La voix qui crie dans le désert








 Après la mort d'Achab, les Moabites se révoltèrent contre Israël.

 Then Moab [4124] rebelled [6586] against Israel [3478] after [0310] the death [4194] of Ahab. [0256]


 Or Achazia tomba par le treillis de sa chambre haute, à Samarie, et il en fut malade; et il envoya des messagers, auxquels il dit: Allez, consultez Baal-Zébub, dieu d'Ékron, pour savoir si je relèverai de cette maladie.

 And Ahaziah [0274] fell down [5307] through a lattice [7639] in his upper chamber [5944] that [was] in Samaria, [8111] and was sick: [2470] and he sent [7971] messengers, [4397] and said [0559] unto them, Go, [3212] enquire [1875] of Baalzebub [1176] the god [0430] of Ekron [6138] whether I shall recover [2421] of this disease. [2483]


 Mais l'ange de YEHOVAH dit à Élie, le Thishbite: Lève-toi, monte au-devant des messagers du roi de Samarie, et dis-leur: N'y a-t-il point de Dieu en Israël, que vous alliez consulter Baal-Zébub, dieu d'Ékron?

 But the angel [4397] of the LORD [3068] said [1696] to Elijah [0452] the Tishbite, [8664] Arise, [6965] go up [5927] to meet [7125] the messengers [4397] of the king [4428] of Samaria, [8111] and say [1696] unto them, [Is it] not because [there is] not a God [0430] in Israel, [3478] [that] ye go [1980] to enquire [1875] of Baalzebub [1176] the god [0430] of Ekron? [6138]


 C'est pourquoi, ainsi a dit YEHOVAH: Tu ne descendras point du lit sur lequel tu es monté, mais certainement tu mourras. Et Élie s'en alla.

 Now therefore thus saith [0559] the LORD, [3068] Thou shalt not come down [3381] from that bed [4296] on which thou art gone up, [5927] but shalt surely [4191] die. [4191] And Elijah [0452] departed. [3212]


 Puis les messagers retournèrent vers Achazia, qui leur dit: Pourquoi revenez-vous?

 And when the messengers [4397] turned back [7725] unto him, he said [0559] unto them, Why are ye now [2088] turned back? [7725]


 Et ils lui répondirent: Un homme est monté au-devant de nous, et nous a dit: Allez, retournez vers le roi qui vous a envoyés, et dites-lui: Ainsi a dit YEHOVAH: N'y a-t-il point de Dieu en Israël, que tu envoies consulter Baal-Zébub, dieu d'Ékron? C'est pourquoi, tu ne descendras point du lit sur lequel tu es monté, mais certainement tu mourras.

 And they said [0559] unto him, There came a man [0376] up [5927] to meet [7125] us, and said [0559] unto us, Go, [3212] turn again [7725] unto the king [4428] that sent [7971] you, and say [1696] unto him, Thus saith [0559] the LORD, [3068] [Is it] not because [there is] not a God [0430] in Israel, [3478] [that] thou sendest [7971] to enquire [1875] of Baalzebub [1176] the god [0430] of Ekron? [6138] therefore thou shalt not come down [3381] from that bed [4296] on which tho


 Alors le roi leur dit: Comment est cet homme qui est monté au-devant de vous et qui vous a dit ces paroles?

 And he said [1696] unto them, What manner [4941] of man [0376] [was he] which came up [5927] to meet [7125] you, and told [1696] you these words? [1697]


 Et ils lui dirent: C'est un homme vêtu de poil, et ayant autour de ses reins une ceinture de cuir. Et il dit: C'est Élie, le Thishbite.

 And they answered [0559] him, [He was] an hairy [8181] man, [1167] [0376] and girt [0247] with a girdle [0232] of leather [5785] about his loins. [4975] And he said, [0559] It [is] Elijah [0452] the Tishbite. [8664]


 Alors il envoya vers lui un capitaine de cinquante hommes, avec ses cinquante hommes, qui monta vers lui. Or voici, Élie se tenait sur le haut de la montagne. Et le capitaine lui dit: Homme de Dieu, le roi a dit que tu descendes.

 Then the king sent [7971] unto him a captain [8269] of fifty [2572] with his fifty. [2572] And he went up [5927] to him: and, behold, he sat [3427] on the top [7218] of an hill. [2022] And he spake [1696] unto him, Thou man [0376] of God, [0430] the king [4428] hath said, [1696] Come down. [3381]


 Mais Élie répondit, et dit au capitaine des cinquante hommes: Si je suis homme de Dieu, que le feu descende des cieux et te consume, toi et tes cinquante hommes. Et le feu descendit des cieux et le consuma, lui et ses cinquante hommes.

 And Elijah [0452] answered [6030] and said [1696] to the captain [8269] of fifty, [2572] If I [be] a man [0376] of God, [0430] then let fire [0784] come down [3381] from heaven, [8064] and consume [0398] thee and thy fifty. [2572] And there came down [3381] fire [0784] from heaven, [8064] and consumed [0398] him and his fifty. [2572]


 Et Achazia lui envoya encore un autre capitaine de cinquante hommes, avec ses cinquante hommes, qui prit la parole et lui dit: Homme de Dieu, ainsi a dit le roi: Hâte-toi de descendre.

 Again [7725] also he sent [7971] unto him another [0312] captain [8269] of fifty [2572] with his fifty. [2572] And he answered [6030] and said [1696] unto him, O man [0376] of God, [0430] thus hath the king [4428] said, [0559] Come down [3381] quickly. [4120]


 Mais Élie répondit et leur dit: Si je suis homme de Dieu, que le feu descende des cieux et te consume, toi et tes cinquante hommes. Et le feu de Dieu descendit des cieux, et le consuma, lui et ses cinquante hommes.

 And Elijah [0452] answered [6030] and said [1696] unto them, If I [be] a man [0376] of God, [0430] let fire [0784] come down [3381] from heaven, [8064] and consume [0398] thee and thy fifty. [2572] And the fire [0784] of God [0430] came down [3381] from heaven, [8064] and consumed [0398] him and his fifty. [2572]


 Et Achazia envoya encore le capitaine d'une troisième cinquantaine, avec ses cinquante hommes. Et ce troisième capitaine de cinquante hommes monta, vint, et fléchit les genoux devant Élie, et, le suppliant, il lui dit: Homme de Dieu, je te prie, que ma vie et la vie de ces cinquante hommes, tes serviteurs, soit précieuse à tes yeux!

 And he sent [7971] again [7725] a captain [8269] of the third [7992] fifty [2572] with his fifty. [2572] And the third [7992] captain [8269] of fifty [2572] went up, [5927] and came [0935] and fell [3766] on his knees [1290] before [5048] Elijah, [0452] and besought [2603] him, and said [1696] unto him, O man [0376] of God, [0430] I pray thee, let my life, [5315] and the life [5315] of these fifty [2572] thy servants, [5650] be precious [3365] in thy sight. [5869]


 Voici, le feu est descendu des cieux, et a consumé les deux premiers capitaines de cinquantaine, avec leurs cinquante hommes; mais maintenant, que ma vie soit précieuse à tes yeux!

 Behold, there came fire [0784] down [3381] from heaven, [8064] and burnt up [0398] the two [8147] captains [8269] of the former [7223] fifties [2572] with their fifties: [2572] therefore let my life [5315] now be precious [3365] in thy sight. [5869]


 Et l'ange de YEHOVAH dit à Élie: Descends avec lui; n'aie point peur de lui. Il se leva donc, et descendit avec lui vers le roi; et il lui dit:

 And the angel [4397] of the LORD [3068] said [1696] unto Elijah, [0452] Go down [3381] with him: be not afraid [3372] of him. [6440] And he arose, [6965] and went down [3381] with him unto the king. [4428]


 Ainsi a dit YEHOVAH: Parce que tu as envoyé des messagers pour consulter Baal-Zébub, dieu d'Ékron, comme s'il n'y avait point de Dieu en Israël pour consulter sa Parole, tu ne descendras point du lit sur lequel tu es monté; mais certainement tu mourras!

 And he said [1696] unto him, Thus saith [0559] the LORD, [3068] Forasmuch as thou hast sent [7971] messengers [4397] to enquire [1875] of Baalzebub [1176] the god [0430] of Ekron, [6138] [is it] not because [there is] no God [0430] in Israel [3478] to enquire [1875] of his word? [1697] therefore thou shalt not come down [3381] off that bed [4296] on which thou art gone up, [5927] but shalt surely [4191] die. [4191]


 Achazia mourut donc, selon la Parole de YEHOVAH, qu'Élie avait prononcée; et Joram régna à sa place, la seconde année de Joram, fils de Josaphat, roi de Juda, parce qu'Achazia n'avait point de fils.

 So he died [4191] according to the word [1697] of the LORD [3068] which Elijah [0452] had spoken. [1696] And Jehoram [3088] reigned [4427] in his stead in the second [8147] year [8141] of Jehoram [3088] the son [1121] of Jehoshaphat [3092] king [4428] of Judah; [3063] because he had no son. [1121]


 Le reste des actes d'Achazia n'est-il pas écrit au livre des Chroniques des rois d'Israël?

 Now the rest [3499] of the acts [1697] of Ahaziah [0274] which he did, [6213] [are] they not written [3789] in the book [5612] of the chronicles [1697] [3117] of the kings [4428] of Israel? [3478]


 Lorsque YEHOVAH enleva Élie aux cieux dans un tourbillon, Élie et Élisée venaient de Guilgal.

 And it came to pass, when the LORD [3068] would take up [5927] Elijah [0452] into heaven [8064] by a whirlwind, [5591] that Elijah [0452] went [3212] with Elisha [0477] from Gilgal. [1537]


 Et Élie dit à Élisée: Je te prie, demeure ici; car YEHOVAH m'envoie jusqu'à Béthel. Mais Élisée dit: YEHOVAH est vivant, et ton âme est vivante! je ne te quitterai point. Ainsi ils descendirent à Béthel.

 And Elijah [0452] said [0559] unto Elisha, [0477] Tarry [3427] here, I pray thee; for the LORD [3068] hath sent [7971] me to Bethel. [1008] And Elisha [0477] said [0559] [unto him, As] the LORD [3068] liveth, [2416] and [as] thy soul [5315] liveth, [2416] I will not leave [5800] thee. So they went down [3381] to Bethel. [1008]


 Et les fils des prophètes qui étaient à Béthel sortirent vers Élisée, et lui dirent: Sais-tu qu'aujourd'hui YEHOVAH va t'enlever ton maître? Et il dit: Je le sais bien aussi; taisez-vous!

 And the sons [1121] of the prophets [5030] that [were] at Bethel [1008] came forth [3318] to Elisha, [0477] and said [0559] unto him, Knowest [3045] thou that the LORD [3068] will take away [3947] thy master [0113] from thy head [7218] to day? [3117] And he said, [0559] Yea, I know [3045] [it]; hold ye your peace. [2814]


 Élie lui dit: Élisée, je te prie, demeure ici; car YEHOVAH m'envoie à Jérico. Mais il répondit: YEHOVAH est vivant et ton âme est vivante! je ne te quitterai point. Ainsi ils vinrent à Jérico.

 And Elijah [0452] said [0559] unto him, Elisha, [0477] tarry [3427] here, I pray thee; for the LORD [3068] hath sent [7971] me to Jericho. [3405] And he said, [0559] [As] the LORD [3068] liveth, [2416] and [as] thy soul [5315] liveth, [2416] I will not leave [5800] thee. So they came [0935] to Jericho. [3405]


 Et les fils des prophètes qui étaient à Jérico s'approchèrent d'Élisée, et lui dirent: Sais-tu qu'aujourd'hui YEHOVAH va t'enlever ton maître? Et il répondit: Je le sais bien aussi; taisez-vous!

 And the sons [1121] of the prophets [5030] that [were] at Jericho [3405] came [5066] to Elisha, [0477] and said [0559] unto him, Knowest [3045] thou that the LORD [3068] will take away [3947] thy master [0113] from thy head [7218] to day? [3117] And he answered, [0559] Yea, I know [3045] [it]; hold ye your peace. [2814]


 Et Élie lui dit: Je te prie, demeure ici; car YEHOVAH m'envoie jusqu'au Jourdain. Mais il répondit: YEHOVAH est vivant et ton âme est vivante! je ne te quitterai point. Ainsi ils s'en allèrent tous deux.

 And Elijah [0452] said [0559] unto him, Tarry, [3427] I pray thee, here; for the LORD [3068] hath sent [7971] me to Jordan. [3383] And he said, [0559] [As] the LORD [3068] liveth, [2416] and [as] thy soul [5315] liveth, [2416] I will not leave [5800] thee. And they two [8147] went on. [3212]


 Et cinquante hommes d'entre les fils des prophètes vinrent, et se tinrent à distance, vis-à-vis d'eux, tandis qu'ils s'arrêtaient tous deux au bord du Jourdain.

 And fifty [2572] men [0376] of the sons [1121] of the prophets [5030] went, [1980] and stood [5975] to view [5048] afar off: [7350] and they two [8147] stood [5975] by Jordan. [3383]


 Alors Élie prit son manteau, le plia et en frappa les eaux, qui se partagèrent çà et là; et ils passèrent tous deux à sec.

 And Elijah [0452] took [3947] his mantle, [0155] and wrapped [it] together, [1563] and smote [5221] the waters, [4325] and they were divided [2673] hither and thither, so that they two [8147] went over [5674] on dry ground. [2724]


 Quand ils eurent passé, Élie dit à Élisée: Demande ce que tu veux que je fasse pour toi, avant que je sois enlevé d'avec toi. Élisée répondit: Que j'aie, je te prie, une double portion de ton esprit.

 And it came to pass, when they were gone over, [5674] that Elijah [0452] said [0559] unto Elisha, [0477] Ask [7592] what I shall do [6213] for thee, before I be taken away [3947] from thee. And Elisha [0477] said, [0559] I pray thee, let a double [8147] portion [6310] of thy spirit [7307] be upon me.


 Et Élie dit: Tu demandes une chose difficile. Si tu me vois enlever d'avec toi, il t'arrivera ainsi; sinon, cela n'arrivera pas.

 And he said, [0559] Thou hast asked [7592] a hard thing: [7185] [nevertheless], if thou see [7200] me [when I am] taken [3947] from thee, it shall be so unto thee; but if not, it shall not be [so].


 Et comme ils continuaient leur chemin et s'entretenaient en marchant, voici, un char de feu, et des chevaux de feu les séparèrent l'un de l'autre. Et Élie monta aux cieux dans un tourbillon.

 And it came to pass, as they still [1980] went on, [1980] and talked, [1696] that, behold, [there appeared] a chariot [7393] of fire, [0784] and horses [5483] of fire, [0784] and parted [6504] them both [8147] asunder; [0996] and Elijah [0452] went up [5927] by a whirlwind [5591] into heaven. [8064]


 Et Élisée, le regardant, criait: Mon père, mon père, char d'Israël et sa cavalerie! Et il ne le vit plus; et, saisissant ses vêtements, il les déchira en deux pièces.

 And Elisha [0477] saw [7200] [it], and he cried, [6817] My father, [0001] my father, [0001] the chariot [7393] of Israel, [3478] and the horsemen [6571] thereof. And he saw [7200] him no more: and he took hold [2388] of his own clothes, [0899] and rent [7167] them in two [8147] pieces. [7168]


 Puis il releva le manteau qu'Élie avait laissé tomber de dessus lui; et il s'en retourna, et s'arrêta sur le bord du Jourdain.

 He took up [7311] also the mantle [0155] of Elijah [0452] that fell [5307] from him, and went back, [7725] and stood [5975] by the bank [8193] of Jordan; [3383]


 Et il prit le manteau qu'Élie avait laissé tomber de dessus lui; il en frappa les eaux et dit: Où est YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Élie? Lui aussi il frappa les eaux, qui se partagèrent çà et là, et Élisée passa.

 And he took [3947] the mantle [0155] of Elijah [0452] that fell [5307] from him, and smote [5221] the waters, [4325] and said, [0559] Where [is] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Elijah? [0452] and when he also had smitten [5221] the waters, [4325] they parted [2673] hither and thither: and Elisha [0477] went over. [5674]


 Quand les fils des prophètes qui étaient à Jérico, vis-à-vis, l'eurent vu, ils dirent: L'esprit d'Élie repose maintenant sur Élisée. Et ils vinrent au-devant de lui, se prosternèrent en terre devant lui, et lui dirent:

 And when the sons [1121] of the prophets [5030] which [were] to view at Jericho [3405] saw [7200] him, they said, [0559] The spirit [7307] of Elijah [0452] doth rest [5117] on Elisha. [0477] And they came [0935] to meet [7125] him, and bowed [7812] themselves to the ground [0776] before him.


 Voici, il y a parmi tes serviteurs cinquante hommes vaillants; nous te prions qu'ils s'en aillent chercher ton maître, de peur que l'Esprit de YEHOVAH, l'ayant enlevé, ne l'ait jeté dans quelque montagne ou dans quelque vallée. Et il répondit: N'y envoyez point.

 And they said [0559] unto him, Behold now, there be [3426] with thy servants [5650] fifty [2572] strong [2428] men; [1121] [0582] let them go, [3212] we pray thee, and seek [1245] thy master: [0113] lest peradventure the Spirit [7307] of the LORD [3068] hath taken him up, [5375] and cast [7993] him upon some [0259] mountain, [2022] or into some [0259] valley. [1516] And he said, [0559] Ye shall not send. [7971]


 Mais ils le pressèrent jusqu'à l'embarrasser; il leur dit donc: Envoyez-y! Alors ils envoyèrent cinquante hommes, qui cherchèrent trois jours et ne le trouvèrent pas.

 And when they urged [6484] him till he was ashamed, [0954] he said, [0559] Send. [7971] They sent [7971] therefore fifty [2572] men; [0376] and they sought [1245] three [7969] days, [3117] but found [4672] him not.


 Et ils revinrent vers Élisée, qui était demeuré à Jérico; et il leur dit: Ne vous avais-je pas dit: N'y allez pas?

 And when they came again [7725] to him, (for he tarried [3427] at Jericho,) [3405] he said [0559] unto them, Did I not say [0559] unto you, Go [3212] not?


 Et les gens de la ville dirent à Élisée: Voici, le séjour de cette ville est bon, comme mon seigneur le voit; mais les eaux sont mauvaises, et le pays est stérile.

 And the men [0582] of the city [5892] said [0559] unto Elisha, [0477] Behold, I pray thee, the situation [4186] of this city [5892] [is] pleasant, [2896] as my lord [0113] seeth: [7200] but the water [4325] [is] naught, [7451] and the ground [0776] barren. [7921]


 Et il dit: Apportez-moi un vase neuf, et mettez-y du sel. Et ils le lui apportèrent.

 And he said, [0559] Bring [3947] me a new [2319] cruse, [6746] and put [7760] salt [4417] therein. And they brought [3947] [it] to him.


 Puis il sortit vers la source des eaux, et il y jeta du sel et dit: Ainsi a dit YEHOVAH: Je rends saines ces eaux; elles ne causeront plus ni mort, ni stérilité.

 And he went forth [3318] unto the spring [4161] of the waters, [4325] and cast [7993] the salt [4417] in there, and said, [0559] Thus saith [0559] the LORD, [3068] I have healed [7495] these waters; [4325] there shall not be from thence any more death [4194] or barren [7921] [land].


 Et les eaux ont été saines jusqu'à ce jour, selon la parole qu'Élisée avait prononcée.

 So the waters [4325] were healed [7495] unto this day, [3117] according to the saying [1697] of Elisha [0477] which he spake. [1696]


 Et de là il monta à Béthel. Et comme il montait par le chemin, il sortit de la ville de jeunes garçons qui se moquaient de lui, et disaient: Monte, chauve; monte, chauve!

 And he went up [5927] from thence unto Bethel: [1008] and as he was going up [5927] by the way, [1870] there came forth [3318] little [6996] children [5288] out of the city, [5892] and mocked [7046] him, and said [0559] unto him, Go up, [5927] thou bald head; [7142] go up, [5927] thou bald head. [7142]


 Et, se retournant, il les vit et les maudit au nom de YEHOVAH. Alors deux ours sortirent de la forêt, et déchirèrent quarante-deux de ces enfants.

 And he turned [6437] back, [0310] and looked [7200] on them, and cursed [7043] them in the name [8034] of the LORD. [3068] And there came forth [3318] two [8147] she bears [1677] out of the wood, [3293] and tare [1234] forty [0705] and two [8147] children [3206] of them.


 (2-24) De là il se rendit au mont Carmel, d'où il revint à Samarie.

 And he went [3212] from thence to mount [2022] Carmel, [3760] and from thence he returned [7725] to Samaria. [8111]


 Joram, fils d'Achab, devint roi d'Israël, à Samarie, la dix-huitième année de Josaphat, roi de Juda, et il régna douze ans.

 Now Jehoram [3088] the son [1121] of Ahab [0256] began to reign [4427] over Israel [3478] in Samaria [8111] the eighteenth [8083] [6240] year [8141] of Jehoshaphat [3092] king [4428] of Judah, [3063] and reigned [4427] twelve [8147] [6240] years. [8141]


 Il fit ce qui est mauvais aux yeux de YEHOVAH, non pas pourtant comme son père et sa mère; car il ôta la statue de Baal que son père avait faite.

 And he wrought [6213] evil [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD; [3068] but not like his father, [0001] and like his mother: [0517] for he put away [5493] the image [4676] of Baal [1168] that his father [0001] had made. [6213]


 Seulement il demeura dans les péchés de Jéroboam, fils de Nébat, qui avait fait pécher Israël. Il ne s'en détourna point.

 Nevertheless he cleaved [1692] unto the sins [2403] of Jeroboam [3379] the son [1121] of Nebat, [5028] which made Israel [3478] to sin; [2398] he departed [5493] not therefrom.


 Or Mésha, roi de Moab, avait de grands troupeaux; et il payait au roi d'Israël un tribut de cent mille agneaux et cent mille béliers avec leur laine.

 And Mesha [4338] king [4428] of Moab [4124] was a sheepmaster, [5349] and rendered [7725] unto the king [4428] of Israel [3478] an hundred [3967] thousand [0505] lambs, [3733] and an hundred [3967] thousand [0505] rams, [0352] with the wool. [6785]


 Mais, aussitôt qu'Achab fut mort, le roi de Moab se révolta contre le roi d'Israël.

 But it came to pass, when Ahab [0256] was dead, [4194] that the king [4428] of Moab [4124] rebelled [6586] against the king [4428] of Israel. [3478]


 C'est pourquoi le roi Joram sortit en ce jour de Samarie, et fit le dénombrement de tout Israël.

 And king [4428] Jehoram [3088] went out [3318] of Samaria [8111] the same time, [3117] and numbered [6485] all Israel. [3478]


 Et il envoya vers Josaphat, roi de Juda, pour lui dire: Le roi de Moab s'est révolté contre moi. Viendras-tu avec moi à la guerre contre Moab? Et il répondit: J'y monterai; dispose de moi comme de toi, de mon peuple comme de ton peuple, de mes chevaux comme de tes chevaux.

 And he went [3212] and sent [7971] to Jehoshaphat [3092] the king [4428] of Judah, [3063] saying, [0559] The king [4428] of Moab [4124] hath rebelled [6586] against me: wilt thou go [3212] with me against Moab [4124] to battle? [4421] And he said, [0559] I will go up: [5927] I [am] as thou [art], my people [5971] as thy people, [5971] [and] my horses [5483] as thy horses. [5483]


 Et il dit: Par quel chemin monterons-nous? Et Joram répondit: Par le chemin du désert d'Édom.

 And he said, [0559] Which way [1870] shall we go up? [5927] And he answered, [0559] The way [1870] through the wilderness [4057] of Edom. [0123]


 Ainsi le roi d'Israël partit, avec le roi de Juda et le roi d'Édom; et, faisant le tour, ils marchèrent pendant sept jours; mais l'eau manqua pour le camp et pour les bêtes qui suivaient.

 So the king [4428] of Israel [3478] went, [3212] and the king [4428] of Judah, [3063] and the king [4428] of Edom: [0123] and they fetched a compass [5437] of seven [7651] days' [3117] journey: [1870] and there was no water [4325] for the host, [4264] and for the cattle [0929] that followed [7272] them.


 Alors le roi d'Israël dit: Hélas! YEHOVAH a sûrement appelé ces trois rois pour les livrer entre les mains de Moab

 And the king [4428] of Israel [3478] said, [0559] Alas! [0162] that the LORD [3068] hath called [7121] these three [7969] kings [4428] together, to deliver [5414] them into the hand [3027] of Moab! [4124]


 Et Josaphat dit: N'y a-t-il point ici quelque prophète de YEHOVAH, afin que nous consultions YEHOVAH par son moyen? Un des serviteurs du roi d'Israël répondit, et dit: Élisée, fils de Shaphat, qui versait l'eau sur les mains d'Élie, est ici.

 But Jehoshaphat [3092] said, [0559] [Is there] not here a prophet [5030] of the LORD, [3068] that we may enquire [1875] of the LORD [3068] by him? And one [0259] of the king [4428] of Israel's [3478] servants [5650] answered [6030] and said, [0559] Here [is] Elisha [0477] the son [1121] of Shaphat, [8202] which poured [3332] water [4325] on the hands [3027] of Elijah. [0452]


 Et Josaphat dit: La Parole de YEHOVAH est avec lui. Alors le roi d'Israël, Josaphat et le roi d'Édom descendirent vers lui.

 And Jehoshaphat [3092] said, [0559] The word [1697] of the LORD [3068] is [3426] with him. So the king [4428] of Israel [3478] and Jehoshaphat [3092] and the king [4428] of Edom [0123] went down [3381] to him.


 Mais Élisée dit au roi d'Israël: Qu'y a-t-il entre moi et toi? Va-t'en vers les prophètes de ton père et vers les prophètes de ta mère! Et le roi d'Israël répondit: Non! car YEHOVAH a appelé ces trois rois pour les livrer entre les mains de Moab.

 And Elisha [0477] said [0559] unto the king [4428] of Israel, [3478] What have I to do with thee? get [3212] thee to the prophets [5030] of thy father, [0001] and to the prophets [5030] of thy mother. [0517] And the king [4428] of Israel [3478] said [0559] unto him, Nay: for the LORD [3068] hath called [7121] these three [7969] kings [4428] together, to deliver [5414] them into the hand [3027] of Moab. [4124]


 Alors Élisée dit: YEHOVAH des armées, devant qui je me tiens, est vivant! si je n'avais égard à Josaphat, roi de Juda, je ne ferais point attention à toi, et je ne te regarderais pas.

 And Elisha [0477] said, [0559] [As] the LORD [3068] of hosts [6635] liveth, [2416] before [6440] whom I stand, [5975] surely, were it not that [3884] I regard [5375] the presence [6440] of Jehoshaphat [3092] the king [4428] of Judah, [3063] I would not look [5027] toward thee, nor see [7200] thee.


 Mais maintenant, amenez-moi un joueur de harpe. Et comme le joueur de harpe jouait, la main de YEHOVAH fut sur Élisée.

 But now bring [3947] me a minstrel. [5059] And it came to pass, when the minstrel [5059] played, [5059] that the hand [3027] of the LORD [3068] came upon him.


 Et il dit: Ainsi a dit YEHOVAH: Qu'on fasse des fossés par toute cette vallée.

 And he said, [0559] Thus saith [0559] the LORD, [3068] Make [6213] this valley [5158] full of ditches. [1356]


 Car ainsi parle YEHOVAH: Vous ne verrez ni vent ni pluie, et cette vallée se remplira d'eaux et vous boirez, vous, vos troupeaux et vos bêtes.

 For thus saith [0559] the LORD, [3068] Ye shall not see [7200] wind, [7307] neither shall ye see [7200] rain; [1653] yet that valley [5158] shall be filled [4390] with water, [4325] that ye may drink, [8354] both ye, and your cattle, [4735] and your beasts. [0929]


 Et c'est peu de chose aux yeux de YEHOVAH: Il livrera encore Moab entre vos mains.

 And this is [but] a light thing [7043] in the sight [5869] of the LORD: [3068] he will deliver [5414] the Moabites [4124] also into your hand. [3027]


 Et vous frapperez toutes les villes fortes et toutes les villes principales; vous abattrez tous les bons arbres, vous boucherez toutes les sources d'eau, et vous couvrirez de pierres tous les meilleurs champs.

 And ye shall smite [5221] every fenced [4013] city, [5892] and every choice [4004] city, [5892] and shall fell [5307] every good [2896] tree, [6086] and stop [5640] all wells [4599] of water, [4325] and mar [3510] every good [2896] piece [2513] of land with stones. [0068]


 Le matin donc, à l'heure où l'on offre l'oblation, il arriva qu'on vit des eaux venir par le chemin d'Édom, et le pays fut rempli d'eaux.

 And it came to pass in the morning, [1242] when the meat offering [4503] was offered, [5927] that, behold, there came [0935] water [4325] by the way [1870] of Edom, [0123] and the country [0776] was filled [4390] with water. [4325]


 Or tous les Moabites, ayant appris que les rois étaient montés pour leur faire la guerre, s'étaient assemblés à cri public, depuis l'âge où l'on ceint le baudrier et au-dessus; et ils se tenaient sur la frontière.

 And when all the Moabites [4124] heard [8085] that the kings [4428] were come up [5927] to fight [3898] against them, they gathered [6817] all that were able to put [2296] on armour, [2290] and upward, [4605] and stood [5975] in the border. [1366]


 Et, le matin, à leur lever, comme le soleil se levait sur les eaux, les Moabites virent vis-à-vis d'eux les eaux rouges comme du sang.

 And they rose up early [7925] in the morning, [1242] and the sun [8121] shone [2224] upon the water, [4325] and the Moabites [4124] saw [7200] the water [4325] on the other side [5048] [as] red [0122] as blood: [1818]


 Et ils dirent: C'est du sang! Certainement, les rois se sont entre-tués, et chacun a frappé son compagnon. Maintenant donc, Moabites, au butin!

 And they said, [0559] This [is] blood: [1818] the kings [4428] are surely [2717] slain, [2717] and they have smitten [5221] one [0376] another: [7453] now therefore, Moab, [4124] to the spoil. [7998]


 Ainsi, ils vinrent au camp d'Israël; mais les Israélites se levèrent et battirent les Moabites, qui s'enfuirent devant eux; puis ils avancèrent dans le pays, et frappèrent Moab.

 And when they came [0935] to the camp [4264] of Israel, [3478] the Israelites [3478] rose up [6965] and smote [5221] the Moabites, [4124] so that they fled [5127] before [6440] them: but they went forward [5221] smiting [5221] the Moabites, [4124] even in [their] country.


 Ils détruisirent les villes, jetèrent chacun des pierres dans les meilleurs champs, et les remplirent; ils bouchèrent toutes les sources d'eau, et abattirent tous les bons arbres, jusqu'à ne laisser que les pierres à Kir-Haréseth, que les tireurs de fronde environnèrent et battirent.

 And they beat down [2040] the cities, [5892] and on every good [2896] piece [2513] of land cast [7993] every man [0376] his stone, [0068] and filled [4390] it; and they stopped [5640] all the wells [4599] of water, [4325] and felled [5307] all the good [2896] trees: [6086] only in Kirharaseth [7025] left [7604] they the stones [0068] thereof; howbeit the slingers [7051] went about [5437] [it], and smote [5221] it.


 Et le roi de Moab, voyant qu'il n'était pas le plus fort, prit avec lui sept cents hommes tirant l'épée, pour pénétrer jusqu'au roi d'Édom; mais ils ne le purent.

 And when the king [4428] of Moab [4124] saw [7200] that the battle [4421] was too sore [2388] for him, he took [3947] with him seven [7651] hundred [3967] men [0376] that drew [8025] swords, [2719] to break through [1234] [even] unto the king [4428] of Edom: [0123] but they could [3201] not.


 Alors il prit son fils aîné, qui devait régner à sa place, et il l'offrit en offrande à brûler sur la muraille. Et il y eut chez les Israélites une grande indignation. Ainsi ils se retirèrent de lui, et s'en retournèrent en leur pays.

 Then he took [3947] his eldest [1060] son [1121] that should have reigned [4427] in his stead, and offered [5927] him [for] a burnt offering [5930] upon the wall. [2346] And there was great [1419] indignation [7110] against Israel: [3478] and they departed [5265] from him, and returned [7725] to [their own] land. [0776]


 Or la veuve d'un des fils des prophètes cria à Élisée, en disant: Ton serviteur mon mari est mort; et tu sais que ton serviteur craignait YEHOVAH; et son créancier est venu pour prendre mes deux enfants pour esclaves.

 Now there cried [6817] a certain [0259] woman [0802] of the wives [0802] of the sons [1121] of the prophets [5030] unto Elisha, [0477] saying, [0559] Thy servant [5650] my husband [0376] is dead; [4191] and thou knowest [3045] that thy servant [5650] did fear [3373] the LORD: [3068] and the creditor [5383] is come [0935] to take [3947] unto him my two [8147] sons [3206] to be bondmen. [5650]


 Et Élisée lui dit: Que ferai-je pour toi? Déclare-moi ce que tu as à la maison. Et elle dit: Ta servante n'a rien dans toute la maison qu'une fiole d'huile.

 And Elisha [0477] said [0559] unto her, What shall I do [6213] for thee? tell [5046] me, what hast [3426] thou in the house? [1004] And she said, [0559] Thine handmaid [8198] hath not any thing in the house, [1004] save a pot [0610] of oil. [8081]


 Alors il lui dit: Va, et emprunte dehors à tous tes voisins des vases, des vases vides, et n'en demande pas un petit nombre.

 Then he said, [0559] Go, [3212] borrow [7592] thee vessels [3627] abroad [2351] of all thy neighbours, [7934] [even] empty [7386] vessels; [3627] borrow not a few. [4591]


 Puis rentre et ferme la porte sur toi et sur tes enfants, et verse dans tous ces vases, faisant ôter ceux qui seront pleins.

 And when thou art come in, [0935] thou shalt shut [5462] the door [1817] upon thee and upon thy sons, [1121] and shalt pour [3332] out into all those vessels, [3627] and thou shalt set aside [5265] that which is full. [4392]


 Elle s'en alla donc d'avec lui; puis elle ferma la porte sur elle et sur ses enfants; ils lui apportaient les vases, et elle versait.

 So she went [3212] from him, and shut [5462] the door [1817] upon her [1157] and upon [1157] her sons, [1121] who [1992] brought [5066] [the vessels] to her; and she poured out. [3332]


 Et, lorsque les vases furent pleins, elle dit à son fils: Apporte-moi encore un vase; et il répondit: Il n'y a plus de vase. Et l'huile s'arrêta.

 And it came to pass, when the vessels [3627] were full, [4390] that she said [0559] unto her son, [1121] Bring [5066] me yet a vessel. [3627] And he said [0559] unto her, [There is] not a vessel [3627] more. And the oil [8081] stayed. [5975]


 Alors elle vint le rapporter à l'homme de Dieu, qui lui dit: Va, vends l'huile, et paie ta dette; et, toi et tes fils, vous vivrez du reste.

 Then she came [0935] and told [5046] the man [0376] of God. [0430] And he said, [0559] Go, [3212] sell [4376] the oil, [8081] and pay [7999] thy debt, [5386] and live [2421] thou and thy children [1121] of the rest. [3498]


 Et il arriva un jour qu'Élisée passa à Sunem; et il y avait là une femme riche, qui le retint à manger le pain chez elle. Et, toutes les fois qu'il passait, il entrait là pour y manger le pain.

 And it fell on a day, [3117] that Elisha [0477] passed [5674] to Shunem, [7766] where [was] a great [1419] woman; [0802] and she constrained [2388] him to eat [0398] bread. [3899] And [so] it was, [that] as oft [1767] as he passed by, [5674] he turned in [5493] thither to eat [0398] bread. [3899]


 Et elle dit à son mari: Voici, je reconnais que cet homme qui passe toujours chez nous, est un saint homme de Dieu.

 And she said [0559] unto her husband, [0376] Behold now, I perceive [3045] that this [is] an holy [6918] man [0376] of God, [0430] which passeth by [5674] us continually. [8548]


 Faisons, je te prie, une petite chambre haute, et mettons-lui là un lit, une table, un siège et un chandelier; quand il viendra chez nous, il s'y retirera.

 Let us make [6213] a little [6996] chamber, [5944] I pray thee, on the wall; [7023] and let us set [7760] for him there a bed, [4296] and a table, [7979] and a stool, [3678] and a candlestick: [4501] and it shall be, when he cometh [0935] to us, that he shall turn in [5493] thither.


 Étant donc un jour venu là, il se retira dans cette chambre haute, et y reposa.

 And it fell on a day, [3117] that he came [0935] thither, and he turned [5493] into the chamber, [5944] and lay [7901] there.


 Et il dit à Guéhazi, son serviteur: Appelle cette Sunamite. Guéhazi l'appela, et elle se présenta devant lui.

 And he said [0559] to Gehazi [1522] his servant, [5288] Call [7121] this Shunammite. [7767] And when he had called [7121] her, she stood [5975] before [6440] him.


 Alors il dit à Guéhazi: Dis-lui, je te prie: Voici, tu as pris pour nous tous ces soins; que pourrait-on faire pour toi? As-tu à parler au roi, ou au chef de l'armée? Elle répondit: J'habite au milieu de mon peuple. Il dit donc: Que faire pour elle?

 And he said [0559] unto him, Say [0559] now unto her, Behold, thou hast been careful [2729] for us with all this care; [2731] what [is] to be done [6213] for thee? wouldest [3426] thou be spoken [1696] for to the king, [4428] or to the captain [8269] of the host? [6635] And she answered, [0559] I dwell [3427] among [8432] mine own people. [5971]


 Et Guéhazi répondit: Mais, elle n'a pas de fils, et son mari est vieux.

 And he said, [0559] What then [is] to be done [6213] for her? And Gehazi [1522] answered, [0559] Verily [0061] she hath no child, [1121] and her husband [0376] is old. [2204]


 Alors il dit: Appelle-la! Et il l'appela, et elle se présenta à la porte.

 And he said, [0559] Call [7121] her. And when he had called [7121] her, she stood [5975] in the door. [6607]


 Et il lui dit: L'année qui vient, en cette même saison, tu embrasseras un fils. Et elle répondit: Non, mon seigneur, homme de Dieu, ne mens point à ta servante!

 And he said, [0559] About this season, [4150] according to the time [6256] of life, [2416] thou shalt embrace [2263] a son. [1121] And she said, [0559] Nay, my lord, [0113] [thou] man [0376] of God, [0430] do not lie [3576] unto thine handmaid. [8198]


 Or cette femme conçut, et enfanta un fils un an après, dans la même saison, comme Élisée le lui avait dit.

 And the woman [0802] conceived, [2029] and bare [3205] a son [1121] at that season [4150] that Elisha [0477] had said [1696] unto her, according to the time [6256] of life. [2416]


 Et l'enfant étant devenu grand, il arriva qu'il sortit un jour pour aller vers son père, auprès des moissonneurs.

 And when the child [3206] was grown, [1431] it fell on a day, [3117] that he went out [3318] to his father [0001] to the reapers. [7114]


 Et il dit à son père: Ma tête, ma tête! Et le père dit au serviteur: Porte-le à sa mère.

 And he said [0559] unto his father, [0001] My head, [7218] my head. [7218] And he said [0559] to a lad, [5288] Carry [5375] him to his mother. [0517]


 Il le porta donc et l'amena à sa mère; et il demeura sur les genoux de sa mère jusqu'à midi, puis il mourut.

 And when he had taken [5375] him, and brought [0935] him to his mother, [0517] he sat [3427] on her knees [1290] till noon, [6672] and [then] died. [4191]


 Alors elle monta, et le coucha sur le lit de l'homme de Dieu; et, ayant fermé la porte sur lui, elle sortit.

 And she went up, [5927] and laid [7901] him on the bed [4296] of the man [0376] of God, [0430] and shut [5462] [the door] upon him, and went out. [3318]


 Ensuite elle appela son mari, et dit: Envoie-moi, je te prie, un des serviteurs et une des ânesses; et je m'en irai jusqu'à l'homme de Dieu; puis je reviendrai.

 And she called [7121] unto her husband, [0376] and said, [0559] Send [7971] me, I pray thee, one [0259] of the young men, [5288] and one [0259] of the asses, [0860] that I may run [7323] to the man [0376] of God, [0430] and come again. [7725]


 Et il dit: Pourquoi vas-tu vers lui aujourd'hui? Ce n'est point la nouvelle lune, ni le sabbat. Elle répondit: Tout va bien!

 And he said, [0559] Wherefore wilt thou go [1980] to him to day? [3117] [it is] neither new moon, [2320] nor sabbath. [7676] And she said, [0559] [It shall be] well. [7965]


 Elle fit donc seller l'ânesse, et dit à son serviteur: Mène bon train; ne ralentis pas la course, que je ne te le dise.

 Then she saddled [2280] an ass, [0860] and said [0559] to her servant, [5288] Drive, [5090] and go [3212] forward; slack [6113] not [thy] riding [7392] for me, except I bid [0559] thee.


 Ainsi elle s'en alla, et vint vers l'homme de Dieu, à la montagne de Carmel. Et, sitôt que l'homme de Dieu l'eut vue paraître, il dit à Guéhazi, son serviteur: Voilà cette Sunamite!

 So she went [3212] and came [0935] unto the man [0376] of God [0430] to mount [2022] Carmel. [3760] And it came to pass, when the man [0376] of God [0430] saw [7200] her afar off, that he said [0559] to Gehazi [1522] his servant, [5288] Behold, [yonder is] that [1975] Shunammite: [7767]


 Va, cours au-devant d'elle, et dis-lui: Tout va-t-il bien pour toi, pour ton mari, pour l'enfant? Et elle dit: Bien.

 Run [7323] now, I pray thee, to meet [7125] her, and say [0559] unto her, [Is it] well [7965] with thee? [is it] well [7965] with thy husband? [0376] [is it] well [7965] with the child? [3206] And she answered, [0559] [It is] well. [7965]


 Puis elle vint vers l'homme de Dieu sur la montagne, et embrassa ses pieds. Et Guéhazi s'approcha pour la repousser; mais l'homme de Dieu lui dit: Laisse-la, car son âme est dans l'amertume; et YEHOVAH me l'a caché, et ne me l'a point déclaré.

 And when she came [0935] to the man [0376] of God [0430] to the hill, [2022] she caught [2388] him by the feet: [7272] but Gehazi [1522] came near [5066] to thrust her away. [1920] And the man [0376] of God [0430] said, [0559] Let her alone; [7503] for her soul [5315] [is] vexed [4843] within her: and the LORD [3068] hath hid [5956] [it] from me, and hath not told [5046] me.


 Alors elle dit: Avais-je demandé un fils à mon seigneur? Ne te dis-je pas: Ne fais point que je sois trompée?

 Then she said, [0559] Did I desire [7592] a son [1121] of my lord? [0113] did I not say, [0559] Do not deceive [7952] me?


 Et il dit à Guéhazi: Ceins tes reins; prends mon bâton en ta main, et t'en va. Si tu rencontres quelqu'un, ne le salue point; et si quelqu'un te salue, ne lui réponds pas; ensuite tu mettras mon bâton sur le visage de l'enfant.

 Then he said [0559] to Gehazi, [1522] Gird up [2296] thy loins, [4975] and take [3947] my staff [4938] in thine hand, [3027] and go [3212] thy way: if thou meet [4672] any man, [0376] salute [1288] him not; and if any [0376] salute [1288] thee, answer [6030] him not again: and lay [7760] my staff [4938] upon the face [6440] of the child. [5288]


 Mais la mère de l'enfant dit: YEHOVAH est vivant et ton âme est vivante! je ne te laisserai point. Et il se leva, et la suivit.

 And the mother [0517] of the child [5288] said, [0559] [As] the LORD [3068] liveth, [2416] and [as] thy soul [5315] liveth, [2416] I will not leave [5800] thee. And he arose, [6965] and followed [3212] [0310] her.


 Or Guéhazi, les ayant devancés, mit le bâton sur le visage de l'enfant; mais il n'y eut ni voix ni signe d'attention; et il revint au-devant d'Élisée, et lui fit ce rapport, en disant: L'enfant ne s'est pas réveillé.

 And Gehazi [1522] passed on [5674] before [6440] them, and laid [7760] the staff [4938] upon the face [6440] of the child; [5288] but [there was] neither voice, [6963] nor hearing. [7182] Wherefore he went again [7725] to meet [7125] him, and told [5046] him, saying, [0559] The child [5288] is not awaked. [6974]


 Élisée entra donc dans la maison; et voici, l'enfant était mort et couché sur son lit.

 And when Elisha [0477] was come [0935] into the house, [1004] behold, the child [5288] was dead, [4191] [and] laid [7901] upon his bed. [4296]


 Et, étant entré, il ferma la porte sur eux deux, et pria YEHOVAH.

 He went in [0935] therefore, and shut [5462] the door [1817] upon them twain, [8147] and prayed [6419] unto the LORD. [3068]


 Puis il monta, et se coucha sur l'enfant, et mit sa bouche sur la bouche de l'enfant, ses yeux sur ses yeux, ses mains sur ses mains, et s'étendit sur lui; et la chair de l'enfant fut réchauffée.

 And he went up, [5927] and lay [7901] upon the child, [3206] and put [7760] his mouth [6310] upon his mouth, [6310] and his eyes [5869] upon his eyes, [5869] and his hands [3709] upon his hands: [3709] and he stretched [1457] himself upon the child; and the flesh [1320] of the child [3206] waxed warm. [2552]


 Puis il se retirait, et allait par la maison, tantôt ici, tantôt là, et remontait et s'étendait encore sur lui; enfin l'enfant éternua sept fois, et ouvrit les yeux.

 Then he returned, [7725] and walked [3212] in the house [1004] to [0259] [2008] and fro; [0259] [2008] and went up, [5927] and stretched [1457] himself upon him: and the child [5288] sneezed [2237] seven [7651] times, [6471] and the child [5288] opened [6491] his eyes. [5869]


 Alors Élisée appela Guéhazi, et lui dit: Appelle cette Sunamite. Et il l'appela; et elle vint vers lui, et il lui dit: Prends ton fils.

 And he called [7121] Gehazi, [1522] and said, [0559] Call [7121] this Shunammite. [7767] So he called [7121] her. And when she was come in [0935] unto him, he said, [0559] Take up [5375] thy son. [1121]


 Elle vint donc, et se jeta à ses pieds, et se prosterna en terre; puis elle prit son fils, et sortit.

 Then she went in, [0935] and fell [5307] at his feet, [7272] and bowed [7812] herself to the ground, [0776] and took up [5375] her son, [1121] and went out. [3318]


 Et Élisée revint à Guilgal. Or il y avait une famine au pays; et les fils des prophètes étaient assis devant lui. Et il dit à son serviteur: Mets le grand pot, et cuis du potage pour les fils des prophètes.

 And Elisha [0477] came again [7725] to Gilgal: [1537] and [there was] a dearth [7458] in the land; [0776] and the sons [1121] of the prophets [5030] [were] sitting [3427] before [6440] him: and he said [0559] unto his servant, [5288] Set [8239] on the great [1419] pot, [5518] and seethe [1310] pottage [5138] for the sons [1121] of the prophets. [5030]


 Mais quelqu'un sortit aux champs pour cueillir des herbes; et il trouva de la vigne sauvage, et cueillit des coloquintes sauvages, plein sa robe; puis étant venu, il les mit par pièces dans le pot où était le potage; car on ne savait ce que c'était.

 And one [0259] went out [3318] into the field [7704] to gather [3950] herbs, [0219] and found [4672] a wild [7704] vine, [1612] and gathered [3950] thereof wild [7704] gourds [6498] his lap [0899] full, [4393] and came [0935] and shred [6398] [them] into the pot [5518] of pottage: [5138] for they knew [3045] [them] not.


 Et on en versa à ces gens pour manger; mais sitôt qu'ils eurent mangé de ce potage, ils s'écrièrent: Homme de Dieu, la mort est dans ce pot! Et ils n'en purent manger.

 So they poured out [3332] for the men [0582] to eat. [0398] And it came to pass, as they were eating [0398] of the pottage, [5138] that they cried out, [6817] and said, [0559] O [thou] man [0376] of God, [0430] [there is] death [4194] in the pot. [5518] And they could [3201] not eat [0398] [thereof].


 Alors il dit: Eh bien, apportez de la farine. Et il la jeta dans le pot; puis il dit: Verse à ces gens, et qu'ils mangent. Et il n'y avait plus rien de mauvais dans le pot.

 But he said, [0559] Then bring [3947] meal. [7058] And he cast [7993] [it] into the pot; [5518] and he said, [0559] Pour [3332] out for the people, [5971] that they may eat. [0398] And there was no harm [1697] [7451] in the pot. [5518]


 Alors vint un homme de Baal-Shalisha, qui apportait à l'homme de Dieu du pain des prémices, vingt pains d'orge, et du blé de primeur dans sa besace. Et Élisée dit: Donnes-en à ces gens, et qu'ils mangent.

 And there came [0935] a man [0376] from Baalshalisha, [1190] and brought [0935] the man [0376] of God [0430] bread [3899] of the firstfruits, [1061] twenty [6242] loaves [3899] of barley, [8184] and full ears of corn [3759] in the husk [6861] thereof. And he said, [0559] Give [5414] unto the people, [5971] that they may eat. [0398]


 Et son serviteur dit: Comment en donnerais-je à cent hommes? Mais Élisée répondit: Donne-le à ces gens et qu'ils mangent. Car ainsi a dit YEHOVAH: On en mangera, et on en aura de reste.

 And his servitor [8334] said, [0559] What, should I set [5414] this before [6440] an hundred [3967] men? [0376] He said [0559] again, Give [5414] the people, [5971] that they may eat: [0398] for thus saith [0559] the LORD, [3068] They shall eat, [0398] and shall leave [3498] [thereof].


 Ainsi il le mit devant eux, et ils mangèrent, et ils en laissèrent de reste, selon la Parole de YEHOVAH.

 So he set [5414] [it] before [6440] them, and they did eat, [0398] and left [3498] [thereof], according to the word [1697] of the LORD. [3068]


 Or Naaman, chef de l'armée du roi de Syrie, était un homme puissant auprès de son seigneur et fort honoré, parce que YEHOVAH avait délivré les Syriens par son moyen; mais cet homme fort et vaillant était lépreux.

 Now Naaman, [5283] captain [8269] of the host [6635] of the king [4428] of Syria, [0758] was a great [1419] man [0376] with [6440] his master, [0113] and honourable, [5375] [6440] because by him the LORD [3068] had given [5414] deliverance [8668] unto Syria: [0758] he was also a mighty [1368] man [0376] in valour, [2428] [but he was] a leper. [6879]


 Et quelques troupes étaient sorties de Syrie et avaient emmené prisonnière une petite fille du pays d'Israël, et elle servait la femme de Naaman.

 And the Syrians [0758] had gone out [3318] by companies, [1416] and had brought away captive [7617] out of the land [0776] of Israel [3478] a little [6996] maid; [5291] and she waited on [6440] Naaman's [5283] wife. [0802]


 Et elle dit à sa maîtresse: Oh! si mon seigneur était devant le prophète qui est à Samarie! Il le guérirait aussitôt de sa lèpre.

 And she said [0559] unto her mistress, [1404] Would God [0305] my lord [0113] [were] with [6440] the prophet [5030] that [is] in Samaria! [8111] for [0227] he would recover [0622] him of his leprosy. [6883]


 Naaman vint donc le rapporter à son seigneur, et lui dit: La jeune fille du pays d'Israël a dit telle et telle chose.

 And [one] went in, [0935] and told [5046] his lord, [0113] saying, [0559] Thus and thus said [1696] the maid [5291] that [is] of the land [0776] of Israel. [3478]


 Et le roi de Syrie dit: Pars, va, et j'enverrai une lettre au roi d'Israël. Et il partit, prenant en sa main dix talents d'argent, six mille pièces d'or, et dix robes de rechange.

 And the king [4428] of Syria [0758] said, [0559] Go to, [3212] go, [0935] and I will send [7971] a letter [5612] unto the king [4428] of Israel. [3478] And he departed, [3212] and took [3947] with him [3027] ten [6235] talents [3603] of silver, [3701] and six [8337] thousand [0505] [pieces] of gold, [2091] and ten [6235] changes [2487] of raiment. [0899]


 Et il porta au roi d'Israël la lettre, qui disait: Dès que cette lettre te sera parvenue, tu sauras que je t'ai envoyé Naaman, mon serviteur, afin que tu le guérisses de sa lèpre.

 And he brought [0935] the letter [5612] to the king [4428] of Israel, [3478] saying, [0559] Now when this letter [5612] is come [0935] unto thee, behold, I have [therewith] sent [7971] Naaman [5283] my servant [5650] to thee, that thou mayest recover [0622] him of his leprosy. [6883]


 Dès que le roi d'Israël eut lu la lettre, il déchira ses vêtements et dit: Suis-je Dieu, pour faire mourir ou vivre, que celui-ci envoie vers moi pour guérir un homme de sa lèpre? C'est pourquoi, sachez et voyez qu'il ne cherche qu'une occasion contre moi.

 And it came to pass, when the king [4428] of Israel [3478] had read [7121] the letter, [5612] that he rent [7167] his clothes, [0899] and said, [0559] [Am] I God, [0430] to kill [4191] and to make alive, [2421] that this man [2088] doth send [7971] unto me to recover [0622] a man [0376] of his leprosy? [6883] wherefore [0389] consider, [3045] I pray you, and see [7200] how he seeketh a quarrel [0579] against me.


 Mais quand Élisée, l'homme de Dieu, apprit que le roi d'Israël avait déchiré ses vêtements, il envoya dire au roi: Pourquoi as-tu déchiré tes vêtements? Qu'il vienne seulement vers moi, et il saura qu'il y a un prophète en Israël.

 And it was [so], when Elisha [0477] the man [0376] of God [0430] had heard [8085] that the king [4428] of Israel [3478] had rent [7167] his clothes, [0899] that he sent [7971] to the king, [4428] saying, [0559] Wherefore hast thou rent [7167] thy clothes? [0899] let him come [0935] now to me, and he shall know [3045] that there is [3426] a prophet [5030] in Israel. [3478]


 Naaman vint donc avec ses chevaux et son char, et s'arrêta à la porte de la maison d'Élisée.

 So Naaman [5283] came [0935] with his horses [5483] and with his chariot, [7393] and stood [5975] at the door [6607] of the house [1004] of Elisha. [0477]


 Et Élisée lui envoya un messager pour lui dire: Va, lave-toi sept fois au Jourdain, et ta chair te reviendra, et tu seras pur.

 And Elisha [0477] sent [7971] a messenger [4397] unto him, saying, [0559] Go [1980] and wash [7364] in Jordan [3383] seven [7651] times, [6471] and thy flesh [1320] shall come again [7725] to thee, and thou shalt be clean. [2891]


 Mais Naaman se mit fort en colère, et s'en alla, en disant: Voici, je me disais: Il sortira certainement vers moi; il se tiendra là; il invoquera le nom de YEHOVAH son Dieu; il étendra sa main sur la plaie et guérira le lépreux.

 But Naaman [5283] was wroth, [7107] and went away, [3212] and said, [0559] Behold, I thought, [0559] He will surely [3318] come out [3318] to me, and stand, [5975] and call [7121] on the name [8034] of the LORD [3068] his God, [0430] and strike [5130] his hand [3027] over the place, [4725] and recover [0622] the leper. [6879]


 L'Abana et le Parpar, les fleuves de Damas, ne valent-ils pas mieux que toutes les eaux d'Israël? Ne pourrais-je m'y laver et devenir pur? Ainsi il s'en retournait et s'en allait tout en colère.

 [Are] not Abana [0071][0549] and Pharpar, [6554] rivers [5104] of Damascus, [1834] better [2896] than all the waters [4325] of Israel? [3478] may I not wash [7364] in them, and be clean? [2891] So he turned [6437] and went away [3212] in a rage. [2534]


 Mais ses serviteurs s'approchèrent, et lui dirent: Mon père, si le prophète t'eût dit quelque chose de difficile, ne le ferais-tu pas? Combien plus lorsqu'il te dit: Lave-toi et tu seras pur!

 And his servants [5650] came near, [5066] and spake [1696] unto him, and said, [0559] My father, [0001] [if] the prophet [5030] had bid [1696] thee [do some] great [1419] thing, [1697] wouldest thou not have done [6213] [it]? how much rather then, [0637] when he saith [0559] to thee, Wash, [7364] and be clean? [2891]


 Alors il se pencha, et se mouilla dans le Jourdain sept fois, selon la parole de l'homme de Dieu; et sa chair lui revint semblable à la chair d'un petit enfant, et il fut pur.

 Then went he down, [3381] and dipped [2881] himself seven [7651] times [6471] in Jordan, [3383] according to the saying [1697] of the man [0376] of God: [0430] and his flesh [1320] came again [7725] like unto the flesh [1320] of a little [6996] child, [5288] and he was clean. [2891]


 Alors il retourna vers l'homme de Dieu, lui et toute sa suite, et vint se présenter devant lui, et dit: Voici, je reconnais qu'il n'y a point de Dieu dans toute la terre, si ce n'est en Israël. Et maintenant, veuille accepter une marque de reconnaissance de la part de ton serviteur.

 And he returned [7725] to the man [0376] of God, [0430] he and all his company, [4264] and came, [0935] and stood [5975] before [6440] him: and he said, [0559] Behold, now I know [3045] that [there is] no God [0430] in all the earth, [0776] but in Israel: [3478] now therefore, I pray thee, take [3947] a blessing [1293] of thy servant. [5650]


 Mais Élisée répondit: YEHOVAH, en la présence de qui je me tiens, est vivant! je n'en accepterai pas. Et Naaman le pressa d'accepter, mais il refusa.

 But he said, [0559] [As] the LORD [3068] liveth, [2416] before [6440] whom I stand, [5975] I will receive [3947] none. And he urged [6484] him to take [3947] [it]; but he refused. [3985]


 Alors Naaman dit: Mais, je te prie, ne pourrait-on pas donner de cette terre à ton serviteur, la charge de deux mulets? Car ton serviteur ne fera plus d'offrande à brûler ni de sacrifice à d'autres dieux qu'à YEHOVAH.

 And Naaman [5283] said, [0559] Shall there not then, I pray thee, be given [5414] to thy servant [5650] two [6776] mules' [6505] burden [4853] of earth? [0127] for thy servant [5650] will henceforth offer [6213] neither burnt offering [5930] nor sacrifice [2077] unto other [0312] gods, [0430] but unto the LORD. [3068]


 YEHOVAH veuille pardonner ceci à ton serviteur: c'est que, lorsque mon maître entrera dans la maison de Rimmon pour s'y prosterner, et qu'il s'appuiera sur ma main, je me prosternerai dans la maison de Rimmon. YEHOVAH veuille pardonner à ton serviteur, quand je me prosternerai dans la maison de Rimmon!

 In this thing [1697] the LORD [3068] pardon [5545] thy servant, [5650] [that] when my master [0113] goeth [0935] into the house [1004] of Rimmon [7417] to worship [7812] there, and he leaneth [8172] on my hand, [3027] and I bow [7812] myself in the house [1004] of Rimmon: [7417] when I bow down [7812] myself in the house [1004] of Rimmon, [7417] the LORD [3068] pardon [5545] thy servant [5650] in this thing. [1697]


 Et Élisée lui dit: Va en paix! Ainsi, l'ayant quitté, Naaman fit quelque peu de chemin.

 And he said [0559] unto him, Go [3212] in peace. [7965] So he departed [3212] from him a little [3530] way. [0776]


 Alors Guéhazi, serviteur d'Élisée, l'homme de Dieu, dit en lui-même: Voici, mon maître a ménagé Naaman, ce Syrien, et n'a pas accepté de sa main ce qu'il avait apporté. YEHOVAH est vivant! je courrai après lui et j'en recevrai quelque chose.

 But Gehazi, [1522] the servant [5288] of Elisha [0477] the man [0376] of God, [0430] said, [0559] Behold, my master [0113] hath spared [2820] Naaman [5283] this Syrian, [0761] in not receiving [3947] at his hands [3027] that which he brought: [0935] but, [as] the LORD [3068] liveth, [2416] I will run [7323] after [0310] him, and take [3947] somewhat [3972] of him.


 Guéhazi courut donc après Naaman. Et Naaman, voyant qu'il courait après lui, sauta de son char à sa rencontre, et dit: Tout va-t-il bien?

 So Gehazi [1522] followed [7291] after [0310] Naaman. [5283] And when Naaman [5283] saw [7200] [him] running [7323] after [0310] him, he lighted down [5307] from the chariot [4818] to meet [7125] him, and said, [0559] [Is] all well? [7965]


 Et il répondit: Tout va bien. Mon maître m'envoie te dire: Voici, il m'arrive à l'instant même, de la montagne d'Éphraïm, deux jeunes gens d'entre les fils des prophètes; donne-leur, je te prie, un talent d'argent et deux robes de rechange.

 And he said, [0559] All [is] well. [7965] My master [0113] hath sent [7971] me, saying, [0559] Behold, even now there be come [0935] to me from mount [2022] Ephraim [0669] two [8147] young men [5288] of the sons [1121] of the prophets: [5030] give [5414] them, I pray thee, a talent [3603] of silver, [3701] and two [8147] changes [2487] of garments. [0899]


 Et Naaman dit: Veuille accepter deux talents; et il le pressa, et mit dans deux sacs deux talents, ainsi que deux robes de rechange; et il les donna à deux de ses serviteurs qui les portèrent devant Guéhazi.

 And Naaman [5283] said, [0559] Be content, [2974] take [3947] two talents. [3603] And he urged [6555] him, and bound [6696] two talents [3603] of silver [3701] in two [8147] bags, [2754] with two [8147] changes [2487] of garments, [0899] and laid [5414] [them] upon two [8147] of his servants; [5288] and they bare [5375] [them] before [6440] him.


 Et quand il fut parvenu à la colline, il les prit d'entre leurs mains et les serra dans la maison; puis il renvoya ces gens-là, et ils s'en retournèrent.

 And when he came [0935] to the tower, [6076] he took [3947] [them] from their hand, [3027] and bestowed [6485] [them] in the house: [1004] and he let the men [0582] go, [7971] and they departed. [3212]


 Alors il rentra, et se présenta devant son maître. Et Élisée lui dit: D'où viens-tu, Guéhazi? Et il lui répondit: Ton serviteur n'est allé ni d'un côté ni d'autre.

 But he went in, [0935] and stood [5975] before his master. [0113] And Elisha [0477] said [0559] unto him, Whence [0370] [comest thou], Gehazi? [1522] And he said, [0559] Thy servant [5650] went [1980] no whither. [0575]


 Mais Élisée lui dit: Mon esprit n'est-il pas allé là où cet homme a quitté son char pour venir à ta rencontre? Est-ce le temps de prendre de l'argent, de prendre des vêtements, puis des oliviers et des vignes, des brebis et des bœufs, des serviteurs et des servantes?

 And he said [0559] unto him, Went [1980] not mine heart [3820] [with thee], when the man [0376] turned [2015] again from his chariot [4818] to meet [7125] thee? [Is it] a time [6256] to receive [3947] money, [3701] and to receive [3947] garments, [0899] and oliveyards, [2132] and vineyards, [3754] and sheep, [6629] and oxen, [1241] and menservants, [5650] and maidservants? [8198]


 C'est pourquoi la lèpre de Naaman s'attachera à toi et à ta postérité à jamais! Et il sortit de devant Élisée, blanc de lèpre comme la neige.

 The leprosy [6883] therefore of Naaman [5283] shall cleave [1692] unto thee, and unto thy seed [2233] for ever. [5769] And he went out [3318] from his presence [6440] a leper [6879] [as white] as snow. [7950]


 Or, les fils des prophètes dirent à Élisée: Voici, le lieu où nous sommes assis devant toi est trop étroit pour nous.

 And the sons [1121] of the prophets [5030] said [0559] unto Elisha, [0477] Behold now, the place [4725] where we dwell [3427] with [6440] thee is too strait [6862] for us.


 Allons-nous-en jusqu'au Jourdain; et nous prendrons là chacun une pièce de bois, et nous y bâtirons une demeure.

 Let us go, [3212] we pray thee, unto Jordan, [3383] and take [3947] thence every man [0376] a [0259] beam, [6982] and let us make [6213] us a place [4725] there, where we may dwell. [3427] And he answered, [0559] Go [3212] ye.


 Il répondit: Allez. Et l'un d'eux dit: Veuille, je te prie, venir avec tes serviteurs. Et il répondit: J'irai.

 And one [0259] said, [0559] Be content, [2974] I pray thee, and go [3212] with thy servants. [5650] And he answered, [0559] I will go. [3212]


 Il s'en alla donc avec eux; et ils vinrent au Jourdain, et coupèrent du bois.

 So he went [3212] with them. And when they came [0935] to Jordan, [3383] they cut down [1504] wood. [6086]


 Mais comme l'un d'entre eux abattait une pièce de bois, il arriva que le fer tomba dans l'eau; et il s'écria et dit: Hélas, mon seigneur! Et encore il était emprunté!

 But as one [0259] was felling [5307] a beam, [6982] the axe head [1270] fell [5307] into the water: [4325] and he cried, [6817] and said, [0559] Alas, [0162] master! [0113] for it was borrowed. [7592]


 Et l'homme de Dieu dit: Où est-il tombé? Et il lui montra l'endroit. Alors Élisée coupa un morceau de bois et le jeta là, et fit surnager le fer; et il dit: Ramasse-le.

 And the man [0376] of God [0430] said, [0559] Where [0575] fell [5307] it? And he shewed [7200] him the place. [4725] And he cut down [7094] a stick, [6086] and cast [7993] [it] in thither; and the iron [1270] did swim. [6687]


 Et il étendit la main et le prit.

 Therefore said [0559] he, Take [it] up [7311] to thee. And he put out [7971] his hand, [3027] and took [3947] it.


 Or le roi de Syrie, faisant la guerre à Israël, tenait conseil avec ses serviteurs, disant: Mon camp sera dans tel lieu.

 Then the king [4428] of Syria [0758] warred [3898] against Israel, [3478] and took counsel [3289] with his servants, [5650] saying, [0559] In such [6423] and such [0492] a place [4725] [shall be] my camp. [8466]


 Mais l'homme de Dieu envoyait dire au roi d'Israël: Garde-toi de négliger ce lieu; car les Syriens y descendent.

 And the man [0376] of God [0430] sent [7971] unto the king [4428] of Israel, [3478] saying, [0559] Beware [8104] that thou pass [5674] not such [2088] a place; [4725] for thither the Syrians [0758] are come down. [5185]


 Et le roi d'Israël envoyait vers le lieu au sujet duquel l'homme de Dieu lui avait parlé et l'avait averti, et il y était sur ses gardes; cela se fit plus d'une et de deux fois.

 And the king [4428] of Israel [3478] sent [7971] to the place [4725] which the man [0376] of God [0430] told [0559] him and warned [2094] him of, and saved [8104] himself there, not once [0259] nor twice. [8147]


 Et le cœur du roi de Syrie en fut troublé; et il appela ses serviteurs, et leur dit: Ne me découvrirez-vous pas lequel des nôtres est pour le roi d'Israël?

 Therefore the heart [3820] of the king [4428] of Syria [0758] was sore troubled [5590] for this thing; [1697] and he called [7121] his servants, [5650] and said [0559] unto them, Will ye not shew [5046] me which of us [is] for the king [4428] of Israel? [3478]


 Et l'un de ses serviteurs lui dit: Il n'y en a point, ô roi, mon seigneur; mais Élisée, le prophète qui est en Israël, déclare au roi d'Israël les paroles mêmes que tu dis dans la chambre où tu couches.

 And one [0259] of his servants [5650] said, [0559] None, my lord, [0113] O king: [4428] but Elisha, [0477] the prophet [5030] that [is] in Israel, [3478] telleth [5046] the king [4428] of Israel [3478] the words [1697] that thou speakest [1696] in thy bedchamber. [2315] [4904]


 Alors il dit: Allez, voyez où il est; et je l'enverrai prendre. Et on lui fit ce rapport: Voici, il est à Dothan.

 And he said, [0559] Go [3212] and spy [7200] where [0351] he [is], that I may send [7971] and fetch [3947] him. And it was told [5046] him, saying, [0559] Behold, [he is] in Dothan. [1886]


 Et il y envoya des chevaux, des chars et une troupe considérable, qui arrivèrent de nuit et environnèrent la ville.

 Therefore sent [7971] he thither horses, [5483] and chariots, [7393] and a great [3515] host: [2428] and they came [0935] by night, [3915] and compassed [5362] the city [5892] about.


 Or le serviteur de l'homme de Dieu se leva de grand matin, et sortit; et voici, des troupes, avec des chevaux et des chars, environnaient la ville. Et son serviteur lui dit: Hélas! mon seigneur, comment ferons-nous?

 And when the servant [8334] of the man [0376] of God [0430] was risen [6965] early, [7925] and gone forth, [3318] behold, an host [2428] compassed [5437] the city [5892] both with horses [5483] and chariots. [7393] And his servant [5288] said [0559] unto him, Alas, [0162] my master! [0113] how shall we do? [6213]


 Élisée répondit: Ne crains point; car ceux qui sont avec nous sont en plus grand nombre que ceux qui sont avec eux.

 And he answered, [0559] Fear [3372] not: for they that [be] with us [are] more [7227] than they that [be] with them.


 Et Élisée pria et dit: Ô YEHOVAH, daigne ouvrir ses yeux et qu'il voie! Et YEHOVAH ouvrit les yeux du serviteur, et il vit; et voici, la montagne était pleine de chevaux et de chars de feu, autour d'Élisée.

 And Elisha [0477] prayed, [6419] and said, [0559] LORD, [3068] I pray thee, open [6491] his eyes, [5869] that he may see. [7200] And the LORD [3068] opened [6491] the eyes [5869] of the young man; [5288] and he saw: [7200] and, behold, the mountain [2022] [was] full [4390] of horses [5483] and chariots [7393] of fire [0784] round about [5439] Elisha. [0477]


 Cependant les Syriens descendirent vers Élisée; alors il pria YEHOVAH et dit: Veuille frapper ces gens d'aveuglement. Et Dieu les frappa d'aveuglement, selon la parole d'Élisée.

 And when they came down [3381] to him, Elisha [0477] prayed [6419] unto the LORD, [3068] and said, [0559] Smite [5221] this people, [1471] I pray thee, with blindness. [5575] And he smote [5221] them with blindness [5575] according to the word [1697] of Elisha. [0477]


 Et Élisée leur dit: Ce n'est pas ici le chemin et ce n'est pas ici la ville. Suivez-moi; et je vous mènerai vers l'homme que vous cherchez. Et il les mena à Samarie.

 And Elisha [0477] said [0559] unto them, This [is] not the way, [1870] neither [is] this [2090] the city: [5892] follow [3212] [0310] me, and I will bring [3212] you to the man [0376] whom ye seek. [1245] But he led [3212] them to Samaria. [8111]


 Et, quand ils furent entrés dans Samarie, Élisée dit: Ô YEHOVAH, ouvre leurs yeux et qu'ils voient! Et YEHOVAH ouvrit leurs yeux, et ils virent; et voici, ils étaient au milieu de Samarie.

 And it came to pass, when they were come [0935] into Samaria, [8111] that Elisha [0477] said, [0559] LORD, [3068] open [6491] the eyes [5869] of these [men], that they may see. [7200] And the LORD [3068] opened [6491] their eyes, [5869] and they saw; [7200] and, behold, [they were] in the midst [8432] of Samaria. [8111]


 Et dès que le roi d'Israël les vit, il dit à Élisée: Mon père, frapperai-je, frapperai-je?

 And the king [4428] of Israel [3478] said [0559] unto Elisha, [0477] when he saw [7200] them, My father, [0001] shall I smite [5221] [them]? shall I smite [5221] [them]?


 Et Élisée répondit: Tu ne frapperas point. Ceux que tu fais prisonniers, les frappes-tu de ton épée et de ton arc? Mets du pain et de l'eau devant eux; qu'ils mangent et boivent, et s'en aillent vers leur seigneur.

 And he answered, [0559] Thou shalt not smite [5221] [them]: wouldest thou smite [5221] those whom thou hast taken captive [7617] with thy sword [2719] and with thy bow? [7198] set [7760] bread [3899] and water [4325] before [6440] them, that they may eat [0398] and drink, [8354] and go [3212] to their master. [0113]


 Et le roi leur fit grande chère; ils mangèrent et burent; puis il les renvoya, et ils s'en allèrent vers leur seigneur. Depuis ce temps-là, les troupes des Syriens ne revinrent plus au pays d'Israël.

 And he prepared [3739] great [1419] provision [3740] for them: and when they had eaten [0398] and drunk, [8354] he sent them away, [7971] and they went [3212] to their master. [0113] So the bands [1416] of Syria [0758] came [0935] no more [3254] into the land [0776] of Israel. [3478]


 Mais, après ces choses, il arriva que Ben-Hadad, roi de Syrie, assembla toute son armée, monta et assiégea Samarie.

 And it came to pass after [0310] this, that Benhadad [1130] king [4428] of Syria [0758] gathered [6908] all his host, [4264] and went up, [5927] and besieged [6696] Samaria. [8111]


 Et il y eut une grande famine dans Samarie; et voici, elle était serrée de si près que la tête d'un âne se vendait quatre-vingts sicles d'argent, et le quart d'un kab de fiente de pigeon, cinq sicles d'argent.

 And there was a great [1419] famine [7458] in Samaria: [8111] and, behold, they besieged [6696] it, until an ass's [2543] head [7218] was [sold] for fourscore [8084] [pieces] of silver, [3701] and the fourth [7255] part of a cab [6894] of dove's [3123] dung [1686] [3123][2755] for five [2568] [pieces] of silver. [3701]


 Et, comme le roi d'Israël passait sur la muraille, une femme lui cria et lui dit: Ô roi, mon seigneur, secours-moi!

 And as the king [4428] of Israel [3478] was passing [5674] by upon the wall, [2346] there cried [6817] a woman [0802] unto him, saying, [0559] Help, [3467] my lord, [0113] O king. [4428]


 Et il dit: Si YEHOVAH ne te secourt pas, d'où te secourrais-je? Serait-ce de l'aire ou du pressoir?

 And he said, [0559] If the LORD [3068] do not help [3467] thee, whence [0370] shall I help [3467] thee? out of the barnfloor, [1637] or out of the winepress? [3342]


 Puis le roi lui dit: Qu'as-tu? Et elle dit: Cette femme-là m'a dit: Donne ton fils, et mangeons-le aujourd'hui; et demain nous mangerons le mien.

 And the king [4428] said [0559] unto her, What aileth thee? And she answered, [0559] This woman [0802] said [0559] unto me, Give [5414] thy son, [1121] that we may eat [0398] him to day, [3117] and we will eat [0398] my son [1121] to morrow. [4279]


 Ainsi nous avons fait cuire mon fils, et nous l'avons mangé; et, le jour suivant, je lui ai dit: Donne ton fils, et mangeons-le.

 So we boiled [1310] my son, [1121] and did eat [0398] him: and I said [0559] unto her on the next [0312] day, [3117] Give [5414] thy son, [1121] that we may eat [0398] him: and she hath hid [2244] her son. [1121]


 Mais elle a caché son fils. Et dès que le roi eut entendu les paroles de cette femme, il déchira ses vêtements; il passait alors sur la muraille, et le peuple vit qu'il avait en dessous un sac sur son corps.

 And it came to pass, when the king [4428] heard [8085] the words [1697] of the woman, [0802] that he rent [7167] his clothes; [0899] and he passed by [5674] upon the wall, [2346] and the people [5971] looked, [7200] and, behold, [he had] sackcloth [8242] within [1004] upon his flesh. [1320]


 Et il dit: Que Dieu me traite avec la dernière rigueur, si la tête d'Élisée, fils de Shaphat, reste aujourd'hui sur lui!

 Then he said, [0559] God [0430] do [6213] so and more [3254] also to me, if the head [7218] of Elisha [0477] the son [1121] of Shaphat [8202] shall stand [5975] on him this day. [3117]


 Or, Élisée étant assis dans sa maison et les anciens étant assis avec lui, le roi envoya un homme devant lui. Mais, avant que le messager fût arrivé, Élisée dit aux anciens: Voyez-vous que ce fils de meurtrier envoie quelqu'un pour m'ôter la tête? Lorsque le messager entrera, ayez soin de fermer la porte, et de le retenir à la porte. Entendez-vous le bruit des pas de son maître qui le suit?

 But Elisha [0477] sat [3427] in his house, [1004] and the elders [2205] sat [3427] with him; and [the king] sent [7971] a man [0376] from before [6440] him: but ere the messenger [4397] came [0935] to him, he said [0559] to the elders, [2205] See [7200] ye how this son [1121] of a murderer [7523] hath sent [7971] to take away [5493] mine head? [7218] look, [7200] when the messenger [4397] cometh, [0935] shut [5462] the door, [1817] and hold him fast [3905] at the door:


 Comme il leur parlait encore, voici, le messager descendit vers lui, et dit: Voici, ce mal vient de YEHOVAH; qu'ai-je plus à attendre de YEHOVAH?

 And while he yet talked [1696] with them, behold, the messenger [4397] came down [3381] unto him: and he said, [0559] Behold, this evil [7451] [is] of the LORD; [3068] what should I wait [3176] for the LORD [3068] any longer?


 Alors Élisée dit: Écoutez la Parole de YEHOVAH. Ainsi a dit YEHOVAH: Demain, à cette heure, la mesure de fine farine sera à un sicle, et la double mesure d'orge à un sicle, à la porte de Samarie.

 Then Elisha [0477] said, [0559] Hear [8085] ye the word [1697] of the LORD; [3068] Thus saith [0559] the LORD, [3068] To morrow [4279] about this time [6256] [shall] a measure [5429] of fine flour [5560] [be sold] for a shekel, [8255] and two measures [5429] of barley [8184] for a shekel, [8255] in the gate [8179] of Samaria. [8111]


 Mais l'officier, sur la main duquel le roi s'appuyait, répondit à l'homme de Dieu, et dit: Quand YEHOVAH ferait maintenant des fenêtres au ciel, cela arriverait-il? Et Élisée dit: Voici, tu le verras de tes yeux, mais tu n'en mangeras point.

 Then a lord [7991] on whose hand [3027] the king [4428] leaned [8172] answered [6030] the man [0376] of God, [0430] and said, [0559] Behold, [if] the LORD [3068] would make [6213] windows [0699] in heaven, [8064] might this thing [1697] be? And he said, [0559] Behold, thou shalt see [7200] [it] with thine eyes, [5869] but shalt not eat [0398] thereof.


 Or, il y avait à l'entrée de la porte quatre lépreux; et ils se dirent l'un à l'autre: Pourquoi demeurons-nous ici jusqu'à ce que nous mourions?

 And there were four [0702] leprous [6879] men [0582] at the entering in [6607] of the gate: [8179] and they said [0559] one [0376] to another, [7453] Why sit [3427] we here until we die? [4191]


 Si nous parlons d'entrer dans la ville, la famine y est, et nous y mourrons; et si nous demeurons ici, nous mourrons également. Venez donc, et glissons-nous dans le camp des Syriens. S'ils nous laissent vivre, nous vivrons; et s'ils nous font mourir, nous mourrons.

 If we say, [0559] We will enter [0935] into the city, [5892] then the famine [7458] [is] in the city, [5892] and we shall die [4191] there: and if we sit still [3427] here, we die [4191] also. Now therefore come, [3212] and let us fall [5307] unto the host [4264] of the Syrians: [0758] if they save us alive, [2421] we shall live; [2421] and if they kill [4191] us, we shall but die. [4191]


 C'est pourquoi, à l'entrée de la nuit, ils se levèrent pour aller au camp des Syriens, et vinrent jusqu'à l'une des extrémités du camp; et voici, il n'y avait personne.

 And they rose up [6965] in the twilight, [5399] to go [0935] unto the camp [4264] of the Syrians: [0758] and when they were come [0935] to the uttermost part [7097] of the camp [4264] of Syria, [0758] behold, [there was] no man [0376] there.


 Car le Seigneur avait fait entendre dans le camp des Syriens un bruit de chars et un bruit de chevaux, le bruit d'une grande armée, de sorte qu'ils s'étaient dit l'un à l'autre: Voici, le roi d'Israël a payé les rois des Héthiens et les rois d'Égypte, pour venir contre nous.

 For the Lord [0136] had made the host [4264] of the Syrians [0758] to hear [8085] a noise [6963] of chariots, [7393] and a noise [6963] of horses, [5483] [even] the noise [6963] of a great [1419] host: [2428] and they said [0559] one [0376] to another, [0251] Lo, the king [4428] of Israel [3478] hath hired [7936] against us the kings [4428] of the Hittites, [2850] and the kings [4428] of the Egyptians, [4714] to come [0935] upon us.


 Et ils s'étaient levés, et s'étaient enfuis à l'entrée de la nuit; et ils avaient laissé leurs tentes, leurs chevaux, leurs ânes, et le camp comme il était; et ils s'étaient enfuis pour sauver leur vie.

 Wherefore they arose [6965] and fled [5127] in the twilight, [5399] and left [5800] their tents, [0168] and their horses, [5483] and their asses, [2543] even the camp [4264] as it [was], and fled [5127] for their life. [5315]


 Ces lépreux pénétrèrent donc jusqu'à l'une des extrémités du camp, entrèrent dans une tente, et mangèrent et burent, y prirent de l'argent, de l'or et des vêtements, puis s'en allèrent et les cachèrent. Après quoi ils revinrent, et entrèrent dans une autre tente, et là aussi ils prirent du butin, qu'ils s'en allèrent cacher.

 And when these lepers [6879] came [0935] to the uttermost part [7097] of the camp, [4264] they went [0935] into one [0259] tent, [0168] and did eat [0398] and drink, [8354] and carried [5375] thence silver, [3701] and gold, [2091] and raiment, [0899] and went [3212] and hid [2934] [it]; and came again, [7725] and entered [0935] into another [0312] tent, [0168] and carried [5375] thence [also], and went [3212] and hid [2934] [it].


 Alors ils se dirent l'un à l'autre: Nous ne faisons pas bien; ce jour est un jour de bonnes nouvelles, et nous gardons le silence! Si nous attendons jusqu'à ce que le jour soit venu, le châtiment nous atteindra. Venez donc, allons l'annoncer à la maison du roi.

 Then they said [0559] one [0376] to another, [7453] We do [6213] not well: this day [3117] [is] a day [3117] of good tidings, [1309] and we hold our peace: [2814] if we tarry [2442] till the morning [1242] light, [0216] some mischief [5771] will come upon [4672] us: now therefore come, [3212] that we may go [0935] and tell [5046] the king's [4428] household. [1004]


 Ils s'en allèrent donc, appelèrent les gardes des portes de la ville, et le leur annoncèrent, en disant: Nous sommes allés au camp des Syriens; et voici, il n'y a personne, et on n'y entend la voix d'aucun homme; mais il n'y a que des chevaux et des ânes attachés, et les tentes telles qu'elles étaient.

 So they came [0935] and called [7121] unto the porter [7778] of the city: [5892] and they told [5046] them, saying, [0559] We came [0935] to the camp [4264] of the Syrians, [0758] and, behold, [there was] no man [0376] there, neither voice [6963] of man, [0120] but horses [5483] tied, [0631] and asses [2543] tied, [0631] and the tents [0168] as they [were].


 Alors les gardes des portes crièrent, et transmirent ce rapport à la maison du roi.

 And he called [7121] the porters; [7778] and they told [5046] [it] to the king's [4428] house [1004] within. [6441]


 Et le roi se leva de nuit et dit à ses serviteurs: Je vais vous dire ce que les Syriens nous ont fait. Ils savent que nous sommes affamés. Ils seront donc sortis du camp pour se cacher dans la campagne, disant: Quand ils seront sortis de la ville, nous les prendrons vifs, et nous entrerons dans la ville.

 And the king [4428] arose [6965] in the night, [3915] and said [0559] unto his servants, [5650] I will now shew [5046] you what the Syrians [0758] have done [6213] to us. They know [3045] that we [be] hungry; [7457] therefore are they gone out [3318] of the camp [4264] to hide [2247] themselves in the field, [7704] saying, [0559] When they come out [3318] of the city, [5892] we shall catch [8610] them alive, [2416] and get [0935] into the city. [5892]


 Mais l'un de ses serviteurs répliqua: Que l'on prenne cinq des chevaux qui sont demeurés de reste dans la ville; voici, ils sont comme tout ce qui y est resté de la multitude d'Israël; ils sont comme toute la multitude d'Israël, qui est consumée. Envoyons-les, et voyons.

 And one [0259] of his servants [5650] answered [6030] and said, [0559] Let [some] take, [3947] I pray thee, five [2568] of the horses [5483] that remain, [7604] which are left [7604] in the city, (behold, they [are] as all the multitude [1995] of Israel [3478] that are left [7604] in it: behold, [I say], they [are] even as all the multitude [1995] of the Israelites [3478] that are consumed:) [8552] and let us send [7971] and see. [7200]


 Ils prirent donc deux chars avec leurs chevaux; et le roi les envoya après l'armée des Syriens, et leur dit: Allez, et voyez.

 They took [3947] therefore two [8147] chariot [7393] horses; [5483] and the king [4428] sent [7971] after [0310] the host [4264] of the Syrians, [0758] saying, [0559] Go [3212] and see. [7200]


 Et ils s'en allèrent après eux jusqu'au Jourdain. Et voici, tout le chemin était couvert de hardes et d'armes que les Syriens avaient jetées dans leur précipitation; et les messagers revinrent, et le rapportèrent au roi.

 And they went [3212] after [0310] them unto Jordan: [3383] and, lo, all the way [1870] [was] full [4392] of garments [0899] and vessels, [3627] which the Syrians [0758] had cast away [7993] in their haste. [2648] And the messengers [4397] returned, [7725] and told [5046] the king. [4428]


 Alors le peuple sortit, et pilla le camp des Syriens, de sorte que la mesure de fine farine fut à un sicle, et la double mesure d'orge à un sicle, selon la Parole de YEHOVAH.

 And the people [5971] went out, [3318] and spoiled [0962] the tents [4264] of the Syrians. [0758] So a measure [5429] of fine flour [5560] was [sold] for a shekel, [8255] and two measures [5429] of barley [8184] for a shekel, [8255] according to the word [1697] of the LORD. [3068]


 Et le roi ayant donné la garde de la porte à l'officier sur la main duquel il s'appuyait, le peuple l'écrasa à la porte, et il en mourut, comme l'avait dit l'homme de Dieu en parlant au roi, quand il était descendu vers lui.

 And the king [4428] appointed [6485] the lord [7991] on whose hand [3027] he leaned [8172] to have the charge of the gate: [8179] and the people [5971] trode [7429] upon him in the gate, [8179] and he died, [4191] as the man [0376] of God [0430] had said, [1696] who spake [1696] when the king [4428] came down [3381] to him.


 Car, lorsque l'homme de Dieu avait dit au roi: Demain matin à cette heure, à la porte de Samarie, la double mesure d'orge sera à un sicle, et la mesure de fine farine à un sicle,

 And it came to pass as the man [0376] of God [0430] had spoken [1696] to the king, [4428] saying, [0559] Two measures [5429] of barley [8184] for a shekel, [8255] and a measure [5429] of fine flour [5560] for a shekel, [8255] shall be to morrow [4279] about this time [6256] in the gate [8179] of Samaria: [8111]


 L'officier avait répondu à l'homme de Dieu: Quand YEHOVAH ferait maintenant des fenêtres au ciel, cela arriverait-il? Et l'homme de Dieu avait dit: Voici, tu le verras de tes yeux, mais tu n'en mangeras point.

 And that lord [7991] answered [6030] the man [0376] of God, [0430] and said, [0559] Now, behold, [if] the LORD [3068] should make [6213] windows [0699] in heaven, [8064] might such a thing [1697] be? And he said, [0559] Behold, thou shalt see [7200] it with thine eyes, [5869] but shalt not eat [0398] thereof.


 Il lui en arriva donc ainsi; car le peuple l'écrasa à la porte, et il en mourut.

 And so it fell out unto him: for the people [5971] trode [7429] upon him in the gate, [8179] and he died. [4191]


 Or Élisée avait parlé à la femme au fils de laquelle il avait rendu la vie, et lui avait dit: Lève-toi et va-t'en, toi et ta famille, et séjourne où tu pourras. Car YEHOVAH a appelé la famine; et même elle vient sur le pays pour sept ans.

 Then spake [1696] Elisha [0477] unto the woman, [0802] whose son [1121] he had restored to life, [2421] saying, [0559] Arise, [6965] and go [3212] thou and thine household, [1004] and sojourn [1481] wheresoever [0834] thou canst sojourn: [1481] for the LORD [3068] hath called [7121] for a famine; [7458] and it shall also come [0935] upon the land [0776] seven [7651] years. [8141]


 Cette femme, s'étant donc levée, avait fait selon la parole de l'homme de Dieu. Elle s'en était allée, elle et sa famille, et avait séjourné sept ans au pays des Philistins.

 And the woman [0802] arose, [6965] and did [6213] after the saying [1697] of the man [0376] of God: [0430] and she went [3212] with her household, [1004] and sojourned [1481] in the land [0776] of the Philistines [6430] seven [7651] years. [8141]


 Mais il arriva qu'au bout des sept ans, cette femme revint du pays des Philistins, et elle sortit pour implorer le roi, au sujet de sa maison et de ses champs.

 And it came to pass at the seven [7651] years' [8141] end, [7097] that the woman [0802] returned [7725] out of the land [0776] of the Philistines: [6430] and she went forth [3318] to cry [6817] unto the king [4428] for her house [1004] and for her land. [7704]


 Or le roi parlait à Guéhazi, serviteur de l'homme de Dieu, et lui disait: Raconte-moi toutes les grandes choses qu'Élisée a faites.

 And the king [4428] talked [1696] with Gehazi [1522] the servant [5288] of the man [0376] of God, [0430] saying, [0559] Tell [5608] me, I pray thee, all the great things [1419] that Elisha [0477] hath done. [6213]


 Et, comme il racontait au roi comment il avait rendu la vie à un mort, voici que la femme dont il avait fait revivre le fils, vint implorer le roi, au sujet de sa maison et de ses champs. Alors Guéhazi dit: Ô roi, mon seigneur, c'est ici la femme, et c'est ici son fils à qui Élisée a rendu la vie.

 And it came to pass, as he was telling [5608] the king [4428] how he had restored a dead [4191] body to life, [2421] that, behold, the woman, [0802] whose son [1121] he had restored to life, [2421] cried [6817] to the king [4428] for her house [1004] and for her land. [7704] And Gehazi [1522] said, [0559] My lord, [0113] O king, [4428] this [is] the woman, [0802] and this [is] her son, [1121] whom Elisha [0477] restored to life. [2421]


 Alors le roi interrogea la femme, et elle lui raconta le fait. Et le roi lui donna un officier, auquel il dit: Fais-lui rendre tout ce qui lui appartient, même tous les revenus de ses champs, depuis le jour où elle a quitté le pays jusqu'à maintenant.

 And when the king [4428] asked [7592] the woman, [0802] she told [5608] him. So the king [4428] appointed [5414] unto her a certain [0259] officer, [5631] saying, [0559] Restore [7725] all that [was] hers, and all the fruits [8393] of the field [7704] since the day [3117] that she left [5800] the land, [0776] even until now.


 Or Élisée alla à Damas; et Ben-Hadad, roi de Syrie, était alors malade, et on lui fit ce rapport: L'homme de Dieu est venu jusqu'ici.

 And Elisha [0477] came [0935] to Damascus; [1834] and Benhadad [1130] the king [4428] of Syria [0758] was sick; [2470] and it was told [5046] him, saying, [0559] The man [0376] of God [0430] is come [0935] hither. [2008]


 Et le roi dit à Hazaël: Prends en ta main un présent, et t'en va au-devant de l'homme de Dieu, et par son moyen, consulte YEHOVAH, en disant: Relèverai-je de cette maladie?

 And the king [4428] said [0559] unto Hazael, [2371] Take [3947] a present [4503] in thine hand, [3027] and go, [3212] meet [7125] the man [0376] of God, [0430] and enquire [1875] of the LORD [3068] by him, saying, [0559] Shall I recover [2421] of this disease? [2483]


 Hazaël s'en alla donc au-devant de lui, ayant pris avec lui un présent, tout ce qu'il y avait de mieux à Damas, la charge de quarante chameaux. Il vint donc se présenter devant Élisée, et lui dit: Ton fils Ben-Hadad, roi de Syrie, m'a envoyé vers toi, pour te dire: Relèverai-je de cette maladie?

 So Hazael [2371] went [3212] to meet [7125] him, and took [3947] a present [4503] with him, [3027] even of every good thing [2898] of Damascus, [1834] forty [0705] camels' [1581] burden, [4853] and came [0935] and stood [5975] before [6440] him, and said, [0559] Thy son [1121] Benhadad [1130] king [4428] of Syria [0758] hath sent [7971] me to thee, saying, [0559] Shall I recover [2421] of this disease? [2483]


 Élisée lui répondit: Va, dis-lui: Certainement, tu en relèveras! Mais, moi, YEHOVAH m'a montré qu'il mourra certainement.

 And Elisha [0477] said [0559] unto him, Go, [3212] say [0559] unto him, Thou mayest certainly [2421] recover: [2421] howbeit the LORD [3068] hath shewed [7200] me that he shall surely [4191] die. [4191]


 Puis l'homme de Dieu arrêta sur lui son regard très longtemps, et pleura.

 And he settled [5975] his countenance [6440] stedfastly, [7760] until he was ashamed: [0954] and the man [0376] of God [0430] wept. [1058]


 Alors Hazaël dit: Pourquoi mon seigneur pleure-t-il? Et Élisée répondit: Parce que je sais combien tu feras de mal aux enfants d'Israël. Tu mettras le feu à leurs villes fortes, tu tueras avec l'épée leurs jeunes gens, tu écraseras leurs petits enfants, et tu éventreras leurs femmes enceintes.

 And Hazael [2371] said, [0559] Why weepeth [1058] my lord? [0113] And he answered, [0559] Because I know [3045] the evil [7451] that thou wilt do [6213] unto the children [1121] of Israel: [3478] their strong holds [4013] wilt thou set [7971] on fire, [0784] and their young men [0970] wilt thou slay [2026] with the sword, [2719] and wilt dash [7376] their children, [5768] and rip up [1234] their women with child. [2030]


 Hazaël répliqua: Mais qui est ton serviteur, qui n'est qu'un chien, pour faire de si grandes choses? Élisée répondit: YEHOVAH m'a montré que tu seras roi de Syrie.

 And Hazael [2371] said, [0559] But what, [is] thy servant [5650] a dog, [3611] that he should do [6213] this great [1419] thing? [1697] And Elisha [0477] answered, [0559] The LORD [3068] hath shewed [7200] me that thou [shalt be] king [4428] over Syria. [0758]


 Alors Hazaël quitta Élisée et vint vers son maître qui lui dit: Que t'a dit Élisée? Il répondit: Il m'a dit: Certainement tu guériras!

 So he departed [3212] from Elisha, [0477] and came [0935] to his master; [0113] who said [0559] to him, What said [0559] Elisha [0477] to thee? And he answered, [0559] He told [0559] me [that] thou shouldest surely [2421] recover. [2421]


 Mais, le lendemain, il prit une couverture, et, la plongeant dans l'eau, il l'étendit sur le visage de Ben-Hadad, qui en mourut. Et Hazaël régna à sa place.

 And it came to pass on the morrow, [4283] that he took [3947] a thick cloth, [4346] and dipped [2881] [it] in water, [4325] and spread [6566] [it] on his face, [6440] so that he died: [4191] and Hazael [2371] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 La cinquième année de Joram, fils d'Achab, roi d'Israël (Josaphat étant encore roi de Juda), Joram, fils de Josaphat, roi de Juda, commença à régner sur Juda.

 And in the fifth [2568] year [8141] of Joram [3141] the son [1121] of Ahab [0256] king [4428] of Israel, [3478] Jehoshaphat [3092] [being] then king [4428] of Judah, [3063] Jehoram [3088] the son [1121] of Jehoshaphat [3092] king [4428] of Judah [3063] began to reign. [4427]


 Il était âgé de trente-deux ans quand il commença à régner, et il régna huit ans à Jérusalem.

 Thirty [7970] and two [8147] years [8141] old [1121] was he when he began to reign; [4427] and he reigned [4427] eight [8083] years [8141] in Jerusalem. [3389]


 Il suivit la voie des rois d'Israël, comme avait fait la maison d'Achab; car la fille d'Achab était sa femme. Il fit donc ce qui est mauvais aux yeux de YEHOVAH.

 And he walked [3212] in the way [1870] of the kings [4428] of Israel, [3478] as did [6213] the house [1004] of Ahab: [0256] for the daughter [1323] of Ahab [0256] was his wife: [0802] and he did [6213] evil [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD. [3068]


 Toutefois YEHOVAH ne voulut point détruire Juda, pour l'amour de David, son serviteur; car il lui avait dit qu'il lui donnerait une lampe parmi ses fils à toujours.

 Yet the LORD [3068] would [0014] not destroy [7843] Judah [3063] for David [1732] his servant's [5650] sake, as he promised [0559] him to give [5414] him alway [3605] [3117] a light, [5216] [and] to his children. [1121]


 De son temps, les Iduméens se révoltèrent contre Juda et établirent un roi sur eux.

 In his days [3117] Edom [0123] revolted [6586] from under the hand [3027] of Judah, [3063] and made [4427] a king [4428] over themselves.


 Et Joram passa à Tsaïr avec tous ses chars; et, se levant de nuit, il battit les Iduméens qui l'entouraient et les chefs des chars; mais le peuple s'enfuit dans ses tentes.

 So Joram [3141] went over [5674] to Zair, [6811] and all the chariots [7393] with him: and he rose [6965] by night, [3915] and smote [5221] the Edomites [0123] which compassed [5437] him about, and the captains [8269] of the chariots: [7393] and the people [5971] fled [5127] into their tents. [0168]


 Néanmoins les Iduméens ont été rebelles à Juda jusqu'à ce jour. En ce même temps, Libna aussi se révolta.

 Yet Edom [0123] revolted [6586] from under the hand [3027] of Judah [3063] unto this day. [3117] Then Libnah [3841] revolted [6586] at the same [1931] time. [6256]


 Le reste des actions de Joram, et tout ce qu'il a fait, n'est-il pas écrit au livre des Chroniques des rois de Juda?

 And the rest [3499] of the acts [1697] of Joram, [3141] and all that he did, [6213] [are] they not written [3789] in the book [5612] of the chronicles [1697] [3117] of the kings [4428] of Judah? [3063]


 Et Joram s'endormit avec ses pères, avec lesquels il fut enseveli dans la cité de David; et Achazia, son fils, régna à sa place.

 And Joram [3141] slept [7901] with his fathers, [0001] and was buried [6912] with his fathers [0001] in the city [5892] of David: [1732] and Ahaziah [0274] his son [1121] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 La douzième année de Joram, fils d'Achab, roi d'Israël, Achazia, fils de Joram, roi de Juda, commença à régner.

 In the [8141] twelfth [8147] [6240] year [8141] of Joram [3141] the son [1121] of Ahab [0256] king [4428] of Israel [3478] did Ahaziah [0274] the son [1121] of Jehoram [3088] king [4428] of Judah [3063] begin to reign. [4427]


 Achazia était âgé de vingt-deux ans quand il commença à régner, et il régna un an à Jérusalem. Sa mère s'appelait Athalie, et était petite fille d'Omri, roi d'Israël.

 Two [8147] and twenty [6242] years [8141] old [1121] [was] Ahaziah [0274] when he began to reign; [4427] and he reigned [4427] one [0259] year [8141] in Jerusalem. [3389] And his mother's [0517] name [8034] [was] Athaliah, [6271] the daughter [1323] of Omri [6018] king [4428] of Israel. [3478]


 Il suivit la voie de la maison d'Achab et fit ce qui est mauvais aux yeux de YEHOVAH, comme la maison d'Achab; car il s'était allié à la maison d'Achab.

 And he walked [3212] in the way [1870] of the house [1004] of Ahab, [0256] and did [6213] evil [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD, [3068] as [did] the house [1004] of Ahab: [0256] for he [was] the son in law [2860] of the house [1004] of Ahab. [0256]


 Et il s'en alla avec Joram, fils d'Achab, à la guerre contre Hazaël, roi de Syrie, à Ramoth de Galaad; et les Syriens battirent Joram.

 And he went [3212] with Joram [3141] the son [1121] of Ahab [0256] to the war [4421] against Hazael [2371] king [4428] of Syria [0758] in Ramothgilead; [7433] [1568] and the Syrians [0761] wounded [5221] Joram. [3141]


 Et le roi Joram s'en retourna, pour se faire guérir à Jizréel des blessures que les Syriens lui avaient faites à Rama, quand il combattait contre Hazaël, roi de Syrie. Et Achazia, fils de Joram, roi de Juda, descendit pour voir Joram, fils d'Achab, à Jizréel, parce qu'il était malade.

 And king [4428] Joram [3141] went back [7725] to be healed [7495] in Jezreel [3157] of the wounds [4347] which the Syrians [0761] had given [5221] him at Ramah, [7414] when he fought [3898] against Hazael [2371] king [4428] of Syria. [0758] And Ahaziah [0274] the son [1121] of Jehoram [3088] king [4428] of Judah [3063] went down [3381] to see [7200] Joram [3141] the son [1121] of Ahab [0256] in Jezreel, [3157] because he was sick. [2470]


 Alors Élisée, le prophète, appela un des fils des prophètes et lui dit: Ceins tes reins, prends en ta main cette fiole d'huile, et va-t'en à Ramoth de Galaad.

 And Elisha [0477] the prophet [5030] called [7121] one [0259] of the children [1121] of the prophets, [5030] and said [0559] unto him, Gird up [2296] thy loins, [4975] and take [3947] this box [6378] of oil [8081] in thine hand, [3027] and go [3212] to Ramothgilead: [7433] [1568]


 Quand tu y seras arrivé, regarde où sera Jéhu, fils de Josaphat, fils de Nimshi; puis entre et, l'ayant fait lever d'avec ses frères, tu le feras entrer dans quelque chambre secrète.

 And when thou comest [0935] thither, look out [7200] there Jehu [3058] the son [1121] of Jehoshaphat [3092] the son [1121] of Nimshi, [5250] and go in, [0935] and make him arise up [6965] from among [8432] his brethren, [0251] and carry [0935] him to an inner [2315] chamber; [2315]


 Tu prendras alors la fiole d'huile, tu la verseras sur sa tête et tu diras: Ainsi a dit YEHOVAH: Je t'ai oint roi sur Israël! Puis, tu ouvriras la porte, et tu t'enfuiras sans attendre.

 Then take [3947] the box [6378] of oil, [8081] and pour [3332] [it] on his head, [7218] and say, [0559] Thus saith [0559] the LORD, [3068] I have anointed [4886] thee king [4428] over Israel. [3478] Then open [6605] the door, [1817] and flee, [5127] and tarry [2442] not.


 Ainsi le jeune homme, le serviteur du prophète, s'en alla à Ramoth de Galaad.

 So the young man, [5288] [even] the young man [5288] the prophet, [5030] went [3212] to Ramothgilead. [7433] [1568]


 Quand il arriva, voici, les capitaines de l'armée étaient assis; et il dit: J'ai à te parler, capitaine. Et Jéhu dit: À qui de nous tous? À toi, capitaine.

 And when he came, [0935] behold, the captains [8269] of the host [2428] [were] sitting; [3427] and he said, [0559] I have an errand [1697] to thee, O captain. [8269] And Jehu [3058] said, [0559] Unto which of all us? And he said, [0559] To thee, O captain. [8269]


 Alors Jéhu se leva et entra dans la maison. Et le jeune homme lui versa l'huile sur la tête, et lui dit: Ainsi a dit YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël: Je t'ai oint roi sur le peuple de YEHOVAH, sur Israël!

 And he arose, [6965] and went [0935] into the house; [1004] and he poured [3332] the oil [8081] on his head, [7218] and said [0559] unto him, Thus saith [0559] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] I have anointed [4886] thee king [4428] over the people [5971] of the LORD, [3068] [even] over Israel. [3478]


 Tu frapperas la maison d'Achab, ton seigneur; et je vengerai sur Jésabel le sang de mes serviteurs les prophètes, et le sang de tous les serviteurs de YEHOVAH.

 And thou shalt smite [5221] the house [1004] of Ahab [0256] thy master, [0113] that I may avenge [5358] the blood [1818] of my servants [5650] the prophets, [5030] and the blood [1818] of all the servants [5650] of the LORD, [3068] at the hand [3027] of Jezebel. [0348]


 Et toute la maison d'Achab périra; et je retrancherai à Achab jusqu'à un seul homme, tant ce qui est serré que ce qui est abandonné en Israël;

 For the whole house [1004] of Ahab [0256] shall perish: [0006] and I will cut off [3772] from Ahab [0256] him that pisseth [8366] against the wall, [7023] and him that is shut up [6113] and left [5800] in Israel: [3478]


 Et je mettrai la maison d'Achab dans le même état que la maison de Jéroboam, fils de Nébat, et que la maison de Baesha, fils d'Achija.

 And I will make [5414] the house [1004] of Ahab [0256] like the house [1004] of Jeroboam [3379] the son [1121] of Nebat, [5028] and like the house [1004] of Baasha [1201] the son [1121] of Ahijah: [0281]


 Les chiens mangeront aussi Jésabel dans le champ de Jizréel, et il n'y aura personne qui l'ensevelisse. Puis le jeune homme ouvrit la porte, et s'enfuit.

 And the dogs [3611] shall eat [0398] Jezebel [0348] in the portion [2506] of Jezreel, [3157] and [there shall be] none to bury [6912] [her]. And he opened [6605] the door, [1817] and fled. [5127]


 Alors Jéhu sortit vers les serviteurs de son seigneur. Et on lui dit: Tout va-t-il bien? Pourquoi cet insensé est-il venu vers toi? Il leur répondit: Vous connaissez l'homme et ses discours.

 Then Jehu [3058] came forth [3318] to the servants [5650] of his lord: [0113] and [one] said [0559] unto him, [Is] all well? [7965] wherefore came [0935] this mad [7696] [fellow] to thee? And he said [0559] unto them, Ye know [3045] the man, [0376] and his communication. [7879]


 Mais ils dirent: C'est faux! Déclare-nous-le donc! Et il dit: Il m'a parlé de telle et telle sorte, disant: Ainsi a dit YEHOVAH: Je t'ai oint roi sur Israël.

 And they said, [0559] [It is] false; [8267] tell [5046] us now. And he said, [0559] Thus and thus spake [0559] he to me, saying, [0559] Thus saith [0559] the LORD, [3068] I have anointed [4886] thee king [4428] over Israel. [3478]


 Alors ils prirent à la hâte chacun leurs vêtements, les mirent sous lui, au plus haut des degrés, sonnèrent de la trompette, et dirent: Jéhu est roi!

 Then they hasted, [4116] and took [3947] every man [0376] his garment, [0899] and put [7760] [it] under him on the top [1634] of the stairs, [4609] and blew [8628] with trumpets, [7782] saying, [0559] Jehu [3058] is king. [4427]


 Ainsi Jéhu, fils de Josaphat, fils de Nimshi, fit une conjuration contre Joram. Or, Joram gardait Ramoth de Galaad, lui et tout Israël, contre Hazaël, roi de Syrie.

 So Jehu [3058] the son [1121] of Jehoshaphat [3092] the son [1121] of Nimshi [5250] conspired [7194] against Joram. [3141] (Now Joram [3141] had kept [8104] Ramothgilead, [7433] [1568] he and all Israel, [3478] because [6440] of Hazael [2371] king [4428] of Syria. [0758]


 Et le roi Joram était revenu se faire guérir à Jizréel des blessures que les Syriens lui avaient faites, quand il combattait contre Hazaël, roi de Syrie. Et Jéhu dit: Si vous le trouvez bon, que personne ne sorte ni n'échappe de la ville pour aller en porter avis à Jizréel.

 But king [4428] Joram [3088] was returned [7725] to be healed [7495] in Jezreel [3157] of the wounds [4347] which the Syrians [0761] had given [5221] him, when he fought [3898] with Hazael [2371] king [4428] of Syria.) [0758] And Jehu [3058] said, [0559] If it be [3426] your minds, [5315] [then] let none [0408] go forth [3318] [nor] escape [6412] out of the city [5892] to go [3212] to tell [5046] [it] in Jezreel. [3157]


 Alors Jéhu monta sur son char, et s'en alla à Jizréel, car Joram y était alité; et Achazia, roi de Juda, y était descendu pour visiter Joram.

 So Jehu [3058] rode [7392] in a chariot, and went [3212] to Jezreel; [3157] for Joram [3141] lay [7901] there. And Ahaziah [0274] king [4428] of Judah [3063] was come down [3381] to see [7200] Joram. [3141]


 Or la sentinelle qui se tenait sur la tour, à Jizréel, vit venir la troupe de Jéhu, et dit: Je vois une troupe de gens. Et Joram dit: Prends un cavalier, et envoie-le au-devant d'eux, et qu'il dise: Y a-t-il paix?

 And there stood [5975] a watchman [6822] on the tower [4026] in Jezreel, [3157] and he spied [7200] the company [8229] of Jehu [3058] as he came, [0935] and said, [0559] I see [7200] a company. [8229] And Joram [3088] said, [0559] Take [3947] an horseman, [7395] and send [7971] to meet [7125] them, and let him say, [0559] [Is it] peace? [7965]


 Et le cavalier s'en alla au-devant de lui, et dit: Ainsi dit le roi: Y a-t-il paix? Jéhu répliqua: Qu'as-tu à faire de paix? Passe derrière moi. Et la sentinelle le rapporta, et dit: Le messager est allé jusqu'à eux, et il ne revient point.

 So there went [3212] one on horseback [7392] [5483] to meet [7125] him, and said, [0559] Thus saith [0559] the king, [4428] [Is it] peace? [7965] And Jehu [3058] said, [0559] What hast thou to do with peace? [7965] turn [5437] thee behind [0310] me. And the watchman [6822] told, [5046] saying, [0559] The messenger [4397] came [0935] to them, but he cometh not again. [7725]


 Et on envoya un second cavalier, qui vint à eux et dit: Ainsi dit le roi: Y a-t-il paix? Jéhu répliqua: Qu'as-tu à faire de paix? Passe derrière moi.

 Then he sent [7971] out a second [8145] on horseback, [7392] [5483] which came [0935] to them, and said, [0559] Thus saith [0559] the king, [4428] [Is it] peace? [7965] And Jehu [3058] answered, [0559] What hast thou to do with peace? [7965] turn [5437] thee behind [0310] me.


 La sentinelle le rapporta encore, et dit: Il est allé jusqu'à eux, et il ne revient point; mais la manière de conduire a l'air de celle de Jéhu, fils de Nimshi; car il mène avec furie.

 And the watchman [6822] told, [5046] saying, [0559] He came [0935] even unto them, and cometh not again: [7725] and the driving [4491] [is] like the driving [4491] of Jehu [3058] the son [1121] of Nimshi; [5250] for he driveth [5090] furiously. [7697]


 Alors Joram dit: Attelle! Et on attela son char. Ainsi Joram, roi d'Israël, sortit avec Achazia, roi de Juda, chacun dans son char, et ils s'avancèrent à la rencontre de Jéhu, et le rencontrèrent dans le champ de Naboth, le Jizréélite.

 And Joram [3088] said, [0559] Make ready. [0631] And his chariot [7393] was made ready. [0631] And Joram [3088] king [4428] of Israel [3478] and Ahaziah [0274] king [4428] of Judah [3063] went out, [3318] each [0376] in his chariot, [7393] and they went out [3318] against [7125] Jehu, [3058] and met [4672] him in the portion [2513] of Naboth [5022] the Jezreelite. [3158]


 Et dès que Joram eut vu Jéhu, il dit: Y a-t-il paix, Jéhu? Mais Jéhu répondit: Quelle paix, tandis que les prostitutions de Jésabel, ta mère, et ses enchantements sont en si grand nombre?

 And it came to pass, when Joram [3088] saw [7200] Jehu, [3058] that he said, [0559] [Is it] peace, [7965] Jehu? [3058] And he answered, [0559] What peace, [7965] so long as [5704] the whoredoms [2183] of thy mother [0517] Jezebel [0348] and her witchcrafts [3785] [are so] many? [7227]


 Alors Joram tourna bride et s'enfuit, en disant à Achazia: Trahison, Achazia!

 And Joram [3088] turned [2015] his hands, [3027] and fled, [5127] and said [0559] to Ahaziah, [0274] [There is] treachery, [4820] O Ahaziah. [0274]


 Mais Jéhu saisit l'arc à pleine main, et frappa Joram entre les épaules, de sorte que la flèche lui traversa le cœur, et qu'il s'affaissa sur ses genoux dans son char.

 And Jehu [3058] drew a bow [7198] with his full [4390] [3027] strength, and smote [5221] Jehoram [3088] between his arms, [2220] and the arrow [2678] went out [3318] at his heart, [3820] and he sunk down [3766] in his chariot. [7393]


 Et Jéhu dit à Bidkar, son officier: Prends-le, et le jette dans le champ de Naboth, le Jizréélite. Car souviens-toi que, lorsque nous étions à cheval, moi et toi, l'un auprès de l'autre, à la suite d'Achab, son père, YEHOVAH prononça contre lui cet oracle:

 Then said [0559] [Jehu] to Bidkar [0920] his captain, [7991] Take up, [5375] [and] cast [7993] him in the portion [2513] of the field [7704] of Naboth [5022] the Jezreelite: [3158] for remember [2142] how that, when I and thou rode [7392] together [6776] after [0310] Ahab [0256] his father, [0001] the LORD [3068] laid [5375] this burden [4853] upon him;


 Aussi vrai que je vis hier le sang de Naboth et le sang de ses fils, dit YEHOVAH, aussi vrai je te le rendrai dans ce champ, dit YEHOVAH. C'est pourquoi, maintenant prends-le et le jette dans ce champ, selon la Parole de YEHOVAH.

 Surely I have seen [7200] yesterday [0570] the blood [1818] of Naboth, [5022] and the blood [1818] of his sons, [1121] saith [5002] the LORD; [3068] and I will requite [7999] thee in this plat, [2513] saith [5002] the LORD. [3068] Now therefore take [5375] [and] cast [7993] him into the plat [2513] [of ground], according to the word [1697] of the LORD. [3068]


 Et Achazia, roi de Juda, ayant vu cela, s'enfuit vers le pavillon du jardin; mais Jéhu le poursuivit, et dit: Frappez-le aussi sur son char! Ce fut à la montée de Gur, près de Jibléam. Puis Achazia s'enfuit à Méguiddo, et y mourut.

 But when Ahaziah [0274] the king [4428] of Judah [3063] saw [7200] [this], he fled [5127] by the way [1870] of the garden [1588] house. [1004] And Jehu [3058] followed [7291] after [0310] him, and said, [0559] Smite [5221] him also in the chariot. [4818] [And they did so] at the going up [4608] to Gur, [1483] which [is] by Ibleam. [2991] And he fled [5127] to Megiddo, [4023] and died [4191] there.


 Et ses serviteurs le transportèrent sur un char à Jérusalem et l'ensevelirent dans son tombeau avec ses pères, dans la cité de David.

 And his servants [5650] carried [7392] him in a chariot to Jerusalem, [3389] and buried [6912] him in his sepulchre [6900] with his fathers [0001] in the city [5892] of David. [1732]


 Or Achazia avait commencé à régner sur Juda la onzième année de Joram, fils d'Achab.

 And in the [8141] eleventh [0259] [6240] year [8141] of Joram [3141] the son [1121] of Ahab [0256] began Ahaziah [0274] to reign [4427] over Judah. [3063]


 Puis Jéhu vint à Jizréel. Et Jésabel, l'ayant appris, farda ses yeux, orna sa tête, et se mit à la fenêtre.

 And when Jehu [3058] was come [0935] to Jezreel, [3157] Jezebel [0348] heard [8085] [of it]; and she painted [7760] [6320] her face, [5869] and tired [3190] her head, [7218] and looked out [8259] at a window. [2474]


 Et comme Jéhu passait la porte, elle dit: En a-t-il bien pris à Zimri qui assassina son maître?

 And as Jehu [3058] entered in [0935] at the gate, [8179] she said, [0559] [Had] Zimri [2174] peace, [7965] who slew [2026] his master? [0113]


 Aussitôt il leva la tête vers la fenêtre et dit: Qui est pour moi? qui? Et deux ou trois eunuques se penchèrent vers lui.

 And he lifted up [5375] his face [6440] to the window, [2474] and said, [0559] Who [is] on my side? who? And there looked out [8259] to him two [8147] [or] three [7969] eunuchs. [5631]


 Et il leur dit: Jetez-la en bas! Et ils la jetèrent, de sorte qu'il rejaillit de son sang contre la muraille et contre les chevaux; et il la foula aux pieds.

 And he said, [0559] Throw her down. [8058] So they threw her down: [8058] and [some] of her blood [1818] was sprinkled [5137] on the wall, [7023] and on the horses: [5483] and he trode [7429] her under foot.


 Et, étant entré, il mangea et but. Puis il dit: Allez voir maintenant cette maudite, et ensevelissez-la; car elle est fille de roi.

 And when he was come in, [0935] he did eat [0398] and drink, [8354] and said, [0559] Go, [6485] see now this cursed [0779] [woman], and bury [6912] her: for she [is] a king's [4428] daughter. [1323]


 Ils y allèrent donc pour l'ensevelir; mais ils ne trouvèrent d'elle que le crâne, les pieds et les paumes des mains.

 And they went [3212] to bury [6912] her: but they found [4672] no more of her than [0518] the skull, [1538] and the feet, [7272] and the palms [3709] of [her] hands. [3027]


 Et, étant retournés, ils le lui rapportèrent. Alors il dit: C'est la Parole que YEHOVAH a prononcée par son serviteur Élie, le Thishbite, en disant: Dans le champ de Jizréel les chiens mangeront la chair de Jésabel;

 Wherefore they came again, [7725] and told [5046] him. And he said, [0559] This [is] the word [1697] of the LORD, [3068] which he spake [1696] by [3027] his servant [5650] Elijah [0452] the Tishbite, [8664] saying, [0559] In the portion [2506] of Jezreel [3157] shall dogs [3611] eat [0398] the flesh [1320] of Jezebel: [0348]


 Et le cadavre de Jésabel sera, dans le champ de Jizréel, comme du fumier sur la campagne, de sorte qu'on ne pourra point dire: C'est ici Jésabel.

 And the carcase [5038] of Jezebel [0348] shall be as dung [1828] upon the face [6440] of the field [7704] in the portion [2506] of Jezreel; [3157] [so] that they shall not say, [0559] This [is] Jezebel. [0348]


 Or il y avait à Samarie soixante-dix fils d'Achab. Et Jéhu écrivit des lettres et les envoya à Samarie, aux principaux chefs de Jizréel, aux anciens, et aux gouverneurs des enfants d'Achab, pour leur dire:

 And Ahab [0256] had seventy [7657] sons [1121] in Samaria. [8111] And Jehu [3058] wrote [3789] letters, [5612] and sent [7971] to Samaria, [8111] unto the rulers [8269] of Jezreel, [3157] to the elders, [2205] and to them that brought up [0539] Ahab's [0256] [children], saying, [0559]


 Maintenant, dès que cette lettre vous sera parvenue, à vous qui avez avec vous les fils de votre maître, les chars, les chevaux, une ville forte, et les armes,

 Now as soon as this letter [5612] cometh [0935] to you, seeing your master's [0113] sons [1121] [are] with you, and [there are] with you chariots [7393] and horses, [5483] a fenced [4013] city [5892] also, and armour; [5402]


 Voyez quel est parmi les fils de votre maître celui qui vous plaît et vous convient le mieux, mettez-le sur le trône de son père et combattez pour la maison de votre seigneur.

 Look [7200] even out the best [2896] and meetest [3477] of your master's [0113] sons, [1121] and set [7760] [him] on his father's [0001] throne, [3678] and fight [3898] for your master's [0113] house. [1004]


 Alors ils eurent une fort grande peur, et dirent: Voici, deux rois n'ont pu tenir devant lui; et nous, comment tiendrions-nous?

 But they were exceedingly [3966] [3966] afraid, [3372] and said, [0559] Behold, two [8147] kings [4428] stood [5975] not before [6440] him: how then shall we stand? [5975]


 Les préfets du palais et de la ville, et les anciens, et les gouverneurs des enfants envoyèrent donc dire à Jéhu: Nous sommes tes serviteurs. Nous ferons tout ce que tu nous diras. Nous ne ferons personne roi. Fais ce qu'il te semblera bon.

 And he that [was] over the house, [1004] and he that [was] over the city, [5892] the elders [2205] also, and the bringers up [0539] [of the children], sent [7971] to Jehu, [3058] saying, [0559] We [are] thy servants, [5650] and will do [6213] all that thou shalt bid [0559] us; we will not make any [0376] king: [4427] do [6213] thou [that which is] good [2896] in thine eyes. [5869]


 Il leur écrivit une seconde lettre, en ces termes: Si vous êtes pour moi, et si vous obéissez à ma voix, prenez les têtes des fils de votre maître, et venez vers moi, demain à cette heure, à Jizréel. Or les fils du roi, au nombre de soixante-dix, étaient chez les grands de la ville qui les élevaient.

 Then he wrote [3789] a letter [5612] the second time [8145] to them, saying, [0559] If ye [be] mine, and [if] ye will hearken [8085] unto my voice, [6963] take [3947] ye the heads [7218] of the men [0582] your master's [0113] sons, [1121] and come [0935] to me to Jezreel [3157] by to morrow [4279] this time. [6256] Now the king's [4428] sons, [1121] [being] seventy [7657] persons, [0376] [were] with the great men [1419] of the city, [5892] which brought them up. [1431]


 Aussitôt donc que la lettre leur fut parvenue, ils prirent les fils du roi et égorgèrent ces soixante-dix hommes; et, ayant mis leurs têtes dans des paniers, ils les lui envoyèrent à Jizréel.

 And it came to pass, when the letter [5612] came [0935] to them, that they took [3947] the king's [4428] sons, [1121] and slew [7819] seventy [7657] persons, [0376] and put [7760] their heads [7218] in baskets, [1731] and sent [7971] him [them] to Jezreel. [3157]


 Et le messager vint le lui annoncer, en disant: On a apporté les têtes des fils du roi. Jéhu dit: Mettez-les en deux monceaux à l'entrée de la porte, jusqu'au matin.

 And there came [0935] a messenger, [4397] and told [5046] him, saying, [0559] They have brought [0935] the heads [7218] of the king's [4428] sons. [1121] And he said, [0559] Lay [7760] ye them in two [8147] heaps [6652] at the entering in [6607] of the gate [8179] until the morning. [1242]


 Et le matin il sortit; et, se présentant, il dit à tout le peuple: Vous êtes justes! Voici, j'ai conspiré contre mon maître, et je l'ai tué; mais qui a frappé tous ceux-ci?

 And it came to pass in the morning, [1242] that he went out, [3318] and stood, [5975] and said [0559] to all the people, [5971] Ye [be] righteous: [6662] behold, I conspired [7194] against my master, [0113] and slew [2026] him: but who slew [5221] all these?


 Sachez maintenant qu'il ne tombera rien à terre de la Parole de YEHOVAH, que YEHOVAH a prononcée contre la maison d'Achab, et que YEHOVAH a fait ce qu'il avait dit par son serviteur Élie.

 Know [3045] now [0645] that there shall fall [5307] unto the earth [0776] nothing of the word [1697] of the LORD, [3068] which the LORD [3068] spake [1696] concerning the house [1004] of Ahab: [0256] for the LORD [3068] hath done [6213] [that] which he spake [1696] by [3027] his servant [5650] Elijah. [0452]


 Jéhu fit aussi mourir tous ceux qui restaient de la maison d'Achab à Jizréel, tous ses grands, ses familiers et ses principaux officiers, jusqu'à ne lui laisser personne de reste.

 So Jehu [3058] slew [5221] all that remained [7604] of the house [1004] of Ahab [0256] in Jezreel, [3157] and all his great men, [1419] and his kinsfolks, [3045] and his priests, [3548] until he left [7604] him none remaining. [8300]


 Puis il se leva et prit le chemin de Samarie. Et, comme il était près d'une maison de bergers, sur le chemin,

 And he arose [6965] and departed, [0935] and came [3212] to Samaria. [8111] [And] as he [was] at the shearing [7462] house [1004] [1044] in the way, [1870]


 Jéhu rencontra les frères d'Achazia, roi de Juda, et leur dit: Qui êtes-vous? Ils répondirent: Nous sommes les frères d'Achazia. Nous descendons pour saluer les fils du roi et les fils de la reine.

 Jehu [3058] met [4672] with the brethren [0251] of Ahaziah [0274] king [4428] of Judah, [3063] and said, [0559] Who [are] ye? And they answered, [0559] We [are] the brethren [0251] of Ahaziah; [0274] and we go down [3381] to salute [7965] the children [1121] of the king [4428] and the children [1121] of the queen. [1377]


 Alors il dit: Saisissez-les vifs! Ainsi on les saisit vifs, et on les égorgea, au nombre de quarante-deux, à la citerne de la maison des bergers; et on n'en laissa pas subsister un seul.

 And he said, [0559] Take [8610] them alive. [2416] And they took [8610] them alive, [2416] and slew [7819] them at the pit [0953] of the shearing house, [1004] [1044] [even] two [8147] and forty [0705] men; [0376] neither left [7604] he any [0376] of them.


 Étant parti de là, il rencontra Jonadab, fils de Récab, qui venait au-devant de lui; et il le salua, et lui dit: Ton cœur est-il aussi droit envers moi, que mon cœur l'est à ton égard? Et Jonadab répondit: Il l'est. S'il l'est, dit Jéhu, donne-moi la main. Et Jonadab lui donna la main. Et Jéhu le fit monter auprès de lui dans le char.

 And when he was departed [3212] thence, he lighted on [4672] Jehonadab [3082] the son [1121] of Rechab [7394] [coming] to meet [7125] him: and he saluted [1288] him, and said [0559] to him, Is [3426] thine heart [3824] right, [3477] as my heart [3824] [is] with thy heart? [3824] And Jehonadab [3082] answered, [0559] It is. [3426] If it be, [3426] give [5414] [me] thine hand. [3027] And he gave [5414] [him] his hand; [3027] and he took him up [5927] to him into the chariot.


 Puis il dit: Viens avec moi, et tu verras le zèle que j'ai pour YEHOVAH. Ainsi ils l'emmenèrent dans son char.

 And he said, [0559] Come [3212] with me, and see [7200] my zeal [7068] for the LORD. [3068] So they made him ride [7392] in his chariot. [7393]


 Et, étant entré à Samarie, il frappa tous ceux qui restaient d'Achab à Samarie, jusqu'à ce qu'il les eût exterminés selon la Parole que YEHOVAH avait dite à Élie.

 And when he came [0935] to Samaria, [8111] he slew [5221] all that remained [7604] unto Ahab [0256] in Samaria, [8111] till he had destroyed [8045] him, according to the saying [1697] of the LORD, [3068] which he spake [1696] to Elijah. [0452]


 Puis Jéhu assembla tout le peuple, et lui dit: Achab n'a servi Baal que peu; mais Jéhu le servira beaucoup.

 And Jehu [3058] gathered all the people [5971] together, [6908] and said [0559] unto them, Ahab [0256] served [5647] Baal [1168] a little; [4592] [but] Jehu [3058] shall serve [5647] him much. [7235]


 Et maintenant, convoquez vers moi tous les prophètes de Baal, tous ses serviteurs et tous ses prêtres; qu'il n'en manque pas un; car j'ai à offrir un grand sacrifice à Baal. Quiconque y manquera ne vivra point. Or Jéhu agissait par finesse, pour faire périr ceux qui servaient Baal.

 Now therefore call [7121] unto me all the prophets [5030] of Baal, [1168] all his servants, [5647] and all his priests; [3548] let none [0376] be wanting: [6485] for I have a great [1419] sacrifice [2077] [to do] to Baal; [1168] whosoever shall be wanting, [6485] he shall not live. [2421] But Jehu [3058] did [6213] [it] in subtilty, [6122] to the intent that he might destroy [0006] the worshippers [5647] of Baal. [1168]


 Et Jéhu dit: Célébrez une fête solennelle à Baal! Et on la publia.

 And Jehu [3058] said, [0559] Proclaim [6942] a solemn assembly [6116] for Baal. [1168] And they proclaimed [7121] [it].


 Puis Jéhu envoya par tout Israël, et tous les serviteurs de Baal vinrent; il n'y en eut pas un qui n'y vînt. Ils entrèrent dans la maison de Baal, et la maison de Baal fut remplie d'un bout à l'autre.

 And Jehu [3058] sent [7971] through all Israel: [3478] and all the worshippers [5647] of Baal [1168] came, [0935] so that there was not a man [0376] left [7604] that came [0935] not. And they came [0935] into the house [1004] of Baal; [1168] and the house [1004] of Baal [1168] was full [4390] from one end [6310] to another. [6310]


 Alors il dit à celui qui avait la charge du vestiaire: Sors des costumes pour tous les serviteurs de Baal. Et il sortit des costumes pour eux.

 And he said [0559] unto him that [was] over the vestry, [4458] Bring forth [3318] vestments [3830] for all the worshippers [5647] of Baal. [1168] And he brought them forth [3318] vestments. [4403]


 Et Jéhu entra, avec Jonadab, fils de Récab, dans la maison de Baal, et il dit aux serviteurs de Baal: Cherchez et regardez, afin qu'il n'y ait ici aucun des serviteurs de YEHOVAH, mais les seuls serviteurs de Baal.

 And Jehu [3058] went, [0935] and Jehonadab [3082] the son [1121] of Rechab, [7394] into the house [1004] of Baal, [1168] and said [0559] unto the worshippers [5647] of Baal, [1168] Search, [2664] and look [7200] that there be [3426] here with you none of the servants [5650] of the LORD, [3068] but the worshippers [5647] of Baal [1168] only.


 Ils entrèrent donc pour offrir des sacrifices et des offrandes à brûler. Or Jéhu avait posté dehors quatre-vingts hommes, et leur avait dit: Celui qui laissera échapper un de ces hommes que je remets entre vos mains, paiera de sa vie la vie de l'autre.

 And when they went in [0935] to offer [6213] sacrifices [2077] and burnt offerings, [5930] Jehu [3058] appointed [7760] fourscore [8084] men [0376] without, [2351] and said, [0559] [If] any [0376] of the men [0582] whom I have brought [0935] into your hands [3027] escape, [4422] [he that letteth him go], his life [5315] [shall be] for the life [5315] of him.


 Et dès qu'il eut achevé de présenter l'offrande à brûler, Jéhu dit aux coureurs et aux capitaines: Entrez, frappez-les; que personne ne sorte! Ils les passèrent donc au fil de l'épée et les jetèrent là. Puis ils s'en allèrent jusqu'à la ville de la maison de Baal.

 And it came to pass, as soon as he had made an end [3615] of offering [6213] the burnt offering, [5930] that Jehu [3058] said [0559] to the guard [7323] and to the captains, [7991] Go in, [0935] [and] slay [5221] them; let none [0376] come forth. [3318] And they smote [5221] them with the edge [6310] of the sword; [2719] and the guard [7323] and the captains [7991] cast [them] out, [7993] and went [3212] to the city [5892] of the house [1004] of Baal. [1168]


 Ils tirèrent dehors les statues de la maison de Baal et les brûlèrent;

 And they brought forth [3318] the images [4676] out of the house [1004] of Baal, [1168] and burned [8313] them.


 Et ils démolirent la statue de Baal. Ils démolirent aussi la maison de Baal et en firent un cloaque qui subsiste jusqu'à ce jour.

 And they brake down [5422] the image [4676] of Baal, [1168] and brake down [5422] the house [1004] of Baal, [1168] and made [7760] it a draught house [4163] [4280] unto this day. [3117]


 Ainsi Jéhu extermina Baal du milieu d'Israël.

 Thus Jehu [3058] destroyed [8045] Baal [1168] out of Israel. [3478]


 Toutefois il ne se détourna point des péchés que Jéroboam, fils de Nébat, avait fait commettre à Israël, savoir, des veaux d'or de Béthel et de Dan.

 Howbeit [from] the sins [2399] of Jeroboam [3379] the son [1121] of Nebat, [5028] who made Israel [3478] to sin, [2398] Jehu [3058] departed [5493] not from after [0310] them, [to wit], the golden [2091] calves [5695] that [were] in Bethel, [1008] and that [were] in Dan. [1835]


 Et YEHOVAH dit à Jéhu: Parce que tu as fort bien exécuté ce qui était droit devant moi, et que tu as fait à la maison d'Achab tout ce que j'avais dans mon cœur, tes fils seront assis sur le trône d'Israël jusqu'à la quatrième génération.

 And the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto Jehu, [3058] Because thou hast done well [2895] in executing [6213] [that which is] right [3477] in mine eyes, [5869] [and] hast done [6213] unto the house [1004] of Ahab [0256] according to all that [was] in mine heart, [3824] thy children [1121] of the fourth [7243] [generation] shall sit [3427] on the throne [3678] of Israel. [3478]


 Mais Jéhu ne prit point garde à marcher de tout son cœur dans la loi de YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël. Il ne se détourna point des péchés par lesquels Jéroboam avait fait pécher Israël.

 But Jehu [3058] took no heed [8104] to walk [3212] in the law [8451] of the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel [3478] with all his heart: [3824] for he departed [5493] not from the sins [2403] of Jeroboam, [3379] which made Israel [3478] to sin. [2398]


 En ce temps-là, YEHOVAH commença à entamer Israël; car Hazaël battit les Israélites dans toutes leurs contrées,

 In those days [3117] the LORD [3068] began [2490] to cut Israel [3478] short: [7096] and Hazael [2371] smote [5221] them in all the coasts [1366] of Israel; [3478]


 Depuis le Jourdain jusqu'au soleil levant, tout le pays de Galaad, les Gadites, les Rubénites et les Manassites; depuis Aroër, sur le torrent d'Arnon, jusqu'à Galaad et Bassan.

 From Jordan [3383] eastward, [4217] [8121] all the land [0776] of Gilead, [1568] the Gadites, [1425] and the Reubenites, [7206] and the Manassites, [4520] from Aroer, [6177] which [is] by the river [5158] Arnon, [0769] even Gilead [1568] and Bashan. [1316]


 Le reste des actions de Jéhu, tout ce qu'il fit et tous ses exploits, n'est-il pas écrit au livre des Chroniques des rois d'Israël?

 Now the rest [3499] of the acts [1697] of Jehu, [3058] and all that he did, [6213] and all his might, [1369] [are] they not written [3789] in the book [5612] of the chronicles [1697] [3117] of the kings [4428] of Israel? [3478]


 Et Jéhu s'endormit avec ses pères, et fut enseveli à Samarie; et Joachaz, son fils, régna à sa place.

 And Jehu [3058] slept [7901] with his fathers: [0001] and they buried [6912] him in Samaria. [8111] And Jehoahaz [3059] his son [1121] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 Or le temps que Jéhu régna sur Israël à Samarie fut de vingt-huit ans.

 And the time [3117] that Jehu [3058] reigned [4427] over Israel [3478] in Samaria [8111] [was] twenty [6242] and eight [8083] years. [8141]


 Or Athalie, mère d'Achazia, voyant que son fils était mort, se leva et extermina toute la race royale.

 And when Athaliah [6271] the mother [0517] of Ahaziah [0274] saw [7200] that her son [1121] was dead, [4191] she arose [6965] and destroyed [0006] all the seed [2233] royal. [4467]


 Mais Joshéba, fille du roi Joram, sœur d'Achazia, prit Joas, fils d'Achazia, le déroba d'entre les fils du roi qu'on faisait mourir, et le mit, avec sa nourrice, dans la salle des lits. Ainsi on le cacha aux yeux d'Athalie, en sorte qu'il ne fut pas mis à mort.

 But Jehosheba, [3089] the daughter [1323] of king [4428] Joram, [3141] sister [0269] of Ahaziah, [0274] took [3947] Joash [3101] the son [1121] of Ahaziah, [0274] and stole [1589] him from among [8432] the king's [4428] sons [1121] [which were] slain; [4191] and they hid [5641] him, [even] him and his nurse, [3243] in the bedchamber [2315] [4296] from [6440] Athaliah, [6271] so that he was not slain. [4191]


 Et il fut caché auprès d'elle, six ans, dans la maison de YEHOVAH. Et Athalie régnait sur le pays.

 And he was with her hid [2244] in the house [1004] of the LORD [3068] six [8337] years. [8141] And Athaliah [6271] did reign [4427] over the land. [0776]


 Et, la septième année, Jéhojada envoya chercher les centeniers des gardes et des coureurs, les fit entrer vers lui dans la maison de YEHOVAH, traita alliance avec eux et leur fit prêter serment dans la maison de YEHOVAH, et il leur montra le fils du roi.

 And the seventh [7637] year [8141] Jehoiada [3077] sent [7971] and fetched [3947] the rulers [8269] over hundreds, [3967] with the captains [3746] and the guard, [7323] and brought [0935] them to him into the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and made [3772] a covenant [1285] with them, and took an oath [7650] of them in the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and shewed [7200] them the king's [4428] son. [1121]


 Puis il leur donna ce commandement: Voici ce que vous ferez: Un tiers d'entre vous qui entrez en semaine, fera la garde de la maison du roi;

 And he commanded [6680] them, saying, [0559] This [is] the thing [1697] that ye shall do; [6213] A third part [7992] of you that enter in [0935] on the sabbath [7676] shall even be keepers [8104] of the watch [4931] of the king's [4428] house; [1004]


 Un tiers sera à la porte de Sur; et un tiers à la porte qui est derrière les coureurs. Ainsi vous ferez la garde du temple, afin que personne n'y entre.

 And a third part [7992] [shall be] at the gate [8179] of Sur; [5495] and a third part [7992] at the gate [8179] behind [0310] the guard: [7323] so shall ye keep [8104] the watch [4931] of the house, [1004] that it be not broken down. [4535]


 Et vos deux compagnies qui sortent de semaine, feront la garde de la maison de YEHOVAH auprès du roi.

 And two [8147] parts [3027] of all you that go forth [3318] on the sabbath, [7676] even they shall keep [8104] the watch [4931] of the house [1004] of the LORD [3068] about [0413] the king. [4428]


 Vous environnerez le roi de tous côtés, chacun tenant ses armes à la main. Celui qui entrera dans les rangs sera mis à mort. Et vous serez avec le roi, quand il sortira et quand il entrera.

 And ye shall compass [5362] the king [4428] round about, [5439] every man [0376] with his weapons [3627] in his hand: [3027] and he that cometh [0935] within the ranges, [7713] let him be slain: [4191] and be ye with the king [4428] as he goeth out [3318] and as he cometh in. [0935]


 Les centeniers firent donc tout ce que Jéhojada, le sacrificateur, avait commandé. Ils prirent chacun leurs gens, tant ceux qui entraient en semaine que ceux qui sortaient de semaine; et ils vinrent vers le sacrificateur Jéhojada.

 And the captains [8269] over the hundreds [3967] did [6213] according to all [things] that Jehoiada [3077] the priest [3548] commanded: [6680] and they took [3947] every man [0376] his men [0582] that were to come in [0935] on the sabbath, [7676] with them that should go out [3318] on the sabbath, [7676] and came [0935] to Jehoiada [3077] the priest. [3548]


 Et le sacrificateur donna aux centeniers les lances et les boucliers qui provenaient du roi David, et qui étaient dans la maison de YEHOVAH.

 And to the captains [8269] over hundreds [3967] did the priest [3548] give [5414] king [4428] David's [1732] spears [2595] and shields, [7982] that [were] in the temple [1004] of the LORD. [3068]


 Et les coureurs se rangèrent auprès du roi tout à l'entour, chacun tenant ses armes à la main, depuis le côté droit du temple jusqu'au côté gauche, le long de l'autel et du temple.

 And the guard [7323] stood, [5975] every man [0376] with his weapons [3627] in his hand, [3027] round about [5439] the king, [4428] from the right [3233] corner [3802] of the temple [1004] to the left [8042] corner [3802] of the temple, [1004] [along] by the altar [4196] and the temple. [1004]


 Alors il fit sortir le fils du roi, et mit sur lui la couronne et le témoignage. Ils l'établirent roi et l'oignirent, et, frappant des mains, ils dirent: Vive le roi!

 And he brought forth [3318] the king's [4428] son, [1121] and put [5414] the crown [5145] upon him, and [gave him] the testimony; [5715] and they made him king, [4427] and anointed [4886] him; and they clapped [5221] their hands, [3709] and said, [0559] God save [2421] the king. [4428]


 Mais Athalie, entendant le bruit des coureurs et du peuple, vint vers le peuple, dans la maison de YEHOVAH.

 And when Athaliah [6271] heard [8085] the noise [6963] of the guard [7323] [and] of the people, [5971] she came [0935] to the people [5971] into the temple [1004] of the LORD. [3068]


 Elle regarda, et voici, le roi était debout près de la colonne, selon la coutume, et les capitaines et les trompettes étaient près du roi; et tout le peuple du pays était dans la joie, et l'on sonnait des trompettes. Alors Athalie déchira ses vêtements, et cria: Conspiration, conspiration!

 And when she looked, [7200] behold, the king [4428] stood [5975] by a pillar, [5982] as the manner [4941] [was], and the princes [8269] and the trumpeters [2689] by the king, [4428] and all the people [5971] of the land [0776] rejoiced, [8056] and blew [8628] with trumpets: [2689] and Athaliah [6271] rent [7167] her clothes, [0899] and cried, [7121] Treason, [7195] Treason. [7195]


 Mais le sacrificateur Jéhojada donna cet ordre aux chefs de centaines, qui commandaient l'armée: Menez-la hors des rangs; et que celui qui la suivra soit mis à mort par l'épée! Car le sacrificateur avait dit: Qu'on ne la fasse pas mourir dans la maison de YEHOVAH!

 But Jehoiada [3077] the priest [3548] commanded [6680] the captains [8269] of the hundreds, [3967] the officers [6485] of the host, [2428] and said [0559] unto them, Have her forth [3318] without [1004] the ranges: [7713] and him that followeth [0935] [0310] her kill [4191] with the sword. [2719] For the priest [3548] had said, [0559] Let her not be slain [4191] in the house [1004] of the LORD. [3068]


 On lui fit donc place, et elle revint par le chemin de l'entrée des chevaux dans la maison du roi; elle fut tuée là.

 And they laid [7760] hands [3027] on her; and she went [0935] by the way [1870] by the which the horses [5483] came [3996] into the king's [4428] house: [1004] and there was she slain. [4191]


 Et Jéhojada traita cette alliance, entre YEHOVAH, le roi et le peuple, qu'ils seraient le peuple de YEHOVAH; il fit aussi alliance entre le roi et le peuple.

 And Jehoiada [3077] made [3772] a covenant [1285] between the LORD [3068] and the king [4428] and the people, [5971] that they should be the LORD'S [3068] people; [5971] between the king [4428] also and the people. [5971]


 Alors tout le peuple du pays entra dans la maison de Baal; et ils la démolirent avec ses autels, et ils brisèrent entièrement ses images. Ils tuèrent aussi devant les autels Matthan, sacrificateur de Baal. Ensuite le sacrificateur établit des surveillants dans la maison de YEHOVAH.

 And all the people [5971] of the land [0776] went [0935] into the house [1004] of Baal, [1168] and brake it down; [5422] his altars [4196] and his images [6754] brake they in pieces [7665] thoroughly, [3190] and slew [2026] Mattan [4977] the priest [3548] of Baal [1168] before [6440] the altars. [4196] And the priest [3548] appointed [7760] officers [6485] over the house [1004] of the LORD. [3068]


 Il prit aussi les centeniers, les gardes, les coureurs et tout le peuple du pays, qui firent descendre le roi de la maison de YEHOVAH, et ils entrèrent dans la maison du roi par le chemin de la porte des coureurs; et il s'assit sur le trône des rois.

 And he took [3947] the rulers [8269] over hundreds, [3967] and the captains, [3746] and the guard, [7323] and all the people [5971] of the land; [0776] and they brought down [3381] the king [4428] from the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and came [0935] by the way [1870] of the gate [8179] of the guard [7323] to the king's [4428] house. [1004] And he sat [3427] on the throne [3678] of the kings. [4428]


 Tout le peuple du pays se réjouit, et la ville fut en repos, après qu'on eut mis à mort Athalie, par l'épée, dans la maison du roi.

 And all the people [5971] of the land [0776] rejoiced, [8055] and the city [5892] was in quiet: [8252] and they slew [4191] Athaliah [6271] with the sword [2719] [beside] the king's [4428] house. [1004]


 Joas était âgé de sept ans, quand il devint roi.

 Seven [7651] years [8141] old [1121] [was] Jehoash [3060] when he began to reign. [4427]


 La septième année de Jéhu, Joas devint roi, et il régna quarante ans à Jérusalem. Sa mère s'appelait Tsibia, et elle était de Béer-Shéba.

 In the seventh [7651] year [8141] of Jehu [3058] Jehoash [3060] began to reign; [4427] and forty [0705] years [8141] reigned [4427] he in Jerusalem. [3389] And his mother's [0517] name [8034] [was] Zibiah [6645] of Beersheba. [0884]


 Joas fit ce qui est droit aux yeux de YEHOVAH, tout le temps que Jéhojada, le sacrificateur, l'instruisit.

 And Jehoash [3060] did [6213] [that which was] right [3477] in the sight [5869] of the LORD [3068] all his days [3117] wherein Jehoiada [3077] the priest [3548] instructed [3384] him.


 Toutefois, les hauts lieux ne furent point ôtés; le peuple sacrifiait encore et faisait des encensements dans les hauts lieux.

 But the high places [1116] were not taken away: [5493] the people [5971] still sacrificed [2076] and burnt incense [6999] in the high places. [1116]


 Or Joas dit aux sacrificateurs: Tout l'argent consacré qu'on apporte dans la maison de YEHOVAH, soit l'argent de tout homme qui passe par le dénombrement, soit l'argent des personnes, selon l'estimation qu'en fait le sacrificateur, soit tout l'argent que chacun apporte volontairement dans la maison de YEHOVAH,

 And Jehoash [3060] said [0559] to the priests, [3548] All the money [3701] of the dedicated things [6944] that is brought into [0935] the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] [even] the money [3701] of every one [0376] that passeth [5674] [the account], the money [3701] that every man [5315] is set at, [6187] [and] all the money [3701] that cometh [5927] into any man's [0376] heart [3820] to bring [0935] into the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068]


 Que les sacrificateurs le prennent par-devers eux, chacun de ceux qu'il connaît, et qu'ils en réparent les dégradations du temple, partout où l'on trouvera quelque chose à réparer.

 Let the priests [3548] take [3947] [it] to them, every man [0376] of his acquaintance: [4378] and let them repair [2388] the breaches [0919] of the house, [1004] wheresoever any breach [0919] shall be found. [4672]


 Mais il arriva, la vingt-troisième année du roi Joas, que les sacrificateurs n'avaient point encore réparé les dégradations du temple.

 But it was [so, that] in the three [7969] [8141] and twentieth [6242] year [8141] of king [4428] Jehoash [3060] the priests [3548] had not repaired [2388] the breaches [0919] of the house. [1004]


 Alors le roi Joas appela le sacrificateur Jéhojada et les sacrificateurs, et leur dit: Pourquoi ne réparez-vous pas les dégradations du temple? Maintenant donc, ne prenez plus d'argent de ceux que vous connaissez; mais laissez-le pour les réparations du temple.

 Then king [4428] Jehoash [3060] called [7121] for Jehoiada [3077] the priest, [3548] and the [other] priests, [3548] and said [0559] unto them, Why repair [2388] ye not the breaches [0919] of the house? [1004] now therefore receive [3947] no [more] money [3701] of your acquaintance, [4378] but deliver [5414] it for the breaches [0919] of the house. [1004]


 Les sacrificateurs consentirent à ne plus recevoir l'argent du peuple, et à ne pas être chargés de réparer les dégradations du temple.

 And the priests [3548] consented [0225] to receive [3947] no [1115] [more] money [3701] of the people, [5971] neither [1115] to repair [2388] the breaches [0919] of the house. [1004]


 Mais le sacrificateur Jéhojada prit un coffre, fit un trou au couvercle, et le mit auprès de l'autel, à main droite quand on entre dans la maison de YEHOVAH. Et les sacrificateurs, gardiens du seuil, mettaient là tout l'argent qu'on apportait à la maison de YEHOVAH.

 But Jehoiada [3077] the priest [3548] took [3947] a [0259] chest, [0727] and bored [5344] a hole [2356] in the lid [1817] of it, and set [5414] it beside [0681] the altar, [4196] on the right side [3225] as one [0376] cometh [0935] into the house [1004] of the LORD: [3068] and the priests [3548] that kept [8104] the door [5592] put [5414] therein all the money [3701] [that was] brought into [0935] the house [1004] of the LORD. [3068]


 Et, dès qu'ils voyaient qu'il y avait beaucoup d'argent dans le coffre, le secrétaire du roi montait avec le grand sacrificateur; et ils serraient et comptaient l'argent qui se trouvait dans la maison de YEHOVAH.

 And it was [so], when they saw [7200] that [there was] much [7227] money [3701] in the chest, [0727] that the king's [4428] scribe [5608] and the high [1419] priest [3548] came up, [5927] and they put up in bags, [6696] and told [4487] the money [3701] that was found [4672] in the house [1004] of the LORD. [3068]


 Et ils remettaient cet argent bien compté entre les mains de ceux qui faisaient l'ouvrage, dont ils avaient la surveillance dans la maison de YEHOVAH, lesquels payaient les charpentiers et les architectes qui travaillaient à la maison de YEHOVAH,

 And they gave [5414] the money, [3701] being told, [8505] into the hands [3027] of them that did [6213] the work, [4399] that had the oversight [6485] of the house [1004] of the LORD: [3068] and they laid it out [3318] to the carpenters [2796] [6086] and builders, [1129] that wrought [6213] upon the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068]


 Les maçons et les tailleurs de pierres, les achats de bois et de pierres de taille pour réparer les dégradations de la maison de YEHOVAH, ainsi que tout ce qui se dépensait pour la réparation du temple.

 And to masons, [1443] and hewers [2672] of stone, [0068] and to buy [7069] timber [6086] and hewed [4274] stone [0068] to repair [2388] the breaches [0919] of the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and for all that was laid out [3318] for the house [1004] to repair [2393] [it].


 Et de cet argent qu'on apportait dans la maison de YEHOVAH, on ne faisait plus de coupes d'argent pour la maison de YEHOVAH, ni de serpes, ni de bassins, ni de trompettes, ni aucun autre ustensile d'or ou d'argent;

 Howbeit there were not made [6213] for the house [1004] of the LORD [3068] bowls [5592] of silver, [3701] snuffers, [4212] basons, [4219] trumpets, [2689] any vessels [3627] of gold, [2091] or vessels [3627] of silver, [3701] of the money [3701] [that was] brought into [0935] the house [1004] of the LORD: [3068]


 Mais on le donnait à ceux qui faisaient l'ouvrage, et qui en réparaient la maison de YEHOVAH.

 But they gave [5414] that to the workmen, [4399] [6213] and repaired [2388] therewith the house [1004] of the LORD. [3068]


 Et on ne faisait pas rendre compte à ceux entre les mains de qui on délivrait cet argent pour le distribuer aux travailleurs; car ils agissaient avec fidélité.

 Moreover they reckoned [2803] not with the men, [0582] into whose hand [3027] they delivered [5414] the money [3701] to be bestowed [5414] on workmen: [6213] [4399] for they dealt [6213] faithfully. [0530]


 L'argent des sacrifices pour le délit, ainsi que l'argent des sacrifices pour les péchés, n'était point apporté dans la maison de YEHOVAH. Il était aux sacrificateurs.

 The trespass [0817] money [3701] and sin [2403] money [3701] was not brought into [0935] the house [1004] of the LORD: [3068] it was the priests'. [3548]


 Alors Hazaël, roi de Syrie, monta et fit la guerre contre Gath et la prit. Puis Hazaël se retourna pour monter contre Jérusalem.

 Then Hazael [2371] king [4428] of Syria [0758] went up, [5927] and fought [3898] against Gath, [1661] and took [3920] it: and Hazael [2371] set [7760] his face [6440] to go up [5927] to Jerusalem. [3389]


 Et Joas, roi de Juda, prit tout ce qui était consacré, ce que Josaphat, Joram et Achazia, ses pères, rois de Juda, avaient consacré, et tout ce que lui-même avait consacré, et tout l'or qui se trouva dans les trésors de la maison de YEHOVAH et de la maison du roi, et il l'envoya à Hazaël, roi de Syrie, qui se retira de Jérusalem.

 And Jehoash [3060] king [4428] of Judah [3063] took [3947] all the hallowed things [6944] that Jehoshaphat, [3092] and Jehoram, [3088] and Ahaziah, [0274] his fathers, [0001] kings [4428] of Judah, [3063] had dedicated, [6942] and his own hallowed things, [6944] and all the gold [2091] [that was] found [4672] in the treasures [0214] of the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and in the king's [4428] house, [1004] and sent [7971] [it] to Hazael [2371] king [4428] of Syria:


 Le reste des actions de Joas, tout ce qu'il fit, n'est-il pas écrit au livre des Chroniques des rois de Juda?

 And the rest [3499] of the acts [1697] of Joash, [3101] and all that he did, [6213] [are] they not written [3789] in the book [5612] of the chronicles [1697] [3117] of the kings [4428] of Judah? [3063]


 Or ses serviteurs se soulevèrent et, ayant fait une conspiration, ils frappèrent Joas dans la maison de Millo, à la descente de Silla.

 And his servants [5650] arose, [6965] and made [7194] a conspiracy, [7195] and slew [5221] Joash [3101] in the house [1004] of Millo, [4407] which goeth down [3381] to Silla. [5538]


 Jozakar, fils de Shimeath, et Jozabad, fils de Shomer, ses serviteurs, le frappèrent, et il mourut; et on l'ensevelit avec ses pères, dans la cité de David; et Amatsia, son fils, régna à sa place.

 For Jozachar [3108] the son [1121] of Shimeath, [8100] and Jehozabad [3075] the son [1121] of Shomer, [7763] his servants, [5650] smote [5221] him, and he died; [4191] and they buried [6912] him with his fathers [0001] in the city [5892] of David: [1732] and Amaziah [0558] his son [1121] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 La vingt-troisième année de Joas, fils d'Achazia, roi de Juda, Joachaz, fils de Jéhu, devint roi sur Israël à Samarie, et il régna dix-sept ans.

 In the three [7969] [8141] and twentieth [6242] year [8141] of Joash [3101] the son [1121] of Ahaziah [0274] king [4428] of Judah [3063] Jehoahaz [3059] the son [1121] of Jehu [3058] began to reign [4427] over Israel [3478] in Samaria, [8111] [and reigned] seventeen [7651] [6240] years. [8141]


 Il fit ce qui est mauvais aux yeux de YEHOVAH; car il suivit les péchés de Jéroboam, fils de Nébat, par lesquels il avait fait pécher Israël. Il ne s'en détourna point.

 And he did [6213] [that which was] evil [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD, [3068] and followed [3212] [0310] the sins [2403] of Jeroboam [3379] the son [1121] of Nebat, [5028] which made Israel [3478] to sin; [2398] he departed [5493] not therefrom.


 La colère de YEHOVAH s'alluma donc contre Israël; et il les livra entre les mains de Hazaël, roi de Syrie, et entre les mains de Ben-Hadad, fils de Hazaël, durant tout ce temps-là.

 And the anger [0639] of the LORD [3068] was kindled [2734] against Israel, [3478] and he delivered [5414] them into the hand [3027] of Hazael [2371] king [4428] of Syria, [0758] and into the hand [3027] of Benhadad [1130] the son [1121] of Hazael, [2371] all [their] days. [3117]


 Mais Joachaz supplia YEHOVAH, et YEHOVAH l'exauça; car il vit l'oppression des Israélites, il vit que le roi de Syrie les opprimait.

 And Jehoahaz [3059] besought [2470] [6440] the LORD, [3068] and the LORD [3068] hearkened [8085] unto him: for he saw [7200] the oppression [3906] of Israel, [3478] because the king [4428] of Syria [0758] oppressed [3905] them.


 YEHOVAH donna donc un libérateur à Israël, et ils sortirent de dessous la puissance des Syriens. Ainsi les enfants d'Israël habitèrent dans leurs tentes, comme auparavant.

 (And the LORD [3068] gave [5414] Israel [3478] a saviour, [3467] so that they went out [3318] from under the hand [3027] of the Syrians: [0758] and the children [1121] of Israel [3478] dwelt [3427] in their tents, [0168] as beforetime. [8032] [8543]


 Toutefois, ils ne se détournèrent point des péchés de la maison de Jéroboam, qu'il avait fait commettre à Israël; mais ils y marchèrent, et même l'emblème d'Ashéra subsista à Samarie,

 Nevertheless they departed [5493] not from the sins [2403] of the house [1004] of Jeroboam, [3379] who made Israel [3478] sin, [2398] [but] walked [1980] therein: and there remained [5975] the grove [0842] also in Samaria.) [8111]


 Bien que Dieu n'eût laissé de troupes à Joachaz que cinquante cavaliers, dix chars, et dix mille hommes de pied. En effet, le roi de Syrie les avait détruits, et rendus tels que la poussière qu'on foule aux pieds.

 Neither did he leave [7604] of the people [5971] to Jehoahaz [3059] but fifty [2572] horsemen, [6571] and ten [6235] chariots, [7393] and ten [6235] thousand [0505] footmen; [7273] for the king [4428] of Syria [0758] had destroyed [0006] them, and had made [7760] them like the dust [6083] by threshing. [1758]


 Le reste des actions de Joachaz, tout ce qu'il fit, et ses exploits, n'est-il pas écrit au livre des Chroniques des rois d'Israël?

 Now the rest [3499] of the acts [1697] of Jehoahaz, [3059] and all that he did, [6213] and his might, [1369] [are] they not written [3789] in the book [5612] of the chronicles [1697] [3117] of the kings [4428] of Israel? [3478]


 Joachaz s'endormit donc avec ses pères, et on l'ensevelit à Samarie. Et Joas son fils régna à sa place.

 And Jehoahaz [3059] slept [7901] with his fathers; [0001] and they buried [6912] him in Samaria: [8111] and Joash [3101] his son [1121] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 La trente-septième année de Joas, roi de Juda, Joas, fils de Joachaz, devint roi sur Israël à Samarie, et il régna seize ans.

 In the thirty [7970] [8141] and seventh [7651] year [8141] of Joash [3101] king [4428] of Judah [3063] began Jehoash [3060] the son [1121] of Jehoahaz [3059] to reign [4427] over Israel [3478] in Samaria, [8111] [and reigned] sixteen [8337] [6240] years. [8141]


 Il fit ce qui est mauvais aux yeux de YEHOVAH, et ne se détourna d'aucun des péchés de Jéroboam, fils de Nébat, par lesquels il avait fait pécher Israël; mais il y marcha.

 And he did [6213] [that which was] evil [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD; [3068] he departed [5493] not from all the sins [2403] of Jeroboam [3379] the son [1121] of Nebat, [5028] who made Israel [3478] sin: [2398] [but] he walked [1980] therein.


 Le reste des actions de Joas, tout ce qu'il fit, et la valeur avec laquelle il combattit contre Amatsia, roi de Juda, n'est-il pas écrit au livre des Chroniques des rois d'Israël?

 And the rest [3499] of the acts [1697] of Joash, [3101] and all that he did, [6213] and his might [1369] wherewith he fought [3898] against Amaziah [0558] king [4428] of Judah, [3063] [are] they not written [3789] in the book [5612] of the chronicles [1697] [3117] of the kings [4428] of Israel? [3478]


 Et Joas s'endormit avec ses pères, et Jéroboam s'assit sur son trône. Et Joas fut enseveli à Samarie avec les rois d'Israël.

 And Joash [3101] slept [7901] with his fathers; [0001] and Jeroboam [3379] sat [3427] upon his throne: [3678] and Joash [3101] was buried [6912] in Samaria [8111] with the kings [4428] of Israel. [3478]


 Or, comme Élisée était malade de la maladie dont il mourut, Joas, roi d'Israël, descendit et pleura sur son visage, disant: Mon père, mon père, char d'Israël et sa cavalerie!

 Now Elisha [0477] was fallen sick [2470] of his sickness [2483] whereof he died. [4191] And Joash [3101] the king [4428] of Israel [3478] came down [3381] unto him, and wept [1058] over his face, [6440] and said, [0559] O my father, [0001] my father, [0001] the chariot [7393] of Israel, [3478] and the horsemen [6571] thereof.


 Et Élisée lui dit: Prends un arc et des flèches. Et il prit un arc et des flèches.

 And Elisha [0477] said [0559] unto him, Take [3947] bow [7198] and arrows. [2671] And he took [3947] unto him bow [7198] and arrows. [2671]


 Et Élisée dit au roi d'Israël: Tends l'arc de ta main. Et quand il l'eut tendu, Élisée mit ses mains sur les mains du roi, et dit:

 And he said [0559] to the king [4428] of Israel, [3478] Put [7392] thine hand [3027] upon the bow. [7198] And he put [7392] his hand [3027] [upon it]: and Elisha [0477] put [7760] his hands [3027] upon the king's [4428] hands. [3027]


 Ouvre la fenêtre vers l'Orient. Et il l'ouvrit. Et Élisée lui dit: Tire. Et il tira. Et Élisée dit: C'est une flèche de délivrance de la part de YEHOVAH, une flèche de délivrance contre les Syriens. Tu frapperas les Syriens à Aphek, jusqu'à les détruire.

 And he said, [0559] Open [6605] the window [2474] eastward. [6924] And he opened [6605] [it]. Then Elisha [0477] said, [0559] Shoot. [3384] And he shot. [3384] And he said, [0559] The arrow [2671] of the LORD'S [3068] deliverance, [8668] and the arrow [2671] of deliverance [8668] from Syria: [0758] for thou shalt smite [5221] the Syrians [0758] in Aphek, [0663] till thou have consumed [3615] [them].


 Élisée lui dit encore: Prends les flèches. Et il les prit. Et Élisée dit au roi d'Israël: Frappe contre terre. Joas frappa trois fois, puis s'arrêta.

 And he said, [0559] Take [3947] the arrows. [2671] And he took [3947] [them]. And he said [0559] unto the king [4428] of Israel, [3478] Smite [5221] upon the ground. [0776] And he smote [5221] thrice, [7969] [6471] and stayed. [5975]


 Et l'homme de Dieu s'irrita contre lui, et dit: Il fallait frapper cinq ou six fois; alors tu eusses frappé les Syriens jusqu'à les détruire! Maintenant tu frapperas les Syriens trois fois.

 And the man [0376] of God [0430] was wroth [7107] with him, and said, [0559] Thou shouldest have smitten [5221] five [2568] or six [8337] times; [6471] then hadst thou smitten [5221] Syria [0758] till thou hadst consumed [3615] [it]: whereas now thou shalt smite [5221] Syria [0758] [but] thrice. [7969] [6471]


 Et Élisée mourut, et on l'ensevelit. Et, l'année suivante, des bandes de Moabites entrèrent dans le pays.

 And Elisha [0477] died, [4191] and they buried [6912] him. And the bands [1416] of the Moabites [4124] invaded [0935] the land [0776] at the coming in [0935] of the year. [8141]


 Et voici, des gens qui enterraient un homme virent une de ces bandes, et jetèrent l'homme dans le tombeau d'Élisée. Et cet homme, étant allé toucher les os d'Élisée, revint à la vie, et se leva sur ses pieds.

 And it came to pass, as they were burying [6912] a man, [0376] that, behold, they spied [7200] a band [1416] [of men]; and they cast [7993] the man [0376] into the sepulchre [6913] of Elisha: [0477] and when the man [0376] was let down, [3212] and touched [5060] the bones [6106] of Elisha, [0477] he revived, [2421] and stood up [6965] on his feet. [7272]


 Or Hazaël, roi de Syrie, avait opprimé les Israélites pendant toute la vie de Joachaz.

 But Hazael [2371] king [4428] of Syria [0758] oppressed [3905] Israel [3478] all the days [3117] of Jehoahaz. [3059]


 Mais YEHOVAH leur fit grâce, il eut compassion d'eux, et il se retourna vers eux à cause de son alliance avec Abraham, Isaac et Jacob. Il ne voulut point les exterminer; et, jusqu'à maintenant, il ne les a pas rejetés de devant sa face.

 And the LORD [3068] was gracious [2603] unto them, and had compassion [7355] on them, and had respect [6437] unto them, because of [4616] his covenant [1285] with Abraham, [0085] Isaac, [3327] and Jacob, [3290] and would [0014] not destroy [7843] them, neither cast [7993] he them from his presence [6440] as yet. [5704]


 Alors Hazaël, roi de Syrie, mourut, et Ben-Hadad, son fils, régna à sa place.

 So Hazael [2371] king [4428] of Syria [0758] died; [4191] and Benhadad [1130] his son [1121] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 Et Joas, fils de Joachaz, reprit des mains de Ben-Hadad, fils de Hazaël, les villes que celui-ci avait conquises sur Joachaz, son père. Joas le battit par trois fois, et recouvra les villes d'Israël.

 And Jehoash [3060] the son [1121] of Jehoahaz [3059] took [3947] again [7725] out of the hand [3027] of Benhadad [1130] the son [1121] of Hazael [2371] the cities, [5892] which he had taken [3947] out of the hand [3027] of Jehoahaz [3059] his father [0001] by war. [4421] Three [7969] times [6471] did Joash [3101] beat [5221] him, and recovered [7725] the cities [5892] of Israel. [3478]


 La seconde année de Joas, fils de Joachaz, roi d'Israël, Amatsia, fils de Joas, roi de Juda, commença à régner.

 In the second [8147] year [8141] of Joash [3101] son [1121] of Jehoahaz [3099] king [4428] of Israel [3478] reigned [4427] Amaziah [0558] the son [1121] of Joash [3101] king [4428] of Judah. [3063]


 Il était âgé de vingt-cinq ans quand il devint roi, et il régna vingt-neuf ans à Jérusalem.

 He was twenty [6242] and five [2568] years [8141] old [1121] when he began to reign, [4427] and reigned [4427] twenty [6242] and nine [8672] years [8141] in Jerusalem. [3389] And his mother's [0517] name [8034] [was] Jehoaddan [3086] of Jerusalem. [3389]


 Sa mère s'appelait Joaddan, et elle était de Jérusalem. Il fit ce qui est droit aux yeux de YEHOVAH; non pas toutefois comme David, son père. Il fit tout comme avait fait Joas, son père.

 And he did [6213] [that which was] right [3477] in the sight [5869] of the LORD, [3068] yet [7535] not like David [1732] his father: [0001] he did [6213] according to all things as Joash [3101] his father [0001] did. [6213]


 De sorte qu'il n'y eut que les hauts lieux qui ne furent point ôtés; le peuple sacrifiait encore et faisait des encensements sur les hauts lieux.

 Howbeit the high places [1116] were not taken away: [5493] as yet [5750] the people [5971] did sacrifice [2076] and burnt incense [6999] on the high places. [1116]


 Et, dès que la royauté fut affermie entre ses mains, il fit mourir ceux de ses serviteurs qui avaient tué le roi, son père.

 And it came to pass, as soon as the kingdom [4467] was confirmed [2388] in his hand, [3027] that he slew [5221] his servants [5650] which had slain [5221] the king [4428] his father. [0001]


 Mais il ne fit point mourir leurs enfants, se conformant à ce qui est écrit au livre de la loi de Moïse, où YEHOVAH a donné ce commandement: On ne fera point mourir les pères pour les enfants, et on ne fera point mourir les enfants pour les pères; mais on fera mourir chacun pour son péché.

 But the children [1121] of the murderers [5221] he slew [4191] not: according unto that which is written [3789] in the book [5612] of the law [8451] of Moses, [4872] wherein the LORD [3068] commanded, [6680] saying, [0559] The fathers [0001] shall not be put to death [4191] for the children, [1121] nor the children [1121] be put to death [4191] for the fathers; [0001] but every man [0376] shall be put to death [4191] for his own sin. [2399]


 Il frappa dix mille hommes d'Édom dans la vallée du Sel, et prit d'assaut Séla, et lui donna le nom de Jokthéel, qu'elle a gardé jusqu'à ce jour.

 He slew [5221] of Edom [0123] in the valley [1516] of salt [4417] ten [6235] thousand, [0505] and took [8610] Selah [5554] by war, [4421] and called [7121] the name [8034] of it Joktheel [3371] unto this day. [3117]


 Alors Amatsia envoya des messagers vers Joas, fils de Joachaz, fils de Jéhu, roi d'Israël, pour lui dire: Viens, que nous nous voyions en face!

 Then Amaziah [0558] sent [7971] messengers [4397] to Jehoash, [3060] the son [1121] of Jehoahaz [3059] son [1121] of Jehu, [3058] king [4428] of Israel, [3478] saying, [0559] Come, [3212] let us look [7200] one another in the face. [6440]


 Mais Joas, roi d'Israël, envoya dire à Amatsia, roi de Juda: L'épine qui est au Liban a envoyé dire au cèdre du Liban: Donne ta fille pour femme à mon fils. Mais les bêtes sauvages qui sont au Liban ont passé et ont foulé l'épine.

 And Jehoash [3060] the king [4428] of Israel [3478] sent [7971] to Amaziah [0558] king [4428] of Judah, [3063] saying, [0559] The thistle [2336] that [was] in Lebanon [3844] sent [7971] to the cedar [0730] that [was] in Lebanon, [3844] saying, [0559] Give [5414] thy daughter [1323] to my son [1121] to wife: [0802] and there passed by [5674] a wild [7704] beast [2416] that [was] in Lebanon, [3844] and trode down [7429] the thistle. [2336]


 Tu as rudement frappé les Iduméens, et ton cœur s'est élevé. Jouis de ta gloire, et reste dans ta maison. Et pourquoi attirerais-tu un mal par lequel tu tomberais, toi et Juda avec toi?

 Thou hast indeed [5221] smitten [5221] Edom, [0123] and thine heart [3820] hath lifted thee up: [5375] glory [3513] [of this], and tarry [3427] at home: [1004] for why shouldest thou meddle [1624] to [thy] hurt, [7451] that thou shouldest fall, [5307] [even] thou, and Judah [3063] with thee?


 Mais Amatsia ne l'écouta point. Et Joas, roi d'Israël, monta et ils se virent en face, lui et Amatsia, roi de Juda, à Bethsémèsh de Juda.

 But Amaziah [0558] would not hear. [8085] Therefore Jehoash [3060] king [4428] of Israel [3478] went up; [5927] and he and Amaziah [0558] king [4428] of Judah [3063] looked [7200] one another in the face [6440] at Bethshemesh, [1053] which [belongeth] to Judah. [3063]


 Et ceux de Juda, ayant été défaits par Israël, s'enfuirent chacun dans sa tente.

 And Judah [3063] was put to the worse [5062] before [6440] Israel; [3478] and they fled [5127] every man [0376] to their tents. [0168]


 Et Joas, roi d'Israël, prit Amatsia, roi de Juda, fils de Joas, fils d'Achazia, à Bethsémèsh. Ensuite il vint à Jérusalem, et fit une brèche de quatre cents coudées dans la muraille de Jérusalem, depuis la porte d'Éphraïm jusqu'à la porte du Coin.

 And Jehoash [3060] king [4428] of Israel [3478] took [8610] Amaziah [0558] king [4428] of Judah, [3063] the son [1121] of Jehoash [3060] the son [1121] of Ahaziah, [0274] at Bethshemesh, [1053] and came [0935] to Jerusalem, [3389] and brake down [6555] the wall [2346] of Jerusalem [3389] from the gate [8179] of Ephraim [0669] unto the corner [6438] gate, [8179] four [0702] hundred [3967] cubits. [0520]


 Et, ayant pris tout l'or et l'argent et tous les objets précieux qui furent trouvés dans la maison de YEHOVAH et dans les trésors de la maison royale, et des otages, il s'en retourna à Samarie.

 And he took [3947] all the gold [2091] and silver, [3701] and all the vessels [3627] that were found [4672] in the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and in the treasures [0214] of the king's [4428] house, [1004] and hostages, [1121] [8594] and returned [7725] to Samaria. [8111]


 Le reste des actions de Joas, et sa valeur, et comment il combattit contre Amatsia, roi de Juda, cela n'est-il pas écrit au livre des Chroniques des rois d'Israël?

 Now the rest [3499] of the acts [1697] of Jehoash [3060] which he did, [6213] and his might, [1369] and how he fought [3898] with Amaziah [0558] king [4428] of Judah, [3063] [are] they not written [3789] in the book [5612] of the chronicles [1697] [3117] of the kings [4428] of Israel? [3478]


 Et Joas s'endormit avec ses pères, et fut enseveli à Samarie avec les rois d'Israël; et Jéroboam, son fils, régna à sa place.

 And Jehoash [3060] slept [7901] with his fathers, [0001] and was buried [6912] in Samaria [8111] with the kings [4428] of Israel; [3478] and Jeroboam [3379] his son [1121] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 Amatsia, fils de Joas, roi de Juda, vécut quinze ans après la mort de Joas, fils de Joachaz, roi d'Israël.

 And Amaziah [0558] the son [1121] of Joash [3101] king [4428] of Judah [3063] lived [2421] after [0310] the death [4194] of Jehoash [3060] son [1121] of Jehoahaz [3059] king [4428] of Israel [3478] fifteen [2568] [6240] years. [8141]


 Le reste des actions d'Amatsia n'est-il pas écrit au livre des Chroniques des rois de Juda?

 And the rest [3499] of the acts [1697] of Amaziah, [0558] [are] they not written [3789] in the book [5612] of the chronicles [1697] [3117] of the kings [4428] of Judah? [3063]


 Or on fit une conspiration contre lui à Jérusalem, et il s'enfuit à Lakis. Mais on envoya après lui à Lakis, et on le tua là.

 Now they made [7194] a conspiracy [7195] against him in Jerusalem: [3389] and he fled [5127] to Lachish; [3923] but they sent [7971] after [0310] him to Lachish, [3923] and slew [4191] him there.


 Puis on le transporta sur des chevaux, et il fut enseveli à Jérusalem avec ses pères, dans la cité de David.

 And they brought [5375] him on horses: [5483] and he was buried [6912] at Jerusalem [3389] with his fathers [0001] in the city [5892] of David. [1732]


 Alors tout le peuple de Juda prit Asaria, qui était âgé de seize ans, et on l'établit roi à la place d'Amatsia, son père.

 And all the people [5971] of Judah [3063] took [3947] Azariah, [5838] which [was] sixteen [8337] [6240] years [8141] old, [1121] and made him king [4427] instead of his father [0001] Amaziah. [0558]


 C'est lui qui rebâtit Élath, l'ayant reconquise pour Juda, après que le roi se fut endormi avec ses pères.

 He built [1129] Elath, [0359] and restored [7725] it to Judah, [3063] after [0310] that the king [4428] slept [7901] with his fathers. [0001]


 La quinzième année d'Amatsia, fils de Joas, roi de Juda, Jéroboam, fils de Joas, devint roi sur Israël à Samarie, et il régna quarante et un ans.

 In the [8141] fifteenth [2568] [6240] year [8141] of Amaziah [0558] the son [1121] of Joash [3101] king [4428] of Judah [3063] Jeroboam [3379] the son [1121] of Joash [3101] king [4428] of Israel [3478] began to reign [4427] in Samaria, [8111] [and reigned] forty [0705] and one [0259] years. [8141]


 Il fit ce qui est mauvais aux yeux de YEHOVAH. Il ne se détourna d'aucun des péchés de Jéroboam, fils de Nébat, par lesquels il avait fait pécher Israël.

 And he did [6213] [that which was] evil [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD: [3068] he departed [5493] not from all the sins [2403] of Jeroboam [3379] the son [1121] of Nebat, [5028] who made Israel [3478] to sin. [2398]


 C'est lui qui rétablit les frontières d'Israël, depuis l'entrée de Hamath jusqu'à la mer de la plaine, selon la Parole que YEHOVAH, Dieu d'Israël, avait prononcée par son serviteur Jonas, le prophète, fils d'Amitthaï, qui était de Gath-Hépher.

 He restored [7725] the coast [1366] of Israel [3478] from the entering [0935] of Hamath [2574] unto the sea [3220] of the plain, [6160] according to the word [1697] of the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] which he spake [1696] by the hand [3027] of his servant [5650] Jonah, [3124] the son [1121] of Amittai, [0573] the prophet, [5030] which [was] of Gathhepher. [1661] [2660][1662]


 Car YEHOVAH vit que l'affliction d'Israël était fort amère, et qu'il ne restait plus rien ni de ce qui est serré ni de ce qui est délaissé, et qu'il n'y avait personne qui aidât Israël.

 For the LORD [3068] saw [7200] the affliction [6040] of Israel, [3478] [that it was] very [3966] bitter: [4784] for [there was] not any [0657] shut up, [6113] nor any [0657] left, [5800] nor any helper [5826] for Israel. [3478]


 Or YEHOVAH n'avait point parlé d'effacer le nom d'Israël de dessous les cieux; aussi les délivra-t-il par les mains de Jéroboam, fils de Joas.

 And the LORD [3068] said [1696] not that he would blot out [4229] the name [8034] of Israel [3478] from under heaven: [8064] but he saved [3467] them by the hand [3027] of Jeroboam [3379] the son [1121] of Joash. [3101]


 Le reste des actions de Jéroboam, tout ce qu'il fit, la valeur avec laquelle il combattit, et comment il reconquit pour Israël Damas et Hamath de Juda, cela n'est-il pas écrit au livre des Chroniques des rois d'Israël?

 Now the rest [3499] of the acts [1697] of Jeroboam, [3379] and all that he did, [6213] and his might, [1369] how he warred, [3898] and how he recovered [7725] Damascus, [1834] and Hamath, [2574] [which belonged] to Judah, [3063] for Israel, [3478] are they not written [3789] in the book [5612] of the chronicles [1697] [3117] of the kings [4428] of Israel? [3478]


 Et Jéroboam s'endormit avec ses pères, les rois d'Israël; et Zacharie, son fils, régna à sa place.

 And Jeroboam [3379] slept [7901] with his fathers, [0001] [even] with the kings [4428] of Israel; [3478] and Zachariah [2148] his son [1121] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 La vingt-septième année de Jéroboam, roi d'Israël, Asaria, fils d'Amatsia, roi de Juda, devint roi.

 In the [8141] twenty [6242] and seventh [7651] year [8141] of Jeroboam [3379] king [4428] of Israel [3478] began Azariah [5838] son [1121] of Amaziah [0558] king [4428] of Judah [3063] to reign. [4427]


 Il était âgé de seize ans quand il commença à régner, et il régna cinquante-deux ans à Jérusalem. Sa mère s'appelait Jécolia, et elle était de Jérusalem.

 Sixteen [8337] [6240] years [8141] old [1121] was he when he began to reign, [4427] and he reigned [4427] two [8147] and fifty [2572] years [8141] in Jerusalem. [3389] And his mother's [0517] name [8034] [was] Jecholiah [3203] of Jerusalem. [3389]


 Il fit ce qui est droit aux yeux de YEHOVAH, tout comme Amatsia, son père.

 And he did [6213] [that which was] right [3477] in the sight [5869] of the LORD, [3068] according to all that his father [0001] Amaziah [0558] had done; [6213]


 Seulement les hauts lieux ne furent point ôtés. Le peuple sacrifiait encore, et faisait des encensements sur les hauts lieux.

 Save that the high places [1116] were not removed: [5493] the people [5971] sacrificed [2076] and burnt incense [6999] still on the high places. [1116]


 Mais YEHOVAH frappa le roi, qui fut lépreux jusqu'au jour de sa mort, et demeura dans une maison écartée; et Jotham, fils du roi, avait l'intendance du palais et jugeait le peuple du pays.

 And the LORD [3068] smote [5060] the king, [4428] so that he was a leper [6879] unto the day [3117] of his death, [4194] and dwelt [3427] in a several [2669] house. [1004] And Jotham [3147] the king's [4428] son [1121] [was] over the house, [1004] judging [8199] the people [5971] of the land. [0776]


 Le reste des actions d'Asaria, tout ce qu'il fit, n'est-il pas écrit au livre des Chroniques des rois de Juda?

 And the rest [3499] of the acts [1697] of Azariah, [5838] and all that he did, [6213] [are] they not written [3789] in the book [5612] of the chronicles [1697] [3117] of the kings [4428] of Judah? [3063]


 Or Asaria s'endormit avec ses pères, et fut enseveli avec ses pères, dans la cité de David; et Jotham, son fils, régna à sa place.

 So Azariah [5838] slept [7901] with his fathers; [0001] and they buried [6912] him with his fathers [0001] in the city [5892] of David: [1732] and Jotham [3147] his son [1121] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 La trente-huitième année d'Asaria, roi de Juda, Zacharie, fils de Jéroboam, devint roi sur Israël à Samarie, et il régna six mois.

 In the [8141] thirty [7970] and eighth [8083] year [8141] of Azariah [5838] king [4428] of Judah [3063] did Zachariah [2148] the son [1121] of Jeroboam [3379] reign [4427] over Israel [3478] in Samaria [8111] six [8337] months. [2320]


 Il fit ce qui est mauvais aux yeux de YEHOVAH, comme avaient fait ses pères. Il ne se détourna point des péchés de Jéroboam, fils de Nébat, par lesquels il avait fait pécher Israël.

 And he did [6213] [that which was] evil [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD, [3068] as his fathers [0001] had done: [6213] he departed [5493] not from the sins [2403] of Jeroboam [3379] the son [1121] of Nebat, [5028] who made Israel [3478] to sin. [2398]


 Or Shallum, fils de Jabèsh, fit une conspiration contre lui, le frappa en présence du peuple, et le tua; et il devint roi à sa place.

 And Shallum [7967] the son [1121] of Jabesh [3003] conspired [7194] against him, and smote [5221] him before [6905] the people, [5971] and slew [4191] him, and reigned [4427] in his stead.


 Quant au reste des actions de Zacharie, voici, cela est écrit au livre des Chroniques des rois d'Israël.

 And the rest [3499] of the acts [1697] of Zachariah, [2148] behold, they [are] written [3789] in the book [5612] of the chronicles [1697] [3117] of the kings [4428] of Israel. [3478]


 C'est là la Parole de YEHOVAH qu'il avait adressée à Jéhu, en disant: Tes fils seront assis sur le trône d'Israël jusqu'à la quatrième génération. Il en fut ainsi.

 This [was] the word [1697] of the LORD [3068] which he spake [1696] unto Jehu, [3058] saying, [0559] Thy sons [1121] shall sit [3427] on the throne [3678] of Israel [3478] unto the fourth [7243] [generation]. And so it came to pass.


 Shallum, fils de Jabèsh, devint roi la trente-neuvième année d'Ozias, roi de Juda, et il régna un mois à Samarie.

 Shallum [7967] the son [1121] of Jabesh [3003] began to reign [4427] in the nine [8672] [8141] and thirtieth [7970] year [8141] of Uzziah [5818] king [4428] of Judah; [3063] and he reigned [4427] a full month [3391] [3117] in Samaria. [8111]


 Et Ménahem, fils de Gadi, monta de Thirtsa, entra à Samarie, frappa Shallum, fils de Jabèsh, à Samarie, et le tua; et il devint roi à sa place.

 For Menahem [4505] the son [1121] of Gadi [1424] went up [5927] from Tirzah, [8656] and came [0935] to Samaria, [8111] and smote [5221] Shallum [7967] the son [1121] of Jabesh [3003] in Samaria, [8111] and slew [4191] him, and reigned [4427] in his stead.


 Le reste des actions de Shallum, et la conspiration qu'il fit, voici, cela est écrit au livre des Chroniques des rois d'Israël.

 And the rest [3499] of the acts [1697] of Shallum, [7967] and his conspiracy [7195] which he made, [7194] behold, they [are] written [3789] in the book [5612] of the chronicles [1697] [3117] of the kings [4428] of Israel. [3478]


 Alors Ménahem frappa Thiphsach, et tous ceux qui y étaient, et sa contrée depuis Thirtsa, parce qu'elle ne lui avait pas ouvert ses portes. Il la frappa, et éventra toutes ses femmes enceintes.

 Then Menahem [4505] smote [5221] Tiphsah, [8607] and all that [were] therein, and the coasts [1366] thereof from Tirzah: [8656] because they opened [6605] not [to him], therefore he smote [5221] [it; and] all the women therein that were with child [2030] he ripped up. [1234]


 La trente-neuvième année d'Asaria, roi de Juda, Ménahem, fils de Gadi, devint roi sur Israël, et il régna dix ans à Samarie.

 In the nine [8672] [8141] and thirtieth [7970] year [8141] of Azariah [5838] king [4428] of Judah [3063] began Menahem [4505] the son [1121] of Gadi [1424] to reign [4427] over Israel, [3478] [and reigned] ten [6235] years [8141] in Samaria. [8111]


 Il fit ce qui est mauvais aux yeux de YEHOVAH. Pendant toute sa vie, il ne se détourna pas des péchés de Jéroboam, fils de Nébat, par lesquels il avait fait pécher Israël.

 And he did [6213] [that which was] evil [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD: [3068] he departed [5493] not all his days [3117] from the sins [2403] of Jeroboam [3379] the son [1121] of Nebat, [5028] who made Israel [3478] to sin. [2398]


 Pul, roi d'Assyrie, étant venu contre le pays, Ménahem donna mille talents d'argent à Pul pour qu'il lui aidât à affermir la royauté entre ses mains.

 [And] Pul [6322] the king [4428] of Assyria [0804] came [0935] against the land: [0776] and Menahem [4505] gave [5414] Pul [6322] a thousand [0505] talents [3603] of silver, [3701] that his hand [3027] might be with him to confirm [2388] the kingdom [4467] in his hand. [3027]


 Or, Ménahem tira cet argent d'Israël, de tous ceux qui étaient puissants en biens, pour le donner au roi d'Assyrie: de chacun cinquante sicles d'argent. Ainsi le roi d'Assyrie s'en retourna, et ne s'arrêta point dans le pays.

 And Menahem [4505] exacted [3318] the money [3701] of Israel, [3478] [even] of all the mighty men [1368] of wealth, [2428] of each [0259] man [0376] fifty [2572] shekels [8255] of silver, [3701] to give [5414] to the king [4428] of Assyria. [0804] So the king [4428] of Assyria [0804] turned back, [7725] and stayed [5975] not there in the land. [0776]


 Le reste des actions de Ménahem, et tout ce qu'il fit, cela n'est-il pas écrit au livre des Chroniques des rois d'Israël?

 And the rest [3499] of the acts [1697] of Menahem, [4505] and all that he did, [6213] [are] they not written [3789] in the book [5612] of the chronicles [1697] [3117] of the kings [4428] of Israel? [3478]


 Et Ménahem s'endormit avec ses pères, et Pékachia, son fils, régna à sa place.

 And Menahem [4505] slept [7901] with his fathers; [0001] and Pekahiah [6494] his son [1121] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 La cinquantième année d'Asaria, roi de Juda, Pékachia, fils de Ménahem, devint roi sur Israël à Samarie, et il régna deux ans.

 In the [8141] fiftieth [2572] year [8141] of Azariah [5838] king [4428] of Judah [3063] Pekahiah [6494] the son [1121] of Menahem [4505] began to reign [4427] over Israel [3478] in Samaria, [8111] [and reigned] two years. [8141]


 Il fit ce qui est mauvais aux yeux de YEHOVAH. Il ne se détourna point des péchés de Jéroboam, fils de Nébat, par lesquels il avait fait pécher Israël.

 And he did [6213] [that which was] evil [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD: [3068] he departed [5493] not from the sins [2403] of Jeroboam [3379] the son [1121] of Nebat, [5028] who made Israel [3478] to sin. [2398]


 Et Pékach, fils de Rémalia, son officier, fit une conspiration contre lui et le frappa, à Samarie, dans le palais de la maison du roi, avec Argob et Arié, ayant avec lui cinquante hommes des enfants des Galaadites. Ainsi il le tua, et il régna à sa place.

 But Pekah [6492] the son [1121] of Remaliah, [7425] a captain [7991] of his, conspired [7194] against him, and smote [5221] him in Samaria, [8111] in the palace [0759] of the king's [4428] house, [1004] with Argob [0709] and Arieh, [0745] and with him fifty [2572] men [0376] of the Gileadites: [1121] [1569] and he killed [4191] him, and reigned [4427] in his room.


 Le reste des actions de Pékachia, et tout ce qu'il fit, voici, cela est écrit au livre des Chroniques des rois d'Israël.

 And the rest [3499] of the acts [1697] of Pekahiah, [6494] and all that he did, [6213] behold, they [are] written [3789] in the book [5612] of the chronicles [1697] [3117] of the kings [4428] of Israel. [3478]


 La cinquante-deuxième année d'Asaria, roi de Juda, Pékach, fils de Rémalia, devint roi sur Israël, à Samarie, et il régna vingt ans.

 In the [8141] two [8147] and fiftieth [2572] year [8141] of Azariah [5838] king [4428] of Judah [3063] Pekah [6492] the son [1121] of Remaliah [7425] began to reign [4427] over Israel [3478] in Samaria, [8111] [and reigned] twenty [6242] years. [8141]


 Il fit ce qui est mauvais aux yeux de YEHOVAH; et il ne se détourna point des péchés de Jéroboam, fils de Nébat, par lesquels il avait fait pécher Israël.

 And he did [6213] [that which was] evil [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD: [3068] he departed [5493] not from the sins [2403] of Jeroboam [3379] the son [1121] of Nebat, [5028] who made Israel [3478] to sin. [2398]


 Du temps de Pékach, roi d'Israël, Tiglath-Piléser, roi d'Assyrie, vint et prit Ijjon, Abel-Beth-Maaca, Janoach, Kédès, Hatsor, Galaad, la Galilée, tout le pays de Nephthali, et il en transporta le peuple en Assyrie.

 In the days [3117] of Pekah [6492] king [4428] of Israel [3478] came [0935] Tiglathpileser [8407] king [4428] of Assyria, [0804] and took [3947] Ijon, [5859] and Abelbethmaachah, [0059][1038]


 Et Osée, fils d'Éla, fit une conspiration contre Pékach, fils de Rémalia, le frappa et le tua; et il devint roi à sa place, la vingtième année de Jotham, fils d'Ozias.

 And Hoshea [1954] the son [1121] of Elah [0425] made [7194] a conspiracy [7195] against Pekah [6492] the son [1121] of Remaliah, [7425] and smote [5221] him, and slew [4191] him, and reigned [4427] in his stead, in the twentieth [6242] year [8141] of Jotham [3147] the son [1121] of Uzziah. [5818]


 Le reste des actions de Pékach, et tout ce qu'il fit, voici, cela est écrit au livre de Chroniques des rois d'Israël.

 And the rest [3499] of the acts [1697] of Pekah, [6492] and all that he did, [6213] behold, they [are] written [3789] in the book [5612] of the chronicles [1697] [3117] of the kings [4428] of Israel. [3478]


 La seconde année de Pékach, fils de Rémalia, roi d'Israël, Jotham, fils d'Ozias, roi de Juda, commença à régner.

 In the second [8147] year [8141] of Pekah [6492] the son [1121] of Remaliah [7425] king [4428] of Israel [3478] began Jotham [3147] the son [1121] of Uzziah [5818] king [4428] of Judah [3063] to reign. [4427]


 Il était âgé de vingt-cinq ans quand il commença à régner, et il régna seize ans à Jérusalem. Sa mère s'appelait Jérusha, fille de Tsadok.

 Five [2568] and twenty [6242] years [8141] old [1121] was he when he began to reign, [4427] and he reigned [4427] sixteen [8337] [6240] years [8141] in Jerusalem. [3389] And his mother's [0517] name [8034] [was] Jerusha, [3388] the daughter [1323] of Zadok. [6659]


 Il fit ce qui est droit aux yeux de YEHOVAH, il fit tout comme avait fait Ozias, son père.

 And he did [6213] [that which was] right [3477] in the sight [5869] of the LORD: [3068] he did [6213] according to all that his father [0001] Uzziah [5818] had done. [6213]


 Seulement les hauts lieux ne furent point ôtés. Le peuple sacrifiait encore et faisait des encensements dans les hauts lieux. Ce fut lui qui bâtit la porte Haute de la maison de YEHOVAH.

 Howbeit the high places [1116] were not removed: [5493] the people [5971] sacrificed [2076] and burned incense [6999] still in the high places. [1116] He built [1129] the higher [5945] gate [8179] of the house [1004] of the LORD. [3068]


 Le reste des actions de Jotham, et tout ce qu'il fit, n'est-il pas écrit au livre des Chroniques des rois de Juda?

 Now the rest [3499] of the acts [1697] of Jotham, [3147] and all that he did, [6213] [are] they not written [3789] in the book [5612] of the chronicles [1697] [3117] of the kings [4428] of Judah? [3063]


 En ces jours-là, YEHOVAH commença d'envoyer contre Juda Retsin, roi de Syrie, et Pékach, fils de Rémalia.

 In those days [3117] the LORD [3068] began [2490] to send [7971] against Judah [3063] Rezin [7526] the king [4428] of Syria, [0758] and Pekah [6492] the son [1121] of Remaliah. [7425]


 Et Jotham s'endormit avec ses pères, et fut enseveli avec ses pères dans la cité de David, son père. Et Achaz, son fils, régna à sa place.

 And Jotham [3147] slept [7901] with his fathers, [0001] and was buried [6912] with his fathers [0001] in the city [5892] of David [1732] his father: [0001] and Ahaz [0271] his son [1121] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 La dix-septième année de Pékach, fils de Rémalia, Achaz, fils de Jotham, roi de Juda, commença à régner.

 In the [8141] seventeenth [7651] [6240] year [8141] of Pekah [6492] the son [1121] of Remaliah [7425] Ahaz [0271] the son [1121] of Jotham [3147] king [4428] of Judah [3063] began to reign. [4427]


 Achaz était âgé de vingt ans quand il commença à régner, et il régna seize ans à Jérusalem. Il ne fit point ce qui est droit aux yeux de YEHOVAH, son Dieu, comme David, son père;

 Twenty [6242] years [8141] old [1121] [was] Ahaz [0271] when he began to reign, [4427] and reigned [4427] sixteen [8337] [6240] years [8141] in Jerusalem, [3389] and did [6213] not [that which was] right [3477] in the sight [5869] of the LORD [3068] his God, [0430] like David [1732] his father. [0001]


 Mais il suivit la voie des rois d'Israël; et même il fit passer son fils par le feu, selon les abominations des nations que YEHOVAH avait chassées devant les enfants d'Israël.

 But he walked [3212] in the way [1870] of the kings [4428] of Israel, [3478] yea, and made his son [1121] to pass [5674] through the fire, [0784] according to the abominations [8441] of the heathen, [1471] whom the LORD [3068] cast out [3423] from before [6440] the children [1121] of Israel. [3478]


 Il sacrifiait aussi et faisait des encensements dans les hauts lieux, sur les coteaux et sous tout arbre vert.

 And he sacrificed [2076] and burnt incense [6999] in the high places, [1116] and on the hills, [1389] and under every green [7488] tree. [6086]


 Alors Retsin, roi de Syrie, et Pékach, fils de Rémalia, roi d'Israël, montèrent contre Jérusalem pour combattre, et ils assiégèrent Achaz; mais ils ne purent point en venir à bout par les armes.

 Then Rezin [7526] king [4428] of Syria [0758] and Pekah [6492] son [1121] of Remaliah [7425] king [4428] of Israel [3478] came up [5927] to Jerusalem [3389] to war: [4421] and they besieged [6696] Ahaz, [0271] but could [3201] not overcome [3898] [him].


 En ce temps-là, Retsin, roi de Syrie, remit Élath en la puissance des Syriens, car il déposséda les Judéens d'Élath, et les Syriens vinrent à Élath, où ils ont demeuré jusqu'à ce jour.

 At that time [6256] Rezin [7526] king [4428] of Syria [0758] recovered [7725] Elath [0359] to Syria, [0758] and drave [5394] the Jews [3064] from Elath: [0359] and the Syrians [0130] came [0935] to Elath, [0359] and dwelt [3427] there unto this day. [3117]


 Or Achaz avait envoyé des députés à Tiglath-Piléser, roi des Assyriens, pour lui dire: Je suis ton serviteur et ton fils; monte et délivre-moi de la main du roi de Syrie et de la main du roi d'Israël, qui s'élèvent contre moi.

 So Ahaz [0271] sent [7971] messengers [4397] to Tiglathpileser [8407] king [4428] of Assyria, [0804] saying, [0559] I [am] thy servant [5650] and thy son: [1121] come up, [5927] and save [3467] me out of the hand [3709] of the king [4428] of Syria, [0758] and out of the hand [3709] of the king [4428] of Israel, [3478] which rise up [6965] against me.


 Et Achaz prit l'argent et l'or qui se trouva dans la maison de YEHOVAH et dans les trésors de la maison royale, et il l'envoya en don au roi d'Assyrie.

 And Ahaz [0271] took [3947] the silver [3701] and gold [2091] that was found [4672] in the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and in the treasures [0214] of the king's [4428] house, [1004] and sent [7971] [it for] a present [7810] to the king [4428] of Assyria. [0804]


 Le roi d'Assyrie fit ce qu'il souhaitait; il monta contre Damas, la prit, en transporta le peuple à Kir, et fit mourir Retsin.

 And the king [4428] of Assyria [0804] hearkened [8085] unto him: for the king [4428] of Assyria [0804] went up [5927] against Damascus, [1834] and took [8610] it, and carried [the people of] it captive [1540] to Kir, [7024] and slew [4191] Rezin. [7526]


 Alors le roi Achaz s'en alla à Damas au-devant de Tiglath-Piléser, roi d'Assyrie. Or le roi Achaz, ayant vu l'autel qui était à Damas, envoya à Urie, le sacrificateur, le dessin et le modèle de cet autel, selon toute sa construction.

 And king [4428] Ahaz [0271] went [3212] to Damascus [1834] to meet [7125] Tiglathpileser [8407] king [4428] of Assyria, [0804] and saw [7200] an altar [4196] that [was] at Damascus: [1834] and king [4428] Ahaz [0271] sent [7971] to Urijah [0223] the priest [3548] the fashion [1823] of the altar, [4196] and the pattern [8403] of it, according to all the workmanship [4639] thereof.


 Et Urie, le sacrificateur, bâtit un autel suivant tout ce que le roi Achaz avait mandé de Damas. Urie, le sacrificateur, le fit avant que le roi fût revenu de Damas.

 And Urijah [0223] the priest [3548] built [1129] an altar [4196] according to all that king [4428] Ahaz [0271] had sent [7971] from Damascus: [1834] so Urijah [0223] the priest [3548] made [6213] [it] against king [4428] Ahaz [0271] came [0935] from Damascus. [1834]


 Et quand le roi Achaz fut revenu de Damas et qu'il eut vu l'autel, il s'en approcha et y monta.

 And when the king [4428] was come [0935] from Damascus, [1834] the king [4428] saw [7200] the altar: [4196] and the king [4428] approached [7126] to the altar, [4196] and offered [5927] thereon.


 Il fit fumer sur cet autel son offrande à brûler et son oblation, y versa ses offrandes de breuvage et y répandit le sang de ses sacrifices de prospérités.

 And he burnt [6999] his burnt offering [5930] and his meat offering, [4503] and poured [5258] his drink offering, [5262] and sprinkled [2236] the blood [1818] of his peace offerings, [8002] upon the altar. [4196]


 Quant à l'autel d'airain qui était devant YEHOVAH, il le transporta de devant la maison, en sorte qu'il ne fût point entre son autel et la maison de YEHOVAH; et il le mit à côté de cet autel-là, vers le nord.

 And he brought [7126] also the brasen [5178] altar, [4196] which [was] before [6440] the LORD, [3068] from the forefront [6440] of the house, [1004] from between the altar [4196] and the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and put [5414] it on the north [6828] side [3409] of the altar. [4196]


 Puis le roi Achaz donna ce commandement à Urie, le sacrificateur: Tu feras fumer sur le grand autel l'offrande à brûler du matin et l'oblation du soir, l'offrande à brûler du roi et son oblation, l'offrande à brûler de tout le peuple du pays et leurs oblations; tu y répandras leurs offrandes de breuvage, tout le sang des offrandes à brûler, et tout le sang des sacrifices. Mais, quant à l'autel d'airain, ce sera à moi d'examiner.

 And king [4428] Ahaz [0271] commanded [6680] Urijah [0223] the priest, [3548] saying, [0559] Upon the great [1419] altar [4196] burn [6999] the morning [1242] burnt offering, [5930] and the evening [6153] meat offering, [4503] and the king's [4428] burnt sacrifice, [5930] and his meat offering, [4503] with the burnt offering [5930] of all the people [5971] of the land, [0776] and their meat offering, [4503] and their drink offerings; [5262] and sprinkle [2236] upon it all t


 Or Urie, le sacrificateur, fit tout ce que le roi Achaz lui avait commandé.

 Thus did [6213] Urijah [0223] the priest, [3548] according to all that king [4428] Ahaz [0271] commanded. [6680]


 De plus le roi Achaz mit en morceaux les panneaux des socles et en ôta les cuves qui étaient dessus; il descendit la mer de dessus les bœufs d'airain qui étaient dessous, et la mit sur un pavé de pierre.

 And king [4428] Ahaz [0271] cut off [7112] the borders [4526] of the bases, [4350] and removed [5493] the laver [3595] from off them; and took down [3381] the sea [3220] from off the brasen [5178] oxen [1241] that [were] under it, and put [5414] it upon a pavement [4837] of stones. [0068]


 Il ôta aussi de la maison de YEHOVAH, à cause du roi d'Assyrie, le portique couvert du sabbat, qu'on avait bâti au temple, et l'entrée du roi, qui était en dehors.

 And the covert [4329] [4329] for the sabbath [7676] that they had built [1129] in the house, [1004] and the king's [4428] entry [3996] without, [2435] turned [5437] he from the house [1004] of the LORD [3068] for [6440] the king [4428] of Assyria. [0804]


 Le reste des actions d'Achaz, et ce qu'il fit, n'est-il pas écrit au livre des Chroniques des rois de Juda?

 Now the rest [3499] of the acts [1697] of Ahaz [0271] which he did, [6213] [are] they not written [3789] in the book [5612] of the chronicles [1697] [3117] of the kings [4428] of Judah? [3063]


 Puis Achaz s'endormit avec ses pères et fut enseveli avec eux dans la cité de David, et Ézéchias, son fils, régna à sa place.

 And Ahaz [0271] slept [7901] with his fathers, [0001] and was buried [6912] with his fathers [0001] in the city [5892] of David: [1732] and Hezekiah [2396] his son [1121] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 La douzième année d'Achaz, roi de Juda, Osée, fils d'Éla, devint roi sur Israël, à Samarie, et il régna neuf ans.

 In the twelfth [8147] [6240] year [8141] of Ahaz [0271] king [4428] of Judah [3063] began Hoshea [1954] the son [1121] of Elah [0425] to reign [4427] in Samaria [8111] over Israel [3478] nine [8672] years. [8141]


 Il fit ce qui est mauvais aux yeux de YEHOVAH; non pas toutefois comme les rois d'Israël qui avaient été avant lui.

 And he did [6213] [that which was] evil [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD, [3068] but not as the kings [4428] of Israel [3478] that were before [6440] him.


 Salmanéser, roi des Assyriens, monta contre lui; et Osée lui fut assujetti, et il lui envoyait un tribut.

 Against him came up [5927] Shalmaneser [8022] king [4428] of Assyria; [0804] and Hoshea [1954] became his servant, [5650] and gave [7725] him presents. [4503]


 Mais le roi des Assyriens découvrit qu'Osée conspirait; car Osée avait envoyé des députés vers So, roi d'Égypte, et n'envoyait plus au roi d'Assyrie le tribut annuel. C'est pourquoi le roi des Assyriens l'enferma, et le lia dans une prison.

 And the king [4428] of Assyria [0804] found [4672] conspiracy [7195] in Hoshea: [1954] for he had sent [7971] messengers [4397] to So [5471] king [4428] of Egypt, [4714] and brought [5927] no present [4503] to the king [4428] of Assyria, [0804] as [he had done] year [8141] by year: [8141] therefore the king [4428] of Assyria [0804] shut him up, [6113] and bound [0631] him in prison. [1004] [3608]


 Puis le roi des Assyriens monta par tout le pays. Il monta aussi à Samarie, et l'assiégea pendant trois ans.

 Then the king [4428] of Assyria [0804] came up [5927] throughout all the land, [0776] and went up [5927] to Samaria, [8111] and besieged [6696] it three [7969] years. [8141]


 La neuvième année d'Osée, le roi des Assyriens prit Samarie; et il transporta les Israélites en Assyrie, et les fit habiter à Chalach et sur le Chabor, fleuve de Gozan, et dans les villes des Mèdes.

 In the ninth [8671] year [8141] of Hoshea [1954] the king [4428] of Assyria [0804] took [3920] Samaria, [8111] and carried Israel [3478] away [1540] into Assyria, [0804] and placed [3427] them in Halah [2477] and in Habor [2249] [by] the river [5104] of Gozan, [1470] and in the cities [5892] of the Medes. [4074]


 Car les enfants d'Israël avaient péché contre YEHOVAH leur Dieu, qui les avait fait remonter du pays d'Égypte, de dessous la main de Pharaon, roi d'Égypte, et ils avaient adoré d'autres dieux.

 For [so] it was, that the children [1121] of Israel [3478] had sinned [2398] against the LORD [3068] their God, [0430] which had brought them up [5927] out of the land [0776] of Egypt, [4714] from under the hand [3027] of Pharaoh [6547] king [4428] of Egypt, [4714] and had feared [3372] other [0312] gods, [0430]


 Ils avaient suivi les coutumes des nations que YEHOVAH avait chassées devant les enfants d'Israël, et celles qu'avaient établies les rois d'Israël.

 And walked [3212] in the statutes [2708] of the heathen, [1471] whom the LORD [3068] cast out [3423] from before [6440] the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] and of the kings [4428] of Israel, [3478] which they had made. [6213]


 Et les enfants d'Israël firent en secret contre YEHOVAH leur Dieu des choses qui ne sont pas droites; et ils se bâtirent des hauts lieux dans toutes leurs villes, depuis la tour des gardes jusqu'à la ville forte.

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] did secretly [2644] [those] things [1697] that [were] not right against the LORD [3068] their God, [0430] and they built [1129] them high places [1116] in all their cities, [5892] from the tower [4026] of the watchmen [5341] to the fenced [4013] city. [5892]


 Ils se dressèrent des statues et des emblèmes d'Ashéra sur toute haute colline et sous tout arbre vert,

 And they set them up [5324] images [4676] and groves [0842] in every high [1364] hill, [1389] and under every green [7488] tree: [6086]


 Et firent là des encensements, dans tous les hauts lieux, comme les nations que YEHOVAH avait chassées devant eux. Ils firent des choses mauvaises, pour irriter YEHOVAH,

 And there they burnt incense [6999] in all the high places, [1116] as [did] the heathen [1471] whom the LORD [3068] carried away [1540] before [6440] them; and wrought [6213] wicked [7451] things [1697] to provoke the LORD [3068] to anger: [3707]


 Et servirent les idoles, dont YEHOVAH leur avait dit: Vous ne ferez point cela.

 For they served [5647] idols, [1544] whereof the LORD [3068] had said [0559] unto them, Ye shall not do [6213] this thing. [1697]


 Et YEHOVAH somma Israël et Juda par chacun de ses prophètes et de ses voyants, leur disant: Revenez de vos mauvaises voies, gardez mes commandements et mes statuts, selon toute la loi que j'ai prescrite à vos pères, et que je vous ai envoyée par mes serviteurs les prophètes.

 Yet the LORD [3068] testified [5749] against Israel, [3478] and against Judah, [3063] by [3027] all the prophets, [5030] [and by] all the seers, [2374] saying, [0559] Turn [7725] ye from your evil [7451] ways, [1870] and keep [8104] my commandments [4687] [and] my statutes, [2708] according to all the law [8451] which I commanded [6680] your fathers, [0001] and which I sent [7971] to you by [3027] my servants [5650] the prophets. [5030]


 Mais ils n'écoutèrent point, et ils roidirent leur cou, comme avaient fait leurs pères, qui n'avaient point cru à YEHOVAH leur Dieu.

 Notwithstanding they would not hear, [8085] but hardened [7185] their necks, [6203] like to the neck [6203] of their fathers, [0001] that did not believe [0539] in the LORD [3068] their God. [0430]


 Ils méprisèrent ses statuts, et l'alliance qu'il avait traitée avec leurs pères, et les témoignages par lesquels il les avait sommés. Ils allèrent après la vanité, et devinrent vains, et après les nations qui étaient autour d'eux, bien que YEHOVAH eût défendu de faire comme elles.

 And they rejected [3988] his statutes, [2706] and his covenant [1285] that he made [3772] with their fathers, [0001] and his testimonies [5715] which he testified [5749] against them; and they followed [3212] [0310] vanity, [1892] and became vain, [1891] and went after [0310] the heathen [1471] that [were] round about [5439] them, [concerning] whom the LORD [3068] had charged [6680] them, that they should not do [6213] like them.


 Et, ayant abandonné tous les commandements de YEHOVAH leur Dieu, ils se firent des images de fonte, deux veaux; ils firent des emblèmes d'Ashéra, ils se prosternèrent devant toute l'armée des cieux, et ils servirent Baal.

 And they left [5800] all the commandments [4687] of the LORD [3068] their God, [0430] and made [6213] them molten images, [4541] [even] two [8147] calves, [5695] and made [6213] a grove, [0842] and worshipped [7812] all the host [6635] of heaven, [8064] and served [5647] Baal. [1168]


 Ils firent aussi passer par le feu leurs fils et leurs filles; ils s'adonnèrent aux divinations et aux sortilèges; et ils se vendirent pour faire ce qui déplaît à YEHOVAH, afin de l'irriter.

 And they caused their sons [1121] and their daughters [1323] to pass [5674] through the fire, [0784] and used [7080] divination [7081] and enchantments, [5172] and sold [4376] themselves to do [6213] evil [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD, [3068] to provoke him to anger. [3707]


 Aussi YEHOVAH s'irrita fort contre les Israélites, et les rejeta de devant sa face. Il ne demeura de reste que la seule tribu de Juda.

 Therefore the LORD [3068] was very [3966] angry [0599] with Israel, [3478] and removed [5493] them out of his sight: [6440] there was none left [7604] but the tribe [7626] of Judah [3063] only.


 Juda même ne garda pas les commandements de YEHOVAH, son Dieu; mais ils marchèrent dans les coutumes qu'Israël avait établies.

 Also Judah [3063] kept [8104] not the commandments [4687] of the LORD [3068] their God, [0430] but walked [3212] in the statutes [2708] of Israel [3478] which they made. [6213]


 Et YEHOVAH rejeta toute la race d'Israël; il les humilia, et les livra entre les mains des spoliateurs, jusqu'à les bannir loin de sa face.

 And the LORD [3068] rejected [3988] all the seed [2233] of Israel, [3478] and afflicted [6031] them, and delivered [5414] them into the hand [3027] of spoilers, [8154] until he had cast [7993] them out of his sight. [6440]


 Car Israël fit schisme d'avec la maison de David. Ils établirent roi Jéroboam, fils de Nébat, et Jéroboam détourna Israël de suivre YEHOVAH; et il leur fit commettre un grand péché.

 For he rent [7167] Israel [3478] from the house [1004] of David; [1732] and they made Jeroboam [3379] the son [1121] of Nebat [5028] king: [4427] and Jeroboam [3379] drave [5080] Israel [3478] from following [0310] the LORD, [3068] and made them sin [2398] a great [1419] sin. [2401]


 Et les enfants d'Israël marchèrent dans tous les péchés que Jéroboam avait commis. Ils ne s'en détournèrent point;

 For the children [1121] of Israel [3478] walked [3212] in all the sins [2403] of Jeroboam [3379] which he did; [6213] they departed [5493] not from them;


 Tellement qu'à la fin YEHOVAH les bannit loin de sa face, selon qu'il en avait parlé par tous ses serviteurs, les prophètes. Et Israël fut transporté de son pays en Assyrie, où il est jusqu'à ce jour.

 Until the LORD [3068] removed [5493] Israel [3478] out of his sight, [6440] as he had said [1696] by [3027] all his servants [5650] the prophets. [5030] So was Israel [3478] carried away [1540] out of their own land [0127] to Assyria [0804] unto this day. [3117]


 Alors le roi des Assyriens fit venir des gens de Babylone, de Cutha, d'Avva, de Hamath et de Sépharvaïm, et les établit dans les villes de Samarie, à la place des enfants d'Israël; ils prirent possession de la Samarie, et habitèrent dans ses villes.

 And the king [4428] of Assyria [0804] brought [0935] [men] from Babylon, [0894] and from Cuthah, [3575] and from Ava, [5755] and from Hamath, [2574] and from Sepharvaim, [5617] and placed [3427] [them] in the cities [5892] of Samaria [8111] instead of the children [1121] of Israel: [3478] and they possessed [3423] Samaria, [8111] and dwelt [3427] in the cities [5892] thereof.


 Or, lorsqu'ils commencèrent d'y habiter, ils ne craignaient pas YEHOVAH; et YEHOVAH envoya contre eux des lions qui les tuaient.

 And [so] it was at the beginning [8462] of their dwelling [3427] there, [that] they feared [3372] not the LORD: [3068] therefore the LORD [3068] sent [7971] lions [0738] among them, which slew [2026] [some] of them.


 Et on dit au roi des Assyriens: Les nations que tu as transportées et établies dans les villes de la Samarie ne connaissent pas la manière de servir le dieu du pays, et il a envoyé des lions qui les tuent, parce qu'elles ne connaissent pas la manière de servir le dieu du pays.

 Wherefore they spake [0559] to the king [4428] of Assyria, [0804] saying, [0559] The nations [1471] which thou hast removed, [1540] and placed [3427] in the cities [5892] of Samaria, [8111] know [3045] not the manner [4941] of the God [0430] of the land: [0776] therefore he hath sent [7971] lions [0738] among them, and, behold, they slay [4191] them, because they know [3045] not the manner [4941] of the God [0430] of the land. [0776]


 Alors le roi des Assyriens donna cet ordre: Faites-y aller quelqu'un des sacrificateurs que vous avez amenés captifs; qu'il y aille, qu'il y demeure, et qu'il enseigne la manière de servir le dieu du pays.

 Then the king [4428] of Assyria [0804] commanded, [6680] saying, [0559] Carry [3212] thither one [0259] of the priests [3548] whom ye brought [1540] from thence; and let them go [3212] and dwell [3427] there, and let him teach [3384] them the manner [4941] of the God [0430] of the land. [0776]


 Ainsi l'un des sacrificateurs qu'on avait transportés de Samarie, vint et habita à Béthel; et il leur enseigna comment ils devaient craindre YEHOVAH.

 Then one [0259] of the priests [3548] whom they had carried away [1540] from Samaria [8111] came [0935] and dwelt [3427] in Bethel, [1008] and taught [3384] them how they should fear [3372] the LORD. [3068]


 Mais chaque nation se fit ses dieux, et les mit dans les maisons des hauts lieux que les Samaritains avaient faits; chaque nation les mit dans les villes où elle habitait.

 Howbeit every nation [1471] [1471] made [6213] gods [0430] of their own, and put [3240] [them] in the houses [1004] of the high places [1116] which the Samaritans [8118] had made, [6213] every nation [1471] [1471] in their cities [5892] wherein they dwelt. [3427]


 Les gens de Babylone firent Succoth-Bénoth; les gens de Cuth firent Nergal; les gens de Hamath firent Ashima;

 And the men [0582] of Babylon [0894] made [6213] Succothbenoth, [5524] and the men [0582] of Cuth [3575] made [6213] Nergal, [5370] and the men [0582] of Hamath [2574] made [6213] Ashima, [0807]


 Les Avviens firent Nibchaz et Tharthac; et les Sépharviens brûlaient au feu leurs enfants en l'honneur d'Adrammélec et d'Anammélec, dieux de Sépharvaïm.

 And the Avites [5761] made [6213] Nibhaz [5026] and Tartak, [8662] and the Sepharvites [5616] burnt [8313] their children [1121] in fire [0784] to Adrammelech [0152] and Anammelech, [6048] the gods [0430] of Sepharvaim. [5617]


 Ils adoraient aussi YEHOVAH. Mais ils établirent pour sacrificateurs des hauts lieux, des gens pris d'entre eux tous, qui sacrifiaient pour eux dans les maisons des hauts lieux.

 So they feared [3373] the LORD, [3068] and made [6213] unto themselves of the lowest [7098] of them priests [3548] of the high places, [1116] which sacrificed [6213] for them in the houses [1004] of the high places. [1116]


 Ainsi ils craignaient YEHOVAH, et ils servaient en même temps leurs dieux, à la manière des nations d'où on les avait transportés.

 They feared [3373] the LORD, [3068] and served [5647] their own gods, [0430] after the manner [4941] of the nations [1471] whom they carried away [1540] from thence.


 Et ils suivent jusqu'à ce jour leurs premières coutumes; ils ne craignent pas YEHOVAH; ils ne font ni selon leurs ordonnances et leurs coutumes, ni selon la loi et le commandement que YEHOVAH Dieu donna aux enfants de Jacob, qu'il avait nommé Israël.

 Unto this day [3117] they do [6213] after the former [7223] manners: [4941] they fear [3373] not the LORD, [3068] neither do [6213] they after their statutes, [2708] or after their ordinances, [4941] or after the law [8451] and commandment [4687] which the LORD [3068] commanded [6680] the children [1121] of Jacob, [3290] whom he named [7760] [8034] Israel; [3478]


 Car YEHOVAH traita alliance avec eux, et leur donna ce commandement: Vous ne craindrez point d'autres dieux; vous ne vous prosternerez point devant eux; vous ne les servirez point, et vous ne leur sacrifierez point.

 With whom the LORD [3068] had made [3772] a covenant, [1285] and charged [6680] them, saying, [0559] Ye shall not fear [3372] other [0312] gods, [0430] nor bow [7812] yourselves to them, nor serve [5647] them, nor sacrifice [2076] to them:


 Mais vous craindrez YEHOVAH qui vous a fait monter hors du pays d'Égypte par une grande force et à bras étendu. C'est devant lui que vous vous prosternerez; c'est à lui que vous sacrifierez.

 But the LORD, [3068] who brought you up [5927] out of the land [0776] of Egypt [4714] with great [1419] power [3581] and a stretched out [5186] arm, [2220] him shall ye fear, [3372] and him shall ye worship, [7812] and to him shall ye do sacrifice. [2076]


 Les statuts, les ordonnances, la loi et les commandements qu'il a écrits pour vous, vous prendrez garde à les pratiquer toujours; et vous ne craindrez pas d'autres dieux.

 And the statutes, [2706] and the ordinances, [4941] and the law, [8451] and the commandment, [4687] which he wrote [3789] for you, ye shall observe [8104] to do [6213] for evermore; [3605] [3117] and ye shall not fear [3372] other [0312] gods. [0430]


 Vous n'oublierez donc pas l'alliance que j'ai traitée avec vous; vous ne craindrez pas d'autres dieux;

 And the covenant [1285] that I have made [3772] with you ye shall not forget; [7911] neither shall ye fear [3372] other [0312] gods. [0430]


 Mais c'est YEHOVAH votre Dieu que vous craindrez, et il vous délivrera de la main de vos ennemis.

 But the LORD [3068] your God [0430] ye shall fear; [3372] and he shall deliver [5337] you out of the hand [3027] of all your enemies. [0341]


 Mais ils n'écoutèrent point, et ils firent selon leurs premières coutumes.

 Howbeit they did not hearken, [8085] but they did [6213] after their former [7223] manner. [4941]


 Ainsi ces nations craignaient YEHOVAH, et servaient en même temps leurs idoles. Or leurs enfants, et les enfants de leurs enfants, font jusqu'à ce jour comme leurs pères ont fait.

 So these nations [1471] feared [3373] the LORD, [3068] and served [5647] their graven images, [6456] both their children, [1121] and their children's [1121] children: [1121] as did [6213] their fathers, [0001] so do [6213] they unto this day. [3117]


 La troisième année d'Osée, fils d'Ela, roi d'Israël, Ézéchias, fils d'Achaz, roi de Juda, commença à régner.

 Now it came to pass in the third [7969] year [8141] of Hoshea [1954] son [1121] of Elah [0425] king [4428] of Israel, [3478] [that] Hezekiah [2396] the son [1121] of Ahaz [0271] king [4428] of Judah [3063] began to reign. [4427]


 Il était âgé de vingt-cinq ans quand il commença à régner, et il régna vingt-neuf ans à Jérusalem. Sa mère s'appelait Abi; elle était fille de Zacharie.

 Twenty [6242] and five [2568] years [8141] old [1121] was he when he began to reign; [4427] and he reigned [4427] twenty [6242] and nine [8672] years [8141] in Jerusalem. [3389] His mother's [0517] name [8034] also [was] Abi, [0021] the daughter [1323] of Zachariah. [2148]


 Il fit ce qui est droit aux yeux de YEHOVAH, selon tout ce qu'avait fait David, son père.

 And he did [6213] [that which was] right [3477] in the sight [5869] of the LORD, [3068] according to all that David [1732] his father [0001] did. [6213]


 Il ôta les hauts lieux; il mit en pièces les statues; il abattit les images d'Ashéra, et brisa le serpent d'airain que Moïse avait fait, parce que jusqu'à ce jour-là les enfants d'Israël lui faisaient des encensements; et on le nommait Néhushtan.

 He removed [5493] the high places, [1116] and brake [7665] the images, [4676] and cut down [3772] the groves, [0842] and brake in pieces [3807] the brasen [5178] serpent [5175] that Moses [4872] had made: [6213] for unto those days [3117] the children [1121] of Israel [3478] did burn incense [6999] to it: and he called [7121] it Nehushtan. [5180]


 Il mit son espérance en YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël; et il n'y eut point son pareil entre tous les rois de Juda qui suivirent, non plus que parmi ses prédécesseurs.

 He trusted [0982] in the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel; [3478] so that after [0310] him was none like him among all the kings [4428] of Judah, [3063] nor [any] that were before [6440] him.


 Il s'attacha à YEHOVAH; il ne se détourna point de lui; et il garda les commandements que YEHOVAH avait donnés à Moïse.

 For he clave [1692] to the LORD, [3068] [and] departed [5493] not from following [0310] him, but kept [8104] his commandments, [4687] which the LORD [3068] commanded [6680] Moses. [4872]


 Et YEHOVAH fut avec lui; dans tout ce qu'il entreprenait il prospérait. Il se révolta contre le roi des Assyriens, et ne lui fut point assujetti.

 And the LORD [3068] was with him; [and] he prospered [7919] whithersoever he went forth: [3318] and he rebelled [4775] against the king [4428] of Assyria, [0804] and served [5647] him not.


 Il battit les Philistins jusqu'à Gaza et ses frontières, depuis les tours des gardes jusqu'aux villes fortes.

 He smote [5221] the Philistines, [6430] [even] unto Gaza, [5804] and the borders [1366] thereof, from the tower [4026] of the watchmen [5341] to the fenced [4013] city. [5892]


 Or il arriva, la quatrième année du roi Ézéchias, qui était la septième d'Osée, fils d'Éla, roi d'Israël, que Salmanéser, roi des Assyriens, monta contre Samarie et l'assiégea.

 And it came to pass in the fourth [7243] year [8141] of king [4428] Hezekiah, [2396] which [was] the seventh [7637] year [8141] of Hoshea [1954] son [1121] of Elah [0425] king [4428] of Israel, [3478] [that] Shalmaneser [8022] king [4428] of Assyria [0804] came up [5927] against Samaria, [8111] and besieged [6696] it.


 Au bout de trois ans ils la prirent; la sixième année du règne d'Ézéchias, qui était la neuvième d'Osée, roi d'Israël, Samarie fut prise.

 And at the end [7097] of three [7969] years [8141] they took [3920] it: [even] in the sixth [8337] year [8141] of Hezekiah, [2396] that [is] the ninth [8672] year [8141] of Hoshea [1954] king [4428] of Israel, [3478] Samaria [8111] was taken. [3920]


 Et le roi des Assyriens transporta les Israélites en Assyrie, et il les établit à Chalach et sur le Chabor, fleuve de Gozan, et dans les villes des Mèdes,

 And the king [4428] of Assyria [0804] did carry away [1540] Israel [3478] unto Assyria, [0804] and put [5148] them in Halah [2477] and in Habor [2249] [by] the river [5104] of Gozan, [1470] and in the cities [5892] of the Medes: [4074]


 Parce qu'ils n'avaient point écouté la voix de YEHOVAH leur Dieu, mais qu'ils avaient transgressé son alliance, et qu'ils n'avaient ni écouté ni fait rien de ce qu'avait ordonné Moïse, serviteur de YEHOVAH.

 Because they obeyed [8085] not the voice [6963] of the LORD [3068] their God, [0430] but transgressed [5674] his covenant, [1285] [and] all that Moses [4872] the servant [5650] of the LORD [3068] commanded, [6680] and would not hear [8085] [them], nor do [6213] [them].


 Or, la quatorzième année du roi Ézéchias, Sanchérib, roi d'Assyrie, monta contre toutes les villes fortes de Juda, et les prit.

 Now in the fourteenth [0702] [6240] year [8141] of king [4428] Hezekiah [2396] did Sennacherib [5576] king [4428] of Assyria [0804] come up [5927] against all the fenced [1219] cities [5892] of Judah, [3063] and took [8610] them.


 Alors Ézéchias, roi de Juda, envoya dire au roi des Assyriens, à Lakis: Je suis en faute. Retire-toi de moi; je supporterai ce que tu m'imposeras. Et le roi des Assyriens imposa trois cents talents d'argent et trente talents d'or à Ézéchias, roi de Juda.

 And Hezekiah [2396] king [4428] of Judah [3063] sent [7971] to the king [4428] of Assyria [0804] to Lachish, [3923] saying, [0559] I have offended; [2398] return [7725] from me: that which thou puttest [5414] on me will I bear. [5375] And the king [4428] of Assyria [0804] appointed [7760] unto Hezekiah [2396] king [4428] of Judah [3063] three [7969] hundred [3967] talents [3603] of silver [3701] and thirty [7970] talents [3603] of gold. [2091]


 Et Ézéchias donna tout l'argent qui se trouva dans la maison de YEHOVAH et dans les trésors de la maison royale.

 And Hezekiah [2396] gave [5414] [him] all the silver [3701] that was found [4672] in the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and in the treasures [0214] of the king's [4428] house. [1004]


 En ce temps-là, Ézéchias enleva l'or dont lui-même avait couvert les portes du temple de YEHOVAH et ses linteaux, et le donna au roi d'Assyrie.

 At that time [6256] did Hezekiah [2396] cut off [7112] [the gold from] the doors [1817] of the temple [1964] of the LORD, [3068] and [from] the pillars [0547] which Hezekiah [2396] king [4428] of Judah [3063] had overlaid, [6823] and gave [5414] it to the king [4428] of Assyria. [0804]


 Mais le roi des Assyriens envoya, de Lakis, Tharthan, Rabsaris et Rabshaké, avec de grandes forces contre le roi Ézéchias, à Jérusalem. Ils montèrent et vinrent à Jérusalem; et, y étant arrivés, ils se présentèrent auprès de l'aqueduc du haut étang, qui est sur la route du champ du foulon.

 And the king [4428] of Assyria [0804] sent [7971] Tartan [8661] and Rabsaris [7249] and Rabshakeh [7262] from Lachish [3923] to king [4428] Hezekiah [2396] with a great [3515] host [2426] against Jerusalem. [3389] And they went up [5927] and came [0935] to Jerusalem. [3389] And when they were come up, [5927] they came [0935] and stood [5975] by the conduit [8585] of the upper [5945] pool, [1295] which [is] in the highway [4546] of the fuller's [3526] field. [7704]


 Et ils appelèrent le roi. Alors Eliakim, fils de Hilkija, préfet du palais, se rendit vers eux, avec Shebna, le secrétaire, et Joach, le chancelier, fils d'Asaph.

 And when they had called [7121] to the king, [4428] there came out [3318] to them Eliakim [0471] the son [1121] of Hilkiah, [2518] which [was] over the household, [1004] and Shebna [7644] the scribe, [5608] and Joah [3098] the son [1121] of Asaph [0623] the recorder. [2142]


 Et Rabshaké leur dit: Dites, je vous prie, à Ézéchias: Ainsi dit le grand roi, le roi des Assyriens: Qu'est-ce que cette confiance sur laquelle tu t'appuies?

 And Rabshakeh [7262] said [0559] unto them, Speak [0559] ye now to Hezekiah, [2396] Thus saith [0559] the great [1419] king, [4428] the king [4428] of Assyria, [0804] What confidence [0986] [is] this wherein thou trustest? [0982]


 Tu parles, mais ce ne sont que des paroles! Le conseil et la force sont requis à la guerre. Et maintenant, en qui t'es-tu confié, pour te révolter contre moi?

 Thou sayest, [0559] (but [they are but] vain [8193] words,) [1697] [I have] counsel [6098] and strength [1369] for the war. [4421] Now on whom dost thou trust, [0982] that thou rebellest [4775] against me?


 Voici, tu te confies en l'Égypte, en ce bâton, ce roseau cassé, qui perce et traverse la main de celui qui s'y appuie. Tel est Pharaon, le roi d'Égypte, pour tous ceux qui se confient en lui.

 Now, behold, thou trustest [0982] upon the staff [4938] of this bruised [7533] reed, [7070] [even] upon Egypt, [4714] on which if a man [0376] lean, [5564] it will go [0935] into his hand, [3709] and pierce [5344] it: so [is] Pharaoh [6547] king [4428] of Egypt [4714] unto all that trust [0982] on him.


 Que si vous me dites: Nous nous confions en YEHOVAH, notre Dieu; n'est-ce pas lui dont Ézéchias a ôté les hauts lieux et les autels, disant à Juda et à Jérusalem: Vous vous prosternerez à Jérusalem devant cet autel-ci?

 But if ye say [0559] unto me, We trust [0982] in the LORD [3068] our God: [0430] [is] not that he, whose high places [1116] and whose altars [4196] Hezekiah [2396] hath taken away, [5493] and hath said [0559] to Judah [3063] and Jerusalem, [3389] Ye shall worship [7812] before [6440] this altar [4196] in Jerusalem? [3389]


 Et maintenant, fais un accord avec mon maître, le roi d'Assyrie; et je te donnerai deux mille chevaux, si tu peux fournir autant d'hommes pour les monter.

 Now therefore, I pray thee, give pledges [6148] to my lord [0113] the king [4428] of Assyria, [0804] and I will deliver [5414] thee two thousand [0505] horses, [5483] if thou be able [3201] on thy part to set [5414] riders [7392] upon them.


 Et comment ferais-tu tourner visage au moindre gouverneur d'entre les serviteurs de mon maître? Mais tu te confies en l'Égypte, pour trouver des chars et des cavaliers!

 How then wilt thou turn away [7725] the face [6440] of one [0259] captain [6346] of the least [6996] of my master's [0113] servants, [5650] and put thy trust [0982] on Egypt [4714] for chariots [7393] and for horsemen? [6571]


 Maintenant, est-ce sans l'ordre de YEHOVAH que je suis monté contre ce lieu-ci pour le ravager? C'est YEHOVAH qui m'a dit: Monte contre ce pays, et ravage-le.

 Am I now come up [5927] without [1107] the LORD [3068] against this place [4725] to destroy [7843] it? The LORD [3068] said [0559] to me, Go up [5927] against this land, [0776] and destroy [7843] it.


 Alors Eliakim, fils de Hilkija, avec Shebna et Joach, dirent à Rabshaké: Parle à tes serviteurs en langue araméenne, car nous l'entendons; et ne nous parle point en langue judaïque, aux oreilles de ce peuple qui est sur la muraille.

 Then said [0559] Eliakim [0471] the son [1121] of Hilkiah, [2518] and Shebna, [7644] and Joah, [3098] unto Rabshakeh, [7262] Speak, [1696] I pray thee, to thy servants [5650] in the Syrian [0762] language; for we understand [8085] [it]: and talk [1696] not with us in the Jews' language [3066] in the ears [0241] of the people [5971] that [are] on the wall. [2346]


 Mais Rabshaké leur dit: Est-ce vers ton maître, ou vers toi, que mon maître m'a envoyé pour dire ces paroles? N'est-ce pas vers les hommes qui se tiennent sur la muraille, pour dire qu'ils mangeront leurs excréments et boiront leur urine avec vous?

 But Rabshakeh [7262] said [0559] unto them, Hath my master [0113] sent [7971] me to thy master, [0113] and to thee, to speak [1696] these words? [1697] [hath he] not [sent me] to the men [0582] which sit [3427] on the wall, [2346] that they may eat [0398] their own dung, [6675] [2755] and drink [8354] their own piss [4325] [7272][7890] with you?


 Puis Rabshaké, se tenant debout, s'écria à haute voix en langue judaïque, et parla ainsi: Écoutez la parole du grand roi, du roi d'Assyrie!

 Then Rabshakeh [7262] stood [5975] and cried [7121] with a loud [1419] voice [6963] in the Jews' language, [3066] and spake, [1696] saying, [0559] Hear [8085] the word [1697] of the great [1419] king, [4428] the king [4428] of Assyria: [0804]


 Ainsi dit le roi: Qu'Ézéchias ne vous abuse point; car il ne pourra vous délivrer de ma main.

 Thus saith [0559] the king, [4428] Let not Hezekiah [2396] deceive [5377] you: for he shall not be able [3201] to deliver [5337] you out of his hand: [3027]


 Qu'Ézéchias ne vous fasse pas mettre votre confiance en YEHOVAH, en disant: YEHOVAH ne manquera pas de nous délivrer, et cette ville ne sera pas livrée aux mains du roi d'Assyrie.

 Neither let Hezekiah [2396] make you trust [0982] in the LORD, [3068] saying, [0559] The LORD [3068] will surely [5337] deliver [5337] us, and this city [5892] shall not be delivered [5414] into the hand [3027] of the king [4428] of Assyria. [0804]


 N'écoutez point Ézéchias; car ainsi a dit le roi d'Assyrie: Faites la paix avec moi, et sortez vers moi; et vous mangerez chacun de sa vigne et chacun de son figuier, et vous boirez chacun de l'eau de sa citerne;

 Hearken [8085] not to Hezekiah: [2396] for thus saith [0559] the king [4428] of Assyria, [0804] Make [6213] [an agreement] with me by a present, [1293] and come out [3318] to me, and [then] eat [0398] ye every man [0376] of his own vine, [1612] and every one [0376] of his fig tree, [8384] and drink [8354] ye every one [0376] the waters [4325] of his cistern: [0953]


 Jusqu'à ce que je vienne, et que je vous emmène en un pays pareil au vôtre, un pays de froment et de vin, un pays de pain et de vignes, un pays d'oliviers à huile et de miel; et vous vivrez et ne mourrez point. N'écoutez pas Ézéchias, car il vous leurre, en disant: YEHOVAH nous délivrera.

 Until I come [0935] and take you away [3947] to a land [0776] like your own land, [0776] a land [0776] of corn [1715] and wine, [8492] a land [0776] of bread [3899] and vineyards, [3754] a land [0776] of oil [3323] olive [2132] and of honey, [1706] that ye may live, [2421] and not die: [4191] and hearken [8085] not unto Hezekiah, [2396] when he persuadeth [5496] you, saying, [0559] The LORD [3068] will deliver [5337] us.


 Les dieux des nations ont-ils délivré chacun son pays de la main du roi d'Assyrie?

 Hath any [0376] of the gods [0430] of the nations [1471] delivered [5337] at all [5337] his land [0776] out of the hand [3027] of the king [4428] of Assyria? [0804]


 Où sont les dieux de Hamath et d'Arpad? Où sont les dieux de Sépharvaïm, de Héna et d'Ivva? A-t-on même délivré Samarie de ma main?

 Where [are] the gods [0430] of Hamath, [2574] and of Arpad? [0774] where [are] the gods [0430] of Sepharvaim, [5617] Hena, [2012] and Ivah? [5755] have they delivered [5337] Samaria [8111] out of mine hand? [3027]


 De tous les dieux de ces pays-là, lesquels ont délivré leur pays de ma main, pour que YEHOVAH délivre Jérusalem de ma main?

 Who [are] they among all the gods [0430] of the countries, [0776] that have delivered [5337] their country [0776] out of mine hand, [3027] that the LORD [3068] should deliver [5337] Jerusalem [3389] out of mine hand? [3027]


 Mais le peuple se tut et ne lui répondit pas un mot. Car le roi l'avait ainsi ordonné, en disant: Vous ne lui répondrez pas.

 But the people [5971] held their peace, [2790] and answered [6030] him not a word: [1697] for the king's [4428] commandment [4687] was, saying, [0559] Answer [6030] him not.


 Et Éliakim, fils de Hilkija, préfet du palais, Shebna, le secrétaire, et Joach, fils d'Asaph, le chancelier, revinrent vers Ézéchias, leurs vêtements déchirés, et lui rapportèrent les paroles de Rabshaké.

 Then came [0935] Eliakim [0471] the son [1121] of Hilkiah, [2518] which [was] over the household, [1004] and Shebna [7644] the scribe, [5608] and Joah [3098] the son [1121] of Asaph [0623] the recorder, [2142] to Hezekiah [2396] with [their] clothes [0899] rent, [7167] and told [5046] him the words [1697] of Rabshakeh. [7262]


 Lorsque le roi Ézéchias eut entendu ces choses, il déchira ses vêtements, il se couvrit d'un sac, et entra dans la maison de YEHOVAH.

 And it came to pass, when king [4428] Hezekiah [2396] heard [8085] [it], that he rent [7167] his clothes, [0899] and covered [3680] himself with sackcloth, [8242] and went [0935] into the house [1004] of the LORD. [3068]


 Puis il envoya Éliakim, le préfet du palais, et Shebna, le secrétaire, et les anciens d'entre les sacrificateurs, couverts de sacs, vers Ésaïe, le prophète, fils d'Amots.

 And he sent [7971] Eliakim, [0471] which [was] over the household, [1004] and Shebna [7644] the scribe, [5608] and the elders [2205] of the priests, [3548] covered [3680] with sackcloth, [8242] to Isaiah [3470] the prophet [5030] the son [1121] of Amoz. [0531]


 Et ils lui dirent: Ainsi dit Ézéchias: Ce jour est un jour d'angoisse, de châtiment et d'opprobre; car les enfants sont venus jusqu'au moment de naître; mais il n'y a point de force pour enfanter.

 And they said [0559] unto him, Thus saith [0559] Hezekiah, [2396] This day [3117] [is] a day [3117] of trouble, [6869] and of rebuke, [8433] and blasphemy: [5007] for the children [1121] are come [0935] to the birth, [4866] and [there is] not strength [3581] to bring forth. [3205]


 Peut-être YEHOVAH ton Dieu aura entendu toutes les paroles de ce Rabshaké, que le roi d'Assyrie, son maître, a envoyé pour insulter le Dieu vivant, et peut-être que YEHOVAH, ton Dieu, châtiera les paroles qu'il a entendues. Fais donc monter une prière en faveur de ce qui reste encore.

 It may be [0194] the LORD [3068] thy God [0430] will hear [8085] all the words [1697] of Rabshakeh, [7262] whom the king [4428] of Assyria [0804] his master [0113] hath sent [7971] to reproach [2778] the living [2416] God; [0430] and will reprove [3198] the words [1697] which the LORD [3068] thy God [0430] hath heard: [8085] wherefore lift up [5375] [thy] prayer [8605] for the remnant [7611] that are left. [4672]


 Les serviteurs du roi Ézéchias vinrent donc vers Ésaïe; et Ésaïe leur dit: Vous parlerez ainsi à votre maître:

 So the servants [5650] of king [4428] Hezekiah [2396] came [0935] to Isaiah. [3470]


 Ainsi a dit YEHOVAH: Ne crains point à cause des paroles que tu as entendues, par lesquelles les serviteurs du roi d'Assyrie m'ont outragé.

 And Isaiah [3470] said [0559] unto them, Thus shall ye say [0559] to your master, [0113] Thus saith [0559] the LORD, [3068] Be not afraid [3372] of [6440] the words [1697] which thou hast heard, [8085] with which the servants [5288] of the king [4428] of Assyria [0804] have blasphemed [1442] me.


 Voici, je vais mettre en lui un esprit tel, qu'ayant appris une nouvelle, il retournera dans son pays; et je le ferai tomber par l'épée dans son pays.

 Behold, I will send [5414] a blast [7307] upon him, and he shall hear [8085] a rumour, [8052] and shall return [7725] to his own land; [0776] and I will cause him to fall [5307] by the sword [2719] in his own land. [0776]


 Rabshaké s'en retourna donc, et trouva le roi des Assyriens qui assiégeait Libna. Car il avait appris qu'il était parti de Lakis.

 So Rabshakeh [7262] returned, [7725] and found [4672] the king [4428] of Assyria [0804] warring [3898] against Libnah: [3841] for he had heard [8085] that he was departed [5265] from Lachish. [3923]


 Or le roi entendit dire au sujet de Thirhaca, roi d'Éthiopie: Voici, il est sorti pour te combattre. C'est pourquoi Sanchérib envoya de nouveau des messagers à Ézéchias, et leur dit:

 And when he heard [8085] say [0559] of Tirhakah [8640] king [4428] of Ethiopia, [3568] Behold, he is come out [3318] to fight [3898] against thee: he sent [7971] messengers [4397] again [7725] unto Hezekiah, [2396] saying, [0559]


 Vous parlerez ainsi à Ézéchias, roi de Juda: Que ton Dieu, en qui tu te confies, ne t'abuse pas, en disant: Jérusalem ne sera point livrée aux mains du roi d'Assyrie.

 Thus shall ye speak [0559] to Hezekiah [2396] king [4428] of Judah, [3063] saying, [0559] Let not thy God [0430] in whom thou trustest [0982] deceive [5377] thee, saying, [0559] Jerusalem [3389] shall not be delivered [5414] into the hand [3027] of the king [4428] of Assyria. [0804]


 Voici, tu as entendu ce que les rois d'Assyrie ont fait à tous les pays: ils les ont détruits entièrement; et toi, tu échapperais!

 Behold, thou hast heard [8085] what the kings [4428] of Assyria [0804] have done [6213] to all lands, [0776] by destroying them utterly: [2763] and shalt thou be delivered? [5337]


 Les dieux des nations que mes ancêtres ont détruites, les dieux de Gozan, de Charan, de Retseph et des enfants d'Éden, qui sont en Thélassar, les ont-ils délivrées?

 Have the gods [0430] of the nations [1471] delivered [5337] them which my fathers [0001] have destroyed; [7843] [as] Gozan, [1470] and Haran, [2771] and Rezeph, [7530] and the children [1121] of Eden [5729] which [were] in Thelasar? [8515]


 Où sont le roi de Hamath, le roi d'Arpad, et le roi de la ville de Sépharvaïm, de Héna et d'Ivva?

 Where [is] the king [4428] of Hamath, [2574] and the king [4428] of Arpad, [0774] and the king [4428] of the city [5892] of Sepharvaim, [5617] of Hena, [2012] and Ivah? [5755]


 Or quand Ézéchias eut reçu la lettre de la main des messagers, et qu'il l'eut lue, il monta à la maison de YEHOVAH; et Ézéchias la déploya devant YEHOVAH.

 And Hezekiah [2396] received [3947] the letter [5612] of the hand [3027] of the messengers, [4397] and read [7121] it: and Hezekiah [2396] went up [5927] into the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and spread [6566] it before [6440] the LORD. [3068]


 Puis Ézéchias fit sa prière à YEHOVAH et dit: YEHOVAH, Dieu d'Israël, qui sièges entre les Voyants, toi seul, tu es le Dieu de tous les royaumes de la terre; c'est toi qui as fait les cieux et la terre.

 And Hezekiah [2396] prayed [6419] before [6440] the LORD, [3068] and said, [0559] O LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] which dwellest [3427] [between] the cherubims, [3742] thou art the God, [0430] [even] thou alone, of all the kingdoms [4467] of the earth; [0776] thou hast made [6213] heaven [8064] and earth. [0776]


 YEHOVAH, incline ton oreille et écoute! YEHOVAH, ouvre tes yeux et regarde! Écoute les paroles de Sanchérib, de celui qu'il a envoyé pour insulter le Dieu vivant.

 LORD, [3068] bow down [5186] thine ear, [0241] and hear: [8085] open, [6491] LORD, [3068] thine eyes, [5869] and see: [7200] and hear [8085] the words [1697] of Sennacherib, [5576] which hath sent [7971] him to reproach [2778] the living [2416] God. [0430]


 Il est vrai, ô YEHOVAH, que les rois d'Assyrie ont ravagé les nations et leurs pays,

 Of a truth, [0551] LORD, [3068] the kings [4428] of Assyria [0804] have destroyed [2717] the nations [1471] and their lands, [0776]


 Et qu'ils ont jeté leurs dieux au feu; car ce n'étaient pas des dieux, mais l'ouvrage des mains de l'homme, du bois et de la pierre; aussi les ont-ils détruits.

 And have cast [5414] their gods [0430] into the fire: [0784] for they [were] no gods, [0430] but the work [4639] of men's [0120] hands, [3027] wood [6086] and stone: [0068] therefore they have destroyed [0006] them.


 Maintenant donc, ô YEHOVAH, notre Dieu, je te prie, délivre-nous de la main de Sanchérib, et que tous les royaumes de la terre sachent que c'est toi, ô YEHOVAH, qui es le seul Dieu!

 Now therefore, O LORD [3068] our God, [0430] I beseech thee, save [3467] thou us out of his hand, [3027] that all the kingdoms [4467] of the earth [0776] may know [3045] that thou [art] the LORD [3068] God, [0430] [even] thou only.


 Alors Ésaïe, fils d'Amots, envoya dire à Ézéchias: Ainsi a dit YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël: J'ai entendu la prière que tu m'as faite au sujet de Sanchérib, roi d'Assyrie.

 Then Isaiah [3470] the son [1121] of Amoz [0531] sent [7971] to Hezekiah, [2396] saying, [0559] Thus saith [0559] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] [That] which thou hast prayed [6419] to me against Sennacherib [5576] king [4428] of Assyria [0804] I have heard. [8085]


 C'est ici la Parole que YEHOVAH a prononcée contre lui: Elle te méprise, elle se rit de toi, la vierge fille de Sion; elle hoche la tête après toi, la fille de Jérusalem.

 This [is] the word [1697] that the LORD [3068] hath spoken [1696] concerning him; The virgin [1330] the daughter [1323] of Zion [6726] hath despised [0959] thee, [and] laughed thee to scorn; [3932] the daughter [1323] of Jerusalem [3389] hath shaken [5128] her head [7218] at [0310] thee.


 Qui as-tu insulté et outragé? Et contre qui as-tu élevé la voix? Tu as porté les yeux en haut sur le Saint d'Israël.

 Whom hast thou reproached [2778] and blasphemed? [1442] and against whom hast thou exalted [7311] [thy] voice, [6963] and lifted up [5375] thine eyes [5869] on high? [4791] [even] against the Holy [6918] [One] of Israel. [3478]


 Par tes messagers tu as insulté le Seigneur, et tu as dit: Avec la multitude de mes chars, je monterai au sommet des montagnes, aux retraites du Liban; je couperai ses plus hauts cèdres et ses plus beaux cyprès; j'atteindrai sa dernière cime, la forêt de son jardin.

 By [3027] thy messengers [4397] thou hast reproached [2778] the Lord, [0136] and hast said, [0559] With the multitude [7230] [7393] of my chariots [7393] I am come up [5927] to the height [4791] of the mountains, [2022] to the sides [3411] of Lebanon, [3844] and will cut down [3772] the tall [6967] cedar trees [0730] thereof, [and] the choice [4004] fir trees [1265] thereof: and I will enter [0935] into the lodgings [4411] of his borders, [7093] [and into] the forest [3293]


 J'ai creusé, et j'ai bu les eaux étrangères; et j'ai tari de la plante de mes pieds tous les fleuves de l'Égypte.

 I have digged [6979] and drunk [8354] strange [2114] waters, [4325] and with the sole [3709] of my feet [6471] have I dried up [2717] all the rivers [2975] of besieged places. [4693] [4692]


 N'as-tu pas appris que j'ai préparé ceci dès longtemps, et que dès les temps anciens, j'en ai formé le dessein? Maintenant je le fais arriver, et tu es là pour réduire les villes fortes en monceaux de ruines.

 Hast thou not heard [8085] long ago [7350] [how] I have done [6213] it, [and] of ancient [6924] times [3117] that I have formed [3335] it? now have I brought it to pass, [0935] that thou shouldest be to lay waste [7582] fenced [1219] cities [5892] [into] ruinous [5327] heaps. [1530]


 Leurs habitants, privés de force, sont épouvantés et confus; ils sont comme l'herbe des champs et la tendre verdure, comme l'herbe des toits et le blé brûlés avant de se former en tiges.

 Therefore their inhabitants [3427] were of small [7116] power, [3027] they were dismayed [2865] and confounded; [0954] they were [as] the grass [6212] of the field, [7704] and [as] the green [3419] herb, [1877] [as] the grass [2682] on the housetops, [1406] and [as corn] blasted [7711] before [6440] it be grown up. [7054]


 Mais je connais ta demeure, ta sortie et ton entrée, et ta fureur contre moi.

 But I know [3045] thy abode, [3427] and thy going out, [3318] and thy coming in, [0935] and thy rage [7264] against me.


 Parce que tu es en fureur contre moi, et que ton insolence est montée à mes oreilles, je mettrai ma boucle à tes narines et mon frein entre tes lèvres; et je te ferai retourner par le chemin par lequel tu es venu.

 Because thy rage [7264] against me and thy tumult [7600] is come up [5927] into mine ears, [0241] therefore I will put [7760] my hook [2397] in thy nose, [0639] and my bridle [4964] in thy lips, [8193] and I will turn thee back [7725] by the way [1870] by which thou camest. [0935]


 Et voici le signe que tu en auras, ô Ézéchias. On mangera cette année ce qui viendra de soi-même aux champs; et la seconde année, ce qui croîtra encore sans qu'on sème; mais, la troisième année, vous sèmerez et vous moissonnerez, vous planterez des vignes et vous en mangerez le fruit.

 And this [shall be] a sign [0226] unto thee, Ye shall eat [0398] this year [8141] such things as grow of themselves, [5599] and in the second [8145] year [8141] that which springeth [7823] of the same; and in the third [7992] year [8141] sow [2232] ye, and reap, [7114] and plant [5193] vineyards, [3754] and eat [0398] the fruits [6529] thereof.


 Et ce qui sera réchappé et demeuré de reste à la maison de Juda, poussera ses racines en bas, et produira ses fruits en haut.

 And the remnant [7604] that is escaped [6413] of the house [1004] of Judah [3063] shall yet again [3254] take root [8328] downward, [4295] and bear [6213] fruit [6529] upward. [4605]


 Car il sortira de Jérusalem quelque reste, et de la montagne de Sion quelques réchappés. La jalousie de YEHOVAH des armées fera cela.

 For out of Jerusalem [3389] shall go forth [3318] a remnant, [7611] and they that escape [6413] out of mount [2022] Zion: [6726] the zeal [7068] of the LORD [3068] [of hosts] [6635] shall do [6213] this.


 C'est pourquoi, ainsi dit YEHOVAH touchant le roi d'Assyrie: Il n'entrera point dans cette ville, il n'y jettera point de flèche, il ne lui présentera point le bouclier, il n'élèvera point de terrasse contre elle.

 Therefore thus saith [0559] the LORD [3068] concerning the king [4428] of Assyria, [0804] He shall not come [0935] into this city, [5892] nor shoot [3384] an arrow [2671] there, nor come before [6923] it with shield, [4043] nor cast [8210] a bank [5550] against it.


 Il s'en retournera par où il est venu, et il n'entrera point dans cette ville, dit YEHOVAH.

 By the way [1870] that he came, [0935] by the same shall he return, [7725] and shall not come [0935] into this city, [5892] saith [5002] the LORD. [3068]


 Et je protégerai cette ville pour la sauver, à cause de moi et à cause de David, mon serviteur.

 For I will defend [1598] this city, [5892] to save [3467] it, for mine own sake, and for my servant [5650] David's [1732] sake.


 Or, cette même nuit-là, un ange de YEHOVAH sortit et frappa dans le camp des Assyriens cent quatre-vingt-cinq mille hommes; et, quand on se leva le matin, voici c'étaient tous des corps morts.

 And it came to pass that night, [3915] that the angel [4397] of the LORD [3068] went out, [3318] and smote [5221] in the camp [4264] of the Assyrians [0804] an hundred [3967] fourscore [8084] and five [2568] thousand: [0505] and when they arose early [7925] in the morning, [1242] behold, they [were] all dead [4191] corpses. [6297]


 Et Sanchérib, roi des Assyriens, leva son camp, partit, et s'en retourna; et il resta à Ninive.

 So Sennacherib [5576] king [4428] of Assyria [0804] departed, [5265] and went [3212] and returned, [7725] and dwelt [3427] at Nineveh. [5210]


 Et comme il était prosterné dans la maison de Nisroc, son dieu, Adrammélec et Sharetser, ses fils, le frappèrent avec l'épée; puis ils se sauvèrent au pays d'Ararat. Et Esarhaddon, son fils, régna à sa place.

 And it came to pass, as he was worshipping [7812] in the house [1004] of Nisroch [5268] his god, [0430] that Adrammelech [0152] and Sharezer [8272] his sons [1121] smote [5221] him with the sword: [2719] and they escaped [4422] into the land [0776] of Armenia. [0780] And Esarhaddon [0634] his son [1121] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 En ce temps-là, Ézéchias fut malade à la mort; et le prophète Ésaïe, fils d'Amots, vint vers lui, et lui dit: Ainsi a dit YEHOVAH: Mets ordre à ta maison; car tu vas mourir, et tu ne vivras plus.

 In those days [3117] was Hezekiah [2396] sick [2470] unto death. [4191] And the prophet [5030] Isaiah [3470] the son [1121] of Amoz [0531] came [0935] to him, and said [0559] unto him, Thus saith [0559] the LORD, [3068] Set thine house [1004] in order; [6680] for thou shalt die, [4191] and not live. [2421]


 Alors Ézéchias tourna son visage contre la muraille, et pria YEHOVAH;

 Then he turned [5437] his face [6440] to the wall, [7023] and prayed [6419] unto the LORD, [3068] saying, [0559]


 Et il dit: Ô YEHOVAH, souviens-toi que j'ai marché devant ta face avec fidélité et intégrité de cœur, et que j'ai fait ce qui est agréable à tes yeux! Et Ézéchias répandit beaucoup de larmes.

 I beseech [0577] thee, O LORD, [3068] remember [2142] now how I have walked [1980] before [6440] thee in truth [0571] and with a perfect [8003] heart, [3824] and have done [6213] [that which is] good [2896] in thy sight. [5869] And Hezekiah [2396] wept [1058] sore. [1065] [1419]


 Or, Ésaïe n'était point encore sorti jusqu'au milieu de la ville, que la Parole de YEHOVAH lui fut adressée en ces mots:

 And it came to pass, afore Isaiah [3470] was gone out [3318] into the middle [8484] court, [2691] [5892] that the word [1697] of the LORD [3068] came to him, saying, [0559]


 Retourne, et dis à Ézéchias, conducteur de mon peuple: Ainsi a dit YEHOVAH, le Dieu de David, ton père: J'ai entendu ta prière; j'ai vu tes larmes. Voici, je vais te guérir. Dans trois jours tu monteras à la maison de YEHOVAH.

 Turn again, [7725] and tell [0559] Hezekiah [2396] the captain [5057] of my people, [5971] Thus saith [0559] the LORD, [3068] the God [0430] of David [1732] thy father, [0001] I have heard [8085] thy prayer, [8605] I have seen [7200] thy tears: [1832] behold, I will heal [7495] thee: on the third [7992] day [3117] thou shalt go up [5927] unto the house [1004] of the LORD. [3068]


 Je vais ajouter quinze années à tes jours; et je te délivrerai, toi et cette ville, de la main du roi d'Assyrie; et je protégerai cette ville, à cause de moi et à cause de David, mon serviteur.

 And I will add [3254] unto thy days [3117] fifteen [2568] [6240] years; [8141] and I will deliver [5337] thee and this city [5892] out of the hand [3709] of the king [4428] of Assyria; [0804] and I will defend [1598] this city [5892] for mine own sake, and for my servant [5650] David's [1732] sake.


 Puis Ésaïe dit: Prenez une masse de figues. Et ils la prirent, et la mirent sur l'ulcère; et le roi guérit.

 And Isaiah [3470] said, [0559] Take [3947] a lump [1690] of figs. [8384] And they took [3947] and laid [7760] [it] on the boil, [7822] and he recovered. [2421]


 Or Ézéchias avait dit à Ésaïe: Quel est le signe que YEHOVAH me guérira, et qu'au troisième jour je monterai à la maison de YEHOVAH?

 And Hezekiah [2396] said [0559] unto Isaiah, [3470] What [shall be] the sign [0226] that the LORD [3068] will heal [7495] me, and that I shall go up [5927] into the house [1004] of the LORD [3068] the third [7992] day? [3117]


 Et Ésaïe répondit: Ceci te sera, de la part de YEHOVAH, le signe que YEHOVAH accomplira la Parole qu'il a prononcée: L'ombre avancera-t-elle de dix degrés, ou reculera-t-elle de dix degrés?

 And Isaiah [3470] said, [0559] This sign [0226] shalt thou have of the LORD, [3068] that the LORD [3068] will do [6213] the thing [1697] that he hath spoken: [1696] shall the shadow [6738] go forward [1980] ten [6235] degrees, [4609] or go back [7725] ten [6235] degrees? [4609]


 Et Ézéchias dit: C'est peu de chose que l'ombre avance de dix degrés; non, mais que l'ombre rétrograde de dix degrés.

 And Hezekiah [3169] answered, [0559] It is a light thing [7043] for the shadow [6738] to go down [5186] ten [6235] degrees: [4609] nay, but let the shadow [6738] return [7725] backward [0322] ten [6235] degrees. [4609]


 Et Ésaïe, le prophète, cria à YEHOVAH, qui fit rétrograder de dix degrés l'ombre, par les degrés qu'elle avait descendus sur le cadran d'Achaz.

 And Isaiah [3470] the prophet [5030] cried [7121] unto the LORD: [3068] and he brought [7725] the shadow [6738] ten [6235] degrees [4609] backward, [0322] by [4609] which it had gone down [3381] in the dial [4609] of Ahaz. [0271]


 En ce temps-là, Bérodac-Baladan, fils de Baladan, roi de Babylone, envoya des lettres avec un présent à Ézéchias, parce qu'il avait appris qu'Ézéchias avait été malade.

 At that time [6256] Berodachbaladan, [1255] the son [1121] of Baladan, [1081] king [4428] of Babylon, [0894] sent [7971] letters [5612] and a present [4503] unto Hezekiah: [2396] for he had heard [8085] that Hezekiah [2396] had been sick. [2470]


 Et Ézéchias, ayant donné audience aux messagers, leur montra son trésor, l'argent, l'or, et les aromates, et l'huile précieuse, tout son arsenal, et tout ce qui se trouvait dans ses trésors. Il n'y eut rien qu'Ézéchias ne leur montrât dans sa maison et dans tout son domaine.

 And Hezekiah [2396] hearkened [8085] unto them, and shewed [7200] them all the house [1004] of his precious things, [5238] the silver, [3701] and the gold, [2091] and the spices, [1314] and the precious [2896] ointment, [8081] and [all] the house [1004] of his armour, [3627] and all that was found [4672] in his treasures: [0214] there was nothing [1697] in his house, [1004] nor in all his dominion, [4475] that Hezekiah [2396] shewed [7200] them not.


 Puis le prophète Ésaïe vint vers le roi Ézéchias, et lui dit: Qu'ont dit ces gens-là, et d'où sont-ils venus vers toi? Et Ézéchias répondit: Ils sont venus d'un pays éloigné, de Babylone.

 Then came [0935] Isaiah [3470] the prophet [5030] unto king [4428] Hezekiah, [2396] and said [0559] unto him, What said [0559] these men? [0582] and from whence [0370] came [0935] they unto thee? And Hezekiah [2396] said, [0559] They are come [0935] from a far [7350] country, [0776] [even] from Babylon. [0894]


 Et Ésaïe dit: Qu'ont-ils vu dans ta maison? Ézéchias répondit: Ils ont vu tout ce qui est dans ma maison. Il n'y a rien dans mes trésors que je ne leur aie montré.

 And he said, [0559] What have they seen [7200] in thine house? [1004] And Hezekiah [2396] answered, [0559] All [the things] that [are] in mine house [1004] have they seen: [7200] there is nothing [1697] among my treasures [0214] that I have not shewed [7200] them.


 Alors Ésaïe dit à Ézéchias: Écoute la Parole de YEHOVAH:

 And Isaiah [3470] said [0559] unto Hezekiah, [2396] Hear [8085] the word [1697] of the LORD. [3068]


 Voici, les jours viennent où tout ce qui est dans ta maison et ce que tes pères ont amassé dans leurs trésors jusqu'à ce jour, sera emporté à Babylone. Il n'en demeurera rien de reste, dit YEHOVAH.

 Behold, the days [3117] come, [0935] that all that [is] in thine house, [1004] and that which thy fathers [0001] have laid up in store [0686] unto this day, [3117] shall be carried [5375] into Babylon: [0894] nothing [1697] shall be left, [3498] saith [0559] the LORD. [3068]


 On prendra même de tes fils qui seront issus de toi et que tu auras engendrés, pour être eunuques dans le palais du roi de Babylone.

 And of thy sons [1121] that shall issue [3318] from thee, which thou shalt beget, [3205] shall they take away; [3947] and they shall be eunuchs [5631] in the palace [1964] of the king [4428] of Babylon. [0894]


 Et Ézéchias répondit à Ésaïe: La Parole de YEHOVAH, que tu as prononcée, est bonne! Et il ajouta: N'y aura-t-il pas paix et sûreté pendant mes jours?

 Then said [0559] Hezekiah [2396] unto Isaiah, [3470] Good [2896] [is] the word [1697] of the LORD [3068] which thou hast spoken. [1696] And he said, [0559] [Is it] not [good], if peace [7965] and truth [0571] be in my days? [3117]


 Le reste des actions d'Ézéchias, tous ses exploits, comment il fit le réservoir et le canal par lequel il fit entrer les eaux dans la ville, cela n'est-il pas écrit au livre des Chroniques des rois de Juda?

 And the rest [3499] of the acts [1697] of Hezekiah, [2396] and all his might, [1369] and how he made [6213] a pool, [1295] and a conduit, [8585] and brought [0935] water [4325] into the city, [5892] [are] they not written [3789] in the book [5612] of the chronicles [1697] [3117] of the kings [4428] of Judah? [3063]


 Et Ézéchias s'endormit avec ses pères; et Manassé, son fils, régna à sa place.

 And Hezekiah [2396] slept [7901] with his fathers: [0001] and Manasseh [4519] his son [1121] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 Manassé était âgé de douze ans quand il devint roi, et il régna cinquante-cinq ans à Jérusalem. Sa mère s'appelait Hephtsiba.

 Manasseh [4519] [was] twelve [8147] [6240] years [8141] old [1121] when he began to reign, [4427] and reigned [4427] fifty [2572] and five [2568] years [8141] in Jerusalem. [3389] And his mother's [0517] name [8034] [was] Hephzibah. [2657]


 Il fit ce qui est mauvais aux yeux de YEHOVAH, selon les abominations des nations que YEHOVAH avait chassées devant les enfants d'Israël.

 And he did [6213] [that which was] evil [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD, [3068] after the abominations [8441] of the heathen, [1471] whom the LORD [3068] cast out [3423] before [6440] the children [1121] of Israel. [3478]


 Il rebâtit les hauts lieux qu'Ézéchias, son père, avait détruits; il dressa des autels à Baal; il fit une image d'Ashéra comme avait fait Achab, roi d'Israël; et il se prosterna devant toute l'armée des cieux et la servit.

 For he built up [1129] again [7725] the high places [1116] which Hezekiah [2396] his father [0001] had destroyed; [0006] and he reared up [6965] altars [4196] for Baal, [1168] and made [6213] a grove, [0842] as did [6213] Ahab [0256] king [4428] of Israel; [3478] and worshipped [7812] all the host [6635] of heaven, [8064] and served [5647] them.


 Il bâtit même des autels dans la maison de YEHOVAH, dont YEHOVAH avait dit: C'est à Jérusalem que je mettrai mon nom.

 And he built [1129] altars [4196] in the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] of which the LORD [3068] said, [0559] In Jerusalem [3389] will I put [7760] my name. [8034]


 Il bâtit des autels à toute l'armée des cieux dans les deux parvis de la maison de YEHOVAH.

 And he built [1129] altars [4196] for all the host [6635] of heaven [8064] in the two [8147] courts [2691] of the house [1004] of the LORD. [3068]


 Il fit passer son fils par le feu; il pratiquait la magie et les augures; il établit des nécromanciens et des devins; il fit de plus en plus ce qui est mauvais aux yeux de YEHOVAH, pour l'irriter.

 And he made his son [1121] pass [5674] through the fire, [0784] and observed times, [6049] and used enchantments, [5172] and dealt [6213] with familiar spirits [0178] and wizards: [3049] he wrought [6213] much [7235] wickedness [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD, [3068] to provoke [him] to anger. [3707]


 Et l'image taillée d'Ashéra qu'il avait faite, il la mit dans la maison dont YEHOVAH avait dit à David et à Salomon, son fils: C'est dans cette maison et dans Jérusalem, que j'ai choisie d'entre toutes les tribus d'Israël, que je mettrai mon nom à perpétuité.

 And he set [7760] a graven image [6459] of the grove [0842] that he had made [6213] in the house, [1004] of which the LORD [3068] said [0559] to David, [1732] and to Solomon [8010] his son, [1121] In this house, [1004] and in Jerusalem, [3389] which I have chosen [0977] out of all tribes [7626] of Israel, [3478] will I put [7760] my name [8034] for ever: [5769]


 Et je ne ferai plus errer les Israélites hors de cette terre que j'ai donnée à leurs pères, pourvu seulement qu'ils prennent garde à exécuter tout ce que je leur ai commandé, toute la loi que Moïse, mon serviteur, leur a commandé d'observer.

 Neither will I make the feet [7272] of Israel [3478] move [5110] any more [3254] out of the land [0127] which I gave [5414] their fathers; [0001] only if they will observe [8104] to do [6213] according to all that I have commanded [6680] them, and according to all the law [8451] that my servant [5650] Moses [4872] commanded [6680] them.


 Mais ils n'obéirent point; et Manassé les égara, et leur fit faire pis que les nations que Dieu avait exterminées devant les enfants d'Israël.

 But they hearkened [8085] not: and Manasseh [4519] seduced [8582] them to do [6213] more evil [7451] than did the nations [1471] whom the LORD [3068] destroyed [8045] before [6440] the children [1121] of Israel. [3478]


 Alors YEHOVAH parla par ses serviteurs les prophètes et dit:

 And the LORD [3068] spake [1696] by [3027] his servants [5650] the prophets, [5030] saying, [0559]


 Parce que Manassé, roi de Juda, a commis de telles abominations, faisant pis que tout ce qu'ont fait les Amoréens avant lui, et qu'il a fait aussi pécher Juda par ses idoles;

 Because Manasseh [4519] king [4428] of Judah [3063] hath done [6213] these abominations, [8441] [and] hath done wickedly [7489] above all that the Amorites [0567] did, [6213] which [were] before [6440] him, and hath made Judah [3063] also to sin [2398] with his idols: [1544]


 À cause de cela, ainsi dit YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël: Voici, je vais faire venir sur Jérusalem et sur Juda un mal tel que quiconque en entendra parler, les deux oreilles lui en tinteront.

 Therefore thus saith [0559] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] Behold, I [am] bringing [0935] [such] evil [7451] upon Jerusalem [3389] and Judah, [3063] that whosoever heareth [8085] of it, both [8147] his ears [0241] shall tingle. [6750]


 J'étendrai sur Jérusalem le cordeau de Samarie et le niveau de la maison d'Achab; et j'écurerai Jérusalem comme un plat qu'on écure, et qu'on renverse sur son fond après l'avoir écuré.

 And I will stretch [5186] over Jerusalem [3389] the line [6957] of Samaria, [8111] and the plummet [4949] of the house [1004] of Ahab: [0256] and I will wipe [4229] Jerusalem [3389] as [a man] wipeth [4229] a dish, [6747] wiping [4229] [it], and turning [2015] [it] upside down. [6440]


 Et j'abandonnerai le reste de mon héritage; et je les livrerai entre les mains de leurs ennemis, et ils seront en pillage et en proie à tous leurs ennemis;

 And I will forsake [5203] the remnant [7611] of mine inheritance, [5159] and deliver [5414] them into the hand [3027] of their enemies; [0341] and they shall become a prey [0957] and a spoil [4933] to all their enemies; [0341]


 Parce qu'ils ont fait ce qui est mauvais devant moi et qu'ils m'ont irrité, depuis le jour où leurs pères sont sortis d'Égypte jusqu'à ce jour.

 Because they have done [6213] [that which was] evil [7451] in my sight, [5869] and have provoked me to anger, [3707] since [4480] the day [3117] their fathers [0001] came forth [3318] out of Egypt, [4714] even unto this day. [3117]


 Manassé répandit aussi le sang innocent en fort grande abondance, jusqu'à en remplir Jérusalem depuis un bout jusqu'à l'autre, outre le péché où il entraîna Juda en faisant ce qui est mauvais aux yeux de YEHOVAH.

 Moreover Manasseh [4519] shed [8210] innocent [5355] blood [1818] very [3966] much, [7235] till he had filled [4390] Jerusalem [3389] from one end [6310] to another; [6310] beside his sin [2403] wherewith he made Judah [3063] to sin, [2398] in doing [6213] [that which was] evil [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD. [3068]


 Le reste des actions de Manassé, et tout ce qu'il fit et les péchés qu'il commit, cela n'est-il pas écrit au livre des Chroniques des rois de Juda?

 Now the rest [3499] of the acts [1697] of Manasseh, [4519] and all that he did, [6213] and his sin [2403] that he sinned, [2398] [are] they not written [3789] in the book [5612] of the chronicles [1697] [3117] of the kings [4428] of Judah? [3063]


 Et Manassé s'endormit avec ses pères, et il fut enseveli au jardin de sa maison, au jardin d'Uzza. Et Amon, son fils, régna à sa place.

 And Manasseh [4519] slept [7901] with his fathers, [0001] and was buried [6912] in the garden [1588] of his own house, [1004] in the garden [1588] of Uzza: [5798] and Amon [0526] his son [1121] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 Amon était âgé de vingt-deux ans quand il commença à régner, et il régna deux ans à Jérusalem. Sa mère s'appelait Meshullémeth, fille de Haruts, de Jotba.

 Amon [0526] [was] twenty [6242] and two [8147] years [8141] old [1121] when he began to reign, [4427] and he reigned [4427] two [8147] years [8141] in Jerusalem. [3389] And his mother's [0517] name [8034] [was] Meshullemeth, [4922] the daughter [1323] of Haruz [2743] of Jotbah. [3192]


 Il fit ce qui est mauvais aux yeux de YEHOVAH, comme avait fait Manassé, son père.

 And he did [6213] [that which was] evil [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD, [3068] as his father [0001] Manasseh [4519] did. [6213]


 Il suivit toute la voie que son père avait suivie; il servit les idoles qu'il avait servies, et se prosterna devant elles.

 And he walked [3212] in all the way [1870] that his father [0001] walked in, [1980] and served [5647] the idols [1544] that his father [0001] served, [5647] and worshipped [7812] them:


 Il abandonna YEHOVAH, le Dieu de ses pères, et il ne marcha point dans les voies de YEHOVAH.

 And he forsook [5800] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of his fathers, [0001] and walked [1980] not in the way [1870] of the LORD. [3068]


 Or les serviteurs d'Amon firent une conspiration contre lui, et le tuèrent dans sa maison.

 And the servants [5650] of Amon [0526] conspired [7194] against him, and slew [4191] the king [4428] in his own house. [1004]


 Mais le peuple du pays fit mourir tous ceux qui avaient conspiré contre le roi Amon; et on établit Josias, son fils, pour roi à sa place.

 And the people [5971] of the land [0776] slew [5221] all them that had conspired [7194] against king [4428] Amon; [0526] and the people [5971] of the land [0776] made Josiah [2977] his son [1121] king [4427] in his stead.


 Le reste des actions d'Amon, ce qu'il a fait, n'est-il pas écrit au livre des Chroniques des rois de Juda?

 Now the rest [3499] of the acts [1697] of Amon [0526] which he did, [6213] [are] they not written [3789] in the book [5612] of the chronicles [1697] [3117] of the kings [4428] of Judah? [3063]


 On l'ensevelit dans son tombeau, au jardin d'Uzza; et Josias, son fils, régna à sa place.

 And he was buried [6912] in his sepulchre [6900] in the garden [1588] of Uzza: [5798] and Josiah [2977] his son [1121] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 Josias était âgé de huit ans quand il devint roi, et il régna trente et un ans à Jérusalem. Sa mère s'appelait Jédida, fille d'Adaja, de Botskath.

 Josiah [2977] [was] eight [8083] years [8141] old [1121] when he began to reign, [4427] and he reigned [4427] thirty [7970] and one [0259] years [8141] in Jerusalem. [3389] And his mother's [0517] name [8034] [was] Jedidah, [3040] the daughter [1323] of Adaiah [5718] of Boscath. [1218]


 Il fit ce qui est droit aux yeux de YEHOVAH, il marcha dans toutes les voies de David, son père, et ne s'en détourna ni à droite ni à gauche.

 And he did [6213] [that which was] right [3477] in the sight [5869] of the LORD, [3068] and walked [3212] in all the way [1870] of David [1732] his father, [0001] and turned not aside [5493] to the right hand [3225] or to the left. [8040]


 Or, la dix-huitième année du roi Josias, le roi envoya à la maison de YEHOVAH Shaphan le secrétaire, fils d'Atsalia, fils de Meshullam, en lui disant:

 And it came to pass in the eighteenth [8083] [6240] year [8141] of king [4428] Josiah, [2977] [that] the king [4428] sent [7971] Shaphan [8227] the son [1121] of Azaliah, [0683] the son [1121] of Meshullam, [4918] the scribe, [5608] to the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] saying, [0559]


 Monte vers Hilkija, le grand sacrificateur, et qu'il donne l'argent qu'on a apporté dans la maison de YEHOVAH, et que ceux qui gardent le seuil ont recueilli du peuple.

 Go up [5927] to Hilkiah [2518] the high [1419] priest, [3548] that he may sum [8552] the silver [3701] which is brought into [0935] the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] which the keepers [8104] of the door [5592] have gathered [0622] of the people: [5971]


 Qu'on le remette entre les mains de ceux qui ont la charge de l'ouvrage, et qui sont préposés à la maison de YEHOVAH; et qu'ils le donnent à ceux qui exécutent l'ouvrage qui se fait dans la maison de YEHOVAH, pour en réparer les dégradations:

 And let them deliver [5414] it into the hand [3027] of the doers [6213] of the work, [4399] that have the oversight [6485] of the house [1004] of the LORD: [3068] and let them give [5414] it to the doers [6213] of the work [4399] which [is] in the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] to repair [2388] the breaches [0919] of the house, [1004]


 Aux charpentiers, aux constructeurs et aux maçons, pour acheter du bois et des pierres de taille pour réparer le temple.

 Unto carpenters, [2796] and builders, [1129] and masons, [1443] and to buy [7069] timber [6086] and hewn [4274] stone [0068] to repair [2388] the house. [1004]


 Mais qu'on ne leur fasse pas rendre compte de l'argent qu'on leur délivre entre les mains, car ils agissent avec fidélité.

 Howbeit there was no reckoning made [2803] with them of the money [3701] that was delivered [5414] into their hand, [3027] because they dealt [6213] faithfully. [0530]


 Alors Hilkija, le grand sacrificateur, dit à Shaphan, le secrétaire: J'ai trouvé le livre de la loi dans la maison de YEHOVAH. Et Hilkija donna ce livre-là à Shaphan, qui le lut.

 And Hilkiah [2518] the high [1419] priest [3548] said [0559] unto Shaphan [8227] the scribe, [5608] I have found [4672] the book [5612] of the law [8451] in the house [1004] of the LORD. [3068] And Hilkiah [2518] gave [5414] the book [5612] to Shaphan, [8227] and he read [7121] it.


 Et Shaphan, le secrétaire, vint vers le roi et lui fit ce rapport, en disant: Tes serviteurs ont versé l'argent qui a été trouvé dans le temple, et l'ont délivré entre les mains de ceux qui ont la charge de l'ouvrage, et qui sont préposés à la maison de YEHOVAH.

 And Shaphan [8227] the scribe [5608] came [0935] to the king, [4428] and brought the king [4428] word [1697] again, [7725] and said, [0559] Thy servants [5650] have gathered [5413] the money [3701] that was found [4672] in the house, [1004] and have delivered [5414] it into the hand [3027] of them that do [6213] the work, [4399] that have the oversight [6485] of the house [1004] of the LORD. [3068]


 Shaphan, le secrétaire, fit encore ce rapport au roi: Hilkija, le sacrificateur, m'a donné un livre. Et Shaphan le lut devant le roi;

 And Shaphan [8227] the scribe [5608] shewed [5046] the king, [4428] saying, [0559] Hilkiah [2518] the priest [3548] hath delivered [5414] me a book. [5612] And Shaphan [8227] read [7121] it before [6440] the king. [4428]


 Et dès que le roi eut entendu les paroles du livre de la loi, il déchira ses vêtements.

 And it came to pass, when the king [4428] had heard [8085] the words [1697] of the book [5612] of the law, [8451] that he rent [7167] his clothes. [0899]


 Et il donna ce commandement au sacrificateur Hilkija, à Achikam, fils de Shaphan, à Acbor, fils de Micaja, à Shaphan, le secrétaire, et à Asaja, serviteur du roi:

 And the king [4428] commanded [6680] Hilkiah [2518] the priest, [3548] and Ahikam [0296] the son [1121] of Shaphan, [8227] and Achbor [5907] the son [1121] of Michaiah, [4320] and Shaphan [8227] the scribe, [5608] and Asahiah [6222] a servant [5650] of the king's, [4428] saying, [0559]


 Allez, consultez YEHOVAH pour moi, pour le peuple et pour tout Juda, touchant les paroles de ce livre qui a été trouvé. Car la colère de YEHOVAH, qui s'est allumée contre nous, est grande, parce que nos pères n'ont pas obéi aux paroles de ce livre, pour faire tout ce qui nous y est prescrit.

 Go [3212] ye, enquire [1875] of the LORD [3068] for me, and for the people, [5971] and for all Judah, [3063] concerning the words [1697] of this book [5612] that is found: [4672] for great [1419] [is] the wrath [2534] of the LORD [3068] that is kindled [3341] against us, because our fathers [0001] have not hearkened [8085] unto the words [1697] of this book, [5612] to do [6213] according unto all that which is written [3789] concerning us.


 Et Hilkija, le sacrificateur, Achikam, Acbor, Shaphan et Asaja, s'en allèrent vers Hulda, la prophétesse, femme de Shallum, le gardien des vêtements, fils de Thikva, fils de Harhas, laquelle habitait à Jérusalem dans le second quartier; et ils lui parlèrent.

 So Hilkiah [2518] the priest, [3548] and Ahikam, [0296] and Achbor, [5907] and Shaphan, [8227] and Asahiah, [6222] went [3212] unto Huldah [2468] the prophetess, [5031] the wife [0802] of Shallum [7967] the son [1121] of Tikvah, [8616] the son [1121] of Harhas, [2745] keeper [8104] of the wardrobe; [0899] (now she dwelt [3427] in Jerusalem [3389] in the college;) [4932] and they communed [1696] with her.


 Et elle leur dit: Ainsi a dit YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël: Dites à l'homme qui vous a envoyés vers moi:

 And she said [0559] unto them, Thus saith [0559] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] Tell [0559] the man [0376] that sent [7971] you to me,


 Ainsi parle YEHOVAH: Voici, je vais faire venir du mal sur ce lieu et sur ses habitants, selon toutes les paroles dans le livre qu'a lu le roi de Juda.

 Thus saith [0559] the LORD, [3068] Behold, I will bring [0935] evil [7451] upon this place, [4725] and upon the inhabitants [3427] thereof, [even] all the words [1697] of the book [5612] which the king [4428] of Judah [3063] hath read: [7121]


 Parce qu'ils m'ont abandonné et ont fait des encensements à d'autres dieux, pour m'irriter par toutes les œuvres de leurs mains, ma colère s'est allumée contre ce lieu, et elle ne s'éteindra point.

 Because they have forsaken [5800] me, and have burned incense [6999] unto other [0312] gods, [0430] that they might provoke me to anger [3707] with all the works [4639] of their hands; [3027] therefore my wrath [2534] shall be kindled [3341] against this place, [4725] and shall not be quenched. [3518]


 Mais quant au roi de Juda, qui vous a envoyés pour consulter YEHOVAH, vous lui direz: Ainsi a dit YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël, touchant les paroles que tu as entendues:

 But to the king [4428] of Judah [3063] which sent [7971] you to enquire [1875] of the LORD, [3068] thus shall ye say [0559] to him, Thus saith [0559] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] [As touching] the words [1697] which thou hast heard; [8085]


 Puisque ton cœur s'est ému, et que tu t'es humilié devant YEHOVAH, lorsque tu as entendu ce que j'ai prononcé contre ce lieu et contre ses habitants, savoir, qu'ils seraient désolés et maudits; parce que tu as déchiré tes vêtements et que tu as pleuré devant moi, moi aussi j'ai entendu, dit YEHOVAH.

 Because thine heart [3824] was tender, [7401] and thou hast humbled [3665] thyself before [6440] the LORD, [3068] when thou heardest [8085] what I spake [1696] against this place, [4725] and against the inhabitants [3427] thereof, that they should become a desolation [8047] and a curse, [7045] and hast rent [7167] thy clothes, [0899] and wept [1058] before [6440] me; I also have heard [8085] [thee], saith [5002] the LORD. [3068]


 C'est pourquoi, voici, je vais te retirer avec tes pères, tu seras recueilli en paix dans tes tombeaux, et tes yeux ne verront point tout ce mal que je vais faire venir sur ce lieu. Et ils rapportèrent ces choses au roi.

 Behold therefore, I will gather [0622] thee unto thy fathers, [0001] and thou shalt be gathered [0622] into thy grave [6913] in peace; [7965] and thine eyes [5869] shall not see [7200] all the evil [7451] which I will bring [0935] upon this place. [4725] And they brought the king [4428] word [1697] again. [7725]


 Alors le roi envoya, et fit assembler vers lui tous les anciens de Juda et de Jérusalem.

 And the king [4428] sent, [7971] and they gathered [0622] unto him all the elders [2205] of Judah [3063] and of Jerusalem. [3389]


 Puis le roi monta à la maison de YEHOVAH, et avec lui tous les hommes de Juda, tous les habitants de Jérusalem, les sacrificateurs, les prophètes et tout le peuple, depuis le plus petit jusqu'au plus grand. Et ils entendirent lire toutes les paroles du livre de l'alliance, qui avait été trouvé dans la maison de YEHOVAH.

 And the king [4428] went up [5927] into the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and all the men [0376] of Judah [3063] and all the inhabitants [3427] of Jerusalem [3389] with him, and the priests, [3548] and the prophets, [5030] and all the people, [5971] both small [6996] and great: [1419] and he read [7121] in their ears [0241] all the words [1697] of the book [5612] of the covenant [1285] which was found [4672] in the house [1004] of the LORD. [3068]


 Et le roi, se tenant près de la colonne, traita alliance devant YEHOVAH, promettant de suivre YEHOVAH et de garder ses commandements, ses témoignages et ses statuts, de tout leur cœur et de toute leur âme, pour accomplir les paroles de cette alliance, écrites dans ce livre. Et tout le peuple adhéra à cette alliance.

 And the king [4428] stood [5975] by a pillar, [5982] and made [3772] a covenant [1285] before [6440] the LORD, [3068] to walk [3212] after [0310] the LORD, [3068] and to keep [8104] his commandments [4687] and his testimonies [5715] and his statutes [2708] with all [their] heart [3820] and all [their] soul, [5315] to perform [6965] the words [1697] of this covenant [1285] that were written [3789] in this book. [5612] And all the people [5971] stood [5975] to the covenant.


 Alors le roi commanda à Hilkija, le grand sacrificateur, et aux sacrificateurs de second rang, et à ceux qui gardaient le seuil, de tirer hors du temple de YEHOVAH tous les objets qui avaient été faits pour Baal, et pour Ashéra, et pour toute l'armée des cieux; et il les brûla hors de Jérusalem, aux campagnes du Cédron, et en emporta les cendres à Béthel.

 And the king [4428] commanded [6680] Hilkiah [2518] the high [1419] priest, [3548] and the priests [3548] of the second order, [4932] and the keepers [8104] of the door, [5592] to bring forth [3318] out of the temple [1964] of the LORD [3068] all the vessels [3627] that were made [6213] for Baal, [1168] and for the grove, [0842] and for all the host [6635] of heaven: [8064] and he burned [8313] them without [2351] Jerusalem [3389] in the fields [7709] of Kidron, [6939] and


 Il abolit aussi les prêtres des idoles, que les rois de Juda avaient établis pour faire des encensements dans les hauts lieux, par les villes de Juda et autour de Jérusalem, et ceux qui faisaient des encensements à Baal, au soleil, à la lune, au zodiaque et à toute l'armée des cieux.

 And he put down [7673] the idolatrous priests, [3649] whom the kings [4428] of Judah [3063] had ordained [5414] to burn incense [6999] in the high places [1116] in the cities [5892] of Judah, [3063] and in the places round about [4524] Jerusalem; [3389] them also that burned incense [6999] unto Baal, [1168] to the sun, [8121] and to the moon, [3394] and to the planets, [4208] and to all the host [6635] of heaven. [8064]


 Il fit emporter de la maison de YEHOVAH, hors de Jérusalem, l'image d'Ashéra; il la brûla dans la vallée du Cédron; il la réduisit en cendres, et en fit jeter les cendres sur les tombeaux des enfants du peuple.

 And he brought out [3318] the grove [0842] from the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] without [2351] Jerusalem, [3389] unto the brook [5158] Kidron, [6939] and burned [8313] it at the brook [5158] Kidron, [6939] and stamped [it] small [1854] to powder, [6083] and cast [7993] the powder [6083] thereof upon the graves [6913] of the children [1121] of the people. [5971]


 Il démolit les maisons des prostitués qui étaient dans la maison de YEHOVAH, et où les femmes tissaient des tentes pour les Ashéra.

 And he brake down [5422] the houses [1004] of the sodomites, [6945] that [were] by the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] where the women [0802] wove [0707] hangings [1004] for the grove. [0842]


 Il fit aussi venir des villes de Juda tous les sacrificateurs, et profana les hauts lieux où les sacrificateurs faisaient des encensements, depuis Guéba jusqu'à Béer-Shéba; et il démolit les hauts lieux des portes, entre autres celui qui était à l'entrée de la porte de Josué, préfet de la ville, à gauche quand on entre par la porte de la ville.

 And he brought [0935] all the priests [3548] out of the cities [5892] of Judah, [3063] and defiled [2930] the high places [1116] where the priests [3548] had burned incense, [6999] from Geba [1387] to Beersheba, [0884] and brake down [5422] the high places [1116] of the gates [8179] that [were] in the entering in [6607] of the gate [8179] of Joshua [3091] the governor [8269] of the city, [5892] which [were] on a man's [0376] left hand [8040] at the gate [8179] of the city. <


 Au reste, ceux qui avaient été sacrificateurs des hauts lieux ne montaient pas à l'autel de YEHOVAH à Jérusalem, mais ils mangeaient des pains sans levain parmi leurs frères.

 Nevertheless the priests [3548] of the high places [1116] came not up [5927] to the altar [4196] of the LORD [3068] in Jerusalem, [3389] but they did eat [0398] of the unleavened bread [4682] among [8432] their brethren. [0251]


 Il profana aussi Topheth, dans la vallée du fils de Hinnom, afin qu'il ne servît plus à personne pour y faire passer son fils ou sa fille par le feu, à Moloc.

 And he defiled [2930] Topheth, [8612] which [is] in the valley [1516] of the children [1121] [1121] of Hinnom, [2011] that no man [0376] might make his son [1121] or his daughter [1323] to pass [5674] through the fire [0784] to Molech. [4432]


 Il ôta de l'entrée de la maison de YEHOVAH, les chevaux que les rois de Juda avaient consacrés au soleil, vers le logis de Néthanmélec, eunuque, situé à Parvarim, et il brûla au feu les chars du soleil.

 And he took away [7673] the horses [5483] that the kings [4428] of Judah [3063] had given [5414] to the sun, [8121] at the entering in [0935] of the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] by the chamber [3957] of Nathanmelech [5419] the chamberlain, [5631] which [was] in the suburbs, [6503] and burned [8313] the chariots [4818] of the sun [8121] with fire. [0784]


 Le roi démolit aussi les autels qui étaient sur la plate-forme de la chambre haute d'Achaz, et que les rois de Juda avaient faits, et les autels que Manassé avait faits dans les deux parvis de la maison de YEHOVAH; il les brisa et les ôta de là, et en répandit la poussière au torrent du Cédron.

 And the altars [4196] that [were] on the top [1406] of the upper chamber [5944] of Ahaz, [0271] which the kings [4428] of Judah [3063] had made, [6213] and the altars [4196] which Manasseh [4519] had made [6213] in the two [8147] courts [2691] of the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] did the king [4428] beat down, [5422] and brake [them] down [7323] from thence, and cast [7993] the dust [6083] of them into the brook [5158] Kidron. [6939]


 Le roi profana aussi les hauts lieux qui étaient vis-à-vis de Jérusalem, à main droite de la montagne de Perdition que Salomon, roi d'Israël, avait bâtis à Astarté, l'infamie des Sidoniens, et à Kémosh, l'infamie des Moabites, et à Milcom, l'abomination des enfants d'Ammon.

 And the high places [1116] that [were] before [6440] Jerusalem, [3389] which [were] on the right hand [3225] of the mount [2022] of corruption, [4889] which Solomon [8010] the king [4428] of Israel [3478] had builded [1129] for Ashtoreth [6253] the abomination [8251] of the Zidonians, [6722] and for Chemosh [3645] the abomination [8251] of the Moabites, [4124] and for Milcom [4445] the abomination [8441] of the children [1121] of Ammon, [5983] did the king [4428] defile.


 Il brisa les statues, il coupa les emblèmes d'Ashéra et remplit leur emplacement d'ossements humains.

 And he brake [7665] in pieces the images, [4676] and cut down [3772] the groves, [0842] and filled [4390] their places [4725] with the bones [6106] of men. [0120]


 L'autel aussi qui était à Béthel, le haut lieu qu'avait fait Jéroboam, fils de Nébat, et par lequel il avait fait pécher Israël, cet autel même et le haut lieu, il les démolit; il brûla le haut lieu et le réduisit en cendres; il brûla aussi l'emblème d'Ashéra.

 Moreover the altar [4196] that [was] at Bethel, [1008] [and] the high place [1116] which Jeroboam [3379] the son [1121] of Nebat, [5028] who made Israel [3478] to sin, [2398] had made, [6213] both that altar [4196] and the high place [1116] he brake down, [5422] and burned [8313] the high place, [1116] [and] stamped [it] small [1854] to powder, [6083] and burned [8313] the grove. [0842]


 Or Josias, s'étant retourné, vit les tombeaux qui étaient là dans la montagne, et il envoya prendre les ossements des tombeaux et les brûla sur l'autel. Ainsi il le profana selon la Parolede YEHOVAH, qu'avait prononcée l'homme de Dieu qui annonça publiquement ces choses.

 And as Josiah [2977] turned [6437] himself, he spied [7200] the sepulchres [6913] that [were] there in the mount, [2022] and sent, [7971] and took [3947] the bones [6106] out of the sepulchres, [6913] and burned [8313] [them] upon the altar, [4196] and polluted [2930] it, according to the word [1697] of the LORD [3068] which the man [0376] of God [0430] proclaimed, [7121] who proclaimed [7121] these words. [1697]


 Puis le roi dit: Qu'est-ce que ce tombeau que je vois? Les hommes de la ville lui répondirent: C'est le tombeau de l'homme de Dieu qui vint de Juda et qui cria contre l'autel de Béthel les choses que tu as faites.

 Then he said, [0559] What title [6725] [is] that [1975] that I see? [7200] And the men [0582] of the city [5892] told [0559] him, [It is] the sepulchre [6913] of the man [0376] of God, [0430] which came [0935] from Judah, [3063] and proclaimed [7121] these things [1697] that thou hast done [6213] against the altar [4196] of Bethel. [1008]


 Et il dit: Laissez-le! Que personne ne remue ses os. Ils conservèrent donc ses os, avec les os du prophète qui était venu de Samarie.

 And he said, [0559] Let him alone; [3240] let no man [0376] move [5128] his bones. [6106] So they let his bones [6106] alone, [4422] with the bones [6106] of the prophet [5030] that came [0935] out of Samaria. [8111]


 Josias ôta aussi toutes les maisons de hauts lieux qui étaient dans les villes de Samarie, et que les rois d'Israël avaient faites pour irriter YEHOVAH. Il fit à leur égard tout comme il avait fait à Béthel.

 And all the houses [1004] also of the high places [1116] that [were] in the cities [5892] of Samaria, [8111] which the kings [4428] of Israel [3478] had made [6213] to provoke [the LORD] to anger, [3707] Josiah [2977] took away, [5493] and did [6213] to them according to all the acts [4639] that he had done [6213] in Bethel. [1008]


 Et il sacrifia sur les autels tous les sacrificateurs des hauts lieux qui étaient là; il y brûla des ossements humains. Après quoi il retourna à Jérusalem.

 And he slew [2076] all the priests [3548] of the high places [1116] that [were] there upon the altars, [4196] and burned [8313] men's [0120] bones [6106] upon them, and returned [7725] to Jerusalem. [3389]


 Alors le roi donna ce commandement à tout le peuple: Célébrez la pâque à YEHOVAH votre Dieu, comme il est écrit dans ce livre de l'alliance.

 And the king [4428] commanded [6680] all the people, [5971] saying, [0559] Keep [6213] the passover [6453] unto the LORD [3068] your God, [0430] as [it is] written [3789] in the book [5612] of this covenant. [1285]


 Et jamais pâque n'avait été célébrée, depuis le temps des juges qui avaient jugé Israël, ni pendant tout le temps des rois d'Israël et des rois de Juda,

 Surely there was not holden [6213] such a passover [6453] from the days [3117] of the judges [8199] that judged [8199] Israel, [3478] nor in all the days [3117] of the kings [4428] of Israel, [3478] nor of the kings [4428] of Judah; [3063]


 Comme cette pâque qui fut célébrée en l'honneur de YEHOVAH dans Jérusalem, la dix-huitième année du roi Josias.

 But in the eighteenth [8083] [6240] year [8141] of king [4428] Josiah, [2977] [wherein] this passover [6453] was holden [6213] to the LORD [3068] in Jerusalem. [3389]


 Josias fit aussi disparaître les nécromanciens et les devins, les théraphim, les idoles, et toutes les abominations qui se voyaient au pays de Juda et à Jérusalem; afin d'accomplir les paroles de la loi, écrites dans le livre qu'Hilkija, le sacrificateur, avait trouvé dans la maison de YEHOVAH.

 Moreover the [workers with] familiar spirits, [0178] and the wizards, [3049] and the images, [8655] and the idols, [1544] and all the abominations [8251] that were spied [7200] in the land [0776] of Judah [3063] and in Jerusalem, [3389] did Josiah [2977] put away, [1197] that he might perform [6965] the words [1697] of the law [8451] which were written [3789] in the book [5612] that Hilkiah [2518] the priest [3548] found [4672] in the house [1004] of the LORD. [3068]


 Avant lui, il n'y avait pas eu de roi semblable à lui, qui se fût tourné vers YEHOVAH de tout son cœur, de toute son âme et de toute sa force, selon toute la loi de Moïse; et après lui, il ne s'en est point élevé de semblable à lui.

 And like unto him was there no king [4428] before [6440] him, that turned [7725] to the LORD [3068] with all his heart, [3824] and with all his soul, [5315] and with all his might, [3966] according to all the law [8451] of Moses; [4872] neither after [0310] him arose [6965] there [any] like him.


 Toutefois YEHOVAH ne revint pas de l'ardeur de sa grande colère, qui s'était allumée contre Juda à cause de tout ce que Manassé avait fait pour l'irriter.

 Notwithstanding the LORD [3068] turned [7725] not from the fierceness [2740] of his great [1419] wrath, [0639] wherewith his anger [0639] was kindled [2734] against Judah, [3063] because of all the provocations [3708] that Manasseh [4519] had provoked [3707] him withal.


 Car YEHOVAH avait dit: J'ôterai aussi Juda de devant ma face, comme j'en ai ôté Israël; et je rejetterai cette ville de Jérusalem que j'ai choisie, et la maison de laquelle j'ai dit: Mon nom sera là.

 And the LORD [3068] said, [0559] I will remove [5493] Judah [3063] also out of my sight, [6440] as I have removed [5493] Israel, [3478] and will cast off [3988] this city [5892] Jerusalem [3389] which I have chosen, [0977] and the house [1004] of which I said, [0559] My name [8034] shall be there.


 Le reste des actions de Josias, tout ce qu'il fit, n'est-il pas écrit au livre des Chroniques des rois de Juda?

 Now the rest [3499] of the acts [1697] of Josiah, [2977] and all that he did, [6213] [are] they not written [3789] in the book [5612] of the chronicles [1697] [3117] of the kings [4428] of Judah? [3063]


 De son temps Pharaon-Néco, roi d'Égypte, monta contre le roi d'Assyrie, vers le fleuve d'Euphrate; et Josias marcha contre lui. Mais, dès que Pharaon l'eut vu, il le tua à Méguiddo.

 In his days [3117] Pharaohnechoh [6549] king [4428] of Egypt [4714] went up [5927] against the king [4428] of Assyria [0804] to the river [5104] Euphrates: [6578] and king [4428] Josiah [2977] went [3212] against [7125] him; and he slew [4191] him at Megiddo, [4023] when he had seen [7200] him.


 De Méguiddo ses serviteurs le chargèrent mort sur un char, et l'emmenèrent à Jérusalem, et l'ensevelirent dans son tombeau. Et le peuple du pays prit Joachaz, fils de Josias; et ils l'oignirent, et l'établirent roi à la place de son père.

 And his servants [5650] carried [7392] him in a chariot dead [4191] from Megiddo, [4023] and brought [0935] him to Jerusalem, [3389] and buried [6912] him in his own sepulchre. [6900] And the people [5971] of the land [0776] took [3947] Jehoahaz [3059] the son [1121] of Josiah, [2977] and anointed [4886] him, and made him king [4427] in his father's [0001] stead.


 Joachaz était âgé de vingt-trois ans quand il commença à régner, et il régna trois mois à Jérusalem. Sa mère, fille de Jérémie, de Libna, s'appelait Hamutal.

 Jehoahaz [3059] [was] twenty [6242] and three [7969] years [8141] old [1121] when he began to reign; [4427] and he reigned [4427] three [7969] months [2320] in Jerusalem. [3389] And his mother's [0517] name [8034] [was] Hamutal, [2537] the daughter [1323] of Jeremiah [3414] of Libnah. [3841]


 Il fit ce qui est mauvais aux yeux de YEHOVAH, tout comme avaient fait ses pères.

 And he did [6213] [that which was] evil [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD, [3068] according to all that his fathers [0001] had done. [6213]


 Et Pharaon-Néco l'emprisonna à Ribla, au pays de Hamath, afin qu'il ne régnât plus à Jérusalem. Et il imposa au pays une amende de cent talents d'argent et d'un talent d'or.

 And Pharaohnechoh [6549] put him in bands [0631] at Riblah [7247] in the land [0776] of Hamath, [2574] that he might not reign [4427] in Jerusalem; [3389] and put [5414] the land [0776] to a tribute [6066] of an hundred [3967] talents [3603] of silver, [3701] and a talent [3603] of gold. [2091]


 Puis Pharaon-Néco établit pour roi Éliakim, fils de Josias, à la place de Josias, son père, et changea son nom en celui de Jéhojakim. Il prit ensuite Joachaz, qui alla en Égypte où il mourut.

 And Pharaohnechoh [6549] made Eliakim [0471] the son [1121] of Josiah [2977] king [4427] in the room of Josiah [2977] his father, [0001] and turned [5437] his name [8034] to Jehoiakim, [3079] and took Jehoahaz [3059] away: [3947] and he came [0935] to Egypt, [4714] and died [4191] there.


 Et Jéhojakim donna l'argent et l'or à Pharaon. Mais il taxa le pays, pour fournir cet argent, d'après le commandement de Pharaon; il exigea du peuple du pays l'argent et l'or, selon la taxe de chacun, pour le donner à Pharaon-Néco.

 And Jehoiakim [3079] gave [5414] the silver [3701] and the gold [2091] to Pharaoh; [6547] but he taxed [6186] the land [0776] to give [5414] the money [3701] according to the commandment [6310] of Pharaoh: [6547] he exacted [5065] the silver [3701] and the gold [2091] of the people [5971] of the land, [0776] of every one [0376] according to his taxation, [6187] to give [5414] [it] unto Pharaohnechoh. [6549]


 Jéhojakim était âgé de vingt-cinq ans quand il commença à régner, et il régna onze ans à Jérusalem. Sa mère s'appelait Zébudda, fille de Pédaja, de Ruma.

 Jehoiakim [3079] [was] twenty [6242] and five [2568] years [8141] old [1121] when he began to reign; [4427] and he reigned [4427] eleven [0259] [6240] years [8141] in Jerusalem. [3389] And his mother's [0517] name [8034] [was] Zebudah, [2080] the daughter [1323] of Pedaiah [6305] of Rumah. [7316]


 Il fit ce qui est mauvais aux yeux de YEHOVAH, tout comme avaient fait ses pères.

 And he did [6213] [that which was] evil [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD, [3068] according to all that his fathers [0001] had done. [6213]


 De son temps, Nébucadnetsar, roi de Babylone, monta, et Jéhojakim lui fut assujetti trois ans; mais il se révolta de nouveau contre lui.

 In his days [3117] Nebuchadnezzar [5019] king [4428] of Babylon [0894] came up, [5927] and Jehoiakim [3079] became his servant [5650] three [7969] years: [8141] then he turned [7725] and rebelled [4775] against him.


 Et YEHOVAH envoya contre lui des troupes de Caldéens, des troupes de Syriens, des troupes de Moabites et des troupes d'Ammonites; il les envoya contre Juda pour le détruire, selon la Parole que YEHOVAH avait prononcée par les prophètes, ses serviteurs.

 And the LORD [3068] sent [7971] against him bands [1416] of the Chaldees, [3778] and bands [1416] of the Syrians, [0758] and bands [1416] of the Moabites, [4124] and bands [1416] of the children [1121] of Ammon, [5983] and sent [7971] them against Judah [3063] to destroy [0006] it, according to the word [1697] of the LORD, [3068] which he spake [1696] by [3027] his servants [5650] the prophets. [5030]


 Ce fut sur l'ordre seul de YEHOVAH qu'il en fut ainsi de Juda, pour le rejeter de devant sa face, à cause des péchés de Manassé, et de tout ce qu'il avait fait,

 Surely at the commandment [6310] of the LORD [3068] came [this] upon Judah, [3063] to remove [5493] [them] out of his sight, [6440] for the sins [2403] of Manasseh, [4519] according to all that he did; [6213]


 Et aussi du sang innocent qu'il avait répandu; car il avait rempli Jérusalem de sang innocent. Et YEHOVAH ne voulut point pardonner.

 And also for the innocent [5355] blood [1818] that he shed: [8210] for he filled [4390] Jerusalem [3389] with innocent [5355] blood; [1818] which the LORD [3068] would [0014] not pardon. [5545]


 Le reste des actions de Jéhojakim, et tout ce qu'il fit, n'est-il pas écrit au livre des Chroniques des rois de Juda?

 Now the rest [3499] of the acts [1697] of Jehoiakim, [3079] and all that he did, [6213] [are] they not written [3789] in the book [5612] of the chronicles [1697] [3117] of the kings [4428] of Judah? [3063]


 Et Jéhojakim s'endormit avec ses pères, et Jéhojakin, son fils, devint roi à sa place.

 So Jehoiakim [3079] slept [7901] with his fathers: [0001] and Jehoiachin [3078] his son [1121] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 Or le roi d'Égypte ne sortit plus de son pays, parce que le roi de Babylone avait pris tout ce qui était au roi d'Égypte depuis le torrent d'Égypte jusqu'au fleuve d'Euphrate.

 And the king [4428] of Egypt [4714] came [3318] not again [3254] any more out of his land: [0776] for the king [4428] of Babylon [0894] had taken [3947] from the river [5158] of Egypt [4714] unto the river [5104] Euphrates [6578] all that pertained to the king [4428] of Egypt. [4714]


 Jéhojakin était âgé de dix-huit ans quand il devint roi, et il régna trois mois à Jérusalem. Sa mère, fille d'Elnathan, de Jérusalem, s'appelait Néhushta.

 Jehoiachin [3078] [was] eighteen [8083] [6240] years [8141] old [1121] when he began to reign, [4427] and he reigned [4427] in Jerusalem [3389] three [7969] months. [2320] And his mother's [0517] name [8034] [was] Nehushta, [5179] the daughter [1323] of Elnathan [0494] of Jerusalem. [3389]


 Il fit ce qui est mauvais aux yeux de YEHOVAH, tout comme avait fait son père.

 And he did [6213] [that which was] evil [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD, [3068] according to all that his father [0001] had done. [6213]


 En ce temps-là, les serviteurs de Nébucadnetsar, roi de Babylone, montèrent à Jérusalem, et la ville fut assiégée.

 At that time [6256] the servants [5650] of Nebuchadnezzar [5019] king [4428] of Babylon [0894] came up [5927] against Jerusalem, [3389] and the city [5892] was besieged. [0935] [4692]


 Et Nébucadnetsar, roi de Babylone, vint contre la ville, lorsque ses serviteurs l'assiégeaient.

 And Nebuchadnezzar [5019] king [4428] of Babylon [0894] came [0935] against the city, [5892] and his servants [5650] did besiege [6696] it.


 Alors Jéhojakin, roi de Juda, sortit vers le roi de Babylone, lui, sa mère, ses serviteurs, ses officiers et ses eunuques; et le roi de Babylone le prit, la huitième année de son règne.

 And Jehoiachin [3078] the king [4428] of Judah [3063] went out [3318] to the king [4428] of Babylon, [0894] he, and his mother, [0517] and his servants, [5650] and his princes, [8269] and his officers: [5631] and the king [4428] of Babylon [0894] took [3947] him in the eighth [8083] year [8141] of his reign. [4427]


 Et il tira de là tous les trésors de la maison de YEHOVAH et les trésors de la maison royale; et il mit en pièces tous les ustensiles d'or que Salomon, roi d'Israël, avait faits pour le temple de YEHOVAH, comme YEHOVAH en avait parlé.

 And he carried out [3318] thence all the treasures [0214] of the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and the treasures [0214] of the king's [4428] house, [1004] and cut in pieces [7112] all the vessels [3627] of gold [2091] which Solomon [8010] king [4428] of Israel [3478] had made [6213] in the temple [1964] of the LORD, [3068] as the LORD [3068] had said. [1696]


 Et il déporta tout Jérusalem, tous les chefs et tous les vaillants hommes de guerre, au nombre de dix mille captifs, avec les charpentiers et les serruriers. Il ne demeura personne de reste, que le pauvre peuple du pays.

 And he carried away [1540] all Jerusalem, [3389] and all the princes, [8269] and all the mighty men [1368] of valour, [2428] [even] ten [6235] thousand [0505] captives, [1540] and all the craftsmen [2796] and smiths: [4525] none remained, [7604] save [2108] the poorest sort [1803] of the people [5971] of the land. [0776]


 Ainsi il transporta Jéhojakin à Babylone, et la mère du roi, et les femmes du roi, et ses eunuques; et il emmena en captivité, de Jérusalem à Babylone, tous les puissants du pays,

 And he carried away [1540] Jehoiachin [3078] to Babylon, [0894] and the king's [4428] mother, [0517] and the king's [4428] wives, [0802] and his officers, [5631] and the mighty [0352][0193] of the land, [0776] [those] carried [3212] he into captivity [1473] from Jerusalem [3389] to Babylon. [0894]


 Tous les hommes vaillants, au nombre de sept mille, et les charpentiers et les serruriers au nombre de mille, tous hommes vaillants et propres à la guerre; le roi de Babylone les emmena captifs à Babylone.

 And all the men [0582] of might, [2428] [even] seven [7651] thousand, [0505] and craftsmen [2796] and smiths [4525] a thousand, [0505] all [that were] strong [1368] [and] apt [6213] for war, [4421] even them the king [4428] of Babylon [0894] brought [0935] captive [1473] to Babylon. [0894]


 Et le roi de Babylone établit pour roi, à la place de Jéhojakin, Matthania, son oncle, et il changea son nom en celui de Sédécias.

 And the king [4428] of Babylon [0894] made Mattaniah [4983] his father's brother [1730] king [4427] in his stead, and changed [5437] his name [8034] to Zedekiah. [6667]


 Sédécias était âgé de vingt et un ans quand il commença à régner, et il régna onze ans à Jérusalem. Sa mère s'appelait Hamutal, fille de Jérémie, de Libna.

 Zedekiah [6667] [was] twenty [6242] and one [0259] years [8141] old [1121] when he began to reign, [4427] and he reigned [4427] eleven [0259] [6240] years [8141] in Jerusalem. [3389] And his mother's [0517] name [8034] [was] Hamutal, [2537] the daughter [1323] of Jeremiah [3414] of Libnah. [3841]


 Il fit ce qui est mauvais aux yeux de YEHOVAH, tout comme avait fait Jéhojakim.

 And he did [6213] [that which was] evil [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD, [3068] according to all that Jehoiakim [3079] had done. [6213]


 Car, à cause de la colère de YEHOVAH, il en arriva ainsi à Jérusalem et à Juda, jusqu'à ce qu'il les rejetât de devant sa face. Or Sédécias se révolta contre le roi de Babylone.

 For through the anger [0639] of the LORD [3068] it came to pass in Jerusalem [3389] and Judah, [3063] until he had cast them out [7993] from his presence, [6440] that Zedekiah [6667] rebelled [4775] against the king [4428] of Babylon. [0894]


 Et il arriva, la neuvième année du règne de Sédécias, le dixième jour du dixième mois, que Nébucadnetsar, roi de Babylone, vint contre Jérusalem, lui et toute son armée; il campa contre elle, et ils bâtirent des forts tout autour.

 And it came to pass in the ninth [8671] year [8141] of his reign, [4427] in the tenth [6224] month, [2320] in the tenth [6218] [day] of the month, [2320] [that] Nebuchadnezzar [5019] king [4428] of Babylon [0894] came, [0935] he, and all his host, [2428] against Jerusalem, [3389] and pitched [2583] against it; and they built [1129] forts [1785] against it round about. [5439]


 Or la ville fut assiégée jusqu'à la onzième année du roi Sédécias.

 And the city [5892] was besieged [0935] [4692] unto the eleventh [6249] [6240] year [8141] of king [4428] Zedekiah. [6667]


 Le neuvième jour du quatrième mois, la famine sévissait dans la ville, et il n'y avait plus de pain pour le peuple du pays.

 And on the ninth [8672] [day] of the [fourth] month [2320] the famine [7458] prevailed [2388] in the city, [5892] and there was no bread [3899] for the people [5971] of the land. [0776]


 Alors la brèche fut faite à la ville; et tous les gens de guerre s'enfuirent de nuit par le chemin de la porte, entre les doubles murailles, près du jardin du roi, pendant que les Caldéens bloquaient la ville tout autour; et on s'en alla par le chemin de la campagne.

 And the city [5892] was broken up, [1234] and all the men [0582] of war [4421] [fled] by night [3915] by the way [1870] of the gate [8179] between two walls, [2346] which [is] by the king's [4428] garden: [1588] (now the Chaldees [3778] [were] against the city [5892] round about:) [5439] and [the king] went [3212] the way [1870] toward the plain. [6160]


 Mais l'armée des Caldéens poursuivit le roi; et, quand ils l'eurent atteint dans les campagnes de Jérico, toute son armée se dispersa d'avec lui.

 And the army [2428] of the Chaldees [3778] pursued [7291] after [0310] the king, [4428] and overtook [5381] him in the plains [6160] of Jericho: [3405] and all his army [2428] were scattered [6327] from him.


 Ils prirent donc le roi, et le firent monter vers le roi de Babylone à Ribla, où on lui fit son procès.

 So they took [8610] the king, [4428] and brought him up [5927] to the king [4428] of Babylon [0894] to Riblah; [7247] and they gave [1696] judgment [4941] upon him.


 On égorgea les fils de Sédécias en sa présence; après quoi on creva les yeux à Sédécias, on le lia de chaînes d'airain, et on le mena à Babylone.

 And they slew [7819] the sons [1121] of Zedekiah [6667] before his eyes, [5869] and put out [5786] the eyes [5869] of Zedekiah, [6667] and bound [0631] him with fetters of brass, [5178] and carried [0935] him to Babylon. [0894]


 Au septième jour du cinquième mois, la dix-neuvième année du roi Nébucadnetsar, roi de Babylone, Nébuzar-Adan, capitaine des gardes, serviteur du roi de Babylone, entra dans Jérusalem.

 And in the fifth [2549] month, [2320] on the seventh [7651] [day] of the month, [2320] which [is] the [8141] nineteenth [8672] [6240] year [8141] of king [4428] Nebuchadnezzar [5019] king [4428] of Babylon, [0894] came [0935] Nebuzaradan, [5018] captain [7227] of the guard, [2876] a servant [5650] of the king [4428] of Babylon, [0894] unto Jerusalem: [3389]


 Il brûla la maison de YEHOVAH, la maison royale et toutes les maisons de Jérusalem; il livra aux flammes toutes les grandes maisons.

 And he burnt [8313] the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and the king's [4428] house, [1004] and all the houses [1004] of Jerusalem, [3389] and every great [1419] [man's] house [1004] burnt [8313] he with fire. [0784]


 Puis toute l'armée des Caldéens qui était avec le capitaine des gardes, démolit les murailles de Jérusalem tout autour.

 And all the army [2428] of the Chaldees, [3778] that [were with] the captain [7227] of the guard, [2876] brake down [5422] the walls [2346] of Jerusalem [3389] round about. [5439]


 Et Nébuzar-Adan, capitaine des gardes, transporta le reste du peuple, ceux qui étaient demeurés de reste dans la ville, ceux qui venaient se rendre au roi de Babylone, et le reste de la multitude.

 Now the rest [3499] of the people [5971] [that were] left [7604] in the city, [5892] and the fugitives [5307] that fell away [5307] to the king [4428] of Babylon, [0894] with the remnant [3499] of the multitude, [1995] did Nebuzaradan [5018] the captain [7227] of the guard [2876] carry away. [1540]


 Toutefois, le capitaine des gardes en laissa quelques-uns des plus pauvres du pays comme vignerons et laboureurs.

 But the captain [7227] of the guard [2876] left [7604] of the poor [1803] of the land [0776] [to be] vinedressers [3755] and husbandmen. [3009][1461]


 Et les Caldéens mirent en pièces les colonnes d'airain qui étaient dans la maison de YEHOVAH, les socles et la mer d'airain qui étaient dans la maison de YEHOVAH; et ils en emportèrent l'airain à Babylone.

 And the pillars [5982] of brass [5178] that [were] in the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] and the bases, [4350] and the brasen [5178] sea [3220] that [was] in the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] did the Chaldees [3778] break in pieces, [7665] and carried [5375] the brass [5178] of them to Babylon. [0894]


 Ils emportèrent aussi les chaudières, les pelles, les serpes, les tasses et tous les ustensiles d'airain employés pour le service.

 And the pots, [5518] and the shovels, [3257] and the snuffers, [4212] and the spoons, [3709] and all the vessels [3627] of brass [5178] wherewith they ministered, [8334] took they away. [3947]


 Le capitaine des gardes emporta aussi les encensoirs et les bassins, ce qui était d'or et ce qui était d'argent.

 And the firepans, [4289] and the bowls, [4219] [and] such things as [were] of gold, [2091] [in] gold, [2091] and of silver, [3701] [in] silver, [3701] the captain [7227] of the guard [2876] took away. [3947]


 Pour ce qui est des deux colonnes, de la mer et des socles que Salomon avait faits pour la maison de YEHOVAH, on ne pouvait peser l'airain de tous ces objets.

 The two [8147] pillars, [5982] one [0259] sea, [3220] and the bases [4350] which Solomon [8010] had made [6213] for the house [1004] of the LORD; [3068] the brass [5178] of all these vessels [3627] was without [3808] weight. [4948]


 Chaque colonne avait dix-huit coudées de haut, et un chapiteau d'airain par-dessus, dont la hauteur était de trois coudées; et sur le chapiteau, à l'entour, étaient un réseau et des grenades, le tout d'airain. La seconde colonne était en tout semblable, avec le réseau.

 The height [6967] of the one [0259] pillar [5982] [was] eighteen [8083] [6240] cubits, [0520] and the chapiter [3805] upon it [was] brass: [5178] and the height [6967] of the chapiter [3805] three [7969] cubits; [0520] and the wreathen work, [7639] and pomegranates [7416] upon the chapiter [3805] round about, [5439] all of brass: [5178] and like unto these had the second [8145] pillar [5982] with wreathen work. [7639]


 Et le capitaine des gardes prit Séraja, premier sacrificateur, et Sophonie, second sacrificateur, et les trois gardes du seuil.

 And the captain [7227] of the guard [2876] took [3947] Seraiah [8304] the chief [7218] priest, [3548] and Zephaniah [6846] the second [4932] priest, [3548] and the three [7969] keepers [8104] of the door: [5592]


 Et de la ville il prit un eunuque qui avait la charge des gens de guerre, et cinq hommes de ceux qui voyaient la face du roi, qui se trouvèrent dans la ville, le secrétaire en chef de l'armée, qui enrôlait le peuple du pays, et soixante hommes d'entre le peuple du pays, qui furent trouvés dans la ville.

 And out of the city [5892] he took [3947] an [0259] officer [5631] that was set [6496] over the men [0582] of war, [4421] and five [2568] men [0582] of them that were in [7200] the king's [4428] presence, [6440] which were found [4672] in the city, [5892] and the principal [8269] scribe [5608] of the host, [6635] which mustered [6633] the people [5971] of the land, [0776] and threescore [8346] men [0376] of the people [5971] of the land [0776] [that were] found [4672] in


 Nébuzar-Adan, capitaine des gardes, les prit et les mena au roi de Babylone, à Ribla.

 And Nebuzaradan [5018] captain [7227] of the guard [2876] took [3947] these, and brought [3212] them to the king [4428] of Babylon [0894] to Riblah: [7247]


 Et le roi de Babylone les frappa, et les fit mourir à Ribla, au pays de Hamath. Ainsi Juda fut transporté hors de son pays.

 And the king [4428] of Babylon [0894] smote [5221] them, and slew [4191] them at Riblah [7247] in the land [0776] of Hamath. [2574] So Judah [3063] was carried away [1540] out of their land. [0127]


 Quant au peuple qui était demeuré de reste au pays de Juda et que Nébucadnetsar, roi de Babylone, y avait laissé, il lui donna pour gouverneur Guédalia, fils d'Achikam, fils de Shaphan.

 And [as for] the people [5971] that remained [7604] in the land [0776] of Judah, [3063] whom Nebuchadnezzar [5019] king [4428] of Babylon [0894] had left, [7604] even over them he made Gedaliah [1436] the son [1121] of Ahikam, [0296] the son [1121] of Shaphan, [8227] ruler. [6485]


 Et lorsque tous les capitaines des gens de guerre et leurs gens eurent appris que le roi de Babylone avait établi pour gouverneur Guédalia, ils vinrent vers Guédalia à Mitspa, savoir, Ismaël, fils de Néthania, et Jochanan, fils de Karéach, et Séraja, fils de Thanhumeth le Nétophathite, et Jaazania, fils du Maacathite, eux et leurs gens.

 And when all the captains [8269] of the armies, [2428] they and their men, [0582] heard [8085] that the king [4428] of Babylon [0894] had made Gedaliah [1436] governor, [6485] there came [0935] to Gedaliah [1436] to Mizpah, [4709] even Ishmael [3458] the son [1121] of Nethaniah, [5418] and Johanan [3110] the son [1121] of Careah, [7143] and Seraiah [8304] the son [1121] of Tanhumeth [8576] the Netophathite, [5200] and Jaazaniah [2970] the son [1121] of a Maachathite,


 Et Guédalia leur jura, à eux et à leurs gens, et leur dit: Ne craignez pas les serviteurs des Caldéens. Demeurez au pays, servez le roi de Babylone, et vous vous en trouverez bien.

 And Gedaliah [1436] sware [7650] to them, and to their men, [0582] and said [0559] unto them, Fear [3372] not to be the servants [5650] of the Chaldees: [3778] dwell [3427] in the land, [0776] and serve [5647] the king [4428] of Babylon; [0894] and it shall be well [3190] with you.


 Mais, au septième mois, Ismaël, fils de Néthania, fils d'Élishama, de la race royale, et dix hommes avec lui, vinrent, frappèrent Guédalia, et le tuèrent ainsi que les Judéens et les Caldéens qui étaient avec lui à Mitspa.

 But it came to pass in the seventh [7637] month, [2320] that Ishmael [3458] the son [1121] of Nethaniah, [5418] the son [1121] of Elishama, [0476] of the seed [2233] royal, [4410] came, [0935] and ten [6235] men [0582] with him, and smote [5221] Gedaliah, [1436] that he died, [4191] and the Jews [3064] and the Chaldees [3778] that were with him at Mizpah. [4709]


 Alors tout le peuple, depuis le plus petit jusqu'au plus grand, avec les capitaines des gens de guerre, se levèrent et s'en allèrent en Égypte, parce qu'ils avaient peur des Caldéens.

 And all the people, [5971] both small [6996] and great, [1419] and the captains [8269] of the armies, [2428] arose, [6965] and came [0935] to Egypt: [4714] for they were afraid [3372] of [6440] the Chaldees. [3778]


 Or il arriva, la trente-septième année de la captivité de Jéhojakin, roi de Juda, le vingt-septième jour du douzième mois, qu'Évilmérodac, roi de Babylone, l'année où il devint roi, releva la tête de Jéhojakin, roi de Juda, et le tira de prison.

 And it came to pass in the seven [7651] and thirtieth [7970] year [8141] of the captivity [1546] of Jehoiachin [3078] king [4428] of Judah, [3063] in the twelfth [8147] [6240] month, [2320] on the seven [7651] and twentieth [6242] [day] of the month, [2320] [that] Evilmerodach [0192] king [4428] of Babylon [0894] in the year [8141] that he began to reign [4427] did lift up [5375] the head [7218] of Jehoiachin [3078] king [4428] of Judah [3063] out of prison; [1004]


 Il lui parla avec douceur, et il mit son trône au-dessus du trône des rois qui étaient avec lui à Babylone.

 And he spake [1696] kindly [2896] to him, and set [5414] his throne [3678] above the throne [3678] of the kings [4428] that [were] with him in Babylon; [0894]


 Et, après qu'il lui eut changé ses vêtements de prisonnier, il mangea constamment en sa présence, tout le temps de sa vie.

 And changed [8132] his prison [3608] garments: [0899] and he did eat [0398] bread [3899] continually [8548] before [6440] him all the days [3117] of his life. [2416]


 Et pour son entretien, un ordinaire continuel lui fut établi par le roi, pour chaque jour et pour tout le temps de sa vie.

 And his allowance [0737] [was] a continual [8548] allowance [0737] given [5414] him of the king, [4428] a daily [3117] rate [1697] for every day, [3117] all the days [3117] of his life. [2416]




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