of them.


 Alors le mari se leva pour s'en aller, lui et sa concubine, et son serviteur; mais son beau-père, père de la jeune femme, lui dit: Voici, maintenant le jour baisse, le soir approche; passez ici la nuit, je vous prie. Voici, le jour finit, passez ici la nuit, et que ton cœur se réjouisse; demain matin vous vous lèverez pour continuer votre chemin, et tu t'en iras en ta maison.

 And when the man [0376] rose up [6965] to depart, [3212] he, and his concubine, [6370] and his servant, [5288] his father in law, [2859] the damsel's [5291] father, [0001] said [0559] unto him, Behold, now the day [3117] draweth [7503] toward evening, [6150] I pray you tarry all night: [3885] behold, the day [3117] groweth to an end, [2583] lodge [3885] here, that thine heart [3824] may be merry; [3190] and to morrow [4279] get you early [7925] on your way, [1870] that thou


 Mais le mari ne voulut point passer la nuit; il se leva, et s'en alla, et vint jusque devant Jébus, qui est Jérusalem, ayant avec lui ses deux ânes bâtés; et sa concubine était avec lui.

 But the man [0376] would [0014] not tarry that night, [3885] but he rose up [6965] and departed, [3212] and came [0935] over against [5227] Jebus, [2982] which [is] Jerusalem; [3389] and [there were] with him two [6776] asses [2543] saddled, [2280] his concubine [6370] also [was] with him.


 Lorsqu'ils furent près de Jébus, le jour avait beaucoup baissé. Le serviteur dit à son maître: Allons, dirigeons-nous vers cette ville des Jébusiens, et nous y passerons la nuit.

 [And] when they [were] by Jebus, [2982] the day [3117] was far [3966] spent; [7286] and the servant [5288] said [0559] unto his master, [0113] Come, [3212] I pray thee, and let us turn in [5493] into this city [5892] of the Jebusites, [2983] and lodge [3885] in it.


 Son maître lui répondit: Nous n'entrerons pas dans une ville d'étrangers, où il n'y a point d'enfants d'Israël; mais nous irons jusqu'à Guibea.

 And his master [0113] said [0559] unto him, We will not turn aside [5493] hither into the city [5892] of a stranger, [5237] that [is] not of the children [1121] of Israel; [3478] we will pass over [5674] to Gibeah. [1390]


 Il dit encore à son serviteur: Marche, et nous gagnerons l'un de ces lieux-là, Guibea ou Rama, et nous y passerons la nuit.

 And he said [0559] unto his servant, [5288] Come, [3212] and let us draw near [7126] to one [0259] of these places [4725] to lodge all night, [3885] in Gibeah, [1390] or in Ramah. [7414]


 Ils passèrent donc plus avant, et marchèrent; et le soleil se coucha comme ils étaient près de Guibea, qui appartient à Benjamin.

 And they passed on [5674] and went their way; [3212] and the sun [8121] went down [0935] upon them [when they were] by [0681] Gibeah, [1390] which [belongeth] to Benjamin. [1144]


 Alors ils se dirigèrent vers Guibea, pour y entrer et y passer la nuit. Ils y entrèrent donc et se tinrent sur la place de la ville, et il n'y eut personne qui les reçut dans sa maison pour y passer la nuit.

 And they turned aside [5493] thither, to go in [0935] [and] to lodge [3885] in Gibeah: [1390] and when he went in, [0935] he sat him down [3427] in a street [7339] of the city: [5892] for [there was] no man [0376] that took [0622] them into his house [1004] to lodging. [3885]


 Mais voici, sur le soir, un vieillard revenait des champs, de son travail. Cet homme était de la montagne d'Éphraïm, mais il demeurait à Guibea, dont les habitants étaient Benjamites.

 And, behold, there came [0935] an old [2205] man [0376] from his work [4639] out of the field [7704] at even, [6153] which [was] also [0376] of mount [2022] Ephraim; [0669] and he sojourned [1481] in Gibeah: [1390] but the men [0582] of the place [4725] [were] Benjamites. [1121] [3228]


 Levant les yeux, il vit ce voyageur sur la place de la ville; alors le vieillard lui dit: Où vas-tu, et d'où viens-tu?

 And when he had lifted up [5375] his eyes, [5869] he saw [7200] a wayfaring [0732] man [0376] in the street [7339] of the city: [5892] and the old [2205] man [0376] said, [0559] Whither goest [3212] thou? and whence [0370] comest [0935] thou?


 Et il lui répondit: Nous allons de Bethléhem de Juda vers le fond de la montagne d'Éphraïm, d'où je suis. J'étais allé jusqu'à Bethléhem de Juda, et je me rends à la maison de YEHOVAH; et il n'y a personne qui me reçoive dans sa maison;

 And he said [0559] unto him, We [are] passing [5674] from Bethlehemjudah [1035] [3063] toward the side [3411] of mount [2022] Ephraim; [0669] from thence [am] I: and I went [3212] to Bethlehemjudah, [1035] [3063] but I [am now] going [1980] to the house [1004] of the LORD; [3068] and there [is] no man [0376] that receiveth [0622] me to house. [1004]


 Cependant nous avons de la paille et du fourrage pour nos ânes, et du pain et du vin pour moi et pour ta servante, et pour le garçon qui est avec tes serviteurs. Il ne nous manque rien.

 Yet there is [3426] both straw [8401] and provender [4554] for our asses; [2543] and there is [3426] bread [3899] and wine [3196] also for me, and for thy handmaid, [0519] and for the young man [5288] [which is] with thy servants: [5650] [there is] no want [4270] of any thing. [1697]


 Et le vieillard lui dit: La paix soit avec toi! Je me charge de tout ce dont tu auras besoin; tu ne passeras pas la nuit sur la place.

 And the old [2205] man [0376] said, [0559] Peace [7965] [be] with thee; howsoever [7535] [let] all thy wants [4270] [lie] upon me; only lodge [3885] not in the street. [7339]


 Alors il le fit entrer dans sa maison, et il donna à manger aux ânes. Ils lavèrent aussi leurs pieds; puis ils mangèrent et burent.

 So he brought [0935] him into his house, [1004] and gave provender [1101] unto the asses: [2543] and they washed [7364] their feet, [7272] and did eat [0398] and drink. [8354]


 Comme leur cœur se réjouissait, voici, les gens de la ville, des hommes pervers, environnèrent la maison, heurtèrent à la porte, et dirent au vieillard, maître de la maison: Fais sortir cet homme qui est entré chez toi, pour que nous le connaissions.

 [Now] as they were making their hearts [3820] merry, [3190] behold, the men [0582] of the city, [5892] certain [0582] sons [1121] of Belial, [1100] beset the house [1004] round about, [5437] [and] beat [1849] at the door, [1817] and spake [0559] to the master [1167] [0376] of the house, [1004] the old [2205] man, saying, [0559] Bring forth [3318] the man [0376] that came [0935] into thine house, [1004] that we may know [3045] him.


 Mais l'homme, le maître de la maison, sortit vers eux et leur dit: Non, mes frères, ne faites point le mal, je vous prie; puisque cet homme est entré dans ma maison, ne commettez pas cette infamie.

 And the man, [0376] the master [1167] of the house, [1004] went out [3318] unto them, and said [0559] unto them, Nay, [0408] my brethren, [0251] [nay], I pray you, do not [so] wickedly; [7489] seeing [0310] that this man [0376] is come [0935] into mine house, [1004] do [6213] not this folly. [5039]


 Voici, j'ai une fille vierge, et cet homme a sa concubine; je vous les amènerai dehors, vous leur ferez violence, et vous ferez d'elles ce qui vous plaira; mais ne commettez pas sur cet homme une action si infâme.

 Behold, [here is] my daughter [1323] a maiden, [1330] and his concubine; [6370] them I will bring out [3318] now, and humble [6031] ye them, and do [6213] with them what seemeth [5869] good [2896] unto you: but unto this man [0376] do [6213] not so [2063] vile [5039] a thing. [1697]


 Mais ces gens-là ne voulurent point l'écouter. Alors l'homme prit sa concubine et la leur amena; et ils la connurent, et ils abusèrent d'elle toute la nuit jusqu'au matin; puis ils la renvoyèrent au lever de l'aurore.

 But the men [0582] would [0014] not hearken [8085] to him: so the man [0376] took [2388] his concubine, [6370] and brought [3318] her forth [2351] unto them; and they knew [3045] her, and abused [5953] her all the night [3915] until the morning: [1242] and when the day [7837] began to spring, [5927] they let her go. [7971]


 Et, comme le jour approchait, cette femme alla tomber à la porte de la maison de l'homme où était son mari, et y demeura jusqu'au jour.

 Then came [0935] the woman [0802] in the dawning [6437] of the day, [1242] and fell down [5307] at the door [6607] of the man's [0376] house [1004] where her lord [0113] [was], till it was light. [0216]


 Et le matin, son mari se leva, ouvrit la porte, et sortit pour continuer son chemin; mais voici, la femme, sa concubine, était étendue à la porte de la maison, les mains sur le seuil.

 And her lord [0113] rose up [6965] in the morning, [1242] and opened [6605] the doors [1817] of the house, [1004] and went out [3318] to go [3212] his way: [1870] and, behold, the woman [0802] his concubine [6370] was fallen down [5307] [at] the door [6607] of the house, [1004] and her hands [3027] [were] upon the threshold. [5592]


 Et il lui dit: Lève-toi, et allons-nous-en. Mais elle ne répondit pas. Alors il la chargea sur un âne, et se mit en chemin, et s'en retourna chez lui.

 And he said [0559] unto her, Up, [6965] and let us be going. [3212] But none answered. [6030] Then the man [0376] took [3947] her [up] upon an ass, [2543] and the man rose up, [6965] and gat [3212] him unto his place. [4725]


 Puis, étant venu dans sa maison, il prit un couteau, saisit sa concubine, et la coupa membre par membre en douze parts, qu'il envoya dans tout le territoire d'Israël.

 And when he was come [0935] into his house, [1004] he took [3947] a knife, [3979] and laid hold [2388] on his concubine, [6370] and divided [5408] her, [together] with her bones, [6106] into twelve [8147] [6240] pieces, [5409] and sent [7971] her into all the coasts [1366] of Israel. [3478]


 Et tous ceux qui virent cela, dirent: On n'a jamais fait ni vu rien de pareil, depuis que les enfants d'Israël sont montés hors du pays d'Égypte, jusqu'à ce jour! Faites attention à cela; consultez-vous et prononcez.

 And it was so, that all that saw [7200] it said, [0559] There was [1961] no such deed [2063] done nor seen [7200] from the day [3117] that the children [1121] of Israel [3478] came up [5927] out of the land [0776] of Egypt [4714] unto this day: [3117] consider [7760] of it, take advice, [5779] and speak [1696] [your minds].


 Alors tous les enfants d'Israël sortirent, depuis Dan jusqu'à Béer-Shéba, et jusqu'au pays de Galaad; et l'assemblée se réunit comme si ce n'eût été qu'un seul homme, devant YEHOVAH, à Mitspa.

 Then all the children [1121] of Israel [3478] went out, [3318] and the congregation [5712] was gathered together [6950] as one [0259] man, [0376] from Dan [1835] even to Beersheba, [0884] with the land [0776] of Gilead, [1568] unto the LORD [3068] in Mizpeh. [4709]


 Et les chefs de tout le peuple, et toutes les tribus d'Israël se présentèrent dans l'assemblée du peuple de Dieu, au nombre de quatre cent mille hommes de pied, portant l'épée.

 And the chief [6438] of all the people, [5971] [even] of all the tribes [7626] of Israel, [3478] presented [3320] themselves in the assembly [6951] of the people [5971] of God, [0430] four [0702] hundred [3967] thousand [0505] footmen [0376] [7273] that drew [8025] sword. [2719]


 Or les enfants de Benjamin apprirent que les enfants d'Israël étaient montés à Mitspa. Et les enfants d'Israël dirent: Parlez; comment ce crime a-t-il été commis?

 (Now the children [1121] of Benjamin [1144] heard [8085] that the children [1121] of Israel [3478] were gone up [5927] to Mizpeh.) [4709] Then said [0559] the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] Tell [1696] [us], how was [1961] this wickedness? [7451]


 Et le Lévite, le mari de la femme qu'on avait tuée, répondit et dit: J'étais entré à Guibea de Benjamin, moi et ma concubine, pour y passer la nuit.

 And the Levite, [3881] [0376] the husband [0376] of the woman [0802] that was slain, [7523] answered [6030] and said, [0559] I came [0935] into Gibeah [1390] that [belongeth] to Benjamin, [1144] I and my concubine, [6370] to lodge. [3885]


 Les maîtres de Guibea se sont élevés contre moi, et ils ont environné de nuit la maison où j'étais, prétendant me tuer; et ils ont fait violence à ma concubine, et elle en est morte.

 And the men [1167] of Gibeah [1390] rose [6965] against me, and beset the house [1004] round about [5437] upon me by night, [3915] [and] thought [1819] to have slain [2026] me: and my concubine [6370] have they forced, [6031] that she is dead. [4191]


 Alors, ayant pris ma concubine, je l'ai mise en pièces, et j'en ai envoyé par tout le territoire de l'héritage d'Israël; car ils ont commis un crime énorme, et une infamie en Israël.

 And I took [0270] my concubine, [6370] and cut her in pieces, [5408] and sent [7971] her throughout all the country [7704] of the inheritance [5159] of Israel: [3478] for they have committed [6213] lewdness [2154] and folly [5039] in Israel. [3478]


 Vous voici tous, enfants d'Israël; consultez-vous, donnez ici votre avis.

 Behold, ye [are] all children [1121] of Israel; [3478] give [3051] here [1988] your advice [1697] and counsel. [6098]


 Et tout le peuple se leva, comme un seul homme, en disant: Aucun de nous n'ira dans sa tente, et personne ne se retirera dans sa maison.

 And all the people [5971] arose [6965] as one [0259] man, [0376] saying, [0559] We will not any [0376] [of us] go [3212] to his tent, [0168] neither will we any [0376] [of us] turn [5493] into his house. [1004]


 Mais, voici ce que nous ferons maintenant à Guibea; nous marcherons contre elle d'après le sort.

 But now this [shall be] the thing [1697] which we will do [6213] to Gibeah; [1390] [we will go up] by lot [1486] against it;


 Nous prendrons dix hommes sur cent, d'entre toutes les tribus d'Israël, et cent sur mille, et mille sur dix mille, afin qu'ils prennent des vivres pour le peuple, et que, se rendant à Guibea de Benjamin, on la traite selon l'infamie du crime qu'elle a commis en Israël.

 And we will take [3947] ten [6235] men [0582] of an hundred [3967] throughout all the tribes [7626] of Israel, [3478] and an hundred [3967] of a thousand, [0505] and a thousand [0505] out of ten thousand, [7233] to fetch [3947] victual [6720] for the people, [5971] that they may do, [6213] when they come [0935] to Gibeah [1387] of Benjamin, [1144] according to all the folly [5039] that they have wrought [6213] in Israel. [3478]


 Ainsi tous les hommes d'Israël s'assemblèrent contre cette ville-là, unis comme un seul homme.

 So all the men [0376] of Israel [3478] were gathered [0622] against the city, [5892] knit together [2270] as one [0259] man. [0376]


 Les tribus d'Israël envoyèrent des hommes dans toute la tribu de Benjamin, pour dire: Quelle méchante action a-t-on commise parmi vous?

 And the tribes [7626] of Israel [3478] sent [7971] men [0582] through all the tribe [7626] of Benjamin, [1144] saying, [0559] What wickedness [7451] [is] this that is done [1961] among you?


 Livrez-nous maintenant ces hommes pervers qui sont à Guibea, afin que nous les fassions mourir, et que nous ôtions le mal du milieu d'Israël. Mais les Benjamites ne voulurent point écouter la voix de leurs frères, les enfants d'Israël.

 Now therefore deliver [5414] [us] the men, [0582] the children [1121] of Belial, [1100] which [are] in Gibeah, [1390] that we may put them to death, [4191] and put away [1197] evil [7451] from Israel. [3478] But the children [1121] of Benjamin [1144] would [0014] not hearken [8085] to the voice [6963] of their brethren [0251] the children [1121] of Israel: [3478]


 Et les enfants de Benjamin sortirent de leurs villes, et s'assemblèrent à Guibea, pour aller combattre les enfants d'Israël.

 But the children [1121] of Benjamin [1144] gathered [0622] themselves together out of the cities [5892] unto Gibeah, [1390] to go out [3318] to battle [4421] against the children [1121] of Israel. [3478]


 En ce jour-là, on fit le dénombrement des enfants de Benjamin, venus des villes; et il se trouva vingt-six mille hommes tirant l'épée, sans les habitants de Guibea, dont on fit aussi le dénombrement, formant sept cents hommes d'élite.

 And the children [1121] of Benjamin [1144] were numbered [6485] at that time [3117] out of the cities [5892] twenty [6242] and six [8337] thousand [0505] men [0376] that drew [8025] sword, [2719] beside the inhabitants [3427] of Gibeah, [1390] which were numbered [6485] seven [7651] hundred [3967] chosen [0977] men. [0376]


 Parmi tout ce peuple, il y avait sept cents hommes d'élite qui ne se servaient pas de la main droite. Tous ceux-là lançaient des pierres avec une fronde contre un cheveu, et ne le manquaient pas.

 Among all this people [5971] [there were] seven [7651] hundred [3967] chosen [0977] men [0376] lefthanded; [0334] [3027] [3225] every one could sling [7049] stones [0068] at an hair [8185] [breadth], and not miss. [2398]


 On fit aussi le dénombrement des hommes d'Israël, sans compter ceux de Benjamin, et il s'en trouva quatre cent mille hommes tirant l'épée, tous gens de guerre.

 And the men [0376] of Israel, [3478] beside Benjamin, [1144] were numbered [6485] four [0702] hundred [3967] thousand [0505] men [0376] that drew [8025] sword: [2719] all these [were] men [0376] of war. [4421]


 Ils partirent donc, montèrent à Béthel, et consultèrent Dieu. Et les enfants d'Israël dirent: Qui de nous montera le premier pour faire la guerre aux enfants de Benjamin? Et YEHOVAH répondit: Juda montera le premier.

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] arose, [6965] and went up [5927] to the house of God, [1008] and asked [7592] counsel of God, [0430] and said, [0559] Which [4310] of us shall go up [5927] first [8462] to the battle [4421] against the children [1121] of Benjamin? [1144] And the LORD [3068] said, [0559] Judah [3063] [shall go up] first. [8462]


 Dès le matin, les enfants d'Israël se mirent donc en marche, et campèrent près de Guibea.

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] rose up [6965] in the morning, [1242] and encamped [2583] against Gibeah. [1390]


 Et les hommes d'Israël sortirent pour combattre ceux de Benjamin, et se rangèrent en bataille contre eux devant Guibea.

 And the men [0376] of Israel [3478] went out [3318] to battle [4421] against Benjamin; [1144] and the men [0376] of Israel [3478] put themselves in array [6186] to fight [4421] against them at Gibeah. [1390]


 Alors les enfants de Benjamin sortirent de Guibea, et ce jour-là ils étendirent par terre vingt-deux mille hommes d'Israël.

 And the children [1121] of Benjamin [1144] came forth [3318] out of Gibeah, [1390] and destroyed [7843] down to the ground [0776] of the Israelites [3478] that day [3117] twenty [6242] and two [8147] thousand [0505] men. [0376]


 Toutefois le peuple, les hommes d'Israël reprirent courage, et ils se rangèrent de nouveau en bataille, dans le lieu où ils s'étaient placés le premier jour.

 And the people [5971] the men [0376] of Israel [3478] encouraged [2388] themselves, and set their battle [4421] again [3254] in array [6186] in the place [4725] where they put themselves in array [6186] the first [7223] day. [3117]


 Et les enfants d'Israël montèrent, et pleurèrent devant YEHOVAH jusqu'au soir. Ils consultèrent YEHOVAH en disant: M'approcherai-je encore pour combattre contre les enfants de Benjamin, mon frère? Et YEHOVAH répondit: Montez contre lui.

 (And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] went up [5927] and wept [1058] before [6440] the LORD [3068] until even, [6153] and asked [7592] counsel of the LORD, [3068] saying, [0559] Shall I go up [5066] again [3254] to battle [4421] against the children [1121] of Benjamin [1144] my brother? [0251] And the LORD [3068] said, [0559] Go up [5927] against him.)


 Le lendemain donc, les enfants d'Israël s'approchèrent des enfants de Benjamin.

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] came near [7126] against the children [1121] of Benjamin [1144] the second [8145] day. [3117]


 Les Benjamites sortirent aussi contre eux de Guibea ce second jour, et ils étendirent encore par terre dix-huit mille hommes des enfants d'Israël, qui tiraient tous l'épée.

 And Benjamin [1144] went forth [3318] against [7125] them out of Gibeah [1390] the second [8145] day, [3117] and destroyed [7843] down to the ground [0776] of the children [1121] of Israel [3478] again eighteen [8083] [6240] thousand [0505] men; [0376] all these drew [8025] the sword. [2719]


 Alors tous les enfants d'Israël et tout le peuple montèrent, et vinrent à Béthel. Ils y pleurèrent, et se tinrent là, devant YEHOVAH, et jeûnèrent ce jour-là jusqu'au soir; et ils offrirent des offrandes à brûler et des sacrifices de prospérité devant YEHOVAH.

 Then all the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] and all the people, [5971] went up, [5927] and came [0935] unto the house of God, [1008] and wept, [1058] and sat [3427] there before [6440] the LORD, [3068] and fasted [6684] that day [3117] until even, [6153] and offered [5927] burnt offerings [5930] and peace offerings [8002] before [6440] the LORD. [3068]


 Ensuite les enfants d'Israël consultèrent YEHOVAH (l'arche de l'alliance de Dieu était alors en ce lieu-là;

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] enquired [7592] of the LORD, [3068] (for the ark [0727] of the covenant [1285] of God [0430] [was] there in those days, [3117]


 Et Phinées, fils d'Éléazar, fils d'Aaron, se tenait devant YEHOVAH); ils dirent donc: Dois-je marcher encore pour combattre les enfants de Benjamin, mon frère, ou dois-je m'en abstenir? Et YEHOVAH répondit: Montez; car demain je les livrerai entre vos mains.

 And Phinehas, [6372] the son [1121] of Eleazar, [0499] the son [1121] of Aaron, [0175] stood [5975] before [6440] it in those days,) [3117] saying, [0559] Shall I yet again [3254] go out [3318] to battle [4421] against the children [1121] of Benjamin [1144] my brother, [0251] or shall I cease? [2308] And the LORD [3068] said, [0559] Go up; [5927] for to morrow [4279] I will deliver [5414] them into thine hand. [3027]


 Alors Israël mit des embuscades autour de Guibea.

 And Israel [3478] set [7760] liers in wait [0693] round about [5439] Gibeah. [1390]


 Et les enfants d'Israël montèrent, le troisième jour, contre les Benjamites, et se rangèrent contre Guibea comme les autres fois.

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] went up [5927] against the children [1121] of Benjamin [1144] on the third [7992] day, [3117] and put themselves in array [6186] against Gibeah, [1390] as at other times. [6471] [6471]


 Or les Benjamites, étant sortis à la rencontre du peuple, furent attirés loin de la ville. Et ils commencèrent à en frapper quelques-uns du peuple, comme les autres fois, et il y eut environ trente hommes d'Israël qui furent blessés à mort dans les chemins, dont l'un monte à Béthel et l'autre à Guibea, par la campagne.

 And the children [1121] of Benjamin [1144] went out [3318] against [7125] the people, [5971] [and] were drawn away [5423] from the city; [5892] and they began [2490] to smite [5221] of the people, [5971] [and] kill, [2491] as at other times, [6471] [6471] in the highways, [4546] of which one [0259] goeth up [5927] to the house of God, [1008] and the other [0259] to Gibeah [1390] in the field, [7704] about thirty [7970] men [0376] of Israel. [3478]


 Et les enfants de Benjamin disaient: Ils tombent devant nous comme la première fois. Mais les enfants d'Israël disaient: Fuyons, et attirons-les loin de la ville, dans les chemins.

 And the children [1121] of Benjamin [1144] said, [0559] They [are] smitten down [5062] before [6440] us, as at the first. [7223] But the children [1121] of Israel [3478] said, [0559] Let us flee, [5127] and draw [5423] them from the city [5892] unto the highways. [4546]


 Alors tous ceux d'Israël, se levant du lieu où ils étaient, se rangèrent à Baal-Thamar, et l'embuscade d'Israël déboucha de son poste, de la prairie de Guibea;

 And all the men [0376] of Israel [3478] rose up [6965] out of their place, [4725] and put themselves in array [6186] at Baaltamar: [1193] and the liers in wait [0693] of Israel [3478] came forth [1518] out of their places, [4725] [even] out of the meadows [4629] of Gibeah. [1387]


 Et dix mille hommes d'élite, de tout Israël, vinrent contre Guibea; et la mêlée fut rude, et ceux de Benjamin n'aperçurent point le mal qui allait tomber sur eux.

 And there came [0935] against [5048] Gibeah [1390] ten [6235] thousand [0505] chosen [0977] men [0376] out of all Israel, [3478] and the battle [4421] was sore: [3513] but they knew [3045] not that evil [7451] [was] near [5060] them.


 Et YEHOVAH battit Benjamin devant les Israélites; et les enfants d'Israël, en ce jour-là, tuèrent vingt-cinq mille et cent hommes de Benjamin, tous tirant l'épée.

 And the LORD [3068] smote [5062] Benjamin [1144] before [6440] Israel: [3478] and the children [1121] of Israel [3478] destroyed [7843] of the Benjamites [1144] that day [3117] twenty [6242] and five [2568] thousand [0505] and an hundred [3967] men: [0376] all these drew [8025] the sword. [2719]


 Les Benjamites avaient cru que les hommes d'Israël étaient battus. Or, ils avaient reculé devant ceux de Benjamin; car ils se reposaient sur les embuscades qu'ils avaient mises près de Guibea.

 So the children [1121] of Benjamin [1144] saw [7200] that they were smitten: [5062] for the men [0376] of Israel [3478] gave [5414] place [4725] to the Benjamites, [1144] because they trusted [0982] unto the liers in wait [0693] which they had set [7760] beside Gibeah. [1390]


 Et ceux qui étaient en embuscade, se jetèrent vivement sur Guibea; ainsi ceux qui étaient en embuscade marchèrent, et firent passer toute la ville au fil de l'épée.

 And the liers in wait [0693] hasted, [2363] and rushed [6584] upon Gibeah; [1390] and the liers in wait [0693] drew [themselves] along, [4900] and smote [5221] all the city [5892] with the edge [6310] of the sword. [2719]


 Or, les hommes d'Israël avaient donné pour signal à ceux qui étaient en embuscade, qu'ils fissent monter de la ville une épaisse fumée.

 Now there was an appointed sign [4150] between the men [0376] of Israel [3478] and [5973] the liers in wait, [0693] that they should make a great [7235] flame [4864] with smoke [6227] rise up [5927] out of the city. [5892]


 Les hommes d'Israël avaient donc tourné le dos dans la bataille, et les Benjamites avaient commencé de frapper et de blesser à mort environ trente hommes de ceux d'Israël; et ils disaient: Certainement ils tombent devant nous comme à la première bataille!

 And when the men [0376] of Israel [3478] retired [2015] in the battle, [4421] Benjamin [1144] began [2490] to smite [5221] [and] kill [2491] of the men [0376] of Israel [3478] about thirty [7970] persons: [0376] for they said, [0559] Surely [5062] they are smitten down [5062] before [6440] us, as [in] the first [7223] battle. [4421]


 Mais quand une colonne de fumée s'éleva et commença à monter de la ville, ceux de Benjamin regardèrent derrière eux, et voici, la ville entière montait en feu vers le ciel;

 But when the flame [4864] began [2490] to arise up [5927] out of the city [5892] with a pillar [5982] of smoke, [6227] the Benjamites [1144] looked [6437] behind [0310] them, and, behold, the flame [3632] of the city [5892] ascended up [5927] to heaven. [8064]


 Alors les gens d'Israël se retournèrent, et ceux de Benjamin furent épouvantés en voyant le désastre qui allait les atteindre.

 And when the men [0376] of Israel [3478] turned [2015] again, the men [0376] of Benjamin [1144] were amazed: [0926] for they saw [7200] that evil [7451] was come [5060] upon them.


 Et ils tournèrent le dos devant ceux d'Israël, par le chemin du désert; mais l'armée d'Israël les serra de près; et ceux des villes, ils les tuèrent dans leurs propres endroits.

 Therefore they turned [6437] [their backs] before [6440] the men [0376] of Israel [3478] unto the way [1870] of the wilderness; [4057] but the battle [4421] overtook [1692] them; and them which [came] out of the cities [5892] they destroyed [7843] in the midst [8432] of them.


 Ils environnèrent Benjamin, le poursuivirent, et le foulèrent aux pieds, sans relâche, jusqu'à l'opposite de Guibea, vers le soleil levant.

 [Thus] they inclosed [3803] the Benjamites [1144] round about, [3803] [and] chased [7291] them, [and] trode them down [1869] with ease [4496] over against [5227] Gibeah [1390] toward the sunrising. [4217] [8121]


 Il tomba ainsi dix-huit mille hommes de Benjamin, tous vaillants hommes.

 And there fell [5307] of Benjamin [1144] eighteen [8083] [6240] thousand [0505] men; [0376] all these [were] men [0582] of valour. [2428]


 Parmi ceux qui tournèrent le dos pour s'enfuir vers le désert, au rocher de Rimmon, ceux d'Israël en grappillèrent, par les chemins, cinq mille hommes; et, les poursuivant de près jusqu'à Guidéom, ils en frappèrent deux mille.

 And they turned [6437] and fled [5127] toward the wilderness [4057] unto the rock [5553] of Rimmon: [7417] and they gleaned [5953] of them in the highways [4546] five [2568] thousand [0505] men; [0376] and pursued hard [1692] after [0310] them unto Gidom, [1440] and slew [5221] two thousand [0505] men [0376] of them.


 Tous ceux de Benjamin qui tombèrent ce jour-là furent donc vingt-cinq mille hommes, tirant l'épée, et tous vaillants hommes.

 So that all which fell [5307] that day [3117] of Benjamin [1144] were twenty [6242] and five [2568] thousand [0505] men [0376] that drew [8025] the sword; [2719] all these [were] men [0582] of valour. [2428]


 Et il y eut six cents hommes, de ceux qui avaient tourné le dos, qui échappèrent vers le désert, au rocher de Rimmon, et demeurèrent au rocher de Rimmon pendant quatre mois.

 But six [8337] hundred [3967] men [0376] turned [6437] and fled [5127] to the wilderness [4057] unto the rock [5553] Rimmon, [7417] and abode [3427] in the rock [5553] Rimmon [7417] four [0702] months. [2320]


 Mais les gens d'Israël revinrent vers les enfants de Benjamin, et les firent passer au fil de l'épée, tant les hommes de chaque ville, que le bétail et tout ce qui s'y trouva. Ils brûlèrent aussi toutes les villes qu'ils rencontrèrent.

 And the men [0376] of Israel [3478] turned [7725] again upon the children [1121] of Benjamin, [1144] and smote [5221] them with the edge [6310] of the sword, [2719] as well the men [4974] of [every] city, [5892] as [5704] the beast, [0929] and [5704] all that came to hand: [4672] also they set [7971] on fire [0784] all the cities [5892] that they came to. [4672]


 Or les hommes d'Israël avaient juré à Mitspa, en disant: Nul de nous ne donnera sa fille pour femme à un Benjamite.

 Now the men [0376] of Israel [3478] had sworn [7650] in Mizpeh, [4709] saying, [0559] There shall not any [0376] of us give [5414] his daughter [1323] unto Benjamin [1144] to wife. [0802]


 Puis le peuple vint à Béthel, et resta là jusqu'au soir en la présence de Dieu. Ils élevèrent la voix et répandirent des larmes en abondance,

 And the people [5971] came [0935] to the house of God, [1008] and abode [3427] there till even [6153] before [6440] God, [0430] and lifted up [5375] their voices, [6963] and wept [1058] sore; [1065] [1419]


 Et ils dirent: Ô YEHOVAH, Dieu d'Israël, pourquoi ceci est-il arrivé en Israël, qu'il manque aujourd'hui une tribu d'Israël?

 And said, [0559] O LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] why is this come to pass in Israel, [3478] that there should be to day [3117] one [0259] tribe [7626] lacking [6485] in Israel? [3478]


 Et le lendemain le peuple se leva de bon matin; et ils bâtirent là un autel, et ils offrirent des offrandes à brûler et des sacrifices de prospérité.

 And it came to pass on the morrow, [4283] that the people [5971] rose early, [7925] and built [1129] there an altar, [4196] and offered [5927] burnt offerings [5930] and peace offerings. [8002]


 Alors les enfants d'Israël dirent: Qui est celui d'entre toutes les tribus d'Israël qui n'est point monté à l'assemblée, vers YEHOVAH? Car on avait fait un grand serment contre celui qui ne monterait point vers YEHOVAH, à Mitspa, en disant: Il sera puni de mort!

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] said, [0559] Who [is there] among all the tribes [7626] of Israel [3478] that came not up [5927] with the congregation [6951] unto the LORD? [3068] For they had made a great [1419] oath [7621] concerning him that [0834] came not up [5927] to the LORD [3068] to Mizpeh, [4709] saying, [0559] He shall surely [4191] be put to death. [4191]


 Car les enfants d'Israël se repentaient de ce qui était arrivé à Benjamin, leur frère, et disaient: Aujourd'hui une tribu a été retranchée d'Israël.

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] repented [5162] them for Benjamin [1144] their brother, [0251] and said, [0559] There is one [0259] tribe [7626] cut off [1438] from Israel [3478] this day. [3117]


 Que ferons-nous pour ceux qui sont demeurés de reste, pour leur donner des femmes, puisque nous avons juré par YEHOVAH que nous ne leur donnerions point de nos filles pour femmes?

 How shall we do [6213] for wives [0802] for them that remain, [3498] seeing we have sworn [7650] by the LORD [3068] that we will not give [5414] them of our daughters [1323] to wives? [0802]


 Ils dirent donc: Y a-t-il quelqu'un d'entre les tribus d'Israël qui ne soit point monté vers YEHOVAH, à Mitspa? Et voici, personne de Jabès de Galaad n'était venu au camp, à l'assemblée;

 And they said, [0559] What one [0259] [is there] of the tribes [7626] of Israel [3478] that came not up [5927] to Mizpeh [4709] to the LORD? [3068] And, behold, there came [0935] none [0376] to the camp [4264] from Jabeshgilead [3003] [1568] to the assembly. [6951]


 Quand on fit le dénombrement du peuple, nul ne s'y trouva des habitants de Jabès de Galaad.

 For the people [5971] were numbered, [6485] and, behold, [there were] none [0376] of the inhabitants [3427] of Jabeshgilead [3003] [1568] there.


 Alors l'assemblée y envoya douze mille hommes des plus vaillants, et leur donna cet ordre: Allez et faites passer au fil de l'épée les habitants de Jabès de Galaad, tant les femmes que les petits enfants.

 And the congregation [5712] sent [7971] thither twelve [8147] [6240] thousand [0505] men [0376] of the valiantest, [1121] [2428] and commanded [6680] them, saying, [0559] Go [3212] and smite [5221] the inhabitants [3427] of Jabeshgilead [3003] [1568] with the edge [6310] of the sword, [2719] with the women [0802] and the children. [2945]


 Voici donc ce que vous ferez: Vous vouerez à l'interdit tout mâle, et toute femme qui a connu la couche d'un homme.

 And this [is] the thing [1697] that ye shall do, [6213] Ye shall utterly destroy [2763] every male, [2145] and every woman [0802] that hath [3045] lain [4904] by man. [2145]


 Et ils trouvèrent, parmi les habitants de Jabès de Galaad, quatre cents filles vierges, qui n'avaient point connu la couche d'un homme, et ils les amenèrent au camp, à Silo, qui est au pays de Canaan.

 And they found [4672] among the inhabitants [3427] of Jabeshgilead [3003] [1568] four [0702] hundred [3967] young [5291] virgins, [1330] that had known [3045] no man [0376] by lying [4904] with any male: [2145] and they brought [0935] them unto the camp [4264] to Shiloh, [7887] which [is] in the land [0776] of Canaan. [3667]


 Alors toute l'assemblée envoya parler aux Benjamites, qui étaient au rocher de Rimmon, et on leur annonça la paix.

 And the whole congregation [5712] sent [7971] [some] to speak [1696] to the children [1121] of Benjamin [1144] that [were] in the rock [5553] Rimmon, [7417] and to call [7121] peaceably [7965] unto them.


 En ce temps-là, les Benjamites revinrent, et on leur donna les femmes à qui on avait laissé la vie parmi les femmes de Jabès de Galaad; mais il ne s'en trouva pas assez pour eux.

 And Benjamin [1144] came again [7725] at that time; [6256] and they gave [5414] them wives [0802] which they had saved alive [2421] of the women [0802] of Jabeshgilead: [3003] [1568] and yet so they sufficed [4672] them not.


 Et le peuple se repentait au sujet de Benjamin, car YEHOVAH avait fait une brèche aux tribus d'Israël.

 And the people [5971] repented [5162] them for Benjamin, [1144] because that the LORD [3068] had made [6213] a breach [6556] in the tribes [7626] of Israel. [3478]


 Et les anciens de l'assemblée dirent: Que ferons-nous pour donner des femmes à ceux qui restent? car les femmes des Benjamites ont été exterminées.

 Then the elders [2205] of the congregation [5712] said, [0559] How shall we do [6213] for wives [0802] for them that remain, [3498] seeing the women [0802] are destroyed [8045] out of Benjamin? [1144]


 Et ils dirent: Ceux qui sont réchappés, posséderont ce qui appartenait à Benjamin, afin qu'une tribu ne soit pas retranchée d'Israël.

 And they said, [0559] [There must be] an inheritance [3425] for them that be escaped [6413] of Benjamin, [1144] that a tribe [7626] be not destroyed [4229] out of Israel. [3478]


 Cependant, nous ne pouvons pas leur donner des femmes d'entre nos filles; car les enfants d'Israël ont juré, en disant: Maudit soit celui qui donnera une femme à Benjamin!

 Howbeit we may [3201] not give [5414] them wives [0802] of our daughters: [1323] for the children [1121] of Israel [3478] have sworn, [7650] saying, [0559] Cursed [0779] [be] he that giveth [5414] a wife [0802] to Benjamin. [1144]


 Et ils dirent: Voici, il y a chaque année une fête de YEHOVAH à Silo, qui est au nord de Béthel, et à l'orient du chemin qui monte de Béthel à Sichem, et au midi de Lébona.

 Then they said, [0559] Behold, [there is] a feast [2282] of the LORD [3068] in Shiloh [7887] yearly [3117] [3117] [in a place] which [is] on the north [6828] side of Bethel, [1008] on the east side [4217] [8121] of the highway [4546] that goeth up [5927] from Bethel [1008] to Shechem, [7927] and on the south [5045] of Lebonah. [3829]


 Et ils donnèrent cet ordre aux enfants de Benjamin: Allez, et placez-vous en embuscade dans les vignes;

 Therefore they commanded [6680] the children [1121] of Benjamin, [1144] saying, [0559] Go [3212] and lie in wait [0693] in the vineyards; [3754]


 Et quand vous verrez que les filles de Silo sortiront pour danser au son des flûtes, alors vous sortirez des vignes, et vous enlèverez chacun pour vous une femme, d'entre les filles de Silo, et vous vous en irez au pays de Benjamin.

 And see, [7200] and, behold, if the daughters [1323] of Shiloh [7887] come out [3318] to dance [2342] in dances, [4246] then come ye out [3318] of the vineyards, [3754] and catch [2414] you every man [0376] his wife [0802] of the daughters [1323] of Shiloh, [7887] and go [1980] to the land [0776] of Benjamin. [1144]


 Et quand leurs pères ou leurs frères viendront se plaindre auprès de nous, nous leur dirons: Ayez pitié d'eux pour l'amour de nous; parce que nous n'avons point pris de femme pour chacun d'eux dans cette guerre. Car ce n'est pas vous qui les leur avez données; en ce cas vous auriez été coupables.

 And it shall be, when their fathers [0001] or their brethren [0251] come [0935] unto us to complain, [7378] that we will say [0559] unto them, Be favourable [2603] unto them for our sakes: because we reserved [3947] not to each man [0376] his wife [0802] in the war: [4421] for ye did not give [5414] unto them at this time, [6256] [that] ye should be guilty. [0816]


 Les enfants de Benjamin firent ainsi, et prirent des femmes, selon leur nombre, d'entre les danseuses qu'ils enlevèrent; puis, ils partirent et retournèrent dans leur héritage; ils rebâtirent des villes, et y habitèrent.

 And the children [1121] of Benjamin [1144] did [6213] so, and took [5375] [them] wives, [0802] according to their number, [4557] of them that danced, [2342] whom they caught: [1497] and they went [3212] and returned [7725] unto their inheritance, [5159] and repaired [1129] the cities, [5892] and dwelt [3427] in them.


 Dans le même temps les enfants d'Israël s'en retournèrent de là, chacun en sa tribu et dans sa famille; ils s'en allèrent de là chacun dans son héritage.

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] departed [1980] thence at that time, [6256] every man [0376] to his tribe [7626] and to his family, [4940] and they went out [3318] from thence every man [0376] to his inheritance. [5159]


 En ces jours-là il n'y avait point de roi en Israël, mais chacun faisait ce qui lui semblait bon.

 In those days [3117] [there was] no king [4428] in Israel: [3478] every man [0376] did [6213] [that which was] right [3477] in his own eyes. [5869]




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