King James Version 1611 - 1769





Ezra 1: 1-11

1  Now in the first259 year8141 of Cyrus3566 king4428 of Persia,6539 that the word1697 of the LORD3068 by the mouth4480 6310 of Jeremiah3414 might be fulfilled,3615 the LORD3068 stirred up5782 853 the spirit7307 of Cyrus3566 king4428 of Persia,6539 that he made a proclamation5674 6963 throughout all3605 his kingdom,4438 and put it also1571 in writing,4385 saying,559

2  Thus3541 saith559 Cyrus3566 king4428 of Persia,6539 The LORD3068 God430 of heaven8064 hath given5414 me all3605 the kingdoms4467 of the earth;776 and he1931 hath charged6485 5921 me to build1129 him a house1004 at Jerusalem,3389 which834 is in Judah.3063

3  Who4310 is there among you of all4480 3605 his people?5971 his God430 be1961 with5973 him, and let him go up5927 to Jerusalem,3389 which834 is in Judah,3063 and build1129 853 the house1004 of the LORD3068 God430 of Israel,3478 (he1931 is the God,)430 which834 is in Jerusalem.3389

4  And whosoever3605 remaineth7604 in any4480 3605 place4725 where834 he1931 sojourneth,1481 let the men376 of his place4725 help5375 him with silver,3701 and with gold,2091 and with goods,7399 and with beasts,929 beside5973 the freewill offering5071 for the house1004 of God430 that834 is in Jerusalem.3389

5  Then rose up6965 the chief7218 of the fathers1 of Judah3063 and Benjamin,1144 and the priests,3548 and the Levites,3881 with all3605 them 853 whose spirit7307 God430 had raised,5782 to go up5927 to build1129 853 the house1004 of the LORD3068 which834 is in Jerusalem.3389

6  And all3605 they that were about5439 them strengthened2388 their hands3027 with vessels3627 of silver,3701 with gold,2091 with goods,7399 and with beasts,929 and with precious things,4030 beside all905 5921 3605 that was willingly offered.5068

7  Also Cyrus3566 the king4428 brought forth3318 853 the vessels3627 of the house1004 of the LORD,3068 which834 Nebuchadnezzar5019 had brought forth3318 out of Jerusalem,4480 3389 and had put5414 them in the house1004 of his gods;430

8  Even those did Cyrus3566 king4428 of Persia6539 bring forth3318 by5921 the hand3027 of Mithredath4990 the treasurer,1489 and numbered5608 them unto Sheshbazzar,8339 the prince5387 of Judah.3063

9  And this428 is the number4557 of them: thirty7970 chargers105 of gold,2091 a thousand505 chargers105 of silver,3701 nine8672 and twenty6242 knives,4252

10  Thirty7970 basins3713 of gold,2091 silver3701 basins3713 of a second4932 sort four702 hundred3967 and ten,6235 and other312 vessels3627 a thousand.505

11  All3605 the vessels3627 of gold2091 and of silver3701 were five2568 thousand505 and four702 hundred.3967 All3605 these did Sheshbazzar8339 bring up5927 with5973 them of the captivity1473 that were brought up5927 from Babylon4480 894 unto Jerusalem.3389

Ezra 2: 1-70

1  Now these428 are the children1121 of the province4082 that went up5927 out of the captivity,4480 7628 of those which had been carried away,1473 whom834 Nebuchadnezzar5019 the king4428 of Babylon894 had carried away1540 unto Babylon,894 and came again7725 unto Jerusalem3389 and Judah,3063 every one376 unto his city;5892

2  Which834 came935 with5973 Zerubbabel:2216 Jeshua,3442 Nehemiah,5166 Seraiah,8304 Reelaiah,7480 Mordecai,4782 Bilshan,1114 Mispar,4558 Bigvai,902 Rehum,7348 Baanah.1196 The number4557 of the men376 of the people5971 of Israel:3478

3  The children1121 of Parosh,6551 two thousand505 a hundred3967 seventy7657 and two.8147

4  The children1121 of Shephatiah,8203 three7969 hundred3967 seventy7657 and two.8147

5  The children1121 of Arah,733 seven7651 hundred3967 seventy7657 and five.2568

6  The children1121 of Pahath-moab,6355 of the children1121 of Jeshua3442 and Joab,3097 two thousand505 eight8083 hundred3967 and twelve.8147 6240

7  The children1121 of Elam,5867 a thousand505 two hundred3967 fifty2572 and four.702

8  The children1121 of Zattu,2240 nine8672 hundred3967 forty705 and five.2568

9  The children1121 of Zaccai,2140 seven7651 hundred3967 and threescore.8346

10  The children1121 of Bani,1137 six8337 hundred3967 forty705 and two.8147

11  The children1121 of Bebai,893 six8337 hundred3967 twenty6242 and three.7969

12  The children1121 of Azgad,5803 a thousand505 two hundred3967 twenty6242 and two.8147

13  The children1121 of Adonikam,140 six8337 hundred3967 sixty8346 and six.8337

14  The children1121 of Bigvai,902 two thousand505 fifty2572 and six.8337

15  The children1121 of Adin,5720 four702 hundred3967 fifty2572 and four.702

16  The children1121 of Ater333 of Hezekiah,3169 ninety8673 and eight.8083

17  The children1121 of Bezai,1209 three7969 hundred3967 twenty6242 and three.7969

18  The children1121 of Jorah,3139 a hundred3967 and twelve.8147 6240

19  The children1121 of Hashum,2828 two hundred3967 twenty6242 and three.7969

20  The children1121 of Gibbar,1402 ninety8673 and five.2568

21  The children1121 of Bethlehem,1035 a hundred3967 twenty6242 and three.7969

22  The men376 of Netophah,5199 fifty2572 and six.8337

23  The men376 of Anathoth,6068 a hundred3967 twenty6242 and eight.8083

24  The children1121 of Azmaveth,5820 forty705 and two.8147

25  The children1121 of Kirjath-arim,7157 Chephirah,3716 and Beeroth,881 seven7651 hundred3967 and forty705 and three.7969

26  The children1121 of Ramah7414 and Gaba,1387 six8337 hundred3967 twenty6242 and one.259

27  The men376 of Michmas,4363 a hundred3967 twenty6242 and two.8147

28  The men376 of Bethel1008 and Ai,5857 two hundred3967 twenty6242 and three.7969

29  The children1121 of Nebo,5015 fifty2572 and two.8147

30  The children1121 of Magbish,4019 a hundred3967 fifty2572 and six.8337

31  The children1121 of the other312 Elam,5867 a thousand505 two hundred3967 fifty2572 and four.702

32  The children1121 of Harim,2766 three7969 hundred3967 and twenty.6242

33  The children1121 of Lod,3850 Hadid,2307 and Ono,207 seven7651 hundred3967 twenty6242 and five.2568

34  The children1121 of Jericho,3405 three7969 hundred3967 forty705 and five.2568

35  The children1121 of Senaah,5570 three7969 thousand505 and six8337 hundred3967 and thirty.7970

36  The priests:3548 the children1121 of Jedaiah,3048 of the house1004 of Jeshua,3442 nine8672 hundred3967 seventy7657 and three.7969

37  The children1121 of Immer,564 a thousand505 fifty2572 and two.8147

38  The children1121 of Pashur,6583 a thousand505 two hundred3967 forty705 and seven.7651

39  The children1121 of Harim,2766 a thousand505 and seventeen.7651 6240

40  The Levites:3881 the children1121 of Jeshua3442 and Kadmiel,6934 of the children1121 of Hodaviah,1938 seventy7657 and four.702

41  The singers:7891 the children1121 of Asaph,623 a hundred3967 twenty6242 and eight.8083

42  The children1121 of the porters:7778 the children1121 of Shallum,7967 the children1121 of Ater,333 the children1121 of Talmon,2929 the children1121 of Akkub,6126 the children1121 of Hatita,2410 the children1121 of Shobai,7630 in all3605 a hundred3967 thirty7970 and nine.8672

43  The Nethinims:5411 the children1121 of Ziha,6727 the children1121 of Hasupha,2817 the children1121 of Tabbaoth,2884

44  The children1121 of Keros,7026 the children1121 of Siaha,5517 the children1121 of Padon,6303

45  The children1121 of Lebanah,3838 the children1121 of Hagabah,2286 the children1121 of Akkub,6126

46  The children1121 of Hagab,2285 the children1121 of Shalmai,8073 the children1121 of Hanan,2605

47  The children1121 of Giddel,1435 the children1121 of Gahar,1515 the children1121 of Reaiah,7211

48  The children1121 of Rezin,7526 the children1121 of Nekoda,5353 the children1121 of Gazzam,1502

49  The children1121 of Uzza,5798 the children1121 of Paseah,6454 the children1121 of Besai,1153

50  The children1121 of Asnah,619 the children1121 of Mehunim,4586 the children1121 of Nephusim,5304

51  The children1121 of Bakbuk,1227 the children1121 of Hakupha,2709 the children1121 of Harhur,2744

52  The children1121 of Bazluth,1213 the children1121 of Mehida,4240 the children1121 of Harsha,2797

53  The children1121 of Barkos,1302 the children1121 of Sisera,5516 the children1121 of Thamah,8547

54  The children1121 of Neziah,5335 the children1121 of Hatipha.2412

55  The children1121 of Solomon's8010 servants:5650 the children1121 of Sotai,5479 the children1121 of Sophereth,5618 the children1121 of Peruda,6514

56  The children1121 of Jaalah,3279 the children1121 of Darkon,1874 the children1121 of Giddel,1435

57  The children1121 of Shephatiah,8203 the children1121 of Hattil,2411 the children1121 of Pochereth of Zebaim,6380 the children1121 of Ami.532

58  All3605 the Nethinims,5411 and the children1121 of Solomon's8010 servants,5650 were three7969 hundred3967 ninety8673 and two.8147

59  And these428 were they which went up5927 from Tel-melah,4480 8528 Tel-harsa,8521 Cherub,3743 Addan,135 and Immer:564 but they could3201 not3808 show5046 their father's1 house,1004 and their seed,2233 whether518 they1992 were of Israel:4480 3478

60  The children1121 of Delaiah,1806 the children1121 of Tobiah,2900 the children1121 of Nekoda,5353 six8337 hundred3967 fifty2572 and two.8147

61  And of the children4480 1121 of the priests:3548 the children1121 of Habaiah,2252 the children1121 of Koz,6976 the children1121 of Barzillai;1271 which834 took3947 a wife802 of the daughters4480 1323 of Barzillai1271 the Gileadite,1569 and was called7121 after5921 their name:8034

62  These428 sought1245 their register3791 among those that were reckoned by genealogy,3187 but they were not3808 found:4672 therefore were they, as polluted, put1351 from4480 the priesthood.3550

63  And the Tirshatha8660 said559 unto them, that834 they should not3808 eat398 of the most holy things,4480 6944 6944 till5704 there stood up5975 a priest3548 with Urim224 and with Thummim.8550

64  The whole3605 congregation6951 together259 was forty702 7239 and two thousand505 three7969 hundred3967 and threescore,8346

65  Beside4480 905 their servants5650 and their maids,519 of whom428 there were seven7651 thousand505 three7969 hundred3967 thirty7970 and seven:7651 and there were among them two hundred3967 singing men7891 and singing women.7891

66  Their horses5483 were seven7651 hundred3967 thirty7970 and six;8337 their mules,6505 two hundred3967 forty705 and five;2568

67  Their camels,1581 four702 hundred3967 thirty7970 and five;2568 their asses,2543 six8337 thousand505 seven7651 hundred3967 and twenty.6242

68  And some of the chief4480 7218 of the fathers,1 when they came935 to the house1004 of the LORD3068 which834 is at Jerusalem,3389 offered freely5068 for the house1004 of God430 to set it up5975 in5921 his place:4349

69  They gave5414 after their ability3581 unto the treasure214 of the work4399 threescore8337 7239 and one thousand505 drams1871 of gold,2091 and five2568 thousand505 pound4488 of silver,3701 and one hundred3967 priests'3548 garments.3801

70  So the priests,3548 and the Levites,3881 and some of4480 the people,5971 and the singers,7891 and the porters,7778 and the Nethinims,5411 dwelt3427 in their cities,5892 and all3605 Israel3478 in their cities.5892

Ezra 3: 1-13

1  And when the seventh7637 month2320 was come,5060 and the children1121 of Israel3478 were in the cities,5892 the people5971 gathered themselves together622 as one259 man376 to413 Jerusalem.3389

2  Then stood up6965 Jeshua3442 the son1121 of Jozadak,3136 and his brethren251 the priests,3548 and Zerubbabel2216 the son1121 of Shealtiel,7597 and his brethren,251 and built1129 853 the altar4196 of the God430 of Israel,3478 to offer5927 burnt offerings5930 thereon,5921 as it is written3789 in the law8451 of Moses4872 the man376 of God.430

3  And they set3559 the altar4196 upon5921 his bases;4350 for3588 fear367 was upon5921 them because of the people4480 5971 of those countries:776 and they offered5927 burnt offerings5930 thereon5921 unto the LORD,3068 even burnt offerings5930 morning1242 and evening.6153

4  They kept6213 also 853 the feast2282 of tabernacles,5521 as it is written,3789 and offered the daily3117 3117 burnt offerings5930 by number,4557 according to the custom,4941 as the duty1697 of every day3117 3117 required;

5  And afterward310 offered the continual8548 burnt offering,5930 both of the new moons,2320 and of all3605 the set feasts4150 of the LORD3068 that were consecrated,6942 and of every one3605 that willingly offered5068 a freewill offering5071 unto the LORD.3068

6  From the first day4480 3117 259 of the seventh7637 month2320 began2490 they to offer5927 burnt offerings5930 unto the LORD.3068 But the foundation3245 of the temple1964 of the LORD3068 was not3808 yet laid.

7  They gave5414 money3701 also unto the masons,2672 and to the carpenters;2796 and meat,3978 and drink,4960 and oil,8081 unto them of Zidon,6722 and to them of Tyre,6876 to bring935 cedar730 trees6086 from4480 Lebanon3844 to413 the sea3220 of Joppa,3305 according to the grant7558 that they had of Cyrus3566 king4428 of Persia.6539

8  Now in the second8145 year8141 of their coming935 unto413 the house1004 of God430 at Jerusalem,3389 in the second8145 month,2320 began2490 Zerubbabel2216 the son1121 of Shealtiel,7597 and Jeshua3442 the son1121 of Jozadak,3136 and the remnant7605 of their brethren251 the priests3548 and the Levites,3881 and all3605 they that were come935 out of the captivity4480 7628 unto Jerusalem;3389 and appointed5975 853 the Levites,3881 from twenty years old4480 1121 6242 8141 and upward,4605 to set5329 forward5921 the work4399 of the house1004 of the LORD.3068

9  Then stood5975 Jeshua3442 with his sons1121 and his brethren,251 Kadmiel6934 and his sons,1121 the sons1121 of Judah,3063 together,259 to set5329 forward5921 the workmen6213 4399 in the house1004 of God:430 the sons1121 of Henadad,2582 with their sons1121 and their brethren251 the Levites.3881

10  And when the builders1129 laid the foundation3245 of 853 the temple1964 of the LORD,3068 they set5975 the priests3548 in their apparel3847 with trumpets,2689 and the Levites3881 the sons1121 of Asaph623 with cymbals,4700 to praise1984 853 the LORD,3068 after5921 the ordinance3027 of David1732 king4428 of Israel.3478

11  And they sang together by course6030 in praising1984 and giving thanks3034 unto the LORD;3068 because3588 he is good,2896 for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever5769 toward5921 Israel.3478 And all3605 the people5971 shouted7321 with a great1419 shout,8643 when they praised1984 the LORD,3068 because5921 the foundation of the house of the LORD was laid.3245 1004 3068

12  But many7227 of the priests4480 3548 and Levites3881 and chief7218 of the fathers,1 who were ancient men,2205 that834 had seen7200 853 the first7223 house,1004 when the foundation of this house was laid3245 2088 1004 before their eyes,5869 wept1058 with a loud1419 voice;6963 and many7227 shouted aloud8643 7311 6963 for joy:8057

13  So that the people5971 could not369 discern5234 the noise6963 of the shout8643 of joy8057 from the noise6963 of the weeping1065 of the people:5971 for3588 the people5971 shouted7321 with a loud1419 shout,8643 and the noise6963 was heard8085 afar off.5704 4480 7350

Ezra 4: 1-24

1  Now when the adversaries6862 of Judah3063 and Benjamin1144 heard8085 that3588 the children1121 of the captivity1473 built1129 the temple1964 unto the LORD3068 God430 of Israel;3478

2  Then they came5066 to413 Zerubbabel,2216 and to413 the chief7218 of the fathers,1 and said559 unto them, Let us build1129 with5973 you: for3588 we seek1875 your God,430 as ye do; and we587 do sacrifice2076 unto him since the days4480 3117 of Esar-haddon634 king4428 of Assur,804 which brought us up5927 853 hither.6311

3  But Zerubbabel,2216 and Jeshua,3442 and the rest7605 of the chief7218 of the fathers1 of Israel,3478 said559 unto them, Ye have nothing3808 to do with us to build1129 a house1004 unto our God;430 but3588 we ourselves587 together3162 will build1129 unto the LORD3068 God430 of Israel,3478 as834 king4428 Cyrus3566 the king4428 of Persia6539 hath commanded6680 us.

4  Then the people5971 of the land776 weakened7503 the hands3027 of the people5971 of Judah,3063 and troubled1089 them in building,1129

5  And hired7936 counselors3289 against5921 them, to frustrate6565 their purpose,6098 all3605 the days3117 of Cyrus3566 king4428 of Persia,6539 even until5704 the reign4438 of Darius1867 king4428 of Persia.6539

6  And in the reign4438 of Ahasuerus,325 in the beginning8462 of his reign,4438 wrote3789 they unto him an accusation7855 against5921 the inhabitants3427 of Judah3063 and Jerusalem.3389

7  And in the days3117 of Artaxerxes783 wrote3789 Bishlam,1312 Mithredath,4990 Tabeel,2870 and the rest7605 of their companions,3674 unto5921 Artaxerxes783 king4428 of Persia;6539 and the writing3791 of the letter5406 was written3789 in the Syrian tongue,762 and interpreted8638 in the Syrian tongue.762

8  Rehum7348 the chancellor2942 1169 and Shimshai8124 the scribe5613 wrote3790 a2298 letter104 against5922 Jerusalem3390 to Artaxerxes783 the king4430 in this sort:3660

9  Then116 wrote Rehum7348 the chancellor,2942 1169 and Shimshai8124 the scribe,5613 and the rest7606 of their companions;3675 the Dinaites,1784 the Apharsathchites,671 the Tarpelites,2967 the Apharsites,670 the Archevites,756 the Babylonians,896 the Susanchites,7801 the Dehavites,1723 and the Elamites,5962

10  And the rest7606 of the nations524 whom1768 the great7229 and noble3358 Asnappar620 brought over,1541 and set3488 in the cities7149 of1768 Samaria,8115 and the rest7606 that are on this side5675 the river,5103 and at such a time.3706

11  This1836 is the copy6573 of the letter104 that1768 they sent7972 unto5922 him, even unto5922 Artaxerxes783 the king;4430 Thy servants5649 the men606 on this side5675 the river,5103 and at such a time.3706

12  Be1934 it known3046 unto the king,4430 that the Jews3062 which1768 came up5559 from4481 3890 thee to5922 us are come858 unto Jerusalem,3390 building1124 the rebellious4779 and the bad873 city,7149 and have set up3635 the walls7792 thereof, and joined2338 the foundations.787

13  Be1934 it known3046 now3705 unto the king,4430 that,1768 if2006 this1791 city7149 be built,1124 and the walls7792 set up3635 again, then will they not3809 pay5415 toll,4061 tribute,1093 and custom,1983 and so thou shalt endamage5142 the revenue674 of the kings.4430

14  Now3705 because3606 6903 1768 we have maintenance4415 4416 from the king's palace,1965 and it was not3809 meet749 for us to see2370 the king's4430 dishonor,6173 therefore5922 1836 have we sent7972 and certified3046 the king;4430

15  That1768 search may be made1240 in the book5609 of the records1799 of1768 thy fathers:2 so shalt thou find7912 in the book5609 of the records,1799 and know3046 that1768 this1791 city7149 is a rebellious4779 city,7149 and hurtful5142 unto kings4430 and provinces,4083 and that they have moved5648 sedition849 within the same1459 of4481 old5957 time:3118 for5922 which cause1836 was this1791 city7149 destroyed.2718

16  We586 certify3046 the king4430 that,1768 if2006 this1791 city7149 be built1124 again, and the walls7792 thereof set up,3635 by this1836 means6903 thou shalt have383 no3809 portion2508 on this side5675 the river.5103

17  Then sent7972 the king4430 an answer6600 unto5922 Rehum7348 the chancellor,1169 2942 and to Shimshai8124 the scribe,5613 and to the rest7606 of their companions3675 that1768 dwell3488 in Samaria,8115 and unto the rest7606 beyond5675 the river,5103 Peace,8001 and at such a time.3706

18  The letter5407 which1768 ye sent7972 unto5922 us hath been plainly6568 read7123 before6925 me.

19  And I commanded,7761 2942 and search hath been made,1240 and it is found7912 that1768 this1791 city7149 of4481 old5957 time3118 hath made insurrection5376 against5922 kings,4430 and that rebellion4776 and sedition849 have been made5648 therein.

20  There have been1934 mighty8624 kings4430 also over5922 Jerusalem,3390 which have ruled7990 over all3606 countries beyond5675 the river;5103 and toll,4061 tribute,1093 and custom,1983 was paid3052 unto them.

21  Give7761 ye now3705 commandment2942 to cause these479 men1400 to cease,989 and that this1791 city7149 be not3809 built,1124 until5705 another commandment2941 shall be given7761 from4481 me.

22  Take heed2095 1934 now that ye fail not7960 to do5648 this:5922 1836 why4101 should damage2257 grow7680 to the hurt5142 of the kings?4430

23  Now116 when4481 1768 the copy6573 of king4430 Artaxerxes'783 letter5407 was read7123 before6925 Rehum,7348 and Shimshai8124 the scribe,5613 and their companions,3675 they went up236 in haste924 to Jerusalem3390 unto5922 the Jews,3062 and made them1994 to cease989 by force153 and power.2429

24  Then116 ceased989 the work5673 of the house1005 of God426 which1768 is at Jerusalem.3390 So1934 it ceased989 unto5705 the second8648 year8140 of the reign4437 of Darius1868 king4430 of Persia.6540

Ezra 5: 1-17

1  Then the prophets,5029 Haggai2292 the prophet,5029 and Zechariah2148 the son1247 of Iddo,5714 prophesied5013 unto5922 the Jews3062 that1768 were in Judah3061 and Jerusalem3390 in the name8036 of the God426 of Israel,3479 even unto5922 them.

2  Then116 rose up6966 Zerubbabel2217 the son1247 of Shealtiel,7598 and Jeshua3443 the son1247 of Jozadak,3136 and began8271 to build1124 the house1005 of God426 which1768 is at Jerusalem:3390 and with5974 them were the prophets5029 of1768 God426 helping5583 them.

3  At the same time2166 came858 to5922 them Tatnai,8674 governor6347 on this side5675 the river,5103 and Shethar-boznai,8370 and their companions,3675 and said560 thus3652 unto them, Who4479 hath commanded7761 2942 you to build1124 this1836 house,1005 and to make up3635 this1836 wall?846

4  Then116 said560 we unto them after this manner,3660 What4479 are the names8036 of the men1400 that1768 make1124 this1836 building?1147

5  But the eye5870 of their God426 was1934 upon5922 the elders7868 of the Jews,3062 that they could not3809 cause them1994 to cease,989 till5705 the matter2941 came1946 to Darius:1868 and then116 they returned answer8421 by letter5407 concerning5922 this1836 matter.

6  The copy6573 of the letter104 that1768 Tatnai,8674 governor6347 on this side5675 the river,5103 and Shethar-boznai,8370 and his companions3675 the Apharsachites,671 which1768 were on this side5675 the river,5103 sent7972 unto5922 Darius1868 the king:4430

7  They sent7972 a letter6600 unto5922 him, wherein1459 was written3790 thus;1836 Unto Darius1868 the king,4430 all3606 peace.8001

8  Be1934 it known3046 unto the king,4430 that1768 we went236 into the province4083 of Judea,3061 to the house1005 of the great7229 God,426 which1932 is built1124 with great1560 stones,69 and timber636 is laid7761 in the walls,3797 and this1791 work5673 goeth5648 fast on,629 and prospereth6744 in their hands.3028

9  Then116 asked7593 we those479 elders,7868 and said560 unto them thus,3660 Who4479 commanded7761 2942 you to build1124 this1836 house,1005 and to make up3635 these1836 walls?846

10  We asked7593 their names8036 also,638 to certify3046 thee, that1768 we might write3790 the names8036 of the men1400 that1768 were the chief7217 of them.

11  And thus3660 they returned8421 us answer,6600 saying,560 We586 are the servants5649 of1768 the God426 of heaven8065 and earth,772 and build1124 the house1005 that1768 was1934 built1124 these1836 many7690 years8140 ago,4481 6928 which a great7229 king4430 of Israel3479 built1124 and set up.3635

12  But3861 after4481 that1768 our fathers2 had provoked the God of heaven unto wrath,7265 426 8065 he gave3052 them1994 into the hand3028 of Nebuchadnezzar5020 the king4430 of Babylon,895 the Chaldean,3679 who destroyed5642 this1836 house,1005 and carried the people away1541 5972 into Babylon.895

13  But1297 in the first2298 year8140 of Cyrus3567 the king4430 of1768 Babylon895 the same king4430 Cyrus3567 made7761 a decree2942 to build1124 this1836 house1005 of God.426

14  And the vessels3984 also638 of1768 gold1722 and silver3702 of1768 the house1005 of God,426 which1768 Nebuchadnezzar5020 took5312 out of4481 the temple1965 that1768 was in Jerusalem,3390 and brought2987 them1994 into the temple1965 of1768 Babylon,895 those1994 did Cyrus3567 the king4430 take5312 out of4481 the temple1965 of1768 Babylon,895 and they were delivered3052 unto one, whose name8036 was Sheshbazzar,8340 whom1768 he had made7761 governor;6347

15  And said560 unto him, Take5376 these459 vessels,3984 go,236 carry5182 them1994 into the temple1965 that1768 is in Jerusalem,3390 and let the house1005 of God426 be built1124 in5922 his place.870

16  Then116 came858 the same1791 Sheshbazzar,8340 and laid3052 the foundation787 of1768 the house1005 of God426 which1768 is in Jerusalem:3390 and since4481 that time116 even until5705 now3705 hath it been in building,1124 and yet it is not3809 finished.8000

17  Now3705 therefore, if2006 it seem good2869 to5922 the king,4430 let there be search made1240 in the king's4430 treasure1596 house,1005 which1768 is there8536 at Babylon,895 whether2006 it be383 so, that1768 a decree2942 was made7761 of4481 Cyrus3567 the king4430 to build1124 this1791 house1005 of God426 at Jerusalem,3390 and let the king4430 send7972 his pleasure7470 to5922 us concerning5922 this matter.1836

Ezra 6: 1-22

1  Then116 Darius1868 the king4430 made7761 a decree,2942 and search was made1240 in the house1005 of the rolls,5609 where1768 8536 the treasures1596 were laid up5182 in Babylon.895

2  And there was found7912 at Achmetha,307 in the palace1001 that1768 is in the province4083 of the Medes,4076 a2298 roll,4040 and therein1459 was a record1799 thus3652 written:3790

3  In the first2298 year8140 of Cyrus3567 the king4430 the same Cyrus3567 the king4430 made7761 a decree2942 concerning the house1005 of God426 at Jerusalem,3390 Let the house1005 be built,1124 the place870 where1768 they offered1684 sacrifices,1685 and let the foundations787 thereof be strongly laid;5446 the height7314 thereof threescore8361 cubits,521 and the breadth6613 thereof threescore8361 cubits;521

4  With three8532 rows5073 of1768 great1560 stones,69 and a row5073 of1768 new2323 timber:636 and let the expenses5313 be given3052 out of4481 the king's4430 house:1005

5  And also638 let the golden1722 and silver3702 vessels3984 of the house1005 of God,426 which1768 Nebuchadnezzar5020 took forth5312 out of4481 the temple1965 which1768 is at Jerusalem,3390 and brought2987 unto Babylon,895 be restored,8421 and brought again1946 unto the temple1965 which1768 is at Jerusalem,3390 every one to his place,870 and place5182 them in the house1005 of God.426

6  Now3705 therefore, Tatnai,8674 governor6347 beyond5675 the river,5103 Shethar-boznai,8370 and your companions3675 the Apharsachites,671 which1768 are beyond5675 the river,5103 be1934 ye far7352 from4481 thence:8536

7  Let the work5673 of this1791 house1005 of God426 alone;7662 let the governor6347 of the Jews3062 and the elders7868 of the Jews3062 build1124 this1791 house1005 of God426 in5922 his place.870

8  Moreover I make7761 a decree2942 what3964 1768 ye shall do5648 to5974 the elders7868 of these479 Jews3062 for the building1124 of this1791 house1005 of God:426 that of the king's goods,4481 5232 4430 even of1768 the tribute4061 beyond5675 the river,5103 forthwith629 expenses5313 be1934 given3052 unto these479 men,1400 that1768 they be not3809 hindered.989

9  And that4100 which they have need of,2818 both young1123 bullocks,8450 and rams,1798 and lambs,563 for the burnt offerings5928 of the God426 of heaven,8065 wheat,2591 salt,4416 wine,2562 and oil,4887 according to the appointment3983 of the priests3549 which1768 are at Jerusalem,3390 let it be1934 given3052 them day3118 by day3118 without1768 3809 fail:7960

10  That1768 they may1934 offer7127 sacrifices of sweet savors5208 unto the God426 of heaven,8065 and pray6739 for the life2417 of the king,4430 and of his sons.1123

11  Also I have made7761 a decree,2942 that1768 whosoever3606 606 1768 shall alter8133 this1836 word,6600 let timber636 be pulled down5256 from4481 his house,1005 and being set up,2211 let him be hanged4223 thereon;5922 and let his house1005 be made5648 a dunghill5122 for5922 this.1836

12  And the God426 that1768 hath caused his name8036 to dwell7932 there8536 destroy4049 all3606 kings4430 and people,5972 that1768 shall put7972 to their hand3028 to alter8133 and to destroy2255 this1791 house1005 of God426 which1768 is at Jerusalem.3390 I576 Darius1868 have made7761 a decree;2942 let it be done5648 with speed.629

13  Then116 Tatnai,8674 governor6347 on this side5675 the river,5103 Shethar-boznai,8370 and their companions,3675 according to6903 that which1768 Darius1868 the king4430 had sent,7972 so3660 they did5648 speedily.629

14  And the elders7868 of the Jews3062 built,1124 and they prospered6744 through the prophesying5017 of Haggai2292 the prophet5029 and Zechariah2148 the son1247 of Iddo.5714 And they built,1124 and finished3635 it, according4481 to the commandment2941 of the God426 of Israel,3479 and according to4481 the commandment2942 of Cyrus,3567 and Darius,1868 and Artaxerxes783 king4430 of Persia.6540

15  And this1836 house1005 was finished3319 on5705 the third8532 day3118 of the month3393 Adar,144 which1768 was in the sixth8353 year8140 of the reign4437 of Darius1868 the king.4430

16  And the children1123 of Israel,3479 the priests,3549 and the Levites,3879 and the rest7606 of the children1123 of the captivity,1547 kept5648 the dedication2597 of this1836 house1005 of God426 with joy,2305

17  And offered7127 at the dedication2597 of this1836 house1005 of God426 a hundred3969 bullocks,8450 two hundred3969 rams,1798 four703 hundred3969 lambs;563 and for a sin offering2409 for5922 all3606 Israel,3479 twelve8648 6236 he goats,6841 5796 according to the number4510 of the tribes7625 of Israel.3479

18  And they set6966 the priests3549 in their divisions,6392 and the Levites3879 in their courses,4255 for5922 the service5673 of God,426 which1768 is at Jerusalem;3390 as it is written3792 in the book5609 of Moses.4873

19  And the children1121 of the captivity1473 kept6213 853 the passover6453 upon the fourteenth702 6240 day of the first7223 month.2320

20  For3588 the priests3548 and the Levites3881 were purified2891 together,259 all3605 of them were pure,2889 and killed7819 the passover6453 for all3605 the children1121 of the captivity,1473 and for their brethren251 the priests,3548 and for themselves.

21  And the children1121 of Israel,3478 which were come again7725 out of captivity,4480 1473 and all3605 such as had separated themselves914 unto413 them from the filthiness4480 2932 of the heathen1471 of the land,776 to seek1875 the LORD3068 God430 of Israel,3478 did eat,398

22  And kept6213 the feast2282 of unleavened bread4682 seven7651 days3117 with joy:8057 for3588 the LORD3068 had made them joyful,8055 and turned5437 the heart3820 of the king4428 of Assyria804 unto5921 them, to strengthen2388 their hands3027 in the work4399 of the house1004 of God,430 the God430 of Israel.3478

Ezra 7: 1-28

1  Now after310 these428 things,1697 in the reign4438 of Artaxerxes783 king4428 of Persia,6539 Ezra5830 the son1121 of Seraiah,8304 the son1121 of Azariah,5838 the son1121 of Hilkiah,2518

2  The son1121 of Shallum,7967 the son1121 of Zadok,6659 the son1121 of Ahitub,285

3  The son1121 of Amariah,568 the son1121 of Azariah,5838 the son1121 of Meraioth,4812

4  The son1121 of Zerahiah,2228 the son1121 of Uzzi,5813 the son1121 of Bukki,1231

5  The son1121 of Abishua,50 the son1121 of Phinehas,6372 the son1121 of Eleazar,499 the son1121 of Aaron175 the chief7218 priest:3548

6  This1931 Ezra5830 went up5927 from Babylon;4480 894 and he1931 was a ready4106 scribe5608 in the law8451 of Moses,4872 which834 the LORD3068 God430 of Israel3478 had given:5414 and the king4428 granted5414 him all3605 his request,1246 according to the hand3027 of the LORD3068 his God430 upon5921 him.

7  And there went up5927 some of the children4480 1121 of Israel,3478 and of4480 the priests,3548 and the Levites,3881 and the singers,7891 and the porters,7778 and the Nethinims,5411 unto413 Jerusalem,3389 in the seventh7651 year8141 of Artaxerxes783 the king.4428

8  And he came935 to Jerusalem3389 in the fifth2549 month,2320 which1931 was in the seventh7637 year8141 of the king.4428

9  For3588 upon the first259 day of the first7223 month2320 began3246 he1931 to go up4609 from Babylon,4480 894 and on the first259 day of the fifth2549 month2320 came935 he to413 Jerusalem,3389 according to the good2896 hand3027 of his God430 upon5921 him.

10  For3588 Ezra5830 had prepared3559 his heart3824 to seek1875 853 the law8451 of the LORD,3068 and to do6213 it, and to teach3925 in Israel3478 statutes2706 and judgments.4941

11  Now this2088 is the copy6572 of the letter5406 that834 the king4428 Artaxerxes783 gave5414 unto Ezra5830 the priest,3548 the scribe,5608 even a scribe5608 of the words1697 of the commandments4687 of the LORD,3068 and of his statutes2706 to5921 Israel.3478

12  Artaxerxes,783 king4430 of kings,4430 unto Ezra5831 the priest,3549 a scribe5613 of the law1882 of1768 the God426 of heaven,8065 perfect1585 peace, and at such a time.3706

13  I make7761 a decree,2942 that1768 all3606 they of4481 the people5972 of Israel,3479 and of his priests3549 and Levites,3879 in my realm,4437 which are minded of their own freewill5069 to go up1946 to Jerusalem,3390 go1946 with5974 thee.

14  Forasmuch3606 6903 1768 as thou art sent7972 of4481 6925 the king,4430 and of his seven7655 counselors,3272 to inquire1240 concerning5922 Judah3061 and Jerusalem,3390 according to the law1882 of thy God426 which1768 is in thine hand;3028

15  And to carry2987 the silver3702 and gold,1722 which1768 the king4430 and his counselors3272 have freely offered5069 unto the God426 of Israel,3479 whose1768 habitation4907 is in Jerusalem,3390

16  And all3606 the silver3702 and gold1722 that1768 thou canst find7912 in all3606 the province4083 of Babylon,895 with5974 the freewill offering5069 of the people,5974 and of the priests,3549 offering willingly5069 for the house1005 of their God426 which1768 is in Jerusalem:3390

17  That3606 6903 1836 thou mayest buy7066 speedily629 with this1836 money3702 bullocks,8450 rams,1798 lambs,563 with their meat offerings4504 and their drink offerings,5261 and offer7127 them1994 upon5922 the altar4056 of1768 the house1005 of your God426 which1768 is in Jerusalem.3390

18  And whatsoever4101 1768 shall seem good3191 to5922 thee, and to5922 thy brethren,252 to do5648 with the rest7606 of the silver3702 and the gold,1722 that do5648 after the will7470 of your God.426

19  The vessels3984 also that1768 are given3052 thee for the service6402 of the house1005 of thy God,426 those deliver8000 thou before6925 the God426 of Jerusalem.3390

20  And whatsoever more7606 shall be needful2819 for the house1005 of thy God,426 which1768 thou shalt have occasion5308 to bestow,5415 bestow5415 it out of4481 the king's4430 treasure1596 house.1005

21  And I, even I576 Artaxerxes783 the king,4430 do make7761 a decree2942 to all3606 the treasurers1490 which1768 are beyond5675 the river,5103 that1768 whatsoever3606 1768 Ezra5831 the priest,3549 the scribe5613 of the law1882 of1768 the God426 of heaven,8065 shall require7593 of you, it be done5648 speedily,629

22  Unto5705 a hundred3969 talents3604 of silver,3702 and to5705 a hundred3969 measures3734 of wheat,2591 and to5705 a hundred3969 baths1325 of wine,2562 and to5705 a hundred3969 baths1325 of oil,4887 and salt4416 without1768 3809 prescribing3792 how much.

23  Whatsoever3606 1768 is commanded2941 by4481 the God426 of heaven,8065 let it be diligently149 done5648 for the house1005 of the God426 of heaven:8065 for1768 why4101 should there be1934 wrath7109 against5922 the realm4437 of the king4430 and his sons?1123

24  Also we certify3046 you, that1768 touching any3606 of the priests3549 and Levites,3879 singers,2171 porters,8652 Nethinims,5412 or ministers6399 of this1836 house1005 of God,426 it shall not3809 be lawful7990 to impose7412 toll,4061 tribute,1093 or custom,1983 upon5922 them.

25  And thou,607 Ezra,5831 after the wisdom2452 of thy God,426 that1768 is in thine hand,3028 set4483 magistrates8200 and judges,1782 which1768 may1934 judge1780 all3606 the people5972 that1768 are beyond5675 the river,5103 all3606 such as know3046 the laws1882 of thy God;426 and teach3046 ye them that1768 know3046 them not.3809

26  And whosoever3606 1768 will1934 not3809 do5648 the law1882 of1768 thy God,426 and the law1882 of1768 the king,4430 let1934 judgment1780 be executed5648 speedily629 upon4481 him, whether2006 it be unto death,4193 or2006 to banishment,8332 or2006 to confiscation6065 of goods,5232 or to imprisonment.613

27  Blessed1288 be the LORD3068 God430 of our fathers,1 which834 hath put5414 such a thing as this2063 in the king's4428 heart,3820 to beautify6286 853 the house1004 of the LORD3068 which834 is in Jerusalem:3389

28  And hath extended5186 mercy2617 unto5921 me before6440 the king,4428 and his counselors,3289 and before all3605 the king's4428 mighty1368 princes.8269 And I589 was strengthened2388 as the hand3027 of the LORD3068 my God430 was upon5921 me, and I gathered together6908 out of Israel4480 3478 chief men7218 to go up5927 with5973 me.

Ezra 8: 1-36

1  These428 are now the chief7218 of their fathers,1 and this is the genealogy3187 of them that went up5927 with5973 me from Babylon,4480 894 in the reign4438 of Artaxerxes783 the king.4428

2  Of the sons4480 1121 of Phinehas;6372 Gershom:1648 of the sons4480 1121 of Ithamar;385 Daniel:1840 of the sons4480 1121 of David;1732 Hattush.2407

3  Of the sons4480 1121 of Shechaniah,7935 of the sons4480 1121 of Pharosh;6551 Zechariah:2148 and with5973 him were reckoned by genealogy3187 of the males2145 a hundred3967 and fifty.2572

4  Of the sons4480 1121 of Pahath-moab;6355 Elihoenai454 the son1121 of Zerahiah,2228 and with5973 him two hundred3967 males.2145

5  Of the sons4480 1121 of Shechaniah;7935 the son1121 of Jahaziel,3166 and with5973 him three7969 hundred3967 males.2145

6  Of the sons4480 1121 also of Adin;5720 Ebed5651 the son1121 of Jonathan,3083 and with5973 him fifty2572 males.2145

7  And of the sons4480 1121 of Elam;5867 Jeshaiah3470 the son1121 of Athaliah,6271 and with5973 him seventy7657 males.2145

8  And of the sons4480 1121 of Shephatiah;8203 Zebadiah2069 the son1121 of Michael,4317 and with5973 him fourscore8084 males.2145

9  Of the sons4480 1121 of Joab;3097 Obadiah5662 the son1121 of Jehiel,3171 and with5973 him two hundred3967 and eighteen8083 6240 males.2145

10  And of the sons4480 1121 of Shelomith;8019 the son1121 of Josiphiah,3131 and with5973 him a hundred3967 and threescore8346 males.2145

11  And of the sons4480 1121 of Bebai;893 Zechariah2148 the son1121 of Bebai,893 and with5973 him twenty6242 and eight8083 males.2145

12  And of the sons4480 1121 of Azgad;5803 Johanan3110 the son1121 of Hakkatan,6997 and with5973 him a hundred3967 and ten6235 males.2145

13  And of the last sons4480 1121 314 of Adonikam,140 whose names8034 are these,428 Eliphelet,467 Jeiel,3273 and Shemaiah,8098 and with5973 them threescore8346 males.2145

14  Of the sons4480 1121 also of Bigvai;902 Uthai,5793 and Zabbud,2072 and with5973 them seventy7657 males.2145

15  And I gathered them together6908 to413 the river5104 that runneth935 to413 Ahava;163 and there8033 abode we in tents2583 three7969 days:3117 and I viewed995 the people,5971 and the priests,3548 and found4672 there8033 none3808 of the sons4480 1121 of Levi.3878

16  Then sent7971 I for Eliezer,461 for Ariel,740 for Shemaiah,8098 and for Elnathan,494 and for Jarib,3402 and for Elnathan,494 and for Nathan,5416 and for Zechariah,2148 and for Meshullam,4918 chief men;7218 also for Joiarib,3114 and for Elnathan,494 men of understanding.995

17  And I sent them with commandment6680 853 unto5921 Iddo112 the chief7218 at the place4725 Casiphia,3703 and I told7760 6310 them what1697 they should say1696 unto413 Iddo,112 and to his brethren251 the Nethinims,5411 at the place4725 Casiphia,3703 that they should bring935 unto us ministers8334 for the house1004 of our God.430

18  And by the good2896 hand3027 of our God430 upon5921 us they brought935 us a man376 of understanding,7922 of the sons4480 1121 of Mahli,4249 the son1121 of Levi,3878 the son1121 of Israel;3478 and Sherebiah,8274 with his sons1121 and his brethren,251 eighteen;8083 6240

19  And Hashabiah,2811 and with854 him Jeshaiah3470 of the sons4480 1121 of Merari,4847 his brethren251 and their sons,1121 twenty;6242

20  Also of4480 the Nethinims,5411 whom7945 David1732 and the princes8269 had appointed5414 for the service5656 of the Levites,3881 two hundred3967 and twenty6242 Nethinims:5411 all3605 of them were expressed5344 by name.8034

21  Then I proclaimed7121 a fast6685 there,8033 at5921 the river5104 of Ahava,163 that we might afflict ourselves6031 before6440 our God,430 to seek1245 of4480 him a right3477 way1870 for us, and for our little ones,2945 and for all3605 our substance.7399

22  For3588 I was ashamed954 to require7592 of4480 the king4428 a band of soldiers2428 and horsemen6571 to help5826 us against the enemy4480 341 in the way:1870 because3588 we had spoken559 unto the king,4428 saying,559 The hand3027 of our God430 is upon5921 all3605 them for good2896 that seek1245 him; but his power5797 and his wrath639 is against5921 all3605 them that forsake5800 him.

23  So we fasted6684 and besought1245 our God4480 430 for5921 this:2063 and he was entreated6279 of us.

24  Then I separated914 twelve8147 6240 of the chief4480 8269 of the priests,3548 Sherebiah,8274 Hashabiah,2811 and ten6235 of their brethren4480 251 with5973 them,

25  And weighed8254 unto them 853 the silver,3701 and the gold,2091 and the vessels,3627 even the offering8641 of the house1004 of our God,430 which the king,4428 and his counselors,3289 and his lords,8269 and all3605 Israel3478 there present,4672 had offered:7311

26  I even weighed8254 unto5921 their hand3027 six8337 hundred3967 and fifty2572 talents3603 of silver,3701 and silver3701 vessels3627 a hundred3967 talents,3603 and of gold2091 a hundred3967 talents;3603

27  Also twenty6242 basins3713 of gold,2091 of a thousand505 drams;150 and two8147 vessels3627 of fine6668 2896 copper,5178 precious2530 as gold.2091

28  And I said559 unto413 them, Ye859 are holy6944 unto the LORD;3068 the vessels3627 are holy6944 also; and the silver3701 and the gold2091 are a freewill offering5071 unto the LORD3068 God430 of your fathers.1

29  Watch8245 ye, and keep8104 them, until5704 ye weigh8254 them before6440 the chief8269 of the priests3548 and the Levites,3881 and chief8269 of the fathers1 of Israel,3478 at Jerusalem,3389 in the chambers3957 of the house1004 of the LORD.3068

30  So took6901 the priests3548 and the Levites3881 the weight4948 of the silver,3701 and the gold,2091 and the vessels,3627 to bring935 them to Jerusalem3389 unto the house1004 of our God.430

31  Then we departed5265 from the river4480 5104 of Ahava163 on the twelfth8147 6240 day of the first7223 month,2320 to go1980 unto Jerusalem:3389 and the hand3027 of our God430 was1961 upon5921 us, and he delivered5337 us from the hand4480 3709 of the enemy,341 and of such as lay in wait693 by5921 the way.1870

32  And we came935 to Jerusalem,3389 and abode3427 there8033 three7969 days.3117

33  Now on the fourth7243 day3117 was the silver3701 and the gold2091 and the vessels3627 weighed8254 in the house1004 of our God430 by5921 the hand3027 of Meremoth4822 the son1121 of Uriah223 the priest;3548 and with5973 him was Eleazar499 the son1121 of Phinehas;6372 and with5973 them was Jozabad3107 the son1121 of Jeshua,3442 and Noadiah5129 the son1121 of Binnui,1131 Levites;3881

34  By number4557 and by weight4948 of every one:3605 and all3605 the weight4948 was written3789 at that1931 time.6256

35  Also the children1121 of those that had been carried away,1473 which were come935 out of the captivity,4480 7628 offered7126 burnt offerings5930 unto the God430 of Israel,3478 twelve8147 6240 bullocks6499 for5921 all3605 Israel,3478 ninety8673 and six8337 rams,352 seventy7657 and seven7651 lambs,3532 twelve8147 6240 he goats6842 for a sin offering:2403 all3605 this was a burnt offering5930 unto the LORD.3068

36  And they delivered5414 853 the king's4428 commissions1881 unto the king's4428 lieutenants,323 and to the governors6346 on this side5676 the river:5104 and they furthered5375 853 the people,5971 and the house1004 of God.430

Ezra 9: 1-15

1  Now when these things428 were done,3615 the princes8269 came5066 to413 me, saying,559 The people5971 of Israel,3478 and the priests,3548 and the Levites,3881 have not3808 separated themselves914 from the people4480 5971 of the lands,776 doing according to their abominations,8441 even of the Canaanites,3669 the Hittites,2850 the Perizzites,6522 the Jebusites,2983 the Ammonites,5984 the Moabites,4125 the Egyptians,4713 and the Amorites.567

2  For3588 they have taken5375 of their daughters4480 1323 for themselves, and for their sons:1121 so that the holy6944 seed2233 have mingled themselves6148 with the people5971 of those lands:776 yea, the hand3027 of the princes8269 and rulers5461 hath been1961 chief7223 in this2088 trespass.4604

3  And when I heard8085 853 this2088 thing,1697 I rent7167 853 my garment899 and my mantle,4598 and plucked off4803 the hair4480 8181 of my head7218 and of my beard,2206 and sat down3427 astonished.8074

4  Then were assembled622 unto413 me every one3605 that trembled2730 at the words1697 of the God430 of Israel,3478 because5921 of the transgression4604 of those that had been carried away;1473 and I589 sat3427 astonished8074 until5704 the evening6153 sacrifice.4503

5  And at the evening6153 sacrifice4503 I arose up6965 from my heaviness;4480 8589 and having rent7167 my garment899 and my mantle,4598 I fell3766 upon5921 my knees,1290 and spread out6566 my hands3709 unto413 the LORD3068 my God,430

6  And said,559 O my God,430 I am ashamed954 and blush3637 to lift up7311 my face6440 to413 thee, my God:430 for3588 our iniquities5771 are increased7235 over4605 our head,7218 and our trespass819 is grown up1431 unto5704 the heavens.8064

7  Since the days4480 3117 of our fathers1 have we587 been in a great1419 trespass819 unto5704 this2088 day;3117 and for our iniquities5771 have we,587 our kings,4428 and our priests,3548 been delivered5414 into the hand3027 of the kings4428 of the lands,776 to the sword,2719 to captivity,7628 and to a spoil,961 and to confusion1322 of face,6440 as it is this2088 day.3117

8  And now6258 for a little4592 space7281 grace8467 hath been1961 showed from4480 854 the LORD3068 our God,430 to leave7604 us a remnant to escape,6413 and to give5414 us a nail3489 in his holy6944 place,4725 that our God430 may lighten215 our eyes,5869 and give5414 us a little4592 reviving4241 in our bondage.5659

9  For3588 we587 were bondmen;5650 yet our God430 hath not3808 forsaken5800 us in our bondage,5659 but hath extended5186 mercy2617 unto5921 us in the sight6440 of the kings4428 of Persia,6539 to give5414 us a reviving,4241 to set up7311 853 the house1004 of our God,430 and to repair5975 853 the desolations2723 thereof, and to give5414 us a wall1447 in Judah3063 and in Jerusalem.3389

10  And now,6258 O our God,430 what4100 shall we say559 after310 this?2063 for3588 we have forsaken5800 thy commandments,4687

11  Which834 thou hast commanded6680 by3027 thy servants5650 the prophets,5030 saying,559 The land,776 unto which834 ye859 go935 to possess3423 it, is an unclean5079 land776 with the filthiness5079 of the people5971 of the lands,776 with their abominations,8441 which834 have filled4390 it from one end4480 6310 to413 another6310 with their uncleanness.2932

12  Now6258 therefore give5414 not408 your daughters1323 unto their sons,1121 neither408 take5375 their daughters1323 unto your sons,1121 nor3808 seek1875 their peace7965 or their wealth2896 forever:5704 5769 that4616 ye may be strong,2388 and eat398 853 the good2898 of the land,776 and leave it for an inheritance3423 to your children1121 forever.5704 5769

13  And after310 all3605 that is come935 upon5921 us for our evil7451 deeds,4639 and for our great1419 trespass,819 seeing3588 that thou859 our God430 hast punished2820 us less4295 than our iniquities4480 5771 deserve, and hast given5414 us such deliverance6413 as this;2063

14  Should we again7725 break6565 thy commandments,4687 and join in affinity2859 with the people5971 of these428 abominations?8441 wouldest not3808 thou be angry599 with us till5704 thou hadst consumed3615 us, so that there should be no369 remnant7611 nor escaping?6413

15  O LORD3068 God430 of Israel,3478 thou859 art righteous:6662 for3588 we remain7604 yet escaped,6413 as it is this2063 day:3117 behold,2009 we are before6440 thee in our trespasses:819 for3588 we cannot369 stand5975 before6440 thee because5921 of this.2088

Ezra 10: 1-44

1  Now when Ezra5830 had prayed,6419 and when he had confessed,3034 weeping1058 and casting himself down5307 before6440 the house1004 of God,430 there assembled6908 unto413 him out of Israel4480 3478 a very3966 great7227 congregation6951 of men376 and women802 and children:3206 for3588 the people5971 wept1058 very sore.7235 1059

2  And Shechaniah7935 the son1121 of Jehiel,3171 one of the sons4480 1121 of Elam,5867 answered6030 and said559 unto Ezra,5830 We587 have trespassed4603 against our God,430 and have taken3427 strange5237 wives802 of the people4480 5971 of the land:776 yet now6258 there is3426 hope4723 in Israel3478 concerning5921 this2063 thing.

3  Now6258 therefore let us make3772 a covenant1285 with our God430 to put away3318 all3605 the wives,802 and such as are born3205 of4480 them, according to the counsel6098 of my lord,136 and of those that tremble2730 at the commandment4687 of our God;430 and let it be done6213 according to the law.8451

4  Arise;6965 for3588 this matter1697 belongeth unto5921 thee: we587 also will be with5973 thee: be of good courage,2388 and do6213 it.

5  Then arose6965 Ezra,5830 and made 853 the chief8269 priests,3548 the Levites,3881 and all3605 Israel,3478 to swear7650 that they should do6213 according to this2088 word.1697 And they swore.7650

6  Then Ezra5830 rose up6965 from before4480 6440 the house1004 of God,430 and went1980 into413 the chamber3957 of Johanan3076 the son1121 of Eliashib:475 and when he came1980 thither,8033 he did eat398 no3808 bread,3899 nor3808 drink8354 water:4325 for3588 he mourned56 because5921 of the transgression4604 of them that had been carried away.1473

7  And they made proclamation5674 6963 throughout Judah3063 and Jerusalem3389 unto all3605 the children1121 of the captivity,1473 that they should gather themselves together6908 unto Jerusalem;3389

8  And that whosoever3605 834 would not3808 come935 within three7969 days,3117 according to the counsel6098 of the princes8269 and the elders,2205 all3605 his substance7399 should be forfeited,2763 and himself1931 separated914 from the congregation4480 6951 of those that had been carried away.1473

9  Then all3605 the men376 of Judah3063 and Benjamin1144 gathered themselves together6908 unto Jerusalem3389 within three7969 days.3117 It1931 was the ninth8671 month,2320 on the twentieth6242 day of the month;2320 and all3605 the people5971 sat3427 in the street7339 of the house1004 of God,430 trembling7460 because5921 of this matter,1697 and for the great rain.4480 1653

10  And Ezra5830 the priest3548 stood up,6965 and said559 unto413 them, Ye859 have transgressed,4603 and have taken3427 strange5237 wives,802 to increase3254 5921 the trespass819 of Israel.3478

11  Now6258 therefore make5414 confession8426 unto the LORD3068 God430 of your fathers,1 and do6213 his pleasure:7522 and separate yourselves914 from the people4480 5971 of the land,776 and from4480 the strange5237 wives.802

12  Then all3605 the congregation6951 answered6030 and said559 with a loud1419 voice,6963 As thou hast said,1697 5921 so3651 must we do.6213

13  But61 the people5971 are many,7227 and it is a time6256 of much rain,1653 and we are not369 able3581 to stand5975 without,2351 neither3808 is this a work4399 of one259 day3117 or3808 two:8147 for3588 we are many7235 that have transgressed6586 in this2088 thing.1697

14  Let now4994 our rulers8269 of all3605 the congregation6951 stand,5975 and let all3605 them which834 have taken3427 strange5237 wives802 in our cities5892 come935 at appointed2163 times,6256 and with5973 them the elders2205 of every city,5892 5892 and the judges8199 thereof, until5704 the fierce2740 wrath639 of our God430 for5704 this2088 matter1697 be turned7725 from4480 us.

15  Only389 Jonathan3083 the son1121 of Asahel6214 and Jahaziah3167 the son1121 of Tikvah8616 were employed5975 about5921 this2063 matter: and Meshullam4918 and Shabbethai7678 the Levite3881 helped5826 them.

16  And the children1121 of the captivity1473 did6213 so.3651 And Ezra5830 the priest,3548 with certain376 chief7218 of the fathers,1 after the house1004 of their fathers,1 and all3605 of them by their names,8034 were separated,914 and sat down3427 in the first259 day3117 of the tenth6224 month2320 to examine1875 the matter.1697

17  And they made an end3615 with all3605 the men376 that had taken3427 strange5237 wives802 by5704 the first259 day3117 of the first7223 month.2320

18  And among the sons4480 1121 of the priests3548 there were found4672 that834 had taken3427 strange5237 wives:802 namely, of the sons4480 1121 of Jeshua3442 the son1121 of Jozadak,3136 and his brethren;251 Maaseiah,4641 and Eliezer,461 and Jarib,3402 and Gedaliah.1436

19  And they gave5414 their hands3027 that they would put away3318 their wives;802 and being guilty,818 they offered a ram352 of the flock6629 for5921 their trespass.819

20  And of the sons4480 1121 of Immer;564 Hanani,2607 and Zebadiah.2069

21  And of the sons4480 1121 of Harim;2766 Maaseiah,4641 and Elijah,452 and Shemaiah,8098 and Jehiel,3171 and Uzziah.5818

22  And of the sons4480 1121 of Pashur;6583 Elioenai,454 Maaseiah,4641 Ishmael,3458 Nethaneel,5417 Jozabad,3107 and Elasah.501

23  Also of4480 the Levites;3881 Jozabad,3107 and Shimei,8096 and Kelaiah,7041 (the same1931 is Kelita,)7042 Pethahiah,6611 Judah,3063 and Eliezer.461

24  Of4480 the singers7891 also; Eliashib:475 and of4480 the porters;7778 Shallum,7967 and Telem,2928 and Uri.221

25  Moreover of Israel:4480 3478 of the sons4480 1121 of Parosh;6551 Ramiah,7422 and Jeziah,3150 and Malchiah,4441 and Miamin,4326 and Eleazar,499 and Malchijah,4441 and Benaiah.1141

26  And of the sons4480 1121 of Elam;5867 Mattaniah,4983 Zechariah,2148 and Jehiel,3171 and Abdi,5660 and Jeremoth,3406 and Eliah.452

27  And of the sons4480 1121 of Zattu;2240 Elioenai,454 Eliashib,475 Mattaniah,4983 and Jeremoth,3406 and Zabad,2066 and Aziza.5819

28  Of the sons4480 1121 also of Bebai;893 Jehohanan,3076 Hananiah,2608 Zabbai,2079 and Athlai.6270

29  And of the sons4480 1121 of Bani;1137 Meshullam,4918 Malluch,4409 and Adaiah,5718 Jashub,3437 and Sheal,7594 and Ramoth.3406

30  And of the sons4480 1121 of Pahath-moab;6355 Adna,5733 and Chelal,3636 Benaiah,1141 Maaseiah,4641 Mattaniah,4983 Bezaleel,1212 and Binnui,1131 and Manasseh.4519

31  And of the sons1121 of Harim;2766 Eliezer,461 Ishijah,3449 Malchiah,4441 Shemaiah,8098 Shimeon,8095

32  Benjamin,1144 Malluch,4409 and Shemariah.8114

33  Of the sons4480 1121 of Hashum;2828 Mattenai,4982 Mattathah,4992 Zabad,2066 Eliphelet,467 Jeremai,3413 Manasseh,4519 and Shimei.8096

34  Of the sons4480 1121 of Bani;1137 Maadai,4572 Amram,6019 and Uel,177

35  Benaiah,1141 Bedeiah,912 Chelluh,3622

36  Vaniah,2057 Meremoth,4822 Eliashib,475

37  Mattaniah,4983 Mattenai,4982 and Jaasau,3299

38  And Bani,1137 and Binnui,1131 Shimei,8096

39  And Shelemiah,8018 and Nathan,5416 and Adaiah,5718

40  Machnadebai,4367 Shashai,8343 Sharai,8298

41  Azareel,5832 and Shelemiah,8018 Shemariah,8114

42  Shallum,7967 Amariah,568 and Joseph.3130

43  Of the sons4480 1121 of Nebo;5015 Jeiel,3273 Mattithiah,4993 Zabad,2066 Zebina,2081 Jadau,3035 and Joel,3100 Benaiah.1141

44  All3605 these428 had taken5375 strange5237 wives:802 and some of4480 them had3426 wives802 by whom they had7760 children.1121


À Christ seul soit la Gloire


Source; - jean leDuc