La voix qui crie dans le désert








 Après que Saül fut mort, David, étant revenu de la défaite des Amalécites, demeura à Tsiklag deux jours;

 Now it came to pass after [0310] the death [4194] of Saul, [7586] when David [1732] was returned [7725] from the slaughter [5221] of the Amalekites, [6002] and David [1732] had abode [3427] two [8147] days [3117] in Ziklag; [6860]


 Et le troisième jour on vit paraître un homme qui revenait du camp, d'auprès de Saül, ayant ses vêtements déchirés et de la terre sur sa tête; et, étant venu vers David, il se jeta contre terre et se prosterna.

 It came even to pass on the third [7992] day, [3117] that, behold, a man [0376] came [0935] out of the camp [4264] from Saul [7586] with his clothes [0899] rent, [7167] and earth [0127] upon his head: [7218] and [so] it was, when he came [0935] to David, [1732] that he fell [5307] to the earth, [0776] and did obeisance. [7812]


 Et David lui dit: D'où viens-tu? Et il lui répondit: Je me suis échappé du camp d'Israël.

 And David [1732] said [0559] unto him, From whence comest [0935] thou? And he said [0559] unto him, Out of the camp [4264] of Israel [3478] am I escaped. [4422]


 David lui dit: Qu'est-il arrivé? Raconte-le-moi donc. Il répondit: Le peuple s'est enfui de la bataille, et même un grand nombre sont tombés morts; Saül aussi et Jonathan, son fils, sont morts.

 And David [1732] said [0559] unto him, How [4100] went the matter? [1697] I pray thee, tell [5046] me. And he answered, [0559] That the people [5971] are fled [5127] from the battle, [4421] and many [7235] of the people [5971] also are fallen [5307] and dead; [4191] and Saul [7586] and Jonathan [3083] his son [1121] are dead [4191] also.


 Et David dit au jeune homme qui lui donnait ces nouvelles: Comment sais-tu que Saül et Jonathan, son fils, sont morts?

 And David [1732] said [0559] unto the young man [5288] that told [5046] him, How knowest [3045] thou that Saul [7586] and Jonathan [3083] his son [1121] be dead? [4191]


 Et le jeune homme qui lui donnait ces nouvelles, répondit: Je me trouvais par hasard sur la montagne de Guilboa, et voici, Saül s'appuyait sur sa lance; et voici, les chars et les cavaliers étaient près de l'atteindre;

 And the young man [5288] that told [5046] him said, [0559] As I happened [7136] by chance [7122] upon mount [2022] Gilboa, [1533] behold, Saul [7586] leaned [8172] upon his spear; [2595] and, lo, the chariots [7393] and horsemen [1167] [6571] followed hard [1692] after him.


 Et, regardant en arrière, il me vit, et m'appela; et je répondis: Me voici.

 And when he looked [6437] behind [0310] him, he saw [7200] me, and called [7121] unto me. And I answered, [0559] Here [am] I.


 Et il me dit: Qui es-tu? Et je lui répondis: Je suis Amalécite.

 And he said [0559] unto me, Who [art] thou? And I answered [0559] him, I [am] an Amalekite. [6003]


 Alors il me dit: Avance-toi vers moi, et me fais mourir; car je suis dans une grande angoisse, ma vie est encore toute en moi.

 He said [0559] unto me again, Stand, [5975] I pray thee, upon me, and slay [4191] me: for anguish [7661] is come upon me, [0270] because my life [5315] [is] yet whole in me.


 Je me suis donc approché de lui et je l'ai fait mourir; car je savais qu'il ne vivrait pas après s'être ainsi jeté sur son épée; puis j'ai pris la couronne qui était sur sa tête, et le bracelet qui était à son bras, et je les ai apportés ici à mon seigneur.

 So I stood [5975] upon him, and slew [4191] him, because I was sure [3045] that he could not live [2421] after [0310] that he was fallen: [5307] and I took [3947] the crown [5145] that [was] upon his head, [7218] and the bracelet [0685] that [was] on his arm, [2220] and have brought [0935] them hither unto my lord. [0113]


 Alors David prit ses vêtements, et les déchira; et tous les hommes qui étaient avec lui firent de même.

 Then David [1732] took hold [2388] on his clothes, [0899] and rent [7167] them; and likewise all the men [0582] that [were] with him:


 Et ils menèrent deuil, et pleurèrent, et jeûnèrent jusqu'au soir à cause de Saül, et de Jonathan, son fils, et du peuple de YEHOVAH, et de la maison d'Israël; parce qu'ils étaient tombés par l'épée.

 And they mourned, [5594] and wept, [1058] and fasted [6684] until even, [6153] for Saul, [7586] and for Jonathan [3083] his son, [1121] and for the people [5971] of the LORD, [3068] and for the house [1004] of Israel; [3478] because they were fallen [5307] by the sword. [2719]


 Mais David dit au jeune homme qui lui avait donné ces nouvelles: D'où es-tu? Et il répondit: Je suis fils d'un étranger amalécite.

 And David [1732] said [0559] unto the young man [5288] that told [5046] him, Whence [art] thou? And he answered, [0559] I [am] the son [1121] of a stranger, [0376] [1616] an Amalekite. [6003]


 Et David lui dit: Comment n'as-tu pas craint d'avancer ta main pour tuer l'oint de YEHOVAH?

 And David [1732] said [0559] unto him, How wast thou not afraid [3372] to stretch forth [7971] thine hand [3027] to destroy [7843] the LORD'S [3068] anointed? [4899]


 Alors David appela l'un de ses gens, et lui dit: Approche-toi, jette-toi sur lui! Il le frappa, et il mourut.

 And David [1732] called [7121] one [0259] of the young men, [5288] and said, [0559] Go near, [5066] [and] fall [6293] upon him. And he smote [5221] him that he died. [4191]


 Et David lui dit: Ton sang soit sur ta tête! car ta bouche a témoigné contre toi, en disant: J'ai fait mourir l'oint de YEHOVAH.

 And David [1732] said [0559] unto him, Thy blood [1818] [be] upon thy head; [7218] for thy mouth [6310] hath testified [6030] against thee, saying, [0559] I have slain [4191] the LORD'S [3068] anointed. [4899]


 Alors David fit sur Saül et sur Jonathan, son fils, cette complainte,

 And David [1732] lamented [6969] with this lamentation [7015] over Saul [7586] and over Jonathan [3083] his son: [1121]


 Qu'il ordonna d'enseigner aux enfants de Juda, la complainte de l'Arc; voici, elle est écrite au livre du Juste:

 (Also he bade [0559] them teach [3925] the children [1121] of Judah [3063] [the use of] the bow: [7198] behold, [it is] written [3789] in the book [5612] of Jasher.) [3477]


 Ta gloire, ô Israël, a péri sur tes collines! Comment sont tombés les hommes vaillants?

 The beauty [6643] of Israel [3478] is slain [2491] upon thy high places: [1116] how are the mighty [1368] fallen! [5307]


 N'allez point le dire dans Gath, ne l'annoncez point dans les places d'Askélon; de peur que les filles des Philistins ne se réjouissent, de peur que les filles des incirconcis ne triomphent.

 Tell [5046] [it] not in Gath, [1661] publish [1319] [it] not in the streets [2351] of Askelon; [0831] lest the daughters [1323] of the Philistines [6430] rejoice, [8055] lest the daughters [1323] of the uncircumcised [6189] triumph. [5937]


 Montagnes de Guilboa, que la rosée et la pluie ne tombent plus sur vous, qu'il n'y ait plus de champs dont on offre les prémices; car c'est là qu'a été jeté le bouclier des hommes forts, le bouclier de Saül, comme s'il n'eût pas été oint d'huile.

 Ye mountains [2022] of Gilboa, [1533] [let there be] no dew, [2919] neither [let there be] rain, [4306] upon you, nor fields [7704] of offerings: [8641] for there the shield [4043] of the mighty [1368] is vilely cast away, [1602] the shield [4043] of Saul, [7586] [as though he had] not [been] anointed [4899] with oil. [8081]


 L'arc de Jonathan ne revenait jamais sans être teint du sang des blessés et de la graisse des vaillants; et l'épée de Saül ne retournait pas sans effet.

 From the blood [1818] of the slain, [2491] from the fat [2459] of the mighty, [1368] the bow [7198] of Jonathan [3083] turned [7734] not back, [0268] and the sword [2719] of Saul [7586] returned [7725] not empty. [7387]


 Saül et Jonathan, aimables et agréables pendant leur vie, n'ont point été séparés dans leur mort; ils étaient plus légers que les aigles, ils étaient plus forts que les lions.

 Saul [7586] and Jonathan [3083] [were] lovely [0157] and pleasant [5273] in their lives, [2416] and in their death [4194] they were not divided: [6504] they were swifter [7043] than eagles, [5404] they were stronger [1396] than lions. [0738]


 Filles d'Israël, pleurez sur Saül, qui vous revêtait d'écarlate, dans les délices; qui vous faisait porter des ornements d'or sur vos habits!

 Ye daughters [1323] of Israel, [3478] weep [1058] over Saul, [7586] who clothed [3847] you in scarlet, [8144] with [other] delights, [5730] who put [5927] on ornaments [5716] of gold [2091] upon your apparel. [3830]


 Comment sont tombés les hommes forts au milieu de la bataille, et comment Jonathan a-t-il été tué sur tes collines?

 How are the mighty [1368] fallen [5307] in the midst [8432] of the battle! [4421] O Jonathan, [3083] [thou wast] slain [2491] in thine high places. [1116]


 Jonathan, mon frère, je suis dans la douleur à cause de toi. Tu faisais tout mon plaisir; l'amour que j'avais pour toi était plus grand que celui des femmes.

 I am distressed [6887] for thee, my brother [0251] Jonathan: [3083] very [3966] pleasant [5276] hast thou been unto me: thy love [0160] to me was wonderful, [6381] passing the love [0160] of women. [0802]


 Comment sont tombés les vaillants? Comment ont péris les armes de la guerre?

 How are the mighty [1368] fallen, [5307] and the weapons [3627] of war [4421] perished! [0006]


 Après cela, David consulta YEHOVAH, en disant: Monterai-je en quelqu'une des villes de Juda? Et YEHOVAH lui répondit: Monte. Et David dit: Dans laquelle monterai-je? YEHOVAH répondit: À Hébron.

 And it came to pass after [0310] this, that David [1732] enquired [7592] of the LORD, [3068] saying, [0559] Shall I go up [5927] into any [0259] of the cities [5892] of Judah? [3063] And the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto him, Go up. [5927] And David [1732] said, [0559] Whither shall I go up? [5927] And he said, [0559] Unto Hebron. [2275]


 David monta donc là, avec ses deux femmes, Achinoam de Jizréel, et Abigaïl, de Carmel, qui avait été femme de Nabal.

 So David [1732] went up [5927] thither, and his two [8147] wives [0802] also, Ahinoam [0293] the Jezreelitess, [3159] and Abigail [0026] Nabal's [5037] wife [0802] the Carmelite. [3761]


 David fit monter aussi les hommes qui étaient avec lui, chacun avec sa famille, et ils demeurèrent dans les villes d'Hébron.

 And his men [0582] that [were] with him did David [1732] bring up, [5927] every man [0376] with his household: [1004] and they dwelt [3427] in the cities [5892] of Hebron. [2275]


 Et ceux de Juda vinrent, et là ils oignirent David pour roi sur la maison de Juda. Et on rapporta à David que les gens de Jabès de Galaad avaient enseveli Saül.

 And the men [0582] of Judah [3063] came, [0935] and there they anointed [4886] David [1732] king [4428] over the house [1004] of Judah. [3063] And they told [5046] David, [1732] saying, [0559] [That] the men [0582] of Jabeshgilead [3003] [1568] [were they] that buried [6912] Saul. [7586]


 Alors David envoya des messagers vers les gens de Jabès de Galaad, et leur fit dire: Soyez bénis de YEHOVAH, vous qui avez usé de cette humanité envers Saül, votre seigneur, et l'avez enseveli;

 And David [1732] sent [7971] messengers [4397] unto the men [0582] of Jabeshgilead, [3003] [1568] and said [0559] unto them, Blessed [1288] [be] ye of the LORD, [3068] that ye have shewed [6213] this kindness [2617] unto your lord, [0113] [even] unto Saul, [7586] and have buried [6912] him.


 Maintenant donc que YEHOVAH veuille user envers vous de fidélité et de grâce! Et moi aussi je vous ferai du bien, parce que vous avez fait cela.

 And now the LORD [3068] shew [6213] kindness [2617] and truth [0571] unto you: and I also will requite [6213] you this kindness, [2896] because ye have done [6213] this thing. [1697]


 Et maintenant, que vos mains se fortifient, et soyez des hommes de cœur; car Saül, votre seigneur, est mort, et la maison de Juda m'a oint pour être roi sur elle.

 Therefore now let your hands [3027] be strengthened, [2388] and be ye valiant: [1121] [2428] for your master [0113] Saul [7586] is dead, [4191] and also the house [1004] of Judah [3063] have anointed [4886] me king [4428] over them.


 Mais Abner, fils de Ner, chef de l'armée de Saül, prit Ishbosheth, fils de Saül, et le fit passer à Mahanaïm;

 But Abner [0074] the son [1121] of Ner, [5369] captain [8269] of Saul's [7586] host, [6635] took [3947] Ishbosheth [0378] the son [1121] of Saul, [7586] and brought him over [5674] to Mahanaim; [4266]


 Et il l'établit roi sur Galaad, sur les Ashuriens, sur Jizréel, sur Éphraïm, sur Benjamin, sur tout Israël.

 And made him king [4427] over Gilead, [1568] and over the Ashurites, [0805] and over Jezreel, [3157] and over Ephraim, [0669] and over Benjamin, [1144] and over all Israel. [3478]


 Ishbosheth, fils de Saül, était âgé de quarante ans quand il commença à régner sur Israël, et il régna deux ans. Il n'y eut que la maison de Juda qui suivit David.

 Ishbosheth [0378] Saul's [7586] son [1121] [was] forty [0705] years [8141] old [1121] when he began to reign [4427] over Israel, [3478] and reigned [4427] two [8147] years. [8141] But the house [1004] of Judah [3063] followed [0310] David. [1732]


 Et le nombre des jours que David régna à Hébron sur la maison de Juda, fut de sept ans et six mois.

 And the time [4557] [3117] that David [1732] was king [4428] in Hebron [2275] over the house [1004] of Judah [3063] was seven [7651] years [8141] and six [8337] months. [2320]


 Or Abner, fils de Ner, et les gens d'Ishbosheth, fils de Saül, sortirent de Mahanaïm pour marcher vers Gabaon.

 And Abner [0074] the son [1121] of Ner, [5369] and the servants [5650] of Ishbosheth [0378] the son [1121] of Saul, [7586] went out [3318] from Mahanaim [4266] to Gibeon. [1391]


 Joab aussi, fils de Tséruja, et les gens de David sortirent; et ils se rencontrèrent vers l'étang de Gabaon et se tinrent les uns de ce côté-ci de l'étang, les autres au delà de l'étang.

 And Joab [3097] the son [1121] of Zeruiah, [6870] and the servants [5650] of David, [1732] went out, [3318] and met [6298] together [3162] by the pool [1295] of Gibeon: [1391] and they sat down, [3427] the one on the one side of the pool, [1295] and the other on the other side of the pool. [1295]


 Alors Abner dit à Joab: Que ces jeunes gens se lèvent maintenant, et qu'ils se battent devant nous. Et Joab dit: Qu'ils se lèvent!

 And Abner [0074] said [0559] to Joab, [3097] Let the young men [5288] now arise, [6965] and play [7832] before [6440] us. And Joab [3097] said, [0559] Let them arise. [6965]


 Ils se levèrent donc, et s'avancèrent en nombre égal, douze pour Benjamin et pour Ishbosheth, fils de Saül, et douze des gens de David.

 Then there arose [6965] and went over [5674] by number [4557] twelve [8147] [6240] of Benjamin, [1144] which [pertained] to Ishbosheth [0378] the son [1121] of Saul, [7586] and twelve [8147] [6240] of the servants [5650] of David. [1732]


 Alors chacun, saisissant son adversaire par la tête, lui passa son épée par le flanc, et ils tombèrent tous ensemble; et ce lieu-là fut appelé Helkath-Hatsurim (le champ des épées); il est près de Gabaon.

 And they caught [2388] every one [0376] his fellow [7453] by the head, [7218] and [thrust] his sword [2719] in his fellow's [7453] side; [6654] so they fell down [5307] together: [3162] wherefore that place [4725] was called [7121] Helkathhazzurim, [2513] [6697][2521] which [is] in Gibeon. [1391]


 Et il y eut, ce jour-là, un très rude combat, dans lequel Abner fut battu, avec ceux d'Israël, par les gens de David.

 And there was a very [3966] sore [7186] battle [4421] that day; [3117] and Abner [0074] was beaten, [5062] and the men [0582] of Israel, [3478] before [6440] the servants [5650] of David. [1732]


 Les trois fils de Tséruja, Joab, Abishaï et Asaël, étaient là. Or Asaël était léger de ses pieds comme un chevreuil dans la campagne.

 And there were three [7969] sons [1121] of Zeruiah [6870] there, Joab, [3097] and Abishai, [0052] and Asahel: [6214] and Asahel [6214] [was as] light [7031] of foot [7272] as a [0259] wild [7704] roe. [6643]


 Et Asaël poursuivit Abner, sans se détourner de lui ni à droite ni à gauche.

 And Asahel [6214] pursued [7291] after [0310] Abner; [0074] and in going [3212] he turned [5186] not to the right hand [3225] nor to the left [8040] from following [0310] Abner. [0074]


 Abner regarda donc en arrière et dit: Est-ce toi, Asaël? Et il répondit: C'est moi.

 Then Abner [0074] looked [6437] behind [0310] him, and said, [0559] [Art] thou Asahel? [6214] And he answered, [0559] I [am].


 Et Abner lui dit: Détourne-toi à droite ou à gauche, et saisis-toi de l'un de ces jeunes gens, et prends sa dépouille pour toi. Mais Asaël ne voulut point se détourner de lui.

 And Abner [0074] said [0559] to him, Turn thee aside [5186] to thy right hand [3225] or to thy left, [8040] and lay thee hold [0270] on one [0259] of the young men, [5288] and take [3947] thee his armour. [2488] But Asahel [6214] would [0014] not turn aside [5493] from following [0310] of him.


 Et Abner continuait à dire à Asaël: Détourne-toi de moi; pourquoi te jetterai-je mort par terre? et comment oserais-je paraître devant Joab, ton frère?

 And Abner [0074] said [0559] again [3254] to Asahel, [6214] Turn thee aside [5493] from following [0310] me: wherefore should I smite [5221] thee to the ground? [0776] how then should I hold up [5375] my face [6440] to Joab [3097] thy brother? [0251]


 Mais il ne voulut point se détourner; alors Abner le frappa à la cinquième côte avec le bout de derrière de sa lance, tellement que sa lance lui sortit par derrière; et il tomba là et mourut sur place; et tous ceux qui arrivaient au lieu où Asaël était tombé mort, s'arrêtaient.

 Howbeit he refused [3985] to turn aside: [5493] wherefore Abner [0074] with the hinder end [0310] of the spear [2595] smote [5221] him under [0413] the fifth [2570] [rib], that the spear [2595] came out [3318] behind [0310] him; and he fell down [5307] there, and died [4191] in the same place: [8478] and it came to pass, [that] as many as came [0935] to the place [4725] where Asahel [6214] fell down [5307] and died [4191] stood still. [5975]


 Joab et Abishaï poursuivirent donc Abner, et le soleil se couchait comme ils arrivaient au coteau d'Amma, qui est vis-à-vis de Guiach, au chemin du désert de Gabaon.

 Joab [3097] also and Abishai [0052] pursued [7291] after [0310] Abner: [0074] and the sun [8121] went down [0935] when they were come [0935] to the hill [1389] of Ammah, [0522] that [lieth] before [6440] Giah [1520] by the way [1870] of the wilderness [4057] of Gibeon. [1391]


 Et les Benjamites se rallièrent auprès d'Abner, et se rangèrent en un bataillon, et se tinrent sur le sommet d'un coteau.

 And the children [1121] of Benjamin [1144] gathered themselves together [6908] after [0310] Abner, [0074] and became one [0259] troop, [0092] and stood [5975] on the top [7218] of an [0259] hill. [1389]


 Alors Abner cria à Joab, et dit: L'épée dévorera-t-elle sans cesse? Ne sais-tu pas bien qu'il y aura de l'amertume à la fin? et jusqu'à quand différeras-tu de dire au peuple qu'il cesse de poursuivre ses frères?

 Then Abner [0074] called [7121] to Joab, [3097] and said, [0559] Shall the sword [2719] devour [0398] for ever? [5331] knowest [3045] thou not that it will be bitterness [4751] in the latter end? [0314] how long shall it be then, ere thou bid [0559] the people [5971] return [7725] from following [0310] their brethren? [0251]


 Et Joab dit: Dieu est vivant! si tu n'eusses parlé, dès le matin déjà le peuple se serait retiré, chacun de la poursuite de son frère.

 And Joab [3097] said, [0559] [As] God [0430] liveth, [2416] unless [3884] thou hadst spoken, [1696] surely then in the morning [1242] the people [5971] had gone up [5927] every one [0376] from following [0310] his brother. [0251]


 Joab sonna donc de la trompette, et tout le peuple s'arrêta; et ils ne poursuivirent plus Israël et ne continuèrent plus à combattre.

 So Joab [3097] blew [8628] a trumpet, [7782] and all the people [5971] stood still, [5975] and pursued [7291] after [0310] Israel [3478] no more, neither fought [3898] they any more. [3254]


 Ainsi Abner et ses gens marchèrent toute cette nuit-là par la campagne, et passèrent le Jourdain, et traversèrent tout le Bithron, et arrivèrent à Mahanaïm.

 And Abner [0074] and his men [0582] walked [1980] all that night [3915] through the plain, [6160] and passed over [5674] Jordan, [3383] and went through [3212] all Bithron, [1338] and they came [0935] to Mahanaim. [4266]


 Joab revint aussi de la poursuite d'Abner; et quand il eut assemblé tout le peuple, on trouva que des gens de David il manquait dix-neuf hommes, et Asaël.

 And Joab [3097] returned [7725] from following [0310] Abner: [0074] and when he had gathered all the people [5971] together, [6908] there lacked [6485] of David's [1732] servants [5650] nineteen [8672] [6240] men [0376] and Asahel. [6214]


 Mais les gens de David avaient frappé à mort trois cent soixante hommes de Benjamin et des gens d'Abner.

 But the servants [5650] of David [1732] had smitten [5221] of Benjamin, [1144] and of Abner's [0074] men, [0582] [so that] three [7969] hundred [3967] and threescore [8346] men [0376] died. [4191]


 Et ils emportèrent Asaël, et l'ensevelirent dans le tombeau de son père, à Bethléhem. Et Joab et ses gens marchèrent toute la nuit, et au point du jour ils arrivèrent à Hébron.

 And they took up [5375] Asahel, [6214] and buried [6912] him in the sepulchre [6913] of his father, [0001] which [was in] Bethlehem. [1035] And Joab [3097] and his men [0582] went [3212] all night, [3915] and they came to Hebron [2275] at break of day. [0215]


 Or il y eut une longue guerre entre la maison de Saül et la maison de David; mais David allait se fortifiant, et la maison de Saül allait s'affaiblissant.

 Now there was long [0752] war [4421] between the house [1004] of Saul [7586] and the house [1004] of David: [1732] but David [1732] waxed stronger [1980] and stronger, [2390] and the house [1004] of Saul [7586] waxed weaker [1980] and weaker. [1800]


 Et il naquit des fils à David, à Hébron; son premier-né fut Amnon, d'Achinoam de Jizréel;

 And unto David [1732] were sons [1121] born [3205] in Hebron: [2275] and his firstborn [1060] was Amnon, [0550] of Ahinoam [0293] the Jezreelitess; [3159]


 Le second fut Kiléab, d'Abigaïl, de Carmel, qui avait été femme de Nabal; le troisième, Absalom, fils de Maaca, fille de Thalmaï, roi de Gueshur;

 And his second, [4932] Chileab, [3609] of Abigail [0026] the wife [0802] of Nabal [5037] the Carmelite; [3761] and the third, [7992] Absalom [0053] the son [1121] of Maacah [4601] the daughter [1323] of Talmai [8526] king [4428] of Geshur; [1650]


 Le quatrième, Adonija, fils de Hagguith; le cinquième, Shéphatia, fils d'Abital;

 And the fourth, [7243] Adonijah [0138] the son [1121] of Haggith; [2294] and the fifth, [2549] Shephatiah [8203] the son [1121] of Abital; [0037]


 Et le sixième, Jithréam, d'Égla, femme de David. Ceux-là naquirent à David, à Hébron.

 And the sixth, [8345] Ithream, [3507] by Eglah [5698] David's [1732] wife. [0802] These were born [3205] to David [1732] in Hebron. [2275]


 Or, pendant qu'il y eut guerre entre la maison de Saül et la maison de David, Abner soutenait la maison de Saül.

 And it came to pass, while there was war [4421] between the house [1004] of Saul [7586] and the house [1004] of David, [1732] that Abner [0074] made himself strong [2388] for the house [1004] of Saul. [7586]


 Et Saül avait eu une concubine qui s'appelait Ritspa, fille d'Ajja; et Ishbosheth dit à Abner: Pourquoi es-tu venu vers la concubine de mon père?

 And Saul [7586] had a concubine, [6370] whose name [8034] [was] Rizpah, [7532] the daughter [1323] of Aiah: [0345] and [Ishbosheth] said [0559] to Abner, [0074] Wherefore hast thou gone in [0935] unto my father's [0001] concubine? [6370]


 Et Abner fut fort irrité des paroles d'Ishbosheth, et lui dit: Suis-je une tête de chien, moi qui, contre Juda, use aujourd'hui de bonté envers la maison de Saül, ton père, et envers ses frères et ses amis, et qui ne t'ai point livré entre les mains de David, que tu me recherches aujourd'hui pour le péché d'une femme?

 Then was Abner [0074] very [3966] wroth [2734] for the words [1697] of Ishbosheth, [0378] and said, [0559] [Am] I a dog's [3611] head, [7218] which against Judah [3063] do shew [6213] kindness [2617] this day [3117] unto the house [1004] of Saul [7586] thy father, [0001] to his brethren, [0251] and to his friends, [4828] and have not delivered [4672] thee into the hand [3027] of David, [1732] that thou chargest [6485] me to day [3117] with a fault [5771] concerning this wo


 Que Dieu punisse sévèrement Abner, si je ne fais à David tout ce que YEHOVAH lui a juré,

 So do [6213] God [0430] to Abner, [0074] and more [3254] also, except, as the LORD [3068] hath sworn [7650] to David, [1732] even so I do [6213] to him;


 En transportant la royauté de la maison de Saül dans la sienne, et en établissant le trône de David sur Israël et sur Juda, depuis Dan jusqu'à Béer-Shéba.

 To translate [5674] the kingdom [4467] from the house [1004] of Saul, [7586] and to set up [6965] the throne [3678] of David [1732] over Israel [3478] and over Judah, [3063] from Dan [1835] even to Beersheba. [0884]


 Et Ishbosheth n'osa répondre un mot à Abner, parce qu'il le craignait.

 And he could [3201] not answer [7725] Abner [0074] a word [1697] again, because he feared [3372] him.


 Abner envoya donc des messagers à David, pour dire de sa part: À qui appartient le pays? en ajoutant: Traite alliance avec moi; et voici, ma main sera avec toi, pour réunir à toi tout Israël.

 And Abner [0074] sent [7971] messengers [4397] to David [1732] on his behalf, saying, [0559] Whose [is] the land? [0776] saying [0559] [also], Make [3772] thy league [1285] with me, and, behold, my hand [3027] [shall be] with thee, to bring about [5437] all Israel [3478] unto thee.


 Et David répondit: C'est bien; je traiterai alliance avec toi; je te demande seulement une chose; c'est que tu ne voies point ma face, que tu ne m'aies d'abord ramené Mical, fille de Saül, quand tu viendras me voir.

 And he said, [0559] Well; [2896] I will make [3772] a league [1285] with thee: but one [0259] thing [1697] I require [7592] of thee, that is, [0559] Thou shalt not see [7200] my face, [6440] except thou first [6440] bring [0935] Michal [4324] Saul's [7586] daughter, [1323] when thou comest [0935] to see [7200] my face. [6440]


 Alors David envoya des messagers à Ishbosheth, fils de Saül, pour lui dire: Rends-moi ma femme Mical, que j'ai épousée pour cent prépuces de Philistins.

 And David [1732] sent [7971] messengers [4397] to Ishbosheth [0378] Saul's [7586] son, [1121] saying, [0559] Deliver [5414] [me] my wife [0802] Michal, [4324] which I espoused [0781] to me for an hundred [3967] foreskins [6190] of the Philistines. [6430]


 Et Ishbosheth l'envoya prendre à son mari Paltiel, fils de Laïsh.

 And Ishbosheth [0378] sent, [7971] and took [3947] her from [her] husband, [0376] [even] from Phaltiel [6409] the son [1121] of Laish. [3889] [3919]


 Et son mari s'en alla avec elle, pleurant en la suivant jusqu'à Bachurim. Puis Abner lui dit: Va, retourne-t'en! Et il s'en retourna.

 And her husband [0376] went [3212] with her along [1980] weeping [1058] behind [0310] her to Bahurim. [0980] Then said [0559] Abner [0074] unto him, Go, [3212] return. [7725] And he returned. [7725]


 Or Abner parla aux anciens d'Israël et dit: Vous désiriez autrefois d'avoir David pour votre roi.

 And Abner [0074] had [1961] communication [1697] with the elders [2205] of Israel, [3478] saying, [0559] Ye sought [1245] for David [1732] in times past [8543] [8032] [to be] king [4428] over you:


 Maintenant donc, faites-le; car YEHOVAH a parlé à David et a dit: C'est par David, mon serviteur, que je délivrerai mon peuple d'Israël de la main des Philistins et de la main de tous ses ennemis.

 Now then do [6213] [it]: for the LORD [3068] hath spoken [0559] of David, [1732] saying, [0559] By the hand [3027] of my servant [5650] David [1732] I will save [3467] my people [5971] Israel [3478] out of the hand [3027] of the Philistines, [6430] and out of the hand [3027] of all their enemies. [0341]


 Et Abner parla de même à ceux de Benjamin; puis il alla dire à David, à Hébron, ce qui avait été approuvé par Israël et par toute la maison de Benjamin.

 And Abner [0074] also spake [1696] in the ears [0241] of Benjamin: [1144] and Abner [0074] went [3212] also to speak [1696] in the ears [0241] of David [1732] in Hebron [2275] all that seemed [5869] good [2896] to Israel, [3478] and that seemed [5869] good to the whole house [1004] of Benjamin. [1144]


 Abner vint donc vers David à Hébron, et vingt hommes avec lui; et David fit un festin à Abner et aux hommes qui étaient avec lui.

 So Abner [0074] came [0935] to David [1732] to Hebron, [2275] and twenty [6242] men [0582] with him. And David [1732] made [6213] Abner [0074] and the men [0582] that [were] with him a feast. [4960]


 Puis Abner dit à David: Je me lèverai, et je m'en irai rassembler tout Israël auprès du roi, mon seigneur, pour qu'ils traitent alliance avec toi, et tu régneras comme ton âme le souhaite. Et David renvoya Abner qui s'en alla en paix.

 And Abner [0074] said [0559] unto David, [1732] I will arise [6965] and go, [3212] and will gather [6908] all Israel [3478] unto my lord [0113] the king, [4428] that they may make [3772] a league [1285] with thee, and that thou mayest reign [4427] over all that thine heart [5315] desireth. [0183] And David [1732] sent Abner [0074] away; [7971] and he went [3212] in peace. [7965]


 Et voici, les gens de David revenaient avec Joab de faire une incursion, et amenaient avec eux un grand butin. Or Abner n'était plus avec David à Hébron; car il l'avait renvoyé, et il s'en était allé en paix.

 And, behold, the servants [5650] of David [1732] and Joab [3097] came [0935] from [pursuing] a troop, [1416] and brought in [0935] a great [7227] spoil [7998] with them: but Abner [0074] [was] not with David [1732] in Hebron; [2275] for he had sent him away, [7971] and he was gone [3212] in peace. [7965]


 Joab, et toute l'armée qui était avec lui, revint donc; et on fit rapport à Joab en ces mots: Abner, fils de Ner, est venu vers le roi, qui l'a laissé partir, et il s'en est allé en paix.

 When Joab [3097] and all the host [6635] that [was] with him were come, [0935] they told [5046] Joab, [3097] saying, [0559] Abner [0074] the son [1121] of Ner [5369] came [0935] to the king, [4428] and he hath sent him away, [7971] and he is gone [3212] in peace. [7965]


 Et Joab vint vers le roi, et dit: Qu'as-tu fait? Voici, Abner est venu vers toi; pourquoi l'as-tu renvoyé, et s'en est-il allé ainsi?

 Then Joab [3097] came [0935] to the king, [4428] and said, [0559] What hast thou done? [6213] behold, Abner [0074] came [0935] unto thee; why [is] it [that] thou hast sent him away, [7971] and he is quite [1980] gone? [3212]


 Tu connais Abner, fils de Ner; c'est pour te tromper qu'il est venu, pour reconnaître tes démarches, et pour savoir tout ce que tu fais.

 Thou knowest [3045] Abner [0074] the son [1121] of Ner, [5369] that he came [0935] to deceive [6601] thee, and to know [3045] thy going out [4161] and thy coming in, [4126] [3996] and to know [3045] all that thou doest. [6213]


 Puis Joab, ayant quitté David, envoya après Abner des gens qui le ramenèrent de la fosse de Sira, sans que David le sût.

 And when Joab [3097] was come out [3318] from David, [1732] he sent [7971] messengers [4397] after [0310] Abner, [0074] which brought him again [7725] from the well [0953] of Sirah: [5626] but David [1732] knew [3045] [it] not.


 Abner étant donc revenu à Hébron, Joab le tira à part, en dedans de la porte, comme pour lui parler en secret, et là il le frappa à la cinquième côte; et Abner mourut ainsi, à cause du sang d'Asaël, frère de Joab.

 And when Abner [0074] was returned [7725] to Hebron, [2275] Joab [3097] took him aside [5186] in [0413] [8432] the gate [8179] to speak [1696] with him quietly, [7987] and smote [5221] him there under the fifth [2570] [rib], that he died, [4191] for the blood [1818] of Asahel [6214] his brother. [0251]


 Et David l'apprit ensuite, et dit: Je suis innocent, moi et mon royaume, devant YEHOVAH, à jamais, du sang d'Abner, fils de Ner.

 And afterward [0310] when David [1732] heard [8085] [it], he said, [0559] I and my kingdom [4467] [are] guiltless [5355] before the LORD [3068] for [5704] ever [5769] from the blood [1818] of Abner [0074] the son [1121] of Ner: [5369]


 Que ce sang retombe sur la tête de Joab, et sur toute la maison de son père! Et que la maison de Joab ne soit jamais sans quelque homme ayant un flux, ou la lèpre, ou qui s'appuie sur un bâton, ou qui tombe par l'épée, ou qui manque de pain!

 Let it rest [2342] on the head [7218] of Joab, [3097] and on all his father's [0001] house; [1004] and let there not fail [3772] from the house [1004] of Joab [3097] one that hath an issue, [2100] or that is a leper, [6879] or that leaneth [2388] on a staff, [6418] or that falleth [5307] on the sword, [2719] or that lacketh [2638] bread. [3899]


 Ainsi Joab et Abishaï, son frère, tuèrent Abner, parce qu'il avait tué Asaël, leur frère, près de Gabaon, dans le combat.

 So Joab [3097] and Abishai [0052] his brother [0251] slew [2026] Abner, [0074] because he had slain [4191] their brother [0251] Asahel [6214] at Gibeon [1391] in the battle. [4421]


 Mais David dit à Joab et à tout le peuple qui était avec lui: Déchirez vos vêtements et ceignez-vous de sacs, et menez deuil sur Abner. Et le roi David marcha derrière le cercueil.

 And David [1732] said [0559] to Joab, [3097] and to all the people [5971] that [were] with him, Rend [7167] your clothes, [0899] and gird [2296] you with sackcloth, [8242] and mourn [5594] before [6440] Abner. [0074] And king [4428] David [1732] [himself] followed [1980] [0310] the bier. [4296]


 Et quand ils eurent enseveli Abner à Hébron, le roi éleva la voix et pleura près du tombeau d'Abner; et tout le peuple pleura aussi.

 And they buried [6912] Abner [0074] in Hebron: [2275] and the king [4428] lifted up [5375] his voice, [6963] and wept [1058] at the grave [6913] of Abner; [0074] and all the people [5971] wept. [1058]


 Et le roi fit une complainte sur Abner, et dit: Abner devait-il mourir comme meurt un méchant?

 And the king [4428] lamented [6969] over Abner, [0074] and said, [0559] Died [4191] Abner [0074] as a fool [5036] dieth? [4194]


 Tes mains ne furent point liées, ni tes pieds mis dans les fers. Tu es tombé comme on tombe devant les méchants! Et tout le peuple recommença à pleurer sur lui.

 Thy hands [3027] [were] not bound, [0631] nor thy feet [7272] put [5066] into fetters: [5178] as a man falleth [5307] before [6440] wicked [5766] men, [1121] [so] fellest [5307] thou. And all the people [5971] wept [1058] again [3254] over him.


 Puis tout le peuple vint pour faire prendre quelque nourriture à David, pendant qu'il était encore jour; mais David fit serment et dit: Que Dieu me punisse sévèrement, si avant que le soleil soit couché, je goûte du pain ou quelque autre chose.

 And when all [3605] the people [5971] came [0935] to cause David [1732] to eat [1262] meat [3899] while it was yet [5750] day, [3117] David [1732] sware, [7650] saying, [0559] So do [6213] God [0430] to me, and more [3254] also, if I taste [2938] bread, [3899] or ought [3972] else, [3605] till [6440] the sun [8121] be down. [0935]


 Et tout le peuple l'entendit, et l'approuva; et tout le peuple trouva bon tout ce que fit le roi.

 And all [3605] the people [5971] took notice [5234] [of it], and it pleased [3190] [5869] them: as whatsoever the king [4428] did [6213] pleased [5869] [2896] all [3605] the people. [5971]


 Ainsi, en ce jour-là, tout le peuple et tout Israël connut que ce n'était point par ordre du roi qu'on avait fait mourir Abner, fils de Ner.

 For all [3605] the people [5971] and all [3605] Israel [3478] understood [3045] that day [3117] that it was not of the king [4428] to slay [4191] Abner [0074] the son [1121] of Ner. [5369]


 Et le roi dit à ses serviteurs: Ne savez-vous pas qu'un capitaine, et un grand capitaine, est tombé aujourd'hui en Israël?

 And the king [4428] said [0559] unto his servants, [5650] Know [3045] ye not that there is a prince [8269] and a great man [1419] fallen [5307] this day [3117] in Israel? [3478]


 Et je suis encore faible aujourd'hui, bien que j'aie été oint roi; mais ces gens, les fils de Tséruja, sont trop puissants pour moi. Que YEHOVAH rende à celui qui a fait le mal, selon sa malice!

 And I [am] this day [3117] weak, [7390] though anointed [4886] king; [4428] and these men [0582] the sons [1121] of Zeruiah [6870] [be] too hard [7186] for me: the LORD [3068] shall reward [7999] the doer [6213] of evil according to his wickedness. [7451]


 Quand le fils de Saül apprit qu'Abner était mort à Hébron, ses mains devinrent lâches, et tout Israël fut consterné.

 And when Saul's [7586] son [1121] heard [8085] that Abner [0074] was dead [4191] in Hebron, [2275] his hands [3027] were feeble, [7503] and all the Israelites [3478] were troubled. [0926]


 Or le fils de Saül avait deux chefs de bandes, dont l'un s'appelait Baana et l'autre Récab; ils étaient fils de Rimmon le Beérothien, des enfants de Benjamin (car Beéroth était réputé appartenir à Benjamin,

 And Saul's [7586] son [1121] had [1961] two [8147] men [0582] [that were] captains [8269] of bands: [1416] the name [8034] of the one [0259] [was] Baanah, [1196] and the name [8034] of the other [8145] Rechab, [7394] the sons [1121] of Rimmon [7417] a Beerothite, [0886] of the children [1121] of Benjamin: [1144] (for Beeroth [0881] also was reckoned [2803] to Benjamin: [1144]


 Et les Beérothiens s'étaient enfuis à Guitthaïm, et ils y ont séjourné jusqu'à aujourd'hui).

 And the Beerothites [0886] fled [1272] to Gittaim, [1664] and were sojourners [1481] there until this day.) [3117]


 Or Jonathan, fils de Saül, avait un fils perclus des pieds; il était âgé de cinq ans lorsque la nouvelle de la mort de Saül et de Jonathan arriva de Jizréel; et sa gouvernante le prit et s'enfuit, et comme elle se hâtait de fuir, il tomba et devint boiteux; son nom était Méphibosheth.

 And Jonathan, [3083] Saul's [7586] son, [1121] had a son [1121] [that was] lame [5223] of [his] feet. [7272] He was five [2568] years [8141] old [1121] when the tidings [8052] came [0935] of Saul [7586] and Jonathan [3083] out of Jezreel, [3157] and his nurse [0539] took him up, [5375] and fled: [5127] and it came to pass, as she made haste [2648] to flee, [5127] that he fell, [5307] and became lame. [6452] And his name [8034] [was] Mephibosheth. [4648]


 Les fils de Rimmon, le Beérothien, Récab et Baana, vinrent donc et entrèrent à la chaleur du jour dans la maison d'Ishbosheth, comme il prenait son repos de midi;

 And the sons [1121] of Rimmon [7417] the Beerothite, [0886] Rechab [7394] and Baanah, [1196] went, [3212] and came [0935] about the heat [2527] of the day [3117] to the house [1004] of Ishbosheth, [0378] who lay [7901] on a bed [4904] at noon. [6672]


 Ils entrèrent jusqu'au milieu de la maison, comme pour y prendre du froment, et ils le frappèrent à la cinquième côte; puis Récab et Baana, son frère, s'enfuirent.

 And they came [0935] thither into the midst [8432] of the house, [1004] [as though] they would have fetched [3947] wheat; [2406] and they smote [5221] him under the fifth [2570] [rib]: and Rechab [7394] and Baanah [1196] his brother [0251] escaped. [4422]


 Ils entrèrent donc dans la maison, lorsqu'Ishbosheth était couché sur son lit, dans la chambre où il dormait; et ils le frappèrent et le firent mourir; puis ils lui coupèrent la tête, et la prirent, et marchèrent par le chemin de la plaine toute cette nuit-là.

 For when they came [0935] into the house, [1004] he lay [7901] on his bed [4296] in his bedchamber, [2315] [4904] and they smote [5221] him, and slew [4191] him, and beheaded [5493] [7218] him, and took [3947] his head, [7218] and gat them away [3212] through [1870] the plain [6160] all night. [3915]


 Et ils apportèrent la tête d'Ishbosheth à David, à Hébron, et ils dirent au roi: Voici la tête d'Ishbosheth, fils de Saül, ton ennemi, qui cherchait ta vie; YEHOVAH a vengé aujourd'hui le roi, mon seigneur, de Saül et de sa race.

 And they brought [0935] the head [7218] of Ishbosheth [0378] unto David [1732] to Hebron, [2275] and said [0559] to the king, [4428] Behold the head [7218] of Ishbosheth [0378] the son [1121] of Saul [7586] thine enemy, [0341] which sought [1245] thy life; [5315] and the LORD [3068] hath [5414] avenged [5360] my lord [0113] the king [4428] this day [3117] of Saul, [7586] and of his seed. [2233]


 Mais David répondit à Récab et à Baana, son frère, fils de Rimmon, le Beérothien, et leur dit: YEHOVAH est vivant, qui a délivré mon âme de toutes mes détresses!

 And David [1732] answered [6030] Rechab [7394] and Baanah [1196] his brother, [0251] the sons [1121] of Rimmon [7417] the Beerothite, [0886] and said [0559] unto them, [As] the LORD [3068] liveth, [2416] who hath redeemed [6299] my soul [5315] out of all adversity, [6869]


 J'ai saisi celui qui vint m'annoncer et me dire: Voilà, Saül est mort; et qui pensait m'apprendre de bonnes nouvelles, et je le fis mourir à Tsiklag, pour prix de ses bonnes nouvelles.

 When one told [5046] me, saying, [0559] Behold, Saul [7586] is dead, [4191] thinking to have brought [5869] good tidings, [1319] I took hold [0270] of him, and slew [2026] him in Ziklag, [6860] who [thought] that I would have given [5414] him a reward for his tidings: [1309]


 Combien plus, quand des méchants ont tué un homme de bien, dans sa maison, sur son lit, ne redemanderai-je pas maintenant son sang de votre main, et ne vous exterminerai-je pas de la terre?

 How much more, when wicked [7563] men [0582] have slain [2026] a righteous [6662] person [0376] in his own house [1004] upon his bed? [4904] shall I not therefore now require [1245] his blood [1818] of your hand, [3027] and take you away [1197] from the earth? [0776]


 Et David donna ordre à ses gens, qui les tuèrent, et leur coupèrent les mains et les pieds, et les pendirent près de l'étang d'Hébron. Puis ils prirent la tête d'Ishbosheth, et l'ensevelirent dans le tombeau d'Abner, à Hébron.

 And David [1732] commanded [6680] his young men, [5288] and they slew [2026] them, and cut off [7112] their hands [3027] and their feet, [7272] and hanged [8518] [them] up over the pool [1295] in Hebron. [2275] But they took [3947] the head [7218] of Ishbosheth, [0378] and buried [6912] [it] in the sepulchre [6913] of Abner [0074] in Hebron. [2275]


 Alors toutes les tribus d'Israël vinrent vers David, à Hébron, et dirent: Voici, nous sommes tes os et ta chair.

 Then came [0935] all the tribes [7626] of Israel [3478] to David [1732] unto Hebron, [2275] and spake, [0559] saying, [0559] Behold, we [are] thy bone [6106] and thy flesh. [1320]


 Et même auparavant, quand Saül était roi sur nous, c'est toi qui faisais sortir et qui ramenais Israël; et YEHOVAH t'a dit: C'est toi qui paîtras mon peuple d'Israël, et qui seras le conducteur d'Israël.

 Also in time past, [0865] [8032] when Saul [7586] was king [4428] over us, thou wast he that leddest out [3318] and broughtest in [0935] Israel: [3478] and the LORD [3068] said [0559] to thee, Thou shalt feed [7462] my people [5971] Israel, [3478] and thou shalt be a captain [5057] over Israel. [3478]


 Tous les anciens d'Israël vinrent donc vers le roi à Hébron; et le roi David fit alliance avec eux à Hébron devant YEHOVAH; et ils oignirent David pour roi sur Israël.

 So all the elders [2205] of Israel [3478] came [0935] to the king [4428] to Hebron; [2275] and king [4428] David [1732] made [3772] a league [1285] with them in Hebron [2275] before [6440] the LORD: [3068] and they anointed [4886] David [1732] king [4428] over Israel. [3478]


 David était âgé de trente ans, quand il commença à régner, et il régna quarante ans;

 David [1732] [was] thirty [7970] years [8141] old [1121] when he began to reign, [4427] [and] he reigned [4427] forty [0705] years. [8141]


 Il régna sur Juda à Hébron sept ans et six mois; puis il régna trente trois ans à Jérusalem, sur tout Israël et Juda.

 In Hebron [2275] he reigned [4427] over Judah [3063] seven [7651] years [8141] and six [8337] months: [2320] and in Jerusalem [3389] he reigned [4427] thirty [7970] and three [7969] years [8141] over all Israel [3478] and Judah. [3063]


 Or, le roi marcha avec ses gens sur Jérusalem, contre les Jébusiens qui habitaient en ce pays-là; et ils dirent à David: Tu n'entreras point ici que tu n'aies ôté les aveugles et les boiteux; voulant dire: David n'entrera point ici.

 And the king [4428] and his men [0582] went [3212] to Jerusalem [3389] unto the Jebusites, [2983] the inhabitants [3427] of the land: [0776] which spake [0559] unto David, [1732] saying, [0559] Except thou take away [5493] the blind [5787] and the lame, [6455] thou shalt not come in [0935] hither: thinking, [0559] David [1732] cannot come in [0935] hither.


 Mais David prit la forteresse de Sion; c'est la cité de David.

 Nevertheless David [1732] took [3920] the strong hold [4686] of Zion: [6726] the same [is] the city [5892] of David. [1732]


 Et David dit en ce jour-là: Quiconque aura battu les Jébusiens, et aura atteint le canal, et ces boiteux et ces aveugles qui sont les ennemis de David, sera récompensé. C'est pourquoi l'on dit: Ni aveugle ni boiteux n'entrera dans cette maison.

 And David [1732] said [0559] on that day, [3117] Whosoever getteth up [5060] to the gutter, [6794] and smiteth [5221] the Jebusites, [2983] and the lame [6455] and the blind, [5787] [that are] hated [8130] of David's [1732] soul, [5315] [he shall be chief and captain]. Wherefore they said, [0559] The blind [5787] and the lame [6455] shall not come [0935] into the house. [1004]


 Et David habita dans la forteresse, et l'appela la cité de David; et il bâtit tout à l'entour depuis Millo jusqu'au-dedans.

 So David [1732] dwelt [3427] in the fort, [4686] and called [7121] it the city [5892] of David. [1732] And David [1732] built [1129] round about [5439] from Millo [4407] and inward. [1004]


 Et David allait toujours avançant et croissant; et YEHOVAH, le Dieu des armées, était avec lui.

 And David [1732] went [3212] on, [1980] and grew great, [1419] and the LORD [3068] God [0430] of hosts [6635] [was] with him.


 Et Hiram, roi de Tyr, envoya à David des ambassadeurs, avec du bois de cèdre et des charpentiers et des tailleurs de pierres; et ils bâtirent la maison de David.

 And Hiram [2438] king [4428] of Tyre [6865] sent [7971] messengers [4397] to David, [1732] and cedar [0730] trees, [6086] and carpenters, [2796] [6086] and masons: [2796] [7023] [0068] and they built [1129] David [1732] an house. [1004]


 Alors David reconnut que YEHOVAH l'avait affermi comme roi sur Israël, et qu'il avait élevé son royaume, à cause de son peuple d'Israël.

 And David [1732] perceived [3045] that the LORD [3068] had established [3559] him king [4428] over Israel, [3478] and that he had exalted [5375] his kingdom [4467] for his people [5971] Israel's [3478] sake.


 Or David prit encore des concubines et des femmes de Jérusalem, après qu'il fut venu d'Hébron; et il lui naquit encore des fils et des filles.

 And David [1732] took [3947] [him] more concubines [6370] and wives [0802] out of Jerusalem, [3389] after [0310] he was come [0935] from Hebron: [2275] and there were yet sons [1121] and daughters [1323] born [3205] to David. [1732]


 Ce sont ici les noms de ceux qui lui naquirent à Jérusalem: Shammua, Shobab, Nathan, Salomon,

 And these [be] the names [8034] of those that were born [3209] unto him in Jerusalem; [3389] Shammua, [8051] and Shobab, [7727] and Nathan, [5416] and Solomon, [8010]


 Jibhar, Élishua, Népheg, Japhia,

 Ibhar [2984] also, and Elishua, [0474] and Nepheg, [5298] and Japhia, [3309]


 Élishama, Eljada et Éliphélet.

 And Elishama, [0476] and Eliada, [0450] and Eliphalet. [0467]


 Mais quand les Philistins eurent appris qu'on avait oint David pour roi sur Israël, ils montèrent tous pour attaquer David; et David, l'ayant appris, descendit à la forteresse.

 But when the Philistines [6430] heard [8085] that they had anointed [4886] David [1732] king [4428] over Israel, [3478] all the Philistines [6430] came up [5927] to seek [1245] David; [1732] and David [1732] heard [8085] [of it], and went down [3381] to the hold. [4686]


 Et les Philistins vinrent, et se répandirent dans la vallée des Géants.

 The Philistines [6430] also came [0935] and spread [5203] themselves in the valley [6010] of Rephaim. [7497]


 Alors David consulta YEHOVAH, en disant: Monterai-je contre les Philistins? les livreras-tu entre mes mains? Et YEHOVAH répondit à David: Monte; car, certainement je livrerai les Philistins entre tes mains.

 And David [1732] enquired [7592] of the LORD, [3068] saying, [0559] Shall I go up [5927] to the Philistines? [6430] wilt thou deliver [5414] them into mine hand? [3027] And the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto David, [1732] Go up: [5927] for I will doubtless [5414] deliver [5414] the Philistines [6430] into thine hand. [3027]


 Alors David vint à Baal-Pératsim, où il les battit; et il dit: YEHOVAH a fait écouler mes ennemis devant moi, comme des eaux qui s'écoulent. C'est pourquoi il nomma ce lieu Baal-Pératsim (seigneur des ruptures).

 And David [1732] came [0935] to Baalperazim, [1188] and David [1732] smote [5221] them there, and said, [0559] The LORD [3068] hath broken forth [6555] upon mine enemies [0341] before [6440] me, as the breach [6556] of waters. [4325] Therefore he called [7121] the name [8034] of that place [4725] Baalperazim. [1188]


 Et ils laissèrent même là leurs idoles, que David et ses gens emportèrent.

 And there they left [5800] their images, [6091] and David [1732] and his men [0582] burned [5375] them.


 Puis les Philistins montèrent encore une fois, et ils se répandirent dans la vallée des Géants;

 And the Philistines [6430] came up [5927] yet again, [3254] and spread [5203] themselves in the valley [6010] of Rephaim. [7497]


 Et David consulta YEHOVAH, qui répondit: Tu ne monteras pas; tu les tourneras par derrière, et tu iras contre eux vis-à-vis des mûriers.

 And when David [1732] enquired [7592] of the LORD, [3068] he said, [0559] Thou shalt not go up; [5927] [but] fetch a compass [5437] behind [0310] them, and come [0935] upon them over against [4136] the mulberry trees. [1057]


 Et quand tu entendras un bruit de pas au sommet des mûriers, alors hâte-toi; car alors YEHOVAH sortira devant toi pour frapper le camp des Philistins.

 And let it be, when thou hearest [8085] the sound [6963] of a going [6807] in the tops [7218] of the mulberry trees, [1057] that then thou shalt bestir [2782] thyself: for then shall the LORD [3068] go out [3318] before [6440] thee, to smite [5221] the host [4264] of the Philistines. [6430]


 David fit donc ce que YEHOVAH lui avait commandé; et il battit les Philistins depuis Guéba jusqu'à Guézer.

 And David [1732] did [6213] so, as the LORD [3068] had commanded [6680] him; and smote [5221] the Philistines [6430] from Geba [1387] until thou come [0935] to Gazer. [1507]


 David assembla encore tous les hommes d'élite d'Israël, au nombre de trente mille.

 Again, David [1732] gathered [0622] together all [the] chosen [0977] [men] of Israel, [3478] thirty [7970] thousand. [0505]


 Puis David se leva, ainsi que tout le peuple qui était avec lui, et partit de Baalé de Juda, pour transporter de là l'arche de Dieu, devant laquelle est invoqué le nom de YEHOVAH des armées qui habite entre les Voyants.

 And David [1732] arose, [6965] and went [3212] with all the people [5971] that [were] with him from Baale of Judah, [1167] [3063][1184] to bring up [5927] from thence the ark [0727] of God, [0430] whose name [8034] is called [7121] by the name [8034] of the LORD [3068] of hosts [6635] that dwelleth [3427] [between] the cherubims. [3742]


 Et ils mirent l'arche de Dieu sur un chariot neuf, et ils l'emmenèrent de la maison d'Abinadab, qui était sur la colline; et Uzza et Achjo, fils d'Abinadab, conduisaient le chariot neuf.

 And they set [7392] the ark [0727] of God [0430] upon a new [2319] cart, [5699] and brought [5375] it out of the house [1004] of Abinadab [0041] that [was] in Gibeah: [1390] and Uzzah [5798] and Ahio, [0283] the sons [1121] of Abinadab, [0041] drave [5090] the new [2319] cart. [5699]


 Ils l'emmenèrent donc de la maison d'Abinadab, sur la colline, avec l'arche de Dieu, et Achjo allait devant l'arche.

 And they brought [5375] it out of the house [1004] of Abinadab [0041] which [was] at Gibeah, [1390] accompanying [5973] the ark [0727] of God: [0430] and Ahio [0283] went [1980] before [6440] the ark. [0727]


 Et David et toute la maison d'Israël jouaient devant YEHOVAH de toute sorte d'instruments de bois de cyprès, de harpes, de lyres, de tambours, de sistres et de cymbales.

 And David [1732] and all the house [1004] of Israel [3478] played [7832] before [6440] the LORD [3068] on all manner of [instruments made of] fir [1265] wood, [6086] even on harps, [3658] and on psalteries, [5035] and on timbrels, [8596] and on cornets, [4517] and on cymbals. [6767]


 Or quand ils furent venus jusqu'à l'aire de Nacon, Uzza porta la main sur l'arche de Dieu et la saisit, parce que les bœufs regimbaient.

 And when they came [0935] to Nachon's [5225] threshingfloor, [1637] Uzzah [5798] put forth [7971] [his hand] to the ark [0727] of God, [0430] and took hold [0270] of it; for the oxen [1241] shook [8058] [it].


 Et la colère de YEHOVAH s'embrasa contre Uzza, et Dieu le frappa à cause de sa témérité, et il mourut là, près de l'arche de Dieu.

 And the anger [0639] of the LORD [3068] was kindled [2734] against Uzzah; [5798] and God [0430] smote [5221] him there for [his] error; [7944] and there he died [4191] by the ark [0727] of God. [0430]


 Et David fut affligé de ce que YEHOVAH avait fait une brèche en la personne d'Uzza, et jusqu'à ce jour on a appelé ce lieu-là Pérets-Uzza (brèche d'Uzza).

 And David [1732] was displeased, [2734] because the LORD [3068] had made [6555] a breach [6556] upon Uzzah: [5798] and he called [7121] the name of the place [4725] Perezuzzah [6560] to this day. [3117]


 David eut donc peur de YEHOVAH en ce jour-là, et il dit: Comment l'arche de YEHOVAH entrerait-elle chez moi?

 And David [1732] was afraid [3372] of the LORD [3068] that day, [3117] and said, [0559] How shall the ark [0727] of the LORD [3068] come [0935] to me?


 Et David ne voulut point retirer l'arche de YEHOVAH chez lui, dans la cité de David; mais il la fit conduire dans la maison d'Obed-Édom, de Gath.

 So David [1732] would [0014] not remove [5493] the ark [0727] of the LORD [3068] unto him into the city [5892] of David: [1732] but David [1732] carried it aside [5186] into the house [1004] of Obededom [5654] the Gittite. [1663]


 Et l'arche de YEHOVAH demeura dans la maison d'Obed-Édom, le Guitthien, trois mois; et YEHOVAH bénit Obed-Édom et toute sa maison.

 And the ark [0727] of the LORD [3068] continued [3427] in the house [1004] of Obededom [5654] the Gittite [1663] three [7969] months: [2320] and the LORD [3068] blessed [1288] Obededom, [5654] and all his household. [1004]


 Puis on vint dire à David: YEHOVAH a béni la maison d'Obed-Édom et tout ce qui est à lui, à cause de l'arche de Dieu. Alors David s'y rendit, et fit monter l'arche de Dieu, de la maison d'Obed-Édom en la cité de David, avec joie.

 And it was told [5046] king [4428] David, [1732] saying, [0559] The LORD [3068] hath blessed [1288] the house [1004] of Obededom, [5654] and all that [pertaineth] unto him, because of the ark [0727] of God. [0430] So David [1732] went [3212] and brought up [5927] the ark [0727] of God [0430] from the house [1004] of Obededom [5654] into the city [5892] of David [1732] with gladness. [8057]


 Et quand ceux qui portaient l'arche de Dieu eurent fait six pas, on sacrifia des taureaux et des béliers gras.

 And it was [so], that when they that bare [5375] the ark [0727] of the LORD [3068] had gone [6805] six [8337] paces, [6806] he sacrificed [2076] oxen [7794] and fatlings. [4806]


 Et David sautait de toute sa force devant YEHOVAH; et il était ceint d'un éphod de lin.

 And David [1732] danced [3769] before [6440] the LORD [3068] with all [his] might; [5797] and David [1732] [was] girded [2296] with a linen [0906] ephod. [0646]


 David et toute la maison d'Israël firent ainsi monter l'arche de YEHOVAH, avec des cris de joie et au son des trompettes.

 So David [1732] and all the house [1004] of Israel [3478] brought up [5927] the ark [0727] of the LORD [3068] with shouting, [8643] and with the sound [6963] of the trumpet. [7782]


 Mais comme l'arche de YEHOVAH entrait dans la cité de David, Mical, fille de Saül, regardant par la fenêtre, vit le roi David qui sautait et dansait devant YEHOVAH, et elle le méprisa en son cœur.

 And as the ark [0727] of the LORD [3068] came [0935] into the city [5892] of David, [1732] Michal [4324] Saul's [7586] daughter [1323] looked [8259] through a window, [2474] and saw [7200] king [4428] David [1732] leaping [6339] and dancing [3769] before [6440] the LORD; [3068] and she despised [0959] him in her heart. [3820]


 Ils amenèrent donc l'arche de YEHOVAH et la posèrent en son lieu, dans la tente que David lui avait dressée; et David offrit des offrandes à brûler et des sacrifices de prospérités devant YEHOVAH.

 And they brought [0935] in the ark [0727] of the LORD, [3068] and set [3322] it in his place, [4725] in the midst [8432] of the tabernacle [0168] that David [1732] had pitched [5186] for it: and David [1732] offered [5927] burnt offerings [5930] and peace offerings [8002] before [6440] the LORD. [3068]


 Quand David eut achevé d'offrir les offrandes à brûler et les sacrifices de prospérités, il bénit le peuple au nom de YEHOVAH des armées;

 And as soon as David [1732] had made an end [3615] of offering [5927] burnt offerings [5930] and peace offerings, [8002] he blessed [1288] the people [5971] in the name [8034] of the LORD [3068] of hosts. [6635]


 Et il distribua à tout le peuple, à toute la multitude d'Israël, tant aux hommes qu'aux femmes, à chacun un pain, une portion de viande et un gâteau de raisin. Puis tout le peuple s'en retourna chacun en sa maison.

 And he dealt [2505] among all the people, [5971] [even] among the whole multitude [1995] of Israel, [3478] as well to the women [0802] as men, [0376] to every one [0376] a [0259] cake [2471] of bread, [3899] and a [0259] good piece [0829] [of flesh], and a [0259] flagon [0809] [of wine]. So all the people [5971] departed [3212] every one [0376] to his house. [1004]


 David s'en retourna aussi pour bénir sa maison; mais Mical, fille de Saül, vint au-devant de lui, et dit: Quel honneur s'est fait aujourd'hui le roi d'Israël, en se découvrant aux yeux des servantes de ses serviteurs, comme se découvrirait un homme de rien!

 Then David [1732] returned [7725] to bless [1288] his household. [1004] And Michal [4324] the daughter [1323] of Saul [7586] came out [3318] to meet [7125] David, [1732] and said, [0559] How glorious [3513] was the king [4428] of Israel [3478] to day, [3117] who uncovered [1540] himself to day [3117] in the eyes [5869] of the handmaids [0519] of his servants, [5650] as one [0259] of the vain [7386] fellows shamelessly [1540] uncovereth [1540] himself!


 Mais David dit à Mical: C'est devant YEHOVAH, qui m'a choisi plutôt que ton père et que toute sa maison, pour m'établir conducteur de son peuple d'Israël, c'est devant YEHOVAH que je me suis réjoui.

 And David [1732] said [0559] unto Michal, [4324] [It was] before [6440] the LORD, [3068] which chose [0977] me before thy father, [0001] and before all his house, [1004] to appoint [6680] me ruler [5057] over the people [5971] of the LORD, [3068] over Israel: [3478] therefore will I play [7832] before [6440] the LORD. [3068]


 Et je m'abaisserai encore plus que cela, et je serai humilié à mes yeux; mais je serai en honneur auprès des servantes dont tu parles.

 And I will yet be more vile [7043] than thus, [2063] and will be base [8217] in mine own sight: [5869] and of the maidservants [0519] which thou hast spoken [0559] of, of them shall I be had in honour. [3513]


 Or Mical, fille de Saül, n'eut point d'enfants jusqu'au jour de sa mort.

 Therefore Michal [4324] the daughter [1323] of Saul [7586] had no child [2056] [3206] unto the day [3117] of her death. [4194]


 Après que le roi fut établi dans sa maison, et que tout alentour YEHOVAH lui eut donné du repos de tous ses ennemis,

 And it came to pass, when the king [4428] sat [3427] in his house, [1004] and the LORD [3068] had given him rest [5117] round about [5439] from all his enemies; [0341]


 Le roi dit à Nathan, le prophète: Regarde, j'habite dans une maison de cèdre, et l'arche de Dieu habite sous une tente.

 That the king [4428] said [0559] unto Nathan [5416] the prophet, [5030] See [7200] now, I dwell [3427] in an house [1004] of cedar, [0730] but the ark [0727] of God [0430] dwelleth [3427] within [8432] curtains. [3407]


 Et Nathan dit au roi: Va, fais tout ce qui est en ton cœur, car YEHOVAH est avec toi.

 And Nathan [5416] said [0559] to the king, [4428] Go, [3212] do [6213] all that [is] in thine heart; [3824] for the LORD [3068] [is] with thee.


 Mais il arriva, cette nuit-là, que la Parole de YEHOVAH fut adressée à Nathan, en ces mots:

 And it came to pass that night, [3915] that the word [1697] of the LORD [3068] came unto Nathan, [5416] saying, [0559]


 Va, et dis à David, mon serviteur: Ainsi a dit YEHOVAH: Est-ce toi qui me bâtirais une maison, afin que j'y habite;

 Go [3212] and tell [0559] my servant [5650] David, [1732] Thus saith [0559] the LORD, [3068] Shalt thou build [1129] me an house [1004] for me to dwell in? [3427]


 Puisque je n'ai point habité dans une maison, depuis le jour que j'ai fait monter les enfants d'Israël hors d'Égypte jusqu'à ce jour, mais que j'ai marché çà et là sous une tente et dans un tabernacle?

 Whereas I have not dwelt [3427] in [any] house [1004] since the time [3117] that I brought up [5927] the children [1121] of Israel [3478] out of Egypt, [4714] even to this day, [3117] but have walked [1980] in a tent [0168] and in a tabernacle. [4908]


 Partout où j'ai marché avec tous les enfants d'Israël, en ai-je dit un mot à quelqu'une des tribus d'Israël, à qui j'ai commandé de paître mon peuple d'Israël? Ai-je dit: Pourquoi ne m'avez-vous point bâti une maison de cèdre?

 In all [the places] wherein I have walked [1980] with all the children [1121] of Israel [3478] spake [1696] I a word [1697] with any [0259] of the tribes [7626] of Israel, [3478] whom I commanded [6680] to feed [7462] my people [5971] Israel, [3478] saying, [0559] Why build [1129] ye not me an house [1004] of cedar? [0730]


 Maintenant donc tu diras ainsi à David, mon serviteur: Ainsi a dit YEHOVAH des armées: Je t'ai pris au pâturage, d'auprès des brebis, afin que tu fusses le conducteur de mon peuple d'Israël,

 Now therefore so shalt thou say [0559] unto my servant [5650] David, [1732] Thus saith [0559] the LORD [3068] of hosts, [6635] I took [3947] thee from the sheepcote, [5116] from following [0310] the sheep, [6629] to be ruler [5057] over my people, [5971] over Israel: [3478]


 Et j'ai été avec toi partout où tu as été; j'ai exterminé tous tes ennemis devant toi, et j'ai rendu ton nom grand, comme le nom des grands de la terre.

 And I was with thee whithersoever thou wentest, [1980] and have cut off [3772] all thine enemies [0341] out of thy sight, [6440] and have made [6213] thee a great [1419] name, [8034] like unto the name [8034] of the great [1419] [men] that [are] in the earth. [0776]


 Et j'ai assigné un lieu à mon peuple d'Israël; je l'ai planté, et il habite chez lui; il ne sera plus agité, et les enfants d'iniquité ne l'affligeront plus comme auparavant,

 Moreover I will appoint [7760] a place [4725] for my people [5971] Israel, [3478] and will plant [5193] them, that they may dwell [7931] in a place of their own, and move [7264] no more; neither shall the children [1121] of wickedness [5766] afflict [6031] them any more, [3254] as beforetime, [7223]


 Depuis le jour où j'ai établi des juges sur mon peuple d'Israël. Et je t'ai donné du repos de tous tes ennemis. YEHOVAH donc t'a fait entendre qu'il te bâtira une maison.

 And as since the time [3117] that I commanded [6680] judges [8199] [to be] over my people [5971] Israel, [3478] and have caused thee to rest [5117] from all thine enemies. [0341] Also the LORD [3068] telleth [5046] thee that he [3068] will make [6213] thee an house. [1004]


 Quand tes jours seront accomplis, et que tu seras couché avec tes pères, j'élèverai ta postérité après toi, celui qui sortira de tes entrailles, et j'affermirai son règne;

 And when thy days [3117] be fulfilled, [4390] and thou shalt sleep [7901] with thy fathers, [0001] I will set up [6965] thy seed [2233] after [0310] thee, which shall proceed [3318] out of thy bowels, [4578] and I will establish [3559] his kingdom. [4467]


 Ce sera lui qui bâtira une maison à mon nom, et j'affermirai le trône de son règne à toujours.

 He shall build [1129] an house [1004] for my name, [8034] and I will stablish [3559] the throne [3678] of his kingdom [4467] for [5704] ever. [5769]


 Je serai son père, et lui sera mon fils. S'il commet quelque iniquité, je le châtierai avec la verge des hommes et avec les plaies des fils des hommes,

 I will be his father, [0001] and he shall be my son. [1121] If he commit iniquity, [5753] I will chasten [3198] him with the rod [7626] of men, [0582] and with the stripes [5061] of the children [1121] of men: [0120]


 Mais ma grâce ne se retirera point de lui, comme je l'ai retirée de Saül, que j'ai ôté de devant toi.

 But my mercy [2617] shall not depart away [5493] from him, as I took [5493] [it] from Saul, [7586] whom I put away [5493] before [6440] thee.


 Ainsi ta maison et ton règne seront assurés à jamais devant tes yeux; ton trône sera à jamais affermi.

 And thine house [1004] and thy kingdom [4467] shall be established [0539] for [5704] ever [5769] before [6440] thee: thy throne [3678] shall be established [3559] for [5704] ever. [5769]


 Nathan parla donc à David selon toutes ces paroles et selon toute cette vision.

 According to all these words, [1697] and according to all this vision, [2384] so did Nathan [5416] speak [1696] unto David. [1732]


 Alors le roi David entra et se tint debout devant YEHOVAH, et dit: Qui suis-je, Seigneur YEHOVAH, et quelle est ma maison, que tu m'aies fait parvenir où je suis?

 Then went [0935] king [4428] David [1732] in, and sat [3427] before [6440] the LORD, [3068] and he said, [0559] Who [am] I, O Lord [0136] GOD? [3069] and what [is] my house, [1004] that thou hast brought [0935] me hitherto? [1988]


 Encore cela t'a-t-il paru peu de chose, Seigneur YEHOVAH. Et tu as parlé de la maison de ton serviteur pour un temps éloigné, et tu m'as vu à la manière de l'homme des hauts lieux qui est YEHOVAH Dieu.

 And this was yet a small thing [6994] in thy sight, [5869] O Lord [0136] GOD; [3069] but thou hast spoken [1696] also of thy servant's [5650] house [1004] for a great while to come. [7350] And [is] this the manner [8452] of man, [0120] O Lord [0136] GOD? [3069]


 Et que te pourrait dire de plus David? car, Seigneur YEHOVAH, tu connais ton serviteur.

 And what can David [1732] say [1696] more [3254] unto thee? for thou, Lord [0136] GOD, [3069] knowest [3045] thy servant. [5650]


 C'est en tenant compte de ta Parole, et selon ton cœur, que tu as fait toutes ces grandes choses et les as fait connaître à ton serviteur.

 For thy word's [1697] sake, and according to thine own heart, [3820] hast thou done [6213] all these great things, [1420] to make thy servant [5650] know [3045] [them].


 Aussi tu es grand, YEHOVAH Dieu; car nul n'est comme toi, et il n'y a point d'autre Dieu que toi, selon tout ce que nous avons entendu de nos oreilles.

 Wherefore thou art great, [1431] O LORD [3068] God: [0430] for [there is] none like thee, neither [is there any] God [0430] beside [2108] thee, according to all that we have heard [8085] with our ears. [0241]


 Et qui est comme ton peuple, comme Israël, la seule nation de la terre que Dieu est venu racheter pour en faire son peuple, pour s'acquérir un grand nom, et pour faire en sa faveur, en faveur de ton pays, ces choses grandes et terribles, en chassant devant ton peuple que tu t'es racheté d'Égypte, les nations et leurs dieux?

 And what one [0259] nation [1471] in the earth [0776] [is] like thy people, [5971] [even] like Israel, [3478] whom God [0430] went [1980] to redeem [6299] for a people [5971] to himself, and to make [7760] him a name, [8034] and to do [6213] for you great things [1420] and terrible, [3372] for thy land, [0776] before [6440] thy people, [5971] which thou redeemedst [6299] to thee from Egypt, [4714] [from] the nations [1471] and their gods? [0430]


 Car tu t'es assuré ton peuple d'Israël pour être ton peuple à jamais; et toi, YEHOVAH, tu as été leur Dieu.

 For thou hast confirmed [3559] to thyself thy people [5971] Israel [3478] [to be] a people [5971] unto thee for [5704] ever: [5769] and thou, LORD, [3068] art become [1961] their God. [0430]


 Maintenant donc, YEHOVAH Dieu, confirme pour jamais ta Parole, laquelle tu as prononcée sur ton serviteur et sur sa maison, et fais comme tu as dit.

 And now, O LORD [3068] God, [0430] the word [1697] that thou hast spoken [1696] concerning thy servant, [5650] and concerning his house, [1004] establish [6965] [it] for [5704] ever, [5769] and do [6213] as thou hast said. [1696]


 Et que ton nom soit magnifié à jamais; et qu'on dise: YEHOVAH des armées est le Dieu d'Israël! Et que la maison de David ton serviteur soit affermie devant toi.

 And let thy name [8034] be magnified [1431] for [5704] ever, [5769] saying, [0559] The LORD [3068] of hosts [6635] [is] the God [0430] over Israel: [3478] and let the house [1004] of thy servant [5650] David [1732] be established [3559] before [6440] thee.


 Car toi-même, YEHOVAH des armées, Dieu d'Israël, tu as fait entendre ces choses à ton serviteur, en disant: Je t'édifierai une maison! C'est pourquoi ton serviteur a pris la hardiesse de te faire cette prière.

 For thou, O LORD [3068] of hosts, [6635] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] hast revealed [1540] [0241] to thy servant, [5650] saying, [0559] I will build [1129] thee an house: [1004] therefore hath thy servant [5650] found [4672] in his heart [3820] to pray [6419] this prayer [8605] unto thee.


 Maintenant donc, Seigneur YEHOVAH, tu es Dieu, et tes paroles sont véritables; or, tu as promis à ton serviteur de lui faire ce bien.

 And now, O Lord [0136] GOD, [3069] thou [art] that God, [0430] and thy words [1697] be true, [0571] and thou hast promised [1696] this goodness [2896] unto thy servant: [5650]


 Veuille donc maintenant bénir la maison de ton serviteur, afin qu'elle subsiste éternellement devant toi; car tu l'as dit, Seigneur YEHOVAH, et la maison de ton serviteur sera bénie de ta bénédiction à jamais.

 Therefore now let it please [2974] thee to bless [1288] the house [1004] of thy servant, [5650] that it may continue for ever [5769] before [6440] thee: for thou, O Lord [0136] GOD, [3069] hast spoken [1696] [it]: and with thy blessing [1293] let the house [1004] of thy servant [5650] be blessed [1288] for ever. [5769]


 Après cela David battit les Philistins et les abaissa; et David enleva Méthegamma des mains des Philistins.

 And after [0310] this it came to pass, that David [1732] smote [5221] the Philistines, [6430] and subdued [3665] them: and David [1732] took [3947] Methegammah [4964][0522][4965] out of the hand [3027] of the Philistines. [6430]


 Il battit aussi les Moabites, et les mesura au cordeau, en les faisant coucher par terre; il en mesura deux cordeaux pour les faire mourir, et un plein cordeau pour leur laisser la vie; et les Moabites furent soumis à David et ses tributaires.

 And he smote [5221] Moab, [4124] and measured [4058] them with a line, [2256] casting them down [7901] to the ground; [0776] even with two [8147] lines [2256] measured [4058] he to put to death, [4191] and with one full [4393] line [2256] to keep alive. [2421] And [so] the Moabites [4124] became David's [1732] servants, [5650] [and] brought [5375] gifts. [4503]


 David battit aussi Hadadézer, fils de Réhob, roi de Tsoba, comme il allait rétablir sa domination sur le fleuve de l'Euphrate.

 David [1732] smote [5221] also Hadadezer, [1909] the son [1121] of Rehob, [7340] king [4428] of Zobah, [6678] as he went [3212] to recover [7725] his border [3027] at the river [5104] Euphrates. [6578]


 Et David lui prit dix-sept cents cavaliers, et vingt mille hommes de pied; et il coupa les jarrets aux chevaux de tous les chars, mais il en réserva cent chars.

 And David [1732] took [3920] from him a thousand [0505] [chariots], and seven [7651] hundred [3967] horsemen, [6571] and twenty [6242] thousand [0505] footmen: [0376] [7273] and David [1732] houghed [6131] all the chariot [7393] [horses], but reserved [3498] of them [for] an hundred [3967] chariots. [7393]


 Or les Syriens de Damas vinrent au secours de Hadadézer, roi de Tsoba; et David battit vingt-deux mille Syriens.

 And when the Syrians [0758] of Damascus [1834] came [0935] to succour [5826] Hadadezer [1909] king [4428] of Zobah, [6678] David [1732] slew [5221] of the Syrians [0758] two [8147] and twenty [6242] thousand [0505] men. [0376]


 Puis David mit des garnisons dans la Syrie de Damas, et les Syriens furent soumis à David et ses tributaires. Et YEHOVAH gardait David partout où il allait.

 Then David [1732] put [7760] garrisons [5333] in Syria [0758] of Damascus: [1834] and the Syrians [0758] became servants [5650] to David, [1732] [and] brought [5375] gifts. [4503] And the LORD [3068] preserved [3467] David [1732] whithersoever he went. [1980]


 Et David prit les boucliers d'or qu'avaient les serviteurs de Hadadézer, et les apporta à Jérusalem.

 And David [1732] took [3947] the shields [7982] of gold [2091] that were on the servants [5650] of Hadadezer, [1909] and brought [0935] them to Jerusalem. [3389]


 Le roi David emporta aussi une très grande quantité d'airain de Bétach et de Bérothaï, villes de Hadadézer.

 And from Betah, [0984] and from Berothai, [1268] cities [5892] of Hadadezer, [1909] king [4428] David [1732] took [3947] exceeding [3966] much [7235] brass. [5178]


 Or Thoï, roi de Hamath, apprit que David avait défait toutes les forces de Hadadézer.

 When Toi [8583] king [4428] of Hamath [2574] heard [8085] that David [1732] had smitten [5221] all the host [2428] of Hadadezer, [1909]


 Et il envoya Joram, son fils, vers le roi David, pour le saluer, et pour le bénir de ce qu'il avait fait la guerre contre Hadadézer et de ce qu'il l'avait défait. Car Hadadézer était continuellement en guerre avec Thoï. Et Joram apporta des vases d'argent, des vases d'or et des vases d'airain,

 Then Toi [8583] sent [7971] Joram [3141] his son [1121] unto king [4428] David, [1732] to salute [7592] [7965] him, and to bless [1288] him, because he had fought [3898] against Hadadezer, [1909] and smitten [5221] him: for Hadadezer [1909] had wars [0376] [4421] with Toi. [8583] And [Joram] brought with him [3027] vessels [3627] of silver, [3701] and vessels [3627] of gold, [2091] and vessels [3627] of brass: [5178]


 Que David consacra à YEHOVAH, avec l'argent et l'or qu'il avait déjà consacrés, du butin de toutes les nations qu'il s'était assujetties,

 Which also king [4428] David [1732] did dedicate [6942] unto the LORD, [3068] with the silver [3701] and gold [2091] that he had dedicated [6942] of all nations [1471] which he subdued; [3533]


 De la Syrie, de Moab, des enfants d'Ammon, des Philistins, d'Amalek, et du butin de Hadadézer, fils de Réhob, roi de Tsoba.

 Of Syria, [0758] and of Moab, [4124] and of the children [1121] of Ammon, [5983] and of the Philistines, [6430] and of Amalek, [6002] and of the spoil [7998] of Hadadezer, [1909] son [1121] of Rehob, [7340] king [4428] of Zobah. [6678]


 David s'acquit encore du renom, à son retour de la défaite des Syriens, en battant, dans la vallée du Sel, dix-huit mille Iduméens,

 And David [1732] gat [6213] [him] a name [8034] when he returned [7725] from smiting [5221] of the Syrians [0758] in the valley [1516] of salt, [4417] [being] eighteen [8083] [6240] thousand [0505] [men].


 Et il mit des garnisons dans l'Idumée; il mit des garnisons dans toute l'Idumée, et l'Idumée entière fut soumise à David. Et YEHOVAH gardait David partout où il allait.

 And he put [7760] garrisons [5333] in Edom; [0123] throughout all Edom [0123] put [7760] he garrisons, [5333] and all they of Edom [0123] became David's [1732] servants. [5650] And the LORD [3068] preserved [3467] David [1732] whithersoever he went. [1980]


 Ainsi David régna sur tout Israël, faisant droit et justice à tout son peuple.

 And David [1732] reigned [4427] over all Israel; [3478] and David [1732] executed [6213] judgment [4941] and justice [6666] unto all his people. [5971]


 Et Joab, fils de Tséruja, commandait l'armée; et Josaphat, fils d'Achilud, était archiviste;

 And Joab [3097] the son [1121] of Zeruiah [6870] [was] over the host; [6635] and Jehoshaphat [3092] the son [1121] of Ahilud [0286] [was] recorder; [2142]


 Et Tsadok, fils d'Achitub, et Achimélec, fils d'Abiathar, étaient sacrificateurs, et Séraja, secrétaire;

 And Zadok [6659] the son [1121] of Ahitub, [0285] and Ahimelech [0288] the son [1121] of Abiathar, [0054] [were] the priests; [3548] and Seraiah [8304] [was] the scribe; [5608]


 Et Bénaja, fils de Jéhojada, était sur les Kéréthiens et les Péléthiens, et les fils de David étaient ses principaux sacrificateurs.

 And Benaiah [1141] the son [1121] of Jehoiada [3077] [was over] both the Cherethites [3774] and the Pelethites; [6432] and David's [1732] sons [1121] were chief rulers. [3548]


 Alors David dit: Ne reste-t-il donc personne de la maison de Saül, afin que je lui fasse du bien pour l'amour de Jonathan?

 And David [1732] said, [0559] Is there [3426] yet any that is left [3498] of the house [1004] of Saul, [7586] that I may shew [6213] him kindness [2617] for Jonathan's [3083] sake?


 Or il y avait dans la maison de Saül un serviteur nommé Tsiba, qu'on appela auprès de David; et le roi lui dit: Es-tu Tsiba? Et il répondit: Ton serviteur!

 And [there was] of the house [1004] of Saul [7586] a servant [5650] whose name [8034] [was] Ziba. [6717] And when they had called [7121] him unto David, [1732] the king [4428] said [0559] unto him, [Art] thou Ziba? [6717] And he said, [0559] Thy servant [5650] [is he].


 Et le roi dit: N'y a-t-il plus personne de la maison de Saül, pour que j'use envers lui d'une bonté selon Dieu? Et Tsiba répondit au roi: Il y a encore un fils de Jonathan, qui est perclus des pieds.

 And the king [4428] said, [0559] [Is] there not [0657] yet any [0376] of the house [1004] of Saul, [7586] that I may shew [6213] the kindness [2617] of God [0430] unto him? And Ziba [6717] said [0559] unto the king, [4428] Jonathan [3083] hath yet a son, [1121] [which is] lame [5223] on [his] feet. [7272]


 Le roi lui dit: Où est-il? Et Tsiba répondit au roi: Il est dans la maison de Makir, fils d'Ammiel, à Lodébar.

 And the king [4428] said [0559] unto him, Where [0375] [is] he? And Ziba [6717] said [0559] unto the king, [4428] Behold, he [is] in the house [1004] of Machir, [4353] the son [1121] of Ammiel, [5988] in Lodebar. [3810]


 Alors le roi David envoya et le fit amener de la maison de Makir, fils d'Ammiel de Lodébar.

 Then king [4428] David [1732] sent, [7971] and fetched [3947] him out of the house [1004] of Machir, [4353] the son [1121] of Ammiel, [5988] from Lodebar. [3810]


 Or quand Méphibosheth, le fils de Jonathan, fils de Saül, fut venu vers David, il se jeta sur sa face et se prosterna. Et David dit: Méphibosheth! Il répondit: Voici ton serviteur.

 Now when Mephibosheth, [4648] the son [1121] of Jonathan, [3083] the son [1121] of Saul, [7586] was come [0935] unto David, [1732] he fell [5307] on his face, [6440] and did reverence. [7812] And David [1732] said, [0559] Mephibosheth. [4648] And he answered, [0559] Behold thy servant! [5650]


 Et David lui dit: Ne crains point, car certainement je te ferai du bien pour l'amour de Jonathan, ton père; et je te rendrai toutes les terres de Saül, ton père; et toi, tu mangeras toujours à ma table.

 And David [1732] said [0559] unto him, Fear [3372] not: for I will surely [6213] shew [6213] thee kindness [2617] for Jonathan [3083] thy father's [0001] sake, and will restore [7725] thee all the land [7704] of Saul [7586] thy father; [0001] and thou shalt eat [0398] bread [3899] at my table [7979] continually. [8548]


 Alors Méphibosheth se prosterna et dit: Qu'est ton serviteur, que tu aies regardé un chien mort tel que moi?

 And he bowed [7812] himself, and said, [0559] What [is] thy servant, [5650] that thou shouldest look [6437] upon such a dead [4191] dog [3611] as I [am]?


 Puis le roi appela Tsiba, serviteur de Saül, et lui dit: J'ai donné au fils de ton maître tout ce qui appartenait à Saül et à toute sa maison.

 Then the king [4428] called [7121] to Ziba, [6717] Saul's [7586] servant, [5288] and said [0559] unto him, I have given [5414] unto thy master's [0113] son [1121] all that pertained [1961] to Saul [7586] and to all his house. [1004]


 Tu cultiveras donc pour lui ces terres-là, toi et tes fils et tes serviteurs, et tu en recueilleras les fruits, afin que le fils de ton maître ait du pain à manger. Et Méphibosheth, le fils de ton maître, mangera toujours à ma table. Or Tsiba avait quinze fils et vingt serviteurs.

 Thou therefore, and thy sons, [1121] and thy servants, [5650] shall till [5647] the land [0127] for him, and thou shalt bring in [0935] [the fruits], that thy master's [0113] son [1121] may have food [3899] to eat: [0398] but Mephibosheth [4648] thy master's [0113] son [1121] shall eat [0398] bread [3899] alway [8548] at my table. [7979] Now Ziba [6717] had fifteen [2568] [6240] sons [1121] and twenty [6242] servants. [5650]


 Et Tsiba dit au roi: Ton serviteur fera tout ce que le roi, mon seigneur, commande à son serviteur. Et Méphibosheth, dit le roi, mangera à ma table comme un des fils du roi.

 Then said [0559] Ziba [6717] unto the king, [4428] According to all that my lord [0113] the king [4428] hath commanded [6680] his servant, [5650] so shall thy servant [5650] do. [6213] As for Mephibosheth, [4648] [said the king], he shall eat [0398] at my table, [7979] as one [0259] of the king's [4428] sons. [1121]


 Or Méphibosheth avait un jeune fils, nommé Mica; et tous ceux qui demeuraient dans la maison de Tsiba étaient serviteurs de Méphibosheth.

 And Mephibosheth [4648] had a young [6996] son, [1121] whose name [8034] [was] Micha. [4316] And all that dwelt [4186] in the house [1004] of Ziba [6717] [were] servants [5650] unto Mephibosheth. [4648]


 Et Méphibosheth demeurait à Jérusalem, parce qu'il mangeait toujours à la table du roi. Il était boiteux des deux pieds.

 So Mephibosheth [4648] dwelt [3427] in Jerusalem: [3389] for he did eat [0398] continually [8548] at the king's [4428] table; [7979] and was lame [6455] on both [8147] his feet. [7272]


 Après cela, le roi des enfants d'Ammon mourut, et Hanun, son fils, régna à sa place.

 And it came to pass after [0310] this, that the king [4428] of the children [1121] of Ammon [5983] died, [4191] and Hanun [2586] his son [1121] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 Et David dit: J'userai de bonté envers Hanun, fils de Nachash, comme son père a usé de bonté envers moi. David envoya donc ses serviteurs pour le consoler au sujet de son père; et les serviteurs de David vinrent au pays des enfants d'Ammon.

 Then said [0559] David, [1732] I will shew [6213] kindness [2617] unto Hanun [2586] the son [1121] of Nahash, [5176] as his father [0001] shewed [6213] kindness [2617] unto me. And David [1732] sent [7971] to comfort [5162] him by the hand [3027] of his servants [5650] for his father. [0001] And David's [1732] servants [5650] came [0935] into the land [0776] of the children [1121] of Ammon. [5983]


 Mais les chefs d'entre les enfants d'Ammon dirent à Hanun, leur seigneur: Penses-tu que ce soit pour honorer ton père que David t'envoie des consolateurs? N'est-ce pas pour reconnaître exactement la ville, pour l'épier, et la détruire, que David envoie ses serviteurs vers toi?

 And the princes [8269] of the children [1121] of Ammon [5983] said [0559] unto Hanun [2586] their lord, [0113] Thinkest [5869] thou that David [1732] doth honour [3513] thy father, [0001] that he hath sent [7971] comforters [5162] unto thee? hath not David [1732] [rather] sent [7971] his servants [5650] unto thee, to [5668] search [2713] the city, [5892] and to spy it out, [7270] and to overthrow [2015] it?


 Hanun prit donc les serviteurs de David, et leur fit raser la moitié de la barbe, et couper la moitié de leurs habits jusqu'aux hanches; puis il les renvoya.

 Wherefore Hanun [2586] took [3947] David's [1732] servants, [5650] and shaved off [1548] the one half [2677] of their beards, [2206] and cut off [3772] their garments [4063] in the middle, [2677] [even] to their buttocks, [8357] and sent them away. [7971]


 Et cela fut rapporté à David, qui envoya au-devant d'eux; car ces hommes étaient dans une grande confusion. Et le roi leur fit dire: Tenez-vous à Jérico jusqu'à ce que votre barbe ait repoussé, et alors vous reviendrez.

 When they told [5046] [it] unto David, [1732] he sent [7971] to meet [7125] them, because the men [0582] were greatly [3966] ashamed: [3637] and the king [4428] said, [0559] Tarry [3427] at Jericho [3405] until your beards [2206] be grown, [6779] and [then] return. [7725]


 Or les enfants d'Ammon, voyant qu'ils s'étaient mis en mauvaise odeur auprès de David, envoyèrent lever à leur solde vingt mille hommes de pied chez les Syriens de Beth-Réhob et chez les Syriens de Tsoba, et mille hommes chez le roi de Maaca, et douze mille hommes chez les gens de Tob.

 And when the children [1121] of Ammon [5983] saw [7200] that they stank [0887] before David, [1732] the children [1121] of Ammon [5983] sent [7971] and hired [7936] the Syrians [0758] of Bethrehob, [1050] and the Syrians [0758] of Zoba, [6678] twenty [6242] thousand [0505] footmen, [7273] and of king [4428] Maacah [4601] a thousand [0505] men, [0376] and of Ishtob [0382] twelve [6240] [8147] thousand [0505] men. [0376]


 David, l'ayant appris, envoya Joab et toute l'armée, les plus vaillants hommes.

 And when David [1732] heard [8085] of [it], he sent [7971] Joab, [3097] and all the host [6635] of the mighty men. [1368]


 Alors les enfants d'Ammon sortirent, et se rangèrent en bataille à l'entrée de la porte; et les Syriens de Tsoba, et de Réhob, et ceux de Tob et de Maaca, étaient à part dans la campagne.

 And the children [1121] of Ammon [5983] came out, [3318] and put the battle [4421] in array [6186] at the entering in [6607] of the gate: [8179] and the Syrians [0758] of Zoba, [6678] and of Rehob, [7340] and Ishtob, [0382] and Maacah, [4601] [were] by themselves [0905] in the field. [7704]


 Et Joab, voyant que leur armée était tournée contre lui devant et derrière, choisit d'entre tous ceux d'Israël des hommes d'élite, et les rangea contre les Syriens.

 When Joab [3097] saw [7200] that the front [6440] of the battle [4421] was against him before [6440] and behind, [0268] he chose [0977] of all the choice [0977] [men] of Israel, [3478] and put [them] in array [6186] against [7125] the Syrians: [0758]


 Et il donna la conduite du reste du peuple à Abishaï, son frère, qui les rangea contre les enfants d'Ammon.

 And the rest [3499] of the people [5971] he delivered [5414] into the hand [3027] of Abishai [0052] his brother, [0251] that he might put [them] in array [6186] against [7125] the children [1121] of Ammon. [5983]


 Et il lui dit: Si les Syriens sont plus forts que moi, tu me viendras en aide; et si les enfants d'Ammon sont plus forts que toi, j'irai te délivrer.

 And he said, [0559] If the Syrians [0758] be too strong [2388] for me, then thou shalt help [3444] me: but if the children [1121] of Ammon [5983] be too strong [2388] for thee, then I will come [1980] and help [3467] thee.


 Sois vaillant, et combattons vaillamment pour notre peuple et pour les villes de notre Dieu; et que YEHOVAH fasse ce qui lui semblera bon.

 Be of good courage, [2388] and let us play the men [2388] for our people, [5971] and for the cities [5892] of our God: [0430] and the LORD [3068] do [6213] that which seemeth [5869] him good. [2896]


 Alors Joab et le peuple qui était avec lui, s'approchèrent pour livrer bataille aux Syriens, et ils s'enfuirent devant lui.

 And Joab [3097] drew nigh, [5066] and the people [5971] that [were] with him, unto the battle [4421] against the Syrians: [0758] and they fled [5127] before [6440] him.


 Et les enfants d'Ammon, voyant que les Syriens avaient pris la fuite, s'enfuirent aussi devant Abishaï, et rentrèrent dans la ville. Et Joab s'en retourna de la poursuite des enfants d'Ammon, et vint à Jérusalem.

 And when the children [1121] of Ammon [5983] saw [7200] that the Syrians [0758] were fled, [5127] then fled [5127] they also before [6440] Abishai, [0052] and entered [0935] into the city. [5892] So Joab [3097] returned [7725] from the children [1121] of Ammon, [5983] and came [0935] to Jerusalem. [3389]


 Mais les Syriens, voyant qu'ils avaient été battus par ceux d'Israël, se rallièrent.

 And when the Syrians [0758] saw [7200] that they were smitten [5062] before [6440] Israel, [3478] they gathered [0622] themselves together. [3162]


 Et Hadarézer envoya, et fit venir les Syriens d'au delà du fleuve, et ils vinrent à Hélam; et Shobac, chef de l'armée de Hadarézer, les conduisait.

 And Hadarezer [1928] sent, [7971] and brought out [3318] the Syrians [0758] that [were] beyond [5676] the river: [5104] and they came [0935] to Helam; [2431] and Shobach [7731] the captain [8269] of the host [6635] of Hadarezer [1928] [went] before [6440] them.


 Cela fut rapporté à David, qui assembla tout Israël, passa le Jourdain, et vint à Hélam. Et les Syriens se rangèrent en bataille contre David, et combattirent contre lui.

 And when it was told [5046] David, [1732] he gathered [0622] all Israel [3478] together, and passed over [5674] Jordan, [3383] and came [0935] to Helam. [2431] And the Syrians [0758] set themselves in array [6186] against [7125] David, [1732] and fought [3898] with him.


 Mais les Syriens s'enfuirent devant Israël; et David défit sept cents chars des Syriens et quarante mille cavaliers. Il frappa aussi Shobac, chef de leur armée, qui mourut là.

 And the Syrians [0758] fled [5127] before [6440] Israel; [3478] and David [1732] slew [2026] [the men of] seven [7651] hundred [3967] chariots [7393] of the Syrians, [0758] and forty [0705] thousand [0505] horsemen, [6571] and smote [5221] Shobach [7731] the captain [8269] of their host, [6635] who died [4191] there.


 Et quand tous les rois, soumis à Hadarézer, virent qu'ils avaient été battus par Israël, ils firent la paix avec les Israélites, et leur furent assujettis; et les Syriens craignirent de donner encore du secours aux enfants d'Ammon.

 And when all the kings [4428] [that were] servants [5650] to Hadarezer [1928] saw [7200] that they were smitten [5062] before [6440] Israel, [3478] they made peace [7999] with Israel, [3478] and served [5647] them. So the Syrians [0758] feared [3372] to help [3467] the children [1121] of Ammon [5983] any more.


 L'an d'après, au temps où les rois se mettaient en campagne, David envoya Joab, et avec lui ses serviteurs et tout Israël; et ils ravagèrent le pays des enfants d'Ammon et assiégèrent Rabba. Mais David demeura à Jérusalem.

 And it came to pass, after the year [8141] was expired, [8666] at the time [6256] when kings [4428] [4397] go forth [3318] [to battle], that David [1732] sent [7971] Joab, [3097] and his servants [5650] with him, and all Israel; [3478] and they destroyed [7843] the children [1121] of Ammon, [5983] and besieged [6696] Rabbah. [7237] But David [1732] tarried [3427] still at Jerusalem. [3389]


 Et il arriva, sur le soir, que David se leva de dessus son lit; et comme il se promenait sur la plate-forme du palais royal, il vit de cette plate-forme une femme qui se baignait, et cette femme était fort belle à voir.

 And it came to pass in an eveningtide, [6153] [6256] that David [1732] arose [6965] from off his bed, [4904] and walked [1980] upon the roof [1406] of the king's [4428] house: [1004] and from the roof [1406] he saw [7200] a woman [0802] washing [7364] herself; and the woman [0802] [was] very [3966] beautiful [2896] to look upon. [4758]


 Et David envoya demander qui était cette femme, et on lui dit: N'est-ce pas Bath-Shéba, fille d'Éliam, femme d'Urie, le Héthien?

 And David [1732] sent [7971] and enquired [1875] after the woman. [0802] And [one] said, [0559] [Is] not this Bathsheba, [1339] the daughter [1323] of Eliam, [0463] the wife [0802] of Uriah [0223] the Hittite? [2850]


 Et David envoya des messagers, et l'enleva. Elle vint vers lui, et il coucha avec elle; or elle était nettoyée de sa souillure; puis elle s'en retourna dans sa maison.

 And David [1732] sent [7971] messengers, [4397] and took [3947] her; and she came in [0935] unto him, and he lay [7901] with her; for she was purified [6942] from her uncleanness: [2932] and she returned [7725] unto her house. [1004]


 Or cette femme conçut, et elle envoya l'annoncer à David, en lui disant: Je suis enceinte.

 And the woman [0802] conceived, [2029] and sent [7971] and told [5046] David, [1732] and said, [0559] I [am] with child. [2030]


 Alors David fit dire à Joab: Envoie-moi Urie, le Héthien. Joab envoya donc Urie vers David.

 And David [1732] sent [7971] to Joab, [3097] [saying], Send [7971] me Uriah [0223] the Hittite. [2850] And Joab [3097] sent [7971] Uriah [0223] to David. [1732]


 Et Urie vint à lui, et David l'interrogea sur l'état de Joab et du peuple, et sur l'état de la guerre.

 And when Uriah [0223] was come [0935] unto him, David [1732] demanded [7592] [of him] how Joab [3097] did, [7965] and how the people [5971] did, [7965] and how the war [4421] prospered. [7965]


 Puis David dit à Urie: Descends dans ta maison et lave-toi les pieds. Urie sortit donc de la maison du roi, et il fut suivi d'un présent royal.

 And David [1732] said [0559] to Uriah, [0223] Go down [3381] to thy house, [1004] and wash [7364] thy feet. [7272] And Uriah [0223] departed [3318] out of the king's [4428] house, [1004] and there followed [3318] [0310] him a mess [4864] [of meat] from the king. [4428]


 Mais Urie dormit à la porte de la maison du roi, avec tous les serviteurs de son seigneur, et ne descendit point dans sa maison.

 But Uriah [0223] slept [7901] at the door [6607] of the king's [4428] house [1004] with all the servants [5650] of his lord, [0113] and went not down [3381] to his house. [1004]


 Et on le rapporta à David, et on lui dit: Urie n'est pas descendu dans sa maison. Et David dit à Urie: Ne viens-tu pas de voyage? Pourquoi n'es-tu pas descendu dans ta maison?

 And when they had told [5046] David, [1732] saying, [0559] Uriah [0223] went not down [3381] unto his house, [1004] David [1732] said [0559] unto Uriah, [0223] Camest [0935] thou not from [thy] journey? [1870] why [then] didst thou not go down [3381] unto thine house? [1004]


 Et Urie répondit à David: L'arche, et Israël et Juda logent sous des tentes; mon seigneur Joab aussi et les serviteurs de mon seigneur campent aux champs; et moi j'entrerais dans ma maison pour manger et boire, et pour coucher avec ma femme? Tu es vivant, et ton âme vit, que je ne saurais faire une telle chose!

 And Uriah [0223] said [0559] unto David, [1732] The ark, [0727] and Israel, [3478] and Judah, [3063] abide [3427] in tents; [5521] and my lord [0113] Joab, [3097] and the servants [5650] of my lord, [0113] are encamped [2583] in the open [6440] fields; [7704] shall I [0589] then go [0935] into mine house, [1004] to eat [0398] and to drink, [8354] and to lie [7901] with my wife? [0802] [as] thou livest, [2416] and [as] thy soul [5315] liveth, [2416] I will not do [6213]


 Et David dit à Urie: Demeure encore ici aujourd'hui, et demain je te renverrai. Urie resta donc à Jérusalem ce jour-là et le lendemain.

 And David [1732] said [0559] to Uriah, [0223] Tarry [3427] here to day [3117] also, and to morrow [4279] I will let thee depart. [7971] So Uriah [0223] abode [3427] in Jerusalem [3389] that day, [3117] and the morrow. [4283]


 Puis David l'appela, et il mangea et but devant lui, et David l'enivra; mais le soir il sortit pour coucher dans son lit, avec les serviteurs de son maître, et ne descendit point dans sa maison.

 And when David [1732] had called [7121] him, he did eat [0398] and drink [8354] before [6440] him; and he made him drunk: [7937] and at even [6153] he went out [3318] to lie [7901] on his bed [4904] with the servants [5650] of his lord, [0113] but went not down [3381] to his house. [1004]


 Alors, le lendemain matin, David écrivit une lettre à Joab et l'envoya par les mains d'Urie.

 And it came to pass in the morning, [1242] that David [1732] wrote [3789] a letter [5612] to Joab, [3097] and sent [7971] [it] by the hand [3027] of Uriah. [0223]


 Or il écrivit en ces termes: Placez Urie à l'endroit où sera le plus fort de la bataille, et retirez-vous d'auprès de lui, afin qu'il soit frappé et qu'il meure.

 And he wrote [3789] in the letter, [5612] saying, [0559] Set [3051] ye Uriah [0223] in the forefront [6440] [4136] of the hottest [2389] battle, [4421] and retire [7725] ye from [0310] him, that he may be smitten, [5221] and die. [4191]


 Joab, ayant donc considéré la ville, plaça Urie à l'endroit où il savait que seraient les plus vaillants hommes.

 And it came to pass, when Joab [3097] observed [8104] the city, [5892] that he assigned [5414] Uriah [0223] unto a place [4725] where he knew [3045] that valiant [2428] men [0582] [were].


 Et ceux de la ville sortirent et combattirent contre Joab, et plusieurs tombèrent parmi le peuple, d'entre les serviteurs de David. Urie, le Héthien, mourut aussi.

 And the men [0582] of the city [5892] went out, [3318] and fought [3898] with Joab: [3097] and there fell [5307] [some] of the people [5971] of the servants [5650] of David; [1732] and Uriah [0223] the Hittite [2850] died [4191] also.


 Puis Joab envoya vers David, pour lui faire savoir tout ce qui était arrivé dans le combat.

 Then Joab [3097] sent [7971] and told [5046] David [1732] all the things [1697] concerning the war; [4421]


 Et il donna cet ordre au messager, et lui dit: Quand tu auras achevé de parler au roi de tout ce qui est arrivé dans le combat,

 And charged [6680] the messenger, [4397] saying, [0559] When thou hast made an end [3615] of telling [1696] the matters [1697] of the war [4421] unto the king, [4428]


 S'il arrive que le roi se mette en colère et qu'il te dise: Pourquoi vous êtes-vous approchés de la ville pour combattre? Ne savez-vous pas bien qu'on tire de dessus la muraille?

 And if so be that the king's [4428] wrath [2534] arise, [5927] and he say [0559] unto thee, Wherefore approached ye so nigh [5066] unto the city [5892] when ye did fight? [3898] knew [3045] ye not that they would shoot [3384] from the wall? [2346]


 Qui tua Abimélec, fils de Jérubbésheth? N'est-ce pas une femme qui jeta sur lui un morceau de meule de moulin, du haut de la muraille, et il mourut à Thébets? Pourquoi vous êtes-vous approchés de la muraille? Alors tu lui diras: Ton serviteur Urie, le Héthien, est mort aussi.

 Who smote [5221] Abimelech [0040] the son [1121] of Jerubbesheth? [3380] did not a woman [0802] cast [7993] a piece [6400] of a millstone [7393] upon him from the wall, [2346] that he died [4191] in Thebez? [8405] why went ye nigh [5066] the wall? [2346] then say [0559] thou, Thy servant [5650] Uriah [0223] the Hittite [2850] is dead [4191] also.


 Ainsi le messager partit, et, étant arrivé, il fit savoir à David toutes les choses pour lesquelles Joab l'avait envoyé.

 So the messenger [4397] went, [3212] and came [0935] and shewed [5046] David [1732] all that Joab [3097] had sent [7971] him for.


 Le messager dit donc à David: Ces gens se sont montrés plus forts que nous, et sont sortis contre nous dans la campagne; mais nous les avons repoussés jusqu'à l'entrée de la porte.

 And the messenger [4397] said [0559] unto David, [1732] Surely the men [0582] prevailed [1396] against us, and came out [3318] unto us into the field, [7704] and we were upon them even unto the entering [6607] of the gate. [8179]


 Et les archers ont tiré contre tes serviteurs, du haut de la muraille, et quelques-uns des serviteurs du roi sont morts; ton serviteur Urie, le Héthien, est mort aussi.

 And the shooters [3384] shot [3384] from off the wall [2346] upon thy servants; [5650] and [some] of the king's [4428] servants [5650] be dead, [4191] and thy servant [5650] Uriah [0223] the Hittite [2850] is dead [4191] also.


 Et David dit au messager: Tu diras ainsi à Joab: Que cela ne te peine point; car l'épée dévore tantôt l'un, tantôt l'autre; redouble le combat contre la ville, et détruis-la. Et toi, encourage-le!

 Then David [1732] said [0559] unto the messenger, [4397] Thus shalt thou say [0559] unto Joab, [3097] Let not this thing [1697] displease [3415] [5869] thee, for the sword [2719] devoureth [0398] one as [2090] well as another: [2088] make thy battle [4421] more strong [2388] against the city, [5892] and overthrow [2040] it: and encourage [2388] thou him.


 Or la femme d'Urie apprit qu'Urie, son mari, était mort, et elle prit le deuil pour son mari.

 And when the wife [0802] of Uriah [0223] heard [8085] that Uriah [0223] her husband [0376] was dead, [4191] she mourned [5594] for her husband. [1167]


 Quand le deuil fut passé, David envoya, et la recueillit dans sa maison, et elle fut sa femme, et elle lui enfanta un fils. Mais l'action que David avait faite, déplut à YEHOVAH.

 And when the mourning [0060] was past, [5674] David [1732] sent [7971] and fetched [0622] her to his house, [1004] and she became his wife, [0802] and bare [3205] him a son. [1121] But the thing [1697] that David [1732] had done [6213] displeased [3415] [5869] the LORD. [3068]


 Et YEHOVAH envoya Nathan vers David; et il vint à lui et lui dit: Il y avait deux hommes dans une ville, l'un riche et l'autre pauvre.

 And the LORD [3068] sent [7971] Nathan [5416] unto David. [1732] And he came [0935] unto him, and said [0559] unto him, There were two [8147] men [0582] in one [0259] city; [5892] the one [0259] rich, [6223] and the other [0259] poor. [7326]


 Le riche avait du gros et du menu bétail en fort grande abondance.

 The rich [6223] [man] had exceeding [3966] many [7235] flocks [6629] and herds: [1241]


 Mais le pauvre n'avait rien du tout, qu'une petite brebis qu'il avait achetée et nourrie, et qui avait grandi chez lui et avec ses enfants, mangeant de ses morceaux, buvant de sa coupe et dormant dans son sein; et elle était comme sa fille.

 But the poor [7326] [man] had nothing, save one [0259] little [6996] ewe lamb, [3535] which he had bought [7069] and nourished up: [2421] and it grew up [1431] together [3162] with him, and with his children; [1121] it did eat [0398] of his own meat, [6595] and drank [8354] of his own cup, [3563] and lay [7901] in his bosom, [2436] and was unto him as a daughter. [1323]


 Mais un voyageur étant venu chez cet homme riche, il a épargné son gros et son menu bétail, et n'en a point apprêté au passant qui était venu chez lui; mais il a pris la brebis de l'homme pauvre, et l'a apprêtée pour l'homme qui était venu chez lui.

 And there came [0935] a traveller [1982] unto the rich [6223] man, [0376] and he spared [2550] to take [3947] of his own flock [6629] and of his own herd, [1241] to dress [6213] for the wayfaring man [0732] that was come [0935] unto him; but took [3947] the poor [7326] man's [0376] lamb, [3535] and dressed [6213] it for the man [0376] that was come [0935] to him.


 Alors la colère de David s'embrasa fort contre cet homme; et il dit à Nathan: YEHOVAH est vivant! l'homme qui a fait cela est digne de mort.

 And David's [1732] anger [0639] was greatly [3966] kindled [2734] against the man; [0376] and he said [0559] to Nathan, [5416] [As] the LORD [3068] liveth, [2416] the man [0376] that hath done [6213] this [thing] shall surely [1121] die: [4194]


 Et pour cette brebis il en rendra quatre, puisqu'il a fait cela et qu'il a été sans pitié.

 And he shall restore [7999] the lamb [3535] fourfold, [0706] because [6118] he did [6213] this thing, [1697] and because [0834] he had no pity. [2550]


 Alors Nathan dit à David: Tu es cet homme-là! Ainsi dit YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël: Je t'ai oint pour roi sur Israël, et je t'ai délivré de la main de Saül;

 And Nathan [5416] said [0559] to David, [1732] Thou [art] the man. [0376] Thus saith [0559] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] I anointed [4886] thee king [4428] over Israel, [3478] and I delivered [5337] thee out of the hand [3027] of Saul; [7586]


 Je t'ai même donné la maison de ton seigneur, et les femmes de ton seigneur dans ton sein, et je t'ai donné la maison d'Israël et de Juda, et si c'était peu, je t'eusse ajouté telle et telle chose.

 And I gave [5414] thee thy master's [0113] house, [1004] and thy master's [0113] wives [0802] into thy bosom, [2436] and gave [5414] thee the house [1004] of Israel [3478] and of Judah; [3063] and if [that had been] too little, [4592] I would moreover have given [3254] unto thee such [2007] and such things. [2007]


 Pourquoi donc as-tu méprisé la Parole de YEHOVAH, en faisant ce qui lui déplaît? Tu as frappé de l'épée Urie, le Héthien; tu as pris sa femme pour en faire ta femme, et lui, tu l'as tué par l'épée des enfants d'Ammon.

 Wherefore hast thou despised [0959] the commandment [1697] of the LORD, [3068] to do [6213] evil [7451] in his sight? [5869] thou hast killed [5221] Uriah [0223] the Hittite [2850] with the sword, [2719] and hast taken [3947] his wife [0802] [to be] thy wife, [0802] and hast slain [2026] him with the sword [2719] of the children [1121] of Ammon. [5983]


 Et maintenant, l'épée ne s'éloignera jamais de ta maison, parce que tu m'as méprisé, et que tu as enlevé la femme d'Urie, le Héthien, afin qu'elle fût ta femme.

 Now therefore the sword [2719] shall never [3808] [5704] [5769] depart [5493] from thine house; [1004] because [6118] thou hast despised [0959] me, and hast taken [3947] the wife [0802] of Uriah [0223] the Hittite [2850] to be thy wife. [0802]


 Ainsi dit YEHOVAH: Voici, je vais faire sortir de ta propre maison le malheur contre toi; je prendrai tes femmes sous tes yeux, et je les donnerai à un de tes proches, et il couchera avec tes femmes, à la vue de ce soleil.

 Thus saith [0559] the LORD, [3068] Behold, I will raise up [6965] evil [7451] against thee out of thine own house, [1004] and I will take [3947] thy wives [0802] before thine eyes, [5869] and give [5414] [them] unto thy neighbour, [7453] and he shall lie [7901] with thy wives [0802] in the sight [5869] of this sun. [8121]


 Car tu l'as fait en secret; mais moi je le ferai en présence de tout Israël et à la face du soleil.

 For thou didst [6213] [it] secretly: [5643] but I will do [6213] this thing [1697] before all Israel, [3478] and before the sun. [8121]


 Alors David dit à Nathan: J'ai péché contre YEHOVAH! Et Nathan dit à David: Aussi YEHOVAH a fait passer ton péché; tu ne mourras point;

 And David [1732] said [0559] unto Nathan, [5416] I have sinned [2398] against the LORD. [3068] And Nathan [5416] said [0559] unto David, [1732] The LORD [3068] also hath put away [5674] thy sin; [2403] thou shalt not die. [4191]


 Toutefois, parce qu'en cela tu as donné occasion aux ennemis de YEHOVAH de blasphémer, le fils qui t'est né mourra certainement.

 Howbeit, [0657] because by this deed [1697] thou hast given great [5006] occasion to the enemies [0341] of the LORD [3068] to blaspheme, [5006] the child [1121] also [that is] born [3209] unto thee shall surely [4191] die. [4191]


 Et Nathan retourna dans sa maison. Et YEHOVAH frappa l'enfant que la femme d'Urie avait enfanté à David, et il devint fort malade;

 And Nathan [5416] departed [3212] unto his house. [1004] And the LORD [3068] struck [5062] the child [3206] that Uriah's [0223] wife [0802] bare [3205] unto David, [1732] and it was very sick. [0605]


 Et David pria Dieu pour l'enfant, et David jeûna; puis il rentra et passa la nuit couché sur la terre.

 David [1732] therefore besought [1245] God [0430] for the child; [5288] and David [1732] fasted, [6684] [6685] and went in, [0935] and lay [7901] all night [3885] upon the earth. [0776]


 Et les anciens de sa maison se levèrent et vinrent vers lui pour le faire lever de terre; mais il ne le voulut point, et ne mangea point avec eux.

 And the elders [2205] of his house [1004] arose, [6965] [and went] to him, to raise him up [6965] from the earth: [0776] but he would [0014] not, neither did he eat [1262] bread [3899] with them.


 Et le septième jour l'enfant mourut, et les serviteurs de David craignaient de lui faire savoir que l'enfant était mort; car ils disaient: Quand l'enfant était en vie, nous lui avons parlé, et il n'a point écouté notre voix; comment donc lui dirions-nous que l'enfant est mort? Il ferait bien pis encore.

 And it came to pass on the seventh [7637] day, [3117] that the child [3206] died. [4191] And the servants [5650] of David [1732] feared [3372] to tell [5046] him that the child [3206] was dead: [4191] for they said, [0559] Behold, while the child [3206] was yet alive, [2416] we spake [1696] unto him, and he would not hearken [8085] unto our voice: [6963] how will he then [6213] vex [7451] himself, if we tell [0559] him that the child [3206] is dead? [4191]


 Mais David aperçut que ses serviteurs parlaient tout bas, et il comprit que l'enfant était mort; et David dit à ses serviteurs: L'enfant est-il mort? Ils répondirent: Il est mort.

 But when David [1732] saw [7200] that his servants [5650] whispered, [3907] David [1732] perceived [0995] that the child [3206] was dead: [4191] therefore David [1732] said [0559] unto his servants, [5650] Is the child [3206] dead? [4191] And they said, [0559] He is dead. [4191]


 Alors David se leva de terre, se lava, s'oignit, et changea de vêtements; et il entra dans la maison de YEHOVAH, et se prosterna. Puis il revint dans sa maison; il demanda de la nourriture qu'on lui présenta, et il mangea.

 Then David [1732] arose [6965] from the earth, [0776] and washed, [7364] and anointed [5480] [himself], and changed [2498] his apparel, [8071] and came [0935] into the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and worshipped: [7812] then he came [0935] to his own house; [1004] and when he required, [7592] they set [7760] bread [3899] before him, and he did eat. [0398]


 Et ses serviteurs lui dirent: Qu'est-ce donc que tu fais? Tu as jeûné et pleuré pour l'enfant, lorsqu'il était encore en vie; et quand l'enfant est mort, tu te lèves, et tu prends de la nourriture?

 Then said [0559] his servants [5650] unto him, What thing [1697] [is] this that thou hast done? [6213] thou didst fast [6684] and weep [1058] for the child, [3206] [while it was] alive; [2416] but when the child [3206] was dead, [4191] thou didst rise [6965] and eat [0398] bread. [3899]


 Mais il dit: Quand l'enfant était encore en vie, j'ai jeûné et j'ai pleuré; car je disais: Qui sait si YEHOVAH n'aura point pitié de moi, et si l'enfant ne vivra point?

 And he said, [0559] While the child [3206] was yet alive, [2416] I fasted [6684] and wept: [1058] for I said, [0559] Who can tell [3045] [whether] GOD [3068] will be gracious [2603] to me, that the child [3206] may live? [2416]


 Mais maintenant qu'il est mort, pourquoi jeûnerais-je? Pourrais-je le faire revenir? Je m'en irai vers lui, mais lui ne reviendra pas vers moi.

 But now he is dead, [4191] wherefore should I fast? [6684] can [3201] I bring him back again? [7725] I shall go [1980] to him, but he shall not return [7725] to me.


 Et David consola sa femme Bath-Shéba; et il vint vers elle, et coucha avec elle; et elle enfanta un fils qu'il nomma Salomon.

 And David [1732] comforted [5162] Bathsheba [1339] his wife, [0802] and went in [0935] unto her, and lay [7901] with her: and she bare [3205] a son, [1121] and he called [7121] his name [8034] Solomon: [8010] and the LORD [3068] loved [0157] him.


 Et YEHOVAH l'aima; et il envoya Nathan, le prophète, qui lui donna le nom de Jédidia (aimé de YEHOVAH), à cause de YEHOVAH.

 And he sent [7971] by the hand [3027] of Nathan [5416] the prophet; [5030] and he called [7121] his name [8034] Jedidiah, [3041] because of the LORD. [3068]


 Or Joab faisait la guerre contre Rabba des enfants d'Ammon, et il prit la ville royale.

 And Joab [3097] fought [3898] against Rabbah [7237] of the children [1121] of Ammon, [5983] and took [3920] the royal [4410] city. [5892]


 Alors Joab envoya des messagers vers David, pour lui dire: J'ai attaqué Rabba, et même j'ai pris la ville des eaux.

 And Joab [3097] sent [7971] messengers [4397] to David, [1732] and said, [0559] I have fought [3898] against Rabbah, [7237] and have taken [3920] the city [5892] of waters. [4325]


 Maintenant donc assemble le reste du peuple, et campe contre la ville et prends-la, de peur que je ne prenne la ville et qu'on ne l'appelle de mon nom.

 Now therefore gather [0622] the rest [3499] of the people [5971] together, and encamp [2583] against the city, [5892] and take [3920] it: lest I take [3920] the city, [5892] and it be called [7121] after my name. [8034]


 David assembla donc tout le peuple; il marcha contre Rabba, combattit contre elle et la prit.

 And David [1732] gathered [0622] all the people [5971] together, and went [3212] to Rabbah, [7237] and fought [3898] against it, and took [3920] it.


 Et il enleva la couronne de leur roi de dessus sa tête; elle était d'or avec des pierres précieuses, et pesait un talent; et on la mit sur la tête de David. Il emmena aussi de la ville un fort grand butin.

 And he took [3947] their king's [4428] crown [5850] from off his head, [7218] the weight [4948] whereof [was] a talent [3603] of gold [2091] with the precious [3368] stones: [0068] and it was [set] on David's [1732] head. [7218] And he brought forth [3318] the spoil [7998] of the city [5892] in great [3966] abundance. [7235]


 Et il fit sortir le peuple qui y était, et le mit sous des scies, sous des herses de fer et sous des haches de fer, et les fit passer par un four à briques; il en fit ainsi à toutes les villes des enfants d'Ammon. Puis David s'en retourna à Jérusalem avec tout le peuple.

 And he brought forth [3318] the people [5971] that [were] therein, and put [7760] [them] under saws, [4050] and under harrows [2757] of iron, [1270] and under axes [4037] of iron, [1270] and made them pass [5674] through the brickkiln: [4404] and thus did [6213] he unto all the cities [5892] of the children [1121] of Ammon. [5983] So David [1732] and all the people [5971] returned [7725] unto Jerusalem. [3389]


 Après cela il arriva qu'Absalom, fils de David, ayant une sœur qui était belle et qui se nommait Tamar, Amnon, fils de David, l'aima.

 And it came to pass after [0310] this, that Absalom [0053] the son [1121] of David [1732] had a fair [3303] sister, [0269] whose name [8034] [was] Tamar; [8559] and Amnon [0550] the son [1121] of David [1732] loved [0157] her.


 Et Amnon était tourmenté jusqu'à se rendre malade, à cause de Tamar, sa sœur; car elle était vierge, et il semblait trop difficile à Amnon de rien obtenir d'elle.

 And Amnon [0550] was so vexed, [3334] that he fell sick [2470] for his sister [0269] Tamar; [8559] for she [was] a virgin; [1330] and Amnon [0550] thought [5869] it hard [6381] for him to do [6213] any thing [3972] to her.


 Or Amnon avait un ami nommé Jonadab, fils de Shimea, frère de David; et Jonadab était un homme fort adroit.

 But Amnon [0550] had a friend, [7453] whose name [8034] [was] Jonadab, [3122] the son [1121] of Shimeah [8093] David's [1732] brother: [0251] and Jonadab [3122] [was] a very [3966] subtil [2450] man. [0376]


 Et il lui dit: Fils du roi, pourquoi dépéris-tu ainsi de jour en jour? Ne me le déclareras-tu pas? Amnon lui dit: J'aime Tamar, la sœur de mon frère Absalom.

 And he said [0559] unto him, Why [art] thou, [being] the king's [4428] son, [1121] lean [1800] from day [1242] to day? [1242] wilt thou not tell [5046] me? And Amnon [0550] said [0559] unto him, I love [0157] Tamar, [8559] my brother [0251] Absalom's [0053] sister. [0269]


 Et Jonadab lui dit: Couche-toi sur ton lit, et fais le malade; et quand ton père viendra te voir, tu lui diras: Je te prie, que ma sœur Tamar vienne, et qu'elle me donne à manger; qu'elle apprête devant moi quelque mets, afin que je le voie, et que je le mange de sa main.

 And Jonadab [3082] said [0559] unto him, Lay thee down [7901] on thy bed, [4904] and make thyself sick: [2470] and when thy father [0001] cometh [0935] to see [7200] thee, say [0559] unto him, I pray thee, let my sister [0269] Tamar [8559] come, [0935] and give [1262] me meat, [3899] and dress [6213] the meat [1279] in my sight, [5869] that I may see [7200] [it], and eat [0398] [it] at her hand. [3027]


 Amnon se coucha donc et fit le malade; et le roi vint le voir, et Amnon dit au roi: Je te prie, que ma sœur Tamar vienne et fasse deux gâteaux devant moi, et que je les mange de sa main.

 So Amnon [0550] lay down, [7901] and made himself sick: [2470] and when the king [4428] was come [0935] to see [7200] him, Amnon [0550] said [0559] unto the king, [4428] I pray thee, let Tamar [8559] my sister [0269] come, [0935] and make [3823] me a couple [8147] of cakes [3834] in my sight, [5869] that I may eat [1262] at her hand. [3027]


 Et David envoya dire à Tamar dans la maison: Va dans la maison de ton frère Amnon, et apprête-lui quelque chose à manger.

 Then David [1732] sent [7971] home [1004] to Tamar, [8559] saying, [0559] Go [3212] now to thy brother [0251] Amnon's [0550] house, [1004] and dress [6213] him meat. [1279]


 Et Tamar s'en alla dans la maison d'Amnon, son frère, qui était couché. Et elle prit de la pâte, et la pétrit, et elle en fit devant lui des gâteaux, et les fit cuire.

 So Tamar [8559] went [3212] to her brother [0251] Amnon's [0550] house; [1004] and he was laid down. [7901] And she took [3947] flour, [1217] and kneaded [3888] [it], and made cakes [3823] in his sight, [5869] and did bake [1310] the cakes. [3834]


 Puis elle prit la poêle et les versa devant lui; mais Amnon refusa d'en manger, et il dit: Faites retirer tous ceux qui sont auprès de moi. Et chacun se retira.

 And she took [3947] a pan, [4958] and poured [3332] [them] out before [6440] him; but he refused [3985] to eat. [0398] And Amnon [0550] said, [0559] Have out [3318] all men [0376] from me. And they went out [3318] every man [0376] from him.


 Alors Amnon dit à Tamar: Apporte-moi dans la chambre ce que tu m'as apprêté, et que j'en mange de ta main. Et Tamar prit les gâteaux qu'elle avait faits, et les apporta à Amnon, son frère, dans la chambre.

 And Amnon [0550] said [0559] unto Tamar, [8559] Bring [0935] the meat [1279] into the chamber, [2315] that I may eat [1262] of thine hand. [3027] And Tamar [8559] took [3947] the cakes [3834] which she had made, [6213] and brought [0935] [them] into the chamber [2315] to Amnon [0550] her brother. [0251]


 Et elle les lui présenta afin qu'il en mangeât; mais il se saisit d'elle et lui dit: Viens, couche avec moi, ma sœur.

 And when she had brought [5066] [them] unto him to eat, [0398] he took hold [2388] of her, and said [0559] unto her, Come [0935] lie [7901] with me, my sister. [0269]


 Et elle lui répondit: Non, mon frère, ne me fais pas violence, car cela ne se fait point en Israël; ne commets pas cette infamie.

 And she answered [0559] him, Nay, my brother, [0251] do not force [6031] me; for no such thing [3651] ought to be done [6213] in Israel: [3478] do [6213] not thou this folly. [5039]


 Et moi, où irais-je porter mon opprobre? Et toi, tu serais comme l'un des infâmes, en Israël. Maintenant donc, parles-en, je te prie, au roi, et il n'empêchera point que tu ne m'aies pour femme.

 And I, whither shall I cause my shame [2781] to go? [3212] and as for thee, thou shalt be as one [0259] of the fools [5036] in Israel. [3478] Now therefore, I pray thee, speak [1696] unto the king; [4428] for he will not withhold [4513] me from thee.


 Mais il ne voulut point l'écouter, et il fut plus fort qu'elle; il lui fit violence et coucha avec elle.

 Howbeit he would [0014] not hearken [8085] unto her voice: [6963] but, being stronger [2388] than she, forced [6031] her, and lay [7901] with her.


 Puis Amnon eut pour elle une très grande haine; et la haine qu'il lui porta fut plus grande que l'amour qu'il avait eu pour elle. Ainsi Amnon lui dit: Lève-toi, va-t'en!

 Then Amnon [0550] hated [8130] her exceedingly; [3966] [1419] so that the hatred [8135] wherewith he hated [8130] her [was] greater [1419] than the love [0160] wherewith he had loved [0157] her. And Amnon [0550] said [0559] unto her, Arise, [6965] be gone. [3212]


 Et elle lui dit: Ne me fais pas ce mal-là, plus grand que l'autre que tu m'as fait, de me chasser! Mais il ne voulut pas l'écouter;

 And she said [0559] unto him, [There is] no cause: [0182] this evil [7451] in sending me away [7971] [is] greater [1419] than the other [0312] that thou didst [6213] unto me. But he would [0014] not hearken [8085] unto her.


 Et, appelant le valet qui le servait, il dit: Qu'on chasse cette femme loin de moi, qu'on la mette dehors, et ferme la porte après elle!

 Then he called [7121] his servant [5288] that ministered [8334] unto him, and said, [0559] Put [7971] now this [woman] out [2351] from me, and bolt [5274] the door [1817] after [0310] her.


 Or elle était vêtue d'une robe bigarrée, car les filles vierges du roi étaient ainsi habillées. Celui qui servait Amnon la fit donc sortir, et ferma la porte après elle.

 And [she had] a garment [3801] of divers colours [6446] upon her: for with such robes [4598] were the king's [4428] daughters [1323] [that were] virgins [1330] apparelled. [3847] Then his servant [8334] brought [3318] her out, [2351] and bolted [5274] the door [1817] after [0310] her.


 Alors Tamar prit de la cendre sur sa tête, et déchira la robe bigarrée qu'elle avait sur elle; elle mit la main sur sa tête, et elle s'en allait en criant.

 And Tamar [8559] put [3947] ashes [0665] on her head, [7218] and rent [7167] her garment [3801] of divers colours [6446] that [was] on her, and laid [7760] her hand [3027] on her head, [7218] and went [3212] on [1980] crying. [2199]


 Et son frère Absalom lui dit: Amnon, ton frère, a été avec toi? Maintenant, ma sœur, tais-toi, c'est ton frère; ne prends point ceci à cœur. Ainsi Tamar demeura désolée dans la maison d'Absalom, son frère.

 And Absalom [0053] her brother [0251] said [0559] unto her, Hath Amnon [0550] thy brother [0251] been with thee? but hold now thy peace, [2790] my sister: [0269] he [is] thy brother; [0251] regard [7896] [3820] not this thing. [1697] So Tamar [8559] remained [3427] desolate [8074] in her brother [0251] Absalom's [0053] house. [1004]


 Le roi David apprit toutes ces choses, et il en fut fort irrité.

 But when king [4428] David [1732] heard [8085] of all these things, [1697] he was very [3966] wroth. [2734]


 Or Absalom ne parlait ni en bien ni en mal à Amnon; car Absalom haïssait Amnon, parce qu'il avait outragé Tamar, sa sœur.

 And Absalom [0053] spake [1696] unto his brother Amnon [0550] neither good [2896] nor bad: [7451] for Absalom [0053] hated [8130] Amnon, [0550] because [1697] he had forced [6031] his sister [0269] Tamar. [8559]


 Et il arriva, deux ans après, qu'Absalom ayant les tondeurs à Baal-Hatsor, qui est près d'Éphraïm, il invita tous les fils du roi.

 And it came to pass after two full [3117] years, [8141] that Absalom [0053] had sheepshearers [1494] in Baalhazor, [1178] which [is] beside Ephraim: [0669] and Absalom [0053] invited [7121] all the king's [4428] sons. [1121]


 Et Absalom vint vers le roi, et dit: Voici, ton serviteur a les tondeurs; je te prie donc, que le roi et ses serviteurs viennent chez ton serviteur.

 And Absalom [0053] came [0935] to the king, [4428] and said, [0559] Behold now, thy servant [5650] hath sheepshearers; [1494] let the king, [4428] I beseech thee, and his servants [5650] go [3212] with thy servant. [5650]


 Mais le roi dit à Absalom: Non, mon fils, non; nous n'irons pas tous, de peur que nous ne te soyons à charge; et bien qu'Absalom le pressât fort, il n'y voulut point aller; et il le bénit.

 And the king [4428] said [0559] to Absalom, [0053] Nay, my son, [1121] let us not all now go, [3212] lest we be chargeable [3513] unto thee. And he pressed [6555] him: howbeit he would [0014] not go, [3212] but blessed [1288] him.


 Alors Absalom dit: Si tu ne viens pas, je te prie, que mon frère Amnon vienne avec nous. Et le roi lui répondit: Pourquoi irait-il avec toi?

 Then said [0559] Absalom, [0053] If not, I pray thee, let my brother [0251] Amnon [0550] go [3212] with us. And the king [4428] said [0559] unto him, Why should he go [3212] with thee?


 Mais Absalom le pressa tant qu'il laissa aller Amnon, et tous les fils du roi avec lui.

 But Absalom [0053] pressed [6555] him, that he let Amnon [0550] and all the king's [4428] sons [1121] go [7971] with him.


 Or, Absalom donna ordre à ses serviteurs, et leur dit: Prenez garde, quand le cœur d'Amnon sera égayé par le vin, et que je vous dirai: Frappez Amnon! alors tuez-le, ne craignez point; n'est-ce pas moi qui vous le commande? Fortifiez-vous et soyez vaillants.

 Now Absalom [0053] had commanded [6680] his servants, [5288] saying, [0559] Mark [7200] ye now when Amnon's [0550] heart [3820] is merry [2896] with wine, [3196] and when I say [0559] unto you, Smite [5221] Amnon; [0550] then kill [4191] him, fear [3372] not: have not I commanded [6680] you? be courageous, [2388] and be valiant. [1121] [2428]


 Et les serviteurs d'Absalom firent à Amnon comme Absalom l'avait commandé; alors tous les fils du roi se levèrent, et montèrent chacun sur sa mule, et s'enfuirent.

 And the servants [5288] of Absalom [0053] did [6213] unto Amnon [0550] as Absalom [0053] had commanded. [6680] Then all the king's [4428] sons [1121] arose, [6965] and every man [0376] gat him up [7392] upon his mule, [6505] and fled. [5127]


 Or, comme ils étaient en chemin, le bruit parvint jusqu'à David qu'Absalom avait tué tous les fils du roi, et qu'il n'en était pas resté un seul.

 And it came to pass, while they were in the way, [1870] that tidings [8052] came [0935] to David, [1732] saying, [0559] Absalom [0053] hath slain [5221] all the king's [4428] sons, [1121] and there is not one [0259] of them left. [3498]


 Alors le roi se leva et déchira ses vêtements, et se coucha par terre; tous ses serviteurs aussi se tenaient là avec leurs vêtements déchirés.

 Then the king [4428] arose, [6965] and tare [7167] his garments, [0899] and lay [7901] on the earth; [0776] and all his servants [5650] stood [5324] by with their clothes [0899] rent. [7167]


 Et Jonadab, fils de Shimea, frère de David, prit la parole et dit: Que mon seigneur ne dise point qu'on a tué tous les jeunes gens, fils du roi; car Amnon seul est mort; et c'était là le dessein d'Absalom depuis le jour où Amnon outragea Tamar sa sœur.

 And Jonadab, [3122] the son [1121] of Shimeah [8093] David's [1732] brother, [0251] answered [6030] and said, [0559] Let not my lord [0113] suppose [0559] [that] they have slain [4191] all the young men [5288] the king's [4428] sons; [1121] for Amnon [0550] only is dead: [4191] for by the appointment [6310] of Absalom [0053] this hath been determined [7760] from the day [3117] that he forced [6031] his sister [0269] Tamar. [8559]


 Maintenant donc, que le roi mon seigneur ne prenne point la chose à cœur, en disant: Tous les fils du roi sont morts; car Amnon seul est mort.

 Now therefore let not my lord [0113] the king [4428] take [7760] the thing [1697] to his heart, [3820] to think [0559] that all the king's [4428] sons [1121] are dead: [4191] for Amnon [0550] only is dead. [4191]


 Or Absalom s'était enfui. Et le jeune homme qui était en sentinelle, leva les yeux et regarda; et voici que par la route opposée une grande troupe s'avançait sur le flanc de la montagne.

 But Absalom [0053] fled. [1272] And the young man [5288] that kept the watch [6822] lifted up [5375] his eyes, [5869] and looked, [7200] and, behold, there came [1980] much [7227] people [5971] by the way [1870] of the hill [2022] side [6654] behind [0310] him.


 Et Jonadab dit au roi: Voici les fils du roi qui viennent; la chose est arrivée comme ton serviteur a dit.

 And Jonadab [3122] said [0559] unto the king, [4428] Behold, the king's [4428] sons [1121] come: [0935] as thy servant [5650] said, [1697] so it is.


 Et comme il achevait de parler, on vit arriver les fils du roi, et ils élevèrent la voix et pleurèrent. Le roi aussi et tous ses serviteurs pleurèrent abondamment.

 And it came to pass, as soon as he had made an end [3615] of speaking, [1696] that, behold, the king's [4428] sons [1121] came, [0935] and lifted up [5375] their voice [6963] and wept: [1058] and the king [4428] also and all his servants [5650] wept [1058] very [3966] sore. [1065] [1419]


 Mais Absalom s'enfuit, et se retira chez Thalmaï, fils d'Ammihud, roi de Gueshur. Et David pleurait tous les jours sur son fils.

 But Absalom [0053] fled, [1272] and went [3212] to Talmai, [8526] the son [1121] of Ammihud, [5991] [5989] king [4428] of Geshur. [1650] And [David] mourned [0056] for his son [1121] every day. [3117]


 Or Absalom, s'étant enfui, alla à Gueshur, et y resta trois ans;

 So Absalom [0053] fled, [1272] and went [3212] to Geshur, [1650] and was there three [7969] years. [8141]


 Et le roi David cessa de poursuivre Absalom, parce qu'il était consolé de la mort d'Amnon.

 And [the soul of] king [4428] David [1732] longed [3615] to go forth [3318] unto Absalom: [0053] for he was comforted [5162] concerning Amnon, [0550] seeing he was dead. [4191]


 Alors Joab, fils de Tséruja, connaissant que le cœur du roi se rapprochait d'Absalom,

 Now Joab [3097] the son [1121] of Zeruiah [6870] perceived [3045] that the king's [4428] heart [3820] [was] toward Absalom. [0053]


 Envoya à Thékoa, et fit venir de là une femme habile et lui dit: Je te prie, mets-toi en deuil, revêts-toi d'habits de deuil, et ne t'oins pas d'huile, mais sois comme une femme qui depuis longtemps pleure un mort;

 And Joab [3097] sent [7971] to Tekoah, [8620] and fetched [3947] thence a wise [2450] woman, [0802] and said [0559] unto her, I pray thee, feign thyself to be a mourner, [0056] and put on [3847] now mourning [0060] apparel, [0899] and anoint [5480] not thyself with oil, [8081] but be as a woman [0802] that had a long [7227] time [3117] mourned [0056] for the dead: [4191]


 Puis entre vers le roi, et tiens-lui ces discours. Et Joab lui mit dans la bouche ce qu'elle devait dire.

 And come [0935] to the king, [4428] and speak [1696] on this manner [1697] unto him. So Joab [3097] put [7760] the words [1697] in her mouth. [6310]


 La femme thékoïte parla donc au roi. Elle se jeta le visage contre terre et se prosterna, et dit: Ô roi, aide-moi!

 And when the woman [0802] of Tekoah [8621] spake [0559] to the king, [4428] she fell [5307] on her face [0639] to the ground, [0776] and did obeisance, [7812] and said, [0559] Help, [3467] O king. [4428]


 Et le roi lui dit: Qu'as-tu? Elle répondit: Ah! je suis une femme veuve, et mon mari est mort.

 And the king [4428] said [0559] unto her, What aileth thee? And she answered, [0559] I [am] indeed [0061] a widow [0490] woman, [0802] and mine husband [0376] is dead. [4191]


 Or, ta servante avait deux fils qui se sont querellés dans les champs, et il n'y avait personne qui les séparât; ainsi l'un a frappé l'autre, et l'a tué.

 And thy handmaid [8198] had two [8147] sons, [1121] and they two [8147] strove [5327] together in the field, [7704] and [there was] none to part [5337] them, but the one [0259] smote [5221] the other, [0259] and slew [4191] him.


 Et voici, toute la famille s'est élevée contre ta servante, en disant: Donne-nous celui qui a frappé son frère, et que nous le fassions mourir, pour l'âme de son frère qu'il a tué, et que nous exterminions même l'héritier. Et ils veulent éteindre le charbon vif qui m'est resté, pour ne laisser à mon mari ni nom ni survivant sur la face de la terre.

 And, behold, the whole family [4940] is risen [6965] against thine handmaid, [8198] and they said, [0559] Deliver [5414] him that smote [5221] his brother, [0251] that we may kill [4191] him, for the life [5315] of his brother [0251] whom he slew; [2026] and we will destroy [8045] the heir [3423] also: and so they shall quench [3518] my coal [1513] which is left, [7604] and shall not leave [7760] to my husband [0376] [neither] name [8034] nor remainder [7611] upon [6440] the


 Le roi dit à la femme: Va-t'en en ta maison; je donnerai des ordres à ton sujet.

 And the king [4428] said [0559] unto the woman, [0802] Go [3212] to thine house, [1004] and I will give charge [6680] concerning thee.


 Et la femme thékoïte dit au roi: Mon seigneur et mon roi, que l'iniquité soit sur moi et sur la maison de mon père, et que le roi et son trône en soient innocents!

 And the woman [0802] of Tekoah [8621] said [0559] unto the king, [4428] My lord, [0113] O king, [4428] the iniquity [5771] [be] on me, and on my father's [0001] house: [1004] and the king [4428] and his throne [3678] [be] guiltless. [5355]


 Et le roi répondit: Amène-moi celui qui parlera contre toi, et jamais il ne lui arrivera de te toucher.

 And the king [4428] said, [0559] Whosoever saith [1696] [ought] unto thee, bring [0935] him to me, and he shall not touch [5060] thee any more. [3254]


 Et elle dit: Je te prie que le roi se souvienne de YEHOVAH, son Dieu, afin que le vengeur du sang n'augmente point la ruine, et qu'on ne fasse pas périr mon fils! Et il répondit: YEHOVAH est vivant! il ne tombera pas à terre un seul cheveu de ton fils.

 Then said [0559] she, I pray thee, let the king [4428] remember [2142] the LORD [3068] thy God, [0430] that thou wouldest not suffer the revengers [1350] of blood [1818] to destroy [7843] any more, [7235] lest they destroy [8045] my son. [1121] And he said, [0559] [As] the LORD [3068] liveth, [2416] there shall not one hair [8185] of thy son [1121] fall [5307] to the earth. [0776]


 Alors la femme dit: Je te prie, que ta servante dise un mot au roi, mon seigneur. Et il répondit: Parle!

 Then the woman [0802] said, [0559] Let thine handmaid, [8198] I pray thee, speak [1696] [one] word [1697] unto my lord [0113] the king. [4428] And he said, [0559] Say on. [1696]


 Et la femme dit: Pourquoi donc as-tu pensé une chose semblable contre le peuple de Dieu? Car, en tenant ce discours, le roi se déclare coupable, en ce qu'il ne fait point revenir celui qu'il a banni.

 And the woman [0802] said, [0559] Wherefore then hast thou thought [2803] such a thing against the people [5971] of God? [0430] for the king [4428] doth speak [1696] this thing [1697] as one which is faulty, [0818] in that the king [4428] doth not fetch home again [7725] his banished. [5080]


 Car certainement nous mourrons, et nous sommes semblables aux eaux qui s'écoulent sur la terre et qu'on ne recueille point. Or Dieu ne lui ôte pas la vie, mais il médite les moyens de ne pas repousser loin de lui l'exilé.

 For we must needs [4191] die, [4191] and [are] as water [4325] spilt [5064] on the ground, [0776] which cannot be gathered [0622] up again; neither doth God [0430] respect [5375] [any] person: [5315] yet doth he devise [2803] means, [4284] that his banished [5080] be not expelled [5080] from him.


 Et maintenant, si je suis venue pour tenir ce discours au roi, mon seigneur, c'est que le peuple m'a épouvantée. Et ta servante a dit: Je parlerai maintenant au roi; peut-être que le roi fera ce que sa servante lui dira.

 Now therefore that I am come [0935] to speak [1696] of this thing [1697] unto my lord [0113] the king, [4428] [it is] because the people [5971] have made me afraid: [3372] and thy handmaid [8198] said, [0559] I will now speak [1696] unto the king; [4428] it may be that the king [4428] will perform [6213] the request [1697] of his handmaid. [0519]


 Car le roi écoutera sa servante, pour la délivrer de la main de celui qui veut nous exterminer, moi et mon fils ensemble, de l'héritage de Dieu.

 For the king [4428] will hear, [8085] to deliver [5337] his handmaid [0519] out of the hand [3709] of the man [0376] [that would] destroy [8045] me and my son [1121] together [3162] out of the inheritance [5159] of God. [0430]


 Et ta servante a dit: Que la parole du roi, mon seigneur, nous donne du repos; car le roi, mon seigneur, est comme un envoyé de Dieu pour entendre le bien et le mal. Que YEHOVAH, ton Dieu, soit avec toi!

 Then thine handmaid [8198] said, [0559] The word [1697] of my lord [0113] the king [4428] shall now be comfortable: [4496] for as an angel [4397] of God, [0430] so [is] my lord [0113] the king [4428] to discern [8085] good [2896] and bad: [7451] therefore the LORD [3068] thy God [0430] will be with thee.


 Et le roi répondit, et dit à la femme: Ne me cache point ce que je vais te demander. Et la femme répondit: Que le roi, mon seigneur, parle.

 Then the king [4428] answered [6030] and said [0559] unto the woman, [0802] Hide [3582] not from me, I pray thee, the thing [1697] that I shall ask [7592] thee. And the woman [0802] said, [0559] Let my lord [0113] the king [4428] now speak. [1696]


 Et le roi dit: N'est-ce pas Joab qui te fait faire tout ceci? Et la femme répondit et dit: Comme ton âme vit, ô roi, mon seigneur, on ne saurait se détourner ni à droite ni à gauche de tout ce que dit le roi, mon seigneur; car c'est ton serviteur Joab qui me l'a commandé, et lui-même a mis dans la bouche de ta servante toutes ces paroles.

 And the king [4428] said, [0559] [Is not] the hand [3027] of Joab [3097] with thee in all this? And the woman [0802] answered [6030] and said, [0559] [As] thy soul [5315] liveth, [2416] my lord [0113] the king, [4428] none [0376] can [0786] turn to the right hand [3231] or to the left [8041] from ought that my lord [0113] the king [4428] hath spoken: [1696] for thy servant [5650] Joab, [3097] he bade [6680] me, and he put [7760] all these words [1697] in the mouth [6310]


 Ton serviteur Joab m'a fait donner ce tour à mon discours. Mais mon seigneur est sage comme un ange de Dieu, pour savoir tout ce qui se passe dans le pays.

 To [5668] fetch about [5437] this form [6440] of speech [1697] hath thy servant [5650] Joab [3097] done [6213] this thing: [1697] and my lord [0113] [is] wise, [2450] according to the wisdom [2451] of an angel [4397] of God, [0430] to know [3045] all [things] that [are] in the earth. [0776]


 Alors le roi dit à Joab: Voici, maintenant, c'est toi qui as conduit cette affaire; va donc, et fais revenir ce jeune homme, Absalom.

 And the king [4428] said [0559] unto Joab, [3097] Behold now, I have done [6213] this thing: [1697] go [3212] therefore, bring the young man [5288] Absalom [0053] again. [7725]


 Et Joab se jeta la face en terre, et se prosterna, et bénit le roi. Et Joab dit: Aujourd'hui ton serviteur a connu qu'il a trouvé grâce devant toi, ô roi, mon seigneur, car le roi a fait ce que son serviteur lui demandait.

 And Joab [3097] fell [5307] to the ground [0776] on his face, [6440] and bowed [7812] himself, and thanked [1288] the king: [4428] and Joab [3097] said, [0559] To day [3117] thy servant [5650] knoweth [3045] that I have found [4672] grace [2580] in thy sight, [5869] my lord, [0113] O king, [4428] in that the king [4428] hath fulfilled [6213] the request [1697] of his servant. [5650]


 Joab se leva donc et s'en alla à Gueshur, et il ramena Absalom à Jérusalem.

 So Joab [3097] arose [6965] and went [3212] to Geshur, [1650] and brought [0935] Absalom [0053] to Jerusalem. [3389]


 Et le roi dit: Qu'il se retire dans sa maison, et qu'il ne voie point ma face. Et Absalom se retira dans sa maison, sans voir la face du roi.

 And the king [4428] said, [0559] Let him turn [5437] to his own house, [1004] and let him not see [7200] my face. [6440] So Absalom [0053] returned [5437] to his own house, [1004] and saw [7200] not the king's [4428] face. [6440]


 Or il n'y avait pas d'homme aussi beau qu'Absalom dans tout Israël, et sa beauté était fort célèbre; depuis la plante des pieds jusqu'au sommet de la tête, il était sans défaut.

 But in all Israel [3478] there was none [0376] to be so much [3966] praised [1984] as Absalom [0053] for his beauty: [3303] from the sole [3709] of his foot [7272] even to the crown of his head [6936] there was no blemish [3971] in him.


 Et quand il se coupait les cheveux (or il les coupait tous les ans, parce qu'ils lui pesaient trop), le poids de sa chevelure était de deux cents sicles, au poids du roi.

 And when he polled [1548] his head, [7218] (for it was at every year's [3117] [3117] end [7093] that he polled [1548] [it]: because [the hair] was heavy [3513] on him, therefore he polled [1548] it:) he weighed [8254] the hair [8181] of his head [7218] at two hundred [3967] shekels [8255] after the king's [4428] weight. [0068]


 Et il naquit à Absalom trois fils, et une fille, nommée Tamar, qui était une très belle femme.

 And unto Absalom [0053] there were born [3205] three [7969] sons, [1121] and one [0259] daughter, [1323] whose name [8034] [was] Tamar: [8559] she was a woman [0802] of a fair [3303] countenance. [4758]


 Et Absalom demeura à Jérusalem deux ans entiers, sans voir la face du roi.

 So Absalom [0053] dwelt [3427] two full [3117] years [8141] in Jerusalem, [3389] and saw [7200] not the king's [4428] face. [6440]


 C'est pourquoi Absalom manda Joab pour l'envoyer vers le roi, et il ne voulut point venir vers lui. Il le manda encore pour la seconde fois, mais il ne voulut point venir.

 Therefore Absalom [0053] sent [7971] for Joab, [3097] to have sent [7971] him to the king; [4428] but he would [0014] not come [0935] to him: and when he sent [7971] again the second time, [8145] he would [0014] not come. [0935]


 Alors il dit à ses serviteurs: Voyez le champ de Joab qui est auprès du mien, ce champ d'orge; allez-y mettre le feu. Et les serviteurs d'Absalom mirent le feu à ce champ.

 Therefore he said [0559] unto his servants, [5650] See, [7200] Joab's [3097] field [2513] is near [0413] mine, [3027] and he hath barley [8184] there; go [3212] and set it [3341] on fire. [0784] And Absalom's [0053] servants [5650] set [3341] the field [2513] on fire. [0784]


 Alors Joab se leva et vint trouver Absalom dans sa maison, et lui dit: Pourquoi tes serviteurs ont-ils mis le feu à mon champ?

 Then Joab [3097] arose, [6965] and came [0935] to Absalom [0053] unto [his] house, [1004] and said [0559] unto him, Wherefore have thy servants [5650] set [3341] my field [2513] on fire? [0784]


 Et Absalom répondit à Joab: Voici, je t'ai envoyé dire: Viens ici, et je t'enverrai vers le roi; afin que tu lui dises: Pourquoi suis-je revenu de Gueshur? Mieux vaudrait pour moi que j'y fusse encore. Maintenant donc, que je voie le visage du roi; et s'il y a de l'iniquité en moi, qu'il me fasse mourir.

 And Absalom [0053] answered [0559] Joab, [3097] Behold, I sent [7971] unto thee, saying, [0559] Come [0935] hither, that I may send [7971] thee to the king, [4428] to say, [0559] Wherefore am I come [0935] from Geshur? [1650] [it had been] good [2896] for me [to have been] there still: now therefore let me see [7200] the king's [4428] face; [6440] and if there be [3426] [any] iniquity [5771] in me, let him kill [4191] me.


 Joab vint donc vers le roi et lui fit ce rapport. Et le roi appela Absalom, qui vint vers le roi, et se prosterna le visage en terre devant lui; et le roi baisa Absalom.

 So Joab [3097] came [0935] to the king, [4428] and told [5046] him: and when he had called [7121] for Absalom, [0053] he came [0935] to the king, [4428] and bowed [7812] himself on his face [0639] to the ground [0776] before [6440] the king: [4428] and the king [4428] kissed [5401] Absalom. [0053]


 Après cela, Absalom s'équipa de chars et de chevaux, et il avait cinquante hommes qui couraient devant lui.

 And it came to pass after [0310] this, that Absalom [0053] prepared [6213] him chariots [4818] and horses, [5483] and fifty [2572] men [0376] to run [7323] before [6440] him.


 Et Absalom se levait de bon matin, et se tenait au bord du chemin de la porte. Et s'il se présentait un homme ayant quelque affaire pour laquelle il venait en justice devant le roi, Absalom l'appelait et lui disait: De quelle ville es-tu? Et s'il répondait: Ton serviteur est de l'une des tribus d'Israël,

 And Absalom [0053] rose up early, [7925] and stood [5975] beside [3027] the way [1870] of the gate: [8179] and it was [so], that when any man [0376] that had a controversy [7379] came [0935] to the king [4428] for judgment, [4941] then Absalom [0053] called [7121] unto him, and said, [0559] Of what [0335] city [5892] [art] thou? And he said, [0559] Thy servant [5650] [is] of one [0259] of the tribes [7626] of Israel. [3478]


 Absalom lui disait: Vois, ta cause est bonne et droite; mais tu n'as personne pour t'écouter de la part du roi.

 And Absalom [0053] said [0559] unto him, See, [7200] thy matters [1697] [are] good [2896] and right; [5228] but [there is] no man [deputed] of the king [4428] to hear [8085] thee.


 Et Absalom disait: Que ne m'établit-on juge dans le pays! Tout homme qui aurait un procès ou une affaire à juger viendrait vers moi, et je lui ferais justice.

 Absalom [0053] said [0559] moreover, Oh that I were made [7760] judge [8199] in the land, [0776] that every man [0376] which hath any suit [7379] or cause [4941] might come [0935] unto me, and I would do him justice! [6663]


 Et si quelqu'un s'approchait pour se prosterner devant lui, il lui tendait la main, et le prenait et le baisait.

 And it was [so], that when any man [0376] came nigh [7126] [to him] to do him obeisance, [7812] he put forth [7971] his hand, [3027] and took [2388] him, and kissed [5401] him.


 Absalom faisait ainsi à tous ceux d'Israël qui venaient vers le roi pour avoir justice; et Absalom gagnait le cœur des hommes d'Israël.

 And on this manner [1697] did [6213] Absalom [0053] to all Israel [3478] that came [0935] to the king [4428] for judgment: [4941] so Absalom [0053] stole [1589] the hearts [3820] of the men [0582] of Israel. [3478]


 Et il arriva, au bout de quarante ans, qu'Absalom dit au roi: Je te prie, que j'aille à Hébron pour acquitter le vœu que j'ai fait à YEHOVAH.

 And it came to pass after [7093] forty [0705] years, [8141] that Absalom [0053] said [0559] unto the king, [4428] I pray thee, let me go [3212] and pay [7999] my vow, [5088] which I have vowed [5087] unto the LORD, [3068] in Hebron. [2275]


 Car, quand ton serviteur demeurait à Gueshur en Syrie, il fit un vœu, disant: Si YEHOVAH me ramène à Jérusalem, je servirai YEHOVAH.

 For thy servant [5650] vowed [5087] a vow [5088] while I abode [3427] at Geshur [1650] in Syria, [0758] saying, [0559] If the LORD [3068] shall bring me again [7725] indeed to Jerusalem, [3389] then I will serve [5647] the LORD. [3068]


 Et le roi lui répondit: Va en paix! Il se leva donc, et s'en alla à Hébron.

 And the king [4428] said [0559] unto him, Go [3212] in peace. [7965] So he arose, [6965] and went [3212] to Hebron. [2275]


 Or Absalom envoya des espions dans toutes les tribus d'Israël, pour dire: Quand vous entendrez le son de la trompette, dites: Absalom est proclamé roi à Hébron!

 But Absalom [0053] sent [7971] spies [7270] throughout all the tribes [7626] of Israel, [3478] saying, [0559] As soon as ye hear [8085] the sound [6963] of the trumpet, [7782] then ye shall say, [0559] Absalom [0053] reigneth [4427] in Hebron. [2275]


 Et avec Absalom s'en allèrent deux cents hommes de Jérusalem, qu'il avait invités; or ils y allaient en toute simplicité, ne sachant rien.

 And with Absalom [0053] went [1980] two hundred [3967] men [0376] out of Jerusalem, [3389] [that were] called; [7121] and they went [1980] in their simplicity, [8537] and they knew [3045] not any thing. [1697]


 Et Absalom, pendant qu'il offrait les sacrifices, envoya appeler Achithophel, le Guilonite, conseiller de David, de sa ville de Guilo; et il se forma une puissante conjuration; et le peuple allait en augmentant auprès d'Absalom.

 And Absalom [0053] sent [7971] for Ahithophel [0302] the Gilonite, [1526] David's [1732] counsellor, [3289] from his city, [5892] [even] from Giloh, [1542] while he offered [2076] sacrifices. [2077] And the conspiracy [7195] was strong; [0533] for the people [5971] increased [7227] continually [1980] with Absalom. [0053]


 Alors il vint vers David un messager, qui lui dit: Le cœur des hommes d'Israël se tourne vers Absalom.

 And there came [0935] a messenger [5046] to David, [1732] saying, [0559] The hearts [3820] of the men [0376] of Israel [3478] are after [0310] Absalom. [0053]


 Et David dit à tous ses serviteurs qui étaient avec lui à Jérusalem: Levez-vous et fuyons, car nous ne saurions échapper à Absalom. Hâtez-vous de partir, de peur qu'il ne se hâte, qu'il ne nous atteigne, qu'il ne précipite le mal sur nous, et ne fasse passer la ville au fil de l'épée.

 And David [1732] said [0559] unto all his servants [5650] that [were] with him at Jerusalem, [3389] Arise, [6965] and let us flee; [1272] for we shall not [else] escape [6413] from [6440] Absalom: [0053] make speed [4116] to depart, [3212] lest he overtake [5381] us suddenly, [4116] and bring [5080] evil [7451] upon us, and smite [5221] the city [5892] with the edge [6310] of the sword. [2719]


 Et les serviteurs du roi répondirent au roi: Tes serviteurs sont prêts à faire tout ce que le roi, notre seigneur, trouvera bon.

 And the king's [4428] servants [5650] said [0559] unto the king, [4428] Behold, thy servants [5650] [are ready to do] whatsoever my lord [0113] the king [4428] shall appoint. [0977]


 Le roi sortit donc, et toute sa maison le suivait; mais le roi laissa dix femmes, de ses concubines, pour garder la maison.

 And the king [4428] went forth, [3318] and all his household [1004] after [7272] him. And the king [4428] left [5800] ten [6235] women, [0802] [which were] concubines, [6370] to keep [8104] the house. [1004]


 Ainsi le roi sortit, et tout le peuple à sa suite; et ils s'arrêtèrent à Beth-Merchak.

 And the king [4428] went forth, [3318] and all the people [5971] after [7272] him, and tarried [5975] in a place that was far off. [1004] [4801][1023]


 Et tous ses serviteurs marchaient à côté de lui, et tous les Kéréthiens, tous les Péléthiens, et tous les Guitthiens, au nombre de six cents hommes venus de Gath à sa suite, marchaient devant le roi.

 And all his servants [5650] passed on [5674] beside him; [3027] and all the Cherethites, [3774] and all the Pelethites, [6432] and all the Gittites, [1663] six [8337] hundred [3967] men [0376] which came [0935] after [7272] him from Gath, [1661] passed on [5674] before [6440] the king. [4428]


 Mais le roi dit à Itthaï, le Guitthien: Pourquoi viendrais-tu aussi avec nous? Retourne-t'en, et demeure avec le roi, car tu es étranger, et tu dois même retourner en ton lieu.

 Then said [0559] the king [4428] to Ittai [0863] the Gittite, [1663] Wherefore goest [3212] thou also with us? return [7725] to thy place, [4725] and abide [3427] with the king: [4428] for thou [art] a stranger, [5237] and also an exile. [1540]


 Tu es arrivé hier, et te ferai-je aujourd'hui errer çà et là avec nous? Quant à moi, je vais où je puis; retourne-t'en, et emmène tes frères avec toi. Que la miséricorde et la vérité t'accompagnent!

 Whereas thou camest [0935] [but] yesterday, [8543] should I this day [3117] make thee go [3212] up and down [5128] with us? seeing I go [1980] whither I may, return [7725] thou, and take back [7725] thy brethren: [0251] mercy [2617] and truth [0571] [be] with thee.


 Mais Itthaï répondit au roi, en disant: YEHOVAH est vivant, et le roi, mon seigneur, vit! au lieu où sera le roi mon seigneur, soit pour mourir, soit pour vivre, ton serviteur y sera aussi.

 And Ittai [0863] answered [6030] the king, [4428] and said, [0559] [As] the LORD [3068] liveth, [2416] and [as] my lord [0113] the king [4428] liveth, [2416] surely in what place [4725] my lord [0113] the king [4428] shall be, whether in death [4194] or life, [2416] even there also will thy servant [5650] be.


 Alors David dit à Itthaï: Viens et marche. Et Itthaï, le Guitthien, marcha, avec tous ses gens, et tous les petits enfants qui étaient avec lui.

 And David [1732] said [0559] to Ittai, [0863] Go [3212] and pass over. [5674] And Ittai [0863] the Gittite [1663] passed over, [5674] and all his men, [0582] and all the little ones [2945] that [were] with him.


 Or tout le pays pleurait à grands cris; et tout le peuple passait. Et le roi passa le torrent du Cédron, et tout le peuple passa vis-à-vis du chemin qui mène au désert.

 And all the country [0776] wept [1058] with a loud [1419] voice, [6963] and all the people [5971] passed over: [5674] the king [4428] also himself passed over [5674] the brook [5158] Kidron, [6939] and all the people [5971] passed over, [5674] toward [6440] the way [1870] of the wilderness. [4057]


 Tsadok était aussi là, et avec lui tous les Lévites qui portaient l'arche de l'alliance de Dieu; et ils posèrent là l'arche de Dieu; et Abiathar montait, pendant que tout le peuple achevait de sortir de la ville.

 And lo Zadok [6659] also, and all the Levites [3881] [were] with him, bearing [5375] the ark [0727] of the covenant [1285] of God: [0430] and they set down [3332] the ark [0727] of God; [0430] and Abiathar [0054] went up, [5927] until all the people [5971] had done [8552] passing [5674] out of the city. [5892]


 Mais le roi dit à Tsadok: Reporte l'arche de Dieu dans la ville. Si je trouve grâce devant YEHOVAH, il me ramènera, et il me fera voir l'arche et sa demeure.

 And the king [4428] said [0559] unto Zadok, [6659] Carry back [7725] the ark [0727] of God [0430] into the city: [5892] if I shall find [4672] favour [2580] in the eyes [5869] of the LORD, [3068] he will bring me again, [7725] and shew [7200] me [both] it, and his habitation: [5116]


 Que s'il dit ainsi: Je ne prends point de plaisir en toi; me voici, qu'il fasse de moi ce qui lui semblera bon.

 But if he thus say, [0559] I have no delight [2654] in thee; behold, [here am] I, let him do [6213] to me as seemeth [5869] good [2896] unto him.


 Le roi dit encore à Tsadok, le sacrificateur: Vois-tu? Retourne en paix à la ville, ainsi qu'Achimaats, ton fils, et Jonathan, fils d'Abiathar, vos deux fils, avec vous.

 The king [4428] said [0559] also unto Zadok [6659] the priest, [3548] [Art not] thou a seer? [7200] return [7725] into the city [5892] in peace, [7965] and your two [8147] sons [1121] with you, Ahimaaz [0290] thy son, [1121] and Jonathan [3083] the son [1121] of Abiathar. [0054]


 Voyez, je vais attendre dans les plaines du désert, jusqu'à ce qu'on vienne m'apporter des nouvelles de votre part.

 See, [7200] I will tarry [4102] in the plain [6160] [5679] of the wilderness, [4057] until there come [0935] word [1697] from you to certify [5046] me.


 Tsadok et Abiathar reportèrent donc l'arche de Dieu à Jérusalem, et ils y demeurèrent.

 Zadok [6659] therefore and Abiathar [0054] carried the ark [0727] of God [0430] again [7725] to Jerusalem: [3389] and they tarried [3427] there.


 Et David montait par la montée des Oliviers, et en montant il pleurait; il avait la tête couverte, et marchait nu-pieds. Tout le peuple aussi qui était avec lui montait, chacun ayant la tête couverte; et en montant ils pleuraient.

 And David [1732] went up [5927] by the ascent [4608] of [mount] Olivet, [2132] and wept [1058] as he went up, [5927] and had his head [7218] covered, [2645] and he went [1980] barefoot: [3182] and all the people [5971] that [was] with him covered [2645] every man [0376] his head, [7218] and they went up, [5927] weeping [1058] as they went up. [5927]


 Alors on fit ce rapport à David, et on lui dit: Achithophel est parmi les conjurés avec Absalom. Et David dit: Je te prie, ô YEHOVAH, déjoue le conseil d'Achithophel!

 And [one] told [5046] David, [1732] saying, [0559] Ahithophel [0302] [is] among the conspirators [7194] with Absalom. [0053] And David [1732] said, [0559] O LORD, [3068] I pray thee, turn the counsel [6098] of Ahithophel [0302] into foolishness. [5528]


 Et lorsque David fut venu jusqu'au sommet, où il se prosterna devant Dieu, voici, Cushaï l'Arkite, vint à sa rencontre, ayant sa tunique déchirée et de la terre sur sa tête.

 And it came to pass, that [when] David [1732] was come [0935] to the top [7218] [of the mount], where he worshipped [7812] God, [0430] behold, Hushai [2365] the Archite [0757] came to meet [7125] him with his coat [3801] rent, [7167] and earth [0127] upon his head: [7218]


 Et David lui dit: Si tu passes plus avant avec moi, tu me seras à charge.

 Unto whom David [1732] said, [0559] If thou passest on [5674] with me, then thou shalt be a burden [4853] unto me:


 Mais si tu t'en retournes à la ville, et que tu dises à Absalom: Je suis ton serviteur, ô roi! j'ai servi ton père dès longtemps, et maintenant je te servirai; alors tu déjoueras en ma faveur le conseil d'Achithophel.

 But if thou return [7725] to the city, [5892] and say [0559] unto Absalom, [0053] I will be thy servant, [5650] O king; [4428] [as] I [have been] thy father's [0001] servant [5650] hitherto, [0227] so [will] I now also [be] thy servant: [5650] then mayest thou for me defeat [6565] the counsel [6098] of Ahithophel. [0302]


 Et n'auras-tu pas là avec toi les sacrificateurs Tsadok et Abiathar? Et tout ce que tu apprendras de la maison du roi, tu le rapporteras aux sacrificateurs, Tsadok et Abiathar;

 And [hast thou] not there with thee Zadok [6659] and Abiathar [0054] the priests? [3548] therefore it shall be, [that] what thing [1697] soever thou shalt hear [8085] out of the king's [4428] house, [1004] thou shalt tell [5046] [it] to Zadok [6659] and Abiathar [0054] the priests. [3548]


 Voici, ils ont là avec eux leurs deux fils, Achimaats, fils de Tsadok, et Jonathan, fils d'Abiathar; vous me ferez savoir par eux tout ce que vous aurez appris.

 Behold, [they have] there with them their two [8147] sons, [1121] Ahimaaz [0290] Zadok's [6659] [son], and Jonathan [3083] Abiathar's [0054] [son]; and by them [3027] ye shall send [7971] unto me every thing [1697] that ye can hear. [8085]


 Ainsi Cushaï, l'ami de David, retourna dans la ville. Et Absalom vint à Jérusalem.

 So Hushai [2365] David's [1732] friend [7463] came [0935] into the city, [5892] and Absalom [0053] came [0935] into Jerusalem. [3389]


 Quand David eut un peu dépassé le sommet, voici, Tsiba, serviteur de Méphibosheth, vint au-devant de lui avec deux ânes bâtés, sur lesquels étaient deux cents pains, et cent paquets de raisins secs, et cent de fruits d'été, et une outre de vin.

 And when David [1732] was a little [4592] past [5674] the top [7218] [of the hill], behold, Ziba [6717] the servant [5288] of Mephibosheth [4648] met [7125] him, with a couple [6776] of asses [2543] saddled, [2280] and upon them two hundred [3967] [loaves] of bread, [3899] and an hundred [3967] bunches of raisins, [6778] and an hundred [3967] of summer fruits, [7019] and a bottle [5035] of wine. [3196]


 Et le roi dit à Tsiba: Que veux-tu faire de cela? Et Tsiba répondit: Les ânes serviront de montures pour la maison du roi, et le pain et les fruits d'été sont pour la nourriture des jeunes gens, et il y a du vin à boire pour ceux qui seront fatigués dans le désert.

 And the king [4428] said [0559] unto Ziba, [6717] What meanest thou by these? And Ziba [6717] said, [0559] The asses [2543] [be] for the king's [4428] household [1004] to ride on; [7392] and the bread [3899] and summer fruit [7019] for the young men [5288] to eat; [0398] and the wine, [3196] that such as be faint [3287] in the wilderness [4057] may drink. [8354]


 Et le roi dit: Mais où est le fils de ton maître? Et Tsiba répondit au roi: Voilà, il est demeuré à Jérusalem; car il a dit: Aujourd'hui la maison d'Israël me rendra le royaume de mon père.

 And the king [4428] said, [0559] And where [is] thy master's [0113] son? [1121] And Ziba [6717] said [0559] unto the king, [4428] Behold, he abideth [3427] at Jerusalem: [3389] for he said, [0559] To day [3117] shall the house [1004] of Israel [3478] restore [7725] me the kingdom [4468] of my father. [0001]


 Alors le roi dit à Tsiba: Voici, tout ce qui est à Méphibosheth, est à toi. Et Tsiba dit: Je me prosterne! Que je trouve grâce à tes yeux, ô roi, mon seigneur!

 Then said [0559] the king [4428] to Ziba, [6717] Behold, thine [are] all that [pertained] unto Mephibosheth. [4648] And Ziba [6717] said, [0559] I humbly beseech [7812] thee [that] I may find [4672] grace [2580] in thy sight, [5869] my lord, [0113] O king. [4428]


 Puis le roi David vint jusqu'à Bachurim; et voici, il en sortit un homme, de la famille de la maison de Saül, nommé Shimeï, fils de Guéra. Il s'avança en maudissant,

 And when king [4428] David [1732] came [0935] to Bahurim, [0980] behold, thence came out [3318] a man [0376] of the family [4940] of the house [1004] of Saul, [7586] whose name [8034] [was] Shimei, [8096] the son [1121] of Gera: [1617] he came forth, [3318] and cursed [7043] still as he came. [3318]


 Et il jeta des pierres contre David et contre tous les serviteurs du roi David, et contre tout le peuple, et tous les hommes vaillants, à sa droite et à sa gauche.

 And he cast [5619] stones [0068] at David, [1732] and at all the servants [5650] of king [4428] David: [1732] and all the people [5971] and all the mighty men [1368] [were] on his right hand [3225] and on his left. [8040]


 Et Shimeï parlait ainsi en le maudissant: Sors, sors, homme de sang, méchant homme!

 And thus said [0559] Shimei [8096] when he cursed, [7043] Come out, [3318] come out, [3318] thou bloody [1818] man, [0376] and thou man [0376] of Belial: [1100]


 YEHOVAH fait retomber sur toi tout le sang de la maison de Saül, à la place de qui tu régnais; et YEHOVAH a mis le royaume entre les mains de ton fils Absalom, et te voilà dans ton propre malheur, parce que tu es un homme de sang!

 The LORD [3068] hath returned [7725] upon thee all the blood [1818] of the house [1004] of Saul, [7586] in whose stead thou hast reigned; [4427] and the LORD [3068] hath delivered [5414] the kingdom [4410] into the hand [3027] of Absalom [0053] thy son: [1121] and, behold, thou [art taken] in thy mischief, [7451] because thou [art] a bloody [1818] man. [0376]


 Alors Abishaï, fils de Tséruja, dit au roi: Pourquoi ce chien mort maudirait-il le roi, mon seigneur? Permets que je m'avance, et que je lui ôte la tête!

 Then said [0559] Abishai [0052] the son [1121] of Zeruiah [6870] unto the king, [4428] Why should this dead [4191] dog [3611] curse [7043] my lord [0113] the king? [4428] let me go over, [5674] I pray thee, and take off [5493] his head. [7218]


 Mais le roi répondit: Qu'ai-je à faire avec vous, fils de Tséruja? Qu'il maudisse; car YEHOVAH lui a dit: Maudis David; qui donc lui dira: Pourquoi fais-tu ainsi?

 And the king [4428] said, [0559] What have I to do with you, ye sons [1121] of Zeruiah? [6870] so let him curse, [7043] because the LORD [3068] hath said [0559] unto him, Curse [7043] David. [1732] Who shall then say, [0559] Wherefore hast thou done [6213] so?


 Et David dit à Abishaï et à tous ses serviteurs: Voici, mon propre fils, qui est sorti de mes entrailles, cherche ma vie. Combien plus maintenant ce Benjamite! Laissez-le, et qu'il maudisse, car YEHOVAH le lui a dit.

 And David [1732] said [0559] to Abishai, [0052] and to all his servants, [5650] Behold, my son, [1121] which came forth [3318] of my bowels, [4578] seeketh [1245] my life: [5315] how much more now [may this] Benjamite [1145] [do it]? let him alone, [3240] and let him curse; [7043] for the LORD [3068] hath bidden [0559] him.


 Peut-être que YEHOVAH regardera mon affliction, et que YEHOVAH me rendra du bien au lieu des malédictions de ce jour.

 It may be that the LORD [3068] will look [7200] on mine affliction, [5869] [6040] and that the LORD [3068] will requite [7725] me good [2896] for his cursing [7045] this day. [3117]


 David et ses gens continuaient donc leur chemin; et Shimeï marchait sur le flanc de la montagne, vis-à-vis de lui; et en marchant il maudissait, et il jetait des pierres contre lui, et soulevait la poussière.

 And as David [1732] and his men [0582] went [3212] by the way, [1870] Shimei [8096] went along [1980] on the hill's [2022] side [6763] over against [5980] him, and cursed [7043] as he went, [1980] and threw [5619] stones [0068] at [5980] him, and cast [6080] dust. [6083]


 Ainsi le roi David et tout le peuple qui était avec lui, arrivèrent fatigués, et là ils reprirent haleine.

 And the king, [4428] and all the people [5971] that [were] with him, came [0935] weary, [5889] and refreshed [5314] themselves there.


 Cependant Absalom et tout le peuple, les hommes d'Israël, entrèrent dans Jérusalem, et Achithophel était avec lui.

 And Absalom, [0053] and all the people [5971] the men [0376] of Israel, [3478] came [0935] to Jerusalem, [3389] and Ahithophel [0302] with him.


 Et lorsque Cushaï, l'Arkite, l'ami de David, fut venu vers Absalom, Cushaï dit à Absalom: Vive le roi! Vive le roi!

 And it came to pass, when Hushai [2365] the Archite, [0757] David's [1732] friend, [7463] was come [0935] unto Absalom, [0053] that Hushai [2365] said [0559] unto Absalom, [0053] God save [2421] the king, [4428] God save [2421] the king. [4428]


 Et Absalom dit à Cushaï: Est-ce donc là l'affection que tu as pour ton ami? Pourquoi n'es-tu point allé avec ton ami?

 And Absalom [0053] said [0559] to Hushai, [2365] [Is] this thy kindness [2617] to thy friend? [7453] why wentest [1980] thou not with thy friend? [7453]


 Mais Cushaï répondit à Absalom: Non, mais je serai à celui qui a été choisi par YEHOVAH, par ce peuple et par tous les hommes d'Israël; et je demeurerai avec lui.

 And Hushai [2365] said [0559] unto Absalom, [0053] Nay; but whom the LORD, [3068] and this people, [5971] and all the men [0376] of Israel, [3478] choose, [0977] his will I be, and with him will I abide. [3427]


 Et d'ailleurs, qui servirai-je? Ne sera-ce pas son fils? Je serai ton serviteur, comme j'ai été le serviteur de ton père.

 And again, [8145] whom should I serve? [5647] [should I] not [serve] in the presence [6440] of his son? [1121] as I have served [5647] in thy father's [0001] presence, [6440] so will I be in thy presence. [6440]


 Alors Absalom dit à Achithophel: Prenez conseil entre vous sur ce que nous avons à faire.

 Then said [0559] Absalom [0053] to Ahithophel, [0302] Give [3051] counsel [6098] among you what we shall do. [6213]


 Et Achithophel dit à Absalom: Va vers les concubines de ton père, qu'il a laissées pour garder la maison; et quand tout Israël saura que tu t'es rendu odieux à ton père, les mains de ceux qui sont avec toi, seront fortifiées:

 And Ahithophel [0302] said [0559] unto Absalom, [0053] Go in [0935] unto thy father's [0001] concubines, [6370] which he hath left [3240] to keep [8104] the house; [1004] and all Israel [3478] shall hear [8085] that thou art abhorred [0887] of thy father: [0001] then shall the hands [3027] of all that [are] with thee be strong. [2388]


 On dressa donc un pavillon pour Absalom sur la plate-forme; et Absalom entra vers les concubines de son père, à la vue de tout Israël.

 So they spread [5186] Absalom [0053] a tent [0168] upon the top [1406] of the house; and Absalom [0053] went in [0935] unto his father's [0001] concubines [6370] in the sight [5869] of all Israel. [3478]


 Or, en ce temps-là, un conseil donné par Achithophel était autant estimé, que si l'on eût consulté Dieu. Telle était la valeur des conseils d'Achithophel, soit pour David, soit pour Absalom.

 And the counsel [6098] of Ahithophel, [0302] which he counselled [3289] in those days, [3117] [was] as if a man [0376] had enquired [7592] at the oracle [1697] of God: [0430] so [was] all the counsel [6098] of Ahithophel [0302] both with David [1732] and with Absalom. [0053]


 Puis Achithophel dit à Absalom: Je choisirai maintenant douze mille hommes, et je me lèverai, et je poursuivrai David cette nuit.

 Moreover Ahithophel [0302] said [0559] unto Absalom, [0053] Let me now choose [0977] out twelve [8147] [6240] thousand [0505] men, [0376] and I will arise [6965] and pursue [7291] after [0310] David [1732] this night: [3915]


 Et je me jetterai sur lui pendant qu'il est fatigué et que ses mains sont affaiblies; et je l'épouvanterai tellement que tout le peuple qui est avec lui s'enfuira, et je frapperai le roi seul.

 And I will come [0935] upon him while he [is] weary [3023] and weak [7504] handed, [3027] and will make him afraid: [2729] and all the people [5971] that [are] with him shall flee; [5127] and I will smite [5221] the king [4428] only:


 Et je ferai revenir à toi tout le peuple; car l'homme que tu cherches vaut autant que si tous retournaient à toi; et tout le peuple sera en paix.

 And I will bring back [7725] all the people [5971] unto thee: the man [0376] whom thou seekest [1245] [is] as if all returned: [7725] [so] all the people [5971] shall be in peace. [7965]


 Cet avis fut approuvé par Absalom et par tous les anciens d'Israël.

 And the saying [1697] pleased [3474] [5869] Absalom [0053] well, and [5869] all the elders [2205] of Israel. [3478]


 Mais Absalom dit: Qu'on appelle aussi Cushaï, l'Arkite, et que nous entendions ce qu'il dira, lui aussi.

 Then said [0559] Absalom, [0053] Call [7121] now Hushai [2365] the Archite [0757] also, and let us hear [8085] likewise what he saith. [6310]


 Et Cushaï étant venu vers Absalom, Absalom lui dit: Achithophel a donné un tel avis; ferons-nous ce qu'il a dit, ou non? Parle, toi aussi.

 And when Hushai [2365] was come [0935] to Absalom, [0053] Absalom [0053] spake [0559] unto him, saying, [0559] Ahithophel [0302] hath spoken [1696] after this manner: [1697] shall we do [6213] [after] his saying? [1697] if not; speak [1696] thou.


 Alors Cushaï dit à Absalom: Le conseil qu'Achithophel a donné cette fois, n'est pas bon.

 And Hushai [2365] said [0559] unto Absalom, [0053] The counsel [6098] that Ahithophel [0302] hath given [3289] [is] not good [2896] at this time. [6471]


 Et Cushaï dit: Tu connais ton père et ses gens; ce sont des hommes vaillants, et ils ont le cœur exaspéré, comme dans les champs une ourse à qui on a pris ses petits; et même ton père est un homme de guerre, qui ne passera point la nuit avec le peuple.

 For, said [0559] Hushai, [2365] thou knowest [3045] thy father [0001] and his men, [0582] that they [be] mighty men, [1368] and they [be] chafed [4751] in their minds, [5315] as a bear [1677] robbed [7909] of her whelps in the field: [7704] and thy father [0001] [is] a man [0376] of war, [4421] and will not lodge [3885] with the people. [5971]


 Voici, il est maintenant caché dans quelque fosse ou dans quelque autre lieu. S'il arrive qu'on soit battu par eux au commencement, quiconque en entendra parler, dira: Le peuple qui suit Absalom a été défait.

 Behold, he is hid [2244] now in some [0259] pit, [6354] or in some [0259] [other] place: [4725] and it will come to pass, when some of them be overthrown [5307] at the first, [8462] that whosoever [8085] heareth [8085] it will say, [0559] There is a slaughter [4046] among the people [5971] that follow [0310] Absalom. [0053]


 Et fût-ce un homme vaillant, eût-il un cœur de lion, le courage lui manquera; car tout Israël sait que ton père est un homme vaillant, et que ceux qui sont avec lui, sont des braves.

 And he also [that is] valiant, [1121] [2428] whose heart [3820] [is] as the heart [3820] of a lion, [0738] shall utterly [4549] melt: [4549] for all Israel [3478] knoweth [3045] that thy father [0001] [is] a mighty man, [1368] and [they] which [be] with him [are] valiant [2428] men. [1121]


 Mais je suis d'avis qu'autour de toi se rassemble tout Israël, depuis Dan jusqu'à Béer-Shéba, nombreux comme le sable qui est sur le bord de la mer, et qu'en personne tu marches au combat.

 Therefore I counsel [3289] that all Israel [3478] be generally [0622] gathered [0622] unto thee, from Dan [1835] even to Beersheba, [0884] as the sand [2344] that [is] by the sea [3220] for multitude; [7230] and that thou go [1980] to battle [7128] in thine own person. [6440]


 Et nous viendrons à lui en quelque lieu qu'il se trouve, et nous fondrons sur lui comme la rosée tombe sur la terre; et de lui et de tous ceux qui sont avec lui, il ne restera pas un seul homme.

 So shall we come [0935] upon him in some [0259] place [4725] where he shall be found, [4672] and we [5168] will light upon him as the dew [2919] falleth [5307] on the ground: [0127] and of him and of all the men [0582] that [are] with him there shall not be left [3498] so much as [1571] one. [0259]


 Que s'il se retire en quelque ville, tout Israël portera des cordes vers cette ville-là, et nous la traînerons jusqu'au torrent, en sorte qu'on n'en trouvera plus même une pierre.

 Moreover, if [0518] he be gotten [0622] into a city, [5892] then shall all Israel [3478] bring [5375] ropes [2256] to that city, [5892] and we will draw [5498] it into the river, [5158] until there be not one [1571] small stone [6872] found [4672] there.


 Alors Absalom et tous les hommes d'Israël dirent: Le conseil de Cushaï, l'Arkite, vaut mieux que le conseil d'Achithophel. Car YEHOVAH avait décrété de dissiper le conseil d'Achithophel, qui était bon, afin de faire venir le mal sur Absalom.

 And Absalom [0053] and all the men [0376] of Israel [3478] said, [0559] The counsel [6098] of Hushai [2365] the Archite [0757] [is] better [2896] than the counsel [6098] of Ahithophel. [0302] For the LORD [3068] had appointed [6680] to defeat [6565] the good [2896] counsel [6098] of Ahithophel, [0302] to the intent that [5668] the LORD [3068] might bring [0935] evil [7451] upon Absalom. [0053]


 Alors Cushaï dit aux sacrificateurs Tsadok et Abiathar: Achithophel a donné tel et tel conseil à Absalom et aux anciens d'Israël; mais moi j'ai donné tel et tel conseil.

 Then said [0559] Hushai [2365] unto Zadok [6659] and to Abiathar [0054] the priests, [3548] Thus and thus did Ahithophel [0302] counsel [3289] Absalom [0053] and the elders [2205] of Israel; [3478] and thus and thus have I counselled. [3289]


 Maintenant donc envoyez promptement, et faites-le savoir à David, et dites-lui: Ne demeure point cette nuit dans les campagnes du désert, et même ne manque point de passer plus avant, de peur que le roi et tout le peuple qui est avec lui, ne périsse.

 Now therefore send [7971] quickly, [4120] and tell [5046] David, [1732] saying, [0559] Lodge [3885] not this night [3915] in the plains [6160] [5679] of the wilderness, [4057] but speedily [5674] pass over; [5674] lest the king [4428] be swallowed up, [1104] and all the people [5971] that [are] with him.


 Or Jonathan et Achimaats se tenaient à En-Roguel (la fontaine du foulon), et une servante vint les avertir pour qu'ils allassent le rapporter au roi David; car ils ne pouvaient se montrer, en entrant dans la ville.

 Now Jonathan [3083] and Ahimaaz [0290] stayed [5975] by Enrogel; [5883] for they might [3201] not be seen [7200] to come [0935] into the city: [5892] and a wench [8198] went [1980] and told [5046] them; and they went [3212] and told [5046] king [4428] David. [1732]


 Mais un garçon les vit, et le rapporta à Absalom. Cependant ils s'en allèrent tous deux en hâte, et vinrent à Bachurim, à la maison d'un homme qui avait dans sa cour un puits, où ils descendirent.

 Nevertheless a lad [5288] saw [7200] them, and told [5046] Absalom: [0053] but they went [3212] both [8147] of them away quickly, [4120] and came [0935] to a man's [0376] house [1004] in Bahurim, [0980] which had a well [0875] in his court; [2691] whither [8033] they went down. [3381]


 Et la femme prit une couverture, et l'étendit sur l'ouverture du puits, et y répandit du grain pilé, en sorte qu'on n'y reconnut rien.

 And the woman [0802] took [3947] and spread [6566] a covering [4539] over the well's [0875] mouth, [6440] and spread [7849] ground corn [7383] thereon; and the thing [1697] was not known. [3045]


 Et les serviteurs d'Absalom vinrent vers cette femme, dans la maison, et lui dirent: Où sont Achimaats et Jonathan? Et la femme leur répondit: Ils ont passé le gué de l'eau. Les ayant donc cherchés, et ne les ayant point trouvés, ils s'en retournèrent à Jérusalem.

 And when Absalom's [0053] servants [5650] came [0935] to the woman [0802] to the house, [1004] they said, [0559] Where [is] Ahimaaz [0290] and Jonathan? [3083] And the woman [0802] said [0559] unto them, They be gone over [5674] the brook [4323] of water. [4325] And when they had sought [1245] and could not find [4672] [them], they returned [7725] to Jerusalem. [3389]


 Et après leur départ, Achimaats et Jonathan remontèrent du puits, et s'en allèrent, et firent leur rapport au roi David, en lui disant: Levez-vous, et hâtez-vous de passer l'eau, car Achithophel a donné tel conseil contre vous.

 And it came to pass, after [0310] they were departed, [3212] that they came up [5927] out of the well, [0875] and went [3212] and told [5046] king [4428] David, [1732] and said [0559] unto David, [1732] Arise, [6965] and pass quickly [4120] over [5674] the water: [4325] for thus hath Ahithophel [0302] counselled [3289] against you.


 Alors David se leva, et tout le peuple qui était avec lui, et ils passèrent le Jourdain; et au point du jour il n'en restait pas un qui n'eût passé le Jourdain.

 Then David [1732] arose, [6965] and all the people [5971] that [were] with him, and they passed over [5674] Jordan: [3383] by the morning [1242] light [0216] there lacked [5737] not one [0259] of them that was not gone over [5674] Jordan. [3383]


 Or Achithophel, voyant qu'on n'avait point fait ce qu'il avait conseillé, sella son âne, se leva et s'en alla en sa maison, dans sa ville; et après qu'il eut mis ordre à sa maison, il s'étrangla et mourut; et il fut enseveli dans le tombeau de son père.

 And when Ahithophel [0302] saw [7200] that his counsel [6098] was not followed, [6213] he saddled [2280] [his] ass, [2543] and arose, [6965] and gat [3212] him home to his house, [1004] to his city, [5892] and put his household [1004] in order, [6680] and hanged [2614] himself, and died, [4191] and was buried [6912] in the sepulchre [6913] of his father. [0001]


 Cependant David arriva à Mahanaïm; et Absalom passa le Jourdain, lui et tous les gens d'Israël avec lui.

 Then David [1732] came [0935] to Mahanaim. [4266] And Absalom [0053] passed over [5674] Jordan, [3383] he and all the men [0376] of Israel [3478] with him.


 Et Absalom établit Amasa sur l'armée, à la place de Joab. Or, Amasa était fils d'un homme nommé Jithra, Israélite, qui était entré vers Abigaïl, fille de Nachash, et sœur de Tséruja, mère de Joab.

 And Absalom [0053] made [7760] Amasa [6021] captain of the host [6635] instead of Joab: [3097] which Amasa [6021] [was] a man's [0376] son, [1121] whose name [8034] [was] Ithra [3501] an Israelite, [3481] that went in [0935] to Abigail [0026] the daughter [1323] of Nahash, [5176] sister [0269] to Zeruiah [6870] Joab's [3097] mother. [0517]


 Et Israël campa avec Absalom au pays de Galaad.

 So Israel [3478] and Absalom [0053] pitched [2583] in the land [0776] of Gilead. [1568]


 Et lorsque David fut arrivé à Mahanaïm, Shobi, fils de Nachash, qui était de Rabba des enfants d'Ammon, et Makir, fils d'Ammiel de Lodébar, et Barzillaï, Galaadite, de Roguélim,

 And it came to pass, when David [1732] was come [0935] to Mahanaim, [4266] that Shobi [7629] the son [1121] of Nahash [5176] of Rabbah [7237] of the children [1121] of Ammon, [5983] and Machir [4353] the son [1121] of Ammiel [5988] of Lodebar, [3810] and Barzillai [1271] the Gileadite [1569] of Rogelim, [7274]


 Apportèrent à David et au peuple qui était avec lui, des lits, des bassins, des vases de terre, du froment, de l'orge, de la farine, du grain rôti, des fèves, des lentilles, et d'autres grains rôtis,

 Brought [5066] beds, [4904] and basons, [5592] and earthen [3335] vessels, [3627] and wheat, [2406] and barley, [8184] and flour, [7058] and parched [7039] [corn], and beans, [6321] and lentiles, [5742] and parched [7039] [pulse],


 Du miel, du beurre, des brebis, et des fromages de vache, pour se nourrir; car ils disaient: Ce peuple est affamé; il est las, et il a soif dans ce désert.

 And honey, [1706] and butter, [2529] and sheep, [6629] and cheese [8194] of kine, [1241] for David, [1732] and for the people [5971] that [were] with him, to eat: [0398] for they said, [0559] The people [5971] [is] hungry, [7457] and weary, [5889] and thirsty, [6771] in the wilderness. [4057]


 Or David fit la revue du peuple qui était avec lui, et il établit sur eux des chefs de milliers et des chefs de centaines.

 And David [1732] numbered [6485] the people [5971] that [were] with him, and set [7760] captains [8269] of thousands [0505] and captains [8269] of hundreds [3967] over them.


 Et David envoya le peuple, un tiers sous la conduite de Joab, un tiers sous la conduite d'Abishaï, fils de Tséruja et frère de Joab, et un tiers sous la conduite d'Itthaï, le Guitthien. Et le roi dit au peuple: Moi aussi, je veux sortir avec vous.

 And David [1732] sent forth [7971] a third part [7992] of the people [5971] under the hand [3027] of Joab, [3097] and a third part [7992] under the hand [3027] of Abishai [0052] the son [1121] of Zeruiah, [6870] Joab's [3097] brother, [0251] and a third part [7992] under the hand [3027] of Ittai [0863] the Gittite. [1663] And the king [4428] said [0559] unto the people, [5971] I will surely [3318] go forth [3318] with you myself [0589] also.


 Mais le peuple lui dit: Tu ne sortiras point; car si nous sommes mis en fuite, on ne fera point attention à nous, et quand la moitié d'entre nous périraient, on ne ferait point attention à nous; mais maintenant, tu en vaux dix mille comme nous. Maintenant donc, il vaut mieux que tu sois dans la ville pour nous secourir.

 But the people [5971] answered, [0559] Thou shalt not go forth: [3318] for if we flee [5127] away, [5127] they will not care [7760] [3820] for us; neither if half [2677] of us die, [4191] will they care [7760] [3820] for us: but now [thou art] worth [3644] ten [6235] thousand [0505] of us: therefore now [it is] better [2896] that thou succour [5826] us out of the city. [5892]


 Et le roi leur dit: Ce que vous jugez bon, je le ferai. Le roi se tint donc à côté de la porte, et tout le peuple sortit par centaines et par milliers.

 And the king [4428] said [0559] unto them, What seemeth [5869] you best [3190] I will do. [6213] And the king [4428] stood [5975] by the gate [8179] side, [3027] and all the people [5971] came out [3318] by hundreds [3967] and by thousands. [0505]


 Et le roi donna cet ordre à Joab, et à Abishaï, et à Itthaï, et dit: Épargnez-moi le jeune homme, Absalom. Et tout le peuple entendit ce que le roi commandait à tous les chefs, au sujet d'Absalom.

 And the king [4428] commanded [6680] Joab [3097] and Abishai [0052] and Ittai, [0863] saying, [0559] [Deal] gently [0328] for my sake with the young man, [5288] [even] with Absalom. [0053] And all the people [5971] heard [8085] when the king [4428] gave all the captains [8269] charge [6680] concerning [1697] Absalom. [0053]


 Ainsi le peuple sortit dans la campagne, à la rencontre d'Israël; et le combat eut lieu dans la forêt d'Éphraïm.

 So the people [5971] went out [3318] into the field [7704] against [7125] Israel: [3478] and the battle [4421] was in the wood [3293] of Ephraim; [0669]


 Là le peuple d'Israël fut battu par les gens de David, et il y eut, en ce jour-là, dans ce même lieu, une grande défaite, de vingt mille hommes.

 Where the people [5971] of Israel [3478] were slain [5062] before [6440] the servants [5650] of David, [1732] and there was there a great [1419] slaughter [4046] that day [3117] of twenty [6242] thousand [0505] [men].


 Et le combat s'étendit par tout le pays, et en ce jour la forêt consuma beaucoup plus de peuple que ne fit l'épée.

 For the battle [4421] was there scattered [6327] over the face [6440] of all the country: [0776] and the wood [3293] devoured [0398] more [7235] people [5971] that day [3117] than the sword [2719] devoured. [0398]


 Et Absalom se rencontra devant les serviteurs de David. Or Absalom était monté sur un mulet; et le mulet étant entré sous les branches entrelacées d'un grand chêne, la tête d'Absalom fut prise dans les branches du chêne, et il demeura entre le ciel et la terre, le mulet qui était sous lui ayant passé outre.

 And Absalom [0053] met [7122] the servants [6440] [5650] of David. [1732] And Absalom [0053] rode [7392] upon a mule, [6505] and the mule [6505] went [0935] under the thick boughs [7730] of a great [1419] oak, [0424] and his head [7218] caught hold [2388] of the oak, [0424] and he was taken up [5414] between the heaven [8064] and the earth; [0776] and the mule [6505] that [was] under him went away. [5674]


 Et un homme, ayant vu cela, le rapporta à Joab, et dit: Voici, j'ai vu Absalom suspendu à un chêne.

 And a certain [0259] man [0376] saw [7200] [it], and told [5046] Joab, [3097] and said, [0559] Behold, I saw [7200] Absalom [0053] hanged [8518] in an oak. [0424]


 Et Joab répondit à l'homme qui lui rapportait cela: Quoi! tu l'as vu? Et pourquoi ne l'as-tu pas abattu là, par terre? C'eût été à moi de te donner dix pièces d'argent et un baudrier.

 And Joab [3097] said [0559] unto the man [0376] that told [5046] him, And, behold, thou sawest [7200] [him], and why didst thou not smite [5221] him there to the ground? [0776] and I would have given [5414] thee ten [6235] [shekels] of silver, [3701] and a [0259] girdle. [2290]


 Mais cet homme dit à Joab: Quand je pèserais dans ma main mille pièces d'argent, je ne mettrais point la main sur le fils du roi; car nous avons entendu ce que le roi vous a commandé, à toi, à Abishaï et à Itthaï, disant: Prenez garde chacun à ce jeune homme, à Absalom.

 And the man [0376] said [0559] unto Joab, [3097] Though [3863] I should receive [8254] a thousand [0505] [shekels] of silver [3701] in mine hand, [3709] [yet] would I not put forth [7971] mine hand [3027] against the king's [4428] son: [1121] for in our hearing [0241] the king [4428] charged [6680] thee and Abishai [0052] and Ittai, [0863] saying, [0559] Beware [8104] that none [touch] the young man [5288] Absalom. [0053]


 Autrement je mentirais au péril de ma vie, car rien ne serait caché au roi, et toi-même tu te lèverais contre moi.

 Otherwise [0176] I should have wrought [6213] falsehood [8267] against mine own life: [5315] for there is no matter [1697] hid [3582] from the king, [4428] and thou thyself wouldest have set [3320] thyself against [me].


 Et Joab répondit: Je n'attendrai pas tant devant toi! Et, ayant pris trois dards en sa main, il les enfonça dans le cœur d'Absalom, qui était encore vivant au milieu du chêne.

 Then said [0559] Joab, [3097] I may not tarry [3176] thus with [6440] thee. And he took [3947] three [7969] darts [7626] in his hand, [3709] and thrust [8628] them through the heart [3820] of Absalom, [0053] while he [was] yet alive [2416] in the midst [3820] of the oak. [0424]


 Puis dix jeunes hommes, qui portaient les armes de Joab, environnèrent Absalom, le frappèrent, et l'achevèrent.

 And ten [6235] young men [5288] that bare [5375] Joab's [3097] armour [3627] compassed about [5437] and smote [5221] Absalom, [0053] and slew [4191] him.


 Alors Joab fit sonner de la trompette, et le peuple s'en revint et cessa de poursuivre Israël, car Joab retint le peuple.

 And Joab [3097] blew [8628] the trumpet, [7782] and the people [5971] returned [7725] from pursuing [7291] after [0310] Israel: [3478] for Joab [3097] held back [2820] the people. [5971]


 Et ils prirent Absalom et le jetèrent dans la forêt, dans une grande fosse; et ils mirent sur lui un fort grand monceau de pierres. Et tout Israël s'enfuit, chacun dans sa tente.

 And they took [3947] Absalom, [0053] and cast [7993] him into a great [1419] pit [6354] in the wood, [3293] and laid [5324] a very [3966] great [1419] heap [1530] of stones [0068] upon him: and all Israel [3478] fled [5127] every one [0376] to his tent. [0168]


 Or Absalom s'était fait ériger, de son vivant, le monument qui est dans la vallée du roi; car il disait: Je n'ai point de fils pour conserver la mémoire de mon nom. Et il appela le monument de son nom, et jusqu'à ce jour on l'appelle, la place d'Absalom.

 Now Absalom [0053] in his lifetime [2416] had taken [3947] and reared up [5324] for himself a pillar, [4678] which [is] in the king's [4428] dale: [6010] for he said, [0559] I have no son [1121] to keep my name [8034] in remembrance: [2142] and he called [7121] the pillar [4678] after his own name: [8034] and it is called [7121] unto this day, [3117] Absalom's [0053] place. [3027]


 Et Achimaats, fils de Tsadok, dit: Je te prie, que je coure porter au roi cette bonne nouvelle, que YEHOVAH lui a fait justice de la main de ses ennemis.

 Then said [0559] Ahimaaz [0290] the son [1121] of Zadok, [6659] Let me now run, [7323] and bear the king [4428] tidings, [1319] how that the LORD [3068] hath avenged [8199] him [3027] of his enemies. [0341]


 Et Joab lui répondit: Tu ne seras pas aujourd'hui porteur de bonnes nouvelles, mais tu le seras un autre jour; car aujourd'hui tu ne porterais pas de bonnes nouvelles, puisque le fils du roi est mort.

 And Joab [3097] said [0559] unto him, Thou shalt not bear tidings [1309] [0376] this day, [3117] but thou shalt bear tidings [1319] another [0312] day: [3117] but this day [3117] thou shalt bear no tidings, [1319] because the king's [4428] son [1121] is dead. [4191]


 Joab dit donc à Cushi: Va, et rapporte au roi ce que tu as vu. Cushi se prosterna devant Joab, puis il se mit à courir.

 Then said [0559] Joab [3097] to Cushi, [3569] Go [3212] tell [5046] the king [4428] what thou hast seen. [7200] And Cushi [3569] bowed [7812] himself unto Joab, [3097] and ran. [7323]


 Achimaats, fils de Tsadok, dit encore à Joab: Quoi qu'il arrive, laisse-moi courir après Cushi. Joab lui dit: Pourquoi veux-tu courir, mon fils, puisque le message ne te rapportera rien?

 Then said [0559] Ahimaaz [0290] the son [1121] of Zadok [6659] yet again [3254] to Joab, [3097] But howsoever, [4100] let me, I pray thee, also run [7323] after [0310] Cushi. [3569] And Joab [3097] said, [0559] Wherefore wilt thou run, [7323] my son, [1121] seeing that thou hast no tidings [1309] ready? [4672]


 N'importe, dit-il, je veux courir. Alors Joab lui dit: Cours! Achimaats courut donc par le chemin de la plaine, et il dépassa Cushi.

 But howsoever, [said he], let me run. [7323] And he said [0559] unto him, Run. [7323] Then Ahimaaz [0290] ran [7323] by the way [1870] of the plain, [3603] and overran [5674] Cushi. [3569]


 Or David était assis entre les deux portes, et la sentinelle allait sur le toit de la porte, vers la muraille; et, levant les yeux, elle regarda; et voici, un homme accourait tout seul.

 And David [1732] sat [3427] between the two [8147] gates: [8179] and the watchman [6822] went up [3212] to the roof [1406] over the gate [8179] unto the wall, [2346] and lifted up [5375] his eyes, [5869] and looked, [7200] and behold a man [0376] running [7323] alone.


 Alors la sentinelle cria, et le fit savoir au roi; et le roi dit: S'il est seul, il apporte de bonnes nouvelles. Et il allait toujours et se rapprochait.

 And the watchman [6822] cried, [7121] and told [5046] the king. [4428] And the king [4428] said, [0559] If he [be] alone, [there is] tidings [1309] in his mouth. [6310] And he came [3212] apace, [1980] and drew near. [7131]


 Puis la sentinelle vit un autre homme qui courait; et la sentinelle cria au portier, et dit: Voici un homme qui court tout seul. Et le roi dit: Il apporte aussi de bonnes nouvelles.

 And the watchman [6822] saw [7200] another [0312] man [0376] running: [7323] and the watchman [6822] called [7121] unto the porter, [7778] and said, [0559] Behold [another] man [0376] running [7323] alone. And the king [4428] said, [0559] He also bringeth tidings. [1319]


 Et la sentinelle dit: Il me semble, à voir courir le premier, que c'est ainsi que court Achimaats, fils de Tsadok. Et le roi dit: C'est un homme de bien, il vient pour de bonnes nouvelles.

 And the watchman [6822] said, [0559] Me thinketh [7200] the running [4794] of the foremost [7223] is like the running [4794] of Ahimaaz [0290] the son [1121] of Zadok. [6659] And the king [4428] said, [0559] He [is] a good [2896] man, [0376] and cometh [0935] with good [2896] tidings. [1309]


 Alors Achimaats cria, et dit au roi: Tout va bien! Et il se prosterna devant le roi, le visage contre terre, et dit: Béni soit YEHOVAH, ton Dieu, qui a livré les hommes qui avaient levé leurs mains contre le roi, mon seigneur!

 And Ahimaaz [0290] called, [7121] and said [0559] unto the king, [4428] All is well. [7965] And he fell down [7812] to the earth [0776] upon his face [0639] before the king, [4428] and said, [0559] Blessed [1288] [be] the LORD [3068] thy God, [0430] which hath delivered up [5462] the men [0582] that lifted up [5375] their hand [3027] against my lord [0113] the king. [4428]


 Mais le roi dit: Le jeune homme, Absalom, se porte-t-il bien? Achimaats répondit: J'ai vu s'élever un grand tumulte, lorsque Joab envoyait le serviteur du roi et moi, ton serviteur; mais je ne sais ce que c'était.

 And the king [4428] said, [0559] Is the young man [5288] Absalom [0053] safe? [7965] And Ahimaaz [0290] answered, [0559] When Joab [3097] sent [7971] the king's [4428] servant, [5650] and [me] thy servant, [5650] I saw [7200] a great [1419] tumult, [1995] but I knew [3045] not what [it was].


 Et le roi dit: Mets-toi là de côté. Il se mit de côté, et se tint là.

 And the king [4428] said [0559] [unto him], Turn aside, [5437] [and] stand [3320] here. [3541] And he turned aside, [5437] and stood still. [5975]


 Alors Cushi parut, et dit: Que le roi, mon seigneur, ait cette bonne nouvelle; c'est que YEHOVAH t'a fait justice aujourd'hui de la main de tous ceux qui s'élevaient contre toi.

 And, behold, Cushi [3569] came; [0935] and Cushi [3569] said, [0559] Tidings, [1319] my lord [0113] the king: [4428] for the LORD [3068] hath avenged [8199] thee [3027] this day [3117] of all them that rose up [6965] against thee.


 Et le roi dit à Cushi: Le jeune homme, Absalom, est-il bien portant? Et Cushi répondit: Que les ennemis du roi mon seigneur, et tous ceux qui se sont élevés contre toi pour te faire du mal, deviennent tels que ce jeune homme!

 And the king [4428] said [0559] unto Cushi, [3569] Is the young man [5288] Absalom [0053] safe? [7965] And Cushi [3569] answered, [0559] The enemies [0341] of my lord [0113] the king, [4428] and all that rise [6965] against thee to do [thee] hurt, [7451] be as [that] young man [5288] [is].


 Alors le roi fut fort ému; il monta à la chambre haute de la porte, et pleura; et, en marchant, il disait ainsi: Mon fils Absalom! mon fils! mon fils Absalom! Que ne suis-je mort moi-même à ta place! Absalom, mon fils! mon fils!

 And the king [4428] was much moved, [7264] and went up [5927] to the chamber [5944] over the gate, [8179] and wept: [1058] and as he went, [3212] thus he said, [0559] O my son [1121] Absalom, [0053] my son, [1121] my son [1121] Absalom! [0053] would God [5414] I had died [4191] for thee, O Absalom, [0053] my son, [1121] my son! [1121]


 Et on fit ce rapport à Joab: Voilà le roi qui pleure et qui s'afflige à cause d'Absalom.

 And it was told [5046] Joab, [3097] Behold, the king [4428] weepeth [1058] and mourneth [0056] for Absalom. [0053]


 Ainsi la victoire fut ce jour-là changée en deuil pour tout le peuple, parce que le peuple avait entendu qu'on disait: Le roi est fort affligé à cause de son fils.

 And the victory [8668] that day [3117] was [turned] into mourning [0060] unto all the people: [5971] for the people [5971] heard [8085] say [0559] that day [3117] how the king [4428] was grieved [6087] for his son. [1121]


 Ainsi en ce jour-là le peuple revint dans la ville à la dérobée, comme ferait un peuple honteux d'avoir fui dans la bataille.

 And the people [5971] gat [0935] them by stealth [1589] that day [3117] into the city, [5892] as people [5971] being ashamed [3637] steal away [1589] when they flee [5127] in battle. [4421]


 Or le roi s'était couvert la face, et il criait à haute voix: Mon fils Absalom! Absalom, mon fils! mon fils!

 But the king [4428] covered [3813] his face, [6440] and the king [4428] cried [2199] with a loud [1419] voice, [6963] O my son [1121] Absalom, [0053] O Absalom, [0053] my son, [1121] my son! [1121]


 Alors Joab entra vers le roi dans la maison, et dit: Tu as aujourd'hui couvert de confusion tous tes serviteurs, qui ont, en ce jour, garanti ta vie, et la vie de tes fils et de tes filles, et la vie de tes femmes, et la vie de tes concubines.

 And Joab [3097] came [0935] into the house [1004] to the king, [4428] and said, [0559] Thou hast shamed [3001] this day [3117] the faces [6440] of all thy servants, [5650] which this day [3117] have saved [4422] thy life, [5315] and the lives [5315] of thy sons [1121] and of thy daughters, [1323] and the lives [5315] of thy wives, [0802] and the lives [5315] of thy concubines; [6370]


 Tu aimes ceux qui te haïssent, et tu hais ceux qui t'aiment; car tu as aujourd'hui montré que tes capitaines et tes serviteurs ne te sont rien; et je connais en ce jour que si Absalom vivait, et que nous fussions tous morts aujourd'hui, cela serait agréable à tes yeux.

 In that thou lovest [0157] thine enemies, [8130] and hatest [8130] thy friends. [0157] For thou hast declared [5046] this day, [3117] that thou regardest neither princes [8269] nor servants: [5650] for this day [3117] I perceive, [3045] that if [3863] Absalom [0053] had lived, [2416] and all we had died [4191] this day, [3117] then it had pleased [3477] [5869] thee well.


 Maintenant donc, lève-toi, sors et parle selon le cœur de tes serviteurs; car je te jure par YEHOVAH, que si tu ne sors, il ne demeurera pas cette nuit un seul homme avec toi; et ce mal sera pire pour toi que tous ceux qui te sont arrivés depuis ta jeunesse jusqu'à présent.

 Now therefore arise, [6965] go forth, [3318] and speak [1696] comfortably [3820] unto thy servants: [5650] for I swear [7650] by the LORD, [3068] if thou go not forth, [3318] there will not tarry [3885] one [0376] with thee this night: [3915] and that will be worse [7489] unto thee than all the evil [7451] that befell [0935] thee from thy youth [5271] until now.


 Alors le roi se leva et s'assit à la porte; et on le fit savoir à tout le peuple, en disant: Voici, le roi est assis à la porte. Et tout le peuple vint devant le roi. Cependant Israël s'était enfui, chacun dans sa tente.

 Then the king [4428] arose, [6965] and sat [3427] in the gate. [8179] And they told [5046] unto all the people, [5971] saying, [0559] Behold, the king [4428] doth sit [3427] in the gate. [8179] And all the people [5971] came [0935] before [6440] the king: [4428] for Israel [3478] had fled [5127] every man [0376] to his tent. [0168]


 Et tout le peuple se disputait dans toutes les tribus d'Israël, disant: Le roi nous a délivrés de la main de nos ennemis, et il nous a garantis de la main des Philistins; et maintenant il s'est enfui du pays à cause d'Absalom.

 And all the people [5971] were at strife [1777] throughout all the tribes [7626] of Israel, [3478] saying, [0559] The king [4428] saved [5337] us out of the hand [3709] of our enemies, [0341] and he delivered [4422] us out of the hand [3709] of the Philistines; [6430] and now he is fled [1272] out of the land [0776] for Absalom. [0053]


 Or Absalom que nous avions oint pour être roi sur nous, est mort dans la bataille. Maintenant donc, pourquoi ne parlez-vous pas de ramener le roi?

 And Absalom, [0053] whom we anointed [4886] over us, is dead [4191] in battle. [4421] Now therefore why speak ye not a word [2790] of bringing the king [4428] back? [7725]


 Alors le roi David envoya dire aux sacrificateurs Tsadok et Abiathar: Parlez aux anciens de Juda, et dites-leur: Pourquoi seriez-vous les derniers à ramener le roi dans sa maison? (Car les discours que tenait tout Israël étaient parvenus jusqu'au roi dans sa maison.)

 And king [4428] David [1732] sent [7971] to Zadok [6659] and to Abiathar [0054] the priests, [3548] saying, [0559] Speak [1696] unto the elders [2205] of Judah, [3063] saying, [0559] Why are ye the last [0314] to bring the king [4428] back [7725] to his house? [1004] seeing the speech [1697] of all Israel [3478] is come [0935] to the king, [4428] [even] to his house. [1004]


 Vous êtes mes frères, vous êtes mes os et ma chair; et pourquoi seriez-vous les derniers à ramener le roi?

 Ye [are] my brethren, [0251] ye [are] my bones [6106] and my flesh: [1320] wherefore then are ye the last [0314] to bring back [7725] the king? [4428]


 Dites aussi à Amasa: N'es-tu pas mes os et ma chair? Que Dieu me traite avec la dernière rigueur, si tu ne deviens devant moi, pour toujours, chef de l'armée à la place de Joab!

 And say [0559] ye to Amasa, [6021] [Art] thou not of my bone, [6106] and of my flesh? [1320] God [0430] do [6213] so to me, and more [3254] also, if thou be not captain [8269] of the host [6635] before [6440] me continually [3605] [3117] in the room [8478] of Joab. [3097]


 Ainsi il fléchit le cœur de tous les hommes de Juda, comme si ce n'eût été qu'un seul homme; et ils envoyèrent dire au roi: Reviens avec tous tes serviteurs.

 And he bowed [5186] the heart [3824] of all the men [0376] of Judah, [3063] even as [the heart of] one [0259] man; [0376] so that they sent [7971] [this word] unto the king, [4428] Return [7725] thou, and all thy servants. [5650]


 Le roi s'en retourna donc et vint jusqu'au Jourdain; et Juda vint à Guilgal pour aller à la rencontre du roi, et pour lui faire repasser le Jourdain.

 So the king [4428] returned, [7725] and came [0935] to Jordan. [3383] And Judah [3063] came [0935] to Gilgal, [1537] to go [3212] to meet [7125] the king, [4428] to conduct the king [4428] over [5674] Jordan. [3383]


 Et Shimeï, fils de Guéra, Benjamite, de Bachurim, se hâta de descendre avec les hommes de Juda, à la rencontre du roi David.

 And Shimei [8096] the son [1121] of Gera, [1617] a Benjamite, [1145] which [was] of Bahurim, [0980] hasted [4116] and came down [3381] with the men [0376] of Judah [3063] to meet [7125] king [4428] David. [1732]


 Et il y avait avec lui mille hommes de Benjamin, ainsi que Tsiba, serviteur de la maison de Saül, et ses quinze fils et ses vingt serviteurs avec lui; et ils passèrent le Jourdain devant le roi.

 And [there were] a thousand [0505] men [0376] of Benjamin [1144] with him, and Ziba [6717] the servant [5288] of the house [1004] of Saul, [7586] and his fifteen [2568] [6240] sons [1121] and his twenty [6242] servants [5650] with him; and they went over [6743] Jordan [3383] before [6440] the king. [4428]


 Le bateau passa aussi, pour transporter la famille du roi, et pour faire ce qu'il lui plairait. Alors Shimeï, fils de Guéra, se jeta en terre devant le roi, comme il passait le Jourdain;

 And there went over [5674] a ferry boat [5679] to carry over [5674] the king's [4428] household, [1004] and to do [6213] what he thought [5869] good. [2896] And Shimei [8096] the son [1121] of Gera [1617] fell down [5307] before [6440] the king, [4428] as he was come over [5674] Jordan; [3383]


 Et il dit au roi: Que mon seigneur ne m'impute point mon iniquité, et ne se souvienne point de ce que ton serviteur fit avec méchanceté, le jour où le roi, mon seigneur, sortait de Jérusalem, et que le roi ne le prenne point à cœur.

 And said [0559] unto the king, [4428] Let not my lord [0113] impute [2803] iniquity [5771] unto me, neither do thou remember [2142] that which thy servant [5650] did perversely [5753] the day [3117] that my lord [0113] the king [4428] went out [3318] of Jerusalem, [3389] that the king [4428] should take [7760] it to his heart. [3820]


 Car ton serviteur reconnaît qu'il a péché; et voici, je suis venu aujourd'hui, le premier de toute la maison de Joseph, pour descendre au-devant du roi, mon seigneur.

 For thy servant [5650] doth know [3045] that I have sinned: [2398] therefore, behold, I am come [0935] the first [7223] this day [3117] of all the house [1004] of Joseph [3130] to go down [3381] to meet [7125] my lord [0113] the king. [4428]


 Mais Abishaï, fils de Tséruja, répondit et dit: À cause de cela ne fera-t-on pas mourir Shimeï, puisqu'il a maudit l'oint de YEHOVAH?

 But Abishai [0052] the son [1121] of Zeruiah [6870] answered [6030] and said, [0559] Shall not Shimei [8096] be put to death [4191] for this, because he cursed [7043] the LORD'S [3068] anointed? [4899]


 Et David dit: Qu'ai-je à faire avec vous, fils de Tséruja, que vous soyez aujourd'hui mes adversaires? Ferait-on mourir aujourd'hui quelqu'un en Israël? Car ne sais-je pas bien qu'aujourd'hui je deviens roi sur Israël?

 And David [1732] said, [0559] What have I to do with you, ye sons [1121] of Zeruiah, [6870] that ye should this day [3117] be adversaries [7854] unto me? shall there any man [0376] be put to death [4191] this day [3117] in Israel? [3478] for do not I know [3045] that I [am] this day [3117] king [4428] over Israel? [3478]


 Et le roi dit à Shimeï: Tu ne mourras point! Et le roi le lui jura.

 Therefore the king [4428] said [0559] unto Shimei, [8096] Thou shalt not die. [4191] And the king [4428] sware [7650] unto him.


 Méphibosheth, fils de Saül, descendit aussi à la rencontre du roi. Il n'avait point lavé ses pieds, ni fait sa barbe, ni lavé ses habits, depuis que le roi s'en était allé jusqu'au jour qu'il revint en paix.

 And Mephibosheth [4648] the son [1121] of Saul [7586] came down [3381] to meet [7125] the king, [4428] and had neither [3808] dressed [6213] his feet, [7272] nor [3808] trimmed [6213] his beard, [8222] nor [3808] washed [3526] his clothes, [0899] from the day [3117] the king [4428] departed [3212] until the day [3117] he came [0935] [again] in peace. [7965]


 Il arriva donc, quand il fut venu à Jérusalem au-devant du roi, que le roi lui dit: Pourquoi n'es-tu point venu avec moi, Méphibosheth?

 And it came to pass, when he was come [0935] to Jerusalem [3389] to meet [7125] the king, [4428] that the king [4428] said [0559] unto him, Wherefore wentest [1980] not thou with me, Mephibosheth? [4648]


 Et il répondit: Ô roi mon seigneur, mon serviteur m'a trompé; car ton serviteur avait dit: Je ferai seller mon âne, et je monterai dessus, et j'irai vers le roi; car ton serviteur est boiteux.

 And he answered, [0559] My lord, [0113] O king, [4428] my servant [5650] deceived [7411] me: for thy servant [5650] said, [0559] I will saddle [2280] me an ass, [2543] that I may ride [7392] thereon, and go [3212] to the king; [4428] because thy servant [5650] [is] lame. [6455]


 Et il a calomnié ton serviteur auprès du roi, mon seigneur; mais le roi, mon seigneur, est comme un ange de Dieu. Fais donc ce qui te semblera bon.

 And he hath slandered [7270] thy servant [5650] unto my lord [0113] the king; [4428] but my lord [0113] the king [4428] [is] as an angel [4397] of God: [0430] do [6213] therefore [what is] good [2896] in thine eyes. [5869]


 Car, bien que tous ceux de la maison de mon père aient mérité la mort de la part du roi mon seigneur, cependant tu as mis ton serviteur parmi ceux qui mangeaient à ta table. Et quel droit ai-je encore? Qu'ai-je encore à me plaindre auprès du roi?

 For all [of] my father's [0001] house [1004] were but [3808] dead [4194] men [0582] before my lord [0113] the king: [4428] yet didst thou set [7896] thy servant [5650] among them that did eat [0398] at thine own table. [7979] What right [6666] therefore have [3426] I yet to cry [2199] any more unto the king? [4428]


 Alors le roi lui dit: Pourquoi toutes ces paroles? Je l'ai dit: Toi et Tsiba, partagez-vous les terres.

 And the king [4428] said [0559] unto him, Why speakest [1696] thou any more of thy matters? [1697] I have said, [0559] Thou and Ziba [6717] divide [2505] the land. [7704]


 Et Méphibosheth répondit au roi: Qu'il prenne même tout, puisque le roi, mon seigneur, est revenu en paix dans sa maison.

 And Mephibosheth [4648] said [0559] unto the king, [4428] Yea, let him take [3947] all, forasmuch [0310] as [0834] my lord [0113] the king [4428] is come [0935] again in peace [7965] unto his own house. [1004]


 Barzillaï, de Galaad, était aussi descendu de Roguélim; et il avait passé le Jourdain avec le roi, pour l'accompagner au delà du Jourdain.

 And Barzillai [1271] the Gileadite [1569] came down [3381] from Rogelim, [7274] and went over [5674] Jordan [3383] with the king, [4428] to conduct [7971] him over Jordan. [3383]


 Or Barzillaï était très vieux, âgé de quatre-vingts ans; et il avait entretenu le roi pendant son séjour à Mahanaïm; car c'était un homme fort riche.

 Now Barzillai [1271] was a very [3966] aged [2204] man, [even] fourscore [8084] years [8141] old: [1121] and he had provided the king [4428] of sustenance [3557] while he lay [7871] at Mahanaim; [4266] for he [was] a very [3966] great [1419] man. [0376]


 Et le roi dit à Barzillaï: Passe plus avant avec moi, et je t'entretiendrai chez moi, à Jérusalem.

 And the king [4428] said [0559] unto Barzillai, [1271] Come thou over [5674] with me, and I will feed [3557] thee with me in Jerusalem. [3389]


 Mais Barzillaï répondit au roi: Combien d'années ai-je à vivre, que je monte avec le roi à Jérusalem?

 And Barzillai [1271] said [0559] unto the king, [4428] How long [3117] have I to live, [8141] [2416] that I should go up [5927] with the king [4428] unto Jerusalem? [3389]


 Je suis aujourd'hui âgé de quatre-vingts ans; pourrais-je discerner ce qui est bon d'avec ce qui est mauvais? Ton serviteur savourerait-il ce qu'il mangerait et boirait? Pourrais-je encore entendre la voix des chanteurs et des chanteuses? Et pourquoi ton serviteur serait-il encore à charge au roi, mon seigneur?

 I [am] this day [3117] fourscore [8084] years [8141] old: [1121] [and] can I discern [3045] between good [2896] and evil? [7451] can thy servant [5650] taste [2938] what [0834] I eat [0398] or what [0834] I drink? [8354] can I hear [8085] any more the voice [6963] of singing [7891] men and singing [7891] women? wherefore then should thy servant [5650] be yet a burden [4853] unto my lord [0113] the king? [4428]


 Ton serviteur ira un peu au delà du Jourdain avec le roi. Mais pourquoi le roi voudrait-il me donner une telle récompense?

 Thy servant [5650] will go a little [4592] way over [5674] Jordan [3383] with the king: [4428] and why should the king [4428] recompense [1580] it me with such a reward? [1578]


 Je te prie, que ton serviteur s'en retourne, et que je meure dans ma ville, près du tombeau de mon père et de ma mère. Mais voici, ton serviteur Kimham passera avec le roi mon seigneur; fais pour lui ce qui te semblera bon.

 Let thy servant, [5650] I pray thee, turn back again, [7725] that I may die [4191] in mine own city, [5892] [and be buried] by the grave [6913] of my father [0001] and of my mother. [0517] But behold thy servant [5650] Chimham; [3643] let him go over [5674] with my lord [0113] the king; [4428] and do [6213] to him what shall seem good [2896] [5869] unto thee.


 Et le roi dit: Que Kimham passe avec moi, et je ferai pour lui tout ce qui te semblera bon; et tout ce que tu souhaiteras de moi, je te l'accorderai.

 And the king [4428] answered, [0559] Chimham [3643] shall go over [5674] with me, and I will do [6213] to him that which shall seem good [2896] [5869] unto thee: and whatsoever thou shalt require [0977] of me, [that] will I do [6213] for thee.


 Tout le peuple passa donc le Jourdain, et le roi aussi passa. Puis le roi baisa Barzillaï et le bénit; et il s'en retourna en sa demeure.

 And all the people [5971] went over [5674] Jordan. [3383] And when the king [4428] was come over, [5674] the king [4428] kissed [5401] Barzillai, [1271] and blessed [1288] him; and he returned [7725] unto his own place. [4725]


 De là le roi passa à Guilgal, et Kimham passa avec lui. Ainsi tout le peuple de Juda, et même la moitié du peuple d'Israël, ramenèrent le roi.

 Then the king [4428] went on [5674] to Gilgal, [1537] and Chimham [3643] went on [5674] with him: and all the people [5971] of Judah [3063] conducted [5674] the king, [4428] and also half [2677] the people [5971] of Israel. [3478]


 Mais voici, tous les hommes d'Israël vinrent vers le roi, et lui dirent: Pourquoi nos frères, les hommes de Juda, t'ont-ils enlevé, et ont-ils fait passer le Jourdain, au roi, à sa famille, à tous les gens de David avec lui?

 And, behold, all the men [0376] of Israel [3478] came [0935] to the king, [4428] and said [0559] unto the king, [4428] Why have our brethren [0251] the men [0376] of Judah [3063] stolen thee away, [1589] and have brought [5674] the king, [4428] and his household, [1004] and all David's [1732] men [0582] with him, over Jordan? [3383]


 Alors tous les hommes de Juda répondirent aux hommes d'Israël: Parce que le roi nous tient de plus près. Et pourquoi vous fâchez-vous de cela? Avons-nous rien mangé de ce qui est du roi? Ou en avons-nous reçu quelque présent?

 And all the men [0376] of Judah [3063] answered [6030] the men [0376] of Israel, [3478] Because the king [4428] [is] near of kin [7138] to us: wherefore then be ye angry [2734] for this matter? [1697] have we eaten [0398] at all [0398] of the king's [4428] [cost]? or hath he given [5375] us any gift? [5379]


 Mais les hommes d'Israël répondirent aux hommes de Juda, et dirent: Nous avons dix parts au roi, et nous sommes pour David plus que vous; pourquoi donc nous avez-vous méprisés? N'avons-nous pas parlé les premiers de ramener notre roi? Mais les hommes de Juda parlèrent plus rudement que les hommes d'Israël.

 And the men [0376] of Israel [3478] answered [6030] the men [0376] of Judah, [3063] and said, [0559] We have ten [6235] parts [3027] in the king, [4428] and we [0589] have also more [right] in David [1732] than ye: why then did ye despise [7043] us, that our advice [1697] should not be first [7223] had in bringing back [7725] our king? [4428] And the words [1697] of the men [0376] of Judah [3063] were fiercer [7185] than the words [1697] of the men [0376] of Israel. [3478]


 Alors il se trouva là un méchant homme, nommé Shéba, fils de Bicri, Benjamite, qui sonna de la trompette et dit: Nous n'avons point de part avec David, ni d'héritage avec le fils d'Isaï. Israël, chacun à ses tentes!

 And there happened [7122] to be there a man [0376] of Belial, [1100] whose name [8034] [was] Sheba, [7652] the son [1121] of Bichri, [1075] a Benjamite: [0376] [3228] and he blew [8628] a trumpet, [7782] and said, [0559] We have no part [2506] in David, [1732] neither have we inheritance [5159] in the son [1121] of Jesse: [3448] every man [0376] to his tents, [0168] O Israel. [3478]


 Alors tous les hommes d'Israël se séparèrent de David et suivirent Shéba, fils de Bicri; mais les hommes de Juda s'attachèrent à leur roi, depuis le Jourdain jusqu'à Jérusalem.

 So every man [0376] of Israel [3478] went up [5927] from after [0310] David, [1732] [and] followed [0310] Sheba [7652] the son [1121] of Bichri: [1075] but the men [0376] of Judah [3063] clave [1692] unto their king, [4428] from Jordan [3383] even to Jerusalem. [3389]


 Et quand David fut venu dans sa maison à Jérusalem, il prit les dix concubines qu'il avait laissées pour garder la maison; et il les mit en un lieu où elles furent gardées. Il les y nourrit, mais il n'alla point vers elles. Ainsi elles furent enfermées jusqu'au jour de leur mort, pour vivre dans le veuvage.

 And David [1732] came [0935] to his house [1004] at Jerusalem; [3389] and the king [4428] took [3947] the ten [6235] women [0802] [his] concubines, [6370] whom he had left [3240] to keep [8104] the house, [1004] and put [5414] them in ward, [4931] and fed [3557] them, but went [0935] not in unto them. So they were shut up [6887] unto the day [3117] of their death, [4191] living [2424] in widowhood. [0491]


 Puis le roi dit à Amasa: Assemble-moi à cri public, dans trois jours, les hommes de Juda; et toi, trouve-toi ici.

 Then said [0559] the king [4428] to Amasa, [6021] Assemble [2199] me the men [0376] of Judah [3063] within three [7969] days, [3117] and be thou here present. [5975]


 Amasa s'en alla donc pour assembler à cri public ceux de Juda; mais il tarda au-delà du temps qu'on lui avait assigné.

 So Amasa [6021] went [3212] to assemble [2199] [the men of] Judah: [3063] but he tarried longer [0309] than the set time [4150] which he had appointed [3259] him.


 Alors David dit à Abishaï: Maintenant Shéba, fils de Bicri, nous fera plus de mal qu'Absalom. Toi, prends les serviteurs de ton seigneur, et poursuis-le, de peur qu'il ne trouve des villes fortes, et que nous ne le perdions de vue.

 And David [1732] said [0559] to Abishai, [0052] Now shall Sheba [7652] the son [1121] of Bichri [1075] do us more harm [3415] than [did] Absalom: [0053] take [3947] thou thy lord's [0113] servants, [5650] and pursue [7291] after [0310] him, lest he get [4672] him fenced [1219] cities, [5892] and escape [5337] us. [5869]


 Ainsi les gens de Joab sortirent après lui, avec les Kéréthiens, et les Péléthiens, et tous les hommes vaillants. Ils sortirent de Jérusalem pour poursuivre Shéba, fils de Bicri.

 And there went out [3318] after [0310] him Joab's [3097] men, [0582] and the Cherethites, [3774] and the Pelethites, [6432] and all the mighty men: [1368] and they went out [3318] of Jerusalem, [3389] to pursue [7291] after [0310] Sheba [7652] the son [1121] of Bichri. [1075]


 Et comme ils étaient auprès de la grande pierre qui est à Gabaon, Amasa vint au-devant d'eux. Or Joab avait ceint la tunique dont il se vêtait; et par-dessus était le ceinturon de son épée, attachée sur ses reins, dans son fourreau; et quand il s'avança elle tomba.

 When they [were] at the great [1419] stone [0068] which [is] in Gibeon, [1391] Amasa [6021] went [0935] before [6440] them. And Joab's [3097] garment [4055] that he had put on [3830] was girded [2296] unto him, and upon it a girdle [2289] [with] a sword [2719] fastened [6775] upon his loins [4975] in the sheath [8593] thereof; and as he went forth [3318] it fell [5307] out.


 Et Joab dit à Amasa: Te portes-tu bien, mon frère? Puis Joab saisit de la main droite la barbe d'Amasa pour le baiser.

 And Joab [3097] said [0559] to Amasa, [6021] [Art] thou in health, [7965] my brother? [0251] And Joab [3097] took [0270] Amasa [6021] by the beard [2206] with the right [3225] hand [3027] to kiss [5401] him.


 Or Amasa ne prenait point garde à l'épée qui était dans la main de Joab; et Joab lui en porta un coup dans le ventre, et répandit ses entrailles à terre, sans le frapper une seconde fois; et il mourut. Après cela Joab et Abishaï, son frère, poursuivirent Shéba, fils de Bicri.

 But Amasa [6021] took no heed [8104] to the sword [2719] that [was] in Joab's [3097] hand: [3027] so he smote [5221] him therewith in the fifth [2570] [rib], and shed out [8210] his bowels [4578] to the ground, [0776] and struck him not again; [8138] and he died. [4191] So Joab [3097] and Abishai [0052] his brother [0251] pursued [7291] after [0310] Sheba [7652] the son [1121] of Bichri. [1075]


 Et l'un des serviteurs de Joab s'arrêta auprès d'Amasa, en disant: Quiconque aime Joab, et quiconque est pour David, suive Joab!

 And one [0376] of Joab's [3097] men [5288] stood [5975] by him, and said, [0559] He [4310] that favoureth [2654] Joab, [3097] and he [4310] that [is] for David, [1732] [let him go] after [0310] Joab. [3097]


 Or Amasa se roulait dans le sang au milieu du chemin; et cet homme, voyant que tout le peuple s'arrêtait, poussa Amasa hors du chemin dans un champ, et jeta sur lui un vêtement, quand il vit que tous ceux qui arrivaient près de lui, s'arrêtaient.

 And Amasa [6021] wallowed [1556] in blood [1818] in the midst [8432] of the highway. [4546] And when the man [0376] saw [7200] that all the people [5971] stood still, [5975] he removed [5437] Amasa [6021] out of the highway [4546] into the field, [7704] and cast [7993] a cloth [0899] upon him, when he saw [7200] that every one that came [0935] by him stood still. [5975]


 Et quand il l'eut ôté du chemin, chacun passa outre après Joab, afin de poursuivre Shéba, fils de Bicri.

 When he was removed [3014] out of the highway, [4546] all the people [0376] went on [5674] after [0310] Joab, [3097] to pursue [7291] after [0310] Sheba [7652] the son [1121] of Bichri. [1075]


 Et Shéba parcourut toutes les tribus d'Israël, jusqu'à Abel-Beth-Maaca, et tout le pays des Bérites, qui se rassemblèrent et le suivirent aussi.

 And he went through [5674] all the tribes [7626] of Israel [3478] unto Abel, [0059] and to Bethmaachah, [1038] and all the Berites: [1276] and they were gathered together, [6950] and went [0935] also after [0310] him.


 Les gens de Joab vinrent donc, et l'assiégèrent dans Abel-Beth-Maaca; et ils élevèrent contre la ville une terrasse qui atteignait la muraille; et tout le peuple qui était avec Joab, sapait la muraille pour la faire tomber.

 And they came [0935] and besieged [6696] him in Abel [0059] of Bethmaachah, [1038] and they cast up [8210] a bank [5550] against the city, [5892] and it stood [5975] in the trench: [2426] and all the people [5971] that [were] with Joab [3097] battered [7843] the wall, [2346] to throw it down. [5307]


 Alors une femme habile cria depuis la ville: Écoutez, écoutez! Dites, je vous prie, à Joab: Approche jusqu'ici, que je te parle.

 Then cried [7121] a wise [2450] woman [0802] out of the city, [5892] Hear, [8085] hear; [8085] say, [0559] I pray you, unto Joab, [3097] Come near [7126] hither, that I may speak [1696] with thee.


 Et quand il se fut approché d'elle, la femme dit: Es-tu Joab? Il répondit: Je le suis. Elle lui dit: Écoute les paroles de ta servante. Il répondit: J'écoute.

 And when he was come near [7126] unto her, the woman [0802] said, [0559] [Art] thou Joab? [3097] And he answered, [0559] I [am he]. Then she said [0559] unto him, Hear [8085] the words [1697] of thine handmaid. [0519] And he answered, [0559] I do hear. [8085]


 Elle parla donc, et dit: On disait communément autrefois: Qu'on aille consulter Abel, et le but sera atteint.

 Then she spake, [0559] saying, [0559] They were wont [1696] to speak [1696] in old time, [7223] saying, [0559] They shall surely [7592] ask [7592] [counsel] at Abel: [0059] and so they ended [8552] [the matter].


 Je suis une des cités paisibles et fidèles en Israël; tu cherches à faire périr une ville qui est une mère en Israël! Pourquoi détruirais-tu l'héritage de YEHOVAH?

 I [am one of them that are] peaceable [7999] [and] faithful [0539] in Israel: [3478] thou seekest [1245] to destroy [4191] a city [5892] and a mother [0517] in Israel: [3478] why wilt thou swallow up [1104] the inheritance [5159] of the LORD? [3068]


 Joab répondit et dit: Loin de moi, loin de moi, de vouloir détruire et ruiner!

 And Joab [3097] answered [6030] and said, [0559] Far be it, [2486] far be it [2486] from me, that I should swallow up [1104] or destroy. [7843]


 La chose n'est pas ainsi. Mais un homme de la montagne d'Éphraïm nommé Shéba, fils de Bicri, a levé la main contre le roi, contre David. Livrez-le, lui seul, et je m'éloignerai de la ville. Et la femme dit à Joab: Voici, on va te jeter sa tête par-dessus la muraille.

 The matter [1697] [is] not so: but a man [0376] of mount [2022] Ephraim, [0669] Sheba [7652] the son [1121] of Bichri [1075] by name, [8034] hath lifted up [5375] his hand [3027] against the king, [4428] [even] against David: [1732] deliver [5414] him only, and I will depart [3212] from the city. [5892] And the woman [0802] said [0559] unto Joab, [3097] Behold, his head [7218] shall be thrown [7993] to thee over [1157] the wall. [2346]


 Cette femme vint donc vers tout le peuple, et leur parla habilement; et ils coupèrent la tête à Shéba, fils de Bicri, et la jetèrent à Joab. Alors il sonna de la trompette; le peuple se retira de devant la ville, chacun en sa tente; et Joab s'en retourna vers le roi, à Jérusalem.

 Then the woman [0802] went [0935] unto all the people [5971] in her wisdom. [2451] And they cut off [3772] the head [7218] of Sheba [7652] the son [1121] of Bichri, [1075] and cast [7993] [it] out to Joab. [3097] And he blew [8628] a trumpet, [7782] and they retired [6327] from the city, [5892] every man [0376] to his tent. [0168] And Joab [3097] returned [7725] to Jerusalem [3389] unto the king. [4428]


 Or Joab était le chef de toute l'armée d'Israël; et Bénaja, fils de Jéhojada, avait sous lui les Kéréthiens et les Péléthiens;

 Now Joab [3097] [was] over all the host [6635] of Israel: [3478] and Benaiah [1141] the son [1121] of Jehoiada [3077] [was] over the Cherethites [3774] [3746] and over the Pelethites: [6432]


 Et Adoram était préposé aux tributs; et Jéhosaphat, fils d'Achilud, rédacteur des Mémoires;

 And Adoram [0151] [was] over the tribute: [4522] and Jehoshaphat [3092] the son [1121] of Ahilud [0286] [was] recorder: [2142]


 Shéja, secrétaire; Tsadok et Abiathar, sacrificateurs.

 And Sheva [7864] [7724] [was] scribe: [5608] and Zadok [6659] and Abiathar [0054] [were] the priests: [3548]


 Et Ira, Jaïrite, était aussi sacrificateur de David.

 And Ira [5896] also the Jairite [2972] was a chief ruler [3548] about David. [1732]


 Il y eut du temps de David une famine qui dura trois ans de suite. Et David chercha la face de YEHOVAH; et YEHOVAH dit: C'est à cause de Saül et de sa maison sanguinaire; parce qu'il a fait mourir les Gabaonites.

 Then there was a famine [7458] in the days [3117] of David [1732] three [7969] years, [8141] year [8141] after [0310] year; [8141] and David [1732] enquired [1245] of [6440] the LORD. [3068] And the LORD [3068] answered, [0559] [It is] for Saul, [7586] and for [his] bloody [1818] house, [1004] because he slew [4191] the Gibeonites. [1393]


 Et le roi appela les Gabaonites pour leur parler. (Or les Gabaonites n'étaient point des enfants d'Israël, mais un reste des Amoréens; et les enfants d'Israël s'étaient engagés envers eux par serment; cependant Saül avait cherché à les faire périr, parce qu'il était jaloux pour les enfants d'Israël et de Juda.)

 And the king [4428] called [7121] the Gibeonites, [1393] and said [0559] unto them; (now the Gibeonites [1393] [were] not of the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] but of the remnant [3499] of the Amorites; [0567] and the children [1121] of Israel [3478] had sworn [7650] unto them: and Saul [7586] sought [1245] to slay [5221] them in his zeal [7065] to the children [1121] of Israel [3478] and Judah.) [3063]


 Et David dit aux Gabaonites: Que ferai-je pour vous, et avec quoi ferai-je expiation, afin que vous bénissiez l'héritage de YEHOVAH?

 Wherefore David [1732] said [0559] unto the Gibeonites, [1393] What shall I do [6213] for you? and wherewith shall I make the atonement, [3722] that ye may bless [1288] the inheritance [5159] of the LORD? [3068]


 Les Gabaonites lui répondirent: Il ne s'agit point pour nous d'argent ou d'or, avec Saül et avec sa maison; et ce n'est point à nous de faire mourir personne en Israël. Et il dit: Que demandez-vous donc que je fasse pour vous?

 And the Gibeonites [1393] said [0559] unto him, We will have no silver [3701] nor gold [2091] of [5973] Saul, [7586] nor of his house; [1004] neither for us shalt thou kill [4191] any man [0376] in Israel. [3478] And he said, [0559] What ye shall say, [0559] [that] will I do [6213] for you.


 Et ils répondirent au roi: Cet homme qui nous a détruits, et qui a machiné contre nous, pour nous exterminer et ne point nous laisser subsister dans aucune contrée d'Israël,

 And they answered [0559] the king, [4428] The man [0376] that consumed [3615] us, and that devised [1819] against us [that] we should be destroyed [8045] from remaining [3320] in any of the coasts [1366] of Israel, [3478]


 Qu'on nous livre sept hommes de ses fils, et nous les pendrons devant YEHOVAH, sur le coteau de Saül, l'élu de YEHOVAH. Et le roi dit: Je les livrerai.

 Let seven [7651] men [0582] of his sons [1121] be delivered [5414] unto us, and we will hang them up [3363] unto the LORD [3068] in Gibeah [1390] of Saul, [7586] [whom] the LORD [3068] did choose. [0972] And the king [4428] said, [0559] I will give [5414] [them].


 Or le roi épargna Méphibosheth, fils de Jonathan, fils de Saül, à cause du serment qu'avaient fait entre eux, devant YEHOVAH, David et Jonathan, fils de Saül.

 But the king [4428] spared [2550] Mephibosheth, [4648] the son [1121] of Jonathan [3083] the son [1121] of Saul, [7586] because of the LORD'S [3068] oath [7621] that [was] between them, between David [1732] and Jonathan [3083] the son [1121] of Saul. [7586]


 Mais le roi prit les deux fils de Ritspa, fille d'Ajja, Armoni et Méphibosheth, qu'elle avait enfantés à Saül, et les cinq fils de Mical, fille de Saül, qu'elle avait enfantés à Adriel, fils de Barzillaï Méholathite;

 But the king [4428] took [3947] the two [8147] sons [1121] of Rizpah [7532] the daughter [1323] of Aiah, [0345] whom she bare [3205] unto Saul, [7586] Armoni [0764] and Mephibosheth; [4648] and the five [2568] sons [1121] of Michal [4324] the daughter [1323] of Saul, [7586] whom she brought up [3205] for Adriel [5741] the son [1121] of Barzillai [1271] the Meholathite: [4259]


 Et il les livra aux mains des Gabaonites, qui les pendirent sur la montagne, devant YEHOVAH. Ces sept-là furent donc tués ensemble; et on les fit mourir aux premiers jours de la moisson, au commencement de la moisson des orges.

 And he delivered [5414] them into the hands [3027] of the Gibeonites, [1393] and they hanged [3363] them in the hill [2022] before [6440] the LORD: [3068] and they fell [5307] [all] seven [7651] [7659] together, [3162] and were put to death [4191] in the days [3117] of harvest, [7105] in the first [7223] [days], in the beginning [8462] of barley [8184] harvest. [7105]


 Alors Ritspa, fille d'Ajja, prit un sac, et se l'étendit sur le rocher, depuis le commencement de la moisson jusqu'à ce que l'eau du ciel tombât sur eux; et elle ne laissait pas les oiseaux du ciel se poser sur eux le jour, ni les bêtes des champs la nuit.

 And Rizpah [7532] the daughter [1323] of Aiah [0345] took [3947] sackcloth, [8242] and spread [5186] it for her upon the rock, [6697] from the beginning [8462] of harvest [7105] until water [4325] dropped [5413] upon them out of heaven, [8064] and suffered [5414] neither the birds [5775] of the air [8064] to rest [5117] on them by day, [3119] nor the beasts [2416] of the field [7704] by night. [3915]


 Et on rapporta à David ce que Ritspa, fille d'Ajja, concubine de Saül, avait fait.

 And it was told [5046] David [1732] what Rizpah [7532] the daughter [1323] of Aiah, [0345] the concubine [6370] of Saul, [7586] had done. [6213]


 Et David s'en alla et prit les os de Saül et les os de Jonathan, son fils, chez les habitants de Jabès de Galaad, qui les avaient enlevés de la place de Beth-Shan, où les Philistins les avaient pendus le jour qu'ils défirent Saül Guilboa.

 And David [1732] went [3212] and took [3947] the bones [6106] of Saul [7586] and the bones [6106] of Jonathan [3083] his son [1121] from the men [1167] of Jabeshgilead, [3003] [1568] which had stolen [1589] them from the street [7339] of Bethshan, [1052] where the Philistines [6430] had hanged [8511] them, when [3117] the Philistines [6430] had slain [5221] Saul [7586] in Gilboa: [1533]


 Il emporta de là les os de Saül et les os de Jonathan, son fils; et on recueillit aussi les os de ceux qui avaient été pendus.

 And he brought up [5927] from thence the bones [6106] of Saul [7586] and the bones [6106] of Jonathan [3083] his son; [1121] and they gathered [0622] the bones [6106] of them that were hanged. [3363]


 Et on les ensevelit avec les os de Saül et de Jonathan, son fils, au pays de Benjamin, à Tséla, dans le tombeau de Kis, père de Saül. On fit tout ce que le roi avait commandé; et après cela, Dieu fut apaisé envers le pays.

 And the bones [6106] of Saul [7586] and Jonathan [3083] his son [1121] buried [6912] they in the country [0776] of Benjamin [1144] in Zelah, [6762] in the sepulchre [6913] of Kish [7027] his father: [0001] and they performed [6213] all that the king [4428] commanded. [6680] And after [0310] that God [0430] was intreated [6279] for the land. [0776]


 Or il y eut encore guerre entre les Philistins et Israël. Et David descendit avec ses serviteurs; et ils combattirent contre les Philistins, et David était très fatigué.

 Moreover the Philistines [6430] had yet war [4421] again with Israel; [3478] and David [1732] went down, [3381] and his servants [5650] with him, and fought [3898] against the Philistines: [6430] and David [1732] waxed faint. [5774]


 Et Jishbi de Nob, qui était des enfants de Rapha, et qui avait une lance dont le poids était de trois cents sicles d'airain, et qui était ceint d'une armure neuve, avait résolu de frapper David.

 And Ishbibenob, [3430] which [was] of the sons [3211] of the giant, [7498] the weight [4948] of whose spear [7013] [weighed] three [7969] hundred [3967] [shekels] of brass [5178] in weight, [4948] he being girded [2296] with a new [2319] [sword], thought [0559] to have slain [5221] David. [1732]


 Mais Abishaï, fils de Tséruja, vint à son secours, et frappa le Philistin, et le tua. Alors les gens de David firent serment, et lui dirent: Tu ne sortiras plus avec nous à la bataille, de peur que tu n'éteignes la lampe d'Israël.

 But Abishai [0052] the son [1121] of Zeruiah [6870] succoured [5826] him, and smote [5221] the Philistine, [6430] and killed [4191] him. Then the men [0582] of David [1732] sware [7650] unto him, saying, [0559] Thou shalt go no more out [3318] with us to battle, [4421] that thou quench [3518] not the light [5216] of Israel. [3478]


 Après cela, la guerre eut encore lieu à Gob, contre les Philistins; là Sibbécaï, le Hushathite, tua Saph, qui était des enfants de Rapha.

 And it came to pass after [0310] this, that there was again a battle [4421] with the Philistines [6430] at Gob: [1359] then Sibbechai [5444] the Hushathite [2843] slew [5221] Saph, [5593] which [was] of the sons [3211] of the giant. [7498]


 Il y eut encore à Gob une autre guerre contre les Philistins; et Elchanan, fils de Jaaré-Oréguim, Bethléhémite, tua le frère de Goliath, le Guitthien, qui avait une lance dont le bois était comme l'ensouple d'un tisserand.

 And there was again a battle [4421] in Gob [1359] with the Philistines, [6430] where Elhanan [0445] the son [1121] of Jaareoregim, [3296] a Bethlehemite, [1022] slew [5221] [the brother of] Goliath [1555] the Gittite, [1663] the staff [6086] of whose spear [2595] [was] like a weaver's [0707] beam. [4500]


 Il y eut encore à Gath une guerre, où se trouva un homme de haute taille, qui avait six doigts aux mains et six aux pieds, vingt-quatre en tout, et qui était aussi de la race de Rapha.

 And there was yet a battle [4421] in Gath, [1661] where was a man [0376] of [great] stature, [4067] [4055] that had on every hand [3027] six [8337] fingers, [0676] and on every foot [7272] six [8337] toes, [0676] four [0702] and twenty [6242] in number; [4557] and he also was born [3205] to the giant. [7498]


 Cet homme outragea Israël; mais Jonathan, fils de Shimea, frère de David, le tua.

 And when he defied [2778] Israel, [3478] Jonathan [3083] the son [1121] of Shimea [8092] the brother [0251] of David [1732] slew [5221] him.


 Ces quatre-là étaient nés à Gath, de la race de Rapha; et ils périrent de la main de David et de la main de ses serviteurs.

 These four [0702] were born [3205] to the giant [7498] in Gath, [1661] and fell [5307] by the hand [3027] of David, [1732] and by the hand [3027] of his servants. [5650]


 Et David adressa à YEHOVAH les paroles de ce cantique, au jour où YEHOVAH l'eut délivré de la main de tous ses ennemis, et de la main de Saül.

 And David [1732] spake [1696] unto the LORD [3068] the words [1697] of this song [7892] in the day [3117] [that] the LORD [3068] had delivered [5337] him out of the hand [3709] of all his enemies, [0341] and out of the hand [3709] of Saul: [7586]


 Il dit: YEHOVAH, mon rocher, ma forteresse et mon libérateur!

 And he said, [0559] The LORD [3068] [is] my rock, [5553] and my fortress, [4686] and my deliverer; [6403]


 Ô Dieu, mon rocher, vers qui je me retire; mon bouclier et la force qui me délivre, ma haute retraite et mon asile! mon Sauveur! tu me garantis de la violence.

 The God [0430] of my rock; [6697] in him will I trust: [2620] [he is] my shield, [4043] and the horn [7161] of my salvation, [3468] my high tower, [4869] and my refuge, [4498] my saviour; [3467] thou savest [3467] me from violence. [2555]


 Je m'écrie: Loué soit YEHOVAH! Et je suis délivré de mes ennemis.

 I will call [7121] on the LORD, [3068] [who is] worthy to be praised: [1984] so shall I be saved [3467] from mine enemies. [0341]


 Car les flots de la mort m'avaient environné, les torrents des méchants m'avaient effrayé;

 When the waves [4867] of death [4194] compassed [0661] me, the floods [5158] of ungodly men [1100] made me afraid; [1204]


 Les liens du Sépulcre m'avaient environné; les filets de la mort m'avaient surpris.

 The sorrows [2256] of hell [7585] compassed me about; [5437] the snares [4170] of death [4194] prevented [6923] me;


 Dans ma détresse, j'invoquai YEHOVAH, je criai à mon Dieu; de son palais il entendit ma voix, et mon cri parvint à ses oreilles.

 In my distress [6862] I called [7121] upon the LORD, [3068] and cried [7121] to my God: [0430] and he did hear [8085] my voice [6963] out of his temple, [1964] and my cry [7775] [did enter] into his ears. [0241]


 Alors la terre fut ébranlée et trembla, les fondements des cieux s'agitèrent et s'ébranlèrent, parce qu'il était courroucé.

 Then the earth [0776] shook [1607] and trembled; [7493] the foundations [4146] of heaven [8064] moved [7264] and shook, [1607] because he was wroth. [2734]


 Une fumée montait de ses narines, et de sa bouche un feu dévorant; il en jaillissait des charbons embrasés.

 There went up [5927] a smoke [6227] out of his nostrils, [0639] and fire [0784] out of his mouth [6310] devoured: [0398] coals [1513] were kindled [1197] by it.


 Il abaissa les cieux, et descendit, ayant l'obscurité sous ses pieds.

 He bowed [5186] the heavens [8064] also, and came down; [3381] and darkness [6205] [was] under his feet. [7272]


 Il était monté sur un Voyant et volait; il parut sur les ailes du vent.

 And he rode [7392] upon a cherub, [3742] and did fly: [5774] and he was seen [7200] upon the wings [3671] of the wind. [7307]


 Il mit autour de lui les ténèbres comme une tente, des amas d'eaux, des nuées épaisses.

 And he made [7896] darkness [2822] pavilions [5521] round about [5439] him, dark [2841] waters, [4325] [and] thick clouds [5645] of the skies. [7834]


 De la splendeur qui était devant lui, s'embrasèrent des charbons de feu.

 Through the brightness [5051] before him were coals [1513] of fire [0784] kindled. [1197]


 YEHOVAH tonna des cieux; le Très-Haut fit retentir sa voix.

 The LORD [3068] thundered [7481] from heaven, [8064] and the most High [5945] uttered [5414] his voice. [6963]


 Il lança des flèches, et dispersa mes ennemis; il lança des éclairs, et les mit en déroute.

 And he sent out [7971] arrows, [2671] and scattered [6327] them; lightning, [1300] and discomfited [2000] them.


 Alors le fond de la mer apparut, et les fondements du monde se découvrirent, par la menace de YEHOVAH, par le souffle du vent de sa colère.

 And the channels [0650] of the sea [3220] appeared, [7200] the foundations [4146] of the world [8398] were discovered, [1540] at the rebuking [1606] of the LORD, [3068] at the blast [5397] of the breath [7307] of his nostrils. [0639]


 Il étendit sa main d'en haut, et me prit; il me tira des grosses eaux.

 He sent [7971] from above, [4791] he took [3947] me; he drew [4871] me out of many [7227] waters; [4325]


 Il me délivra de mon ennemi puissant, et de mes adversaires qui étaient plus forts que moi.

 He delivered [5337] me from my strong [5794] enemy, [0341] [and] from them that hated [8130] me: for they were too strong [0553] for me.


 Ils m'avaient surpris au jour de ma calamité, mais YEHOVAH fut mon appui.

 They prevented [6923] me in the day [3117] of my calamity: [0343] but the LORD [3068] was my stay. [4937]


 Il m'a mis au large; il m'a délivré, parce qu'il a pris son plaisir en moi.

 He brought me forth [3318] also into a large place: [4800] he delivered [2502] me, because he delighted [2654] in me.


 YEHOVAH m'a traité selon ma justice; il m'a rendu selon la pureté de mes mains;

 The LORD [3068] rewarded [1580] me according to my righteousness: [6666] according to the cleanness [1252] of my hands [3027] hath he recompensed [7725] me.


 Car j'ai gardé les voies de YEHOVAH, et je n'ai point été infidèle à mon Dieu.

 For I have kept [8104] the ways [1870] of the LORD, [3068] and have not wickedly departed [7561] from my God. [0430]


 Car toutes ses ordonnances sont devant moi, et je ne m'écarte point de ses statuts.

 For all his judgments [4941] [were] before me: and [as for] his statutes, [2708] I did not depart [5493] from them.


 J'ai été intègre devant lui, et je me suis gardé de mon iniquité.

 I was also upright [8549] before him, and have kept [8104] myself from mine iniquity. [5771]


 Aussi YEHOVAH m'a rendu selon ma justice, selon ma pureté à ses yeux.

 Therefore the LORD [3068] hath recompensed [7725] me according to my righteousness; [6666] according to my cleanness [1252] in [5048] his eye sight. [5869]


 Avec celui qui est bon, tu es bon; avec l'homme intègre tu es intègre.

 With the merciful [2623] thou wilt shew thyself merciful, [2616] [and] with the upright [8549] man [1368] thou wilt shew thyself upright. [8552]


 Avec celui qui est pur, tu te montres pur; mais avec le pervers, tu agis selon sa perversité.

 With the pure [1305] thou wilt shew thyself pure; [1305] and with the froward [6141] thou wilt shew thyself unsavoury. [6617]


 Tu sauves le peuple affligé; mais de ton regard tu abaisses les orgueilleux.

 And the afflicted [6041] people [5971] thou wilt save: [3467] but thine eyes [5869] [are] upon the haughty, [7311] [that] thou mayest bring [them] down. [8213]


 Car tu es ma lampe, ô YEHOVAH! Et YEHOVAH fait resplendir mes ténèbres.

 For thou [art] my lamp, [5216] O LORD: [3068] and the LORD [3068] will lighten [5050] my darkness. [2822]


 Avec toi je fonds sur une troupe; avec mon Dieu je franchis la muraille.

 For by thee I have run [7323] through a troop: [1416] by my God [0430] have I leaped [1801] over a wall. [7791]


 La voie de Dieu est parfaite, la Parole de YEHOVAH est éprouvée; il est le bouclier de tous ceux qui se retirent vers lui.

 [As for] God, [0410] his way [1870] [is] perfect; [8549] the word [0565] of the LORD [3068] [is] tried: [6884] he [is] a buckler [4043] to all them that trust [2620] in him.


 Car qui est Dieu, sinon YEHOVAH? Et qui est un rocher, sinon notre Dieu?

 For who [is] God, [0410] save [1107] the LORD? [3068] and who [is] a rock, [6697] save [1107] our God? [0430]


 Le Dieu qui est ma forteresse assurée, et qui enseigne à l'homme intègre sa voie;

 God [0410] [is] my strength [4581] [and] power: [2428] and he maketh [5425] my way [1870] perfect. [8549]


 Qui rend mes pieds semblables à ceux des biches, et m'affermit sur mes hauteurs;

 He maketh my feet [7272] like [7737] hinds' [0355] [feet]: and setteth [5975] me upon my high places. [1116]


 Qui forme mes mains au combat, et mes bras bandent un arc d'airain.

 He teacheth [3925] my hands [3027] to war; [4421] so that a bow [7198] of steel [5154] is broken [5181] by mine arms. [2220]


 Tu m'as donné le bouclier de ton salut, et ta bonté m'a fait devenir grand.

 Thou hast also given [5414] me the shield [4043] of thy salvation: [3468] and thy gentleness [6031] hath made me great. [7235]


 Tu élargis le chemin sous mes pas, et mes pieds ne chancellent point.

 Thou hast enlarged [7337] my steps [6806] under me; so that my feet [7166] did not slip. [4571]


 Je poursuis mes ennemis; je les détruis; et je ne reviens qu'après les avoir exterminés.

 I have pursued [7291] mine enemies, [0341] and destroyed [8045] them; and turned not again [7725] until I had consumed [3615] them.


 Je les consume, je les écrase, et ils ne se relèvent plus; ils tombent sous mes pieds.

 And I have consumed [3615] them, and wounded [4272] them, that they could not arise: [6965] yea, they are fallen [5307] under my feet. [7272]


 Car tu m'as ceint de force pour le combat; tu fais plier sous moi mes adversaires.

 For thou hast girded [0247] me with strength [2428] to battle: [4421] them that rose up [6965] against me hast thou subdued [3766] under me.


 Tu fais tourner le dos à mes ennemis devant moi; ceux qui me haïssent, je les détruis.

 Thou hast also given [5414] me the necks [6203] of mine enemies, [0341] that I might destroy [6789] them that hate [8130] me.


 Ils regardent, et point de libérateur! Ils crient à YEHOVAH, mais il ne leur répond point.

 They looked, [8159] but [there was] none to save; [3467] [even] unto the LORD, [3068] but he answered [6030] them not.


 Et je les broie comme la poussière de la terre; je les écrase, je les foule comme la boue des rues.

 Then did I beat [7833] them as small as the dust [6083] of the earth, [0776] I did stamp [1854] them as the mire [2916] of the street, [2351] [and] did spread them abroad. [7554]


 Tu me sauves des dissensions de mon peuple; tu me gardes pour être chef des nations. Le peuple que je ne connaissais pas, m'est assujetti.

 Thou also hast delivered [6403] me from the strivings [7379] of my people, [5971] thou hast kept [8104] me [to be] head [7218] of the heathen: [1471] a people [5971] [which] I knew [3045] not shall serve [5647] me.


 Les fils de l'étranger viennent me flatter; dès que leur oreille a entendu, ils se sont soumis.

 Strangers [1121] [5236] shall submit [3584] themselves unto me: as soon as they hear, [8085] [0241] they shall be obedient [8085] unto me.


 Les fils de l'étranger défaillent, et sortent tremblants de leurs retraites.

 Strangers [1121] [5236] shall fade away, [5034] and they shall be afraid [2296] out of their close places. [4526]


 YEHOVAH est vivant! Et béni soit mon rocher! Que Dieu, le rocher de mon salut, soit exalté!

 The LORD [3068] liveth; [2416] and blessed [1288] [be] my rock; [6697] and exalted [7311] be the God [0430] of the rock [6697] of my salvation. [3468]


 Le Dieu qui me donne vengeance, et qui m'assujettit les peuples; qui me fait échapper à mes ennemis.

 It [is] God [0410] that avengeth [5414] [5360] me, and that bringeth down [3381] the people [5971] under me,


 Tu m'élèves au-dessus de mes adversaires, tu me délivres de l'homme violent.

 And that bringeth me forth [3318] from mine enemies: [0341] thou also hast lifted me up on high [7311] above them that rose up [6965] against me: thou hast delivered [5337] me from the violent [2555] man. [0376]


 C'est pourquoi, ô YEHOVAH, je te louerai parmi les nations, et je chanterai ton nom!

 Therefore I will give thanks [3034] unto thee, O LORD, [3068] among the heathen, [1471] and I will sing praises [2167] unto thy name. [8034]


 C'est lui qui délivre magnifiquement son roi, et qui fait miséricorde à son oint, à David et à sa postérité, à jamais!

 [He is] the tower [4024] [1431] of salvation [3444] for his king: [4428] and sheweth [6213] mercy [2617] to his anointed, [4899] unto David, [1732] and to his seed [2233] for [5704] evermore. [5769]


 Or ce sont ici les dernières paroles de David. David, fils d'Isaï, l'homme qui a été élevé, qui a été l'oint du Dieu de Jacob, et le chantre aimé d'Israël, dit:

 Now these [be] the last [0314] words [1697] of David. [1732] David [1732] the son [1121] of Jesse [3448] said, [5002] and the man [1397] [who was] raised up [6965] on high, [5920] the anointed [4899] of the God [0430] of Jacob, [3290] and the sweet [5273] psalmist [2158] of Israel, [3478] said, [5002]


 L'Esprit de YEHOVAH a parlé par moi, et sa Parole a été sur ma langue.

 The Spirit [7307] of the LORD [3068] spake [1696] by me, and his word [4405] [was] in my tongue. [3956]


 Le Dieu d'Israël a dit, le rocher d'Israël a parlé de moi: Un JUSTE sera Dominateur parmi les hommes avec justice, un Dominateur ayant la crainte de Dieu,

 The God [0430] of Israel [3478] said, [0559] the Rock [6697] of Israel [3478] spake [1696] to me, He that ruleth [4910] over men [0120] [must be] just, [6662] ruling [4910] in the fear [3374] of God. [0430]


 Et pareil à la lumière du matin, lorsque le soleil se lève, en un matin sans nuages; son éclat fait germer de la terre la verdure après la pluie.

 And [he shall be] as the light [0216] of the morning, [1242] [when] the sun [8121] riseth, [2224] [even] a morning [1242] without [3808] clouds; [5645] [as] the tender grass [1877] [springing] out of the earth [0776] by clear shining [5051] after rain. [4306]


 N'en est-il pas ainsi de ma maison devant Dieu? Car il a fait avec moi une alliance éternelle, bien ordonnée, assurée. Tout mon salut, tout ce que j'aime, ne le fera-t-il pas fleurir?

 Although my house [1004] [be] not so with God; [0410] yet he hath made [7760] with me an everlasting [5769] covenant, [1285] ordered [6186] in all [things], and sure: [8104] for [this is] all my salvation, [3468] and all [my] desire, [2656] although he make [it] not to grow. [6779]


 Mais les méchants seront tous comme des épines qu'on jette au loin; car on ne les prend pas avec la main,

 But [the sons] of Belial [1100] [shall be] all of them as thorns [6975] thrust away, [5074] because they cannot be taken [3947] with hands: [3027]


 Mais celui qui les veut manier, s'arme d'un fer ou du bois d'une lance, et on les brûle au feu sur la place même.

 But the man [0376] [that] shall touch [5060] them must be fenced [4390] with iron [1270] and the staff [6086] of a spear; [2595] and they shall be utterly [8313] burned [8313] with fire [0784] in the [same] place. [7675]


 Ce sont ici les noms des hommes vaillants qu'avait David: Josheb-Bashébeth, Tachkémonite, était chef des meilleurs guerriers. C'est lui qui leva sa lance sur huit cents hommes qu'il tua en une seule occasion.

 These [be] the names [8034] of the mighty men [1368] whom David [1732] had: The Tachmonite [8461] that sat in the seat, [3427] chief [7218] among the captains; [7991] the same [was] Adino [5722] the Eznite: [6112] [he lift up his spear] against eight [8083] hundred, [3967] whom he slew [2491] at one [0259] time. [6471]


 Après lui était Éléazar, fils de Dodo, fils d'Achochi; l'un des trois vaillants hommes qui étaient avec David, lorsqu'ils défièrent les Philistins assemblés pour combattre, et que ceux d'Israël montèrent.

 And after [0310] him [was] Eleazar [0499] the son [1121] of Dodo [1734] the Ahohite, [1121] [0266] [one] of the three [7969] mighty men [1368] with David, [1732] when they defied [2778] the Philistines [6430] [that] were there gathered [0622] together to battle, [4421] and the men [0376] of Israel [3478] were gone away: [5927]


 Il se leva, et frappa les Philistins jusqu'à ce que sa main en fût lasse, et demeurât attachée à son épée. En ce jour-là YEHOVAH accorda une grande délivrance, et le peuple revint après Éléazar, seulement pour prendre les dépouilles.

 He arose, [6965] and smote [5221] the Philistines [6430] until [3588] his hand [3027] was weary, [3021] and his hand [3027] clave [1692] unto the sword: [2719] and the LORD [3068] wrought [6213] a great [1419] victory [8668] that day; [3117] and the people [5971] returned [7725] after [0310] him only to spoil. [6584]


 Après lui venait Shamma, fils d'Agué, Hararite. Les Philistins s'étaient rassemblés en troupe; et il y avait là une pièce de terre pleine de lentilles; or le peuple fuyait devant les Philistins;

 And after [0310] him [was] Shammah [8048] the son [1121] of Agee [0089] the Hararite. [2043] And the Philistines [6430] were gathered [0622] together into a troop, [2416] where was a piece [2513] of ground [7704] full [4392] of lentiles: [5742] and the people [5971] fled [5127] from [6440] the Philistines. [6430]


 Mais il se tint au milieu du champ, le défendit, et frappa les Philistins. Ainsi YEHOVAH accorda une grande délivrance.

 But he stood [3320] in the midst [8432] of the ground, [2513] and defended [5337] it, and slew [5221] the Philistines: [6430] and the LORD [3068] wrought [6213] a great [1419] victory. [8668]


 Trois des trente chefs descendirent et vinrent, au temps de la moisson, vers David, dans la caverne d'Adullam, lorsqu'une troupe de Philistins était campée dans la vallée des Réphaïm (des géants).

 And three [7969] [7970] of the thirty [7970] chief [7218] went down, [3381] and came [0935] to David [1732] in the harvest [7105] time unto the cave [4631] of Adullam: [5725] and the troop [2416] of the Philistines [6430] pitched [2583] in the valley [6010] of Rephaim. [7497]


 David était alors dans la forteresse, tandis qu'une garnison de Philistins était à Bethléhem.

 And David [1732] [was] then in an hold, [4686] and the garrison [4673] of the Philistines [6430] [was] then [in] Bethlehem. [1035]


 Et David fit un souhait, et dit: Qui me fera boire de l'eau du puits qui est à la porte de Bethléhem?

 And David [1732] longed, [0183] and said, [0559] Oh that one would give me drink [8248] of the water [4325] of the well [0953] of Bethlehem, [1035] which [is] by the gate! [8179]


 Alors ces trois hommes vaillants passèrent au travers du camp des Philistins, et puisèrent de l'eau du puits qui est à la porte de Bethléhem; et, l'ayant apportée, ils la présentèrent à David; mais il n'en voulut point boire, et il la répandit devant YEHOVAH.

 And the three [7969] mighty men [1368] brake through [1234] the host [4264] of the Philistines, [6430] and drew [7579] water [4325] out of the well [0953] of Bethlehem, [1035] that [was] by the gate, [8179] and took [5375] [it], and brought [0935] [it] to David: [1732] nevertheless he would [0014] not drink [8354] thereof, but poured it out [5258] unto the LORD. [3068]


 Et il dit: Loin de moi, ô YEHOVAH, de faire une telle chose! N'est-ce pas le sang de ces hommes, qui sont allés au péril de leur vie? Et il n'en voulut point boire. Voilà ce que firent ces trois vaillants hommes.

 And he said, [0559] Be it far [2486] from me, O LORD, [3068] that I should do [6213] this: [is not this] the blood [1818] of the men [0582] that went [1980] in jeopardy of their lives? [5315] therefore he would [0014] not drink [8354] it. These things did [6213] these three [7969] mighty men. [1368]


 Abishaï, frère de Joab, fils de Tséruja, était le chef des trois. Ce fut lui qui brandit sa lance contre trois cents hommes, qu'il frappa à mort; et il s'acquit un nom parmi les trois.

 And Abishai, [0052] the brother [0251] of Joab, [3097] the son [1121] of Zeruiah, [6870] was chief [7218] among three. [7969] [7992] And he lifted up [5782] his spear [2595] against three [7969] hundred, [3967] [and] slew [2491] [them], and had the name [8034] among three. [7969]


 Il était le plus considéré des trois, et il fut leur chef; cependant il n'égala point les trois premiers.

 Was he not most honourable [3513] of three? [7969] therefore he was their captain: [8269] howbeit he attained [0935] not unto the [first] three. [7969]


 Puis Bénaja, fils de Jéhojada, fils d'un homme vaillant, grand par ses exploits, de Kabtséel; il tua deux des plus puissants hommes de Moab; il descendit aussi, et tua un lion au milieu d'une fosse, en un jour de neige.

 And Benaiah [1141] the son [1121] of Jehoiada, [3077] the son [1121] of a valiant [2428] man, [0376] of Kabzeel, [6909] who had done many [7227] acts, [6467] he slew [5221] two [8147] lionlike men [0739] of Moab: [4124] he went down [3381] also and slew [5221] a lion [0738] in the midst [8432] of a pit [0953] in time [3117] of snow: [7950]


 Ce fut lui qui frappa un homme égyptien d'un aspect redoutable. Cet Égyptien avait en sa main une lance, et Bénaja descendit contre lui avec un bâton; il arracha la lance de la main de l'Égyptien, et le tua de sa propre lance.

 And he slew [5221] an Egyptian, [4713] [0376] a goodly [4758] man: [0376] and the Egyptian [4713] had a spear [2595] in his hand; [3027] but he went down [3381] to him with a staff, [7626] and plucked [1497] the spear [2595] out of the Egyptian's [4713] hand, [3027] and slew [2026] him with his own spear. [2595]


 Voilà ce que fit Bénaja, fils de Jéhojada; et il eut un nom parmi ces trois hommes vaillants.

 These [things] did [6213] Benaiah [1141] the son [1121] of Jehoiada, [3077] and had the name [8034] among three [7969] mighty men. [1368]


 Il fut plus honoré que les trente; mais il n'égalait pas les trois premiers. Et David le mit en son conseil privé.

 He was more honourable [3513] than the thirty, [7970] but he attained [0935] not to the [first] three. [7969] And David [1732] set [7760] him over his guard. [4928]


 Asaël, frère de Joab, parmi les trente. Elchanan, fils de Dodo, de Bethléhem;

 Asahel [6214] the brother [0251] of Joab [3097] [was] one of the thirty; [7970] Elhanan [0445] the son [1121] of Dodo [1734] of Bethlehem, [1035]


 Shamma, Harodite; Elika, Harodite;

 Shammah [8048] the Harodite, [2733] Elika [0470] the Harodite, [2733]


 Hélets, Paltite; Ira, fils de Ikkèsh, Thékoïte;

 Helez [2503] the Paltite, [6407] Ira [5896] the son [1121] of Ikkesh [6142] the Tekoite, [8621]


 Abiézer, Anathothite; Mébunnaï, Hushathite;

 Abiezer [0044] the Anethothite, [6069] Mebunnai [4012] the Hushathite, [2843]


 Tsalmon, Achochite; Maharaï, Nétophathite;

 Zalmon [6756] the Ahohite, [0266] Maharai [4121] the Netophathite, [5200]


 Héleb, fils de Baana, Nétophathite; Ittaï, fils de Ribaï de Guibea, des enfants de Benjamin;

 Heleb [2460] the son [1121] of Baanah, [1196] a Netophathite, [5200] Ittai [0863] the son [1121] of Ribai [7380] out of Gibeah [1390] of the children [1121] of Benjamin, [1144]


 Bénaja, Pirathonite; Hiddaï, de Nachalé-Gaash;

 Benaiah [1141] the Pirathonite, [6553] Hiddai [1914] of the brooks [5158] of Gaash, [1608]


 Abi-Albon, Arbathite; Azmaveth, Barchumite;

 Abialbon [0045] the Arbathite, [6164] Azmaveth [5820] the Barhumite, [1273]


 Eliachba, Shaalbonite; des enfants de Jashen, Jonathan;

 Eliahba [0455] the Shaalbonite, [8170] of the sons [1121] of Jashen, [3464] Jonathan, [3083]


 Shamma, Hararite; Achiam, fils de Sharar, Ararite;

 Shammah [8048] the Hararite, [2043] Ahiam [0279] the son [1121] of Sharar [8325] the Hararite, [2043]


 Éliphélet, fils d'Achasbaï, fils d'un Maacathite; Éliam, fils d'Achithophel, Guilonite;

 Eliphelet [0467] the son [1121] of Ahasbai, [0308] the son [1121] of the Maachathite, [4602] Eliam [0463] the son [1121] of Ahithophel [0302] the Gilonite, [1526]


 Hetsraï, Carmélite; Paaraï, Arbite;

 Hezrai [2695] the Carmelite, [3761] Paarai [6474] the Arbite, [0701]


 Jiguéal, fils de Nathan, de Tsoba; Bani, Gadite;

 Igal [3008] the son [1121] of Nathan [5416] of Zobah, [6678] Bani [1137] the Gadite, [1425]


 Tsélek, Ammonite; Naharaï, Beérothite, qui portait les armes de Joab, fils de Tséruja;

 Zelek [6768] the Ammonite, [5984] Naharai [5171] the Beerothite, [0886] armourbearer [5375] [3627] to Joab [3097] the son [1121] of Zeruiah, [6870]


 Ira, Jithrite; Gareb, Jithrite;

 Ira [5896] an Ithrite, [3505] Gareb [1619] an Ithrite, [3505]


 Urie, Héthien; en tout trente-sept.

 Uriah [0223] the Hittite: [2850] thirty [7970] and seven [7651] in all.


 La colère de YEHOVAH s'alluma encore contre Israël, et il incita David contre eux, en disant: Va, fais le dénombrement d'Israël et de Juda.

 And again [3254] the anger [0639] of the LORD [3068] was kindled [2734] against Israel, [3478] and he moved [5496] David [1732] against them to say, [0559] Go, [3212] number [4487] Israel [3478] and Judah. [3063]


 Et le roi dit à Joab, chef de l'armée, qu'il avait auprès de lui: Va parcourir toutes les tribus d'Israël, depuis Dan jusqu'à Béer-Shéba, et faites le dénombrement du peuple, afin que j'en sache le nombre.

 For the king [4428] said [0559] to Joab [3097] the captain [8269] of the host, [2428] which [was] with him, Go now through [7751] all the tribes [7626] of Israel, [3478] from Dan [1835] even to Beersheba, [0884] and number [6485] ye the people, [5971] that I may know [3045] the number [4557] of the people. [5971]


 Mais Joab répondit au roi: Que YEHOVAH ton Dieu veuille augmenter ton peuple autant et cent fois autant qu'il est maintenant, et que les yeux du roi, mon seigneur, le voient! Mais pourquoi le roi, mon seigneur, prend-il plaisir à cela?

 And Joab [3097] said [0559] unto the king, [4428] Now the LORD [3068] thy God [0430] add [3254] unto the people, [5971] how many soever [1992] they be, an hundredfold, [3967] [6471] and that the eyes [5869] of my lord [0113] the king [4428] may see [7200] [it]: but why doth my lord [0113] the king [4428] delight [2654] in this thing? [1697]


 Cependant la parole du roi prévalut sur Joab et sur les chefs de l'armée; et Joab et les chefs de l'armée sortirent de la présence du roi pour dénombrer le peuple d'Israël.

 Notwithstanding the king's [4428] word [1697] prevailed [2388] against Joab, [3097] and against the captains [8269] of the host. [2428] And Joab [3097] and the captains [8269] of the host [2428] went out [3318] from the presence [6440] of the king, [4428] to number [6485] the people [5971] of Israel. [3478]


 Ils passèrent donc le Jourdain, et campèrent à Aroër, à droite de la ville qui est au milieu du torrent de Gad, et vers Jaezer;

 And they passed over [5674] Jordan, [3383] and pitched [2583] in Aroer, [6177] on the right side [3225] of the city [5892] that [lieth] in the midst [8432] of the river [5158] of Gad, [1410] and toward Jazer: [3270]


 Et ils vinrent en Galaad, et vers le bas pays de Hodshi; puis ils vinrent à Dan-Jaan, et aux environs de Sidon.

 Then they came [0935] to Gilead, [1568] and to the land [0776] of Tahtimhodshi; [8483] and they came [0935] to Danjaan, [1842] and about [5439] to Zidon, [6721]


 Ils vinrent aussi à la forteresse de Tyr, et dans toutes les villes des Héviens et des Cananéens, et ils finirent par le midi de Juda, à Béer-Shéba.

 And came [0935] to the strong hold [4013] of Tyre, [6865] and to all the cities [5892] of the Hivites, [2340] and of the Canaanites: [3669] and they went out [3318] to the south [5045] of Judah, [3063] [even] to Beersheba. [0884]


 Ils parcoururent ainsi tout le pays, et revinrent à Jérusalem au bout de neuf mois et vingt jours.

 So when they had gone [7751] through all the land, [0776] they came [0935] to Jerusalem [3389] at the end [7097] of nine [8672] months [2320] and twenty [6242] days. [3117]


 Alors Joab donna au roi le nombre du recensement du peuple, et il se trouva de ceux d'Israël huit cent mille hommes de guerre, tirant l'épée, et de ceux de Juda cinq cent mille hommes.

 And Joab [3097] gave up [5414] the sum [4557] of the number [4662] of the people [5971] unto the king: [4428] and there were in Israel [3478] eight [8083] hundred [3967] thousand [0505] valiant [2428] men [0376] that drew [8025] the sword; [2719] and the men [0376] of Judah [3063] [were] five [2568] hundred [3967] thousand [0505] men. [0376]


 Mais David fut repris en son cœur, après qu'il eut ainsi dénombré le peuple, et David dit à YEHOVAH: J'ai commis un grand péché en faisant cela; et maintenant, ô YEHOVAH, fais passer, je te prie, l'iniquité de ton serviteur, car j'ai agi très follement!

 And David's [1732] heart [3820] smote [5221] him after [0310] that he had numbered [5608] the people. [5971] And David [1732] said [0559] unto the LORD, [3068] I have sinned [2398] greatly [3966] in that I have done: [6213] and now, I beseech thee, O LORD, [3068] take away [5674] the iniquity [5771] of thy servant; [5650] for I have done very [3966] foolishly. [5528]


 Et quand David se leva le matin, la Parole de YEHOVAH fut adressée au prophète Gad, le Voyant de David, en ces mots:

 For when David [1732] was up [6965] in the morning, [1242] the word [1697] of the LORD [3068] came unto the prophet [5030] Gad, [1410] David's [1732] seer, [2374] saying, [0559]


 Va et dis à David: Ainsi a dit YEHOVAH: J'ai trois choses à te proposer; choisis l'une d'elles, afin que je te la fasse.

 Go [1980] and say [1696] unto David, [1732] Thus saith [0559] the LORD, [3068] I offer [5190] thee three [7969] [things]; choose [0977] thee one [0259] of them, that I may [6213] [do it] unto thee.


 Gad vint donc vers David, et le lui fit savoir, en disant: Que veux-tu qu'il t'arrive, ou sept ans de famine dans ton pays, ou que, durant trois mois, tu fuies devant tes ennemis et qu'ils te poursuivent, ou que, pendant trois jours, la mortalité soit dans ton pays? Maintenant consulte, et vois ce que je dois répondre à celui qui m'a envoyé.

 So Gad [1410] came [0935] to David, [1732] and told [5046] him, and said [0559] unto him, Shall seven [7651] years [8141] of famine [7458] come [0935] unto thee in thy land? [0776] or wilt thou flee [5127] three [7969] months [2320] before [6440] thine enemies, [6862] while they pursue [7291] thee? or that there be three [7969] days' [3117] pestilence [1698] in thy land? [0776] now advise, [3045] and see [7200] what answer [1697] I shall return [7725] to him that sent


 Alors David répondit à Gad: Je suis dans une grande angoisse. Oh! que nous tombions entre les mains de YEHOVAH, car ses compassions sont grandes; et que je ne tombe pas entre les mains des hommes!

 And David [1732] said [0559] unto Gad, [1410] I am in a great [3966] strait: [6887] let us fall [5307] now into the hand [3027] of the LORD; [3068] for his mercies [7356] [are] great: [7227] and let me not fall [5307] into the hand [3027] of man. [0120]


 YEHOVAH envoya donc la mortalité en Israël, depuis le matin jusqu'au temps assigné; et il mourut dans le peuple, depuis Dan jusqu'à Béer-Shéba, soixante et dix mille hommes.

 So the LORD [3068] sent [5414] a pestilence [1698] upon Israel [3478] from the morning [1242] even to the time [6256] appointed: [4150] and there died [4191] of the people [5971] from Dan [1835] even to Beersheba [0884] seventy [7657] thousand [0505] men. [0376]


 Mais quand l'ange étendit sa main sur Jérusalem pour la ravager, YEHOVAH se repentit de ce mal, et dit à l'ange qui ravageait le peuple: Assez! retire maintenant ta main. Or l'ange de YEHOVAH était auprès de l'aire d'Arauna, le Jébusien.

 And when the angel [4397] stretched out [7971] his hand [3027] upon Jerusalem [3389] to destroy [7843] it, the LORD [3068] repented [5162] him of the evil, [7451] and said [0559] to the angel [4397] that destroyed [7843] the people, [5971] It is enough: [7227] stay [7503] now thine hand. [3027] And the angel [4397] of the LORD [3068] was by the threshingplace [1637] of Araunah [0728] the Jebusite. [2983]


 Et David, voyant l'ange qui frappait le peuple, parla à YEHOVAH et dit: Voici, c'est moi qui ai péché, c'est moi qui ai commis l'iniquité; mais ces brebis qu'ont-elles fait? Que ta main soit sur moi, je te prie, et sur la maison de mon père!

 And David [1732] spake [0559] unto the LORD [3068] when he saw [7200] the angel [4397] that smote [5221] the people, [5971] and said, [0559] Lo, I have sinned, [2398] and I have done wickedly: [5753] but these sheep, [6629] what have they done? [6213] let thine hand, [3027] I pray thee, be against me, and against my father's [0001] house. [1004]


 Et en ce jour-là, Gad vint vers David, et lui dit: Monte et dresse un autel à YEHOVAH dans l'aire d'Arauna, le Jébusien.

 And Gad [1410] came [0935] that day [3117] to David, [1732] and said [0559] unto him, Go up, [5927] rear [6965] an altar [4196] unto the LORD [3068] in the threshingfloor [1637] of Araunah [0728] the Jebusite. [2983]


 David monta donc, selon la parole de Gad, comme YEHOVAH l'avait commandé.

 And David, [1732] according to the saying [1697] of Gad, [1410] went up [5927] as the LORD [3068] commanded. [6680]


 Et Arauna regarda, et vit le roi et ses serviteurs qui venaient vers lui; alors Arauna sortit, et se prosterna devant le roi, le visage contre terre.

 And Araunah [0728] looked, [8259] and saw [7200] the king [4428] and his servants [5650] coming on [5674] toward him: and Araunah [0728] went out, [3318] and bowed [7812] himself before the king [4428] on his face [0639] upon the ground. [0776]


 Puis Arauna dit: Pourquoi le roi, mon seigneur, vient-il vers son serviteur? Et David répondit: C'est pour acheter ton aire, et y bâtir un autel à YEHOVAH, afin que cette plaie soit arrêtée parmi le peuple.

 And Araunah [0728] said, [0559] Wherefore is my lord [0113] the king [4428] come [0935] to his servant? [5650] And David [1732] said, [0559] To buy [7069] the threshingfloor [1637] of thee, to build [1129] an altar [4196] unto the LORD, [3068] that the plague [4046] may be stayed [6113] from the people. [5971]


 Et Arauna dit à David: Que le roi, mon seigneur, prenne et offre ce qu'il trouvera bon. Voilà les bœufs pour l'offrande à brûler, et les chariots et l'attelage des bœufs au lieu de bois.

 And Araunah [0728] said [0559] unto David, [1732] Let my lord [0113] the king [4428] take [3947] and offer up [5927] what [seemeth] good [2896] unto him: [5869] behold, [7200] [here be] oxen [1241] for burnt sacrifice, [5930] and threshing instruments [4173] and [other] instruments [3627] of the oxen [1241] for wood. [6086]


 Ô roi, Arauna donne le tout au roi. Et Arauna dit au roi: YEHOVAH, ton Dieu, te soit favorable!

 All these [things] did Araunah, [0728] [as] a king, [4428] give [5414] unto the king. [4428] And Araunah [0728] said [0559] unto the king, [4428] The LORD [3068] thy God [0430] accept [7521] thee.


 Et le roi répondit à Arauna: Non; mais je l'achèterai de toi pour un certain prix, et je n'offrirai point à YEHOVAH, mon Dieu, des offrandes à brûler qui ne me coûtent rien. Ainsi David acheta l'aire et les bœufs pour cinquante sicles d'argent.

 And the king [4428] said [0559] unto Araunah, [0728] Nay; but I will surely [7069] buy [7069] [it] of thee at a price: [4242] neither will I offer [5927] burnt offerings [5930] unto the LORD [3068] my God [0430] of that which doth cost me nothing. [2600] So David [1732] bought [7069] the threshingfloor [1637] and the oxen [1241] for fifty [2572] shekels [8255] of silver. [3701]


 Puis David bâtit là un autel à YEHOVAH, et offrit des offrandes à brûler et des sacrifices de prospérité; et YEHOVAH fut apaisé envers le pays, et la plaie fut arrêtée en Israël.

 And David [1732] built [1129] there an altar [4196] unto the LORD, [3068] and offered [5927] burnt offerings [5930] and peace offerings. [8002] So the LORD [3068] was intreated [6279] for the land, [0776] and the plague [4046] was stayed [6113] from Israel. [3478]




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