La voix qui crie dans le désert








 La première année du règne de Cyrus, roi de Perse, afin que la Parole de YEHOVAH, prononcée par Jérémie, fût accomplie, YEHOVAH réveilla l'esprit de Cyrus, roi de Perse, qui fit publier par tout son royaume, et même par écrit, un édit portant:

 Now in the first [0259] year [8141] of Cyrus [3566] king [4428] of Persia, [6539] that the word [1697] of the LORD [3068] by the mouth [6310] of Jeremiah [3414] might be fulfilled, [3615] the LORD [3068] stirred up [5782] the spirit [7307] of Cyrus [3566] king [4428] of Persia, [6539] that he made a proclamation [5674] [6963] throughout all his kingdom, [4438] and [put it] also in writing, [4385] saying, [0559]


 Ainsi a dit Cyrus, roi de Perse: YEHOVAH, le Dieu des cieux, m'a donné tous les royaumes de la terre, et lui-même m'a ordonné de lui bâtir une maison à Jérusalem, qui est en Juda.

 Thus saith [0559] Cyrus [3566] king [4428] of Persia, [6539] The LORD [3068] God [0430] of heaven [8064] hath given [5414] me all the kingdoms [4467] of the earth; [0776] and he hath charged [6485] me to build [1129] him an house [1004] at Jerusalem, [3389] which [is] in Judah. [3063]


 Qui d'entre vous est de son peuple? Que son Dieu soit avec lui, et qu'il monte à Jérusalem qui est en Juda, et qu'il rebâtisse la maison de YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël; c'est le Dieu qui est à Jérusalem.

 Who [is there] among you of all his people? [5971] his God [0430] be with him, and let him go up [5927] to Jerusalem, [3389] which [is] in Judah, [3063] and build [1129] the house [1004] of the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] (he [is] the God,) [0430] which [is] in Jerusalem. [3389]


 Et quant à tous ceux qui restent, en quelque lieu qu'ils séjournent, que les gens du lieu les assistent, d'argent, d'or, de biens et de bétail, outre ce qu'on offrira volontairement pour la maison du Dieu qui est à Jérusalem.

 And whosoever remaineth [7604] in any place [4725] where he sojourneth, [1481] let the men [0582] of his place [4725] help [5375] him with silver, [3701] and with gold, [2091] and with goods, [7399] and with beasts, [0929] beside the freewill offering [5071] for the house [1004] of God [0430] that [is] in Jerusalem. [3389]


 Alors les chefs des pères de Juda et de Benjamin, les sacrificateurs et les Lévites, tous ceux dont Dieu réveilla l'esprit, se levèrent afin de monter pour rebâtir la maison de YEHOVAH, qui est à Jérusalem.

 Then rose up [6965] the chief [7218] of the fathers [0001] of Judah [3063] and Benjamin, [1144] and the priests, [3548] and the Levites, [3881] with all [them] whose spirit [7307] God [0430] had raised, [5782] to go up [5927] to build [1129] the house [1004] of the LORD [3068] which [is] in Jerusalem. [3389]


 Et tous ceux qui étaient autour d'eux leur vinrent en aide avec des objets d'argent, de l'or, des biens, du bétail et des choses précieuses, outre tout ce qu'on offrit volontairement.

 And all they that [were] about [5439] them strengthened [2388] their hands [3027] with vessels [3627] of silver, [3701] with gold, [2091] with goods, [7399] and with beasts, [0929] and with precious things, [4030] beside all [that] was willingly offered. [5068]


 Puis le roi Cyrus fit sortir les vases de la maison de YEHOVAH, que Nébucadnetsar avait emportés de Jérusalem, et qu'il avait mis dans la maison de son dieu.

 Also Cyrus [3566] the king [4428] brought forth [3318] the vessels [3627] of the house [1004] of the LORD, [3068] which Nebuchadnezzar [5019] had brought forth [3318] out of Jerusalem, [3389] and had put [5414] them in the house [1004] of his gods; [0430]


 Cyrus, roi de Perse, les fit sortir par Mithrédath, le trésorier, qui les livra, par compte, à Sheshbatsar, prince de Juda.

 Even those did Cyrus [3566] king [4428] of Persia [6539] bring forth [3318] by the hand [3027] of Mithredath [4990] the treasurer, [1489] and numbered [5608] them unto Sheshbazzar, [8339] the prince [5387] of Judah. [3063]


 En voici le nombre: trente bassins d'or, mille bassins d'argent, vingt-neuf couteaux,

 And this [is] the number [4557] of them: thirty [7970] chargers [0105] of gold, [2091] a thousand [0505] chargers [0105] of silver, [3701] nine [8672] and twenty [6242] knives, [4252]


 Trente plats d'or, quatre cent dix plats d'argent de second ordre, mille autres ustensiles.

 Thirty [7970] basons [3713] of gold, [2091] silver [3701] basons [3713] of a second [4932] [sort] four [0702] hundred [3967] and ten, [6235] [and] other [0312] vessels [3627] a thousand. [0505]


 Tous les ustensiles d'or et d'argent étaient au nombre de cinq mille quatre cents. Sheshbatsar emporta le tout, quand on fit remonter de Babylone à Jérusalem, ceux qui en avaient été transportés.

 All the vessels [3627] of gold [2091] and of silver [3701] [were] five [2568] thousand [0505] and four [0702] hundred. [3967] All [these] did Sheshbazzar [8339] bring up [5927] with [them of] the captivity [1473] that were brought up [5927] from Babylon [0894] unto Jerusalem. [3389]


 Or voici ceux de la province qui remontèrent de la captivité, d'entre ceux que Nébucadnetsar, roi de Babylone, avait transportés à Babylone, et qui retournèrent à Jérusalem et en Juda, chacun dans sa ville,

 Now these [are] the children [1121] of the province [4082] that went up [5927] out of the captivity, [7628] of those which had been carried away, [1473] whom Nebuchadnezzar [5019] the king [4428] of Babylon [0894] had carried away [1540] unto Babylon, [0894] and came again [7725] unto Jerusalem [3389] and Judah, [3063] every one [0376] unto his city; [5892]


 Qui vinrent avec Zorobabel, Jéshua, Néhémie, Séraja, Reélaja, Mardochée, Bilshan, Mispar, Bigvaï, Réhum et Baana. Nombre des hommes du peuple d'Israël:

 Which came [0935] with Zerubbabel: [2216] Jeshua, [3442] Nehemiah, [5166] Seraiah, [8304] Reelaiah, [7480] Mordecai, [4782] Bilshan, [1114] Mispar, [4558] Bigvai, [0902] Rehum, [7348] Baanah. [1196] The number [4557] of the men [0582] of the people [5971] of Israel: [3478]


 Les enfants de Parosh, deux mille cent soixante-douze;

 The children [1121] of Parosh, [6551] two thousand [0505] an hundred [3967] seventy [7657] and two. [8147]


 Les enfants de Shéphatia, trois cent soixante-douze;

 The children [1121] of Shephatiah, [8203] three [7969] hundred [3967] seventy [7657] and two. [8147]


 Les enfants d'Arach, sept cent soixante-quinze;

 The children [1121] of Arah, [0733] seven [7651] hundred [3967] seventy [7657] and five. [2568]


 Les enfants de Pachath-Moab, des enfants de Jeshua et de Joab, deux mille huit cent douze;

 The children [1121] of Pahathmoab, [6355] of the children [1121] of Jeshua [3442] [and] Joab, [3097] two thousand [0505] eight [8083] hundred [3967] and twelve. [8147] [6240]


 Les enfants d'Élam, mille deux cent cinquante-quatre;

 The children [1121] of Elam, [5867] a thousand [0505] two hundred [3967] fifty [2572] and four. [0702]


 Les enfants de Zatthu, neuf cent quarante-cinq;

 The children [1121] of Zattu, [2240] nine [8672] hundred [3967] forty [0705] and five. [2568]


 Les enfants de Zaccaï, sept cent soixante;

 The children [1121] of Zaccai, [2140] seven [7651] hundred [3967] and threescore. [8346]


 Les enfants de Bani, six cent quarante-deux;

 The children [1121] of Bani, [1137] six [8337] hundred [3967] forty [0705] and two. [8147]


 Les enfants de Bébaï, six cent vingt-trois;

 The children [1121] of Bebai, [0893] six [8337] hundred [3967] twenty [6242] and three. [7969]


 Les enfants d'Azgad, mille deux cent vingt-deux;

 The children [1121] of Azgad, [5803] a thousand [0505] two hundred [3967] twenty [6242] and two. [8147]


 Les enfants d'Adonikam, six cent soixante-six;

 The children [1121] of Adonikam, [0140] six [8337] hundred [3967] sixty [8346] and six. [8337]


 Les enfants de Bigvaï, deux mille cinquante-six;

 The children [1121] of Bigvai, [0902] two thousand [0505] fifty [2572] and six. [8337]


 Les enfants d'Adin, quatre cent cinquante-quatre;

 The children [1121] of Adin, [5720] four [0702] hundred [3967] fifty [2572] and four. [0702]


 Les enfants d'Ater, de la famille d'Ézéchias, quatre-vingt-dix-huit;

 The children [1121] of Ater [0333] of Hezekiah, [3169] ninety [8673] and eight. [8083]


 Les enfants de Betsaï, trois cent vingt-trois;

 The children [1121] of Bezai, [1209] three [7969] hundred [3967] twenty [6242] and three. [7969]


 Les enfants de Jora, cent douze;

 The children [1121] of Jorah, [3139] an hundred [3967] and twelve. [8147] [6240]


 Les enfants de Hashum, deux cent vingt-trois;

 The children [1121] of Hashum, [2828] two hundred [3967] twenty [6242] and three. [7969]


 Les enfants de Guibbar, quatre-vingt-quinze;

 The children [1121] of Gibbar, [1402] ninety [8673] and five. [2568]


 Les enfants de Bethléhem, cent vingt-trois;

 The children [1121] of Bethlehem, [1035] an hundred [3967] twenty [6242] and three. [7969]


 Les gens de Nétopha, cinquante-six;

 The men [0582] of Netophah, [5199] fifty [2572] and six. [8337]


 Les gens d'Anathoth, cent vingt-huit;

 The men [0582] of Anathoth, [6068] an hundred [3967] twenty [6242] and eight. [8083]


 Les enfants d'Azmaveth, quarante-deux;

 The children [1121] of Azmaveth, [5820] forty [0705] and two. [8147]


 Les enfants de Kirjath-Arim, de Képhira et de Béeroth, sept cent quarante-trois;

 The children [1121] of Kirjatharim, [7157] Chephirah, [3716] and Beeroth, [0881] seven [7651] hundred [3967] and forty [0705] and three. [7969]


 Les enfants de Rama et de Guéba, six cent vingt et un;

 The children [1121] of Ramah [7414] and Gaba, [1387] six [8337] hundred [3967] twenty [6242] and one. [0259]


 Les gens de Micmas, cent vingt-deux;

 The men [0582] of Michmas, [4363] an hundred [3967] twenty [6242] and two. [8147]


 Les gens de Béthel et d'Aï, deux cent vingt-trois;

 The men [0582] of Bethel [1008] and Ai, [5857] two hundred [3967] twenty [6242] and three. [7969]


 Les enfants de Nébo, cinquante-deux;

 The children [1121] of Nebo, [5015] fifty [2572] and two. [8147]


 Les enfants de Magbish, cent cinquante-six;

 The children [1121] of Magbish, [4019] an hundred [3967] fifty [2572] and six. [8337]


 Les enfants d'un autre Élam, mille deux cent cinquante-quatre;

 The children [1121] of the other [0312] Elam, [5867] a thousand [0505] two hundred [3967] fifty [2572] and four. [0702]


 Les enfants de Harim, trois cent vingt;

 The children [1121] of Harim, [2766] three [7969] hundred [3967] and twenty. [6242]


 Les enfants de Lod, de Hadid et d'Ono, sept cent vingt-cinq;

 The children [1121] of Lod, [3850] Hadid, [2307] and Ono, [0207] seven [7651] hundred [3967] twenty [6242] and five. [2568]


 Les enfants de Jérico, trois cent quarante-cinq;

 The children [1121] of Jericho, [3405] three [7969] hundred [3967] forty [0705] and five. [2568]


 Les enfants de Sénaa, trois mille six cent trente.

 The children [1121] of Senaah, [5570] three [7969] thousand [0505] and six [8337] hundred [3967] and thirty. [7970]


 Sacrificateurs: les enfants de Jédaeja, de la maison de Jéshua, neuf cent soixante et treize;

 The priests: [3548] the children [1121] of Jedaiah, [3048] of the house [1004] of Jeshua, [3442] nine [8672] hundred [3967] seventy [7657] and three. [7969]


 Les enfants d'Immer, mille cinquante-deux;

 The children [1121] of Immer, [0564] a thousand [0505] fifty [2572] and two. [8147]


 Les enfants de Pashur, mille deux cent quarante-sept;

 The children [1121] of Pashur, [6583] a thousand [0505] two hundred [3967] forty [0705] and seven. [7651]


 Les enfants de Harim, mille et dix-sept.

 The children [1121] of Harim, [2766] a thousand [0505] and seventeen. [7651] [6240]


 Lévites: les enfants de Jéshua et de Kadmiel, d'entre les enfants d'Hodavia, soixante et quatorze.

 The Levites: [3881] the children [1121] of Jeshua [3442] and Kadmiel, [6934] of the children [1121] of Hodaviah, [1938] seventy [7657] and four. [0702]


 Chantres: les enfants d'Asaph, cent vingt-huit.

 The singers: [7891] the children [1121] of Asaph, [0623] an hundred [3967] twenty [6242] and eight. [8083]


 Enfants des portiers: les enfants de Shallum, les enfants d'Ater, les enfants de Talmon, les enfants d'Akkub, les enfants de Hatita, les enfants de Shobaï, en tout, cent trente-neuf.

 The children [1121] of the porters: [7778] the children [1121] of Shallum, [7967] the children [1121] of Ater, [0333] the children [1121] of Talmon, [2929] the children [1121] of Akkub, [6126] the children [1121] of Hatita, [2410] the children [1121] of Shobai, [7630] [in] all an hundred [3967] thirty [7970] and nine. [8672]


 Néthiniens: les enfants de Tsicha, les enfants de Hasupha, les enfants de Tabbaoth;

 The Nethinims: [5411] the children [1121] of Ziha, [6727] the children [1121] of Hasupha, [2817] the children [1121] of Tabbaoth, [2884]


 Les enfants de Kéros, les enfants de Siaha, les enfants de Padon;

 The children [1121] of Keros, [7026] the children [1121] of Siaha, [5517] the children [1121] of Padon, [6303]


 Les enfants de Lébana, les enfants de Hagaba, les enfants d'Akkub;

 The children [1121] of Lebanah, [3838] the children [1121] of Hagabah, [2286] the children [1121] of Akkub, [6126]


 Les enfants de Hagab, les enfants de Shamlaï, les enfants de Hanan;

 The children [1121] of Hagab, [2285] the children [1121] of Shalmai, [8073] the children [1121] of Hanan, [2605]


 Les enfants de Guiddel, les enfants de Gachar, les enfants de Réaja;

 The children [1121] of Giddel, [1435] the children [1121] of Gahar, [1515] the children [1121] of Reaiah, [7211]


 Les enfants de Retsin, les enfants de Nékoda, les enfants de Gazzam;

 The children [1121] of Rezin, [7526] the children [1121] of Nekoda, [5353] the children [1121] of Gazzam, [1502]


 Les enfants d'Uzza, les enfants de Paséach, les enfants de Bésaï;

 The children [1121] of Uzza, [5798] the children [1121] of Paseah, [6454] the children [1121] of Besai, [1153]


 Les enfants d'Asna, les enfants de Méhunim, les enfants de Néphusim;

 The children [1121] of Asnah, [0619] the children [1121] of Mehunim, [4586] the children [1121] of Nephusim, [5300] [5304]


 Les enfants de Bakbuk, les enfants de Hakupha, les enfants de Harhur;

 The children [1121] of Bakbuk, [1227] the children [1121] of Hakupha, [2709] the children [1121] of Harhur, [2744]


 Les enfants de Batsluth, les enfants de Méhida, les enfants de Harsha;

 The children [1121] of Bazluth, [1213] the children [1121] of Mehida, [4240] the children [1121] of Harsha, [2797]


 Les enfants de Barkos, les enfants de Sisra, les enfants de Tamach;

 The children [1121] of Barkos, [1302] the children [1121] of Sisera, [5516] the children [1121] of Thamah, [8547]


 Les enfants de Netsiach, les enfants de Hatipha.

 The children [1121] of Neziah, [5335] the children [1121] of Hatipha. [2412]


 Enfants des serviteurs de Salomon: les enfants de Sotaï, les enfants de Sophéreth, les enfants de Péruda;

 The children [1121] of Solomon's [8010] servants: [5650] the children [1121] of Sotai, [5479] the children [1121] of Sophereth, [5618] the children [1121] of Peruda, [6514]


 Les enfants de Jaala, les enfants de Darkon, les enfants de Guiddel;

 The children [1121] of Jaalah, [3279] the children [1121] of Darkon, [1874] the children [1121] of Giddel, [1435]


 Les enfants de Shéphatia, les enfants de Hattil, les enfants de Pokéreth-Hatsébaïm, les enfants d'Ami.

 The children [1121] of Shephatiah, [8203] the children [1121] of Hattil, [2411] the children [1121] of Pochereth of Zebaim, [6380] the children [1121] of Ami. [0532]


 Total des Néthiniens et des enfants des serviteurs de Salomon: trois cent quatre-vingt-douze.

 All the Nethinims, [5411] and the children [1121] of Solomon's [8010] servants, [5650] [were] three [7969] hundred [3967] ninety [8673] and two. [8147]


 Voici ceux qui montèrent de Thel-Mélach, de Thel-Harsha, de Kérub-Addan, et d'Immer, et qui ne purent indiquer la maison de leurs pères, ni leur race, ni s'ils étaient d'Israël.

 And these [were] they which went up [5927] from Telmelah, [8528] Telharsa, [8521] Cherub, [3743] Addan, [0135] [and] Immer: [0564] but they could [3201] not shew [5046] their father's [0001] house, [1004] and their seed, [2233] whether they [were] of Israel: [3478]


 Les enfants de Délaja, les enfants de Tobija, les enfants de Nékoda, six cent cinquante-deux.

 The children [1121] of Delaiah, [1806] the children [1121] of Tobiah, [2900] the children [1121] of Nekoda, [5353] six [8337] hundred [3967] fifty [2572] and two. [8147]


 Des enfants des sacrificateurs: les enfants de Habaja, les enfants de Kots, les enfants de Barzillaï, qui prit pour femme une des filles de Barzillaï, le Galaadite, et fut appelé de leur nom.

 And of the children [1121] of the priests: [3548] the children [1121] of Habaiah, [2252] the children [1121] of Koz, [6976] the children [1121] of Barzillai; [1271] which took [3947] a wife [0802] of the daughters [1323] of Barzillai [1271] the Gileadite, [1569] and was called [7121] after their name: [8034]


 Ceux-là cherchèrent leurs titres généalogiques; mais ils ne se retrouvèrent point, et ils furent exclus du sacerdoce.

 These sought [1245] their register [3791] [among] those that were reckoned by genealogy, [3187] but they were not found: [4672] therefore were they, as polluted, [1351] put from the priesthood. [3550]


 Le gouverneur leur dit qu'ils ne mangent point des choses très saintes, jusqu'à ce qu'un sacrificateur pût consulter avec l'Urim et le Thummim.

 And the Tirshatha [8660] said [0559] unto them, that they should not eat [0398] of the most [6944] holy things, [6944] till there stood [5975] up a priest [3548] with Urim [0224] and with Thummim. [8550]


 L'assemblée tout entière était de quarante-deux mille trois cent soixante;

 The whole congregation [6951] together [0259] [was] forty [0702] [7239] and two thousand [0505] three [7969] hundred [3967] [and] threescore, [8346]


 Sans compter leurs serviteurs et leurs servantes, au nombre de sept mille trois cent trente-sept; et ils avaient deux cents chantres et chanteuses.

 Beside their servants [5650] and their maids, [0519] of whom [0428] [there were] seven [7651] thousand [0505] three [7969] hundred [3967] thirty [7970] and seven: [7651] and [there were] among them two hundred [3967] singing [7891] men and singing [7891] women.


 Ils avaient sept cent trente-six chevaux, deux cent quarante-cinq mulets,

 Their horses [5483] [were] seven [7651] hundred [3967] thirty [7970] and six; [8337] their mules, [6505] two hundred [3967] forty [0705] and five; [2568]


 Quatre cent trente-cinq chameaux, et six mille sept cent vingt ânes.

 Their camels, [1581] four [0702] hundred [3967] thirty [7970] and five; [2568] [their] asses, [2543] six [8337] thousand [0505] seven [7651] hundred [3967] and twenty. [6242]


 Et plusieurs des chefs des pères, quand ils vinrent à la maison de YEHOVAH qui est à Jérusalem, firent des offrandes volontaires pour la maison de Dieu, afin qu'on la rétablît sur son emplacement.

 And [some] of the chief [7218] of the fathers, [0001] when they came [0935] to the house [1004] of the LORD [3068] which [is] at Jerusalem, [3389] offered freely [5068] for the house [1004] of God [0430] to set it up [5975] in his place: [4349]


 Ils donnèrent au trésor de l'ouvrage, selon leur pouvoir, soixante et un mille dariques d'or, cinq mille mines d'argent, et cent tuniques de sacrificateurs.

 They gave [5414] after their ability [3581] unto the treasure [0214] of the work [4399] threescore [8337] [7239] and one thousand [0505] drams [1871] of gold, [2091] and five [2568] thousand [0505] pound [4488] of silver, [3701] and one hundred [3967] priests' [3548] garments. [3801]


 Les sacrificateurs, les Lévites, les gens du peuple, les chantres, les portiers et les Néthiniens habitèrent dans leurs villes; tous ceux d'Israël furent aussi dans leurs villes.

 So the priests, [3548] and the Levites, [3881] and [some] of the people, [5971] and the singers, [7891] and the porters, [7778] and the Nethinims, [5411] dwelt [3427] in their cities, [5892] and all Israel [3478] in their cities. [5892]


 Le septième mois approchant, et les enfants d'Israël étant dans leurs villes, le peuple s'assembla à Jérusalem, comme un seul homme.

 And when the seventh [7637] month [2320] was come, [5060] and the children [1121] of Israel [3478] [were] in the cities, [5892] the people [5971] gathered [0622] themselves together as one [0259] man [0376] to Jerusalem. [3389]


 Alors Jéshua, fils de Jotsadak, se leva avec ses frères les sacrificateurs, et Zorobabel, fils de Salathiel, avec ses frères; et ils bâtirent l'autel du Dieu d'Israël, pour y offrir les offrandes à brûler ainsi qu'il est écrit dans la loi de Moïse, homme de Dieu.

 Then stood up [6965] Jeshua [3442] the son [1121] of Jozadak, [3136] and his brethren [0251] the priests, [3548] and Zerubbabel [2216] the son [1121] of Shealtiel, [7597] and his brethren, [0251] and builded [1129] the altar [4196] of the God [0430] of Israel, [3478] to offer [5927] burnt offerings [5930] thereon, as [it is] written [3789] in the law [8451] of Moses [4872] the man [0376] of God. [0430]


 Et ils redressèrent l'autel sur ses fondements, car ils étaient sous la crainte des populations du pays; et ils y offrirent des offrandes à brûler à YEHOVAH, les offrandes à brûler du matin et du soir.

 And they set [3559] the altar [4196] upon his bases; [4350] for fear [0367] [was] upon them because of the people [5971] of those countries: [0776] and they offered [5927] burnt offerings [5930] thereon unto the LORD, [3068] [even] burnt offerings [5930] morning [1242] and evening. [6153]


 Ils célébrèrent ensuite la fête des tabernacles, ainsi qu'il est écrit, et ils offrirent des offrandes à brûler chaque jour, autant qu'il en fallait selon que l'ordinaire de chaque jour le demandait.

 They kept [6213] also the feast [2282] of tabernacles, [5521] as [it is] written, [3789] and [offered] the daily [3117] [3117] burnt offerings [5930] by number, [4557] according to the custom, [4941] as the duty [1697] of every day [3117] [3117] required;


 Après cela, ils offrirent l'offrande à brûler continuel, ceux des nouvelles lunes et de toutes les solennités consacrées à YEHOVAH, et ceux que chacun présentait volontairement à YEHOVAH.

 And afterward [0310] [offered] the continual [8548] burnt offering, [5930] both of the new moons, [2320] and of all the set feasts [4150] of the LORD [3068] that were consecrated, [6942] and of every one that willingly offered [5068] a freewill offering [5071] unto the LORD. [3068]


 Dès le premier jour du septième mois, ils commencèrent à offrir des offrandes à brûler à YEHOVAH, bien que le temple de YEHOVAH ne fût pas encore fondé.

 From the first [0259] day [3117] of the seventh [7637] month [2320] began [2490] they to offer [5927] burnt offerings [5930] unto the LORD. [3068] But the foundation of the temple [1964] of the LORD [3068] was not [yet] laid. [3245]


 Mais ils donnèrent de l'argent aux tailleurs de pierres et aux charpentiers; ils donnèrent aussi à manger et à boire, ainsi que de l'huile, aux Sidoniens et aux Tyriens, afin qu'ils amenassent du bois de cèdre, du Liban à la mer de Japho, selon la permission que Cyrus, roi de Perse, leur en avait donnée.

 They gave [5414] money [3701] also unto the masons, [2672] and to the carpenters; [2796] and meat, [3978] and drink, [4960] and oil, [8081] unto them of Zidon, [6722] and to them of Tyre, [6876] to bring [0935] cedar [0730] trees [6086] from Lebanon [3844] to the sea [3220] of Joppa, [3305] according to the grant [7558] that they had of Cyrus [3566] king [4428] of Persia. [6539]


 Et la seconde année depuis leur arrivée à la maison de Dieu, à Jérusalem, au second mois, Zorobabel, fils de Salathiel, Jéshua, fils de Jotsadak, et le reste de leurs frères, les sacrificateurs, et les Lévites, et tous ceux qui étaient venus de la captivité à Jérusalem, commencèrent; et ils établirent des Lévites, depuis l'âge de vingt ans et au-dessus, pour présider à l'ouvrage de la maison de YEHOVAH.

 Now in the second [8145] year [8141] of their coming [0935] unto the house [1004] of God [0430] at Jerusalem, [3389] in the second [8145] month, [2320] began [2490] Zerubbabel [2216] the son [1121] of Shealtiel, [7597] and Jeshua [3442] the son [1121] of Jozadak, [3136] and the remnant [7605] of their brethren [0251] the priests [3548] and the Levites, [3881] and all they that were come [0935] out of the captivity [7628] unto Jerusalem; [3389] and appointed [5975] the Levi


 Et Jéshua assistait avec ses fils et ses frères, et Kadmiel avec ses fils, enfants de Juda, comme un seul homme, pour diriger ceux qui faisaient l'ouvrage de la maison de Dieu, ainsi que les fils de Hénadad, avec leurs fils et leurs frères, Lévites.

 Then stood [5975] Jeshua [3442] [with] his sons [1121] and his brethren, [0251] Kadmiel [6934] and his sons, [1121] the sons [1121] of Judah, [3063] together, [0259] to set forward [5329] the workmen [6213] [4399] in the house [1004] of God: [0430] the sons [1121] of Henadad, [2582] [with] their sons [1121] and their brethren [0251] the Levites. [3881]


 Or, lorsque ceux qui bâtissaient jetèrent les fondements du temple de YEHOVAH, on y fit assister les sacrificateurs en costume, avec les trompettes, et les Lévites, fils d'Asaph, avec les cymbales, pour louer YEHOVAH, selon l'institution de David, roi d'Israël.

 And when the builders [1129] laid the foundation [3245] of the temple [1964] of the LORD, [3068] they set [5975] the priests [3548] in their apparel [3847] with trumpets, [2689] and the Levites [3881] the sons [1121] of Asaph [0623] with cymbals, [4700] to praise [1984] the LORD, [3068] after the ordinance [3027] of David [1732] king [4428] of Israel. [3478]


 Et en louant et en célébrant YEHOVAH, ils s'entre-répondaient ainsi: Car il est bon, car sa miséricorde demeure à toujours sur Israël! Et tout le peuple jetait de grands cris de joie, en louant YEHOVAH, parce qu'on posait les fondements de la maison de YEHOVAH.

 And they sang [6030] together by course in praising [1984] and giving thanks [3034] unto the LORD; [3068] because [he is] good, [2896] for his mercy [2617] [endureth] for ever [5769] toward Israel. [3478] And all the people [5971] shouted [7321] with a great [1419] shout, [8643] when they praised [1984] the LORD, [3068] because the foundation of the house [1004] of the LORD [3068] was laid. [3245]


 Mais plusieurs des sacrificateurs, et des Lévites, et des chefs des pères, qui étaient âgés, et qui avaient vu la première maison sur son fondement, en se représentant cette maison-ci, pleuraient à haute voix; tandis que beaucoup d'autres élevaient leurs voix avec des cris de réjouissance et avec joie.

 But many [7227] of the priests [3548] and Levites [3881] and chief [7218] of the fathers, [0001] [who were] ancient men, [2205] that had seen [7200] the first [7223] house, [1004] when the foundation of this house [1004] was laid [3245] before their eyes, [5869] wept [1058] with a loud [1419] voice; [6963] and many [7227] shouted [8643] aloud [7311] for joy: [8057]


 Et l'on ne pouvait discerner la voix des cris de joie d'avec la voix des pleurs du peuple; car le peuple jetait de grands cris, de sorte que leur voix fut entendue bien loin.

 So that the people [5971] could not discern [5234] the noise [6963] of the shout [8643] of joy [8057] from the noise [6963] of the weeping [1065] of the people: [5971] for the people [5971] shouted [7321] with a loud [1419] shout, [8643] and the noise [6963] was heard [8085] afar off. [7350]


 Or les ennemis de Juda et de Benjamin apprirent que les enfants de la captivité rebâtissaient le temple de YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël.

 Now when the adversaries [6862] of Judah [3063] and Benjamin [1144] heard [8085] that the children [1121] of the captivity [1473] builded [1129] the temple [1964] unto the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel; [3478]


 Ils vinrent vers Zorobabel et vers les chefs des pères, et leur dirent: Nous bâtirons avec vous; car nous invoquerons votre Dieu comme vous; et c'est à lui que nous sacrifions depuis le temps d'Ésar-Haddon, roi d'Assyrie, qui nous a fait monter ici.

 Then they came [5066] to Zerubbabel, [2216] and to the chief [7218] of the fathers, [0001] and said [0559] unto them, Let us build [1129] with you: for we seek [1875] your God, [0430] as ye [do]; and we do sacrifice [2076] unto him since the days [3117] of Esarhaddon [0634] king [4428] of Assur, [0804] which brought us up [5927] hither.


 Mais Zorobabel, Jéshua, et les autres chefs des pères d'Israël, leur répondirent: Il ne convient pas que vous et nous, nous bâtissions une maison à notre Dieu; mais nous la bâtirons nous seuls à YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël, comme le roi Cyrus, roi de Perse, nous l'a commandé.

 But Zerubbabel, [2216] and Jeshua, [3442] and the rest [7605] of the chief [7218] of the fathers [0001] of Israel, [3478] said [0559] unto them, Ye have nothing to do with us to build [1129] an house [1004] unto our God; [0430] but we ourselves together [3162] will build [1129] unto the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] as king [4428] Cyrus [3566] the king [4428] of Persia [6539] hath commanded [6680] us.


 Alors le peuple du pays rendit lâches les mains du peuple de Juda, en l'effrayant pour l'empêcher de bâtir;

 Then the people [5971] of the land [0776] weakened [7503] the hands [3027] of the people [5971] of Judah, [3063] and troubled [0926] them in building, [1129]


 Et ils soudoyèrent contre eux des conseillers pour dissiper leur entreprise, pendant tout le temps de Cyrus, roi de Perse, jusqu'au règne de Darius, roi de Perse.

 And hired [7936] counsellors [3289] against them, to frustrate [6565] their purpose, [6098] all the days [3117] of Cyrus [3566] king [4428] of Persia, [6539] even until the reign [4438] of Darius [1867] king [4428] of Persia. [6539]


 Puis, pendant le règne d'Assuérus, au commencement de son règne, ils écrivirent une accusation contre les habitants de Juda et de Jérusalem.

 And in the reign [4438] of Ahasuerus, [0325] in the beginning [8462] of his reign, [4438] wrote [3789] they [unto him] an accusation [7855] against the inhabitants [3427] of Judah [3063] and Jerusalem. [3389]


 Et du temps d'Artaxerxès, Bishlam, Mithrédath, Tabéel, et les autres de leurs collègues, écrivirent à Artaxerxès, roi de Perse. La lettre fut écrite en caractères araméens et traduite en araméen.

 And in the days [3117] of Artaxerxes [0783] wrote [3789] Bishlam, [1312] Mithredath, [4990] Tabeel, [2870] and the rest [7605] of their companions, [3674] unto Artaxerxes [0783] king [4428] of Persia; [6539] and the writing [3791] of the letter [5406] [was] written [3789] in the Syrian [0762] tongue, and interpreted [8638] in the Syrian [0762] tongue.


 Réhum, gouverneur, et Shimshaï, secrétaire, écrivirent donc en ces termes une lettre, touchant Jérusalem, au roi Artaxerxès:

 Rehum [7348] the chancellor [1169] [2942] and Shimshai [8124] the scribe [5613] wrote [3790] a [2298] letter [0104] against [5922] Jerusalem [3390] to Artaxerxes [0783] the king [4430] in this sort: [3660]


 Réhum, gouverneur et Shimshaï, secrétaire, et les autres de leurs collègues, Diniens, Apharsathkiens, Tarpéliens, Arphasiens, Arkéviens, Babyloniens, Susankiens, Déhaviens, Élamites,

 Then [0116] [wrote] Rehum [7348] the chancellor, [1169] [2942] and Shimshai [8124] the scribe, [5613] and the rest [7606] of their companions; [3675] the Dinaites, [1784] the Apharsathchites, [0671] the Tarpelites, [2967] the Apharsites, [0670] the Archevites, [0756] the Babylonians, [0896] the Susanchites, [7801] the Dehavites, [1723] [and] the Elamites, [5962]


 Et les autres peuples que le grand et illustre Osnapar a transportés et fait habiter dans la ville de Samarie, et autres villes de ce côté-ci du fleuve, - et ainsi de suite.

 And the rest [7606] of the nations [0524] whom [1768] the great [7229] and noble [3358] Asnappar [0620] brought over, [1541] and set [3488] [1994] in the cities [7149] of Samaria, [8115] and the rest [7606] [that are] on this side [5675] the river, [5103] and at such a time. [3706]


 C'est ici la copie de la lettre qu'ils lui envoyèrent: Au roi Artaxerxès: Tes serviteurs, les gens de ce côté-ci du fleuve, - et ainsi de suite.

 This [1836] [is] the copy [6573] of the letter [0104] that [1768] they sent [7972] unto [5922] him, [even] unto [5922] Artaxerxes [0783] the king; [4430] Thy servants [5649] the men [0606] on this side [5675] the river, [5103] and at such a time. [3706]


 Que le roi sache que les Judéens qui sont montés d'auprès de toi vers nous, sont venus à Jérusalem; qu'ils rebâtissent cette ville rebelle et méchante, qu'ils en relèvent les murailles et en restaurent les fondements.

 Be it [1934] known [3046] unto the king, [4430] that the Jews [3062] which [1768] came up [5559] from [4481] thee [3890] to us [5922] are come [0858] unto Jerusalem, [3390] building [1124] the rebellious [4779] and the bad [0873] city, [7149] and have set up [3635] the walls [7792] [thereof], and joined [2338] the foundations. [0787]


 Maintenant, que le roi sache que si cette ville est rebâtie et ses murailles relevées, on ne paiera plus de tribut, ni d'impôts, ni de péage, et que finalement elle portera dommage aux rois.

 Be it [1934] known [3046] now [3705] unto the king, [4430] that, if [2006] this [1791] city [7149] be builded, [1124] and the walls [7792] set up [3635] [again, then] will they not [3809] pay [5415] toll, [4061] tribute, [1093] and custom, [1983] and [so] thou shalt endamage [5142] the revenue [0674] of the kings. [4430]


 Or, comme nous mangeons le sel du palais, et qu'il n'est pas convenable que nous soyons témoins de ce dommage fait au roi, nous envoyons cette lettre au roi et lui faisons savoir ceci:

 Now [3705] because [6903] [3606] [1768] we have [4415] maintenance [4416] from [the king's] palace, [1965] and it was not [3809] meet [0749] for us to see [2370] the king's [4430] dishonour, [6173] therefore [5922] [1836] have we sent [7972] and certified [3046] the king; [4430]


 Qu'on cherche au livre des mémoires de tes pères, tu trouveras dans le livre des mémoires et tu apprendras que cette ville est une ville rebelle et pernicieuse aux rois et aux provinces, et que de tout temps on y a fait des séditions; c'est pour cela que cette ville a été détruite.

 That search [1240] may be made in the book [5609] of the records [1799] of thy fathers: [0002] so shalt thou find [7912] in the book [5609] of the records, [1799] and know [3046] that this [1791] city [7149] [is] a rebellious [4779] city, [7149] and hurtful [5142] unto kings [4430] and provinces, [4083] and that they have moved [5648] sedition [0849] within the same [1459] of [4481] old [5957] time: [3118] for [5922] which [1836] cause was this [1791] city [7149] destroy


 Nous faisons savoir au roi, que si cette ville est rebâtie et ses murailles relevées, tu n'auras plus de possessions de ce côté-ci du fleuve.

 We [0586] certify [3046] the king [4430] that, if [2006] this [1791] city [7149] be builded [1124] [again], and the walls [7792] thereof set up, [3635] by this [1836] means [6903] thou shalt have [0383] no [3809] portion [2508] on this side [5675] the river. [5103]


 Le roi envoya cette réponse à Réhum, gouverneur, à Shimshaï, secrétaire, et à leurs autres collègues qui habitaient à Samarie, et autres lieux de ce côté-ci du fleuve: Salut, - et ainsi de suite.

 [Then] sent [7972] the king [4430] an answer [6600] unto [5922] Rehum [7348] the chancellor, [1169] [2942] and [to] Shimshai [8124] the scribe, [5613] and [to] the rest [7606] of their companions [3675] that dwell [3488] in Samaria, [8115] and [unto] the rest [7606] beyond [5675] the river, [5103] Peace, [8001] and at such a time. [3706]


 La lettre que vous nous avez envoyée, a été exactement lue devant moi.

 The letter [5407] which ye sent [7972] unto us [5922] hath been plainly [6568] read [7123] before [6925] me.


 J'ai donné ordre, et on a cherché, et on a trouvé que, de tout temps, cette ville-là s'est élevée contre les rois, et qu'on y a fait des séditions et des révoltes;

 And I [4481] commanded, [7761] [2942] and search [1240] hath been made, and it is found [7912] that this [1791] city [7149] of [4481] old [5957] time [3118] hath made insurrection [5376] against [5922] kings, [4430] and [that] rebellion [4776] and sedition [0849] have been made [5648] therein.


 Et qu'il y a eu des rois puissants à Jérusalem, qui ont dominé sur tout ce qui est au delà du fleuve, et qu'on leur payait le tribut, l'impôt et le péage.

 There have been [1934] mighty [8624] kings [4430] also over [5922] Jerusalem, [3390] which have ruled [7990] over all [3606] [countries] beyond [5675] the river; [5103] and toll, [4061] tribute, [1093] and custom, [1983] was paid [3052] unto them.


 Maintenant donc donnez l'ordre de faire cesser ces gens-là, afin que cette ville ne soit point rebâtie, jusqu'à ce qu'un ordre en soit donné de ma part.

 Give [7761] ye now [3705] commandment [2942] to cause these [0479] men [1400] to cease, [0989] and that this [1791] city [7149] be not [3809] builded, [1124] until [5705] [another] commandment [2941] shall be given [7761] from me. [4481]


 Et gardez-vous de manquer d'agir d'après cela. Pourquoi s'accroîtrait le dommage au préjudice des rois?

 Take heed [1934] [2095] now that ye fail [7960] not to do [5922] [5648] this: [1836] why [4101] should damage [2257] grow [7680] to the hurt [5142] of the kings? [4430]


 Or, dès que la copie de la lettre du roi Artaxerxès eut été lue en la présence de Réhum, de Shimshaï, secrétaire, et de leurs collègues, ils s'en allèrent en hâte à Jérusalem vers les Judéens, et les firent cesser à main forte.

 Now [0116] when [4481] [1768] the copy [6573] of king [4430] Artaxerxes' [0783] letter [5407] [was] read [7123] before [6925] Rehum, [7348] and Shimshai [8124] the scribe, [5613] and their companions, [3675] they went up [0236] in haste [0924] to Jerusalem [3390] unto [5922] the Jews, [3062] and made them [1994] to cease [0989] by force [0153] and power. [2429]


 Alors l'ouvrage de la maison de Dieu, qui est à Jérusalem, cessa, et fut arrêté jusqu'à la seconde année du règne de Darius, roi de Perse.

 Then [0116] ceased [0989] the work [5673] of the house [1005] of God [0426] which [is] at Jerusalem. [3390] So it ceased [1934] [0989] unto [5705] the second [8648] year [8140] of the reign [4437] of Darius [1868] king [4430] of Persia. [6540]


 Or Aggée, le prophète, et Zacharie, fils d'Iddo, prophète, prophétisèrent aux Judéens qui étaient en Juda et à Jérusalem, au nom du Dieu d'Israël, qui s'adressait à eux.

 Then the prophets, [5029] Haggai [2292] the prophet, [5029] and Zechariah [2148] the son [1247] of Iddo, [5714] prophesied [5013] unto [5922] the Jews [3062] that [were] in Judah [3061] and Jerusalem [3390] in the name [8036] of the God [0426] of Israel, [3479] [even] unto [5922] them.


 Alors Zorobabel, fils de Salathiel, et Jéshua, fils de Jotsadak, se levèrent et commencèrent à bâtir la maison de Dieu, qui est à Jérusalem; et avec eux étaient les prophètes de Dieu, qui les aidaient.

 Then [0116] rose up [6966] Zerubbabel [2217] the son [1247] of Shealtiel, [7598] and Jeshua [3443] [3442] the son [1247] of Jozadak, [3136] and began [8271] to build [1124] the house [1005] of God [0426] which [is] at Jerusalem: [3390] and with them [5974] [were] the prophets [5029] of God [0426] helping [5583] them.


 En ce temps-là, Thathénaï, gouverneur de ce côté-ci du fleuve, Shéthar-Boznaï et leurs collègues, vinrent vers eux, et leur parlèrent ainsi: Qui vous a donné ordre de bâtir cette maison, et de relever ces murailles?

 At the same time [2166] came [0858] to [5922] them Tatnai, [8674] governor [6347] on this side [5675] the river, [5103] and Shetharboznai, [8370] and their companions, [3675] and said [0560] thus [3652] unto them, Who [4479] hath commanded [7761] [2942] you to build [1124] this [1836] house, [1005] and to make up [3635] this [1836] wall? [0846]


 Puis ils leur dirent: Quels sont les noms des hommes qui bâtissent cet édifice?

 Then [0116] said [0560] we unto them after this manner, [3660] What [4479] are [0581] the names [8036] of the men [1400] that make [1124] this [1836] building? [1147]


 Mais l'œil de leur Dieu fut sur les anciens des Judéens, et on ne les fit point cesser, jusqu'à ce que l'affaire parvînt à Darius, et qu'alors on leur écrivît sur cet objet.

 But the eye [5870] of their God [0426] was [1934] upon [5922] the elders [7868] of the Jews, [3062] that they could not [3809] cause them [1994] to cease, [0989] till [5705] the matter [2941] came [1946] to Darius: [1868] and then [0116] they returned answer [8421] by letter [5407] concerning [5922] this [1836] [matter].


 Copie de la lettre que Thathénaï, gouverneur de ce côté-ci du fleuve, Shéthar-Boznaï, et ses collègues Apharsékiens, qui étaient de ce côté-ci du fleuve, envoyèrent au roi Darius.

 The copy [6573] of the letter [0104] that Tatnai, [8674] governor [6347] on this side [5675] the river, [5103] and Shetharboznai, [8370] and his companions [3675] the Apharsachites, [0671] which [were] on this side [5675] the river, [5103] sent [7972] unto [5922] Darius [1868] the king: [4430]


 Ils lui envoyèrent un rapport en ces termes: Au roi Darius, paix parfaite!

 They sent [7972] a letter [6600] unto [5922] him, wherein [1459] was written [3790] thus; [1836] Unto Darius [1868] the king, [4430] all [3606] peace. [8001]


 Que le roi soit averti que nous sommes allés dans la province de Juda, à la maison du grand Dieu, que l'on bâtit en pierres de taille; le bois est posé sur les murs, et cet édifice se bâtit rapidement, et s'avance entre leurs mains.

 Be it [1934] known [3046] unto the king, [4430] that we went [0236] into the province [4083] of Judea, [3061] to the house [1005] of the great [7229] God, [0426] which is builded [1124] with great [1560] stones, [0069] and timber [0636] is laid [7761] in the walls, [3797] and this [1791] work [5673] goeth [5648] fast [0629] on, and prospereth [6744] in their hands. [3028]


 Alors nous avons interrogé les anciens qui étaient là, nous leur avons dit: Qui vous a donné ordre de bâtir cette maison et de relever ces murs?

 Then [0116] asked [7593] we those [0479] elders, [7868] [and] said [0560] unto them thus, [3660] Who [4479] commanded [7761] [2942] you to build [1124] this [1836] house, [1005] and to make up [3635] these [1836] walls? [0846]


 Et même nous leur avons demandé leurs noms, pour te les faire connaître, afin d'écrire les noms des hommes qui sont à leur tête.

 We asked [7593] their names [8036] also, [0638] to certify [3046] thee, that we might write [3790] the names [8036] of the men [1400] that [were] the chief [7217] of them.


 Et ils nous ont répondu ainsi: Nous sommes les serviteurs du Dieu des cieux et de la terre, et nous rebâtissons la maison qui avait été bâtie autrefois, il y a longtemps, et qu'un grand roi d'Israël avait bâtie et achevée.

 And thus [3660] they returned [8421] us answer, [6600] saying, [0560] We [0586] are [1994] the servants [5649] of the God [0426] of heaven [8065] and earth, [0772] and build [1124] the house [1005] that was [1934] builded [1124] these [1836] many [7690] years [8140] ago, [6928] which a great [7229] king [4430] of Israel [3479] builded [1124] and set up. [3635]


 Mais, après que nos pères eurent irrité le Dieu des cieux, il les livra entre les mains de Nébucadnetsar, roi de Babylone, le Caldéen, qui détruisit cette maison et transporta le peuple à Babylone.

 But [3861] after [4481] that our fathers [0002] had provoked the God [0426] of heaven [8065] unto wrath, [7265] he gave [3052] them [1994] into the hand [3028] of Nebuchadnezzar [5020] the king [4430] of Babylon, [0895] the Chaldean, [3679] who destroyed [5642] this [1836] house, [1005] and carried the people [5972] away [1541] into Babylon. [0895]


 Cependant la première année de Cyrus, roi de Babylone, le roi Cyrus commanda qu'on rebâtît cette maison de Dieu.

 But [1297] in the first [2298] year [8140] of Cyrus [3567] the king [4430] of Babylon [0895] [the same] king [4430] Cyrus [3567] made [7761] a decree [2942] to build [1124] this [1836] house [1005] of God. [0426]


 Le roi Cyrus tira même du temple de Babylone les vases d'or et d'argent de la maison de Dieu, que Nébucadnetsar avait enlevés du temple de Jérusalem et qu'il avait apportés au temple de Babylone; et ils furent remis au nommé Sheshbatsar, qu'il avait établi gouverneur,

 And the vessels [3984] also [0638] of [1768] gold [1722] and silver [3702] of [1768] the house [1005] of God, [0426] which Nebuchadnezzar [5020] took out [5312] of [4481] the temple [1965] that [was] in Jerusalem, [3390] and brought [2987] them [1994] into the temple [1965] of Babylon, [0895] those [1994] did Cyrus [3567] the king [4430] take out [5312] of [4481] the temple [1965] of Babylon, [0895] and they were delivered [3052] unto [one], whose name [8036] [was] Shes


 Et auquel il dit: Prends ces ustensiles et va les porter dans le temple de Jérusalem, et que la maison de Dieu soit rebâtie sur son emplacement.

 And said [0560] unto him, Take [5376] these [0412] vessels, [3984] go, [0236] carry [5182] them [1994] into the temple [1965] that [is] in Jerusalem, [3390] and let the house [1005] of God [0426] be builded [1124] in [5922] his place. [0870]


 Alors ce Sheshbatsar vint et posa les fondements de la maison de Dieu, qui est à Jérusalem; et depuis ce temps-là jusqu'à présent on la bâtit, et elle n'est point encore achevée.

 Then [0116] came [0858] the same [1791] Sheshbazzar, [8340] [and] laid [3052] the foundation [0787] of the house [1005] of God [0426] which [is] in Jerusalem: [3390] and since [4481] that time [0116] even until [5705] now [3705] hath it been in building, [1124] and [yet] it is not [3809] finished. [8000]


 Maintenant donc, s'il semble bon au roi, qu'on cherche dans la maison des trésors du roi, laquelle est à Babylone, s'il est vrai qu'il y ait eu un ordre donné par Cyrus, de rebâtir cette maison de Dieu à Jérusalem; et que le roi nous mande sa volonté sur cela.

 Now [3705] therefore, if [2006] [it seem] good [2869] to [5922] the king, [4430] let there be search [1240] made in the king's [4430] treasure [1596] house, [1005] which [is] there [8536] at Babylon, [0895] whether [2006] it be [0383] [so], that a decree [2942] was made [7761] of [4481] Cyrus [3567] the king [4430] to build [1124] this [1791] house [1005] of God [0426] at Jerusalem, [3390] and let the king [4430] send [7972] his pleasure [7470] to us concerning [5922]


 Alors le roi Darius donna ordre, et on chercha dans la maison des archives, où étaient déposés les trésors à Babylone.

 Then [0116] Darius [1868] the king [4430] made [7761] a decree, [2942] and search [1240] was made in the house [1005] of the rolls, [5609] where [8536] the treasures [1596] were laid up [5182] in Babylon. [0895]


 Et l'on trouva, à Ecbatane, dans la capitale de la province de Médie, un rouleau qui contenait ce mémoire:

 And there was found [7912] at Achmetha, [0307] in the palace [1001] that [is] in the province [4083] of the Medes, [4076] a [2298] roll, [4040] and therein [1459] [was] a record [1799] thus [3652] written: [3790]


 La première année du roi Cyrus, le roi Cyrus fit cet édit, quant à la maison de Dieu, à Jérusalem: Que cette maison soit rebâtie pour être un lieu où l'on offre des sacrifices, et que ses fondements soient restaurés; sa hauteur sera de soixante coudées, et sa longueur de soixante coudées,

 In the first [2298] year [8140] of Cyrus [3567] the king [4430] [the same] Cyrus [3567] the king [4430] made [7761] a decree [2942] [concerning] the house [1005] of God [0426] at Jerusalem, [3390] Let the house [1005] be builded, [1124] the place [0870] where they offered [1684] sacrifices, [1685] and let the foundations [0787] thereof be strongly laid; [5446] the height [7314] thereof threescore [8361] cubits, [0521] [and] the breadth [6613] thereof threescore [8361] cubi


 Avec trois rangées de pierres de taille, et une rangée de bois neuf; et la dépense sera fournie par la maison du roi.

 [With] three [8532] rows [5073] of great [1560] stones, [0069] and a row [5073] of new [2323] timber: [0636] and let the expenses [5313] be given [3052] out of [4481] the king's [4430] house: [1005]


 De plus les ustensiles d'or et d'argent, de la maison de Dieu, que Nébucadnetsar avait enlevés du temple de Jérusalem, et apportés à Babylone, seront restitués et portés au temple de Jérusalem, à leur place, et tu les déposeras dans la maison de Dieu.

 And also [0638] let the golden [1722] and silver [3702] vessels [3984] of the house [1005] of God, [0426] which Nebuchadnezzar [5020] took forth [5312] out of [4481] the temple [1965] which [is] at Jerusalem, [3390] and brought [2987] unto Babylon, [0895] be restored, [8421] and brought [1946] again unto the temple [1965] which [is] at Jerusalem, [3390] [every one] to his place, [0870] and place [5182] [them] in the house [1005] of God. [0426]


 Maintenant donc, vous Thathénaï, gouverneur d'au delà du fleuve, et Shéthar-Boznaï, et vos collègues Apharsékiens, qui êtes au delà du fleuve, retirez-vous de là;

 Now [3705] [therefore], Tatnai, [8674] governor [6347] beyond [5675] the river, [5103] Shetharboznai, [8370] and your companions [3675] the Apharsachites, [0671] which [are] beyond [5675] the river, [5103] be ye [1934] far [7352] from [4481] thence: [8536]


 Laissez continuer les travaux de cette maison de Dieu, et que le gouverneur des Judéens et leurs anciens rebâtissent cette maison de Dieu sur son emplacement.

 Let the work [5673] of this [1791] house [1005] of God [0426] alone; [7662] let the governor [6347] of the Jews [3062] and the elders [7868] of the Jews [3062] build [1124] this [1791] house [1005] of God [0426] in [5922] his place. [0870]


 Et de par moi ordre est donné, touchant ce que vous avez à faire à l'égard de ces anciens des Judéens, pour rebâtir cette maison de Dieu: c'est que, des finances du roi provenant du tribut d'au delà du fleuve, les frais soient promptement payés à ces hommes, afin que le travail ne soit pas interrompu.

 Moreover I [4481] make [7761] a decree [2942] what [3964] ye shall do [5648] to [5974] the elders [7868] of these [0479] Jews [3062] for the building [1124] of this [1791] house [1005] of God: [0426] that of the king's [4430] goods, [5232] [even] of [1768] the tribute [4061] beyond [5675] the river, [5103] forthwith [0629] expenses [5313] be [1934] given [3052] unto these [0479] men, [1400] that they be not [3809] hindered. [0989]


 Et quant à ce qui sera nécessaire pour les offrandes à brûler au Dieu des cieux, soit jeunes taureaux, béliers et agneaux, soit blé, sel, vin et huile, ainsi que le diront les sacrificateurs qui sont à Jérusalem, qu'on le leur donne chaque jour, sans y manquer;

 And that which [4101] they have need of, [2818] both young [1123] bullocks, [8450] and rams, [1798] and lambs, [0563] for the burnt offerings [5928] of the God [0426] of heaven, [8065] wheat, [2591] salt, [4416] wine, [2562] and oil, [4887] according to the appointment [3983] of the priests [3549] which [are] at Jerusalem, [3390] let it be [1934] given [3052] them day [3118] by day [3118] without [3809] fail: [7960]


 Afin qu'ils offrent des sacrifices de bonne odeur au Dieu des cieux, et qu'ils prient pour la vie du roi et de ses enfants.

 That they may offer [1934] [7127] sacrifices of sweet savours [5208] unto the God [0426] of heaven, [8065] and pray [6739] for the life [2417] of the king, [4430] and of his sons. [1123]


 Et de par moi ordre est donné, que si quelqu'un change cette ordonnance, on arrache de sa maison un bois, qui sera dressé, afin qu'il y soit attaché, et qu'à cause de cela on fasse de sa maison une voirie.

 Also I [4481] have made [7761] a decree, [2942] that whosoever [3606] [0606] shall alter [8133] this [1836] word, [6600] let timber [0636] be pulled down [5256] from [4481] his house, [1005] and being set up, [2211] let him be hanged [4223] thereon; [5922] and let his house [1005] be made [5648] a dunghill [5122] for [5922] this. [1836]


 Et que le Dieu, qui a fait habiter là son nom, détruise tout roi et tout peuple qui aura étendu sa main pour changer cela, pour détruire cette maison de Dieu qui est à Jérusalem. Moi, Darius, ai fait cet édit; qu'il soit promptement exécuté.

 And the God [0426] that hath caused his name [8036] to dwell [7932] there [8536] destroy [4049] all [3606] kings [4430] and people, [5972] that shall put [7972] to their hand [3028] to alter [8133] [and] to destroy [2255] this [1791] house [1005] of God [0426] which [is] at Jerusalem. [3390] I [0576] Darius [1868] have made [7761] a decree; [2942] let it be done [5648] with speed. [0629]


 Alors Thathénaï, gouverneur de ce côté-ci du fleuve, Shéthar-Boznaï, et leurs collègues, le firent promptement exécuter, parce que le roi Darius le leur avait ainsi écrit.

 Then [0116] Tatnai, [8674] governor [6347] on this side [5675] the river, [5103] Shetharboznai, [8370] and their companions, [3675] according to [6903] that which Darius [1868] the king [4430] had sent, [7972] so [3660] they did [5648] speedily. [0629]


 Or les anciens des Judéens bâtissaient et avançaient, selon la prophétie d'Aggée, le prophète, et de Zacharie, fils d'Iddo. Ils bâtirent donc et achevèrent, d'après l'ordre du Dieu d'Israël, et d'après l'ordre de Cyrus, de Darius, et d'Artaxerxès, roi de Perse.

 And the elders [7868] of the Jews [3062] builded, [1124] and they prospered [6744] through the prophesying [5017] of Haggai [2292] the prophet [5029] and Zechariah [2148] the son [1247] of Iddo. [5714] And they builded, [1124] and finished [3635] [it], according [4481] to the commandment [2941] of the God [0426] of Israel, [3479] and according to the commandment [2942] of Cyrus, [3567] and Darius, [1868] and Artaxerxes [0783] king [4430] of Persia. [6540]


 Et cette maison fut achevée le troisième jour du mois d'Adar, en la sixième année du règne du roi Darius.

 And this [1836] house [1005] was finished [3319] on [5705] the third [8532] day [3118] of the month [3393] Adar, [0144] which was [1932] in the sixth [8353] year [8140] of the reign [4437] of Darius [1868] the king. [4430]


 Et les enfants d'Israël, les sacrificateurs, les Lévites et le reste de ceux qui étaient retournés de la captivité, célébrèrent avec joie la dédicace de cette maison de Dieu.

 And the children [1123] of Israel, [3479] the priests, [3549] and the Levites, [3879] and the rest [7606] of the children [1123] of the captivity, [1547] kept [5648] the dedication [2597] of this [1836] house [1005] of God [0426] with joy, [2305]


 Ils offrirent, pour la dédicace de cette maison de Dieu, cent taureaux, deux cents béliers, quatre cents agneaux, et douze boucs pour le péché, pour tout Israël, selon le nombre des tribus d'Israël;

 And offered [7127] at the dedication [2597] of this [1836] house [1005] of God [0426] an hundred [3969] bullocks, [8450] two hundred [3969] rams, [1798] four [0703] hundred [3969] lambs; [0563] and for a sin offering [2402] [2409] for [5922] all [3606] Israel, [3479] twelve [8648] [6236] he [6841] goats, [5796] according to the number [4510] of the tribes [7625] of Israel. [3479]


 Et ils établirent les sacrificateurs dans leurs rangs, et les Lévites dans leurs classes, pour le service de Dieu à Jérusalem, selon ce qui est écrit au livre de Moïse.

 And they set [6966] the priests [3549] in their divisions, [6392] and the Levites [3879] in their courses, [4255] for [5922] the service [5673] of God, [0426] which [is] at Jerusalem; [3390] as it is written [3792] in the book [5609] of Moses. [4873]


 Puis les enfants de la captivité célébrèrent la pâque, le quatorzième jour du premier mois.

 And the children [1121] of the captivity [1473] kept [6213] the passover [6453] upon the fourteenth [0702] [6240] [day] of the first [7223] month. [2320]


 Car les sacrificateurs et les Lévites s'étaient tous purifiés sans exception; et ils immolèrent la pâque pour tous les enfants de la captivité, pour leurs frères les sacrificateurs, et pour eux-mêmes.

 For the priests [3548] and the Levites [3881] were purified [2891] together, [0259] all of them [were] pure, [2889] and killed [7819] the passover [6453] for all the children [1121] of the captivity, [1473] and for their brethren [0251] the priests, [3548] and for themselves.


 Les enfants d'Israël qui étaient revenus de la captivité en mangèrent, avec tous ceux qui, s'étant séparés de l'impureté des nations du pays, se joignirent à eux, pour chercher YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël.

 And the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] which were come again [7725] out of captivity, [1473] and all such as had separated [0914] themselves unto them from the filthiness [2932] of the heathen [1471] of the land, [0776] to seek [1875] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] did eat, [0398]


 Et ils célébrèrent avec joie la fête solennelle des pains sans levain, pendant sept jours; car YEHOVAH les avait réjouis, ayant tourné vers eux le cœur du roi d'Assyrie, pour fortifier leurs mains dans l'œuvre de la maison de Dieu, du Dieu d'Israël.

 And kept [6213] the feast [2282] of unleavened bread [4682] seven [7651] days [3117] with joy: [8057] for the LORD [3068] had made them joyful, [8055] and turned [5437] the heart [3820] of the king [4428] of Assyria [0804] unto them, to strengthen [2388] their hands [3027] in the work [4399] of the house [1004] of God, [0430] the God [0430] of Israel. [3478]


 Après ces choses, sous le règne d'Artaxerxès, roi de Perse, Esdras, fils de Séraja, fils d'Azaria, fils de Hilkija,

 Now after [0310] these things, [1697] in the reign [4438] of Artaxerxes [0783] king [4428] of Persia, [6539] Ezra [5830] the son [1121] of Seraiah, [8304] the son [1121] of Azariah, [5838] the son [1121] of Hilkiah, [2518]


 Fils de Shallum, fils de Tsadok, fils d'Achitub,

 The son [1121] of Shallum, [7967] the son [1121] of Zadok, [6659] the son [1121] of Ahitub, [0285]


 Fils d'Amaria, fils d'Azaria, fils de Mérajoth,

 The son [1121] of Amariah, [0568] the son [1121] of Azariah, [5838] the son [1121] of Meraioth, [4812]


 Fils de Zérachia, fils d'Uzzi, fils de Bukki,

 The son [1121] of Zerahiah, [2228] the son [1121] of Uzzi, [5813] the son [1121] of Bukki, [1231]


 Fils d'Abishua, fils de Phinées, fils d'Éléazar, fils d'Aaron, le grand sacrificateur,

 The son [1121] of Abishua, [0050] the son [1121] of Phinehas, [6372] the son [1121] of Eleazar, [0499] the son [1121] of Aaron [0175] the chief [7218] priest: [3548]


 Cet Esdras monta de Babylone. C'était un scribe versé dans la loi de Moïse, que YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Israël, avait donnée. Et le roi lui accorda toute sa demande, parce que la main de YEHOVAH son Dieu était sur lui.

 This Ezra [5830] went up [5927] from Babylon; [0894] and he [was] a ready [4106] scribe [5608] in the law [8451] of Moses, [4872] which the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel [3478] had given: [5414] and the king [4428] granted [5414] him all his request, [1246] according to the hand [3027] of the LORD [3068] his God [0430] upon him.


 Quelques-uns des enfants d'Israël, des sacrificateurs, des Lévites, des chantres, des portiers, et des Néthiniens, montèrent aussi à Jérusalem, la septième année du roi Artaxerxès.

 And there went up [5927] [some] of the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] and of the priests, [3548] and the Levites, [3881] and the singers, [7891] and the porters, [7778] and the Nethinims, [5411] unto Jerusalem, [3389] in the seventh [7651] year [8141] of Artaxerxes [0783] the king. [4428]


 Esdras arriva à Jérusalem au cinquième mois de la septième année du roi.

 And he came [0935] to Jerusalem [3389] in the fifth [2549] month, [2320] which [was] in the seventh [7637] year [8141] of the king. [4428]


 Car, le premier jour du premier mois, fut commencé le départ de Babylone; et au premier jour du cinquième mois, il arriva à Jérusalem, parce que la bonne main de son Dieu était sur lui.

 For upon the first [0259] [day] of the first [7223] month [2320] began [3246] he to go up [4609] from Babylon, [0894] and on the first [0259] [day] of the fifth [2549] month [2320] came [0935] he to Jerusalem, [3389] according to the good [2896] hand [3027] of his God [0430] upon him.


 Car Esdras avait appliqué son cœur à rechercher la loi de YEHOVAH, et à la pratiquer, et à enseigner en Israël les lois et les ordonnances.

 For Ezra [5830] had prepared [3559] his heart [3824] to seek [1875] the law [8451] of the LORD, [3068] and to do [6213] [it], and to teach [3925] in Israel [3478] statutes [2706] and judgments. [4941]


 Or c'est ici la teneur de la lettre que le roi Artaxerxès donna à Esdras, sacrificateur et scribe, scribe des paroles des commandements de YEHOVAH et de ses ordonnances concernant Israël:

 Now this [is] the copy [6572] of the letter [5406] that the king [4428] Artaxerxes [0783] gave [5414] unto Ezra [5830] the priest, [3548] the scribe, [5608] [even] a scribe [5608] of the words [1697] of the commandments [4687] of the LORD, [3068] and of his statutes [2706] to Israel. [3478]


 Artaxerxès, roi des rois, à Esdras, sacrificateur et scribe accompli de la loi du Dieu des cieux, - et ainsi de suite.

 Artaxerxes, [0783] king [4430] of kings, [4430] unto Ezra [5831] the priest, [3549] a scribe [5613] of the law [1882] of the God [0426] of heaven, [8065] perfect [1585] [peace], and at such a time. [3706]


 Un édit est fait maintenant de ma part, afin que tous ceux de mon royaume qui sont du peuple d'Israël, et de ses sacrificateurs, et des Lévites, qui se présenteront volontairement pour aller à Jérusalem, aillent avec toi;

 I [4481] make [7761] a decree, [2942] that all [3606] they of [4481] the people [5972] of Israel, [3479] and [of] his priests [3549] and Levites, [3879] in my realm, [4437] which are minded of their own freewill [5069] to go up [1946] to Jerusalem, [3390] go [1946] with thee. [5974]


 Parce que tu es envoyé de la part du roi et de ses sept conseillers, pour t'enquérir au sujet de Juda et de Jérusalem, d'après la loi de ton Dieu, que tu as en ta main,

 Forasmuch as [3606] [6903] [1768] thou art sent [7972] of [4481] [6925] the king, [4430] and of his seven [7655] counsellors, [3272] to enquire [1240] concerning [5922] Judah [3061] and Jerusalem, [3390] according to the law [1882] of thy God [0426] which [is] in thine hand; [3028]


 Et pour porter l'argent et l'or que le roi et ses conseillers ont volontairement offerts au Dieu d'Israël, dont la demeure est à Jérusalem,

 And to carry [2987] the silver [3702] and gold, [1722] which the king [4430] and his counsellors [3272] have freely offered [5069] unto the God [0426] of Israel, [3479] whose [1768] habitation [4907] [is] in Jerusalem, [3390]


 Ainsi que tout l'argent et l'or que tu trouveras dans toute la province de Babylone, avec les offrandes volontaires du peuple et des sacrificateurs, qu'ils feront volontairement à la maison de leur Dieu qui est à Jérusalem.

 And all [3606] the silver [3702] and gold [1722] that thou canst find [7912] in all [3606] the province [4083] of Babylon, [0895] with [5974] the freewill offering [5069] of the people, [5972] and of the priests, [3549] offering willingly [5069] for the house [1005] of their God [0426] which [is] in Jerusalem: [3390]


 C'est pourquoi tu auras soin d'acheter avec cet argent des taureaux, des béliers, des agneaux, avec leurs offrandes et leurs offrandes de breuvage, et tu les offriras sur l'autel de la maison de votre Dieu, qui est à Jérusalem.

 That [3606] [6903] [1836] thou mayest buy [7066] speedily [0629] with this [1836] money [3702] bullocks, [8450] rams, [1798] lambs, [0563] with their meat offerings [4504] and their drink offerings, [5261] and offer [7127] them [1994] upon [5922] the altar [4056] of the house [1005] of your God [0426] which [is] in Jerusalem. [3390]


 Du reste de l'argent et de l'or, vous ferez ce qui semblera bon à toi et à tes frères, selon la volonté de votre Dieu.

 And whatsoever [4101] [1768] shall seem good [3191] to [5922] thee, and to [5922] thy brethren, [0252] to do [5648] with the rest [7606] of the silver [3702] and the gold, [1722] that do [5648] after the will [7470] of your God. [0426]


 Et pour ce qui est des ustensiles qui te sont donnés pour le service de la maison de ton Dieu, dépose-les en la présence du Dieu de Jérusalem.

 The vessels [3984] also that are given [3052] thee for the service [6402] of the house [1005] of thy God, [0426] [those] deliver [8000] thou before [6925] the God [0426] of Jerusalem. [3390]


 Quant au reste de ce qui sera nécessaire pour la maison de ton Dieu, et autant que tu auras à en donner, tu le donneras de la maison des trésors du roi.

 And whatsoever more [7606] shall be needful [2819] for the house [1005] of thy God, [0426] which thou shalt have occasion [5308] to bestow, [5415] bestow [5415] [it] out of [4481] the king's [4430] treasure [1596] house. [1005]


 Et de par moi, Artaxerxès, roi, ordre est donné à tous les trésoriers qui sont au delà du fleuve, que tout ce qu'Esdras, le sacrificateur, scribe de la loi du Dieu des cieux, vous demandera, soit fait promptement,

 And I, [4481] [even] I [0576] Artaxerxes [0783] the king, [4430] do make [7761] a decree [2942] to all [3606] the treasurers [1490] which [are] beyond [5675] the river, [5103] that whatsoever [3606] Ezra [5831] the priest, [3549] the scribe [5613] of the law [1882] of the God [0426] of heaven, [8065] shall require [7593] of you, it be done [5648] speedily, [0629]


 Jusqu'à cent talents d'argent, cent cores de froment, cent baths de vin, cent baths d'huile, et du sel à discrétion.

 Unto [5705] an hundred [3969] talents [3604] of silver, [3702] and to [5705] an hundred [3969] measures [3734] of wheat, [2591] and to [5705] an hundred [3969] baths [1325] of wine, [2562] and to [5705] an hundred [3969] baths [1325] of oil, [4887] and salt [4416] without [3809] prescribing [3792] [how much].


 Que tout ce qui est commandé par le Dieu des cieux, soit exactement fait pour la maison du Dieu des cieux; de peur qu'il n'y ait de l'indignation contre le royaume, le roi et ses enfants.

 Whatsoever [3606] is commanded [2941] by [4481] the God [0426] of heaven, [8065] let it be diligently [0149] done [5648] for the house [1005] of the God [0426] of heaven: [8065] for [1768] why [4101] should there be [1934] wrath [7109] against [5922] the realm [4437] of the king [4430] and his sons? [1123]


 De plus, nous vous faisons savoir qu'on ne pourra imposer ni tribut, ni impôt, ni péage sur aucun des sacrificateurs, des Lévites, des chantres, des portiers, des Néthiniens et des serviteurs de cette maison de Dieu.

 Also we certify [3046] you, that touching any [3606] of the priests [3549] and Levites, [3879] singers, [2171] porters, [8652] Nethinims, [5412] or ministers [6399] of this [1836] house [1005] of God, [0426] it shall not [3809] be lawful [7990] to impose [7412] toll, [4061] tribute, [1093] or custom, [1983] upon [5922] them.


 Et toi, Esdras, établis des magistrats et des juges, selon la sagesse de ton Dieu, que tu possèdes, afin qu'ils fassent justice à tout le peuple qui est au delà du fleuve, à tous ceux qui connaissent les lois de ton Dieu; enseignez-les à quiconque ne les connaît point.

 And thou, [0607] Ezra, [5831] after the wisdom [2452] of thy God, [0426] that [is] in thine hand, [3028] set [4483] magistrates [8200] and judges, [1782] which may judge [1934] [1778] all [3606] the people [5972] that [are] beyond [5675] the river, [5103] all [3606] such as know [3046] the laws [1882] of thy God; [0426] and teach [3046] ye them that know [3046] [them] not. [3809]


 Et pour tous ceux qui n'observeront pas la loi de ton Dieu et la loi du roi, qu'aussitôt il en soit fait justice, soit par la mort, soit par le bannissement, soit par quelque amende pécuniaire, soit par l'emprisonnement.

 And whosoever [3606] will not [3809] do [1934] [5648] the law [1882] of thy God, [0426] and the law [1882] of the king, [4430] let judgment [1780] be [1934] executed [5648] speedily [0629] upon him, [4481] whether [2006] [it be] unto death, [4193] or [2006] to banishment, [8332] or [2006] to confiscation [6065] of goods, [5232] or to imprisonment. [0613]


 Béni soit YEHOVAH, le Dieu de nos pères, qui a mis cela au cœur du roi, pour honorer la maison de YEHOVAH, qui est à Jérusalem;

 Blessed [1288] [be] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of our fathers, [0001] which hath put [5414] [such a thing] as this in the king's [4428] heart, [3820] to beautify [6286] the house [1004] of the LORD [3068] which [is] in Jerusalem: [3389]


 Et qui a fait que j'ai trouvé grâce devant le roi, devant ses conseillers, et devant tous les puissants princes du roi! Ainsi je me fortifiai, parce que la main de YEHOVAH mon Dieu était sur moi, et je rassemblai les chefs d'Israël, afin qu'ils montassent avec moi.

 And hath extended [5186] mercy [2617] unto me before [6440] the king, [4428] and his counsellors, [3289] and before all the king's [4428] mighty [1368] princes. [8269] And I was strengthened [2388] as the hand [3027] of the LORD [3068] my God [0430] [was] upon me, and I gathered together [6908] out of Israel [3478] chief [7218] men to go up [5927] with me.


 Voici les chefs des pères et l'enregistrement généalogique de ceux qui montèrent avec moi de Babylone, pendant le règne du roi Artaxerxès.

 These [are] now the chief [7218] of their fathers, [0001] and [this is] the genealogy [3187] of them that went up [5927] with me from Babylon, [0894] in the reign [4438] of Artaxerxes [0783] the king. [4428]


 Des enfants de Phinées, Guershom; des enfants d'Ithamar, Daniel; des enfants de David, Hattush;

 Of the sons [1121] of Phinehas; [6372] Gershom: [1647] of the sons [1121] of Ithamar; [0385] Daniel: [1840] of the sons [1121] of David; [1732] Hattush. [2407]


 Des enfants de Shécania, des enfants de Parosh, Zacharie, et avec lui cent cinquante hommes enregistrés;

 Of the sons [1121] of Shechaniah, [7935] of the sons [1121] of Pharosh; [6551] Zechariah: [2148] and with him were reckoned by genealogy [3187] of the males [2145] an hundred [3967] and fifty. [2572]


 Des enfants de Pachath-Moab, Eljoénaï, fils de Zérachia, et avec lui deux cents hommes;

 Of the sons [1121] of Pahathmoab; [6355] Elihoenai [0454] the son [1121] of Zerahiah, [2228] and with him two hundred [3967] males. [2145]


 Des enfants de Shécania, le fils de Jachaziel, et avec lui trois cents hommes;

 Of the sons [1121] of Shechaniah; [7935] the son [1121] of Jahaziel, [3166] and with him three [7969] hundred [3967] males. [2145]


 Des enfants d'Adin, Ébed, fils de Jonathan, et avec lui cinquante hommes;

 Of the sons [1121] also of Adin; [5720] Ebed [5651] the son [1121] of Jonathan, [3129] and with him fifty [2572] males. [2145]


 Des enfants d'Élam, Ésaïe, fils d'Athalia, et avec lui soixante-dix hommes;

 And of the sons [1121] of Elam; [5867] Jeshaiah [3470] the son [1121] of Athaliah, [6271] and with him seventy [7657] males. [2145]


 Des enfants de Shéphatia, Zébadia, fils de Micaël, et avec lui quatre-vingts hommes;

 And of the sons [1121] of Shephatiah; [8203] Zebadiah [2069] the son [1121] of Michael, [4317] and with him fourscore [8084] males. [2145]


 Des enfants de Joab, Abdias, fils de Jéhiel, et avec lui deux cent dix-huit hommes;

 Of the sons [1121] of Joab; [3097] Obadiah [5662] the son [1121] of Jehiel, [3171] and with him two hundred [3967] and eighteen [8083] [6240] males. [2145]


 Des enfants de Shélomith, le fils de Josiphia, et avec lui soixante hommes;

 And of the sons [1121] of Shelomith; [8019] the son [1121] of Josiphiah, [3131] and with him an hundred [3967] and threescore [8346] males. [2145]


 Des enfants de Bébaï, Zacharie, fils de Bébaï, et avec lui vingt-huit hommes;

 And of the sons [1121] of Bebai; [0893] Zechariah [2148] the son [1121] of Bebai, [0893] and with him twenty [6242] and eight [8083] males. [2145]


 Des enfants d'Azgad, Jochanan, fils de Haccatan, et avec lui cent dix hommes;

 And of the sons [1121] of Azgad; [5803] Johanan [3110] the son [1121] of Hakkatan, [6997] and with him an hundred [3967] and ten [6235] males. [2145]


 Des enfants d'Adonicam, les derniers, dont les noms sont, Éliphélet, Jéhiel et Shémaja, et avec eux soixante hommes;

 And of the last [0314] sons [1121] of Adonikam, [0140] whose names [8034] [are] these, Eliphelet, [0467] Jeiel, [3273] and Shemaiah, [8098] and with them threescore [8346] males. [2145]


 Des enfants de Bigvaï, Uthaï et Zabbud, et avec eux soixante-dix hommes.

 Of the sons [1121] also of Bigvai; [0902] Uthai, [5793] and Zabbud, [2072] [2139] and with them seventy [7657] males. [2145]


 Je les assemblai près du fleuve qui coule vers Ahava, et nous y campâmes trois jours. Puis je portai mon attention sur le peuple et sur les sacrificateurs, et je n'y trouvai personne des enfants de Lévi.

 And I gathered them together [6908] to the river [5104] that runneth [0935] to Ahava; [0163] and there abode [2583] we in tents three [7969] days: [3117] and I viewed [0995] the people, [5971] and the priests, [3548] and found [4672] there none of the sons [1121] of Levi. [3878]


 Alors j'envoyai chercher Éliézer, Ariel, Shémaja, Elnathan, Jarib, Elnathan, Nathan, Zacharie et Méshullam, d'entre les principaux, et Jojarib et Elnathan, docteurs.

 Then sent [7971] I for Eliezer, [0461] for Ariel, [0740] for Shemaiah, [8098] and for Elnathan, [0494] and for Jarib, [3402] and for Elnathan, [0494] and for Nathan, [5416] and for Zechariah, [2148] and for Meshullam, [4918] chief [7218] men; also for Joiarib, [3114] and for Elnathan, [0494] men of understanding. [0995]


 Et je leur donnai des ordres pour Iddo, le chef, qui demeurait dans le lieu de Casiphia; et je mis dans leur bouche ce qu'ils devaient dire à Iddo et à son frère, Néthiniens, dans le lieu de Casiphia, afin qu'ils nous fissent venir des gens pour servir dans la maison de notre Dieu.

 And I sent them with commandment [6680] unto Iddo [0112] the chief [7218] at the place [4725] Casiphia, [3703] and I told [7760] [6310] them what [1697] they should say [1696] unto Iddo, [0112] [and] to his brethren [0251] the Nethinims, [5411] [5411] at the place [4725] Casiphia, [3703] that they should bring [0935] unto us ministers [8334] for the house [1004] of our God. [0430]


 Et parce que la bonne main de notre Dieu était sur nous, ils nous amenèrent un homme intelligent, d'entre les enfants de Machli, fils de Lévi, fils d'Israël, savoir, Shérébia, et ses fils, et ses frères au nombre de dix-huit;

 And by the good [2896] hand [3027] of our God [0430] upon us they brought [0935] us a man [0376] of understanding, [7922] of the sons [1121] of Mahli, [4249] the son [1121] of Levi, [3878] the son [1121] of Israel; [3478] and Sherebiah, [8274] with his sons [1121] and his brethren, [0251] eighteen; [8083] [6240]


 Et Hashabia, et avec lui Ésaïe, d'entre les fils de Mérari, ses frères, et leurs fils, au nombre de vingt;

 And Hashabiah, [2811] and with him Jeshaiah [3470] of the sons [1121] of Merari, [4847] his brethren [0251] and their sons, [1121] twenty; [6242]


 Et des Néthiniens, que David et les principaux du peuple avaient assujettis au service des Lévites, deux cent vingt Néthiniens, tous désignés par leurs noms.

 Also of the Nethinims, [5411] whom David [1732] and the princes [8269] had appointed [5414] for the service [5656] of the Levites, [3881] two hundred [3967] and twenty [6242] Nethinims: [5411] all of them were expressed [5344] by name. [8034]


 Là, près du fleuve d'Ahava, je publiai un jeûne, afin de nous humilier devant notre Dieu, en le priant de nous donner un heureux voyage, pour nous et pour nos petits enfants, et pour tous nos biens.

 Then I proclaimed [7121] a fast [6685] there, at the river [5104] of Ahava, [0163] that we might afflict [6031] ourselves before [6440] our God, [0430] to seek [1245] of him a right [3477] way [1870] for us, and for our little ones, [2945] and for all our substance. [7399]


 Car j'aurais eu honte de demander au roi des troupes et des cavaliers, pour nous défendre des ennemis par le chemin; car nous avions dit au roi: La main de notre Dieu est favorable à tous ceux qui le cherchent; mais sa force et sa colère sont contre tous ceux qui l'abandonnent.

 For I was ashamed [0954] to require [7592] of the king [4428] a band of soldiers [2428] and horsemen [6571] to help [5826] us against the enemy [0341] in the way: [1870] because we had spoken [0559] unto the king, [4428] saying, [0559] The hand [3027] of our God [0430] [is] upon all them for good [2896] that seek [1245] him; but his power [5797] and his wrath [0639] [is] against all them that forsake [5800] him.


 Nous jeûnâmes donc, et nous implorâmes le secours de notre Dieu pour cela, et il nous exauça.

 So we fasted [6684] and besought [1245] our God [0430] for this: and he was intreated [6279] of us.


 Alors je séparai douze des principaux des sacrificateurs, Shérébia, Hashabia, et avec eux dix de leurs frères.

 Then I separated [0914] twelve [8147] [6240] of the chief [8269] of the priests, [3548] Sherebiah, [8274] Hashabiah, [2811] and ten [6235] of their brethren [0251] with them,


 Et je leur pesai l'argent, l'or et les ustensiles, qui étaient l'offrande que le roi, ses conseillers, ses princes et tous ceux qui s'étaient trouvés d'Israël, avaient faite à la maison de notre Dieu.

 And weighed [8254] unto them the silver, [3701] and the gold, [2091] and the vessels, [3627] [even] the offering [8641] of the house [1004] of our God, [0430] which the king, [4428] and his counsellors, [3289] and his lords, [8269] and all Israel [3478] [there] present, [4672] had offered: [7311]


 Je leur pesai donc et leur délivrai six cent cinquante talents d'argent, et des ustensiles d'argent pour cent talents, cent talents d'or,

 I even weighed [8254] unto their hand [3027] six [8337] hundred [3967] and fifty [2572] talents [3603] of silver, [3701] and silver [3701] vessels [3627] an hundred [3967] talents, [3603] [and] of gold [2091] an hundred [3967] talents; [3603]


 Vingt coupes d'or valant mille dariques, et deux vases d'un bel airain fin, brillant comme l'or, et aussi précieux que l'or.

 Also twenty [6242] basons [3713] of gold, [2091] of a thousand [0505] drams; [0150] and two [8147] vessels [3627] of fine [2896] [6668] copper, [5178] precious [2532] as gold. [2091]


 Et je leur dis: Vous êtes consacrés à YEHOVAH, et ces ustensiles sont consacrés; cet argent aussi et cet or sont une offrande volontaire à YEHOVAH, le Dieu de vos pères.

 And I said [0559] unto them, Ye [are] holy [6944] unto the LORD; [3068] the vessels [3627] [are] holy [6944] also; and the silver [3701] and the gold [2091] [are] a freewill offering [5071] unto the LORD [3068] God [0430] of your fathers. [0001]


 Veillez, et gardez-les jusqu'à ce que vous les pesiez en la présence des principaux des sacrificateurs et des Lévites, et devant les principaux des pères d'Israël, à Jérusalem, dans les chambres de la maison de YEHOVAH.

 Watch [8245] ye, and keep [8104] [them], until ye weigh [8254] [them] before [6440] the chief [8269] of the priests [3548] and the Levites, [3881] and chief [8269] of the fathers [0001] of Israel, [3478] at Jerusalem, [3389] in the chambers [3957] of the house [1004] of the LORD. [3068]


 Les sacrificateurs et les Lévites reçurent donc au poids l'argent, l'or et les ustensiles, pour les porter à Jérusalem dans la maison de notre Dieu.

 So took [6901] the priests [3548] and the Levites [3881] the weight [4948] of the silver, [3701] and the gold, [2091] and the vessels, [3627] to bring [0935] [them] to Jerusalem [3389] unto the house [1004] of our God. [0430]


 Nous partîmes du fleuve d'Ahava le douze du premier mois, pour aller à Jérusalem; et la main de notre Dieu fut sur nous, et il nous délivra de la main des ennemis et de leurs embûches sur le chemin.

 Then we departed [5265] from the river [5104] of Ahava [0163] on the twelfth [8147] [6240] [day] of the first [7223] month, [2320] to go [3212] unto Jerusalem: [3389] and the hand [3027] of our God [0430] was upon us, and he delivered [5337] us from the hand [3709] of the enemy, [0341] and of such as lay in wait [0693] by the way. [1870]


 Puis nous arrivâmes à Jérusalem; et nous y étant reposés trois jours,

 And we came [0935] to Jerusalem, [3389] and abode [3427] there three [7969] days. [3117]


 Au quatrième jour nous pesèrent l'argent et l'or et les ustensiles, dans la maison de notre Dieu, et nous les remîmes à Mérémoth, fils d'Urie, le sacrificateur (avec lequel était Éléazar, fils de Phinées; et avec eux Jozabad, fils de Jéshua, et Noadia, fils de Binnuï, Lévites),

 Now on the fourth [7243] day [3117] was the silver [3701] and the gold [2091] and the vessels [3627] weighed [8254] in the house [1004] of our God [0430] by the hand [3027] of Meremoth [4822] the son [1121] of Uriah [0223] the priest; [3548] and with him [was] Eleazar [0499] the son [1121] of Phinehas; [6372] and with them [was] Jozabad [3107] the son [1121] of Jeshua, [3442] and Noadiah [5129] the son [1121] of Binnui, [1131] Levites; [3881]


 Selon le nombre et le poids de toutes les choses. Et, en même temps, tout le poids en fut mis par écrit.

 By number [4557] [and] by weight [4948] of every one: and all the weight [4948] was written [3789] at that time. [6256]


 Les enfants de la déportation, revenus de la captivité, offrirent en offrande à brûler au Dieu d'Israël, douze taureaux pour tout Israël, quatre-vingt-seize béliers, soixante et dix-sept agneaux, et douze boucs pour le péché; le tout en offrande à brûler à YEHOVAH.

 [Also] the children [1121] of those that had been carried away, [1473] which were come [0935] out of the captivity, [7628] offered [7126] burnt offerings [5930] unto the God [0430] of Israel, [3478] twelve [8147] [6240] bullocks [6499] for all Israel, [3478] ninety [8673] and six [8337] rams, [0352] seventy [7657] and seven [7651] lambs, [3532] twelve [8147] [6240] he goats [6842] [for] a sin offering: [2403] all [this was] a burnt offering [5930] unto the LORD. [3068]


 Et ils remirent les ordres du roi aux satrapes du roi, et aux gouverneurs de ce côté-ci du fleuve, qui favorisèrent le peuple et la maison de Dieu.

 And they delivered [5414] the king's [4428] commissions [1881] unto the king's [4428] lieutenants, [0323] and to the governors [6346] on this side [5676] the river: [5104] and they furthered [5375] the people, [5971] and the house [1004] of God. [0430]


 Lorsque ces choses furent achevées, les chefs s'approchèrent de moi, en disant: Le peuple d'Israël, les sacrificateurs et les Lévites, ne se sont point séparés des peuples de ce pays, quant à leurs abominations: des Cananéens, des Héthiens, des Phéréziens, des Jébusiens, des Ammonites, des Moabites, des Égyptiens et des Amoréens.

 Now when these things were done, [3615] the princes [8269] came [5066] to me, saying, [0559] The people [5971] of Israel, [3478] and the priests, [3548] and the Levites, [3881] have not separated [0914] themselves from the people [5971] of the lands, [0776] [doing] according to their abominations, [8441] [even] of the Canaanites, [3669] the Hittites, [2850] the Perizzites, [6522] the Jebusites, [2983] the Ammonites, [5984] the Moabites, [4125] the Egyptians, [4713] and the Amo


 Car ils ont pris de leurs filles pour eux et pour leurs fils; et la race sainte s'est mêlée avec les peuples de ces pays; et la main des chefs et des magistrats a été la première à commettre ce péché.

 For they have taken [5375] of their daughters [1323] for themselves, and for their sons: [1121] so that the holy [6944] seed [2233] have mingled [6148] themselves with the people [5971] of [those] lands: [0776] yea, the hand [3027] of the princes [8269] and rulers [5461] hath been chief [7223] in this trespass. [4604]


 Lorsque j'eus entendu cela, je déchirai ma robe et mon manteau, je m'arrachai les cheveux de la tête et la barbe, et je m'assis tout désolé.

 And when I heard [8085] this thing, [1697] I rent [7167] my garment [0899] and my mantle, [4598] and plucked off [4803] the hair [8181] of my head [7218] and of my beard, [2206] and sat down [3427] astonied. [8074]


 Et tous ceux qui tremblaient aux paroles du Dieu d'Israël, s'assemblèrent vers moi, à cause du crime de ceux de la captivité, et je me tins assis, tout désolé, jusqu'à l'oblation du soir.

 Then were assembled [0622] unto me every one that trembled [2730] at the words [1697] of the God [0430] of Israel, [3478] because of the transgression [4604] of those that had been carried away; [1473] and I sat [3427] astonied [8074] until the evening [6153] sacrifice. [4503]


 Et au temps de l'oblation du soir, je me levai de mon affliction, et ayant ma robe et mon manteau déchirés, je me courbai sur mes genoux, et j'étendis mes mains vers YEHOVAH mon Dieu;

 And at the evening [6153] sacrifice [4503] I arose up [6965] from my heaviness; [8589] and having rent [7167] my garment [0899] and my mantle, [4598] I fell [3766] upon my knees, [1290] and spread out [6566] my hands [3709] unto the LORD [3068] my God, [0430]


 Et je dis: Mon Dieu, je suis confus, et j'ai honte de lever, ô mon Dieu! ma face vers toi; car nos iniquités se sont multipliées par-dessus nos têtes, et nos crimes sont si grands qu'ils atteignent jusqu'aux cieux.

 And said, [0559] O my God, [0430] I am ashamed [0954] and blush [3637] to lift up [7311] my face [6440] to thee, my God: [0430] for our iniquities [5771] are increased [7235] over [4605] [our] head, [7218] and our trespass [0819] is grown up [1431] unto the heavens. [8064]


 Depuis les jours de nos pères jusqu'à ce jour, nous sommes extrêmement coupables; et, à cause de nos iniquités, nous avons été livrés, nous, nos rois et nos sacrificateurs, entre les mains des rois de ces pays, à l'épée, à la captivité, au pillage, et à l'opprobre, comme il se voit aujourd'hui.

 Since the days [3117] of our fathers [0001] [have] we [been] in a great [1419] trespass [0819] unto this day; [3117] and for our iniquities [5771] have we, our kings, [4428] [and] our priests, [3548] been delivered [5414] into the hand [3027] of the kings [4428] of the lands, [0776] to the sword, [2719] to captivity, [7628] and to a spoil, [0961] and to confusion [1322] of face, [6440] as [it is] this day. [3117]


 Et maintenant YEHOVAH notre Dieu nous a fait depuis un moment cette grâce, que quelques-uns de nous soient demeurés de reste; et il nous a donné un asile dans son saint lieu, afin que notre Dieu éclairât nos yeux, et qu'il nous donnât un peu de vie dans notre servitude.

 And now for a little [4592] space [7281] grace [8467] hath been [shewed] from the LORD [3068] our God, [0430] to leave [7604] us a remnant to escape, [6413] and to give [5414] us a nail [3489] in his holy [6944] place, [4725] that our God [0430] may lighten [0215] our eyes, [5869] and give [5414] us a little [4592] reviving [4241] in our bondage. [5659]


 Car nous sommes esclaves; et toutefois notre Dieu ne nous a point abandonnés dans notre servitude. Mais il nous a fait trouver grâce devant les rois de Perse, pour nous donner du répit, afin que nous rebâtissions la maison de notre Dieu et que nous relevions ses ruines; et pour nous donner un mur en Juda et à Jérusalem.

 For we [were] bondmen; [5650] yet our God [0430] hath not forsaken [5800] us in our bondage, [5659] but hath extended [5186] mercy [2617] unto us in the sight [6440] of the kings [4428] of Persia, [6539] to give [5414] us a reviving, [4241] to set up [7311] the house [1004] of our God, [0430] and to repair [5975] the desolations [2723] thereof, and to give [5414] us a wall [1447] in Judah [3063] and in Jerusalem. [3389]


 Et maintenant, ô notre Dieu! que dirons-nous après cela? Car nous avons abandonné tes commandements,

 And now, O our God, [0430] what shall we say [0559] after [0310] this? for we have forsaken [5800] thy commandments, [4687]


 Que tu as prescrits par tes serviteurs les prophètes, en disant: Le pays où vous allez entrer pour le posséder, est un pays souillé par la souillure des peuples de ces contrées, par les abominations dont ils l'ont rempli depuis un bout jusqu'à l'autre avec leurs impuretés.

 Which thou hast commanded [6680] by [3027] thy servants [5650] the prophets, [5030] saying, [0559] The land, [0776] unto which ye go [0935] to possess [3423] it, is an unclean [5079] land [0776] with the filthiness [5079] of the people [5971] of the lands, [0776] with their abominations, [8441] which have filled [4390] it from one end [6310] to another [6310] with their uncleanness. [2932]


 Maintenant donc, ne donnez point vos filles à leurs fils, et ne prenez point leurs filles pour vos fils, et ne cherchez jamais ni leur paix, ni leur prospérité, afin que vous soyez affermis, et que vous mangiez les biens de ce pays, et que vous en fassiez hériter vos fils à toujours.

 Now therefore give [5414] not your daughters [1323] unto their sons, [1121] neither take [5375] their daughters [1323] unto your sons, [1121] nor seek [1875] their peace [7965] or their wealth [2896] for [5704] ever: [5769] that ye may be strong, [2388] and eat [0398] the good [2898] of the land, [0776] and leave [it] for an inheritance [3423] to your children [1121] for ever. [5769]


 Or, après toutes les choses qui nous sont arrivées à cause de nos mauvaises actions et de notre grande culpabilité, quand tes châtiments, ô notre Dieu! sont demeurés au-dessous de nos péchés et que tu nous accordes une pareille délivrance,

 And after [0310] all that is come [0935] upon us for our evil [7451] deeds, [4639] and for our great [1419] trespass, [0819] seeing that thou our God [0430] hast punished [2820] us less [4295] than our iniquities [5771] [deserve], and hast given [5414] us [such] deliverance [6413] as this;


 Reviendrions-nous donc à violer tes commandements, et à faire alliance avec ces peuples abominables? Ne serais-tu pas irrité contre nous, jusqu'à nous consumer, en sorte qu'il n'y aurait plus aucun reste, ni personne qui échappât?

 Should we again [7725] break [6565] thy commandments, [4687] and join in affinity [2859] with the people [5971] of these abominations? [8441] wouldest not thou be angry [0599] with us till thou hadst consumed [3615] [us], so that [there should be] no remnant [7611] nor escaping? [6413]


 YEHOVAH, Dieu d'Israël! tu es juste; car nous sommes demeurés un reste de réchappés, comme il se voit aujourd'hui. Nous voici devant ta face avec notre culpabilité, ne pouvant à cause d'elle subsister devant toi.

 O LORD [3068] God [0430] of Israel, [3478] thou [art] righteous: [6662] for we remain [7604] yet escaped, [6413] as [it is] this day: [3117] behold, we [are] before [6440] thee in our trespasses: [0819] for we cannot stand [5975] before [6440] thee because of this.


 Or, comme Esdras priait et faisait cette confession, pleurant et prosterné devant la maison de Dieu, une fort grande multitude d'Israélites, hommes, femmes et enfants, s'assembla vers lui; et ce peuple répandit des larmes en abondance.

 Now when Ezra [5830] had prayed, [6419] and when he had confessed, [3034] weeping [1058] and casting himself down [5307] before [6440] the house [1004] of God, [0430] there assembled [6908] unto him out of Israel [3478] a very [3966] great [7227] congregation [6951] of men [0582] and women [0802] and children: [3206] for the people [5971] wept [1058] very [7235] sore. [1059]


 Alors Shécania, fils de Jéhiel, des enfants d'Élam, prit la parole, et dit à Esdras: Nous avons péché contre notre Dieu, en prenant des femmes étrangères d'entre les peuples de ce pays. Mais maintenant il est encore à cet égard quelque espérance pour Israël.

 And Shechaniah [7935] the son [1121] of Jehiel, [3171] [one] of the sons [1121] of Elam, [5867] answered [6030] and said [0559] unto Ezra, [5830] We have trespassed [4603] against our God, [0430] and have taken [3427] strange [5237] wives [0802] of the people [5971] of the land: [0776] yet now there is [3426] hope [4723] in Israel [3478] concerning this thing.


 Engageons-nous maintenant, par alliance avec notre Dieu, à renvoyer toutes ces femmes et tout ce qui est né d'elles, selon le conseil de mon seigneur et de ceux qui tremblent au commandement de notre Dieu; et que l'on fasse selon la loi.

 Now therefore let us make [3772] a covenant [1285] with our God [0430] to put away [3318] all the wives, [0802] and such as are born [3205] of them, according to the counsel [6098] of my lord, [0136] and of those that tremble [2730] at the commandment [4687] of our God; [0430] and let it be done [6213] according to the law. [8451]


 Lève-toi; car cette affaire te regarde, et nous serons avec toi. Prends donc courage, et agis.

 Arise; [6965] for [this] matter [1697] [belongeth] unto thee: we also [will be] with thee: be of good courage, [2388] and do [6213] [it].


 Alors Esdras se leva, et il fit jurer aux chefs des sacrificateurs, des Lévites et de tout Israël, qu'ils feraient selon cette parole; et ils le jurèrent.

 Then arose [6965] Ezra, [5830] and made the chief [8269] priests, [3548] the Levites, [3881] and all Israel, [3478] to swear [7650] that they should do [6213] according to this word. [1697] And they sware. [7650]


 Puis Esdras se leva de devant la maison de Dieu, et s'en alla dans la chambre de Jochanan, fils d'Éliashib, et y entra; et il ne mangea point de pain et ne but point d'eau, parce qu'il était en deuil à cause du péché de ceux de la captivité.

 Then Ezra [5830] rose up [6965] from before [6440] the house [1004] of God, [0430] and went [3212] into the chamber [3957] of Johanan [3076] the son [1121] of Eliashib: [0475] and [when] he came [3212] thither, he did eat [0398] no bread, [3899] nor drink [8354] water: [4325] for he mourned [0056] because of the transgression [4604] of them that had been carried away. [1473]


 Alors on publia, en Juda et à Jérusalem, que tous les enfants de la captivité eussent à s'assembler à Jérusalem.

 And they made proclamation [5674] [6963] throughout Judah [3063] and Jerusalem [3389] unto all the children [1121] of the captivity, [1473] that they should gather themselves together [6908] unto Jerusalem; [3389]


 Et que si quelqu'un ne s'y rendait pas dans trois jours, selon l'avis des principaux et des anciens, tout son bien serait mis en interdit, et qu'il serait séparé de l'assemblée de ceux de la captivité.

 And that whosoever would not come [0935] within three [7969] days, [3117] according to the counsel [6098] of the princes [8269] and the elders, [2205] all his substance [7399] should be forfeited, [2763] and himself separated [0914] from the congregation [6951] of those that had been carried away. [1473]


 Ainsi tous ceux de Juda et de Benjamin s'assemblèrent à Jérusalem dans les trois jours; ce fut au neuvième mois, le vingtième jour du mois; et tout le peuple se tint sur la place de la maison de Dieu, tremblant au sujet de cette affaire, et à cause des pluies.

 Then all the men [0582] of Judah [3063] and Benjamin [1144] gathered themselves together [6908] unto Jerusalem [3389] within three [7969] days. [3117] It [was] the ninth [8671] month, [2320] on the twentieth [6242] [day] of the month; [2320] and all the people [5971] sat [3427] in the street [7339] of the house [1004] of God, [0430] trembling [7460] because of [this] matter, [1697] and for the great rain. [1653]


 Puis Esdras, le sacrificateur, se leva et leur dit: Vous avez péché, en prenant chez vous des femmes étrangères, et vous avez ainsi rendu Israël plus coupable.

 And Ezra [5830] the priest [3548] stood up, [6965] and said [0559] unto them, Ye have transgressed, [4603] and have taken [3427] strange [5237] wives, [0802] to increase [3254] the trespass [0819] of Israel. [3478]


 Mais maintenant, faites la confession de votre faute à YEHOVAH, le Dieu de vos pères, et faites sa volonté. Séparez-vous des peuples du pays et des femmes étrangères.

 Now therefore make [5414] confession [8426] unto the LORD [3068] God [0430] of your fathers, [0001] and do [6213] his pleasure: [7522] and separate [0914] yourselves from the people [5971] of the land, [0776] and from the strange [5237] wives. [0802]


 Et toute l'assemblée répondit, et dit à haute voix: Oui, il faut que nous fassions comme tu dis.

 Then all the congregation [6951] answered [6030] and said [0559] with a loud [1419] voice, [6963] As thou hast said, [1697] so must we do. [6213]


 Mais le peuple est nombreux, et c'est le temps des pluies, et il n'y a pas moyen de se tenir dehors; et ce n'est pas une affaire d'un jour, ni de deux; car nous sommes un grand nombre qui avons péché dans cette affaire.

 But [0061] the people [5971] [are] many, [7227] and [it is] a time [6256] of much rain, [1653] and we are not able [3581] to stand [5975] without, [2351] neither [is this] a work [4399] of one [0259] day [3117] or two: [8147] for we are many [7235] that have transgressed [6586] in this thing. [1697]


 Que nos chefs de toute l'assemblée demeurent donc; et que tous ceux qui dans nos villes ont introduit chez eux des femmes étrangères, viennent à des époques déterminées, avec les anciens et les juges de chaque ville, jusqu'à ce que l'ardeur de la colère de notre Dieu au sujet de cette affaire, se soit détournée de nous.

 Let now our rulers [8269] of all the congregation [6951] stand, [5975] and let all them which have taken [3427] strange [5237] wives [0802] in our cities [5892] come [0935] at appointed [2163] times, [6256] and with them the elders [2205] of every city, [5892] [5892] and the judges [8199] thereof, until the fierce [2740] wrath [0639] of our God [0430] for this matter [1697] be turned [7725] from us.


 Il n'y eut que Jonathan, fils d'Asaël, et Jachzia, fils de Thikva, qui s'opposèrent à cela; et Méshullam et Shabbéthaï, le Lévite, les appuyèrent.

 Only Jonathan [3129] the son [1121] of Asahel [6214] and Jahaziah [3167] the son [1121] of Tikvah [8616] were employed [5975] about this [matter]: and Meshullam [4918] and Shabbethai [7678] the Levite [3881] helped [5826] them.


 Mais les enfants de la captivité firent ainsi: On choisit Esdras, le sacrificateur, et les chefs des pères, selon les maisons de leurs pères, tous désignés par leurs noms. Ils siégèrent au premier jour du dixième mois, pour s'informer de cette affaire.

 And the children [1121] of the captivity [1473] did [6213] so. And Ezra [5830] the priest, [3548] [with] certain [0582] chief [7218] of the fathers, [0001] after the house [1004] of their fathers, [0001] and all of them by [their] names, [8034] were separated, [0914] and sat down [3427] in the first [0259] day [3117] of the tenth [6224] month [2320] to examine [1875] the matter. [1697]


 Et le premier jour du premier mois, ils eurent fini avec tous ceux qui avaient pris chez eux des femmes étrangères.

 And they made an end [3615] with all the men [0582] that had taken [3427] strange [5237] wives [0802] by the first [0259] day [3117] of the first [7223] month. [2320]


 Parmi les fils des sacrificateurs, il s'en trouva qui avaient pris chez eux des femmes étrangères; d'entre les enfants de Jéshua, fils de Jotsadak, et d'entre ses frères: Maaséja, Éliézer, Jarib et Guédalia;

 And among the sons [1121] of the priests [3548] there were found [4672] that had taken [3427] strange [5237] wives: [0802] [namely], of the sons [1121] of Jeshua [3442] the son [1121] of Jozadak, [3136] and his brethren; [0251] Maaseiah, [4641] and Eliezer, [0461] and Jarib, [3402] and Gedaliah. [1436]


 Qui promirent de renvoyer leurs femmes, et d'offrir, comme coupables, un bélier pour leur péché.

 And they gave [5414] their hands [3027] that they would put away [3318] their wives; [0802] and [being] guilty, [0818] [they offered] a ram [0352] of the flock [6629] for their trespass. [0819]


 Des enfants d'Immer: Hanani et Zébadia.

 And of the sons [1121] of Immer; [0564] Hanani, [2607] and Zebadiah. [2069]


 Des enfants de Harim: Maaséja, Élie, Shémaja, Jéhiel et Uzzia.

 And of the sons [1121] of Harim; [2766] Maaseiah, [4641] and Elijah, [0452] and Shemaiah, [8098] and Jehiel, [3171] and Uzziah. [5818]


 Des enfants de Pashur: Eljoénaï, Maaséja, Ismaël, Nathanaël, Jozabad et Éléasa.

 And of the sons [1121] of Pashur; [6583] Elioenai, [0454] Maaseiah, [4641] Ishmael, [3458] Nethaneel, [5417] Jozabad, [3107] and Elasah. [0501]


 Des Lévites: Jozabad, Shimeï, Kélaja (c'est Kélita), Péthachia, Juda et Éliézer.

 Also of the Levites; [3881] Jozabad, [3107] and Shimei, [8096] and Kelaiah, [7041] (the same [is] Kelita,) [7042] Pethahiah, [6611] Judah, [3063] and Eliezer. [0461]


 Des chantres: Éliashib; et des portiers: Shallum, Télem et Uri.

 Of the singers [7891] also; Eliashib: [0475] and of the porters; [7778] Shallum, [7967] and Telem, [2928] and Uri. [0221]


 De ceux d'Israël, des enfants de Parosh: Ramia, Jizzia, Malkija, Mijamin, Éléazar, Malkija et Bénaja.

 Moreover of Israel: [3478] of the sons [1121] of Parosh; [6551] Ramiah, [7422] and Jeziah, [3150] and Malchiah, [4441] and Miamin, [4326] and Eleazar, [0499] and Malchijah, [4441] and Benaiah. [1141]


 Des enfants d'Élam: Matthania, Zacharie, Jéhiel, Abdi, Jérémoth et Élie.

 And of the sons [1121] of Elam; [5867] Mattaniah, [4983] Zechariah, [2148] and Jehiel, [3171] and Abdi, [5660] and Jeremoth, [3406] and Eliah. [0452]


 Des enfants de Zatthu: Eljoénaï, Éliashib, Matthania, Jérémoth, Zabad et Aziza.

 And of the sons [1121] of Zattu; [2240] Elioenai, [0454] Eliashib, [0475] Mattaniah, [4983] and Jeremoth, [3406] and Zabad, [2066] and Aziza. [5819]


 Des enfants de Bébaï: Jochanan, Hanania, Zabbaï et Athlaï.

 Of the sons [1121] also of Bebai; [0893] Jehohanan, [3076] Hananiah, [2608] Zabbai, [2140] [2079] [and] Athlai. [6270]


 Des enfants de Bani: Méshullam, Malluc, Adaja, Jashud, Shéal et Ramoth.

 And of the sons [1121] of Bani; [1137] Meshullam, [4918] Malluch, [4409] and Adaiah, [5718] Jashub, [3437] and Sheal, [7594] and Ramoth. [7433]


 Des enfants de Pachath-Moab: Adna, Kélal, Bénaja, Maaséja, Matthania, Bethsaléel, Binnuï et Manassé.

 And of the sons [1121] of Pahathmoab; [6355] Adna, [5733] and Chelal, [3636] Benaiah, [1141] Maaseiah, [4641] Mattaniah, [4983] Bezaleel, [1212] and Binnui, [1131] and Manasseh. [4519]


 Des enfants de Harim: Éliézer, Jishija, Malkija, Shémaja, Siméon,

 And [of] the sons [1121] of Harim; [2766] Eliezer, [0461] Ishijah, [3449] Malchiah, [4441] Shemaiah, [8098] Shimeon, [8095]


 Benjamin, Malluc et Shémaria.

 Benjamin, [1144] Malluch, [4409] [and] Shemariah. [8114]


 Des enfants de Hashum: Mathnaï, Matthattha, Zabad, Éliphélet, Jérémaï, Manassé et Shimeï.

 Of the sons [1121] of Hashum; [2828] Mattenai, [4982] Mattathah, [4992] Zabad, [2066] Eliphelet, [0467] Jeremai, [3413] Manasseh, [4519] [and] Shimei. [8096]


 Des enfants de Bani: Maadaï, Amram, Uël,

 Of the sons [1121] of Bani; [1137] Maadai, [4572] Amram, [6019] and Uel, [0177]


 Bénaja, Bédia, Kéluhu,

 Benaiah, [1141] Bedeiah, [0912] Chelluh, [3622]


 Vania, Mérémoth, Éliashib,

 Vaniah, [2057] Meremoth, [4822] Eliashib, [0475]


 Matthania, Matthénaï, Jaasaï,

 Mattaniah, [4983] Mattenai, [4982] and Jaasau, [3299]


 Bani, Binnuï, Shimeï,

 And Bani, [1137] and Binnui, [1131] Shimei, [8096]


 Shélémia, Nathan, Adaja,

 And Shelemiah, [8018] and Nathan, [5416] and Adaiah, [5718]


 Macnadbaï, Shashaï, Sharaï,

 Machnadebai, [4367] Shashai, [8343] Sharai, [8298]


 Azaréel, Shélémia, Shémaria,

 Azareel, [5832] and Shelemiah, [8018] Shemariah, [8114]


 Shallum, Amaria et Joseph.

 Shallum, [7967] Amariah, [0568] [and] Joseph. [3130]


 Des enfants de Nébo: Jéiel, Matthithia, Zabad, Zébina, Jaddaï, Joël et Bénaja.

 Of the sons [1121] of Nebo; [5015] Jeiel, [3273] Mattithiah, [4993] Zabad, [2066] Zebina, [2081] Jadau, [3035] and Joel, [3100] Benaiah. [1141]


 Tous ceux-là avaient pris des femmes étrangères; et il y en avait d'entre eux qui avaient eu des enfants de ces femmes-là.

 All these had taken [5375] strange [5237] wives: [0802] and [some] of them had [3426] wives [0802] by whom they had [7760] children. [1121]




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