La voix qui crie dans le désert








 Dieu ayant autrefois parlé à nos pères, à plusieurs reprises et en diverses manières, par les prophètes,

 God [2316], who at sundry times [4181] and [2532] in divers manners [4187] spake [2980] [5660] in time past [3819] unto the fathers [3962] by [1722] the prophets [4396],


 Nous a parlé en ces derniers jours d'Israël par son Fils, JÉSUS LE MESSIE, qu'il a établi héritier de toutes choses; par lequel aussi il a fondé les siècles;

 Hath [2980] [0000] in [1909] these [5130] last [2078] days [2250] spoken [2980] [5656] unto us [2254] by [1722] [his] Son [5207], whom [3739] he hath appointed [5087] [5656] heir [2818] of all things [3956], by [1223] whom [3739] also [2532] he made [4160] [5656] the worlds [0165];


 Et qui, étant la splendeur de sa gloire et l'expression unique de son essence, et soutenant toutes choses par sa Parole puissante, ayant opéré par lui-même la purification de nos péchés, s'est assis à la droite de la Majesté divine dans les lieux très hauts;

 Who [3739] being [5607] [5752] the brightness [0541] of [his] glory [1391], and [2532] the express image [5481] of his [0846] person [5287], and [5037] upholding [5342] [5723] all things [3956] by the word [4487] of his [0848] power [1411], when he had [4160] [0000] [2512] [0000] by [1223] himself [1438] purged [4160] [5671] [2512] our [2257] sins [0266], sat down [2523] [5656] on [1722] the right hand [1188] of the Majesty [3172] on [1722] high [5308];


 Ayant été fait d'autant plus excellent que les messagers, qu'il a hérité d'un nom plus excellent que le leur.

 Being made [1096] [5637] so much [5118] better than [2909] the angels [0032], as [3745] he hath by inheritance obtained [2816] [5758] a more excellent [1313] name [3686] than [3844] they [0846].


 Car à auquel des messagers Dieu a-t-il jamais dit: Tu es mon Fils, je t'ai engendré aujourd'hui? Et encore: Je serai son Père, et il sera mon Fils?

 For [1063] unto which [5101] of the angels [0032] said he [2036] [5627] at any time [4218], Thou [4771] art [1488] [5748] my [3450] Son [5207], this day [4594] have [1080] [0000] I [1473] begotten [1080] [5758] thee [4571]? And [2532] again [3825], I [1473] will be [2071] [5704] to [1519] him [0846] a Father [3962], and [2532] he shall be [2071] [5704] to [1519] me [3427] a Son [5207]?


 Et encore, quand il introduit dans cette disposition le seul engendré de son essence, il dit: Que tous les messagers de Dieu l'adorent.

 And [1161] again [3825], when [3752] he bringeth in [1521] [5632] the firstbegotten [4416] into [1519] the world [3625], he saith [3004] [5719], And [2532] let [4352] [0000] all [3956] the angels [0032] of God [2316] worship [4352] [5657] him [0846].


 Et quant aux messagers, il est dit: Il fait des vents ses messagers, et des flammes de feu ses ministres.

 And [2532] of [4314] [3303] the angels [0032] he saith [3004] [5719], Who [3739] maketh [4160] [5723] his [0848] angels [0032] spirits [4151], and [2532] his [0848] ministers [3011] a flame [5395] of fire [4442].


 Mais quant au Fils, il est dit: Ô Dieu! ton trône demeure aux siècles des siècles, et le sceptre de ton règne est un sceptre d'équité:

 But [1161] unto [4314] the Son [5207] [he saith], Thy [4675] throne [2362], O God [2316], [is] for [1519] ever [0165] and ever [0165]: a sceptre [4464] of righteousness [2118] [is] the sceptre [4464] of thy [4675] kingdom [0932].


 Tu t'es sacrifié à la justice, et tu as haï l'iniquité, c'est pourquoi, ô Dieu, toi le Suprême, tu es oint d'une huile de joie au-dessus de tes semblables.

 Thou hast loved [0025] [5656] righteousness [1343], and [2532] hated [3404] [5656] iniquity [0458]; therefore [1223] [5124] God [2316], [even] thy [4675] God [2316], hath anointed [5548] [5656] thee [4571] with the oil [1637] of gladness [0020] above [3844] thy [4675] fellows [3353].


 Et encore: C'est toi, Seigneur, qui as fondé la terre dès le commencement, et les cieux sont l'ouvrage de tes mains.

 And [2532], Thou [4771], Lord [2962], in [2596] the beginning [0746] hast laid the foundation [2311] [5656] of the earth [1093]; and [2532] the heavens [3772] are [1526] [5748] the works [2041] of thine [4675] hands [5495]:


 Ils périront, mais tu demeures; ils vieilliront tous comme un vêtement,

 They [0846] shall perish [0622] [5698]; but [1161] thou [4771] remainest [1265] [5719]; and [2532] they all [3956] shall wax old [3822] [5701] as [5613] doth a garment [2440];


 Et tu les rouleras comme un manteau; ils seront changés, mais toi, tu es le même, et tes années ne finiront point.

 And [2532] as [5616] a vesture [4018] shalt thou fold [1667] [0000] them [0846] up [1667] [5692], and [2532] they shall be changed [0236] [5691]: but [1161] thou [4771] art [1488] [5748] the same [0846], and [2532] thy [4675] years [2094] shall [1587] [0000] not [3756] fail [1587] [5692].


 Et auquel des messagers Dieu a-t-il jamais dit: Assieds-toi à ma droite, jusqu'à ce que j'aie fait de tes ennemis le soutient de tes pieds?

 But [1161] to [4314] which [5101] of the angels [0032] said he [2046] [5758] at any time [4218], Sit [2521] [5737] on [1537] my [3450] right hand [1188], until [0302] [2193] I make [5087] [5632] thine [4675] enemies [2190] thy [4675] footstool [5286] [4228]?


 Ne sont-ils pas tous des esprits pour servir au ministère de l'apostolat en faveur de ceux qui doivent hériter du salut?

 Are they [1526] [5748] not [3780] all [3956] ministering [3010] spirits [4151], sent forth [0649] [5746] to [1519] minister [1248] for [1223] them who shall [3195] [5723] be heirs of [2816] [5721] salvation [4991]?


 C'est pourquoi il nous faut nous attacher plus fortement aux choses que nous avons entendues, de peur que nous ne les laissions s'échapper.

 Therefore [1223] [5124] we [2248] ought [1163] [5748] to give the more earnest [4056] heed [4337] [5721] to the things which we have heard [0191] [5685], lest [3379] at any time [4218] we should let [them] slip [3901] [5632].


 Car si la Parole annoncée par les messagers a eu son effet, et si toute transgression, toute désobéissance a reçu une juste rétribution,

 For [1063] if [1487] the word [3056] spoken [2980] [5685] by [1223] angels [0032] was [1096] [5633] stedfast [0949], and [2532] every [3956] transgression [3847] and [2532] disobedience [3876] received [2983] [5627] a just [1738] recompence of reward [3405];


 Comment échapperons-nous, si nous négligeons un si grand salut, qui, ayant été premièrement annoncé par YEHOVAH, nous a été confirmé par ceux qui l'avaient entendu?

 How [4459] shall we [2249] escape [1628] [5695], if we neglect [0272] [5660] so great [5082] salvation [4991]; which [3748] at the first [0746] began [2983] [5631] to be spoken [2980] [5745] by [1223] the Lord [2962], and was confirmed [0950] [5681] unto [1519] us [2248] by [5259] them that heard [0191] [5660] [him];


 Dieu même appuyant leur témoignage par des prodiges et des miracles, par divers actes de sa puissance, et par les grâces de la Sainte Présence de Christ, selon sa volonté.

 God [2316] also bearing [them] witness [4901] [5723], both [5037] with signs [4592] and [2532] wonders [5059], and [2532] with divers [4164] miracles [1411], and [2532] gifts [3311] of the Holy [0040] Ghost [4151], according to [2596] his own [0848] will [2308]?


 Car il n'a point soumis aux messagers la disposition à venir dont nous parlons.

 For [1063] unto the angels [0032] hath he [5293] [0000] not [3756] put in subjection [5293] [5656] the world [3625] to come [3195] [5723], whereof [4012] [3739] we speak [2980] [5719].


 Mais quelqu'un a rendu ce témoignage quelque part, en disant: Qu'est-ce que l'homme, que tu te souviennes de lui, ou le Fils, l'expression humaine de Dieu et de David, que tu jettes les yeux sur lui?

 But [1161] one [5100] in a certain place [4225] testified [1263] [5662], saying [3004] [5723], What [5101] is [2076] [5748] man [0444], that [3754] thou art mindful [3403] [5736] of him [0846]? or [2228] the son [5207] of man [0444], that [3754] thou visitest [1980] [5736] him [0846]?


 Tu l'as fait moins distingué que les messagers; tu l'as couronné de gloire et d'honneur, et tu l'as établi sur les ouvrages de tes mains;

 Thou madest [1642] [0000] him [0846] a little [1024] [5100] lower [1642] [5656] than [3844] the angels [0032]; thou crownedst [4737] [5656] him [0846] with glory [1391] and [2532] honour [5092], and [2532] didst set [2525] [5656] him [0846] over [1909] the works [2041] of thy [4675] hands [5495]:


 Tu as mis toutes choses sous ses pieds. Car Dieu lui ayant soumis toutes choses, n'a rien laissé qui ne lui soit soumis; or, nous ne voyons point encore maintenant que toutes choses lui soient soumises.

 Thou hast put [5293] [0000] all things [3956] in subjection [5293] [5656] under [5270] his [0846] feet [4228]. For [1063] in [1722] that he put [5293] [0000] all [3956] in subjection under [5293] [5658] him [0846], he left [0863] [5656] nothing [that is] not [3762] put under [0506] him [0846]. But [1161] now [3568] we see [3708] [5719] not yet [3768] all things [3956] put under [5293] [5772] him [0846].


 Mais nous voyons couronné de gloire et d'honneur ce JÉSUS, qui, par la mort qu'il a soufferte, a été fait moins distingué que les messagers, afin que par la grâce de Dieu il souffrît la mort pour chacun de nous.

 But [1161] we see [0991] [5719] Jesus, who [3588] was made [1642] [0000] a little [1024] [5100] lower [1642] [5772] than [3844] the angels [0032] for [1223] the suffering [3804] of death [2288], crowned [4737] [5772] with glory [1391] and [2532] honour [5092]; that [3704] he [1089] [0000] by the grace [5485] of God [2316] should taste [1089] [5667] death [2288] for [5228] every man [3956].


 En effet, il était convenable que celui pour qui et par qui sont toutes choses, voulant amener à la gloire plusieurs enfants, rendît parfait le Prince de leur salut, par les souffrances.

 For [1063] it became [4241] [5707] him [0846], for [1223] whom [3739] [are] all things [3956], and [2532] by [1223] whom [3739] [are] all things [3956], in bringing [0071] [5631] many [4183] sons [5207] unto [1519] glory [1391], to make [5048] [0000] the captain [0747] of their [0846] salvation [4991] perfect [5048] [5658] through [1223] sufferings [3804].


 Car tous, et celui qui sanctifie, et ceux qui sont sanctifiés, relèvent d'un seul; c'est pourquoi il n'a point honte de les appeler frères [0080],

 For [1063] both [5037] he that sanctifieth [0037] [5723] and [2532] they who are sanctified [0037] [5746] [are] all [3956] of [1537] one [1520]: for [1223] which [3739] cause [0156] he is [1870] [0000] not [3756] ashamed [1870] [5736] to call [2564] [5721] them [0846] brethren [0080],


 En disant: J'annoncerai ton nom à mes frères [0080]; je te chanterai des louanges au milieu des convoqués à renaître.

 Saying [3004] [5723], I will declare [0518] [5692] thy [4675] name [3686] unto my [3450] brethren [0080], in [1722] the midst [3319] of the church [1577] will I sing praise [5214] [5692] unto thee [4571].


 Et encore: Je me confierai en lui. Et encore: Me voici, moi et les enfants que Dieu m'a donnés.

 And [2532] again [3825], I [1473] will [2071] [5704] put my trust [3982] [5756] in [1909] him [0846]. And [2532] again [3825], Behold [2400] [5628] I [1473] and [2532] the children [3813] which [3739] God [2316] hath given [1325] [5656] me [3427].


 Puis donc que les enfants participent de la chair et du sang, il en a aussi de même participé, afin que par la mort il détruisît celle qui avait la puissance de la mort, c'est-à-dire, la contrariété charnelle;

 Forasmuch [1893] then [3767] as the children [3813] are partakers [2841] [5758] of flesh [4561] and [2532] blood [0129], he [3348] [0000] also [2532] himself [0846] likewise [3898] took part [3348] [5627] of the same [0846]; that [2443] through [1223] death [2288] he might destroy [2673] [5661] him that had [2192] [5723] the power [2904] of death [2288], that is [5123] [5748], the devil [1228];


 Et qu'il délivrât tous ceux qui, par la crainte de la mort, étaient toute leur vie soumis à la servitude du péché.

 And [2532] deliver [0525] [5661] them [5128] who [3745] through [1223] fear [5401] of death [2288] were [2258] [5713] all [3956] their lifetime [2198] [5721] subject [1777] to bondage [1397].


 Car assurément il n'a pas appuyé les messagers, mais il a favorisé la semence d'Abraham [0011].

 For [1063] verily [1222] he took [1949] [0000] not [3756] on [1949] [5736] [him the nature of] angels [0032]; but [0235] he took on [1949] [5736] [him] the seed [4690] of Abraham [0011] [0011].


 C'est pourquoi il a fallu qu'il devienne semblable en toutes choses à ses frères [0080]; afin qu'il fût un Souverain Sacrificateur, miséricordieux, et fidèle dans les choses de Dieu, pour expier les péchés du peuple élu.

 Wherefore [3606] in [2596] all things [3956] it behoved him [3784] [5707] to be made like [3666] [5683] unto [his] brethren [0080], that [2443] he might be [1096] [5638] a merciful [1655] and [2532] faithful [4103] high priest [0749] in things [pertaining] to [4314] God [2316], to [1519] make reconciliation for [2433] [5745] the sins [0266] of the people [2992].


 Car, ayant été éprouvé dans ce qu'il a souffert, il peut secourir ceux qui sont éprouvés.

 For [1063] in [1722] that [3739] he [3958] [0000] himself [0846] hath suffered [3958] [5754] being tempted [3985] [5685], he is able [1410] [5736] to succour [0997] [5658] them that are tempted [3985] [5746].


 C'est pourquoi, frères [0080] saints, qui avez pris part à l'appel céleste de renaître, considérez l'Apôtre et le Souverain Sacrificateur de la foi que nous professons, Jésus-Christ,

 Wherefore [3606], holy [0040] brethren [0080], partakers [3353] of the heavenly [2032] calling [2821], consider [2657] [5657] the Apostle [0652] and [2532] High Priest [0749] of our [2257] profession [3671], Christ [5547] Jesus;


 Qui a été fidèle à celui qui l'a établi, comme Moïse aussi le fut dans toute sa maison.

 Who was [5607] [5752] faithful [4103] to him that appointed [4160] [5660] him [0846], as [5613] also [2532] Moses [3475] [was faithful] in [1722] all [3650] his [0846] house [3624].


 Or, il a été estimé digne d'une gloire qui surpasse celle de Moïse, d'autant que celui qui a construit la maison est plus digne d'honneur que la maison même.

 For [1063] this [3778] [man] was counted worthy [0515] [5769] of more [4119] glory [1391] than [3844] Moses [3475], inasmuch as [2596] [3745] he who hath builded [2680] [5660] the house [3624] hath more [4119] honour [5092] than [2192] [5719] the house [0846].


 Car toute maison a été construite par quelqu'un; or, celui qui a construit toutes choses, c'est Dieu.

 For [1063] every [3956] house [3624] is builded [2680] [5743] by [5259] some [5100] [man]; but [1161] he that built [2680] [5660] all things [3956] [is] God [2316].


 Et quant à Moïse, il a été fidèle dans toute la maison, comme serviteur, pour témoigner de ce qui devait être annoncé;

 And [2532] Moses [3475] verily [3303] [was] faithful [4103] in [1722] all [3650] his [0846] house [3624], as [5613] a servant [2324], for [1519] a testimony [3142] of those things which were to be spoken after [2980] [5702];


 Mais Christ, comme Fils, est établi sur sa maison; nous sommes sa maison, puisque nous conservons ferme, jusqu'à l'accomplissement, notre confiance et l'espérance dont nous nous glorifions.

 But [1161] Christ [5547] as [5613] a son [5207] over [1909] his own [0848] house [3624]; whose [3739] house [3624] are [2070] [5748] we [2249], if [1437] [4007] we hold fast [2722] [5632] the confidence [3954] and [2532] the rejoicing [2745] of the hope [1680] firm [0949] unto [3360] the end [5056].


 C'est pourquoi, comme dit la Sainte Présence de Christ: Aujourd'hui, si vous entendez sa voix,

 Wherefore [1352] (as [2531] the Holy [0040] Ghost [4151] saith [3004] [5719], To day [4594] if [1437] ye will hear [0191] [5661] his [0846] voice [5456],


 N'endurcissez point vos cœurs, comme il arriva lors de la provocation, au jour de la tentation au désert,

 Harden [4645] [5725] not [3361] your [5216] hearts [2588], as [5613] in [1722] the provocation [3894], in [2596] the day [2250] of temptation [3986] in [1722] the wilderness [2048]:


 Où vos pères me tentèrent et m'examinèrent, et où ils virent mes œuvres pendant quarante ans.

 When [3757] your [5216] fathers [3962] tempted [3985] [5656] me [3165], proved [1381] [5656] me [3165], and [2532] saw [1492] [5627] my [3450] works [2041] forty [5062] years [2094].


 C'est pourquoi je fus irrité contre cette génération, et je dis: Leur cœur s'égare toujours, et ils n'ont point connu mes voies.

 Wherefore [1352] I was grieved [4360] [5656] with that [1565] generation [1074], and [2532] said [2036] [5627], They do [4105] [0000] alway [0104] err [4105] [5746] in [their] heart [2588]; and [1161] they [0846] have [1097] [0000] not [3756] known [1097] [5627] my [3450] ways [3598].


 Aussi j'ai juré dans ma colère, qu'ils n'entreront point dans mon repos!

 So [5613] I sware [3660] [5656] in [1722] my [3450] wrath [3709], They shall [1525] [0000] not [1487] enter [1525] [5695] into [1519] my [3450] rest [2663])


 Frères Israélites, prenez garde que quelqu'un de vous n'ait un cœur mauvais et incroyant, pour se détourner du Dieu vivant.

 Take heed [0991] [5720], brethren [0080], lest [3379] there be [2071] [5704] in [1722] any [5100] of you [5216] an evil [4190] heart [2588] of unbelief [0570], in [1722] departing [0868] [5629] from [0575] the living [2198] [5723] God [2316].


 Mais encouragez-vous les uns les autres chaque jour, pendant qu'il est dit: Aujourd'hui; afin qu'aucun d'entre vous ne s'endurcisse par la séduction du péché.

 But [0235] exhort [3870] [5720] one another [1438] daily [2596] [1538] [2250], while [0891] it is called [2564] [5743] To day [4594]; lest [3363] any [5100] of [1537] you [5216] be hardened [4645] [5686] through the deceitfulness [0539] of sin [0266].


 Car nous sommes devenus participants de Christ; en effet nous tenons le début de notre confiance consistante jusqu'à son aboutissement,

 For [1063] we are made [1096] [5754] partakers [3353] of Christ [5547], if [1437] [4007] we hold [2722] [5632] the beginning [0746] of our confidence [5287] stedfast [0949] unto [3360] the end [5056];


 Pendant qu'il est dit: Aujourd'hui, si vous entendez sa voix, n'endurcissez point vos cœurs, comme il arriva lors de la provocation.

 While [1722] it is said [3004] [5745], To day [4594] if [1437] ye will hear [0191] [5661] his [0846] voice [5456], harden [4645] [5725] not [3361] your [5216] hearts [2588], as [5613] in [1722] the provocation [3894].


 Car quelques-uns l'ayant entendue, le provoquèrent; mais ce ne furent pas tous de ceux qui sortirent d'Égypte sous la conduite de Moïse.

 For [1063] some [5100], when they had heard [0191] [5660], did provoke [3893] [5656]: howbeit [0235] not [3756] all [3956] that came [1831] [5631] out of [1537] Egypt [0125] by [1223] Moses [3475].


 Et contre qui Dieu fut-il irrité pendant quarante ans; n'est-ce pas contre ceux qui péchèrent, dont les carcasses tombèrent dans le désert?

 But [1161] with whom [5101] was he grieved [4360] [5656] forty [5062] years [2094]? [was it] not [3780] with them that had sinned [0264] [5660], whose [3739] carcases [2966] fell [4098] [5627] in [1722] the wilderness [2048]?


 Et à qui jura-t-il qu'ils n'entreraient point dans son repos, si ce n'est à ceux qui ne crurent point?

 And [1161] to whom [5101] sware he [3660] [5656] that they should [1525] [0000] not [3361] enter [1525] [5696] into [1519] his [0848] rest [2663], but [1508] to them that believed not [0544] [5660]?


 Aussi voyons-nous qu'ils ne purent y entrer à cause de leur défiance.

 So [2532] we see [0991] [5719] that [3754] they could [1410] [5675] not [3756] enter in [1525] [5629] because [1223] of unbelief [0570].


 Craignons donc que la promesse nous étant laissée d'entrer dans sa cessation des œuvres, que certains de vous ne donnent l'impression d'y être à court.

 Let us [5399] [0000] therefore [3767] fear [5399] [5680], lest [3379] [4218], a promise [1860] being left [2641] [5746] [us] of entering [1525] [5629] into [1519] his [0846] rest [2663], any [5100] of [1537] you [5216] should seem [1380] [5725] to come short of it [5302] [5760].


 Car le message de la grâce nous a été faite aussi bien qu'à eux; mais la prédication de la Parole ne leur servit de rien, n'étant pas jointe avec la foi de Christ dans ceux qui l'entendirent.

 For [2532] [1063] unto us was [2070] [5748] the gospel preached [2097] [5772], as well as [2509] unto them [2548]: but [0235] the word [3056] preached [0189] did [5623] [0000] not [3756] profit [5623] [5656] them [1565], not [3361] being mixed [4786] [5772] with faith [4102] in them that heard [0191] [5660] [it].


 Pour nous d'Israël qui avons cru, nous entrons dans la cessation des œuvres, suivant ce qu'il a dit: C'est pourquoi j'ai juré dans ma colère, qu'ils n'entreront point dans mon abrogation! Quoique ses œuvres étaient accomplies depuis la création du monde;

 For [1063] we which [3588] have believed [4100] [5660] do enter [1525] [5736] into [1519] rest [2663], as [2531] he said [2046] [5758], As [5613] I have sworn [3660] [5656] in [1722] my [3450] wrath [3709], if [1487] they shall enter [1525] [5695] into [1519] my [3450] rest [2663]: although [2543] the works [2041] were finished [1096] [5679] from [0575] the foundation [2602] of the world [2889].


 Car l'Écriture a parlé ainsi quelque part, du septième jour: Dieu se reposa le septième jour de tous ses ouvrages;

 For [1063] he spake [2046] [5758] in a certain place [4225] of [4012] the seventh [1442] [day] on this wise [3779], And [2532] God [2316] did rest [2664] [5656] the seventh [1722] [1442] day [2250] from [0575] all [3956] his [0848] works [2041].


 Et ici encore: Ils n'entreront point dans mon abrogation!

 And [2532] in [1722] this [5129] [place] again [3825], If [1487] they shall enter [1525] [5695] into [1519] my [3450] rest [2663].


 Puis donc que quelques-uns sont désigné d'y entrer, et que ceux à qui le message de la grâce a été premièrement fait, n'y sont point entrés, à cause de leur défiance,

 Seeing [1893] therefore [3767] it remaineth [0620] [5743] that some [5100] must enter [1525] [5629] therein [1519] [0846], and [2532] they to whom it was first [4386] preached [2097] [5685] entered [1525] [0000] not [3756] in [1525] [5627] because [1223] of unbelief [0543]:


 Dieu détermine de nouveau un certain jour, par cette déclaration: Aujourd'hui, disant par David [1138], si long temps [1909] après, comme il est dit plus haut: Aujourd'hui si vous entendez sa voix, n'endurcissez point vos cœurs.

 Again [3825], he limiteth [3724] [5719] a certain [5100] day [2250], saying [3004] [5723] in [1722] David [1138] [1138], To day [4594], after [3326] so long [5118] a time [5550]; as [2531] it is said [2046] [5769], To day [4594] if [1437] ye will hear [0191] [5661] his [0846] voice [5456], harden [4645] [5725] not [3361] your [5216] hearts [2588].


 Car si Josué les eût introduits dans cette abrogation de la loi, Dieu ne parlerait pas après cela d'un autre jour.

 For [1063] if [1487] Jesus had given [2664] [0000] them [0846] rest [2664] [5656], then would he [0302] not [3756] afterward [3326] [5023] have spoken [2980] [5707] of [4012] another [0243] day [2250].


 Il reste donc un repos d'inactivité au peuple de Dieu.

 There remaineth [0620] [5743] therefore [0686] a rest [4520] to the people [2992] of God [2316].


 Car celui qui est entré dans son abrogation de la loi, cesse aussi ses efforts, comme Dieu les siennes.

 For [1063] he that is entered [1525] [5631] into [1519] his [0846] rest [2663], he [0846] also [2532] hath ceased [2664] [5656] from [0575] his own [0848] works [2041], as [5618] God [2316] [did] from [0575] his [2398].


 Soyons donc diligent pour entrer dans cette suspension, pour qu'aucun homme ne tombe dans un même exemple de défiance.

 Let us labour [4704] [5661] therefore [3767] to enter [1525] [5629] into [1519] that [1565] rest [2663], lest [3363] any man [5100] fall [4098] [5632] after [1722] the same [0846] example [5262] of unbelief [0543].


 Car la Parole de Dieu est vivante, et efficace, et plus aiguisée qu'aucune épée à deux tranchants, perçant jusqu'à la division de l'âme et de l'esprit, des jointures et des moelles, et jugeant les pensées et les intentions du cœur;

 For [1063] the word [3056] of God [2316] [is] quick [2198] [5723], and [2532] powerful [1756], and [2532] sharper [5114] than [5228] any [3956] twoedged [1366] sword [3162], piercing [1338] [5740] even to [0891] the dividing asunder [3311] of soul [5590] and [5037] [2532] spirit [4151], and [5037] [2532] of the joints [0719] and [2532] marrow [3452], and [2532] [is] a discerner [2924] of the thoughts [1761] and [2532] intents [1771] of the heart [2588].


 Et il n'y a aucune créature qui soit cachée devant Lui, mais toutes choses sont nues et entièrement découvertes aux yeux de celui auquel nous devons rendre compte.

 Neither [2532] [3756] is there [2076] [5748] any creature [2937] that is not manifest [0852] in his [0846] sight [1799]: but [1161] all things [3956] [are] naked [1131] and [2532] opened [5136] [5772] unto the eyes [3788] of him [0846] with [4314] whom [3739] we have [2254] to do [3056].


 Puis donc que nous avons un grand Souverain Sacrificateur, qui a traversé les cieux, Jésus, le Fils de Dieu, attachons-nous puissamment à notre déclaration.

 Seeing [2192] [0000] then [3767] that we have [2192] [5723] a great [3173] high priest [0749], that is passed into [1330] [5756] the heavens [3772], Jesus the Son [5207] of God [2316], let us hold fast [2902] [5725] [our] profession [3671].


 Car nous n'avons pas un Souverain Sacrificateur qui ne puisse compatir à nos faiblesses, au contraire, il a été éprouvé en toutes choses, comme nous, mais sans péché.

 For [1063] we have [2192] [5719] not [3756] an high priest [0749] which cannot [3361] [1410] [5740] be touched with the feeling [4834] [5658] of our [2257] infirmities [0769]; but [1161] was [3985] [0000] in [2596] all points [3956] tempted [3985] [5772] [5625] [3987] [5772] like [2596] as [3665] [we are, yet] without [5565] sin [0266].


 Allons donc avec confiance au trône de la grâce, afin d'obtenir miséricorde et de trouver grâce, pour être secourus en temps [1909] de nécessité.

 Let us [4334] [0000] therefore [3767] come [4334] [5741] boldly [3326] [3954] unto the throne [2362] of grace [5485], that [2443] we may obtain [2983] [5632] mercy [1656], and [2532] find [2147] [5632] grace [5485] to help [0996] in [1519] time of need [2121].


 En effet, tout souverain sacrificateur, pris d'entre les hommes, est établi pour les hommes dans les choses qui regardent Dieu, afin d'offrir des dons et des sacrifices pour les péchés.

 For [1063] every [3956] high priest [0749] taken [2983] [5746] from among [1537] men [0444] is ordained [2525] [5743] for [5228] men [0444] in things [pertaining] to [4314] God [2316], that [2443] he may offer [4374] [5725] both [5037] gifts [1435] and [2532] sacrifices [2378] for [5228] sins [0266]:


 Il peut user de pitié envers ceux qui sont dans l'ignorance et dans l'erreur, puisque lui-même est environné de faiblesses.

 Who can [1410] [5740] have compassion [3356] [5721] on the ignorant [0050] [5723], and [2532] on them that are out of the way [4105] [5746]; for [1893] that he [4029] [0000] himself [0846] also [2532] is compassed [4029] [5736] with infirmity [0769].


 Et à cause de cela il doit faire des offrandes aussi bien pour ses péchés, que pour ceux du peuple.

 And [2532] by reason [1223] hereof [5026] he ought [3784] [5719], as [2531] for [4012] the people [2992], so [3779] also [2532] for [4012] himself [1438], to offer [4374] [5721] for [5228] sins [0266].


 Et nul ne peut s'attribuer cette dignité, que celui qui est appelé de Dieu, comme Aaron.

 And [2532] no [3756] man [5100] taketh [2983] [5719] this honour [5092] unto himself [1438], but [0235] he that is called [2564] [5746] of [5259] God [2316], as [2509] [2532] [was] Aaron [0002].


 De même Christ ne s'est point attribué la gloire d'être Souverain Sacrificateur, mais il l'a reçue de celui qui lui a dit: C'est Toi qui es mon Fils, je t'ai engendré aujourd'hui.

 So [3779] also [2532] Christ [5547] glorified [1392] [5656] not [3756] himself [1438] to be made [1096] [5677] an high priest [0749]; but [0235] he that said [2980] [5660] unto [4314] him [0846], Thou [4771] art [1488] [5748] my [3450] Son [5207], to day [4594] have [1080] [0000] I [1473] begotten [1080] [5758] thee [4571].


 Comme il lui dit aussi ailleurs: Tu es Sacrificateur pour l'éternité, selon l'ordre de Melchisédec.

 As [2531] he saith [3004] [5719] also [2532] in [1722] another [2087] [place], Thou [4771] [art] a priest [2409] for [1519] ever [0165] after [2596] the order [5010] of Melchisedec [3198].


 C'est lui qui, pendant les jours de sa chair, ayant offert avec de grands cris et avec larmes, des prières et des supplications à celui qui pouvait le sauver de la mort, et ayant été délivré de sa crainte,

 Who [3739] in [1722] the days [2250] of his [0848] flesh [4561], when he had offered up [4374] [5660] prayers [1162] and [5037] [2532] supplications [2428] with [3326] strong [2478] crying [2906] and [2532] tears [1144] unto [4314] him that was able [1410] [5740] to save [4982] [5721] him [0846] from [1537] death [2288], and [2532] was heard [1522] [5685] in that [0575] he feared [2124];


 Bien qu'étant Fils, a appris l'obéissance par les choses qu'il a souffertes,

 Though [2539] he were [5607] [5752] a Son [5207], yet learned he [3129] [5627] obedience [5218] by [0575] the things which [3739] he suffered [3958] [5627];


 Et ayant été rendu exemplaire, il est devenu l'auteur du salut éternel pour tous ceux qui lui sont soumis;

 And [2532] being made perfect [5048] [5685], he became [1096] [5633] the author [0159] of eternal [0166] salvation [4991] unto all [3956] them that obey [5219] [5723] him [0846];


 Dieu l'ayant déclaré Souverain Sacrificateur, selon l'ordre de Melchisédec.

 Called [4316] [5685] of [5259] God [2316] an high priest [0749] after [2596] the order [5010] of Melchisedec [3198].


 Au sujet de qui nous avons beaucoup de choses à dire, qui sont difficiles à expliquer, parce que vous êtes devenus lents à comprendre.

 Of [4012] whom [3739] we [2254] have [3056] [0000] many things [4183] to say [3056], and [2532] hard [1421] to be uttered [3004] [5721], seeing [1893] ye are [1096] [5754] dull [3576] of hearing [0189].


 En effet, tandis que vous devriez être instructeurs depuis long temps [1909], vous avez encore besoin d'apprendre les premiers éléments des oracles de Dieu; et vous en êtes venus à avoir besoin de lait, et non de nourriture solide.

 For [1063] when for [1223] the time [5550] ye ought [3784] [5723] to be [1511] [5750] teachers [1320], ye have [2192] [5719] need [5532] that one teach [1321] [5721] you [5209] again [3825] which [5101] [be] the first [0746] principles [4747] of the oracles [3051] of God [2316]; and [2532] are become such as [1096] [5754] have [2192] [5723] need [5532] of milk [1051], and [2532] not [3756] of strong [4731] meat [5160].


 Or, celui qui se nourrit de lait, ne comprend pas la Parole de la justice; car il est un petit enfant.

 For [1063] every one [3956] that useth [3348] [5723] milk [1051] [is] unskilful [0552] in the word [3056] of righteousness [1343]: for [1063] he is [2076] [5748] a babe [3516].


 Mais la nourriture solide est pour ceux qui sont d'âge mature, pour ceux qui, par l'habitude, ont le jugement exercé à discerner le bien et le mal.

 But [1161] strong [4731] meat [5160] belongeth to them that are [2076] [5748] of full age [5046], [even] those who by reason [1223] of use [1838] have [2192] [5723] their senses [0145] exercised [1128] [5772] to [4314] discern [1253] both [5037] good [2570] and [2532] evil [2556].


 C'est pourquoi, laissant les premiers principes de l'enseignement de Christ, tendons à la maturité, ne posant pas de nouveau le fondement du renoncement aux œuvres mortes de la loi, et de la foi en Dieu,

 Therefore [1352] leaving [0863] [5631] the principles [0746] of the doctrine [3056] of Christ [5547], let us go on [5342] [5747] unto [1909] perfection [5047]; not [3361] laying [2598] [5734] again [3825] the foundation [2310] of repentance [3341] from [0575] dead [3498] works [2041], and [2532] of faith [4102] toward [1909] God [2316],


 De la doctrine du rituel des consécrations, de l'imposition des mains, de la résurrection des morts, et du jugement éternel,

 Of the doctrine [1322] of baptisms [0909], and [5037] of laying on [1936] of hands [5495], and [5037] of resurrection [0386] of the dead [3498], and [2532] of eternal [0166] judgment [2917].


 Et c'est ce que nous ferons, si Dieu le permet.

 And [2532] this [5124] will we do [4160] [5692], if [1437] [4007] God [2316] permit [2010] [5725].


 Car ceux d'Israël qui ont été une fois illuminés, qui, sous l'ancienne alliance, ont goûté le don céleste, qui ont été fait correspondants de la Sainte Présence de Christ,

 For [1063] [it is] impossible [0102] for those who were once [0530] enlightened [5461] [5685], and [5037] have tasted [1089] [5666] of the heavenly [2032] gift [1431], and [2532] were made [1096] [5679] partakers [3353] of the Holy [0040] Ghost [4151],


 Et qui ont expérimenté la Parole gracieuse de Dieu, et les puissances de l'âge à venir,

 And [2532] have tasted [1089] [5666] the good [2570] word [4487] of God [2316], and [5037] the powers [1411] of the world [0165] to come [3195] [5723],


 Et qui, en observant la loi, se sont détournés de la grâce, il est impossible de les réformer davantage par la reconsidération, puisqu'ils crucifient pour eux-mêmes de nouveau le Fils, Dieu même, et le déshonorent publiquement.

 If [2532] they shall fall away [3895] [5631], to renew them [0340] [5721] again [3825] unto [1519] repentance [3341]; seeing they crucify [0388] [0000] to themselves [1438] the Son [5207] of God [2316] afresh [0388] [5723], and [2532] put [him] to an open shame [3856] [5723].


 Car la terre qui est abreuvée par la pluie qui tombe souvent sur elle, et qui produit une herbe appropriée à ceux pour qui elle est cultivée, reçoit une bénédiction de Dieu.

 For [1063] the earth [1093] which [3588] drinketh in [4095] [5631] the rain [5205] that cometh [2064] [5740] oft [4178] upon [1909] it [0846], and [2532] bringeth forth [5088] [5723] herbs [1008] meet [2111] for them [1565] by [1223] whom [3739] it is dressed [1090] [5743], receiveth [3335] [5719] blessing [2129] from [0575] God [2316]:


 Mais celle qui produit des épines et des chardons, est réprouvée et près d'être maudite; sa fin est d'être brûlée.

 But [1161] that which beareth [1627] [5723] thorns [0173] and [2532] briers [5146] [is] rejected [0096], and [2532] [is] nigh [1451] unto cursing [2671]; whose [3739] end [5056] [is] to [1519] be burned [2740].


 Cependant, nous avons la confiance dans de meilleures choses pour vous, bien-aimés, vous qui possédez le salut, quoique nous parlions de cette façon.

 But [1161], beloved [0027], we are persuaded [3982] [5769] better things [2909] of [4012] you [5216], and [2532] things that accompany [2192] [5746] salvation [4991], though [1499] we [2980] [0000] thus [3779] speak [2980] [5719].


 Car Dieu n'est pas injuste, pour oublier votre œuvre et le travail de renoncement que vous avez fait paraître pour son nom, ayant assisté et assistant les Saints.

 For [1063] God [2316] [is] not [3756] unrighteous [0094] to forget [1950] [5635] your [5216] work [2041] and [2532] labour [2873] of love [0026], which [3739] ye have shewed [1731] [5668] [5625] [1731] [5669] toward [1519] his [0846] name [3686], in that ye have ministered [1247] [5660] to the saints [0040], and [2532] do minister [1247] [5723].


 Or, nous désirons que chacun de vous fasse voir la même diligence pour la pleine assurance de l'espérance, jusqu'à son aboutissement;

 And [1161] we desire [1937] [5719] that every one [1538] of you [5216] do shew [1731] [5733] the same [0846] diligence [4710] to [4314] the full assurance [4136] of hope [1680] unto [0891] the end [5056]:


 Afin que vous ne deveniez pas paresseux, mais que vous suiviez ceux qui, par la foi et par la patience, héritent des promesses.

 That [2443] ye be [1096] [5638] not [3363] slothful [3576], but [1161] followers [3402] of them who through [1223] faith [4102] and [2532] patience [3115] inherit [2816] [5723] the promises [1860].


 En effet, lorsque Dieu fit la promesse à Abraham [0011], comme il ne pouvait pas jurer par un plus grand, il jura par lui-même,

 For [1063] when God [2316] made promise [1861] [5666] to Abraham [0011] [0011], because [1893] he could [2192] [5707] swear [3660] [5658] by [2596] no [3762] greater [3187], he sware [3660] [5656] by [2596] himself [1438],


 En disant: Certainement, je te comblerai de bénédictions, et je multiplierai abondamment ta postérité.

 Saying [3004] [5723], Surely [2229] [3375] blessing [2127] [5723] I will bless [2127] [5692] thee [4571], and [2532] multiplying [4129] [5723] I will multiply [4129] [5692] thee [4571].


 Et ainsi Abraham [0011] ayant attendu avec patience, obtint la promesse.

 And [2532] so [3779], after he had patiently endured [3114] [5660], he obtained [2013] [5627] the promise [1860].


 Or, les hommes jurent par celui qui est plus grand qu'eux, et leur serment pour confirmer une chose, termine tous leurs différends;

 For [1063] men [0444] verily [3303] swear [3660] [5719] by [2596] the greater [3187]: and [2532] an oath [3727] for [1519] confirmation [0951] [is] to them [0846] an end [4009] of all [3956] strife [0485].


 C'est pourquoi, Dieu voulant montrer encore mieux aux héritiers de la promesse l'immutabilité de sa résolution, intervint par le serment;

 Wherein [1722] [3739] God [2316], willing [1014] [5740] more abundantly [4054] to shew [1925] [5658] unto the heirs [2818] of promise [1860] the immutability [0276] of his [0848] counsel [1012], confirmed [3315] [5656] [it] by an oath [3727]:


 Afin que par ces deux choses immuables, dans lesquelles il est impossible que Dieu mente, nous ayons une ferme consolation, nous qui cherchons un refuge dans la ferme possession de l'espérance qui nous est proposée,

 That [2443] by [1223] two [1417] immutable [0276] things [4229], in [1722] which [3739] [it was] impossible [0102] for God [2316] to lie [5574] [5664], we might have [2192] [5725] a strong [2478] consolation [3874], who [3588] have fled for refuge [2703] [5631] to lay hold [2902] [5658] upon the hope [1680] set before us [4295] [5740]:


 Espérance que nous gardons comme une ancre de l'âme, sûre et ferme, et qui pénètre au-dedans du voile,

 Which [3739] [hope] we have [2192] [5719] as [5613] an anchor [0045] of the soul [5590], both [5037] sure [0804] and [2532] stedfast [0949], and [2532] which entereth [1525] [5740] into [1519] that within [2082] the veil [2665];


 Où Jésus est entré pour nous comme un précurseur, ayant été fait Souverain Sacrificateur pour l'éternité, selon l'ordre de Melchisédec.

 Whither [3699] the forerunner [4274] is [1525] [0000] for [5228] us [2257] entered [1525] [5627], [even] Jesus, made [1096] [5637] an high priest [0749] for [1519] ever [0165] after [2596] the order [5010] of Melchisedec [3198].


 Car c'est ce Melchisédec, roi de Salem, et sacrificateur du Dieu Très-Haut, qui alla au-devant d'Abraham [0011], lorsqu'il revenait de la défaite des rois, et qui le bénit;

 For [1063] this [3778] Melchisedec [3198], king [0935] of Salem [4532], priest [2409] of the most high [5310] God [2316], who [3588] met [4876] [5660] Abraham [0011] [0011] returning [5290] [5723] from [0575] the slaughter [2871] of the kings [0935], and [2532] blessed [2127] [5660] him [0846];


 À qui aussi Abraham [0011] donna la dîme de tout le butin pour nous tous. D'abord, Melchisédec signifie roi de justice, de plus, il était roi de Salem, c'est-à-dire, roi de paix;

 To whom [3739] also [2532] Abraham [0011] [0011] gave [3307] [5656] a tenth part [1181] of [0575] all [3956]; first [4412] [3303] being by interpretation [2059] [5746] King [0935] of righteousness [1343], and [1161] after that [1899] also [2532] King [0935] of Salem [4532], which [3603] is [2076] [5748], King [0935] of peace [1515];


 Il a été sans père, sans mère, sans généalogie [1078], n'ayant ni commencement de jours, ni fin de vie; rendu semblable au Fils, Dieu même, il demeure sacrificateur pour toujours.

 Without father [0540], without mother [0282], without descent [0035], having [2192] [5723] neither [3383] beginning [0746] of days [2250], nor [3383] end [5056] of life [2222]; but [1161] made like [0871] [5772] unto the Son [5207] of God [2316]; abideth [3306] [5719] a priest [2409] continually [1519] [1336].


 Or considérez combien est grand celui à qui Abraham [0011] le patriarche donna la dîme du butin.

 Now [1161] consider [2334] [5719] [5720] how great [4080] this man [3778] [was], unto whom [3739] even [2532] the patriarch [3966] Abraham [0011] [0011] gave [1325] [5656] the tenth [1181] of [1537] the spoils [0205].


 Et tandis que ceux d'entre les fils [5207] de Lévi, qui reçoivent la charge de la sacrificature, ont l'ordre, selon la loi, de lever la dîme sur le peuple, c'est-à-dire, sur leurs frères [0080], qui cependant sont issus des reins d'Abraham [0011],

 And [2532] verily [3303] they that are of [1537] the sons [5207] of Levi [3017], who [3588] receive [2983] [5723] the office of the priesthood [2405], have [2192] [5719] a commandment [1785] to take tithes [0586] [5721] of the people [2992] according to [2596] the law [3551], that is [5123] [5748], of their [0848] brethren [0080], though [2539] they come [1831] [5761] out of [1537] the loins [3751] of Abraham [0011] [0011]:


 Lui, qui n'était pas de la même famille qu'eux, il leva la dîme sur Abraham [0011] pour tous ceux de la promesse, et bénit celui qui avait les promesses.

 But [1161] he whose descent is [1075] [0000] not [3361] counted [1075] [5746] from [1537] them [0846] received tithes [1183] [5758] of Abraham [0011] [0011], and [2532] blessed [2127] [5758] him that had [2192] [5723] the promises [1860].


 Or, sans contredit, c'est l'inférieur qui est béni par le supérieur.

 And [1161] without [5565] all [3956] contradiction [0485] the less [1640] is blessed [2127] [5743] of [5259] the better [2909].


 Et ici ce sont des hommes mortels qui prélèvent les dîmes; mais là il est attesté que celui qui les reçoit, est le Vivant.

 And [2532] here [5602] [3303] men [0444] that die [0599] [5723] receive [2983] [5719] tithes [1181]; but [1161] there [1563] he [receiveth them], of whom it is witnessed [3140] [5746] that [3754] he liveth [2198] [5719].


 Et Lévi, qui prélève les dîmes, les a aussi payées, pour ainsi dire, par Abraham [0011];

 And [2532] as [5613] I may so say [2031] [2036] [5629], Levi [3017] also [2532], who [3588] receiveth [2983] [5723] tithes [1181], payed tithes [1183] [5769] in [1223] Abraham [0011] [0011].


 Car il était encore dans les reins de son père, lorsque Melchisédec alla au-devant de lui.

 For [1063] he was [2258] [5713] yet [2089] in [1722] the loins [3751] of his father [3962], when [3753] Melchisedec [3198] met [4876] [5656] him [0846].


 Si donc la perfection s'était trouvée dans le sacerdoce lévitique, car c'est à celui-ci que se rapporte la loi donnée au peuple, qu'était-il encore besoin qu'il s'élevât un autre Sacrificateur, selon l'ordre de Melchisédec, et non selon l'ordre d'Aaron?

 If [1487] [3303] therefore [3767] perfection [5050] were [2258] [5713] by [1223] the Levitical [3020] priesthood [2420], (for [1063] under [1909] it [0846] the people [2992] received the law [3549] [5718]) what [5101] further [2089] need [5532] [was there] that another [2087] priest [2409] should rise [0450] [5733] after [2596] the order [5010] of Melchisedec [3198], and [2532] not [3756] be called [3004] [5745] after [2596] the order [5010] of Aaron [0002]?


 Car le sacerdoce étant changé, il est nécessaire qu'il y ait aussi un changement de loi.

 For [1063] the priesthood [2420] being changed [3346] [5746], there is made [1096] [5736] of [1537] necessity [0318] a change [3331] also [2532] of the law [3551].


 En effet, celui de qui ces choses sont dites, appartient à une autre tribu, dont aucun membre n'a servi à l'autel.

 For [1063] he of [1909] whom [3739] these things [5023] are spoken [3004] [5743] pertaineth [3348] [5758] to another [2087] tribe [5443], of [0575] which [3739] no man [3762] gave attendance [4337] [5758] at the altar [2379].


 Car il est évident que notre Seigneur est issu de Juda, tribu de laquelle Moïse n'a rien dit concernant le sacerdoce.

 For [1063] [it is] evident [4271] that [3754] our [2257] Lord [2962] sprang [0393] [5758] out of [1537] Juda [2455]; of [1519] which [3739] tribe [5443] Moses [3475] spake [2980] [5656] nothing [3762] concerning [4012] priesthood [2420].


 Et cela devient encore plus manifeste, quand il s'élève un autre Sacrificateur selon la ressemblance de Melchisédec,

 And [2532] it is [2076] [5748] yet [2089] far more [4054] evident [2612]: for [1487] that after [2596] the similitude [3665] of Melchisedec [3198] there ariseth [0450] [5731] another [2087] priest [2409],


 Qui a été institué, non selon la loi d'une ordonnance charnelle, mais selon la puissance d'une vie impérissable,

 Who [3739] is made [1096] [5754], not [3756] after [2596] the law [3551] of a carnal [4559] commandment [1785], but [0235] after [2596] the power [1411] of an endless [0179] life [2222].


 Car Il rend ce témoignage: Tu es Sacrificateur pour l'éternité, selon l'ordre de Melchisédec.

 For [1063] he testifieth [3140] [5719], [3754] Thou [4771] [art] a priest [2409] for [1519] ever [0165] after [2596] the order [5010] of Melchisedec [3198].


 Ainsi, la première ordonnance a été abolie à cause de sa faiblesse et de son inutilité;

 For [1063] there is [1096] [5736] verily [3303] a disannulling [0115] of the commandment [1785] going before [4254] [5723] for [1223] the weakness [0772] and [2532] unprofitableness [0512] thereof [0846].


 Car la loi n'a rien amené à la perfection, mais une meilleure espérance, par laquelle nous nous approchons de Dieu, a été mise à sa place.

 For [1063] the law [3551] made [5048] [0000] nothing [3762] perfect [5048] [5656], but [1161] the bringing in [1898] of a better [2909] hope [1680] [did]; by [1223] the which [3739] we draw nigh [1448] [5719] unto God [2316].


 Et comme Jésus n'a pas été institué sans serment, car les autres ont été faits sacrificateurs sans serment;

 And [2532] inasmuch as [2596] [3745] not [3756] without [5565] an oath [3728] [he was made priest]:


 Mais celui-ci l'a été avec serment, par celui qui lui a dit: Le Seigneur a juré, et il ne se repentira point; tu es Sacrificateur pour l'éternité, selon l'ordre de Melchisédec,

 (For [1063] those priests [2409] were [3303] [1526] [5748] made [1096] [5756] without [5565] an oath [3728]; but [1161] this with [3326] an oath [3728] by [1223] him that said [3004] [5723] unto [4314] him [0846], The Lord [2962] sware [3660] [5656] and [2532] will [3338] [0000] not [3756] repent [3338] [5700], Thou [4771] [art] a priest [2409] for [1519] ever [0165] after [2596] the order [5010] of Melchisedec [3198])


 Jésus est ainsi devenu le garant d'une alliance d'autant plus excellente.

 By [2596] so much [5118] was [1096] [0000] Jesus made [1096] [5754] a surety [1450] of a better [2909] testament [1242].


 Puis, quant aux sacrificateurs, il y en a eu un grand nombre, parce que la mort les empêchait de subsister toujours.

 And [2532] they [1526] [0000] truly [3303] were [1526] [5748] [1096] [5756] many [4119] priests [2409], because [1223] they were not suffered [2967] [5745] to continue [3887] [5721] by reason of [1223] death [2288]:


 Mais lui, parce qu'il subsiste pour l'éternité, il possède un sacerdoce qui ne change point.

 But [1161] this [man], because [1223] he [0846] continueth [3306] [5721] ever [1519] [0165], hath [2192] [5719] an unchangeable [0531] priesthood [2420].


 C'est pourquoi aussi il peut sauver parfaitement ceux qui s'approchent de Dieu par lui, étant toujours vivant pour intercéder en leur faveur.

 Wherefore [3606] he is able [1410] [5736] also [2532] to save them [4982] [5721] to [1519] the uttermost [3838] that come [4334] [5740] unto God [2316] by [1223] him [0846], seeing he ever [3842] liveth [2198] [5723] to [1519] make intercession [1793] [5721] for [5228] them [0846].


 Or, il était convenable d'avoir un tel Souverain Sacrificateur, saint, innocent, sans souillure, séparé des pécheurs, et élevé au-dessus des cieux;

 For [1063] such [5108] an high priest [0749] became [4241] [5707] us [2254], [who is] holy [3741], harmless [0172], undefiled [0283], separate [5563] [5772] from [0575] sinners [0268], and [2532] made [1096] [5637] higher than [5308] the heavens [3772];


 Qui n'eût pas besoin, comme les souverains sacrificateurs, d'offrir tous les jours des sacrifices, premièrement pour ses propres péchés, puis pour ceux du peuple; car il a fait cela une fois pour toute, en s'offrant lui-même.

 Who [3739] needeth [2192] [5719] [0318] not [3756] daily [2596] [2250], as [5618] those high priests [0749], to offer up [0399] [5721] sacrifice [2378], first [4386] for [5228] his own [2398] sins [0266], and then [1899] for the people's [2992]: for [1063] this [5124] he did [4160] [5656] once [2178], when he offered up [0399] [5660] himself [1438].


 Car la loi institue comme souverains sacrificateurs des hommes soumis à l'infirmité; mais la Parole du serment qui a suivi la loi, institue le Fils, qui est consacré pour l'éternité.

 For [1063] the law [3551] maketh [2525] [5719] men [0444] high priests [0749] which have [2192] [5723] infirmity [0769]; but [1161] the word [3056] of the oath [3728], which [3588] was since [3326] the law [3551], [maketh] the Son [5207], who is consecrated [5048] [5772] for [1519] evermore [0165].


 Or, le point capital de ce que nous avons dit, c'est que nous avons un tel Souverain Sacrificateur, qui est assis à la droite du trône de la Majesté dans les cieux,

 Now [1161] of [1909] the things which we have spoken [3004] [5746] [this is] the sum [2774]: We have [2192] [5719] such [5108] an high priest [0749], who [3739] is set [2523] [5656] on [1722] the right hand [1188] of the throne [2362] of the Majesty [3172] in [1722] the heavens [3772];


 Et qui est Ministre du sanctuaire et du véritable tabernacle, que le Seigneur a dressé, et non l'homme.

 A minister [3011] of the sanctuary [0039], and [2532] of the true [0228] tabernacle [4633], which [3739] the Lord [2962] pitched [4078] [5656], and [2532] not [3756] man [0444].


 Car tout souverain sacrificateur est établi pour offrir des dons et des sacrifices; c'est pourquoi il est nécessaire que celui-ci ait aussi quelque chose à offrir.

 For [1063] every [3956] high priest [0749] is ordained [2525] [5743] to [1519] offer [4374] [5721] gifts [1435] and [5037] [2532] sacrifices [2378]: wherefore [3606] [it is] of necessity [0316] that this man [5126] have [2192] [5721] somewhat [5100] also [2532] to [3739] offer [4374] [5661].


 Car s'il était sur la terre, il ne serait même pas sacrificateur, puisqu'il y a des sacrificateurs qui offrent les dons selon la loi,

 For [1063] if [1487] [3303] he were [2258] [5713] on [1909] earth [1093], he should [0302] not [3761] be [2258] [5713] a priest [2409], seeing that there are [5607] [5752] priests [2409] that offer [4374] [5723] gifts [1435] according [2596] to the law [3551]:


 Et qui rendent un culte, image et ombre des choses célestes, selon l'ordre divin qui fut donné à Moïse, lorsqu'il devait dresser le tabernacle: Prends garde, lui dit-Il, de faire toutes choses selon le modèle qui t'a été montré sur la montagne.

 Who [3748] serve [3000] [5719] unto the example [5262] and [2532] shadow [4639] of heavenly things [2032], as [2531] Moses [3475] was admonished of God [5537] [5769] when he was about [3195] [5723] to make [2005] [5721] the tabernacle [4633]: for [1063], See [3708] [5720], saith he [5346] [5748], [that] thou make [4160] [5661] all things [3956] according to [2596] the pattern [5179] shewed [1166] [5685] to thee [4671] in [1722] the mount [3735].


 Mais maintenant Christ a obtenu un ministère d'autant plus excellent, qu'il est Médiateur d'une alliance plus excellente, et qui a été établie sur de meilleures promesses.

 But [1161] now [3570] hath he obtained [5177] [5758] a more excellent [1313] ministry [3009], by how much [3745] also [2532] he is [2076] [5748] the mediator [3316] of a better [2909] covenant [1242], which [3748] was established [3549] [5769] upon [1909] better [2909] promises [1860].


 En effet, si la première alliance avait été sans défaut, il n'y aurait pas eu lieu d'en établir une seconde.

 For [1063] if [1487] that [1565] first [4413] [covenant] had been [2258] [5713] faultless [0273], then should [0302] no [3756] place [5117] have been sought [2212] [5712] for the second [1208].


 Car en leur adressant des reproches, Dieu dit aux Hébreux: Voici, les jours viendront, dit le Seigneur, que je traiterai une alliance nouvelle avec la maison d'Israël, et avec la maison de Juda;

 For [1063] finding fault [3201] [5740] with them [0846], he saith [3004] [5719], Behold [2400] [5628], the days [2250] come [2064] [5736], saith [3004] [5719] the Lord [2962], when [2532] I will make [4931] [5692] a new [2537] covenant [1242] with [1909] the house [3624] of Israel [2474] and [2532] with [1909] the house [3624] of Judah [2455]:


 Non une alliance comme celle que je fis avec leurs pères, au jour où les prenant par la main, je les tirai du pays d'Égypte; car ils n'ont pas persévéré dans mon alliance, et je les ai abandonnés, dit le Seigneur.

 Not [3756] according to [2596] the covenant [1242] that [3739] I made with [4160] [5656] their [0846] fathers [3962] in [1722] the day [2250] when I took [1949] [5637] them [0846] by the hand [3450] [5495] to lead [1806] [5629] them [0846] out of [1537] the land [1093] of Egypt [0125]; because [3754] they [0846] continued [1696] [5656] not [3756] in [1722] my [3450] covenant [1242], and I [2504] regarded [0272] [0000] them [0846] not [0272] [5656], saith


 Or, voici l'alliance que je traiterai avec la maison d'Israël, après ces jours-là, dit le Seigneur, je mettrai mes préceptes dans leur raisonnement, et je les fixerai sur leur conscience. Je serai leur Dieu, et ils seront mon peuple;

 For [3754] this [3778] [is] the covenant [1242] that [3739] I will make [1303] [5695] with the house [3624] of Israel [2474] after [3326] those [1565] days [2250], saith [3004] [5719] the Lord [2962]; I will put [1325] [5723] my [3450] laws [3551] into [1519] their [0846] mind [1271], and [2532] write [1924] [5692] them [0846] in [1909] their [0846] hearts [2588]: and [2532] I will be [2071] [5704] to [1519] them [0846] a God [2316], and [2532] they shall be


 Et aucun n'enseignera plus ni son prochain ni son frère, en disant: Connais le Seigneur; parce que tous me connaîtront, depuis le plus petit d'entre eux jusqu'au plus grand;

 And [2532] they shall [1321] [0000] not [3364] teach [1321] [5661] every man [1538] his [0848] neighbour [4139], and [2532] every man [1538] his [0848] brother [0080], saying [3004] [5723], Know [1097] [5628] the Lord [2962]: for [3754] all [3956] shall know [1492] [5692] me [3165], from [0575] the least [3398] [0846] to [2193] the greatest [3173] [0846].


 Parce que je serai apaisé à l'égard de leurs injustices, et que je ne me souviendrai plus de leurs péchés, ni de leurs iniquités.

 For [3754] I will be [2071] [5704] merciful [2436] to their [0846] unrighteousness [0093], and [2532] their [0846] sins [0266] and [2532] their [0846] iniquities [0458] will I remember [3415] [5686] no [3364] more [2089].


 En parlant d'une alliance nouvelle, il déclare ancienne la première; or, ce qui est devenu ancien et a vieilli est en voie d'être détruit.

 In [1722] that he saith [3004] [5721], A new [2537] [covenant], he hath made [3822] [0000] the first [4413] old [3822] [5758]. Now [1161] that which decayeth [3822] [5746] and [2532] waxeth old [1095] [5723] [is] ready [1451] to vanish away [0854].


 Alors assurément la première alliance avait aussi des ordonnances touchant le service divin, et le sanctuaire terrestre.

 Then [3767] verily [3303] the first [4413] [covenant] had [2192] [5707] also [2532] ordinances [1345] of divine service [2999], and [5037] a worldly [2886] sanctuary [0039].


 En effet, on construisit le premier tabernacle, dans lequel était le lampadaire, la table, et les pains du témoignage; et qui est appelé le sanctuaire.

 For [1063] there was [2680] [0000] a tabernacle [4633] made [2680] [5681]; the first [4413], wherein [1722] [3739] [5037] [was] the candlestick [3087], and [2532] the table [5132], and [2532] the shewbread [4286] [0740]; which [3748] is called [3004] [5743] the sanctuary [0039].


 Et au-delà du second voile était le tabernacle, appelé le Très Saint;

 And [1161] after [3326] the second [1208] veil [2665], the tabernacle [4633] which [3588] is called [3004] [5746] the Holiest of all [0039] [0039];


 Ayant un encensoir d'or, et l'arche de l'alliance, toute recouverte d'or, où était une urne d'or, contenant la manne, la verge d'Aaron, qui avait fleuri, et les tables de l'alliance.

 Which had [2192] [5723] the golden [5552] censer [2369], and [2532] the ark [2787] of the covenant [1242] overlaid [4028] [5772] round about [3840] with gold [5553], wherein [1722] [3739] [was] the golden [5552] pot [4713] that had [2192] [5723] manna [3131], and [2532] Aaron's [0002] rod [4464] that budded [0985] [5660], and [2532] the tables [4109] of the covenant [1242];


 Et au-dessus étaient les Voyants de la Gloire de Dieu, couvrant le propitiatoire de leur ombre; ce dont il n'est pas besoin maintenant de parler en détail.

 And [1161] over [5231] it [0846] the cherubims [5502] of glory [1391] shadowing [2683] [5723] the mercyseat [2435]; of [4012] which [3739] we cannot [3756] [2076] [5748] now [3568] speak [3004] [5721] particularly [2596] [3313].


 Or, ces choses étant ainsi disposées, les sacrificateurs entrent bien continuellement dans le premier tabernacle, en accomplissant le service divin;

 Now [1161] when these things [5130] were [2680] [0000] thus [3779] ordained [2680] [5772], the priests [2409] went [1524] [5748] always [1275] into [1519] [3303] the first [4413] tabernacle [4633], accomplishing [2005] [5723] the service [2999] [of God].


 Mais seul, le souverain sacrificateur entre dans le second, une fois l'année: non sans porter du sang, qu'il offre pour lui-même et pour les péchés du peuple;

 But [1161] into [1519] the second [1208] [went] the high priest [0749] alone [3441] once [0530] every year [1763], not [3756] without [5565] blood [0129], which [3739] he offered [4374] [5719] for [5228] himself [1438], and [2532] [for] the errors [0051] of the people [2992]:


 La Sainte Présence de Christ montrant par là que le chemin du Très Saint n'avait pas encore été ouvert, tant que le premier tabernacle subsistait; ce qui est une figure pour le temps [1909] présent,

 The Holy [0040] Ghost [4151] this [5124] signifying [1213] [5723], that the way [3598] into the holiest of all [0039] was [5319] [0000] not yet [3380] made manifest [5319] [5771], while as the first [4413] tabernacle [4633] was [2192] [5723] yet [2089] standing [4714]:


 Pendant lequel on offre des dons et des sacrifices, qui ne peuvent rendre parfait quant à la conscience celui qui fait le service,

 Which [3748] [was] a figure [3850] for [1519] the time [2540] then present [1764] [5761], in [2596] which [3739] were offered [4374] [5743] both [5037] gifts [1435] and [2532] sacrifices [2378], that could [1410] [5740] not [3361] make [5048] [0000] him that did the service [3000] [5723] perfect [5048] [5658], as pertaining to [2596] the conscience [4893];


 Uniquement par des viandes et des breuvages, et diverses consécrations (baptêmes), c'est à dire à des cérémonies charnelles, imposées seulement jusqu'au temps [1909] du renouvellement.

 [Which stood] only [3440] in [1909] meats [1033] and [2532] drinks [4188], and [2532] divers [1313] washings [0909], and [2532] carnal [4561] ordinances [1345], imposed [1945] [5740] [on them] until [3360] the time [2540] of reformation [1357].


 Mais Christ, étant venu comme Souverain Sacrificateur des biens à venir, ayant passé par un Tabernacle plus grand et plus parfait, qui n'a point été fait de main d'homme, c'est-à-dire, qui n'est point de cette création,

 But [1161] Christ [5547] being come [3854] [5637] an high priest [0749] of good things [0018] to come [3195] [5723], by [1223] a greater [3187] and [2532] more perfect [5046] tabernacle [4633], not [3756] made with hands [5499], that is to say [5123] [5748], not [3756] of this [5026] building [2937];


 Est entré une seule fois dans le saint des saints, non avec le sang des boucs et des veaux, mais par son propre sang, ayant obtenu une rédemption éternelle.

 Neither [3761] by [1223] the blood [0129] of goats [5131] and [2532] calves [3448], but [1161] by [1223] his own [2398] blood [0129] he entered in [1525] [5627] once [2178] into [1519] the holy place [0039], having obtained [2147] [5642] eternal [0166] redemption [3085] [for us].


 Car si le sang des taureaux et des boucs, et la cendre de la génisse, qu'on répand sur ceux qui sont souillés, les sanctifie quant à la pureté de la chair,

 For [1063] if [1487] the blood [0129] of bulls [5022] and [2532] of goats [5131], and [2532] the ashes [4700] of an heifer [1151] sprinkling [4472] [5723] the unclean [2840] [5772], sanctifieth [0037] [5719] to [4314] the purifying [2514] of the flesh [4561]:


 Combien plus le sang de Christ, qui, par l'Esprit Éternel, s'est offert à Dieu, lui-même, sans tache, purgera-t-il votre conscience des œuvres mortes, afin que vous serviez le Dieu vivant!

 How much [4214] more [3123] shall [2511] [0000] the blood [0129] of Christ [5547], who [3739] through [1223] the eternal [0166] Spirit [4151] offered [4374] [5656] himself [1438] without spot [0299] to God [2316], purge [2511] [5692] your [5216] conscience [4893] from [0575] dead [3498] works [2041] to [1519] serve [3000] [5721] the living [2198] [5723] God [2316]?


 C'est pourquoi il est Médiateur d'une nouvelle alliance, afin que, la mort intervenant pour la rédemption des péchés commis sous la première alliance, ceux qui sont appelés à renaître, reçoivent la promesse de l'héritage éternel.

 And [2532] for this [5124] cause [1223] he is [2076] [5748] the mediator [3316] of the new [2537] testament [1242], that [3704] by means [1096] [5637] of death [2288], for [1519] the redemption [0629] of the transgressions [3847] [that were] under [1909] the first [4413] testament [1242], they which are called [2564] [5772] might receive [2983] [5632] the promise [1860] of eternal [0166] inheritance [2817].


 Car où il y a un testament, il est nécessaire que la mort du testateur soit constatée;

 For [1063] where [3699] a testament [1242] [is], there must also of necessity [0318] be [5342] [5745] the death [2288] of the testator [1303] [5642].


 Car c'est en cas de mort qu'un testament devient valable, puisqu'il n'a aucune force tant que le testateur est en vie.

 For [1063] a testament [1242] [is] of force [0949] after [1909] men are dead [3498]: otherwise [1893] it is of [2480] [0000] no [3379] [0000] strength [2480] [5719] at all [3379] while [3753] the testator [1303] [5642] liveth [2198] [5719].


 C'est pourquoi aussi la première alliance ne fut point établie sans effusion de sang.

 Whereupon [3606] neither [3761] the first [4413] [testament] was dedicated [1457] [5769] without [5565] blood [0129].


 En effet, après que Moïse eut déclaré à tout le peuple tous les commandements de la loi, il prit le sang des veaux et des boucs, avec de l'eau et de la laine écarlate, et de l'hysope, et en fit aspersion sur le livre lui-même et sur tout le peuple,

 For [1063] when [5259] Moses [3475] had spoken [2980] [5685] every [3956] precept [1785] to all [3956] the people [2992] according [2596] to the law [3551], he took [2983] [5631] the blood [0129] of calves [3448] and [2532] of goats [5131], with [3326] water [5204], and [2532] scarlet [2847] wool [2053], and [2532] hyssop [5301], and sprinkled [4472] [5656] both [5037] the book [0975] [0846], and [2532] all [3956] the people [2992],


 Disant: C'est ici le sang de l'alliance que Dieu a ordonnée en votre faveur.

 Saying [3004] [5723], This [5124] [is] the blood [0129] of the testament [1242] which [3739] God [2316] hath enjoined [1781] [5662] unto [4314] you [5209].


 Il fit aussi aspersion du sang sur le tabernacle et sur tous les vases du culte.

 Moreover [1161] [3668] he sprinkled [4472] [5656] with blood [0129] both [2532] the tabernacle [4633], and [2532] all [3956] the vessels [4632] of the ministry [3009].


 Et, selon la loi, presque toutes choses sont purifiées par le sang, et sans effusion de sang il n'y a point de pardon.

 And [2532] almost [4975] all things [3956] are [2511] [0000] by [2596] the law [3551] purged [2511] [5743] with [1722] blood [0129]; and [2532] without [5565] shedding of blood [0130] is [1096] [5736] no [3756] remission [0859].


 Il était donc nécessaire que les représentations des choses qui sont dans les cieux, fussent purifiés de cette manière, mais que les choses célestes le soient par des sacrifices plus excellents que ceux-ci.

 [It was] therefore [3767] necessary [0318] that the patterns [5262] of things [3303] in [1722] the heavens [3772] should be purified [2511] [5745] with these [5125]; but [1161] the heavenly things [2032] themselves [0846] with better [2909] sacrifices [2378] than [3844] these [5025].


 Car Christ n'est point entré dans les lieux saints fait de main d'homme, image du véritable, mais dans le ciel même, afin de comparaître maintenant pour nous devant la face de Dieu.

 For [1063] Christ [5547] is [1525] [0000] not [3756] entered [1525] [5627] into [1519] the holy places [0039] made with hands [5499], [which are] the figures [0499] of the true [0228]; but [0235] into [1519] heaven [3772] itself [0846], now [3568] to appear [1718] [5683] in the presence [4383] of God [2316] for [5228] us [2257]:


 Non pour s'offrir lui-même plusieurs fois, comme chaque année le souverain sacrificateur entre dans le saint des saints avec un sang autre que le sien propre,

 Nor [3761] yet that [2443] he should offer [4374] [5725] himself [1438] often [4178], as [5618] the high priest [0749] entereth [1525] [5736] into [1519] the holy place [0039] every [2596] year [1763] with [1722] blood [0129] of others [0245];


 Puisqu'il aurait fallu qu'il souffrît plusieurs fois depuis la création du monde; mais à présent, à la consommation des siècles, il a paru une seule fois pour abolir le péché, en se sacrifiant lui-même.

 For then [1893] must [1163] [5713] he [0846] often [4178] have suffered [3958] [5629] since [0575] the foundation [2602] of the world [2889]: but [1161] now [3568] once [0530] in [1909] the end [4930] of the world [0165] hath he appeared [5319] [5769] to [1519] put away [0115] sin [0266] by [1223] the sacrifice [2378] of himself [0848].


 Et comme il est réservé aux hommes de mourir une seule fois, et après cela vient le jugement;

 And [2532] as [2596] [3745] it is appointed [0606] [5736] unto men [0444] once [0530] to die [0599] [5629], but [1161] after [3326] this [5124] the judgment [2920]:


 De même aussi Christ, ayant été offert une seule fois pour porter les péchés de plusieurs, apparaîtra une seconde fois sans péché à ceux qui l'attendent pour le salut.

 So [3779] Christ [5547] was once [0530] offered [4374] [5685] to [1519] bear [0399] [5629] the sins [0266] of many [4183]; and unto them that look [0553] [5740] for him [0846] shall he appear [3700] [5701] [1537] the second time [1208] without [5565] sin [0266] unto [1519] salvation [4991].


 Or, la loi, ayant l'ombre des biens à venir, non l'image même des choses, ne peut jamais, par les mêmes sacrifices qu'on offre continuellement chaque année, rendre parfaits ceux qui s'approchent de ces sacrifices.

 For [1063] the law [3551] having [2192] [5723] a shadow [4639] of good things [0018] to come [3195] [5723], [and] not [3756] the very [0846] image [1504] of the things [4229], can [1410] [5736] never [3763] with those [0846] sacrifices [2378] which [3739] they offered [4374] [5719] year by year [2596] [1763] continually [1519] [1336] make [5048] [0000] the comers thereunto [4334] [5740] perfect [5048] [5658].


 Autrement on aurait cessé de les offrir, puisque les adorateurs, une fois purifiés, n'auraient plus eu conscience de leurs péchés.

 For then [1893] would they [0302] not [3756] have ceased [3973] [5668] to be offered [4374] [5746]? because [1223] that the worshippers [3000] [5723] once [0530] purged [2508] [5772] should have had [2192] [5721] no [3367] more [2089] conscience [4893] of sins [0266].


 Mais dans ces sacrifices, on rappelle chaque année le souvenir des péchés;

 But [0235] in [1722] those [0846] [sacrifices there is] a remembrance again [0364] [made] of sins [0266] every [2596] year [1763].


 Car il est impossible que le sang des taureaux et des boucs ôte les péchés.

 For [1063] [it is] not possible [0102] that the blood [0129] of bulls [5022] and [2532] of goats [5131] should take away [0851] [5721] sins [0266].


 C'est pourquoi, Christ entrant dans le monde, dit: Tu n'as point voulu de sacrifice ni d'offrande, mais tu m'as formé pour la délivrance.

 Wherefore [1352] when he cometh [1525] [5740] into [1519] the world [2889], he saith [3004] [5719], Sacrifice [2378] and [2532] offering [4376] thou wouldest [2309] [5656] not [3756], but [1161] a body [4983] hast thou prepared [2675] [5668] me [3427]:


 Tu n'as point pris plaisir aux offrandes à brûler, ni aux sacrifices pour le péché.

 In burnt offerings [3646] and [2532] [sacrifices] for [4012] sin [0266] thou hast had [2106] [0000] no [3756] pleasure [2106] [5656].


 Alors j'ai dit: Voici, je viens, ô Dieu! pour faire ta volonté, comme cela est écrit de moi dans le rouleau du livre.

 Then [5119] said I [2036] [5627], Lo [2400] [5628], I come [2240] [5719] (in [1722] the volume [2777] of the book [0975] it is written [1125] [5769] of [4012] me [1700]) to do [4160] [5658] thy [4675] will [2307], O God [2316].


 Ayant dit plus haut: Tu n'as point voulu d'immolation, ni d'oblation, ni d'offrande à brûler, ni de sacrifices pour le péché, choses qui sont offertes selon la loi: et tu n'y as point pris plaisir; il ajoute ensuite: Voici, je viens, ô Dieu, pour faire ta volonté.

 Above [0511] when he said [3004] [5723], [3754] Sacrifice [2378] and [2532] offering [4376] and [2532] burnt offerings [3646] and [2532] [offering] for [4012] sin [0266] thou wouldest [2309] [5656] not [3756], neither [3761] hadst pleasure [2106] [5656] [therein]; which [3748] are offered [4374] [5743] by [2596] the law [3551];


 Il abolit le premier sacrifice, afin d'établir le second.

 Then [5119] said he [2046] [5758], Lo [2400] [5628], I come [2240] [5719] to do [4160] [5658] thy [4675] will [2307], O God [2316]. He taketh away [0337] [5719] the first [4413], that [2443] he may establish [2476] [5661] the second [1208].


 C'est en vertu de cette volonté que nous sommes sanctifiés, par l'offrande faite une seule fois du corps de Jésus-Christ.

 By [1722] the which [3739] will [2307] we are [2070] [5748] sanctified [0037] [5772] through [1223] the offering [4376] of the body [4983] of Jesus Christ [5547] once [2178] [for all].


 De plus, tout sacrificateur se tient debout chaque jour, faisant le service, et offrant plusieurs fois les mêmes sacrifices, qui ne peuvent jamais ôter les péchés;

 And [2532] [3303] every [3956] priest [2409] standeth [2476] [5707] [5758] daily [2596] [2250] ministering [3008] [5723] and [2532] offering [4374] [5723] oftentimes [4178] the same [0846] sacrifices [2378], which [3748] can [1410] [5736] never [3763] take away [4014] [5629] sins [0266]:


 Mais lui, ayant offert un seul sacrifice pour les péchés, s'est assis pour toujours à la droite de Dieu,

 But [1161] this man [0846], after he had offered [4374] [5660] one [3391] sacrifice [2378] for [5228] sins [0266] for [1519] ever [1336], sat down [2523] [5656] on [1722] the right hand [1188] of God [2316];


 Attendant désormais que ses ennemis deviennent le support de ses pieds.

 From henceforth [3063] expecting [1551] [5740] till [2193] his [0846] enemies [2190] be made [5087] [5686] his footstool [5286] [4228].


 Car, par une seule offrande il a rendu parfaits pour toujours ceux qui sont sanctifiés.

 For [1063] by one [3391] offering [4376] he hath perfected [5048] [5758] for [1519] ever [1336] them that are sanctified [0037] [5746].


 Et la Sainte Présence de Christ nous le témoigne aussi; car, après avoir dit d'abord:

 [Whereof] [1161] the Holy [0040] Ghost [4151] also [2532] is a witness [3140] [5719] to us [2254]: for [1063] after [3326] that he had said before [4280] [5760],


 Voici l'alliance que je traiterai avec eux après ces jours-là, dit le Seigneur: je mettrai mes préceptes dans leurs consciences, et je les fixerai dans leurs entendements; il ajoute:

 This [3778] [is] the covenant [1242] that [3739] I will make [1303] [5695] with [4314] them [0846] after [3326] those [1565] days [2250], saith [3004] [5719] the Lord [2962], I will put [1325] [5723] my [3450] laws [3551] into [1909] their [0846] hearts [2588], and [2532] in [1909] their [0846] minds [1271] will I write [1924] [5692] them [0846];


 Et je ne me souviendrai plus de leurs péchés ni de leurs iniquités.

 And [2532] their [0846] sins [0266] and [2532] iniquities [0458] [0846] will I remember [3415] [5686] no [3364] more [2089].


 Or, où la rémission des péchés est faite, il n'y a plus d'offrande pour le péché.

 Now [1161] where [3699] remission [0859] of these [5130] [is, there is] no [3765] more [2089] offering [4376] for [4012] sin [0266].


 Ayant donc, frères [0080], la liberté d'entrer dans le sanctuaire, par le sang de Jésus,

 Having [2192] [5723] therefore [3767], brethren [0080], boldness [3954] to [1519] enter [1529] into the holiest [0039] by [1722] the blood [0129] of Jesus,


 Chemin nouveau et vivant, qu'il a consacré pour nous à travers le voile, c'est-à-dire à travers sa chair;

 By a new [4372] and [2532] living [2198] [5723] way [3598], which [3739] he hath consecrated [1457] [5656] for us [2254], through [1223] the veil [2665], that is to say [5123] [5748], his [0848] flesh [4561];


 Et ayant un Grand Sacrificateur établi sur la maison de Dieu;

 And [2532] [having] an high [3173] priest [2409] over [1909] the house [3624] of God [2316];


 Approchons-nous avec une conscience sincère, dans une pleine certitude de foi, ayant les cœurs aspergés (purifiés) d'une mauvaise perception, et le corps lavé de l'eau pure de la Parole.

 Let us draw near [4334] [5741] with [3326] a true [0228] heart [2588] in [1722] full assurance [4136] of faith [4102], having [4472] [0000] our hearts [2588] sprinkled [4472] [5772] from [0575] an evil [4190] conscience [4893], and [2532] our bodies [4983] washed [3068] [5772] with pure [2513] water [5204].


 Retenons sans fléchir la profession de notre foi; car celui qui a fait la promesse est fidèle.

 Let us hold fast [2722] [5725] the profession [3671] of [our] faith [1680] without wavering [0186]; (for [1063] he [is] faithful [4103] that promised [1861] [5666])


 Et prenons garde les uns aux autres, pour nous exciter à la charité et aux bonnes œuvres.

 And [2532] let us consider [2657] [5725] one another [0240] to [1519] provoke [3948] unto love [0026] and [2532] to good [2570] works [2041]:


 Ne cessons point de nous réunir ensemble, comme quelques-uns ont coutume de faire, mais exhortons-nous les uns les autres, et cela d'autant plus que vous voyez approcher le Jour.

 Not [3361] forsaking [1459] [5723] the assembling [1997] [0000] of ourselves [1438] together [1997], as [2531] the manner [1485] of some [5100] [is]; but [0235] exhorting [3870] [5723] [one another]: and [2532] so much [5118] the more [3123], as [3745] ye see [0991] [5719] the day [2250] approaching [1448] [5723].


 Car si nous péchons obstinément en nous remettant sur la loi, après avoir reçu la connaissance de la vérité, il ne reste plus de sacrifices pour les péchés,

 For [1063] if we [2257] sin [0264] [5723] wilfully [1596] after [3326] that we have received [2983] [5629] the knowledge [1922] of the truth [0225], there remaineth [0620] [5743] no more [3765] sacrifice [2378] for [4012] sins [0266],


 Mais une terrible attente du jugement et un feu ardent, qui doit dévorer les adversaires.

 But [1161] a certain [5100] fearful [5398] looking for [1561] of judgment [2920] and [2532] fiery [4442] indignation [2205], which shall [3195] [5723] devour [2068] [5721] the adversaries [5227].


 Quelqu'un a-t-il violé la loi de Moïse, il meurt sans miséricorde, sur le témoignage de deux ou trois personnes;

 He [5100] that despised [0114] [5660] Moses [3475]' law [3551] died [0599] [5719] without [5565] mercy [3628] under [1909] two [1417] or [2228] three [5140] witnesses [3144]:


 De quel plus grand supplice pensez-vous que sera jugé digne celui d'Israël qui foulera aux pieds le Fils de Dieu, et qui tiendra pour insignifiant le sang de l'alliance, par lequel il avait été purifié, et qui insultera l'Esprit de la grâce?

 Of how much [4214] sorer [5501] punishment [5098], suppose ye [1380] [5719], shall he be thought worthy [0515] [5701], who [3588] hath trodden under foot [2662] [5660] the Son [5207] of God [2316], and [2532] hath counted [2233] [5666] the blood [0129] of the covenant [1242], wherewith [3739] [1722] he was sanctified [0037] [5681], an unholy thing [2839], and [2532] hath done despite [1796] [5660] unto the Spirit [4151] of grace [5485]?


 Car nous connaissons celui qui a dit: À moi la vengeance; je rendrai la pareille, dit le Seigneur. Et ailleurs: Le Seigneur jugera son peuple.

 For [1063] we know [1492] [5758] him that hath said [2036] [5631], Vengeance [1557] [belongeth] unto me [1698], I [1473] will recompense [0467] [5692], saith [3004] [5719] the Lord [2962]. And [2532] again [3825], The Lord [2962] shall judge [2919] [5692] his [0848] people [2992].


 C'est une chose terrible que de tomber entre les mains du Dieu vivant.

 [It is] a fearful thing [5398] to fall [1706] [5629] into [1519] the hands [5495] of the living [2198] [5723] God [2316].


 Or, souvenez-vous des premiers jours, où, après avoir été éclairés, vous avez soutenu un grand combat de souffrances;

 But [1161] call to remembrance [0363] [5732] the former [4386] days [2250], in [1722] which [3739], after ye were illuminated [5461] [5685], ye endured [5278] [5656] a great [4183] fight [0119] of afflictions [3804];


 Quand, d'un côté, vous avez été exposés publiquement à des critiques et des persécutions, et que, de l'autre, vous avez pris part aux maux de ceux qui étaient ainsi traités.

 Partly [5124] [3303], whilst ye were made a gazingstock [2301] [5746] both [5037] by reproaches [3680] and [2532] afflictions [2347]; and [1161] partly [5124], whilst ye became [1096] [5679] companions [2844] of them that were [0390] [0000] so [3779] used [0390] [5746].


 Car vous avez aussi compati à mes liens, et vous avez accueilli avec joie l'enlèvement de vos biens, sachant que vous avez pour vous dans les cieux une substance plus excellente et permanente.

 For [2532] [1063] ye had compassion [4834] [5656] of me in my [3450] bonds [1199], and [2532] took [4327] [5662] joyfully [3326] [5479] the spoiling [0724] of your [5216] goods [5224] [5723], knowing [1097] [5723] in [1722] yourselves [1438] that ye have [2192] [5721] in [1722] heaven [3772] a better [2909] and [2532] an enduring [3306] [5723] substance [5223].


 N'abandonnez donc pas votre confiance, qui aura une grande rémunération.

 Cast [0577] [0000] not [3361] away [0577] [5632] therefore [3767] your [5216] confidence [3954], which [3748] hath [2192] [5719] great [3173] recompence of reward [3405].


 Car vous avez besoin de patience, afin qu'après avoir fait la volonté de Dieu, vous remportiez l'effet de la promesse.

 For [1063] ye have [2192] [5719] need [5532] of patience [5281], that [2443], after ye have done [4160] [5660] the will [2307] of God [2316], ye might receive [2865] [5672] the promise [1860].


 Car encore un peu, bien peu de temps [1909], et celui qui vient, arrivera, et il ne tardera point.

 For [1063] yet [2089] a little [3397] while [3745] [3745], and he that shall come [2064] [5740] will come [2240] [5692], and [2532] will [5549] [0000] not [3756] tarry [5549] [5692].


 Or, le juste vivra par la foi; mais, si quelqu'un se prive de la grâce, mon âme ne prend point de plaisir en lui.

 Now [1161] the just [1342] shall live [2198] [5695] by [1537] faith [4102]: but [2532] if [1437] [any man] draw back [5288] [5672], my [3450] soul [5590] shall have [2106] [0000] no [3756] pleasure [2106] [5719] in [1722] him [0846].


 Pour nous, nous ne sommes pas de ceux qui se privent de la grâce pour leur perdition, mais de ceux qui ont l'assurance de Christ pour préserver leur âme.

 But [1161] we [2249] are [2070] [5748] not [3756] of them who draw back [5289] unto [1519] perdition [0684]; but [0235] of them that believe [4102] to [1519] the saving [4047] of the soul [5590].


 Or, la foi est l'assurance réelle des choses qu'on espère, l'évidence de celles qu'on ne voit point.

 Now [1161] faith [4102] is [2076] [5748] the substance [5287] of things hoped for [1679] [5746], the evidence [1650] of things [4229] not [3756] seen [0991] [5746].


 Car par elle les anciens ont obtenu un bon témoignage.

 For [1063] by [1722] it [5026] the elders [4245] obtained a good report [3140] [5681].


 Par la foi, nous savons que le monde a été fait par la Parole de Dieu; de sorte que les choses qui se voient, n'ont pas été faites de choses visibles.

 Through faith [4102] we understand [3539] [5719] that the worlds [0165] were framed [2675] [5771] by the word [4487] of God [2316], so [1519] that things which [3588] are seen [0991] [5746] were [1096] [0000] not [3361] made [1096] [5755] of [1537] things which do appear [5316] [5730].


 Par la foi, Abel offrit à Dieu un plus excellent sacrifice que Caïn, à cause d'elle il fut déclaré juste, Dieu rendant témoignage à ses offrandes; et quoique mort, il parle encore par elle.

 By faith [4102] Abel [0006] offered [4374] [5656] unto God [2316] a more excellent [4119] sacrifice [2378] than [3844] Cain [2535], by [1223] which [3739] he obtained witness [3140] [5681] that he was [1511] [5750] righteous [1342], God [2316] testifying [3140] [5723] of [1909] his [0846] gifts [1435]: and [2532] by [1223] it [0846] he being dead [0599] [5631] yet [2089] speaketh [2980] [5731] [5625] [2980] [5719].


 Par la foi, Hénoc fut transporté au ciel pour qu'il ne vît point la mort, et on ne le trouva plus, parce que Dieu l'avait saisis; car avant qu'il fût transposé, il avait obtenu le témoignage d'avoir été agréable à Dieu.

 By faith [4102] Enoch [1802] was translated [3346] [5681] that he should [1492] [0000] not [3361] see [1492] [5629] death [2288]; and [2532] was [2147] [0000] not [3756] found [2147] [5712], because [1360] God [2316] had translated [3346] [5656] him [0846]: for [1063] before [4253] his [0846] translation [3331] he had this testimony [3140] [5769], that he pleased [2100] [5760] God [2316].


 Or, il est impossible de lui être agréable sans la foi, car il faut que celui qui s'approche de Dieu, croie que Dieu existe, et qu'il est le rémunérateur de ceux qui le cherchent avec zèle.

 But [1161] without [5565] faith [4102] [it is] impossible [0102] to please [2100] [5658] [him]: for [1063] he that cometh [4334] [5740] to God [2316] must [1163] [5748] believe [4100] [5658] that [3754] he is [2076] [5748], and [2532] [that] he is [1096] [5736] a rewarder [3406] of them that diligently seek [1567] [5723] him [0846].


 Par la foi, Noé, divinement averti des choses qu'on ne voyait point encore, fut rempli de crainte, et construisit une arche, pour le salut de sa famille; par elle il condamna le monde, et devint héritier de la justice qui est selon la foi.

 By faith [4102] Noah [3575], being warned of God [5537] [5685] of [4012] things not [3369] [0000] seen [0991] [5746] as yet [3369], moved with fear [2125] [5685], prepared [2680] [5656] an ark [2787] to [1519] the saving [4991] of his [0848] house [3624]; by [1223] the which [3739] he condemned [2632] [5656] the world [2889], and [2532] became [1096] [5633] heir [2818] of the righteousness [1343] which is by [2596] faith [4102].


 Par la foi, Abraham [0011], étant appelé, obéit, pour aller au pays qu'il devait recevoir en héritage, et partit, ne sachant où il allait.

 By faith [4102] Abraham [0011] [0011], when he was called [2564] [5746] to go out [1831] [5629] into [1519] a place [5117] which [3739] he should after [3195] [5707] receive [2983] [5721] for [1519] an inheritance [2817], obeyed [5219] [5656]; and [2532] he went out [1831] [5627], not [3361] knowing [1987] [5740] whither [4226] he went [2064] [5736].


 Par la foi, il demeura dans la terre qui lui avait été promise, comme dans une terre étrangère, habitant sous des tentes, avec Isaac [2464] et Jacob [2384], les cohéritiers de la même promesse.

 By faith [4102] he sojourned [3939] [5656] in [1519] the land [1093] of promise [1860], as [5613] [in] a strange country [0245], dwelling [2730] [5660] in [1722] tabernacles [4633] with [3326] Isaac [2464] [2464] and [2532] Jacob [2384] [2384], the heirs with him [4789] of the same [0846] promise [1860]:


 Car il attendait la Cité Céleste qui a des fondements assurés, dont Dieu est l'architecte et le fondateur.

 For [1063] he looked for [1551] [5711] a city [4172] which hath [2192] [5723] foundations [2310], whose [3739] builder [5079] and [2532] maker [1217] [is] God [2316].


 Par la foi aussi, Sara reçut la force de concevoir et, malgré son âge, elle enfanta, parce qu'elle crut à la fidélité de celui qui avait fait la promesse.

 Through faith [4102] also [2532] Sara [4564] herself [0846] received [2983] [5627] strength [1411] to [1519] conceive [2602] seed [4690], and [2532] was delivered of a child [5088] [5627] when she was past [3844] age [2540] [2244], because [1893] she judged [2233] [5662] him faithful [4103] who had promised [1861] [5666].


 C'est pourquoi d'un seul homme, et qui était déjà affaibli, il est né une multitude aussi nombreuse que les étoiles du ciel, et que le sable du bord de la mer, qui ne peut se compter.

 Therefore [1352] sprang there [1080] [5681] even [2532] of [0575] one [1520], and [2532] him [5023] as good as dead [3499] [5772], [so many] as [2531] the stars [0798] of the sky [3772] in multitude [4128], and [2532] as [5616] the sand [0285] which [3588] is by [3844] the sea [2281] shore [5491] innumerable [0382].


 Tous ceux-là sont morts dans la foi, sans avoir reçu les choses promises, mais les ayant vues de loin, crues, et embrassées, et ayant fait profession d'être étrangers et voyageurs sur la terre.

 These [3778] all [3956] died [0599] [5627] in [2596] faith [4102], not [3361] having received [2983] [5631] the promises [1860], but [0235] having seen [1492] [5631] them [0846] afar off [4207], and [2532] were persuaded of [3982] [5685] [them], and [2532] embraced [0782] [5666] [them], and [2532] confessed [3670] [5660] that [3754] they were [1526] [5748] strangers [3581] and [2532] pilgrims [3927] on [1909] the earth [1093].


 Car ceux qui parlent ainsi, montrent clairement qu'ils cherchent une patrie.

 For [1063] they that say [3004] [5723] such things [5108] declare plainly [1718] [5719] that [3754] they seek [1934] [5719] a country [3968].


 En effet, s'ils se fussent souvenus de celle d'où ils étaient sortis, ils auraient eu le temps [1909] d'y retourner;

 And [2532] truly [3303], if [1487] they had been mindful [3421] [5707] of that [1565] [country] from [0575] whence [3739] they came out [1831] [5627], they might [0302] have had [2192] [5707] opportunity [2540] to have returned [0344] [5658].


 Mais maintenant ils en désirent une meilleure, c'est-à-dire une céleste; c'est pourquoi Dieu ne dédaigne pas d'être appelé leur Dieu; car il leur a préparé une Cité éternelle.

 But [1161] now [3570] they desire [3713] [5734] a better [2909] [country], that is [5123] [5748], an heavenly [2032]: wherefore [1352] God [2316] is [1870] [0000] not [3756] ashamed [1870] [5736] to be called [1941] [5745] their [0846] God [2316]: for [1063] he hath prepared [2090] [5656] for them [0846] a city [4172].


 Par la foi, Abraham [0011] offrit Isaac [2464], lorsqu'il fut éprouvé, et lui qui avait reçu les promesses, offrit son seul fils [5207] engendré,

 By faith [4102] Abraham [0011] [0011], when he was tried [3985] [5746], offered up [4374] [5754] Isaac [2464] [2464]: and [2532] he that had received [0324] [5666] the promises [1860] offered up [4374] [5707] his only begotten [3439] [son],


 Dont il avait été dit: C'est en Isaac [2464] que ta postérité sera appelée;

 Of [4314] whom [3739] it was said [2980] [5681], That [3754] in [1722] Isaac [2464] [2464] shall [2564] [0000] thy [4671] seed [4690] be called [2564] [5701]:


 Ayant pensé en lui-même, que Dieu pouvait même le ressusciter des morts; aussi le retrouva-t-il dans cette préfiguration de la résurrection.

 Accounting [3049] [5666] that [3754] God [2316] [was] able [1415] to raise [him] up [1453] [5721], even [2532] from [1537] the dead [3498]; from whence [3606] also [2532] he received [2865] [5668] him [0846] in [1722] a figure [3850].


 Par la foi, Isaac [2464] bénit Jacob [2384] et Ésaü en vue des choses à venir.

 By faith [4102] Isaac [2464] [2464] blessed [2127] [5656] Jacob [2384] [2384] and [2532] Esau [2269] concerning [4012] things to come [3195] [5723].


 Par la foi, Jacob [2384] mourant bénit chacun des fils [5207] de Joseph, et adora de l'extrémité de son bâton.

 By faith [4102] Jacob [2384] [2384], when he was a dying [0599] [5723], blessed [2127] [5656] both [1538] the sons [5207] of Joseph [2501]; and [2532] worshipped [4352] [5656], [leaning] upon [1909] the top [0206] of his [0846] staff [4464].


 Par la foi, Joseph, sur sa fin, rappela la sortie des enfants d'Israël, et donna des ordres touchant ses os.

 By faith [4102] Joseph [2501], when he died [5053] [5723], made mention [3421] [5656] of [4012] the departing [1841] of the children [5207] of Israel [2474]; and [2532] gave commandment [1781] [5662] concerning [4012] his [0848] bones [3747].


 Par la foi, Moïse, étant né, fut caché pendant trois mois par ses parents, parce qu'ils virent que l'enfant était beau; et ils ne craignirent point l'édit du roi.

 By faith [4102] Moses [3475], when he was born [1080] [5685], was hid [2928] [5648] three months [5150] of [5259] his [0848] parents [3962], because [1360] they saw [1492] [5627] [he was] a proper [0791] child [3813]; and [2532] they were [5399] [0000] not [3756] afraid [5399] [5675] of the king's [0935] commandment [1297].


 Par la foi, Moïse, devenu grand, refusa d'être appelé fils [5207] de la fille de Pharaon;

 By faith [4102] Moses [3475], when he was come [1096] [5637] to years [3173], refused [0720] [5662] to be called [3004] [5745] the son [5207] of Pharaoh's [5328] daughter [2364];


 Choisissant d'être maltraité avec le peuple de Dieu, plutôt que d'avoir pour un temps [1909] la jouissance du péché;

 Choosing [0138] [5642] rather [3123] to suffer affliction [4778] [5738] with the people [2992] of God [2316], than [2228] to enjoy the pleasures [2192] [5721] [0619] of sin [0266] for a season [4340];


 Estimant les diffamations de Christ comme un trésor plus grand que les richesses de l'Égypte, parce qu'il avait en vue la récompense de la rémunération.

 Esteeming [2233] [0000] the reproach [3680] of Christ [5547] greater [3187] riches [4149] than [2233] [5666] the treasures [2344] in [1722] Egypt [0125]: for [1063] he had respect [0578] [5707] unto [1519] the recompence of the reward [3405].


 Par la foi, il quitta l'Égypte, sans craindre la colère du roi; car il demeura ferme, comme voyant celui qui est invisible.

 By faith [4102] he forsook [2641] [5627] Egypt [0125], not [3361] fearing [5399] [5679] the wrath [2372] of the king [0935]: for [1063] he endured [2594] [5656], as [5613] seeing [3708] [5723] him who is invisible [0517].


 Par la foi, il fit la Pâque, et l'aspersion du sang, afin que l'exterminateur des premiers-nés ne touchât point ceux des Israélites.

 Through faith [4102] he kept [4160] [5758] the passover [3957], and [2532] the sprinkling [4378] of blood [0129], lest [3363] he that destroyed [3645] [5723] the firstborn [4416] should touch [2345] [5632] them [0846].


 Par la foi, ils passèrent par la mer Rouge comme par un lieu sec; les Égyptiens ayant tenté le passage, furent immergés.

 By faith [4102] they passed through [1224] [5627] the Red [2063] sea [2281] as [5613] by [1223] dry [3584] [land]: which [3739] the Egyptians [0124] assaying [3984] to do [2983] [5631] were drowned [2666] [5681].


 Par la foi, les murailles de Jéricho tombèrent, après qu'on en eut fait le tour pendant sept jours.

 By faith [4102] the walls [5038] of Jericho [2410] fell down [4098] [5627], after they were compassed [2944] [5685] about [1909] seven [2033] days [2250].


 Par la foi, Rahab [4477], la prostituée, ne périt point avec les rebelles, parce qu'elle avait reçu les espions en paix.

 By faith [4102] the harlot [4204] Rahab [4477] [4460] perished [4881] [5639] not [3756] with them that believed not [0544] [5660], when she had received [1209] [5666] the spies [2685] with [3326] peace [1515].


 Et que dirai-je encore? Car le temps [1909] me manquerait, pour parler de Gédéon, de Barac, de Samson, de Jephté, de David [1138], de Samuel, et des prophètes;

 And [2532] what [5101] shall I [3004] [0000] more [2089] say [3004] [5725]? for [1063] the time [5550] would fail [1952] [5692] me [3165] to tell [1334] [5740] of [4012] Gedeon [1066], and [5037] [of] Barak [0913], and [2532] [of] Samson [4546], and [2532] [of] Jephthae [2422]; [of] David [1138] [1138] also [2532], and [5037] Samuel [4545], and [2532] [of] the prophets [4396]:


 Qui, par la foi, vainquirent des royaumes, exercèrent la justice, obtinrent les biens promis, fermèrent la gueule des lions,

 Who [3739] through [1223] faith [4102] subdued [2610] [5662] kingdoms [0932], wrought [2038] [5662] righteousness [1343], obtained [2013] [5627] promises [1860], stopped [5420] [5656] the mouths [4750] of lions [3023],


 Éteignirent la force du feu, échappèrent au tranchant des épées, rendus puissant dans leurs faiblesses, furent vaillants à la guerre, mirent en fuite des armées étrangères.

 Quenched [4570] [5656] the violence [1411] of fire [4442], escaped [5343] [5627] the edge [4750] of the sword [3162], out of [0575] weakness [0769] were made strong [1743] [5681], waxed [1096] [5675] valiant [2478] in [1722] fight [4171], turned to flight [2827] [5656] the armies [3925] of the aliens [0245].


 Des femmes retrouvèrent leurs morts ressuscités; d'autres furent torturés, n'ayant point accepté de délivrance pour obtenir une résurrection préférable à leurs souffrances;

 Women [1135] received [2983] [5627] their [0848] dead [3498] raised to life again [1537] [0386]: and [1161] others [0243] were tortured [5178] [5681], not [3756] accepting [4327] [5666] deliverance [0629]; that [2443] they might obtain [5177] [5632] a better [2909] resurrection [0386]:


 D'autres passèrent par l'épreuve des moqueries et du fouet; et même des liens et de la prison:

 And [1161] others [2087] had [2983] [5627] trial [3984] of [cruel] mockings [1701] and [2532] scourgings [3148], yea [1161], moreover [2089] of bonds [1199] and [2532] imprisonment [5438]:


 Ils furent lapidés, ils furent sciés, ils furent tentés, ils moururent par le tranchant de l'épée, ils errèrent çà et là, vêtus de peaux de brebis et de peaux de chèvres, dénués de tout, persécutés, maltraités;

 They were stoned [3034] [5681], they were sawn asunder [4249] [5681], were tempted [3985] [5681], were slain [0599] [5627] with [1722] the sword [5408] [3162]: they wandered about [4022] [5627] in [1722] sheepskins [3374] and [1722] goatskins [0122] [1192]; being destitute [5302] [5746], afflicted [2346] [5746], tormented [2558] [5746];


 Eux dont le monde n'était pas digne, errants dans les déserts et sur les montagnes, dans les cavernes et les antres de la terre.

 (Of whom [3739] the world [2889] was [2258] [5713] not [3756] worthy [0514]) they wandered [4105] [5746] in [1722] deserts [2047], and [2532] [in] mountains [3735], and [2532] [in] dens [4693] and [2532] caves [3692] of the earth [1093].


 Et tous ceux-là, ayant obtenu un bon témoignage par leur foi, n'ont point reçu la promesse;

 And [2532] these [3778] all [3956], having obtained a good report [3140] [5685] through [1223] faith [4102], received [2865] [5668] not [3756] the promise [1860]:


 Dieu ayant pourvu à quelque chose de meilleur pour nous, afin qu'ils ne parviennent pas sans nous à la perfection.

 God [2316] having provided [4265] [5671] some [5100] [0000] better [2909] thing [5100] for [4012] us [2257], that [2443] they [5048] [0000] without [5565] us [2257] should [5048] [0000] not [3363] be made perfect [5048] [5686].


 Ainsi donc, nous aussi, étant environnés d'une si grande nuée de témoins, rejetant tout fardeau et le péché qui nous encombre si facilement, poursuivons avec détermination le parcours qui nous est présenté,

 Wherefore [5105] seeing we [2249] also [2532] are [2192] [5723] compassed about [4029] [5740] [2254] with so great [5118] a cloud [3509] of witnesses [3144], let [0659] [0000] us [2249] lay aside [0659] [5642] every [3956] weight [3591], and [2532] the sin [0266] which doth so easily beset [2139] [us], and let us run [5143] [5725] with [1223] patience [5281] the race [0073] that is set before [4295] [5740] us [2254],


 Regardant à Jésus, l'auteur et l'accomplissement de notre foi, qui, affronta la dégradation, à cause de la joie qui lui était proposée, a souffert la croix, et s'est affirmé l'honneur du trône de Dieu.

 Looking [0872] [5723] unto [1519] Jesus the author [0747] and [2532] finisher [5051] of [our] faith [4102]; who [3739] for [0473] the joy [5479] that was set before [4295] [5740] him [0848] endured [5278] [5656] the cross [4716], despising [2706] [5660] the shame [0152], and [5037] is set down [2523] [5656] at [1722] the right hand [1188] of the throne [2362] of God [2316].


 C'est pourquoi, considérez celui qui a enduré de la part des pécheurs une si grande opposition contre lui-même, afin que vous ne succombiez pas, en laissant défaillir vos âmes.

 For [1063] consider [0357] [5663] him that endured [5278] [5761] such [5108] contradiction [0485] of [5259] sinners [0268] against [1519] himself [0848], lest [3363] ye be wearied [2577] [5632] and faint [1590] [5746] in your [5216] minds [5590].


 Vous n'avez pas encore résisté jusqu'au sang, en combattant contre le péché.

 Ye have [0478] [0000] not yet [3768] resisted [0478] [5627] unto [3360] blood [0129], striving [0464] [5740] against [4314] sin [0266].


 Et vous avez oublié l'exhortation qui vous est adressée, comme à des fils [5207]: Mon fils [5207], ne méprise pas le châtiment du Seigneur, et ne perds point courage, lorsqu'il te reprend;

 And [2532] ye have forgotten [1585] [5769] the exhortation [3874] which [3748] speaketh [1256] [5736] unto you [5213] as [5613] unto children [5207], My [3450] son [5207], despise [3643] [0000] not [3361] thou [3643] [5720] the chastening [3809] of the Lord [2962], nor [3366] faint [1590] [5744] when thou art rebuked [1651] [5746] of [5259] him [0846]:


 Car le Seigneur châtie celui pour qui il se sacrifie, et il discipline tout fils [5207] qu'il reçoit à lui.

 For [1063] whom [3739] the Lord [2962] loveth [0025] [5719] he chasteneth [3811] [5719], and [1161] scourgeth [3146] [5719] every [3956] son [5207] whom [3739] he receiveth [3858] [5736].


 Si vous souffrez le châtiment, Dieu se présente à vous comme à des fils [5207]; car quel est le fils [5207] que son père ne châtie pas?

 If [1487] ye endure [5278] [5719] chastening [3809], God [2316] dealeth [4374] [5743] with you [5213] as [5613] with sons [5207]; for [1063] what [5101] son [5207] is he [2076] [5748] whom [3739] the father [3962] chasteneth [3811] [5719] not [3756]?


 Mais si vous êtes exempts du châtiment auquel tous ont part, vous êtes donc des bâtards, non des fils [5207] légitimes.

 But [1161] if [1487] ye be [2075] [5748] without [5565] chastisement [3809], whereof [3739] all [3956] are [1096] [5754] partakers [3353], then [0686] are ye [2075] [5748] bastards [3541], and [2532] not [3756] sons [5207].


 D'ailleurs nos pères selon la chair nous ont châtiés, et nous les avons respectés: ne serons-nous pas beaucoup plus soumis au Père des esprits, pour avoir la vie?

 Furthermore [1534] [3303] we have had [2192] [5707] fathers [3962] of our [2257] flesh [4561] which corrected [3810] [us], and [2532] we gave [them] reverence [1788] [5710]: shall we [5293] [0000] not [3756] much [4183] rather [3123] be in subjection [5293] [5691] unto the Father [3962] of spirits [4151], and [2532] live [2198] [5692]?


 Car nos pères nous châtiaient pour peu de jours, comme ils le trouvaient bon; mais Dieu nous châtie pour notre avantage, afin que nous participions à sa sainteté.

 For [1063] they verily [3303] for [4314] a few [3641] days [2250] chastened [3811] [5707] [us] after [2596] their own [0848] pleasure [1380] [5723]; but [1161] he for [1909] [our] profit [4851] [5723], that [1519] [we] might be partakers [3335] [5629] of his [0846] holiness [0041].


 Il est vrai que tout châtiment ne paraît pas sur le moment un sujet de joie, mais de tristesse; mais ensuite il produit un fruit paisible de justice pour ceux qui ont été ainsi exercés.

 Now [1161] no [3956] [3756] chastening [3809] for [4314] [3303] the present [3918] [5752] seemeth [1380] [5719] to be [1511] [5750] joyous [5479], but [0235] grievous [3077]: nevertheless [1161] afterward [5305] it yieldeth [0591] [5719] the peaceable [1516] fruit [2590] of righteousness [1343] unto them which are exercised [1128] [5772] thereby [1223] [0846].


 Fortifiez donc vos mains languissantes, et vos genoux affaiblis;

 Wherefore [1352] lift up [0461] [5657] the hands [5495] which hang down [3935] [5772], and [2532] the feeble [3886] [5772] knees [1119];


 Et faites à vos pieds un sentier droit, afin que celui qui est faible ne dévie point, mais plutôt qu'il soit rétabli.

 And [2532] make [4160] [5657] straight [3717] paths [5163] for your [5216] feet [4228], lest that [3363] which is lame [5560] be turned out of the way [1624] [5652]; but [1161] let it [2390] [0000] rather [3123] be healed [2390] [5686].


 Assistez tous les hommes dans la paix et l'intégrité, autrement aucun homme ne pourra percevoir le Seigneur;

 Follow [1377] [5720] peace [1515] with [3326] all [3956] [men], and [2532] holiness [0038], without [5565] which [3739] no man [3762] shall see [3700] [5695] the Lord [2962]:


 Veillant à ce que personne ne se prive de la grâce de Dieu; à ce qu'aucune racine d'amertume qui surgie, ne vous trouble, et que plusieurs n'en soient infectés;

 Looking diligently [1983] [5723] lest [3361] any man [5100] fail [5302] [5723] of [0575] the grace [5485] of God [2316]; lest [3361] any [5100] root [4491] of bitterness [4088] springing [5453] [5723] up [0507] trouble [1776] [5725] [you], and [2532] thereby [1223] [5026] many [4183] be defiled [3392] [5686];


 À ce qu'il n'y ait point de licencieux, ni de profiteurs comme Ésaü, qui, pour un mets, vendit son droit d'aînesse.

 Lest [3361] there [be] any [5100] fornicator [4205], or [2228] profane person [0952], as [5613] Esau [2269], who [3739] for [0473] one [3391] morsel of meat [1035] sold [0591] [5639] his [0848] birthright [4415].


 Car vous savez que voulant, même après cela, hériter de la bénédiction, il fut rejeté, car il n'obtint pas un changement de résolution, quoiqu'il le demandât avec larmes.

 For [1063] ye know [2467] [5759] how [3754] that afterward [2532] [3347], when he would [2309] [5723] have inherited [2816] [5658] the blessing [2129], he was rejected [0593] [5681]: for [1063] he found [2147] [5627] no [3756] place [5117] of repentance [3341], though [2539] he sought [1567] [0000] it [0846] carefully [1567] [5660] with [3326] tears [1144].


 Or, vous ne vous êtes pas approchés de la montagne qu'on pouvait toucher, et qui était embrasée par le feu, ni de la nuée épaisse, ni des ténèbres, ni de la tempête,

 For [1063] ye are [4334] [0000] not [3756] come [4334] [5754] unto the mount [3735] that might be touched [5584] [5746], and [2532] that burned [2545] [5772] with fire [4442], nor [2532] unto blackness [1105], and [2532] darkness [4655], and [2532] tempest [2366],


 Ni du retentissement de la résonance, ni du bruit des paroles, qui fut tel que ceux qui l'entendirent, prièrent que la Parole ne leur fût plus adressée.

 And [2532] the sound [2279] of a trumpet [4536], and [2532] the voice [5456] of words [4487]; which [3739] [voice] they that heard [0191] [5660] intreated [3868] [5662] that the word [3056] should [4369] [0000] not [3361] [0000] be spoken [4369] [5683] to them [0846] any more [3361]:


 Car ils ne pouvaient supporter cet ordre: Si même une bête touche la montagne, elle sera lapidée, ou percée d'un dard.

 (For [1063] they could [5342] [0000] not [3756] endure [5342] [5707] that which was commanded [1291] [5746], And if so much as [2579] a beast [2342] touch [2345] [5632] the mountain [3735], it shall be stoned [3036] [5701], or [2228] thrust through [2700] [5701] with a dart [1002]:


 Et ce qui paraissait était si terrible, que Moïse dit: Je suis épouvanté et tout tremblant.

 And [2532] so [3779] terrible [5398] was [2258] [5713] the sight [5324] [5746], [that] Moses [3475] said [2036] [5627], I exceedingly fear [1630] [1510] [5748] and [2532] quake [1790])


 Mais vous vous êtes approchés de la montagne de Sion, de la cité du Dieu vivant, de la Jérusalem céleste, et de la compagnie d'anges innombrables,

 But [0235] ye are come [4334] [5754] unto mount [3735] Sion [4622], and [2532] unto the city [4172] of the living [2198] [5723] God [2316], the heavenly [2032] Jerusalem [2419], and [2532] to an innumerable company [3461] of angels [0032],


 De l'assemblée des convoqués à renaître, des premiers-nés inscrits dans les cieux, d'un juge qui est Dieu de tous, des esprits des justes parvenus à la perfection,

 To the general assembly [3831] and [2532] church [1577] of the firstborn [4416], which are written [0583] [5772] in [1722] heaven [3772], and [2532] to God [2316] the Judge [2923] of all [3956], and [2532] to the spirits [4151] of just men [1342] made perfect [5048] [5772],


 Et de Jésus, Médiateur de la nouvelle alliance, et du sang de l'aspersion, qui prononce de meilleures choses que celui d'Abel.

 And [2532] to Jesus the mediator [3316] of the new [3501] covenant [1242], and [2532] to the blood [0129] of sprinkling [4473], that speaketh [2980] [5723] better things [2909] than [3844] [that of] Abel [0006].


 Prenez garde de ne pas mépriser celui qui vous parle; car si ceux qui méprisaient celui qui les avertissait sur la terre, de la part de Dieu, n'échappèrent point, nous échapperons encore moins, nous qui nous détournons de celui qui parle des cieux;

 See [0991] [5720] that ye refuse [3868] [5667] not [3361] him that speaketh [2980] [5723]. For [1063] if [1487] they [1565] escaped [5343] [5627] not [3756] who refused him [3868] [5666] that spake [5537] [5723] on [1909] earth [1093], much [4183] more [3123] [shall not] we [2249] [escape], if we turn away from him [0654] [5734] that [speaketh] from [0575] heaven [3772]:


 Dont la voix ébranla alors la terre, et qui maintenant a fait cette promesse en disant: Encore une fois j'ébranlerai non seulement la terre, mais aussi le ciel.

 Whose [3739] voice [5456] then [5119] shook [4531] [5656] the earth [1093]: but [1161] now [3568] he hath promised [1861] [5766], saying [3004] [5723], Yet [2089] once more [0530] I [1473] shake [4579] [5719] not [3756] the earth [1093] only [3440], but [0235] also [2532] heaven [3772].


 Or, ces mots: Encore une fois, marquent l'abolition des choses muables, en tant que faites, pour que les immuables subsistent.

 And [1161] this [word], Yet [2089] once more [0530], signifieth [1213] [5719] the removing [3331] of those things that are shaken [4531] [5746], as [5613] of things that are made [4160] [5772], that [2443] those things which cannot [3361] be shaken [4531] [5746] may remain [3306] [5661].


 C'est pourquoi, saisissant le royaume inébranlable, conservons la grâce, afin que par elle nous rendions notre service à Dieu d'une manière qui lui soit agréable, avec respect et crainte;

 Wherefore [1352] we receiving [3880] [5723] a kingdom [0932] which cannot be moved [0761], let us have [2192] [5725] grace [5485], whereby [1223] [3739] we may serve [3000] [5725] God [2316] acceptably [2102] with [3326] reverence [0127] and [2532] godly fear [2124]:


 Car notre Dieu est aussi un feu dévorant.

 For [2532] [1063] our [2257] God [2316] [is] a consuming [2654] [5723] fire [4442].


 Que l'affection fraternelle soit maintenue.

 Let [3306] [0000] brotherly love [5360] continue [3306] [5720].


 N'oubliez point l'hospitalité; car par elle quelques-uns ont logé des anges sans le savoir.

 Be [1950] [0000] not [3361] forgetful [1950] [5737] to entertain strangers [5381]: for [1063] thereby [1223] [5026] some [5100] have entertained [3579] [5660] angels [0032] unawares [2990] [5627].


 Souvenez-vous des prisonniers, comme étant enchaînés avec eux; et de ceux qui sont maltraités, comme étant vous-mêmes dans leurs corps.

 Remember [3403] [5737] them that are in bonds [1198], as [5613] bound with them [4887] [5772]; [and] them which suffer adversity [2558] [5746], as [5613] being [5607] [5752] yourselves [0846] also [2532] in [1722] the body [4983].


 Que le mariage soit honorable en toutes choses, et le lit sans souillure; or, Dieu jugera les licencieux et les adultères.

 Marriage [1062] [is] honourable [5093] in [1722] all [3956], and [2532] the bed [2845] undefiled [0283]: but [1161] whoremongers [4205] and [2532] adulterers [3432] God [2316] will judge [2919] [5692] [5719].


 Que votre conduite soit exempte de convoitise; soyez contents de ce que vous avez; car Dieu lui-même a dit: Certainement je ne te délaisserai point, et je ne t'abandonnerai point.

 [Let your] conversation [5158] [be] without covetousness [0866]; [and be] content [0714] [5746] with such things as ye have [3918] [5752]: for [1063] he [0846] hath said [2046] [5758], I will never [3364] leave [0447] [5632] thee [4571], nor [3761] [3364] forsake [1459] [5632] thee [4571].


 De sorte que nous disons avec assurance: Le Seigneur est mon aide, et je ne craindrai point; que me fera l'homme?

 So that [5620] we [2248] may boldly [2292] [5723] say [3004] [5721], The Lord [2962] [is] my [1698] helper [0998], and [2532] I will [5399] [0000] not [3756] fear [5399] [5700] what [5101] man [0444] shall do [4160] [5692] unto me [3427].


 Souvenez-vous de vos conducteurs, qui vous ont annoncé la Parole de Dieu, et considérant l'issue de leur vie, suivez leur foi.

 Remember [3421] [5720] them which have the rule [2233] [5740] over you [5216], who [3748] have spoken [2980] [5656] unto you [5213] the word [3056] of God [2316]: whose [3739] faith [4102] follow [3401] [5737], considering [0333] [5723] the end [1545] of [their] conversation [0391].


 Jésus-Christ est à nous, hier et aujourd'hui, et pour l'éternité.

 Jesus [2424] Christ [5547] the same [0846] yesterday [5504], and [2532] to day [4594], and [2532] for [1519] ever [0165].


 Ne vous laissez point entraîner par des doctrines diverses et étrangères; car il est bon que le cœur soit affermi par la grâce et non par des préceptes sur les viandes, qui n'ont servi de rien à ceux qui les ont suivis.

 Be [4064] [0000] not [3361] carried about [4064] [5744] with divers [4164] and [2532] strange [3581] doctrines [1322]. For [1063] [it is] a good thing [2570] that the heart [2588] be established [0950] [5745] with grace [5485]; not [3756] with meats [1033], which have [5623] [0000] not [3756] profited [5623] [5681] them that have been occupied [4043] [5660] therein [1722] [3739].


 Nous avons un autel, dont ceux qui servent dans le tabernacle n'ont pas le pouvoir de manger.

 We have [2192] [5719] an altar [2379], whereof [1537] [3739] they have [2192] [5719] no [3756] right [1849] to eat [5315] [5629] which serve [3000] [5723] the tabernacle [4633].


 Les corps des animaux, dont le sang est porté dans le sanctuaire par le souverain sacrificateur, pour le péché, sont brûlés hors du camp.

 For [1063] the bodies [4983] of those [5130] beasts [2226], whose [3739] blood [0129] is brought [1533] [5743] into [1519] the sanctuary [0039] by [1223] the high priest [0749] for [4012] sin [0266], are burned [2618] [5743] without [1854] the camp [3925].


 C'est pourquoi aussi Jésus, afin de sanctifier le peuple par son propre sang, a souffert hors de la porte.

 Wherefore [1352] Jesus also [2532], that [2443] he might sanctify [0037] [5661] the people [2992] with [1223] his own [2398] blood [0129], suffered [3958] [5627] without [1854] the gate [4439].


 Sortons donc hors du camp, pour aller à lui, en portant son déshonneur.

 Let us go forth [1831] [5741] therefore [5106] unto [4314] him [0846] without [1854] the camp [3925], bearing [5342] [5723] his [0846] reproach [3680].


 Car nous n'avons point ici-bas de cité permanente, mais nous cherchons celle qui vient.

 For [1063] here [5602] have we [2192] [5719] no [3756] continuing [3306] [5723] city [4172], but [0235] we seek one [1934] [5719] to come [3195] [5723].


 Offrons donc sans cesse à Dieu par Jésus un sacrifice de louange, c'est-à-dire, le fruit de lèvres qui confessent son nom.

 By [1223] him [0846] therefore [3767] let us offer [0399] [5725] the sacrifice [2378] of praise [0133] to God [2316] continually [1275], that is [5123] [5748], the fruit [2590] of [our] lips [5491] giving thanks [3670] [5723] to his [0846] name [3686].


 Et n'oubliez pas la bienfaisance et la libéralité; car Dieu prend plaisir à de tels sacrifices.

 But [1161] to do good [2140] and [2532] to communicate [2842] forget [1950] [5737] not [3361]: for [1063] with such [5108] sacrifices [2378] God [2316] is well pleased [2100] [5743].


 Confiez-vous à vos surveillants et soyez-leur soumis, car ils veillent sur vos âmes, comme devant en rendre compte, afin qu'ils le fassent avec joie et non à regret; car cela vous serait d'aucun avantage.

 Obey [3982] [5732] them that have the rule [2233] [5740] over you [5216], and [2532] submit [5226] [5720] yourselves [5216]: for [1063] they [0846] watch [0069] [5719] for [5228] your [5216] [5216] souls [5590], as [5613] they that must give [0591] [5694] account [3056], that [2443] they may do [4160] [5725] it [5124] with [3326] joy [5479], and [2532] not [3361] with grief [4727] [5723]: for [1063] that [5124] [is] unprofitable [0255] for you [5213].


 Priez pour nous, car nous sommes persuadés d'avoir une bonne conscience, désirant de nous conduire bien en toutes choses.

 Pray [4336] [5737] for [4012] us [2257]: for [1063] [3754] we trust [3982] [5754] we have [2192] [5719] a good [2570] conscience [4893], in [1722] all things [3956] willing [2309] [5723] to live [0390] [5745] honestly [2573].


 Et je vous prie d'autant plus vivement de le faire, afin que je vous sois plus tôt rendu.

 But [1161] I beseech [3870] [5719] [you] the rather [4056] to do [4160] [5658] this [5124], that [2443] I may be restored [0600] [5686] to you [5213] the sooner [5032].


 Or, que le Dieu de paix, qui a ramené d'entre les morts le Souverain Pasteur des brebis, notre Seigneur Jésus, par le sang d'une alliance éternelle,

 Now [1161] the God [2316] of peace [1515], that brought again [0321] [5631] from [1537] the dead [3498] our [2257] Lord [2962] Jesus, that great [3173] shepherd [4166] of the sheep [4263], through [1722] the blood [0129] of the everlasting [0166] covenant [1242],


 Vous rende accomplis en toute bonne œuvre, afin que vous fassiez sa volonté, faisant lui-même en vous ce qui est agréable devant lui, par Jésus-Christ, à qui soit la gloire aux siècles des siècles! Amen.

 Make [2675] [0000] you [5209] perfect [2675] [5659] in [1722] every [3956] good [0018] work [2041] to [1519] do [4160] [5658] his [0848] will [2307], working [4160] [5723] in [1722] you [5213] that which is wellpleasing [2101] in his [0846] sight [1799], through [1223] Jesus Christ [5547]; to whom [3739] [be] glory [1391] for [1519] ever [0165] and ever [0165]. Amen [0281].


 Frères, je vous prie de supporter cette parole d'exhortation; car je vous ai écrit en peu de mots.

 And [1161] I beseech [3870] [5719] you [5209], brethren [0080], suffer [0430] [5737] the word [3056] of exhortation [3874]: for [1063] [2532] I have written a letter [1989] [5656] unto you [5213] in [1223] few words [1024].


 Vous savez que notre frère Timothée a été mis en liberté; s'il vient bientôt, je vous verrai avec lui.

 Know ye [1097] [5719] [5720] that [our] brother [0080] Timothy [5095] is set at liberty [0630] [5772]; with [3326] whom [3739], if [1437] he come [2064] [5741] shortly [5032], I will see [3700] [5695] you [5209].


 Saluez tous vos conducteurs, et tous les Saints. Ceux de l'Italie du Nord vous saluent.

 Salute [0782] [5663] all [3956] them that have the rule [2233] [5740] over you [5216], and [2532] all [3956] the saints [0040]. They of [0575] Italy [2482] salute [0782] [5736] you [5209].


 La grâce soit avec vous tous! Amen.
 Grace [5485] [be] with [3326] you [5216] all [3956]. Amen [0281].


Écrit de l'Italie aux Hébreux par Timothée.

[Written [1125] [5648] to [4314] the Hebrews [1445] from [0575] Italy [2482], by [1223] Timothy [5095].




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