La voix qui crie dans le désert








 Plusieurs ayant entrepris d'écrire l'histoire des choses dont la vérité a été pleinement établie parmi nous;

 Forasmuch [1895] as many [4183] have taken in hand [2021] [5656] to set forth in order [0392] [5664] a declaration [1335] of [4012] those things [4229] which are most surely believed [4135] [5772] among [1722] us [2254],


 Selon que nous les ont transmises ceux qui dès le commencement les ont vues eux-mêmes, et qui ont été les ministres de la Parole;

 Even [2531] as they delivered [3860] [5627] them unto us [2254], which [3588] from [0575] the beginning [0746] were [1096] [5637] eyewitnesses [0845], and [2532] ministers [5257] of the word [3056];


 Il me semblait bon aussi, très excellent ami de Dieu, que je devais te les écrire par ordre, moi qui les ai toutes examinées avec soin;

 It seemed [1380] [5656] good to me also [2504], having had perfect [0199] understanding [3877] [5761] of all things [3956] from the very first [0509], to write [1125] [5658] unto thee [4671] in order [2517], most excellent [2903] Theophilus [2321],


 Afin que tu reconnaisses la certitude des choses dont tu as été instruit.

 That [2443] thou mightest know [1921] [5632] the certainty [0803] of [4012] those things [3056], wherein [3739] thou hast been instructed [2727] [5681].


 Au temps [1909] d'Hérode, roi de Judée, il y avait un sacrificateur nommé Zacharie, du rang d'Abia [0007]; sa femme était de la race d'Aaron, et elle s'appelait Élisabeth.

 There was [1096] [5633] in [1722] the days [2250] of Herod [2264], the king [0935] of Judaea [2449], a certain [5100] priest [2409] named [3686] Zacharias [2197], of [1537] the course [2183] of Abia [0007] [0007]: and [2532] his [0846] wife [1135] [was] of [1537] the daughters [2364] of Aaron [0002], and [2532] her [0846] name [3686] [was] Elisabeth [1665].


 Ils étaient tous deux justes devant Dieu, et ils suivaient tous les commandements et toutes les ordonnances du Seigneur, d'une manière irréprochable.

 And [1161] they were [2258] [5713] both [0297] righteous [1342] before [1799] God [2316], walking [4198] [5740] in [1722] all [3956] the commandments [1785] and [2532] ordinances [1345] of the Lord [2962] blameless [0273].


 Ils n'avaient point d'enfants, parce qu'Élisabeth était stérile, et qu'ils étaient tous deux avancés en âge.

 And [2532] they [0846] had [2258] [5713] no [3756] child [5043], because [2530] that Elisabeth [1665] was [2258] [5713] barren [4723], and [2532] they [0846] both [0297] were [2258] [5713] [now] well stricken [4260] [5761] in [1722] years [2250] [0848].


 Or, il arriva comme Zacharie faisait les fonctions de sacrificateur devant Dieu, selon l'ordre de son rang,

 And [1161] it came to pass [1096] [5633], that while [1722] he [0846] executed the priest's office [2407] [5721] before [1725] God [2316] in [1722] the order [5010] of his [0846] course [2183],


 Qu'il lui échut par le sort, selon la coutume de la sacrificature, d'entrer dans le temple du Seigneur, pour y offrir les parfums.

 According [2596] to the custom [1485] of the priest's office [2405], his lot [2975] [5627] was to burn incense [2370] [5658] when he went [1525] [5631] into [1519] the temple [3485] of the Lord [2962].


 Et toute la multitude du peuple était dehors en prières, à l'heure des parfums.

 And [2532] the whole [3956] multitude [4128] of the people [2992] were [2258] [5713] praying [4336] [5740] without [1854] at the time [5610] of incense [2368].


 Alors un ange du Seigneur lui apparut, se tenant debout au côté droit de l'autel des parfums.

 And [1161] there appeared [3700] [5681] unto him [0846] an angel [0032] of the Lord [2962] standing [2476] [5761] on [1537] the right side [1188] of the altar [2379] of incense [2368].


 Et Zacharie le voyant, fut troublé, et la frayeur le saisit.

 And [2532] when Zacharias [2197] saw [1492] [5631] [him], he was troubled [5015] [5681], and [2532] fear [5401] fell [1968] [5627] upon [1909] him [0846].


 Mais l'ange lui dit: Zacharie, ne crains point; car ta prière est exaucée, et Élisabeth ta femme t'enfantera un fils [5207], et tu lui donneras le nom de Jean.

 But [1161] the angel [0032] said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] him [0846], Fear [5399] [5732] [5737] not [3361], Zacharias [2197]: for [1360] thy [4675] prayer [1162] is heard [1522] [5681]; and [2532] thy [4675] wife [1135] Elisabeth [1665] shall bear [1080] [5692] thee [4671] a son [5207], and [2532] thou shalt call [2564] [5692] his [0846] name [3686] John [2491].


 Il sera pour toi un sujet de joie et de ravissement, et plusieurs se réjouiront de sa naissance.

 And [2532] thou [4671] shalt have [2071] [5704] joy [5479] and [2532] gladness [0020]; and [2532] many [4183] shall rejoice [5463] [5690] at [1909] his [0846] birth [1083].


 Car il sera grand devant le Seigneur; il ne boira ni vin, ni boisson forte, et il sera rempli de la Sainte Présence dès le sein de sa mère;

 For [1063] he shall be [2071] [5704] great [3173] in the sight [1799] of the Lord [2962], and [2532] shall drink [4095] [5632] neither [3364] wine [3631] nor [2532] strong drink [4608]; and [2532] he shall be filled [4130] [5701] with the Holy [0040] Ghost [4151], even [2089] from [1537] his [0848] mother's [3384] womb [2836].


 Il convertira plusieurs des enfants d'Israël au Seigneur leur Dieu,

 And [2532] many [4183] of the children [5207] of Israel [2474] shall he turn [1994] [5692] to [1909] the Lord [2962] their [0846] God [2316].


 Et il marchera devant lui dans l'esprit de la puissance d'Élie, pour tourner les cœurs des pères vers les enfants, et les rebelles à la sagesse des justes, afin de préparer au Seigneur un peuple bien disposé.

 And [2532] he [0846] shall go [4281] [5695] before [1799] him [0846] in [1722] the spirit [4151] and [2532] power [1411] of Elias [2243], to turn [1994] [5658] the hearts [2588] of the fathers [3962] to [1909] the children [5043], and [2532] the disobedient [0545] to [1722] the wisdom [5428] of the just [1342]; to make ready [2090] [5658] a people [2992] prepared [2680] [5772] for the Lord [2962].


 Et Zacharie dit à l'ange: À quoi connaîtrai-je cela? Car je suis vieux, et ma femme est avancée en âge?

 And [2532] Zacharias [2197] said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] the angel [0032], Whereby [2596] [5101] shall I know [1097] [5695] this [5124]? for [1063] I [1473] am [1510] [5748] an old man [4246], and [2532] my [3450] wife [1135] well stricken [4260] [5761] in [1722] years [2250] [0848].


 Et l'ange lui répondit: Je suis Gabriel (la force de Dieu), qui assiste devant Dieu; et j'ai été envoyé pour te parler et t'annoncer ces bonnes nouvelles.

 And [2532] the angel [0032] answering [0611] [5679] said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], I [1473] am [1510] [5748] Gabriel [1043], that stand [3936] [5761] in the presence [1799] of God [2316]; and [2532] am sent [0649] [5648] to speak [2980] [5658] unto [4314] thee [4571], and [2532] to shew [2097] [0000] thee [4671] these [5023] glad tidings [2097] [5670].


 Et voici, tu vas devenir muet, et tu ne pourras parler jusqu'au jour où ces choses arriveront, parce que tu n'as pas cru à mes paroles, qui s'accompliront en leur temps [1909].

 And [2532], behold [2400] [5628], thou [2071] [5704] shalt be dumb [4623] [5723], and [2532] not [3361] able [1410] [5740] to speak [2980] [5658], until [0891] the day [2250] that [3739] these things [5023] shall be performed [1096] [5638], because [0473] [3739] thou believest [4100] [5656] not [3756] my [3450] words [3056], which [3748] shall be fulfilled [4137] [5701] in [1519] their [0846] season [2540].


 Cependant, le peuple attendait Zacharie, et s'étonnait de ce qu'il tardait si long temps [1909] dans le temple.

 And [2532] the people [2992] waited [2258] [5713] [4328] [5723] for Zacharias [2197], and [2532] marvelled [2296] [5707] that [1722] he [0846] tarried so long [5549] [5721] in [1722] the temple [3485].


 Et quand il fut sorti, il ne pouvait leur parler, et ils connurent qu'il avait eu une vision dans le temple, parce qu'il le leur faisait entendre par des signes; et il demeura muet.

 And [1161] when he came out [1831] [5631], he could [1410] [5711] not [3756] speak [2980] [5658] unto them [0846]: and [2532] they perceived [1921] [5627] that [3754] he had seen [3708] [5758] a vision [3701] in [1722] the temple [3485]: for [2532] he beckoned [1269] [5723] [2258] [5713] unto them [0846], and [2532] remained [1265] [5707] speechless [2974].


 Et lorsque les jours de son ministère furent achevés, il s'en alla en sa maison.

 And [2532] it came to pass [1096] [5633], that, as soon as [5613] the days [2250] of his ministration [3009] were accomplished [4130] [5681], he departed [0565] [5627] to [1519] his own [0848] house [3624].


 Quelque temps [1909] après, Élisabeth sa femme conçut; elle se cacha durant cinq mois, et disait:

 And [1161] after [3326] those [5025] days [2250] his [0846] wife [1135] Elisabeth [1665] conceived [4815] [5627], and [2532] hid [4032] [5707] herself [1438] five [4002] months [3376], saying [3004] [5723],


 C'est là ce que le Seigneur a fait en ma faveur, au jour où il a jeté les yeux sur moi, pour ôter mon opprobre du milieu des hommes.

 3754 Thus [3779] hath [4160] [0000] the Lord [2962] dealt [4160] [5758] with me [3427] in [1722] the days [2250] wherein [3739] he looked on [1896] [5627] [me], to take away [0851] [5629] my [3450] reproach [3681] among [1722] men [0444].


 Or, au sixième mois, Dieu envoya l'ange Gabriel dans une ville de Galilée, appelée Nazareth.

 And [1161] in [1722] the sixth [1623] month [3376] the angel [0032] Gabriel [1043] was sent [0649] [5648] from [5259] God [2316] unto [1519] a city [4172] of Galilee [1056], named [3739] [3686] Nazareth [3478],


 Et à une vierge fiancée à un homme nommé Joseph, de la maison de David [1138]; et cette vierge s'appelait Marie.

 To [4314] a virgin [3933] espoused [3423] [5772] to a man [0435] whose [3739] name [3686] was Joseph [2501], of [1537] the house [3624] of David [1138] [1138]; and [2532] the virgin's [3933] name [3686] [was] Mary [3137].


 Et l'ange étant entré auprès d'elle, lui dit: Je te salue, toi qui as été grandement favorisée; le Seigneur est avec toi; tu es bénie entre les femmes.

 And [2532] the angel [0032] came in [1525] [5631] unto [4314] her [0846], and said [2036] [5627], Hail [5463] [5720], [thou that art] highly favoured [5487] [5772], the Lord [2962] [is] with [3326] thee [4675]: blessed [2127] [5772] [art] thou [4771] among [1722] women [1135].


 Et ayant vu l'ange, elle fut troublée de son discours, et elle pensait en elle-même ce que pouvait être cette salutation.

 And [1161] when she saw [1492] [5631] [him], she was troubled [1298] [5681] at [1909] his [0846] saying [3056], and [2532] cast in her mind [1260] [5711] what manner [4217] of salutation [0783] this [3778] should be [1498] [5751].


 Alors l'ange lui dit: Marie, ne crains point, car tu as été favorisée devant Dieu.

 And [2532] the angel [0032] said [2036] [5627] unto her [0846], Fear [5399] [5732] [5737] not [3361], Mary [3137]: for [1063] thou hast found [2147] [5627] favour [5485] with [3844] God [2316].


 Et tu concevras et tu enfanteras un fils [5207], et tu appelleras son nom JÉSUS.

 And [2532], behold [2400] [5628], thou shalt conceive [4815] [5695] in [1722] thy womb [1064], and [2532] bring forth [5088] [5695] a son [5207], and [2532] shalt call [2564] [5692] his [0846] name [3686] JESUS.


 Il sera grand, et sera appelé le Fils, le Très-Haut, et le Seigneur Dieu lui donnera le trône de David [1138] son père.

 He [3778] shall be [2071] [5704] great [3173], and [2532] shall be called [2564] [5701] the Son [5207] of the Highest [5310]: and [2532] the Lord [2962] God [2316] shall give [1325] [5692] unto him [0846] the throne [2362] of his [0846] father [3962] David [1138] [1138]:


 Il régnera éternellement sur la maison de Jacob [2384], et il n'y aura point de fin à son règne.

 And [2532] he shall reign [0936] [5692] over [1909] the house [3624] of Jacob [2384] [2384] for [1519] ever [0165]; and [2532] of his [0846] kingdom [0932] there shall be [2071] [5704] no [3756] end [5056].


 Alors Marie dit à l'ange: Comment cela se fera-t-il, puisque je ne connais point d'homme?

 Then [1161] said [2036] [5627] Mary [3137] unto [4314] the angel [0032], How [4459] shall [2071] [0000] this [5124] be [2071] [5704], seeing [1893] I know [1097] [5719] not [3756] a man [0435]?


 Et l'ange lui répondit: La Sainte Présence viendra sur toi, et la puissance du Très-Haut te couvrira de son ombre; c'est pourquoi aussi le saint enfant qui naîtra de toi sera appelé le Fils, Dieu même.

 And [2532] the angel [0032] answered [0611] [5679] and said [2036] [5627] unto her [0846], The Holy [0040] Ghost [4151] shall come [1904] [5695] upon [1909] thee [4571], and [2532] the power [1411] of the Highest [5310] shall overshadow [1982] [5692] thee [4671]: therefore [1352] also [2532] that holy thing [0040] which shall be born [1080] [5746] of [1537] thee [4675] shall be called [2564] [5701] the Son [5207] of God [2316].


 Et voilà, Élisabeth ta parente a aussi conçu un fils [5207] en sa vieillesse; et c'est ici le sixième mois de celle qui était appelée stérile.

 And [2532], behold [2400] [5628], thy [4675] cousin [4773] Elisabeth [1665], she hath [4815] [0000] also [2532] conceived [4815] [5761] a son [5207] in [1722] her [0848] old age [1094]: and [2532] this [3778] is [2076] [5748] the sixth [1623] month [3376] with her [0846], who [3588] was called [2564] [5746] barren [4723].


 Car rien n'est impossible à Dieu.

 For [3754] with [3844] God [2316] nothing [3756] [3956] [4487] shall be impossible [0101] [5692].


 Et Marie dit: Voici la servante du Seigneur; qu'il me soit fait selon ta Parole. Et l'ange se retira d'auprès d'elle.

 And [1161] Mary [3137] said [2036] [5627], Behold [2400] [5628] the handmaid [1399] of the Lord [2962]; be it [1096] [5636] unto me [3427] according [2596] to thy [4675] word [4487]. And [2532] the angel [0032] departed [0565] [5627] from [0575] her [0846].


 Alors Marie se leva, et s'en alla en hâte au pays des montagnes, dans une ville de Juda.

 And [1161] Mary [3137] arose [0450] [5631] in [1722] those [5025] days [2250], and went [4198] [5675] into [1519] the hill country [3714] with [3326] haste [4710], into [1519] a city [4172] of Juda [2448] [5625] [2455];


 Et étant entrée dans la maison de Zacharie, elle salua Élisabeth.

 And [2532] entered [1525] [5627] into [1519] the house [3624] of Zacharias [2197], and [2532] saluted [0782] [5662] Elisabeth [1665].


 Et aussitôt qu'Élisabeth eut entendu la salutation de Marie, le petit enfant tressaillit dans son sein, et Élisabeth fut remplie de la Sainte Présence.

 And [2532] it came to pass [1096] [5633], that, when [5613] Elisabeth [1665] heard [0191] [5656] the salutation [0783] of Mary [3137], the babe [1025] leaped [4640] [5656] in [1722] her [0846] womb [2836]; and [2532] Elisabeth [1665] was filled [4130] [5681] with the Holy [0040] Ghost [4151]:


 Et élevant la voix, elle s'écria: Tu es bénie entre les femmes, et le fruit de ton sein est béni.

 And [2532] she spake out [0400] [5656] with a loud [3173] voice [5456], and [2532] said [2036] [5627], Blessed [2127] [5772] [art] thou [4771] among [1722] women [1135], and [2532] blessed [2127] [5772] [is] the fruit [2590] of thy [4675] womb [2836].


 Et d'où me vient ceci, que la mère de mon Seigneur vienne me visiter?

 And [2532] whence [4159] [is] this [5124] to me [3427], that [2443] the mother [3384] of my [3450] Lord [2962] should come [2064] [5632] to [4314] me [3165]?


 Car la voix de ta salutation n'a pas aussitôt frappé mes oreilles, que le petit enfant a tressailli de joie dans mon sein.

 For [1063], lo [2400] [5628], as soon as [5613] the voice [5456] of thy [4675] salutation [0783] sounded [1096] [5633] in [1519] mine [3450] ears [3775], the babe [1025] leaped [4640] [5656] in [1722] my [3450] womb [2836] for [1722] joy [0020].


 Et heureuse est celle qui a cru; car les choses qui lui ont été dites de la part du Seigneur auront leur accomplissement.

 And [2532] blessed [3107] [is] she that believed [4100] [5660]: for [3754] there shall be [2071] [5704] a performance [5050] of those things which were told [2980] [5772] her [0846] from [3844] the Lord [2962].


 Alors Marie dit: Mon âme magnifie le Seigneur,

 And [2532] Mary [3137] said [2036] [5627], My [3450] soul [5590] doth magnify [3170] [5719] the Lord [2962],


 Et mon esprit se réjouit en Dieu mon Sauveur;

 And [2532] my [3450] spirit [4151] hath rejoiced [0021] [5656] in [1909] God [2316] my [3450] Saviour [4990].


 Parce qu'il a regardé la bassesse de sa servante. Et voici désormais tous les âges me diront bienheureuse.

 For [3754] he hath regarded [1914] [5656] [1909] the low estate [5014] of his [0848] handmaiden [1399]: for [1063], behold [2400] [5628], from [0575] henceforth [3568] all [3956] generations [1074] shall call [3106] [0000] me [3165] blessed [3106] [5692].


 Car le Tout-Puissant m'a fait de grandes choses; son nom est Saint;

 For [3754] he that is mighty [1415] hath done [4160] [5656] to me [3427] great things [3167]; and [2532] holy [0040] [is] his [0846] name [3686].


 Et sa miséricorde s'étend de génération en génération sur ceux qui le craignent.

 And [2532] his [0846] mercy [1656] [is] on them that fear [5399] [5740] him [0846] from [1519] generation [1074] to generation [1074].


 Il a déployé la force de son bras; il a dissipé les desseins que les orgueilleux formaient dans leur cœur;

 He hath shewed [4160] [5656] strength [2904] with [1722] his [0848] arm [1023]; he hath scattered [1287] [5656] the proud [5244] in the imagination [1271] of their [0846] hearts [2588].


 Il a détrôné les puissants, et il a élevé les petits;

 He hath put down [2507] [5627] the mighty [1413] from [0575] [their] seats [2362], and [2532] exalted [5312] [5656] them of low degree [5011].


 Il a rempli de biens ceux qui avaient faim, et il a renvoyé les riches à vide.

 He hath filled [1705] [5656] the hungry [3983] [5723] with good things [0018]; and [2532] the rich [4147] [5723] he hath sent [1821] [0000] empty [2756] away [1821] [5656].


 Il a pris en sa protection Israël son serviteur;

 He hath holpen [0482] [5633] his [0848] servant [3816] Israel [2474], in remembrance [3415] [5683] of [his] mercy [1656];


 Et comme il en avait parlé à nos pères, il s'est souvenu de sa miséricorde envers Abraham [0011] et sa postérité pour toujours.

 As [2531] he spake [2980] [5656] to [4314] our [2257] fathers [3962], to Abraham [0011] [0011], and [2532] to his [0846] seed [4690] for [1519] ever [0165].


 Et Marie demeura avec elle environ trois mois; puis elle s'en retourna en sa maison.

 And [1161] Mary [3137] abode [3306] [5656] with [4862] her [0846] about [5616] three [5140] months [3376], and [2532] returned [5290] [5656] to [1519] her own [0848] house [3624].


 Or, le terme d'Élisabeth étant venu pour être délivré de sa grossesse, elle donna naissance à un fils [5207].

 Now [1161] Elisabeth's [1665] full [4130] [0000] time [5550] came [4130] [5681] that she [0846] should be delivered [5088] [5629]; and [2532] she brought forth [1080] [5656] a son [5207].


 Et ses voisins et ses parents, ayant appris que le Seigneur avait fait éclater sa miséricorde en sa faveur, s'en réjouissaient avec elle.

 And [2532] her neighbours [4040] and [2532] her [0846] cousins [4773] heard [0191] [5656] how [3754] the Lord [2962] had shewed great [3170] [5707] mercy [0848] [1656] upon [3326] her [0846]; and [2532] they rejoiced [4796] [5707] with her [0846].


 Et étant venus le huitième jour pour circoncire le petit enfant, ils l'appelaient Zacharie, du nom de son père.

 And [2532] it came to pass [1096] [5633], that on [1722] the eighth [3590] day [2250] they came [2064] [5627] to circumcise [4059] [5629] the child [3813]; and [2532] they called [2564] [5707] him [0846] Zacharias [2197], after [1909] the name [3686] of his [0846] father [3962].


 Mais sa mère prit la parole et dit: Non, mais il sera nommé Jean.

 And [2532] his [0846] mother [3384] answered [0611] [5679] and said [2036] [5627], Not [3780] [so]; but [0235] he shall be called [2564] [5701] John [2491].


 Ils lui dirent: Il n'y a personne dans ta parenté qui soit appelé de ce nom.

 And [2532] they said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] her [0846], [3754] There is [2076] [5748] none [3762] of [1722] thy [4675] kindred [4772] that [3739] is called [2564] [5743] by this [5129] name [3686].


 Alors ils demandèrent par signe à son père comment il voulait qu'il fût nommé.

 And [1161] they made signs [1770] [5707] to his [0846] father [3962], how [5101] [0302] he would have [2309] [5722] him [0846] called [2564] [5745].


 Et Zacharie ayant demandé des tablettes, écrivit ces mots: Jean est son nom; et ils en furent tous surpris.

 And [2532] he asked for [0154] [5660] a writing table [4093], and wrote [1125] [5656], saying [3004] [5723], His [0846] name [3686] is [2076] [5748] John [2491]. And [2532] they marvelled [2296] [5656] all [3956].


 À l'instant sa bouche s'ouvrit, sa langue fut déliée, et il parlait en bénissant Dieu.

 And [1161] his [0846] mouth [4750] was opened [0455] [5681] immediately [3916], and [2532] his [0846] tongue [1100] [loosed], and [2532] he spake [2980] [5707], and praised [2127] [5723] God [2316].


 Et tous leurs voisins furent remplis de crainte, et toutes ces choses se divulguèrent par tout le pays des montagnes de Judée.

 And [2532] fear [5401] came [1096] [5633] on [1909] all [3956] that dwelt round about [4039] [5723] them [0846]: and [2532] all [3956] these [5023] sayings [4487] were noised abroad [1255] [5712] throughout [1722] all [3650] the hill country [3714] of Judaea [2449].


 Et tous ceux qui les entendirent, les conservèrent dans leur cœur, et disaient: Que sera donc ce petit enfant? Et la main du Seigneur était avec lui.

 And [2532] all [3956] they that heard [0191] [5660] [them] laid [them] up [5087] [5639] in [1722] their [0848] hearts [2588], saying [3004] [5723], What [5101] manner [0686] of child [3813] shall [2071] [0000] this [5124] be [2071] [5704]! And [2532] the hand [5495] of the Lord [2962] was [2258] [5713] with [3326] him [0846].


 Alors Zacharie son père fut rempli de la Sainte Présence, et il prophétisa, en disant:

 And [2532] his [0846] father [3962] Zacharias [2197] was filled [4130] [5681] with the Holy [0040] Ghost [4151], and [2532] prophesied [4395] [5656], saying [3004] [5723],


 Béni soit le Seigneur, le Dieu d'Israël, de ce qu'il a visité et racheté son peuple,

 Blessed [2128] [be] the Lord [2962] God [2316] of Israel [2474]; for [3754] he hath visited [1980] [5662] and [2532] redeemed [3085] his [0848] people [2992] [4160] [5656],


 Et de ce qu'il nous a suscité un puissant Sauveur, dans la maison de David [1138] son serviteur;

 And [2532] hath raised up [1453] [5656] an horn [2768] of salvation [4991] for us [2254] in [1722] the house [3624] of his [0848] servant [3816] David [1138] [1138];


 Comme il en avait parlé par la bouche de ses saints prophètes, depuis long temps [1909];

 As [2531] he spake [2980] [5656] by [1223] the mouth [4750] of his [0848] holy [0040] prophets [4396], which [3588] have been since [0575] the world began [0165]:


 De ce qu'il nous a délivrés de nos ennemis, et de la main de tous ceux qui nous haïssent,

 That we should be saved [4991] from [1537] our [2257] enemies [2190], and [2532] from [1537] the hand [5495] of all [3956] that hate [3404] [5723] us [2248];


 Pour exercer sa miséricorde envers nos pères, et se souvenir de sa sainte alliance,

 To perform [4160] [5658] the mercy [1656] [promised] to [3326] our [2257] fathers [3962], and [2532] to remember [3415] [5683] his [0848] holy [0040] covenant [1242];


 Savoir du serment qu'il avait fait à Abraham [0011] notre père,

 The oath [3727] which [3739] he sware [3660] [5656] to [4314] our [2257] father [3962] Abraham [0011] [0011],


 De nous accorder que, étant délivrés de la main de nos ennemis, nous le servirions sans crainte,

 That he would grant [1325] [5629] unto us [2254], that we being delivered [4506] [5685] out of [1537] the hand [5495] of our [2257] enemies [2190] might serve [3000] [5721] him [0846] without fear [0870],


 Dans la sainteté et dans la justice, en sa présence, tous les jours de notre vie.

 In [1722] holiness [3742] and [2532] righteousness [1343] before [1799] him [0846], all [3956] the days [2250] of our [2257] life [2222].


 Et toi, petit enfant, tu seras appelé le prophète du Très-Haut; car tu marcheras devant la face de YEHOVAH, pour préparer ses voies,

 And [2532] thou [4771], child [3813], shalt be called [2564] [5701] the prophet [4396] of the Highest [5310]: for [1063] thou shalt go [4313] [5695] before [4253] the face [4383] of the Lord [2962] to prepare [2090] [5658] his [0846] ways [3598];


 Afin de donner la connaissance du salut à son peuple, dans la délivrance de leurs péchés,

 To give [1325] [5629] knowledge [1108] of salvation [4991] unto his [0846] people [2992] by [1722] the remission [0859] of their [0846] sins [0266],


 Par les entrailles de la miséricorde de notre Dieu, par lesquelles le soleil levant nous a visités d'en haut;

 Through [1223] the tender [4698] mercy [1656] of our [2257] God [2316]; whereby [1722] [3739] the dayspring [0395] from [1537] on high [5311] hath visited [1980] [5662] us [2248],


 Pour éclairer ceux qui sont assis dans les ténèbres et dans l'ombre de la mort, et pour conduire nos pas dans le chemin de la paix.

 To give light [2014] [5658] to them that sit [2521] [5740] in [1722] darkness [4655] and [2532] [in] the shadow [4639] of death [2288], to guide [2720] [5658] our [2257] feet [4228] into [1519] the way [3598] of peace [1515].


 Et le petit enfant croissait et se fortifiait en esprit; et il demeura dans les déserts jusqu'au jour où il devait être manifesté à Israël.

 And [1161] the child [3813] grew [0837] [5707], and [2532] waxed strong [2901] [5712] in spirit [4151], and [2532] was [2258] [5713] in [1722] the deserts [2048] till [2193] the day [2250] of his [0846] shewing [0323] unto [4314] Israel [2474].


 En ce temps [1909]-là on publia un édit de César Auguste, pour faire le dénombrement des habitants de toute la terre.

 And [1161] it came to pass [1096] [5633] in [1722] those [1565] days [2250], that there went out [1831] [5627] a decree [1378] from [3844] Caesar [2541] Augustus [0828], that all [3956] the world [3625] should be taxed [0583] [5729].


 Ce premier dénombrement se fit pendant que Quirinus était gouverneur de Syrie.

 ([And] this [3778] taxing [0582] was [1096] [0000] first [4413] made [1096] [5633] when Cyrenius [2958] was governor [2230] [5723] of Syria [4947])


 Ainsi tous allaient pour être enregistrés, chacun dans sa ville.

 And [2532] all [3956] went [4198] [5711] to be taxed [0583] [5745], every one [1538] into [1519] his own [2398] city [4172].


 Joseph aussi monta de Galilée en Judée, de la ville de Nazareth à la ville de David [1138], nommée Bethléhem, parce qu'il était de la maison et de la famille de David [1138],

 And [1161] Joseph [2501] also [2532] went up [0305] [5627] from [0575] Galilee [1056], out of [1537] the city [4172] of Nazareth [3478], into [1519] Judaea [2449], unto the city [4172] of David [1138] [1138], which [3748] is called [2564] [5743] Bethlehem [0965]; (because [1223] he was [1511] [5750] of [1537] the house [3624] and [2532] lineage [3965] of David [1138] [1138])


 Pour être enregistré avec Marie son épouse, qui était enceinte.

 To be taxed [0583] [5670] with [4862] Mary [3137] his [0846] espoused [3423] [5772] wife [1135], being [5607] [5752] great with child [1471].


 Et pendant qu'ils étaient là, le temps [1909] auquel elle devait accoucher arriva.

 And [1161] so it was [1096] [5633], that, while [1722] they [0846] were [1511] [5750] there [1563], the days [2250] were accomplished [4130] [5681] that she [0846] should be delivered [5088] [5629].


 Et elle mit au monde son fils [5207] premier-né, et elle l'enveloppa dans des linges frais, et le coucha dans une crèche, parce qu'il n'y avait point de place pour eux dans l'auberge.

 And [2532] she brought forth [5088] [5627] her [0848] firstborn [4416] son [5207], and [2532] wrapped [4683] [0000] him [0846] in swaddling clothes [4683] [5656], and [2532] laid [0347] [5656] him [0846] in [1722] a manger [5336]; because [1360] there was [2258] [5713] no [3756] room [5117] for them [0846] in [1722] the inn [2646].


 Or, il y avait dans la même contrée des bergers qui couchaient aux champs, et qui gardaient leurs troupeaux pendant les veilles de la nuit.

 And [2532] there were [2258] [5713] in [1722] the same [0846] country [5561] shepherds [4166] abiding in the field [0063] [5723], [2532] keeping [5442] [5723] watch [5438] over [1909] their [0848] flock [4167] by night [3571].


 Et voici un ange du Seigneur se présenta à eux, et la gloire du Seigneur resplendit autour d'eux, et ils furent saisis d'une grande peur.

 And [2532], lo [2400] [5628], the angel [0032] of the Lord [2962] came upon [2186] [5627] them [0846], and [2532] the glory [1391] of the Lord [2962] shone round about [4034] [5656] them [0846]: and [2532] they were sore [3173] afraid [5399] [5675] [5401].


 Alors l'ange leur dit: N'ayez point de peur; car je vous annonce une grande joie, qui sera pour tout le peuple;

 And [2532] the angel [0032] said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Fear [5399] [5737] not [3361]: for [1063], behold [2400] [5628], I bring [2097] [0000] you [5213] good tidings [2097] [5731] of great [3173] joy [5479], which [3748] shall be [2071] [5704] to all [3956] people [2992].


 C'est qu'aujourd'hui, dans la ville de David [1138], un Sauveur, qui est YEHOVAH, LE MESSIE, vous est né.

 For [3754] unto you [5213] is born [5088] [5681] this day [4594] in [1722] the city [4172] of David [1138] [1138] a Saviour [4990], which [3739] is [2076] [5748] Christ [5547] the Lord [2962].


 Et ceci vous servira de signe: Vous trouverez le petit enfant emmailloté et couché dans une crèche.

 And [2532] this [5124] [shall be] a sign [4592] unto you [5213]; Ye shall find [2147] [5692] the babe [1025] wrapped in swaddling clothes [4683] [5772], lying [2749] [5740] in [1722] a manger [5336].


 Et au même instant il y eut avec l'ange une multitude de l'armée céleste, louant Dieu et disant:

 And [2532] suddenly [1810] there was [1096] [5633] with [4862] the angel [0032] a multitude [4128] of the heavenly [3770] host [4756] praising [0134] [5723] God [2316], and [2532] saying [3004] [5723],


 Gloire à Dieu, dans les lieux très hauts; paix sur la terre, bonne volonté envers les hommes!

 Glory [1391] to God [2316] in [1722] the highest [5310], and [2532] on [1909] earth [1093] peace [1515], good will [2107] toward [1722] men [0444].


 Et quand les anges se furent retirés d'avec eux dans le ciel, les bergers se dirent les uns aux autres: Allons donc jusqu'à Bethléhem, et voyons ce qui est arrivé, ce que le Seigneur nous a fait connaître.

 And [2532] it came to pass [1096] [5633], as [5613] the angels [0032] were gone away [0565] [5627] from [0575] them [0846] into [1519] heaven [3772], [2532] the shepherds [0444] [4166] said [2036] [5627] one [0240] [0000] to [4314] another [0240], Let us [1330] [0000] now [1211] go [1330] [5632] even unto [2193] Bethlehem [0965], and [2532] see [1492] [5632] this [5124] thing [4487] which is come to pass [1096] [5756], which [3588] the Lord [2962] hath made kn


 Ils y allèrent donc en hâte, et trouvèrent Marie, et Joseph, et le petit enfant, qui était couché dans la crèche.

 And [2532] they came [2064] [5627] with haste [4692] [5660], and [2532] [5037] found [0429] [5627] Mary [3137], and [2532] Joseph [2501], and [2532] the babe [1025] lying [2749] [5740] in [1722] a manger [5336].


 Et l'ayant vu, ils publièrent ce qui leur avait été dit touchant ce petit enfant.

 And [1161] when they had seen [1492] [5631] [it], they made known abroad [1232] [5656] the saying [4012] [4487] which [3588] was told [2980] [5685] them [0846] concerning [4012] this [5127] child [3813].


 Et tous ceux qui les entendirent, étaient dans l'admiration de ce que les bergers leur disaient.

 And [2532] all [3956] they that heard [0191] [5660] [it] wondered [2296] [5656] at [4012] those things which [3588] were told [2980] [5685] them [4314] [0846] by [5259] the shepherds [4166].


 Et Marie conservait toutes ces choses, les repassant dans son cœur.

 But [1161] Mary [3137] kept [4933] [5707] all [3956] these things [4487] [5023], and pondered [4820] [5723] [them] in [1722] her [0848] heart [2588].


 Et les bergers s'en retournèrent, glorifiant et louant Dieu de tout ce qu'ils avaient entendu et vu, conformément à ce qui leur avait été dit.

 And [2532] the shepherds [4166] returned [1994] [5656], glorifying [1392] [5723] and [2532] praising [0134] [5723] God [2316] for [1909] all the things [3956] that [3739] they had heard [0191] [5656] and [2532] seen [1492] [5627], as [2531] it was told [2980] [5681] unto [4314] them [0846].


 Quand les huit jours furent accomplis pour circoncire l'enfant, il fut appelé JÉSUS, nom qui lui avait été donné par l'ange, avant qu'il fût conçu dans le sein de sa mère.

 And [2532] when [3753] eight [3638] days [2250] were accomplished [4130] [5681] for the circumcising [4059] [5629] of the child [3813], [2532] his [0846] name [3686] was called [2564] [5681] JESUS, which [3588] was so named [2564] [5685] of [5259] the angel [0032] before [4253] he [0846] was conceived [4815] [5683] in [1722] the womb [2836].


 Et quand les jours de la purification de Marie, selon la loi de Moïse, furent accomplis, on porta l'enfant à Jérusalem, pour le présenter au Seigneur,

 And [2532] when [3753] the days [2250] of her [0846] purification [2512] according [2596] to the law [3551] of Moses [3475] were accomplished [4130] [5681], they brought [0321] [5627] him [0846] to [1519] Jerusalem [2414], to present [3936] [5658] [him] to the Lord [2962];


 Selon qu'il est écrit dans la loi du Seigneur: Tout mâle premier-né sera appelé saint au Seigneur;

 (As [2531] it is written [1125] [5769] in [1722] the law [3551] of the Lord [2962], [3754] Every [3956] male [0730] that openeth [1272] [5723] the womb [3388] shall be called [2564] [5701] holy [0040] to the Lord [2962])


 Et pour offrir en sacrifice, selon ce qui est prescrit dans la loi du Seigneur, une paire de tourterelles, ou deux pigeonneaux.

 And [2532] to offer [1325] [5629] a sacrifice [2378] according [2596] to that which is said [2046] [5772] in [1722] the law [3551] of the Lord [2962], A pair [2201] of turtledoves [5167], or [2228] two [1417] young [3502] pigeons [4058].


 Il y avait à Jérusalem un homme qui s'appelait Siméon; cet homme était juste et pieux, il attendait la consolation d'Israël; et la Sainte Présence était sur lui.

 And [2532], behold [2400] [5628], there was [2258] [5713] a man [0444] in [1722] Jerusalem [2419], whose [3739] name [3686] [was] Simeon [4826]; and [2532] the same [3778] man [0444] [was] just [1342] and [2532] devout [2126], waiting [4327] [5740] for the consolation [3874] of Israel [2474]: and [2532] the Holy [0040] Ghost [4151] was [2258] [5713] upon [1909] him [0846].


 Et il lui avait été révélé par la Sainte Présence qu'il ne mourrait point, qu'auparavant il n'eût vu l'Oint du Seigneur.

 And [2532] it was [2258] [5713] revealed [5537] [5772] unto him [0846] by [5259] the Holy [0040] Ghost [4151], that he should [1492] [0000] not [3361] see [1492] [5629] death [2288], before [4250] [2228] he had seen [1492] [5632] the Lord's [2962] Christ [5547].


 Il vint au temple par l'Esprit, et comme le père et la mère apportaient le petit enfant Jésus, pour faire à son égard ce qui était en usage selon la loi,

 And [2532] he came [2064] [5627] by [1722] the Spirit [4151] into [1519] the temple [2411]: and [2532] when the parents [1118] brought [1521] [5629] in [1722] the child [3813] Jesus, to do [4160] [5658] for [4012] him [0846] after [2596] the custom [1480] [5772] of the law [3551],


 Il le prit entre ses bras, et bénit Dieu, et dit:

 Then [2532] took he [1209] [0000] him [0846] up [1209] [5662] in [1519] his [0848] arms [0043], and [2532] blessed [2127] [5656] God [2316], and [2532] said [2036] [5627],


 Seigneur, tu laisses maintenant aller ton serviteur en paix, selon ta Parole;

 Lord [1203], now [3568] lettest thou [0630] [0000] thy [4675] servant [1401] depart [0630] [5719] in [1722] peace [1515], according [2596] to thy [4675] word [4487]:


 Car mes yeux ont vu ton salut,

 For [3754] mine [3450] eyes [3788] have seen [1492] [5627] thy [4675] salvation [4992],


 Que tu as préparé à la face de tous les peuples,

 Which [3739] thou hast prepared [2090] [5656] before [2596] the face [4383] of all [3956] people [2992];


 La lumière qui doit éclairer les nations, et la gloire de ton peuple d'Israël.

 A light [5457] to [1519] lighten [0602] the Gentiles [1484], and [2532] the glory [1391] of thy [4675] people [2992] Israel [2474].


 Et Joseph et sa mère étaient dans l'admiration des choses qu'on disait de lui.

 And [2532] Joseph [2501] and [2532] his [0846] mother [3384] marvelled [2258] [5713] [2296] [5723] at [1909] those things which were spoken [2980] [5746] of [4012] him [0846].


 Et Siméon les bénit, et dit à Marie sa mère: Voici, cet enfant est mis pour la chute et le relèvement de plusieurs en Israël, et pour être en butte à la contradiction;

 And [2532] Simeon [4826] blessed [2127] [5656] them [0846], and [2532] said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] Mary [3137] his [0846] mother [3384], Behold [2400] [5628], this [3778] [child] is set [2749] [5736] for [1519] the fall [4431] and [2532] rising again [0386] of many [4183] in [1722] Israel [2474]; and [2532] for [1519] a sign [4592] which shall be spoken against [0483] [5746];


 En sorte que les pensées du cœur de plusieurs seront découvertes; et pour toi Israël une épée te transpercera l'âme.

 (Yea [1161], a sword [4501] shall pierce through [1330] [5695] thy own [4675] soul [5590] also [2532]) that [3704] the thoughts [1261] of [1537] many [4183] hearts [2588] [0302] may be revealed [0601] [5686].


 Il y avait aussi Anne la prophétesse, fille de Phanuel, de la tribu d'Ascer; elle était fort avancée en âge, et elle avait vécu avec son mari, sept ans, depuis sa virginité.

 And [2532] there was [2258] [5713] one Anna [0451], a prophetess [4398], the daughter [2364] of Phanuel [5323], of [1537] the tribe [5443] of Aser [0768]: she [3778] was of a great [4183] [1722] age [2250] [4260] [5761], and had lived [2198] [5660] with [3326] an husband [0435] seven [2033] years [2094] from [0575] her [0848] virginity [3932];


 Elle était veuve, âgée d'environ quatre-vingt-quatre ans, et elle ne sortait point du temple, servant Dieu nuit et jour en jeûnes et en prières.

 And [2532] she [3778] [was] a widow [5503] of about [5613] fourscore [3589] and four [5064] years [2094], which [3739] departed [0868] [5711] not [3756] from [0575] the temple [2411], but served [3000] [5723] [God] with fastings [3521] and [2532] prayers [1162] night [3571] and [2532] day [2250].


 Étant survenue à cette heure, elle louait aussi le Seigneur, et elle parlait de Jésus à tous ceux de Jérusalem qui attendaient la délivrance d'Israël.

 And [2532] she [3778] coming in [2186] [5631] that [0846] instant [5610] gave thanks likewise [0437] [5711] unto the Lord [2962], and [2532] spake [2980] [5707] of [4012] him [0846] to all [3956] them that looked [4327] [5740] for redemption [3085] in [1722] Jerusalem [2419].


 Et après qu'ils eurent accompli tout ce qui est ordonné par la loi du Seigneur, ils retournèrent en Galilée, à Nazareth, leur ville.

 And [2532] when [5613] they had performed [5055] [5656] all things [0537] according [2596] to the law [3551] of the Lord [2962], they returned [5290] [5656] into [1519] Galilee [1056], to [1519] their own [0848] city [4172] Nazareth [3478].


 Et l'enfant croissait et se fortifiait en esprit, étant rempli de sagesse; et la grâce de Dieu était sur lui.

 And [1161] the child [3813] grew [0837] [5707], and [2532] waxed strong [2901] [5712] in spirit [4151], filled [4137] [5746] with wisdom [4678]: and [2532] the grace [5485] of God [2316] was [2258] [5713] upon [1909] him [0846].


 Or, ses parents allaient tous les ans à Jérusalem, à la fête de Pâque.

 Now [2532] his parents [1118] went [4198] [5711] to [1519] Jerusalem [2419] every [2596] year [2094] at the feast [1859] of the passover [3957].


 Et quand il eut douze ans, ils montèrent à Jérusalem, selon la coutume de la fête.

 And [2532] when [3753] he was [1096] [5633] twelve [1427] years old [2094], they [0846] went up [0305] [5631] to [1519] Jerusalem [2414] after [2596] the custom [1485] of the feast [1859].


 Lorsque les jours de la fête furent achevés, comme ils s'en retournaient, l'enfant Jésus resta à Jérusalem;

 And [2532] when they had fulfilled [5048] [5660] the days [2250], as [1722] they [0846] returned [5290] [5721], the child [3816] Jesus tarried behind [5278] [5656] in [1722] Jerusalem [2419]; and [2532] Joseph [2501] and [2532] his [0846] mother [3384] knew [1097] [5627] not [3756] [of it].


 Et Joseph et sa mère ne s'en aperçurent point. Mais, pensant qu'il était avec leurs compagnons de voyage, ils marchèrent une journée, puis ils le cherchèrent parmi leurs parents et ceux de leur connaissance;

 But [1161] they, supposing [3543] [5660] him [0846] to have been [1511] [5750] in [1722] the company [4923], went [2064] [5627] a day's [2250] journey [3598]; and [2532] they sought [0327] [5707] him [0846] among [1722] [their] kinsfolk [4773] and [2532] [1722] acquaintance [1110].


 Et ne le trouvant point, ils retournèrent à Jérusalem pour le chercher.

 And [2532] when they found [2147] [5631] him [0846] not [3361], they turned back again [5290] [5656] to [1519] Jerusalem [2419], seeking [2212] [5723] him [0846].


 Et au bout de trois jours ils le trouvèrent dans le temple, assis au milieu des docteurs, les écoutant et leur faisant des questions.

 And [2532] it came to pass [1096] [5633], that after [3326] three [5140] days [2250] they found [2147] [5627] him [0846] in [1722] the temple [2411], sitting [2516] [5740] in [1722] the midst [3319] of the doctors [1320], both [2532] hearing [0191] [5723] them [0846], and [2532] asking [1905] [0000] them [0846] questions [1905] [5723].


 Et tous ceux qui l'entendaient, étaient ravis de sa sagesse et de ses réponses.

 And [1161] all [3956] that heard [0191] [5723] him [0846] were astonished [1839] [5710] at [1909] his [0846] understanding [4907] and [2532] answers [0612].


 Quand ses parents le virent, ils furent étonnés; et sa mère lui dit: Mon enfant, pourquoi as-tu ainsi agi avec nous? Voici ton père et moi, nous te cherchions, étant fort en peine.

 And [2532] when they saw [1492] [5631] him [0846], they were amazed [1605] [5648]: and [2532] his [0846] mother [3384] said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] him [0846], Son [5043], why [5101] hast thou [4160] [0000] thus [3779] dealt [4160] [5656] with us [2254]? behold [2400] [5628], thy [4675] father [3962] and I [2504] have sought [2212] [5707] thee [4571] sorrowing [3600] [5746].


 Et il leur dit: Pourquoi me cherchiez-vous? Ne saviez-vous pas qu'il me faut être occupé aux affaires de mon Père?

 And [2532] he said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] them [0846], How [5101] is it that [3754] ye sought [2212] [5707] me [3165]? wist ye [1492] [5715] not [3756] that [3754] I [3165] must [1163] [5748] be [1511] [5750] about [1722] my [3450] Father's business [3962]?


 Mais ils ne comprirent point ce qu'il leur disait.

 And [2532] they understood [4920] [5656] not [3756] the saying [4487] which [3739] he spake [2980] [5656] unto them [0846].


 Il s'en alla ensuite avec eux, et vint à Nazareth, et il leur était soumis. Et sa mère conservait toutes ces choses dans son cœur.

 And [2532] he went down [2597] [5627] with [3326] them [0846], and [2532] came [2064] [5627] to [1519] Nazareth [3478], and [2532] was [2258] [5713] subject [5293] [5746] unto them [0846]: but [2532] his [0846] mother [3384] kept [1301] [5707] all [3956] these [5023] sayings [4487] in [1722] her [0848] heart [2588].


 Et Jésus croissait en sagesse, en stature et en grâce, devant Dieu et devant les hommes.

 And [2532] Jesus increased [4298] [5707] in wisdom [4678] and [2532] stature [2244], and [2532] in favour [5485] with [3844] God [2316] and [2532] man [0444].


 La quinzième année de l'empire de Tibère César, Ponce Pilate étant gouverneur de la Judée, Hérode, tétrarque de la Galilée, Philippe son frère, tétrarque de l'Iturée et de la province de la Trachonite, et Lysanias; tétrarque d'Abylène,

 Now [1161] in [1722] the fifteenth [4003] year [2094] of the reign [2231] of Tiberius [5086] Caesar [2541], Pontius [4194] Pilate [4091] being governor [2230] [5723] of Judaea [2449], and [2532] Herod [2264] being tetrarch [5075] [5723] of Galilee [1056], and [1161] his [0846] brother [0080] Philip [5376] tetrarch [5075] [5723] of Ituraea [2484] and [2532] of the region [5561] of Trachonitis [5139], and [2532] Lysanias [3078] the tetrarch [5075] [5723] of Abilene <


 Sous la souveraine sacrificature d'Anne et de Caïphe, la Parole de Dieu fut adressée à Jean, fils [5207] de Zacharie, dans le désert.

 Annas [0452] and [2532] Caiaphas [2533] being [1909] the high priests [0749], the word [4487] of God [2316] came [1096] [5633] unto [1909] John [2491] the son [5207] of Zacharias [2197] in [1722] the wilderness [2048].


 Et il vint dans tout le pays des environs du Jourdain, prêchant la consécration de la reconsidération, pour la délivrance des péchés;

 And [2532] he came [2064] [5627] into [1519] all [3956] the country about [4066] Jordan [2446], preaching [2784] [5723] the baptism [0908] of repentance [3341] for [1519] the remission [0859] of sins [0266];


 Selon qu'il est écrit au livre des paroles du prophète Ésaïe: La voix de celui qui crie dans le désert est: Préparez le chemin de YEHOVAH, aplanissez ses sentiers.

 As [5613] it is written [1125] [5769] in [1722] the book [0976] of the words [3056] of Esaias [2268] the prophet [4396], saying [3004] [5723], The voice [5456] of one crying [0994] [5723] in [1722] the wilderness [2048], Prepare ye [2090] [5657] the way [3598] of the Lord [2962], make [4160] [5720] his [0846] paths [5147] straight [2117].


 Toute vallée sera comblée, et toute montagne et toute colline sera abaissée, les chemins tortueux seront redressés, et les chemins raboteux seront aplanis;

 Every [3956] valley [5327] shall be [2071] [5704] filled [4137] [5701], and [2532] every [3956] mountain [3735] and [2532] hill [1015] shall be brought low [5013] [5701]; and [2532] the crooked [4646] shall be made [1519] straight [2117], and [2532] the rough [5138] ways [3598] [shall be] made [1519] smooth [3006];


 Et toute chair verra le salut de Dieu.

 And [2532] all [3956] flesh [4561] shall see [3700] [5695] the salvation [4992] of God [2316].


 Il disait donc au peuple qui venait pour être consacré rituellement par lui: Race de vipères, qui vous a appris à fuir la colère à venir?

 Then [3767] said [3004] [5707] he to the multitude [3793] that came forth [1607] [5740] [5734] to be baptized [0907] [5683] of [5259] him [0846], O generation [1081] of vipers [2191], who [5101] hath warned [5263] [5656] you [5213] to flee [5343] [5629] from [0575] the wrath [3709] to come [3195] [5723]?


 Produisez donc des fruits convenables à la reconsidération; et ne vous mettez point à dire en vous-mêmes: Nous avons Abraham [0011] pour père; car je vous dis que Dieu peut faire naître de ces pierres des enfants à Abraham [0011].

 Bring forth [4160] [5657] therefore [3767] fruits [2590] worthy [0514] of repentance [3341], and [2532] begin [0756] [5672] not [3361] to say [3004] [5721] within [1722] yourselves [1438], We have [2192] [5719] Abraham [0011] [0011] to [our] father [3962]: for [1063] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], That [3754] God [2316] is able [1410] [5736] of [1537] these [5130] stones [3037] to raise up [1453] [5658] children [5043] unto Abraham [0011] [0011].


 Or, la hache est déjà mise à la racine des arbres. Tout arbre donc qui ne produit pas de bon fruit va être coupé et jeté au feu.

 And [1161] now [2235] also [2532] the axe [0513] is laid [2749] [5736] unto [4314] the root [4491] of the trees [1186]: every [3956] tree [1186] therefore [3767] which bringeth [4160] [0000] not [3361] forth [4160] [5723] good [2570] fruit [2590] is hewn down [1581] [5743], and [2532] cast [0906] [5743] into [1519] the fire [4442].


 Alors le peuple lui demanda: Que ferons-nous donc?

 And [2532] the people [3793] asked [1905] [5707] him [0846], saying [3004] [5723], What [5101] shall we do [4160] [5692] then [3767]?


 Il leur répondit: Que celui qui a deux habits en donne à celui qui n'en a point; et que celui qui a de la nourriture en fasse de même.

 He answereth [0611] [5679] and [1161] saith [3004] [5719] unto them [0846], He that hath [2192] [5723] two [1417] coats [5509], let him impart [3330] [5628] to him that hath [2192] [5723] none [3361]; and [2532] he that hath [2192] [5723] meat [1033], let him do [4160] [5720] likewise [3668].


 Il vint aussi des péagers pour être consacrés;

 Then [1161] came [2064] [5627] also [2532] publicans [5057] to be baptized [0907] [5683], and [2532] said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] him [0846], Master [1320], what [5101] shall we do [4160] [5692]?


 Et ils lui dirent: Maître, que ferons-nous? Et il leur dit: N'exigez rien au-delà de ce qui vous a été ordonné.

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] them [0846], Exact [4238] [5719] no [3367] more [4119] than [3844] that which is appointed [1299] [5772] you [5213].


 Et les soldats lui demandèrent aussi: Et nous, que ferons-nous? Il leur dit: N'usez point de violence ni de tromperie envers personne, mais contentez vous de votre paye.

 And [1161] the soldiers [4754] [5734] likewise [2532] demanded [1905] [5707] of him [0846], saying [3004] [5723], And [2532] what [5101] shall we [2249] do [4160] [5692]? And [2532] he said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] them [0846], Do violence [1286] [5661] to no man [3367], neither [3366] accuse [any] falsely [4811] [5661]; and [2532] be content [0714] [5744] with your [5216] wages [3800].


 Et comme le peuple était dans l'attente, et que tous se demandaient en leurs cœurs si Jean ne serait point le Messie,

 And [1161] as the people [2992] were in expectation [4328] [5723], and [2532] all men [3956] mused [1260] [5740] in [1722] their [0848] hearts [2588] of [4012] John [2491], whether [3379] [0000] he [0846] were [1498] [5751] the Christ [5547], or not [3379];


 Jean prit la parole et dit à tous: Pour moi, je vous consacre d'eau; mais il en vient un plus puissant que moi; et je ne suis pas digne de délier la courroie de ses sandales; c'est lui qui vous introduira dans le feu de sa Sainte Présence.

 John [2491] answered [0611] [5662], saying [3004] [5723] unto [them] all [0537], I [1473] indeed [3303] baptize [0907] [5719] you [5209] with water [5204]; but [1161] one mightier than [2478] I [3450] cometh [2064] [5736], the latchet [2438] of whose [3739] shoes [5266] I am [1510] [5748] not [3756] worthy [2425] to unloose [3089] [5658]: he [0846] shall baptize [0907] [5692] you [5209] with [1722] the Holy [0040] Ghost [4151] and [2532] with fire [4442]:


 Il a son van dans ses mains, il nettoiera parfaitement son aire, et il amassera le froment dans son grenier; mais il brûlera entièrement la paille, au feu qui ne s'éteint point.

 Whose [3739] fan [4425] [is] in [1722] his [0846] hand [5495], and [2532] he will throughly purge [1245] [5692] his [0848] floor [0257], and [2532] will gather [4863] [5692] the wheat [4621] into [1519] his [0848] garner [0596]; but [1161] the chaff [0892] he will burn [2618] [5692] with fire [4442] unquenchable [0762].


 Il adressait encore plusieurs autres exhortations au peuple, en lui annonçant le message de la grâce.

 And [2532] [3767] many [4183] [0000] other [2087] things [4183] [3303] in his exhortation [3870] [5723] preached [2097] [5710] he unto the people [2992].


 Mais Hérode le tétrarque ayant été repris par Jean, au sujet d'Hérodias, femme de Philippe son frère, et de toutes les méchantes actions qu'il avait faites,

 But [1161] Herod [2264] the tetrarch [5076], being reproved [1651] [5746] by [5259] him [0846] for [4012] Herodias [2266] his [0846] brother [0080] Philip's [5376] wife [1135], and [2532] for [4012] all [3956] the evils [4190] which [3739] Herod [2264] had done [4160] [5656],


 Ajouta encore à toutes les autres celle de faire mettre Jean en prison.

 Added [4369] [5656] yet [2532] this [5124] above [1909] all [3956], that [2532] he shut up [2623] [5656] John [2491] in [1722] prison [5438].


 Or, comme tout le peuple se faisait consacrer, Jésus fut aussi consacré; et pendant qu'il priait, le ciel s'ouvrit,

 Now [1161] when all [0537] the people [2992] were baptized [1722] [0907] [5683], it came to pass [1096] [5633], that Jesus also [2532] being baptized [0907] [5685], and [2532] praying [4336] [5740], the heaven [3772] was opened [0455] [5683],


 Et la Sainte Présence s'abaissa sur lui sous une apparence corporelle, comme fait une colombe; et il vint une voix du ciel, qui dit: Tu es mon Fils bien-aimé, en qui JE SUIS pleinement satisfait.

 And [2532] the Holy [0040] Ghost [4151] descended [2597] [5629] in a bodily [4984] shape [1491] like [5616] a dove [4058] upon [1909] him [0846], and [2532] a voice [5456] came [1096] [5635] from [1537] heaven [3772], which said [3004] [5723], Thou [4771] art [1488] [5748] my [3450] beloved [0027] Son [5207]; in [1722] thee [4671] I am well pleased [2106] [5656].


 Et Jésus était âgé d'environ trente ans lors de sa consécration comme Souverain Sacrificateur, et il était, comme on le croyait d'être, fils [5207] de Joseph, d'Héli,

 And [2532] Jesus himself [0846] began [0756] [5734] to be [2258] [5713] about [5616] thirty [5144] years of age [2094], being [5607] [5752] (as [5613] was supposed [3543] [5712]) the son [5207] of Joseph [2501], which was [the son] of Heli [2242],


 De Matthat, de Lévi, de Melchi, de Janna, de Joseph,

 Which was [the son] of Matthat [3158], which was [the son] of Levi [3017], which was [the son] of Melchi [3197], which was [the son] of Janna [2388], which was [the son] of Joseph [2501],


 De Matthathie, d'Amos, de Nahum, d'Héli, de Naggé,

 Which was [the son] of Mattathias [3161], which was [the son] of Amos [0301], which was [the son] of Naum [3486], which was [the son] of Esli [2069], which was [the son] of Nagge [3477],


 De Maath, de Matthathie, de Semeï, de Joseph, de Juda,

 Which was [the son] of Maath [3092], which was [the son] of Mattathias [3161], which was [the son] of Semei [4584], which was [the son] of Joseph [2501], which was [the son] of Juda [2455],


 De Johanna, de Rhésa, de Zorobabel, de Salathiel, de Néri,

 Which was [the son] of Joanna [2490], which was [the son] of Rhesa [4488], which was [the son] of Zorobabel [2216], which was [the son] of Salathiel [4528], which was [the son] of Neri [3518],


 De Melchi, d'Addi, de Cosam, d'Elmodam, de Her,

 Which was [the son] of Melchi [3197], which was [the son] of Addi [0078], which was [the son] of Cosam [2973], which was [the son] of Elmodam [1678], which was [the son] of Er [2262],


 De José, d'Éliézer, de Jorim, de Matthat, de Lévi,

 Which was [the son] of Jose [2499], which was [the son] of Eliezer [1663], which was [the son] of Jorim [2497], which was [the son] of Matthat [3158], which was [the son] of Levi [3017],


 De Siméon, de Juda, de Joseph, de Jonan, d'Éliakim,

 Which was [the son] of Simeon [4826], which was [the son] of Juda [2455], which was [the son] of Joseph [2501], which was [the son] of Jonan [2494], which was [the son] of Eliakim [1662],


 De Méléa, de Maïnan, de Matthatha, de Nathan, de David [1138],

 Which was [the son] of Melea [3190], which was [the son] of Menan [3104], which was [the son] of Mattatha [3160], which was [the son] of Nathan [3481], which was [the son] of David [1138] [1138],


 De Jessé [2421], d'Obed [5601], de Booz [1003], de Salmon [4533], de Naasson [3476],

 Which was [the son] of Jesse [2421], which was [the son] of Obed [5601] [5601], which was [the son] of Booz [1003] [1003], which was [the son] of Salmon [4533] [4533], which was [the son] of Naasson [3476] [3476],


 D'Aminadab [0284], d'Aram [0689], d'Esrom [2074], de Pharez [5329], de Juda,

 Which was [the son] of Aminadab [0284] [0284], which was [the son] of Aram [0689] [0689], which was [the son] of Esrom [2074] [2074], which was [the son] of Phares [5329], which was [the son] of Juda [2455],


 De Jacob [2384], d'Isaac [2464], d'Abraham [0011], de Tharé, de Nachor,

 Which was [the son] of Jacob [2384] [2384], which was [the son] of Isaac [2464] [2464], which was [the son] of Abraham [0011] [0011], which was [the son] of Thara [2291], which was [the son] of Nachor [3493],


 De Sarug, de Ragaü, de Phaleg, de Héber, de Sala,

 Which was [the son] of Saruch [4562], which was [the son] of Ragau [4466], which was [the son] of Phalec [5317], which was [the son] of Heber [1443], which was [the son] of Sala [4527],


 De Caïnan, d'Arphaxad, de Sem, de Noé, de Lamech,

 Which was [the son] of Cainan [2536], which was [the son] of Arphaxad [0742], which was [the son] of Sem [4590], which was [the son] of Noe [3575], which was [the son] of Lamech [2984],


 De Mathusala, d'Hénoch, de Jared, de Malaléel, de Caïnan,

 Which was [the son] of Mathusala [3103], which was [the son] of Enoch [1802], which was [the son] of Jared [2391], which was [the son] of Maleleel [3121], which was [the son] of Cainan [2536],


 D'Énos, de Seth, d'Adam, de Dieu.

 Which was [the son] of Enos [1800], which was [the son] of Seth [4589], which was [the son] of Adam [0076], which was [the son] of God [2316].


 Jésus, rempli de la Sainte Présence, revint du Jourdain, et fut conduit par l'Esprit dans le désert,

 And [1161] Jesus being full [4134] of the Holy [0040] Ghost [4151] returned [5290] [5656] from [0575] Jordan [2446], and [2532] was led [0071] [5712] by [1722] the Spirit [4151] into [1519] the wilderness [2048],


 Où il fut tenté par sa contrariété charnelle pendant quarante jours, et il ne mangea rien durant ces jours-là; mais après qu'ils furent passés, il eut faim.

 Being [3985] [0000] forty [5062] days [2250] tempted [3985] [5746] of [5259] the devil [1228]. And [2532] in [1722] those [1565] days [2250] he did eat [5315] [5627] nothing [3756] [3762]: and [2532] when they [0846] were ended [4931] [5685], he afterward [5305] hungered [3983] [5656].


 Alors cette contrariété charnelle lui dit: Si tu es le Fils, en tant que Dieu unique, commande à cette pierre qu'elle devienne du pain.

 And [2532] the devil [1228] said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], If [1487] thou be [1488] [5748] the Son [5207] of God [2316], command [2036] [5628] this [5129] stone [3037] that [2443] it be made [1096] [5638] bread [0740].


 Et Jésus se répliquait: Il est écrit: L'homme ne vivra pas seulement de pain, mais de toute Parole de Dieu.

 And [2532] Jesus answered [0611] [5662] him [4314] [0846], saying [3004] [5723], It is written [1125] [5769], That [3754] man [0444] shall [2198] [0000] not [3756] live [2198] [5695] by [1909] bread [0740] alone [3441], but [0235] by [1909] every [3956] word [4487] of God [2316].


 Ensuite sa contrariété charnelle le concevait sur une haute montagne, et lui fit voir en un seul moment tous les royaumes du monde;

 And [2532] the devil [1228], taking [0321] [0000] him [0846] up [0321] [5631] into [1519] an high [5308] mountain [3735], shewed [1166] [5656] unto him [0846] all [3956] the kingdoms [0932] of the world [3625] in [1722] a moment [4743] of time [5550].


 Et sa contrariété charnelle lui dit: Je te donnerai toute cette puissance et la gloire de ces royaumes; car elle m'a été donnée, et je la donne à qui je veux.

 And [2532] the devil [1228] said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], All [0537] this [5026] power [1849] will I give [1325] [5692] thee [4671], and [2532] the glory [1391] of them [0846]: for [3754] that is delivered [3860] [5769] unto me [1698]; and [2532] to [3739] whomsoever [1437] I will [2309] [5725] I give [1325] [5719] it [0846].


 Si donc tu te prosternes devant moi, toutes choses seront à toi.

 If [1437] thou [4771] therefore [3767] wilt worship [4352] [5661] me [1799] [3450], all [3956] shall be [2071] [5704] thine [4675].


 Mais Jésus se répliqua: Retire-toi de moi, adversité; car il est écrit: Tu adoreras le Seigneur ton Dieu, et tu le serviras lui seul.

 And [2532] Jesus answered [0611] [5679] and said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Get thee [5217] [5720] behind [3694] me [3450], Satan [4567]: for [1063] it is written [1125] [5769], Thou shalt worship [4352] [5692] the Lord [2962] thy [4675] God [2316], and [2532] him [0846] only [3441] shalt thou serve [3000] [5692].


 Elle le concevait aussi à Jérusalem, et elle le plaça sur le haut du temple, et lui dit: Si tu es le Fils, en tant que Dieu unique, jette-toi d'ici en bas;

 And [2532] he brought [0071] [5627] him [0846] to [1519] Jerusalem [2419], and [2532] set [2476] [5656] him [0846] on [1909] a pinnacle [4419] of the temple [2411], and [2532] said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], If [1487] thou be [1488] [5748] the Son [5207] of God [2316], cast [0906] [5628] thyself [4572] down [2736] from hence [1782]:


 Car il est écrit, qu'il ordonnera à ses anges d'avoir soin de toi, pour te garder;

 For [1063] [3754] it is written [1125] [5769], He shall give [1781] [0000] his [0848] angels [0032] charge [1781] [5699] over [4012] thee [4675], to keep [1314] [5658] thee [4571]:


 Et qu'ils te porteront dans leurs mains, de peur que ton pied ne se frappe contre quelque pierre.

 And [2532] [3754] in [1909] [their] hands [5495] they shall bear [0142] [0000] thee [4571] up [0142] [5692], lest at any time [3379] thou dash [4350] [5661] thy [4675] foot [4228] against [4314] a stone [3037].


 Mais Jésus se répliqua: Il est dit: Tu ne tenteras pas le Seigneur ton Dieu.

 And [2532] Jesus answering [0611] [5679] said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], It is said [3754] [2046] [5769], Thou shalt [1598] [0000] not [3756] tempt [1598] [5692] the Lord [2962] thy [4675] God [2316].


 Et sa contrariété charnelle ayant achevé toute la tentation, se dégagea de lui pour un temps [1909].

 And [2532] when the devil [1228] had ended [4931] [5660] all [3956] the temptation [3986], he departed [0868] [5627] from [0575] him [0846] for [0891] a season [2540].


 Et Jésus s'en retourna en Galilée, dans la puissance de l'Esprit, et sa réputation courut par tout le pays d'alentour.

 And [2532] Jesus returned [5290] [5656] in [1722] the power [1411] of the Spirit [4151] into [1519] Galilee [1056]: and [2532] there went out [1831] [5627] a fame [5345] of [4012] him [0846] through [2596] all [3650] the region round about [4066].


 Car il enseignait dans leurs synagogues, et il était honoré de tout le monde.

 And [2532] he taught [1321] [5707] in [1722] their [0846] synagogues [4864], being glorified [1392] [5746] of [5259] all [3956].


 Et Jésus vint à Nazareth, où il avait été élevé, et il entra, selon sa coutume, le jour du sabbat, dans la synagogue, et il se leva pour lire.

 And [2532] he came [2064] [5627] to [1519] Nazareth [3478], where [3757] he had been [2258] [5713] brought up [5142] [5772]: and [2532], as [2596] [0000] his [0846] custom [1486] [5756] was [2596], he went [1525] [5627] into [1519] the synagogue [4864] on [1722] the sabbath [4521] day [2250], and [2532] stood up [0450] [5627] for to read [0314] [5629].


 Et on lui présenta le livre du prophète Ésaïe, et ayant déroulé le livre, il trouva l'endroit où il était écrit:

 And [2532] there was delivered [1929] [5681] unto him [0846] the book [0975] of the prophet [4396] Esaias [2268]. And [2532] when he had opened [0380] [5660] the book [0975], he found [2147] [5627] the place [5117] where [3757] it was [2258] [5713] written [1125] [5772],


 L'Esprit du Seigneur est sur moi, c'est pourquoi il m'a oint pour annoncer le message de la grâce aux pauvres; il m'a envoyé pour guérir ceux qui ont le cœur brisé; pour publier la liberté aux captifs, et le recouvrement de la vue aux aveugles; pour renvoyer libres ceux qui sont dans l'oppression,

 The Spirit [4151] of the Lord [2962] [is] upon [1909] me [1691], because [1752] he hath anointed [5548] [5656] me [3165] to preach the gospel [2097] [5733] to the poor [4434]; he hath sent [0649] [5758] me [3165] to heal [2390] [5664] the brokenhearted [4937] [5772] [2588], to preach [2784] [5658] deliverance [0859] to the captives [0164], and [2532] recovering of sight [0309] to the blind [5185], to set [0649] [5658] at [1722] liberty [0859] them that are bruised <


 Pour publier l'année favorable du Seigneur.

 To preach [2784] [5658] the acceptable [1184] year [1763] of the Lord [2962].


 Et ayant replié le livre, et l'ayant rendu au ministre, il s'assit; et les yeux de tous, dans la synagogue, étaient arrêtés sur lui.

 And [2532] he closed [4428] [5660] the book [0975], and he gave [it] again [0591] [5631] to the minister [5257], and sat down [2523] [5656]. And [2532] the eyes [3788] of all them [3956] that were [2258] [5713] in [1722] the synagogue [4864] were fastened [0816] [5723] on him [0846].


 Alors il commença à leur dire: Cette parole de l'Écriture, que vous venez d'entendre, est accomplie aujourd'hui.

 And [1161] he began [0756] [5662] to say [3004] [5721] unto [4314] them [0846], This [3754] day [4594] is [4137] [0000] this [3778] scripture [1124] fulfilled [4137] [5769] in [1722] your [5216] ears [3775].


 Tous lui rendaient témoignage, et admiraient les paroles de grâce qui sortaient de sa bouche, et ils disaient: N'est-ce pas le fils [5207] de Joseph?

 And [2532] all [3956] bare [3140] [0000] him [0846] witness [3140] [5707], and [2532] wondered [2296] [5707] at [1909] the gracious [5485] words [3056] which [3588] proceeded [1607] [5740] [5734] out of [1537] his [0846] mouth [4750]. And [2532] they said [3004] [5707], Is [2076] [5748] not [3756] this [3778] Joseph's [2501] son [5207]?


 Et il leur dit: Vous me direz sans doute ce proverbe: Médecin, guéris-toi toi-même; fais aussi ici, dans ta patrie, tout ce que nous avons entendu dire que tu as fait à Capernaüm.

 And [2532] he said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] them [0846], Ye will [2046] [0000] surely [3843] say [2046] [5692] unto me [3427] this [5026] proverb [3850], Physician [2395], heal [2323] [5657] thyself [4572]: whatsoever [3745] we have heard [0191] [5656] done [1096] [5637] in [1722] Capernaum [2584], do [4160] [5657] also [2532] here [5602] in [1722] thy [4675] country [3968].


 Mais il dit: Je vous dis en vérité que nul prophète n'est reçu dans sa patrie.

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627], Verily [0281] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], [3754] No [3762] prophet [4396] is [2076] [5748] accepted [1184] in [1722] his own [0848] country [3968].


 Je vous dis en vérité: Il y avait plusieurs veuves en Israël au temps [1909] d'Élie, lorsque le ciel fut fermé trois ans et six mois, tellement qu'il y eut une grande famine par tout le pays.

 But [1161] I tell [3004] [5719] you [5213] of [1909] a truth [0225], many [4183] widows [5503] were [2258] [5713] in [1722] Israel [2474] in [1722] the days [2250] of Elias [2243], when [3753] the heaven [3772] was shut up [2808] [5681] [1909] three [5140] years [2094] and [2532] six [1803] months [3376], when [5613] great [3173] famine [3042] was [1096] [5633] throughout [1909] all [3956] the land [1093];


 Néanmoins Élie ne fut envoyé chez aucune d'elles; si ce n'est chez une femme veuve de Sarepta, en Sidon.

 But [2532] unto [4314] none [3762] of them [0846] was [3992] [0000] Elias [2243] sent [3992] [5681], save [1508] unto [1519] Sarepta [4558], [a city] of Sidon [4605], unto [4314] a woman [1135] [that was] a widow [5503].


 Il y avait aussi plusieurs lépreux en Israël au temps [1909] d'Élisée le prophète; toutefois aucun d'eux ne fut guéri; si ce n'est Naaman, le Syrien.

 And [2532] many [4183] lepers [3015] were [2258] [5713] in [1722] Israel [2474] in the time [1909] of Eliseus [1666] the prophet [4396]; and [2532] none [3762] of them [0846] was cleansed [2511] [5681], saving [1508] Naaman [3497] the Syrian [4948].


 Et ils furent tous remplis de colère, dans la synagogue, en entendant ces choses.

 And [2532] all they [3956] in [1722] the synagogue [4864], when they heard [0191] [5723] these things [5023], were filled [4130] [5681] with wrath [2372],


 Et s'étant levés ils le chassèrent de la ville, et le menèrent jusqu'au sommet escarpé de la montagne sur laquelle leur ville était bâtie, pour le précipiter en bas la tête en premier.

 And [2532] rose up [0450] [5631], and thrust [1544] [5627] him [0846] out of [1854] the city [4172], and [2532] led [0071] [5627] him [0846] unto [2193] the brow [3790] of the hill [3735] whereon [1909] [3739] their [0846] city [4172] was built [3618] [5718], that [1519] they might cast [2630] [0000] him [0846] down headlong [2630] [5658].


 Mais lui, passant au milieu d'eux, s'en alla.

 But [1161] he passing [1330] [5631] through [1223] the midst [3319] of them [0846] went his way [4198] [5711],


 Et il descendit chez les gens de Capernaüm, ville de Galilée, et il les enseignait les jours de sabbat.

 And [2532] came down [2718] [5627] to [1519] Capernaum [2584], a city [4172] of Galilee [1056], and [2532] taught [1321] [5723] them [0846] [2258] [5713] on [1722] the sabbath days [4521].


 Et ils étaient étonnés de sa doctrine; car il parlait avec autorité.

 And [2532] they were astonished [1605] [5712] at [1909] his [0846] doctrine [1322]: for [3754] his [0846] word [3056] was [2258] [5713] with [1722] power [1849].


 Or, il y avait dans la synagogue un homme qui avait la disposition d'une conscience déréglée, et qui s'écria à voix haute:

 And [2532] in [1722] the synagogue [4864] there was [2258] [5713] a man [0444], which had [2192] [5723] a spirit [4151] of an unclean [0169] devil [1140], and [2532] cried out [0349] [5656] with a loud [3173] voice [5456],


 Ah! qu'y a-t-il entre nous et toi, Jésus de Nazareth? Es-tu venu pour nous rendre inutile? J'ai constaté qui tu es: le Saint, Dieu même.

 Saying [3004] [5723], Let [us] alone [1436]; what [5101] have we to do [2254] with thee [4671], [2532] [thou] Jesus of Nazareth [3479]? art thou come [2064] [5627] to destroy [0622] [5658] us [2248]? I know [1492] [5758] thee [4571] who [5101] thou art [1488] [5748]; the Holy One [0040] of God [2316].


 Et Jésus, le redressant, lui dit: Maintient ta paix, et montre ton écart. Et sa conscience déréglée, après avoir été confondue au milieu de l'assemblée, se soumit par elle-même, sans lui faire aucun mal.

 And [2532] Jesus rebuked [2008] [5656] him [0846], saying [3004] [5723], Hold thy peace [5392] [5682], and [2532] come [1831] [5628] out of [1537] him [0846]. And [2532] when the devil [1140] had thrown [4496] [5660] him [0846] in [1519] the midst [3319], he came [1831] [5627] out of [0575] him [0846], and hurt [0984] [5660] him [0846] not [3367].


 Et ils en furent tous épouvantés, et ils disaient entre eux: Qu'est-ce que ceci? Il commande avec autorité et avec puissance aux esprits troublés, et ils sont redressés!

 And [2532] they were [1096] [5633] all [1909] [3956] amazed [2285], and [2532] spake [4814] [5707] among [4314] themselves [0240], saying [3004] [5723], What [5101] a word [3056] [is] this [3778]! for [3754] with [1722] authority [1849] and [2532] power [1411] he commandeth [2004] [5719] the unclean [0169] spirits [4151], and [2532] they come out [1831] [5736].


 Et sa réputation se répandit dans tous les quartiers du pays d'alentour.

 And [2532] the fame [2279] of [4012] him [0846] went out [1607] [5711] into [1519] every [3956] place [5117] of the country round about [4066].


 Jésus, étant sorti de la synagogue, entra dans la maison de Simon. Or, la belle-mère de Simon avait une fièvre violente; et ils le prièrent en sa faveur.

 And [1161] he arose [0450] [5631] out of [1537] the synagogue [4864], and entered [1525] [5627] into [1519] Simon's [4613] house [3614]. And [1161] Simon's [4613] wife's mother [3994] was [2258] [5713] taken with [4912] [5746] a great [3173] fever [4446]; and [2532] they besought [2065] [5656] him [0846] for [4012] her [0846].


 S'étant donc penché sur elle, il éleva son estime au-dessus de la fièvre, et la fièvre la quitta; et aussitôt elle se leva et les servit.

 And [2532] he stood [2186] [5631] over [1883] her [0846], and rebuked [2008] [5656] the fever [4446]; and [2532] it left [0863] [5656] her [0846]: and immediately [3916] she arose [0450] [5631] and [1161] ministered [1247] [5707] unto them [0846].


 Quand le soleil fut couché, tous ceux qui avaient des malades atteints de diverses maladies, les lui amenèrent; et il les guérit en imposant les mains à chacun d'eux.

 Now [1161] when the sun [2246] was setting [1416] [5723], all [3956] they that [3745] had [2192] [5707] any sick [0770] [5723] with divers [4164] diseases [3554] brought [0071] [5627] them [0846] unto [4314] him [0846]; and [1161] he laid [2007] [0000] his hands [5495] on [2007] [5631] every [1538] one [1520] of them [0846], and healed [2323] [5656] them [0846].


 Les consciences déréglées étaient redressé aussi de plusieurs, s'exclamant et disant: Tu es le Christ, le Fils, le Dieu unique; mais il les censurait, et ne leur permettait pas de dire qu'ils savaient qu'il était le Messie.

 And [1161] devils [1140] also [2532] came [1831] [5711] out of [0575] many [4183], crying out [2896] [5723], and [2532] saying [3004] [5723], [3754] Thou [4771] art [1488] [5748] Christ [5547] the Son [5207] of God [2316]. And [2532] he rebuking [2008] [5723] [them] suffered [1439] [5707] them [0846] not [3756] to speak [2980] [5721]: for [3754] they knew [1492] [5715] that he [0846] was [1511] [5750] Christ [5547].


 Et dès que le jour parut, il sortit et alla dans un lieu désert, et une multitude de gens qui le cherchaient, vinrent jusqu'à lui et ils voulaient le retenir, afin qu'il ne les quittât pas.

 And [1161] when it was [1096] [5637] day [2250], he departed [1831] [5631] and went [4198] [5675] into [1519] a desert [2048] place [5117]: and [2532] the people [3793] sought [2212] [5707] him [0846], and [2532] came [2064] [5627] unto [2193] him [0846], and [2532] stayed [2722] [5707] him [0846], that he should not [3361] depart [4198] [5738] from [0575] them [0846].


 Mais il leur dit: Il faut que j'annonce aussi la Souveraineté de Dieu aux autres villes; car c'est pour cela que j'ai été envoyé.

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] them [0846], [3754] I [3165] must [1163] [5748] preach [2097] [5670] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316] to other [2087] cities [4172] also [2532]: for [3754] therefore [1519] [5124] am I sent [0649] [5769].


 Et il prêchait dans les synagogues de Galilée.

 And [2532] he preached [2258] [5713] [2784] [5723] in [1722] the synagogues [4864] of Galilee [1056].


 Comme Jésus était sur le bord du lac de Génézareth, la foule se jetait sur lui pour entendre la Parole de Dieu.

 And [1161] it came to pass [1096] [5633], that, as [1722] the people [3793] pressed upon [1945] [5738] him [0846] to hear [0191] [5721] the word [3056] of God [2316], [2532] he [0846] stood [2258] [5713] [2476] [5761] by [3844] the lake [3041] of Gennesaret [1082],


 Et ayant vu, au bord du lac, deux barques, dont les pêcheurs étaient descendus et lavaient leurs filets, il monta dans l'une de ces barques, qui était à Simon,

 And [2532] saw [1492] [5627] two [1417] ships [4143] standing [2476] [5761] by [3844] the lake [3041]: but [1161] the fishermen [0231] were gone [0576] [5631] out of [0575] them [0846], and were washing [0637] [5656] [their] nets [1350].


 Et il le pria de s'éloigner un peu du rivage; et s'étant assis, il enseignait le peuple de dessus la barque.

 And [1161] he entered [1684] [5631] into [1519] one [1520] of the ships [4143], which [3739] was [2258] [5713] Simon's [4613], and prayed [2065] [5656] him [0846] that he would thrust out [1877] [5629] a little [3641] from [0575] the land [1093]. And [2532] he sat down [2523] [5660], and taught [1321] [5707] the people [3793] out of [1537] the ship [4143].


 Et quand il eut cessé de parler, il dit à Simon: Avance en pleine eau, et jetez vos filets pour pêcher.

 Now [1161] when [5613] he had left [3973] [5668] speaking [2980] [5723], he said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] Simon [4613], Launch out [1877] [5628] into [1519] the deep [0899], and [2532] let down [5465] [5657] your [5216] nets [1350] for [1519] a draught [0061].


 Simon lui répondit: Maître, nous avons travaillé toute la nuit sans rien prendre; toutefois, sur ta parole, je jetterai le filet.

 And [2532] Simon [4613] answering [0611] [5679] said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Master [1988], we have toiled [2872] [5660] all [3650] [1223] the night [3571], and have taken [2983] [5627] nothing [3762]: nevertheless [1161] at [1909] thy [4675] word [4487] I will let down [5465] [5692] the net [1350].


 Et l'ayant fait, ils prirent une grande quantité de poissons;

 And [2532] when they had [4160] [0000] this [5124] done [4160] [5660], they inclosed [4788] [5656] a great [4183] multitude [4128] of fishes [2486]: and [1161] their [0846] net [1350] brake [1284] [5712].


 Et comme leur filet se rompait, ils firent signe à leurs compagnons, qui étaient dans l'autre barque, de venir les aider; ils y vinrent, et ils remplirent les deux barques, tellement qu'elles s'enfonçaient.

 And [2532] they beckoned [2656] [5656] unto [their] partners [3353], which [3588] were in [1722] the other [2087] ship [4143], that they should come [2064] [5631] and help [4815] [5641] them [0846]. And [2532] they came [2064] [5627], and [2532] filled [4130] [5656] both [0297] the ships [4143], so [5620] that they began to sink [1036] [5745].


 Simon Pierre, ayant vu cela, se jeta aux pieds de Jésus et lui dit: Seigneur, retire-toi de moi; car je suis un homme pécheur.

 When [1161] Simon [4613] Peter [4074] saw [1492] [5631] [it], he fell down at [4363] [5627] Jesus' knees [1119], saying [3004] [5723], Depart [1831] [5628] from [0575] me [1700]; for [3754] I am [1510] [5748] a sinful [0268] man [0435], O Lord [2962].


 Car la frayeur l'avait saisi, et tous ceux qui étaient avec lui, à cause de la pêche des poissons qu'ils avaient faite; de même que Jacques et Jean, fils [5207] de Zébédée, qui étaient compagnons de Simon.

 For [1063] he was astonished [4023] [5627] [2285], and [2532] all [3956] that were [4862] with him [0846], at [1909] the draught [0061] of the fishes [2486] which [3739] they had taken [4815] [5627]:


 Et Jésus dit à Simon: N'aie point de peur; désormais tu seras pêcheur d'hommes vivants.

 And [1161] so [3668] [was] also [2532] James [2385], and [2532] John [2491], the sons [5207] of Zebedee [2199], which [3739] were [2258] [5713] partners [2844] with Simon [4613]. And [2532] Jesus said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] Simon [4613], Fear [5399] [5732] [5737] not [3361]; from [0575] henceforth [3568] thou shalt [2071] [5704] catch [2221] [5723] men [0444].


 Et ayant ramené leurs barques à bord, ils abandonnèrent tout et le suivirent.

 And [2532] when they had brought [2609] [5631] their ships [4143] to [1909] land [1093], they forsook [0863] [5631] all [0537], and followed [0190] [5656] him [0846].


 Comme il était dans une des villes de la Galilée, un homme tout couvert de lèpre, ayant vu Jésus, se jeta la face contre terre, et le pria, disant: Seigneur, si tu le veux, tu peux me rendre net.

 And [2532] it came to pass [1096] [5633], when he [0846] was [1511] [5750] [1722] in [1722] a certain [3391] city [4172], [2532] behold [2400] [5628] a man [0435] full [4134] of leprosy [3014]: who [2532] seeing [1492] [5631] Jesus fell [4098] [5631] on [1909] [his] face [4383], and besought [1189] [5681] him [0846], saying [3004] [5723], Lord [2962], if [1437] thou wilt [2309] [5725], thou canst [1410] [5736] make [2511] [0000] me [3165] clean


 Et Jésus étendit la main, le toucha et lui dit: Je le veux, sois net. Et au même instant la lèpre le quitta.

 And [2532] he put forth [1614] [5660] [his] hand [5495], and touched [0680] [5662] him [0846], saying [2036] [5631], I will [2309] [5719]: be thou clean [2511] [5682]. And [2532] immediately [2112] the leprosy [3014] departed [0565] [5627] from [0575] him [0846].


 Et Jésus lui défendit de le dire à personne; mais va, lui dit-il, montre-toi au sacrificateur, et offre pour ta purification ce que Moïse a commandé, afin que cela leur serve de témoignage.

 And [2532] he [0846] charged [3853] [5656] him [0846] to tell [2036] [5629] no man [3367]: but [0235] go [0565] [5631], and shew [1166] [5657] thyself [4572] to the priest [2409], and [2532] offer [4374] [5628] for [4012] thy [4675] cleansing [2512], according as [2531] Moses [3475] commanded [4367] [5656], for [1519] a testimony [3142] unto them [0846].


 Et sa réputation se répandait de plus en plus, et une foule de gens s'assemblaient pour l'entendre et pour être guéris par lui de leurs maladies.

 But [1161] so much the more [3123] went there [1330] [0000] a fame [3056] abroad [1330] [5711] of [4012] him [0846]: and [2532] great [4183] multitudes [3793] came together [4905] [5711] to hear [0191] [5721], and [2532] to be healed [2323] [5745] by [5259] him [0846] of [0575] their [0848] infirmities [0769].


 Mais il se tenait retiré dans les déserts, et il priait.

 And [1161] he withdrew [2258] [5713] [5298] [5723] himself [0846] into [1722] the wilderness [2048], and [2532] prayed [4336] [5740].


 Or, un jour qu'il enseignait, et que des pharisiens et des docteurs de la loi, qui étaient venus de tous les villages de la Galilée et de la Judée, et de Jérusalem, étaient assis, la puissance du Seigneur agissait pour guérir les malades.

 And [2532] it came to pass [1096] [5633] on [1722] a certain [3391] day [2250], as [2532] he [0846] was [2258] [5713] teaching [1321] [5723], that [2532] there were [2258] [5713] Pharisees [5330] and [2532] doctors of the law [3547] sitting by [2521] [5740], which [3739] were [2258] [5713] come [2064] [5756] out of [1537] every [3956] town [2968] of Galilee [1056], and [2532] Judaea [2449], and [2532] Jerusalem [2419]: and [2532] the power [1411] of the Lord


 Alors il survint des gens qui portaient sur un lit un homme perclus, et ils cherchaient à le faire entrer dans la maison et à le mettre devant Jésus.

 And [2532], behold [2400] [5628], men [0435] brought [5342] [5723] in [1909] a bed [2825] a man [0444] which [3739] was [2258] [5713] taken with a palsy [3886] [5772]: and [2532] they sought [2212] [5707] [means] to bring [1533] [0000] him [0846] in [1533] [5629], and [2532] to lay [5087] [5629] [him] before [1799] him [0846].


 Et ne sachant par où le faire entrer à cause de la foule, ils montèrent sur la maison, et le descendirent par les tuiles avec sa civière, au milieu de la foule,

 And [2532] when they could [2147] [0000] not [3361] find [2147] [5631] by [1223] what [4169] [way] they might bring [1533] [0000] him [0846] in [1533] [5632] because [1223] of the multitude [3793], they went [0305] [5631] upon [1909] the housetop [1430], and let [2524] [0000] him [0846] down [2524] [5656] through [1223] the tiling [2766] with [4862] [his] couch [2826] into [1519] the midst [3319] before [1715] Jesus.


 Devant Jésus, qui, ayant vu leur foi, lui dit: Ô homme, tes péchés te sont pardonnés.

 And [2532] when he saw [1492] [5631] their [0846] faith [4102], he said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Man [0444], thy [4675] sins [0266] are forgiven [0863] [5769] thee [4671].


 Alors les scribes et les pharisiens commencèrent à raisonner et à dire: Qui est celui-ci, qui prononce des blasphèmes? Qui peut pardonner les péchés, que Dieu seul?

 And [2532] the scribes [1122] and [2532] the Pharisees [5330] began [0756] [5662] to reason [1260] [5738], saying [3004] [5723], Who [5101] is [2076] [5748] this [3778] which [3739] speaketh [2980] [5719] blasphemies [0988]? Who [5101] can [1410] [5736] forgive [0863] [5721] sins [0266], but [1508] God [2316] alone [3441]?


 Mais Jésus, connaissant leurs pensées, prit la parole et leur dit: Quel raisonnement faites-vous dans vos cœurs?

 But [1161] when Jesus perceived [1921] [5631] their [0846] thoughts [1261], he answering [0611] [5679] said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] them [0846], What [5101] reason ye [1260] [5736] in [1722] your [5216] hearts [2588]?


 Lequel est le plus aisé, de dire: Tes péchés te sont pardonnés; ou de dire: Lève-toi, et marche?

 Whether [5101] is [2076] [5748] easier [2123], to say [2036] [5629], Thy [4675] sins [0266] be forgiven [0863] [5769] thee [4671]; or [2228] to say [2036] [5629], Rise up [1453] [5669] and [2532] walk [4043] [5720]?


 Or, afin que vous sachiez que le Fils, l'expression humaine a sur la terre le pouvoir de pardonner les péchés: Lève-toi, dit-il au paralytique, je te le dis, emporte ta civière, et rentre chez-toi.

 But [1161] that [2443] ye may know [1492] [5762] that [3754] the Son [5207] of man [0444] hath [2192] [5719] power [1849] upon [1909] earth [1093] to forgive [0863] [5721] sins [0266], (he said [2036] [5627] unto the sick of the palsy [3886] [5772]) I say [3004] [5719] unto thee [4671], Arise [1453] [5669], and [2532] take up [0142] [5660] thy [4675] couch [2826], and go [4198] [5737] into [1519] thine [4675] house [3624].


 Et à l'instant il se leva en leur présence; il emporta la civière sur laquelle il avait été couché, et s'en alla dans sa maison, donnant gloire à Dieu.

 And [2532] immediately [3916] he rose up [0450] [5631] before [1799] them [0846], and took up [0142] [5660] that whereon [1909] [3739] he lay [2621] [5711], and departed [0565] [5627] to [1519] his own [0848] house [3624], glorifying [1392] [5723] God [2316].


 Et ils furent tous saisis d'étonnement, et ils glorifiaient Dieu; ils furent remplis de crainte, et ils disaient: Nous avons vu aujourd'hui des choses étranges.

 And [2532] they were [2983] [5627] all [0537] amazed [1611], and [2532] they glorified [1392] [5707] God [2316], and [2532] were filled [4130] [5681] with fear [5401], saying [3004] [5723], [3754] We have seen [1492] [5627] strange things [3861] to day [4594].


 Après cela il sortit, et il vit un péager nommé Lévi, assis au bureau des impôts;

 And [2532] after [3326] these things [5023] he went forth [1831] [5627], and [2532] saw [2300] [5662] a publican [5057], named [3686] Levi [3018], sitting [2521] [5740] at [1909] the receipt of custom [5058]: and [2532] he said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Follow [0190] [5720] me [3427].


 Et il lui dit: Suis-moi. Et lui, quittant tout, se leva et le suivit.

 And [2532] he left [2641] [5631] all [0537], rose up [0450] [5631], and followed [0190] [5656] him [0846].


 Et Lévi lui fit un grand festin dans sa maison, et un grand nombre de péagers et d'autres gens étaient à table avec eux.

 And [2532] Levi [3018] made [4160] [5656] him [0846] a great [3173] feast [1403] in [1722] his own [0848] house [3614]: and [2532] there was [2258] [5713] a great [4183] company [3793] of publicans [5057] and [2532] of others [0243] that [3739] sat down [2621] [5740] with [3326] them [0846].


 Et ceux d'entre eux qui étaient scribes et pharisiens murmuraient et disaient à ses disciples: Pourquoi mangez-vous et buvez-vous avec des péagers et des gens de mauvaise vie?

 But [2532] their [0846] scribes [1122] and [2532] Pharisees [5330] murmured [1111] [5707] against [4314] his [0846] disciples [3101], saying [3004] [5723], Why [1302] do ye eat [2068] [5719] and [2532] drink [4095] [5719] with [3326] publicans [5057] and [2532] sinners [0268]?


 Et Jésus, prenant la parole, leur dit: Ce ne sont pas ceux qui sont en santé qui ont besoin de médecin;

 And [2532] Jesus answering [0611] [5679] said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] them [0846], They that are whole [5198] [5723] need [5532] [2192] [5719] not [3756] a physician [2395]; but [0235] they that are [2192] [5723] sick [2560].


 Mais ceux qui se portent mal. JE SUIS venu appeler à la reconsidération, non les justes, mais les pécheurs.

 I came [2064] [5754] not [3756] to call [2564] [5658] the righteous [1342], but [0235] sinners [0268] to [1519] repentance [3341].


 Ils lui dirent aussi: Pourquoi les disciples de Jean jeûnent-ils souvent et font-ils des prières, de même que ceux des pharisiens; au lieu que les tiens mangent et boivent?

 And [1161] they said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] him [0846], Why [1302] do [3522] [0000] the disciples [3101] of John [2491] fast [3522] [5719] often [4437], and [2532] make [4160] [5731] prayers [1162], and [2532] likewise [3668] [the disciples [3588]] of the Pharisees [5330]; but [1161] thine [4674] eat [2068] [5719] and [2532] drink [4095] [5719]?


 Il leur dit: Pouvez-vous faire jeûner les amis de l'Époux, pendant que l'Époux est avec eux?

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] them [0846], [3361] Can ye [1410] [5736] make [4160] [5658] the children [5207] of the bridechamber [3567] fast [3522] [5721], while [3739] [1722] the bridegroom [3566] is [2076] [5748] with [3326] them [0846]?


 Mais des jours viendront où l'Époux leur sera ôté; alors ils jeûneront en ces jours.

 But [1161] the days [2250] will come [2064] [5695], when [3752] [2532] the bridegroom [3566] shall be taken away [0522] [5686] from [0575] them [0846], and then [5119] shall they fast [3522] [5692] in [1722] those [1565] days [2250].


 Il leur dit aussi une parabole: Personne ne met une pièce d'un habit neuf à un vieil habit; autrement, le neuf déchire le vieux, et la pièce prise du neuf ne s'accorde pas avec le vieux.

 And [1161] he spake [3004] [5707] also [2532] a parable [3850] unto [4314] them [0846]; [3754] No man [3762] putteth [1911] [5719] a piece [1915] of a new [2537] garment [2440] upon [1909] an old [3820]; if otherwise, then [1490] both [2532] the new [2537] maketh a rent [4977] [5719], and [2532] the piece [1915] that was [taken] out of [0575] the new [2537] agreeth [4856] [5719] not [3756] with the old [3820].


 Personne non plus ne met le vin nouveau dans de vieilles outres; autrement le vin nouveau romprait les outres, et se répandrait, et les outres seraient perdus.

 And [2532] no man [3762] putteth [0906] [5719] new [3501] wine [3631] into [1519] old [3820] bottles [0779]; else [1490] the new [3501] wine [3631] will burst [4486] [5692] the bottles [0779], and [2532] be spilled [1632] [5701], and [2532] the bottles [0779] shall perish [0622] [5698].


 Mais le vin nouveau se met dans des outres neuves, et les deux se conservent ensemble.

 But [0235] new [3501] wine [3631] must be put [0992] into [1519] new [2537] bottles [0779]; and [2532] both [0297] are preserved [4933] [5743].


 Et il n'y a personne qui, buvant du vieux vin, en veuille aussitôt du nouveau; car, dit-il, le vieux est meilleur.

 No man [3762] also [2532] having drunk [4095] [5631] old [3820] [wine] straightway [2112] desireth [2309] [5719] new [3501]: for [1063] he saith [3004] [5719], The old [3820] is [2076] [5748] better [5543].


 Il arriva, pendant le deuxième sabbat, celui qui vient après le premier, que Jésus traversait des champs de blé; et ses disciples arrachaient des épis, et, les froissant entre leurs mains, les mangeaient.

 And [1161] it came to pass [1096] [5633] on [1722] the second [1207] [0000] sabbath [4521] after the first [1207], that he [0846] went [1279] [5738] through [1223] the corn fields [4702]; and [2532] his [0846] disciples [3101] plucked [5089] [5707] the ears of corn [4719], and [2532] did eat [2068] [5707], rubbing [5597] [5723] [them] in [their] hands [5495].


 Et quelques-uns des pharisiens leur dirent: Pourquoi faites-vous ce qu'il n'est pas permis de faire les jours de sabbat?

 And [1161] certain [5100] of the Pharisees [5330] said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Why [5101] do ye [4160] [5719] that which [3739] is [1832] [0000] not [3756] lawful [1832] [5748] to do [4160] [5721] on [1722] the sabbath days [4521]?


 Alors Jésus, prenant la parole, leur dit: N'avez-vous donc pas lu ce que fit David [1138], lorsque lui et ceux qui étaient avec lui furent pressés par la faim?

 And [2532] Jesus answering [0611] [5679] them [4314] [0846] said [2036] [5627], Have ye [0314] [0000] not [3761] [0000] read [0314] [5627] so much as [3761] this [5124], what [3739] David [1138] [1138] did [4160] [5656], when [3698] himself [0846] was an hungred [3983] [5656], and [2532] they which [3588] were [5607] [5752] with [3326] him [0846];


 Comment il entra dans la maison de Dieu, et prit les pains du témoignage, et en mangea, et en donna même à ceux qui étaient avec lui, bien qu'il ne fût permis qu'aux seuls sacrificateurs d'en manger?

 How [5613] he went [1525] [5627] into [1519] the house [3624] of God [2316], and [2532] did take [2983] [5627] and [2532] eat [5315] [5627] the shewbread [0740] [4286], and [2532] gave [1325] [5656] also [2532] to them that were with [3326] him [0846]; which [3739] it is [1832] [0000] not [3756] lawful [1832] [5748] to eat [5315] [5629] but for [1508] the priests [2409] alone [3441]?


 Et il leur dit: Le Fils de l'homme est Maître, même du sabbat.

 And [2532] he said [3004] [5707] unto them [0846], That [3754] the Son [5207] of man [0444] is [2076] [5748] Lord [2962] also [2532] of the sabbath [4521].


 Il arriva aussi, un autre jour de sabbat, qu'il entra dans la synagogue, et qu'il y enseignait; et il y avait là un homme dont la main droite était sèche.

 And [1161] it came to pass [1096] [5633] also [2532] on [1722] another [2087] sabbath [4521], that he [0846] entered [1525] [5629] into [1519] the synagogue [4864] and [2532] taught [1321] [5721]: and [2532] there [1563] was [2258] [5713] a man [0444] whose [2532] [0846] right [1188] hand [5495] was [2258] [5713] withered [3584].


 Or, les scribes et les pharisiens l'observaient, pour voir s'il guérirait le jour du sabbat, afin de trouver un sujet d'accusation contre lui;

 And [1161] the scribes [1122] and [2532] Pharisees [5330] watched [3906] [5707] him [0846], whether [1487] he would heal [2323] [5692] on [1722] the sabbath day [4521]; that [2443] they might find [2147] [5627] an accusation [2724] against him [0846].


 Mais comme il connaissait leurs pensées, il dit à l'homme qui avait la main sèche: Lève-toi, et tiens-toi au milieu. Et lui, s'étant levé, se tint debout.

 But [1161] he knew [1492] [5715] their [0846] thoughts [1261], and [2532] said [2036] [5627] to the man [0444] which [3588] had [2192] [5723] the withered [3584] hand [5495], Rise up [1453] [5669], and [2532] stand forth [2476] [5628] in [1519] the midst [3319]. And [1161] he arose [0450] [5631] and stood forth [2476] [5627].


 Jésus leur dit donc: Je vous demanderai une chose: Est-il permis, dans les jours de sabbat, de faire du bien ou de faire du mal, de sauver une personne ou de la laisser périr?

 Then [3767] said [2036] [5627] Jesus unto [4314] them [0846], I will ask [1905] [5692] you [5209] one thing [5101]; Is it lawful [1832] [5748] on the sabbath days [4521] to do good [0015] [5658], or [2228] to do evil [2554] [5658]? to save [4982] [5658] life [5590], or [2228] to destroy [0622] [5658] [it]?


 Et ayant regardé tous ceux qui étaient autour de lui, il dit à l'homme: Étends ta main. Il le fit et sa main redevint saine comme l'autre.

 And [2532] looking round about upon [4017] [5671] them [0846] all [3956], he said [2036] [5627] unto the man [0444], Stretch forth [1614] [5657] thy [4675] hand [5495]. And [1161] he did [4160] [5656] so [3779]: and [2532] his [0846] hand [5495] was restored [0600] [5681] whole [5199] as [5613] the other [0243].


 Et ils furent remplis de fureur; et ils s'entretenaient ensemble de ce qu'ils pourraient faire à Jésus.

 And [1161] they were filled [4130] [5681] with madness [0454]; and [2532] communed [1255] [5707] one with another [4314] [0240] what [5101] [0302] they might do [4160] [5659] to Jesus.


 En ce temps [1909]-là, Jésus alla sur la montagne pour prier; et il passa toute la nuit à prier Dieu.

 And [1161] it came to pass [1096] [5633] in [1722] those [5025] days [2250], that he went out [1831] [5627] into [1519] a mountain [3735] to pray [4336] [5664], and [2532] continued all night [1273] [5723] [2258] [5713] in [1722] prayer [4335] to God [2316].


 Et dès que le jour fut venu, il appela les disciples, et il en choisit douze d'entre eux, qu'il nomma apôtres;

 And [2532] when [3753] it was [1096] [5633] day [2250], he called [4377] [5656] [unto him] his [0848] disciples [3101]: and [2532] of [0575] them [0846] he chose [1586] [5671] twelve [1427], whom [3739] also [2532] he named [3687] [5656] apostles [0652];


 Simon, qu'il nomma aussi Pierre, et André son frère, Jacques et Jean, Philippe et Barthélemi,

 Simon [4613], (whom [3739] he also [2532] named [3687] [5656] Peter [4074]) and [2532] Andrew [0406] his [0846] brother [0080], James [2385] and [2532] John [2491], Philip [5376] and [2532] Bartholomew [0918],


 Matthieu et Thomas, Jacques, fils [5207] d'Alphée, et Simon appelé le zélé,

 Matthew [3156] and [2532] Thomas [2381], James [2385] the [3588] [son] of Alphaeus [0256], and [2532] Simon [4613] called [2564] [5746] Zelotes [2208],


 Jude, frère de Jacques, et Judas l'Iscariote, qui fut celui qui le trahit.

 And Judas [2455] [the brother] of James [2385], and [2532] Judas [2455] Iscariot [2469], which [3739] also [2532] was [1096] [5633] the traitor [4273].


 Étant ensuite descendu avec eux, il s'arrêta dans une plaine avec la troupe de ses disciples, et une grande multitude de peuple de toute la Judée et de Jérusalem, et de la contrée maritime de Tyr et de Sidon, qui étaient venus pour l'entendre et pour être guéris de leurs maladies.

 And [2532] he came down [2597] [5631] with [3326] them [0846], and stood [2476] [5627] in [1909] the plain [3977] [5117], and [2532] the company [3793] of his [0846] disciples [3101], and [2532] a great [4183] multitude [4128] of people [2992] out of [0575] all [3956] Judaea [2449] and [2532] Jerusalem [2419], and [2532] from the sea coast [3882] of Tyre [5184] and [2532] Sidon [4605], which [3739] came [2064] [5627] to hear [0191] [5658] him [0846], and [2532]


 Et ceux qui étaient tourmentés par des esprits troublés étaient aussi guéris.

 And [2532] they that were vexed [3791] [5746] with [5259] unclean [0169] spirits [4151]: and [2532] they were healed [2323] [5712].


 Et toute la multitude tâchait de le toucher, parce qu'il sortait de lui une vertu qui les guérissait tous.

 And [2532] the whole [3956] multitude [3793] sought [2212] [5707] to touch [0680] [5733] him [0846]: for [3754] there went [1831] [5711] virtue [1411] out [3844] of him [0846], and [2532] healed [2390] [5711] [them] all [3956].


 Alors Jésus, levant les yeux vers ses disciples, dit: Heureux, vous qui êtes pauvres, parce que la Souveraineté de Dieu est à vous.

 And [2532] he [0846] lifted up [1869] [5660] his [0848] eyes [3788] on [1519] his [0848] disciples [3101], and said [3004] [5707], Blessed [3107] [be ye] poor [4434]: for [3754] yours [5212] is [2076] [5748] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316].


 Heureux, vous qui avez faim maintenant, parce que vous serez rassasiés. Heureux, vous qui pleurez maintenant, parce que vous serez dans la joie.

 Blessed [3107] [are ye] that hunger [3983] [5723] now [3568]: for [3754] ye shall be filled [5526] [5701]. Blessed [3107] [are ye] that weep [2799] [5723] now [3568]: for [3754] ye shall laugh [1070] [5692].


 Vous serez heureux, lorsque les hommes vous haïront, vous chasseront, vous diront des outrages et rejetteront votre nom comme mauvais, à cause du Fils de l'homme.

 Blessed [3107] are ye [2075] [5748], when [3752] men [0444] shall hate [3404] [5661] you [5209], and [2532] when [3752] they shall separate [0873] [5661] you [5209] [from their company], and [2532] shall reproach [3679] [5661] [you], and [2532] cast out [1544] [5632] your [5216] name [3686] as [5613] evil [4190], for the Son [5207] of man's [0444] sake [1752].


 Réjouissez-vous en ce temps [1909]-là, et tressaillez de joie; parce que votre récompense sera grande dans le ciel. Car c'est ainsi que leurs pères traitaient les prophètes.

 Rejoice ye [5463] [5720] in [1722] that [1565] day [2250], and [2532] leap for joy [4640] [5657]: for [1063], behold [2400] [5628], your [5216] reward [3408] [is] great [4183] in [1722] heaven [3772]: for [1063] in [2596] the like manner [5024] did [4160] [5707] their [0846] fathers [3962] unto the prophets [4396].


 Mais malheur à vous, riches, parce que vous avez reçu votre consolation.

 But [4133] woe [3759] unto you [5213] that are rich [4145]! for [3754] ye have received [0568] [5719] your [5216] consolation [3874].


 Malheur à vous qui êtes rassasiés, parce que vous aurez faim. Malheur à vous qui riez maintenant; car vous vous lamenterez et vous pleurerez.

 Woe [3759] unto you [5213] that are full [1705] [5772]! for [3754] ye shall hunger [3983] [5692]. Woe [3759] unto you [5213] that laugh [1070] [5723] now [3568]! for [3754] ye shall mourn [3996] [5692] and [2532] weep [2799] [5692].


 Malheur à vous, lorsque tous les hommes diront du bien de vous; car leurs pères en faisaient de même aux faux prophètes.

 Woe [3759] unto you [5213], when [3752] all [3956] men [0444] shall speak [2036] [5632] well [2573] of you [5209]! for [1063] so [5024] [2596] did [4160] [5707] their [0846] fathers [3962] to the false prophets [5578].


 Mais je vous dis, à vous qui m'écoutez: Soyez courageux devant vos ennemis; faites du bien à ceux qui vous haïssent;

 But [0235] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213] which [3588] hear [0191] [5723], Love [0025] [5720] your [5216] enemies [2190], do [4160] [5720] good [2573] to them which [3588] hate [3404] [5723] you [5209],


 Bénissez ceux qui vous maudissent, et priez pour ceux qui vous utilisent avec malveillance;

 Bless [2127] [5720] them that curse [2672] [5740] you [5213], and [2532] pray [4336] [5737] for [5228] them which despitefully use [1908] [5723] you [5209].


 À celui qui te frappe sur une joue, présente aussi l'autre; et à celui qui t'ôte ton manteau, ne refuse pas ta tunique.

 And unto him that smiteth [5180] [5723] thee [4571] on [1909] the [one] cheek [4600] offer [3930] [5720] also [2532] the other [0243]; and [2532] him [0575] that taketh away [0142] [5723] thy [4675] cloke [2440] forbid [2967] [5661] not [3361] [to take thy] coat [5509] also [2532].


 Donne à quiconque te demande et si quelqu'un t'ôte ce qui est à toi, ne le redemande pas.

 1161 Give [1325] [5720] to every man [3956] that asketh [0154] [5723] of thee [4571]; and [2532] of [0575] him that taketh away [0142] [5723] thy goods [4674] ask [0523] [0000] [them] not [3361] again [0523] [5720].


 Et ce que vous voulez que les hommes vous fassent, faites-le-leur aussi de même.

 And [2532] as [2531] ye would [2309] [5719] that [2443] men [0444] should do [4160] [5725] to you [5213], do [4160] [5720] ye [5210] also [2532] to them [0846] likewise [3668].


 Car si vous considérez que ceux qui vous sont dévoués, quel gré vous en saura-t-on? puisque les gens de mauvaise vie sont dévoués aussi envers ceux qui se sacrifient pour eux.

 For [2532] if [1487] ye love [0025] [5719] them which love [0025] [5723] you [5209], what [4169] thank [5485] have [2076] [5748] ye [5213]? for [1063] sinners [0268] also [2532] love [0025] [5723] those that love [0025] [5719] them [0846].


 Et si vous ne faites du bien qu'à ceux qui vous font du bien, quel gré vous en saura-t-on? puisque les gens de mauvaise vie font la même chose.

 And [2532] if [1437] ye do good [0015] [5725] to them which do good [0015] [5723] to you [5209], what [4169] thank [5485] have [2076] [5748] ye [5213]? for [1063] sinners [0268] also do [4160] [5719] even [2532] the same [0846].


 Et si vous ne prêtez qu'à ceux de qui vous espérez de recevoir, quel gré vous en saura-t-on? puisque les gens de mauvaise vie prêtent aussi aux gens de mauvaise vie, afin d'en recevoir la pareille.

 And [2532] if [1437] ye lend [1155] [5725] [to them] of [3844] whom [3739] ye hope [1679] [5719] [5625] [1679] [5725] to receive [0618] [5629], what [4169] thank [5485] have [2076] [5748] ye [5213]? for [1063] sinners [0268] also [2532] lend [1155] [5719] to sinners [0268], to [2443] receive [0618] [0000] as much [2470] again [0618] [5632].


 Mais soyez vaillant devant vos ennemis, faites du bien, et prêtez sans en rien espérer, et votre récompense sera grande, et vous serez les enfants du Très-Haut, parce qu'il est bon envers les ingrats et les méchants.

 But [4133] love ye [0025] [5720] your [5216] enemies [2190], and [2532] do good [0015] [5720], and [2532] lend [1155] [5720], hoping [0560] [0000] for nothing [3367] again [0560] [5723]; and [2532] your [5216] reward [3408] shall be [2071] [5704] great [4183], and [2532] ye shall be [2071] [5704] the children [5207] of the Highest [5310]: for [3754] he [0846] is [2076] [5748] kind [5543] unto [1909] the unthankful [0884] and [2532] [to] the evil [4190].


 Soyez donc miséricordieux, comme aussi votre Père est miséricordieux.

 Be ye [1096] [5737] therefore [3767] merciful [3629], as [2531] your [5216] Father [3962] also [2532] is [2076] [5748] merciful [3629].


 Ne blâmez point, et vous ne serez point désavoués; ne condamnez point, et vous ne serez point condamnés; pardonnez et on vous pardonnera;

 2532 Judge [2919] [5720] not [3361], and [2532] ye shall [2919] [0000] not [3364] be judged [2919] [5686]: condemn [2613] [5720] not [3361], and [2532] ye shall [2613] [0000] not [3364] be condemned [2613] [5686]: forgive [0630] [5720], and [2532] ye shall be forgiven [0630] [5701]:


 Donnez, et on vous donnera; on vous donnera dans votre sein une bonne mesure, pressée, et secouée, et qui débordera; car on vous mesurera de la mesure dont vous vous servez envers les autres.

 Give [1325] [5720], and [2532] it shall be given [1325] [5701] unto you [5213]; good [2570] measure [3358], pressed down [4085] [5772], and [2532] shaken together [4531] [5772], and [2532] running over [5240] [5746], shall men give [1325] [5692] into [1519] your [5216] bosom [2859]. For [1063] with the same [0846] measure [3358] that [3739] ye mete withal [3354] [5719] it shall be measured [0488] [0000] to you [5213] again [0488] [5701].


 Il leur disait aussi une parabole: Un aveugle peut-il conduire un autre aveugle? Ne tomberont-ils pas tous deux dans la fosse?

 And [1161] he spake [2036] [5627] a parable [3850] unto them [0846], [3385] Can [1410] [5736] the blind [5185] lead [3594] [5721] the blind [5185]? shall they [0297] [0000] not [3780] both [0297] fall [4098] [5699] into [1519] the ditch [0999]?


 Le disciple n'est point au-dessus de son Maître; mais tout disciple accompli sera comme son Maître.

 The disciple [3101] is [2076] [5748] not [3756] above [5228] his [0848] master [1320]: but [1161] every one [3956] that is perfect [2675] [5772] shall be [2071] [5704] as [5613] his [0846] master [1320].


 Et pourquoi regardes-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère, et tu ne t'aperçois pas de la poutre qui est dans ton propre œil?

 And [1161] why [5101] beholdest thou [0991] [5719] the mote [2595] that is in [1722] thy [4675] brother's [0080] eye [3788], but [1161] perceivest [2657] [5719] not [3756] the beam [1385] that is in [1722] thine own [2398] eye [3788]?


 Ou, comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: Mon frère, tolère que j'ôte la paille qui est dans ton œil, toi qui ne vois pas la poutre dans le tien. Hypocrite, ôte premièrement la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras comment tu ôteras la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère.

 Either [2228] how [4459] canst thou [1410] [5736] say [3004] [5721] to thy [4675] brother [0080], Brother [0080], let me [0863] [5628] pull out [1544] [5632] the mote [2595] that is in [1722] thine [4675] eye [3788], when thou [0991] [0000] thyself [0846] beholdest [0991] [5723] not [3756] the beam [1385] that is in [1722] thine [4675] own eye [3788]? Thou hypocrite [5273], cast out [1544] [5628] first [4412] the beam [1385] out of [1537] thine own [4675] eye


 Il n'y a point de bon arbre qui produise de mauvais fruit, ni de mauvais arbre qui produise de bon fruit.

 For [1063] a good [2570] tree [1186] bringeth [2076] [5748] [4160] [0000] not [3756] forth [4160] [5723] corrupt [4550] fruit [2590]; neither [3761] doth [4160] [0000] a corrupt [4550] tree [1186] bring forth [4160] [5723] good [2570] fruit [2590].


 Car chaque arbre se connaît par son propre fruit. On ne cueille pas des figues sur des épines, et l'on ne cueille pas des raisins sur un buisson.

 For [1063] every [1538] tree [1186] is known [1097] [5743] by [1537] his own [2398] fruit [2590]. For [1063] of [1537] thorns [0173] men do not [3756] gather [4816] [5719] figs [4810], nor [3761] of [1537] a bramble bush [0942] gather they [5166] [5719] grapes [4718].


 L'homme de bien tire de bonnes choses du bon trésor de son cœur, et l'homme méchant tire de mauvaises choses du mauvais trésor de son cœur; car c'est de l'abondance du cœur que la bouche parle.

 A good [0018] man [0444] out of [1537] the good [0018] treasure [2344] of his [0848] heart [2588] bringeth forth [4393] [5719] that which is good [0018]; and [2532] an evil [4190] man [0444] out of [1537] the evil [4190] treasure [2344] of his [0848] heart [2588] bringeth forth [4393] [5719] that which is evil [4190]: for [1063] of [1537] the abundance [4051] of the heart [2588] his [0846] mouth [4750] speaketh [2980] [5719].


 Pourquoi donc m'appelez-vous Seigneur, Seigneur, tandis que vous ne faites pas ce que je dis?

 And [1161] why [5101] call ye [2564] [5719] me [3165], Lord [2962], Lord [2962], and [2532] do [4160] [5719] not [3756] the things which [3739] I say [3004] [5719]?


 Je vous montrerai à qui ressemble tout homme qui vient à moi et qui écoute mes paroles, et qui les met en pratique.

 Whosoever [3956] cometh [2064] [5740] to [4314] me [3165], and [2532] heareth [0191] [5723] my [3450] sayings [3056], and [2532] doeth [4160] [5723] them [0846], I will shew [5263] [5692] you [5213] to whom [5101] he is [2076] [5748] like [3664]:


 Il est semblable à un homme qui bâtit une maison, et qui ayant foui et creusé profondément, en a posé le fondement sur le roc; et l'inondation est venue, le torrent a donné avec violence contre cette maison, mais il n'a pu l'ébranler, parce qu'elle était fondée sur le roc.

 He is [2076] [5748] like [3664] a man [0444] which [3739] built [3618] [5723] an house [3614], and [2532] digged [4626] [5656] deep [0900] [5656], and [2532] laid [5087] [5656] the foundation [2310] on [1909] a rock [4073]: and [1161] when the flood [4132] arose [1096] [5637], the stream [4215] beat vehemently [4366] [5656] upon that [1565] house [3614], and [2532] could [2480] [5656] not [3756] shake [4531] [5658] it [0846]: for [1063] it was founded [2311]


 Mais celui qui écoute et qui ne met pas en pratique, est semblable à un homme qui a bâti sa maison sur la terre, sans fondement; le torrent a donné avec violence contre elle, et aussitôt elle est tombée, et la ruine de cette maison-là a été grande.

 But [1161] he that heareth [0191] [5660], and [2532] doeth [4160] [5660] not [3361], is [2076] [5748] like [3664] a man [0444] that without [5565] a foundation [2310] built [3618] [5660] an house [3614] upon [1909] the earth [1093]; against [4366] [0000] which [3739] the stream [4215] did beat vehemently [4366] [5656], and [2532] immediately [2112] it fell [4098] [5627]; and [2532] the ruin [4485] of that [1565] house [3614] was [1096] [5633] great [3173].


 Après que Jésus eut achevé tous ces discours devant le peuple qui l'écoutait, il entra dans Capernaüm.

 Now [1161] when [1893] he had ended [4137] [5656] all [3956] his [0848] sayings [4487] in [1519] the audience [0189] of the people [2992], he entered [1525] [5627] into [1519] Capernaum [2584].


 Or, le serviteur d'un centenier, auquel il était fort cher, étant malade, allait mourir.

 And [1161] a certain [5100] centurion's [1543] servant [1401], who [3739] was [2258] [5713] dear [1784] unto him [0846], was [2192] [5723] sick [2560], and ready [3195] [5707] to die [5053] [5721].


 Et le centenier ayant entendu parler de Jésus, envoya vers lui des anciens des Judéens, pour le prier de venir guérir son serviteur.

 And [1161] when he heard [0191] [5660] of [4012] Jesus, he sent [0649] [5656] unto [4314] him [0846] the elders [4245] of the Jews [2453], beseeching [2065] [5723] him [0846] that [3704] he would come [2064] [5631] and heal [1295] [5661] his [0848] servant [1401].


 Ceux-ci étant donc venus vers Jésus, le prièrent instamment, disant: Il est digne que tu lui accordes cela; car il se sacrifie pour notre nation,

 And [1161] when they came [3854] [5637] to [4314] Jesus, they besought [3870] [5707] him [0846] instantly [4709], saying [3004] [5723], That [3754] he was [2076] [5748] worthy [0514] for whom [3739] he should do [3930] [5692] this [5124]:


 Et c'est lui qui nous a fait bâtir la synagogue.

 For [1063] he loveth [0025] [5719] our [2257] nation [1484], and [2532] he [0846] hath built [3618] [5656] us [2254] a synagogue [4864].


 Jésus donc s'en alla avec eux. Et comme déjà il n'était plus loin de la maison, le centenier envoya vers lui des amis, lui dire: Seigneur, ne t'incommode point, car je ne mérite pas que tu entres sous mon toit.

 Then [1161] Jesus went [4198] [5711] with [4862] them [0846]. And [1161] when he was [0568] [5723] now [2235] not [3756] far [3112] from [0575] the house [3614], the centurion [1543] sent [3992] [5656] friends [5384] to [4314] him [0846], saying [3004] [5723] unto him [0846], Lord [2962], trouble [4660] [0000] not [3361] thyself [4660] [5744]: for [1063] I am [1510] [5748] not [3756] worthy [2425] that [2443] thou shouldest enter [1525] [5632] under


 C'est pourquoi je ne me suis pas jugé digne moi-même d'aller vers toi; mais dis une parole, et mon serviteur sera guéri.

 Wherefore [1352] neither [3761] thought I [0515] [0000] myself [1683] worthy [0515] [5656] to come [2064] [5629] unto [4314] thee [4571]: but [0235] say [2036] [5628] in a word [3056], and [2532] my [3450] servant [3816] shall be healed [2390] [5701].


 Car, quoique je sois un homme soumis à la puissance d'autrui, j'ai sous moi des soldats; et je dis à l'un: Va, et il va; et à l'autre: Viens, et il vient; et à mon serviteur: Fais ceci, et il le fait.

 For [1063] I [1473] also [2532] am [1510] [5748] a man [0444] set [5021] [5746] under [5259] authority [1849], having [2192] [5723] under [5259] me [1683] soldiers [4757], and [2532] I say [3004] [5719] unto one [5129], Go [4198] [5676], and [2532] he goeth [4198] [5736]; and [2532] to another [0243], Come [2064] [5736], and [2532] he cometh [2064] [5736]; and [2532] to my [3450] servant [1401], Do [4160] [5657] this [5124], and [2532] he doeth [4160]


 Jésus ayant entendu cela, admira le centenier et se tournant, il dit à la troupe qui le suivait: Je vous dis que je n'ai pas trouvé une si grande foi, non, même pas en Israël.

 When [1161] Jesus heard [0191] [5660] these things [5023], he marvelled [2296] [5656] at him [0846], and [2532] turned him about [4762] [5651], and said [2036] [5627] unto the people [3793] that followed [0190] [5723] him [0846], I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], I have not found [2147] [5627] so great [5118] faith [4102], no, not [3761] in [1722] Israel [2474].


 Et quand ceux qui avaient été envoyés furent de retour à la maison, ils trouvèrent le serviteur qui avait été malade, se portant bien.

 And [2532] they that were sent [3992] [5685], returning [5290] [5660] to [1519] the house [3624], found [2147] [5627] the servant [1401] whole [5198] [5723] that had been sick [0770] [5723].


 Le jour suivant, Jésus allait à une ville appelée Naïn, et plusieurs de ses disciples et une grande troupe allaient avec lui.

 And [2532] it came to pass [1096] [5633] [1722] the day after [1836], that he went [4198] [5711] into [1519] a city [4172] called [2564] [5746] Nain [3484]; and [2532] many [2425] of his [0846] disciples [3101] went with [4848] [5711] him [0846], and [2532] much [4183] people [3793].


 Et comme il approchait de la porte de la ville, voici on portait en terre un mort, fils [5207] unique de sa mère, qui était veuve, et il y avait avec elle un grand nombre de gens de la ville.

 Now [1161] when [5613] he came nigh [1448] [5656] to the gate [4439] of the city [4172], behold [2532] [2400] [5628], there was [1580] [0000] a dead man [2348] [5761] carried out [1580] [5712], the only [3439] son [5207] of his [0848] mother [3384], and [2532] she [3778] was [2258] [5713] a widow [5503]: and [2532] much [2425] people [3793] of the city [4172] was [2258] [5713] with [4862] her [0846].


 Et le Seigneur l'ayant vue, fut touché de compassion pour elle, et lui dit: Ne pleure point.

 And [2532] when the Lord [2962] saw [1492] [5631] her [0846], he had compassion [4697] [5675] on [1909] her [0846], and [2532] said [2036] [5627] unto her [0846], Weep [2799] [5720] not [3361].


 Et s'étant approché, il toucha la civière, et ceux qui la portaient s'arrêtèrent; et il dit: Jeune homme, je te le dis, lève-toi.

 And [2532] he came [4334] [5631] and touched [0680] [5662] the bier [4673]: and [1161] they that bare [0941] [5723] [him] stood still [2476] [5627]. And [2532] he said [2036] [5627], Young man [3495], I say [3004] [5719] unto thee [4671], Arise [1453] [5682].


 Et le mort s'assit et commença à parler. Et Jésus le rendit à sa mère.

 And [2532] he that was dead [3498] sat up [0339] [5656], and [2532] began [0756] [5662] to speak [2980] [5721]. And [2532] he delivered [1325] [5656] him [0846] to his [0846] mother [3384].


 Et la crainte les saisit tous, et ils glorifièrent Dieu, en disant: Un grand prophète s'est élevé parmi nous, et Dieu a visité son peuple.

 And [1161] there came [2983] [5627] a fear [5401] on all [0537]: and [2532] they glorified [1392] [5707] God [2316], saying [3004] [5723], That [3754] a great [3173] prophet [4396] is risen up [1453] [5769] among [1722] us [2254]; and [2532], That [3754] God [2316] hath visited [1980] [5662] his [0848] people [2992].


 Et ce propos se répandit par toute la Judée, et dans tout le pays d'alentour.

 And [2532] this [3778] rumour [3056] of [4012] him [0846] went forth [1831] [5627] throughout [1722] all [3650] Judaea [2449], and [2532] throughout [1722] all [3956] the region round about [4066].


 Or, toutes ces choses furent rapportées à Jean par ses disciples.

 And [2532] the disciples [3101] of John [2491] shewed [0518] [5656] him [0846] of [4012] all [3956] these things [5130].


 Et Jean appela deux de ses disciples et les envoya vers Jésus, pour lui dire: Es-tu celui qui devait venir, ou devons-nous en attendre un autre?

 And [2532] John [2491] calling [4341] [5666] [unto him] two [1417] [5100] of his [0848] disciples [3101] sent [3992] [5656] [them] to [4314] Jesus, saying [3004] [5723], Art [1488] [5748] thou [4771] he that should come [2064] [5740]? or [2228] look we for [4328] [5719] [5725] another [0243]?


 Ces hommes donc, étant venus vers Jésus, lui dirent: Jean-Baptiste nous a envoyés vers toi, pour te dire: Es-tu celui qui devait venir, ou devons-nous en attendre un autre?

 When [1161] the men [0435] were come [3854] [5637] unto [4314] him [0846], they said [2036] [5627], John [2491] Baptist [0910] hath sent [0649] [5758] us [2248] unto [4314] thee [4571], saying [3004] [5723], Art [1488] [5748] thou [4771] he that should come [2064] [5740]? or [2228] look we for [4328] [5719] [5725] another [0243]?


 Or, à cette même heure, Jésus guérit plusieurs personnes de leurs maladies, de leurs infirmités et des dispositions malicieuses, et il rendit la vue à plusieurs aveugles.

 And [1161] in [1722] that same [0846] hour [5610] he cured [2323] [5656] many [4183] of [0575] [their] infirmities [3554] and [2532] plagues [3148], and [2532] of evil [4190] spirits [4151]; and [2532] unto many [4183] [that were] blind [5185] he gave [5483] [5662] sight [0991] [5721].


 Puis répondant, Jésus leur dit: Allez, et rapportez à Jean ce que vous avez vu et entendu; que les aveugles recouvrent la vue, les boiteux marchent, les lépreux sont purifiés, les sourds entendent, les morts ressuscitent, le message de la grâce est annoncé aux pauvres,

 Then [2532] Jesus answering [0611] [5679] said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Go your way [4198] [5679], and tell [0518] [5657] John [2491] what things [3739] ye have seen [1492] [5627] and [2532] heard [0191] [5656]; how [3754] that the blind [5185] see [0308] [5719], the lame [5560] walk [4043] [5719], the lepers [3015] are cleansed [2511] [5743], the deaf [2974] hear [0191] [5719], the dead [3498] are raised [1453] [5743], to the poor [4434] the gosp


 Et béni est celui qui ne se sera pas offensé à cause de moi.

 And [2532] blessed [3107] is [2076] [5748] [he], whosoever [3362] [0000] shall [4624] [0000] not [3362] be offended [4624] [5686] in [1722] me [1698].


 Ceux que Jean avait envoyés étant partis, Jésus se mit à dire au peuple au sujet de Jean: Qu'êtes-vous allés voir au désert? Un roseau agité du vent?

 And [1161] when the messengers [0032] of John [2491] were departed [0565] [5631], he began [0756] [5662] to speak [3004] [5721] unto [4314] the people [3793] concerning [4012] John [2491], What [5101] went ye out [1831] [5758] into [1519] the wilderness [2048] for to see [2300] [5664]? A reed [2563] shaken [4531] [5746] with [5259] the wind [0417]?


 Mais qu'êtes-vous allés voir? Un homme vêtu d'habits précieux? Voilà, ceux qui sont magnifiquement vêtus, et qui vivent dans les délices, sont dans les maisons des rois.

 But [0235] what [5101] went ye out [1831] [5758] for to see [1492] [5629]? A man [0444] clothed [0294] [5772] in [1722] soft [3120] raiment [2440]? Behold [2400] [5628], they which are [1722] gorgeously [1741] apparelled [2441], and [2532] live [5225] [5723] delicately [5172], are [1526] [5748] in [1722] kings' courts [0933].


 Mais qu'êtes-vous allés voir? Un prophète? Oui, vous dis-je, et plus qu'un prophète.

 But [0235] what [5101] went ye out [1831] [5758] for to see [1492] [5629]? A prophet [4396]? Yea [3483], I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], and [2532] much more [4055] than a prophet [4396].


 C'est celui de qui il est écrit: Voici, j'envoie mon messager devant ta face, qui préparera le chemin devant toi.

 This [3778] is [2076] [5748] [he], of [4012] whom [3739] it is written [1125] [5769], Behold [2400] [5628], I [1473] send [0649] [5719] my [3450] messenger [0032] before [4253] thy [4675] face [4383], which [3739] shall prepare [2680] [5692] thy [4675] way [3598] before [1715] thee [4675].


 Car je vous dis qu'entre ceux qui sont nés de femme, il n'y a point de prophète plus grand que Jean-Baptiste; et cependant, le plus petit dans la Souveraineté de Dieu est plus grand que lui.

 For [1063] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], Amon [0300]g [1722] those that are born [1084] of women [1135] there is [2076] [5748] not [3762] a greater [3187] [0000] prophet [4396] than [3187] John [2491] the Baptist [0910]: but [1161] he that is least [3398] in [1722] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316] is [2076] [5748] greater than [3187] he [0846].


 Et tout le peuple qui l'a entendu, et les péagers, ont justifié Dieu, ayant été consacrés dans la consécration de Jean.

 And [2532] all [3956] the people [2992] that heard [0191] [5660] [him], and [2532] the publicans [5057], justified [1344] [5656] God [2316], being baptized [0907] [5685] with the baptism [0908] of John [2491].


 Mais les pharisiens et les docteurs de la loi, ne s'étant pas fait consacrés par lui, ont rejeté pour leur perte le dessein de Dieu.

 But [1161] the Pharisees [5330] and [2532] lawyers [3544] rejected [0114] [5656] the counsel [1012] of God [2316] against [1519] themselves [1438], being [0907] [0000] not [3361] baptized [0907] [5685] of [5259] him [0846].


 Alors le Seigneur dit: À qui donc comparerai-je les hommes de cette génération, et à qui ressemblent-ils?

 And [1161] the Lord [2962] said [2036] [5627], Whereunto [5101] then [3767] shall I liken [3666] [5692] the men [0444] of this [5026] generation [1074]? and [2532] to what [5101] are they [1526] [5748] like [3664]?


 Ils ressemblent aux enfants assis dans la place publique, et qui crient les uns aux autres, et disent: Nous vous avons joué de la flûte, et vous n'avez point dansé, nous nous sommes lamentés, et vous n'avez point pleuré.

 They are [1526] [5748] like [3664] unto children [3813] sitting [2521] [5740] in [1722] the marketplace [0058], and [2532] calling [4377] [5719] [5723] one to another [0240], and [2532] saying [3004] [5719] [5723], We have piped [0832] [5656] unto you [5213], and [2532] ye have [3738] [0000] not [3756] danced [3738] [5662]; we have mourned [2354] [5656] to you [5213], and [2532] ye have [2799] [0000] not [3756] wept [2799] [5656].


 Car Jean-Baptiste est venu, ne mangeant point de pain, et ne buvant point de vin; et vous dites: Il a une conscience déréglée.

 For [1063] John [2491] the Baptist [0910] came [2064] [5754] neither [3383] eating [2068] [5723] bread [0740] nor [3383] drinking [4095] [5723] wine [3631]; and [2532] ye say [3004] [5719], He hath [2192] [5719] a devil [1140].


 Le Fils de l'homme est venu, mangeant et buvant; et vous dites: Voilà un glouton et un obsédé du vin, un ami des péagers et des gens de mauvaise vie.

 The Son [5207] of man [0444] is come [2064] [5754] eating [2068] [5723] and [2532] drinking [4095] [5723]; and [2532] ye say [3004] [5719], Behold [2400] [5628] a gluttonous [5314] man [0444], and [2532] a winebibber [3630], a friend [5384] of publicans [5057] and [2532] sinners [0268]!


 Mais la sagesse a été justifiée par tous ses enfants.

 But [2532] wisdom [4678] is justified [1344] [5681] of [0575] all [3956] her [0848] children [5043].


 Un pharisien ayant prié Jésus de manger chez lui, il entra dans la maison du pharisien, et se mit à table.

 And [1161] one [5100] of the Pharisees [5330] desired [2065] [5707] him [0846] that [2443] he would eat [5315] [5632] with [3326] him [0846]. And [2532] he went [1525] [5631] into [1519] the Pharisee's [5330] house [3614], and sat down to meat [0347] [5681].


 Et une femme de la ville, qui était de mauvaise vie, ayant su qu'il était à table dans la maison du pharisien, y apporta un vase d'albâtre, plein de parfum.

 And [2532], behold [2400] [5628], a woman [1135] in [1722] the city [4172], which [3748] was [2258] [5713] a sinner [0268], when she knew [1921] [5631] that [3754] [Jesus] sat at meat [0345] [5736] in [1722] the Pharisee's [5330] house [3614], brought [2865] [5660] an alabaster box [0211] of ointment [3464],


 Et se tenant derrière, aux pieds de Jésus en pleurant, elle se mit à lui arroser les pieds de ses larmes, et elle les essuyait avec les cheveux de sa tête; elle lui baisait les pieds, et les oignait de parfum.

 And [2532] stood [2476] [5631] at [3844] his [0846] feet [4228] behind [3694] [him] weeping [2799] [5723], and began [0756] [5662] to wash [1026] [5721] his [0846] feet [4228] with tears [1144], and [2532] did wipe [1591] [5707] [them] with the hairs [2359] of her [0848] head [2776], and [2532] kissed [2705] [5707] his [0846] feet [4228], and [2532] anointed [0218] [5707] [them] with the ointment [3464].


 Le pharisien qui l'avait convié, voyant cela, dit en lui-même: Si cet homme était prophète, il saurait qui est cette femme qui le touche, et qu'elle est de mauvaise vie.

 Now [1161] when the Pharisee [5330] which [3588] had bidden [2564] [5660] him [0846] saw [1492] [5631] [it], he spake [2036] [5627] within [1722] himself [1438], saying [3004] [5723], This man [3778], if [1487] he were [2258] [5713] a prophet [4396], [0302] would have known [1097] [5707] who [5101] and [2532] what manner [4217] of woman [1135] [this is] that [3748] toucheth [0680] [5731] him [0846]: for [3754] she is [2076] [5748] a sinner [0268].


 Alors Jésus, prenant la parole, lui dit: Simon, j'ai quelque chose à te dire. Et il lui répondit: Maître, dis-le.

 And [2532] Jesus answering [0611] [5679] said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] him [0846], Simon [4613], I have [2192] [5719] somewhat [5100] to say [2036] [5629] unto thee [4671]. And [1161] he saith [5346] [5748], Master [1320], say on [2036] [5628].


 Un créancier avait deux débiteurs, l'un devait cinq cents deniers, et l'autre cinquante.

 There was [2258] [5713] a certain [5100] creditor [1157] which had two [1417] debtors [5533]: the one [1520] owed [3784] [5707] five hundred [4001] pence [1220], and [1161] the other [2087] fifty [4004].


 Et comme ils n'avaient pas de quoi payer, il leur remit à tous deux leur dette. Dis-moi donc, lequel des deux se sacrifiera le plus?

 And [1161] when they [0846] had [2192] [5723] nothing [3361] to pay [0591] [5629], he frankly forgave [5483] [5662] them both [0297]. Tell me [2036] [5628] therefore [3767], which [5101] of them [0846] will love [0025] [5692] him [0846] most [4119]?


 Simon répondit: J'estime que c'est celui à qui il a le plus remis. Jésus lui dit: Tu as fort bien jugé.

 Simon [4613] answered [0611] [5679] and [1161] said [2036] [5627], I suppose [5274] [5719] that [3754] [he], to whom [3739] he forgave [5483] [5662] most [4119]. And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Thou hast [2919] [0000] rightly [3723] judged [2919] [5656].


 Alors, se tournant vers la femme, il dit à Simon: Vois-tu cette femme? JE SUIS entré dans ta maison, et tu ne m'as point donné d'eau pour me laver les pieds; mais elle a arrosé mes pieds de larmes, et les a essuyés avec ses cheveux.

 And [2532] he turned [4762] [5651] to [4314] the woman [1135], and said [5346] [5713] unto Simon [4613], Seest thou [0991] [5719] this [5026] woman [1135]? I entered [1525] [5627] into [1519] thine [4675] house [3614], thou gavest me [1325] [5656] no [3756] water [5204] for [1909] my [3450] feet [4228]: but [1161] she [3778] hath washed [1026] [5656] my [3450] feet [4228] with tears [1144], and [2532] wiped [1591] [5656] [them] with the hairs [2359] of her


 Tu ne m'as point donné de baiser; mais elle, depuis que JE SUIS entré, n'a cessé de me baiser les pieds.

 Thou gavest [1325] [5656] me [3427] no [3756] kiss [5370]: but [1161] this woman [3778] since [0575] the time [3739] I came in [1525] [5627] hath [1257] [0000] not [3756] ceased [1257] [5627] to kiss [2705] [5723] my [3450] feet [4228].


 Tu n'as pas oint ma tête d'huile; mais elle a oint mes pieds d'une huile odoriférante.

 My [3450] head [2776] with oil [1637] thou didst [0218] [0000] not [3756] anoint [0218] [5656]: but [1161] this woman [3778] hath anointed [0218] [5656] my [3450] feet [4228] with ointment [3464].


 C'est pourquoi je te le dis, ses péchés, qui sont en grand nombre, lui ont été pardonnés; car elle a beaucoup sacrifié; mais celui à qui peu est pardonné, le même se sacrifie peu.

 Wherefore [3739] [5484] I say [3004] [5719] unto thee [4671], Her [0846] sins [0266], which [3588] are many [4183], are forgiven [0863] [5769]; for [3754] she loved [0025] [5656] much [4183]: but [1161] to whom [3739] little [3641] is forgiven [0863] [5743], [the same] loveth [0025] [5719] little [3641].


 Puis il dit à la femme: Tes péchés te sont pardonnés.

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto her [0846], Thy [4675] sins [0266] are forgiven [0863] [5769].


 Et ceux qui étaient à table avec lui se mirent à dire en eux-mêmes: Qui est celui-ci, qui même pardonne les péchés?

 And [2532] they that sat at meat with him [4873] [5740] began [0756] [5662] to say [3004] [5721] within [1722] themselves [1438], Who [5101] is [2076] [5748] this [3778] that [3739] forgiveth [0863] [5719] sins [0266] also [2532]?


 Mais il dit à la femme: Ta foi t'a sauvée; retourne en paix.

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] to [4314] the woman [1135], Thy [4675] faith [4102] hath saved [4982] [5758] thee [4571]; go [4198] [5737] in [1519] peace [1515].


 Et il arriva après cela, que Jésus allait de ville en ville, et de village en village, prêchant et annonçant la proclamation joyeuse de la Souveraineté de Dieu; et les douze étaient avec lui,

 And [2532] it came to pass [1096] [5633] afterward [1722] [2517], that [2532] he went [1353] [5707] throughout every [2596] city [4172] and [2532] village [2968], preaching [2784] [5723] and [2532] shewing the glad tidings [2097] [5734] of the kingdom [0932] of God [2316]: and [2532] the twelve [1427] [were] with [4862] him [0846],


 Ainsi que quelques femmes qui avaient été délivrées de dispositions malicieuses et de maladies; savoir, Marie appelée Magdelène, de laquelle il était redressé sept dérèglements de conscience;

 And [2532] certain [5100] women [1135], which [3739] had been [2258] [5713] healed [2323] [5772] of [0575] evil [4190] spirits [4151] and [2532] infirmities [0769], Mary [3137] called [2564] [5746] Magdalene [3094], out of [0575] whom [3739] went [1831] [5715] seven [2033] devils [1140],


 Et Jeanne, femme de Chouza, intendant d'Hérode, et Suzanne, et plusieurs autres, qui l'assistaient de leurs biens.

 And [2532] Joanna [2489] the wife [1135] of Chuza [5529] Herod's [2264] steward [2012], and [2532] Susanna [4677], and [2532] many [4183] others [2087], which [3748] ministered [1247] [5707] unto him [0846] of [0575] their [0846] substance [5224] [5723].


 Or, comme une grande foule de peuple s'assemblait, et que plusieurs venaient à lui de toutes les villes, il leur dit en parabole:

 And [1161] when much [4183] people [3793] were gathered together [4896] [5752], and [2532] were come [1975] [5740] to [4314] him [0846] out of every [2596] city [4172], he spake [2036] [5627] by [1223] a parable [3850]:


 Un semeur sortit pour semer sa semence, et en semant, une partie du grain tomba le long du chemin, et elle fut foulée, et les oiseaux du ciel la mangèrent toute.

 A sower [4687] [5723] went out [1831] [5627] to sow [4687] [5658] his [0848] seed [4703]: and [2532] as [1722] he [0846] sowed [4687] [5721], some [3739] [3303] fell [4098] [5627] by [3844] the way side [3598]; and [2532] it was trodden down [2662] [5681], and [2532] the fowls [4071] of the air [3772] devoured [2719] [5627] it [0846].


 Et une autre partie tomba sur un endroit pierreux; et quand elle fut levée, elle sécha, parce qu'elle n'avait point d'humidité.

 And [2532] some [2087] fell [4098] [5627] upon [1909] a rock [4073]; and [2532] as soon as it was sprung up [5453] [5651], it withered away [3583] [5681], because [1223] it lacked [3361] [2192] [5721] moisture [2429].


 Et une autre partie tomba parmi les épines, et les épines levèrent avec le grain, et l'étouffèrent.

 And [2532] some [2087] fell [4098] [5627] among [1722] [3319] thorns [0173]; and [2532] the thorns [0173] sprang up with it [4855] [5651], and choked [0638] [5656] [5625] [1970] [5656] it [0846].


 Et une autre partie tomba dans une bonne terre; et étant levée, elle rendit du fruit, cent pour un. En disant ces choses, il criait: Que celui qui a des oreilles pour entendre, comprenne!

 And [2532] other [2087] fell [4098] [5627] on [1909] good [0018] ground [1093], and [2532] sprang up [5453] [5651], and bare [4160] [5656] fruit [2590] an hundredfold [1542]. And when he had said [3004] [5723] these things [5023], he cried [5455] [5707], He that hath [2192] [5723] ears [3775] to hear [0191] [5721], let him hear [0191] [5720].


 Ses disciples lui demandèrent ce que signifiait cette parabole.

 And [1161] his [0846] disciples [3101] asked [1905] [5707] him [0846], saying [3004] [5723], What [5101] might [1498] [0000] this [3778] parable [3850] be [1498] [5751]?


 Et il répondit: Il vous a été donné de connaître les mystères de la Souveraineté de Dieu; mais il en est parlé aux autres en paraboles, de sorte qu'en voyant ils ne voient point, et qu'en entendant ils ne comprennent point.

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627], Unto you [5213] it is given [1325] [5769] to know [1097] [5629] the mysteries [3466] of the kingdom [0932] of God [2316]: but [1161] to others [3062] in [1722] parables [3850]; that [2443] seeing [0991] [5723] they might [0991] [0000] not [3361] see [0991] [5725], and [2532] hearing [0191] [5723] they might [4920] [0000] not [3361] understand [4920] [5725].


 Voici ce que cette parabole signifie.

 Now [1161] the parable [3850] is [2076] [5748] this [3778]: The seed [4703] is [2076] [5748] the word [3056] of God [2316].


 La semence, c'est LA PAROLE DE DIEU; ceux qui la reçoivent le long du chemin sont ceux qui l'écoutent; mais la contrariété charnelle vient, qui ôte cette Parole de leur cœur, de peur qu'en croyant, ils ne soient sauvés;

 Those [1161] by [3844] the way side [3598] are [1526] [5748] they that hear [0191] [5723]; then [1534] cometh [2064] [5736] the devil [1228], and [2532] taketh away [0142] [5719] the word [3056] out of [0575] their [0846] hearts [2588], lest [3363] they should believe [4100] [5660] and be saved [4982] [5686].


 Ceux qui la reçoivent dans des endroits pierreux sont ceux qui ayant entendu la Parole, la reçoivent avec joie, mais ils n'ont point de racine, et ils ne croient que pour un temps [1909]; et quand la tentation survient, ils se retombent;

 1161 They on [1909] the rock [4073] [are they], which [3739], when [3752] they hear [0191] [5661], receive [1209] [5736] the word [3056] with [3326] joy [5479]; and [2532] these [3778] have [2192] [5719] no [3756] root [4491], which [3739] for [4314] a while [2540] believe [4100] [5719], and [2532] in [1722] time [2540] of temptation [3986] fall away [0868] [5736].


 Et ce qui est tombé parmi les épines, ce sont ceux qui ont entendu la Parole; mais qui, s'en allant, la laissent étouffer par les inquiétudes, par les richesses et par les plaisirs de cette vie, de sorte qu'ils ne portent point de fruit qui vienne à maturité;

 And [1161] that which fell [4098] [5631] among [1519] thorns [0173] are [1526] [5748] they [3778], which, when they have heard [0191] [5660], go forth [4198] [5740], and [2532] are choked [4846] [5743] with [5259] cares [3308] and [2532] riches [4149] and [2532] pleasures [2237] of [this] life [0979], and [2532] bring [5052] [0000] no [3756] fruit to perfection [5052] [5719].


 Mais ce qui est tombé dans une bonne terre, ce sont ceux qui, ayant entendu la Parole avec un cœur honnête et bon, la retiennent et portent du fruit avec persévérance.

 But [1161] that on [1722] the good [2570] ground [1093] are [1526] [5748] they [3778], which [3748] in [1722] an honest [2570] and [2532] good [0018] heart [2588], having heard [0191] [5660] the word [3056], keep [2722] [5719] [it], and [2532] bring forth fruit [2592] [5719] with [1722] patience [5281].


 Personne, après avoir allumé une lampe, ne la couvre d'un vaisseau, ni ne la met sous le canapé; mais il la met sur un lampadaire, afin que ceux qui entrent, voient la lumière.

 1161 No man [3762], when he hath lighted [0681] [5660] a candle [3088], covereth [2572] [5719] it [0846] with a vessel [4632], or [2228] putteth [5087] [5719] [it] under [5270] a bed [2825]; but [0235] setteth [2007] [5719] [it] on [1909] a candlestick [3087], that [2443] they which enter in [1531] [5740] may see [0991] [5725] the light [5457].


 Car il n'y a rien de secret qui ne doive être manifesté, ni rien de caché qui ne doive être connu et venir en évidence.

 For [1063] nothing [3756] is [2076] [5748] secret [2927], that [3739] shall [1096] [0000] not [3756] be made [1096] [5695] manifest [5318]; neither [3761] [any thing] hid [0614], that [3739] shall [1097] [0000] not [3756] be known [1097] [5701] and [2532] come [2064] [5632] abroad [1519] [5318].


 Prenez donc garde à la manière dont vous écoutez; car on donnera à celui qui a, mais pour celui qui n'a pas, on lui ôtera même ce qu'il croit avoir.

 Take heed [0991] [5720] therefore [3767] how [4459] ye hear [0191] [5719]: for [1063] whosoever [3739] [0302] hath [2192] [5725], to him [0846] shall be given [1325] [5701]; and [2532] whosoever [3739] [0302] hath [2192] [5725] not [3361], from [0575] him [0846] shall be taken [0142] [5701] even [2532] that which [3739] he seemeth [1380] [5719] to have [2192] [5721].


 Alors sa mère et ses frères [0080] vinrent le trouver; mais ils ne pouvaient le rejoindre à cause de la foule.

 Then [1161] came [3854] [5633] to [4314] him [0846] [his] mother [3384] and [2532] his [0846] brethren [0080], and [2532] could [1410] [5711] not [3756] come [4940] [5629] at him [0846] for [1223] the press [3793].


 Et on vint lui dire: Ta mère et tes frères [0080] sont dehors, qui désirent te voir.

 And [2532] it was told [0518] [5648] him [0846] [by certain] which said [3004] [5723], Thy [4675] mother [3384] and [2532] thy [4675] brethren [0080] stand [2476] [5758] without [1854], desiring [2309] [5723] to see [1492] [5629] thee [4571].


 Mais il répondit: Ma mère et mes frères [0080] sont ceux qui écoutent la Parole de Dieu, et qui la mettent en pratique.

 And [1161] he answered [0611] [5679] and said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] them [0846], My [3450] mother [3384] and [2532] my [3450] brethren [0080] are [1526] [5748] these [3778] which [3588] hear [0191] [5723] the word [3056] of God [2316], and [2532] do [4160] [5723] it [0846].


 Il arriva un jour, qu'il entra dans une barque avec ses disciples, et il leur dit: Passons de l'autre côté du lac; et ils partirent.

 Now [2532] it came to pass [1096] [5633] on [1722] a certain [3391] day [2250], that [2532] he went [1684] [5627] into [1519] a ship [4143] with [2532] his [0846] disciples [3101]: and [2532] he said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] them [0846], Let us go over [1330] [5632] unto [1519] the other side [4008] of the lake [3041]. And [2532] they launched forth [0321] [5681].


 Et comme ils voguaient, il s'endormit; et un vent violent s'éleva sur le lac, la barque s'emplissait, et ils étaient en danger.

 But [1161] as they sailed [4126] [5723] he fell asleep [0879] [5656]: and [2532] there came down [2597] [5627] a storm [2978] of wind [0417] on [1519] the lake [3041]; and [2532] they were filled [4845] [5712] [with water], and [2532] were in jeopardy [2793] [5707].


 Alors ils vinrent vers lui, et le réveillèrent, en disant: Maître, Maître, nous périssons. Mais lui, étant réveillé, parla avec autorité au vent et à la tempête, qui s'apaisèrent, et le calme se rétablit.

 And [1161] they came to him [4334] [5631], and awoke [1326] [5656] him [0846], saying [3004] [5723], Master [1988], master [1988], we perish [0622] [5731]. Then [1161] he arose [1453] [5685], and rebuked [2008] [5656] the wind [0417] and [2532] the raging [2830] of the water [5204]: and [2532] they ceased [3973] [5668], and [2532] there was [1096] [5633] a calm [1055].


 Alors il leur dit: Où est votre foi? Et eux, saisis de crainte et d'admiration, disaient entre eux: Qui donc est celui-ci, qui commande même aux vents et à l'eau, et ils lui obéissent.

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Where [4226] is [2076] [5748] your [5216] faith [4102]? And [1161] they being afraid [5399] [5679] wondered [2296] [5656], saying [3004] [5723] one to another [4314] [0240], What manner of man [5101] [0686] is [2076] [5748] this [3778]! for [3754] he commandeth [2004] [5719] even [2532] the winds [0417] and [2532] water [5204], and [2532] they obey [5219] [5719] him [0846].


 Ils abordèrent ensuite au pays des Gadaréniens, qui est vis-à-vis de la Galilée.

 And [2532] they arrived [2668] [5656] at [1519] the country [5561] of the Gadarenes [1046], which [3748] is [2076] [5748] over against [0495] Galilee [1056].


 Et quand Jésus fut descendu à terre, il vint au-devant de lui un homme de cette ville-là, qui avait plusieurs dérèglements de conscience depuis long temps [1909]. Il ne portait point d'habits, et il ne demeurait point en aucune maison; mais dans les sépulcres.

 And [1161] when he went forth [1831] [5631] to [1909] land [1093], there met [5221] [5656] him [0846] out of [1537] the city [4172] a certain [5100] man [0435], which [3739] had [2192] [5707] devils [1140] long [1537] [2425] time [5550], and [2532] ware [1737] [5710] no [3756] clothes [2440], neither [2532] [3756] abode [3306] [5707] in [1722] [any] house [3614], but [0235] in [1722] the tombs [3418].


 Dès qu'il vit Jésus, il cria, et se jetant à ses pieds, il dit à haute voix: Qu'y a-t-il entre moi et toi, Jésus, toi qui est le Fils, Dieu même, le Très-Haut? Je te prie, ne me tourmente point.

 When [1161] he saw [1492] [5631] Jesus, he cried out [0349] [5660], and [2532] fell down before [4363] [5627] him [0846], and [2532] with a loud [3173] voice [5456] said [2036] [5627], What [5101] have I [1698] to do with [2532] thee [4671], Jesus, [thou] Son [5207] of God [2316] most high [5310]? I beseech [1189] [5736] thee [4675], torment [0928] [5661] me [3165] not [3361].


 Car Jésus ordonna que la disposition de culpabilité soit redressée en cet homme, car souvent elle s'en était saisi, et il était lié de chaînes et on le gardait avec des entraves, mais il rompait ses liens, et il était emporté dans la solitude par ses dérèglements de conscience.

 (For [1063] he had commanded [3853] [5707] [5625] [3853] [5656] the unclean [0169] spirit [4151] to come [1831] [5629] out of [0575] the man [0444]. For [1063] oftentimes [4183] [5550] it had caught [4884] [5715] him [0846]: and [2532] he was kept [5442] [5746] bound [1196] [5712] with chains [0254] and [2532] in fetters [3976]; and [2532] he brake [1284] [5723] the bands [1199], and was driven [1643] [5712] of [5259] the devil [1142] into [1519] the wilderness


 Et Jésus lui demanda: Comment t'appelles-tu? Et il répondit: Contingent; car plusieurs dérèglements de conscience s'étaient produits en lui.

 And [1161] Jesus asked [1905] [5656] him [0846], saying [3004] [5723], What [5101] is [2076] [5748] thy [4671] name [3686]? And [1161] he said [2036] [5627], Legion [3003]: because [3754] many [4183] devils [1140] were entered [1525] [5627] into [1519] him [0846].


 Et ils le priaient de ne pas leur commander d'être écarté dans une confusion extrême.

 And [2532] they besought [3870] [5707] [5625] [3870] [5707] him [0846] that [3363] [0000] he would [2004] [0000] not [3363] command [2004] [5661] them [0846] to go out [0565] [5629] into [1519] the deep [0012].


 Or, il y avait là un grand troupeau de pourceaux qui paissaient sur la montagne; et ils le priaient qu'il leur permît de se défouler parmi ces pourceaux, et il le leur permit.

 And [1161] there was [2258] [5713] there [1563] an herd [0034] of many [2425] swine [5519] feeding [1006] [5746] on [1722] the mountain [3735]: and [2532] they besought [3870] [5707] him [0846] that [2443] he would suffer [2010] [5661] them [0846] to enter [1525] [5629] into [1519] them [1565] [0846]. And [2532] he suffered [2010] [5656] them [0846].


 Alors les dérèglements de conscience se défoulèrent de cet homme, et il s'affola parmi les pourceaux, et le troupeau se précipita de ce lieu escarpé dans le lac, et fut noyé.

 Then [1161] went [1831] [5631] the devils [1140] out of [0575] the man [0444], and entered [1525] [5627] into [1519] the swine [5519]: and [2532] the herd [0034] ran [3729] [5656] violently down [2596] a steep [2911] place into [1519] the lake [3041], and [2532] were choked [0638] [5648].


 Et ceux qui les paissaient, voyant ce qui était arrivé, s'enfuirent et le racontèrent dans la ville et à la campagne.

 When [1161] they that fed [1006] [5723] [them] saw [1492] [5631] what was done [1096] [5772], they fled [5343] [5627], and [2532] went [0565] [5631] and told [0518] [5656] [it] in [1519] the city [4172] and [2532] in [1519] the country [0068].


 Alors les gens sortirent pour voir ce qui s'était passé; et étant venus vers Jésus, ils trouvèrent l'homme duquel les dérèglements de conscience étaient redressés, assis aux pieds de Jésus, habillé et dans son bon sens; et ils furent saisis de frayeur.

 Then [1161] they went out [1831] [5627] to see [1492] [5629] what was done [1096] [5756]; and [2532] came [2064] [5627] to [4314] Jesus, and [2532] found [2147] [5627] the man [0444], out of [0575] whom [3739] the devils [1140] were departed [1831] [5715], sitting [2521] [5740] at [3844] the feet [4228] of Jesus, clothed [2439] [5772], and [2532] in his right mind [4993] [5723]: and [2532] they were afraid [5399] [5675].


 Et ceux qui avaient vu ces choses leur racontèrent comment celui qui avait eu un cerveau détraqué avait été rétabli.

 1161 They also [2532] which saw [1492] [5631] [it] told [0518] [5656] them [0846] by what means [4459] he that was possessed of the devils [1139] [5679] was healed [4982] [5681].


 Et tous ceux du pays des Gadaréniens le prièrent de se retirer de chez eux; car ils étaient saisis d'une grande crainte. Il entra donc dans la barque pour s'en retourner.

 Then [2532] the whole [0537] multitude [4128] of the country [4066] [0000] of the Gadarenes [1046] round about [4066] besought [2065] [5656] him [0846] to depart [0565] [5629] from [0575] them [0846]; for [3754] they were taken [4912] [5712] with great [3173] fear [5401]: and [1161] he went up [1684] [5631] into [1519] the ship [4143], and returned back again [5290] [5656].


 Et l'homme duquel les dérèglements de conscience étaient redressés, le priait de lui permettre d'être avec lui; mais Jésus le renvoya, en disant:

 Now [1161] the man [0435] out of [0575] whom [3739] the devils [1140] were departed [1831] [5715] besought [1189] [5711] him that he might be [1511] [5750] with [4862] him [0846]: but [1161] Jesus sent [0630] [0000] him [0846] away [0630] [5656], saying [3004] [5723],


 Retourne dans ta maison, et raconte les grandes choses que Dieu t'a faites. Il s'en alla donc, publiant par toute la ville tout ce que Jésus avait fait en sa faveur.

 Return [5290] [5720] to [1519] thine own [4675] house [3624], and [2532] shew [1334] [5737] how great things [3745] God [2316] hath done [4160] [5656] unto thee [4671]. And [2532] he went his way [0565] [5627], and published [2784] [5723] throughout [2596] the whole [3650] city [4172] how great things [3745] Jesus had done [4160] [5656] unto him [0846].


 Quand Jésus fut de retour, il fut reçu par une grande multitude; car tous l'attendaient.

 And [1161] it came to pass [1096] [5633], that, when [1722] Jesus was returned [5290] [5658], the people [3793] [gladly] received [0588] [5662] him [0846]: for [1063] they were [2258] [5713] all [3956] waiting for [4328] [5723] him [0846].


 Et voici un homme nommé Jaïrus, qui était chef de la synagogue, vint, et se jetant aux pieds de Jésus, le pria de venir dans sa maison;

 And [2532], behold [2400] [5628], there came [2064] [5627] a man [0435] named [3739] [3686] Jairus [2383], and [2532] he [0846] was [5225] [5707] a ruler [0758] of the synagogue [4864]: and [2532] he fell down [4098] [5631] at [3844] Jesus' feet [4228], and besought [3870] [5707] him [0846] that he would come [1525] [5629] into [1519] his [0848] house [3624]:


 Parce qu'il avait une fille unique, d'environ douze ans, qui se mourait. Et comme Jésus y allait, il était pressé par la foule.

 For [3754] he had [2258] [5713] one only [3439] daughter [2364], about [5613] twelve [1427] years of age [2094], and [2532] she [3778] lay a dying [0599] [5707]. But [1161] as [1722] he [0846] went [5217] [5721] the people [3793] thronged [4846] [5707] him [0846].


 Alors une femme, qui avait une perte de sang depuis douze ans, et qui avait dépensé tout son bien en médecins, sans avoir pu être guérie par aucun,

 And [2532] a woman [1135] having [5607] [5752] [1722] an issue [4511] of blood [0129] twelve [1427] years [0575] [2094], which [3748] had spent [4321] [5660] all [3650] her living [0979] upon [1519] physicians [2395], neither [3756] could [2480] [5656] be healed [2323] [5683] of [5259] any [3762],


 S'approchant de lui par-derrière, toucha le bord de son vêtement; et à l'instant, sa perte de sang s'arrêta.

 Came [4334] [5631] behind [3693] [him], and touched [0680] [5662] the border [2899] of his [0846] garment [2440]: and [2532] immediately [3916] her [0846] issue [4511] of blood [0129] stanched [2476] [5627].


 Et Jésus dit: Qui m'a touché? Et comme tous le niaient, Pierre et ceux qui étaient avec lui, dirent: Maître, la foule t'environne et te presse; et tu dis: Qui m'a touché?

 And [2532] Jesus said [2036] [5627], Who [5101] touched [0680] [5671] me [3450]? When [1161] all [3956] denied [0720] [5740], Peter [4074] and [2532] they that were with [3326] him [0846] said [2036] [5627], Master [1988], the multitude [3793] throng [4912] [5719] thee [4571] and [2532] press [0598] [5719] [thee], and [2532] sayest [3004] [5719] thou, Who [5101] touched [0680] [5671] me [3450]?


 Mais Jésus dit: Quelqu'un m'a touché; car j'ai senti qu'une puissance est sortie de moi.

 And [1161] Jesus said [2036] [5627], Somebody [5100] hath touched [0680] [5662] me [3450]: for [1063] I [1473] perceive [1097] [5627] that virtue [1411] is gone [1831] [5631] out of [0575] me [1700].


 Cette femme voyant que cela ne lui avait point été caché, vint toute tremblante, et se jetant à ses pieds, elle déclara, devant tout le peuple, pour quel sujet elle l'avait touché, et comment elle avait été guérie à l'instant.

 And [1161] when the woman [1135] saw [1492] [5631] that [3754] she was [2990] [0000] not [3756] hid [2990] [5627], she came [2064] [5627] trembling [5141] [5723], and [2532] falling down before [4363] [5631] him [0846], she declared [0518] [5656] unto him [0846] before [1799] all [3956] the people [2992] for [1223] what [3739] cause [0156] she had touched [0680] [5662] him [0846], and [2532] how [5613] she was healed [2390] [5681] immediately [3916].


 Et Jésus lui dit: Ma fille, rassure-toi, ta foi t'a guérie; retourne en paix.

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto her [0846], Daughter [2364], be of good comfort [2293] [5720]: thy [4675] faith [4102] hath made [4982] [0000] thee [4571] whole [4982] [5758]; go [4198] [5737] in [1519] peace [1515].


 Comme il parlait encore, quelqu'un vint de chez le chef de la synagogue, qui lui dit: Ta fille est morte; ne fatigue pas le Maître.

 While he [0846] yet [2089] spake [2980] [5723], there cometh [2064] [5736] one [5100] from [3844] the ruler of the synagogue's [0752] [house], saying [3004] [5723] to him [0846], [3754] Thy [4675] daughter [2364] is dead [2348] [5758]; trouble [4660] [5720] not [3361] the Master [1320].


 Mais Jésus, l'ayant entendu, dit à Jaïrus: Ne crains point; crois seulement, et elle sera guérie.

 But [1161] when Jesus heard [0191] [5660] [it], he answered [0611] [5662] him [0846], saying [3004] [5723], Fear [5399] [5732] [5737] not [3361]: believe [4100] [5720] only [3440], and [2532] she shall be made whole [4982] [5701].


 Et quand il fut arrivé dans la maison, il ne laissa entrer personne que Pierre, Jacques et Jean, et le père et la mère de la fille.

 And [1161] when he came [1525] [5631] into [1519] the house [3614], he suffered [0863] [5656] no [3756] man [3762] to go in [1525] [5629], save [1508] Peter [4074], and [2532] James [2385], and [2532] John [2491], and [2532] the father [3962] and [2532] the mother [3384] of the maiden [3816].


 Et tous pleuraient et se lamentaient à cause d'elle; mais il dit: Ne pleurez point; elle n'est pas morte, mais elle dort.

 And [1161] all [3956] wept [2799] [5707], and [2532] bewailed [2875] [5710] her [0846]: but [1161] he said [2036] [5627], Weep [2799] [5720] not [3361]; she is [0599] [0000] not [3756] dead [0599] [5627], but [0235] sleepeth [2518] [5719].


 Et ils se moquaient de lui, sachant qu'elle était morte.

 And [2532] they laughed [2606] [0000] him [0846] to scorn [2606] [5707], knowing [1492] [5761] that [3754] she was dead [0599] [5627].


 Mais, les ayant tous fait sortir, il la prit par la main, et il cria: Enfant, lève-toi.

 And [1161] he put [1544] [5631] them all [3956] out [1854], and [2532] took [2902] [5660] her [0846] by the hand [5495], and called [5455] [5656], saying [3004] [5723], Maid [3816], arise [1453] [5728].


 Et son souffle revint; elle se leva à l'instant, et il commanda qu'on lui donnât à manger.

 And [2532] her [0846] spirit [4151] came again [1994] [5656], and [2532] she arose [0450] [5627] straightway [3916]: and [2532] he commanded [1299] [5656] to give [1325] [5683] her [0846] meat [5315] [5629].


 Et ses parents furent tout étonnés; mais il leur défendit de dire à personne ce qui était arrivé.

 And [2532] her [0846] parents [1118] were astonished [1839] [5627]: but [1161] he charged [3853] [5656] them [0846] that they should tell [2036] [5629] no man [3367] what was done [1096] [5756].


 Ayant assemblé ses douze disciples, Jésus leur donna puissance et autorité sur tous les dérèglements de conscience, et le pouvoir de guérir les maladies.

 Then [1161] he called [4779] [0000] his [0848] twelve [1427] disciples [3101] together [4779] [5671], and [2532] gave [1325] [5656] them [0846] power [1411] and authority [1849] over [1909] all [3956] devils [1140], and [2532] to cure [2323] [5721] diseases [3554].


 Et il les envoya annoncer la Souveraineté de Dieu, et guérir les malades.

 And [2532] he sent [0649] [5656] them [0846] to preach [2784] [5721] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316], and [2532] to heal [2390] [5738] the sick [0770] [5723].


 Et il leur dit: Ne portez rien pour le chemin, ni bâtons, ni sac, ni pain, ni argent, et n'ayez pas deux habits.

 And [2532] he said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] them [0846], Take [0142] [5720] nothing [3367] for [1519] [your] journey [3598], neither [3383] staves [4464], nor [3383] scrip [4082], neither [3383] bread [0740], neither [3383] money [0694]; neither [3383] have [2192] [5721] two [1417] coats [5509] apiece [0303].


 Et en quelque maison que vous entriez, demeurez-y jusqu'à ce que vous partiez.

 And [2532] whatsoever [3739] [0302] house [3614] ye enter [1525] [5632] into [1519], there [1563] abide [3306] [5720], and [2532] thence [1564] depart [1831] [5737].


 Et quant à ceux qui ne vous recevront point, en partant de leur ville secouez la poussière de vos pieds, en témoignage contre ces gens-là.

 And [2532] whosoever [3745] [3739] [0302] will [1209] [0000] not [3361] receive [1209] [5667] you [5209], when ye go [1831] [5740] out of [0575] that [1565] city [4172], shake off [0660] [5657] the very [2532] dust [2868] from [0575] your [5216] feet [4228] for [1519] a testimony [3142] against [1909] them [0846].


 Étant donc partis, ils allaient de village en village, annonçant le message de la grâce et guérissant partout les malades.

 And [1161] they departed [1831] [5740], and went [1330] [5711] through [2596] the towns [2968], preaching the gospel [2097] [5734], and [2532] healing [2323] [5723] every where [3837].


 Cependant, Hérode le tétrarque entendit parler de tout ce que Jésus faisait; et il était fort perplexe, parce que les uns disaient que Jean était ressuscité des morts;

 Now [1161] Herod [2264] the tetrarch [5076] heard [0191] [5656] of all [3956] that was done [1096] [5740] by [5259] him [0846]: and [2532] he was perplexed [1280] [5707], because [1223] that it was said [3004] [5745] of [5259] some [5100], that [3754] John [2491] was risen [1453] [5769] from [1537] the dead [3498];


 Et d'autres, qu'Élie était apparu; et d'autres, que l'un des anciens prophètes était ressuscité.

 And [1161] of [5259] some [5100], that [3754] Elias [2243] had appeared [5316] [5648]; and [1161] of others [0243], that [3754] one [1520] of the old [0744] prophets [4396] was risen again [0450] [5627].


 Et Hérode disait: J'ai fait couper la tête à Jean; mais qui est celui-ci, dont j'apprends de telles choses? Et il souhaitait de le voir.

 And [2532] Herod [2264] said [2036] [5627], John [2491] have [0607] [0000] I [1473] beheaded [0607] [5656]: but [1161] who [5101] is [2076] [5748] this [3778], of [4012] whom [3739] I [1473] hear [0191] [5719] such things [5108]? And [2532] he desired [2212] [5707] to see [1492] [5629] him [0846].


 Les apôtres étant de retour, racontèrent à Jésus tout ce qu'ils avaient fait. Les ayant pris avec lui, il se retira à l'écart, dans un lieu solitaire, près d'une ville appelée Bethsaïda.

 And [2532] the apostles [0652], when they were returned [5290] [5660], told [1334] [5662] him [0846] all that [3745] they had done [4160] [5656]. And [2532] he took [3880] [5631] them [0846], and went aside [5298] [5656] privately [2596] [2398] into [1519] a desert [2048] place [5117] belonging to the city [4172] called [2564] [5746] Bethsaida [0966].


 Le peuple l'ayant appris, le suivit, et Jésus les ayant reçus, leur parlait de la Souveraineté de Dieu, et il guérissait ceux qui avaient besoin de guérison.

 And [1161] the people [3793], when they knew [1097] [5631] [it], followed [0190] [5656] him [0846]: and [2532] he received [1209] [5666] them [0846], and spake [2980] [5707] unto them [0846] of [4012] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316], and [2532] healed [2390] [5711] them [0846] that had [2192] [5723] need [5532] of healing [2322].


 Comme le jour commençait à baisser, les douze s'approchèrent et lui dirent: Renvoie cette multitude, afin qu'ils aillent dans les villages et dans les campagnes environnantes, pour se loger et trouver des vivres; car nous sommes ici dans un lieu désert.

 And [1161] when the day [2250] began [0756] [5662] to wear away [2827] [5721], then [1161] came [4334] [5631] the twelve [1427], and said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Send [0630] [0000] the multitude [3793] away [0630] [5657], that [2443] they may go [0565] [5631] into [1519] the towns [2968] and [2532] country [0068] round about [2945], and lodge [2647] [5661], and [2532] get [2147] [5627] victuals [1979]: for [3754] we are [2070] [5748] here [5602] in


 Mais il leur dit: Vous-mêmes, donnez-leur à manger. Et ils répondirent: Nous n'avons pas plus de cinq pains et de deux poissons; à moins que nous n'allions acheter de la nourriture pour tout ce peuple;

 But [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] them [0846], Give [1325] [5628] ye [5210] them [0846] to eat [5315] [5629]. And [1161] they said [2036] [5627], We [2254] have no [3756] [1526] [5748] more [4119] but [2228] five [4002] loaves [0740] and [2532] two [1417] fishes [2486]; except [1509] we [2249] should go [4198] [5679] and buy [0059] [5661] meat [1033] for [1519] all [3956] this [5126] people [2992].


 Car ils étaient environ cinq mille hommes. Alors il dit à ses disciples: Faites-les asseoir par rangées de cinquante.

 For [1063] they were [2258] [5713] about [5616] five thousand [4000] men [0435]. And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] to [4314] his [0848] disciples [3101], Make [2625] [0000] them [0846] sit down [2625] [5657] by [0303] fifties [4004] in a company [2828].


 Et ils firent ainsi, et les firent tous asseoir.

 And [2532] they did [4160] [5656] so [3779], and [2532] made [0347] [0000] them [0846] all [0537] sit down [0347] [5656].


 Alors Jésus prit les cinq pains et les deux poissons, et levant les yeux au ciel, il les bénit, et les rompit, et les donna aux disciples, pour les présenter au peuple.

 Then [1161] he took [2983] [5631] the five [4002] loaves [0740] and [2532] the two [1417] fishes [2486], and looking up [0308] [5660] to [1519] heaven [3772], he blessed [2127] [5656] them [0846], and [2532] brake [2622] [5656], and [2532] gave [1325] [5707] to the disciples [3101] to set before [3908] [5683] the multitude [3793].


 Tous en mangèrent, et furent rassasiés, et on emporta douze paniers pleins des morceaux qui restèrent.

 And [2532] they did eat [5315] [5627], and [2532] were [5526] [0000] all [3956] filled [5526] [5681]: and [2532] there was taken up [0142] [5681] of fragments [2801] that remained [4052] [5660] to them [0846] twelve [1427] baskets [2894].


 Il arriva, comme il priait en particulier, et que les disciples étaient avec lui, qu'il leur demanda: Qui disent les foules? que JE SUIS?

 And [2532] it came to pass [1096] [5633], as [1722] he was [1511] [5750] alone [2651] praying [4336] [5740], his [0846] disciples [3101] were with [4895] [5713] him [0846]: and [2532] he asked [1905] [5656] them [0846], saying [3004] [5723], Whom [5101] say [3004] [5719] the people [3793] that I [3165] am [1511] [5750]?


 Eux, répondant, dirent: Les uns disent Jean-Baptiste; les autres, Élie; et les autres, que quelqu'un des anciens prophètes est ressuscité.

 They [1161] answering [0611] [5679] said [2036] [5627], John [2491] the Baptist [0910]; but [1161] some [0243] [say], Elias [2243]; and [1161] others [0243] [say], that [3754] one [5100] of the old [0744] prophets [4396] is risen again [0450] [5627].


 Et vous, leur dit-il, que dites-vous? que JE SUIS? Et Pierre répondit: Tu es LE MESSIE, le Dieu unique.

 1161 He said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], But [1161] whom [5101] say [3004] [5719] ye [5210] that I [3165] am [1511] [5750]? [1161] Peter [4074] answering [0611] [5679] said [2036] [5627], The Christ [5547] of God [2316].


 Mais il leur défendit sévèrement de le dire à personne,

 And [1161] he straitly charged [2008] [5660] them [0846], and commanded [3853] [5656] [them] to tell [2036] [5629] no man [3367] that thing [5124];


 Ajoutant: Il faut que le Fils, l'expression humaine souffre beaucoup, et qu'il soit rejeté par les anciens, les principaux sacrificateurs et les scribes, et qu'il soit mis à mort, et qu'il ressuscite le troisième jour.

 Saying [2036] [5631], [3754] The Son [5207] of man [0444] must [1163] [5748] suffer [3958] [5629] many things [4183], and [2532] be rejected [0593] [5683] of [0575] the elders [4245] and [2532] chief priests [0749] and [2532] scribes [1122], and [2532] be slain [0615] [5683], and [2532] be raised [1453] [5683] the third [5154] day [2250].


 Or, il disait à tous: Si quelqu'un veut venir après moi, qu'il renonce à lui-même, qu'il se charge chaque jour de cette croix, et qu'il me suive.

 And [1161] he said [3004] [5707] to [4314] [them] all [3956], If any [man] [1536] will [2309] [5719] come [2064] [5629] after [3694] me [3450], let him deny [0533] [5663] himself [1438], and [2532] take up [0142] [5657] his [0848] cross [4716] daily [2250] [2596], and [2532] follow [0190] [5720] me [3427].


 Car quiconque voudra sauver sa vie la perdra; mais quiconque perdra sa vie pour l'amour de moi, celui-là la sauvera.

 For [1063] whosoever [3739] [0302] will [2309] [5725] save [4982] [5658] his [0848] life [5590] shall lose [0622] [5692] it [0846]: but [1161] whosoever [3739] [0302] will lose [0622] [5661] his [0848] life [5590] for my [1700] sake [1752], the same [3778] shall save [4982] [5692] it [0846].


 Et que servirait-il à un homme de gagner tout le monde, s'il se perdait lui-même, ou serait rejeté?

 For [1063] what [5101] is [5623] [0000] a man [0444] advantaged [5623] [5743], if he gain [2770] [5660] the whole [3650] world [2889], and [1161] lose [0622] [5660] himself [1438], or [2228] be cast away [2210] [5685]?


 Car si quelqu'un a honte de moi et de mes paroles, le Fils, l'expression humaine aura honte de lui quand il viendra dans sa gloire, et dans celle du Père et des saints anges.

 For [1063] whosoever [3739] [0302] shall be ashamed [1870] [5680] of me [3165] and [2532] of my [1699] words [3056], of him [5126] shall [1870] [0000] the Son [5207] of man [0444] be ashamed [1870] [5700], when [3752] he shall come [2064] [5632] in [1722] his own [0848] glory [1391], and [2532] [in his] Father's [3962], and [2532] of the holy [0040] angels [0032].


 Et je vous le dis en vérité: Il y a quelques-uns de ceux qui sont ici présents, qui ne goûterons point la mort, qu'ils n'aient vu la Souveraineté de Dieu.

 But [1161] I tell [3004] [5719] you [5213] of a truth [0230], there be [1526] [5748] some [5100] standing [2476] [5761] here [5602], which [3739] shall [1089] [0000] not [3364] taste [1089] [5695] of death [2288], till [2193] [0302] they see [1492] [5632] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316].


 Environ huit jours après ces discours, Jésus prit avec lui Pierre, Jean et Jacques, et monta sur une montagne pour prier.

 And [1161] it came to pass [1096] [5633] about [5616] an eight [3638] days [2250] after [3326] these [5128] sayings [3056], [2532] he took [3880] [5631] Peter [4074] and [2532] John [2491] and [2532] James [2385], and went up [0305] [5627] into [1519] a mountain [3735] to pray [4336] [5664].


 Et pendant qu'il priait, son visage parut tout autre, et ses habits devinrent blancs et resplendissants comme un éclair.

 And [2532] as [1722] he prayed [4336] [5738], the fashion [1491] of his [0846] countenance [4383] was [1096] [5633] altered [2087], and [2532] his [0846] raiment [2441] [was] white [3022] [and] glistering [1823] [5723].


 Et voici deux hommes s'entretenaient avec lui;

 And [2532], behold [2400] [5628], there talked [4814] [5707] with him [0846] two [1417] men [0435], which [3748] were [2258] [5713] Moses [3475] and [2532] Elias [2243]:


 C'était Moïse et Élie, qui apparurent avec gloire, et parlaient de sa mort qu'il devait accomplir à Jérusalem.

 Who [3739] appeared [3700] [5685] in [1722] glory [1391], and spake [3004] [5707] of his [0846] decease [1841] which [3739] he should [3195] [5707] accomplish [4137] [5721] at [1722] Jerusalem [2419].


 Et Pierre et ceux qui étaient avec lui étaient accablés de sommeil, et quand ils furent réveillés, ils virent sa gloire et les deux hommes qui étaient avec lui.

 But [1161] Peter [4074] and [2532] they that were with [4862] him [0846] were [2258] [5713] heavy [0916] [5772] with sleep [5258]: and [1161] when they were awake [1235] [5660], they saw [1492] [5627] his [0846] glory [1391], and [2532] the two [1417] men [0435] that stood with [4921] [5761] him [0846].


 Et il arriva, comme ces hommes se séparaient de Jésus, Pierre lui dit: Maître, il est bon que nous demeurions ici; faisons-y trois tentes, une pour toi, une pour Moïse et une pour Élie; car il ne savait pas ce qu'il disait.

 And [2532] it came to pass [1096] [5633], as [1722] they [0846] departed [1316] [5738] from [0575] him [0846], Peter [4074] said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] Jesus, Master [1988], it is [2076] [5748] good [2570] for us [2248] to be [1511] [5750] here [5602]: and [2532] let us make [4160] [5661] three [5140] tabernacles [4633]; one for [3391] thee [4671], and [2532] one for [3391] Moses [3475], and [2532] one for [3391] Elias [2243]: not [3361] knowing


 Il parlait encore, lorsqu'une nuée les couvrit; et les disciples furent saisis de frayeur comme ils entrèrent dans la nuée.

 While [1161] he [0846] thus [5023] spake [3004] [5723], there came [1096] [5633] a cloud [3507], and [2532] overshadowed [1982] [5656] them [0846]: and [1161] they feared [5399] [5675] as [1722] they [1565] entered [1525] [5629] into [1519] the cloud [3507].


 Et une voix sortit de la nuée, qui dit: C'est ici mon Fils bien-aimé; écoutez-le.

 And [2532] there came [1096] [5633] a voice [5456] out of [1537] the cloud [3507], saying [3004] [5723], This [3778] is [2076] [5748] my [3450] beloved [0027] Son [5207]: hear [0191] [5720] him [0846].


 Et comme la voix se faisait entendre, Jésus se trouva seul; et ses disciples gardèrent le silence, et ne dirent rien alors à personne de ce qu'ils avaient vu.

 And [2532] when the voice [5456] was past [1722] [1096] [5635], Jesus was found [2147] [5681] alone [3441]. And [2532] they [0846] kept [it] close [4601] [5656], and [2532] told [0518] [5656] no man [3762] in [1722] those [1565] days [2250] any [3762] of those things which [3739] they had seen [3708] [5758].


 Et il arriva, le jour suivant, comme ils descendaient de la montagne, une grande troupe vint à sa rencontre.

 And [1161] it came to pass [1096] [5633], that on [1722] the next [1836] day [2250], when they [0846] were come down [2718] [5631] from [0575] the hill [3735], much [4183] people [3793] met [4876] [5656] him [0846].


 Et voici, un homme de la troupe s'écria et dit: Maître, je te prie, jette les yeux sur mon fils [5207]; car c'est mon unique.

 And, [2532] behold [2400] [5628], a man [0435] of [0575] the company [3793] cried out [0310] [5656], saying [3004] [5723], Master [1320], I beseech [1189] [5736] thee [4675], look [1914] [5657] upon [1909] my [3450] son [5207]: for [3754] he is [2076] [5748] mine [3427] only child [3439].


 Et voici, une disposition s'en empare, et aussitôt il jette de grands cris. Puis elle l'agite violemment, le fait écumer, et à peine le quitte-t-il, après l'avoir tout meurtri.

 And [2532], lo [2400] [5628], a spirit [4151] taketh [2983] [5719] him [0846], and [2532] he suddenly [1810] crieth out [2896] [5719]; and [2532] it teareth [4682] [5719] him [0846] that he foameth [0876] again [3326], and [2532] bruising [4937] [5723] him [0846] hardly [3425] departeth [0672] [5719] from [0575] him [0846].


 Et j'ai prié tes disciples de le redresser; mais ils n'ont pu.

 And [2532] I besought [1189] [5681] thy [4675] disciples [3101] to [2443] cast [1544] [0000] him [0846] out [1544] [5725]; and [2532] they could [1410] [5675] not [3756].


 Et Jésus répondant, dit: Ô génération incrédule et perverse, jusqu'à quand serai-je avec vous et vous supporterai-je?

 And [1161] Jesus answering [0611] [5679] said [2036] [5627], O [5599] faithless [0571] and [2532] perverse [1294] [5772] generation [1074], how [2193] long [4219] shall I be [2071] [5704] with [4314] you [5209], and [2532] suffer [0430] [5695] you [5216]? Bring [4317] [5628] thy [4675] son [5207] hither [5602].


 Amène ici ton fils [5207]. Et comme il approchait, la conscience déréglée le terrassa, et l'agita violemment; mais Jésus attira l'estime de l'esprit troublé, et apaisa l'enfant, et le rendit à son père.

 And [1161] as he was [4334] [0000] yet [2089] a coming [4334] [5740], the devil [1140] threw [4486] [0000] him [0846] down [4486] [5656], and [2532] tare [4952] [5656] [him]. And [1161] Jesus rebuked [2008] [5656] the unclean [0169] spirit [4151], and [2532] healed [2390] [5662] the child [3816], and [2532] delivered [0591] [0000] him [0846] again [0591] [5656] to his [0846] father [3962].


 Et tous furent étonnés de la grande puissance de Dieu. Et comme ils étaient tous dans l'admiration de tout ce que Jésus faisait, il dit à ses disciples:

 And [1161] they were [1605] [0000] all [3956] amazed [1605] [5712] at [1909] the mighty power [3168] of God [2316]. But [1161] while they wondered [2296] [5723] every one [3956] at [1909] all things [3956] which [3739] Jesus did [4160] [5656], he said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] his [0848] disciples [3101],


 Que ces paroles pénètrent profondément dans votre compréhension: Le Fils de l'homme doit être livré entre les mains des hommes.

 Let these [5128] sayings [3056] sink down [5087] [5640] into [1519] your [5210] [5216] ears [3775]: for [1063] the Son [5207] of man [0444] shall be [3195] [5719] delivered [3860] [5745] into [1519] the hands [5495] of men [0444].


 Mais ils ne comprenaient point cette parole; elle était si obscure pour eux, qu'ils n'y percevaient rien; et ils craignaient de l'interroger sur ce sujet.

 But [1161] they understood not [0050] [5707] this [5124] saying [4487], and [2532] it was [2258] [5713] hid [3871] [5772] from [0575] them [0846], that [3363] [0000] they perceived [0143] [5638] it [0846] not [3363]: and [2532] they feared [5399] [5711] to ask [2065] [5658] him [0846] of [4012] that [5127] saying [4487].


 Or, une pensée s'empara d'eux, savoir: Lequel d'entre eux serait le plus grand.

 Then [1161] there arose [1525] [5627] a reasoning [1261] among [1722] them [0846], which [5101] [0302] of them [0846] should be [1498] [5751] greatest [3187].


 Mais Jésus, voyant la pensée de leur cœur, prit un enfant et le plaça auprès de lui, et il leur dit:

 And [1161] Jesus, perceiving [1492] [5631] the thought [1261] of their [0846] heart [2588], took [1949] [5637] a child [3813], and set [2476] [5656] him [0846] by [3844] him [1438],


 Quiconque reçoit cet enfant en mon nom, me reçoit; et quiconque me reçoit, reçoit celui qui m'a envoyé. Car celui d'entre vous tous qui est le plus petit, c'est celui-là qui sera grand.

 And [2532] said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Whosoever [3739] [1437] shall receive [1209] [5667] this [5124] child [3813] in [1909] my [3450] name [3686] receiveth [1209] [5736] me [1691]: and [2532] whosoever [3739] [1437] shall receive [1209] [5667] me [1691] receiveth him [1209] [5736] that sent [0649] [5660] me [3165]: for [1063] he that is [5225] [5723] least [3398] among [1722] you [5213] all [3956], the same [3778] shall be [2071] [5704] great


 Et Jean, prenant la parole, dit: Maître, nous avons vu quelqu'un qui redressait des consciences déréglées en ton nom; et nous l'en avons empêché, parce qu'il ne te suit pas avec nous.

 And [1161] John [2491] answered [0611] [5679] and said [2036] [5627], Master [1988], we saw [1492] [5627] one [5100] casting out [1544] [5723] devils [1140] in [1909] thy [4675] name [3686]; and [2532] we forbad [2967] [5656] him [0846], because [3754] he followeth [0190] [5719] not [3756] with [3326] us [2257].


 Et Jésus lui dit: Ne l'en empêchez point; car celui qui n'est pas contre nous est pour nous.

 And [2532] Jesus said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] him [0846], Forbid [2967] [5720] [him] not [3361]: for [1063] he [3739] that is [2076] [5748] not [3756] against [2596] us [2257] is [2076] [5748] for [5228] us [2257].


 Et il arriva, comme le temps [1909] de son élévation approchait, il se mit en chemin, il exprima fermement d'aller à Jérusalem.

 And [1161] it came to pass [1096] [5633], when [1722] the time [2250] was come [4845] [5745] that he [0846] should be received up [0354], [2532] he stedfastly set [4741] [5656] his [0848] face [4383] to go [4198] [5738] to [1519] Jerusalem [2419],


 Et il envoya des gens devant lui, qui, étant partis, entrèrent dans un village des Samaritains, pour lui préparer un logement.

 And [2532] sent [0649] [5656] messengers [0032] before [4253] his [0848] face [4383]: and [2532] they went [4198] [5679], and entered [1525] [5627] into [1519] a village [2968] of the Samaritans [4541], to [5620] make ready [2090] [5658] for him [0846].


 Mais ceux-ci ne le reçurent pas, parce qu'il était disposé de se rendre à Jérusalem.

 And [2532] they did [1209] [0000] not [3756] receive [1209] [5662] him [0846], because [3754] his [0846] face [4383] was [2258] [5713] as though he would go [4198] [5740] to [1519] Jerusalem [2419].


 Et Jacques et Jean, ses disciples, voyant cela, lui dirent: Seigneur, veux-tu que nous disions que le feu descende du ciel et qu'il les consume, comme fit Élie?

 And [1161] when his [0846] disciples [3101] James [2385] and [2532] John [2491] saw [1492] [5631] [this], they said [2036] [5627], Lord [2962], wilt thou [2309] [5719] that we command [2036] [5632] fire [4442] to come down [2597] [5629] from [0575] heaven [3772], and [2532] consume [0355] [5658] them [0846], even [2532] as [5613] Elias [2243] did [4160] [5656]?


 Mais Jésus, se retournant, les censura et dit: Vous ne savez de quelle disposition vous êtes animés;

 But [1161] he turned [4762] [5651], and rebuked [2008] [5656] them [0846], and [2532] said [2036] [5627], Ye know [1492] [5758] not [3756] what manner [3634] of spirit [4151] ye [5210] are of [2075] [5748].


 Car le Fils, l'expression humaine de Dieu et de David [1138] n'est point venu pour détruire la vie de la nature humaine, mais pour la restaurer. Et ils s'en allèrent dans un autre village.

 For [1063] the Son [5207] of man [0444] is [2064] [0000] not [3756] come [2064] [5627] to destroy [0622] [5658] men's [0444] lives [5590], but [0235] to save [4982] [5658] [them]. And [2532] they went [4198] [5675] to [1519] another [2087] village [2968].


 Et il arriva, comme ils étaient en chemin, un homme lui dit: Je te suivrai, Seigneur, partout où tu iras.

 And [1161] it came to pass [1096] [5633], that, as they went [4198] [5740] in [1722] the way [3598], a certain [5100] [man] said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] him [0846], Lord [2962], I will follow [0190] [5692] thee [4671] whithersoever [3699] [0302] thou goest [0565] [5741].


 Mais Jésus lui dit: Les renards ont des tanières, et les oiseaux du ciel des nids; mais le Fils, l'expression humaine n'a pas où reposer sa tête.

 And [2532] Jesus said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Foxes [0258] have [2192] [5719] holes [5454], and [2532] birds [4071] of the air [3772] [have] nests [2682]; but [1161] the Son [5207] of man [0444] hath [2192] [5719] not [3756] where [4226] to lay [2827] [5725] [his] head [2776].


 Il dit à un autre: Suis-moi. Et celui-ci répondit: Seigneur, permets que j'aille auparavant ensevelir mon père.

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] another [2087], Follow [0190] [5720] me [3427]. But [1161] he said [2036] [5627], Lord [2962], suffer [2010] [5657] me [3427] first [4412] to go [0565] [5631] and bury [2290] [5658] my [3450] father [3962].


 Jésus lui dit: Laisse les morts ensevelir leurs morts, mais toi, va annoncer la Souveraineté de Dieu.

 1161 Jesus said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Let [0863] [5628] the dead [3498] bury [2290] [5658] their [1438] dead [3498]: but [1161] go [0565] [5631] thou [4771] and preach [1229] [5720] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316].


 Un autre lui dit aussi: Je te suivrai, Seigneur, mais permets-moi de prendre auparavant congé de ceux qui sont dans ma maison.

 And [1161] another [2087] also [2532] said [2036] [5627], Lord [2962], I will follow [0190] [5692] thee [4671]; but [1161] let [2010] [5657] me [3427] first [4412] go bid them farewell [0657] [5670], which are at home at [1519] my [3450] house [3624].


 Mais Jésus lui répondit: Celui qui met la main à la charrue et regarde derrière lui, n'est point utile pour la Souveraineté de Dieu.

 And [1161] Jesus said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] him [0846], No man [3762], having put [1911] [5631] his [0848] hand [5495] to [1909] the plough [0723], and [2532] looking [0991] [5723] back [1519] [3694], is [2076] [5748] fit [2111] for [1519] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316].


 Après cela, le Seigneur établit encore soixante et dix autres serviteurs; et il les délégua pour qu'ils soient deux à deux devant lui, dans toutes les villes et dans tous les lieux où lui-même devait aller.

 1161 After [3326] these things [5023] the Lord [2962] appointed [0322] [5656] other [2087] seventy [1440] also [2532], and [2532] sent [0649] [5656] them [0846] two [0303] and two [1417] before [4253] his [0848] face [4383] into [1519] every [3956] city [4172] and [2532] place [5117], whither [3757] he himself [0846] would [3195] [5707] come [2064] [5738].


 Et il leur disait: La moisson est grande; mais il y a peu d'ouvriers; priez donc le Maître de la moisson d'envoyer des ouvriers dans sa moisson.

 Therefore [3767] said he [3004] [5707] unto [4314] them [0846], The harvest [2326] truly [3303] [is] great [4183], but [1161] the labourers [2040] [are] few [3641]: pray ye [1189] [5676] therefore [3767] the Lord [2962] of the harvest [2326], that [3704] he would send forth [1544] [5725] labourers [2040] into [1519] his [0848] harvest [2326].


 Allez, je vous envoie comme des agneaux au milieu des loups.

 Go your ways [5217] [5720]: behold [2400] [5628], I [1473] send [0649] [0000] you [5209] forth [0649] [5719] as [5613] lambs [0704] among [1722] [3319] wolves [3074].


 Ne portez ni bourse, ni sac, ni souliers; et ne saluez personne en chemin.

 Carry [0941] [5720] neither [3361] purse [0905], nor [3361] scrip [4082], nor [3366] shoes [5266]: and [2532] salute [0782] [5667] no man [3367] by [2596] the way [3598].


 Et dans quelque maison que vous entriez, dites en entrant: La paix soit sur cette famille.

 And [1161] into [1519] whatsoever [3739] [0302] house [3614] ye enter [1525] [5741], first [4412] say [3004] [5720], Peace [1515] [be] to this [5129] house [3624].


 S'il y a là un enfant de paix, votre paix reposera sur lui; sinon elle retournera à vous.

 And [2532] if [1437] [3303] the son [5207] of peace [1515] be [5600] [5753] there [1563], your [5216] peace [1515] shall rest [1879] [5695] upon [1909] it [0846]: if not [1490], it shall turn [0344] [0000] to [1909] you [5209] again [0344] [5692].


 Et demeurez dans cette maison, mangeant et buvant de ce qu'on vous donnera; car l'ouvrier est digne de son salaire. Ne passez point d'une maison à une autre maison.

 And [1161] in [1722] the same [0846] house [3614] remain [3306] [5720], eating [2068] [5723] and [2532] drinking [4095] [5723] such things as [3844] [0000] they [0846] give [3844]: for [1063] the labourer [2040] is [2076] [5748] worthy [0514] of his [0848] hire [3408]. Go [3327] [5720] not [3361] from [1537] house [3614] to [1519] house [3614].


 Et dans quelque ville que vous entriez, si l'on vous y reçoit, mangez de ce qu'on vous présentera.

 And [2532] into [1519] whatsoever [1161] [3739] [0302] city [4172] ye enter [1525] [5741], and [2532] they receive [1209] [5741] you [5209], eat such things [2068] [5720] as are set before [3908] [5746] you [5213]:


 Guérissez les malades qui s'y trouveront, et dites-leur: La Royauté de Dieu s'est approché de vous.

 And [2532] heal [2323] [5720] the sick [0772] that are therein [1722] [0846], and [2532] say [3004] [5720] unto them [0846], The kingdom [0932] of God [2316] is come nigh [1448] [5758] unto [1909] you [5209].


 Mais dans quelque ville que vous entriez, si l'on ne vous reçoit pas, sortez dans les rues, et dites:

 But [1161] into [1519] whatsoever [3739] [0302] city [4172] ye enter [1525] [5741], and [2532] they receive [1209] [5741] you [5209] not [3361], go your ways out [1831] [5631] into [1519] the streets [4113] of the same [0846], and say [2036] [5628],


 Nous secouons contre vous la poussière qui s'est attachée à nous dans votre ville; sachez pourtant que la Royauté de Dieu s'est approché de vous.

 Even [2532] the very dust [2868] of [1537] your [5216] city [4172], which [3588] cleaveth [2853] [5685] on us [2254], we do wipe off [0631] [5731] against you [5213]: notwithstanding [4133] be ye sure [1097] [5720] of this [5124], that [3754] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316] is come nigh [1448] [5758] unto [1909] you [5209].


 Je vous dis qu'en ce jour-là le sort de Sodome sera plus supportable que celui de cette ville-là.

 But [1161] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], that [3754] it shall be [2071] [5704] more tolerable [0414] in [1722] that [1565] day [2250] for Sodom [4670], than [2228] for that [1565] city [4172].


 Malheur à toi, Chorazin; malheur à toi, Bethsaïda; car si les miracles qui ont été faits au milieu de vous, avaient été faits à Tyr et à Sidon, il y a long temps [1909] qu'elles se seraient converties, en prenant le sac et la cendre.

 Woe [3759] unto thee [4671], Chorazin [5523]! woe [3759] unto thee [4671], Bethsaida [0966]! for [3754] if [1487] the mighty works [1411] had been done [1096] [5633] in [1722] Tyre [5184] and [2532] Sidon [4605], which [3588] have been done [1096] [5637] in [1722] you [5213], they had [3340] [0000] a great while ago [3819] repented [3340] [5656], sitting [2521] [5740] in [0302] [1722] sackcloth [4526] and [2532] ashes [4700].


 C'est pourquoi le sort de Tyr et de Sidon sera plus supportable au Jugement que le vôtre.

 But [4133] it shall be [2071] [5704] more tolerable [0414] for Tyre [5184] and [2532] Sidon [4605] at [1722] the judgment [2920], than [2228] for you [5213].


 Et toi, Capernaüm, qui as été élevée jusqu'au ciel, tu seras projetée dans la confusion.

 And [2532] thou [4771], Capernaum [2584], which [3588] art exalted [5312] [5685] to [2193] heaven [3772], shalt be thrust down [2601] [5701] to [2193] hell [0086].


 Qui vous écoute, m'écoute; et qui vous rejette, me rejette; et qui me rejette, rejette celui qui m'a envoyé.

 He that heareth [0191] [5723] you [5216] heareth [0191] [5719] me [1700]; and [2532] he that despiseth [0114] [5723] you [5209] despiseth [0114] [5719] me [1691]; and [1161] he that despiseth [0114] [5723] me [1691] despiseth [0114] [5719] him that sent [0649] [5660] me [3165].


 Or, les soixante et dix disciples revinrent avec joie, disant: Seigneur, même les consciences déréglées nous sont assujetties en ton nom.

 And [1161] the seventy [1440] returned again [5290] [5656] with [3326] joy [5479], saying [3004] [5723], Lord [2962], even [2532] the devils [1140] are subject [5293] [5743] unto us [2254] through [1722] thy [4675] name [3686].


 Et il leur dit: Je contemplais la contrariété charnelle rejetée du ciel comme un éclair.

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], I beheld [2334] [5707] Satan [4567] as [5613] lightning [0796] fall [4098] [5631] from [1537] heaven [3772].


 Voici, je vous donne le pouvoir de marcher sur les serpents, sur les scorpions, et sur toutes les forces de l'ennemi; et rien ne pourra vous nuire.

 Behold [2400] [5628], I give [1325] [5719] unto you [5213] power [1849] to tread [3961] [5721] on [1883] serpents [3789] and [2532] scorpions [4651], and [2532] over [1909] all [3956] the power [1411] of the enemy [2190]: and [2532] nothing [3762] shall [0091] [0000] by any means [3364] hurt [0091] [5661] [5625] [0091] [5692] you [5209].


 Toutefois ne vous réjouissez pas de ce que les dispositions troublées vous sont assujetties; mais réjouissez-vous plutôt de ce que vos noms sont écrits dans les cieux.

 Notwithstanding [4133] in [1722] this [5129] rejoice [5463] [5720] not [3361], that [3754] the spirits [4151] are subject [5293] [5743] unto you [5213]; but [1161] rather [3123] rejoice [5463] [5720], because [3754] your [5216] names [3686] are written [1125] [5648] in [1722] heaven [3772].


 En ce même instant, Jésus tressaillit de joie en son esprit et dit: Je te loue, ô Père, Seigneur du ciel et de la terre, de ce que tu as caché ces choses aux obstinés et aux rusés, et de ce que tu les as révélées à ceux qui sont discrets! Oui, ô Père, cela est ainsi, parce que tu l'as trouvé bon!

 In [1722] that [0846] hour [5610] Jesus rejoiced in [0021] [5662] spirit [4151], and [2532] said [2036] [5627], I thank [1843] [5731] thee [4671], O Father [3962], Lord [2962] of heaven [3772] and [2532] earth [1093], that [3754] thou hast hid [0613] [5656] these things [5023] from [0575] the wise [4680] and [2532] prudent [4908], and [2532] hast revealed [0601] [5656] them [0846] unto babes [3516]: even so [3483], Father [3962]; for [3754] so [3779] it


 Toutes choses m'ont été données par mon Père; et nul ne connaît qui est le Fils, que le Père, ni qui est le Père, que le Fils, et celui à qui le Fils voudra le révéler.

 All things [3956] are delivered [3860] [5681] to me [3427] of [5259] my [3450] Father [3962]: and [2532] no man [3762] knoweth [1097] [5719] who [5101] the Son [5207] is [2076] [5748], but [1508] the Father [3962]; and [2532] who [5101] the Father [3962] is [2076] [5748], but [1508] the Son [5207], and [2532] [he] to whom [3739] [1437] the Son [5207] will [1014] [5741] reveal [0601] [5658] [him].


 Puis, se tournant vers ses disciples, il leur dit en particulier: Heureux les yeux qui voient ce que vous voyez!

 And [2532] he turned him [4762] [5651] unto [4314] [his] disciples [3101], and said [2036] [5627] privately [2398] [2596], Blessed [3107] [are] the eyes [3788] which [3588] see [0991] [5723] the things that [3739] ye [5210] see [0991] [5719]:


 Car je vous dis que plusieurs prophètes et plusieurs rois ont désiré de voir ce que vous voyez, et ne l'ont point vu; et d'entendre ce que vous entendez, et ne l'ont point entendu.

 For [1063] I tell [3004] [5719] you [5213], that [3754] many [4183] prophets [4396] and [2532] kings [0935] have desired [2309] [5656] to see [1492] [5629] those things which [3739] ye [5210] see [0991] [5719], and [2532] have [1492] [0000] not [3756] seen [1492] [5627] [them]; and [2532] to hear [0191] [5658] those things which [3739] ye hear [0191] [5719], and [2532] have [0191] [0000] not [3756] heard [0191] [5656] [them].


 Alors un magistrat de la loi se leva et dit à Jésus, pour l'éprouver: Maître, que faut-il que je fasse pour hériter de la vie éternelle?

 And [2532], behold [2400] [5628], a certain [5100] lawyer [3544] stood up [0450] [5627], and [2532] tempted [1598] [5723] him [0846], saying [3004] [5723], Master [1320], what [5101] shall I do [4160] [5660] to inherit [2816] [5692] [5661] eternal [0166] life [2222]?


 Jésus lui dit: Qu'est-ce qui est écrit dans la loi, et comment lis-tu?

 1161 He said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] him [0846], What [5101] is written [1125] [5769] in [1722] the law [3551]? how [4459] readest thou [0314] [5719]?


 Il répondit: Tu te donneras au Seigneur ton Dieu de tout ton cœur, de toute ton âme, de toute ta force et de toute ta pensée; et à ton prochain comme s'il serait toi-même.

 And [1161] he answering [0611] [5679] said [2036] [5627], Thou shalt love [0025] [5692] the Lord [2962] thy [4675] God [2316] with [1537] all [3650] thy [4675] heart [2588], and [2532] with [1537] all [3650] thy [4675] soul [5590], and [2532] with [1537] all [3650] thy [4675] strength [2479], and [2532] with [1537] all [3650] thy [4675] mind [1271]; and [2532] thy [4675] neighbour [4139] as [5613] thyself [4572].


 Et Jésus lui dit: Tu as bien répondu; fais cela, et tu vivras.

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Thou hast answered [0611] [5662] right [3723]: this [5124] do [4160] [5720], and [2532] thou shalt live [2198] [5692].


 Mais cet homme voulant paraître juste, dit à Jésus: Et qui est mon prochain?

 But [1161] he, willing [2309] [5723] to justify [1344] [5721] himself [1438], said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] Jesus, And [2532] who [5101] is [2076] [5748] my [3450] neighbour [4139]?


 Et Jésus, reprenant la parole, dit: Un homme descendit de Jérusalem à Jérico, et tomba entre les mains des brigands, qui le dépouillèrent; et après l'avoir blessé de plusieurs coups, ils s'en allèrent, le laissant à demi mort.

 And [1161] Jesus answering [5274] [5631] said [2036] [5627], A certain [5100] [man] [0444] went down [2597] [5707] from [0575] Jerusalem [2419] to [1519] Jericho [2410], and [2532] fell among [4045] [5627] thieves [3027], which [3739] [2532] stripped [1562] [0000] him [0846] of his raiment [1562] [5660], and [2532] wounded [4127] [2007] [5631] [him], and departed [0565] [5627], leaving [0863] [5631] [him] half dead [2253] [5177] [5723].


 Or, il se rencontra qu'un sacrificateur descendait par ce chemin-là, et ayant vu cet homme, il passa auprès de l'autre côté.

 And [1161] by [2596] chance [4795] there came down [2597] [5707] a certain [5100] priest [2409] that [1722] [1565] way [3598]: and [2532] when he saw [1492] [5631] him [0846], he passed by on the other side [0492] [5627].


 Un lévite étant aussi venu dans le même endroit, et le voyant, passa auprès de l'autre côté.

 And [1161] likewise [3668] [2532] a Levite [3019], when he was [1096] [5637] at [2596] the place [5117], came [2064] [5631] and [2532] looked [1492] [5631] [on him], and passed by on the other side [0492] [5627].


 Mais un Samaritain, passant son chemin, vint vers cet homme, et le voyant, il fut touché de compassion.

 But [1161] a certain [5100] Samaritan [4541], as he journeyed [3593] [5723], came [2064] [5627] where [2596] he was [0846]: and [2532] when he saw [1492] [5631] him [0846], he had compassion [4697] [5675] [on him],


 Et s'approchant, il banda ses plaies, et il y versa de l'huile et du vin; puis il le mit sur sa propre bête, et le mena à une Auberge, et prit soin de lui.

 And [2532] went [4334] [5631] to [him], and bound up [2611] [5656] his [0846] wounds [5134], pouring in [2022] [5723] oil [1637] and [2532] wine [3631], and [1161] set [1913] [5660] him [0846] on [1909] his own [2398] beast [2934], and brought [0071] [5627] him [0846] to [1519] an inn [3829], and [2532] took care [1959] [5675] of him [0846].


 Le lendemain, en partant, il tira deux deniers d'argent, et les donna à l'hôte, et lui dit: Aie soin de lui, et tout ce que tu dépenseras de plus, je te le rendrai à mon retour.

 And [2532] on [1909] the morrow [0839] when he departed [1831] [5631], he took out [1544] [5631] two [1417] pence [1220], and gave [1325] [5656] [them] to the host [3830], and [2532] said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Take care [1959] [5682] of him [0846]; and [2532] whatsoever [3748] [0302] thou spendest more [4325] [5661], when I [3165] come again [1722] [1880] [5738], I [1473] will repay [0591] [5692] thee [4671].


 Lequel donc de ces trois te semble avoir été le prochain de celui qui est tombé entre les mains des voleurs?

 Which [5101] now [3767] of these [5130] three [5140], thinkest [1380] [5719] thou [4671], was [1096] [5755] neighbour [4139] unto him that fell [1706] [5631] among [1519] the thieves [3027]?


 Le docteur dit: C'est celui qui a exercé la miséricorde envers lui. Jésus donc lui dit: Va, et fais la même chose.

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627], He that shewed [4160] [5660] mercy [1656] on [3326] him [0846]. Then [3767] said [2036] [5627] Jesus unto him [0846], Go [4198] [5737], and [2532] do [4160] [5720] thou [4771] likewise [3668].


 Or il arriva, comme ils étaient en chemin, il entra dans un village, et une femme, nommée Marthe, le reçut dans sa maison.

 Now [1161] it came to pass [1096] [5633], as [1722] they [0846] went [4198] [5738], that [2532] he [0846] entered [1525] [5627] into [1519] a certain [5100] village [2968]: and [1161] a certain [5100] woman [1135] named [3686] Martha [3136] received [5264] [5662] him [0846] into [1519] her [0848] house [3624].


 Elle avait une sœur nommée Marie, qui, se tenant assise aux pieds de Jésus, écoutait sa Parole.

 And [2532] she [3592] had [2258] [5713] a sister [0079] called [2564] [5746] Mary [3137], which [3739] also [2532] sat [3869] [5660] at [3844] Jesus' feet [4228], and heard [0191] [5707] his [0846] word [3056].


 Et Marthe était distraite par divers soins du ménage. Étant survenue, elle dit: Seigneur, ne considères-tu point que ma sœur me laisse servir toute seule? Dis-lui donc qu'elle m'aide.

 But [1161] Martha [3136] was cumbered [4049] [5712] about [4012] much [4183] serving [1248], and [1161] came to him [2186] [5631], and said [2036] [5627], Lord [2962], dost [3199] [0000] thou [4671] not [3756] care [3199] [5719] that [3754] my [3450] sister [0079] hath left [2641] [5627] me [3165] to serve [1247] [5721] alone [3441]? bid [2036] [5628] her [0846] therefore [3767] that [2443] she help [4878] [5638] me [3427].


 Et Jésus lui répondit: Marthe, Marthe, tu te mets en peine et tu t'agites pour beaucoup de choses;

 And [1161] Jesus answered [0611] [5679] and said [2036] [5627] unto her [0846], Martha [3136], Martha [3136], thou art careful [3309] [5719] and [2532] troubled [5182] [5743] about [4012] many things [4183]:


 (10-41) mais une seule est nécessaire; et Marie a choisi la bonne part, qui ne lui sera point ôtée.

 But [1161] one thing [1520] is [2076] [5748] needful [5532]: and [1161] Mary [3137] hath chosen [1586] [5668] that good [0018] part [3310], which [3748] shall [0851] [0000] not [3756] be taken away [0851] [5701] from [0575] her [0846].


 Et il arriva, comme que Jésus était en prière en un certain lieu, après qu'il eut achevé, un de ses disciples lui dit: Seigneur, enseigne-nous à prier, comme Jean l'a aussi enseigné à ses disciples.

 And [2532] it came to pass [1096] [5633], that, as [1722] he [0846] was [1511] [5750] praying [4336] [5740] in [1722] a certain [5100] place [5117], when [5613] he ceased [3973] [5668], one [5100] of his [0846] disciples [3101] said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] him [0846], Lord [2962], teach [1321] [5657] us [2248] to pray [4336] [5738], as [2531] John [2491] also [2532] taught [1321] [5656] his [0848] disciples [3101].


 Et il leur dit: Quand vous priez, dites: Notre Père qui es aux cieux; ton nom soit sanctifié; ton règne vienne; ta volonté soit faite sur la terre comme au ciel;

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], When [3752] ye pray [4336] [5741], say [3004] [5720], Our [2257] Father [3962] which [3588] art in [1722] heaven [3772], Hallowed be [0037] [5682] thy [4675] name [3686]. Thy [4675] kingdom [0932] come [2064] [5628]. Thy [4675] will [2307] be done [1096] [5676], as [5613] in [1722] heaven [3772], so [2532] in [1909] earth [1093].


 Donne-nous chaque jour notre pain quotidien;

 Give [1325] [5720] us [2254] day [2596] by day [2250] our [2257] daily [1967] bread [0740].


 Pardonne-nous nos péchés; car nous pardonnons aussi à tous ceux qui nous sont endettés; et ne nous amène point dans l'épreuve; mais délivre-nous de l'affliction.

 And [2532] forgive [0863] [5628] us [2254] our [2257] sins [0266]; for [1063] we also [2532] forgive [0863] [5719] every one [3956] that is indebted [3784] [5723] to us [2254]. And [2532] lead [1533] [5661] us [2248] not [3361] into [1519] temptation [3986]; but [0235] deliver [4506] [5663] us [2248] from [0575] evil [4190].


 Puis il leur dit: Si l'un de vous avait un ami qui viendrait le trouver à minuit, et qui lui dirait: Mon ami, prête-moi trois pains;

 And [2532] he said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] them [0846], Which [5101] of [1537] you [5216] shall have [2192] [5692] a friend [5384], and [2532] shall go [4198] [5695] unto [4314] him [0846] at midnight [3317], and [2532] say [2036] [5632] unto him [0846], Friend [5384], lend [5531] [5657] me [3427] three [5140] loaves [0740];


 Car un de mes amis qui est en voyage est survenu chez moi, et je n'ai rien à lui présenter;

 For [1894] a friend [5384] of mine [3450] in [1537] his journey [3598] is come [3854] [5633] to [4314] me [3165], and [2532] I have [2192] [5719] nothing [3756] [3739] to set before [3908] [5692] him [0846]?


 Et celui qui est à l'intérieur, lui répondrait et dirait: Ne m'importune pas, ma porte est fermée, et mes enfants sont avec moi au lit; je ne saurais me lever pour t'en donner.

 And he [2548] from within [2081] shall answer [0611] [5679] and say [2036] [5632], Trouble [2873] [3930] [5720] me [3427] not [3361]: the door [2374] is [2808] [0000] now [2235] shut [2808] [5769], and [2532] my [3450] children [3813] are [1526] [5748] with [3326] me [1700] in [1519] bed [2845]; I cannot [3756] [1410] [5736] rise [0450] [5631] and give [1325] [5629] thee [4671].


 Je vous dis, que quand même il ne se lèverait pas pour lui en donner parce qu'il est son ami, il se lèverait à cause de son importunité, et lui en donnerait autant qu'il en aurait besoin.

 I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], [2532] Though [1499] he will [1453] [0000] not [3756] rise [1453] [5685] and give [1325] [5692] him [0846], because [1223] he is [1511] [5750] his [0846] friend [5384], yet [1065] because [1223] of his [0846] importunity [0335] he will rise [0450] [5631] and give [1325] [5692] him [0846] as many as [3745] he needeth [5535] [5719].


 Moi aussi, je vous dis: Demandez, et on vous donnera; cherchez, et vous trouverez; cognez, et on vous ouvrira.

 And [2504] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], Ask [0154] [5720], and [2532] it shall be given [1325] [5701] you [5213]; seek [2212] [5720], and [2532] ye shall find [2147] [5692]; knock [2925] [5720], and [2532] it shall be opened [0455] [5691] unto you [5213].


 Car quiconque demande, reçoit, et qui cherche, trouve; et on ouvrira à celui qui cogne.

 For [1063] every one [3956] that asketh [0154] [5723] receiveth [2983] [5719]; and [2532] he that seeketh [2212] [5723] findeth [2147] [5719]; and [2532] to him that knocketh [2925] [5723] it shall be opened [0455] [5691].


 Qui est le père d'entre vous, qui donne à son fils [5207] une pierre, lorsqu'il lui demande du pain? Ou, s'il lui demande un poisson, lui donnera-t-il un serpent au lieu d'un poisson?

 If [1161] a son [5207] shall ask [0154] [5692] bread [0740] of any of you [5216] that is a father [3962] [5101], will he give [1929] [5692] [3361] him [0846] a stone [3037]? or [2532] if [he ask] a fish [2486], will he [1929] [0000] for [0473] a fish [2486] give [1929] [5692] [3361] him [0846] a serpent [3789]?


 Ou encore, s'il lui demande un œuf, lui donnera-t-il un scorpion?

 Or [2228] [2532] if [1437] he shall ask [0154] [5661] an egg [5609], will he offer [3361] [1929] [5692] him [0846] a scorpion [4651]?


 Si donc, vous, qui êtes mauvais, savez donner de bonnes choses à vos enfants, combien plus votre Père céleste donnera-t-il ma Sainte Présence à ceux qui le lui demandent?

 If [1487] ye [5210] then [3767], being [5225] [5723] evil [4190], know [1492] [5758] how to give [1325] [5721] good [0018] gifts [1390] unto your [5216] children [5043]: how much [4214] more [3123] shall [1325] [0000] [your] heavenly [3772] Father [3962] [1537] give [1325] [5692] the Holy [0040] Spirit [4151] to them that ask [0154] [5723] him [0846]?


 Jésus redressa aussi une conscience déréglée qui était muette; et la conscience déréglée étant apaisée, le muet parla; et le peuple était dans l'admiration.

 And [2532] he was [2258] [5713] casting out [1544] [5723] a devil [1140], and [2532] it [0846] was [2258] [5713] dumb [2974]. And [1161] it came to pass [1096] [5633], when the devil [1140] was gone out [1831] [5631], the dumb [2974] spake [2980] [5656]; and [2532] the people [3793] wondered [2296] [5656].


 Et quelques-uns d'entre eux dirent: C'est par la direction de l'affolement, la vivification des dérèglements de conscience qu'il redresse les consciences déréglées.

 But [1161] some [5100] of [1537] them [0846] said [2036] [5627], He casteth out [1544] [5719] devils [1140] through [1722] Beelzebub [0954] the chief [0758] of the devils [1140].


 Mais d'autres, pour l'éprouver, lui demandaient un miracle qui vint du ciel.

 And [1161] others [2087], tempting [3985] [5723] [him], sought [2212] [5707] of [3844] him [0846] a sign [4592] from [1537] heaven [3772].


 Mais Jésus, connaissant leurs pensées, leur dit: Tout royaume divisé contre lui-même sera réduit en désert; et toute maison divisée contre elle-même tombera en ruine.

 But [1161] he [0846], knowing [1492] [5761] their [0846] thoughts [1270], said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Every [3956] kingdom [0932] divided [1266] [5685] against [1909] itself [1438] is brought to desolation [2049] [5743]; and [2532] a house [3624] [divided] against [1909] a house [3624] falleth [4098] [5719].


 Si ainsi la concurrence est divisé contre elle-même, comment son règne subsistera-t-il? puisque vous dites que c'est par la direction de l'affolement que je redresse les consciences déréglées.

 If [1161] [1499] [0000] Satan [4567] also [1499] be divided [1266] [5681] against [1909] himself [1438], how [4459] shall [2476] [0000] his [0846] kingdom [0932] stand [2476] [5701]? because [3754] ye say [3004] [5719] that I [3165] cast out [1544] [5721] devils [1140] through [1722] Beelzebub [0954].


 Et si je redresse les consciences déréglées par la direction de l'affolement, vos fils [5207] par qui les redressent-ils? C'est pourquoi ils seront vos juges.

 And [1161] if [1487] I [1473] by [1722] Beelzebub [0954] cast out [1544] [5719] devils [1140], by [1722] whom [5101] do [1544] [0000] your [5216] sons [5207] cast [them] out [1544] [5719]? therefore [1223] [5124] shall they be [2071] [5704] your [5216] judges [2923].


 Mais si je redresse les consciences déréglées par le doigt de Dieu, il est donc vrai que la Royauté de Dieu est venu à vous.

 But [1161] if [1487] I with [1722] the finger [1147] of God [2316] cast out [1544] [5719] devils [1140], no doubt [0686] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316] is come [5348] [5656] upon [1909] you [5209].


 Quand un homme fort et bien armé garde sa maison, tout ce qu'il a est en sûreté.

 When [3752] a strong man [2478] armed [2528] [5772] keepeth [5442] [5725] his [0833] palace [1438], his [0846] goods [5224] [5723] are [2076] [5748] in [1722] peace [1515]:


 Mais lorsqu'un plus fort que lui survient, il le terrasse, lui ôte toutes ses armes auxquelles il se confiait, et partage ses dépouilles.

 But [1161] when [1875] a stronger [2478] than he [0846] shall come upon him [1904] [5631], and overcome [3528] [5661] him [0846], he taketh [0142] [5719] from him [0846] all his armour [3833] wherein [1909] [3739] he trusted [3982] [5714], and [2532] divideth [1239] [5719] his [0846] spoils [4661].


 Celui qui n'est pas avec moi est contre moi, et celui qui n'assemble pas avec moi, dissipe.

 He that is [5607] [5752] not [3361] with [3326] me [1700] is [2076] [5748] against [2596] me [1700]: and [2532] he that gathereth [4863] [5723] not [3361] with [3326] me [1700] scattereth [4650] [5719].


 Lorsqu'un caractère troublé est manifesté d'un homme, il va par des lieux improductifs, cherchant du repos, et il n'en trouve point; et il dit: Je retournerai dans ma demeure, d'où je suis venu.

 When [3752] the unclean [0169] spirit [4151] is gone [1831] [5632] out of [0575] a man [0444], he walketh [1330] [5736] through [1223] dry [0504] places [5117], seeking [2212] [5723] rest [0372]; and [2532] finding [2147] [5723] none [3361], he saith [3004] [5719], I will return [5290] [5692] unto [1519] my [3450] house [3624] whence [3606] I came out [1831] [5627].


 Et quand il y vient, il la trouve nettoyée et en ordre.

 And [2532] when he cometh [2064] [5631], he findeth [2147] [5719] [it] swept [4563] [5772] and [2532] garnished [2885] [5772].


 Alors il s'en va et reconnaît avec lui sept autres caractères plus tordus que lui, et ils se fixent pour y demeurer; et le dernier état de cet homme devient pire que le premier.

 Then [5119] goeth he [4198] [5736], and [2532] taketh [3880] [5719] [to him] seven [2033] other [2087] spirits [4151] more wicked [4191] than himself [1438]; and [2532] they enter in [1525] [5631], and dwell [2730] [5719] there [1563]: and [2532] the last [2078] [state] of that [1565] man [0444] is [1096] [5736] worse [5501] than the first [4413].


 Comme il disait ces choses, une femme de la foule éleva sa voix et lui dit: Heureux le ventre qui t'a porté, et les mamelles qui t'ont allaité!

 And [1161] it came to pass [1096] [5633], as [1722] he [0846] spake [3004] [5721] these things [5023], a certain [5100] woman [1135] of [1537] the company [3793] lifted up [1869] [5660] her voice [5456], and said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Blessed [3107] [is] the womb [2836] that bare [0941] [5660] thee [4571], and [2532] the paps [3149] which [3739] thou hast sucked [2337] [5656].


 Mais plutôt, reprit Jésus, heureux ceux qui écoutent la Parole de Dieu, et qui la gardent!

 But [1161] he said [2036] [5627], Yea rather [3304], blessed [3107] [are] they that hear [0191] [5723] the word [3056] of God [2316], and [2532] keep [5442] [5723] it [0846].


 Comme le peuple s'amassait en foule, Jésus se mit à dire: Cette génération est méchante, elle demande un miracle, et il ne lui en sera point donné d'autre que celui du prophète Jonas.

 And [1161] when the people [3793] were gathered thick together [1865] [5746], he began [0756] [5662] to say [3004] [5721], This [3778] is [2076] [5748] an evil [4190] generation [1074]: they seek [1934] [5719] a sign [4592]; and [2532] there shall [1325] [0000] no [3756] sign [4592] be given [1325] [5701] it [0846], but [1508] the sign [4592] of Jonas [2495] the prophet [4396].


 Car, comme Jonas fut un miracle pour les Ninivites, le Fils, l'expression humaine en sera un pour cette génération.

 For [1063] as [2531] Jonas [2495] was [1096] [5633] a sign [4592] unto the Ninevites [3536], so [3779] shall [2071] [0000] also [2532] the Son [5207] of man [0444] be [2071] [5704] to this [5026] generation [1074].


 La reine du Midi s'élèvera au jour du jugement contre les hommes de cette génération, et les condamnera, parce qu'elle vint des bornes de la terre pour entendre la sagesse de Salomon [4672]; et voici, il y a ici plus que Salomon [4672].

 The queen [0938] of the south [3558] shall rise up [1453] [5701] in [1722] the judgment [2920] with [3326] the men [0435] of this [5026] generation [1074], and [2532] condemn [2632] [5692] them [0846]: for [3754] she came [2064] [5627] from [1537] the utmost parts [4009] of the earth [1093] to hear [0191] [5658] the wisdom [4678] of Solomon [4672]; and [2532], behold [2400] [5628], a greater than [4119] Solomon [4672] [is] here [5602].


 Les hommes de Ninive s'élèveront au jour du jugement contre cette génération, et la condamneront, parce qu'ils se repentirent à la prédication de Jonas; et voici, il y a ici plus que Jonas.

 The men [0435] of Nineve [3535] shall rise up [0450] [5698] in [1722] the judgment [2920] with [3326] this [5026] generation [1074], and [2532] shall condemn [2632] [5692] it [0846]: for [3754] they repented [3340] [5656] at [1519] the preaching [2782] of Jonas [2495]; and [2532], behold [2400] [5628], a greater than [4119] Jonas [2495] [is] here [5602].


 Personne n'allume une lampe pour la mettre dans un lieu caché, ou sous un récipient; mais sur un lampadaire, afin que ceux qui entrent, voient la lumière.

 1161 No man [3762], when he hath lighted [0681] [5660] a candle [3088], putteth [5087] [5719] [it] in [1519] a secret place [2926], neither [3761] under [5259] a bushel [3426], but [0235] on [1909] a candlestick [3087], that [2443] they which [3588] come in [1531] [5740] may see [0991] [5725] the light [5338].


 L'œil est la lumière du corps; si donc ta perception est franche, tout ton être sera éclairé; mais si elle est mauvaise, ton être sera dans les ténèbres.

 The light [3088] of the body [4983] is [2076] [5748] the eye [3788]: therefore [3767] when [1875] thine [4675] eye [3788] is [5600] [5753] single [0573], thy [4675] whole [3650] body [4983] also [2532] is [2076] [5748] full of light [5460]; but [1161] when [3752] [thine eye] is [5600] [5753] evil [4190], thy [4675] body [4983] also [2532] [is] full of darkness [4652].


 Prends donc garde que la lumière qui est en toi ne soit que ténèbres.

 Take heed [4648] [5720] therefore [3767] that the light [5457] which [3588] is in [1722] thee [4671] be [2076] [5748] not [3361] darkness [4655].


 Si donc tout ton être est éclairé, et s'il n'a aucune partie qui soit dans les ténèbres, il sera tout éclairé, comme quand une lampe t'éclaire par sa lumière.

 If [1487] thy [4675] whole [3650] body [4983] therefore [3767] [be] full of light [5460], having [2192] [5723] no [3361] [5100] part [3313] dark [4652], the whole [3650] shall be [2071] [5704] full of light [5460], as [5613] when [3752] the bright shining [0796] of a candle [3088] doth give [5461] [0000] thee [4571] light [5461] [5725].


 Comme il parlait, un pharisien le pria de dîner chez lui; et Jésus entra et se mit à table.

 And [1161] as [1722] he spake [2980] [5658], a certain [5100] Pharisee [5330] besought [2065] [5707] him [0846] to [3704] dine [0709] [5661] with [3844] him [0846]: and [1161] he went in [1525] [5631], and sat down to meat [0377] [5627].


 Et le pharisien s'étonna de ce qu'il vit qu'il ne s'était pas lavé rituellement avant le dîner.

 And [1161] when the Pharisee [5330] saw [1492] [5631] [it], he marvelled [2296] [5656] that [3754] he had [0907] [0000] not [3756] first [4412] washed [0907] [5681] before [4253] dinner [0712].


 Et le Seigneur lui dit: Vous autres pharisiens, vous nettoyez le dehors de la coupe et du plat; mais au-dedans vous êtes pleins de rapine et de méchanceté.

 And [1161] the Lord [2962] said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] him [0846], Now [3568] do [2511] [0000] ye [5210] Pharisees [5330] make clean [2511] [5719] the outside [1855] of the cup [4221] and [2532] the platter [4094]; but [1161] your [5216] inward part [2081] is full [1073] [5719] of ravening [0724] and [2532] wickedness [4189].


 Insensés! celui qui a fait le dehors n'a t-il pas aussi fait le dedans?

 [Ye] fools [0878], did [4160] [0000] not [3756] he that made [4160] [5660] that which [3588] is without [1855] make [4160] [5656] that which [3588] is within [2081] also [2532]?


 Mais plutôt, donnez en aumônes ce que vous avez, et toutes choses seront pures pour vous.

 But rather [4133] give [1325] [5628] alms [1654] of such things as ye have [1751] [5752]; and [2532], behold [2400] [5628], all things [3956] are [2076] [5748] clean [2513] unto you [5213].


 Mais malheur à vous, pharisiens, qui payez la dîme de la menthe, de la rue et de toutes sortes d'herbes, tandis que vous négligez la justice et l'amour de Dieu. Ce sont là les choses qu'il fallait faire, sans néanmoins négliger les autres.

 But [0235] woe [3759] unto you [5213], Pharisees [5330]! for [3754] ye tithe [0586] [5719] mint [2238] and [2532] rue [4076] and [2532] all manner [3956] of herbs [3001], and [2532] pass over [3928] [5736] judgment [2920] and [2532] the love [0026] of God [2316]: these [5023] ought ye [1163] [5713] to have done [4160] [5658], and not [3361] to leave [0863] [0000] the other [2548] undone [0863] [5721].


 Malheur à vous, pharisiens, qui aimez à occuper les premières places dans les synagogues, et à être salués dans les places publiques.

 Woe [3759] unto you [5213], Pharisees [5330]! for [3754] ye love [0025] [5719] the uppermost seats [4410] in [1722] the synagogues [4864], and [2532] greetings [0783] in [1722] the markets [0058].


 Malheur à vous, scribes et pharisiens hypocrites, parce que vous ressemblez aux sépulcres qui ne paraissent point, et les hommes qui marchent dessus n'en savent rien.

 Woe [3759] unto you [5213], scribes [1122] and [2532] Pharisees [5330], hypocrites [5273]! for [3754] ye are [2075] [5748] as [5613] graves [3419] which [3588] appear not [0082], and [2532] the men [0444] that walk [4043] [5723] over [1883] [them] are [1492] [0000] not [3756] aware [1492] [5758] [of them].


 Alors un des magistrats de la loi prit la parole et lui dit: Maître, en disant ces choses, tu nous outrages aussi.

 Then [1161] answered [0611] [5679] one [5100] of the lawyers [3544], and said [3004] [5719] unto him [0846], Master [1320], thus [5023] saying [3004] [5723] thou reproachest [5195] [5719] us [2248] also [2532].


 Et Jésus dit: Malheur aussi à vous, magistrats de la loi, parce que vous chargez les hommes de fardeaux qu'ils ne peuvent porter, et vous-mêmes n'y touchez pas du doigt.

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627], Woe [3759] unto you [5213] also [2532], [ye] lawyers [3544]! for [3754] ye lade [5412] [5719] men [0444] with burdens [5413] grievous to be borne [1419], and [2532] ye yourselves [0846] touch [4379] [5719] not [3756] the burdens [5413] with one [1520] of your [5216] fingers [1147].


 Malheur à vous, parce que vous bâtissez les sépulcres des prophètes que vos pères ont fait mourir.

 Woe [3759] unto you [5213]! for [3754] ye build [3618] [5719] the sepulchres [3419] of the prophets [4396], and [1161] your [5216] fathers [3962] killed [0615] [5656] them [0846].


 Vous êtes donc les témoins et les complices des actions de vos pères; car ils ont fait mourir les prophètes, et vous bâtissez leurs tombeaux.

 Truly [0686] ye bear witness [3140] [5719] that [2532] ye allow [4909] [5719] the deeds [2041] of your [5216] fathers [3962]: for [3754] they [0846] indeed [3303] killed [0615] [5656] them [0846], and [1161] ye [5210] build [3618] [5719] their [0846] sepulchres [3419].


 C'est pourquoi aussi la sagesse de Dieu a dit: Je leur enverrai des prophètes et des délégués; et ils feront mourir les uns et persécuteront les autres;

 Therefore [1223] [5124] also [2532] said [2036] [5627] the wisdom [4678] of God [2316], I will send [0649] [5692] [1519] them [0846] prophets [4396] and [2532] apostles [0652], and [2532] [some] of [1537] them [0846] they shall slay [0615] [5692] and [2532] persecute [1559] [5692]:


 Afin que le sang de tous les prophètes, qui a été répandu dès la création du monde, soit redemandé à cette génération,

 That [2443] the blood [0129] of all [3956] the prophets [4396], which [3588] was shed [1632] [5746] from [0575] the foundation [2602] of the world [2889], may be required [1567] [5686] of [0575] this [5026] generation [1074];


 Depuis le sang d'Abel jusqu'au sang de Zacharie, qui fut tué entre l'autel et le temple; oui, vous dis-je, il sera redemandé à cette génération.

 From [0575] the blood [0129] of Abel [0006] unto [2193] the blood [0129] of Zacharias [2197], which [3588] perished [0622] [5642] between [3342] the altar [2379] and [2532] the temple [3624]: verily [3483] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], It shall be required [1567] [5701] of [0575] this [5026] generation [1074].


 Malheur à vous, magistrats de la loi, parce qu'ayant pris la clef de la connaissance, vous n'y êtes point entrés vous-mêmes, et vous avez encore empêché d'y entrer ceux qui voulaient le faire.

 Woe [3759] unto you [5213], lawyers [3544]! for [3754] ye have taken away [0142] [5656] the key [2807] of knowledge [1108]: ye entered [1525] [0000] not [3756] in [1525] [5627] yourselves [0846], and [2532] them that were entering in [1525] [5740] ye hindered [2967] [5656].


 Et comme il leur disait cela, les scribes et les pharisiens se mirent à le presser fortement, et à le faire parler sur plusieurs choses,

 And [1161] as he said [3004] [5723] these things [5023] unto [4314] them [0846], the scribes [1122] and [2532] the Pharisees [5330] began [0756] [5662] to urge [1758] [5721] [him] vehemently [1171], and [2532] to provoke [0653] [0000] him [0846] to speak [0653] [5721] of [4012] many things [4119]:


 Lui tendant des pièges, et cherchant à tirer quelque chose de sa bouche, afin de l'accuser.

 Laying wait for [1748] [5723] him [0846], and [2532] seeking [2212] [5723] to catch [2340] [5658] something [5100] out of [1537] his [0846] mouth [4750], that [2443] they might accuse [2723] [5661] him [0846].


 Cependant, le peuple s'étant assemblé par milliers, tellement qu'ils se foulaient les uns les autres, il se mit à dire à ses disciples: Gardez-vous sur toutes choses du levain des pharisiens, qui est l'hypocrisie.

 In [1722] the mean time [3739], when there were gathered together [1996] [5685] an innumerable multitude [3461] of people [3793], insomuch that [5620] they trode [2662] [5721] one upon another [0240], he began [0756] [5662] to say [3004] [5721] unto [4314] his [0848] disciples [3101] first of all [4412], Beware [4337] [5720] ye [1438] of [0575] the leaven [2219] of the Pharisees [5330], which [3748] is [2076] [5748] hypocrisy [5272].


 Car il n'y a rien de caché qui ne doive être découvert, ni rien de secret qui ne doive être connu.

 For [1161] there is [2076] [5748] nothing [3762] covered [4780] [5772], that [3739] shall [0601] [0000] not [3756] be revealed [0601] [5701]; neither [2532] hid [2927], that [3739] shall [1097] [0000] not [3756] be known [1097] [5701].


 C'est pourquoi les choses que vous aurez dites dans les ténèbres seront entendues dans la lumière; et ce que vous aurez dit à l'oreille, dans les chambres, sera proclamé sur les maisons.

 Therefore [0473] [3739] whatsoever [3745] ye have spoken [2036] [5627] in [1722] darkness [4653] shall be heard [0191] [5701] in [1722] the light [5457]; and [2532] that which [3739] ye have spoken [2980] [5656] in [4314] the ear [3775] in [1722] closets [5009] shall be proclaimed [2784] [5701] upon [1909] the housetops [1430].


 Et je vous dis, à vous mes amis: Ne craignez point ceux qui tuent le corps, et qui, après cela, ne peuvent rien faire de plus.

 And [1161] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213] my [3450] friends [5384], Be [5399] [0000] not [3361] afraid [5399] [5676] of them [0575] that kill [0615] [5723] the body [4983], and [2532] after [3326] that [5023] have [2192] [5723] no [3361] [5100] more [4055] that they can do [4160] [5658].


 Mais je vous montrerai qui vous devez craindre; craignez celui qui, après avoir ôté la vie, a le pouvoir d'envoyer dans l'angoisse du feu méprisant; oui, je vous le dis, c'est celui-là que vous devez craindre.

 But [1161] I will forewarn [5263] [5692] you [5213] whom [5101] ye shall fear [5399] [5680]: Fear [5399] [5676] him, which after [3326] he hath killed [0615] [5658] hath [2192] [5723] power [1849] to cast [1685] [5629] into [1519] hell [1067]; yea [3483], I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], Fear [5399] [5676] him [5126].


 Ne vend-on pas cinq petits passereaux pour deux pites? Cependant Dieu n'en oublie pas un seul.

 Are [4453] [0000] not [3780] five [4002] sparrows [4765] sold [4453] [5743] for two [1417] farthings [0787], and [2532] not [3756] one [1520] of [1537] them [0846] is [2076] [5748] forgotten [1950] [5772] before [1799] God [2316]?


 Et même tous les cheveux de votre tête sont comptés; ne craignez donc point, vous valez plus que beaucoup de passereaux.

 But [0235] even the very [2532] hairs [2359] of your [5216] head [2776] are [0705] [0000] all [3956] numbered [0705] [5769]. Fear [5399] [5737] not [3361] therefore [3767]: ye are of more value [1308] [5719] than many [4183] sparrows [4765].


 Or, je vous le dis: quiconque me confessera devant les hommes, le Fils, l'expression humaine le confessera aussi devant les anges de Dieu.

 Also [1161] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], Whosoever [3956] [3739] [0302] shall confess [3670] [5661] [1722] me [1698] before [1715] men [0444], [1722] him [0846] shall [3670] [0000] the Son [5207] of man [0444] also [2532] confess [3670] [5692] before [1715] the angels [0032] of God [2316]:


 Mais celui qui me reniera devant les hommes, sera renié devant les anges de Dieu.

 But [1161] he that denieth [0720] [5666] me [3165] before [1799] men [0444] shall be denied [0533] [5701] before [1799] the angels [0032] of God [2316].


 Et quiconque aura parlé contre le Fils, l'expression humaine, il lui sera pardonné; mais à celui qui aura blasphémé contre ma Sainte Présence, il ne sera point pardonné.

 And [2532] whosoever [3956] [3739] shall speak [2046] [5692] a word [3056] against [1519] the Son [5207] of man [0444], it shall be forgiven [0863] [5701] him [0846]: but [1161] unto him that blasphemeth [0987] [5660] against [1519] the Holy [0040] Ghost [4151] it shall [0863] [0000] not [3756] be forgiven [0863] [5701].


 Quand on vous mènera dans les synagogues et devant les magistrats et les autorités, ne vous mettez point en peine de quelle manière vous répondrez pour votre défense, ni de ce que vous aurez à dire;

 And [1161] when [3752] they bring [4374] [5725] you [5209] unto [1909] the synagogues [4864], and [2532] [unto] magistrates [0746], and [2532] powers [1849], take [3309] [0000] ye no [3361] thought [3309] [5720] how [4459] or [2228] what thing [5101] ye shall answer [0626] [5667], or [2228] what [5101] ye shall say [2036] [5632]:


 Car ma Sainte Présence vous enseignera en ce même instant ce qu'il faudra dire.

 For [1063] the Holy [0040] Ghost [4151] shall teach [1321] [5692] you [5209] in [1722] the same [0846] hour [5610] what [3739] ye ought [1163] [5748] to say [2036] [5629].


 Alors quelqu'un de la troupe lui dit: Maître, dis à mon frère qu'il partage avec moi notre héritage.

 And [1161] one [5100] of [1537] the company [3793] said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Master [1320], speak [2036] [5628] to my [3450] brother [0080], that he divide [3307] [5670] the inheritance [2817] with [3326] me [1700].


 Mais Jésus lui répondit: Ô homme, qui m'a établi pour être votre évaluateur, ou pour faire vos partages?

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Man [0444], who [5101] made [2525] [5656] me [3165] a judge [1348] or [2228] a divider [3312] over [1909] you [5209]?


 Puis il leur dit: Gardez-vous avec soin de l'avarice; car quoique les biens abondent à quelqu'un, il n'a pas la vie par ses biens.

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] them [0846], Take heed [3708] [5720], and [2532] beware [5442] [5732] of [0575] covetousness [4124]: for [3754] a man's [5100] life [2222] consisteth [2076] [5748] not [3756] in [1722] the abundance [4052] [5721] of [1537] the things which he [0846] possesseth [5224] [5723].


 Et il leur dit cette parabole: Les terres d'un homme riche avaient rapporté avec abondance;

 And [1161] he spake [2036] [5627] a parable [3850] unto [4314] them [0846], saying [3004] [5723], The ground [5561] of a certain [5100] rich [4145] man [0444] brought forth plentifully [2164] [5656]:


 Et il raisonnait en lui-même, disant: Que ferai-je? car je n'ai pas assez de place pour serrer ma récolte.

 And [2532] he thought [1260] [5711] within [1722] himself [1438], saying [3004] [5723], What [5101] shall I do [4160] [5661], because [3754] I have [2192] [5719] no [3756] room where [4226] to bestow [4863] [5692] my [3450] fruits [2590]?


 Voici, dit-il, ce que je ferai: j'abattrai mes greniers, et j'en bâtirai de plus grands, et j'y amasserai toute ma récolte et tous mes biens.

 And [2532] he said [2036] [5627], This [5124] will I do [4160] [5692]: I will pull down [2507] [5692] my [3450] barns [0596], and [2532] build [3618] [5692] greater [3187]; and [2532] there [1563] will I bestow [4863] [5692] all [3956] my [3450] fruits [1081] and [2532] my [3450] goods [0018].


 Puis je dirai à mon âme: Mon âme, tu as beaucoup de biens en réserve pour plusieurs années; repose-toi, mange, bois et réjouis-toi.

 And [2532] I will say [2046] [5692] to my [3450] soul [5590], Soul [5590], thou hast [2192] [5719] much [4183] goods [0018] laid up [2749] [5740] for [1519] many [4183] years [2094]; take thine ease [0373] [5732], eat [5315] [5628], drink [4095] [5628], [and] be merry [2165] [5744].


 Mais Dieu lui dit: Insensé, cette nuit même, ton âme te sera redemandée; et ce que tu as amassé, pour qui sera-t-il?

 But [1161] God [2316] said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], [Thou] fool [0878], this [5026] night [3571] thy [4675] soul [5590] shall be required [0523] [5719] of [0575] thee [4675]: then [1161] whose [5101] shall those things be [2071] [5704], which [3739] thou hast provided [2090] [5656]?


 Il en est ainsi de celui qui amasse des biens pour lui-même, et qui n'est point riche en Dieu.

 So [3779] [is] he that layeth up treasure [2343] [5723] for himself [1438], and [2532] is [4147] [0000] not [3361] rich [4147] [5723] toward [1519] God [2316].


 Alors il dit à ses disciples: C'est pourquoi, je vous dis, ne soyez point en souci pour votre vie, de ce que vous mangerez; ni pour votre corps, de quoi vous serez vêtus.

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] his [0848] disciples [3101], Therefore [1223] [5124] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], Take [3309] [0000] no [3361] thought [3309] [5720] for your [5216] life [5590], what [5101] ye shall eat [5315] [5632]; neither [3366] for the body [4983], what [5101] ye shall put on [1746] [5672].


 La vie est plus que la nourriture, et le corps plus que le vêtement.

 The life [5590] is [2076] [5748] more [4119] than meat [5160], and [2532] the body [4983] [is more] than raiment [1742].


 Considérez les corbeaux; ils ne sèment ni ne moissonnent, et ils n'ont point de cellier ni de grenier, et Dieu les nourrit; combien ne valez-vous pas plus que des oiseaux!

 Consider [2657] [5657] the ravens [2876]: for [3754] they neither [3756] sow [4687] [5719] nor [3761] reap [2325] [5719]; which [3739] neither [3756] have [2076] [5748] storehouse [5009] nor [3761] barn [0596]; and [2532] God [2316] feedeth [5142] [5719] them [0846]: how much [4214] more [3123] are [1308] [0000] ye [5210] better than [1308] [5719] the fowls [4071]?


 Et qui de vous peut, par ses inquiétudes, ajouter une coudée à sa taille?

 And [1161] which [5101] of [1537] you [5216] with taking thought [3309] [5723] can [1410] [5736] add [4369] [5629] to [1909] his [0848] stature [2244] one [1520] cubit [4083]?


 Si donc vous ne pouvez pas même les plus petites choses, pourquoi vous inquiétez-vous du reste?

 If [1487] ye then [3767] be [1410] [0000] not [3777] able to do [1410] [5736] that thing which is least [1646], why [5101] take ye thought [3309] [5719] for [4012] the rest [3062]?


 Considérez comment les lis croissent; ils ne travaillent ni ne filent; cependant, je vous dis que Salomon [4672] même, dans toute sa gloire, n'a point été vêtu comme l'un d'eux.

 Consider [2657] [5657] the lilies [2918] how [4459] they grow [0837] [5719]: they toil [2872] [5719] not [3756], they spin [3514] [5719] not [3761]; and yet [1161] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], that Solomon [4672] in [1722] all [3956] his [0848] glory [1391] was [4016] [0000] not [3761] arrayed [4016] [5639] like [5613] one [1520] of these [5130].


 Et si Dieu revêt ainsi une herbe qui est aujourd'hui dans les champs, et qui demain sera jetée dans le four, combien plus vous revêtira-t-il, gens de petite foi?

 If [1487] then [1161] God [2316] so [3779] clothe [0294] [5719] the grass [5528], which [5607] [5752] is to day [4594] in [1722] the field [0068], and [2532] to morrow [0839] is cast [0906] [5746] into [1519] the oven [2823]; how much [4214] more [3123] [will he clothe] you [5209], O ye of little faith [3640]?


 Et ne vous mettez point en peine de ce que vous mangerez, ou de ce que vous boirez, et n'ayez point l'esprit inquiet.

 And [2532] seek [2212] [5720] not [3361] ye [5210] what [5101] ye shall eat [5315] [5632], or [2228] what [5101] ye shall drink [4095] [5632], [2532] neither [3361] be ye of doubtful mind [3349] [5744].


 Car ce sont les nations du monde qui recherchent toutes ces choses; et votre Père sait que vous en avez besoin;

 For [1063] all [3956] these things [5023] do [1934] [0000] the nations [1484] of the world [2889] seek after [1934] [5719]: and [1161] your [5216] Father [3962] knoweth [1492] [5758] that [3754] ye have need [5535] [5719] of these things [5130].


 Cherchez plutôt la Souveraineté de Dieu, et toutes ces choses vous seront données par-dessus.

 But rather [4133] seek ye [2212] [5720] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316]; and [2532] all [3956] these things [5023] shall be added [4369] [5701] unto you [5213].


 Ne crains point, petit troupeau; car il a plu à votre Père de vous donner la Royauté.

 Fear [5399] [5732] [5737] not [3361], little [3398] flock [4168]; for [3754] it is [2106] [0000] your [5216] Father's [3962] good pleasure [2106] [5656] to give [1325] [5629] you [5213] the kingdom [0932].


 Vendez ce que vous avez, et donnez-le en aumônes; faites-vous des bourses qui ne s'usent point, un trésor dans les cieux qui ne manque jamais, d'où les voleurs n'approchent point, et la teigne ne gâte rien.

 Sell [4453] [5657] that ye [5216] have [5224] [5723], and [2532] give [1325] [5628] alms [1654]; provide [4160] [5657] yourselves [1438] bags [0905] which wax [3822] [0000] not [3361] old [3822] [5746], a treasure [2344] in [1722] the heavens [3772] that faileth not [0413], where [3699] no [3756] thief [2812] approacheth [1448] [5719], neither [3761] moth [4597] corrupteth [1311] [5719].


 Car où est votre trésor, là aussi sera votre cœur.

 For [1063] where [3699] your [5216] treasure [2344] is [2076] [5748], there [1563] will [2071] [0000] your [5216] heart [2588] be [2071] [5704] also [2532].


 Que vos reins soient ceints, et vos lampes allumées.

 Let [2077] [0000] your [5216] loins [3751] be [2077] [5749] girded about [4024] [5772], and [2532] [your] lights [3088] burning [2545] [5746];


 Et soyez comme des hommes qui attendent que leur maître revienne des noces; afin que quand il viendra et qu'il cognera à la porte, ils lui ouvrent aussitôt.

 And [2532] ye yourselves [5210] like [3664] unto men [0444] that wait [4327] [5740] for their [1438] lord [2962], when [4219] he will return [0360] [5692] from [1537] the wedding [1062]; that [2443] when he cometh [2064] [5631] and [2532] knocketh [2925] [5660], they may open [0455] [5661] unto him [0846] immediately [2112].


 Heureux ces serviteurs que le maître trouvera veillant quand il arrivera! Je vous dis en vérité, qu'il se ceindra, qu'il les fera mettre à table, et qu'il viendra les servir.

 Blessed [3107] [are] those [1565] servants [1401], whom [3739] the lord [2962] when he cometh [2064] [5631] shall find [2147] [5692] watching [1127] [5723]: verily [0281] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], that [3754] he shall gird himself [4024] [5698], and [2532] make [0347] [0000] them [0846] to sit down to meat [0347] [5692], and [2532] will come forth [3928] [5631] and serve [1247] [5692] them [0846].


 Que s'il arrive à la seconde ou à la troisième veille, et qu'il les trouve dans cet état, heureux ces serviteurs-là!

 And [2532] if [1437] he shall come [2064] [5632] in [1722] the second [1208] watch [5438], or [2532] come [2064] [5632] in [1722] the third [5154] watch [5438], and [2532] find [2147] [5632] [them] so [3779], blessed [3107] are [1526] [5748] those [1565] servants [1401].


 Vous savez que si un père de famille était averti à quelle heure un larron doit venir, il veillerait et ne laisserait pas percer sa maison.

 And [1161] this [5124] know [1097] [5720], that [3754] if [1487] the goodman of the house [3617] had known [1492] [5715] what [4169] hour [5610] the thief [2812] would come [2064] [5736], [0302] he would have watched [1127] [5656], and [2532] [0302] not [3756] have suffered [0863] [5656] his [0848] house [3624] to be broken through [1358] [5650].


 Vous donc aussi, soyez prêts, car le Fils, l'expression humaine viendra à l'heure que vous ne penserez point.

 Be [1096] [5737] ye [5210] therefore [3767] ready [2092] also [2532]: for [3754] [3739] the Son [5207] of man [0444] cometh [2064] [5736] at an hour [5610] when ye think [1380] [5719] not [3756].


 Alors Pierre lui dit: Seigneur, est-ce pour nous que tu dis cette parabole, ou est-ce aussi pour tous?

 Then [1161] Peter [4074] said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Lord [2962], speakest thou [3004] [5719] this [5026] parable [3850] unto [4314] us [2248], or [2228] even [2532] to [4314] all [3956]?


 Et le Seigneur dit: Quel est donc le dispensateur fidèle et prudent, que le maître a établi sur ses domestiques, pour leur donner au temps [1909] marqué la mesure ordinaire de blé?

 And [1161] the Lord [2962] said [2036] [5627], Who [5101] then [0686] is [2076] [5748] that faithful [4103] and [2532] wise [5429] steward [3623], whom [3739] [his] lord [2962] shall make ruler [2525] [5692] over [1909] his [0848] household [2322], to give [1325] [5721] [them their] portion of meat [4620] in [1722] due season [2540]?


 Heureux ce serviteur que son maître trouvera faisant ainsi, quand il arrivera!

 Blessed [3107] [is] that [1565] servant [1401], whom [3739] his [0846] lord [2962] when he cometh [2064] [5631] shall find [2147] [5692] so [3779] doing [4160] [5723].


 Je vous dis en vérité, qu'il l'établira sur tout ce qu'il a.

 Of a truth [0230] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], that [3754] he will make him ruler [2525] [5692] over [1909] all [3956] that he [0848] hath [5224] [5723].


 Mais si ce serviteur dit en son cœur: Mon maître tarde à venir; et qu'il se mette à battre les serviteurs et les servantes, à manger, à boire, et à s'enivrer;

 But and [1161] if [1437] that [1565] servant [1401] say [2036] [5632] in [1722] his [0848] heart [2588], My [3450] lord [2962] delayeth [5549] [5719] his coming [2064] [5738]; and [2532] shall begin [0756] [5672] to beat [5180] [5721] the menservants [3816] and [2532] maidens [3814], and [5037] to eat [2068] [5721] and [2532] drink [4095] [5721], and [2532] to be drunken [3182] [5745];


 Le maître de ce serviteur viendra au jour qu'il n'attend pas, et à l'heure qu'il ne sait pas, et il le séparera, et lui donnera sa part avec les infidèles.

 The lord [2962] of that [1565] servant [1401] will come [2240] [5692] in [1722] a day [2250] when [3739] he looketh [4328] [0000] not [3756] for [4328] [5719] [him], and [2532] at [1722] an hour [5610] when [3739] he is [1097] [0000] not [3756] aware [1097] [5719], and [2532] will cut [1371] [0000] him [0846] in sunder [1371] [5692], and [2532] will appoint [5087] [5692] him his [0846] portion [3313] with [3326] the unbelievers [0571].


 Le serviteur qui a connu la volonté de son maître, et qui ne s'est pas tenu prêt et n'a pas fait cette volonté, sera battu de plusieurs coups.

 And [1161] that [1565] servant [1401], which [3588] knew [1097] [5631] his [1438] lord's [2962] will [2307], and [2532] prepared [2090] [5660] not [3361] [himself], neither [3366] did [4160] [5660] according [4314] to his will [2307], shall be beaten [1194] [5691] with many [4183] [stripes].


 Mais celui qui ne l'a point connue, et qui a fait des choses dignes de châtiment, sera battu de peu de coups. Et il sera beaucoup redemandé à quiconque il aura été beaucoup donné; et on exigera plus de celui à qui on aura beaucoup confié.

 But [1161] he that knew [1097] [5631] not [3361], and [1161] did commit [4160] [5660] things worthy [0514] of stripes [4127], shall be beaten [1194] [5691] with few [3641] [stripes]. For [1161] unto whomsoever [3739] [3956] much [4183] is given [1325] [5681], of [3844] him [0846] shall be much [4183] required [2212] [5701]: and [2532] to whom men [3739] have committed [3908] [5639] much [4183], of him [0846] they will ask [0154] [5692] the more [4055].


 JE SUIS venu mettre le feu sur la terre; et qu'ai-je à désirer s'il est déjà allumé!

 I am come [2064] [5627] to send [0906] [5629] fire [4442] on [1519] the earth [1093]; and [2532] what [5101] will I [2309] [5719], if [1487] it be [0381] [0000] already [2235] kindled [0381] [5681]?


 Mais je dois être relâché d'une expiation; et combien ne suis-je pas pressé jusqu'à ce qu'elle s'accomplisse!

 But [1161] I have [2192] [5719] a baptism [0908] to be baptized with [0907] [5683]; and [2532] how [4459] am I straitened [4912] [5743] till [2193] it be accomplished [5055] [5686]!


 Pensez-vous que je sois venu apporter la paix sur la terre?

 Suppose ye [1380] [5719] that [3754] I am come [3854] [5633] to give [1325] [5629] peace [1515] on [1722] earth [1093]? I tell [3004] [5719] you [5213], Nay [3780]; but [0235] rather [2228] division [1267]:


 Non, vous dis-je; mais la division; car désormais, dans une maison, ils seront cinq, divisés trois contre deux, et deux contre trois.

 For [1063] from [0575] henceforth [3568] there shall be [2071] [5704] five [4002] in [1722] one [1520] house [3624] divided [1266] [5772], three [5140] against [1909] two [1417], and [2532] two [1417] against [1909] three [5140].


 Le père sera divisé d'avec le fils [5207], et le fils [5207] d'avec le père; la mère d'avec la fille, et la fille d'avec la mère; la belle-mère d'avec la belle-fille, et la belle-fille d'avec la belle-mère.

 The father [3962] shall be divided [1266] [5701] against [1909] the son [5207], and [2532] the son [5207] against [1909] the father [3962]; the mother [3384] against [1909] the daughter [2364], and [2532] the daughter [2364] against [1909] the mother [3384]; the mother in law [3994] against [1909] her [0848] daughter in law [3565], and [2532] the daughter in law [3565] against [1909] her [0848] mother in law [3994].


 Il disait encore au peuple: Quand vous voyez une nuée qui se lève du côté d'occident, vous dites aussitôt: Il va pleuvoir; et cela arrive ainsi.

 And [1161] he said [3004] [5707] also [2532] to the people [3793], When [3752] ye see [1492] [5632] a cloud [3507] rise [0393] [5723] out of [0575] the west [1424], straightway [2112] ye say [3004] [5719], There cometh [2064] [5736] a shower [3655]; and [2532] so [3779] it is [1096] [5736].


 Et quand le vent du midi souffle, vous dites: Il fera chaud, et cela arrive.

 And [2532] when [3752] [ye see] the south wind [3558] blow [4154] [5723], ye say [3004] [5719], [3754] There will be [2071] [5704] heat [2742]; and [2532] it cometh to pass [1096] [5736].


 Hypocrites! vous savez discerner l'aspect de la terre et du ciel; comment donc ne discernez-vous pas ce temps [1909]-ci?

 [Ye] hypocrites [5273], ye can [1492] [5758] discern [1381] [5721] the face [4383] of the sky [3772] and [2532] of the earth [1093]; but [1161] how is it [4459] that ye do not [3756] discern [1381] [5719] this [5126] time [2540]?


 Et pourquoi ne discernez-vous pas aussi par vous-mêmes ce qui est juste?

 Yea [1161], and why [5101] even [2532] of [0575] yourselves [1438] judge ye [2919] [5719] not [3756] what is right [1342]?


 Or, quand tu vas devant le magistrat avec ta partie adverse, tâche en chemin de sortir d'affaire avec elle, de peur qu'elle ne te traîne devant le juge, que le juge ne te livre au bourreau, et que le bourreau ne te mette en prison.

 When [5613] [1063] thou goest [5217] [5719] with [3326] thine [4675] adversary [0476] to [1909] the magistrate [0758], [as thou art] in [1722] the way [3598], give [1325] [5628] diligence [2039] that thou mayest be delivered [0525] [5771] from [0575] him [0846]; lest [3379] he hale [2694] [5661] thee [4571] to [4314] the judge [2923], and [2532] the judge [2923] deliver [3860] [5632] thee [4571] to the officer [4233], and [2532] the officer [4233] cast [0906]


 Je te dis que tu ne sortiras point de là, que tu n'aies payé jusqu'à la dernière obole.

 I tell [3004] [5719] thee [4671], thou shalt [1831] [0000] not [3364] depart [1831] [5632] thence [1564], [2532] till [2193] [3739] thou hast paid [0591] [5632] the very last [2078] mite [3016].


 En ce temps [1909]-là, quelques personnes qui se trouvaient là, racontèrent à Jésus ce qui était arrivé à des Galiléens, dont Pilate avait mêlé le sang avec celui de leurs sacrifices.

 1161 There were present [3918] [5713] at [1722] that season [0846] [2540] some [5100] that told [0518] [5723] him [0846] of [4012] the Galilaeans [1057], whose [3739] blood [0129] Pilate [4091] had mingled [3396] [5656] with [3326] their [0846] sacrifices [2378].


 Et Jésus, répondant, leur dit: Pensez-vous que ces Galiléens fussent plus grands pécheurs que tous les autres Galiléens, parce qu'ils ont souffert ces choses?

 And [2532] Jesus answering [0611] [5679] said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Suppose ye [1380] [5719] that [3754] these [3778] Galilaeans [1057] were [1096] [5633] sinners [0268] above [3844] all [3956] the Galilaeans [1057], because [3754] they suffered [3958] [5754] such things [5108]?


 Non, vous dis-je; mais si vous ne vous reconsidérez, vous périrez tous de même.

 I tell [3004] [5719] you [5213], Nay [3780]: but [0235], except [3362] ye repent [3340] [5725], ye shall [0622] [0000] all [3956] likewise [5615] perish [0622] [5698].


 Ou pensez-vous que ces dix-huit sur qui la tour de Siloé est tombée, et qu'elle a tués, fussent plus coupables que tous les habitants de Jérusalem?

 Or [2228] those [1565] eighteen [1176] [2532] [3638], upon [1909] whom [3739] the tower [4444] in [1722] Siloam [4611] fell [4098] [5627], and [2532] slew [0615] [5656] them [0846], think ye [1380] [5719] that [3754] they [3778] were [1096] [5633] sinners [3781] above [3844] all [3956] men [0444] that dwelt [2730] [5723] in [1722] Jerusalem [2419]?


 Non, vous dis-je; mais si vous ne vous reconsidérez, vous périrez tous de même.

 I tell [3004] [5719] you [5213], Nay [3780]: but [0235], except [3362] ye repent [3340] [5725], ye shall [0622] [0000] all [3956] likewise [3668] perish [0622] [5698].


 Il dit aussi cette similitude: Un homme avait un figuier planté dans sa vigne, et il y vint chercher du fruit, et n'en trouva point.

 He spake [3004] [5707] also [1161] this [5026] parable [3850]; A certain [5100] [man] had [2192] [5707] a fig tree [4808] planted [5452] [5772] in [1722] his [0848] vineyard [0290]; and [2532] he came [2064] [5627] and sought [2212] [5723] fruit [2590] thereon [1722] [0846], and [2532] found [2147] [5627] none [3756].


 Et il dit au vigneron: Voici, il y a déjà trois ans que je viens chercher du fruit à ce figuier, et je n'en trouve point: coupe-le, pourquoi occupe-t-il la terre inutilement?

 Then [1161] said he [2036] [5627] unto [4314] the dresser of his vineyard [0289], Behold [2400] [5628], these three [5140] years [2094] I come [2064] [5736] seeking [2212] [5723] fruit [2590] on [1722] this [5026] fig tree [4808], and [2532] find [2147] [5719] none [3756]: cut [1581] [0000] it [0846] down [1581] [5657]; why [2444] [2532] cumbereth [2673] [5719] it [0846] the ground [1093]?


 Le vigneron lui répondit: Seigneur, laisse-le encore cette année, jusqu'à ce que je l'aie bêchée, et que j'y aie mis du fumier.

 And [1161] he answering [0611] [5679] said [3004] [5719] unto him [0846], Lord [2962], let [0863] [0000] it [0846] alone [0863] [5628] this [5124] year [2094] also [2532], till [2193] [3755] I shall dig [4626] [5661] about [4012] it [0846], and [2532] dung [0906] [5632] [2874] [it]:


 Peut-être portera-t-il du fruit, sinon, tu le couperas ci-après.

 And if [2579] [3303] it bear [4160] [5661] fruit [2590], [well]: and if not [1490], [then] after that [1519] [3195] [5723] thou shalt cut [1581] [0000] it [0846] down [1581] [5692].


 Comme Jésus enseignait dans une synagogue un jour de sabbat,

 And [1161] he was [2258] [5713] teaching [1321] [5723] in [1722] one [3391] of the synagogues [4864] on [1722] the sabbath [4521].


 Il se trouva là une femme qui avait une disposition de difformité depuis dix-huit ans, et qui était courbée, en sorte qu'elle ne pouvait point du tout se redresser.

 And [2532], behold [2400] [5628], there was [2258] [5713] a woman [1135] which had [2192] [5723] a spirit [4151] of infirmity [0769] eighteen [1176] [2532] [3638] years [2094], and [2532] was [2258] [5713] bowed together [4794] [5723], and [2532] could [1410] [5740] in [1519] no [3361] wise [3838] lift up [0352] [5658] [herself].


 Jésus, la voyant, l'appela et lui dit: Femme, tu es délivrée de ta maladie.

 And [1161] when Jesus saw [1492] [5631] her [0846], he called [4377] [5656] [her to him], and [2532] said [2036] [5627] unto her [0846], Woman [1135], thou art loosed [0630] [5769] from thine [4675] infirmity [0769].


 Et il lui imposa les mains; et à l'instant elle fut redressée, et elle donna gloire à Dieu.

 And [2532] he laid [2007] [0000] [his] hands [5495] on [2007] [5656] her [0846]: and [2532] immediately [3916] she was made straight [0461] [5681], and [2532] glorified [1392] [5707] God [2316].


 Mais le chef de la synagogue, indigné de ce que Jésus avait fait une guérison un jour de sabbat, prit la parole et dit au peuple: Il y a six jours pour travailler; venez donc ces jours-là pour être guéris, et non pas le jour du sabbat.

 And [1161] the ruler of the synagogue [0752] answered [0611] [5679] with indignation [0023] [5723], because [3754] that Jesus had healed [2323] [5656] on the sabbath [4521] day, and said [3004] [5707] unto the people [3793], There are [1526] [5748] six [1803] days [2250] in [1722] which [3739] men ought [1163] [5748] to work [2038] [5738]: in [1722] them [5025] therefore [3767] come [2064] [5740] and be healed [2323] [5744], and [2532] not [3361] on the sa


 Mais le Seigneur lui répondit: Hypocrite, chacun de vous ne détache-t-il pas son bœuf ou son âne de la crèche, le jour du sabbat, et ne le mène-t-il pas à l'abreuvoir?

 The Lord [2962] then [3767] answered [0611] [5662] him [0846], and [2532] said [2036] [5627], [Thou] hypocrite [5273], doth [3089] [0000] not [3756] each one [1538] of you [5216] on the sabbath [4521] loose [3089] [5719] his [0848] ox [1016] or [2228] [his] ass [3688] from [0575] the stall [5336], and [2532] lead [him] away [0520] [5631] to watering [4222] [5719]?


 Et ne fallait-il point, en un jour de sabbat, détacher de cette chaîne cette fille d'Abraham [0011], que la contrariété charnelle tenait liée depuis dix-huit ans?

 And [1161] ought [1163] [5713] not [3756] this woman [5026], being [5607] [5752] a daughter [2364] of Abraham [0011] [0011], whom [3739] Satan [4567] hath bound [1210] [5656], lo [2400] [5628], these eighteen [1176] [2532] [3638] years [2094], be loosed [3089] [5683] from [0575] this [5127] bond [1199] on the sabbath [4521] day [2250]?


 Comme il parlait ainsi, tous ses adversaires étaient confus, et tout le peuple se réjouissait de toutes les choses glorieuses qu'il faisait.

 And [2532] when he had said [3004] [5723] these things [5023], all [3956] his [0846] adversaries [0480] [5740] were ashamed [2617] [5712]: and [2532] all [3956] the people [3793] rejoiced [5463] [5707] for [1909] all [3956] the glorious things [1741] that were done [1096] [5740] by [5259] him [0846].


 Alors il dit: À quoi est semblable la Souveraineté de Dieu, et à quoi le comparerai-je?

 Then [1161] said he [3004] [5707], Unto what [5101] is [2076] [5748] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316] like [3664]? and [2532] whereunto [5101] shall I resemble [3666] [5692] it [0846]?


 Il est semblable à une graine de moutarde, qu'un homme prend et met dans son jardin; et elle croît et devient un grand arbre, de sorte que les oiseaux du ciel habitent dans ses branches.

 It is [2076] [5748] like [3664] a grain [2848] of mustard seed [4615], which [3739] a man [0444] took [2983] [5631], and cast [0906] [5627] into [1519] his [1438] garden [2779]; and [2532] it grew [0837] [5656], and [2532] waxed [1096] [5633] [1519] a great [3173] tree [1186]; and [2532] the fowls [4071] of the air [3772] lodged [2681] [5656] in [1722] the branches [2798] of it [0846].


 Il dit encore: À quoi comparerai-je la Souveraineté de Dieu?

 And [2532] again [3825] he said [2036] [5627], Whereunto [5101] shall I liken [3666] [5692] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316]?


 Il est semblable au levain qu'une femme prend, et qu'elle met dans trois mesures de farine, jusqu'à ce que la pâte soit toute levée.

 It is [2076] [5748] like [3664] leaven [2219], which [3739] a woman [1135] took [2983] [5631] and hid [1470] [5656] in [1519] three [5140] measures [4568] of meal [0224], till [2193] the whole [3650] was leavened [2220] [5681].


 Et Jésus allait par les villes et par les villages, enseignant et tenant le chemin de Jérusalem.

 And [2532] he went [1279] [5711] through [2596] the cities [4172] and [2532] villages [2968], teaching [1321] [5723], and [2532] journeying [4160] [5734] [4197] toward [1519] Jerusalem [2419].


 Et quelqu'un lui dit: Seigneur, n'y a-t-il que peu de gens qui soient sauvés?

 Then [1161] said [2036] [5627] one [5100] unto [4314] him [0846], Lord [2962], are there few [1487] [3641] that be saved [4982] [5746]? And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846],


 Et il leur dit: Combattez pour entrer par la porte étroite; car je vous dis que plusieurs chercheront à y entrer, et qu'ils ne le pourront.

 Strive [0075] [5737] to enter in [1525] [5629] at [1223] the strait [4728] gate [4439]: for [3754] many [4183], I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], will seek [2212] [5692] to enter in [1525] [5629], and [2532] shall [2480] [0000] not [3756] be able [2480] [5692].


 Quand le père de famille sera entré, et qu'il aura fermé la porte, et que, vous étant dehors, vous vous mettrez à cogner et à dire: Seigneur, Seigneur, ouvre-nous; il vous répondra: Je ne sais d'où vous êtes.

 When once [0575] [3739] [0302] the master of the house [3617] is risen up [1453] [5686], and [2532] hath shut [0608] [5661] to the door [2374], and [2532] ye begin [0756] [5672] to stand [2476] [5760] without [1854], and [2532] to knock [2925] [5721] at the door [2374], saying [3004] [5723], Lord [2962], Lord [2962], open [0455] [5657] unto us [2254]; and [2532] he shall answer [0611] [5679] and say [2046] [5692] unto you [5213], I know [1492] [5758] you


 Alors vous direz: Nous avons mangé et bu en ta présence, et tu as enseigné dans nos places publiques.

 Then [5119] shall ye begin [0756] [5698] to say [3004] [5721], We have eaten [5315] [5627] and [2532] drunk [4095] [5627] in thy [4675] presence [1799], and [2532] thou hast taught [1321] [5656] in [1722] our [2257] streets [4113].


 Et il répondra: Je vous dis que je ne sais d'où vous êtes; retirez-vous de moi, vous tous qui faites métier de fraudeur.

 But [2532] he shall say [2046] [5692], I tell [3004] [5719] you [5213], I know [1492] [5758] you [5209] not [3756] whence [4159] ye are [2075] [5748]; depart [0868] [5628] from [0575] me [1700], all [3956] [ye] workers [2040] of iniquity [0093].


 Là seront les pleurs et les grincements de dents, quand vous verrez Abraham [0011], Isaac [2464], et Jacob [2384] et tous les prophètes dans la Souveraineté de Dieu, et que vous serez jetés dehors.

 There [1563] shall be [2071] [5704] weeping [2805] and [2532] gnashing [1030] of teeth [3599], when [3752] ye shall see [3700] [5667] Abraham [0011] [0011], and [2532] Isaac [2464] [2464], and [2532] Jacob [2384] [2384], and [2532] all [3956] the prophets [4396], in [1722] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316], and [1161] you [5209] [yourselves] thrust [1877] [5746] out [1854].


 Et il en viendra d'orient et d'occident, du septentrion et du midi, qui seront à table dans la Souveraineté de Dieu.

 And [2532] they shall come [2240] [5692] from [0575] the east [0395], and [2532] [from] the west [1424], and [2532] from [0575] the north [1005], and [2532] [from] the south [3558], and [2532] shall sit down [0347] [5701] in [1722] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316].


 Et voici, il en est des derniers qui seront les premiers, et des premiers qui seront les derniers.

 And [2532], behold [2400] [5628], there are [1526] [5748] last [2078] which [3739] shall be [2071] [5704] first [4413], and [2532] there are [1526] [5748] first [4413] which [3739] shall be [2071] [5704] last [2078].


 Ce même jour, quelques pharisiens vinrent lui dire: Retire-toi d'ici, et va-t'en; car Hérode veut te faire mourir.

 The same [1722] [0846] day [2250] there came [4334] [5656] certain [5100] of the Pharisees [5330], saying [3004] [5723] unto him [0846], Get thee out [1831] [5628], and [2532] depart [4198] [5737] hence [1782]: for [3754] Herod [2264] will [2309] [5719] kill [0615] [5658] thee [4571].


 Et il leur dit: Allez et dites à ce renard: Voici, je redresse les consciences déréglées et j'achève de faire des guérisons, aujourd'hui et demain, et le troisième jour je finis.

 And [2532] he said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Go ye [4198] [5679], and tell [2036] [5628] that [5026] fox [0258], Behold [2400] [5628], I cast out [1544] [5719] devils [1140], and [2532] I do [2005] [5719] cures [2392] to day [4594] and [2532] to morrow [0839], and [2532] the third [5154] [day] I shall be perfected [5048] [5743].


 Cependant, il me faut marcher aujourd'hui, demain et le jour suivant, parce qu'il n'arrive point qu'un prophète meure hors de Jérusalem.

 Nevertheless [4133] I [3165] must [1163] [5748] walk [4198] [5738] to day [4594], and [2532] to morrow [0839], and [2532] the [day] following [2192] [5746]: for [3754] it cannot be [3756] [1735] [5736] that a prophet [4396] perish [0622] [5641] out of [1854] Jerusalem [2419].


 Jérusalem, Jérusalem, qui tues les prophètes, et qui lapides ceux qui te sont envoyés, combien de fois j'ai voulu rassembler tes enfants, comme la poule rassemble sa couvée sous ses ailes, et vous ne l'avez pas voulu!

 O Jerusalem [2419], Jerusalem [2419], which [3588] killest [0615] [5723] the prophets [4396], and [2532] stonest [3036] [5723] them that are sent [0649] [5772] unto [4314] thee [0848]; how often [4212] would [2309] [5656] I have gathered [1996] [0000] thy [4675] children [5043] together [1996] [5658], as [5158] a hen [3733] [doth gather] her [1438] brood [3555] under [5259] [her] wings [4420], and [2532] ye would [2309] [5656] not [3756]!


 Voici, votre habitation va vous rester déserte, et je vous dis en vérité, que vous ne me verrez plus jusqu'à ce que vous disiez: Béni soit celui qui vient au nom du Seigneur.

 Behold [2400] [5628], your [5216] house [3624] is left [0863] [5743] unto you [5213] desolate [2048]: and [1161] verily [0281] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], [3754] Ye shall [1492] [0000] not [3364] see [1492] [5632] me [3165], until [2193] [0302] [the time] come [2240] [5661] when [3753] ye shall say [2036] [5632], Blessed [2127] [5772] [is] he that cometh [2064] [5740] in [1722] the name [3686] of the Lord [2962].


 Et il arriva un jour de sabbat, que Jésus était entré dans la maison d'un des principaux pharisiens pour y manger, et ceux-ci l'observaient.

 And [2532] it came to pass [1096] [5633], as [1722] he [0846] went [2064] [5629] into [1519] the house [3624] of one [5100] of the chief [0758] Pharisees [5330] to eat [5315] [5629] bread [0740] on the sabbath [4521] day, that [2532] they watched [2258] [5713] [3906] [5734] him [0846].


 Or, un homme hydropique était devant lui.

 And [2532], behold [2400] [5628], there was [2258] [5713] a certain [5100] man [0444] before [1715] him [0846] which had the dropsy [5203].


 Et Jésus, prenant la parole, dit aux docteurs de la loi et aux pharisiens: Est-il permis de guérir le jour de sabbat?

 And [2532] Jesus answering [0611] [5679] spake [2036] [5627] unto [4314] the lawyers [3544] and [2532] Pharisees [5330], saying [3004] [5723], Is it [1487] lawful [1832] [5748] to heal [2323] [5721] on the sabbath day [4521]?


 Et ils demeurèrent dans le silence. Alors, prenant le malade, il le guérit et le renvoya.

 And [1161] they held their peace [2270] [5656]. And [2532] he took [1949] [5637] [him], and healed [2390] [5662] him [0846], and [2532] let him go [0630] [5656];


 Puis il leur dit: Qui de vous, si son âne ou son bœuf tombe dans un puits, ne l'en retire aussitôt le jour de sabbat

 And [2532] answered [0611] [5679] them [4314] [0846], saying [2036] [5627], Which [5101] of you [5216] shall have an ass [3688] or [2228] an ox [1016] fallen [1706] [5695] into [1519] a pit [5421], and [2532] will [0385] [0000] not [3756] straightway [2112] pull [0385] [0000] him [0846] out [0385] [5692] on [1722] the sabbath [4521] day [2250]?


 Et ils ne purent lui répondre sur cela.

 And [2532] they could [2480] [5656] not [3756] answer [0470] [0000] him [0846] again [0470] [5677] to [4314] these things [5023].


 Il proposa aussi aux conviés une parabole, remarquant comment ils choisissaient les premières places; et il leur dit:

 And [1161] he put forth [3004] [5707] a parable [3850] to [4314] those which were bidden [2564] [5772], when he marked [1907] [5723] how [4459] they chose out [1586] [5710] the chief rooms [4411]; saying [3004] [5723] unto [4314] them [0846],


 Quand quelqu'un t'invitera à des noces, ne te mets pas à la première place, de peur qu'il ne se trouve parmi les conviés une personne plus considérable que toi;

 When [3752] thou art bidden [2564] [5686] of [5259] any [5100] [man] to [1519] a wedding [1062], sit [2625] [0000] not [3361] down [2625] [5686] in [1519] the highest room [4411]; lest [3379] a more honourable man [1784] than thou [4675] be [5600] [5753] bidden [2564] [5772] of [5259] him [0846];


 Et que celui qui vous aura invités, toi et lui, ne vienne et ne te dise: Cède la place à celui-ci; et qu'alors tu n'aies la honte d'être mis à la dernière place.

 And [2532] he that bade [2564] [5660] thee [4571] and [2532] him come [2064] [5631] and say [2046] [5692] to thee [4671], Give [1325] [5628] this man [5129] place [5117]; and [2532] [5119] thou begin [0756] [5672] with [3326] shame [0152] to take [2722] [5721] the lowest [2078] room [5117].


 Mais, quand tu seras invité, va te mettre à la dernière place, afin que quand celui qui t'a invité viendra, il te dise: Mon ami, monte plus haut. Alors cela te fera honneur devant ceux qui seront à table avec toi.

 But [0235] when [3752] thou art bidden [2564] [5686], go [4198] [5679] and sit down [0377] [5657] in [1519] the lowest [2078] room [5117]; that [2443] when [3752] he that bade [2564] [5761] thee [4571] cometh [2064] [5632], he may say [2036] [5632] unto thee [4671], Friend [5384], go up [4320] [5628] higher [0511]: then [5119] shalt thou [4671] have [2071] [5704] worship [1391] in the presence [1799] of them that sit at meat [4873] [5740] with thee [4671].


 Car quiconque s'élève sera abaissé, et quiconque s'abaisse sera élevé.

 For [3754] whosoever [3956] exalteth [5312] [5723] himself [1438] shall be abased [5013] [5701]; and [2532] he that humbleth [5013] [5723] himself [1438] shall be exalted [5312] [5701].


 Et il disait à celui qui l'avait invité: Quand tu fais un dîner ou un souper, n'invite pas tes amis, ni tes frères [0080], ni tes parents, ni tes voisins riches, de peur qu'ils ne t'invitent à leur tour, et qu'on ne te rende la pareille.

 Then [1161] said he [3004] [5707] also [2532] to him that bade [2564] [5761] him [0846], When [3752] thou makest [4160] [5725] a dinner [0712] or [2228] a supper [1173], call [5455] [5720] not [3361] thy [4675] friends [5384], nor [3366] thy [4675] brethren [0080], neither [3366] thy [4675] kinsmen [4773], nor [3366] [thy] rich [4145] neighbours [1069]; lest [3379] they [0846] also [2532] bid [0479] [0000] thee [4571] again [0479] [5661], and [2532] a recompen


 Mais, quand tu feras un festin, convie les pauvres, les impotents, les boiteux et les aveugles;

 But [0235] when [3752] thou makest [4160] [5725] a feast [1403], call [2564] [5720] the poor [4434], the maimed [0376], the lame [5560], the blind [5185]:


 Et tu seras heureux de ce qu'ils ne peuvent pas te le rendre; car tu en recevras la récompense à la résurrection des justes.

 And [2532] thou shalt be [2071] [5704] blessed [3107]; for [3754] they cannot [3756] [2192] [5719] recompense [0467] [5629] thee [4671]: for [1063] thou [4671] shalt be recompensed [0467] [5701] at [1722] the resurrection [0386] of the just [1342].


 Un de ceux qui étaient à table, ayant entendu cela, lui dit: Heureux celui qui mangera du pain dans la Souveraineté de Dieu!

 And [1161] when one [5100] of them that sat at meat with him [4873] [5740] heard [0191] [5660] these things [5023], he said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Blessed [3107] [is] he [3739] that shall eat [5315] [5695] bread [0740] in [1722] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316].


 Jésus lui dit: Un homme fit un grand souper, et il y convia beaucoup de gens;

 Then [1161] said he [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], A certain [5100] man [0444] made [4160] [5656] a great [3173] supper [1173], and [2532] bade [2564] [5656] many [4183]:


 Et il envoya son serviteur, à l'heure du souper, dire aux conviés: Venez, car tout est prêt.

 And [2532] sent [0649] [5656] his [0848] servant [1401] at supper [1173] time [5610] to say [2036] [5629] to them that were bidden [2564] [5772], Come [2064] [5737]; for [3754] all things [3956] are [2076] [5748] now [2235] ready [2092].


 Et ils se mirent tous, de concert, à s'excuser. Le premier lui dit: J'ai acheté une terre, et il me faut nécessairement partir et la voir; je te prie de m'excuser.

 And [2532] they all [3956] with [0575] one [3391] [consent] began [0756] [5662] to make excuse [3868] [5738]. The first [4413] said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], I have bought [0059] [5656] a piece of ground [0068], and [2532] I must [2192] [5719] needs [0318] go [1831] [5629] and [2532] see [1492] [5629] it [0846]: I pray [2065] [5719] thee [4571] have [2192] [5720] me [3165] excused [3868] [5772].


 Et un autre dit: J'ai acheté cinq couples de bœufs, et je m'en vais les éprouver; je te prie de m'excuser.

 And [2532] another [2087] said [2036] [5627], I have bought [0059] [5656] five [4002] yoke [2201] of oxen [1016], and [2532] I go [4198] [5736] to prove [1381] [5658] them [0846]: I pray [2065] [5719] thee [4571] have [2192] [5720] me [3165] excused [3868] [5772].


 Et un autre dit: J'ai épousé une femme, ainsi je n'y puis aller.

 And [2532] another [2087] said [2036] [5627], I have married [1060] [5656] a wife [1135], and [2532] therefore [1223] [5124] I cannot [3756] [1410] [5736] come [2064] [5629].


 Et le serviteur étant de retour, rapporta cela à son maître. Alors le père de famille en colère dit à son serviteur: Va-t'en promptement sur les places et dans les rues de la ville, et amène ici les pauvres, les impotents, les boiteux et les aveugles.

 So [2532] that [1565] servant [1401] came [3854] [5637], and shewed [0518] [5656] his [0848] lord [2962] these things [5023]. Then [5119] the master of the house [3617] being angry [3710] [5685] said [2036] [5627] to his [0848] servant [1401], Go out [1831] [5628] quickly [5030] into [1519] the streets [4113] and [2532] lanes [4505] of the city [4172], and [2532] bring in [1521] [5628] hither [5602] the poor [4434], and [2532] the maimed [0376], and [2532] the h


 Ensuite le serviteur dit: Seigneur, on a fait ce que tu as commandé, et il y a encore de la place.

 And [2532] the servant [1401] said [2036] [5627], Lord [2962], it is done [1096] [5754] as [5613] thou hast commanded [2004] [5656], and [2532] yet [2089] there is [2076] [5748] room [5117].


 Et le maître dit au serviteur: Va dans les chemins et le long des haies, et contrains d'entrer ceux qui y sont, afin que ma maison soit remplie.

 And [2532] the lord [2962] said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] the servant [1401], Go out [1831] [5628] into [1519] the highways [3598] and [2532] hedges [5418], and [2532] compel [0315] [5657] [them] to come in [1525] [5629], that [2443] my [3450] house [3624] may be filled [1072] [5686].


 Car je vous dis qu'aucun de ceux qui avaient été conviés ne goûtera de mon souper.

 For [1063] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], That [3754] none [3762] of those [1565] men [0435] which [3588] were bidden [2564] [5772] shall taste [1089] [5695] of my [3450] supper [1173].


 Comme une grande multitude de gens allaient avec lui, il se tourna vers eux et leur dit:

 And [1161] there went [4848] [5711] great [4183] multitudes [3793] with him [0846]: and [2532] he turned [4762] [5651], and said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] them [0846],


 Si quelqu'un vient à moi, et n'exclut pas son père, sa mère, sa femme, ses enfants, ses frères [0080], ses sœurs, plus encore sa propre vie, il ne peut être mon disciple.

 If any [1536] [man] come [2064] [5736] to [4314] me [3165], and [2532] hate [3404] [5719] not [3756] his [1438] father [3962], and [2532] mother [3384], and [2532] wife [1135], and [2532] children [5043], and [2532] brethren [0080], and [2532] sisters [0079], yea [2089], and [1161] his own [1438] life [5590] also [2532], he cannot [3756] [1410] [5736] be [1511] [5750] my [3450] disciple [3101].


 Et quiconque ne porte pas cette croix, et ne me suit pas, ne peut être mon disciple.

 And [2532] whosoever [3748] doth [0941] [0000] not [3756] bear [0941] [5719] his [0848] cross [4716], and [2532] come [2064] [5736] after [3694] me [3450], cannot [3756] [1410] [5736] be [1511] [5750] my [3450] disciple [3101].


 Car qui de vous, voulant bâtir une tour, ne s'assied premièrement, et ne calcule la dépense, pour voir s'il a de quoi l'achever?

 For [1063] which [5101] of [1537] you [5216], intending [2309] [5723] to build [3618] [5658] a tower [4444], sitteth [2523] [0000] not [3780] down [2523] [5660] first [4412], and counteth [5585] [5719] the cost [1160], whether [1487] he have [2192] [5719] [sufficient] to [4314] finish [0535] [it]?


 De peur, qu'après qu'il en aura posé les fondements, et qu'il n'aura pu achever, tous ceux qui le verront ne viennent à se moquer de lui, et ne disent:

 Lest [3363] haply [3379], after he [0846] hath laid [5087] [5631] the foundation [2310], and [2532] is [2480] [0000] not [3361] able [2480] [5723] to finish [1615] [5658] [it], all [3956] that behold [2334] [5723] [it] begin [0756] [5672] to mock [1702] [5721] him [0846],


 Cet homme a commencé de bâtir, et n'a pu achever.

 Saying [3004] [5723], This [3754] [3778] man [0444] began [0756] [5662] to build [3618] [5721], and [2532] was [2480] [0000] not [3756] able [2480] [5656] to finish [1615] [5658].


 Ou, quel est le roi, qui marchant pour livrer bataille à un autre roi, ne s'asseye premièrement et ne consulte s'il pourra, avec dix mille hommes, aller à la rencontre de celui qui vient contre lui avec vingt mille?

 Or [2228] what [5101] king [0935], going [4198] [5740] to make [4820] [5629] war [4171] against [1519] another [2087] king [0935], sitteth [2523] [0000] not [3780] down [2523] [5660] first [4412], and consulteth [1011] [5736] whether [1487] he be [2076] [5748] able [1415] with [1722] ten [1176] thousand [5505] to meet [0528] [5658] him that cometh [2064] [5740] against [1909] him [0846] with [3326] twenty [1501] thousand [5505]?


 Autrement, pendant que celui-ci est encore loin, il lui envoie une ambassade, pour demander la paix.

 Or else [1490], while the other [0846] is [5607] [5752] yet [2089] a great way off [4206], he sendeth [0649] [5660] an ambassage [4242], and desireth [2065] [5719] conditions [4314] of peace [1515].


 Ainsi quiconque parmi vous ne renonce pas à tout ce qu'il a, ne peut être mon disciple.

 So [3779] likewise [3767], whosoever [3956] he be of [1537] you [5216] that [3739] forsaketh [0657] [5731] not [3756] all [3956] that he hath [5224] [5723] [1438], he cannot [3756] [1410] [5736] be [1511] [5750] my [3450] disciple [3101].


 Le sel est une bonne chose; mais si le sel perd sa saveur, avec quoi l'assaisonnera-t-on?

 Salt [0217] [is] good [2570]: but [1161] if [1437] the salt [0217] have lost his savour [3471] [5686], wherewith [1722] [5101] shall it be seasoned [0741] [5701]?


 Il n'est bon, ni pour la terre, ni pour le fumier; on le jette dehors. Que celui qui a des oreilles pour entendre, comprenne.

 It is [2076] [5748] neither [3777] fit [2111] for [1519] the land [1093], nor yet [3777] for [1519] the dunghill [2874]; [but] men cast [0906] [5719] it [0846] out [1854]. He that hath [2192] [5723] ears [3775] to hear [0191] [5721], let him hear [0191] [5720].


 Tous les péagers et les gens de mauvaise vie s'approchaient de Jésus pour l'entendre.

 Then [1161] drew near [2258] [5713] [1448] [5723] unto him [0846] all [3956] the publicans [5057] and [2532] sinners [0268] for to hear [0191] [5721] him [0846].


 Et les pharisiens et les scribes en murmuraient et disaient: Cet homme reçoit les gens de mauvaise vie et mange avec eux.

 And [2532] the Pharisees [5330] and [2532] scribes [1122] murmured [1234] [5707], saying [3004] [5723], This man [3754] [3778] receiveth [4327] [5736] sinners [0268], and [2532] eateth [4906] [5719] with them [0846].


 Mais il leur dit cette parabole:

 And [1161] he spake [2036] [5627] this [5026] parable [3850] unto [4314] them [0846], saying [3004] [5723],


 Quel est l'homme d'entre vous qui, ayant cent brebis, s'il en perd une, ne laisse les quatre-vingt-dix-neuf au désert, et n'aille après celle qui est perdue, jusqu'à ce qu'il l'ait trouvée;

 What [5101] man [0444] of [1537] you [5216], having [2192] [5723] an hundred [1540] sheep [4263], if [2532] he lose [0622] [5660] one [1520] of [1537] them [0846], doth [2641] [0000] not [3756] leave [2641] [5719] the ninety and nine [1768] in [1722] the wilderness [2048], and [2532] go [4198] [5736] after [1909] that which is lost [0622] [5756], until [2193] he find [2147] [5632] it [0846]?


 Et qui, l'ayant trouvée, ne la mette sur ses épaules avec joie;

 And [2532] when he hath found [2147] [5631] [it], he layeth [2007] [5719] [it] on [1909] his [1438] shoulders [5606], rejoicing [5463] [5723].


 Et étant arrivé dans la maison, n'appelle ses amis et ses voisins, et ne leur dise: Réjouissez-vous avec moi, car j'ai trouvé ma brebis qui était perdue?

 And [2532] when he cometh [2064] [5631] [1519] home [3624], he calleth together [4779] [5719] [his] friends [5384] and [2532] neighbours [1069], saying [3004] [5723] unto them [0846], Rejoice [4796] [5645] with me [3427]; for [3754] I have found [2147] [5627] my [3450] sheep [4263] which [3588] was lost [0622] [5756].


 Je vous dis qu'il y aura de même plus de joie dans le ciel pour un seul pécheur qui reconsidère, que pour quatre-vingt-dix-neuf justes qui n'ont pas besoin de renouvellement.

 I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], that [3754] likewise [3779] joy [5479] shall be [2071] [5704] in [1722] heaven [3772] over [1909] one [1520] sinner [0268] that repenteth [3340] [5723], more than [2228] over [1909] ninety and nine [1768] just persons [1342], which [3748] need [2192] [5719] [5532] no [3756] repentance [3341].


 Ou, quelle est la femme qui, ayant dix drachmes, si elle en perd une, n'allume une lampe, ne balaie la maison et ne la cherche avec soin, jusqu'à ce qu'elle l'ait trouvée;

 Either [2228] what [5101] woman [1135] having [2192] [5723] ten [1176] pieces of silver [1406], if [1437] she lose [0622] [5661] one [3391] piece [1406], doth not [3780] light [0681] [5719] a candle [3088], and [2532] sweep [4563] [5719] the house [3614], and [2532] seek [2212] [5719] diligently [1960] till [2193] [3755] she find [2147] [5632] [it]?


 Et qui, l'ayant trouvée, n'appelle ses amies et ses voisines, et ne leur dise: Réjouissez-vous avec moi, car j'ai trouvé la drachme que j'avais perdue?

 And [2532] when she hath found [2147] [5631] [it], she calleth [4779] [0000] [her] friends [5384] and [2532] [her] neighbours [1069] together [4779] [5731], saying [3004] [5723], Rejoice [4796] [5645] with me [3427]; for [3754] I have found [2147] [5627] the piece [1406] which [3739] I had lost [0622] [5656].


 Je vous dis qu'il y a de même de la joie, devant les anges de Dieu, pour un seul pécheur qui se reconsidère.

 Likewise [3779], I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], there is [1096] [5736] joy [5479] in the presence [1799] of the angels [0032] of God [2316] over [1909] one [1520] sinner [0268] that repenteth [3340] [5723].


 Il dit encore: Un homme avait deux fils [5207].

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627], A certain [5100] man [0444] had [2192] [5707] two [1417] sons [5207]:


 Et le plus jeune dit au père: Mon père, donne-moi la part de bien qui doit m'échoir. Et le père leur partagea son bien.

 And [2532] the younger [3501] of them [0846] said [2036] [5627] to [his] father [3962], Father [3962], give [1325] [5628] me [3427] the portion [3313] of goods [3776] that falleth [1911] [5723] [to me]. And [2532] he divided [1244] [5627] unto them [0846] [his] living [0979].


 Et peu de jours après, ce plus jeune fils [5207] ayant tout amassé, partit pour un pays éloigné, et y dissipa son bien en vivant dans la débauche.

 And [2532] not [3756] many [4183] days [2250] after [3326] the younger [3501] son [5207] gathered [4863] [0000] all [0537] together [4863] [5631], and took his journey [0589] [5656] into [1519] a far [3117] country [5561], and [2532] there [1563] wasted [1287] [5656] his [0848] substance [3776] with riotous [0811] living [2198] [5723].


 Après qu'il eut tout dépensé, il survint une grande famine dans ce pays; et il commença à être dans l'indigence.

 And [1161] when he [0846] had spent [1159] [5660] all [3956], there arose [1096] [5633] a mighty [2478] famine [3042] in [2596] that [1565] land [5561]; and [2532] he began [0756] [5662] to be in want [5302] [5745].


 Et s'en étant allé, il se mit au service d'un des habitants de ce pays, qui l'envoya dans ses terres paître les pourceaux.

 And [2532] he went [4198] [5679] and joined himself [2853] [5681] to [1520] a citizen [4177] of that [1565] country [5561]; and [2532] he sent [3992] [5656] him [0846] into [1519] his [0848] fields [0068] to feed [1006] [5721] swine [5519].


 Et il eût bien voulu se rassasier des carouges que les pourceaux mangeaient; mais personne ne lui en donnait.

 And [2532] he would fain [1937] [5707] have filled [1072] [5658] his [0848] belly [2836] with [0575] the husks [2769] that [3739] the swine [5519] did eat [2068] [5707]: and [2532] no man [3762] gave [1325] [5707] unto him [0846].


 Étant donc rentré en lui-même, il dit: Combien de serviteurs aux gages de mon père ont du pain en abondance, et moi, je meurs de faim!

 And [1161] when he came [2064] [5631] to [1519] himself [1438], he said [2036] [5627], How many [4214] hired servants [3407] of my [3450] father's [3962] have bread [0740] enough and to spare [4052] [5719], and [1161] I [1473] perish [0622] [5731] with hunger [3042]!


 Je me lèverai et m'en irai vers mon père, et je lui dirai: Mon père, j'ai péché contre le ciel et contre toi;

 I will arise [0450] [5631] and go [4198] [5695] to [4314] my [3450] father [3962], and [2532] will say [2046] [5692] unto him [0846], Father [3962], I have sinned [0264] [5627] against [1519] heaven [3772], and [2532] before [1799] thee [4675],


 Et je ne suis plus digne d'être appelé ton fils [5207]; traite moi comme l'un de tes mercenaires.

 And [2532] am [1510] [5748] no more [3765] worthy [0514] to be called [2564] [5683] thy [4675] son [5207]: make [4160] [5657] me [3165] as [5613] one [1520] of thy [4675] hired servants [3407].


 Il partit donc et vint vers son père. Et comme il était encore loin, son père le vit et fut touché de compassion, et courant à lui, il se jeta à son cou et le baisa.

 And [2532] he arose [0450] [5631], and came [2064] [5627] to [4314] his [1438] father [3962]. But [1161] when he [0846] was yet [2089] a great way [3112] off [0568] [5723], his [0846] father [3962] saw [1492] [5627] him [0846], and [2532] had compassion [4697] [5675], and [2532] ran [5143] [5631], and fell [1968] [5627] on [1909] his [0846] neck [5137], and [2532] kissed [2705] [5656] him [0846].


 Et son fils [5207] lui dit: Mon père, j'ai péché contre le ciel et contre toi, et je ne suis plus digne d'être appelé ton fils [5207].

 And [1161] the son [5207] said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Father [3962], I have sinned [0264] [5627] against [1519] heaven [3772], and [2532] in [1799] [0000] thy [4675] sight [1799], and [2532] am [1510] [5748] no more [3765] worthy [0514] to be called [2564] [5683] thy [4675] son [5207].


 Mais le père dit à ses serviteurs: Apportez la plus belle robe, et revêtez le, et mettez-lui un anneau au doigt et des sandales aux pieds;

 But [1161] the father [3962] said [2036] [5627] to [4314] his [0848] servants [1401], Bring forth [1627] [5657] the best [4413] robe [4749], and [2532] put [it] on [1746] [5657] him [0846]; and [2532] put [1325] [5628] a ring [1146] on [1519] his [0846] hand [5495], and [2532] shoes [5266] on [1519] [his] feet [4228]:


 Et amenez le veau gras, et tuez le; mangeons et réjouissons-nous;

 And [2532] bring hither [5342] [5660] the fatted [4618] calf [3448], and kill [2380] [5657] [it]; and [2532] let us eat [5315] [5631], and be merry [2165] [5686]:


 Parce que mon fils [5207], que voici, était mort, et il est revenu à la vie; il était perdu, et il est retrouvé. Et ils commencèrent à se réjouir.

 For [3754] this [3778] my [3450] son [5207] was [2258] [5713] dead [3498], and [2532] is alive again [0326] [5656]; [2532] he was [2258] [5713] lost [0622] [5756], and [2532] is found [2147] [5681]. And [2532] they began [0756] [5662] to be merry [2165] [5745].


 Cependant, son fils [5207] aîné qui était à la campagne, revint, et comme il approchait de la maison, il entendit une symphonie et des danses.

 Now [1161] his [0846] elder [4245] son [5207] was [2258] [5713] in [1722] the field [0068]: and [2532] as [5613] he came [2064] [5740] and drew nigh [1448] [5656] to the house [3614], he heard [0191] [5656] musick [4858] and [2532] dancing [5525].


 Et il appela un des serviteurs, auquel il demanda ce que c'était.

 And [2532] he called [4341] [5666] one [1520] of the servants [3816], and asked [4441] [5711] what [5101] these things [5023] meant [1498] [5751].


 Et le serviteur lui dit: Ton frère est de retour, et ton père a tué le veau gras, parce qu'il l'a recouvré en bonne santé.

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], [3754] Thy [4675] brother [0080] is come [2240] [5719]; and [2532] thy [4675] father [3962] hath killed [2380] [5656] the fatted [4618] calf [3448], because [3754] he hath received [0618] [5627] him [0846] safe and sound [5198] [5723].


 Mais il se mit en colère et ne voulut point entrer. Son père donc sortit et le pria d'entrer.

 And [1161] he was angry [3710] [5681], and [2532] would [2309] [5707] not [3756] go in [1525] [5629]: therefore [3767] came [1831] [0000] his [0846] father [3962] out [1831] [5631], and intreated [3870] [5707] him [0846].


 Mais il répondit à son père: Voici, il y a tant d'années que je te sers, sans avoir jamais contrevenu à ton commandement, et tu ne m'as jamais donné un chevreau pour me réjouir avec mes amis.

 And [1161] he answering [0611] [5679] said [2036] [5627] to [his] father [3962], Lo [2400] [5628], these many [5118] years [2094] do I serve [1398] [5719] thee [4671], neither [3763] [0000] transgressed I [3928] [5627] at any time [3763] thy [4675] commandment [1785]: and [2532] yet [2532] thou [1325] [0000] never [3763] gavest [1325] [5656] me [1698] a kid [2056], that [2443] I might make merry [2165] [5686] with [3326] my [3450] friends [5384]:


 Mais quand ton fils [5207], que voilà, qui a mangé son bien avec des femmes débauchées, est revenu, tu as fait tuer le veau gras pour lui.

 But [1161] as soon as [3753] this [3778] thy [4675] son [5207] was come [2064] [5627], which [3588] hath devoured [2719] [5631] thy [4675] living [0979] with [3326] harlots [4204], thou hast killed [2380] [5656] for him [0846] the fatted [4618] calf [3448].


 Et son père lui dit: Mon fils [5207]! tu es toujours avec moi, et tout ce que j'ai est à toi.

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Son [5043], thou [4771] art [1488] [5748] ever [3842] with [3326] me [1700], and [2532] all [3956] that I have [1699] is [2076] [5748] thine [4674].


 Mais il fallait bien se réjouir et s'égayer, parce que ton frère, que voilà, était mort, et il est revenu à la vie; il était perdu, et il est retrouvé.

 It was [1161] meet [1163] [5713] that we should make merry [2165] [5683], and [2532] be glad [5463] [5646]: for [3754] this [3778] thy [4675] brother [0080] was [2258] [5713] dead [3498], and [2532] is alive again [0326] [5656]; and [2532] was [2258] [5713] lost [0622] [5756], and [2532] is found [2147] [5681].


 Jésus disait aussi à ses disciples: Un homme riche avait un délégué qui fut accusé devant lui de lui dissiper son bien.

 And [1161] he said [3004] [5707] also [2532] unto [4314] his [0848] disciples [3101], There was [2258] [5713] a certain [5100] rich [4145] man [0444], which [3739] had [2192] [5707] a steward [3623]; and [2532] the same [3778] was accused [1225] [5681] unto him [0846] that [5613] he had wasted [1287] [5723] his [0846] goods [5224] [5723].


 Et l'ayant fait venir, il lui dit: Qu'est-ce que j'entends dire de toi? Rends compte de ton administration; car tu ne pourras plus administrer mon bien.

 And [2532] he called [5455] [5660] him [0846], and said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], How [5101] is it that I hear [0191] [5719] this [5124] of [4012] thee [4675]? give [0591] [5628] an account [3056] of thy [4675] stewardship [3622]; for [1063] thou mayest be [1410] [5695] no [3756] longer [2089] steward [3621] [5721].


 Alors ce délégué dit en lui-même: Que ferai-je, puisque mon maître m'ôte l'administration de son bien? Je ne saurais travailler à la terre, j'aurais honte de mendier.

 Then [1161] the steward [3623] said [2036] [5627] within [1722] himself [1438], What [5101] shall I do [4160] [5661]? for [3754] my [3450] lord [2962] taketh away [0851] [5731] from [0575] me [1700] the stewardship [3622]: I cannot [3756] [2480] [5719] dig [4626] [5721]; to beg [1871] [5721] I am ashamed [0153] [5727].


 Je sais ce que je ferai, afin que quand on m'aura ôté mon administration, il y ait des gens qui me reçoivent dans leurs maisons.

 I am resolved [1097] [5627] what [5101] to do [4160] [5692], that [2443], when [3752] I am put out [3179] [5686] of the stewardship [3622], they may receive [1209] [5667] me [3165] into [1519] their [0846] houses [3624].


 Alors il fit venir séparément chacun des débiteurs de son maître, et il dit au premier: Combien dois-tu à mon maître?

 So [2532] he called [4341] [5666] every [1538] one [1520] of his [1438] lord's [2962] debtors [5533] [unto him], and said [3004] [5707] unto the first [4413], How much [4214] owest thou [3784] [5719] unto my [3450] lord [2962]?


 Il répondit: Cent mesures d'huile. Et le délégué lui dit: Reprends ton billet; assieds-toi, et écris-en promptement un autre de cinquante.

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627], An hundred [1540] measures [0943] of oil [1637]. And [2532] he said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Take [1209] [5663] thy [4675] bill [1121], and [2532] sit down [2523] [5660] quickly [5030], and write [1125] [5657] fifty [4004].


 Il dit ensuite à un autre: Et toi, combien dois-tu? Il dit: Cent mesures de froment. Et l'économe lui dit: Reprends ton billet, et écris-en un autre de quatre-vingts.

 Then [1899] said he [2036] [5627] to another [2087], And [1161] how much [4214] owest [3784] [5719] thou [4771]? And [1161] he said [2036] [5627], An hundred [1540] measures [2884] of wheat [4621]. And [2532] he said [3004] [5719] unto him [0846], Take [1209] [5663] thy [4675] bill [1121], and [2532] write [1125] [5657] fourscore [3589].


 Et le maître loua cet économe infidèle de ce qu'il avait agi avec habileté; car les enfants de ce siècle sont plus prudents dans leur génération, que les enfants de lumière.

 And [2532] the lord [2962] commended [1867] [5656] the unjust [0093] steward [3623], because [3754] he had done [4160] [5656] wisely [5430]: for [3754] the children [5207] of this [5127] world [0165] are [1526] [5748] in [1519] their [1438] generation [1074] wiser [5429] than [5228] the children [5207] of light [5457].


 Et moi, je vous dis: Faites-vous bienveillant avec la richesse des injustes, afin que quand vous manquerez, ils vous reçoivent sans cesse dans leurs demeures.

 And I [2504] say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], Make [4160] [5657] to yourselves [1438] friends [5384] of [1537] the mammon [3126] of unrighteousness [0093]; that [2443], when [3752] ye fail [1587] [5632], they may receive [1209] [5667] you [5209] into [1519] everlasting [0166] habitations [4633].


 Celui qui est fidèle dans les petites choses sera aussi fidèle dans les grandes; et celui qui est injuste dans les petites choses sera aussi injuste dans les grandes.

 He that is faithful [4103] in [1722] that which is least [1646] is [2076] [5748] faithful [4103] also [2532] in [1722] much [4183]: and [2532] he that is unjust [0094] in [1722] the least [1646] is [2076] [5748] unjust [0094] also [2532] in [1722] much [4183].


 Si donc vous n'avez pas été fidèles dans la richesse des injustes, qui vous confiera les véritables?

 If [1487] therefore [3767] ye have [1096] [0000] not [3756] been [1096] [5633] faithful [4103] in [1722] the unrighteous [0094] mammon [3126], who [5101] will commit [4100] [0000] to your [5213] trust [4100] [5692] the true [0228] [riches]?


 Et si vous n'avez pas été fidèles dans ce qui est à autrui, qui vous donnera ce qui est à vous?

 And [2532] if [1487] ye have [1096] [0000] not [3756] been [1096] [5633] faithful [4103] in [1722] that which is another man's [0245], who [5101] shall give [1325] [5692] you [5213] that which is your own [5212]?


 Nul serviteur ne peut servir deux maîtres; car, ou il haïra l'un, et se donnera à l'autre; ou il s'attachera à l'un, et méprisera l'autre. Vous ne pouvez servir Dieu et Mammon (la richesse).

 No [3762] servant [3610] can [1410] [5736] serve [1398] [5721] two [1417] masters [2962]: for [1063] either [2228] he will hate [3404] [5692] the one [1520], and [2532] love [0025] [5692] the other [2087]; or else [2228] he will hold [0472] [5695] to the one [1520], and [2532] despise [2706] [5692] the other [2087]. Ye cannot [3756] [1410] [5736] serve [1398] [5721] God [2316] and [2532] mammon [3126].


 Les pharisiens, qui étaient avares, écoutaient tout cela, et se moquaient de lui.

 And [1161] the Pharisees [5330] also [2532], who were [5225] [5723] covetous [5366], heard [0191] [5707] all [3956] these things [5023]: and [2532] they derided [1592] [5707] him [0846].


 Et il leur dit: Pour vous, vous voulez passer pour justes devant les hommes; mais Dieu connaît vos cœurs; car ce qui est élevé devant les hommes est une abomination devant Dieu.

 And [2532] he said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Ye [5210] are [2075] [5748] they which justify [1344] [5723] yourselves [1438] before [1799] men [0444]; but [1161] God [2316] knoweth [1097] [5719] your [5216] hearts [2588]: for [3754] that which is highly esteemed [5308] among [1722] men [0444] is [2076] [5748] abomination [0946] in the sight [1799] of God [2316].


 La loi et les prophètes vont jusqu'à Jean; depuis ce temps [1909]-là la Souveraineté de Dieu est annoncé,

 The law [3551] and [2532] the prophets [4396] [were] until [2193] John [2491]: since [0575] that time [5119] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316] is preached [2097] [5743], and [2532] every man [3956] presseth [0971] [5731] into [1519] it [0846].


 Et chacun y entre par courage. Mais il est plus aisé que le ciel et la terre passent, qu'il n'est possible qu'un seul trait de lettre de la loi soit aboli.

 And [1161] it is [2076] [5748] easier [2123] for heaven [3772] and [2532] earth [1093] to pass [3928] [5629], than [2228] one [3391] tittle [2762] of the law [3551] to fail [4098] [5629].


 Quiconque répudie sa femme et en épouse une autre, commet un adultère, et quiconque épouse celle que son mari a répudiée, commet un adultère.

 Whosoever [3956] putteth away [0630] [5723] his [0848] wife [1135], and [2532] marrieth [1060] [5723] another [2087], committeth adultery [3431] [5719]: and [2532] whosoever [3956] marrieth [1060] [5723] her that is put away [0630] [5772] from [0575] [her] husband [0435] committeth adultery [3431] [5719].


 Il y avait un homme riche, qui se vêtait de pourpre et de fin lin, et qui se traitait chaque jour magnifiquement.

 1161 There was [2258] [5713] a certain [5100] rich [4145] man [0444], which [2532] was clothed [1737] [5710] in purple [4209] and [2532] fine linen [1040], and fared [2165] [5746] sumptuously [2988] every [2596] day [2250]:


 Il y avait aussi un pauvre, nommé Lazare, qui était couché à sa porte, couvert d'ulcères;

 And [1161] there was [2258] [5713] a certain [5100] beggar [4434] named [3686] Lazarus [2976], which [3739] was laid [0906] [5718] at [4314] his [0846] gate [4440], full of sores [1669] [5772],


 Il désirait de se rassasier des miettes qui tombaient de la table du riche; et les chiens même venaient lécher ses ulcères.

 And [2532] desiring [1937] [5723] to be fed [5526] [5683] with [0575] the crumbs [5589] which [3588] fell [4098] [5723] from [0575] the rich man's [4145] table [5132]: moreover [0235] [2532] the dogs [2965] came [2064] [5740] and licked [0621] [5707] his [0846] sores [1668].


 Or, il arriva que le pauvre mourut, et il fut porté par les anges dans le sein d'Abraham [0011]; le riche mourut aussi, et fut enseveli.

 And [1161] it came to pass [1096] [5633], that the beggar [4434] died [0599] [5629], and [2532] was carried [0667] [5683] by [5259] the angels [0032] into [1519] Abraham [0011]'s [0011] bosom [2859]: the rich man [4145] also [1161] [2532] died [0599] [5627], and [2532] was buried [2290] [5648];


 Et étant dans le feu du mépris et dans les tourments, il leva les yeux, et vit de loin Abraham [0011], et Lazare dans son sein;

 And [2532] in [1722] hell [0086] he lift up [1869] [5660] his [0848] eyes [3788], being [5225] [5723] in [1722] torments [0931], and seeth [3708] [5719] Abraham [0011] [0011] afar [3113] off [0575], and [2532] Lazarus [2976] in [1722] his [0846] bosom [2859].


 Et s'écriant, il dit: Père Abraham [0011], aie pitié de moi, et envoie Lazare, afin qu'il trempe dans l'eau le bout de son doigt, pour me rafraîchir la langue: Car je suis extrêmement tourmenté dans cette flamme.

 And [2532] he cried [5455] [5660] and said [2036] [5627], Father [3962] Abraham [0011] [0011], have mercy [1653] [5657] on me [3165], and [2532] send [3992] [5657] Lazarus [2976], that [2443] he may dip [0911] [5661] the tip [0206] of his [0848] finger [1147] in water [5204], and [2532] cool [2711] [5661] my [3450] tongue [1100]; for [3754] I am tormented [3600] [5743] in [1722] this [5026] flame [5395].


 Mais Abraham [0011] répondit: Mon fils [5207], souviens-toi que tu as eu tes biens pendant ta vie, et que Lazare y a eu des maux; maintenant il est consolé, et toi tu es dans les tourments.

 But [1161] Abraham [0011] [0011] said [2036] [5627], Son [5043], remember [3415] [5682] that [3754] thou [4771] in [1722] thy [4675] lifetime [2222] receivedst [0618] [5627] thy [4675] good things [0018], and [2532] likewise [3668] Lazarus [2976] evil things [2556]: but [1161] now [3568] [3592] he is comforted [3870] [5743], and [1161] thou [4771] art tormented [3600] [5743].


 Outre cela, il y a un grand abîme entre vous et nous, de sorte que ceux qui voudraient passer d'ici à vous, ne le peuvent; non plus que ceux qui voudraient traverser de là jusqu'à nous.

 And [2532] beside [1909] all [3956] this [5125], between [3342] us [2257] and [2532] you [5216] there is [4741] [0000] a great [3173] gulf [5490] fixed [4741] [5769]: so that [3704] they which would [2309] [5723] pass [1224] [5629] from hence [1782] to [4314] you [5209] cannot [3361] [1410] [5741]; neither [3366] can they pass [1276] [5725] to [4314] us [2248], that [would come] from thence [1564].


 Et le riche dit: Je te prie donc, père Abraham [0011], d'envoyer Lazare dans la maison de mon père

 Then [1161] he said [2036] [5627], I pray [2065] [5719] thee [4571] therefore [3767], father [3962], that [2443] thou wouldest send [3992] [5661] him [0846] to [1519] my [3450] father's [3962] house [3624]:


 Car j'ai cinq frères [0080], pour leur attester ces choses, de peur qu'ils ne viennent aussi dans ce lieu de tourments.

 For [1063] I have [2192] [5719] five [4002] brethren [0080]; that [3704] he may testify [1263] [5741] unto them [0846], lest [3363] they [0846] also [2532] come [2064] [5632] into [1519] this [5126] place [5117] of torment [0931].


 Abraham [0011] lui répondit: Ils ont Moïse et les prophètes; qu'ils les écoutent.

 Abraham [0011] [0011] saith [3004] [5719] unto him [0846], They have [2192] [5719] Moses [3475] and [2532] the prophets [4396]; let them hear [0191] [5657] them [0846].


 Le riche dit: Non, père Abraham [0011]; mais si quelqu'un des morts va vers eux, ils se repentiront.

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627], Nay [3780], father [3962] Abraham [0011] [0011]: but [0235] if [1437] one [5100] went [4198] [5680] unto [4314] them [0846] from [0575] the dead [3498], they will repent [3340] [5692].


 Et Abraham [0011] lui dit: S'ils n'écoutent pas Moïse et les prophètes, ils ne seraient pas non plus persuadés, quand même l'un des morts ressusciterait.

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], If [1487] they hear [0191] [5719] not [3756] Moses [3475] and [2532] the prophets [4396], neither [3761] will they be persuaded [3982] [5701], though [1437] one [5100] rose [0450] [5632] from [1537] the dead [3498].


 Jésus dit aussi à ses disciples: Il ne peut se faire qu'il n'arrive des scandales; toutefois, malheur à celui par qui ils arrivent.

 Then [1161] said he [2036] [5627] unto [4314] the disciples [3101], It is [2076] [5748] impossible [0418] but [3361] that offences [4625] will come [2064] [5629]: but [1161] woe [3759] [unto him], through [1223] whom [3739] they come [2064] [5736]!


 Il vaudrait mieux pour lui qu'on lui mît au cou une meule de moulin, et qu'on le jetât dans la mer, que de scandaliser un de ces petits.

 It were better [3081] [5719] for him [0846] that [1487] a millstone [3458] [3684] were hanged [4029] [5736] about [4012] his [0846] neck [5137], and [2532] he cast [4496] [5769] into [1519] the sea [2281], than [2228] that [2443] he should offend [4624] [5661] one [1520] of these [5130] little ones [3398].


 Prenez garde à vous. Si ton frère t'a offensé, reprends-le; et s'il se reconsidère, pardonne-lui.

 Take heed [4337] [5720] to yourselves [1438]: If [1161] [1437] thy [4675] brother [0080] trespass [0264] [5632] against [1519] thee [4571], rebuke [2008] [5657] him [0846]; and [2532] if [1437] he repent [3340] [5661], forgive [0863] [5628] him [0846].


 Et s'il t'a offensé sept fois le jour, et que sept fois le jour il revienne vers toi, et dise: Je me reconsidère; pardonne-lui.

 And [2532] if [1437] he trespass [0264] [5632] against [1519] thee [4571] seven times [2034] in a day [2250], and [2532] seven times [2034] in a day [2250] turn again [1994] [5661] to [1909] thee [4571], saying [3004] [5723], I repent [3340] [5719]; thou shalt forgive [0863] [5692] him [0846].


 Et les apôtres dirent au Seigneur: Augmente-nous la foi.

 And [2532] the apostles [0652] said [2036] [5627] unto the Lord [2962], Increase [4369] [5628] our [2254] faith [4102].


 Et le Seigneur dit: Si vous aviez de la foi gros comme un grain de moutarde, vous diriez à ce sycomore: Déracine-toi, et plante-toi dans la mer; et il vous obéirait.

 And [1161] the Lord [2962] said [2036] [5627], If [1487] ye had [2192] [5707] faith [4102] as [5613] a grain [2848] of mustard seed [4615], ye might [0302] say [3004] [5707] unto this [5026] sycamine [4807] tree, Be thou plucked up by the root [1610] [5682], and [2532] be thou planted [5452] [5682] in [1722] the sea [2281]; and [2532] it should [0302] obey [5219] [5656] you [5213].


 Qui de vous, ayant un serviteur qui laboure, ou qui paisse les troupeaux, lui dise aussitôt qu'il revient des champs:

 But [1161] which [5101] of [1537] you [5216], having [2192] [5723] a servant [1401] plowing [0722] [5723] or [2228] feeding cattle [4165] [5723], will say [2046] [5692] unto him [3739] by and by [2112], when he is come [1525] [5631] from [1537] the field [0068], Go [3928] [5631] and sit down to meat [0377] [5669]?


 Avance-toi et mets-toi à table. Ne lui dira-t-il pas plutôt: Prépare-moi à souper et ceins-toi, et sers-moi, jusqu'à ce que j'aie mangé et bu; et après cela tu mangeras et tu boiras.

 And [0235] will not [3780] rather say [2046] [5692] unto him [0846], Make ready [2090] [5657] wherewith [5101] I may sup [1172] [5661], and [2532] gird thyself [4024] [5671], and serve [1247] [5720] me [3427], till [2193] I have eaten [5315] [5632] and [2532] drunken [4095] [5632]; and [2532] afterward [3326] [5023] thou [4771] shalt eat [5315] [5695] and [2532] drink [4095] [5695]?


 Aura-t-il de l'obligation à ce serviteur, parce qu'il aura fait ce qui lui avait été commandé? Je ne le pense pas.

 3361 Doth he [2192] [5719] thank [5485] that [1565] servant [1401] because [3754] he did [4160] [5656] the things that were commanded [1299] [5685] him [0846]? I trow [1380] [5719] not [3756].


 Vous de même, quand vous aurez fait tout ce qui vous est commandé, dites: Nous sommes des serviteurs inutiles, parce que nous n'avons fait que ce que nous étions obligés de faire.

 So [3779] likewise [2532] ye [5210], when [3752] ye shall have done [4160] [5661] all [3956] those things which are commanded [1299] [5685] you [5213], say [3004] [5720], [3754] We are [2070] [5748] unprofitable [0888] servants [1401]: [3754] we have done [4160] [5658] that which [3739] was our duty [3784] [5707] to do [4160] [5758].


 Comme il allait à Jérusalem, il passait par le milieu de la Samarie et de la Galilée.

 And [2532] it came to pass [1096] [5633], as [1722] he [0846] went [4198] [5738] to [1519] Jerusalem [2419], that [2532] he [0846] passed [1330] [5711] through [1223] the midst [3319] of Samaria [4540] and [2532] Galilee [1056].


 Et entrant dans un village, il rencontra dix hommes lépreux, qui se tenaient éloignés;

 And [2532] as he [0846] entered [1525] [5740] into [1519] a certain [5100] village [2968], there met [0528] [5656] him [0846] ten [1176] men [0435] that were lepers [3015], which [3739] stood [2476] [5627] afar off [4207]:


 Et ils s'écrièrent: Jésus, Maître, aie pitié de nous!

 And [2532] they [0846] lifted up [0142] [5656] [their] voices [5456], and said [3004] [5723], Jesus, Master [1988], have mercy [1653] [5657] on us [2248].


 Les ayant vus, il leur dit: Allez, et montrez-vous aux sacrificateurs. Et il arriva qu'en s'en allant, ils furent purifiés.

 And [2532] when he saw [1492] [5631] [them], he said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Go [4198] [5679] shew [1925] [5657] yourselves [1438] unto the priests [2409]. And [2532] it came to pass [1096] [5633], that, as they went [5217] [5721] [1722], they were cleansed [2511] [5681].


 Et l'un d'eux, voyant qu'il était guéri, revint glorifiant Dieu à haute voix.

 And [1161] one [1520] of [1537] them [0846], when he saw [1492] [5631] that [3754] he was healed [2390] [5681], turned back [5290] [5656], and with [3326] a loud [3173] voice [5456] glorified [1392] [5723] God [2316],


 Et il se jeta aux pieds de Jésus, le visage contre terre, lui rendant grâces.

 And [2532] fell down [4098] [5627] on [1909] [his] face [4383] at [3844] his [0846] feet [4228], giving [2168] [0000] him [0846] thanks [2168] [5723]: and [2532] he was [2258] [5713] a Samaritan [4541].


 Or, il était Samaritain. Jésus, prenant la parole, dit: Tous les dix n'ont-ils pas été guéris? Où sont donc les neuf autres?

 And [1161] Jesus answering [0611] [5679] said [2036] [5627], Were there [2511] [0000] not [3780] ten [1176] cleansed [2511] [5681]? but [1161] where [4226] [are] the nine [1767]?


 Il ne s'est trouvé que cet étranger qui soit revenu donner gloire à Dieu.

 There are [2147] [0000] not [3756] found [2147] [5681] that returned [5290] [5660] to give [1325] [5629] glory [1391] to God [2316], save [1508] this [3778] stranger [0241].


 Alors il lui dit: Lève-toi, va, ta foi t'a guéri.

 And [2532] he said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Arise [0450] [5631], go thy way [4198] [5737]: thy [4675] faith [4102] hath made [4982] [0000] thee [4571] whole [4982] [5758].


 Les pharisiens lui ayant demandé quand la Souveraineté de Dieu viendrait, il leur répondit: Le royaume de Dieu ne viendra point avec éclat;

 And [1161] when he was demanded [1905] [5685] of [5259] the Pharisees [5330], when [4219] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316] should come [2064] [5736], he answered [0611] [5662] them [0846] and [2532] said [2036] [5627], The kingdom [0932] of God [2316] cometh [2064] [5736] not [3756] with [3326] observation [3907]:


 Et on ne dira point: Le voici ici, ou: Le voilà là; car voici, la Souveraineté de Dieu est à l'intérieur de vous.

 Neither [3761] shall they say [2046] [5692], Lo [2400] [5628] here [5602]! or [2228], lo [2400] [5628] there [1563]! for [1063], behold [2400] [5628], the kingdom [0932] of God [2316] is [2076] [5748] within [1787] you [5216].


 Et il dit aux disciples: Des jours viendront où vous désirerez de voir l'un des jours du Fils de l'homme, et vous ne le verrez point.

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] the disciples [3101], The days [2250] will come [2064] [5695], when [3753] ye shall desire [1937] [5692] to see [1492] [5629] one [3391] of the days [2250] of the Son [5207] of man [0444], and [2532] ye shall [3700] [0000] not [3756] see [3700] [5695] [it].


 Et l'on vous dira: Le voici ici, ou: Le voilà là; n'y allez point, et ne les suivez point.

 And [2532] they shall say [2046] [5692] to you [5213], See [2400] [5628] here [5602]; or [2228], see [2400] [5628] there [1563]: go [0565] [0000] not [3361] after [0565] [5632] [them], nor [3366] follow [1377] [5661] [them].


 Car comme l'éclair flamboyant brille d'une extrémité du ciel à l'autre, ainsi paraîtra le Fils, l'expression humaine en son jour.

 For [1063] as [5618] the lightning [0796], that lighteneth [0797] [5723] out of [1537] the one [part] under [5259] heaven [3772], shineth [2989] [5719] unto [1519] the other [part] under [5259] heaven [3772]; so [3779] shall also [2532] the Son [5207] of man [0444] be [2071] [5704] in [1722] his [0848] day [2250].


 Mais il faut auparavant qu'il souffre beaucoup et qu'il soit rejeté par cette génération.

 But [1161] first [4412] must [1163] [5748] he [0846] suffer [3958] [5629] many things [4183], and [2532] be rejected [0593] [5683] of [0575] this [5026] generation [1074].


 Et ce qui arriva du temps [1909] de Noé, arrivera de même au temps [1909] du Fils de l'homme:

 And [2532] as [2531] it was [1096] [5633] in [1722] the days [2250] of Noe [3575], so [3779] shall it be [2071] [5704] also [2532] in [1722] the days [2250] of the Son [5207] of man [0444].


 On mangeait, on buvait, on prenait et on donnait en mariage, jusqu'au jour où Noé entra dans l'arche; et le déluge vint qui les fit tous périr.

 They did eat [2068] [5707], they drank [4095] [5707], they married wives [1060] [5707], they were given in marriage [1547] [5712], until [0891] the day [2250] that [3739] Noe [3575] entered [1525] [5627] into [1519] the ark [2787], and [2532] the flood [2627] came [2064] [5627], and [2532] destroyed [0622] [5656] them all [0537].


 C'est encore ce qui arriva du temps [1909] de Lot: On mangeait, on buvait, on achetait, on vendait, on plantait et on bâtissait;

 Likewise [3668] also [2532] as [5613] it was [1096] [5633] in [1722] the days [2250] of Lot [3091]; they did eat [2068] [5707], they drank [4095] [5707], they bought [0059] [5707], they sold [4453] [5707], they planted [5452] [5707], they builded [3618] [5707];


 Mais le jour que Lot sortit de Sodome, une pluie de feu et de soufre tomba du ciel, qui les fit tous périr;

 But [1161] the same day [2250] that Lot [3091] went [1831] [5627] out of [0575] Sodom [4670] it rained [1026] [5656] fire [4442] and [2532] brimstone [2303] from [0575] heaven [3772], and [2532] destroyed [0622] [5656] [them] all [0537].


 Il en sera de même au jour que le Fils, l'expression humaine sera révélé.

 Even [2596] thus [5024] shall it be [2071] [5704] in the day [3739] [2250] when the Son [5207] of man [0444] is revealed [0601] [5743].


 En ce jour-là, que celui qui sera sur le toit, et qui aura ses meubles dans la maison, ne descende pas pour les emporter; et de même que celui qui est aux champs ne revienne pas en arrière.

 In [1722] that [1565] day [2250], he which [3739] shall be [2071] [5704] upon [1909] the housetop [1430], and [2532] his [0846] stuff [4632] in [1722] the house [3614], let [2597] [0000] him not [3361] come down [2597] [5628] to take [0142] [0000] it [0846] away [0142] [5658]: and [2532] he that is in [1722] the field [0068], let him [1994] [0000] likewise [3668] not [3361] return [1994] [5657] back [1519] [3694].


 Souvenez-vous de la femme de Lot.

 Remember [3421] [5720] Lot's [3091] wife [1135].


 Quiconque cherchera à sauver sa vie, la perdra; et quiconque la perdra, la retrouvera.

 Whosoever [3739] [1437] shall seek [2212] [5661] to save [4982] [5658] his [0848] life [5590] shall lose [0622] [5692] it [0846]; and [2532] whosoever [3739] [1437] shall lose [0622] [5661] his [0846] life shall preserve [2225] [5692] it [0846].


 Je vous dis qu'en cette nuit, de deux personnes qui seront dans un même lit, l'une sera prise et l'autre laissée.

 I tell [3004] [5719] you [5213], in that [5026] night [3571] there shall be [2071] [5704] two [1417] [men] in [1909] one [3391] bed [2825]; the one [1520] shall be taken [3880] [5701], and [2532] the other [2087] shall be left [0863] [5701].


 De deux femmes qui moudront ensemble, l'une sera prise et l'autre laissée.

 Two [1417] [women] shall be [2071] [5704] grinding [0229] [5723] together [0846] [1909]; the one [3391] shall be taken [3880] [5701], and [2532] the other [2087] left [0863] [5701].


 De deux personnes qui seront aux champs, l'une sera prise et l'autre laissée.

 Two [1417] [men] shall be [2071] [5704] in [1722] the field [0068]; the one [1520] shall be taken [3880] [5701], and [2532] the other [2087] left [0863] [5701].


 Et répondant ils lui dirent: Où sera-ce, Seigneur? Et il leur dit: Où sera le corps, là s'assembleront les aigles.

 And [2532] they answered [0611] [5679] and said [3004] [5719] unto him [0846], Where [4226], Lord [2962]? And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Wheresoever [3699] the body [4983] [is], thither [1563] will [4863] [0000] the eagles [0105] be gathered together [4863] [5701].


 Jésus leur dit aussi cette parabole, pour indiquer que les hommes devraient toujours désirer se distancer d'agir méchamment:

 And [1161] he spake [3004] [5707] [2532] a parable [3850] unto them [0846] [4314] [to this end], that men ought [1163] [5750] always [3842] to pray [4336] [5738], and [2532] not [3361] to faint [1573] [5721];


 Il y avait dans une ville un juge qui ne craignait point Dieu, et qui n'avait d'égard pour personne.

 Saying [3004] [5723], There was [2258] [5713] in [1722] a [5100] city [4172] a [5100] judge [2923], which feared [5399] [5740] not [3361] God [2316], neither [2532] [3361] regarded [1788] [5746] man [0444]:


 Il y avait aussi dans cette ville-là une veuve, qui venait à lui, et lui disait: Fais-moi justice de ma partie adverse.

 And [1161] there was [2258] [5713] a widow [5503] in [1722] that [1565] city [4172]; and [2532] she came [2064] [5711] unto [4314] him [0846], saying [3004] [5723], Avenge [1556] [5657] me [3165] of [0575] mine [3450] adversary [0476].


 Pendant long temps [1909] il n'en voulut rien faire. Cependant, il dit enfin en lui-même: Quoique je ne craigne point Dieu, et que je n'aie d'égard pour personne;

 And [2532] he would [2309] [5656] not [3756] for [1909] a while [5550]: but [1161] afterward [5023] [3326] he said [2036] [5627] within [1722] himself [1438], Though [1499] [2532] I fear [5399] [5736] not [3756] God [2316], nor [2532] [3756] regard [1788] [5743] man [0444];


 Néanmoins, parce que cette veuve m'importune, je lui ferai justice, de peur qu'elle ne vienne toujours me rompre la tête.

 Yet [1065] because [1223] this [5026] widow [5503] troubleth [3930] [5721] [2873] me [3427], I will avenge [1556] [5692] her [0846], lest [3363] by [1519] her continual [5056] coming [2064] [5740] she weary [5299] [5725] me [3165].


 Et le Seigneur dit: Écoutez ce que dit ce juge injuste.

 And [1161] the Lord [2962] said [2036] [5627], Hear [0191] [5657] what [5101] the unjust [0093] judge [2923] saith [3004] [5719].


 Et Dieu ne vengera-t-il point ses élus, qui crient à lui jour et nuit, quoiqu'il diffère sa vengeance?

 And [1161] shall [1557] [0000] not [3364] God [2316] avenge [1557] his own [0848] elect [1588] [4160] [5692], which [3588] cry [0994] [5723] day [2250] and [2532] night [3571] unto [4314] him [0846], though [2532] he bear long [3114] [5723] with [1909] them [0846]?


 Je vous dis qu'il les vengera bientôt. Mais quand le Fils, l'expression humaine viendra, trouvera-t-il la foi sur la terre?

 I tell [3004] [5719] you [5213] that [3754] he will [4160] [5692] avenge [1557] them [0846] speedily [5034] [1722]. Nevertheless [4133] when [0687] the Son [5207] of man [0444] cometh [2064] [5631], shall he find [2147] [5692] faith [4102] on [1909] the earth [1093]?


 Il dit aussi cette parabole, au sujet des gens persuadés en eux-mêmes qu'ils étaient justes, et qui méprisaient les autres:

 And [1161] he spake [2036] [5627] [2532] this [5026] parable [3850] unto [4314] certain [5100] which [3588] trusted [3982] [5756] in [1909] themselves [1438] that [3754] they were [1526] [5748] righteous [1342], and [2532] despised [1848] [5723] others [3062]:


 Deux hommes montèrent au temple pour prier; l'un était pharisien, et l'autre péager.

 Two [1417] men [0444] went up [0305] [5627] into [1519] the temple [2411] to pray [4336] [5664]; the one [1520] a Pharisee [5330], and [2532] the other [2087] a publican [5057].


 Le pharisien se tenant debout, priait ainsi en lui-même: Ô Dieu, je te rends grâces de ce que je ne suis pas comme le reste des hommes, qui sont ravisseurs, injustes, adultères, ni aussi comme ce péager;

 The Pharisee [5330] stood [2476] [5685] and prayed [4336] [5711] thus [5023] with [4314] himself [1438], God [2316], I thank [2168] [5719] thee [4671], that [3754] I am [1510] [5748] not [3756] as [5618] other [3062] men [0444] [are], extortioners [0727], unjust [0094], adulterers [3432], or [2228] even [2532] as [5613] this [3778] publican [5057].


 Je jeûne deux fois la semaine, je donne la dîme de tout ce que je possède.

 I fast [3522] [5719] twice [1364] in the week [4521], I give tithes [0586] [5719] of all [3956] that [3745] I possess [2932] [5736].


 Mais le péager, se tenant éloigné, n'osait pas même lever les yeux au ciel; mais il se frappait la poitrine, en disant: Ô Dieu, sois apaisé envers moi qui suis pécheur!

 And [2532] the publican [5057], standing [2476] [5761] afar off [3113], would [2309] [5707] not [3756] lift up [1869] [5658] so much as [3761] [his] eyes [3788] unto [1519] heaven [3772], but [0235] smote [5180] [5707] upon [1519] his [0848] breast [4738], saying [3004] [5723], God [2316] be merciful [2433] [5682] to me [3427] a sinner [0268].


 Je vous le dis, celui-ci redescendit justifié dans sa maison préférablement à l'autre; car quiconque s'élève sera abaissé, et quiconque s'abaisse sera élevé.

 I tell [3004] [5719] you [5213], this man [3778] went down [2597] [5627] to [1519] his [0848] house [3624] justified [1344] [5772] [rather] than [2228] the other [1565]: for [3754] every one [3956] that exalteth [5312] [5723] himself [1438] shall be abased [5013] [5701]; and [1161] he that humbleth [5013] [5723] himself [1438] shall be exalted [5312] [5701].


 On lui présentait aussi des petits enfants, afin qu'il les touchât. Les disciples voyant cela, reprenaient ceux qui les présentaient.

 And [1161] they brought [4374] [5707] unto him [0846] also [2532] infants [1025], that [2443] he would touch [0680] [5735] them [0846]: but [1161] when [his] disciples [3101] saw [1492] [5631] [it], they rebuked [2008] [5656] them [0846].


 Mais Jésus les appelant à lui, dit: Laissez venir à moi les petits enfants, et ne les en empêchez point; car la Souveraineté de Dieu est pour ceux qui leur ressemblent.

 But [1161] Jesus called [4341] [5666] them [0846] [unto him], and said [2036] [5627], Suffer [0863] [5628] little children [3813] to come [2064] [5738] unto [4314] me [3165], and [2532] forbid [2967] [5720] them [0846] not [3361]: for [1063] of such [5108] is [2076] [5748] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316].


 Je vous dis en vérité que quiconque ne recevra pas la Souveraineté de Dieu comme un petit enfant, n'y entrera point.

 Verily [0281] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], Whosoever [3739] shall [1209] [0000] not [3362] receive [1209] [5667] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316] as [5613] a little child [3813] shall [1525] [0000] in no wise [3364] enter [1525] [5632] therein [1519] [0846].


 Alors un des principaux du lieu demanda à Jésus: Bon Maître, que dois-je faire pour obtenir la vie éternelle?

 And [2532] a certain [5100] ruler [0758] asked [1905] [5656] him [0846], saying [3004] [5723], Good [0018] Master [1320], what [5101] shall I do [4160] [5660] to inherit [2816] [5692] [5661] eternal [0166] life [2222]?


 Jésus lui dit: Pourquoi m'appelles-tu bon? Personne n'est bon, sauf Dieu seul.

 And [1161] Jesus said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Why [5101] callest thou [3004] [5719] me [3165] good [0018]? none [3762] [is] good [0018], save [1508] one [1520], [that is], God [2316].


 Tu connais les commandements: Tu ne commettras point d'adultère; tu ne tueras point; tu ne déroberas point; tu ne diras point de faux témoignage; honore ton père et ta mère.

 Thou knowest [1492] [5758] the commandments [1785], Do [3431] [0000] not [3361] commit adultery [3431] [5661], Do [5407] [0000] not [3361] kill [5407] [5661], Do [2813] [0000] not [3361] steal [2813] [5661], Do [5576] [0000] not [3361] bear false witness [5576] [5661], Honour [5091] [5720] thy [4675] father [3962] and [2532] thy [4675] mother [3384].


 Il lui dit: J'ai gardé toutes ces choses dès ma jeunesse.

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627], All [3956] these [5023] have I kept [5442] [5668] from [1537] my [3450] youth [3503] up.


 Jésus entendant cela, lui dit: Il te manque encore une chose; vends tout ce que tu as, et distribue-le aux pauvres, et tu auras un trésor dans le ciel; puis viens, et suis-moi.

 Now [1161] when Jesus heard [0191] [5660] these things [5023], he said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Yet [2089] lackest [3007] [5719] thou [4671] one [1520] thing: sell [4453] [5657] all [3956] that [3745] thou hast [2192] [5719], and [2532] distribute [1239] [5628] unto the poor [4434], and [2532] thou shalt have [2192] [5692] treasure [2344] in [1722] heaven [3772]: and [2532] come [1204] [5773], follow [0190] [5720] me [3427].


 Mais quand il eut entendu cela, il devint tout triste; car il était fort riche.

 And [1161] when he heard [0191] [5660] this [5023], he was [1096] [5633] very sorrowful [4036]: for [1063] he was [2258] [5713] very [4970] rich [4145].


 Jésus voyant qu'il était devenu tout triste, dit: Qu'il est difficile à ceux qui ont des richesses d'entrer dans la Souveraineté de Dieu!

 And [1161] when Jesus saw [1492] [5631] that he [0846] was [1096] [5637] very sorrowful [4036], he said [2036] [5627], How [4459] hardly [1423] shall they [1525] [0000] that have [2192] [5723] riches [5536] enter [1525] [5695] into [1519] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316]!


 Il est plus facile à un chameau d'entrer par le trou d'une aiguille, qu'à un riche d'entrer dans la Souveraineté de Dieu.

 For [1063] it is [2076] [5748] easier [2123] for a camel [2574] to go [1525] [5629] through [1223] a needle's [4476] eye [5168], than [2228] for a rich man [4145] to enter [1525] [5629] into [1519] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316].


 Et ceux qui l'entendaient dirent: Et qui peut être sauvé?

 And [1161] they that heard [0191] [5660] [it] said [2036] [5627], Who [5101] then [2532] can be [1410] [5736] saved [4982] [5683]?


 Et Jésus leur dit: Ce qui est impossible aux hommes est possible à Dieu.

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627], The things which are impossible [0102] with [3844] men [0444] are [2076] [5748] possible [1415] with [3844] God [2316].


 Et Pierre dit: Voici, nous avons tout quitté, et nous t'avons suivi.

 Then [1161] Peter [4074] said [2036] [5627], Lo [2400] [5628], we [2249] have left [0863] [5656] all [3956], and [2532] followed [0190] [5656] thee [4671].


 Et il leur dit: Je vous dis en vérité, qu'il n'est personne qui ait laissé une maison, ou des parents ou des frères [0080], ou une femme ou des enfants, pour la Souveraineté de Dieu,

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Verily [0281] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], [3754] There is [2076] [5748] no man [3762] that [3739] hath left [0863] [5656] house [3614], or [2228] parents [1118], or [2228] brethren [0080], or [2228] wife [1135], or [2228] children [5043], for [1752] [0000] the kingdom [0932] of God's [2316] sake [1752],


 Qui ne reçoive beaucoup plus en ce siècle-ci, et, dans le siècle à venir, la vie éternelle.

 Who [3739] shall [0618] [0000] not [3364] receive [0618] [5632] manifold more [4179] in [1722] this [5129] present time [2540], and [2532] in [1722] the world [0165] to come [2064] [5740] life [2222] everlasting [0166].


 Jésus prit ensuite à part les douze, et leur dit: Voici, nous montons à Jérusalem, et toutes les choses qui ont été écrites par les prophètes, touchant le Fils, l'expression humaine, vont être accomplies.

 Then [1161] he took [3880] [5631] [unto him] the twelve [1427], and said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] them [0846], Behold [2400] [5628], we go up [0305] [5719] to [1519] Jerusalem [2414], and [2532] all things [3956] that are written [1125] [5772] by [1223] the prophets [4396] concerning the Son [5207] of man [0444] shall be accomplished [5055] [5701].


 Car il sera livré aux gentils, on se moquera de lui, on l'outragera, et on crachera sur lui;

 For [1063] he shall be delivered [3860] [5701] unto the Gentiles [1484], and [2532] shall be mocked [1702] [5701], and [2532] spitefully entreated [5195] [5701], and [2532] spitted on [1716] [5701]:


 Et après qu'on l'aura fouetté, on le fera mourir, et le troisième jour il ressuscitera.

 And [2532] they shall scourge [3146] [5660] [him], and put [0615] [0000] him [0846] to death [0615] [5692]: and [2532] the third [5154] day [2250] he shall rise again [0450] [5698].


 Mais ils n'entendirent rien à tout cela; ce discours leur était caché, et ils ne comprenaient point ce qui leur était dit.

 And [2532] they understood [4920] [5656] none [3762] of these things [5130]: and [2532] this [5124] saying [4487] was [2258] [5713] hid [2928] [5772] from [0575] them [0846], [2532] neither [3756] knew they [1097] [5707] the things which were spoken [3004] [5746].


 Et il arriva, comme il approchait de Jérico, un aveugle, qui était assis près du chemin, et qui demandait l'aumône,

 And [1161] it came to pass [1096] [5633], that as [1722] he [0846] was come nigh [1448] [5721] unto [1519] Jericho [2410], a certain [5100] blind man [5185] sat [2521] [5711] by [3844] the way side [3598] begging [4319] [5723]:


 Entendant la foule du peuple qui passait, demanda ce que c'était;

 And [1161] hearing [0191] [5660] the multitude [3793] pass by [1279] [5740], he asked [4441] [5711] what [5101] it [5124] meant [1498] [5751].


 Et on lui apprit que c'était Jésus de Nazareth qui passait.

 And [1161] they told [0518] [5656] him [0846], that [3754] Jesus of Nazareth [3480] passeth by [3928] [5736].


 Alors il s'écria: Jésus, Fils de David [1138], aie pitié de moi!

 And [2532] he cried [0994] [5656], saying [3004] [5723], Jesus, [thou] Son [5207] of David [1138] [1138], have mercy [1653] [5657] on me [3165].


 Et ceux qui allaient devant le reprenaient pour le faire taire; mais il criait encore plus fort: Fils de David [1138], aie pitié de moi!

 And [2532] they which went before [4254] [5723] rebuked [2008] [5707] him [0846], that [2443] he should hold his peace [4623] [5661]: but [1161] he [0846] cried [2896] [5707] so much [4183] the more [3123], [Thou] Son [5207] of David [1138] [1138], have mercy [1653] [5657] on me [3165].


 Et Jésus, s'étant arrêté, commanda qu'on le lui amenât; et quand l'aveugle se fut approché,

 And [1161] Jesus stood [2476] [5685], and commanded [2753] [5656] him [0846] to be brought [0071] [5683] unto [4314] him [0848]: and [1161] when he was come near [1448] [5660], he [0846] asked [1905] [5656] him [0846],


 Il lui demanda: Que veux-tu que je te fasse? Et il répondit: Seigneur, que je recouvre la vue.

 Saying [3004] [5723], What [5101] wilt thou [2309] [5719] that I shall do [4160] [5661] unto thee [4671]? And [1161] he said [2036] [5627], Lord [2962], that [2443] I may receive my sight [0308] [5661].


 Et Jésus lui dit: Recouvre la vue; ta foi t'a sauvé.

 And [2532] Jesus said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Receive thy sight [0308] [5657]: thy [4675] faith [4102] hath saved [4982] [5758] thee [4571].


 Et à l'instant il recouvra la vue, et il le suivait, donnant gloire à Dieu. Et tout le peuple voyant cela, loua Dieu.

 And [2532] immediately [3916] he received his sight [0308] [5656], and [2532] followed [0190] [5707] him [0846], glorifying [1392] [5723] God [2316]: and [2532] all [3956] the people [2992], when they saw [1492] [5631] [it], gave [1325] [5656] praise [0136] unto God [2316].


 Jésus étant entré à Jérico passait par la ville.

 And [2532] [Jesus] entered [1525] [5631] and passed through [1330] [5711] Jericho [2410].


 Et voici un homme appelé Zachée, chef des péagers, qui était riche,

 And [2532], behold [2400] [5628], [there was] a man [0435] named [3686] [2564] [5746] Zacchaeus [2195], which [2532] [0846] was [2258] [5713] the chief among the publicans [0754], and [2532] he [3778] was [2258] [5713] rich [4145].


 Cherchait à voir qui était Jésus; mais il ne le pouvait à cause de la foule, parce qu'il était de petite taille.

 And [2532] he sought [2212] [5707] to see [1492] [5629] Jesus who [5101] he was [2076] [5748]; and [2532] could [1410] [5711] not [3756] for [0575] the press [3793], because [3754] he was [2258] [5713] little [3398] of stature [2244].


 C'est pourquoi il courut devant, et monta sur un sycomore pour le voir, parce qu'il devait passer par là.

 And [2532] he ran [4390] [5631] before [1715], and climbed up [0305] [5627] into [1909] a sycomore tree [4809] to [2443] see [1492] [5632] him [0846]: for [3754] he was [3195] [5707] to pass [1330] [5738] [1223] that [1565] [way].


 Jésus étant venu en cet endroit, et levant les yeux, le vit et lui dit: Zachée, hâte-toi de descendre; car il faut que je loge aujourd'hui dans ta maison.

 And [2532] when [5613] Jesus came [2064] [5627] to [1909] the place [5117], he looked up [0308] [5660], and saw [1492] [5627] him [0846], and [2532] said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] him [0846], Zacchaeus [2195], make haste [4692] [5660], and come down [2597] [5628]; for [1063] to day [4594] I [3165] must [1163] [5748] abide [3306] [5658] at [1722] thy [4675] house [3624].


 Et il descendit promptement, et le reçut avec joie.

 And [2532] he made haste [4692] [5660], and came down [2597] [5627], and [2532] received [5264] [5662] him [0846] joyfully [5463] [5723].


 Et tous ceux qui virent cela murmuraient, disant qu'il était entré chez un homme de mauvaise vie pour y loger.

 And [2532] when they saw [1492] [5631] [it], they [1234] [0000] all [0537] murmured [1234] [5707], saying [3004] [5723], That [3754] he was gone [1525] [5627] to be guest [2647] [5658] with [3844] a man [0435] that is a sinner [0268].


 Et Zachée se présentant devant le Seigneur, lui dit: Seigneur, je donne la moitié de mes biens aux pauvres, et si j'ai prit à un homme quelconque quelque chose par fausse accusation, je lui en rends quatre fois autant.

 And [1161] Zacchaeus [2195] stood [2476] [5685], and said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] the Lord [2962]; Behold [2400] [5628], Lord [2962], the half [2255] of my [3450] goods [5224] [5723] I give [1325] [5719] to the poor [4434]; and [2532] if [1536] [0000] I have taken [4811] [0000] any thing [1536] [5100] from any man [5100] by false accusation [4811] [5656], I restore [0591] [5719] [him] fourfold [5073].


 Et Jésus lui dit: Le salut est entré aujourd'hui dans cette maison, parce que celui-ci est aussi enfant d'Abraham [0011].

 And [1161] Jesus said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] him [0846], [3754] This day [4594] is [1096] [0000] salvation [4991] come [1096] [5633] to this [5129] house [3624], forsomuch as [2530] he [0846] also [2532] is [2076] [5748] a son [5207] of Abraham [0011] [0011].


 Car le Fils, l'expression humaine est venu chercher et sauver ce qui était perdu.

 For [1063] the Son [5207] of man [0444] is come [2064] [5627] to seek [2212] [5658] and [2532] to save [4982] [5658] that which was lost [0622] [5756].


 Comme ils écoutaient ce discours, Jésus continuant, proposa une parabole, parce qu'il était près de Jérusalem, et qu'ils pensaient que la Souveraineté de Dieu allait paraître bientôt.

 And [1161] as they [0846] heard [0191] [5723] these things [5023], he added [4369] [5631] and spake [2036] [5627] a parable [3850], because [1223] he [0846] was [1511] [5750] nigh [1451] to Jerusalem [2419], and [2532] because they thought [1380] [5721] that [3754] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316] should [3195] [5719] immediately [3916] appear [0398] [5745].


 Il dit donc: Un homme de grande naissance s'en alla dans un pays éloigné pour prendre possession d'un royaume, et s'en revenir ensuite.

 He said [2036] [5627] therefore [3767], A certain [5100] nobleman [0444] [2104] went [4198] [5675] into [1519] a far [3117] country [5561] to receive [2983] [5629] for himself [1438] a kingdom [0932], and [2532] to return [5290] [5658].


 Et ayant appelé dix de ses serviteurs, il leur donna dix marcs d'argent, et leur dit: Faites-les valoir jusqu'à ce que je revienne.

 And [1161] he called [2564] [5660] his [1438] ten [1176] servants [1401], and delivered [1325] [5656] them [0846] ten [1176] pounds [3414], and [2532] said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] them [0846], Occupy [4231] [5663] till [2193] I come [2064] [5736].


 Mais les gens de son pays le haïssaient; et ils envoyèrent une ambassade après lui, pour dire: Nous ne voulons pas que celui-ci règne sur nous.

 But [1161] his [0846] citizens [4177] hated [3404] [5707] him [0846], and [2532] sent [0649] [5656] a message [4242] after [3694] him [0846], saying [3004] [5723], We will [2309] [0000] not [3756] have [2309] [5719] this [5126] [man] to reign [0936] [5658] over [1909] us [2248].


 Il arriva donc, lorsqu'il fut de retour, après avoir pris possession du royaume, qu'il commanda qu'on fît venir ces serviteurs auxquels il avait donné l'argent, pour savoir combien chacun l'avait fait valoir.

 And [2532] it came to pass [1096] [5633], that when [1722] he [0846] was returned [1880] [5629], having received [2983] [5631] the kingdom [0932], then [2532] he commanded [2036] [5627] these [5128] servants [1401] to be called [5455] [5683] unto him [0848], to whom [3739] he had given [1325] [5656] the money [0694], that [2443] he might know [1097] [5632] how much [5101] every man [5101] had gained by trading [1281] [5662].


 Et le premier se présenta et dit: Seigneur, ton marc a produit dix autres marcs.

 Then [1161] came [3854] [5633] the first [4413], saying [3004] [5723], Lord [2962], thy [4675] pound [3414] hath gained [4333] [5662] ten [1176] pounds [3414].


 Et il lui dit: C'est bien, bon serviteur, parce que tu as été fidèle en peu de choses, tu auras le gouvernement de dix villes.

 And [2532] he said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Well [2095], thou good [0018] servant [1401]: because [3754] thou hast been [1096] [5633] faithful [4103] in [1722] a very little [1646], have [2192] [5723] thou authority [2468] [5749] [1849] over [1883] ten [1176] cities [4172].


 Et le second vint et dit: Seigneur, ton marc a produit cinq autres marcs.

 And [2532] the second [1208] came [2064] [5627], saying [3004] [5723], Lord [2962], thy [4675] pound [3414] hath gained [4160] [5656] five [4002] pounds [3414].


 Et il dit aussi à celui-ci: Et toi, commande à cinq villes.

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] likewise [2532] to him [5129], Be [1096] [5737] thou [4771] also [2532] over [1883] five [4002] cities [4172].


 Et un autre vint et dit: Seigneur, voici ton marc que j'ai gardé enveloppé dans un linge;

 And [2532] another [2087] came [2064] [5627], saying [3004] [5723], Lord [2962], behold [2400] [5628], [here is] thy [4675] pound [3414], which [3739] I have [2192] [5707] kept laid up [0606] [5740] in [1722] a napkin [4676]:


 Car je te craignais, parce que tu es un homme sévère, tu prends où tu n'as rien mis, et tu moissonnes où tu n'as point semé.

 For [1063] I feared [5399] [5711] thee [4571], because [3754] thou art [1488] [5748] an austere [0840] man [0444]: thou takest up [0142] [5719] that [3739] thou layedst [5087] [0000] not [3756] down [5087] [5656], and [2532] reapest [2325] [5719] that [3739] thou didst [4687] [0000] not [3756] sow [4687] [5656].


 Et son maître lui dit: Méchant serviteur, je te jugerai par tes propres paroles; tu savais que je suis un homme sévère, qui prends où je n'ai rien mis, et qui moissonne où je n'ai point semé;

 And [1161] he saith [3004] [5719] unto him [0846], Out of [1537] thine own [4675] mouth [4750] will I judge [2919] [5692] thee [4571], [thou] wicked [4190] servant [1401]. Thou knewest [1492] [5715] that [3754] I [1473] was [1510] [5748] an austere [0840] man [0444], taking up [0142] [5723] that [3739] I laid [5087] [0000] not [3756] down [5087] [5656], and [2532] reaping [2325] [5723] that [3739] I did [4687] [0000] not [3756] sow [4687] [5656]:


 Et pourquoi n'as-tu pas mis mon argent à la banque; et qu'à mon retour, je le retire avec les intérêts?

 Wherefore [1302] then [2532] gavest [1325] [0000] not [3756] thou [1325] [5656] my [3450] money [0694] into [1909] the bank [5132], that [2532] at my coming [2064] [5631] I [1473] might [0302] have required [4238] [5656] mine own [0846] with [4862] usury [5110]?


 Et il dit à ceux qui étaient présents: Ôtez-lui le marc, et donnez-le à celui qui a les dix marcs.

 And [2532] he said [2036] [5627] unto them that stood by [3936] [5761], Take [0142] [5657] from [0575] him [0846] the pound [3414], and [2532] give [1325] [5628] [it] to him that hath [2192] [5723] ten [1176] pounds [3414].


 Et ils lui dirent: Seigneur, il a déjà dix marcs.

 (And [2532] they said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Lord [2962], he hath [2192] [5719] ten [1176] pounds [3414])


 Je vous dis qu'on donnera à quiconque a; mais à celui qui n'a pas, on ôtera même ce qu'il a.

 For [1063] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], That [3754] unto every one [3956] which [3588] hath [2192] [5723] shall be given [1325] [5701]; and [1161] from [0575] him that hath [2192] [5723] not [3361], even [2532] that [3739] he hath [2192] [5719] shall be taken away [0142] [5701] from [0575] him [0846].


 Quant à mes ennemis, qui n'ont pas voulu que je règne sur eux, amenez-les ici, et égorgez-les en ma présence.

 But [4133] those [1565] mine [3450] enemies [2190], which [3588] would [2309] [5660] not [3361] that I [3165] should reign [0936] [5658] over [1909] them [0846], bring [0071] [5628] hither [5602], and [2532] slay [2695] [5657] [them] before [1715] me [3450].


 Et après avoir dit cela, Jésus s'en alla plus avant, montant à Jérusalem.

 And [2532] when he had thus [5023] spoken [2036] [5631], he went [4198] [5711] before [1715], ascending up [0305] [5723] to [1519] Jerusalem [2414].


 Et il arriva, comme Jésus, étant arrivé près de Bethphagé et de Béthanie, vers la montagne appelée des Oliviers, il envoya deux de ses disciples, en disant:

 And [2532] it came to pass [1096] [5633], when [5613] he was come nigh [1448] [5656] to [1519] Bethphage [0967] and [2532] Bethany [0963], at [4314] the mount [3735] called [2564] [5746] [the mount] of Olives [1636], he sent [0649] [5656] two [1417] of his [0848] disciples [3101],


 Allez au village qui est devant vous, et quand vous y serez entrés, vous trouverez un ânon attaché, que personne n'a jamais monté; détachez-le, et amenez-le moi.

 Saying [2036] [5631], Go ye [5217] [5720] into [1519] the village [2968] over against [2713] [you]; in [1722] the which [3739] at your entering [1531] [5740] ye shall find [2147] [5692] a colt [4454] tied [1210] [5772], whereon [1909] [3739] yet never [3762] man [0444] sat [2523] [5656] [4455]: loose [3089] [5660] him [0846], and bring [0071] [5628] [him hither].


 Et si quelqu'un vous demande pourquoi vous le détachez, vous lui direz: Parce que le Seigneur en a besoin.

 And [2532] if [1437] any man [5100] ask [2065] [5725] you [5209], Why [1302] do ye loose [3089] [5719] [him]? thus [3779] shall ye say [2046] [5692] unto him [0846], Because [3754] the Lord [2962] hath [2192] [5719] need [5532] of him [0846].


 Les envoyés s'en allèrent, et trouvèrent comme il leur avait dit.

 And [1161] they that were sent [0649] [5772] went their way [0565] [5631], and found [2147] [5627] even as [2531] he had said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846].


 Et comme ils détachaient l'ânon, ses maîtres leur dirent: Pourquoi détachez-vous cet ânon?

 And [1161] as they were loosing [3089] [5723] the colt [4454], the owners [2962] thereof [0846] said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] them [0846], Why [5101] loose ye [3089] [5719] the colt [4454]?


 Et ils répondirent: Le Seigneur en a besoin.

 And [1161] they said [2036] [5627], The Lord [2962] hath [2192] [5719] need [5532] of him [0846].


 Et ils l'amenèrent à Jésus; et ayant mis leurs vêtements sur l'ânon, ils firent monter Jésus dessus.

 And [2532] they brought [0071] [5627] him [0846] to [4314] Jesus: and [2532] they cast [1977] [0000] their [1438] garments [2440] upon [1909] [1977] [0000] the colt [4454], and [1977] [5660] they set [1913] [0000] Jesus thereon [1913] [5656].


 Et comme il passait, plusieurs étendaient leurs vêtements par le chemin.

 And [1161] as he went [4198] [5740], they spread [5291] [5707] their [0848] clothes [2440] in [1722] the way [3598].


 Et comme il approchait de la descente de la montagne des Oliviers, toute la multitude des disciples, transportée de joie, se mit à louer Dieu à haute voix pour tous les miracles qu'ils avaient vus.

 And when he was come nigh [1448] [5723], even [1161] now [2235] at [4314] the descent [2600] of the mount [3735] of Olives [1636], the whole [0537] multitude [4128] of the disciples [3101] began [0756] [5662] to rejoice [5463] [5723] and praise [0134] [5721] God [2316] with a loud [3173] voice [5456] for [4012] all [3956] the mighty works [1411] that [3739] they had seen [1492] [5627];


 Et ils disaient: Béni soit le Roi qui vient au nom du Seigneur! Paix dans le ciel, et gloire dans les lieux très hauts

 Saying [3004] [5723], Blessed [2127] [5772] [be] the King [0935] that cometh [2064] [5740] in [1722] the name [3686] of the Lord [2962]: peace [1515] in [1722] heaven [3772], and [2532] glory [1391] in [1722] the highest [5310].


 Alors quelques-uns des pharisiens de la foule lui dirent: Maître, reprends tes disciples.

 And [2532] some [5100] of the Pharisees [5330] from [0575] among the multitude [3793] said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] him [0846], Master [1320], rebuke [2008] [5657] thy [4675] disciples [3101].


 Et il répondit et leur dit: Je vous dis que si ceux-ci se taisent, les pierres crieront.

 And [2532] he answered [0611] [5679] and said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], I tell [3004] [5719] you [5213] that [3754], if [1437] these [3778] should hold their peace [4623] [5661], the stones [3037] would immediately cry out [2896] [5688].


 Et quand il fut près de la ville, en la voyant, il pleura sur elle, et dit:

 And [2532] when [5613] he was come near [1448] [5656], he beheld [1492] [5631] the city [4172], and wept [2799] [5656] over [1909] it [0846],


 Oh! si tu avais connu toi aussi, du moins en ce jour qui t'est donné, les choses qui regardent ta paix! mais maintenant elles sont cachées à tes yeux.

 Saying [3004] [5723], If [3754] [1487] thou hadst known [1097] [5627], even [2532] thou [4771], [2532] at least [1065] [2534] in [1722] this [5026] thy [4675] day [2250], the things [3588] [which belong] unto [4314] thy [4675] peace [1515]! but [1161] now [3568] they are hid [2928] [5648] from [0575] thine [4675] eyes [3788].


 Car des jours viendront sur toi, où tes ennemis t'environneront de tranchées, et t'entoureront et te serreront de toutes parts;

 For [3754] the days [2250] shall come [2240] [5692] upon [1909] thee [4571], that [2532] thine [4675] enemies [2190] shall cast [4016] [0000] a trench [5482] about [4016] [5692] thee [4671], and [2532] compass [4033] [0000] thee [4571] round [4033] [5692], and [2532] keep [4912] [0000] thee [4571] in [4912] [5692] on every side [3840],


 Et ils te détruiront toi et tes enfants au milieu de toi, et ils ne laisseront chez toi pierre sur pierre, parce que tu n'as point connu le temps [1909] où tu as été visitée.

 And [2532] shall lay [1474] [0000] thee [4571] even with the ground [1474] [5692], and [2532] thy [4675] children [5043] within [1722] thee [4671]; and [2532] they shall [0863] [0000] not [3756] leave [0863] [5692] in [1722] thee [4671] one stone [3037] upon [1909] another [3037]; because [0473] [3739] thou knewest [1097] [5627] not [3756] the time [2540] of thy [4675] visitation [1984].


 Ensuite, étant entré dans le temple, il se mit à chasser ceux qui y vendaient et y achetaient, leur disant:

 And [2532] he went [1525] [5631] into [1519] the temple [2411], and began [0756] [5662] to cast out [1544] [5721] them that sold [4453] [5723] therein [1722] [0846], and [2532] them that bought [0059] [5723];


 Il est écrit: Ma maison est la maison de prières; mais vous en avez fait une caverne de voleurs.

 Saying [3004] [5723] unto them [0846], It is written [1125] [5769], My [3450] house [3624] is [2076] [5748] the house [3624] of prayer [4335]: but [1161] ye [5210] have made [4160] [5656] it [0846] a den [4693] of thieves [3027].


 Et il enseignait tous les jours dans le temple. Et les principaux sacrificateurs et les scribes, et les principaux du peuple cherchaient à le faire périr.

 And [2532] he taught [2258] [5713] [1321] [5723] daily [2596] [2250] in [1722] the temple [2411]. But [1161] the chief priests [0749] and [2532] the scribes [1122] and [2532] the chief [4413] of the people [2992] sought [2212] [5707] to destroy [0622] [5658] him [0846],


 Mais ils ne savaient que faire, car tout le peuple s'attachait à ses paroles.

 And [2532] could [2147] [0000] not [3756] find [2147] [5707] what [5101] they might do [4160] [5661]: for [1063] all [0537] the people [2992] were very attentive [1582] [5710] to hear [0191] [5723] him [0846].


 Et il arriva, un jour que Jésus enseignait le peuple dans le temple, et qu'il annonçait le message de la grâce, les principaux sacrificateurs et les scribes, avec les anciens, étant survenus,

 And [2532] it came to pass [1096] [5633], [that] on [1722] one [3391] of those [1565] days [2250], as he taught [1321] [5723] the people [2992] in [1722] the temple [2411], and [2532] preached the gospel [2097] [5734], the chief priests [0749] and [2532] the scribes [1122] came upon [2186] [5627] [him] with [4862] the elders [4245],


 Lui parlèrent et lui dirent: Dis-nous par quelle autorité tu fais ces choses, et qui est celui qui t'a donné cette autorité?

 And [2532] spake [2036] [5627] unto [4314] him [0846], saying [3004] [5723], Tell [2036] [5628] us [2254], by [1722] what [4169] authority [1849] doest thou [4160] [5719] these things [5023]? or [2228] who [5101] is he [2076] [5748] that gave [1325] [5631] thee [4671] this [5026] authority [1849]?


 Il répondit et leur dit: Je vous demanderai aussi une chose; dites-la-moi:

 And [1161] he answered [0611] [5679] and said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] them [0846], I [2504] [0000] will [2065] [0000] also [2504] ask [2065] [5692] you [5209] one [1520] thing [3056]; and [2532] answer [2036] [5628] me [3427]:


 La consécration de Jean venait-elle du ciel ou des hommes?

 The baptism [0908] of John [2491], was it [2258] [5713] from [1537] heaven [3772], or [2228] of [1537] men [0444]?


 Or, ils raisonnaient ainsi en eux-mêmes: Si nous disons: Du ciel, il dira: Pourquoi donc n'y avez-vous pas cru?

 And [1161] they reasoned [4817] [5662] with [4314] themselves [1438], saying [3004] [5723], [3754] If [1437] we shall say [2036] [5632], From [1537] heaven [3772]; he will say [2046] [5692], Why [1302] then [3767] believed ye [4100] [5656] him [0846] not [3756]?


 Et si nous disons: Des hommes, tout le peuple nous lapidera; car il est persuadé que Jean est un prophète.

 But and [1161] if [1437] we say [2036] [5632], Of [1537] men [0444]; all [3956] the people [2992] will stone [2642] [5692] us [2248]: for [1063] they be [2076] [5748] persuaded [3982] [5772] that John [2491] was [1511] [5750] a prophet [4396].


 C'est pourquoi ils répondirent qu'ils ne savaient d'où il venait.

 And [2532] they answered [0611] [5662], that they could [1492] [0000] not [3361] tell [1492] [5760] whence [4159] [it was].


 Et Jésus leur dit: Je ne vous dirai pas non plus par quelle autorité je fais ces choses.

 And [2532] Jesus said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Neither [3761] tell [3004] [5719] I [1473] you [5213] by [1722] what [4169] authority [1849] I do [4160] [5719] these things [5023].


 Alors il se mit à dire au peuple cette parabole: Un homme planta une vigne, et la loua à des vignerons, et fut long temps [1909] absent.

 Then [1161] began he [0756] [5662] to speak [3004] [5721] to [4314] the people [2992] this [5026] parable [3850]; A certain [5100] man [0444] planted [5452] [5656] a vineyard [0290], and [2532] let [1554] [0000] it [0846] forth [1554] [5639] to husbandmen [1092], and [2532] went into a far country [0589] [5656] for a long [2425] time [5550].


 Et la saison étant venue, il envoya un serviteur vers les vignerons, afin qu'ils lui donnent du fruit de la vigne; mais les vignerons l'ayant battu, le renvoyèrent à vide.

 And [2532] at [1722] the season [2540] he sent [0649] [5656] a servant [1401] to [4314] the husbandmen [1092], that [2443] they should give [1325] [5632] him [0846] of [0575] the fruit [2590] of the vineyard [0290]: but [1161] the husbandmen [1092] beat [1194] [5660] him [0846], and sent [him] away [1821] [5656] empty [2756].


 Et il envoya encore un autre serviteur; mais l'ayant aussi battu et traité outrageusement, ils le renvoyèrent à vide.

 And [2532] again [4369] [5639] he sent [3992] [5658] another [2087] servant [1401]: and [1161] they beat [1194] [5660] him also [2548], and [2532] entreated [him] shamefully [0818] [5660], and sent [him] away [1821] [5656] empty [2756].


 Il en envoya encore un troisième, mais ils le blessèrent aussi, et le chassèrent.

 And [2532] again [4369] [5639] he sent [3992] [5658] a third [5154]: and [1161] they wounded [5135] [5660] him [5126] also [2532], and cast [him] out [1544] [5627].


 Le maître de la vigne dit alors: Que ferai-je? J'enverrai mon fils [5207] bien-aimé; peut-être qu'en le voyant ils le respecteront.

 Then [1161] said [2036] [5627] the lord [2962] of the vineyard [0290], What [5101] shall I do [4160] [5661]? I will send [3992] [5692] my [3450] beloved [0027] son [5207]: it may be [2481] they will reverence [1788] [5691] [him] when they see [1492] [5631] him [5126].


 Mais les vignerons l'ayant vu, raisonnèrent ainsi entre eux, disant: Celui-ci est l'héritier; venez, tuons-le, afin que l'héritage soit à nous.

 But [1161] when the husbandmen [1092] saw [1492] [5631] him [0846], they reasoned [1260] [5711] among [4314] themselves [1438], saying [3004] [5723], This [3778] is [2076] [5748] the heir [2818]: come [1205] [5773], let us kill [0615] [5725] him [0846], that [2443] the inheritance [2817] may be [1096] [5638] ours [2257].


 Et l'ayant jeté hors de la vigne, ils le tuèrent. Que fera donc le maître de la vigne?

 So [2532] they cast [1544] [5631] him [0846] out of [1854] the vineyard [0290], and killed [0615] [5656] [him]. What [5101] therefore [3767] shall [4160] [0000] the lord [2962] of the vineyard [0290] do [4160] [5692] unto them [0846]?


 Il viendra, et fera périr ces vignerons et il donnera la vigne à d'autres. Les Judéens ayant entendu cela, dirent:

 He shall come [2064] [5695] and [2532] destroy [0622] [5692] these [5128] husbandmen [1092], and [2532] shall give [1325] [5692] the vineyard [0290] to others [0243]. And [1161] when they heard [0191] [5660] [it], they said [2036] [5627], God forbid [3361] [1096] [5636].


 Qu'ainsi n'advienne! Alors Jésus les regardant, leur dit: Que veut donc dire ce qui est écrit: La pierre que ceux qui bâtissaient ont rejetée, est devenue la principale pierre de l'angle?

 And [1161] he beheld [1689] [5660] them [0846], and said [2036] [5627], What [5101] is [2076] [5748] this [5124] then [3767] that is written [1125] [5772], The stone [3037] which [3739] the builders [3618] [5723] rejected [0593] [5656], the same [3778] is become [1096] [5675] the head [2776] of [1519] the corner [1137]?


 Celui qui tombera sur cette pierre sera brisé, et elle écrasera celui sur qui elle tombera.

 Whosoever [3956] shall fall [4098] [5631] upon [1909] that [1565] stone [3037] shall be broken [4917] [5701]; but [1161] on [1909] whomsoever [3739] [0302] it shall fall [4098] [5632], it will grind [3039] [0000] him [0846] to powder [3039] [5692].


 Alors les principaux sacrificateurs et les scribes cherchèrent à l'heure même à jeter les mains sur lui; car ils avaient reconnu qu'il avait dit cette parabole contre eux; mais ils craignirent le peuple.

 And [2532] the chief priests [0749] and [2532] the scribes [1122] the same [1722] [0846] hour [5610] sought [2212] [5656] to lay [1911] [5629] hands [5495] on [1909] him [0846]; and [2532] they feared [5399] [5675] the people [2992]: for [1063] they perceived [1097] [5627] that [3754] he had spoken [2036] [5627] this [5026] parable [3850] against [4314] them [0846].


 C'est pourquoi, l'observant de près, ils envoyèrent des gens qui contrefaisaient des gens de bien, pour le surprendre dans ses paroles, afin de le livrer au magistrat et au pouvoir du gouverneur.

 And [2532] they watched [3906] [5660] [him], and sent forth [0649] [5656] spies [1455], which should feign [5271] [5740] [1511] [5750] themselves [1438] just men [1342], that [2443] they might take hold [1949] [5638] of his [0846] words [3056], that so [1519] they might deliver [3860] [5629] him [0846] unto the power [0746] and [2532] authority [1849] of the governor [2232].


 Ces gens lui adressèrent cette question: Maître, nous savons que tu parles et enseignes avec droiture, et que, sans faire acception de personne, tu enseignes la voie de Dieu selon la vérité.

 And [2532] they asked [1905] [5656] him [0846], saying [3004] [5723], Master [1320], we know [1492] [5758] that [3754] thou sayest [3004] [5719] and [2532] teachest [1321] [5719] rightly [3723], [2532] neither [3756] acceptest thou [2983] [5719] the person [4383] [of any], but [0235] teachest [1321] [5719] the way [3598] of God [2316] truly [0225] [1909]:


 Nous est-il permis de payer le tribut à César, ou non?

 Is it lawful [1832] [5748] for us [2254] to give [1325] [5629] tribute [5411] unto Caesar [2541], or [2228] no [3756]?


 Mais Jésus comprenant leur ruse, leur dit: Pourquoi me tentez-vous?

 But [1161] he perceived [2657] [5660] their [0846] craftiness [3834], and said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] them [0846], Why [5101] tempt ye [3985] [5719] me [3165]?


 Montrez-moi un denier. De qui a-t-il l'image et l'inscription? Ils répondirent: De César.

 Shew [1925] [5657] me [3427] a penny [1220]. Whose [5101] image [1504] and [2532] superscription [1923] hath it [2192] [5719]? They answered [0611] [5679] and [1161] said [2036] [5627], Caesar's [2541].


 Et il leur dit: Rendez donc à César la désignation qui est à César, et à Dieu la désignation qui est à Dieu.

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Render [0591] [5628] therefore [5106] unto Caesar [2541] the things which be [3588] Caesar's [2541], and [2532] unto God [2316] the things which be [3588] God's [2316].


 Et ils ne purent le surprendre dans ses paroles devant le peuple; mais, s'étonnant de sa réponse, ils gardèrent le silence.

 And [2532] they could [2480] [5656] not [3756] take hold [1949] [5635] of his [0846] words [4487] before [1726] the people [2992]: and [2532] they marvelled [2296] [5660] at [1909] his [0846] answer [0612], and held their peace [4601] [5656].


 Alors quelques-uns d'entre les sadducéens, qui nient la résurrection, s'étant approchés, l'interrogèrent en disant:

 Then [1161] came [4334] [5631] to [him] certain [5100] of the Sadducees [4523], which [3588] deny [0483] [5723] that there is [1511] [5750] any [3361] resurrection [0386]; and they asked [1905] [5656] him [0846],


 Maître, Moïse nous a prescrit, que si le frère de quelqu'un est mort ayant une femme et qu'il soit mort sans enfants, son frère prenne sa femme et suscite lignée à son frère.

 Saying [3004] [5723], Master [1320], Moses [3475] wrote [1125] [5656] unto us [2254], If [1437] any man's [5100] brother [0080] die [0599] [5632], having [2192] [5723] a wife [1135], and [2532] he [3778] die [0599] [5632] without children [0815], that [2443] his [0846] brother [0080] should take [2983] [5632] his wife [1135], and [2532] raise up [1817] [5661] seed [4690] unto his [0848] brother [0080].


 Or, il y avait sept frères [0080]. Le premier ayant épousé une femme, mourut sans enfants.

 There were [2258] [5713] therefore [3767] seven [2033] brethren [0080]: and [2532] the first [4413] took [2983] [5631] a wife [1135], and died [0599] [5627] without children [0815].


 Le second épousa sa femme, et mourut sans enfants.

 And [2532] the second [1208] took [2983] [5627] her to wife [1135], and [2532] he [3778] died [0599] [5627] childless [0815].


 Puis le troisième l'épousa aussi, et tous les sept de même; et ils moururent sans laisser d'enfants.

 And [2532] the third [5154] took [2983] [5627] her [0846]; and [1161] in like manner [5615] the seven [2033] also [2532]: and they left [2641] [5627] no [3756] children [5043], and [2532] died [0599] [5627].


 Après eux tous la femme mourut aussi.

 1161 Last [5305] of all [3956] the woman [1135] died [0599] [5627] also [2532].


 Duquel donc d'entre eux sera-t-elle femme à la résurrection? Car les sept l'ont épousée.

 Therefore [3767] in [1722] the resurrection [0386] whose [5101] wife [1135] of them [0846] is she [1096] [5736]? for [1063] seven [2033] had [2192] [5627] her [0846] to wife [1135].


 Jésus leur répondit: Les enfants de ce siècle se marient, et donnent en mariage.

 And [2532] Jesus answering [0611] [5679] said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], The children [5207] of this [5127] world [0165] marry [1060] [5719], and [2532] are given in marriage [1548] [5743]:


 Mais ceux qui seront estimés conformes pour avoir part au siècle à venir et à la résurrection des morts, ne se marieront ni ne donneront en mariage.

 But [1161] they which shall be accounted worthy [2661] [5685] to obtain [5177] [5629] that [1565] world [0165], and [2532] the resurrection [0386] from [1537] the dead [3498], neither [3777] marry [1060] [5719], nor [3777] are given in marriage [1548] [5743]:


 Car ils ne pourront non plus mourir, parce qu'ils seront semblables aux anges, et qu'ils seront enfants de Dieu, étant enfants de la résurrection.

 Neither [3777] [1063] can [1410] [5736] they die [0599] [5629] any more [2089]: for [1063] they are [1526] [5748] equal unto the angels [2465]; and [2532] are [1526] [5748] the children [5207] of God [2316], being [5607] [5752] the children [5207] of the resurrection [0386].


 Et, que les morts ressuscitent, c'est ce que montre aussi Moïse quand il nomme le Seigneur, au buisson ardent, le Dieu d'Abraham [0011], le Dieu d'Isaac [2464] et le Dieu de Jacob [2384].

 Now [1161] that [3754] the dead [3498] are raised [1453] [5743], even [2532] Moses [3475] shewed [3377] [5656] at [1909] the bush [0942], when [5613] he calleth [3004] [5719] the Lord [2962] the God [2316] of Abraham [0011] [0011], and [2532] the God [2316] of Isaac [2464] [2464], and [2532] the God [2316] of Jacob [2384] [2384].


 Or, Dieu n'est point le Dieu des morts, mais le Dieu des vivants; car tous vivent devant lui.

 For [1161] he is [2076] [5748] not [3756] a God [2316] of the dead [3498], but [0235] of the living [2198] [5723]: for [1063] all [3956] live [2198] [5719] unto him [0846].


 Et quelques-uns des scribes prenant la parole, dirent: Maître tu as bien parlé.

 Then [1161] certain [5100] of the scribes [1122] answering [0611] [5679] said [2036] [5627], Master [1320], thou hast well [2573] said [2036] [5627].


 Et ils n'osaient plus lui faire aucune question.

 And [1161] after that [3765] [0000] [2089] they durst [5111] [5707] not [3765] ask [1905] [5721] him [0846] any [3762] [question at all].


 Alors il leur dit: Comment dit-on que le Christ est fils [5207] de David [1138]?

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] them [0846], How [4459] say [3004] [5719] they that Christ [5547] is [1511] [5750] David [1138]'s [1138] son [5207]?


 Et David [1138] lui-même dit dans le livre des Psaumes: YEHOVAH a dit à mon Seigneur: Assieds-toi à ma droite,

 And [2532] David [1138] [1138] himself [0846] saith [3004] [5719] in [1722] the book [0976] of Psalms [5568], The LORD [2962] said [2036] [5627] unto my [3450] Lord [2962], Sit thou [2521] [5737] on [1537] my [3450] right hand [1188],


 Jusqu'à ce que j'aie fait de tes ennemis le marchepied de tes pieds.

 Till [2193] [0302] I make [5087] [5632] thine [4675] enemies [2190] thy [4675] footstool [4228] [5286].


 Si donc David [1138] l'appelle l'YEHOVAH, comment est-il son fils [5207]?

 David [1138] [1138] therefore [3767] calleth [2564] [5719] him [0846] Lord [2962], how [4459] is he [2076] [5748] then [2532] his [0846] son [5207]?


 Et comme tout le peuple écoutait, il dit à ses disciples:

 Then [1161] in the audience [0191] [5723] of all [3956] the people [2992] he said [2036] [5627] unto his [0848] disciples [3101],


 Gardez-vous des scribes qui se plaisent à se promener en longues robes, et qui aiment les salutations dans les places, et les premiers sièges dans les synagogues, et les premières places dans les festins;

 Beware [4337] [5720] of [0575] the scribes [1122], which [3588] desire [2309] [5723] to walk [4043] [5721] in [1722] long robes [4749], and [2532] love [5368] [5723] greetings [0783] in [1722] the markets [0058], and [2532] the highest seats [4410] in [1722] the synagogues [4864], and [2532] the chief rooms [4411] at [1722] feasts [1173];


 Qui dévorent les maisons des veuves, tout en affectant de faire de longues prières; ils encourront une plus grande condamnation.

 Which [3739] devour [2719] [5719] widows [5503]' houses [3614], and [2532] for a shew [4392] make [4336] [0000] long [3117] prayers [4336] [5736]: the same [3778] shall receive [2983] [5695] greater [4055] damnation [2917].


 Ayant levé les yeux, Jésus vit des riches qui mettaient leurs offrandes dans le trésor du temple.

 And [1161] he looked up [0308] [5660], and saw [1492] [5627] the rich men [4145] casting [0906] [5723] their [0848] gifts [1435] into [1519] the treasury [1049].


 Il vit aussi une pauvre veuve qui y mettait deux pites.

 And [1161] he saw [1492] [5627] also [2532] a certain [5100] poor [3998] widow [5503] casting [0906] [5723] in thither [1563] two [1417] mites [3016].


 Et il dit: Je vous dis en vérité, que cette pauvre veuve y a mis plus que tous les autres.

 And [2532] he said [2036] [5627], Of a truth [0230] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], that [3754] this [3778] poor [4434] widow [5503] hath cast [0906] [5627] in more than [4119] they all [3956]:


 Car tous ceux-là ont mis, dans les offrandes de Dieu, de leur superflu; mais celle-ci y a mis de son nécessaire tout ce qu'elle avait pour vivre.

 For [1063] all [0537] these [3778] have of [1537] their [0846] abundance [4052] [5723] cast [0906] [5627] in unto [1519] the offerings [1435] of God [2316]: but [1161] she [3778] of [1537] her [0848] penury [5303] hath cast [0906] [5627] in all [0537] the living [0979] that [3739] she had [2192] [5707].


 Et comme quelques-uns disaient que le temple était orné de belles pierres et d'offrandes, il dit:

 And [2532] as some [5100] spake [3004] [5723] of [4012] the temple [2411], how [3754] it was adorned [2885] [5769] with goodly [2570] stones [3037] and [2532] gifts [0334], he said [2036] [5627],


 Vous contemplez ces choses! Des jours viendront où il n'y sera laissé pierre sur pierre, qui ne soit renversée.

 [As for] these things [5023] which [3739] ye behold [2334] [5719], the days [2250] will come [2064] [5695], in [1722] the which [3739] there shall [0863] [0000] not [3756] be left [0863] [5701] one stone [3037] upon [1909] another [3037], that [3739] shall [2647] [0000] not [3756] be thrown down [2647] [5701].


 Et ils lui demandèrent: Maître, quand donc ces choses arriveront-elles, et par quel signe connaîtra-t-on qu'elles sont sur le point d'arriver?

 And [1161] they asked [1905] [5656] him [0846], saying [3004] [5723], Master [1320], but [3767] when [4219] shall [2071] [0000] these things [5023] be [2071] [5704]? and [2532] what [5101] sign [4592] [will there be] when [3752] these things [5023] shall [3195] [5725] come to pass [1096] [5738]?


 Et il dit: Prenez garde de ne pas être séduits; car plusieurs viendront en mon nom, disant: C'est moi qui suis le Christ, et le temps [1909] approche. Ne les suivez donc pas.

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627], Take heed [0991] [5720] that ye be [4105] [0000] not [3361] deceived [4105] [5686]: for [1063] many [4183] shall come [2064] [5695] in [1909] my [3450] name [3686], saying [3004] [5723], [3754] I [1473] am [1510] [5748] [Christ]; and [2532] the time [2540] draweth near [1448] [5758]: go ye [4198] [5680] not [3361] therefore [3767] after [3694] them [0846].


 Or quand vous entendrez parler de guerres et de séditions, ne vous épouvantez pas; car il faut que ces choses arrivent auparavant; mais ce ne sera pas si tôt la fin.

 But [1161] when [3752] ye shall hear [0191] [5661] of wars [4171] and [2532] commotions [0181], be [4422] [0000] not [3361] terrified [4422] [5686]: for [1063] these things [5023] must [1163] [5748] first [4412] come to pass [1096] [5635]; but [0235] the end [5056] [is] not [3756] by and by [2112].


 Il leur dit aussi: Une nation s'élèvera contre une autre nation, et un royaume contre un autre royaume;

 Then [5119] said he [3004] [5707] unto them [0846], Nation [1484] shall rise [1453] [5701] against [1909] nation [1484], and [2532] kingdom [0932] against [1909] kingdom [0932]:


 Et il y aura de grands tremblements de terre en divers lieux, et des famines et des pestes; et il paraîtra des phénomènes terribles, et de grands signes dans le ciel.

 And [5037] great [3173] earthquakes [4578] shall be [2071] [5704] in [2596] divers places [5117], and [2532] famines [3042], and [2532] pestilences [3061]; and [5037] fearful sights [5400] and [2532] great [3173] signs [4592] shall there be [2071] [5704] from [0575] heaven [3772].


 Mais, avant tout cela, ils mettront les mains sur vous, et vous persécuteront, vous livrant aux synagogues, et vous mettant en prison, et vous menant devant les rois et devant les gouverneurs, à cause de mon nom.

 But [1161] before [4253] all [0537] these [5130], they shall lay [1911] [5692] their [0848] hands [5495] on [1909] you [5209], and [2532] persecute [1377] [5692] [you], delivering [3860] [5723] [you] up [1519] to the synagogues [4864], and [2532] into prisons [5438], being brought [0071] [5746] before [1909] kings [0935] and [2532] rulers [2232] for [1752] [0000] my [3450] name's [3686] sake [1752].


 Et cela sera pour vous une occasion de témoignage.

 And [1161] it shall turn [0576] [5695] to you [5213] for [1519] a testimony [3142].


 Mettez-vous donc dans l'esprit de ne point préméditer votre défense.

 Settle [5087] [5640] [it] therefore [3767] in [1519] your [5216] hearts [2588], not [3361] to meditate before [4304] [5721] what ye shall answer [0626] [5677]:


 Car je vous donnerai une bouche et une sagesse à laquelle tous vos adversaires ne pourront contredire, ni résister.

 For [1063] I [1473] will give [1325] [5692] you [5213] a mouth [4750] and [2532] wisdom [4678], which [3739] all [3956] your [5213] adversaries [0480] [5740] shall [1410] [0000] not [3756] be able [1410] [5695] to gainsay [0471] [5629] nor [3761] resist [0436] [5629].


 Vous serez même livrés par vos parents, par vos frères [0080], par vos proches et par vos amis; et ils feront mourir plusieurs d'entre vous.

 And [1161] ye shall be betrayed [3860] [5701] both [2532] by [5259] parents [1118], and [2532] brethren [0080], and [2532] kinsfolks [4773], and [2532] friends [5384]; and [2532] [some] of [1537] you [5216] shall they cause to be put to death [2289] [5692].


 Et vous serez haïs de tout le monde, à cause de mon nom.

 And [2532] ye shall be [2071] [5704] hated [3404] [5746] of [5259] all [3956] [men] for [1223] my [3450] name's sake [3686].


 Mais il ne se perdra pas un cheveu de votre tête.

 But [2532] there shall not [3364] an hair [2359] of [1537] your [5216] head [2776] perish [0622] [5643].


 Maîtrisez vos âmes par votre patience.

 In [1722] your [5216] patience [5281] possess ye [2932] [5663] your [5216] souls [5590].


 Et quand vous verrez Jérusalem environnée par les armées, sachez que sa désolation approche.

 And [1161] when [3752] ye shall see [1492] [5632] Jerusalem [2419] compassed [2944] [5746] with [5259] armies [4760], then [5119] know [1097] [5628] that [3754] the desolation [2050] thereof [0846] is nigh [1448] [5758].


 Alors, que ceux qui seront dans la Judée s'enfuient aux montagnes; que ceux qui seront au milieu de Jérusalem se retirent; et que ceux qui seront à la campagne ne rentrent point.

 Then [5119] let them [5343] [0000] which are in [1722] Judaea [2449] flee [5343] [5720] to [1519] the mountains [3735]; and [2532] let them [1633] [0000] which are in [1722] the midst [3319] of it [0846] depart out [1633] [5720]; and [2532] let [1525] [0000] not [3361] them that are in [1722] the countries [5561] enter [1525] [5737] thereinto [1519] [0846].


 Car ce seront des jours de châtiment, afin que toutes les choses qui sont écrites s'accomplissent.

 For [3754] these [3778] be [1526] [5748] the days [2250] of vengeance [1557], that all things [3956] which [3588] are written [1125] [5772] may be fulfilled [4137] [5683].


 Malheur aux femmes enceintes, et à celles qui allaiteront en ces jours-là; car il y aura une grande calamité sur ce pays, et de la colère contre ce peuple.

 But [1161] woe [3759] unto [1722] them that are with child [1064] [2192] [5723], and [2532] to them that give suck [2337] [5723], in [1722] those [1565] days [2250]! for [1063] there shall be [2071] [5704] great [3173] distress [0318] in [1909] the land [1093], and [2532] wrath [3709] upon [1722] this [5129] people [2992].


 Ils tomberont sous le tranchant de l'épée, et ils seront menés captifs parmi toutes les nations, et Jérusalem sera foulée par les Gentils, jusqu'à ce que les temps [1909] des Gentils soient accomplis.

 And [2532] they shall fall [4098] [5699] by the edge [4750] of the sword [3162], and [2532] shall be led away captive [0163] [5701] into [1519] all [3956] nations [1484]: and [2532] Jerusalem [2419] shall be [2071] [5704] trodden down [3961] [5746] of [5259] the Gentiles [1484], until [0891] the times [2540] of the Gentiles [1484] be fulfilled [4137] [5686].


 Et il y aura des signes dans le soleil, dans la lune et dans les étoiles; et sur la terre, les peuples seront dans la consternation et ne sachant que devenir, la mer et les flots faisant un grand bruit.

 And [2532] there shall be [2071] [5704] signs [4592] in [1722] the sun [2246], and [2532] in the moon [4582], and [2532] in the stars [0798]; and [2532] upon [1909] the earth [1093] distress [4928] of nations [1484], with [1722] perplexity [0640]; the sea [2281] and [2532] the waves [4535] roaring [2278] [5723];


 Les hommes rendant l'âme de frayeur, dans l'attente des choses qui surviendront dans le monde; car les puissances des cieux seront ébranlées.

 Men's [0444] hearts failing them [0674] [5723] for [0575] fear [5401], and [2532] for looking after [4329] those things which are coming on [1904] [5740] the earth [3625]: for [1063] the powers [1411] of heaven [3772] shall be shaken [4531] [5701].


 Et alors ils verront venir le Fils, l'expression humaine sur une nuée, avec une grande puissance et une grande gloire.

 And [2532] then [5119] shall they see [3700] [5695] the Son [5207] of man [0444] coming [2064] [5740] in [1722] a cloud [3507] with [3326] power [1411] and [2532] great [4183] glory [1391].


 Or quand ces choses commenceront d'arriver, regardez en haut, et levez la tête, parce que votre délivrance approche.

 And [1161] when these things [5130] begin [0756] [5734] to come to pass [1096] [5738], then look up [0352] [5657], and [2532] lift up [1869] [5657] your [5216] heads [2776]; for [1360] your [5216] redemption [0629] draweth nigh [1448] [5719].


 Et il leur dit une similitude: Voyez le figuier et tous les arbres;

 And [2532] he spake [2036] [5627] to them [0846] a parable [3850]; Behold [1492] [5628] the fig tree [4808], and [2532] all [3956] the trees [1186];


 Quand ils poussent, vous jugez de vous-mêmes, en les voyant, que l'été est proche.

 When [3752] they now [2235] shoot forth [4261] [5632], ye see [0991] [5723] and know [1097] [5719] of [0575] your own selves [1438] that [3754] summer [2330] is [2076] [5748] now [2235] nigh at hand [1451].


 De même, lorsque vous verrez arriver ces choses, sachez que la Souveraineté de Dieu est proche.

 So [3779] likewise [2532] ye [5210], when [3752] ye see [1492] [5632] these things [5023] come to pass [1096] [5740], know ye [1097] [5720] that [3754] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316] is [2076] [5748] nigh at hand [1451].


 Je vous dis en vérité, que cette génération ne passera point, que toutes ces choses n'arrivent.

 Verily [0281] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], [3754] This [3778] generation [1074] shall [3928] [0000] not [3364] pass away [3928] [5632], [0302] till [2193] all [3956] be fulfilled [1096] [5638].


 Le ciel et la terre passeront, mais mes paroles ne passeront point.

 Heaven [3772] and [2532] earth [1093] shall pass away [3928] [5695]: but [1161] my [3450] words [3056] shall [3928] [0000] not [3364] pass away [3928] [5632].


 Prenez donc garde à vous-mêmes, de peur que vos cœurs ne soient appesantis par la débauche, par l'ivrognerie et par les inquiétudes de cette vie; et que ce jour-là ne vous surprenne subitement.

 And [1161] take heed [4337] [5720] to yourselves [1438], lest at any time [3379] your [5216] hearts [2588] be overcharged [0925] [5686] with [1722] surfeiting [2897], and [2532] drunkenness [3178], and [2532] cares [3308] of this life [0982], and [2532] [so] that [1565] day [2250] come [2186] [5632] upon [1909] you [5209] unawares [0160].


 Car il surprendra comme un filet tous ceux qui habitent sur la face de la terre.

 For [1063] as [5613] a snare [3803] shall it come [1904] [5695] on [1909] all [3956] them that dwell [2521] [5740] on [1909] the face [4383] of the whole [3956] earth [1093].


 Veillez donc, et priez en tout temps [1909], afin que vous soyez trouvés dignes d'éviter toutes ces choses qui doivent arriver, et de subsister devant le Fils, l'expression humaine.

 Watch ye [0069] [5720] therefore [3767], and pray [1189] [5740] always [1722] [3956] [2540], that [2443] ye may be accounted worthy [2661] [5686] to escape [1628] [5629] all [3956] these things [5023] that shall [3195] [5723] come to pass [1096] [5738], and [2532] to stand [2476] [5683] before [1715] the Son [5207] of man [0444].


 Or, Jésus enseignait dans le temple pendant le jour, et, la nuit, il sortait et se tenait sur la montagne appelée des Oliviers.

 And [1161] in the day time [2250] he was [2258] [5713] teaching [1321] [5723] in [1722] the temple [2411]; and [1161] at night [3571] he went out [1831] [5740], and abode [0835] [5711] in [1519] the mount [3735] that is called [2564] [5746] [the mount] of Olives [1636].


 Et, dès le point du jour, tout le peuple venait à lui dans le temple pour l'écouter.

 And [2532] all [3956] the people [2992] came early in the morning [3719] [5707] to [4314] him [0846] in [1722] the temple [2411], for to hear [0191] [5721] him [0846].


 La fête des pains sans levain, appelée la Pâque, approchait.

 Now [1161] the feast [1859] of unleavened bread [0106] drew nigh [1448] [5707], which is called [3004] [5746] the Passover [3957].


 Et les principaux sacrificateurs et les scribes cherchaient comment ils pourraient faire mourir Jésus; car ils craignaient le peuple.

 And [2532] the chief priests [0749] and [2532] scribes [1122] sought [2212] [5707] how [4459] they might kill [0337] [5661] him [0846]; for [1063] they feared [5399] [5711] the people [2992].


 Or l'adversaire se manifesta dans Judas, surnommé l'Iscariote, qui était au nombre des douze;

 Then [1161] entered [1525] [5627] Satan [4567] into [1519] Judas [2455] surnamed [1941] [5746] Iscariot [2469], being [5607] [5752] of [1537] the number [0706] of the twelve [1427].


 Et il s'en alla, et parla avec les principaux sacrificateurs et les chefs des gardes, sur la manière dont il le leur livrerait.

 And [2532] he went his way [0565] [5631], and communed with [4814] [5656] the chief priests [0749] and [2532] captains [4755], how [4459] he might betray [3860] [5632] him [0846] unto them [0846].


 Ils en eurent de la joie, et ils convinrent de lui donner de l'argent.

 And [2532] they were glad [5463] [5644], and [2532] covenanted [4934] [5639] to give [1325] [5629] him [0846] money [0694].


 Et il s'engagea. Et il cherchait une occasion propice de le leur livrer sans que la foule soit présente.

 And [2532] he promised [1843] [5656], and [2532] sought [2212] [5707] opportunity [2120] to betray [3860] [5629] him [0846] unto them [0846] in the absence [0817] of the multitude [3793].


 Cependant, le jour des pains sans levain arriva, dans lequel il fallait immoler la pâque,

 Then [1161] came [2064] [5627] the day [2250] of unleavened bread [0106], when [1722] [3739] the passover [3957] must [1163] [5713] be killed [2380] [5745].


 Et Jésus envoya Pierre et Jean, en disant: Allez nous préparer la pâque, afin que nous la mangions.

 And [2532] he sent [0649] [5656] Peter [4074] and [2532] John [2491], saying [2036] [5631], Go [4198] [5679] and prepare [2090] [5657] us [2254] the passover [3957], that [2443] we may eat [5315] [5632].


 Ils lui dirent: Où veux-tu que nous la préparions?

 And [1161] they said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Where [4226] wilt thou [2309] [5719] that we prepare [2090] [5661]?


 Et il leur dit: Lorsque vous entrerez dans la ville, vous rencontrerez un homme portant une cruche d'eau;

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Behold [2400] [5628], when ye [5216] are entered [1525] [5631] into [1519] the city [4172], there shall [4876] [0000] a man [0444] meet [4876] [5692] you [5213], bearing [0941] [5723] a pitcher [2765] of water [5204]; follow [0190] [5657] him [0846] into [1519] the house [3614] where [3757] he entereth in [1531] [5736].


 Suivez-le dans la maison où il entrera; et dites au maître de la maison: Le Maître te dit: Où est le lieu où je mangerai la pâque avec mes disciples?

 And [2532] ye shall say [2046] [5692] unto the goodman [3617] of the house [3614], The Master [1320] saith [3004] [5719] unto thee [4671], Where [4226] is [2076] [5748] the guestchamber [2646], where [3699] I shall eat [5315] [5632] the passover [3957] with [3326] my [3450] disciples [3101]?


 Et il vous montrera une grande chambre haute, toute meublée; préparez-y la pâque.

 And [2548] he shall shew [1166] [5692] you [5213] a large [3173] upper room [0508] furnished [4766] [5772]: there [1563] make ready [2090] [5657].


 Eux donc s'en étant allés, trouvèrent tout comme il leur avait dit, et ils préparèrent la pâque.

 And [1161] they went [0565] [5631], and found [2147] [5627] as [2531] he had said [2046] [5758] unto them [0846]: and [2532] they made ready [2090] [5656] the passover [3957].


 Et quand l'heure fut venue, il se mit à table, et les douze apôtres avec lui.

 And [2532] when [3753] the hour [5610] was come [1096] [5633], he sat down [0377] [5627], and [2532] the twelve [1427] apostles [0652] with [4862] him [0846].


 Et il leur dit: J'ai fort désiré de manger cette pâque avec vous, avant que je souffre.

 And [2532] he said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] them [0846], With desire [1939] I have desired [1937] [5656] to eat [5315] [5629] this [5124] passover [3957] with [3326] you [5216] before [4253] I [3165] suffer [3958] [5629]:


 Car je vous dis, que je ne la mangerai plus, jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit accomplie dans la Souveraineté de Dieu.

 For [1063] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], [3754] I will [5315] [0000] not [3765] any more [3364] eat [5315] [5632] thereof [0846] [1537], until [2193] [3755] it be fulfilled [4137] [5686] in [1722] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316].


 Et ayant pris la coupe et rendu grâces, il dit: Prenez-la, et distribuez-la entre vous.

 And [2532] he took [1209] [5666] the cup [4221], and gave thanks [2168] [5660], and said [2036] [5627], Take [2983] [5628] this [5124], and [2532] divide [1266] [5657] [it] among yourselves [1438]:


 Car je vous dis, que je ne boirai plus du fruit de la vigne, jusqu'à ce que le règne de Dieu soit venu.

 For [1063] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], [3754] I will [4095] [0000] not [3364] drink [4095] [5632] of [0575] the fruit [1081] of the vine [0288], until [2193] [3755] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316] shall come [2064] [5632].


 Puis il prit du pain, et ayant rendu grâces, il le rompit et le leur donna, en disant: Ici est mon corps, qui est donné pour vous; faites de même entre-vous pour me proclamer.

 And [2532] he took [2983] [5631] bread [0740], and gave thanks [2168] [5660], and brake [2806] [5656] [it], and [2532] gave [1325] [5656] unto them [0846], saying [3004] [5723], This [5124] is [2076] [5748] my [3450] body [4983] which [3588] is given [1325] [5746] for [5228] you [5216]: this [5124] do [4160] [5720] in remembrance [0364] of [1519] me [1699].


 De même, après avoir soupé, il prit la coupe messianique, en disant: Cette coupe est la nouvelle alliance en mon sang, qui est répandu pour vous.

 Likewise [5615] also [2532] the cup [4221] after [3326] supper [1172] [5658], saying [3004] [5723], This [5124] cup [4221] [is] the new [2537] testament [1242] in [1722] my [3450] blood [0129], which [3588] is shed [1632] [5746] for [5228] you [5216].


 Au reste, voici, la main de celui qui me trahit est à cette table avec moi.

 But [4133], behold [2400] [5628], the hand [5495] of him that betrayeth [3860] [5723] me [3165] [is] with [3326] me [1700] on [1909] the table [5132].


 Pour ce qui est du Fils de l'homme, il s'en va, selon qu'il a été déterminé; mais malheur à cet homme par qui il est trahi.

 And [2532] truly [3303] the Son [5207] of man [0444] goeth [4198] [5736], as [2596] it was determined [3724] [5772]: but [4133] woe [3759] unto that [1565] man [0444] by [1223] whom [3739] he is betrayed [3860] [5743]!


 Et ils commencèrent à se demander les uns aux autres qui était celui d'entre eux qui ferait cela?

 And [2532] they [0846] began [0756] [5662] to enquire [4802] [5721] among [4314] themselves [1438], which [5101] [0686] of [1537] them [0846] it was [1498] [5751] that should [3195] [5723] do [4238] [5721] this thing [5124].


 Il arriva aussi une contestation entre eux, sur celui d'entre eux qui serait estimé le plus grand.

 And [1161] there was [1096] [5633] also [2532] a strife [5379] among [1722] them [0846], which [5101] of them [0846] should be accounted [1380] [5719] [1511] [5750] the greatest [3187].


 Mais il leur dit: Les rois des nations les maîtrisent, et ceux qui exercent leur autorité sur elles sont nommés bienfaiteurs.

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], The kings [0935] of the Gentiles [1484] exercise lordship over [2961] [5719] them [0846]; and [2532] they that exercise authority upon [1850] [5723] them [0846] are called [2564] [5743] benefactors [2110].


 Mais vous, ne faites point ainsi; et que le plus grand parmi vous, soit comme le plus petit; et celui qui dirige, comme celui qui sert.

 But [1161] ye [5210] [shall] not [3756] [be] so [3779]: but [0235] he that is greatest [3187] among [1722] you [5213], let him be [1096] [5634] as [5613] the younger [3501]; and [2532] he that is chief [2233] [5740], as [5613] he that doth serve [1247] [5723].


 Car lequel est le plus grand, celui qui est à table, ou celui qui sert? n'est-ce pas celui qui est à table? et cependant JE SUIS au milieu de vous comme celui qui sert.

 For [1063] whether [5101] [is] greater [3187], he that sitteth at meat [0345] [5740], or [2228] he that serveth [1247] [5723]? [is] not [3780] he that sitteth at meat [0345] [5740]? but [1161] I [1473] am [1510] [5748] among [1722] [3319] you [5216] as [5613] he that serveth [1247] [5723].


 Or, pour vous, vous avez persévéré avec moi dans mes épreuves;

 1161 Ye [5210] are [2075] [5748] they which have continued [1265] [5761] with [3326] me [1700] in [1722] my [3450] temptations [3986].


 Et je dispose du royaume en votre faveur, comme mon Père en a disposé en ma faveur;

 And I [2504] appoint [1303] [5731] unto you [5213] a kingdom [0932], as [2531] my [3450] Father [3962] hath appointed [1303] [5639] unto me [3427];


 Afin que vous mangiez et que vous buviez à ma table dans mon royaume, et que vous soyez assis sur des trônes, jugeant les douze tribus d'Israël.

 That [2443] ye may eat [2068] [5725] and [2532] drink [4095] [5725] at [1909] my [3450] table [5132] in [1722] my [3450] kingdom [0932], and [2532] sit [2523] [5667] on [1909] thrones [2362] judging [2919] [5723] the twelve [1427] tribes [5443] of Israel [2474].


 Le Seigneur dit aussi: Simon, Simon, voici, la concurrence a demandée à te cribler comme le froment.

 And [1161] the Lord [2962] said [2036] [5627], Simon [4613], Simon [4613], behold [2400] [5628], Satan [4567] hath desired [1809] [5668] [to have] you [5209], that he may sift [4617] [5658] [you] as [5613] wheat [4621]:


 Mais j'ai prié pour toi, que ta foi ne défaille point. Toi donc, quand tu seras converti, affermis tes frères [0080].

 But [1161] I [1473] have prayed [1189] [5681] for [4012] thee [4675], that [3363] [0000] thy [4675] faith [4102] fail [1587] [5725] not [3363]: and [2532] when [4218] thou [4771] art converted [1994] [5660], strengthen [4741] [5657] thy [4675] brethren [0080].


 Et Pierre lui dit: Seigneur, je suis tout prêt à aller avec toi, et en prison et à la mort.

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Lord [2962], I am [1510] [5748] ready [2092] to go [4198] [5738] with [3326] thee [4675], both [2532] into [1519] prison [5438], and [2532] to [1519] death [2288].


 Mais Jésus lui dit: Pierre, je te le dis, le coq ne chantera point aujourd'hui, que tu n'aies nié trois fois de me connaître.

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627], I tell [3004] [5719] thee [4671], Peter [4074], the cock [0220] shall [5455] [0000] not [3364] crow [5455] [5692] this day [4594], before that [4250] thou shalt [2228] thrice [5151] deny [0533] [5695] that thou [3361] knowest [1492] [5760] me [3165].


 Puis il leur dit: Lorsque je vous ai envoyés sans bourse, sans sac, et sans sandales, avez-vous manqué de quelque chose?

 And [2532] he said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], When [3753] I sent [0649] [5656] you [5209] without [0817] purse [0905], and [2532] scrip [4082], and [2532] shoes [5266], [3361] lacked ye [5302] [5656] any thing [5100]? And [1161] they said [2036] [5627], Nothing [3762].


 Et ils répondirent: De rien. Mais maintenant, leur dit-il, que celui qui a une bourse, la prenne; et de même celui qui a un sac;

 Then [3767] said he [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], But [0235] now [3568], he that hath [2192] [5723] a purse [0905], let him take [0142] [5657] [it], and [2532] likewise [3668] [his] scrip [4082]: and [2532] he that hath [2192] [5723] no [3361] sword [3162], let him sell [4453] [5657] his [0848] garment [2440], and [2532] buy [0059] [5692] one.


 Et que celui qui n'a point d'épée, vende son manteau, et en achète une. Car je vous dis, qu'il faut encore que ce qui est écrit, soit accompli en moi: Il a été mis au rang des malfaiteurs. Et les choses qui me concernent vont arriver.

 For [1063] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], that [3754] this [5124] that is written [1125] [5772] must [1163] [5748] yet [2089] be accomplished [5055] [5683] in [1722] me [1698], And [2532] he was reckoned [3049] [5681] among [3326] the transgressors [0459]: for [2532] [1063] the things concerning [4012] me [1700] have [2192] [5719] an end [5056].


 Et ils dirent: Seigneur, voici deux épées. Et il leur dit: Cela suffit.

 And [1161] they said [2036] [5627], Lord [2962], behold [2400] [5628], here [5602] [are] two [1417] swords [3162]. And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], It is [2076] [5748] enough [2425].


 Puis Jésus étant sorti, s'en alla, selon sa coutume, à la montagne des Oliviers; et ses disciples le suivirent.

 And [2532] he came out [1831] [5631], and went [4198] [5675], as [2596] he was wont [1485], to [1519] the mount [3735] of Olives [1636]; and [1161] his [0846] disciples [3101] also [2532] followed [0190] [5656] him [0846].


 Et quand il fut arrivé dans ce lieu, il leur dit: Priez, afin que vous ne tombiez pas dans la tentation.

 And [1161] when he was [1096] [5637] at [1909] the place [5117], he said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Pray [4336] [5737] that ye enter [1525] [5629] not [3361] into [1519] temptation [3986].


 Alors il s'éloigna d'eux environ d'un jet de pierre, et s'étant mis à genoux, il priait,

 And [2532] he [0846] was withdrawn [0645] [5681] from [0575] them [0846] about [5616] a stone's [3037] cast [1000], and [2532] kneeled down [5087] [5631] [1119], and prayed [4336] [5711],


 En disant: Père, si tu voulais éloigner cette coupe de moi! toutefois, que ma volonté ne se fasse point, mais la tienne.

 Saying [3004] [5723], Father [3962], if [1487] thou be willing [1014] [5736], remove [3911] [5629] [5625] [3911] [5628] this [5124] cup [4221] from [0575] me [1700]: nevertheless [4133] not [3361] my [3450] will [2307], but [0235] thine [4674], be done [1096] [5634].


 Et un ange lui apparut du ciel pour le fortifier.

 And [1161] there appeared [3700] [5681] an angel [0032] unto him [0846] from [0575] heaven [3772], strengthening [1765] [5723] him [0846].


 Et étant en agonie, il priait plus instamment; et il lui vint une sueur comme des grumeaux de sang, qui tombaient sur la terre.

 And [2532] being [1096] [5637] in [1722] an agony [0074] he prayed [4336] [5711] more earnestly [1617]: and [1161] his [0846] sweat [2402] was [1096] [5633] as it were [5616] great drops [2361] of blood [0129] falling down [2597] [5723] to [1909] the ground [1093].


 Et s'étant levé de sa prière, il vint vers ses disciples, qu'il trouva endormis de tristesse,

 And [2532] when he rose up [0450] [5631] from [0575] prayer [4335], and was come [2064] [5631] to [4314] his [0846] disciples [3101], he found [2147] [5627] them [0846] sleeping [2837] [5746] for [0575] sorrow [3077],


 Et il leur dit: Pourquoi dormez-vous? Levez-vous et priez, afin que vous ne succombiez point à la tentation.

 And [2532] said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Why [5101] sleep ye [2518] [5719]? rise [0450] [5631] and pray [4336] [5737], lest [3363] ye enter [1525] [5632] into [1519] temptation [3986].


 Comme il parlait encore, voici une troupe survint, et celui qui s'appelait Judas, l'un des douze, marchait devant eux; et il s'approcha de Jésus pour le baiser.

 And [1161] while he yet [2089] spake [2980] [5723], behold [2400] [5628] a multitude [3793], and [2532] he that was called [3004] [5746] Judas [2455], one [1520] of the twelve [1427], went before [4281] [5711] them [0846], and [2532] drew near [1448] [5656] unto Jesus to kiss [5368] [5658] him [0846].


 Mais Jésus lui dit: Judas, trahis-tu le Fils, l'expression humaine par un baiser?

 But [1161] Jesus said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Judas [2455], betrayest thou [3860] [5719] the Son [5207] of man [0444] with a kiss [5370]?


 Et ceux qui étaient autour de Jésus, voyant ce qui allait arriver, lui dirent: Seigneur, frapperons-nous de l'épée?

 When [1161] they which were about [4012] him [0846] saw [1492] [5631] what would follow [2071] [5706], they said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Lord [2962], [1487] shall we smite [3960] [5692] with [1722] the sword [3162]?


 Et l'un d'eux frappa le serviteur du souverain sacrificateur, et lui emporta l'oreille droite. Mais Jésus, prenant la parole, dit: Arrêtez-vous.

 And [2532] one [1520] [5100] of [1537] them [0846] smote [3960] [5656] the servant [1401] of the high priest [0749], and [2532] cut off [0851] [5627] his [0846] right [1188] ear [3775].


 Et ayant touché l'oreille du serviteur, il le guérit.

 And [1161] Jesus answered [0611] [5679] and said [2036] [5627], Suffer ye [1439] [5720] thus [5127] far [2193]. And [2532] he touched [0680] [5671] his [0846] ear [5621], and healed [2390] [5662] him [0846].


 Puis Jésus dit aux principaux sacrificateurs, aux capitaines du temple, et aux anciens qui étaient venus contre lui: Vous êtes sortis avec des épées et des bâtons, comme après un brigand.

 Then [1161] Jesus said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] the chief priests [0749], and [2532] captains [4755] of the temple [2411], and [2532] the elders [4245], which were come [3854] [5637] to [1909] him [0846], Be ye come out [1831] [5758], as [5613] against [1909] a thief [3027], with [3326] swords [3162] and [2532] staves [3586]?


 J'étais tous les jours dans le temple avec vous, et vous n'avez point mis les mains sur moi. Mais c'est votre heure, celle de la puissance des ténèbres.

 When [5607] [0000] I [3450] was [5607] [5752] daily [2250] [2596] with [3326] you [5216] in [1722] the temple [2411], ye stretched forth [1614] [5656] no [3756] hands [5495] against [1909] me [1691]: but [0235] this [3778] is [2076] [5748] your [5216] hour [5610], and [2532] the power [1849] of darkness [4655].


 Alors ils le saisirent, et l'emmenèrent, et le firent entrer dans la maison du souverain sacrificateur. Et Pierre suivait de loin.

 Then [1161] took they [4815] [5631] him [0846], and led [0071] [5627] [him], and [2532] brought [1521] [5627] him [0846] into [1519] the high priest's [0749] house [3624]. And [1161] Peter [4074] followed [0190] [5707] afar off [3113].


 Et quand ils eurent allumé du feu au milieu de la cour, et qu'ils se furent assis ensemble, Pierre s'assit parmi eux.

 And [1161] when they had kindled [0681] [5660] a fire [4442] in [1722] the midst [3319] of the hall [0833], and [2532] were set down together [4776] [5660], Peter [4074] sat down [2521] [5711] among [3319] [1722] them [0846].


 Et une servante le voyant assis auprès du feu, et le regardant attentivement, dit:

 But [1161] a certain [5100] maid [3814] beheld [1492] [5631] him [0846] as he sat [2521] [5740] by [4314] the fire [5457], and [2532] earnestly looked [0816] [5660] upon him [0846], and said [2036] [5627], This man [3778] was [2258] [5713] also [2532] with [4862] him [0846].


 Celui-ci était aussi avec cet homme. Mais il renia Jésus, en disant: Femme, je ne le connais point.

 And [1161] he denied [0720] [5662] him [0846], saying [3004] [5723], Woman [1135], I know [1492] [5758] him [0846] not [3756].


 Et peu après un autre l'ayant vu, dit: Tu es aussi de ces gens-là. Mais Pierre dit: Ô homme, je n'en suis point.

 And [2532] after [3326] a little while [1024] another [2087] saw [1492] [5631] him [0846], and said [5346] [5713], Thou [4771] art [1488] [5748] also [2532] of [1537] them [0846]. And [1161] Peter [4074] said [2036] [5627], Man [0444], I am [1510] [5748] not [3756].


 Environ une heure après, un autre insistait avec assurance en disant: Certainement, celui-là était aussi avec lui; car il est aussi Galiléen.

 And [2532] about [5616] the space [1339] [5631] of one [3391] hour [5610] after another [0243] [5100] confidently affirmed [1340] [5711], saying [3004] [5723], Of [1909] a truth [0225] this [3778] [fellow] also [2532] was [2258] [5713] with [3326] him [0846]: for [1063] [2532] he is [2076] [5748] a Galilaean [1057].


 Et Pierre dit: Ô homme, je ne sais ce que tu dis. Et au même instant, comme il parlait encore, le coq chanta.

 And [1161] Peter [4074] said [2036] [5627], Man [0444], I know [1492] [5758] not [3756] what [3739] thou sayest [3004] [5719]. And [2532] immediately [3916], while he [0846] yet [2089] spake [2980] [5723], the cock [0220] crew [5455] [5656].


 Le Seigneur s'étant retourné, regarda Pierre; et Pierre se ressouvint de la parole du Seigneur, et comment il lui avait dit: Avant que le coq ait chanté, tu m'auras renié trois fois.

 And [2532] the Lord [2962] turned [4762] [5651], and looked upon [1689] [5656] Peter [4074]. And [2532] Peter [4074] remembered [5279] [5656] the word [3056] of the Lord [2962], how [5613] he had said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Before [3754] [4250] the cock [0220] crow [5455] [5658], thou shalt deny [0533] [5695] me [3165] thrice [5151].


 Et Pierre étant sorti, pleura amèrement.

 And [2532] Peter [4074] went [1831] [5631] out [1854], and wept [2799] [5656] bitterly [4090].


 Or, les hommes qui tenaient Jésus, se moquaient de lui et le frappaient;

 And [2532] the men [0435] that held [4912] [5723] Jesus mocked [1702] [5707] him [0846], and smote [1194] [5723] [him].


 Et, l'ayant couvert d'un voile, ils lui donnaient des coups sur le visage, et lui disaient: Devine qui est celui qui t'a frappé?

 And [2532] when they had blindfolded [4028] [5660] him [0846], they struck [5180] [5707] him [0846] on the face [4383], and [2532] asked [1905] [5707] him [0846], saying [3004] [5723], Prophesy [4395] [5657], who [5101] is it [2076] [5748] that smote [3817] [5660] thee [4571]?


 Et ils disaient beaucoup d'autres choses contre lui, en l'injuriant.

 And [2532] many [4183] other things [2087] blasphemously [0987] [5723] spake they [3004] [5707] against [1519] him [0846].


 Et dès que le jour fut venu, le conseil des anciens du peuple, les principaux sacrificateurs et les scribes s'assemblèrent et firent venir Jésus dans leur sanhédrin; et ils lui dirent:

 And [2532] as soon as [5613] it was [1096] [5633] day [2250], the elders [4244] of the people [2992] and [5037] the chief priests [0749] and [2532] the scribes [1122] came together [4863] [5681], and [2532] led [0321] [5627] him [0846] into [1519] their [1438] council [4892], saying [3004] [5723],


 Si tu es le Messie, dis-le-nous. Et il leur répondit: Si je vous le dis, vous ne le croirez point;

 1487 Art [1488] [5748] thou [4771] the Christ [5547]? tell [2036] [5628] us [2254]. And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], If [1437] I tell [2036] [5632] you [5213], ye will [4100] [0000] not [3364] believe [4100] [5661]:


 Et si je vous interroge aussi, vous ne me répondrez point, ni ne me laisserez point aller.

 And [1161] if [1437] I also [2532] ask [2065] [5661] [you], ye will [0611] [0000] not [3364] answer [0611] [5676] me [3427], nor [2228] let [me] go [0630] [5661].


 Désormais le Fils, l'expression humaine sera assis à la droite de la puissance de Dieu.

 Hereafter [3568] [0575] shall [2071] [5704] the Son [5207] of man [0444] sit [2521] [5740] on [1537] the right hand [1188] of the power [1411] of God [2316].


 Alors ils dirent tous: Tu es donc le Fils, le Dieu unique? Et il leur répondit: Vous le dites vous-mêmes; JE SUIS.

 Then [1161] said [5346] [5713] they all [3956], Art [1488] [5748] thou [4771] then [3767] the Son [5207] of God [2316]? And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] them [0846], Ye [5210] say [3004] [5719] that [3754] I [1473] am [1510] [5748].


 Alors ils dirent: Qu'avons-nous plus besoin de témoignage, puisque nous l'avons entendu nous-mêmes de sa bouche?

 And [1161] they said [2036] [5627], What [5101] need [2192] [5719] we [5532] any further [2089] witness [3141]? for [1063] we ourselves [0846] have heard [0191] [5656] of [0575] his own [0846] mouth [4750].


 Puis toute l'assemblée s'étant levée, le mena à Pilate.

 And [2532] the whole [0537] multitude [4128] of them [0846] arose [0450] [5631], and led [0071] [5627] him [0846] unto [1909] Pilate [4091].


 Et ils se mirent à l'accuser, en disant: Nous avons trouvé cet homme séduisant la nation et défendant de donner le tribut à César, et se disant le Christ, le Roi.

 And [1161] they began [0756] [5662] to accuse [2723] [5721] him [0846], saying [3004] [5723], We found [2147] [5627] this [5126] [fellow] perverting [1294] [5723] the nation [1484], and [2532] forbidding [2967] [5723] to give [1325] [5721] tribute [5411] to Caesar [2541], saying [3004] [5723] that he himself [1438] is [1511] [5750] Christ [5547] a King [0935].


 Alors Pilate l'interrogea et lui dit: Es-tu le Roi des Judéens? Et Jésus lui répondit: Tu le dis.

 And [1161] Pilate [4091] asked [1905] [5656] him [0846], saying [3004] [5723], Art [1488] [5748] thou [4771] the King [0935] of the Jews [2453]? And [1161] he answered [0611] [5679] him [0846] and said [5346] [5713], Thou [4771] sayest [3004] [5719] [it].


 Et Pilate dit aux principaux sacrificateurs et au peuple: Je ne trouve aucun crime en cet homme.

 Then [1161] said [2036] [5627] Pilate [4091] to [4314] the chief priests [0749] and [2532] [to] the people [3793], I find [2147] [5719] no [3762] fault [0158] in [1722] this [5129] man [0444].


 Mais ils insistaient, en disant: Il soulève le peuple, enseignant par toute la Judée, ayant commencé depuis la Galilée, jusqu'ici.

 And [1161] they were the more fierce [2001] [5707], saying [3004] [5723] [3754], He stirreth up [0383] [5719] the people [2992], teaching [1321] [5723] throughout [2596] all [3650] Jewry [2449], beginning [0756] [5671] from [0575] Galilee [1056] to [2193] this place [5602].


 Quand Pilate entendit parler de la Galilée, il demanda si cet homme était Galiléen.

 When [1161] Pilate [4091] heard [0191] [5660] of Galilee [1056], he asked [1905] [5656] whether [1487] the man [0444] were [2076] [5748] a Galilaean [1057].


 Et ayant appris qu'il était de la juridiction d'Hérode, il le renvoya à Hérode, qui était aussi à Jérusalem en ces jours-là.

 And [2532] as soon as he knew [1921] [5631] that [3754] he belonged [2076] [5748] unto [1537] Herod's [2264] jurisdiction [1849], he sent [0375] [5656] him [0846] to [4314] Herod [2264], who [5607] [0000] himself [0846] also [2532] was [5607] [5752] at [1722] Jerusalem [2414] at [1722] that [5025] time [2250].


 Quand Hérode vit Jésus, il en eut une grande joie; car il y avait long temps [1909] qu'il souhaitait de le voir, parce qu'il avait entendu dire beaucoup de choses de lui; et il espérait qu'il lui verrait faire quelque miracle.

 And [1161] when Herod [2264] saw [1492] [5631] Jesus, he was exceeding [3029] glad [5463] [5644]: for [1063] he was [2258] [5713] desirous [2309] [5723] to see [1492] [5629] him [0846] of [1537] a long [2425] [season], because [1223] he had heard [0191] [5721] many things [4183] of [4012] him [0846]; and [2532] he hoped [1679] [5707] to have seen [1492] [5629] some [5100] miracle [4592] done [1096] [5740] by [5259] him [0846].


 Il lui fit donc plusieurs questions; mais Jésus ne lui répondit rien.

 Then [1161] he questioned [1905] [5707] with him [0846] in [1722] many [2425] words [3056]; but [1161] he answered [0611] [5662] him [0846] nothing [3762].


 Et les principaux sacrificateurs et les scribes étaient qui l'accusaient avec véhémence.

 And [1161] the chief priests [0749] and [2532] scribes [1122] stood [2476] [5715] and vehemently [2159] accused [2723] [5723] him [0846].


 Mais Hérode, avec les gens de sa garde, le traita avec mépris; et pour se moquer de lui, il le fit vêtir d'un habit éclatant, et le renvoya à Pilate.

 And [1161] Herod [2264] with [4862] his [0848] men of war [4753] set him at nought [1848] [5660], and [2532] mocked [1702] [5660] [him], and arrayed [4016] [5631] him [0846] in a gorgeous [2986] robe [2066], and sent [0375] [0000] him [0846] again [0375] [5656] to Pilate [4091].


 En ce même jour, Pilate et Hérode devinrent amis; car auparavant ils étaient ennemis.

 And [1161] [3739] the same [1722] [0846] day [2250] Pilate [4091] and [2532] Herod [2264] were made [1096] [5633] friends [5384] together [3326] [5037] [0240]: for [1063] before [4391] [5707] they were [5607] [5752] at [1722] enmity [2189] between [4314] themselves [1438].


 Or, Pilate ayant assemblé les principaux sacrificateurs, et les magistrats, et le peuple, leur dit:

 And [1161] Pilate [4091], when he had called together [4779] [5671] the chief priests [0749] and [2532] the rulers [0758] and [2532] the people [2992],


 Vous m'avez amené cet homme comme soulevant le peuple; et cependant, l'ayant interrogé en votre présence, je ne l'ai trouvé coupable d'aucun des crimes dont vous l'accusez;

 Said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] them [0846], Ye have brought [4374] [5656] this [5129] man [0444] unto me [3427], as [5613] one that perverteth [0654] [5723] the people [2992]: and [2532], behold [2400] [5628], I [1473], having examined [0350] [5660] [him] before [1799] you [5216], have found [2147] [5627] no [3762] fault [0158] in [1722] this [5126] man [0444] touching those things whereof [2596] ye accuse [2723] [5719] him [0846]:


 Ni Hérode non plus; car je vous ai renvoyés vers lui, et voici il n'a rien fait qui soit digne de mort.

 No [0235], nor yet [3761] Herod [2264]: for [1063] I sent [0375] [5656] you [5209] to [4314] him [0846]; and [2532], lo [2400] [5628], nothing [3762] worthy [0514] of death [2288] is [2076] [5748] done [4238] [5772] unto him [0846].


 L'ayant donc fait châtier, je le relâcherai.

 I will [3811] [0000] therefore [3767] chastise [3811] [5660] him [0846], and release [0630] [5692] [him].


 Or, de nécessité, il devait leur relâcher un prisonnier à chaque fête.

 (For [1161] of necessity [0318] he must [2192] [5707] release [0630] [5721] one [1520] unto them [0846] at [2596] the feast [1859])


 De sorte qu'ils s'écrièrent tous ensemble: Fais mourir celui-ci, et relâche-nous Barabbas.

 And [1161] they cried out [0349] [5656] all at once [3826], saying [3004] [5723], Away with [0142] [5720] this [5126] [man], and [1161] release [0630] [5657] unto us [2254] Barabbas [0912]:


 Or, Barabbas avait été mis en prison pour une sédition qui s'était faite dans la ville, et pour un meurtre.

 (Who [3748] for [2258] [5713] [1223] a certain [5100] sedition [4714] made [1096] [5637] in [1722] the city [4172], and [2532] for murder [5408], was cast [0906] [5772] into [1519] prison [5438])


 Pilate leur parla de nouveau, ayant envie de délivrer Jésus.

 Pilate [4091] therefore [3767], willing [2309] [5723] to release [0630] [5658] Jesus, spake [4377] [0000] again [3825] to them [4377] [5656].


 Mais ils s'écrièrent: Crucifie, crucifie-le.

 But [1161] they cried [2019] [5707], saying [3004] [5723], Crucify [4717] [5657] [him], crucify [4717] [5657] him [0846].


 Et il leur dit pour la troisième fois: Mais quel mal a-t-il fait? je n'ai rien trouvé en lui qui soit digne de mort. Je le châtierai donc et je le relâcherai.

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] them [0846] the third time [5154], Why [1063], what [5101] evil [2556] hath [4160] [0000] he [3778] done [4160] [5656]? I have found [2147] [5627] no [3762] cause [0158] of death [2288] in [1722] him [0846]: I will [3811] [0000] therefore [3767] chastise [3811] [5660] him [0846], and let [him] go [0630] [5692].


 Mais ils insistaient, demandant à grands cris qu'il fût crucifié; et leurs cris et ceux des principaux sacrificateurs redoublaient.

 And [1161] they were instant [1945] [5711] with loud [3173] voices [5456], requiring [0154] [5734] that he [0846] might be crucified [4717] [5683]. And [2532] the voices [5456] of them [0846] and [2532] of the chief priests [0749] prevailed [2729] [5707].


 Alors Pilate prononça que ce qu'ils demandaient fût fait.

 And [1161] Pilate [4091] gave sentence [1948] [5656] that it should be as [1096] [5635] they [0846] required [0155].


 Et il leur relâcha celui qui avait été mis en prison pour sédition et pour meurtre, et qu'ils demandaient; et il abandonna Jésus à leur volonté.

 And [1161] he released [0630] [5656] unto them [0846] him that for [1223] sedition [4714] and [2532] murder [5408] was cast [0906] [5772] into [1519] prison [5438], whom [3739] they had desired [0154] [5710]; but [1161] he delivered [3860] [5656] Jesus to their [0846] will [2307].


 Et comme ils l'emmenaient, ils prirent un certain Simon de Cyrène, qui revenait des champs, et le chargèrent de la croix, pour la porter après Jésus.

 And [2532] as [5613] they led [0520] [0000] him [0846] away [0520] [5627], they laid hold upon [1949] [5637] one [5100] Simon [4613], a Cyrenian [2956], coming [2064] [5740] out of [0575] the country [0068], and on [2007] [0000] him [0846] they laid [2007] [5656] the cross [4716], that he might bear [5342] [5721] [it] after [3693] Jesus.


 Et une grande multitude de peuple et de femmes le suivaient, qui se frappaient la poitrine et se lamentaient.

 And [1161] there followed [0190] [5707] him [0846] a great [4183] company [4128] of people [2992], and [2532] of women [1135], which [3739] also [2532] bewailed [2875] [5710] and [2532] lamented [2354] [5707] him [0846].


 Mais Jésus, se tournant vers elles, leur dit: Filles de Jérusalem, ne pleurez point sur moi, mais pleurez sur vous-mêmes et sur vos enfants;

 But [1161] Jesus turning [4762] [5651] unto [4314] them [0846] said [2036] [5627], Daughters [2364] of Jerusalem [2419], weep [2799] [5720] not [3361] for [1909] me [1691], but [4133] weep [2799] [5720] for [1909] yourselves [1438], and [2532] for [1909] your [5216] children [5043].


 Car des jours viendront où l'on dira: Heureuses les stériles, les seins qui n'ont point enfanté, et les mamelles qui n'ont point allaité!

 For [3754], behold [2400] [5628], the days [2250] are coming [2064] [5736], in [1722] the which [3739] they shall say [2046] [5692], Blessed [3107] [are] the barren [4723], and [2532] the wombs [2836] that [3739] never [3756] bare [1080] [5656], and [2532] the paps [3149] which [3739] never [3756] gave suck [2337] [5656].


 Alors ils se mettront à dire aux montagnes: Tombez sur nous, et aux coteaux: Couvrez-nous.

 Then [5119] shall they begin [0756] [5698] to say [3004] [5721] to the mountains [3735], Fall [4098] [5628] on [1909] us [2248]; and [2532] to the hills [1015], Cover [2572] [5657] us [2248].


 Car si l'on fait ces choses au bois vert, que fera-t-on au bois sec?

 For [3754] if [1487] they do [4160] [5719] these things [5023] in [1722] a green [5200] tree [3586], what [5101] shall be done [1096] [5638] in [1722] the dry [3584]?


 Et on menait aussi deux malfaiteurs, pour les faire mourir avec lui.

 And [1161] there were also [2532] two [1417] other [2087], malefactors [2557], led [0071] [5712] with [4862] him [0846] to be put to death [0337] [5683].


 Et quand ils furent arrivés au lieu appelé Calvaire (le Crâne), ils le crucifièrent là, et les malfaiteurs, l'un à droite, et l'autre à gauche.

 And [2532] when [3753] they were come [0565] [5627] to [1909] the place [5117], which [3588] is called [2564] [5746] Calvary [2898], there [1563] they crucified [4717] [5656] him [0846], and [2532] the malefactors [2557], one [3303] on [1537] the right hand [1188], and [1161] the other [3739] on [1537] the left [0710].


 Mais Jésus disait: Père, pardonne-leur, car ils ne savent ce qu'ils font. Puis se partageant ses vêtements, ils les tirèrent au sort.

 Then [1161] said [3004] [5707] Jesus, Father [3962], forgive [0863] [5628] them [0846]; for [1063] they know [1492] [5758] not [3756] what [5101] they do [4160] [5719]. And [1161] they parted [1266] [5734] his [0846] raiment [2440], and cast [0906] [5627] lots [2819].


 Le peuple se tenait et regardait. Et les principaux se moquaient avec le peuple, en disant: Il a sauvé les autres, qu'il se sauve lui-même, s'il est le Christ, le Dieu prédestiné.

 And [2532] the people [2992] stood [2476] [5715] beholding [2334] [5723]. And [1161] the rulers [0758] also [2532] with [4862] them [0846] derided [1592] [5707] [him], saying [3004] [5723], He saved [4982] [5656] others [0243]; let him save [4982] [5657] himself [1438], if [1487] he [3778] be [2076] [5748] Christ [5547], the chosen [1588] of God [2316].


 Les soldats aussi, en s'approchant pour lui présenter du vinaigre,

 And [1161] the soldiers [4757] also [2532] mocked [1702] [5707] him [0846], coming [4334] [5740] to him, and [2532] offering [4374] [5723] him [0846] vinegar [3690],


 Se moquaient de lui, et disaient: Si tu es le Roi des Judéens, sauve-toi toi-même.

 And [2532] saying [3004] [5723], If [1487] thou [4771] be [1488] [5748] the king [0935] of the Jews [2453], save [4982] [5657] thyself [4572].


 Et il y avait cette inscription au-dessus de sa tête, en grec, en latin et en hébreu que celui-ci est - LE ROI DES JUDÉENS.

 And [1161] a superscription [1923] also [2532] was [2258] [5713] written [1125] [5772] over [1909] him [0846] in letters [1121] of Greek [1673], and [2532] Latin [4513], and [2532] Hebrew [1444], THIS [3778] IS [2076] [5748] THE KING [0935] OF THE JEWS [2453].


 L'un des malfaiteurs qui étaient pendus l'outrageait aussi, en disant: Si tu es le Christ, sauve-toi toi-même, et nous aussi.

 And [1161] one [1520] of the malefactors [2557] which were hanged [2910] [5685] railed [0987] [5707] on him [0846], saying [3004] [5723], If [1487] thou [4771] be [1488] [5748] Christ [5547], save [4982] [5657] thyself [4572] and [2532] us [2248].


 Mais l'autre, le reprenant, lui dit: Ne crains-tu donc point Dieu, car tu es condamné au même supplice?

 But [1161] the other [2087] answering [0611] [5679] rebuked [2008] [5707] him [0846], saying [3004] [5723], Dost [5399] [0000] not [3761] thou [4771] fear [5399] [5736] God [2316], seeing [3754] thou art [1488] [5748] in [1722] the same [0846] condemnation [2917]?


 Et pour nous, c'est avec justice, car nous souffrons ce que nos œuvres méritent; mais celui-ci n'a fait aucun mal.

 And [2532] we [2249] indeed [3303] justly [1346]; for [1063] we receive [0618] [5719] the due reward [0514] of our [3739] deeds [4238] [5656]: but [1161] this man [3778] hath done [4238] [5656] nothing [3762] amiss [0824].


 Et il disait à Jésus: Seigneur, souviens-toi de moi, quand tu seras entré dans ton règne.

 And [2532] he said [3004] [5707] unto Jesus, Lord [2962], remember [3415] [5682] me [3450] when [3752] thou comest [2064] [5632] into [1722] thy [4675] kingdom [0932].


 Et Jésus lui dit: Je te le dis en vérité, tu seras aujourd'hui avec moi dans le paradis.

 And [2532] Jesus said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Verily [0281] I say [3004] [5719] unto thee [4671], To day [4594] shalt thou be [2071] [5704] with [3326] me [1700] in [1722] paradise [3857].


 Il était environ la sixième heure, et il se fit des ténèbres sur toute la terre jusqu'à la neuvième heure.

 And [1161] it was [2258] [5713] about [5616] the sixth [1623] hour [5610], and [2532] there was [1096] [5633] a darkness [4655] over [1909] all [3650] the earth [1093] until [2193] the ninth [1766] hour [5610].


 Le soleil s'obscurcit, et le voile du temple se déchira par le milieu.

 And [2532] the sun [2246] was darkened [4654] [5681], and [2532] the veil [2665] of the temple [3485] was rent [4977] [5681] in the midst [3319].


 Et Jésus s'écriant d'une voix forte, dit: Mon Père, je remets mon esprit entre tes mains. Et ayant dit cela, il expira.

 And [2532] when Jesus had cried [5455] [5660] with a loud [3173] voice [5456], he said [2036] [5627], Father [3962], into [1519] thy [4675] hands [5495] I commend [3908] [5695] my [3450] spirit [4151]: and [2532] having said [2036] [5631] thus [5023], he gave up the ghost [1606] [5656].


 Le centenier, voyant ce qui était arrivé, donna gloire à Dieu, en disant: Certainement cet homme était juste.

 Now [1161] when the centurion [1543] saw [1492] [5631] what was done [1096] [5637], he glorified [1392] [5656] God [2316], saying [3004] [5723], Certainly [3689] this [3778] was [2258] [5713] a righteous [1342] man [0444].


 Et tout le peuple qui s'était assemblé à ce spectacle, voyant les choses qui étaient arrivées, s'en retournait en se frappant la poitrine.

 And [2532] all [3956] the people [3793] that came together [4836] [5637] to [1909] that [5026] sight [2335], beholding [2334] [5723] the things which were done [1096] [5637], smote [5180] [5723] their [1438] breasts [4738], and returned [5290] [5707].


 Et tous ceux de sa connaissance, et les femmes qui l'avaient suivi depuis la Galilée, se tenaient loin, regardant ces choses.

 And [1161] all [3956] his [0846] acquaintance [1110], and [2532] the women [1135] that followed [4870] [5660] him [0846] from [0575] Galilee [1056], stood [2476] [5715] afar off [3113], beholding [3708] [5723] these things [5023].


 Or un homme, appelé Joseph, qui était conseiller, homme de bien et juste;

 And [2532], behold [2400] [5628], [there was] a man [0435] named [3686] Joseph [2501], a counsellor [1010]; [and he was] a good [5225] [5723] [0018] man [0435], and [2532] a just [1342]:


 Qui n'avait point consenti à leur dessein, ni à leurs actes; qui était d'Arimathée, ville de Judée, et qui attendait aussi la Souveraineté de Dieu,

 (The same [3778] had [4784] [0000] not [3756] consented [4784] [5768] [2258] [5713] to the counsel [1012] and [2532] deed [4234] of them [0846]) [he was] of [0575] Arimathaea [0707], a city [4172] of the Jews [2453]: [2532] who [3739] also [2532] himself [0846] waited for [4327] [5711] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316].


 Étant venu vers Pilate, lui demanda le corps de Jésus.

 This [3778] [man] went [4334] [5631] unto Pilate [4091], and begged [0154] [5668] the body [4983] of Jesus.


 Et l'ayant descendu de la croix, il l'enveloppa d'un linceul, et le mit dans un sépulcre taillé dans le roc, où personne n'avait encore été mis.

 And [2532] he took [2507] [0000] it [0846] down [2507] [5631], and wrapped [1794] [5656] it [0846] in linen [4616], and [2532] laid [5087] [5656] it [0846] in [1722] a sepulchre [3418] that was hewn in stone [2991], wherein [3757] never [3756] man [3764] before [3762] was [2258] [5713] laid [2749] [5740].


 C'était le jour de la préparation, et le sabbat annuel allait commencer.

 And [2532] that day [2250] was [2258] [5713] the preparation [3904], and [2532] the sabbath [4521] drew on [2020] [5707].


 Et les femmes qui étaient venues de Galilée avec Jésus, ayant suivi Joseph, remarquèrent le sépulcre, et comment le corps de Jésus y fut placé.

 And [1161] the women [1135] also [2532], which [3748] came [2258] [5713] [4905] [5761] with him [0846] from [1537] Galilee [1056], followed after [2628] [5660], and beheld [2300] [5662] the sepulchre [3419], and [2532] how [5613] his [0846] body [4983] was laid [5087] [5681].


 Et s'en étant retournées, elles préparèrent des aromates et des parfums, et elles se reposèrent le jour du sabbat, selon la loi.

 And they returned [5290] [5660], and [1161] prepared [2090] [5656] spices [0759] and [2532] ointments [3464]; and [2532] rested [2270] [5656] [3303] the sabbath day [4521] according [2596] to the commandment [1785].


 Mais le premier jour de la semaine, elles vinrent de grand matin au sépulcre, apportant les parfums qu'elles avaient préparés; et quelques personnes les accompagnaient.

 Now [1161] upon the first [3391] [day] of the week [4521], very early in the morning [3722] [0901], they came [2064] [5627] unto [1909] the sepulchre [3418], bringing [5342] [5723] the spices [0759] which [3739] they had prepared [2090] [5656], and [2532] certain [5100] [others] with [4862] them [0846].


 Et elles trouvèrent que la pierre qui était à l'entrée du sépulcre avait été ôtée.

 And [1161] they found [2147] [5627] the stone [3037] rolled away [0617] [5772] from [0575] the sepulchre [3419].


 Et étant entrées, elles ne trouvèrent point le corps du Seigneur Jésus.

 And [2532] they entered in [1525] [5631], and found [2147] [5627] not [3756] the body [4983] of the Lord [2962] Jesus.


 Et comme elles ne savaient qu'en penser, voici, deux hommes se présentèrent à elles, en vêtements étincelants.

 And [2532] it came to pass [1096] [5633], as [1722] they were much perplexed [1280] [5745] thereabout [4012] [5127], [2532] behold [2400] [5628], two [1417] men [0435] stood by [2186] [5627] them [0846] in [1722] shining [0797] [5723] garments [2067]:


 Et comme elles étaient effrayées, et qu'elles baissaient le visage contre terre, ils leur dirent: Pourquoi cherchez-vous parmi les morts celui qui est vivant?

 And [1161] as [1096] [0000] they [0846] were [1096] [5637] afraid [1719], and [2532] bowed down [2827] [5723] [their] faces [4383] to [1519] the earth [1093], they said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] them [0846], Why [5101] seek ye [2212] [5719] the living [2198] [5723] among [3326] the dead [3498]?


 Il n'est point ici, mais il est ressuscité. Souvenez-vous de quelle manière il vous a parlé, lorsqu'il était encore en Galilée,

 He is [2076] [5748] not [3756] here [5602], but [0235] is risen [1453] [5681]: remember [3415] [5682] how [5613] he spake [2980] [5656] unto you [5213] when he was [5607] [5752] yet [2089] in [1722] Galilee [1056],


 Disant: Il faut que le Fils, l'expression humaine soit livré entre les mains des méchants, et qu'il soit crucifié, et qu'il ressuscite le troisième jour.

 Saying [3004] [5723], [3754] The Son [5207] of man [0444] must [1163] [5748] be delivered [3860] [5683] into [1519] the hands [5495] of sinful [0268] men [0444], and [2532] be crucified [4717] [5683], and [2532] the third [5154] day [2250] rise again [0450] [5629].


 Et elles se souvinrent de ses paroles.

 And [2532] they remembered [3415] [5681] his [0846] words [4487],


 Et étant revenues du sépulcre, elles racontèrent toutes ces choses aux onze, et à tous les autres.

 And [2532] returned [5290] [5660] from [0575] the sepulchre [3419], and told [0518] [5656] all [3956] these things [5023] unto the eleven [1733], and [2532] to all [3956] the rest [3062].


 C'était Marie de Magdala, Jeanne, et Marie, mère de Jacques, et les autres qui étaient avec elles, qui dirent ces choses aux apôtres.

 1161 It was [2258] [5713] Mary [3137] Magdalene [3094], and [2532] Joanna [2489], and [2532] Mary [3137] [the mother] of James [2385], and [2532] other [3062] [women that were] with [4862] them [0846], which [3739] told [3004] [5707] these things [5023] unto [4314] the apostles [0652].


 Mais ce qu'elles leur disaient leur parut une rêverie, et ils ne les crurent point.

 And [2532] their [0846] words [4487] seemed [5316] [5648] to [1799] them [0846] as [5616] idle tales [3026], and [2532] they believed [0569] [0000] them [0846] not [0569] [5707].


 Toutefois, Pierre se leva et courut au sépulcre, et s'étant baissé, il ne vit que les bandelettes qui étaient à terre; puis il s'en alla, étonné en lui-même de ce qui était arrivé.

 Then [1161] arose [0450] [5631] Peter [4074], and ran [5143] [5627] unto [1909] the sepulchre [3419]; and [2532] stooping down [3879] [5660], he beheld [0991] [5719] the linen clothes [3608] laid [2749] [5740] by themselves [3441], and [2532] departed [0565] [5627], wondering [2296] [5723] in [4314] himself [1438] at that which was come to pass [1096] [5756].


 Ce jour-là même, deux d'entre eux s'en allaient à un village, nommé Emmaüs, qui était éloigné de Jérusalem de soixante stades.

 And [2532], behold [2400] [5628], two [1417] of [1537] them [0846] went [2258] [5713] [4198] [5740] that [1722] same [0846] day [2250] to [1519] a village [2968] called [3739] [3686] Emmaus [1695], which was [0568] [5723] from [0575] Jerusalem [2419] [about] threescore [1835] furlongs [4712].


 Et ils s'entretenaient ensemble de tout ce qui était arrivé.

 And [2532] they [0846] talked [3656] [5707] together [4314] [0240] of [4012] all [3956] these things [5130] which had happened [4819] [5761].


 Et il arriva, comme ils s'entretenaient, et qu'ils discutaient, Jésus lui-même, s'étant approché, se mit à marcher avec eux.

 And [2532] it came to pass [1096] [5633], that, while [1722] they [0846] communed [3656] [5721] [together] and [2532] reasoned [4802] [5721], Jesus himself [2532] [0846] drew near [1448] [5660], and went with [4848] [5711] them [0846].


 Mais leurs yeux étaient retenus, de sorte qu'ils ne le reconnurent point.

 But [1161] their [0846] eyes [3788] were holden [2902] [5712] that they should [1921] [0000] not [3361] know [1921] [5629] him [0846].


 Et il leur dit: Quels sont ces discours que vous tenez ensemble, chemin faisant, et pourquoi avez-vous le visage triste?

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] them [0846], What [5101] manner of communications [3056] [are] these [3778] that ye have [0474] [5719] one to [4314] another [0240], as ye walk [4043] [5723], and [2532] are [2075] [5748] sad [4659]?


 L'un d'eux, nommé Cléopas, lui répondit: Es-tu le seul étranger à Jérusalem, qui ne sache point les choses qui s'y sont passées ces jours-ci?

 And [1161] the one of them [1520], whose [3739] name [3686] was Cleopas [2810], answering [0611] [5679] said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] him [0846], Art thou [4771] only [3441] a stranger [3939] [5719] in [1722] Jerusalem [2419], and [2532] hast [1097] [0000] not [3756] known [1097] [5627] the things which are come to pass [1096] [5637] there [1722] [0846] in [1722] these [5025] days [2250]?


 Et il leur dit: Et quoi? Ils lui répondirent: Ce qui est arrivé à Jésus de Nazareth, qui était un prophète, puissant en œuvres et en paroles, devant Dieu et devant tout le peuple;

 And [2532] he said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], What things [4169]? And [1161] they said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Concerning [4012] Jesus of Nazareth [3480], which [3739] was [1096] [5633] a prophet [4396] mighty [1415] in [1722] [0435] deed [2041] and [2532] word [3056] before [1726] God [2316] and [2532] all [3956] the people [2992]:


 Et comment les principaux sacrificateurs et nos magistrats l'ont livré pour être condamné à mort, et l'ont crucifié.

 And how [3704] [5037] the chief priests [0749] and [2532] our [2257] rulers [0758] delivered him [3860] [5656] to [1519] be condemned [2917] to death [2288], and [2532] have crucified [4717] [5656] him [0846].


 Pour nous, nous espérions que ce serait lui qui délivrerait Israël, et cependant, voici déjà le troisième jour depuis que ces choses sont arrivées.

 But [1161] we [2249] trusted [1679] [5707] that [3754] it had been [2076] [5748] he [0846] which should [3195] [5723] have redeemed [3084] [5733] Israel [2474]: and [0235] beside [1065] [4862] all [3956] this [5125], to day [4594] is [0071] [5719] the [5026] third [5154] day [2250] since [0575] [3739] these things [5023] were done [1096] [5633].


 Il est vrai que quelques femmes, des nôtres, nous ont fort étonnés; car ayant été de grand matin au sépulcre,

 Yea [0235], and certain [5100] women [1135] also [2532] of [1537] our company [2257] made [1839] [0000] us [2248] astonished [1839] [5627], which were [1096] [5637] early [3721] at [1909] the sepulchre [3419];


 Et n'y ayant pas trouvé son corps, elles sont venues en disant que des anges leur ont apparu et leur ont dit qu'il est vivant.

 And [2532] when they found [2147] [5631] not [3361] his [0846] body [4983], they came [2064] [5627], saying [3004] [5723], that they had [3708] [0000] also [2532] seen [3708] [5760] a vision [3701] of angels [0032], which [3739] said [3004] [5719] that he [0846] was alive [2198] [5721].


 Et quelques-uns des nôtres sont allés au sépulcre, et ont trouvé les choses comme les femmes l'avaient dit; mais lui, ils ne l'ont point vu.

 And [2532] certain of them [5100] which were with [4862] us [2254] went [0565] [5627] to [1909] the sepulchre [3419], and [2532] found [2147] [5627] [it] even [2532] so [3779] as [2531] the women [1135] had said [2036] [5627]: but [1161] him [0846] they saw [1492] [5627] not [3756].


 Alors il leur dit: Ô gens sans intelligence et d'un cœur tardif à croire tout ce que les prophètes ont dit!

 Then [2532] he said [2036] [5627] unto [4314] them [0846], O [5599] fools [0453], and [2532] slow [1021] of heart [2588] to believe [4100] [5721] [1909] all [3956] that [3739] the prophets [4396] have spoken [2980] [5656]:


 Ne fallait-il pas que le Christ souffrît ces choses, et qu'il entrât dans sa gloire?

 Ought [1163] [5713] not [3780] Christ [5547] to have suffered [3958] [5629] these things [5023], and [2532] to enter [1525] [5629] into [1519] his [0848] glory [1391]?


 Puis, commençant par Moïse et par tous les prophètes, il leur expliquait, dans toutes les Écritures, ce qui le regardait.

 And [2532] beginning [0756] [5671] at [0575] Moses [3475] and [2532] [0575] all [3956] the prophets [4396], he expounded [1329] [5707] unto them [0846] in [1722] all [3956] the scriptures [1124] the things concerning [4012] himself [1438].


 Ainsi ils approchèrent du village où ils allaient, mais Jésus faisait comme s'il voulait aller plus loin.

 And [2532] they drew nigh [1448] [5656] unto [1519] the village [2968], whither [3757] they went [4198] [5711]: and [2532] he made as though [4364] [5710] he would have gone [4198] [5738] further [4208].


 Et ils le contraignirent à s'arrêter, en lui disant: Demeure avec nous; car le soir commence à venir, et le jour est sur son déclin. Il entra donc pour demeurer avec eux.

 But [2532] they constrained [3849] [5662] him [0846], saying [3004] [5723], Abide [3306] [5657] with [3326] us [2257]: for [3754] it is [2076] [5748] toward [4314] evening [2073], and [2532] the day [2250] is far spent [2827] [5758]. And [2532] he went in [1525] [5627] to tarry [3306] [5658] with [4862] them [0846].


 Et il arriva, comme il était à table avec eux, il prit du pain et rendit grâces; puis l'ayant rompu, il le leur donna.

 And [2532] it came to pass [1096] [5633], as [1722] he [0846] sat at meat [2625] [5683] with [3326] them [0846], he took [2983] [5631] bread [0740], and blessed [2127] [5656] [it], and [2532] brake [2806] [5660], and gave [1929] [5707] to them [0846].


 Alors leurs yeux s'ouvrirent, et ils le reconnurent; mais il disparut de devant eux.

 And [1161] their [0846] eyes [3788] were opened [1272] [5681], and [2532] they knew [1921] [5627] him [0846]; and [2532] he [0846] vanished [1096] [5633] [0855] out of [0575] their sight [0846].


 Et ils se dirent l'un à l'autre: Notre cœur ne brûlait-il pas au-dedans de nous, lorsqu'il nous parlait en chemin, et qu'il nous expliquait les Écritures?

 And [2532] they said [2036] [5627] one to another [4314] [0240], Did [2258] [5713] not [3780] our [2257] heart [2588] burn [2545] [5746] within [1722] us [2254], while [5613] he talked [2980] [5707] with us [2254] by [1722] the way [3598], and [2532] while [5613] he opened [1272] [5707] to us [2254] the scriptures [1124]?


 Et se levant à l'heure même, ils retournèrent à Jérusalem; et ils trouvèrent les onze, et ceux qui étaient avec eux, assemblés,

 And [2532] they rose up [0450] [5631] the same [0846] hour [5610], and returned [5290] [5656] to [1519] Jerusalem [2419], and [2532] found [2147] [5627] the eleven [1733] gathered together [4867] [5772], and [2532] them that were with [4862] them [0846],


 Qui disaient: Le Seigneur est vraiment ressuscité, et il est apparu à Simon.

 Saying [3004] [5723], [3754] The Lord [2962] is risen [1453] [5681] indeed [3689], and [2532] hath appeared [3700] [5681] to Simon [4613].


 À leur tour, ils racontèrent ce qui leur était arrivé en chemin, et comment ils l'avaient reconnu lorsqu'il avait rompu le pain.

 And [2532] they told [1834] [5711] what things [were done] in [1722] the way [3598], and [2532] how [5613] he was known [1097] [5681] of them [0846] in [1722] breaking [2800] of bread [0740].


 Comme ils tenaient ces discours, Jésus lui-même se présenta au milieu d'eux, et leur dit: La paix soit avec vous.

 And [1161] as they [0846] thus [5023] spake [2980] [5723], Jesus himself [0846] stood [2476] [5627] in [1722] the midst [3319] of them [0846], and [2532] saith [3004] [5719] unto them [0846], Peace [1515] [be] unto you [5213].


 Mais eux, frappés de stupeur et d'épouvante, croyaient voir un esprit.

 But [1161] they were terrified [4422] [5685] and [2532] affrighted [1719] [1096] [5637], and supposed [1380] [5707] that they had seen [2334] [5721] a spirit [4151].


 Et il leur dit: Pourquoi êtes-vous troublés, et pourquoi s'élève-t-il des pensées contraires dans vos cœurs?

 And [2532] he said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Why [5101] are ye [2075] [5748] troubled [5015] [5772]? and [2532] why [1302] do thoughts [1261] arise [0305] [5719] in [1722] your [5216] hearts [2588]?


 Voyez mes mains et mes pieds, car c'est moi-même. Touchez-moi et regardez-moi; car un esprit n'a ni chair ni os, comme vous voyez que j'ai.

 Behold [1492] [5628] my [3450] hands [5495] and [2532] my [3450] feet [4228], that [3754] it is [1510] [5748] I [1473] myself [0846]: handle [5584] [5657] me [3165], and [2532] see [1492] [5628]; for [3754] a spirit [4151] hath [2192] [5719] not [3756] flesh [4561] and [2532] bones [3747], as [2531] ye see [2334] [5719] me [1691] have [2192] [5723].


 En disant cela, il leur montra ses mains et ses pieds.

 And [2532] when he had thus [5124] spoken [2036] [5631], he shewed [1925] [5656] them [0846] [his] hands [5495] and [2532] [his] feet [4228].


 Mais comme, dans leur joie, ils ne le croyaient point encore, et qu'ils étaient étonnés, il leur dit: Avez-vous ici quelque chose à manger?

 And [1161] while they yet [2089] believed not [0569] [5723] for [0575] joy [5479], and [2532] wondered [2296] [5723], he said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Have ye [2192] [5719] here [1759] any [5100] meat [1034]?


 Et ils lui présentèrent un morceau de poisson rôti et du miel en rayon.

 And [1161] they gave [1929] [5656] him [0846] a piece [3313] of a broiled [3702] fish [2486], and [2532] of [0575] an honeycomb [3193] [2781].


 Et l'ayant pris il en mangea en leur présence.

 And [2532] he took [2983] [5631] [it], and did eat [5315] [5627] before [1799] them [0846].


 Puis il leur dit: C'est là ce que je vous disais lorsque j'étais encore avec vous, qu'il fallait que tout ce qui a été écrit de moi dans la loi de Moïse et dans les prophètes et dans les psaumes, fût accompli.

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], These [3778] [are] the words [3056] which [3739] I spake [2980] [5656] unto [4314] you [5209], while [5607] [5752] I was yet [2089] with [4862] you [5213], that [3754] all things [3956] must [1163] [5748] be fulfilled [4137] [5683], which [3588] were written [1125] [5772] in [1722] the law [3551] of Moses [3475], and [2532] [in] the prophets [4396], and [2532] [in] the psalms [5568], concerning [4012] me [1700].


 Alors il leur ouvrit l'esprit, pour qu'ils comprennent les Écritures.

 Then [5119] opened he [1272] [5656] their [0846] understanding [3563], that they might understand [4920] [5721] the scriptures [1124],


 Et il leur dit: Ainsi est-il écrit, et ainsi fallait-il que le Christ souffrît, et qu'il ressuscitât des morts le troisième jour,

 And [2532] said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Thus [3754] [3779] it is written [1125] [5769], and [2532] thus [3779] it behoved [1163] [5713] Christ [5547] to suffer [3958] [5629], and [2532] to rise [0450] [5629] from [1537] the dead [3498] the third [5154] day [2250]:


 Et qu'on prêchât en son nom la reconsidération et la délivrance des péchés, parmi toutes les nations, en commençant par Jérusalem.

 And [2532] that repentance [3341] and [2532] remission [0859] of sins [0266] should be preached [2784] [5683] in [1909] his [0846] name [3686] among [1519] all [3956] nations [1484], beginning [0756] [5671] at [0575] Jerusalem [2419].


 Or, vous êtes les témoins de ces choses; et voici, je vais vous envoyer ce que mon Père a promis.

 And [1161] ye [5210] are [2075] [5748] witnesses [3144] of these things [5130].


 Pour vous, demeurez dans la ville de Jérusalem, jusqu'à ce que vous soyez revêtus de la puissance d'en haut.

 And [2532], behold [2400] [5628], I [1473] send [0649] [5719] the promise [1860] of my [3450] Father [3962] upon [1909] you [5209]: but [1161] tarry [2523] [5657] ye [5210] in [1722] the city [4172] of Jerusalem [2419], until [2193] ye [3739] be endued [1746] [5672] with power [1411] from [1537] on high [5311].


 Il les mena ensuite dehors jusqu'à Béthanie; puis, élevant ses mains, il les bénit.

 And [1161] he led [1806] [5627] them [0846] out [1854] as far as [2193] to [1519] Bethany [0963], and [2532] he lifted up [1869] [5660] his [0848] hands [5495], and blessed [2127] [5656] them [0846].


 Et il arriva, comme il les bénissait, qu'il se sépara d'eux, et fut exalté au Très-Haut.

 And [2532] it came to pass [1096] [5633], while [1722] he [0846] blessed [2127] [5721] them [0846], he was parted [1339] [5627] from [0575] them [0846], and [2532] carried up [0399] [5712] into [1519] heaven [3772].


 Et eux, l'ayant adoré, s'en retournèrent à Jérusalem dans une grande joie.

 And [2532] they [0846] worshipped [4352] [5660] him [0846], and returned [5290] [5656] to [1519] Jerusalem [2419] with [3326] great [3173] joy [5479]:


 Et ils étaient continuellement dans le temple, louant et bénissant Dieu. Amen.

 And [2532] were [2258] [5713] continually [1275] in [1722] the temple [2411], praising [0134] [5723] and [2532] blessing [2127] [5723] God [2316]. Amen [0281].




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