La voix qui crie dans le désert








 Il y avait un homme de Ramathaïm Tsophim, de la montagne d'Éphraïm; son nom était Elkana, fils de Jéroham, fils d'Élihu, fils de Thohu, fils de Tsuph, Éphratien.

 Now there was a certain [0259] man [0376] of Ramathaimzophim, [7413] [6822][7436] of mount [2022] Ephraim, [0669] and his name [8034] [was] Elkanah, [0511] the son [1121] of Jeroham, [3395] the son [1121] of Elihu, [0453] the son [1121] of Tohu, [8459] the son [1121] of Zuph, [6689] an Ephrathite: [0673]


 Et il avait deux femmes; le nom de l'une était Anne, et le nom de la seconde Péninna; et Péninna avait des enfants, mais Anne n'en avait point.

 And he had two [8147] wives; [0802] the name [8034] of the one [0259] [was] Hannah, [2584] and the name [8034] of the other [8145] Peninnah: [6444] and Peninnah [6444] had children, [3206] but Hannah [2584] had no children. [3206]


 Or, cet homme montait de sa ville, tous les ans, pour adorer et pour sacrifier à YEHOVAH des armées, à Silo; et là étaient les deux fils d'Héli, Hophni et Phinées, sacrificateurs de YEHOVAH.

 And this [1931] man [0376] went up [5927] out of his city [5892] yearly [3117] [3117] to worship [7812] and to sacrifice [2076] unto the LORD [3068] of hosts [6635] in Shiloh. [7887] And the two [8147] sons [1121] of Eli, [5941] Hophni [2652] and Phinehas, [6372] the priests [3548] of the LORD, [3068] [were] there.


 Et le jour qu'Elkana sacrifiait, il donnait des portions à Péninna sa femme, et à tous les fils et filles qu'il avait d'elle.

 And when the time [3117] was that Elkanah [0511] offered, [2076] he gave [5414] to Peninnah [6444] his wife, [0802] and to all her sons [1121] and her daughters, [1323] portions: [4490]


 Mais il donnait à Anne une portion double, car il aimait Anne; mais YEHOVAH l'avait rendue stérile.

 But unto Hannah [2584] he gave [5414] a [0259] worthy [0639] portion; [4490] for he loved [0157] Hannah: [2584] but the LORD [3068] had shut up [5462] her womb. [7358]


 Et sa rivale la mortifiait, même fort aigrement, afin de l'irriter, parce que YEHOVAH l'avait rendue stérile.

 And her adversary [6869] also provoked [3707] her sore, [3708] for to make her fret, [7481] because the LORD [3068] had shut [5462] up [1157] her womb. [7358]


 Et Elkana faisait ainsi tous les ans. Chaque fois qu'Anne montait à la maison de YEHOVAH, Péninna l'offensait de la même manière; et Anne pleurait, et ne mangeait point.

 And [as] he did [6213] so year [8141] by year, [8141] when [1767] she went up [5927] to the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] so she provoked [3707] her; therefore she wept, [1058] and did not eat. [0398]


 Et Elkana son mari lui disait: Anne, pourquoi pleures-tu, et pourquoi ne manges-tu point, et pourquoi ton cœur est-il triste? Est-ce que je ne vaux pas mieux, pour toi, que dix fils?

 Then said [0559] Elkanah [0511] her husband [0376] to her, Hannah, [2584] why weepest [1058] thou? and why eatest [0398] thou not? and why is thy heart [3824] grieved? [3415] [am] not I better [2896] to thee than ten [6235] sons? [1121]


 Or, après avoir mangé et bu à Silo, Anne se leva; et Héli le sacrificateur était assis sur son siège, auprès d'un des poteaux du temple de YEHOVAH.

 So Hannah [2584] rose up [6965] after [0310] they had eaten [0398] in Shiloh, [7887] and after [0310] they had drunk. [8354] Now Eli [5941] the priest [3548] sat [3427] upon a seat [3678] by a post [4201] of the temple [1964] of the LORD. [3068]


 Elle donc, l'âme pleine d'amertume, pria YEHOVAH, en répandant beaucoup de larmes;

 And she [was] in bitterness [4751] of soul, [5315] and prayed [6419] unto the LORD, [3068] and wept [1058] sore. [1058]


 Et elle fit un vœu, et dit: YEHOVAH des armées, si tu daignes regarder l'affliction de ta servante, si tu te souviens de moi, si tu n'oublies point ta servante, et si tu donnes à ta servante un enfant mâle, je le donnerai à YEHOVAH pour tous les jours de sa vie, et le rasoir ne passera point sur sa tête.

 And she vowed [5087] a vow, [5088] and said, [0559] O LORD [3068] of hosts, [6635] if thou wilt indeed [7200] look [7200] on the affliction [6040] of thine handmaid, [0519] and remember [2142] me, and not forget [7911] thine handmaid, [0519] but wilt give [5414] unto thine handmaid [0519] a man [0582] child, [2233] then I will give [5414] him unto the LORD [3068] all the days [3117] of his life, [2416] and there shall no razor [4177] come [5927] upon his head. [7218]


 Et comme elle prolongeait sa prière devant YEHOVAH, Héli observait sa bouche;

 And it came to pass, as she continued [7235] praying [6419] before [6440] the LORD, [3068] that Eli [5941] marked [8104] her mouth. [6310]


 Or, Anne parlait dans son cœur, remuant seulement les lèvres, et l'on n'entendait point sa voix. Héli crut donc qu'elle était ivre.

 Now Hannah, [2584] she spake [1696] in her heart; [3820] only her lips [8193] moved, [5128] but her voice [6963] was not heard: [8085] therefore Eli [5941] thought [2803] she had been drunken. [7910]


 Et Héli lui dit: Jusqu'à quand seras-tu ivre? Va faire passer ton vin.

 And Eli [5941] said [0559] unto her, How long wilt thou be drunken? [7937] put away [5493] thy wine [3196] from thee.


 Mais Anne répondit et dit: Non, mon seigneur; je suis une femme affligée en son esprit; je n'ai bu ni vin ni boisson forte, mais je répandais mon âme devant YEHOVAH.

 And Hannah [2584] answered [6030] and said, [0559] No, my lord, [0113] I [am] a woman [0802] of a sorrowful [7186] spirit: [7307] I have drunk [8354] neither wine [3196] nor strong drink, [7941] but have poured out [8210] my soul [5315] before [6440] the LORD. [3068]


 Ne prends pas ta servante pour une femme méprisable; car c'est dans l'excès de ma douleur et de mon affliction que j'ai parlé jusqu'à présent.

 Count [5414] not thine handmaid [0519] for [6440] a daughter [1323] of Belial: [1100] for out of the abundance [7230] of my complaint [7879] and grief [3708] have I spoken [1696] hitherto.


 Alors Héli répondit, et dit: Va en paix, et que le Dieu d'Israël t'accorde la demande que tu lui as faite.

 Then Eli [5941] answered [6030] and said, [0559] Go [3212] in peace: [7965] and the God [0430] of Israel [3478] grant [5414] [thee] thy petition [7596] that thou hast asked [7592] of him.


 Et elle dit: Que ta servante trouve grâce devant tes yeux. Et cette femme s'en alla son chemin, et mangea, et son visage ne fut plus le même.

 And she said, [0559] Let thine handmaid [8198] find [4672] grace [2580] in thy sight. [5869] So the woman [0802] went [3212] her way, [1870] and did eat, [0398] and her countenance [6440] was no more [sad].


 Après cela, ils se levèrent de bon matin, et se prosternèrent devant YEHOVAH; puis ils s'en retournèrent, et vinrent à leur maison, à Rama. Alors Elkana connut Anne sa femme; et YEHOVAH se souvint d'elle.

 And they rose up in the morning [1242] early, [7925] and worshipped [7812] before [6440] the LORD, [3068] and returned, [7725] and came [0935] to their house [1004] to Ramah: [7414] and Elkanah [0511] knew [3045] Hannah [2584] his wife; [0802] and the LORD [3068] remembered [2142] her.


 Et il arriva, dans le courant de l'année, qu'Anne conçut et enfanta un fils, et le nomma Samuel (Dieu a exaucé); car, dit-elle, je l'ai demandé à YEHOVAH.

 Wherefore it came to pass, when the time [3117] was come [8622] about after Hannah [2584] had conceived, [2029] that she bare [3205] a son, [1121] and called [7121] his name [8034] Samuel, [8050] [saying], Because I have asked [7592] him of the LORD. [3068]


 Et Elkana, son mari, monta, avec toute sa maison, pour offrir à YEHOVAH le sacrifice annuel, et son vœu.

 And the man [0376] Elkanah, [0511] and all his house, [1004] went up [5927] to offer [2076] unto the LORD [3068] the yearly [3117] sacrifice, [2077] and his vow. [5088]


 Mais Anne n'y monta pas; car elle dit à son mari: Je n'irai point jusqu'à ce que l'enfant soit sevré; alors je le mènerai, afin qu'il soit présenté devant YEHOVAH, et qu'il y demeure à toujours.

 But Hannah [2584] went not up; [5927] for she said [0559] unto her husband, [0376] [I will not go up] until the child [5288] be weaned, [1580] and [then] I will bring [0935] him, that he may appear [7200] before [6440] the LORD, [3068] and there abide [3427] for [5704] ever. [5769]


 Et Elkana, son mari, lui dit: Fais ce qui te semble bon; demeure jusqu'à ce que tu l'aies sevré. Seulement, que YEHOVAH accomplisse sa Parole! Ainsi cette femme demeura, et allaita son fils, jusqu'à ce qu'elle l'eût sevré.

 And Elkanah [0511] her husband [0376] said [0559] unto her, Do [6213] what seemeth [5869] thee good; [2896] tarry [3427] until thou have weaned [1580] him; only the LORD [3068] establish [6965] his word. [1697] So the woman [0802] abode, [3427] and gave her son [1121] suck [3243] until she weaned [1580] him.


 Et dès qu'elle l'eut sevré, elle le fit monter avec elle, et prit trois veaux, un épha de farine, et une outre de vin; et elle le mena dans la maison de YEHOVAH, à Silo; et l'enfant était fort jeune.

 And when she had weaned [1580] him, she took him up [5927] with her, with three [7969] bullocks, [6499] and one [0259] ephah [0374] of flour, [7058] and a bottle [5035] of wine, [3196] and brought [0935] him unto the house [1004] of the LORD [3068] in Shiloh: [7887] and the child [5288] [was] young. [5288]


 Puis ils égorgèrent le veau, et amenèrent l'enfant à Héli;

 And they slew [7819] a bullock, [6499] and brought [0935] the child [5288] to Eli. [5941]


 Et elle dit: Pardon, mon seigneur! aussi vrai que ton âme vit, mon seigneur, je suis cette femme qui se tenait ici près de toi pour prier YEHOVAH.

 And she said, [0559] Oh [0994] my lord, [0113] [as] thy soul [5315] liveth, [2416] my lord, [0113] I [am] the woman [0802] that stood [5324] by thee here, praying [6419] unto the LORD. [3068]


 C'est pour cet enfant que je priais, et YEHOVAH m'a accordé la demande que je lui ai faite.

 For this child [5288] I prayed; [6419] and the LORD [3068] hath given [5414] me my petition [7596] which I asked [7592] of him:


 Aussi, je le prête à YEHOVAH; il sera prêté à YEHOVAH pour tous les jours de sa vie. Et ils se prosternèrent là devant YEHOVAH.

 Therefore also I have lent [7592] him to the LORD; [3068] as long [3605] as [3117] he liveth he shall be lent [7592] to the LORD. [3068] And he worshipped [7812] the LORD [3068] there.


 Alors Anne pria, et dit: Mon cœur s'est réjoui en YEHOVAH; ma force a été relevée par YEHOVAH; ma bouche s'est ouverte contre mes ennemis; car je me suis réjouie de ton salut.

 And Hannah [2584] prayed, [6419] and said, [0559] My heart [3820] rejoiceth [5970] in the LORD, [3068] mine horn [7161] is exalted [7311] in the LORD: [3068] my mouth [6310] is enlarged [7337] over mine enemies; [0341] because I rejoice [8055] in thy salvation. [3444]


 Nul n'est saint comme YEHOVAH; car il n'en est point d'autre que toi, et il n'y a point de rocher comme notre Dieu.

 [There is] none holy [6918] as the LORD: [3068] for [there is] none beside [1115] thee: neither [is there] any rock [6697] like our God. [0430]


 Ne proférez pas tant de paroles hautaines; que des paroles arrogantes ne sortent pas de votre bouche; car YEHOVAH est le Dieu fort qui sait toutes choses; et c'est par lui que les actions sont pesées.

 Talk [1696] no more [7235] so exceeding [1364] proudly; [1364] let [not] arrogancy [6277] come out [3318] of your mouth: [6310] for the LORD [3068] [is] a God [0410] of knowledge, [1844] and by him actions [5949] are weighed. [8505]


 L'arc des puissants est brisé, et ceux qui chancelaient ont été ceints de force.

 The bows [7198] of the mighty [1368] men [are] broken, [2844] and they that stumbled [3782] are girded [0247] with strength. [2428]


 Ceux qui étaient rassasiés se louent pour du pain, et les affamés ont cessé de l'être. La stérile même en a enfanté sept, et celle qui avait beaucoup de fils est dans la langueur.

 [They that were] full [7649] have hired out [7936] themselves for bread; [3899] and [they that were] hungry [7457] ceased: [2308] so that the barren [6135] hath born [3205] seven; [7651] and she that hath many [7227] children [1121] is waxed feeble. [0535]


 YEHOVAH fait mourir et fait vivre; il fait descendre au Sépulcre, et il en fait remonter.

 The LORD [3068] killeth, [4191] and maketh alive: [2421] he bringeth down [3381] to the grave, [7585] and bringeth up. [5927]


 YEHOVAH appauvrit et enrichit, il abaisse et il élève;

 The LORD [3068] maketh poor, [3423] and maketh rich: [6238] he bringeth low, [8213] and [0637] lifteth up. [7311]


 Il relève le pauvre de la poussière, il tire l'indigent du fumier, pour les faire asseoir avec les princes; et il leur donne en héritage un trône de gloire; car les colonnes de la terre sont à YEHOVAH, et il a posé le monde sur elles.

 He raiseth up [6965] the poor [1800] out of the dust, [6083] [and] lifteth up [7311] the beggar [0034] from the dunghill, [0830] to set [3427] [them] among princes, [5081] and to make them inherit [5157] the throne [3678] of glory: [3519] for the pillars [4690] of the earth [0776] [are] the LORD'S, [3068] and he hath set [7896] the world [8398] upon them.


 Il gardera les pieds de ses bien-aimés, mais les méchants périront dans les ténèbres; car l'homme ne prévaudra point par sa force.

 He will keep [8104] the feet [7272] of his saints, [2623] and the wicked [7563] shall be silent [1826] in darkness; [2822] for by strength [3581] shall no man [0376] prevail. [1396]


 Les adversaires de YEHOVAH seront brisés; des cieux il tonnera sur eux; YEHOVAH jugera les extrémités de la terre; il donnera la force à son Roi, et il élèvera la corne de son Oint.

 The adversaries [7378] of the LORD [3068] shall be broken to pieces; [2865] out of heaven [8064] shall he thunder [7481] upon them: the LORD [3068] shall judge [1777] the ends [0657] of the earth; [0776] and he shall give [5414] strength [5797] unto his king, [4428] and exalt [7311] the horn [7161] of his anointed. [4899]


 Et Elkana s'en alla à Rama en sa maison; mais l'enfant resta au service de YEHOVAH, en présence d'Héli, le sacrificateur.

 And Elkanah [0511] went [3212] to Ramah [7414] to his house. [1004] And the child [5288] did [1961] minister [8334] unto the LORD [3068] before [6440] Eli [5941] the priest. [3548]


 Or, les fils d'Héli étaient des scélérats; ils ne connaissaient point YEHOVAH.

 Now the sons [1121] of Eli [5941] [were] sons [1121] of Belial; [1100] they knew [3045] not the LORD. [3068]


 Et voici la coutume de ces sacrificateurs à l'égard du peuple: Quand quelqu'un faisait un sacrifice, le garçon du sacrificateur venait, lorsqu'on faisait bouillir la chair, ayant en sa main la fourchette à trois dents;

 And the priests' [3548] custom [4941] with the people [5971] [was, that], when any man [0376] offered [2076] sacrifice, [2077] the priest's [3548] servant [5288] came, [0935] while the flesh [1320] was in seething, [1310] with a fleshhook [4207] of three [7969] teeth [8127] in his hand; [3027]


 Et il piquait dans la chaudière, ou dans le chaudron, ou dans la marmite, ou dans le pot. Le sacrificateur prenait pour lui tout ce que la fourchette enlevait. C'est ainsi qu'ils faisaient à tous ceux d'Israël qui venaient là, à Silo.

 And he struck [5221] [it] into the pan, [3595] or kettle, [1731] or caldron, [7037] or pot; [6517] all that the fleshhook [4207] brought up [5927] the priest [3548] took [3947] for himself. So they did [6213] in Shiloh [7887] unto all the Israelites [3478] that came [0935] thither.


 Même avant qu'on fît fumer la graisse, le garçon du sacrificateur venait, et disait à l'homme qui sacrifiait: Donne de la chair à rôtir pour le sacrificateur; car il ne prendra point de toi de la chair bouillie, mais de la chair crue.

 Also before they burnt [6999] the fat, [2459] the priest's [3548] servant [5288] came, [0935] and said [0559] to the man [0376] that sacrificed, [2076] Give [5414] flesh [1320] to roast [6740] for the priest; [3548] for he will not have [3947] sodden [1310] flesh [1320] of thee, but raw. [2416]


 Que si l'homme lui répondait: On va faire fumer la graisse; après cela, prends-en tant que tu voudras; alors il disait: Non! Tu en donneras maintenant; sinon j'en prendrai de force.

 And [if] any man [0376] said [0559] unto him, Let them not fail [6999] to burn [6999] the fat [2459] presently, [3117] and [then] take [3947] [as much] as thy soul [5315] desireth; [0183] then he would answer [0559] him, [Nay]; but thou shalt give [5414] [it me] now: and if not, I will take [3947] [it] by force. [2393]


 Et le péché de ces jeunes gens était très grand devant YEHOVAH; car les hommes méprisaient l'oblation de YEHOVAH.

 Wherefore the sin [2403] of the young men [5288] was very [3966] great [1419] before [6440] the LORD: [3068] for men [0582] abhorred [5006] the offering [4503] of the LORD. [3068]


 Or, Samuel, enfant, ceint d'un éphod de lin, servait en présence de YEHOVAH.

 But Samuel [8050] ministered [8334] before [6440] the LORD, [3068] [being] a child, [5288] girded [2296] with a linen [0906] ephod. [0646]


 Et sa mère lui faisait un petit manteau, qu'elle lui apportait tous les ans, quand elle montait avec son mari pour offrir le sacrifice annuel.

 Moreover his mother [0517] made [6213] him a little [6996] coat, [4598] and brought [5927] [it] to him from year [3117] to year, [3117] when she came up [5927] with her husband [0376] to offer [2076] the yearly [3117] sacrifice. [2077]


 Et Héli bénit Elkana et sa femme, et dit: Que YEHOVAH te fasse avoir des enfants de cette femme, pour le prêt qu'elle a fait à YEHOVAH! Et ils s'en retournèrent chez eux.

 And Eli [5941] blessed [1288] Elkanah [0511] and his wife, [0802] and said, [0559] The LORD [3068] give [7760] thee seed [2233] of this woman [0802] for the loan [7596] which is lent [7592] to the LORD. [3068] And they went [1980] unto their own home. [4725]


 Et YEHOVAH visita Anne, qui conçut et enfanta trois fils et deux filles. Et le jeune Samuel grandissait auprès de YEHOVAH.

 And [3588] the LORD [3068] visited [6485] Hannah, [2584] so that she conceived, [2029] and bare [3205] three [7969] sons [1121] and two [8147] daughters. [1323] And the child [5288] Samuel [8050] grew [1431] before [5973] the LORD. [3068]


 Or Héli était très vieux, et il apprit tout ce que faisaient ses fils à tout Israël, et comment ils couchaient avec les femmes qui s'assemblaient à la porte du tabernacle d'assignation.

 Now Eli [5941] was very [3966] old, [2204] and heard [8085] all that his sons [1121] did [6213] unto all Israel; [3478] and how they lay [7901] with the women [0802] that assembled [6633] [at] the door [6607] of the tabernacle [0168] of the congregation. [4150]


 Et il leur dit: Pourquoi faites-vous de telles choses? car j'apprends de tout le peuple vos méchantes actions;

 And he said [0559] unto them, Why do [6213] ye such things? [1697] for I hear [8085] of your evil [7451] dealings [1697] by all this people. [5971]


 Ne faites pas ainsi, mes fils; la rumeur que j'entends n'est pas bonne; vous faites transgresser le peuple de YEHOVAH.

 Nay, my sons; [1121] for [it is] no good [2896] report [8052] that I hear: [8085] ye make the LORD'S [3068] people [5971] to transgress. [5674]


 Si un homme pèche contre un autre homme, Dieu le jugera; mais si quelqu'un pèche contre YEHOVAH, qui interviendra pour lui? Mais ils n'obéirent point à la voix de leur père, car YEHOVAH voulait les faire mourir.

 If one man [0376] sin [2398] against another, [0376] the judge [0430] shall judge [6419] him: but if a man [0376] sin [2398] against the LORD, [3068] who shall intreat [6419] for him? Notwithstanding they hearkened [8085] not unto the voice [6963] of their father, [0001] because the LORD [3068] would [2654] slay [4191] them.


 Cependant le jeune Samuel allait croissant, et il était agréable à YEHOVAH et aux hommes.

 And the child [5288] Samuel [8050] grew [1432] on, [1980] and was in favour [2896] both with the LORD, [3068] and also with men. [0582]


 Or, un homme de Dieu vint vers Héli, et lui dit: Ainsi a dit YEHOVAH: Ne me suis-je pas manifesté à la maison de ton père, quand ils étaient en Égypte, dans la maison de Pharaon?

 And there came [0935] a man [0376] of God [0430] unto Eli, [5941] and said [0559] unto him, Thus saith [0559] the LORD, [3068] Did I plainly [1540] appear [1540] unto the house [1004] of thy father, [0001] when they were in Egypt [4714] in Pharaoh's [6547] house? [1004]


 Et je l'ai choisi, d'entre toutes les tribus d'Israël, pour être mon sacrificateur, pour offrir sur mon autel, pour faire fumer les parfums, et porter l'éphod devant moi; et j'ai donné à la maison de ton père toutes les oblations des enfants d'Israël, faites par le feu.

 And did I choose [0977] him out of all the tribes [7626] of Israel [3478] [to be] my priest, [3548] to offer [5927] upon mine altar, [4196] to burn [6999] incense, [7004] to wear [5375] an ephod [0646] before [6440] me? and did I give [5414] unto the house [1004] of thy father [0001] all the offerings made by fire [0801] of the children [1121] of Israel? [3478]


 Pourquoi avez-vous foulé aux pieds mon sacrifice et mon oblation, que j'ai commandé de faire dans ma demeure? Et pourquoi as-tu honoré tes fils plus que moi, pour vous engraisser du meilleur de toutes les offrandes d'Israël, mon peuple?

 Wherefore kick [1163] ye at my sacrifice [2077] and at mine offering, [4503] which I have commanded [6680] [in my] habitation; [4583] and honourest [3513] thy sons [1121] above me, to make yourselves fat [1254] with the chiefest [7225] of all the offerings [4503] of Israel [3478] my people? [5971]


 C'est pourquoi, YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël, dit: J'avais dit que ta maison et la maison de ton père marcheraient devant moi à jamais; mais maintenant, YEHOVAH dit: Loin de moi cette pensée! car j'honorerai ceux qui m'honorent, mais ceux qui me méprisent seront méprisés.

 Wherefore the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel [3478] saith, [5002] I said [0559] indeed [0559] [that] thy house, [1004] and the house [1004] of thy father, [0001] should walk [1980] before [6440] me for [5704] ever: [5769] but now the LORD [3068] saith, [5002] Be it far [2486] from me; for them that honour [3513] me I will honour, [3513] and they that despise [0959] me shall be lightly esteemed. [7043]


 Voici, les jours viennent que je couperai ton bras, et le bras de la maison de ton père, en sorte qu'il n'y aura point de vieillard dans ta maison;

 Behold, the days [3117] come, [0935] that I will cut off [1438] thine arm, [2220] and the arm [2220] of thy father's [0001] house, [1004] that there shall not be an old man [2205] in thine house. [1004]


 Et tu verras un ennemi dans ma demeure, pendant que Dieu enverra toute sorte de biens en Israël, et il n'y aura plus jamais de vieillard en ta maison.

 And thou shalt see [5027] an enemy [6862] [in my] habitation, [4583] in all [the wealth] which [God] shall give [3190] Israel: [3478] and there shall not be an old man [2205] in thine house [1004] for ever. [3605] [3117]


 Et celui des tiens que je n'aurai point retranché d'auprès de mon autel, sera pour consumer tes yeux et tourmenter ton âme; et tous les enfants de ta maison mourront à la fleur de leur âge.

 And the man [0376] of thine, [whom] I shall not cut off [3772] from mine altar, [4196] [shall be] to consume [3615] thine eyes, [5869] and to grieve [0109] thine heart: [5315] and all the increase [4768] of thine house [1004] shall die [4191] in the flower of their age. [0582]


 Et ce qui arrivera à tes deux fils, à Hophni et Phinées, te servira de signe; ils mourront tous deux le même jour.

 And this [shall be] a sign [0226] unto thee, that shall come [0935] upon thy two [8147] sons, [1121] on Hophni [2652] and Phinehas; [6372] in one [0259] day [3117] they shall die [4191] both [8147] of them.


 Et je m'établirai un sacrificateur fidèle; il agira selon mon cœur et selon mon âme; je lui bâtirai une maison stable, et il marchera toujours devant mon Oint.

 And I will raise me up [6965] a faithful [0539] priest, [3548] [that] shall do [6213] according to [that] which [is] in mine heart [3824] and in my mind: [5315] and I will build [1129] him a sure [0539] house; [1004] and he shall walk [1980] before [6440] mine anointed [4899] for ever. [3605] [3117]


 Et quiconque sera demeuré de reste de ta maison, viendra se prosterner devant lui, pour avoir une pièce d'argent et un morceau de pain, et lui dira: Fais-moi entrer, je te prie, dans une des charges du sacerdoce, pour manger un morceau de pain.

 And it shall come to pass, [that] every one that is left [3498] in thine house [1004] shall come [0935] [and] crouch [7812] to him for a piece [0095] of silver [3701] and a morsel [3603] of bread, [3899] and shall say, [0559] Put [5596] me, I pray thee, into one [0259] of the priests' offices, [3550] that I may eat [0398] a piece [6595] of bread. [3899]


 Or, le jeune Samuel servait YEHOVAH, en présence d'Héli; et la Parole de YEHOVAH était rare en ces jours-là, et les visions n'étaient pas communes.

 And the child [5288] Samuel [8050] ministered [8334] unto the LORD [3068] before [6440] Eli. [5941] And the word [1697] of the LORD [3068] was precious [3368] in those days; [3117] [there was] no open [6555] vision. [2377]


 Et il arriva un jour qu'Héli était couché en son lieu. Or ses yeux commençaient à se ternir, et il ne pouvait plus voir.

 And it came to pass at that time, [3117] when Eli [5941] [was] laid down [7901] in his place, [4725] and his eyes [5869] began [2490] to wax dim, [3544] [that] he could [3201] not see; [7200]


 La lampe de Dieu n'était pas encore éteinte, et Samuel était couché dans le temple de YEHOVAH, où était l'arche de Dieu;

 And ere the lamp [5216] of God [0430] went out [3518] in the temple [1964] of the LORD, [3068] where the ark [0727] of God [0430] [was], and Samuel [8050] was laid down [7901] [to sleep];


 Alors YEHOVAH appela Samuel, et il répondit: Me voici!

 That the LORD [3068] called [7121] Samuel: [8050] and he answered, [0559] Here [am] I.


 Et il courut vers Héli, et lui dit: Me voici, car tu m'as appelé. Mais Héli dit: Je n'ai point appelé; retourne-t'en, et couche-toi. Et il s'en alla et se coucha.

 And he ran [7323] unto Eli, [5941] and said, [0559] Here [am] I; [2009] for thou calledst [7121] me. And he said, [0559] I called [7121] not; lie down [7901] again. [7725] And he went [3212] and lay down. [7901]


 Et YEHOVAH appela encore Samuel, et Samuel se leva et s'en alla vers Héli, et dit: Me voici, car tu m'as appelé. Et Héli dit: Mon fils, je n'ai point appelé; retourne-t'en et couche-toi.

 And the LORD [3068] called [7121] yet again, [3254] Samuel. [8050] And Samuel [8050] arose [6965] and went [3212] to Eli, [5941] and said, [0559] Here [am] I; for thou didst call [7121] me. And he answered, [0559] I called [7121] not, my son; [1121] lie down [7901] again. [7725]


 Or, Samuel ne connaissait point encore YEHOVAH, et la Parole de YEHOVAH ne lui avait point encore été révélée.

 Now Samuel [8050] did not yet [2962] know [3045] the LORD, [3068] neither [2962] was the word [1697] of the LORD [3068] yet revealed [1540] unto him.


 Et YEHOVAH appela encore Samuel pour la troisième fois; et il se leva, et s'en alla vers Héli, et dit: Me voici, car tu m'as appelé. Et Héli comprit que YEHOVAH appelait cet enfant.

 And the LORD [3068] called [7121] Samuel [8050] again [3254] the third [7992] time. And he arose [6965] and went [3212] to Eli, [5941] and said, [0559] Here [am] I; for thou didst call [7121] me. And Eli [5941] perceived [0995] that the LORD [3068] had called [7121] the child. [5288]


 Alors Héli dit à Samuel: Va, et couche-toi; et si l'on t'appelle, tu diras: Parle, YEHOVAH; car ton serviteur écoute. Samuel s'en alla donc, et se coucha en son lieu.

 Therefore Eli [5941] said [0559] unto Samuel, [8050] Go, [3212] lie down: [7901] and it shall be, if he call [7121] thee, that thou shalt say, [0559] Speak, [1696] LORD; [3068] for thy servant [5650] heareth. [8085] So Samuel [8050] went [3212] and lay down [7901] in his place. [4725]


 Et YEHOVAH vint, et se tint là, et appela, comme les autres fois, Samuel, Samuel! Et Samuel dit: Parle; car ton serviteur écoute.

 And the LORD [3068] came, [0935] and stood, [3320] and called [7121] as at other times, [6471] [6471] Samuel, [8050] Samuel. [8050] Then Samuel [8050] answered, [0559] Speak; [1696] for thy servant [5650] heareth. [8085]


 Alors YEHOVAH dit à Samuel: Voici, je vais faire en Israël une chose que nul ne pourra entendre sans que ses deux oreilles lui tintent;

 And the LORD [3068] said [0559] to Samuel, [8050] Behold, I will do [6213] a thing [1697] in Israel, [3478] at which both [8147] the ears [0241] of every one that heareth [8085] it shall tingle. [6750]


 En ce jour-là, j'exécuterai contre Héli tout ce que j'ai dit contre sa maison; je commencerai et j'achèverai.

 In that day [3117] I will perform [6965] against Eli [5941] all [things] which I have spoken [1696] concerning [0413] his house: [1004] when I begin, [2490] I will also make an end. [3615]


 Car je l'ai averti que j'allais punir sa maison pour jamais, à cause de l'iniquité qu'il a connue, et par laquelle ses fils se sont rendus infâmes, sans qu'il les ait réprimés.

 For I have told [5046] him that I will judge [8199] his house [1004] for [5704] ever [5769] for the iniquity [5771] which he knoweth; [3045] because his sons [1121] made themselves vile, [7043] and he restrained [3543] them not.


 C'est pourquoi, j'ai juré à la maison d'Héli que jamais l'iniquité de la maison d'Héli ne sera expiée, ni par sacrifice, ni par oblation.

 And therefore I have sworn [7650] unto the house [1004] of Eli, [5941] that the iniquity [5771] of Eli's [5941] house [1004] shall not be purged [3722] with sacrifice [2077] nor offering [4503] for [5704] ever. [5769]


 Et Samuel demeura couché jusqu'au matin, puis il ouvrit les portes de la maison de YEHOVAH. Or, Samuel craignait de déclarer cette vision à Héli.

 And Samuel [8050] lay [7901] until the morning, [1242] and opened [6605] the doors [1817] of the house [1004] of the LORD. [3068] And Samuel [8050] feared [3372] to shew [5046] Eli [5941] the vision. [4759]


 Mais Héli appela Samuel, et dit: Samuel, mon fils;

 Then Eli [5941] called [7121] Samuel, [8050] and said, [0559] Samuel, [8050] my son. [1121] And he answered, [0559] Here [am] I.


 Et il répondit: Me voici! Et Héli dit: Quelle est la parole qu'il t'a adressée? Je te prie, ne me la cache point. Que Dieu te traite avec la dernière rigueur, si tu me caches un seul mot de tout ce qu'il t'a dit.

 And he said, [0559] What [is] the thing [1697] that [the LORD] hath said [1696] unto thee? I pray thee hide [3582] [it] not from me: God [0430] do [6213] so to thee, and more [3254] also, if thou hide [3582] [any] thing [1697] from me of all the things [1697] that he said [1696] unto thee.


 Samuel lui déclara donc toutes ces paroles, et il ne lui cacha rien. Et Héli répondit: C'est YEHOVAH, qu'il fasse ce qui lui semblera bon!

 And Samuel [8050] told [5046] him every whit, [1697] and hid [3582] nothing from him. And he said, [0559] It [is] the LORD: [3068] let him do [6213] what seemeth [5869] him good. [2896]


 Et Samuel devenait grand, et YEHOVAH était avec lui, et il ne laissa tomber à terre aucune de ses paroles.

 And Samuel [8050] grew, [1431] and the LORD [3068] was with him, and did let none of his words [1697] fall [5307] to the ground. [0776]


 Et tout Israël, depuis Dan jusqu'à Béer-Shéba, connut que Samuel était établi prophète de YEHOVAH.

 And all Israel [3478] from Dan [1835] even to Beersheba [0884] knew [3045] that Samuel [8050] [was] established [0539] [to be] a prophet [5030] of the LORD. [3068]


 Et YEHOVAH continua d'apparaître à Silo; car YEHOVAH se manifestait à Samuel, à Silo, par la Parole de YEHOVAH.

 And the LORD [3068] appeared [7200] again [3254] in Shiloh: [7887] for the LORD [3068] revealed [1540] himself to Samuel [8050] in Shiloh [7887] by the word [1697] of the LORD. [3068]


 Or la parole de Samuel était pour tout Israël. Et Israël sortit en guerre à la rencontre des Philistins, et campa près d'Ében-Ézer; et les Philistins campèrent à Aphek.

 And the word [1697] of Samuel [8050] came to all Israel. [3478] Now Israel [3478] went out [3318] against [7125] the Philistines [6430] to battle, [4421] and pitched [2583] beside Ebenezer: [0072] and the Philistines [6430] pitched [2583] in Aphek. [0663]


 Et les Philistins se rangèrent en bataille contre Israël; et le combat s'engagea, et Israël fut battu par les Philistins, qui tuèrent en bataille rangée dans la campagne, environ quatre mille hommes.

 And the Philistines [6430] put themselves in array [6186] against [7125] Israel: [3478] and when they joined [5203] battle, [4421] Israel [3478] was smitten [5062] before [6440] the Philistines: [6430] and they slew [5221] of the army [4634] in the field [7704] about four [0702] thousand [0505] men. [0376]


 Et le peuple étant rentré au camp, les anciens d'Israël dirent: Pourquoi YEHOVAH nous a-t-il laissé battre aujourd'hui par les Philistins? Faisons venir de Silo l'arche de l'alliance de YEHOVAH, et qu'il vienne au milieu de nous, et nous délivre de la main de nos ennemis.

 And when the people [5971] were come [0935] into the camp, [4264] the elders [2205] of Israel [3478] said, [0559] Wherefore hath the LORD [3068] smitten [5062] us to day [3117] before [6440] the Philistines? [6430] Let us fetch [3947] the ark [0727] of the covenant [1285] of the LORD [3068] out of Shiloh [7887] unto us, that, when it cometh [0935] among [7130] us, it may save [3467] us out of the hand [3709] of our enemies. [0341]


 Le peuple envoya donc à Silo, d'où l'on apporta l'arche de l'alliance de YEHOVAH des armées, qui habite entre les Voyants; et les deux fils d'Héli, Hophni et Phinées, y étaient avec l'arche de l'alliance de Dieu.

 So the people [5971] sent [7971] to Shiloh, [7887] that they might bring [5375] from thence the ark [0727] of the covenant [1285] of the LORD [3068] of hosts, [6635] which dwelleth [3427] [between] the cherubims: [3742] and the two [8147] sons [1121] of Eli, [5941] Hophni [2652] and Phinehas, [6372] [were] there with the ark [0727] of the covenant [1285] of God. [0430]


 Et comme l'arche de YEHOVAH entrait au camp, tout Israël jeta de si grands cris de joie, que la terre en retentit.

 And when the ark [0727] of the covenant [1285] of the LORD [3068] came [0935] into the camp, [4264] all Israel [3478] shouted [7321] with a great [1419] shout, [8643] so that the earth [0776] rang again. [1949]


 Et les Philistins, entendant le bruit des cris de joie, dirent: Que veulent dire ces grands cris de joie au camp des Hébreux? Et ils surent que l'arche de YEHOVAH était venue au camp.

 And when the Philistines [6430] heard [8085] the noise [6963] of the shout, [8643] they said, [0559] What [meaneth] the noise [6963] of this great [1419] shout [8643] in the camp [4264] of the Hebrews? [5680] And they understood [3045] that the ark [0727] of the LORD [3068] was come [0935] into the camp. [4264]


 Et les Philistins eurent peur, car ils disaient: Dieu est venu au camp; et ils dirent: Malheur à nous! car il n'en était pas ainsi ces jours passés;

 And the Philistines [6430] were afraid, [3372] for they said, [0559] God [0430] is come [0935] into the camp. [4264] And they said, [0559] Woe [0188] unto us! for there hath not been such a thing heretofore. [0865] [8032]


 Malheur à nous! qui nous délivrera de la main de ces Dieux puissants? Ce sont ces Dieux qui ont frappé les Égyptiens de toute sorte de plaies au désert.

 Woe [0188] unto us! who shall deliver [5337] us out of the hand [3027] of these mighty [0117] Gods? [0430] these [are] the Gods [0430] that smote [5221] the Egyptians [4714] with all the plagues [4347] in the wilderness. [4057]


 Philistins, renforcez-vous, et agissez en hommes, de peur que vous ne soyez esclaves des Hébreux, comme ils ont été les vôtres; soyez donc hommes, et combattez.

 Be strong, [2388] and quit [1961] yourselves like men, [0582] O ye Philistines, [6430] that ye be not servants [5647] unto the Hebrews, [5680] as they have been [5647] to you: quit [1961] yourselves like men, [0582] and fight. [3898]


 Les Philistins combattirent donc, et Israël fut battu, et chacun s'enfuit en sa tente; la défaite fut très grande, et trente mille hommes de pied d'Israël y périrent.

 And the Philistines [6430] fought, [3898] and Israel [3478] was smitten, [5062] and they fled [5127] every man [0376] into his tent: [0168] and there was a very [3966] great [1419] slaughter; [4347] for there fell [5307] of Israel [3478] thirty [7970] thousand [0505] footmen. [7273]


 Et l'arche de Dieu fut prise; et les deux fils d'Héli, Hophni et Phinées, moururent.

 And the ark [0727] of God [0430] was taken; [3947] and the two [8147] sons [1121] of Eli, [5941] Hophni [2652] and Phinehas, [6372] were slain. [4191]


 Or, un homme de Benjamin s'enfuit de la bataille, et arriva à Silo ce jour-là, les vêtements déchirés, et de la poussière sur la tête;

 And there ran [7323] a man [0376] of Benjamin [1144] out of the army, [4634] and came [0935] to Shiloh [7887] the same day [3117] with his clothes [4055] rent, [7167] and with earth [0127] upon his head. [7218]


 Et comme il arrivait, voici, Héli était assis sur son siège à côté du chemin, en attente; car son cœur tremblait à cause de l'arche de Dieu. Cet homme entra donc dans la ville pour porter ces nouvelles, et toute la ville se mit à crier.

 And when he came, [0935] lo, Eli [5941] sat [3427] upon a seat [3678] by the wayside [1870] [3027] [3197] watching: [6822] for his heart [3820] trembled [2730] for the ark [0727] of God. [0430] And when the man [0376] came [0935] into the city, [5892] and told [5046] [it], all the city [5892] cried out. [2199]


 Et Héli, entendant ces clameurs, dit: Que veut dire ce bruit, ce tumulte? Et cet homme, se hâtant, vint à Héli, et lui raconta tout.

 And when Eli [5941] heard [8085] the noise [6963] of the crying, [6818] he said, [0559] What [meaneth] the noise [6963] of this tumult? [1995] And the man [0376] came [0935] in hastily, [4116] and told [5046] Eli. [5941]


 Or, Héli était âgé de quatre-vingt-dix-huit ans, et ses yeux étaient fixes, et il ne pouvait plus voir.

 Now Eli [5941] was ninety [8673] and eight [8083] years [8141] old; [1121] and his eyes [5869] were dim, [6965] that he could [3201] not see. [7200]


 L'homme dit donc à Héli: C'est moi qui viens de la bataille; et je me suis échappé de la bataille aujourd'hui. Et Héli dit: Qu'est-il arrivé, mon fils?

 And the man [0376] said [0559] unto Eli, [5941] I [am] he that came [0935] out of the army, [4634] and I fled [5127] to day [3117] out of the army. [4634] And he said, [0559] What is there done, [1697] my son? [1121]


 Et celui qui apportait les nouvelles répondit, et dit: Israël a fui devant les Philistins; et même il y a eu une grande défaite parmi le peuple, et tes deux fils, Hophni et Phinées, sont morts aussi, et l'arche de Dieu a été prise.

 And the messenger [1319] answered [6030] and said, [0559] Israel [3478] is fled [5127] before [6440] the Philistines, [6430] and there hath been also a great [1419] slaughter [4046] among the people, [5971] and thy two [8147] sons [1121] also, Hophni [2652] and Phinehas, [6372] are dead, [4191] and the ark [0727] of God [0430] is taken. [3947]


 Et dès qu'il eut fait mention de l'arche de Dieu, Héli tomba à la renverse de dessus son siège, à côté de la porte, et il se rompit le cou, et mourut; car c'était un homme vieux et pesant. Il avait jugé Israël quarante ans.

 And it came to pass, when he made mention [2142] of the ark [0727] of God, [0430] that he fell [5307] from off the seat [3678] backward [0322] by [1157] the side [3027] of the gate, [8179] and his neck [4665] brake, [7665] and he died: [4191] for he was an old [2204] man, [0376] and heavy. [3513] And he had judged [8199] Israel [3478] forty [0705] years. [8141]


 Et sa belle-fille, femme de Phinées, qui était enceinte et sur le point d'accoucher, ayant appris la nouvelle que l'arche de Dieu était prise, et que son beau-père et son mari étaient morts, s'affaissa et enfanta; car les douleurs lui survinrent.

 And his daughter in law, [3618] Phinehas' [6372] wife, [0802] was with child, [2030] [near] to be delivered: [3205] and when she heard [8085] the tidings [8052] that [0413] the ark [0727] of God [0430] was taken, [3947] and that her father in law [2524] and her husband [0376] were dead, [4191] she bowed [3766] herself and travailed; [3205] for her pains [6735] came [2015] upon her.


 Et comme elle se mourait, celles qui étaient près d'elle, lui dirent: Ne crains point; car tu as enfanté un fils. Mais elle ne répondit rien, et n'y fit aucune attention.

 And about the time [6256] of her death [4191] the women that stood [5324] by her said [1696] unto her, Fear [3372] not; for thou hast born [3205] a son. [1121] But she answered [6030] not, neither did she regard [7896] [3820] [it].


 Et elle nomma l'enfant Icabod (sans gloire), en disant: La gloire est ôtée d'Israël; parce que l'arche de YEHOVAH était prise, et à cause de son beau-père et de son mari.

 And she named [7121] the child [5288] Ichabod, [0350] saying, [0559] The glory [3519] is departed [1540] from Israel: [3478] because [0413] the ark [0727] of God [0430] was taken, [3947] and because of her father in law [2524] and her husband. [0376]


 Elle dit donc: La gloire est ôtée d'Israël; car l'arche de Dieu est prise.

 And she said, [0559] The glory [3519] is departed [1540] from Israel: [3478] for the ark [0727] of God [0430] is taken. [3947]


 Or les Philistins prirent l'arche de Dieu, et l'emmenèrent d'Ében-Ézer à Asdod.

 And the Philistines [6430] took [3947] the ark [0727] of God, [0430] and brought [0935] it from Ebenezer [0072] unto Ashdod. [0795]


 Puis les Philistins prirent l'arche de Dieu, et l'emmenèrent dans la maison de Dagon, et la placèrent auprès de Dagon.

 When the Philistines [6430] took [3947] the ark [0727] of God, [0430] they brought [0935] it into the house [1004] of Dagon, [1712] and set [3322] it by [0681] Dagon. [1712]


 Le lendemain, les Asdodiens se levèrent de bon matin, et voici, Dagon était tombé, le visage contre terre, devant l'arche de YEHOVAH; mais ils prirent Dagon, et le remirent à sa place.

 And when they of Ashdod [0796] arose early [7925] on the morrow, [4283] behold, Dagon [1712] [was] fallen [5307] upon his face [6440] to the earth [0776] before [6440] the ark [0727] of the LORD. [3068] And they took [3947] Dagon, [1712] and set him in his place [4725] again. [7725]


 Ils se levèrent encore le lendemain de bon matin, et voici, Dagon était tombé, le visage contre terre, devant l'arche de YEHOVAH; la tête de Dagon et les deux paumes de ses mains, coupées, étaient sur le seuil; le tronc seul lui restait.

 And when they arose early [7925] on the morrow [4283] morning, [1242] behold, Dagon [1712] [was] fallen [5307] upon his face [6440] to the ground [0776] before [6440] the ark [0727] of the LORD; [3068] and the head [7218] of Dagon [1712] and both [8147] the palms [3709] of his hands [3027] [were] cut off [3772] upon the threshold; [4670] only [the stump of] Dagon [1712] was left [7604] to him.


 C'est pour cela que les sacrificateurs de Dagon, et tous ceux qui entrent dans sa maison, ne marchent point sur le seuil de Dagon, à Asdod, jusqu'à ce jour.

 Therefore neither the priests [3548] of Dagon, [1712] nor any that come [0935] into Dagon's [1712] house, [1004] tread [1869] on the threshold [4670] of Dagon [1712] in Ashdod [0795] unto this day. [3117]


 Ensuite la main de YEHOVAH s'appesantit sur les Asdodiens, et désola leur pays, et les frappa d'hémorroïdes à Asdod et dans son territoire.

 But the hand [3027] of the LORD [3068] was heavy [3513] upon them of Ashdod, [0796] and he destroyed [8074] them, and smote [5221] them with emerods, [2914] [6076] [even] Ashdod [0795] and the coasts [1366] thereof.


 Ceux d'Asdod, voyant qu'il en était ainsi, dirent: L'arche du Dieu d'Israël ne demeurera point chez nous; car sa main s'est appesantie sur nous et sur Dagon, notre dieu.

 And when the men [0582] of Ashdod [0795] saw [7200] that [it was] so, they said, [0559] The ark [0727] of the God [0430] of Israel [3478] shall not abide [3427] with us: for his hand [3027] is sore [7185] upon us, and upon Dagon [1712] our god. [0430]


 Alors ils envoyèrent et assemblèrent tous les princes des Philistins, et dirent: Que ferons-nous de l'arche du Dieu d'Israël? Et ils répondirent: Qu'on transporte l'arche du Dieu d'Israël à Gath. Ainsi l'on transporta l'arche du Dieu d'Israël.

 They sent [7971] therefore and gathered [0622] all the lords [5633] of the Philistines [6430] unto them, and said, [0559] What shall we do [6213] with the ark [0727] of the God [0430] of Israel? [3478] And they answered, [0559] Let the ark [0727] of the God [0430] of Israel [3478] be carried about [5437] unto Gath. [1661] And they carried [5437] the ark [0727] of the God [0430] of Israel [3478] about [thither].


 Mais après qu'on l'eut transportée, la main de YEHOVAH fut sur la ville et y causa un grand trouble, et il frappa les gens de la ville, depuis le petit jusqu'au grand, et il leur vint des hémorroïdes.

 And it was [so], that, after [0310] they had carried it about, [5437] the hand [3027] of the LORD [3068] was against the city [5892] with a very [3966] great [1419] destruction: [4103] and he smote [5221] the men [0582] of the city, [5892] both small [6996] and great, [1419] and they had emerods [2914] [6076] in their secret parts. [8368]


 Ils envoyèrent donc l'arche de Dieu à Ékron. Or, comme l'arche de Dieu entrait à Ékron, les Ékroniens s'écrièrent, et dirent: Ils ont transporté chez nous l'arche du Dieu d'Israël, pour nous faire mourir, nous et notre peuple!

 Therefore they sent [7971] the ark [0727] of God [0430] to Ekron. [6138] And it came to pass, as the ark [0727] of God [0430] came [0935] to Ekron, [6138] that the Ekronites [6139] cried out, [2199] saying, [0559] They have brought about [5437] the ark [0727] of the God [0430] of Israel [3478] to us, to slay [4191] us and our people. [5971]


 C'est pourquoi ils envoyèrent, et rassemblèrent tous les princes des Philistins, et dirent: Laissez aller l'arche du Dieu d'Israël, et qu'elle s'en retourne en son lieu, afin qu'elle ne nous fasse point mourir, nous et notre peuple. Car il y avait une terreur mortelle par toute la ville, et la main de Dieu s'y était fort appesantie.

 So they sent [7971] and gathered [0622] together all the lords [5633] of the Philistines, [6430] and said, [0559] Send away [7971] the ark [0727] of the God [0430] of Israel, [3478] and let it go again [7725] to his own place, [4725] that it slay [4191] us not, and our people: [5971] for there was a deadly [4194] destruction [4103] throughout all the city; [5892] the hand [3027] of God [0430] was very [3966] heavy [3513] there.


 Et les hommes qui ne mouraient point, étaient frappés d'hémorroïdes; et le cri de la ville montait jusqu'au ciel.

 And the men [0582] that died [4191] not were smitten [5221] with the emerods: [2914] [6076] and the cry [7775] of the city [5892] went up [5927] to heaven. [8064]


 L'arche de YEHOVAH ayant été pendant sept mois au pays des Philistins,

 And the ark [0727] of the LORD [3068] was in the country [7704] of the Philistines [6430] seven [7651] months. [2320]


 Les Philistins appelèrent les sacrificateurs et les devins, et leur dirent: Que ferons nous de l'arche de YEHOVAH? Apprenez-nous comment nous la renverrons en son lieu.

 And the Philistines [6430] called [7121] for the priests [3548] and the diviners, [7080] saying, [0559] What shall we do [6213] to the ark [0727] of the LORD? [3068] tell [3045] us wherewith we shall send [7971] it to his place. [4725]


 Et ils répondirent: Si vous renvoyez l'arche du Dieu d'Israël, ne la renvoyez point à vide; mais ne manquez pas de lui payer un SACRIFICE DE CULPABILITÉ; alors vous serez guéris, et vous saurez pourquoi sa main ne s'est point retirée de dessus vous.

 And they said, [0559] If ye send away [7971] the ark [0727] of the God [0430] of Israel, [3478] send [7971] it not empty; [7387] but in any wise [7725] return [7725] him a trespass offering: [0817] then ye shall be healed, [7495] and it shall be known [3045] to you why his hand [3027] is not removed [5493] from you.


 Et ils dirent: Quelle offrande lui payerons-nous pour le délit? Et ils répondirent: D'après le nombre des princes des Philistins, cinq hémorroïdes d'or, et cinq souris d'or; car une même plaie a été sur vous tous, et sur vos princes.

 Then said [0559] they, What [shall be] the trespass offering [0817] which we shall return [7725] to him? They answered, [0559] Five [2568] golden [2091] emerods, [2914] [6076] and five [2568] golden [2091] mice, [5909] [according to] the number [4557] of the lords [5633] of the Philistines: [6430] for one [0259] plague [4046] [was] on you all, and on your lords. [5633]


 Vous ferez donc des figures de vos hémorroïdes, et des figures des souris qui dévastent le pays, et vous donnerez gloire au Dieu d'Israël; peut-être allégera-t-il sa main de dessus vous, et de dessus vos dieux, et de dessus votre pays.

 Wherefore ye shall make [6213] images [6754] of your emerods, [2914] [6076] and images [6754] of your mice [5909] that mar [7843] the land; [0776] and ye shall give [5414] glory [3519] unto the God [0430] of Israel: [3478] peradventure he will lighten [7043] his hand [3027] from off you, and from off your gods, [0430] and from off your land. [0776]


 Et pourquoi endurciriez-vous votre cœur, comme les Égyptiens et Pharaon endurcirent le leur? Après qu'il eut accompli contre eux ses prodiges, ne les laissèrent-ils pas partir et s'en aller?

 Wherefore then do ye harden [3513] your hearts, [3824] as the Egyptians [4714] and Pharaoh [6547] hardened [3513] their hearts? [3820] when he had wrought wonderfully [5953] among them, did they not let the people go, [7971] and they departed? [3212]


 Maintenant donc prenez de quoi faire un chariot tout neuf, et deux vaches qui allaitent, sur lesquelles on n'ait point encore mis de joug; et attelez les deux vaches au chariot, et ramenez leurs petits à la maison.

 Now therefore make [6213] a [0259] new [2319] cart, [5699] and take [3947] two [8147] milch [5763] kine, [6510] on which there hath come [5927] no yoke, [5923] and tie [0631] the kine [6510] to the cart, [5699] and bring [7725] their calves [1121] home [1004] from [0310] them:


 Prenez ensuite l'arche de YEHOVAH, et mettez-la sur le chariot; et mettez les ouvrages d'or, que vous lui aurez payés en offrande pour le délit, dans un coffret, à côté d'elle, et renvoyez-la, et qu'elle s'en aille.

 And take [3947] the ark [0727] of the LORD, [3068] and lay [5414] it upon the cart; [5699] and put [7760] the jewels [3627] of gold, [2091] which ye return [7725] him [for] a trespass offering, [0817] in a coffer [0712] by the side [6654] thereof; and send it away, [7971] that it may go. [1980]


 Puis, regardez; si elle monte vers Beth-Shémesh, par le chemin de sa frontière, c'est YEHOVAH qui nous a fait ce grand mal; sinon, nous saurons que sa main ne nous a point touchés, mais que ceci nous est arrivé par hasard.

 And see, [7200] if it goeth up [5927] by the way [1870] of his own coast [1366] to Bethshemesh, [1053] [then] he hath done [6213] us this great [1419] evil: [7451] but if not, then we shall know [3045] that [it is] not his hand [3027] [that] smote [5060] us: it [was] a chance [4745] [that] happened [1961] to us.


 Et ces gens firent ainsi. Ils prirent deux vaches qui allaitaient, et les attelèrent au chariot, et enfermèrent leurs petits dans la maison;

 And the men [0582] did [6213] so; and took [3947] two [8147] milch [5763] kine, [6510] and tied [0631] them to the cart, [5699] and shut up [3607] their calves [1121] at home: [1004]


 Et ils mirent l'arche de YEHOVAH sur le chariot, et le coffret, avec les souris d'or et les figures de leurs tumeurs.

 And they laid [7760] the ark [0727] of the LORD [3068] upon the cart, [5699] and the coffer [0712] with the mice [5909] of gold [2091] and the images [6754] of their emerods. [2914]


 Alors les vaches prirent tout droit le chemin de Beth-Shémesh, et tinrent toujours la même route, marchant et mugissant; et elles ne se détournèrent ni à droite ni à gauche; et les princes des Philistins allèrent après elles jusqu'à la frontière de Beth-Shémesh.

 And the kine [6510] took the straight [3474] way [1870] to the way [1870] of Bethshemesh, [1053] [and] went [1980] along [1980] the highway, [4546] [0259] lowing [1600] as they went, and turned not aside [5493] [to] the right hand [3225] or [to] the left; [8040] and the lords [5633] of the Philistines [6430] went [1980] after [0310] them unto the border [1366] of Bethshemesh. [1053]


 Or, les gens de Beth-Shémesh moissonnaient les blés dans la vallée; et ils levèrent les yeux, et virent l'arche, et se réjouirent de la voir.

 And [they of] Bethshemesh [1053] [were] reaping [7114] their wheat [2406] harvest [7105] in the valley: [6010] and they lifted up [5375] their eyes, [5869] and saw [7200] the ark, [0727] and rejoiced [8055] to see [7200] [it].


 Et le chariot vint au champ de Josué, de Beth-Shémesh, et s'arrêta là. Or, il y avait là une grande pierre, et on fendit le bois du chariot, et on offrit les vaches en offrande à brûler à YEHOVAH;

 And the cart [5699] came [0935] into the field [7704] of Joshua, [3091] a Bethshemite, [1030] and stood [5975] there, where [there was] a great [1419] stone: [0068] and they clave [1234] the wood [6086] of the cart, [5699] and offered [5927] the kine [6510] a burnt offering [5930] unto the LORD. [3068]


 Et les Lévites descendirent l'arche de YEHOVAH, et le coffret qui était auprès, dans lequel étaient les ouvrages d'or, et ils les mirent sur la grande pierre. En ce jour, ceux de Beth-Shémesh offrirent des offrandes à brûler et des sacrifices à YEHOVAH.

 And the Levites [3881] took down [3381] the ark [0727] of the LORD, [3068] and the coffer [0712] that [was] with it, wherein the jewels [3627] of gold [2091] [were], and put [7760] [them] on the great [1419] stone: [0068] and the men [0582] of Bethshemesh [1053] offered [5927] burnt offerings [5930] and sacrificed [2076] sacrifices [2077] the same day [3117] unto the LORD. [3068]


 Et les cinq princes des Philistins, ayant vu cela, retournèrent le même jour à Ékron.

 And when the five [2568] lords [5633] of the Philistines [6430] had seen [7200] [it], they returned [7725] to Ekron [6138] the same day. [3117]


 Et voici les tumeurs d'or que les Philistins donnèrent à YEHOVAH, en offrande pour le délit; une pour Asdod, une pour Gaza, une pour Askélon, une pour Gath, une pour Ékron.

 And these [are] the golden [2091] emerods [2914] which the Philistines [6430] returned [7725] [for] a trespass offering [0817] unto the LORD; [3068] for Ashdod [0795] one, [0259] for Gaza [5804] one, [0259] for Askelon [0831] one, [0259] for Gath [1661] one, [0259] for Ekron [6138] one; [0259]


 Et il y avait des souris d'or, selon le nombre de toutes les villes des Philistins soumises aux cinq princes, tant des villes fermées que des bourgs sans murailles. Or la grande pierre sur laquelle on posa l'arche de YEHOVAH, est encore jusqu'à ce jour dans le champ de Josué de Beth-Shémesh.

 And the golden [2091] mice, [5909] [according to] the number [4557] of all the cities [5892] of the Philistines [6430] [belonging] to the five [2568] lords, [5633] [both] of fenced [4013] cities, [5892] and of country [6521] villages, [3724] even unto the great [1419] [stone of] Abel, [0059] whereon they set down [3240] the ark [0727] of the LORD: [3068] [which stone remaineth] unto this day [3117] in the field [7704] of Joshua, [3091] the Bethshemite. [1030]


 Et YEHOVAH frappa les gens de Beth-Shémesh, parce qu'ils avaient regardé dans l'arche de YEHOVAH; et il frappa dans le peuple, soixante et dix hommes, et cinquante mille hommes. Et le peuple fut dans le deuil, parce que YEHOVAH l'avait frappé d'une grande plaie.

 And he smote [5221] the men [0582] of Bethshemesh, [1053] because they had looked [7200] into the ark [0727] of the LORD, [3068] even he smote [5221] of the people [5971] fifty [2572] thousand [0505] and threescore [0376] and ten [7657] men: [0376] and the people [5971] lamented, [0056] because the LORD [3068] had smitten [5221] [many] of the people [5971] with a great [1419] slaughter. [4347]


 Alors ceux de Beth-Shémesh dirent: Qui pourrait subsister en présence de YEHOVAH, de ce Dieu saint? Et vers qui montera-t-il en s'éloignant de nous?

 And the men [0582] of Bethshemesh [1053] said, [0559] Who is able [3201] to stand [5975] before [6440] this holy [6918] LORD [3068] God? [0430] and to whom shall he go up [5927] from us?


 Et ils envoyèrent des messagers aux habitants de Kirjath-Jearim, pour leur dire: Les Philistins ont ramené l'arche de YEHOVAH; descendez, et faites-la monter vers vous.

 And they sent [7971] messengers [4397] to the inhabitants [3427] of Kirjathjearim, [7157] saying, [0559] The Philistines [6430] have brought again [7725] the ark [0727] of the LORD; [3068] come ye down, [3381] [and] fetch it up [5927] to you.


 Alors, les gens de Kirjath-Jearim vinrent, et firent monter l'arche de YEHOVAH, et la mirent dans la maison d'Abinadab, sur le coteau, et ils consacrèrent Éléazar, son fils, pour garder l'arche de YEHOVAH.

 And the men [0582] of Kirjathjearim [7157] came, [0935] and fetched up [5927] the ark [0727] of the LORD, [3068] and brought [0935] it into the house [1004] of Abinadab [0041] in the hill, [1389] [1390] and sanctified [6942] Eleazar [0499] his son [1121] to keep [8104] the ark [0727] of the LORD. [3068]


 Or, depuis le jour où l'arche de YEHOVAH fut déposée à Kirjath-Jearim, il se passa un long temps; et il y avait vingt ans de cela, lorsque toute la maison d'Israël soupira après YEHOVAH.

 And it came to pass, while [3117] the ark [0727] abode [3427] in Kirjathjearim, [7157] that the time [3117] was long; [7235] for it was twenty [6242] years: [8141] and all the house [1004] of Israel [3478] lamented [5091] after [0310] the LORD. [3068]


 Et Samuel parla à toute la maison d'Israël, en disant: Si vous retournez de tout votre cœur à YEHOVAH, ôtez du milieu de vous les dieux étrangers et les Ashtharoth, et rangez votre cœur à YEHOVAH, et servez-le lui seul, et il vous délivrera de la main des Philistins.

 And Samuel [8050] spake [0559] unto all the house [1004] of Israel, [3478] saying, [0559] If ye do return [7725] unto the LORD [3068] with all your hearts, [3824] [then] put away [5493] the strange [5236] gods [0430] and Ashtaroth [6252] from among [8432] you, and prepare [3559] your hearts [3824] unto the LORD, [3068] and serve [5647] him only: and he will deliver [5337] you out of the hand [3027] of the Philistines. [6430]


 Alors les enfants d'Israël ôtèrent les Baalim et les Ashtharoth, et servirent YEHOVAH seul.

 Then the children [1121] of Israel [3478] did put away [5493] Baalim [1168] and Ashtaroth, [6252] and served [5647] the LORD [3068] only.


 Et Samuel dit: Assemblez tout Israël à Mitspa, et je prierai YEHOVAH pour vous.

 And Samuel [8050] said, [0559] Gather [6908] all Israel [3478] to Mizpeh, [4708] and I will pray [6419] for you unto the LORD. [3068]


 Ils s'assemblèrent donc à Mitspa, et y puisèrent de l'eau, qu'ils répandirent devant YEHOVAH; et ils jeûnèrent ce jour-là, et dirent: Nous avons péché contre YEHOVAH! Et Samuel jugea les enfants d'Israël à Mitspa.

 And they gathered together [6908] to Mizpeh, [4709] and drew [7579] water, [4325] and poured [it] out [8210] before [6440] the LORD, [3068] and fasted [6684] on that day, [3117] and said [0559] there, We have sinned [2398] against the LORD. [3068] And Samuel [8050] judged [8199] the children [1121] of Israel [3478] in Mizpeh. [4708]


 Or, quand les Philistins eurent appris que les enfants d'Israël s'étaient assemblés à Mitspa, les princes des Philistins montèrent contre Israël. Et quand les enfants d'Israël l'eurent appris, ils eurent peur des Philistins;

 And when the Philistines [6430] heard [8085] that the children [1121] of Israel [3478] were gathered together [6908] to Mizpeh, [4708] the lords [5633] of the Philistines [6430] went up [5927] against Israel. [3478] And when the children [1121] of Israel [3478] heard [8085] [it], they were afraid [3372] of [6440] the Philistines. [6430]


 Et les enfants d'Israël dirent à Samuel: Ne cesse point de crier pour nous à YEHOVAH, notre Dieu, afin qu'il nous délivre de la main des Philistins.

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] said [0559] to Samuel, [8050] Cease [2790] not to cry [2199] unto the LORD [3068] our God [0430] for us, that he will save [3467] us out of the hand [3027] of the Philistines. [6430]


 Alors Samuel prit un agneau de lait, et l'offrit tout entier à YEHOVAH en offrande à brûler; et Samuel cria vers YEHOVAH pour Israël, et YEHOVAH l'exauça.

 And Samuel [8050] took [3947] a [0259] sucking [2461] lamb, [2924] and offered [5927] [it for] a burnt offering [5930] wholly [3632] unto the LORD: [3068] and Samuel [8050] cried [2199] unto the LORD [3068] for Israel; [3478] and the LORD [3068] heard [6030] him.


 Et il arriva, comme Samuel offrait l'offrande à brûler, que les Philistins s'approchèrent pour combattre contre Israël; mais YEHOVAH tonna avec grand bruit sur les Philistins en ce jour-là, et les mit en déroute, et ils furent battus devant Israël.

 And as Samuel [8050] was offering up [5927] the burnt offering, [5930] the Philistines [6430] drew near [5066] to battle [4421] against Israel: [3478] but the LORD [3068] thundered [7481] with a great [1419] thunder [6963] on that day [3117] upon the Philistines, [6430] and discomfited [2000] them; and they were smitten [5062] before [6440] Israel. [3478]


 Et les hommes d'Israël sortirent de Mitspa, et poursuivirent les Philistins, et les frappèrent jusqu'au-dessous de Beth-Car.

 And the men [0582] of Israel [3478] went out [3318] of Mizpeh, [4709] and pursued [7291] the Philistines, [6430] and smote [5221] them, until [they came] under Bethcar. [1033]


 Alors Samuel prit une pierre, et la mit entre Mitspa et le rocher, et la nomma Ében-Ézer (pierre du secours), et dit: YEHOVAH nous a secourus jusqu'ici.

 Then Samuel [8050] took [3947] a [0259] stone, [0068] and set [7760] [it] between Mizpeh [4709] and Shen, [8129] and called [7121] the name [8034] of it Ebenezer, [0072] saying, [0559] Hitherto hath the LORD [3068] helped [5826] us.


 Et les Philistins furent humiliés, et ils ne vinrent plus sur le territoire d'Israël; et la main de YEHOVAH fut contre les Philistins pendant tout le temps de Samuel.

 So the Philistines [6430] were subdued, [3665] and they came [0935] no more [3254] into the coast [1366] of Israel: [3478] and the hand [3027] of the LORD [3068] was against the Philistines [6430] all the days [3117] of Samuel. [8050]


 Et les villes que les Philistins avaient prises sur Israël, retournèrent à Israël, depuis Ékron jusqu'à Gath, avec leur territoire. Israël les délivra de la main des Philistins, et il y eut paix entre Israël et les Amoréens.

 And the cities [5892] which the Philistines [6430] had taken [3947] from Israel [3478] were restored [7725] to Israel, [3478] from Ekron [6138] even unto Gath; [1661] and the coasts [1366] thereof did Israel [3478] deliver [5337] out of the hands [3027] of the Philistines. [6430] And there was peace [7965] between Israel [3478] and the Amorites. [0567]


 Et Samuel jugea Israël tous les jours de sa vie.

 And Samuel [8050] judged [8199] Israel [3478] all the days [3117] of his life. [2416]


 Il allait tous les ans faire le tour de Béthel, et de Guilgal, et de Mitspa, et il jugeait Israël en tous ces lieux-là.

 And he went [1980] from [1767] year [8141] to year [8141] in circuit [5437] to Bethel, [1008] and Gilgal, [1537] and Mizpeh, [4709] and judged [8199] Israel [3478] in all those places. [4725]


 Puis il s'en retournait à Rama, car là était sa maison, et là il jugeait Israël; et il y bâtit un autel à YEHOVAH.

 And his return [8666] [was] to Ramah; [7414] for there [was] his house; [1004] and there he judged [8199] Israel; [3478] and there he built [1129] an altar [4196] unto the LORD. [3068]


 Quand Samuel fut devenu vieux, il établit ses fils pour juges sur Israël.

 And it came to pass, when Samuel [8050] was old, [2204] that he made [7760] his sons [1121] judges [8199] over Israel. [3478]


 Son premier-né s'appelait Joël, et le second Abija; et ils jugeaient à Béer-Shéba.

 Now the name [8034] of his firstborn [1121] [1060] was Joel; [3100] and the name [8034] of his second, [4932] Abiah: [0029] [they were] judges [8199] in Beersheba. [0884]


 Et ses fils ne marchèrent point dans ses voies, mais ils s'en détournèrent pour rechercher le gain; et ils prenaient des présents, et pervertissaient le droit.

 And his sons [1121] walked [1980] not in his ways, [1870] but turned aside [5186] after [0310] lucre, [1215] and took [3947] bribes, [7810] and perverted [5186] judgment. [4941]


 Alors tous les anciens d'Israël s'assemblèrent, et vinrent vers Samuel à Rama;

 Then all the elders [2205] of Israel [3478] gathered themselves together, [6908] and came [0935] to Samuel [8050] unto Ramah, [7414]


 Et ils lui dirent: Voici, tu es devenu vieux, et tes fils ne marchent point dans tes voies; maintenant, établis sur nous un roi pour nous juger, comme en ont toutes les nations.

 And said [0559] unto him, Behold, thou art old, [2204] and thy sons [1121] walk [1980] not in thy ways: [1870] now make [7760] us a king [4428] to judge [8199] us like all the nations. [1471]


 Et cette parole déplut à Samuel, parce qu'ils avaient dit: Donne-nous un roi pour nous juger; et Samuel pria YEHOVAH.

 But the thing [1697] displeased [3415] [5869] Samuel, [8050] when they said, [0559] Give [5414] us a king [4428] to judge [8199] us. And Samuel [8050] prayed [6419] unto the LORD. [3068]


 Et YEHOVAH dit à Samuel: Obéis à la voix du peuple, en tout ce qu'ils te diront; car ce n'est pas toi qu'ils ont rejeté, mais c'est moi qu'ils ont rejeté, afin que je ne règne point sur eux.

 And the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto Samuel, [8050] Hearken [8085] unto the voice [6963] of the people [5971] in all that they say [0559] unto thee: for they have not rejected [3988] thee, but they have rejected [3988] me, that I should not reign [4427] over them.


 Conformément à toutes les actions qu'ils ont faites, depuis le jour où je les ai fait monter hors d'Égypte jusqu'à ce jour, et de même qu'ils m'ont abandonné et ont servi d'autres dieux, ils agissent aussi de même à ton égard.

 According to all the works [4639] which they have done [6213] since the day [3117] that I brought them up [5927] out of Egypt [4714] even unto this day, [3117] wherewith they have forsaken [5800] me, and served [5647] other [0312] gods, [0430] so do [6213] they also unto thee.


 Maintenant donc, obéis à leur voix; seulement ne manque point de protester contre eux, et de leur déclarer comment le roi, qui régnera sur eux, les traitera.

 Now therefore hearken [8085] unto their voice: [6963] howbeit [0389] yet protest [5749] solemnly [5749] unto them, and shew [5046] them the manner [4941] of the king [4428] that shall reign [4427] over them.


 Alors Samuel dit toutes les paroles de YEHOVAH au peuple, qui lui avait demandé un roi.

 And Samuel [8050] told [0559] all the words [1697] of the LORD [3068] unto the people [5971] that asked [7592] of him a king. [4428]


 Et il dit: Voici comment vous traitera le roi qui régnera sur vous. Il prendra vos fils, et les mettra sur ses chars et parmi ses cavaliers, et ils courront devant son char;

 And he said, [0559] This will be the manner [4941] of the king [4428] that shall reign [4427] over you: He will take [3947] your sons, [1121] and appoint [7760] [them] for himself, for his chariots, [4818] and [to be] his horsemen; [6571] and [some] shall run [7323] before [6440] his chariots. [4818]


 Il les prendra aussi pour en faire ses chefs de milliers, et ses chefs de cinquantaines; pour labourer ses champs, pour récolter sa moisson, et pour faire ses instruments de guerre, et l'attirail de ses chars.

 And he will appoint [7760] him captains [8269] over thousands, [0505] and captains [8269] over fifties; [2572] and [will set them] to ear [2790] his ground, [2758] and to reap [7114] his harvest, [7105] and to make [6213] his instruments [3627] of war, [4421] and instruments [3627] of his chariots. [7393]


 Il prendra aussi vos filles, pour en faire des parfumeuses, des cuisinières, et des boulangères;

 And he will take [3947] your daughters [1323] [to be] confectionaries, [7548] and [to be] cooks, [2879] and [to be] bakers. [0644]


 Il prendra aussi vos champs, vos vignes et vos oliviers les meilleurs, et les donnera à ses serviteurs.

 And he will take [3947] your fields, [7704] and your vineyards, [3754] and your oliveyards, [2132] [even] the best [2896] [of them], and give [5414] [them] to his servants. [5650]


 Il lèvera la dîme de vos grains et de vos vignes, et la donnera à ses eunuques et à ses serviteurs;

 And he will take the tenth [6237] of your seed, [2233] and of your vineyards, [3754] and give [5414] to his officers, [5631] and to his servants. [5650]


 Il prendra vos serviteurs et vos servantes, et l'élite de vos jeunes gens, et vos ânes, et les emploiera à ses ouvrages;

 And he will take [3947] your menservants, [5650] and your maidservants, [8198] and your goodliest [2896] young men, [0970] and your asses, [2543] and put [6213] [them] to his work. [4399]


 Il dîmera vos troupeaux, et vous serez ses esclaves.

 He will take the tenth [6237] of your sheep: [6629] and ye shall be his servants. [5650]


 Vous crierez, en ce jour-là, à cause de votre roi, que vous vous serez choisi, mais YEHOVAH ne vous exaucera point.

 And ye shall cry out [2199] in that day [3117] because [6440] of your king [4428] which ye shall have chosen [0977] you; and the LORD [3068] will not hear [6030] you in that day. [3117]


 Mais le peuple refusa d'écouter la voix de Samuel, et ils dirent: Non! mais il y aura un roi sur nous,

 Nevertheless the people [5971] refused [3985] to obey [8085] the voice [6963] of Samuel; [8050] and they said, [0559] Nay; but we will have a king [4428] over us;


 Et nous serons, nous aussi, comme toutes les nations; et notre roi nous jugera, et sortira devant nous, et conduira nos guerres.

 That we also may be like all the nations; [1471] and that our king [4428] may judge [8199] us, and go out [3318] before [6440] us, and fight [3898] our battles. [4421]


 Et Samuel entendit toutes les paroles du peuple, et les rapporta aux oreilles de YEHOVAH.

 And Samuel [8050] heard [8085] all the words [1697] of the people, [5971] and he rehearsed [1696] them in the ears [0241] of the LORD. [3068]


 Et YEHOVAH dit à Samuel: Obéis à leur voix, et établis-leur un roi. Et Samuel dit aux hommes d'Israël: Allez-vous-en chacun en sa ville.

 And the LORD [3068] said [0559] to Samuel, [8050] Hearken [8085] unto their voice, [6963] and make [4427] them a king. [4428] And Samuel [8050] said [0559] unto the men [0582] of Israel, [3478] Go [3212] ye every man [0376] unto his city. [5892]


 Or il y avait un homme de Benjamin, nommé Kis, fils d'Abiel, fils de Tséror, fils de Bécorath, fils d'Aphiach, fils d'un Benjamite, et vaillant homme.

 Now there was a man [0376] of Benjamin, [1144] whose name [8034] [was] Kish, [7027] the son [1121] of Abiel, [0022] the son [1121] of Zeror, [6872] the son [1121] of Bechorath, [1064] the son [1121] of Aphiah, [0647] a Benjamite, [1121] [3228] [0376] a mighty [1368] man of power. [2428]


 Il avait un fils, nommé Saül, jeune et beau, et aucun des enfants d'Israël n'était plus beau que lui; et, des épaules en haut, il dépassait tout le peuple.

 And he had a son, [1121] whose name [8034] [was] Saul, [7586] a choice young man, [0970] and a goodly: [2896] and [there was] not among the children [1121] of Israel [3478] a goodlier [2896] person [0376] than he: from his shoulders [7926] and upward [4605] [he was] higher [1364] than any of the people. [5971]


 Or, les ânesses de Kis, père de Saül, s'étaient égarées; et Kis dit à Saül, son fils: Prends maintenant avec toi un des serviteurs, lève-toi, et va chercher les ânesses.

 And the asses [0860] of Kish [7027] Saul's [7586] father [0001] were lost. [0006] And Kish [7027] said [0559] to Saul [7586] his son, [1121] Take [3947] now one [0259] of the servants [5288] with thee, and arise, [6965] go [3212] seek [1245] the asses. [0860]


 Il passa donc par la montagne d'Éphraïm, et il passa par le pays de Shalisha, mais ils ne les trouvèrent point; puis ils passèrent par le pays de Shaalim, et elles n'y étaient pas; ils passèrent ensuite par le pays de Benjamin, et ils ne les trouvèrent point.

 And he passed [5674] through mount [2022] Ephraim, [0669] and passed [5674] through the land [0776] of Shalisha, [8031] but they found [4672] [them] not: then they passed [5674] through the land [0776] of Shalim, [8171] and [there they were] not: and he passed [5674] through the land [0776] of the Benjamites, [3228] but they found [4672] [them] not.


 Quand ils furent venus au pays de Tsuph, Saül dit à son serviteur, qui était avec lui: Viens, et retournons-nous-en, de peur que mon père ne cesse de s'inquiéter des ânesses, et ne soit en peine de nous.

 [And] when they were come [0935] to the land [0776] of Zuph, [6689] Saul [7586] said [0559] to his servant [5288] that [was] with him, Come, [3212] and let us return; [7725] lest my father [0001] leave [2308] [caring] for the asses, [0860] and take thought [1672] for us.


 Mais il lui dit: Voici, je te prie, il y a dans cette ville un homme de Dieu, et c'est un homme vénéré, et tout ce qu'il dit arrive; allons-y maintenant; peut-être qu'il nous enseignera le chemin que nous devons suivre.

 And he said [0559] unto him, Behold now, [there is] in this city [5892] a man [0376] of God, [0430] and [he is] an honourable [3513] man; [0376] all that he saith [1696] cometh [0935] surely to pass: [0935] now let us go [3212] thither; peradventure he can shew [5046] us our way [1870] that we should go. [1980]


 Et Saül dit à son serviteur: Mais si nous y allons, que porterons-nous à cet homme? car nos sacs sont vides de provisions, et nous n'avons aucun présent à porter à l'homme de Dieu. Qu'avons-nous avec nous?

 Then said [0559] Saul [7586] to his servant, [5288] But, behold, [if] we go, [3212] what shall we bring [0935] the man? [0376] for the bread [3899] is spent [0235] in our vessels, [3627] and [there is] not a present [8670] to bring [0935] to the man [0376] of God: [0430] what have we?


 Et le serviteur répondit de nouveau à Saül, et dit: Voici il se trouve encore entre mes mains le quart d'un sicle d'argent; je le donnerai à l'homme de Dieu, et il nous enseignera notre chemin.

 And the servant [5288] answered [6030] Saul [7586] again, [3254] and said, [0559] Behold, I have here [4672] at hand [3027] the fourth [7253] part of a shekel [8255] of silver: [3701] [that] will I give [5414] to the man [0376] of God, [0430] to tell [5046] us our way. [1870]


 (Autrefois en Israël, quand on allait consulter Dieu, on disait ainsi: Venez, allons jusqu'au Voyant; car celui qu'on appelle aujourd'hui le prophète, s'appelait autrefois le Voyant.)

 (Beforetime [6440] in Israel, [3478] when a man [0376] went [3212] to enquire [1875] of God, [0430] thus he spake, [0559] Come, [3212] and let us go [3212] to the seer: [7200] for [he that is] now [3117] [called] a Prophet [5030] was beforetime [6440] called [7121] a Seer.) [7200]


 Et Saül dit à son serviteur: Tu as bien dit; viens, allons. Et ils s'en allèrent à la ville où était l'homme de Dieu.

 Then said [0559] Saul [7586] to his servant, [5288] Well [2896] said; [1697] come, [3212] let us go. [3212] So they went [3212] unto the city [5892] where the man [0376] of God [0430] [was].


 Comme ils montaient par la montée de la ville, ils trouvèrent des jeunes filles qui sortaient pour puiser de l'eau, et ils leur dirent: Le Voyant est-il ici?

 [And] as they went up [5927] the hill [4608] to the city, [5892] they found [4672] young maidens [5291] going out [3318] to draw [7579] water, [4325] and said [0559] unto them, Is [3426] the seer [7200] here?


 Et elles leur répondirent, et dirent: Il y est, le voilà devant toi; hâte-toi maintenant; car il est venu aujourd'hui à la ville, parce que le peuple fait aujourd'hui un sacrifice sur le haut lieu.

 And they answered [6030] them, and said, [0559] He is; [3426] behold, [he is] before [6440] you: make haste [4116] now, for he came [0935] to day [3117] to the city; [5892] for [there is] a sacrifice [2077] of the people [5971] to day [3117] in the high place: [1116]


 Dès que vous serez entrés dans la ville, vous le trouverez, avant qu'il monte au haut lieu pour manger; car le peuple ne mangera point jusqu'à ce qu'il soit venu, parce qu'il doit bénir le sacrifice; après cela ceux qui sont conviés en mangeront. Montez donc maintenant; car vous le trouverez précisément aujourd'hui.

 As soon as ye be come [0935] into the city, [5892] ye shall straightway [3651] find [4672] him, before he go up [5927] to the high place [1116] to eat: [0398] for the people [5971] will not eat [0398] until he come, [0935] because he doth bless [1288] the sacrifice; [2077] [and] afterwards [0310] [3651] they eat [0398] that be bidden. [7121] Now therefore get you up; [5927] for about this time [3117] ye shall find [4672] him.


 Ils montèrent donc à la ville. Comme ils entraient dans le milieu de la ville, voici, Samuel, qui sortait pour monter au haut lieu, les rencontra.

 And they went up [5927] into [8432] the city: [5892] [and] when they were come [0935] into the city, [5892] behold, Samuel [8050] came out [3318] against [7125] them, for to go up [5927] to the high place. [1116]


 Or, un jour avant que Saül vînt, YEHOVAH avait fait à Samuel une révélation, lui disant:

 Now the LORD [3068] had told [1540] Samuel [8050] in his ear [0241] a [0259] day [3117] before [6440] Saul [7586] came, [0935] saying, [0559]


 Demain, à cette même heure, je t'enverrai un homme du pays de Benjamin, et tu l'oindras pour être conducteur de mon peuple d'Israël, et il délivrera mon peuple de la main des Philistins. Car j'ai regardé mon peuple, parce que son cri est venu jusqu'à moi.

 To morrow [4279] about this time [6256] I will send [7971] thee a man [0376] out of the land [0776] of Benjamin, [1144] and thou shalt anoint [4886] him [to be] captain [5057] over my people [5971] Israel, [3478] that he may save [3467] my people [5971] out of the hand [3027] of the Philistines: [6430] for I have looked [7200] upon my people, [5971] because their cry [6818] is come [0935] unto me.


 Et lorsque Samuel eut vu Saül, YEHOVAH lui dit: Voici l'homme dont je t'ai parlé; c'est lui qui dominera sur mon peuple.

 And when Samuel [8050] saw [7200] Saul, [7586] the LORD [3068] said [6030] unto him, Behold the man [0376] whom I spake [0559] to thee of! this same shall reign [6113] over my people. [5971]


 Et Saül s'approcha de Samuel, au milieu de la porte, et dit: Indique-moi, je te prie, où est la maison du Voyant.

 Then Saul [7586] drew near [5066] to Samuel [8050] in [8432] the gate, [8179] and said, [0559] Tell [5046] me, I pray thee, where [0335] the seer's [7200] house [1004] [is].


 Et Samuel répondit à Saül, et dit: C'est moi qui suis le Voyant. Monte devant moi au haut lieu, et vous mangerez aujourd'hui avec moi; et je te laisserai aller au matin, et je te déclarerai tout ce qui est en ton cœur.

 And Samuel [8050] answered [6030] Saul, [7586] and said, [0559] I [am] the seer: [7200] go up [5927] before [6440] me unto the high place; [1116] for ye shall eat [0398] with me to day, [3117] and to morrow [1242] I will let thee go, [7971] and will tell [5046] thee all that [is] in thine heart. [3824]


 Mais quant aux ânesses que tu as perdues, il y a aujourd'hui trois jours, ne t'en mets point en peine, parce qu'elles ont été retrouvées. Et vers qui tend tout le désir d'Israël? N'est-ce point vers toi, et vers toute la maison de ton père?

 And as for thine asses [0860] that were lost [0006] three [7969] days [3117] ago, [3117] set [7760] not thy mind [3820] on them; for they are found. [4672] And on whom [is] all the desire [2532] of Israel? [3478] [Is it] not on thee, and on all thy father's [0001] house? [1004]


 Et Saül répondit, et dit: Ne suis-je pas Benjamite, de la moindre tribu d'Israël, et ma famille n'est-elle pas la plus petite de toutes les familles de la tribu de Benjamin? Et pourquoi m'as-tu tenu de tels discours?

 And Saul [7586] answered [6030] and said, [0559] [Am] not I a Benjamite, [1145] of the smallest [6996] of the tribes [7626] of Israel? [3478] and my family [4940] the least [6810] of all the families [4940] of the tribe [7626] of Benjamin? [1144] wherefore then speakest [1696] thou so [1697] to me?


 Samuel prit Saül et son serviteur, et il les fit entrer dans la salle, et leur donna une place à la tête des conviés, qui étaient environ trente hommes.

 And Samuel [8050] took [3947] Saul [7586] and his servant, [5288] and brought [0935] them into the parlour, [3957] and made [5414] them sit in the chiefest [7218] place [4725] among them that were bidden, [7121] which [were] about thirty [7970] persons. [0376]


 Et Samuel dit au cuisinier: Donne la portion que je t'ai donnée, et que je t'ai dit de réserver.

 And Samuel [8050] said [0559] unto the cook, [2876] Bring [5414] the portion [4490] which I gave [5414] thee, of which I said [0559] unto thee, Set [7760] it by thee.


 Alors le cuisinier prit l'épaule, avec ce qui est dessus, et la mit devant Saül. Et Samuel dit: Voici ce qui a été réservé; mets-le devant toi, et mange, car il t'a été gardé pour cette heure, lorsque je résolus de convier le peuple. Et Saül mangea avec Samuel ce jour-là.

 And the cook [2876] took up [7311] the shoulder, [7785] and [that] which [was] upon it, and set [7760] [it] before [6440] Saul. [7586] And [Samuel] said, [0559] Behold that which is left! [7604] set [7760] [it] before [6440] thee, [and] eat: [0398] for unto this time [4150] hath it been kept [8104] for thee since I said, [0559] I have invited [7121] the people. [5971] So Saul [7586] did eat [0398] with Samuel [8050] that day. [3117]


 Ils descendirent ensuite du haut lieu dans la ville, et Samuel parla avec Saül sur la plate-forme.

 And when they were come down [3381] from the high place [1116] into the city, [5892] [Samuel] communed [1696] with Saul [7586] upon the top [1406] of the house.


 Puis ils se levèrent de bon matin, et à la pointe du jour, Samuel appela Saül sur la plate-forme, et lui dit: Lève-toi, et je te laisserai aller. Saül se leva donc, et ils sortirent tous deux, lui et Samuel.

 And they arose early: [7925] and it came to pass about the spring [5927] of the day, [7837] that Samuel [8050] called [7121] Saul [7586] to the top [1406] of the house, saying, [0559] Up, [6965] that I may send thee away. [7971] And Saul [7586] arose, [6965] and they went out [3318] both [8147] of them, he and Samuel, [8050] abroad. [2351]


 Comme ils descendaient au bas de la ville, Samuel dit à Saül: Dis au serviteur qu'il passe devant nous (et il passa); mais toi, arrête-toi maintenant, que je te fasse entendre la Parole de Dieu.

 [And] as they were going down [3381] to the end [7097] of the city, [5892] Samuel [8050] said [0559] to Saul, [7586] Bid [0559] the servant [5288] pass on [5674] before [6440] us, (and he passed on,) [5674] but stand [5975] thou still a while, [3117] that I may shew [8085] thee the word [1697] of God. [0430]


 Or, Samuel prit une fiole d'huile, qu'il répandit sur la tête de Saül; puis il le baisa, et dit: YEHOVAH ne t'a-t-il pas oint pour être le conducteur de son héritage?

 Then Samuel [8050] took [3947] a vial [6378] of oil, [8081] and poured [3332] [it] upon his head, [7218] and kissed [5401] him, and said, [0559] [Is it] not because the LORD [3068] hath anointed [4886] thee [to be] captain [5057] over his inheritance? [5159]


 Aujourd'hui quand tu seras parti d'avec moi, tu trouveras, près du tombeau de Rachel, sur la frontière de Benjamin, à Tseltsach, deux hommes qui te diront: Les ânesses que tu étais allé chercher, ont été trouvées; et voici, ton père ne pense plus aux ânesses, mais il est en peine de vous, disant: Que ferai-je pour retrouver mon fils?

 When thou art departed [3212] from me [5978] to day, [3117] then thou shalt find [4672] two [8147] men [0582] by Rachel's [7354] sepulchre [6900] in the border [1366] of Benjamin [1144] at Zelzah; [6766] and they will say [0559] unto thee, The asses [0860] which thou wentest [1980] to seek [1245] are found: [4672] and, lo, thy father [0001] hath left [5203] the care [1697] of the asses, [0860] and sorroweth [1672] for you, saying, [0559] What shall I do [6213] for my son?


 Et lorsque de là tu auras passé plus avant, et que tu seras venu jusqu'au chêne de Tabor, tu seras rencontré par trois hommes qui montent vers Dieu, à Béthel, et qui portent, l'un trois chevreaux, l'autre trois tourteaux de pain, et l'autre une outre de vin;

 Then shalt thou go on [2498] forward [1973] from thence, and thou shalt come [0935] to the plain [0436] of Tabor, [8396] and there shall meet [4672] thee three [7969] men [0582] going up [5927] to God [0430] to Bethel, [1008] one [0259] carrying [5375] three [7969] kids, [1423] and another [0259] carrying [5375] three [7969] loaves [3603] of bread, [3899] and another [0259] carrying [5375] a bottle [5035] of wine: [3196]


 Et ils te demanderont comment tu te portes, et ils te donneront deux pains, que tu recevras de leur main.

 And they will [7592] salute [7965] thee, and give [5414] thee two [8147] [loaves] of bread; [3899] which thou shalt receive [3947] of their hands. [3027]


 Après cela, tu viendras à Guibea-Élohim, où est la garnison des Philistins; et il arrivera qu'en entrant dans la ville, tu rencontreras une troupe de prophètes, descendant du haut lieu, ayant devant eux une lyre, un tambour, une flûte et une harpe, et qui prophétiseront;

 After [0310] that thou shalt come [0935] to the hill [1389] of God, [0430] where [is] the garrison [5333] of the Philistines: [6430] and it shall come to pass, when thou art come [0935] thither to the city, [5892] that thou shalt meet [6293] a company [2256] of prophets [5030] coming down [3381] from the high place [1116] with a psaltery, [5035] and a tabret, [8596] and a pipe, [2485] and a harp, [3658] before [6440] them; and they shall prophesy: [5012]


 Alors l'Esprit de YEHOVAH te saisira, et tu prophétiseras avec eux, et tu seras changé en un autre homme.

 And the Spirit [7307] of the LORD [3068] will come [6743] upon thee, and thou shalt prophesy [5012] with them, and shalt be turned [2015] into another [0312] man. [0376]


 Et quand ces signes te seront arrivés, fais tout ce qui se présentera à faire; car Dieu est avec toi.

 And let it be, when these signs [0226] are come [0935] unto thee, [that] thou do [6213] as occasion [4672] serve thee; [3027] for God [0430] [is] with thee.


 Puis tu descendras devant moi, à Guilgal; et voici, je descendrai vers toi, pour offrir des offrandes à brûler et des sacrifices de prospérités; tu attendras sept jours, jusqu'à ce que j'arrive auprès de toi, et je te déclarerai ce que tu devras faire.

 And thou shalt go down [3381] before [6440] me to Gilgal; [1537] and, behold, I will come down [3381] unto thee, to offer [5927] burnt offerings, [5930] [and] to sacrifice [2076] sacrifices [2077] of peace offerings: [8002] seven [7651] days [3117] shalt thou tarry, [3176] till I come [0935] to thee, and shew [3045] thee what thou shalt do. [6213]


 Or, aussitôt que Saül eut tourné le dos pour s'en aller d'avec Samuel, Dieu lui changea le cœur, et lui en donna un autre, et tous ces signes lui arrivèrent en ce jour-là.

 And it was [so], that when he had turned [6437] his back [7926] to go [3212] from Samuel, [8050] God [0430] gave [2015] him another [0312] heart: [3820] and all those signs [0226] came to pass [0935] that day. [3117]


 Quand ils furent arrivés à Guibea, voici, une troupe de prophètes vint au-devant de lui; et l'Esprit de Dieu le saisit, et il prophétisa au milieu d'eux.

 And when they came [0935] thither to the hill, [1389] [1390] behold, a company [2256] of prophets [5030] met [7125] him; and the Spirit [7307] of God [0430] came [6743] upon him, and he prophesied [5012] among [8432] them.


 Et lorsque tous ceux qui le connaissaient auparavant, virent qu'il prophétisait avec les prophètes, les gens se dirent l'un à l'autre: Qu'est-il donc arrivé au fils de Kis? Saül est-il aussi entre les prophètes?

 And it came to pass, when all that knew [3045] him beforetime [0865] [8032] saw [7200] that, behold, he prophesied [5012] among the prophets, [5030] then the people [5971] said [0559] one [0376] to another, [7453] What [is] this [that] is come unto the son [1121] of Kish? [7027] [Is] Saul [7586] also among the prophets? [5030]


 Et quelqu'un de là répondit, et dit: Et qui est leur père? C'est pourquoi cela passa en proverbe: Saül aussi est-il entre les prophètes?

 And one [0376] of the same place answered [6030] and said, [0559] But who [is] their father? [0001] Therefore it became a proverb, [4912] [Is] Saul [7586] also among the prophets? [5030]


 Puis il cessa de prophétiser, et vint au haut lieu.

 And when he had made an end [3615] of prophesying, [5012] he came [0935] to the high place. [1116]


 Et un oncle de Saül dit à Saül et à son serviteur: Où êtes-vous allés? Et il répondit: Chercher les ânesses; mais voyant qu'elles ne se trouvaient point, nous sommes venus vers Samuel.

 And Saul's [7586] uncle [1730] said [0559] unto him and to his servant, [5288] Whither [0575] went [1980] ye? And he said, [0559] To seek [1245] the asses: [0860] and when we saw [7200] that [they were] no where, [0369] we came [0935] to Samuel. [8050]


 Et l'oncle de Saül lui dit: Déclare-moi, je te prie, ce que vous a dit Samuel.

 And Saul's [7586] uncle [1730] said, [0559] Tell [5046] me, I pray thee, what Samuel [8050] said [0559] unto you.


 Et Saül dit à son oncle: Il nous a assuré que les ânesses étaient trouvées; mais il ne lui déclara pas le discours que Samuel avait tenu touchant la royauté.

 And Saul [7586] said [0559] unto his uncle, [1730] He told [5046] us plainly [5046] that the asses [0860] were found. [4672] But of the matter [1697] of the kingdom, [4410] whereof Samuel [8050] spake, [0559] he told [5046] him not.


 Or, Samuel convoqua le peuple, devant YEHOVAH, à Mitspa;

 And Samuel [8050] called [6817] the people [5971] together unto the LORD [3068] to Mizpeh; [4709]


 Et il dit aux enfants d'Israël: Ainsi a dit YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël: J'ai fait monter Israël hors d'Égypte, et je vous ai délivrés de la main des Égyptiens, et de la main de tous les royaumes qui vous opprimaient;

 And said [0559] unto the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] Thus saith [0559] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] I brought up [5927] Israel [3478] out of Egypt, [4714] and delivered [5337] you out of the hand [3027] of the Egyptians, [4714] and out of the hand [3027] of all kingdoms, [4467] [and] of them that oppressed [3905] you:


 Et aujourd'hui vous rejetez votre Dieu, qui vous a délivrés de tous vos maux et de toutes vos afflictions, et vous dites: Non, mais établis un roi sur nous. Présentez-vous donc maintenant devant YEHOVAH, selon vos tribus, et selon vos milliers.

 And ye have this day [3117] rejected [3988] your God, [0430] who himself saved [3467] you out of all your adversities [7451] and your tribulations; [6869] and ye have said [0559] unto him, [Nay], but set [7760] a king [4428] over us. Now therefore present [3320] yourselves before [6440] the LORD [3068] by your tribes, [7626] and by your thousands. [0505]


 Alors Samuel fit approcher toutes les tribus d'Israël; et la tribu de Benjamin fut désignée.

 And when Samuel [8050] had caused all the tribes [7626] of Israel [3478] to come near, [7126] the tribe [7626] of Benjamin [1144] was taken. [3920]


 Puis, il fit approcher la tribu de Benjamin, selon ses familles, et la famille de Matri fut désignée; puis Saül, fils de Kis, fut désigné, et ils le cherchèrent; mais il ne se trouva point.

 When he had caused the tribe [7626] of Benjamin [1144] to come near [7126] by their families, [4940] the family [4940] of Matri [4309] was taken, [3920] and Saul [7586] the son [1121] of Kish [7027] was taken: [3920] and when they sought [1245] him, he could not be found. [4672]


 Et ils consultèrent encore YEHOVAH, en disant: Est-il encore venu un homme ici? Et YEHOVAH dit: Le voilà caché dans les bagages.

 Therefore they enquired [7592] of the LORD [3068] further, if the man [0376] should yet come [0935] thither. [1988] And the LORD [3068] answered, [0559] Behold, he hath hid [2244] himself among the stuff. [3627]


 Et ils coururent, et le tirèrent de là, et il se présenta au milieu du peuple; et il dépassait tout le peuple, depuis les épaules en haut.

 And they ran [7323] and fetched [3947] him thence: and when he stood [3320] among [8432] the people, [5971] he was higher [1361] than any of the people [5971] from his shoulders [7926] and upward. [4605]


 Et Samuel dit à tout le peuple: Voyez-vous celui que YEHOVAH a choisi? Il n'y en a point dans tout le peuple qui soit semblable à lui. Et tout le peuple jeta des cris de joie, et dit: Vive le roi!

 And Samuel [8050] said [0559] to all the people, [5971] See [7200] ye him whom the LORD [3068] hath chosen, [0977] that [there is] none like him among all the people? [5971] And all the people [5971] shouted, [7321] and said, [0559] God save [2421] the king. [4428]


 Alors Samuel prononça devant le peuple le droit du royaume, et l'écrivit dans un livre, qu'il mit devant YEHOVAH. Puis Samuel renvoya tout le peuple, chacun en sa maison.

 Then Samuel [8050] told [1696] the people [5971] the manner [4941] of the kingdom, [4410] and wrote [3789] [it] in a book, [5612] and laid [it] up [3240] before [6440] the LORD. [3068] And Samuel [8050] sent all the people [5971] away, [7971] every man [0376] to his house. [1004]


 Saül aussi s'en alla en sa maison, à Guibea, et les gens de guerre, dont Dieu avait touché le cœur, allèrent avec lui.

 And Saul [7586] also went [1980] home [1004] to Gibeah; [1390] and there went [3212] with him a band of men, [2428] whose hearts [3820] God [0430] had touched. [5060]


 Mais il y eut des hommes pervers qui dirent: Comment celui-ci nous délivrerait-il? Et ils le méprisèrent, et ne lui apportèrent point de présent; mais il fit le sourd.

 But the children [1121] of Belial [1100] said, [0559] How shall this man save [3467] us? And they despised [0959] him, and brought [0935] him no presents. [4503] But he held his peace. [2790]


 Or, Nachash, l'Ammonite, monta, et campa contre Jabès de Galaad; et tous les hommes de Jabès dirent à Nachash: Traite alliance avec nous, et nous te servirons.

 Then Nahash [5176] the Ammonite [5984] came up, [5927] and encamped [2583] against Jabeshgilead: [3003] [1568] and all the men [0582] of Jabesh [3003] said [0559] unto Nahash, [5176] Make [3772] a covenant [1285] with us, and we will serve [5647] thee.


 Mais Nachash, l'Ammonite, leur répondit: Je traiterai avec vous à cette condition, que je vous crève à tous l'œil droit, et que je mette cet opprobre sur tout Israël.

 And Nahash [5176] the Ammonite [5984] answered [0559] them, On this [2063] [condition] will I make [3772] [a covenant] with you, that I may thrust out [5365] all your right [3225] eyes, [5869] and lay [7760] it [for] a reproach [2781] upon all Israel. [3478]


 Et les anciens de Jabès lui dirent: Donne-nous sept jours de trêve, et nous enverrons des messagers dans tout le territoire d'Israël, et s'il n'y a personne qui nous délivre, nous nous rendrons à toi.

 And the elders [2205] of Jabesh [3003] said [0559] unto him, Give us seven [7651] days' [3117] respite, [7503] that we may send [7971] messengers [4397] unto all the coasts [1366] of Israel: [3478] and then, if [there be] no man to save [3467] us, we will come out [3318] to thee.


 Les messagers vinrent donc à Guibea de Saül, et firent entendre ces paroles au peuple; et tout le peuple éleva la voix et pleura.

 Then came [0935] the messengers [4397] to Gibeah [1390] of Saul, [7586] and told [1696] the tidings [1697] in the ears [0241] of the people: [5971] and all the people [5971] lifted up [5375] their voices, [6963] and wept. [1058]


 Et voici, Saül revenait des champs derrière ses bœufs, et il dit: Qu'a donc le peuple pour pleurer ainsi? Et on lui raconta ce qu'avaient dit ceux de Jabès.

 And, behold, Saul [7586] came [0935] after [0310] the herd [1241] out of the field; [7704] and Saul [7586] said, [0559] What [aileth] the people [5971] that they weep? [1058] And they told [5608] him the tidings [1697] of the men [0582] of Jabesh. [3003]


 Or, l'Esprit de Dieu saisit Saül, quand il entendit ces paroles, et il entra dans une grande colère;

 And the Spirit [7307] of God [0430] came [6743] upon Saul [7586] when he heard [8085] those tidings, [1697] and his anger [0639] was kindled [2734] greatly. [3966]


 Et il prit une couple de bœufs, et les coupa en morceaux, qu'il envoya dans tout le territoire d'Israël, par les messagers, en disant: On traitera de même les bœufs de ceux qui ne sortiront point à la suite de Saül et de Samuel. Et la frayeur de YEHOVAH saisit le peuple, et ils sortirent comme un seul homme.

 And he took [3947] a yoke [6776] of oxen, [1241] and hewed them in pieces, [5408] and sent [7971] [them] throughout all the coasts [1366] of Israel [3478] by the hands [3027] of messengers, [4397] saying, [0559] Whosoever cometh not forth [3318] after [0310] Saul [7586] and after [0310] Samuel, [8050] so shall it be done [6213] unto his oxen. [1241] And the fear [6343] of the LORD [3068] fell [5307] on the people, [5971] and they came out [3318] with one [0259] consent.


 Et il en fit la revue à Bézek; et il y avait trois cent mille hommes des enfants d'Israël, et trente mille des hommes de Juda.

 And when he numbered [6485] them in Bezek, [0966] the children [1121] of Israel [3478] were three [7969] hundred [3967] thousand, [0505] and the men [0376] of Judah [3063] thirty [7970] thousand. [0505]


 Puis, ils dirent aux messagers qui étaient venus: Vous parlerez ainsi aux gens de Jabès de Galaad: Vous serez délivrés demain, quand le soleil sera dans sa force. Alors les messagers revinrent, et rapportèrent cela à ceux de Jabès, qui s'en réjouirent.

 And they said [0559] unto the messengers [4397] that came, [0935] Thus shall ye say [0559] unto the men [0376] of Jabeshgilead, [3003] [1568] To morrow, [4279] by [that time] the sun [8121] be hot, [2527] ye shall have help. [8668] And the messengers [4397] came [0935] and shewed [5046] [it] to the men [0582] of Jabesh; [3003] and they were glad. [8055]


 Et les gens de Jabès dirent aux Ammonites: Demain nous nous rendrons à vous, et vous nous ferez tout ce qui vous semblera bon.

 Therefore the men [0582] of Jabesh [3003] said, [0559] To morrow [4279] we will come out [3318] unto you, and ye shall do [6213] with us all that seemeth [5869] good [2896] unto you.


 Mais, le lendemain, Saül mit le peuple en trois bandes, et ils pénétrèrent dans le camp sur la veille du matin, et ils battirent les Ammonites jusqu'à la chaleur du jour; et ceux qui restèrent furent tellement dispersés, qu'il n'en demeura pas d'entre eux deux ensemble.

 And it was [so] on the morrow, [4283] that Saul [7586] put [7760] the people [5971] in three [7969] companies; [7218] and they came [0935] into the midst [8432] of the host [4264] in the morning [1242] watch, [0821] and slew [5221] the Ammonites [5983] until the heat [2527] of the day: [3117] and it came to pass, that they which remained [7604] were scattered, [6327] so that two [8147] of them were not left [7604] together. [3162]


 Et le peuple dit à Samuel: Qui est-ce qui disait: Saül régnerait-il sur nous? Livrez-nous ces hommes-là, et nous les ferons mourir.

 And the people [5971] said [0559] unto Samuel, [8050] Who [is] he that said, [0559] Shall Saul [7586] reign [4427] over us? bring [5414] the men, [0582] that we may put them to death. [4191]


 Mais Saül dit: Personne ne sera mis à mort en ce jour; car aujourd'hui YEHOVAH a opéré une délivrance en Israël.

 And Saul [7586] said, [0559] There shall not a man [0376] be put to death [4191] this day: [3117] for to day [3117] the LORD [3068] hath wrought [6213] salvation [8668] in Israel. [3478]


 Et Samuel dit au peuple: Venez, et allons à Guilgal, et là nous inaugurerons la royauté.

 Then said [0559] Samuel [8050] to the people, [5971] Come, [3212] and let us go [3212] to Gilgal, [1537] and renew [2318] the kingdom [4410] there.


 Et tout le peuple s'en alla à Guilgal; et là ils établirent Saül pour roi, devant YEHOVAH, à Guilgal, et ils y offrirent des sacrifices de prospérités, devant YEHOVAH. Et Saül et tous les hommes d'Israël s'y réjouirent beaucoup.

 And all the people [5971] went [3212] to Gilgal; [1537] and there they made Saul [7586] king [4427] before [6440] the LORD [3068] in Gilgal; [1537] and there they sacrificed [2076] sacrifices [2077] of peace offerings [8002] before [6440] the LORD; [3068] and there Saul [7586] and all the men [0582] of Israel [3478] rejoiced [8055] greatly. [3966]


 Alors Samuel dit à tout Israël: Voici, j'ai obéi à votre voix dans tout ce que vous m'avez dit, et j'ai établi un roi sur vous;

 And Samuel [8050] said [0559] unto all Israel, [3478] Behold, I have hearkened [8085] unto your voice [6963] in all that ye said [0559] unto me, and have made [4427] a king [4428] over you.


 Et maintenant, voici le roi qui marche devant vous. Quant à moi, je suis vieux, et déjà tout blanc. Voici, mes fils aussi sont avec vous; et pour moi, j'ai marché devant vous, dès ma jeunesse, jusqu'à ce jour.

 And now, behold, the king [4428] walketh [1980] before [6440] you: and I am old [2204] and grayheaded; [7867] and, behold, my sons [1121] [are] with you: and I have walked [1980] before [6440] you from my childhood [5271] unto this day. [3117]


 Me voici, témoignez contre moi devant YEHOVAH et devant son Oint. De qui ai-je pris le bœuf? et de qui ai-je pris l'âne? qui ai-je opprimé? qui ai-je foulé? et de la main de qui ai-je pris une rançon, pour fermer mes yeux sur lui? et je vous le restituerai.

 Behold, here I [am]: witness [6030] against me before the LORD, [3068] and before his anointed: [4899] whose ox [7794] have I taken? [3947] or whose ass [2543] have I taken? [3947] or whom have I defrauded? [6231] whom have I oppressed? [7533] or of whose hand [3027] have I received [3947] [any] bribe [3724] to blind [5956] mine eyes [5869] therewith? and I will restore [7725] it you.


 Et ils répondirent: Tu ne nous as point opprimés, et tu ne nous as point foulés, et tu n'as rien pris de la main de personne.

 And they said, [0559] Thou hast not defrauded [6231] us, nor oppressed [7533] us, neither hast thou taken [3947] ought [3972] of any man's [0376] hand. [3027]


 Alors il leur dit: YEHOVAH est témoin contre vous, son Oint aussi est témoin aujourd'hui, que vous n'avez rien trouvé entre mes mains. Et ils répondirent: Il en est témoin!

 And he said [0559] unto them, The LORD [3068] [is] witness [5707] against you, and his anointed [4899] [is] witness [5707] this day, [3117] that ye have not found [4672] ought [3972] in my hand. [3027] And they answered, [0559] [He is] witness. [5707]


 Alors Samuel dit au peuple: C'est YEHOVAH qui établit Moïse et Aaron, et qui fit monter vos pères du pays d'Égypte.

 And Samuel [8050] said [0559] unto the people, [5971] [It is] the LORD [3068] that advanced [6213] Moses [4872] and Aaron, [0175] and that brought [5927] your fathers [0001] up out of the land [0776] of Egypt. [4714]


 Et maintenant, présentez-vous, et je plaiderai avec vous, devant YEHOVAH, sur tous les bienfaits de YEHOVAH, qu'il a faits à vous et à vos pères.

 Now therefore stand still, [3320] that I may reason [8199] with you before [6440] the LORD [3068] of all the righteous acts [6666] of the LORD, [3068] which he did [6213] to you and to your fathers. [0001]


 Après que Jacob fut entré en Égypte, vos pères crièrent à YEHOVAH, et YEHOVAH envoya Moïse et Aaron, qui firent sortir vos pères de l'Égypte et les firent habiter en ce lieu.

 When Jacob [3290] was come [0935] into Egypt, [4714] and your fathers [0001] cried [2199] unto the LORD, [3068] then the LORD [3068] sent [7971] Moses [4872] and Aaron, [0175] which brought forth [3318] your fathers [0001] out of Egypt, [4714] and made them dwell [3427] in this place. [4725]


 Mais ils oublièrent YEHOVAH leur Dieu, et il les livra entre les mains de Sisera, chef de l'armée de Hatsor, et entre les mains des Philistins, et entre les mains du roi de Moab, qui leur firent la guerre.

 And when they forgat [7911] the LORD [3068] their God, [0430] he sold [4376] them into the hand [3027] of Sisera, [5516] captain [8269] of the host [6635] of Hazor, [2674] and into the hand [3027] of the Philistines, [6430] and into the hand [3027] of the king [4428] of Moab, [4124] and they fought [3898] against them.


 Alors, ils crièrent à YEHOVAH, et dirent: Nous avons péché; car nous avons abandonné YEHOVAH, et nous avons servi les Baals et les Ashtharoth; mais maintenant, délivre-nous de la main de nos ennemis, et nous te servirons.

 And they cried [2199] unto the LORD, [3068] and said, [0559] We have sinned, [2398] because we have forsaken [5800] the LORD, [3068] and have served [5647] Baalim [1168] and Ashtaroth: [6252] but now deliver [5337] us out of the hand [3027] of our enemies, [0341] and we will serve [5647] thee.


 Et YEHOVAH envoya Jérubbaal, et Bedan, et Jephthé, et Samuel, et il vous délivra de la main de vos ennemis, qui vous environnaient, et vous avez habité en sécurité.

 And the LORD [3068] sent [7971] Jerubbaal, [3378] and Bedan, [0917] and Jephthah, [3316] and Samuel, [8050] and delivered [5337] you out of the hand [3027] of your enemies [0341] on every side, [5439] and ye dwelled [3427] safe. [0983]


 Mais, voyant que Nachash, roi des enfants d'Ammon, venait contre vous, vous m'avez dit: Non! mais un roi régnera sur nous; bien que YEHOVAH, votre Dieu, fût votre roi.

 And when ye saw [7200] that Nahash [5176] the king [4428] of the children [1121] of Ammon [5983] came [0935] against you, ye said [0559] unto me, Nay; but a king [4428] shall reign [4427] over us: when the LORD [3068] your God [0430] [was] your king. [4428]


 Et maintenant, voici le roi que vous avez choisi, que vous avez demandé; et voici, YEHOVAH a établi un roi sur vous.

 Now therefore behold the king [4428] whom ye have chosen, [0977] [and] whom ye have desired! [7592] and, behold, the LORD [3068] hath set [5414] a king [4428] over you.


 Si vous craignez YEHOVAH, si vous le servez, si vous obéissez à sa voix, et si vous n'êtes point rebelles au commandement de YEHOVAH, alors, et vous et le roi qui règne sur vous, vous aurez YEHOVAH votre Dieu devant vous;

 If ye will fear [3372] the LORD, [3068] and serve [5647] him, and obey [8085] his voice, [6963] and not rebel [4784] against the commandment [6310] of the LORD, [3068] then shall both ye and also the king [4428] that reigneth [4427] over you continue following [0310] the LORD [3068] your God: [0430]


 Mais si vous n'obéissez pas à la voix de YEHOVAH, et si vous êtes rebelles au commandement de YEHOVAH, la main de YEHOVAH sera contre vous, comme elle a été contre vos pères.

 But if ye will not obey [8085] the voice [6963] of the LORD, [3068] but rebel [4784] against the commandment [6310] of the LORD, [3068] then shall the hand [3027] of the LORD [3068] be against you, as [it was] against your fathers. [0001]


 Or maintenant attendez, et voyez cette grande chose que YEHOVAH va faire devant vos yeux.

 Now therefore [1571] stand [3320] and see [7200] this great [1419] thing, [1697] which the LORD [3068] will do [6213] before your eyes. [5869]


 N'est-ce pas aujourd'hui la moisson des blés? Je crierai à YEHOVAH, et il fera tonner et pleuvoir, afin que vous sachiez et que vous voyiez combien est grand aux yeux de YEHOVAH le mal que vous avez fait, en demandant un roi pour vous.

 [Is it] not wheat [2406] harvest [7105] to day? [3117] I will call [7121] unto the LORD, [3068] and he shall send [5414] thunder [6963] and rain; [4306] that ye may perceive [3045] and see [7200] that your wickedness [7451] [is] great, [7227] which ye have done [6213] in the sight [5869] of the LORD, [3068] in asking [7592] you a king. [4428]


 Alors Samuel cria à YEHOVAH, et YEHOVAH fit tonner et pleuvoir en ce jour-là; et tout le peuple craignit fort YEHOVAH et Samuel.

 So Samuel [8050] called [7121] unto the LORD; [3068] and the LORD [3068] sent [5414] thunder [6963] and rain [4306] that day: [3117] and all the people [5971] greatly [3966] feared [3372] the LORD [3068] and Samuel. [8050]


 Et tout le peuple dit à Samuel: Prie YEHOVAH, ton Dieu, pour tes serviteurs, afin que nous ne mourions point; car nous avons ajouté à tous nos autres péchés, le tort d'avoir demandé un roi pour nous.

 And all the people [5971] said [0559] unto Samuel, [8050] Pray [6419] for thy servants [5650] unto the LORD [3068] thy God, [0430] that we die [4191] not: for we have added [3254] unto all our sins [2403] [this] evil, [7451] to ask [7592] us a king. [4428]


 Alors Samuel dit au peuple: Ne craignez point; vous avez fait tout ce mal; néanmoins ne vous détournez point d'après YEHOVAH, mais servez YEHOVAH de tout votre cœur.

 And Samuel [8050] said [0559] unto the people, [5971] Fear [3372] not: ye have done [6213] all this wickedness: [7451] yet turn not aside [5493] from following [0310] the LORD, [3068] but serve [5647] the LORD [3068] with all your heart; [3824]


 Ne vous en détournez point, car ce serait aller après des choses de néant, qui ne profitent ni ne délivrent, parce que ce sont des choses de néant.

 And turn ye not aside: [5493] for [then should ye go] after [0310] vain [8414] [things], which cannot profit [3276] nor deliver; [5337] for they [are] vain. [8414]


 Car YEHOVAH n'abandonnera point son peuple, à cause de son grand nom; car YEHOVAH a voulu faire de vous son peuple.

 For the LORD [3068] will not forsake [5203] his people [5971] for his great [1419] name's [8034] sake: because it hath pleased [2974] the LORD [3068] to make [6213] you his people. [5971]


 Et pour moi, Dieu me garde de pécher contre YEHOVAH, et de cesser de prier pour vous; mais je vous enseignerai le bon et droit chemin.

 Moreover as for me, [0595] God forbid [2486] that I should sin [2398] against the LORD [3068] in ceasing [2308] to pray [6419] for you: but I will teach [3384] you the good [2896] and the right [3477] way: [1870]


 Seulement craignez YEHOVAH, et servez-le en vérité, de tout votre cœur; car voyez les grandes choses qu'il a faites en votre faveur.

 Only fear [3372] the LORD, [3068] and serve [5647] him in truth [0571] with all your heart: [3824] for consider [7200] how great [things] he hath done [1431] for you.


 Que si vous faites le mal, vous serez détruits, vous et votre roi.

 But if ye shall still [7489] do wickedly, [7489] ye shall be consumed, [5595] both ye and your king. [4428]


 Saül fut fils d'un an de règne; et quand il eut régné deux ans sur Israël,

 Saul [7586] reigned [4427] one year; [1121] [8141] and when he had reigned [4427] two [8147] years [8141] over Israel, [3478]


 Saül se choisit trois mille hommes d'Israël; il y en avait deux mille avec lui à Micmash et sur la montagne de Béthel, et mille étaient avec Jonathan à Guibea de Benjamin; et il renvoya le reste du peuple, chacun dans sa tente.

 Saul [7586] chose [0977] him three [7969] thousand [0505] [men] of Israel; [3478] [whereof] two thousand [0505] were with Saul [7586] in Michmash [4363] and in mount [2022] Bethel, [1008] and a thousand [0505] were with Jonathan [3129] in Gibeah [1390] of Benjamin: [1144] and the rest [3499] of the people [5971] he sent [7971] every man [0376] to his tent. [0168]


 Et Jonathan battit la garnison des Philistins qui était à Guéba, et les Philistins l'apprirent; et Saül fit sonner de la trompette par tout le pays, en disant: Que les Hébreux écoutent!

 And Jonathan [3129] smote [5221] the garrison [5333] of the Philistines [6430] that [was] in Geba, [1387] and the Philistines [6430] heard [8085] [of it]. And Saul [7586] blew [8628] the trumpet [7782] throughout all the land, [0776] saying, [0559] Let the Hebrews [5680] hear. [8085]


 Ainsi tout Israël entendit dire: Saül a battu la garnison des Philistins, et même, Israël est en mauvaise odeur parmi les Philistins. Et le peuple fut convoqué auprès de Saül, à Guilgal.

 And all Israel [3478] heard [8085] say [0559] [that] Saul [7586] had smitten [5221] a garrison [5333] of the Philistines, [6430] and [that] Israel [3478] also was had in abomination [0887] with the Philistines. [6430] And the people [5971] were called together [6817] after [0310] Saul [7586] to Gilgal. [1537]


 Cependant les Philistins s'assemblèrent pour combattre contre Israël, avec trente mille chars et six mille cavaliers, et un peuple nombreux comme le sable qui est sur le bord de la mer. Ils montèrent donc, et campèrent à Micmash, à l'orient de Beth-Aven.

 And the Philistines [6430] gathered [0622] themselves together to fight [3898] with Israel, [3478] thirty [7970] thousand [0505] chariots, [7393] and six [8337] thousand [0505] horsemen, [6571] and people [5971] as the sand [2344] which [is] on the sea [3220] shore [8193] in multitude: [7230] and they came up, [5927] and pitched [2583] in Michmash, [4363] eastward [6926] from Bethaven. [1007]


 Or, les Israélites virent qu'ils étaient dans une grande extrémité; car le peuple était consterné; et le peuple se cacha dans les cavernes, dans les buissons, dans les rochers, dans les lieux forts et dans les citernes.

 When the men [0376] of Israel [3478] saw [7200] that they were in a strait, [6887] (for the people [5971] were distressed,) [5065] then the people [5971] did hide [2244] themselves in caves, [4631] and in thickets, [2337] and in rocks, [5553] and in high places, [6877] and in pits. [0953]


 Et des Hébreux passèrent le Jourdain, pour aller au pays de Gad et de Galaad. Cependant Saül était encore à Guilgal, et tout le peuple le suivit en tremblant.

 And [some of] the Hebrews [5680] went over [5674] Jordan [3383] to the land [0776] of Gad [1410] and Gilead. [1568] As for Saul, [7586] he [was] yet in Gilgal, [1537] and all the people [5971] followed [0310] him trembling. [2729]


 Et il attendit sept jours, selon le terme marqué par Samuel; mais Samuel ne venait point à Guilgal; et le peuple s'éloignait d'auprès de Saül.

 And he tarried [3176] seven [7651] days, [3117] according to the set time [4150] that Samuel [8050] [had appointed]: but Samuel [8050] came [0935] not to Gilgal; [1537] and the people [5971] were scattered [6327] from him.


 Alors Saül dit: Amenez-moi l'offrande à brûler et les sacrifices de prospérités; et il offrit l'offrande à brûler.

 And Saul [7586] said, [0559] Bring hither [5066] a burnt offering [5930] to me, and peace offerings. [8002] And he offered [5927] the burnt offering. [5930]


 Or, dès qu'il eut achevé d'offrir l'offrande à brûler, voici, Samuel arriva, et Saül sortit au-devant de lui pour le saluer;

 And it came to pass, that as soon as he had made an end [3615] of offering [5927] the burnt offering, [5930] behold, Samuel [8050] came; [0935] and Saul [7586] went out [3318] to meet [7125] him, that he might salute [1288] him.


 Mais Samuel dit: Qu'as-tu fait? Saül répondit: Quand j'ai vu que le peuple s'en allait d'avec moi, et que tu ne venais point au jour assigné, et que les Philistins étaient assemblés à Micmash,

 And Samuel [8050] said, [0559] What hast thou done? [6213] And Saul [7586] said, [0559] Because I saw [7200] that the people [5971] were scattered [5310] from me, and [that] thou camest [0935] not within the days [3117] appointed, [4150] and [that] the Philistines [6430] gathered [0622] themselves together at Michmash; [4363]


 J'ai dit: Les Philistins descendront maintenant contre moi à Guilgal, et je n'ai point supplié YEHOVAH; et, après m'être ainsi retenu, j'ai offert l'offrande à brûler.

 Therefore said [0559] I, The Philistines [6430] will come down [3381] now upon me to Gilgal, [1537] and I have not made supplication [2470] unto [6440] the LORD: [3068] I forced [0662] myself therefore, and offered [5927] a burnt offering. [5930]


 Alors Samuel dit à Saül: Tu as agi follement, tu n'as point gardé le commandement que YEHOVAH ton Dieu t'avait donné; car YEHOVAH eût maintenant affermi ton règne sur Israël à toujours.

 And Samuel [8050] said [0559] to Saul, [7586] Thou hast done foolishly: [5528] thou hast not kept [8104] the commandment [4687] of the LORD [3068] thy God, [0430] which he commanded [6680] thee: for now would the LORD [3068] have established [3559] thy kingdom [4467] upon Israel [3478] for [5704] ever. [5769]


 Mais maintenant, ton règne ne sera point stable; YEHOVAH s'est cherché un homme selon son cœur, et YEHOVAH l'a destiné à être le conducteur de son peuple, parce que tu n'as point gardé ce que YEHOVAH t'avait commandé.

 But now thy kingdom [4467] shall not continue: [6965] the LORD [3068] hath sought [1245] him a man [0376] after his own heart, [3824] and the LORD [3068] hath commanded [6680] him [to be] captain [5057] over his people, [5971] because thou hast not kept [8104] [that] which the LORD [3068] commanded [6680] thee.


 Puis Samuel se leva, et monta de Guilgal à Guibea de Benjamin. Et Saül fit la revue du peuple qui se trouvait avec lui, environ six cents hommes.

 And Samuel [8050] arose, [6965] and gat him up [5927] from Gilgal [1537] unto Gibeah [1390] of Benjamin. [1144] And Saul [7586] numbered [6485] the people [5971] [that were] present [4672] with him, about six [8337] hundred [3967] men. [0376]


 Or, Saül, et son fils Jonathan, et le peuple qui se trouvait avec eux, se tenaient à Guibea de Benjamin, et les Philistins étaient campés à Micmash.

 And Saul, [7586] and Jonathan [3129] his son, [1121] and the people [5971] [that were] present [4672] with them, abode [3427] in Gibeah [1387] of Benjamin: [1144] but the Philistines [6430] encamped [2583] in Michmash. [4363]


 Et il sortit trois bandes du camp des Philistins pour faire du dégât; l'une des bandes prit le chemin d'Ophra, vers le pays de Shual,

 And the spoilers [7843] came out [3318] of the camp [4264] of the Philistines [6430] in three [7969] companies: [7218] one [0259] company [7218] turned [6437] unto the way [1870] [that leadeth to] Ophrah, [6084] unto the land [0776] of Shual: [7777]


 L'autre bande prit le chemin de Beth-Horon, et la troisième prit le chemin de la frontière qui regarde la vallée de Tséboïm, vers le désert.

 And another [0259] company [7218] turned [6437] the way [1870] [to] Bethhoron: [1032] and another [0259] company [7218] turned [6437] [to] the way [1870] of the border [1366] that looketh [8259] to the valley [1516] of Zeboim [6650] toward the wilderness. [4057]


 Or, dans tout le pays d'Israël il ne se trouvait pas de forgeron; car les Philistins avaient dit: Il faut empêcher que les Hébreux ne fassent des épées ou des lances.

 Now there was no smith [2796] found [4672] throughout all the land [0776] of Israel: [3478] for the Philistines [6430] said, [0559] Lest the Hebrews [5680] make [6213] [them] swords [2719] or spears: [2595]


 Et tout Israël descendait vers les Philistins, chacun pour aiguiser son soc, son coutre, sa cognée et son hoyau,

 But all the Israelites [3478] went down [3381] to the Philistines, [6430] to sharpen [3913] every man [0376] his share, [4282] and his coulter, [0855] and his axe, [7134] and his mattock. [4281]


 Quand il y avait des brèches au tranchant des hoyaux, des coutres, des fourches, des cognées, et pour raccommoder les aiguillons.

 Yet they had a file [6477] [6310] for the mattocks, [4281] and for the coulters, [0855] and for the forks, [7969] [7053] and for the axes, [7134] and to sharpen [5324] the goads. [1861]


 Et il arriva qu'au jour de la bataille, il ne se trouva ni épée ni lance dans la main de tout le peuple qui était avec Saül et Jonathan; toutefois il s'en trouva pour Saül et pour Jonathan, son fils.

 So it came to pass in the day [3117] of battle, [4421] that there was neither sword [2719] nor spear [2595] found [4672] in the hand [3027] of any of the people [5971] that [were] with Saul [7586] and Jonathan: [3129] but with Saul [7586] and with Jonathan [3129] his son [1121] was there found. [4672]


 Et un poste de Philistins sortit au passage de Micmash.

 And the garrison [4673] of the Philistines [6430] went out [3318] to the passage [4569] of Michmash. [4363]


 Or, il arriva un jour que Jonathan, fils de Saül, dit au jeune homme qui portait ses armes: Viens, et passons vers le poste des Philistins qui est de l'autre côté. Mais il ne le dit point à son père.

 Now it came to pass upon a day, [3117] that Jonathan [3129] the son [1121] of Saul [7586] said [0559] unto the young man [5288] that bare [5375] his armour, [3627] Come, [3212] and let us go over [5674] to the Philistines' [6430] garrison, [4673] that [is] on the other side. [5676] [1975] But he told [5046] not his father. [0001]


 Et Saül se tenait à l'extrémité de Guibea, sous un grenadier qui était à Migron; et le peuple qui était avec lui, formait environ six cents hommes;

 And Saul [7586] tarried [3427] in the uttermost part [7097] of Gibeah [1390] under a pomegranate tree [7416] which [is] in Migron: [4051] and the people [5971] that [were] with him [were] about six [8337] hundred [3967] men; [0376]


 Et Achija, fils d'Achitub, frère d'Icabod, fils de Phinées, fils d'Héli, sacrificateur de YEHOVAH à Silo, portait l'éphod. Le peuple ne savait point que Jonathan s'en fût allé.

 And Ahiah, [0281] the son [1121] of Ahitub, [0285] Ichabod's [0350] brother, [0251] the son [1121] of Phinehas, [6372] the son [1121] of Eli, [5941] the LORD'S [3068] priest [3548] in Shiloh, [7887] wearing [5375] an ephod. [0646] And the people [5971] knew [3045] not that Jonathan [3129] was gone. [1980]


 Or, entre les passages par lesquels Jonathan cherchait à passer jusqu'au poste des Philistins, il y avait une dent de rocher d'un côté, et une dent de rocher, de l'autre; l'une s'appelait Botsets et l'autre Séné.

 And between the passages, [4569] by which Jonathan [3129] sought [1245] to go over [5674] unto the Philistines' [6430] garrison, [4673] [there was] a sharp [8127] rock [5553] on the one side, [5676] and a sharp [8127] rock [5553] on the other side: [5676] and the name [8034] of the one [0259] [was] Bozez, [0949] and the name [8034] of the other [0259] Seneh. [5573]


 L'une de ces dents est au nord, vis-à-vis de Micmash, et l'autre au midi, vis-à-vis de Guéba.

 The forefront [8127] of the one [0259] [was] situate [4690] northward [6828] over against [4136] Michmash, [4363] and the other [0259] southward [5045] over against [4136] Gibeah. [1387]


 Et Jonathan dit au jeune homme qui portait ses armes: Viens, passons vers le poste de ces incirconcis; peut-être que YEHOVAH agira pour nous; car rien n'empêche YEHOVAH de délivrer, avec beaucoup de gens ou avec peu.

 And Jonathan [3083] said [0559] to the young man [5288] that bare [5375] his armour, [3627] Come, [3212] and let us go over [5674] unto the garrison [4673] of these uncircumcised: [6189] it may be that the LORD [3068] will work [6213] for us: for [there is] no restraint [4622] to the LORD [3068] to save [3467] by many [7227] or by few. [4592]


 Et celui qui portait ses armes lui dit: Fais tout ce que tu as au cœur, vas-y; j'irai avec toi où tu voudras.

 And his armourbearer [5375] [3627] said [0559] unto him, Do [6213] all that [is] in thine heart: [3824] turn [5186] thee; behold, I [am] with thee according to thy heart. [3824]


 Et Jonathan lui dit: Voici, nous allons passer vers ces hommes, et nous nous montrerons à eux;

 Then said [0559] Jonathan, [3083] Behold, we will pass over [5674] unto [these] men, [0582] and we will discover [1540] ourselves unto them.


 S'ils nous disent: Attendez jusqu'à ce que nous soyons venus à vous! alors nous demeurerons à notre place, et nous ne monterons point vers eux.

 If they say [0559] thus unto us, Tarry [1826] until we come [5060] to you; then we will stand still [5975] in our place, and will not go up [5927] unto them.


 Mais s'ils disent: Montez vers nous! alors nous monterons; car YEHOVAH les aura livrés entre nos mains. Que cela nous serve de signe.

 But if they say [0559] thus, Come up [5927] unto us; then we will go up: [5927] for the LORD [3068] hath delivered [5414] them into our hand: [3027] and this [shall be] a sign [0226] unto us.


 Ils se montrèrent donc tous deux au poste des Philistins; et les Philistins dirent: Voilà les Hébreux qui sortent des antres où ils s'étaient cachés.

 And both [8147] of them discovered [1540] themselves unto the garrison [4673] of the Philistines: [6430] and the Philistines [6430] said, [0559] Behold, the Hebrews [5680] come forth [3318] out of the holes [2356] where they had hid [2244] themselves.


 Et les hommes du poste crièrent à Jonathan et à celui qui portait ses armes, et dirent: Montez vers nous, et nous vous montrerons quelque chose. Alors Jonathan dit à celui qui portait ses armes: Monte après moi; car YEHOVAH les a livrés entre les mains d'Israël.

 And the men [0582] of the garrison [4675] answered [6030] Jonathan [3129] and his armourbearer, [5375] [3627] and said, [0559] Come up [5927] to us, and we will shew [3045] you a thing. [1697] And Jonathan [3129] said [0559] unto his armourbearer, [5375] [3627] Come up [5927] after [0310] me: for the LORD [3068] hath delivered [5414] them into the hand [3027] of Israel. [3478]


 Et Jonathan monta en s'aidant des mains et des pieds, suivi de celui qui portait ses armes; et les Philistins tombèrent devant Jonathan, et celui qui portait ses armes les tuait derrière lui.

 And Jonathan [3129] climbed up [5927] upon his hands [3027] and upon his feet, [7272] and his armourbearer [5375] [3627] after [0310] him: and they fell [5307] before [6440] Jonathan; [3129] and his armourbearer [5375] [3627] slew [4191] after [0310] him.


 Et cette première défaite, que fit Jonathan et celui qui portait ses armes, fut d'environ vingt hommes, tués sur un espace d'environ la moitié d'un arpent de terre.

 And that first [7223] slaughter, [4347] which Jonathan [3129] and his armourbearer [5375] [3627] made, [5221] was about twenty [6242] men, [0376] within as it were an half [2677] acre [4618] of land, [7704] [which] a yoke [6776] [of oxen might plow].


 Et il y eut grand effroi au camp, dans la campagne, et parmi tout le peuple; le poste et ceux qui étaient allés faire du dégât, furent effrayés eux aussi, et le pays trembla; ce fut comme une frayeur envoyée de Dieu.

 And there was trembling [2731] in the host, [4264] in the field, [7704] and among all the people: [5971] the garrison, [4673] and the spoilers, [7843] they also trembled, [2729] and the earth [0776] quaked: [7264] so it was a very great [0430] trembling. [2731]


 Et les sentinelles de Saül, qui étaient à Guibea de Benjamin, regardèrent, et voici, la multitude s'écoulait et s'en allait en déroute.

 And the watchmen [6822] of Saul [7586] in Gibeah [1390] of Benjamin [1144] looked; [7200] and, behold, the multitude [1995] melted away, [4127] and they went [3212] on beating down [1986] [one another].


 Alors Saül dit au peuple qui était avec lui: Faites donc la revue, et voyez qui s'en est allé d'avec nous. Ils firent donc la revue, et voici, Jonathan n'y était point, ni celui qui portait ses armes.

 Then said [0559] Saul [7586] unto the people [5971] that [were] with him, Number [6485] now, and see [7200] who is gone [1980] from us. And when they had numbered, [6485] behold, Jonathan [3129] and his armourbearer [5375] [3627] [were] not [there].


 Et Saül dit à Achija: Fais approcher l'arche de Dieu (car l'arche de Dieu était ce jour-là avec les enfants d'Israël).

 And Saul [7586] said [0559] unto Ahiah, [0281] Bring hither [5066] the ark [0727] of God. [0430] For the ark [0727] of God [0430] was at that time [3117] with the children [1121] of Israel. [3478]


 Mais il arriva, pendant que Saül parlait au sacrificateur, que le tumulte, qui était au camp des Philistins, allait croissant de plus en plus, et Saül dit au sacrificateur: Retire ta main!

 And it came to pass, while Saul [7586] talked [1696] unto the priest, [3548] that the noise [1995] that [was] in the host [4264] of the Philistines [6430] went [3212] on [1980] and increased: [7227] and Saul [7586] said [0559] unto the priest, [3548] Withdraw [0622] thine hand. [3027]


 Et Saül et tout le peuple qui était avec lui, fut assemblé à grand cri, et ils vinrent jusqu'au lieu du combat; et voici, les Philistins avaient l'épée tirée les uns contre les autres; c'était un désordre extrême.

 And Saul [7586] and all the people [5971] that [were] with him assembled [2199] themselves, and they came [0935] to the battle: [4421] and, behold, every man's [0376] sword [2719] was against his fellow, [7453] [and there was] a very [3966] great [1419] discomfiture. [4103]


 Or, les Philistins avaient, comme auparavant, des Hébreux qui étaient montés des environs avec eux dans le camp; mais eux aussi se joignirent aux Israélites qui étaient avec Saül et Jonathan.

 Moreover the Hebrews [5680] [that] were with the Philistines [6430] before [0865] that time, [8032] which went up [5927] with them into the camp [4264] [from the country] round about, [5439] even they also [turned] to be with the Israelites [3478] that [were] with Saul [7586] and Jonathan. [3129]


 Et tous les Israélites qui étaient cachés dans la montagne d'Éphraïm, ayant appris que les Philistins fuyaient, s'attachèrent eux aussi à leur poursuite dans la bataille.

 Likewise all the men [0376] of Israel [3478] which had hid [2244] themselves in mount [2022] Ephraim, [0669] [when] they heard [8085] that the Philistines [6430] fled, [5127] even they also followed hard [1692] after [0310] them in the battle. [4421]


 En ce jour-là YEHOVAH délivra Israël, et la bataille s'étendit jusqu'au delà de Beth-Aven.

 So the LORD [3068] saved [3467] Israel [3478] that day: [3117] and the battle [4421] passed over [5674] unto Bethaven. [1007]


 En ce jour-là les Israélites furent harassés. Or Saül avait fait faire au peuple ce serment, disant: Maudit soit l'homme qui prendra de la nourriture jusqu'au soir, jusqu'à ce que je me sois vengé de mes ennemis! Et tout le peuple ne goûta d'aucune nourriture.

 And the men [0376] of Israel [3478] were distressed [5065] that day: [3117] for Saul [7586] had adjured [0422] the people, [5971] saying, [0559] Cursed [0779] [be] the man [0376] that eateth [0398] [any] food [3899] until evening, [6153] that I may be avenged [5358] on mine enemies. [0341] So none of the people [5971] tasted [2938] [any] food. [3899]


 Cependant tout le peuple du pays vint dans une forêt, où il y avait du miel à la surface du sol.

 And all [they of] the land [0776] came [0935] to a wood; [3293] and there was honey [1706] upon [6440] the ground. [7704]


 Le peuple entra donc dans la forêt, et vit le miel qui coulait, mais nul ne porta la main à sa bouche; car le peuple respectait le serment.

 And when the people [5971] were come [0935] into the wood, [3293] behold, the honey [1706] dropped; [1982] but no man put [5381] his hand [3027] to his mouth: [6310] for the people [5971] feared [3372] the oath. [7621]


 Or, Jonathan n'avait point entendu lorsque son père avait fait jurer le peuple; et il étendit le bout du bâton qu'il avait à la main, le trempa dans un rayon de miel, et ramena sa main à sa bouche, et ses yeux furent éclaircis.

 But Jonathan [3129] heard [8085] not when his father [0001] charged the people [5971] with the oath: [7650] wherefore he put forth [7971] the end [7097] of the rod [4294] that [was] in his hand, [3027] and dipped [2881] it in an honeycomb, [3295] [1706] and put [7725] his hand [3027] to his mouth; [6310] and his eyes [5869] were enlightened. [0215]


 Alors quelqu'un du peuple prit la parole, et dit: Ton père a fait expressément jurer le peuple, en disant: Maudit soit l'homme qui prendra aujourd'hui de la nourriture! et le peuple est fatigué.

 Then answered [6030] one [0376] of the people, [5971] and said, [0559] Thy father [0001] straitly [7650] charged the people [5971] with an oath, [7650] saying, [0559] Cursed [0779] [be] the man [0376] that eateth [0398] [any] food [3899] this day. [3117] And the people [5971] were faint. [5774]


 Et Jonathan dit: Mon père a troublé le pays; voyez donc comme mes yeux se sont éclaircis, pour avoir goûté un peu de ce miel;

 Then said [0559] Jonathan, [3129] My father [0001] hath troubled [5916] the land: [0776] see, [7200] I pray you, how mine eyes [5869] have been enlightened, [0215] because I tasted [2938] a little [4592] of this honey. [1706]


 Certes, si le peuple avait aujourd'hui mangé de la dépouille de ses ennemis, qu'il a trouvée, combien la défaite des Philistins n'aurait-elle pas été plus grande?

 How much more, [0637] if haply [3863] the people [5971] had eaten [0398] freely [0398] to day [3117] of the spoil [7998] of their enemies [0341] which they found? [4672] for had there not been now a much greater [7235] slaughter [4347] among the Philistines? [6430]


 Ils battirent donc, en ce jour-là, les Philistins depuis Micmash jusqu'à Ajalon, et le peuple fut extrêmement fatigué.

 And they smote [5221] the Philistines [6430] that day [3117] from Michmash [4363] to Aijalon: [0357] and the people [5971] were very [3966] faint. [5774]


 Et le peuple se jeta sur le butin, et ils prirent des brebis, et des bœufs et des veaux, et ils les égorgèrent sur la terre; et le peuple les mangeait avec le sang.

 And the people [5971] flew [5860] upon the spoil, [7998] and took [3947] sheep, [6629] and oxen, [1241] and calves, [1121] [1241] and slew [7819] [them] on the ground: [0776] and the people [5971] did eat [0398] [them] with the blood. [1818]


 Et on le rapporta à Saül, en disant: Voici, le peuple pèche contre YEHOVAH, en mangeant la chair avec le sang. Et il dit: Vous avez péché; roulez à l'instant vers moi une grande pierre.

 Then they told [5046] Saul, [7586] saying, [0559] Behold, the people [5971] sin [2398] against the LORD, [3068] in that they eat [0398] with the blood. [1818] And he said, [0559] Ye have transgressed: [0898] roll [1556] a great [1419] stone [0068] unto me this day. [3117]


 Et Saül dit: Allez partout parmi le peuple, et dites-leur que chacun amène vers moi son bœuf, et chacun sa brebis; et vous les égorgerez ici, et vous les mangerez, et vous ne pécherez point contre YEHOVAH, en mangeant la chair avec le sang. Et le peuple amena chacun son bœuf, à la main, pendant la nuit, et ils les égorgèrent là.

 And Saul [7586] said, [0559] Disperse [6327] yourselves among the people, [5971] and say [0559] unto them, Bring me hither [5066] every man [0376] his ox, [7794] and every man [0376] his sheep, [7716] and slay [7819] [them] here, and eat; [0398] and sin [2398] not against the LORD [3068] in eating [0398] with the blood. [1818] And all the people [5971] brought [5066] every man [0376] his ox [7794] with him [3027] that night, [3915] and slew [7819] [them] there.


 Et Saül bâtit un autel à YEHOVAH; ce fut le premier autel qu'il bâtit à YEHOVAH.

 And Saul [7586] built [1129] an altar [4196] unto the LORD: [3068] the same was the first [2490] altar [4196] that he built [1129] unto the LORD. [3068]


 Puis Saül dit: Descendons à la poursuite des Philistins, pendant la nuit, et pillons-les jusqu'à la clarté du matin, et n'en laissons pas un de reste. Et ils dirent: Fais tout ce qui te semble bon. Mais le sacrificateur dit: Approchons-nous ici de Dieu.

 And Saul [7586] said, [0559] Let us go down [3381] after [0310] the Philistines [6430] by night, [3915] and spoil [0962] them until the morning [1242] light, [0216] and let us not leave [7604] a man [0376] of them. And they said, [0559] Do [6213] whatsoever seemeth [5869] good [2896] unto thee. Then said [0559] the priest, [3548] Let us draw near [7126] hither [1988] unto God. [0430]


 Alors Saül consulta Dieu: Descendrai-je à la poursuite des Philistins? Les livreras-tu entre les mains d'Israël? Mais il ne lui donna point de réponse ce jour-là.

 And Saul [7586] asked [7592] counsel of God, [0430] Shall I go down [3381] after [0310] the Philistines? [6430] wilt thou deliver [5414] them into the hand [3027] of Israel? [3478] But he answered [6030] him not that day. [3117]


 Et Saül dit: Approchez ici, vous tous les chefs du peuple; et sachez et voyez comment ce péché a été commis aujourd'hui;

 And Saul [7586] said, [0559] Draw ye near [5066] hither, [1988] all the chief [6438] of the people: [5971] and know [3045] and see [7200] wherein [4100] this sin [2403] hath been this day. [3117]


 Car YEHOVAH est vivant, lui qui délivre Israël, que cela eût-il été fait par mon fils Jonathan, certainement il mourrait! Mais de tout le peuple nul ne lui répondit.

 For, [as] the LORD [3068] liveth, [2416] which saveth [3467] Israel, [3478] though it be [3426] in Jonathan [3129] my son, [1121] he shall surely [4191] die. [4191] But [there was] not a man among all the people [5971] [that] answered [6030] him.


 Puis il dit à tout Israël: Mettez-vous d'un côté, et nous serons de l'autre, moi et Jonathan, mon fils. Le peuple répondit à Saül: Fais ce qui te semble bon.

 Then said [0559] he unto all Israel, [3478] Be ye on one [0259] side, [5676] and I and Jonathan [3129] my son [1121] will be on the other [0259] side. [5676] And the people [5971] said [0559] unto Saul, [7586] Do [6213] what seemeth [5869] good [2896] unto thee.


 Et Saül dit à YEHOVAH: Dieu d'Israël! fais connaître la vérité. Et Jonathan et Saül furent désignés, et le peuple échappa.

 Therefore Saul [7586] said [0559] unto the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] Give [3051] a perfect [8549] [lot]. And Saul [7586] and Jonathan [3129] were taken: [3920] but the people [5971] escaped. [3318]


 Et Saül dit: Jetez le sort entre moi et Jonathan, mon fils. Et Jonathan fut désigné.

 And Saul [7586] said, [0559] Cast [5307] [lots] between me and Jonathan [3129] my son. [1121] And Jonathan [3129] was taken. [3920]


 Alors Saül dit à Jonathan: Déclare-moi ce que tu as fait. Et Jonathan le lui déclara, et dit: J'ai goûté, avec le bout du bâton que j'avais à la main, un peu de miel; me voici, je mourrai.

 Then Saul [7586] said [0559] to Jonathan, [3129] Tell [5046] me what thou hast done. [6213] And Jonathan [3129] told [5046] him, and said, [0559] I did but [2938] taste [2938] a little [4592] honey [1706] with the end [7097] of the rod [4294] that [was] in mine hand, [3027] [and], lo, [2009] I must die. [4191]


 Et Saül dit: Que Dieu me traite dans toute sa rigueur; certainement tu mourras, Jonathan!

 And Saul [7586] answered, [0559] God [0430] do [6213] so and more [3254] also: for thou shalt surely [4191] die, [4191] Jonathan. [3129]


 Mais le peuple dit à Saül: Jonathan, qui a opéré cette grande délivrance en Israël, mourrait-il? Cela ne sera point! YEHOVAH est vivant! il ne tombera pas à terre un seul des cheveux de sa tête; car c'est avec Dieu qu'il a agi en ce jour. Ainsi le peuple délivra Jonathan, et il ne mourut point.

 And the people [5971] said [0559] unto Saul, [7586] Shall Jonathan [3129] die, [4191] who hath wrought [6213] this great [1419] salvation [3444] in Israel? [3478] God forbid: [2486] [as] the LORD [3068] liveth, [2416] there shall not one hair [8185] of his head [7218] fall [5307] to the ground; [0776] for he hath wrought [6213] with God [0430] this day. [3117] So the people [5971] rescued [6299] Jonathan, [3129] that he died [4191] not.


 Puis Saül s'en retourna de la poursuite des Philistins, et les Philistins s'en allèrent dans leur pays.

 Then Saul [7586] went up [5927] from following [0310] the Philistines: [6430] and the Philistines [6430] went [1980] to their own place. [4725]


 Saül régna donc sur Israël, et fit la guerre de tous côtés contre ses ennemis, contre Moab et contre les Ammonites, contre Édom, contre les rois de Tsoba, et contre les Philistins; partout où il se tournait il portait la terreur.

 So Saul [7586] took [3920] the kingdom [4410] over Israel, [3478] and fought [3898] against all his enemies [0341] on every side, [5439] against Moab, [4124] and against the children [1121] of Ammon, [5983] and against Edom, [0123] and against the kings [4428] of Zobah, [6678] and against the Philistines: [6430] and whithersoever he turned [6437] himself, he vexed [7561] [them].


 Il déploya de la vaillance, et battit Amalek, et délivra Israël de la main de ceux qui le pillaient.

 And he gathered [6213] an host, [2428] and smote [5221] the Amalekites, [6002] and delivered [5337] Israel [3478] out of the hands [3027] of them that spoiled [8154] them.


 Or, les fils de Saül étaient Jonathan, Jishui et Malkishua; et quant aux noms de ses deux filles, le nom de l'aînée était Mérab, et le nom de la cadette Mical;

 Now the sons [1121] of Saul [7586] were Jonathan, [3129] and Ishui, [3440] and Melchishua: [4444] and the names [8034] of his two [8147] daughters [1323] [were these]; the name [8034] of the firstborn [1067] Merab, [4764] and the name [8034] of the younger [6996] Michal: [4324]


 Et le nom de la femme de Saül était Achinoam, fille d'Achimaats. Et le nom du chef de son armée était Abner, fils de Ner, oncle de Saül.

 And the name [8034] of Saul's [7586] wife [0802] [was] Ahinoam, [0293] the daughter [1323] of Ahimaaz: [0290] and the name [8034] of the captain [8269] of his host [6635] [was] Abner, [0074] the son [1121] of Ner, [5369] Saul's [7586] uncle. [1730]


 Et Kis, père de Saül, et Ner, père d'Abner, étaient fils d'Abiel.

 And Kish [7027] [was] the father [0001] of Saul; [7586] and Ner [5369] the father [0001] of Abner [0074] [was] the son [1121] of Abiel. [0022]


 Et pendant tout le temps de Saül il y eut une guerre violente contre les Philistins; et dès que Saül voyait quelque homme fort, et quelque homme vaillant, il le prenait auprès de lui.

 And there was sore [2389] war [4421] against the Philistines [6430] all the days [3117] of Saul: [7586] and when Saul [7586] saw [7200] any strong [1368] man, [0376] or any valiant [2428] man, [1121] he took [0622] him unto him.


 Or, Samuel dit à Saül: C'est moi que YEHOVAH a envoyé pour t'oindre roi sur son peuple, sur Israël; maintenant donc, écoute les paroles de YEHOVAH.

 Samuel [8050] also said [0559] unto Saul, [7586] The LORD [3068] sent [7971] me to anoint [4886] thee [to be] king [4428] over his people, [5971] over Israel: [3478] now therefore hearken [8085] thou unto the voice [6963] of the words [1697] of the LORD. [3068]


 Ainsi a dit YEHOVAH des armées: J'ai rappelé à ma mémoire ce qu'a fait Amalek à Israël, comment il s'opposa à lui sur le chemin, quand il montait d'Égypte.

 Thus saith [0559] the LORD [3068] of hosts, [6635] I remember [6485] [that] which Amalek [6002] did [6213] to Israel, [3478] how he laid [7760] [wait] for him in the way, [1870] when he came up [5927] from Egypt. [4714]


 Maintenant va, et frappe Amalek, et vouez à l'interdit tout ce qu'il a; et ne l'épargne point, mais fais mourir et les hommes et les femmes, et les jeunes enfants et ceux qui tètent, et les bœufs et les brebis, et les chameaux et les ânes.

 Now go [3212] and smite [5221] Amalek, [6002] and utterly destroy [2763] all that they have, and spare [2550] them not; but slay [4191] both man [0376] and woman, [0802] infant [5768] and suckling, [3243] ox [7794] and sheep, [7716] camel [1581] and ass. [2543]


 Saül convoqua donc le peuple, et en fit la revue à Télaïm, au nombre de deux cent mille hommes de pied, et dix mille hommes de Juda.

 And Saul [7586] gathered the people [5971] together, [8085] and numbered [6485] them in Telaim, [2923] two hundred [3967] thousand [0505] footmen, [7273] and ten [6235] thousand [0505] men [0376] of Judah. [3063]


 Et Saül vint jusqu'à la ville d'Amalek, et mit une embuscade dans la vallée.

 And Saul [7586] came [0935] to a city [5892] of Amalek, [6002] and laid wait [7378] [0693] in the valley. [5158]


 Et Saül dit aux Kéniens: Allez, retirez-vous, descendez du milieu des Amalécites, de peur que je ne vous enveloppe avec eux; car vous usâtes d'humanité envers tous les enfants d'Israël, quand ils montèrent hors d'Égypte. Et les Kéniens se retirèrent du milieu des Amalécites.

 And Saul [7586] said [0559] unto the Kenites, [7017] Go, [3212] depart, [5493] get you down [3381] from among [8432] the Amalekites, [6002] lest I destroy [0622] you with them: for ye shewed [6213] kindness [2617] to all the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] when they came up [5927] out of Egypt. [4714] So the Kenites [7017] departed [5493] from among [8432] the Amalekites. [6003]


 Or, Saül battit Amalek depuis Havila jusqu'à Shur, qui est vis-à-vis de l'Égypte;

 And Saul [7586] smote [5221] the Amalekites [6002] from Havilah [2341] [until] thou comest [0935] to Shur, [7793] that [is] over against [6440] Egypt. [4714]


 Et il prit vivant Agag, roi d'Amalek; et il fit passer tout le peuple au fil de l'épée, le vouant à l'interdit.

 And he took [8610] Agag [0090] the king [4428] of the Amalekites [6002] alive, [2416] and utterly destroyed [2763] all the people [5971] with the edge [6310] of the sword. [2719]


 Mais Saül et le peuple épargnèrent Agag et les meilleures brebis, les meilleurs bœufs, les bêtes de seconde qualité, les agneaux, et tout ce qu'il y avait de bon, et ne voulurent point les vouer à l'interdit; ils vouèrent seulement à l'interdit tout ce qui était méprisable et chétif.

 But Saul [7586] and the people [5971] spared [2550] Agag, [0090] and the best [4315] of the sheep, [6629] and of the oxen, [1241] and of the fatlings, [4932] and the lambs, [3733] and all [that was] good, [2896] and would [0014] not utterly destroy [2763] them: but every thing [4399] [that was] vile [5240] and refuse, [4549] that they destroyed utterly. [2763]


 Alors la Parole de YEHOVAH fut adressée à Samuel, en disant:

 Then came the word [1697] of the LORD [3068] unto Samuel, [8050] saying, [0559]


 Je me repens d'avoir établi Saül pour roi; car il s'est détourné de moi, et n'a point exécuté mes paroles. Et Samuel en fut fort affligé, et cria à YEHOVAH toute la nuit.

 It repenteth [5162] me that I have set up [4427] Saul [7586] [to be] king: [4428] for he is turned back [7725] from following [0310] me, and hath not performed [6965] my commandments. [1697] And it grieved [2734] Samuel; [8050] and he cried [2199] unto the LORD [3068] all night. [3915]


 Puis Samuel se leva de bon matin pour aller au-devant de Saül; et l'on fit ce rapport à Samuel, et on lui dit: Saül est venu à Carmel, et voici, il s'est fait élever un monument; puis il s'en est retourné, et, passant outre, il est descendu à Guilgal.

 And when Samuel [8050] rose early [7925] to meet [7125] Saul [7586] in the morning, [1242] it was told [5046] Samuel, [8050] saying, [0559] Saul [7586] came [0935] to Carmel, [3760] and, behold, he set him up [5324] a place, [3027] and is gone about, [5437] and passed on, [5674] and gone down [3381] to Gilgal. [1537]


 Quand Samuel fut venu vers Saül, Saül lui dit: Sois béni de YEHOVAH! j'ai exécuté la Parole de YEHOVAH.

 And Samuel [8050] came [0935] to Saul: [7586] and Saul [7586] said [0559] unto him, Blessed [1288] [be] thou of the LORD: [3068] I have performed [6965] the commandment [1697] of the LORD. [3068]


 Et Samuel dit: Quel est donc ce bêlement de brebis qui retentit à mes oreilles, et ce meuglement de bœufs que j'entends?

 And Samuel [8050] said, [0559] What [meaneth] then this bleating [6963] of the sheep [6629] in mine ears, [0241] and the lowing [6963] of the oxen [1241] which I hear? [8085]


 Et Saül répondit: Ils les ont amenés des Amalécites; car le peuple a épargné les meilleures brebis, et les meilleurs bœufs, pour les sacrifier à YEHOVAH, ton Dieu, et nous avons voué le reste à l'interdit.

 And Saul [7586] said, [0559] They have brought [0935] them from the Amalekites: [6003] for the people [5971] spared [2550] the best [4315] of the sheep [6629] and of the oxen, [1241] to sacrifice [2076] unto the LORD [3068] thy God; [0430] and the rest [3498] we have utterly destroyed. [2763]


 Et Samuel dit à Saül: Laisse-moi te déclarer ce que YEHOVAH m'a dit cette nuit. Et il lui répondit: Parle.

 Then Samuel [8050] said [0559] unto Saul, [7586] Stay, [7503] and I will tell [5046] thee what the LORD [3068] hath said [1696] to me this night. [3915] And he said [0559] unto him, Say on. [1696]


 Et Samuel dit: N'est-il pas vrai que lorsque tu étais petit à tes yeux, tu devins chef des tribus d'Israël, et que YEHOVAH t'a oint pour être roi sur Israël?

 And Samuel [8050] said, [0559] When thou [wast] little [6996] in thine own sight, [5869] [wast] thou not [made] the head [7218] of the tribes [7626] of Israel, [3478] and the LORD [3068] anointed [4886] thee king [4428] over Israel? [3478]


 Or, YEHOVAH t'avait envoyé en expédition, et t'avait dit: Va, et voue à l'interdit ces pécheurs, les Amalécites, et fais-leur la guerre jusqu'à ce que tu les aies consumés.

 And the LORD [3068] sent [7971] thee on a journey, [1870] and said, [0559] Go [3212] and utterly destroy [2763] the sinners [2400] the Amalekites, [6002] and fight [3898] against them until they be consumed. [3615]


 Pourquoi n'as-tu pas obéi à la voix de YEHOVAH, et pourquoi t'es-tu jeté sur le butin, et as-tu fait ce qui déplaît à YEHOVAH?

 Wherefore then didst thou not obey [8085] the voice [6963] of the LORD, [3068] but didst fly [5860] upon the spoil, [7998] and didst [6213] evil [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD? [3068]


 Et Saül répondit à Samuel: J'ai pourtant obéi à la voix de YEHOVAH, et je suis allé par le chemin par lequel YEHOVAH m'a envoyé; j'ai amené Agag, roi d'Amalek, et j'ai voué à l'interdit les Amalécites.

 And Saul [7586] said [0559] unto Samuel, [8050] Yea, I have obeyed [8085] the voice [6963] of the LORD, [3068] and have gone [3212] the way [1870] which the LORD [3068] sent [7971] me, and have brought [0935] Agag [0090] the king [4428] of Amalek, [6002] and have utterly destroyed [2763] the Amalekites. [6002]


 Mais le peuple a pris sur le butin des brebis et des bœufs, comme prémices de l'interdit, pour sacrifier à YEHOVAH, ton Dieu, à Guilgal.

 But the people [5971] took [3947] of the spoil, [7998] sheep [6629] and oxen, [1241] the chief [7225] of the things which should have been utterly destroyed, [2764] to sacrifice [2076] unto the LORD [3068] thy God [0430] in Gilgal. [1537]


 Alors Samuel dit: YEHOVAH prend-il plaisir aux offrandes à brûler et aux sacrifices, comme à ce qu'on obéisse à la voix de YEHOVAH? Voici, obéir vaut mieux que sacrifice; être attentif vaut mieux que la graisse des moutons;

 And Samuel [8050] said, [0559] Hath the LORD [3068] [as great] delight [2656] in burnt offerings [5930] and sacrifices, [2077] as in obeying [8085] the voice [6963] of the LORD? [3068] Behold, to obey [8085] [is] better [2896] than sacrifice, [2077] [and] to hearken [7181] than the fat [2459] of rams. [0352]


 Car la rébellion est autant que le péché de sorcellerie, et la résistance autant que l'iniquité et l'idolâtrie. Parce que tu as rejeté la Parole de YEHOVAH, il t'a aussi rejeté, pour n'être plus roi.

 For rebellion [4805] [is as] the sin [2403] of witchcraft, [7081] and stubbornness [6484] [is as] iniquity [0205] and idolatry. [8655] Because thou hast rejected [3988] the word [1697] of the LORD, [3068] he hath also rejected [3988] thee from [being] king. [4428]


 Alors Saül répondit à Samuel: J'ai péché; car j'ai transgressé le commandement de YEHOVAH et tes paroles, parce que je craignais le peuple, et j'ai obéi à sa voix.

 And Saul [7586] said [0559] unto Samuel, [8050] I have sinned: [2398] for I have transgressed [5674] the commandment [6310] of the LORD, [3068] and thy words: [1697] because I feared [3372] the people, [5971] and obeyed [8085] their voice. [6963]


 Mais maintenant, je te prie, pardonne mon péché, et reviens avec moi, et je me prosternerai devant YEHOVAH.

 Now therefore, I pray thee, pardon [5375] my sin, [2403] and turn again [7725] with me, that I may worship [7812] the LORD. [3068]


 Et Samuel dit à Saül: Je ne retournerai point avec toi; car tu as rejeté la Parole de YEHOVAH, et YEHOVAH t'a rejeté, pour n'être plus roi d'Israël.

 And Samuel [8050] said [0559] unto Saul, [7586] I will not return [7725] with thee: for thou hast rejected [3988] the word [1697] of the LORD, [3068] and the LORD [3068] hath rejected [3988] thee from being king [4428] over Israel. [3478]


 Et comme Samuel se tournait pour s'en aller, Saül saisit le pan de son manteau, qui se déchira.

 And as Samuel [8050] turned about [5437] to go away, [3212] he laid hold [2388] upon the skirt [3671] of his mantle, [4598] and it rent. [7167]


 Alors Samuel lui dit: YEHOVAH a aujourd'hui déchiré le royaume d'Israël de dessus toi, et il l'a donné à ton prochain, qui est meilleur que toi.

 And Samuel [8050] said [0559] unto him, The LORD [3068] hath rent [7167] the kingdom [4468] of Israel [3478] from thee this day, [3117] and hath given [5414] it to a neighbour [7453] of thine, [that is] better [2896] than thou.


 Et même, celui qui est la force d'Israël ne mentira point, et ne se repentira point; car il n'est pas un homme pour se repentir.

 And also the Strength [5331] of Israel [3478] will not lie [8266] nor repent: [5162] for he [is] not a man, [0120] that he should repent. [5162]


 Et Saül répondit: J'ai péché; maintenant honore-moi, je te prie, en présence des anciens de mon peuple, et en présence d'Israël; et reviens avec moi, et je me prosternerai devant YEHOVAH ton Dieu.

 Then he said, [0559] I have sinned: [2398] [yet] honour [3513] me now, I pray thee, before the elders [2205] of my people, [5971] and before Israel, [3478] and turn again [7725] with me, that I may worship [7812] the LORD [3068] thy God. [0430]


 Samuel retourna donc, et suivit Saül; et Saül se prosterna devant YEHOVAH.

 So Samuel [8050] turned again [7725] after [0310] Saul; [7586] and Saul [7586] worshipped [7812] the LORD. [3068]


 Puis Samuel dit: Amenez-moi Agag, roi d'Amalek. Et Agag vint à lui gaiement. Et Agag disait: Certainement l'amertume de la mort est passée.

 Then said [0559] Samuel, [8050] Bring ye hither [5066] to me Agag [0090] the king [4428] of the Amalekites. [6002] And Agag [0090] came [3212] unto him delicately. [4574] And Agag [0090] said, [0559] Surely [0403] the bitterness [4751] of death [4194] is past. [5493]


 Mais Samuel dit: Comme ton épée a privé des femmes de leurs enfants, ainsi ta mère, entre les femmes, sera privée d'un fils. Et Samuel mit Agag en pièces, devant YEHOVAH, à Guilgal.

 And Samuel [8050] said, [0559] As thy sword [2719] hath made women [0802] childless, [7921] so shall thy mother [0517] be childless [7921] among women. [0802] And Samuel [8050] hewed Agag [0090] in pieces [8158] before [6440] the LORD [3068] in Gilgal. [1537]


 Puis Samuel s'en alla à Rama; et Saül monta en sa maison, à Guibea de Saül.

 Then Samuel [8050] went [3212] to Ramah; [7414] and Saul [7586] went up [5927] to his house [1004] to Gibeah [1390] of Saul. [7586]


 Et Samuel n'alla plus voir Saül, jusqu'au jour de sa mort; car Samuel pleurait sur Saül, parce que YEHOVAH se repentait d'avoir établi Saül roi sur Israël.

 And Samuel [8050] came no more [3254] to see [7200] Saul [7586] until the day [3117] of his death: [4194] nevertheless [3588] Samuel [8050] mourned [0056] for Saul: [7586] and the LORD [3068] repented [5162] that he had made Saul [7586] king [4427] over Israel. [3478]


 Et YEHOVAH dit à Samuel: Jusqu'à quand pleureras-tu sur Saül, puisque je l'ai rejeté, afin qu'il ne règne plus sur Israël? Remplis ta corne d'huile, et va; je t'enverrai vers Isaï, Bethléhémite; car je me suis pourvu d'un de ses fils pour roi.

 And the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto Samuel, [8050] How long wilt thou mourn [0056] for Saul, [7586] seeing I have rejected [3988] him from reigning [4427] over Israel? [3478] fill [4390] thine horn [7161] with oil, [8081] and go, [3212] I will send [7971] thee to Jesse [3448] the Bethlehemite: [1022] for I have provided [7200] me a king [4428] among his sons. [1121]


 Et Samuel dit: Comment irais-je? Saül l'apprendra et me tuera. Et YEHOVAH répondit: Tu emmèneras avec toi une jeune vache, et tu diras: Je suis venu pour sacrifier à YEHOVAH.

 And Samuel [8050] said, [0559] How can I go? [3212] if Saul [7586] hear [8085] [it], he will kill [2026] me. And the LORD [3068] said, [0559] Take [3947] an heifer [1241] [5697] with thee, [3027] and say, [0559] I am come [0935] to sacrifice [2076] to the LORD. [3068]


 Et tu inviteras Isaï au sacrifice; et je te ferai savoir ce que tu auras à faire, et tu oindras pour moi celui que je te dirai.

 And call [7121] Jesse [3448] to the sacrifice, [2077] and I will shew [3045] thee what thou shalt do: [6213] and thou shalt anoint [4886] unto me [him] whom I name [0559] unto thee.


 Samuel fit donc comme YEHOVAH avait dit, et vint à Bethléhem; et les anciens de la ville accoururent, effrayés, au-devant de lui, et dirent: Viens-tu pour notre bien?

 And Samuel [8050] did [6213] that which the LORD [3068] spake, [1696] and came [0935] to Bethlehem. [1035] And the elders [2205] of the town [5892] trembled [2729] at his coming, [7125] and said, [0559] Comest [0935] thou peaceably? [7965]


 Et il répondit: Pour votre bien. Je suis venu pour sacrifier à YEHOVAH; purifiez-vous, et venez avec moi au sacrifice. Il fit aussi purifier Isaï et ses fils, et les invita au sacrifice.

 And he said, [0559] Peaceably: [7965] I am come [0935] to sacrifice [2076] unto the LORD: [3068] sanctify [6942] yourselves, and come [0935] with me to the sacrifice. [2077] And he sanctified [6942] Jesse [3448] and his sons, [1121] and called [7121] them to the sacrifice. [2077]


 Et comme ils entraient, il vit Éliab, et dit en lui même: Certainement l'oint de YEHOVAH est devant lui.

 And it came to pass, when they were come, [0935] that he looked [7200] on Eliab, [0446] and said, [0559] Surely the LORD'S [3068] anointed [4899] [is] before him.


 Mais YEHOVAH dit à Samuel: Ne prends point garde à son visage, ni à la grandeur de sa taille; car je l'ai rejeté. YEHOVAH ne regarde point à ce que l'homme regarde; l'homme regarde à ce qui paraît aux yeux; mais YEHOVAH regarde au cœur.

 But the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto Samuel, [8050] Look [5027] not on his countenance, [4758] or on the height [1364] of his stature; [6967] because I have refused [3988] him: for [the LORD seeth] not as man [0120] seeth; [7200] for man [0120] looketh [7200] on the outward appearance, [5869] but the LORD [3068] looketh [7200] on the heart. [3824]


 Et Isaï appela Abinadab, et le fit passer devant Samuel; mais il dit: YEHOVAH n'a pas non plus choisi celui-ci.

 Then Jesse [3448] called [7121] Abinadab, [0041] and made him pass [5674] before [6440] Samuel. [8050] And he said, [0559] Neither hath the LORD [3068] chosen [0977] this.


 Et Isaï fit passer Shamma; mais Samuel dit: YEHOVAH n'a pas non plus choisi celui-ci.

 Then Jesse [3448] made Shammah [8048] to pass by. [5674] And he said, [0559] Neither hath the LORD [3068] chosen [0977] this.


 Isaï fit passer ainsi ses sept fils devant Samuel; et Samuel dit à Isaï: YEHOVAH n'a point choisi ceux-ci.

 Again, Jesse [3448] made seven [7651] of his sons [1121] to pass [5674] before [6440] Samuel. [8050] And Samuel [8050] said [0559] unto Jesse, [3448] The LORD [3068] hath not chosen [0977] these.


 Puis Samuel dit à Isaï: Sont-ce là tous tes enfants? Et il répondit: Il reste encore le plus jeune; mais, voici, il paît les brebis. Alors Samuel dit à Isaï: Envoie-le chercher; car nous ne nous mettrons point à table jusqu'à ce qu'il soit venu ici.

 And Samuel [8050] said [0559] unto Jesse, [3448] Are here all [8552] [thy] children? [5288] And he said, [0559] There remaineth [7604] yet the youngest, [6996] and, behold, he keepeth [7462] the sheep. [6629] And Samuel [8050] said [0559] unto Jesse, [3448] Send [7971] and fetch [3947] him: for we will not sit down [5437] till he come [0935] hither. [6311]


 Il envoya donc et le fit venir. Or, il était blond, avec de beaux yeux et un beau visage; et YEHOVAH dit à Samuel: Lève toi et oins-le; car c'est celui-là.

 And he sent, [7971] and brought him in. [0935] Now he [was] ruddy, [0132] [and] withal [5973] of a beautiful [3303] countenance, [5869] and goodly [2896] to look to. [7210] And the LORD [3068] said, [0559] Arise, [6965] anoint [4886] him: for this [is] he.


 Alors Samuel prit la corne d'huile, et l'oignit au milieu de ses frères, et depuis ce jour-là l'Esprit de YEHOVAH saisit David. Puis Samuel se leva, et s'en alla à Rama.

 Then Samuel [8050] took [3947] the horn [7161] of oil, [8081] and anointed [4886] him in the midst [7130] of his brethren: [0251] and the Spirit [7307] of the LORD [3068] came [6743] upon David [1732] from that day [3117] forward. [4605] So Samuel [8050] rose up, [6965] and went [3212] to Ramah. [7414]


 Et l'Esprit de YEHOVAH se retira de Saül, et un mauvais esprit, envoyé par YEHOVAH, le troublait.

 But the Spirit [7307] of the LORD [3068] departed [5493] from Saul, [7586] and an evil [7451] spirit [7307] from the LORD [3068] troubled [1204] him.


 Et les serviteurs de Saül lui dirent: Voici, un mauvais esprit, envoyé de Dieu, te trouble.

 And Saul's [7586] servants [5650] said [0559] unto him, Behold now, an evil [7451] spirit [7307] from God [0430] troubleth [1204] thee.


 Que notre seigneur parle; tes serviteurs, qui sont devant toi, chercheront un homme qui sache jouer de la harpe; et quand le mauvais esprit, envoyé de Dieu, sera sur toi, il en jouera de sa main, et tu seras soulagé.

 Let our lord [0113] now command [0559] thy servants, [5650] [which are] before [6440] thee, to seek out [1245] a man, [0376] [who is] a cunning [3045] player [5059] on an harp: [3658] and it shall come to pass, when the evil [7451] spirit [7307] from God [0430] is upon thee, that he shall play [5059] with his hand, [3027] and thou shalt be well. [2895]


 Saül dit donc à ses serviteurs: Trouvez-moi donc un homme qui sache bien jouer, et amenez-le-moi.

 And Saul [7586] said [0559] unto his servants, [5650] Provide [7200] me now a man [0376] that can play [5059] well, [3190] and bring [0935] [him] to me.


 Et l'un de ses serviteurs répondit et dit: Voici, j'ai vu un fils d'Isaï, le Bethléhémite, qui sait jouer; c'est un homme fort et vaillant, un guerrier, qui parle bien, bel homme, et YEHOVAH est avec lui.

 Then answered [6030] one [0259] of the servants, [5288] and said, [0559] Behold, I have seen [7200] a son [1121] of Jesse [3448] the Bethlehemite, [1022] [that is] cunning [3045] in playing, [5059] and a mighty [1368] valiant [2428] man, and a man [0376] of war, [4421] and prudent [0995] in matters, [1697] and a comely [8389] person, [0376] and the LORD [3068] [is] with him.


 Alors Saül envoya des messagers à Isaï, pour lui dire: Envoie-moi David, ton fils, qui est avec les brebis.

 Wherefore Saul [7586] sent [7971] messengers [4397] unto Jesse, [3448] and said, [0559] Send [7971] me David [1732] thy son, [1121] which [is] with the sheep. [6629]


 Et Isaï prit un âne chargé de pain, et une outre de vin, et un chevreau de lait, et les envoya à Saül, par David, son fils.

 And Jesse [3448] took [3947] an ass [2543] [laden] with bread, [3899] and a bottle [4997] of wine, [3196] and a [0259] kid, [1423] [5795] and sent [7971] [them] by [3027] David [1732] his son [1121] unto Saul. [7586]


 Et David vint vers Saül, et se présenta devant lui; et Saül l'aima fort, et il en fit son écuyer.

 And David [1732] came [0935] to Saul, [7586] and stood [5975] before [6440] him: and he loved [0157] him greatly; [3966] and he became his armourbearer. [5375] [3627]


 Et Saül envoya dire à Isaï: Je te prie, que David demeure à mon service; car il a trouvé grâce à mes yeux.

 And Saul [7586] sent [7971] to Jesse, [3448] saying, [0559] Let David, [1732] I pray thee, stand [5975] before [6440] me; for he hath found [4672] favour [2580] in my sight. [5869]


 Quand donc le mauvais esprit, envoyé de Dieu, était sur Saül, David prenait la harpe, et en jouait de sa main; et Saül respirait et était soulagé, et le mauvais esprit se retirait de lui.

 And it came to pass, when the [evil] spirit [7307] from God [0430] was upon Saul, [7586] that David [1732] took [3947] an harp, [3658] and played [5059] with his hand: [3027] so Saul [7586] was refreshed, [7304] and was well, [2895] and the evil [7451] spirit [7307] departed [5493] from him.


 Or, les Philistins assemblèrent leurs armées pour combattre; et ils s'assemblèrent à Soco, qui est de Juda, et campèrent entre Soco et Azéka, à Éphès-Dammim.

 Now the Philistines [6430] gathered [0622] together their armies [4264] to battle, [4421] and were gathered [0622] together at Shochoh, [7755] which [belongeth] to Judah, [3063] and pitched [2583] between Shochoh [7755] and Azekah, [5825] in Ephesdammim. [0658]


 Saül aussi et les hommes d'Israël s'assemblèrent, et campèrent dans la vallée du chêne; et ils se rangèrent en bataille contre les Philistins.

 And Saul [7586] and the men [0376] of Israel [3478] were gathered [0622] together, and pitched [2583] by the valley [6010] of Elah, [0425] and set the battle [4421] in array [6186] against [7125] the Philistines. [6430]


 Or, les Philistins étaient sur la montagne d'un côté, et les Israélites sur la montagne de l'autre côté, et la vallée était entre eux.

 And the Philistines [6430] stood [5975] on a mountain [2022] on the one side, and Israel [3478] stood [5975] on a mountain [2022] on the other side: and [there was] a valley [1516] between them.


 Alors sortit du camp des Philistins un homme qui se présenta entre les deux armées, et qui s'appelait Goliath; il était de Gath; il avait six coudées et une palme de haut.

 And there went out [3318] a champion [0376] [1143] out of the camp [4264] of the Philistines, [6430] named [8034] Goliath, [1555] of Gath, [1661] whose height [1363] [was] six [8337] cubits [0520] and a span. [2239]


 Il avait un casque d'airain sur la tête, et il était revêtu d'une cuirasse à écailles, et cette cuirasse pesait cinq mille sicles d'airain.

 And [he had] an helmet [3553] of brass [5178] upon his head, [7218] and he [was] armed [3847] with a coat [8302] of mail; [7193] and the weight [4948] of the coat [8302] [was] five [2568] thousand [0505] shekels [8255] of brass. [5178]


 Il avait aussi des jambières d'airain sur les jambes, et un javelot d'airain entre les épaules.

 And [he had] greaves [4697] of brass [5178] upon his legs, [7272] and a target [3591] of brass [5178] between his shoulders. [3802]


 Le bois de sa lance était comme l'ensouple d'un tisserand, et la pointe de sa lance pesait six cents sicles de fer; et celui qui portait son bouclier marchait devant lui.

 And the staff [6086] [2671] of his spear [2595] [was] like a weaver's [0707] beam; [4500] and his spear's [2595] head [3852] [weighed] six [8337] hundred [3967] shekels [8255] of iron: [1270] and one bearing [5375] a shield [6793] went [1980] before [6440] him.


 Il se présenta donc, et il cria aux troupes rangées d'Israël, et leur dit: Pourquoi sortez-vous pour vous ranger en bataille? Ne suis-je pas le Philistin, et vous, n'êtes-vous pas serviteurs de Saül? Choisissez-vous un homme, et qu'il descende contre moi;

 And he stood [5975] and cried [7121] unto the armies [4634] of Israel, [3478] and said [0559] unto them, Why are ye come out [3318] to set [your] battle [4421] in array? [6186] [am] not I a Philistine, [6430] and ye servants [5650] to Saul? [7586] choose [1262] you a man [0376] for you, and let him come down [3381] to me.


 S'il a l'avantage, en combattant avec moi, et qu'il me tue, nous vous serons assujettis; mais si j'ai l'avantage sur lui et que je le tue, vous nous serez assujettis, et vous nous servirez.

 If he be able [3201] to fight [3898] with me, and to kill [5221] me, then will we be your servants: [5650] but if I prevail [3201] against him, and kill [5221] him, then shall ye be our servants, [5650] and serve [5647] us.


 Et le Philistin dit: J'ai insulté aujourd'hui les troupes rangées d'Israël. Donnez-moi un homme, et nous combattrons ensemble.

 And the Philistine [6430] said, [0559] I defy [2778] the armies [4634] of Israel [3478] this day; [3117] give [5414] me a man, [0376] that we may fight [3898] together. [3162]


 Et Saül et tous les Israélites, ayant entendu ces paroles du Philistin, furent effrayés, et eurent une fort grande peur.

 When Saul [7586] and all Israel [3478] heard [8085] those words [1697] of the Philistine, [6430] they were dismayed, [2865] and greatly [3966] afraid. [3372]


 Or, David était fils de cet homme éphratien, de Bethléhem de Juda, nommé Isaï, qui avait huit fils, et cet homme, au temps de Saül, était avancé en âge.

 Now David [1732] [was] the son [1121] of that Ephrathite [0376] [0673] of Bethlehemjudah, [1035] [3063] whose name [8034] [was] Jesse; [3448] and he had eight [8083] sons: [1121] and the man [0376] went [0935] among men [0582] [for] an old man [2204] in the days [3117] of Saul. [7586]


 Les trois plus grands fils d'Isaï s'en étaient allés, et avaient suivi Saül à la guerre. Et ses trois fils qui étaient allés à la guerre, s'appelaient, l'aîné Éliab, le second Abinadab, et le troisième Shamma.

 And the three [7969] eldest [1419] sons [1121] of Jesse [3448] went [3212] [and] followed [1980] [0310] Saul [7586] to the battle: [4421] and the names [8034] of his three [7969] sons [1121] that went [1980] to the battle [4421] [were] Eliab [0446] the firstborn, [1060] and next [4932] unto him Abinadab, [0041] and the third [7992] Shammah. [8048]


 Et David était le plus jeune; et les trois plus grands suivaient Saül.

 And David [1732] [was] the youngest: [6996] and the three [7969] eldest [1419] followed [1980] [0310] Saul. [7586]


 Et David allait et revenait d'auprès de Saül pour paître les brebis de son père, à Bethléhem.

 But David [1732] went [1980] and returned [7725] from Saul [7586] to feed [7462] his father's [0001] sheep [6629] at Bethlehem. [1035]


 Et le Philistin s'approchait matin et soir, et il se présenta ainsi pendant quarante jours.

 And the Philistine [6430] drew near [5066] morning [7925] and evening, [6150] and presented [3320] himself forty [0705] days. [3117]


 Et Isaï dit à David, son fils: Prends-donc pour tes frères cet épha de froment rôti et ces dix pains, et porte-les promptement au camp, à tes frères;

 And Jesse [3448] said [0559] unto David [1732] his son, [1121] Take [3947] now for thy brethren [0251] an ephah [0374] of this parched [7039] [corn], and these [2088] ten [6235] loaves, [3899] and run [7323] to the camp [4264] to thy brethren; [0251]


 Tu porteras aussi ces dix fromages de lait au capitaine de leur millier; et tu visiteras tes frères pour savoir s'ils se portent bien; et tu m'en apporteras des nouvelles certaines.

 And carry [0935] these ten [6235] cheeses [2461] [2757] unto the captain [8269] of [their] thousand, [0505] and look [6485] how thy brethren [0251] fare, [7965] and take [3947] their pledge. [6161]


 Or, Saül, et eux, et tous les hommes d'Israël étaient dans la vallée du chêne, combattant contre les Philistins.

 Now Saul, [7586] and they, and all the men [0376] of Israel, [3478] [were] in the valley [6010] of Elah, [0425] fighting [3898] with the Philistines. [6430]


 David se leva donc de bon matin, laissa les brebis à un gardien, prit sa charge, et s'en alla, comme son père Isaï lui avait commandé, et arriva au retranchement. Or, l'armée sortait pour se ranger en bataille, et poussait des cris de guerre;

 And David [1732] rose up early [7925] in the morning, [1242] and left [5203] the sheep [6629] with a keeper, [8104] and took, [5375] and went, [3212] as Jesse [3448] had commanded [6680] him; and he came [0935] to the trench, [4570] as the host [2428] was going forth [3318] to the fight, [4634] and shouted [7321] for the battle. [4421]


 Et les Israélites et les Philistins avaient rangé armée contre armée.

 For Israel [3478] and the Philistines [6430] had put the battle in array, [6186] army [4634] against [7125] army. [4634]


 Alors David se déchargea de son fardeau, le laissa entre les mains de celui qui gardait le bagage, et courut vers les rangs de l'armée. Il vint donc, et demanda à ses frères s'ils se portaient bien;

 And David [1732] left [5203] his carriage [3627] in the hand [3027] of the keeper [8104] of the carriage, [3627] and ran [7323] into the army, [4634] and came [0935] and saluted [7592] [7965] his brethren. [0251]


 Et comme il parlait avec eux, voici, l'homme qui se présentait entre les deux armées, le Philistin, de Gath, nommé Goliath, monta hors des rangs des Philistins et prononça les mêmes discours; et David les entendit.

 And as he talked [1696] with them, behold, there came up [5927] the champion, [0376] [1143] the Philistine [6430] of Gath, [1661] Goliath [1555] by name, [8034] out of the armies [4634] [4630] of the Philistines, [6430] and spake [1696] according to the same [0428] words: [1697] and David [1732] heard [8085] [them].


 Et tous ceux d'Israël, à la vue de cet homme, s'enfuyaient de devant lui, et tremblaient de peur.

 And all the men [0376] of Israel, [3478] when they saw [7200] the man, [0376] fled [5127] from him, [6440] and were sore [3966] afraid. [3372]


 Et les Israélites disaient: Avez-vous vu cet homme qui monte? C'est pour insulter Israël qu'il est monté. Mais si quelqu'un le tue, le roi le comblera de richesses; il lui donnera sa fille, et il affranchira la maison de son père en Israël.

 And the men [0376] of Israel [3478] said, [0559] Have ye seen [7200] this man [0376] that is come up? [5927] surely to defy [2778] Israel [3478] is he come up: [5927] and it shall be, [that] the man [0376] who killeth [5221] him, the king [4428] will enrich [6238] him with great [1419] riches, [6239] and will give [5414] him his daughter, [1323] and make [6213] his father's [0001] house [1004] free [2670] in Israel. [3478]


 Alors David parla aux gens qui étaient avec lui, et leur dit: Que fera-t-on à l'homme qui aura tué ce Philistin, et qui aura ôté l'opprobre de dessus Israël? Car qui est ce Philistin, cet incirconcis, pour insulter les armées du Dieu vivant?

 And David [1732] spake [0559] to the men [0582] that stood [5975] by him, saying, [0559] What shall be done [6213] to the man [0376] that killeth [5221] this [1975] Philistine, [6430] and taketh away [5493] the reproach [2781] from Israel? [3478] for who [is] this uncircumcised [6189] Philistine, [6430] that he should defy [2778] the armies [4634] of the living [2416] God? [0430]


 Et le peuple lui répéta ces mêmes paroles, et lui dit: C'est là ce qu'on fera à l'homme qui l'aura tué.

 And the people [5971] answered [0559] him after this manner, [1697] saying, [0559] So shall it be done [6213] to the man [0376] that killeth [5221] him.


 Et quand Éliab, son frère aîné, entendit qu'il parlait à ces hommes, sa colère s'embrasa contre David, et il lui dit: Pourquoi es-tu descendu? et à qui as-tu laissé ce peu de brebis au désert? Je connais ton orgueil et la malice de ton cœur. Tu es descendu pour voir la bataille.

 And Eliab [0446] his eldest [1419] brother [0251] heard [8085] when he spake [1696] unto the men; [0582] and Eliab's [0446] anger [0639] was kindled [2734] against David, [1732] and he said, [0559] Why camest thou down [3381] hither? and with whom hast thou left [5203] those [2007] few [4592] sheep [6629] in the wilderness? [4057] I know [3045] thy pride, [2087] and the naughtiness [7455] of thine heart; [3824] for thou art come down [3381] that thou mightest see [7200] th


 Et David répondit: Qu'ai-je fait maintenant? N'est-ce pas une simple parole?

 And David [1732] said, [0559] What have I now done? [6213] [Is there] not a cause? [1697]


 Et il se détourna de lui, alla vers un autre, et dit les mêmes paroles; et le peuple lui répondit comme la première fois.

 And he turned [5437] from him [0681] toward [4136] another, [0312] and spake [0559] after the same manner: [1697] and the people [5971] answered [1697] him again [7725] after the former [7223] manner. [1697]


 Or les paroles que David avait dites furent entendues; on les rapporta à Saül, et il le fit venir.

 And when the words [1697] were heard [8085] which David [1732] spake, [1696] they rehearsed [5046] [them] before [6440] Saul: [7586] and he sent [3947] for him.


 Et David dit à Saül: Que personne ne perde courage à cause de cet homme; ton serviteur ira, et combattra contre ce Philistin.

 And David [1732] said [0559] to Saul, [7586] Let no man's [0120] heart [3820] fail [5307] because of him; thy servant [5650] will go [3212] and fight [3898] with this Philistine. [6430]


 Mais Saül dit à David: Tu ne peux aller contre ce Philistin, pour combattre contre lui, car tu n'es qu'un jeune homme, et lui est un homme de guerre, dès sa jeunesse.

 And Saul [7586] said [0559] to David, [1732] Thou art not able [3201] to go [3212] against this Philistine [6430] to fight [3898] with him: for thou [art but] a youth, [5288] and he a man [0376] of war [4421] from his youth. [5271]


 Et David répondit à Saül: Lorsque ton serviteur paissait les brebis de son père, il venait un lion ou un ours, qui emportait une brebis du troupeau;

 And David [1732] said [0559] unto Saul, [7586] Thy servant [5650] kept [7462] his father's [0001] sheep, [6629] and there came [0935] a lion, [0738] and a bear, [1677] and took [5375] a lamb [7716] [2089] out of the flock: [5739]


 Mais je sortais après lui, je le frappais, et j'arrachais la brebis de sa gueule; et quand il se levait contre moi, je le saisissais par la mâchoire, je le frappais, et je le tuais.

 And I went out [3318] after [0310] him, and smote [5221] him, and delivered [5337] [it] out of his mouth: [6310] and when he arose [6965] against me, I caught [2388] [him] by his beard, [2206] and smote [5221] him, and slew [4191] him.


 Ton serviteur a tué et le lion et l'ours; et ce Philistin, cet incirconcis, sera comme l'un d'eux; car il a insulté les armées du Dieu vivant.

 Thy servant [5650] slew [5221] both the lion [0738] and the bear: [1677] and this uncircumcised [6189] Philistine [6430] shall be as one [0259] of them, seeing he hath defied [2778] the armies [4634] of the living [2416] God. [0430]


 David dit encore: YEHOVAH, qui m'a délivré de la griffe du lion et de la patte de l'ours, me délivrera de la main de ce Philistin. Alors Saül dit à David: Va, et que YEHOVAH soit avec toi!

 David [1732] said [0559] moreover, The LORD [3068] that delivered [5337] me out of the paw [3027] of the lion, [0738] and out of the paw [3027] of the bear, [1677] he will deliver [5337] me out of the hand [3027] of this Philistine. [6430] And Saul [7586] said [0559] unto David, [1732] Go, [3212] and the LORD [3068] be with thee.


 Et Saül fit revêtir David de ses vêtements, lui mit un casque d'airain sur la tête, et le revêtit d'une cuirasse;

 And Saul [7586] armed [3847] David [1732] with his armour, [4055] and he put [5414] an helmet [6959] of brass [5178] upon his head; [7218] also he armed [3847] him with a coat of mail. [8302]


 Puis David ceignit l'épée de Saül sur ses vêtements, et se mit à marcher; car jamais il ne s'y était essayé. Et David dit à Saül: Je ne saurais marcher avec ces armes; car je n'y suis pas accoutumé. Et David les ôta de dessus lui.

 And David [1732] girded [2296] his sword [2719] upon his armour, [4055] and he assayed [2974] to go; [3212] for he had not proved [5254] [it]. And David [1732] said [0559] unto Saul, [7586] I cannot [3808] [3201] go [3212] with these; for I have not proved [5254] [them]. And David [1732] put [5493] them off him.


 Mais il prit en sa main son bâton, et choisit dans le torrent cinq cailloux bien polis, et les mit dans la panetière de berger qu'il avait sur lui, et dans sa poche; et, sa fronde à la main, il s'approcha du Philistin.

 And he took [3947] his staff [4731] in his hand, [3027] and chose [0977] him five [2568] smooth [2512] stones [0068] out of the brook, [5158] and put [7760] them in a shepherd's [7462] bag [3627] which he had, even in a scrip; [3219] and his sling [7050] [was] in his hand: [3027] and he drew near [5066] to the Philistine. [6430]


 Le Philistin vint aussi, et s'approcha de David; et l'homme qui portait son bouclier marchait devant lui.

 And the Philistine [6430] came [3212] on [1980] and drew near [7131] unto David; [1732] and the man [0376] that bare [5375] the shield [6793] [went] before [6440] him.


 Alors le Philistin regarda, et vit David, et le méprisa; car c'était un jeune homme, plaisant et beau de visage.

 And when the Philistine [6430] looked about, [5027] and saw [7200] David, [1732] he disdained [0959] him: for he was [but] a youth, [5288] and ruddy, [0132] and of a fair [3303] countenance. [4758]


 Et le Philistin dit à David: Suis-je un chien que tu viennes contre moi avec des bâtons? Et le Philistin maudit David par ses dieux.

 And the Philistine [6430] said [0559] unto David, [1732] [Am] I a dog, [3611] that thou comest [0935] to me with staves? [4731] And the Philistine [6430] cursed [7043] David [1732] by his gods. [0430]


 Le Philistin dit encore à David: Viens vers moi, et je donnerai ta chair aux oiseaux du ciel et aux bêtes des champs.

 And the Philistine [6430] said [0559] to David, [1732] Come [3212] to me, and I will give [5414] thy flesh [1320] unto the fowls [5775] of the air, [8064] and to the beasts [0929] of the field. [7704]


 Et David répondit au Philistin: Tu viens contre moi avec l'épée, la lance et le javelot; mais moi, je viens contre toi au nom de YEHOVAH des armées, du Dieu des armées d'Israël, que tu as insultées.

 Then said [0559] David [1732] to the Philistine, [6430] Thou comest [0935] to me with a sword, [2719] and with a spear, [2595] and with a shield: [3591] but I come [0935] to thee in the name [8034] of the LORD [3068] of hosts, [6635] the God [0430] of the armies [4634] of Israel, [3478] whom thou hast defied. [2778]


 Aujourd'hui YEHOVAH te livrera entre mes mains; je te tuerai, je t'ôterai la tête, et je donnerai aujourd'hui les cadavres du camp des Philistins aux oiseaux des cieux et aux animaux de la terre; et toute la terre saura qu'Israël a un Dieu;

 This day [3117] will the LORD [3068] deliver [5462] thee into mine hand; [3027] and I will smite [5221] thee, and take [5493] thine head [7218] from thee; and I will give [5414] the carcases [6297] of the host [4264] of the Philistines [6430] this day [3117] unto the fowls [5775] of the air, [8064] and to the wild beasts [2416] of the earth; [0776] that all the earth [0776] may know [3045] that there is [3426] a God [0430] in Israel. [3478]


 Et toute cette assemblée saura que YEHOVAH ne délivre point par l'épée, ni par la lance; car la bataille est à YEHOVAH, qui vous livrera entre nos mains.

 And all this assembly [6951] shall know [3045] that the LORD [3068] saveth [3467] not with sword [2719] and spear: [2595] for the battle [4421] [is] the LORD'S, [3068] and he will give [5414] you into our hands. [3027]


 Et comme le Philistin, s'étant levé, venait et s'avançait à la rencontre de David, David se hâta, et courut vers la ligne de bataille à la rencontre du Philistin.

 And it came to pass, when the Philistine [6430] arose, [6965] and came [3212] and drew nigh [7126] to meet [7125] David, [1732] that David [1732] hasted, [4116] and ran [7323] toward the army [4634] to meet [7125] the Philistine. [6430]


 Alors David mit la main à sa panetière, en prit une pierre, la lança avec sa fronde, et frappa le Philistin au front; et la pierre s'enfonça dans son front; et il tomba le visage contre terre.

 And David [1732] put [7971] his hand [3027] in his bag, [3627] and took [3947] thence a stone, [0068] and slang [7049] [it], and smote [5221] the Philistine [6430] in his forehead, [4696] that the stone [0068] sunk [2883] into his forehead; [4696] and he fell [5307] upon his face [6440] to the earth. [0776]


 Ainsi David, avec une fronde et une pierre, fut plus fort que le Philistin, et il frappa le Philistin et le fit mourir. Or David n'avait point d'épée en sa main;

 So David [1732] prevailed [2388] over [4480] the Philistine [6430] with a sling [7050] and with a stone, [0068] and smote [5221] the Philistine, [6430] and slew [4191] him; but [there was] no sword [2719] in the hand [3027] of David. [1732]


 Et David courut, se jeta sur le Philistin, prit son épée, la tira du fourreau, le tua, et lui coupa la tête. Et les Philistins, voyant que leur homme vaillant était mort, s'enfuirent.

 Therefore David [1732] ran, [7323] and stood [5975] upon the Philistine, [6430] and took [3947] his sword, [2719] and drew [8025] it out of the sheath [8593] thereof, and slew [4191] him, and cut off [3772] his head [7218] therewith. And when the Philistines [6430] saw [7200] their champion [1368] was dead, [4191] they fled. [5127]


 Alors les hommes d'Israël et de Juda se levèrent, jetèrent des cris de joie, et poursuivirent les Philistins jusqu'à l'entrée de la vallée, et jusqu'aux portes d'Ékron; et les Philistins blessés à mort tombèrent par le chemin de Shaarajim, jusqu'à Gath, et jusqu'à Ékron.

 And the men [0582] of Israel [3478] and of Judah [3063] arose, [6965] and shouted, [7321] and pursued [7291] the Philistines, [6430] until thou come [0935] to the valley, [1516] and to the gates [8179] of Ekron. [6138] And the wounded [2491] of the Philistines [6430] fell down [5307] by the way [1870] to Shaaraim, [8189] even unto Gath, [1661] and unto Ekron. [6138]


 Puis les enfants d'Israël revinrent de la poursuite des Philistins, et pillèrent leur camp.

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] returned [7725] from chasing [1814] after [0310] the Philistines, [6430] and they spoiled [8155] their tents. [4264]


 Et David prit la tête du Philistin, et la porta à Jérusalem; et il mit les armes dans sa tente.

 And David [1732] took [3947] the head [7218] of the Philistine, [6430] and brought [0935] it to Jerusalem; [3389] but he put [7760] his armour [3627] in his tent. [0168]


 Or, quand Saül vit David, sortant à la rencontre du Philistin, il dit à Abner, chef de l'armée: Abner, de qui ce jeune homme est-il fils? Et Abner répondit: Aussi vrai que ton âme vit, ô roi, je n'en sais rien.

 And when Saul [7586] saw [7200] David [1732] go forth [3318] against [7125] the Philistine, [6430] he said [0559] unto Abner, [0074] the captain [8269] of the host, [6635] Abner, [0074] whose son [1121] [is] this youth? [5288] And Abner [0074] said, [0559] [As] thy soul [5315] liveth, [2416] O king, [4428] I cannot [0518] tell. [3045]


 Et le roi dit: Informe-toi de qui ce jeune homme est fils.

 And the king [4428] said, [0559] Enquire [7592] thou whose son [1121] the stripling [5958] [is].


 Et quand David revint de tuer le Philistin, Abner le prit et le mena devant Saül, avec la tête du Philistin à la main.

 And as David [1732] returned [7725] from the slaughter [5221] of the Philistine, [6430] Abner [0074] took [3947] him, and brought [0935] him before [6440] Saul [7586] with the head [7218] of the Philistine [6430] in his hand. [3027]


 Et Saül lui dit: Jeune homme, de qui es-tu fils? David répondit: Je suis fils de ton serviteur, Isaï, Bethléhémite.

 And Saul [7586] said [0559] to him, Whose son [1121] [art] thou, [thou] young man? [5288] And David [1732] answered, [0559] I [am] the son [1121] of thy servant [5650] Jesse [3448] the Bethlehemite. [1022]


 Or, dès que David eut achevé de parler à Saül, l'âme de Jonathan fut liée à l'âme de David, et Jonathan l'aima comme son âme.

 And it came to pass, when he had made an end [3615] of speaking [1696] unto Saul, [7586] that the soul [5315] of Jonathan [3083] was knit [7194] with the soul [5315] of David, [1732] and Jonathan [3083] loved [0157] him as his own soul. [5315]


 Et, ce jour-là, Saül le prit, et ne lui permit pas de retourner dans la maison de son père.

 And Saul [7586] took [3947] him that day, [3117] and would let [5414] him go no more home [7725] to his father's [0001] house. [1004]


 Alors Jonathan fit alliance avec David, parce qu'il l'aimait comme son âme.

 Then Jonathan [3083] and David [1732] made [3772] a covenant, [1285] because he loved [0160] him as his own soul. [5315]


 Et Jonathan se dépouilla du manteau qu'il portait, et le donna à David, avec ses habits, et jusqu'à son épée, son arc et sa ceinture.

 And Jonathan [3083] stripped [6584] himself of the robe [4598] that [was] upon him, and gave [5414] it to David, [1732] and his garments, [4055] even to his sword, [2719] and to his bow, [7198] and to his girdle. [2289]


 Et David allait en campagne; il réussissait partout où Saül l'envoyait, et Saül l'établit sur les gens de guerre; et il fut agréable à tout le peuple, et même aux serviteurs de Saül.

 And David [1732] went out [3318] whithersoever Saul [7586] sent [7971] him, [and] behaved himself wisely: [7919] and Saul [7586] set [7760] him over the men [0582] of war, [4421] and he was accepted [3190] in the sight [5869] of all the people, [5971] and also in the sight [5869] of Saul's [7586] servants. [5650]


 Or, comme ils rentraient, lorsque David revenait de la défaite du Philistin, il sortit des femmes de toutes les villes d'Israël, chantant et dansant, au-devant du roi Saül, avec des tambours, avec des cris de joie, et avec des triangles;

 And it came to pass as they came, [0935] when David [1732] was returned [7725] from the slaughter [5221] of the Philistine, [6430] that the women [0802] came out [3318] of all cities [5892] of Israel, [3478] singing [7891] and dancing, [4246] to meet [7125] king [4428] Saul, [7586] with tabrets, [8596] with joy, [8057] and with instruments [7991] of musick.


 Et les femmes qui jouaient des instruments se répondaient les unes aux autres, et disaient: Saül a frappé ses mille, et David ses dix mille.

 And the women [0802] answered [6030] [one another] as they played, [7832] and said, [0559] Saul [7586] hath slain [5221] his thousands, [0505] and David [1732] his ten thousands. [7233]


 Et Saül fut fort irrité, et cette parole lui déplut; elles ont donné, dit-il, dix mille hommes à David, et à moi mille; il ne lui manque donc plus que le royaume!

 And Saul [7586] was very [3966] wroth, [2734] and the saying [1697] displeased [3415] [5869] him; and he said, [0559] They have ascribed [5414] unto David [1732] ten thousands, [7233] and to me they have ascribed [5414] [but] thousands: [0505] and [what] can he have more but the kingdom? [4410]


 Depuis ce jour-là, Saül voyait David de mauvais œil.

 And Saul [7586] eyed [5770] David [1732] from that day [3117] and forward. [1973]


 Et il arriva, le lendemain, que le mauvais esprit, envoyé de Dieu, saisit Saül, et il avait des transports au milieu de la maison. Or David jouait de sa main sur la harpe, comme les autres jours, et Saül avait une lance à la main;

 And it came to pass on the morrow, [4283] that the evil [7451] spirit [7307] from God [0430] came [6743] upon Saul, [7586] and he prophesied [5012] in the midst [8432] of the house: [1004] and David [1732] played [5059] with his hand, [3027] as at other times: [3117] [3117] and [there was] a javelin [2595] in Saul's [7586] hand. [3027]


 Alors Saül leva sa lance, disant en lui-même: Je frapperai David et la muraille; mais David se détourna de lui, par deux fois.

 And Saul [7586] cast [2904] the javelin; [2595] for he said, [0559] I will smite [5221] David [1732] even to the wall [7023] [with it]. And David [1732] avoided [5437] out of his presence [6440] twice. [6471]


 Et Saül avait peur de la présence de David, parce que YEHOVAH était avec lui, et qu'il s'était retiré d'avec Saül.

 And Saul [7586] was afraid [3372] of [6440] David, [1732] because the LORD [3068] was with him, and was departed [5493] from Saul. [7586]


 C'est pourquoi Saül l'éloigna de lui, et l'établit capitaine de mille hommes, et il sortait et rentrait à la tête du peuple.

 Therefore Saul [7586] removed [5493] him from him, and made [7760] him his captain [8269] over a thousand; [0505] and he went out [3318] and came in [0935] before [6440] the people. [5971]


 Et David réussissait en tout ce qu'il entreprenait; et YEHOVAH était avec lui.

 And David [1732] behaved himself wisely [7919] in all his ways; [1870] and the LORD [3068] [was] with him.


 Or Saül, voyant que David était fort heureux, le craignit.

 Wherefore when Saul [7586] saw [7200] that he behaved himself very [3966] wisely, [7919] he was afraid [1481] of [6440] him.


 Mais tout Israël et Juda aimaient David, parce qu'il sortait et rentrait à leur tête.

 But all Israel [3478] and Judah [3063] loved [0157] David, [1732] because he went out [3318] and came in [0935] before [6440] them.


 Et Saül dit à David: Voici, je te donnerai pour femme Mérab, ma fille aînée; sois-moi seulement un vaillant soldat, et combats dans les guerres de YEHOVAH. Or Saül disait: Que ma main ne soit point sur lui, mais que la main des Philistins soit sur lui.

 And Saul [7586] said [0559] to David, [1732] Behold my elder [1419] daughter [1323] Merab, [4764] her will I give [5414] thee to wife: [0802] only be thou valiant [1121] [2428] for me, and fight [3898] the LORD'S [3068] battles. [4421] For Saul [7586] said, [0559] Let not mine hand [3027] be upon him, but let the hand [3027] of the Philistines [6430] be upon him.


 Et David répondit à Saül: Qui suis-je et quelle est ma vie, et la famille de mon père en Israël, que je sois gendre du roi?

 And David [1732] said [0559] unto Saul, [7586] Who [am] I? and what [is] my life, [2416] [or] my father's [0001] family [4940] in Israel, [3478] that I should be son in law [2860] to the king? [4428]


 Or, au temps où l'on devait donner Mérab, fille de Saül, à David, elle fut donnée pour femme à Adriel Méholathite.

 But it came to pass at the time [6256] when Merab [4764] Saul's [7586] daughter [1323] should have been given [5414] to David, [1732] that she was given [5414] unto Adriel [5741] the Meholathite [4259] to wife. [0802]


 Mais Mical, fille de Saül, aima David; et on le rapporta à Saül, et la chose lui plut.

 And Michal [4324] Saul's [7586] daughter [1323] loved [0157] David: [1732] and they told [5046] Saul, [7586] and the thing [1697] pleased [3474] [5869] him.


 Et Saül dit: Je la lui donnerai, afin qu'elle lui soit en piège, et que la main des Philistins soit sur lui. Saül dit donc à David pour la seconde fois: Tu seras mon gendre aujourd'hui.

 And Saul [7586] said, [0559] I will give [5414] him her, that she may be a snare [4170] to him, and that the hand [3027] of the Philistines [6430] may be against him. Wherefore Saul [7586] said [0559] to David, [1732] Thou shalt this day [3117] be my son in law [2859] in [the one of] the twain. [8147]


 Et Saül donna cet ordre à ses serviteurs: Parlez à David en secret, et dites-lui: Voici, le roi a de la bonne volonté pour toi, et tous ses serviteurs t'aiment: sois donc maintenant gendre du roi.

 And Saul [7586] commanded [6680] his servants, [5650] [saying], Commune [1696] with David [1732] secretly, [3909] and say, [0559] Behold, the king [4428] hath delight [2654] in thee, and all his servants [5650] love [0157] thee: now therefore be the king's [4428] son in law. [2859]


 Les serviteurs de Saül répétèrent donc toutes ces paroles à David; et David dit: Est-ce peu de chose à vos yeux que d'être gendre du roi? Et moi je suis un homme pauvre et peu considéré.

 And Saul's [7586] servants [5650] spake [1696] those words [1697] in the ears [0241] of David. [1732] And David [1732] said, [0559] Seemeth [5869] it to you [a] light [7043] [thing] to be a king's [4428] son in law, [2859] seeing that I [am] a poor [7326] man, [0376] and lightly esteemed? [7034]


 Et les serviteurs de Saül le lui rapportèrent, et lui dirent: David a tenu tels discours.

 And the servants [5650] of Saul [7586] told [5046] him, saying, [0559] On this manner [1697] spake [1696] David. [1732]


 Et Saül dit: Vous parlerez ainsi à David: Le roi ne veut pas de douaire, mais cent prépuces de Philistins, afin que le roi soit vengé de ses ennemis. Or, Saül avait dessein de faire tomber David entre les mains des Philistins.

 And Saul [7586] said, [0559] Thus shall ye say [0559] to David, [1732] The king [4428] desireth [2656] not any dowry, [4119] but an hundred [3967] foreskins [6190] of the Philistines, [6430] to be avenged [5358] of the king's [4428] enemies. [0341] But Saul [7586] thought [2803] to make David [1732] fall [5307] by the hand [3027] of the Philistines. [6430]


 Et les serviteurs de Saül rapportèrent ces discours à David, et il plut à David de devenir gendre du roi. Et avant que les jours fussent accomplis,

 And when his servants [5650] told [5046] David [1732] these words, [1697] it [1697] pleased [3474] [5869] David [1732] well to be the king's [4428] son in law: [2859] and the days [3117] were not expired. [4390]


 David se leva, et s'en alla, lui et ses gens, et frappa deux cents hommes des Philistins; et David apporta leurs prépuces, et les livra bien comptés au roi, afin qu'il fût gendre du roi. Saül lui donna donc pour femme Mical, sa fille.

 Wherefore David [1732] arose [6965] and went, [3212] he and his men, [0582] and slew [5221] of the Philistines [6430] two hundred [3967] men; [0376] and David [1732] brought [0935] their foreskins, [6190] and they gave them in full [4390] tale to the king, [4428] that he might be the king's [4428] son in law. [2859] And Saul [7586] gave [5414] him Michal [4324] his daughter [1323] to wife. [0802]


 Alors Saül vit et comprit que YEHOVAH était avec David; et Mical, fille de Saül, l'aimait.

 And Saul [7586] saw [7200] and knew [3045] that the LORD [3068] [was] with David, [1732] and [that] Michal [4324] Saul's [7586] daughter [1323] loved [0157] him.


 Mais Saül continua de craindre David encore plus, et fut toujours ennemi de David.

 And Saul [7586] was yet the more [3254] afraid [3372] of [6440] David; [1732] and Saul [7586] became David's [1732] enemy [0341] continually. [3605] [3117]


 Or, les capitaines des Philistins se mirent en campagne; et chaque fois qu'ils sortaient, David avait plus de succès que tous les serviteurs de Saül, et son nom fut en fort grande estime.

 Then the princes [8269] of the Philistines [6430] went forth: [3318] and it came to pass, after [1767] they went forth, [3318] [that] David [1732] behaved himself more wisely [7919] than all the servants [5650] of Saul; [7586] so that his name [8034] was much [3966] set by. [3365]


 Et Saül parla à Jonathan, son fils, et à tous ses serviteurs, de faire mourir David; mais Jonathan, fils de Saül, était fort affectionné à David.

 And Saul [7586] spake [1696] to Jonathan [3129] his son, [1121] and to all his servants, [5650] that they should kill [4191] David. [1732]


 C'est pourquoi Jonathan le fit savoir à David, et lui dit: Saül, mon père, cherche à te faire mourir; maintenant donc, tiens-toi sur tes gardes, je te prie, dès le matin, et demeure à l'écart, et cache-toi;

 But Jonathan [3083] Saul's [7586] son [1121] delighted [2654] much [3966] in David: [1732] and Jonathan [3083] told [5046] David, [1732] saying, [0559] Saul [7586] my father [0001] seeketh [1245] to kill [4191] thee: now therefore, I pray thee, take heed [8104] to thyself until the morning, [1242] and abide [3427] in a secret [5643] [place], and hide [2244] thyself:


 Et moi, je sortirai et me tiendrai auprès de mon père, dans le champ où tu seras; car je parlerai de toi à mon père, et je verrai ce qu'il en sera; je te le ferai savoir.

 And I will go out [3318] and stand [5975] beside [3027] my father [0001] in the field [7704] where thou [art], and I will commune [1696] with my father [0001] of thee; and what [4100] I see, [7200] that I will tell [5046] thee.


 Jonathan parla donc favorablement de David à Saül, son père, et lui dit: Que le roi ne pèche point contre son serviteur David; car il n'a point péché contre toi; et même ce qu'il a fait t'est fort avantageux.

 And Jonathan [3083] spake [1696] good [2896] of David [1732] unto Saul [7586] his father, [0001] and said [0559] unto him, Let not the king [4428] sin [2398] against his servant, [5650] against David; [1732] because he hath not sinned [2398] against thee, and because his works [4639] [have been] to thee-ward very [3966] good: [2896]


 Il a exposé sa vie, et a frappé le Philistin, et YEHOVAH a opéré une grande délivrance pour tout Israël; tu l'as vu et tu t'en es réjoui; pourquoi donc pécherais-tu contre le sang innocent, en faisant mourir David sans cause?

 For he did put [7760] his life [5315] in his hand, [3709] and slew [5221] the Philistine, [6430] and the LORD [3068] wrought [6213] a great [1419] salvation [8668] for all Israel: [3478] thou sawest [7200] [it], and didst rejoice: [8055] wherefore then wilt thou sin [2398] against innocent [5355] blood, [1818] to slay [4191] David [1732] without a cause? [2600]


 Et Saül prêta l'oreille à la voix de Jonathan; et Saül jura, disant: YEHOVAH est vivant! il ne mourra pas.

 And Saul [7586] hearkened [8085] unto the voice [6963] of Jonathan: [3083] and Saul [7586] sware, [7650] [As] the LORD [3068] liveth, [2416] he shall not [0518] be slain. [4191]


 Alors Jonathan appela David, et lui raconta toutes ces choses. Et Jonathan amena David à Saül, et il fut à son service comme auparavant.

 And Jonathan [3083] called [7121] David, [1732] and Jonathan [3083] shewed [5046] him all those things. [1697] And Jonathan [3083] brought [0935] David [1732] to Saul, [7586] and he was in his presence, [6440] as in times past. [0865] [8032]


 Or la guerre recommença, et David sortit et combattit contre les Philistins, et en fit un grand carnage; et ils s'enfuirent devant lui.

 And there was war [4421] again: [3254] and David [1732] went out, [3318] and fought [3898] with the Philistines, [6430] and slew [5221] them with a great [1419] slaughter; [4347] and they fled [5127] from him. [6440]


 Mais le mauvais esprit, envoyé par YEHOVAH, fut sur Saül, qui était assis dans sa maison, sa lance à la main; et David jouait de sa main sur la harpe.

 And the evil [7451] spirit [7307] from the LORD [3068] was upon Saul, [7586] as he sat [3427] in his house [1004] with his javelin [2595] in his hand: [3027] and David [1732] played [5059] with [his] hand. [3027]


 Alors Saül chercha à frapper David avec sa lance contre la muraille; mais il se déroba devant Saül, qui frappa de sa lance la paroi; et David s'enfuit, et s'échappa cette nuit-là.

 And Saul [7586] sought [1245] to smite [5221] David [1732] even to the wall [7023] with the javelin; [2595] but he slipped away [6362] out of Saul's [7586] presence, [6440] and he smote [5221] the javelin [2595] into the wall: [7023] and David [1732] fled, [5127] and escaped [4422] that night. [3915]


 Mais Saül envoya des gens vers la maison de David, pour le garder et pour le faire mourir au matin; et Mical, femme de David, le lui apprit, en disant: Si tu ne te sauves cette nuit, demain on te fera mourir.

 Saul [7586] also sent [7971] messengers [4397] unto David's [1732] house, [1004] to watch [8104] him, and to slay [4191] him in the morning: [1242] and Michal [4324] David's [1732] wife [0802] told [5046] him, saying, [0559] If thou save [4422] not thy life [5315] to night, [3915] to morrow [4279] thou shalt be slain. [4191]


 Et Mical fit descendre David par la fenêtre; et il s'en alla, s'enfuit, et s'échappa.

 So Michal [4324] let David [1732] down [3381] through a window: [2474] and he went, [3212] and fled, [1272] and escaped. [4422]


 Ensuite Mical prit le théraphim et le mit dans le lit, et mit à son chevet un tapis de poils de chèvre, et le couvrit d'une couverture.

 And Michal [4324] took [3947] an image, [8655] and laid [7760] [it] in the bed, [4296] and put [7760] a pillow [3523] of goats' [5795] [hair] for his bolster, [4763] and covered [3680] [it] with a cloth. [0899]


 Et quand Saül envoya des gens pour prendre David, elle dit: Il est malade.

 And when Saul [7586] sent [7971] messengers [4397] to take [3947] David, [1732] she said, [0559] He [is] sick. [2470]


 Alors Saül renvoya ses gens pour voir David, en disant: Apportez-le moi dans son lit, afin que je le fasse mourir.

 And Saul [7586] sent [7971] the messengers [4397] [again] to see [7200] David, [1732] saying, [0559] Bring him up [5927] to me in the bed, [4296] that I may slay [4191] him.


 Les envoyés vinrent donc, et voici, le théraphim était dans le lit, et un tapis de poils de chèvre à son chevet.

 And when the messengers [4397] were come in, [0935] behold, [there was] an image [8655] in the bed, [4296] with a pillow [3523] of goats' [5795] [hair] for his bolster. [4763]


 Et Saül dit à Mical: Pourquoi m'as-tu ainsi trompé, et as-tu laissé aller mon ennemi, de sorte qu'il s'est échappé? Et Mical répondit à Saül: Il m'a dit: Laisse-moi aller; pourquoi te tuerais-je?

 And Saul [7586] said [0559] unto Michal, [4324] Why hast thou deceived [7411] me so, and sent away [7971] mine enemy, [0341] that he is escaped? [4422] And Michal [4324] answered [0559] Saul, [7586] He said [0559] unto me, Let me go; [7971] why should I kill [4191] thee?


 Ainsi David s'enfuit, échappa, et s'en vint vers Samuel à Rama, et lui apprit tout ce que Saül lui avait fait. Puis il s'en alla avec Samuel, et ils demeurèrent à Najoth.

 So David [1732] fled, [1272] and escaped, [4422] and came [0935] to Samuel [8050] to Ramah, [7414] and told [5046] him all that Saul [7586] had done [6213] to him. And he and Samuel [8050] went [3212] and dwelt [3427] in Naioth. [5121]


 Et on le rapporta à Saül, en disant: Voilà David qui est à Najoth, près de Rama.

 And it was told [5046] Saul, [7586] saying, [0559] Behold, David [1732] [is] at Naioth [5121] in Ramah. [7414]


 Alors Saül envoya des gens pour prendre David, et ils virent une assemblée de prophètes qui prophétisaient, et Samuel debout, qui présidait sur eux; et l'Esprit de Dieu vint sur les envoyés de Saül, et ils prophétisèrent aussi.

 And Saul [7586] sent [7971] messengers [4397] to take [3947] David: [1732] and when they saw [7200] the company [3862] of the prophets [5030] prophesying, [5012] and Samuel [8050] standing [5975] [as] appointed [5324] over them, the Spirit [7307] of God [0430] was upon the messengers [4397] of Saul, [7586] and they also prophesied. [5012]


 Et quand on l'eut rapporté à Saül, il envoya d'autres gens qui prophétisèrent aussi. Et Saül envoya des messagers, pour la troisième fois, et ils prophétisèrent également.

 And when it was told [5046] Saul, [7586] he sent [7971] other [0312] messengers, [4397] and they prophesied [5012] likewise. And Saul [7586] sent [7971] messengers [4397] again [3254] the third [7992] time, and they prophesied [5012] also.


 Alors il alla lui-même à Rama, et vint jusqu'à la grande citerne qui est à Sécu, et il s'informa, et dit: Où sont Samuel et David? Et on lui répondit: Les voilà à Najoth, près de Rama.

 Then went [3212] he also to Ramah, [7414] and came [0935] to a great [1419] well [0953] that [is] in Sechu: [7906] and he asked [7592] and said, [0559] Where [0375] [are] Samuel [8050] and David? [1732] And [one] said, [0559] Behold, [they be] at Naioth [5121] in Ramah. [7414]


 Il s'en alla donc à Najoth, près de Rama, et l'Esprit de Dieu fut aussi sur lui, et il prophétisa en continuant son chemin, jusqu'à ce qu'il fût arrivé à Najoth, près de Rama.

 And he went [3212] thither to Naioth [5121] in Ramah: [7414] and the Spirit [7307] of God [0430] was upon him also, and he went [3212] on, [1980] and prophesied, [5012] until he came [0935] to Naioth [5121] in Ramah. [7414]


 Il se dépouilla même de ses vêtements, et prophétisa, lui aussi, en présence de Samuel, et se jeta nu par terre, tout ce jour-là et toute la nuit. C'est pourquoi l'on dit: Saül est-il aussi parmi les prophètes?

 And he stripped off [6584] his clothes [0899] also, [1571] and prophesied [5012] before [6440] Samuel [8050] in like manner, [1571] and lay down [5307] naked [6174] all that day [3117] and all that night. [3915] Wherefore they say, [0559] [Is] Saul [7586] also among the prophets? [5030]


 David, s'enfuyant de Najoth, qui est près de Rama, vint trouver Jonathan, et dit en sa présence: Qu'ai-je fait, quelle est mon iniquité, et quel est mon péché devant ton père, qu'il cherche ma vie?

 And David [1732] fled [1272] from Naioth [5121] in Ramah, [7414] and came [0935] and said [0559] before [6440] Jonathan, [3083] What have I done? [6213] what [is] mine iniquity? [5771] and what [is] my sin [2403] before [6440] thy father, [0001] that he seeketh [1245] my life? [5315]


 Et il lui dit: À Dieu ne plaise! tu ne mourras point. Voici, mon père ne fait aucune chose, ni grande ni petite, qu'il ne me la communique, et pourquoi mon père me cacherait-il celle-ci? Cela n'est pas.

 And he said [0559] unto him, God forbid; [2486] thou shalt not die: [4191] behold, my father [0001] will do [6213] nothing either great [1419] [1697] or small, [6996] [1697] but that he will shew [1540] it me: [0241] and why should my father [0001] hide [5641] this thing [1697] from me? it [is] not [so].


 Alors David, jurant, dit encore: Ton père sait certainement que je suis dans tes bonnes grâces, et il aura dit: Que Jonathan ne le sache pas, de peur qu'il n'en soit affligé. Mais, certainement, comme YEHOVAH est vivant, et comme ton âme vit, il n'y a qu'un pas entre moi et la mort.

 And David [1732] sware [7650] moreover, and said, [0559] Thy father [0001] certainly [3045] knoweth [3045] that I have found [4672] grace [2580] in thine eyes; [5869] and he saith, [0559] Let not Jonathan [3083] know [3045] this, lest he be grieved: [6087] but truly [0199] [as] the LORD [3068] liveth, [2416] and [as] thy soul [5315] liveth, [2416] [there is] but a step [6587] between me and death. [4194]


 Alors Jonathan dit à David: Que désires-tu que je fasse? et je le ferai pour toi.

 Then said [0559] Jonathan [3083] unto David, [1732] Whatsoever thy soul [5315] desireth, [0559] I will even do [6213] [it] for thee.


 Et David dit à Jonathan: Voici, c'est demain la nouvelle lune, et je devrais m'asseoir avec le roi pour manger; mais laisse-moi aller, et je me cacherai aux champs jusqu'au soir du troisième jour.

 And David [1732] said [0559] unto Jonathan, [3083] Behold, to morrow [4279] [is] the new moon, [2320] and I should not fail [3427] to sit [3427] with the king [4428] at meat: [0398] but let me go, [7971] that I may hide [5641] myself in the field [7704] unto the third [7992] [day] at even. [6153]


 Si ton père vient à s'informer de moi, tu répondras: David m'a demandé instamment la permission d'aller en hâte à Bethléhem, sa ville, parce que toute sa famille y fait un sacrifice annuel.

 If thy father [0001] at all [6485] miss [6485] me, then say, [0559] David [1732] earnestly [7592] asked [7592] [leave] of me that he might run [7323] to Bethlehem [1035] his city: [5892] for [there is] a yearly [3117] sacrifice [2077] there for all the family. [4940]


 S'il dit ainsi: C'est bon! tout va bien pour ton serviteur; mais s'il se met en colère, sache que le mal est résolu de sa part.

 If he say [0559] thus, [It is] well; [2896] thy servant [5650] shall have peace: [7965] but if he be very [2734] wroth, [2734] [then] be sure [3045] that evil [7451] is determined [3615] by him.


 Fais donc cette grâce à ton serviteur, puisque tu as fait entrer ton serviteur en alliance avec toi au nom de YEHOVAH. Mais s'il y a quelque iniquité en moi, fais-moi mourir toi-même; car pourquoi me mènerais-tu à ton père?

 Therefore thou shalt deal [6213] kindly [2617] with thy servant; [5650] for thou hast brought [0935] thy servant [5650] into a covenant [1285] of the LORD [3068] with thee: notwithstanding, if there be [3426] in me iniquity, [5771] slay [4191] me thyself; for why shouldest thou bring [0935] me to thy father? [0001]


 Et Jonathan lui dit: Loin de toi cette pensée! car si j'apprenais que mon père a résolu d'amener la ruine sur toi, ne te le ferais-je pas savoir?

 And Jonathan [3083] said, [0559] Far be it [2486] from thee: for if I knew [3045] certainly [3045] that evil [7451] were determined [3615] by my father [0001] to come [0935] upon thee, then would not I tell [5046] it thee?


 Et David répondit à Jonathan: Qui me fera savoir si ton père te répond quelque chose de fâcheux?

 Then said [0559] David [1732] to Jonathan, [3083] Who shall tell [5046] me? or what [if] thy father [0001] answer [6030] thee roughly? [7186]


 Et Jonathan dit à David: Viens, et sortons aux champs. Et ils sortirent tous deux aux champs.

 And Jonathan [3083] said [0559] unto David, [1732] Come, [3212] and let us go out [3318] into the field. [7704] And they went out [3318] both [8147] of them into the field. [7704]


 Alors Jonathan dit à David: Aussi vrai que YEHOVAH est Dieu d'Israël, je sonderai mon père vers cette heure-ci, demain ou après-demain; et voici, s'il est favorable à David, et qu'alors je n'envoie pas vers toi et ne te le fasse pas savoir,

 And Jonathan [3083] said [0559] unto David, [1732] O LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] when I have sounded [2713] my father [0001] about to morrow [4279] any time, [6256] [or] the third [7992] [day], and, behold, [if there be] good [2895] toward David, [1732] and I then send [7971] not unto thee, and shew [1540] it thee; [0241]


 Que YEHOVAH traite Jonathan avec la dernière rigueur! Que s'il plaît à mon père de te faire du mal, je te le ferai savoir aussi; et je te laisserai aller, et tu t'en iras en paix; et que YEHOVAH soit avec toi comme il a été avec mon père!

 The LORD [3068] do [6213] so [3541] and much [3541] more [3254] to Jonathan: [3083] but if it please [3190] my father [0001] [to do] thee evil, [7451] then I will shew [1540] it thee, [0241] and send thee away, [7971] that thou mayest go [1980] in peace: [7965] and the LORD [3068] be with thee, as he hath been with my father. [0001]


 Mais aussi, si je suis encore vivant, n'useras-tu pas envers moi de la bonté de YEHOVAH, en sorte que je ne meure point,

 And thou shalt not only while yet [0518] I live [2416] shew [6213] me the kindness [2617] of the LORD, [3068] that I die [4191] not:


 Et que tu ne retires point ta bonté de ma maison, à jamais, non pas même quand YEHOVAH aura retranché tous les ennemis de David de dessus la face de la terre?

 But [also] thou shalt not cut off [3772] thy kindness [2617] from my house [1004] for [5704] ever: [5769] no, not when the LORD [3068] hath cut off [3772] the enemies [0341] of David [1732] every one [0376] from the face [6440] of the earth. [0127]


 Et Jonathan traita alliance avec la maison de David, et dit: Que YEHOVAH tire vengeance des ennemis de David!

 So Jonathan [3083] made [3772] [a covenant] with the house [1004] of David, [1732] [saying], Let the LORD [3068] even require [1245] [it] at the hand [3027] of David's [1732] enemies. [0341]


 Jonathan fit encore jurer David par l'amour qu'il lui portait; car il l'aimait autant que son âme.

 And Jonathan [3083] caused David [1732] to swear [7650] again, [3254] because he loved [0160] him: for he loved [0157] him as he loved [0160] his own soul. [5315]


 Et Jonathan lui dit: C'est demain la nouvelle lune, et on s'enquerra de toi; car ta place sera vide;

 Then Jonathan [3083] said [0559] to David, To morrow [4279] [is] the new moon: [2320] and thou shalt be missed, [6485] because thy seat [4186] will be empty. [6485]


 Mais, après-demain, tu descendras promptement, et tu viendras vers le lieu où tu t'étais caché, le jour de cette affaire, et tu demeureras auprès de la pierre d'Ézel;

 And [when] thou hast stayed three days, [8027] [then] thou shalt go down [3381] quickly, [3966] and come [0935] to the place [4725] where thou didst hide [5641] thyself when [3117] the business [4639] was [in hand], and shalt remain [3427] by [0681] the stone [0068] Ezel. [0237]


 Et je tirerai trois flèches à côté, comme si je tirais à quelque but;

 And I will shoot [3384] three [7969] arrows [2671] on the side [6654] [thereof], as though I shot [7971] at a mark. [4307]


 Et voici, j'enverrai un jeune homme, en lui disant: Va, trouve les flèches. Si je dis à ce garçon: Voici, les flèches sont de ce côté-ci de toi, prends-les; alors viens, tout va bien pour toi, et il n'y a rien à craindre: YEHOVAH est vivant

 And, behold, I will send [7971] a lad, [5288] [saying], Go, [3212] find out [4672] the arrows. [2671] If I expressly [0559] say [0559] unto the lad, [5288] Behold, the arrows [2671] [are] on this side of thee, take [3947] them; then come [0935] thou: for [there is] peace [7965] to thee, and no hurt; [1697] [as] the LORD [3068] liveth. [2416]


 Mais si je dis au jeune garçon: Voici, les flèches sont au-delà de toi; alors va-t'en, car YEHOVAH te renvoie.

 But if I say [0559] thus unto the young man, [5958] Behold, the arrows [2671] [are] beyond [1973] thee; go thy way: [3212] for the LORD [3068] hath sent thee away. [7971]


 Mais quant à la parole que nous nous sommes donnée, toi et moi, voici, YEHOVAH est témoin entre moi et toi, à jamais.

 And [as touching] the matter [1697] which thou and I have spoken [1696] of, behold, the LORD [3068] [be] between thee and me for [5704] ever. [5769]


 David se cacha donc aux champs. Et la nouvelle lune étant venue, le roi s'assit pour prendre son repas.

 So David [1732] hid [5641] himself in the field: [7704] and when the new moon [2320] was come, the king [4428] sat him down [3427] to eat [0398] meat. [3899]


 Et le roi s'assit sur son siège, comme les autres fois, sur le siège contre la muraille; et Jonathan se leva, et Abner s'assit à côté de Saül, mais la place de David était vide.

 And the king [4428] sat [3427] upon his seat, [4186] as at other times, [6471] [6471] [even] upon a seat [4186] by the wall: [7023] and Jonathan [3083] arose, [6965] and Abner [0074] sat [3427] by Saul's [7586] side, [6654] and David's [1732] place [4725] was empty. [6485]


 Et Saül n'en dit rien ce jour-là; car il se disait: Il lui est arrivé quelque chose, qui fait qu'il n'est pas pur; certainement il n'est pas pur.

 Nevertheless Saul [7586] spake [1696] not any thing [3972] that day: [3117] for he thought, [0559] Something hath befallen [4745] him, he [is] not [1115] clean; [2889] surely he [is] not clean. [2889]


 Mais le lendemain de la nouvelle lune, le second jour, la place de David fut encore vide; et Saül dit à Jonathan, son fils: Pourquoi le fils d'Isaï n'est-il point venu manger ni hier ni aujourd'hui?

 And it came to pass on the morrow, [4283] [which was] the second [8145] [day] of the month, [2320] that David's [1732] place [4725] was empty: [6485] and Saul [7586] said [0559] unto Jonathan [3083] his son, [1121] Wherefore cometh [0935] not the son [1121] of Jesse [3448] to meat, [3899] neither yesterday, [8543] nor to day? [3117]


 Et Jonathan répondit à Saül: David m'a demandé instamment la permission d'aller jusqu'à Bethléhem;

 And Jonathan [3083] answered [6030] Saul, [7586] David [1732] earnestly [7592] asked [7592] [leave] of me [5978] [to go] to Bethlehem: [1035]


 Et il a dit: Laisse-moi aller, je te prie; car nous avons un sacrifice de famille dans la ville, et mon frère m'a recommandé de m'y trouver; maintenant donc, si j'ai trouvé grâce à tes yeux, que j'y aille, je te prie, afin de voir mes frères. C'est pour cela qu'il n'est point venu à la table du roi.

 And he said, [0559] Let me go, [7971] I pray thee; for our family [4940] hath a sacrifice [2077] in the city; [5892] and my brother, [0251] he hath commanded [6680] me [to be there]: and now, if I have found [4672] favour [2580] in thine eyes, [5869] let me get away, [4422] I pray thee, and see [7200] my brethren. [0251] Therefore he cometh [0935] not unto the king's [4428] table. [7979]


 Alors la colère de Saül s'embrasa contre Jonathan, et il lui dit: Fils pervers et rebelle, ne sais-je pas bien que tu as choisi le fils d'Isaï, à ta honte, et à la honte de ta mère?

 Then Saul's [7586] anger [0639] was kindled [2734] against Jonathan, [3083] and he said [0559] unto him, Thou son [1121] of the perverse [5753] rebellious [4780] [woman], do not I know [3045] that thou hast chosen [0977] the son [1121] of Jesse [3448] to thine own confusion, [1322] and unto the confusion [1322] of thy mother's [0517] nakedness? [6172]


 Car tant que le fils d'Isaï vivra sur la terre, tu ne seras jamais stable, ni toi, ni ton royaume; maintenant donc envoie-le chercher, et amène-le-moi; car il est digne de mort.

 For as long as [3117] the son [1121] of Jesse [3448] liveth [2425] upon the ground, [0127] thou shalt not be established, [3559] nor thy kingdom. [4438] Wherefore now send [7971] and fetch [3947] him unto me, for he shall surely die. [1121] [4194]


 Et Jonathan répondit à Saül, son père, et lui dit: Pourquoi le ferait-on mourir? Qu'a-t-il fait?

 And Jonathan [3083] answered [6030] Saul [7586] his father, [0001] and said [0559] unto him, Wherefore shall he be slain? [4191] what hath he done? [6213]


 Mais Saül brandit sa lance contre lui pour le frapper. Alors Jonathan connut que son père avait résolu de faire mourir David.

 And Saul [7586] cast [2904] a javelin [2595] at him to smite [5221] him: whereby Jonathan [3083] knew [3045] that it was determined [3617] of his father [0001] to slay [4191] David. [1732]


 Et Jonathan se leva de la table tout en colère, et ne prit point son repas le second jour de la nouvelle lune; car il était affligé à cause de David, parce que son père l'avait outragé.

 So Jonathan [3083] arose [6965] from the table [7979] in fierce [2750] anger, [0639] and did eat [0398] no meat [3899] the second [8145] day [3117] of the month: [2320] for he was grieved [6087] for David, [1732] because his father [0001] had done him shame. [3637]


 Et le matin venu, Jonathan sortit aux champs, au lieu convenu avec David; et il amena avec lui un petit garçon;

 And it came to pass in the morning, [1242] that Jonathan [3083] went out [3318] into the field [7704] at the time appointed [4150] with David, [1732] and a little [6996] lad [5288] with him.


 Et il dit à ce garçon: Cours, trouve donc les flèches que je vais tirer. Le garçon courut, et Jonathan tira une flèche au-delà de lui.

 And he said [0559] unto his lad, [5288] Run, [7323] find out [4672] now the arrows [2671] which I shoot. [3384] [And] as the lad [5288] ran, [7323] he shot [3384] an arrow [2678] beyond [5674] him.


 Quand le garçon vint jusqu'au lieu où était la flèche que Jonathan avait tirée, Jonathan cria après lui, et lui dit: La flèche n'est-elle pas au-delà de toi?

 And when the lad [5288] was come [0935] to the place [4725] of the arrow [2678] which Jonathan [3083] had shot, [3384] Jonathan [3083] cried [7121] after [0310] the lad, [5288] and said, [0559] [Is] not the arrow [2678] beyond [1973] thee?


 Et Jonathan cria après le garçon: Vite, hâte-toi, ne t'arrête pas! Et le garçon de Jonathan ramassa la flèche, et vint vers son maître.

 And Jonathan [3083] cried [7121] after [0310] the lad, [5288] Make speed, [4120] haste, [2363] stay [5975] not. And Jonathan's [3083] lad [5288] gathered up [3950] the arrows, [2671] [2678] and came [0935] to his master. [0113]


 Mais le garçon ne savait rien; il n'y avait que David et Jonathan qui connussent l'affaire.

 But the lad [5288] knew [3045] not any thing: [3972] only Jonathan [3083] and David [1732] knew [3045] the matter. [1697]


 Et Jonathan donna ses armes au garçon qu'il avait avec lui, et lui dit: Va, porte-les à la ville.

 And Jonathan [3083] gave [5414] his artillery [3627] unto his lad, [5288] and said [0559] unto him, Go, [3212] carry [0935] [them] to the city. [5892]


 Le garçon partit; et David se leva du côté du Midi, se jeta le visage contre terre, et se prosterna trois fois; puis ils s'embrassèrent l'un l'autre, et pleurèrent tous deux, et même David pleura extrêmement.

 [And] as soon as the lad [5288] was gone, [0935] David [1732] arose [6965] out of [a place] toward [0681] the south, [5045] and fell [5307] on his face [0639] to the ground, [0776] and bowed [7812] himself three [7969] times: [6471] and they kissed [5401] one [0376] another, [7453] and wept [1058] one [0376] with another, [7453] until David [1732] exceeded. [1431]


 Et Jonathan dit David: Va en paix, selon ce que nous avons juré tous deux, au nom de YEHOVAH, en disant: YEHOVAH sera entre moi et toi, et entre ma postérité et ta postérité, à jamais. (20-43) David se leva donc et s'en alla, et Jonathan rentra dans la ville.

 And Jonathan [3083] said [0559] to David, [1732] Go [3212] in peace, [7965] forasmuch as we have sworn [7650] both [8147] of us in the name [8034] of the LORD, [3068] saying, [0559] The LORD [3068] be between me and thee, and between my seed [2233] and thy seed [2233] for [5704] ever. [5769] And he arose [6965] and departed: [3212] and Jonathan [3083] went into [0935] the city. [5892]


 Et David vint à Nob vers Achimélec, le sacrificateur; et Achimélec, tout effrayé, courut au-devant de David, et lui dit: D'où vient que tu es seul, et qu'il n'y a personne avec toi?

 Then came [0935] David [1732] to Nob [5011] to Ahimelech [0288] the priest: [3548] and Ahimelech [0288] was afraid [2729] at the meeting [7125] of David, [1732] and said [0559] unto him, Why [art] thou alone, and no man [0376] with thee?


 Alors David dit à Achimélec, le sacrificateur: Le roi m'a donné un ordre, et m'a dit: Que personne ne sache rien de l'affaire pour laquelle je t'envoie, et que je t'ai commandée. Et j'ai donné rendez-vous à mes gens à tel endroit.

 And David [1732] said [0559] unto Ahimelech [0288] the priest, [3548] The king [4428] hath commanded [6680] me a business, [1697] and hath said [0559] unto me, Let no man [0376] know [3045] any thing [3972] of the business [1697] whereabout I send [7971] thee, and what I have commanded [6680] thee: and I have appointed [3045] [my] servants [5288] to such [6423] and such [0492] a place. [4725]


 Maintenant donc qu'as-tu sous la main? Donne-moi cinq pains, ou ce qui se trouvera.

 Now therefore what is [3426] under thine hand? [3027] give [5414] [me] five [2568] [loaves of] bread [3899] in mine hand, [3027] or what there is present. [4672]


 Et le sacrificateur répondit à David, et dit: Je n'ai point de pain commun sous la main, j'ai seulement du pain sacré; mais tes gens se sont-ils au moins gardés des femmes?

 And the priest [3548] answered [6030] David, [1732] and said, [0559] [There is] no common [2455] bread [3899] under mine hand, [3027] but there is [3426] hallowed [6944] bread; [3899] if the young men [5288] have kept [8104] themselves at least [0389] from women. [0802]


 Et David répondit au sacrificateur, et lui dit: Certes, les femmes ont été éloignées de nous, depuis hier et avant-hier que je suis parti; et les vases de mes gens sont purs; et si c'est là un usage profane, certes il sera, aujourd'hui, purifié par le vase.

 And David [1732] answered [6030] the priest, [3548] and said [0559] unto him, Of a truth [0518] women [0802] [have been] kept [6113] from us about these three [8032] days, [8543] since I came out, [3318] and the vessels [3627] of the young men [5288] are holy, [6944] and [the bread is] in a manner [1870] common, [2455] yea, though it were sanctified [6942] this day [3117] in the vessel. [3627]


 Le sacrificateur lui donna donc le pain sacré; car il n'y avait point là d'autre pain que les pains du témoignage, qui avaient été ôtés de devant YEHOVAH, pour y remettre du pain chaud, au jour qu'on avait ôté l'autre.

 So the priest [3548] gave [5414] him hallowed [6944] [bread]: for there was no bread [3899] there but the shewbread, [3899] [6440] that was taken from [5493] before [6440] the LORD, [3068] to put [7760] hot [2527] bread [3899] in the day [3117] when it was taken away. [3947]


 Or, en ce jour, un homme d'entre les serviteurs de Saül se tenait là, devant YEHOVAH; il se nommait Doëg, l'Iduméen, chef des bergers de Saül.

 Now a certain man [0376] of the servants [5650] of Saul [7586] [was] there that day, [3117] detained [6113] before [6440] the LORD; [3068] and his name [8034] [was] Doeg, [1673] an Edomite, [0130] the chiefest [0047] of the herdmen [7462] that [belonged] to Saul. [7586]


 Et David dit à Achimélec: N'as-tu donc pas sous la main quelque lance ou quelque épée? car je n'ai point pris mon épée ni mes armes avec moi, parce que l'affaire du roi était pressée.

 And David [1732] said [0559] unto Ahimelech, [0288] And is there [3426] not [0371] here under thine hand [3027] spear [2595] or sword? [2719] for I have neither brought [3947] my sword [2719] nor my weapons [3627] with me, [3027] because the king's [4428] business [1697] required [1961] haste. [5169]


 Et le sacrificateur dit: Voici l'épée de Goliath, le Philistin, que tu tuas dans la vallée du chêne; elle est enveloppée dans un drap, derrière l'éphod; si tu veux la prendre pour toi, prends-la; car il n'y en a point ici d'autre que celle-là. Et David dit: il n'y en a point de pareille; donne-la-moi.

 And the priest [3548] said, [0559] The sword [2719] of Goliath [1555] the Philistine, [6430] whom thou slewest [5221] in the valley [6010] of Elah, [0425] behold, it [is here] wrapped [3874] in a cloth [8071] behind [0310] the ephod: [0646] if thou wilt take [3947] that, take [3947] [it]: for [there is] no other [0312] save [2108] that here. [2088] And David [1732] said, [0559] [There is] none like that; give [5414] it me.


 Alors David se leva, et s'enfuit ce jour-là de devant Saül, et s'en alla vers Akish, roi de Gath.

 And David [1732] arose, [6965] and fled [1272] that day [3117] for fear [6440] of Saul, [7586] and went [0935] to Achish [0397] the king [4428] of Gath. [1661]


 Or les serviteurs d'Akish lui dirent: N'est-ce pas là David, le roi du pays? N'est-ce pas celui dont on disait, en chantant dans les danses: Saül a tué ses mille, et David ses dix mille?

 And the servants [5650] of Achish [0397] said [0559] unto him, [Is] not this David [1732] the king [4428] of the land? [0776] did they not sing [6030] one to another of him [2088] in dances, [4246] saying, [0559] Saul [7586] hath slain [5221] his thousands, [0505] and David [1732] his ten thousands? [7233]


 Et David fut frappé de ces paroles, et il eut une fort grande peur d'Akish, roi de Gath.

 And David [1732] laid up [7760] these words [1697] in his heart, [3824] and was sore [3966] afraid [3372] of [6440] Achish [0397] the king [4428] of Gath. [1661]


 Et il dissimula sa raison à leurs yeux, et fit l'insensé entre leurs mains; il faisait des marques sur les portes, et laissait couler sa salive sur sa barbe.

 And he changed [8138] his behaviour [2940] before [5869] them, and feigned himself mad [1984] in their hands, [3027] and scrabbled [8427] on the doors [1817] of the gate, [8179] and let his spittle [7388] fall down [3381] upon his beard. [2206]


 Alors Akish dit à ses serviteurs: Vous voyez bien que cet homme est fou? Pourquoi me l'avez-vous amené?

 Then said [0559] Achish [0397] unto his servants, [5650] Lo, ye see [7200] the man [0376] is mad: [7696] wherefore [then] have ye brought [0935] him to me?


 Manquais-je de gens insensés, que vous m'ayez amené celui-ci, pour faire l'insensé devant moi? Cet homme entrerait-il dans ma maison?

 Have I need [2638] of mad [7696] men, that ye have brought [0935] this [fellow] to play the mad [7696] man in my presence? shall this [fellow] come [0935] into my house? [1004]


 Or, David partit de là, et se sauva dans la caverne d'Adullam; et ses frères et toute la maison de son père l'apprirent, et descendirent là vers lui.

 David [1732] therefore departed [3212] thence, and escaped [4422] to the cave [4631] Adullam: [5725] and when his brethren [0251] and all his father's [0001] house [1004] heard [8085] [it], they went down [3381] thither to him.


 Et tous ceux aussi qui étaient mal dans leurs affaires, et tous ceux qui avaient des créanciers, et tous ceux qui avaient le cœur plein d'amertume, s'assemblèrent vers lui, et il fut leur chef; il y eut ainsi avec lui environ quatre cents hommes.

 And every one [0376] [that was] in distress, [4689] and every one [0376] that [was] in debt, [5378] and every one [0376] [that was] discontented, [4751] [5315] gathered [6908] themselves unto him; and he became a captain [8269] over them: and there were with him about four [0702] hundred [3967] men. [0376]


 Puis David s'en alla de là à Mitspé de Moab. Et il dit au roi de Moab: Je te prie, que mon père et ma mère se retirent chez vous, jusqu'à ce que je sache ce que Dieu fera de moi.

 And David [1732] went [3212] thence to Mizpeh [4708] of Moab: [4124] and he said [0559] unto the king [4428] of Moab, [4124] Let my father [0001] and my mother, [0517] I pray thee, come forth, [3318] [and be] with you, till I know [3045] what God [0430] will do [6213] for me.


 Et il les amena devant le roi de Moab, et ils demeurèrent avec lui tout le temps que David fut dans cette forteresse.

 And he brought [5148] them before [6440] the king [4428] of Moab: [4124] and they dwelt [3427] with him all the while [3117] that David [1732] was in the hold. [4686]


 Or, Gad, le prophète, dit à David: Ne demeure point dans cette forteresse; va-t'en, et entre au pays de Juda. David s'en alla donc, et vint dans la forêt de Héreth.

 And the prophet [5030] Gad [1410] said [0559] unto David, [1732] Abide [3427] not in the hold; [4686] depart, [3212] and get [0935] thee into the land [0776] of Judah. [3063] Then David [1732] departed, [3212] and came [0935] into the forest [3293] of Hareth. [2802]


 Et Saül apprit qu'on avait découvert David, et les gens qui étaient avec lui. Or, Saül était assis sous un tamarin sur la hauteur, à Guibea, sa lance à la main; et tous ses serviteurs se tenaient devant lui.

 When Saul [7586] heard [8085] that David [1732] was discovered, [3045] and the men [0582] that [were] with him, (now Saul [7586] abode [3427] in Gibeah [1390] under a tree [0815] in Ramah, [7414] having his spear [2595] in his hand, [3027] and all his servants [5650] [were] standing [5324] about him;)


 Et Saül dit à ses serviteurs, qui se tenaient devant lui: Écoutez, Benjamites; le fils d'Isaï vous donnera-t-il, à tous, des champs et des vignes? vous établira-t-il tous chefs de milliers et de centaines?

 Then Saul [7586] said [0559] unto his servants [5650] that stood [5324] about him, Hear [8085] now, ye Benjamites; [1145] will the son [1121] of Jesse [3448] give [5414] every one of you fields [7704] and vineyards, [3754] [and] make [7760] you all captains [8269] of thousands, [0505] and captains [8269] of hundreds; [3967]


 Que vous ayez tous conspiré contre moi, et que nul ne m'avertisse que mon fils a fait alliance avec le fils d'Isaï, et que personne de vous ne soit touché de mon état, et ne m'avertisse que mon fils a soulevé mon serviteur contre moi, pour me dresser des embûches, comme il le fait aujourd'hui.

 That all of you have conspired [7194] against me, and [there is] none that sheweth [1540] me [0241] that my son [1121] hath made a league [3772] with the son [1121] of Jesse, [3448] and [there is] none of you that is sorry [2470] for me, or sheweth [1540] unto me [0241] that my son [1121] hath stirred up [6965] my servant [5650] against me, to lie in wait, [0693] as at this day? [3117]


 Alors Doëg, l'Iduméen, qui était le chef des serviteurs de Saül, répondit et dit: J'ai vu le fils d'Isaï venir à Nob, vers Achimélec, fils d'Achitub,

 Then answered [6030] Doeg [1673] the Edomite, [0130] which was set over [5324] the servants [5650] of Saul, [7586] and said, [0559] I saw [7200] the son [1121] of Jesse [3448] coming [0935] to Nob, [5011] to Ahimelech [0288] the son [1121] of Ahitub. [0285]


 Qui a consulté YEHOVAH pour lui, et lui a donné des vivres; il lui a aussi donné l'épée de Goliath, le Philistin.

 And he enquired [7592] of the LORD [3068] for him, and gave [5414] him victuals, [6720] and gave [5414] him the sword [2719] of Goliath [1555] the Philistine. [6430]


 Alors le roi envoya appeler Achimélec, fils d'Achitub, le sacrificateur, et toute la famille de son père, les sacrificateurs qui étaient à Nob; et ils vinrent tous vers le roi.

 Then the king [4428] sent [7971] to call [7121] Ahimelech [0288] the priest, [3548] the son [1121] of Ahitub, [0285] and all his father's [0001] house, [1004] the priests [3548] that [were] in Nob: [5011] and they came [0935] all of them to the king. [4428]


 Et Saül dit: Écoute, fils d'Achitub. Et il répondit: Me voici, mon seigneur.

 And Saul [7586] said, [0559] Hear [8085] now, thou son [1121] of Ahitub. [0285] And he answered, [0559] Here I [am], my lord. [0113]


 Alors Saül lui dit: Pourquoi avez-vous conspiré contre moi, toi et le fils d'Isaï, quand tu lui as donné du pain et une épée, et que tu as consulté Dieu pour lui, afin qu'il s'élevât contre moi, pour me dresser des embûches, comme il le fait aujourd'hui?

 And Saul [7586] said [0559] unto him, Why have ye conspired [7194] against me, thou and the son [1121] of Jesse, [3448] in that thou hast given [5414] him bread, [3899] and a sword, [2719] and hast enquired [7592] of God [0430] for him, that he should rise [6965] against me, to lie in wait, [0693] as at this day? [3117]


 Et Achimélec répondit au roi, et dit: Et qui donc, entre tous tes serviteurs, est aussi fidèle que David, gendre du roi, qui est parti sur ton ordre, et qui est honoré dans ta maison?

 Then Ahimelech [0288] answered [6030] the king, [4428] and said, [0559] And who [is so] faithful [0539] among all thy servants [5650] as David, [1732] which is the king's [4428] son in law, [2860] and goeth [5493] at thy bidding, [4928] and is honourable [3513] in thine house? [1004]


 Ai-je commencé aujourd'hui à consulter Dieu pour lui? Loin de moi cette pensée! Que le roi n'impute rien à son serviteur, ni à toute la maison de mon père; car ton serviteur ne sait de tout ceci aucune chose, ni petite ni grande.

 Did I then [3117] begin [2490] to enquire [7592] of God [0430] for him? be it far [2486] from me: let not the king [4428] impute [7760] [any] thing [1697] unto his servant, [5650] [nor] to all the house [1004] of my father: [0001] for thy servant [5650] knew [3045] nothing [1697] of all this, less [6996] or more. [1419]


 Et le roi dit: Certainement, tu mourras, Achimélec, toi et toute la famille de ton père!

 And the king [4428] said, [0559] Thou shalt surely [4191] die, [4191] Ahimelech, [0288] thou, and all thy father's [0001] house. [1004]


 Alors le roi dit aux archers qui se tenaient devant lui: Tournez-vous, et faites mourir les sacrificateurs de YEHOVAH; parce qu'ils ont aussi prêté la main à David, qu'ils ont bien su qu'il s'enfuyait, et ne m'en ont point averti. Mais les serviteurs du roi ne voulurent point porter la main ni se jeter sur les sacrificateurs de YEHOVAH.

 And the king [4428] said [0559] unto the footmen [7323] that stood [5324] about him, Turn, [5437] and slay [4191] the priests [3548] of the LORD; [3068] because their hand [3027] also [is] with David, [1732] and because they knew [3045] when he fled, [1272] and did not shew [1540] it to me. [0241] But the servants [5650] of the king [4428] would [0014] not put forth [7971] their hand [3027] to fall [6293] upon the priests [3548] of the LORD. [3068]


 Alors le roi dit à Doëg: Tourne-toi, et jette-toi sur les sacrificateurs. Et Doëg, l'Iduméen, se tourna, et se jeta sur les sacrificateurs, et tua, en ce jour-là, quatre-vingt-cinq hommes portant l'éphod de lin;

 And the king [4428] said [0559] to Doeg, [1673] Turn [5437] thou, and fall [6293] upon the priests. [3548] And Doeg [1673] the Edomite [0130] turned, [5437] and he fell [6293] upon the priests, [3548] and slew [4191] on that day [3117] fourscore [8084] and five [2568] persons [0376] that did wear [5375] a linen [0906] ephod. [0646]


 Et il fit passer Nob, ville des sacrificateurs, au fil de l'épée, les hommes et les femmes, les enfants et les nourrissons; les bœufs aussi, les ânes, et le menu bétail, au fil de l'épée.

 And Nob, [5011] the city [5892] of the priests, [3548] smote [5221] he with the edge [6310] of the sword, [2719] both men [0376] and women, [0802] children [5768] and sucklings, [3243] and oxen, [7794] and asses, [2543] and sheep, [7716] with the edge [6310] of the sword. [2719]


 Toutefois, un des fils d'Achi-Mélec, fils d'Achitub, qui s'appelait Abiathar, se sauva et s'enfuit auprès de David.

 And one [0259] of the sons [1121] of Ahimelech [0288] the son [1121] of Ahitub, [0285] named [8034] Abiathar, [0054] escaped, [4422] and fled [1272] after [0310] David. [1732]


 Et Abiathar rapporta à David, que Saül avait tué les sacrificateurs de YEHOVAH.

 And Abiathar [0054] shewed [5046] David [1732] that Saul [7586] had slain [2026] the LORD'S [3068] priests. [3548]


 Et David dit à Abiathar: Je compris bien, ce jour-là, puisque Doëg, l'Iduméen, s'y trouvait, qu'il ne manquerait point de le rapporter à Saül. Je suis cause de la mort de toutes les personnes de la famille de ton père;

 And David [1732] said [0559] unto Abiathar, [0054] I knew [3045] [it] that day, [3117] when Doeg [1673] the Edomite [0130] [was] there, that he would surely [5046] tell [5046] Saul: [7586] I have occasioned [5437] [the death] of all the persons [5315] of thy father's [0001] house. [1004]


 Demeure avec moi; ne crains rien; car celui qui cherche ma vie, cherche la tienne; tu seras bien gardé avec moi.

 Abide [3427] thou with me, fear [3372] not: for he that seeketh [1245] my life [5315] seeketh [1245] thy life: [5315] but with me thou [shalt be] in safeguard. [4931]


 Or, on fit ce rapport à David, et on lui dit: Voilà les Philistins qui font la guerre à Keïla, et qui pillent les aires.

 Then they told [5046] David, [1732] saying, [0559] Behold, the Philistines [6430] fight [3898] against Keilah, [7084] and they rob [8154] the threshingfloors. [1637]


 Et David consulta YEHOVAH, en disant: Irai-je, et frapperai-je ces Philistins? Et YEHOVAH répondit à David: Va, et tu frapperas les Philistins, et tu délivreras Keïla.

 Therefore David [1732] enquired [7592] of the LORD, [3068] saying, [0559] Shall I go [3212] and smite [5221] these Philistines? [6430] And the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto David, [1732] Go, [3212] and smite [5221] the Philistines, [6430] and save [3467] Keilah. [7084]


 Et les gens de David lui dirent: Voici, nous avons peur ici dans le pays de Juda; que sera-ce donc si nous allons à Keïla, contre les troupes des Philistins?

 And David's [1732] men [0582] said [0559] unto him, Behold, we be afraid [3373] here in Judah: [3063] how much more then if we come [3212] to Keilah [7084] against the armies [4634] of the Philistines? [6430]


 C'est pourquoi David consulta encore YEHOVAH; et YEHOVAH lui répondit, et dit: Lève-toi, descends à Keïla; car je livrerai les Philistins entre tes mains.

 Then David [1732] enquired [7592] of the LORD [3068] yet again. [3254] And the LORD [3068] answered [6030] him and said, [0559] Arise, [6965] go down [3381] to Keilah; [7084] for I will deliver [5414] the Philistines [6430] into thine hand. [3027]


 Alors David s'en alla avec ses gens à Keïla, et combattit les Philistins, et emmena leur bétail, et il en fit un grand carnage; et David délivra les habitants de Keïla.

 So David [1732] and his men [0582] went [3212] to Keilah, [7084] and fought [3898] with the Philistines, [6430] and brought away [5090] their cattle, [4735] and smote [5221] them with a great [1419] slaughter. [4347] So David [1732] saved [3467] the inhabitants [3427] of Keilah. [7084]


 Or, quand Abiathar, fils d'Achimélec, s'enfuit vers David à Keïla, il y descendit, ayant l'éphod entre les mains.

 And it came to pass, when Abiathar [0054] the son [1121] of Ahimelech [0288] fled [1272] to David [1732] to Keilah, [7084] [that] he came down [3381] [with] an ephod [0646] in his hand. [3027]


 Et on rapporta à Saül que David était venu à Keïla; et Saül dit: Dieu l'a livré entre mes mains; car, en entrant dans une ville qui a des portes et des barres, il s'est enfermé.

 And it was told [5046] Saul [7586] that David [1732] was come [0935] to Keilah. [7084] And Saul [7586] said, [0559] God [0430] hath delivered [5234] him into mine hand; [3027] for he is shut in, [5462] by entering [0935] into a town [5892] that hath gates [1817] and bars. [1280]


 Et Saül convoqua tout le peuple à la guerre, pour descendre à Keïla, afin d'assiéger David et ses gens.

 And Saul [7586] called all the people [5971] together [8085] to war, [4421] to go down [3381] to Keilah, [7084] to besiege [6696] David [1732] and his men. [0582]


 Mais David, ayant su que Saül machinait contre lui pour le perdre, dit au sacrificateur Abiathar: Apporte l'éphod.

 And David [1732] knew [3045] that Saul [7586] secretly practised [2790] mischief [7451] against him; and he said [0559] to Abiathar [0054] the priest, [3548] Bring hither [5066] the ephod. [0646]


 Puis David dit: YEHOVAH, Dieu d'Israël, ton serviteur a entendu dire que Saül cherche à venir contre Keïla, pour détruire la ville à cause de moi;

 Then said [0559] David, [1732] O LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] thy servant [5650] hath certainly [8085] heard [8085] that Saul [7586] seeketh [1245] to come [0935] to Keilah, [7084] to destroy [7843] the city [5892] for my sake.


 Les chefs de Keïla me livreront-ils entre ses mains? Saül descendra-t-il, comme ton serviteur l'a entendu dire? YEHOVAH, Dieu d'Israël, enseigne-le, je te prie, à ton serviteur. Et YEHOVAH répondit: Il descendra.

 Will the men [1167] of Keilah [7084] deliver me up [5462] into his hand? [3027] will Saul [7586] come down, [3381] as thy servant [5650] hath heard? [8085] O LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] I beseech thee, tell [5046] thy servant. [5650] And the LORD [3068] said, [0559] He will come down. [3381]


 David dit encore: Les chefs de Keïla me livreront-ils, moi et mes gens, entre les mains de Saül? Et YEHOVAH répondit: Ils te livreront.

 Then said [0559] David, [1732] Will the men [1167] of Keilah [7084] deliver [5462] me and my men [0582] into the hand [3027] of Saul? [7586] And the LORD [3068] said, [0559] They will deliver [thee] up. [5462]


 Alors David se leva avec ses gens, environ six cents hommes, et ils sortirent de Keïla, et s'en allèrent où ils purent; et on rapporta à Saül que David s'était sauvé de Keïla; et il cessa de marcher.

 Then David [1732] and his men, [0582] [which were] about six [8337] hundred, [3967] [0376] arose [6965] and departed [3318] out of Keilah, [7084] and went [1980] whithersoever [0834] they could go. [1980] And it was told [5046] Saul [7586] that David [1732] was escaped [4422] from Keilah; [7084] and he forbare [2308] to go forth. [3318]


 Or David demeura au désert, dans des lieux forts, et il se tint sur la montagne, au désert de Ziph. Et Saül le cherchait tous les jours; mais Dieu ne le livra point entre ses mains.

 And David [1732] abode [3427] in the wilderness [4057] in strong holds, [4679] and remained [3427] in a mountain [2022] in the wilderness [4057] of Ziph. [2128] And Saul [7586] sought [1245] him every day, [3117] but God [0430] delivered [5414] him not into his hand. [3027]


 David, voyant donc que Saül était sorti pour chercher sa vie, se tenait au désert de Ziph, dans la forêt.

 And David [1732] saw [7200] that Saul [7586] was come out [3318] to seek [1245] his life: [5315] and David [1732] [was] in the wilderness [4057] of Ziph [2128] in a wood. [2793]


 Alors Jonathan, fils de Saül, se leva, et s'en alla vers David, à la forêt, et le fortifia en Dieu;

 And Jonathan [3083] Saul's [7586] son [1121] arose, [6965] and went [3212] to David [1732] into the wood, [2793] and strengthened [2388] his hand [3027] in God. [0430]


 Et il lui dit: Ne crains point; car la main de Saül, mon père, ne te trouvera point, mais tu régneras sur Israël, et moi je serai le second après toi; et Saül, mon père, le sait bien aussi.

 And he said [0559] unto him, Fear [3372] not: for the hand [3027] of Saul [7586] my father [0001] shall not find [4672] thee; and thou shalt be king [4427] over Israel, [3478] and I shall be next [4932] unto thee; and that also Saul [7586] my father [0001] knoweth. [3045]


 Ils traitèrent donc, tous deux, alliance devant YEHOVAH. Et David demeura dans la forêt, et Jonathan retourna en sa maison.

 And they two [8147] made [3772] a covenant [1285] before [6440] the LORD: [3068] and David [1732] abode [3427] in the wood, [2793] and Jonathan [3083] went [1980] to his house. [1004]


 Or, les Ziphiens montèrent vers Saül à Guibea, et lui dirent: David ne se tient-il pas caché parmi nous, dans les lieux forts, dans la forêt, au coteau de Hakila, qui est au midi de la région désolée?

 Then came up [5927] the Ziphites [2130] to Saul [7586] to Gibeah, [1390] saying, [0559] Doth not David [1732] hide [5641] himself with us in strong holds [4679] in the wood, [2793] in the hill [1389] of Hachilah, [2444] which [is] on the south [3225] of Jeshimon? [3452]


 Maintenant donc, ô roi, si tu souhaites de descendre, descends et ce sera à nous de le livrer entre les mains du roi.

 Now therefore, O king, [4428] come down [3381] according to all the desire of [0185] thy soul [5315] to come down; [3381] and our part [shall be] to deliver [5462] him into the king's [4428] hand. [3027]


 Et Saül dit: Que YEHOVAH vous bénisse, de ce que vous avez eu pitié de moi!

 And Saul [7586] said, [0559] Blessed [1288] [be] ye of the LORD; [3068] for ye have compassion [2550] on me.


 Allez donc, faites encore attention; sachez et reconnaissez le lieu où il a posé son pied, et qui l'y a vu; car on m'a dit qu'il est fort rusé.

 Go, [3212] I pray you, prepare [3559] yet, and know [3045] and see [7200] his place [4725] where his haunt [7272] is, [and] who hath seen [7200] him there: for it is told [0559] me [that] he dealeth very [6191] subtilly. [6191]


 Reconnaissez donc et sachez quelle est, de toutes les retraites, celle où il est caché; puis revenez vers moi, quand vous en serez assurés, et j'irai avec vous. Et s'il est dans le pays, je le chercherai soigneusement dans tous les milliers de Juda.

 See [7200] therefore, and take knowledge [3045] of all the lurking places [4224] where he hideth [2244] himself, and come ye again [7725] to me with the certainty, [3559] and I will go [1980] with you: and it shall come to pass, if he be [3426] in the land, [0776] that I will search him out [2664] throughout all the thousands [0505] of Judah. [3063]


 Ils se levèrent donc et s'en allèrent à Ziph, devant Saül; mais David et ses gens étaient au désert de Maon, dans la plaine, au midi de la région désolée.

 And they arose, [6965] and went [3212] to Ziph [2128] before [6440] Saul: [7586] but David [1732] and his men [0582] [were] in the wilderness [4057] of Maon, [4584] in the plain [6160] on the south [3225] of Jeshimon. [3452]


 Ainsi Saül et ses gens allèrent à la recherche; mais on le rapporta à David, et il descendit le rocher et demeura au désert de Maon. Saül, l'ayant appris, poursuivit David au désert de Maon.

 Saul [7586] also and his men [0582] went [3212] to seek [1245] [him]. And they told [5046] David: [1732] wherefore he came down [3381] into a rock, [5553] and abode [3427] in the wilderness [4057] of Maon. [4584] And when Saul [7586] heard [8085] [that], he pursued [7291] after [0310] David [1732] in the wilderness [4057] of Maon. [4584]


 Et Saül marchait d'un côté de la montagne, et David et ses gens allaient de l'autre côté de la montagne; et David se hâtait de s'en aller de devant Saül. Mais comme Saül et ses gens environnaient David et les siens pour les prendre,

 And Saul [7586] went [3212] on this side [6654] of the mountain, [2022] and David [1732] and his men [0582] on that side [6654] of the mountain: [2022] and David [1732] made haste [2648] to get away [3212] for fear [6440] of Saul; [7586] for Saul [7586] and his men [0582] compassed [5849] David [1732] and his men [0582] round about to take [8610] them.


 Un messager vint vers Saül, et lui dit: Hâte-toi, et viens; car les Philistins se sont jetés sur le pays.

 But there came [0935] a messenger [4397] unto Saul, [7586] saying, [0559] Haste [4116] thee, and come; [3212] for the Philistines [6430] have invaded [6584] the land. [0776]


 Alors Saül s'en retourna de la poursuite de David, et s'en alla à la rencontre des Philistins. C'est pourquoi l'on a appelé ce lieu-là, Séla-Hammachlékoth (Rocher des Évasions).

 Wherefore Saul [7586] returned [7725] from pursuing [7291] after [0310] David, [1732] and went [3212] against [7125] the Philistines: [6430] therefore they called [7121] that place [4725] Selahammahlekoth. [5555]


 (24-1) Puis David monta de là, et demeura dans les lieux forts d'En-Guédi.

 And David [1732] went up [5927] from thence, and dwelt [3427] in strong holds [4679] at Engedi. [5872]


 (24-2) Et quand Saül fut revenu de la poursuite des Philistins, on lui fit ce rapport, en disant: Voilà David qui est au désert d'En-Guédi.

 And it came to pass, when Saul [7586] was returned [7725] from following [0310] the Philistines, [6430] that it was told [5046] him, saying, [0559] Behold, David [1732] [is] in the wilderness [4057] of Engedi. [5872]


 (24-3) Alors Saül prit trois mille hommes, choisis de tout Israël, et s'en alla chercher David et ses gens, jusque sur les rochers des chamois.

 Then Saul [7586] took [3947] three [7969] thousand [0505] chosen [0977] men [0376] out of all Israel, [3478] and went [3212] to seek [1245] David [1732] and his men [0582] upon [6440] the rocks [6697] of the wild goats. [3277]


 (24-4) Et il vint aux parcs des brebis, auprès du chemin, et il y avait là une caverne, dans laquelle Saül entra pour ses nécessités; et David et ses gens se tenaient au fond de la caverne.

 And he came [0935] to the sheepcotes [1448] [6629] by the way, [1870] where [was] a cave; [4631] and Saul [7586] went in [0935] to cover [5526] his feet: [7272] and David [1732] and his men [0582] remained [3427] in the sides [3411] of the cave. [4631]


 (24-5) Et les gens de David lui dirent: Voici le jour dont YEHOVAH t'a dit: Je livre ton ennemi entre tes mains; tu lui feras comme il te semblera bon. Et David se leva et coupa tout doucement le pan du manteau de Saül.

 And the men [0582] of David [1732] said [0559] unto him, Behold the day [3117] of which the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto thee, Behold, I will deliver [5414] thine enemy [0341] into thine hand, [3027] that thou mayest do [6213] to him as it shall seem good [3190] unto thee. [5869] Then David [1732] arose, [6965] and cut off [3772] the skirt [3671] of Saul's [7586] robe [4598] privily. [3909]


 (24-6) Mais, après cela, David fut ému en son cœur de ce qu'il avait coupé le pan du manteau de Saül,

 And it came to pass afterward, [0310] that David's [1732] heart [3820] smote [5221] him, because he had cut off [3772] Saul's [7586] skirt. [3671]


 (24-7) Et il dit à ses gens: Que YEHOVAH me garde de commettre contre mon seigneur, contre l'oint de YEHOVAH, une action telle que de porter ma main sur lui! car il est l'oint de YEHOVAH.

 And he said [0559] unto his men, [0582] The LORD [3068] forbid [2486] that I should do [6213] this thing [1697] unto my master, [0113] the LORD'S [3068] anointed, [4899] to stretch forth [7971] mine hand [3027] against him, seeing he [is] the anointed [4899] of the LORD. [3068]


 (24-8) Et David arrêta ses gens par ces paroles, et il ne leur permit point de s'élever contre Saül. Puis Saül se leva de la caverne, et continua son chemin.

 So David [1732] stayed [8156] his servants [0582] with these words, [1697] and suffered [5414] them not to rise [6965] against Saul. [7586] But Saul [7586] rose up [6965] out of the cave, [4631] and went [3212] on [his] way. [1870]


 (24-9) Après cela, David se leva, et sortit de la caverne, et cria après Saül, en disant: Mon seigneur et mon roi! Et Saül regarda derrière lui, et David s'inclina, le visage contre terre, et se prosterna.

 David [1732] also arose [6965] afterward, [0310] and went out [3318] of the cave, [4631] and cried [7121] after [0310] Saul, [7586] saying, [0559] My lord [0113] the king. [4428] And when Saul [7586] looked [5027] behind [0310] him, David [1732] stooped [6915] with his face [0639] to the earth, [0776] and bowed [7812] himself.


 (24-10) Et David dit à Saül: Pourquoi écoutes-tu les paroles de gens qui disent: Voilà David qui cherche ta perte?

 And David [1732] said [0559] to Saul, [7586] Wherefore hearest [8085] thou men's [0120] words, [1697] saying, [0559] Behold, David [1732] seeketh [1245] thy hurt? [7451]


 (24-11) Voici, tes yeux ont vu, en ce jour, que YEHOVAH t'avait livré aujourd'hui entre mes mains, dans la caverne, et l'on m'a dit de te tuer; mais je t'ai épargné, et j'ai dit: Je ne porterai point la main sur mon seigneur; car il est l'oint de YEHOVAH.

 Behold, this day [3117] thine eyes [5869] have seen [7200] how that the LORD [3068] had delivered [5414] thee to day [3117] into mine hand [3027] in the cave: [4631] and [some] bade [0559] [me] kill [2026] thee: but [mine eye] spared [2347] thee; and I said, [0559] I will not put forth [7971] mine hand [3027] against my lord; [0113] for he [is] the LORD'S [3068] anointed. [4899]


 (24-12) Regarde, mon père, regarde le pan de ton manteau que j'ai à la main; puisque j'ai coupé le pan de ton manteau, et que je ne t'ai pas tué, sache et reconnais qu'il n'y a point de mal ni d'injustice en moi, et que je n'ai point péché contre toi; et toi tu épies ma vie pour me l'ôter!

 Moreover, my father, [0001] see, [7200] yea, see [7200] the skirt [3671] of thy robe [4598] in my hand: [3027] for in that I cut off [3772] the skirt [3671] of thy robe, [4598] and killed [2026] thee not, know [3045] thou and see [7200] that [there is] neither evil [7451] nor transgression [6588] in mine hand, [3027] and I have not sinned [2398] against thee; yet thou huntest [6658] my soul [5315] to take [3947] it.


 (24-13) YEHOVAH sera juge entre moi et toi, et YEHOVAH me vengera de toi; mais ma main ne sera point sur toi.

 The LORD [3068] judge [8199] between me and thee, and the LORD [3068] avenge [5358] me of thee: but mine hand [3027] shall not be upon thee.


 (24-14) Le mal vient des méchants, comme dit le proverbe des anciens; aussi ma main ne sera point sur toi.

 As saith [0559] the proverb [4912] of the ancients, [6931] Wickedness [7562] proceedeth [3318] from the wicked: [7563] but mine hand [3027] shall not be upon thee.


 (24-15) Après qui est sorti le roi d'Israël? Qui poursuis-tu? Un chien mort, une puce!

 After [0310] whom is the king [4428] of Israel [3478] come out? [3318] after [0310] whom dost thou pursue? [7291] after [0310] a dead [4191] dog, [3611] after [0310] a [0259] flea. [6550]


 (24-16) YEHOVAH donc sera juge; il jugera entre moi et toi; il regardera, et plaidera ma cause, et me rendra justice, en me délivrant de ta main.

 The LORD [3068] therefore be judge, [1781] and judge [8199] between me and thee, and see, [7200] and plead [7378] my cause, [7379] and deliver [8199] me out of thine hand. [3027]


 (24-17) Or, dès que David eut achevé de dire ces paroles à Saül, Saül dit: Est-ce bien ta voix, mon fils David? Et Saül éleva la voix, et pleura.

 And it came to pass, when David [1732] had made an end [3615] of speaking [1696] these words [1697] unto Saul, [7586] that Saul [7586] said, [0559] [Is] this thy voice, [6963] my son [1121] David? [1732] And Saul [7586] lifted up [5375] his voice, [6963] and wept. [1058]


 (24-18) Et il dit à David: Tu es plus juste que moi; car tu m'as rendu le bien pour le mal que je t'ai fait;

 And he said [0559] to David, [1732] Thou [art] more righteous [6662] than I: for thou hast rewarded [1580] me good, [2896] whereas I have rewarded [1580] thee evil. [7451]


 (24-19) Et tu as montré aujourd'hui que tu agis bien à mon égard; car YEHOVAH m'avait livré entre tes mains, et tu ne m'as point tué.

 And thou hast shewed [5046] this day [3117] how that thou hast dealt [6213] well [2896] with me: forasmuch as when the LORD [3068] had delivered [5462] me into thine hand, [3027] thou killedst [2026] me not.


 (24-20) Or, quand un homme trouve son ennemi, le laisse-t-il aller sain et sauf? Que YEHOVAH te rende du bien pour ce que tu m'as fait aujourd'hui!

 For if a man [0376] find [4672] his enemy, [0341] will he let him go [7971] well [2896] away? [1870] wherefore the LORD [3068] reward [7999] thee good [2896] for that thou hast done [6213] unto me this day. [3117]


 (24-21) Et maintenant, voici, je sais que certainement tu régneras, et que le royaume d'Israël sera ferme entre tes mains.

 And now, behold, I know [3045] well that thou shalt surely [4427] be king, [4427] and that the kingdom [4467] of Israel [3478] shall be established [6965] in thine hand. [3027]


 (24-22) Jure-moi donc maintenant, par YEHOVAH, que tu ne détruiras point ma race après moi, et que tu n'extermineras point mon nom de la maison de mon père.

 Swear [7650] now therefore unto me by the LORD, [3068] that thou wilt not [0518] cut off [3772] my seed [2233] after [0310] me, and that thou wilt not destroy [8045] my name [8034] out of my father's [0001] house. [1004]


 (24-23) Et David le jura à Saül. Alors Saül s'en alla en sa maison, et David et ses gens montèrent au lieu fort.

 And David [1732] sware [7650] unto Saul. [7586] And Saul [7586] went [3212] home; [1004] but David [1732] and his men [0582] gat them up [5927] unto the hold. [4686]


 (24-24) Or, Samuel mourut; et tout Israël s'assembla et le pleura; et on l'ensevelit dans sa maison à Rama. Et David se leva, et descendit au désert de Paran.

 And Samuel [8050] died; [4191] and all the Israelites [3478] were gathered together, [6908] and lamented [5594] him, and buried [6912] him in his house [1004] at Ramah. [7414] And David [1732] arose, [6965] and went down [3381] to the wilderness [4057] of Paran. [6290]


 Or, il y avait à Maon un homme qui avait ses biens à Carmel, et cet homme était fort riche; il avait trois mille brebis et mille chèvres; et il était à Carmel quand on tondait ses brebis.

 And [there was] a man [0376] in Maon, [4584] whose possessions [4639] [were] in Carmel; [3760] and the man [0376] [was] very [3966] great, [1419] and he had three [7969] thousand [0505] sheep, [6629] and a thousand [0505] goats: [5795] and he was shearing [1494] his sheep [6629] in Carmel. [3760]


 Cet homme s'appelait Nabal, et sa femme s'appelait Abigaïl; c'était une femme de bon sens, et belle de visage, mais l'homme était dur, et méchant dans ses actions. Et il était de la race de Caleb.

 Now the name [8034] of the man [0376] [was] Nabal; [5037] and the name [8034] of his wife [0802] Abigail: [0026] and [she was] a woman [0802] of good [2896] understanding, [7922] and of a beautiful [3303] countenance: [8389] but the man [0376] [was] churlish [7186] and evil [7451] in his doings; [4611] and he [was] of the house of Caleb. [3614]


 Or, David apprit au désert que Nabal tondait ses brebis.

 And David [1732] heard [8085] in the wilderness [4057] that Nabal [5037] did shear [1494] his sheep. [6629]


 Il envoya donc dix de ses gens, et leur dit: Montez à Carmel, et allez vers Nabal, et saluez-le de ma part,

 And David [1732] sent [7971] out ten [6235] young men, [5288] and David [1732] said [0559] unto the young men, [5288] Get you up [5927] to Carmel, [3760] and go [0935] to Nabal, [5037] and greet [7592] [7965] him in my name: [8034]


 Et dites-lui: Paix à toi pour la vie! Paix à ta maison et à tout ce qui t'appartient!

 And thus shall ye say [0559] to him that liveth [2416] [in prosperity], Peace [7965] [be] both to thee, and peace [7965] [be] to thine house, [1004] and peace [7965] [be] unto all that thou hast.


 Et maintenant, j'ai appris que tu as les tondeurs. Or, tes bergers ont été avec nous, et nous ne leur avons fait aucun outrage, et il ne leur a rien manqué, tout le temps qu'ils ont été à Carmel.

 And now I have heard [8085] that thou hast shearers: [1494] now thy shepherds [7462] which were with us, we hurt [3637] them not, neither was there ought [3972] missing [6485] unto them, all the while [3117] they were in Carmel. [3760]


 Demande-le à tes gens, et ils te le diront. Que mes gens trouvent donc grâce à tes yeux, puisque nous sommes venus en un bon jour; donne, je te prie, à tes serviteurs et à ton fils David, ce qui se trouvera sous ta main.

 Ask [7592] thy young men, [5288] and they will shew [5046] thee. Wherefore let the young men [5288] find [4672] favour [2580] in thine eyes: [5869] for we come [0935] in a good [2896] day: [3117] give, [5414] I pray thee, whatsoever cometh [4672] to thine hand [3027] unto thy servants, [5650] and to thy son [1121] David. [1732]


 Les gens de David vinrent donc, et dirent à Nabal toutes ces paroles, au nom de David; puis ils se turent.

 And when David's [1732] young men [5288] came, [0935] they spake [1696] to Nabal [5037] according to all those words [1697] in the name [8034] of David, [1732] and ceased. [5117]


 Et Nabal répondit aux serviteurs de David et dit: Qui est David, et qui est le fils d'Isaï? Ils sont nombreux aujourd'hui les serviteurs qui abandonnent leurs maîtres!

 And Nabal [5037] answered [6030] David's [1732] servants, [5650] and said, [0559] Who [is] David? [1732] and who [is] the son [1121] of Jesse? [3448] there be many [7231] servants [5650] now a days [3117] that break away [6555] every man [0376] from [6440] his master. [0113]


 Et je prendrais mon pain, et mon eau, et ma viande que j'ai apprêtée pour mes tondeurs, et je les donnerais à des gens qui viennent je ne sais d'où?

 Shall I then take [3947] my bread, [3899] and my water, [4325] and my flesh [2878] that I have killed [2873] for my shearers, [1494] and give [5414] [it] unto men, [0582] whom I know [3045] not whence they [be]?


 Alors les gens de David s'en retournèrent par leur chemin. Ils revinrent donc, et, à leur arrivée, lui rapportèrent toutes ces paroles.

 So David's [1732] young men [5288] turned [2015] their way, [1870] and went again, [7725] and came [0935] and told [5046] him all those sayings. [1697]


 Et David dit à ses gens: Que chacun de vous ceigne son épée; et ils ceignirent chacun leur épée. David aussi ceignit son épée; et il monta après David environ quatre cents hommes; mais deux cents demeurèrent auprès du bagage.

 And David [1732] said [0559] unto his men, [0582] Gird ye on [2296] every man [0376] his sword. [2719] And they girded on [2296] every man [0376] his sword; [2719] and David [1732] also girded on [2296] his sword: [2719] and there went up [5927] after [0310] David [1732] about four [0702] hundred [3967] men; [0376] and two hundred [3967] abode [3427] by the stuff. [3627]


 Or, un des serviteurs fit ce rapport à Abigaïl, femme de Nabal, et lui dit: Voici, David a envoyé du désert des messagers pour saluer notre maître; mais il s'est emporté contre eux.

 But one [0259] [5288] of the young men [5288] told [5046] Abigail, [0026] Nabal's [5037] wife, [0802] saying, [0559] Behold, David [1732] sent [7971] messengers [4397] out of the wilderness [4057] to salute [1288] our master; [0113] and he railed [5860] on them.


 Et cependant ces gens ont été très bons envers nous, et nous n'en avons reçu aucun outrage; et rien de ce qui est à nous ne s'est perdu, tout le temps que nous avons été avec eux, lorsque nous étions aux champs;

 But the men [0582] [were] very [3966] good [2896] unto us, and we were not hurt, [3637] neither missed [6485] we any thing, [3972] as long as [3117] we were conversant [1980] with them, when we were in the fields: [7704]


 Ils nous ont servi de muraille, et la nuit et le jour, tout le temps que nous avons été avec eux, paissant les troupeaux.

 They were a wall [2346] unto us both by night [3915] and day, [3119] all the while [3117] we were with them keeping [7462] the sheep. [6629]


 Maintenant donc réfléchis, et vois ce que tu as à faire; car la ruine est résolue contre notre maître, et contre toute sa maison. Mais il est si méchant, qu'on n'ose lui parler.

 Now therefore know [3045] and consider [7200] what thou wilt do; [6213] for evil [7451] is determined [3615] against our master, [0113] and against all his household: [1004] for he [is such] a son [1121] of Belial, [1100] that [a man] cannot speak [1696] to him.


 Alors Abigaïl se hâta, et prit deux cents pains, deux outres de vin, cinq moutons tout apprêtés, cinq mesures de grain rôti, cent paquets de raisins secs, et deux cents cabas de figues sèches; et elle les mit sur des ânes.

 Then Abigail [0026] made haste, [4116] and took [3947] two hundred [3967] loaves, [3899] and two [8147] bottles [5035] of wine, [3196] and five [2568] sheep [6629] ready dressed, [6213] and five [2568] measures [5429] of parched [7039] [corn], and an hundred [3967] clusters of raisins, [6778] and two hundred [3967] cakes [1690] of figs, and laid [7760] [them] on asses. [2543]


 Puis elle dit à ses gens: Passez devant moi; voici, je viens après vous. Mais elle n'en dit rien à Nabal, son mari.

 And she said [0559] unto her servants, [5288] Go on [5674] before [6440] me; behold, I come [0935] after [0310] you. But she told [5046] not her husband [0376] Nabal. [5037]


 Et, montée sur un âne, elle descendait par un chemin couvert de la montagne; et voici, David et ses gens descendaient en face d'elle, et elle les rencontra.

 And it was [so, as] she rode [7392] on the ass, [2543] that she came down [3381] by the covert [5643] of the hill, [2022] and, behold, David [1732] and his men [0582] came down [3381] against [7125] her; and she met [6298] them.


 Or, David avait dit: C'est bien en vain que j'ai gardé tout ce que cet homme avait dans le désert, de sorte qu'il ne s'est rien perdu de tout ce qui était à lui; il m'a rendu le mal pour le bien.

 Now David [1732] had said, [0559] Surely in vain [8267] have I kept [8104] all that this [2088] [fellow] hath in the wilderness, [4057] so that nothing [3808] [3972] was missed [6485] of all that [pertained] unto him: and he hath requited [7725] me evil [7451] for good. [2896]


 Que Dieu fasse ainsi aux ennemis de David, et qu'il y ajoute, si d'ici à demain matin, je laisse subsister de tout ce qu'il a, même un seul homme.

 So [3541] and more [3254] also [3541] do [6213] God [0430] unto the enemies [0341] of David, [1732] if I leave [7604] of all that [pertain] to him by [5704] the morning [1242] light [0216] any that pisseth [8366] against the wall. [7023]


 Quand donc Abigaïl aperçut David, elle se hâta de descendre de son âne, se jeta sur son visage devant David, et se prosterna en terre.

 And when Abigail [0026] saw [7200] David, [1732] she hasted, [4116] and lighted [3381] off the ass, [2543] and fell [5307] before [0639] David [1732] on her face, [6440] and bowed [7812] herself to the ground, [0776]


 Elle tomba donc à ses pieds, et dit: Que la faute soit sur moi, mon seigneur! mais que ta servante parle, je te prie, devant toi, et écoute les paroles de ta servante.

 And fell [5307] at his feet, [7272] and said, [0559] Upon me, my lord, [0113] [upon] me [0589] [let this] iniquity [5771] [be]: and let thine handmaid, [0519] I pray thee, speak [1696] in thine audience, [0241] and hear [8085] the words [1697] of thine handmaid. [0519]


 Que mon seigneur ne prenne pas garde, je te prie, à ce méchant homme, à Nabal; car il est tel que son nom; il s'appelle Nabal (fou), et il y a de la folie en lui. Mais moi, ta servante, je n'ai point vu les gens que mon seigneur a envoyés.

 Let [7760] not my lord, [0113] I pray thee, regard [3820] this man [0376] of Belial, [1100] [even] Nabal: [5037] for as his name [8034] [is], so [is] he; Nabal [5037] [is] his name, [8034] and folly [5039] [is] with him: but I thine handmaid [0519] saw [7200] not the young men [5288] of my lord, [0113] whom thou didst send. [7971]


 Et maintenant, mon seigneur, comme YEHOVAH est vivant, et comme ton âme vit, c'est YEHOVAH qui t'a empêché d'en venir au sang et de te venger de ta propre main. Or, que tes ennemis, et ceux qui cherchent à nuire à mon seigneur, soient comme Nabal.

 Now therefore, my lord, [0113] [as] the LORD [3068] liveth, [2416] and [as] thy soul [5315] liveth, [2416] seeing the LORD [3068] hath withholden [4513] thee from coming [0935] to [shed] blood, [1818] and from avenging [3467] thyself with thine own hand, [3027] now let thine enemies, [0341] and they that seek [1245] evil [7451] to my lord, [0113] be as Nabal. [5037]


 Et maintenant, voici le présent que ta servante apporte à mon seigneur, afin qu'on le donne aux gens qui marchent à la suite de mon seigneur.

 And now this blessing [1293] which thine handmaid [8198] hath brought [0935] unto my lord, [0113] let it even be given [5414] unto the young men [5288] that follow [1980] [7272] my lord. [0113]


 Pardonne, je te prie, la faute de ta servante; car YEHOVAH ne manquera point d'établir à mon seigneur une maison stable, parce que mon seigneur soutient les guerres de YEHOVAH, et qu'il ne s'est trouvé aucun mal en toi, pendant toute ta vie.

 I pray thee, forgive [5375] the trespass [6588] of thine handmaid: [0519] for the LORD [3068] will certainly [6213] make [6213] my lord [0113] a sure [0539] house; [1004] because my lord [0113] fighteth [3898] the battles [4421] of the LORD, [3068] and evil [7451] hath not been found [4672] in thee [all] thy days. [3117]


 Et si quelqu'un se lève pour te persécuter, et pour chercher ta vie, l'âme de mon seigneur sera liée dans le faisceau de la vie auprès de YEHOVAH ton Dieu; mais il lancera au loin, comme du milieu d'une fronde, l'âme de tes ennemis.

 Yet a man [0120] is risen [6965] to pursue [7291] thee, and to seek [1245] thy soul: [5315] but the soul [5315] of my lord [0113] shall be bound [6887] in the bundle [6872] of life [2416] with the LORD [3068] thy God; [0430] and the souls [5315] of thine enemies, [0341] them shall he sling out, [7049] [as out] of the middle [8432] [3709] of a sling. [7050]


 Et quand YEHOVAH fera à mon seigneur tout le bien qu'il t'a dit, et qu'il t'établira conducteur d'Israël,

 And it shall come to pass, when the LORD [3068] shall have done [6213] to my lord [0113] according to all the good [2896] that he hath spoken [1696] concerning thee, and shall have appointed [6680] thee ruler [5057] over Israel; [3478]


 Ceci ne te sera point en achoppement; et le cœur de mon seigneur n'aura point le remords d'avoir, sans cause, répandu le sang, et de s'être vengé soi-même; et quand YEHOVAH aura fait du bien à mon seigneur, tu te souviendras de ta servante.

 That this shall be no grief [6330] unto thee, nor offence [4383] of heart [3820] unto my lord, [0113] either that thou hast shed [8210] blood [1818] causeless, [2600] or that my lord [0113] hath avenged [3467] himself: but when the LORD [3068] shall have dealt well [3190] with my lord, [0113] then remember [2142] thine handmaid. [0519]


 Alors David dit à Abigaïl: Béni soit YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël, qui t'a aujourd'hui envoyée au-devant de moi!

 And David [1732] said [0559] to Abigail, [0026] Blessed [1288] [be] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] which sent [7971] thee this day [3117] to meet [7125] me:


 Et bénie soit ta prudence, et sois bénie toi-même, toi qui m'as aujourd'hui empêché d'en venir au sang, et de me venger de ma propre main!

 And blessed [1288] [be] thy advice, [2940] and blessed [1288] [be] thou, which hast kept [3607] me this day [3117] from coming [0935] to [shed] blood, [1818] and from avenging [3467] myself with mine own hand. [3027]


 Mais certainement, comme YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël, qui m'a empêché de te faire du mal, est vivant, si tu ne te fusses hâtée de venir au-devant de moi, il ne serait pas demeuré de reste à Nabal, d'ici à demain matin, même un seul homme.

 For in very deed, [0199] [as] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel [3478] liveth, [2416] which hath kept me back [4513] from hurting [7489] thee, except [3884] thou hadst hasted [4116] and come [0935] to meet [7125] me, surely there had not been left [3498] unto Nabal [5037] by the morning [1242] light [0216] any that pisseth [8366] against the wall. [7023]


 David prit donc de sa main ce qu'elle lui avait apporté, et lui dit: Remonte en paix à ta maison; regarde, j'ai écouté ta voix, et je t'ai accordé ta demande.

 So David [1732] received [3947] of her hand [3027] [that] which she had brought [0935] him, and said [0559] unto her, Go up [5927] in peace [7965] to thine house; [1004] see, [7200] I have hearkened [8085] to thy voice, [6963] and have accepted [5375] thy person. [6440]


 Alors Abigaïl revint vers Nabal, et voici, il faisait un festin dans sa maison, comme un festin de roi; et Nabal avait le cœur joyeux, et était entièrement ivre; et elle ne lui dit pas la moindre chose jusqu'au lendemain matin.

 And Abigail [0026] came [0935] to Nabal; [5037] and, behold, he held a feast [4960] in his house, [1004] like the feast [4960] of a king; [4428] and Nabal's [5037] heart [3820] [was] merry [2896] within him, for he [was] very [3966] drunken: [7910] wherefore she told [5046] him nothing, [1697] less [6996] or more, [1419] until the morning [1242] light. [0216]


 Mais, le matin, quand Nabal fut revenu de son ivresse, sa femme lui dit ces choses; et son cœur en reçut un coup mortel, et il devint comme une pierre.

 But it came to pass in the morning, [1242] when the wine [3196] was gone out [3318] of Nabal, [5037] and his wife [0802] had told [5046] him these things, [1697] that his heart [3820] died [4191] within [7130] him, and he became [as] a stone. [0068]


 Et environ dix jours après, YEHOVAH frappa Nabal, et il mourut.

 And it came to pass about ten [6235] days [3117] [after], that the LORD [3068] smote [5062] Nabal, [5037] that he died. [4191]


 Et quand David apprit que Nabal était mort, il dit: Béni soit YEHOVAH qui m'a fait droit de l'outrage que j'avais reçu de la main de Nabal, et qui a préservé son serviteur de faire du mal! Mais YEHOVAH a fait retomber la malice de Nabal sur sa tête! Puis David envoya des gens à Abigaïl, et lui fit parler, afin de la prendre pour sa femme.

 And when David [1732] heard [8085] that Nabal [5037] was dead, [4191] he said, [0559] Blessed [1288] [be] the LORD, [3068] that hath pleaded [7378] the cause [7379] of my reproach [2781] from the hand [3027] of Nabal, [5037] and hath kept [2820] his servant [5650] from evil: [7451] for the LORD [3068] hath returned [7725] the wickedness [7451] of Nabal [5037] upon his own head. [7218] And David [1732] sent [7971] and communed [1696] with Abigail, [0026] to take [3947] he


 Les serviteurs de David vinrent donc vers Abigaïl, à Carmel, lui parlèrent, en disant: David nous a envoyés vers toi, afin de te prendre pour sa femme.

 And when the servants [5650] of David [1732] were come [0935] to Abigail [0026] to Carmel, [3760] they spake [1696] unto her, saying, [0559] David [1732] sent [7971] us unto thee, to take [3947] thee to him to wife. [0802]


 Alors elle se leva, se prosterna le visage contre terre, et dit: Voici, ta servante sera à ton service pour laver les pieds des serviteurs de mon seigneur!

 And she arose, [6965] and bowed [7812] herself on [her] face [0639] to the earth, [0776] and said, [0559] Behold, [let] thine handmaid [0519] [be] a servant [8198] to wash [7364] the feet [7272] of the servants [5650] of my lord. [0113]


 Puis Abigaïl se leva promptement et monta sur son âne, et cinq servantes la suivaient; et elle suivit les messagers de David, et elle fut sa femme.

 And Abigail [0026] hasted, [4116] and arose, [6965] and rode [7392] upon an ass, [2543] with five [2568] damsels [5291] of hers that went [1980] after [7272] her; and she went [3212] after [0310] the messengers [4397] of David, [1732] and became his wife. [0802]


 David avait aussi épousé Achinoam de Jizréel, et toutes deux furent ses femmes.

 David [1732] also took [3947] Ahinoam [0293] of Jezreel; [3157] and they were also both [8147] of them his wives. [0802]


 Mais Saül avait donné Mical sa fille, femme de David, à Palti, fils de Laïsh, qui était de Gallim.

 But Saul [7586] had given [5414] Michal [4324] his daughter, [1323] David's [1732] wife, [0802] to Phalti [6406] the son [1121] of Laish, [3919] which [was] of Gallim. [1554]


 Les Ziphiens vinrent encore vers Saül, à Guibea, et lui dirent: David ne se tient-il pas caché au coteau de Hakila, à l'orient de la région désolée?

 And the Ziphites [2130] came [0935] unto Saul [7586] to Gibeah, [1390] saying, [0559] Doth not David [1732] hide [5641] himself in the hill [1389] of Hachilah, [2444] [which is] before [6440] Jeshimon? [3452]


 Et Saül se leva, et descendit au désert de Ziph, ayant avec lui trois mille hommes choisis d'Israël, pour chercher David au désert de Ziph.

 Then Saul [7586] arose, [6965] and went down [3381] to the wilderness [4057] of Ziph, [2128] having three [7969] thousand [0505] chosen [0977] men [0376] of Israel [3478] with him, to seek [1245] David [1732] in the wilderness [4057] of Ziph. [2128]


 Et Saül campa au coteau de Hakila, qui est à l'orient de la région désolée, près du chemin. Or David se tenait au désert, et il s'aperçut que Saül venait à sa poursuite au désert.

 And Saul [7586] pitched [2583] in the hill [1389] of Hachilah, [2444] which [is] before [6440] Jeshimon, [3452] by the way. [1870] But David [1732] abode [3427] in the wilderness, [4057] and he saw [7200] that Saul [7586] came [0935] after [0310] him into the wilderness. [4057]


 Il envoya donc des espions, et s'assura que Saül était arrivé.

 David [1732] therefore sent [7971] out spies, [7270] and understood [3045] that Saul [7586] was come [0935] in very deed. [3559]


 Alors David se leva, et vint au lieu où Saül était campé; et David vit le lieu où couchait Saül, ainsi qu'Abner, fils de Ner, chef de son armée. Or, Saül couchait dans l'enceinte du camp, et le peuple était campé autour de lui.

 And David [1732] arose, [6965] and came [0935] to the place [4725] where Saul [7586] had pitched: [2583] and David [1732] beheld [7200] the place [4725] where Saul [7586] lay, [7901] and Abner [0074] the son [1121] of Ner, [5369] the captain [8269] of his host: [6635] and Saul [7586] lay [7901] in the trench, [4570] and the people [5971] pitched [2583] round about [5439] him.


 Et David prit la parole, et dit à Achimélec, Héthien, et à Abishaï, fils de Tséruja, frère de Joab: Qui descendra avec moi vers Saül, au camp? Alors Abishaï répondit: J'y descendrai avec toi.

 Then answered [6030] David [1732] and said [0559] to Ahimelech [0288] the Hittite, [2850] and to Abishai [0052] the son [1121] of Zeruiah, [6870] brother [0251] to Joab, [3097] saying, [0559] Who will go down [3381] with me to Saul [7586] to the camp? [4264] And Abishai [0052] said, [0559] I will go down [3381] with thee.


 David et Abishaï vinrent donc de nuit vers le peuple; et voici, Saül dormait, couché dans l'enceinte du camp, et sa lance était plantée en terre à son chevet, et Abner et le peuple étaient couchés autour de lui.

 So David [1732] and Abishai [0052] came [0935] to the people [5971] by night: [3915] and, behold, Saul [7586] lay [7901] sleeping [3463] within the trench, [4570] and his spear [2595] stuck [4600] in the ground [0776] at his bolster: [4763] but Abner [0074] and the people [5971] lay [7901] round about [5439] him.


 Alors Abishaï dit à David: Dieu a livré aujourd'hui ton ennemi entre tes mains; maintenant donc, je te prie, que je le frappe de la lance jusqu'en terre, d'un seul coup, et je n'y reviendrai pas.

 Then said [0559] Abishai [0052] to David, [1732] God [0430] hath delivered [5462] thine enemy [0341] into thine hand [3027] this day: [3117] now therefore let me smite [5221] him, I pray thee, with the spear [2595] even to the earth [0776] at once, [6471] [0259] and I will not [smite] him the second time. [8138]


 Mais David dit à Abishaï: Ne le mets point à mort; car qui porterait la main sur l'oint de YEHOVAH, et serait innocent?

 And David [1732] said [0559] to Abishai, [0052] Destroy [7843] him not: for who can stretch forth [7971] his hand [3027] against the LORD'S [3068] anointed, [4899] and be guiltless? [5352]


 Et David dit: YEHOVAH est vivant! C'est YEHOVAH seul qui le frappera, soit que son jour vienne et qu'il meure, soit qu'il descende au combat et y périsse.

 David [1732] said [0559] furthermore, [As] the LORD [3068] liveth, [2416] the LORD [3068] shall smite [5062] him; or his day [3117] shall come [0935] to die; [4191] or he shall descend [3381] into battle, [4421] and perish. [5595]


 Que YEHOVAH me garde de porter la main sur l'oint de YEHOVAH! Mais, prends maintenant, je te prie, la lance qui est à son chevet, ainsi que la cruche d'eau, et allons-nous-en.

 The LORD [3068] forbid [2486] that I should stretch forth [7971] mine hand [3027] against the LORD'S [3068] anointed: [4899] but, I pray thee, take [3947] thou now the spear [2595] that [is] at his bolster, [4763] and the cruse [6835] of water, [4325] and let us go. [3212]


 David prit donc la lance et la cruche d'eau, qui étaient au chevet de Saül, et ils s'en allèrent; et il n'y eut personne qui les vît, ni qui les aperçût, ni qui s'éveillât; car tous dormaient, parce que YEHOVAH avait fait tomber sur eux un profond sommeil.

 So David [1732] took [3947] the spear [2595] and the cruse [6835] of water [4325] from Saul's [7586] bolster; [7226] and they gat them away, [3212] and no man saw [7200] [it], nor knew [3045] [it], neither awaked: [6974] for they [were] all asleep; [3463] because a deep sleep [8639] from the LORD [3068] was fallen [5307] upon them.


 Puis David passa de l'autre côté, et s'arrêta sur le haut de la montagne, loin de là; il y avait une grande distance entre eux;

 Then David [1732] went over [5674] to the other side, [5676] and stood [5975] on the top [7218] of an hill [2022] afar off; [7350] a great [7227] space [4725] [being] between them:


 Et il cria au peuple, et à Abner, fils de Ner, en disant: Ne répondras-tu pas, Abner? Et Abner répondit, et dit: Qui es-tu, toi qui cries au roi?

 And David [1732] cried [7121] to the people, [5971] and to Abner [0074] the son [1121] of Ner, [5369] saying, [0559] Answerest [6030] thou not, Abner? [0074] Then Abner [0074] answered [6030] and said, [0559] Who [art] thou [that] criest [7121] to the king? [4428]


 Alors David dit à Abner: N'es-tu pas un homme? Et qui est semblable à toi en Israël? Pourquoi donc n'as-tu pas gardé le roi, ton seigneur? Car quelqu'un du peuple est venu pour tuer le roi, ton seigneur;

 And David [1732] said [0559] to Abner, [0074] [Art] not thou a [valiant] man? [0376] and who [is] like to thee in Israel? [3478] wherefore then hast thou not kept [8104] thy lord [0113] the king? [4428] for there came [0935] one [0259] of the people [5971] in to destroy [7843] the king [4428] thy lord. [0113]


 Ce que tu as fait n'est pas bien. YEHOVAH est vivant! vous méritez la mort, pour avoir mal gardé votre seigneur, l'oint de YEHOVAH. Et maintenant, regarde où sont la lance du roi et la cruche d'eau qui étaient à son chevet.

 This thing [1697] [is] not good [2896] that thou hast done. [6213] [As] the LORD [3068] liveth, [2416] ye [are] worthy [1121] to die, [4194] because ye have not kept [8104] your master, [0113] the LORD'S [3068] anointed. [4899] And now see [7200] where the king's [4428] spear [2595] [is], and the cruse [6835] of water [4325] that [was] at his bolster. [4763]


 Alors Saül reconnut la voix de David, et dit: Est-ce bien ta voix, mon fils David? Et David dit: C'est ma voix, ô roi, mon seigneur!

 And Saul [7586] knew [5234] David's [1732] voice, [6963] and said, [0559] [Is] this thy voice, [6963] my son [1121] David? [1732] And David [1732] said, [0559] [It is] my voice, [6963] my lord, [0113] O king. [4428]


 Et il dit: Pourquoi mon seigneur poursuit-il son serviteur? Qu'ai-je fait, et quel mal y a-t-il en ma main?

 And he said, [0559] Wherefore doth my lord [0113] thus pursue [7291] after [0310] his servant? [5650] for what have I done? [6213] or what evil [7451] [is] in mine hand? [3027]


 Et maintenant, je te prie, que le roi, mon seigneur, écoute les paroles de son serviteur. Si c'est YEHOVAH qui te pousse contre moi, que l'offrande lui soit agréable; mais si ce sont les hommes, qu'ils soient maudits devant YEHOVAH! Car ils m'ont chassé aujourd'hui, afin que je ne puisse me joindre à l'héritage de YEHOVAH, et ils m'ont dit: Va-t'en, sers des dieux étrangers.

 Now therefore, I pray thee, let my lord [0113] the king [4428] hear [8085] the words [1697] of his servant. [5650] If the LORD [3068] have stirred thee up [5496] against me, let him accept [7306] an offering: [4503] but if [they be] the children [1121] of men, [0120] cursed [0779] [be] they before [6440] the LORD; [3068] for they have driven me out [1644] this day [3117] from abiding [5596] in the inheritance [5159] of the LORD, [3068] saying, [0559] Go, [3212] serve [5647]


 Et maintenant, que mon sang ne tombe point en terre loin de la face de YEHOVAH; car le roi d'Israël est sorti pour chercher une puce, comme on poursuit une perdrix dans les montagnes.

 Now therefore, let not my blood [1818] fall [5307] to the earth [0776] before the face [6440] of the LORD: [3068] for the king [4428] of Israel [3478] is come out [3318] to seek [1245] a [0259] flea, [6550] as when one doth hunt [7291] a partridge [7124] in the mountains. [2022]


 Alors Saül dit: J'ai péché; reviens, mon fils David! car je ne te ferai plus de mal, puisque aujourd'hui ma vie t'a été précieuse. Voici, j'ai agi follement, et j'ai fait une très grande faute.

 Then said [0559] Saul, [7586] I have sinned: [2398] return, [7725] my son [1121] David: [1732] for I will no more do thee harm, [7489] because my soul [5315] was precious [3365] in thine eyes [5869] this day: [3117] behold, I have played the fool, [5528] and have erred [7686] exceedingly. [7235] [3966]


 Et David répondit, et dit: Voici la lance du roi; que l'un de vos gens passe ici, et qu'il la prenne.

 And David [1732] answered [6030] and said, [0559] Behold the king's [4428] spear! [2595] and let one [0259] of the young men [5288] come over [5674] and fetch [3947] it.


 Et YEHOVAH rendra à chacun selon sa justice et sa fidélité; car YEHOVAH t'avait livré aujourd'hui entre mes mains, et je n'ai point voulu porter la main sur l'oint de YEHOVAH.

 The LORD [3068] render [7725] to every man [0376] his righteousness [6663] and his faithfulness: [0530] for the LORD [3068] delivered [5414] thee into [my] hand [3027] to day, [3117] but I would [0014] not stretch forth [7971] mine hand [3027] against the LORD'S [3068] anointed. [4899]


 Et comme ton âme a été aujourd'hui d'un grand prix à mes yeux, ainsi mon âme sera d'un grand prix aux yeux de YEHOVAH, et il me délivrera de toute affliction.

 And, behold, as thy life [5315] was much set by [1431] this day [3117] in mine eyes, [5869] so let my life [5315] be much set by [1431] in the eyes [5869] of the LORD, [3068] and let him deliver [5337] me out of all tribulation. [6869]


 Et Saül dit à David: Béni sois-tu, mon fils David! certainement tu entreprendras et tu réussiras. Alors David continua son chemin, et Saül retourna en son lieu.

 Then Saul [7586] said [0559] to David, [1732] Blessed [1288] [be] thou, my son [1121] David: [1732] thou shalt both do [6213] great [6213] [things], and also shalt still [3201] prevail. [3201] So David [1732] went [3212] on his way, [1870] and Saul [7586] returned [7725] to his place. [4725]


 Mais David dit en son cœur: Je périrai quelque jour par la main de Saül; ne vaut-il pas mieux que je me sauve au pays des Philistins, afin que Saül renonce à me chercher encore dans tout le territoire d'Israël? Ainsi je me sauverai de ses mains.

 And David [1732] said [0559] in his heart, [3820] I shall now perish [5595] one [0259] day [3117] by the hand [3027] of Saul: [7586] [there is] nothing better [2896] for me than that [3588] I should speedily [4422] escape [4422] into the land [0776] of the Philistines; [6430] and Saul [7586] shall despair [2976] of me, to seek [1245] me any more in any coast [1366] of Israel: [3478] so shall I escape [4422] out of his hand. [3027]


 David se leva donc, et passa, avec les six cents hommes qui étaient avec lui, chez Akish, fils de Maoc, roi de Gath.

 And David [1732] arose, [6965] and he passed over [5674] with the six [8337] hundred [3967] men [0376] that [were] with him unto Achish, [0397] the son [1121] of Maoch, [4582] king [4428] of Gath. [1661]


 Et David demeura avec Akish, à Gath, lui et ses gens, chacun avec sa famille, David et ses deux femmes, Achinoam, de Jizréel, et Abigaïl, de Carmel, qui avait été femme de Nabal.

 And David [1732] dwelt [3427] with Achish [0397] at Gath, [1661] he and his men, [0582] every man [0376] with his household, [1004] [even] David [1732] with his two [8147] wives, [0802] Ahinoam [0293] the Jezreelitess, [3159] and Abigail [0026] the Carmelitess, [3761] Nabal's [5037] wife. [0802]


 Alors on rapporta à Saül que David s'était enfui à Gath; et il ne continua plus à le poursuivre.

 And it was told [5046] Saul [7586] that David [1732] was fled [1272] to Gath: [1661] and he sought [1245] no more again [3254] for him.


 Et David dit à Akish: Je te prie, si j'ai trouvé grâce à tes yeux, qu'on me donne un lieu dans l'une des villes de ce pays, afin que j'y demeure; car pourquoi ton serviteur demeurerait-il dans la ville royale avec toi?

 And David [1732] said [0559] unto Achish, [0397] If I have now found [4672] grace [2580] in thine eyes, [5869] let them give [5414] me a place [4725] in some [0259] town [5892] in the country, [7704] that I may dwell [3427] there: for why should thy servant [5650] dwell [3427] in the royal [4467] city [5892] with thee?


 Akish lui donna donc, en ce jour-là, Tsiklag; c'est pourquoi Tsiklag a appartenu aux rois de Juda, jusqu'à ce jour.

 Then Achish [0397] gave [5414] him Ziklag [6860] that day: [3117] wherefore Ziklag [6860] pertaineth unto the kings [4428] of Judah [3063] unto this day. [3117]


 Et le temps que David demeura au pays des Philistins fut d'un an et quatre mois.

 And the time [4557] [3117] that David [1732] dwelt [3427] in the country [7704] of the Philistines [6430] was a full year [3117] and four [0702] months. [2320]


 Or, David montait avec ses gens, et ils faisaient des incursions chez les Gueshuriens, les Guirziens et les Amalécites; car ces nations habitaient le pays qu'elles avaient habité de tout temps, du côté de Shur et jusqu'au pays d'Égypte.

 And David [1732] and his men [0582] went up, [5927] and invaded [6584] the Geshurites, [1651] and the Gezrites, [1511] and the Amalekites: [6003] for those [2007] [nations were] of old [5769] the inhabitants [3427] of the land, [0776] as thou goest [0935] to Shur, [7793] even unto the land [0776] of Egypt. [4714]


 Et David désolait le pays; il ne laissait ni homme ni femme en vie, et il prenait les brebis, les bœufs, les ânes, les chameaux et les vêtements, puis il s'en retournait et venait vers Akish.

 And David [1732] smote [5221] the land, [0776] and left neither man [0376] nor woman [0802] alive, [2421] and took away [3947] the sheep, [6629] and the oxen, [1241] and the asses, [2543] and the camels, [1581] and the apparel, [0899] and returned, [7725] and came [0935] to Achish. [0397]


 Et Akish disait: Où avez-vous fait vos courses aujourd'hui? Et David répondait: Vers le midi de Juda, vers le midi des Jérachméeliens, et vers le midi des Kéniens.

 And Achish [0397] said, [0559] Whither [0408] have ye made a road [6584] to day? [3117] And David [1732] said, [0559] Against the south [5045] of Judah, [3063] and against the south [5045] of the Jerahmeelites, [3397] and against the south [5045] of the Kenites. [7017]


 Mais David ne laissait en vie ni homme ni femme pour les amener à Gath; de peur, disait-il, qu'ils ne fassent rapport contre nous, et ne disent: Voilà ce que David a fait. Et il en usa ainsi tout le temps qu'il demeura au pays des Philistins.

 And David [1732] saved neither man [0376] nor woman [0802] alive, [2421] to bring [0935] [tidings] to Gath, [1661] saying, [0559] Lest they should tell [5046] on us, saying, [0559] So did [6213] David, [1732] and so [will be] his manner [4941] all the while [3117] he dwelleth [3427] in the country [7704] of the Philistines. [6430]


 Akish se fiait donc à David, et disait: Il se rend odieux à Israël, son peuple; et il sera mon serviteur à jamais.

 And Achish [0397] believed [0539] David, [1732] saying, [0559] He hath made his people [5971] Israel [3478] utterly [0887] to abhor [0887] him; therefore he shall be my servant [5650] for ever. [5769]


 En ces jours-là, les Philistins assemblèrent leurs armées pour faire la guerre, pour combattre Israël. Et Akish dit à David: Tu sais que tu viendras avec moi au camp, toi et tes gens.

 And it came to pass in those days, [3117] that the Philistines [6430] gathered their armies [4264] together [6908] for warfare, [6635] to fight [3898] with Israel. [3478] And Achish [0397] said [0559] unto David, [1732] Know [3045] thou assuredly, [3045] that thou shalt go out [3318] with me to battle, [4264] thou and thy men. [0582]


 Alors David répondit à Akish: Eh bien! tu verras ce que ton serviteur fera. Et Akish dit à David: Aussi je te confierai pour toujours la garde de ma personne.

 And David [1732] said [0559] to Achish, [0397] Surely [3651] thou shalt know [3045] what thy servant [5650] can do. [6213] And Achish [0397] said [0559] to David, [1732] Therefore will I make [7760] thee keeper [8104] of mine head [7218] for ever. [3605] [3117]


 Or, Samuel était mort, et tout Israël l'avait pleuré, et on l'avait enseveli à Rama, dans sa ville. Et Saül avait ôté du pays les magiciens et les devins.

 Now Samuel [8050] was dead, [4191] and all Israel [3478] had lamented [5594] him, and buried [6912] him in Ramah, [7414] even in his own city. [5892] And Saul [7586] had put away [5493] those that had familiar spirits, [0178] and the wizards, [3049] out of the land. [0776]


 Les Philistins assemblés, vinrent donc, et campèrent à Sunem; Saül aussi assembla tout Israël, et ils campèrent à Guilboa.

 And the Philistines [6430] gathered themselves together, [6908] and came [0935] and pitched [2583] in Shunem: [7766] and Saul [7586] gathered all Israel [3478] together, [6908] and they pitched [2583] in Gilboa. [1533]


 Or, Saül, voyant le camp des Philistins, eut peur, et son cœur fut fort effrayé.

 And when Saul [7586] saw [7200] the host [4264] of the Philistines, [6430] he was afraid, [3372] and his heart [3820] greatly [3966] trembled. [2729]


 Et Saül consulta YEHOVAH; mais YEHOVAH ne lui répondit point, ni par des songes, ni par l'Urim, ni par les prophètes.

 And when Saul [7586] enquired [7592] of the LORD, [3068] the LORD [3068] answered [6030] him not, neither by dreams, [2472] nor by Urim, [0224] nor by prophets. [5030]


 Et Saül dit à ses serviteurs: Cherchez-moi une femme qui ait un esprit de Python, et j'irai vers elle, et je la consulterai. Ses serviteurs lui dirent: Voilà, il y a à Endor une femme qui connaît la magie.

 Then said [0559] Saul [7586] unto his servants, [5650] Seek [1245] me a woman [0802] that hath [1172] a familiar spirit, [0178] that I may go [3212] to her, and enquire [1875] of her. And his servants [5650] said [0559] to him, Behold, [there is] a woman [0802] that hath [1172] a familiar spirit [0178] at Endor. [5874]


 Alors Saül se déguisa, et prit d'autres habits, et s'en alla, lui et deux hommes avec lui; et ils arrivèrent de nuit chez cette femme. Et Saül lui dit: Prédis-moi, je te prie, par la magie; et fais-moi monter celui que je te dirai.

 And Saul [7586] disguised [2664] himself, and put on [3847] other [0312] raiment, [0899] and he went, [3212] and two [8147] men [0582] with him, and they came [0935] to the woman [0802] by night: [3915] and he said, [0559] I pray thee, divine [7080] unto me by the familiar spirit, [0178] and bring me [him] up, [5927] whom I shall name [0559] unto thee.


 Mais la femme lui répondit: Voici, tu sais ce que Saül a fait; comment il a ôté du pays les magiciens et les devins; pourquoi donc dresses-tu un piège à ma vie, pour me faire mourir?

 And the woman [0802] said [0559] unto him, Behold, thou knowest [3045] what Saul [7586] hath done, [6213] how he hath cut off [3772] those that have familiar spirits, [0178] and the wizards, [3049] out of the land: [0776] wherefore then layest thou a snare [5367] for my life, [5315] to cause me to die? [4191]


 Alors Saül lui jura par YEHOVAH, et lui dit: YEHOVAH est vivant! il ne t'arrivera aucun mal pour cela.

 And Saul [7586] sware [7650] to her by the LORD, [3068] saying, [0559] [As] the LORD [3068] liveth, [2416] there shall no [0518] punishment [5771] happen [7136] to thee for this thing. [1697]


 Alors la femme dit: Qui veux-tu que je te fasse monter? Et il répondit: Fais-moi monter Samuel.

 Then said [0559] the woman, [0802] Whom shall I bring up [5927] unto thee? And he said, [0559] Bring me up [5927] Samuel. [8050]


 Et quand la femme vit Samuel, elle poussa un grand cri, et elle dit à Saül: Pourquoi m'as-tu trompée? tu es Saül

 And when the woman [0802] saw [7200] Samuel, [8050] she cried [2199] with a loud [1419] voice: [6963] and the woman [0802] spake [0559] to Saul, [7586] saying, [0559] Why hast thou deceived [7411] me? for thou [art] Saul. [7586]


 Et le roi lui répondit: Ne crains point; mais que vois-tu? Et la femme dit à Saül: Je vois un dieu qui monte de la terre.

 And the king [4428] said [0559] unto her, Be not afraid: [3372] for what sawest [7200] thou? And the woman [0802] said [0559] unto Saul, [7586] I saw [7200] gods [0430] ascending [5927] out of the earth. [0776]


 Et il lui dit: Comment est-il fait? Elle répondit: C'est un vieillard qui monte, et il est couvert d'un manteau. Et Saül comprit que c'était Samuel; et il s'inclina le visage contre terre, et se prosterna.

 And he said [0559] unto her, What form [8389] [is] he of? And she said, [0559] An old [2205] man [0376] cometh up; [5927] and he [is] covered [5844] with a mantle. [4598] And Saul [7586] perceived [3045] that it [was] Samuel, [8050] and he stooped [6915] with [his] face [0639] to the ground, [0776] and bowed [7812] himself.


 Et Samuel dit à Saül: Pourquoi m'as-tu troublé, en me faisant monter? Saül répondit: Je suis dans une grande détresse; car les Philistins me font la guerre, et Dieu s'est retiré de moi, et ne m'a plus répondu, ni par les prophètes, ni par les songes; et je t'ai appelé, afin que tu me fasses connaître ce que je dois faire.

 And Samuel [8050] said [0559] to Saul, [7586] Why hast thou disquieted [7264] me, to bring me up? [5927] And Saul [7586] answered, [0559] I am sore [3966] distressed; [6887] for the Philistines [6430] make war [3898] against me, and God [0430] is departed [5493] from me, and answereth [6030] me no more, neither by [3027] prophets, [5030] nor by dreams: [2472] therefore I have called [7121] thee, that thou mayest make known [3045] unto me what I shall do. [6213]


 Mais Samuel dit: Pourquoi donc me consultes-tu, puisque YEHOVAH s'est retiré de toi, et qu'il est devenu ton ennemi?

 Then said [0559] Samuel, [8050] Wherefore then dost thou ask [7592] of me, seeing the LORD [3068] is departed [5493] from thee, and is become thine enemy? [6145]


 Or, YEHOVAH a fait selon qu'il avait dit par moi; YEHOVAH a arraché le royaume d'entre tes mains, et l'a donné à ton prochain, à David.

 And the LORD [3068] hath done [6213] to him, as he spake [1696] by me: [3027] for the LORD [3068] hath rent [7167] the kingdom [4467] out of thine hand, [3027] and given [5414] it to thy neighbour, [7453] [even] to David: [1732]


 Parce que tu n'as point obéi à la voix de YEHOVAH, et que tu n'as point exécuté l'ardeur de sa colère contre Amalek, à cause de cela YEHOVAH te traite aujourd'hui de cette manière.

 Because [0834] thou obeyedst [8085] not the voice [6963] of the LORD, [3068] nor executedst [6213] his fierce [2740] wrath [0639] upon Amalek, [6002] therefore hath the LORD [3068] done [6213] this thing [1697] unto thee this day. [3117]


 Et YEHOVAH livrera même Israël avec toi entre les mains des Philistins; et demain, toi et tes fils vous serez avec moi; YEHOVAH livrera même le camp d'Israël entre les mains des Philistins.

 Moreover the LORD [3068] will also deliver [5414] Israel [3478] with thee into the hand [3027] of the Philistines: [6430] and to morrow [4279] [shalt] thou and thy sons [1121] [be] with me: the LORD [3068] also shall deliver [5414] the host [4264] of Israel [3478] into the hand [3027] of the Philistines. [6430]


 Et aussitôt Saül tomba de toute sa hauteur sur la terre, et fut fort effrayé des paroles de Samuel; et même les forces lui manquèrent, parce qu'il n'avait rien mangé de tout le jour et de toute la nuit.

 Then Saul [7586] fell [5307] straightway [4116] all [4393] along [6967] on the earth, [0776] and was sore [3966] afraid, [3372] because of the words [1697] of Samuel: [8050] and there was no strength [3581] in him; for he had eaten [0398] no bread [3899] all the day, [3117] nor all the night. [3915]


 Alors la femme vint auprès de Saül, et, voyant qu'il était fort troublé, elle lui dit: Voici, ta servante a obéi à ta voix, et j'ai exposé ma vie, et j'ai obéi aux paroles que tu m'as dites;

 And the woman [0802] came [0935] unto Saul, [7586] and saw [7200] that he was sore [3966] troubled, [0926] and said [0559] unto him, Behold, thine handmaid [8198] hath obeyed [8085] thy voice, [6963] and I have put [7760] my life [5315] in my hand, [3709] and have hearkened [8085] unto thy words [1697] which thou spakest [1696] unto me.


 Et maintenant écoute, je te prie, la voix de ta servante; permets que je mette devant toi une bouchée de pain, afin que tu manges, et que tu prennes des forces pour te remettre en chemin.

 Now therefore, I pray thee, hearken [8085] thou also unto the voice [6963] of thine handmaid, [8198] and let me set [7760] a morsel [6595] of bread [3899] before [6440] thee; and eat, [0398] that thou mayest have strength, [3581] when thou goest [3212] on thy way. [1870]


 Mais il refusa, et dit: Je ne mangerai point. Cependant ses serviteurs, et la femme aussi, le pressèrent tant, qu'il se rendit à leurs instances; et, s'étant levé de terre, il s'assit sur le lit.

 But he refused, [3985] and said, [0559] I will not eat. [0398] But his servants, [5650] together with the woman, [0802] compelled [6555] him; and he hearkened [8085] unto their voice. [6963] So he arose [6965] from the earth, [0776] and sat [3427] upon the bed. [4296]


 Or, cette femme avait dans la maison un veau gras; elle se hâta donc de le tuer; puis elle prit de la farine, la pétrit, et en cuisit des pains sans levain,

 And the woman [0802] had a fat [4770] calf [5695] in the house; [1004] and she hasted, [4116] and killed [2076] it, and took [3947] flour, [7058] and kneaded [3888] [it], and did bake [0644] unleavened bread [4682] thereof:


 Qu'elle mit devant Saül et devant ses serviteurs, et ils mangèrent. Puis, s'étant levés, ils s'en allèrent cette même nuit.

 And she brought [5066] [it] before [6440] Saul, [7586] and before [6440] his servants; [5650] and they did eat. [0398] Then they rose up, [6965] and went away [3212] that night. [3915]


 Or, les Philistins assemblèrent toutes leurs armées à Aphek; et les Israélites étaient campés près de la fontaine qui est à Jizréel.

 Now the Philistines [6430] gathered together [6908] all their armies [4264] to Aphek: [0663] and the Israelites [3478] pitched [2583] by a fountain [5869] which [is] in Jezreel. [3157]


 Et les princes des Philistins marchèrent avec leurs centaines et avec leurs milliers; et David et ses gens marchaient à l'arrière-garde avec Akish.

 And the lords [5633] of the Philistines [6430] passed on [5674] by hundreds, [3967] and by thousands: [0505] but David [1732] and his men [0582] passed on [5674] in the rereward [0314] with Achish. [0397]


 Alors les chefs des Philistins dirent: Que font ici ces Hébreux? Et Akish répondit aux chefs des Philistins: N'est-ce pas David, serviteur de Saül, roi d'Israël, qui a déjà été avec moi quelque temps, ou plutôt quelques années? Or je n'ai rien trouvé à redire en lui, depuis le jour où il est passé à nous jusqu'à ce jour-ci?

 Then said [0559] the princes [8269] of the Philistines, [6430] What [do] these Hebrews [5680] [here]? And Achish [0397] said [0559] unto the princes [8269] of the Philistines, [6430] [Is] not this David, [1732] the servant [5650] of Saul [7586] the king [4428] of Israel, [3478] which hath been with me these days, [3117] or these years, [8141] and I have found [4672] no fault [3972] in him since [3117] he fell [5307] [unto me] unto this day? [3117]


 Mais les chefs des Philistins se mirent en colère contre lui, et lui dirent: Renvoie cet homme, et qu'il s'en retourne au lieu où tu l'as établi, et qu'il ne descende point avec nous au combat, de peur qu'il ne se tourne contre nous dans la bataille. Car comment pourrait-il rentrer en grâce auprès de son seigneur? Ne serait-ce pas au moyen des têtes de nos gens?

 And the princes [8269] of the Philistines [6430] were wroth [7107] with him; and the princes [8269] of the Philistines [6430] said [0559] unto him, Make this fellow [0376] return, [7725] that he may go again [7725] to his place [4725] which thou hast appointed [6485] him, and let him not go down [3381] with us to battle, [4421] lest in the battle [4421] he be an adversary [7854] to us: for wherewith should he reconcile [7521] himself unto his master? [0113] [should it] not [be]


 N'est-ce pas ce David dont on disait, en chantant dans les danses: Saül a frappé ses mille, et David ses dix mille?

 [Is] not this David, [1732] of whom they sang [6030] one to another in dances, [4246] saying, [0559] Saul [7586] slew [5221] his thousands, [0505] and David [1732] his ten thousands? [7233]


 Akish appela donc David, et lui dit: YEHOVAH est vivant! tu es un homme droit, et j'aimerais à te voir sortir et entrer au camp avec moi; car je n'ai point trouvé de mal en toi, depuis le jour où tu vins vers moi jusqu'à ce jour-ci; mais tu ne plais point aux princes.

 Then Achish [0397] called [7121] David, [1732] and said [0559] unto him, Surely, [as] the LORD [3068] liveth, [2416] thou hast been upright, [3477] and thy going out [3318] and thy coming in [0935] with me in the host [4264] [is] good [2896] in my sight: [5869] for I have not found [4672] evil [7451] in thee since the day [3117] of thy coming [0935] unto me unto this day: [3117] nevertheless the lords [5633] favour [2896] thee not. [5869]


 Maintenant donc retourne et va-t'en en paix, afin que tu ne fasses rien qui déplaise aux princes des Philistins.

 Wherefore now return, [7725] and go [3212] in peace, [7965] that thou displease [6213] [7451] [5869] not the lords [5633] of the Philistines. [6430]


 Et David dit à Akish: Mais qu'ai-je fait, et qu'as-tu trouvé en ton serviteur, depuis le jour où j'ai été auprès de toi jusqu'à maintenant, pour que je n'aille point combattre contre les ennemis de mon seigneur le roi?

 And David [1732] said [0559] unto Achish, [0397] But what have I done? [6213] and what hast thou found [4672] in thy servant [5650] so long as [3117] I have been with [6440] thee unto this day, [3117] that I may not go [0935] fight [3898] against the enemies [0341] of my lord [0113] the king? [4428]


 Et Akish répondit et dit à David: Je le sais, car tu m'es agréable comme un ange de Dieu; mais les chefs des Philistins ont dit: Il ne montera point avec nous au combat.

 And Achish [0397] answered [6030] and said [0559] to David, [1732] I know [3045] that thou [art] good [2896] in my sight, [5869] as an angel [4397] of God: [0430] notwithstanding the princes [8269] of the Philistines [6430] have said, [0559] He shall not go up [5927] with us to the battle. [4421]


 C'est pourquoi lève-toi de bon matin, avec les serviteurs de ton seigneur qui sont venus avec toi; et levez-vous de bon matin, et sitôt que vous verrez le jour, allez-vous en.

 Wherefore now rise up early [7925] in the morning [1242] with thy master's [0113] servants [5650] that are come [0935] with thee: and as soon as ye be up early [7925] in the morning, [1242] and have light, [0215] depart. [3212]


 Ainsi David se leva de bonne heure, lui et ses gens, pour partir dès le matin, pour retourner au pays des Philistins; mais les Philistins montèrent à Jizréel.

 So David [1732] and his men [0582] rose up early [7925] to depart [3212] in the morning, [1242] to return [7725] into the land [0776] of the Philistines. [6430] And the Philistines [6430] went up [5927] to Jezreel. [3157]


 Or, quand David et ses gens arrivèrent à Tsiklag, le troisième jour, les Amalécites s'étaient jetés sur la contrée du midi et sur Tsiklag; ils avaient pris Tsiklag et l'avaient brûlée.

 And it came to pass, when David [1732] and his men [0582] were come [0935] to Ziklag [6860] on the third [7992] day, [3117] that the Amalekites [6003] had invaded [6584] the south, [5045] and Ziklag, [6860] and smitten [5221] Ziklag, [6860] and burned [8313] it with fire; [0784]


 Et ils avaient fait prisonnières les femmes qui s'y trouvaient, et les petits et les grands; ils n'avaient tué personne, mais ils les avaient emmenés, et s'étaient remis en chemin.

 And had taken the women [0802] captives, [7617] that [were] therein: they slew [4191] not any, [0376] either great [1419] or small, [6996] but carried [them] away, [5090] and went [3212] on their way. [1870]


 David et ses gens revinrent donc à la ville; et voici, elle était brûlée; et leurs femmes, leurs fils et leurs filles, avaient été faits prisonniers.

 So David [1732] and his men [0582] came [0935] to the city, [5892] and, behold, [it was] burned [8313] with fire; [0784] and their wives, [0802] and their sons, [1121] and their daughters, [1323] were taken captives. [7617]


 Alors David et le peuple qui était avec lui élevèrent la voix, et pleurèrent jusqu'à ce qu'il n'y eût plus en eux de force pour pleurer.

 Then David [1732] and the people [5971] that [were] with him lifted up [5375] their voice [6963] and wept, [1058] until they had no more power [3581] to weep. [1058]


 Or les deux femmes de David avaient aussi été faites prisonnières, savoir, Achinoam, de Jizréel, et Abigaïl, de Carmel, femme de Nabal.

 And David's [1732] two [8147] wives [0802] were taken captives, [7617] Ahinoam [0293] the Jezreelitess, [3159] and Abigail [0026] the wife [0802] of Nabal [5037] the Carmelite. [3761]


 Et David fut dans une grande détresse, car le peuple parlait de le lapider. Car tout le peuple avait l'âme pleine d'amertume, chacun à cause de ses fils et de ses filles; mais, David se fortifia en YEHOVAH son Dieu,

 And David [1732] was greatly [3966] distressed; [3334] for the people [5971] spake [0559] of stoning [5619] him, because the soul [5315] of all the people [5971] was grieved, [4843] every man [0376] for his sons [1121] and for his daughters: [1323] but David [1732] encouraged [2388] himself in the LORD [3068] his God. [0430]


 Et il dit à Abiathar, le sacrificateur, fils d'Achimélec: Apporte-moi, je te prie, l'éphod; et Abiathar apporta l'éphod à David.

 And David [1732] said [0559] to Abiathar [0054] the priest, [3548] Ahimelech's [0288] son, [1121] I pray thee, bring me hither [5066] the ephod. [0646] And Abiathar [0054] brought [5066] thither the ephod [0646] to David. [1732]


 Alors David consulta YEHOVAH, en disant: Poursuivrai-je cette troupe? l'atteindrai-je? Et il lui répondit: Poursuis; car certainement tu atteindras et tu délivreras.

 And David [1732] enquired [7592] at the LORD, [3068] saying, [0559] Shall I pursue [7291] after [0310] this troop? [1416] shall I overtake [5381] them? And he answered [0559] him, Pursue: [7291] for thou shalt surely [5381] overtake [5381] [them], and without fail [5337] recover [5337] [all].


 David s'en alla donc, avec les six cents hommes qui étaient avec lui; et ils arrivèrent jusqu'au torrent de Bésor, où s'arrêtèrent ceux qui demeuraient en arrière.

 So David [1732] went, [3212] he and the six [8337] hundred [3967] men [0376] that [were] with him, and came [0935] to the brook [5158] Besor, [1308] where those that were left behind [3498] stayed. [5975]


 Ainsi David et quatre cents hommes firent la poursuite; deux cents s'arrêtèrent, trop fatigués pour passer le torrent de Bésor.

 But David [1732] pursued, [7291] he and four [0702] hundred [3967] men: [0376] for two hundred [3967] [0376] abode behind, [5975] which were so faint [6296] that they could not go over [5674] the brook [5158] Besor. [1308]


 Or, ils trouvèrent dans les champs, un homme égyptien qu'ils amenèrent à David, et ils lui donnèrent du pain, qu'il mangea, et de l'eau à boire;

 And they found [4672] an Egyptian [0376] [4713] in the field, [7704] and brought [3947] him to David, [1732] and gave [5414] him bread, [3899] and he did eat; [0398] and they made him drink [8248] water; [4325]


 Ils lui donnèrent aussi quelques figues sèches, et deux grappes de raisins secs. Il les mangea donc, et reprit ses esprits; car il n'avait point mangé de pain, ni bu d'eau depuis trois jours et trois nuits.

 And they gave [5414] him a piece [6400] of a cake [1690] of figs, and two [8147] clusters of raisins: [6778] and when he had eaten, [0398] his spirit [7307] came again [7725] to him: for he had eaten [0398] no bread, [3899] nor drunk [8354] [any] water, [4325] three [7969] days [3117] and three [7969] nights. [3915]


 Et David lui dit: À qui es-tu, et d'où es-tu? Et il répondit: Je suis un garçon égyptien, serviteur d'un homme amalécite; et mon maître m'a abandonné, parce que je tombai malade, il y a trois jours.

 And David [1732] said [0559] unto him, To whom [belongest] thou? and whence [art] thou? And he said, [0559] I [am] a young man [5288] of Egypt, [4713] servant [5650] to an Amalekite; [0376] [6003] and my master [0113] left [5800] me, because three [7969] days [3117] agone I fell sick. [2470]


 Nous avons fait irruption au midi des Kéréthiens, et sur ce qui appartient à Juda, et au midi de Caleb, et nous avons brûlé Tsiklag.

 We made an invasion [6584] [upon] the south [5045] of the Cherethites, [3774] and upon [the coast] which [belongeth] to Judah, [3063] and upon the south [5045] of Caleb; [3612] and we burned [8313] Ziklag [6860] with fire. [0784]


 Alors David lui dit: Me conduiras-tu vers cette troupe? Et il répondit: Jure-moi, par le nom de Dieu, que tu ne me feras point mourir, et que tu ne me livreras point entre les mains de mon maître, et je te conduirai vers cette troupe.

 And David [1732] said [0559] to him, Canst thou bring me down [3381] to this company? [1416] And he said, [0559] Swear [7650] unto me by God, [0430] that thou wilt neither [0518] kill [4191] me, nor [0518] deliver [5462] me into the hands [3027] of my master, [0113] and I will bring thee down [3381] to this company. [1416]


 Et il le conduisit; et voici, ils étaient dispersés sur toute la contrée, mangeant, buvant et dansant, à cause du grand butin qu'ils avaient enlevé au pays des Philistins et au pays de Juda.

 And when he had brought him down, [3381] behold, [they were] spread abroad [5203] upon [6440] all the earth, [0776] eating [0398] and drinking, [8354] and dancing, [2287] because of all the great [1419] spoil [7998] that they had taken [3947] out of the land [0776] of the Philistines, [6430] and out of the land [0776] of Judah. [3063]


 Et David les battit, depuis l'aube du jour jusqu'au soir du lendemain; et il n'en échappa aucun, excepté quatre cents jeunes hommes qui montèrent sur des chameaux et s'enfuirent.

 And David [1732] smote [5221] them from the twilight [5399] even unto the evening [6153] of the next day: [4283] and there escaped [4422] not a man [0376] of them, save four [0702] hundred [3967] young [5288] men, [0376] which rode [7392] upon camels, [1581] and fled. [5127]


 Et David recouvra tout ce que les Amalécites avaient pris; il recouvra aussi ses deux femmes.

 And David [1732] recovered [5337] all that the Amalekites [6002] had carried away: [3947] and David [1732] rescued [5337] his two [8147] wives. [0802]


 Et il ne leur manqua personne, ni petit, ni grand, ni fils, ni filles, ni rien du butin et de tout ce qu'ils leur avaient emporté; David ramena le tout.

 And there was nothing lacking [5737] to them, neither [4480] small [6996] nor great, [1419] neither sons [1121] nor daughters, [1323] neither spoil, [7998] nor any [thing] that they had taken [3947] to them: David [1732] recovered [7725] all.


 David reprit aussi tout le gros et le menu bétail; et ses gens marchaient à la tête de ce troupeau et disaient: C'est ici le butin de David.

 And David [1732] took [3947] all the flocks [6629] and the herds, [1241] [which] they drave [5090] before [6440] those [1931] [other] cattle, [4735] and said, [0559] This [is] David's [1732] spoil. [7998]


 Puis David vint vers les deux cents hommes qui avaient été trop fatigués pour suivre David, et qu'il avait fait rester au torrent de Bésor. Et ils sortirent au-devant de David, et au-devant du peuple qui était avec lui. Et David, s'approchant d'eux, leur demanda comment ils se portaient.

 And David [1732] came [0935] to the two hundred [3967] men, [0582] which were so faint [6296] that they could not follow [3212] [0310] David, [1732] whom they had made also to abide [3427] at the brook [5158] Besor: [1308] and they went forth [3318] to meet [7125] David, [1732] and to meet [7125] the people [5971] that [were] with him: and when David [1732] came near [5066] to the people, [5971] he saluted [7592] [7965] them.


 Mais tous les hommes méchants et mauvais, d'entre ceux qui étaient allés avec David, prirent la parole et dirent: Puisqu'ils ne sont point venus avec nous, nous ne leur donnerons rien du butin que nous avons recouvré, sinon à chacun sa femme et ses enfants; qu'ils les emmènent, et s'en aillent.

 Then answered [6030] all the wicked [7451] men [0376] and [men] of Belial, [1100] of those [0582] that went [1980] with David, [1732] and said, [0559] Because they went [1980] not with us, we will not give [5414] them [ought] of the spoil [7998] that we have recovered, [5337] save to every man [0376] his wife [0802] and his children, [1121] that they may lead [them] away, [5090] and depart. [3212]


 Mais David dit: Ce n'est pas ainsi, mes frères, que vous disposerez de ce que YEHOVAH nous a donné, puisqu'il nous a gardés, et a livré entre nos mains la troupe qui était venue contre nous.

 Then said [0559] David, [1732] Ye shall not do [6213] so, my brethren, [0251] with that which the LORD [3068] hath given [5414] us, who hath preserved [8104] us, and delivered [5414] the company [1416] that came [0935] against us into our hand. [3027]


 Qui vous écouterait dans cette affaire? Car la part de celui qui descend au combat et la part de celui qui demeure au bagage, doivent être égales; ils partageront ensemble.

 For who will hearken [8085] unto you in this matter? [1697] but as his part [2506] [is] that goeth down [3381] to the battle, [4421] so [shall] his part [2506] [be] that tarrieth [3427] by the stuff: [3627] they shall part [2505] alike. [3162]


 Or cela s'est pratiqué depuis ce jour-là, et on en a fait une règle et un usage en Israël, jusqu'à ce jour.

 And it was [so] from that day [3117] forward, [4605] that he made [7760] it a statute [2706] and an ordinance [4941] for Israel [3478] unto this day. [3117]


 David revint donc à Tsiklag, et envoya du butin aux anciens de Juda, à ses amis, en disant: Voici un présent, pour vous, du butin des ennemis de YEHOVAH.

 And when David [1732] came [0935] to Ziklag, [6860] he sent [7971] of the spoil [7998] unto the elders [2205] of Judah, [3063] [even] to his friends, [7453] saying, [0559] Behold a present [1293] for you of the spoil [7998] of the enemies [0341] of the LORD; [3068]


 Il en envoya à ceux qui étaient à Béthel, à ceux qui étaient à Ramoth du Midi, à ceux qui étaient à Jatthir,

 To [them] which [0834] [were] in Bethel, [1008] and to [them] which [were] in south [5045] Ramoth, [7418] and to [them] which [were] in Jattir, [3492]


 À ceux qui étaient à Aroër, à ceux qui étaient à Siphmoth, à ceux qui étaient à Eshthémoa,

 And to [them] which [were] in Aroer, [6177] and to [them] which [were] in Siphmoth, [8224] and to [them] which [were] in Eshtemoa, [0851]


 À ceux qui étaient à Racal, et à ceux qui étaient dans les villes des Jérachméeliens, à ceux qui étaient dans les villes des Kéniens,

 And to [them] which [were] in Rachal, [7403] and to [them] which [were] in the cities [5892] of the Jerahmeelites, [3397] and to [them] which [were] in the cities [5892] of the Kenites, [7017]


 À ceux qui étaient à Horma, à ceux qui étaient à Cor-Ashan, à ceux qui étaient à Athac,

 And to [them] which [were] in Hormah, [2767] and to [them] which [were] in Chorashan, [3565] and to [them] which [were] in Athach, [6269]


 Et à ceux qui étaient à Hébron, et dans tous les lieux où David avait passé, lui et ses gens.

 And to [them] which [were] in Hebron, [2275] and to all the places [4725] where David [1732] himself and his men [0582] were wont to haunt. [1980]


 Or, les Philistins combattirent contre Israël, et les Israélites prirent la fuite devant les Philistins, et furent tués sur la montagne de Guilboa.

 Now the Philistines [6430] fought [3898] against Israel: [3478] and the men [0582] of Israel [3478] fled [5127] from before [6440] the Philistines, [6430] and fell down [5307] slain [2491] in mount [2022] Gilboa. [1533]


 Et les Philistins poursuivirent Saül et ses fils, et tuèrent Jonathan, Abinadab, et Malkishua, fils de Saül.

 And the Philistines [6430] followed hard [1692] upon Saul [7586] and upon his sons; [1121] and the Philistines [6430] slew [5221] Jonathan, [3083] and Abinadab, [0041] and Malchishua, [4444] Saul's [7586] sons. [1121]


 Et l'effort du combat tomba sur Saül; et les archers l'atteignirent, et il fut dangereusement blessé par les archers.

 And the battle [4421] went sore [3513] against Saul, [7586] and the archers [3384] [0582] [7198] hit [4672] him; and he was sore [3966] wounded [2342] of the archers. [3384]


 Alors Saül dit à son écuyer: Tire ton épée, et m'en transperce, de peur que ces incirconcis ne viennent, et ne me transpercent, et ne me fassent des outrages. Mais son écuyer ne le voulut point faire, car il était fort effrayé. Saül prit donc l'épée, et se jeta dessus.

 Then said [0559] Saul [7586] unto his armourbearer, [5375] [3627] Draw [8025] thy sword, [2719] and thrust me through [1856] therewith; lest these uncircumcised [6189] come [0935] and thrust me through, [1856] and abuse [5953] me. But his armourbearer [5375] [3627] would [0014] not; for he was sore [3966] afraid. [3372] Therefore Saul [7586] took [3947] a sword, [2719] and fell [5307] upon it.


 Alors l'écuyer de Saül, voyant que Saül était mort, se jeta aussi sur son épée, et mourut avec lui.

 And when his armourbearer [5375] [3627] saw [7200] that Saul [7586] was dead, [4191] he fell [5307] likewise upon his sword, [2719] and died [4191] with him.


 Ainsi moururent en ce jour-là, Saül et ses trois fils, son écuyer et tous ses gens.

 So Saul [7586] died, [4191] and his three [7969] sons, [1121] and his armourbearer, [5375] [3627] and all his men, [0582] that same day [3117] together. [3162]


 Et ceux d'Israël qui étaient de ce côté-ci de la vallée, et de ce côté-ci du Jourdain, ayant vu que les Israélites s'étaient enfuis, et que Saül et ses fils étaient morts, abandonnèrent les villes et s'enfuirent; de sorte que les Philistins vinrent et y habitèrent.

 And when the men [0582] of Israel [3478] that [were] on the other side [5676] of the valley, [6010] and [they] that [were] on the other side [5676] Jordan, [3383] saw [7200] that the men [0582] of Israel [3478] fled, [5127] and that Saul [7586] and his sons [1121] were dead, [4191] they forsook [5800] the cities, [5892] and fled; [5127] and the Philistines [6430] came [0935] and dwelt [3427] in them.


 Et, le lendemain, les Philistins vinrent pour dépouiller les morts; et ils trouvèrent Saül et ses trois fils étendus sur la montagne de Guilboa.

 And it came to pass on the morrow, [4283] when the Philistines [6430] came [0935] to strip [6584] the slain, [2491] that they found [4672] Saul [7586] and his three [7969] sons [1121] fallen [5307] in mount [2022] Gilboa. [1533]


 Et ils lui coupèrent la tête et le dépouillèrent de ses armes; et ils envoyèrent au pays des Philistins, de tous côtés, pour annoncer la nouvelle dans les temples de leurs idoles, et parmi le peuple.

 And they cut off [3772] his head, [7218] and stripped off [6584] his armour, [3627] and sent [7971] into the land [0776] of the Philistines [6430] round about, [5439] to publish [1319] [it in] the house [1004] of their idols, [6091] and among the people. [5971]


 Puis ils mirent ses armes au temple d'Ashtharoth, et pendirent son corps à la muraille de Beth-Shan.

 And they put [7760] his armour [3627] in the house of Ashtaroth: [1004] [6252][1045] and they fastened [8628] his body [1472] to the wall [2346] of Bethshan. [1052]


 Or, les habitants de Jabès de Galaad apprirent ce que les Philistins avaient fait à Saül;

 And when the inhabitants [3427] of Jabeshgilead [3003] [1568] heard [8085] of that which the Philistines [6430] had done [6213] to Saul; [7586]


 Et tous les vaillants hommes se levèrent et marchèrent toute la nuit, et enlevèrent le corps de Saül et les corps de ses fils, de la muraille de Beth-Shan; et ils revinrent à Jabès, où ils les brûlèrent.

 All the valiant [2428] men [0376] arose, [6965] and went [3212] all night, [3915] and took [3947] the body [1472] of Saul [7586] and the bodies [1472] of his sons [1121] from the wall [2346] of Bethshan, [1052] and came [0935] to Jabesh, [3003] and burnt [8313] them there.


 Puis ils prirent leurs os, et les ensevelirent sous le tamarin, près de Jabès; et ils jeûnèrent sept jours.

 And they took [3947] their bones, [6106] and buried [6912] [them] under a tree [0815] at Jabesh, [3003] and fasted [6684] seven [7651] days. [3117]




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