La voix qui crie dans le désert








 Après la mort de Moïse, serviteur de YEHOVAH, YEHOVAH parla à Josué, fils de Nun, serviteur de Moïse, et lui dit:

 Now after [0310] the death [4194] of Moses [4872] the servant [5650] of the LORD [3068] it came to pass, that the LORD [3068] spake [0559] unto Joshua [3091] the son [1121] of Nun, [5126] Moses' [4872] minister, [8334] saying, [0559]


 Moïse mon serviteur est mort; maintenant lève-toi, passe ce Jourdain, toi et tout ce peuple, pour entrer au pays que je donne aux enfants d'Israël.

 Moses [4872] my servant [5650] is dead; [4191] now therefore arise, [6965] go over [5674] this Jordan, [3383] thou, and all this people, [5971] unto the land [0776] which I do give [5414] to them, [even] to the children [1121] of Israel. [3478]


 Tout lieu que foulera la plante de votre pied, je vous le donne, comme je l'ai dit à Moïse.

 Every place [4725] that the sole [3709] of your foot [7272] shall tread [1869] upon, that have I given [5414] unto you, as I said [1696] unto Moses. [4872]


 Votre frontière sera depuis ce désert et ce Liban jusqu'au grand fleuve, le fleuve de l'Euphrate, tout le pays des Héthiens, et jusqu'à la grande mer, vers le soleil couchant.

 From the wilderness [4057] and this Lebanon [3844] even unto the great [1419] river, [5104] the river [5104] Euphrates, [6578] all the land [0776] of the Hittites, [2850] and unto the great [1419] sea [3220] toward the going down [3996] of the sun, [8121] shall be your coast. [1366]


 Nul ne subsistera devant toi pendant tous les jours de ta vie; je serai avec toi comme j'ai été avec Moïse; je ne te laisserai point, et je ne t'abandonnerai point.

 There shall not any man [0376] be able to stand [3320] before [6440] thee all the days [3117] of thy life: [2416] as I was with Moses, [4872] [so] I will be with thee: I will not fail [7503] thee, nor forsake [5800] thee.


 Fortifie-toi et prends courage; car c'est toi qui mettras ce peuple en possession du pays que j'ai juré à leurs pères de leur donner.

 Be strong [2388] and of a good courage: [0553] for unto this people [5971] shalt thou divide for an inheritance [5157] the land, [0776] which I sware [7650] unto their fathers [0001] to give [5414] them.


 Fortifie-toi seulement et aie bon courage, pour prendre garde à faire selon toute la loi que Moïse mon serviteur t'a prescrite; ne t'en détourne ni à droite ni à gauche, afin que tu prospères dans tout ce que tu entreprendras.

 Only be thou strong [2388] and very [3966] courageous, [0553] that thou mayest observe [8104] to do [6213] according to all the law, [8451] which Moses [4872] my servant [5650] commanded [6680] thee: turn [5493] not from it [to] the right hand [3225] or [to] the left, [8040] that thou mayest prosper [7919] whithersoever thou goest. [3212]


 Que ce livre de la loi ne s'éloigne point de ta bouche, mais médite-le jour et nuit, afin que tu prennes garde à faire tout ce qui y est écrit; car c'est alors que tu réussiras dans tes entreprises, et c'est alors que tu prospéreras.

 This book [5612] of the law [8451] shall not depart [4185] out of thy mouth; [6310] but thou shalt meditate [1897] therein day [3119] and night, [3915] that thou mayest observe [8104] to do [6213] according to all that is written [3789] therein: for then thou shalt make thy way [1870] prosperous, [6743] and then thou shalt have good success. [7919]


 Ne te l'ai-je pas commandé? Fortifie-toi et prends courage. Ne t'épouvante point et ne t'effraie de rien; car YEHOVAH ton Dieu est avec toi, partout où tu iras.

 Have not I commanded [6680] thee? Be strong [2388] and of a good courage; [0553] be not afraid, [6206] neither be thou dismayed: [2865] for the LORD [3068] thy God [0430] [is] with thee whithersoever thou goest. [3212]


 Alors Josué donna des ordres aux officiers du peuple, et dit:

 Then Joshua [3091] commanded [6680] the officers [7860] of the people, [5971] saying, [0559]


 Passez au milieu du camp, et commandez au peuple, en disant: Préparez-vous des provisions; car dans trois jours vous passerez ce Jourdain, pour aller posséder le pays que YEHOVAH votre Dieu vous donne afin que vous le possédiez.

 Pass [5674] through [7130] the host, [4264] and command [6680] the people, [5971] saying, [0559] Prepare [3559] you victuals; [6720] for within three [7969] days [3117] ye shall pass over [5674] this Jordan, [3383] to go in [0935] to possess [3423] the land, [0776] which the LORD [3068] your God [0430] giveth [5414] you to possess [3423] it.


 Josué parla aussi aux Rubénites, aux Gadites, et à la moitié de la tribu de Manassé, et leur dit:

 And to the Reubenites, [7206] and to the Gadites, [1425] and to half [2677] the tribe [7626] of Manasseh, [4519] spake [0559] Joshua, [3091] saying, [0559]


 Souvenez-vous de ce que vous a commandé Moïse, serviteur de YEHOVAH, en disant: YEHOVAH votre Dieu vous a accordé du repos, et vous a donné ce pays;

 Remember [2142] the word [1697] which Moses [4872] the servant [5650] of the LORD [3068] commanded [6680] you, saying, [0559] The LORD [3068] your God [0430] hath given you rest, [5117] and hath given [5414] you this land. [0776]


 Vos femmes, vos petits enfants et votre bétail demeureront au pays que Moïse vous a donné, de l'autre côté du Jourdain; mais vous, vous passerez en armes devant vos frères, tous les hommes forts et vaillants, et vous les aiderez,

 Your wives, [0802] your little ones, [2945] and your cattle, [4735] shall remain [3427] in the land [0776] which Moses [4872] gave [5414] you on this side [5676] Jordan; [3383] but ye shall pass [5674] before [6440] your brethren [0251] armed, [2571] all the mighty [1368] men of valour, [2428] and help [5826] them;


 Jusqu'à ce que YEHOVAH ait donné du repos à vos frères comme à vous, et qu'eux aussi possèdent le pays que YEHOVAH votre Dieu leur donne. Puis vous retournerez au pays de votre possession, et vous le posséderez, celui que Moïse, serviteur de YEHOVAH, vous a donné, de l'autre côté du Jourdain, vers le soleil levant.

 Until the LORD [3068] have given your brethren [0251] rest, [5117] as [he hath given] you, and they also have possessed [3423] the land [0776] which the LORD [3068] your God [0430] giveth [5414] them: then ye shall return [7725] unto the land [0776] of your possession, [3425] and enjoy [3423] it, which Moses [4872] the LORD'S [3068] servant [5650] gave [5414] you on this side [5676] Jordan [3383] toward the sunrising. [4217] [8121]


 Et ils répondirent à Josué, en disant: Nous ferons tout ce que tu nous as commandé, et nous irons partout où tu nous enverras;

 And they answered [6030] Joshua, [3091] saying, [0559] All that thou commandest [6680] us we will do, [6213] and whithersoever [0834] thou sendest [7971] us, we will go. [3212]


 Nous t'obéirons comme nous avons obéi à Moïse; seulement que YEHOVAH ton Dieu soit avec toi, comme il a été avec Moïse!

 According as we hearkened [8085] unto Moses [4872] in all things, so will we hearken [8085] unto thee: only the LORD [3068] thy God [0430] be with thee, as he was with Moses. [4872]


 Tout homme qui sera rebelle à ton commandement et n'obéira point à tes paroles, en tout ce que tu nous commanderas, sera mis à mort; fortifie-toi seulement et prends courage!

 Whosoever [0376] [he be] that doth rebel [4784] against thy commandment, [6310] and will not hearken [8085] unto thy words [1697] in all that thou commandest [6680] him, he shall be put to death: [4191] only be strong [2388] and of a good courage. [0553]


 Josué, fils de Nun, envoya secrètement de Sittim deux espions, en leur disant: Allez, examinez le pays et Jérico. Ils partirent donc et vinrent dans la maison d'une courtisane, nommée Rahab, et ils couchèrent là.

 And Joshua [3091] the son [1121] of Nun [5126] sent [7971] out of Shittim [7851] two [8147] men [0582] to spy [7270] secretly, [2791] saying, [0559] Go [3212] view [7200] the land, [0776] even Jericho. [3405] And they went, [3212] and came [0935] into an harlot's [0802] [2181] house, [1004] named [8034] Rahab, [7343] and lodged [7901] there.


 Et l'on dit au roi de Jérico: Voici, des hommes sont venus ici cette nuit, d'entre les enfants d'Israël, pour explorer le pays.

 And it was told [0559] the king [4428] of Jericho, [3405] saying, [0559] Behold, there came [0935] men [0582] in hither to night [3915] of the children [1121] of Israel [3478] to search out [2658] the country. [0776]


 Le roi de Jérico envoya dire à Rahab: Fais sortir les hommes qui sont venus chez toi, qui sont entrés dans ta maison; car ils sont venus pour explorer tout le pays.

 And the king [4428] of Jericho [3405] sent [7971] unto Rahab, [7343] saying, [0559] Bring forth [3318] the men [0582] that are come [0935] to thee, which are entered [0935] into thine house: [1004] for they be come [0935] to search out [2658] all the country. [0776]


 Mais la femme avait pris les deux hommes, et les avait cachés; et elle dit: Il est vrai que ces hommes sont venus chez moi, mais je ne savais d'où ils étaient;

 And the woman [0802] took [3947] the two [8147] men, [0582] and hid [6845] them, and said [0559] thus, There came [0935] men [0582] unto me, but I wist [3045] not whence [0370] they [were]:


 Et comme la porte allait être fermée, sur le soir, ces hommes sont sortis; je ne sais où ils sont allés; hâtez-vous de les poursuivre, car vous les atteindrez.

 And it came to pass [about the time] of shutting [5462] of the gate, [8179] when it was dark, [2822] that the men [0582] went out: [3318] whither the men [0582] went [1980] I wot [3045] not: pursue [7291] after [0310] them quickly; [4118] for ye shall overtake [5381] them.


 Or, elle les avait fait monter sur le toit, et les avait cachés sous des tiges de lin, qu'elle avait arrangées sur le toit.

 But she had brought them up [5927] to the roof [1406] of the house, and hid [2934] them with the stalks [6086] of flax, [6593] which she had laid in order [6186] upon the roof. [1406]


 Et les hommes les poursuivirent dans la direction du Jourdain, vers les gués, et l'on ferma la porte, après que ceux qui les poursuivaient furent sortis.

 And the men [0582] pursued [7291] after [0310] them the way [1870] to Jordan [3383] unto the fords: [4569] and as soon [0310] as they which pursued [7291] after [0310] them were gone out, [3318] they shut [5462] the gate. [8179]


 Avant qu'ils se couchassent, elle monta vers eux sur le toit,

 And before they were laid down, [7901] she came up [5927] unto them upon the roof; [1406]


 Et elle leur dit: Je sais que YEHOVAH vous a donné le pays, et que la terreur de votre nom nous a saisis, et que tous les habitants du pays ont perdu courage à cause de vous.

 And she said [0559] unto the men, [0582] I know [3045] that the LORD [3068] hath given [5414] you the land, [0776] and that your terror [0367] is fallen [5307] upon us, and that all the inhabitants [3427] of the land [0776] faint [4127] because [6440] of you.


 Car nous avons appris comment YEHOVAH a tari devant vous les eaux de la mer Rouge, quand vous sortiez d'Égypte, et ce que vous avez fait aux deux rois des Amoréens qui étaient au delà du Jourdain, à Sihon et à Og, que vous avez dévoués à l'interdit.

 For we have heard [8085] how the LORD [3068] dried up [3001] the water [4325] of the Red [5488] sea [3220] for you, [6440] when ye came out [3318] of Egypt; [4714] and what ye did [6213] unto the two [8147] kings [4428] of the Amorites, [0567] that [were] on the other side [5676] Jordan, [3383] Sihon [5511] and Og, [5747] whom ye utterly destroyed. [2763]


 Nous l'avons appris, et notre cœur s'est fondu, et le courage d'aucun homme ne se soutient encore devant vous; car YEHOVAH votre Dieu est Dieu dans les cieux en haut et sur la terre en bas.

 And as soon as we had heard [8085] [these things], our hearts [3824] did melt, [4549] neither did there remain [6965] any more courage [7307] in any man, [0376] because [6440] of you: for the LORD [3068] your God, [0430] he [is] God [0430] in heaven [8064] above, [4605] and in earth [0776] beneath.


 Maintenant donc, jurez-moi, je vous prie, par YEHOVAH, que puisque j'ai usé de bonté envers vous, vous userez aussi de bonté envers la maison de mon père; et donnez-moi une preuve assurée,

 Now therefore, I pray you, swear [7650] unto me by the LORD, [3068] since [3588] I have shewed [6213] you kindness, [2617] that ye will also shew [6213] kindness [2617] unto my father's [0001] house, [1004] and give [5414] me a true [0571] token: [0226]


 Que vous laisserez vivre mon père, ma mère, mes frères, mes sœurs, et tous ceux qui leur appartiennent, et que vous garantirez nos personnes de la mort.

 And [that] ye will save alive [2421] my father, [0001] and my mother, [0517] and my brethren, [0251] and my sisters, [0269] and all that they have, and deliver [5337] our lives [5315] from death. [4194]


 Et ces hommes lui répondirent: Nous exposerons notre personne pour vous à la mort, si vous ne divulguez pas notre entreprise; et quand YEHOVAH nous donnera le pays, nous te traiterons avec bonté et fidélité.

 And the men [0582] answered [0559] her, Our life [5315] for yours, [4191] if ye utter [5046] not this our business. [1697] And it shall be, when the LORD [3068] hath given [5414] us the land, [0776] that we will deal [6213] kindly [2617] and truly [0571] with thee.


 Elle les fit donc descendre avec une corde par la fenêtre; car sa maison était dans le mur du rempart, et elle habitait sur le rempart.

 Then she let them down [3381] by a cord [2256] through [1157] the window: [2474] for her house [1004] [was] upon the town [7023] wall, [2346] and she dwelt [3427] upon the wall. [2346]


 Et elle leur dit: Allez vers la montagne, de peur que ceux qui vous poursuivent ne vous rencontrent, et cachez-vous là trois jours, jusqu'à ce que ceux qui vous poursuivent soient de retour; et après cela vous irez votre chemin.

 And she said [0559] unto them, Get [3212] you to the mountain, [2022] lest the pursuers [7291] meet [6293] you; and hide [2247] yourselves there three [7969] days, [3117] until the pursuers [7291] be returned: [7725] and afterward [0310] may ye go [3212] your way. [1870]


 Or ces hommes lui avaient dit: Voici comment nous serons quittes de ce serment que tu nous as fait faire.

 And the men [0582] said [0559] unto her, We [will be] blameless [5355] of this thine oath [7621] which thou hast made us swear. [7650]


 Lorsque nous entrerons dans le pays, tu attacheras ce cordon de fil écarlate à la fenêtre par laquelle tu nous auras fait descendre, et tu réuniras chez toi, dans la maison, ton père, ta mère, tes frères, et toute la famille de ton père;

 Behold, [when] we come [0935] into the land, [0776] thou shalt bind [7194] this line [8615] of scarlet [8144] thread [2339] in the window [2474] which thou didst let us down [3381] by: and thou shalt bring [0622] thy father, [0001] and thy mother, [0517] and thy brethren, [0251] and all thy father's [0001] household, [1004] home [1004] unto thee.


 Et si quelqu'un d'eux sort des portes de ta maison, son sang sera sur sa tête et nous en serons innocents; mais pour tous ceux qui seront avec toi dans la maison, leur sang sera sur notre tête, si l'on met la main sur quelqu'un d'eux.

 And it shall be, [that] whosoever [0834] shall go out [3318] of the doors [1817] of thy house [1004] into the street, [2351] his blood [1818] [shall be] upon his head, [7218] and we [will be] guiltless: [5355] and whosoever shall be with thee in the house, [1004] his blood [1818] [shall be] on our head, [7218] if [any] hand [3027] be upon him.


 Et si tu divulgues ce qui nous concerne, nous serons quittes du serment que tu nous as fait faire.

 And if thou utter [5046] this our business, [1697] then we will be quit [5355] of thine oath [7621] which thou hast made us to swear. [7650]


 Alors elle répondit: Qu'il en soit comme vous avez dit. Puis elle les renvoya, et ils s'en allèrent. Et elle attacha le cordon d'écarlate à la fenêtre.

 And she said, [0559] According unto your words, [1697] so [be] it. And she sent them away, [7971] and they departed: [3212] and she bound [7194] the scarlet [8144] line [8615] in the window. [2474]


 Ils s'en allèrent donc et vinrent à la montagne, et demeurèrent là trois jours, jusqu'à ce que ceux qui les poursuivaient fussent de retour. Et ceux qui les poursuivaient les cherchèrent par tout le chemin, et ils ne les trouvèrent point.

 And they went, [3212] and came [0935] unto the mountain, [2022] and abode [3427] there three [7969] days, [3117] until the pursuers [7291] were returned: [7725] and the pursuers [7291] sought [1245] [them] throughout all the way, [1870] but found [4672] [them] not.


 Les deux hommes s'en retournèrent alors, descendirent de la montagne et, passant le Jourdain, ils vinrent vers Josué, fils de Nun, et lui racontèrent tout ce qui leur était arrivé.

 So the two [8147] men [0582] returned, [7725] and descended [3381] from the mountain, [2022] and passed over, [5674] and came [0935] to Joshua [3091] the son [1121] of Nun, [5126] and told [5608] him all [things] that befell [4672] them:


 Et ils dirent à Josué: Certainement YEHOVAH a livré tout le pays entre nos mains; et même, tous les habitants du pays ont perdu courage devant nous.

 And they said [0559] unto Joshua, [3091] Truly [3588] the LORD [3068] hath delivered [5414] into our hands [3027] all the land; [0776] for even all the inhabitants [3427] of the country [0776] do faint [4127] because [6440] of us.


 Or, Josué se leva de bon matin, et ils partirent de Sittim, et vinrent jusqu'au Jourdain, lui et tous les enfants d'Israël, et ils y passèrent la nuit avant de le traverser.

 And Joshua [3091] rose early [7925] in the morning; [1242] and they removed [5265] from Shittim, [7851] and came [0935] to Jordan, [3383] he and all the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] and lodged [3885] there before they passed over. [5674]


 Et au bout de trois jours les officiers passèrent au milieu du camp,

 And it came to pass after [7097] three [7969] days, [3117] that the officers [7860] went [5674] through [7130] the host; [4264]


 Et ils commandèrent au peuple, en disant: Lorsque vous verrez l'arche de l'alliance de YEHOVAH votre Dieu et les sacrificateurs, les Lévites, qui la porteront, vous partirez de vos quartiers, et vous marcherez après elle;

 And they commanded [6680] the people, [5971] saying, [0559] When ye see [7200] the ark [0727] of the covenant [1285] of the LORD [3068] your God, [0430] and the priests [3548] the Levites [3881] bearing [5375] it, then ye shall remove [5265] from your place, [4725] and go [1980] after [0310] it.


 Seulement, il y aura, entre vous et elle, environ deux milles coudées de distance; n'en approchez pas, afin que vous puissiez connaître le chemin par lequel vous devez marcher; car vous n'avez point auparavant passé par ce chemin.

 Yet there shall be a space [7350] between you and it, about two thousand [0505] cubits [0520] by measure: [4060] come not near [7126] unto it, that ye may know [3045] the way [1870] by which ye must go: [3212] for ye have not passed [5674] [this] way [1870] heretofore. [8543] [8032]


 Josué dit aussi au peuple: Sanctifiez-vous; car demain YEHOVAH fera au milieu de vous des choses merveilleuses.

 And Joshua [3091] said [0559] unto the people, [5971] Sanctify [6942] yourselves: for to morrow [4279] the LORD [3068] will do [6213] wonders [6381] among [7130] you.


 Puis Josué parla aux sacrificateurs, en disant: Prenez l'arche de l'alliance, et passez devant le peuple. Ils prirent donc l'arche de l'alliance, et marchèrent devant le peuple.

 And Joshua [3091] spake [0559] unto the priests, [3548] saying, [0559] Take up [5375] the ark [0727] of the covenant, [1285] and pass over [5674] before [6440] the people. [5971] And they took up [5375] the ark [0727] of the covenant, [1285] and went [3212] before [6440] the people. [5971]


 Et YEHOVAH dit à Josué: Aujourd'hui je commencerai à t'élever à la vue de tout Israël, afin qu'ils connaissent que, comme j'ai été avec Moïse, je serai avec toi.

 And the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto Joshua, [3091] This day [3117] will I begin [2490] to magnify [1431] thee in the sight [5869] of all Israel, [3478] that they may know [3045] that, as I was with Moses, [4872] [so] I will be with thee.


 Tu commanderas donc aux sacrificateurs qui portent l'arche de l'alliance, en disant: Lorsque vous arriverez au bord des eaux du Jourdain, vous vous arrêterez dans le Jourdain.

 And thou shalt command [6680] the priests [3548] that bear [5375] the ark [0727] of the covenant, [1285] saying, [0559] When ye are come [0935] to the brink [7097] of the water [4325] of Jordan, [3383] ye shall stand still [5975] in Jordan. [3383]


 Alors Josué dit aux enfants d'Israël: Approchez-vous ici, et écoutez les paroles de YEHOVAH votre Dieu.

 And Joshua [3091] said [0559] unto the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] Come hither, [5066] and hear [8085] the words [1697] of the LORD [3068] your God. [0430]


 Puis Josué dit: Vous reconnaîtrez à ceci que le Dieu vivant est au milieu de vous, et qu'il chassera devant vous les Cananéens, les Héthiens, les Héviens, les Phéréziens, les Guirgasiens, les Amoréens et les Jébusiens.

 And Joshua [3091] said, [0559] Hereby ye shall know [3045] that the living [2416] God [0410] [is] among [7130] you, and [that] he will without fail [3423] drive out [3423] from before [6440] you the Canaanites, [3669] and the Hittites, [2850] and the Hivites, [2340] and the Perizzites, [6522] and the Girgashites, [1622] and the Amorites, [0567] and the Jebusites. [2983]


 Voici, l'arche de l'alliance du Seigneur de toute la terre va passer devant vous dans le Jourdain.

 Behold, the ark [0727] of the covenant [1285] of the Lord [0113] of all the earth [0776] passeth over [5674] before [6440] you into Jordan. [3383]


 Maintenant donc, prenez douze hommes des tribus d'Israël, un homme par tribu;

 Now therefore take [3947] you twelve [8147] [6240] men [0376] out of the tribes [7626] of Israel, [3478] out of every [0259] [0376] tribe [7626] a [0259] man. [0376]


 Et il arrivera qu'aussitôt que les sacrificateurs qui portent l'arche de YEHOVAH, le Seigneur de toute la terre, auront mis la plante de leurs pieds dans les eaux du Jourdain, les eaux du Jourdain seront coupées, les eaux qui descendent d'en haut, et elles s'arrêteront en un monceau.

 And it shall come to pass, as soon as the soles [3709] of the feet [7272] of the priests [3548] that bear [5375] the ark [0727] of the LORD, [3068] the Lord [0113] of all the earth, [0776] shall rest [5117] in the waters [4325] of Jordan, [3383] [that] the waters [4325] of Jordan [3383] shall be cut off [3772] [from] the waters [4325] that come down [3381] from above; [4605] and they shall stand [5975] upon an [0259] heap. [5067]


 Et lorsque le peuple fut parti de ses tentes, pour passer le Jourdain, les sacrificateurs qui portaient l'arche de l'alliance marchaient devant le peuple;

 And it came to pass, when the people [5971] removed [5265] from their tents, [0168] to pass over [5674] Jordan, [3383] and the priests [3548] bearing [5375] the ark [0727] of the covenant [1285] before [6440] the people; [5971]


 Et dès que ceux qui portaient l'arche furent arrivés au Jourdain, et que les pieds des sacrificateurs qui portaient l'arche se furent mouillés au bord de l'eau (or le Jourdain déborde sur toutes ses rives tout le temps de la moisson),

 And as they that bare [5375] the ark [0727] were come [0935] unto Jordan, [3383] and the feet [7272] of the priests [3548] that bare [5375] the ark [0727] were dipped [2881] in the brim [7097] of the water, [4325] (for Jordan [3383] overfloweth [4390] all his banks [1415] all the time [3117] of harvest,) [7105]


 Les eaux qui descendaient d'en haut s'arrêtèrent, elles s'élevèrent en un monceau, fort loin, près de la ville d'Adam, qui est à côté de Tsarthan; et celles qui descendaient vers la mer de la campagne, la mer Salée, furent complètement coupées; et le peuple passa vis-à-vis de Jérico.

 That the waters [4325] which came down [3381] from above [4605] stood [5975] [and] rose up [6965] upon an [0259] heap [5067] very [3966] far [7368] from the city [5892] Adam, [0121] that [is] beside [6654] Zaretan: [6891] and those that came down [3381] toward the sea [3220] of the plain, [6160] [even] the salt [4417] sea, [3220] failed, [8552] [and] were cut off: [3772] and the people [5971] passed over [5674] right against Jericho. [3405]


 Mais les sacrificateurs qui portaient l'arche de l'alliance de YEHOVAH s'arrêtèrent de pied ferme sur le sec, au milieu du Jourdain, pendant que tout Israël passait à sec, jusqu'à ce que toute la nation eût achevé de passer le Jourdain.

 And the priests [3548] that bare [5375] the ark [0727] of the covenant [1285] of the LORD [3068] stood [5975] firm [3559] on dry ground [2724] in the midst [8432] of Jordan, [3383] and all the Israelites [3478] passed over [5674] on dry ground, [2724] until all the people [1471] were passed clean [8552] over [5674] Jordan. [3383]


 Et quand toute la nation eut achevé de passer le Jourdain, YEHOVAH parla à Josué, et lui dit:

 And it came to pass, when all the people [1471] were clean [8552] passed over [5674] Jordan, [3383] that the LORD [3068] spake [0559] unto Joshua, [3091] saying, [0559]


 Prenez parmi le peuple douze hommes, un homme par tribu,

 Take [3947] you twelve [8147] [6240] men [0582] out of the people, [5971] out of every [0259] [0376] tribe [7626] a [0259] man, [0376]


 Et commandez-leur en disant: Prenez d'ici, du milieu du Jourdain, du lieu où les sacrificateurs se sont arrêtés de pied ferme, douze pierres que vous emporterez avec vous et que vous poserez au lieu où vous passerez cette nuit.

 And command [6680] ye them, saying, [0559] Take [5375] you hence out of the midst [8432] of Jordan, [3383] out of the place where the priests' [3548] feet [7272] stood [4673] firm, [3559] twelve [8147] [6240] stones, [0068] and ye shall carry them over [5674] with you, and leave [3240] them in the lodging place, [4411] where ye shall lodge [3885] this night. [3915]


 Josué appela donc les douze hommes qu'il avait choisis d'entre les enfants d'Israël, un homme par tribu,

 Then Joshua [3091] called [7121] the twelve [8147] [6240] men, [0376] whom he had prepared [3559] of the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] out of every [0259] [0376] tribe [7626] a [0259] man: [0376]


 Et Josué leur dit: Passez devant l'arche de YEHOVAH votre Dieu, au milieu du Jourdain, et que chacun de vous prenne une pierre sur son épaule, selon le nombre des tribus des enfants d'Israël;

 And Joshua [3091] said [0559] unto them, Pass over [5674] before [6440] the ark [0727] of the LORD [3068] your God [0430] into the midst [8432] of Jordan, [3383] and take ye up [7311] every man [0376] of you a [0259] stone [0068] upon his shoulder, [7926] according unto the number [4557] of the tribes [7626] of the children [1121] of Israel: [3478]


 Afin que cela soit un signe au milieu de vous. Quand dans l'avenir vos enfants demanderont: Que veulent dire pour vous ces pierres?

 That this may be a sign [0226] among [7130] you, [that] when your children [1121] ask [7592] [their fathers] in time to come, [4279] saying, [0559] What [mean] ye by these stones? [0068]


 Vous leur répondrez: C'est que les eaux du Jourdain furent coupées devant l'arche de l'alliance de YEHOVAH, quand elle passa le Jourdain; les eaux du Jourdain furent coupées; et ces pierres sont pour les enfants d'Israël un mémorial à jamais.

 Then ye shall answer [0559] them, That the waters [4325] of Jordan [3383] were cut off [3772] before [6440] the ark [0727] of the covenant [1285] of the LORD; [3068] when it passed over [5674] Jordan, [3383] the waters [4325] of Jordan [3383] were cut off: [3772] and these stones [0068] shall be for a memorial [2146] unto the children [1121] of Israel [3478] for [5704] ever. [5769]


 Les enfants d'Israël firent donc ce que Josué avait commandé. Ils prirent douze pierres du milieu du Jourdain, comme YEHOVAH l'avait dit à Josué, selon le nombre des tribus des enfants d'Israël, et les emportèrent avec eux au lieu où ils passèrent la nuit, et ils les y posèrent.

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] did [6213] so as Joshua [3091] commanded, [6680] and took up [5375] twelve [8147] [6240] stones [0068] out of the midst [8432] of Jordan, [3383] as the LORD [3068] spake [1696] unto Joshua, [3091] according to the number [4557] of the tribes [7626] of the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] and carried them over [5674] with them unto the place where they lodged, [4411] and laid them down [3240] there.


 Josué dressa aussi douze pierres au milieu du Jourdain, au lieu où s'étaient arrêtés les pieds des sacrificateurs qui portaient l'arche de l'alliance, et elles sont là jusqu'à ce jour.

 And Joshua [3091] set up [6965] twelve [8147] [6240] stones [0068] in the midst [8432] of Jordan, [3383] in the place where the feet [7272] of the priests [3548] which bare [5375] the ark [0727] of the covenant [1285] stood: [4673] and they are there unto this day. [3117]


 Et les sacrificateurs qui portaient l'arche se tinrent au milieu du Jourdain, jusqu'à ce que tout ce que YEHOVAH avait commandé à Josué de dire au peuple fût achevé, selon tout ce que Moïse avait prescrit à Josué. Puis le peuple se hâta de passer.

 For the priests [3548] which bare [5375] the ark [0727] stood [5975] in the midst [8432] of Jordan, [3383] until every thing [1697] was finished [8552] that the LORD [3068] commanded [6680] Joshua [3091] to speak [1696] unto the people, [5971] according to all that Moses [4872] commanded [6680] Joshua: [3091] and the people [5971] hasted [4116] and passed over. [5674]


 Quand tout le peuple eut achevé de passer, l'arche de YEHOVAH et les sacrificateurs passèrent devant le peuple.

 And it came to pass, when all the people [5971] were clean [8552] passed over, [5674] that the ark [0727] of the LORD [3068] passed over, [5674] and the priests, [3548] in the presence [6440] of the people. [5971]


 Alors les enfants de Ruben, les enfants de Gad, et la demi-tribu de Manassé passèrent en armes devant les enfants d'Israël, comme Moïse le leur avait dit;

 And the children [1121] of Reuben, [7205] and the children [1121] of Gad, [1410] and half [2677] the tribe [7626] of Manasseh, [4519] passed over [5674] armed [2571] before [6440] the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] as Moses [4872] spake [1696] unto them:


 Environ quarante mille hommes, équipés pour la guerre, passèrent devant YEHOVAH pour combattre, dans les campagnes de Jérico.

 About forty [0705] thousand [0505] prepared [2502] for war [6635] passed over [5674] before [6440] the LORD [3068] unto battle, [4421] to the plains [6160] of Jericho. [3405]


 En ce jour-là, YEHOVAH éleva Josué à la vue de tout Israël, et ils le craignirent comme ils avaient craint Moïse, tous les jours de sa vie.

 On that day [3117] the LORD [3068] magnified [1431] Joshua [3091] in the sight [5869] of all Israel; [3478] and they feared [3372] him, as they feared [3372] Moses, [4872] all the days [3117] of his life. [2416]


 Or YEHOVAH parla à Josué, en disant:

 And the LORD [3068] spake [0559] unto Joshua, [3091] saying, [0559]


 Commande aux sacrificateurs qui portent l'arche du Témoignage, et qu'ils montent hors du Jourdain.

 Command [6680] the priests [3548] that bear [5375] the ark [0727] of the testimony, [5715] that they come up [5927] out of Jordan. [3383]


 Et Josué commanda aux sacrificateurs, en disant: Montez hors du Jourdain.

 Joshua [3091] therefore commanded [6680] the priests, [3548] saying, [0559] Come ye up [5927] out of Jordan. [3383]


 Et lorsque les sacrificateurs qui portaient l'arche de l'alliance de YEHOVAH furent montés du milieu du Jourdain, et que la plante des pieds des sacrificateurs se leva pour se poser sur le sec, les eaux du Jourdain retournèrent à leur place, et coulèrent comme auparavant par-dessus toutes ses rives.

 And it came to pass, when the priests [3548] that bare [5375] the ark [0727] of the covenant [1285] of the LORD [3068] were come up [5927] out of the midst [8432] of Jordan, [3383] [and] the soles [3709] of the priests' [3548] feet [7272] were lifted up [5423] unto the dry land, [2724] that the waters [4325] of Jordan [3383] returned [7725] unto their place, [4725] and flowed [3212] over all his banks, [1415] as [8543] [they did] before. [8032]


 Le peuple monta ainsi hors du Jourdain, le dixième jour du premier mois, et il campa à Guilgal, du côté de l'Orient de Jérico.

 And the people [5971] came up [5927] out of Jordan [3383] on the tenth [6218] [day] of the first [7223] month, [2320] and encamped [2583] in Gilgal, [1537] in the east [4217] border [7097] of Jericho. [3405]


 Et Josué dressa à Guilgal les douze pierres qu'ils avaient prises du Jourdain.

 And those twelve [8147] [6240] stones, [0068] which they took [3947] out of Jordan, [3383] did Joshua [3091] pitch [6965] in Gilgal. [1537]


 Et il parla aux enfants d'Israël, en disant: Quand à l'avenir vos enfants interrogeront leurs pères, et diront: Que veulent dire ces pierres?

 And he spake [0559] unto the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] saying, [0559] When your children [1121] shall ask [7592] their fathers [0001] in time to come, [4279] saying, [0559] What [mean] these stones? [0068]


 Vous l'apprendrez à vos enfants, en disant: Israël a passé ce Jourdain à sec.

 Then ye shall let your children [1121] know, [3045] saying, [0559] Israel [3478] came over [5674] this Jordan [3383] on dry land. [3004]


 Car YEHOVAH votre Dieu a mis à sec les eaux du Jourdain devant vous, jusqu'à ce que vous fussiez passés, comme YEHOVAH votre Dieu avait fait à la mer Rouge qu'il mit à sec devant nous, jusqu'à ce que nous fussions passés;

 For the LORD [3068] your God [0430] dried up [3001] the waters [4325] of Jordan [3383] from before [6440] you, until ye were passed over, [5674] as the LORD [3068] your God [0430] did [6213] to the Red [5488] sea, [3220] which he dried up [3001] from before [6440] us, until we were gone over: [5674]


 Afin que tous les peuples de la terre sachent que la main de YEHOVAH est forte, et afin que vous craigniez toujours YEHOVAH votre Dieu.

 That all the people [5971] of the earth [0776] might know [3045] the hand [3027] of the LORD, [3068] that it [is] mighty: [2389] that ye might fear [3372] the LORD [3068] your God [0430] for ever. [3605] [3117]


 Or, dès que tous les rois des Amoréens qui étaient au delà du Jourdain, vers l'Occident, et tous les rois des Cananéens qui étaient près de la mer, apprirent que YEHOVAH avait mis à sec les eaux du Jourdain devant les enfants d'Israël jusqu'à ce qu'ils fussent passés, leur cœur se fondit, et il n'y eut plus de courage en eux devant les enfants d'Israël.

 And it came to pass, when all the kings [4428] of the Amorites, [0567] which [were] on the side [5676] of Jordan [3383] westward, [3220] and all the kings [4428] of the Canaanites, [3669] which [were] by the sea, [3220] heard [8085] that the LORD [3068] had dried up [3001] the waters [4325] of Jordan [3383] from before [6440] the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] until we were passed over, [5674] that their heart [3824] melted, [4549] neither was there spirit [7307] in them any more, because [6440] of the children [1121] of Israel [3478].


 En ce temps-là, YEHOVAH dit à Josué: Fais-toi des couteaux de pierre, et circoncis de nouveau, pour la seconde fois, les enfants d'Israël.

 At that time [6256] the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto Joshua, [3091] Make [6213] thee sharp [6697] knives, [2719] and circumcise [4135] again [7725] the children [1121] of Israel [3478] the second time. [8145]


 Josué se fit donc des couteaux de pierre et circoncit les enfants d'Israël, au coteau d'Araloth.

 And Joshua [3091] made [6213] him sharp [6697] knives, [2719] and circumcised [4135] the children [1121] of Israel [3478] at the hill of the foreskins. [1390] [6190][1389]


 Or voici la raison pour laquelle Josué les circoncit: Tout le peuple sorti d'Égypte, les mâles, tous les gens de guerre étaient morts au désert, en chemin, après être sortis d'Égypte.

 And this [is] the cause [1697] why Joshua [3091] did circumcise: [4135] All the people [5971] that came out [3318] of Egypt, [4714] [that were] males, [2145] [even] all the men [0582] of war, [4421] died [4191] in the wilderness [4057] by the way, [1870] after they came out [3318] of Egypt. [4714]


 Car tout le peuple qui sortit, était circoncis; mais on n'avait circoncis aucun de ceux qui étaient nés au désert, en chemin, après être sortis d'Égypte.

 Now [3588] all the people [5971] that came out [3318] were circumcised: [4135] but all the people [5971] [that were] born [3209] in the wilderness [4057] by the way [1870] as they came forth [3318] out of Egypt, [4714] [them] they had not circumcised. [4135]


 Car les enfants d'Israël avaient marché dans le désert pendant quarante ans, jusqu'à ce que toute la nation des gens de guerre, qui étaient sortis d'Égypte et qui n'avaient point obéi à la voix de YEHOVAH, eût été consumée; parce que YEHOVAH leur avait juré qu'il ne leur laisserait point voir le pays que YEHOVAH avait fait serment à leurs pères de nous donner, pays où coulent le lait et le miel;

 For the children [1121] of Israel [3478] walked [1980] forty [0705] years [8141] in the wilderness, [4057] till all the people [1471] [that were] men [0582] of war, [4421] which came out [3318] of Egypt, [4714] were consumed, [8552] because they obeyed [8085] not the voice [6963] of the LORD: [3068] unto whom the LORD [3068] sware [7650] that he would not shew [7200] them the land, [0776] which the LORD [3068] sware [7650] unto their fathers [0001] that he would give


 Et il avait suscité leurs enfants à leur place. Ce sont eux que Josué circoncit, parce qu'ils étaient incirconcis; car on ne les avait pas circoncis en chemin.

 And their children, [1121] [whom] he raised up [6965] in their stead, them Joshua [3091] circumcised: [4135] for they were uncircumcised, [6189] because they had not circumcised [4135] them by the way. [1870]


 Et lorsqu'on eut achevé de circoncire tout le peuple, ils restèrent à leur place dans le camp, jusqu'à ce qu'ils fussent guéris.

 And it came to pass, when they had done [8552] circumcising [4135] all the people, [1471] that they abode [3427] in their places in the camp, [4264] till they were whole. [2421]


 YEHOVAH dit alors à Josué: Aujourd'hui j'ai roulé de dessus vous l'opprobre de l'Égypte. Et on nomma ce lieu Guilgal (ce qui roule), jusqu'à ce jour.

 And the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto Joshua, [3091] This day [3117] have I rolled away [1556] the reproach [2781] of Egypt [4714] from off you. Wherefore the name [8034] of the place [4725] is called [7121] Gilgal [1537] unto this day. [3117]


 Et les enfants d'Israël campèrent à Guilgal, et ils célébrèrent la Pâque le quatorzième jour du mois, sur le soir, dans les campagnes de Jérico.

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] encamped [2583] in Gilgal, [1537] and kept [6213] the passover [6453] on the fourteenth [0702] [6240] day [3117] of the month [2320] at even [6153] in the plains [6160] of Jericho. [3405]


 Et ils mangèrent du blé du pays, le lendemain de la Pâque, des pains sans levain et du grain rôti en ce même jour.

 And they did eat [0398] of the old corn [5669] of the land [0776] on the morrow [4283] after the passover, [6453] unleavened cakes, [4682] and parched [7033] [corn] in the selfsame [6106] day. [3117]


 Et la manne cessa le lendemain, quand ils mangèrent du blé du pays; et les enfants d'Israël n'eurent plus de manne, mais ils mangèrent, cette année-là, des produits de la terre de Canaan.

 And the manna [4478] ceased [7673] on the morrow [4283] after they had eaten [0398] of the old corn [5669] of the land; [0776] neither had the children [1121] of Israel [3478] manna [4478] any more; but they did eat [0398] of the fruit [8393] of the land [0776] of Canaan [3667] that year. [8141]


 Or, il arriva, comme Josué était près de Jérico, qu'il leva les yeux et regarda, et voici, un homme se tenait debout, vis-à-vis de lui, son épée nue à la main. Et Josué alla vers lui, et lui dit: Es-tu des nôtres, ou de nos ennemis?

 And it came to pass, when Joshua [3091] was by Jericho, [3405] that he lifted up [5375] his eyes [5869] and looked, [7200] and, behold, there stood [5975] a man [0376] over against him with his sword [2719] drawn [8025] in his hand: [3027] and Joshua [3091] went [3212] unto him, and said [0559] unto him, [Art] thou for us, or for our adversaries? [6862]


 Et il répondit: Non, mais JE SUIS le Chef de l'armée de YEHOVAH; j'arrive maintenant. Et Josué tomba la face contre terre, se prosterna, et lui dit: Qu'est-ce que mon Seigneur dit à son serviteur?

 And he said, [0559] Nay; but [as] captain [8269] of the host [6635] of the LORD [3068] am I now come. [0935] And Joshua [3091] fell [5307] on his face [6440] to the earth, [0776] and did worship, [7812] and said [0559] unto him, What saith [1696] my lord [0113] unto his servant? [5650]


 Et le Chef de l'armée de YEHOVAH dit à Josué: Ôte tes souliers de tes pieds; car le lieu où tu te tiens est saint. Et Josué fit ainsi.

 And the captain [8269] of the LORD'S [3068] host [6635] said [0559] unto Joshua, [3091] Loose [5394] thy shoe [5275] from off thy foot; [7272] for the place [4725] whereon thou standest [5975] [is] holy. [6944] And Joshua [3091] did [6213] so.


 Or Jérico était close et fermée avec soin, à cause des enfants d'Israël; personne ne sortait et personne n'entrait.

 Now Jericho [3405] was straitly [5462] shut up [5462] because [6440] of the children [1121] of Israel: [3478] none went out, [3318] and none came in. [0935]


 Et YEHOVAH dit à Josué: Regarde, j'ai livré entre tes mains Jérico, et son roi, et ses vaillants guerriers.

 And the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto Joshua, [3091] See, [7200] I have given [5414] into thine hand [3027] Jericho, [3405] and the king [4428] thereof, [and] the mighty men [1368] of valour. [2428]


 Vous tous donc, les hommes de guerre, faites le tour de la ville, en tournant une fois autour d'elle. Tu feras ainsi pendant six jours;

 And ye shall compass [5437] the city, [5892] all [ye] men [0582] of war, [4421] [and] go round about [5362] the city [5892] once. [6471] [0259] Thus shalt thou do [6213] six [8337] days. [3117]


 Et sept sacrificateurs porteront sept cors de bélier devant l'arche. Mais le septième jour vous ferez le tour de la ville sept fois, et les sacrificateurs sonneront des cors.

 And seven [7651] priests [3548] shall bear [5375] before [6440] the ark [0727] seven [7651] trumpets [7782] of rams' horns: [3104] and the seventh [7637] day [3117] ye shall compass [5437] the city [5892] seven [7651] times, [6471] and the priests [3548] shall blow [8628] with the trumpets. [7782]


 Et quand ils sonneront avec force de la corne de bélier, dès que vous entendrez le son du cor, tout le peuple jettera de grands cris; alors la muraille de la ville tombera sous elle-même, et le peuple montera, chacun devant soi.

 And it shall come to pass, that when they make a long [4900] [blast] with the ram's [3104] horn, [7161] [and] when ye hear [8085] the sound [6963] of the trumpet, [7782] all the people [5971] shall shout [7321] with a great [1419] shout; [8643] and the wall [2346] of the city [5892] shall fall down [5307] flat, [8478] and the people [5971] shall ascend up [5927] every man [0376] straight before him.


 Josué, fils de Nun, appela donc les sacrificateurs, et leur dit: Portez l'arche de l'alliance, et que sept sacrificateurs portent sept cors de bélier devant l'arche de YEHOVAH.

 And Joshua [3091] the son [1121] of Nun [5126] called [7121] the priests, [3548] and said [0559] unto them, Take up [5375] the ark [0727] of the covenant, [1285] and let seven [7651] priests [3548] bear [5375] seven [7651] trumpets [7782] of rams' horns [3104] before [6440] the ark [0727] of the LORD. [3068]


 Il dit ensuite au peuple: Passez, et faites le tour de la ville, et que ceux qui sont armés passent devant l'arche de YEHOVAH.

 And he said [0559] unto the people, [5971] Pass on, [5674] and compass [5437] the city, [5892] and let him that is armed [2502] pass on [5674] before [6440] the ark [0727] of the LORD. [3068]


 Et quand Josué eut parlé au peuple, les sept sacrificateurs qui portaient les sept cors de bélier devant YEHOVAH, passèrent et sonnèrent des cors, et l'arche de l'alliance de YEHOVAH les suivait.

 And it came to pass, when Joshua [3091] had spoken [0559] unto the people, [5971] that the seven [7651] priests [3548] bearing [5375] the seven [7651] trumpets [7782] of rams' horns [3104] passed on [5674] before [6440] the LORD, [3068] and blew [8628] with the trumpets: [7782] and the ark [0727] of the covenant [1285] of the LORD [3068] followed [1980] them. [0310]


 Les hommes armés marchaient devant les sacrificateurs qui sonnaient de leurs cors; mais l'arrière-garde suivait l'arche; en marchant on sonnait des cors.

 And the armed [2502] men went [1980] before [6440] the priests [3548] that blew [8628] with the trumpets, [7782] and the rereward [0622] came [1980] after [0310] the ark, [0727] [the priests] going on, [1980] and blowing [8628] with the trumpets. [7782]


 Or, Josué avait commandé au peuple, en disant: Vous ne pousserez point de cris, et vous ne ferez point entendre votre voix, et il ne sortira pas un mot de votre bouche, jusqu'au jour où je vous dirai: Poussez des cris! Alors vous pousserez des cris.

 And Joshua [3091] had commanded [6680] the people, [5971] saying, [0559] Ye shall not shout, [7321] nor make any noise [8085] with your voice, [6963] neither shall [any] word [1697] proceed [3318] out of your mouth, [6310] until the day [3117] I bid [0559] you shout; [7321] then shall ye shout. [7321]


 Il fit donc faire le tour de la ville à l'arche de YEHOVAH, en tournant une fois autour; puis ils vinrent au camp, et y passèrent la nuit.

 So the ark [0727] of the LORD [3068] compassed [5437] the city, [5892] going about [5362] [it] once: [6471] [0259] and they came [0935] into the camp, [4264] and lodged [3885] in the camp. [4264]


 Et Josué se leva de bon matin, et les sacrificateurs portèrent l'arche de YEHOVAH.

 And Joshua [3091] rose early [7925] in the morning, [1242] and the priests [3548] took up [5375] the ark [0727] of the LORD. [3068]


 Or, les sept sacrificateurs qui portaient les sept cors de bélier devant l'arche de YEHOVAH, marchaient et sonnaient des cors en marchant. Les hommes armés marchaient devant eux; et l'arrière-garde suivait l'arche de YEHOVAH; en marchant on sonnait des cors.

 And seven [7651] priests [3548] bearing [5375] seven [7651] trumpets [7782] of rams' horns [3104] before [6440] the ark [0727] of the LORD [3068] went on [1980] continually, [1980] and blew [8628] with the trumpets: [7782] and the armed [2502] men went [1980] before [6440] them; but the rereward [0622] came [1980] after [0310] the ark [0727] of the LORD, [3068] [the priests] going on, [1980] and blowing [8628] with the trumpets. [7782]


 Et ils firent une fois le tour de la ville, le second jour, puis ils retournèrent au camp. Ils firent ainsi pendant six jours.

 And the second [8145] day [3117] they compassed [5437] the city [5892] once, [6471] [0259] and returned [7725] into the camp: [4264] so they did [6213] six [8337] days. [3117]


 Mais le septième jour, ils se levèrent de bon matin, au lever de l'aurore, et ils firent sept fois le tour de la ville, de la même manière; ce jour-là seulement ils firent le tour de la ville sept fois.

 And it came to pass on the seventh [7637] day, [3117] that they rose early [7925] about the dawning [5927] of the day, [7837] and compassed [5437] the city [5892] after the same manner [4941] seven [7651] times: [6471] only on that day [3117] they compassed [5437] the city [5892] seven [7651] times. [6471]


 Et la septième fois, comme les sacrificateurs sonnèrent des cors, Josué dit au peuple: Poussez des cris, car YEHOVAH vous a livré la ville.

 And it came to pass at the seventh [7637] time, [6471] when the priests [3548] blew [8628] with the trumpets, [7782] Joshua [3091] said [0559] unto the people, [5971] Shout; [7321] for the LORD [3068] hath given [5414] you the city. [5892]


 La ville sera vouée à YEHOVAH par interdit, elle et tout ce qu'elle contient; Rahab la courtisane vivra, elle seule et tous ceux qui seront avec elle dans la maison, parce qu'elle a caché les messagers que nous avions envoyés.

 And the city [5892] shall be accursed, [2764] [even] it, and all that [are] therein, to the LORD: [3068] only Rahab [7343] the harlot [2181] shall live, [2421] she and all that [are] with her in the house, [1004] because she hid [2244] the messengers [4397] that we sent. [7971]


 Seulement, gardez-vous de l'interdit, de peur que, après avoir dévoué la ville, vous ne preniez de l'interdit, que vous ne mettiez le camp d'Israël en interdit, et que vous n'y jetiez le trouble.

 And ye, in any wise [7535] keep [8104] [yourselves] from the accursed thing, [2764] lest ye make [yourselves] accursed, [2763] when ye take [3947] of the accursed thing, [2764] and make [7760] the camp [4264] of Israel [3478] a curse, [2764] and trouble [5916] it.


 Tout l'argent et tout l'or, et tout objet d'airain et de fer, seront consacrés à YEHOVAH; ils entreront au trésor de YEHOVAH.

 But all the silver, [3701] and gold, [2091] and vessels [3627] of brass [5178] and iron, [1270] [are] consecrated [6944] unto the LORD: [3068] they shall come [0935] into the treasury [0214] of the LORD. [3068]


 Le peuple poussa donc des cris, et l'on sonna des cors. Dès que le peuple entendit le son des cors, il jeta de grands cris, et la muraille s'écroula; et le peuple monta dans la ville, chacun devant soi, et ils prirent la ville.

 So the people [5971] shouted [7321] when [the priests] blew [8628] with the trumpets: [7782] and it came to pass, when the people [5971] heard [8085] the sound [6963] of the trumpet, [7782] and the people [5971] shouted [7321] with a great [1419] shout, [8643] that the wall [2346] fell down [5307] flat, so that the people [5971] went up [5927] into the city, [5892] every man [0376] straight before him, and they took [3920] the city. [5892]


 Et ils dévouèrent par interdit, au fil de l'épée, tout ce qui était dans la ville, depuis l'homme jusqu'à la femme, depuis l'enfant jusqu'au vieillard, et jusqu'au bœuf, à la brebis et à l'âne.

 And they utterly destroyed [2763] all that [was] in the city, [5892] both man [0376] and woman, [0802] young [5288] and old, [2205] and ox, [7794] and sheep, [7716] and ass, [2543] with the edge [6310] of the sword. [2719]


 Mais Josué dit aux deux hommes qui avaient exploré le pays: Entrez dans la maison de la courtisane, et faites-en sortir cette femme et tout ce qui lui appartient, comme vous le lui avez juré.

 But Joshua [3091] had said [0559] unto the two [8147] men [0582] that had spied out [7270] the country, [0776] Go [0935] into the harlot's [0802] [2181] house, [1004] and bring out [3318] thence the woman, [0802] and all that she hath, as ye sware [7650] unto her.


 Les jeunes hommes qui avaient exploré le pays entrèrent donc et firent sortir Rahab, son père, sa mère, ses frères et tout ce qui était à elle; ils firent sortir aussi toutes les familles de sa parenté, et ils les mirent hors du camp d'Israël.

 And the young men [5288] that were spies [7270] went in, [0935] and brought out [3318] Rahab, [7343] and her father, [0001] and her mother, [0517] and her brethren, [0251] and all that she had; and they brought out [3318] all her kindred, [4940] and left [3240] them without [2351] the camp [4264] of Israel. [3478]


 Puis ils brûlèrent la ville et tout ce qu'elle contenait; seulement ils mirent l'argent, l'or, et les objets d'airain et de fer, au trésor de la maison de YEHOVAH.

 And they burnt [8313] the city [5892] with fire, [0784] and all that [was] therein: only the silver, [3701] and the gold, [2091] and the vessels [3627] of brass [5178] and of iron, [1270] they put [5414] into the treasury [0214] of the house [1004] of the LORD. [3068]


 Josué laissa donc la vie à Rahab la courtisane, et à la maison de son père, et à tous ceux qui lui appartenaient; et elle a habité au milieu d'Israël jusqu'à ce jour, parce qu'elle avait caché les messagers que Josué avait envoyés pour explorer Jérico.

 And Joshua [3091] saved Rahab [7343] the harlot [2181] alive, [2421] and her father's [0001] household, [1004] and all that she had; and she dwelleth [3427] in [7130] Israel [3478] [even] unto this day; [3117] because she hid [2244] the messengers, [4397] which Joshua [3091] sent [7971] to spy out [7270] Jericho. [3405]


 En ce temps-là, Josué jura, en disant: Maudit soit devant YEHOVAH, l'homme qui se lèvera et rebâtira cette ville de Jérico! Il la fondera au prix de son premier-né, et il en mettra les portes au prix de son plus jeune fils!

 And Joshua [3091] adjured [7650] [them] at that time, [6256] saying, [0559] Cursed [0779] [be] the man [0376] before [6440] the LORD, [3068] that riseth up [6965] and buildeth [1129] this city [5892] Jericho: [3405] he shall lay the foundation [3245] thereof in his firstborn, [1060] and in his youngest [6810] [son] shall he set up [5324] the gates [1817] of it.


 Et YEHOVAH fut avec Josué, et sa réputation se répandit par tout le pays.

 So the LORD [3068] was with Joshua; [3091] and his fame [8089] was [noised] throughout all the country. [0776]


 Cependant les enfants d'Israël commirent un grand péché au sujet de l'interdit. Acan, fils de Carmi, fils de Zabdi, fils de Zérach, de la tribu de Juda, prit de l'interdit, et la colère de YEHOVAH s'enflamma contre les enfants d'Israël.

 But the children [1121] of Israel [3478] committed [4603] a trespass [4604] in the accursed thing: [2764] for Achan, [5912] the son [1121] of Carmi, [3756] the son [1121] of Zabdi, [2067] the son [1121] of Zerah, [2226] of the tribe [4294] of Judah, [3063] took [3947] of the accursed thing: [2764] and the anger [0639] of the LORD [3068] was kindled [2734] against the children [1121] of Israel. [3478]


 Josué envoya de Jérico des hommes vers Aï, qui est près de Beth-Aven, à l'orient de Béthel, et leur parla, en disant: Montez et explorez le pays. Ces hommes montèrent donc et explorèrent Aï.

 And Joshua [3091] sent [7971] men [0582] from Jericho [3405] to Ai, [5857] which [is] beside [5973] Bethaven, [1007] on the east side [6924] of Bethel, [1008] and spake [0559] unto them, saying, [0559] Go up [5927] and view [7270] the country. [0776] And the men [0582] went up [5927] and viewed [7270] Ai. [5857]


 Puis ils revinrent vers Josué, et lui dirent: Que tout le peuple n'y monte point, et qu'environ deux ou trois mille hommes y montent, et ils battront Aï. Ne fatigue pas là tout le peuple; car ils sont peu nombreux.

 And they returned [7725] to Joshua, [3091] and said [0559] unto him, Let not all the people [5971] go up; [5927] but let about two or three [7969] thousand [0505] [0505] men [0376] [0376] go up [5927] and smite [5221] Ai; [5857] [and] make not all the people [5971] to labour [3021] thither; for they [are but] few. [4592]


 Environ trois mille hommes du peuple y montèrent donc; mais ils s'enfuirent devant les gens d'Aï.

 So there went up [5927] thither of the people [5971] about three [7969] thousand [0505] men: [0376] and they fled [5127] before [6440] the men [0582] of Ai. [5857]


 Et les gens d'Aï en tuèrent environ trente-six hommes; ils les poursuivirent depuis la porte jusqu'à Shebarim, et les battirent à la descente. Et le cœur du peuple se fondit et devint comme de l'eau.

 And the men [0582] of Ai [5857] smote [5221] of them about thirty [7970] and six [8337] men: [0376] for they chased [7291] them [from] before [6440] the gate [8179] [even] unto Shebarim, [7671] and smote [5221] them in the going down: [4174] wherefore the hearts [3824] of the people [5971] melted, [4549] and became as water. [4325]


 Et Josué déchira ses vêtements, et tomba le visage contre terre, devant l'arche de YEHOVAH, jusqu'au soir, lui et les anciens d'Israël, et ils jetèrent de la poussière sur leur tête.

 And Joshua [3091] rent [7167] his clothes, [8071] and fell [5307] to the earth [0776] upon his face [6440] before [6440] the ark [0727] of the LORD [3068] until the eventide, [6153] he and the elders [2205] of Israel, [3478] and put [5927] dust [6083] upon their heads. [7218]


 Et Josué dit: Ah! Seigneur YEHOVAH, pourquoi as-tu fait passer le Jourdain à ce peuple, pour nous livrer entre les mains de l'Amoréen, pour nous faire périr? Oh! que n'avons-nous pris le parti de demeurer au delà du Jourdain!

 And Joshua [3091] said, [0559] Alas, O [0162] Lord [0136] GOD, [3069] wherefore hast thou at all [5674] brought this people [5971] over [5674] Jordan, [3383] to deliver [5414] us into the hand [3027] of the Amorites, [0567] to destroy [0006] us? would to God [3863] we had been content, [2974] and dwelt [3427] on the other side [5676] Jordan! [3383]


 Hélas! Seigneur, que dirai-je, après qu'Israël a tourné le dos devant ses ennemis?

 O [0994] Lord, [0136] what shall I say, [0559] when [0310] Israel [3478] turneth [2015] their backs [6203] before [6440] their enemies! [0341]


 Les Cananéens et tous les habitants du pays l'apprendront; ils nous envelopperont; ils retrancheront notre nom de la terre; et que feras-tu pour ton grand nom?

 For the Canaanites [3669] and all the inhabitants [3427] of the land [0776] shall hear [8085] [of it], and shall environ us round, [5437] and cut off [3772] our name [8034] from the earth: [0776] and what wilt thou do [6213] unto thy great [1419] name? [8034]


 Alors YEHOVAH dit à Josué: Lève-toi! Pourquoi es-tu ainsi étendu, le visage contre terre?

 And the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto Joshua, [3091] Get thee up; [6965] wherefore liest [5307] thou thus upon thy face? [6440]


 Israël a péché; ils ont même transgressé mon alliance, que je leur avais prescrite, et ils ont pris de l'interdit; ils en ont dérobé, et ont menti, et ils l'ont mis dans leurs bagages.

 Israel [3478] hath sinned, [2398] and they have also transgressed [5674] my covenant [1285] which I commanded [6680] them: for they have even taken [3947] of the accursed thing, [2764] and have also stolen, [1589] and dissembled [3584] also, and they have put [7760] [it] even among their own stuff. [3627]


 C'est pourquoi les enfants d'Israël ne pourront pas subsister devant leurs ennemis; ils tourneront le dos devant leurs ennemis, car ils sont tombés en interdit. Je ne serai plus avec vous, si vous n'exterminez l'interdit du milieu de vous.

 Therefore the children [1121] of Israel [3478] could [3201] not stand [6965] before [6440] their enemies, [0341] [but] turned [6437] [their] backs [6203] before [6440] their enemies, [0341] because they were accursed: [2764] neither will I be with you any more, [3254] except [3808] ye destroy [8045] the accursed [2764] from among [7130] you.


 Lève-toi, sanctifie le peuple, et dis: Sanctifiez-vous pour demain; car ainsi a dit YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël: Il y a de l'interdit au milieu de toi, ô Israël; tu ne pourras pas subsister devant tes ennemis, jusqu'à ce que vous ayez ôté l'interdit du milieu de vous.

 Up, [6965] sanctify [6942] the people, [5971] and say, [0559] Sanctify [6942] yourselves against to morrow: [4279] for thus saith [0559] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] [There is] an accursed thing [2764] in the midst [7130] of thee, O Israel: [3478] thou canst [3201] not stand [6965] before [6440] thine enemies, [0341] until ye take away [5493] the accursed thing [2764] from among [7130] you.


 Vous vous approcherez donc, le matin, selon vos tribus; et la tribu que YEHOVAH saisira s'approchera par familles; et la famille que YEHOVAH saisira s'approchera par maisons; et la maison que YEHOVAH saisira s'approchera par hommes.

 In the morning [1242] therefore ye shall be brought [7126] according to your tribes: [7626] and it shall be, [that] the tribe [7626] which the LORD [3068] taketh [3920] shall come [7126] according to the families [4940] [thereof]; and the family [4940] which the LORD [3068] shall take [3920] shall come [7126] by households; [1004] and the household [1004] which the LORD [3068] shall take [3920] shall come [7126] man [1397] by man. [1397]


 Et celui qui aura été saisi, ayant de l'interdit, sera brûlé au feu, lui et tout ce qui est à lui, parce qu'il a transgressé l'alliance de YEHOVAH, et qu'il a commis une infamie en Israël.

 And it shall be, [that] he that is taken [3920] with the accursed thing [2764] shall be burnt [8313] with fire, [0784] he and all that he hath: because he hath transgressed [5674] the covenant [1285] of the LORD, [3068] and because he hath wrought [6213] folly [5039] in Israel. [3478]


 Josué se leva donc de bon matin, et fit approcher Israël selon ses tribus, et la tribu de Juda fut saisie.

 So Joshua [3091] rose up early [7925] in the morning, [1242] and brought [7126] Israel [3478] by their tribes; [7626] and the tribe [7626] of Judah [3063] was taken: [3920]


 Puis il fit approcher les familles de Juda, et la famille des descendants de Zérach fut saisie. Puis il fit approcher la famille des descendants de Zérach, par hommes, et Zabdi fut saisi.

 And he brought [7126] the family [4940] of Judah; [3063] and he took [3920] the family [4940] of the Zarhites: [2227] and he brought [7126] the family [4940] of the Zarhites [2227] man [1397] by man; [1397] and Zabdi [2067] was taken: [3920]


 Et il fit approcher sa maison par hommes, et Acan, fils de Carmi, fils de Zabdi, fils de Zérach, de la tribu de Juda, fut saisi.

 And he brought [7126] his household [1004] man [1397] by man; [1397] and Achan, [5912] the son [1121] of Carmi, [3756] the son [1121] of Zabdi, [2067] the son [1121] of Zerah, [2226] of the tribe [4294] of Judah, [3063] was taken. [3920]


 Alors Josué dit à Acan: Mon fils, donne gloire à YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël, et rends-lui hommage. Déclare-moi, je te prie, ce que tu as fait; ne me le cache point.

 And Joshua [3091] said [0559] unto Achan, [5912] My son, [1121] give, [7760] I pray thee, glory [3519] to the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] and make [5414] confession [8426] unto him; and tell [5046] me now what thou hast done; [6213] hide [3582] [it] not from me.


 Et Acan répondit à Josué, et dit: C'est vrai, j'ai péché contre YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël; et voici ce que j'ai fait.

 And Achan [5912] answered [6030] Joshua, [3091] and said, [0559] Indeed [0546] I have sinned [2398] against the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] and thus and thus have I done: [6213]


 J'ai vu dans le butin un beau manteau de Shinear, et deux cents sicles d'argent, et un lingot d'or du poids de cinquante sicles; je les ai convoités et pris; et voici, ces choses sont cachées dans la terre, au milieu de ma tente, et l'argent est dessous.

 When I saw [7200] among the spoils [7998] a [0259] goodly [2896] Babylonish [8152] garment, [0155] and two hundred [3967] shekels [8255] of silver, [3701] and a [0259] wedge [3956] of gold [2091] of fifty [2572] shekels [8255] weight, [4948] then I coveted [2530] them, and took [3947] them; and, behold, they [are] hid [2934] in the earth [0776] in the midst [8432] of my tent, [0168] and the silver [3701] under it.


 Alors Josué envoya des messagers qui coururent à la tente; et voici, le manteau était caché dans sa tente, et l'argent était dessous.

 So Joshua [3091] sent [7971] messengers, [4397] and they ran [7323] unto the tent; [0168] and, behold, [it was] hid [2934] in his tent, [0168] and the silver [3701] under it.


 Ils les prirent donc du milieu de la tente, et les apportèrent à Josué et à tous les enfants d'Israël, et les déposèrent devant YEHOVAH.

 And they took [3947] them out of the midst [8432] of the tent, [0168] and brought [0935] them unto Joshua, [3091] and unto all the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] and laid them out [3332] before [6440] the LORD. [3068]


 Alors Josué, et tout Israël avec lui, prirent Acan, fils de Zérach, l'argent, le manteau, le lingot d'or, ses fils et ses filles, ses bœufs, ses ânes, ses brebis, sa tente, et tout ce qui était à lui; et ils les firent monter dans la vallée d'Acor.

 And Joshua, [3091] and all Israel [3478] with him, took [3947] Achan [5912] the son [1121] of Zerah, [2226] and the silver, [3701] and the garment, [0155] and the wedge [3956] of gold, [2091] and his sons, [1121] and his daughters, [1323] and his oxen, [7794] and his asses, [2543] and his sheep, [6629] and his tent, [0168] and all that he had: and they brought [5927] them unto the valley [6010] of Achor. [5911]


 Et Josué dit: Pourquoi nous as-tu troublés? YEHOVAH te troublera aujourd'hui. Et tous les Israélites l'assommèrent de pierres. Ils les brûlèrent au feu, et ils les lapidèrent.

 And Joshua [3091] said, [0559] Why [4100] hast thou troubled [5916] us? the LORD [3068] shall trouble [5916] thee this day. [3117] And all Israel [3478] stoned [7275] him with stones, [0068] and burned [8313] them with fire, [0784] after they had stoned [5619] them with stones. [0068]


 Et ils élevèrent sur lui un grand monceau de pierres, qui a subsisté jusqu'à ce jour. Et YEHOVAH revint de l'ardeur de sa colère. C'est pourquoi on a nommé ce lieu-là, la vallée d'Acor (du trouble), jusqu'à aujourd'hui.

 And they raised [6965] over him a great [1419] heap [1530] of stones [0068] unto this day. [3117] So the LORD [3068] turned [7725] from the fierceness [2740] of his anger. [0639] Wherefore the name [8034] of that place [4725] was called, [7121] The valley [6010] of Achor, [5911] unto this day. [3117]


 YEHOVAH dit ensuite à Josué: Ne crains point et ne t'effraie point; prends avec toi tous les gens de guerre, et lève-toi, monte à Aï. Regarde, j'ai livré entre tes mains le roi d'Aï, son peuple, sa ville et son pays.

 And the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto Joshua, [3091] Fear [3372] not, neither be thou dismayed: [2865] take [3947] all the people [5971] of war [4421] with thee, and arise, [6965] go up [5927] to Ai: [5857] see, [7200] I have given [5414] into thy hand [3027] the king [4428] of Ai, [5857] and his people, [5971] and his city, [5892] and his land: [0776]


 Tu feras à Aï et à son roi, comme tu as fait à Jérico et à son roi; seulement vous en pillerez pour vous le butin et le bétail. Dresse une embuscade à la ville, par derrière.

 And thou shalt do [6213] to Ai [5857] and her king [4428] as thou didst [6213] unto Jericho [3405] and her king: [4428] only the spoil [7998] thereof, and the cattle [0929] thereof, shall ye take for a prey [0962] unto yourselves: lay [7760] thee an ambush [0693] for the city [5892] behind [0310] it.


 Josué se leva donc, avec tout le peuple propre à la guerre, pour monter à Aï; et Josué choisit trente mille hommes forts et vaillants, et il les envoya de nuit.

 So Joshua [3091] arose, [6965] and all the people [5971] of war, [4421] to go up [5927] against Ai: [5857] and Joshua [3091] chose [0977] out thirty [7970] thousand [0505] mighty [1368] men [0376] of valour, [2428] and sent them away [7971] by night. [3915]


 Et il leur commanda, en disant: Voyez, vous serez en embuscade derrière la ville; ne vous éloignez pas beaucoup de la ville, et soyez tous prêts.

 And he commanded [6680] them, saying, [0559] Behold, [7200] ye shall lie in wait [0693] against the city, [5892] [even] behind [0310] the city: [5892] go not very [3966] far [7368] from the city, [5892] but be ye all ready: [3559]


 Et moi, et tout le peuple qui est avec moi, nous nous approcherons de la ville. Et quand ils sortiront à notre rencontre, comme la première fois, nous fuirons devant eux,

 And I, and all the people [5971] that [are] with me, will approach [7126] unto the city: [5892] and it shall come to pass, when they come out [3318] against [7125] us, as at the first, [7223] that we will flee [5127] before [6440] them,


 Et ils sortiront après nous, jusqu'à ce que nous les ayons attirés hors de la ville; car ils diront: Ils fuient devant nous comme la première fois. Et nous fuirons devant eux;

 (For they will come out [3318] after [0310] us) till we have drawn [5423] them from the city; [5892] for they will say, [0559] They flee [5127] before [6440] us, as at the first: [7223] therefore we will flee [5127] before [6440] them.


 Alors vous vous lèverez de l'embuscade, et vous vous emparerez de la ville; et YEHOVAH votre Dieu la livrera entre vos mains.

 Then ye shall rise up [6965] from the ambush, [0693] and seize [3423] upon the city: [5892] for the LORD [3068] your God [0430] will deliver [5414] it into your hand. [3027]


 Or, quand vous aurez pris la ville, vous y mettrez le feu; vous ferez selon la Parole de YEHOVAH; voyez, je vous l'ai commandé.

 And it shall be, when ye have taken [8610] the city, [5892] [that] ye shall set [3341] the city [5892] on fire: [0784] according to the commandment [1697] of the LORD [3068] shall ye do. [6213] See, [7200] I have commanded [6680] you.


 Josué les envoya donc, et ils allèrent se mettre en embuscade; et ils s'établirent entre Béthel et Aï, à l'occident d'Aï; mais Josué demeura cette nuit-là au milieu du peuple.

 Joshua [3091] therefore sent them forth: [7971] and they went [3212] to lie in ambush, [3993] and abode [3427] between Bethel [1008] and Ai, [5857] on the west side [3220] of Ai: [5857] but Joshua [3091] lodged [3885] that night [3915] among [8432] the people. [5971]


 Puis Josué se leva de bon matin et fit la revue du peuple; et il monta, lui et les anciens d'Israël, devant le peuple, vers Aï.

 And Joshua [3091] rose up early [7925] in the morning, [1242] and numbered [6485] the people, [5971] and went up, [5927] he and the elders [2205] of Israel, [3478] before [6440] the people [5971] to Ai. [5857]


 Tout le peuple propre à la guerre, qui était avec lui, monta et s'approcha; et ils vinrent vis-à-vis de la ville, et ils campèrent au nord d'Aï. La vallée était entre lui et Aï.

 And all the people, [5971] [even the people] of war [4421] that [were] with him, went up, [5927] and drew nigh, [5066] and came [0935] before the city, [5892] and pitched [2583] on the north [6828] side of Ai: [5857] now [there was] a valley [1516] between them and Ai. [5857]


 Il prit alors environ cinq mille hommes, et les mit en embuscade entre Béthel et Aï, à l'occident de la ville.

 And he took [3947] about five [2568] thousand [0505] men, [0376] and set [7760] them to lie in ambush [0693] between Bethel [1008] and Ai, [5857] on the west side [3220] of the city. [5857] [5892]


 Ils disposèrent ainsi le peuple, tout le camp qui était au nord de la ville, et son arrière-garde à l'occident de la ville; puis Josué s'avança cette nuit-là au milieu de la vallée.

 And when they had set [7760] the people, [5971] [even] all the host [4264] that [was] on the north [6828] of the city, [5892] and their liers in wait [6119] on the west [3220] of the city, [5892] Joshua [3091] went [3212] that night [3915] into the midst [8432] of the valley. [6010]


 Or, dès que le roi d'Aï vit cela, les hommes de la ville se hâtèrent, et se levèrent de bon matin. Le roi et tout son peuple sortirent pour la bataille, à la rencontre d'Israël, au lieu indiqué, du côté de la plaine; et il ne savait pas qu'il y avait une embuscade contre lui derrière la ville.

 And it came to pass, when the king [4428] of Ai [5857] saw [7200] [it], that they hasted [4116] and rose up early, [7925] and the men [0582] of the city [5892] went out [3318] against [7125] Israel [3478] to battle, [4421] he and all his people, [5971] at a time appointed, [4150] before [6440] the plain; [6160] but he wist [3045] not that [there were] liers in ambush [0693] against him behind [0310] the city. [5892]


 Alors Josué et tout Israël, feignant d'être battus devant eux, s'enfuirent dans la direction du désert.

 And Joshua [3091] and all Israel [3478] made as if they were beaten [5060] before [6440] them, and fled [5127] by the way [1870] of the wilderness. [4057]


 Et tout le peuple qui était dans la ville fut assemblé à grands cris pour les poursuivre. Ils poursuivirent Josué, et furent attirés hors de la ville;

 And all the people [5971] that [were] in Ai [5857] [5892] were called [2199] together to pursue [7291] after [0310] them: and they pursued [7291] after [0310] Joshua, [3091] and were drawn away [5423] from the city. [5892]


 Et il ne resta pas un homme dans Aï ni dans Béthel, qui ne sortît à la poursuite d'Israël; et ils laissèrent la ville ouverte, et poursuivirent Israël.

 And there was not a man [0376] left [7604] in Ai [5857] or Bethel, [1008] that went not out [3318] after [0310] Israel: [3478] and they left [5800] the city [5892] open, [6605] and pursued [7291] after [0310] Israel. [3478]


 Alors YEHOVAH dit à Josué: Étends le javelot, qui est en ta main, vers Aï; car je la livrerai entre tes mains. Et Josué étendit vers la ville le javelot qui était en sa main.

 And the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto Joshua, [3091] Stretch out [5186] the spear [3591] that [is] in thy hand [3027] toward Ai; [5857] for I will give [5414] it into thine hand. [3027] And Joshua [3091] stretched out [5186] the spear [3591] that [he had] in his hand [3027] toward the city. [5892]


 Et ceux qui étaient en embuscade se levèrent promptement du lieu où ils étaient, et ils se mirent à courir, dès qu'il eut étendu sa main; et ils entrèrent dans la ville, s'en emparèrent, et se hâtèrent d'y mettre le feu.

 And the ambush [0693] arose [6965] quickly [4120] out of their place, [4725] and they ran [7323] as soon as he had stretched out [5186] his hand: [3027] and they entered [0935] into the city, [5892] and took [3920] it, and hasted [4116] and set [3341] the city [5892] on fire. [0784]


 Et les gens d'Aï, se tournant derrière eux, regardèrent, et voici, la fumée de la ville montait vers le ciel; et il n'y eut en eux aucune force pour fuir ici ou là. Et le peuple qui fuyait vers le désert, se retourna contre ceux qui le poursuivaient.

 And when the men [0582] of Ai [5857] looked [6437] behind [0310] them, they saw, [7200] and, behold, the smoke [6227] of the city [5892] ascended up [5927] to heaven, [8064] and they had no power [3027] to flee [5127] this way [2008] or that way: [2008] and the people [5971] that fled [5127] to the wilderness [4057] turned back [2015] upon the pursuers. [7291]


 Car Josué et tout Israël, voyant que ceux qui étaient en embuscade avaient pris la ville et que la fumée de la ville montait, retournèrent, et frappèrent les gens d'Aï.

 And when Joshua [3091] and all Israel [3478] saw [7200] that the ambush [0693] had taken [3920] the city, [5892] and that the smoke [6227] of the city [5892] ascended, [5927] then they turned again, [7725] and slew [5221] the men [0582] of Ai. [5857]


 Les autres sortirent aussi de la ville à leur rencontre; ainsi ils furent enveloppés par les Israélites, ayant les uns d'un côté et les autres de l'autre. Et on les battit au point qu'il n'en resta aucun en vie ou qui s'échappât.

 And the other [0428] issued out [3318] of the city [5892] against [7125] them; so they were in the midst [8432] of Israel, [3478] some [0428] on this side, and some [0428] on that side: and they smote [5221] them, so that [5704] they let [7604] none of them remain [8300] or escape. [6412]


 Et ils prirent vivant le roi d'Aï, et l'amenèrent à Josué.

 And the king [4428] of Ai [5857] they took [8610] alive, [2416] and brought [7126] him to Joshua. [3091]


 Et quand Israël eut achevé de tuer tous les habitants d'Aï dans les champs, dans le désert, où ils l'avaient poursuivi, et qu'ils furent tous tombés sous le tranchant de l'épée jusqu'au dernier, tous les Israélites retournèrent à Aï, et la firent passer au fil de l'épée.

 And it came to pass, when Israel [3478] had made an end [3615] of slaying [2026] all the inhabitants [3427] of Ai [5857] in the field, [7704] in the wilderness [4057] wherein they chased [7291] them, and when they were all fallen [5307] on the edge [6310] of the sword, [2719] until they were consumed, [8552] that all the Israelites [3478] returned [7725] unto Ai, [5857] and smote [5221] it with the edge [6310] of the sword. [2719]


 Et tous ceux qui tombèrent, en ce jour-là, hommes et femmes, furent au nombre de douze mille, tous gens d'Aï.

 And [so] it was, [that] all that fell [5307] that day, [3117] both of men [0376] and women, [0802] [were] twelve [8147] [6240] thousand, [0505] [even] all the men [0582] of Ai. [5857]


 Et Josué ne retira point sa main, qu'il avait étendue avec le javelot, jusqu'à ce qu'on eût voué à l'interdit tous les habitants d'Aï.

 For Joshua [3091] drew not his hand [3027] back, [7725] wherewith he stretched out [5186] the spear, [3591] until he had utterly destroyed [2763] all the inhabitants [3427] of Ai. [5857]


 Seulement les Israélites pillèrent pour eux le bétail et le butin de cette ville-là, selon ce que YEHOVAH avait commandé à Josué.

 Only the cattle [0929] and the spoil [7998] of that city [5892] Israel [3478] took for a prey [0962] unto themselves, according unto the word [1697] of the LORD [3068] which he commanded [6680] Joshua. [3091]


 Josué brûla donc Aï, et la réduisit en un monceau perpétuel de ruines, jusqu'à ce jour.

 And Joshua [3091] burnt [8313] Ai, [5857] and made [7760] it an heap [8510] for ever, [5769] [even] a desolation [8077] unto this day. [3117]


 Il pendit au bois le roi d'Aï, jusqu'au soir; mais, au coucher du soleil, Josué commanda qu'on descendît son cadavre du bois; et on le jeta à l'entrée de la porte de la ville, et on éleva sur lui un grand monceau de pierres, qui est demeuré jusqu'à ce jour.

 And the king [4428] of Ai [5857] he hanged [8518] on a tree [6086] until eventide: [6256] [6153] and as soon as the sun [8121] was down, [0935] Joshua [3091] commanded [6680] that they should take his carcase [5038] down [3381] from the tree, [6086] and cast [7993] it at the entering [6607] of the gate [8179] of the city, [5892] and raise [6965] thereon a great [1419] heap [1530] of stones, [0068] [that remaineth] unto this day. [3117]


 Alors Josué bâtit un autel à YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël, sur le mont Ébal,

 Then Joshua [3091] built [1129] an altar [4196] unto the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel [3478] in mount [2022] Ebal, [5858]


 Comme Moïse, serviteur de YEHOVAH, l'avait commandé aux enfants d'Israël, ainsi qu'il est écrit dans le livre de la loi de Moïse; un autel de pierres brutes, sur lesquelles on n'avait point levé le fer. Ils y offrirent des offrandes à brûler à YEHOVAH, et ils présentèrent des sacrifices de prospérités.

 As Moses [4872] the servant [5650] of the LORD [3068] commanded [6680] the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] as it is written [3789] in the book [5612] of the law [8451] of Moses, [4872] an altar [4196] of whole [8003] stones, [0068] over which no man hath lift up [5130] [any] iron: [1270] and they offered [5927] thereon burnt offerings [5930] unto the LORD, [3068] and sacrificed [2076] peace offerings. [8002]


 Il écrivit aussi là, sur les pierres, une copie de la loi de Moïse, que celui-ci avait écrite devant les enfants d'Israël.

 And he wrote [3789] there upon the stones [0068] a copy [4932] of the law [8451] of Moses, [4872] which he wrote [3789] in the presence [6440] of the children [1121] of Israel. [3478]


 Et tout Israël, et ses anciens, et ses officiers, et ses juges, se tenaient des deux côtés de l'arche, devant les sacrificateurs, les Lévites, qui portaient l'arche de l'alliance de YEHOVAH; les étrangers y étaient aussi bien que les Israélites, une moitié du côté du mont de Garizim, et l'autre moitié du côté du mont Ébal, comme Moïse, serviteur de YEHOVAH, l'avait précédemment commandé, pour bénir le peuple d'Israël.

 And all Israel, [3478] and their elders, [2205] and officers, [7860] and their judges, [8199] stood [5975] on this side the ark [0727] and on that side before the priests [3548] the Levites, [3881] which bare [5375] the ark [0727] of the covenant [1285] of the LORD, [3068] as well the stranger, [1616] as he that was born among them; [0249] half [2677] of them over [0413] against [4136] mount [2022] Gerizim, [1630] and half [2677] of them over against [4136] mount [2022] Eba


 Après cela, Josué lut toutes les paroles de la loi, la bénédiction et la malédiction, selon tout ce qui est écrit dans le livre de la loi.

 And afterward [0310] he read [7121] all the words [1697] of the law, [8451] the blessings [1293] and cursings, [7045] according to all that is written [3789] in the book [5612] of the law. [8451]


 Il n'y eut rien de tout ce que Moïse avait commandé, que Josué ne lût en présence de toute l'assemblée d'Israël, des femmes, des petits enfants, et des étrangers qui marchaient au milieu d'eux.

 There was not a word [1697] of all that Moses [4872] commanded, [6680] which Joshua [3091] read [7121] not before all the congregation [6951] of Israel, [3478] with the women, [0802] and the little ones, [2945] and the strangers [1616] that were conversant [1980] among [7130] them.


 Dès que tous les rois, qui étaient de ce côté-ci du Jourdain, dans la montagne et dans la plaine, et sur tout le rivage de la grande mer vis-à-vis du Liban, les Héthiens, les Amoréens, les Cananéens, les Phéréziens, les Héviens et les Jébusiens, eurent appris ces choses,

 And it came to pass, when all the kings [4428] which [were] on this side [5676] Jordan, [3383] in the hills, [2022] and in the valleys, [8219] and in all the coasts [2348] of the great [1419] sea [3220] over against [4136] Lebanon, [3844] the Hittite, [2850] and the Amorite, [0567] the Canaanite, [3669] the Perizzite, [6522] the Hivite, [2340] and the Jebusite, [2983] heard [8085] [thereof];


 Ils s'unirent tous ensemble pour faire la guerre à Josué et à Israël d'un commun accord.

 That they gathered [6908] themselves together, [3162] to fight [3898] with Joshua [3091] and with Israel, [3478] with one [0259] accord. [6310]


 Mais les habitants de Gabaon, ayant appris ce que Josué avait fait à Jérico et à Aï,

 And when the inhabitants [3427] of Gibeon [1391] heard [8085] what Joshua [3091] had done [6213] unto Jericho [3405] and to Ai, [5857]


 Agirent, de leur côté, avec ruse. Ils se mirent en chemin, avec des provisions de voyage. Ils prirent de vieux sacs pour leurs ânes, et de vieilles outres à vin qui avaient été rompues et recousues,

 They did work [6213] wilily, [6195] and went [3212] and made as if they had been ambassadors, [6737] and took [3947] old [1087] sacks [8242] upon their asses, [2543] and wine [3196] bottles, [4997] old, [1087] and rent, [1234] and bound up; [6887]


 Et à leurs pieds de vieux souliers raccommodés, et sur eux de vieux vêtements; et tout le pain de leur provision était sec et moisi.

 And old [1087] shoes [5275] and clouted [2921] upon their feet, [7272] and old [1087] garments [8008] upon them; and all the bread [3899] of their provision [6718] was dry [3001] [and] mouldy. [5350]


 Ils vinrent donc vers Josué, au camp de Guilgal, et lui dirent, à lui et aux hommes d'Israël: Nous sommes venus d'un pays éloigné; et maintenant, traitez alliance avec nous.

 And they went [3212] to Joshua [3091] unto the camp [4264] at Gilgal, [1537] and said [0559] unto him, and to the men [0376] of Israel, [3478] We be come [0935] from a far [7350] country: [0776] now therefore make [3772] ye a league [1285] with us.


 Les hommes d'Israël répondirent à ces Héviens: Peut-être que vous habitez parmi nous; et comment traiterions-nous alliance avec vous?

 And the men [0376] of Israel [3478] said [0559] unto the Hivites, [2340] Peradventure [0194] ye dwell [3427] among [7130] us; and how shall we make [3772] a league [1285] with you?


 Mais ils dirent à Josué: Nous sommes tes serviteurs! Et Josué leur dit: Qui êtes-vous, et d'où venez-vous?

 And they said [0559] unto Joshua, [3091] We [are] thy servants. [5650] And Joshua [3091] said [0559] unto them, Who [are] ye? and from whence [0370] come [0935] ye?


 Ils lui répondirent: Tes serviteurs sont venus d'un pays fort éloigné, sur la réputation de YEHOVAH ton Dieu; car nous avons entendu sa renommée, et tout ce qu'il a fait en Égypte,

 And they said [0559] unto him, From a very [3966] far [7350] country [0776] thy servants [5650] are come [0935] because of the name [8034] of the LORD [3068] thy God: [0430] for we have heard [8085] the fame [8089] of him, and all that he did [6213] in Egypt, [4714]


 Et tout ce qu'il a fait aux deux rois des Amoréens qui étaient au delà du Jourdain, à Sihon roi de Hesbon, et à Og roi de Bassan, qui était à Ashtaroth.

 And all that he did [6213] to the two [8147] kings [4428] of the Amorites, [0567] that [were] beyond [5676] Jordan, [3383] to Sihon [5511] king [4428] of Heshbon, [2809] and to Og [5747] king [4428] of Bashan, [1316] which [was] at Ashtaroth. [6252]


 Et nos anciens, et tous les habitants de notre pays nous ont dit ces paroles: Prenez avec vous des provisions pour le chemin, et allez au-devant d'eux, et dites-leur: Nous sommes vos serviteurs, et maintenant traitez alliance avec nous.

 Wherefore our elders [2205] and all the inhabitants [3427] of our country [0776] spake [0559] to us, saying, [0559] Take [3947] victuals [6720] with you [3027] for the journey, [1870] and go [3212] to meet [7125] them, and say [0559] unto them, We [are] your servants: [5650] therefore now make [3772] ye a league [1285] with us.


 Voici notre pain; nous le prîmes tout chaud de nos maisons, pour notre provision, le jour où nous en sortîmes pour venir vers vous, et maintenant voici, il est sec et moisi;

 This our bread [3899] we took hot [2525] [for] our provision [6679] out of our houses [1004] on the day [3117] we came forth [3318] to go [3212] unto you; but now, behold, it is dry, [3001] and it is mouldy: [5350]


 Et ces outres à vin que nous avons remplies toutes neuves, voici, elles se sont rompues; et nos vêtements et nos souliers se sont usés par suite d'un très long voyage.

 And these bottles [4997] of wine, [3196] which we filled, [4390] [were] new; [2319] and, behold, they be rent: [1234] and these our garments [8008] and our shoes [5275] are become old [1086] by reason of the very [3966] long [7230] journey. [1870]


 Alors les hommes d'Israël prirent de leurs provisions, et ne consultèrent point la bouche de YEHOVAH.

 And the men [0582] took [3947] of their victuals, [6718] and asked [7592] not [counsel] at the mouth [6310] of the LORD. [3068]


 Et Josué fit la paix avec eux, et traita alliance avec eux, leur assurant la vie; et les principaux de l'assemblée leur en firent serment.

 And Joshua [3091] made [6213] peace [7965] with them, and made [3772] a league [1285] with them, to let them live: [2421] and the princes [5387] of the congregation [5712] sware [7650] unto them.


 Mais il arriva, trois jours après qu'ils eurent fait alliance avec eux, qu'ils apprirent qu'ils étaient leurs voisins, et qu'ils habitaient parmi eux;

 And it came to pass at the end [7097] of three [7969] days [3117] after [0310] they had made [3772] a league [1285] with them, that they heard [8085] that they [were] their neighbours, [7138] and [that] they dwelt [3427] among [7130] them.


 Car les enfants d'Israël partirent, et arrivèrent à leurs villes le troisième jour. Or, leurs villes étaient Gabaon, Képhira, Bééroth et Kirjath-Jéarim.

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] journeyed, [5265] and came [0935] unto their cities [5892] on the third [7992] day. [3117] Now their cities [5892] [were] Gibeon, [1391] and Chephirah, [3716] and Beeroth, [0881] and Kirjathjearim. [7157]


 Et les enfants d'Israël ne les frappèrent point, parce que les chefs de l'assemblée leur en avaient fait serment par YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël; mais toute l'assemblée murmura contre les chefs.

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] smote [5221] them not, because the princes [5387] of the congregation [5712] had sworn [7650] unto them by the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel. [3478] And all the congregation [5712] murmured [3885] against the princes. [5387]


 Alors tous les chefs dirent à toute l'assemblée: Nous leur avons fait serment par YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël; maintenant nous ne pouvons pas les toucher.

 But all the princes [5387] said [0559] unto all the congregation, [5712] We have sworn [7650] unto them by the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel: [3478] now therefore we may [3201] not touch [5060] them.


 Nous les traiterons ainsi: on les laissera vivre, afin que la colère de Dieu ne soit point sur nous, à cause du serment que nous leur avons fait.

 This we will do [6213] to them; we will even let them live, [2421] lest wrath [7110] be upon us, because of the oath [7621] which we sware [7650] unto them.


 Les chefs leur dirent donc: Ils vivront! Mais ils furent employés à couper le bois et à puiser l'eau pour toute l'assemblée, comme les chefs le leur dirent.

 And the princes [5387] said [0559] unto them, Let them live; [2421] but let them be hewers [2404] of wood [6086] and drawers [7579] of water [4325] unto all the congregation; [5712] as the princes [5387] had promised [1696] them.


 Et Josué les appela, et leur parla, en disant: Pourquoi nous avez-vous trompés, en disant: Nous sommes fort éloignés de vous; tandis que vous habitez parmi nous?

 And Joshua [3091] called [7121] for them, and he spake [1696] unto them, saying, [0559] Wherefore have ye beguiled [7411] us, saying, [0559] We [are] very [3966] far [7350] from you; when ye dwell [3427] among [7130] us?


 Maintenant donc, vous êtes maudits, et vous ne cesserez d'être dans la servitude, de couper du bois et de puiser de l'eau pour la maison de mon Dieu.

 Now therefore ye [are] cursed, [0779] and there shall none of you be freed [3772] from being bondmen, [5650] and hewers [2404] of wood [6086] and drawers [7579] of water [4325] for the house [1004] of my God. [0430]


 Alors ils répondirent à Josué, et dirent: C'est qu'il a été rapporté à tes serviteurs, que YEHOVAH ton Dieu avait commandé à Moïse, son serviteur, de vous donner tout le pays et d'en exterminer tous les habitants devant vous, et nous avons craint extrêmement pour nos personnes devant vous, et nous avons fait cela.

 And they answered [6030] Joshua, [3091] and said, [0559] Because it was certainly [5046] told [5046] thy servants, [5650] how that the LORD [3068] thy God [0430] commanded [6680] his servant [5650] Moses [4872] to give [5414] you all the land, [0776] and to destroy [8045] all the inhabitants [3427] of the land [0776] from before [6440] you, therefore we were sore [3966] afraid [3372] of our lives [5315] because [6440] of you, and have done [6213] this thing. [1697]


 Et maintenant, nous voici entre tes mains; fais comme il te semblera bon et équitable de nous faire.

 And now, behold, we [2009] [are] in thine hand: [3027] as it seemeth [5869] good [2896] and right [3477] unto thee to do [6213] unto us, do. [6213]


 Il leur fit donc ainsi, et les délivra de la main des enfants d'Israël, et ils ne les firent pas mourir.

 And so did [6213] he unto them, and delivered [5337] them out of the hand [3027] of the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] that they slew [2026] them not.


 Mais Josué les établit, en ce jour-là, coupeurs de bois et puiseurs d'eau, pour l'assemblée et pour l'autel de YEHOVAH, au lieu qu'il choisirait, ce qui a duré jusqu'à ce jour.

 And Joshua [3091] made [5414] them that day [3117] hewers [2404] of wood [6086] and drawers [7579] of water [4325] for the congregation, [5712] and for the altar [4196] of the LORD, [3068] even unto this day, [3117] in the place [4725] which he should choose. [0977]


 Dès qu'Adoni-Tsédek, roi de Jérusalem, apprit que Josué s'était emparé d'Aï, et qu'il l'avait vouée à l'interdit, qu'il avait traité Aï et son roi, comme il avait traité Jérico et son roi, et que les habitants de Gabaon avaient fait la paix avec les Israélites, et qu'ils étaient parmi eux,

 Now it came to pass, when Adonizedek [0139] king [4428] of Jerusalem [3389] had heard [8085] how [3588] Joshua [3091] had taken [3920] Ai, [5857] and had utterly destroyed [2763] it; as he had done [6213] to Jericho [3405] and her king, [4428] so he had done [6213] to Ai [5857] and her king; [4428] and how the inhabitants [3427] of Gibeon [1391] had made peace [7999] with Israel, [3478] and were among [7130] them;


 Il craignit fort, parce que Gabaon était une grande ville, comme l'une des villes royales; car elle était plus grande qu'Aï, et tous ses hommes étaient vaillants.

 That they feared [3372] greatly, [3966] because Gibeon [1391] [was] a great [1419] city, [5892] as one [0259] of the royal [4467] cities, [5892] and because it [was] greater [1419] than Ai, [5857] and all the men [0582] thereof [were] mighty. [1368]


 Adoni-Tsédek, roi de Jérusalem, envoya donc vers Hoham roi de Hébron, vers Piram roi de Jarmuth, vers Japhia roi de Lakis, et vers Débir roi d'Églon, pour leur dire:

 Wherefore Adonizedek [0139] king [4428] of Jerusalem [3389] sent [7971] unto Hoham [1944] king [4428] of Hebron, [2275] and unto Piram [6502] king [4428] of Jarmuth, [3412] and unto Japhia [3309] king [4428] of Lachish, [3923] and unto Debir [1688] king [4428] of Eglon, [5700] saying, [0559]


 Montez vers moi, et portez-moi secours, et frappons Gabaon; car elle a fait la paix avec Josué et avec les enfants d'Israël.

 Come up [5927] unto me, and help [5826] me, that we may smite [5221] Gibeon: [1391] for it hath made peace [7999] with Joshua [3091] and with the children [1121] of Israel. [3478]


 Les cinq rois des Amoréens, le roi de Jérusalem, le roi de Hébron, le roi de Jarmuth, le roi de Lakis et le roi d'Églon, s'assemblèrent donc et montèrent, eux et toutes leurs armées, et campèrent contre Gabaon, et lui firent la guerre.

 Therefore the five [2568] kings [4428] of the Amorites, [0567] the king [4428] of Jerusalem, [3389] the king [4428] of Hebron, [2275] the king [4428] of Jarmuth, [3412] the king [4428] of Lachish, [3923] the king [4428] of Eglon, [5700] gathered [0622] themselves together, and went up, [5927] they and all their hosts, [4264] and encamped [2583] before Gibeon, [1391] and made war [3898] against it.


 Et les gens de Gabaon envoyèrent dire à Josué, au camp de Guilgal: N'abandonne point tes serviteurs; monte vers nous promptement; délivre-nous, et donne-nous du secours; car tous les rois des Amoréens, qui habitent la montagne, se sont assemblés contre nous.

 And the men [0582] of Gibeon [1391] sent [7971] unto Joshua [3091] to the camp [4264] to Gilgal, [1537] saying, [0559] Slack [7503] not thy hand [3027] from thy servants; [5650] come up [5927] to us quickly, [4120] and save [3467] us, and help [5826] us: for all the kings [4428] of the Amorites [0567] that dwell [3427] in the mountains [2022] are gathered together [6908] against us.


 Josué monta donc de Guilgal, et avec lui tout le peuple propre à la guerre, et tous les hommes forts et vaillants.

 So Joshua [3091] ascended [5927] from Gilgal, [1537] he, and all the people [5971] of war [4421] with him, and all the mighty [1368] men of valour. [2428]


 Et YEHOVAH dit à Josué: Ne les crains point, car je les ai livrés entre tes mains, et aucun d'eux ne subsistera devant toi.

 And the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto Joshua, [3091] Fear [3372] them not: for I have delivered [5414] them into thine hand; [3027] there shall not a man [0376] of them stand [5975] before [6440] thee.


 Josué vint donc subitement à eux, et il monta toute la nuit de Guilgal.

 Joshua [3091] therefore came [0935] unto them suddenly, [6597] [and] went up [5927] from Gilgal [1537] all night. [3915]


 Et YEHOVAH les mit en déroute devant Israël, qui leur fit éprouver une grande défaite près de Gabaon, et les poursuivit par le chemin de la montée de Beth-Horon, et les battit jusqu'à Azéka, et à Makkéda.

 And the LORD [3068] discomfited [2000] them before [6440] Israel, [3478] and slew [5221] them with a great [1419] slaughter [4347] at Gibeon, [1391] and chased [7291] them along the way [1870] that goeth up [4608] to Bethhoron, [1032] and smote [5221] them to Azekah, [5825] and unto Makkedah. [4719]


 Et comme ils fuyaient devant Israël, et qu'ils étaient à la descente de Beth-Horon, YEHOVAH jeta du ciel sur eux de grosses pierres, jusqu'à Azéka, et ils périrent. Ceux qui moururent par les pierres de grêle furent plus nombreux que ceux que les enfants d'Israël tuèrent avec l'épée.

 And it came to pass, as they fled [5127] from before [6440] Israel, [3478] [and] were in the going down [4174] to Bethhoron, [1032] that the LORD [3068] cast down [7993] great [1419] stones [0068] from heaven [8064] upon them unto Azekah, [5825] and they died: [4191] [they were] more [7227] which died [4191] with hailstones [1259] [0068] than [they] whom [0834] the children [1121] of Israel [3478] slew [2026] with the sword. [2719]


 Alors Josué parla à YEHOVAH, le jour où YEHOVAH livra l'Amoréen aux enfants d'Israël, et il dit, en présence d'Israël: Soleil, arrête-toi sur Gabaon, et toi lune, sur la vallée d'Ajalon!

 Then spake [1696] Joshua [3091] to the LORD [3068] in the day [3117] when the LORD [3068] delivered up [5414] the Amorites [0567] before [6440] the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] and he said [0559] in the sight [5869] of Israel, [3478] Sun, [8121] stand thou still [1826] upon Gibeon; [1391] and thou, Moon, [3394] in the valley [6010] of Ajalon. [0357]


 Et le soleil s'arrêta, et la lune aussi, jusqu'à ce que la nation se fût vengée de ses ennemis. Cela n'est-il pas écrit dans le livre du Juste? Le soleil s'arrêta au milieu des cieux, et ne se hâta point de se coucher, environ un jour entier.

 And the sun [8121] stood still, [1826] and the moon [3394] stayed, [5975] until the people [1471] had avenged [5358] themselves upon their enemies. [0341] [Is] not this [1931] written [3789] in the book [5612] of Jasher? [3477] So the sun [8121] stood still [5975] in the midst [2677] of heaven, [8064] and hasted [0213] not to go down [0935] about a whole [8549] day. [3117]


 Il n'y a point eu de jour comme celui-là, ni avant ni après, où YEHOVAH ait exaucé la voix d'un homme; car YEHOVAH combattait pour Israël.

 And there was no day [3117] like that before [6440] it or after [0310] it, that the LORD [3068] hearkened [8085] unto the voice [6963] of a man: [0376] for the LORD [3068] fought [3898] for Israel. [3478]


 Et Josué, et tout Israël avec lui, retourna au camp, à Guilgal.

 And Joshua [3091] returned, [7725] and all Israel [3478] with him, unto the camp [4264] to Gilgal. [1537]


 Or les cinq rois s'enfuirent, et se cachèrent dans une caverne, à Makkéda.

 But these five [2568] kings [4428] fled, [5127] and hid [2244] themselves in a cave [4631] at Makkedah. [4719]


 Et on le rapporta à Josué en disant: On a trouvé les cinq rois, cachés dans une caverne, à Makkéda.

 And it was told [5046] Joshua, [3091] saying, [0559] The five [2568] kings [4428] are found [4672] hid [2244] in a cave [4631] at Makkedah. [4719]


 Alors Josué dit: Roulez de grandes pierres à l'entrée de la caverne, et mettez près d'elle des hommes pour les garder.

 And Joshua [3091] said, [0559] Roll [1556] great [1419] stones [0068] upon the mouth [6310] of the cave, [4631] and set [6485] men [0582] by it for to keep [8104] them:


 Mais vous, ne vous arrêtez pas, poursuivez vos ennemis, et attaquez-les par derrière; ne les laissez point entrer dans leurs villes; car YEHOVAH votre Dieu les a livrés entre vos mains.

 And stay [5975] ye not, [but] pursue [7291] after [0310] your enemies, [0341] and smite the hindmost [2179] of them; suffer [5414] them not to enter [0935] into their cities: [5892] for the LORD [3068] your God [0430] hath delivered [5414] them into your hand. [3027]


 Et lorsque Josué et les enfants d'Israël eurent achevé d'en faire une très grande défaite, jusqu'à les détruire entièrement, et que ceux d'entre eux qui échappèrent, se furent retirés dans les villes fortifiées,

 And it came to pass, when Joshua [3091] and the children [1121] of Israel [3478] had made an end [3615] of slaying [5221] them with a very [3966] great [1419] slaughter, [4347] till they were consumed, [8552] that the rest [8300] [which] remained [8277] of them entered [0935] into fenced [4013] cities. [5892]


 Tout le peuple retourna en paix au camp, vers Josué, à Makkéda; et personne ne remua la langue contre les enfants d'Israël.

 And all the people [5971] returned [7725] to the camp [4264] to Joshua [3091] at Makkedah [4719] in peace: [7965] none moved [2782] his tongue [3956] against any [0376] of the children [1121] of Israel. [3478]


 Alors Josué dit: Ouvrez l'entrée de la caverne, faites-en sortir ces cinq rois, et amenez-les-moi.

 Then said [0559] Joshua, [3091] Open [6605] the mouth [6310] of the cave, [4631] and bring out [3318] those five [2568] kings [4428] unto me out of the cave. [4631]


 Et ils firent ainsi. Ils firent sortir de la caverne ces cinq rois, le roi de Jérusalem, le roi d'Hébron, le roi de Jarmuth, le roi de Lakis et le roi d'Églon, et les lui amenèrent.

 And they did [6213] so, and brought forth [3318] those five [2568] kings [4428] unto him out of the cave, [4631] the king [4428] of Jerusalem, [3389] the king [4428] of Hebron, [2275] the king [4428] of Jarmuth, [3412] the king [4428] of Lachish, [3923] [and] the king [4428] of Eglon. [5700]


 Et lorsqu'ils eurent amené ces rois à Josué, Josué appela tous les hommes d'Israël, et dit aux chefs des gens de guerre qui étaient allés avec lui: Approchez-vous, mettez vos pieds sur le cou de ces rois. Et ils s'approchèrent, et mirent les pieds sur leurs cous.

 And it came to pass, when they brought out [3318] those kings [4428] unto Joshua, [3091] that Joshua [3091] called [7121] for all the men [0376] of Israel, [3478] and said [0559] unto the captains [7101] of the men [0582] of war [4421] which went [1980] with him, Come near, [7126] put [7760] your feet [7272] upon the necks [6677] of these kings. [4428] And they came near, [7126] and put [7760] their feet [7272] upon the necks [6677] of them.


 Puis Josué leur dit: Ne craignez point et ne soyez point effrayés; fortifiez-vous et prenez courage; car c'est ainsi que YEHOVAH fera à tous vos ennemis, contre lesquels vous combattrez.

 And Joshua [3091] said [0559] unto them, Fear [3372] not, nor be dismayed, [2865] be strong [2388] and of good courage: [0553] for thus shall the LORD [3068] do [6213] to all your enemies [0341] against whom ye fight. [3898]


 Après cela Josué les frappa et les fit mourir, et les fit pendre à cinq arbres, et ils demeurèrent pendus aux arbres jusqu'au soir.

 And afterward [0310] Joshua [3091] smote [5221] them, and slew [4191] them, and hanged [8518] them on five [2568] trees: [6086] and they were hanging [8518] upon the trees [6086] until the evening. [6153]


 Et comme le soleil allait se coucher, Josué commanda qu'on les descendît des arbres; on les jeta dans la caverne où ils s'étaient cachés, et on mit à l'entrée de la caverne de grandes pierres, qui y sont demeurées jusqu'à ce jour même.

 And it came to pass at the time [6256] of the going down [0935] of the sun, [8121] [that] Joshua [3091] commanded, [6680] and they took them down [3381] off the trees, [6086] and cast [7993] them into the cave [4631] wherein they had been hid, [2244] and laid [7760] great [1419] stones [0068] in the cave's [4631] mouth, [6310] [which remain] until this very [6106] day. [3117]


 Josué prit aussi Makkéda, en ce même jour, et la fit passer au fil de l'épée; il voua à l'interdit son roi, ses habitants, et toutes les personnes qui y étaient; il n'en laissa échapper aucune; et il fit au roi de Makkéda comme il avait fait au roi de Jérico.

 And that day [3117] Joshua [3091] took [3920] Makkedah, [4719] and smote [5221] it with the edge [6310] of the sword, [2719] and the king [4428] thereof he utterly destroyed, [2763] them, and all the souls [5315] that [were] therein; he let [7604] none remain: [8300] and he did [6213] to the king [4428] of Makkedah [4719] as he did [6213] unto the king [4428] of Jericho. [3405]


 Puis Josué, et tout Israël avec lui, passa de Makkéda à Libna, et assiégea Libna;

 Then Joshua [3091] passed [5674] from Makkedah, [4719] and all Israel [3478] with him, unto Libnah, [3841] and fought [3898] against Libnah: [3841]


 Et YEHOVAH la livra aussi entre les mains d'Israël, avec son roi; et il la fit passer au fil de l'épée, ainsi que toutes les personnes qui y étaient; il n'en laissa échapper aucune; et il fit à son roi comme il avait fait au roi de Jérico.

 And the LORD [3068] delivered [5414] it also, and the king [4428] thereof, into the hand [3027] of Israel; [3478] and he smote [5221] it with the edge [6310] of the sword, [2719] and all the souls [5315] that [were] therein; he let [7604] none remain [8300] in it; but did [6213] unto the king [4428] thereof as he did [6213] unto the king [4428] of Jericho. [3405]


 Ensuite Josué, et tout Israël avec lui, passa de Libna à Lakis, et campa contre elle et lui fit la guerre;

 And Joshua [3091] passed [5674] from Libnah, [3841] and all Israel [3478] with him, unto Lachish, [3923] and encamped [2583] against it, and fought [3898] against it:


 Et YEHOVAH livra Lakis entre les mains d'Israël, qui la prit le deuxième jour et la fit passer au fil de l'épée, avec toutes les personnes qui y étaient, tout comme il avait fait à Libna.

 And the LORD [3068] delivered [5414] Lachish [3923] into the hand [3027] of Israel, [3478] which took [3920] it on the second [8145] day, [3117] and smote [5221] it with the edge [6310] of the sword, [2719] and all the souls [5315] that [were] therein, according to all that he had done [6213] to Libnah. [3841]


 Alors Horam, roi de Guézer, monta pour secourir Lakis, et Josué le frappa, lui et son peuple, de manière à ne pas laisser échapper un homme.

 Then Horam [2036] king [4428] of Gezer [1507] came up [5927] to help [5826] Lachish; [3923] and Joshua [3091] smote [5221] him and his people, [5971] until he had left [7604] him none remaining. [8300]


 Puis Josué, et tout Israël avec lui, passa de Lakis à Églon; ils campèrent contre elle et lui firent la guerre;

 And from Lachish [3923] Joshua [3091] passed [5674] unto Eglon, [5700] and all Israel [3478] with him; and they encamped [2583] against it, and fought [3898] against it:


 Et ils la prirent le même jour, et la firent passer au fil de l'épée; et Josué voua à l'interdit en ce jour-là toutes les personnes qui y étaient, tout comme il avait fait à Lakis.

 And they took [3920] it on that day, [3117] and smote [5221] it with the edge [6310] of the sword, [2719] and all the souls [5315] that [were] therein he utterly destroyed [2763] that day, [3117] according to all that he had done [6213] to Lachish. [3923]


 Ensuite Josué, et tout Israël avec lui, monta d'Églon à Hébron, et ils lui firent la guerre;

 And Joshua [3091] went up [5927] from Eglon, [5700] and all Israel [3478] with him, unto Hebron; [2275] and they fought [3898] against it:


 Ils la prirent et la firent passer au fil de l'épée, avec son roi et toutes ses villes, et toutes les personnes qui y étaient; il n'en laissa échapper aucune, tout comme il avait fait à Églon; il la voua à l'interdit, avec toutes les personnes qui y étaient.

 And they took [3920] it, and smote [5221] it with the edge [6310] of the sword, [2719] and the king [4428] thereof, and all the cities [5892] thereof, and all the souls [5315] that [were] therein; he left [7604] none remaining, [8300] according to all that he had done [6213] to Eglon; [5700] but destroyed it utterly, [2763] and all the souls [5315] that [were] therein.


 Puis Josué, et tout Israël avec lui, rebroussa chemin vers Débir, et lui fit la guerre;

 And Joshua [3091] returned, [7725] and all Israel [3478] with him, to Debir; [1688] and fought [3898] against it:


 Il la prit avec son roi et toutes ses villes; et ils les firent passer au fil de l'épée, et vouèrent à l'interdit toutes les personnes qui y étaient; il n'en laissa échapper aucune. Il fit à Débir et à son roi comme il avait fait à Hébron, et comme il avait fait à Libna et à son roi.

 And he took [3920] it, and the king [4428] thereof, and all the cities [5892] thereof; and they smote [5221] them with the edge [6310] of the sword, [2719] and utterly destroyed [2763] all the souls [5315] that [were] therein; he left [7604] none remaining: [8300] as he had done [6213] to Hebron, [2275] so he did [6213] to Debir, [1688] and to the king [4428] thereof; as he had done [6213] also to Libnah, [3841] and to her king. [4428]


 Josué battit donc tout le pays, la montagne, le Midi, la plaine et les coteaux, et tous leurs rois; il ne laissa échapper personne; et il voua à l'interdit tout ce qui respirait, comme YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël, l'avait commandé.

 So Joshua [3091] smote [5221] all the country [0776] of the hills, [2022] and of the south, [5045] and of the vale, [8219] and of the springs, [0794] and all their kings: [4428] he left [7604] none remaining, [8300] but utterly destroyed [2763] all that breathed, [5397] as the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel [3478] commanded. [6680]


 Josué les battit ainsi depuis Kadès-Barnéa jusqu'à Gaza, et tout le pays de Gossen, jusqu'à Gabaon.

 And Joshua [3091] smote [5221] them from Kadeshbarnea [6947] even unto Gaza, [5804] and all the country [0776] of Goshen, [1657] even unto Gibeon. [1391]


 Et Josué prit, en une seule fois, tous ces rois et leur pays, parce que YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël, combattait pour Israël.

 And all these kings [4428] and their land [0776] did Joshua [3091] take [3920] at one [0259] time, [6471] because the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel [3478] fought [3898] for Israel. [3478]


 Puis Josué, et tout Israël avec lui, retourna au camp, à Guilgal.

 And Joshua [3091] returned, [7725] and all Israel [3478] with him, unto the camp [4264] to Gilgal. [1537]


 Dès que Jabin, roi de Hatsor, eut appris ces choses, il envoya vers Jobab roi de Madon, vers le roi de Shimron, vers le roi d'Acshaph,

 And it came to pass, when Jabin [2985] king [4428] of Hazor [2674] had heard [8085] [those things], that he sent [7971] to Jobab [3103] king [4428] of Madon, [4068] and to the king [4428] of Shimron, [8110] and to the king [4428] of Achshaph, [0407]


 Vers les rois qui étaient au nord dans la montagne et dans la plaine au midi de Kinnéreth, et dans la plaine, et sur les hauteurs de Dor, à l'occident,

 And to the kings [4428] that [were] on the north [6828] of the mountains, [2022] and of the plains [6160] south [5045] of Chinneroth, [3672] and in the valley, [8219] and in the borders [5299] of Dor [1756] on the west, [3220]


 Vers les Cananéens de l'orient et de l'occident, vers les Amoréens, les Héthiens, les Phéréziens, les Jébusiens dans la montagne, et les Héviens au pied de l'Hermon, dans le pays de Mitspa.

 [And to] the Canaanite [3669] on the east [4217] and on the west, [3220] and [to] the Amorite, [0567] and the Hittite, [2850] and the Perizzite, [6522] and the Jebusite [2983] in the mountains, [2022] and [to] the Hivite [2340] under Hermon [2768] in the land [0776] of Mizpeh. [4709]


 Alors ils sortirent, eux et toutes leurs armées avec eux, un peuple nombreux, égal en nombre au sable qui est sur le bord de la mer, ayant des chevaux et des chars en fort grand nombre.

 And they went out, [3318] they and all their hosts [4264] with them, much [7227] people, [5971] even as the sand [2344] that [is] upon the sea [3220] shore [8193] in multitude, [7230] with horses [5483] and chariots [7393] very [3966] many. [7227]


 Tous ces rois se réunirent et vinrent camper ensemble près des eaux de Mérom, pour combattre contre Israël.

 And when all these kings [4428] were met together, [3259] they came [0935] and pitched [2583] together [3162] at the waters [4325] of Merom, [4792] to fight [3898] against Israel. [3478]


 Mais YEHOVAH dit à Josué: Ne les crains point; car demain, environ ce temps-ci, je les livrerai tous blessés à mort devant Israël; tu couperas les jarrets à leurs chevaux, et tu brûleras leurs chars au feu.

 And the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto Joshua, [3091] Be not afraid [3372] because [6440] of them: for to morrow [4279] about this time [6256] will I deliver [5414] them up all slain [2491] before [6440] Israel: [3478] thou shalt hough [6131] their horses, [5483] and burn [8313] their chariots [4818] with fire. [0784]


 Josué, avec tous ses gens de guerre, vint donc subitement contre eux, près des eaux de Mérom, et ils tombèrent sur eux;

 So Joshua [3091] came, [0935] and all the people [5971] of war [4421] with him, against them by the waters [4325] of Merom [4792] suddenly; [6597] and they fell [5307] upon them.


 Et YEHOVAH les livra entre les mains d'Israël; ils les battirent et les poursuivirent jusqu'à Sidon la grande, et jusqu'à Misrephoth-Maïm, et jusqu'à la vallée de Mitspa, vers l'orient; ils les battirent au point de n'en laisser échapper aucun.

 And the LORD [3068] delivered [5414] them into the hand [3027] of Israel, [3478] who smote [5221] them, and chased [7291] them unto great [7227] Zidon, [6721] and unto Misrephothmaim, [4956] and unto the valley [1237] of Mizpeh [4708] eastward; [4217] and they smote [5221] them, until they left [7604] them none remaining. [8300]


 Et Josué leur fit comme YEHOVAH lui avait dit; il coupa les jarrets de leurs chevaux, et il brûla leurs chars au feu.

 And Joshua [3091] did [6213] unto them as the LORD [3068] bade [0559] him: he houghed [6131] their horses, [5483] and burnt [8313] their chariots [4818] with fire. [0784]


 Et comme Josué s'en retournait, en ce même temps, il prit Hatsor, et frappa son roi avec l'épée; car Hatsor était autrefois la capitale de tous ces royaumes.

 And Joshua [3091] at that time [6256] turned back, [7725] and took [3920] Hazor, [2674] and smote [5221] the king [4428] thereof with the sword: [2719] for Hazor [2674] beforetime [6440] was the head [7218] of all those kingdoms. [4467]


 Ils firent passer au fil de l'épée toutes les personnes qui y étaient, les vouant à l'interdit; il n'y resta rien de ce qui respirait, et on brûla Hatsor.

 And they smote [5221] all the souls [5315] that [were] therein with the edge [6310] of the sword, [2719] utterly destroying [2763] [them]: there was not any left [3498] to breathe: [5397] and he burnt [8313] Hazor [2674] with fire. [0784]


 Josué prit aussi toutes les villes de ces rois, et tous leurs rois, et les fit passer au fil de l'épée; il les voua à l'interdit, comme Moïse, serviteur de YEHOVAH, l'avait commandé.

 And all the cities [5892] of those kings, [4428] and all the kings [4428] of them, did Joshua [3091] take, [3920] and smote [5221] them with the edge [6310] of the sword, [2719] [and] he utterly destroyed [2763] them, as Moses [4872] the servant [5650] of the LORD [3068] commanded. [6680]


 Mais Israël ne brûla aucune des villes situées sur une colline, excepté Hatsor seule, que Josué brûla.

 But [as for] the cities [5892] that stood [5975] still in their strength, [8510] Israel [3478] burned [8313] none of them, save [2108] Hazor [2674] only; [that] did Joshua [3091] burn. [8313]


 Et les enfants d'Israël pillèrent pour eux tout le butin de ces villes, et le bétail; mais ils firent passer au fil de l'épée tous les hommes, jusqu'à ce qu'ils les eussent exterminés; ils n'y laissèrent rien de ce qui respirait.

 And all the spoil [7998] of these cities, [5892] and the cattle, [0929] the children [1121] of Israel [3478] took for a prey [0962] unto themselves; but every man [0120] they smote [5221] with the edge [6310] of the sword, [2719] until they had destroyed [8045] them, neither left [7604] they any to breathe. [5397]


 Comme YEHOVAH l'avait commandé à Moïse son serviteur, Moïse le commanda à Josué; et Josué fit ainsi; il n'omit rien de ce que YEHOVAH avait commandé à Moïse.

 As the LORD [3068] commanded [6680] Moses [4872] his servant, [5650] so did Moses [4872] command [6680] Joshua, [3091] and so did [6213] Joshua; [3091] he left nothing [1697] undone [5493] of all that the LORD [3068] commanded [6680] Moses. [4872]


 Josué prit donc tout ce pays, la montagne, tout le midi, tout le pays de Gossen, la plaine et la campagne, la montagne d'Israël et sa plaine,

 So Joshua [3091] took [3947] all that land, [0776] the hills, [2022] and all the south country, [5045] and all the land [0776] of Goshen, [1657] and the valley, [8219] and the plain, [6160] and the mountain [2022] of Israel, [3478] and the valley [8219] of the same;


 Depuis la montagne nue, qui monte vers Séir, jusqu'à Baal-Gad, dans la vallée du Liban, au pied de la montagne d'Hermon. Et il prit tous leurs rois, les frappa, et les fit mourir.

 [Even] from the mount [2022] Halak, [2509] [2510] that goeth up [5927] to Seir, [8165] even unto Baalgad [1171] in the valley [1237] of Lebanon [3844] under mount [2022] Hermon: [2768] and all their kings [4428] he took, [3920] and smote [5221] them, and slew [4191] them.


 Josué fit longtemps la guerre contre tous ces rois.

 Joshua [3091] made [6213] war [4421] a long [7227] time [3117] with all those kings. [4428]


 Il n'y eut aucune ville qui fît la paix avec les enfants d'Israël, excepté les Héviens qui habitaient Gabaon. Ils les prirent toutes par la guerre;

 There was not a city [5892] that made peace [7999] with the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] save the Hivites [2340] the inhabitants [3427] of Gibeon: [1391] all [other] they took [3947] in battle. [4421]


 Car cela venait de YEHOVAH, qu'ils endurcissent leur cœur pour sortir en bataille contre Israël; afin de les vouer à l'interdit sans qu'il y eût pour eux de merci, mais afin de les exterminer, comme YEHOVAH l'avait commandé à Moïse.

 For it was of the LORD [3068] to harden [2388] their hearts, [3820] that they should come against [7125] Israel [3478] in battle, [4421] that he might destroy them utterly, [2763] [and] that they might have no favour, [8467] but that he might destroy [8045] them, as the LORD [3068] commanded [6680] Moses. [4872]


 En ce temps-là Josué vint et extermina les Anakim de la montagne d'Hébron, de Débir, d'Anab, de toute la montagne de Juda et de toute la montagne d'Israël; Josué les voua à l'interdit, avec leurs villes.

 And at that time [6256] came [0935] Joshua, [3091] and cut off [3772] the Anakims [6062] from the mountains, [2022] from Hebron, [2275] from Debir, [1688] from Anab, [6024] and from all the mountains [2022] of Judah, [3063] and from all the mountains [2022] of Israel: [3478] Joshua [3091] destroyed them utterly [2763] with their cities. [5892]


 Il ne resta point d'Anakim dans le pays des enfants d'Israël, il n'en resta qu'à Gaza, à Gath et à Asdod.

 There was none of the Anakims [6062] left [3498] in the land [0776] of the children [1121] of Israel: [3478] only in Gaza, [5804] in Gath, [1661] and in Ashdod, [0795] there remained. [7604]


 Josué prit donc tout le pays, selon tout ce que YEHOVAH avait dit à Moïse, et Josué le donna en héritage à Israël, selon leurs divisions, d'après leurs tribus. Alors le pays fut tranquille et sans guerre.

 So Joshua [3091] took [3947] the whole land, [0776] according to all that the LORD [3068] said [1696] unto Moses; [4872] and Joshua [3091] gave [5414] it for an inheritance [5159] unto Israel [3478] according to their divisions [4256] by their tribes. [7626] And the land [0776] rested [8252] from war. [4421]


 Or, voici les rois du pays, que les enfants d'Israël battirent, et dont ils possédèrent le pays, au delà du Jourdain, vers le soleil levant, depuis le torrent de l'Arnon jusqu'à la montagne d'Hermon, et toute la plaine à l'Orient:

 Now these [are] the kings [4428] of the land, [0776] which the children [1121] of Israel [3478] smote, [5221] and possessed [3423] their land [0776] on the other side [5676] Jordan [3383] toward the rising [4217] of the sun, [8121] from the river [5158] Arnon [0769] unto mount [2022] Hermon, [2768] and all the plain [6160] on the east: [4217]


 Sihon, roi des Amoréens, qui habitait à Hesbon. Il dominait depuis Aroër qui est au bord du torrent de l'Arnon et au milieu du torrent, et sur la moitié de Galaad, jusqu'au torrent de Jabbok, frontière des enfants d'Ammon;

 Sihon [5511] king [4428] of the Amorites, [0567] who dwelt [3427] in Heshbon, [2809] [and] ruled [4910] from Aroer, [6177] which [is] upon the bank [8193] of the river [5158] Arnon, [0769] and from the middle [8432] of the river, [5158] and from half [2677] Gilead, [1568] even unto the river [5158] Jabbok, [2999] [which is] the border [1366] of the children [1121] of Ammon; [5983]


 Sur la plaine jusqu'à la mer de Kinnéreth, vers l'orient, et jusqu'à la mer de la plaine, la mer Salée, à l'orient, dans la direction de Beth-Jeshimoth; et du côté du midi, sous les pentes du Pisga.

 And from the plain [6160] to the sea [3220] of Chinneroth [3672] on the east, [4217] and unto the sea [3220] of the plain, [6160] [even] the salt [4417] sea [3220] on the east, [4217] the way [1870] to Bethjeshimoth; [1020] and from the south, [8486] [8487] under Ashdothpisgah: [0794][6449][0798]


 Et le territoire d'Og, roi de Bassan, un reste des Rephaïm, qui habitait à Ashtaroth et à Édréï:

 And the coast [1366] of Og [5747] king [4428] of Bashan, [1316] [which was] of the remnant [3499] of the giants, [7497] that dwelt [3427] at Ashtaroth [6252] and at Edrei, [0154]


 Il dominait sur la montagne d'Hermon, sur Salca, sur tout Bassan jusqu'à la frontière des Gueshuriens et des Maacathiens, et sur la moitié de Galaad, frontière de Sihon, roi de Hesbon.

 And reigned [4910] in mount [2022] Hermon, [2768] and in Salcah, [5548] and in all Bashan, [1316] unto the border [1366] of the Geshurites [1651] and the Maachathites, [4602] and half [2677] Gilead, [1568] the border [1366] of Sihon [5511] king [4428] of Heshbon. [2809]


 Moïse, serviteur de YEHOVAH, et les enfants d'Israël les battirent; et Moïse, serviteur de YEHOVAH, en donna la possession aux Rubénites, aux Gadites, et à la demi-tribu de Manassé.

 Them did Moses [4872] the servant [5650] of the LORD [3068] and the children [1121] of Israel [3478] smite: [5221] and Moses [4872] the servant [5650] of the LORD [3068] gave [5414] it [for] a possession [3425] unto the Reubenites, [7206] and the Gadites, [1425] and the half [2677] tribe [7626] of Manasseh. [4519]


 Et voici les rois du pays, que Josué et les enfants d'Israël battirent de ce côté-ci du Jourdain, vers l'occident, depuis Baal-Gad, dans la vallée du Liban, jusqu'à la montagne nue qui monte vers Séir, et dont Josué donna le pays en possession aux tribus d'Israël, selon leurs divisions,

 And these [are] the kings [4428] of the country [0776] which Joshua [3091] and the children [1121] of Israel [3478] smote [5221] on this side [5676] Jordan [3383] on the west, [3220] from Baalgad [1171] in the valley [1237] of Lebanon [3844] even unto the mount [2022] Halak, [2509] [2510] that goeth up [5927] to Seir; [8165] which Joshua [3091] gave [5414] unto the tribes [7626] of Israel [3478] [for] a possession [3425] according to their divisions; [4256]


 Dans la montagne, dans la plaine, dans la campagne, sur les coteaux, dans le désert, et dans le midi, pays des Héthiens, des Amoréens, des Cananéens, des Phéréziens, des Héviens et des Jébusiens:

 In the mountains, [2022] and in the valleys, [8219] and in the plains, [6160] and in the springs, [0794] and in the wilderness, [4057] and in the south country; [5045] the Hittites, [2850] the Amorites, [0567] and the Canaanites, [3669] the Perizzites, [6522] the Hivites, [2340] and the Jebusites: [2983]


 Le roi de Jérico, le roi d'Aï, qui était à côté de Béthel,

 The king [4428] of Jericho, [3405] one; [0259] the king [4428] of Ai, [5857] which [is] beside [6654] Bethel, [1008] one; [0259]


 Le roi de Jérusalem, le roi de Hébron,

 The king [4428] of Jerusalem, [3389] one; [0259] the king [4428] of Hebron, [2275] one; [0259]


 Le roi de Jarmuth, le roi de Lakis,

 The king [4428] of Jarmuth, [3412] one; [0259] the king [4428] of Lachish, [3923] one; [0259]


 Le roi d'Églon, le roi de Guézer,

 The king [4428] of Eglon, [5700] one; [0259] the king [4428] of Gezer, [1507] one; [0259]


 Le roi de Débir, le roi de Guéder,

 The king [4428] of Debir, [1688] one; [0259] the king [4428] of Geder, [1445] one; [0259]


 Le roi de Horma, le roi d'Arad,

 The king [4428] of Hormah, [2767] one; [0259] the king [4428] of Arad, [6166] one; [0259]


 Le roi de Libna, le roi d'Adullam,

 The king [4428] of Libnah, [3841] one; [0259] the king [4428] of Adullam, [5725] one; [0259]


 Le roi de Makkéda, le roi de Béthel,

 The king [4428] of Makkedah, [4719] one; [0259] the king [4428] of Bethel, [1008] one; [0259]


 Le roi de Thappuach, le roi de Hépher,

 The king [4428] of Tappuah, [8599] one; [0259] the king [4428] of Hepher, [2660] one; [0259]


 Le roi d'Aphek, le roi de Saron,

 The king [4428] of Aphek, [0663] one; [0259] the king [4428] of Lasharon, [8289] one; [0259]


 Le roi de Madon, le roi de Hatsor,

 The king [4428] of Madon, [4068] one; [0259] the king [4428] of Hazor, [2674] one; [0259]


 Le roi de Shimron-Méron, le roi d'Acshaph,

 The king [4428] of Shimronmeron, [8112] one; [0259] the king [4428] of Achshaph, [0407] one; [0259]


 Le roi de Thaanac, le roi de Méguiddo,

 The king [4428] of Taanach, [8590] one; [0259] the king [4428] of Megiddo, [4023] one; [0259]


 Le roi de Kédès, le roi de Joknéam du Carmel,

 The king [4428] of Kedesh, [6943] one; [0259] the king [4428] of Jokneam [3362] of Carmel, [3760] one; [0259]


 Le roi de Dor, sur les hauteurs de Dor, le roi de Goïm, près de Guilgal,

 The king [4428] of Dor [1756] in the coast [5299] of Dor, [1756] one; [0259] the king [4428] of the nations [1471] of Gilgal, [1537] one; [0259]


 Le roi de Thirtsa; en tout trente et un rois.

 The king [4428] of Tirzah, [8656] one: [0259] all the kings [4428] thirty [7970] and one. [0259]


 Or, Josué était vieux et avancé en âge; et YEHOVAH lui dit: Tu es devenu vieux, tu es avancé en âge, et il reste beaucoup de pays à soumettre.

 Now Joshua [3091] was old [2204] [and] stricken [0935] in years; [3117] and the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto him, Thou art old [2204] [and] stricken [0935] in years, [3117] and there remaineth [7604] yet very [3966] much [7235] land [0776] to be possessed. [3423]


 Voici le pays qui reste: Tous les districts des Philistins, et tout le territoire des Gueshuriens,

 This [is] the land [0776] that yet remaineth: [7604] all the borders [1552] of the Philistines, [6430] and all Geshuri, [1651]


 Depuis le Shichor, qui coule en face de l'Égypte, jusqu'à la frontière d'Ékron, vers le nord; contrée réputée cananéenne, appartenant aux cinq gouverneurs des Philistins, celui de Gaza, celui d'Asdod, celui d'Askélon, celui de Gath, celui d'Ékron, et les Avviens;

 From Sihor, [7883] which [is] before [6440] Egypt, [4714] even unto the borders [1366] of Ekron [6138] northward, [6828] [which] is counted [2803] to the Canaanite: [3669] five [2568] lords [5633] of the Philistines; [6430] the Gazathites, [5841] and the Ashdothites, [0796] the Eshkalonites, [0832] the Gittites, [1663] and the Ekronites; [6139] also the Avites: [5761]


 Du côté du midi, tout le pays des Cananéens, et Meara, qui est aux Sidoniens, jusqu'à Aphek, jusqu'à la frontière des Amoréens;

 From the south, [8486] [8487] all the land [0776] of the Canaanites, [3669] and Mearah [4632] [4631] that [is] beside the Sidonians, [6722] unto Aphek, [0663] to the borders [1366] of the Amorites: [0567]


 Le pays des Guibliens, et tout le Liban, vers le soleil levant, depuis Baal-Gad, sous la montagne d'Hermon, jusqu'à l'entrée de Hamath;

 And the land [0776] of the Giblites, [1382] and all Lebanon, [3844] toward the sunrising, [4217] [8121] from Baalgad [1171] under mount [2022] Hermon [2768] unto the entering into [0935] Hamath. [2574]


 Tous les habitants de la montagne, depuis le Liban jusqu'à Misrephoth-Maïm, tous les Sidoniens. C'est moi qui les chasserai devant les enfants d'Israël; partage seulement ce pays par le sort en héritage à Israël, comme je te l'ai commandé.

 All the inhabitants [3427] of the hill country [2022] from Lebanon [3844] unto Misrephothmaim, [4956] [and] all the Sidonians, [6722] them will I drive out [3423] from before [6440] the children [1121] of Israel: [3478] only divide thou it by lot [5307] unto the Israelites [3478] for an inheritance, [5159] as I have commanded [6680] thee.


 Maintenant donc partage ce pays en héritage aux neuf tribus et à la demi-tribu de Manassé.

 Now therefore divide [2505] this land [0776] for an inheritance [5159] unto the nine [8672] tribes, [7626] and the half [2677] tribe [7626] of Manasseh, [4519]


 Les Rubénites et les Gadites ont reçu, avec l'autre moitié de la tribu de Manassé, leur héritage, que Moïse leur a donné au delà du Jourdain, à l'orient, comme Moïse, serviteur de YEHOVAH, le leur a donné;

 With whom the Reubenites [7206] and the Gadites [1425] have received [3947] their inheritance, [5159] which Moses [4872] gave [5414] them, beyond [5676] Jordan [3383] eastward, [4217] [even] as Moses [4872] the servant [5650] of the LORD [3068] gave [5414] them;


 Depuis Aroër, qui est sur le bord du torrent de l'Arnon, et la ville qui est au milieu du torrent, et tout le plat pays de Médeba jusqu'à Dibon;

 From Aroer, [6177] that [is] upon the bank [8193] of the river [5158] Arnon, [0769] and the city [5892] that [is] in the midst [8432] of the river, [5158] and all the plain [4334] of Medeba [4311] unto Dibon; [1769]


 Et toutes les villes de Sihon, roi des Amoréens, qui régnait à Hesbon, jusqu'à la frontière des enfants d'Ammon;

 And all the cities [5892] of Sihon [5511] king [4428] of the Amorites, [0567] which reigned [4427] in Heshbon, [2809] unto the border [1366] of the children [1121] of Ammon; [5983]


 Et Galaad, et le territoire des Gueshuriens et des Maacathiens, toute la montagne d'Hermon, et tout Bassan, jusqu'à Salca;

 And Gilead, [1568] and the border [1366] of the Geshurites [1651] and Maachathites, [4602] and all mount [2022] Hermon, [2768] and all Bashan [1316] unto Salcah; [5548]


 Tout le royaume d'Og, en Bassan, qui régnait à Ashtaroth et à Édréï; il était demeuré de reste des Rephaïm. Moïse les défit, et les déposséda.

 All the kingdom [4468] of Og [5747] in Bashan, [1316] which reigned [4427] in Ashtaroth [6252] and in Edrei, [0154] who remained [7604] of the remnant [3499] of the giants: [7497] for these did Moses [4872] smite, [5221] and cast them out. [3423]


 Mais les enfants d'Israël ne dépossédèrent point les Gueshuriens ni les Maacathiens; et les Gueshuriens et les Maacathiens ont habité au milieu d'Israël jusqu'à ce jour.

 Nevertheless the children [1121] of Israel [3478] expelled [3423] not the Geshurites, [1651] nor the Maachathites: [4602] but the Geshurites [1650] and the Maachathites [4601] dwell [3427] among [7130] the Israelites [3478] until this day. [3117]


 Seulement Moïse ne donna point d'héritage à la tribu de Lévi; les sacrifices faits par le feu à YEHOVAH, Dieu d'Israël, voilà son héritage, comme il le lui avait dit.

 Only unto the tribe [7626] of Levi [3878] he gave [5414] none inheritance; [5159] the sacrifices of the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel [3478] made by fire [0801] [are] their inheritance, [5159] as he said [1696] unto them.


 Moïse donna donc une part à la tribu des enfants de Ruben, selon leurs familles;

 And Moses [4872] gave [5414] unto the tribe [4294] of the children [1121] of Reuben [7205] [inheritance] according to their families. [4940]


 Et leur territoire fut depuis Aroër, qui est sur le bord du torrent de l'Arnon, et la ville qui est au milieu du torrent, et tout le plat pays près de Médeba,

 And their coast [1366] was from Aroer, [6177] that [is] on the bank [8193] of the river [5158] Arnon, [0769] and the city [5892] that [is] in the midst [8432] of the river, [5158] and all the plain [4334] by Medeba; [4311]


 Hesbon et toutes ses villes, qui sont dans le plat pays, Dibon, et Bamoth-Baal, et Beth-Baal-Meon,

 Heshbon, [2809] and all her cities [5892] that [are] in the plain; [4334] Dibon, [1769] and Bamothbaal, [1120] [1116] and Bethbaalmeon, [1010]


 Et Jahats, et Kedémoth, et Méphaath,

 And Jahazah, [3096] and Kedemoth, [6932] and Mephaath, [4158]


 Et Kirjathaïm, et Sibma, et Tséreth-Hashachar, sur la montagne de la vallée,

 And Kirjathaim, [7156] and Sibmah, [7643] and Zarethshahar [6890] in the mount [2022] of the valley, [6010]


 Et Beth-Peor, les pentes du Pisga, et Beth-Jeshimoth,

 And Bethpeor, [1047] and Ashdothpisgah, [0794][6449][0798] and Bethjeshimoth, [1020]


 Et toutes les villes du plat pays, et tout le royaume de Sihon, roi des Amoréens, qui régnait à Hesbon, que Moïse défit, avec les princes de Madian, Évi, Rékem, Tsur, Hur, et Réba, princes qui relevaient de Sihon et qui habitaient le pays.

 And all the cities [5892] of the plain, [4334] and all the kingdom [4468] of Sihon [5511] king [4428] of the Amorites, [0567] which reigned [4427] in Heshbon, [2809] whom Moses [4872] smote [5221] with the princes [5387] of Midian, [4080] Evi, [0189] and Rekem, [7552] and Zur, [6698] and Hur, [2354] and Reba, [7254] [which were] dukes [5257] of Sihon, [5511] dwelling [3427] in the country. [0776]


 Parmi ceux qui furent tués les enfants d'Israël firent aussi périr par l'épée Balaam, fils de Béor, le devin.

 Balaam [1109] also the son [1121] of Beor, [1160] the soothsayer, [7080] did the children [1121] of Israel [3478] slay [2026] with the sword [2719] among them [0413] that were slain [2491] by them.


 Et la frontière des enfants de Ruben fut le Jourdain et son territoire. Tel fut l'héritage des enfants de Ruben, selon leurs familles: les villes et leurs villages.

 And the border [1366] of the children [1121] of Reuben [7205] was Jordan, [3383] and the border [1366] [thereof]. This [was] the inheritance [5159] of the children [1121] of Reuben [7205] after their families, [4940] the cities [5892] and the villages [2691] thereof.


 Moïse donna aussi une part à la tribu de Gad, aux enfants de Gad, selon leurs familles.

 And Moses [4872] gave [5414] [inheritance] unto the tribe [4294] of Gad, [1410] [even] unto the children [1121] of Gad [1410] according to their families. [4940]


 Et leur territoire fut Jaezer, toutes les villes de Galaad, et la moitié du pays des enfants d'Ammon, jusqu'à Aroër, qui est en face de Rabba,

 And their coast [1366] was Jazer, [3270] and all the cities [5892] of Gilead, [1568] and half [2677] the land [0776] of the children [1121] of Ammon, [5983] unto Aroer [6177] that [is] before [6440] Rabbah; [7237]


 Et depuis Hesbon jusqu'à Ramath-Mitspé et Betonim, et depuis Mahanaïm jusqu'à la frontière de Débir;

 And from Heshbon [2809] unto Ramathmizpeh, [7434] and Betonim; [0993] and from Mahanaim [4266] unto the border [1366] of Debir; [1688]


 Et, dans la vallée, Beth-Haram, Beth-Nimra, et Succoth et Tsaphon, reste du royaume de Sihon, roi de Hesbon, le Jourdain et son territoire, jusqu'au bout de la mer de Kinnéreth, au delà du Jourdain, vers l'orient.

 And in the valley, [6010] Betharam, [1027] and Bethnimrah, [1039] and Succoth, [5523] and Zaphon, [6829] the rest [3499] of the kingdom [4468] of Sihon [5511] king [4428] of Heshbon, [2809] Jordan [3383] and [his] border, [1366] [even] unto the edge [7097] of the sea [3220] of Chinnereth [3672] on the other side [5676] Jordan [3383] eastward. [4217]


 Tel fut l'héritage des enfants de Gad, selon leurs familles: les villes et leurs villages.

 This [is] the inheritance [5159] of the children [1121] of Gad [1410] after their families, [4940] the cities, [5892] and their villages. [2691]


 Moïse donna aussi à la demi-tribu de Manassé une part, qui est demeurée à la demi-tribu des enfants de Manassé, selon leurs familles.

 And Moses [4872] gave [5414] [inheritance] unto the half [2677] tribe [7626] of Manasseh: [4519] and [this] was [the possession] of the half [2677] tribe [4294] of the children [1121] of Manasseh [4519] by their families. [4940]


 Leur territoire fut depuis Mahanaïm, tout Bassan, tout le royaume d'Og, roi de Bassan, et tous les bourgs de Jaïr en Bassan, soixante villes;

 And their coast [1366] was from Mahanaim, [4266] all Bashan, [1316] all the kingdom [4468] of Og [5747] king [4428] of Bashan, [1316] and all the towns [2333] of Jair, [2971] which [are] in Bashan, [1316] threescore [8346] cities: [5892]


 Et la moitié de Galaad, Ashtaroth et Édréï, villes du royaume d'Og en Bassan, furent aux enfants de Makir, fils de Manassé, à la moitié des enfants de Makir, selon leurs familles.

 And half [2677] Gilead, [1568] and Ashtaroth, [6252] and Edrei, [0154] cities [5892] of the kingdom [4468] of Og [5747] in Bashan, [1316] [were pertaining] unto the children [1121] of Machir [4353] the son [1121] of Manasseh, [4519] [even] to the one half [2677] of the children [1121] of Machir [4353] by their families. [4940]


 Voilà ce que Moïse, dans les plaines de Moab, avait donné en héritage, au delà du Jourdain de Jérico, vers l'orient.

 These [are the countries] which Moses [4872] did distribute for inheritance [5157] in the plains [6160] of Moab, [4124] on the other side [5676] Jordan, [3383] by Jericho, [3405] eastward. [4217]


 Mais Moïse ne donna point d'héritage à la tribu de Lévi; c'est YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël, qui est leur héritage, comme il le leur avait dit.

 But unto the tribe [7626] of Levi [3878] Moses [4872] gave [5414] not [any] inheritance: [5159] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel [3478] [was] their inheritance, [5159] as he said [1696] unto them.


 Voici ce que les enfants d'Israël obtinrent en héritage au pays de Canaan, ce que leur partagèrent Éléazar, le sacrificateur, Josué, fils de Nun, et les chefs de famille des tribus des enfants d'Israël.

 And these [are the countries] which the children [1121] of Israel [3478] inherited [5157] in the land [0776] of Canaan, [3667] which Eleazar [0499] the priest, [3548] and Joshua [3091] the son [1121] of Nun, [5126] and the heads [7218] of the fathers [0001] of the tribes [4294] of the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] distributed for inheritance [5157] to them.


 Leur héritage leur fut donné par le sort, comme YEHOVAH l'avait commandé par l'organe de Moïse, pour les neuf tribus et la demi-tribu;

 By lot [1486] [was] their inheritance, [5159] as the LORD [3068] commanded [6680] by the hand [3027] of Moses, [4872] for the nine [8672] tribes, [4294] and [for] the half [2677] tribe. [4294]


 Car Moïse avait donné l'héritage des deux autres tribus, et de la demi-tribu, au delà du Jourdain; mais il ne donna point parmi eux d'héritage aux Lévites.

 For Moses [4872] had given [5414] the inheritance [5159] of two [8147] tribes [4294] and an half [2677] tribe [4294] on the other side [5676] Jordan: [3383] but unto the Levites [3881] he gave [5414] none inheritance [5159] among [8432] them.


 Car les enfants de Joseph formaient deux tribus, Manassé et Éphraïm, et l'on ne donna point de part aux Lévites dans le pays, mais seulement des villes pour y habiter, avec leurs banlieues, pour leurs troupeaux et pour leurs biens.

 For the children [1121] of Joseph [3130] were two [8147] tribes, [4294] Manasseh [4519] and Ephraim: [0669] therefore they gave [5414] no part [2506] unto the Levites [3881] in the land, [0776] save cities [5892] to dwell [3427] [in], with their suburbs [4054] for their cattle [4735] and for their substance. [7075]


 Les enfants d'Israël firent comme YEHOVAH avait commandé à Moïse, et ils partagèrent le pays.

 As the LORD [3068] commanded [6680] Moses, [4872] so the children [1121] of Israel [3478] did, [6213] and they divided [2505] the land. [0776]


 Or, les enfants de Juda s'approchèrent de Josué à Guilgal; et Caleb, fils de Jephunné, le Kénizien, lui dit: Tu sais ce que YEHOVAH a dit à Moïse, homme de Dieu, relativement à moi et à toi, à Kadès-Barnéa.

 Then the children [1121] of Judah [3063] came [5066] unto Joshua [3091] in Gilgal: [1537] and Caleb [3612] the son [1121] of Jephunneh [3312] the Kenezite [7074] said [0559] unto him, Thou knowest [3045] the thing [1697] that the LORD [3068] said [1696] unto Moses [4872] the man [0376] of God [0430] concerning me [0182] and thee [0182] in Kadeshbarnea. [6947]


 J'étais âgé de quarante ans, lorsque Moïse, serviteur de YEHOVAH, m'envoya de Kadès-Barnéa pour explorer le pays; et je lui rendis compte dans la sincérité de mon cœur.

 Forty [0705] years [8141] old [1121] [was] I when Moses [4872] the servant [5650] of the LORD [3068] sent [7971] me from Kadeshbarnea [6947] to espy out [7270] the land; [0776] and I brought him word [1697] again [7725] as [it was] in mine heart. [3824]


 Et mes frères, qui étaient montés avec moi, firent fondre le courage du peuple; mais moi, je suivis pleinement YEHOVAH mon Dieu.

 Nevertheless my brethren [0251] that went up [5927] with me made the heart [3820] of the people [5971] melt: [4529] but I wholly [4390] followed [0310] the LORD [3068] my God. [0430]


 Et Moïse fit serment, ce jour-là, en disant: Certainement la terre que ton pied a foulée sera à jamais un héritage pour toi et tes enfants, parce que tu as suivi pleinement YEHOVAH mon Dieu!

 And Moses [4872] sware [7650] on that day, [3117] saying, [0559] Surely the land [0776] whereon thy feet [7272] have trodden [1869] shall be thine inheritance, [5159] and thy children's [1121] for [5704] ever, [5769] because thou hast wholly [4390] followed [0310] the LORD [3068] my God. [0430]


 Or maintenant, voici, YEHOVAH m'a conservé la vie, comme il l'avait dit; voilà quarante-cinq ans que YEHOVAH prononça cette parole à Moïse, lorsque Israël marchait dans le désert; et maintenant, me voici âgé aujourd'hui de quatre-vingt-cinq ans;

 And now, behold, the LORD [3068] hath kept me alive, [2421] as he said, [1696] these forty [0705] and five [2568] years, [8141] even since [0227] the LORD [3068] spake [1696] this word [1697] unto Moses, [4872] while [the children of] Israel [3478] wandered [1980] in the wilderness: [4057] and now, lo, I [am] this day [3117] fourscore [8084] and five [2568] years [8141] old. [1121]


 Je suis encore, aujourd'hui, aussi fort que le jour où Moïse m'envoya; j'ai maintenant la même force que j'avais alors, pour la guerre, pour sortir et rentrer.

 As yet I [am as] strong [2389] this day [3117] as [I was] in the day [3117] that Moses [4872] sent [7971] me: as my strength [3581] [was] then, even so [is] my strength [3581] now, for war, [4421] both to go out, [3318] and to come in. [0935]


 Maintenant donc donne-moi cette montagne, dont YEHOVAH a parlé en ce jour-là. Car tu appris en ce jour qu'il s'y trouve des Anakim, et qu'il y a de grandes villes fortes. Peut-être que YEHOVAH sera avec moi, et je les déposséderai, comme YEHOVAH l'a dit.

 Now therefore give [5414] me this mountain, [2022] whereof the LORD [3068] spake [1696] in that day; [3117] for thou heardest [8085] in that day [3117] how the Anakims [6062] [were] there, and [that] the cities [5892] [were] great [1419] [and] fenced: [1219] if so be [0194] the LORD [3068] [will be] with me, [0854] then I shall be able to drive them out, [3423] as the LORD [3068] said. [1696]


 Alors Josué le bénit, et donna Hébron, en héritage, à Caleb, fils de Jephunné.

 And Joshua [3091] blessed [1288] him, and gave [5414] unto Caleb [3612] the son [1121] of Jephunneh [3312] Hebron [2275] for an inheritance. [5159]


 C'est pourquoi Hébron a été à Caleb, fils de Jephunné, le Kénizien, en héritage jusqu'à ce jour, parce qu'il suivit pleinement YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël.

 Hebron [2275] therefore became the inheritance [5159] of Caleb [3612] the son [1121] of Jephunneh [3312] the Kenezite [7074] unto this day, [3117] because that he wholly [4390] followed [0310] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel. [3478]


 Or le nom d'Hébron était autrefois Kirjath-Arba (cité d'Arba); Arba avait été un grand homme parmi les Anakim. Et le pays fut tranquille, et sans guerre.

 And the name [8034] of Hebron [2275] before [6440] [was] Kirjatharba; [7153][0704] [which Arba was] a great [1419] man [0120] among the Anakims. [6062] And the land [0776] had rest [8252] from war. [4421]


 La part échue par le sort à la tribu des enfants de Juda, selon leurs familles, fut à la frontière d'Édom, au désert de Tsin, vers le midi, à l'extrémité méridionale.

 [This] then was the lot [1486] of the tribe [4294] of the children [1121] of Judah [3063] by their families; [4940] [even] to the border [1366] of Edom [0123] the wilderness [4057] of Zin [6790] southward [5045] [was] the uttermost part [7097] of the south [8486] [8487] coast.


 Leur frontière méridionale partait de l'extrémité de la mer Salée, depuis le bras qui regarde vers le midi;

 And their south [5045] border [1366] was from the shore [7097] of the salt [4417] sea, [3220] from the bay [3956] that looketh [6437] southward: [5045]


 Et elle sortait au midi de la montée d'Akrabbim, passait vers Tsin, montait au midi de Kadès-Barnéa, passait à Hetsron, montait vers Addar, tournait vers Karkaa,

 And it went out [3318] to the south side [5045] to Maalehacrabbim, [4608] [6137][4610] and passed along [5674] to Zin, [6790] and ascended up [5927] on the south side [5045] unto Kadeshbarnea, [6947] and passed along [5674] to Hezron, [2696] and went up [5927] to Adar, [0146] and fetched a compass [5437] to Karkaa: [7173]


 Passait vers Atsmon, sortait au torrent d'Égypte; et la frontière aboutissait à la mer. Ce sera là, dit Josué, votre frontière du côté du midi.

 [From thence] it passed [5674] toward Azmon, [6111] and went out [3318] unto the river [5158] of Egypt; [4714] and the goings out [8444] of that coast [1366] were at the sea: [3220] this shall be your south [5045] coast. [1366]


 Et la frontière vers l'orient était la mer Salée, jusqu'à l'embouchure du Jourdain; et la frontière de la région du nord partait du bras de mer qui est à l'embouchure du Jourdain.

 And the east [6924] border [1366] [was] the salt [4417] sea, [3220] [even] unto the end [7097] of Jordan. [3383] And [their] border [1366] in the north [6828] quarter [6285] [was] from the bay [3956] of the sea [3220] at the uttermost part [7097] of Jordan: [3383]


 Et la frontière montait à Beth-Hogla, et passait au nord de Beth-Araba. Et la frontière montait à la pierre de Bohan, fils de Ruben.

 And the border [1366] went up [5927] to Bethhogla, [1031] and passed along [5674] by the north [6828] of Betharabah; [1026] and the border [1366] went up [5927] to the stone [0068] of Bohan [0932] the son [1121] of Reuben: [7205]


 Puis la frontière montait vers Débir, du côté de la vallée d'Acor, et vers le nord, se dirigeant vers Guilgal, qui est vis-à-vis de la montée d'Adummim, au midi du torrent; la frontière passait ensuite près des eaux d'En-Shémèsh et aboutissait à En-Roguel.

 And the border [1366] went up [5927] toward Debir [1688] from the valley [6010] of Achor, [5911] and so northward, [6828] looking [6437] toward Gilgal, [1537] that [is] before [5227] the going up [4608] to Adummim, [0131] which [is] on the south side [5045] of the river: [5158] and the border [1366] passed [5674] toward the waters [4325] of Enshemesh, [5885] and the goings out [8444] thereof were at Enrogel: [5883]


 De là la frontière montait par la vallée du fils de Hinnom, vers le côté méridional de Jébus, qui est Jérusalem. Ensuite la frontière s'élevait au sommet de la montagne qui est en face de la vallée de Hinnom, vers l'occident, et à l'extrémité de la vallée des Réphaïm, au nord.

 And the border [1366] went up [5927] by the valley [1516] of the son [1121] of Hinnom [2011] unto the south [5045] side [3802] of the Jebusite; [2983] the same [is] Jerusalem: [3389] and the border [1366] went up [5927] to the top [7218] of the mountain [2022] that [lieth] before [6440] the valley [1516] of Hinnom [2011] westward, [3220] which [is] at the end [7097] of the valley [6010] of the giants [7497] northward: [6828]


 Cette frontière s'étendait du sommet de la montagne vers la source des eaux de Nephthoach, et sortait vers les villes de la montagne d'Éphron; puis la frontière s'étendait à Baala, qui est Kirjath-Jéarim.

 And the border [1366] was drawn [8388] from the top [7218] of the hill [2022] unto the fountain [4599] of the water [4325] of Nephtoah, [5318] and went out [3318] to the cities [5892] of mount [2022] Ephron; [6085] and the border [1366] was drawn [8388] to Baalah, [1173] which [is] Kirjathjearim: [7157]


 La frontière tournait ensuite de Baala à l'occident vers la montagne de Séir, et passait, vers le nord, à côté de la montagne de Jéarim qui est Késalon; puis elle descendait à Beth-Shémesh, et passait à Thimna.

 And the border [1366] compassed [5437] from Baalah [1173] westward [3220] unto mount [2022] Seir, [8165] and passed along [5674] unto the side [3802] of mount [2022] Jearim, [3297] which [is] Chesalon, [3693] on the north [6828] side, and went down [3381] to Bethshemesh, [1053] and passed on [5674] to Timnah: [8553]


 De là la frontière sortait du côté septentrional d'Ékron. Puis cette frontière s'étendait vers Shikron, passait par la montagne de Baala, et sortait à Jabnéel; et la frontière aboutissait à la mer.

 And the border [1366] went out [3318] unto the side [3802] of Ekron [6138] northward: [6828] and the border [1366] was drawn [8388] to Shicron, [7942] and passed along [5674] to mount [2022] Baalah, [1173] and went out [3318] unto Jabneel; [2995] and the goings out [8444] of the border [1366] were at the sea. [3220]


 Or, la frontière de l'occident était la grande mer et la côte. Telle fut, de tous les côtés, la frontière des enfants de Juda, selon leurs familles.

 And the west [3220] border [1366] [was] to the great [1419] sea, [3220] and the coast [1366] [thereof]. This [is] the coast [1366] of the children [1121] of Judah [3063] round about [5439] according to their families. [4940]


 On donna à Caleb, fils de Jephunné, une portion au milieu des enfants de Juda, selon le commandement de YEHOVAH à Josué: savoir la cité d'Arba, père d'Anak. C'est Hébron.

 And unto Caleb [3612] the son [1121] of Jephunneh [3312] he gave [5414] a part [2506] among [8432] the children [1121] of Judah, [3063] according [0413] to the commandment [6310] of the LORD [3068] to Joshua, [3091] [even] the city of Arba [7151][0704][7153] the father [0001] of Anak, [6061] which [city is] Hebron. [2275]


 Et Caleb en déposséda les trois fils d'Anak: Shéshaï, Ahiman et Thalmaï, enfants d'Anak.

 And Caleb [3612] drove [3423] thence the three [7969] sons [1121] of Anak, [6061] Sheshai, [8344] and Ahiman, [0289] and Talmai, [8526] the children [3211] of Anak. [6061]


 De là il monta vers les habitants de Débir; et le nom de Débir était autrefois Kirjath-Sépher.

 And he went up [5927] thence to the inhabitants [3427] of Debir: [1688] and the name [8034] of Debir [1688] before [6440] [was] Kirjathsepher. [7158]


 Et Caleb dit: Je donnerai ma fille Acsa pour femme à celui qui battra Kirjath-Sépher, et la prendra.

 And Caleb [3612] said, [0559] He that smiteth [5221] Kirjathsepher, [7158] and taketh [3920] it, to him will I give [5414] Achsah [5915] my daughter [1323] to wife. [0802]


 Alors Othniel, fils de Kénaz, frère de Caleb, la prit; et il lui donna pour femme sa fille Acsa.

 And Othniel [6274] the son [1121] of Kenaz, [7073] the brother [0251] of Caleb, [3612] took [3920] it: and he gave [5414] him Achsah [5915] his daughter [1323] to wife. [0802]


 Or il arriva qu'à son entrée chez Othniel, elle l'incita à demander un champ à son père. Et elle se jeta de dessus son âne, et Caleb lui dit: Qu'as-tu?

 And it came to pass, as she came [0935] [unto him], that she moved [5496] him to ask [7592] of her father [0001] a field: [7704] and she lighted [6795] off [her] ass; [2543] and Caleb [3612] said [0559] unto her, What wouldest thou?


 Et elle répondit: Donne-moi un présent; puisque tu m'as donné une terre du midi, donne-moi aussi des sources d'eaux. Et il lui donna les sources supérieures et les sources inférieures.

 Who answered, [0559] Give [5414] me a blessing; [1293] for thou hast given [5414] me a south [5045] land; [0776] give [5414] me also springs [1543] of water. [4325] And he gave [5414] her the upper [5942] springs, [1543] and the nether [8482] springs. [1543]


 Tel fut l'héritage de la tribu des enfants de Juda, selon leurs familles.

 This [is] the inheritance [5159] of the tribe [4294] of the children [1121] of Judah [3063] according to their families. [4940]


 Les villes à l'extrémité de la tribu des enfants de Juda, vers la frontière d'Édom, au midi, furent Kabtséel, Éder, Jagur,

 And the uttermost [7097] cities [5892] of the tribe [4294] of the children [1121] of Judah [3063] toward the coast [1366] of Edom [0123] southward [5045] were Kabzeel, [6909] and Eder, [5740] and Jagur, [3017]


 Kina, Dimona, Adéada,

 And Kinah, [7016] and Dimonah, [1776] and Adadah, [5735]


 Kédès, Hatsor, Jithnan,

 And Kedesh, [6943] and Hazor, [2674] and Ithnan, [3497]


 Ziph, Télem, Béaloth,

 Ziph, [2128] and Telem, [2928] and Bealoth, [1175]


 Hatsor-Hadattha, Kérijoth-Hetsron, qui est Hatsor,

 And Hazor, [2674] Hadattah, [2675] and Kerioth, [7152] [and] Hezron, [2696] which [is] Hazor, [2674]


 Amam, Shéma, Molada,

 Amam, [0538] and Shema, [8090] and Moladah, [4137]


 Hatsar-Gadda, Heshmon, Beth-Palet,

 And Hazargaddah, [2693] and Heshmon, [2829] and Bethpalet, [1046]


 Hatsar-Shual, Béer-Shéba, Bizjothja,

 And Hazarshual, [2705] and Beersheba, [0884] and Bizjothjah, [0964]


 Baala, Ijjim, Atsem,

 Baalah, [1173] and Iim, [5864] and Azem, [6107]


 Eltholad, Késil, Horma,

 And Eltolad, [0513] and Chesil, [3686] and Hormah, [2767]


 Tsiklag, Madmanna, Sansanna,

 And Ziklag, [6860] and Madmannah, [4089] and Sansannah, [5578]


 Lébaoth, Shilhim, Aïn, et Rimmon; en tout vingt-neuf villes et leurs villages.

 And Lebaoth, [3822] and Shilhim, [7978] and Ain, [5871] and Rimmon: [7417] all the cities [5892] [are] twenty [6242] and nine, [8672] with their villages: [2691]


 Dans la plaine, Eshthaol, Tsoréa, Ashna,

 [And] in the valley, [8219] Eshtaol, [0847] and Zoreah, [6881] and Ashnah, [0823]


 Zanoach, En-Gannim, Thappuach, Énam,

 And Zanoah, [2182] and Engannim, [5873] Tappuah, [8599] and Enam, [5879]


 Jarmuth, Adullam, Soco, Azéka,

 Jarmuth, [3412] and Adullam, [5725] Socoh, [7755] and Azekah, [5825]


 Shaaraïm, Adithaïm, Guédéra, et Guédérothaïm, quatorze villes et leurs villages;

 And Sharaim, [8189] and Adithaim, [5723] and Gederah, [1449] and Gederothaim; [1453] fourteen [0702] [6240] cities [5892] with their villages: [2691]


 Tsénan, Hadasha, Migdal-Gad,

 Zenan, [6799] and Hadashah, [2322] and Migdalgad, [4028]


 Dilan, Mitspé, Jokthéel,

 And Dilean, [1810] and Mizpeh, [4708] and Joktheel, [3371]


 Lakis, Botskath, Églon,

 Lachish, [3923] and Bozkath, [1218] and Eglon, [5700]


 Cabbon, Lachmas, Kithlish,

 And Cabbon, [3522] and Lahmam, [3903] and Kithlish, [3798]


 Guédéroth, Beth-Dagon, Naama, et Makkéda; seize villes et leurs villages;

 And Gederoth, [1450] Bethdagon, [1016] and Naamah, [5279] and Makkedah; [4719] sixteen [8337] [6240] cities [5892] with their villages: [2691]


 Libna, Éther, Ashan,

 Libnah, [3841] and Ether, [6281] and Ashan, [6228]


 Jiphtach, Ashna, Netsib,

 And Jiphtah, [3316] and Ashnah, [0823] and Nezib, [5334]


 Keïla, Aczib et Marésha; neuf villes et leurs villages;

 And Keilah, [7084] and Achzib, [0392] and Mareshah; [4762] nine [8672] cities [5892] with their villages: [2691]


 Ékron, les villes de son ressort, et ses villages;

 Ekron, [6138] with her towns [1323] and her villages: [2691]


 Depuis Ékron, et à l'occident, toutes celles qui sont dans le voisinage d'Asdod, et leurs villages;

 From Ekron [6138] even unto the sea, [3220] all that [lay] near [3027] Ashdod, [0795] with their villages: [2691]


 Asdod, les villes de son ressort, et ses villages; Gaza, les villes de son ressort, et ses villages, jusqu'au torrent d'Égypte, et à la grande mer et son rivage.

 Ashdod [0795] with her towns [1323] and her villages, [2691] Gaza [5804] with her towns [1323] and her villages, [2691] unto the river [5158] of Egypt, [4714] and the great [1419] [1366] sea, [3220] and the border [1366] [thereof]:


 Et dans la montagne, Shamir, Jatthir, Soco,

 And in the mountains, [2022] Shamir, [8069] and Jattir, [3492] and Socoh, [7755]


 Danna, Kirjath-Sanna, qui est Débir,

 And Dannah, [1837] and Kirjathsannah, [7158] which [is] Debir, [1688]


 Anab, Eshthemo, Anim,

 And Anab, [6024] and Eshtemoh, [0851] and Anim, [6044]


 Gossen, Holon, et Guilo; onze villes et leurs villages;

 And Goshen, [1657] and Holon, [2473] and Giloh; [1542] eleven [0259] [6240] cities [5892] with their villages: [2691]


 Arab, Duma, Eshéan,

 Arab, [0694] and Dumah, [1746] and Eshean, [0824]


 Janum, Beth-Thappuach, Aphéka,

 And Janum, [3241] and Bethtappuah, [1054] and Aphekah, [0664]


 Humta, Kirjath-Arba, qui est Hébron, et Tsior; neuf villes et leurs villages;

 And Humtah, [2547] and Kirjatharba, [7153] which [is] Hebron, [2275] and Zior; [6730] nine [8672] cities [5892] with their villages: [2691]


 Maon, Carmel, Ziph, Juta,

 Maon, [4584] Carmel, [3760] and Ziph, [2128] and Juttah, [3194]


 Jizréel, Jokdéam, Zanoach,

 And Jezreel, [3157] and Jokdeam, [3347] and Zanoah, [2182]


 Kaïn, Guibéa, et Thimna; dix villes et leurs villages;

 Cain, [7014] Gibeah, [1390] and Timnah; [8553] ten [6235] cities [5892] with their villages: [2691]


 Halhul, Beth-Tsur, Guédor,

 Halhul, [2478] Bethzur, [1049] and Gedor, [1446]


 Maarath, Beth-Anoth, et Elthekon; six villes et leurs villages;

 And Maarath, [4638] and Bethanoth, [1042] and Eltekon; [0515] six [8337] cities [5892] with their villages: [2691]


 Kirjath-Baal, qui est Kirjath-Jéarim, et Rabba; deux villes et leurs villages;

 Kirjathbaal, [7154] which [is] Kirjathjearim, [7157] and Rabbah; [7237] two [8147] cities [5892] with their villages: [2691]


 Dans le désert, Beth-Araba, Middin, Secaca,

 In the wilderness, [4057] Betharabah, [1026] Middin, [4081] and Secacah, [5527]


 Nibshan, et Ir-Hammélach (la ville du sel), et En-Guédi; six villes et leurs villages.

 And Nibshan, [5044] and the city of Salt, [5892] [4417][5898] and Engedi; [5872] six [8337] cities [5892] with their villages. [2691]


 Or les enfants de Juda ne purent déposséder les Jébusiens qui habitaient à Jérusalem, et les Jébusiens ont habité avec les enfants de Juda à Jérusalem jusqu'à ce jour.

 As for the Jebusites [2983] the inhabitants [3427] of Jerusalem, [3389] the children [1121] of Judah [3063] could [3201] not drive them out: [3423] but the Jebusites [2983] dwell [3427] with the children [1121] of Judah [3063] at Jerusalem [3389] unto this day. [3117]


 Le sort échut aux enfants de Joseph à partir du Jourdain de Jérico, aux eaux de Jérico vers l'orient, le désert montant de Jérico vers la montagne de Béthel.

 And the lot [1486] of the children [1121] of Joseph [3130] fell [3318] from Jordan [3383] by Jericho, [3405] unto the water [4325] of Jericho [3405] on the east, [4217] to the wilderness [4057] that goeth up [5927] from Jericho [3405] throughout mount [2022] Bethel, [1008]


 La frontière sortait de Béthel vers Luz, passait par la frontière des Arkiens à Ataroth,

 And goeth out [3318] from Bethel [1008] to Luz, [3870] and passeth along [5674] unto the borders [1366] of Archi [0757] to Ataroth, [5852]


 Et descendait à l'occident vers la frontière des Japhlétiens, jusqu'à la frontière de Beth-Horon la basse et jusqu'à Guézer, et aboutissait à la mer.

 And goeth down [3381] westward [3220] to the coast [1366] of Japhleti, [3311] unto the coast [1366] of Bethhoron [1032] the nether, [8481] and to Gezer: [1507] and the goings out [8444] thereof are at the sea. [3220]


 Et les enfants de Joseph, Manassé et Éphraïm reçurent leur héritage.

 So the children [1121] of Joseph, [3130] Manasseh [4519] and Ephraim, [0669] took their inheritance. [5157]


 Or, la frontière des enfants d'Éphraïm, selon leurs familles, la frontière de leur héritage était, à l'orient, Ateroth-Addar, jusqu'à Beth-Horon la haute.

 And the border [1366] of the children [1121] of Ephraim [0669] according to their families [4940] was [thus]: even the border [1366] of their inheritance [5159] on the east side [4217] was Atarothaddar, [5853] unto Bethhoron [1032] the upper; [5945]


 Et la frontière sortait vers l'occident à Micmethath, du côté du nord; puis la frontière tournait à l'orient vers Thaanath-Silo, et la dépassait dans la direction de l'orient jusqu'à Janoach.

 And the border [1366] went out [3318] toward the sea [3220] to Michmethah [4366] on the north [6828] side; and the border [1366] went about [5437] eastward [4217] unto Taanathshiloh, [8387] and passed by [5674] it on the east [4217] to Janohah; [3239]


 Elle descendait ensuite de Janoach à Ataroth, et à Naaratha, touchait à Jérico, et aboutissait au Jourdain.

 And it went down [3381] from Janohah [3239] to Ataroth, [5852] and to Naarath, [5292] and came [6293] to Jericho, [3405] and went out [3318] at Jordan. [3383]


 De Thappuach la frontière allait vers l'occident jusqu'au torrent de Kana, et aboutissait à la mer. Tel fut l'héritage de la tribu des enfants d'Éphraïm, selon leurs familles,

 The border [1366] went out [3212] from Tappuah [8599] westward [3220] unto the river [5158] Kanah; [7071] and the goings out [8444] thereof were at the sea. [3220] This [is] the inheritance [5159] of the tribe [4294] of the children [1121] of Ephraim [0669] by their families. [4940]


 Avec les villes qui furent séparées, pour les enfants d'Éphraïm, au milieu de l'héritage des enfants de Manassé, toutes ces villes et leurs villages.

 And the separate [3995] cities [5892] for the children [1121] of Ephraim [0669] [were] among [8432] the inheritance [5159] of the children [1121] of Manasseh, [4519] all the cities [5892] with their villages. [2691]


 Toutefois ils ne dépossédèrent point les Cananéens qui habitaient à Guézer; et les Cananéens ont habité au milieu d'Éphraïm jusqu'à ce jour; mais ils ont été rendus tributaires.

 And they drave not out [3423] the Canaanites [3669] that dwelt [3427] in Gezer: [1507] but the Canaanites [3669] dwell [3427] among [7130] the Ephraimites [0669] unto this day, [3117] and serve [5647] under tribute. [4522]


 On jeta aussi le sort pour la tribu de Manassé, car il était le premier-né de Joseph. Quant à Makir, premier-né de Manassé et père de Galaad, comme c'était un homme de guerre, il avait eu Galaad et Bassan.

 There was also a lot [1486] for the tribe [4294] of Manasseh; [4519] for he [was] the firstborn [1060] of Joseph; [3130] [to wit], for Machir [4353] the firstborn [1060] of Manasseh, [4519] the father [0001] of Gilead: [1568] because he was a man [0376] of war, [4421] therefore he had Gilead [1568] and Bashan. [1316]


 On jeta donc le sort pour les autres enfants de Manassé, selon leurs familles: pour les enfants d'Abiézer, pour les enfants de Hélek, pour les enfants d'Asriel, pour les enfants de Sichem, pour les enfants de Hépher, et pour les enfants de Shemida. Ce sont les enfants mâles de Manassé, fils de Joseph, selon leurs familles.

 There was also [a lot] for the rest [3498] of the children [1121] of Manasseh [4519] by their families; [4940] for the children [1121] of Abiezer, [0044] and for the children [1121] of Helek, [2507] and for the children [1121] of Asriel, [0844] and for the children [1121] of Shechem, [7928] and for the children [1121] of Hepher, [2660] and for the children [1121] of Shemida: [8061] these [were] the male [2145] children [1121] of Manasseh [4519] the son [1121] of Joseph


 Or, Tsélophcad, fils de Hépher, fils de Galaad, fils de Makir, fils de Manassé, n'eut point de fils, mais il n'eut que des filles, dont voici les noms: Machla, Noa, Hogla, Milca, et Thirtsa.

 But Zelophehad, [6765] the son [1121] of Hepher, [2660] the son [1121] of Gilead, [1568] the son [1121] of Machir, [4353] the son [1121] of Manasseh, [4519] had no sons, [1121] but daughters: [1323] and these [are] the names [8034] of his daughters, [1323] Mahlah, [4244] and Noah, [5270] Hoglah, [2295] Milcah, [4435] and Tirzah. [8656]


 Elles se présentèrent devant Éléazar le sacrificateur, et devant Josué, fils de Nun, et devant les princes, en disant: YEHOVAH a commandé à Moïse qu'on nous donnât un héritage parmi nos frères. Et on leur donna, selon le commandement de YEHOVAH, un héritage parmi les frères de leur père.

 And they came near [7126] before [6440] Eleazar [0499] the priest, [3548] and before [6440] Joshua [3091] the son [1121] of Nun, [5126] and before [6440] the princes, [5387] saying, [0559] The LORD [3068] commanded [6680] Moses [4872] to give [5414] us an inheritance [5159] among [8432] our brethren. [0251] Therefore according to the commandment [6310] of the LORD [3068] he gave [5414] them an inheritance [5159] among [8432] the brethren [0251] of their father. [0001]


 Dix portions échurent donc à Manassé, outre les pays de Galaad et de Bassan, qui sont au delà du Jourdain;

 And there fell [5307] ten [6235] portions [2256] to Manasseh, [4519] beside the land [0776] of Gilead [1568] and Bashan, [1316] which [were] on the other side [5676] Jordan; [3383]


 Car les filles de Manassé eurent un héritage parmi ses enfants; et le pays de Galaad fut pour les autres enfants de Manassé.

 Because the daughters [1323] of Manasseh [4519] had [5157] an inheritance [5159] among [8432] his sons: [1121] and the rest [3498] of Manasseh's [4519] sons [1121] had the land [0776] of Gilead. [1568]


 Or la frontière de Manassé fut d'Asser à Micmethath, qui est en face de Sichem; puis la frontière allait à Jamin vers les habitants d'En-Thappuach.

 And the coast [1366] of Manasseh [4519] was from Asher [0836] to Michmethah, [4366] that [lieth] before [6440] Shechem; [7927] and the border [1366] went along [1980] on the right hand [3225] unto the inhabitants [3427] of Entappuah. [5887]


 Le pays de Thappuach appartenait à Manassé; mais Thappuach, près de la frontière de Manassé, était aux enfants d'Éphraïm.

 [Now] Manasseh [4519] had the land [0776] of Tappuah: [8599] but Tappuah [8599] on the border [1366] of Manasseh [4519] [belonged] to the children [1121] of Ephraim; [0669]


 Et de là la frontière descendait au torrent de Kana, au midi du torrent; ces villes-là étaient à Éphraïm, au milieu des villes de Manassé. Or, la frontière de Manassé était au nord du torrent, et elle aboutissait à la mer.

 And the coast [1366] descended [3381] unto the river [5158] Kanah, [7071] southward [5045] of the river: [5158] these cities [5892] of Ephraim [0669] [are] among [8432] the cities [5892] of Manasseh: [4519] the coast [1366] of Manasseh [4519] also [was] on the north [6828] side of the river, [5158] and the outgoings [8444] of it were at the sea: [3220]


 Ce qui était au midi, était à Éphraïm; ce qui était au nord, était à Manassé, et la mer était sa frontière; ils touchaient à Asser au nord, et à Issacar à l'orient.

 Southward [5045] [it was] Ephraim's, [0669] and northward [6828] [it was] Manasseh's, [4519] and the sea [3220] is his border; [1366] and they met together [6293] in Asher [0836] on the north, [6828] and in Issachar [3485] on the east. [4217]


 Manassé eut, en Issacar et en Asser, Beth-Shéan et les villes de son ressort, Gibleam et les villes de son ressort, les habitants de Dor et les villes de son ressort, les habitants d'En-Dor et les villes de son ressort, les habitants de Thaanac et les villes de son ressort, les habitants de Méguiddo et les villes de son ressort, trois contrées.

 And Manasseh [4519] had in Issachar [3485] and in Asher [0836] Bethshean [1052] and her towns, [1323] and Ibleam [2991] and her towns, [1323] and the inhabitants [3427] of Dor [1756] and her towns, [1323] and the inhabitants [3427] of Endor [5874] and her towns, [1323] and the inhabitants [3427] of Taanach [8590] and her towns, [1323] and the inhabitants [3427] of Megiddo [4023] and her towns, [1323] [even] three [7969] countries. [5316]


 Les enfants de Manassé ne purent prendre possession de ces villes, et les Cananéens persistèrent à demeurer dans ce pays-là.

 Yet the children [1121] of Manasseh [4519] could [3201] not drive out [3423] [the inhabitants of] those cities; [5892] but the Canaanites [3669] would [2974] dwell [3427] in that land. [0776]


 Mais lorsque les enfants d'Israël se furent fortifiés, ils rendirent les Cananéens tributaires; toutefois ils ne les dépossédèrent point entièrement.

 Yet it came to pass, when the children [1121] of Israel [3478] were waxen strong, [2388] that they put [5414] the Canaanites [3669] to tribute; [4522] but did not utterly [3423] drive them out. [3423]


 Or, les enfants de Joseph parlèrent à Josué, en disant: Pourquoi m'as-tu donné en héritage un seul lot et une seule part, quand je suis un peuple nombreux, parce que jusqu'ici YEHOVAH m'a béni?

 And the children [1121] of Joseph [3130] spake [1696] unto Joshua, [3091] saying, [0559] Why hast thou given [5414] me [but] one [0259] lot [1486] and one [0259] portion [2256] to inherit, [5159] seeing I [am] a great [7227] people, [5971] forasmuch as [5704] the LORD [3068] hath blessed [1288] me hitherto? [3541]


 Et Josué leur dit: Si tu es un peuple nombreux, monte à la forêt, et coupe-la, pour te faire place dans le pays des Phéréziens et des Réphaïm, puisque la montagne d'Éphraïm est trop étroite pour toi.

 And Joshua [3091] answered [0559] them, If thou [be] a great [7227] people, [5971] [then] get thee up [5927] to the wood [3293] [country], and cut down [1254] for thyself there in the land [0776] of the Perizzites [6522] and of the giants, [7497] if mount [2022] Ephraim [0669] be too narrow [0213] for thee.


 Mais les enfants de Joseph répondirent: La montagne ne nous suffira pas; et tous les Cananéens qui habitent la région de la vallée ont des chars de fer, ceux qui habitent à Beth-Shéan et dans les villes de son ressort, et ceux qui habitent dans la vallée de Jizréel.

 And the children [1121] of Joseph [3130] said, [0559] The hill [2022] is not enough [4672] for us: and all the Canaanites [3669] that dwell [3427] in the land [0776] of the valley [6010] have chariots [7393] of iron, [1270] [both they] who [are] of Bethshean [1052] and her towns, [1323] and [they] who [are] of the valley [6010] of Jezreel. [3157]


 Alors Josué parla à la maison de Joseph, à Éphraïm et à Manassé, et leur dit: Tu es un peuple nombreux, et tu as une grande force; tu n'auras pas un simple lot.

 And Joshua [3091] spake [0559] unto the house [1004] of Joseph, [3130] [even] to Ephraim [0669] and to Manasseh, [4519] saying, [0559] Thou [art] a great [7227] people, [5971] and hast great [1419] power: [3581] thou shalt not have one [0259] lot [1486] [only]:


 Mais tu auras la montagne; puisque c'est une forêt, tu la couperas, et ses issues t'appartiendront; car tu déposséderas les Cananéens, quoiqu'ils aient des chars de fer, et quelque puissants qu'ils soient.

 But the mountain [2022] shall be thine; for it [is] a wood, [3293] and thou shalt cut it down: [1254] and the outgoings [8444] of it shall be thine: for thou shalt drive out [3423] the Canaanites, [3669] though they have iron [1270] chariots, [7393] [and] though they [be] strong. [2389]


 Or, toute l'assemblée des enfants d'Israël s'assembla à Silo, et ils y placèrent le tabernacle d'assignation, et le pays fut soumis devant eux.

 And the whole congregation [5712] of the children [1121] of Israel [3478] assembled together [6950] at Shiloh, [7887] and set up [7931] the tabernacle [0168] of the congregation [4150] there. And the land [0776] was subdued [3533] before [6440] them.


 Mais il était resté, parmi les enfants d'Israël, sept tribus auxquelles on n'avait point distribué leur héritage.

 And there remained [3498] among the children [1121] of Israel [3478] seven [7651] tribes, [7626] which had not yet received [2505] their inheritance. [5159]


 Et Josué dit aux enfants d'Israël: Jusqu'à quand négligerez-vous d'aller prendre possession du pays que vous a donné YEHOVAH, le Dieu de vos pères?

 And Joshua [3091] said [0559] unto the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] How long [are] ye slack [7503] to go [0935] to possess [3423] the land, [0776] which the LORD [3068] God [0430] of your fathers [0001] hath given [5414] you?


 Prenez trois hommes par tribu, et je les enverrai. Ils se lèveront, et parcourront le pays, en traceront le plan, selon leur héritage, et reviendront auprès de moi.

 Give [3051] out from among you three [7969] men [0582] for [each] tribe: [7626] and I will send [7971] them, and they shall rise, [6965] and go [1980] through the land, [0776] and describe [3789] it according [6310] to the inheritance [5159] of them; and they shall come [0935] [again] to me.


 Ils le partageront en sept portions; Juda demeurera dans ses limites au midi, et la maison de Joseph demeurera dans ses limites au nord.

 And they shall divide [2505] it into seven [7651] parts: [2506] Judah [3063] shall abide [5975] in their coast [1366] on the south, [5045] and the house [1004] of Joseph [3130] shall abide [5975] in their coasts [1366] on the north. [6828]


 Vous tracerez donc le plan du pays, en sept parts, et vous me l'apporterez ici, et je jetterai le sort pour vous, ici devant YEHOVAH notre Dieu.

 Ye shall therefore describe [3789] the land [0776] [into] seven [7651] parts, [2506] and bring [0935] [the description] hither to me, that I may cast [3384] lots [1486] for you here before [6440] the LORD [3068] our God. [0430]


 Car les Lévites n'ont point de part au milieu de vous, parce que le sacerdoce de YEHOVAH est leur héritage; et Gad, Ruben et la demi-tribu de Manassé ont reçu, au delà du Jourdain, à l'orient, l'héritage que Moïse, serviteur de YEHOVAH, leur a donné.

 But the Levites [3881] have no part [2506] among [7130] you; for the priesthood [3550] of the LORD [3068] [is] their inheritance: [5159] and Gad, [1410] and Reuben, [7205] and half [2677] the tribe [7626] of Manasseh, [4519] have received [3947] their inheritance [5159] beyond [5676] Jordan [3383] on the east, [4217] which Moses [4872] the servant [5650] of the LORD [3068] gave [5414] them.


 Ces hommes se levèrent donc et partirent; et Josué commanda à ceux qui partaient, de tracer le plan du pays, en disant: Allez, parcourez le pays et tracez-en le plan; puis revenez auprès de moi, et je jetterai ici le sort pour vous devant YEHOVAH, à Silo.

 And the men [0582] arose, [6965] and went away: [3212] and Joshua [3091] charged [6680] them that went [1980] to describe [3789] the land, [0776] saying, [0559] Go [3212] and walk [1980] through the land, [0776] and describe [3789] it, and come again [7725] to me, that I may here cast [7993] lots [1486] for you before [6440] the LORD [3068] in Shiloh. [7887]


 Ces hommes s'en allèrent donc, parcoururent le pays, et en tracèrent le plan dans un livre, selon les villes, en sept parts, et ils revinrent vers Josué, au camp de Silo.

 And the men [0582] went [3212] and passed through [5674] the land, [0776] and described [3789] it by cities [5892] into seven [7651] parts [2506] in a book, [5612] and came [0935] [again] to Joshua [3091] to the host [4264] at Shiloh. [7887]


 Alors Josué jeta le sort pour eux à Silo, devant YEHOVAH; et Josué partagea là le pays aux enfants d'Israël, selon leurs divisions.

 And Joshua [3091] cast [7993] lots [1486] for them in Shiloh [7887] before [6440] the LORD: [3068] and there Joshua [3091] divided [2505] the land [0776] unto the children [1121] of Israel [3478] according to their divisions. [4256]


 Et le sort tomba sur la tribu des enfants de Benjamin, selon leurs familles; et le territoire que leur assigna le sort, leur échut entre les enfants de Juda et les enfants de Joseph.

 And the lot [1486] of the tribe [4294] of the children [1121] of Benjamin [1144] came up [5927] according to their families: [4940] and the coast [1366] of their lot [1486] came forth [3318] between the children [1121] of Judah [3063] and the children [1121] of Joseph. [3130]


 Leur frontière pour la région du nord, partait du Jourdain; elle montait derrière Jérico, au nord, puis montait dans la montagne, vers l'occident, et aboutissait au désert de Beth-Aven;

 And their border [1366] on the north [6828] side [6285] was from Jordan; [3383] and the border [1366] went up [5927] to the side [3802] of Jericho [3405] on the north [6828] side, and went up [5927] through the mountains [2022] westward; [3220] and the goings out [8444] thereof were at the wilderness [4057] of Bethaven. [1007]


 De là la frontière passait vers Luz, derrière Luz, qui est Béthel, au midi; puis la frontière descendait à Ataroth-Addar, près de la montagne qui est au midi de Beth-Horon la basse.

 And the border [1366] went over [5674] from thence toward Luz, [3870] to the side [3802] of Luz, [3870] which [is] Bethel, [1008] southward; [5045] and the border [1366] descended [3381] to Atarothadar, [5853] near the hill [2022] that [lieth] on the south side [5045] of the nether [8481] Bethhoron. [1032]


 Puis la frontière s'étendait et tournait, pour la région occidentale, vers le midi, depuis la montagne qui est en face de Beth-Horon, vers le midi; et elle aboutissait à Kirjath-Baal, qui est Kirjath-Jéarim, ville des enfants de Juda. Telle était la région occidentale.

 And the border [1366] was drawn [8388] [thence], and compassed [5437] the corner [6285] of the sea [3220] southward, [5045] from the hill [2022] that [lieth] before [6440] Bethhoron [1032] southward; [5045] and the goings out [8444] thereof were at Kirjathbaal, [7154] which [is] Kirjathjearim, [7157] a city [5892] of the children [1121] of Judah: [3063] this [was] the west [3220] quarter. [6285]


 Et la région du midi partait de l'extrémité de Kirjath-Jéarim; et la frontière sortait vers l'occident, puis se dirigeait vers la source des eaux de Nephthoach.

 And the south [5045] quarter [6285] [was] from the end [7097] of Kirjathjearim, [7157] and the border [1366] went out [3318] on the west, [3220] and went out [3318] to the well [4599] of waters [4325] of Nephtoah: [5318]


 Puis la frontière descendait à l'extrémité de la montagne qui est en face de la vallée du fils de Hinnom, dans la vallée des Rephaïm, au nord; elle descendait par la vallée de Hinnom, derrière le Jébusien, vers le midi; puis descendait à En-Roguel.

 And the border [1366] came down [3381] to the end [7097] of the mountain [2022] that [lieth] before [6440] the valley [1516] of the son [1121] of Hinnom, [2011] [and] which [is] in the valley [6010] of the giants [7497] on the north, [6828] and descended [3381] to the valley [1516] of Hinnom, [2011] to the side [3802] of Jebusi [2983] on the south, [5045] and descended [3381] to Enrogel, [5883]


 Ensuite elle s'étendait du côté du nord, et sortait à En-Shémesh; puis elle sortait vers Gueliloth, qui est vis-à-vis de la montée d'Adummim, et descendait à la pierre de Bohan, fils de Ruben;

 And was drawn [8388] from the north, [6828] and went forth [3318] to Enshemesh, [5885] and went forth [3318] toward Geliloth, [1553] which [is] over against [5227] the going up [4608] of Adummim, [0131] and descended [3381] to the stone [0068] of Bohan [0932] the son [1121] of Reuben, [7205]


 Puis elle passait vers le côté septentrional, en face d'Araba, et descendait à Araba.

 And passed along [5674] toward the side [3802] over against [4136] Arabah [6160] northward, [6828] and went down [3381] unto Arabah: [6160]


 Puis la frontière passait derrière Beth-Hogla, vers le nord, et aboutissait au bras de la mer Salée, vers le nord, à l'extrémité méridionale du Jourdain. Telle était la frontière du midi.

 And the border [1366] passed along [5674] to the side [3802] of Bethhoglah [1031] northward: [6828] and the outgoings [8444] of the border [1366] were at the north [6828] bay [3956] of the salt [4417] sea [3220] at the south [5045] end [7097] of Jordan: [3383] this [was] the south [5045] coast. [1366]


 Et le Jourdain la bornait du côté de l'orient. Tel fut l'héritage des enfants de Benjamin, d'après ses frontières tout autour, selon leurs familles.

 And Jordan [3383] was the border [1379] of it on the east [6924] side. [6285] This [was] the inheritance [5159] of the children [1121] of Benjamin, [1144] by the coasts [1367] thereof round about, [5439] according to their families. [4940]


 Or, les villes de la tribu des enfants de Benjamin, selon leurs familles, étaient: Jérico, Beth-Hogla, Émek-Ketsits,

 Now the cities [5892] of the tribe [4294] of the children [1121] of Benjamin [1144] according to their families [4940] were Jericho, [3405] and Bethhoglah, [1031] and the valley [6010] of Keziz, [7104]


 Beth-Araba, Tsémaraïm, Béthel,

 And Betharabah, [1026] and Zemaraim, [6787] and Bethel, [1008]


 Avvim, Para, Ophra,

 And Avim, [5761] and Parah, [6511] and Ophrah, [6084]


 Képhar-Ammonaï, Ophni et Guéba: douze villes, et leurs villages;

 And Chepharhaammonai, [3726] and Ophni, [6078] and Gaba; [1387] twelve [8147] [6240] cities [5892] with their villages: [2691]


 Gabaon, Rama, Béeroth,

 Gibeon, [1391] and Ramah, [7414] and Beeroth, [0881]


 Mitspé, Képhira, Motsa,

 And Mizpeh, [4708] and Chephirah, [3716] and Mozah, [4681]


 Rékem, Jirpéel, Tharéala,

 And Rekem, [7552] and Irpeel, [3416] and Taralah, [8634]


 Tséla, Éleph, Jébusi, qui est Jérusalem, Guibéath, Kirjath: quatorze villes et leurs villages. Tel fut l'héritage des enfants de Benjamin, selon leurs familles.

 And Zelah, [6762] Eleph, [0507] and Jebusi, [2983] which [is] Jerusalem, [3389] Gibeath, [1390] [1394] [and] Kirjath; [7157] fourteen [0702] [6240] cities [5892] with their villages. [2691] This [is] the inheritance [5159] of the children [1121] of Benjamin [1144] according to their families. [4940]


 Le second sort échut à Siméon, pour la tribu des enfants de Siméon, selon leurs familles; et leur héritage fut au milieu de l'héritage des enfants de Juda.

 And the second [8145] lot [1486] came forth [3318] to Simeon, [8095] [even] for the tribe [4294] of the children [1121] of Simeon [8095] according to their families: [4940] and their inheritance [5159] was within [8432] the inheritance [5159] of the children [1121] of Judah. [3063]


 Et ils eurent dans leur héritage Béer-Shéba, Shéba, Molada,

 And they had in their inheritance [5159] Beersheba, [0884] or Sheba, [7652] and Moladah, [4137]


 Hatsar-Shual, Bala, Atsem,

 And Hazarshual, [2705] and Balah, [1088] and Azem, [6107]


 Eltholad, Bethul, Horma,

 And Eltolad, [0513] and Bethul, [1329] and Hormah, [2767]


 Tsiklag, Beth-Marcaboth, Hatsar-Susa,

 And Ziklag, [6860] and Bethmarcaboth, [1024] and Hazarsusah, [2701]


 Beth-Lebaoth, et Shearuchen: treize villes et leurs villages;

 And Bethlebaoth, [1034] and Sharuhen; [8287] thirteen [7969] [6240] cities [5892] and their villages: [2691]


 Aïn, Rimmon, Éther, et Ashan: quatre villes et leurs villages;

 Ain, [5871] Remmon, [7417] and Ether, [6281] and Ashan; [6228] four [0702] cities [5892] and their villages: [2691]


 Et tous les villages qui sont autour de ces villes, jusqu'à Baalath-Béer, qui est Rama la méridionale. Tel fut l'héritage de la tribu des enfants de Siméon, selon leurs familles.

 And all the villages [2691] that [were] round about [5439] these cities [5892] to Baalathbeer, [1192] Ramath [7414] of the south. [5045] This [is] the inheritance [5159] of the tribe [4294] of the children [1121] of Simeon [8095] according to their families. [4940]


 L'héritage des enfants de Siméon fut pris du lot des enfants de Juda; car la part des enfants de Juda était trop grande pour eux; et les enfants de Siméon eurent leur héritage au milieu de celui de Juda.

 Out of the portion [2256] of the children [1121] of Judah [3063] [was] the inheritance [5159] of the children [1121] of Simeon: [8095] for the part [2506] of the children [1121] of Judah [3063] was too much [7227] for them: therefore the children [1121] of Simeon [8095] had their inheritance [5157] within [8432] the inheritance [5159] of them.


 Le troisième sort échut aux enfants de Zabulon, selon leurs familles; et la frontière de leur héritage fut jusqu'à Sarid.

 And the third [7992] lot [1486] came up [5927] for the children [1121] of Zebulun [2074] according to their families: [4940] and the border [1366] of their inheritance [5159] was unto Sarid: [8301]


 Or, leur frontière montait à l'occident vers Maréala, et touchait à Dabbesheth, puis au torrent qui est en face de Joknéam.

 And their border [1366] went up [5927] toward the sea, [3220] and Maralah, [4831] and reached [6293] to Dabbasheth, [1708] and reached [6293] to the river [5158] that [is] before [6440] Jokneam; [3362]


 De Sarid elle tournait à l'orient, vers le soleil levant, sur les confins de Kisloth-Thabor; puis elle sortait vers Dabrath, et montait à Japhia;

 And turned [7725] from Sarid [8301] eastward [6924] toward the sunrising [4217] [8121] unto the border [1366] of Chislothtabor, [3696] and then goeth out [3318] to Daberath, [1705] and goeth up [5927] to Japhia, [3309]


 De là elle passait vers l'orient, au levant, à Gath-Hépher, à Eth-Katsin; et elle sortait à Rimmon, se prolongeant vers Néa.

 And from thence passeth on along [5674] on the east [4217] [6924] to Gittahhepher, [1661] [2660][1662] to Ittahkazin, [6278] and goeth out [3318] to Remmonmethoar [7417] [8388] to Neah; [5269]


 Puis la frontière en faisait le tour au nord vers Hannathon, et aboutissait à la vallée de Jiphthach-El;

 And the border [1366] compasseth [5437] it on the north [6828] side to Hannathon: [2615] and the outgoings [8444] thereof are in the valley [1516] of Jiphthahel: [3317]


 Avec Kattath, Nahalal, Shimron, Jidéala, et Bethléhem: douze villes et leurs villages.

 And Kattath, [7005] and Nahallal, [5096] and Shimron, [8110] and Idalah, [3030] and Bethlehem: [1035] twelve [8147] [6240] cities [5892] with their villages. [2691]


 Tel fut l'héritage des enfants de Zabulon, selon leurs familles, ces villes-là et leurs villages.

 This [is] the inheritance [5159] of the children [1121] of Zebulun [2074] according to their families, [4940] these cities [5892] with their villages. [2691]


 Le quatrième sort échut à Issacar, pour les enfants d'Issacar, selon leurs familles.

 [And] the fourth [7243] lot [1486] came out [3318] to Issachar, [3485] for the children [1121] of Issachar [3485] according to their families. [4940]


 Et leur frontière fut Jizréel, Kesulloth, Sunem,

 And their border [1366] was toward Jezreel, [3157] and Chesulloth, [3694] and Shunem, [7766]


 Hapharaïm, Shion, Anacharath,

 And Hapharaim, [2663] and Shion, [7866] and Anaharath, [0588]


 Rabbith, Kishjon, Abets,

 And Rabbith, [7245] and Kishion, [7191] and Abez, [0077]


 Rémeth, En-Gannim, En-Hadda, et Beth-Patsets.

 And Remeth, [7432] and Engannim, [5873] and Enhaddah, [5876] and Bethpazzez; [1048]


 Et la frontière touchait à Thabor, à Shachatsima, et à Beth-Shémesh; et leur frontière aboutissait au Jourdain: seize villes et leurs villages.

 And the coast [1366] reacheth [6293] to Tabor, [8396] and Shahazimah, [7831] and Bethshemesh; [1053] and the outgoings [8444] of their border [1366] were at Jordan: [3383] sixteen [8337] [6240] cities [5892] with their villages. [2691]


 Tel fut l'héritage de la tribu des enfants d'Issacar, selon leurs familles, ces villes-là et leurs villages.

 This [is] the inheritance [5159] of the tribe [4294] of the children [1121] of Issachar [3485] according to their families, [4940] the cities [5892] and their villages. [2691]


 Le cinquième sort échut à la tribu des enfants d'Asser, selon leurs familles.

 And the fifth [2549] lot [1486] came out [3318] for the tribe [4294] of the children [1121] of Asher [0836] according to their families. [4940]


 Et leur frontière fut Helkath, Hali, Béten, Acshaph,

 And their border [1366] was Helkath, [2520] and Hali, [2482] and Beten, [0991] and Achshaph, [0407]


 Allammélec, Améad, et Mishéal. Elle touchait vers l'occident au Carmel, et au torrent de Libnath;

 And Alammelech, [0487] and Amad, [6008] and Misheal; [4861] and reacheth [6293] to Carmel [3760] westward, [3220] and to Shihorlibnath; [7884]


 Puis elle tournait au soleil levant vers Beth-Dagon, touchait à Zabulon, et à la vallée de Jiphthach-El au nord de Beth-Émek et de Neïel; puis elle sortait vers Cabul, à gauche;

 And turneth [7725] toward the sunrising [4217] [8121] to Bethdagon, [1016] and reacheth [6293] to Zebulun, [2074] and to the valley [1516] of Jiphthahel [3317] toward the north [6828] side of Bethemek, [1025] and Neiel, [5272] and goeth out [3318] to Cabul [3521] on the left hand, [8040]


 Et vers Ébron, Réhob, Hammon, et Kana, jusqu'à Sidon la grande.

 And Hebron, [5683] and Rehob, [7340] and Hammon, [2540] and Kanah, [7071] [even] unto great [7227] Zidon; [6721]


 La frontière tournait ensuite vers Rama jusqu'à la ville forte de Tyr; puis la frontière tournait vers Hosa, et aboutissait à la mer, à partir du district d'Aczib;

 And [then] the coast [1366] turneth [7725] to Ramah, [7414] and to the strong [4013] city [5892] Tyre; [6865] and the coast [1366] turneth [7725] to Hosah; [2621] and the outgoings [8444] thereof are at the sea [3220] from the coast [2256] to Achzib: [0392]


 Avec Umma, Aphek, et Réhob: vingt-deux villes et leurs villages.

 Ummah [5981] also, and Aphek, [0663] and Rehob: [7340] twenty [6242] and two [8147] cities [5892] with their villages. [2691]


 Tel fut l'héritage de la tribu des enfants d'Asser, selon leurs familles, ces villes-là et leurs villages.

 This [is] the inheritance [5159] of the tribe [4294] of the children [1121] of Asher [0836] according to their families, [4940] these cities [5892] with their villages. [2691]


 Le sixième sort échut aux enfants de Nephthali, aux enfants de Nephthali selon leurs familles.

 The sixth [8345] lot [1486] came out [3318] to the children [1121] of Naphtali, [5321] [even] for the children [1121] of Naphtali [5321] according to their families. [4940]


 Et leur frontière fut depuis Héleph, depuis le Chêne à Tsaanannim, Adami-Nékeb et Jabnéel, jusqu'à Lakkum; et elle aboutissait au Jourdain.

 And their coast [1366] was from Heleph, [2501] from Allon [0438] to Zaanannim, [6815] and Adami, [0129] Nekeb, [5346] and Jabneel, [2995] unto Lakum; [3946] and the outgoings [8444] thereof were at Jordan: [3383]


 Puis la frontière tournait vers l'occident, à Aznoth-Thabor, sortait de là vers Hukkok. Du côté du midi elle touchait à Zabulon, et du côté de l'occident elle touchait à Asser et à Juda; le Jourdain était au soleil levant.

 And [then] the coast [1366] turneth [7725] westward [3220] to Aznothtabor, [0243] and goeth out [3318] from thence to Hukkok, [2712] and reacheth [6293] to Zebulun [2074] on the south side, [5045] and reacheth [6293] to Asher [0836] on the west side, [3220] and to Judah [3063] upon Jordan [3383] toward the sunrising. [4217] [8121]


 Et les villes fortes étaient Tsiddim, Tser, Hammath, Rakkath, Kinnéreth,

 And the fenced [4013] cities [5892] [are] Ziddim, [6661] Zer, [6863] and Hammath, [2575] Rakkath, [7557] and Chinnereth, [3672]


 Adama, Rama, Hatsor,

 And Adamah, [0128] and Ramah, [7414] and Hazor, [2674]


 Kédès, Édréï, En-Hatsor,

 And Kedesh, [6943] and Edrei, [0154] and Enhazor, [5877]


 Jiréon, Migdal-El, Horem, Beth-Anath, et Beth-Shémesh: dix-neuf villes et leurs villages.

 And Iron, [3375] and Migdalel, [4027] Horem, [2765] and Bethanath, [1043] and Bethshemesh; [1053] nineteen [8672] [6240] cities [5892] with their villages. [2691]


 Tel fut l'héritage de la tribu des enfants de Nephthali, selon leurs familles, ces villes-là et leurs villages.

 This [is] the inheritance [5159] of the tribe [4294] of the children [1121] of Naphtali [5321] according to their families, [4940] the cities [5892] and their villages. [2691]


 Le septième sort échut à la tribu des enfants de Dan, selon leurs familles.

 [And] the seventh [7637] lot [1486] came out [3318] for the tribe [4294] of the children [1121] of Dan [1835] according to their families. [4940]


 Et la contrée de leur héritage fut Tsoréa, Eshthaol, Ir-Shémesh,

 And the coast [1366] of their inheritance [5159] was Zorah, [6881] and Eshtaol, [0847] and Irshemesh, [5905]


 Shaalabbin, Ajalon, Jithla,

 And Shaalabbin, [8169] and Ajalon, [0357] and Jethlah, [3494]


 Élon, Thimnatha, Ékron,

 And Elon, [0356] and Thimnathah, [8553] and Ekron, [6138]


 Eltheké, Guibbethon, Baalath,

 And Eltekeh, [0514] and Gibbethon, [1405] and Baalath, [1191]


 Jéhud, Bené-Bérak, Gath-Rimmon,

 And Jehud, [3055] and Beneberak, [1139] and Gathrimmon, [1667]


 Mé-Jarkon et Rakkon, avec le territoire vis-à-vis de Japho.

 And Mejarkon, [4313] and Rakkon, [7542] with the border [1366] before [4136] Japho. [3305]


 Or, le territoire des enfants de Dan s'étendit hors de chez eux; les enfants de Dan montèrent et combattirent contre Léshem, la prirent, et la firent passer au fil de l'épée; ils en prirent possession, et y habitèrent, et appelèrent Léshem, Dan, du nom de Dan, leur père.

 And the coast [1366] of the children [1121] of Dan [1835] went out [3318] [too little] for them: therefore the children [1121] of Dan [1835] went up [5927] to fight [3898] against Leshem, [3959] and took [3920] it, and smote [5221] it with the edge [6310] of the sword, [2719] and possessed [3423] it, and dwelt [3427] therein, and called [7121] Leshem, [3959] Dan, [1835] after the name [8034] of Dan [1835] their father. [0001]


 Tel fut l'héritage de la tribu des enfants de Dan, selon leurs familles, ces villes-là et leurs villages.

 This [is] the inheritance [5159] of the tribe [4294] of the children [1121] of Dan [1835] according to their families, [4940] these cities [5892] with their villages. [2691]


 Quand on eut achevé de partager le pays selon ses limites, les enfants d'Israël donnèrent au milieu d'eux un héritage à Josué, fils de Nun.

 When they had made an end [3615] of dividing the land [0776] for inheritance [5157] by their coasts, [1367] the children [1121] of Israel [3478] gave [5414] an inheritance [5159] to Joshua [3091] the son [1121] of Nun [5126] among [8432] them:


 Selon l'ordre de YEHOVAH, ils lui donnèrent la ville qu'il demanda: Thimnath-Sérach, dans la montagne d'Éphraïm. Il bâtit la ville et y habita.

 According to the word [6310] of the LORD [3068] they gave [5414] him the city [5892] which he asked, [7592] [even] Timnathserah [8556] in mount [2022] Ephraim: [0669] and he built [1129] the city, [5892] and dwelt [3427] therein.


 Tels sont les héritages qu'Éléazar le sacrificateur, Josué, fils de Nun, et les chefs des familles des tribus des enfants d'Israël distribuèrent par le sort à Silo, devant YEHOVAH, à l'entrée du tabernacle d'assignation. C'est ainsi qu'ils achevèrent le partage du pays.

 These [are] the inheritances, [5159] which Eleazar [0499] the priest, [3548] and Joshua [3091] the son [1121] of Nun, [5126] and the heads [7218] of the fathers [0001] of the tribes [4294] of the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] divided for an inheritance [5157] by lot [1486] in Shiloh [7887] before [6440] the LORD, [3068] at the door [6607] of the tabernacle [0168] of the congregation. [4150] So they made an end [3615] of dividing [2505] the country. [0776]


 Or YEHOVAH parla à Josué, en disant:

 The LORD [3068] also spake [1696] unto Joshua, [3091] saying, [0559]


 Parle aux enfants d'Israël, et dis-leur: Établissez-vous les villes de refuge dont je vous ai parlé par l'organe de Moïse;

 Speak [1696] to the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] saying, [0559] Appoint [5414] out for you cities [5892] of refuge, [4733] whereof I spake [1696] unto you by the hand [3027] of Moses: [4872]


 Afin que le meurtrier qui aura tué quelqu'un par mégarde, sans intention, puisse s'y enfuir; elles vous serviront de refuge contre le vengeur du sang.

 That the slayer [7523] that killeth [5221] [any] person [5315] unawares [7684] [and] unwittingly [1847] may flee [5127] thither: and they shall be your refuge [4733] from the avenger [1350] of blood. [1818]


 Et le meurtrier s'enfuira vers l'une de ces villes; il s'arrêtera à l'entrée de la porte de la ville, et il dira ses raisons aux anciens de cette ville; et ils le recueilleront chez eux dans la ville, et lui donneront un lieu, afin qu'il habite avec eux.

 And when he that doth flee [5127] unto one [0259] of those cities [5892] shall stand [5975] at the entering [6607] of the gate [8179] of the city, [5892] and shall declare [1696] his cause [1697] in the ears [0241] of the elders [2205] of that city, [5892] they shall take [0622] him into the city [5892] unto them, and give [5414] him a place, [4725] that he may dwell [3427] among them.


 Et si le vengeur du sang le poursuit, ils ne livreront point le meurtrier entre ses mains, car il a tué son prochain sans intention et ne le haïssait point auparavant.

 And if the avenger [1350] of blood [1818] pursue [7291] after [0310] him, then they shall not deliver [5462] the slayer [7523] up into his hand; [3027] because he smote [5221] his neighbour [7453] unwittingly, [1097] [1847] and hated [8130] him not beforetime. [8543] [8032]


 Mais il demeurera dans cette ville jusqu'à ce qu'il comparaisse en jugement devant l'assemblée, jusqu'à la mort du souverain sacrificateur qui sera en ce temps-là. Alors le meurtrier s'en retournera, et viendra dans sa ville et dans sa maison, dans la ville d'où il se sera enfui.

 And he shall dwell [3427] in that city, [5892] until he stand [5975] before [6440] the congregation [5712] for judgment, [4941] [and] until the death [4194] of the high [1419] priest [3548] that shall be in those days: [3117] then shall the slayer [7523] return, [7725] and come [0935] unto his own city, [5892] and unto his own house, [1004] unto the city [5892] from whence [0834] he fled. [5127]


 Ils consacrèrent donc Kédès en Galilée, dans la montagne de Nephthali; Sichem, dans la montagne d'Éphraïm; et Kirjath-Arba, qui est Hébron, dans la montagne de Juda.

 And they appointed [6942] Kedesh [6943] in Galilee [1551] in mount [2022] Naphtali, [5321] and Shechem [7927] in mount [2022] Ephraim, [0669] and Kirjatharba, [7153] which [is] Hebron, [2275] in the mountain [2022] of Judah. [3063]


 Et au delà du Jourdain de Jérico, au levant, ils établirent, dans la tribu de Ruben, Betser au désert, dans la plaine; Ramoth en Galaad, dans la tribu de Gad; et Golan en Bassan, dans la tribu de Manassé.

 And on the other side [5676] Jordan [3383] by Jericho [3405] eastward, [4217] they assigned [5414] Bezer [1221] in the wilderness [4057] upon the plain [4334] out of the tribe [4294] of Reuben, [7205] and Ramoth [7216] in Gilead [1568] out of the tribe [4294] of Gad, [1410] and Golan [1474] in Bashan [1316] out of the tribe [4294] of Manasseh. [4519]


 Telles furent les villes assignées à tous les enfants d'Israël et à l'étranger séjournant parmi eux, afin que quiconque aurait tué quelqu'un par mégarde pût s'y enfuir, et ne mourût point par la main du vengeur du sang, jusqu'à ce qu'il comparût devant l'assemblée.

 These were the cities [5892] appointed [4152] for all the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] and for the stranger [1616] that sojourneth [1481] among [8432] them, that whosoever killeth [5221] [any] person [5315] at unawares [7684] might flee [5127] thither, and not die [4191] by the hand [3027] of the avenger [1350] of blood, [1818] until he stood [5975] before [6440] the congregation. [5712]


 Or, les chefs de famille des Lévites s'approchèrent d'Éléazar, le sacrificateur, et de Josué, fils de Nun, et des chefs de famille des tribus des enfants d'Israël;

 Then came near [5066] the heads [7218] of the fathers [0001] of the Levites [3881] unto Eleazar [0499] the priest, [3548] and unto Joshua [3091] the son [1121] of Nun, [5126] and unto the heads [7218] of the fathers [0001] of the tribes [4294] of the children [1121] of Israel; [3478]


 Et ils leur parlèrent à Silo, dans le pays de Canaan, et leur dirent: YEHOVAH a commandé par l'organe de Moïse qu'on nous donnât des villes pour y habiter, et leurs banlieues pour notre bétail.

 And they spake [1696] unto them at Shiloh [7887] in the land [0776] of Canaan, [3667] saying, [0559] The LORD [3068] commanded [6680] by the hand [3027] of Moses [4872] to give [5414] us cities [5892] to dwell in, [3427] with the suburbs [4054] thereof for our cattle. [0929]


 Et les enfants d'Israël donnèrent de leur héritage aux Lévites, selon le commandement de YEHOVAH, ces villes-ci avec leurs banlieues.

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] gave [5414] unto the Levites [3881] out of their inheritance, [5159] at the commandment [6310] of the LORD, [3068] these cities [5892] and their suburbs. [4054]


 Le sort échut aux familles des Kéhathites; et les enfants d'Aaron, le sacrificateur, d'entre les Lévites, obtinrent par le sort treize villes, de la tribu de Juda, de la tribu de Siméon et de la tribu de Benjamin.

 And the lot [1486] came out [3318] for the families [4940] of the Kohathites: [6956] and the children [1121] of Aaron [0175] the priest, [3548] [which were] of the Levites, [3881] had by lot [1486] out of the tribe [4294] of Judah, [3063] and out of the tribe [4294] of Simeon, [8099] and out of the tribe [4294] of Benjamin, [1144] thirteen [7969] [6240] cities. [5892]


 Et les autres enfants de Kéhath obtinrent par le sort dix villes des familles de la tribu d'Éphraïm, de la tribu de Dan, et de la demi-tribu de Manassé.

 And the rest [3498] of the children [1121] of Kohath [6955] [had] by lot [1486] out of the families [4940] of the tribe [4294] of Ephraim, [0669] and out of the tribe [4294] of Dan, [1835] and out of the half [2677] tribe [4294] of Manasseh, [4519] ten [6235] cities. [5892]


 Puis les enfants de Guershon obtinrent par le sort treize villes, des familles de la tribu d'Issacar, de la tribu d'Asser, de la tribu de Nephthali, et de la demi-tribu de Manassé, en Bassan.

 And the children [1121] of Gershon [1648] [had] by lot [1486] out of the families [4940] of the tribe [4294] of Issachar, [3485] and out of the tribe [4294] of Asher, [0836] and out of the tribe [4294] of Naphtali, [5321] and out of the half [2677] tribe [4294] of Manasseh [4519] in Bashan, [1316] thirteen [7969] [6240] cities. [5892]


 Les enfants de Mérari, selon leurs familles, eurent douze villes, de la tribu de Ruben, de la tribu de Gad, de la tribu de Zabulon.

 The children [1121] of Merari [4847] by their families [4940] [had] out of the tribe [4294] of Reuben, [7205] and out of the tribe [4294] of Gad, [1410] and out of the tribe [4294] of Zebulun, [2074] twelve [8147] [6240] cities. [5892]


 Et les enfants d'Israël donnèrent aux Lévites, par le sort, ces villes-ci avec leurs banlieues, comme YEHOVAH l'avait commandé par l'organe de Moïse.

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] gave [5414] by lot [1486] unto the Levites [3881] these cities [5892] with their suburbs, [4054] as the LORD [3068] commanded [6680] by the hand [3027] of Moses. [4872]


 Ils donnèrent donc de la tribu des enfants de Juda, et de la tribu des enfants de Siméon, ces villes, qu'on nommera par leur nom.

 And they gave [5414] out of the tribe [4294] of the children [1121] of Judah, [3063] and out of the tribe [4294] of the children [1121] of Simeon, [8095] these cities [5892] which are [here] mentioned [7121] by name, [8034]


 Elles furent pour les enfants d'Aaron, des familles des Kéhathites, des enfants de Lévi (car le premier sort fut pour eux);

 Which the children [1121] of Aaron, [0175] [being] of the families [4940] of the Kohathites, [6956] [who were] of the children [1121] of Levi, [3878] had: for theirs was the first [7223] [7223] lot. [1486]


 Et on leur donna la cité d'Arba, père d'Anak (c'est Hébron), dans la montagne de Juda, et sa banlieue tout autour.

 And they gave [5414] them the city of Arba [7151][0704][7153] the father [0001] of Anak, [6061] which [city is] Hebron, [2275] in the hill [2022] [country] of Judah, [3063] with the suburbs [4054] thereof round about [5439] it.


 Mais quant au territoire de la ville, et à ses villages, on les donna à Caleb, fils de Jephunné, pour sa propriété.

 But the fields [7704] of the city, [5892] and the villages [2691] thereof, gave [5414] they to Caleb [3612] the son [1121] of Jephunneh [3312] for his possession. [0272]


 On donna donc aux enfants d'Aaron, le sacrificateur, la ville de refuge pour le meurtrier, Hébron avec sa banlieue, Libna et sa banlieue,

 Thus they gave [5414] to the children [1121] of Aaron [0175] the priest [3548] Hebron [2275] with her suburbs, [4054] [to be] a city [5892] of refuge [4733] for the slayer; [7523] and Libnah [3841] with her suburbs, [4054]


 Jatthir et sa banlieue, Eshthémoa et sa banlieue,

 And Jattir [3492] with her suburbs, [4054] and Eshtemoa [0851] with her suburbs, [4054]


 Holon et sa banlieue, Débir et sa banlieue,

 And Holon [2473] with her suburbs, [4054] and Debir [1688] with her suburbs, [4054]


 Aïn et sa banlieue, Jutta et sa banlieue, et Beth-Shémèsh et sa banlieue, neuf villes de ces deux tribus.

 And Ain [5871] with her suburbs, [4054] and Juttah [3194] with her suburbs, [4054] [and] Bethshemesh [1053] with her suburbs; [4054] nine [8672] cities [5892] out of those two [8147] tribes. [7626]


 Et de la tribu de Benjamin, Gabaon et sa banlieue, Guéba et sa banlieue,

 And out of the tribe [4294] of Benjamin, [1144] Gibeon [1391] with her suburbs, [4054] Geba [1387] with her suburbs, [4054]


 Anathoth et sa banlieue, et Almon et sa banlieue, quatre villes.

 Anathoth [6068] with her suburbs, [4054] and Almon [5960] with her suburbs; [4054] four [0702] cities. [5892]


 Total des villes des sacrificateurs enfants d'Aaron: treize villes et leurs banlieues.

 All the cities [5892] of the children [1121] of Aaron, [0175] the priests, [3548] [were] thirteen [7969] [6240] cities [5892] with their suburbs. [4054]


 Quant aux familles des enfants de Kéhath, aux Lévites formant le reste des enfants de Kéhath, les villes de leur lot furent de la tribu d'Éphraïm.

 And the families [4940] of the children [1121] of Kohath, [6955] the Levites [3881] which remained [3498] of the children [1121] of Kohath, [6955] even they had the cities [5892] of their lot [1486] out of the tribe [4294] of Ephraim. [0669]


 On leur donna la ville de refuge pour le meurtrier, Sichem et sa banlieue, dans la montagne d'Éphraïm, Guézer et sa banlieue,

 For they gave [5414] them Shechem [7927] with her suburbs [4054] in mount [2022] Ephraim, [0669] [to be] a city [5892] of refuge [4733] for the slayer; [7523] and Gezer [1507] with her suburbs, [4054]


 Kibtsaïm et sa banlieue, et Beth-Horon et sa banlieue, quatre villes.

 And Kibzaim [6911] with her suburbs, [4054] and Bethhoron [1032] with her suburbs; [4054] four [0702] cities. [5892]


 De la tribu de Dan, Eltheké et sa banlieue, Guibbéthon et sa banlieue,

 And out of the tribe [4294] of Dan, [1835] Eltekeh [0514] with her suburbs, [4054] Gibbethon [1405] with her suburbs, [4054]


 Ajalon et sa banlieue, Gath-Rimmon et sa banlieue, quatre villes.

 Aijalon [0357] with her suburbs, [4054] Gathrimmon [1667] with her suburbs; [4054] four [0702] cities. [5892]


 Et de la demi-tribu de Manassé, Thaanac et sa banlieue, Gath-Rimmon et sa banlieue, deux villes.

 And out of the half [4276] tribe [4294] of Manasseh, [4519] Tanach [8590] with her suburbs, [4054] and Gathrimmon [1667] with her suburbs; [4054] two [8147] cities. [5892]


 Total, dix villes et leurs banlieues, pour les familles des autres enfants de Kéhath.

 All the cities [5892] [were] ten [6235] with their suburbs [4054] for the families [4940] of the children [1121] of Kohath [6955] that remained. [3498]


 On donna aussi de la demi-tribu de Manassé, aux enfants de Guershon, d'entre les familles des Lévites, la ville de refuge pour le meurtrier, Golan en Bassan et sa banlieue, et Beeshthra et sa banlieue, deux villes;

 And unto the children [1121] of Gershon, [1648] of the families [4940] of the Levites, [3881] out of the [other] half [2677] tribe [4294] of Manasseh [4519] [they gave] Golan [1474] in Bashan [1316] with her suburbs, [4054] [to be] a city [5892] of refuge [4733] for the slayer; [7523] and Beeshterah [1203] with her suburbs; [4054] two [8147] cities. [5892]


 De la tribu d'Issacar, Kishjon et sa banlieue, Dabrath et sa banlieue,

 And out of the tribe [4294] of Issachar, [3485] Kishon [7191] with her suburbs, [4054] Dabareh [1705] with her suburbs, [4054]


 Jarmuth et sa banlieue, En-Gannim et sa banlieue, quatre villes;

 Jarmuth [3412] with her suburbs, [4054] Engannim [5873] with her suburbs; [4054] four [0702] cities. [5892]


 De la tribu d'Asser, Misheal et sa banlieue, Abdon et sa banlieue,

 And out of the tribe [4294] of Asher, [0836] Mishal [4861] with her suburbs, [4054] Abdon [5658] with her suburbs, [4054]


 Helkath et sa banlieue, et Réhob et sa banlieue, quatre villes;

 Helkath [2520] with her suburbs, [4054] and Rehob [7340] with her suburbs; [4054] four [0702] cities. [5892]


 Et de la tribu de Nephthali, la ville de refuge pour le meurtrier, Kédès en Galilée et sa banlieue, Hammoth-Dor et sa banlieue, et Karthan et sa banlieue, trois villes.

 And out of the tribe [4294] of Naphtali, [5321] Kedesh [6943] in Galilee [1551] with her suburbs, [4054] [to be] a city [5892] of refuge [4733] for the slayer; [7523] and Hammothdor [2576] with her suburbs, [4054] and Kartan [7178] with her suburbs; [4054] three [7969] cities. [5892]


 Total des villes des Guershonites, selon leurs familles: treize villes et leurs banlieues.

 All the cities [5892] of the Gershonites [1649] according to their families [4940] [were] thirteen [7969] [6240] cities [5892] with their suburbs. [4054]


 On donna de la tribu de Zabulon, aux familles des enfants de Mérari, formant le reste des Lévites, Joknéam et sa banlieue, Kartha et sa banlieue,

 And unto the families [4940] of the children [1121] of Merari, [4847] the rest [3498] of the Levites, [3881] out of the tribe [4294] of Zebulun, [2074] Jokneam [3362] with her suburbs, [4054] and Kartah [7177] with her suburbs, [4054]


 Dimna et sa banlieue, et Nahalal et sa banlieue, quatre villes;

 Dimnah [1829] with her suburbs, [4054] Nahalal [5096] with her suburbs; [4054] four [0702] cities. [5892]


 De la tribu de Ruben, Betser et sa banlieue, Jahtsa et sa banlieue,

 And out of the tribe of Reuben, [7205] Bezer [1221] with her suburbs, and Jahazah [3096] with her suburbs,


 Kedémoth et sa banlieue, et Méphaath et sa banlieue, quatre villes;

 Kedemoth [6932] with her suburbs, and Mephaath [4158] with her suburbs; four [0702] cities. [5892]


 Et de la tribu de Gad, la ville de refuge pour le meurtrier, Ramoth en Galaad et sa banlieue, Mahanaïm et sa banlieue,

 And out of the tribe [4294] of Gad, [1410] Ramoth [7433] in Gilead [1568] with her suburbs, [4054] [to be] a city [5892] of refuge [4733] for the slayer; [7523] and Mahanaim [4266] with her suburbs, [4054]


 Hesbon et sa banlieue, et Jaezer et sa banlieue, en tout quatre villes.

 Heshbon [2809] with her suburbs, [4054] Jazer [3270] with her suburbs; [4054] four [0702] cities [5892] in all.


 Total des villes données aux enfants de Mérari, selon leurs familles, qui étaient le reste des familles des Lévites: leur lot fut de douze villes.

 So all the cities [5892] for the children [1121] of Merari [4847] by their families, [4940] which were remaining [3498] of the families [4940] of the Levites, [3881] were [by] their lot [1486] twelve [8147] [6240] cities. [5892]


 Total des villes des Lévites au milieu des possessions des enfants d'Israël: quarante-huit villes et leurs banlieues.

 All the cities [5892] of the Levites [3881] within [8432] the possession [0272] of the children [1121] of Israel [3478] [were] forty [0705] and eight [8083] cities [5892] with their suburbs. [4054]


 Chacune de ces villes avait sa banlieue autour d'elle, il en était ainsi de toutes ces villes.

 These cities [5892] [5892] were every one with their suburbs [4054] round about [5439] them: thus [were] all these cities. [5892]


 YEHOVAH donna donc à Israël tout le pays qu'il avait juré de donner à leurs pères. Ils le possédèrent, et y habitèrent.

 And the LORD [3068] gave [5414] unto Israel [3478] all the land [0776] which he sware [7650] to give [5414] unto their fathers; [0001] and they possessed [3423] it, and dwelt [3427] therein.


 Et YEHOVAH leur donna du repos de tous côtés, selon tout ce qu'il avait juré à leurs pères; et il n'y eut aucun de tous leurs ennemis qui subsistât devant eux; YEHOVAH livra tous leurs ennemis entre leurs mains.

 And the LORD [3068] gave them rest [5117] round about, [5439] according to all that he sware [7650] unto their fathers: [0001] and there stood [5975] not a man [0376] of all their enemies [0341] before [6440] them; the LORD [3068] delivered [5414] all their enemies [0341] into their hand. [3027]


 Il ne tomba pas un seul mot de toutes les bonnes paroles que YEHOVAH avait dites à la maison d'Israël; toutes s'accomplirent.

 There failed [5307] not ought [1697] of any good [2896] thing [1697] which the LORD [3068] had spoken [1696] unto the house [1004] of Israel; [3478] all came to pass. [0935]


 Alors Josué appela les Rubénites, les Gadites, et la demi-tribu de Manassé,

 Then Joshua [3091] called [7121] the Reubenites, [7206] and the Gadites, [1425] and the half [2677] tribe [4294] of Manasseh, [4519]


 Et il leur dit: Vous avez observé tout ce que vous avait commandé Moïse, serviteur de YEHOVAH, et vous m'avez obéi en tout ce que je vous ai commandé.

 And said [0559] unto them, Ye have kept [8104] all that Moses [4872] the servant [5650] of the LORD [3068] commanded [6680] you, and have obeyed [8085] my voice [6963] in all that I commanded [6680] you:


 Vous n'avez pas abandonné vos frères, pendant ce longtemps, jusqu'à ce jour; et vous avez observé le commandement de YEHOVAH votre Dieu.

 Ye have not left [5800] your brethren [0251] these many [7227] days [3117] unto this day, [3117] but have kept [8104] the charge [4931] of the commandment [4687] of the LORD [3068] your God. [0430]


 Et maintenant YEHOVAH votre Dieu a donné du repos à vos frères, comme il le leur avait dit. Retournez donc maintenant, et allez-vous-en à vos tentes, au pays qui est votre propriété, que Moïse, serviteur de YEHOVAH, vous a donné au delà du Jourdain.

 And now the LORD [3068] your God [0430] hath given rest [5117] unto your brethren, [0251] as he promised [1696] them: therefore now return [6437] ye, and get [3212] you unto your tents, [0168] [and] unto the land [0776] of your possession, [0272] which Moses [4872] the servant [5650] of the LORD [3068] gave [5414] you on the other side [5676] Jordan. [3383]


 Seulement prenez bien garde de pratiquer le commandement et la loi que Moïse, serviteur de YEHOVAH, vous a prescrits: d'aimer YEHOVAH votre Dieu, de marcher dans toutes ses voies, de garder ses commandements, et de s'attacher à lui, et de le servir de tout votre cœur et de toute votre âme.

 But take diligent [3966] heed [8104] to do [6213] the commandment [4687] and the law, [8451] which Moses [4872] the servant [5650] of the LORD [3068] charged [6680] you, to love [0157] the LORD [3068] your God, [0430] and to walk [3212] in all his ways, [1870] and to keep [8104] his commandments, [4687] and to cleave [1692] unto him, and to serve [5647] him with all your heart [3824] and with all your soul. [5315]


 Et Josué les bénit et les renvoya; et ils s'en allèrent à leurs tentes.

 So Joshua [3091] blessed [1288] them, and sent them away: [7971] and they went [3212] unto their tents. [0168]


 Or, Moïse avait donné à une moitié de la tribu de Manassé un héritage en Bassan, et Josué donna à l'autre moitié un héritage avec leurs frères, de ce côté-ci du Jourdain, vers l'Occident. Au reste, quand Josué les renvoya vers leurs tentes, il les bénit et leur dit:

 Now to the [one] half [2677] of the tribe [7626] of Manasseh [4519] Moses [4872] had given [5414] [possession] in Bashan: [1316] but unto the [other] half [2677] thereof gave [5414] Joshua [3091] among [5973] their brethren [0251] on this side [5676] Jordan [3383] westward. [3220] And when Joshua [3091] sent them away [7971] also unto their tents, [0168] then he blessed [1288] them,


 Vous retournez à vos tentes avec de grandes richesses et avec un bétail fort nombreux; avec de l'or, de l'argent, de l'airain, du fer, des vêtements en grande abondance: partagez avec vos frères le butin de vos ennemis.

 And he spake [0559] unto them, saying, [0559] Return [7725] with much [7227] riches [5233] unto your tents, [0168] and with very [3966] much [7227] cattle, [4735] with silver, [3701] and with gold, [2091] and with brass, [5178] and with iron, [1270] and with very [3966] much [7235] raiment: [8008] divide [2505] the spoil [7998] of your enemies [0341] with your brethren. [0251]


 Les enfants de Ruben, les enfants de Gad, et la demi-tribu de Manassé retournèrent donc et s'en allèrent de Silo, qui est dans le pays de Canaan, d'avec les enfants d'Israël, pour aller au pays de Galaad, dans le pays de leur propriété, dont ils avaient été mis en possession selon le commandement de YEHOVAH par l'organe de Moïse.

 And the children [1121] of Reuben [7205] and the children [1121] of Gad [1410] and the half [2677] tribe [7626] of Manasseh [4519] returned, [7725] and departed [3212] from the children [1121] of Israel [3478] out of Shiloh, [7887] which [is] in the land [0776] of Canaan, [3667] to go [3212] unto the country [0776] of Gilead, [1568] to the land [0776] of their possession, [0272] whereof they were possessed, [0270] according to the word [6310] of the LORD [3068] by the hand


 Or ils vinrent aux districts du Jourdain qui sont dans le pays de Canaan; et les enfants de Ruben, les enfants de Gad et la demi-tribu de Manassé bâtirent là un autel, près du Jourdain, autel de grande apparence.

 And when they came [0935] unto the borders [1552] of Jordan, [3383] that [are] in the land [0776] of Canaan, [3667] the children [1121] of Reuben [7205] and the children [1121] of Gad [1410] and the half [2677] tribe [7626] of Manasseh [4519] built [1129] there an altar [4196] by Jordan, [3383] a great [1419] altar [4196] to see to. [4758]


 Et les enfants d'Israël apprirent qu'on disait: Voici, les enfants de Ruben, les enfants de Gad et la demi-tribu de Manassé ont bâti un autel, en face du pays de Canaan, dans les districts du Jourdain, du côté des enfants d'Israël.

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] heard [8085] say, [0559] Behold, the children [1121] of Reuben [7205] and the children [1121] of Gad [1410] and the half [2677] tribe [7626] of Manasseh [4519] have built [1129] an altar [4196] over against [4136] the land [0776] of Canaan, [3667] in the borders [1552] of Jordan, [3383] at the passage [5676] of the children [1121] of Israel. [3478]


 Les enfants d'Israël entendirent donc cela; et toute l'assemblée des enfants d'Israël s'assembla à Silo pour monter et leur faire la guerre.

 And when the children [1121] of Israel [3478] heard [8085] [of it], the whole congregation [5712] of the children [1121] of Israel [3478] gathered themselves together [6950] at Shiloh, [7887] to go up [5927] to war [6635] against them.


 Et les enfants d'Israël envoyèrent vers les enfants de Ruben, vers les enfants de Gad et vers la demi-tribu de Manassé, au pays de Galaad, Phinées, fils d'Éléazar, le sacrificateur;

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] sent [7971] unto the children [1121] of Reuben, [7205] and to the children [1121] of Gad, [1410] and to the half [2677] tribe [7626] of Manasseh, [4519] into the land [0776] of Gilead, [1568] Phinehas [6372] the son [1121] of Eleazar [0499] the priest, [3548]


 Et avec lui dix chefs, un chef par maison de pères pour chacune des tribus d'Israël; chacun d'eux était chef de maison de pères parmi les milliers d'Israël.

 And with him ten [6235] princes, [5387] of each chief [0001] house [1004] a prince [0259] [5387] [0259] [5387] throughout all the tribes [4294] of Israel; [3478] and each one [0376] [was] an head [7218] of the house [1004] of their fathers [0001] among the thousands [0505] of Israel. [3478]


 Ils vinrent donc vers les enfants de Ruben, vers les enfants de Gad et vers la demi-tribu de Manassé, au pays de Galaad; et il leur parlèrent, en disant:

 And they came [0935] unto the children [1121] of Reuben, [7205] and to the children [1121] of Gad, [1410] and to the half [2677] tribe [7626] of Manasseh, [4519] unto the land [0776] of Gilead, [1568] and they spake [1696] with them, saying, [0559]


 Ainsi a dit toute l'assemblée de YEHOVAH: Quel est ce forfait que vous avez commis contre le Dieu d'Israël? Pourquoi vous détourner aujourd'hui de YEHOVAH, en vous bâtissant un autel, pour vous révolter aujourd'hui contre YEHOVAH?

 Thus saith [0559] the whole congregation [5712] of the LORD, [3068] What trespass [4604] [is] this that ye have committed [4603] against the God [0430] of Israel, [3478] to turn away [7725] this day [3117] from following [0310] the LORD, [3068] in that ye have builded [1129] you an altar, [4196] that ye might rebel [4775] this day [3117] against the LORD? [3068]


 L'iniquité de Péor, dont nous ne sommes pas purifiés jusqu'à ce jour et qui attira la plaie sur l'assemblée de YEHOVAH, est-elle peu de chose pour nous,

 [Is] the iniquity [5771] of Peor [6465] too little [4592] for us, from which we are not cleansed [2891] until this day, [3117] although there was a plague [5063] in the congregation [5712] of the LORD, [3068]


 Que vous vous détourniez aujourd'hui de YEHOVAH? Vous vous révoltez aujourd'hui contre YEHOVAH, et demain il se courroucera contre toute l'assemblée d'Israël.

 But that ye must turn away [7725] this day [3117] from following [0310] the LORD? [3068] and it will be, [seeing] ye rebel [4775] to day [3117] against the LORD, [3068] that to morrow [4279] he will be wroth [7107] with the whole congregation [5712] of Israel. [3478]


 Toutefois, si la terre que vous possédez est souillée, passez dans la terre que YEHOVAH possède, où est établie la Demeure de YEHOVAH, et prenez possession parmi nous; mais ne vous révoltez point contre YEHOVAH, et ne vous séparez point de nous, en vous bâtissant un autel outre l'autel de YEHOVAH notre Dieu.

 Notwithstanding, [0389] if the land [0776] of your possession [0272] [be] unclean, [2931] [then] pass ye over [5674] unto the land [0776] of the possession [0272] of the LORD, [3068] wherein the LORD'S [3068] tabernacle [4908] dwelleth, [7931] and take possession [0270] among [8432] us: but rebel [4775] not against the LORD, [3068] nor [0408] rebel [4775] against us, in building [1129] you an altar [4196] beside [1107] the altar [4196] of the LORD [3068] our God. [0430]


 Acan, fils de Zérach, ne commit-il pas un forfait au sujet de l'interdit, et le courroux de YEHOVAH ne s'alluma-t-il pas contre toute l'assemblée d'Israël? Et cet homme n'expira pas seul pour son iniquité.

 Did not Achan [5912] the son [1121] of Zerah [2226] commit [4603] a trespass [4604] in the accursed thing, [2764] and wrath [7110] fell [1961] on all the congregation [5712] of Israel? [3478] and that man [0376] perished [1478] not alone [0259] in his iniquity. [5771]


 Mais les enfants de Ruben, les enfants de Gad, et la demi-tribu de Manassé répondirent et dirent aux chefs des milliers d'Israël:

 Then the children [1121] of Reuben [7205] and the children [1121] of Gad [1410] and the half [2677] tribe [7626] of Manasseh [4519] answered, [6030] and said [1696] unto the heads [7218] of the thousands [0505] of Israel, [3478]


 Dieu, Dieu, YEHOVAH, Dieu, Dieu, YEHOVAH, le sait, et Israël le saura! Si c'est par rébellion, si c'est par un forfait contre YEHOVAH, ne nous viens point en aide en ce jour!

 The LORD [3068] God [0410] of gods, [0430] the LORD [3068] God [0410] of gods, [0430] he knoweth, [3045] and Israel [3478] he shall know; [3045] if [it be] in rebellion, [4777] or if in transgression [4604] against the LORD, [3068] (save [3467] us not this day,) [3117]


 Si nous nous sommes bâti un autel pour nous détourner de YEHOVAH, si c'est pour y offrir des offrandes à brûler et des oblations, et si c'est pour y faire des sacrifices de prospérité, que YEHOVAH lui-même en redemande compte,

 That we have built [1129] us an altar [4196] to turn [7725] from following [0310] the LORD, [3068] or if to offer [5927] thereon burnt offering [5930] or meat offering, [4503] or if to offer [6213] peace [8002] offerings [2077] thereon, let the LORD [3068] himself require [1245] [it];


 Si nous ne l'avons fait, au contraire, parce que nous avons craint ceci, que vos enfants ne disent demain à nos enfants: Qu'avez-vous de commun avec YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël?

 And if we have not [rather] done [6213] it for fear [1674] of [this] thing, [1697] saying, [0559] In time to come [4279] your children [1121] might speak [0559] unto our children, [1121] saying, [0559] What have ye to do with the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel? [3478]


 YEHOVAH a mis le Jourdain pour limite entre nous et vous, enfants de Ruben et enfants de Gad; vous n'avez point de part à YEHOVAH! Et ainsi vos enfants feraient que nos enfants cesseraient de craindre YEHOVAH.

 For the LORD [3068] hath made [5414] Jordan [3383] a border [1366] between us and you, ye children [1121] of Reuben [7205] and children [1121] of Gad; [1410] ye have no part [2506] in the LORD: [3068] so shall your children [1121] make our children [1121] cease [7673] from [1115] fearing [3372] the LORD. [3068]


 C'est pourquoi, nous avons dit: Bâtissons-nous un autel, non pour des offrandes à brûler ni pour des sacrifices,

 Therefore we said, [0559] Let us now prepare [6213] to build [1129] us an altar, [4196] not for burnt offering, [5930] nor for sacrifice: [2077]


 Mais comme un témoin entre nous et vous, et entre nos descendants après nous, que nous pratiquons le culte de YEHOVAH devant sa face, par nos offrandes à brûler, nos sacrifices d'expiation et nos sacrifices de prospérité, afin que vos enfants ne disent pas dans l'avenir à nos enfants: Vous n'avez point de part à YEHOVAH!

 But [that] it [may be] a witness [5707] between us, and you, and our generations [1755] after [0310] us, that we might do [5647] the service [5656] of the LORD [3068] before [6440] him with our burnt offerings, [5930] and with our sacrifices, [2077] and with our peace offerings; [8002] that your children [1121] may not say [0559] to our children [1121] in time to come, [4279] Ye have no part [2506] in the LORD. [3068]


 Et nous avons dit: Lorsqu'ils nous tiendront ce discours, ou à nos descendants dans l'avenir, nous dirons: Voyez la forme de l'autel de YEHOVAH, que nos pères ont fait non pour des offrandes à brûler ni pour des sacrifices, mais afin qu'il soit témoin entre nous et vous.

 Therefore said [0559] we, that it shall be, when they should [so] say [0559] to us or to our generations [1755] in time to come, [4279] that we may say [0559] [again], Behold [7200] the pattern [8403] of the altar [4196] of the LORD, [3068] which our fathers [0001] made, [6213] not for burnt offerings, [5930] nor for sacrifices; [2077] but it [is] a witness [5707] between us and you.


 Loin de nous la pensée de nous révolter contre YEHOVAH, et de nous détourner aujourd'hui de YEHOVAH, en bâtissant un autel pour des offrandes à brûler, pour des oblations et pour des sacrifices, outre l'autel de YEHOVAH notre Dieu, qui est devant sa Demeure!

 God forbid [2486] that we should rebel [4775] against the LORD, [3068] and turn [7725] this day [3117] from following [0310] the LORD, [3068] to build [1129] an altar [4196] for burnt offerings, [5930] for meat offerings, [4503] or for sacrifices, [2077] beside the altar [4196] of the LORD [3068] our God [0430] that [is] before [6440] his tabernacle. [4908]


 Or, quand Phinées, le sacrificateur, les principaux de l'assemblée, les chefs des milliers d'Israël, qui étaient avec lui, eurent entendu les paroles que prononcèrent les enfants de Ruben, les enfants de Gad et les enfants de Manassé, ils furent satisfaits.

 And when Phinehas [6372] the priest, [3548] and the princes [5387] of the congregation [5712] and heads [7218] of the thousands [0505] of Israel [3478] which [were] with him, heard [8085] the words [1697] that the children [1121] of Reuben [7205] and the children [1121] of Gad [1410] and the children [1121] of Manasseh [4519] spake, [1696] it pleased [3190] [5869] them.


 Et Phinées, fils d'Éléazar, le sacrificateur, dit aux enfants de Ruben, aux enfants de Gad, et aux enfants de Manassé: Nous connaissons aujourd'hui que YEHOVAH est au milieu de nous, puisque vous n'avez point commis ce forfait contre YEHOVAH; maintenant vous avez délivré les enfants d'Israël de la main de YEHOVAH.

 And Phinehas [6372] the son [1121] of Eleazar [0499] the priest [3548] said [0559] unto the children [1121] of Reuben, [7205] and to the children [1121] of Gad, [1410] and to the children [1121] of Manasseh, [4519] This day [3117] we perceive [3045] that the LORD [3068] [is] among [8432] us, because ye have not committed [4603] this trespass [4604] against the LORD: [3068] now [0227] ye have delivered [5337] the children [1121] of Israel [3478] out of the hand [3027] of th


 Ainsi Phinées, fils d'Éléazar le sacrificateur, et les chefs s'en retournèrent d'avec les enfants de Ruben, et d'avec les enfants de Gad, du pays de Galaad au pays de Canaan, vers les enfants d'Israël, et leur rendirent compte.

 And Phinehas [6372] the son [1121] of Eleazar [0499] the priest, [3548] and the princes, [5387] returned [7725] from the children [1121] of Reuben, [7205] and from the children [1121] of Gad, [1410] out of the land [0776] of Gilead, [1568] unto the land [0776] of Canaan, [3667] to the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] and brought them word [1697] again. [7725]


 Et la chose plut aux enfants d'Israël, et les enfants d'Israël bénirent Dieu, et ne parlèrent plus de monter en armes contre eux, pour ravager le pays où habitaient les enfants de Ruben et les enfants de Gad.

 And the thing [1697] pleased [3190] [5869] the children [1121] of Israel; [3478] and the children [1121] of Israel [3478] blessed [1288] God, [0430] and did not intend [0559] to go up [5927] against them in battle, [6635] to destroy [7843] the land [0776] wherein the children [1121] of Reuben [7205] and [1121] Gad [1410] dwelt. [3427]


 Et les enfants de Ruben et les enfants de Gad nommèrent l'autel Hed (témoin); car, dirent-ils, il est témoin entre nous que YEHOVAH est Dieu.

 And the children [1121] of Reuben [7205] and the children [1121] of Gad [1410] called [7121] the altar [4196] [Ed]: for it [shall be] a witness [5707] between us that the LORD [3068] [is] God. [0430]


 Il arriva, longtemps après que YEHOVAH eut donné du repos à Israël devant tous les ennemis qui l'entouraient, que Josué, étant devenu vieux, avancé en âge,

 And it came to pass a long [7227] time [3117] after [0310] that the LORD [3068] had given rest [5117] unto Israel [3478] from all their enemies [0341] round about, [5439] that Joshua [3091] waxed old [2204] [and] stricken [0935] in age. [3117]


 Appela tout Israël, ses anciens, ses chefs, ses juges et ses officiers, et leur dit: Je suis vieux, je suis avancé en âge.

 And Joshua [3091] called [7121] for all Israel, [3478] [and] for their elders, [2205] and for their heads, [7218] and for their judges, [8199] and for their officers, [7860] and said [0559] unto them, I am old [2204] [and] stricken [0935] in age: [3117]


 Et vous, vous avez vu tout ce que YEHOVAH votre Dieu a fait à toutes ces nations devant vous; car c'est YEHOVAH votre Dieu qui a combattu pour vous.

 And ye have seen [7200] all that the LORD [3068] your God [0430] hath done [6213] unto all these nations [1471] because [6440] of you; for the LORD [3068] your God [0430] [is] he that hath fought [3898] for you.


 Voyez, je vous ai partagé par le sort, en héritage, selon vos tribus, ces nations qui sont restées, depuis le Jourdain, et toutes les nations que j'ai exterminées, jusqu'à la grande mer, vers le soleil couchant;

 Behold, [7200] I have divided [5307] unto you by lot these nations [1471] that remain, [7604] to be an inheritance [5159] for your tribes, [7626] from Jordan, [3383] with all the nations [1471] that I have cut off, [3772] even unto the great [1419] sea [3220] westward. [3996] [8121]


 Et YEHOVAH votre Dieu les chassera, et les dépossédera devant vous; et vous posséderez leur pays, comme YEHOVAH votre Dieu vous l'a dit.

 And the LORD [3068] your God, [0430] he shall expel [1920] them from before [6440] you, and drive [3423] them from out of your sight; [6440] and ye shall possess [3423] their land, [0776] as the LORD [3068] your God [0430] hath promised [1696] unto you.


 Soyez donc bien fermes à observer et à faire tout ce qui est écrit dans le livre de la loi de Moïse; ne vous en détournez ni à droite ni à gauche,

 Be ye therefore very [3966] courageous [2388] to keep [8104] and to do [6213] all that is written [3789] in the book [5612] of the law [8451] of Moses, [4872] that ye turn not aside [5493] therefrom [to] the right hand [3225] or [to] the left; [8040]


 Sans vous mêler à ces nations qui sont restées parmi vous; ne faites point mention du nom de leurs dieux; ne faites jurer personne par eux; ne les servez point et ne vous prosternez point devant eux.

 That ye come [0935] not among these nations, [1471] these that remain [7604] among you; neither make mention [2142] of the name [8034] of their gods, [0430] nor cause to swear [7650] [by them], neither serve [5647] them, nor bow [7812] yourselves unto them:


 Mais attachez-vous à YEHOVAH votre Dieu, comme vous l'avez fait jusqu'à ce jour.

 But cleave [1692] unto the LORD [3068] your God, [0430] as ye have done [6213] unto this day. [3117]


 Car YEHOVAH a dépossédé devant vous des nations grandes et fortes; mais quant à vous, personne jusqu'à ce jour n'a subsisté devant vous.

 For the LORD [3068] hath driven out [3423] from before [6440] you great [1419] nations [1471] and strong: [6099] but [as for] you, no man [0376] hath been able to stand [5975] before [6440] you unto this day. [3117]


 Un seul d'entre vous en poursuit mille; car YEHOVAH votre Dieu est celui qui combat pour vous, comme il vous l'a dit.

 One [0259] man [0376] of you shall chase [7291] a thousand: [0505] for the LORD [3068] your God, [0430] he [it is] that fighteth [3898] for you, as he hath promised [1696] you.


 Prenez donc bien garde à vous-mêmes, pour aimer YEHOVAH votre Dieu.

 Take good [3966] heed [8104] therefore unto yourselves, [5315] that ye love [0157] the LORD [3068] your God. [0430]


 Car, si vous vous détournez et que vous vous attachiez au reste de ces nations qui sont demeurées parmi vous; si vous vous alliez avec elles par mariages, et que vous vous mêliez avec elles, et elles avec vous,

 Else if ye do in any wise [7725] go back, [7725] and cleave [1692] unto the remnant [3499] of these nations, [1471] [even] these that remain [7604] among you, and shall make marriages [2859] with them, and go in [0935] unto them, and they to you:


 Sachez bien que YEHOVAH votre Dieu ne continuera plus à déposséder ces nations devant vous; mais elles seront pour vous un filet et un piège, un fouet dans vos côtés et des épines dans vos yeux, jusqu'à ce que vous périssiez de dessus ce bon pays que YEHOVAH votre Dieu vous a donné.

 Know [3045] for a certainty [3045] that the LORD [3068] your God [0430] will no more [3254] drive out [3423] [any of] these nations [1471] from before [6440] you; but they shall be snares [6341] and traps [4170] unto you, and scourges [7850] in your sides, [6654] and thorns [6796] in your eyes, [5869] until ye perish [0006] from off this good [2896] land [0127] which the LORD [3068] your God [0430] hath given [5414] you.


 Et voici, je m'en vais aujourd'hui par le chemin de toute la terre; reconnaissez donc de tout votre cœur et de toute votre âme, qu'il n'est pas tombé un seul mot de toutes les bonnes paroles que YEHOVAH votre Dieu a prononcées sur vous; tout s'est accompli pour vous; il n'en est pas tombé un seul mot.

 And, behold, this day [3117] I [am] going [1980] the way [1870] of all the earth: [0776] and ye know [3045] in all your hearts [3824] and in all your souls, [5315] that not one [0259] thing [1697] hath failed [5307] of all the good [2896] things [1697] which the LORD [3068] your God [0430] spake [1696] concerning you; all are come to pass [0935] unto you, [and] not one [0259] thing [1697] hath failed [5307] thereof.


 Et comme toutes les bonnes paroles que YEHOVAH votre Dieu vous avait dites vous sont arrivées, il arrivera de même que YEHOVAH fera venir sur vous toutes les paroles mauvaises, jusqu'à ce qu'il vous ait exterminés de dessus ce bon pays que YEHOVAH votre Dieu vous a donné.

 Therefore it shall come to pass, [that] as all good [2896] things [1697] are come [0935] upon you, which the LORD [3068] your God [0430] promised [1696] you; so shall the LORD [3068] bring [0935] upon you all evil [7451] things, [1697] until he have destroyed [8045] you from off this good [2896] land [0127] which the LORD [3068] your God [0430] hath given [5414] you.


 Si vous transgressez l'alliance de YEHOVAH votre Dieu, qu'il vous a commandé d'observer, si vous allez servir d'autres dieux et vous prosterner devant eux, la colère de YEHOVAH s'embrasera contre vous, et vous périrez promptement de dessus ce bon pays qu'il vous a donné.

 When ye have transgressed [5674] the covenant [1285] of the LORD [3068] your God, [0430] which he commanded [6680] you, and have gone [1980] and served [5647] other [0312] gods, [0430] and bowed [7812] yourselves to them; then shall the anger [0639] of the LORD [3068] be kindled [2734] against you, and ye shall perish [0006] quickly [4120] from off the good [2896] land [0776] which he hath given [5414] unto you.


 Josué assembla aussi toutes les tribus d'Israël à Sichem; et il appela les anciens d'Israël, ses chefs, ses juges et ses officiers, et ils se présentèrent devant Dieu.

 And Joshua [3091] gathered [0622] all the tribes [7626] of Israel [3478] to Shechem, [7927] and called [7121] for the elders [2205] of Israel, [3478] and for their heads, [7218] and for their judges, [8199] and for their officers; [7860] and they presented [3320] themselves before [6440] God. [0430]


 Et Josué dit à tout le peuple: Ainsi a dit YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël: Vos pères, Tharé, père d'Abraham et père de Nacor, habitaient anciennement au delà du fleuve, et servaient d'autres dieux.

 And Joshua [3091] said [0559] unto all the people, [5971] Thus saith [0559] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] Your fathers [0001] dwelt [3427] on the other side [5676] of the flood [5104] in old time, [5769] [even] Terah, [8646] the father [0001] of Abraham, [0085] and the father [0001] of Nachor: [5152] and they served [5647] other [0312] gods. [0430]


 Mais j'ai pris votre père Abraham de l'autre côté du fleuve, et je le fis aller par tout le pays de Canaan, et je multipliai sa postérité, et je lui donnai Isaac.

 And I took [3947] your father [0001] Abraham [0085] from the other side [5676] of the flood, [5104] and led [3212] him throughout all the land [0776] of Canaan, [3667] and multiplied [7235] his seed, [2233] and gave [5414] him Isaac. [3327]


 Et je donnai à Isaac Jacob et Ésaü; et je donnai à Ésaü la montagne de Séir, pour la posséder; mais Jacob et ses fils descendirent en Égypte.

 And I gave [5414] unto Isaac [3327] Jacob [3290] and Esau: [6215] and I gave [5414] unto Esau [6215] mount [2022] Seir, [8165] to possess [3423] it; but Jacob [3290] and his children [1121] went down [3381] into Egypt. [4714]


 Puis j'envoyai Moïse et Aaron, et je frappai l'Égypte par les prodiges que je fis au milieu d'elle; puis je vous en fis sortir.

 I sent [7971] Moses [4872] also and Aaron, [0175] and I plagued [5062] Egypt, [4714] according to that which [0834] I did [6213] among [7130] them: and afterward [0310] I brought you out. [3318]


 Je fis donc sortir vos pères d'Égypte, et vous vîntes vers la mer; et les Égyptiens poursuivirent vos pères avec des chars et des cavaliers jusqu'à la mer Rouge.

 And I brought your fathers [0001] out [3318] of Egypt: [4714] and ye came [0935] unto the sea; [3220] and the Egyptians [4714] pursued [7291] after [0310] your fathers [0001] with chariots [7393] and horsemen [6571] unto the Red [5488] sea. [3220]


 Alors ils crièrent à YEHOVAH, et il mit une obscurité entre vous et les Égyptiens; puis il ramena sur eux la mer, qui les couvrit, et vos yeux virent ce que je fis aux Égyptiens. Et vous demeurâtes longtemps au désert.

 And when they cried [6817] unto the LORD, [3068] he put [7760] darkness [3990] between you and the Egyptians, [4713] and brought [0935] the sea [3220] upon them, and covered [3680] them; and your eyes [5869] have seen [7200] what I have done [6213] in Egypt: [4714] and ye dwelt [3427] in the wilderness [4057] a long [7227] season. [3117]


 Puis, je vous amenai au pays des Amoréens, qui habitaient au delà du Jourdain; ils combattirent contre vous, et je les livrai entre vos mains, vous prîtes possession de leur pays, et je les exterminai devant vous.

 And I brought [0935] you into the land [0776] of the Amorites, [0567] which dwelt [3427] on the other side [5676] Jordan; [3383] and they fought [3898] with you: and I gave [5414] them into your hand, [3027] that ye might possess [3423] their land; [0776] and I destroyed [8045] them from before [6440] you.


 Balak, fils de Tsippor, roi de Moab, se leva et fit la guerre à Israël. Il appela Balaam, fils de Béor, pour vous maudire.

 Then Balak [1111] the son [1121] of Zippor, [6834] king [4428] of Moab, [4124] arose [6965] and warred [3898] against Israel, [3478] and sent [7971] and called [7121] Balaam [1109] the son [1121] of Beor [1160] to curse [7043] you:


 Mais je ne voulus point écouter Balaam; il vous bénit, et je vous délivrai de la main de Balak.

 But I would [0014] not hearken [8085] unto Balaam; [1109] therefore he blessed [1288] you still: [1288] so I delivered [5337] you out of his hand. [3027]


 Vous passâtes donc le Jourdain, et vous vîntes à Jérico; et les habitants de Jérico, les Amoréens, les Phéréziens, les Cananéens, les Héthiens, les Guirgassiens, les Héviens et les Jébusiens combattirent contre vous, et je les livrai entre vos mains.

 And ye went over [5674] Jordan, [3383] and came [0935] unto Jericho: [3405] and the men [1167] of Jericho [3405] fought [3898] against you, the Amorites, [0567] and the Perizzites, [6522] and the Canaanites, [3669] and the Hittites, [2850] and the Girgashites, [1622] the Hivites, [2340] and the Jebusites; [2983] and I delivered [5414] them into your hand. [3027]


 Et j'envoyai devant vous les frelons, qui les chassèrent devant votre face, comme les deux rois des Amoréens; ce ne fut ni par ton épée, ni par ton arc.

 And I sent [7971] the hornet [6880] before [6440] you, which drave them out [1644] from before [6440] you, [even] the two [8147] kings [4428] of the Amorites; [0567] [but] not with thy sword, [2719] nor with thy bow. [7198]


 Et je vous donnai une terre que vous n'aviez point labourée, des villes que vous n'aviez point bâties, et vous y habitez; vous mangez des vignes et des oliviers que vous n'avez point plantés.

 And I have given [5414] you a land [0776] for which ye did not labour, [3021] and cities [5892] which ye built [1129] not, and ye dwell [3427] in them; of the vineyards [3754] and oliveyards [2132] which ye planted [5193] not do ye eat. [0398]


 Maintenant donc, craignez YEHOVAH, et servez-le avec intégrité et fidélité; éloignez les dieux que vos pères ont servis au delà du fleuve et en Égypte, et servez YEHOVAH.

 Now therefore fear [3372] the LORD, [3068] and serve [5647] him in sincerity [8549] and in truth: [0571] and put away [5493] the gods [0430] which your fathers [0001] served [5647] on the other side [5676] of the flood, [5104] and in Egypt; [4714] and serve [5647] ye the LORD. [3068]


 Que s'il ne vous plaît pas de servir YEHOVAH, choisissez aujourd'hui qui vous voulez servir, ou les dieux que servaient vos pères au delà du fleuve, ou les dieux des Amoréens, dans le pays desquels vous habitez; mais pour moi et ma maison, nous servirons YEHOVAH.

 And if it seem evil [7489] unto you [5869] to serve [5647] the LORD, [3068] choose [0977] you this day [3117] whom [4310] ye will serve; [5647] whether the gods [0430] which your fathers [0001] served [5647] that [were] on the other side [5676] of the flood, [5104] or the gods [0430] of the Amorites, [0567] in whose land [0776] ye dwell: [3427] but as for me and my house, [1004] we will serve [5647] the LORD. [3068]


 Alors le peuple répondit, et dit: Loin de nous la pensée d'abandonner YEHOVAH pour servir d'autres dieux!

 And the people [5971] answered [6030] and said, [0559] God forbid [2486] that we should forsake [5800] the LORD, [3068] to serve [5647] other [0312] gods; [0430]


 Car YEHOVAH est notre Dieu; c'est lui qui nous a fait monter, nous et nos pères, du pays d'Égypte, de la maison de servitude, et qui a fait devant nos yeux ces grands prodiges, et nous a gardés dans tout le chemin où nous avons marché, et parmi tous les peuples au milieu desquels nous avons passé.

 For the LORD [3068] our God, [0430] he [it is] that brought us up [5927] and our fathers [0001] out of the land [0776] of Egypt, [4714] from the house [1004] of bondage, [5650] and which did [6213] those great [1419] signs [0226] in our sight, [5869] and preserved [8104] us in all the way [1870] wherein we went, [1980] and among all the people [5971] through [7130] whom we passed: [5674]


 Et YEHOVAH a chassé devant nous tous les peuples et les Amoréens qui habitaient le pays. Nous aussi, nous servirons YEHOVAH; car il est notre Dieu.

 And the LORD [3068] drave out [1644] from before [6440] us all the people, [5971] even the Amorites [0567] which dwelt [3427] in the land: [0776] [therefore] will we also serve [5647] the LORD; [3068] for he [is] our God. [0430]


 Et Josué dit au peuple: Vous ne pourrez servir YEHOVAH, car c'est un Dieu saint, c'est un Dieu jaloux; il ne pardonnera point vos transgressions et vos péchés;

 And Joshua [3091] said [0559] unto the people, [5971] Ye cannot [3808] [3201] serve [5647] the LORD: [3068] for he [is] an holy [6918] God; [0430] he [is] a jealous [7072] God; [0410] he will not forgive [5375] your transgressions [6588] nor your sins. [2403]


 Quand vous abandonnerez YEHOVAH, et que vous servirez des dieux étrangers, il se retournera et vous fera du mal, et vous consumera, après vous avoir fait du bien.

 If ye forsake [5800] the LORD, [3068] and serve [5647] strange [5236] gods, [0430] then he will turn [7725] and do you hurt, [7489] and consume [3615] you, after [0310] that he hath done you good. [3190]


 Alors le peuple dit à Josué: Non! Car nous servirons YEHOVAH.

 And the people [5971] said [0559] unto Joshua, [3091] Nay; but we will serve [5647] the LORD. [3068]


 Josué dit donc au peuple: Vous êtes témoins contre vous-mêmes, que vous avez choisi vous-mêmes YEHOVAH pour le servir. Et ils répondirent: Nous en sommes témoins!

 And Joshua [3091] said [0559] unto the people, [5971] Ye [are] witnesses [5707] against yourselves that ye have chosen [0977] you the LORD, [3068] to serve [5647] him. And they said, [0559] [We are] witnesses. [5707]


 Maintenant donc, ôtez les dieux étrangers qui sont au milieu de vous, et tournez votre cœur vers YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël.

 Now therefore put away, [5493] [said he], the strange [5236] gods [0430] which [are] among [7130] you, and incline [5186] your heart [3824] unto the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel. [3478]


 Et le peuple répondit à Josué: Nous servirons YEHOVAH notre Dieu, et nous obéirons à sa voix.

 And the people [5971] said [0559] unto Joshua, [3091] The LORD [3068] our God [0430] will we serve, [5647] and his voice [6963] will we obey. [8085]


 Josué traita donc alliance avec le peuple en ce jour-là, et il lui établit des lois et des ordonnances à Sichem.

 So Joshua [3091] made [3772] a covenant [1285] with the people [5971] that day, [3117] and set [7760] them a statute [2706] and an ordinance [4941] in Shechem. [7927]


 Puis Josué écrivit ces paroles dans le livre de la loi de Dieu. Il prit ensuite une grande pierre, et la dressa là, sous le chêne qui était dans le sanctuaire de YEHOVAH.

 And Joshua [3091] wrote [3789] these words [1697] in the book [5612] of the law [8451] of God, [0430] and took [3947] a great [1419] stone, [0068] and set it up [6965] there under an oak, [0427] that [was] by the sanctuary [4720] of the LORD. [3068]


 Et Josué dit à tout le peuple: Voici, cette pierre sera en témoignage contre nous; car elle a entendu toutes les paroles que YEHOVAH nous a dites; et elle sera en témoignage contre vous, afin que vous ne reniiez pas votre Dieu.

 And Joshua [3091] said [0559] unto all the people, [5971] Behold, this stone [0068] shall be a witness [5713] unto us; for it hath heard [8085] all the words [0561] of the LORD [3068] which he spake [1696] unto us: it shall be therefore a witness [5713] unto you, lest ye deny [3584] your God. [0430]


 Et Josué renvoya le peuple, chacun dans son héritage.

 So Joshua [3091] let the people [5971] depart, [7971] every man [0376] unto his inheritance. [5159]


 Or, après ces choses, il arriva que Josué, fils de Nun, serviteur de YEHOVAH, mourut, âgé de cent dix ans;

 And it came to pass after [0310] these things, [1697] that Joshua [3091] the son [1121] of Nun, [5126] the servant [5650] of the LORD, [3068] died, [4191] [being] an hundred [3967] and ten [6235] years [8141] old. [1121]


 Et on l'ensevelit dans le territoire de son héritage, à Thimnath-Sérach, qui est dans la montagne d'Éphraïm, au nord de la montagne de Gaash.

 And they buried [6912] him in the border [1366] of his inheritance [5159] in Timnathserah, [8556] which [is] in mount [2022] Ephraim, [0669] on the north [6828] side of the hill [2022] of Gaash. [1608]


 Et Israël servit YEHOVAH tout le temps de Josué et tout le temps des anciens qui survécurent à Josué, et qui connaissaient toutes les œuvres que YEHOVAH avait faites pour Israël.

 And Israel [3478] served [5647] the LORD [3068] all the days [3117] of Joshua, [3091] and all the days [3117] of the elders [2205] that overlived [0748] [3117] [0310] Joshua, [3091] and which had known [3045] all the works [4639] of the LORD, [3068] that he had done [6213] for Israel. [3478]


 On ensevelit aussi les os de Joseph, que les enfants d'Israël avaient apportés d'Égypte, à Sichem, dans la portion de champ que Jacob avait achetée pour cent pièces d'argent des enfants d'Hémor, père de Sichem; et les enfants de Joseph les eurent dans leur héritage.

 And the bones [6106] of Joseph, [3130] which the children [1121] of Israel [3478] brought up [5927] out of Egypt, [4714] buried [6912] they in Shechem, [7927] in a parcel [2513] of ground [7704] which Jacob [3290] bought [7069] of the sons [1121] of Hamor [2544] the father [0001] of Shechem [7927] for an hundred [3967] pieces of silver: [7192] and it became the inheritance [5159] of the children [1121] of Joseph. [3130]


 Éléazar, fils d'Aaron, mourut aussi, et on l'ensevelit à Guibeath-Phinées (coteau de Phinées), qui avait été donné à son fils, Phinées, dans la montagne d'Éphraïm.

 And Eleazar [0499] the son [1121] of Aaron [0175] died; [4191] and they buried [6912] him in a hill [1389] [that pertained to] Phinehas [6372] his son, [1121] which was given [5414] him in mount [2022] Ephraim. [0669]




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