La voix qui crie dans le désert









 Or Salomon, fils de David, s'affermit dans son règne; YEHOVAH son Dieu fut avec lui, et l'éleva extrêmement.

 And Solomon [8010] the son [1121] of David [1732] was strengthened [2388] in his kingdom, [4438] and the LORD [3068] his God [0430] [was] with him, and magnified [1431] him exceedingly. [4605]


 Et Salomon parla à tout Israël, aux chefs de milliers et de centaines, aux juges et à tous les principaux de tout Israël, chefs des maisons des pères.

 Then Solomon [8010] spake [0559] unto all Israel, [3478] to the captains [8269] of thousands [0505] and of hundreds, [3967] and to the judges, [8199] and to every governor [5387] in all Israel, [3478] the chief [7218] of the fathers. [0001]


 Et Salomon et toute l'assemblée avec lui, allèrent au haut lieu qui était à Gabaon; car là était le tabernacle d'assignation de Dieu, que Moïse, serviteur de YEHOVAH, avait fait dans le désert.

 So Solomon, [8010] and all the congregation [6951] with him, went [3212] to the high place [1116] that [was] at Gibeon; [1391] for there was the tabernacle [0168] of the congregation [4150] of God, [0430] which Moses [4872] the servant [5650] of the LORD [3068] had made [6213] in the wilderness. [4057]


 Mais David avait amené l'arche de Dieu, de Kirjath-Jearim au lieu qu'il avait préparé; car il lui avait dressé un tabernacle à Jérusalem.

 But [0061] the ark [0727] of God [0430] had David [1732] brought up [5927] from Kirjathjearim [7157] to [the place which] David [1732] had prepared [3559] for it: for he had pitched [5186] a tent [0168] for it at Jerusalem. [3389]


 L'autel d'airain que Betsaléel, fils d'Uri, fils de Hur, avait fait, était là devant la Demeure de YEHOVAH. Et Salomon et l'assemblée y cherchèrent YEHOVAH.

 Moreover the brasen [5178] altar, [4196] that Bezaleel [1212] the son [1121] of Uri, [0221] the son [1121] of Hur, [2354] had made, [6213] he put [7760] before [6440] the tabernacle [4908] of the LORD: [3068] and Solomon [8010] and the congregation [6951] sought [1875] unto it.


 Et Salomon offrit là, devant YEHOVAH, mille offrandes à brûler, sur l'autel d'airain qui était devant le tabernacle d'assignation.

 And Solomon [8010] went up [5927] thither to the brasen [5178] altar [4196] before [6440] the LORD, [3068] which [was] at the tabernacle [0168] of the congregation, [4150] and offered [5927] a thousand [0505] burnt offerings [5930] upon it.


 En cette nuit-là, Dieu apparut à Salomon, et lui dit: Demande ce que tu veux que je te donne.

 In that night [3915] did God [0430] appear [7200] unto Solomon, [8010] and said [0559] unto him, Ask [7592] what I shall give [5414] thee.


 Et Salomon répondit à Dieu: Tu as usé de grande miséricorde envers David, mon père, et tu m'as établi roi à sa place.

 And Solomon [8010] said [0559] unto God, [0430] Thou hast shewed [6213] great [1419] mercy [2617] unto David [1732] my father, [0001] and hast made me to reign [4427] in his stead.


 Maintenant, YEHOVAH Dieu! que ta parole à David, mon père, soit ferme; car tu m'as établi roi sur un peuple nombreux comme la poussière de la terre.

 Now, O LORD [3068] God, [0430] let thy promise [1697] unto David [1732] my father [0001] be established: [0539] for thou hast made me king [4427] over a people [5971] like the dust [6083] of the earth [0776] in multitude. [7227]


 Donne-moi donc maintenant de la sagesse et de l'intelligence, afin que je sache me conduire devant ce peuple; car qui pourrait juger ton peuple, ce peuple si grand?

 Give [5414] me now wisdom [2451] and knowledge, [4093] that I may go out [3318] and come in [0935] before [6440] this people: [5971] for who can judge [8199] this thy people, [5971] [that is so] great? [1419]


 Et Dieu dit à Salomon: Puisque c'est là ce qui est dans ton cœur, et que tu n'as demandé ni des richesses, ni des biens, ni de la gloire, ni la mort de ceux qui te haïssent, ni même des jours nombreux, mais que tu as demandé pour toi de la sagesse et de l'intelligence, afin de pouvoir juger mon peuple, sur lequel je t'ai établi roi,

 And God [0430] said [0559] to Solomon, [8010] Because this was in thine heart, [3824] and thou hast not asked [7592] riches, [6239] wealth, [5233] or honour, [3519] nor the life [5315] of thine enemies, [8130] neither yet hast asked [7592] long [7227] life; [3117] but hast asked [7592] wisdom [2451] and knowledge [4093] for thyself, that thou mayest judge [8199] my people, [5971] over whom I have made thee king: [4427]


 La sagesse et l'intelligence te sont données. Je te donnerai aussi des richesses, des biens et de la gloire, comme n'en ont pas eu les rois qui ont été avant toi, et comme n'en aura aucun après toi.

 Wisdom [2451] and knowledge [4093] [is] granted [5414] unto thee; and I will give [5414] thee riches, [6239] and wealth, [5233] and honour, [3519] such as none of the kings [4428] have had that [have been] before [6440] thee, neither shall there any after [0310] thee have the like.


 Puis Salomon s'en retourna à Jérusalem, du haut lieu qui était à Gabaon, de devant le tabernacle d'assignation; et il régna sur Israël.

 Then Solomon [8010] came [0935] [from his journey] to the high place [1116] that [was] at Gibeon [1391] to Jerusalem, [3389] from before [6440] the tabernacle [0168] of the congregation, [4150] and reigned [4427] over Israel. [3478]


 Salomon rassembla des chars et des cavaliers; il avait quatorze cents chars et douze mille cavaliers; et il les mit dans les villes où il tenait ses chars, et auprès du roi, à Jérusalem.

 And Solomon [8010] gathered [0622] chariots [7393] and horsemen: [6571] and he had a thousand [0505] and four [0702] hundred [3967] chariots, [7393] and twelve [8147] [6240] thousand [0505] horsemen, [6571] which he placed [3240] in the chariot [7393] cities, [5892] and with the king [4428] at Jerusalem. [3389]


 Et le roi fit que l'argent et l'or étaient aussi communs à Jérusalem que les pierres, et les cèdres, que les sycomores de la plaine.

 And the king [4428] made [5414] silver [3701] and gold [2091] at Jerusalem [3389] [as plenteous] as stones, [0068] and cedar trees [0730] made [5414] he as the sycomore trees [8256] that [are] in the vale [8219] for abundance. [7230]


 Le lieu d'où l'on tirait les chevaux pour Salomon était l'Égypte; une troupe de marchands du roi allaient en chercher un convoi pour un prix convenu.

 And Solomon [8010] had horses [5483] brought out [4161] of Egypt, [4714] and linen yarn: [4723] the king's [4428] merchants [5503] received [3947] the linen yarn [4723] at a price. [4242]


 On faisait monter et sortir d'Égypte un char pour six cents sicles d'argent, et un cheval pour cent cinquante. On en amenait de même par eux pour tous les rois des Héthiens, et pour les rois de Syrie.

 And they fetched up, [5927] and brought forth [3318] out of Egypt [4714] a chariot [4818] for six [8337] hundred [3967] [shekels] of silver, [3701] and an horse [5483] for an hundred [3967] and fifty: [2572] and so brought they out [3318] [horses] for all the kings [4428] of the Hittites, [2850] and for the kings [4428] of Syria, [0758] by their means. [3027]


 Or Salomon ordonna de bâtir une maison au nom de YEHOVAH, et pour lui une maison royale.

 And Solomon [8010] determined [0559] to build [1129] an house [1004] for the name [8034] of the LORD, [3068] and an house [1004] for his kingdom. [4438]


 Et Salomon compta soixante et dix mille hommes pour porter les fardeaux, et quatre-vingt mille pour tailler les pierres dans la montagne, et trois mille six cents préposés sur eux.

 And Solomon [8010] told out [5608] threescore and ten [7657] thousand [0505] men [0376] to bear burdens, [5449] and fourscore [8084] thousand [0505] [0376] to hew [2672] in the mountain, [2022] and three [7969] thousand [0505] and six [8337] hundred [3967] to oversee [5329] them.


 Puis Salomon envoya vers Huram, roi de Tyr, pour lui dire: Fais pour moi comme tu as fait pour David, mon père, à qui tu as envoyé des cèdres, pour se bâtir une maison afin d'y habiter.

 And Solomon [8010] sent [7971] to Huram [2361] the king [4428] of Tyre, [6865] saying, [0559] As thou didst deal [6213] with David [1732] my father, [0001] and didst send [7971] him cedars [0730] to build [1129] him an house [1004] to dwell [3427] therein, [even so deal with me].


 Voici, je vais bâtir une maison au nom de YEHOVAH mon Dieu, pour la lui consacrer, pour faire fumer devant lui le parfum des aromates, pour présenter continuellement devant lui les pains du témoignage, et pour offrir les offrandes à brûler du matin et du soir, des sabbats, des nouvelles lunes, et des fêtes de YEHOVAH, notre Dieu, ce qui est un devoir pour Israël à perpétuité.

 Behold, I build [1129] an house [1004] to the name [8034] of the LORD [3068] my God, [0430] to dedicate [6942] [it] to him, [and] to burn [6999] before [6440] him sweet [5561] incense, [7004] and for the continual [8548] shewbread, [4635] and for the burnt offerings [5930] morning [1242] [1242] and evening, [6153] on the sabbaths, [7676] and on the new moons, [2320] and on the solemn feasts [4150] of the LORD [3068] our God. [0430] This [is an ordinance] for ever [5769] to


 La maison que je vais bâtir sera grande; car notre Dieu est plus grand que tous les dieux.

 And the house [1004] which I build [1129] [is] great: [1419] for great [1419] [is] our God [0430] above all gods. [0430]


 Mais qui aurait le pouvoir de lui bâtir une maison, puisque les cieux et les cieux des cieux ne sauraient le contenir? Et qui suis-je pour lui bâtir une maison, si ce n'est pour faire fumer des parfums devant sa face?

 But who is [6113] able [3581] to build [1129] him an house, [1004] seeing the heaven [8064] and heaven [8064] of heavens [8064] cannot contain [3557] him? who [am] I then, that I should build [1129] him an house, [1004] save only [0518] to burn sacrifice [6999] before [6440] him?


 Maintenant envoie-moi un homme habile à travailler en or, en argent, en airain et en fer, en écarlate, en cramoisi et en pourpre, sachant sculpter des sculptures, pour travailler avec les hommes habiles que j'ai avec moi en Juda et à Jérusalem, et que David, mon père, a préparés.

 Send [7971] me now therefore a man [0376] cunning [2450] to work [6213] in gold, [2091] and in silver, [3701] and in brass, [5178] and in iron, [1270] and in purple, [0710] and crimson, [3758] and blue, [8504] and that can skill [3045] to grave [6605] [6603] with the cunning men [2450] that [are] with me in Judah [3063] and in Jerusalem, [3389] whom David [1732] my father [0001] did provide. [3559]


 Envoie-moi aussi du Liban du bois de cèdre, de cyprès et de santal; car je sais que tes serviteurs savent couper le bois du Liban. Voici, mes serviteurs seront avec les tiens.

 Send [7971] me also cedar [0730] trees, [6086] fir trees, [1265] and algum [0418] trees, out of Lebanon: [3844] for I know [3045] that thy servants [5650] can skill [3045] to cut [3772] timber [6086] in Lebanon; [3844] and, behold, my servants [5650] [shall be] with thy servants, [5650]


 Qu'on me prépare du bois en grande quantité; car la maison que je vais bâtir sera grande et magnifique.

 Even to prepare [3559] me timber [6086] in abundance: [7230] for the house [1004] which I am about to build [1129] [shall be] wonderful [6381] great. [1419]


 Et je donnerai à tes serviteurs qui couperont, qui abattront les bois, vingt mille cores de froment foulé, vingt mille cores d'orge, vingt mille baths de vin, et vingt mille baths d'huile.

 And, behold, I will give [5414] to thy servants, [5650] the hewers [2404] that cut [3772] timber, [6086] twenty [6242] thousand [0505] measures [3734] of beaten [4347] wheat, [2406] and twenty [6242] thousand [0505] measures [3734] of barley, [8184] and twenty [6242] thousand [0505] baths [1324] of wine, [3196] and twenty [6242] thousand [0505] baths [1324] of oil. [8081]


 Huram, roi de Tyr, répondit, dans un écrit qu'il envoya à Salomon: C'est parce que YEHOVAH aime son peuple qu'il t'a établi roi sur eux.

 Then Huram [2361] the king [4428] of Tyre [6865] answered [0559] in writing, [3791] which he sent [7971] to Solomon, [8010] Because the LORD [3068] hath loved [0160] his people, [5971] he hath made [5414] thee king [4428] over them.


 Et Huram dit: Béni soit YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël, qui a fait les cieux et la terre, de ce qu'il a donné au roi David un fils sage, prudent et intelligent, qui va bâtir une maison à YEHOVAH, et une maison royale pour lui!

 Huram [2361] said [0559] moreover, Blessed [1288] [be] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] that made [6213] heaven [8064] and earth, [0776] who hath given [5414] to David [1732] the king [4428] a wise [2450] son, [1121] endued [3045] with prudence [7922] and understanding, [0998] that might build [1129] an house [1004] for the LORD, [3068] and an house [1004] for his kingdom. [4438]


 Je t'envoie donc un homme habile et intelligent, Huram-Abi,

 And now I have sent [7971] a cunning [2450] man, [0376] endued [3045] with understanding, [0998] of Huram [2361] my father's, [0001]


 Fils d'une femme d'entre les filles de Dan, et d'un père tyrien. Il sait travailler en or, en argent, en airain et en fer, en pierres et en bois, en écarlate, en pourpre, en fin lin et en cramoisi; il sait sculpter toutes sortes de sculptures et imaginer toutes sortes d'objets d'art qu'on lui donne à faire. Il travaillera avec tes hommes habiles et avec les hommes habiles de mon seigneur David, ton père.

 The son [1121] of a woman [0802] of the daughters [1323] of Dan, [1835] and his father [0001] [was] a man [0376] of Tyre, [6876] skilful [3045] to work [6213] in gold, [2091] and in silver, [3701] in brass, [5178] in iron, [1270] in stone, [0068] and in timber, [6086] in purple, [0713] in blue, [8504] and in fine linen, [0948] and in crimson; [3758] also to grave [6605] any manner of graving, [6603] and to find out [2803] every device [4284] which shall be put [5414] to h


 Et maintenant, que mon seigneur envoie à ses serviteurs le froment, l'orge, l'huile et le vin qu'il a dit.

 Now therefore the wheat, [2406] and the barley, [8184] the oil, [8081] and the wine, [3196] which my lord [0113] hath spoken [0559] of, let him send [7971] unto his servants: [5650]


 Et nous couperons des bois du Liban autant qu'il t'en faudra, et nous te les amènerons en radeaux, par mer, jusqu'à Japho, et tu les feras monter à Jérusalem.

 And we will cut [3772] wood [6086] out of Lebanon, [3844] as much as thou shalt need: [6878] and we will bring [0935] it to thee in floats [7513] by sea [3220] to Joppa; [3305] and thou shalt carry it up [5927] to Jerusalem. [3389]


 Alors Salomon compta tous les étrangers qui étaient au pays d'Israël, après le dénombrement que David, son père, en avait fait; on en trouva cent cinquante-trois mille six cents.

 And Solomon [8010] numbered [5608] all the strangers [0582] [1616] that [were] in the land [0776] of Israel, [3478] after [0310] the numbering [5610] wherewith David [1732] his father [0001] had numbered [5608] them; and they were found [4672] an hundred [3967] and fifty [2572] thousand [0505] and three [7969] thousand [0505] and six [8337] hundred. [3967]


 Et il en établit soixante et dix mille qui portaient des fardeaux, quatre-vingt mille qui taillaient les pierres dans la montagne, et trois mille six cents préposés pour faire travailler le peuple.

 And he set [6213] threescore and ten [7657] thousand [0505] of them [to be] bearers of burdens, [5449] and fourscore [8084] thousand [0505] [to be] hewers [2672] in the mountain, [2022] and three [7969] thousand [0505] and six [8337] hundred [3967] overseers [5329] to set the people [5971] a work. [5647]


 Salomon commença donc à bâtir la maison de YEHOVAH à Jérusalem, sur la montagne de Morija, qui avait été indiquée à David, son père, au lieu même que David avait préparé dans l'aire d'Ornan, le Jébusien.

 Then Solomon [8010] began [2490] to build [1129] the house [1004] of the LORD [3068] at Jerusalem [3389] in mount [2022] Moriah, [4179] where [the LORD] appeared [7200] unto David [1732] his father, [0001] in the place [4725] that David [1732] had prepared [3559] in the threshingfloor [1637] of Ornan [0771] the Jebusite. [2983]


 Il commença à bâtir, le second jour du second mois, la quatrième année de son règne.

 And he began [2490] to build [1129] in the second [8145] [day] of the second [8145] month, [2320] in the fourth [0702] year [8141] of his reign. [4438]


 Or voici la base fixée par Salomon pour bâtir la maison de Dieu: La longueur, en coudées de l'ancienne mesure, était de soixante coudées, et la largeur de vingt coudées.

 Now these [are the things wherein] Solomon [8010] was instructed [3245] for the building [1129] of the house [1004] of God. [0430] The length [0753] by cubits [0520] after the first [7223] measure [4060] [was] threescore [8346] cubits, [0520] and the breadth [7341] twenty [6242] cubits. [0520]


 Le portique, qui était sur le devant, et dont la longueur répondait à la largeur de la maison, avait vingt coudées, et cent vingt de hauteur. Il le revêtit intérieurement d'or pur.

 And the porch [0197] that [was] in the front [6440] [of the house], the length [0753] [of it was] according to [6440] the breadth [7341] of the house, [1004] twenty [6242] cubits, [0520] and the height [1363] [was] an hundred [3967] and twenty: [6242] and he overlaid [6823] it within [6441] with pure [2889] gold. [2091]


 Et il couvrit la grande maison de bois de cyprès; il la revêtit d'or fin, et y fit mettre des palmes et des chaînettes.

 And the greater [1419] house [1004] he cieled [2645] with fir [1265] tree, [6086] which he overlaid [2645] with fine [2896] gold, [2091] and set [5927] thereon palm trees [8561] and chains. [8333]


 Il revêtit la maison de pierres précieuses, pour l'ornement; et l'or était de l'or de Parvaïm.

 And he garnished [6823] the house [1004] with precious [3368] stones [0068] for beauty: [8597] and the gold [2091] [was] gold [2091] of Parvaim. [6516]


 Il revêtit d'or la maison, les poutres, les seuils, les parois et les portes; et il sculpta des Voyants sur les parois.

 He overlaid [2645] also the house, [1004] the beams, [6982] the posts, [5592] and the walls [7023] thereof, and the doors [1817] thereof, with gold; [2091] and graved [6605] cherubims [3742] on the walls. [7023]


 Il fit le lieu très-saint, dont la longueur était de vingt coudées, selon la largeur de la maison, et la largeur de vingt coudées; et il le couvrit d'or fin, se montant à six cents talents.

 And he made [6213] the most [6944] holy [6944] house, [1004] the length [0753] whereof [was] according to [6440] the breadth [7341] of the house, [1004] twenty [6242] cubits, [0520] and the breadth [7341] thereof twenty [6242] cubits: [0520] and he overlaid [2645] it with fine [2896] gold, [2091] [amounting] to six [8337] hundred [3967] talents. [3603]


 Et le poids des clous montait à cinquante sicles d'or. Il revêtit aussi d'or les chambres hautes.

 And the weight [4948] of the nails [4548] [was] fifty [2572] shekels [8255] of gold. [2091] And he overlaid [2645] the upper chambers [5944] with gold. [2091]


 Il fit deux Voyants dans le lieu très-saint, en travail de sculpture, et on les couvrit d'or;

 And in the most [6944] holy [6944] house [1004] he made [6213] two [8147] cherubims [3742] of image [6816] work, [4639] and overlaid [6823] them with gold. [2091]


 La longueur des ailes des Voyants était de vingt coudées; l'aile de l'un, longue de cinq coudées, touchait à la paroi de la maison, et l'autre aile, longue de cinq coudées, touchait à l'aile de l'autre Voyant.

 And the wings [3671] of the cherubims [3742] [were] twenty [6242] cubits [0520] long: [0753] one [0259] wing [3671] [of the one cherub was] five [2568] cubits, [0520] reaching [5060] to the wall [7023] of the house: [1004] and the other [0312] wing [3671] [was likewise] five [2568] cubits, [0520] reaching [5060] to the wing [3671] of the other [0312] cherub. [3742]


 Et l'aile de l'autre Voyant, longue de cinq coudées, touchait la paroi de la maison; et l'autre aile, longue de cinq coudées, joignait l'aile de l'autre Voyant.

 And [one] wing [3671] of the other [0259] cherub [3742] [was] five [2568] cubits, [0520] reaching [5060] to the wall [7023] of the house: [1004] and the other [0312] wing [3671] [was] five [2568] cubits [0520] [also], joining [1695] to the wing [3671] of the other [0312] cherub. [3742]


 Les ailes de ces Voyants avaient une étendue de vingt coudées; ils se tenaient debout sur leurs pieds, leur face tournée vers la maison.

 The wings [3671] of these cherubims [3742] spread themselves forth [6566] twenty [6242] cubits: [0520] and they stood [5975] on their feet, [7272] and their faces [6440] [were] inward. [1004]


 Il fit le voile de pourpre, d'écarlate, de cramoisi et de fin lin; et il mit dessus des Voyants.

 And he made [6213] the vail [6532] [of] blue, [8504] and purple, [0713] and crimson, [3758] and fine linen, [0948] and wrought [5927] cherubims [3742] thereon.


 Devant la maison il fit deux colonnes, de trente-cinq coudées de hauteur; et le chapiteau qui les surmontait, était de cinq coudées.

 Also he made [6213] before [6440] the house [1004] two [8147] pillars [5982] of thirty [7970] and five [2568] cubits [0520] high, [0753] and the chapiter [6858] that [was] on the top [7218] of each of them [was] five [2568] cubits. [0520]


 Il fit des chaînettes dans le sanctuaire; et il en mit sur le sommet des colonnes; et il fit cent grenades qu'il mit aux chaînettes.

 And he made [6213] chains, [8333] [as] in the oracle, [1687] and put [5414] [them] on the heads [7218] of the pillars; [5982] and made [6213] an hundred [3967] pomegranates, [7416] and put [5414] [them] on the chains. [8333]


 Il dressa les colonnes sur le devant du temple, l'une à droite, et l'autre à gauche; il appela celle de droite Jakin (il a fondé), et celle de gauche Boaz (en lui la force).

 And he reared up [6965] the pillars [5982] before [6440] the temple, [1964] one [0259] on the right hand, [3225] and the other [0259] on the left; [8040] and called [7121] the name [8034] of that on the right hand [3233] [3227] Jachin, [3199] and the name [8034] of that on the left [8042] Boaz. [1162]


 Il fit aussi un autel d'airain de vingt coudées de long, de vingt coudées de large, et de dix coudées de haut.

 Moreover he made [6213] an altar [4196] of brass, [5178] twenty [6242] cubits [0520] the length [0753] thereof, and twenty [6242] cubits [0520] the breadth [7341] thereof, and ten [6235] cubits [0520] the height [6967] thereof.


 Il fit la mer de fonte de dix coudées d'un bord à l'autre, ronde tout autour, et haute de cinq coudées; et un cordon de trente coudées l'environnait tout autour.

 Also he made [6213] a molten [3332] sea [3220] of ten [6235] cubits [0520] from brim [8193] to brim, [8193] round [5696] in compass, [5439] and five [2568] cubits [0520] the height [6967] thereof; and a line [6957] of thirty [7970] cubits [0520] did compass [5437] it round about. [5439]


 Et des figures de bœufs l'entouraient en dessous, tout autour, dix par coudée, environnant la mer tout autour; il y avait deux rangées de bœufs fondus avec elle dans sa fonte.

 And under it [was] the similitude [1823] of oxen, [1241] which did compass [5437] it round about: [5439] [5439] ten [6235] in a cubit, [0520] compassing [5362] the sea [3220] round about. [5439] Two [8147] rows [2905] of oxen [1241] [were] cast, [3332] when it was cast. [4166]


 Elle était posée sur douze bœufs, dont trois tournés vers le nord, trois tournés vers l'occident, trois tournés vers le midi, et trois tournés vers l'orient; la mer était sur eux, et toutes leurs croupes étaient en dedans.

 It stood [5975] upon twelve [8147] [6240] oxen, [1241] three [7969] looking [6437] toward the north, [6828] and three [7969] looking [6437] toward the west, [3220] and three [7969] looking [6437] toward the south, [5045] and three [7969] looking [6437] toward the east: [4217] and the sea [3220] [was set] above [4605] upon them, and all their hinder parts [0268] [were] inward. [1004]


 Son épaisseur était d'une palme; et son bord était comme le bord d'une coupe, en fleur de lis; elle contenait trois mille baths.

 And the thickness [5672] of it [was] an handbreadth, [2947] and the brim [8193] of it like the work [4639] of the brim [8193] of a cup, [3563] with flowers [6525] of lilies; [7799] [and] it received [2388] and held [3557] three [7969] thousand [0505] baths. [1324]


 Il fit aussi dix cuves, et en mit cinq à droite et cinq à gauche, pour y laver. On y lavait ce qui appartenait aux offrandes à brûler, et la mer servait aux sacrificateurs pour s'y laver.

 He made [6213] also ten [6235] lavers, [3595] and put [5414] five [2568] on the right hand, [3225] and five [2568] on the left, [8040] to wash [7364] in them: such things as they offered [4639] for the burnt offering [5930] they washed [1740] in them; but the sea [3220] [was] for the priests [3548] to wash [7364] in.


 Il fit dix chandeliers d'or, selon la forme qu'ils devaient avoir, et les mit dans le temple, cinq à droite et cinq à gauche.

 And he made [6213] ten [6235] candlesticks [4501] of gold [2091] according to their form, [4941] and set [5414] [them] in the temple, [1964] five [2568] on the right hand, [3225] and five [2568] on the left. [8040]


 Il fit aussi dix tables, et il les mit dans le temple, cinq à droite, et cinq à gauche; et il fit cent coupes d'or.

 He made [6213] also ten [6235] tables, [7979] and placed [3240] [them] in the temple, [1964] five [2568] on the right side, [3225] and five [2568] on the left. [8040] And he made [6213] an hundred [3967] basons [4219] of gold. [2091]


 Il fit encore le parvis des sacrificateurs, et le grand parvis, et des portes pour ce parvis, et couvrit d'airain ces portes.

 Furthermore he made [6213] the court [2691] of the priests, [3548] and the great [1419] court, [5835] and doors [1817] for the court, [5835] and overlaid [6823] the doors [1817] of them with brass. [5178]


 Il mit la mer du côté droit, vers l'orient, en face du midi.

 And he set [5414] the sea [3220] on the right [3233] side [3802] of the east end, [6924] over against [4136] the south. [5045]


 Et Huram fit les pots, les pelles et les coupes; et il acheva de faire l'œuvre qu'il faisait pour le roi Salomon dans la maison de Dieu:

 And Huram [2361] made [6213] the pots, [5518] and the shovels, [3257] and the basons. [4219] And Huram [2361] [2438] finished [3615] [6213] the work [4399] that he was to make [6213] for king [4428] Solomon [8010] for the house [1004] of God; [0430]


 Deux colonnes, les renflements et les deux chapiteaux, sur le sommet des colonnes; les deux réseaux pour couvrir les deux renflements des chapiteaux, sur le sommet des colonnes;

 [To wit], the two [8147] pillars, [5982] and the pommels, [1543] and the chapiters [3805] [which were] on the top [7218] of the two [8147] pillars, [5982] and the two [8147] wreaths [7639] to cover [3680] the two [8147] pommels [1543] of the chapiters [3805] which [were] on the top [7218] of the pillars; [5982]


 Et les quatre cents grenades pour les deux réseaux, deux rangs de grenades à chaque réseau, pour couvrir les deux renflements des chapiteaux, sur le sommet des colonnes.

 And four [0702] hundred [3967] pomegranates [7416] on the two [8147] wreaths; [7639] two [8147] rows [2905] of pomegranates [7416] on each [0259] wreath, [7639] to cover [3680] the two [8147] pommels [1543] of the chapiters [3805] which [were] upon [6440] the pillars. [5982]


 Il fit aussi les socles, et il fit les cuves sur les socles;

 He made [6213] also bases, [4350] and lavers [3595] made [6213] he upon the bases; [4350]


 Une mer et les douze bœufs sous elle;

 One [0259] sea, [3220] and twelve [8147] [6240] oxen [1241] under it.


 Les pots, les pelles et les fourchettes et tous les ustensiles qui en dépendaient, Huram-Abi les fit au roi Salomon, pour la maison de YEHOVAH, en airain poli.

 The pots [5518] also, and the shovels, [3257] and the fleshhooks, [4207] and all their instruments, [3627] did Huram [2361] his father [0001] make [6213] to king [4428] Solomon [8010] for the house [1004] of the LORD [3068] of bright [4838] brass. [5178]


 Le roi les fit fondre dans la plaine du Jourdain, dans une terre grasse, entre Succoth et Tséréda.

 In the plain [3603] of Jordan [3383] did the king [4428] cast [3332] them, in the clay [5645] ground [0127] between Succoth [5523] and Zeredathah. [6868]


 Et Salomon fit tous ces ustensiles en grand nombre, car on ne pouvait estimer le poids de l'airain.

 Thus Solomon [8010] made [6213] all these vessels [3627] in great [3966] abundance: [7230] for the weight [4948] of the brass [5178] could not be found out. [2713]


 Salomon fit encore tous ces ustensiles qui appartenaient à la maison de Dieu: l'autel d'or, et les tables sur lesquelles on mettait le pain de proposition;

 And Solomon [8010] made [6213] all the vessels [3627] that [were for] the house [1004] of God, [0430] the golden [2091] altar [4196] also, and the tables [7979] whereon the shewbread [3899] [6440] [was set];


 Les chandeliers et leurs lampes d'or fin, qu'on devait allumer devant le sanctuaire, selon l'ordonnance;

 Moreover the candlesticks [4501] with their lamps, [5216] that they should burn [1197] after the manner [4941] before [6440] the oracle, [1687] of pure [5462] gold; [2091]


 Les fleurs, les lampes, et les mouchettes d'or, d'un or parfaitement pur;

 And the flowers, [6525] and the lamps, [5216] and the tongs, [4457] [made he of] gold, [2091] [and] that perfect [4357] gold; [2091]


 Et les serpes, les bassins, les tasses et les encensoirs d'or fin. Et quant à l'entrée de la maison, les portes intérieures conduisant au lieu très-saint, et les portes de la maison, pour entrer au temple, étaient d'or.

 And the snuffers, [4212] and the basons, [4219] and the spoons, [3709] and the censers, [4289] [of] pure [5462] gold: [2091] and the entry [6607] of the house, [1004] the inner [6442] doors [1817] thereof for the most [6944] holy [6944] [place], and the doors [1817] of the house [1004] of the temple, [1964] [were of] gold. [2091]


 Ainsi fut achevé tout l'ouvrage que Salomon fit pour la maison de YEHOVAH. Puis Salomon fit apporter ce que David, son père, avait consacré: l'argent, l'or et tous les ustensiles; et il les mit dans les trésors de la maison de Dieu.

 Thus all the work [4399] that Solomon [8010] made [6213] for the house [1004] of the LORD [3068] was finished: [7999] and Solomon [8010] brought in [0935] [all] the things that David [1732] his father [0001] had dedicated; [6944] and the silver, [3701] and the gold, [2091] and all the instruments, [3627] put [5414] he among the treasures [0214] of the house [1004] of God. [0430]


 Alors Salomon assembla à Jérusalem les anciens d'Israël, et tous les chefs des tribus, les principaux des pères des enfants d'Israël, pour transporter de la ville de David, qui est Sion, l'arche de l'alliance de YEHOVAH.

 Then Solomon [8010] assembled [6950] the elders [2205] of Israel, [3478] and all the heads [7218] of the tribes, [4294] the chief [5387] of the fathers [0001] of the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] unto Jerusalem, [3389] to bring up [5927] the ark [0727] of the covenant [1285] of the LORD [3068] out of the city [5892] of David, [1732] which [is] Zion. [6726]


 Et tous les hommes d'Israël se réunirent auprès du roi pour la fête; c'était le septième mois.

 Wherefore all the men [0376] of Israel [3478] assembled [6950] themselves unto the king [4428] in the feast [2282] which [was] in the seventh [7637] month. [2320]


 Tous les anciens d'Israël vinrent, et les Lévites portèrent l'arche.

 And all the elders [2205] of Israel [3478] came; [0935] and the Levites [3881] took up [5375] the ark. [0727]


 Ils transportèrent l'arche, le tabernacle d'assignation, et tous les ustensiles sacrés qui étaient dans le tabernacle; les sacrificateurs et les Lévites les transportèrent.

 And they brought up [5927] the ark, [0727] and the tabernacle [0168] of the congregation, [4150] and all the holy [6944] vessels [3627] that [were] in the tabernacle, [0168] these did the priests [3548] [and] the Levites [3881] bring up. [5927]


 Or le roi Salomon et toute l'assemblée d'Israël réunie auprès de lui étaient devant l'arche, sacrifiant du menu et du gros bétail, en si grand nombre qu'on ne le pouvait ni compter ni nombrer.

 Also king [4428] Solomon, [8010] and all the congregation [5712] of Israel [3478] that were assembled [3259] unto him before [6440] the ark, [0727] sacrificed [2076] sheep [6629] and oxen, [1241] which could not be told [5608] nor numbered [4487] for multitude. [7230]


 Et les sacrificateurs portèrent l'arche de l'alliance de YEHOVAH à sa place, dans le sanctuaire de la maison, dans le lieu très-saint, sous les ailes des Voyants.

 And the priests [3548] brought in [0935] the ark [0727] of the covenant [1285] of the LORD [3068] unto his place, [4725] to the oracle [1687] of the house, [1004] into the most [6944] holy [6944] [place, even] under the wings [3671] of the cherubims: [3742]


 Les Voyants étendaient les ailes sur l'endroit où devait être l'arche; et les Voyants couvraient l'arche et ses barres par-dessus.

 For the cherubims [3742] spread forth [6566] [their] wings [3671] over the place [4725] of the ark, [0727] and the cherubims [3742] covered [3680] the ark [0727] and the staves [0905] thereof above. [4605]


 Les barres avaient une longueur telle que leurs extrémités se voyaient en avant de l'arche, sur le devant du sanctuaire; mais elles ne se voyaient point du dehors. Et l'arche a été là jusqu'à ce jour.

 And they drew out [0748] the staves [0905] [of the ark], that the ends [7218] of the staves [0905] were seen [7200] from the ark [0727] before [6440] the oracle; [1687] but they were not seen [7200] without. [2351] And there it is unto this day. [3117]


 Il n'y avait dans l'arche que les deux tables que Moïse y avait mises en Horeb, quand YEHOVAH traita alliance avec les enfants d'Israël, à leur sortie d'Égypte.

 [There was] nothing in the ark [0727] save the two [8147] tables [3871] which Moses [4872] put [5414] [therein] at Horeb, [2722] when the LORD [3068] made [3772] [a covenant] with the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] when they came out [3318] of Egypt. [4714]


 Or il arriva, comme les sacrificateurs sortaient du lieu saint (car tous les sacrificateurs présents s'étaient sanctifiés, sans observer l'ordre des classes;

 And it came to pass, when the priests [3548] were come out [3318] of the holy [6944] [place]: (for all the priests [3548] [that were] present [4672] were sanctified, [6942] [and] did not [then] wait [8104] by course: [4256]


 Et tous les Lévites qui étaient chantres, Asaph, Héman, Jéduthun, leurs fils et leurs frères, vêtus de fin lin, avec des cymbales, des lyres et des harpes, se tenaient à l'orient de l'autel; et il y avait avec eux cent vingt sacrificateurs, qui sonnaient des trompettes),

 Also the Levites [3881] [which were] the singers, [7891] all of them of Asaph, [0623] of Heman, [1968] of Jeduthun, [3038] with their sons [1121] and their brethren, [0251] [being] arrayed [3847] in white linen, [0948] having cymbals [4700] and psalteries [5035] and harps, [3658] stood [5975] at the east end [4217] of the altar, [4196] and with them an hundred [3967] and twenty [6242] priests [3548] sounding [2690] with trumpets:) [2689]


 Lorsque, comme un seul homme, ceux qui sonnaient des trompettes et ceux qui chantaient firent entendre leur voix d'un même accord, pour célébrer et pour louer YEHOVAH, et qu'ils firent retentir le son des trompettes, des cymbales et d'autres instruments de musique, et qu'ils célébrèrent YEHOVAH, en disant: Car il est bon, car sa miséricorde demeure à toujours! il arriva que la maison de YEHOVAH fut remplie d'une nuée;

 It came even to pass, as the trumpeters [2690] and singers [7891] [were] as one, [0259] to make one [0259] sound [6963] to be heard [8085] in praising [1984] and thanking [3034] the LORD; [3068] and when they lifted up [7311] [their] voice [6963] with the trumpets [2689] and cymbals [4700] and instruments [3627] of musick, [7892] and praised [1984] the LORD, [3068] [saying], For [he is] good; [2896] for his mercy [2617] [endureth] for ever: [5769] that [then] the house


 Et les sacrificateurs ne purent s'y tenir pour faire le service, à cause de la nuée; car la gloire de YEHOVAH remplissait la maison de Dieu.

 So that the priests [3548] could [3201] not stand [5975] to minister [8334] by reason [6440] of the cloud: [6051] for the glory [3519] of the LORD [3068] had filled [4390] the house [1004] of God. [0430]


 Alors Salomon dit: YEHOVAH a dit qu'il habiterait dans l'obscurité.

 Then said [0559] Solomon, [8010] The LORD [3068] hath said [0559] that he would dwell [7931] in the thick darkness. [6205]


 Et moi, j'ai bâti une maison pour ta demeure, et un domicile afin que tu y habites à toujours!

 But I have built [1129] an house [1004] of habitation [2073] for thee, and a place [4349] for thy dwelling [3427] for ever. [5769]


 Puis le roi tourna son visage, et bénit toute l'assemblée d'Israël; et toute l'assemblée d'Israël était debout.

 And the king [4428] turned [5437] his face, [6440] and blessed [1288] the whole congregation [6951] of Israel: [3478] and all the congregation [6951] of Israel [3478] stood. [5975]


 Et il dit: Béni soit YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël, qui de sa bouche a parlé à David, mon père, et qui, de sa main, a accompli ce qu'il avait promis en disant:

 And he said, [0559] Blessed [1288] [be] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] who hath with his hands [3027] fulfilled [4390] [that] which he spake [1696] with his mouth [6310] to my father [0001] David, [1732] saying, [0559]


 Depuis le jour où j'ai fait sortir mon peuple du pays d'Égypte, je n'ai point choisi de ville entre toutes les tribus d'Israël pour y bâtir une maison, afin que mon nom y fût, et je n'ai point choisi d'homme pour être chef de mon peuple d'Israël.

 Since the day [3117] that I brought forth [3318] my people [5971] out of the land [0776] of Egypt [4714] I chose [0977] no city [5892] among all the tribes [7626] of Israel [3478] to build [1129] an house [1004] in, that my name [8034] might be there; neither chose [0977] I any man [0376] to be a ruler [5057] over my people [5971] Israel: [3478]


 Mais j'ai choisi Jérusalem pour que mon nom y fût, et j'ai choisi David pour qu'il régnât sur mon peuple d'Israël.

 But I have chosen [0977] Jerusalem, [3389] that my name [8034] might be there; and have chosen [0977] David [1732] to be over my people [5971] Israel. [3478]


 Or David, mon père, avait dessein de bâtir une maison au nom de YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël.

 Now it was in the heart [3824] of David [1732] my father [0001] to build [1129] an house [1004] for the name [8034] of the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel. [3478]


 Mais YEHOVAH dit à David, mon père: Puisque tu as eu le dessein de bâtir une maison à mon nom, tu as bien fait de former ce dessein.

 But the LORD [3068] said [0559] to David [1732] my father, [0001] Forasmuch as it was in thine heart [3824] to build [1129] an house [1004] for my name, [8034] thou didst well [2895] in that it was in thine heart: [3824]


 Seulement ce n'est pas toi qui bâtiras cette maison; mais c'est ton fils, issu de toi, qui bâtira cette maison à mon nom.

 Notwithstanding [7535] thou shalt not build [1129] the house; [1004] but thy son [1121] which shall come forth [3318] out of thy loins, [2504] he shall build [1129] the house [1004] for my name. [8034]


 YEHOVAH a donc accompli sa Parole qu'il avait prononcée; j'ai succédé à David, mon père, et je me suis assis sur le trône d'Israël, comme YEHOVAH l'avait dit, et j'ai bâti cette maison au nom de YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël.

 The LORD [3068] therefore hath performed [6965] his word [1697] that he hath spoken: [1696] for I am risen up [6965] in the room of David [1732] my father, [0001] and am set [3427] on the throne [3678] of Israel, [3478] as the LORD [3068] promised, [1696] and have built [1129] the house [1004] for the name [8034] of the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel. [3478]


 Et j'y ai mis l'arche, où est l'alliance de YEHOVAH, qu'il a traitée avec les enfants d'Israël.

 And in it [8033] have I put [7760] the ark, [0727] wherein [is] the covenant [1285] of the LORD, [3068] that he made [3772] with the children [1121] of Israel. [3478]


 Puis il se plaça devant l'autel de YEHOVAH, en face de toute l'assemblée d'Israël, et il étendit ses mains.

 And he stood [5975] before [6440] the altar [4196] of the LORD [3068] in the presence of all the congregation [6951] of Israel, [3478] and spread forth [6566] his hands: [3709]


 Car Salomon avait fait une tribune d'airain, et il l'avait mise au milieu du grand parvis; elle était longue de cinq coudées, large de cinq coudées, et haute de trois coudées; il s'y plaça, se mit à genoux, en face de toute l'assemblée d'Israël, et, étendant ses mains vers les cieux, il dit:

 For Solomon [8010] had made [6213] a brasen [5178] scaffold, [3595] of five [2568] cubits [0520] long, [0753] and five [2568] cubits [0520] broad, [7341] and three [7969] cubits [0520] high, [6967] and had set [5414] it in the midst [8432] of the court: [5835] and upon it he stood, [5975] and kneeled down [1288] upon his knees [1290] before all the congregation [6951] of Israel, [3478] and spread forth [6566] his hands [3709] toward heaven, [8064]


 Ô YEHOVAH, Dieu d'Israël! ni dans les cieux, ni sur la terre, il n'y a de Dieu semblable à toi, qui gardes l'alliance et la miséricorde envers tes serviteurs qui marchent de tout leur cœur devant ta face;

 And said, [0559] O LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] [there is] no God [0430] like thee in the heaven, [8064] nor in the earth; [0776] which keepest [8104] covenant, [1285] and [shewest] mercy [2617] unto thy servants, [5650] that walk [1980] before [6440] thee with all their hearts: [3820]


 Toi qui as tenu à ton serviteur David, mon père, ce que tu lui avais promis; et ce que tu as prononcé de ta bouche, tu l'as accompli de ta main, comme il paraît aujourd'hui.

 Thou which hast kept [8104] with thy servant [5650] David [1732] my father [0001] that which thou hast promised [1696] him; and spakest [1696] with thy mouth, [6310] and hast fulfilled [4390] [it] with thine hand, [3027] as [it is] this day. [3117]


 Maintenant donc, ô YEHOVAH, Dieu d'Israël! tiens à ton serviteur David, mon père, ce que tu lui as promis en disant: Tu ne manqueras jamais devant moi d'un successeur assis sur le trône d'Israël; pourvu que tes fils prennent garde à leur voie, pour marcher dans ma loi, comme tu as marché devant ma face.

 Now therefore, O LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] keep [8104] with thy servant [5650] David [1732] my father [0001] that which thou hast promised [1696] him, saying, [0559] There shall not fail [3772] thee a man [0376] in my sight [6440] to sit [3427] upon the throne [3678] of Israel; [3478] yet so [7535] that thy children [1121] take heed [8104] to their way [1870] to walk [3212] in my law, [8451] as thou hast walked [1980] before [6440] me.


 Et maintenant, ô YEHOVAH, Dieu d'Israël! que ta Parole, que tu as prononcée à David, ton serviteur, soit ratifiée!

 Now then, O LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] let thy word [1697] be verified, [0539] which thou hast spoken [1696] unto thy servant [5650] David. [1732]


 Mais serait-il vrai que Dieu habitât sur la terre avec les hommes? Voici, les cieux, même les cieux des cieux, ne peuvent te contenir, combien moins cette maison que j'ai bâtie?

 But will God [0430] in very deed [0552] dwell [3427] with men [0120] on the earth? [0776] behold, heaven [8064] and the heaven [8064] of heavens [8064] cannot contain [3557] thee; how much less this house [1004] which I have built! [1129]


 Toutefois, ô YEHOVAH, mon Dieu! aie égard à la prière de ton serviteur et à sa supplication, pour écouter le cri et la prière que ton serviteur t'adresse.

 Have respect [6437] therefore to the prayer [8605] of thy servant, [5650] and to his supplication, [8467] O LORD [3068] my God, [0430] to hearken [8085] unto the cry [7440] and the prayer [8605] which thy servant [5650] prayeth [6419] before [6440] thee:


 Que tes yeux soient ouverts, jour et nuit, sur cette maison, sur le lieu où tu as promis de mettre ton nom, exauçant la prière que ton serviteur te fait en ce lieu.

 That thine eyes [5869] may be open [6605] upon this house [1004] day [3119] and night, [3915] upon the place [4725] whereof thou hast said [0559] that thou wouldest put [7760] thy name [8034] there; to hearken [8085] unto the prayer [8605] which thy servant [5650] prayeth [6419] toward this place. [4725]


 Exauce les supplications de ton serviteur et de ton peuple d'Israël, quand ils prieront en ce lieu; exauce-les des cieux, du lieu de ta demeure; exauce et pardonne!

 Hearken [8085] therefore unto the supplications [8469] of thy servant, [5650] and of thy people [5971] Israel, [3478] which they shall make [6419] toward this place: [4725] hear [8085] thou from thy dwelling [3427] place, [4725] [even] from heaven; [8064] and when thou hearest, [8085] forgive. [5545]


 Quand quelqu'un aura péché contre son prochain, et qu'on lui déférera le serment pour le faire jurer, et qu'il viendra prêter serment devant ton autel, dans cette maison;

 If a man [0376] sin [2398] against his neighbour, [7453] and an oath [0423] be laid [5375] upon him to make him swear, [0422] and the oath [0423] come [0935] before [6440] thine altar [4196] in this house; [1004]


 Toi, écoute des cieux, agis et juge tes serviteurs, en donnant au méchant son salaire, et faisant retomber sa conduite sur sa tête; en justifiant le juste, et lui rendant selon sa justice.

 Then hear [8085] thou from heaven, [8064] and do, [6213] and judge [8199] thy servants, [5650] by requiting [7725] the wicked, [7563] by recompensing [5414] his way [1870] upon his own head; [7218] and by justifying [6663] the righteous, [6662] by giving [5414] him according to his righteousness. [6666]


 Quand ton peuple d'Israël aura été battu par l'ennemi, pour avoir péché contre toi; s'ils retournent à toi, s'ils donnent gloire à ton nom, s'ils t'adressent dans cette maison des prières et des supplications;

 And if thy people [5971] Israel [3478] be put to the worse [5062] before [6440] the enemy, [0341] because they have sinned [2398] against thee; and shall return [7725] and confess [3034] thy name, [8034] and pray [6419] and make supplication [2603] before [6440] thee in this house; [1004]


 Toi, exauce-les des cieux, et pardonne le péché de ton peuple d'Israël, et ramène-les dans la terre que tu as donnée à eux et à leurs pères.

 Then hear [8085] thou from the heavens, [8064] and forgive [5545] the sin [2403] of thy people [5971] Israel, [3478] and bring them again [7725] unto the land [0127] which thou gavest [5414] to them and to their fathers. [0001]


 Quand les cieux seront fermés, et qu'il n'y aura point de pluie, parce qu'ils auront péché contre toi; s'ils prient en ce lieu, s'ils donnent gloire à ton nom, et s'ils se détournent de leurs péchés, parce que tu les auras affligés;

 When the heaven [8064] is shut up, [6113] and there is no rain, [4306] because they have sinned [2398] against thee; [yet] if they pray [6419] toward this place, [4725] and confess [3034] thy name, [8034] and turn [7725] from their sin, [2403] when thou dost afflict [6031] them;


 Toi, exauce-les des cieux, et pardonne le péché de tes serviteurs et de ton peuple d'Israël, après que tu leur auras enseigné le bon chemin, par lequel ils doivent marcher; et envoie de la pluie sur la terre que tu as donnée en héritage à ton peuple.

 Then hear [8085] thou from heaven, [8064] and forgive [5545] the sin [2403] of thy servants, [5650] and of thy people [5971] Israel, [3478] when thou hast taught [3384] them the good [2896] way, [1870] wherein they should walk; [3212] and send [5414] rain [4306] upon thy land, [0776] which thou hast given [5414] unto thy people [5971] for an inheritance. [5159]


 Quand il y aura dans le pays la famine ou la peste, quand il y aura la rouille, la nielle, les sauterelles ou les chenilles, quand les ennemis les assiégeront dans leur pays, dans leurs portes, ou qu'il y aura une plaie, une maladie quelconque;

 If there be dearth [7458] in the land, [0776] if there be pestilence, [1698] if there be blasting, [7711] or mildew, [3420] locusts, [0697] or caterpillers; [2625] if their enemies [0341] besiege [6887] them in the cities [8179] of their land; [0776] whatsoever sore [5061] or whatsoever sickness [4245] [there be]:


 Quelque prière, quelque supplication que fasse quelque homme que ce soit de tout ton peuple d'Israël, selon qu'ils auront reconnu chacun sa plaie et sa douleur, et que chacun aura étendu ses mains vers cette maison;

 [Then] what prayer [8605] [or] what supplication [8467] soever shall be made of any man, [0120] or of all thy people [5971] Israel, [3478] when every one [0376] shall know [3045] his own sore [5061] and his own grief, [4341] and shall spread forth [6566] his hands [3709] in this house: [1004]


 Toi, exauce-les des cieux, du lieu de ta demeure, et pardonne; rends à chacun selon toutes ses voies, toi qui connais son cœur; car seul tu connais le cœur des enfants des hommes;

 Then hear [8085] thou from heaven [8064] thy dwelling [3427] place, [4349] and forgive, [5545] and render [5414] unto every man [0376] according unto all his ways, [1870] whose heart [3824] thou knowest; [3045] (for thou only knowest [3045] the hearts [3824] of the children [1121] of men:) [0120]


 Afin qu'ils te craignent, pour marcher dans tes voies, tout le temps qu'ils vivront sur la terre que tu as donnée à nos pères.

 That they may fear [3372] thee, to walk [3212] in thy ways, [1870] so long as [3117] they live [2416] in [6440] the land [0127] which thou gavest [5414] unto our fathers. [0001]


 Et l'étranger lui-même, qui ne sera pas de ton peuple d'Israël, mais qui viendra d'un pays éloigné, à cause de ton grand nom, de ta main forte, et de ton bras étendu; quand il viendra prier dans cette maison,

 Moreover concerning the stranger, [5237] which is not of thy people [5971] Israel, [3478] but is come [0935] from a far [7350] country [0776] for thy great [1419] name's [8034] sake, and thy mighty [2389] hand, [3027] and thy stretched out [5186] arm; [2220] if they come [0935] and pray [6419] in this house; [1004]


 Toi, exauce-le des cieux, du lieu de ta demeure, et fais tout ce que cet étranger réclamera de toi; afin que tous les peuples de la terre connaissent ton nom, qu'ils te craignent comme ton peuple d'Israël, et sachent que ton nom est invoqué sur cette maison que j'ai bâtie.

 Then hear [8085] thou from the heavens, [8064] [even] from thy dwelling [3427] place, [4349] and do [6213] according to all that the stranger [5237] calleth [7121] to thee for; that all people [5971] of the earth [0776] may know [3045] thy name, [8034] and fear [3372] thee, as [doth] thy people [5971] Israel, [3478] and may know [3045] that this house [1004] which I have built [1129] is called [7121] by thy name. [8034]


 Quand ton peuple sortira en guerre contre ses ennemis, par le chemin où tu l'auras envoyé; s'ils te prient, en regardant vers cette ville que tu as choisie, et vers cette maison que j'ai bâtie à ton nom,

 If thy people [5971] go out [3318] to war [4421] against their enemies [0341] by the way [1870] that thou shalt send [7971] them, and they pray [6419] unto thee toward [1870] this city [5892] which thou hast chosen, [0977] and the house [1004] which I have built [1129] for thy name; [8034]


 Exauce des cieux leur prière et leur supplication, et fais-leur droit.

 Then hear [8085] thou from the heavens [8064] their prayer [8605] and their supplication, [8467] and maintain [6213] their cause. [4941]


 Quand ils auront péché contre toi (car il n'y a point d'homme qui ne pèche), et que, irrité contre eux, tu les auras livrés à leurs ennemis, et que ceux qui les auront pris les auront emmenés captifs en quelque pays, soit au loin, soit au près;

 If they sin [2398] against thee, (for [there is] no man [0120] which sinneth [2398] not,) and thou be angry [0599] with them, and deliver [5414] them over before [6440] [their] enemies, [0341] and they carry them away [7617] captives [7617] unto a land [0776] far off [7350] or near; [7138]


 Si, dans le pays où ils seront captifs, ils rentrent en eux-mêmes, et que, se repentant, ils prient dans le pays de leur captivité, en disant: Nous avons péché, nous avons commis l'iniquité, nous avons agi méchamment!

 Yet [if] they bethink [7725] [3824] themselves in the land [0776] whither they are carried captive, [7617] and turn [7725] and pray [2603] unto thee in the land [0776] of their captivity, [7628] saying, [0559] We have sinned, [2398] we have done amiss, [5753] and have dealt wickedly; [7561]


 S'ils retournent à toi de tout leur cœur et de toute leur âme, dans le pays de leur captivité où on les aura emmenés captifs, et s'ils t'adressent leurs prières, en regardant vers leur pays, que tu as donné à leurs pères, vers cette ville que tu as choisie, et vers cette maison que j'ai bâtie à ton nom;

 If they return [7725] to thee with all their heart [3820] and with all their soul [5315] in the land [0776] of their captivity, [7628] whither they have carried them captives, [7617] and pray [6419] toward [1870] their land, [0776] which thou gavest [5414] unto their fathers, [0001] and [toward] the city [5892] which thou hast chosen, [0977] and toward the house [1004] which I have built [1129] for thy name: [8034]


 Exauce des cieux, du lieu de ta demeure, leurs prières et leurs supplications, et fais-leur droit; pardonne à ton peuple qui aura péché contre toi.

 Then hear [8085] thou from the heavens, [8064] [even] from thy dwelling [3427] place, [4349] their prayer [8605] and their supplications, [8467] and maintain [6213] their cause, [4941] and forgive [5545] thy people [5971] which have sinned [2398] against thee.


 Maintenant, ô mon Dieu! que tes yeux soient ouverts et que tes oreilles soient attentives à la prière faite en ce lieu!

 Now, my God, [0430] let, I beseech thee, thine eyes [5869] be open, [6605] and [let] thine ears [0241] [be] attent [7183] unto the prayer [8605] [that is made] in this place. [4725]


 Et maintenant, YEHOVAH Dieu! lève-toi, viens au lieu de ton repos, toi et l'arche de ta force. YEHOVAH Dieu, que tes sacrificateurs soient revêtus de salut, et que tes bien-aimés se réjouissent de leur bonheur!

 Now therefore arise, [6965] O LORD [3068] God, [0430] into thy resting [5118] place, thou, and the ark [0727] of thy strength: [5797] let thy priests, [3548] O LORD [3068] God, [0430] be clothed [3847] with salvation, [8668] and let thy saints [2623] rejoice [8055] in goodness. [2896]


 YEHOVAH Dieu, ne repousse pas ton oint; souviens-toi des grâces accordées à David, ton serviteur.

 O LORD [3068] God, [0430] turn not away [7725] the face [6440] of thine anointed: [4899] remember [2142] the mercies [2617] of David [1732] thy servant. [5650]


 Lorsque Salomon eut achevé de prier, le feu descendit du ciel et consuma l'offrande à brûler et les sacrifices; et la gloire de YEHOVAH remplit la maison.

 Now when Solomon [8010] had made an end [3615] of praying, [6419] the fire [0784] came down [3381] from heaven, [8064] and consumed [0398] the burnt offering [5930] and the sacrifices; [2077] and the glory [3519] of the LORD [3068] filled [4390] the house. [1004]


 Et les sacrificateurs ne pouvaient entrer dans la maison de YEHOVAH, parce que la gloire de YEHOVAH avait rempli la maison de YEHOVAH.

 And the priests [3548] could [3201] not enter [0935] into the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] because the glory [3519] of the LORD [3068] had filled [4390] the LORD'S [3068] house. [1004]


 Tous les enfants d'Israël virent descendre le feu et la gloire de YEHOVAH sur la maison; et ils se courbèrent, le visage en terre, sur le pavé, se prosternèrent, et louèrent YEHOVAH, en disant: Car il est bon, car sa miséricorde demeure éternellement!

 And when all the children [1121] of Israel [3478] saw [7200] how the fire [0784] came down, [3381] and the glory [3519] of the LORD [3068] upon the house, [1004] they bowed [3766] themselves with their faces [0639] to the ground [0776] upon the pavement, [7531] and worshipped, [7812] and praised [3034] the LORD, [3068] [saying], For [he is] good; [2896] for his mercy [2617] [endureth] for ever. [5769]


 Or le roi et tout le peuple offraient des sacrifices devant YEHOVAH.

 Then the king [4428] and all the people [5971] offered [2076] sacrifices [2077] before [6440] the LORD. [3068]


 Et le roi Salomon offrit un sacrifice de vingt-deux mille bœufs, et cent vingt mille brebis. Ainsi le roi et tout le peuple firent la dédicace de la maison de Dieu.

 And king [4428] Solomon [8010] offered [2076] a sacrifice [2077] of twenty [6242] and two [8147] thousand [0505] oxen, [1241] and an hundred [3967] and twenty [6242] thousand [0505] sheep: [6629] so the king [4428] and all the people [5971] dedicated [2596] the house [1004] of God. [0430]


 Et les sacrificateurs se tenaient à leurs postes, ainsi que les Lévites, avec les instruments de musique de YEHOVAH, que le roi David avait faits pour louer YEHOVAH en disant: Car sa miséricorde demeure éternellement! quand David le célébrait par leur moyen. Et les sacrificateurs sonnaient des trompettes vis-à-vis d'eux, et tout Israël se tenait debout.

 And the priests [3548] waited [5975] on their offices: [4931] the Levites [3881] also with instruments [3627] of musick [7892] of the LORD, [3068] which David [1732] the king [4428] had made [6213] to praise [3034] the LORD, [3068] because his mercy [2617] [endureth] for ever, [5769] when David [1732] praised [1984] by their ministry; [3027] and the priests [3548] sounded [2690] trumpets before them, and all Israel [3478] stood. [5975]


 Salomon consacra le milieu du parvis, qui est devant la maison de YEHOVAH; car il offrit là les offrandes à brûler et les graisses des sacrifices de prospérités, parce que l'autel d'airain que Salomon avait fait ne pouvait contenir les offrandes à brûler, les offrandes et les graisses.

 Moreover Solomon [8010] hallowed [6942] the middle [8432] of the court [2691] that [was] before [6440] the house [1004] of the LORD: [3068] for there he offered [6213] burnt offerings, [5930] and the fat [2459] of the peace offerings, [8002] because the brasen [5178] altar [4196] which Solomon [8010] had made [6213] was not able [3201] to receive [3557] the burnt offerings, [5930] and the meat offerings, [4503] and the fat. [2459]


 Ainsi Salomon célébra, en ce temps-là, la fête pendant sept jours, avec tout Israël. Il y avait une fort grande assemblée, venue depuis l'entrée d'Hamath jusqu'au torrent d'Égypte.

 Also at the same time [6256] Solomon [8010] kept [6213] the feast [2282] seven [7651] days, [3117] and all Israel [3478] with him, a very [3966] great [1419] congregation, [6951] from the entering in [0935] of Hamath [2574] unto the river [5158] of Egypt. [4714]


 Le huitième jour, ils firent une assemblée solennelle; car ils firent la dédicace de l'autel pendant sept jours, et la fête pendant sept jours.

 And in the eighth [8066] day [3117] they made [6213] a solemn assembly: [6116] for they kept [6213] the dedication [2598] of the altar [4196] seven [7651] days, [3117] and the feast [2282] seven [7651] days. [3117]


 Le vingt-troisième jour du septième mois, il renvoya le peuple dans ses tentes, joyeux et content, à cause du bien que YEHOVAH avait fait à David, à Salomon, et à Israël, son peuple.

 And on the three [7969] and twentieth [6242] day [3117] of the seventh [7637] month [2320] he sent the people [5971] away [7971] into their tents, [0168] glad [8056] and merry [2896] in heart [3820] for the goodness [2896] that the LORD [3068] had shewed [6213] unto David, [1732] and to Solomon, [8010] and to Israel [3478] his people. [5971]


 Salomon acheva donc la maison de YEHOVAH et la maison du roi; et il réussit dans tout ce qu'il avait eu dessein de faire dans la maison de YEHOVAH et dans la sienne.

 Thus Solomon [8010] finished [3615] the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and the king's [4428] house: [1004] and all that came [0935] into Solomon's [8010] heart [3820] to make [6213] in the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and in his own house, [1004] he prosperously effected. [6743]


 Et YEHOVAH apparut à Salomon pendant la nuit, et lui dit: J'ai exaucé ta prière, et je me suis choisi ce lieu pour une maison de sacrifices.

 And the LORD [3068] appeared [7200] to Solomon [8010] by night, [3915] and said [0559] unto him, I have heard [8085] thy prayer, [8605] and have chosen [0977] this place [4725] to myself for an house [1004] of sacrifice. [2077]


 Si je ferme les cieux, et qu'il n'y ait point de pluie, et si je commande aux sauterelles de consumer le pays, et si j'envoie la peste parmi mon peuple;

 If [2005] I shut up [6113] heaven [8064] that there be no rain, [4306] or if I command [6680] the locusts [2284] to devour [0398] the land, [0776] or if [2005] I send [7971] pestilence [1698] among my people; [5971]


 Et que mon peuple, sur lequel mon nom est invoqué, s'humilie, prie, et cherche ma face, et qu'il se détourne de ses mauvaises voies, alors je l'exaucerai des cieux, je pardonnerai ses péchés, et je guérirai son pays.

 If my people, [5971] which are called [7121] by my name, [8034] shall humble [3665] themselves, and pray, [6419] and seek [1245] my face, [6440] and turn [7725] from their wicked [7451] ways; [1870] then will I hear [8085] from heaven, [8064] and will forgive [5545] their sin, [2403] and will heal [7495] their land. [0776]


 Mes yeux seront désormais ouverts, et mes oreilles seront attentives à la prière faite en ce lieu.

 Now mine eyes [5869] shall be open, [6605] and mine ears [0241] attent [7183] unto the prayer [8605] [that is made] in this place. [4725]


 Maintenant j'ai choisi et j'ai sanctifié cette maison, afin que mon nom y soit à toujours; mes yeux et mon cœur seront toujours là.

 For now have I chosen [0977] and sanctified [6942] this house, [1004] that my name [8034] may be there for [5704] ever: [5769] and mine eyes [5869] and mine heart [3820] shall be there perpetually. [3605] [3117]


 Et toi, si tu marches devant moi comme David, ton père, a marché, faisant tout ce que je t'ai commandé, et si tu gardes mes lois et mes ordonnances,

 And as for thee, if thou wilt walk [3212] before [6440] me, as David [1732] thy father [0001] walked, [1980] and do [6213] according to all that I have commanded [6680] thee, and shalt observe [8104] my statutes [2706] and my judgments; [4941]


 J'affermirai le trône de ton royaume, comme je l'ai promis à David, ton père, en disant: Il ne te manquera point de successeur qui règne en Israël.

 Then will I stablish [6965] the throne [3678] of thy kingdom, [4438] according as I have covenanted [3772] with David [1732] thy father, [0001] saying, [0559] There shall not fail [3772] thee a man [0376] [to be] ruler [4910] in Israel. [3478]


 Mais si vous vous détournez, et que vous abandonniez mes lois et mes commandements que je vous ai prescrits, et que vous alliez servir d'autres dieux, et vous prosterner devant eux,

 But if ye turn away, [7725] and forsake [5800] my statutes [2708] and my commandments, [4687] which I have set [5414] before [6440] you, and shall go [1980] and serve [5647] other [0312] gods, [0430] and worship [7812] them;


 Je vous arracherai de mon pays que je vous ai donné, je rejetterai loin de moi cette maison que j'ai consacrée à mon nom, et j'en ferai la fable et la risée de tous les peuples.

 Then will I pluck them up by the roots [5428] out of my land [0127] which I have given [5414] them; and this house, [1004] which I have sanctified [6942] for my name, [8034] will I cast out [7993] of my sight, [6440] and will make [5414] it [to be] a proverb [4912] and a byword [8148] among all nations. [5971]


 Et pour ce qui est de cette maison, qui aura été si haut élevée, quiconque passera près d'elle sera étonné, et dira: Pourquoi YEHOVAH a-t-il ainsi traité ce pays et cette maison?

 And this house, [1004] which is high, [5945] shall be an astonishment [8074] to every one that passeth [5674] by it; so that he shall say, [0559] Why hath the LORD [3068] done [6213] thus unto this land, [0776] and unto this house? [1004]


 Et on répondra: Parce qu'ils ont abandonné YEHOVAH, le Dieu de leurs pères, qui les fit sortir du pays d'Égypte, et qu'ils se sont attachés à d'autres dieux, et qu'ils se sont prosternés devant eux, et les ont servis; c'est pour cela qu'il a fait venir sur eux tous ces maux.

 And it shall be answered, [0559] Because they forsook [5800] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of their fathers, [0001] which brought them forth [3318] out of the land [0776] of Egypt, [4714] and laid hold [2388] on other [0312] gods, [0430] and worshipped [7812] them, and served [5647] them: therefore hath he brought [0935] all this evil [7451] upon them.


 Il arriva, au bout des vingt ans pendant lesquels Salomon bâtit la maison de YEHOVAH et la sienne,

 And it came to pass at the end [7093] of twenty [6242] years, [8141] wherein Solomon [8010] had built [1129] the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and his own house, [1004]


 Qu'il bâtit les villes que Huram lui avait données, et y fit habiter les enfants d'Israël.

 That the cities [5892] which Huram [2361] had restored [5414] to Solomon, [8010] Solomon [8010] built [1129] them, and caused the children [1121] of Israel [3478] to dwell [3427] there.


 Puis Salomon marcha contre Hamath, de Tsoba, et s'en empara.

 And Solomon [8010] went [3212] to Hamathzobah, [2574] [6678][2578] and prevailed [2388] against it.


 Il bâtit Thadmor au désert, et toutes les villes servant de magasin qu'il bâtit dans le pays de Hamath.

 And he built [1129] Tadmor [8412] in the wilderness, [4057] and all the store [4543] cities, [5892] which he built [1129] in Hamath. [2574]


 Il bâtit Beth-Horon la haute, et Beth-Horon la basse, villes fortes avec murailles, portes et barres;

 Also he built [1129] Bethhoron [1032] the upper, [5945] and Bethhoron [1032] the nether, [8481] fenced [4692] cities, [5892] with walls, [2346] gates, [1817] and bars; [1280]


 Baalath, et toutes les villes servant de magasin, qu'avait Salomon, et toutes les villes pour les chars, et les villes pour la cavalerie, et tout ce que Salomon prit plaisir à bâtir à Jérusalem, et au Liban, et dans tout le pays de sa domination.

 And Baalath, [1191] and all the store [4543] cities [5892] that Solomon [8010] had, and all the chariot [7393] cities, [5892] and the cities [5892] of the horsemen, [6571] and all that [2837] Solomon [8010] desired [2836] to build [1129] in Jerusalem, [3389] and in Lebanon, [3844] and throughout all the land [0776] of his dominion. [4475]


 Tout le peuple qui était resté des Héthiens, des Amoréens, des Phéréziens, des Héviens et des Jébusiens, qui n'étaient point d'Israël;

 [As for] all the people [5971] [that were] left [3498] of the Hittites, [2850] and the Amorites, [0567] and the Perizzites, [6522] and the Hivites, [2340] and the Jebusites, [2983] which [were] not of Israel, [3478]


 Leurs descendants, qui étaient restés après eux dans le pays, et que les enfants d'Israël n'avaient pas détruits, Salomon en fit des levées pour la corvée, jusqu'à ce jour.

 [But] of their children, [1121] who were left [3498] after [0310] them in the land, [0776] whom the children [1121] of Israel [3478] consumed [3615] not, them did Solomon [8010] make to pay [5927] tribute [4522] until this day. [3117]


 Salomon n'employa comme esclave pour ses travaux aucun des enfants d'Israël; mais ils étaient gens de guerre, et chefs de ses meilleurs guerriers, et chefs de ses chars et de sa cavalerie.

 But of the children [1121] of Israel [3478] did Solomon [8010] make [5414] no servants [5650] for his work; [4399] but they [were] men [0582] of war, [4421] and chief [8269] of his captains, [7991] and captains [8269] of his chariots [7393] and horsemen. [6571]


 Et voici le nombre des chefs de ceux qui étaient préposés aux travaux du roi Salomon; ils étaient deux cent cinquante, ayant autorité sur le peuple.

 And these [were] the chief [8269] of king [4428] Solomon's [8010] officers, [5324] [even] two hundred [3967] and fifty, [2572] that bare rule [7287] over the people. [5971]


 Or Salomon fit monter la fille de Pharaon, de la cité de David dans la maison qu'il lui avait bâtie; car il dit: Ma femme n'habitera point dans la maison de David, roi d'Israël, parce que les lieux où l'arche de YEHOVAH est entrée sont saints.

 And Solomon [8010] brought up [5927] the daughter [1323] of Pharaoh [6547] out of the city [5892] of David [1732] unto the house [1004] that he had built [1129] for her: for he said, [0559] My wife [0802] shall not dwell [3427] in the house [1004] of David [1732] king [4428] of Israel, [3478] because [the places are] holy, [6944] whereunto the ark [0727] of the LORD [3068] hath come. [0935]


 Alors Salomon offrit des offrandes à brûler à YEHOVAH sur l'autel de YEHOVAH qu'il avait bâti devant le portique,

 Then Solomon [8010] offered [5927] burnt offerings [5930] unto the LORD [3068] on the altar [4196] of the LORD, [3068] which he had built [1129] before [6440] the porch, [0197]


 Offrant chaque jour ce qui était prescrit par Moïse, pour les sabbats, pour les nouvelles lunes, et pour les fêtes, trois fois l'année, à la fête des pains sans levain, à la fête des semaines, et à la fête des tabernacles.

 Even after a certain rate [1697] every day, [3117] [3117] offering [5927] according to the commandment [4687] of Moses, [4872] on the sabbaths, [7676] and on the new moons, [2320] and on the solemn feasts, [4150] three [7969] times [6471] in the year, [8141] [even] in the feast [2282] of unleavened bread, [4682] and in the feast [2282] of weeks, [7620] and in the feast [2282] of tabernacles. [5521]


 Il établit, selon l'ordonnance de David, son père, les classes des sacrificateurs selon leur office, et les Lévites selon leurs charges, pour célébrer YEHOVAH et pour faire, jour par jour, le service en présence des sacrificateurs, et les portiers, selon leurs classes, à chaque porte; car tel était le commandement de David, homme de Dieu.

 And he appointed, [5975] according to the order [4941] of David [1732] his father, [0001] the courses [4256] of the priests [3548] to their service, [5656] and the Levites [3881] to their charges, [4931] to praise [1984] and minister [8334] before the priests, [3548] as the duty [1697] of every day [3117] [3117] required: the porters [7778] also by their courses [4256] at every gate: [8179] [8179] for so had David [1732] the man [0376] of God [0430] commanded. [4687]


 On ne s'écarta point du commandement du roi, pour les sacrificateurs et les Lévites, ni pour aucune chose, ni pour les trésors.

 And they departed [5493] not from the commandment [4687] of the king [4428] unto the priests [3548] and Levites [3881] concerning any matter, [1697] or concerning the treasures. [0214]


 Ainsi fut préparée toute l'œuvre de Salomon, jusqu'au jour de la fondation de la maison de YEHOVAH et jusqu'à ce qu'elle fût achevée. La maison de YEHOVAH fut donc achevée.

 Now all the work [4399] of Solomon [8010] was prepared [3559] unto the day [3117] of the foundation [4143] of the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and until it was finished. [3615] [So] the house [1004] of the LORD [3068] was perfected. [8003]


 Alors Salomon alla à Etsjon-Guéber et à Éloth, sur le bord de la mer, dans le pays d'Édom.

 Then went [1980] Solomon [8010] to Eziongeber, [6100] and to Eloth, [0359] at the sea [3220] side [8193] in the land [0776] of Edom. [0123]


 Et Huram lui envoya, sous la conduite de ses serviteurs, des navires et des serviteurs connaissant la mer. Ils allèrent avec les serviteurs de Salomon à Ophir, et ils y prirent quatre cent cinquante talents d'or, qu'ils apportèrent au roi Salomon.

 And Huram [2361] sent [7971] him by the hands [3027] of his servants [5650] ships, [0591][0591] and servants [5650] that had knowledge [3045] of the sea; [3220] and they went [0935] with the servants [5650] of Solomon [8010] to Ophir, [0211] and took [3947] thence four [0702] hundred [3967] and fifty [2572] talents [3603] of gold, [2091] and brought [0935] [them] to king [4428] Solomon. [8010]


 Or la reine de Shéba, ayant appris la renommée de Salomon, vint à Jérusalem pour éprouver Salomon par des questions obscures. Elle avait un fort grand train, et des chameaux portant des aromates, de l'or en grande quantité et des pierres précieuses. Elle vint à Salomon, et elle lui dit tout ce qu'elle avait dans le cœur.

 And when the queen [4436] of Sheba [7614] heard [8085] of the fame [8088] of Solomon, [8010] she came [0935] to prove [5254] Solomon [8010] with hard questions [2420] at Jerusalem, [3389] with a very [3966] great [3515] company, [2428] and camels [1581] that bare [5375] spices, [1314] and gold [2091] in abundance, [7230] and precious [3368] stones: [0068] and when she was come [0935] to Solomon, [8010] she communed [1696] with him of all that was in her heart. [3824]


 Et Salomon lui expliqua tout ce qu'elle proposa; il n'y eut rien que Salomon n'entendît et qu'il ne lui expliquât.

 And Solomon [8010] told [5046] her all her questions: [1697] and there was nothing [1697] hid [5956] from Solomon [8010] which he told [5046] her not.


 Alors, la reine de Shéba voyant la sagesse de Salomon, et la maison qu'il avait bâtie,

 And when the queen [4436] of Sheba [7614] had seen [7200] the wisdom [2451] of Solomon, [8010] and the house [1004] that he had built, [1129]


 Et les mets de sa table, et la demeure de ses serviteurs, l'ordre de service et les vêtements de ceux qui le servaient, et ses échansons et leurs vêtements, et sa montée, par où l'on montait à la maison de YEHOVAH, elle fut toute hors d'elle-même.

 And the meat [3978] of his table, [7979] and the sitting [4186] of his servants, [5650] and the attendance [4612] of his ministers, [8334] and their apparel; [4403] his cupbearers [8248] also, and their apparel; [4403] and his ascent [5944] by which he went up [5927] into the house [1004] of the LORD; [3068] there was no more spirit [7307] in her.


 Et elle dit au roi: Ce que j'ai entendu dire dans mon pays, de ton état et de ta sagesse, est véritable.

 And she said [0559] to the king, [4428] [It was] a true [0571] report [1697] which I heard [8085] in mine own land [0776] of thine acts, [1697] and of thy wisdom: [2451]


 Je ne croyais point ce qu'on en disait, jusqu'à ce que je sois venue, et que mes yeux l'aient vu; et voici, on ne m'avait pas rapporté la moitié de la grandeur de ta sagesse; tu surpasses ce que j'avais appris de la renommée.

 Howbeit I believed [0539] not their words, [1697] until I came, [0935] and mine eyes [5869] had seen [7200] [it]: and, behold, the one half [2677] of the greatness [4768] of thy wisdom [2451] was not told [5046] me: [for] thou exceedest [3254] the fame [8052] that I heard. [8085]


 Heureux tes gens! heureux tes serviteurs qui se tiennent continuellement devant toi, et qui écoutent ta sagesse!

 Happy [0835] [are] thy men, [0582] and happy [0835] [are] these thy servants, [5650] which stand [5975] continually [8548] before [6440] thee, and hear [8085] thy wisdom. [2451]


 Béni soit YEHOVAH, ton Dieu, qui t'a eu pour agréable, pour te placer sur son trône, comme roi pour YEHOVAH, ton Dieu! C'est parce que ton Dieu aime Israël, pour le faire subsister à jamais, qu'il t'a établi roi sur eux pour faire droit et justice.

 Blessed [1288] be the LORD [3068] thy God, [0430] which delighted [2654] in thee to set [5414] thee on his throne, [3678] [to be] king [4428] for the LORD [3068] thy God: [0430] because thy God [0430] loved [0160] Israel, [3478] to establish [5975] them for ever, [5769] therefore made [5414] he thee king [4428] over them, to do [6213] judgment [4941] and justice. [6666]


 Et elle donna au roi cent vingt talents d'or, et une très grande quantité d'aromates, et des pierres précieuses; et il n'y eut plus d'aromates tels que ceux que la reine de Shéba donna au roi Salomon.

 And she gave [5414] the king [4428] an hundred [3967] and twenty [6242] talents [3603] of gold, [2091] and of spices [1314] great [3966] abundance, [7230] and precious [3368] stones: [0068] neither was there any such spice [1314] as the queen [4436] of Sheba [7614] gave [5414] king [4428] Solomon. [8010]


 Les serviteurs de Huram et les serviteurs de Salomon, qui amenèrent de l'or d'Ophir, amenèrent aussi du bois de santal et des pierres précieuses.

 And the servants [5650] also of Huram, [2361] and the servants [5650] of Solomon, [8010] which brought [0935] gold [2091] from Ophir, [0211] brought [0935] algum [0418] trees [6086] and precious [3368] stones. [0068]


 Le roi fit de ce bois de santal des escaliers pour la maison de YEHOVAH et pour la maison du roi, et des harpes et des lyres pour les chantres. On n'en avait point vu auparavant de semblable dans le pays de Juda.

 And the king [4428] made [6213] [of] the algum [0418] trees [6086] terraces [4546] to the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and to the king's [4428] palace, [1004] and harps [3658] and psalteries [5035] for singers: [7891] and there were none such [1992] seen [7200] before [6440] in the land [0776] of Judah. [3063]


 Et le roi Salomon donna à la reine de Shéba tout ce qu'elle souhaita, ce qu'elle demanda, plus qu'elle n'avait apporté au roi; et elle s'en retourna, et revint en son pays, elle et ses serviteurs.

 And king [4428] Solomon [8010] gave [5414] to the queen [4436] of Sheba [7614] all her desire, [2656] whatsoever she asked, [7592] beside [that] which she had brought [0935] unto the king. [4428] So she turned, [2015] and went away [3212] to her own land, [0776] she and her servants. [5650]


 Le poids de l'or qui arrivait à Salomon chaque année, était de six cent soixante-six talents d'or;

 Now the weight [4948] of gold [2091] that came [0935] to Solomon [8010] in one [0259] year [8141] was six [8337] hundred [3967] and threescore [8346] and six [8337] talents [3603] of gold; [2091]


 Outre ce qu'il retirait des négociants et des marchands qui en apportaient, et de tous les rois d'Arabie et des gouverneurs du pays, qui apportaient de l'or et de l'argent à Salomon.

 Beside [that which] chapmen [0582] [8446] and merchants [5503] brought. [0935] And all the kings [4428] of Arabia [6152] and governors [6346] of the country [0776] brought [0935] gold [2091] and silver [3701] to Solomon. [8010]


 Le roi Salomon fit deux cents grands boucliers d'or battu employant six cents sicles d'or battu, pour chaque bouclier;

 And king [4428] Solomon [8010] made [6213] two hundred [3967] targets [6793] [of] beaten [7820] gold: [2091] six [8337] hundred [3967] [shekels] of beaten [7820] gold [2091] went [5927] to one [0259] target. [6793]


 Et trois cents boucliers plus petits d'or battu, employant trois cents sicles d'or pour chaque bouclier; et le roi les mit dans la maison de la Forêt du Liban.

 And three [7969] hundred [3967] shields [4043] [made he of] beaten [7820] gold: [2091] three [7969] hundred [3967] [shekels] of gold [2091] went [5927] to one [0259] shield. [4043] And the king [4428] put [5414] them in the house [1004] of the forest [3293] of Lebanon. [3844]


 Le roi fit aussi un grand trône d'ivoire, qu'il couvrit d'or pur;

 Moreover the king [4428] made [6213] a great [1419] throne [3678] of ivory, [8127] and overlaid [6823] it with pure [2889] gold. [2091]


 Ce trône avait six degrés et un marche-pied d'or qui tenaient au trône; et il avait des accoudoirs de l'un et de l'autre côté du siège; et deux lions se tenaient auprès des accoudoirs;

 And [there were] six [8337] steps [4609] to the throne, [3678] with a footstool [3534] of gold, [2091] [which were] fastened [0270] to the throne, [3678] and stays [3027] on each side of the sitting [3427] place, [4725] and two [8147] lions [0738] standing [5975] by [0681] the stays: [3027]


 Et douze lions se tenaient là sur les six degrés, des deux côtés. Rien de pareil n'avait été fait pour aucun royaume.

 And twelve [8147] [6240] lions [0738] stood [5975] there on the one side and on the other upon the six [8337] steps. [4609] There was not the like made [6213] in any kingdom. [4467]


 Et tous les vases à boire du roi Salomon étaient d'or, et toute la vaisselle de la maison de la Forêt du Liban était d'or pur; rien n'était d'argent; on n'en faisait aucun cas du vivant de Salomon.

 And all the drinking [4945] vessels [3627] of king [4428] Solomon [8010] [were of] gold, [2091] and all the vessels [3627] of the house [1004] of the forest [3293] of Lebanon [3844] [were of] pure [5462] gold: [2091] none [were of] silver; [3701] it was [not] any thing [3972] accounted [2803] of in the days [3117] of Solomon. [8010]


 Car les navires du roi allaient à Tarsis avec les serviteurs de Huram; et tous les trois ans une fois arrivaient les navires de Tarsis, apportant de l'or, de l'argent, des dents d'éléphants, des singes et des paons.

 For the king's [4428] ships [0591] went [1980] to Tarshish [8659] with the servants [5650] of Huram: [2361] every three [7969] years [8141] once [0259] came [0935] the ships [0591] of Tarshish [8659] bringing [5375] gold, [2091] and silver, [3701] ivory, [8143] and apes, [6971] and peacocks. [8500]


 Ainsi le roi Salomon fut plus grand que tous les rois de la terre, en richesses et en sagesse.

 And king [4428] Solomon [8010] passed [1431] all the kings [4428] of the earth [0776] in riches [6239] and wisdom. [2451]


 Tous les rois de la terre recherchaient la face de Salomon, pour entendre la sagesse que Dieu lui avait mise dans le cœur.

 And all the kings [4428] of the earth [0776] sought [1245] the presence [6440] of Solomon, [8010] to hear [8085] his wisdom, [2451] that God [0430] had put [5414] in his heart. [3820]


 Et chacun d'eux apportait son présent, des vases d'argent, et des vases d'or, des vêtements, des armes, des aromates, des chevaux et des mulets, année par année.

 And they brought [0935] every man [0376] his present, [4503] vessels [3627] of silver, [3701] and vessels [3627] of gold, [2091] and raiment, [8008] harness, [5402] and spices, [1314] horses, [5483] and mules, [6505] a rate [1697] year [8141] by year. [8141]


 Salomon avait quatre mille râteliers de chevaux, avec des chars, et douze mille cavaliers, qu'il mit dans les villes des chars, et auprès du roi à Jérusalem.

 And Solomon [8010] had four [0702] thousand [0505] stalls [0723] for horses [5483] and chariots, [4818] and twelve [8147] [6240] thousand [0505] horsemen; [6571] whom he bestowed [3240] in the chariot [7393] cities, [5892] and with the king [4428] at Jerusalem. [3389]


 Il dominait sur tous les rois depuis le fleuve jusqu'au pays des Philistins, et jusqu'à la frontière d'Égypte.

 And he reigned [4910] over all the kings [4428] from the river [5104] even unto the land [0776] of the Philistines, [6430] and to the border [1366] of Egypt. [4714]


 Et le roi fit que l'argent était aussi commun à Jérusalem que les pierres, et les cèdres aussi nombreux que les sycomores qui sont dans la plaine.

 And the king [4428] made [5414] silver [3701] in Jerusalem [3389] as stones, [0068] and cedar trees [0730] made [5414] he as the sycomore trees [8256] that [are] in the low plains [8219] in abundance. [7230]


 On tirait des chevaux pour Salomon, de l'Égypte et de tous les pays.

 And they brought unto Solomon [8010] horses [5483] out [3318] of Egypt, [4714] and out of all lands. [0776]


 Quant au reste des actions de Salomon, les premières et les dernières, cela n'est-il pas écrit dans le livre de Nathan, le prophète, dans la prophétie d'Achija, le Silonite, et dans la vision de Jéeddo, le Voyant, touchant Jéroboam, fils de Nébat?

 Now the rest [7605] of the acts [1697] of Solomon, [8010] first [7223] and last, [0314] [are] they not written [3789] in the book [1697] of Nathan [5416] the prophet, [5030] and in the prophecy [5016] of Ahijah [0281] the Shilonite, [7888] and in the visions [2378] of Iddo [3260] the seer [2374] against Jeroboam [3379] the son [1121] of Nebat? [5028]


 Salomon régna quarante ans à Jérusalem sur tout Israël.

 And Solomon [8010] reigned [4427] in Jerusalem [3389] over all Israel [3478] forty [0705] years. [8141]


 Puis Salomon s'endormit avec ses pères, et on l'ensevelit dans la cité de David, son père; et Roboam, son fils, régna à sa place.

 And Solomon [8010] slept [7901] with his fathers, [0001] and he was buried [6912] in the city [5892] of David [1732] his father: [0001] and Rehoboam [7346] his son [1121] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 Roboam se rendit à Sichem, car tout Israël était venu à Sichem pour l'établir roi.

 And Rehoboam [7346] went [3212] to Shechem: [7927] for to Shechem [7927] were all Israel [3478] come [0935] to make him king. [4427]


 Quand Jéroboam, fils de Nébat, qui était en Égypte, où il s'était enfui de devant le roi Salomon, l'eut appris, il revint d'Égypte.

 And it came to pass, when Jeroboam [3379] the son [1121] of Nebat, [5028] who [was] in Egypt, [4714] whither he had fled [1272] from the presence [6440] of Solomon [8010] the king, [4428] heard [8085] [it], that Jeroboam [3379] returned [7725] out of Egypt. [4714]


 Or on l'avait envoyé appeler. Ainsi Jéroboam et tout Israël vinrent et parlèrent à Roboam, en disant:

 And they sent [7971] and called [7121] him. So Jeroboam [3379] and all Israel [3478] came [0935] and spake [1696] to Rehoboam, [7346] saying, [0559]


 Ton père a mis sur nous un joug pesant; allège maintenant cette rude servitude de ton père, et ce joug pesant qu'il nous a imposé, et nous te servirons.

 Thy father [0001] made our yoke [5923] grievous: [7185] now therefore ease [7043] thou somewhat the grievous [7186] servitude [5656] of thy father, [0001] and his heavy [3515] yoke [5923] that he put [5414] upon us, and we will serve [5647] thee.


 Alors il leur dit: Revenez vers moi dans trois jours. Ainsi le peuple s'en alla.

 And he said [0559] unto them, Come again [7725] unto me after three [7969] days. [3117] And the people [5971] departed. [3212]


 Et le roi Roboam consulta les vieillards qui avaient été auprès de Salomon, son père, pendant sa vie, et il leur dit: Quelle réponse me conseillez-vous de faire à ce peuple?

 And king [4428] Rehoboam [7346] took counsel [3289] with the old men [2205] that had stood [5975] before [6440] Solomon [8010] his father [0001] while he yet lived, [2416] saying, [0559] What [0349] counsel give [3289] ye [me] to return [7725] answer [1697] to this people? [5971]


 Et ils lui répondirent en ces termes: Si tu es bon envers ce peuple, si tu es bienveillant envers eux, et que tu leur dises de bonnes paroles, ils seront tes serviteurs à toujours.

 And they spake [1696] unto him, saying, [0559] If thou be kind [2896] to this people, [5971] and please [7521] them, and speak [1696] good [2896] words [1697] to them, they will be thy servants [5650] for ever. [3605] [3117]


 Mais il laissa le conseil que les vieillards lui avaient donné, et il consulta les jeunes gens qui avaient grandi avec lui, et qui se tenaient devant lui.

 But he forsook [5800] the counsel [6098] which the old men [2205] gave [3289] him, and took counsel [3289] with the young men [3206] that were brought up [1431] with him, that stood [5975] before [6440] him.


 Et il leur dit: Que me conseillez-vous de répondre à ce peuple, qui m'a parlé, et m'a dit: Allège le joug que ton père a mis sur nous?

 And he said [0559] unto them, What advice give [3289] ye that we may return [7725] answer [1697] to this people, [5971] which have spoken [1696] to me, saying, [0559] Ease [7043] somewhat the yoke [5923] that thy father [0001] did put [5414] upon us?


 Et les jeunes gens qui avaient grandi avec lui, lui répondirent, en disant: Tu diras ainsi à ce peuple qui t'a parlé, et t'a dit: Ton père a mis sur nous un joug pesant, mais toi, allège-le; tu leur répondras ainsi: Mon petit doigt est plus gros que les reins de mon père.

 And the young men [3206] that were brought up [1431] with him spake [1696] unto him, saying, [0559] Thus shalt thou answer [0559] the people [5971] that spake [1696] unto thee, saying, [0559] Thy father [0001] made our yoke [5923] heavy, [3513] but make thou [it] somewhat lighter [7043] for us; thus shalt thou say [0559] unto them, My little [6995] [finger] shall be thicker [5666] than my father's [0001] loins. [4975]


 Or, mon père vous a imposé un joug pesant, mais moi, je rendrai votre joug plus pesant encore. Mon père vous a châtiés avec des fouets, mais moi, je vous châtierai avec des fouets garnis de pointes.

 For whereas [6258] my father [0001] put [6006] a heavy [3515] yoke [5923] upon you, I will put more [3254] to your yoke: [5923] my father [0001] chastised [3256] you with whips, [7752] but I [will chastise you] with scorpions. [6137]


 Trois jours après, Jéroboam avec tout le peuple vint vers Roboam, suivant ce que le roi avait dit: Revenez vers moi dans trois jours.

 So Jeroboam [3379] and all the people [5971] came [0935] to Rehoboam [7346] on the third [7992] day, [3117] as the king [4428] bade, [1696] saying, [0559] Come again [7725] to me on the third [7992] day. [3117]


 Mais le roi leur répondit rudement, et le roi Roboam ne suivit point le conseil des vieillards;

 And the king [4428] answered [6030] them roughly; [7186] and king [4428] Rehoboam [7346] forsook [5800] the counsel [6098] of the old men, [2205]


 Il leur parla suivant le conseil des jeunes gens, et leur dit: Mon père a mis sur vous un joug pesant; mais moi, j'y ajouterai encore. Mon père vous a châtiés avec des fouets; mais moi, je vous châtierai avec des fouets garnis de pointes.

 And answered [1696] them after the advice [6098] of the young men, [3206] saying, [0559] My father [0001] made your yoke [5923] heavy, [3513] but I will add [3254] thereto: my father [0001] chastised [3256] you with whips, [7752] but I [will chastise you] with scorpions. [6137]


 Le roi n'écouta donc point le peuple; car cela était dispensé de la part de Dieu, afin que YEHOVAH ratifiât sa Parole qu'il avait prononcée par Achija, le Silonite, à Jéroboam, fils de Nébat.

 So the king [4428] hearkened [8085] not unto the people: [5971] for the cause [5252] was of God, [0430] that the LORD [3068] might perform [6965] his word, [1697] which he spake [1696] by the hand [3027] of Ahijah [0281] the Shilonite [7888] to Jeroboam [3379] the son [1121] of Nebat. [5028]


 Et quand tout Israël vit que le roi ne les écoutait point, le peuple répondit au roi, en disant: Quelle part avons-nous avec David? Nous n'avons point d'héritage avec le fils d'Isaï. Israël, chacun à ses tentes! Maintenant, David, pourvois à ta maison. Ainsi tout Israël s'en alla dans ses tentes.

 And when all Israel [3478] [saw] [7200] that the king [4428] would not hearken [8085] unto them, the people [5971] answered [7725] the king, [4428] saying, [0559] What portion [2506] have we in David? [1732] and [we have] none inheritance [5159] in the son [1121] of Jesse: [3448] every man [0376] to your tents, [0168] O Israel: [3478] [and] now, David, [1732] see [7200] to thine own house. [1004] So all Israel [3478] went [3212] to their tents. [0168]


 Mais quant aux enfants d'Israël qui habitaient les villes de Juda, Roboam régna sur eux.

 But [as for] the children [1121] of Israel [3478] that dwelt [3427] in the cities [5892] of Judah, [3063] Rehoboam [7346] reigned [4427] over them.


 Alors le roi Roboam envoya Hadoram, qui était préposé aux impôts; mais les enfants d'Israël l'assommèrent à coups de pierres, et il mourut. Et le roi Roboam se hâta de monter sur un char pour s'enfuir à Jérusalem.

 Then king [4428] Rehoboam [7346] sent [7971] Hadoram [1913] that [was] over the tribute; [4522] and the children [1121] of Israel [3478] stoned [7275] him with stones, [0068] that he died. [4191] But king [4428] Rehoboam [7346] made speed [0553] to get him up [5927] to [his] chariot, [4818] to flee [5127] to Jerusalem. [3389]


 C'est ainsi qu'Israël s'est rebellé contre la maison de David, jusqu'à ce jour.

 And Israel [3478] rebelled [6586] against the house [1004] of David [1732] unto this day. [3117]


 Roboam, étant arrivé à Jérusalem, assembla la maison de Juda et de Benjamin, cent quatre-vingt mille hommes de guerre choisis, pour combattre contre Israël, pour ramener le royaume à Roboam.

 And when Rehoboam [7346] was come [0935] to Jerusalem, [3389] he gathered [6950] of the house [1004] of Judah [3063] and Benjamin [1144] an hundred [3967] and fourscore [8084] thousand [0505] chosen [0977] [men], which were warriors, [6213] [4421] to fight [3898] against Israel, [3478] that he might bring the kingdom [4467] again [7725] to Rehoboam. [7346]


 Mais la Parole de YEHOVAH fut adressée à Shémaeja, homme de Dieu, en ces termes:

 But the word [1697] of the LORD [3068] came to Shemaiah [8098] the man [0376] of God, [0430] saying, [0559]


 Parle à Roboam, fils de Salomon, roi de Juda, et à tout Israël en Juda et en Benjamin, et dis-leur:

 Speak [0559] unto Rehoboam [7346] the son [1121] of Solomon, [8010] king [4428] of Judah, [3063] and to all Israel [3478] in Judah [3063] and Benjamin, [1144] saying, [0559]


 Ainsi dit YEHOVAH: Vous ne monterez point, et vous ne combattrez point contre vos frères; retournez-vous-en, chacun dans sa maison; car ceci vient de moi. Et ils obéirent à la Parole de YEHOVAH, et s'en retournèrent, renonçant à marcher contre Jéroboam.

 Thus saith [0559] the LORD, [3068] Ye shall not go up, [5927] nor fight [3898] against your brethren: [0251] return [7725] every man [0376] to his house: [1004] for this thing [1697] is done [1961] of me. And they obeyed [8085] the words [1697] of the LORD, [3068] and returned [7725] from going [3212] against Jeroboam. [3379]


 Roboam demeura donc à Jérusalem, et il bâtit des villes fortes en Juda.

 And Rehoboam [7346] dwelt [3427] in Jerusalem, [3389] and built [1129] cities [5892] for defence [4692] in Judah. [3063]


 Il bâtit Bethléhem, Étam, Thékoa,

 He built [1129] even Bethlehem, [1035] and Etam, [5862] and Tekoa, [8620]


 Beth-Tsur, Soco, Adullam,

 And Bethzur, [1049] and Shoco, [7755] and Adullam, [5725]


 Gath, Marésha, Ziph,

 And Gath, [1661] and Mareshah, [4762] and Ziph, [2128]


 Adoraïm, Lakis, Azéka,

 And Adoraim, [0115] and Lachish, [3923] and Azekah, [5825]


 Tsoréa, Ajalon et Hébron, qui étaient en Juda et en Benjamin, et en fit des villes fortes.

 And Zorah, [6881] and Aijalon, [0357] and Hebron, [2275] which [are] in Judah [3063] and in Benjamin [1144] fenced [4694] cities. [5892]


 Il les fortifia, et y mit des gouverneurs et des provisions de vivres, d'huile et de vin,

 And he fortified [2388] the strong holds, [4694] and put [5414] captains [5057] in them, and store [0214] of victual, [3978] and of oil [8081] and wine. [3196]


 Et, dans chacune de ces villes, des boucliers et des lances, et il les rendit très fortes. Ainsi Juda et Benjamin furent à lui.

 And in every several city [5892] [5892] [he put] shields [6793] and spears, [7420] and made them exceeding [7235] [3966] strong, [2388] having Judah [3063] and Benjamin [1144] on his side.


 Les sacrificateurs et les Lévites, qui étaient dans tout Israël, vinrent de toutes parts se ranger auprès de lui.

 And the priests [3548] and the Levites [3881] that [were] in all Israel [3478] resorted [3320] to him out of all their coasts. [1366]


 Car les Lévites abandonnèrent leurs banlieues et leurs propriétés et vinrent en Juda et à Jérusalem, parce que Jéroboam, avec ses fils, les avaient rejetés des fonctions de sacrificateurs à YEHOVAH,

 For the Levites [3881] left [5800] their suburbs [4054] and their possession, [0272] and came [3212] to Judah [3063] and Jerusalem: [3389] for Jeroboam [3379] and his sons [1121] had cast them off [2186] from executing the priest's office [3547] unto the LORD: [3068]


 Et s'était établi des sacrificateurs pour les hauts lieux et les démons, et pour les veaux qu'il avait faits.

 And he ordained [5975] him priests [3548] for the high places, [1116] and for the devils, [8163] and for the calves [5695] which he had made. [6213]


 Et à leur suite, de toutes les tribus d'Israël, ceux qui avaient à cœur de chercher YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël, vinrent à Jérusalem pour sacrifier à YEHOVAH, le Dieu de leurs pères.

 And after [0310] them out of all the tribes [7626] of Israel [3478] such as set [5414] their hearts [3824] to seek [1245] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel [3478] came [0935] to Jerusalem, [3389] to sacrifice [2076] unto the LORD [3068] God [0430] of their fathers. [0001]


 Et ils fortifièrent le royaume de Juda et affermirent Roboam, fils de Salomon, pendant trois ans; car on suivit les voies de David et de Salomon pendant trois ans.

 So they strengthened [2388] the kingdom [4438] of Judah, [3063] and made Rehoboam [7346] the son [1121] of Solomon [8010] strong, [0553] three [7969] years: [8141] for three [7969] years [8141] they walked [1980] in the way [1870] of David [1732] and Solomon. [8010]


 Or Roboam prit pour femme Mahalath, fille de Jérimoth, fils de David, et d'Abichaïl, fille d'Éliab, fils d'Isaï.

 And Rehoboam [7346] took [3947] him Mahalath [4258] the daughter [1323] [1121] of Jerimoth [3406] the son [1121] of David [1732] to wife, [0802] [and] Abihail [0032] the daughter [1323] of Eliab [0446] the son [1121] of Jesse; [3448]


 Elle lui enfanta des fils: Jéush, Shémaria et Zaham.

 Which bare [3205] him children; [1121] Jeush, [3266] and Shamariah, [8114] and Zaham. [2093]


 Après elle, il prit Maaca, fille d'Absalom, qui lui enfanta Abija, Atthaï, Ziza et Shélomith.

 And after [0310] her he took [3947] Maachah [4601] the daughter [1323] of Absalom; [0053] which bare [3205] him Abijah, [0029] and Attai, [6262] and Ziza, [2124] and Shelomith. [8019]


 Et Roboam aima Maaca, fille d'Absalom, plus que toutes ses femmes et ses concubines. Car il prit dix-huit femmes et soixante concubines, et il engendra vingt-huit fils et soixante filles.

 And Rehoboam [7346] loved [0157] Maachah [4601] the daughter [1323] of Absalom [0053] above all his wives [0802] and his concubines: [6370] (for he took [5375] eighteen [8083] [6240] wives, [0802] and threescore [8346] concubines; [6370] and begat [3205] twenty [6242] and eight [8083] sons, [1121] and threescore [8346] daughters.) [1323]


 Roboam établit pour chef Abija, fils de Maaca, comme prince entre ses frères; car il voulait le faire roi;

 And Rehoboam [7346] made [5975] Abijah [0029] the son [1121] of Maachah [4601] the chief, [7218] [to be] ruler [5057] among his brethren: [0251] for [he thought] to make him king. [4427]


 Et il agit prudemment et dispersa tous ses fils dans toutes les contrées de Juda et de Benjamin, dans toutes les villes fortes; il leur donna abondamment de quoi vivre, et demanda pour eux une multitude de femmes.

 And he dealt wisely, [0995] and dispersed [6555] of all his children [1121] throughout all the countries [0776] of Judah [3063] and Benjamin, [1144] unto every fenced [4694] city: [5892] and he gave [5414] them victual [4202] in abundance. [7230] And he desired [7592] many [1995] wives. [0802]


 Lorsque la royauté de Roboam se fut affermie et qu'il fut devenu fort, il abandonna la loi de YEHOVAH, et tout Israël avec lui.

 And it came to pass, when Rehoboam [7346] had established [3559] the kingdom, [4438] and had strengthened [2394] himself, he forsook [5800] the law [8451] of the LORD, [3068] and all Israel [3478] with him.


 Et il arriva, la cinquième année du roi Roboam, que Shishak, roi d'Égypte, monta contre Jérusalem, parce qu'ils avaient péché contre YEHOVAH;

 And it came to pass, [that] in the fifth [2549] year [8141] of king [4428] Rehoboam [7346] Shishak [7895] king [4428] of Egypt [4714] came up [5927] against Jerusalem, [3389] because they had transgressed [4603] against the LORD, [3068]


 Il avait douze cents chars et soixante mille cavaliers, et le peuple venu avec lui d'Égypte était innombrable, des Libyens, des Sukkiens et des Éthiopiens.

 With twelve hundred [3967] [0505] chariots, [7393] and threescore [8346] thousand [0505] horsemen: [6571] and the people [5971] [were] without number [4557] that came [0935] with him out of Egypt; [4714] the Lubims, [3864] the Sukkiims, [5525] and the Ethiopians. [3569]


 Il prit les villes fortes qui appartenaient à Juda, et vint jusqu'à Jérusalem.

 And he took [3920] the fenced [4694] cities [5892] which [pertained] to Judah, [3063] and came [0935] to Jerusalem. [3389]


 Alors Shémaeja, le prophète, vint vers Roboam et vers les chefs de Juda, qui s'étaient assemblés à Jérusalem, à l'approche de Shishak, et leur dit: Ainsi a dit YEHOVAH: Vous m'avez abandonné; moi aussi je vous abandonne aux mains de Shishak.

 Then came [0935] Shemaiah [8098] the prophet [5030] to Rehoboam, [7346] and [to] the princes [8269] of Judah, [3063] that were gathered [0622] together to Jerusalem [3389] because [6440] of Shishak, [7895] and said [0559] unto them, Thus saith [0559] the LORD, [3068] Ye have forsaken [5800] me, and therefore have I also [0637] left [5800] you in the hand [3027] of Shishak. [7895]


 Alors les chefs d'Israël et le roi s'humilièrent, et dirent: YEHOVAH est juste!

 Whereupon the princes [8269] of Israel [3478] and the king [4428] humbled [3665] themselves; and they said, [0559] The LORD [3068] [is] righteous. [6662]


 Et quand YEHOVAH vit qu'ils s'étaient humiliés, la Parole de YEHOVAH fut adressée à Shémaeja, et il lui dit: Ils se sont humiliés; je ne les détruirai pas; et je leur donnerai bientôt un moyen d'échapper, et mon courroux ne se répandra point sur Jérusalem par la main de Shishak.

 And when the LORD [3068] saw [7200] that they humbled [3665] themselves, the word [1697] of the LORD [3068] came to Shemaiah, [8098] saying, [0559] They have humbled [3665] themselves; [therefore] I will not destroy [7843] them, but I will grant [5414] them some [4592] deliverance; [6413] and my wrath [2534] shall not be poured out [5413] upon Jerusalem [3389] by the hand [3027] of Shishak. [7895]


 Toutefois ils lui seront asservis, afin qu'ils sachent ce que c'est que de me servir ou de servir les royaumes des autres pays.

 Nevertheless they shall be his servants; [5650] that they may know [3045] my service, [5656] and the service [5656] of the kingdoms [4467] of the countries. [0776]


 Shishak, roi d'Égypte, monta donc contre Jérusalem, et prit les trésors de la maison de YEHOVAH, et les trésors de la maison royale; il prit tout. Il prit les boucliers d'or que Salomon avait faits.

 So Shishak [7895] king [4428] of Egypt [4714] came up [5927] against Jerusalem, [3389] and took [3947] away the treasures [0214] of the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and the treasures [0214] of the king's [4428] house; [1004] he took [3947] all: he carried away [3947] also the shields [4043] of gold [2091] which Solomon [8010] had made. [6213]


 Le roi Roboam fit à leur place des boucliers d'airain, et il les mit entre les mains des chefs des coureurs qui gardaient la porte de la maison du roi.

 Instead of which king [4428] Rehoboam [7346] made [6213] shields [4043] of brass, [5178] and committed [6485] [them] to the hands [3027] of the chief [8269] of the guard, [7323] that kept [8104] the entrance [6607] of the king's [4428] house. [1004]


 Et toutes les fois que le roi entrait dans la maison de YEHOVAH, les coureurs venaient, et les portaient; puis ils les rapportaient dans la chambre des coureurs.

 And when [1767] the king [4428] entered [0935] into the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] the guard [7323] came [0935] and fetched [5375] them, and brought them again [7725] into the guard [7323] chamber. [8372]


 Ainsi comme il s'était humilié, la colère de YEHOVAH se détourna de lui, et ne le détruisit pas entièrement; car il y avait encore de bonnes choses en Juda.

 And when he humbled [3665] himself, the wrath [0639] of the LORD [3068] turned [7725] from him, that he would not destroy [7843] [him] altogether: [3617] and also in Judah [3063] things [1697] went well. [2896]


 Le roi Roboam se fortifia donc dans Jérusalem, et régna. Il avait quarante et un ans quand il devint roi, et il régna dix-sept ans à Jérusalem, la ville que YEHOVAH avait choisie, de toutes les tribus d'Israël, pour y mettre son nom. Sa mère s'appelait Naama, l'Ammonite.

 So king [4428] Rehoboam [7346] strengthened [2388] himself in Jerusalem, [3389] and reigned: [4427] for Rehoboam [7346] [was] one [0259] and forty [0705] years [8141] old [1121] when he began to reign, [4427] and he reigned [4427] seventeen [7651] [6240] years [8141] in Jerusalem, [3389] the city [5892] which the LORD [3068] had chosen [0977] out of all the tribes [7626] of Israel, [3478] to put [7760] his name [8034] there. And his mother's [0517] name [8034] [was] Naa


 Il fit le mal, car il n'appliqua pas son cœur à chercher YEHOVAH.

 And he did [6213] evil, [7451] because he prepared [3559] not his heart [3820] to seek [1875] the LORD. [3068]


 Or les actions de Roboam, les premières et les dernières, ne sont-elles pas écrites dans les livres de Shémaeja, le prophète, et d'Iddo, le Voyant, aux généalogies? Et les guerres de Roboam et de Jéroboam furent continuelles.

 Now the acts [1697] of Rehoboam, [7346] first [7223] and last, [0314] [are] they not written [3789] in the book [1697] of Shemaiah [8098] the prophet, [5030] and of Iddo [5714] the seer [2374] concerning genealogies? [3187] And [there were] wars [4421] between Rehoboam [7346] and Jeroboam [3379] continually. [3605] [3117]


 Et Roboam s'endormit avec ses pères, et il fut enseveli dans la cité de David; et Abija, son fils, régna à sa place.

 And Rehoboam [7346] slept [7901] with his fathers, [0001] and was buried [6912] in the city [5892] of David: [1732] and Abijah [0029] his son [1121] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 La dix-huitième année du roi Jéroboam, Abija commença à régner sur Juda.

 Now in the eighteenth [8083] [6240] year [8141] of king [4428] Jeroboam [3379] began Abijah [0029] to reign [4427] over Judah. [3063]


 Il régna trois ans à Jérusalem. Sa mère s'appelait Micaja, fille d'Uriel, de Guibea. Or il y eut guerre entre Abija et Jéroboam.

 He reigned [4427] three [7969] years [8141] in Jerusalem. [3389] His mother's [0517] name [8034] also [was] Michaiah [4322] the daughter [1323] of Uriel [0222] of Gibeah. [1390] And there was war [4421] between Abijah [0029] and Jeroboam. [3379]


 Abija engagea la guerre avec une armée de vaillants guerriers, quatre cent mille hommes d'élite; et Jéroboam se rangea en bataille contre lui avec huit cent mille hommes d'élite, vaillants guerriers.

 And Abijah [0029] set [0631] the battle [4421] in array with an army [2428] of valiant men [1368] of war, [4421] [even] four [0702] hundred [3967] thousand [0505] chosen [0977] men: [0376] Jeroboam [3379] also set the battle [4421] in array [6186] against him with eight [8083] hundred [3967] thousand [0505] chosen [0977] men, [0376] [being] mighty men [1368] of valour. [2428]


 Et Abija se tint sur la montagne de Tsémaraïm, qui est dans la montagne d'Éphraïm, et dit: Jéroboam et tout Israël, écoutez-moi!

 And Abijah [0029] stood up [6965] upon mount [2022] Zemaraim, [6787] which [is] in mount [2022] Ephraim, [0669] and said, [0559] Hear [8085] me, thou Jeroboam, [3379] and all Israel; [3478]


 Ne devez-vous pas savoir que YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël, a donné pour toujours la royauté sur Israël, à David, à lui et à ses fils, par une alliance inviolable!

 Ought ye not to know [3045] that the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel [3478] gave [5414] the kingdom [4467] over Israel [3478] to David [1732] for ever, [5769] [even] to him and to his sons [1121] by a covenant [1285] of salt? [4417]


 Mais Jéroboam, fils de Nébat, serviteur de Salomon, fils de David, s'est élevé, et s'est révolté contre son seigneur;

 Yet Jeroboam [3379] the son [1121] of Nebat, [5028] the servant [5650] of Solomon [8010] the son [1121] of David, [1732] is risen up, [6965] and hath rebelled [4775] against his lord. [0113]


 Et des gens de rien, des misérables se sont joints à lui et se sont fortifiés contre Roboam, fils de Salomon. Or Roboam était un enfant et de faible courage, et il ne tint pas devant eux.

 And there are gathered [6908] unto him vain [7386] men, [0582] the children [1121] of Belial, [1100] and have strengthened [0553] themselves against Rehoboam [7346] the son [1121] of Solomon, [8010] when Rehoboam [7346] was young [5288] and tenderhearted, [7390] [3824] and could not withstand [2388] them. [6440]


 Et maintenant, vous pensez tenir devant la royauté de YEHOVAH, qui est entre les mains des fils de David; et vous êtes une grande multitude, et vous avez avec vous les veaux d'or que Jéroboam vous a faits pour être vos dieux.

 And now ye think [0559] to withstand [2388] the [6440] kingdom [4467] of the LORD [3068] in the hand [3027] of the sons [1121] of David; [1732] and ye [be] a great [7227] multitude, [1995] and [there are] with you golden [2091] calves, [5695] which Jeroboam [3379] made [6213] you for gods. [0430]


 N'avez-vous pas repoussé les sacrificateurs de YEHOVAH, les fils d'Aaron, et les Lévites? Et ne vous êtes-vous pas fait des sacrificateurs à la façon des peuples des autres pays? Quiconque est venu, pour être consacré, avec un jeune taureau et sept béliers, est devenu sacrificateur de ce qui n'est pas Dieu.

 Have ye not cast out [5080] the priests [3548] of the LORD, [3068] the sons [1121] of Aaron, [0175] and the Levites, [3881] and have made [6213] you priests [3548] after the manner of the nations [5971] of [other] lands? [0776] so that whosoever cometh [0935] to consecrate [4390] himself [3027] with a young [6499] [1121] bullock [1241] and seven [7651] rams, [0352] [the same] may be a priest [3548] of [them that are] no [3808] gods. [0430]


 Mais pour nous, YEHOVAH est notre Dieu, et nous ne l'avons point abandonné; les sacrificateurs qui font le service de YEHOVAH, sont enfants d'Aaron, et ce sont les Lévites qui fonctionnent,

 But as for us, the LORD [3068] [is] our God, [0430] and we have not forsaken [5800] him; and the priests, [3548] which minister [8334] unto the LORD, [3068] [are] the sons [1121] of Aaron, [0175] and the Levites [3881] [wait] upon [their] business: [4399]


 Faisant fumer pour YEHOVAH, chaque matin et chaque soir, les offrandes à brûler et le parfum d'aromates. Les pains du témoignage sont rangés sur la table pure, et on allume le chandelier d'or, avec ses lampes, chaque soir. Car nous gardons ce que YEHOVAH notre Dieu veut qu'on garde; mais vous, vous l'avez abandonné.

 And they burn [6999] unto the LORD [3068] every morning [1242] [1242] and every evening [6153] [6153] burnt sacrifices [5930] and sweet [5561] incense: [7004] the shewbread [3899] [4635] also [set they in order] upon the pure [2889] table; [7979] and the candlestick [4501] of gold [2091] with the lamps [5216] thereof, to burn [1197] every evening: [6153] [6153] for we keep [8104] the charge [4931] of the LORD [3068] our God; [0430] but ye have forsaken [5800] him.


 Voici, Dieu et ses sacrificateurs sont avec nous, à notre tête, et les trompettes au son éclatant, pour les faire retentir contre vous. Enfants d'Israël, ne combattez pas contre YEHOVAH, le Dieu de vos pères; car cela ne vous réussira point.

 And, behold, God [0430] himself [is] with us for [our] captain, [7218] and his priests [3548] with sounding [8643] trumpets [2689] to cry alarm [7321] against you. O children [1121] of Israel, [3478] fight [3898] ye not against the LORD [3068] God [0430] of your fathers; [0001] for ye shall not prosper. [6743]


 Mais Jéroboam fit faire un détour à une embuscade, pour arriver derrière eux. Ainsi les Israélites étaient en face de Juda, et l'embuscade était derrière ceux-ci.

 But Jeroboam [3379] caused an ambushment [3993] to come [0935] about [5437] behind [0310] them: so they were before [6440] Judah, [3063] and the ambushment [3993] [was] behind [0310] them.


 Ceux de Juda regardèrent donc, et voici, ils avaient la bataille en face et par-derrière. Alors ils crièrent à YEHOVAH, et les sacrificateurs sonnèrent des trompettes.

 And when Judah [3063] looked [6437] back, behold, the battle [4421] [was] before [6440] and behind: [0268] and they cried [6817] unto the LORD, [3068] and the priests [3548] sounded [2690] with the trumpets. [2689]


 Et tous les hommes de Juda poussèrent un cri de guerre, et au cri de guerre des hommes de Juda, Dieu frappa Jéroboam et tout Israël devant Abija et Juda;

 Then the men [0376] of Judah [3063] gave a shout: [7321] and as the men [0376] of Judah [3063] shouted, [7321] it came to pass, that God [0430] smote [5062] Jeroboam [3379] and all Israel [3478] before [6440] Abijah [0029] and Judah. [3063]


 Et les enfants d'Israël s'enfuirent devant ceux de Juda, et Dieu les livra entre leurs mains.

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] fled [5127] before [6440] Judah: [3063] and God [0430] delivered [5414] them into their hand. [3027]


 Abija et son peuple en firent un grand carnage, et il tomba d'Israël cinq cent mille hommes d'élite blessés à mort.

 And Abijah [0029] and his people [5971] slew [5221] them with a great [7227] slaughter: [4347] so there fell down [5307] slain [2491] of Israel [3478] five [2568] hundred [3967] thousand [0505] chosen [0977] men. [0376]


 Ainsi les enfants d'Israël furent humiliés en ce temps-là; et les enfants de Juda devinrent forts, parce qu'ils s'étaient appuyés sur YEHOVAH, le Dieu de leurs pères.

 Thus the children [1121] of Israel [3478] were brought [3665] under at that time, [6256] and the children [1121] of Judah [3063] prevailed, [0553] because they relied [8172] upon the LORD [3068] God [0430] of their fathers. [0001]


 Or Abija poursuivit Jéroboam, et lui prit ces villes: Béthel et les villes de son ressort, Jeshana et les villes de son ressort, Éphron et les villes de son ressort.

 And Abijah [0029] pursued [7291] after [0310] Jeroboam, [3379] and took [3920] cities [5892] from him, Bethel [1008] with the towns [1323] thereof, and Jeshanah [3466] with the towns [1323] thereof, and Ephrain [6085] with the towns [1323] thereof.


 Jéroboam n'eut plus de force pendant le temps d'Abija; et YEHOVAH le frappa, et il mourut.

 Neither did Jeroboam [3379] recover [6113] strength [3581] again in the days [3117] of Abijah: [0029] and the LORD [3068] struck [5062] him, and he died. [4191]


 Mais Abija devint puissant. Il prit quatorze femmes, et engendra vingt-deux fils et seize filles.

 But Abijah [0029] waxed mighty, [2388] and married [5375] fourteen [0702] [6240] wives, [0802] and begat [3205] twenty [6242] and two [8147] sons, [1121] and sixteen [8337] [6240] daughters. [1323]


 Le reste des actions d'Abija, et sa conduite, et ses paroles sont écrites dans les mémoires du prophète Iddo.

 And the rest [3499] of the acts [1697] of Abijah, [0029] and his ways, [1870] and his sayings, [1697] [are] written [3789] in the story [4097] of the prophet [5030] Iddo. [5714]


 Abija s'endormit avec ses pères, et on l'ensevelit dans la cité de David; et Asa son fils régna à sa place. De son temps, le pays fut en repos pendant dix ans.

 So Abijah [0029] slept [7901] with his fathers, [0001] and they buried [6912] him in the city [5892] of David: [1732] and Asa [0609] his son [1121] reigned [4427] in his stead. In his days [3117] the land [0776] was quiet [8252] ten [6235] years. [8141]


 Asa fit ce qui est bon et droit aux yeux de YEHOVAH, son Dieu.

 And Asa [0609] did [6213] [that which was] good [2896] and right [3477] in the eyes [5869] of the LORD [3068] his God: [0430]


 Il ôta les autels étrangers et les hauts lieux; il brisa les statues et mit en pièces les emblèmes d'Ashéra.

 For he took away [5493] the altars [4196] of the strange [5236] [gods], and the high places, [1116] and brake down [7665] the images, [4676] and cut down [1438] the groves: [0842]


 Et il recommanda à Juda de rechercher YEHOVAH, le Dieu de leurs pères, et de pratiquer la loi et les commandements.

 And commanded [0559] Judah [3063] to seek [1875] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of their fathers, [0001] and to do [6213] the law [8451] and the commandment. [4687]


 Il ôta de toutes les villes de Juda les hauts lieux et les colonnes consacrées au soleil. Et le royaume fut en repos devant lui.

 Also he took away [5493] out of all the cities [5892] of Judah [3063] the high places [1116] and the images: [2553] and the kingdom [4467] was quiet [8252] before [6440] him.


 Il bâtit des villes fortes en Juda; car le pays fut en repos; et pendant ces années-là il n'y eut point de guerre contre lui, parce que YEHOVAH lui donna du repos.

 And he built [1129] fenced [4694] cities [5892] in Judah: [3063] for the land [0776] had rest, [8252] and he had no war [4421] in those years; [8141] because the LORD [3068] had given him rest. [5117]


 Et il dit à Juda: Bâtissons ces villes, et environnons-les de murailles, de tours, de portes et de barres; le pays est encore devant nous, parce que nous avons recherché YEHOVAH notre Dieu; nous l'avons recherché, et il nous a donné du repos de tous côtés. Ainsi ils bâtirent et prospérèrent.

 Therefore he said [0559] unto Judah, [3063] Let us build [1129] these cities, [5892] and make about [5437] [them] walls, [2346] and towers, [4026] gates, [1817] and bars, [1280] [while] the land [0776] [is] yet before [6440] us; because we have sought [1875] the LORD [3068] our God, [0430] we have sought [1875] [him], and he hath given us rest [5117] on every side. [5439] So they built [1129] and prospered. [6743]


 Or Asa avait une armée de trois cent mille hommes de Juda, portant le grand bouclier et la lance, et de deux cent quatre-vingt mille de Benjamin, portant le petit bouclier et tirant de l'arc, tous vaillants guerriers.

 And Asa [0609] had an army [2428] [of men] that bare [5375] targets [6793] and spears, [7420] out of Judah [3063] three [7969] hundred [3967] thousand; [0505] and out of Benjamin, [1144] that bare [5375] shields [4043] and drew [1869] bows, [7198] two hundred [3967] and fourscore [8084] thousand: [0505] all these [were] mighty men [1368] of valour. [2428]


 Mais Zérach, l'Éthiopien, sortit contre eux avec une armée d'un million d'hommes, et de trois cents chars; et il vint jusqu'à Marésha.

 And there came out [3318] against them Zerah [2226] the Ethiopian [3569] with an host [2428] of a thousand [0505] thousand, [0505] and three [7969] hundred [3967] chariots; [4818] and came [0935] unto Mareshah. [4762]


 Et Asa alla au-devant de lui, et ils se rangèrent en bataille dans la vallée de Tséphatha, près de Marésha.

 Then Asa [0609] went out [3318] against [6440] him, and they set the battle [4421] in array [6186] in the valley [1516] of Zephathah [6859] at Mareshah. [4762]


 Alors Asa cria à YEHOVAH son Dieu, et dit: YEHOVAH! Tu ne fais point de différence pour aider, que l'on soit nombreux ou sans force! Aide-nous, YEHOVAH, notre Dieu! car nous nous sommes appuyés sur toi, et nous sommes venus en ton nom contre cette multitude. Tu es YEHOVAH, notre Dieu: que l'homme ne prévale pas contre toi!

 And Asa [0609] cried [7121] unto the LORD [3068] his God, [0430] and said, [0559] LORD, [3068] [it is] nothing with thee to help, [5826] whether [0996] with many, [7227] or with them that have no power: [3581] help [5826] us, O LORD [3068] our God; [0430] for we rest [8172] on thee, and in thy name [8034] we go [0935] against this multitude. [1995] O LORD, [3068] thou [art] our God; [0430] let not man [0582] prevail [6113] against thee.


 Et YEHOVAH frappa les Éthiopiens devant Asa et devant Juda; et les Éthiopiens s'enfuirent.

 So the LORD [3068] smote [5062] the Ethiopians [3569] before [6440] Asa, [0609] and before [6440] Judah; [3063] and the Ethiopians [3569] fled. [5127]


 Asa et le peuple qui était avec lui, les poursuivirent jusqu'à Guérar, et il tomba tant d'Éthiopiens, qu'ils ne purent se remettre; car ils furent écrasés devant YEHOVAH et son armée, et on emporta un fort grand butin.

 And Asa [0609] and the people [5971] that [were] with him pursued [7291] them unto Gerar: [1642] and the Ethiopians [3569] were overthrown, [5307] that they could not recover [4241] themselves; for they were destroyed [7665] before [6440] the LORD, [3068] and before [6440] his host; [4264] and they carried away [5375] very [3966] much [7235] spoil. [7998]


 Ils frappèrent toutes les villes autour de Guérar, car la terreur de YEHOVAH était sur elles; et ils pillèrent toutes ces villes, car il s'y trouvait beaucoup de butin.

 And they smote [5221] all the cities [5892] round about [5439] Gerar; [1642] for the fear [6343] of the LORD [3068] came upon them: and they spoiled [0962] all the cities; [5892] for there was exceeding much [7227] spoil [0961] in them.


 Ils frappèrent aussi les tentes des troupeaux, et emmenèrent des brebis et des chameaux en abondance; puis ils retournèrent à Jérusalem.

 They smote [5221] also the tents [0168] of cattle, [4735] and carried away [7617] sheep [6629] and camels [1581] in abundance, [7230] and returned [7725] to Jerusalem. [3389]


 Alors l'Esprit de Dieu fut sur Azaria, fils d'Oded.

 And the Spirit [7307] of God [0430] came upon Azariah [5838] the son [1121] of Oded: [5752]


 Et il sortit au-devant d'Asa, et lui dit: Asa, et tout Juda et Benjamin, écoutez-moi! YEHOVAH est avec vous quand vous êtes avec lui. Si vous le cherchez, vous le trouverez; mais si vous l'abandonnez, il vous abandonnera.

 And he went out [3318] to meet [6440] Asa, [0609] and said [0559] unto him, Hear [8085] ye me, Asa, [0609] and all Judah [3063] and Benjamin; [1144] The LORD [3068] [is] with you, while ye be with him; and if ye seek [1875] him, he will be found [4672] of you; but if ye forsake [5800] him, he will forsake [5800] you.


 Pendant longtemps Israël a été sans vrai Dieu, sans sacrificateur qui enseignât, et sans loi;

 Now for a long [7227] season [3117] Israel [3478] [hath been] without [3808] the true [0571] God, [0430] and without [3808] a teaching [3384] priest, [3548] and without [3808] law. [8451]


 Mais dans sa détresse il revint à YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël; ils le recherchèrent, et il se laissa trouver d'eux.

 But when they in their trouble [6862] did turn [7725] unto the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] and sought [1245] him, he was found [4672] of them.


 Dans ces temps-là, il n'y avait point de sécurité pour ceux qui allaient et venaient, car il y avait de grands troubles parmi tous les habitants du pays.

 And in those times [6256] [there was] no peace [7965] to him that went out, [3318] nor to him that came in, [0935] but great [7227] vexations [4103] [were] upon all the inhabitants [3427] of the countries. [0776]


 Une nation était heurtée par une autre, et une ville par une autre ville; car Dieu les agitait par toutes sortes d'angoisses.

 And nation [1471] was destroyed [3807] of nation, [1471] and city [5892] of city: [5892] for God [0430] did vex [2000] them with all adversity. [6869]


 Mais vous, fortifiez-vous, et que vos mains ne soient point lâches; car il y a un salaire pour ce que vous ferez.

 Be ye strong [2388] therefore, and let not your hands [3027] be weak: [7503] for your work [6468] shall be [3426] rewarded. [7939]


 Quand Asa eut entendu ces paroles et la prophétie d'Oded, le prophète, il se fortifia, et fit disparaître les abominations de tout le pays de Juda et de Benjamin, et des villes qu'il avait prises dans la montagne d'Éphraïm; et il rétablit l'autel de YEHOVAH, qui était devant le portique de YEHOVAH.

 And when Asa [0609] heard [8085] these words, [1697] and the prophecy [5016] of Oded [5752] the prophet, [5030] he took courage, [2388] and put away [5674] the abominable idols [8251] out of all the land [0776] of Judah [3063] and Benjamin, [1144] and out of the cities [5892] which he had taken [3920] from mount [2022] Ephraim, [0669] and renewed [2318] the altar [4196] of the LORD, [3068] that [was] before [6440] the porch [0197] of the LORD. [3068]


 Puis il rassembla tout Juda et Benjamin, et ceux d'Éphraïm, de Manassé et de Siméon, qui demeuraient avec eux; car un grand nombre de gens d'Israël passaient à lui, voyant que YEHOVAH son Dieu était avec lui.

 And he gathered [6908] all Judah [3063] and Benjamin, [1144] and the strangers [1481] with them out of Ephraim [0669] and Manasseh, [4519] and out of Simeon: [8095] for they fell [5307] to him out of Israel [3478] in abundance, [7230] when they saw [7200] that the LORD [3068] his God [0430] [was] with him.


 Ils s'assemblèrent donc à Jérusalem, le troisième mois de la quinzième année du règne d'Asa;

 So they gathered themselves together [6908] at Jerusalem [3389] in the third [7992] month, [2320] in the fifteenth [2568] [6240] year [8141] of the reign [4438] of Asa. [0609]


 Et ils sacrifièrent, ce jour-là, à YEHOVAH, sept cents bœufs et sept mille brebis, du butin qu'ils avaient amené.

 And they offered [2076] unto the LORD [3068] the same time, [3117] of the spoil [7998] [which] they had brought, [0935] seven [7651] hundred [3967] oxen [1241] and seven [7651] thousand [0505] sheep. [6629]


 Et ils rentrèrent dans l'alliance, pour chercher YEHOVAH, le Dieu de leurs pères, de tout leur cœur et de toute leur âme;

 And they entered [0935] into a covenant [1285] to seek [1875] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of their fathers [0001] with all their heart [3824] and with all their soul; [5315]


 En sorte qu'on devait faire mourir tous ceux qui ne rechercheraient pas YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël, tant les petits que les grands, tant les hommes que les femmes.

 That whosoever would not seek [1875] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel [3478] should be put to death, [4191] whether [4480] small [6996] or great, [1419] whether man [0376] or woman. [0802]


 Et ils prêtèrent serment à YEHOVAH, à haute voix, avec acclamation, et au son des trompettes et des cors;

 And they sware [7650] unto the LORD [3068] with a loud [1419] voice, [6963] and with shouting, [8643] and with trumpets, [2689] and with cornets. [7782]


 Et tout Juda se réjouit de ce serment, parce qu'ils avaient juré de tout leur cœur, et qu'ils avaient recherché YEHOVAH de leur plein gré, et qu'ils l'avaient trouvé. Et YEHOVAH leur donna du repos de tous côtés.

 And all Judah [3063] rejoiced [8055] at the oath: [7621] for they had sworn [7650] with all their heart, [3824] and sought [1245] him with their whole desire; [7522] and he was found [4672] of them: and the LORD [3068] gave them rest [5117] round about. [5439]


 Le roi Asa destitua même de son rang sa mère, Maaca, parce qu'elle avait fait une idole pour Ashéra. Asa abattit son idole, la mit en pièces, et la brûla au torrent de Cédron.

 And also [concerning] Maachah [4601] the mother [0517] of Asa [0609] the king, [4428] he removed [5493] her from [being] queen, [1377] because she had made [6213] an idol [4656] in a grove: [0842] and Asa [0609] cut down [3772] her idol, [4656] and stamped [1854] [it], and burnt [8313] [it] at the brook [5158] Kidron. [6939]


 Mais les hauts lieux ne furent point ôtés du milieu d'Israël; néanmoins le cœur d'Asa fut intègre tout le long de ses jours.

 But the high places [1116] were not taken away [5493] out of Israel: [3478] nevertheless the heart [3824] of Asa [0609] was perfect [8003] all his days. [3117]


 Il remit dans la maison de Dieu les choses qui avaient été consacrées par son père, avec ce qu'il avait lui-même consacré, l'argent, l'or et les ustensiles.

 And he brought into [0935] the house [1004] of God [0430] the things that his father [0001] had dedicated, [6944] and that he himself had dedicated, [6944] silver, [3701] and gold, [2091] and vessels. [3627]


 Et il n'y eut point de guerre jusqu'à la trente-cinquième année du règne d'Asa.

 And there was no [more] war [4421] unto the five [2568] and thirtieth [7970] year [8141] of the reign [4438] of Asa. [0609]


 La trente-sixième année du règne d'Asa, Baesha, roi d'Israël, monta contre Juda, et il bâtit Rama, afin de ne laisser sortir ni entrer aucun homme pour Asa, roi de Juda.

 In the six [8337] and thirtieth [7970] year [8141] of the reign [4438] of Asa [0609] Baasha [1201] king [4428] of Israel [3478] came up [5927] against Judah, [3063] and built [1129] Ramah, [7414] to the intent that he might let [5414] none [1115] go out [3318] or come in [0935] to Asa [0609] king [4428] of Judah. [3063]


 Alors Asa tira de l'argent et de l'or des trésors de la maison de YEHOVAH et de la maison royale, et il envoya vers Ben-Hadad, roi de Syrie, qui habitait à Damas, pour lui dire:

 Then Asa [0609] brought out [3318] silver [3701] and gold [2091] out of the treasures [0214] of the house [1004] of the LORD [3068] and of the king's [4428] house, [1004] and sent [7971] to Benhadad [1130] king [4428] of Syria, [0758] that dwelt [3427] at Damascus, [1834] saying, [0559]


 Il y a alliance entre moi et toi, comme entre mon père et le tien; voici, je t'envoie de l'argent et de l'or; va, romps ton alliance avec Baesha, roi d'Israël, afin qu'il se retire de moi.

 [There is] a league [1285] between me and thee, as [there was] between my father [0001] and thy father: [0001] behold, I have sent [7971] thee silver [3701] and gold; [2091] go, [3212] break [6565] thy league [1285] with Baasha [1201] king [4428] of Israel, [3478] that he may depart [5927] from me.


 Et Ben-Hadad écouta le roi Asa, et il envoya les capitaines de ses armées contre les villes d'Israël, et ils frappèrent Ijjon, Dan, Abel-Maïm, et tous les magasins des villes de Nephthali.

 And Benhadad [1130] hearkened [8085] unto king [4428] Asa, [0609] and sent [7971] the captains [8269] of his armies [2428] against the cities [5892] of Israel; [3478] and they smote [5221] Ijon, [5859] and Dan, [1835] and Abelmaim, [0066] and all the store [4543] cities [5892] of Naphtali. [5321]


 Et aussitôt que Baesha l'eut appris, il cessa de bâtir Rama et suspendit son travail.

 And it came to pass, when Baasha [1201] heard [8085] [it], that he left off [2308] building [1129] of Ramah, [7414] and let his work [4399] cease. [7673]


 Alors le roi Asa prit avec lui tout Juda, et ils emportèrent les pierres et le bois de Rama, que Baesha faisait bâtir; et il en bâtit Guéba et Mitspa.

 Then Asa [0609] the king [4428] took [3947] all Judah; [3063] and they carried away [5375] the stones [0068] of Ramah, [7414] and the timber [6086] thereof, wherewith Baasha [1201] was building; [1129] and he built [1129] therewith Geba [1387] and Mizpah. [4709]


 En ce temps-là, Hanani, le voyant, vint vers Asa, roi de Juda, et lui dit: Parce que tu t'es appuyé sur le roi de Syrie, et que tu ne t'es point appuyé sur YEHOVAH, ton Dieu, l'armée du roi de Syrie a échappé de ta main.

 And at that time [6256] Hanani [2607] the seer [7200] came [0935] to Asa [0609] king [4428] of Judah, [3063] and said [0559] unto him, Because thou hast relied [8172] on the king [4428] of Syria, [0758] and not relied [8172] on the LORD [3068] thy God, [0430] therefore is the host [2428] of the king [4428] of Syria [0758] escaped [4422] out of thine hand. [3027]


 Les Éthiopiens et les Libyens n'étaient-ils pas une fort grande armée, ayant des chars et des cavaliers en fort grand nombre? Mais parce que tu t'appuyais sur YEHOVAH, il les livra entre tes mains.

 Were not the Ethiopians [3569] and the Lubims [3864] a huge [7230] host, [2428] with very [3966] many [7235] chariots [7393] and horsemen? [6571] yet, because thou didst rely [8172] on the LORD, [3068] he delivered [5414] them into thine hand. [3027]


 Car les yeux de YEHOVAH parcourent toute la terre, pour soutenir ceux dont le cœur est tout entier à lui. Tu as agi follement en cela; car désormais tu auras des guerres.

 For the eyes [5869] of the LORD [3068] run to and fro [7751] throughout the whole earth, [0776] to shew himself strong [2388] in the behalf of [them] whose heart [3824] [is] perfect [8003] toward him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: [5528] therefore from henceforth [6258] thou shalt have [3426] wars. [4421]


 Et Asa fut irrité contre le voyant, et le mit en prison, car il était fort indigné contre lui à ce sujet. Asa opprima aussi, en ce temps-là, quelques-uns du peuple.

 Then Asa [0609] was wroth [3707] with the seer, [7200] and put [5414] him in a prison [4115] house; [1004] for [he was] in a rage [2197] with him because of this [thing]. And Asa [0609] oppressed [7533] [some] of the people [5971] the same time. [6256]


 Or voici, les actions d'Asa, les premières et les dernières, sont écrites au livre des rois de Juda et d'Israël.

 And, behold, the acts [1697] of Asa, [0609] first [7223] and last, [0314] lo, they [are] written [3789] in the book [5612] of the kings [4428] of Judah [3063] and Israel. [3478]


 La trente-neuvième année de son règne, Asa fut malade des pieds, et sa maladie fut très grave; et toutefois dans sa maladie, il ne chercha point YEHOVAH, mais les médecins.

 And Asa [0609] in the thirty [7970] and ninth [8672] year [8141] of his reign [4438] was diseased [2456] in his feet, [7272] until his disease [2483] [was] exceeding [4605] [great]: yet in his disease [2483] he sought [1875] not to the LORD, [3068] but to the physicians. [7495]


 Puis Asa s'endormit avec ses pères, et il mourut la quarante et unième année de son règne.

 And Asa [0609] slept [7901] with his fathers, [0001] and died [4191] in the one [0259] and fortieth [0705] year [8141] of his reign. [4427]


 Et on l'ensevelit dans le tombeau qu'il s'était creusé dans la cité de David. On le coucha sur un lit qu'il avait rempli de parfums et d'aromates, préparés en ouvrage de parfumerie; et on lui en brûla une quantité très considérable.

 And they buried [6912] him in his own sepulchres, [6913] which he had made [3738] for himself in the city [5892] of David, [1732] and laid [7901] him in the bed [4904] which was filled [4390] with sweet odours [1314] and divers kinds [2177] [of spices] prepared [7543] by the apothecaries [4842] art: [4639] and they made [8313] a very [3966] great [1419] burning [8316] for him.


 Josaphat, son fils, régna à sa place, et se fortifia contre Israël.

 And Jehoshaphat [3092] his son [1121] reigned [4427] in his stead, and strengthened [2388] himself against Israel. [3478]


 Il mit des troupes dans toutes les villes fortes de Juda, et des garnisons dans le pays de Juda, et dans les villes d'Éphraïm qu'Asa, son père, avait prises.

 And he placed [5414] forces [2428] in all the fenced [1219] cities [5892] of Judah, [3063] and set [5414] garrisons [5333] in the land [0776] of Judah, [3063] and in the cities [5892] of Ephraim, [0669] which Asa [0609] his father [0001] had taken. [3920]


 Et YEHOVAH fut avec Josaphat, parce qu'il suivit les premières voies de David, son père, et qu'il ne rechercha point les Baalim;

 And the LORD [3068] was with Jehoshaphat, [3092] because he walked [1980] in the first [7223] ways [1870] of his father [0001] David, [1732] and sought [1875] not unto Baalim; [1168]


 Car il rechercha le Dieu de son père, et il marcha dans ses commandements, et non pas selon ce que faisait Israël.

 But sought [1875] to the [LORD] God [0430] of his father, [0001] and walked [1980] in his commandments, [4687] and not after the doings [4639] of Israel. [3478]


 YEHOVAH affermit donc le royaume entre ses mains; et tout Juda apportait des présents à Josaphat, et il eut richesse et gloire en abondance.

 Therefore the LORD [3068] stablished [3559] the kingdom [4467] in his hand; [3027] and all Judah [3063] brought [5414] to Jehoshaphat [3092] presents; [4503] and he had riches [6239] and honour [3519] in abundance. [7230]


 Son cœur s'enhardit dans les voies de YEHOVAH, et il ôta encore de Juda les hauts lieux et les emblèmes d'Ashéra.

 And his heart [3820] was lifted up [1361] in the ways [1870] of the LORD: [3068] moreover he took away [5493] the high places [1116] and groves [0842] out of Judah. [3063]


 Puis, la troisième année de son règne, il envoya ses chefs Benhaïl, Obadia, Zacharie, Nathanaël et Micaja, pour enseigner dans les villes de Juda;

 Also in the third [7969] year [8141] of his reign [4427] he sent [7971] to his princes, [8269] [even] to Benhail, [1134] and to Obadiah, [5662] and to Zechariah, [2148] and to Nethaneel, [5417] and to Michaiah, [4322] to teach [3925] in the cities [5892] of Judah. [3063]


 Et avec eux les Lévites Shémaja, Néthania, Zébadia, Asaël, Shémiramoth, Jonathan, Adonija, Tobija et Tob-Adonija, Lévites, et avec eux Élishama et Joram, sacrificateurs.

 And with them [he sent] Levites, [3881] [even] Shemaiah, [8098] and Nethaniah, [5418] and Zebadiah, [2069] and Asahel, [6214] and Shemiramoth, [8070] and Jehonathan, [3083] and Adonijah, [0138] and Tobijah, [2900] and Tobadonijah, [2899] Levites; [3881] and with them Elishama [0476] and Jehoram, [3088] priests. [3548]


 Ils enseignèrent en Juda, ayant avec eux le livre de la loi de YEHOVAH. Ils firent le tour de toutes les villes de Juda, et enseignèrent parmi le peuple.

 And they taught [3925] in Judah, [3063] and [had] the book [5612] of the law [8451] of the LORD [3068] with them, and went about [5437] throughout all the cities [5892] of Judah, [3063] and taught [3925] the people. [5971]


 Et la terreur de YEHOVAH fut sur tous les royaumes des pays qui entouraient Juda, et ils ne firent point la guerre à Josaphat.

 And the fear [6343] of the LORD [3068] fell upon all the kingdoms [4467] of the lands [0776] that [were] round about [5439] Judah, [3063] so that they made no war [3898] against Jehoshaphat. [3092]


 Même de chez les Philistins on apportait des présents à Josaphat, et un tribut d'argent; et les Arabes lui amenèrent aussi du bétail, sept mille sept cents béliers, et sept mille sept cents boucs.

 Also [some] of the Philistines [6430] brought [0935] Jehoshaphat [3092] presents, [4503] and tribute [4853] silver; [3701] and the Arabians [6163] brought [0935] him flocks, [6629] seven [7651] thousand [0505] and seven [7651] hundred [3967] rams, [0352] and seven [7651] thousand [0505] and seven [7651] hundred [3967] he goats. [8495]


 Ainsi Josaphat alla grandissant jusqu'au plus haut degré. Et il bâtit en Juda des châteaux et des villes à magasins.

 And Jehoshaphat [3092] waxed [1980] great [1432] exceedingly; [4605] and he built [1129] in Judah [3063] castles, [1003] and cities [5892] of store. [4543]


 Il fit de grands travaux dans les villes de Juda; et il avait des gens de guerre, hommes vaillants, à Jérusalem.

 And he had much [7227] business [4399] in the cities [5892] of Judah: [3063] and the men [0582] of war, [4421] mighty men [1368] of valour, [2428] [were] in Jerusalem. [3389]


 Et voici leur dénombrement, selon les maisons de leurs pères. Les chefs de milliers de Juda furent: Adna, le chef, avec trois cent mille vaillants guerriers.

 And these [are] the numbers [6486] of them according to the house [1004] of their fathers: [0001] Of Judah, [3063] the captains [8269] of thousands; [0505] Adnah [5734] the chief, [8269] and with him mighty men [1368] of valour [2428] three [7969] hundred [3967] thousand. [0505]


 À côté de lui, Jochanan, le chef, avec deux cent quatre-vingt mille hommes.

 And next to him [3027] [was] Jehohanan [3076] the captain, [8269] and with him two hundred [3967] and fourscore [8084] thousand. [0505]


 À côté de lui, Amasia, fils de Zicri, qui s'était volontairement offert à YEHOVAH, avec deux cent mille vaillants guerriers.

 And next him [3027] [was] Amasiah [6007] the son [1121] of Zichri, [2147] who willingly offered [5068] himself unto the LORD; [3068] and with him two hundred [3967] thousand [0505] mighty men [1368] of valour. [2428]


 De Benjamin, Éliada, vaillant guerrier, avec deux cent mille hommes, armés de l'arc et du bouclier;

 And of Benjamin; [1144] Eliada [0450] a mighty man [1368] of valour, [2428] and with him armed [5401] men with bow [7198] and shield [4043] two hundred [3967] thousand. [0505]


 À côté de lui Jéhozabad, avec cent quatre-vingt mille hommes équipés pour l'armée.

 And next him [3027] [was] Jehozabad, [3075] and with him an hundred [3967] and fourscore [8084] thousand [0505] ready prepared [2502] for the war. [6635]


 Tels sont ceux qui étaient au service du roi, outre ceux que le roi avait mis dans les villes fortes, dans tout Juda.

 These waited on [8334] the king, [4428] beside [those] whom the king [4428] put [5414] in the fenced [4013] cities [5892] throughout all Judah. [3063]


 Or, Josaphat, ayant beaucoup de richesses et de gloire, s'allia par mariage avec Achab.

 Now Jehoshaphat [3092] had riches [6239] and honour [3519] in abundance, [7230] and joined affinity [2859] with Ahab. [0256]


 Et au bout de quelques années, il descendit vers Achab, à Samarie. Et Achab tua pour lui, et pour le peuple qui était avec lui, un grand nombre de brebis et de bœufs, et l'incita à monter à Ramoth de Galaad.

 And after [7093] [certain] years [8141] he went down [3381] to Ahab [0256] to Samaria. [8111] And Ahab [0256] killed [2076] sheep [6629] and oxen [1241] for him in abundance, [7230] and for the people [5971] that [he had] with him, and persuaded [5496] him to go up [5927] [with him] to Ramothgilead. [7433] [1568]


 Achab, roi d'Israël, dit à Josaphat, roi de Juda: Viendras-tu avec moi à Ramoth de Galaad? Et il lui répondit: Dispose de moi comme de toi, et de mon peuple comme de ton peuple; et nous irons avec toi à la guerre.

 And Ahab [0256] king [4428] of Israel [3478] said [0559] unto Jehoshaphat [3092] king [4428] of Judah, [3063] Wilt thou go [3212] with me to Ramothgilead? [7433] [1568] And he answered [0559] him, I [am] as thou [art], and my people [5971] as thy people; [5971] and [we will be] with thee in the war. [4421]


 Puis Josaphat dit au roi d'Israël: Consulte d'abord, je te prie, la Parole de YEHOVAH.

 And Jehoshaphat [3092] said [0559] unto the king [4428] of Israel, [3478] Enquire, [1875] I pray thee, at the word [1697] of the LORD [3068] to day. [3117]


 Alors le roi d'Israël assembla les prophètes, au nombre de quatre cents, et leur dit: Irons-nous à la guerre contre Ramoth de Galaad, ou y renoncerai-je? Et ils répondirent: Monte, et Dieu la livrera entre les mains du roi.

 Therefore the king [4428] of Israel [3478] gathered together [6908] of prophets [5030] four [0702] hundred [3967] men, [0376] and said [0559] unto them, Shall we go [3212] to Ramothgilead [7433] [1568] to battle, [4421] or shall I forbear? [2308] And they said, [0559] Go up; [5927] for God [0430] will deliver [5414] [it] into the king's [4428] hand. [3027]


 Mais Josaphat dit: N'y a-t-il point ici encore quelque prophète de YEHOVAH, par qui nous puissions le consulter?

 But Jehoshaphat [3092] said, [0559] [Is there] not here a prophet [5030] of the LORD [3068] besides, that we might enquire [1875] of him?


 Et le roi d'Israël dit à Josaphat: Il y a encore un homme par qui on peut consulter YEHOVAH; mais je le hais, car il ne me prophétise rien de bon, mais toujours du mal; c'est Michée, fils de Jimla. Et Josaphat dit: Que le roi ne parle pas ainsi!

 And the king [4428] of Israel [3478] said [0559] unto Jehoshaphat, [3092] [There is] yet one [0259] man, [0376] by whom we may enquire [1875] of the LORD: [3068] but I hate [8130] him; for he never prophesied [5012] good [2896] unto me, but always [3605] [3117] evil: [7451] the same [is] Micaiah [4321] the son [1121] of Imla. [3229] And Jehoshaphat [3092] said, [0559] Let not the king [4428] say [0559] so.


 Alors le roi d'Israël appela un officier, et dit: Fais promptement venir Michée, fils de Jimla.

 And the king [4428] of Israel [3478] called [7121] for one [0259] [of his] officers, [5631] and said, [0559] Fetch quickly [4116] Micaiah [4319] the son [1121] of Imla. [3229]


 Or le roi d'Israël et Josaphat, roi de Juda, étaient assis, chacun sur son trône, revêtus de leurs habits royaux, et ils étaient assis dans la place, à l'entrée de la porte de Samarie; et tous les prophètes prophétisaient en leur présence.

 And the king [4428] of Israel [3478] and Jehoshaphat [3092] king [4428] of Judah [3063] sat [3427] either of them [0376] on his throne, [3678] clothed [3847] in [their] robes, [0899] and they sat [3427] in a void place [1637] at the entering in [6607] of the gate [8179] of Samaria; [8111] and all the prophets [5030] prophesied [5012] before [6440] them.


 Alors Tsidkija, fils de Kénaana, s'étant fait des cornes de fer, dit: Ainsi a dit YEHOVAH: Avec ces cornes tu heurteras les Syriens, jusqu'à les détruire.

 And Zedekiah [6667] the son [1121] of Chenaanah [3668] had made [6213] him horns [7161] of iron, [1270] and said, [0559] Thus saith [0559] the LORD, [3068] With these thou shalt push [5055] Syria [0758] until they be consumed. [3615]


 Et tous les prophètes prophétisaient de même, en disant: Monte à Ramoth de Galaad, et tu réussiras, et YEHOVAH la livrera entre les mains du roi.

 And all the prophets [5030] prophesied [5012] so, saying, [0559] Go up [5927] to Ramothgilead, [7433] [1568] and prosper: [6743] for the LORD [3068] shall deliver [5414] [it] into the hand [3027] of the king. [4428]


 Or le messager qui était allé appeler Michée, lui parla, et lui dit: Voici, les prophètes prédisent tous d'une voix du bien au roi; je te prie, que ta parole soit semblable à celle de chacun d'eux, et annonce du bien.

 And the messenger [4397] that went [1980] to call [7121] Micaiah [4321] spake [1696] to him, saying, [0559] Behold, the words [1697] of the prophets [5030] [declare] good [2896] to the king [4428] with one [0259] assent; [6310] let thy word [1697] therefore, I pray thee, be like one [0259] of theirs, and speak [1696] thou good. [2896]


 Mais Michée répondit: YEHOVAH est vivant! je dirai ce que mon Dieu dira.

 And Micaiah [4321] said, [0559] [As] the LORD [3068] liveth, [2416] even what my God [0430] saith, [0559] that will I speak. [1696]


 Il vint donc vers le roi, et le roi lui dit: Michée, irons-nous à la guerre contre Ramoth de Galaad, ou y renoncerai-je? Et il répondit: Montez, vous réussirez, et ils seront livrés entre vos mains.

 And when he was come [0935] to the king, [4428] the king [4428] said [0559] unto him, Micaiah, [4318] shall we go [3212] to Ramothgilead [7433] [1568] to battle, [4421] or shall I forbear? [2308] And he said, [0559] Go ye up, [5927] and prosper, [6743] and they shall be delivered [5414] into your hand. [3027]


 Et le roi lui dit: Combien de fois t'adjurerai-je de ne me dire que la vérité au nom de YEHOVAH?

 And the king [4428] said [0559] to him, How many times [6471] shall I adjure [7650] thee that thou say [1696] nothing but the truth [0571] to me in the name [8034] of the LORD? [3068]


 Et il répondit: J'ai vu tout Israël dispersé par les montagnes, comme un troupeau de brebis qui n'a point de pasteur; et YEHOVAH a dit: Ces gens n'ont point de seigneur; que chacun retourne en paix dans sa maison!

 Then he said, [0559] I did see [7200] all Israel [3478] scattered [6327] upon the mountains, [2022] as sheep [6629] that have no shepherd: [7462] and the LORD [3068] said, [0559] These have no master; [0113] let them return [7725] [therefore] every man [0376] to his house [1004] in peace. [7965]


 Alors le roi d'Israël dit à Josaphat: Ne t'ai-je pas dit qu'il ne prophétise rien de bon quand il s'agit de moi, mais seulement du mal?

 And the king [4428] of Israel [3478] said [0559] to Jehoshaphat, [3092] Did I not tell [0559] thee [that] he would not prophesy [5012] good [2896] unto me, but evil? [7451]


 Et Michée dit: C'est pourquoi, écoutez la Parole de YEHOVAH: J'ai vu YEHOVAH assis sur son trône, et toute l'armée des cieux se tenant à sa droite et à sa gauche.

 Again he said, [0559] Therefore hear [8085] the word [1697] of the LORD; [3068] I saw [7200] the LORD [3068] sitting [3427] upon his throne, [3678] and all the host [6635] of heaven [8064] standing [5975] on his right hand [3225] and [on] his left. [8040]


 Et YEHOVAH dit: Qui est-ce qui séduira Achab, roi d'Israël, afin qu'il monte et qu'il périsse à Ramoth de Galaad? Et l'un répondait d'une façon et l'autre d'une autre.

 And the LORD [3068] said, [0559] Who shall entice [6601] Ahab [0256] king [4428] of Israel, [3478] that he may go up [5927] and fall [5307] at Ramothgilead? [7433] [1568] And one spake [0559] saying [0559] after this manner, [3602] and another saying [0559] after that manner. [3602]


 Alors un esprit s'avança et se tint devant YEHOVAH, et dit: Moi, je le séduirai. YEHOVAH lui dit: Comment?

 Then there came out [3318] a spirit, [7307] and stood [5975] before [6440] the LORD, [3068] and said, [0559] I will entice [6601] him. And the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto him, Wherewith?


 Il répondit: Je sortirai, et je serai un esprit de mensonge dans la bouche de tous ses prophètes. Et YEHOVAH dit: Tu le séduiras, et même tu en viendras à bout. Sors, et fais ainsi.

 And he said, [0559] I will go out, [3318] and be a lying [8267] spirit [7307] in the mouth [6310] of all his prophets. [5030] And [the LORD] said, [0559] Thou shalt entice [6601] [him], and thou shalt also prevail: [3201] go out, [3318] and do [6213] [even] so.


 Maintenant donc, voici, YEHOVAH a mis un esprit de mensonge dans la bouche de tes prophètes que voilà; et YEHOVAH a prononcé du mal contre toi.

 Now therefore, behold, the LORD [3068] hath put [5414] a lying [8267] spirit [7307] in the mouth [6310] of these thy prophets, [5030] and the LORD [3068] hath spoken [1696] evil [7451] against thee.


 Alors Tsidkija, fils de Kénaana, s'approcha, et frappa Michée sur la joue, et dit: Par quel chemin l'Esprit de YEHOVAH s'est-il éloigné de moi pour te parler?

 Then Zedekiah [6667] the son [1121] of Chenaanah [3668] came near, [5066] and smote [5221] Micaiah [4321] upon the cheek, [3895] and said, [0559] Which [0335] way [1870] went [5674] the Spirit [7307] of the LORD [3068] from me to speak [1696] unto thee?


 Et Michée répondit: Voici, tu le verras au jour où tu iras de chambre en chambre pour te cacher!

 And Micaiah [4321] said, [0559] Behold, thou shalt see [7200] on that day [3117] when thou shalt go [0935] into an inner [2315] chamber [2315] to hide [2244] thyself.


 Alors le roi d'Israël dit: Prenez Michée, et menez-le vers Amon, capitaine de la ville, et vers Joas, fils du roi.

 Then the king [4428] of Israel [3478] said, [0559] Take [3947] ye Micaiah, [4321] and carry him back [7725] to Amon [0526] the governor [8269] of the city, [5892] and to Joash [3101] the king's [4428] son; [1121]


 Et vous direz: Ainsi a dit le roi: Mettez cet homme en prison, et nourrissez-le du pain de l'affliction et de l'eau de l'affliction, jusqu'à ce que je revienne en paix.

 And say, [0559] Thus saith [0559] the king, [4428] Put [7760] this [fellow] in the prison, [1004] [3608] and feed [0398] him with bread [3899] of affliction [3906] and with water [4325] of affliction, [3906] until I return [7725] in peace. [7965]


 Et Michée dit: Si jamais tu reviens en paix, YEHOVAH n'aura point parlé par moi. Et il dit: Vous tous, peuples, entendez!

 And Micaiah [4321] said, [0559] If thou certainly [7725] return [7725] in peace, [7965] [then] hath not the LORD [3068] spoken [1696] by me. And he said, [0559] Hearken, [8085] all ye people. [5971]


 Le roi d'Israël monta donc avec Josaphat, roi de Juda, à Ramoth de Galaad.

 So the king [4428] of Israel [3478] and Jehoshaphat [3092] the king [4428] of Judah [3063] went up [5927] to Ramothgilead. [7433] [1568]


 Et le roi d'Israël dit à Josaphat: Je me déguiserai pour aller au combat; mais toi, revêts-toi de tes habits. Ainsi le roi d'Israël se déguisa; et ils allèrent au combat.

 And the king [4428] of Israel [3478] said [0559] unto Jehoshaphat, [3092] I will disguise [2664] myself, and will go [0935] to the battle; [4421] but put thou on [3847] thy robes. [0899] So the king [4428] of Israel [3478] disguised [2664] himself; and they went [0935] to the battle. [4421]


 Or le roi des Syriens avait donné cet ordre aux chefs de ses chars, disant: Vous n'attaquerez ni petit ni grand, mais seulement le roi d'Israël.

 Now the king [4428] of Syria [0758] had commanded [6680] the captains [8269] of the chariots [7393] that [were] with him, saying, [0559] Fight [3898] ye not with small [6996] or great, [1419] save only with the king [4428] of Israel. [3478]


 Sitôt donc que les chefs des chars eurent vu Josaphat, ils dirent: C'est le roi d'Israël! et ils l'environnèrent pour l'attaquer; mais Josaphat cria, et YEHOVAH le secourut, et Dieu les éloigna de lui.

 And it came to pass, when the captains [8269] of the chariots [7393] saw [7200] Jehoshaphat, [3092] that they said, [0559] It [is] the king [4428] of Israel. [3478] Therefore they compassed [5437] about him to fight: [3898] but Jehoshaphat [3092] cried out, [2199] and the LORD [3068] helped [5826] him; and God [0430] moved [5496] them [to depart] from him.


 Et quand les chefs des chars virent que ce n'était pas le roi d'Israël, ils se détournèrent de lui.

 For it came to pass, that, when the captains [8269] of the chariots [7393] perceived [7200] that it was not the king [4428] of Israel, [3478] they turned back again [7725] from pursuing [0310] him.


 Alors un homme tira de son arc tout au hasard, et frappa le roi d'Israël entre les jointures de la cuirasse; et le roi dit au cocher: Tourne, et mène-moi hors des rangs; car je suis blessé.

 And a [certain] man [0376] drew [4900] a bow [7198] at a venture, [8537] and smote [5221] the king [4428] of Israel [3478] between the joints [1694] of the harness: [8302] therefore he said [0559] to his chariot man, [7395] Turn [2015] thine hand, [3027] that thou mayest carry me out [3318] of the host; [4264] for I am wounded. [2470]


 Or, en ce jour-là le combat fut acharné; et le roi d'Israël demeura dans son char, vis-à-vis des Syriens, jusqu'au soir; et il mourut vers le coucher du soleil.

 And the battle [4421] increased [5927] that day: [3117] howbeit the king [4428] of Israel [3478] stayed [5975] [himself] up in [his] chariot [4818] against [5227] the Syrians [0758] until the even: [6153] and about the time [6256] of the sun [8121] going down [0935] he died. [4191]


 Josaphat, roi de Juda, revint sain et sauf dans sa maison, à Jérusalem.

 And Jehoshaphat [3092] the king [4428] of Judah [3063] returned [7725] to his house [1004] in peace [7965] to Jerusalem. [3389]


 Mais Jéhu, fils de Hanani, le Voyant, sortit au-devant du roi Josaphat, et lui dit: Est-ce le méchant qu'il faut aider? Sont-ce les ennemis de YEHOVAH que tu aimes? À cause de cela, YEHOVAH est irrité contre toi.

 And Jehu [3058] the son [1121] of Hanani [2607] the seer [2374] went out [3318] to meet [6440] him, and said [0559] to king [4428] Jehoshaphat, [3092] Shouldest thou help [5826] the ungodly, [7563] and love [0157] them that hate [8130] the LORD? [3068] therefore [2063] [is] wrath [7110] upon thee from before [6440] the LORD. [3068]


 Mais il s'est trouvé de bonnes choses en toi, car tu as ôté du pays les emblèmes d'Ashéra, et tu as appliqué ton cœur à rechercher Dieu.

 Nevertheless [0061] there are good [2896] things [1697] found [4672] in thee, in that thou hast taken away [1197] the groves [0842] out of the land, [0776] and hast prepared [3559] thine heart [3824] to seek [1875] God. [0430]


 Et Josaphat habita à Jérusalem. Puis, de nouveau, il sortit parmi le peuple, depuis Béer-Shéba jusqu'à la montagne d'Éphraïm, et il les ramena à YEHOVAH, le Dieu de leurs pères.

 And Jehoshaphat [3092] dwelt [3427] at Jerusalem: [3389] and he went out [3318] again [7725] through the people [5971] from Beersheba [0884] to mount [2022] Ephraim, [0669] and brought them back [7725] unto the LORD [3068] God [0430] of their fathers. [0001]


 Il établit aussi des juges dans le pays, dans toutes les villes fortes de Juda, dans chaque ville.

 And he set [5975] judges [8199] in the land [0776] throughout all the fenced [1219] cities [5892] of Judah, [3063] city [5892] by city, [5892]


 Et il dit aux juges: Regardez à ce que vous ferez; car ce n'est pas pour l'homme que vous jugerez, mais pour YEHOVAH, qui sera avec vous quand vous jugerez.

 And said [0559] to the judges, [8199] Take heed [7200] what ye do: [6213] for ye judge [8199] not for man, [0120] but for the LORD, [3068] who [is] with you in the judgment. [1697] [4941]


 Maintenant, que la crainte de YEHOVAH soit sur vous; prenez garde à ce que vous ferez; car il n'y a point d'iniquité dans YEHOVAH notre Dieu, ni d'acception de personnes, ni d'acceptation de présents.

 Wherefore now let the fear [6343] of the LORD [3068] be upon you; take heed [8104] and do [6213] [it]: for [there is] no iniquity [5766] with the LORD [3068] our God, [0430] nor respect [4856] of persons, [6440] nor taking [4727] of gifts. [7810]


 Josaphat établit aussi à Jérusalem des Lévites, et des sacrificateurs, et des chefs des pères d'Israël, pour le jugement de YEHOVAH, et pour les contestations. Et on revint à Jérusalem.

 Moreover in Jerusalem [3389] did Jehoshaphat [3092] set [5975] of the Levites, [3881] and [of] the priests, [3548] and of the chief [7218] of the fathers [0001] of Israel, [3478] for the judgment [4941] of the LORD, [3068] and for controversies, [7379] when they returned [7725] to Jerusalem. [3389]


 Et il leur donna des ordres, en disant: Vous agirez ainsi dans la crainte de YEHOVAH, avec fidélité et avec intégrité de cœur.

 And he charged [6680] them, saying, [0559] Thus shall ye do [6213] in the fear [3374] of the LORD, [3068] faithfully, [0530] and with a perfect [8003] heart. [3824]


 Et pour les différends qui viendront devant vous, de la part de vos frères qui habitent dans leurs villes, qu'il s'agisse d'un meurtre, d'une loi, d'un commandement, de statuts ou d'ordonnances, vous les éclairerez, afin qu'ils ne se rendent pas coupables envers YEHOVAH, et qu'il n'y ait point de courroux sur vous et sur vos frères. Vous agirez ainsi, et vous ne serez point trouvés coupables.

 And what cause [7379] soever shall come [0935] to you of your brethren [0251] that dwell [3427] in their cities, [5892] between blood [1818] and blood, [1818] between law [8451] and commandment, [4687] statutes [2706] and judgments, [4941] ye shall even warn [2094] them that they trespass [0816] not against the LORD, [3068] and [so] wrath [7110] come upon you, and upon your brethren: [0251] this [3541] do, [6213] and ye shall not trespass. [0816]


 Et voici, Amaria, le principal sacrificateur, est préposé sur vous pour toutes les affaires de YEHOVAH, et Zébadia, fils d'Ismaël, prince de la maison de Juda, pour toutes les affaires du roi; et pour secrétaires vous avez devant vous les Lévites. Fortifiez-vous et agissez; et que YEHOVAH soit avec l'homme de bien!

 And, behold, Amariah [0568] the chief [7218] priest [3548] [is] over you in all matters [1697] of the LORD; [3068] and Zebadiah [2069] the son [1121] of Ishmael, [3458] the ruler [5057] of the house [1004] of Judah, [3063] for all the king's [4428] matters: [1697] also the Levites [3881] [shall be] officers [7860] before [6440] you. Deal [6213] courageously, [2388] and the LORD [3068] shall be with the good. [2896]


 Il arriva, après cela, que les enfants de Moab et les enfants d'Ammon (car avec eux il y avait des Ammonites), vinrent contre Josaphat pour lui faire la guerre.

 It came to pass after [0310] this also, [that] the children [1121] of Moab, [4124] and the children [1121] of Ammon, [5983] and with them [other] beside the Ammonites, [5984] came [0935] against Jehoshaphat [3092] to battle. [4421]


 On vint donc le rapporter à Josaphat, en disant: Il vient contre toi une grande multitude d'au delà de la mer, de Syrie; et les voici à Hatsatson-Thamar, qui est En-Guédi.

 Then there came [0935] some that told [5046] Jehoshaphat, [3092] saying, [0559] There cometh [0935] a great [7227] multitude [1995] against thee from beyond [5676] the sea [3220] on this side Syria; [0758] and, behold, they [be] in Hazazontamar, [2688] which [is] Engedi. [5872]


 Alors Josaphat craignit; et il se disposa à rechercher YEHOVAH, et il publia un jeûne pour tout Juda.

 And Jehoshaphat [3092] feared, [3372] and set [5414] himself [6440] to seek [1875] the LORD, [3068] and proclaimed [7121] a fast [6685] throughout [5921] all Judah. [3063]


 Juda s'assembla donc pour demander du secours à YEHOVAH; on vint même de toutes les villes de Juda pour chercher YEHOVAH.

 And Judah [3063] gathered themselves together, [6908] to ask [1245] [help] of the LORD: [3068] even out of all the cities [5892] of Judah [3063] they came [0935] to seek [1245] the LORD. [3068]


 Et Josaphat se tint debout dans l'assemblée de Juda et de Jérusalem, dans la maison de YEHOVAH, devant le nouveau parvis;

 And Jehoshaphat [3092] stood [5975] in the congregation [6951] of Judah [3063] and Jerusalem, [3389] in the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] before [6440] the new [2319] court, [2691]


 Et il dit: YEHOVAH, Dieu de nos pères! n'es-tu pas Dieu dans les cieux, et n'est-ce pas toi qui domines sur tous les royaumes des nations? Et n'as-tu pas en ta main la force et la puissance, en sorte que nul ne peut te résister?

 And said, [0559] O LORD [3068] God [0430] of our fathers, [0001] [art] not thou God [0430] in heaven? [8064] and rulest [4910] [not] thou over all the kingdoms [4467] of the heathen? [1471] and in thine hand [3027] [is there not] power [3581] and might, [1369] so that none is able to withstand [3320] thee?


 N'est-ce pas toi, ô notre Dieu! qui as dépossédé les habitants de ce pays devant ton peuple d'Israël, et qui l'as donné pour toujours à la postérité d'Abraham, qui t'aimait?

 [Art] not thou our God, [0430] [who] didst drive out [3423] the inhabitants [3427] of this land [0776] before [6440] thy people [5971] Israel, [3478] and gavest [5414] it to the seed [2233] of Abraham [0085] thy friend [0157] for ever? [5769]


 Ils l'ont habité, et t'y ont bâti un sanctuaire pour ton nom, en disant:

 And they dwelt [3427] therein, and have built [1129] thee a sanctuary [4720] therein for thy name, [8034] saying, [0559]


 S'il nous arrive quelque mal, l'épée, le jugement, la peste, ou la famine, nous nous tiendrons devant cette maison, et en ta présence; car ton nom est en cette maison; et nous crierons à toi dans notre détresse, et tu exauceras et tu délivreras!

 If, [when] evil [7451] cometh [0935] upon us, [as] the sword, [2719] judgment, [8196] or pestilence, [1698] or famine, [7458] we stand [5975] before [6440] this house, [1004] and in thy presence, [6440] (for thy name [8034] [is] in this house,) [1004] and cry [2199] unto thee in our affliction, [6869] then thou wilt hear [8085] and help. [3467]


 Maintenant, voici les enfants d'Ammon et de Moab, et ceux de la montagne de Séir, chez lesquels tu ne permis pas à Israël d'entrer, quand il venait du pays d'Égypte, car il se détourna d'eux, et ne les détruisit pas,

 And now, behold, the children [1121] of Ammon [5983] and Moab [4124] and mount [2022] Seir, [8165] whom thou wouldest not let [5414] Israel [3478] invade, [0935] when they came [0935] out of the land [0776] of Egypt, [4714] but they turned [5493] from them, and destroyed [8045] them not;


 Les voici qui nous en récompensent, en venant nous chasser de ton héritage, dont tu nous as donné la possession.

 Behold, [I say, how] they reward [1580] us, to come [0935] to cast us out [1644] of thy possession, [3425] which thou hast given us to inherit. [3423]


 Ô notre Dieu! ne les jugeras-tu pas? Car il n'y a point de force en nous devant cette grande multitude qui vient contre nous, et nous ne savons que faire; mais nos yeux sont sur toi.

 O our God, [0430] wilt thou not judge [8199] them? for we have no might [3581] against [6440] this great [7227] company [1995] that cometh [0935] against us; neither know [3045] we [0587] what to do: [6213] but our eyes [5869] [are] upon thee.


 Or tout Juda se tenait devant YEHOVAH, même avec leurs familles, leurs femmes et leurs enfants.

 And all Judah [3063] stood [5975] before [6440] the LORD, [3068] with [1571] their little ones, [2945] their wives, [0802] and their children. [1121]


 Alors l'Esprit de YEHOVAH fut sur Jachaziel, fils de Zacharie, fils de Bénaja, fils de Jéïel, fils de Matthania, Lévite, d'entre les enfants d'Asaph, au milieu de l'assemblée;

 Then upon Jahaziel [3166] the son [1121] of Zechariah, [2148] the son [1121] of Benaiah, [1141] the son [1121] of Jeiel, [3273] the son [1121] of Mattaniah, [4983] a Levite [3881] of the sons [1121] of Asaph, [0623] came the Spirit [7307] of the LORD [3068] in the midst [8432] of the congregation; [6951]


 Et il dit: Vous, tout Juda, et habitants de Jérusalem, et toi, roi Josaphat, soyez attentifs! Ainsi vous dit YEHOVAH: Ne craignez point, et ne soyez point effrayés à cause de cette grande multitude; car ce ne sera pas à vous de combattre, mais à Dieu.

 And he said, [0559] Hearken [7181] ye, all Judah, [3063] and ye inhabitants [3427] of Jerusalem, [3389] and thou king [4428] Jehoshaphat, [3092] Thus saith [0559] the LORD [3068] unto you, Be not afraid [3372] nor dismayed [2865] by reason [6440] of this great [7227] multitude; [1995] for the battle [4421] [is] not yours, but God's. [0430]


 Descendez demain contre eux; les voici qui montent par la montée de Tsits, et vous les trouverez à l'extrémité de la vallée, en face du désert de Jéruël.

 To morrow [4279] go ye down [3381] against them: behold, they come up [5927] by the cliff [4608] of Ziz; [6732] and ye shall find [4672] them at the end [5490] of the brook, [5158] before [6440] the wilderness [4057] of Jeruel. [3385]


 Ce ne sera point à vous de combattre en cette bataille; présentez-vous, tenez-vous là, et voyez la délivrance que YEHOVAH va vous donner. Juda et Jérusalem, ne craignez point, et ne soyez point effrayés! Demain, sortez au-devant d'eux, et YEHOVAH sera avec vous.

 Ye shall not [need] to fight [3898] in this [2063] [battle]: set [3320] yourselves, stand [5975] ye [still], and see [7200] the salvation [3444] of the LORD [3068] with you, O Judah [3063] and Jerusalem: [3389] fear [3372] not, nor be dismayed; [2865] to morrow [4279] go out [3318] against [6440] them: for the LORD [3068] [will be] with you.


 Alors Josaphat s'inclina le visage contre terre, et tout Juda et les habitants de Jérusalem se jetèrent devant YEHOVAH, se prosternant devant YEHOVAH.

 And Jehoshaphat [3092] bowed his head [6915] with [his] face [0639] to the ground: [0776] and all Judah [3063] and the inhabitants [3427] of Jerusalem [3389] fell [5307] before [6440] the LORD, [3068] worshipping [7812] the LORD. [3068]


 Et les Lévites, d'entre les enfants des Kéhathites et d'entre les enfants des Corites, se levèrent pour célébrer YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël, d'une voix forte et haute.

 And the Levites, [3881] of the children [1121] of the Kohathites, [6956] and of the children [1121] of the Korhites, [7145] stood up [6965] to praise [1984] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel [3478] with a loud [1419] voice [6963] on high. [4605]


 Puis, le matin, ils se levèrent de bonne heure et sortirent vers le désert de Thékoa; et comme ils sortaient, Josaphat se tint là et dit: Juda et vous, habitants de Jérusalem, écoutez-moi: Croyez en YEHOVAH votre Dieu, et vous serez en sûreté; croyez en ses prophètes, et vous réussirez.

 And they rose early [7925] in the morning, [1242] and went forth [3318] into the wilderness [4057] of Tekoa: [8620] and as they went forth, [3318] Jehoshaphat [3092] stood [5975] and said, [0559] Hear [8085] me, O Judah, [3063] and ye inhabitants [3427] of Jerusalem; [3389] Believe [0539] in the LORD [3068] your God, [0430] so shall ye be established; [0539] believe [0539] his prophets, [5030] so shall ye prosper. [6743]


 Puis, ayant délibéré avec le peuple, il établit des chantres de YEHOVAH, qui célébraient sa sainte magnificence; et, marchant devant l'armée, ils disaient: Louez YEHOVAH, car sa miséricorde demeure à toujours!

 And when he had consulted [3289] with the people, [5971] he appointed [5975] singers [7891] unto the LORD, [3068] and that should praise [1984] the beauty [1927] of holiness, [6944] as they went out [3318] before [6440] the army, [2502] and to say, [0559] Praise [3034] the LORD; [3068] for his mercy [2617] [endureth] for ever. [5769]


 Et au moment où ils commencèrent le chant et la louange, YEHOVAH mit des embuscades contre les enfants d'Ammon, et de Moab, et ceux de la montagne de Séir, qui venaient contre Juda, et ils furent battus.

 And when [6256] they began [2490] to sing [7440] and to praise, [8416] the LORD [3068] set [5414] ambushments [0693] against the children [1121] of Ammon, [5983] Moab, [4124] and mount [2022] Seir, [8165] which were come [0935] against Judah; [3063] and they were smitten. [5062]


 Les enfants d'Ammon et de Moab se levèrent contre les habitants de la montagne de Séir, pour les vouer à l'interdit et les exterminer; et quand ils en eurent fini avec les habitants de Séir, ils s'aidèrent l'un l'autre à se détruire.

 For the children [1121] of Ammon [5983] and Moab [4124] stood up [5975] against the inhabitants [3427] of mount [2022] Seir, [8165] utterly to slay [2763] and destroy [8045] [them]: and when they had made an end [3615] of the inhabitants [3427] of Seir, [8165] every one [0376] helped [5826] to destroy [4889] another. [7453]


 Et quand Juda arriva sur la hauteur d'où l'on voit le désert, ils regardèrent vers cette multitude, et voici, c'étaient des cadavres gisant à terre, sans qu'il en fût échappé un seul.

 And when Judah [3063] came [0935] toward the watch tower [4707] [4708] in the wilderness, [4057] they looked [6437] unto the multitude, [1995] and, behold, they [were] dead bodies [6297] fallen [5307] to the earth, [0776] and none escaped. [6413]


 Ainsi Josaphat et son peuple vinrent pour piller leur butin, et ils trouvèrent parmi eux, au milieu des cadavres, des biens en abondance, et des objets précieux; et ils en enlevèrent tant, qu'ils ne le pouvaient porter; et ils pillèrent le butin pendant trois jours, car il était considérable.

 And when Jehoshaphat [3092] and his people [5971] came [0935] to take away [0962] the spoil [7998] of them, they found [4672] among them in abundance [7230] both riches [7399] with the dead bodies, [6297] and precious [2532] jewels, [3627] which they stripped off [5337] for themselves, more than [0369] they could carry away: [4853] and they were three [7969] days [3117] in gathering [0962] of the spoil, [7998] it was so much. [7227]


 Et, le quatrième jour, ils s'assemblèrent dans la vallée de Bénédiction; car ils bénirent là YEHOVAH; c'est pourquoi, on a appelé ce lieu, jusqu'à ce jour, la vallée de Bénédiction.

 And on the fourth [7243] day [3117] they assembled [6950] themselves in the valley [6010] of Berachah; [1293] [1294] for there they blessed [1288] the LORD: [3068] therefore the name [8034] of the same place [4725] was called, [7121] The valley [6010] of Berachah, [1293] [1294] unto this day. [3117]


 Puis tous les hommes de Juda et de Jérusalem, et Josaphat, à leur tête, reprirent joyeusement le chemin de Jérusalem; car YEHOVAH leur avait donné de la joie au sujet de leurs ennemis.

 Then they returned, [7725] every man [0376] of Judah [3063] and Jerusalem, [3389] and Jehoshaphat [3092] in the forefront [7218] of them, to go again [7725] to Jerusalem [3389] with joy; [8057] for the LORD [3068] had made them to rejoice [8055] over their enemies. [0341]


 Ils entrèrent donc à Jérusalem, dans la maison de YEHOVAH, avec des lyres, des harpes et des trompettes.

 And they came [0935] to Jerusalem [3389] with psalteries [5035] and harps [3658] and trumpets [2689] unto the house [1004] of the LORD. [3068]


 Et la terreur de Dieu fut sur tous les royaumes des divers pays, quand ils eurent appris que YEHOVAH avait combattu contre les ennemis d'Israël.

 And the fear [6343] of God [0430] was on all the kingdoms [4467] of [those] countries, [0776] when they had heard [8085] that the LORD [3068] fought [3898] against the enemies [0341] of Israel. [3478]


 Ainsi le royaume de Josaphat fut tranquille, et son Dieu lui donna du repos de tous côtés.

 So the realm [4438] of Jehoshaphat [3092] was quiet: [8252] for his God [0430] gave him rest [5117] round about. [5439]


 Josaphat régna donc sur Juda. Il était âgé de trente-cinq ans quand il devint roi, et il régna vingt-cinq ans à Jérusalem. Sa mère s'appelait Azuba, fille de Shilchi.

 And Jehoshaphat [3092] reigned [4427] over Judah: [3063] [he was] thirty [7970] and five [2568] years [8141] old [1121] when he began to reign, [4427] and he reigned [4427] twenty [6242] and five [2568] years [8141] in Jerusalem. [3389] And his mother's [0517] name [8034] [was] Azubah [5806] the daughter [1323] of Shilhi. [7977]


 Il suivit les traces d'Asa, son père, et il ne s'en détourna point, faisant ce qui est droit devant YEHOVAH.

 And he walked [3212] in the way [1870] of Asa [0609] his father, [0001] and departed [5493] not from it, doing [6213] [that which was] right [3477] in the sight [5869] of the LORD. [3068]


 Seulement les hauts lieux ne furent point ôtés, et le peuple n'avait pas encore tourné son cœur vers le Dieu de ses pères.

 Howbeit the high places [1116] were not taken away: [5493] for as yet the people [5971] had not prepared [3559] their hearts [3824] unto the God [0430] of their fathers. [0001]


 Or le reste des actions de Josaphat, les premières et les dernières, voici, elles sont écrites dans les mémoires de Jéhu, fils de Hanani, insérés dans le livre des rois d'Israël.

 Now the rest [3499] of the acts [1697] of Jehoshaphat, [3092] first [7223] and last, [0314] behold, they [are] written [3789] in the book [1697] of Jehu [3058] the son [1121] of Hanani, [2607] who [is] mentioned [5927] in the book [5612] of the kings [4428] of Israel. [3478]


 Après cela, Josaphat, roi de Juda, s'associa avec Achazia, roi d'Israël, dont la conduite était impie.

 And after [0310] this did Jehoshaphat [3092] king [4428] of Judah [3063] join [2266] himself with Ahaziah [0274] king [4428] of Israel, [3478] who did [6213] very wickedly: [7561]


 Il s'associa avec lui pour faire des navires, afin d'aller à Tarsis; et ils firent des navires à Etsjon-Guéber.

 And he joined [2266] himself with him to make [6213] ships [0591] to go [3212] to Tarshish: [8659] and they made [6213] the ships [0591] in Eziongeber. [6100]


 Alors Éliézer, fils de Dodava, de Marésha, prophétisa contre Josaphat, en disant: Parce que tu t'es associé avec Achazia, YEHOVAH a détruit ton œuvre. Et les navires furent brisés, et ne purent aller à Tarsis.

 Then Eliezer [0461] the son [1121] of Dodavah [1735] of Mareshah [4762] prophesied [5012] against Jehoshaphat, [3092] saying, [0559] Because thou hast joined [2266] thyself with Ahaziah, [0274] the LORD [3068] hath broken [6555] thy works. [4639] And the ships [0591] were broken, [7665] that they were not able [6113] to go [3212] to Tarshish. [8659]


 Puis Josaphat s'endormit avec ses pères, et il fut enseveli avec eux dans la cité de David; et Joram, son fils, régna à sa place.

 Now Jehoshaphat [3092] slept [7901] with his fathers, [0001] and was buried [6912] with his fathers [0001] in the city [5892] of David. [1732] And Jehoram [3088] his son [1121] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 Il avait des frères, fils de Josaphat, Azaria, Jéhiel, Zacharie, Azaria, Micaël et Shéphatia. Tous ceux-là étaient fils de Josaphat, roi d'Israël.

 And he had brethren [0251] the sons [1121] of Jehoshaphat, [3092] Azariah, [5838] and Jehiel, [3171] and Zechariah, [2148] and Azariah, [5838] and Michael, [4317] and Shephatiah: [8203] all these [were] the sons [1121] of Jehoshaphat [3092] king [4428] of Israel. [3478]


 Leur père leur avait fait de grands dons d'argent, d'or et de choses précieuses, avec des villes fortes en Juda; mais il avait donné le royaume à Joram, parce qu'il était l'aîné.

 And their father [0001] gave [5414] them great [7227] gifts [4979] of silver, [3701] and of gold, [2091] and of precious things, [4030] with fenced [4694] cities [5892] in Judah: [3063] but the kingdom [4467] gave [5414] he to Jehoram; [3088] because he [was] the firstborn. [1060]


 Quand Joram se fut élevé sur le royaume de son père, et s'y fut fortifié, il fit mourir par l'épée tous ses frères, et quelques-uns aussi des chefs d'Israël.

 Now when Jehoram [3088] was risen up [6965] to the kingdom [4467] of his father, [0001] he strengthened [2388] himself, and slew [2026] all his brethren [0251] with the sword, [2719] and [divers] also of the princes [8269] of Israel. [3478]


 Joram était âgé de trente-deux ans, quand il devint roi, et il régna huit ans à Jérusalem.

 Jehoram [3088] [was] thirty [7970] and two [8147] years [8141] old [1121] when he began to reign, [4427] and he reigned [4427] eight [8083] years [8141] in Jerusalem. [3389]


 Il marcha dans la voie des rois d'Israël, comme avait fait la maison d'Achab; car la fille d'Achab était sa femme, et il fit ce qui est mal aux yeux de YEHOVAH.

 And he walked [3212] in the way [1870] of the kings [4428] of Israel, [3478] like as did [6213] the house [1004] of Ahab: [0256] for he had the daughter [1323] of Ahab [0256] to wife: [0802] and he wrought [6213] [that which was] evil [7451] in the eyes [5869] of the LORD. [3068]


 Toutefois, YEHOVAH, à cause de l'alliance qu'il avait traitée avec David, ne voulut pas détruire la maison de David, selon qu'il avait dit qu'il lui donnerait une lampe, à lui et à ses fils, pour toujours.

 Howbeit the LORD [3068] would [0014] not destroy [7843] the house [1004] of David, [1732] because of the covenant [1285] that he had made [3772] with David, [1732] and as he promised [0559] to give [5414] a light [5216] to him and to his sons [1121] for ever. [3605] [3117]


 De son temps, Édom se révolta de l'obéissance de Juda, et ils établirent un roi sur eux.

 In his days [3117] the Edomites [0123] revolted [6586] from under the dominion [3027] of Judah, [3063] and made [4427] themselves a king. [4428]


 Joram se mit donc en marche avec ses chefs et tous ses chars; et, s'étant levé de nuit, il battit les Édomites, qui l'entouraient, et tous les chefs des chars.

 Then Jehoram [3088] went forth [5674] with his princes, [8269] and all his chariots [7393] with him: and he rose up [6965] by night, [3915] and smote [5221] the Edomites [0123] which compassed [5437] him in, and the captains [8269] of the chariots. [7393]


 Néanmoins Édom s'est révolté contre l'autorité de Juda jusqu'à ce jour. En ce même temps, Libna se révolta contre son autorité, parce qu'il avait abandonné YEHOVAH, le Dieu de ses pères.

 So the Edomites [0123] revolted [6586] from under the hand [3027] of Judah [3063] unto this day. [3117] The same time [6256] [also] did Libnah [3841] revolt [6586] from under his hand; [3027] because he had forsaken [5800] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of his fathers. [0001]


 Lui aussi fit des hauts lieux dans les montagnes de Juda; il fit que les habitants de Jérusalem se prostituèrent, et il y poussa ceux de Juda.

 Moreover he made [6213] high places [1116] in the mountains [2022] of Judah, [3063] and caused the inhabitants [3427] of Jerusalem [3389] to commit fornication, [2181] and compelled [5080] Judah [3063] [thereto].


 Alors il lui vint un écrit de la part d'Élie, le prophète, disant: Ainsi a dit YEHOVAH, le Dieu de David, ton père: Parce que tu n'as point suivi les traces de Josaphat, ton père, ni celles d'Asa, roi de Juda,

 And there came [0935] a writing [4385] to him from Elijah [0452] the prophet, [5030] saying, [0559] Thus saith [0559] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of David [1732] thy father, [0001] Because thou hast not walked [1980] in the ways [1870] of Jehoshaphat [3092] thy father, [0001] nor in the ways [1870] of Asa [0609] king [4428] of Judah, [3063]


 Mais que tu as suivi le train des rois d'Israël, et que tu débauches Juda et les habitants de Jérusalem, comme l'a fait la maison d'Achab, et que tu as tué tes frères, la maison de ton père, meilleurs que toi,

 But hast walked [3212] in the way [1870] of the kings [4428] of Israel, [3478] and hast made Judah [3063] and the inhabitants [3427] of Jerusalem [3389] to go a whoring, [2181] like to the whoredoms [2181] of the house [1004] of Ahab, [0256] and also hast slain [2026] thy brethren [0251] of thy father's [0001] house, [1004] [which were] better [2896] than thyself:


 Voici YEHOVAH va frapper d'une grande plaie ton peuple, tes enfants, tes femmes et tous tes biens.

 Behold, with a great [1419] plague [4046] will the LORD [3068] smite [5062] thy people, [5971] and thy children, [1121] and thy wives, [0802] and all thy goods: [7399]


 Et toi, tu auras de grandes souffrances, par une maladie d'entrailles; jusque-là que tes entrailles sortiront par la force de la maladie, qui augmentera de jour en jour.

 And thou [shalt have] great [7227] sickness [2483] by disease [4245] of thy bowels, [4578] until thy bowels [4578] fall out [3318] by reason of the sickness [2483] day [3117] by day. [3117]


 Et YEHOVAH excita contre Joram l'esprit des Philistins et des Arabes, qui habitent près des Éthiopiens.

 Moreover the LORD [3068] stirred up [5782] against Jehoram [3088] the spirit [7307] of the Philistines, [6430] and of the Arabians, [6163] that [were] near [5921] [3027] the Ethiopians: [3569]


 Ils montèrent donc contre Juda, et y pénétrèrent, et pillèrent toutes les richesses qui furent trouvées dans la maison du roi; et même, ils emmenèrent captifs ses enfants et ses femmes, de sorte qu'il ne lui demeura aucun fils, sinon Joachaz, le plus jeune de ses fils.

 And they came up [5927] into Judah, [3063] and brake [1234] into it, and carried away [7617] all the substance [7399] that was found [4672] in the king's [4428] house, [1004] and his sons [1121] also, and his wives; [0802] so that there was never a son [1121] left [7604] him, save Jehoahaz, [3059] the youngest [6996] of his sons. [1121]


 Après tout cela, YEHOVAH le frappa dans ses entrailles, d'une maladie incurable.

 And after [0310] all this the LORD [3068] smote [5062] him in his bowels [4578] with an incurable [0369] [4832] disease. [2483]


 Et il arriva, au bout d'un certain temps, vers la fin de la seconde année, que ses entrailles sortirent par la force de sa maladie, et il mourut dans de grandes souffrances; son peuple ne fit point brûler sur lui de parfums, comme on avait fait sur ses pères.

 And it came to pass, that in process of time, [3117] [3117] after [3318] [6256] the end [7093] of two [8147] years, [3117] his bowels [4578] fell out [3318] by reason [5973] of his sickness: [2483] so he died [4191] of sore [7451] diseases. [8463] And his people [5971] made [6213] no burning [8316] for him, like the burning [8316] of his fathers. [0001]


 Il était âgé de trente-deux ans quand il devint roi, et il régna huit ans à Jérusalem. Il s'en alla sans être regretté, et on l'ensevelit dans la cité de David, mais non dans les tombeaux des rois.

 Thirty [7970] and two [8147] years old [1121] was he when he began to reign, [4427] and he reigned [4427] in Jerusalem [3389] eight [8083] years, [8141] and departed [3212] without being desired. [2532] Howbeit they buried [6912] him in the city [5892] of David, [1732] but not in the sepulchres [6913] of the kings. [4428]


 Les habitants de Jérusalem établirent pour roi à sa place Achazia, le plus jeune de ses fils, parce que les troupes qui étaient venues au camp avec les Arabes, avaient tué tous les plus âgés; et Achazia, fils de Joram, roi de Juda, régna.

 And the inhabitants [3427] of Jerusalem [3389] made Ahaziah [0274] his youngest [6996] son [1121] king [4427] in his stead: for the band of men [1416] that came [0935] with the Arabians [6163] to the camp [4264] had slain [2026] all the eldest. [7223] So Ahaziah [0274] the son [1121] of Jehoram [3088] king [4428] of Judah [3063] reigned. [4427]


 Achazia était âgé de quarante-deux ans, quand il devint roi, et il régna un an à Jérusalem. Sa mère s'appelait Athalie, fille d'Omri.

 Forty [0705] and two [8147] years [8141] old [1121] [was] Ahaziah [0274] when he began to reign, [4427] and he reigned [4427] one [0259] year [8141] in Jerusalem. [3389] His mother's [0517] name [8034] also [was] Athaliah [6271] the daughter [1323] of Omri. [6018]


 Il suivit aussi les voies de la maison d'Achab; car sa mère était sa conseillère pour faire du mal.

 He also walked [1980] in the ways [1870] of the house [1004] of Ahab: [0256] for his mother [0517] was his counsellor [3289] to do wickedly. [7561]


 Il fit donc ce qui est mauvais aux yeux de YEHOVAH, comme la maison d'Achab; parce qu'ils furent ses conseillers après la mort de son père, pour sa ruine.

 Wherefore he did [6213] evil [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD [3068] like the house [1004] of Ahab: [0256] for they were his counsellors [3289] after [0310] the death [4194] of his father [0001] to his destruction. [4889]


 Gouverné par leurs conseils, il alla même avec Joram, fils d'Achab, roi d'Israël, à la guerre, à Ramoth de Galaad, contre Hazaël, roi de Syrie. Et les Syriens frappèrent Joram,

 He walked [1980] also after their counsel, [6098] and went [3212] with Jehoram [3088] the son [1121] of Ahab [0256] king [4428] of Israel [3478] to war [4421] against Hazael [2371] king [4428] of Syria [0758] at Ramothgilead: [7433] [1568] and the Syrians [0761][7421] smote [5221] Joram. [3141]


 Qui s'en retourna pour se faire guérir à Jizréel, des blessures que les Syriens lui avaient faites à Rama, lorsqu'il faisait la guerre contre Hazaël, roi de Syrie. Alors Azaria, fils de Joram, roi de Juda, descendit pour voir Joram, le fils d'Achab, à Jizréel, parce qu'il était malade.

 And he returned [7725] to be healed [7495] in Jezreel [3157] because of the wounds [4347] which were given [5221] him at Ramah, [7414] when he fought [3898] with Hazael [2371] king [4428] of Syria. [0758] And Azariah [5838] the son [1121] of Jehoram [3088] king [4428] of Judah [3063] went down [3381] to see [7200] Jehoram [3088] the son [1121] of Ahab [0256] at Jezreel, [3157] because he was sick. [2470]


 Or ce fut pour son entière ruine, qui procédait de Dieu, qu'Achazia vint auprès de Joram. En effet, quand il fut arrivé, il sortit avec Joram au-devant de Jéhu, fils de Nimshi, que YEHOVAH avait oint pour exterminer la maison d'Achab.

 And the destruction [8395] of Ahaziah [0274] was of God [0430] by coming [0935] to Joram: [3141] for when he was come, [0935] he went out [3318] with Jehoram [3088] against Jehu [3058] the son [1121] of Nimshi, [5250] whom the LORD [3068] had anointed [4886] to cut off [3772] the house [1004] of Ahab. [0256]


 Et il arriva, comme Jéhu faisait justice de la maison d'Achab, qu'il trouva les chefs de Juda et les fils des frères d'Achazia, qui servaient Achazia, et il les tua.

 And it came to pass, that, when Jehu [3058] was executing judgment [8199] upon the house [1004] of Ahab, [0256] and found [4672] the princes [8269] of Judah, [3063] and the sons [1121] of the brethren [0251] of Ahaziah, [0274] that ministered [8334] to Ahaziah, [0274] he slew [2026] them.


 Il chercha ensuite Achazia, qui s'était caché à Samarie; on le prit, et on l'amena vers Jéhu, et on le fit mourir. Puis on l'ensevelit, car on dit: C'est le fils de Josaphat, qui a recherché YEHOVAH de tout son cœur. Et il n'y eut plus personne dans la maison d'Achazia qui fût capable de régner.

 And he sought [1245] Ahaziah: [0274] and they caught [3920] him, (for he was hid [2244] in Samaria,) [8111] and brought [0935] him to Jehu: [3058] and when they had slain [4191] him, they buried [6912] him: Because, said [0559] they, he [is] the son [1121] of Jehoshaphat, [3092] who sought [1875] the LORD [3068] with all his heart. [3824] So the house [1004] of Ahaziah [0274] had no power [3581] to keep [6113] still the kingdom. [4467]


 Or Athalie, mère d'Achazia, voyant que son fils était mort, se leva, et extermina toute la race royale de la maison de Juda.

 But when Athaliah [6271] the mother [0517] of Ahaziah [0274] saw [7200] that her son [1121] was dead, [4191] she arose [6965] and destroyed [1696] all the seed [2233] royal [4467] of the house [1004] of Judah. [3063]


 Mais Joshabath, fille du roi Joram, prit Joas, fils d'Achazia, le déroba d'entre les fils du roi qu'on faisait mourir, et le mit avec sa nourrice, dans la salle des lits. Ainsi Joshabath, fille du roi Joram et femme de Jéhojada, le sacrificateur, étant la sœur d'Achazia, le cacha aux yeux d'Athalie, qui ne le fit point mourir.

 But Jehoshabeath, [3090] the daughter [1323] of the king, [4428] took [3947] Joash [3101] the son [1121] of Ahaziah, [0274] and stole [1589] him from among [8432] the king's [4428] sons [1121] that were slain, [4191] and put [5414] him and his nurse [3243] in a bedchamber. [2315] [4296] So Jehoshabeath, [3090] the daughter [1323] of king [4428] Jehoram, [3088] the wife [0802] of Jehoiada [3077] the priest, [3548] (for she was the sister [0269] of Ahaziah,) [0274] hid


 Il fut ainsi caché avec eux, six ans, dans la maison de Dieu; et Athalie régnait sur le pays.

 And he was with them hid [2244] in the house [1004] of God [0430] six [8337] years: [8141] and Athaliah [6271] reigned [4427] over the land. [0776]


 Mais la septième année, Jéhojada se fortifia, et traita alliance avec les chefs de centaines, Azaria, fils de Jérocham, Ismaël, fils de Jochanan, Azaria, fils d'Obed, Maaséja, fils d'Adaja, et Élishaphat, fils de Zicri.

 And in the seventh [7637] year [8141] Jehoiada [3077] strengthened [2388] himself, and took [3947] the captains [8269] of hundreds, [3967] Azariah [5838] the son [1121] of Jeroham, [3395] and Ishmael [3458] the son [1121] of Jehohanan, [3076] and Azariah [5838] the son [1121] of Obed, [5744] and Maaseiah [4641] the son [1121] of Adaiah, [5718] and Elishaphat [0478] the son [1121] of Zichri, [2147] into covenant [1285] with him.


 Ils firent le tour de Juda, assemblèrent, de toutes les villes de Juda, les Lévites et les chefs des pères d'Israël, et vinrent à Jérusalem.

 And they went about [5437] in Judah, [3063] and gathered [6908] the Levites [3881] out of all the cities [5892] of Judah, [3063] and the chief [7218] of the fathers [0001] of Israel, [3478] and they came [0935] to Jerusalem. [3389]


 Et toute l'assemblée traita alliance avec le roi, dans la maison de Dieu. Et Jéhojada leur dit: Voici, le fils du roi régnera, selon que YEHOVAH a parlé au sujet des fils de David.

 And all the congregation [6951] made [3772] a covenant [1285] with the king [4428] in the house [1004] of God. [0430] And he said [0559] unto them, Behold, the king's [4428] son [1121] shall reign, [4427] as the LORD [3068] hath said [1696] of the sons [1121] of David. [1732]


 Voici ce que vous ferez: Le tiers de ceux d'entre vous qui entrez en service au sabbat, sacrificateurs et Lévites, gardera les portes d'entrée.

 This [is] the thing [1697] that ye shall do; [6213] A third part [7992] of you entering [0935] on the sabbath, [7676] of the priests [3548] and of the Levites, [3881] [shall be] porters [7778] of the doors; [5592]


 Un autre tiers se tiendra dans la maison du roi, et un tiers à la porte de Jésod; et tout le peuple sera dans les parvis de la maison de YEHOVAH.

 And a third part [7992] [shall be] at the king's [4428] house; [1004] and a third part [7992] at the gate [8179] of the foundation: [3247] and all the people [5971] [shall be] in the courts [2691] of the house [1004] of the LORD. [3068]


 Que nul n'entre dans la maison de YEHOVAH, sinon les sacrificateurs et les Lévites de service: ceux-ci entreront, car ils sont consacrés; et tout le peuple fera la garde de YEHOVAH.

 But let none come [0935] into the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] save the priests, [3548] and they that minister [8334] of the Levites; [3881] they shall go in, [0935] for they [are] holy: [6944] but all the people [5971] shall keep [8104] the watch [4931] of the LORD. [3068]


 Et les Lévites environneront le roi de tous côtés, tenant chacun leurs armes à la main, et quiconque entrera dans la maison, sera mis à mort; et vous serez avec le roi quand il entrera et quand il sortira.

 And the Levites [3881] shall compass [5362] the king [4428] round about, [5439] every man [0376] with his weapons [3627] in his hand; [3027] and whosoever [else] cometh [0935] into the house, [1004] he shall be put to death: [4191] but be ye with the king [4428] when he cometh in, [0935] and when he goeth out. [3318]


 Les Lévites et tout Juda, firent donc tout ce que Jéhojada, le sacrificateur, avait commandé. Ils prirent chacun leurs gens, tant ceux qui entraient en service au sabbat, que ceux qui en sortaient; car Jéhojada, le sacrificateur, ne congédia point les classes.

 So the Levites [3881] and all Judah [3063] did [6213] according to all things that Jehoiada [3077] the priest [3548] had commanded, [6680] and took [3947] every man [0376] his men [0582] that were to come in [0935] on the sabbath, [7676] with them that were to go [3318] [out] on the sabbath: [7676] for Jehoiada [3077] the priest [3548] dismissed [6362] not the courses. [4256]


 Et Jéhojada, le sacrificateur, donna aux chefs de centaines les lances, les boucliers et les rondelles qui provenaient du roi David, et qui étaient dans la maison de Dieu.

 Moreover Jehoiada [3077] the priest [3548] delivered [5414] to the captains [8269] of hundreds [3967] spears, [2595] and bucklers, [4043] and shields, [7982] that [had been] king [4428] David's, [1732] which [were] in the house [1004] of God. [0430]


 Puis il rangea tout le peuple, chacun tenant ses armes à la main, auprès du roi tout à l'entour, depuis le côté droit du temple jusqu'au côté gauche du temple, le long de l'autel et du temple.

 And he set [5975] all the people, [5971] every man [0376] having his weapon [7973] in his hand, [3027] from the right [3233] side [3802] of the temple [1004] to the left [8042] side [3802] of the temple, [1004] along by the altar [4196] and the temple, [1004] by the king [4428] round about. [5439]


 Alors ils firent sortir le fils du roi, et mirent sur lui la couronne et le témoignage; et ils l'établirent roi, et Jéhojada et ses fils l'oignirent, et dirent: Vive le roi!

 Then they brought out [3318] the king's [4428] son, [1121] and put [5414] upon him the crown, [5145] and [gave him] the testimony, [5715] and made him king. [4427] And Jehoiada [3077] and his sons [1121] anointed [4886] him, and said, [0559] God save [2421] the king. [4428]


 Mais Athalie, entendant le bruit du peuple qui courait et célébrait le roi, vint vers le peuple, dans la maison de YEHOVAH.

 Now when Athaliah [6271] heard [8085] the noise [6963] of the people [5971] running [7323] and praising [1984] the king, [4428] she came [0935] to the people [5971] into the house [1004] of the LORD: [3068]


 Elle regarda, et voici, le roi était debout près de sa colonne, à l'entrée, et les capitaines et les trompettes étaient près du roi, et tout le peuple du pays était dans la joie, et l'on sonnait des trompettes; et les chantres, avec des instruments de musique, dirigeaient les chants de louanges. Alors Athalie déchira ses vêtements et dit: Conspiration! conspiration!

 And she looked, [7200] and, behold, the king [4428] stood [5975] at his pillar [5982] at the entering in, [3996] and the princes [8269] and the trumpets [2689] by the king: [4428] and all the people [5971] of the land [0776] rejoiced, [8056] and sounded [8628] with trumpets, [2689] also the singers [7891] with instruments [3627] of musick, [7892] and such as taught [3045] to sing praise. [1984] Then Athaliah [6271] rent [7167] her clothes, [0899] and said, [0559] Treason, <


 Et le sacrificateur Jéhojada fit sortir les chefs de centaines qui commandaient l'armée, et leur dit: Menez-la hors des rangs, et que celui qui la suivra soit mis à mort par l'épée! Car le sacrificateur avait dit: Ne la mettez point à mort dans la maison de YEHOVAH.

 Then Jehoiada [3077] the priest [3548] brought out [3318] the captains [8269] of hundreds [3967] that were set over [6485] the host, [2428] and said [0559] unto them, Have her forth [3318] of [1004] the ranges: [7713] and whoso followeth [0935] [0310] her, let him be slain [4191] with the sword. [2719] For the priest [3548] said, [0559] Slay [4191] her not in the house [1004] of the LORD. [3068]


 Ils mirent donc la main sur elle, et elle revint, par l'entrée de la porte des chevaux, dans la maison du roi; et là ils la firent mourir.

 So they laid [7760] hands [3027] on her; and when she was come [0935] to the entering [3996] of the horse [5483] gate [8179] by the king's [4428] house, [1004] they slew [4191] her there.


 Puis Jéhojada, tout le peuple et le roi, firent une alliance, pour être le peuple de YEHOVAH.

 And Jehoiada [3077] made [3772] a covenant [1285] between him, and between all the people, [5971] and between the king, [4428] that they should be the LORD'S [3068] people. [5971]


 Et tout le peuple entra dans la maison de Baal. Et ils la démolirent; ils brisèrent ses autels et ses images, et ils tuèrent devant les autels Matthan, sacrificateur de Baal.

 Then all the people [5971] went [0935] to the house [1004] of Baal, [1168] and brake it down, [5422] and brake his altars [4196] and his images [6754] in pieces, [7665] and slew [2026] Mattan [4977] the priest [3548] of Baal [1168] before [6440] the altars. [4196]


 Jéhojada remit aussi les fonctions de la maison de YEHOVAH entre les mains des sacrificateurs, Lévites, que David avait distribués dans la maison de YEHOVAH, afin qu'ils offrissent des offrandes à brûler à YEHOVAH, comme il est écrit dans la loi de Moïse, avec joie et avec des cantiques, selon les ordonnances de David.

 Also Jehoiada [3077] appointed [7760] the offices [6486] of the house [1004] of the LORD [3068] by the hand [3027] of the priests [3548] the Levites, [3881] whom David [1732] had distributed [2505] in the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] to offer [5927] the burnt offerings [5930] of the LORD, [3068] as [it is] written [3789] in the law [8451] of Moses, [4872] with rejoicing [8057] and with singing, [7892] [as it was ordained] by [3027] David. [1732]


 Il établit aussi les portiers aux portes de la maison de YEHOVAH, afin qu'aucune personne souillée, de quelque manière que ce fût, n'y entrât.

 And he set [5975] the porters [7778] at the gates [8179] of the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] that none [which was] unclean [2931] in any thing [1697] should enter in. [0935]


 Il prit les chefs de centaines, et les hommes considérables, et ceux qui étaient en autorité sur le peuple, et tout le peuple du pays; et il fit descendre le roi, de la maison de YEHOVAH, et ils entrèrent par la porte supérieure dans la maison du roi, et ils firent asseoir le roi sur le trône royal.

 And he took [3947] the captains [8269] of hundreds, [3967] and the nobles, [0117] and the governors [4910] of the people, [5971] and all the people [5971] of the land, [0776] and brought down [3381] the king [4428] from the house [1004] of the LORD: [3068] and they came [0935] through [8432] the high [5945] gate [8179] into the king's [4428] house, [1004] and set [3427] the king [4428] upon the throne [3678] of the kingdom. [4467]


 Alors tout le peuple du pays se réjouit, et la ville fut en repos, après qu'on eut mis à mort Athalie par l'épée.

 And all the people [5971] of the land [0776] rejoiced: [8055] and the city [5892] was quiet, [8252] after that they had slain [4191] Athaliah [6271] with the sword. [2719]


 Joas était âgé de sept ans quand il devint roi, et il régna quarante ans à Jérusalem; sa mère s'appelait Tsibia, de Béer-Shéba.

 Joash [3101] [was] seven [7651] years [8141] old [1121] when he began to reign, [4427] and he reigned [4427] forty [0705] years [8141] in Jerusalem. [3389] His mother's [0517] name [8034] also [was] Zibiah [6645] of Beersheba. [0884]


 Joas fit ce qui est droit aux yeux de YEHOVAH, pendant toute la vie de Jéhojada, le sacrificateur.

 And Joash [3101] did [6213] [that which was] right [3477] in the sight [5869] of the LORD [3068] all the days [3117] of Jehoiada [3077] the priest. [3548]


 Et Jéhojada lui donna deux femmes, dont il eut des fils et des filles.

 And Jehoiada [3077] took [5375] for him two [8147] wives; [0802] and he begat [3205] sons [1121] and daughters. [1323]


 Après cela Joas eut la pensée de réparer la maison de YEHOVAH.

 And it came to pass after [0310] this, [that] Joash [3101] was minded [3820] to repair [2318] the house [1004] of the LORD. [3068]


 Il assembla donc les sacrificateurs et les Lévites, et leur dit: Allez par les villes de Juda, et amassez de l'argent par tout Israël, pour réparer la maison de votre Dieu d'année en année, et hâtez cette affaire. Mais les Lévites ne se hâtèrent point.

 And he gathered together [6908] the priests [3548] and the Levites, [3881] and said [0559] to them, Go out [3318] unto the cities [5892] of Judah, [3063] and gather [6908] of all Israel [3478] money [3701] to repair [2388] the house [1004] of your God [0430] from [1767] year [8141] to year, [8141] and see that ye hasten [4116] the matter. [1697] Howbeit the Levites [3881] hastened [4116] [it] not.


 Alors le roi appela Jéhojada, leur chef, et lui dit: Pourquoi n'as-tu pas veillé à ce que les Lévites apportassent, de Juda et de Jérusalem, l'impôt que Moïse, serviteur de YEHOVAH, mit sur l'assemblée d'Israël, pour le tabernacle du témoignage?

 And the king [4428] called [7121] for Jehoiada [3077] the chief, [7218] and said [0559] unto him, Why hast thou not required [1875] of the Levites [3881] to bring in [0935] out of Judah [3063] and out of Jerusalem [3389] the collection, [4864] [according to the commandment] of Moses [4872] the servant [5650] of the LORD, [3068] and of the congregation [6951] of Israel, [3478] for the tabernacle [0168] of witness? [5715]


 Car l'impie Athalie et ses enfants ont ravagé la maison de Dieu; et même ils ont employé pour les Baals toutes les choses consacrées à la maison de YEHOVAH.

 For the sons [1121] of Athaliah, [6271] that wicked [4849] woman, had broken up [6555] the house [1004] of God; [0430] and also all the dedicated things [6944] of the house [1004] of the LORD [3068] did they bestow [6213] upon Baalim. [1168]


 Et le roi ordonna qu'on fît un coffre, et qu'on le mît à la porte de la maison de YEHOVAH, en dehors.

 And at the king's [4428] commandment [0559] they made [6213] a [0259] chest, [0727] and set [5414] it without [2351] at the gate [8179] of the house [1004] of the LORD. [3068]


 Puis on publia dans Juda et dans Jérusalem, qu'on apportât à YEHOVAH l'impôt mis par Moïse, serviteur de Dieu, sur Israël dans le désert.

 And they made [5414] a proclamation [6963] through Judah [3063] and Jerusalem, [3389] to bring in [0935] to the LORD [3068] the collection [4864] [that] Moses [4872] the servant [5650] of God [0430] [laid] upon Israel [3478] in the wilderness. [4057]


 Tous les chefs et tout le peuple s'en réjouirent, et ils apportèrent leur tribut, et jetèrent dans le coffre, jusqu'à ce qu'il fût plein.

 And all the princes [8269] and all the people [5971] rejoiced, [8055] and brought in, [0935] and cast [7993] into the chest, [0727] until they had made an end. [3615]


 Or, quand c'était le moment d'apporter le coffre à l'inspection du roi, par l'entremise des Lévites, et que ceux-ci voyaient qu'il y avait beaucoup d'argent, un secrétaire du roi et un commissaire du principal sacrificateur venaient et vidaient le coffre; puis ils le rapportaient et le remettaient à sa place. Ils faisaient ainsi jour après jour, et ils recueillaient de l'argent en abondance.

 Now it came to pass, that at what time [6256] the chest [0727] was brought [0935] unto the king's [4428] office [6486] by the hand [3027] of the Levites, [3881] and when they saw [7200] that [there was] much [7227] money, [3701] the king's [4428] scribe [5608] and the high [7218] priest's [3548] officer [6496] came [0935] and emptied [6168] the chest, [0727] and took [5375] it, and carried it to his place [4725] again. [7725] Thus they did [6213] day [3117] by day, [3117]


 Le roi et Jéhojada le donnaient à ceux qui étaient chargés de l'ouvrage pour le service de la maison de YEHOVAH, et ceux-ci louaient des tailleurs de pierres et des charpentiers pour réparer la maison de YEHOVAH, et aussi des ouvriers en fer et en airain, pour réparer la maison de YEHOVAH.

 And the king [4428] and Jehoiada [3077] gave [5414] it to such as did [6213] the work [4399] of the service [5656] of the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and hired [7936] masons [2672] and carpenters [2796] to repair [2318] the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and also such as wrought [2796] iron [1270] and brass [5178] to mend [2388] the house [1004] of the LORD. [3068]


 Ceux qui étaient chargés de l'ouvrage travaillèrent donc, et par leurs soins, l'œuvre fut réparée; de sorte qu'ils rétablirent la maison de Dieu en son état, et la consolidèrent.

 So the workmen [4399] [6213] wrought, [6213] and the work [4399] was [5927] perfected [0724] by them, [3027] and they set [5975] the house [1004] of God [0430] in his state, [4971] and strengthened [0553] it.


 Lorsqu'ils eurent achevé, ils apportèrent devant le roi et devant Jéhojada le reste de l'argent, dont il fit faire des ustensiles pour la maison de YEHOVAH, des ustensiles pour le service et pour les offrandes à brûler, des coupes et d'autres ustensiles d'or et d'argent. Et on offrit continuellement des offrandes à brûler dans la maison de YEHOVAH, tant que vécut Jéhojada.

 And when they had finished [3615] [it], they brought [0935] the rest [7605] of the money [3701] before [6440] the king [4428] and Jehoiada, [3077] whereof were made [6213] vessels [3627] for the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] [even] vessels [3627] to minister, [8335] and to offer [5927] [withal], and spoons, [3709] and vessels [3627] of gold [2091] and silver. [3701] And they offered [5927] burnt offerings [5930] in the house [1004] of the LORD [3068] continually [8548]


 Or Jéhojada devint vieux et rassasié de jours, et il mourut; il était âgé de cent trente ans quand il mourut.

 But Jehoiada [3077] waxed old, [2204] and was full [7646] of days [3117] when he died; [4191] an hundred [3967] and thirty [7970] years [8141] old [1121] [was he] when he died. [4194]


 On l'ensevelit dans la cité de David avec les rois; car il avait fait du bien à Israël, et à l'égard de Dieu et de sa maison.

 And they buried [6912] him in the city [5892] of David [1732] among the kings, [4428] because he had done [6213] good [2896] in Israel, [3478] both toward God, [0430] and toward his house. [1004]


 Mais, après que Jéhojada fut mort, les principaux de Juda vinrent et se prosternèrent devant le roi; alors le roi les écouta.

 Now after [0310] the death [4194] of Jehoiada [3077] came [0935] the princes [8269] of Judah, [3063] and made obeisance [7812] to the king. [4428] Then the king [4428] hearkened [8085] unto them.


 Et ils abandonnèrent la maison de YEHOVAH, le Dieu de leurs pères, et ils servirent les emblèmes d'Ashéra et les idoles; et la colère de YEHOVAH fut sur Juda et sur Jérusalem, parce qu'ils s'étaient ainsi rendus coupables.

 And they left [5800] the house [1004] of the LORD [3068] God [0430] of their fathers, [0001] and served [5647] groves [0842] and idols: [6091] and wrath [7110] came upon Judah [3063] and Jerusalem [3389] for this their trespass. [0819]


 Et YEHOVAH envoya parmi eux, pour les faire retourner à lui, des prophètes qui témoignèrent contre eux; mais ils ne voulurent point les écouter.

 Yet he sent [7971] prophets [5030] to them, to bring them again [7725] unto the LORD; [3068] and they testified [5749] against them: but they would not give ear. [0238]


 Alors l'Esprit de Dieu revêtit Zacharie, fils de Jéhojada, le sacrificateur, et, se tenant debout au-dessus du peuple, il leur dit: Dieu a dit ainsi: Pourquoi transgressez-vous les commandements de YEHOVAH? Vous ne prospérerez point; car vous avez abandonné YEHOVAH, et il vous abandonnera.

 And the Spirit [7307] of God [0430] came upon [3847] Zechariah [2148] the son [1121] of Jehoiada [3077] the priest, [3548] which stood [5975] above the people, [5971] and said [0559] unto them, Thus saith [0559] God, [0430] Why transgress [5674] ye the commandments [4687] of the LORD, [3068] that ye cannot prosper? [6743] because ye have forsaken [5800] the LORD, [3068] he hath also forsaken [5800] you.


 Mais ils conspirèrent contre lui, et l'assommèrent de pierres, par le commandement du roi, dans le parvis de la maison de YEHOVAH.

 And they conspired [7194] against him, and stoned [7275] him with stones [0068] at the commandment [4687] of the king [4428] in the court [2691] of the house [1004] of the LORD. [3068]


 Ainsi le roi Joas ne se souvint point de la bonté dont Jéhojada, père de Zacharie, avait usé envers lui; et il tua son fils, qui dit en mourant: YEHOVAH le voit, et il en demandera compte!

 Thus Joash [3101] the king [4428] remembered [2142] not the kindness [2617] which Jehoiada [3077] his father [0001] had done [6213] to him, but slew [2026] his son. [1121] And when he died, [4194] he said, [0559] The LORD [3068] look [7200] upon [it], and require [1875] [it].


 Et il arriva, quand l'année fut révolue, que l'armée de Syrie monta contre Joas, et vint en Juda et à Jérusalem. Or les Syriens détruisirent, d'entre le peuple, tous les principaux du peuple, et ils envoyèrent au roi, à Damas, tout leur butin.

 And it came to pass at the end [8622] of the year, [8141] [that] the host [2428] of Syria [0758] came up [5927] against him: and they came [0935] to Judah [3063] and Jerusalem, [3389] and destroyed [7843] all the princes [8269] of the people [5971] from among the people, [5971] and sent [7971] all the spoil [7998] of them unto the king [4428] of Damascus. [1834]


 Bien que ce fût avec un petit nombre d'hommes qu'arrivât l'armée de Syrie, YEHOVAH livra entre leurs mains une très nombreuse armée, parce qu'ils avaient abandonné YEHOVAH, le Dieu de leurs pères. Ainsi les Syriens firent justice de Joas.

 For the army [2428] of the Syrians [0758] came [0935] with a small [4705] company of men, [0582] and the LORD [3068] delivered [5414] a very [3966] great [7230] host [2428] into their hand, [3027] because they had forsaken [5800] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of their fathers. [0001] So they executed [6213] judgment [8201] against Joash. [3101]


 Et quand ils se furent éloignés de lui, après l'avoir laissé dans de grandes souffrances, ses serviteurs conspirèrent contre lui, à cause du sang des fils de Jéhojada, le sacrificateur; ils le tuèrent sur son lit, et il mourut. On l'ensevelit dans la cité de David; mais on ne l'ensevelit pas dans les tombeaux des rois.

 And when they were departed [3212] from him, (for they left [5800] him in great [7227] diseases,) [4251] his own servants [5650] conspired [7194] against him for the blood [1818] of the sons [1121] of Jehoiada [3077] the priest, [3548] and slew [2026] him on his bed, [4296] and he died: [4191] and they buried [6912] him in the city [5892] of David, [1732] but they buried [6912] him not in the sepulchres [6913] of the kings. [4428]


 Et ce sont ici ceux qui conspirèrent contre lui: Zabad, fils de Shimeath, femme ammonite, et Jozabad, fils de Shimrith, femme moabite.

 And these are they that conspired [7194] against him; Zabad [2066] the son [1121] of Shimeath [8100] an Ammonitess, [5984] and Jehozabad [3075] the son [1121] of Shimrith [8116] a Moabitess. [4125]


 Quant à ses fils et à la grande charge qui lui fut imposée, et à la restauration de la maison de Dieu, voici, ces choses sont écrites dans les mémoires sur le livre des rois. Amatsia, son fils, régna à sa place.

 Now [concerning] his sons, [1121] and the greatness [7235] of the burdens [4853] [laid] upon him, and the repairing [3247] of the house [1004] of God, [0430] behold, they [are] written [3789] in the story [4097] of the book [5612] of the kings. [4428] And Amaziah [0558] his son [1121] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 Amatsia devint roi à l'âge de vingt-cinq ans, et il régna vingt-neuf ans à Jérusalem. Sa mère s'appelait Joaddan, de Jérusalem.

 Amaziah [0558] [was] twenty [6242] and five [2568] years [8141] old [1121] [when] he began to reign, [4427] and he reigned [4427] twenty [6242] and nine [8672] years [8141] in Jerusalem. [3389] And his mother's [0517] name [8034] [was] Jehoaddan [3086] of Jerusalem. [3389]


 Il fit ce qui est droit aux yeux de YEHOVAH, mais non d'un cœur intègre.

 And he did [6213] [that which was] right [3477] in the sight [5869] of the LORD, [3068] but not with a perfect [8003] heart. [3824]


 Il arriva, après qu'il fut affermi dans son royaume, qu'il fit mourir ses serviteurs qui avaient tué le roi, son père.

 Now it came to pass, when the kingdom [4467] was established [2388] to him, that he slew [2026] his servants [5650] that had killed [5221] the king [4428] his father. [0001]


 Mais il ne fit pas mourir leurs enfants; car il fit selon ce qui est écrit dans la loi, dans le livre de Moïse, où YEHOVAH a donné ce commandement: On ne fera point mourir les pères pour les enfants, et on ne fera point mourir les enfants pour les pères; mais on fera mourir chacun pour son péché.

 But he slew [4191] not their children, [1121] but [did] as [it is] written [3789] in the law [8451] in the book [5612] of Moses, [4872] where the LORD [3068] commanded, [6680] saying, [0559] The fathers [0001] shall not die [4191] for the children, [1121] neither shall the children [1121] die [4191] for the fathers, [0001] but every man [0376] shall die [4191] for his own sin. [2399]


 Puis Amatsia rassembla ceux de Juda, et il les rangea selon les maisons des pères, par chefs de milliers et par chefs de centaines, pour tout Juda et Benjamin; il en fit le dénombrement depuis l'âge de vingt ans et au-dessus; et il trouva trois cent mille hommes d'élite, propres à l'armée, maniant la lance et le bouclier.

 Moreover Amaziah [0558] gathered Judah [3063] together, [6908] and made [5975] them captains [8269] over thousands, [0505] and captains [8269] over hundreds, [3967] according to the houses [1004] of [their] fathers, [0001] throughout all Judah [3063] and Benjamin: [1144] and he numbered [6485] them from twenty [6242] years [8141] old [1121] and above, [4605] and found [4672] them three [7969] hundred [3967] thousand [0505] choice [0977] [men, able] to go forth [3318] to wa


 Il prit aussi à sa solde, pour cent talents d'argent, cent mille vaillants hommes de guerre d'Israël.

 He hired [7936] also an hundred [3967] thousand [0505] mighty men [1368] of valour [2428] out of Israel [3478] for an hundred [3967] talents [3603] of silver. [3701]


 Mais un homme de Dieu vint à lui, et lui dit: Ô roi! que l'armée d'Israël ne marche point avec toi; car YEHOVAH n'est point avec Israël, avec tous ces fils d'Éphraïm.

 But there came [0935] a man [0376] of God [0430] to him, saying, [0559] O king, [4428] let not the army [6635] of Israel [3478] go [0935] with thee; for the LORD [3068] [is] not with Israel, [3478] [to wit, with] all the children [1121] of Ephraim. [0669]


 Sinon, tu peux aller, agir, être vaillant au combat; mais Dieu te fera tomber devant l'ennemi; car Dieu a le pouvoir d'aider et de faire tomber.

 But if thou wilt go, [0935] do [6213] [it], be strong [2388] for the battle: [4421] God [0430] shall make thee fall [3782] before [6440] the enemy: [0341] for God [0430] hath [3426] power [3581] to help, [5826] and to cast down. [3782]


 Et Amatsia dit à l'homme de Dieu: Mais que faire à l'égard des cent talents que j'ai donnés à la troupe d'Israël? Et l'homme de Dieu dit: YEHOVAH en a pour t'en donner beaucoup plus.

 And Amaziah [0558] said [0559] to the man [0376] of God, [0430] But what shall we do [6213] for the hundred [3967] talents [3603] which I have given [5414] to the army [1416] of Israel? [3478] And the man [0376] of God [0430] answered, [0559] The LORD [3068] is [3426] able to give [5414] thee much more [7235] than this.


 Ainsi Amatsia sépara les troupes qui lui étaient venues d'Éphraïm, afin qu'elles retournassent chez elles; mais leur colère s'enflamma contre Juda, et ces gens s'en retournèrent chez eux dans une ardente colère.

 Then Amaziah [0558] separated [0914] them, [to wit], the army [1416] that was come [0935] to him out of Ephraim, [0669] to go [3212] home [4725] again: wherefore their anger [0639] was greatly [3966] kindled [2734] against Judah, [3063] and they returned [7725] home [4725] in great [2750] anger. [0639]


 Alors Amatsia, ayant pris courage, conduisit son peuple et s'en alla dans la vallée du Sel, où il tua dix mille hommes des enfants de Séir.

 And Amaziah [0558] strengthened [2388] himself, and led forth [5090] his people, [5971] and went [3212] to the valley [1516] of salt, [4417] and smote [5221] of the children [1121] of Seir [8165] ten [6235] thousand. [0505]


 Et les enfants de Juda prirent dix mille hommes vivants, qu'ils amenèrent au sommet d'une roche, d'où ils les précipitèrent, et ils furent tous brisés.

 And [other] ten [6235] thousand [0505] [left] alive [2416] did the children [1121] of Judah [3063] carry away captive, [7617] and brought [0935] them unto the top [7218] of the rock, [5553] and cast them down [7993] from the top [7218] of the rock, [5553] that they all were broken in pieces. [1234]


 Mais les gens de la troupe qu'Amatsia avait renvoyée, afin qu'ils ne vinssent point avec lui à la guerre, se jetèrent sur les villes de Juda, depuis Samarie jusqu'à Beth-Horon, y tuèrent trois mille personnes, et pillèrent un grand butin.

 But the soldiers [1121] of the army [1416] which Amaziah [0558] sent back, [7725] that they should not go [3212] with him to battle, [4421] fell [6584] upon the cities [5892] of Judah, [3063] from Samaria [8111] even unto Bethhoron, [1032] and smote [5221] three [7969] thousand [0505] of them, and took [0962] much [7227] spoil. [0961]


 Et après qu'Amatsia fut de retour de la défaite des Édomites, il fit apporter les dieux des enfants de Séir, et se les établit pour dieux; il se prosterna devant eux, et leur fit des encensements.

 Now it came to pass, after [0310] that Amaziah [0558] was come [0935] from the slaughter [5221] of the Edomites, [0130] that he brought [0935] the gods [0430] of the children [1121] of Seir, [8165] and set them up [5975] [to be] his gods, [0430] and bowed down [7812] himself before [6440] them, and burned incense [6999] unto them.


 Alors la colère de YEHOVAH s'enflamma contre Amatsia, et il envoya vers lui un prophète, qui lui dit: Pourquoi as-tu recherché les dieux de ce peuple, qui n'ont point délivré leur peuple de ta main?

 Wherefore the anger [0639] of the LORD [3068] was kindled [2734] against Amaziah, [0558] and he sent [7971] unto him a prophet, [5030] which said [0559] unto him, Why hast thou sought [1875] after the gods [0430] of the people, [5971] which could not deliver [5337] their own people [5971] out of thine hand? [3027]


 Et comme il parlait au roi, le roi lui dit: T'a-t-on établi conseiller du roi? Retire-toi! pourquoi te frapperait-on? Et le prophète se retira, mais en disant: Je sais que Dieu a résolu de te détruire, parce que tu as fait cela, et que tu n'as point écouté mon conseil.

 And it came to pass, as he talked [1696] with him, that [the king] said [0559] unto him, Art thou made [5414] of the king's [4428] counsel? [3289] forbear; [2308] why shouldest thou be smitten? [5221] Then the prophet [5030] forbare, [2308] and said, [0559] I know [3045] that God [0430] hath determined [3289] to destroy [7843] thee, because thou hast done [6213] this, and hast not hearkened [8085] unto my counsel. [6098]


 Puis Amatsia, roi de Juda, ayant tenu conseil, envoya vers Joas, fils de Joachaz, fils de Jéhu, roi d'Israël, pour lui dire: Viens, que nous nous voyions en face!

 Then Amaziah [0558] king [4428] of Judah [3063] took advice, [3289] and sent [7971] to Joash, [3101] the son [1121] of Jehoahaz, [3059] the son [1121] of Jehu, [3058] king [4428] of Israel, [3478] saying, [0559] Come, [3212] let us see [7200] one another in the face. [6440]


 Mais Joas, roi d'Israël, envoya dire à Amatsia, roi de Juda: L'épine qui est au Liban a envoyé dire au cèdre du Liban: Donne ta fille pour femme à mon fils. Mais les bêtes sauvages qui sont au Liban ont passé et ont foulé l'épine.

 And Joash [3101] king [4428] of Israel [3478] sent [7971] to Amaziah [0558] king [4428] of Judah, [3063] saying, [0559] The thistle [2336] that [was] in Lebanon [3844] sent [7971] to the cedar [0730] that [was] in Lebanon, [3844] saying, [0559] Give [5414] thy daughter [1323] to my son [1121] to wife: [0802] and there passed by [5674] a wild [7704] beast [2416] that [was] in Lebanon, [3844] and trode down [7429] the thistle. [2336]


 Voici, tu dis que tu as battu Édom; et ton cœur s'est élevé pour te glorifier. Maintenant, reste dans ta maison! Pourquoi t'engagerais-tu dans un malheur où tu tomberais, toi et Juda avec toi?

 Thou sayest, [0559] Lo, thou hast smitten [5221] the Edomites; [0123] and thine heart [3820] lifteth thee up [5375] to boast: [3513] abide [3427] now at home; [1004] why shouldest thou meddle [1624] to [thine] hurt, [7451] that thou shouldest fall, [5307] [even] thou, and Judah [3063] with thee?


 Mais Amatsia ne l'écouta point; car cela venait de Dieu, afin de les livrer entre les mains de Joas parce qu'ils avaient recherché les dieux d'Édom.

 But Amaziah [0558] would not hear; [8085] for it [came] of God, [0430] that he might deliver [5414] them into the hand [3027] [of their enemies], because they sought [1875] after the gods [0430] of Edom. [0123]


 Joas, roi d'Israël, monta donc; et ils se virent en face, lui et Amatsia, roi de Juda, à Beth-Shémèsh, qui est de Juda.

 So Joash [3101] the king [4428] of Israel [3478] went up; [5927] and they saw [7200] one another in the face, [6440] [both] he and Amaziah [0558] king [4428] of Judah, [3063] at Bethshemesh, [1053] which [belongeth] to Judah. [3063]


 Et Juda fut battu devant Israël, et ils s'enfuirent chacun dans leurs tentes.

 And Judah [3063] was put to the worse [5062] before [6440] Israel, [3478] and they fled [5127] every man [0376] to his tent. [0168]


 Et Joas, roi d'Israël, prit Amatsia, roi de Juda, fils de Joas, fils de Joachaz, à Beth-Shémèsh. Il l'emmena à Jérusalem, et fit une brèche de quatre cents coudées dans la muraille de Jérusalem, depuis la porte d'Éphraïm, jusqu'à la porte du coin.

 And Joash [3101] the king [4428] of Israel [3478] took [8610] Amaziah [0558] king [4428] of Judah, [3063] the son [1121] of Joash, [3101] the son [1121] of Jehoahaz, [3059] at Bethshemesh, [1053] and brought [0935] him to Jerusalem, [3389] and brake down [6555] the wall [2346] of Jerusalem [3389] from the gate [8179] of Ephraim [0669] to the corner [6437] gate, [8179] four [0702] hundred [3967] cubits. [0520]


 Il prit tout l'or et l'argent, et tous les vases qui furent trouvés dans la maison de Dieu, sous la garde d'Obed-Édom, et les trésors de la maison du roi, et des otages; et il s'en retourna à Samarie.

 And [he took] all the gold [2091] and the silver, [3701] and all the vessels [3627] that were found [4672] in the house [1004] of God [0430] with Obededom, [5654] and the treasures [0214] of the king's [4428] house, [1004] the hostages [1121] [8594] also, and returned [7725] to Samaria. [8111]


 Et Amatsia, fils de Joas, roi de Juda, vécut quinze ans, après que Joas, fils de Joachaz, roi d'Israël, fut mort.

 And Amaziah [0558] the son [1121] of Joash [3101] king [4428] of Judah [3063] lived [2421] after [0310] the death [4194] of Joash [3101] son [1121] of Jehoahaz [3059] king [4428] of Israel [3478] fifteen [2568] [6240] years. [8141]


 Le reste des actions d'Amatsia, les premières et les dernières, voici cela n'est-il pas écrit dans le livre des rois de Juda et d'Israël?

 Now the rest [3499] of the acts [1697] of Amaziah, [0558] first [7223] and last, [0314] behold, [are] they not written [3789] in the book [5612] of the kings [4428] of Judah [3063] and Israel? [3478]


 Or, depuis le moment où Amatsia se détourna de YEHOVAH, on fit une conspiration contre lui à Jérusalem, et il s'enfuit à Lakis; mais on envoya après lui à Lakis, et on le tua là.

 Now after the time [6256] that Amaziah [0558] did turn away [5493] from following [0310] the LORD [3068] they made [7194] a conspiracy [7195] against him in Jerusalem; [3389] and he fled [5127] to Lachish: [3923] but they sent [7971] to Lachish [3923] after [0310] him, and slew [4191] him there.


 Puis on le transporta sur des chevaux, et on l'ensevelit avec ses pères dans la ville de Juda.

 And they brought [5375] him upon horses, [5483] and buried [6912] him with his fathers [0001] in the city [5892] of Judah. [3063]


 Alors, tout le peuple de Juda prit Ozias, qui était âgé de seize ans, et ils l'établirent roi à la place de son père Amatsia.

 Then all the people [5971] of Judah [3063] took [3947] Uzziah, [5818] who [was] sixteen [8337] [6240] years [8141] old, [1121] and made him king [4427] in the room of his father [0001] Amaziah. [0558]


 Ce fut lui qui bâtit Éloth, et la ramena sous la puissance de Juda, après que le roi se fut endormi avec ses pères.

 He built [1129] Eloth, [0359] and restored [7725] it to Judah, [3063] after [0310] that the king [4428] slept [7901] with his fathers. [0001]


 Ozias était âgé de seize ans quand il devint roi, et il régna cinquante-deux ans à Jérusalem. Sa mère s'appelait Jécolia, de Jérusalem.

 Sixteen [8337] [6240] years [8141] old [1121] [was] Uzziah [5818] when he began to reign, [4427] and he reigned [4427] fifty [2572] and two [8147] years [8141] in Jerusalem. [3389] His mother's [0517] name [8034] also [was] Jecoliah [3203] of Jerusalem. [3389]


 Il fit ce qui est droit aux yeux de YEHOVAH, comme avait fait Amatsia, son père.

 And he did [6213] [that which was] right [3477] in the sight [5869] of the LORD, [3068] according to all that his father [0001] Amaziah [0558] did. [6213]


 Il s'appliqua à rechercher Dieu pendant la vie de Zacharie, homme intelligent dans les visions de Dieu; et pendant les jours qu'il rechercha YEHOVAH, Dieu le fit prospérer.

 And he sought [1875] God [0430] in the days [3117] of Zechariah, [2148] who had understanding [0995] in the visions [7200] of God: [0430] and as long as [3117] he sought [1875] the LORD, [3068] God [0430] made him to prosper. [6743]


 Il sortit et fit la guerre contre les Philistins; et il renversa la muraille de Gath, la muraille de Jabné, et la muraille d'Asdod; et il bâtit des villes dans le pays d'Asdod, et chez les Philistins.

 And he went forth [3318] and warred [3898] against the Philistines, [6430] and brake down [6555] the wall [2346] of Gath, [1661] and the wall [2346] of Jabneh, [2996] and the wall [2346] of Ashdod, [0795] and built [1129] cities [5892] about Ashdod, [0795] and among the Philistines. [6430]


 Et Dieu lui donna du secours contre les Philistins et contre les Arabes qui habitaient à Gur-Baal, et contre les Maonites.

 And God [0430] helped [5826] him against the Philistines, [6430] and against the Arabians [6163] that dwelt [3427] in Gurbaal, [1485] and the Mehunims. [4586]


 Les Ammonites même faisaient des présents à Ozias, et sa renommée parvint jusqu'à l'entrée de l'Égypte; car il devint très puissant.

 And the Ammonites [5984] gave [5414] gifts [4503] to Uzziah: [5818] and his name [8034] spread [3212] abroad [even] to the entering in [0935] of Egypt; [4714] for he strengthened [2388] [himself] exceedingly. [4605]


 Ozias bâtit des tours à Jérusalem, sur la porte du coin, sur la porte de la vallée, et sur l'angle rentrant; et il les fortifia.

 Moreover Uzziah [5818] built [1129] towers [4026] in Jerusalem [3389] at the corner [6438] gate, [8179] and at the valley [1516] gate, [8179] and at the turning [4740] [of the wall], and fortified [2388] them.


 Il bâtit des tours dans le désert, et il creusa de nombreuses citernes, parce qu'il avait beaucoup de bétail dans la plaine et dans la campagne, et des laboureurs et des vignerons sur les montagnes, et au Carmel; car il aimait l'agriculture.

 Also he built [1129] towers [4026] in the desert, [4057] and digged [2672] many [7227] wells: [0953] for he had much [7227] cattle, [4735] both in the low country, [8219] and in the plains: [4334] husbandmen [0406] [also], and vine dressers [3755] in the mountains, [2022] and in Carmel: [3760] for he loved [0157] husbandry. [0127]


 Ozias avait une armée de gens de guerre, allant en campagne par bandes, selon le compte de leur dénombrement fait par Jéïel, le scribe, et Maaséja, le prévôt, sous la conduite de Hanania, l'un des chefs du roi.

 Moreover Uzziah [5818] had an host [2428] of fighting [4421] men, [6213] that went out [3318] to war [6635] by bands, [1416] according to the number [4557] of their account [6486] by the hand [3027] of Jeiel [3273] the scribe [5608] and Maaseiah [4641] the ruler, [7860] under the hand [3027] of Hananiah, [2608] [one] of the king's [4428] captains. [8269]


 Le nombre total des chefs des pères, des vaillants guerriers, était de deux mille six cents.

 The whole number [4557] of the chief [7218] of the fathers [0001] of the mighty men [1368] of valour [2428] [were] two thousand [0505] and six [8337] hundred. [3967]


 Sous leur conduite était une armée de trois cent sept mille cinq cents combattants, tous gens de guerre, forts et vaillants, pour aider le roi contre l'ennemi.

 And under their hand [3027] [was] an army, [2428] [6635] three [7969] hundred [3967] thousand [0505] and seven [7651] thousand [0505] and five [2568] hundred, [3967] that made [6213] war [4421] with mighty [2428] power, [3581] to help [5826] the king [4428] against the enemy. [0341]


 Et Ozias leur procura, pour toute l'armée, des boucliers, des lances, des casques, des cuirasses, des arcs et des pierres de fronde.

 And Uzziah [5818] prepared [3559] for them throughout all the host [6635] shields, [4043] and spears, [7420] and helmets, [3553] and habergeons, [8302] and bows, [7198] and slings [7050] [to cast] stones. [0068]


 Il fit aussi à Jérusalem des machines de l'invention d'un ingénieur, pour être placées sur les tours et sur les angles, pour lancer des flèches et de grosses pierres. Et sa renommée s'étendit au loin; car il fut merveilleusement aidé, jusqu'à ce qu'il fût devenu fort puissant.

 And he made [6213] in Jerusalem [3389] engines, [2810] invented [4284] by cunning men, [2803] to be on the towers [4026] and upon the bulwarks, [6438] to shoot [3384] arrows [2671] and great [1419] stones [0068] withal. And his name [8034] spread [3318] far abroad; [7350] for he was marvellously [6381] helped, [5826] till [3588] he was strong. [2388]


 Mais lorsqu'il fut puissant, son cœur s'éleva jusqu'à se corrompre; et il commit un péché contre YEHOVAH, son Dieu: il entra dans le temple de YEHOVAH pour brûler le parfum sur l'autel des parfums.

 But when he was strong, [2394] his heart [3820] was lifted up [1361] to [his] destruction: [7843] for he transgressed [4603] against the LORD [3068] his God, [0430] and went [0935] into the temple [1964] of the LORD [3068] to burn incense [6999] upon the altar [4196] of incense. [7004]


 Mais Asaria, le sacrificateur, entra après lui, et avec lui quatre-vingts sacrificateurs de YEHOVAH, hommes vaillants,

 And Azariah [5838] the priest [3548] went in [0935] after [0310] him, and with him fourscore [8084] priests [3548] of the LORD, [3068] [that were] valiant [2428] men: [1121]


 Qui s'opposèrent au roi Ozias, et lui dirent: Ce n'est pas à toi, Ozias, d'offrir le parfum à YEHOVAH, mais aux sacrificateurs, fils d'Aaron, qui sont consacrés pour cela. Sors du sanctuaire, car tu as péché, et cela ne sera pas à ta gloire devant YEHOVAH Dieu.

 And they withstood [5975] Uzziah [5818] the king, [4428] and said [0559] unto him, [It appertaineth] not unto thee, Uzziah, [5818] to burn incense [6999] unto the LORD, [3068] but to the priests [3548] the sons [1121] of Aaron, [0175] that are consecrated [6942] to burn incense: [6999] go out [3318] of the sanctuary; [4720] for thou hast trespassed; [4603] neither [shall it be] for thine honour [3519] from the LORD [3068] God. [0430]


 Alors Ozias, qui avait à la main un encensoir pour faire brûler le parfum, se mit en colère, et comme il s'irritait contre les sacrificateurs, la lèpre parut sur son front, en présence des sacrificateurs, dans la maison de YEHOVAH, près de l'autel des parfums.

 Then Uzziah [5818] was wroth, [2196] and [had] a censer [4730] in his hand [3027] to burn incense: [6999] and while he was wroth [2196] with the priests, [3548] the leprosy [6883] even rose up [2224] in his forehead [4696] before [6440] the priests [3548] in the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] from beside the incense [7004] altar. [4196]


 Et Asaria, le principal sacrificateur, le regarda ainsi que tous les sacrificateurs, et voici, il avait la lèpre au front. Ils le firent donc sortir en hâte de là; et lui-même se hâta de sortir, parce que YEHOVAH l'avait frappé.

 And Azariah [5838] the chief [7218] priest, [3548] and all the priests, [3548] looked [6437] upon him, and, behold, he [was] leprous [6879] in his forehead, [4696] and they thrust him out [0926] from thence; yea, himself hasted [1765] also to go out, [3318] because the LORD [3068] had smitten [5060] him.


 Le roi Ozias fut ainsi lépreux jusqu'au jour de sa mort, et demeura comme lépreux dans une maison écartée, car il était exclu de la maison de YEHOVAH. Et Jotham, son fils, avait le commandement de la maison du roi, jugeant le peuple du pays.

 And Uzziah [5818] the king [4428] was a leper [6879] unto the day [3117] of his death, [4194] and dwelt [3427] in a several [2669] [2669] house, [1004] [being] a leper; [6879] for he was cut off [1504] from the house [1004] of the LORD: [3068] and Jotham [3147] his son [1121] [was] over the king's [4428] house, [1004] judging [8199] the people [5971] of the land. [0776]


 Or Ésaïe, fils d'Amots, le prophète, a écrit le reste des actions d'Ozias, les premières et les dernières.

 Now the rest [3499] of the acts [1697] of Uzziah, [5818] first [7223] and last, [0314] did Isaiah [3470] the prophet, [5030] the son [1121] of Amoz, [0531] write. [3789]


 Et Ozias s'endormit avec ses pères, et on l'ensevelit avec ses pères dans le champ de la sépulture des rois; car on dit: Il est lépreux. Et Jotham, son fils, régna à sa place.

 So Uzziah [5818] slept [7901] with his fathers, [0001] and they buried [6912] him with his fathers [0001] in the field [7704] of the burial [6900] which [belonged] to the kings; [4428] for they said, [0559] He [is] a leper: [6879] and Jotham [3147] his son [1121] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 Jotham était âgé de vingt-cinq ans quand il devint roi, et il régna seize ans à Jérusalem. Sa mère s'appelait Jérusha, fille de Tsadok.

 Jotham [3147] [was] twenty [6242] and five [2568] years [8141] old [1121] when he began to reign, [4427] and he reigned [4427] sixteen [8337] [6240] years [8141] in Jerusalem. [3389] His mother's [0517] name [8034] also [was] Jerushah, [3388] the daughter [1323] of Zadok. [6659]


 Il fit ce qui est droit aux yeux de YEHOVAH, tout comme Ozias, son père, avait fait; seulement il n'entra pas dans le temple de YEHOVAH; néanmoins le peuple se corrompait encore.

 And he did [6213] [that which was] right [3477] in the sight [5869] of the LORD, [3068] according to all that his father [0001] Uzziah [5818] did: [6213] howbeit he entered [0935] not into the temple [1964] of the LORD. [3068] And the people [5971] did yet corruptly. [7843]


 Ce fut lui qui bâtit la porte supérieure de la maison de YEHOVAH, et il bâtit beaucoup à la muraille d'Ophel.

 He built [1129] the high [5945] gate [8179] of the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and on the wall [2346] of Ophel [6077] [6076] he built [1129] much. [7230]


 Il bâtit des villes dans la montagne de Juda, et des châteaux, et des tours dans les forêts.

 Moreover he built [1129] cities [5892] in the mountains [2022] of Judah, [3063] and in the forests [2793] he built [1129] castles [1003] and towers. [4026]


 Il fut en guerre avec le roi des enfants d'Ammon, et fut le plus fort; et cette année-là, les enfants d'Ammon lui donnèrent cent talents d'argent, dix mille cores de froment, et dix mille d'orge. Les enfants d'Ammon lui en donnèrent autant la seconde et la troisième année.

 He fought [3898] also with the king [4428] of the Ammonites, [1121] [5983] and prevailed [2388] against them. And the children [1121] of Ammon [5983] gave [5414] him the same year [8141] an hundred [3967] talents [3603] of silver, [3701] and ten [6235] thousand [0505] measures [3734] of wheat, [2406] and ten [6235] thousand [0505] of barley. [8184] So much [2063] did the children [1121] of Ammon [5983] pay [7725] unto him, both the second [8145] year, [8141] and the thi


 Jotham devint donc très puissant, parce qu'il avait affermi ses voies devant YEHOVAH, son Dieu.

 So Jotham [3147] became mighty, [2388] because he prepared [3559] his ways [1870] before [6440] the LORD [3068] his God. [0430]


 Le reste des actions de Jotham, toutes ses guerres, et sa conduite, voici, toutes ces choses sont écrites au livre des rois d'Israël et de Juda.

 Now the rest [3499] of the acts [1697] of Jotham, [3147] and all his wars, [4421] and his ways, [1870] lo, they [are] written [3789] in the book [5612] of the kings [4428] of Israel [3478] and Judah. [3063]


 Il était âgé de vingt-cinq ans quand il devint roi, et il régna seize ans à Jérusalem.

 He was five [2568] and twenty [6242] years [8141] old [1121] when he began to reign, [4427] and reigned [4427] sixteen [8337] [6240] years [8141] in Jerusalem. [3389]


 Puis Jotham s'endormit avec ses pères, et on l'ensevelit dans la cité de David; et Achaz, son fils, régna à sa place.

 And Jotham [3147] slept [7901] with his fathers, [0001] and they buried [6912] him in the city [5892] of David: [1732] and Ahaz [0271] his son [1121] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 Achaz était âgé de vingt ans quand il devint roi, et il régna seize ans à Jérusalem. Il ne fit point ce qui est droit aux yeux de YEHOVAH, comme David, son père.

 Ahaz [0271] [was] twenty [6242] years [8141] old [1121] when he began to reign, [4427] and he reigned [4427] sixteen [8337] [6240] years [8141] in Jerusalem: [3389] but he did [6213] not [that which was] right [3477] in the sight [5869] of the LORD, [3068] like David [1732] his father: [0001]


 Il suivit la voie des rois d'Israël; et il fit même des images de fonte pour les Baals.

 For he walked in [3212] the ways [1870] of the kings [4428] of Israel, [3478] and made [6213] also molten images [4541] for Baalim. [1168]


 Il fit des encensements dans la vallée du fils de Hinnom, et il brûla ses fils au feu, selon les abominations des nations que YEHOVAH avait chassées devant les enfants d'Israël.

 Moreover he burnt incense [6999] in the valley [1516] of the son [1121] of Hinnom, [2011] and burnt [1197] his children [1121] in the fire, [0784] after the abominations [8441] of the heathen [1471] whom the LORD [3068] had cast out [3423] before [6440] the children [1121] of Israel. [3478]


 Il sacrifiait aussi et faisait des encensements dans les hauts lieux, sur les collines, et sous tout arbre verdoyant.

 He sacrificed [2076] also and burnt incense [6999] in the high places, [1116] and on the hills, [1389] and under every green [7488] tree. [6086]


 Et YEHOVAH son Dieu le livra entre les mains du roi de Syrie; et les Syriens le battirent et lui prirent un grand nombre de prisonniers, qu'ils emmenèrent à Damas. Il fut aussi livré entre les mains du roi d'Israël, qui lui fit essuyer une grande défaite.

 Wherefore the LORD [3068] his God [0430] delivered [5414] him into the hand [3027] of the king [4428] of Syria; [0758] and they smote [5221] him, and carried away [7617] a great [1419] multitude of them captives, [7633] and brought [0935] [them] to Damascus. [1834] And he was also delivered [5414] into the hand [3027] of the king [4428] of Israel, [3478] who smote [5221] him with a great [1419] slaughter. [4347]


 Car Pékach, fils de Rémalia, tua en un seul jour, en Juda, cent vingt mille hommes, tous vaillants hommes, parce qu'ils avaient abandonné YEHOVAH, le Dieu de leurs pères.

 For Pekah [6492] the son [1121] of Remaliah [7425] slew [2026] in Judah [3063] an hundred [3967] and twenty [6242] thousand [0505] in one [0259] day, [3117] [which were] all valiant [2428] men; [1121] because they had forsaken [5800] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of their fathers. [0001]


 Et Zicri, homme vaillant d'Éphraïm, tua Maaséja, fils du roi, et Azrikam, qui avait la conduite de la maison, et Elkana, le second après le roi.

 And Zichri, [2147] a mighty man [1368] of Ephraim, [0669] slew [2026] Maaseiah [4641] the king's [4428] son, [1121] and Azrikam [5840] the governor [5057] of the house, [1004] and Elkanah [0511] [that was] next [4932] to the king. [4428]


 Et les enfants d'Israël emmenèrent prisonniers, deux cent mille de leurs frères, tant femmes que fils et filles; ils firent aussi sur eux un grand butin, et ils emmenèrent le butin à Samarie.

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] carried away [7617] captive of their brethren [0251] two hundred [3967] thousand, [0505] women, [0802] sons, [1121] and daughters, [1323] and took also away [0962] much [7227] spoil [7998] from them, and brought [0935] the spoil [7998] to Samaria. [8111]


 Or un prophète de YEHOVAH, nommé Oded, était là; il sortit au-devant de cette armée, qui revenait à Samarie, et leur dit: Voici, YEHOVAH, le Dieu de vos pères, étant indigné contre Juda, les a livrés entre vos mains, et vous les avez tués avec une fureur qui est parvenue jusqu'aux cieux.

 But a prophet [5030] of the LORD [3068] was there, whose name [8034] [was] Oded: [5752] and he went out [3318] before [6440] the host [6635] that came [0935] to Samaria, [8111] and said [0559] unto them, Behold, because the LORD [3068] God [0430] of your fathers [0001] was wroth [2534] with Judah, [3063] he hath delivered [5414] them into your hand, [3027] and ye have slain [2026] them in a rage [2197] [that] reacheth up [5060] unto heaven. [8064]


 Et maintenant, vous prétendez vous assujettir, pour serviteurs et pour servantes, les enfants de Juda et de Jérusalem! Mais n'est-ce pas vous, surtout, qui êtes coupables envers YEHOVAH, votre Dieu?

 And now ye purpose [0559] to keep under [3533] the children [1121] of Judah [3063] and Jerusalem [3389] for bondmen [5650] and bondwomen [8198] unto you: [but are there] not with you, even [7535] with you, sins [0819] against the LORD [3068] your God? [0430]


 Maintenant écoutez-moi, et remmenez les prisonniers que vous avez faits parmi vos frères; car l'ardeur de la colère de YEHOVAH est sur vous.

 Now hear [8085] me therefore, and deliver [7725] the captives [7633] again, which ye have taken captive [7617] of your brethren: [0251] for the fierce [2740] wrath [0639] of the LORD [3068] [is] upon you.


 Alors quelques-uns des chefs des enfants d'Éphraïm, Azaria, fils de Jochanan, Bérékia, fils de Meshillémoth, Ézéchias, fils de Shallum, et Amasa, fils de Hadlaï, s'élevèrent contre ceux qui revenaient de l'armée,

 Then certain [0582] of the heads [7218] of the children [1121] of Ephraim, [0669] Azariah [5838] the son [1121] of Johanan, [3076] Berechiah [1296] the son [1121] of Meshillemoth, [4919] and Jehizkiah [3169] the son [1121] of Shallum, [7967] and Amasa [6021] the son [1121] of Hadlai, [2311] stood up [6965] against them that came [0935] from the war, [6635]


 Et leur dirent: Vous ne ferez point entrer ici ces prisonniers; car, pour nous rendre coupables devant YEHOVAH, vous voulez ajouter à nos péchés et à notre culpabilité; car nous sommes déjà très coupables, et l'ardeur de la colère est sur Israël.

 And said [0559] unto them, Ye shall not bring in [0935] the captives [7633] hither: for whereas we have offended [0819] against the LORD [3068] [already], ye intend [0559] to add [3254] [more] to our sins [2403] and to our trespass: [0819] for our trespass [0819] is great, [7227] and [there is] fierce [2740] wrath [0639] against Israel. [3478]


 Alors les soldats abandonnèrent les prisonniers et le butin devant les chefs et devant toute l'assemblée.

 So the armed [2502] men left [5800] the captives [7633] and the spoil [0961] before [6440] the princes [8269] and all the congregation. [6951]


 Et ces hommes, qui ont été désignés par leurs noms, se levèrent, prirent les prisonniers, et vêtirent, au moyen du butin, tous ceux d'entre eux qui étaient nus; ils les vêtirent, ils les chaussèrent; ils leur donnèrent à manger et à boire; ils les oignirent, et ils conduisirent sur des ânes tous ceux qui ne pouvaient pas se soutenir, et les menèrent à Jérico, la ville des palmiers, auprès de leurs frères; puis ils s'en retournèrent à Samarie.

 And the men [0582] which were expressed [5344] by name [8034] rose up, [6965] and took [2388] the captives, [7633] and with the spoil [7998] clothed [3847] all that were naked [4636] among them, and arrayed [3847] them, and shod [5274] them, and gave them to eat [0398] and to drink, [8248] and anointed [5480] them, and carried [5095] all the feeble [3782] of them upon asses, [2543] and brought [0935] them to Jericho, [3405] the city of palm trees, [5892] [8558][5899] to


 En ce temps-là, le roi Achaz envoya vers les rois d'Assyrie, afin qu'ils lui donnassent du secours.

 At that time [6256] did king [4428] Ahaz [0271] send [7971] unto the kings [4428] of Assyria [0804] to help [5826] him.


 Les Édomites étaient encore venus, avaient battu Juda, et emmené des prisonniers.

 For again the Edomites [0130] had come [0935] and smitten [5221] Judah, [3063] and carried away [7617] captives. [7628]


 Les Philistins s'étaient aussi jetés sur les villes de la plaine et du midi de Juda; et ils avaient pris Beth-Shémèsh, Ajalon, Guédéroth, Soco et les villes de son ressort, Thimna et les villes de son ressort, Guimzo et les villes de son ressort, et ils y habitaient.

 The Philistines [6430] also had invaded [6584] the cities [5892] of the low country, [8219] and of the south [5045] of Judah, [3063] and had taken [3920] Bethshemesh, [1053] and Ajalon, [0357] and Gederoth, [1450] and Shocho [7755] with the villages [1323] thereof, and Timnah [8553] with the villages [1323] thereof, Gimzo [1579] also and the villages [1323] thereof: and they dwelt [3427] there.


 Car YEHOVAH avait abaissé Juda, à cause d'Achaz, roi d'Israël, parce qu'il avait relâché tout frein en Juda, et qu'il avait grandement péché contre YEHOVAH.

 For the LORD [3068] brought Judah [3063] low [3665] because of Ahaz [0271] king [4428] of Israel; [3478] for he made Judah [3063] naked, [6544] and transgressed [4603] sore [4604] against the LORD. [3068]


 Or Thilgath-Pilnéser, roi d'Assyrie, vint vers lui; mais il l'opprima, bien loin de le fortifier.

 And Tilgathpilneser [8407] king [4428] of Assyria [0804] came [0935] unto him, and distressed [6696] him, but strengthened [2388] him not.


 Car Achaz dépouilla la maison de YEHOVAH, la maison du roi et celle des principaux du peuple, pour faire des présents au roi d'Assyrie, mais sans en retirer secours.

 For Ahaz [0271] took away a portion [2505] [out] of the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and [out] of the house [1004] of the king, [4428] and of the princes, [8269] and gave [5414] [it] unto the king [4428] of Assyria: [0804] but he helped [5833] him not.


 Et dans le temps de sa détresse, il continua à pécher contre YEHOVAH. C'était toujours le roi Achaz.

 And in the time [6256] of his distress [6887] did he trespass [4603] yet more [3254] against the LORD: [3068] this [is that] king [4428] Ahaz. [0271]


 Il sacrifia aux dieux de Damas qui l'avaient frappé, et il dit: Puisque les dieux des rois de Syrie leur viennent en aide, je leur sacrifierai, afin qu'ils me soient en aide. Mais ils furent cause de sa chute et de celle de tout Israël.

 For he sacrificed [2076] unto the gods [0430] of Damascus, [1834] which smote [5221] him: and he said, [0559] Because the gods [0430] of the kings [4428] of Syria [0758] help [5826] them, [therefore] will I sacrifice [2076] to them, that they may help [5826] me. But they were the ruin [3782] of him, and of all Israel. [3478]


 Or Achaz rassembla les vases de la maison de Dieu, et il mit en pièces les vases de la maison de Dieu. Il ferma les portes de la maison de YEHOVAH, et se fit des autels dans tous les coins de Jérusalem.

 And Ahaz [0271] gathered [0622] together the vessels [3627] of the house [1004] of God, [0430] and cut in pieces [7112] the vessels [3627] of the house [1004] of God, [0430] and shut up [5462] the doors [1817] of the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and he made [6213] him altars [4196] in every corner [6438] of Jerusalem. [3389]


 Et il fit des hauts lieux dans chaque ville de Juda, pour faire des encensements à d'autres dieux; et il irrita YEHOVAH, le Dieu de ses pères.

 And in every several city [5892] [5892] of Judah [3063] he made [6213] high places [1116] to burn incense [6999] unto other [0312] gods, [0430] and provoked to anger [3707] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of his fathers. [0001]


 Quant au reste de ses actions, et de toutes ses voies, les premières et les dernières, voici, elles sont écrites dans le livre des rois de Juda et d'Israël.

 Now the rest [3499] of his acts [1697] and of all his ways, [1870] first [7223] and last, [0314] behold, they [are] written [3789] in the book [5612] of the kings [4428] of Judah [3063] and Israel. [3478]


 Puis Achaz s'endormit avec ses pères, et on l'ensevelit dans la cité, à Jérusalem; car on ne le mit point dans les tombeaux des rois d'Israël; et Ézéchias, son fils, régna à sa place.

 And Ahaz [0271] slept [7901] with his fathers, [0001] and they buried [6912] him in the city, [5892] [even] in Jerusalem: [3389] but they brought [0935] him not into the sepulchres [6913] of the kings [4428] of Israel: [3478] and Hezekiah [3169] his son [1121] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 Ézéchias devint roi à l'âge de vingt-cinq ans, et il régna vingt-neuf ans à Jérusalem. Sa mère s'appelait Abija, fille de Zacharie.

 Hezekiah [3169] began to reign [4427] [when he was] five [2568] and twenty [6242] years [8141] old, [1121] and he reigned [4427] nine [8672] and twenty [6242] years [8141] in Jerusalem. [3389] And his mother's [0517] name [8034] [was] Abijah, [0029] the daughter [1323] of Zechariah. [2148]


 Il fit ce qui est droit aux yeux de YEHOVAH, tout comme avait fait David, son père.

 And he did [6213] [that which was] right [3477] in the sight [5869] of the LORD, [3068] according to all that David [1732] his father [0001] had done. [6213]


 La première année de son règne, au premier mois, il ouvrit les portes de la maison de YEHOVAH, et il les répara.

 He in the first [7223] year [8141] of his reign, [4427] in the first [7223] month, [2320] opened [6605] the doors [1817] of the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and repaired [2388] them.


 Il fit venir les sacrificateurs et les Lévites, et les assembla dans la place orientale.

 And he brought in [0935] the priests [3548] and the Levites, [3881] and gathered [0622] them together into the east [4217] street, [7339]


 Et il leur dit: Écoutez-moi, Lévites! sanctifiez-vous maintenant, et sanctifiez la maison de YEHOVAH, le Dieu de vos pères, et ôtez du sanctuaire la souillure.

 And said [0559] unto them, Hear [8085] me, ye Levites, [3881] sanctify [6942] now yourselves, and sanctify [6942] the house [1004] of the LORD [3068] God [0430] of your fathers, [0001] and carry forth [3318] the filthiness [5079] out of the holy [6944] [place].


 Car nos pères ont péché et fait ce qui est mauvais aux yeux de YEHOVAH, notre Dieu; ils l'ont abandonné, ils ont détourné leurs faces de la demeure de YEHOVAH et lui ont tourné le dos.

 For our fathers [0001] have trespassed, [4603] and done [6213] [that which was] evil [7451] in the eyes [5869] of the LORD [3068] our God, [0430] and have forsaken [5800] him, and have turned away [5437] their faces [6440] from the habitation [4908] of the LORD, [3068] and turned [5414] [their] backs. [6203]


 Ils ont même fermé les portes du portique, et ont éteint les lampes, et ils n'ont point fait fumer le parfum, et ils n'ont point offert l'offrande à brûler au Dieu d'Israël dans le sanctuaire.

 Also they have shut up [5462] the doors [1817] of the porch, [0197] and put out [3518] the lamps, [5216] and have not burned [6999] incense [7004] nor offered [5927] burnt offerings [5930] in the holy [6944] [place] unto the God [0430] of Israel. [3478]


 C'est pourquoi le courroux de YEHOVAH a été sur Juda et sur Jérusalem; et il les a livrés au trouble, à la désolation, à la moquerie, comme vous le voyez de vos yeux.

 Wherefore the wrath [7110] of the LORD [3068] was upon Judah [3063] and Jerusalem, [3389] and he hath delivered [5414] them to trouble, [2189] [2113] to astonishment, [8047] and to hissing, [8322] as ye see [7200] with your eyes. [5869]


 Et voici, à cause de cela, nos pères sont tombés par l'épée, et nos fils, nos filles et nos femmes sont en captivité.

 For, lo, our fathers [0001] have fallen [5307] by the sword, [2719] and our sons [1121] and our daughters [1323] and our wives [0802] [are] in captivity [7628] for this.


 Maintenant donc j'ai l'intention de traiter alliance avec YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël, pour que l'ardeur de sa colère se détourne de nous.

 Now [it is] in mine heart [3824] to make [3772] a covenant [1285] with the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] that his fierce [2740] wrath [0639] may turn away [7725] from us.


 Or, mes enfants, ne soyez pas indifférents; car YEHOVAH vous a choisis, afin que vous vous teniez devant lui pour le servir, pour être ses serviteurs, et pour lui offrir le parfum.

 My sons, [1121] be not now negligent: [7952] for the LORD [3068] hath chosen [0977] you to stand [5975] before [6440] him, to serve [8334] him, and that ye should minister [8334] unto him, and burn incense. [6999]


 Et les Lévites se levèrent: Machath, fils d'Amasaï, Joël, fils d'Azaria, des enfants des Kéhathites; et des enfants de Mérari, Kis, fils d'Abdi, Azaria, fils de Jéhalléléel; et des Guershonites, Joach, fils de Zimma, et Éden, fils de Joach;

 Then the Levites [3881] arose, [6965] Mahath [4287] the son [1121] of Amasai, [6022] and Joel [3100] the son [1121] of Azariah, [5838] of the sons [1121] of the Kohathites: [6956] and of the sons [1121] of Merari, [4847] Kish [7027] the son [1121] of Abdi, [5660] and Azariah [5838] the son [1121] of Jehalelel: [3094] and of the Gershonites; [1649] Joah [3098] the son [1121] of Zimmah, [2155] and Eden [5731] the son [1121] of Joah: [3098]


 Et des enfants d'Élitsaphan, Shimri et Jéïel; et des enfants d'Asaph, Zacharie et Matthania;

 And of the sons [1121] of Elizaphan; [0469] Shimri, [8113] and Jeiel: [3273] and of the sons [1121] of Asaph; [0623] Zechariah, [2148] and Mattaniah: [4983]


 Et des enfants d'Héman, Jéhiel et Shimeï, et des enfants de Jéduthun, Shémaja et Uzziel.

 And of the sons [1121] of Heman; [1968] Jehiel, [3171] and Shimei: [8096] and of the sons [1121] of Jeduthun; [3038] Shemaiah, [8098] and Uzziel. [5816]


 Ils assemblèrent leurs frères, et ils se sanctifièrent; et ils entrèrent selon le commandement du roi, et suivant la Parole de YEHOVAH, pour purifier la maison de YEHOVAH.

 And they gathered [0622] their brethren, [0251] and sanctified [6942] themselves, and came, [0935] according to the commandment [4687] of the king, [4428] by the words [1697] of the LORD, [3068] to cleanse [2891] the house [1004] of the LORD. [3068]


 Ainsi les sacrificateurs entrèrent dans l'intérieur de la maison de YEHOVAH, pour la purifier; et ils portèrent dehors, au parvis de la maison de YEHOVAH, toutes les souillures qu'ils trouvèrent dans le temple de YEHOVAH; et les Lévites les reçurent pour les emporter dehors, au torrent de Cédron.

 And the priests [3548] went [0935] into the inner part [6441] of the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] to cleanse [2891] [it], and brought out [3318] all the uncleanness [2932] that they found [4672] in the temple [1964] of the LORD [3068] into the court [2691] of the house [1004] of the LORD. [3068] And the Levites [3881] took [6901] [it], to carry [it] out [3318] abroad [2351] into the brook [5158] Kidron. [6939]


 Ils commencèrent à sanctifier le temple, le premier jour du premier mois; le huitième jour du mois, ils entrèrent au portique de YEHOVAH, et ils sanctifièrent la maison de YEHOVAH pendant huit jours; le seizième jour du premier mois, ils eurent achevé.

 Now they began [2490] on the first [0259] [day] of the first [7223] month [2320] to sanctify, [6942] and on the eighth [8083] day [3117] of the month [2320] came [0935] they to the porch [0197] of the LORD: [3068] so they sanctified [6942] the house [1004] of the LORD [3068] in eight [8083] days; [3117] and in the sixteenth [8337] [6240] day [3117] of the first [7223] month [2320] they made an end. [3615]


 Après cela ils se rendirent chez le roi Ézéchias, et dirent: Nous avons purifié toute la maison de YEHOVAH, l'autel des offrandes à brûler et tous ses ustensiles, et la table des pains du témoignage et tous ses ustensiles.

 Then they went [0935] in [6441] to Hezekiah [2396] the king, [4428] and said, [0559] We have cleansed [2891] all the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and the altar [4196] of burnt offering, [5930] with all the vessels [3627] thereof, and the shewbread [4635] table, [7979] with all the vessels [3627] thereof.


 Nous avons remis en état et sanctifié tous les ustensiles que le roi Achaz avait rejetés pendant son règne, par suite de son péché; et voici, ils sont devant l'autel de YEHOVAH.

 Moreover all the vessels, [3627] which king [4428] Ahaz [0271] in his reign [4438] did cast away [2186] in his transgression, [4604] have we prepared [3559] and sanctified, [6942] and, behold, they [are] before [6440] the altar [4196] of the LORD. [3068]


 Alors le roi Ézéchias se leva de bon matin, assembla les principaux de la ville, et monta à la maison de YEHOVAH.

 Then Hezekiah [3169] the king [4428] rose early, [7925] and gathered [0622] the rulers [8269] of the city, [5892] and went up [5927] to the house [1004] of the LORD. [3068]


 Et ils amenèrent sept taureaux, sept béliers, sept agneaux et sept boucs, destinés à des sacrifices pour le péché, pour le royaume, pour le sanctuaire et pour Juda. Puis le roi dit aux sacrificateurs, fils d'Aaron, qu'ils les offrissent sur l'autel de YEHOVAH.

 And they brought [0935] seven [7651] bullocks, [6499] and seven [7651] rams, [0352] and seven [7651] lambs, [3532] and seven [7651] he [6842] goats, [5795] for a sin offering [2403] for the kingdom, [4467] and for the sanctuary, [4720] and for Judah. [3063] And he commanded [0559] the priests [3548] the sons [1121] of Aaron [0175] to offer [5927] [them] on the altar [4196] of the LORD. [3068]


 Ils égorgèrent donc les bœufs, et les sacrificateurs en reçurent le sang, et le répandirent sur l'autel; ils égorgèrent les béliers, et en répandirent le sang sur l'autel; ils égorgèrent les agneaux, et en répandirent le sang sur l'autel.

 So they killed [7819] the bullocks, [1241] and the priests [3548] received [6901] the blood, [1818] and sprinkled [2236] [it] on the altar: [4196] likewise, when they had killed [7819] the rams, [0352] they sprinkled [2236] the blood [1818] upon the altar: [4196] they killed [7819] also the lambs, [3532] and they sprinkled [2236] the blood [1818] upon the altar. [4196]


 Puis on fit approcher les boucs du sacrifice pour le péché, devant le roi et devant l'assemblée, et ils posèrent leurs mains sur eux;

 And they brought forth [5066] the he goats [8163] [for] the sin offering [2403] before [6440] the king [4428] and the congregation; [6951] and they laid [5564] their hands [3027] upon them:


 Et les sacrificateurs les égorgèrent, et offrirent en expiation leur sang sur l'autel, pour faire l'expiation pour tout Israël; car le roi avait ordonné l'offrande à brûler et le sacrifice pour le péché, pour tout Israël.

 And the priests [3548] killed [7819] them, and they made reconciliation [2398] with their blood [1818] upon the altar, [4196] to make an atonement [3722] for all Israel: [3478] for the king [4428] commanded [0559] [that] the burnt offering [5930] and the sin offering [2403] [should be made] for all Israel. [3478]


 Il fit aussi tenir les Lévites dans la maison de YEHOVAH, avec des cymbales, des lyres et des harpes, selon le commandement de David et de Gad, le Voyant du roi, et de Nathan, le prophète; car c'était un commandement de YEHOVAH, par ses prophètes.

 And he set [5975] the Levites [3881] in the house [1004] of the LORD [3068] with cymbals, [4700] with psalteries, [5035] and with harps, [3658] according to the commandment [4687] of David, [1732] and of Gad [1410] the king's [4428] seer, [2374] and Nathan [5416] the prophet: [5030] for [so was] the commandment [4687] [3027] of the LORD [3068] by [3027] his prophets. [5030]


 Les Lévites se tinrent donc là avec les instruments de David, et les sacrificateurs avec les trompettes.

 And the Levites [3881] stood [5975] with the instruments [3627] of David, [1732] and the priests [3548] with the trumpets. [2689]


 Alors Ézéchias commanda qu'on offrît l'offrande à brûler sur l'autel; et au moment où commença l'offrande à brûler, commença aussi le cantique de YEHOVAH, avec les trompettes et l'accompagnement des instruments de David, roi d'Israël.

 And Hezekiah [2396] commanded [0559] to offer [5927] the burnt offering [5930] upon the altar. [4196] And when [6256] the burnt offering [5930] began, [2490] the song [7892] of the LORD [3068] began [2490] [also] with the trumpets, [2689] and with the [3027] instruments [3627] [ordained] by David [1732] king [4428] of Israel. [3478]


 Et toute l'assemblée se prosterna, le chant retentit, et les trompettes sonnèrent; le tout jusqu'à ce qu'on eût achevé l'offrande à brûler.

 And all the congregation [6951] worshipped, [7812] and the singers [7892] sang, [7891] and the trumpeters [2689] sounded: [2690] [and] all [this continued] until the burnt offering [5930] was finished. [3615]


 Et quand on eut achevé d'offrir l'offrande à brûler, le roi et tous ceux qui se trouvaient avec lui fléchirent les genoux et se prosternèrent.

 And when they had made an end [3615] of offering, [5927] the king [4428] and all that were present [4672] with him bowed [3766] themselves, and worshipped. [7812]


 Puis le roi Ézéchias et les chefs dirent aux Lévites de louer YEHOVAH avec les paroles de David et d'Asaph, le Voyant; et ils le louèrent avec des transports de joie, et ils s'inclinèrent et se prosternèrent.

 Moreover Hezekiah [3169] the king [4428] and the princes [8269] commanded [0559] the Levites [3881] to sing praise [1984] unto the LORD [3068] with the words [1697] of David, [1732] and of Asaph [0623] the seer. [2374] And they sang praises [1984] with gladness, [8057] and they bowed their heads [6915] and worshipped. [7812]


 Alors Ézéchias prit la parole, et dit: Vous avez maintenant consacré vos mains à YEHOVAH; approchez-vous, amenez des sacrifices, et offrez des louanges dans la maison de YEHOVAH. Et l'assemblée amena des sacrifices et offrit des louanges, et tous ceux qui étaient de bonne volonté offrirent des offrandes à brûler.

 Then Hezekiah [3169] answered [6030] and said, [0559] Now ye have consecrated [4390] yourselves [3027] unto the LORD, [3068] come near [5066] and bring [0935] sacrifices [2077] and thank offerings [8426] into the house [1004] of the LORD. [3068] And the congregation [6951] brought in [0935] sacrifices [2077] and thank offerings; [8426] and as many as were of a free [5081] heart [3820] burnt offerings. [5930]


 Le nombre des offrandes à brûler que l'assemblée offrit, fut de soixante et dix taureaux, cent béliers, deux cents agneaux, le tout en offrande à brûler à YEHOVAH.

 And the number [4557] of the burnt offerings, [5930] which the congregation [6951] brought, [0935] was threescore and ten [7657] bullocks, [1241] an hundred [3967] rams, [0352] [and] two hundred [3967] lambs: [3532] all these [were] for a burnt offering [5930] to the LORD. [3068]


 Six cents bœufs et trois mille brebis furent en outre consacrés.

 And the consecrated things [6944] [were] six [8337] hundred [3967] oxen [1241] and three [7969] thousand [0505] sheep. [6629]


 Mais les sacrificateurs étaient en petit nombre, et ils ne purent pas dépouiller tous les offrandes à brûler; les Lévites, leurs frères, les aidèrent, jusqu'à ce que l'ouvrage fût achevé, et jusqu'à ce que les autres sacrificateurs se fussent sanctifiés; car les Lévites eurent le cœur plus droit pour se sanctifier, que les sacrificateurs.

 But the priests [3548] were too few, [4592] so that they could [3201] not flay [6584] all the burnt offerings: [5930] wherefore their brethren [0251] the Levites [3881] did help [2388] them, till the work [4399] was ended, [3615] and until the [other] priests [3548] had sanctified [6942] themselves: for the Levites [3881] [were] more upright [3477] in heart [3824] to sanctify [6942] themselves than the priests. [3548]


 Il y eut aussi un grand nombre d'offrandes à brûler, avec les graisses des sacrifices de prospérités, et avec les offrandes de breuvage des offrandes à brûler. Ainsi le service de la maison de YEHOVAH fut rétabli.

 And also the burnt offerings [5930] [were] in abundance, [7230] with the fat [2459] of the peace offerings, [8002] and the drink offerings [5262] for [every] burnt offering. [5930] So the service [5656] of the house [1004] of the LORD [3068] was set in order. [3559]


 Et Ézéchias et tout le peuple se réjouirent de ce que Dieu avait ainsi disposé le peuple; car la chose se fit subitement.

 And Hezekiah [3169] rejoiced, [8055] and all the people, [5971] that God [0430] had prepared [3559] the people: [5971] for the thing [1697] was [done] suddenly. [6597]


 Puis Ézéchias envoya vers tout Israël et Juda; et il écrivit même des lettres à Éphraïm et à Manassé, pour qu'ils vinssent à la maison de YEHOVAH, à Jérusalem, célébrer la pâque en l'honneur de YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël.

 And Hezekiah [3169] sent [7971] to all Israel [3478] and Judah, [3063] and wrote [3789] letters [0107] also to Ephraim [0669] and Manasseh, [4519] that they should come [0935] to the house [1004] of the LORD [3068] at Jerusalem, [3389] to keep [6213] the passover [6453] unto the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel. [3478]


 Le roi, et ses chefs et toute l'assemblée, avaient résolu en conseil, à Jérusalem, de célébrer la pâque au second mois;

 For the king [4428] had taken counsel, [3289] and his princes, [8269] and all the congregation [6951] in Jerusalem, [3389] to keep [6213] the passover [6453] in the second [8145] month. [2320]


 Car on n'avait pas pu la célébrer en son temps, parce qu'il n'y avait pas assez de sacrificateurs sanctifiés, et que le peuple n'était pas rassemblé à Jérusalem.

 For they could [3201] not keep [6213] it at that time, [6256] because the priests [3548] had not sanctified [6942] themselves sufficiently, [4078] [1767] neither had the people [5971] gathered [0622] themselves together to Jerusalem. [3389]


 La chose plut au roi et à toute l'assemblée;

 And the thing [1697] pleased [3474] [5869] the king [4428] and [5869] all the congregation. [6951]


 Et ils décidèrent de publier par tout Israël, depuis Béer-Shéba jusqu'à Dan, qu'on vînt célébrer la pâque à YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël, à Jérusalem; car depuis longtemps ils ne l'avaient pas célébrée conformément à ce qui est écrit.

 So they established [5975] a decree [1697] to make proclamation [5674] [6963] throughout all Israel, [3478] from Beersheba [0884] even to Dan, [1835] that they should come [0935] to keep [6213] the passover [6453] unto the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel [3478] at Jerusalem: [3389] for they had not done [6213] [it] of a long [7230] [time in such sort] as it was written. [3789]


 Les coureurs allèrent donc avec des lettres de la part du roi et de ses chefs, par tout Israël et Juda, en disant, selon que le roi l'avait commandé: Enfants d'Israël, retournez à YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Abraham, d'Isaac et d'Israël, et il reviendra vers le reste d'entre vous qui est échappé de la main des rois d'Assyrie.

 So the posts [7323] went [3212] with the letters [0107] from [3027] the king [4428] and his princes [8269] throughout all Israel [3478] and Judah, [3063] and according to the commandment [4687] of the king, [4428] saying, [0559] Ye children [1121] of Israel, [3478] turn again [7725] unto the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Abraham, [0085] Isaac, [3327] and Israel, [3478] and he will return [7725] to the remnant [7604] of you, that are escaped [6413] out of the hand [3709] of the


 Ne soyez pas comme vos pères, ni comme vos frères, qui ont péché contre YEHOVAH, le Dieu de leurs pères, de sorte qu'il les a mis en désolation, comme vous le voyez.

 And be not ye like your fathers, [0001] and like your brethren, [0251] which trespassed [4603] against the LORD [3068] God [0430] of their fathers, [0001] [who] therefore gave them up [5414] to desolation, [8047] as ye see. [7200]


 Maintenant, ne roidissez pas votre cou, comme vos pères; tendez la main vers YEHOVAH, venez à son sanctuaire, qu'il a consacré pour toujours, servez YEHOVAH, votre Dieu, et l'ardeur de sa colère se détournera de vous.

 Now be ye not stiffnecked, [7185] [6203] as your fathers [0001] [were, but] yield [5414] yourselves [3027] unto the LORD, [3068] and enter [0935] into his sanctuary, [4720] which he hath sanctified [6942] for ever: [5769] and serve [5647] the LORD [3068] your God, [0430] that the fierceness [2740] of his wrath [0639] may turn away [7725] from you.


 Car si vous retournez à YEHOVAH, vos frères et vos fils trouveront miséricorde auprès de ceux qui les ont emmenés captifs, et ils reviendront en ce pays, parce que YEHOVAH, votre Dieu, est clément et miséricordieux; et il ne détournera point sa face de vous, si vous revenez à lui.

 For if ye turn again [7725] unto the LORD, [3068] your brethren [0251] and your children [1121] [shall find] compassion [7356] before [6440] them that lead them captive, [7617] so that they shall come again [7725] into this land: [0776] for the LORD [3068] your God [0430] [is] gracious [2587] and merciful, [7349] and will not turn away [5493] [his] face [6440] from you, if ye return [7725] unto him.


 Les coureurs passaient ainsi de ville en ville, par le pays d'Éphraïm et de Manassé, et jusqu'à Zabulon; mais l'on se moquait d'eux et l'on s'en raillait.

 So the posts [7323] passed [5674] from city [5892] to city [5892] through the country [0776] of Ephraim [0669] and Manasseh [4519] even unto Zebulun: [2074] but they laughed them to scorn, [7832] and mocked [3932] them.


 Toutefois, quelques-uns d'Asser, de Manassé et de Zabulon s'humilièrent, et vinrent à Jérusalem.

 Nevertheless divers [0582] of Asher [0836] and Manasseh [4519] and of Zebulun [2074] humbled [3665] themselves, and came [0935] to Jerusalem. [3389]


 La main de Dieu fut aussi sur Juda, pour leur donner un même cœur, afin d'exécuter le commandement du roi et des chefs, selon la Parole de YEHOVAH.

 Also in Judah [3063] the hand [3027] of God [0430] was to give [5414] them one [0259] heart [3820] to do [6213] the commandment [4687] of the king [4428] and of the princes, [8269] by the word [1697] of the LORD. [3068]


 Et il s'assembla à Jérusalem un peuple nombreux, pour célébrer la fête des pains sans levain, au second mois: ce fut une fort grande assemblée.

 And there assembled [0622] at Jerusalem [3389] much [7227] people [5971] to keep [6213] the feast [2282] of unleavened bread [4682] in the second [8145] month, [2320] a very [3966] great [7230] congregation. [6951]


 Ils se levèrent, et ils ôtèrent les autels qui étaient dans Jérusalem; ils ôtèrent aussi tous ceux où l'on brûlait de l'encens, et ils les jetèrent dans le torrent de Cédron.

 And they arose [6965] and took away [5493] the altars [4196] that [were] in Jerusalem, [3389] and all the altars for incense [6999] took they away, [5493] and cast [7993] [them] into the brook [5158] Kidron. [6939]


 Puis on immola la pâque, au quatorzième jour du second mois; car les sacrificateurs et les Lévites avaient eu honte et s'étaient sanctifiés, et ils offrirent des offrandes à brûler dans la maison de YEHOVAH.

 Then they killed [7819] the passover [6453] on the fourteenth [0702] [6240] [day] of the second [8145] month: [2320] and the priests [3548] and the Levites [3881] were ashamed, [3637] and sanctified [6942] themselves, and brought in [0935] the burnt offerings [5930] into the house [1004] of the LORD. [3068]


 Ils se tinrent, à leur place, suivant leur règle, d'après la loi de Moïse, homme de Dieu. Et les sacrificateurs répandaient le sang qu'ils recevaient de la main des Lévites.

 And they stood [5975] in their place [5977] after their manner, [4941] according to the law [8451] of Moses [4872] the man [0376] of God: [0430] the priests [3548] sprinkled [2236] the blood, [1818] [which they received] of the hand [3027] of the Levites. [3881]


 Car il y en avait une grande partie dans l'assemblée qui ne s'étaient pas purifiés; et les Lévites eurent la charge d'immoler les victimes de la pâque pour tous ceux qui n'étaient pas purs, afin de les consacrer à YEHOVAH.

 For [there were] many [7227] in the congregation [6951] that were not sanctified: [6942] therefore the Levites [3881] had the charge of the killing [7821] of the passovers [6453] for every one [that was] not clean, [2889] to sanctify [6942] [them] unto the LORD. [3068]


 Car une grande partie du peuple, beaucoup de ceux d'Éphraïm, de Manassé, d'Issacar et de Zabulon, ne s'étaient pas purifiés, et mangèrent la pâque, sans se conformer à ce qui est écrit. Mais Ézéchias pria pour eux, en disant: Que YEHOVAH, qui est bon, fasse l'expiation,

 For a multitude [4768] of the people, [5971] [even] many [7227] of Ephraim, [0669] and Manasseh, [4519] Issachar, [3485] and Zebulun, [2074] had not [3808] cleansed [2891] themselves, yet did they eat [0398] the passover [6453] otherwise [3808] than it was written. [3789] But Hezekiah [3169] prayed [6419] for them, saying, [0559] The good [2896] LORD [3068] pardon [3722] every one


 Pour quiconque a disposé son cœur à rechercher Dieu, YEHOVAH, le Dieu de ses pères, bien que ce ne soit pas selon la purification du sanctuaire!

 [That] prepareth [3559] his heart [3824] to seek [1875] God, [0430] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of his fathers, [0001] though [he be] not [cleansed] according to the purification [2893] of the sanctuary. [6944]


 Et YEHOVAH exauça Ézéchias, et il pardonna au peuple.

 And the LORD [3068] hearkened [8085] to Hezekiah, [3169] and healed [7495] the people. [5971]


 Les enfants d'Israël qui se trouvèrent à Jérusalem célébrèrent donc la fête des pains sans levain, pendant sept jours, avec une grande joie; et les Lévites et les sacrificateurs célébraient YEHOVAH chaque jour, avec les instruments qui retentissaient à la louange de YEHOVAH.

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] that were present [4672] at Jerusalem [3389] kept [6213] the feast [2282] of unleavened bread [4682] seven [7651] days [3117] with great [1419] gladness: [8057] and the Levites [3881] and the priests [3548] praised [1984] the LORD [3068] day [3117] by day, [3117] [singing] with loud [5797] instruments [3627] unto the LORD. [3068]


 Et Ézéchias parla au cœur de tous les Lévites, qui se montraient intelligents dans la bonne science du service de YEHOVAH. Ils mangèrent les repas de la fête pendant sept jours, offrant des sacrifices de prospérités, et louant YEHOVAH le Dieu de leurs pères.

 And Hezekiah [3169] spake [1696] comfortably [3820] unto all the Levites [3881] that taught [7919] the good [2896] knowledge [7922] of the LORD: [3068] and they did eat [0398] throughout the feast [4150] seven [7651] days, [3117] offering [2076] peace [8002] offerings, [2077] and making confession [3034] to the LORD [3068] God [0430] of their fathers. [0001]


 Puis toute l'assemblée résolut de célébrer sept autres jours. Et ils célébrèrent ces sept jours dans la joie.

 And the whole assembly [6951] took counsel [3289] to keep [6213] other [0312] seven [7651] days: [3117] and they kept [6213] [other] seven [7651] days [3117] with gladness. [8057]


 Car Ézéchias, roi de Juda, fit présent à l'assemblée de mille taureaux et de sept mille moutons; et les chefs firent présent à l'assemblée de mille taureaux et de dix mille moutons; et des sacrificateurs, en grand nombre, s'étaient sanctifiés.

 For Hezekiah [2396] king [4428] of Judah [3063] did give [7311] to the congregation [6951] a thousand [0505] bullocks [6499] and seven [7651] thousand [0505] sheep; [6629] and the princes [8269] gave [7311] to the congregation [6951] a thousand [0505] bullocks [6499] and ten [6235] thousand [0505] sheep: [6629] and a great number [7230] of priests [3548] sanctified [6942] themselves.


 Et toute l'assemblée de Juda, avec les sacrificateurs et les Lévites, et toute l'assemblée venue d'Israël, et les étrangers venus du pays d'Israël, et ceux qui habitaient en Juda, se réjouirent.

 And all the congregation [6951] of Judah, [3063] with the priests [3548] and the Levites, [3881] and all the congregation [6951] that came [0935] out of Israel, [3478] and the strangers [1616] that came [0935] out of the land [0776] of Israel, [3478] and that dwelt [3427] in Judah, [3063] rejoiced. [8055]


 Il y eut donc une grande joie à Jérusalem; car depuis le temps de Salomon, fils de David, roi d'Israël, il n'y avait rien eu de semblable dans Jérusalem.

 So there was great [1419] joy [8057] in Jerusalem: [3389] for since the time [3117] of Solomon [8010] the son [1121] of David [1732] king [4428] of Israel [3478] [there was] not the like in Jerusalem. [3389]


 Puis les sacrificateurs lévites se levèrent et bénirent le peuple, et leur voix fut entendue, et leur prière parvint jusqu'aux cieux, jusqu'à la sainte demeure de YEHOVAH.

 Then the priests [3548] the Levites [3881] arose [6965] and blessed [1288] the people: [5971] and their voice [6963] was heard, [8085] and their prayer [8605] came [0935] [up] to his holy [6944] dwelling place, [4583] [even] unto heaven. [8064]


 Lorsque tout cela fut achevé, tous ceux d'Israël qui se trouvaient là, allèrent par les villes de Juda, et brisèrent les statues, abattirent les emblèmes d'Ashéra et démolirent les hauts lieux et les autels, dans tout Juda et Benjamin et dans Éphraïm et Manassé, jusqu'à ce que tout fût détruit. Ensuite tous les enfants d'Israël retournèrent dans leurs villes, chacun dans sa possession.

 Now when all this was finished, [3615] all Israel [3478] that were present [4672] went out [3318] to the cities [5892] of Judah, [3063] and brake [7665] the images [4676] in pieces, and cut down [1438] the groves, [0842] and threw down [5422] the high places [1116] and the altars [4196] out of all Judah [3063] and Benjamin, [1144] in Ephraim [0669] also and Manasseh, [4519] until they had utterly destroyed [3615] them all. Then all the children [1121] of Israel [3478] returne


 Puis Ézéchias rétablit les classes des sacrificateurs et des Lévites, selon leurs divisions, chacun selon ses fonctions, tant les sacrificateurs que les Lévites, pour les offrandes à brûler et les sacrifices de prospérités, pour faire le service, pour louer et pour célébrer Dieu aux portes du camp de YEHOVAH.

 And Hezekiah [3169] appointed [5975] the courses [4256] of the priests [3548] and the Levites [3881] after their courses, [4256] every man [0376] according [6310] to his service, [5656] the priests [3548] and Levites [3881] for burnt offerings [5930] and for peace offerings, [8002] to minister, [8334] and to give thanks, [3034] and to praise [1984] in the gates [8179] of the tents [4264] of the LORD. [3068]


 Le roi donna aussi une portion de ses biens pour les offrandes à brûler, pour les offrandes à brûler du matin et du soir, pour les offrandes à brûler des sabbats, des nouvelles lunes et des fêtes, comme il est écrit dans la loi de YEHOVAH.

 [He appointed] also the king's [4428] portion [4521] of his substance [7399] for the burnt offerings, [5930] [to wit], for the morning [1242] and evening [6153] burnt offerings, [5930] and the burnt offerings [5930] for the sabbaths, [7676] and for the new moons, [2320] and for the set feasts, [4150] as [it is] written [3789] in the law [8451] of the LORD. [3068]


 Et il dit au peuple, aux habitants de Jérusalem, de donner la portion des sacrificateurs et des Lévites, afin qu'ils s'appliquassent à la loi de YEHOVAH.

 Moreover he commanded [0559] the people [5971] that dwelt [3427] in Jerusalem [3389] to give [5414] the portion [4521] of the priests [3548] and the Levites, [3881] that they might be encouraged [2388] in the law [8451] of the LORD. [3068]


 Et aussitôt que la chose fut publiée, les enfants d'Israël donnèrent en abondance les prémices du blé, du moût, de l'huile, du miel et de tous les produits des champs; ils apportèrent la dîme de tout, en abondance.

 And as soon as the commandment [1697] came abroad, [6555] the children [1121] of Israel [3478] brought in abundance [7235] the firstfruits [7225] of corn, [1715] wine, [8492] and oil, [3323] and honey, [1706] and of all the increase [8393] of the field; [7704] and the tithe [4643] of all [things] brought [0935] they in abundantly. [7230]


 Et les enfants d'Israël et de Juda, qui habitaient dans les villes de Juda, apportèrent aussi la dîme du gros et du menu bétail, et la dîme des choses saintes, qui étaient consacrées à YEHOVAH, leur Dieu; et ils les mirent par monceaux.

 And [concerning] the children [1121] of Israel [3478] and Judah, [3063] that dwelt [3427] in the cities [5892] of Judah, [3063] they also brought in [0935] the tithe [4643] of oxen [1241] and sheep, [6629] and the tithe [4643] of holy things [6944] which were consecrated [6942] unto the LORD [3068] their God, [0430] and laid [5414] [them] by heaps. [6194] [6194]


 Ils commencèrent à faire les monceaux au troisième mois, et au septième mois ils les achevèrent.

 In the third [7992] month [2320] they began [2490] to lay the foundation [3245] of the heaps, [6194] and finished [3615] [them] in the seventh [7637] month. [2320]


 Alors Ézéchias et les chefs vinrent, et virent les monceaux, et ils bénirent YEHOVAH et son peuple d'Israël.

 And when Hezekiah [3169] and the princes [8269] came [0935] and saw [7200] the heaps, [6194] they blessed [1288] the LORD, [3068] and his people [5971] Israel. [3478]


 Et Ézéchias interrogea les sacrificateurs et les Lévites au sujet de ces monceaux.

 Then Hezekiah [3169] questioned [1875] with the priests [3548] and the Levites [3881] concerning the heaps. [6194]


 Et Azaria, le principal sacrificateur, de la maison de Tsadok, lui parla, et dit: Depuis qu'on a commencé à apporter des offrandes dans la maison de YEHOVAH, nous avons mangé, et nous avons été rassasiés, et il en est resté en abondance; car YEHOVAH a béni son peuple, et cette grande quantité est ce qu'il y a eu de reste.

 And Azariah [5838] the chief [7218] priest [3548] of the house [1004] of Zadok [6659] answered [0559] him, and said, [0559] Since [the people] began [2490] to bring [0935] the offerings [8641] into the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] we have had enough [7646] to eat, [0398] and have left [3498] plenty: [7230] for the LORD [3068] hath blessed [1288] his people; [5971] and that which is left [3498] [is] this great store. [1995]


 Alors Ézéchias dit qu'on préparât des chambres dans la maison de YEHOVAH, et on les prépara.

 Then Hezekiah [3169] commanded [0559] to prepare [3559] chambers [3957] in the house [1004] of the LORD; [3068] and they prepared [3559] [them],


 Et on apporta fidèlement les offrandes, et la dîme, et les choses consacrées. Et Conania, le Lévite, en eut l'intendance, et Shimeï, son frère, était son second.

 And brought in [0935] the offerings [8641] and the tithes [4643] and the dedicated [6944] [things] faithfully: [0530] over which Cononiah [3562] the Levite [3881] [was] ruler, [5057] and Shimei [8096] his brother [0251] [was] the next. [4932]


 Jéhiel, Azazia, Nachath, Asaël, Jérimoth, Josabad, Éliel, Jismakia, Machath, et Benaïa, étaient commis sous l'autorité de Conania et de Shimeï, son frère, par l'ordre du roi Ézéchias, et d'Azaria, gouverneur de la maison de Dieu.

 And Jehiel, [3171] and Azaziah, [5812] and Nahath, [5184] and Asahel, [6214] and Jerimoth, [3406] and Jozabad, [3107] and Eliel, [0447] and Ismachiah, [3253] and Mahath, [4287] and Benaiah, [1141] [were] overseers [6496] under the hand [3027] of Cononiah [3562] and Shimei [8096] his brother, [0251] at the commandment [4662] of Hezekiah [3169] the king, [4428] and Azariah [5838] the ruler [5057] of the house [1004] of God. [0430]


 Coré, fils de Jimna, le Lévite, qui était portier vers l'orient, avait la charge des dons volontaires offerts à Dieu, pour distribuer l'offrande élevée de YEHOVAH, et les choses très saintes.

 And Kore [6981] the son [1121] of Imnah [3232] the Levite, [3881] the porter [7778] toward the east, [4217] [was] over the freewill offerings [5071] of God, [0430] to distribute [5414] the oblations [8641] of the LORD, [3068] and the most [6944] holy things. [6944]


 Et sous sa direction étaient Éden, Minjamin, Josué, Shémaja, Amaria, et Shécania, dans les villes des sacrificateurs, pour distribuer fidèlement les portions à leurs frères, grands et petits, suivant leurs divisions,

 And next him [3027] [were] Eden, [5731] and Miniamin, [4509] and Jeshua, [3442] and Shemaiah, [8098] Amariah, [0568] and Shecaniah, [7935] in the cities [5892] of the priests, [3548] in [their] set office, [0530] to give [5414] to their brethren [0251] by courses, [4256] as well to the great [1419] as to the small: [6996]


 Outre ceux qui étaient enregistrés comme mâles, depuis l'âge de trois ans et au-dessus; à tous ceux qui entraient dans la maison de YEHOVAH, pour les fonctions de chaque jour, selon le service de leurs charges, suivant leurs divisions;

 Beside their genealogy [3187] of males, [2145] from three [7969] years [8141] old [1121] and upward, [4605] [even] unto every one that entereth [0935] into the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] his daily [3117] [3117] portion [1697] for their service [5656] in their charges [4931] according to their courses; [4256]


 Aux sacrificateurs enregistrés selon la maison de leurs pères, et aux Lévites, depuis ceux de vingt ans et au-dessus, selon leurs charges et selon leurs divisions;

 Both to the genealogy [3187] of the priests [3548] by the house [1004] of their fathers, [0001] and the Levites [3881] from twenty [6242] years [8141] old [1121] and upward, [4605] in their charges [4931] by their courses; [4256]


 À ceux de toute l'assemblée enregistrés avec leurs petits enfants, leurs femmes, leurs fils et leurs filles; car ils se consacraient avec fidélité aux choses saintes.

 And to the genealogy [3187] of all their little ones, [2945] their wives, [0802] and their sons, [1121] and their daughters, [1323] through all the congregation: [6951] for in their set office [0530] they sanctified [6942] themselves in holiness: [6944]


 Et quant aux enfants d'Aaron, les sacrificateurs, qui étaient à la campagne, dans la banlieue de leurs villes, il y avait dans chaque ville des gens désignés par leurs noms, pour distribuer les portions à tous les mâles des sacrificateurs, et à tous les Lévites enregistrés.

 Also of the sons [1121] of Aaron [0175] the priests, [3548] [which were] in the fields [7704] of the suburbs [4054] of their cities, [5892] in every several city, [5892] [5892] the men [0582] that were expressed [5344] by name, [8034] to give [5414] portions [4490] to all the males [2145] among the priests, [3548] and to all that were reckoned by genealogies [3187] among the Levites. [3881]


 Ézéchias en usa ainsi par tout Juda; et il fit ce qui est bon, droit et véritable, devant YEHOVAH son Dieu.

 And thus did [6213] Hezekiah [3169] throughout all Judah, [3063] and wrought [6213] [that which was] good [2896] and right [3477] and truth [0571] before [6440] the LORD [3068] his God. [0430]


 Et, dans tout l'ouvrage qu'il entreprit pour le service de la maison de Dieu, et pour la loi, et pour les commandements, en recherchant son Dieu, il agit de tout son cœur, et il réussit.

 And in every work [4639] that he began [2490] in the service [5656] of the house [1004] of God, [0430] and in the law, [8451] and in the commandments, [4687] to seek [1875] his God, [0430] he did [6213] [it] with all his heart, [3824] and prospered. [6743]


 Après ces choses et ces actes de fidélité, arriva Sanchérib, roi des Assyriens; il entra en Juda, et campa contre les villes fortes, dans l'intention de s'en emparer.

 After [0310] these things, [1697] and the establishment [0571] thereof, Sennacherib [5576] king [4428] of Assyria [0804] came, [0935] and entered [0935] into Judah, [3063] and encamped [2583] against the fenced [1219] cities, [5892] and thought [0559] to win [1234] them for himself.


 Or Ézéchias, voyant que Sanchérib était venu, et qu'il se tournait contre Jérusalem pour lui faire la guerre,

 And when Hezekiah [3169] saw [7200] that Sennacherib [5576] was come, [0935] and that he was purposed [6440] to fight [4421] against Jerusalem, [3389]


 Tint conseil avec ses chefs et ses hommes vaillants pour boucher les sources d'eau qui étaient hors de la ville, et ils l'aidèrent.

 He took counsel [3289] with his princes [8269] and his mighty men [1368] to stop [5640] the waters [4325] of the fountains [5869] which [were] without [2351] the city: [5892] and they did help [5826] him.


 Un peuple nombreux s'assembla donc, et ils bouchèrent toutes les sources et le cours d'eau qui coule par le milieu de la contrée, en disant: Pourquoi les rois des Assyriens trouveraient-ils à leur venue des eaux en abondance?

 So there was gathered much [7227] people [5971] together, [6908] who stopped [5640] all the fountains, [4599] and the brook [5158] that ran [7857] through the midst [8432] of the land, [0776] saying, [0559] Why should the kings [4428] of Assyria [0804] come, [0935] and find [4672] much [7227] water? [4325]


 Il se fortifia et rebâtit toute la muraille où l'on avait fait brèche, et l'éleva jusqu'aux tours; il bâtit une autre muraille en dehors; il fortifia Millo, dans la cité de David, et il fit faire beaucoup de traits et de boucliers.

 Also he strengthened [2388] himself, and built up [1129] all the wall [2346] that was broken, [6555] and raised [it] up [5927] to the towers, [4026] and another [0312] wall [2346] without, [2351] and repaired [2388] Millo [4407] [in] the city [5892] of David, [1732] and made [6213] darts [7973] and shields [4043] in abundance. [7230]


 Il établit des capitaines de guerre sur le peuple, les rassembla auprès de lui sur la place de la porte de la ville, et parla à leur cœur, en disant:

 And he set [5414] captains [8269] of war [4421] over the people, [5971] and gathered them together [6908] to him in the street [7339] of the gate [8179] of the city, [5892] and spake [1696] comfortably [3824] to them, saying, [0559]


 Fortifiez-vous et soyez fermes! Ne craignez point et ne soyez point effrayés devant le roi des Assyriens et devant toute la multitude qui est avec lui; car avec nous il y a plus qu'avec lui.

 Be strong [2388] and courageous, [0553] be not afraid [3372] nor dismayed [2865] for [6440] the king [4428] of Assyria, [0804] nor for [6440] all the multitude [1995] that [is] with him: for [there be] more [7227] with us than with him:


 Avec lui est le bras de la chair, mais avec nous est YEHOVAH, notre Dieu, pour nous aider et pour combattre dans nos combats. Et le peuple eut confiance dans les paroles d'Ézéchias, roi de Juda.

 With him [is] an arm [2220] of flesh; [1320] but with us [is] the LORD [3068] our God [0430] to help [5826] us, and to fight [3898] our battles. [4421] And the people [5971] rested [5564] themselves upon the words [1697] of Hezekiah [3169] king [4428] of Judah. [3063]


 Après cela, Sanchérib, roi d'Assyrie, pendant qu'il était devant Lakis, ayant avec lui toutes ses forces, envoya ses serviteurs à Jérusalem vers Ézéchias, roi de Juda, et vers tous ceux de Juda qui étaient à Jérusalem, pour leur dire:

 After [0310] this did Sennacherib [5576] king [4428] of Assyria [0804] send [7971] his servants [5650] to Jerusalem, [3389] (but he [himself laid siege] against Lachish, [3923] and all his power [4475] with him,) unto Hezekiah [3169] king [4428] of Judah, [3063] and unto all Judah [3063] that [were] at Jerusalem, [3389] saying, [0559]


 Ainsi dit Sanchérib, roi des Assyriens: En quoi vous confiez-vous, que vous restiez à Jérusalem dans la détresse

 Thus saith [0559] Sennacherib [5576] king [4428] of Assyria, [0804] Whereon do ye trust, [0982] that ye abide [3427] in the siege [4692] in Jerusalem? [3389]


 Ézéchias ne vous induit-il pas à vous livrer à la mort, par la famine et par la soif, en vous disant: YEHOVAH, notre Dieu, nous délivrera de la main du roi des Assyriens?

 Doth not Hezekiah [3169] persuade [5496] you to give [5414] over yourselves to die [4191] by famine [7458] and by thirst, [6772] saying, [0559] The LORD [3068] our God [0430] shall deliver [5337] us out of the hand [3709] of the king [4428] of Assyria? [0804]


 N'est-ce pas lui, Ézéchias, qui a aboli ses hauts lieux et ses autels, et qui a fait ce commandement à Juda et à Jérusalem, en disant: Vous vous prosternerez devant un seul autel, et vous y ferez fumer le parfum?

 Hath not the same Hezekiah [3169] taken away [5493] his high places [1116] and his altars, [4196] and commanded [0559] Judah [3063] and Jerusalem, [3389] saying, [0559] Ye shall worship [7812] before [6440] one [0259] altar, [4196] and burn incense [6999] upon it?


 Ne savez-vous pas ce que nous avons fait, moi et mes pères, à tous les peuples des autres pays? Les dieux des nations de ces pays ont-ils pu délivrer leur pays de ma main?

 Know [3045] ye not what I and my fathers [0001] have done [6213] unto all the people [5971] of [other] lands? [0776] were the gods [0430] of the nations [1471] of those lands [0776] any ways [3201] able [3201] to deliver [5337] their lands [0776] out of mine hand? [3027]


 Quel est celui de tous les dieux de ces nations, que mes pères ont entièrement détruites, qui ait pu délivrer son peuple de ma main, pour que votre Dieu puisse vous délivrer de ma main?

 Who [was there] among all the gods [0430] of those nations [1471] that my fathers [0001] utterly destroyed, [2763] that could [3201] deliver [5337] his people [5971] out of mine hand, [3027] that your God [0430] should be able [3201] to deliver [5337] you out of mine hand? [3027]


 Maintenant donc qu'Ézéchias ne vous abuse point, et qu'il ne vous incite plus de cette manière, et ne le croyez pas; car aucun dieu d'aucune nation ni d'aucun royaume n'a pu délivrer son peuple de ma main, ni de la main de mes pères; combien moins votre Dieu vous délivrerait-il de ma main?

 Now therefore let not [0408] Hezekiah [2396] deceive [5377] you, nor [0408] persuade [5496] you on this manner, neither [0408] yet believe [0539] him: for no [3808] god [0433] of any nation [1471] or kingdom [4467] was able [3201] to deliver [5337] his people [5971] out of mine hand, [3027] and out of the hand [3027] of my fathers: [0001] how much less [3808] shall your God [0430] deliver [5337] you out of mine hand? [3027]


 Et ses serviteurs parlèrent encore contre YEHOVAH Dieu, et contre Ézéchias, son serviteur.

 And his servants [5650] spake [1696] yet [more] against the LORD [3068] God, [0430] and against his servant [5650] Hezekiah. [3169]


 Il écrivit aussi des lettres pour insulter YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël, en parlant ainsi contre lui: Comme les dieux des nations des autres pays n'ont pu délivrer leur peuple de ma main, ainsi le Dieu d'Ézéchias ne pourra délivrer son peuple de ma main.

 He wrote [3789] also letters [5612] to rail [2778] on the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] and to speak [0559] against him, saying, [0559] As the gods [0430] of the nations [1471] of [other] lands [0776] have not delivered [5337] their people [5971] out of mine hand, [3027] so shall not the God [0430] of Hezekiah [3169] deliver [5337] his people [5971] out of mine hand. [3027]


 Et ses serviteurs crièrent à haute voix en langue judaïque, au peuple de Jérusalem qui était sur la muraille, pour les effrayer et les épouvanter, afin de prendre la ville.

 Then they cried [7121] with a loud [1419] voice [6963] in the Jews' speech [3066] unto the people [5971] of Jerusalem [3389] that [were] on the wall, [2346] to affright [3372] them, and to trouble [0926] them; that they might take [3920] the city. [5892]


 Ils parlèrent du Dieu de Jérusalem comme des dieux des peuples de la terre, ouvrage de mains d'hommes.

 And they spake [1696] against the God [0430] of Jerusalem, [3389] as against [5921] the gods [0430] of the people [5971] of the earth, [0776] [which were] the work [4639] of the hands [3027] of man. [0120]


 Alors le roi Ézéchias, et Ésaïe, le prophète, fils d'Amots, prièrent à ce sujet et crièrent vers les cieux.

 And for this [cause] Hezekiah [3169] the king, [4428] and the prophet [5030] Isaiah [3470] the son [1121] of Amoz, [0531] prayed [6419] and cried [2199] to heaven. [8064]


 Et YEHOVAH envoya un ange, qui extermina tous les vaillants hommes, les princes et les chefs dans le camp du roi d'Assyrie, en sorte qu'il s'en retourna confus en son pays. Et, comme il était entré dans la maison de son dieu, ceux qui étaient sortis de ces entrailles, le firent tomber là par l'épée.

 And the LORD [3068] sent [7971] an angel, [4397] which cut off [3582] all the mighty men [1368] of valour, [2428] and the leaders [5057] and captains [8269] in the camp [4264] of the king [4428] of Assyria. [0804] So he returned [7725] with shame [1322] of face [6440] to his own land. [0776] And when he was come [0935] into the house [1004] of his god, [0430] they that came forth [3329] of his own bowels [4578] slew [5307] him there with the sword. [2719]


 Ainsi YEHOVAH sauva Ézéchias et les habitants de Jérusalem de la main de Sanchérib, roi d'Assyrie, et de la main de tous, et il les protégea de tous côtés.

 Thus the LORD [3068] saved [3467] Hezekiah [3169] and the inhabitants [3427] of Jerusalem [3389] from the hand [3027] of Sennacherib [5576] the king [4428] of Assyria, [0804] and from the hand [3027] of all [other], and guided [5095] them on every side. [5439]


 Puis beaucoup de gens apportèrent des offrandes à YEHOVAH, à Jérusalem, et des choses précieuses à Ézéchias, roi de Juda, qui après cela fut élevé aux yeux de toutes les nations.

 And many [7227] brought [0935] gifts [4503] unto the LORD [3068] to Jerusalem, [3389] and presents [4030] to Hezekiah [3169] king [4428] of Judah: [3063] so that he was magnified [5375] in the sight [5869] of all nations [1471] from thenceforth. [0310]


 En ces jours-là, Ézéchias fut malade à la mort, et pria YEHOVAH, qui l'exauça et lui accorda un prodige.

 In those days [3117] Hezekiah [3169] was sick [2470] to the death, [4191] and prayed [6419] unto the LORD: [3068] and he spake [0559] unto him, and he gave [5414] him a sign. [4159]


 Mais Ézéchias ne fut pas reconnaissant du bienfait qu'il avait reçu; car son cœur s'éleva, et il y eut de l'indignation contre lui, et contre Juda et Jérusalem.

 But Hezekiah [3169] rendered not again [7725] according to the benefit [1576] [done] unto him; for his heart [3820] was lifted up: [1361] therefore there was wrath [7110] upon him, and upon Judah [3063] and Jerusalem. [3389]


 Mais Ézéchias s'humilia de l'élévation de son cœur, lui et les habitants de Jérusalem, et l'indignation de YEHOVAH ne vint pas sur eux pendant la vie d'Ézéchias.

 Notwithstanding Hezekiah [3169] humbled [3665] himself for the pride [1363] of his heart, [3820] [both] he and the inhabitants [3427] of Jerusalem, [3389] so that the wrath [7110] of the LORD [3068] came [0935] not upon them in the days [3117] of Hezekiah. [3169]


 Et Ézéchias eut beaucoup de richesses et d'honneurs, et il se fit des trésors d'argent, d'or, de pierres précieuses, d'aromates, de boucliers, et de toutes sortes d'objets désirables;

 And Hezekiah [3169] had exceeding [3966] much [7235] riches [6239] and honour: [3519] and he made [6213] himself treasuries [0214] for silver, [3701] and for gold, [2091] and for precious [3368] stones, [0068] and for spices, [1314] and for shields, [4043] and for all manner of pleasant [2532] jewels; [3627]


 Des magasins pour les produits en blé, en moût et en huile, des étables pour toute sorte de bétail, et des troupeaux pour les étables.

 Storehouses [4543] also for the increase [8393] of corn, [1715] and wine, [8492] and oil; [3323] and stalls [0723] for all manner of beasts, [0929] [0929] and cotes [0220] for flocks. [5739]


 Il se bâtit des villes, et il eut en abondance des troupeaux de gros et de menu bétail; car Dieu lui avait donné de fort grandes richesses.

 Moreover he provided [6213] him cities, [5892] and possessions [4735] of flocks [6629] and herds [1241] in abundance: [7230] for God [0430] had given [5414] him substance [7399] very [3966] much. [7227]


 Ce fut lui, Ézéchias, qui boucha l'issue supérieure des eaux de Guihon, et les conduisit droit en bas, vers l'occident de la cité de David. Ainsi Ézéchias réussit dans tout ce qu'il fit.

 This same Hezekiah [3169] also stopped [5640] the upper [5945] watercourse [4161] [4325] of Gihon, [1521] and brought it straight [3474] down [4295] to the west side [4628] of the city [5892] of David. [1732] And Hezekiah [3169] prospered [6743] in all his works. [4639]


 Toutefois, lorsque les chefs de Babylone envoyèrent des messagers vers lui pour s'informer du prodige qui était arrivé dans le pays, Dieu l'abandonna pour l'éprouver, afin de connaître tout ce qui était dans son cœur.

 Howbeit [3651] in [the business of] the ambassadors [3887] of the princes [8269] of Babylon, [0894] who sent [7971] unto him to enquire [1875] of the wonder [4159] that was [done] in the land, [0776] God [0430] left [5800] him, to try [5254] him, that he might know [3045] all [that was] in his heart. [3824]


 Quant au reste des actions d'Ézéchias, et à ses œuvres de piété, voici, cela est écrit dans la vision d'Ésaïe, le prophète, fils d'Amots, dans le livre des rois de Juda et d'Israël.

 Now the rest [3499] of the acts [1697] of Hezekiah, [3169] and his goodness, [2617] behold, they [are] written [3789] in the vision [2377] of Isaiah [3470] the prophet, [5030] the son [1121] of Amoz, [0531] [and] in the book [5612] of the kings [4428] of Judah [3063] and Israel. [3478]


 Puis Ézéchias s'endormit avec ses pères, et on l'ensevelit au plus haut des tombeaux des fils de David; tout Juda et les habitants de Jérusalem lui rendirent honneur à sa mort; et Manassé, son fils, régna à sa place.

 And Hezekiah [3169] slept [7901] with his fathers, [0001] and they buried [6912] him in the chiefest [4608] of the sepulchres [6913] of the sons [1121] of David: [1732] and all Judah [3063] and the inhabitants [3427] of Jerusalem [3389] did [6213] him honour [3519] at his death. [4194] And Manasseh [4519] his son [1121] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 Manassé était âgé de douze ans quand il devint roi, et il régna cinquante-cinq ans à Jérusalem.

 Manasseh [4519] [was] twelve [8147] [6240] years [8141] old [1121] when he began to reign, [4427] and he reigned [4427] fifty [2572] and five [2568] years [8141] in Jerusalem: [3389]


 Il fit ce qui est mauvais aux yeux de YEHOVAH, selon les abominations des nations que YEHOVAH avait chassées devant les enfants d'Israël.

 But did [6213] [that which was] evil [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD, [3068] like unto the abominations [8441] of the heathen, [1471] whom the LORD [3068] had cast out [3423] before [6440] the children [1121] of Israel. [3478]


 Il rebâtit les hauts lieux qu'Ézéchias, son père, avait démolis, il éleva des autels aux Baals, il fit des emblèmes d'Ashéra, et se prosterna devant toute l'armée des cieux et la servit.

 For he built [1129] again [7725] the high places [1116] which Hezekiah [3169] his father [0001] had broken down, [5422] and he reared up [6965] altars [4196] for Baalim, [1168] and made [6213] groves, [0842] and worshipped [7812] all the host [6635] of heaven, [8064] and served [5647] them.


 Il bâtit aussi des autels dans la maison de YEHOVAH, de laquelle YEHOVAH avait dit: Mon nom sera dans Jérusalem à jamais.

 Also he built [1129] altars [4196] in the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] whereof the LORD [3068] had said, [0559] In Jerusalem [3389] shall my name [8034] be for ever. [5769]


 Il bâtit des autels à toute l'armée des cieux, dans les deux parvis de la maison de YEHOVAH.

 And he built [1129] altars [4196] for all the host [6635] of heaven [8064] in the two [8147] courts [2691] of the house [1004] of the LORD. [3068]


 Il fit passer ses fils par le feu dans la vallée du fils de Hinnom; il pratiquait la magie, les sorcelleries et les augures; il établit des nécromanciens et des devins. Il fit de plus en plus ce qui est mauvais aux yeux de YEHOVAH, pour l'irriter.

 And he caused his children [1121] to pass [5674] through the fire [0784] in the valley [1516] of the son [1121] of Hinnom: [2011] also he observed times, [6049] and used enchantments, [5172] and used witchcraft, [3784] and dealt [6213] with a familiar spirit, [0178] and with wizards: [3049] he wrought [6213] much [7235] evil [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD, [3068] to provoke him to anger. [3707]


 Il plaça une image taillée, une idole qu'il avait faite, dans la maison de Dieu, de laquelle Dieu avait dit à David et à Salomon, son fils: Je mettrai à perpétuité mon nom dans cette maison et dans Jérusalem, que j'ai choisie entre toutes les tribus d'Israël;

 And he set [7760] a carved image, [6459] the idol [5566] which he had made, [6213] in the house [1004] of God, [0430] of which God [0430] had said [0559] to David [1732] and to Solomon [8010] his son, [1121] In this house, [1004] and in Jerusalem, [3389] which I have chosen [0977] before all the tribes [7626] of Israel, [3478] will I put [7760] my name [8034] for ever: [5865]


 Et je ne ferai plus sortir Israël de la terre que j'ai assignée à leurs pères, pourvu seulement qu'ils prennent garde à faire tout ce que je leur ai commandé, selon toute la loi, les préceptes et les ordonnances prescrites par Moïse.

 Neither will I any more [3254] remove [5493] the foot [7272] of Israel [3478] from out [5921] of the land [0127] which I have appointed [5975] for your fathers; [0001] so that [0518] they will take heed [8104] to do [6213] all that I have commanded [6680] them, according to the whole law [8451] and the statutes [2706] and the ordinances [4941] by the hand [3027] of Moses. [4872]


 Manassé fit donc que Juda et les habitants de Jérusalem s'égarèrent, jusqu'à faire pis que les nations que YEHOVAH avait exterminées devant les enfants d'Israël.

 So Manasseh [4519] made Judah [3063] and the inhabitants [3427] of Jerusalem [3389] to err, [8582] [and] to do [6213] worse [7451] than the heathen, [1471] whom the LORD [3068] had destroyed [8045] before [6440] the children [1121] of Israel. [3478]


 Et YEHOVAH parla à Manassé et à son peuple; mais ils n'y voulurent point entendre.

 And the LORD [3068] spake [1696] to Manasseh, [4519] and to his people: [5971] but they would not hearken. [7181]


 Alors YEHOVAH fit venir contre eux les chefs de l'armée du roi des Assyriens, qui mirent Manassé dans les fers; ils le lièrent d'une double chaîne d'airain, et l'emmenèrent à Babylone.

 Wherefore the LORD [3068] brought [0935] upon them the captains [8269] of the host of [6635] the king [4428] of Assyria, [0804] which took [3920] Manasseh [4519] among the thorns, [2336] and bound [0631] him with fetters, [5178] and carried [3212] him to Babylon. [0894]


 Et lorsqu'il fut dans l'angoisse, il implora YEHOVAH, son Dieu, et il s'humilia fort devant le Dieu de ses pères.

 And when he was in affliction, [6887] he besought [2470] [6440] the LORD [3068] his God, [0430] and humbled [3665] himself greatly [3966] before [6440] the God [0430] of his fathers, [0001]


 Il lui adressa ses supplications, et Dieu fut fléchi par sa prière, et exauça sa supplication; et il le fit retourner à Jérusalem, dans son royaume; et Manassé reconnut que c'est YEHOVAH qui est Dieu.

 And prayed [6419] unto him: and he was intreated [6279] of him, and heard [8085] his supplication, [8467] and brought him again [7725] to Jerusalem [3389] into his kingdom. [4438] Then Manasseh [4519] knew [3045] that the LORD [3068] he [was] God. [0430]


 Après cela, il bâtit une muraille extérieure à la cité de David, à l'occident, vers Guihon, dans la vallée, jusqu'à l'entrée de la porte des Poissons; il en entoura Ophel, et lui donna une grande hauteur; il établit aussi des chefs d'armée dans toutes les villes fortes de Juda.

 Now after [0310] this he built [1129] a wall [2346] without [2435] the city [5892] of David, [1732] on the west side [4628] of Gihon, [1521] in the valley, [5158] even to the entering in [0935] at the fish [1709] gate, [8179] and compassed [5437] about Ophel, [6077] [6076] and raised it up a very [3966] great height, [1361] and put [7760] captains [8269] of war [2428] in all the fenced [1219] cities [5892] of Judah. [3063]


 Il ôta de la maison de YEHOVAH les dieux des étrangers, et l'idole, et tous les autels, qu'il avait bâtis sur la montagne de la maison de YEHOVAH et à Jérusalem; et il les jeta hors de la ville.

 And he took away [5493] the strange [5236] gods, [0430] and the idol [5566] out of the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and all the altars [4196] that he had built [1129] in the mount [2022] of the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and in Jerusalem, [3389] and cast [7993] [them] out [2351] of the city. [5892]


 Puis il rebâtit l'autel de YEHOVAH et y offrit des sacrifices de prospérités et de louanges; et il ordonna à Juda de servir YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël.

 And he repaired [1129] the altar [4196] of the LORD, [3068] and sacrificed [2076] thereon peace [8002] offerings [2077] and thank offerings, [8426] and commanded [0559] Judah [3063] to serve [5647] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel. [3478]


 Toutefois le peuple sacrifiait encore dans les hauts lieux, mais seulement à YEHOVAH, son Dieu.

 Nevertheless [0061] the people [5971] did sacrifice [2076] still in the high places, [1116] [yet] unto the LORD [3068] their God [0430] only.


 Le reste des actions de Manassé, sa prière à son Dieu, et les paroles des Voyants qui lui parlaient au nom de YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël, voici, cela est écrit dans les actes des rois d'Israël.

 Now the rest [3499] of the acts [1697] of Manasseh, [4519] and his prayer [8605] unto his God, [0430] and the words [1697] of the seers [2374] that spake [1696] to him in the name [8034] of the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] behold, they [are written] in the book [1697] of the kings [4428] of Israel. [3478]


 Sa prière, et comment Dieu fut fléchi, tout son péché et son infidélité, les places dans lesquelles il bâtit des hauts lieux, et dressa des emblèmes d'Ashéra et des images taillées, avant qu'il s'humiliât, voici cela est écrit dans les paroles des Voyants.

 His prayer [8605] also, and [how God] was intreated [6279] of him, and all his sin, [2403] and his trespass, [4604] and the places [4725] wherein he built [1129] high places, [1116] and set up [5975] groves [0842] and graven images, [6456] before [6440] he was humbled: [3665] behold, they [are] written [3789] among the sayings [1697] of the seers. [2374] [2335]


 Puis Manassé s'endormit avec ses pères, et on l'ensevelit dans sa maison; et Amon, son fils, régna à sa place.

 So Manasseh [4519] slept [7901] with his fathers, [0001] and they buried [6912] him in his own house: [1004] and Amon [0526] his son [1121] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 Amon était âgé de vingt-deux ans quand il devint roi, et il régna deux ans à Jérusalem.

 Amon [0526] [was] two [8147] and twenty [6242] years [8141] old [1121] when he began to reign, [4427] and reigned [4427] two [8147] years [8141] in Jerusalem. [3389]


 Il fit ce qui est mauvais aux yeux de YEHOVAH, comme avait fait Manassé, son père; il sacrifia à toutes les images taillées que Manassé, son père, avait faites, et il les servit.

 But he did [6213] [that which was] evil [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD, [3068] as did [6213] Manasseh [4519] his father: [0001] for Amon [0526] sacrificed [2076] unto all the carved images [6456] which Manasseh [4519] his father [0001] had made, [6213] and served [5647] them;


 Mais il ne s'humilia point devant YEHOVAH, comme Manassé, son père, s'était humilié, car lui, Amon, se rendit coupable de plus en plus.

 And humbled [3665] not himself before [6440] the LORD, [3068] as Manasseh [4519] his father [0001] had humbled [3665] himself; but Amon [0526] trespassed [0819] more and more. [7235]


 Et ses serviteurs conspirèrent contre lui, et le firent mourir dans sa maison.

 And his servants [5650] conspired [7194] against him, and slew [4191] him in his own house. [1004]


 Mais le peuple du pays frappa tous ceux qui avaient conspiré contre le roi Amon; et le peuple du pays établit pour roi, à sa place, Josias, son fils.

 But the people [5971] of the land [0776] slew [5221] all them that had conspired [7194] against king [4428] Amon; [0526] and the people [5971] of the land [0776] made Josiah [2977] his son [1121] king [4427] in his stead.


 Josias était âgé de huit ans quand il devint roi, et il régna trente et un ans à Jérusalem.

 Josiah [2977] [was] eight [8083] years [8141] old [1121] when he began to reign, [4427] and he reigned [4427] in Jerusalem [3389] one [0259] and thirty [7970] years. [8141]


 Il fit ce qui est droit aux yeux de YEHOVAH; il marcha sur les traces de David, son père; il ne s'en détourna ni à droite ni à gauche.

 And he did [6213] [that which was] right [3477] in the sight [5869] of the LORD, [3068] and walked [3212] in the ways [1870] of David [1732] his father, [0001] and declined [5493] [neither] to the right hand, [3225] nor to the left. [8040]


 La huitième année de son règne, comme il était encore jeune, il commença à rechercher le Dieu de David, son père; et la douzième année, il commença à purifier Juda et Jérusalem des hauts lieux, des emblèmes d'Ashéra, et des images taillées, et des images de fonte.

 For in the eighth [8083] year [8141] of his reign, [4427] while he was yet young, [5288] he began [2490] to seek [1875] after the God [0430] of David [1732] his father: [0001] and in the twelfth [8147] [6240] year [8141] he began [2490] to purge [2891] Judah [3063] and Jerusalem [3389] from the high places, [1116] and the groves, [0842] and the carved images, [6456] and the molten images. [4541]


 On détruisit en sa présence les autels des Baals, et il abattit les colonnes solaires qui étaient dessus. Il brisa les emblèmes d'Ashéra, les images taillées et les images de fonte; et les ayant réduites en poudre, il la répandit sur les tombeaux de ceux qui leur avaient sacrifié.

 And they brake down [5422] the altars [4196] of Baalim [1168] in his presence; [6440] and the images, [2553] that [were] on high above them, [4605] he cut down; [1438] and the groves, [0842] and the carved images, [6456] and the molten images, [4541] he brake in pieces, [7665] and made dust [1854] [of them], and strowed [2236] [it] upon [6440] the graves [6913] of them that had sacrificed [2076] unto them.


 Puis il brûla les os des sacrificateurs sur leurs autels, et il purifia Juda et Jérusalem.

 And he burnt [8313] the bones [6106] of the priests [3548] upon their altars, [4196] and cleansed [2891] Judah [3063] and Jerusalem. [3389]


 Dans les villes de Manassé, d'Éphraïm et de Siméon, et jusqu'à Nephthali, dans leurs ruines, partout,

 And [so did he] in the cities [5892] of Manasseh, [4519] and Ephraim, [0669] and Simeon, [8095] even unto Naphtali, [5321] with their mattocks [2719] round about. [5439]


 Il démolit les autels, et mit en pièces les emblèmes d'Ashéra et les images taillées, et les réduisit en poussière; et il abattit toutes les colonnes solaires dans tout le pays d'Israël. Puis il revint à Jérusalem.

 And when he had broken down [5422] the altars [4196] and the groves, [0842] and had beaten [3807] the graven images [6456] into powder, [1854] and cut down [1438] all the idols [2553] throughout all the land [0776] of Israel, [3478] he returned [7725] to Jerusalem. [3389]


 Et la dix-huitième année de son règne, après qu'il eut purifié le pays et le temple, il envoya Shaphan, fils d'Atsalia, et Maaséja, capitaine de la ville, et Joach, fils de Joachaz, l'archiviste, pour réparer la maison de YEHOVAH, son Dieu.

 Now in the eighteenth [8083] [6240] year [8141] of his reign, [4427] when he had purged [2891] the land, [0776] and the house, [1004] he sent [7971] Shaphan [8227] the son [1121] of Azaliah, [0683] and Maaseiah [4641] the governor [8269] of the city, [5892] and Joah [3098] the son [1121] of Joahaz [3099] the recorder, [2142] to repair [2388] the house [1004] of the LORD [3068] his God. [0430]


 Et ils vinrent vers Hilkija, le grand sacrificateur; et on livra l'argent qui avait été apporté dans la maison de Dieu et que les Lévites, gardiens du seuil, avaient recueilli de Manassé, et d'Éphraïm, et de tout le reste d'Israël, et de tout Juda, et de Benjamin, et des habitants de Jérusalem.

 And when they came [0935] to Hilkiah [2518] the high [1419] priest, [3548] they delivered [5414] the money [3701] that was brought into [0935] the house [1004] of God, [0430] which the Levites [3881] that kept [8104] the doors [5592] had gathered [0622] of the hand [3027] of Manasseh [4519] and Ephraim, [0669] and of all the remnant [7611] of Israel, [3478] and of all Judah [3063] and Benjamin; [1144] and they returned [7725] to Jerusalem. [3389]


 On le remit entre les mains de ceux qui avaient la charge de l'ouvrage, qui étaient préposés sur la maison de YEHOVAH; et ceux qui avaient la charge de l'ouvrage, qui travaillaient dans la maison de YEHOVAH, le distribuèrent pour la réparer et la restaurer.

 And they put [5414] [it] in the hand [3027] of the workmen [6213] [4399] that had the oversight [6485] of the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and they gave [5414] it to the workmen [6213] [4399] that wrought [6213] in the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] to repair [0918] and amend [2388] the house: [1004]


 Ils le remirent aux charpentiers et aux maçons, pour acheter des pierres de taille et du bois pour les assemblages et pour la charpente des maisons que les rois de Juda avaient détruites.

 Even to the artificers [2796] and builders [1129] gave [5414] they [it], to buy [7069] hewn [4274] stone, [0068] and timber [6086] for couplings, [4226] and to floor [7136] the houses [1004] which the kings [4428] of Judah [3063] had destroyed. [7843]


 Et ces hommes s'employaient fidèlement au travail. Jachath et Obadia, Lévites d'entre les enfants de Mérari, étaient préposés sur eux, et Zacharie et Méshullam, d'entre les enfants des Kéhathites, pour les diriger; et ces Lévites étaient tous habiles dans les instruments de musique.

 And the men [0582] did [6213] the work [4399] faithfully: [0530] and the overseers [6485] of them [were] Jahath [3189] and Obadiah, [5662] the Levites, [3881] of the sons [1121] of Merari; [4847] and Zechariah [2148] and Meshullam, [4918] of the sons [1121] of the Kohathites, [6956] to set [it] forward; [5329] and [other of] the Levites, [3881] all that could skill [0995] of instruments [3627] of musick. [7892]


 Ils surveillaient ceux qui portaient les fardeaux, et dirigeaient tous ceux qui faisaient l'ouvrage, dans chaque genre de service; il y avait des scribes, des commissaires et des portiers, d'entre les Lévites.

 Also [they were] over the bearers of burdens, [5449] and [were] overseers [5329] of all that wrought [6213] the work [4399] in any manner of service: [5656] [5656] and of the Levites [3881] [there were] scribes, [5608] and officers, [7860] and porters. [7778]


 Or, comme on retirait l'argent qui avait été apporté dans la maison de YEHOVAH, Hilkija, le sacrificateur, trouva le livre de la loi de YEHOVAH, donné par Moïse.

 And when they brought out [3318] the money [3701] that was brought into [0935] the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] Hilkiah [2518] the priest [3548] found [4672] a book [5612] of the law [8451] of the LORD [3068] [given] by [3027] Moses. [4872]


 Alors Hilkija, prenant la parole, dit à Shaphan, le secrétaire: J'ai trouvé le livre de la loi dans la maison de YEHOVAH. Et Hilkija donna le livre à Shaphan.

 And Hilkiah [2518] answered [6030] and said [0559] to Shaphan [8227] the scribe, [5608] I have found [4672] the book [5612] of the law [8451] in the house [1004] of the LORD. [3068] And Hilkiah [2518] delivered [5414] the book [5612] to Shaphan. [8227]


 Et Shaphan apporta le livre au roi, et rendit compte au roi, en disant: Tes serviteurs font tout ce qu'on leur a donné à faire.

 And Shaphan [8227] carried [0935] the book [5612] to the king, [4428] and brought the king [4428] word [1697] back again, [7725] saying, [0559] All that was committed [5414] to [3027] thy servants, [5650] they do [6213] [it].


 Ils ont versé l'argent qui a été trouvé dans la maison de YEHOVAH, et l'ont remis entre les mains des commissaires, et entre les mains de ceux qui ont la charge de l'ouvrage.

 And they have gathered together [5413] the money [3701] that was found [4672] in the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and have delivered [5414] it into the hand [3027] of the overseers, [6485] and to the hand [3027] of the workmen. [6213] [4399]


 Shaphan, le secrétaire, dit aussi au roi: Hilkija, le sacrificateur, m'a donné un livre; et Shaphan y lut devant le roi.

 Then Shaphan [8227] the scribe [5608] told [5046] the king, [4428] saying, [0559] Hilkiah [2518] the priest [3548] hath given [5414] me a book. [5612] And Shaphan [8227] read [7121] it before [6440] the king. [4428]


 Or il arriva, dès que le roi eut entendu les paroles de la loi, qu'il déchira ses vêtements;

 And it came to pass, when the king [4428] had heard [8085] the words [1697] of the law, [8451] that he rent [7167] his clothes. [0899]


 Et il donna cet ordre à Hilkija, à Achikam, fils de Shaphan, à Abdon, fils de Mica, à Shaphan, le secrétaire, et à Asaja, serviteur du roi, en disant:

 And the king [4428] commanded [6680] Hilkiah, [2518] and Ahikam [0296] the son [1121] of Shaphan, [8227] and Abdon [5658] the son [1121] of Micah, [4318] and Shaphan [8227] the scribe, [5608] and Asaiah [6222] a servant [5650] of the king's, [4428] saying, [0559]


 Allez, consultez YEHOVAH pour moi et pour ce qui reste en Israël et en Juda, touchant les paroles du livre qui a été trouvé; car la colère de YEHOVAH qui s'est répandue sur nous, est grande, parce que nos pères n'ont point gardé la Parole de YEHOVAH, pour faire selon tout ce qui est écrit dans ce livre.

 Go, [3212] enquire [1875] of the LORD [3068] for me, and for them that are left [7604] in Israel [3478] and in Judah, [3063] concerning the words [1697] of the book [5612] that is found: [4672] for great [1419] [is] the wrath [2534] of the LORD [3068] that is poured out [5413] upon us, because our fathers [0001] have not kept [8104] the word [1697] of the LORD, [3068] to do [6213] after all that is written [3789] in this book. [5612]


 Hilkija et ceux que le roi avait désignés allèrent vers Hulda, la prophétesse, femme de Shallum, fils de Tokhath, fils de Hasra, gardien des vêtements. Elle habitait à Jérusalem, dans le second quartier; et ils lui parlèrent dans ce sens.

 And Hilkiah, [2518] and [they] that the king [4428] [had appointed], went [3212] to Huldah [2468] the prophetess, [5031] the wife [0802] of Shallum [7967] the son [1121] of Tikvath, [8616] [8445] the son [1121] of Hasrah, [2641] keeper [8104] of the wardrobe; [0899] (now she dwelt [3427] in Jerusalem [3389] in the college:) [4932] and they spake [1696] to her to that [effect].


 Et elle leur répondit: Ainsi a dit YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël: Dites à l'homme qui vous a envoyés vers moi:

 And she answered [0559] them, Thus saith [0559] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] Tell [0559] ye the man [0376] that sent [7971] you to me,


 Ainsi a dit YEHOVAH: Voici, je vais faire venir du mal sur ce lieu et sur ses habitants, toutes les malédictions qui sont écrites dans le livre qu'on a lu devant le roi de Juda.

 Thus saith [0559] the LORD, [3068] Behold, I will bring [0935] evil [7451] upon this place, [4725] and upon the inhabitants [3427] thereof, [even] all the curses [0423] that are written [3789] in the book [5612] which they have read [7121] before [6440] the king [4428] of Judah: [3063]


 Parce qu'ils m'ont abandonné, et qu'ils ont fait des encensements à d'autres dieux, pour m'irriter par toutes les œuvres de leurs mains, ma colère s'est répandue sur ce lieu, et elle ne sera point éteinte.

 Because they have forsaken [5800] me, and have burned incense [6999] unto other [0312] gods, [0430] that they might provoke me to anger [3707] with all the works [4639] of their hands; [3027] therefore my wrath [2534] shall be poured out [5413] upon this place, [4725] and shall not be quenched. [3518]


 Mais quant au roi de Juda, qui vous a envoyés pour consulter YEHOVAH, vous lui direz: Ainsi a dit YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël, quant aux paroles que tu as entendues:

 And as for [0413] the king [4428] of Judah, [3063] who sent [7971] you to enquire [1875] of the LORD, [3068] so shall ye say [0559] unto him, Thus saith [0559] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel [3478] [concerning] the words [1697] which thou hast heard; [8085]


 Parce que ton cœur a été touché, et que tu t'es humilié devant Dieu, quand tu as entendu ses paroles contre ce lieu et contre ses habitants; parce que tu t'es humilié devant moi, et que tu as déchiré tes vêtements, et que tu as pleuré devant moi, moi aussi, j'ai entendu, dit YEHOVAH.

 Because thine heart [3824] was tender, [7401] and thou didst humble [3665] thyself before [6440] God, [0430] when thou heardest [8085] his words [1697] against this place, [4725] and against the inhabitants [3427] thereof, and humbledst [3665] thyself before [6440] me, and didst rend [7167] thy clothes, [0899] and weep [1058] before [6440] me; I have even heard [8085] [thee] also, saith [5002] the LORD. [3068]


 Voici, je vais te recueillir avec tes pères, et tu seras recueilli en paix dans tes tombeaux, et tes yeux ne verront point tout le mal que je vais faire venir sur ce lieu et sur ses habitants. Et ils rapportèrent au roi cette parole.

 Behold, I will gather [0622] thee to thy fathers, [0001] and thou shalt be gathered [0622] to thy grave [6913] in peace, [7965] neither shall thine eyes [5869] see [7200] all the evil [7451] that I will bring [0935] upon this place, [4725] and upon the inhabitants [3427] of the same. So they brought the king [4428] word [1697] again. [7725]


 Alors le roi envoya assembler tous les anciens de Juda et de Jérusalem.

 Then the king [4428] sent [7971] and gathered [0622] together all the elders [2205] of Judah [3063] and Jerusalem. [3389]


 Et le roi monta à la maison de YEHOVAH avec tous les hommes de Juda, et les habitants de Jérusalem, les sacrificateurs et les Lévites, et tout le peuple, depuis le plus grand jusqu'au plus petit; et on lut devant eux toutes les paroles du livre de l'alliance, qui avait été trouvé dans la maison de YEHOVAH.

 And the king [4428] went up [5927] into the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and all the men [0376] of Judah, [3063] and the inhabitants [3427] of Jerusalem, [3389] and the priests, [3548] and the Levites, [3881] and all the people, [5971] great [1419] and small: [6996] and he read [7121] in their ears [0241] all the words [1697] of the book [5612] of the covenant [1285] that was found [4672] in the house [1004] of the LORD. [3068]


 Et le roi se tint debout à sa place; et il traita alliance devant YEHOVAH, promettant de suivre YEHOVAH et de garder ses commandements, ses témoignages et ses lois, de tout son cœur et de toute son âme, en pratiquant les paroles de l'alliance écrites dans ce livre.

 And the king [4428] stood [5975] in his place, [5977] and made [3772] a covenant [1285] before [6440] the LORD, [3068] to walk [3212] after [0310] the LORD, [3068] and to keep [8104] his commandments, [4687] and his testimonies, [5715] and his statutes, [2706] with all his heart, [3824] and with all his soul, [5315] to perform [6213] the words [1697] of the covenant [1285] which are written [3789] in this book. [5612]


 Et il y fit adhérer tous ceux qui se trouvaient à Jérusalem et en Benjamin; et les habitants de Jérusalem firent selon l'alliance de Dieu, le Dieu de leurs pères.

 And he caused all that were present [4672] in Jerusalem [3389] and Benjamin [1144] to stand [5975] [to it]. And the inhabitants [3427] of Jerusalem [3389] did [6213] according to the covenant [1285] of God, [0430] the God [0430] of their fathers. [0001]


 Josias ôta donc, de tous les pays appartenant aux enfants d'Israël, toutes les abominations; et il obligea tous ceux qui se trouvaient en Israël à servir YEHOVAH leur Dieu. Pendant toute sa vie, ils ne se détournèrent point de YEHOVAH, le Dieu de leurs pères.

 And Josiah [2977] took away [5493] all the abominations [8441] out of all the countries [0776] that [pertained] to the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] and made all that were present [4672] in Israel [3478] to serve, [5647] [even] to serve [5647] the LORD [3068] their God. [0430] [And] all his days [3117] they departed [5493] not from following [0310] the LORD, [3068] the God [0430] of their fathers. [0001]


 Or Josias célébra la pâque à YEHOVAH, à Jérusalem, et on immola la pâque, le quatorzième jour du premier mois.

 Moreover Josiah [2977] kept [6213] a passover [6453] unto the LORD [3068] in Jerusalem: [3389] and they killed [7819] the passover [6453] on the fourteenth [0702] [6240] [day] of the first [7223] month. [2320]


 Et il établit les sacrificateurs dans leurs charges, et les encouragea au service de la maison de YEHOVAH.

 And he set [5975] the priests [3548] in their charges, [4931] and encouraged [2388] them to the service [5656] of the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068]


 Il dit aussi aux Lévites qui enseignaient tout Israël, et qui étaient consacrés à YEHOVAH: Mettez l'arche sainte dans la maison que Salomon, fils de David, roi d'Israël, a bâtie. Vous n'avez plus à la porter sur l'épaule; maintenant, servez YEHOVAH, votre Dieu, et son peuple d'Israël.

 And said [0559] unto the Levites [3881] that taught [0995] all Israel, [3478] which were holy [6918] unto the LORD, [3068] Put [5414] the holy [6944] ark [0727] in the house [1004] which Solomon [8010] the son [1121] of David [1732] king [4428] of Israel [3478] did build; [1129] [it shall] not [be] a burden [4853] upon [your] shoulders: [3802] serve [5647] now the LORD [3068] your God, [0430] and his people [5971] Israel, [3478]


 Tenez-vous prêts, selon les maisons de vos pères, selon vos divisions, suivant l'écrit de David, roi d'Israël, et suivant l'écrit de Salomon, son fils;

 And prepare [3559] [yourselves] by the houses [1004] of your fathers, [0001] after your courses, [4256] according to the writing [3791] of David [1732] king [4428] of Israel, [3478] and according to the writing [4385] of Solomon [8010] his son. [1121]


 Tenez-vous dans le sanctuaire, selon les classes des maisons des pères, pour vos frères, les enfants du peuple, et selon le partage de la maison des pères des Lévites.

 And stand [5975] in the holy [6944] [place] according to the divisions [6391] of the families [1004] of the fathers [0001] of your brethren [0251] the people, [1121] [5971] and [after] the division [2515] of the families [0001] [1004] of the Levites. [3881]


 Immolez la pâque, sanctifiez-vous, et préparez-la pour vos frères, en faisant selon la Parole de YEHOVAH prononcée par Moïse.

 So kill [7819] the passover, [6453] and sanctify [6942] yourselves, and prepare [3559] your brethren, [0251] that [they] may do [6213] according to the word [1697] of the LORD [3068] by the hand [3027] of Moses. [4872]


 Et Josias fit aux gens du peuple, à tous ceux qui se trouvaient là, un présent de menu bétail, en agneaux et en chevreaux, au nombre de trente mille, le tout pour faire la pâque, et de trois mille bœufs; cela fut pris sur les biens du roi.

 And Josiah [2977] gave [7311] to the people, [1121] [5971] of the flock, [6629] lambs [3532] and kids, [1121] [5795] all for the passover offerings, [6453] for all that were present, [4672] to the number [4557] of thirty [7970] thousand, [0505] and three [7969] thousand [0505] bullocks: [1241] these [were] of the king's [4428] substance. [7399]


 Et ses chefs firent un présent volontaire au peuple, aux sacrificateurs et aux Lévites. Hilkija, Zacharie et Jéhiel, princes de la maison de Dieu, donnèrent aux sacrificateurs, pour faire la pâque, deux mille six cents agneaux, et trois cents bœufs.

 And his princes [8269] gave [7311] willingly [5071] unto the people, [5971] to the priests, [3548] and to the Levites: [3881] Hilkiah [2518] and Zechariah [2148] and Jehiel, [3171] rulers [5057] of the house [1004] of God, [0430] gave [5414] unto the priests [3548] for the passover offerings [6453] two thousand [0505] and six [8337] hundred [3967] [small cattle], and three [7969] hundred [3967] oxen. [1241]


 Conania, Shémaja et Nathanaël, ses frères, et Hashabia, Jéïel et Jozabad, chefs des Lévites, en présentèrent cinq mille aux Lévites pour faire la pâque, et cinq cents bœufs.

 Conaniah [3562] also, and Shemaiah [8098] and Nethaneel, [5417] his brethren, [0251] and Hashabiah [2811] and Jeiel [3273] and Jozabad, [3107] chief [8269] of the Levites, [3881] gave [7311] unto the Levites [3881] for passover offerings [6453] five [2568] thousand [0505] [small cattle], and five [2568] hundred [3967] oxen. [1241]


 Le service étant préparé, les sacrificateurs se tinrent à leurs places, ainsi que les Lévites suivant leurs divisions, selon le commandement du roi.

 So the service [5656] was prepared, [3559] and the priests [3548] stood [5975] in their place, [5977] and the Levites [3881] in their courses, [4256] according to the king's [4428] commandment. [4687]


 Puis on immola la pâque; et les sacrificateurs répandaient le sang reçu des mains des Lévites, et les Lévites dépouillaient les victimes.

 And they killed [7819] the passover, [6453] and the priests [3548] sprinkled [2236] [the blood] from their hands, [3027] and the Levites [3881] flayed [6584] [them].


 Ils mirent à part les offrandes à brûler, pour les donner aux gens du peuple, suivant les divisions des maisons de leurs pères, afin de les offrir à YEHOVAH, selon qu'il est écrit au livre de Moïse; ils firent de même pour les bœufs.

 And they removed [5493] the burnt offerings, [5930] that they might give [5414] according to the divisions [4653] of the families [0001] [1004] of the people, [1121] [5971] to offer [7126] unto the LORD, [3068] as [it is] written [3789] in the book [5612] of Moses. [4872] And so [did they] with the oxen. [1241]


 Et ils firent cuire la pâque au feu, selon l'ordonnance; et ils firent cuire les choses consacrées, dans des chaudières, des chaudrons et des poêles; et ils s'empressaient de les distribuer à tous les gens du peuple.

 And they roasted [1310] the passover [6453] with fire [0784] according to the ordinance: [4941] but the [other] holy [6944] [offerings] sod [1310] they in pots, [5518] and in caldrons, [1731] and in pans, [6745] and divided [them] speedily [7323] among all the people. [1121] [5971]


 Ensuite ils apprêtèrent ce qui était pour eux et pour les sacrificateurs; car les sacrificateurs, enfants d'Aaron, furent occupés jusqu'à la nuit à offrir les offrandes à brûler et les graisses; c'est pourquoi, les Lévites apprêtèrent ce qu'il fallait pour eux et pour les sacrificateurs, enfants d'Aaron.

 And afterward [0310] they made ready [3559] for themselves, and for the priests: [3548] because the priests [3548] the sons [1121] of Aaron [0175] [were busied] in offering [5927] of burnt offerings [5930] and the fat [2459] until night; [3915] therefore the Levites [3881] prepared [3559] for themselves, and for the priests [3548] the sons [1121] of Aaron. [0175]


 Or les chantres, enfants d'Asaph, étaient à leur place, selon le commandement de David, d'Asaph, d'Héman et de Jéduthun, le Voyant du roi; et les portiers étaient à chaque porte. Ils n'eurent pas à interrompre leur service, car les Lévites, leurs frères, apprêtaient ce qui était pour eux.

 And the singers [7891] the sons [1121] of Asaph [0623] [were] in their place, [4612] according to the commandment [4687] of David, [1732] and Asaph, [0623] and Heman, [1968] and Jeduthun [3038] the king's [4428] seer; [2374] and the porters [7778] [waited] at every gate; [8179] [8179] they might not depart [5493] from their service; [5656] for their brethren [0251] the Levites [3881] prepared [3559] for them.


 Ainsi, tout le service de YEHOVAH fut organisé en ce jour-là, pour faire la pâque, et pour offrir les offrandes à brûler sur l'autel de YEHOVAH, selon le commandement du roi Josias.

 So all the service [5656] of the LORD [3068] was prepared [3559] the same day, [3117] to keep [6213] the passover, [6453] and to offer [5927] burnt offerings [5930] upon the altar [4196] of the LORD, [3068] according to the commandment [4687] of king [4428] Josiah. [2977]


 Les enfants d'Israël qui s'y trouvèrent, célébrèrent donc la pâque, en ce temps-là, et la fête des pains sans levain, pendant sept jours.

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] that were present [4672] kept [6213] the passover [6453] at that time, [6256] and the feast [2282] of unleavened bread [4682] seven [7651] days. [3117]


 On n'avait point célébré de pâque semblable en Israël, depuis les jours de Samuel, le prophète; et aucun des rois d'Israël n'avait célébré une pâque pareille à celle que célébrèrent Josias, les sacrificateurs et les Lévites, tout Juda et Israël, qui s'y trouvèrent avec les habitants de Jérusalem.

 And there was no passover [6453] like [3644] to that kept [6213] in Israel [3478] from the days [3117] of Samuel [8050] the prophet; [5030] neither did [6213] all the kings [4428] of Israel [3478] keep [6213] such a passover [6453] as Josiah [2977] kept, [6213] and the priests, [3548] and the Levites, [3881] and all Judah [3063] and Israel [3478] that were present, [4672] and the inhabitants [3427] of Jerusalem. [3389]


 Cette pâque fut célébrée la dix-huitième année du règne de Josias.

 In the eighteenth [8083] [6240] year [8141] of the reign [4438] of Josiah [2977] was this passover [6453] kept. [6213]


 Après tout cela, quand Josias eut réparé le temple, Néco, roi d'Égypte, monta pour faire la guerre à Carkémish, sur l'Euphrate; et Josias sortit à sa rencontre.

 After [0310] all this, when Josiah [2977] had prepared [3559] the temple, [1004] Necho [5224] king [4428] of Egypt [4714] came up [5927] to fight [3898] against Carchemish [3751] by Euphrates: [6578] and Josiah [2977] went out [3318] against [7125] him.


 Mais Néco lui envoya des messagers, pour lui dire: Qu'y a-t-il entre moi et toi, roi de Juda? Ce n'est pas à toi que j'en veux aujourd'hui, mais à une maison avec laquelle je suis en guerre; et Dieu m'a dit de me hâter. Cesse de t'opposer à Dieu, qui est avec moi, de peur qu'il ne te détruise.

 But he sent [7971] ambassadors [4397] to him, saying, [0559] What have I to do with thee, thou king [4428] of Judah? [3063] [I come] not against thee this day, [3117] but against the house [1004] wherewith I have war: [4421] for God [0430] commanded [0559] me to make haste: [0926] forbear [2308] thee from [meddling with] God, [0430] who [is] with me, that he destroy [7843] thee not.


 Cependant Josias ne voulut point se détourner de lui; il se déguisa pour combattre contre lui; et il n'écouta pas les paroles de Néco, qui procédaient de la bouche de Dieu. Il vint donc pour combattre, dans la plaine de Méguiddo.

 Nevertheless Josiah [2977] would not turn [5437] his face [6440] from him, but disguised [2664] himself, that he might fight [3898] with him, and hearkened [8085] not unto the words [1697] of Necho [5224] from the mouth [6310] of God, [0430] and came [0935] to fight [3898] in the valley [1237] of Megiddo. [4023]


 Et les archers tirèrent sur le roi Josias; et le roi dit à ses serviteurs: Emportez-moi, car je suis fort blessé.

 And the archers [3384] shot [3384] at king [4428] Josiah; [2977] and the king [4428] said [0559] to his servants, [5650] Have me away; [5674] for I am sore [3966] wounded. [2470]


 Et ses serviteurs l'emportèrent du char, le mirent sur un second char qu'il avait, et le menèrent à Jérusalem, et il mourut. Puis il fut enseveli dans les tombeaux de ses pères, et tous ceux de Juda et de Jérusalem pleurèrent Josias.

 His servants [5650] therefore took [5674] him out of that chariot, [4818] and put [7392] him in the second [4932] chariot [7393] that he had; and they brought [3212] him to Jerusalem, [3389] and he died, [4191] and was buried [6912] in [one of] the sepulchres [6913] of his fathers. [0001] And all Judah [3063] and Jerusalem [3389] mourned [0056] for Josiah. [2977]


 Jérémie fit aussi une complainte sur Josias; et tous les chantres et toutes les chanteuses ont parlé de Josias dans leurs complaintes, jusqu'à ce jour, et on en a fait une coutume en Israël. Voici, ces choses sont écrites dans les complaintes.

 And Jeremiah [3414] lamented [6969] for Josiah: [2977] and all the singing [7891] men and the singing [7891] women spake [0559] of Josiah [2977] in their lamentations [7015] to this day, [3117] and made [5414] them an ordinance [2706] in Israel: [3478] and, behold, they [are] written [3789] in the lamentations. [7015]


 Le reste des actions de Josias, et ses œuvres de piété, conformes à ce qui est écrit dans la loi de YEHOVAH,

 Now the rest [3499] of the acts [1697] of Josiah, [2977] and his goodness, [2617] according to [that which was] written [3789] in the law [8451] of the LORD, [3068]


 Ses premières et ses dernières actions, sont écrites dans le livre des rois d'Israël et de Juda.

 And his deeds, [1697] first [7223] and last, [0314] behold, they [are] written [3789] in the book [5612] of the kings [4428] of Israel [3478] and Judah. [3063]


 Alors le peuple du pays prit Joachaz, fils de Josias, et l'établit roi à Jérusalem, à la place de son père.

 Then the people [5971] of the land [0776] took [3947] Jehoahaz [3059] the son [1121] of Josiah, [2977] and made him king [4427] in his father's [0001] stead in Jerusalem. [3389]


 Joachaz était âgé de vingt-trois ans quand il devint roi, et il régna trois mois à Jérusalem.

 Jehoahaz [3099] [was] twenty [6242] and three [7969] years [8141] old [1121] when he began to reign, [4427] and he reigned [4427] three [7969] months [2320] in Jerusalem. [3389]


 Le roi d'Égypte le déposa, à Jérusalem, et frappa le pays d'une amende de cent talents d'argent et d'un talent d'or.

 And the king [4428] of Egypt [4714] put him down [5493] at Jerusalem, [3389] and condemned [6064] the land [0776] in an hundred [3967] talents [3603] of silver [3701] and a talent [3603] of gold. [2091]


 Et le roi d'Égypte établit pour roi sur Juda et Jérusalem Éliakim, frère de Joachaz, et changea son nom en celui de Jéhojakim. Puis Néco prit Joachaz, son frère, et l'emmena en Égypte.

 And the king [4428] of Egypt [4714] made Eliakim [0471] his brother [0251] king [4427] over Judah [3063] and Jerusalem, [3389] and turned [5437] his name [8034] to Jehoiakim. [3079] And Necho [5224] took [3947] Jehoahaz [3099] his brother, [0251] and carried [0935] him to Egypt. [4714]


 Jéhojakim était âgé de vingt-cinq ans quand il devint roi, et il régna onze ans à Jérusalem. Il fit ce qui est mauvais aux yeux de YEHOVAH, son Dieu.

 Jehoiakim [3079] [was] twenty [6242] and five [2568] years [8141] old [1121] when he began to reign, [4427] and he reigned [4427] eleven [0259] [6240] years [8141] in Jerusalem: [3389] and he did [6213] [that which was] evil [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD [3068] his God. [0430]


 Et Nébucadnetsar, roi de Babylone, monta contre lui, et le lia d'une double chaîne d'airain, pour le mener à Babylone.

 Against him came up [5927] Nebuchadnezzar [5019] king [4428] of Babylon, [0894] and bound [0631] him in fetters, [5178] to carry [3212] him to Babylon. [0894]


 Nébucadnetsar emporta aussi à Babylone des vases de la maison de YEHOVAH, et il les mit dans son palais, à Babylone.

 Nebuchadnezzar [5019] also carried [0935] of the vessels [3627] of the house [1004] of the LORD [3068] to Babylon, [0894] and put [5414] them in his temple [1964] at Babylon. [0894]


 Le reste des actions de Jéhojakim, et les abominations qu'il commit, et ce qui se trouva en lui, voici, ces choses sont écrites dans le livre des rois d'Israël et de Juda. Et Jéhojakin, son fils, régna à sa place.

 Now the rest [3499] of the acts [1697] of Jehoiakim, [3079] and his abominations [8441] which he did, [6213] and that which was found [4672] in him, behold, they [are] written [3789] in the book [5612] of the kings [4428] of Israel [3478] and Judah: [3063] and Jehoiachin [3078] his son [1121] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 Jéhojakin était âgé de huit ans quand il devint roi, et il régna trois mois et dix jours à Jérusalem. Il fit ce qui est mauvais aux yeux de YEHOVAH.

 Jehoiachin [3078] [was] eight [8083] years [8141] old [1121] when he began to reign, [4427] and he reigned [4427] three [7969] months [2320] and ten [6235] days [3117] in Jerusalem: [3389] and he did [6213] [that which was] evil [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD. [3068]


 Et l'année suivante, le roi Nébucadnetsar envoya, et le fit amener à Babylone, avec les vases précieux de la maison de YEHOVAH; et il établit roi sur Juda et Jérusalem, Sédécias, son frère.

 And when the year [8141] was expired, [8666] king [4428] Nebuchadnezzar [5019] sent, [7971] and brought [0935] him to Babylon, [0894] with the goodly [2532] vessels [3627] of the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and made Zedekiah [6667] his brother [0251] king [4427] over Judah [3063] and Jerusalem. [3389]


 Sédécias était âgé de vingt et un ans quand il devint roi, et il régna onze ans à Jérusalem.

 Zedekiah [6667] [was] one [0259] and twenty [6242] years [8141] old [1121] when he began to reign, [4427] and reigned [4427] eleven [0259] [6240] years [8141] in Jerusalem. [3389]


 Il fit ce qui est mauvais aux yeux de YEHOVAH, son Dieu; et il ne s'humilia point devant Jérémie, le prophète, qui lui parlait de la part de YEHOVAH.

 And he did [6213] [that which was] evil [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD [3068] his God, [0430] [and] humbled [3665] not himself before [6440] Jeremiah [3414] the prophet [5030] [speaking] from the mouth [6310] of the LORD. [3068]


 Il se révolta même contre le roi Nébucadnetsar, qui l'avait fait jurer par le nom de Dieu; et il roidit son cou, et il endurcit son cœur, pour ne pas retourner à YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël.

 And he also rebelled [4775] against king [4428] Nebuchadnezzar, [5019] who had made him swear [7650] by God: [0430] but he stiffened [7185] his neck, [6203] and hardened [0553] his heart [3824] from turning [7725] unto the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel. [3478]


 De même tous les chefs des sacrificateurs et le peuple multiplièrent de plus en plus leurs offenses, selon toutes les abominations des nations; et ils souillèrent la maison de YEHOVAH, qu'il avait consacrée dans Jérusalem.

 Moreover all the chief [8269] of the priests, [3548] and the people, [5971] transgressed [4603] very [4604] much [7235] after all the abominations [8441] of the heathen; [1471] and polluted [2930] the house [1004] of the LORD [3068] which he had hallowed [6942] in Jerusalem. [3389]


 Or YEHOVAH, le Dieu de leurs pères, leur avait envoyé des avertissements par le moyen de ses messagers, qu'il envoya de bonne heure; car il voulait épargner son peuple et sa propre demeure.

 And the LORD [3068] God [0430] of their fathers [0001] sent [7971] to them by [3027] his messengers, [4397] rising up betimes, [7925] and sending; [7971] because he had compassion [2550] on his people, [5971] and on his dwelling place: [4583]


 Mais ils se moquèrent des envoyés de Dieu, ils méprisèrent ses paroles, et ils se raillèrent de ses prophètes, jusqu'à ce que la colère de YEHOVAH contre son peuple montât au point qu'il n'y eut plus de remède.

 But they mocked [3931] the messengers [4397] of God, [0430] and despised [0959] his words, [1697] and misused [8591] his prophets, [5030] until the wrath [2534] of the LORD [3068] arose [5927] against his people, [5971] till [there was] no remedy. [4832]


 Alors il fit monter contre eux le roi des Caldéens, et tua leurs jeunes gens par l'épée, dans la maison de leur sanctuaire; il n'épargna ni le jeune homme, ni la vierge, ni le vieillard, ni l'homme à cheveux blancs; il livra tout entre ses mains.

 Therefore he brought [5927] upon them the king [4428] of the Chaldees, [3778] who slew [2026] their young men [0970] with the sword [2719] in the house [1004] of their sanctuary, [4720] and had no compassion [2550] upon young man [0970] or maiden, [1330] old man, [2205] or him that stooped for age: [3486] he gave [5414] [them] all into his hand. [3027]


 Nébucadnetsar emmena à Babylone tous les vases de la maison de Dieu, grands et petits, les trésors de la maison de YEHOVAH, et les trésors du roi et de ses chefs.

 And all the vessels [3627] of the house [1004] of God, [0430] great [1419] and small, [6996] and the treasures [0214] of the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and the treasures [0214] of the king, [4428] and of his princes; [8269] all [these] he brought [0935] to Babylon. [0894]


 Ils brûlèrent la maison de Dieu; ils démolirent les murailles de Jérusalem; ils livrèrent au feu tous ses palais, et détruisirent tous les objets précieux.

 And they burnt [8313] the house [1004] of God, [0430] and brake down [5422] the wall [2346] of Jerusalem, [3389] and burnt [8313] all the palaces [0759] thereof with fire, [0784] and destroyed [7843] all the goodly [4261] vessels [3627] thereof.


 Puis le roi transporta à Babylone ceux qui avaient échappé à l'épée, et ils furent ses esclaves et ceux de ses fils, jusqu'à la domination du royaume de Perse;

 And them that had escaped [7611] from the sword [2719] carried he away [1540] to Babylon; [0894] where they were servants [5650] to him and his sons [1121] until the reign [4427] of the kingdom [4438] of Persia: [6539]


 Afin que la Parole de YEHOVAH, prononcée par la bouche de Jérémie, fût accomplie; jusqu'à ce que le pays eût acquitté ses sabbats. Pendant tout le temps qu'il fut dévasté, il se reposa jusqu'à l'accomplissement de soixante-dix ans.

 To fulfil [4390] the word [1697] of the LORD [3068] by the mouth [6310] of Jeremiah, [3414] until the land [0776] had enjoyed [7521] her sabbaths: [7676] [for] as long as [3117] she lay desolate [8074] she kept sabbath, [7673] to fulfil [4390] threescore and ten [7657] years. [8141]


 Mais la première année de Cyrus, roi de Perse, afin que la Parole de YEHOVAH, prononcée par Jérémie, fût accomplie, YEHOVAH réveilla l'esprit de Cyrus, roi de Perse, qui fit publier par tout son royaume, et même par écrit, un édit portant:

 Now in the first [0259] year [8141] of Cyrus [3566] king [4428] of Persia, [6539] that the word [1697] of the LORD [3068] [spoken] by the mouth [6310] of Jeremiah [3414] might be accomplished, [3615] the LORD [3068] stirred up [5782] the spirit [7307] of Cyrus [3566] king [4428] of Persia, [6539] that he made a proclamation [5674] [6963] throughout all his kingdom, [4438] and [put it] also in writing, [4385] saying, [0559]


 Ainsi a dit Cyrus, roi de Perse: YEHOVAH, le Dieu des cieux, m'a donné tous les royaumes de la terre, et lui-même m'a ordonné de lui bâtir une maison à Jérusalem, qui est en Juda. Qui d'entre vous est de son peuple? Que YEHOVAH, son Dieu, soit avec lui, et qu'il monte!

 Thus saith [0559] Cyrus [3566] king [4428] of Persia, [6539] All the kingdoms [4467] of the earth [0776] hath the LORD [3068] God [0430] of heaven [8064] given [5414] me; and he hath charged [6485] me to build [1129] him an house [1004] in Jerusalem, [3389] which [is] in Judah. [3063] Who [is there] among you of all his people? [5971] The LORD [3068] his God [0430] [be] with him, and let him go up. [5927]




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