La voix qui crie dans le désert








 Le commencement du message de la grâce de JÉSUS LE MESSIE, le Fils, le Dieu unique.

 The beginning [0746] of the gospel [2098] of Jesus [2424] Christ [5547], the Son [5207] of God [2316];


 Conformément à ce qui avait été écrit dans les prophètes: Voici, j'envoie mon messager devant ta face, qui préparera le chemin devant toi:

 As [5613] it is written [1125] [5769] in [1722] the prophets [4396], Behold [2400] [5628], I [1473] send [0649] [5719] my [3450] messenger [0032] before [4253] thy [4675] face [4383], which [3739] shall prepare [2680] [5692] thy [4675] way [3598] before [1715] thee [4675].


 La voix de celui qui crie dans le désert: Préparez le chemin de YEHOVAH; aplanissez ses sentiers.

 The voice [5456] of one crying [0994] [5723] in [1722] the wilderness [2048], Prepare ye [2090] [5657] the way [3598] of the Lord [2962], make [4160] [5720] his [0846] paths [5147] straight [2117].


 Jean consacrait d'eau dans le désert, et prêchait la consécration de la reconsidération, pour la rémission des péchés.

 John [2491] did [1096] [5633] baptize [0907] [5723] in [1722] the wilderness [2048], and [2532] preach [2784] [5723] the baptism [0908] of repentance [3341] for [1519] the remission [0859] of sins [0266].


 Et toute le pays de la Judée et les habitants de Jérusalem allaient à lui, et ils étaient tous consacrés par lui dans le fleuve du Jourdain, en confessant leurs péchés.

 And [2532] there went out [1607] [5711] unto [4314] him [0846] all [3956] the land [5561] of Judaea [2453] [2449], and [2532] they of Jerusalem [2415], and [2532] were [0907] [0000] all [3956] baptized [0907] [5712] of [5259] him [0846] in [1722] the river [4215] of Jordan [2446], confessing [1843] [5734] their [0848] sins [0266].


 Jean était vêtu de poils de chameau, il avait une ceinture de cuir autour de ses reins, et il se nourrissait de sauterelles et de miel sauvage.

 And [1161] John [2491] was [2258] [5713] clothed [1746] [5765] with camel's [2574] hair [2359], and [2532] with a girdle [2223] of a skin [1193] about [4012] his [0848] loins [3751]; and [2532] he did eat [2068] [5723] locusts [0200] and [2532] wild [0066] honey [3192];


 Et il prêchait en disant: Il en vient un après moi, qui est plus puissant que moi, et dont je ne suis pas digne, en me baissant, de délier la courroie des sandales.

 And [2532] preached [2784] [5707], saying [3004] [5723], There cometh [2064] [5736] one mightier than [2478] I [3450] after [3694] me [3450], the latchet [2438] of whose [3739] shoes [0846] [5266] I am [1510] [5748] not [3756] worthy [2425] to stoop down [2955] [5660] and unloose [3089] [5658].


 Pour moi je vous ai consacrés d'eau, mais lui vous consacrera de la Sainte Présence divine.

 I [1473] indeed [3303] have baptized [0907] [5656] you [5209] with [1722] water [5204]: but [1161] he shall baptize [0907] [5692] you [5209] with [1722] the Holy [0040] Ghost [4151].


 Il arriva, en ce temps-là, que Jésus vint de Nazareth de Galilée, et il fut consacré par Jean dans le Jourdain.

 And [2532] it came to pass [1096] [5633] in [1722] those [1565] days [2250], that Jesus [2424] came [2064] [5627] from [0575] Nazareth [3478] of Galilee [1056], and [2532] was baptized [0907] [5681] of [5259] John [2491] in [1519] Jordan [2446].


 Et aussitôt, comme Jésus se retira de la rive d'eau, Jean contemplait la divinité s'épanouir en la Sainte Présence qui s'abaissait sur lui humblement comme une colombe.

 And [2532] straightway [2112] coming up [0305] [5723] out of [0575] the water [5204], he saw [1492] [5627] the heavens [3772] opened [4977] [5746], and [2532] the Spirit [4151] like [5616] a dove [4058] descending [2597] [5723] upon [1909] him [0846]:


 Et une voix vint des cieux, qui dit: Tu es mon Fils bien-aimé, en qui JE SUIS pleinement satisfait.

 And [2532] there came [1096] [5633] a voice [5456] from [1537] heaven [3772], [saying], Thou [4771] art [1488] [5748] my [3450] beloved [0027] Son [5207], in [1722] whom [3739] I am well pleased [2106] [5656].


 Et aussitôt l'Esprit poussa Jésus au désert.

 And [2532] immediately [2117] the Spirit [4151] driveth [1544] [5719] him [0846] into [1519] the wilderness [2048].


 Et il fut là au désert quarante jours, étant tenté par sa contrariété charnelle; et il était avec les bêtes sauvages, et les anges le servaient.

 And [2532] he was [2258] [5713] there [1563] in [1722] the wilderness [2048] forty [5062] days [2250], tempted [3985] [5746] of [5259] Satan [4567]; and [2532] was [2258] [5713] with [3326] the wild beasts [2342]; and [2532] the angels [0032] ministered [1247] [5707] unto him [0846].


 Or, après que Jean eut été mis en prison, Jésus s'en alla en Galilée, prêchant le message de la grâce de la Souveraineté de Dieu, et disant:

 Now [1161] after [3326] that John [2491] was put in prison [3860] [5683], Jesus [2424] came [2064] [5627] into [1519] Galilee [1056], preaching [2784] [5723] the gospel [2098] of the kingdom [0932] of God [2316],


 Le temps est accompli, et la Royauté de Dieu est imminente. Reconsidérez votre position et croyez au message de la grâce.

 And [2532] saying [3004] [5723], [3754] The time [2540] is fulfilled [4137] [5769], and [2532] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316] is at hand [1448] [5758]: repent ye [3340] [5720], and [2532] believe [4100] [5720] [1722] the gospel [2098].


 Or, comme il marchait le long de la mer de Galilée, il vit Simon et André son frère, qui jetaient leurs filets dans la mer; car ils étaient pêcheurs.

 Now [1161] as he walked [4043] [5723] by [3844] the sea [2281] of Galilee [1056], he saw [1492] [5627] Simon [4613] and [2532] Andrew [0406] his [0846] brother [0080] casting [0906] [5723] a net [0293] into [1722] the sea [2281]: for [1063] they were [2258] [5713] fishers [0231].


 Alors Jésus leur dit: Suivez-moi, et je vous ferai pêcheurs d'hommes.

 And [2532] Jesus [2424] said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Come ye [1205] [5773] after [3694] me [3450], and [2532] I will make [4160] [5692] you [5209] to become [1096] [5635] fishers [0231] of men [0444].


 Et aussitôt, laissant leurs filets, ils le suivirent.

 And [2532] straightway [2112] they forsook [0863] [5631] their [0848] nets [1350], and followed [0190] [5656] him [0846].


 Et de là passant un peu plus avant, il vit dans une barque Jacques, fils de Zébédée, et Jean son frère, qui raccommodaient leurs filets.

 And [2532] when he had gone [4260] [0000] a little [3641] further [4260] [5631] thence [1564], he saw [1492] [5627] James [2385] the [son] [3588] of Zebedee [2199], and [2532] John [2491] his [0846] brother [0080], who [0846] also [2532] were in [1722] the ship [4143] mending [2675] [5723] their nets [1350].


 Au même instant il les appela; et eux, laissant Zébédée leur père dans la barque avec les ouvriers, le suivirent.

 And [2532] straightway [2112] he called [2564] [5656] them [0846]: and [2532] they left [0863] [5631] their [0848] father [3962] Zebedee [2199] in [1722] the ship [4143] with [3326] the hired servants [3411], and went [0565] [5627] after [3694] him [0846].


 Ensuite ils entrèrent à Capernaüm; et Jésus, étant d'abord entré dans la synagogue le jour du sabbat, y enseignait.

 And [2532] they went [1531] [5736] into [1519] Capernaum [2584]; and [2532] straightway [2112] on the sabbath day [4521] he entered [1525] [5631] into [1519] the synagogue [4864], and taught [1321] [5707].


 Et ils étaient étonnés de sa doctrine; car il les enseignait comme ayant autorité, et non pas comme les scribes.

 And [2532] they were astonished [1605] [5712] at [1909] his [0846] doctrine [1322]: for [1063] he taught [1321] [5723] [2258] [5713] them [0846] as [5613] one that had [2192] [5723] authority [1849], and [2532] not [3756] as [5613] the scribes [1122].


 Or, il se trouva dans leur synagogue un homme avec une disposition déséquilibrée, qui s'écria, et dit:

 And [2532] there was [2258] [5713] in [1722] their [0846] synagogue [4864] a man [0444] with [1722] an unclean [0169] spirit [4151]; and [2532] he cried out [0349] [5656],


 Ah! qu'y a-t-il entre toi et nous, Jésus de Nazareth? Es-tu venu pour nous perdre? Je remarque qui tu es; le Saint, le Dieu unique.

 Saying [3004] [5723], Let [us] alone [1436]; what [5101] have we [2254] to do [2532] with thee [4671], thou Jesus [2424] of Nazareth [3479]? art thou come [2064] [5627] to destroy [0622] [5658] us [2248]? I know [1492] [5758] thee [4571] who [5101] thou art [1488] [5748], the Holy One [0040] of God [2316].


 Mais Jésus le redressa en disant: Calme-toi, et montre-toi délivré de ce déséquilibre.

 And [2532] Jesus [2424] rebuked [2008] [5656] him [0846], saying [3004] [5723], Hold thy peace [5392] [5682], and [2532] come [1831] [5628] out of [1537] him [0846].


 Et lorsque son attitude instable le fit convulsé et crier d'une voix forte, il se montra délivré d'elle.

 And [2532] when the unclean [0169] spirit [4151] had torn [4682] [5660] him [0846], and [2532] cried [2896] [5660] with a loud [3173] voice [5456], he came [1831] [5627] out of [1537] him [0846].


 Et ils furent tous étonnés, de sorte qu'ils se demandaient entre eux: Qu'est-ce que ceci? Quelle est cette nouvelle doctrine? Car il commande avec autorité même aux esprits troublés, et ils lui obéissent.

 And [2532] they were [2284] [0000] all [3956] amazed [2284] [5681], insomuch that [5620] they questioned [4802] [5721] among [4314] themselves [0848], saying [3004] [5723], What thing [5101] is [2076] [5748] this [3778]? what [5101] new [2537] doctrine [1322] [is] this [5124]? for [3754] with [2596] authority [1849] commandeth [2004] [5719] he even [2532] the unclean [0169] spirits [4151], and [2532] they do obey [5219] [5719] him [0846].


 Et sa réputation se répandit aussitôt par toute la contrée des environs de la Galilée.

 And [1161] immediately [2117] his [0846] fame [0189] spread abroad [1831] [5627] throughout [1519] all [3650] the region round about [4066] Galilee [1056].


 Aussitôt après, étant sortis de la synagogue, ils vinrent avec Jacques et Jean dans la maison de Simon et d'André.

 And [2532] forthwith [2112], when they were come [1831] [5631] out of [1537] the synagogue [4864], they entered [2064] [5627] into [1519] the house [3614] of Simon [4613] and [2532] Andrew [0406], with [3326] James [2385] and [2532] John [2491].


 Or, la belle-mère de Simon était au lit, malade de la fièvre; et aussitôt ils lui parlèrent d'elle.

 But [1161] Simon's [4613] wife's mother [3994] lay [2621] [5711] sick of a fever [4445] [5723], and [2532] anon [2112] they tell [3004] [5719] him [0846] of [4012] her [0846].


 Alors s'approchant, il la fit lever en la prenant par la main; et au même instant la fièvre la quitta, et elle les servit.

 And [2532] he came [4334] [5631] and took [2902] [5660] her [0846] by the hand [5495], and lifted [1453] [0000] her [0846] up [1453] [5656]; and [2532] immediately [2112] the fever [4446] left [0863] [5656] her [0846], and [2532] she ministered [1247] [5707] unto them [0846].


 Sur le soir, quand le soleil fut couché, ils lui amenèrent tous les malades, et les cerveaux détraqués.

 And [1161] at [1096] [5637] even [3798], when [3753] the sun [2246] did set [1416] [5627], they brought [5342] [5707] unto [4314] him [0846] all [3956] that were [2192] [5723] diseased [2560], and [2532] them that were possessed with devils [1139] [5740].


 Et toute la ville était assemblée à la porte de la maison.

 And [2532] all [3650] the city [4172] was [2258] [5713] gathered together [1996] [5772] at [4314] the door [2374].


 Et il guérit plusieurs malades de diverses maladies, et il restaura plusieurs consciences déréglées, ne permettant pas aux cerveaux détraqués de s'exprimer, car ils examinaient ce qu'il faisait.

 And [2532] he healed [2323] [5656] many [4183] that were [2192] [5723] sick [2560] of divers [4164] diseases [3554], and [2532] cast out [1544] [5627] many [4183] devils [1140]; and [2532] suffered [0863] [5707] not [3756] the devils [1140] to speak [2980] [5721], because [3754] they knew [1492] [5715] him [0846].


 Le matin, comme il faisait encore fort obscur, s'étant levé, il sortit et s'en alla dans un lieu écarté; et il y priait.

 And [2532] in the morning [4404], rising up [0450] [5631] a great while [3029] before day [1773], he went out [1831] [5627], and [2532] departed [0565] [5627] into [1519] a solitary [2048] place [5117], and there [2546] prayed [4336] [5711].


 Et Simon, et ceux qui étaient avec lui le suivirent.

 And [2532] Simon [4613] and [2532] they that were with [3326] him [0846] followed after [2614] [5656] him [0846].


 Et l'ayant trouvé, ils lui dirent: Tous te cherchent.

 And [2532] when they had found [2147] [5631] him [0846], they said [3004] [5719] unto him [0846], [3754] All [3956] [men] seek [2212] [5719] for thee [4571].


 Et il leur dit: Allons dans les villages voisins, afin que j'y prêche aussi; car c'est pour cela que JE SUIS venu.

 And [2532] he said [3004] [5719] unto them [0846], Let us go [0071] [5725] into [1519] the next [2192] [5746] towns [2969], that [2443] I may preach [2784] [5661] there also [2546]: for [1063] therefore [1519] [5124] came I forth [1831] [5758].


 Et il prêchait dans leurs synagogues, par toute la Galilée, et il redressa les consciences déréglées.

 And [2532] he preached [2784] [5723] [2258] [5713] in [1722] their [0846] synagogues [4864] throughout [1519] all [3650] Galilee [1056], and [2532] cast out [1544] [5723] devils [1140].


 Et un lépreux vint à lui, se jeta à genoux, le pria et lui dit: Si tu veux, tu peux me purifier.

 And [2532] there came [2064] [5736] a leper [3015] to [4314] him [0846], beseeching [3870] [5723] him [0846], and [2532] kneeling down [1120] [5723] to him [0846], and [2532] saying [3004] [5723] unto him [0846], [3754] If [1437] thou wilt [2309] [5725], thou canst [1410] [5736] make [2511] [0000] me [3165] clean [2511] [5658].


 Et Jésus, ému de compassion, étendit la main, le toucha, et lui dit: Je le veux, sois purifié.

 And [1161] Jesus [2424], moved with compassion [4697] [5679], put forth [1614] [5660] [his] hand [5495], and touched [0680] [5662] him [0846], and [2532] saith [3004] [5719] unto him [0846], I will [2309] [5719]; be thou clean [2511] [5682].


 Et dès qu'il eut dit cela, la lèpre quitta aussitôt cet homme, et il fut purifié.

 And [2532] as soon as he [0846] had spoken [2036] [5631], immediately [2112] the leprosy [3014] departed [0565] [5627] from [0575] him [0846], and [2532] he was cleansed [2511] [5681].


 Et Jésus le renvoya aussitôt avec de sévères recommandations, et lui dit:

 And [2532] he straitly charged [1690] [5666] him [0846], and forthwith [2112] sent [1544] [0000] him [0846] away [1544] [5627];


 Garde-toi d'en rien dire à personne; mais va toi-même et montre-toi au sacrificateur, et offre pour ta purification ce que Moïse a commandé, afin que cela leur serve de témoignage.

 And [2532] saith [3004] [5719] unto him [0846], See [3708] [5720] thou say [2036] [5632] nothing [3367] to any man [3367]: but [0235] go thy way [5217] [5720], shew [1166] [5657] thyself [4572] to the priest [2409], and [2532] offer [4374] [5628] for [4012] thy [4675] cleansing [2512] those things which Moses [3475] commanded [4367] [5656], for [1519] a testimony [3142] unto them [0846].


 Mais cet homme étant sorti, se mit à publier hautement la chose et à la divulguer, en sorte que Jésus ne pouvait plus entrer ouvertement dans la ville; mais il se tenait dehors dans des lieux écartés, et de toutes parts on venait à lui.

 But [1161] he went out [1831] [5631], and began [0756] [5662] to publish [2784] [5721] [it] much [4183], and [2532] to blaze abroad [1310] [5721] the matter [3056], insomuch that [5620] Jesus [0846] could [1410] [5738] no more [3371] openly [5320] enter [1525] [5629] into [1519] the city [4172], but [0235] was [2258] [5713] without [1854] in [1722] desert [2048] places [5117]: and [2532] they came [2064] [5711] to [4314] him [0846] from every quarter [3836].


 Quelques jours après, Jésus revint de nouveau à Capernaüm, et on entendit dire qu'il était dans la maison.

 And [2532] again [3825] he entered [1525] [5627] into [1519] Capernaum [2584] after [1223] [some] days [2250]; and [2532] it was noised [0191] [5681] that [3754] he was [2076] [5748] in [1519] the house [3624].


 Et aussitôt tant de gens s'y assemblèrent, que même l'espace qui était devant la porte ne pouvait les contenir; et il leur annonçait la Parole de Dieu.

 And [2532] straightway [2112] many [4183] were gathered together [4863] [5681], insomuch that [5620] there was [5562] [0000] no [3371] room to receive [5562] [5721] [them], no, not so much [3366] as about [4314] the door [2374]: and [2532] he preached [2980] [5707] the word [3056] unto them [0846].


 Alors il vint à lui des gens qui lui présentèrent un paralytique, porté par quatre hommes.

 And [2532] they come [2064] [5736] unto [4314] him [0846], bringing [5342] [5723] one sick of the palsy [3885], which was borne [0142] [5746] of [5259] four [5064].


 Mais ne pouvant approcher de lui à cause de la foule, ils démantelèrent le toit de la maison où il était; et l'ayant percé, ils descendirent la paillasse où le paralytique était couché.

 And [2532] when they could [1410] [5740] not [3361] come nigh [4331] [5658] unto him [0846] for [1223] the press [3793], they uncovered [0648] [5656] the roof [4721] where [3699] he was [2258] [5713]: and [2532] when they had broken [it] up [1846] [5660], they let down [5465] [5719] the bed [2895] wherein [1909] [3739] the sick of the palsy [3885] lay [2621] [5711].


 Alors Jésus, voyant leur foi, dit au paralytique: Mon fils, tes péchés te sont pardonnés.

 When [1161] Jesus [2424] saw [1492] [5631] their [0846] faith [4102], he said [3004] [5719] unto the sick of the palsy [3885], Son [5043], thy [4675] sins [0266] be forgiven [0863] [5769] thee [4671].


 Et quelques scribes, qui étaient assis là, raisonnaient ainsi en leurs cœurs:

 But [1161] there were [2258] [5713] certain [5100] of the scribes [1122] sitting [2521] [5740] there [1563], and [2532] reasoning [1260] [5740] in [1722] their [0848] hearts [2588],


 Pourquoi cet homme prononce-t-il ainsi des blasphèmes? Qui peut pardonner les péchés que Dieu seul?

 Why [5101] doth [2980] [0000] this [3778] [man] thus [3779] speak [2980] [5719] blasphemies [0988]? who [5101] can [1410] [5736] forgive [0863] [5721] sins [0266] but [1508] God [2316] only [1520]?


 Et Jésus ayant connu aussitôt, par son esprit, qu'ils raisonnaient ainsi en eux-mêmes, leur dit: Pourquoi avez-vous ces pensées dans vos cœurs?

 And [2532] immediately [2112] when Jesus [2424] perceived [1921] [5631] in his [0848] spirit [4151] that [3754] they so [3779] reasoned [1260] [5736] within [1722] themselves [1438], he said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Why [5101] reason ye [1260] [5736] these things [5023] in [1722] your [5216] hearts [2588]?


 Lequel est le plus aisé, de dire à ce paralytique: Tes péchés te sont pardonnés, ou de lui dire: Lève-toi, et prends ta paillasse, et marche?

 Whether [5101] is it [2076] [5748] easier [2123] to say [2036] [5629] to the sick of the palsy [3885], [Thy] sins [0266] be forgiven [0863] [5769] thee [4671]; or [2228] to say [2036] [5629], Arise [1453] [5669], and [2532] take up [0142] [5657] thy [4675] bed [2895], and [2532] walk [4043] [5720]?


 Or, afin que vous sachiez que le Fils, l'expression humaine de Dieu et de David a sur la terre le pouvoir de pardonner les péchés, il dit au paralytique:

 But [1161] that [2443] ye may know [1492] [5762] that [3754] the Son [5207] of man [0444] hath [2192] [5719] power [1849] on [1909] earth [1093] to forgive [0863] [5721] sins [0266], (he saith [3004] [5719] to the sick of the palsy [3885])


 Je te dis: Lève-toi, et prends ta paillasse, et rentre chez-toi.

 I say [3004] [5719] unto thee [4671], Arise [1453] [5669], and [2532] take up [0142] [5657] thy [4675] bed [2895], and [2532] go thy way [5217] [5720] into [1519] thine [4675] house [3624].


 Et aussitôt il se leva, et s'étant chargé de sa paillasse, il sortit, en la présence de tout le monde, de sorte qu'ils furent tous dans l'étonnement, et qu'ils glorifièrent Dieu, disant: Nous n'avons jamais rien vue de pareil.

 And [2532] immediately [2112] he arose [1453] [5681], took up [0142] [5660] the bed [2895], and [2532] went forth [1831] [5627] before [1726] them all [3956]; insomuch that [5620] they were [1839] [0000] all [3956] amazed [1839] [5733], and [2532] glorified [1392] [5721] God [2316], saying [3004] [5723], [3754] We [1492] [0000] never [3763] saw [1492] [5627] it on this fashion [3779].


 Alors Jésus retourna du côté de la mer; et tout le peuple venait à lui, et il les enseignait.

 And [2532] he went forth [1831] [5627] again [3825] by [3844] the sea side [2281]; and [2532] all [3956] the multitude [3793] resorted [2064] [5711] unto [4314] him [0846], and [2532] he taught [1321] [5707] them [0846].


 Et en passant, il vit Lévi, fils d'Alphée, assis au bureau des impôts; et il lui dit: Suis-moi. Et lui, s'étant levé, le suivit.

 And [2532] as he passed by [3855] [5723], he saw [1492] [5627] Levi [3018] the [son] of Alphaeus [0256] sitting [2521] [5740] at [1909] the receipt of custom [5058], and [2532] said [3004] [5719] unto him [0846], Follow [0190] [5720] me [3427]. And [2532] he arose [0450] [5631] and followed [0190] [5656] him [0846].


 Et il arriva, comme Jésus était à table dans la maison de cet homme, plusieurs péagers et gens de mauvaise vie se mirent aussi à table avec Jésus et ses disciples; car il y en avait beaucoup qui l'avaient suivi.

 And [2532] it came to pass [1096] [5633], that [1722], as Jesus [0846] sat at meat [2621] [5738] in [1722] his [0846] house [3614], many [4183] publicans [5057] and [2532] sinners [0268] sat [4873] [0000] also [2532] together with [4873] [5711] Jesus [2424] and [2532] his [0846] disciples [3101]: for [1063] there were [2258] [5713] many [4183], and [2532] they followed [0190] [5656] him [0846].


 Et les scribes et les pharisiens, voyant qu'il mangeait avec les péagers et les gens de mauvaise vie, disaient à ses disciples: Pourquoi mange-t-il et boit-il avec les péagers et les gens de mauvaise vie?

 And [2532] when the scribes [1122] and [2532] Pharisees [5330] saw [1492] [5631] him eat [2068] [5723] with [3326] publicans [5057] and [2532] sinners [0268], they said [3004] [5707] unto his [0846] disciples [3101], How [5101] is it that [3754] he eateth [2068] [5719] and [2532] drinketh [4095] [5719] with [3326] publicans [5057] and [2532] sinners [0268]?


 Et Jésus ayant entendu cela, leur dit: Ce ne sont pas ceux qui sont en santé qui ont besoin de médecin, mais ceux qui se portent mal; JE SUIS venu appeler à la reconsidération non les justes, mais les pécheurs.

 When [2532] Jesus [2424] heard [0191] [5660] [it], he saith [3004] [5719] unto them [0846], They that are whole [2480] [5723] have [2192] [5719] no [3756] need [5532] of the physician [2395], but [0235] they that are [2192] [5723] sick [2560]: I came [2064] [5627] not [3756] to call [2564] [5658] the righteous [1342], but [0235] sinners [0268] to [1519] repentance [3341].


 Or les disciples de Jean et des pharisiens jeûnaient souvent, et ils vinrent à Jésus et lui dirent: D'où vient que les disciples de Jean et des pharisiens jeûnent, et que tes disciples ne jeûnent point?

 And [2532] the disciples [3101] of John [2491] and [2532] of the Pharisees [5330] used [2258] [5713] to fast [3522] [5723]: and [2532] they come [2064] [5736] and [2532] say [3004] [5719] unto him [0846], Why do [1302] [3522] [0000] the disciples [3101] of John [2491] and [2532] of the Pharisees [5330] fast [3522] [5719], but [1161] thy [4674] disciples [3101] fast [3522] [5719] not [3756]?


 Et Jésus leur dit: Les amis de l'Époux peuvent-ils jeûner pendant que l'Époux est avec eux? Tout le temps qu'ils ont l'Époux avec eux ils ne peuvent jeûner.

 And [2532] Jesus [2424] said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], [3361] Can [1410] [5736] the children [5207] of the bridechamber [3567] fast [3522] [5721], while [1722] [3739] the bridegroom [3566] is [2076] [5748] with [3326] them [0846]? as long as [3745] [5550] they have [2192] [5719] the bridegroom [3566] with [3326] them [1438], they cannot [3756] [1410] [5736] fast [3522] [5721].


 Mais des jours viendront que l'Époux leur sera ôté, et alors ils jeûneront dans ces jours-là.

 But [1161] the days [2250] will come [2064] [5695], when [3752] the bridegroom [3566] shall be taken away [0522] [5686] from [0575] them [0846], and [2532] then [5119] shall they fast [3522] [5692] in [1722] those [1565] days [2250].


 Personne ne coud une pièce de drap neuf à un vieux vêtement; autrement le morceau neuf emporterait le vieux, et la déchirure serait plus grande.

 No man [3762] also [2532] seweth [1976] [5719] a piece [1915] of new [0046] cloth [4470] on [1909] an old [3820] garment [2440]: else [1490] the new piece [2537] that filled it up [4138] taketh away [0142] [5719] from [0846] the old [3820], and [2532] the rent [4978] is made [1096] [5736] worse [5501].


 De même, personne ne met le vin nouveau dans de vielles outres; autrement le vin nouveau rompt les outres, et le vin se répand, et les outres sont détruites; mais le vin nouveau doit être mis dans des outres neuves.

 And [2532] no man [3762] putteth [0906] [5719] new [3501] wine [3631] into [1519] old [3820] bottles [0779]: else [1490] the new [3501] wine [3631] doth burst [4486] [5719] the bottles [0779], and [2532] the wine [3631] is spilled [1632] [5743], and [2532] the bottles [0779] will be marred [0622] [5698]: but [0235] new [3501] wine [3631] must be put [0992] into [1519] new [2537] bottles [0779].


 Et il arriva, comme Jésus passait par un champ de blés un jour de sabbat, que ses disciples, en marchant, se mirent à arracher des épis.

 And [2532] it came to pass [1096] [5633], that he went [3899] [5738] through [1223] the corn fields [4702] on [1722] the sabbath day [4521]; and [2532] his [0846] disciples [3101] began [0756] [5662], as they went [3598] [4160] [5721], to pluck [5089] [5723] the ears of corn [4719].


 Et les pharisiens lui dirent: Regarde, pourquoi font-ils ce qui n'est pas permis dans les jours de sabbat?

 And [2532] the Pharisees [5330] said [3004] [5707] unto him [0846], Behold [2396], why [5101] do they [4160] [5719] on [1722] the sabbath day [4521] that which [3739] is [1832] [0000] not [3756] lawful [1832] [5748]?


 Mais il leur dit: N'avez-vous jamais lu ce que fit David, quand il fut dans la nécessité et qu'il eut faim, lui et ceux qui étaient avec lui?

 And [2532] he said [3004] [5707] unto them [0846], Have ye never [3763] read [0314] [5627] what [5101] David [1138] did [4160] [5656], when [3753] he had [2192] [5627] need [5532], and [2532] was an hungred [3983] [5656], he [0846], and [2532] they that were with [3326] him [0846]?


 Comment il entra dans la maison de Dieu, au temps d'Abiathar, souverain sacrificateur, et mangea les pains du témoignage, qu'il n'était permis de manger qu'aux sacrificateurs, et en donna aussi à ceux qui étaient avec lui.

 How [4459] he went [1525] [5627] into [1519] the house [3624] of God [2316] in the days [1909] of Abiathar [0008] the high priest [0749], and [2532] did eat [5315] [5627] the shewbread [0740] [4286], which [3739] is [1832] [0000] not [3756] lawful [1832] [5748] to eat [5315] [5629] but for [1508] the priests [2409], and [2532] gave [1325] [5656] also [2532] to them which were [5607] [5752] with [4862] him [0846]?


 Puis il leur dit: Le sabbat a été fait pour l'homme, non pas l'homme pour le sabbat.

 And [2532] he said [3004] [5707] unto them [0846], The sabbath [4521] was made [1096] [5633] for [1223] man [0444], and not [3756] man [0444] for [1223] the sabbath [4521]:


 Ainsi le Fils, l'expression humaine de Dieu et de David est Maître même du sabbat.

 Therefore [5620] the Son [5207] of man [0444] is [2076] [5748] Lord [2962] also [2532] of the sabbath [4521].


 Jésus entra une autre fois dans la synagogue, et il y avait là un homme qui avait une main sèche.

 And [2532] he entered [1525] [5627] again [3825] into [1519] the synagogue [4864]; and [2532] there was [2258] [5713] a man [0444] there [1563] which had [2192] [5723] a withered [3583] [5772] hand [5495].


 Et ils l'observaient, pour voir s'il le guérirait le jour du sabbat, afin de l'accuser.

 And [2532] they watched [3906] [5707] him [0846], whether [1487] he would heal [2323] [5692] him [0846] on the sabbath day [4521]; that [2443] they might accuse [2723] [5661] him [0846].


 Alors il dit à l'homme qui avait la main sèche: Tiens-toi là au milieu.

 And [2532] he saith [3004] [5719] unto the man [0444] which had [2192] [5723] the withered [3583] [5772] hand [5495], Stand [1453] [5669] forth [1519] [3319].


 Puis il leur dit: Est-il permis de faire du bien dans les jours de sabbat, ou de faire du mal? de sauver une personne, ou de la laisser périr? Et ils gardèrent le silence.

 And [2532] he saith [3004] [5719] unto them [0846], Is it lawful [1832] [5748] to do good [0015] [5658] on the sabbath days [4521], or [2228] to do evil [2554] [5658]? to save [4982] [5658] life [5590], or [2228] to kill [0615] [5658]? But [1161] they held their peace [4623] [5707].


 Alors, les regardant avec indignation, et étant affligé de l'endurcissement de leur cœur, il dit à cet homme: Étends ta main. Et il l'étendit, et sa main devint saine comme l'autre.

 And [2532] when he had looked round about [4017] [5671] on them [0846] with [3326] anger [3709], being grieved [4818] [5740] for [1909] the hardness [4457] of their [0846] hearts [2588], he saith [3004] [5719] unto the man [0444], Stretch forth [1614] [5657] thine [4675] hand [5495]. And [2532] he stretched [it] out [1614] [5656]: and [2532] his [0846] hand [5495] was restored [0600] [5681] whole [5199] as [5613] the other [0243].


 Et les pharisiens étant sortis, tinrent aussitôt conseil avec les hérodiens contre lui, pour le faire périr.

 And [2532] the Pharisees [5330] went forth [1831] [5631], and straightway [2112] took [4160] [5707] counsel [4824] with [3326] the Herodians [2265] against [2596] him [0846], how [3704] they might destroy [0622] [5661] him [0846].


 Alors Jésus se retira avec ses disciples vers la mer, et une grande multitude le suivait de la Galilée, de la Judée,

 But [2532] Jesus [2424] withdrew himself [0402] [5656] with [3326] his [0848] disciples [3101] to [4314] the sea [2281]: and [2532] a great [4183] multitude [4128] from [0575] Galilee [1056] followed [0190] [5656] him [0846], and [2532] from [0575] Judaea [2449],


 De Jérusalem, de l'Idumée et d'au-delà du Jourdain. Et ceux des environs de Tyr et de Sidon, ayant entendu parler des grandes choses qu'il faisait, vinrent aussi vers lui en grand nombre.

 And [2532] from [0575] Jerusalem [2414], and [2532] from [0575] Idumaea [2401], and [2532] [from] beyond [4008] Jordan [2446]; and [2532] they about [4012] Tyre [5184] and [2532] Sidon [4605], a great [4183] multitude [4128], when they had heard [0191] [5660] what great things [3745] he did [4160] [5707], came [2064] [5627] unto [4314] him [0846].


 Et il dit à ses disciples qu'il y eût une petite barque toute prête auprès de lui, à cause de la multitude, de peur qu'elle ne le pressât trop.

 And [2532] he spake [2036] [5627] to his [0848] disciples [3101], that [2443] a small ship [4142] should wait on [4342] [5725] him [0846] because [1223] of the multitude [3793], lest [3363] they should throng [2346] [5725] him [0846].


 Car il en avait guéri plusieurs, de sorte que tous ceux qui avaient des maladies se jetaient sur lui pour le toucher.

 For [1063] he had healed [2323] [5656] many [4183]; insomuch that [5620] they pressed upon [1968] [5721] him [0846] for to [2443] touch [0680] [5672] him [0846], as many as [3745] had [2192] [5707] plagues [3148].


 Et quand les esprits troublés le voyaient, ils se prosternaient devant lui et s'écriaient: Tu es le Fils, le Dieu unique!

 And [2532] unclean [0169] spirits [4151], when [3752] they saw [2334] [5707] him [0846], fell down before [4363] [5707] him [0846], and [2532] cried [2896] [5707], saying [3004] [5723], [3754] Thou [4771] art [1488] [5748] the Son [5207] of God [2316].


 Mais il leur défendait, avec menace, de le faire connaître.

 And [2532] he straitly [4183] charged [2008] [5707] them [0846] that [3363] [0000] they should [4160] [0000] not [3363] make [4160] [5661] him [0846] known [5318].


 Il monta ensuite sur la montagne, et appela ceux qu'il jugea à propos, et ils vinrent à lui.

 And [2532] he goeth up [0305] [5719] into [1519] a mountain [3735], and [2532] calleth [4341] [5736] [unto him] whom [3739] he [0846] would [2309] [5707]: and [2532] they came [0565] [5627] unto [4314] him [0846].


 Et il en établit douze pour être avec lui, pour les envoyer prêcher,

 And [2532] he ordained [4160] [5656] twelve [1427], that [2443] they should be [5600] [5753] with [3326] him [0846], and [2532] that [2443] he might send [0649] [0000] them [0846] forth [0649] [5725] to preach [2784] [5721],


 Et pour avoir la puissance de guérir les malades et de redresser les consciences déréglées.

 And [2532] to have [2192] [5721] power [1849] to heal [2323] [5721] sicknesses [3554], and [2532] to cast out [1544] [5721] devils [1140]:


 C'était Simon, auquel il donna le nom de Pierre;

 And [2532] Simon [4613] he surnamed [2007] [5656] [3686] Peter [4074];


 Puis Jacques fils de Zébédée, et Jean frère de Jacques, auxquels il donna le nom de Boanerges, c'est-à-dire, fils du tonnerre;

 And [2532] James [2385] the [son] [3588] of Zebedee [2199], and [2532] John [2491] the brother [0080] of James [2385]; and [2532] he surnamed [2007] [5656] [3686] them [0846] Boanerges [0993], which [3603] is [2076] [5748], The sons [5207] of thunder [1027]:


 Et André, Philippe, Barthélemi, Matthieu, Thomas, Jacques fils d'Alphée, Thaddée, Simon le Cananite,

 And [2532] Andrew [0406], and [2532] Philip [5376], and [2532] Bartholomew [0918], and [2532] Matthew [3156], and [2532] Thomas [2381], and [2532] James [2385] the [son] [3588] of Alphaeus [0256], and [2532] Thaddaeus [2280], and [2532] Simon [4613] the Canaanite [2581],


 Et Judas l'Iscariote, qui fut celui qui le trahit.

 And [2532] Judas [2455] Iscariot [2469], which [3739] also [2532] betrayed [3860] [5656] him [0846]: and [2532] they went [2064] [5736] into [1519] an house [3624].


 Puis ils retournèrent à la maison; et une multitude s'y assembla encore, de sorte qu'ils ne pouvaient pas même prendre leur repas.

 And [2532] the multitude [3793] cometh together [4905] [5736] again [3825], so that [5620] they [0846] could [1410] [5738] not [3361] so much as [3383] eat [5315] [5629] bread [0740].


 Ses parents l'ayant appris, sortirent pour le prendre; car on disait: Il est hors de sens.

 And [2532] when his [0846] friends [3844] heard [0191] [5660] [of it], they went out [1831] [5627] to lay hold [2902] [5658] on him [0846]: for [1063] they said [3004] [5707], [3754] He is beside himself [1839] [5627].


 Et les scribes qui étaient descendus de Jérusalem, disaient: Il est l'initiateur de l'affolement, et il redresse les dérèglements de conscience par la vivification des consciences déréglées.

 And [2532] the scribes [1122] which [3588] came down [2597] [5631] from [0575] Jerusalem [2414] said [3004] [5707], [3754] He hath [2192] [5719] Beelzebub [0954], [3754] and [2532] by [1722] the prince [0758] of the devils [1140] casteth he out [1544] [5719] devils [1140].


 Mais Jésus, les ayant appelés, leur dit par des similitudes: Comment la concurrence peut-elle redresser la compétition?

 And [2532] he called [4341] [5666] them [0846] [unto him], and said [3004] [5707] unto them [0846] in [1722] parables [3850], How [4459] can [1410] [5736] Satan [4567] cast out [1544] [5721] Satan [4567]?


 Car si un royaume est divisé contre lui-même, ce royaume-là ne saurait subsister;

 And [2532] if [1437] a kingdom [0932] be divided [3307] [5686] against [1909] itself [1438], that [1565] kingdom [0932] cannot [3756] [1410] [5736] stand [2476] [5683].


 Et si une maison est divisée contre elle-même, cette maison-là ne saurait subsister;

 And [2532] if [1437] a house [3614] be divided [3307] [5686] against [1909] itself [1438], that [1565] house [3614] cannot [3756] [1410] [5736] stand [2476] [5683].


 De même, si la concurrence s'élève contre elle-même et est divisée, elle ne peut subsister; mais elle prend fin.

 And [2532] if [1487] Satan [4567] rise up [0450] [5627] against [1909] himself [1438], and [2532] be divided [3307] [5769], he cannot [3756] [1410] [5736] stand [2476] [5683], but [0235] hath [2192] [5719] an end [5056].


 Personne ne peut entrer dans la maison d'un homme fort et piller son bien, s'il n'a auparavant lié cet homme fort; et alors il pillera sa maison.

 No man [3762] can [3756] [1410] [5736] enter [1525] [5631] into [1519] a strong man's [2478] house [3614], and spoil [1283] [5658] his [0846] goods [4632], except [3362] he will [1210] [0000] first [4412] bind [1210] [5661] the strong man [2478]; and [2532] then [5119] he will spoil [1283] [5692] his [0846] house [3614].


 Je vous dis en vérité, que toutes sortes de péchés seront pardonnés aux enfants des hommes, ainsi que les blasphèmes par lesquels ils auront blasphémé;

 Verily [0281] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], [3754] All [3956] sins [0265] shall be forgiven [0863] [5701] unto the sons [5207] of men [0444], and [2532] blasphemies [0988] wherewith [3745] soever [0302] they shall blaspheme [0987] [5661]:


 Mais quiconque aura blasphémé contre la Sainte Présence divine, n'en obtiendra jamais le pardon; mais il sera sujet à une condamnation éternelle.

 But [1161] he that [0302] shall blaspheme [0987] [5661] against [1519] the Holy [0040] Ghost [4151] hath [2192] [5719] never [3756] [1519] [0165] forgiveness [0859], but [0235] is [2076] [5748] in danger [1777] of eternal [0166] damnation [2920]:


 Jésus parla ainsi, parce qu'ils disaient: Il a l'esprit dérangé.

 Because [3754] they said [3004] [5707], He hath [2192] [5719] an unclean [0169] spirit [4151].


 Ses frères et sa mère arrivèrent donc, et se tenant dehors ils l'envoyèrent appeler; et la multitude était assise autour de lui.

 There came [2064] [5736] then [3767] his [0846] brethren [0080] and [2532] his mother [3384], and [2532], standing [2476] [5761] without [1854], sent [0649] [5656] unto [4314] him [0846], calling [5455] [5723] him [0846].


 Et on lui dit: Voilà, ta mère et tes frères sont là dehors, qui te demandent.

 And [2532] the multitude [3793] sat [2521] [5711] about [4012] him [0846], and [1161] they said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Behold [2400] [5628], thy [4675] mother [3384] and [2532] thy [4675] brethren [0080] without [1854] seek for [2212] [5719] thee [4571].


 Mais il répondit: Qui est ma mère, ou qui sont mes frères?

 And [2532] he answered [0611] [5662] them [0846], saying [3004] [5723], Who [5101] is [2076] [5748] my [3450] mother [3384], or [2228] my [3450] brethren [0080]?


 Et jetant les yeux sur ceux qui étaient autour de lui, il dit: Voici ma mère et mes frères.

 And [2532] he looked [4017] [5671] round about [2945] on them which [3588] sat [2521] [5740] about [4012] him [0848], and said [3004] [5719], Behold [2396] my [3450] mother [3384] and [2532] my [3450] brethren [0080]!


 Car chacun qui réalisera le choix de Dieu, celui-là est mon frère, et ma sœur et ma mère.

 For [1063] whosoever [3739] [0302] shall do [4160] [5661] the will [2307] of God [2316], the same [3778] is [2076] [5748] my [3450] brother [0080], and [2532] my [3450] sister [0079], and [2532] mother [3384].


 Jésus se mit encore à enseigner près de la mer, et une grande multitude s'étant assemblée auprès de lui, il monta dans une barque où il s'assit, et tout le peuple était à terre sur le rivage.

 And [2532] he began [0756] [5662] again [3825] to teach [1321] [5721] by [3844] the sea side [2281]: and [2532] there was gathered [4863] [5681] unto [4314] him [0846] a great [4183] multitude [3793], so that [5620] he entered [1684] [5631] into [1519] a ship [4143], and sat [2521] [5738] in [1722] the sea [2281]; and [2532] the whole [3956] multitude [3793] was [2258] [5713] by [4314] the sea [2281] on [1909] the land [1093].


 Il leur enseignait beaucoup de choses par des similitudes, et il leur disait dans ses instructions:

 And [2532] he taught [1321] [5707] them [0846] many things [4183] by [1722] parables [3850], and [2532] said [3004] [5707] unto them [0846] in [1722] his [0848] doctrine [1322],


 Écoutez; un semeur sortit pour semer;

 Hearken [0191] [5720]; Behold [2400] [5628], there went out [1831] [5627] a sower [4687] [5723] to sow [4687] [5658]:


 Et il arriva qu'en semant, une partie de la semence tomba le long du chemin, et les oiseaux vinrent et la mangèrent toute;

 And [2532] it came to pass [1096] [5633], as [1722] he sowed [4687] [5721], some [3739] [3303] fell [4098] [5627] by [3844] the way side [3598], and [2532] the fowls [4071] of the air [3772] came [2064] [5627] and [2532] devoured [2719] [0000] it [0846] up [2719] [5627].


 Une autre partie tomba sur un endroit pierreux, où elle avait peu de terre; et aussitôt elle leva, parce qu'elle n'entrait pas profondément dans la terre;

 And [1161] some [0243] fell [4098] [5627] on [1909] stony ground [4075], where [3699] it had [2192] [5707] not [3756] much [4183] earth [1093]; and [2532] immediately [2112] it sprang up [1816] [5656], because [1223] it had [2192] [5721] no [3361] depth [0899] of earth [1093]:


 Mais quand le soleil fut levé, elle fut brûlée, et parce qu'elle n'avait pas de racine, elle sécha;

 But [1161] when [0393] [0000] the sun [2246] was up [0393] [5660], it was scorched [2739] [5681]; and [2532] because [1223] it had [2192] [5721] no [3361] root [4491], it withered away [3583] [5681].


 Une autre partie tomba parmi les épines; et les épines grandirent et l'étouffèrent, et elle ne rapporta point de fruit;

 And [2532] some [0243] fell [4098] [5627] among [1519] thorns [0173], and [2532] the thorns [0173] grew up [0305] [5627], and [2532] choked [4846] [5656] it [0846], and [2532] it yielded [1325] [5656] no [3756] fruit [2590].


 Et une autre partie tomba dans une bonne terre et rendit du fruit, qui monta et grandit, en sorte qu'un grain en rapporta trente, un autre soixante, et un autre cent.

 And [2532] other [0243] fell [4098] [5627] on [1519] good [2570] ground [1093], and [2532] did yield [1325] [5707] fruit [2590] that sprang up [0305] [5723] and [2532] increased [0837] [5723]; and [2532] brought forth [5342] [5707], some [1520] thirty [5144], and [2532] some [1520] sixty [1835], and [2532] some [1520] an hundred [1540].


 Et il leur dit: Que celui qui a des oreilles pour entendre, comprenne.

 And [2532] he said [3004] [5707] unto them [0846], He that hath [2192] [5723] ears [3775] to hear [0191] [5721], let him hear [0191] [5720].


 Or, quand il fut en particulier, ceux qui étaient autour de lui, avec les Douze, l'interrogèrent sur la parabole.

 And [1161] when [3753] he was [1096] [5633] alone [2651], they that were about [4012] him with [4862] the twelve [1427] asked [2065] [5656] of him [0846] the parable [3850].


 Et il leur dit: Il vous est donné de connaître le mystère de la Souveraineté de Dieu; mais pour ceux du dehors, tout est annoncé en paraboles;

 And [2532] he said [3004] [5707] unto them [0846], Unto you [5213] it is given [1325] [5769] to know [1097] [5629] the mystery [3466] of the kingdom [0932] of God [2316]: but [1161] unto them [1565] that are without [1854], all [these] things [3956] are done [1096] [5736] in [1722] parables [3850]:


 De sorte qu'en voyant, ils voient et n'aperçoivent point; et qu'en entendant, ils entendent et ne comprennent point; de peur qu'en aucun temps ils ne se convertissent et que leurs péchés ne leur soient pardonnés.

 That [2443] seeing [0991] [5723] they may see [0991] [5725], and [2532] not [3361] perceive [1492] [5632]; and [2532] hearing [0191] [5723] they may hear [0191] [5725], and [2532] not [3361] understand [4920] [5725]; lest at any time [3379] they should be converted [1994] [5661], and [2532] [their] sins [0265] should be forgiven [0863] [5686] them [0846].


 Et il leur dit: N'entendez-vous pas cette similitude? Et comment entendrez-vous les autres?

 And [2532] he said [3004] [5719] unto them [0846], Know ye [1492] [5758] not [3756] this [5026] parable [3850]? and [2532] how then [4459] will ye know [1097] [5695] all [3956] parables [3850]?


 Le semeur sème la Parole.

 The sower [4687] [5723] soweth [4687] [5719] the word [3056].


 Ceux qui sont le long du chemin, ce sont ceux en qui la Parole est semée, mais aussitôt qu'ils l'ont entendue, la contradiction vient et enlève la Parole qui avait été semée dans leurs cœurs;

 And [1161] these [3778] are they [1526] [5748] by [3844] the way side [3598], where [3699] the word [3056] is sown [4687] [5743]; but [2532] when [3752] they have heard [0191] [5661], Satan [4567] cometh [2064] [5736] immediately [2112], and [2532] taketh away [0142] [5719] the word [3056] that was sown [4687] [5772] in [1722] their [0846] hearts [2588].


 De même, ceux qui reçoivent la semence dans des endroits pierreux, sont ceux qui, ayant entendu la Parole, la reçoivent d'abord avec joie;

 And [2532] these [3778] are they [1526] [5748] likewise [3668] which are sown [4687] [5746] on [1909] stony ground [4075]; who [3739], when [3752] they have heard [0191] [5661] the word [3056], immediately [2112] receive [2983] [5719] it [0846] with [3326] gladness [5479];


 Mais ils n'ont point de racine en eux-mêmes, et ils ne durent qu'un moment, de sorte que l'affliction ou la persécution survenant pour la Parole, ils sont aussitôt scandalisés.

 And [2532] have [2192] [5719] no [3756] root [4491] in [1722] themselves [1438], and [0235] so endure [1526] [5748] but for a time [4340]: afterward [1534], when affliction [2347] or persecution [1375] ariseth [1096] [5637] for [1223] the word's sake [3056], immediately [2112] they are offended [4624] [5743].


 Et ceux qui reçoivent la semence parmi les épines, ce sont ceux qui écoutent la Parole;

 And [2532] these [3778] are [1526] [5748] they which are [1526] [5748] sown [4687] [5746] among [1519] thorns [0173]; such as [3778] hear [0191] [5723] the word [3056],


 Mais les soucis de ce monde, la séduction des richesses et les passions pour les autres choses survenant, étouffent la Parole, et elle devient infructueuse;

 And [2532] the cares [3308] of this [5127] world [0165], and [2532] the deceitfulness [0539] of riches [4149], and [2532] the lusts [1939] of [4012] other things [3062] entering in [1531] [5740], choke [4846] [5719] the word [3056], and [2532] it becometh [1096] [5736] unfruitful [0175].


 Mais ceux qui ont reçu la semence dans une bonne terre, ce sont ceux qui écoutent la Parole, qui la reçoivent et qui portent du fruit, un grain trente, un autre soixante, et un autre cent.

 And [2532] these [3778] are [1526] [5748] they which are sown [4687] [5651] on [1909] good [2570] ground [1093]; such as [3748] hear [0191] [5719] the word [3056], and [2532] receive [3858] [5736] [it], and [2532] bring forth fruit [2592] [5719], some [1520] thirtyfold [5144], some [2532] [1520] sixty [1835], and [2532] some [1520] an hundred [1540].


 Il leur disait encore: Apporte-t-on une lumière pour la mettre sous un récipient, ou sous un canapé? N'est-ce pas pour la mettre sur un lampadaire?

 And [2532] he said [3004] [5707] unto them [0846], Is [3385] a candle [3088] brought [2064] [5736] to [2443] be put [5087] [5686] under [5259] a bushel [3426], or [2228] under [5259] a bed [2825]? and not [3756] to [2443] be set [2007] [5686] on [1909] a candlestick [3087]?


 Car il n'y a rien de secret qui ne doive être manifesté, et il n'y a rien de caché qui ne doive venir en évidence.

 For [1063] there is [2076] [5748] nothing [3756] hid [2927] [5100], which [3739] shall [5319] [0000] not [3362] be manifested [5319] [5686]; neither [3761] was any thing kept [1096] [5633] secret [0614], but [0235] that [2443] it should come [2064] [5632] abroad [1519] [5318].


 Si quelqu'un a des oreilles pour entendre, qu'il comprenne.

 If any man [1536] have [2192] [5719] ears [3775] to hear [0191] [5721], let him hear [0191] [5720].


 Il leur dit encore: Prenez garde à ce que vous entendez. On vous mesurera de la même mesure dont vous aurez mesuré, et on y ajoutera encore davantage pour vous qui écoutez.

 And [2532] he said [3004] [5707] unto them [0846], Take heed [0991] [5720] what [5101] ye hear [0191] [5719]: with [1722] what [3739] measure [3358] ye mete [3354] [5719], it shall be measured [3354] [5701] to you [5213]: and [2532] unto you [5213] that hear [0191] [5723] shall more be given [4369] [5701].


 Car on donnera à celui qui a; mais à celui qui n'a pas, on ôtera même ce qu'il possède.

 For [1063] [0302] he that [3739] hath [2192] [5725], to him [0846] shall be given [1325] [5701]: and [2532] he that [3739] hath [2192] [5719] not [3756], from [0575] him [0846] shall be taken [0142] [5701] even [2532] that which [3739] he hath [2192] [5719].


 Il dit encore: Il en est de la Souveraineté de Dieu comme si un homme jette de la semence en terre;

 And [2532] he said [3004] [5707], So [3779] is [2076] [5748] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316], as [5613] if [1437] a man [0444] should cast [0906] [5632] seed [4703] into [1909] the ground [1093];


 Soit qu'il dorme ou qu'il se lève, la nuit ou le jour, la semence germe et croît sans qu'il sache comment.

 And [2532] should sleep [2518] [5725], and [2532] rise [1453] [5747] night [3571] and [2532] day [2250], and [2532] the seed [4703] should spring [0985] [5725] and [2532] grow up [3373] [5747], he [0846] knoweth [1492] [5758] not [3756] how [5613].


 Car la terre produit d'elle-même, premièrement l'herbe, ensuite l'épi, puis le grain formé dans l'épi.

 For [1063] the earth [1093] bringeth forth fruit [2592] [5719] of herself [0844]; first [4412] the blade [5528], then [1534] the ear [4719], after that [1534] the full [4134] corn [4621] in [1722] the ear [4719].


 Et quand le fruit est dans sa maturité, on y met aussitôt la faucille, parce que la moisson est prête.

 But [1161] when [3752] the fruit [2590] is brought forth [3860] [5632], immediately [2112] he putteth in [0649] [5719] the sickle [1407], because [3754] the harvest [2326] is come [3936] [5758].


 Il disait encore: À quoi comparerons-nous la Souveraineté de Dieu, ou par quelle similitude la représenterons-nous?

 And [2532] he said [3004] [5707], Whereunto [5101] shall we liken [3666] [5661] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316]? or [2228] with [1722] what [4169] comparison [3850] shall we compare [3846] [5632] it [0846]?


 Elle en est comme du grain de moutarde, lequel, lorsqu'on le sème dans le sol, est la plus petite de toutes les semences que l'on jette en terre;

 [It is] like [5613] a grain [2848] of mustard seed [4615], which [3739], when [3752] it is sown [4687] [5652] in [1909] the earth [1093], is less [3398] than all [3956] the seeds [4690] that be [2076] [5748] in [1909] the earth [1093]:


 Mais après qu'on l'a semé, il monte et devient plus grand que tous les autres herbes, et pousse de grandes branches, en sorte que les oiseaux du ciel peuvent demeurer sous son ombre.

 But [2532] when [3752] it is sown [4687] [5652], it groweth up [0305] [5719], and [2532] becometh [1096] [5736] greater than [3187] all [3956] herbs [3001], and [2532] shooteth out [4160] [5719] great [3173] branches [2798]; so that [5620] the fowls [4071] of the air [3772] may [1410] [5738] lodge [2681] [5721] under [5259] the shadow [4639] of it [0846].


 Il leur annonçait la Parole par plusieurs similitudes de cette sorte, selon qu'ils étaient capables de l'entendre.

 And [2532] with many [4183] such [5108] parables [3850] spake he [2980] [5707] the word [3056] unto them [0846], as [2531] they were able [1410] [5711] to hear [0191] [5721] [it].


 Et il ne leur parlait point sans similitudes; mais, en particulier, il expliquait tout à ses disciples.

 But [1161] without [5565] a parable [3850] spake [2980] [5707] he not [3756] unto them [0846]: and [1161] when they were alone [2398] [2596], he expounded [1956] [5707] all things [3956] to his [0848] disciples [3101].


 Ce jour-là, quand le soir fut venu, il leur dit: Traversons de l'autre côté de la mer.

 And [2532] the [1722] same [1565] day [2250], when the even [3798] was come [1096] [5637], he saith [3004] [5719] unto them [0846], Let us pass over [1330] [5632] unto [1519] the other side [4008].


 Et après avoir renvoyé le peuple, ils emmenèrent Jésus dans la barque comme il y était; et il y avait aussi d'autres petites barques qui l'accompagnaient.

 And [2532] when they had sent away [0863] [5631] the multitude [3793], they took [3880] [5719] him [0846] even as [5613] he was [2258] [5713] in [1722] the ship [4143]. And [1161] there were [2258] [5713] also [2532] with [3326] him [0846] other [0243] little ships [4142].


 Alors s'éleva un grand coup de vent, et les vagues entraient dans la barque, en sorte qu'elle commençait à s'emplir.

 And [2532] there arose [1096] [5736] a great [3173] storm [2978] of wind [0417], and [1161] the waves [2949] beat [1911] [5707] into [1519] the ship [4143], so that [5620] it [0846] was [1072] [0000] now [2235] full [1072] [5745].


 Mais il était à la poupe, dormant sur un oreiller; et ils le réveillèrent et lui dirent: Maître, ne te soucies-tu point de ce que nous périssons?

 And [2532] he was [2258] [5713] in [1909] the hinder part of the ship [4403], asleep [2518] [5723] on [1909] a pillow [4344]: and [2532] they awake [1326] [5719] him [0846], and [2532] say [3004] [5719] unto him [0846], Master [1320], carest [3199] [5719] thou [4671] not [3756] that [3754] we perish [0622] [5731]?


 Mais lui, étant réveillé, parla avec autorité aux vents, et il dit à la mer: Tais-toi, sois tranquille. Et le vent cessa, et il se fit un grand calme.

 And [2532] he arose [1326] [5685], and rebuked [2008] [5656] the wind [0417], and [2532] said [2036] [5627] unto the sea [2281], Peace [4623] [5720], be still [5392] [5770]. And [2532] the wind [0417] ceased [2869] [5656], and [2532] there was [1096] [5633] a great [3173] calm [1055].


 Puis il leur dit: Pourquoi avez-vous peur? Comment n'avez-vous point de foi?

 And [2532] he said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Why [5101] are ye [2075] [5748] so [3779] fearful [1169]? how is it [4459] that ye have [2192] [5719] no [3756] faith [4102]?


 Et ils furent saisis d'une fort grande crainte, et ils se disaient l'un à l'autre: Mais qui est celui-ci, que le vent même et la mer lui obéissent?

 And [2532] they feared [5399] [5675] exceedingly [5401] [3173], and [2532] said [3004] [5707] one [0240] [0000] to [4314] another [0240], What [5101] manner of man [0686] is [2076] [5748] this [3778], that [3754] even [2532] the wind [0417] and [2532] the sea [2281] obey [5219] [5719] him [0846]?


 Ils arrivèrent de l'autre côté de la mer, dans la contrée des Gadaréniens.

 And [2532] they came over [2064] [5627] unto [1519] the other side [4008] of the sea [2281], into [1519] the country [5561] of the Gadarenes [1046].


 Et aussitôt que Jésus fut descendu de la barque, un homme, avec un esprit troublé, sortit des sépulcres et vint au-devant de lui.

 And [2532] when he was come [1831] [5631] out of [1537] the ship [4143], immediately [2112] there met [0528] [5656] him [0846] out of [1537] the tombs [3419] a man [0444] with [1722] an unclean [0169] spirit [4151],


 Il faisait sa demeure dans les sépulcres, et personne ne pouvait le tenir lié, pas même avec des chaînes;

 Who [3739] had [2192] [5707] [his] dwelling [2731] among [1722] the tombs [3419]; and [2532] no man [3762] could [1410] [5711] bind [1210] [5658] him [0846], no, not [3777] with chains [0254]:


 Car souvent, ayant eu les fers aux pieds, et ayant été lié de chaînes, il avait rompu les chaînes et brisé les fers; et personne ne pouvait le dompter.

 Because [1223] that he [0846] had been often [4178] bound [1210] [5771] with fetters [3976] and [2532] chains [0254], and [2532] the chains [0254] had been plucked asunder [1288] [5771] by [5259] him [0846], and [2532] the fetters [3976] broken in pieces [4937] [5771]: neither [2532] could [2480] [5707] any [man] tame [1150] [5658] him [0846] [3762].


 Et il demeurait continuellement, nuit et jour, sur les montagnes et dans les sépulcres, criant et se meurtrissant avec des pierres.

 And [2532] always [1275], night [3571] and [2532] day [2250], he was [2258] [5713] in [1722] the mountains [3735], and [2532] in [1722] the tombs [3418], crying [2896] [5723], and [2532] cutting [2629] [5723] himself [1438] with stones [3037].


 Quand il eut vu Jésus de loin, il accourut et l'adora,

 But [1161] when he saw [1492] [5631] Jesus [2424] afar off [0575] [3113], he ran [5143] [5627] and [2532] worshipped [4352] [5656] him [0846],


 Et il dit, criant à haute voix: Qu'y a-t-il entre toi et moi, Jésus, le Fils, le Dieu Très-Haut? Je t'implore à l'égard de Dieu de ne point me bouleverser.

 And [2532] cried [2896] [5660] with a loud [3173] voice [5456], and said [2036] [5627], What [5101] have I [1698] to do [2532] with thee [4671], Jesus [2424], [thou] Son [5207] of the most high [5310] God [2316]? I adjure [3726] [5719] thee [4571] by God [2316], that thou torment [0928] [5661] me [3165] not [3361].


 Car Jésus lui disait: Que la disposition de culpabilité, soit soulagé envers cet homme.

 For [1063] he said [3004] [5707] unto him [0846], Come [1831] [5628] out of [1537] the man [0444], [thou] unclean [0169] spirit [4151].


 Et Jésus lui demanda: Comment t'appelles-tu? Et il répondit: Je m'appelle Contingent; car nous sommes puissants.

 And [2532] he asked [1905] [5707] him [0846], What [5101] [is] thy [4671] name [3686]? And [2532] he answered [0611] [5662], saying [3004] [5723], My [3427] name [3686] [is] Legion [3003]: for [3754] we are [2070] [5748] many [4183].


 Et il le priait instamment de ne pas les envoyer hors de cette contrée.

 And [2532] he besought [3870] [5707] him [0846] much [4183] that [3363] [0000] he would [0649] [0000] not [3363] send [0649] [0000] them [0846] away [0649] [5661] out of [1854] the country [5561].


 Or, il y avait là, vers les montagnes, un grand troupeau de pourceaux qui paissait.

 Now [1161] there was [2258] [5713] there [1563] nigh [4314] unto the mountains [3735] a great [3173] herd [0034] of swine [5519] feeding [1006] [5746].


 Et ensemble ses dérèglements de conscience lui demandaient en disant: Envoie-nous parmi ces pourceaux, afin que nous y défoulions. Et aussitôt Jésus le leur permit.

 And [2532] all [3956] the devils [1142] besought [3870] [5656] him [0846], saying [3004] [5723], Send [3992] [5657] us [2248] into [1519] the swine [5519], that [2443] we may enter [1525] [5632] into [1519] them [0846].


 Alors ces esprits troublés partirent, et se défoulèrent parmi les pourceaux, et le troupeau se précipita violemment d'une falaise dans la mer, et ils se noyèrent dans les flots; or il y en avait environ deux mille.

 And [2532] forthwith [2112] Jesus [2424] gave [2010] [0000] them [0846] leave [2010] [5656]. And [2532] the unclean [0169] spirits [4151] went out [1831] [5631], and entered [1525] [5627] into [1519] the swine [5519]: and [2532] the herd [0034] ran [3729] [5656] violently down [2596] a steep place [2911] into [1519] the sea [2281], [1161] (they were [2258] [5713] about [5613] two thousand [1367]) and [2532] were choked [4155] [5712] in [1722] the sea [2281].


 Et ceux qui paissaient les pourceaux s'enfuirent, et en portèrent la nouvelle dans la ville et par la campagne.

 And [1161] they that fed [1006] [5723] the swine [5519] fled [5343] [5627], and [2532] told [0312] [5656] [it] in [1519] the city [4172], and [2532] in [1519] the country [0068]. And [2532] they went out [1831] [5627] to see [1492] [5629] what [5101] it was [2076] [5748] that was done [1096] [5756].


 Alors le peuple sortit pour voir ce qui était arrivé; et ils vinrent vers Jésus et virent celui qui avait eu un cerveau détraqué, assis, habillé et dans son bon sens; et ils furent remplis de crainte.

 And [2532] they come [2064] [5736] to [4314] Jesus [2424], and [2532] see [2334] [5719] him that was possessed with the devil [1139] [5740], and had [2192] [5761] the legion [3003], sitting [2521] [5740], and [2532] clothed [2439] [5772], and [2532] in his right mind [4993] [5723]: and [2532] they were afraid [5399] [5675].


 Et ceux qui avaient vu cela, leur racontèrent ce qui était arrivé à celui qui avait eu un cerveau détraqué et aux pourceaux.

 And [2532] they that saw [1492] [5631] [it] told [1334] [5662] them [0846] how [4459] it befell [1096] [5633] to him that was possessed with the devil [1139] [5740], and [2532] [also] concerning [4012] the swine [5519].


 Alors ils se mirent à le prier de se retirer de leurs quartiers.

 And [2532] they began [0756] [5662] to pray [3870] [5721] him [0846] to depart [0565] [5629] out of [0575] their [0846] coasts [3725].


 Et quand il fut entré dans la barque, celui qui avait eu un cerveau détraqué, le pria de lui permettre d'être avec lui.

 And [2532] when he was come [1684] [5631] into [1519] the ship [4143], he that had been possessed with the devil [1139] [5679] prayed [3870] [5707] him [0846] that [2443] he might be [5600] [5753] with [3326] him [0846].


 Mais Jésus ne le lui permit pas, et il dit: Va toi-même dans ta maison vers tes parents, et raconte-leur les grandes choses que YEHOVAH t'a faites, et comment il a eu pitié de toi.

 Howbeit [1161] Jesus [2424] suffered [0863] [5656] him [0846] not [3756], but [0235] saith [3004] [5719] unto him [0846], Go [5217] [5720] home [1519] [3624] [4675] to [4314] thy friends [4674], and [2532] tell [0312] [5657] them [0846] how great things [3745] the Lord [2962] hath done [4160] [5656] for thee [4671], and [2532] hath had compassion [1653] [5656] on thee [4571].


 Et il s'en alla, et se mit à publier dans la Décapole les grandes choses que Jésus lui avait faites; et ils étaient tous dans l'admiration.

 And [2532] he departed [0565] [5627], and [2532] began [0756] [5662] to publish [2784] [5721] in [1722] Decapolis [1179] how great things [3745] Jesus [2424] had done [4160] [5656] for him [0846]: and [2532] all [3956] [men] did marvel [2296] [5707].


 Jésus étant repassé dans la barque à l'autre bord, une grande foule de peuple s'assembla auprès de lui et il était près de la mer.

 And [2532] when Jesus [2424] was passed over [1276] [5660] again [3825] by [1722] ship [4143] unto [1519] the other side [4008], much [4183] people [3793] gathered [4863] [5681] unto [1909] him [0846]: and [2532] he was [2258] [5713] nigh [3844] unto the sea [2281].


 Et un des chefs de la synagogue, nommé Jaïrus, vint, et l'ayant vu, se jeta à ses pieds,

 And [2532], behold [2400] [5628], there cometh [2064] [5736] one [1520] of the rulers of the synagogue [0752], Jairus [2383] by name [3686]; and [2532] when he saw [1492] [5631] him [0846], he fell [4098] [5719] at [4314] his [0846] feet [4228],


 Et le pria instamment, disant: Ma petite fille est à l'extrémité; viens lui imposer les mains, afin qu'elle soit guérie, et elle vivra.

 And [2532] besought [3870] [5707] him [0846] greatly [4183], saying [3004] [5723], [3754] My [3450] little daughter [2365] lieth [2079] at the point of death [2192] [5719]: [I pray thee], come [2064] [5631] and [2443] lay [2007] [5632] thy hands [5495] on her [0846], that [3704] she may be healed [4982] [5686]; and [2532] she shall live [2198] [5695].


 Et Jésus s'en alla avec lui; et il fut suivi d'une grande foule, qui le pressait.

 And [2532] [Jesus] went [0565] [5627] with [3326] him [0846]; and [2532] much [4183] people [3793] followed [0190] [5707] him [0846], and [2532] thronged [4918] [5707] him [0846].


 Alors une certaine femme malade d'une perte de sang, depuis douze ans,

 And [2532] a certain [5100] woman [1135], which had an [1722] issue [4511] of blood [0129] [5607] [5752] twelve [1427] years [2094],


 Qui avait beaucoup souffert entre les mains de plusieurs médecins, et qui avait dépensé tout son bien sans en avoir reçu aucun soulagement, mais qui était plutôt allée en empirant,

 And [2532] had suffered [3958] [5631] many things [4183] of [5259] many [4183] physicians [2395], and [2532] had spent [1159] [5660] all [3956] that she [1438] had [3844], and [2532] was [5623] [0000] nothing [3367] bettered [5623] [5685], but [0235] rather [3123] grew [2064] [5631] worse [1519] [5501],


 Ayant entendu parler de Jésus, vint dans la foule par-derrière, et toucha son vêtement.

 When she had heard [0191] [5660] of [4012] Jesus [2424], came [2064] [5631] in [1722] the press [3793] behind [3693], and touched [0680] [5662] his [0846] garment [2440].


 Car elle disait: Si je touche seulement ses vêtements, je serai guérie.

 For [1063] she said [3004] [5707], If [3754] [2579] [0000] I may touch [0680] [5672] but [2579] his [0846] clothes [2440], I shall be whole [4982] [5701].


 Et au même instant la perte de sang s'arrêta; et elle sentit en son corps qu'elle était guérie de son mal.

 And [2532] straightway [2112] the fountain [4077] of her [0846] blood [0129] was dried up [3583] [5681]; and [2532] she felt [1097] [5627] in [her] body [4983] that [3754] she was healed [2390] [5769] of [0575] that plague [3148].


 Aussitôt Jésus, connaissant en lui-même la vertu qui était sortie de lui, se tourna dans la foule, en disant: Qui a touché mon vêtement?

 And [2532] Jesus [2424], immediately [2112] knowing [1921] [5631] in [1722] himself [1438] that virtue [1411] had gone [1831] [5631] out of [1537] him [0848], turned him about [1994] [5651] in [1722] the press [3793], and said [3004] [5707], Who [5101] touched [0680] [5662] my [3450] clothes [2440]?


 Et ses disciples lui dirent: Tu vois que la foule te presse et tu dis: Qui m'a touché?

 And [2532] his disciples [3101] said [3004] [5707] unto him [0846], Thou seest [0991] [5719] the multitude [3793] thronging [4918] [5723] thee [4571], and [2532] sayest thou [3004] [5719], Who [5101] touched [0680] [5662] me [3450]?


 Et il regardait tout autour, pour découvrir celle qui avait fait cela.

 And [2532] he looked round about [4017] [5710] to see [1492] [5629] her that had done [4160] [5660] this thing [5124].


 Alors la femme, effrayée et tremblante, sachant ce qui avait été fait en sa personne, vint et se jeta à ses pieds, et lui dit toute la vérité.

 But [1161] the woman [1135] fearing [5399] [5679] and [2532] trembling [5141] [5723], knowing [1492] [5761] what [3739] was done [1096] [5754] in [1909] her [0846], came [2064] [5627] and [2532] fell down before [4363] [5627] him [0846], and [2532] told [2036] [5627] him [0846] all [3956] the truth [0225].


 Et Jésus lui dit: Ma fille, ta foi t'a guérie; retourne en paix, et sois délivrée de ta maladie.

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto her [0846], Daughter [2364], thy [4675] faith [4102] hath made [4982] [0000] thee [4571] whole [4982] [5758]; go [5217] [5720] in [1519] peace [1515], and [2532] be [2468] [5749] whole [5199] of [0575] thy [4675] plague [3148].


 Comme il parlait encore, des gens du chef de la synagogue vinrent lui dire: Ta fille est morte; ne donne pas davantage de peine au Maître.

 While [2089] [0000] he [0846] yet [2089] spake [2980] [5723], there came [2064] [5736] from [0575] the ruler of the synagogue's [0752] [house certain] which said [3004] [5723], [3754] Thy [4675] daughter [2364] is dead [0599] [5627]: why [5101] troublest thou [4660] [5719] the Master [1320] any further [2089]?


 Aussitôt que Jésus eut entendu cela, il dit au chef de la synagogue: Ne crains point, crois seulement.

 As soon as [1161] [2112] Jesus [2424] heard [0191] [5660] the word [3056] that was spoken [2980] [5746], he saith [3004] [5719] unto the ruler of the synagogue [0752], Be [5399] [0000] not [3361] afraid [5399] [5732] [5737], only [3440] believe [4100] [5720].


 Et il ne permit à personne de le suivre, sinon à Pierre, à Jacques et à Jean, frère de Jacques.

 And [2532] he suffered [0863] [5656] [3756] no man [3762] to follow [4870] [5658] him [0846], save [1508] Peter [4074], and [2532] James [2385], and [2532] John [2491] the brother [0080] of James [2385].


 Étant arrivé à la maison du chef de la synagogue, il vit qu'on y faisait un grand bruit, et des gens qui pleuraient et qui jetaient de grands cris.

 And [2532] he cometh [2064] [5736] to [1519] the house [3624] of the ruler of the synagogue [0752], and [2532] seeth [2334] [5719] the tumult [2351], and them that wept [2799] [5723] and [2532] wailed [0214] [5723] greatly [4183].


 Et étant entré, il leur dit: Pourquoi faites-vous ce bruit, et pourquoi pleurez-vous? l'enfant n'est pas morte, mais elle dort.

 And [2532] when he was come in [1525] [5631], he saith [3004] [5719] unto them [0846], Why [5101] make ye this ado [2350] [5743], and [2532] weep [2799] [5719]? the damsel [3813] is [0599] [0000] not [3756] dead [0599] [5627], but [0235] sleepeth [2518] [5719].


 Et ils se moquaient de lui; mais les ayant tous fait sortir, il prit le père et la mère de l'enfant, et ceux qui étaient avec lui, et il entra dans le lieu où elle était couchée.

 And [2532] they laughed [2606] [0000] him [0846] to scorn [2606] [5707]. But [1161] when he had put [1544] [0000] them all [0537] out [1544] [5631], he taketh [3880] [5719] the father [3962] and [2532] the mother [3384] of the damsel [3813], and [2532] them that were with [3326] him [0846], and [2532] entereth in [1531] [5736] where [3699] the damsel [3813] was [2258] [5713] lying [0345] [5740].


 Et l'ayant prise par la main, il lui dit: Talitha coumi; c'est-à-dire: Petite fille, lève-toi, je te le dis.

 And [2532] he took [2902] [5660] the damsel [3813] by the hand [5495], and said [3004] [5719] unto her [0846], Talitha [5008] cumi [2891]; which [3739] is [2076] [5748], being interpreted [3177] [5746], Damsel [2877], I say [3004] [5719] unto thee [4671], arise [1453] [5669].


 Aussitôt la petite fille se leva et se mit à marcher, car elle était âgée de douze ans. Et ils en furent dans un grand ravissement.

 And [2532] straightway [2112] the damsel [2877] arose [0450] [5627], and [2532] walked [4043] [5707]; for [1063] she was [2258] [5713] [of the age] of twelve [1427] years [2094]. And [2532] they were astonished [1839] [5627] with a great [3173] astonishment [1611].


 Et il leur commanda fortement que personne ne le sût; et il dit qu'on donnât à manger à la petite fille.

 And [2532] he charged [1291] [5668] them [0846] straitly [4183] that [2443] no man [3367] should know [1097] [5632] it [5124]; and [2532] commanded [2036] [5627] that something should be given [1325] [5683] her [0846] to eat [5315] [5629].


 Jésus étant parti de là, vint dans sa patrie, et ses disciples le suivirent.

 And [2532] he went out [1831] [5627] from thence [1564], and [2532] came [2064] [5627] into [1519] his own [0848] country [3968]; and [2532] his [0846] disciples [3101] follow [0190] [5719] him [0846].


 Et quand le sabbat fut venu, il commença à enseigner dans la synagogue; et plusieurs de ceux qui l'entendaient, s'étonnaient et disaient: D'où viennent toutes ces choses à cet homme? Quelle est cette sagesse qui lui a été donnée, et d'où vient que de si grands miracles se font par ses mains?

 And [2532] when the sabbath day [4521] was come [1096] [5637], he began [0756] [5662] to teach [1321] [5721] in [1722] the synagogue [4864]: and [2532] many [4183] hearing [0191] [5723] [him] were astonished [1605] [5712], saying [3004] [5723], From whence [4159] hath this [5129] [man] these things [5023]? and [2532] what [5101] wisdom [4678] [is] this which is given [1325] [5685] unto him [0846], that [3754] even [2532] such [5108] mighty works [1411] are wrought


 N'est-ce pas là le charpentier, le fils de Marie, le frère de Jacques, de Joses, de Jude et de Simon? Ses sœurs ne sont-elles pas ici parmi nous? Et ils se scandalisaient à son sujet.

 Is [2076] [5748] not [3756] this [3778] the carpenter [5045], the son [5207] of Mary [3137], [1161] the brother [0080] of James [2385], and [2532] Joses [2500], and [2532] of Juda [2455], and [2532] Simon [4613]? and [2532] are [1526] [5748] not [3756] his [0846] sisters [0079] here [5602] with [4314] us [2248]? And [2532] they were offended [4624] [5712] at [1722] him [0846].


 Mais Jésus leur dit: Un prophète n'est méprisé que dans son pays, parmi ses parents et ceux de sa famille.

 But [1161] Jesus [2424] said [3004] [5707] unto them [0846] [3754], A prophet [4396] is [2076] [5748] not [3756] without honour [0820], but [1508] in [1722] his own [0848] country [3968], and [2532] among [1722] his own kin [4773], and [2532] in [1722] his own [0848] house [3614].


 Et il ne put faire là aucun miracle, si ce n'est qu'il guérit quelques malades, en leur imposant les mains.

 And [2532] he could [3756] [1410] [5711] there [1563] do [4160] [5658] no [3762] mighty work [1411], save [1508] that he laid [2007] [5631] his hands [5495] upon a few [3641] sick folk [0732], and healed [2323] [5656] [them].


 Et il s'étonnait de leur défiance; et il parcourut les villages des environs en enseignant.

 And [2532] he marvelled [2296] [5707] because [1223] of their [0846] unbelief [0570]. And [2532] he went [4013] [5707] round about [2945] the villages [2968], teaching [1321] [5723].


 Alors il appela les Douze, et il commença à les envoyer deux à deux, et leur donna pouvoir sur les esprits troublés;

 And [2532] he called [4341] [5736] [unto him] the twelve [1427], and [2532] began [0756] [5662] to send [0649] [0000] them [0846] forth [0649] [5721] by two [1417] and two [1417]; and [2532] gave [1325] [5707] them [0846] power over [1849] unclean [0169] spirits [4151];


 Et il leur ordonna de ne rien prendre pour le chemin, qu'un bâton; ni sac, ni pain, ni monnaie dans la ceinture;

 And [2532] commanded [3853] [5656] them [0846] that [2443] they should take [0142] [5725] nothing [3367] for [1519] [their] journey [3598], save [1508] a staff [4464] only [3440]; no [3361] scrip [4082], no [3361] bread [0740], no [3361] money [5475] in [1519] [their] purse [2223]:


 Mais des sandales aux pieds, et de ne pas porter deux habits.

 But [0235] [be] shod [5265] [5772] with sandals [4547]; and [2532] not [3361] put on [1746] [5672] [5625] [1746] [5670] two [1417] coats [5509].


 Il leur dit aussi: En quelque maison que vous entriez, demeurez-y jusqu'à ce que vous sortiez de ce lieu.

 And [2532] he said [3004] [5707] unto them [0846], In what place soever [3699] [1437] ye enter [1525] [5632] into [1519] an house [3614], there [1563] abide [3306] [5720] till [2193] [0302] ye depart [1831] [5632] from that place [1564].


 Et lorsqu'il se trouvera des gens qui ne vous recevront pas, et qui ne vous écouteront pas, en partant de là, secouez la poussière de vos pieds en témoignage contre eux. Je vous dis en vérité, que le sort de Sodome et de Gomorrhe sera plus supportable au jour du jugement, que celui de cette ville-là.

 And [2532] whosoever [3745] [0302] shall [1209] [0000] not [3361] receive [1209] [5667] you [5209], nor [3366] hear [0191] [5661] you [5216], when ye depart [1607] [5740] thence [1564], shake off [1621] [5657] the dust [5522] under [5270] your [5216] feet [4228] for [1519] a testimony [3142] against them [0846]. Verily [0281] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], It shall be [2071] [5704] more tolerable [0414] for Sodom [4670] and [2228] Gomorrha [1116] in


 Étant donc partis, ils prêchèrent qu'on se reconsidère,

 And [2532] they went out [1831] [5631], and preached [2784] [5707] that [2443] men should repent [3340] [5661].


 Et ils redressèrent plusieurs consciences déréglées, et oignirent d'huile plusieurs malades, et ils les guérirent.

 And [2532] they cast out [1544] [5707] many [4183] devils [1140], and [2532] anointed [0218] [5707] with oil [1637] many [4183] that were sick [0732], and [2532] healed [2323] [5707] [them].


 Or, le roi Hérode entendit parler de Jésus, car son nom était déjà célèbre; et il dit: Ce Jean qui consacrait, est ressuscité d'entre les morts; c'est pour cela qu'il s'opère des miracles par lui.

 And [2532] king [0935] Herod [2264] heard [0191] [5656] [of him]; (for [1063] his [0846] name [3686] was [1096] [5633] spread abroad [5318]) and [2532] he said [3004] [5707], That [3754] John [2491] the Baptist [0907] [5723] was risen [1453] [5681] from [1537] the dead [3498], and [2532] therefore [1223] [5124] mighty works [1411] do shew forth themselves [1754] [5719] in [1722] him [0846].


 D'autres disaient: C'est Élie; et d'autres: C'est un prophète, ou comme l'un des prophètes.

 Others [0243] said [3004] [5707], That [3754] it is [2076] [5748] Elias [2243]. And [1161] others [0243] said [3004] [5707], That [3754] it is [2076] [5748] a prophet [4396], or [2228] as [5613] one of [1520] the prophets [4396].


 Hérode donc, en ayant entendu parler, dit: C'est ce Jean que j'ai fait décapiter; il est ressuscité d'entre les morts.

 But [1161] when Herod [2264] heard [0191] [5660] [thereof], he said [2036] [5627], It [3778] is [2076] [5748] John [2491], whom [3754] [3739] I [1473] beheaded [0607] [5656]: he [0846] is risen [1453] [5681] from [1537] the dead [3498].


 Car Hérode avait envoyé prendre Jean, et l'avait fait lier dans la prison, à cause d'Hérodias, femme de Philippe son frère, parce qu'il l'avait épousée.

 For [1063] Herod [2264] himself [0846] had sent forth [0649] [5660] and laid hold [2902] [5656] upon John [2491], and [2532] bound [1210] [5656] him [0846] in [1722] prison [5438] for [1223] [0000] Herodias [2266]' sake [1223], his [0848] brother [0080] Philip's [5376] wife [1135]: for [3754] he had married [1060] [5656] her [0846].


 Car Jean disait à Hérode: Il ne t'est pas permis d'avoir la femme de ton frère.

 For [1063] John [2491] had said [3004] [5707] unto Herod [2264], [3754] It is [1832] [0000] not [3756] lawful [1832] [5748] for thee [4671] to have [2192] [5721] thy [4675] brother's [0080] wife [1135].


 C'est pourquoi Hérodias lui en voulait, et elle désirait de le faire mourir; mais elle ne le pouvait,

 Therefore [1161] Herodias [2266] had a quarrel [1758] [5707] against him [0846], and [2532] would [2309] [5707] have killed [0615] [5658] him [0846]; but [2532] she could [1410] [5711] not [3756]:


 Parce qu'Hérode craignait Jean, sachant que c'était un homme juste et saint; il le considérait; il faisait même beaucoup de choses selon ses avis, et l'écoutait avec plaisir.

 For [1063] Herod [2264] feared [5399] [5711] John [2491], knowing [1492] [5761] that he [0846] was a just [1342] man [0435] and [2532] an holy [0040], and [2532] observed [4933] [5707] him [0846]; and [2532] when he heard [0191] [5660] him [0846], he did [4160] [5707] many things [4183], and [2532] heard [0191] [5707] him [0846] gladly [2234].


 Mais un jour propice arriva. Hérode, à l'occasion du jour de sa naissance, donna un festin aux grands de sa cour, aux officiers de ses troupes et aux principaux de la Galilée.

 And [2532] when a convenient [2121] day [2250] was come [1096] [5637], that [3753] Herod [2264] on his [0848] birthday [1077] made [4160] [5707] a supper [1173] to his [0848] lords [3175], [2532] high captains [5506], and [2532] chief [4413] [estates] of Galilee [1056];


 La fille d'Hérodias étant entrée, et ayant dansé, et ayant plu à Hérode et à ses convives, le roi dit à la jeune fille: Demande-moi ce que tu voudras et je te le donnerai.

 And [2532] when the daughter [2364] of the said [0846] Herodias [2266] came in [1525] [5631], and [2532] danced [3738] [5666], and [2532] pleased [0700] [5660] Herod [2264] and [2532] them that sat with him [4873] [5740], the king [0935] said [2036] [5627] unto the damsel [2877], Ask [0154] [5657] of me [3165] whatsoever [1437] thou wilt [2309] [5725], and [2532] I will give [1325] [5692] [it] thee [4671].


 Et il ajouta avec serment: Tout ce que tu me demanderas, je te le donnerai, jusqu'à la moitié de mon royaume.

 And [2532] he sware [3660] [5656] unto her [0846], Whatsoever [3754] [3739] [1437] thou shalt ask [0154] [5661] of me [3165], I will give [1325] [5692] [it] thee [4671], unto [2193] the half [2255] of my [3450] kingdom [0932].


 Et étant sortie, elle dit à sa mère: Que demanderai-je? Et sa mère lui dit: La tête de Jean-Baptiste.

 And [1161] she went forth [1831] [5631], and said [2036] [5627] unto her [0848] mother [3384], What [5101] shall I ask [0154] [5698]? And [1161] she said [2036] [5627], The head [2776] of John [2491] the Baptist [0910].


 Et étant revenue en toute hâte vers le roi, elle fit sa demande, et dit: Je veux que tu me donnes à l'instant, dans un bassin, la tête de Jean-Baptiste.

 And [2532] she came in [1525] [5631] straightway [2112] with [3326] haste [4710] unto [4314] the king [0935], and asked [0154] [5668], saying [3004] [5723], I will [2309] [5719] that [2443] thou give [1325] [5632] me [3427] by and by [1824] in [1909] a charger [4094] the head [2776] of John [2491] the Baptist [0910].


 Et le roi en fut fort triste; cependant, à cause de son serment et des convives, il ne voulut pas la refuser.

 And [2532] the king [0935] was [1096] [5637] exceeding sorry [4036]; [yet] for [1223] his oath's sake [3727], and [2532] for their sakes which [3588] sat with him [4873] [5740], he would [2309] [5656] not [3756] reject [0114] [5658] her [0846].


 Et il envoya aussitôt un de ses gardes, et lui commanda d'apporter la tête de Jean.

 And [2532] immediately [2112] the king [0935] sent [0649] [5660] an executioner [4688], and commanded [2004] [5656] his [0846] head [2776] to be brought [5342] [5683]: and [1161] he went [0565] [5631] and beheaded [0607] [5656] him [0846] in [1722] the prison [5438],


 Le garde y alla et lui coupa la tête dans la prison; et l'ayant apportée dans un bassin, il la donna à la jeune fille, et la jeune fille la présenta à sa mère.

 And [2532] brought [5342] [5656] his [0846] head [2776] in [1909] a charger [4094], and [2532] gave [1325] [5656] it [0846] to the damsel [2877]: and [2532] the damsel [2877] gave [1325] [5656] it [0846] to her [0848] mother [3384].


 Et les disciples de Jean l'ayant appris, vinrent et emportèrent son corps, et le mirent dans un sépulcre.

 And [2532] when his [0846] disciples [3101] heard [0191] [5660] [of it], they came [2064] [5627] and [2532] took up [0142] [5656] his [0846] corpse [4430], and [2532] laid [5087] [5656] it [0846] in [1722] a tomb [3419].


 Or les apôtres se rassemblèrent auprès de Jésus, et lui racontèrent tout ce qu'ils avaient fait, et tout ce qu'ils avaient enseigné.

 And [2532] the apostles [0652] gathered themselves together [4863] [5743] unto [4314] Jesus [2424], and [2532] told [0518] [5656] him [0846] all things [3956], both [2532] what [3745] they had done [4160] [5656], and [2532] what [3745] they had taught [1321] [5656].


 Et il leur dit: Venez à l'écart, dans un lieu retiré, et prenez un peu de repos; car il allait et venait tant de monde qu'ils n'avaient pas même le temps de manger.

 And [2532] he said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Come [1205] [5773] ye [5210] yourselves [0846] apart [2596] [2398] into [1519] a desert [2048] place [5117], and [2532] rest [0373] [5732] a while [3641]: for [1063] there were [2258] [5713] many [4183] coming [2064] [5740] and [2532] going [5217] [5723], and [2532] they had no [3761] [0000] leisure [2119] [5707] so much as [3761] to eat [5315] [5629].


 Ils s'en allèrent donc dans une barque, à l'écart et dans un lieu retiré.

 And [2532] they departed [0565] [5627] into [1519] a desert [2048] place [5117] by ship [4143] privately [2596] [2398].


 Mais le peuple les vit partir, et plusieurs le reconnurent; et accourant à pied, de toutes les villes ils arrivèrent avant eux, et s'assemblèrent auprès de lui.

 And [2532] the people [3793] saw [1492] [5627] them [0846] departing [5217] [5723], and [2532] many [4183] knew [1921] [5627] him [0846], and [2532] ran [4936] [5627] afoot [3979] thither [1563] out of [0575] all [3956] cities [4172], and [2532] outwent [4281] [5627] them [0846], and [2532] came together [4905] [5627] unto [4314] him [0846].


 Alors Jésus étant sorti, vit une grande multitude; et il fut touché de compassion envers eux, parce qu'ils étaient comme des brebis qui n'ont point de berger; et il se mit à leur enseigner plusieurs choses.

 And [2532] Jesus [2424], when he came out [1831] [5631], saw [1492] [5627] much [4183] people [3793], and [2532] was moved with compassion [4697] [5675] toward [1909] them [0846], because [3754] they were [2258] [5713] as [5613] sheep [4263] not [3361] having [2192] [5723] a shepherd [4166]: and [2532] he began [0756] [5662] to teach [1321] [5721] them [0846] many things [4183].


 Et comme il était déjà tard, ses disciples s'approchèrent de lui et lui dirent: Ce lieu est désert, et il est déjà tard;

 And [2532] when the day [5610] was [1096] [5637] now [2235] far spent [4183], his [0846] disciples [3101] came [4334] [5631] unto him [0846], and said [3004] [5719], [3754] This is [2076] [5748] a desert [2048] place [5117], and [2532] now [2235] the time [5610] [is] far passed [4183]:


 Renvoie-les, afin qu'ils aillent dans les villages et dans les communautés des environs, et qu'ils s'achètent du pain; car ils n'ont rien à manger.

 Send [0630] [0000] them [0846] away [0630] [5657], that [2443] they may go [0565] [5631] into [1519] the country [0068] round about [2945], and [2532] into the villages [2968], and buy [0059] [5661] themselves [1438] bread [0740]: for [1063] they have [2192] [5719] nothing [5101] [3756] to eat [5315] [5632].


 Et il leur dit: Donnez-leur vous-mêmes à manger. Ils lui répondirent: Irions-nous acheter pour deux cents deniers de pain, afin de leur donner à manger?

 He answered [0611] [5679] and [1161] said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Give [1325] [5628] ye [5210] them [0846] to eat [5315] [5629]. And [2532] they say [3004] [5719] unto him [0846], Shall we go [0565] [5631] and buy [0059] [5661] two hundred [1250] pennyworth [1220] of bread [0740], and [2532] give [1325] [5632] them [0846] to eat [5315] [5629]?


 Et il leur dit: Combien avez-vous de pains? Allez et regardez. Et l'ayant vu, ils dirent: Cinq et deux poissons.

 1161 He saith [3004] [5719] unto them [0846], How many [4214] loaves [0740] have ye [2192] [5719]? go [5217] [5720] and [2532] see [1492] [5628]. And [2532] when they knew [1097] [5631], they say [3004] [5719], Five [4002], and [2532] two [1417] fishes [2486].


 Alors il leur commanda de les faire tous asseoir, par groupes, sur l'herbe verte.

 And [2532] he commanded [2004] [5656] them [0846] to make [0347] [0000] all [3956] sit down [0347] [5658] by companies [4849] upon [1909] the green [5515] grass [5528].


 Et ils s'assirent en rang, par centaines et par cinquantaines.

 And [2532] they sat down [0377] [5627] in ranks [4237], by [0303] hundreds [1540], and [2532] by [0303] fifties [4004].


 Et Jésus prit les cinq pains et les deux poissons, et levant les yeux au ciel, il rendit grâces, et rompit les pains, et il les donna à ses disciples, afin qu'ils leur distribuent; il partagea aussi les deux poissons entre tous.

 And [2532] when he had taken [2983] [5631] the five [4002] loaves [0740] and [2532] the two [1417] fishes [2486], he looked up [0308] [5660] to [1519] heaven [3772], and blessed [2127] [5656], and [2532] brake [2622] [5656] the loaves [0740], and [2532] gave [1325] [5707] [them] to his [0848] disciples [3101] to [2443] set before [3908] [5632] them [0846]; and [2532] the two [1417] fishes [2486] divided he [3307] [5656] among them all [3956].


 Et tous en mangèrent et furent rassasiés;

 And [2532] they did [5315] [0000] all [3956] eat [5315] [5627], and [2532] were filled [5526] [5681].


 Et on emporta douze paniers pleins de morceaux de pain, et de poissons.

 And [2532] they took up [0142] [5656] twelve [1427] baskets [2894] full [4134] of the fragments [2801], and [2532] of [0575] the fishes [2486].


 Or, ceux qui avaient mangé de ces pains étaient environ cinq mille hommes.

 And [2532] they that did eat [5315] [5631] of the loaves [0740] were [2258] [5713] about [5616] five thousand [4000] men [0435].


 Aussitôt après il obligea ses disciples à entrer dans la barque, et à le devancer sur l'autre bord, vers Bethsaïda, pendant qu'il congédierait le peuple.

 And [2532] straightway [2112] he constrained [0315] [5656] his [0848] disciples [3101] to get [1684] [5629] into [1519] the ship [4143], and [2532] to go [4254] [0000] to [1519] the other side [4008] before [4254] [5721] unto [4314] Bethsaida [0966], while [2193] he [0846] sent away [0630] [5661] the people [3793].


 Et quand il l'eut congédié, il s'en alla sur la montagne pour prier.

 And [2532] when he had sent [0657] [0000] them [0846] away [0657] [5671], he departed [0565] [5627] into [1519] a mountain [3735] to pray [4336] [5664].


 Le soir étant venu, la barque était au milieu de la mer, et il était seul à terre.

 And [2532] when even [3798] was come [1096] [5637], the ship [4143] was [2258] [5713] in [1722] the midst [3319] of the sea [2281], and [2532] he [0846] alone [3441] on [1909] the land [1093].


 Et il vit qu'ils avaient beaucoup de peine à ramer, parce que le vent leur était contraire; et environ la quatrième veille de la nuit il vint à eux marchant sur la mer; et il voulait les devancer.

 And [2532] he saw [1492] [5627] them [0846] toiling [0928] [5746] in [1722] rowing [1643] [5721]; for [1063] the wind [0417] was [2258] [5713] contrary [1727] unto them [0846]: and [2532] about [4012] the fourth [5067] watch [5438] of the night [3571] he cometh [2064] [5736] unto [4314] them [0846], walking [4043] [5723] upon [1909] the sea [2281], and [2532] would [2309] [5707] have passed by [3928] [5629] them [0846].


 Mais quand ils le virent marchant sur la mer, ils crurent que c'était un fantôme, et ils crièrent.

 But [1161] when they saw [1492] [5631] him [0846] walking [4043] [5723] upon [1909] the sea [2281], they supposed [1380] [5656] it had been [1511] [5750] a spirit [5326], and [2532] cried out [0349] [5656]:


 Car ils le virent tous, et ils furent troublés; mais aussitôt il leur parla et leur dit: Rassurez-vous, JE SUIS; n'ayez point de peur.

 For [1063] they all [3956] saw [1492] [5627] him [0846], and [2532] were troubled [5015] [5681]. And [2532] immediately [2112] he talked [2980] [5656] with [3326] them [0846], and [2532] saith [3004] [5719] unto them [0846], Be of good cheer [2293] [5720]: it is [1510] [5748] I [1473]; be [5399] [0000] not [3361] afraid [5399] [5737].


 Alors il monta dans la barque vers eux, et le vent cessa; et ils furent excessivement surpris en eux-mêmes et remplis d'admiration.

 And [2532] he went up [0305] [5627] unto [4314] them [0846] into [1519] the ship [4143]; and [2532] the wind [0417] ceased [2869] [5656]: and [2532] they were sore [3029] amazed [1839] [5710] in [1722] themselves [1438] beyond [1537] measure [4053], and [2532] wondered [2296] [5707].


 Car ils n'avaient pas compris le miracle des pains, parce que leur cœur était endurci.

 For [1063] they considered [4920] [5656] not [3756] [the miracle] of [1909] the loaves [0740]: for [1063] their [0846] heart [2588] was [2258] [5713] hardened [4456] [5772].


 Et quand ils eurent traversé la mer, ils vinrent en la contrée de Génézareth; et ils abordèrent.

 And [2532] when they had passed over [1276] [5660], they came [2064] [5627] into [1909] the land [1093] of Gennesaret [1082], and [2532] drew to the shore [4358] [5681].


 Et dès qu'ils furent sortis de la barque, ceux du lieu le reconnurent,

 And [2532] when they were come [1831] [5631] out of [1537] the ship [4143], straightway [2112] they knew [1921] [5631] him [0846],


 Et ils coururent dans toute la contrée d'alentour et se mirent à porter sur des civières ceux qui étaient malades, partout où ils entendaient dire qu'il était.

 And ran through [4063] [5631] that [1565] whole [3650] region round about [4066], and began [0756] [5662] to carry about [4064] [5721] in [1909] beds [2895] those that were [2192] [5723] sick [2560], where [3699] they heard [0191] [5707] he was [3754] [1563] [2076] [5748].


 Et en quelque lieu qu'il entrât, dans les villages ou dans les villes, ou dans les campagnes, on mettait les malades dans les places publiques, et on le priait qu'au moins ils pussent toucher la frange de son manteau; et tous ceux qui le touchaient étaient guéris.

 And [2532] whithersoever [3699] [0302] he entered [1531] [5711], into [1519] villages [2968], or [2228] cities [4172], or [2228] country [0068], they laid [5087] [5707] the sick [0770] [5723] in [1722] the streets [0058], and [2532] besought [3870] [5707] him [0846] that [2443] they might touch [0680] [5672] if [2579] [0000] it were but [2579] the border [2899] of his [0846] garment [2440]: and [2532] as many [3745] as [0302] touched [0680] [5711] him [0846] were healed.


 Alors des pharisiens et quelques scribes, venus de Jérusalem, s'assemblèrent vers Jésus;

 Then [2532] came together [4863] [5743] unto [4314] him [0846] the Pharisees [5330], and [2532] certain [5100] of the scribes [1122], which came [2064] [5631] from [0575] Jerusalem [2414].


 Et voyant que quelques-uns de ses disciples prenaient leur repas avec des mains souillées, c'est-à-dire qui n'avaient pas été lavées, ils les en blâmaient.

 And [2532] when they saw [1492] [5631] some [5100] of his [0846] disciples [3101] eat [2068] [5723] bread [0740] with defiled [2839], that is to say [5123] [5748], with unwashen [0449], hands [5495], they found fault [3201] [5662].


 Car les pharisiens et tous les Judéens ne mangent point sans se laver les mains soigneusement, gardant en cela la tradition des anciens;

 For [1063] the Pharisees [5330], and [2532] all [3956] the Jews [2453], except [3362] they wash [3538] [5672] [their] hands [5495] oft [4435], eat [2068] [5719] not [3756], holding [2902] [5723] the tradition [3862] of the elders [4245].


 Et lorsqu'ils reviennent des places publiques, ils ne mangent point non plus sans s'être désinfectés rituellement (baptisés). Il y a aussi beaucoup d'autres choses qu'ils ont reçues pour les observer, comme de désinfecter rituellement (baptiser) les coupes, les pots, les vaisseaux d'airain et les canapés.

 And [2532] [when they come] from [0575] the market [0058], except [3362] they wash [0907] [5672], they eat [2068] [5719] not [3756]. And [2532] many [4183] other things [0243] there be [2076] [5748], which [3739] they have received [3880] [5627] to hold [2902] [5721], [as] the washing [0909] of cups [4221], and [2532] pots [3582], [2532] brasen vessels [5473], and [2532] of tables [2825].


 Là-dessus les pharisiens et les scribes lui demandèrent: D'où vient que tes disciples ne suivent pas la tradition des anciens, et qu'ils prennent leur repas sans se laver les mains?

 Then [1899] the Pharisees [5330] and [2532] scribes [1122] asked [1905] [5719] him [0846], Why [1302] walk [4043] [5719] not [3756] thy [4675] disciples [3101] according [2596] to the tradition [3862] of the elders [4245], but [0235] eat [2068] [5719] bread [0740] with unwashen [0449] hands [5495]?


 Il leur répondit: Hypocrites, Ésaïe a bien prophétisé à votre sujet, quand il a dit: Ce peuple m'honore des lèvres; mais leur cœur est bien éloigné de moi.

 He answered [0611] [5679] and [1161] said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], [3754] Well [2573] hath Esaias [2268] prophesied [4395] [5656] of [4012] you [5216] hypocrites [5273], as [5613] it is written [1125] [5769], This [3778] people [2992] honoureth [5091] [5719] me [3165] with [their] lips [5491], but [1161] their [0846] heart [2588] is [0568] [5719] far [4206] from [0575] me [1700].


 Mais c'est en vain qu'ils m'honorent, enseignant des doctrines qui sont des commandements d'hommes.

 Howbeit [1161] in vain [3155] do they worship [4576] [5736] me [3165], teaching [1321] [5723] [for] doctrines [1319] the commandments [1778] of men [0444].


 Car, en abandonnant le commandement de Dieu, vous observez la tradition des hommes, désinfectant (baptisant) les pots et les coupes, et faisant beaucoup d'autres choses semblables.

 For [1063] laying aside [0863] [5631] the commandment [1785] of God [2316], ye hold [2902] [5719] the tradition [3862] of men [0444], [as] the washing [0909] of pots [3582] and [2532] cups [4221]: and [2532] many [4183] other [0243] such [5108] like things [3946] ye do [4160] [5719].


 Il leur dit aussi: Vous rejetez fort bien le commandement de Dieu, pour garder votre tradition;

 And [2532] he said [3004] [5707] unto them [0846], Full well [2573] ye reject [0114] [5719] the commandment [1785] of God [2316], that [2443] ye may keep [5083] [5661] your own [5216] tradition [3862].


 Car Moïse a dit: Honore ton père et ta mère; et que celui qui maudira son père ou sa mère soit puni de mort;

 For [1063] Moses [3475] said [2036] [5627], Honour [5091] [5720] thy [4675] father [3962] and [2532] thy [4675] mother [3384]; and [2532], Whoso curseth [2551] [5723] father [3962] or [2228] mother [3384], let him die [5053] [5720] the death [2288]:


 Mais vous, vous ajoutez: À moins qu'il n'ait dit à son père ou à sa mère: Tout ce dont je pourrais t'assister est corban, c'est-à-dire, un don consacré à Dieu.

 But [1161] ye [5210] say [3004] [5719], If [1437] a man [0444] shall say [2036] [5632] to his father [3962] or [2228] mother [3384], [It is] Corban [2878], that [3603] is to say [2076] [5748], a gift [1435], by [1537] whatsoever [1437] thou mightest be profited by [5623] [5686] me [1700]; [he shall be free].


 Et vous ne lui permettez plus de rien faire pour son père ou pour sa mère;

 And [2532] ye suffer [0863] [5719] him [0846] no more [3765] to do [4160] [5658] ought [3762] for his [0848] father [3962] or [2228] his [0848] mother [3384];


 Anéantissant la Parole de Dieu par votre tradition, que vous avez établie; et vous faites beaucoup d'autres choses semblables.

 Making [0208] [0000] the word [3056] of God [2316] of none effect [0208] [5723] through your [5216] tradition [3862], which [3739] ye have delivered [3860] [5656]: and [2532] many [4183] such [5108] like things [3946] do ye [4160] [5719].


 Alors ayant appelé toute la multitude, il leur dit: Écoutez-moi tous, et comprenez ceci:

 And [2532] when he had called [4341] [5666] all [3956] the people [3793] [unto him], he said [3004] [5707] unto them [0846], Hearken [0191] [5720] unto me [3450] every one [3956] [of you], and [2532] understand [4920] [5720]:


 Rien de ce qui est hors de l'homme et qui entre en lui, ne peut le souiller; mais ce qui sort de lui, voilà ce qui souille l'homme.

 There is [2076] [5748] nothing [3762] from without [1855] a man [0444], that entering [1531] [5740] into [1519] him [0846] can [1410] [5736] defile [2840] [5658] him [0846]: but [0235] the things which come [1607] [5740] out of [0575] him [0846], those [1565] are they [2076] [5748] that defile [2840] [5723] the man [0444].


 Si quelqu'un a des oreilles pour entendre, qu'il comprenne.

 If any man [1536] have [2192] [5719] ears [3775] to hear [0191] [5721], let him hear [0191] [5720].


 Quand il fut entré dans la maison, après avoir quitté la multitude, ses disciples l'interrogèrent sur cette parabole.

 And [2532] when [3753] he was entered [1525] [5627] into [1519] the house [3624] from [0575] the people [3793], his [0846] disciples [3101] asked [1905] [5707] him [0846] concerning [4012] the parable [3850].


 Et il leur dit: Êtes-vous aussi sans intelligence? Ne comprenez-vous pas que rien de ce qui entre du dehors dans l'homme, ne peut le souiller?

 And [2532] he saith [3004] [5719] unto them [0846], Are [2075] [5748] ye [5210] so [3779] without understanding [0801] also [2532]? Do ye [3539] [0000] not [3756] perceive [3539] [5719], that [3754] whatsoever thing [3956] from without [1855] entereth [1531] [5740] into [1519] the man [0444], [it] cannot [3756] [1410] [5736] defile [2840] [5658] him [0846];


 Parce que cela ne lui entre point dans le cœur, mais dans le ventre, et va dans les égouts, ce qui enlève tous les aliments.

 Because [3754] it entereth [1531] [5736] not [3756] into [1519] his [0846] heart [2588], but [0235] into [1519] the belly [2836], and [2532] goeth out [1607] [5736] into [1519] the draught [0856], purging [2511] [5723] all [3956] meats [1033]?


 Il disait donc: Ce qui sort de l'homme, c'est ce qui souille l'homme.

 And [1161] he said [3004] [5707], [3754] That which cometh [1607] [5740] out of [1537] the man [0444], that [1565] defileth [2840] [5719] the man [0444].


 Car du dedans, c'est-à-dire, du cœur des hommes, sortent les mauvaises pensées, les adultères, les fornications, les meurtres,

 For [1063] from within [2081], out of [1537] the heart [2588] of men [0444], proceed [1607] [5736] evil [2556] thoughts [1261], adulteries [3430], fornications [4202], murders [5408],


 Les larcins, la cupidité, les méchancetés, la fraude, l'impudicité, l'œil envieux, la médisance, la fierté, la folie.

 Thefts [2829], covetousness [4124], wickedness [4189], deceit [1388], lasciviousness [0766], an evil [4190] eye [3788], blasphemy [0988], pride [5243], foolishness [0877]:


 Tous ces vices sortent du dedans et souillent l'homme.

 All [3956] these [5023] evil things [4190] come [1607] [5736] from within [2081], and [2532] defile [2840] [5719] the man [0444].


 Puis, étant parti de là, il s'en alla aux frontières de Tyr et de Sidon; et étant entré dans une maison, il ne voulait pas que personne le sût; mais il ne put être caché.

 And [2532] from thence [1564] he arose [0450] [5631], and went [0565] [5627] into [1519] the borders [3181] of Tyre [5184] and [2532] Sidon [4605], and [2532] entered [1525] [5631] into [1519] an house [3614], and would have [2309] [5707] no man [3762] know [1097] [5629] [it]: but [2532] he could [1410] [5675] not [3756] be hid [2990] [5629].


 Car une femme, dont la fille avait un esprit troublé, ayant entendu parler de lui, vint et se jeta à ses pieds.

 For [1063] a [certain] woman [1135], whose [3739] [0846] young daughter [2365] had [2192] [5707] an unclean [0169] spirit [4151], heard [0191] [5660] of [4012] him [0846], and came [2064] [5631] and fell [4363] [5627] at [4314] his [0846] feet [4228]:


 Cette femme était Grecque, et Syrophénicienne de nation; et elle le pria de redresser la conscience déréglée de sa fille.

 1161 The woman [1135] was [2258] [5713] a Greek [1674], a Syrophenician [4949] by nation [1085]; and [2532] she besought [2065] [5707] him [0846] that [2443] he would cast forth [1544] [5725] the devil [1140] out of [1537] her [0848] daughter [2364].


 Et Jésus lui dit: Laisse premièrement les enfants se rassasier; car il n'est pas juste de prendre le pain des enfants, et de le jeter aux petits chiens.

 But [1161] Jesus [2424] said [2036] [5627] unto her [0846], Let [0863] [5628] the children [5043] first [4412] be filled [5526] [5683]: for [1063] it is [2076] [5748] not [3756] meet [2570] to take [2983] [5629] the children's [5043] bread [0740], and [2532] to cast [0906] [5629] [it] unto the dogs [2952].


 Mais elle répondit et lui dit: Il est vrai, Seigneur; cependant les petits chiens mangent, sous la table, les miettes des enfants.

 And [1161] she answered [0611] [5662] and [2532] said [3004] [5719] unto him [0846], Yes [3483], Lord [2962]: yet [2532] [1063] the dogs [2952] under [5270] the table [5132] eat [2068] [5719] of [0575] the children's [3813] crumbs [5589].


 Alors il lui dit: À cause de cette parole, va; le dérèglement de conscience est écartée de ta fille.

 And [2532] he said [2036] [5627] unto her [0846], For [1223] this [5126] saying [3056] go thy way [5217] [5720]; the devil [1140] is gone [1831] [5758] out of [1537] thy [4675] daughter [2364].


 Et étant de retour dans sa maison, elle trouva que la conscience déréglée était dissipée, et sa fille couchée sur le lit.

 And [2532] when she was come [0565] [5631] to [1519] her [0848] house [3624], she found [2147] [5627] the devil [1140] gone out [1831] [5761], and [2532] her daughter [2364] laid [0906] [5772] upon [1909] the bed [2825].


 Et Jésus étant parti des quartiers de Tyr et de Sidon, vint près de la mer de Galilée, traversant les confins de la Décapole.

 And [2532] again [3825], departing [1831] [5631] from [1537] the coasts [3725] of Tyre [5184] and [2532] Sidon [4605], he came [2064] [5627] unto [4314] the sea [2281] of Galilee [1056], through [0303] the midst [3319] of the coasts [3725] of Decapolis [1179].


 Et on lui amena un sourd, qui avait de la difficulté à parler; et on le pria de lui imposer les mains.

 And [2532] they bring [5342] [5719] unto him [0846] one that was deaf [2974], and had an impediment in his speech [3424]; and [2532] they beseech [3870] [5719] him [0846] to [2443] put [2007] [5632] his hand [5495] upon him [0846].


 Et l'ayant tiré de la foule à part, il lui mit les doigts dans les oreilles; et ayant pris de sa salive, il lui toucha la langue.

 And [2532] he took [0618] [5642] him [0846] aside [2596] [2398] from [0575] the multitude [3793], and put [0906] [5627] his [0848] fingers [1147] into [1519] his [0846] ears [3775], and [2532] he spit [4429] [5660], and touched [0680] [5662] his [0846] tongue [1100];


 Puis levant les yeux au ciel, il soupira et lui dit: Ephphatha, c'est-à-dire, Ouvre-toi.

 And [2532] looking up [0308] [5660] to [1519] heaven [3772], he sighed [4727] [5656], and [2532] saith [3004] [5719] unto him [0846], Ephphatha [2188], that [3603] is [2076] [5748], Be opened [1272] [5682].


 Aussitôt ses oreilles furent ouvertes, et sa langue fut déliée, et il parlait sans peine.

 And [2532] straightway [2112] his [0846] ears [0189] were opened [1272] [5681], and [2532] the string [1199] of his [0846] tongue [1100] was loosed [3089] [5681], and [2532] he spake [2980] [5707] plain [3723].


 Et Jésus leur défendit de le dire à qui que ce fût; mais plus il le leur défendait, plus ils le publiaient.

 And [2532] he charged [1291] [5668] them [0846] that [2443] they should tell [2036] [5632] no man [3367]: but [1161] the more [3745] he charged [1291] [5710] them [0846], so much the more [3123] a great deal [4054] they published [2784] [5707] [it];


 Et frappés d'étonnement ils disaient: Tout ce qu'il fait est admirable; il fait entendre les sourds et parler les muets.

 And [2532] were beyond measure [5249] astonished [1605] [5712], saying [3004] [5723], He hath done [4160] [5758] all things [3956] well [2573]: he maketh [4160] [5719] both [2532] the deaf [2974] to hear [0191] [5721], and [2532] the dumb [0216] to speak [2980] [5721].


 En ces jours-là, il y avait avec Jésus une grande multitude de gens, et comme ils n'avaient rien à manger, il appela ses disciples, et leur dit:

 In [1722] those [1565] days [2250] the multitude [3793] being [5607] [5752] very great [3827], and [2532] having [2192] [5723] nothing [3361] [5101] to eat [5315] [5632], Jesus [2424] called [4341] [5666] his [0848] disciples [3101] [unto him], and saith [3004] [5719] unto them [0846],


 J'ai compassion de ce peuple; car il y a déjà trois jours qu'ils ne me quittent point, et ils n'ont rien à manger.

 I have compassion [4697] [5736] on [1909] the multitude [3793], because [3754] they have [4357] [0000] now [2235] been [4357] [5719] with me [3427] three [5140] days [2250], and [2532] have [2192] [5719] nothing [3756] [5101] to eat [5315] [5632]:


 Et si je les renvoie sans manger dans leurs maisons, les forces leur manqueront en chemin; car quelques-uns sont venus de loin.

 And [2532] if [1437] I send [0630] [0000] them [0846] away [0630] [5661] fasting [3523] to [1519] their own [0848] houses [3624], they will faint [1590] [5701] by [1722] the way [3598]: for [1063] divers [5100] of them [0846] came [2240] [5758] from far [3113].


 Et ses disciples lui répondirent: D'où pourrait-on avoir des pains pour les rassasier dans ce désert?

 And [2532] his [0846] disciples [3101] answered [0611] [5662] him [0846], From whence [4159] can [1410] [5695] a man [5100] satisfy [5526] [5658] these [5128] [men] with bread [0740] here [5602] in [1909] the wilderness [2047]?


 Et il leur demanda: Combien avez-vous de pains?

 And [2532] he asked [1905] [5707] them [0846], How many [4214] loaves [0740] have ye [2192] [5719]? And [1161] they said [2036] [5627], Seven [2033].


 Et ils dirent: Sept. Alors il commanda aux foules de s'asseoir à terre; et ayant pris les sept pains, et rendu grâces, il les rompit et les donna à ses disciples pour les distribuer; et ils les distribuèrent au peuple.

 And [2532] he commanded [3853] [5656] the people [3793] to sit down [0377] [5629] on [1909] the ground [1093]: and [2532] he took [2983] [5631] the seven [2033] loaves [0740], and gave thanks [2168] [5660], and brake [2806] [5656], and [2532] gave [1325] [5707] to his [0848] disciples [3101] to [2443] set before [3908] [5632] [them]; and [2532] they did set [them] before [3908] [5656] the people [3793].


 Ils avaient aussi quelques petits poissons; et Jésus, ayant rendu grâces, ordonna qu'on les leur présentât aussi.

 And [2532] they had [2192] [5707] a few [3641] small fishes [2485]: and [2532] he blessed [2127] [5660], and commanded [2036] [5627] to set [3908] [0000] them [0846] also [2532] before [3908] [5629] [them].


 Ils en mangèrent et furent rassasiés; et on remporta sept corbeilles pleines des morceaux qui étaient restés.

 So [1161] they did eat [5315] [5627], and [2532] were filled [5526] [5681]: and [2532] they took up [0142] [5656] of the broken [2801] [meat] that was left [4051] seven [2033] baskets [4711].


 Or, ceux qui mangèrent étaient environ quatre mille; après quoi il les renvoya.

 And [1161] they that had eaten [5315] [5631] were [2258] [5713] about [5613] four thousand [5070]: and [2532] he sent [0630] [0000] them [0846] away [0630] [5656].


 Puis entrant aussitôt dans la barque avec ses disciples, il alla aux quartiers de Dalmanutha.

 And [2532] straightway [2112] he entered [1684] [5631] into [1519] a ship [4143] with [3326] his [0848] disciples [3101], and came [2064] [5627] into [1519] the parts [3313] of Dalmanutha [1148].


 Et il vint là des pharisiens, qui se mirent à disputer avec lui, lui demandant, en le tentant, un miracle du ciel.

 And [2532] the Pharisees [5330] came forth [1831] [5627], and [2532] began [0756] [5662] to question [4802] [5721] with him [0846], seeking [2212] [5723] of [3844] him [0846] a sign [4592] from [0575] heaven [3772], tempting [3985] [5723] him [0846].


 Et Jésus, soupirant profondément en son esprit, dit: Pourquoi cette génération demande-t-elle un miracle? Je vous dis en vérité, qu'il ne lui en sera donné aucun.

 And [2532] he sighed deeply [0389] [5660] in his [0848] spirit [4151], and saith [3004] [5719], Why [5101] doth [1934] [0000] this [3778] generation [1074] seek after [1934] [5719] a sign [4592]? verily [0281] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], There shall no [1487] sign [4592] be given [1325] [5701] unto this [5026] generation [1074].


 Et les ayant laissés, il rentra dans la barque, et passa à l'autre bord.

 And [2532] he left [0863] [5631] them [0846], and entering [1684] [5631] into [1519] the ship [4143] again [3825] departed [0565] [5627] to [1519] the other side [4008].


 Or, ils avaient oublié de prendre des pains, et n'en avaient qu'un avec eux dans la barque.

 Now [2532] [the disciples] had forgotten [1950] [5633] to take [2983] [5629] bread [0740], neither [2532] [3756] had [2192] [5707] they in [1722] the ship [4143] with [3326] them [1438] more than [1508] one [1520] loaf [0740].


 Et il leur fit cette défense: Gardez-vous avec soin du levain des pharisiens, et du levain d'Hérode.

 And [2532] he charged [1291] [5710] them [0846], saying [3004] [5723], Take heed [3708] [5720], beware [0991] [5720] of [0575] the leaven [2219] of the Pharisees [5330], and [2532] [of] the leaven [2219] of Herod [2264].


 Et ils raisonnaient entre eux, disant: C'est parce que nous n'avons point de pains.

 And [2532] they reasoned [1260] [5711] among [4314] themselves [0240], saying [3004] [5723], [It is] because [3754] we have [2192] [5719] no [3756] bread [0740].


 Et Jésus, l'ayant connu, leur dit: Pourquoi raisonnez-vous sur ce que vous n'avez point de pains? N'entendez-vous et ne comprenez-vous point encore? Avez-vous toujours le cœur aveuglé?

 And [2532] when Jesus [2424] knew [1097] [5631] [it], he saith [3004] [5719] unto them [0846], Why [5101] reason ye [1260] [5736], because [3754] ye have [2192] [5719] no [3756] bread [0740]? perceive ye [3539] [5719] not yet [3768], neither [3761] understand [4920] [5719]? have ye [2192] [5719] your [5216] heart [2588] yet [2089] hardened [4456] [5772]?


 Ayant des yeux, ne voyez-vous point? Ayant des oreilles, n'entendez-vous point? Et n'avez-vous point de mémoire?

 Having [2192] [5723] eyes [3788], see ye [0991] [5719] not [3756]? and [2532] having [2192] [5723] ears [3775], hear ye [0191] [5719] not [3756]? and [2532] do ye [3421] [0000] not [3756] remember [3421] [5719]?


 Lorsque je rompis les cinq pains pour les cinq mille hommes, combien avez-vous remportés de paniers pleins de morceaux? Ils lui dirent: Douze.

 When [3753] I brake [2806] [5656] the five [4002] loaves [0740] among [1519] five thousand [4000], how many [4214] baskets [2894] full [4134] of fragments [2801] took ye up [0142] [5656]? They say [3004] [5719] unto him [0846], Twelve [1427].


 Et lorsque je rompis les sept pains pour les quatre mille hommes, combien avez-vous remportés de corbeilles pleines de morceaux? Ils lui dirent: Sept.

 And [1161] when [3753] the seven [2033] among [1519] four thousand [5070], how many [4214] baskets [4711] full [4138] of fragments [2801] took ye up [0142] [5656]? And [1161] they said [2036] [5627], Seven [2033].


 Et il leur dit: Comment donc ne comprenez-vous point?

 And [2532] he said [3004] [5707] unto them [0846], How [4459] is it that ye do [4920] [0000] not [3756] understand [4920] [5719]?


 Et Jésus étant venu à Bethsaïda, on lui présenta un aveugle qu'on le pria de toucher.

 And [2532] he cometh [2064] [5736] to [1519] Bethsaida [0966]; and [2532] they bring [5342] [5719] a blind man [5185] unto him [0846], and [2532] besought [3870] [5719] him [0846] to [2443] touch [0680] [5672] him [0846].


 Alors il prit l'aveugle par la main, et l'ayant mené hors du village, il lui mit de la salive sur les yeux, et lui ayant imposé les mains, il lui demanda s'il voyait quelque chose.

 And [2532] he took [1949] [5637] the blind man [5185] by the hand [5495], and led [1806] [5627] him [0846] out of [1854] the town [2968]; and [2532] when he had spit [4429] [5660] on [1519] his [0846] eyes [3659], and put [2007] [5631] his hands [5495] upon him [0846], he asked [1905] [5707] him [0846] if [1536] [0000] he saw [0991] [5719] ought [1536].


 Et lui, ayant regardé, dit: Je vois marcher des hommes qui me paraissent comme des arbres.

 And [2532] he looked up [0308] [5660], and said [3004] [5707], [3754] I see [0991] [5719] men [0444] as [5613] [3708] [5719] trees [1186], walking [4043] [5723].


 Jésus lui mit encore les mains sur les yeux, et lui dit de regarder; et il fut guéri, et il les voyait tous distinctement.

 After [1534] that he put [2007] [5656] [his] hands [5495] again [3825] upon [1909] his [0846] eyes [3788], and [2532] made [4160] [5656] him [0846] look up [0308] [5658]: and [2532] he was restored [0600] [5681], and [2532] saw [1689] [5656] every man [0537] clearly [5081].


 Et il le renvoya dans sa maison, et lui dit: Ne rentre pas dans le village, et ne le dis à personne de la communauté.

 And [2532] he sent [0649] [0000] him [0846] away [0649] [5656] to [1519] his [0846] house [3624], saying [3004] [5723], Neither [3366] go [1525] [5632] into [1519] the town [2968], nor [3366] tell [2036] [5632] [it] to any [5100] in [1722] the town [2968].


 Et Jésus s'en alla avec ses disciples, dans les communautés de Césarée de Philippe; et en chemin il interrogeait ses disciples, en disant: Qui disent les hommes que JE SUIS?

 And [2532] Jesus [2424] went out [1831] [5627], and [2532] his [0846] disciples [3101], into [1519] the towns [2968] of Caesarea [2542] Philippi [5376]: and [2532] by [1722] the way [3598] he asked [1905] [5707] his [0848] disciples [3101], saying [3004] [5723] unto them [0846], Whom [5101] do [3004] [0000] men [0444] say [3004] [5719] that I [3165] am [1511] [5750]?


 Ils répondirent: Les uns disent que tu es Jean-Baptiste; et les autres, Élie; et les autres, l'un des prophètes.

 And [1161] they answered [0611] [5662], John [2491] the Baptist [0910]: but [1161] some [0243] [say], Elias [2243]; and [2532] others [0243], One [1520] of the prophets [4396].


 Et il leur dit: Et vous; que dites-vous? que JE SUIS? Pierre, répondant, lui dit: Tu es LE MESSIE.

 And [2532] he saith [3004] [5719] unto them [0846], But [1161] whom [5101] say [3004] [5719] ye [5210] that I [3165] am [1511] [5750]? And [1161] Peter [4074] answereth [0611] [5679] and saith [3004] [5719] unto him [0846], Thou [4771] art [1488] [5748] the Christ [5547].


 Et il leur défendit très sévèrement de dire cela de lui à personne.

 And [2532] he charged [2008] [5656] them [0846] that [2443] they should tell [3004] [5725] no man [3367] of [4012] him [0846].


 Alors il commença à leur apprendre qu'il fallait que le Fils, l'expression humaine souffrît beaucoup, et qu'il fût rejeté par les anciens, par les principaux sacrificateurs et par les scribes, et qu'il fût mis à mort, et qu'il ressuscitât trois jours après.

 And [2532] he began [0756] [5662] to teach [1321] [5721] them [0846], that [3754] the Son [5207] of man [0444] must [1163] [5748] suffer [3958] [5629] many things [4183], and [2532] be rejected [0593] [5683] of [0575] the elders [4245], and [2532] [of] the chief priests [0749], and [2532] scribes [1122], and [2532] be killed [0615] [5683], and [2532] after [3326] three [5140] days [2250] rise again [0450] [5629].


 Et il tenait ces discours tout ouvertement. Alors Pierre le prenant avec lui, se mit à le censurer.

 And [2532] he spake [2980] [5707] that saying [3056] openly [3954]. And [2532] Peter [4074] took [4355] [5642] him [0846], and began [0756] [5662] to rebuke [2008] [5721] him [0846].


 Mais Jésus se tournant et regardant ses disciples, censura Pierre et lui dit: Arrière de moi, contradicteur; car tes pensées ne sont pas aux choses de Dieu, mais à celles des hommes.

 But [1161] when he had turned about [1994] [5651] and [2532] looked [1492] [5631] on his [0848] disciples [3101], he rebuked [2008] [5656] Peter [4074], saying [3004] [5723], Get thee [5217] [5720] behind [3694] me [3450], Satan [4567]: for [3754] thou savourest [5426] [5719] not [3756] the things that be of God [2316], but [0235] the things that be of men [0444].


 Et appelant le peuple avec ses disciples, il leur dit: Quiconque veut venir après moi, qu'il renonce à soi-même, qu'il se charge de cette croix, et qu'il me suive.

 And [2532] when he had called [4341] [5666] the people [3793] [unto him] with [4862] his [0848] disciples [3101] also, he said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Whosoever [3748] will [2309] [5719] come [2064] [5629] after [3694] me [3450], let him deny [0533] [5663] himself [1438], and [2532] take up [0142] [5657] his [0848] cross [4716], and [2532] follow [0190] [5720] me [3427].


 Car quiconque voudra sauver sa vie, la perdra; mais quiconque perdra sa vie à cause de moi et du message de la grâce, la sauvera.

 For [1063] whosoever [3739] [0302] will [2309] [5725] save [4982] [5658] his [0848] life [5590] shall lose [0622] [5692] it [0846]; but [1161] whosoever [3739] [0302] shall lose [0622] [5661] his [0848] life [5590] for [1752] my sake [1700] and [2532] the gospel's [2098], the same [3778] shall save [4982] [5692] it [0846].


 Car que servirait-il à un homme de gagner tout le monde, s'il perdait son âme?

 For [1063] what [5101] shall it profit [5623] [5692] a man [0444], if [1437] he shall gain [2770] [5661] the whole [3650] world [2889], and [2532] lose [2210] [5686] his own [0848] soul [5590]?


 Ou que donnerait l'homme en échange de son âme?

 Or [2228] what [5101] shall [1325] [0000] a man [0444] give [1325] [5692] in exchange [0465] for his [0848] soul [5590]?


 Car quiconque aura eu honte de moi et de mes paroles, parmi cette race adultère et pécheresse, le Fils, l'expression humaine aura aussi honte de lui, lorsqu'il viendra dans la gloire de son Père avec les saints anges.

 Whosoever [3739] [0302] therefore [1063] shall be ashamed [1870] [5680] of me [3165] and [2532] of my [1699] words [3056] in [1722] this [5026] adulterous [3428] and [2532] sinful [0268] generation [1074]; of him [0846] also [2532] shall [1870] [0000] the Son [5207] of man [0444] be ashamed [1870] [5700], when [3752] he cometh [2064] [5632] in [1722] the glory [1391] of his [0848] Father [3962] with [3326] the holy [0040] angels [0032].


 Il leur dit aussi: Je vous dis en vérité, qu'il y en a quelques-uns de ceux qui sont ici présents, qui ne goûterons point à la mort, qu'ils n'aient vu la Souveraineté de Dieu venir avec puissance.

 And [2532] he said [3004] [5707] unto them [0846], Verily [0281] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], That [3754] there be [1526] [5748] some [5100] of them that stand [2476] [5761] here [5602], which [3748] shall [1089] [0000] not [3364] taste [1089] [5667] of death [2288], till [2193] [0302] they have seen [1492] [5632] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316] come [2064] [5756] with [1722] power [1411].


 Six jours après, Jésus prit avec lui Pierre, Jacques et Jean, et les mena seuls à part sur une haute montagne; et il fut transfiguré en leur présence.

 And [2532] after [3326] six [1803] days [2250] Jesus [2424] taketh [3880] [5719] [with him] Peter [4074], and [2532] James [2385], and [2532] John [2491], and [2532] leadeth [0399] [0000] them [0846] up [0399] [5719] into [1519] an high [5308] mountain [3735] apart [2596] [2398] by themselves [3441]: and [2532] he was transfigured [3339] [5681] before [1715] them [0846].


 Et ses vêtements devinrent resplendissants, blancs comme la neige et tels qu'il n'y a point de foulon sur la terre qui pût ainsi blanchir.

 And [2532] his [0846] raiment [2440] became [1096] [5633] shining [4744] [5723], exceeding [3029] white [3022] as [5613] snow [5510]; so as [3634] no [3756] fuller [1102] on [1909] earth [1093] can [1410] [5736] white [3021] [5658] them [0846].


 Et ils virent paraître Moïse et Élie, qui s'entretenaient avec Jésus.

 And [2532] there appeared [3700] [5681] unto them [0846] Elias [2243] with [4862] Moses [3475]: and [2532] they were [2258] [5713] talking [4814] [5723] with Jesus [2424].


 Alors Pierre, prenant la parole, dit à Jésus: Maître, il est bon que nous demeurions ici; faisons donc trois tentes, une pour toi, une pour Moïse, et une pour Élie.

 And [2532] Peter [4074] answered [0611] [5679] and said [3004] [5719] to Jesus [2424], Master [4461], it is [2076] [5748] good [2570] for us [2248] to be [1511] [5750] here [5602]: and [2532] let us make [4160] [5661] three [5140] tabernacles [4633]; one [3391] for thee [4671], and [2532] one [3391] for Moses [3475], and [2532] one [3391] for Elias [2243].


 Car il ne savait pas ce qu'il disait, parce qu'ils étaient effrayés.

 For [1063] he wist [1492] [5715] not [3756] what [5101] to say [2980] [5661]; for [1063] they were sore [2258] [5713] afraid [1630].


 Et il vint une nuée qui les couvrit; et une voix sortit de la nuée, qui dit: C'est ici mon Fils bien-aimé, écoutez-le.

 And [2532] there was [1096] [5633] a cloud [3507] that overshadowed [1982] [5723] them [0846]: and [2532] a voice [5456] came [2064] [5627] out of [1537] the cloud [3507], saying [3004] [5723], This [3778] is [2076] [5748] my [3450] beloved [0027] Son [5207]: hear [0191] [5720] him [0846].


 Et soudain les disciples, ayant regardé autour d'eux, ne virent plus personne que Jésus seul avec eux.

 And [2532] suddenly [1819], when they had looked round about [4017] [5671], they saw [1492] [5627] no man [3762] any more [3765], save [0235] Jesus [2424] only [3441] with [3326] themselves [1438].


 Et comme ils descendaient de la montagne, il leur défendit de dire à personne ce qu'ils avaient vu, jusqu'à ce que le Fils, l'expression humaine fût ressuscité des morts.

 And [1161] as they came down [2597] [5723] from [0575] the mountain [3735], he charged [1291] [5668] them [0846] that [2443] they should tell [1334] [5667] no man [3367] what things [3739] they had seen [1492] [5627], till [1508] [3752] the Son [5207] of man [0444] were risen [0450] [5632] from [1537] the dead [3498].


 Et ils retinrent cette parole, se demandant les uns aux autres ce que voulait dire, ressusciter des morts.

 And [2532] they kept [2902] [5656] that saying [3056] with [4314] themselves [1438], questioning one with another [4802] [5723] what [5101] the rising [0450] [5629] from [1537] the dead [3498] should mean [2076] [5748].


 Et ils l'interrogeaient, en disant: Pourquoi les scribes disent-ils qu'il faut qu'Élie vienne premièrement?

 And [2532] they asked [1905] [5707] him [0846], saying [3004] [5723], Why [3754] say [3004] [5719] the scribes [1122] that [3754] Elias [2243] must [1163] [5748] first [4412] come [2064] [5629]?


 Il répondit et leur dit: Il est vrai qu'Élie doit venir premièrement et rétablir toutes choses; et que le Fils, l'expression humaine, selon qu'il est écrit de lui, doit souffrir beaucoup, et être méprisé.

 And [1161] he answered [0611] [5679] and told [2036] [5627] them [0846], Elias [2243] verily [3303] cometh [2064] [5631] first [4412], and restoreth [0600] [5719] all things [3956]; and [2532] how [4459] it is written [1125] [5769] of [1909] the Son [5207] of man [0444], that [2443] he must suffer [3958] [5632] many things [4183], and [2532] be set at nought [1847] [5686].


 Mais je vous dis qu'Élie est venu, et qu'ils lui ont fait tout ce qu'ils ont voulu, comme il est écrit de lui.

 But [0235] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], That [3754] Elias [2243] is [2064] [0000] indeed [2532] come [2064] [5754], and [2532] they have done [4160] [5656] unto him [0846] whatsoever [3745] they listed [2309] [5656], as [2531] it is written [1125] [5769] of [1909] him [0846].


 Et étant venu vers les autres disciples, il vit une grande foule autour d'eux, et des scribes qui disputaient avec eux.

 And [2532] when he came [2064] [5631] to [4314] [his] disciples [3101], he saw [1492] [5627] a great [4183] multitude [3793] about [4012] them [0846], and [2532] the scribes [1122] questioning [4802] [5723] with them [0846].


 Et dès que toute cette foule le vit, elle fut saisie d'étonnement, et étant accourus ils le saluèrent.

 And [2532] straightway [2112] all [3956] the people [3793], when they beheld [1492] [5631] him [0846], were greatly amazed [1568] [5681], and [2532] running to [4370] [5723] [him] saluted [0782] [5711] him [0846].


 Alors il demanda aux scribes: De quoi disputez-vous avec eux?

 And [2532] he asked [1905] [5656] the scribes [1122], What [5101] question ye [4802] [5719] with [4314] them [0848]?


 Et un homme de la foule, prenant la parole, dit: Maître, je t'ai amené mon fils qui a un esprit muet.

 And [2532] one [1520] of [1537] the multitude [3793] answered [0611] [5679] and said [2036] [5627], Master [1320], I have brought [5342] [5656] unto [4314] thee [4571] my [3450] son [5207], which hath [2192] [5723] a dumb [0216] spirit [4151];


 En quelque lieu qu'il le saisisse, il le déchire; et il écume, il grince les dents, et s'évanouit; et j'ai prié tes disciples de le chasser; mais ils ne l'ont pu.

 And [2532] wheresoever [3699] [0302] he taketh [2638] [5632] him [0846], he teareth [4486] [5719] him [0846]: and [2532] he foameth [0875] [5719], and [2532] gnasheth [5149] [5719] with his [0848] teeth [3599], and [2532] pineth away [3583] [5743]: and [2532] I spake [2036] [5627] to thy [4675] disciples [3101] that [2443] they should cast [1544] [0000] him [0846] out [1544] [5632]; and [2532] they could [2480] [5656] not [3756].


 Alors Jésus leur répondit: Ô génération incrédule, jusqu'à quand serai-je avec vous? jusqu'à quand vous supporterai-je? Amenez-le-moi.

 He answereth [0611] [5679] him [0846], and [1161] saith [3004] [5719], O [5599] faithless [0571] generation [1074], how long [2193] [4219] shall I be [2071] [5704] with [4314] you [5209]? how long [2193] [4219] shall I suffer [0430] [5695] you [5216]? bring [5342] [5720] him [0846] unto [4314] me [3165].


 Ils le lui amenèrent donc; et dès qu'il vit Jésus, l'esprit l'agita avec violence, et il tomba par terre, et se roulait en écumant.

 And [2532] they brought [5342] [5656] him [0846] unto [4314] him [0846]: and [2532] when he saw [1492] [5631] him [0846], straightway [2112] the spirit [4151] tare [4682] [5656] him [0846]; and [2532] he fell [4098] [5631] on [1909] the ground [1093], and wallowed [2947] [5709] foaming [0875] [5723].


 Alors Jésus demanda à son père: Combien y a-t-il de temps que ceci lui arrive? Le père dit: Dès son enfance.

 And [2532] he asked [1905] [5656] his father [3962], How long [4214] is it [2076] [5748] ago [5550] since [5613] this [5124] came [1096] [5754] unto him [0846]? And [1161] he said [2036] [5627], Of a child [3812].


 Et l'esprit l'a souvent jeté dans le feu et dans l'eau, pour le faire périr; mais si tu y peux quelque chose, aide-nous et aie compassion de nous.

 And [2532] ofttimes [4178] it hath cast [0906] [5627] him [0846] into [2532] [1519] the fire [4442], and [2532] into [1519] the waters [5204], to [2443] destroy [0622] [5661] him [0846]: but [0235] if [1536] [0000] thou canst [1410] [5736] do any thing [1536], have compassion [4697] [5679] on [1909] us [2248], and help [0997] [5657] us [2254].


 Jésus lui dit: Si tu peux croire, toutes choses sont possibles pour celui qui croit.

 1161 Jesus [2424] said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], If [1487] thou canst [1410] [5736] believe [4100] [5658], all things [3956] [are] possible [1415] to him [0846] that believeth [4100] [5723].


 Aussitôt le père de l'enfant s'écriant, dit avec larmes: Je crois, Seigneur, aide-moi dans ma défiance.

 And [2532] straightway [2112] the father [3962] of the child [3813] cried out [2896] [5660], and said [3004] [5707] with [3326] tears [1144], Lord [2962], I believe [4100] [5719]; help thou [0997] [5720] mine [3450] unbelief [0570].


 Et Jésus voyant que le peuple accourait en foule, reforma l'esprit déficient en lui disant: Disposition silencieuse et amortie, je te donne à t'exprimer de lui, et à revivre dès ce moment en lui.

 When [1161] Jesus [2424] saw [1492] [5631] that [3754] the people [3793] came running together [1998] [5719], he rebuked [2008] [5656] the foul [0169] spirit [4151], saying [3004] [5723] unto him [0846], [Thou] dumb [0216] and [2532] deaf [2974] spirit [4151], I [1473] charge [2004] [5719] thee [4671], come [1831] [5628] out of [1537] him [0846], and [2532] enter [1525] [5632] no more [3371] into [1519] him [0846].


 Et l'esprit se manifesta en s'exclamant dans de nombreux spasmes; et l'enfant devint comme mort, de sorte que plusieurs disaient: Il est mort.

 And [2532] [the spirit] cried [2896] [5660], and [2532] rent [4682] [5660] him [0846] sore [4183], and came out of him [1831] [5627]: and [2532] he was [1096] [5633] as [5616] one dead [3498]; insomuch [5620] that [3754] many [4183] said [3004] [5721], He is dead [0599] [5627].


 Mais Jésus, l'ayant pris par la main, le fit lever; et il se tint debout.

 But [1161] Jesus [2424] took [2902] [5660] him [0846] by the hand [5495], and lifted [1453] [0000] him [0846] up [1453] [5656]; and [2532] he arose [0450] [5627].


 Lorsque Jésus fut entré dans la maison, ses disciples lui demandèrent en particulier: Pourquoi n'avons-nous pas pu redresser cet esprit?

 And [2532] when he was come [1525] [5631] into [1519] the house [3624], his [0846] disciples [3101] asked [1905] [5707] him [0846] privately [2596] [2398], Why [3754] could [1410] [5675] not [3756] we [2249] cast [1544] [0000] him [0846] out [1544] [5629]?


 Et il leur répondit: Ce genre de déficience ne peut être connue que par la prière et le jeûne.

 And [2532] he said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], This [5124] kind [1085] can [1410] [5736] come forth [1831] [5629] by [1722] nothing [3762], but [1508] by [1722] prayer [4335] and [2532] fasting [3521].


 Puis étant partis de là, ils traversèrent la Galilée; et Jésus ne voulut pas que personne le sût.

 And [2532] they departed [1831] [5631] thence [1564], and passed [3899] [5711] through [1223] Galilee [1056]; and [2532] he would [2309] [5707] not [3756] that [2443] any man [5100] should know [1097] [5632] [it].


 Cependant il instruisait ses disciples, et il leur disait: Le Fils de l'homme va être livré entre les mains des hommes, et ils le feront mourir; mais après avoir été mis à mort, il ressuscitera le troisième jour.

 For [1063] he taught [1321] [5707] his [0848] disciples [3101], and [2532] said [3004] [5707] unto them [0846], [3754] The Son [5207] of man [0444] is delivered [3860] [5743] into [1519] the hands [5495] of men [0444], and [2532] they shall kill [0615] [5692] him [0846]; and [2532] after that he is killed [0615] [5685], he shall rise [0450] [5698] the third [5154] day [2250].


 Mais ils ne comprenaient point ce discours; et ils craignaient de l'interroger.

 But [1161] they understood not [0050] [5707] that saying [4487], and [2532] were afraid [5399] [5711] to ask [1905] [5658] him [0846].


 Il vint ensuite à Capernaüm; et étant dans la maison, il leur demanda: De quoi discouriez-vous ensemble en chemin?

 And [2532] he came [2064] [5627] to [1519] Capernaum [2584]: and [2532] being [1096] [5637] in [1722] the house [3614] he asked [1905] [5707] them [0846], What [5101] was it that ye disputed [1260] [5711] among [4314] yourselves [1438] by [1722] the way [3598]?


 Et ils se turent; car ils avaient disputé en chemin, sur celui qui serait le plus grand.

 But [1161] they held their peace [4623] [5707]: for [1063] by [1722] the way [3598] they had disputed [1256] [5675] among [4314] themselves [0240], who [5101] [should be] the greatest [3187].


 Et s'étant assis, il appela les douze et leur dit: Si quelqu'un veut être le premier, il sera le dernier de tous et le serviteur de tous.

 And [2532] he sat down [2523] [5660], and called [5455] [5656] the twelve [1427], and [2532] saith [3004] [5719] unto them [0846], If any man [1536] desire [2309] [5719] to be [1511] [5750] first [4413], [the same] shall be [2071] [5704] last [2078] of all [3956], and [2532] servant [1249] of all [3956].


 Et ayant pris un petit enfant, il le mit au milieu d'eux; et le tenant entre ses bras, il leur dit:

 And [2532] he took [2983] [5631] a child [3813], and set [2476] [5656] him [0846] in [1722] the midst [3319] of them [0846]: and [2532] when he had taken [1723] [0000] him [0846] in his arms [1723] [5666], he said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846],


 Quiconque reçoit un de ces petits enfants à cause de mon nom, me reçoit; et quiconque me reçoit, ce n'est pas moi qu'il reçoit, mais celui qui m'a délégué.

 Whosoever [3739] [1437] shall receive [1209] [5667] one [1520] of such [5108] children [3813] in [1909] my [3450] name [3686], receiveth [1209] [5736] me [1691]: and [2532] whosoever [3739] [1437] shall receive [1209] [5667] me [1691], receiveth [1209] [5736] not [3756] me [1691], but [0235] him that sent [0649] [5660] me [3165].


 Alors Jean, prenant la parole, lui dit: Maître, nous avons vu quelqu'un redresser des consciences déréglées en ton nom et qui ne nous suit point, et nous nous y sommes opposés, parce qu'il ne nous suit point.

 And [1161] John [2491] answered [0611] [5662] him [0846], saying [3004] [5723], Master [1320], we saw [1492] [5627] one [5100] casting out [1544] [5723] devils [1140] in thy [4675] name [3686], and [3739] he followeth [0190] [5719] not [3756] us [2254]: and [2532] we forbad [2967] [5656] him [0846], because [3754] he followeth [0190] [5719] not [3756] us [2254].


 Mais Jésus dit: Ne vous y opposez point; car il n'y a personne qui fasse des miracles en mon nom, et qui puisse aussitôt parler mal de moi.

 But [1161] Jesus [2424] said [2036] [5627], Forbid [2967] [5720] him [0846] not [3361]: for [1063] there is [2076] [5748] no man [3762] which [3739] shall do [4160] [5692] a miracle [1411] in [1909] my [3450] name [3686], that [2532] can [1410] [5695] lightly [5035] speak evil [2551] [5658] of me [3165].


 Car celui qui n'est pas contre nous, est pour nous.

 For [1063] he that is [2076] [5748] not [3756] against [2596] us [2257] is [2076] [5748] on [5228] [0000] our [2257] part [5228].


 Et quiconque vous donnera un verre d'eau en mon nom, parce que vous appartenez à Christ, je vous dis en vérité, qu'il ne perdra pas sa récompense;

 For [1063] whosoever [3739] [0302] shall give [4222] [0000] you [5209] a cup [4221] of water [5204] to drink [4222] [5661] in [1722] my [3450] name [3686], because [3754] ye belong [2075] [5748] to Christ [5547], verily [0281] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], he shall [0622] [0000] not [3364] lose [0622] [5661] his [0848] reward [3408].


 Mais quiconque scandalisera l'un de ces petits qui croient en moi, il vaudrait mieux pour lui qu'on lui mît une meule au cou, et qu'on le jetât dans la mer.

 And [2532] whosoever [3739] [0302] shall offend [4624] [5661] one [1520] of [these] little ones [3398] that believe [4100] [5723] in [1519] me [1691], it is [2076] [5748] better [2570] [3123] for him [0846] that [1487] a millstone [3037] [3457] were hanged [4029] [5736] about [4012] his [0846] neck [5137], and [2532] he were cast [0906] [5769] into [1519] the sea [2281].


 Mais si ta main te fait tomber, coupe-la; il vaut mieux pour toi que tu entres dans la vie manchot, n'ayant qu'une main, que d'avoir deux mains, et d'aller dans l'angoisse du feu méprisant qui ne s'éteint point,

 And [2532] if [1437] thy [4675] hand [5495] offend [4624] [5725] thee [4571], cut [0609] [0000] it [0846] off [0609] [5657]: it is [2076] [5748] better [2570] for thee [4671] to enter [1525] [5629] into [1519] life [2222] maimed [2948], than [2228] having [2192] [5723] two [1417] hands [5495] to go [0565] [5629] into [1519] hell [1067], into [1519] the fire [4442] that never shall be quenched [0762]:


 Où leur ver ne meurt point, et le feu ne s'éteint point.

 Where [3699] their [0846] worm [4663] dieth [5053] [5719] not [3756], and [2532] the fire [4442] is [4570] [0000] not [3756] quenched [4570] [5743].


 Et si ton pied te fait tomber, coupe-le; il vaut mieux pour toi que tu entres dans la vie, n'ayant qu'un pied, que d'avoir deux pieds, et d'être jeté dans l'angoisse du feu méprisant qui ne s'éteint point,

 And [2532] if [1437] thy [4675] foot [4228] offend [4624] [5725] thee [4571], cut [0609] [0000] it [0846] off [0609] [5657]: it is [2076] [5748] better [2570] for thee [4671] to enter [1525] [5629] halt [5560] into [1519] life [2222], than [2228] having [2192] [5723] two [1417] feet [4228] to be cast [0906] [5683] into [1519] hell [1067], into [1519] the fire [4442] that never shall be quenched [0762]:


 Où leur ver ne meurt point, et où le feu ne s'éteint point.

 Where [3699] their [0846] worm [4663] dieth [5053] [5719] not [3756], and [2532] the fire [4442] is [4570] [0000] not [3756] quenched [4570] [5743].


 Et si ton œil te fait tomber, arrache-le; il vaut mieux pour toi que tu entres dans la Souveraineté de Dieu, n'ayant qu'un œil, que d'avoir deux yeux, et d'être jeté dans l'angoisse du feu méprisant;

 And [2532] if [1437] thine [4675] eye [3788] offend [4624] [5725] thee [4571], pluck [1544] [0000] it [0846] out [1544] [5628]: it is [2076] [5748] better [2570] for thee [4671] to enter [1525] [5629] into [1519] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316] with one eye [3442], than [2228] having [2192] [5723] two [1417] eyes [3788] to be cast [0906] [5683] into [1519] hell [1067] fire [4442]:


 Où leur ver ne meurt point, et le feu ne s'éteint point.

 Where [3699] their [0846] worm [4663] dieth [5053] [5719] not [3756], and [2532] the fire [4442] is [4570] [0000] not [3756] quenched [4570] [5743].


 Car chacun sera salé de feu; et tout sacrifice sera salée de sel.

 For [1063] every one [3956] shall be salted [0233] [5701] with fire [4442], and [2532] every [3956] sacrifice [2378] shall be salted [0233] [5701] with salt [0251].


 C'est une bonne chose que le sel; mais si le sel perd sa saveur, avec quoi la lui rendra-t-on? (9-51) Ayez du sel en vous-mêmes, et soyez en paix entre vous.

 Salt [0217] [is] good [2570]: but [1161] if [1437] the salt [0217] have lost [1096] [5638] his saltness [0358], wherewith [1722] [5101] will ye season [0741] [5692] it [0846]? Have [2192] [5720] salt [0217] in [1722] yourselves [1438], and [2532] have peace [1514] [5720] one [0240] [0000] with [1722] another [0240].


 Jésus étant parti de là, vint aux confins de la Judée, le long du Jourdain; et le peuple s'assembla encore vers lui, et il continua à les instruire, comme il avait accoutumé.

 And [2547] [0000] he arose [0450] [5631] from thence [2547], and cometh [2064] [5736] into [1519] the coasts [3725] of Judaea [2449] by [1223] the farther side [4008] of Jordan [2446]: and [2532] the people [3793] resort [4848] [5736] unto [4314] him [0846] again [3825]; and [2532], as [5613] he was wont [1486] [5715], he taught [1321] [5707] them [0846] again [3825].


 Alors les pharisiens vinrent et lui demandèrent, pour l'éprouver: Est-il permis à un homme de répudier sa femme

 And [2532] the Pharisees [5330] came to him [4334] [5631], and asked [1905] [5656] him [0846], Is it [1487] lawful [1832] [5748] for a man [0435] to put away [0630] [5658] [his] wife [1135]? tempting [3985] [5723] him [0846].


 Il répondit et leur dit: Qu'est-ce que Moïse vous a commandé?

 And [1161] he answered [0611] [5679] and said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], What [5101] did Moses [3475] command [1781] [5662] you [5213]?


 Ils lui dirent: Moïse a permis d'écrire une lettre de divorce, et de répudier.

 And [1161] they said [2036] [5627], Moses [3475] suffered [2010] [5656] to write [1125] [5658] a bill [0975] of divorcement [0647], and [2532] to put [her] away [0630] [5658].


 Et Jésus, répondant, leur dit: Il vous a écrit cette loi à cause de la dureté de votre cœur.

 And [2532] Jesus [2424] answered [0611] [5679] and said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], For [4314] the hardness [4641] [0000] of your [5216] heart [4641] he wrote [1125] [5656] you [5213] this [5026] precept [1785].


 Mais au commencement de la création, Dieu les fit mâle et femelle.

 But [1161] from [0575] the beginning [0746] of the creation [2937] God [2316] made [4160] [5656] them [0846] male [0730] and [2532] female [2338].


 C'est pourquoi l'homme quittera son père et sa mère, et s'attachera à sa femme;

 For this cause [1752] [5127] shall [2641] [0000] a man [0444] leave [2641] [5692] his [0848] father [3962] and [2532] mother [3384], and [2532] cleave [4347] [5701] to [4314] his [0848] wife [1135];


 Et les deux seront une seule chair; ainsi ils ne sont plus deux, mais une seule chair.

 And [2532] they twain [1417] shall be [2071] [5704] one [1519] [3391] flesh [4561]: so then [5620] they are [1526] [5748] no more [3765] twain [1417], but [0235] one [3391] flesh [4561].


 Que l'homme ne sépare donc point ce que Dieu a joint.

 What [3739] therefore [3767] God [2316] hath joined together [4801] [5656], let [5563] [0000] not [3361] man [0444] put asunder [5563] [5720].


 Et les disciples l'interrogèrent encore sur ce sujet dans la maison;

 And [2532] in [1722] the house [3614] his [0846] disciples [3101] asked [1905] [5656] him [0846] again [3825] of [4012] the same [0846] [matter].


 Et il leur dit: Quiconque répudiera sa femme et en épousera une autre, commettra un adultère à son égard;

 And [2532] he saith [3004] [5719] unto them [0846], Whosoever [1437] shall put away [0630] [5661] his [0848] wife [1135], and [2532] marry [1060] [5661] another [0243], committeth adultery [3429] [5736] against [1909] her [0846].


 Et si la femme quitte son mari et en épouse un autre, elle commet un adultère.

 And [2532] if [1437] a woman [1135] shall put away [0630] [5661] her [0848] husband [0435], and [2532] be married [1060] [5686] to another [0243], she committeth adultery [3429] [5736].


 Alors on lui présenta de petits enfants, afin qu'il les touchât; mais les disciples reprenaient ceux qui les présentaient.

 And [2532] they brought [4374] [5707] young children [3813] to him [0846], that [2443] he should touch [0680] [5672] them [0846]: and [1161] [his] disciples [3101] rebuked [2008] [5707] those that brought [4374] [5723] [them].


 Et Jésus ayant vu cela, en fut indigné, et il leur dit: Laissez venir à moi les petits enfants, et ne les en empêchez point; car la Souveraineté de Dieu est pour ceux qui leur ressemblent.

 But [1161] when Jesus [2424] saw [1492] [5631] [it], he was much displeased [0023] [5656], and [2532] said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Suffer [0863] [5628] the little children [3813] to come [2064] [5738] unto [4314] me [3165], and [2532] forbid [2967] [5720] them [0846] not [3361]: for [1063] of such [5108] is [2076] [5748] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316].


 Je vous dis en vérité, que quiconque ne recevra pas la Souveraineté de Dieu comme un petit enfant, n'y entrera point.

 Verily [0281] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], Whosoever [3739] shall [1209] [0000] not [3362] receive [1209] [5667] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316] as [5613] a little child [3813], he shall [1525] [0000] not [3364] enter [1525] [5632] therein [1519] [0846].


 Et les ayant pris entre ses bras, il leur imposa les mains et les bénit.

 And [2532] he took [1723] [0000] them [0846] up in his arms [1723] [5666], put [5087] [5723] [his] hands [5495] upon [1909] them [0846], and blessed [2127] [5707] them [0846].


 Et comme ils sortaient pour se mettre en chemin, un homme accourut, et, s'étant mis à genoux devant lui, lui demanda: Bon Maître, que dois-je faire pour hériter de la vie éternelle?

 And [2532] when he was gone forth [1607] [5740] into [1519] the way [0846] [3598], there came [4370] [0000] one [1520] running [4370] [5631], and [2532] kneeled [1120] [5660] to him [0846], and asked [1905] [5707] him [0846], Good [0018] Master [1320], what [5101] shall I do [4160] [5661] that [2443] I may inherit [2816] [5661] eternal [0166] life [2222]?


 Jésus lui dit: Pourquoi m'appelles-tu bon? Personne n'est bon, sauf Dieu seul.

 And [1161] Jesus [2424] said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Why [5101] callest thou [3004] [5719] me [3165] good [0018]? [there is] none [3762] good [0018] but [1508] one [1520], [that is], God [2316].


 Tu connais les commandements: Ne commets point d'adultère; ne tue point; ne dérobe point; ne dis point de faux témoignage; ne commets point de fraude; honore ton père et ta mère.

 Thou knowest [1492] [5758] the commandments [1785], Do [3431] [0000] not [3361] commit adultery [3431] [5661], Do [5407] [0000] not [3361] kill [5407] [5661], Do [2813] [0000] not [3361] steal [2813] [5661], Do [5576] [0000] not [3361] bear false witness [5576] [5661], Defraud [0650] [5661] not [3361], Honour [5091] [5720] thy [4675] father [3962] and [2532] mother [3384].


 Il répondit: Maître, j'ai observé toutes ces choses dès ma jeunesse.

 And [1161] he answered [0611] [5679] and said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Master [1320], all [3956] these [5023] have I observed [5442] [5668] from [1537] my [3450] youth [3503].


 Et Jésus, jetant les yeux sur lui, s'abstenait et lui dit: Il te manque une chose: Va, vends tout ce que tu as, et donne-le aux pauvres, et tu auras un trésor dans le ciel; après cela viens, suis-moi, en te chargeant de cette croix.

 Then [1161] Jesus [2424] beholding [1689] [5660] him [0846] loved [0025] [5656] him [0846], and [2532] said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], One thing [1520] thou [4671] lackest [5302] [5719]: go thy way [5217] [5720], sell [4453] [5657] whatsoever [3745] thou hast [2192] [5719], and [2532] give [1325] [5628] to the poor [4434], and [2532] thou shalt have [2192] [5692] treasure [2344] in [1722] heaven [3772]: and [2532] come [1204] [5773], take up [0142]


 Mais affligé de cette parole, il s'en alla tout triste, car il avait de grands biens.

 And [1161] he was sad [4768] [5660] at [1909] that saying [3056], and went away [0565] [5627] grieved [3076] [5746]: for [1063] he had [2192] [5723] [2258] [5713] great [4183] possessions [2933].


 Alors Jésus, regardant autour de lui, dit à ses disciples: Qu'il est difficile que ceux qui ont des richesses entrent dans la Souveraineté de Dieu!

 And [2532] Jesus [2424] looked round about [4017] [5671], and saith [3004] [5719] unto his [0848] disciples [3101], How [4459] hardly [1423] shall they that have [2192] [5723] riches [5536] enter [1525] [5695] into [1519] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316]!


 Et ses disciples furent étonnés de ce discours. Mais Jésus, reprenant la parole, leur dit: Mes enfants, qu'il est difficile à ceux qui se confient dans les richesses d'entrer dans la Souveraineté de Dieu!

 And [1161] the disciples [3101] were astonished [2284] [5712] at [1909] his [0846] words [3056]. But [1161] Jesus [2424] answereth [0611] [5679] again [3825], and saith [3004] [5719] unto them [0846], Children [5043], how [4459] hard [1422] is it [2076] [5748] for them that trust [3982] [5756] in [1909] riches [5536] to enter [1525] [5629] into [1519] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316]!


 Il est plus aisé qu'un chameau passe par le trou d'une aiguille, qu'il ne l'est qu'un riche entre dans la Souveraineté de Dieu.

 It is [2076] [5748] easier [2123] for a camel [2574] to go [1525] [5629] [5625] [1330] [5629] through [1223] the eye [5168] of a needle [4476], than [2228] for a rich man [4145] to enter [1525] [5629] into [1519] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316].


 Et ils furent encore plus étonnés, et ils se disaient l'un à l'autre: Et qui peut donc être sauvé?

 And [1161] they were astonished [1605] [5712] out of measure [4057], saying [3004] [5723] among [4314] themselves [1438], [2532] Who [5101] then can [1410] [5736] be saved [4982] [5683]?


 Mais Jésus, les regardant, leur dit: Cela est impossible aux hommes, mais non à Dieu; car toutes choses sont possibles à Dieu.

 And [1161] Jesus [2424] looking upon [1689] [5660] them [0846] saith [3004] [5719], With [3844] men [0444] [it is] impossible [0102], but [0235] not [3756] with [3844] God [2316]: for [1063] with [3844] God [2316] all things [3956] are [2076] [5748] possible [1415].


 Alors Pierre se mit à lui dire: Voici, nous avons tout quitté, et nous t'avons suivi.

 Then [2532] Peter [4074] began [0756] [5662] to say [3004] [5721] unto him [0846], Lo [2400] [5628], we [2249] have left [0863] [5656] all [3956], and [2532] have followed [0190] [5656] thee [4671].


 Et Jésus répondit: Je vous le dis en vérité: Il n'y a personne qui ait quitté maison, ou frères, ou sœurs, ou père, ou mère, ou femme, ou enfants, ou champs, à cause de moi et du message de la grâce,

 And [1161] Jesus [2424] answered [0611] [5679] and said [2036] [5627], Verily [0281] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], There is [2076] [5748] no man [3762] that [3739] hath left [0863] [5656] house [3614], or [2228] brethren [0080], or [2228] sisters [0079], or [2228] father [3962], or [2228] mother [3384], or [2228] wife [1135], or [2228] children [5043], or [2228] lands [0068], for my [1700] sake [1752], and [2532] the gospel's [2098],


 Qui n'en reçoive dès à présent en ce siècle, cent fois autant, des maisons, des frères, des sœurs, des mères, des enfants, et des terres, avec des persécutions; et, dans le siècle à venir, la vie éternelle.

 But [3362] he shall receive [2983] [5632] an hundredfold [1542] now [3568] in [1722] this [5129] time [2540], houses [3614], and [2532] brethren [0080], and [2532] sisters [0079], and [2532] mothers [3384], and [2532] children [5043], and [2532] lands [0068], with [3326] persecutions [1375]; and [2532] in [1722] the world [0165] to come [2064] [5740] eternal [0166] life [2222].


 Mais plusieurs qui sont les premiers seront les derniers, et ceux qui sont les derniers seront les premiers.

 But [1161] many [4183] [that are] first [4413] shall be [2071] [5704] last [2078]; and [2532] the last [2078] first [4413].


 Or, ils étaient en chemin, montant à Jérusalem, Jésus marchait devant eux; et ils étaient effrayés et craignaient en le suivant. Et Jésus, prenant encore à part les douze, commença à leur dire ce qui devait lui arriver:

 And [1161] they were [2258] [5713] in [1722] the way [3598] going up [0305] [5723] to [1519] Jerusalem [2414]; and [2532] Jesus [2424] went [2258] [5713] before [4254] [5723] them [0846]: and [2532] they were amazed [2284] [5712]; and [2532] as they followed [0190] [5723], they were afraid [5399] [5711]. And [2532] he took [3880] [5631] again [3825] the twelve [1427], and began [0756] [5662] to tell [3004] [5721] them [0846] what things should [3195] [5723] ha


 Disant: Voici, nous montons à Jérusalem, et le Fils, l'expression humaine sera livré aux principaux sacrificateurs et aux scribes, et ils le condamneront à la mort, et le livreront aux Gentils.

 [Saying], [3754] Behold [2400] [5628], we go up [0305] [5719] to [1519] Jerusalem [2414]; and [2532] the Son [5207] of man [0444] shall be delivered [3860] [5701] unto the chief priests [0749], and [2532] unto the scribes [1122]; and [2532] they shall condemn [2632] [5692] him [0846] to death [2288], and [2532] shall deliver [3860] [5692] him [0846] to the Gentiles [1484]:


 Ils se moqueront de lui, ils le fouetteront, ils lui cracheront au visage, et le feront mourir; mais il ressuscitera le troisième jour.

 And [2532] they shall mock [1702] [5692] him [0846], and [2532] shall scourge [3146] [5692] him [0846], and [2532] shall spit upon [1716] [5692] him [0846], and [2532] shall kill [0615] [5692] him [0846]: and [2532] the third [5154] day [2250] he shall rise again [0450] [5698].


 Alors Jacques et Jean, fils de Zébédée, vinrent à lui et dirent: Maître, nous voudrions que tu nous fasses ce que nous te demanderons.

 And [2532] James [2385] and [2532] John [2491], the sons [5207] of Zebedee [2199], come [4365] [5736] unto him [0846], saying [3004] [5723], Master [1320], we would [2309] [5719] that [2443] thou shouldest do [4160] [5661] for us [2254] whatsoever [1437] we shall desire [0154] [5661].


 Et il leur dit: Que voulez-vous que je vous fasse?

 And [1161] he said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], What [5101] would [2309] [5719] ye that I [3165] should do [4160] [5658] for you [5213]?


 Ils lui dirent: Accorde-nous d'être assis dans ta gloire, l'un à ta droite et l'autre à ta gauche.

 1161 They said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Grant [1325] [5628] unto us [2254] that [2443] we may sit [2523] [5661], one [1520] on [1537] thy [4675] right hand [1188], and [2532] the other [1520] on [1537] thy [4675] left hand [2176], in [1722] thy [4675] glory [1391].


 Et Jésus leur dit: Vous ne savez ce que vous demandez. Pouvez-vous boire la coupe que je dois boire, et être introduits dans l'engagement que je dois expier?

 But [1161] Jesus [2424] said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Ye know [1492] [5758] not [3756] what [5101] ye ask [0154] [5731]: can ye [1410] [5736] drink [4095] [5629] of the cup [4221] that [3739] I [1473] drink of [4095] [5719]? and [2532] be baptized [0907] [5743] with the baptism [0908] that [3739] I [1473] am baptized with [0907] [5683]?


 Ils lui dirent: Nous le pouvons. Et Jésus leur dit: Il est vrai que vous boirez la coupe que je dois boire, et que vous serez introduits dans l'engagement que je dois expier;

 And [1161] they said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], We can [1410] [5736]. And [1161] Jesus [2424] said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Ye shall [4095] [0000] indeed [3303] drink [4095] [5719] of the cup [4221] that [3739] I [1473] drink of [4095] [5695]; and [2532] with the baptism [0908] that [3739] I [1473] am baptized withal [0907] [5743] shall ye be baptized [0907] [5701]:


 Mais quant à être assis à ma droite ou à ma gauche, ce n'est pas à moi de l'accorder, si ce n'est à ceux à qui cela est destiné.

 But [1161] to sit [2523] [5658] on [1537] my [3450] right hand [1188] and [2532] on [1537] my [3450] left hand [2176] is [2076] [5748] not [3756] mine [1699] to give [1325] [5629]; but [0235] [it shall be given to them] for whom [3739] it is prepared [2090] [5769].


 Ce que les dix autres ayant entendu, ils commencèrent à s'indigner contre Jacques et Jean.

 And [2532] when the ten [1176] heard [0191] [5660] [it], they began [0756] [5662] to be much displeased [0023] [5721] with [4012] James [2385] and [2532] John [2491].


 Mais Jésus, les ayant appelés, leur dit: Vous savez que ceux qu'on regarde comme les chefs des nations les dominent; et que les grands exercent leur autorité sur elles.

 But [1161] Jesus [2424] called [4341] [5666] them [0846] [to him], and saith [3004] [5719] unto them [0846], Ye know [1492] [5758] that [3754] they which are accounted [1380] [5723] to rule [0757] [5721] over the Gentiles [1484] exercise lordship [2634] [5719] over them [0846]; and [2532] their [0846] great ones [3173] exercise authority [2715] [5719] upon them [0846].


 Mais il n'en sera pas de même parmi vous; au contraire, quiconque voudra être grand parmi vous, sera votre ministre.

 But [1161] so [3779] shall it [2071] [0000] not [3756] be [2071] [5704] among [1722] you [5213]: but [0235] whosoever [3739] [1437] will [2309] [5725] be [1096] [5635] great [3173] among [1722] you [5213], shall be [2071] [5704] your [5216] minister [1249]:


 Et quiconque voudra être le premier d'entre vous, sera l'esclave de tous.

 And [2532] whosoever [3739] [0302] of you [5216] will [2309] [5725] be [1096] [5635] the chiefest [4413], shall be [2071] [5704] servant [1401] of all [3956].


 Car le Fils, l'expression humaine est venu, non pour être servi, mais pour servir et pour donner sa vie en rançon pour plusieurs.

 For [1063] even [2532] the Son [5207] of man [0444] came [2064] [5627] not [3756] to be ministered unto [1247] [5683], but [0235] to minister [1247] [5658], and [2532] to give [1325] [5629] his [0848] life [5590] a ransom [3083] for [0473] many [4183].


 Ensuite ils arrivèrent à Jérico; et comme il en repartait avec ses disciples et une grande troupe, le fils de Timée, Bartimée, l'aveugle, était assis auprès du chemin, demandant l'aumône.

 And [2532] they came [2064] [5736] to [1519] Jericho [2410]: and [2532] as he went [1607] [5740] out of [0575] Jericho [2410] with [2532] his [0846] disciples [3101] and [2532] a great [2425] number of people [3793], blind [5185] Bartimaeus [0924], the son [5207] of Timaeus [5090], sat [2521] [5711] by [3844] the highway side [3598] begging [4319] [5723].


 Et ayant entendu que c'était Jésus de Nazareth qui passait, il se mit à crier et à dire: Jésus, fils de David, aie pitié de moi!

 And [2532] when he heard [0191] [5660] that [3754] it was [2076] [5748] Jesus [2424] of Nazareth [3480], he began [0756] [5662] to cry out [2896] [5721], and [2532] say [3004] [5721], Jesus [2424], [thou] Son [5207] of David [1138], have mercy [1653] [5657] on me [3165].


 Et plusieurs le reprenaient, pour le faire taire; mais il criait encore plus fort: Fils de David, aie pitié de moi!

 And [2532] many [4183] charged [2008] [5707] him [0846] that [2443] he should hold his peace [4623] [5661]: but [1161] he cried [2896] [5707] the more [3123] a great deal [4183], [Thou] Son [5207] of David [1138], have mercy [1653] [5657] on me [3165].


 Et Jésus s'étant arrêté, dit qu'on l'appelât. Ils appelèrent donc l'aveugle, et lui dirent: Prends courage, lève-toi, il t'appelle.

 And [2532] Jesus [2424] stood still [2476] [5631], and commanded [2036] [5627] him [0846] to be called [5455] [5683]. And [2532] they call [5455] [5719] the blind man [5185], saying [3004] [5723] unto him [0846], Be of good comfort [2293] [5720], rise [1453] [5669]; he calleth [5455] [5719] thee [4571].


 Et jetant son manteau, il se leva et vint vers Jésus.

 And [1161] he, casting away [0577] [5631] his [0848] garment [2440], rose [0450] [5631], and came [2064] [5627] to [4314] Jesus [2424].


 Alors Jésus, prenant la parole, lui dit: Que veux-tu que je te fasse? Et l'aveugle lui répondit: Maître, que je recouvre la vue.

 And [2532] Jesus [2424] answered [0611] [5679] and said [3004] [5719] unto him [0846], What [5101] wilt [2309] [5719] thou that I should do [4160] [5661] unto thee [4671]? [1161] The blind man [5185] said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Lord [4462], that [2443] I might receive my sight [0308] [5661].


 Et Jésus lui dit: Va, ta foi t'a guéri. (10-53) Et aussitôt il recouvra la vue, et il suivait Jésus dans le chemin.

 And [1161] Jesus [2424] said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Go thy way [5217] [5720]; thy [4675] faith [4102] hath made [4982] [0000] thee [4571] whole [4982] [5758]. And [2532] immediately [2112] he received his sight [0308] [5656], and [2532] followed [0190] [5707] Jesus [2424] in [1722] the way [3598].


 Comme ils approchaient de Jérusalem, de Bethphagé et de Béthanie, près du mont des Oliviers, Jésus envoya deux de ses disciples,

 And [2532] when [3753] they came nigh [1448] [5719] to [1519] Jerusalem [2419], unto [1519] Bethphage [0967] and [2532] Bethany [0963], at [4314] the mount [3735] of Olives [1636], he sendeth forth [0649] [5719] two [1417] of his [0848] disciples [3101],


 Et leur dit: Allez au village qui est devant vous; et aussitôt que vous y serez entrés, vous trouverez un ânon attaché, que personne n'a encore monté; détachez-le, et amenez-le-moi.

 And [2532] saith [3004] [5719] unto them [0846], Go your way [5217] [5720] into [1519] the village [2968] over against [2713] you [5216]: and [2532] as soon as [2112] ye be entered [1531] [5740] into [1519] it [0846], ye shall find [2147] [5692] a colt [4454] tied [1210] [5772], whereon [1909] [3739] never [3762] man [0444] sat [2523] [5758]; loose [3089] [5660] him [0846], and bring [0071] [5628] [him].


 Et si quelqu'un vous dit: Pourquoi faites-vous cela? dites que le Seigneur en a besoin, et aussitôt il l'enverra ici.

 And [2532] if [1437] any man [5100] say [2036] [5632] unto you [5213], Why [5101] do ye [4160] [5719] this [5124]? say ye [2036] [5628] that [3754] the Lord [2962] hath [2192] [5719] need [5532] of him [0846]; and [2532] straightway [2112] he will send [0649] [5692] him [0846] hither [5602].


 Ils s'en allèrent donc, et ils trouvèrent l'ânon qui était attaché dehors devant la porte, entre les deux chemins; et ils le détachèrent.

 And [1161] they went their way [0565] [5627], and [2532] found [2147] [5627] the colt [4454] tied [1210] [5772] by [4314] the door [2374] without [1854] in [1909] a place where two ways met [0296]; and [2532] they loose [3089] [5719] him [0846].


 Et quelques-uns de ceux qui étaient là leur dirent: Pourquoi détachez-vous cet ânon?

 And [2532] certain of them [5100] that stood [2476] [5761] there [1563] said [3004] [5707] unto them [0846], What [5101] do ye [4160] [5719], loosing [3089] [5723] the colt [4454]?


 Ils leur répondirent comme Jésus avait commandé; et on les laissa aller.

 And [1161] they said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846] even as [2531] Jesus [2424] had commanded [1781] [5662]: and [2532] they let [0863] [0000] them [0846] go [0863] [5656].


 Et ils amenèrent l'ânon à Jésus, et mirent leurs vêtements dessus, et Jésus monta sur l'ânon.

 And [2532] they brought [0071] [5627] the colt [4454] to [4314] Jesus [2424], and [2532] cast [1911] [0000] their [0848] garments [2440] on [1911] [5627] him [0846]; and [2532] he sat [2523] [5656] upon [1909] him [0846].


 Et plusieurs étendaient leurs vêtements sur la route, et d'autres coupaient des branches d'arbres, et en couvraient le chemin.

 And [1161] many [4183] spread [4766] [5656] their [0848] garments [2440] in [1519] the way [3598]: and [1161] others [0243] cut down [2875] [5707] branches [4746] off [1537] the trees [1186], and [2532] strawed [4766] [5707] [them] in [1519] the way [3598].


 Et ceux qui marchaient devant, et ceux qui suivaient, criaient: Hosanna! béni soit celui qui vient au nom du Seigneur!

 And [2532] they that went before [4254] [5723], and [2532] they that followed [0190] [5723], cried [2896] [5707], saying [3004] [5723], Hosanna [5614]; Blessed [2127] [5772] [is] he that cometh [2064] [5740] in [1722] the name [3686] of the Lord [2962]:


 Béni soit le règne de David notre père, qui vient au nom du Seigneur! Hosanna dans les lieux très hauts!

 Blessed [2127] [5772] [be] the kingdom [0932] of our [2257] father [3962] David [1138], that cometh [2064] [5740] in [1722] the name [3686] of the Lord [2962]: Hosanna [5614] in [1722] the highest [5310].


 Ainsi Jésus entra dans Jérusalem, et dans le temple; et ayant tout considéré, comme il était déjà tard, il s'en alla à Béthanie avec les douze.

 And [2532] Jesus [2424] entered [1525] [5627] into [1519] Jerusalem [2414], and [2532] into [1519] the temple [2411]: and [2532] when he had looked round about upon [4017] [5671] all things [3956], and now [2235] the eventide [3798] [5610] was come [5607] [5752], he went out [1831] [5627] unto [1519] Bethany [0963] with [3326] the twelve [1427].


 Le lendemain, comme ils sortaient de Béthanie, il eut faim.

 And [2532] on the morrow [1887], when they [0846] were come [1831] [5631] from [0575] Bethany [0963], he was hungry [3983] [5656]:


 Et voyant de loin un figuier qui avait des feuilles, il alla voir s'il y trouverait quelque chose; et s'en étant approché, il n'y trouva que des feuilles; car ce n'était pas la saison des figues.

 And [2532] seeing [1492] [5631] a fig tree [4808] afar off [3113] having [2192] [5723] leaves [5444], he came [2064] [5627], if [1487] haply [0686] he might find [2147] [5692] any thing [5100] thereon [1722] [0846]: and [2532] when he came [2064] [5631] to [1909] it [0846], he found [2147] [5627] nothing [3762] but [1508] leaves [5444]; for [1063] the time [2540] of figs [4810] was [2258] [5713] not [3756] [yet].


 Alors Jésus, prenant la parole, dit: Que jamais plus personne ne mange de ton fruit. Et ses disciples l'entendirent.

 And [2532] Jesus [2424] answered [0611] [5679] and said [2036] [5627] unto it [0846], No man [3367] eat [5315] [5630] fruit [2590] of [1537] thee [4675] hereafter [3371] for [1519] ever [0165]. And [2532] his [0846] disciples [3101] heard [0191] [5707] [it].


 Ils vinrent ensuite à Jérusalem; et Jésus étant entré dans le temple, se mit à chasser ceux qui vendaient et qui achetaient dans le temple, et il renversa les tables des changeurs, et les sièges de ceux qui vendaient des pigeons.

 And [2532] they come [2064] [5736] to [1519] Jerusalem [2414]: and [2532] Jesus [2424] went [1525] [5631] into [1519] the temple [2411], and began [0756] [5662] to cast out [1544] [5721] them that sold [4453] [5723] and [2532] bought [0059] [5723] in [1722] the temple [2411], and [2532] overthrew [2690] [5656] the tables [5132] of the moneychangers [2855], and [2532] the seats [2515] of them [0846] that sold [4453] [5723] doves [4058];


 Et il ne permettait pas que personne portât aucun vaisseau par le temple.

 And [2532] would [0863] [0000] not [3756] suffer [0863] [5707] that [2443] any man [5100] should carry [1308] [5632] [any] vessel [4632] through [1223] the temple [2411].


 Et il les instruisait, en disant: N'est-il pas écrit: Ma maison sera appelée une maison de prières pour toutes les nations? mais vous en avez fait une caverne de voleurs.

 And [2532] he taught [1321] [5707], saying [3004] [5723] unto them [0846], Is it [1125] [0000] not [3756] written [1125] [5769], [3754] My [3450] house [3624] shall be called [2564] [5701] of all [3956] nations [1484] the house [3624] of prayer [4335]? but [1161] ye [5210] have made [4160] [5656] it [0846] a den [4693] of thieves [3027].


 Ce que les scribes et les principaux sacrificateurs ayant entendu, ils cherchaient les moyens de le faire périr; car ils le craignaient, parce que tout le peuple était étonné de sa doctrine.

 And [2532] the scribes [1122] and [2532] chief priests [0749] heard [0191] [5656] [it], and [2532] sought [2212] [5707] how [4459] they might destroy [0622] [5692] him [0846]: for [1063] they feared [5399] [5711] him [0846], because [3754] all [3956] the people [3793] was astonished [1605] [5712] at [1909] his [0846] doctrine [1322].


 Le soir étant venu, Jésus sortit de la ville.

 And [2532] when [3753] even [3796] was come [1096] [5633], he went [1607] [5711] out of [1854] the city [4172].


 Et le matin, comme ils passaient, ses disciples virent le figuier séché jusqu'aux racines.

 And [2532] in the morning [4404], as they passed by [3899] [5740], they saw [1492] [5627] the fig tree [4808] dried up [3583] [5772] from [1537] the roots [4491].


 Alors Pierre, s'étant souvenu de ce qui s'était passé, lui dit: Maître, voilà le figuier que tu as maudit, qui est séché.

 And [2532] Peter [4074] calling to remembrance [0363] [5679] saith [3004] [5719] unto him [0846], Master [4461], behold [2396], the fig tree [4808] which [3739] thou cursedst [2672] [5662] is withered away [3583] [5769].


 Et Jésus, répondant, leur dit: Ayez foi en Dieu;

 And [2532] Jesus [2424] answering [0611] [5679] saith [3004] [5719] unto them [0846], Have [2192] [5720] faith [4102] in God [2316].


 Car je vous dis en vérité, que quiconque dira à cette montagne: Ôte-toi de là et jette-toi dans la mer, et qui ne doutera point dans son cœur, mais qui croira que ce qu'il dit arrivera; ce qu'il dit lui sera accordé.

 For [1063] verily [0281] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], That [3754] whosoever [3739] [0302] shall say [2036] [5632] unto this [5129] mountain [3735], Be thou removed [0142] [5682], and [2532] be thou cast [0906] [5682] into [1519] the sea [2281]; and [2532] shall [1252] [0000] not [3361] doubt [1252] [5686] in [1722] his [0848] heart [2588], but [0235] shall believe [4100] [5661] that [3754] those things which [3739] he saith [3004] [5719] shall come to p


 C'est pourquoi je vous dis: Tout ce que vous demanderez en priant, croyez que vous le recevrez; et cela vous sera accordé.

 Therefore [1223] [5124] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], What [3745] things [3956] soever [0302] ye desire [0154] [5731], when ye pray [4336] [5740], believe [4100] [5720] that [3754] ye receive [2983] [5719] [them], and [2532] ye [5213] shall have [2071] [5704] [them].


 Mais quand vous vous présenterez pour faire votre prière, si vous avez quelque chose contre quelqu'un, pardonnez-lui, afin que votre Père qui est dans les cieux vous pardonne aussi vos offenses.

 And [2532] when [3752] ye stand [4739] [5725] praying [4336] [5740], forgive [0863] [5720], if [1536] [0000] ye have [2192] [5719] ought [1536] against [2596] any [5100]: that [2443] your [5216] Father [3962] also [2532] which [3588] is in [1722] heaven [3772] may forgive [0863] [5632] you [5213] your [5216] trespasses [3900].


 Et si vous ne pardonnez pas, votre Père qui est dans les cieux ne vous pardonnera pas non plus vos offenses.

 But [1161] if [1487] ye [5210] do [0863] [0000] not [3756] forgive [0863] [5719], neither [3761] will [0863] [0000] your [5216] Father [3962] which [3588] is in [1722] heaven [3772] forgive [0863] [5692] your [5216] trespasses [3900].


 Puis ils revinrent de nouveau à Jérusalem; et comme il allait par le temple, les principaux sacrificateurs, les scribes et les anciens s'approchèrent de lui,

 And [2532] they come [2064] [5736] again [3825] to [1519] Jerusalem [2414]: and [2532] as he [0846] was walking [4043] [5723] in [1722] the temple [2411], there come [2064] [5736] to [4314] him [0846] the chief priests [0749], and [2532] the scribes [1122], and [2532] the elders [4245],


 Et ils lui dirent: Par quelle autorité fais-tu ces choses, et qui t'a donné l'autorité de les faire?

 And [2532] say [3004] [5719] unto him [0846], By [1722] what [4169] authority [1849] doest thou [4160] [5719] these things [5023]? and [2532] who [5101] gave [1325] [5656] thee [4671] this [5026] authority [1849] to [2443] do [4160] [5725] these things [5023]?


 Jésus, répondant, leur dit: Je vous demanderai aussi une chose, répondez-moi, et je vous dirai par quelle autorité je fais ces choses.

 And [1161] Jesus [2424] answered [0611] [5679] and said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], I will [1905] [0000] also [2504] ask [1905] [5692] of you [5209] one [1520] question [3056], and [2532] answer [0611] [5676] me [3427], and [2532] I will tell [2046] [5692] you [5213] by [1722] what [4169] authority [1849] I do [4160] [5719] these things [5023].


 La consécration de Jean venait-elle du ciel, ou des hommes? Répondez-moi.

 The baptism [0908] of John [2491], was [2258] [5713] [it] from [1537] heaven [3772], or [2228] of [1537] men [0444]? answer [0611] [5676] me [3427].


 Or, ils raisonnaient en eux-mêmes, disant: Si nous disons: Du ciel; il dira: Pourquoi donc n'y avez-vous pas cru

 And [2532] they reasoned [3049] [5711] with [4314] themselves [1438], saying [3004] [5723], If [1437] we shall say [2036] [5632], From [1537] heaven [3772]; he will say [2046] [5692], Why [1302] then [3767] did ye [4100] [0000] not [3756] believe [4100] [5656] him [0846]?


 Et si nous disons: Des hommes; nous craignons le peuple; car tous croyaient que Jean était un vrai prophète.

 But [0235] if [1437] we shall say [2036] [5632], Of [1537] men [0444]; they feared [5399] [5711] the people [2992]: for [1063] all [0537] [men] counted [2192] [5707] John [2491], that [3754] he was [2258] [5713] a prophet [4396] indeed [3689].


 Alors ils répondirent à Jésus: Nous n'en savons rien. Et Jésus leur répondit: Et moi, je ne vous dirai pas non plus par quelle autorité je fais ces choses.

 And [2532] they answered [0611] [5679] and said [3004] [5719] unto Jesus [2424], We [1492] [0000] cannot [3756] tell [1492] [5758]. And [2532] Jesus [2424] answering [0611] [5679] saith [3004] [5719] unto them [0846], Neither [3761] do I [1473] tell [3004] [5719] you [5213] by [1722] what [4169] authority [1849] I do [4160] [5719] these things [5023].


 Jésus se mit ensuite à leur parler en paraboles: Un homme planta une vigne, il l'environna d'une haie, et y creusa un pressoir, et y bâtit une tour, puis il la loua à des vignerons, et s'en alla.

 And [2532] he began [0756] [5662] to speak [3004] [5721] unto them [0846] by [1722] parables [3850]. A [certain] man [0444] planted [5452] [5656] a vineyard [0290], and [2532] set [4060] [5656] an hedge about [5418] [it], and [2532] digged [3736] [5656] [a place for] the winefat [5276], and [2532] built [3618] [5656] a tower [4444], and [2532] let [1554] [0000] it [0846] out [1554] [5639] to husbandmen [1092], and [2532] went into a far country [0589] [5656].


 Et dans la saison il envoya un de ses serviteurs vers les vignerons, afin de recevoir d'eux du fruit de la vigne.

 And [2532] at the season [2540] he sent [0649] [5656] to [4314] the husbandmen [1092] a servant [1401], that [2443] he might receive [2983] [5632] from [3844] the husbandmen [1092] of [0575] the fruit [2590] of the vineyard [0290].


 Mais l'ayant pris, ils le battirent, et le renvoyèrent à vide.

 And [1161] they caught [2983] [5631] [him], and beat [1194] [5656] him [0846], and [2532] sent [him] away [0649] [5656] empty [2756].


 Il leur envoya encore un autre serviteur; mais ils lui jetèrent des pierres, et lui meurtrirent la tête, et le renvoyèrent, après l'avoir traité honteusement.

 And [2532] again [3825] he sent [0649] [5656] unto [4314] them [0846] another [0243] servant [1401]; and at him [2548] they cast stones [3036] [5660], and wounded [him] in the head [2775] [5656], and [2532] sent [him] away [0649] [5656] shamefully handled [0821] [5772].


 Et il en envoya encore un autre qu'ils tuèrent; et plusieurs autres, dont ils battirent les uns et tuèrent les autres.

 And [2532] again [3825] he sent [0649] [5656] another [0243]; and him [2548] they killed [0615] [5656], and [2532] many [4183] others [0243]; [3303] beating some [1194] [5723], and [1161] killing some [0615] [5723].


 Enfin, ayant un fils qu'il chérissait, il le leur envoya le dernier, en disant: Ils auront du respect pour mon fils.

 Having [2192] [5723] yet [2089] therefore [3767] one [1520] son [5207], his [0848] wellbeloved [0027], he sent [0649] [5656] him [0846] also [2532] last [2078] unto [4314] them [0846], saying [3004] [5723], [3754] They will reverence [1788] [5691] my [3450] son [5207].


 Mais ces vignerons dirent entre eux: C'est ici l'héritier; venez, tuons-le, et l'héritage sera à nous.

 But [1161] those [1565] husbandmen [1092] said [2036] [5627] among [4314] themselves [1438], This [3754] [3778] is [2076] [5748] the heir [2818]; come [1205] [5773], let us kill [0615] [5725] him [0846], and [2532] the inheritance [2817] shall be [2071] [5704] ours [2257].


 Et le prenant, ils le tuèrent et le jetèrent hors de la vigne.

 And [2532] they took [2983] [5631] him [0846], and killed [0615] [5656] [him], and [2532] cast [1544] [5627] [him] out of [1854] the vineyard [0290].


 Que fera donc le maître de la vigne? Il viendra et fera périr ces vignerons, et il donnera la vigne à d'autres.

 What [5101] shall [4160] [0000] therefore [3767] the lord [2962] of the vineyard [0290] do [4160] [5692]? he will come [2064] [5695] and [2532] destroy [0622] [5692] the husbandmen [1092], and [2532] will give [1325] [5692] the vineyard [0290] unto others [0243].


 Et n'avez-vous point lu cette parole de l'Écriture: La pierre que ceux qui bâtissaient ont rejetée, est devenue la principale pierre de l'angle?

 And have ye [0314] [0000] not [3761] read [0314] [5627] this [5026] scripture [1124]; The stone [3037] which [3739] the builders [3618] [5723] rejected [0593] [5656] is [3778] [1096] [5675] become [1519] the head [2776] of the corner [1137]:


 Cela a été fait par le Seigneur, et c'est une chose merveilleuse à nos yeux.

 This [3778] was [1096] [0000] the Lord's [2962] doing [1096] [5633] [3844], and [2532] it is [2076] [5748] marvellous [2298] in [1722] our [2257] eyes [3788]?


 Alors ils tâchèrent de le saisir; car ils connurent bien qu'il avait dit cette similitude contre eux; mais ils craignirent le peuple; c'est pourquoi le laissant, ils s'en allèrent.

 And [2532] they sought [2212] [5707] to lay hold [2902] [5658] on him [0846], but [2532] feared [5399] [5675] the people [3793]: for [1063] they knew [1097] [5627] that [3754] he had spoken [2036] [5627] the parable [3850] against [4314] them [0846]: and [2532] they left [0863] [5631] him [0846], and went their way [0565] [5627].


 Ensuite ils lui envoyèrent quelques-uns des pharisiens et des hérodiens, pour le piéger dans ses discours.

 And [2532] they send [0649] [5719] unto [4314] him [0846] certain [5100] of the Pharisees [5330] and [2532] of the Herodians [2265], to [2443] catch [0064] [5661] him [0846] in [his] words [3056].


 Étant donc venus vers lui, ils lui dirent: Maître, nous savons que tu es sincère et que tu n'as égard à qui que ce soit; car tu ne regardes point à l'apparence des hommes, mais tu enseignes la voie de Dieu selon la vérité. Est-il permis de payer le tribut à César, ou non? Le payerons-nous, ou ne le payerons-nous pas?

 And [1161] when they were come [2064] [5631], they say [3004] [5719] unto him [0846], Master [1320], we know [1492] [5758] that [3754] thou art [1488] [5748] true [0227], and [2532] [4671] carest [3756] [3199] [5719] for [4012] no man [3762]: for [1063] thou regardest [0991] [5719] not [3756] the person [1519] [4383] of men [0444], but [0235] teachest [1321] [5719] the way [3598] of God [2316] in [1909] truth [0225]: Is it lawful [1832] [5748] to give [1325]


 Mais lui, connaissant leur hypocrisie, leur dit: Pourquoi me tentez-vous? Apportez-moi un denier, que je le voie.

 Shall we give [1325] [5632], or [2228] shall we not [3361] give [1325] [5632]? But [1161] he, knowing [1492] [5761] their [0846] hypocrisy [5272], said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Why [5101] tempt ye [3985] [5719] me [3165]? bring [5342] [5720] me [3427] a penny [1220], that [2443] I may see [1492] [5632] [it].


 Et ils lui en présentèrent un. Alors il leur dit: De qui est cette image et cette inscription? Ils lui dirent: De César.

 And [1161] they brought [5342] [5656] [it]. And [2532] he saith [3004] [5719] unto them [0846], Whose [5101] [is] this [3778] image [1504] and [2532] superscription [1923]? And [1161] they said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Caesar's [2541].


 Et Jésus leur répondit: Rendez donc à César la désignation qui est à César, et à Dieu la désignation qui est à Dieu. Et ils furent remplis d'admiration pour lui.

 And [2532] Jesus [2424] answering [0611] [5679] said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Render [0591] [5628] to Caesar [2541] the things that are [3588] Caesar's [2541], and [2532] to God [2316] the things that are [3588] God's [2316]. And [2532] they marvelled [2296] [5656] at [1909] him [0846].


 Ensuite les sadducéens, qui disent qu'il n'y a point de résurrection, vinrent le trouver, et lui firent cette question:

 Then [2532] come [2064] [5736] unto [4314] him [0846] the Sadducees [4523], which [3748] say [3004] [5719] there is [1511] [5750] no [3361] resurrection [0386]; and [2532] they asked [1905] [5656] him [0846], saying [3004] [5723],


 Maître, Moïse nous a ordonné que si le frère de quelqu'un meurt, et laisse sa femme sans enfants, son frère épousera sa veuve, pour susciter lignée à son frère.

 Master [1320], Moses [3475] wrote [1125] [5656] unto us [2254], If [3754] [1437] a man's [5100] brother [0080] die [0599] [5632], and [2532] leave [2641] [5632] [his] wife [1135] [behind him], and [2532] leave [0863] [5632] no [3361] children [5043], that [2443] his [0846] brother [0080] should take [2983] [5632] his [0846] wife [1135], and [2532] raise up [1817] [5661] seed [4690] unto his [0848] brother [0080].


 Or, il y avait sept frères. Le premier ayant épousé une femme, mourut et ne laissa point d'enfants.

 Now there were [2258] [5713] seven [2033] brethren [0080]: and [2532] the first [4413] took [2983] [5627] a wife [1135], and [2532] dying [0599] [5723] left [0863] [5656] no [3756] seed [4690].


 Le second l'épousa, et mourut, et ne laissa point non plus d'enfants. Et le troisième de même.

 And [2532] the second [1208] took [2983] [5627] her [0846], and [2532] died [0599] [5627], [2532] neither [3761] left [0863] [5656] he [0846] any seed [4690]: and [2532] the third [5154] likewise [5615].


 Tous les sept l'épousèrent et ne laissèrent point d'enfants. Et la femme mourut aussi, la dernière de tous.

 And [2532] the seven [2033] had [2983] [5627] her [0846], and [2532] left [0863] [5656] no [3756] seed [4690]: last [2078] of all [3956] the woman [1135] died [0599] [5627] also [2532].


 Duquel d'entre eux sera-t-elle donc femme quand ils ressusciteront à la résurrection? car tous les sept l'ont eue pour femme.

 In [1722] the resurrection [0386] therefore [3767], when [3752] they shall rise [0450] [5632], whose [5101] wife [1135] shall she be [2071] [5704] of them [0846]? for [1063] the seven [2033] had [2192] [5627] her [0846] to wife [1135].


 Et Jésus, répondant, leur dit: N'êtes-vous pas dans l'erreur, parce que vous ne comprenez pas les Écritures, ni quelle est la puissance de Dieu?

 And [2532] Jesus [2424] answering [0611] [5679] said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Do ye [4105] [0000] not [3756] therefore [1223] [5124] err [4105] [5743], because ye know [1492] [5761] not [3361] the scriptures [1124], neither [3366] the power [1411] of God [2316]?


 Car lorsqu'on ressuscitera, les hommes ne prendront point de femmes, ni les femmes de maris; mais ils seront comme les anges qui sont dans le ciel.

 For [1063] when [3752] they shall rise [0450] [5632] from [1537] the dead [3498], they neither [3777] marry [1060] [5719], nor [3777] are given in marriage [1061] [5743]; but [0235] are [1526] [5748] as [5613] the angels [0032] which [3588] are in [1722] heaven [3772].


 Et quant à la résurrection des morts, n'avez-vous point lu dans le livre de Moïse, au buisson ardent, comment Dieu lui parla, en disant: JE SUIS le Dieu d'Abraham, le Dieu d'Isaac, et le Dieu de Jacob?

 And [1161] as touching [4012] the dead [3498], that [3754] they rise [1453] [5743]: have ye [0314] [0000] not [3756] read [0314] [5627] in [1722] the book [0976] of Moses [3475], how [5613] in [1909] the bush [0942] God [2316] spake [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], saying [3004] [5723], I [1473] [am] the God [2316] of Abraham [0011], and [2532] the God [2316] of Isaac [2464], and [2532] the God [2316] of Jacob [2384]?


 Dieu n'est point le Dieu des morts; mais le Dieu des vivants. Vous êtes donc dans une grande erreur.

 He is [2076] [5748] not [3756] the God [2316] of the dead [3498], but [0235] the God [2316] of the living [2198] [5723]: ye [5210] therefore [3767] do [4105] [0000] greatly [4183] err [4105] [5743].


 Alors un des scribes, qui les avait entendus disputer ensemble, voyant qu'il leur avait bien répondu, s'approcha et lui demanda: Quel est le premier de tous les commandements?

 And [2532] one [1520] of the scribes [1122] came [4334] [5631], and having heard [0191] [5660] them [0846] reasoning together [4802] [5723], and perceiving [1492] [5761] that [3754] he had answered [0611] [5662] them [0846] well [2573], asked [1905] [5656] him [0846], Which [4169] is [2076] [5748] the first [4413] commandment [1785] of all [3956]?


 Jésus lui répondit: Le premier de tous les commandements c'est: Écoute, Israël, le Seigneur notre Dieu est le seul Seigneur.

 And [1161] Jesus [2424] answered [0611] [5662] him [0846], The [3754] first [4413] of all [3956] the commandments [1785] [is], Hear [0191] [5720], O Israel [2474]; The Lord [2962] our [2257] God [2316] is [2076] [5748] one [1520] Lord [2962]:


 Tu te donneras au Seigneur ton Dieu de tout ton cœur, de toute ton âme, de toute ta pensée, et de toute ta force. C'est là le premier commandement.

 And [2532] thou shalt love [0025] [5692] the Lord [2962] thy [4675] God [2316] with [1537] all [3650] thy [4675] heart [2588], and [2532] with [1537] all [3650] thy [4675] soul [5590], and [2532] with [1537] all [3650] thy [4675] mind [1271], and [2532] with [1537] all [3650] thy [4675] strength [2479]: this [3778] [is] the first [4413] commandment [1785].


 Et voici le second qui lui est semblable: Tu te sacrifieras pour ton prochain comme s'il était toi-même. Il n'y a point d'autre commandement plus grand que ceux-ci.

 And [2532] the second [1208] [is] like [3664], [namely] this [3778], Thou shalt love [0025] [5692] thy [4675] neighbour [4139] as [5613] thyself [4572]. There is [2076] [5748] none [3756] other [0243] commandment [1785] greater [3187] than these [5130].


 Et le scribe lui répondit: C'est bien, Maître, tu as dit avec vérité, qu'il n'y a qu'un Dieu, et qu'il n'y en a point d'autre que lui;

 And [2532] the scribe [1122] said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Well [2573], Master [1320], thou hast said [2036] [5627] the [1909] truth [0225]: for [3754] there is [2076] [5748] one [1520] God [2316]; and [2532] there is [2076] [5748] none [3756] other [0243] but [4133] he [0846]:


 Et que se donner à lui de tout son cœur, de toute sa pensée, de toute son âme, et de toute sa force, et se sacrifier pour son prochain comme s'il était soi-même, c'est plus que tous les offrandes à brûler et les sacrifices.

 And [2532] to love [0025] [5721] him [0846] with [1537] all [3650] the heart [2588], and [2532] with [1537] all [3650] the understanding [4907], and [2532] with [1537] all [3650] the soul [5590], and [2532] with [1537] all [3650] the strength [2479], and [2532] to love [0025] [5721] [his] neighbour [4139] as [5613] himself [1438], is [2076] [5748] more [4119] than all [3956] whole burnt offerings [3646] and [2532] sacrifices [2378].


 Jésus voyant qu'il avait répondu prudemment, lui dit: Tu n'es pas loin de la Souveraineté de Dieu. Et personne n'osait plus l'interroger.

 And [2532] when Jesus [2424] saw [1492] [5631] that [3754] he answered [0611] [5662] discreetly [3562], he said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Thou art [1488] [5748] not [3756] far [3112] from [0575] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316]. And [2532] no man [3762] after that [3765] durst [5111] [5707] ask [1905] [5658] him [0846] [any question].


 Et comme Jésus enseignait dans le temple, il dit: Comment les scribes disent-ils que le Messie est Fils de David?

 And [2532] Jesus [2424] answered [0611] [5679] and said [3004] [5707], while he taught [1321] [5723] in [1722] the temple [2411], How [4459] say [3004] [5719] the scribes [1122] that [3754] Christ [5547] is [2076] [5748] the Son [5207] of David [1138]?


 Car David lui-même dit par la Sainte Présence divine: YEHOVAH a dit à mon Seigneur: Assieds-toi à ma droite, jusqu'à ce que j'aie fait de tes ennemis le support de tes pieds.

 For [1063] David [1138] himself [0846] said [2036] [5627] by [1722] the Holy [0040] Ghost [4151], The LORD [2962] said [2036] [5627] to my [3450] Lord [2962], Sit thou [2521] [5737] on [1537] my [3450] right hand [1188], till [2193] [0302] I make [5087] [5632] thine [4675] enemies [2190] thy [4675] footstool [5286] [4228].


 Puisque David lui-même l'appelle YEHOVAH, comment est-il son fils? Et une grande multitude prenait plaisir à l'écouter.

 David [1138] therefore [3767] himself [0846] calleth [3004] [5719] him [0846] Lord [2962]; and [2532] whence [4159] is he [2076] [5748] [then] his [0846] son [5207]? And [2532] the common [4183] people [3793] heard [0191] [5707] him [0846] gladly [2234].


 Il leur disait aussi, en les enseignant: Gardez-vous des scribes qui aiment à se promener en robes longues, et à être salués dans les places du marché,

 And [2532] he said [3004] [5707] unto them [0846] in [1722] his [0848] doctrine [1322], Beware [0991] [5720] of [0575] the scribes [1122], which [3588] love [2309] [5723] to go [4043] [5721] in [1722] long clothing [4749], and [2532] [love] salutations [0783] in [1722] the marketplaces [0058],


 Et qui aiment les premiers sièges dans les synagogues, et les premières places dans les festins,

 And [2532] the chief seats [4410] in [1722] the synagogues [4864], and [2532] the uppermost rooms [4411] at [1722] feasts [1173]:


 Qui dévorent les maisons des veuves, tout en affectant de faire de longues prières; ils encourront une plus grande condamnation.

 Which [3739] devour [2719] [5723] widows [5503]' houses [3614], and [2532] for a pretence [4392] make [4336] [0000] long [3117] prayers [4336] [5740]: these [3778] shall receive [2983] [5695] greater [4055] damnation [2917].


 Et Jésus, étant assis vis-à-vis du tronc, regardait comment le peuple mettait de l'argent dans le tronc,

 And [2532] Jesus [2424] sat [2523] [5660] over against [2713] the treasury [1049], and beheld [2334] [5707] how [4459] the people [3793] cast [0906] [5719] money [5475] into [1519] the treasury [1049]: and [2532] many [4183] that were rich [4145] cast in [0906] [5707] much [4183].


 Et plusieurs riches y mettaient beaucoup; et une pauvre veuve étant venue, y mit deux petites pièces, qui font un quadrain.

 And [2532] there came [2064] [5631] a certain [3391] poor [4434] widow [5503], and she threw in [0906] [5627] two [1417] mites [3016], which [3603] make [2076] [5748] a farthing [2835].


 Alors, ayant appelé ses disciples, il leur dit: Je vous dis en vérité, que cette pauvre veuve a plus mis dans le tronc que tous ceux qui y ont mis.

 And [2532] he called [4341] [5666] [unto him] his [0848] disciples [3101], and saith [3004] [5719] unto them [0846], Verily [0281] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], That [3754] this [3778] poor [4434] widow [5503] hath cast [0906] [0000] more [4119] in [0906] [5758], than all [3956] they which have cast [0906] [5631] into [1519] the treasury [1049]:


 Car tous ont mis de leur superflu; mais celle-ci a mis de son nécessaire tout ce qu'elle possédait, tout ce qu'elle avait pour vivre.

 For [1063] all [3956] [they] did cast in [0906] [5627] of [1537] their [0846] abundance [4052] [5723]; but [1161] she [3778] of [1537] her [0848] want [5304] did cast in [0906] [5627] all [3956] that [3745] she had [2192] [5707], [even] all [3650] her [0848] living [0979].


 Comme Jésus sortait du temple, un de ses disciples lui dit: Maître, regarde quelles espèces de pierres et quels bâtiments se trouvent ici!

 And [2532] as he went [1607] [5740] out of [1537] the temple [2411], one [1520] of his [0846] disciples [3101] saith [3004] [5719] unto him [0846], Master [1320], see [2396] what manner [4217] of stones [3037] and [2532] what [4217] buildings [3619] [are here]!


 Et Jésus, répondant, lui dit: Tu vois ces grands bâtiments; il n'y restera pas pierre sur pierre qui ne soit renversée.

 And [2532] Jesus [2424] answering [0611] [5679] said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Seest thou [0991] [5719] these [5025] great [3173] buildings [3619]? there shall [0863] [0000] not [3364] be left [0863] [5686] one stone [3037] upon [1909] another [3037], that [3739] shall [2647] [0000] not [3364] be thrown down [2647] [5686].


 Et comme il était assis sur le mont des Oliviers, vis-à-vis du temple, Pierre, Jacques, Jean et André lui demandèrent en particulier:

 And [2532] as he sat [2521] [5740] upon [1519] the mount [3735] of Olives [1636] over against [2713] the temple [2411], Peter [4074] and [2532] James [2385] and [2532] John [2491] and [2532] Andrew [0406] asked [1905] [5707] him [0846] privately [2596] [2398],


 Dis-nous quand ces choses arriveront, et quel sera le signe de leur prochain accomplissement?

 Tell [2036] [5628] us [2254], when [4219] shall these things [5023] be [2071] [5704]? and [2532] what [5101] [shall be] the sign [4592] when [3752] all [3956] these things [5023] shall [3195] [5725] be fulfilled [4931] [5745]?


 Alors Jésus, répondant, se mit à dire: Prenez garde que personne ne vous séduise.

 And [1161] Jesus [2424] answering [0611] [5679] them [0846] began [0756] [5662] to say [3004] [5721], Take heed [0991] [5720] lest [3361] any [5100] [man] deceive [4105] [5661] you [5209]:


 Car plusieurs viendront en mon nom, et diront: Je suis le Christ; et ils en séduiront plusieurs.

 For [1063] many [4183] shall come [2064] [5695] in [1909] my [3450] name [3686], saying [3004] [5723], [3754] I [1473] am [1510] [5748] [Christ]; and [2532] shall deceive [4105] [5692] many [4183].


 Or, quand vous entendrez parler de guerres et de bruits de guerres, ne vous troublez point; car il faut que ces choses arrivent; mais ce ne sera pas encore la fin.

 And [1161] when [3752] ye shall hear [0191] [5661] of wars [4171] and [2532] rumours [0189] of wars [4171], be ye [2360] [0000] not [3361] troubled [2360] [5744]: for [1063] [such things] must [1163] [5748] needs be [1096] [5635]; but [0235] the end [5056] [shall] not [be] yet [3768].


 Car une nation s'élèvera contre une autre nation, et un royaume contre un autre royaume; et il y aura des tremblements de terre en divers lieux, et des famines et des troubles. Ces choses sont le commencement des douleurs.

 For [1063] nation [1484] shall rise [1453] [5701] against [1909] nation [1484], and [2532] kingdom [0932] against [1909] kingdom [0932]: and [2532] there shall be [2071] [5704] earthquakes [4578] in divers [2596] places [5117], and [2532] there shall be [2071] [5704] famines [3042] and [2532] troubles [5016]: these [5023] [are] the beginnings [0746] of sorrows [5604].


 Mais prenez garde à vous-mêmes; car ils vous porteront devant les tribunaux et les synagogues; vous serez fouettés, et vous comparaîtrez devant les gouverneurs et les rois, à cause de moi, pour me rendre témoignage devant eux.

 But [1161] take heed [5210] [0991] [5720] to yourselves [1438]: for [1063] they shall deliver [3860] [0000] you [5209] up [3860] [5692] to [1519] councils [4892]; and [2532] in [1519] the synagogues [4864] ye shall be beaten [1194] [5691]: and [2532] ye shall be brought [2476] [5701] [5625] [0071] [5701] before [1909] rulers [2232] and [2532] kings [0935] for my [1700] sake [1752], for [1519] a testimony [3142] against them [0846].


 Mais il faut que le message de la grâce soit auparavant prêché à toutes les nations.

 And [2532] the gospel [2098] must [1163] [5748] first [4412] be published [2784] [5683] among [1519] all [3956] nations [1484].


 Or, quand ils vous mèneront pour vous livrer, ne soyez point en peine par avance de ce que vous aurez à dire, et ne le méditez point; mais dites ce qui vous sera inspiré à cette heure-là; car ce ne sera pas vous qui parlerez, mais ma Sainte Présence.

 But [1161] when [3752] they shall lead [0071] [5632] [you], and deliver [3860] [0000] you [5209] up [3860] [5723], take [4305] [0000] no [3361] thought beforehand [4305] [5720] what [5101] ye shall speak [2980] [5661], neither [3366] do ye premeditate [3191] [5720]: but [0235] whatsoever [3739] shall be [1437] given [1325] [5686] you [5213] in [1722] that [1565] hour [5610], that [5124] speak [2980] [5720] ye: for [1063] it is [2075] [5748] not [3756] ye


 Or, le frère livrera son frère à la mort, et le père son enfant; et les enfants se lèveront contre leurs pères et leurs mères, et les feront mourir.

 Now [1161] the brother [0080] shall betray [3860] [5692] the brother [0080] to [1519] death [2288], and [2532] the father [3962] the son [5043]; and [2532] children [5043] shall rise up [1881] [5695] against [1909] [their] parents [1118], and [2532] shall cause [2289] [0000] them [0846] to be put to death [2289] [5692].


 Et vous serez haïs de tous à cause de mon nom, mais celui qui persévérera jusqu'à la fin, sera délivré.

 And [2532] ye shall be [2071] [5704] hated [3404] [5746] of [5259] all [3956] [men] for [1223] [0000] my [3450] name's sake [1223] [3686]: but [1161] he that shall endure [5278] [5660] unto [1519] the end [5056], the same [3778] shall be saved [4982] [5701].


 Or, quand vous verrez l'abomination de la désolation, dont le prophète Daniel a parlé, établie où elle ne doit pas être- que celui qui le lit y fasse attention; alors, que ceux qui sont en Judée, s'enfuient dans les montagnes;

 But [1161] when [3752] ye shall see [1492] [5632] the abomination [0946] of desolation [2050], spoken [4483] [5685] of by [5259] Daniel [1158] the prophet [4396], standing [2476] [5756] [5625] [2476] [5761] where [3699] it ought [1163] [5748] not [3756], (let him that readeth [0314] [5723] understand [3539] [5720]) then [5119] let them [5343] [0000] that be in [1722] Judaea [2449] flee [5343] [5720] to [1519] the mountains [3735]:


 Et que celui qui est sur le toit ne descende point dans la maison, et n'y entre point pour emporter quoi que ce soit de sa maison;

 And [1161] let him [2597] [0000] that is on [1909] the housetop [1430] not [3361] go down [2597] [5628] into [1519] the house [3614], neither [3366] enter [1525] [5628] [therein], to take [0142] [5658] any thing [5100] out of [1537] his [0848] house [3614]:


 Et que celui qui est aux champs, ne retourne point en arrière pour emporter son manteau.

 And [2532] let [1994] [0000] him that is [5607] [5752] in [1519] the field [0068] not [3361] turn [1519] [1994] [0000] back [3694] again [1994] [5657] for to take up [0142] [5658] his [0848] garment [2440].


 Malheur aux femmes qui seront enceintes, et à celles qui allaiteront en ces jours-là.

 But [1161] woe [3759] to them that are [2192] [5723] with [1722] child [1064], and [2532] to them that give suck [2337] [5723] in [1722] those [1565] days [2250]!


 Priez que votre fuite n'arrive point en hiver.

 And [1161] pray ye [4336] [5737] that [3363] [0000] your [5216] flight [5437] be [1096] [5638] not [3363] in the winter [5494].


 Car il y aura en ces jours-là une telle affliction, que, depuis le commencement du monde, que Dieu a créé, jusqu'à maintenant, il n'y en a point eu et il n'y en aura jamais de semblable.

 For [1063] [in] those [1565] days [2250] shall be [2071] [5704] affliction [2347], such [5108] as [3634] was [1096] [5754] not [3756] from [0575] the beginning [0746] of the creation [2937] which [3739] God [2316] created [2936] [5656] unto [2193] this time [3568], neither [2532] [3364] shall be [1096] [5638].


 Et si le Seigneur n'avait abrégé ces jours-là, aucune chair n'eût échappé; mais il a abrégé ces jours à cause des élus qu'il a choisis.

 And [2532] except [1508] that the Lord [2962] had shortened [2856] [5656] those days [2250], no [3756] [3956] flesh [4561] should be [0302] saved [4982] [5681]: but [0235] for [1223] the elect's sake [1588], whom [3739] he hath chosen [1586] [5668], he hath shortened [2856] [5656] the days [2250].


 Et alors, si quelqu'un vous dit: Voici, le Christ est ici; ou, il est là; ne le croyez point.

 And [2532] then [5119] if [1437] any man [5100] shall say [2036] [5632] to you [5213], Lo [2400] [5628], here [5602] [is] Christ [5547]; or [2228], lo [2400] [5628], [he is] there [1563]; believe [4100] [5661] [him] not [3361]:


 Car de faux oints et de faux prédicateurs s'élèveront, et accompliront des signes et des prodiges pour séduire même les élus, si c'était possible.

 For [1063] false Christs [5580] and [2532] false prophets [5578] shall rise [1453] [5701], and [2532] shall shew [1325] [5692] signs [4592] and [2532] wonders [5059], to [4314] seduce [0635] [5721], if [1487] [it were] possible [1415], even [2532] the elect [1588].


 Mais prenez-y garde; voici, je vous ai tout prédit.

 But [1161] take [0991] [0000] ye [5210] heed [0991] [5720]: behold [2400] [5628], I have foretold [4280] [5758] you [5213] all things [3956].


 En ces jours-là, après cette tribulation, le soleil sera obscurci, la lune ne donnera point sa lumière;

 But [0235] in [1722] those [1565] days [2250], after [3326] that [1565] tribulation [2347], the sun [2246] shall be darkened [4654] [5701], and [2532] the moon [4582] shall [1325] [0000] not [3756] give [1325] [5692] her [0848] light [5338],


 Les étoiles du ciel tomberont, et les puissances qui sont dans les cieux seront ébranlées.

 And [2532] the stars [0792] of heaven [3772] shall [2071] [5704] fall [1601] [5723], and [2532] the powers [1411] that are in [1722] heaven [3772] shall be shaken [4531] [5701].


 Et alors on verra le Fils, l'expression humaine venir sur les nuées, avec une grande puissance et une grande gloire;

 And [2532] then [5119] shall they see [3700] [5695] the Son [5207] of man [0444] coming [2064] [5740] in [1722] the clouds [3507] with [3326] great [4183] power [1411] and [2532] glory [1391].


 Et il enverra ses anges pour rassembler ses élus des quatre vents, depuis les extrémités de la terre jusqu'aux extrémités du ciel.

 And [2532] then [5119] shall he send [0649] [5692] his [0848] angels [0032], and [2532] shall gather together [1996] [5692] his [0848] elect [1588] from [1537] the four [5064] winds [0417], from [0575] the uttermost part [0206] of the earth [1093] to [2193] the uttermost part [0206] of heaven [3772].


 Apprenez ceci par la comparaison tirée du figuier: Quand ses rameaux commencent à être tendres, et que ses feuilles poussent, vous connaissez que l'été est proche.

 Now [1161] learn [3129] [5628] a parable [3850] of [0575] the fig tree [4808]; When [3752] her [0846] branch [2798] is [1096] [5638] yet [2235] tender [0527], and [2532] putteth forth [1631] [5725] leaves [5444], ye know [1097] [5719] that [3754] summer [2330] is [2076] [5748] near [1451]:


 Vous de même quand vous verrez arriver ces choses, sachez que cela est proche et à la porte.

 So [3779] ye [5210] in like manner [2532], when [3752] ye shall see [1492] [5632] these things [5023] come to pass [1096] [5740], know [1097] [5720] that [3754] it is [2076] [5748] nigh [1451], [even] at [1909] the doors [2374].


 Je vous dis en vérité, que cette postérité ne passera point, que toutes ces choses n'arrivent.

 Verily [0281] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], that [3754] this [3778] generation [1074] shall [3928] [0000] not [3364] pass [3928] [5632], till [3360] [3739] all [3956] these things [5023] be done [1096] [5638].


 Le ciel et la terre passeront; mais mes paroles ne passeront point.

 Heaven [3772] and [2532] earth [1093] shall pass away [3928] [5695]: but [1161] my [3450] words [3056] shall [3928] [0000] not [3364] pass away [3928] [5632].


 Pour ce qui est de ce jour et de l'heure, personne ne les connaît, ni les anges qui sont dans le ciel, ni le Fils; mais seulement le Père.

 But [1161] of [4012] that [1565] day [2250] and [2532] [that] hour [5610] knoweth [1492] [5758] no man [3762], no, not [3761] the angels [0032] which [3588] are in [1722] heaven [3772], neither [3761] the Son [5207], but [1508] the Father [3962].


 Prenez garde, veillez et priez; car vous ne savez quand ce temps viendra.

 Take ye heed [0991] [5720], watch [0069] [5720] and [2532] pray [4336] [5737]: for [1063] ye know [1492] [5758] not [3756] when [4219] the time [2540] is [2076] [5748].


 Il en est comme d'un homme qui, allant en voyage, laisse sa maison, et en donne la direction à ses serviteurs, marquant à chacun sa tâche, et qui ordonne au portier d'être vigilant.

 [For the Son of man is] as [5613] a man [0444] taking a far journey [0590], who left [0863] [5631] his [0848] house [3614], and [2532] gave [1325] [5631] authority [1849] to his [0848] servants [1401], and [2532] to every man [1538] his [0848] work [2041], and [2532] commanded [1781] [5662] the porter [2377] to [2443] watch [1127] [5725].


 Veillez donc, car vous ne savez pas quand le maître de la maison viendra, ou le soir, ou à minuit, ou au chant du coq ou le matin;

 Watch ye [1127] [5720] therefore [3767]: for [1063] ye know [1492] [5758] not [3756] when [4219] the master [2962] of the house [3614] cometh [2064] [5736], at even [3796], or [2228] at midnight [3317], or [2228] at the cockcrowing [0219], or [2228] in the morning [4404]:


 De peur qu'arrivant tout à coup il ne vous trouve endormis.

 Lest [3361] coming [2064] [5631] suddenly [1810] he find [2147] [5632] you [5209] sleeping [2518] [5723].


 Or, ce que je vous dis, je le dis à tous: Veillez.

 And [1161] what [3739] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213] I say [3004] [5719] unto all [3956], Watch [1127] [5720].


 La fête de Pâque et des pains sans levain devait être deux jours après; et les scribes cherchaient comment ils pourraient se saisir de Jésus par ruse et le faire mourir.

 After [1161] two [1417] days [2250] was [2258] [5713] [the feast of] the passover [3957], and [2532] of [3326] unleavened bread [0106]: and [2532] the chief priests [0749] and [2532] the scribes [1122] sought [2212] [5707] how [4459] they might take [2902] [5660] him [0846] by [1722] craft [1388], and put [him] to death [0615] [5725].


 Mais ils disaient: Non pas durant la fête, de peur qu'il ne se fasse quelque émotion parmi le peuple.

 But [1161] they said [3004] [5707], Not [3361] on [1722] the feast [1859] [day], lest [3379] there be [2071] [5704] an uproar [2351] of the people [2992].


 Et Jésus étant à Béthanie, à table, dans la maison de Simon le lépreux, une femme vint à lui avec un vase d'albâtre, plein d'un parfum de nard pur et de grand prix, qu'elle lui répandit sur la tête, ayant rompu le vase.

 And [2532] being [0846] [5607] [5752] in [1722] Bethany [0963] in [1722] the house [3614] of Simon [4613] the leper [3015], as he [0846] sat at meat [2621] [5740], there came [2064] [5627] a woman [1135] having [2192] [5723] an alabaster box [0211] of ointment [3464] of spikenard [3487] [4101] very precious [4185]; and [2532] she brake [4937] [5660] the box [0211], and poured [2708] [5656] [it] on [2596] his [0846] head [2776].


 Et quelques-uns en furent indignés en eux-mêmes, et dirent: Pourquoi perdre ainsi ce parfum?

 And [1161] there were [2258] [5713] some [5100] that had indignation [0023] [5723] within [4314] themselves [1438], and [2532] said [3004] [5723], Why [1519] [5101] was [1096] [0000] this [3778] waste [0684] of the ointment [3464] made [1096] [5754]?


 Car on pouvait le vendre plus de trois cents deniers, et les donner aux pauvres. Ainsi ils murmuraient contre elle.

 For [1063] it [5124] might [1410] [5711] have been sold [4097] [5683] for more than [1883] three hundred [5145] pence [1220], and [2532] have been given [1325] [5683] to the poor [4434]. And [2532] they murmured against [1690] [5711] her [0846].


 Mais Jésus dit: Laissez-la; pourquoi lui faites-vous de la peine? Elle a fait une bonne action à mon égard.

 And [1161] Jesus [2424] said [2036] [5627], Let [0863] [0000] her [0846] alone [0863] [5628]; why [5101] trouble ye [2873] [3930] [5719] her [0846]? she hath wrought [2038] [5662] a good [2570] work [2041] on [1519] me [1691].


 Car vous aurez toujours des pauvres avec vous; et toutes les fois que vous voudrez, vous pourrez leur faire du bien; mais vous ne m'aurez pas toujours.

 For [1063] ye have [2192] [5719] the poor [4434] with [3326] you [1438] always [3842], and [2532] whensoever [3752] ye will [2309] [5725] ye may [1410] [5736] do [4160] [5658] them [0846] good [2095]: but [1161] me [1691] ye have [2192] [5719] not [3756] always [3842].


 Elle a fait ce qu'elle pouvait; elle a embaumé par avance mon corps pour ma sépulture.

 She hath done [4160] [5656] what [3739] she [3778] could [2192] [5707]: she is come aforehand [4301] [5627] to anoint [3462] [5658] my [3450] body [4983] to [1519] the burying [1780].


 Je vous dis en vérité, que dans tous les endroits du monde où ce message de la grâce sera prêché, ce qu'elle a fait sera aussi raconté en mémoire d'elle.

 Verily [0281] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], Wheresoever [3699] [0302] this [5124] gospel [2098] shall be preached [2784] [5686] throughout [1519] the whole [3650] world [2889], [this] also [2532] that she [3778] hath done [4160] [5656] shall be spoken [2980] [5701] of for [1519] a memorial [3422] of her [0846].


 Alors Judas l'Iscariote, l'un des douze, s'en alla vers les principaux sacrificateurs pour leur livrer Jésus.

 And [2532] Judas [2455] Iscariot [2469], one [1520] of the twelve [1427], went [0565] [5627] unto [4314] the chief priests [0749], to [2443] betray [3860] [5632] him [0846] unto them [0846].


 Ils l'écoutèrent avec joie, et lui promirent de lui donner de l'argent; après quoi il chercha une occasion propice de le leur livrer.

 And [1161] when they heard [0191] [5660] [it], they were glad [5463] [5644], and [2532] promised [1861] [5673] to give [1325] [5629] him [0846] money [0694]. And [2532] he sought [2212] [5707] how [4459] he might conveniently [2122] betray [3860] [5632] him [0846].


 Le premier jour des pains sans levain, où l'on immolait la pâque, ses disciples lui dirent: Où veux-tu que nous allions te préparer ce qu'il faut pour manger la pâque?

 And [2532] the first [4413] day [2250] of unleavened bread [0106], when [3753] they killed [2380] [5707] the passover [3957], his [0846] disciples [3101] said [3004] [5719] unto him [0846], Where [4226] wilt thou [2309] [5719] that we go [0565] [5631] and prepare [2090] [5661] that [2443] thou mayest eat [5315] [5632] the passover [3957]?


 Alors il envoya deux de ses disciples et leur dit: Allez à la ville, et vous rencontrerez un homme portant une cruche d'eau; suivez-le.

 And [2532] he sendeth forth [0649] [5719] two [1417] of his [0848] disciples [3101], and [2532] saith [3004] [5719] unto them [0846], Go ye [5217] [5720] into [1519] the city [4172], and [2532] there shall meet [0528] [5692] you [5213] a man [0444] bearing [0941] [5723] a pitcher [2765] of water [5204]: follow [0190] [5657] him [0846].


 Et en quelque lieu qu'il entre, dites au maître de la maison: Le maître dit: Où est le lieu où je mangerai la pâque avec mes disciples?

 And [2532] wheresoever [3699] [1437] he shall go in [1525] [5632], say ye [2036] [5628] to the goodman of the house [3617], [3754] The Master [1320] saith [3004] [5719], Where [4226] is [2076] [5748] the guestchamber [2646], where [3699] I shall eat [5315] [5632] the passover [3957] with [3326] my [3450] disciples [3101]?


 Et il vous montrera une grande chambre haute, meublée et toute prête; préparez-nous là la pâque.

 And [2532] he [0846] will shew [1166] [5692] you [5213] a large [3173] upper room [0508] furnished [4766] [5772] [and] prepared [2092]: there [1563] make ready [2090] [5657] for us [2254].


 Ses disciples donc partirent, et vinrent à la ville, et trouvèrent les choses comme il leur avait dit; et ils préparèrent la pâque.

 And [2532] his [0846] disciples [3101] went forth [1831] [5627], and [2532] came [2064] [5627] into [1519] the city [4172], and [2532] found [2147] [5627] as [2531] he had said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846]: and [2532] they made ready [2090] [5656] the passover [3957].


 Quand le soir fut venu, il vint avec les douze.

 And [2532] in [1096] [5637] the evening [3798] he cometh [2064] [5736] with [3326] the twelve [1427].


 Et comme ils étaient à table et qu'ils mangeaient, Jésus dit: Je vous dis en vérité, que l'un de vous, qui mange avec moi, me trahira.

 And [2532] as they [0846] sat [0345] [5740] and [2532] did eat [2068] [5723], Jesus [2424] said [2036] [5627], Verily [0281] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], [3754] One [1520] of [1537] you [5216] which [3588] eateth [2068] [5723] with [3326] me [1700] shall betray [3860] [5692] me [3165].


 Alors ils commencèrent à s'affliger; et ils lui dirent, l'un après l'autre: Est-ce moi?

 And [1161] they began [0756] [5662] to be sorrowful [3076] [5745], and to [2532] say [3004] [5721] unto him [0846] one by one [1527], [3385] [Is] it I [1473]? and [2532] another [0243] [said, [3385] Is] it I [1473]?


 Il leur répondit: C'est l'un des douze qui met la main au plat avec moi.

 And [1161] he answered [0611] [5679] and said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], [It is] one [1520] of [1537] the twelve [1427], that dippeth [1686] [5734] with [3326] me [1700] in [1519] the dish [5165].


 Pour ce qui est du Fils, l'expression humaine, il s'en va, selon ce qui a été écrit de lui; mais malheur à l'homme par qui le Fils, l'expression humaine est trahi; il eût mieux valu pour cet homme de n'être jamais né.

 The Son [5207] of man [0444] indeed [3303] goeth [5217] [5719], as [2531] it is written [1125] [5769] of [4012] him [0846]: but [1161] woe [3759] to that [1565] man [0444] by [1223] whom [3739] the Son [5207] of man [0444] is betrayed [3860] [5743]! good [2570] were it [2258] [5713] for that [1565] man [0444] if [1487] he [0846] had [1080] [0000] never [3756] been born [1080] [5681].


 Et comme ils mangeaient, Jésus prit du pain, et ayant rendu grâces, il le rompit, et le leur donna, et dit: Prenez, mangez, de même est mon corps.

 And [2532] as they [0846] did eat [2068] [5723], Jesus [2424] took [2983] [5631] bread [0740], and blessed [2127] [5660], and brake [2806] [5656] [it], and [2532] gave [1325] [5656] to them [0846], and [2532] said [2036] [5627], Take [2983] [5628], eat [5315] [5628]: this [5124] is [2076] [5748] my [3450] body [4983].


 Ayant aussi pris la coupe et rendu grâces, il la leur donna, et ils en burent tous.

 And [2532] he took [2983] [5631] the cup [4221], and when he had given thanks [2168] [5660], he gave [1325] [5656] [it] to them [0846]: and [2532] they all [3956] drank [4095] [5627] of [1537] it [0846].


 Et il leur dit: De même est mon sang, le sang de la nouvelle alliance, qui est versé pour plusieurs.

 And [2532] he said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], This [5124] is [2076] [5748] my [3450] blood [0129] of the new [2537] testament [1242], which [3588] is shed [1632] [5746] for [4012] many [4183].


 Je vous dis en vérité, que je ne boirai plus de ce fruit de la vigne jusqu'au jour que je le boirai nouveau dans la Souveraineté de Dieu.

 Verily [0281] I say [3004] [5719] unto you [5213], I will [3364] drink [4095] [5632] no more [3754] [3765] of [1537] the fruit [1081] of the vine [0288], until [2193] that [1565] day [2250] that [3752] I drink [4095] [5725] it [0846] new [2537] in [1722] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316].


 Et après qu'ils eurent chanté le cantique, ils s'en allèrent à la montagne des Oliviers.

 And [2532] when they had sung an hymn [5214] [5660], they went out [1831] [5627] into [1519] the mount [3735] of Olives [1636].


 Alors Jésus leur dit: Je vous serai cette nuit à tous une occasion de chute; car il est écrit: Je frapperai le berger, et les brebis seront dispersées.

 And [2532] Jesus [2424] saith [3004] [5719] unto them [0846], [3754] All ye [3956] shall be offended [4624] [5701] because of [1722] me [1722] [1698] this [5026] night [3571]: for [3754] it is written [1125] [5769], I will smite [3960] [5692] the shepherd [4166], and [2532] the sheep [4263] shall be scattered [1287] [5701].


 Mais après que je serai ressuscité, je vous devancerai en Galilée.

 But [0235] after [3326] that I [3165] am risen [1453] [5683], I will go before [4254] [5692] you [5209] into [1519] Galilee [1056].


 Et Pierre lui dit: Quand tous seraient scandalisés, je ne le serai pas.

 But [1161] Peter [4074] said [5346] [5713] unto him [0846], Although [2532] [1487] all [3956] shall be offended [4624] [5701], yet [0235] [will] not [3756] I [1473].


 Alors Jésus lui dit: Je te dis en vérité, qu'aujourd'hui, cette même nuit, avant que le coq ait chanté deux fois, tu m'auras renié trois fois.

 And [2532] Jesus [2424] saith [3004] [5719] unto him [0846], Verily [0281] I say [3004] [5719] unto thee [4671], That [3754] this day [4594], [even] in [1722] this [5026] night [3571], before [4250] [2228] the cock [0220] crow [5455] [5658] twice [1364], thou shalt deny [0533] [5695] me [3165] thrice [5151].


 Mais il disait encore plus fortement: Quand même il me faudrait mourir avec toi, je ne te renierai point. Et tous disaient la même chose.

 But [1161] he spake [3004] [5707] the more [3123] vehemently [1537] [4053], If [1437] I [3165] should [1163] [5753] die with [4880] [5629] thee [4671], I will not [3364] [0000] deny [0533] [5695] thee [4571] in any wise [3364]. Likewise [5615] also [1161] [2532] said they [3004] [5707] all [3956].


 Ils allèrent ensuite dans un lieu appelé Gethsémané. Et Jésus dit à ses disciples: Asseyez-vous ici jusqu'à ce que j'aie prié.

 And [2532] they came [2064] [5736] to [1519] a place [5564] which [3739] was named [3686] Gethsemane [1068]: and [2532] he saith [3004] [5719] to his [0848] disciples [3101], Sit ye [2523] [5657] here [5602], while [2193] I shall pray [4336] [5667].


 Et il prit avec lui Pierre, Jacques et Jean; et il commença à être saisi de frayeur et fort angoissé.

 And [2532] he taketh [3880] [5719] with [3326] him [1438] Peter [4074] and [2532] James [2385] and [2532] John [2491], and [2532] began [0756] [5662] to be sore amazed [1568] [5745], and [2532] to be very heavy [0085] [5721];


 Et il leur dit: Mon âme est saisie de tristesse jusqu'à la mort; demeurez ici et veillez.

 And [2532] saith [3004] [5719] unto them [0846], My [3450] soul [5590] is [2076] [5748] exceeding sorrowful [4036] unto [2193] death [2288]: tarry ye [3306] [5657] here [5602], and [2532] watch [1127] [5720].


 Et s'en allant un peu plus avant, il se prosterna contre terre, priant que, s'il était possible, cette heure s'éloignât de lui.

 And [2532] he went forward [4281] [5631] a little [3397], and fell [4098] [5627] on [1909] the ground [1093], and [2532] prayed [4336] [5711] that [2443], if [1487] it were [2076] [5748] possible [1415], the hour [5610] might pass [3928] [5632] from [0575] him [0846].


 Et il disait: Abba! Père! toutes choses te sont possibles; détourne cette coupe de moi; toutefois non pas comme je veux, mais comme tu veux.

 And [2532] he said [3004] [5707], Abba [0005], Father [3962], all things [3956] [are] possible [1415] unto thee [4671]; take away [3911] [5628] this [5124] cup [4221] from [0575] me [1700]: nevertheless [0235] not [3756] what [5101] I [1473] will [2309] [5719], but [0235] what [5101] thou [4771] wilt.


 Et il revint et les trouva endormis; et il dit à Pierre: Simon, tu dors! n'as-tu pu veiller une heure?

 And [2532] he cometh [2064] [5736], and [2532] findeth [2147] [5719] them [0846] sleeping [2518] [5723], and [2532] saith [3004] [5719] unto Peter [4074], Simon [4613], sleepest thou [2518] [5719]? couldest [2480] [5656] not [3756] thou watch [1127] [5658] one [3391] hour [5610]?


 Veillez et priez, de peur que vous ne tombiez dans la tentation; l'esprit est voulant, mais la chair est faible.

 Watch ye [1127] [5720] and [2532] pray [4336] [5737], lest [3363] ye enter [1525] [5632] into [1519] temptation [3986]. The spirit [4151] truly [3303] [is] ready [4289], but [1161] the flesh [4561] [is] weak [0772].


 Et il s'en alla encore, et pria, disant les mêmes paroles.

 And [2532] again [3825] he went away [0565] [5631], and prayed [4336] [5662], and spake [2036] [5631] the same [0846] words [3056].


 Et étant revenu, il les trouva encore endormis, car leurs yeux étaient appesantis; et ils ne savaient que lui répondre.

 And [2532] when he returned [5290] [5660], he found [2147] [5627] them [0846] asleep [2518] [5723] again [3825], (for [1063] their [0846] eyes [3788] were [2258] [5713] heavy [0916] [5772]) neither [2532] [3756] wist they [1492] [5715] what [5101] to answer [0611] [5680] him [0846].


 Et il revint pour la troisième fois, et leur dit: Dormez maintenant et reposez-vous! C'est assez! l'heure est venue; voici, le Fils, l'expression humaine est livré aux mains des méchants.

 And [2532] he cometh [2064] [5736] the third time [5154], and [2532] saith [3004] [5719] unto them [0846], Sleep on [2518] [5719] [5720] now [3063], and [2532] take [your] rest [0373] [5731] [5732]: it is enough [0566] [5719], the hour [5610] is come [2064] [5627]; behold [2400] [5628], the Son [5207] of man [0444] is betrayed [3860] [5743] into [1519] the hands [5495] of sinners [0268].


 Levez-vous, allons, voici, celui qui me trahit s'approche.

 Rise up [1453] [5728], let us go [0071] [5725]; lo [2400] [5628], he that betrayeth [3860] [5723] me [3165] is at hand [1448] [5758].


 Et aussitôt, comme il parlait encore, Judas, l'un des douze, vint, et avec lui une grande troupe de gens armés d'épées et de bâtons, de la part des principaux sacrificateurs, des scribes et des anciens.

 And [2532] immediately [2112], while he yet [2089] spake [2980] [5723], cometh [3854] [5736] Judas [2455], one [1520] [5607] [5752] of the twelve [1427], and [2532] with [3326] him [0846] a great [4183] multitude [3793] with [3326] swords [3162] and [2532] staves [3586], from [3844] the chief priests [0749] and [2532] the scribes [1122] and [2532] the elders [4245].


 Et celui qui le trahissait avait donné ce signal: Celui que je baiserai, c'est lui; saisissez-le, et emmenez-le fermement.

 And [1161] he that betrayed [3860] [5723] him [0846] had given [1325] [5715] them [0846] a token [4953], saying [3004] [5723], Whomsoever [3739] [0302] I shall kiss [5368] [5661], that same [0846] is he [2076] [5748]; take [2902] [5657] him [0846], and [2532] lead [him] away [0520] [5628] safely [0806].


 Aussitôt donc qu'il fut arrivé, il s'approcha de lui et lui dit: Maître, maître; et il le baisa.

 And [2532] as soon as he was come [2064] [5631], he goeth [4334] [5631] straightway [2112] to him [0846], and saith [3004] [5719], Master [4461], master [4461]; and [2532] kissed [2705] [5656] him [0846].


 Alors ils jetèrent les mains sur Jésus, et le saisirent.

 And [1161] they laid [1911] [5627] their [0848] hands [5495] on [1909] him [0846], and [2532] took [2902] [5656] him [0846].


 Et un de ceux qui étaient présents tira son épée et frappa un serviteur du souverain sacrificateur, et lui emporta l'oreille.

 And [1161] one [5100] of them [1520] that stood by [3936] [5761] drew [4685] [5671] a sword [3162], and smote [3817] [5656] a servant [1401] of the high priest [0749], and [2532] cut off [0851] [5627] his [0846] ear [5621].


 Alors Jésus prit la parole et leur dit: Vous êtes sortis comme après un brigand, avec des épées et des bâtons pour me prendre.

 And [2532] Jesus [2424] answered [0611] [5679] and said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Are ye come out [1831] [5627], as [5613] against [1909] a thief [3027], with [3326] swords [3162] and [2532] [with] staves [3586] to take [4815] [5629] me [3165]?


 J'étais tous les jours au milieu de vous, enseignant dans le temple, et vous ne m'avez point saisi; mais c'est afin que les Écritures soient accomplies.

 I was [2252] [5713] daily [2250] [2596] with [4314] you [5209] in [1722] the temple [2411] teaching [1321] [5723], and [2532] ye took [2902] [5656] me [3165] not [3756]: but [0235] the scriptures [1124] must [2443] be fulfilled [4137] [5686].


 Alors tous ses disciples l'ayant abandonné s'enfuirent.

 And [2532] they all [3956] forsook [0863] [5631] him [0846], and fled [5343] [5627].


 Et un jeune homme le suivait, enveloppé seulement d'une étoffe légère; et les jeunes gens le prirent.

 And [2532] there followed [0190] [5707] him [0846] a [1520] certain [5100] young man [3495], having a linen cloth [4616] cast [4016] [5772] about [1909] [his] naked [1131] [body]; and [2532] the young men [3495] laid hold [2902] [5719] on him [0846]:


 Mais il leur laissa son vêtement, et s'enfuit nu de leurs mains.

 And [1161] he left [2641] [5631] the linen cloth [4616], and fled [5343] [5627] from [0575] them [0846] naked [1131].


 Ils menèrent ensuite Jésus chez le souverain sacrificateur, où s'assemblèrent tous les principaux sacrificateurs, les anciens et les scribes.

 And [2532] they led [0520] [0000] Jesus [2424] away [0520] [5627] to [4314] the high priest [0749]: and [2532] with him [0846] were assembled [4905] [5736] all [3956] the chief priests [0749] and [2532] the elders [4245] and [2532] the scribes [1122].


 Pierre le suivit de loin jusque dans la cour du souverain sacrificateur. Et il était assis avec les domestiques, et se chauffait près du feu.

 And [2532] Peter [4074] followed [0190] [5656] him [0846] afar [3113] off [0575], even [2193] into [2080] [1519] the palace [0833] of the high priest [0749]: and [2532] he sat [2258] [5713] [4775] [5740] with [3326] the servants [5257], and [2532] warmed himself [2328] [5734] at [4314] the fire [5457].


 Or, les principaux sacrificateurs et tout le sanhédrin cherchaient un témoignage contre Jésus, pour le faire mourir; et ils n'en trouvaient point.

 And [1161] the chief priests [0749] and [2532] all [3650] the council [4892] sought [2212] [5707] for witness [3141] against [2596] Jesus [2424] to [1519] put [2289] [0000] him [0846] to death [2289] [5658]; and [2532] found [2147] [5707] none [3756].


 Car plusieurs rendaient de faux témoignages contre lui; mais leurs dépositions ne s'accordaient pas.

 For [1063] many [4183] bare false witness [5576] [5707] against [2596] him [0846], but [2532] their witness [3141] agreed [2258] [0000] not [2470] [3756] together [2258] [5713].


 Alors quelques-uns se levèrent, qui portèrent un faux témoignage contre lui, disant:

 And [2532] there arose [0450] [5631] certain [5100], and bare false witness [5576] [5707] against [2596] him [0846], saying [3004] [5723],


 Nous lui avons entendu dire: Je détruirai ce temple, fait de main d'homme, et dans trois jours j'en rebâtirai un autre, qui ne sera point fait de main d'homme.

 3754 We [2249] heard [0191] [5656] him [0846] say [3004] [5723], [3754] I [1473] will destroy [2647] [5692] this [5126] temple [3485] that is made with hands [5499], and [2532] within [1223] three [5140] days [2250] I will build [3618] [5692] another [0243] made without hands [0886].


 Mais leur déposition ne s'accordait pas non plus.

 But [2532] neither [3761] so [3779] did [2470] [0000] their witness [3141] agree together [2258] [5713] [2470].


 Alors le souverain sacrificateur, se levant au milieu du sanhédrin, interrogea Jésus, et lui dit: Ne réponds-tu rien? Qu'est-ce que ces gens déposent contre toi?

 And [2532] the high priest [0749] stood up [0450] [5631] in [1519] the midst [3319], and asked [1905] [5656] Jesus [2424], saying [3004] [5723], Answerest [3756] thou [0611] [5736] nothing [3762]? what [5101] [is it which] these [3778] witness [2649] [5719] against thee [4675]?


 Mais Jésus se tut et ne répondit rien. Le souverain sacrificateur l'interrogea encore, et lui dit: Es-tu le Christ, le Fils, l'Exalté même?

 But [1161] he held his peace [4623] [5707], and [2532] answered [0611] [5662] nothing [3762]. Again [3825] the high priest [0749] asked [1905] [5707] him [0846], and [2532] said [3004] [5719] unto him [0846], Art [1488] [5748] thou [4771] the Christ [5547], the Son [5207] of the Blessed [2128]?


 Et Jésus dit: JE SUIS; et vous verrez le Fils, l'expression humaine de Dieu et de David assis à la droite de la puissance de Dieu, et venant sur les nuées du ciel.

 And [1161] Jesus [2424] said [2036] [5627], I [1473] am [1510] [5748]: and [2532] ye shall see [3700] [5695] the Son [5207] of man [0444] sitting [2521] [5740] on [1537] the right hand [1188] of power [1411], and [2532] coming [2064] [5740] in [3326] the clouds [3507] of heaven [3772].


 Alors le souverain sacrificateur déchira ses vêtements, et dit: Qu'avons-nous encore besoin de témoins?

 Then [1161] the high priest [0749] rent [1284] [5660] his [0848] clothes [5509], and saith [3004] [5719], What [5101] need [5532] we [2192] [5719] any further [2089] witnesses [3144]?


 Vous avez entendu le blasphème; que vous en semble? Alors tous le condamnèrent comme étant digne de mort.

 Ye have heard [0191] [5656] the blasphemy [0988]: what [5101] think [5316] [5727] ye [5213]? And [1161] they all [3956] condemned [2632] [5656] him [0846] to be [1511] [5750] guilty [1777] of death [2288].


 Et quelques-uns se mirent à cracher contre lui, à lui couvrir le visage, et à lui donner des soufflets en disant: Devine! Et les officiers le frappaient à main ouverte.

 And [2532] some [5100] began [0756] [5662] to spit [1716] [5721] on him [0846], and [2532] to cover [4028] [5721] his [0846] face [4383], and [2532] to buffet [2852] [5721] him [0846], and [2532] to say [3004] [5721] unto him [0846], Prophesy [4395] [5657]: and [2532] the servants [5257] did strike [0906] [5707] him [0846] with the palms of their hands [4475].


 Or, comme Pierre était en bas dans la cour, une des servantes du souverain sacrificateur y vint;

 And [2532] as Peter [4074] was [5607] [5752] beneath [2736] in [1722] the palace [0833], there cometh [2064] [5736] one [3391] of the maids [3814] of the high priest [0749]:


 Et voyant Pierre qui se chauffait, elle le regarda en face, et lui dit: Toi aussi, tu étais avec Jésus de Nazareth.

 And [2532] when she saw [1492] [5631] Peter [4074] warming himself [2328] [5734], she looked [1689] [5660] upon him [0846], and said [3004] [5719], And [2532] [0000] thou [4771] also [2532] wast [2258] [5713] with [3326] Jesus [2424] of Nazareth [3479].


 Mais il le nia, et dit: Je ne le connais point, et je ne sais ce que tu dis. Puis il sortit dans le vestibule, et le coq chanta.

 But [1161] he denied [0720] [5662], saying [3004] [5723], I know [1492] [5758] not [3756], neither [3761] understand I [1987] [5736] what [5101] thou [4771] sayest [3004] [5719]. And [2532] he went [1831] [5627] out [1854] into [1519] the porch [4259]; and [2532] the cock [0220] crew [5455] [5656].


 Et cette servante l'ayant encore vu, se mit à dire à ceux qui étaient présents: Cet homme est de ces gens-là.

 And [2532] a maid [3814] saw [1492] [5631] him [0846] again [3825], and began [0756] [5662] to say [3004] [5721] to them that stood by [3936] [5761], This [3754] [3778] is [2076] [5748] [one] of [1537] them [0846].


 Mais il le nia encore. Et un peu après, ceux qui étaient présents dirent à Pierre: Tu es assurément de ces gens-là, car tu es Galiléen et ton langage est semblable au leur.

 And [1161] he denied it [0720] [5711] again [3825]. And [2532] a little [3397] after [3326], they that stood by [3936] [5761] said [3004] [5707] again [3825] to Peter [4074], Surely [0230] thou art [1488] [5748] [one] of [1537] them [0846]: for [2532] [1063] thou art [1488] [5748] a Galilaean [1057], and [2532] thy [4675] speech [2981] agreeth [3662] [5719] [thereto].


 Alors il commença à faire des imprécations et à jurer, en disant: Je ne connais point cet homme dont tu parles.

 But [1161] he began [0756] [5662] to curse [0332] [5721] and [2532] to swear [3660] [5721], [saying], I know [3754] [1492] [5758] not [3756] this [5126] man [0444] of whom [3739] ye speak [3004] [5719].


 Et le coq chanta pour la seconde fois; et Pierre se ressouvint de la parole que Jésus lui avait dite: Avant que le coq ait chanté deux fois, tu m'auras renié trois fois. Et étant sorti promptement, il pleura.

 And [2532] the [1537] second time [1208] the cock [0220] crew [5455] [5656]. And [2532] Peter [4074] called to mind [0363] [5681] the word [4487] that [3739] Jesus [2424] said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], [3754] Before [4250] the cock [0220] crow [5455] [5658] twice [1364], thou shalt deny [0533] [5695] me [3165] thrice [5151]. And [2532] when he thought thereon [1911] [5631], he wept [2799] [5707].


 Dès qu'il fut jour, les principaux sacrificateurs, avec les anciens et les scribes, et tout le sanhédrin ayant délibéré, emmenèrent Jésus lié, et le livrèrent à Pilate.

 And [2532] straightway [2112] in [1909] the morning [4404] the chief priests [0749] held [4160] [5660] a consultation [4824] with [3326] the elders [4245] and [2532] scribes [1122] and [2532] the whole [3650] council [4892], and bound [1210] [5660] Jesus [2424], and carried [him] away [0667] [5656], and [2532] delivered [3860] [5656] [him] to Pilate [4091].


 Et Pilate lui demanda: Es-tu le Roi des Judéens? Jésus lui répondit: Tu le dis.

 And [2532] Pilate [4091] asked [1905] [5656] him [0846], Art [1488] [5748] thou [4771] the King [0935] of the Jews [2453]? And [1161] he answering [0611] [5679] said [2036] [5627] unto him [0846], Thou [4771] sayest [3004] [5719] [it].


 Et les principaux sacrificateurs l'accusaient de plusieurs choses.

 And [2532] the chief priests [0749] accused [2723] [5707] him [0846] of many things [4183]: but [1161] he answered [0611] [5662] nothing [3762].


 Mais Pilate l'interrogea encore et lui dit: Ne réponds-tu rien? Vois combien de choses ils avancent contre toi.

 And [1161] Pilate [4091] asked [1905] [5656] him [0846] again [3825], saying [3004] [5723], Answerest thou [0611] [5736] nothing [3756] [3762]? behold [2396] how many things [4214] they witness [2649] [5719] against thee [4675].


 Mais Jésus ne répondit plus rien, de sorte que Pilate en était surpris.

 But [1161] Jesus [2424] yet [3765] answered [0611] [5662] nothing [3762]; so [5620] that Pilate [4091] marvelled [2296] [5721].


 Or, il avait coutume de relâcher, à chaque fête, celui des prisonniers que le peuple demandait.

 Now [1161] at [2596] [that] feast [1859] he released [0630] [5707] unto them [0846] one [1520] prisoner [1198], whomsoever [3746] [4007] they desired [0154] [5710].


 Et il y avait en prison un nommé Barabbas avec ses complices qui avaient commis un meurtre dans une sédition.

 And [1161] there was [2258] [5713] [one] named [3004] [5746] Barabbas [0912], [which lay] bound [1210] [5772] with [3326] them that had made insurrection with him [4955], who [3748] had committed [4160] [5715] murder [5408] in [1722] the insurrection [4714].


 Et le peuple se mit à demander, avec de grands cris, qu'il leur fît comme il leur avait toujours fait.

 And [2532] the multitude [3793] crying aloud [0310] [5660] began [0756] [5662] to desire [0154] [5733] [him to do] as [2531] he had ever [0104] done [4160] [5707] unto them [0846].


 Pilate leur répondit: Voulez-vous que je vous relâche le Roi des Judéens?

 But [1161] Pilate [4091] answered [0611] [5662] them [0846], saying [3004] [5723], Will ye [2309] [5719] that I release [0630] [5661] unto you [5213] the King [0935] of the Jews [2453]?


 Car il savait que c'était par envie que les principaux sacrificateurs l'avaient livré.

 For [1063] he knew [1097] [5707] that [3754] the chief priests [0749] had delivered [3860] [5715] him [0846] for [1223] envy [5355].


 Mais les principaux sacrificateurs incitèrent le peuple à demander qu'il leur relâchât plutôt Barabbas.

 But [1161] the chief priests [0749] moved [0383] [5656] the people [3793], that [2443] he should rather [3123] release [0630] [5661] Barabbas [0912] unto them [0846].


 Et Pilate, reprenant la parole, leur dit: Que voulez-vous donc que je fasse de celui que vous appelez le Roi des Judéens?

 And [1161] Pilate [4091] answered [0611] [5679] and said [2036] [5627] again [3825] unto them [0846], What [5101] will ye [2309] [5719] then [3767] that I shall do [4160] [5661] [unto him] whom [3739] ye call [3004] [5719] the King [0935] of the Jews [2453]?


 Et ils crièrent de nouveau: Crucifie-le.

 And [1161] they cried out [2896] [5656] again [3825], Crucify [4717] [5657] him [0846].


 Et Pilate leur dit: Mais quel mal a-t-il fait? Et ils crièrent encore plus fort: Crucifie-le.

 Then [1161] Pilate [4091] said [3004] [5707] unto them [0846], Why [1063], what [5101] evil [2556] hath he done [4160] [5656]? And [1161] they cried out [2896] [5656] the more exceedingly [4056], Crucify [4717] [5657] him [0846].


 Pilate donc, voulant contenter le peuple, leur relâcha Barabbas; et après avoir fait fouetter Jésus, il le livra pour être crucifié.

 And [1161] [so] Pilate [4091], willing [1014] [5740] to content [2425] [4160] [5658] the people [3793], released [0630] [5656] Barabbas [0912] unto them [0846], and [2532] delivered [3860] [5656] Jesus [2424], when he had scourged [5417] [5660] [him], to [2443] be crucified [4717] [5686].


 Alors les soldats l'emmenèrent dans l'intérieur du palais, c'est-à-dire au prétoire, et ils y assemblèrent toute la cohorte;

 And [1161] the soldiers [4757] led [0520] [0000] him [0846] away [0520] [5627] into [2080] the hall [0833], called [3603] [2076] [5748] Praetorium [4232]; and [2532] they call together [4779] [5719] the whole [3650] band [4686].


 Et ils le revêtirent d'un manteau de pourpre, et lui mirent sur la tête une couronne d'épines qu'ils avaient tressées;

 And [2532] they clothed [1746] [5719] him [0846] with purple [4209], and [2532] platted [4120] [5660] a crown [4735] of thorns [0174], and put it about [4060] [5719] his [0846] [head],


 Et ils se mirent à le saluer, en disant: Salut, Roi des Judéens!

 And [2532] began [0756] [5662] to salute [0782] [5738] him [0846], Hail [5463] [5720], King [0935] of the Jews [2453]!


 Et ils lui frappaient la tête avec une canne, et ils crachaient contre lui, et se mettant à genoux, ils se prosternaient devant lui.

 And [2532] they smote [5180] [5707] him [0846] on the head [2776] with a reed [2563], and [2532] did spit [1716] [5707] upon him [0846], and [2532] bowing [5087] [5723] [their] knees [1119] worshipped [4352] [5707] him [0846].


 Après s'être moqués de lui, ils lui ôtèrent le manteau de pourpre, et lui ayant remis ses habits, ils l'emmenèrent pour le crucifier.

 And [2532] when [3753] they had mocked [1702] [5656] him [0846], they took off [1562] [5656] the purple [4209] from him [0846], and [2532] put [1746] [0000] his own [2398] clothes [2440] on [1746] [5656] him [0846], and [2532] led [1806] [0000] him [0846] out [1806] [5719] to [2443] crucify [4717] [5661] him [0846].


 Et un certain homme de Cyrène, nommé Simon, père d'Alexandre et de Rufus, passant par là en revenant des champs, ils le contraignirent de porter la croix de Jésus.

 And [2532] they compel [0029] [5719] one [5100] Simon [4613] a Cyrenian [2956], who passed by [3855] [5723], coming [2064] [5740] out of [0575] the country [0068], the father [3962] of Alexander [0223] and [2532] Rufus [4504], to [2443] bear [0142] [5661] his [0846] cross [4716].


 Et ils le conduisirent au lieu appelé Golgotha, c'est-à-dire, la place du Crâne.

 And [2532] they bring [5342] [5719] him [0846] unto [1909] the place [5117] Golgotha [1115], which [3739] is [2076] [5748], being interpreted [3177] [5746], The place [5117] of a skull [2898].


 Et ils lui présentèrent à boire du vin mêlé avec de la myrrhe; mais il n'en but point.

 And [2532] they gave [1325] [5707] him [0846] to drink [4095] [5629] wine [3631] mingled with myrrh [4669] [5772]: but [1161] he received [2983] [5627] [it] not [3756].


 Et après l'avoir crucifié, ils partagèrent ses habits, jetant le sort à qui en emporterait une part.

 And [2532] when they had crucified [4717] [5660] him [0846], they parted [1266] [5707] his [0846] garments [2440], casting [0906] [5723] lots [2819] upon [1909] them [0846], what [5101] every man [5101] should take [0142] [5661].


 Il était la troisième heure quand ils le crucifièrent.

 And [1161] it was [2258] [5713] the third [5154] hour [5610], and [2532] they crucified [4717] [5656] him [0846].


 Et le sujet de sa condamnation était marqué par cet écriteau: LE ROI DES JUDÉENS.

 And [2532] the superscription [1923] of his [0846] accusation [0156] was [2258] [5713] written over [1924] [5772], THE KING [0935] OF THE JEWS [2453].


 Ils crucifièrent aussi avec lui deux brigands, l'un à sa droite, et l'autre à sa gauche.

 And [2532] with [4862] him [0846] they crucify [4717] [5719] two [1417] thieves [3027]; the one [1520] on [1537] his right hand [1188], and [2532] the other [1520] on [1537] his [0846] left [2176].


 Ainsi cette parole de l'Écriture fut accomplie: Il a été mis au rang des malfaiteurs.

 And [2532] the scripture [1124] was fulfilled [4137] [5681], which [3588] saith [3004] [5723], And [2532] he was numbered [3049] [5681] with [3326] the transgressors [0459].


 Et ceux qui passaient par là lui disaient des outrages, hochant la tête et disant: Hé! toi, qui détruis le temple, et qui le rebâtis en trois jours;

 And [2532] they that passed by [3899] [5740] railed [0987] [5707] on him [0846], wagging [2795] [5723] their [0848] heads [2776], and [2532] saying [3004] [5723], Ah [3758], thou that destroyest [2647] [5723] the temple [3485], and [2532] buildest [3618] [5723] [it] in [1722] three [5140] days [2250],


 Sauve-toi toi-même, et descends de la croix.

 Save [4982] [5657] thyself [4572], and [2532] come down [2597] [5628] from [0575] the cross [4716].


 De même aussi les principaux sacrificateurs et les scribes disaient entre eux, en se moquant: Il a sauvé les autres, il ne peut se sauver lui-même.

 Likewise [1161] [3668] also [2532] the chief priests [0749] mocking [1702] [5723] said [3004] [5707] among [4314] themselves [0240] with [3326] the scribes [1122], He saved [4982] [5656] others [0243]; himself [1438] he cannot [3756] [1410] [5736] save [4982] [5658].


 Que le Christ, le Roi d'Israël, descende maintenant de la croix, afin que nous le voyions, et que nous croyions. Et ceux qui étaient crucifiés avec lui, lui disaient aussi des outrages.

 Let [2597] [0000] Christ [5547] the King [0935] of Israel [2474] descend [2597] [5628] now [3568] from [0575] the cross [4716], that [2443] we may see [1492] [5632] and [2532] believe [4100] [5661]. And [2532] they that were crucified [4957] [5772] with him [0846] reviled [3679] [5707] him [0846].


 Quand vint la sixième heure, il y eut des ténèbres sur toute la terre, jusqu'à la neuvième heure.

 And [1161] when [1096] [0000] the sixth [1623] hour [5610] was come [1096] [5637], there was [1096] [5633] darkness [4655] over [1909] the whole [3650] land [1093] until [2193] the ninth [1766] hour [5610].


 Et à la neuvième heure Jésus s'écria d'une voix forte: Éloï, Éloï, lamma sabachthani! C'est-à-dire: Mon Dieu, mon Dieu, à ceci tu m'as désigné!

 And [2532] at the ninth [1766] hour [5610] Jesus [2424] cried [0994] [5656] with a loud [3173] voice [5456], saying [3004] [5723], Eloi [1682], Eloi [1682], lama [2982] sabachthani [4518]? which [3739] is [2076] [5748], being interpreted [3177] [5746], My [3450] God [2316], my [3450] God [2316], why [5101] hast [1519] thou forsaken [1459] [5627] me [3165]?


 Et quelques-uns de ceux qui étaient présents, l'ayant entendu, disaient: Voilà qu'il appelle Élie.

 And [2532] some of them [5100] that stood by [3936] [5761], when they heard [0191] [5660] [it], said [3004] [5707], Behold [2400] [5628], he calleth [5455] [5719] Elias [2243].


 Et l'un d'eux courut, emplit une éponge de vinaigre, la mit au bout d'un roseau, et la lui présenta pour boire, en disant: Laissez; voyons si Élie viendra le descendre de la croix.

 And [1161] one [1520] ran [5143] [5631] and [2532] filled [1072] [0000] a spunge [4699] full [1072] [5660] of vinegar [3690], and [5037] put [it] on [4060] [5631] a reed [2563], and gave [4222] [0000] him [0846] to drink [4222] [5707], saying [3004] [5723], Let alone [0863] [5628]; let us see [1492] [5632] whether [1487] Elias [2243] will come [2064] [5736] to take [2507] [0000] him [0846] down [2507] [5629].


 Alors Jésus, ayant jeté un grand cri, rendit l'esprit.

 And [1161] Jesus [2424] cried [0863] [5631] with a loud [3173] voice [5456], and gave up the ghost [1606] [5656].


 Et le voile du temple se déchira en deux, du haut en bas.

 And [2532] the veil [2665] of the temple [3485] was rent [4977] [5681] in [1519] twain [1417] from [0575] the top [0509] to [2193] the bottom [2736].


 Et le centenier, qui était vis-à-vis de lui, voyant qu'il avait expiré en criant ainsi, dit: Cet homme était véritablement le Fils en tant que Dieu.

 And [1161] when the centurion [2760], which [3588] stood [3936] [5761] over [1537] against [1727] him [0846], saw [1492] [5631] that [3754] he so [3779] cried out [2896] [5660], and gave up the ghost [1606] [5656], he said [2036] [5627], Truly [0230] this [3778] man [0444] was [2258] [5713] the Son [5207] of God [2316].


 Il y avait aussi des femmes qui regardaient de loin, parmi lesquelles étaient Marie de Magdala, et Marie, mère de Jacques le petit et de Joses, et Salomé,

 There [1161] were [2258] [5713] also [2532] women [1135] looking [2334] [5723] on afar [3113] off [0575]: among [2532] [1722] whom [3739] was [2258] [5713] Mary [3137] Magdalene [3094], and [2532] Mary [3137] the mother [3384] of James [2385] the less [3398] and [2532] of Joses [2500], and [2532] Salome [4539];


 Qui le suivaient et le servaient lorsqu'il était en Galilée, et plusieurs autres qui étaient montées avec lui à Jérusalem.

 (Who [3739] also [2532], when [3753] he was [2258] [5713] in [1722] Galilee [1056], followed [0190] [5707] him [0846], and [2532] ministered [1247] [5707] unto him [0846]) and [2532] many [4183] other [0243] women which [3588] came up [4872] [5631] with him [0846] unto [1519] Jerusalem [2414].


 Comme il était déjà tard, et que c'était le jour de la préparation, c'est-à-dire, la veille du sabbat annuel,

 And [2532] now [2235] when the even [3798] was come [1096] [5637], because [1893] it was [2258] [5713] the preparation [3904], that [3603] is [2076] [5748], the day before the sabbath [4315],


 Joseph d'Arimathée, conseiller fort considéré, qui attendait aussi la Souveraineté de Dieu, vint avec hardiesse vers Pilate, et lui demanda le corps de Jésus.

 Joseph [2501] of [0575] Arimathaea [0707], an honourable [2158] counsellor [1010], which [3739] also [2532] waited [4327] [5740] for [2258] [5713] the kingdom [0932] of God [2316], came [2064] [5627], and went in [1525] [5627] boldly [5111] [5660] unto [4314] Pilate [4091], and [2532] craved [0154] [5668] the body [4983] of Jesus [2424].


 Pilate s'étonna qu'il fût déjà mort; et ayant appelé le centenier, il lui demanda s'il y avait longtemps qu'il était mort.

 And [1161] Pilate [4091] marvelled [2296] [5656] if [1487] he were [2348] [0000] already [2235] dead [2348] [5758]: and [2532] calling [4341] [5666] [unto him] the centurion [2760], he asked [1905] [5656] him [0846] whether he had been [0599] [0000] any while [3819] dead [0599] [5627].


 Et l'ayant appris du centenier, il donna le corps à Joseph.

 And [2532] when he knew [1097] [5631] [it] of [0575] the centurion [2760], he gave [1433] [5662] the body [4983] to Joseph [2501].


 Et Joseph ayant acheté un linceul, le descendit de la croix, l'enveloppa dans ce linceul, et le mit dans un sépulcre qui était taillé dans le roc; et il roula une pierre à l'entrée du sépulcre.

 And [2532] he bought [0059] [5660] fine linen [4616], and [2532] took him down [2507] [5631], and wrapped [1750] [5656] him [0846] in the linen [4616], and [2532] laid [2698] [5656] him [0846] in [1722] a sepulchre [3419] which [3739] was [2258] [5713] hewn [2998] [5772] out of [1537] a rock [4073], and [2532] rolled [4351] [5656] a stone [3037] unto [1909] the door [2374] of the sepulchre [3419].


 Et Marie de Magdala et Marie, mère de Joses, regardaient où on le mettait.

 And [1161] Mary [3137] Magdalene [3094] and [2532] Mary [3137] [the mother] of Joses [2500] beheld [2334] [5707] where [4226] he was laid [5087] [5743].


 Après que le sabbat hebdomadaire fut passé, Marie de Magdala, Marie, mère de Jacques, et Salomé, achetèrent des aromates pour venir embaumer le corps.

 And [2532] when [1230] [0000] the sabbath [4521] was past [1230] [5637], Mary [3137] Magdalene [3094], and [2532] Mary [3137] the [mother] [3588] of James [2385], and [2532] Salome [4539], had bought [0059] [5656] sweet spices [0759], that [2443] they might come [2064] [5631] and anoint [0218] [5661] him [0846].


 Et elles vinrent au sépulcre de grand matin, le premier jour de la semaine, comme le soleil venait de se lever.

 And [2532] very [3029] early in the morning [4404] the first [3391] [day] of the week [4521], they came [2064] [5736] unto [1909] the sepulchre [3419] at the rising [0393] [5660] of the sun [2246].


 Et elles disaient entre elles: Qui nous ôtera la pierre de l'entrée du sépulcre?

 And [2532] they said [3004] [5707] among [4314] themselves [1438], Who [5101] shall roll [0617] [0000] us [2254] away [0617] [5692] the stone [3037] from [1537] the door [2374] of the sepulchre [3419]?


 Et ayant regardé, elles virent que la pierre avait été ôtée; or, elle était fort grande.

 And [2532] when they looked [0308] [5660], they saw [2334] [5719] that [3754] the stone [3037] was rolled away [0617] [5769]: for [1063] it was [2258] [5713] very [4970] great [3173].


 Puis, étant entrées dans le sépulcre, elles virent un jeune homme assis du côté droit, vêtu d'une robe blanche; et elles furent épouvantées.

 And [2532] entering [1525] [5631] into [1519] the sepulchre [3419], they saw [1492] [5627] a young man [3495] sitting [2521] [5740] on [1722] the right side [1188], clothed [4016] [5772] in a long white [3022] garment [4749]; and [2532] they were affrighted [1568] [5681].


 Mais il leur dit: Ne vous effrayez point; vous cherchez Jésus de Nazareth qui a été crucifié; il est ressuscité, il n'est point ici; voici le lieu où on l'avait mis.

 And [1161] he saith [3004] [5719] unto them [0846], Be [1568] [0000] not [3361] affrighted [1568] [5744]: Ye seek [2212] [5719] Jesus [2424] of Nazareth [3479], which [3588] was crucified [4717] [5772]: he is risen [1453] [5681]; he is [2076] [5748] not [3756] here [5602]: behold [2396] the place [5117] where [3699] they laid [5087] [5656] him [0846].


 Mais allez, dites à ses disciples et à Pierre qu'il vous devance en Galilée; vous le verrez là, comme il vous l'a dit.

 But [0235] go your way [5217] [5720], tell [2036] [5628] his [0846] disciples [3101] and [2532] Peter [4074] that [3754] he goeth before [4254] [5719] you [5209] into [1519] Galilee [1056]: there [1563] shall ye see [3700] [5695] him [0846], as [2531] he said [2036] [5627] unto you [5213].


 Elles sortirent aussitôt et elles s'enfuirent du sépulcre; car elles étaient saisies de crainte et d'étonnement. Et elles ne dirent rien à personne, car elles étaient effrayées.

 And [2532] they went out [1831] [5631] quickly [5035], and fled [5343] [5627] from [0575] the sepulchre [3419]; for [1161] they trembled [2192] [5707] [5156] and [2532] were amazed [1611]: neither [2532] said they [2036] [5627] any thing [3762] to any [3762] [man]; for [1063] they were afraid [5399] [5711].


 Or, Jésus étant ressuscité le matin, le premier jour de la semaine, apparut premièrement à Marie de Magdala, de laquelle il avait chassé sept insubordinations rebelles.

 Now [1161] when [Jesus] was risen [0450] [5631] early [4404] the first [4413] [day] of the week [4521], he appeared [5316] [5648] first [4412] to Mary [3137] Magdalene [3094], out of [0575] whom [3739] he had cast [1544] [5715] seven [2033] devils [1140].


 Et elle s'en alla, et l'annonça à ceux qui avaient été avec lui, et qui étaient dans le deuil et dans les larmes.

 [And] she [1565] went [4198] [5679] and told [0518] [5656] them that had been [1096] [5637] with [3326] him [0846], as they mourned [3996] [5723] and [2532] wept [2799] [5723].


 Mais eux, apprenant qu'il était vivant, et qu'elle l'avait vu, ne le crurent point.

 And they [2548], when they had heard [0191] [5660] that [3754] he was alive [2198] [5719], and [2532] had been seen [2300] [5681] of [5259] her [0846], believed not [0569] [5656].


 Après cela il se montra sous une autre forme à deux d'entre eux qui étaient en chemin pour aller à la campagne.

 After [1161] [3326] that [5023] he appeared [5319] [5681] in [1722] another [2087] form [3444] unto two [1417] of [1537] them [0846], as they walked [4043] [5723], and went [4198] [5740] into [1519] the country [0068].


 Et ceux-ci s'en allèrent le dire aux autres qui ne les crurent pas non plus.

 And they [2548] went [0565] [5631] and told [0518] [5656] [it] unto the residue [3062]: neither [3761] believed they [4100] [5656] them [1565].


 Enfin il se montra aux onze apôtres, comme ils étaient à table, et il leur reprocha leur défiance et la dureté de leur cœur, parce qu'ils n'avaient pas cru ceux qui l'avaient vu ressuscité.

 Afterward [5305] he appeared [5319] [5681] unto the eleven [1733] as they [0846] sat at meat [0345] [5740], and [2532] upbraided [3679] [5656] them with their [0846] unbelief [0570] and [2532] hardness of heart [4641], because [3754] they believed [4100] [5656] not [3756] them which had seen [2300] [5666] him [0846] after he was risen [1453] [5772].


 Et il leur dit: Allez par toute cette dispensation, et prêchez le message de la grâce à toute créature.

 And [2532] he said [2036] [5627] unto them [0846], Go ye [4198] [5679] into [1519] all [0537] the world [2889], and preach [2784] [5657] the gospel [2098] to every [3956] creature [2937].


 Celui d'entre vous qui croira sera consacré, et sera préservé; mais celui qui ne croira point sera réprimandé.

 He that believeth [4100] [5660] and [2532] is baptized [0907] [5685] shall be saved [4982] [5701]; but [1161] he that believeth not [0569] [5660] shall be damned [2632] [5701].


 Et voici les miracles qui accompagneront en ce temps ceux de vous qui auront cru: Ils redresserons les consciences déréglées en mon nom; ils parleront de nouveaux langages;

 And [1161] these [5023] signs [4592] shall follow [3877] [5692] them that believe [4100] [5660]; In [1722] my [3450] name [3686] shall they cast out [1544] [5692] devils [1140]; they shall speak [2980] [5692] with new [2537] tongues [1100];


 Ils saisiront les serpents; quand ils auront bu quelque breuvage mortel, il ne leur fera point de mal; ils imposeront les mains aux malades, et ils seront guéris.

 They shall take up [0142] [5692] serpents [3789]; and if [2579] they drink [4095] [5632] any [5100] [0000] deadly [2286] thing [5100], it shall not [3364] hurt [0984] [5692] them [0846]; they shall lay [2007] [5692] hands [5495] on [1909] the sick [0732], and [2532] they shall [2192] [5692] recover [2573].


 Le Seigneur, après leur avoir parlé, fut exalté au Très-Haut, et il s'assit à la droite de Dieu.

 So [3303] then [3767] after [3326] the Lord [2962] had spoken [2980] [5658] unto them [0846], he was received up [0353] [5681] into [1519] heaven [3772], and [2532] sat [2523] [5656] on [1537] the right hand [1188] of God [2316].


 Et eux, étant partis, prêchèrent partout; le Seigneur opérant avec eux, et confirmant en cette période la Parole par les miracles qui l'accompagnaient. Amen!

 And [1161] they [1565] went forth [1831] [5631], and preached [2784] [5656] every where [3837], the Lord [2962] working with [4903] [5723] [them], and [2532] confirming [0950] [5723] the word [3056] with [1223] signs [4592] following [1872] [5723]. Amen [0281].




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