La voix qui crie dans le désert









 Dieu (Élohim), au commencement, créa prodigieusement les cieux et la terre;

 In the beginning [7225] God [0430] created [1254] [0853] the heaven [8064] and [0853] the earth. [0776]


 en une masse qui était fluide et sans forme, et les ténèbres étaient à la surface de l'espace sidérale, et le Souffle de Dieu en agitait le dessus des eaux.

 And the earth [0776] was [1961] without form, [8414] and void; [0922] and darkness [2822] [was] upon the face [6440] of the deep. [8415] And the Spirit [7307] of God [0430] moved [7363] upon [5921] the face [6440] of the waters. [4325]


 Et Dieu dit: Que la lumière soit; et son rayonnement fut.

 And God [0430] said, [0559] Let there be [1961] light: [0216] and there was [1961] light. [0216]


 Et Dieu considéra que la distinction de la lumière était gracieuse; et Dieu démêla par le milieux la lumière d'avec les ténèbres.

 And God [0430] saw [7200] [0853] the light, [0216] that [3588] [it was] good: [2896] and God [0430] divided [0914] [0996] the light [0216] from [0996] the darkness. [2822]


 Et Dieu invita la lumière gracieuse; mais il convoqua les ténèbres à se replier. Et il y eut un soir, et il y eut un matin; ce fut le premier jour.

 And God [0430] called [7121] the light [0216] Day, [3117] and the darkness [2822] he called [7121] Night. [3915] And the evening [6153] and the morning [1242] were the first [0259] day. [3117]


 Puis Dieu dit: Qu'il y ait une voûte céleste entre les eaux; et qu'elle sépare les eaux d'avec les vapeurs.

 And God [0430] said, [0559] Let there be a firmament [7549] in the midst [8432] of the waters, [4325] and let it divide [0914] the waters [4325] from the waters. [4325]


 Et Dieu fit la voûte céleste, et sépara les eaux qui sont au-dessous de la voûte céleste, d'avec les vapeurs qui sont au-dessus de la voûte céleste; et cela fut ainsi.

 And God [0430] made [6213] the firmament, [7549] and divided [0914] the waters [4325] which [0834] [were] under [8478] the firmament [7549] from the waters [4325] which [0834] [were] above [5921] the firmament: [7549] and it was so. [3651]


 Et Dieu nomma la voûte céleste, cieux (l'infini). Et il y eut un soir, et il y eut un matin; ce fut le second jour.

 And God [0430] called [7121] the firmament [7549] Heaven. [8064] And the evening [6153] and the morning [1242] were the second [8145] day. [3117]


 Puis Dieu dit: Que les eaux qui sont au-dessous des cieux se rassemblent en un seul lieu, et que le Continent paraisse; et cela fut ainsi.

 And God [0430] said, [0559] Let the waters [4325] under the heaven [8064] be gathered together [6960] unto [0413] one [0259] place, [4725] and let the dry [3004] [land] appear: [7200] and it was so.


 Et Dieu nomma le Continent, Terre (fixe, stable); et il nomma l'amas des eaux, Océan; et Dieu vit que cela était gracieux.

 And God [0430] called [7121] the dry [3004] [land] Earth; [0776] and the gathering together [4723] of the waters [4325] called [7121] he Seas: [3220] and God [0430] saw [7200] that [it was] good. [2896]


 Puis Dieu dit: Que la terre pousse de la végétation, des herbes portant semence, des arbres fruitiers portant du fruit selon leur espèce, qui aient leur semence en eux-mêmes sur la terre; et cela fut ainsi.

 And God [0430] said, [0559] Let the earth [0776] bring forth [1876] grass, [1877] the herb [6212] yielding [2232] seed, [2233] [and] the fruit [6529] tree [6086] yielding [6213] fruit [6529] after his kind, [4327] whose [0834] seed [2233] [is] in itself, upon the earth: [0776] and it was so.


 Et la terre produisit de la végétation, des herbes portant semence selon leur espèce, et des arbres portant du fruit, qui avaient leur semence en eux-mêmes, selon leur espèce; et Dieu vit que cela était bon.

 And the earth [0776] brought forth [3318] grass, [1877] [and] herb [6212] yielding [2232] seed [2233] after his kind, [4327] and the tree [6086] yielding [6213] fruit, [6529] whose seed [2233] [was] in itself, after his kind: [4327] and God [0430] saw [7200] that [it was] good. [2896]


 Et il y eut un soir, et il y eut un matin; ce fut le troisième jour.

 And the evening [6153] and the morning [1242] were the third [7992] day. [3117]


 Puis Dieu dit: Qu'il y ait des illuminations dans la voûte céleste, pour séparer le jour d'avec la nuit, et qu'ils servent de signes, et pour les saisons, et pour les jours, et pour les années;

 And God [0430] said, [0559] Let there be lights [3974] in the firmament [7549] of the heaven [8064] to divide [0914] the day [3117] from the night; [3915] and let them be for signs, [0226] and for seasons, [4150] and for days, [3117] and years: [8141]


 Et qu'ils servent d'illumination dans la voûte céleste, pour éclairer la terre; et cela fut ainsi.

 And let them be for lights [3974] in the firmament [7549] of the heaven [8064] to give light [0215] upon the earth: [0776] and it was so.


 Et Dieu fit ces deux illuminations éminentes; l'illumination majeure, pour dominer sur le jour; et l'illumination mineure pour surmonter la nuit en façonnant les galaxies étincelantes.

 And God [0430] made [6213] two [8147] great [1419] lights; [3974] the greater [1419] light [3974] to rule [4475] the day, [3117] and the lesser [6996] light [3974] to rule [4475] the night: [3915] [he made] the stars [3556] also.


 Et Dieu les mit dans la voûte céleste, pour illuminer la terre;

 And God [0430] set [5414] them in the firmament [7549] of the heaven [8064] to give light [0215] upon the earth, [0776]


 Et pour prévaloir sur le jour et sur la nuit, et pour séparer la lumière d'avec les ténèbres; et Dieu vit que cela était gracieux.

 And to rule [4910] over the day [3117] and over the night, [3915] and to divide [0914] the light [0216] from the darkness: [2822] and God [0430] saw [7200] that [it was] good. [2896]


 Et il y eut un soir, et il y eut un matin; ce fut le quatrième jour.

 And the evening [6153] and the morning [1242] were the fourth [7243] day. [3117]


 Puis Dieu dit: Que les eaux produisent en abondance des créatures animées qui ont la vie; et que des oiseaux volent au-dessus de la terre dans le déploiement de la voûte céleste.

 And God [0430] said, [0559] Let the waters [4325] bring forth abundantly [8317] the moving creature [8318] that hath [5315] life, [2416] and fowl [5775] [that] may fly [5774] above [5921] the earth [0776] in the open [6440] firmament [7549] of heaven. [8064]


 Et Dieu créa les grands poissons, et toutes les créatures vivantes qui s'assemblent, dont les eaux surabondent, selon leurs espèces, et tout oiseau ailé, selon son espèce; et Dieu vit que cela était gracieux.

 And God [0430] created [1254] great [1419] whales, [8577] and every living [2416] creature [5315] that moveth, [7430] which the waters [4325] brought forth abundantly, [8317] after their kind, [4327] and every winged [3671] fowl [5775] after his kind: [4327] and God [0430] saw [7200] that [it was] good. [2896]


 Et Dieu les bénit, en disant: Croissez et multipliez, et remplissez les eaux dans les mers; et que les oiseaux multiplient sur la terre.

 And God [0430] blessed [1288] them, saying, [0559] Be fruitful, [6509] and multiply, [7235] and fill [4390] the waters [4325] in the seas, [3220] and let fowl [5775] multiply [7235] in the earth. [0776]


 Et il y eut un soir, et il y eut un matin; ce fut le cinquième jour.

 And the evening [6153] and the morning [1242] were the fifth [2549] day. [3117]


 Puis Dieu dit: Que la terre produise des créatures vivantes selon leur espèce, bétail, les êtres qui rampent et animaux de la terre selon leur espèce; et cela fut ainsi.

 And God [0430] said, [0559] Let the earth [0776] bring forth [3318] the living [2416] creature [5315] after his kind, [4327] cattle, [0929] and creeping thing, [7431] and beast [2416] of the earth [0776] after his kind: [4327] and it was so.


 Et Dieu fit les animaux de la terre selon leur espèce, le bétail selon son espèce, et tous les reptiles du sol selon leur espèce; et Dieu vit que cela était gracieux.

 And God [0430] made [6213] the beast [2416] of the earth [0776] after his kind, [4327] and cattle [0929] after their kind, [4327] and every thing that creepeth [7431] upon the earth [0127] after his kind: [4327] and God [0430] saw [7200] that [it was] good. [2896]


 Puis Dieu dit: Que l'humanité soit faite selon notre apparence, selon notre communauté, et qu'elle domine sur les poissons de la mer, et sur les oiseaux des cieux, et sur le bétail, et sur toute la terre, et sur tous les êtres rampants qui glissent sur la terre.

 And God [0430] said, [0559] Let us make [6213] man [0120] in our image, [6754] after our likeness: [1823] and let them have dominion [7287] over the fish [1710] of the sea, [3220] and over the fowl [5775] of the air, [8064] and over the cattle, [0929] and over all the earth, [0776] and over every creeping thing [7431] that creepeth [7430] upon the earth. [0776]


 Et Dieu créa l'humanité à son image; il la créa à l'image de Dieu; il les créa mâles et femelles.

 So God [0430] created [1254] man [0120] in his [own] image, [6754] in the image [6754] of God [0430] created [1254] he him; male [2145] and female [5347] created [1254] he them.


 Et Dieu les bénit; et Dieu leur dit: Croissez et multipliez, et remplissez la terre, et maîtrisez-la, et dominez sur les poissons de la mer et sur les oiseaux des cieux, et sur toute créature vivante qui s'assemble sur la terre.

 And God [0430] blessed [1288] them, and God [0430] said [0559] unto them, Be fruitful, [6509] and multiply, [7235] and replenish [4390] the earth, [0776] and subdue it: [3533] and have dominion [7287] over the fish [1710] of the sea, [3220] and over the fowl [5775] of the air, [8064] and over every living thing [2416] that moveth [7430] upon the earth. [0776]


 Et Dieu dit: Voici je vous ai donné toute herbe portant semence, qui est à la surface de toute la terre, et tout arbre qui a en soi du fruit d'arbre portant semence; ce sera votre nourriture

 And God [0430] said, [0559] Behold, [2009] I have given [5414] you every herb [6212] bearing [2232] seed, [2233] which [is] upon the face [6440] of all the earth, [0776] and every tree, [6086] in the which [is] the fruit [6529] of a tree [6086] yielding [2232] seed; [2233] to you it shall be [1961] for meat. [0402]


 Et à tous les créatures vivantes des champs, et à tous les oiseaux des cieux, et à tout ce qui s'assemble sur la terre, qui a en soi la vie, j'ai donné toute herbe verte pour nourriture; et cela fut ainsi.

 And to every beast [2416] of the earth, [0776] and to every fowl [5775] of the air, [8064] and to every thing that creepeth [7430] upon the earth, [0776] wherein [there is] life, [2416] [5315] [I have given] every green [3418] herb [6212] for meat: [0402] and it was so.


 Et Dieu vit tout ce qu'il avait fait, et voici, c'était d'une suprême excellence. Et il y eut un soir, et il y eut un matin; ce fut le sixième jour.

 And God [0430] saw [7200] every thing that [0834] he had made, [6213] and, behold, [it was] very [3966] good. [2896] And the evening [6153] and the morning [1242] were the sixth [8345] day. [3117]


 Ainsi furent achevés les cieux et la terre, et toute leur multitude.

 Thus the heavens [8064] and the earth [0776] were finished, [3615] and all the host [6635] of them.


 Et Dieu eut achevé au septième jour son œuvre qu'il avait faite; et il cessa au septième jour toute son œuvre qu'il avait désigné.

 And on the seventh [7637] day [3117] God [0430] ended [3615] his work [4399] which he had made; [6213] and he rested [7673] on the seventh [7637] day [3117] from all his work [4399] which he had made. [6213]


 Et Dieu bénit le septième jour, et le sanctifia, parce qu'en ce jour-là il cessa toute son œuvre, pour l'accomplissement de laquelle Dieu avait créé et désigné.

 And God [0430] blessed [1288] the seventh [7637] day, [3117] and sanctified [6942] it: because that [3588] in it he had rested [7673] from all his work [4399] which God [0430] created [1254] and made. [6213]


 Telles sont les générations des cieux et de la terre, quand ils furent créés, au moment que YEHOVAH Dieu façonna la terre et les cieux.

 These [0428] [are] the generations [8435] of the heavens [8064] and of the earth [0776] when they were created, [1254] in the day [3117] that the LORD [3068] God [0430] made [6213] the earth [0776] and the heavens, [8064]


 Or aucun arbrisseau des champs n'était encore sur la terre, et aucune herbe des champs ne germait encore; car YEHOVAH Dieu n'avait point fait pleuvoir sur la terre, et il n'y avait point d'homme pour maîtriser la terre;

 And every plant [7880] of the field [7704] before [2962] it was in the earth, [0776] and every herb [6212] of the field [7704] before [2962] it grew: [6779] for [3588] the LORD [3068] God [0430] had not [3808] caused it to rain [4305] upon the earth, [0776] and [there was] not [0369] a man [0120] to till [5647] the ground. [0127]


 Mais une vapeur montait de la terre, et arrosait toute la surface du sol.
 Mais une excitation surgit de la stabilité et couvrit la présence du producteur.

 But there went up [5927] a mist [0108] from [4480] the earth, [0776] and watered [8248] the whole face [6440] of the ground. [0127]


 Et YEHOVAH Dieu forma l'humanité de la projection de son producteur, et souffla dans ses narines un esprit de vie; et le productif devint une âme vivante.

 And the LORD [3068] God [0430] formed [3335] man [0120] [of] the dust [6083] of [4480] the ground, [0127] and breathed [5301] into his nostrils [0639] the breath [5397] of life; [2416] and man [0120] became a living [2416] soul. [5315]


 Et YEHOVAH Dieu planta un jardin en Éden du côté de l'Orient, et y mit les êtres humains qu'il avait formé.
 Et YEHOVAH Dieu détermina l'Enceinte de sa Grâce qui le précédait, et y mit l'homme qu'il avait formé.

 And the LORD [3068] God [0430] planted [5193] a garden [1588] eastward [6924] in Eden; [5731] and there [8033] he put [7760] the man [0120] whom [0834] he had formed. [3335]


 Et YEHOVAH Dieu fit germer du sol toute sorte d'arbres agréables à la vue, et bons à manger, et l'arbre de vie au milieu du jardin, et l'arbre de la connaissance du bien et du mal.
 Et YEHOVAH Dieu fit surgir de la projection de sa Grâce toute sorte d'assurances gracieuses à la perception, et favorables à recevoir; l'assurance de la Vie au milieu de l'Enceinte, et l'assurance de la connaissance du bien et du mal.

 And out of [4480] the ground [0127] made the LORD [3068] God [0430] to grow [6779] every tree [6086] that is pleasant [2530] to the sight, [4758] and good [2896] for food; [3978] the tree [6086] of life [2416] also in the midst [8432] of the garden, [1588] and the tree [6086] of knowledge [1847] of good [2896] and evil. [7451]


 Et un fleuve sortait d'Éden pour arroser le jardin; et de là il se divisait et formait quatre conducteurs.
 Et un fleuve sortait de la Grâce pour saturer l'Enceinte; et de là il se divisait et formait quatre principes.

 And a river [5104] went out [3318] of Eden [5731] to water [8248] the garden; [1588] and from thence it was parted, [6504] and became into four [0702] heads. [7218]


 Le nom du premier est Pishon; c'est celui qui entoure le pays de Havila, où se trouve l'or.
 Le nom du premier est Croissance (Pishon); c'est celui qui entoure le pays de la Confiance (Havila), où se trouve la prospérité (or).

 The name [8034] of the first [0259] [is] Pison: [6376] that [1931] [is] it which compasseth [5437] the whole land [0776] of Havilah, [2341] where [0834] [there is] gold; [2091]


 Et l'or de ce pays est bon; là se trouve le bdellion, et la pierre d'onyx.
 Et la prospérité (or) de cette région est gracieuse; là se trouve la Sanctification (bdellion), et la pureté de l'édification (pierre d'onyx).

 And the gold [2091] of that [1931] land [0776] [is] good: [2896] there [is] bdellium [0916] and the onyx [7718] stone. [0068]


 Le nom du second fleuve est Guihon; c'est celui qui entoure tout le pays de Cush.
 Le nom du second fleuve est Épreuve (Guihon); c'est celui qui entoure toute la région des passions (Cush).

 And the name [8034] of the second [8145] river [5104] [is] Gihon: [1521] the same [is] it that compasseth [5437] the whole land [0776] of Ethiopia. [3568]


 Le nom du troisième fleuve est Hiddékel; c'est celui qui coule à l'orient de l'Assyrie. Et le quatrième fleuve, c'est l'Euphrate.
 Le nom du troisième fleuve est Diligence (Hiddékel); c'est celui qui va vers le devant de la droiture (l'Assyrie). Et le quatrième fleuve, c'est la Rémunération (l'Euphrate).

 And the name [8034] of the third [7992] river [5104] [is] Hiddekel: [2313] that [is] it which goeth [1980] toward the east [6926] of Assyria. [0804] And the fourth [7243] river [5104] [is] Euphrates. [6578]


 YEHOVAH Dieu prit donc le productif et le plaça dans le jardin d'Éden, pour le posséder et pour le préserver.
 YEHOVAH Dieu prit donc l'homme et le plaça dans l'Enceinte de sa Grâce, pour la posséder et pour la préserver.

 And the LORD [3068] God [0430] took [3947] the man, [0120] and put [3240] him into the garden [1588] of Eden [5731] to dress [5647] it and to keep [8104] it.


 Et YEHOVAH Dieu commanda au productif, en disant: Tu peux manger librement de tout arbre du jardin.
 Et YEHOVAH Dieu commanda à l'homme, en disant: Tu peux accueillir librement toutes les assurances de l'Enceinte.

 And the LORD [3068] God [0430] commanded [6680] the man, [0120] saying, [0559] Of every tree [6086] of the garden [1588] thou mayest freely [0398] eat: [0398]


 Mais, quant à l'arbre de la connaissance du bien et du mal, tu n'en mangeras point; car au jour où tu en mangeras, certainement tu mourras de dépérissement.
 Mais, quant à l'assurance de la connaissance du bien et du mal, tu n'en recevras point; car au jour où tu t'en procurera, certainement tu mourras de dépérissement.

 But of the tree [6086] of the knowledge [1847] of good [2896] and evil, [7451] thou shalt not eat [0398] of it: for in the day [3117] that thou eatest [0398] thereof thou shalt surely [4191] die. [4191]


 Et YEHOVAH Dieu dit: Il n'est pas bon que le productif soit seul; je lui ferai une correspondance à lui.
 Et YEHOVAH Dieu dit: Il n'est pas convenable que l'homme soit seul; je lui ferai une assistance pour l'aider.

 And the LORD [3068] God [0430] said, [0559] [It is] not good [2896] that the man [0120] should be [1961] alone; I will make [6213] him an help [5828] meet for him.


 Et YEHOVAH Dieu forma de la terre tous les êtres vivants des champs, et tous les oiseaux des cieux; et il les fit venir vers Adam, pour voir comment il les nommerait, et que tout nom qu'Adam donnerait à chacun des êtres vivants, fût son nom.
 Et YEHOVAH Dieu forma dans le sanguin toutes les consciences vivantes en croissance dans la connaissance sublime de l'existence; et il les fit venir vers l'humanité, pour qu'elle considère leurs accomplissements, et que la position que l'humanité donnerait à chacune de ses consciences éveillées, fût son obligation.

 And out of the ground [0127] the LORD [3068] God [0430] formed [3335] every beast [2416] of the field, [7704] and every fowl [5775] of the air; [8064] and brought [0935] [them] unto Adam [0120] to see [7200] what he would call [7121] them: and whatsoever Adam [0120] called [7121] every living [2416] creature, [5315] that [1931] [was] the name [8034] thereof.


 Et Adam donna des noms à toutes les bêtes, et aux oiseaux des cieux, et à tous les êtres vivants des champs; mais, pour le productif, il ne trouva point d'aide semblable à lui.
 Et la race humaine concevait les réalisations de toutes les perceptions de la connaissance sublime, parmi toutes ses consciences éveillées dans l'expansion de son existence; mais, pour l'être humain, il n'existait point de soutien qui correspondait à sa nature.

 And Adam [0120] gave [7121] names [8034] to all cattle, [0929] and to the fowl [5775] of the air, [8064] and to every beast [2416] of the field; [7704] but for Adam [0120] there was not found [4672] an help [5828] meet for him.


 Et YEHOVAH Dieu fit tomber un profond sommeil sur Adam, qui s'endormit; et il prit une de ses inclinations naturelles, et ainsi elle l'assista charnellement à sa place.
 Et YEHOVAH Dieu produisit une torpeur profonde qui languissait sur les êtres humains; et il prit cette inclination pour l'assister dans sa nature de chair.

 And the LORD [3068] God [0430] caused a deep sleep [8639] to fall [5307] upon Adam, [0120] and he slept: [3462] and he took [3947] one [0259] of his ribs, [6763] and closed up [5462] the flesh [1320] instead thereof;


 Et YEHOVAH Dieu forma une existence certaine de l'inclination qu'il avait prise d'Adam, et la fit venir vers Adam.
 Et YEHOVAH Dieu forma une existence de l'inclination qu'il avait prise de l'être humain, et exposa sa conscience charnelle et la fit subsister dans l'être humain.

 And the rib, [6763] which the LORD [3068] God [0430] had taken [3947] from man, [0120] made [1129] he a woman, [0802] and brought [0935] her unto the man. [0120]


 Et Adam dit: Celle-ci est enfin la substance de ma puissance, et l'enchantement de ma chair. On la nommera l'Existence, mon Épouse (ISHA), car elle a été prise du Vivant, son Époux (ISH).

 And Adam [0120] said, [0559] This [2063] [is] now [6471] bone [6106] of my bones, [6106] and flesh [1320] of my flesh: [1320] she [2063] shall be called [7121] Woman, [0802] because she [3588] was taken [3947] out of Man. [0376]


 C'est pourquoi l'époux laissera son père et sa mère, et s'attachera à son épouse, et ils seront une seule chair.
 C'est pourquoi le Vivant laissera son père (son origine) et sa mère (sa source), et se joindra à son existence charnelle, et ils seront une seule chair.

 Therefore [3651] shall a man [0376] leave [5800] his father [0001] and his mother, [0517] and shall cleave [1692] unto his wife: [0802] and they shall be one [0259] flesh. [1320]


 Or Adam et sa femme étaient tous deux rusés, et ils n'en avaient point honte.
 Or l'humanité dans son existence charnelle étaient doublement rusé, et ils ne s'en relâchaient point.

 And they were both [8147] naked, [6174] the man [0120] and his wife, [0802] and were not ashamed. [0954]


 Or, le serpent de l'intellect était extrêmement rusé dans tous les êtres vivants en croissance, que YEHOVAH Dieu avait faits; et il dit à la femme: Quoi! Dieu aurait dit: Vous ne mangerez point de tout arbre du jardin!
 Or, ce raisonnement rusé était extrêmement subtil dans tous les êtres vivants en expansion d'existence que YEHOVAH Dieu avait faits; et il dit en la femme: Quoi! Dieu aurait-il dit: Vous ne posséderez point de toutes les assurances de l'Enceinte?

 Now the serpent [5175] was [1961] more subtil [6175] than any beast [2416] of the field [7704] which the LORD [3068] God [0430] had made. [6213] And he said [0559] unto the woman, [0802] Yea, [0637] hath God [0430] said, [0559] Ye shall not eat [0398] of every tree [6086] of the garden? [1588]


 Et la femme répondit au serpent: Nous mangeons du fruit des arbres du jardin;
 Et la femme répliqua à ce raisonnement rusé: Nous recevons la grâce des assurances de l'Enceinte;

 And the woman [0802] said [0559] unto the serpent, [5175] We may eat [0398] of the fruit [6529] of the trees [6086] of the garden: [1588]


 Mais quant au fruit de l'arbre qui est au milieu du jardin, Dieu a dit: Vous n'en mangerez point, et vous n'y toucherez point, de peur que vous ne mouriez.
 Mais quant à l'avantage de l'assurance de l'indépendance qui est au milieu de l'Enceinte, Dieu a dit: Vous n'en posséderez point, et vous n'en saisirez point, de peur que vous ne mouriez.

 But of the fruit [6529] of the tree [6086] which [is] in the midst [8432] of the garden, [1588] God [0430] hath said, [0559] Ye shall not eat [0398] of it, neither shall ye touch [5060] it, lest [6435] ye die. [4191]


 Alors le serpent dit à la femme: Vous ne mourrez nullement;
 Alors le raisonnement dit en la femme: Vous ne mourrez nullement;

 And the serpent [5175] said [0559] unto the woman, [0802] Ye shall not surely [4191] die: [4191]


 Mais Dieu sait qu'au jour où vous en mangerez, vos yeux s'ouvriront, et vous serez comme des dieux, connaissant le bien et le mal.
 Mais Dieu sait qu'au jour où vous en utiliserez, vos yeux s'ouvriront, et vous serez comme des dieux, connaissant le bien et le mal.

 For God [0430] doth know [3045] that in the day [3117] ye eat [0398] thereof, then your eyes [5869] shall be opened, [6491] and ye shall be as gods, [0430] knowing [3045] good [2896] and evil. [7451]


 Et la femme vit que le fruit de l'arbre était bon à manger, et qu'il était agréable à la vue, et que l'arbre était désirable pour devenir intelligent; et elle prit de son fruit et en mangea, et en donna aussi à son mari auprès d'elle, et il en mangea.
 Et sa réalisation considéra que l'avantage de cette assurance était favorable à la réception de son existence, et qu'elle était convenable à sa perception, et que cette assurance était désirable pour devenir intelligent; et elle prit de son avantage et le reçu, et en donna aussi à son mari auprès d'elle, et il l'accepta.

 And when the woman [0802] saw [7200] that the tree [6086] [was] good [2896] for food, [3978] and that it [1931] [was] pleasant [8378] to the eyes, [5869] and a tree [6086] to be desired [2530] to make [one] wise, [7919] she took [3947] of the fruit [6529] thereof, and did eat, [0398] and gave [5414] also [1571] unto her husband [0376] with her; and he did eat. [0398]


 Et les yeux de tous deux s'ouvrirent; et ils réalisèrent qu'ils étaient très rusés; et ils cousirent des feuilles de figuier, et se firent des ceintures.
 Et les yeux de tous deux s'ouvrirent; et ils connurent qu'ils étaient découverts; et ils lièrent les élévations de l'outrage ensemble, et se firent des restrictions.

 And the eyes [5869] of them both [8147] were opened, [6491] and they knew [3045] that they [1992] [were] naked; [5903] and they sewed fig [8384] leaves [5929] together, [8609] and made [6213] themselves aprons. [2290]


 Et ils entendirent la voix de YEHOVAH Dieu, qui se promenait dans le jardin, au vent du jour. Et Adam et sa femme se cachèrent de devant la face de YEHOVAH Dieu, au milieu des arbres du jardin.
 Et ils entendirent l'appel irrésistible de YEHOVAH Dieu, qui vint dans l'Esprit chaleureux de l'Enceinte de sa Grâce. Et Adam et sa femme se cachèrent de devant la face de YEHOVAH Dieu, au milieu des assurances de l'Enceinte.

 And they heard [8085] the voice [6963] of the LORD [3068] God [0430] walking [1980] in the garden [1588] in the cool [7307] of the day: [3117] and Adam [0120] and his wife [0802] hid [2244] themselves from the presence [6440] of the LORD [3068] God [0430] amongst [8432] the trees [6086] of the garden. [1588]


 Et YEHOVAH Dieu appela Adam, et lui dit: Où es-tu?

 And the LORD [3068] God [0430] called [7121] unto Adam, [0120] and said [0559] unto him, Where [art] thou? [0335]


 Et il répondit: J'ai entendu ta voix dans le jardin, et j'ai craint, parce que je suis rusé; et je me suis caché.
 Et il répondit: J'ai entendu ton appel dans l'Enceinte de la grâce, et j'ai craint, parce que je suis rusé; et je me suis caché.

 And he said, [0559] I heard [8085] thy voice [6963] in the garden, [1588] and I was afraid, [3372] because I [0595] [was] naked; [5903] and I hid [2244] myself.


 Et Dieu dit: Qui t'a montré que tu es rusé? As-tu mangé de l'arbre dont je t'avais ordonné de ne pas manger?
 Et Dieu dit: Qui t'a montré que tu es rusé? N'as-tu pas saisi l'assurance dont je t'avais ordonné de ne pas te procurer?

 And he said, [0559] Who [4310] told [5046] thee that thou [wast] naked? [5903] Hast thou eaten [0398] of the tree, [6086] whereof I commanded [6680] thee that thou shouldest not [1115] eat? [0398]


 Et Adam répondit: La femme que tu as mise auprès de moi, m'a donné du fruit de l'arbre, et j'en ai mangé.
 Et Adam répondit: La femme que tu as mise auprès de moi, m'a donné de l'avantage de l'assurance de l'indépendance, et je l'ai accepté.

 And the man [0120] said, [0559] The woman [0802] whom thou gavest [5414] [to be] with me, [5978] she [1931] gave [5414] me of the tree, [6086] and I did eat. [0398]


 Et YEHOVAH Dieu dit à la femme: Pourquoi as-tu fait cela? Et la femme répondit: Le serpent m'a séduite, et j'en ai mangé.
 Et YEHOVAH Dieu dit à la femme: Pourquoi as-tu fait cela? Et la femme répondit: Le raisonnement de ma chair m'a séduite, et je m'en suis procuré.

 And the LORD [3068] God [0430] said [0559] unto the woman, [0802] What [is] this [that] thou hast done? [6213] And the woman [0802] said, [0559] The serpent [5175] beguiled [5377] me, and I did eat. [0398]


 Alors YEHOVAH Dieu dit au serpent: Puisque tu as fait cela, tu seras maudit entre toutes les bêtes et entre tous les animaux des champs; tu marcheras sur ton ventre, et tu mangeras la poussière tous les jours de ta vie.
 Alors YEHOVAH Dieu dit au de raisonnement de l'être humain: Puisque tu as fait cela, tu seras maudit entre tous les sages d'entre les êtres vivants en croissance de leur existence; ta progression paraîtra ainsi: tu te nourriras de tes imperfections tous les jours de ta vie.

 And the LORD [3068] God [0430] said [0559] unto the serpent, [5175] Because thou hast done [6213] this, thou [0859] [art] cursed [0779] above all cattle, [0929] and above every beast [2416] of the field; [7704] upon thy belly [1512] shalt thou go, [3212] and dust [6083] shalt thou eat [0398] all the days [3117] of thy life: [2416]


 Et je mettrai de l'hostilité entre toi et la femme, entre ta semence et son GERME: celui-ci écrasera ton agitation, et toi tu contrarieras ses pas.
 Et je mettrai de l'hostilité entre toi et ton existence, entre ta postérité et son GERME: Celui-ci écrasera ton agitation, et toi tu contrarieras ses pas.

 And I will put [7896] enmity [0342] between thee and the woman, [0802] and between thy seed [2233] and her seed; [2233] it shall bruise [7779] thy head, [7218] and thou shalt bruise [7779] his heel. [6119]


 Il dit à la femme: J'augmenterai grandement l'indisposition de ta grossesse; dans le sang tu enfanteras des enfants avec douleur, et tu voudras exercer le contrôle sur ton mari, mais il dominera sur toi.
 Il dit à la l'existence: J'augmenterai grandement l'indisposition de ta grossesse; dans le sang tu enfanteras des puissances avec douleur, et tu voudras exercer le contrôle sur ton vivant, mais il dominera sur toi.

 Unto the woman [0802] he said, [0559] I will greatly [7235] multiply [7235] thy sorrow [6093] and thy conception; [2032] in sorrow [6089] thou shalt bring forth [3205] children; [1121] and thy desire [8669] [shall be] to thy husband, [0376] and he shall rule [4910] over thee.


 Et il dit à Adam: Puisque tu as obéi à la voix de ta femme, et que tu as mangé de l'arbre au sujet duquel je t'avais donné cet ordre: Tu n'en mangeras point! le sol sera maudit à cause de toi; tu en mangeras les fruits avec peine tous les jours de ta vie.
 Et il dit à la race humaine: Puisque tu as obéie à la voix de ton existence, et que tu t'es procurée de l'assurance de l'indépendance au sujet duquel je t'avais donné cet ordre: Tu n'en recevras point! le fondement de l'Enceinte sera maudit à cause de toi; tu réaliseras ses avantages avec peine tous les jours de ta vie.

 And unto Adam [0120] he said, [0559] Because thou hast hearkened [8085] unto the voice [6963] of thy wife, [0802] and hast eaten [0398] of the tree, [6086] of which [0834] I commanded [6680] thee, saying, [0559] Thou shalt not eat [0398] of it: cursed [0779] [is] the ground [0127] for thy sake; in sorrow [6093] shalt thou eat [0398] [of] it all [3605] the days [3117] of thy life; [2416]


 Et il te produira des épines et des chardons; et tu mangeras l'herbe des champs.
 Et il te produira des irritations et des épreuves; et tu te ruineras en réfléchissant grandement.

 Thorns [6975] also and thistles [1863] shall it bring forth [6779] to thee; and thou shalt eat [0398] the herb [6212] of the field; [7704]


 Tu mangeras le pain à la sueur de ton visage, jusqu'à ce que tu retournes dans la terre, d'où tu as été pris; car tu es poussière, et tu retourneras dans la poussière.

 In the sweat [2188] of thy face [0639] shalt thou eat [0398] bread, [3899] till [5704] thou return [7725] unto the ground; [0127] for out of it wast thou taken: [3947] for dust [6083] thou [0859] [art], and unto dust [6083] shalt thou return. [7725]


 Or, l'être humain appela son existence, Vie, parce que la vie fut la mère de tous les vivants.

 And Adam [0120] called [7121] his wife's [0802] name [8034] Eve; [2332] because she was the mother [0517] of all living. [2416]


 Et YEHOVAH Dieu fit à Adam et à sa femme des robes de peau, et les en revêtit.
 Et YEHOVAH Dieu fit à la race humaine et à son existence de sévères réprimandes, et les endossa.

 Unto Adam [0120] also and to his wife [0802] did the LORD [3068] God [0430] make [6213] coats [3801] of skins, [5785] and clothed [3847] them.


 Et YEHOVAH Dieu dit: Voici, l'homme est devenu comme l'un de nous, pour la connaissance du bien et du mal. Et maintenant prenons garde qu'il n'avance sa main, et ne prenne aussi de l'arbre de vie, et qu'il n'en mange, et ne vive à toujours.
 Et YEHOVAH Dieu dit: Voici, l'être humain est devenu comme l'un de nous, pour la connaissance du bien et du mal. Et maintenant prenons garde qu'il n'avance sa main, et ne prenne aussi de l'assurance de la vie, et qu'il n'en reçoive, et ne vive à toujours.

 And the LORD [3068] God [0430] said, [0559] Behold, [2005] the man [0120] is become as one [0259] of us, to know [3045] good [2896] and evil: [7451] and now, lest he put forth [7971] his hand, [3027] and take [3947] also of the tree [6086] of life, [2416] and eat, [0398] and live [2425] for ever: [5769]


 Et YEHOVAH Dieu le fit sortir du jardin d'Éden, pour maîtriser la terre d'où il avait été pris.
 Et YEHOVAH Dieu le fit sortir de l'Enceinte de Grâce, pour maîtriser la terre d'où il avait été pris.

 Therefore the LORD [3068] God [0430] sent him forth [7971] from the garden [1588] of Eden, [5731] to till [5647] the ground [0127] from whence he was taken. [3947]


 Il chassa donc l'homme; et il plaça à l'orient du jardin d'Éden les Voyants et la lame d'épée flamboyante, pour garder le chemin de l'arbre de vie.
 Il chassa donc l'être humain; et il plaça au devant de l'Enclos de sa Grâce des perceptions, et une désolation qui renverse l'être pour la conversion, dans le but de préserver l'assurance de la vie.

 So he drove out [1644] the man; [0120] and he placed [7931] at the east [6924] of the garden [1588] of Eden [5731] Cherubims, [3742] and a flaming [3858] sword [2719] which turned every way, [2015] to keep [8104] the way [1870] of the tree [6086] of life. [2416]


 Or, Adam connut Ève sa femme, et elle conçut, et enfanta Caïn (acquisition), et elle dit: J'ai acquis un homme avec l'aide de YEHOVAH.
 Or, les êtres humains connurent la vie de leur existence, et elle conçut, et produisit l'usurpation, et fascinée elle dit: J'ai acquis une existence divine.

 And Adam [0120] knew [3045] [0853] Eve [2332] his wife; [0802] and she conceived, [2029] and bare [3205] [0853] Cain, [7014] and said, [0559] I have gotten [7069] a man [0376] from [0854] the LORD. [3068]


 Elle enfanta encore son frère Abel; et Abel fut berger, et Caïn fut laboureur.
 Elle produisit encore son contraire, l'humiliation qu'elle considérait insignifiante; et l'humiliation dirigeait la conversion des êtres vivants, mais l'usurpation gardait les hommes sous l'esclavage.

 And she again [3254] bare [3205] his brother [0251] Abel. [1893] And Abel [1893] was a keeper [7462] of sheep, [6629] but Cain [7014] was a tiller [5647] of the ground. [0127]


 Or, au bout de quelque temps, Caïn offrit des fruits de la terre une oblation à YEHOVAH;
 Or, au bout de quelque temps, l'usurpation proposa la délivrance des hommes en offrande à YEHOVAH;

 And in process [7093] of time [3117] it came to pass, that Cain [7014] brought [0935] of the fruit [6529] of the ground [0127] an offering [4503] unto the LORD. [3068]


 Et Abel offrit, lui aussi, des premiers-nés de son troupeau, et de leurs graisses. Et YEHOVAH eut égard à Abel, et à son oblation;
 Et l'humiliation présenta, le droit d'aînesse de la conversion et de son enrichissement. Et YEHOVAH eut égard à l'humiliation, et à son offrande;

 And Abel, [1893] he [1931] also brought [0935] of the firstlings [1062] of his flock [6629] and of the fat [2459] thereof. And the LORD [3068] had respect [8159] unto Abel [1893] and to his offering: [4503]


 Mais il n'eut point égard à Caïn, ni à son oblation; et Caïn fut carbonisé, et son apparence fut disgraciée.
 Mais il n'eut point égard à l'usurpation, ni à son offrande; et les oppresseurs furent carbonisés, et leur présence fut disgraciée (NAPHAL).

 But unto Cain [7014] and to his offering [4503] he had not respect. [8159] And Cain [7014] was very [3966] wroth, [2734] and his countenance [6440] fell. [5307]


 Et YEHOVAH dit à Caïn: Voici tu es noirci, et ainsi ta présence est rejetée (NAPHAL).

 And the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto Cain, [7014] Why art thou wroth? [2734] and why is thy countenance [6440] fallen? [5307]


 Si tu fais bien, ta présence ne sera-t-elle pas restaurée? Mais, si tu ne fais pas bien, le péché est couché à la porte, et son désir devient le tien; et toi, tu en seras le maître.

 If [0518] thou doest well, [3190] shalt thou not be accepted? [7613] and if thou doest not well, [3190] sin [2403] lieth [7257] at the door. [6607] And unto thee [shall be] his desire, [8669] and thou shalt rule [4910] over him.


 Et Caïn parla à Abel, son frère. Et comme ils étaient aux champs, Caïn s'éleva contre Abel son frère, et le tua.
 Et les oppresseurs parlèrent avec les humbles, leur contraire. Et comme ils étaient dans l'expansion de leur existence, les oppresseurs s'élevèrent contre les humbles, leur contraire, et les détruisirent tous.

 And Cain [7014] talked [0559] with [0413] Abel [1893] his brother: [0251] and it came to pass, when they were in the field, [7704] that Cain [7014] rose up [6965] against [0413] Abel [1893] his brother, [0251] and slew him. [2026]


 Et YEHOVAH dit à Caïn: Où est Abel ton frère? Et il répondit: Je ne sais; suis-je le gardien de mon frère, moi?

 And the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto Cain, [7014] Where [0335] [is] Abel [1893] thy brother? [0251] And he said, [0559] I know [3045] not: [Am] I my brother's [0251] keeper? [8104]


 Et YEHOVAH dit: Qu'as-tu fait? La voix du sang de ton frère crie de la terre jusqu'à moi.

 And he said, [0559] What [4100] hast thou done? [6213] the voice [6963] of thy brother's [0251] blood [1818] crieth [6817] unto me from the ground. [0127]


 Et maintenant tu seras exilé de la terre, qui a ouvert sa bouche pour recevoir de ta main le sang de ton frère.

 And now [art] thou cursed [0779] from the earth, [0127] which hath opened [6475] her mouth [6310] to receive [3947] thy brother's [0251] blood [1818] from thy hand; [3027]


 Quand tu exploiteras la terre, elle ne te rendra plus son fruit; tu seras vagabond et fugitif de la terre.

 When [3588] thou tillest [5647] the ground, [0127] it shall not henceforth [3254] yield [5414] unto thee her strength; [3581] a fugitive [5128] and a vagabond [5110] shalt thou be in the earth. [0776]


 Et Caïn dit à YEHOVAH: Ma peine est trop grande pour être supportée.

 And Cain [7014] said [0559] unto the LORD, [3068] My punishment [5771] [is] greater [1419] than I can bear. [5375]


 Voici, tu m'as chassé aujourd'hui de la présence du monde des hommes, et je serai soustrait de devant ta présence, et je serai vagabond et fugitif de la terre; et il arrivera que quiconque me trouvera, me tuera.

 Behold, thou hast driven me out [1644] this day [3117] from [5921] the face [6440] of the earth; [0127] and from thy face [6440] shall I be hid; [5641] and I shall be a fugitive [5128] and a vagabond [5110] in the earth; [0776] and it shall come to pass, [1961] [that] every one that findeth [4672] me shall slay me. [2026]


 Et YEHOVAH lui dit: C'est pourquoi, si quelqu'un tue Caïn, Caïn sera vengé sept fois. Et YEHOVAH avait mis sur Caïn une distinction de noircissement, afin que quiconque le trouverait ne le tuât point.

 And the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto him, Therefore [3651] whosoever slayeth [2026] Cain, [7014] vengeance [5358] shall be taken on him sevenfold. [7659] And the LORD [3068] set [7760] a mark [0226] upon Cain, [7014] lest [1115] any finding [4672] him should kill [5221] him.


 Alors Caïn rejeta la présence de YEHOVAH, et habita dans le monde de Nod (égarement, instable), et s'opposa contre Éden.
 Alors les oppresseurs renoncèrent à la présence de YEHOVAH, et habitèrent dans l'astre errant de Nod (errer, planète), et s'élevèrent contre la Grâce de Dieu.

 And Cain [7014] went out [3318] from the presence [6440] of the LORD, [3068] and dwelt [3427] in the land [0776] of Nod, [5113] on the east [6926] of Eden. [5731]


 Puis Caïn réalisa son existence, qui conçut et enfanta Hénoc (initiation); or il érigea une ville (une vengeance), qu'il appela Hénoc, du nom de son fils.
 Puis, en ce lieu, Caïn réalisa son existence, qui conçut et engendra une initiation à une nouvelle naissance; et il érigea une vengeance terrible contre Dieu, qu'il appela Hénoc, du nom de sa condition de disgrâce.

 And Cain [7014] knew [3045] his wife; [0802] and she conceived, [2029] and bare [3205] Enoch: [2585] and he builded [1129] a city, [5892] and called [7121] the name [8034] of the city, [5892] after the name [8034] of his son, [1121] Enoch. [2585]


 Puis Irad (la séquestration) naquit à Hénoc, et Irad engendra Mehujaël (affligé de Dieu), et Mehujaël engendra Methushaël (l'homme divinisé), et Methushaël engendra Lémec (le renversement de l'être).

 And unto Enoch [2585] was born [3205] Irad: [5897] and Irad [5897] begat [3205] Mehujael: [4232] and Mehujael [4232] begat [3205] Methusael: [4967] and Methusael [4967] begat [3205] Lamech. [3929]


 Et Lémec prit deux femmes: le nom de l'une était Ada (plaisir), le nom de l'autre Tsilla (protection).

 And Lamech [3929] took [3947] unto him two [8147] wives: [0802] the name [8034] of the one [0259] [was] Adah, [5711] and the name [8034] of the other [8145] Zillah. [6741]


 Et Ada enfanta Jabal (fastueux); il fut père de ceux qui demeurent dans des tentes (sanctuaires) et près des troupeaux.
 Et Ada enfanta Jabal (fastueux); il fut père de ceux qui demeurent dans des sanctuaires et près des rachetés.

 And Adah [5711] bare [3205] Jabal: [2989] he was the father [0001] of such as dwell [3427] in tents, [0168] and [of such as have] cattle. [4735]


 Et le nom de son frère était Jubal (une source); il fut père de tous ceux qui jouent de la harpe et du chalumeau.
 Et le nom de son frère était Jubal (une source); il fut père de tous ceux qui manipulent le retentissement (harpe) de la sensualité (chalumeau).

 And his brother's [0251] name [8034] [was] Jubal: [3106] he was the father [0001] of all such as handle [8610] the harp [3658] and organ. [5748]


 Et Tsilla, elle aussi, enfanta Tubal-Caïn (le producteur), qui forgeait toute sorte d'instruments tranchants d'airain et de fer; et la sœur de Tubal-Caïn fut Naama (séduction).
 Et Tsilla, elle aussi, enfanta Tubal-Caïn (le producteur), qui affinait (forgeait) tous les complots et les enchantements qui se transpirent; et la sœur de Tubal-Caïn fut Naama (séduisante).

 And Zillah, [6741] she also bare [3205] Tubalcain, [8423] an instructer [3913] of every artificer [2794] in brass [5178] and iron: [1270] and the sister [0269] of Tubalcain [8423] [was] Naamah. [5279]


 Et Lémec dit à ses femmes: Ada et Tsilla, écoutez ma voix; femmes de Lémec, prêtez l'oreille à ma parole: Oui! j'ai tué un homme pour ma blessure, et un jeune homme pour ma meurtrissure.
 Et Lémec dit à ses femmes: Ada et Tsilla, écoutez ma voix; femmes de Lémec, prêtez l'oreille à ma parole: Oui! j'ai tué un homme pour ma séparation d'avec Dieu, et un jeune homme pour mon attachement à Caïn.

 And Lamech [3929] said [0559] unto his wives, [0802] Adah [5711] and Zillah, [6741] Hear [8085] my voice; [6963] ye wives [0802] of Lamech, [3929] hearken [0238] unto my speech: [0565] for I have slain [2026] a man [0376] to my wounding, [6482] and a young man [3206] to my hurt. [2250]


 Car si Caïn est vengé sept fois, Lémec le sera soixante-dix-sept fois.
 Car si Caïn est vengé sept fois contre Dieu, Lémec le sera soixante-dix-sept fois.

 If [3588] Cain [7014] shall be avenged [5358] sevenfold, [7659] truly Lamech [3929] seventy [7657] and sevenfold. [7651]


 Et Adam connut encore sa femme; et elle enfanta un fils et l'appela Seth (substitut, renommée); car Dieu, dit-elle, m'a donné un autre fils au lieu d'Abel, que Caïn a tué.

 And Adam [0120] knew [3045] his wife [0802] again; [5750] and she bare [3205] a son, [1121] and called [7121] his name [8034] Seth: [8352] For God, [0430] [said she], hath appointed [7896] me another [0312] seed [2233] instead [8478] of Abel, [1893] whom [3588] Cain [7014] slew. [2026]


 Et un fils naquit aussi à Seth, et il l'appela Énosh. Alors on commença à invoquer le nom de YEHOVAH.
 Et un fils naquit aussi à Seth, et il l'appela Énosh (la défaillance). Alors les hommes commencèrent à invoquer le nom de YEHOVAH pour être délivré.

 And to Seth, [8352] to him [1931] also there was born [3205] a son; [1121] and he called [7121] his name [8034] Enos: [0583] then began men [2490] to call [7121] upon the name [8034] of the LORD. [3068]


 Voici le livre de la postérité de l'humanité. Au jour où Dieu créa l'humanité, il la fit comme la communauté de Dieu.

 This [2088] [is] the book [5612] of the generations [8435] of Adam. [0120] In the day [3117] that God [0430] created [1254] man, [0120] in the likeness [1823] of God [0430] made [6213] he him;


 Il les créa mâles et femelles, et il les bénit, et leur donna le nom de Productif, au jour qu'ils furent créés.

 Male [2145] and female [5347] created [1254] he them; and blessed [1288] them, and called [7121] their name [8034] Adam, [0120] in the day [3117] when they were created. [1254]


 Or, Adam vécut cent trente ans, et engendra un fils à sa ressemblance, mais selon son image charnelle, et il lui donna le nom de Seth (Substitut, renommée).

 And Adam [0120] lived [2421] an hundred [3967] and thirty [7970] years, [8141] and begat [3205] [a son] in his own likeness, [1823] after his image; [6754] and called [7121] his name [8034] Seth: [8352]


 Et les jours d'Adam, après qu'il eut engendré Seth, furent de huit cents ans; et il engendra des fondateurs et des générations.

 And the days [3117] of Adam [0120] after [0310] he had begotten [3205] Seth [8352] were eight [8083] hundred [3967] years: [8141] and he begat [3205] sons [1121] and daughters: [1323]


 Tout le temps qu'Adam vécut, fut donc de neuf cent trente ans; puis il mourut.

 And all the days [3117] that Adam [0120] lived [2425] were nine [8672] hundred [3967] [8141] and thirty [7970] years: [8141] and he died. [4191]


 Seth vécut cent cinq ans, et engendra Énosh (la défaillance, la mortalité).

 And Seth [8352] lived [2421] an hundred [3967] [8141] and five [2568] years, [8141] and begat [3205] Enos: [0583]


 Et Seth vécut, après qu'il eut engendré Énosh, huit cent sept ans; et il engendra des fondateurs et des générations.

 And Seth [8352] lived [2421] after [0310] he begat [3205] Enos [0583] eight [8083] hundred [3967] [8141] and seven [7651] years, [8141] and begat [3205] sons [1121] and daughters: [1323]


 Tout le temps que Seth vécut, fut donc de neuf cent douze ans; puis il mourut.

 And all the days [3117] of Seth [8352] were nine [8672] hundred [3967] [8141] and twelve [6240] [8147] years: [8141] and he died. [4191]


 Et Énosh vécut quatre-vingt-dix ans, et engendra Kénan (des habitations).

 And Enos [0583] lived [2421] ninety [8673] years, [8141] and begat [3205] Cainan: [7018]


 Et Énosh, après qu'il eut engendré Kénan, vécut huit cent quinze ans; et il engendra des fondateurs et des générations.

 And Enos [0583] lived [2421] after [0310] he begat [3205] Cainan [7018] eight [8083] hundred [3967] [8141] and fifteen [6240] [2568] years, [8141] and begat [3205] sons [1121] and daughters: [1323]


 Tout le temps qu'Énosh vécut, fut donc de neuf cent cinq ans; puis il mourut.

 And all the days [3117] of Enos [0583] were nine [8672] hundred [3967] [8141] and five [2568] years: [8141] and he died. [4191]


 Et Kénan vécut soixante et dix ans, et engendra Mahalaleel (la louange de Dieu).

 And Cainan [7018] lived [2421] seventy [7657] years, [8141] and begat [3205] Mahalaleel: [4111]


 Et Kénan, après qu'il eut engendré Mahalaleel, vécut huit cent quarante ans; et il engendra des fondateurs et des générations.

 And Cainan [7018] lived [2421] after [0310] he begat [3205] Mahalaleel [4111] eight [8083] hundred [3967] [8141] and forty [0705] years, [8141] and begat [3205] sons [1121] and daughters: [1323]


 Tout le temps que Kénan vécut, fut donc de neuf cent dix ans; puis il mourut.

 And all the days [3117] of Cainan [7018] were nine [8672] hundred [3967] [8141] and ten [6235] years: [8141] and he died. [4191]


 Et Mahalaleel vécut soixante-cinq ans, et engendra Jéred (l'abaissement, la descente).

 And Mahalaleel [4111] lived [2421] sixty [8346] [8141] and five [2568] years, [8141] and begat [3205] Jared: [3382]


 Et Mahalaleel, après qu'il eut engendré Jéred, vécut huit cent trente ans; et il engendra des fondateurs et des générations.

 And Mahalaleel [4111] lived [2421] after [0310] he begat [3205] Jared [3382] eight [8083] hundred [3967] [8141] and thirty [7970] years, [8141] and begat [3205] sons [1121] and daughters: [1323]


 Tout le temps que Mahalaleel vécut, fut donc de huit cent quatre-vingt-quinze ans; puis il mourut.

 And all the days [3117] of Mahalaleel [4111] were eight [8083] hundred [3967] [8141] ninety [8673] and five [2568] years: [8141] and he died. [4191]


 Et Jéred vécut cent soixante-deux ans, et engendra Hénoc (l'instruction rigide).

 And Jared [3382] lived [2421] an hundred [3967] sixty [8346] [8141] and two [8147] years, [8141] and he begat [3205] Enoch: [2585]


 Et Jéred, après qu'il eut engendré Hénoc, vécut huit cent ans; et il engendra des fondateurs et des générations.

 And Jared [3382] lived [2421] after [0310] he begat [3205] Enoch [2585] eight [8083] hundred [3967] years, [8141] and begat [3205] sons [1121] and daughters: [1323]


 Tout le temps que Jéred vécut, fut donc de neuf cent soixante-deux ans; puis il mourut.

 And all the days [3117] of Jared [3382] were nine [8672] hundred [3967] [8141] sixty [8346] and two [8147] years: [8141] and he died. [4191]


 Hénoc vécut soixante-cinq ans, et engendra Méthushélah (la croissance).

 And Enoch [2585] lived [2421] sixty [8346] and five [2568] years, [8141] and begat [3205] Methuselah: [4968]


 Et Hénoc marcha avec Dieu, après qu'il eut engendré Méthushélah, trois cents ans; et il engendra des fondateurs et des générations.

 And Enoch [2585] walked [1980] with [0854] God [0430] after [0310] he begat [3205] [0853] Methuselah [4968] three [7969] hundred [3967] years, [8141] and begat [3205] sons [1121] and daughters: [1323]


 Tout le temps qu'Hénoc vécut, fut donc de trois cent soixante-cinq ans.

 And all the days [3117] of Enoch [2585] were three [7969] hundred [3967] [8141] sixty [8346] and five [2568] years: [8141]


 Hénoc marcha donc avec Dieu, puis il disparut, car Dieu le prit.

 And Enoch [2585] walked [1980] with God: [0430] and he [was] not; for God [0430] took [3947] him.


 Et Méthushélah vécut cent quatre-vingt-sept ans, et engendra Lémec (le renversement violent).

 And Methuselah [4968] lived [2421] an hundred [3967] [8141] eighty [8084] and seven [7651] years, [8141] and begat [3205] Lamech: [3929]


 Et Méthushélah, après qu'il eut engendré Lémec, vécut sept cent quatre-vingt-deux ans; et il engendra des fondateurs et des générations.

 And Methuselah [4968] lived [2421] after [0310] he begat [3205] Lamech [3929] seven [7651] hundred [3967] [8141] eighty [8084] and two [8147] years, [8141] and begat [3205] sons [1121] and daughters: [1323]


 Tout le temps que Méthushélah vécut, fut donc de neuf cent soixante-neuf ans; puis il mourut.

 And all the days [3117] of Methuselah [4968] were nine [8672] hundred [3967] [8141] sixty [8346] and nine [8672] years: [8141] and he died. [4191]


 Et Lémec vécut cent quatre-vingt-deux ans, et engendra un fondateur.

 And Lamech [3929] lived [2421] an hundred [3967] [8141] eighty [8084] and two [8147] years, [8141] and begat [3205] a son: [1121]


 Et il l'appela Noé (la détente), en disant: Celui-ci nous consolera de notre travail, et de la peine qu'impose à nos mains la terre que YEHOVAH a maudite.

 And he called [7121] his name [8034] Noah, [5146] saying, [0559] This [same] shall comfort [5162] us concerning our work [4639] and toil [6093] of our hands, [3027] because [4480] of the ground [0127] which the LORD [3068] hath cursed. [0779]


 Et Lémec, après qu'il eut engendré Noé, vécut cinq cent quatre-vingt-quinze ans; et il engendra des fondateurs et des générations.

 And Lamech [3929] lived [2421] after [0310] he begat [3205] Noah [5146] five [2568] hundred [3967] [8141] ninety [8673] and five [2568] years, [8141] and begat [3205] sons [1121] and daughters: [1323]


 Tout le temps que Lémec vécut, fut donc de sept cent soixante-dix-sept ans; puis il mourut.

 And all the days [3117] of Lamech [3929] were seven [7651] hundred [3967] [8141] seventy [7657] and seven [7651] years: [8141] and he died. [4191]


 Et Noé, âgé de cinq cents ans, engendra Sem (la renommée), Cham (la passion) et Japhet (l'expansion de la grâce).

 And Noah [5146] was five [2568] hundred [3967] years [8141] old: [1121] and Noah [5146] begat [3205] Shem, [8035] Ham, [2526] and Japheth. [3315]


 Or, quand les hommes eurent commencé à se multiplier sur la face de la terre et qu'ils engendrèrent des générations,

 And it came to pass, when men [0120] began [2490] to multiply [7231] on [5921] the face [6440] of the earth, [0127] and daughters [1323] were born [3205] unto them,


 Les constructeurs puissants virent que les générations d'Adam étaient plaisantes, et ils prirent des femmes d'entre toutes celles qui leur plurent.

 That the sons [1121] of God [0430] saw [7200] the daughters [1323] of men [0120] that they [2007] [were] fair; [2896] and they took [3947] them wives [0802] of all which they chose. [0977]


 Et YEHOVAH dit: Mon Esprit ne demeurera pas toujours avec l'homme en ce temps; car il s'est égaré dans la chair, et ses jours ne sont que cent vingt changements.

 And the LORD [3068] said, [0559] My spirit [7307] shall not always [5769] strive [1777] with man, [0120] for that he also [1571] [is] flesh: [1320] [7683] yet his days [3117] shall be an hundred [3967] and twenty [6242] years. [8141]


 Les disgraciés (Nephilim) étaient sur la terre, en ce temps-là, et aussi dans la suite, lorsque les constructeurs puissants venaient vers les générations d'Adam, et qu'elles leur engendrèrent des ouvriers: ces mêmes devinrent des puissants intrépides qui, dès les temps anciens, furent des décadents réputés.

 There were giants [5303] in the earth [0776] in those [1992] days; [3117] and also after [0310] that, [3651] when [0834] the sons [1121] of God [0430] came in [0935] unto the daughters [1323] of men, [0120] and they bare [3205] [children] to them, the same [1992] [became] mighty men [1368] which [were] of old, [5769] men [0582] of renown. [8034]


 Et YEHOVAH vit que la malice de l'homme était grande sur la terre, et que toute l'imagination des pensées de son cœur n'était que mauvaise en tout temps.

 And GOD [3068] saw [7200] that the wickedness [7451] of man [0120] [was] great [7227] in the earth, [0776] and [that] every imagination [3336] of the thoughts [4284] of his heart [3820] [was] only [7535] evil [7451] continually. [3117]


 Et YEHOVAH se remit en mémoire d'avoir maintenu les êtres humains sur la terre, et il en fut affligé dans son cœur.

 And it repented [5162] the LORD [3068] that he had made [6213] man [0120] on the earth, [0776] and it grieved [6087] him at [0413] his heart. [3820]


 Et YEHOVAH dit: J'exterminerai de dessus la terre les êtres humains que j'ai créé; depuis la race humaine jusqu'au bétail, jusqu'au reptile, et jusqu'à l'oiseau des cieux; car je me remet en mémoire de les avoir préservés.

 And the LORD [3068] said, [0559] I will destroy [4229] man [0120] whom I have created [1254] from the face [6440] of the earth; [0127] both man, [0120] and [5704] beast, [0929] and the creeping thing, [7431] and the fowls [5775] of the air; [8064] for it repenteth [5162] me that I have made [6213] them.


 Mais Noé trouva grâce aux yeux de YEHOVAH.

 But Noah [5146] found [4672] grace [2580] in the eyes [5869] of the LORD. [3068]


 Voici les descendants de Noé. Noé fut un homme juste, intègre, dans son temps; Noé marcha avec Dieu.

 These [are] the generations [8435] of Noah: [5146] Noah [5146] was a just [6662] man [0376] [and] perfect [8549] in his generations, [1755] [and] Noah [5146] walked [1980] with God. [0430]


 Et Noé engendra trois fils, Sem, Cham et Japhet.

 And Noah [5146] begat [3205] three [7969] sons, [1121] Shem, [8035] Ham, [2526] and Japheth. [3315]


 Et la terre était corrompue devant Dieu, et la terre était remplie d'extorsion.

 The earth [0776] also was corrupt [7843] before [6440] God, [0430] and the earth [0776] was filled [4390] with violence. [2555]


 Et Dieu regarda la terre, et, voici, elle était corrompue; car toute chair avait corrompu sa voie sur la terre.

 And God [0430] looked [7200] upon the earth, [0776] and, behold, it was corrupt; [7843] for all flesh [1320] had corrupted [7843] his way [1870] upon the earth. [0776]


 Et Dieu dit à Noé: La fin de toute chair est venue devant moi; car la terre a été remplie d'extorsion par eux; et voici, je vais les détruire avec la terre.

 And God [0430] said [0559] unto Noah, [5146] The end [7093] of all flesh [1320] is come [0935] before [6440] me; for the earth [0776] is filled [4390] with violence [2555] through [6440] them; and, behold, I will destroy [7843] them with [0854] the earth. [0776]


 Fais-toi une arche de bois de gopher; tu feras l'arche par loges, et tu l'enduiras de bitume par dedans et par dehors.

 Make [6213] thee an ark [8392] of gopher [1613] wood; [6086] rooms [7064] shalt thou make [6213] in [0854] the ark, [8392] and shalt pitch [3722] it within [1004] and without [2351] with pitch. [3724]


 Et voici comment tu la feras: La longueur de l'arche sera de trois cents coudées, sa largeur de cinquante coudées, et sa hauteur de trente coudées.

 And this [is the fashion] which thou shalt make [6213] it [of]: The length [0753] of the ark [8392] [shall be] three [7969] hundred [3967] cubits, [0520] the breadth [7341] of it fifty [2572] cubits, [0520] and the height [6967] of it thirty [7970] cubits. [0520]


 Tu feras une fenêtre à l'arche, et tu l'achèveras à une coudée par en haut; et tu mettras la porte de l'arche sur son côté; tu la feras avec un étage inférieur, un second, et un troisième.

 A window [6672] shalt thou make [6213] to the ark, [8392] and in a cubit [0520] shalt thou finish [3615] it above; [4605] and the door [6607] of the ark [8392] shalt thou set [7760] in the side [6654] thereof; [with] lower, [8482] second, [8145] and third [7992] [stories] shalt thou make [6213] it.


 Et voici, je ferai venir un déluge d'eau sur la terre, pour détruire toute chair qui a souffle de vie, de dessous les cieux; tout ce qui est sur la terre, périra.

 And, behold, [2009] I, [0589] even I, do bring [0935] a flood [3999] of waters [4325] upon the earth, [0776] to destroy [7843] all flesh, [1320] wherein [is] the breath [7307] of life, [2416] from under [8478] heaven; [8064] [and] every thing [3605] that [is] in the earth [0776] shall die. [1478]


 Mais j'établirai mon alliance avec toi; et tu entreras dans l'arche, toi, tes fils, ta femme, et les femmes de tes fils avec toi.

 But with thee will I establish [6965] my covenant; [1285] and thou shalt come [0935] into [0413] the ark, [8392] thou, [0859] and thy sons, [1121] and thy wife, [0802] and thy sons' [1121] wives [0802] with thee.


 Et de tout ce qui vit d'entre toute chair, tu en feras entrer deux de chaque espèce dans l'arche pour les conserver en vie avec toi; ils seront mâle et femelle;

 And of every living thing [2416] of all flesh, [1320] two [8147] of every [sort] shalt thou bring [0935] into the ark, [8392] to keep [them] alive [2421] with thee; they shall be male [2145] and female. [5347]


 Des oiseaux, selon leur espèce, et des bêtes selon leur espèce, de tout reptile du sol selon son espèce, deux de chaque espèce viendront vers toi pour que tu les conserves en vie.

 Of fowls [5775] after their kind, [4327] and of cattle [0929] after their kind, [4327] of every creeping thing [7431] of the earth [0127] after his kind, [4327] two [8147] of every [sort] shall come [0935] unto thee, to keep [them] alive. [2421]


 Et toi, prends de tout aliment qui se mange, et fais-en provision par-devers toi, afin que cela te serve de nourriture ainsi qu'à eux.

 And take [3947] thou unto thee of all food [3978] that is eaten, [0398] and thou shalt gather [0622] [it] to thee; and it shall be for food [0402] for thee, and for them.


 Et Noé le fit; il fit tout ce que Dieu lui avait commandé.

 Thus did [6213] Noah; [5146] according to all that God [0430] commanded [6680] him, so did [6213] he.


 Et YEHOVAH dit à Noé: Entre, toi et toute ta maison, dans l'arche; car je t'ai vu juste devant moi dans cette génération.

 And the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto Noah, [5146] Come [0935] thou and all thy house [1004] into the ark; [8392] for thee have I seen [7200] righteous [6662] before [6440] me in this [2088] generation. [1755]


 Tu prendras avec toi de tous les animaux purs, sept paires de chaque espèce, le mâle et sa femelle; mais des bêtes qui ne sont pas pures, deux, le mâle et sa femelle.

 Of every clean [2889] beast [0929] thou shalt take [3947] to thee by sevens, [7651] [7651] the male [0376] and his female: [0802] and of beasts [0929] that [are] not clean [2889] [1931] by two, [8147] the male [0376] and his female. [0802]


 Tu prendras aussi des oiseaux des cieux, sept paires, mâle et femelle, pour en conserver la race sur la face de toute la terre.

 Of fowls [5775] also of the air [8064] by sevens, [7651] [7651] the male [2145] and the female; [5347] to keep seed [2233] alive [2421] upon the face [6440] of all the earth. [0776]


 Car dans sept jours je ferai pleuvoir sur la terre, pendant quarante jours et quarante nuits; et j'exterminerai de dessus la terre tous les êtres que j'ai faits.

 For yet [5750] seven [7651] days, [3117] and I will cause it to rain [4305] upon the earth [0776] forty [0705] days [3117] and forty [0705] nights; [3915] and every [3605] living substance [3351] that I have made [6213] will I destroy [4229] from off [5921] the face [6440] of the earth. [0127]


 Et Noé fit tout ce que YEHOVAH lui avait commandé.

 And Noah [5146] did [6213] according unto all that the LORD [3068] commanded [6680] him.


 Or, Noé était âgé de six cents ans, quand le déluge eut lieu, et que les eaux vinrent sur la terre.

 And Noah [5146] [was] six [8337] hundred [3967] years [8141] old [1121] when the flood [3999] of waters [4325] was upon the earth. [0776]


 Noé entra donc dans l'arche, et ses fils, sa femme, et les femmes de ses fils avec lui, à cause des eaux du déluge.

 And Noah [5146] went in, [0935] and his sons, [1121] and his wife, [0802] and his sons' [1121] wives [0802] with him, into the ark, [8392] because of [6440] the waters [4325] of the flood. [3999]


 Des animaux purs et des animaux qui ne sont pas purs, et des oiseaux, et de tout ce qui rampe sur la terre,

 Of clean [2889] beasts, [0929] and of beasts [0929] that [are] not clean, [2889] and of fowls, [5775] and of every thing that creepeth [7430] upon the earth, [0127]


 Deux par deux, mâle et femelle, entrèrent vers Noé dans l'arche, comme Dieu l'avait commandé à Noé.

 There went in [0935] two [8147] and two [8147] unto Noah [5146] into the ark, [8392] the male [2145] and the female, [5347] as [0834] God [0430] had commanded [6680] Noah. [5146]


 Et il arriva, au bout des sept jours, que les eaux du déluge furent sur la terre.

 And it came to pass after seven [7651] days, [3117] that the waters [4325] of the flood [3999] were upon the earth. [0776]


 En l'an six cent de la vie de Noé, au second mois, au dix-septième jour du mois, en ce jour-là, toutes les sources du grand abîme éclatèrent, et le voile des cieux se déchira.

 In the [8141] six [8337] hundredth [3967] year [8141] of Noah's [5146] life, [2416] in the second [8145] month, [2320] the seventeenth [7651] [6240] day [3117] of the month, [2320] the same [2088] day [3117] were all the fountains [4599] of the great [7227] deep [8415] broken up, [1234] and the windows [0699] of heaven [8064] were opened. [6605]


 Et la pluie tomba sur la terre quarante jours et quarante nuits.

 And the rain [1653] was upon the earth [0776] forty [0705] days [3117] and forty [0705] nights. [3915]


 En ce même jour-là, Noé, Sem, Cham et Japhet, fils de Noé, et la femme de Noé, et les trois femmes de ses fils avec eux, entrèrent dans l'arche,

 In the selfsame [6106] day [3117] entered [0935] Noah, [5146] and Shem, [8035] and Ham, [2526] and Japheth, [3315] the sons [1121] of Noah, [5146] and Noah's [5146] wife, [0802] and the three [7969] wives [0802] of his sons [1121] with them, into the ark; [8392]


 Eux, et tous les animaux selon leur espèce, et tout le bétail selon son espèce, et tous les reptiles qui rampent sur la terre selon leur espèce, et tous les oiseaux selon leur espèce, tout petit oiseau, tout ce qui a des ailes;

 They, [1992] and every beast [2416] after his kind, [4327] and all the cattle [0929] after their kind, [4327] and every creeping thing [7431] that creepeth [7430] upon the earth [0776] after his kind, [4327] and every fowl [5775] after his kind, [4327] every bird [6833] of every sort. [3671]


 Ils entrèrent donc vers Noé dans l'arche; deux par deux, de toute chair qui a souffle de vie.

 And they went in [0935] unto Noah [5146] into the ark, [8392] two [8147] and two [8147] of all flesh, [1320] wherein [0834] [is] the breath [7307] of life. [2416]


 Et ceux qui vinrent, vinrent mâle et femelle de toute chair, comme Dieu le lui avait commandé; et YEHOVAH ferma l'arche sur lui.

 And they that went in, [0935] went in [0935] male [2145] and female [5347] of all flesh, [1320] as God [0430] had commanded [6680] him: and the LORD [3068] shut [5462] him in.


 Et le déluge fut quarante jours sur la terre; et les eaux crûrent, et soulevèrent l'arche, et elle s'éleva de dessus la terre.

 And the flood [3999] was forty [0705] days [3117] upon the earth; [0776] and the waters [4325] increased, [7235] and bare up [5375] the ark, [8392] and it was lift up [7311] above the earth. [0776]


 Et les eaux grossirent et crûrent fort sur la terre; et l'arche flottait à la surface des eaux.

 And the waters [4325] prevailed, [1396] and were increased [7235] greatly [3966] upon the earth; [0776] and the ark [8392] went [3212] upon the face [6440] of the waters. [4325]


 Et les eaux grossirent prodigieusement sur la terre; et toutes les hautes montagnes qui sont sous tous les cieux, furent couvertes.

 And the waters [4325] prevailed [1396] exceedingly [3966] [3966] upon the earth; [0776] and all the high [1364] hills, [2022] that [were] under [8478] the whole heaven, [8064] were covered. [3680]


 Les eaux s'élevèrent de quinze coudées au-dessus; et les montagnes furent couvertes.

 Fifteen [6240] [2568] cubits [0520] upward [4605] did the waters [4325] prevail; [1396] and the mountains [2022] were covered. [3680]


 Et toute chair qui se mouvait sur la terre, expira, tant des oiseaux que du bétail, des animaux et de tous les reptiles qui se traînent sur la terre, et tous les hommes.

 And all flesh [1320] died [1478] that moved [7430] upon the earth, [0776] both of fowl, [5775] and of cattle, [0929] and of beast, [2416] and of every creeping thing [8318] that creepeth [8317] upon the earth, [0776] and every man: [0120]


 Tout ce qui avait souffle de vie dans ses narines, et tout ce qui était sur la terre ferme, mourut.

 All in whose nostrils [0639] [was] the breath [5397] [7307] of life, [2416] of all that [was] in the dry [2724] [land], died. [4191]


 Tous les êtres qui étaient sur la face de la terre furent exterminés, depuis les hommes jusqu'aux bêtes, jusqu'aux reptiles, et jusqu'aux oiseaux des cieux, et ils furent exterminés de dessus la terre. Il ne resta que Noé, et ce qui était avec lui dans l'arche.

 And every living substance [3351] was destroyed [4229] which was upon the face [6440] of the ground, [0127] both man, [0120] and cattle, [0929] and the creeping things, [7431] and the fowl [5775] of the heaven; [8064] and they were destroyed [4229] from the earth: [0776] and Noah [5146] only [0389] remained [7604] [alive], and they that [0834] [were] with him in the ark. [8392]


 Et les eaux furent grosses sur la terre pendant cent cinquante jours.

 And the waters [4325] prevailed [1396] upon the earth [0776] an hundred [3967] and fifty [2572] days. [3117]


 Or, Dieu se souvint de Noé, et de tous les animaux et de tout le bétail qui étaient avec lui dans l'arche. Et Dieu fit passer un vent sur la terre, et les eaux s'arrêtèrent.

 And God [0430] remembered [2142] Noah, [5146] and every living thing, [2416] and all the cattle [0929] that [was] with him in the ark: [8392] and God [0430] made a wind [7307] to pass [5674] over [5921] the earth, [0776] and the waters [4325] asswaged; [7918]


 Et les sources de l'abîme et le voile des cieux se ferma; et la pluie fut retenue des cieux.

 The fountains [4599] also of the deep [8415] and the windows [0699] of heaven [8064] were stopped, [5534] and the rain [1653] from heaven [8064] was restrained; [3607]


 Et les eaux se retirèrent de dessus la terre; elles allèrent se retirant; et les eaux diminuèrent au bout de cent cinquante jours.

 And the waters [4325] returned [7725] from off the earth [0776] continually: [1980] [7725] and after the end [7097] of the hundred [3967] and fifty [2572] days [3117] the waters [4325] were abated. [2637]


 Et au septième mois, au dix-septième jour du mois, l'arche s'arrêta sur les montagnes d'Ararat.

 And the ark [8392] rested [5117] in the seventh [7637] month, [2320] on the seventeenth [6240] [7651] day [3117] of the month, [2320] upon the mountains [2022] of Ararat. [0780]


 Et les eaux allèrent diminuant, jusqu'au dixième mois. Au dixième mois, au premier jour du mois, apparurent les sommets des montagnes.

 And the waters [4325] decreased [2637] continually [1980] until [5704] the tenth [6224] month: [2320] in the tenth [6224] [month], on the first [0259] [day] of the month, [2320] were the tops [7218] of the mountains [2022] seen. [7200]


 Et il arriva qu'au bout de quarante jours Noé ouvrit la fenêtre qu'il avait faite à l'arche.

 And it came to pass at the end [7093] of forty [0705] days, [3117] that Noah [5146] opened [6605] the window [2474] of the ark [8392] which he had made: [6213]


 Et il lâcha le corbeau, qui sortit, allant et revenant, jusqu'à ce que les eaux eussent séché de dessus la terre.

 And he sent forth [7971] a raven, [6158] which went forth [3318] to [3318] and fro, [7725] until the waters [4325] were dried up [3001] from off the earth. [0776]


 Puis il lâcha la colombe d'avec lui, pour voir si les eaux avaient fort diminué à la surface de la terre.

 Also he sent forth [7971] a dove [3123] from him, to see [7200] if the waters [4325] were abated [7043] from off the face [6440] of the ground; [0127]


 Mais la colombe ne trouva pas où poser la plante de son pied, et elle retourna vers lui dans l'arche; car il y avait de l'eau à la surface de toute la terre. Et Noé avança sa main, la prit, et la ramena vers lui dans l'arche.

 But the dove [3123] found [4672] no rest [4494] for the sole [3709] of her foot, [7272] and she returned [7725] unto him into the ark, [8392] for the waters [4325] [were] on the face [6440] of the whole earth: [0776] then he put forth [7971] his hand, [3027] and took her, [3947] and pulled her in [0935] unto him into the ark. [8392]


 Et il attendit encore sept autres jours, puis il lâcha de nouveau la colombe hors de l'arche.

 And he stayed [2342] yet other [0312] seven [7651] days; [3117] and again [3254] he sent forth [7971] the dove [3123] out of the ark; [8392]


 Et la colombe revint à lui vers le soir; et voici, une branche d'olivier fraîche était à son bec; et Noé comprit que les eaux avaient fort diminué sur la terre.

 And the dove [3123] came in [0935] to him in the evening; [6256] [6153] and, lo, in her mouth [6310] [was] an olive [2132] leaf [5929] pluckt off: [2965] so Noah [5146] knew [3045] that the waters [4325] were abated [7043] from off the earth. [0776]


 Et il attendit encore sept autres jours; puis il lâcha la colombe; mais elle ne retourna plus à lui.

 And he stayed [3176] yet other [0312] seven [7651] days; [3117] and sent forth [7971] the dove; [3123] which returned [7725] not again [3254] unto him any more. [5750]


 Et il arriva en l'an six cent un de la vie de Noé, au premier mois, au premier jour du mois, que les eaux avaient séché sur la terre; et Noé ôta la couverture de l'arche, et regarda; et voici, la surface du sol avait séché.

 And it came to pass in the six [8337] hundredth [3967] and first [0259] year, [8141] in the first [7223] [month], the first [0259] [day] of the month, [2320] the waters [4325] were dried up [2717] from off the earth: [0776] and Noah [5146] removed [5493] the covering [4372] of the ark, [8392] and looked, [7200] and, behold, the face [6440] of the ground [0127] was dry. [2717]


 Au second mois, au vingt-septième jour du mois, la terre fut sèche.

 And in the second [8145] month, [2320] on the seven [7651] and twentieth [6242] day [3117] of the month, [2320] was the earth [0776] dried. [3001]


 Alors Dieu parla à Noé, en disant:

 And God [0430] spake [1696] unto Noah, [5146] saying, [0559]


 Sors de l'arche, toi, ta femme, tes fils, et les femmes de tes fils avec toi.

 Go forth [3318] of the ark, [8392] thou, and thy wife, [0802] and thy sons, [1121] and thy sons' [1121] wives [0802] with thee.


 Fais sortir avec toi tous les animaux qui sont avec toi, de toute chair, tant des oiseaux que des bêtes, et de tous les reptiles qui rampent sur la terre; et qu'ils peuplent en abondance la terre, et qu'ils croissent et multiplient sur la terre.

 Bring forth [3318] with thee every living thing [2416] that [is] with thee, of all flesh, [1320] [both] of fowl, [5775] and of cattle, [0929] and of every creeping thing [7431] that creepeth [7430] upon the earth; [0776] that they may breed abundantly [8317] in the earth, [0776] and be fruitful, [6509] and multiply [7235] upon the earth. [0776]


 Et Noé sortit, et ses fils, sa femme, et les femmes de ses fils avec lui.

 And Noah [5146] went forth, [3318] and his sons, [1121] and his wife, [0802] and his sons' [1121] wives [0802] with him:


 Tous les animaux, tous les reptiles et tous les oiseaux, tout ce qui rampe sur la terre, selon leurs familles, sortirent de l'arche.

 Every beast, [2416] every creeping thing, [7431] and every fowl, [5775] [and] whatsoever [3605] creepeth [7430] upon the earth, [0776] after their kinds, [4940] went forth [3318] out of the ark. [8392]


 Et Noé bâtit un autel à YEHOVAH; et il prit de toute bête pure, et de tout oiseau pur, et il offrit des offrandes à brûler sur l'autel.

 And Noah [5146] builded [1129] an altar [4196] unto the LORD; [3068] and took [3947] of every clean [2889] beast, [0929] and of every clean [2889] fowl, [5775] and offered [5927] burnt offerings [5930] on the altar. [4196]


 Et YEHOVAH respira l'agréable odeur, et YEHOVAH dit en son cœur: Je ne maudirai plus la terre, à cause de l'homme; car la nature du cœur de l'homme est mauvaise dès sa jeunesse; et je ne frapperai plus tout ce qui vit, comme je l'ai fait.

 And the LORD [3068] smelled [7306] a sweet [5207] savour; [7381] and the LORD [3068] said [0559] in [0413] his heart, [3820] I will not again [3254] curse [7043] the ground [0127] any more for man's [0120] sake; [5668] for the imagination [3336] of man's [0120] heart [3820] [is] evil [7451] from his youth; [5271] neither will I again [3254] smite [5221] any more every thing living, [2416] as I have done. [6213]


 Tant que la terre durera, les semailles et la moisson, le froid et le chaud, l'été et l'hiver, et le jour et la nuit, ne cesseront point.

 While the earth [0776] remaineth, [3117] seedtime [2233] and harvest, [7105] and cold [7120] and heat, [2527] and summer [7019] and winter, [2779] and day [3117] and night [3915] shall not cease. [7673]


 Et Dieu bénit Noé, et ses fils, et leur dit: Croissez et multipliez, et remplissez la terre;

 And God [0430] blessed [1288] Noah [5146] and his sons, [1121] and said [0559] unto them, Be fruitful, [6509] and multiply, [7235] and replenish [4390] the earth. [0776]


 Et vous serez craints et redoutés de tous les animaux de la terre, et de tous les oiseaux des cieux; avec tout ce qui se meut sur le sol et tous les poissons de la mer, ils sont remis entre vos mains.

 And the fear of you [4172] and the dread of you [2844] shall be upon every beast [2416] of the earth, [0776] and upon every fowl [5775] of the air, [8064] upon all that moveth [7430] [upon] the earth, [0127] and upon all the fishes [1709] of the sea; [3220] into your hand [3027] are they delivered. [5414]


 Tout ce qui se meut et qui a vie, vous servira de nourriture; je vous donne tout cela comme l'herbe verte.

 Every moving thing [7431] that liveth [2416] shall be meat [0402] for you; even as the green [3418] herb [6212] have I given [5414] you all things.


 Seulement, vous ne mangerez point de chair avec son âme, c'est à dire son sang.

 But [0389] flesh [1320] with the life [5315] thereof, [which is] the blood [1818] thereof, shall ye not eat. [0398]


 Et certainement je redemanderai votre sang, le sang de vos âmes; je le redemanderai de tout animal. Et je redemanderai l'âme de l'homme, de la main de l'homme, de la main de son frère.

 And surely [0389] your blood [1818] of your lives [5315] will I require; [1875] at the hand [3027] of every beast [2416] will I require it, [1875] and at the hand [3027] of man; [0120] at the hand [3027] of every man's [0376] brother [0251] will I require [1875] the life [5315] of man. [0120]


 Celui qui répandra le sang de l'homme, par l'homme son sang sera répandu; car Dieu a fait l'homme à son image.

 Whoso sheddeth [8210] man's [0120] blood, [1818] by man [0120] shall his blood [1818] be shed: [8210] for in the image [6754] of God [0430] made [6213] he man. [0120]


 Vous donc, croissez et multipliez; peuplez en abondance la terre, et multipliez sur elle.

 And you, be ye fruitful, [6509] and multiply; [7235] bring forth abundantly [8317] in the earth, [0776] and multiply [7235] therein.


 Dieu parla aussi à Noé, et à ses fils avec lui, en disant:

 And God [0430] spake [0559] unto Noah, [5146] and to his sons [1121] with him, saying, [0559]


 Quant à moi, voici, j'établis mon alliance avec vous, et avec votre postérité après vous;

 And I, behold, I establish [6965] my covenant [1285] with you, and with your seed [2233] after [0310] you;


 Et avec toutes les créatures vivantes qui sont avec vous, tant les oiseaux que le bétail, et tous les animaux de la terre avec vous, tous ceux qui sont sortis de l'arche jusqu'à tous les animaux de la terre.

 And with every living [2416] creature [5315] that [is] with you, of the fowl, [5775] of the cattle, [0929] and of every beast [2416] of the earth [0776] with you; from all that go out [3318] of the ark, [8392] to every beast [2416] of the earth. [0776]


 J'établis donc mon alliance avec vous, et nulle chair ne sera plus exterminée par les eaux du déluge, et il n'y aura plus de déluge pour détruire la terre.

 And I will establish [6965] my covenant [1285] with you; neither shall all flesh [1320] be cut off [3772] any more by the waters [4325] of a flood; [3999] neither shall there any more be a flood [3999] to destroy [7843] the earth. [0776]


 Et Dieu dit: Voici le signe de l'alliance que je mets entre moi et vous, et tous les êtres vivants qui sont avec vous, pour les générations à toujours:

 And God [0430] said, [0559] This [is] the token [0226] of the covenant [1285] which I [0589] make [5414] between me and you and every living [2416] creature [5315] that [is] with you, for perpetual [5769] generations: [1755]


 Je mets mon arc dans les nuées, et il servira de signe d'alliance entre moi et la terre.

 I do set [5414] my bow [7198] in the cloud, [6051] and it shall be for a token [0226] of a covenant [1285] between me and the earth. [0776]


 Et il arrivera que, lorsque j'amasserai des nuées sur la terre, et que l'arc paraîtra dans les nuées,

 And it shall come to pass, when I bring [6049] a cloud [6051] over the earth, [0776] that the bow [7198] shall be seen [7200] in the cloud: [6051]


 Je me souviendrai de mon alliance, qui existe entre moi et vous et tout être vivant, de toute chair; et les eaux ne deviendront plus un déluge pour détruire toute chair.

 And I will remember [2142] my covenant, [1285] which [is] between me and you and every living [2416] creature [5315] of all flesh; [1320] and the waters [4325] shall no more [5750] become a flood [3999] to destroy [7843] all flesh. [1320]


 L'arc sera donc dans les nuées, et je le regarderai, pour me souvenir de l'alliance perpétuelle entre Dieu et tout être vivant, de toute chair qui est sur la terre.

 And the bow [7198] shall be in the cloud; [6051] and I will look [7200] upon it, that I may remember [2142] the everlasting [5769] covenant [1285] between [0996] God [0430] and [0996] every living [2416] creature [5315] of all flesh [1320] that [is] upon the earth. [0776]


 Et Dieu dit à Noé: C'est là le signe de l'alliance que j'ai établie entre moi et toute chair qui est sur la terre.

 And God [0430] said [0559] unto Noah, [5146] This [is] the token [0226] of the covenant, [1285] which I have established [6965] between me and all flesh [1320] that [is] upon the earth. [0776]


 Et les fils de Noé, qui sortirent de l'arche, furent Sem, Cham et Japhet. Or, Cham est le père de Canaan.

 And the sons [1121] of Noah, [5146] that went forth [3318] of the ark, [8392] were Shem, [8035] and Ham, [2526] and Japheth: [3315] and Ham [2526] [1931] [is] the father [0001] of Canaan. [3667]


 Ce sont là les trois fils de Noé, et c'est par eux que fut peuplée toute la terre.

 These [are] the three [7969] sons [1121] of Noah: [5146] and of them was the whole earth [0776] overspread. [5310]


 Or, Noé commença à cultiver la terre et planta de la vigne.

 And Noah [5146] began [2490] [to be] an husbandman, [0376] [0127] and he planted [5193] a vineyard: [3754]


 Et il but du vin, et s'enivra, et se découvrit au milieu de sa tente.

 And he drank [8354] of the wine, [3196] and was drunken; [7937] and he was uncovered [1540] within [8432] his tent. [0168]


 Et Cham, père de Canaan, ayant vu la nudité de son père, le rapporta dehors à ses deux frères.

 And Ham, [2526] the father [0001] of Canaan, [3667] saw [7200] the nakedness [6172] of his father, [0001] and told [5046] his two [8147] brethren [0251] without. [2351]


 Mais Sem et Japhet prirent le manteau, le mirent tous deux sur leurs épaules, et marchant en arrière, ils couvrirent la nudité de leur père; et comme leurs visages étaient tournés, ils ne virent point la nudité de leur père.

 And Shem [8035] and Japheth [3315] took [3947] a garment, [8071] and laid [7760] [it] upon both [8147] their shoulders, [7926] and went [3212] backward, [0322] and covered [3680] the nakedness [6172] of their father; [0001] and their faces [6440] [were] backward, [0322] and they saw [7200] not their father's [0001] nakedness. [6172]


 Et Noé, réveillé de son vin, apprit ce que son fils cadet lui avait fait.

 And Noah [5146] awoke [3364] from his wine, [3196] and knew [3045] what his younger [6996] son [1121] had done [6213] unto him.


 Et il dit: Maudit soit Canaan! il sera serviteur des serviteurs de ses frères.

 And he said, [0559] Cursed [0779] [be] Canaan; [3667] a servant [5650] of servants [5650] shall he be unto his brethren. [0251]


 Puis il dit: Béni soit YEHOVAH, Dieu de Sem, et que Canaan soit leur serviteur!

 And he said, [0559] Blessed [1288] [be] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Shem; [8035] and Canaan [3667] shall be [1961] his servant. [5650]


 Que Dieu élargisse Japhet et qu'il habite dans les tentes de Sem; et que Canaan soit leur serviteur!

 God [0430] shall enlarge [6601] Japheth, [3315] and he shall dwell [7931] in the tents [0168] of Shem; [8035] and Canaan [3667] shall be his servant. [5650]


 Et Noé vécut, après le déluge, trois cent cinquante ans.

 And Noah [5146] lived [2421] after [0310] the flood [3999] three [7969] hundred [3967] [8141] and fifty [2572] years. [8141]


 Tout le temps que Noé vécut fut donc de neuf cent cinquante ans; puis il mourut.

 And all the days [3117] of Noah [5146] were nine [8672] hundred [3967] [8141] and fifty [2572] years: [8141] and he died. [4191]


 Voici les descendants des fils de Noé: Sem, Cham et Japhet, auxquels naquirent des enfants après le déluge.

 Now these [are] the generations [8435] of the sons [1121] of Noah, [5146] Shem, [8035] Ham, [2526] and Japheth: [3315] and unto them were sons [1121] born [3205] after [0310] the flood. [3999]


 Les fils de Japhet sont Gomer, Magog, Madaï, Javan, Tubal, Méshec, et Tiras.

 The sons [1121] of Japheth; [3315] Gomer, [1586] and Magog, [4031] and Madai, [4074] and Javan, [3120] and Tubal, [8422] and Meshech, [4902] and Tiras. [8494]


 Et les fils de Gomer, Ashkénas, Riphath, et Togarma.

 And the sons [1121] of Gomer; [1586] Ashkenaz, [0813] and Riphath, [7384] and Togarmah. [8425]


 Et les fils de Javan, Elisha et Tarsis, Kittim et Dodanim.

 And the sons [1121] of Javan; [3120] Elishah, [0473] and Tarshish, [8659] Kittim, [3794] and Dodanim. [1721]


 Par eux furent peuplées les îles des nations, dans leurs terres, chacun selon sa langue, selon leurs familles, selon leurs nations.

 By these were the isles [0339] of the Gentiles [1471] divided [6504] in their lands; [0776] every one [0376] after his tongue, [3956] after their families, [4940] in their nations. [1471]


 Et les fils de Cham, sont Cush, Mitsraïm (Égypte), Put et Canaan.

 And the sons [1121] of Ham; [2526] Cush, [3568] and Mizraim, [4714] and Phut, [6316] and Canaan. [3667]


 Et les fils de Cush, Seba, Havila, Sabta, Raema et Sabteca. Et les fils de Raema, Sheba et Dedan.

 And the sons [1121] of Cush; [3568] Seba, [5434] and Havilah, [2341] and Sabtah, [5454] and Raamah, [7484] and Sabtecha: [5455] and the sons [1121] of Raamah; [7484] Sheba, [7614] and Dedan. [1719]


 Et Cush (Chaos, Cheops) engendra Nimrod (le Rebelle), qui commença à être le grand Souverain de la terre.

 And Cush [3568] begat [3205] Nimrod: [5248] he began [2490] to be [1961] a mighty one [1368] in the earth. [0776]


 Il fut un puissant agresseur contre YEHOVAH. C'est pour cela qu'on dit: Comme Nimrod, puissant agresseur contre YEHOVAH.

 He was a mighty [1368] hunter [6718] before [6440] the LORD: [3068] wherefore [3651] it is said, [0559] Even as Nimrod [5248] the mighty [1368] hunter [6718] before [6440] the LORD. [3068]


 Et le commencement de son royaume fut Babel, Érec, Accad et Calné, dans le pays de la régénération (Shinear).

 And the beginning [7225] of his kingdom [4467] was Babel, [0894] and Erech, [0751] and Accad, [0390] and Calneh, [3641] in the land [0776] of Shinar. [8152]


 De cet empire-là il sortit en puissance, et il bâtit Ninive, Rehoboth-Ir, Calach,

 Out of that land [0776] went forth [3318] Asshur, [0804] and builded [1129] Nineveh, [5210] and the city [5892] Rehoboth, [7344] and Calah, [3625]


 Et Résen, entre Ninive et Calach; c'est la grande ville.

 And Resen [7449] between Nineveh [5210] and Calah: [3625] the same [is] a great [1419] city. [5892]


 Et Mitsraïm (l'Égypte) engendra les Ludim, les Anamim, les Lehabim, les Naphtuhim,

 And Mizraim [4714] begat [3205] Ludim, [3866] and Anamim, [6047] and Lehabim, [3853] and Naphtuhim, [5320]


 Les Pathrusim, les Casluhim, d'où sont sortis les Philistins, et les Caphtorim (l'Atlantide).

 And Pathrusim, [6625] and Casluhim, [3695] (out of whom came [3318] Philistim,) [6430] and Caphtorim. [3732]


 Et Canaan engendra Sidon, son premier-né, et Heth;

 And Canaan [3667] begat [3205] Sidon [6721] his firstborn, [1060] and Heth, [2845]


 Les Jébusiens, les Amoréens, les Guirgasiens;

 And the Jebusite, [2983] and the Amorite, [0567] and the Girgasite, [1622]


 Les Héviens, les Arkiens, les Siniens;

 And the Hivite, [2340] and the Arkite, [6208] and the Sinite, [5513]


 Les Arvadiens, les Tsemariens, les Hamathiens. Ensuite les familles des Cananéens se dispersèrent.

 And the Arvadite, [0721] and the Zemarite, [6786] and the Hamathite: [2577] and afterward [0310] were the families [4940] of the Canaanites [3669] spread abroad. [6327]


 Et la limite des Cananéens fut depuis Sidon, en venant vers Guérar, jusqu'à Gaza, en venant vers Sodome, Gomorrhe, Adma, et Tseboïm, jusqu'à Lésha.

 And the border [1366] of the Canaanites [3669] was from Sidon, [6721] as thou comest [0935] to Gerar, [1642] unto Gaza; [5804] as thou goest, [0935] unto Sodom, [5467] and Gomorrah, [6017] and Admah, [0126] and Zeboim, [6636] even unto Lasha. [3962]


 Ce sont là les fils de Cham, selon leurs familles, selon leurs langues, dans leurs terres, dans leurs nations.

 These [are] the sons [1121] of Ham, [2526] after their families, [4940] after their tongues, [3956] in their countries, [0776] [and] in their nations. [1471]


 Il naquit aussi des fils à Sem, père de tous les fils d'Héber, et frère aîné de Japhet.

 Unto Shem [8035] also, the father [0001] of all the children [1121] of Eber, [5677] the brother [0251] of Japheth [3315] the elder, [1419] even to him were [children] born. [3205]


 Les fils de Sem sont Élam, Assur, Arpacshad, Lud et Aram.

 The children [1121] of Shem; [8035] Elam, [5867] and Asshur, [0804] and Arphaxad, [0775] and Lud, [3865] and Aram. [0758]


 Et les fils d'Aram, Uts, Hul, Guéther et Mash.

 And the children [1121] of Aram; [0758] Uz, [5780] and Hul, [2343] and Gether, [1666] and Mash. [4851]


 Et Arpacshad engendra Shélach, et Shélach engendra Héber.

 And Arphaxad [0775] begat [3205] Salah; [7974] and Salah [7974] begat [3205] Eber. [5677]


 Et à Héber il naquit deux fils: le nom de l'un est Péleg (fragmenter), car en son temps le Continent fut fragmenté; et le nom de son frère, Jockthan.

 And unto Eber [5677] were born [3205] two [8147] sons: [1121] the name [8034] of one [0259] [was] Peleg; [6389] for in his days [3117] was the earth [0776] divided; [6385] and his brother's [0251] name [8034] [was] Joktan. [3355]


 Et Jockthan engendra Almodad, Sheleph, Hatsarmaveth, et Jérach;

 And Joktan [3355] begat [3205] Almodad, [0486] and Sheleph, [8026] and Hazarmaveth, [2700] and Jerah, [3392]


 Hadoram, Uzal, Dikla,

 And Hadoram, [1913] and Uzal, [0187] and Diklah, [1853]


 Obal, Abimaël, Sheba,

 And Obal, [5745] and Abimael, [0039] and Sheba, [7614]


 Ophir, Havila, et Jobab. Tous ceux-là sont fils de Jockthan.

 And Ophir, [0211] and Havilah, [2341] and Jobab: [3103] all these [were] the sons [1121] of Joktan. [3355]


 Et leur demeure était depuis Mésha, en venant vers Sephar, vers la montagne d'Orient.

 And their dwelling [4186] was from Mesha, [4852] as thou goest [0935] unto Sephar [5611] a mount [2022] of the east. [6924]


 Ce sont là les fils de Sem, selon leurs familles, selon leurs langues, selon leurs terres, selon leurs nations.

 These [are] the sons [1121] of Shem, [8035] after their families, [4940] after their tongues, [3956] in their lands, [0776] after their nations. [1471]


 Telles sont les familles des fils de Noé, selon leurs générations, dans leurs nations; et c'est d'eux que sont sorties les nations de la terre après le déluge.

 These [are] the families [4940] of the sons [1121] of Noah, [5146] after their generations, [8435] in their nations: [1471] and by these were the nations [1471] divided [6504] in the earth [0776] after [0310] the flood. [3999]


 Or tout le Continent terre avait le même langage et les mêmes expressions.

 And the whole earth [0776] was of one [0259] language, [8193] and of one [0259] speech. [1697]


 Mais il arriva qu'étant partis du côté de l'Orient, ils trouvèrent une plaine dans le pays de Shinear, et ils y demeurèrent.
 Or il arriva, comme ils partirent du soleil levant, qu'ils conçurent une infraction dans le domaine de la régénération, et ils y persistèrent.

 And it came to pass, as they journeyed [5265] from the east, [6924] that they found [4672] a plain [1237] in the land [0776] of Shinar; [8152] and they dwelt [3427] there.


 Et ils se dirent l'un à l'autre: Allons, faisons des briques, et cuisons-les au feu. Et la brique leur tint lieu de pierre, et le bitume leur tint lieu de mortier.

 And they said [0559] one [0376] to another, [7453] Go to, [3051] let us make [3835] brick, [3843] and burn [8313] them throughly. [8316] And they had brick [3843] for stone, [0068] and slime [2564] had [1961] they for morter. [2563]


 Et ils dirent: Allons, bâtissons-nous une ville et une tour (pyramide), dont le sommet soit dans les cieux, et faisons-nous une réputation, de peur que nous ne soyons dispersés sur la face de toute la terre.

 And they said, [0559] Go to, [3051] let us build [1129] us a city [5892] and a tower, [4026] whose top [7218] [may reach] unto heaven; [8064] and let us make [6213] us a name, [8034] lest we be scattered [6327] abroad upon the face [6440] of the whole earth. [0776]


 Et YEHOVAH descendit pour voir la ville et la tour qu'avaient bâties les fils des hommes.
 Et YEHOVAH, sous la forme de Melchisédec, descendit pour voir la ville et la pyramide qu'avaient bâties les fils d'Adam.

 And the LORD [3068] came down [3381] to see [7200] the city [5892] and the tower, [4026] which the children [1121] of men [0120] builded. [1129]


 Et YEHOVAH dit: Voici, c'est un seul peuple, et ils ont tous le même langage, et voilà ce qu'ils commencent à faire; et maintenant rien ne les empêchera d'exécuter tout ce qu'ils ont projeté.

 And the LORD [3068] said, [0559] Behold, the people [5971] [is] one, [0259] and they have all one [0259] language; [8193] and this they begin [2490] to do: [6213] and now nothing [3808] [3605] will be restrained [1219] from them, which they have imagined [2161] to do. [6213]


 Allons, descendons, et débordons leur rive, en sorte qu'ils ne comprennent plus le langage l'un de l'autre.

 Go to, [3051] let us go down, [3381] and there confound [1101] their language, [8193] that [0834] they may not understand [8085] one [0376] another's [7453] speech. [8193]


 Et YEHOVAH fracassa en fragments toute la face du Continent, et ils cessèrent d'étendre leur empire.

 So the LORD [3068] scattered [6327] them abroad from thence [8033] upon the face [6440] of all the earth: [0776] and they left off [2308] to build [1129] the city. [5892]


 C'est pourquoi son nom fut appelé Babel (confusion, la porte des dieux); car YEHOVAH y confondit le langage de toute la terre, et de là YEHOVAH les dispersa sur toute la face de la terre.

 Therefore is the name [8034] of it called [7121] Babel; [0894] because the LORD [3068] did there confound [1101] the language [8193] of all the earth: [0776] and from thence did the LORD [3068] scatter [6327] them abroad upon the face [6440] of all the earth. [0776]


 Voici les descendants de Sem: Sem, âgé de cent ans, engendra Arpacshad, deux ans après le déluge.

 These [are] the generations [8435] of Shem: [8035] Shem [8035] [was] an hundred [3967] years [8141] old, [1121] and begat [3205] Arphaxad [0775] two years [8141] after [0310] the flood: [3999]


 Et Sem, après qu'il eut engendré Arpacshad, vécut cinq cents ans; et il engendra des fils et des filles.

 And Shem [8035] lived [2421] after [0310] he begat [3205] Arphaxad [0775] five [2568] hundred [3967] years, [8141] and begat [3205] sons [1121] and daughters. [1323]


 Et Arpacshad vécut trente-cinq ans, et engendra Shélach.

 And Arphaxad [0775] lived [2425] five [2568] and thirty [7970] years, [8141] and begat [3205] Salah: [7974]


 Et Arpacshad, après qu'il eut engendré Shélach, vécut quatre cent trois ans; et il engendra des fils et des filles.

 And Arphaxad [0775] lived [2421] after [0310] he begat [3205] Salah [7974] four [0702] hundred [3967] [8141] and three [7969] years, [8141] and begat [3205] sons [1121] and daughters. [1323]


 Et Shélach vécut trente ans, et engendra Héber.

 And Salah [7974] lived [2425] thirty [7970] years, [8141] and begat [3205] Eber: [5677]


 Et Shélach, après qu'il eut engendré Héber, vécut quatre cent trois ans; et il engendra des fils et des filles.

 And Salah [7974] lived [2421] after [0310] he begat [3205] Eber [5677] four [0702] hundred [3967] [8141] and three [7969] years, [8141] and begat [3205] sons [1121] and daughters. [1323]


 Et Héber vécut trente-quatre ans, et engendra Péleg.

 And Eber [5677] lived [2421] four [0702] and thirty [7970] years, [8141] and begat [3205] Peleg: [6389]


 Et Héber, après qu'il eut engendré Péleg, vécut quatre cent trente ans; et il engendra des fils et des filles.

 And Eber [5677] lived [2421] after [0310] he begat [3205] Peleg [6389] four [0702] hundred [3967] [8141] and thirty [7970] years, [8141] and begat [3205] sons [1121] and daughters. [1323]


 Et Péleg vécut trente ans, et engendra Rehu.

 And Peleg [6389] lived [2421] thirty [7970] years, [8141] and begat [3205] Reu: [7466]


 Et Péleg, après qu'il eut engendré Rehu, vécut deux cent neuf ans; et il engendra des fils et des filles.

 And Peleg [6389] lived [2421] after [0310] he begat [3205] Reu [7466] two hundred [3967] [8141] and nine [8672] years, [8141] and begat [3205] sons [1121] and daughters. [1323]


 Et Rehu vécut trente-deux ans, et engendra Serug.

 And Reu [7466] lived [2421] two [8147] and thirty [7970] years, [8141] and begat [3205] Serug: [8286]


 Et Rehu, après qu'il eut engendré Serug, vécut deux cent sept ans; et il engendra des fils et des filles.

 And Reu [7466] lived [2421] after [0310] he begat [3205] Serug [8286] two hundred [3967] [8141] and seven [7651] years, [8141] and begat [3205] sons [1121] and daughters. [1323]


 Et Serug vécut trente ans, et engendra Nachor.

 And Serug [8286] lived [2421] thirty [7970] years, [8141] and begat [3205] Nahor: [5152]


 Et Serug, après qu'il eut engendré Nachor, vécut deux cents ans; et il engendra des fils et des filles.

 And Serug [8286] lived [2421] after [0310] he begat [3205] Nahor [5152] two hundred [3967] years, [8141] and begat [3205] sons [1121] and daughters. [1323]


 Et Nachor vécut vingt-neuf ans, et engendra Tharé.

 And Nahor [5152] lived [2421] nine [8672] and twenty [6242] years, [8141] and begat [3205] Terah: [8646]


 Et Nachor, après qu'il eut engendré Tharé, vécut cent dix-neuf ans; et il engendra des fils et des filles.

 And Nahor [5152] lived [2421] after [0310] he begat [3205] Terah [8646] an hundred [3967] [8141] and nineteen [6240] [8672] years, [8141] and begat [3205] sons [1121] and daughters. [1323]


 Et Tharé vécut soixante et dix ans, et engendra Abram, Nachor et Haran.

 And Terah [8646] lived [2421] seventy [7657] years, [8141] and begat [3205] Abram, [0087] Nahor, [5152] and Haran. [2039]


 Voici les descendants de Tharé: Tharé engendra Abram, Nachor et Haran; et Haran engendra Lot.

 Now these [are] the generations [8435] of Terah: [8646] Terah [8646] begat [3205] Abram, [0087] Nahor, [5152] and Haran; [2039] and Haran [2039] begat [3205] Lot. [3876]


 Et Haran mourut en présence de Tharé son père, au pays de sa naissance, à Ur des Chaldéens.

 And Haran [2039] died [4191] before [6440] his father [0001] Terah [8646] in the land [0776] of his nativity, [4138] in Ur [0218] of the Chaldees. [3778]


 Et Abram et Nachor prirent des femmes. Le nom de la femme d'Abram était Saraï, et le nom de la femme de Nachor, Milca, fille de Haran, père de Milca et père de Jisca.

 And Abram [0087] and Nahor [5152] took [3947] them wives: [0802] the name [8034] of Abram's [0087] wife [0802] [was] Sarai; [8297] and the name [8034] of Nahor's [5152] wife, [0802] Milcah, [4435] the daughter [1323] of Haran, [2039] the father [0001] of Milcah, [4435] and the father [0001] of Iscah. [3252]


 Mais Saraï était stérile; elle n'avait point d'enfant.

 But Sarai [8297] was barren; [6135] she [had] no child. [2056]


 Et Tharé prit Abram son fils, et Lot fils de Haran, son petit-fils, et Saraï sa belle-fille, femme d'Abram son fils, et ils sortirent ensemble d'Ur des Chaldéens, pour aller au pays de Canaan. Et ils vinrent jusqu'à Charan, et ils y demeurèrent.

 And Terah [8646] took [3947] Abram [0087] his son, [1121] and Lot [3876] the son [1121] of Haran [2039] his son's [1121] son, [1121] and Sarai [8297] his daughter in law, [3618] his son [1121] Abram's [0087] wife; [0802] and they went forth [3318] with them from Ur [0218] of the Chaldees, [3778] to go [3212] into the land [0776] of Canaan; [3667] and they came [0935] unto Haran, [2771] and dwelt [3427] there.


 Et les jours de Tharé furent de deux cent cinq ans; puis Tharé mourut à Charan.

 And the days [3117] of Terah [8646] were two hundred [3967] [8141] and five [2568] years: [8141] and Terah [8646] died [4191] in Haran. [2771]


 Et YEHOVAH avait dit à Abram: Va-t'en hors de ton pays, et de ta parenté, et de la maison de ton père, vers le pays que je te montrerai.

 Now the LORD [3068] had said [0559] unto Abram, [0087] Get [3212] thee out of thy country, [0776] and from thy kindred, [4138] and from thy father's [0001] house, [1004] unto a land [0776] that I will shew [7200] thee:


 Et je te ferai devenir une grande nation, et je te bénirai, et je rendrai ton nom grand, et tu seras une bénédiction.

 And I will make [6213] of thee a great [1419] nation, [1471] and I will bless [1288] thee, and make thy name [8034] great; [1431] and thou shalt be a blessing: [1293]


 Et je bénirai ceux qui te béniront, et je maudirai ceux qui te maudiront; et toutes les familles de la terre seront bénies en toi.

 And I will bless [1288] them that bless [1288] thee, and curse [0779] him that curseth [7043] thee: and in thee shall all families [4940] of the earth [0127] be blessed. [1288]


 Et Abram s'en alla, comme YEHOVAH le lui avait dit, et Lot alla avec lui. Et Abram était âgé de soixante et quinze ans quand il sortit de Charan.

 So Abram [0087] departed, [3212] as the LORD [3068] had spoken [1696] unto him; and Lot [3876] went [3212] with him: and Abram [0087] [was] seventy [7657] [8141] and five [2568] years [8141] old [1121] when he departed [3318] out of Haran. [2771]


 Et Abram prit Saraï sa femme, et Lot, fils de son frère, et tout le bien qu'ils avaient gagné, et les personnes qu'ils avaient acquises à Charan; et ils sortirent pour aller au pays de Canaan; et ils arrivèrent au pays de Canaan.

 And Abram [0087] took [3947] Sarai [8297] his wife, [0802] and Lot [3876] his brother's [0251] son, [1121] and all their substance [7399] that they had gathered, [7408] and the souls [5315] that they had gotten [6213] in Haran; [2771] and they went forth [3318] to go [3212] into the land [0776] of Canaan; [3667] and into the land [0776] of Canaan [3667] they came. [0935]


 Et Abram traversa le pays jusqu'au lieu de Sichem, jusqu'au chêne de Moré. Or, les Cananéens étaient alors dans le pays.

 And Abram [0087] passed [5674] through the land [0776] unto the place [4725] of Sichem, [7927] unto the plain [0436] of Moreh. [4176] And the Canaanite [3669] [was] then [0227] in the land. [0776]


 Et YEHOVAH apparut à Abram, et lui dit: Je donnerai ce pays à ta postérité! Et il bâtit là un autel à YEHOVAH, qui lui était apparu.

 And the LORD [3068] appeared [7200] unto Abram, [0087] and said, [0559] Unto thy seed [2233] will I give [5414] this [2063] land: [0776] and there builded [1129] he an altar [4196] unto the LORD, [3068] who appeared [7200] unto him.


 Et il passa de là vers la montagne, à l'orient de Béthel, et il tendit ses tentes, ayant Béthel à l'Occident, et Aï à l'Orient. Et il bâtit là un autel à YEHOVAH, et invoqua le nom de YEHOVAH.

 And he removed [6275] from thence unto a mountain [2022] on the east [6924] of Bethel, [1008] and pitched [5186] his tent, [0168] [having] Bethel [1008] on the west, [3220] and Hai [5857] on the east: [6924] and there he builded [1129] an altar [4196] unto the LORD, [3068] and called [7121] upon the name [8034] of the LORD. [3068]


 Puis Abram partit, marchant de campement en campement, vers le Midi.

 And Abram [0087] journeyed, [5265] going [1980] on still [5265] toward the south. [5045]


 Or il y eut une famine dans le pays, et Abram descendit en Égypte pour y séjourner; car la famine était grande dans le pays.

 And there was a famine [7458] in the land: [0776] and Abram [0087] went down [3381] into Egypt [4714] to sojourn [1481] there; for the famine [7458] [was] grievous [3515] in the land. [0776]


 Et comme il était près d'entrer en Égypte, il dit à Saraï sa femme: Voici, je sais que tu es une belle femme;

 And it came to pass, when [0834] he was come near [7126] to enter into [0935] Egypt, [4714] that he said [0559] unto Sarai [8297] his wife, [0802] Behold [2009] now, [4994] I know [3045] that thou [art] a fair [3303] woman [0802] to look upon: [4758]


 Et il arrivera que lorsque les Égyptiens t'auront vue, ils diront: C'est sa femme; et ils me tueront; mais ils te laisseront vivre.

 Therefore it shall come to pass, when the Egyptians [4713] shall see [7200] thee, that they shall say, [0559] This [is] his wife: [0802] and they will kill [2026] me, but they will save thee alive. [2421]


 Dis, je te prie, que tu es ma sœur, afin que je sois bien traité à cause de toi, et que j'aie la vie sauve grâce à toi.

 Say, [0559] I pray thee, [4994] thou [art] my sister: [0269] that [4616] it may be well [3190] with me for thy sake; and my soul [5315] shall live [2421] because of thee. [1558]


 Et dès qu'Abram fut arrivé en Égypte, les Égyptiens virent que cette femme était fort belle.

 And it came to pass, that, when Abram [0087] was come [0935] into Egypt, [4714] the Egyptians [4713] beheld [7200] the woman [0802] that she [was] very [3966] fair. [3303]


 Et les princes de la cour de Pharaon la virent, et la louèrent devant Pharaon, et la femme fut emmenée dans la maison de Pharaon.

 The princes [8269] also of Pharaoh [6547] saw [7200] her, and commended [1984] her before [0413] Pharaoh: [6547] and the woman [0802] was taken [3947] into Pharaoh's [6547] house. [1004]


 Et il fit du bien à Abram, à cause d'elle; et il eut des brebis et des bœufs et des ânes, des serviteurs et des servantes, des ânesses et des chameaux.

 And he entreated [3190] Abram [0087] well for her sake: and he had sheep, [6629] and oxen, [1241] and he asses, [2543] and menservants, [5650] and maidservants, [8198] and she asses, [0860] and camels. [1581]


 Mais YEHOVAH frappa de grandes plaies Pharaon et sa maison, à cause de Saraï, femme d'Abram.

 And the LORD [3068] plagued [5060] Pharaoh [6547] and his house [1004] with great [1419] plagues [5061] because of [1697] Sarai [8297] Abram's [0087] wife. [0802]


 Alors Pharaon appela Abram, et lui dit: Qu'est-ce que tu m'as fait? Pourquoi ne m'as-tu pas déclaré que c'était ta femme?

 And Pharaoh [6547] called [7121] Abram, [0087] and said, [0559] What [is] this [that] thou hast done [6213] unto me? why didst thou not tell [5046] me that she [was] thy wife? [0802]


 Pourquoi as-tu dit: C'est ma sœur; en sorte que je l'ai prise pour femme? Maintenant, voici ta femme, prends-la et va-t'en.

 Why saidst [0559] thou, She [is] my sister? [0269] so I might have taken [3947] her to me to wife: [0802] now therefore behold thy wife, [0802] take [3947] [her], and go [3212] thy way.


 Et Pharaon donna ordre pour lui à des gens qui le reconduisirent, lui et sa femme, et tout ce qui lui appartenait.

 And Pharaoh [6547] commanded [6680] [his] men [0582] concerning him: and they sent him away, [7971] and his wife, [0802] and all that he had.


 Et Abram monta d'Égypte vers le Midi, lui et sa femme, et tout ce qui lui appartenait, et Lot avec lui.

 And Abram [0087] went up [5927] out of Egypt, [4714] he, and his wife, [0802] and all that he had, and Lot [3876] with him, into the south. [5045]


 Or Abram était très riche en bétail, en argent et en or.

 And Abram [0087] [was] very [3966] rich [3513] in cattle, [4735] in silver, [3701] and in gold. [2091]


 Puis il s'en retourna, par ses campements, du Midi jusqu'à Béthel, jusqu'au lieu où avait été sa tente au commencement, entre Béthel et Aï;

 And he went [3212] on his journeys [4550] from the south [5045] even to Bethel, [1008] unto the place [4725] where his tent [0168] had been [1961] at the beginning, [8462] between Bethel [1008] and Hai; [5857]


 Au lieu où était l'autel qu'il y avait fait auparavant, et Abram y invoqua le nom de YEHOVAH.

 Unto the place [4725] of the altar, [4196] which he had made [6213] there at the first: [7223] and there Abram [0087] called [7121] on the name [8034] of the LORD. [3068]


 Or Lot, qui marchait avec Abram, avait aussi des brebis, des bœufs et des tentes.

 And Lot [3876] also, which went [1980] with [0854] Abram, [0087] had flocks, [6629] and herds, [1241] and tents. [0168]


 Et le pays ne leur suffit pas pour demeurer ensemble; car leur bien était si grand, qu'ils ne purent demeurer ensemble.

 And the land [0776] was not able to bear [5375] them, that they might dwell [3427] together: [3162] for their substance [7399] was great, [7227] so that they could [3201] not dwell [3427] together. [3162]


 Et il y eut une querelle entre les bergers du bétail d'Abram, et les bergers du bétail de Lot. Or les Cananéens et les Phéréziens demeuraient alors dans le pays.

 And there was a strife [7379] between the herdmen [7462] of Abram's [0087] cattle [4735] and the herdmen [7462] of Lot's [3876] cattle: [4735] and the Canaanite [3669] and the Perizzite [6522] dwelled [3427] then in the land. [0776]


 Et Abram dit à Lot: Qu'il n'y ait point, je te prie, de dispute entre moi et toi, ni entre mes bergers et tes bergers; car nous sommes frères.

 And Abram [0087] said [0559] unto Lot, [3876] Let there be [1961] no [0408] strife, [4808] I pray thee, between me and thee, and between my herdmen [7462] and thy herdmen; [7462] for we [0582] [be] brethren. [0251]


 Tout le pays n'est-il pas devant toi? Sépare-toi donc de moi; si tu prends la gauche, j'irai à droite; et si tu prends la droite, j'irai à gauche.

 [Is] not the whole land [0776] before [6440] thee? separate [6504] thyself, I pray thee, from me: if [thou wilt take] the left hand, [8040] then I will go to the right; [3231] or if [thou depart] to the right hand, [3225] then I will go to the left. [8041]


 Alors Lot, levant les yeux, vit toute la plaine du Jourdain, qui (avant que YEHOVAH eût détruit Sodome et Gomorrhe) était arrosée partout, en allant vers Tsoar, comme le jardin de YEHOVAH, comme le pays d'Égypte.

 And Lot [3876] lifted up [5375] his eyes, [5869] and beheld [7200] all the plain [3603] of Jordan, [3383] that it [was] well watered [4945] every where, before [6440] the LORD [3068] destroyed [7843] Sodom [5467] and Gomorrah, [6017] [even] as the garden [1588] of the LORD, [3068] like the land [0776] of Egypt, [4714] as thou comest [0935] unto Zoar. [6820]


 Et Lot choisit pour lui toute la plaine du Jourdain, et il partit du côté de l'Orient; et ils se séparèrent l'un de l'autre.

 Then Lot [3876] chose [0977] him all the plain [3603] of Jordan; [3383] and Lot [3876] journeyed [5265] east: [6924] and they separated [6504] themselves the one [0376] from the other. [0251]


 Abram habita dans le pays de Canaan, et Lot habita dans les villes de la plaine, et dressa ses tentes jusqu'à Sodome.

 Abram [0087] dwelled [3427] in the land [0776] of Canaan, [3667] and Lot [3876] dwelled [3427] in the cities [5892] of the plain, [3603] and pitched [his] tent [0167] toward [5704] Sodom. [5467]


 Or les gens de Sodome étaient méchants, et de grands pécheurs contre YEHOVAH.

 But the men [0582] of Sodom [5467] [were] wicked [7451] and sinners [2400] before the LORD [3068] exceedingly. [3966]


 Et YEHOVAH dit à Abram, après que Lot se fut séparé de lui: Lève donc les yeux, et regarde du lieu où tu es, vers le Nord, vers le Midi, vers l'Orient et vers l'Occident.

 And the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto Abram, [0087] after [0310] that Lot [3876] was separated [6504] from him, Lift up [5375] now thine eyes, [5869] and look [7200] from the place [4725] where thou art northward, [6828] and southward, [5045] and eastward, [6924] and westward: [3220]


 Car, tout le pays que tu vois, je te le donnerai, à toi et à ta postérité pour toujours.

 For all the land [0776] which thou seest, [7200] to thee will I give [5414] it, and to thy seed [2233] for [5704] ever. [5769]


 Et je ferai que ta postérité sera comme la poussière de la terre; que si quelqu'un peut compter la poussière de la terre, ta postérité aussi sera comptée.

 And I will make [7760] thy seed [2233] as the dust [6083] of the earth: [0776] so that [0834] if a man [0376] can [3201] number [4487] the dust [6083] of the earth, [0776] [then] shall thy seed [2233] also be numbered. [4487]


 Lève-toi, parcours le pays dans sa longueur et dans sa largeur; car je te le donnerai.

 Arise, [6965] walk [1980] through the land [0776] in the length [0753] of it and in the breadth [7341] of it; for I will give [5414] it unto thee.


 Alors Abram transporta ses tentes, et vint demeurer aux chênes de Mamré, qui sont à Hébron, et il bâtit là un autel à YEHOVAH.

 Then Abram [0087] removed [his] tent, [0167] and came [0935] and dwelt [3427] in the plain [0436] of Mamre, [4471] which [is] in Hebron, [2275] and built [1129] there an altar [4196] unto the LORD. [3068]


 Or, il arriva, au temps d'Amraphel, roi de Shinear, d'Arjoc, roi d'Ellasar, de Kedor-Loamer, roi d'Élam, et de Tideal, roi des nations,

 And it came to pass in the days [3117] of Amraphel [0569] king [4428] of Shinar, [8152] Arioch [0746] king [4428] of Ellasar, [0495] Chedorlaomer [3540] king [4428] of Elam, [5867] and Tidal [8413] king [4428] of nations; [1471]


 Qu'ils firent la guerre à Béra, roi de Sodome, à Birsha, roi de Gomorrhe, à Shineab, roi d'Adma, à Shéméber, roi de Tseboïm, et au roi de Béla, qui est Tsoar.

 [That these] made [6213] war [4421] with [0854] Bera [1298] king [4428] of Sodom, [5467] and with Birsha [1306] king [4428] of Gomorrah, [6017] Shinab [8134] king [4428] of Admah, [0126] and Shemeber [8038] king [4428] of Zeboiim, [6636] and the king [4428] of Bela, [1106] which is [1931] Zoar. [6820]


 Tous ceux-ci se rassemblèrent dans la vallée de Siddim, qui est la mer salée.

 All these were joined together [2266] in the vale [6010] of Siddim, [7708] which is [1931] the salt [4417] sea. [3220]


 Douze ans ils avaient été assujettis à Kedor-Laomer; mais la treizième année, ils se révoltèrent.

 Twelve [6240] [8147] years [8141] they served [5647] [0853] Chedorlaomer, [3540] and in the thirteenth [7969] [6240] year [8141] they rebelled. [4775]


 Et la quatorzième année, Kedor-Laomer et les rois qui étaient avec lui, vinrent et battirent les Rephaïm à Ashteroth-Karnaïm, les Zuzim à Ham, les Emim dans la plaine de Kirjathaïm,

 And in the fourteenth [6240] [0702] year [8141] came [0935] Chedorlaomer, [3540] and the kings [4428] that [were] with him, and smote [5221] the Rephaims [7497] in Ashteroth Karnaim, [6255] and the Zuzims [2104] in Ham, [1990] and the Emims [0368] in Shaveh Kiriathaim, [7741]


 Et les Horiens dans leur montagne de Séir, jusqu'à El-Paran, qui est près du désert.

 And the Horites [2752] [2753] in their mount [2042] Seir, [8165] unto Elparan, [0364] which [is] by [5921] the wilderness. [4057]


 Puis ils retournèrent et vinrent à la Fontaine du Jugement (Hen de Mispat), qui est Kadès, et battirent tout le pays des Amalécites, et aussi les Amoréens, qui habitaient à Hatsatson-Thamar.

 And they returned, [7725] and came [0935] to [0413] Enmishpat, [5880] which [is] Kadesh, [6946] and smote [5221] all the country [7704] of the Amalekites, [6003] and also the Amorites, [0567] that dwelt [3427] in Hazezontamar. [2688]


 Alors le roi de Sodome, le roi de Gomorrhe, le roi d'Adma, le roi de Tseboïm, et le roi de Béla, qui est Tsoar, sortirent, et rangèrent leurs troupes en bataille contre eux dans la vallée de Siddim,

 And there went out [3318] the king [4428] of Sodom, [5467] and the king [4428] of Gomorrah, [6017] and the king [4428] of Admah, [0126] and the king [4428] of Zeboiim, [6636] and the king [4428] of Bela [1106] (the same [1931] [is] Zoar;) [6820] and they joined [6186] battle [4421] with them in the vale [6010] of Siddim; [7708]


 Contre Kedor-Laomer, roi d'Élam, Tideal, roi des nations, Amraphel, roi de Shinear, et Arjoc, roi d'Ellasar; quatre rois contre cinq.

 With Chedorlaomer [3540] the king [4428] of Elam, [5867] and with Tidal [8413] king [4428] of nations, [1471] and Amraphel [0569] king [4428] of Shinar, [8152] and Arioch [0746] king [4428] of Ellasar; [0495] four [0702] kings [4428] with five. [2568]


 Or, il y avait dans la vallée de Siddim beaucoup de puits de bitume. Et le roi de Sodome et celui de Gomorrhe s'enfuirent, et y tombèrent; et ceux qui échappèrent, s'enfuirent vers la montagne.

 And the vale [6010] of Siddim [7708] [was full of] slimepits; [0875] [0875] [2564] and the kings [4428] of Sodom [5467] and Gomorrah [6017] fled, [5127] and fell [5307] there; and they that remained [7604] fled [5127] to the mountain. [2022]


 Alors ils prirent toutes les richesses de Sodome et de Gomorrhe et tous leurs vivres, et s'en allèrent.

 And they took [3947] all the goods [7399] of Sodom [5467] and Gomorrah, [6017] and all their victuals, [0400] and went their way. [3212]


 Ils prirent aussi Lot, fils du frère d'Abram, qui demeurait dans Sodome, et tout son bien, et ils s'en allèrent.

 And they took [3947] Lot, [3876] Abram's [0087] brother's [0251] son, [1121] who dwelt [3427] in Sodom, [5467] and his goods, [7399] and departed. [3212]


 Et un fugitif vint l'annoncer à Abram, l'Hébreu. Or il demeurait dans les plaines de Mamré l'Amoréen, frère d'Eshcol, et frère d'Aner, qui avaient fait alliance avec Abram.

 And there came [0935] one that had escaped, [6412] and told [5046] Abram [0087] the Hebrew; [5680] for he dwelt [7931] in the plain [0436] of Mamre [4471] the Amorite, [0567] brother [0251] of Eshcol, [0812] and brother [0251] of Aner: [6063] and these [were] confederate [1167] [1285] with Abram. [0087]


 Et quand Abram eut appris que son frère avait été fait prisonnier, il arma trois cent dix-huit de ses fidèles, nés dans sa maison, et poursuivit ces rois jusqu'à Dan.

 And when Abram [0087] heard [8085] that his brother [0251] was taken captive, [7617] he armed [7324] his trained [2593] [servants], born [3211] in his own house, [1004] three [7969] hundred [3967] and eighteen, [6240] [8083] and pursued [7291] [them] unto Dan. [1835]


 Puis, ayant partagé ses troupes, il se jeta sur eux de nuit, lui et ses serviteurs; et il les battit, et les poursuivit jusqu'à Hoba, qui est à gauche de Damas.

 And he divided [2505] himself against them, he and his servants, [5650] by night, [3915] and smote [5221] them, and pursued [7291] them unto Hobah, [2327] which [is] on the left hand [8040] of Damascus. [1834]


 Et il ramena toutes les richesses qu'on avait prises; il ramena aussi Lot son frère, ses biens et les femmes aussi, et le peuple.

 And he brought back [7725] all the goods, [7399] and also brought again [7725] his brother [0251] Lot, [3876] and his goods, [7399] and the women [0802] also, and the people. [5971]


 Et le roi de Sodome sortit au-devant de lui, après qu'il fut revenu de battre Kedor-Laomer et les rois qui étaient avec lui, dans la vallée de la Plaine, qui est la vallée du Roi.

 And the king [4428] of Sodom [5467] went out [3318] to meet [7125] him after [0310] his return [7725] from the slaughter [5221] of Chedorlaomer, [3540] and of the kings [4428] that [were] with him, at the valley [6010] of Shaveh, [7740] which [1931] [is] the king's [4428] dale. [6010]


 Et MELCHISÉDEC, roi de Salem, fit apporter du pain et du vin. Or, il était sacrificateur du Dieu Très-Haut.

 And Melchizedek [4442] king [4428] of Salem [8004] brought forth [3318] bread [3899] and wine: [3196] and he [was] the priest [3548] of the most high [5945] God. [0410]


 Et il bénit Abram, et dit: Béni soit Abram par le Dieu Très-Haut, fondateur des cieux et de la terre!

 And he blessed [1288] him, and said, [0559] Blessed [1288] [be] Abram [0087] of the most high [5945] God, [0410] possessor [7069] of heaven [8064] and earth: [0776]


 Et béni soit le Dieu Très-Haut, qui a livré tes ennemis entre tes mains! Et Abram lui donna la dîme de tout.

 And blessed [1288] be the most high [5945] God, [0410] which hath delivered [4042] thine enemies [6862] into thy hand. [3027] And he gave [5414] him tithes [4643] of all.


 Et le roi de Sodome dit à Abram: Donne-moi les personnes, et prends les richesses pour toi.

 And the king [4428] of Sodom [5467] said [0559] unto Abram, [0087] Give [5414] me the persons, [5315] and take [3947] the goods [7399] to thyself.


 Et Abram dit au roi de Sodome: Je lève ma main vers YEHOVAH, le Dieu Très-Haut, fondateur des cieux et de la terre,

 And Abram [0087] said [0559] to the king [4428] of Sodom, [5467] I have lift up [7311] mine hand [3027] unto the LORD, [3068] the most high [5945] God, [0410] the possessor [7069] of heaven [8064] and earth, [0776]


 Que je ne prendrai pas même un fil ou une courroie de soulier, rien qui t'appartienne, en sorte que tu ne dises pas: C'est moi qui ai enrichi Abram.

 That I will not [0518] [take] from a thread [2339] even to a shoelatchet, [5275] [8288] and that I will not [0518] take [3947] any thing that [is] thine, lest thou shouldest say, [0559] I have made Abram [0087] rich: [6238]


 Rien pour moi! Seulement ce que les jeunes gens ont mangé, et la part des hommes qui sont venus avec moi, Aner, Eshcol et Mamré: pour eux, qu'ils prennent leur part.

 Save [1107] only that which [0834] the young men [5288] have eaten, [0398] and the portion [2506] of the men [0582] which went [1980] with me, [0854] Aner, [6063] Eshcol, [0812] and Mamre; [4471] let them [1992] take [3947] their portion. [2506]


 Après ces choses, la Parole de YEHOVAH fut adressée à Abram dans une vision, en disant: Ne crains point, Abram, je suis ton bouclier, et ta très grande récompense.

 After [0310] these things [1697] the word [1697] of the LORD [3068] came [1961] unto Abram [0087] in a vision, [4236] saying, [0559] Fear [3372] not, Abram: [0087] I [am] thy shield, [4043] [and] thy exceeding [3966] great [7235] reward. [7939]


 Et Abram répondit: Seigneur YEHOVAH, que me donneras-tu? Je m'en vais sans enfants, et celui qui possédera ma maison est Eliézer de Damas.

 And Abram [0087] said, [0559] Lord [0136] GOD, [3069] what wilt thou give [5414] me, seeing I go [1980] childless, [6185] and the steward [1121] [4943] of my house [1004] [is] this [1931] Eliezer [0461] of Damascus? [1834]


 Et Abram dit: Voici, tu ne m'as pas donné de postérité, et voilà qu'un serviteur né dans ma maison sera mon héritier.

 And Abram [0087] said, [0559] Behold, to me thou hast given [5414] no [3808] seed: [2233] and, lo, one born [1121] in my house [1004] is mine heir. [3423]


 Et voici, la Parole de YEHOVAH lui fut adressée, en disant: Celui-ci ne sera point ton héritier; mais celui qui sortira de tes entrailles, sera ton héritier.

 And, behold, the word [1697] of the LORD [3068] [came] unto him, saying, [0559] This shall not be thine heir; [3423] but he that shall come forth [3318] out of thine own bowels [4578] shall be thine heir. [3423]


 Puis il le mena dehors et lui dit: Regarde vers le ciel, et compte les étoiles, si tu peux les compter. Et il lui dit: Ainsi sera ta postérité.

 And he brought him forth [3318] abroad, [2351] and said, [0559] Look [5027] now toward heaven, [8064] and tell [5608] the stars, [3556] if thou be able [3201] to number [5608] them: and he said [0559] unto him, So [3541] shall thy seed [2233] be.


 Et Abram crut à YEHOVAH, qui lui attribua cela à justice.

 And he believed [0539] in the LORD; [3068] and he counted [2803] it to him for righteousness. [6666]


 Et il lui dit: JE SUIS YEHOVAH, qui t'a fait sortir d'Ur des Chaldéens, afin de te donner ce pays pour le posséder.

 And he said [0559] unto him, I [am] the LORD [3068] that brought thee out [3318] of Ur [0218] of the Chaldees, [3778] to give [5414] thee this land [0776] to inherit [3423] it.


 Et il dit: Seigneur YEHOVAH, à quoi connaîtrai-je que je le posséderai?

 And he said, [0559] Lord [0136] GOD, [3069] whereby [4100] shall I know [3045] that I shall inherit [3423] it?


 Et il lui répondit: Prends pour moi une génisse de trois ans, une chèvre de trois ans, un bélier de trois ans, une tourterelle et un pigeonneau.

 And he said [0559] unto him, Take [3947] me an heifer [5697] of three years old, [8027] and a she goat [5795] of three years old, [8027] and a ram [0352] of three years old, [8027] and a turtledove, [8449] and a young pigeon. [1469]


 Et il prit toutes ces choses, et les partagea par le milieu, et il mit chaque moitié vis-à-vis de l'autre; mais il ne partagea point les oiseaux.

 And he took [3947] unto him all these, and divided [1334] them in the midst, [8432] and laid [5414] each [0376] piece [1335] one against [7125] another: [7453] but the birds [6833] divided [1334] he not.


 Et les oiseaux de proie fondirent sur ces bêtes mortes; mais Abram les chassa.

 And when the fowls [5861] came down [3381] upon the carcases, [6297] Abram [0087] drove them away. [5380]


 Et comme le soleil allait se coucher, un profond sommeil tomba sur Abram; et voici, une terreur, une obscurité profonde tomba sur lui.

 And when the sun [8121] was going down, [0935] a deep sleep [8639] fell [5307] upon Abram; [0087] and, lo, an horror [0367] of great [1419] darkness [2825] fell [5307] upon him.


 Et YEHOVAH dit à Abram: Sache que ta postérité sera étrangère dans un pays qui ne lui appartiendra point, et qu'elle en servira les habitants, et qu'ils l'opprimeront pendant quatre cents ans.

 And he said [0559] unto Abram, [0087] Know [3045] of a surety [3045] that thy seed [2233] shall be a stranger [1616] in a land [0776] [that is] not theirs, and shall serve [5647] them; and they shall afflict [6031] them four [0702] hundred [3967] years; [8141]


 Mais je jugerai aussi la nation à laquelle tes descendants seront asservis; et ensuite ils sortiront avec de grandes richesses.

 And also that nation, [1471] whom they shall serve, [5647] will I judge: [1777] and afterward [0310] [3651] shall they come out [3318] with great [1419] substance. [7399]


 Et toi, tu t'en iras en paix vers tes pères, tu seras enseveli dans une heureuse vieillesse.

 And thou shalt go [0935] to thy fathers [0001] in peace; [7965] thou shalt be buried [6912] in a good [2896] old age. [7872]


 Et à la quatrième génération ils reviendront ici; car l'iniquité des Amoréens n'est pas encore à son comble.

 But in the fourth [7243] generation [1755] they shall come hither [2008] again: [7725] for the iniquity [5771] of the Amorites [0567] [is] not yet [2008] full. [8003]


 Et lorsque le soleil fut couché, il y eut une obscurité épaisse; et voici, il y eut une fournaise fumante, et une flamme de feu qui passa entre les chairs partagées.

 And it came to pass, that, when the sun [8121] went down, [0935] and it was dark, [5939] behold a smoking [6227] furnace, [8574] and a burning [0784] lamp [3940] that passed [5674] between [0996] those pieces. [1506]


 En ce jour-là, YEHOVAH traita alliance avec Abram, en disant: Je donne ce pays à ta postérité, depuis le fleuve d'Égypte jusqu'au grand fleuve, au fleuve d'Euphrate;

 In the same [1931] day [3117] the LORD [3068] made [3772] a covenant [1285] with Abram, [0087] saying, [0559] Unto thy seed [2233] have I given [5414] this land, [0776] from the river [5104] of Egypt [4714] unto the great [1419] river, [5104] the river [5104] Euphrates: [6578]


 Les Kéniens, les Kéniziens, les Kadmoniens,

 The Kenites, [7017] and the Kenizzites, [7074] and the Kadmonites, [6935]


 Les Héthiens, les Phéréziens, les Rephaïms,

 And the Hittites, [2850] and the Perizzites, [6522] and the Rephaims, [7497]


 Les Amoréens, les Cananéens, les Guirgasiens et les Jébusiens.

 And the Amorites, [0567] and the Canaanites, [3669] and the Girgashites, [1622] and the Jebusites. [2983]


 Or, Saraï, femme d'Abram, ne lui avait point donné d'enfant; et elle avait une servante égyptienne, nommée Agar.

 Now Sarai [8297] Abram's [0087] wife [0802] bare [3205] him no [3808] children: and she had an handmaid, [8198] an Egyptian, [4713] whose name [8034] [was] Hagar. [1904]


 Et Saraï dit à Abram: Voici, YEHOVAH m'a rendue stérile; viens, je te prie, vers ma servante; peut-être aurai-je des enfants par elle. Et Abram obéit à la voix de Saraï.

 And Sarai [8297] said [0559] unto Abram, [0087] Behold now, the LORD [3068] hath restrained [6113] me from bearing: [3205] I pray thee, go in [0935] unto my maid; [8198] it may be [0194] that I may obtain children [1129] by her. And Abram [0087] hearkened [8085] to the voice [6963] of Sarai. [8297]


 Et Saraï, femme d'Abram, prit Agar, l'Égyptienne, sa servante, et la donna pour femme à Abram son mari, après qu'il eut demeuré dix ans au pays de Canaan.

 And Sarai [8297] Abram's [0087] wife [0802] took [3947] Hagar [1904] her maid [8198] the Egyptian, [4713] after [7093] Abram [0087] had dwelt [3427] ten [6235] years [8141] in the land [0776] of Canaan, [3667] and gave [5414] her to her husband [0376] Abram [0087] to be his wife. [0802]


 Il vint donc vers Agar, et elle conçut. Et quand elle vit qu'elle avait conçu, elle méprisa sa maîtresse.

 And he went in [0935] unto Hagar, [1904] and she conceived: [2029] and when she saw [7200] that she had conceived, [2029] her mistress [1404] was despised [7043] in her eyes. [5869]


 Alors Saraï dit à Abram: L'outrage qui m'est fait retombe sur toi. J'ai mis ma servante dans ton sein; et depuis qu'elle a vu qu'elle est enceinte, elle me méprise. Que YEHOVAH juge entre moi et toi.

 And Sarai [8297] said [0559] unto Abram, [0087] My wrong [2555] [be] upon thee: I have given [5414] my maid [8198] into thy bosom; [2436] and when she saw [7200] that she had conceived, [2029] I was despised [7043] in her eyes: [5869] the LORD [3068] judge [8199] between me and thee.


 Et Abram répondit à Saraï: Voici, ta servante est entre tes mains, traite-la comme il te plaira. Et Saraï la maltraita, et elle s'enfuit de devant elle.

 But Abram [0087] said [0559] unto Sarai, [8297] Behold, thy maid [8198] [is] in thy hand; [3027] do [6213] to her as it pleaseth [2896] thee. [5869] And when Sarai [8297] dealt hardly [6031] with her, she fled [1272] from her face. [6440]


 Mais l'ange de YEHOVAH la trouva près d'une source d'eau dans le désert, près de la source qui est sur le chemin de Shur.

 And the angel [4397] of the LORD [3068] found [4672] her by a fountain [5869] of water [4325] in the wilderness, [4057] by the fountain [5869] in the way [1870] to Shur. [7793]


 Et il lui dit: Agar, servante de Saraï, d'où viens-tu? et où vas-tu? Et elle répondit: Je fuis de devant Saraï ma maîtresse.

 And he said, [0559] Hagar, [1904] Sarai's [8297] maid, [8198] whence [0335] camest [0935] thou? and whither wilt thou go? [3212] And she said, [0559] I flee [1272] from the face [6440] of my mistress [1404] Sarai. [8297]


 Et l'ange de YEHOVAH lui dit: Retourne vers ta maîtresse et humilie-toi sous sa main.

 And the angel [4397] of the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto her, Return [7725] to thy mistress, [1404] and submit [6031] thyself under her hands. [3027]


 Et l'ange de YEHOVAH lui dit: Je multiplierai tellement ta postérité qu'on ne pourra la compter, tant elle sera nombreuse.

 And the angel [4397] of the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto her, I will multiply [7235] thy seed [2233] exceedingly, [7235] that it shall not be numbered [5608] for multitude. [7230]


 Et l'ange de YEHOVAH lui dit: Voici, tu es enceinte; et tu enfanteras un fils, et tu le nommeras Ismaël (Dieu entend); car YEHOVAH t'a entendue dans ton affliction.

 And the angel [4397] of the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto her, Behold, [2009] thou [art] with child, [2030] and shalt bear [3205] a son, [1121] and shalt call [7121] his name [8034] Ishmael; [3458] because the LORD [3068] hath heard [8085] thy affliction. [6040]


 Et il sera un homme farouche semblable à un âne sauvage; sa main sera contre tous, et la main de tous contre lui; et il habitera en face de tous ses frères.

 And he will be a wild [6501] man; [0120] his hand [3027] [will be] against every man, and every man's hand [3027] against him; and he shall dwell [7931] in the presence [6440] of all his brethren. [0251]


 Et elle appela le nom de YEHOVAH qui lui avait parlé Atta-El-Roï (tu es le Dieu qui voit). Car elle dit: N'ai-je pas même, ici, vu celui qui me voyait?

 And she called [7121] the name [8034] of the LORD [3068] that spake [1696] unto her, Thou God [0410] seest me: [7210] for she said, [0559] Have I also here [1988] looked [7200] after [0310] him that seeth me? [7210]


 C'est pourquoi on appela ce puits, le puits du Vivant qui me voit (Lachaï-Roï). Voici, il est entre Kadès et Béred.

 Wherefore the well [0875] was called [7121] Beerlahairoi; [0875][2416][7203][0883] behold, [it is] between Kadesh [6946] and Bered. [1260]


 Et Agar enfanta un fils à Abram. Et Abram appela son fils, qu'Agar lui avait enfanté, Ismaël.

 And Hagar [1904] bare [3205] Abram [0087] a son: [1121] and Abram [0087] called [7121] his son's [1121] name, [8034] which Hagar [1904] bare, [3205] Ishmael. [3458]


 Or, Abram était âgé de quatre-vingt-six ans, quand Agar enfanta Ismaël à Abram.

 And Abram [0087] [was] fourscore [8084] [8141] and six [8337] years [8141] old, [1121] when Hagar [1904] bare [3205] Ishmael [3458] to Abram. [0087]


 Puis, Abram étant parvenu à l'âge de quatre-vingt-dix-neuf ans, YEHOVAH apparut à Abram, et lui dit: JE SUIS le Dieu Tout-Puissant; marche devant ma face, et sois intègre.

 And when Abram [0087] was ninety [8673] [8141] years [8141] old [1121] and nine, [8672] the LORD [3068] appeared [7200] to Abram, [0087] and said [0559] unto him, I [am] the Almighty [7706] God; [0410] walk [1980] before [6440] me, and be thou perfect. [8549]


 Et j'établirai mon alliance entre moi et toi, et je te multiplierai très abondamment.

 And I will make [5414] my covenant [1285] between me and thee, and will multiply [7235] thee exceedingly. [3966] [3966]


 Alors Abram tomba sur sa face; et Dieu lui parla, et lui dit:

 And Abram [0087] fell [5307] on his face: [6440] and God [0430] talked [1696] with him, saying, [0559]


 Pour moi, voici, mon alliance est avec toi et tu deviendras père d'une multitude de nations.

 As for me, [0589] behold, my covenant [1285] [is] with thee, and thou shalt be a father [0001] of many [1995] nations. [1471]


 Et l'on ne t'appellera plus Abram (père élevé), mais ton nom sera Abraham (père d'une multitude); car je t'établis père d'une multitude de nations.

 Neither shall thy name [8034] any more be called [7121] Abram, [0087] but thy name [8034] shall be Abraham; [0085] for a father [0001] of many [1995] nations [1471] have I made [5414] thee.


 Et je te ferai croître très abondamment, et je ferai de toi des nations; et des rois sortiront de toi.

 And I will make thee exceeding [3966] [3966] fruitful, [6509] and I will make [5414] nations [1471] of thee, and kings [4428] shall come out [3318] of thee.


 Et j'établirai mon alliance entre moi et toi, et ta postérité après toi, d'âge en âge, pour être une alliance éternelle; afin que je sois ton Dieu, et celui de ta postérité après toi.

 And I will establish [6965] my covenant [1285] between me and thee and thy seed [2233] after [0310] thee in their generations [1755] for an everlasting [5769] covenant, [1285] to be a God [0430] unto thee, and to thy seed [2233] after [0310] thee.


 Et je donnerai, à toi et à ta postérité après toi, le pays où tu séjournes, tout le pays de Canaan, en possession perpétuelle; et je serai leur Dieu.

 And I will give [5414] unto thee, and to thy seed [2233] after [0310] thee, the land [0776] wherein thou art a stranger, [4033] all the land [0776] of Canaan, [3667] for an everlasting [5769] possession; [0272] and I will be their God. [0430]


 Puis Dieu dit à Abraham: Mais toi, tu garderas mon alliance, toi et ta postérité après toi, d'âge en âge.

 And God [0430] said [0559] unto Abraham, [0085] Thou shalt keep [8104] my covenant [1285] therefore, thou, and thy seed [2233] after [0310] thee in their generations. [1755]


 Voici mon alliance que vous garderez, et qui sera entre moi et vous, et ta postérité après toi: c'est que tout mâle parmi vous sera circoncis.

 This [is] my covenant, [1285] which ye shall keep, [8104] between me and you and thy seed [2233] after [0310] thee; Every man child [2145] among you shall be circumcised. [4135]


 Et vous circoncirez votre chair, et ce sera un signe d'alliance entre moi et vous.

 And ye shall circumcise [5243] the flesh [1320] of your foreskin; [6190] and it shall be a token [0226] of the covenant [1285] betwixt me and you.


 À l'âge de huit jours tout mâle sera circoncis parmi vous, dans vos générations, tant celui qui est né dans la maison que celui qui, acheté à prix d'argent de quelque étranger que ce soit, n'est point de ta race;

 And he that is eight [8083] days [3117] old [1121] shall be circumcised [4135] among you, every man child [2145] in your generations, [1755] he that is born [3211] in the house, [1004] or bought [4736] with money [3701] of any stranger, [1121] [5236] which [is] not of thy seed. [2233]


 On ne manquera pas de circoncire celui qui est né dans ta maison, et celui qui a été acheté de ton argent; et mon alliance sera dans votre chair une alliance perpétuelle.

 He that is born [3211] in thy house, [1004] and he that is bought [4736] with thy money, [3701] must needs [4135] be circumcised: [4135] and my covenant [1285] shall be in your flesh [1320] for an everlasting [5769] covenant. [1285]


 L'incirconcis, le mâle qui ne se circoncira pas dans sa chair, sera retranché d'entre ses peuples: il a violé mon alliance.

 And the uncircumcised [6189] man child [2145] whose [0834] flesh [1320] of his foreskin [6190] is not circumcised, [4135] that soul [5315] shall be cut off [3772] from his people; [5971] he hath broken [6565] my covenant. [1285]


 Dieu dit à Abraham: Quant à Saraï ta femme, tu ne l'appelleras plus Saraï, mais Sara (princesse) est son nom.

 And God [0430] said [0559] unto Abraham, [0085] As for Sarai [8297] thy wife, [0802] thou shalt not call [7121] her name [8034] Sarai, [8297] but [3588] Sarah [8283] [shall] her name [8034] [be].


 Et je la bénirai; et même je te donnerai d'elle un fils. Je la bénirai et elle deviendra des nations; des rois de peuples sortiront d'elle.

 And I will bless [1288] her, and give [5414] thee a son [1121] also of her: yea, I will bless [1288] her, and she shall be [a mother] of nations; [1471] kings [4428] of people [5971] shall be of her.


 Alors Abraham tomba sur sa face; et il rit, et dit en son cœur: Naîtrait-il un enfant à un homme âgé de cent ans? et Sara, âgée de quatre-vingt-dix ans, enfanterait-elle?

 Then Abraham [0085] fell [5307] upon his face, [6440] and laughed, [6711] and said [0559] in his heart, [3820] Shall [a child] be born [3205] unto him that is an hundred [3967] years [8141] old? [1121] and shall Sarah, [8283] that is ninety [8673] years [8141] old, [1323] bear? [3205]


 Et Abraham dit à Dieu: Puisse Ismaël vivre devant toi!

 And Abraham [0085] said [0559] unto God, [0430] O that [3863] Ishmael [3458] might live [2421] before [6440] thee!


 Et Dieu dit: Certainement, Sara ta femme va t'enfanter un fils, et tu l'appelleras Isaac (rire), et j'établirai mon alliance avec lui, en alliance éternelle pour sa postérité après lui.

 And God [0430] said, [0559] Sarah [8283] thy wife [0802] shall bear [3205] thee a son [1121] indeed; [0061] and thou shalt call [7121] his name [8034] Isaac: [3327] and I will establish [6965] my covenant [1285] with him for an everlasting [5769] covenant, [1285] [and] with his seed [2233] after [0310] him.


 Je t'exauce aussi touchant Ismaël: Voici, je le bénis, et je le ferai croître et multiplier très abondamment. Il sera père de douze princes; et je ferai de lui une grande nation.

 And as for Ishmael, [3458] I have heard [8085] thee: Behold, I have blessed [1288] him, and will make him fruitful, [6509] and will multiply [7235] him exceedingly; [3966] [3966] twelve [6240] [8147] princes [5387] shall he beget, [3205] and I will make [5414] him a great [1419] nation. [1471]


 Mais j'établirai mon alliance avec Isaac, que Sara t'enfantera à cette époque, l'année prochaine.

 But my covenant [1285] will I establish [6965] with Isaac, [3327] which Sarah [8283] shall bear [3205] unto thee at this set time [4150] in the next [0312] year. [8141]


 Et quand il eut achevé de parler avec lui, Dieu remonta d'auprès d'Abraham.

 And he left off [3615] talking [1696] with him, and God [0430] went up [5927] from Abraham. [0085]


 Et Abraham prit Ismaël son fils et tous ceux qui étaient nés dans sa maison, et tous ceux qu'il avait achetés de son argent, tous les mâles parmi les gens de la maison d'Abraham; et il circoncit leur chair en ce même jour-là, comme Dieu le lui avait dit.

 And Abraham [0085] took [3947] Ishmael [3458] his son, [1121] and all that were born [3211] in his house, [1004] and all that were bought [4736] with his money, [3701] every male [2145] among the men [0582] of Abraham's [0085] house; [1004] and circumcised [4135] the flesh [1320] of their foreskin [6190] in the selfsame [6106] day, [3117] as God [0430] had said [1696] unto him.


 Or Abraham était âgé de quatre-vingt-dix-neuf ans, quand il se circoncit.

 And Abraham [0085] [was] ninety [8673] years [8141] old [1121] and nine, [8672] when he was circumcised [4135] in the flesh [1320] of his foreskin. [6190]


 Et Ismaël son fils avait treize ans, lorsqu'il fut circoncis.

 And Ishmael [3458] his son [1121] [was] thirteen [6240] [7969] years [8141] old, [1121] when he was circumcised [4135] in the flesh [1320] of his foreskin. [6190]


 Abraham et Ismaël son fils furent circoncis en ce même jour-là.

 In the selfsame [6106] day [3117] was Abraham [0085] circumcised, [4135] and Ishmael [3458] his son. [1121]


 Et toutes les personnes de sa maison, ceux qui étaient nés dans la maison, et ceux qui avaient été achetés des étrangers à prix d'argent, furent circoncis avec lui.

 And all the men [0582] of his house, [1004] born [3211] in the house, [1004] and bought [4736] with money [3701] of the stranger, [1121] [5236] were circumcised [4135] with him.


 Puis YEHOVAH apparut à Abraham aux chênes de Mamré, comme il était assis à la porte de la tente, pendant la chaleur du jour.

 And the LORD [3068] appeared [7200] unto him in the plains [0436] of Mamre: [4471] and he sat [3427] in the tent [0168] door [6607] in the heat [2527] of the day; [3117]


 Il leva les yeux, et regarda; et voici, trois hommes (Melchisédec, Noé, et Sem) étaient debout devant lui; et dès qu'il les vit, il courut au-devant d'eux, de la porte de la tente, et se prosterna en terre;

 And he lift up [5375] his eyes [5869] and looked, [7200] and, lo, three [7969] men [0582] stood [5324] by him: and when he saw [7200] [them], he ran [7323] to meet [7125] them from the tent [0168] door, [6607] and bowed [7812] himself toward the ground, [0776]


 Et il dit: Mon Seigneur, je te prie, si j'ai trouvé grâce à tes yeux, ne passe point outre, je te prie, devant ton serviteur.

 And said, [0559] My Lord, [0136] if now I have found [4672] favour [2580] in thy sight, [5869] pass not away, [5674] I pray thee, from thy servant: [5650]


 Qu'on prenne, je vous prie, un peu d'eau, et lavez vos pieds; et reposez-vous sous cet arbre.

 Let a little [4592] water, [4325] I pray you, [4994] be fetched, [3947] and wash [7364] your feet, [7272] and rest [8172] yourselves under the tree: [6086]


 Et j'apporterai un morceau de pain, et vous fortifierez votre cœur, ensuite vous passerez outre; car c'est pour cela que vous êtes passés près de votre serviteur. Et ils dirent: Fais comme tu as dit.

 And I will fetch [3947] a morsel [6595] of bread, [3899] and comfort [5582] ye your hearts; [3820] after [0310] that ye shall pass on: [5674] for therefore are ye come [5674] to [5921] your servant. [5650] And they said, [0559] So do, [6213] as thou hast said. [1696]


 Alors Abraham alla en hâte dans la tente, vers Sara, et dit: Apporte vite trois mesures de fleur de farine, pétris-les et fais des gâteaux.

 And Abraham [0085] hastened [4116] into the tent [0168] unto Sarah, [8283] and said, [0559] Make ready quickly [4116] three [7969] measures [5429] of fine [5560] meal, [7058] knead [3888] [it], and make [6213] cakes [5692] upon the hearth.


 Puis Abraham courut vers le troupeau, prit un veau tendre et bon, et le donna au serviteur, qui se hâta de l'apprêter.

 And Abraham [0085] ran [7323] unto the herd, [1241] and fetcht [3947] a calf [1121] [1241] tender [7390] and good, [2896] and gave [5414] [it] unto a young man; [5288] and he hasted [4116] to dress [6213] it.


 Ensuite il prit du beurre et du lait, et le veau qu'il avait apprêté, et les mit devant eux; et lui se tenait devant eux sous l'arbre; et ils mangèrent.

 And he took [3947] butter, [2529] and milk, [2461] and the calf [1121] [1241] which he had dressed, [6213] and set [5414] [it] before [6440] them; and he stood [5975] by them under the tree, [6086] and they did eat. [0398]


 Et ils lui dirent: Où est Sara ta femme? Et il répondit: La voilà dans la tente.

 And they said [0559] unto him, Where [0346] [is] Sarah [8283] thy wife? [0802] And he said, [0559] Behold, in the tent. [0168]


 Et il dit: Je ne manquerai pas de revenir vers toi dans un an; et voici, Sara ta femme aura un fils. Et Sara écoutait à la porte de la tente, qui était derrière lui.

 And he said, [0559] I will certainly [7725] return [7725] unto thee according to the time [6256] of life; [2416] and, lo, Sarah [8283] thy wife [0802] shall have a son. [1121] And Sarah [8283] heard [8085] [it] in the tent [0168] door, [6607] which [was] behind [0310] him.


 Or Abraham et Sara étaient vieux, avancés en âge; Sara n'avait plus les indispositions sanguines que les femmes ont coutume d'avoir.

 Now Abraham [0085] and Sarah [8283] [were] old [2205] [and] well stricken [0935] in age; [3117] [and] it ceased [2308] to be with Sarah [8283] after the manner [0734] of women. [0802]


 Et Sara rit en elle-même, en disant: Quand je suis vieille, aurais-je ce plaisir! mon seigneur aussi est vieux.

 Therefore Sarah [8283] laughed [6711] within [7130] herself, saying, [0559] After [0310] I am waxed old [1086] shall I have pleasure, [5730] my lord [0113] being old [2204] also?


 Et YEHOVAH dit à Abraham: Pourquoi donc Sara a-t-elle ri, en disant: Est-ce que vraiment j'enfanterais, vieille comme je suis?

 And the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto Abraham, [0085] Wherefore [4100] did Sarah [8283] laugh, [6711] saying, [0559] Shall I of a surety [0552] bear [3205] a child, which [0589] am old? [2204]


 Est-il rien d'impossible à YEHOVAH? À l'époque fixée je reviendrai vers toi, dans un an, et Sara aura un fils.

 Is any thing [1697] too hard [6381] for the LORD? [3068] At the time appointed [4150] I will return [7725] unto thee, according to the time [6256] of life, [2416] and Sarah [8283] shall have a son. [1121]


 Et Sara nia, en disant: Je n'ai point ri; car elle eut peur. Mais il dit: Non, car tu as ri.

 Then Sarah [8283] denied, [3584] saying, [0559] I laughed [6711] not; for she was afraid. [3372] And he said, [0559] Nay; [3808] but thou didst laugh. [6711]


 Et ces hommes se levèrent de là, et regardèrent vers Sodome; et Abraham allait avec eux, pour les reconduire.

 And the men [0582] rose up [6965] from thence, and looked [8259] toward [6440] Sodom: [5467] and Abraham [0085] went [1980] with them to bring them on the way. [7971]


 Et YEHOVAH dit: Cacherai-je à Abraham ce que je vais faire,

 And the LORD [3068] said, [0559] Shall I hide [3680] from Abraham [0085] that thing which [0834] I do; [6213]


 Quand Abraham doit devenir une nation grande et puissante, et que toutes les nations de la terre seront bénies en lui?

 Seeing that Abraham [0085] shall surely become a great [1419] and mighty [6099] nation, [1471] and all the nations [1471] of the earth [0776] shall be blessed [1288] in him?


 Car je l'ai connu, afin qu'il commande à ses enfants, et à sa maison après lui, de garder la voie de YEHOVAH, pour faire ce qui est juste et droit; afin que YEHOVAH fasse venir sur Abraham ce qu'il a dit de lui.

 For I know [3045] him, that [0834] he will command [6680] his children [1121] and his household [1004] after [0310] him, and they shall keep [8104] the way [1870] of the LORD, [3068] to do [6213] justice [6666] and judgment; [4941] that the LORD [3068] may bring [0935] upon Abraham [0085] that which he hath spoken [1696] of him.


 Et YEHOVAH dit: Le cri contre Sodome et Gomorrhe est vraiment grand, et leur péché est très grave.

 And the LORD [3068] said, [0559] Because the cry [2201] of Sodom [5467] and Gomorrah [6017] is great, [7227] and because their sin [2403] is very [3966] grievous; [3513]


 Je veux descendre et voir s'ils ont agi entièrement selon le cri qui en est venu jusqu'à moi; et si cela n'est pas, je le saurai.

 I will go down [3381] now, and see [7200] whether they have done [6213] altogether [3617] according to the cry [6818] of it, which is come [0935] unto me; and if not, I will know. [3045]


 Alors ces hommes, partant de là, allèrent vers Sodome; mais Abraham se tint encore devant YEHOVAH.

 And the men [0582] turned their faces [6437] from thence, and went [3212] toward Sodom: [5467] but Abraham [0085] stood [5975] yet [5750] before [6440] the LORD. [3068]


 Et Abraham s'approcha et dit: Feras-tu périr aussi le juste avec le méchant?

 And Abraham [0085] drew near, [5066] and said, [0559] Wilt thou also destroy [5595] the righteous [6662] with [5973] the wicked? [7563]


 Peut-être y a-t-il cinquante justes dans la ville; les feras-tu périr aussi, et ne pardonneras-tu point à ce lieu, à cause des cinquante justes, s'ils y sont?

 Peradventure there be [3426] fifty [2572] righteous [6662] within [8432] the city: [5892] wilt thou also destroy [5595] and not spare [5375] the place [4725] for [4616] the fifty [2572] righteous [6662] that [are] therein? [7130]


 Il n'arrivera pas que tu fasses une telle chose, que tu fasses mourir le juste avec le méchant, en sorte que le juste soit traité comme le méchant. Non, tu ne le feras point. Celui qui juge toute la terre, ne fera-t-il point justice?

 That be far [2486] from thee to do [6213] after this manner, [1697] to slay [4191] the righteous [6662] with the wicked: [7563] and that the righteous [6662] should be as the wicked, [7563] that be far [2486] from thee: Shall not the Judge [8199] of all the earth [0776] do [6213] right? [4941]


 Et YEHOVAH dit: Si je trouve à Sodome cinquante justes dans la ville, je pardonnerai à toute la ville pour l'amour d'eux.

 And the LORD [3068] said, [0559] If I find [4672] in Sodom [5467] fifty [2572] righteous [6662] within [8432] the city, [5892] then I will spare [5375] all the place [4725] for their sakes.


 Et Abraham reprit et dit: Voici, j'ai osé parler au Seigneur, bien que je ne sois que poussière et cendre.

 And Abraham [0085] answered [6030] and said, [0559] Behold now, I have taken upon me [2974] to speak [1696] unto the Lord, [0136] which [0595] [am but] dust [6083] and ashes: [0665]


 Peut-être des cinquante justes en manquera-t-il cinq: détruiras-tu, pour cinq, toute la ville? Et il répondit: Je ne la détruirai point, si j'y trouve quarante-cinq justes.

 Peradventure there shall lack [2637] five [2568] of the fifty [2572] righteous: [0066] [0002] wilt thou destroy [7843] all the city [5892] for [lack of] five? [2568] And he said, [0559] If I find [4672] there forty [0705] and five, [2568] I will not destroy [7843] [it].


 Et Abraham continua de lui parler, et dit: Peut-être s'y en trouvera-t-il quarante? Et il dit: Je ne le ferai point, pour l'amour de ces quarante.

 And he spake [1696] unto him yet again, [3254] and said, [0559] Peradventure there shall be forty [0705] found [4672] there. And he said, [0559] I will not do [6213] [it] for forty's [0705] sake.


 Et Abraham dit: Je prie le Seigneur de ne pas s'irriter, et je parlerai: Peut-être s'y en trouvera-t-il trente? Et il dit: Je ne le ferai point, si j'y en trouve trente.

 And he said [0559] [unto him], Oh [4994] let not the Lord [0136] be angry, [2734] and I will speak: [1696] Peradventure there shall thirty [7970] be found [4672] there. And he said, [0559] I will not do [6213] [it], if I find [4672] thirty [7970] there.


 Et Abraham dit: Voici, j'ai osé parler au Seigneur: Peut-être s'en trouvera-t-il vingt? Et il dit: Je ne la détruirai point, pour l'amour de ces vingt.

 And he said, [0559] Behold now, I have taken upon me [2974] to speak [1696] unto the Lord: [0136] Peradventure there shall be twenty [6242] found [4672] there. And he said, [0559] I will not destroy [7843] [it] for twenty's [6242] sake.


 Et Abraham dit: Je prie le Seigneur de ne pas s'irriter, et je parlerai, seulement cette fois. Peut-être s'y en trouvera-t-il dix? Et il dit: Je ne la détruirai point, pour l'amour de ces dix.

 And he said, [0559] Oh let not the Lord [0136] be angry, [2734] and I will speak [1696] yet but [0389] this once: [6471] Peradventure ten [6235] shall be found [4672] there. And he said, [0559] I will not destroy [7843] [it] for ten's [6235] sake.


 Et YEHOVAH s'en alla, quand il eut achevé de parler à Abraham. Et Abraham retourna en sa demeure.

 And the LORD [3068] went his way, [3212] as soon as [0834] he had left [3615] communing [1696] with Abraham: [0085] and Abraham [0085] returned [7725] unto his place. [4725]


 Or, sur le soir les deux messagers arrivèrent à Sodome; et Lot était assis à la porte de Sodome. Et Lot les vit, et il se leva pour aller au-devant d'eux, et se prosterna le visage contre terre.

 And there came [0935] two [8147] angels [4397] to Sodom [5467] at even; [6153] and Lot [3876] sat [3427] in the gate [8179] of Sodom: [5467] and Lot [3876] seeing [7200] [them] rose up [6965] to meet [7125] them; and he bowed [7812] himself with his face [0639] toward the ground; [0776]


 Et il dit: Voici, je vous prie, mes seigneurs, venez loger dans la maison de votre serviteur, et passez-y la nuit et lavez vos pieds; et demain matin vous vous lèverez, et vous continuerez votre chemin. Mais ils dirent: Non, nous passerons la nuit dans la rue.

 And he said, [0559] Behold now, my lords, [0113] turn in, [5493] I pray you, into your servant's [5650] house, [1004] and tarry all night, [3885] and wash [7364] your feet, [7272] and ye shall rise up early, [7925] and go [1980] on your ways. [1870] And they said, [0559] Nay; but we will abide in the street [7339] all night. [3885]


 Mais il les pressa tellement qu'ils allèrent loger chez lui et entrèrent dans sa maison. Et il leur fit un festin, et fit cuire des pains sans levain, et ils mangèrent.

 And he pressed [6484] upon them greatly; [3966] and they turned in [5493] unto him, and entered [0935] into his house; [1004] and he made [6213] them a feast, [4960] and did bake [0644] unleavened bread, [4682] and they did eat. [0398]


 Ils n'étaient pas encore couchés, que les hommes de la ville, les hommes de Sodome, environnèrent la maison, depuis le jeune homme jusqu'au vieillard, tout le peuple ensemble.

 But before they lay down, [7901] the men [0582] of the city, [5892] [even] the men [0582] of Sodom, [5467] compassed the house [1004] round, [5437] both old [2205] and young, [5288] all the people [5971] from every quarter: [7097]


 Et appelant Lot, ils lui dirent: Où sont les hommes qui sont venus chez toi cette nuit? Fais-les sortir, que nous les connaissions.

 And they called [7121] unto Lot, [3876] and said [0559] unto him, Where [are] the men [0582] which came in [0935] to thee this night? [3915] bring them out [3318] unto us, that we may know [3045] them.


 Alors Lot sortit vers eux à l'entrée de la maison, et il ferma la porte après lui,

 And Lot [3876] went out [3318] at the door [6607] unto them, and shut [5462] the door [1817] after [0310] him,


 Et il leur dit: Je vous prie, mes frères, ne faites point le mal!

 And said, [0559] I pray you, brethren, [0251] do not so wickedly. [7489]


 Voici, j'ai deux filles, qui n'ont point connu d'homme; je vous les amènerai, et vous leur ferez ce qu'il vous plaira; seulement ne faites rien à ces hommes, puisqu'ils sont venus à l'ombre de mon toit.

 Behold now, I have two [8147] daughters [1323] which have not known [3045] man; [0376] let me, I pray you, bring them out [3318] unto you, and do [6213] ye to them as [is] good [2896] in your eyes: [5869] only unto these [0411] men [0582] do [6213] nothing; [0408] [1697] for therefore came [0935] they under the shadow [6738] of my roof. [6982]


 Mais ils lui dirent: Retire-toi de là! Puis ils dirent: Cet homme-là est venu ici comme étranger, et il se mêle de juger! Eh bien, nous te traiterons plus mal qu'eux. Et, pressant Lot violemment, ils s'approchèrent pour enfoncer la porte.

 And they said, [0559] Stand [5066] back. [1973] And they said [0559] [again], This one [0259] [fellow] came in [0935] to sojourn, [1481] and he will needs [8199] be a judge: [8199] now will we deal worse [7489] with thee, than with them. And they pressed [6484] sore [3966] upon the man, [0376] [even] Lot, [3876] and came near [5066] to break [7665] the door. [1817]


 Mais ces hommes, avançant leurs mains, firent rentrer Lot vers eux dans la maison, et fermèrent la porte.

 But the men [0582] put forth [7971] their hand, [3027] and pulled [0935] Lot [3876] into the house [1004] to them, and shut [5462] to the door. [1817]


 Puis ils frappèrent d'éblouissement les hommes qui étaient à l'entrée de la maison, depuis le plus petit jusqu'au plus grand; de sorte qu'ils se lassèrent à chercher la porte.

 And they smote [5221] the men [0582] that [were] at the door [6607] of the house [1004] with blindness, [5575] both small [6996] and great: [1419] so that they wearied [3811] themselves to find [4672] the door. [6607]


 Alors ces hommes dirent à Lot: Qui as-tu encore ici? Gendre, fils, filles, et tout ce qui est à toi dans la ville, fais tout sortir de ce lieu.

 And the men [0582] said [0559] unto Lot, [3876] Hast thou here [6311] any [4310] besides? son in law, [2860] and thy sons, [1121] and thy daughters, [1323] and whatsoever [0834] thou hast in the city, [5892] bring [them] out [3318] of this place: [4725]


 Car nous allons détruire ce lieu, parce que le cri contre ses habitants est grand devant YEHOVAH, et YEHOVAH nous a envoyés pour le détruire.

 For we [0587] will destroy [7843] [0853] this place, [4725] because the cry [6818] of them is waxen great [1431] before [0854] the face [6440] of the LORD; [3068] and the LORD [3068] hath sent [7971] us to destroy [7843] it.


 Alors Lot sortit et parla à ses gendres, qui avaient pris ses filles, et leur dit: Levez-vous, sortez de ce lieu; car YEHOVAH va détruire la ville. Mais ses gendres crurent qu'il se moquait.

 And Lot [3876] went out, [3318] and spake [1696] unto his sons in law, [2860] which married [3947] his daughters, [1323] and said, [0559] Up, [6965] get you out [3318] of this place; [4725] for the LORD [3068] will destroy [7843] this city. [5892] But he seemed as one that mocked [6711] unto [5869] his sons in law. [2860]


 Et dès que l'aurore se leva, les messagers pressèrent Lot, en disant: Lève-toi, prends ta femme et tes deux filles qui se trouvent ici, de peur que tu ne périsses dans le châtiment de la ville.

 And when [3644] the morning [7837] arose, [5927] then the angels [4397] hastened [0213] Lot, [3876] saying, [0559] Arise, [6965] take [3947] thy wife, [0802] and thy two [8147] daughters, [1323] which are here; [4672] lest thou be consumed [5595] in the iniquity [5771] of the city. [5892]


 Et comme il tardait, ces hommes le prirent par la main; ils prirent aussi par la main sa femme et ses deux filles, parce que YEHOVAH voulait l'épargner; et ils l'emmenèrent, et le mirent hors de la ville.

 And while he lingered, [4102] the men [0582] laid hold [2388] upon his hand, [3027] and upon the hand [3027] of his wife, [0802] and upon the hand [3027] of his two [8147] daughters; [1323] the LORD [3068] being merciful [2551] unto him: and they brought him forth, [3318] and set him [3240] without [2351] the city. [5892]


 Or, dès qu'ils les eurent fait sortir, l'un d'eux dit: Sauve ta vie; ne regarde point derrière toi, et ne t'arrête en aucun endroit de la plaine; sauve-toi vers la montagne, de peur que tu ne périsses.

 And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth [3318] abroad, [2351] that he said, [0559] Escape [4422] for [5921] thy life; [5315] look [5027] not behind [0310] thee, neither stay [5975] thou in all the plain; [3603] escape [4422] to the mountain, [2022] lest thou be consumed. [5595]


 Et Lot leur répondit: Non, Seigneur, je te prie;

 And Lot [3876] said [0559] unto them, Oh, not so, my Lord: [0113]


 Voici, ton serviteur a trouvé grâce devant tes yeux, et tu as signalé ta miséricorde envers moi, en me sauvant la vie. Mais moi, je ne puis me sauver vers la montagne, que le désastre ne m'atteigne, et que je ne meure.

 Behold now, thy servant [5650] hath found [4672] grace [2580] in thy sight, [5869] and thou hast magnified [1431] thy mercy, [2617] which thou hast shewed [6213] unto me [5978] in saving [2421] my life; [5315] and I cannot [3808] [3201] escape [4422] to the mountain, [2022] lest some evil [7451] take [1692] me, and I die: [4191]


 Voici, je te prie, cette ville est assez proche pour s'y enfuir, et elle est insignifiante; que je m'y sauve, je te prie. N'est-ce pas une petite chose que mon âme vive?

 Behold now, this city [5892] [is] near [7138] to flee [5127] unto, and it [1931] [is] a little one: [4705] Oh, let me escape [4422] thither, ([is] it not a little one?) [4705] and my soul [5315] shall live. [2421]


 Et il lui dit: Voici, je t'accorde encore cette grâce, de ne point détruire la ville dont tu as parlé.

 And he said [0559] unto him, See, [2009] I have accepted [5375] thee [6440] concerning this thing [1697] also, that I will not overthrow [2015] this city, [5892] for the which [0834] thou hast spoken. [1696]


 Hâte-toi de t'y sauver; car je ne puis rien faire jusqu'à ce que tu y sois entré. C'est pour cela qu'on appela cette ville Tsoar (l'insignifiante).

 Haste [4116] thee, escape [4422] thither; for I cannot [3808] [3201] do [6213] any thing [1697] till thou be come [0935] thither. Therefore the name [8034] of the city [5892] was called [7121] Zoar. [6820]


 Comme le soleil se levait sur la terre, Lot entra dans Tsoar.

 The sun [8121] was risen [3318] upon the earth [0776] when Lot [3876] entered [0935] into Zoar. [6820]


 Alors YEHOVAH fit pleuvoir sur Sodome et sur Gomorrhe du soufre et du feu, de la part de YEHOVAH, du haut des cieux.

 Then the LORD [3068] rained [4305] upon Sodom [5467] and upon Gomorrah [6017] brimstone [1614] and fire [0784] from the LORD [3068] out of heaven; [8064]


 Et il détruisit ces villes et toute la plaine, et tous les habitants des villes, et les germes de la terre.

 And he overthrew [2015] those [0411] cities, [5892] and all the plain, [3603] and all the inhabitants [3427] of the cities, [5892] and that which grew [6780] upon the ground. [0127]


 Mais la femme de Lot regarda derrière elle, et elle devint figée dans le saupoudrage du soufre et du feu.

 But his wife [0802] looked [5027] back from behind [0310] him, and she became a pillar [5333] of salt. [4417]


 Et Abraham se leva de bon matin, et vint au lieu où il s'était tenu devant YEHOVAH.

 And Abraham [0085] gat up early [7925] in the morning [1242] to the place [4725] where he stood [5975] before [6440] the LORD: [3068]


 Et il regarda vers Sodome et Gomorrhe, et sur toute la surface du pays de la plaine, et il vit monter de la terre une fumée comme la fumée d'une fournaise.

 And he looked [8259] toward [6440] Sodom [5467] and Gomorrah, [6017] and toward [6440] all the land [0776] of the plain, [3603] and beheld, [7200] and, lo, the smoke [7008] of the country [0776] went up [5927] as the smoke [7008] of a furnace. [3536]


 Or, lorsque Dieu détruisit les villes de la plaine, Dieu se souvint d'Abraham, et il fit partir Lot du milieu de la ruine, quand il renversa les villes où Lot avait habité.

 And it came to pass, when God [0430] destroyed [7843] the cities [5892] of the plain, [3603] that God [0430] remembered [2142] Abraham, [0085] and sent [7971] Lot [3876] out of the midst [8432] of the overthrow, [2018] when he overthrew [2015] the cities [5892] in the which [2004] Lot [3876] dwelt. [3427]


 Et Lot monta de Tsoar, et habita dans la montagne avec ses deux filles, car il craignait de demeurer dans Tsoar; et il demeura dans une caverne, lui et ses deux filles.

 And Lot [3876] went up [5927] out of Zoar, [6820] and dwelt [3427] in the mountain, [2022] and his two [8147] daughters [1323] with him; for he feared [3372] to dwell [3427] in Zoar: [6820] and he dwelt [3427] in a cave, [4631] he and his two [8147] daughters. [1323]


 Et l'aînée dit à la plus jeune: Notre père est vieux, et il n'y a personne sur la terre pour venir vers nous, selon la coutume de tous les pays.

 And the firstborn [1067] said [0559] unto the younger, [6810] Our father [0001] [is] old, [2204] and [there is] not a man [0376] in the earth [0776] to come in [0935] unto us after the manner [1870] of all the earth: [0776]


 Viens, faisons boire du vin à notre père, et couchons avec lui, afin que nous conservions la race de notre père.

 Come, [3212] let us make our father [0001] drink [8248] wine, [3196] and we will lie [7901] with him, that we may preserve [2421] seed [2233] of our father. [0001]


 Elles firent donc boire du vin à leur père cette nuit-là. Et l'aînée vint, et coucha avec son père; mais il ne s'aperçut ni quand elle se coucha, ni quand elle se leva.

 And they made their father [0001] drink [8248] wine [3196] that night: [3915] and the firstborn [1067] went in, [0935] and lay [7901] with her father; [0001] and he perceived [3045] not when she lay down, [7901] nor when she arose. [6965]


 Et le lendemain, l'aînée dit à la plus jeune: Voici, j'ai couché la nuit passée avec mon père; faisons-lui boire du vin encore cette nuit; puis va, couche avec lui, et nous conserverons la race de notre père.

 And it came to pass on the morrow, [4283] that the firstborn [1067] said [0559] unto the younger, [6810] Behold, I lay [7901] yesternight [0570] with my father: [0001] let us make him drink [8248] wine [3196] this night [3915] also; and go thou in, [0935] [and] lie [7901] with him, that we may preserve [2421] seed [2233] of our father. [0001]


 Elles firent donc, encore cette nuit-là, boire du vin à leur père. Et la plus jeune se leva et coucha avec lui; mais il ne s'aperçut ni quand elle se coucha, ni quand elle se leva.

 And they made their father [0001] drink [8248] wine [3196] that [1931] night [3915] also: and the younger [6810] arose, [6965] and lay [7901] with him; and he perceived [3045] not when she lay down, [7901] nor when she arose. [6965]


 Et les deux filles de Lot conçurent de leur père.

 Thus were both [8147] the daughters [1323] of Lot [3876] with child [2029] by their father. [0001]


 Et l'aînée enfanta un fils, et l'appela du nom de Moab (issu d'un père); c'est le père des Moabites jusqu'à ce jour.

 And the firstborn [1067] bare [3205] a son, [1121] and called [7121] his name [8034] Moab: [4124] the same [1931] [is] the father [0001] of the Moabites [4124] unto this day. [3117]


 Et la plus jeune aussi enfanta un fils, et l'appela du nom de Ben-Ammi (fils de mon peuple). C'est le père des enfants d'Ammon jusqu'à ce jour.

 And the younger, [6810] she also bare [3205] a son, [1121] and called [7121] his name [8034] Benammi: [1151] the same [is] the father [0001] of the children [1121] of Ammon [5983] unto this day. [3117]


 Abraham partit de là pour le pays du Midi, et il demeura entre Kadès et Shur, et il séjourna à Guérar.

 And Abraham [0085] journeyed [5265] from thence toward the south [5045] country, [0776] and dwelled [3427] between Kadesh [6946] and Shur, [7793] and sojourned [1481] in Gerar. [1642]


 Et Abraham dit de Sara sa femme: C'est ma sœur. Et Abimélec, roi de Guérar, envoya enlever Sara.

 And Abraham [0085] said [0559] of [0413] Sarah [8283] his wife, [0802] She [is] my sister: [0269] and Abimelech [0040] king [4428] of Gerar [1642] sent, [7971] and took [3947] Sarah. [8283]


 Mais Dieu vint vers Abimélec, en songe, pendant la nuit, et lui dit: Voici, tu es mort, à cause de la femme que tu as prise; car elle a un mari.

 But God [0430] came [0935] to Abimelech [0040] in a dream [2472] by night, [3915] and said [0559] to him, Behold, thou [art but] a dead man, [4191] for the woman [0802] which thou hast taken; [3947] for she [is] a man's [1167] wife. [1166]


 Or, Abimélec ne s'était point approché d'elle. Et il répondit: Seigneur, feras-tu périr même une nation juste?

 But Abimelech [0040] had not come near [7126] her: and he said, [0559] Lord, [0136] wilt thou slay [2026] also a righteous [6662] nation? [1471]


 Ne m'a-t-il pas dit: C'est ma sœur? Et elle, elle aussi, n'a-t-elle pas dit: C'est mon frère? C'est dans l'intégrité de mon cœur, et dans l'innocence de mes mains que j'ai fait cela.

 Said [0559] he not unto me, She [1931] [is] my sister? [0269] and she, [1931] even [1571] she herself [1931] said, [0559] He [is] my brother: [0251] in the integrity [8537] of my heart [3824] and innocency [5356] of my hands [3709] have I done [6213] this.


 Et Dieu lui dit en songe: Moi aussi je sais que tu l'as fait dans l'intégrité de ton cœur; aussi t'ai-je empêché de pécher contre moi; c'est pour cela que je n'ai point permis que tu la touches.

 And God [0430] said [0559] unto him in a dream, [2472] Yea, [1571] I know [3045] that thou didst [6213] this in the integrity [8537] of thy heart; [3824] for I also withheld [2820] thee from sinning [2398] against me: therefore suffered [5414] I thee not to touch [5060] her.


 Mais maintenant rends la femme de cet homme, car il est prophète; et il priera pour toi, et tu vivras. Mais si tu ne la rends pas, sache que tu mourras certainement, toi et tout ce qui est à toi.

 Now therefore restore [7725] the man [0376] [his] wife; [0802] for he [is] a prophet, [5030] and he shall pray [6419] for thee, [1157] and thou shalt live: [2421] and if thou restore [7725] [her] not, know [3045] thou that thou shalt surely [4191] die, [4191] thou, and all that [are] thine.


 Et Abimélec se leva de bon matin, et appela tous ses serviteurs, et leur fit entendre toutes ces paroles; et ces gens furent saisis de crainte.

 Therefore Abimelech [0040] rose early [7925] in the morning, [1242] and called [7121] all his servants, [5650] and told [1696] all these things [1697] in their ears: [0241] and the men [0582] were sore [3966] afraid. [3372]


 Puis Abimélec appela Abraham et lui dit: Que nous as-tu fait? Et en quoi t'ai-je offensé, que tu aies fait venir sur moi et sur mon royaume un si grand péché? Tu as fait à mon égard des choses qui ne se font pas.

 Then Abimelech [0040] called [7121] Abraham, [0085] and said [0559] unto him, What hast thou done [6213] unto us? and what have I offended [2398] thee, that thou hast brought [0935] on me and on my kingdom [4467] a great [1419] sin? [2401] thou hast done [6213] deeds [4639] unto me that ought not to be done. [6213]


 Puis Abimélec dit à Abraham: Qu'avais-tu en vue, pour en agir ainsi?

 And Abimelech [0040] said [0559] unto Abraham, [0085] What [4100] sawest [7200] thou, that thou hast done [6213] this thing? [1697]


 Et Abraham répondit: C'est que je me suis dit: Il n'y a sûrement aucune crainte de Dieu dans ce lieu, et ils me tueront à cause de ma femme.

 And Abraham [0085] said, [0559] Because I thought, [0559] Surely [7535] the fear [3374] of God [0430] [is] not in this place; [4725] and they will slay me [2026] for my wife's [0802] sake. [1697]


 Mais aussi, en vérité, elle est ma sœur, fille de mon père; seulement, elle n'est point fille de ma mère; et elle est devenue ma femme.

 And yet indeed [0546] [she is] my sister; [0269] she [is] the daughter [1323] of my father, [0001] but not the daughter [1323] of my mother; [0517] and she became my wife. [0802]


 Or, lorsque Dieu me fit errer loin de la maison de mon père, je lui dis: Voici la faveur que tu me feras: Dans tous les lieux où nous irons, dis de moi: C'est mon frère.

 And it came to pass, when God [0430] caused me to wander [8582] from my father's [0001] house, [1004] that I said [0559] unto her, This [is] thy kindness [2617] which thou shalt shew [6213] unto me; at every place [4725] whither we shall come, [0935] say [0559] of me, He [is] my brother. [0251]


 Alors Abimélec prit des brebis et des bœufs, des serviteurs et des servantes, et les donna à Abraham, et il lui rendit Sara sa femme.

 And Abimelech [0040] took [3947] sheep, [6629] and oxen, [1241] and menservants, [5650] and womenservants, [8198] and gave [5414] [them] unto Abraham, [0085] and restored [7725] him Sarah [8283] his wife. [0802]


 Et Abimélec dit: Voici, mon pays est à ta disposition; habite où il te plaira.

 And Abimelech [0040] said, [0559] Behold, my land [0776] [is] before [6440] thee: dwell [3427] where it pleaseth [2896] thee. [5869]


 Et il dit à Sara: Voici, j'ai donné à ton frère mille pièces d'argent; voici, ce sera pour toi un voile sur les yeux, devant tous ceux qui sont avec toi; et auprès de tous: et ainsi elle fut reprise.

 And unto Sarah [8283] he said, [0559] Behold, I have given [5414] thy brother [0251] a thousand [0505] [pieces] of silver: [3701] behold, he [is] to thee a covering [3682] of the eyes, [5869] unto all that [are] with thee, and with all [other]: thus she was reproved. [3198]


 Et Abraham pria Dieu; et Dieu guérit Abimélec, sa femme et ses servantes, et elles enfantèrent.

 So Abraham [0085] prayed [6419] unto God: [0430] and God [0430] healed [7495] Abimelech, [0040] and his wife, [0802] and his maidservants; [0519] and they bare [3205] [children].


 Car YEHOVAH avait entièrement rendu stérile toute la maison d'Abimélec, à cause de Sara, femme d'Abraham.

 For the LORD [3068] had fast [6113] closed up [6113] all the wombs [7358] of the house [1004] of Abimelech, [0040] because [1697] of Sarah [8283] Abraham's [0085] wife. [0802]


 Et YEHOVAH visita Sara, comme il l'avait dit; et YEHOVAH fit à Sara comme il en avait parlé.

 And the LORD [3068] visited [6485] Sarah [8283] as he had said, [0559] and the LORD [3068] did [6213] unto Sarah [8283] as he had spoken. [1696]


 Et Sara conçut, et enfanta un fils à Abraham dans sa vieillesse, à l'époque que Dieu lui avait dite.

 For Sarah [8283] conceived, [2029] and bare [3205] Abraham [0085] a son [1121] in his old age, [2208] at the set time [4150] of which God [0430] had spoken [1696] to him.


 Et Abraham appela son fils, qui lui était né, et que Sara lui avait enfanté, Isaac.

 And Abraham [0085] called [7121] the name [8034] of his son [1121] that was born [3205] unto him, whom Sarah [8283] bare [3205] to him, Isaac. [3327]


 Et Abraham circoncit Isaac son fils à l'âge de huit jours, comme Dieu le lui avait commandé.

 And Abraham [0085] circumcised [4135] his son [1121] Isaac [3327] being eight [8083] days [3117] old, [1121] as God [0430] had commanded [6680] him.


 Or, Abraham était âgé de cent ans, quand Isaac, son fils, lui naquit.

 And Abraham [0085] was an hundred [3967] years [8141] old, [1121] when his son [1121] Isaac [3327] was born [3205] unto him.


 Et Sara dit: Dieu m'a fait une chose qui fera rire; tous ceux qui l'apprendront, riront à mon sujet.

 And Sarah [8283] said, [0559] God [0430] hath made [6213] me to laugh, [6712] [so that] all that hear [8085] will laugh [6711] with me.


 Puis elle dit: Qui eût dit à Abraham que Sara allaiterait des enfants? car je lui ai enfanté un fils dans sa vieillesse.

 And she said, [0559] Who would have said [4448] unto Abraham, [0085] that Sarah [8283] should have given children [1121] suck? [3243] for I have born [3205] [him] a son [1121] in his old age. [2208]


 Et l'enfant grandit, et fut sevré. Et Abraham fit un grand festin le jour où Isaac fut sevré.

 And the child [3206] grew, [1431] and was weaned: [1580] and Abraham [0085] made [6213] a great [1419] feast [4960] the [same] day [3117] that Isaac [3327] was weaned. [1580]


 Et Sara vit le fils d'Agar l'Égyptienne qu'elle avait enfanté à Abraham, qui riait.

 And Sarah [8283] saw [7200] the son [1121] of Hagar [1904] the Egyptian, [4713] which she had born [3205] unto Abraham, [0085] mocking. [6711]


 Et elle dit à Abraham: Chasse cette servante et son fils, car le fils de cette servante n'héritera point avec mon fils, avec Isaac.

 Wherefore she said [0559] unto Abraham, [0085] Cast out [1644] this bondwoman [0519] and her son: [1121] for the son [1121] of this bondwoman [0519] shall not be heir [3423] with my son, [1121] [even] with Isaac. [3327]


 Et cette parole déplut fort à Abraham, à cause de son fils.

 And the thing [1697] was very [3966] grievous [3415] in Abraham's [0085] sight [5869] because [0182] of his son. [1121]


 Mais Dieu dit à Abraham: Que cela ne te déplaise pas à cause de l'enfant et de ta servante. Quoi que te dise Sara, obéis à sa voix: car c'est en Isaac que ta postérité sera appelée de ton nom.

 And God [0430] said [0559] unto Abraham, [0085] Let it not be grievous [3415] in thy sight [5869] because of the lad, [5288] and because of thy bondwoman; [0519] in all that Sarah [8283] hath said [0559] unto thee, hearken [8085] unto her voice; [6963] for in Isaac [3327] shall thy seed [2233] be called. [7121]


 Mais je ferai aussi du fils de la servante une nation, parce qu'il est ta race.

 And also of the son [1121] of the bondwoman [0519] will I make [7760] a nation, [1471] because he [is] thy seed. [2233]


 Et Abraham se leva de bon matin, prit du pain et une outre d'eau, et les donna à Agar; il les mit sur son épaule; il lui donna aussi l'enfant et la renvoya. Et elle s'en alla et erra dans le désert de Béer-Shéba.

 And Abraham [0085] rose up early [7925] in the morning, [1242] and took [3947] bread, [3899] and a bottle [2573] of water, [4325] and gave [5414] [it] unto Hagar, [1904] putting [7760] [it] on her shoulder, [7926] and the child, [3206] and sent her away: [7971] and she departed, [3212] and wandered [8582] in the wilderness [4057] of Beersheba. [0884]


 Quand l'eau de l'outre fut épuisée, elle laissa l'enfant sous un des arbrisseaux.

 And the water [4325] was spent [3615] in [4480] the bottle, [2573] and she cast [7993] the child [3206] under one [0259] of the shrubs. [7880]


 Et elle s'en alla, et s'assit vis-à-vis, environ à la distance d'une portée d'arc; car elle dit: Que je ne voie pas mourir l'enfant. Et elle s'assit vis-à-vis, éleva la voix, et pleura.

 And she went, [3212] and sat her down [3427] over against [5048] [him] a good way off, [7368] as it were a bowshot: [2909] [7198] for she said, [0559] Let me not see [7200] the death [4194] of the child. [3206] And she sat [3427] over against [him], and lift up [5375] her voice, [6963] and wept. [1058]


 Et Dieu entendit la voix du jeune garçon, et l'ange de Dieu appela des cieux Agar, et lui dit: Qu'as-tu, Agar? Ne crains point, car Dieu a entendu la voix du jeune garçon, là où il est.

 And God [0430] heard [8085] the voice [6963] of the lad; [5288] and the angel [4397] of God [0430] called [7121] to Hagar [1904] out of heaven, [8064] and said [0559] unto her, What aileth thee, Hagar? [1904] fear [3372] not; for God [0430] hath heard [8085] the voice [6963] of the lad [5288] where he [is].


 Lève-toi, prends le jeune garçon, et tiens-le par la main; car je ferai de lui une grande nation.

 Arise, [6965] lift up [5375] the lad, [5288] and hold [2388] him in thine hand; [3027] for I will make [7760] him a great [1419] nation. [1471]


 Et Dieu lui ouvrit les yeux, et elle vit un puits d'eau, et elle alla et remplit l'outre d'eau, et donna à boire au jeune garçon

 And God [0430] opened [6491] her eyes, [5869] and she saw [7200] a well [0875] of water; [4325] and she went, [3212] and filled [4390] the bottle [2573] with water, [4325] and gave the lad [5288] drink. [8248]


 Et Dieu fut avec le jeune garçon, qui devint grand, et habita dans le désert; et il fut tireur d'arc.

 And God [0430] was with the lad; [5288] and he grew, [1431] and dwelt [3427] in the wilderness, [4057] and became an archer. [7235] [7199]


 Et il habita dans le désert de Paran. Et sa mère lui prit une femme du pays d'Égypte.

 And he dwelt [3427] in the wilderness [4057] of Paran: [6290] and his mother [0517] took [3947] him a wife [0802] out of the land [0776] of Egypt. [4714]


 Et il arriva qu'en ce temps-là Abimélec, accompagné de Picol, chef de son armée, parla à Abraham, en disant: Dieu est avec toi dans tout ce que tu fais.

 And it came to pass at that time, [6256] that Abimelech [0040] and Phichol [6369] the chief captain [8269] of his host [6635] spake [0559] unto Abraham, [0085] saying, [0559] God [0430] [is] with thee in all that thou doest: [6213]


 Maintenant donc, jure-moi ici par le nom de Dieu, que tu ne tromperas ni moi, ni mes enfants, ni ma race. Tu agiras envers moi et envers le pays où tu as séjourné, avec la même bonté avec laquelle j'ai agi envers toi.

 Now therefore swear [7650] unto me here [2008] by God [0430] that thou wilt not deal falsely [8266] with me, nor with my son, [5209] nor with my son's son: [5220] [but] according to the kindness [2617] that I have done [6213] unto thee, thou shalt do [6213] unto me, and to the land [0776] wherein thou hast sojourned. [1481]


 Et Abraham répondit: Je le jurerai.

 And Abraham [0085] said, [0559] I will swear. [7650]


 Mais Abraham reprit Abimélec à cause d'un puits d'eau, dont les serviteurs d'Abimélec s'étaient emparés.

 And Abraham [0085] reproved [3198] Abimelech [0040] because [0182] of a well [0875] of water, [4325] which Abimelech's [0040] servants [5650] had violently taken away. [1497]


 Et Abimélec dit: Je ne sais qui a fait cela; toi-même tu ne m'en as point averti, et moi je n'en ai entendu parler qu'aujourd'hui.

 And Abimelech [0040] said, [0559] I wot [3045] not who hath done [6213] this thing: [1697] neither [3808] didst thou tell [5046] me, neither [3808] yet heard [8085] I [of it], but [1115] to day. [3117]


 Alors Abraham prit des brebis et des bœufs, et les donna à Abimélec, et ils firent alliance ensemble.

 And Abraham [0085] took [3947] sheep [6629] and oxen, [1241] and gave [5414] them unto Abimelech; [0040] and both [8147] of them made [3772] a covenant. [1285]


 Et Abraham mit à part sept jeunes brebis du troupeau.

 And Abraham [0085] set [5324] seven [7651] ewe lambs [3535] of the flock [6629] by themselves.


 Et Abimélec dit à Abraham: Qu'est-ce que ces sept jeunes brebis que tu as mises à part?

 And Abimelech [0040] said [0559] unto Abraham, [0085] What [2008] [mean] these seven [7651] ewe lambs [3535] which thou hast set [5324] by themselves?


 Et il répondit: C'est que tu accepteras ces sept jeunes brebis de ma main, afin que ce me soit un témoignage que j'ai creusé ce puits.

 And he said, [0559] For [these] seven [7651] ewe lambs [3535] shalt thou take [3947] of my hand, [3027] that [5668] they may be a witness [5713] unto me, that I have digged [2658] this well. [0875]


 C'est pourquoi on appela ce lieu-là Béer-Shéba (puits du serment); car ils y jurèrent tous deux.

 Wherefore he called [7121] that place [4725] Beersheba; [0884] because there they sware [7650] both [8147] of them.


 Ils traitèrent donc alliance à Béer-Shéba. Puis Abimélec se leva avec Picol, chef de son armée, et ils retournèrent au pays des Philistins.

 Thus they made [3772] a covenant [1285] at Beersheba: [0884] then Abimelech [0040] rose up, [6965] and Phichol [6369] the chief captain [8269] of his host, [6635] and they returned [7725] into the land [0776] of the Philistines. [6430]


 Et Abraham planta un tamarin à Béer-Shéba, et il invoqua là le nom de YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'éternité.

 And [Abraham] planted [5193] a grove [0815] in Beersheba, [0884] and called [7121] there on the name [8034] of the LORD, [3068] the everlasting [5769] God. [0410]


 Et Abraham séjourna longtemps au pays des Philistins.

 And Abraham [0085] sojourned [1481] in the Philistines' [6430] land [0776] many [7227] days. [3117]


 Il arriva, après ces choses, que Dieu éprouva Abraham, et il lui dit: Abraham! et il répondit: Me voici.

 And it came to pass after [0310] these things, [1697] that God [0430] did tempt [5254] Abraham, [0085] and said [0559] unto him, Abraham: [0085] and he said, [0559] Behold, [here] I [am].


 Et il dit: Prends ton fils, ton unique, celui que tu aimes, Isaac, et va-t'en au pays de Morija, et là offre-le en offrande à brûler, sur une des montagnes que je te dirai.

 And he said, [0559] Take [3947] now thy son, [1121] thine only [3173] [son] Isaac, [3327] whom thou lovest, [0157] and get [3212] thee into the land [0776] of Moriah; [4179] and offer [5927] him there for a burnt offering [5930] upon one [0259] of the mountains [2022] which I will tell [0559] thee of.


 Et Abraham se leva de bon matin, sella son âne, prit deux de ses serviteurs avec lui, et Isaac son fils; il fendit du bois pour l'offrande à brûler; puis il partit et s'en alla vers le lieu que Dieu lui avait dit.

 And Abraham [0085] rose up early [7925] in the morning, [1242] and saddled [2280] his ass, [2543] and took [3947] two [8147] of his young men [5288] with him, and Isaac [3327] his son, [1121] and clave [1234] the wood [6086] for the burnt offering, [5930] and rose up, [6965] and went [3212] unto the place [4725] of which God [0430] had told [0559] him.


 Le troisième jour, Abraham, levant les yeux, vit le lieu de loin.

 Then on the third [7992] day [3117] Abraham [0085] lifted up [5375] his eyes, [5869] and saw [7200] the place [4725] afar off. [7350]


 Et Abraham dit à ses serviteurs: Demeurez ici avec l'âne. Moi et l'enfant nous irons jusque-là, et nous adorerons; puis nous reviendrons vers vous.

 And Abraham [0085] said [0559] unto his young men, [5288] Abide [3427] ye here with the ass; [2543] and I and the lad [5288] will go [3212] yonder [3541] and worship, [7812] and come again [7725] to you.


 Et Abraham prit le bois de l'offrande à brûler, et le mit sur Isaac son fils; puis il prit dans sa main le feu et le couteau, et ils s'en allèrent tous d'eux ensemble.

 And Abraham [0085] took [3947] the wood [6086] of the burnt offering, [5930] and laid [7760] [it] upon Isaac [3327] his son; [1121] and he took [3947] the fire [0784] in his hand, [3027] and a knife; [3979] and they went [3212] both [8147] of them together. [3162]


 Alors Isaac parla à Abraham son père, et dit: Mon père! Abraham répondit: Me voici, mon fils. Et il dit: Voici le feu et le bois; mais où est l'agneau pour l'offrande à brûler?

 And Isaac [3327] spake [0559] unto Abraham [0085] his father, [0001] and said, [0559] My father: [0001] and he said, [0559] Here [am] I, my son. [1121] And he said, [0559] Behold the fire [0784] and the wood: [6086] but where [is] the lamb [7716] for a burnt offering? [5930]


 Et Abraham répondit: Mon fils, Dieu se pourvoira lui-même l'agneau pour l'offrande à brûler. Et ils marchèrent tous deux ensemble.

 And Abraham [0085] said, [0559] My son, [1121] God [0430] will provide [7200] himself a lamb [7716] for a burnt offering: [5930] so they went [3212] both [8147] of them together. [3162]


 Et ils vinrent au lieu que Dieu lui avait dit, et Abraham y bâtit l'autel, et rangea le bois; et il lia Isaac son fils, et le mit sur l'autel, par-dessus le bois.

 And they came [0935] to the place [4725] which God [0430] had told [0559] him of; and Abraham [0085] built [1129] an altar [4196] there, and laid the wood [6086] in order, [6186] and bound [6123] Isaac [3327] his son, [1121] and laid [7760] him on the altar [4196] upon [4605] the wood. [6086]


 Puis Abraham étendit la main, et prit le couteau pour égorger son fils.

 And Abraham [0085] stretched forth [7971] his hand, [3027] and took [3947] the knife [3979] to slay [7819] his son. [1121]


 Mais l'ange de YEHOVAH lui cria des cieux, et dit: Abraham, Abraham! Et il répondit: Me voici.

 And the angel [4397] of the LORD [3068] called [7121] unto him out of heaven, [8064] and said, [0559] Abraham, [0085] Abraham: [0085] and he said, [0559] Here [am] I.


 Et il dit: Ne porte pas ta main sur l'enfant, et ne lui fais rien. Car maintenant je sais que tu crains Dieu, puisque tu ne m'as pas refusé ton fils, ton unique.

 And he said, [0559] Lay [7971] not thine hand [3027] upon [0413] the lad, [5288] neither do [6213] thou any thing [3972] unto him: for now [6258] I know [3045] that thou fearest [3373] God, [0430] seeing thou hast not [3808] withheld [2820] thy son, [1121] thine only [3173] [son] from me.


 Et Abraham leva les yeux et regarda, et voici derrière lui un bélier, retenu dans un buisson par les cornes. Alors Abraham alla prendre le bélier, et l'offrit en offrande à brûler à la place de son fils.

 And Abraham [0085] lifted up [5375] his eyes, [5869] and looked, [7200] and behold behind [0310] [him] a ram [0352] caught [0270] in a thicket [5442] by his horns: [7161] and Abraham [0085] went [3212] and took [3947] the ram, [0352] and offered him up [5927] for a burnt offering [5930] in the stead [8478] of his son. [1121]


 Et Abraham appela ce lieu-là, Jéhova-Jiré (YEHOVAH y pourvoira). De sorte qu'on dit aujourd'hui: Sur la montagne de YEHOVAH il y sera pourvu.

 And Abraham [0085] called [7121] the name [8034] of that place [4725] Jehovahjireh: [3068] [7200][3070] as [0834] it is said [0559] [to] this day, [3117] In the mount [2022] of the LORD [3068] it shall be seen. [7200]


 Et l'ange de YEHOVAH cria des cieux à Abraham pour la seconde fois,

 And the angel [4397] of the LORD [3068] called [7121] unto Abraham [0085] out of heaven [8064] the second time, [8145]


 Et dit: Je jure par moi-même, dit YEHOVAH, que, puisque tu as fait cela, et que tu n'as point refusé ton fils, ton unique,

 And said, [0559] By myself have I sworn, [7650] saith [5002] the LORD, [3068] for because [3282] [0834] thou hast done [6213] this thing, [1697] and hast not [3808] withheld [2820] thy son, [1121] thine only [3173] [son]:


 De cette bénédiction je te bénirai, et j'agrandirai et multiplierai ta postérité comme les étoiles des cieux, et comme le sable qui est sur le bord de la mer; et ta postérité possédera la porte de ses ennemis.

 That in blessing [1288] I will bless [1288] thee, and in multiplying [7235] I will multiply [7235] thy seed [2233] as the stars [3556] of the heaven, [8064] and as the sand [2344] which [is] upon the sea [3220] shore; [8193] and thy seed [2233] shall possess [3423] the gate [8179] of his enemies; [0341]


 Et toutes les nations de la terre seront bénies en ta postérité, parce que tu as obéi à ma voix.

 And in thy seed [2233] shall all the nations [1471] of the earth [0776] be blessed; [1288] because [0834] [6118] thou hast obeyed [8085] my voice. [6963]


 Alors Abraham retourna vers ses serviteurs; et ils se levèrent et s'en allèrent ensemble à Béer-Shéba; et Abraham demeura à Béer-Shéba.

 So Abraham [0085] returned [7725] unto his young men, [5288] and they rose up [6965] and went [3212] together [3162] to Beersheba; [0884] and Abraham [0085] dwelt [3427] at Beersheba. [0884]


 Or, après ces choses, on fit rapport à Abraham, en disant: Voici, Milca a enfanté, elle aussi, des enfants à Nachor ton frère:

 And it came to pass after [0310] these things, [1697] that it was told [5046] Abraham, [0085] saying, [0559] Behold, Milcah, [4435] she hath also born [3205] children [1121] unto thy brother [0251] Nahor; [5152]


 Uts son premier-né, Buz son frère, Kémuël, père d'Aram;

 Huz [5780] his firstborn, [1060] and Buz [0938] his brother, [0251] and Kemuel [7055] the father [0001] of Aram, [0758]


 Késed, Hazo, Pildash, Jidlaph et Béthuël.

 And Chesed, [3777] and Hazo, [2375] and Pildash, [6394] and Jidlaph, [3044] and Bethuel. [1328]


 Et Béthuël a engendré Rébecca. Milca enfanta ces huit à Nachor, frère d'Abraham.

 And Bethuel [1328] begat [3205] Rebekah: [7259] these eight [8083] Milcah [4435] did bear [3205] to Nahor, [5152] Abraham's [0085] brother. [0251]


 Et sa concubine, nommée Réuma, enfanta, elle aussi, Thébah, Gaham, Tahash et Maaca.

 And his concubine, [6370] whose name [8034] [was] Reumah, [7208] she bare [3205] also Tebah, [2875] and Gaham, [1514] and Thahash, [8477] and Maachah. [4601]


 Or, Sara vécut cent vingt-sept ans; ce sont là les années de la vie de Sara.

 And Sarah [8283] was an hundred [3967] [8141] and seven [7651] [8141] and twenty [6242] years [8141] old: [2416] [these were] the years [8141] of the life [2416] of Sarah. [8283]


 Et Sara mourut à Kirjath-Arba, qui est Hébron, dans le pays de Canaan. Et Abraham vint pour mener deuil sur Sara, et pour la pleurer.

 And Sarah [8283] died [4191] in Kirjatharba; [7153] the same [is] Hebron [2275] in the land [0776] of Canaan: [3667] and Abraham [0085] came [0935] to mourn [5594] for Sarah, [8283] and to weep [1058] for her.


 Puis Abraham se leva de devant son mort et parla aux enfants de Heth, en disant:

 And Abraham [0085] stood up [6965] from before [6440] his dead, [4191] and spake [1696] unto the sons [1121] of Heth, [2845] saying, [0559]


 Je suis un étranger et un hôte chez vous; donnez-moi la propriété d'une sépulture chez vous, afin que j'enterre mon mort et que je l'ôte de devant moi.

 I [am] a stranger [1616] and a sojourner [8453] with you: give [5414] me a possession [0272] of a buryingplace [6913] with you, that I may bury [6912] my dead [4191] out of my sight. [6440]


 Et les enfants de Heth répondirent à Abraham, en lui disant:

 And the children [1121] of Heth [2845] answered [6030] Abraham, [0085] saying [0559] unto him,


 Écoute-nous, mon seigneur; tu es un prince de Dieu au milieu de nous; enterre ton mort dans le meilleur de nos tombeaux. Nul de nous ne te refusera son tombeau pour enterrer ton mort.

 Hear [8085] us, my lord: [0113] thou [art] a mighty [0430] prince [5387] among [8432] us: in the choice [4005] of our sepulchres [6913] bury [6912] thy dead; [4191] none [3808] of us [0376] shall withhold [3607] from thee his sepulchre, [6913] but that thou mayest bury [6912] thy dead. [4191]


 Alors Abraham se leva et se prosterna devant le peuple du pays, devant les enfants de Heth.

 And Abraham [0085] stood up, [6965] and bowed [7812] himself to the people [5971] of the land, [0776] [even] to the children [1121] of Heth. [2845]


 Et il leur dit: S'il vous plaît que j'enterre mon mort et que je l'ôte de devant moi, écoutez-moi, et intercédez pour moi auprès d'Ephron, fils de Tsohar,

 And he communed [1696] with them, saying, [0559] If it be [3426] your mind [5315] that I should bury [6912] my dead [4191] out of my sight; [6440] hear [8085] me, and intreat [6293] for me to Ephron [6085] the son [1121] of Zohar, [6714]


 Afin qu'il me donne sa caverne de Macpéla, qui est à l'extrémité de son champ; qu'il me la cède pour sa pleine valeur, en propriété sépulcrale au milieu de vous.

 That he may give [5414] me the cave [4631] of Machpelah, [4375] which he hath, which [is] in the end [7097] of his field; [7704] for as much money [3701] as it is worth [4392] he shall give [5414] it me for a possession [0272] of a buryingplace [6913] amongst [8432] you.


 Or Ephron était assis parmi les enfants de Heth. Et Ephron, le Héthien, répondit à Abraham devant les enfants de Heth qui écoutaient, devant tous ceux qui entraient par la porte de sa ville, et dit:

 And Ephron [6085] dwelt [3427] among [8432] the children [1121] of Heth: [2845] and Ephron [6085] the Hittite [2850] answered [6030] Abraham [0085] in the audience [0241] of the children [1121] of Heth, [2845] [even] of all that went in [0935] at the gate [8179] of his city, [5892] saying, [0559]


 Non, mon seigneur, écoute-moi: Je te donne le champ, je te donne aussi la caverne qui y est; je te la donne en présence des enfants de mon peuple; enterre ton mort.

 Nay, [3808] my lord, [0113] hear [8085] me: the field [7704] give [5414] I thee, and the cave [4631] that [is] therein, I give [5414] it thee; in the presence [5869] of the sons [1121] of my people [5971] give [5414] I it thee: bury [6912] thy dead. [4191]


 Et Abraham se prosterna devant le peuple du pays;

 And Abraham [0085] bowed down [7812] himself before [6440] the people [5971] of the land. [0776]


 Et il parla à Ephron, devant le peuple du pays qui écoutait, et dit: Cependant, écoute-moi, je te prie; je donne l'argent du champ; reçois-le de moi et j'y enterrerai mon mort.

 And he spake [1696] unto Ephron [6085] in the audience [0241] of the people [5971] of the land, [0776] saying, [0559] But if thou [wilt give it], I pray thee, [3863] hear [8085] me: I will give [5414] thee money [3701] for the field; [7704] take [3947] [it] of me, and I will bury [6912] my dead [4191] there.


 Et Ephron répondit à Abraham, en lui disant:

 And Ephron [6085] answered [6030] Abraham, [0085] saying [0559] unto him,


 Mon seigneur, écoute-moi: une terre de quatre cents sicles d'argent, entre moi et toi, qu'est-ce que cela? Enterre donc ton mort.

 My lord, [0113] hearken [8085] unto me: the land [0776] [is worth] four [0702] hundred [3967] shekels [8255] of silver; [3701] what [is] that betwixt [0996] me and thee? bury [6912] therefore thy dead. [4191]


 Et Abraham entendit Ephron, et Abraham pesa à Ephron l'argent qu'il avait dit, en présence des enfants de Heth, quatre cents sicles d'argent ayant cours chez le marchand.

 And Abraham [0085] hearkened [8085] unto Ephron; [6085] and Abraham [0085] weighed [8254] to Ephron [6085] the silver, [3701] which he had named [1696] in the audience [0241] of the sons [1121] of Heth, [2845] four [0702] hundred [3967] shekels [8255] of silver, [3701] current [5674] [money] with the merchant. [5503]


 Et le champ d'Ephron, qui était à Macpéla, devant Mamré, le champ, la caverne qui y était, et tous les arbres qui étaient dans le champ et dans tous ses confins tout autour,

 And the field [7704] of Ephron, [6085] which [was] in Machpelah, [4375] which [was] before [6440] Mamre, [4471] the field, [7704] and the cave [4631] which [was] therein, and all the trees [6086] that [were] in the field, [7704] that [were] in all the borders [1366] round about, [5439] were made sure [6965]


 Furent assurés en propriété à Abraham, en présence des enfants de Heth, devant tous ceux qui entraient par la porte de sa ville.

 Unto Abraham [0085] for a possession [4736] in the presence [5869] of the children [1121] of Heth, [2845] before all that went in [0935] at the gate [8179] of his city. [5892]


 Et, après cela, Abraham enterra Sara sa femme dans la caverne du champ de Macpéla, en face de Mamré, qui est Hébron, au pays de Canaan.

 And after [0310] this, [3651] Abraham [0085] buried [6912] Sarah [8283] his wife [0802] in the cave [4631] of the field [7704] of Machpelah [4375] before [6440] Mamre: [4471] the same [is] Hebron [2275] in the land [0776] of Canaan. [3667]


 Et le champ, et la caverne qui y est, furent assurés par les Héthiens à Abraham en propriété sépulcrale.

 And the field, [7704] and the cave [4631] that [is] therein, were made sure [6965] unto Abraham [0085] for a possession [0272] of a buryingplace [6913] by the sons [1121] of Heth. [2845]


 Or Abraham était vieux, avancé en âge; et YEHOVAH avait béni Abraham en toutes choses.

 And Abraham [0085] was old, [2204] [and] well stricken [0935] in age: [3117] and the LORD [3068] had blessed [1288] Abraham [0085] in all things.


 Et Abraham dit à son serviteur, le plus ancien de sa maison, qui avait le gouvernement de tout ce qui lui appartenait: Mets, je te prie, ta main sous ma cuisse,

 And Abraham [0085] said [0559] unto his eldest [2205] servant [5650] of his house, [1004] that ruled [4910] over all that he had, Put, [7760] I pray thee, thy hand [3027] under my thigh: [3409]


 Et je te ferai jurer par YEHOVAH, le Dieu des cieux et le Dieu de la terre, que tu ne prendras point de femme pour mon fils, d'entre les filles des Cananéens, parmi lesquels j'habite.

 And I will make thee swear [7650] by the LORD, [3068] the God [0430] of heaven, [8064] and the God [0430] of the earth, [0776] that thou shalt not take [3947] a wife [0802] unto my son [1121] of the daughters [1323] of the Canaanites, [3669] among [7130] whom I dwell: [3427]


 Mais tu iras dans mon pays et vers ma parenté, et tu y prendras une femme pour mon fils, pour Isaac.

 But thou shalt go [3212] unto my country, [0776] and to my kindred, [4138] and take [3947] a wife [0802] unto my son [1121] Isaac. [3327]


 Et le serviteur lui répondit: Peut-être que la femme ne voudra point me suivre en ce pays. Me faudra-t-il ramener ton fils au pays d'où tu es sorti?

 And the servant [5650] said [0559] unto him, Peradventure the woman [0802] will not be willing [0014] to follow [3212] [0310] me unto this land: [0776] must I needs bring [7725] thy son [1121] again [7725] unto the land [0776] from whence thou camest? [3318]


 Abraham lui dit: Garde-toi bien d'y ramener mon fils.

 And Abraham [0085] said [0559] unto him, Beware [8104] thou that thou bring not [6435] my son [1121] thither again. [7725]


 YEHOVAH, le Dieu des cieux, qui m'a pris de la maison de mon père et du pays de ma naissance, et qui m'a parlé, et qui m'a juré, en disant: Je donnerai à ta postérité ce pays, enverra lui-même son ange devant toi, et tu prendras de là une femme pour mon fils.

 The LORD [3068] God [0430] of heaven, [8064] which took me [3947] from my father's [0001] house, [1004] and from the land [0776] of my kindred, [4138] and which spake [1696] unto me, and that sware [7650] unto me, saying, [0559] Unto thy seed [2233] will I give [5414] this land; [0776] he shall send [7971] his angel [4397] before [6440] thee, and thou shalt take [3947] a wife [0802] unto my son [1121] from thence.


 Mais si la femme ne veut pas te suivre, tu seras quitte de ce serment que je te fais faire. Quoi qu'il en soit, n'y ramène point mon fils.

 And if the woman [0802] will not be willing [0014] to follow [3212] thee, [0310] then thou shalt be clear [5352] from this my oath: [7621] only bring not my son [1121] thither again. [7725]


 Alors le serviteur mit sa main sous la cuisse d'Abraham son maître, et s'engagea par serment à faire ce qu'il avait dit.

 And the servant [5650] put [7760] his hand [3027] under the thigh [3409] of Abraham [0085] his master, [0113] and sware [7650] to him concerning [5921] that [2088] matter. [1697]


 Puis le serviteur prit dix chameaux d'entre les chameaux de son maître, et partit, avec toute sorte de biens de son maître en ses mains. Il se leva donc, et s'en alla en Mésopotamie, à la ville de Nachor.

 And the servant [5650] took [3947] ten [6235] camels [1581] of the camels [1581] of his master, [0113] and departed; [3212] for all the goods [2898] of his master [0113] [were] in his hand: [3027] and he arose, [6965] and went [3212] to Mesopotamia, [0763] unto the city [5892] of Nahor. [5152]


 Et il fit reposer les chameaux sur leurs genoux hors de la ville, près d'un puits d'eau, vers le soir, à l'heure où sortent celles qui vont puiser de l'eau.

 And he made his camels [1581] to kneel down [1288] without [2351] the city [5892] by [0413] a well [0875] of water [4325] at the time [6256] of the evening, [6153] [even] the time [6256] that women go out [3318] to draw [7579] [water].


 Et il dit: YEHOVAH, Dieu de mon maître Abraham, fais-moi, je te prie, rencontrer aujourd'hui ce que je cherche et sois favorable à mon seigneur Abraham.

 And he said, [0559] O LORD [3068] God [0430] of my master [0113] Abraham, [0085] I pray thee, send me [6440] good speed [7136] this day, [3117] and shew [6213] kindness [2617] unto [5973] my master [0113] Abraham. [0085]


 Voici, je me tiens près de la source, et les filles des gens de la ville sortent pour puiser de l'eau.

 Behold, I stand [5324] [here] by the well [5869] of water; [4325] and the daughters [1323] of the men [0582] of the city [5892] come out [3318] to draw [7579] water: [4325]


 Que la jeune fille à qui je dirai: Penche, je te prie, ta cruche, afin que je boive, et qui répondra: Bois, et j'abreuverai aussi tes chameaux, soit celle que tu as destinée à ton serviteur Isaac; et je connaîtrai par là que tu as été favorable à mon seigneur.

 And let it come to pass, that the damsel [5291] to whom I shall say, [0559] Let down [5186] thy pitcher, [3537] I pray thee, that I may drink; [8354] and she shall say, [0559] Drink, [8354] and I will give thy camels [1581] drink [8248] also: [let the same be] she [that] thou hast appointed [3198] for thy servant [5650] Isaac; [3327] and thereby shall I know [3045] that thou hast shewed [6213] kindness [2617] unto my master. [0113]


 Et avant qu'il eût achevé de parler, voici, Rébecca, fille de Béthuël, fils de Milca, femme de Nachor, frère d'Abraham, sortait, avec sa cruche sur l'épaule.

 And it came to pass, before he had done [3615] speaking, [1696] that, behold, Rebekah [7259] came out, [3318] who [0834] was born [3205] to Bethuel, [1328] son [1121] of Milcah, [4435] the wife [0802] of Nahor, [5152] Abraham's [0085] brother, [0251] with her pitcher [3537] upon her shoulder. [7926]


 Et la jeune fille était très belle; elle était vierge, et nul homme ne l'avait connue. Elle descendit à la source, remplit sa cruche et remonta.

 And the damsel [5291] [was] very [3966] fair [2896] to look upon, [4758] a virgin, [1330] neither had any man [0376] known [3045] her: and she went down [3381] to the well, [5869] and filled [4390] her pitcher, [3537] and came up. [5927]


 Alors le serviteur courut au-devant d'elle, et dit: Fais-moi boire, je te prie, un peu de l'eau de ta cruche.

 And the servant [5650] ran [7323] to meet [7125] her, and said, [0559] Let me, I pray thee, drink [1572] a little [4592] water [4325] of thy pitcher. [3537]


 Et elle dit: Bois, mon seigneur. Et elle se hâta d'abaisser sa cruche sur sa main, et lui donna à boire.

 And she said, [0559] Drink, [8354] my lord: [0113] and she hasted, [4116] and let down [3381] her pitcher [3537] upon her hand, [3027] and gave him drink. [8248]


 Quand elle eut achevé de lui donner à boire, elle dit: J'en puiserai aussi pour tes chameaux, jusqu'à ce qu'ils aient achevé de boire.

 And when she had done [3615] giving him drink, [8248] she said, [0559] I will draw [7579] [water] for thy camels [1581] also, until they have done [3615] drinking. [8354]


 Et elle se hâta de vider sa cruche dans l'abreuvoir, courut encore au puits pour en puiser, et en puisa pour tous ses chameaux.

 And she hasted, [4116] and emptied [6168] her pitcher [3537] into the trough, [8268] and ran [7323] again unto the well [0875] to draw [7579] [water], and drew [7579] for all his camels. [1581]


 Et cet homme la contemplait en silence, pour savoir si YEHOVAH avait fait réussir son voyage ou non.

 And the man [0376] wondering [7583] at her held his peace, [2790] to wit [3045] whether the LORD [3068] had made his journey [1870] prosperous [6743] or [0518] not.


 Et, dès que les chameaux eurent achevé de boire, cet homme prit un anneau d'or, pesant un demi-sicle, et deux bracelets pour ses mains, pesant dix sicles d'or.

 And it came to pass, as the camels [1581] had done [3615] drinking, [8354] that the man [0376] took [3947] a golden [2091] earring [5141] of half a shekel [1235] weight, [4948] and two [8147] bracelets [6781] for her hands [3027] of ten [6235] [shekels] weight [4948] of gold; [2091]


 Et il dit: De qui es-tu fille? apprends-le-moi, je te prie. Y a-t-il dans la maison de ton père de la place pour nous, pour y passer la nuit?

 And said, [0559] Whose [4310] daughter [1323] [art] thou? [0859] tell [5046] me, I pray thee: is there [3426] room [4725] [in] thy father's [0001] house [1004] for us to lodge in? [3885]


 Et elle lui dit: Je suis fille de Béthuël, le fils de Milca, qu'elle enfanta à Nachor.

 And she said [0559] unto him, I [am] the daughter [1323] of Bethuel [1328] the son [1121] of Milcah, [4435] which she bare [3205] unto Nahor. [5152]


 Puis elle lui dit: Il y a chez nous beaucoup de paille et de fourrage, et aussi de la place pour y passer la nuit.

 She said [0559] moreover unto him, We have both [1571] straw [8401] and [1571] provender [4554] enough, [7227] and [1571] room [4725] to lodge in. [3885]


 Et cet homme s'inclina et se prosterna devant YEHOVAH;

 And the man [0376] bowed down his head, [6915] and worshipped [7812] the LORD. [3068]


 Et il dit: Béni soit YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Abraham, mon maître, qui n'a pas cessé d'être miséricordieux et fidèle envers mon seigneur! Quand j'étais en chemin, YEHOVAH m'a conduit dans la maison des frères de mon seigneur.

 And he said, [0559] Blessed [1288] [be] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of my master [0113] Abraham, [0085] who hath not left destitute [5800] [5973] my master [0113] of his mercy [2617] and his truth: [0571] I [being] in the way, [1870] the LORD [3068] led [5148] me to the house [1004] of my master's [0113] brethren. [0251]


 Et la jeune fille courut et rapporta ces choses à la maison de sa mère.

 And the damsel [5291] ran, [7323] and told [5046] [them of] her mother's [0517] house [1004] these things. [1697]


 Or, Rébecca avait un frère nommé Laban. Et Laban courut dehors vers cet homme, près de la source.

 And Rebekah [7259] had a brother, [0251] and his name [8034] [was] Laban: [3837] and Laban [3837] ran [7323] out [2351] unto the man, [0376] unto the well. [5869]


 Aussitôt qu'il eut vu l'anneau et les bracelets aux mains de sa sœur, et qu'il eut entendu les paroles de Rébecca sa sœur, qui disait: Cet homme m'a parlé ainsi, il vint vers cet homme; et voici, il se tenait près des chameaux, vers la source.

 And it came to pass, when he saw [7200] the earring [5141] and bracelets [6781] upon his sister's [0269] hands, [3027] and when he heard [8085] the words [1697] of Rebekah [7259] his sister, [0269] saying, [0559] Thus [3541] spake [1696] the man [0376] unto me; that he came [0935] unto the man; [0376] and, behold, he stood [5975] by [5921] the camels [1581] at the well. [5869]


 Et il dit: Entre, béni de YEHOVAH, pourquoi te tiens-tu dehors, quand j'ai préparé la maison, et un lieu pour les chameaux.

 And he said, [0559] Come in, [0935] thou blessed [1288] of the LORD; [3068] wherefore standest [5975] thou without? [2351] for I have prepared [6437] the house, [1004] and room [4725] for the camels. [1581]


 L'homme entra donc dans la maison, et Laban déharnacha les chameaux, et donna de la paille et du fourrage aux chameaux, et de l'eau, pour laver ses pieds et les pieds des gens qui étaient avec lui.

 And the man [0376] came [0935] into the house: [1004] and he ungirded [6605] his camels, [1581] and gave [5414] straw [8401] and provender [4554] for the camels, [1581] and water [4325] to wash [7364] his feet, [7272] and the men's [0582] feet [7272] that [were] with him.


 Et on lui présenta à manger. Mais il dit: Je ne mangerai point, que je n'aie dit ce que j'ai à dire. Et Laban dit: Parle.

 And there was set [7760] [meat] before [6440] him to eat: [0398] but he said, [0559] I will not eat, [0398] until I have told [1696] mine errand. [1697] And he said, [0559] Speak on. [1696]


 Alors il dit: Je suis serviteur d'Abraham.

 And he said, [0559] I [am] Abraham's [0085] servant. [5650]


 Or, YEHOVAH a comblé de bénédictions mon seigneur, et il est devenu grand; et il lui a donné des brebis et des bœufs, de l'argent et de l'or, des serviteurs et des servantes, des chameaux et des ânes.

 And the LORD [3068] hath blessed [1288] my master [0113] greatly; [3966] and he is become great: [1431] and he hath given [5414] him flocks, [6629] and herds, [1241] and silver, [3701] and gold, [2091] and menservants, [5650] and maidservants, [8198] and camels, [1581] and asses. [2543]


 Et Sara, femme de mon seigneur, a enfanté un fils à mon seigneur, après être devenue vieille, et il lui a donné tout ce qu'il a.

 And Sarah [8283] my master's [0113] wife [0802] bare [3205] a son [1121] to my master [0113] when [0310] she was old: [2209] and unto him hath he given [5414] all that he hath.


 Et mon seigneur m'a fait jurer, en disant: Tu ne prendras point de femme pour mon fils, parmi les filles des Cananéens, dans le pays desquels j'habite.

 And my master [0113] made me swear, [7650] saying, [0559] Thou shalt not take [3947] a wife [0802] to my son [1121] of the daughters [1323] of the Canaanites, [3669] in whose land [0776] I dwell: [3427]


 Mais tu iras vers la maison de mon père, et vers ma parenté, et tu y prendras une femme pour mon fils.

 But [0518] thou shalt go [3212] unto my father's [0001] house, [1004] and to my kindred, [4940] and take [3947] a wife [0802] unto my son. [1121]


 Et je dis à mon seigneur: Peut-être que la femme ne me suivra pas.

 And I said [0559] unto my master, [0113] Peradventure the woman [0802] will not follow [3212] [0310] me.


 Et il me répondit: YEHOVAH, devant la face de qui je marche, enverra son ange avec toi, et fera réussir ton voyage, et tu prendras une femme pour mon fils, de ma parenté et de la maison de mon père.

 And he said [0559] unto me, The LORD, [3068] before [6440] whom I walk, [1980] will send [7971] his angel [4397] with thee, and prosper [6743] thy way; [1870] and thou shalt take [3947] a wife [0802] for my son [1121] of my kindred, [4940] and of my father's [0001] house: [1004]


 Tu seras quitte du serment solennel que tu me fais, quand tu seras allé vers ma parenté; et si on ne te la donne pas, tu seras quitte du serment solennel que tu me fais.

 Then shalt thou be clear [5352] from [this] my oath, [0423] when thou comest [0935] to my kindred; [4940] and if they give [5414] not thee [one], thou shalt be clear [5355] from my oath. [0423]


 Et quand je suis venu aujourd'hui à la source, j'ai dit: YEHOVAH, Dieu de mon seigneur Abraham! si tu daignes faire réussir le voyage que j'ai entrepris,

 And I came [0935] this day [3117] unto the well, [5869] and said, [0559] O LORD [3068] God [0430] of my master [0113] Abraham, [0085] if now thou do [3426] prosper [6743] my way [1870] which I go: [1980]


 Voici, je me tiens près de la source: que la jeune fille qui sortira pour puiser, et à qui je dirai: Donne-moi, je te prie, à boire un peu de l'eau de ta cruche,

 Behold, I stand [5324] by the well [5869] of water; [4325] and it shall come to pass, that when the virgin [5959] cometh forth [3318] to draw [7579] [water], and I say [0559] to her, Give me, I pray thee, a little [4592] water [4325] of thy pitcher [3537] to drink; [8248]


 Et qui me répondra: Bois toi-même, et j'en puiserai aussi pour tes chameaux, soit la femme que YEHOVAH a destinée au fils de mon seigneur.

 And she say [0559] to me, Both drink [8354] thou, and I will also draw [7579] for thy camels: [1581] [let] the same [be] the woman [0802] whom the LORD [3068] hath appointed [3198] out for my master's [0113] son. [1121]


 Avant que j'eusse achevé de parler en mon cœur, voici, Rébecca sortait avec sa cruche sur son épaule; et elle est descendue à la source et a puisé de l'eau. Et je lui ai dit: Donne-moi à boire, je te prie;

 And before I had done [3615] speaking [1696] in mine heart, [3820] behold, Rebekah [7259] came forth [3318] with her pitcher [3537] on her shoulder; [7926] and she went down [3381] unto the well, [5869] and drew [7579] [water]: and I said [0559] unto her, Let me drink, [8248] I pray thee.


 Et elle s'est hâtée d'abaisser sa cruche de dessus son épaule, et elle m'a dit: Bois, et j'abreuverai aussi tes chameaux. J'ai donc bu, et elle a aussi abreuvé les chameaux.

 And she made haste, [4116] and let down [3381] her pitcher [3537] from her [shoulder], and said, [0559] Drink, [8354] and I will give thy camels [1581] drink [8248] also: so I drank, [8354] and she made the camels [1581] drink [8248] also.


 Et je l'ai interrogée, et j'ai dit: De qui es-tu fille? Elle a répondu: Je suis fille de Béthuël, fils de Nachor, que Milca lui enfanta. Alors j'ai mis l'anneau à son visage et les bracelets à ses mains.

 And I asked [7592] her, and said, [0559] Whose daughter [1323] [art] thou? And she said, [0559] The daughter [1323] of Bethuel, [1328] Nahor's [5152] son, [1121] whom Milcah [4435] bare [3205] unto him: and I put [7760] the earring [5141] upon her face, [0639] and the bracelets [6781] upon her hands. [3027]


 Ensuite je me suis incliné et prosterné devant YEHOVAH, et j'ai béni YEHOVAH, le Dieu de mon maître Abraham, qui m'a conduit dans le droit chemin, pour prendre la fille du frère de mon seigneur pour son fils.

 And I bowed down my head, [6915] and worshipped [7812] the LORD, [3068] and blessed [1288] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of my master [0113] Abraham, [0085] which had led [5148] me in the right [0571] way [1870] to take [3947] my master's [0113] brother's [0251] daughter [1323] unto his son. [1121]


 Et maintenant, si vous voulez être favorables et fidèles à mon seigneur, déclarez-le-moi; sinon déclarez-le-moi aussi, et je me tournerai à droite ou à gauche.

 And now if ye will [3426] deal [6213] kindly [2617] and truly [0571] with my master, [0113] tell [5046] me: and if not, tell [5046] me; that I may turn [6437] to the right hand, [3225] or [0176] to the left. [8040]


 Et Laban et Béthuël répondirent, et dirent: La chose procède de YEHOVAH; nous ne pouvons te dire ni mal ni bien.

 Then Laban [3837] and Bethuel [1328] answered [6030] and said, [0559] The thing [1697] proceedeth [3318] from the LORD: [3068] we cannot [3808] [3201] speak [1696] unto thee bad [7451] or [0176] good. [2896]


 Voici, Rébecca est devant toi, prends-la et pars, et qu'elle soit la femme du fils de ton seigneur, comme YEHOVAH l'a dit.

 Behold, Rebekah [7259] [is] before [6440] thee, take [3947] [her], and go, [3212] and let her be thy master's [0113] son's [1121] wife, [0802] as the LORD [3068] hath spoken. [1696]


 Et dès que le serviteur d'Abraham eut entendu leurs paroles, il se prosterna en terre devant YEHOVAH.

 And it came to pass, that, when Abraham's [0085] servant [5650] heard [8085] their words, [1697] he worshipped [7812] the LORD, [3068] [bowing himself] to the earth. [0776]


 Le serviteur tira ensuite des objets d'argent et des objets d'or, et des vêtements, et les donna à Rébecca; il donna aussi des choses précieuses à son frère et à sa mère.

 And the servant [5650] brought forth [3318] jewels [3627] of silver, [3701] and jewels [3627] of gold, [2091] and raiment, [0899] and gave [5414] [them] to Rebekah: [7259] he gave [5414] also to her brother [0251] and to her mother [0517] precious things. [4030]


 Et ils mangèrent et burent, lui et les gens qui étaient avec lui, et ils y passèrent la nuit. Et ils se levèrent le lendemain, et le serviteur dit: Renvoyez-moi à mon seigneur.

 And they did eat [0398] and drink, [8354] he and the men [0582] that [were] with him, and tarried all night; [3885] and they rose up [6965] in the morning, [1242] and he said, [0559] Send me away [7971] unto my master. [0113]


 Et son frère et sa mère dirent: Que la jeune fille demeure avec nous quelques jours, une dizaine; puis elle s'en ira.

 And her brother [0251] and her mother [0517] said, [0559] Let the damsel [5291] abide [3427] with us [a few] days, [3117] at the least [0176] ten; [6218] after [0310] that she shall go. [3212]


 Et il leur dit: Ne me retardez point, puisque YEHOVAH a fait réussir mon voyage. Renvoyez-moi, que je m'en aille à mon seigneur.

 And he said [0559] unto them, Hinder [0309] me not, seeing the LORD [3068] hath prospered [6743] my way; [1870] send me away [7971] that I may go [3212] to my master. [0113]


 Alors ils dirent: Appelons la jeune fille et demandons-lui son avis.

 And they said, [0559] We will call [7121] the damsel, [5291] and enquire [7592] at her mouth. [6310]


 Ils appelèrent donc Rébecca et lui dirent: Veux-tu aller avec cet homme? Et elle répondit: J'irai.

 And they called [7121] Rebekah, [7259] and said [0559] unto her, Wilt thou go [3212] with this man? [0376] And she said, [0559] I will go. [3212]


 Alors ils laissèrent aller Rébecca leur sœur, et sa nourrice, et le serviteur d'Abraham, et ses gens.

 And they sent away [7971] Rebekah [7259] their sister, [0269] and her nurse, [3243] and Abraham's [0085] servant, [5650] and his men. [0582]


 Et ils bénirent Rébecca et lui dirent: Ô notre sœur, sois la mère de milliers de myriades, et que ta postérité possède la porte de ses ennemis!

 And they blessed [1288] Rebekah, [7259] and said [0559] unto her, Thou [0859] [art] our sister, [0269] be thou [1961] [the mother] of thousands [0505] of millions, [7233] and let thy seed [2233] possess [3423] the gate [8179] of those which hate [8130] them.


 Et Rébecca et ses servantes se levèrent et montèrent sur les chameaux, et suivirent cet homme. Le serviteur prit donc Rébecca et s'en alla.

 And Rebekah [7259] arose, [6965] and her damsels, [5291] and they rode [7392] upon the camels, [1581] and followed [3212] [0310] the man: [0376] and the servant [5650] took [3947] Rebekah, [7259] and went his way. [3212]


 Or, Isaac revenait du puits du Vivant-qui-me-voit; et il demeurait au pays du Midi.

 And Isaac [3327] came [0935] from the way [0935] of the well Lahairoi; [0883] for he dwelt [3427] in the south [5045] country. [0776]


 Et Isaac était sorti pour méditer dans les champs, vers le soir; et levant les yeux, il regarda, et voici que des chameaux arrivaient.

 And Isaac [3327] went out [3318] to meditate [7742] in the field [7704] at the eventide: [6437] [6153] and he lifted up [5375] his eyes, [5869] and saw, [7200] and, behold, the camels [1581] [were] coming. [0935]


 Rébecca leva aussi les yeux, vit Isaac, et se jeta à bas du chameau.

 And Rebekah [7259] lifted up [5375] her eyes, [5869] and when she saw [7200] Isaac, [3327] she lighted [5307] off [5921] the camel. [1581]


 Car elle dit au serviteur: Qui est cet homme-là qui vient dans les champs au-devant de nous? Et le serviteur répondit: C'est mon seigneur. Et elle prit son voile et s'en couvrit.

 For she [had] said [0559] unto the servant, [5650] What [4310] man [0376] [is] this [1976] that walketh [1980] in the field [7704] to meet [7125] us? And the servant [5650] [had] said, [0559] It [is] my master: [0113] therefore she took [3947] a vail, [6809] and covered [3680] herself.


 Et le serviteur raconta à Isaac toutes les choses qu'il avait faites.

 And the servant [5650] told [5608] Isaac [3327] all things [1697] that he had done. [6213]


 Alors Isaac mena Rébecca dans la tente de Sara sa mère; et il prit Rébecca, et elle fut sa femme, et il l'aima. Et Isaac se consola, après la mort de sa mère.

 And Isaac [3327] brought her [0935] into his mother [0517] Sarah's [8283] tent, [0168] and took [3947] Rebekah, [7259] and she became his wife; [0802] and he loved [0157] her: and Isaac [3327] was comforted [5162] after [0310] his mother's [0517] [death].


 Or, Abraham prit une autre femme, nommée Kétura,

 Then again [3254] Abraham [0085] took [3947] a wife, [0802] and her name [8034] [was] Keturah. [6989]


 Qui lui enfanta Zimran, Jokshan, Médan, Madian, Jishbak, et Shuach.

 And she bare [3205] him Zimran, [2175] and Jokshan, [3370] and Medan, [4091] and Midian, [4080] and Ishbak, [3435] and Shuah. [7744]


 Et Jokshan engendra Sheba et Dedan. Et les enfants de Dedan furent: les Asshurim, les Letushim et les Leümmim.

 And Jokshan [3370] begat [3205] Sheba, [7614] and Dedan. [1719] And the sons [1121] of Dedan [1719] were Asshurim, [0805] and Letushim, [3912] and Leummim. [3817]


 Et les fils de Madian furent: Epha, Epher, Hanoc, Abida, Eldaa. Tous ceux-là sont enfants de Kétura.

 And the sons [1121] of Midian; [4080] Ephah, [5891] and Epher, [6081] and Hanoch, [2585] and Abida, [0028] and Eldaah. [0420] All these [were] the children [1121] of Keturah. [6989]


 Et Abraham donna tout ce qui lui appartenait à Isaac.

 And Abraham [0085] gave [5414] all that he had unto Isaac. [3327]


 Mais il fit des présents aux fils de ses concubines, et les envoya, durant sa vie, loin de son fils Isaac, vers le Levant, au pays d'Orient.

 But unto the sons [1121] of the concubines, [6370] which Abraham [0085] had, Abraham [0085] gave [5414] gifts, [4979] and sent them away [7971] from Isaac [3327] his son, [1121] while he yet lived, [2416] eastward, [6924] unto the east [6924] country. [0776]


 Et tout le temps qu'Abraham vécut fut de cent soixante et quinze ans.

 And these [are] the days [3117] of the years [8141] of Abraham's [0085] life [2416] which he lived, [2425] an hundred [3967] [8141] threescore [8141] and fifteen [7657] [2568] years. [8141]


 Puis Abraham expira et mourut dans une belle vieillesse, âgé et rassasié de jours; et il fut recueilli vers ses peuples.

 Then Abraham [0085] gave up the ghost, [1478] and died [4191] in a good [2896] old age, [7872] an old man, [2205] and full [7649] [of years]; and was gathered [0622] to his people. [5971]


 Et Isaac et Ismaël, ses fils, l'enterrèrent dans la caverne de Macpéla, dans le champ d'Ephron, fils de Tsohar, le Héthien, qui est en face de Mamré;

 And his sons [1121] Isaac [3327] and Ishmael [3458] buried [6912] him in the cave [4631] of Machpelah, [4375] in the field [7704] of Ephron [6085] the son [1121] of Zohar [6714] the Hittite, [2850] which [is] before [6440] Mamre; [4471]


 Le champ qu'Abraham avait acheté des enfants de Heth. C'est là que fut enterré Abraham, avec Sara sa femme.

 The field [7704] which Abraham [0085] purchased [7069] of the sons [1121] of Heth: [2845] there was Abraham [0085] buried, [6912] and Sarah [8283] his wife. [0802]


 Or, après la mort d'Abraham, Dieu bénit Isaac son fils. Et Isaac habita près du puits du Vivant-qui-me-voit.

 And it came to pass after [0310] the death [4194] of Abraham, [0085] that God [0430] blessed [1288] his son [1121] Isaac; [3327] and Isaac [3327] dwelt [3427] by [5973] the well Lahairoi. [0883]


 Et voici les descendants d'Ismaël, fils d'Abraham, qu'Agar, l'Égyptienne, servante de Sara, avait enfanté à Abraham.

 Now these [are] the generations [8435] of Ishmael, [3458] Abraham's [0085] son, [1121] whom Hagar [1904] the Egyptian, [4713] Sarah's [8283] handmaid, [8198] bare [3205] unto Abraham: [0085]


 Et voici les noms des fils d'Ismaël, leurs noms selon leur ordre de naissance: le premier-né d'Ismaël, Nebajoth; puis Kédar, Abdéel, Mibsam,

 And these [are] the names [8034] of the sons [1121] of Ishmael, [3458] by their names, [8034] according to their generations: [8435] the firstborn [1060] of Ishmael, [3458] Nebajoth; [5032] and Kedar, [6938] and Adbeel, [0110] and Mibsam, [4017]


 Mishma, Duma, Massa,

 And Mishma, [4927] and Dumah, [1746] and Massa, [4854]


 Hadar, Théma, Jéthur, Naphish et Kedma.

 Hadar, [2316] and Tema, [8485] Jetur, [3195] Naphish, [5305] and Kedemah: [6929]


 Ce sont là les fils d'Ismaël, et ce sont là leurs noms, selon leurs villages, et selon leurs bourgs: ce furent les douze princes de leurs peuples.

 These [are] the sons [1121] of Ishmael, [3458] and these [are] their names, [8034] by their towns, [2691] and by their castles; [2918] twelve [8147] [6240] princes [5387] according to their nations. [0523]


 Et le temps de la vie d'Ismaël fut de cent trente-sept ans. Puis il expira et mourut, et fut recueilli vers ses peuples.

 And these [are] the years [8141] of the life [2416] of Ishmael, [3458] an hundred [3967] [8141] and thirty [7970] [8141] and seven [7651] years: [8141] and he gave up the ghost [1478] and died; [4191] and was gathered [0622] unto his people. [5971]


 Et ses enfants habitèrent depuis Havila jusqu'à Shur, qui est en face de l'Égypte, quand on va vers l'Assyrie. Il s'établit en face de tous ses frères.

 And they dwelt [7931] from Havilah [2341] unto Shur, [7793] that [is] before [6440] Egypt, [4714] as thou goest [0935] toward Assyria: [0804] [and] he died [5307] in the presence [6440] of all his brethren. [0251]


 Et voici les descendants d'Isaac, fils d'Abraham: Abraham engendra Isaac.

 And these [are] the generations [8435] of Isaac, [3327] Abraham's [0085] son: [1121] Abraham [0085] begat [3205] Isaac: [3327]


 Et Isaac était âgé de quarante ans quand il épousa Rébecca, fille de Béthuël, l'Araméen, de Paddan-Aram, sœur de Laban, l'Araméen.

 And Isaac [3327] was forty [0705] years [8141] old [1121] when he took [3947] Rebekah [7259] to wife, [0802] the daughter [1323] of Bethuel [1328] the Syrian [0761] of Padanaram, [6307] the sister [0269] to Laban [3837] the Syrian. [0761]


 Et Isaac pria instamment YEHOVAH pour sa femme, car elle était stérile. Et YEHOVAH fut fléchi par ses prières; et Rébecca sa femme conçut.

 And Isaac [3327] intreated [6279] the LORD [3068] for [5227] his wife, [0802] because she [was] barren: [6135] and the LORD [3068] was intreated [6279] of him, and Rebekah [7259] his wife [0802] conceived. [2029]


 Mais les enfants se heurtaient dans son sein, et elle dit: S'il en est ainsi, pourquoi suis-je? Et elle alla consulter YEHOVAH.

 And the children [1121] struggled together [7533] within [7130] her; and she said, [0559] If [it be] so, why [am] I thus? [2088] And she went [3212] to enquire [1875] of the LORD. [3068]


 Et YEHOVAH lui dit: Deux nations sont dans ton ventre, et deux peuples se sépareront au sortir de tes entrailles. Un de ces peuples sera plus fort que l'autre; et le plus grand servira le plus petit.

 And the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto her, Two [8147] nations [1471] [are] in thy womb, [0990] and two [8147] manner of people [3816] shall be separated [6504] from thy bowels; [4578] and [the one] people [3816] shall be stronger [0553] than [the other] people; [3816] and the elder [7227] shall serve [5647] the younger. [6810]


 Et le temps où elle devait accoucher arriva, et voici, il y avait deux jumeaux dans son ventre.

 And when her days [3117] to be delivered [3205] were fulfilled, [4390] behold, [there were] twins [8380] in her womb. [0990]


 Celui qui sortit le premier était roux, tout velu comme un manteau de poil; et ils l'appelèrent Ésaü (velu).

 And the first [7223] came out [3318] red, [0132] all over like an hairy [8181] garment; [0155] and they called [7121] his name [8034] Esau. [6215]


 Et après cela sortit son frère, et sa main tenait le talon d'Ésaü; et on l'appela Jacob (substitut). Et Isaac était âgé de soixante ans quand ils naquirent.

 And after [0310] that came his brother [0251] out, [3318] and his hand [3027] took hold [0270] on Esau's [6215] heel; [6119] and his name [8034] was called [7121] Jacob: [3290] and Isaac [3327] [was] threescore [8346] years [8141] old [1121] when she bare [3205] them.


 Et les enfants grandirent, et Ésaü devint un habile chasseur, un homme des champs; mais Jacob était un homme paisible, se tenant dans les tentes.

 And the boys [5288] grew: [1431] and Esau [6215] was a cunning [3045] hunter, [6718] a man [0376] of the field; [7704] and Jacob [3290] [was] a plain [8535] man, [0376] dwelling [3427] in tents. [0168]


 Et Isaac aimait Ésaü; car la venaison était de son goût; mais Rébecca aimait Jacob.

 And Isaac [3327] loved [0157] Esau, [6215] because he did eat [6310] of [his] venison: [6718] but Rebekah [7259] loved [0157] Jacob. [3290]


 Or, comme Jacob cuisait du potage, Ésaü vint des champs, et il était las.

 And Jacob [3290] sod [2102] pottage: [5138] and Esau [6215] came [0935] from the field, [7704] and he [was] faint: [5889]


 Et Ésaü dit à Jacob: Donne-moi donc à manger de ce roux, de ce roux-là; car je suis très fatigué. C'est pour cela qu'on l'appela Édom (roux).

 And Esau [6215] said [0559] to Jacob, [3290] Feed [3938] me, I pray thee, with [4480] that same [0122] red [0122] [pottage]; for I [am] faint: [5889] therefore was his name [8034] called [7121] Edom. [0123]


 Mais Jacob dit: Vends-moi d'abord ton droit d'aînesse.

 And Jacob [3290] said, [0559] Sell [4376] me this day [3117] thy birthright. [1062]


 Et Ésaü dit: Voici, je m'en vais mourir; à quoi me sert le droit d'aînesse?

 And Esau [6215] said, [0559] Behold, I [am] at the point [1980] to die: [4191] and what profit shall this birthright [1062] do to me?


 Et Jacob dit: Jure-moi d'abord. Et il lui jura; ainsi il vendit son droit d'aînesse à Jacob.

 And Jacob [3290] said, [0559] Swear [7650] to me this day; [3117] and he sware [7650] unto him: and he sold [4376] his birthright [1062] unto Jacob. [3290]


 Et Jacob donna à Ésaü du pain et du potage de lentilles; et il mangea, et but; puis il se leva et s'en alla. Ainsi Ésaü méprisa le droit d'aînesse.

 Then Jacob [3290] gave [5414] Esau [6215] bread [3899] and pottage [5138] of lentiles; [5742] and he did eat [0398] and drink, [8354] and rose up, [6965] and went his way: [3212] thus Esau [6215] despised [0959] [his] birthright. [1062]


 Or, il y eut une famine au pays, outre la première famine qui avait eu lieu du temps d'Abraham. Et Isaac s'en alla vers Abimélec, roi des Philistins, à Guérar.

 And there was a famine [7458] in the land, [0776] beside [0905] the first [7223] famine [7458] that was in the days [3117] of Abraham. [0085] And Isaac [3327] went [3212] unto Abimelech [0040] king [4428] of the Philistines [6430] unto Gerar. [1642]


 Et YEHOVAH lui apparut, et lui dit: Ne descends point en Égypte; demeure au pays que je te dirai.

 And the LORD [3068] appeared [7200] unto him, and said, [0559] Go not down [3381] into Egypt; [4714] dwell [7931] in the land [0776] which I shall tell [0559] thee of:


 Séjourne dans ce pays, et je serai avec toi, et je te bénirai. Car je donnerai, à toi et à ta postérité, tous ces pays-ci, et je mettrai à exécution le serment que j'ai fait à Abraham, ton père.

 Sojourn [1481] in this land, [0776] and I will be with thee, and will bless [1288] thee; for unto thee, and unto thy seed, [2233] I will give [5414] all these [0411] countries, [0776] and I will perform [6965] the oath [7621] which I sware [7650] unto Abraham [0085] thy father; [0001]


 Et je multiplierai ta postérité comme les étoiles des cieux, et je donnerai à ta postérité tous ces pays-ci; et toutes les nations de la terre seront bénies en ta postérité,

 And I will make thy seed [2233] to multiply [7235] as the stars [3556] of heaven, [8064] and will give [5414] unto thy seed [2233] all these [0411] countries; [0776] and in thy seed [2233] shall all the nations [1471] of the earth [0776] be blessed; [1288]


 Parce qu'Abraham a obéi à ma voix, et a gardé ce que je lui avais ordonné, mes commandements, mes statuts et mes lois.

 Because [6118] that Abraham [0085] obeyed [8085] my voice, [6963] and kept [8104] my charge, [4931] my commandments, [4687] my statutes, [2708] and my laws. [8451]


 Isaac demeura donc à Guérar.

 And Isaac [3327] dwelt [3427] in Gerar: [1642]


 Et quand les gens du lieu s'informèrent de sa femme, il répondit: C'est ma sœur; car il craignait de dire: C'est ma femme; de peur, disait-il, que les habitants du lieu ne me tuent à cause de Rébecca; car elle était belle de figure.

 And the men [0582] of the place [4725] asked [7592] [him] of his wife; [0802] and he said, [0559] She [is] my sister: [0269] for he feared [3372] to say, [0559] [She is] my wife; [0802] lest, [said he], the men [0582] of the place [4725] should kill [2026] me for Rebekah; [7259] because she [was] fair [2896] to look upon. [4758]


 Or, il arriva, quand il y eut passé un assez long temps, qu'Abimélec, roi des Philistins, regarda par la fenêtre, et il vit Isaac qui se jouait avec Rébecca, sa femme.

 And it came to pass, when he had been there a long [0748] time, [3117] that Abimelech [0040] king [4428] of the Philistines [6430] looked out [8259] at [1157] a window, [2474] and saw, [7200] and, behold, Isaac [3327] [was] sporting [6711] with Rebekah [7259] his wife. [0802]


 Alors Abimélec appela Isaac, et lui dit: Certainement, voici, c'est ta femme; et comment as-tu dit: C'est ma sœur? Et Isaac lui répondit: C'est que j'ai dit: Il ne faut pas que je meure à cause d'elle.

 And Abimelech [0040] called [7121] Isaac, [3327] and said, [0559] Behold, of a surety [0389] she [is] thy wife: [0802] and how saidst [0559] thou, She [is] my sister? [0269] And Isaac [3327] said [0559] unto him, Because I said, [0559] Lest I die [4191] for her.


 Et Abimélec dit: Que nous as-tu fait? Peu s'en est fallu que quelqu'un du peuple n'ait abusé de ta femme, et que tu ne nous aies rendus coupables.

 And Abimelech [0040] said, [0559] What [is] this thou hast done [6213] unto us? one [0259] of the people [5971] might lightly [4592] have lien [7901] with thy wife, [0802] and thou shouldest have brought [0935] guiltiness [0817] upon us.


 Et Abimélec donna cet ordre à tout le peuple: Celui qui touchera à cet homme ou à sa femme, sera puni de mort.

 And Abimelech [0040] charged [6680] all [his] people, [5971] saying, [0559] He that toucheth [5060] this man [0376] or his wife [0802] shall surely [4191] be put to death. [4191]


 Et Isaac sema dans cette terre-là, et il recueillit cette année le centuple; car YEHOVAH le bénit.

 Then Isaac [3327] sowed [2232] in that land, [0776] and received [4672] in the same year [8141] an hundredfold: [3967] [8180] and the LORD [3068] blessed [1288] him.


 Et cet homme devint grand, et il allait toujours s'accroissant, jusqu'à ce qu'il devînt fort riche.

 And the man [0376] waxed great, [1431] and went [3212] forward, [1980] and grew [1432] until he became very [3966] great: [1431]


 Et il eut des troupeaux de brebis et des troupeaux de bœufs, et un grand nombre de serviteurs; et les Philistins lui portèrent envie;

 For he had possession [4735] of flocks, [6629] and possession [4735] of herds, [1241] and great [7227] store of servants: [5657] and the Philistines [6430] envied [7065] him.


 Et tous les puits que les serviteurs de son père avaient creusés, du temps de son père Abraham, les Philistins les bouchèrent, et les remplirent de terre.

 For all the wells [0875] which his father's [0001] servants [5650] had digged [2658] in the days [3117] of Abraham [0085] his father, [0001] the Philistines [6430] had stopped [5640] them, and filled [4390] them with earth. [6083]


 Et Abimélec dit à Isaac: Va-t'en de chez nous; car tu es devenu beaucoup plus puissant que nous.

 And Abimelech [0040] said [0559] unto Isaac, [3327] Go [3212] from us; for thou art much [3966] mightier [6105] than we.


 Isaac partit donc de là, et campa dans la vallée de Guérar et y habita.

 And Isaac [3327] departed [3212] thence, [8033] and pitched his tent [2583] in the valley [5158] of Gerar, [1642] and dwelt [3427] there.


 Et Isaac creusa de nouveau les puits d'eau qu'on avait creusés du temps d'Abraham, son père, et que les Philistins avaient bouchés après la mort d'Abraham; et il leur donna les mêmes noms que leur avait donnés son père.

 And Isaac [3327] digged [2658] again [7725] the wells [0875] of water, [4325] which they had digged [2658] in the days [3117] of Abraham [0085] his father; [0001] for the Philistines [6430] had stopped [5640] them after [0310] the death [4194] of Abraham: [0085] and he called [7121] their names [8034] after the names [8034] by which [0834] his father [0001] had called [7121] them.


 Et les serviteurs d'Isaac creusèrent dans la vallée, et y trouvèrent un puits d'eau vive.

 And Isaac's [3327] servants [5650] digged [2658] in the valley, [5158] and found [4672] there a well [0875] of springing [2416] water. [4325]


 Mais les bergers de Guérar se querellèrent avec les bergers d'Isaac, en disant: L'eau est à nous; et il appela le puits: Esek (contestation), parce qu'ils avaient contesté avec lui.

 And the herdmen [7462] of Gerar [1642] did strive [7378] with Isaac's [3327] herdmen, [7462] saying, [0559] The water [4325] [is] ours: and he called [7121] the name [8034] of the well [0875] Esek; [6230] because they strove [6229] with him.


 Ensuite ils creusèrent un autre puits, pour lequel ils se querellèrent encore; et il l'appela: Sitna (opposition).

 And they digged [2658] another [0312] well, [0875] and strove [7378] for that also: and he called [7121] the name [8034] of it Sitnah. [7856]


 Alors il partit de là et creusa un autre puits, pour lequel ils ne disputèrent point; et il l'appela: Rehoboth (largeurs), et dit: C'est que YEHOVAH nous a maintenant mis au large, et nous fructifierons dans le pays.

 And he removed [6275] from thence, and digged [2658] another [0312] well; [0875] and for that they strove [7378] not: and he called [7121] the name [8034] of it Rehoboth; [7344] and he said, [0559] For now [6258] the LORD [3068] hath made room [7337] for us, and we shall be fruitful [6509] in the land. [0776]


 Et de là il monta à Béer-Shéba.

 And he went up [5927] from thence to Beersheba. [0884]


 Et YEHOVAH lui apparut cette nuit-là, et lui dit: JE SUIS le Dieu d'Abraham, ton père; ne crains point, car JE SUIS avec toi; et je te bénirai, et je multiplierai ta postérité, à cause d'Abraham, mon serviteur.

 And the LORD [3068] appeared [7200] unto him the same night, [3915] and said, [0559] I [am] the God [0430] of Abraham [0085] thy father: [0001] fear [3372] not, for I [am] with thee, [0854] and will bless [1288] thee, and multiply [7235] thy seed [2233] for my servant [5650] Abraham's [0085] sake.


 Alors il bâtit là un autel, et invoqua le nom de YEHOVAH, et dressa là sa tente; et les serviteurs d'Isaac y creusèrent un puits.

 And he builded [1129] an altar [4196] there, and called [7121] upon the name [8034] of the LORD, [3068] and pitched [5186] his tent [0168] there: and there Isaac's [3327] servants [5650] digged [3738] a well. [0875]


 Et Abimélec vint vers lui, de Guérar, avec Ahuzath son ami, et Picol, chef de son armée.

 Then Abimelech [0040] went [1980] to him from Gerar, [1642] and Ahuzzath [0276] one of his friends, [4828] and Phichol [6369] the chief captain [8269] of his army. [6635]


 Mais Isaac leur dit: Pourquoi venez-vous vers moi, quand vous me haïssez, et que vous m'avez renvoyé d'avec vous?

 And Isaac [3327] said [0559] unto them, Wherefore [4069] come [0935] ye to me, seeing ye hate [8130] me, and have sent me away [7971] from you?


 Et ils répondirent: Nous voyons clairement que YEHOVAH est avec toi, et nous disons: Qu'il y ait donc un serment solennel entre nous, entre nous et toi; et que nous traitions alliance avec toi.

 And they said, [0559] We saw [7200] certainly [7200] that the LORD [3068] was with thee: and we said, [0559] Let there be now an oath [0423] betwixt us, [0996] [even] betwixt us [0996] and thee, and let us make [3772] a covenant [1285] with thee;


 Jure que tu ne nous feras aucun mal, de même que nous ne t'avons point touché, et que nous ne t'avons fait que du bien, et t'avons laissé aller en paix. Tu es maintenant béni de YEHOVAH.

 That thou wilt do [6213] us no hurt, [7451] as we have not touched [5060] thee, and as we have done [6213] unto thee nothing but [7535] good, [2896] and have sent thee away [7971] in peace: [7965] thou [art] now [6258] the blessed [1288] of the LORD. [3068]


 Et il leur fit un festin, et ils mangèrent et burent.

 And he made [6213] them a feast, [4960] and they did eat [0398] and drink. [8354]


 Et ils se levèrent de bon matin, et s'engagèrent l'un l'autre par serment. Puis Isaac les renvoya, et ils s'en allèrent d'avec lui en paix.

 And they rose up betimes [7925] in the morning, [1242] and sware [7650] one [0376] to another: [0251] and Isaac [3327] sent them away, [7971] and they departed [3212] from him in peace. [7965]


 Il arriva, en ce même jour, que les serviteurs d'Isaac vinrent lui donner des nouvelles du puits qu'ils avaient creusé, et lui dirent: Nous avons trouvé de l'eau.

 And it came to pass the same day, [3117] that Isaac's [3327] servants [5650] came, [0935] and told [5046] him concerning [0182] the well [0875] which they had digged, [2658] and said [0559] unto him, We have found [4672] water. [4325]


 Et il l'appela Shiba (serment). C'est pour cela que la ville se nomme Béer-Shéba (puits du serment) jusqu'à ce jour.

 And he called [7121] it Shebah: [7656] therefore the name [8034] of the city [5892] [is] Beersheba [0884] unto this day. [3117]


 Or, Ésaü, âgé de quarante ans, prit pour femmes Judith, fille de Béeri, le Héthien, et Basmath, fille d'Elon, le Héthien;

 And Esau [6215] was forty [0705] years [8141] old [1121] when he took [3947] to wife [0802] Judith [3067] the daughter [1323] of Beeri [0882] the Hittite, [2850] and Bashemath [1315] the daughter [1323] of Elon [0356] the Hittite: [2850]


 Qui causèrent une grande inquiétude dans l'esprit d'Isaac et de Rébecca.

 Which were a grief [4786] of mind [7307] unto Isaac [3327] and to Rebekah. [7259]


 Et il arriva, quand Isaac fut devenu vieux et que ses yeux furent trop faibles pour voir, qu'il appela Ésaü, son fils aîné, et lui dit: Mon fils! et il lui répondit: Me voici!

 And it came to pass, [1961] that when Isaac [3327] was old, [2204] and his eyes [5869] were dim, [3543] so that he could not see, [7200] he called [7121] Esau [6215] his eldest [1419] son, [1121] and said [0559] unto him, My son: [1121] and he said [0559] unto him, Behold, [here am] I.


 Et il dit: Voici je suis vieux, et je ne sais point le jour de ma mort.

 And he said, [0559] Behold now, I am old, [2204] I know [3045] not the day [3117] of my death: [4194]


 Maintenant donc, prends, je te prie, tes armes, ton carquois et ton arc, et va-t'en aux champs, et prends-moi du gibier.

 Now therefore take, [5375] I pray thee, thy weapons, [3627] thy quiver [8522] and thy bow, [7198] and go out [3318] to the field, [7704] and take [6679] me [some] venison; [6718] [6720]


 Et apprête-moi un mets appétissant, comme je les aime; et apporte-le-moi, que je le mange, afin que mon âme te bénisse avant que je meure.

 And make [6213] me savoury meat, [4303] such as [0834] I love, [0157] and bring [0935] [it] to me, that I may eat; [0398] that my soul [5315] may bless [1288] thee before [2962] I die. [4191]


 Or, Rébecca écoutait, pendant qu'Isaac parlait à Ésaü, son fils. Ésaü s'en alla donc aux champs pour prendre du gibier et l'apporter.

 And Rebekah [7259] heard [8085] when Isaac [3327] spake [1696] to Esau [6215] his son. [1121] And Esau [6215] went [3212] to the field [7704] to hunt [6679] [for] venison, [6718] [and] to bring [0935] [it].


 Et Rébecca parla à Jacob, son fils, et lui dit: Voici, j'ai entendu ton père, qui parlait à Ésaü, ton frère, et lui disait:

 And Rebekah [7259] spake [0559] unto Jacob [3290] her son, [1121] saying, [0559] Behold, I heard [8085] thy father [0001] speak [1696] unto Esau [6215] thy brother, [0251] saying, [0559]


 Apporte-moi du gibier, et apprête-moi un mets appétissant, que je le mange, et que je te bénisse devant YEHOVAH, avant de mourir.

 Bring [0935] me venison, [6718] and make [6213] me savoury meat, [4303] that I may eat, [0398] and bless [1288] thee before [6440] the LORD [3068] before [6440] my death. [4194]


 Maintenant donc, mon fils, obéis à ma voix, pour ce que je vais te commander.

 Now therefore, my son, [1121] obey [8085] my voice [6963] according to that which [0834] I command [6680] thee.


 Va me prendre au troupeau deux bons chevreaux, et j'en apprêterai pour ton père un mets appétissant, comme il les aime.

 Go [3212] now to the flock, [6629] and fetch [3947] me from thence two [8147] good [2896] kids [1423] of the goats; [5795] and I will make [6213] them savoury meat [4303] for thy father, [0001] such as he loveth: [0157]


 Et tu le porteras à ton père, pour qu'il le mange, afin qu'il te bénisse avant sa mort.

 And thou shalt bring [0935] [it] to thy father, [0001] that he may eat, [0398] and that [0834] he may bless [1288] thee before [6440] his death. [4194]


 Et Jacob répondit à Rébecca sa mère: Voici, Ésaü, mon frère, est velu, et je ne le suis pas.

 And Jacob [3290] said [0559] to Rebekah [7259] his mother, [0517] Behold, Esau [6215] my brother [0251] [is] a hairy [8163] man, [0376] and I [am] a smooth [2509] man: [0376]


 Peut-être que mon père me tâtera, et il me regardera comme un trompeur, et j'attirerai sur moi la malédiction, et non la bénédiction.

 My father [0001] peradventure will feel [4959] me, and I shall seem [5869] to him as a deceiver; [8591] and I shall bring [0935] a curse [7045] upon me, and not a blessing. [1293]


 Et sa mère lui dit: Que ta malédiction soit sur moi, mon fils; obéis seulement à ma voix, et va me chercher ces chevreaux.

 And his mother [0517] said [0559] unto him, Upon me [be] thy curse, [7045] my son: [1121] only obey [8085] my voice, [6963] and go [3212] fetch [3947] me [them].


 Il alla donc les chercher et les apporta à sa mère, et sa mère en apprêta un mets appétissant, comme son père les aimait.

 And he went, [3212] and fetched, [3947] and brought [0935] [them] to his mother: [0517] and his mother [0517] made [6213] savoury meat, [4303] such as his father [0001] loved. [0157]


 Puis Rébecca prit les plus riches habits d'Ésaü, son fils aîné, qu'elle avait auprès d'elle dans la maison, et elle en revêtit Jacob, son fils cadet.

 And Rebekah [7259] took [3947] goodly [2532] raiment [0899] of her eldest [1419] son [1121] Esau, [6215] which [were] with her in the house, [1004] and put [3847] them upon Jacob [3290] her younger [6996] son: [1121]


 Et elle couvrit des peaux de chevreaux ses mains et son cou, qui était sans poil.

 And she put [3847] the skins [5785] of the kids [1423] of the goats [5795] upon his hands, [3027] and upon the smooth [2513] of his neck: [6677]


 Ensuite elle mit le mets appétissant et le pain qu'elle avait apprêtés, dans la main de Jacob, son fils.

 And she gave [5414] the savoury meat [4303] and the bread, [3899] which she had prepared, [6213] into the hand [3027] of her son [1121] Jacob. [3290]


 Et il vint vers son père, et dit: Mon père! Et il répondit: Me voici; qui es-tu, mon fils?

 And he came [0935] unto his father, [0001] and said, [0559] My father: [0001] and he said, [0559] Here [am] I; who [art] thou, my son? [1121]


 Et Jacob dit à son père: Je suis Ésaü, ton fils aîné; j'ai fait ce que tu m'as commandé. Lève-toi, je te prie, assieds-toi, et mange de ma chasse, afin que ton âme me bénisse.

 And Jacob [3290] said [0559] unto his father, [0001] I [am] Esau [6215] thy firstborn; [1060] I have done [6213] according as thou badest [1696] me: arise, [6965] I pray thee, sit [3427] and eat [0398] of my venison, [6718] that thy soul [5315] may bless [1288] me.


 Et Isaac dit à son fils: Comment donc en as-tu trouvé si tôt mon fils? Et il dit: C'est que YEHOVAH ton Dieu me l'a fait rencontrer.

 And Isaac [3327] said [0559] unto his son, [1121] How [is it] that thou hast found [4672] [it] so quickly, [4116] my son? [1121] And he said, [0559] Because the LORD [3068] thy God [0430] brought [7136] [it] to me. [6440]


 Et Isaac dit à Jacob: Approche, que je te tâte, mon fils, pour savoir si tu es mon fils Ésaü, ou non.

 And Isaac [3327] said [0559] unto Jacob, [3290] Come near, [5066] I pray thee, that I may feel [4184] thee, my son, [1121] whether thou [be] my very [2088] son [1121] Esau [6215] or not.


 Jacob s'approcha donc d'Isaac, son père, qui le tâta, et dit: La voix est la voix de Jacob; mais les mains sont les mains d'Ésaü.

 And Jacob [3290] went near [5066] unto Isaac [3327] his father; [0001] and he felt [4959] him, and said, [0559] The voice [6963] [is] Jacob's [3290] voice, [6963] but the hands [3027] [are] the hands [3027] of Esau. [6215]


 Il ne le reconnut pas; car ses mains étaient velues, comme les mains d'Ésaü, son frère; et il le bénit.

 And he discerned [5234] him not, because his hands [3027] were hairy, [8163] as his brother [0251] Esau's [6215] hands: [3027] so he blessed [1288] him.


 Et il dit: C'est toi qui es mon fils Ésaü? Et il répondit: C'est moi.

 And he said, [0559] [Art] thou my very son [1121] Esau? [6215] And he said, [0559] I [am].


 Alors il dit: Sers-moi, que je mange de la chasse de mon fils, pour que mon âme te bénisse. Et il le servit, et il mangea. Il lui apporta aussi du vin, et il but.

 And he said, [0559] Bring [it] near [5066] to me, and I will eat [0398] of my son's [1121] venison, [6718] that my soul [5315] may bless [1288] thee. And he brought [it] near [5066] to him, and he did eat: [0398] and he brought [0935] him wine, [3196] and he drank. [8354]


 Puis Isaac, son père, lui dit: Approche, et baise-moi, mon fils.

 And his father [0001] Isaac [3327] said [0559] unto him, Come near [5066] now, and kiss [5401] me, my son. [1121]


 Et il s'approcha, et le baisa. Et Isaac sentit l'odeur de ses habits, et il le bénit, et dit: Voici, l'odeur de mon fils est comme l'odeur d'un champ que YEHOVAH a béni.

 And he came near, [5066] and kissed [5401] him: and he smelled [7306] the smell [7381] of his raiment, [0899] and blessed [1288] him, and said, [0559] See, [7200] the smell [7381] of my son [1121] [is] as the smell [7381] of a field [7704] which the LORD [3068] hath blessed: [1288]


 Que Dieu te donne de la rosée des cieux et de la graisse de la terre, et une abondance de froment et de moût!

 Therefore God [0430] give [5414] thee of the dew [2919] of heaven, [8064] and the fatness [4924] of the earth, [0776] and plenty [7230] of corn [1715] and wine: [8492]


 Que des peuples te servent, et que des nations se prosternent devant toi! Sois le maître de tes frères, et que les fils de ta mère se prosternent devant toi! Quiconque te maudira, soit maudit, et quiconque te bénira, soit béni!

 Let people [5971] serve [5647] thee, and nations [3816] bow down [7812] to thee: be [1933] lord [1376] over thy brethren, [0251] and let thy mother's [0517] sons [1121] bow down [7812] to thee: cursed [0779] [be] every one that curseth [0779] thee, and blessed [1288] [be] he that blesseth [1288] thee.


 Et il arriva, aussitôt qu'Isaac eut achevé de bénir Jacob, et comme Jacob était à peine sorti de devant Isaac, son père, qu'Ésaü, son frère, revint de la chasse.

 And it came to pass, as soon as Isaac [3327] had made an end [3615] of blessing [1288] Jacob, [3290] and Jacob [3290] was yet [0389] scarce [3318] gone out [3318] from the presence [6440] of Isaac [3327] his father, [0001] that Esau [6215] his brother [0251] came in [0935] from his hunting. [6718]


 Il apprêta, lui aussi, un mets appétissant, et l'apporta à son père, et il lui dit: Que mon père se lève, et mange de la chasse de son fils, afin que ton âme me bénisse.

 And he also had made [6213] savoury meat, [4303] and brought [0935] it unto his father, [0001] and said [0559] unto his father, [0001] Let my father [0001] arise, [6965] and eat [0398] of his son's [1121] venison, [6718] that thy soul [5315] may bless [1288] me.


 Et Isaac, son père, lui dit: Qui es-tu? Et il dit: Je suis ton fils, ton premier-né, Ésaü.

 And Isaac [3327] his father [0001] said [0559] unto him, Who [art] thou? And he said, [0559] I [am] thy son, [1121] thy firstborn [1060] Esau. [6215]


 Et Isaac fut saisi d'une émotion extraordinaire; et il dit: Qui est donc celui qui a pris du gibier, et m'en a apporté? et j'ai mangé de tout, avant que tu vinsses, et je l'ai béni, et aussi sera-t-il béni.

 And Isaac [3327] trembled [2729] very [1419] exceedingly, [3966] [2731] and said, [0559] Who? where [0645] [is] he that hath taken [6679] venison, [6718] and brought [0935] [it] me, and I have eaten [0398] of all before thou camest, [0935] and have blessed [1288] him? yea, [and] he shall be blessed. [1288]


 Dès qu'Ésaü eut entendu les paroles de son père, il jeta un cri très grand et très amer. Et il dit à son père: Bénis-moi, moi aussi, mon père!

 And when Esau [6215] heard [8085] the words [1697] of his father, [0001] he cried [6817] with a great [1419] and exceeding [3966] bitter [4751] cry, [6818] and said [0559] unto his father, [0001] Bless [1288] me, [even] me also, O my father. [0001]


 Mais il dit: Ton frère est venu avec ruse, et il a pris ta bénédiction.

 And he said, [0559] Thy brother [0251] came [0935] with subtilty, [4820] and hath taken away [3947] thy blessing. [1293]


 Et Ésaü dit: Est-ce parce qu'on l'a appelé Jacob, qu'il m'a déjà supplanté deux fois? Il a pris mon droit d'aînesse, et voici, maintenant il a pris ma bénédiction. Ensuite il dit: N'as-tu point réservé de bénédiction pour moi?

 And he said, [0559] Is not he rightly [3588] named [7121] [8034] Jacob? [3290] for he hath supplanted me [6117] these [2088] two times: [6471] he took away [3947] my birthright; [1062] and, behold, now he hath taken away [3947] my blessing. [1293] And he said, [0559] Hast thou not reserved [0680] a blessing [1293] for me?


 Et Isaac répondit et dit à Ésaü: Voici, je l'ai établi ton maître et je lui ai donné tous ses frères pour serviteurs; et je l'ai pourvu de froment et de moût. Et que ferais-je donc pour toi, mon fils?

 And Isaac [3327] answered [6030] and said [0559] unto Esau, [6215] Behold, I have made [7760] him thy lord, [1376] and all his brethren [0251] have I given [5414] to him for servants; [5650] and with corn [1715] and wine [8492] have I sustained [5564] him: and what shall I do [6213] now [0645] unto thee, my son? [1121]


 Et Ésaü dit à son père: N'as-tu que cette bénédiction, mon père? bénis-moi, moi aussi, mon père! Et Ésaü éleva la voix, et pleura.

 And Esau [6215] said [0559] unto his father, [0001] Hast thou but one [0259] blessing, [1293] my father? [0001] bless [1288] me, [even] me also, O my father. [0001] And Esau [6215] lifted up [5375] his voice, [6963] and wept. [1058]


 Et Isaac son père répondit, et lui dit: Voici, ta demeure sera de la graisse de la terre, de la rosée des cieux d'en haut.

 And Isaac [3327] his father [0001] answered [6030] and said [0559] unto him, Behold, thy dwelling [4186] shall be the fatness [4924] of the earth, [0776] and of the dew [2919] of heaven [8064] from above; [5920]


 Et tu vivras de ton épée, et tu serviras ton frère; mais il arrivera, comme tu seras errant, que tu briseras son joug de dessus ton cou.

 And by thy sword [2719] shalt thou live, [2421] and shalt serve [5647] thy brother; [0251] and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, [7300] that thou shalt break [6561] his yoke [5923] from off thy neck. [6677]


 Et Ésaü prit Jacob en aversion à cause de la bénédiction que son père lui avait donnée; et Ésaü dit en son cœur: Les jours du deuil de mon père approchent; et je tuerai Jacob, mon frère.

 And Esau [6215] hated [7852] Jacob [3290] because [5921] of the blessing [1293] wherewith [0834] his father [0001] blessed [1288] him: and Esau [6215] said [0559] in his heart, [3820] The days [3117] of mourning [0060] for my father [0001] are at hand; [7126] then will I slay [2026] my brother [0251] Jacob. [3290]


 Et l'on rapporta à Rébecca les paroles d'Ésaü, son fils aîné; et elle envoya appeler Jacob, son second fils, et lui dit: Voici, Ésaü ton frère va se venger de toi en te tuant.

 And these words [1697] of Esau [6215] her elder [1419] son [1121] were told [5046] to Rebekah: [7259] and she sent [7971] and called [7121] Jacob [3290] her younger [6996] son, [1121] and said [0559] unto him, Behold, thy brother [0251] Esau, [6215] as touching thee, doth comfort [5162] himself, [purposing] to kill [2026] thee.


 Maintenant donc, mon fils, obéis à ma voix: lève-toi, enfuis-toi vers Laban, mon frère, à Charan.

 Now therefore, my son, [1121] obey [8085] my voice; [6963] and arise, [6965] flee [1272] thou to Laban [3837] my brother [0251] to Haran; [2771]


 Et tu demeureras avec lui quelque temps, jusqu'à ce que la fureur de ton frère soit passée,

 And tarry [3427] with him a few [0259] days, [3117] until [0834] thy brother's [0251] fury [2534] turn away; [7725]


 Jusqu'à ce que la colère de ton frère se détourne de toi, et qu'il ait oublié ce que tu lui as fait. Alors je t'enverrai chercher de là. Pourquoi serais-je privée de vous deux en un même jour?

 Until thy brother's [0251] anger [0639] turn away [7725] from thee, and he forget [7911] [that] which thou hast done [6213] to him: then I will send, [7971] and fetch [3947] thee from thence: why [4100] should I be deprived [7921] also of you both [8147] in one [0259] day? [3117]


 Et Rébecca dit à Isaac: Je suis dégoûtée de la vie, à cause des filles de Heth. Si Jacob prend parmi les filles de Heth, parmi les filles du pays, une femme comme celles-là, à quoi me sert la vie?

 And Rebekah [7259] said [0559] to Isaac, [3327] I am weary [6973] of my life [2416] because [6440] of the daughters [1323] of Heth: [2845] if Jacob [3290] take [3947] a wife [0802] of the daughters [1323] of Heth, [2845] such as these [which are] of the daughters [1323] of the land, [0776] what good [4100] shall my life [2416] do me?


 Alors Isaac appela Jacob, et le bénit, et lui commanda et lui dit: Tu ne prendras point une femme parmi les filles de Canaan.

 And Isaac [3327] called [7121] Jacob, [3290] and blessed [1288] him, and charged [6680] him, and said [0559] unto him, Thou shalt not take [3947] a wife [0802] of the daughters [1323] of Canaan. [3667]


 Lève-toi, va à Paddan-Aram, à la maison de Béthuël, père de ta mère, et prends-toi une femme de là, parmi les filles de Laban, frère de ta mère.

 Arise, [6965] go [3212] to Padanaram, [6307] to the house [1004] of Bethuel [1328] thy mother's [0517] father; [0001] and take [3947] thee a wife [0802] from thence of the daughters [1323] of Laban [3837] thy mother's [0517] brother. [0251]


 Et que le Dieu Tout-Puissant te bénisse, te fasse croître, et te multiplie, et que tu deviennes une assemblée de peuples!

 And God [0410] Almighty [7706] bless [1288] thee, and make thee fruitful, [6509] and multiply [7235] thee, that thou mayest be a multitude [6951] of people; [5971]


 Et qu'il te donne la bénédiction d'Abraham, à toi et à ta postérité avec toi, afin que tu possèdes le pays où tu as séjourné, que Dieu a donné à Abraham!

 And give [5414] thee the blessing [1293] of Abraham, [0085] to thee, and to thy seed [2233] with thee; that thou mayest inherit [3423] the land [0776] wherein thou art a stranger, [4033] which God [0430] gave [5414] unto Abraham. [0085]


 Puis Isaac fit partir Jacob, qui s'en alla à Paddan-Aram, vers Laban, fils de Béthuël, l'Araméen, frère de Rébecca, mère de Jacob et d'Ésaü.

 And Isaac [3327] sent away [7971] Jacob: [3290] and he went [3212] to Padanaram [6307] unto Laban, [3837] son [1121] of Bethuel [1328] the Syrian, [0761] the brother [0251] of Rebekah, [7259] Jacob's [3290] and Esau's [6215] mother. [0517]


 Et Ésaü vit qu'Isaac avait béni Jacob, et l'avait envoyé à Paddan-Aram pour y prendre une femme, en le bénissant, et qu'il lui avait commandé, et dit: Tu ne prendras point une femme parmi les filles de Canaan;

 When Esau [6215] saw [7200] that Isaac [3327] had blessed [1288] Jacob, [3290] and sent him away [7971] to Padanaram, [6307] to take [3947] him a wife [0802] from thence; and that as he blessed [1288] him he gave him a charge, [6680] saying, [0559] Thou shalt not take [3947] a wife [0802] of the daughters [1323] of Canaan; [3667]


 Et que Jacob avait obéi à son père et à sa mère, et s'en était allé à Paddan-Aram.

 And that Jacob [3290] obeyed [8085] his father [0001] and his mother, [0517] and was gone [3212] to Padanaram; [6307]


 Ésaü, voyant donc que les filles de Canaan déplaisaient à Isaac, son père,

 And Esau [6215] seeing [7200] that the daughters [1323] of Canaan [3667] pleased [5869] not [7451] Isaac [3327] his father; [0001]


 S'en alla vers Ismaël, et prit pour femme (outre les femmes qu'il avait) Mahalath, fille d'Ismaël, fils d'Abraham, sœur de Nébajoth.

 Then went [3212] Esau [6215] unto Ishmael, [3458] and took [3947] unto the wives [0802] which he had Mahalath [4258] the daughter [1323] of Ishmael [3458] Abraham's [0085] son, [1121] the sister [0269] of Nebajoth, [5032] to be his wife. [0802]


 Mais Jacob partit de Béer-Shéba, et s'en alla à Charan.

 And Jacob [3290] went out [3318] from Beersheba, [0884] and went [3212] toward Haran. [2771]


 Et il arriva en un lieu où il passa la nuit, parce que le soleil était couché. Il prit donc une des pierres du lieu, en fit son chevet, et se coucha en ce lieu-là.

 And he lighted [6293] upon a certain place, [4725] and tarried there all night, [3885] because the sun [8121] was set; [0935] and he took [3947] of the stones [0068] of that place, [4725] and put [7760] [them for] his pillows, [4763] and lay down [7901] in that place [4725] to sleep.


 Alors il eut un songe; et voici, une échelle était dressée sur la terre, et son sommet touchait aux cieux; et voici les anges de Dieu montaient et descendaient par elle.

 And he dreamed, [2492] and behold a ladder [5551] set up [5324] on the earth, [0776] and the top of it [7218] reached [5060] to heaven: [8064] and behold the angels [4397] of God [0430] ascending [5927] and descending [3381] on it.


 Et voici, YEHOVAH se tenait au-dessus d'elle, et il dit: JE SUIS YEHOVAH, le Dieu d'Abraham, ton père, et le Dieu d'Isaac; la terre sur laquelle tu es couché, je la donnerai à toi et à ta postérité.

 And, behold, the LORD [3068] stood [5324] above it, and said, [0559] I [am] the LORD [3068] God [0430] of Abraham [0085] thy father, [0001] and the God [0430] of Isaac: [3327] the land [0776] whereon thou liest, [7901] to thee will I give [5414] it, and to thy seed; [2233]


 Et ta postérité sera comme la poussière de la terre; et tu te répandras à l'Occident et à l'Orient, au Nord et au Midi; et toutes les familles de la terre seront bénies en toi et en ta postérité.

 And thy seed [2233] shall be as the dust [6083] of the earth, [0776] and thou shalt spread abroad [6555] to the west, [3220] and to the east, [6924] and to the north, [6828] and to the south: [5045] and in thee and in thy seed [2233] shall all the families [4940] of the earth [0127] be blessed. [1288]


 Et voici, je suis avec toi, et je te garderai partout où tu iras; et je te ramènerai en ce pays; car je ne t'abandonnerai point, que je n'aie fait ce que je t'ai dit.

 And, behold, I [am] with thee, and will keep [8104] thee in all [places] whither [0834] thou goest, [3212] and will bring thee again [7725] into this land; [0127] for I will not leave [5800] thee, until [0834] I have done [6213] [that] which I have spoken [1696] to thee of.


 Et Jacob s'éveilla de son sommeil, et dit: Certainement, YEHOVAH est en ce lieu-ci, et je n'en savais rien!

 And Jacob [3290] awaked [3364] out of his sleep, [8142] and he said, [0559] Surely [0403] the LORD [3068] is [3426] in this place; [4725] and I knew [3045] [it] not.


 Et il eut peur, et dit: Que ce lieu est redoutable! C'est ici la maison de Dieu, et c'est ici la porte des cieux!

 And he was afraid, [3372] and said, [0559] How dreadful [3372] [is] this place! [4725] this [is] none other but the house [1004] of God, [0430] and this [is] the gate [8179] of heaven. [8064]


 Et Jacob se leva de bon matin, et prit la pierre dont il avait fait son chevet, et la dressa en monument, et il versa de l'huile sur son sommet.

 And Jacob [3290] rose up early [7925] in the morning, [1242] and took [3947] the stone [0068] that he had put [7760] [for] his pillows, [4763] and set it up [7760] [for] a pillar, [4676] and poured [3332] oil [8081] upon the top of it. [7218]


 Et il appela ce lieu-là Béthel (maison de Dieu), tandis qu'auparavant la ville s'appelait Luz.

 And he called [7121] the name [8034] of that place [4725] Bethel: [1008] but [0199] the name [8034] of that city [5892] [was called] Luz [3870] at the first. [7223]


 Et Jacob fit un vœu, en disant: Si Dieu est avec moi, et me garde dans ce voyage que je fais, et me donne du pain pour manger, et des habits pour me vêtir,

 And Jacob [3290] vowed [5087] a vow, [5088] saying, [0559] If God [0430] will be with me, and will keep [8104] me in this way [1870] that I go, [1980] and will give [5414] me bread [3899] to eat, [0398] and raiment [0899] to put on, [3847]


 Et que je retourne en paix à la maison de mon père, YEHOVAH sera mon Dieu;

 So that I come again [7725] to my father's [0001] house [1004] in peace; [7965] then shall the LORD [3068] be my God: [0430]


 Et cette pierre, que j'ai dressée en monument, sera la maison de Dieu; et tout ce que tu m'accorderas, je t'en donnerai fidèlement la dîme.

 And this stone, [0068] which I have set [7760] [for] a pillar, [4676] shall be God's [0430] house: [1004] and of all that thou shalt give [5414] me I will surely [6237] give the tenth [6237] unto thee.


 Puis Jacob se mit en chemin, et s'en alla au pays des Orientaux.

 Then Jacob [3290] went on [5375] his journey, [7272] and came [3212] into the land [0776] of the people [1121] of the east. [6924]


 Et il regarda; et voici, il vit un puits dans les champs, et là même trois troupeaux de brebis couchés auprès; car on y abreuvait les troupeaux. Et la pierre qui couvrait l'ouverture du puits était grande.

 And he looked, [7200] and behold a well [0875] in the field, [7704] and, lo, there [were] three [7969] flocks [5739] of sheep [6629] lying [7257] by it; for out of that well [0875] they watered [8248] the flocks: [5739] and a great [1419] stone [0068] [was] upon the well's [0875] mouth. [6310]


 Tous les troupeaux se rassemblaient là; alors on roulait la pierre de dessus l'ouverture du puits, et on abreuvait les troupeaux; ensuite on remettait la pierre à sa place, sur l'ouverture du puits.

 And thither were all the flocks [5739] gathered: [0622] and they rolled [1556] the stone [0068] from the well's [0875] mouth, [6310] and watered [8248] the sheep, [6629] and put the stone [0068] again [7725] upon the well's [0875] mouth [6310] in his place. [4725]


 Et Jacob dit aux bergers: Mes frères, d'où êtes-vous? Et ils répondirent: Nous sommes de Charan.

 And Jacob [3290] said [0559] unto them, My brethren, [0251] whence [0370] [be] ye? [0859] And they said, [0559] Of Haran [2771] [are] we.


 Et il leur dit: Connaissez-vous Laban, fils de Nachor? Et ils répondirent: Nous le connaissons.

 And he said [0559] unto them, Know [3045] ye Laban [3837] the son [1121] of Nahor? [5152] And they said, [0559] We know [3045] [him].


 Il leur dit: Se porte-t-il bien? Ils lui répondirent: Il se porte bien; et voici Rachel, sa fille, qui vient avec le troupeau.

 And he said [0559] unto them, [Is] he well? [7965] And they said, [0559] [He is] well: [7965] and, behold, Rachel [7354] his daughter [1323] cometh [0935] with the sheep. [6629]


 Et il dit: Voici, il est encore grand jour; il n'est pas temps de rassembler le bétail; abreuvez les brebis, et allez les paître.

 And he said, [0559] Lo, [2005] [it is] yet high [1419] day, [3117] neither [is it] time [6256] that the cattle [4735] should be gathered [0622] together: water [8248] ye the sheep, [6629] and go [3212] [and] feed [7462] [them].


 Ils répondirent: Nous ne pouvons pas, jusqu'à ce que tous les troupeaux soient rassemblés; alors on roule la pierre de dessus l'ouverture du puits, et nous abreuvons les troupeaux.

 And they said, [0559] We cannot, [3808] [3201] until all the flocks [5739] be gathered [0622] together, and [till] they roll [1556] the stone [0068] from the well's [0875] mouth; [6310] then we water [8248] the sheep. [6629]


 Comme il parlait encore avec eux, Rachel arriva avec le troupeau de son père; car elle était bergère.

 And while he yet [5750] spake [1696] with them, Rachel [7354] came [0935] with her father's [0001] sheep: [6629] for she kept [7462] them.


 Et dès que Jacob vit Rachel, fille de Laban, frère de sa mère, et le troupeau de Laban, frère de sa mère, il s'approcha, roula la pierre de dessus l'ouverture du puits, et abreuva le troupeau de Laban, frère de sa mère.

 And it came to pass, when Jacob [3290] saw [7200] Rachel [7354] the daughter [1323] of Laban [3837] his mother's [0517] brother, [0251] and the sheep [6629] of Laban [3837] his mother's [0517] brother, [0251] that Jacob [3290] went near, [5066] and rolled [1556] the stone [0068] from the well's [0875] mouth, [6310] and watered [8248] the flock [6629] of Laban [3837] his mother's [0517] brother. [0251]


 Et Jacob baisa Rachel; et, élevant la voix, il pleura.

 And Jacob [3290] kissed [5401] Rachel, [7354] and lifted up [5375] his voice, [6963] and wept. [1058]


 Et Jacob apprit à Rachel qu'il était parent de son père, et qu'il était fils de Rébecca; et elle courut le rapporter à son père.

 And Jacob [3290] told [5046] Rachel [7354] that he [was] her father's [0001] brother, [0251] and that he [was] Rebekah's [7259] son: [1121] and she ran [7323] and told [5046] her father. [0001]


 Et aussitôt que Laban entendit parler de Jacob, fils de sa sœur, il courut au-devant de lui, l'embrassa, et le baisa, et le fit venir dans sa maison; et il raconta à Laban toutes ces choses.

 And it came to pass, when Laban [3837] heard [8085] the tidings [8088] of Jacob [3290] his sister's [0269] son, [1121] that he ran [7323] to meet [7125] him, and embraced [2263] him, and kissed [5401] him, and brought [0935] him to his house. [1004] And he told [5608] Laban [3837] all these things. [1697]


 Et Laban lui dit: Certainement, tu es mon os et ma chair; et il demeura avec lui un mois de temps.

 And Laban [3837] said [0559] to him, Surely [0389] thou [art] my bone [6106] and my flesh. [1320] And he abode [3427] with him the space [3117] of a month. [2320]


 Puis Laban dit à Jacob: Parce que tu es mon frère, me serviras-tu pour rien? Dis-moi quel sera ton salaire.

 And Laban [3837] said [0559] unto Jacob, [3290] Because thou [art] my brother, [0251] shouldest thou therefore serve [5647] me for nought? [2600] tell [5046] me, what [shall] thy wages [4909] [be]?


 Or, Laban avait deux filles, dont l'aînée s'appelait Léa, et la plus jeune Rachel.

 And Laban [3837] had two [8147] daughters: [1323] the name [8034] of the elder [1419] [was] Leah, [3812] and the name [8034] of the younger [6996] [was] Rachel. [7354]


 Mais Léa avait les yeux délicats, et Rachel était belle de taille, et belle de visage.

 Leah [3812] [was] tender [7390] eyed; [5869] but Rachel [7354] was beautiful [3303] [8389] and well [3303] favoured. [4758]


 Et Jacob aimait Rachel; et il dit: Je te servirai sept ans pour Rachel, ta plus jeune fille.

 And Jacob [3290] loved [0157] Rachel; [7354] and said, [0559] I will serve [5647] thee seven [7651] years [8141] for Rachel [7354] thy younger [6996] daughter. [1323]


 Et Laban répondit: Il vaut mieux que je te la donne que si je la donnais à un autre; demeure avec moi.

 And Laban [3837] said, [0559] [It is] better [2896] that I give [5414] her to thee, than that I should give [5414] her to another [0312] man: [0376] abide [3427] with me.


 Jacob servit donc sept ans pour Rachel; et ils ne lui semblèrent que quelques jours, parce qu'il l'aimait.

 And Jacob [3290] served [5647] seven [7651] years [8141] for Rachel; [7354] and they seemed [5869] unto him [but] a few [0259] days, [3117] for the love he had [0160] to her.


 Et Jacob dit à Laban: Donne-moi ma femme; car mon temps est accompli, et je viendrai vers elle.

 And Jacob [3290] said [0559] unto Laban, [3837] Give [3051] [me] my wife, [0802] for my days [3117] are fulfilled, [4390] that I may go in [0935] unto her.


 Alors Laban rassembla tous les gens du lieu, et fit un festin.

 And Laban [3837] gathered [0622] together all the men [0582] of the place, [4725] and made [6213] a feast. [4960]


 Et le soir il prit Léa, sa fille, et l'amena à Jacob, qui vint vers elle.

 And it came to pass in the evening, [6153] that he took [3947] Leah [3812] his daughter, [1323] and brought [0935] her to him; and he went in [0935] unto her.


 Et Laban donna sa servante Zilpa pour servante à Léa, sa fille.

 And Laban [3837] gave [5414] unto his daughter [1323] Leah [3812] Zilpah [2153] his maid [8198] [for] an handmaid. [8198]


 Et le matin, voici, c'était Léa; et Jacob dit à Laban: Qu'est-ce que tu m'as fait? N'est-ce pas pour Rachel que j'ai servi chez toi? Et pourquoi m'as-tu trompé?

 And it came to pass, that in the morning, [1242] behold, it [was] Leah: [3812] and he said [0559] to Laban, [3837] What [is] this thou hast done [6213] unto me? did not I serve [5647] with thee for Rachel? [7354] wherefore then hast thou beguiled [7411] me?


 Laban répondit: On ne fait pas ainsi dans ce lieu, de donner la plus jeune avant l'aînée.

 And Laban [3837] said, [0559] It must not be so done [6213] in our country, [4725] to give [5414] the younger [6810] before [6440] the firstborn. [1067]


 Achève la semaine de celle-ci, et nous te donnerons aussi l'autre, pour le service que tu feras encore chez moi sept autres années.

 Fulfil [4390] her [2063] week, [7620] and we will give [5414] thee this [2063] also for the service [5656] which thou shalt serve [5647] with me yet seven [7651] other [0312] years. [8141]


 Et Jacob fit ainsi, il acheva la semaine de celle-ci; puis Laban lui donna pour femme Rachel, sa fille.

 And Jacob [3290] did [6213] so, and fulfilled [4390] her week: [7620] and he gave [5414] him Rachel [7354] his daughter [1323] to wife [0802] also.


 Et Laban donna sa servante Bilha pour servante à Rachel, sa fille.

 And Laban [3837] gave [5414] to Rachel [7354] his daughter [1323] Bilhah [1090] his handmaid [8198] to be her maid. [8198]


 Il vint donc aussi vers Rachel, et il aima Rachel plus que Léa, et il servit chez Laban encore sept autres années.

 And he went in [0935] also unto Rachel, [7354] and he loved [0157] also Rachel [7354] more than Leah, [3812] and served [5647] with him yet seven [7651] other [0312] years. [8141]


 Et YEHOVAH, voyant que Léa était haïe, la rendit féconde; mais Rachel était stérile.

 And when the LORD [3068] saw [7200] that Leah [3812] [was] hated, [8130] he opened [6605] her womb: [7358] but Rachel [7354] [was] barren. [6135]


 Et Léa conçut et enfanta un fils, qu'elle appela Ruben (voyez un fils!). Car elle dit: YEHOVAH a regardé mon affliction; maintenant mon mari m'aimera.

 And Leah [3812] conceived, [2029] and bare [3205] a son, [1121] and she called [7121] his name [8034] Reuben: [7205] for [3588] she said, [0559] Surely [3588] the LORD [3068] hath looked [7200] upon my affliction; [6040] now therefore [3588] my husband [0376] will love [0157] me.


 Elle conçut encore, et enfanta un fils, et dit: YEHOVAH a entendu que j'étais haïe, et il m'a encore donné celui-ci; et elle l'appela Siméon (exaucement).

 And she conceived [2029] again, and bare [3205] a son; [1121] and said, [0559] Because the LORD [3068] hath heard [8085] that I [was] hated, [8130] he hath therefore given [5414] me this [son] also: and she called [7121] his name [8034] Simeon. [8095]


 Elle conçut encore, et enfanta un fils, et dit: Pour cette fois, mon mari s'attachera à moi; car je lui ai enfanté trois fils; c'est pourquoi on l'appela Lévi (attachement).

 And she conceived [2029] again, and bare [3205] a son; [1121] and said, [0559] Now this time [6471] will my husband [0376] be joined [3867] unto me, because I have born [3205] him three [7969] sons: [1121] therefore was his name [8034] called [7121] Levi. [3878]


 Elle conçut encore et enfanta un fils, et dit: Cette fois je louerai YEHOVAH; c'est pourquoi elle l'appela Juda (louange). Et elle cessa d'avoir des enfants.

 And she conceived [2029] again, and bare [3205] a son: [1121] and she said, [0559] Now [6471] will I praise [3034] the LORD: [3068] therefore she called [7121] his name [8034] Judah; [3063] and left [5975] bearing. [3205]


 Alors Rachel, voyant qu'elle ne donnait point d'enfant à Jacob, fut jalouse de sa sœur, et dit à Jacob: Donne-moi des enfants; sinon je suis morte.

 And when Rachel [7354] saw [7200] that she bare [3205] Jacob [3290] no children, Rachel [7354] envied [7065] her sister; [0269] and said [0559] unto Jacob, [3290] Give [3051] me children, [1121] or else [0369] I die. [4191]


 Et la colère de Jacob s'enflamma contre Rachel, et il dit: Suis-je à la place de Dieu, qui t'a refusé la fécondité

 And Jacob's [3290] anger [0639] was kindled [2734] against Rachel: [7354] and he said, [0559] [Am] I in God's [0430] stead, who hath withheld [4513] from thee the fruit [6529] of the womb? [0990]


 Et elle dit: Voici ma servante Bilha; viens vers elle, et elle enfantera sur mes genoux, et j'aurai, moi aussi, des enfants par elle.

 And she said, [0559] Behold my maid [0519] Bilhah, [1090] go in [0935] unto her; and she shall bear [3205] upon my knees, [1290] that I may also have children [1129] by her.


 Elle lui donna donc pour femme Bilha, sa servante; et Jacob vint vers elle.

 And she gave [5414] him Bilhah [1090] her handmaid [8198] to wife: [0802] and Jacob [3290] went in [0935] unto her.


 Et Bilha conçut, et enfanta un fils à Jacob.

 And Bilhah [1090] conceived, [2029] and bare [3205] Jacob [3290] a son. [1121]


 Et Rachel dit: Dieu m'a rendu justice, et il a aussi exaucé ma voix, et m'a donné un fils; c'est pourquoi elle l'appela Dan (juge).

 And Rachel [7354] said, [0559] God [0430] hath judged [1777] me, and hath also heard [8085] my voice, [6963] and hath given [5414] me a son: [1121] therefore called [7121] she his name [8034] Dan. [1835]


 Et Bilha, servante de Rachel, conçut encore et enfanta un second fils à Jacob.

 And Bilhah [1090] Rachel's [7354] maid [8198] conceived [2029] again, and bare [3205] Jacob [3290] a second [8145] son. [1121]


 Et Rachel dit: J'ai soutenu contre ma sœur des luttes de Dieu; j'ai même eu la victoire; et elle lui donna le nom de Nephthali (ma lutte).

 And Rachel [7354] said, [0559] With great [0430] wrestlings [5319] have I wrestled [6617] with my sister, [0269] and I have prevailed: [3201] and she called [7121] his name [8034] Naphtali. [5321]


 Alors Léa, voyant qu'elle avait cessé d'avoir des enfants, prit Zilpa, sa servante, et la donna pour femme à Jacob.

 When Leah [3812] saw [7200] that she had left [5975] bearing, [3205] she took [3947] Zilpah [2153] her maid, [8198] and gave [5414] her Jacob [3290] to wife. [0802]


 Et Zilpa, servante de Léa, enfanta un fils à Jacob.

 And Zilpah [2153] Leah's [3812] maid [8198] bare [3205] Jacob [3290] a son. [1121]


 Et Léa dit: Quel bonheur! Et elle l'appela Gad (bonheur).

 And Leah [3812] said, [0559] A troop [1409] cometh: [0935] and she called [7121] his name [8034] Gad. [1410]


 Et Zilpa, servante de Léa, enfanta un second fils à Jacob.

 And Zilpah [2153] Leah's [3812] maid [8198] bare [3205] Jacob [3290] a second [8145] son. [1121]


 Et Léa dit: Que je suis heureuse! car les filles me diront heureuse; et elle l'appela Asser (heureux).

 And Leah [3812] said, [0559] Happy am I, [0837] for the daughters [1323] will call me blessed: [0833] and she called [7121] his name [8034] Asher. [0836]


 Et Ruben s'en alla au temps de la moisson des blés, et trouva des mandragores dans les champs, et les apporta à Léa, sa mère. Et Rachel dit à Léa: Donne-moi, je te prie, des mandragores de ton fils.

 And Reuben [7205] went in [3212] the days [3117] of wheat [2406] harvest, [7105] and found [4672] mandrakes [1736] in the field, [7704] and brought [0935] them unto his mother [0517] Leah. [3812] Then Rachel [7354] said [0559] to Leah, [3812] Give [5414] me, I pray thee, of thy son's [1121] mandrakes. [1736]


 Et elle lui répondit: Est-ce peu d'avoir pris mon mari, que tu veuilles encore prendre les mandragores de mon fils? Et Rachel dit: Eh bien! qu'il couche avec toi cette nuit en échange des mandragores de ton fils.

 And she said [0559] unto her, [Is it] a small matter [4592] that thou hast taken [3947] my husband? [0376] and wouldest thou take away [3947] my son's [1121] mandrakes [1736] also? And Rachel [7354] said, [0559] Therefore he shall lie [7901] with thee to night [3915] for [8478] thy son's [1121] mandrakes. [1736]


 Et lorsque Jacob revint des champs le soir, Léa alla au-devant de lui, et dit: Tu viendras vers moi; car je t'ai loué pour les mandragores de mon fils; et il coucha avec elle cette nuit-là.

 And Jacob [3290] came [0935] out of the field [7704] in the evening, [6153] and Leah [3812] went out [3318] to meet [7125] him, and said, [0559] Thou must come in [0935] unto me; for surely [7936] I have hired [7936] thee with my son's [1121] mandrakes. [1736] And he lay [7901] with her that night. [3915]


 Et Dieu exauça Léa, et elle conçut, et enfanta à Jacob un cinquième fils.

 And God [0430] hearkened [8085] unto Leah, [3812] and she conceived, [2029] and bare [3205] Jacob [3290] the fifth [2549] son. [1121]


 Et elle dit: Dieu m'a donné mon salaire, pour avoir donné ma servante à mon mari; et elle l'appela Issacar (il y a salaire).

 And Leah [3812] said, [0559] God [0430] hath given [5414] me my hire, [7939] because [0834] I have given [5414] my maiden [8198] to my husband: [0376] and she called [7121] his name [8034] Issachar. [3485]


 Et Léa conçut encore, et enfanta un sixième fils à Jacob,

 And Leah [3812] conceived [2029] again, and bare [3205] Jacob [3290] the sixth [8345] son. [1121]


 Et Léa dit: Dieu m'a donné un bon douaire; cette fois mon mari habitera avec moi; car je lui ai enfanté six fils. Et elle l'appela Zabulon (habitation).

 And Leah [3812] said, [0559] God [0430] hath endued [2064] me [with] a good [2896] dowry; [2065] now [6471] will my husband [0376] dwell [2082] with me, because I have born [3205] him six [8337] sons: [1121] and she called [7121] his name [8034] Zebulun. [2074]


 Ensuite elle enfanta une fille, et elle l'appela Dina.

 And afterwards [0310] she bare [3205] a daughter, [1323] and called [7121] her name [8034] Dinah. [1783]


 Et Dieu se souvint de Rachel, et Dieu l'exauça et la rendit féconde.

 And God [0430] remembered [2142] Rachel, [7354] and God [0430] hearkened [8085] to her, and opened [6605] her womb. [7358]


 Et elle conçut, et enfanta un fils, et dit: Dieu a ôté mon opprobre;

 And she conceived, [2029] and bare [3205] a son; [1121] and said, [0559] God [0430] hath taken away [0622] my reproach: [2781]


 Et elle l'appela Joseph (il ôte ou il ajoute), en disant: Que YEHOVAH m'ajoute encore un autre fils!

 And she called [7121] his name [8034] Joseph; [3130] and said, [0559] The LORD [3068] shall add [3254] to me another [0312] son. [1121]


 Et lorsque Rachel eut enfanté Joseph, Jacob dit à Laban: Donne-moi mon congé, que je m'en aille en mon lieu, dans mon pays.

 And it came to pass, when Rachel [7354] had born [3205] Joseph, [3130] that Jacob [3290] said [0559] unto Laban, [3837] Send me away, [7971] that I may go [3212] unto mine own place, [4725] and to my country. [0776]


 Donne-moi mes femmes et mes enfants, pour lesquels je t'ai servi, et que je m'en aille; car tu sais le service que j'ai fait pour toi.

 Give [5414] [me] my wives [0802] and my children, [3206] for whom [2004] I have served [5647] thee, and let me go: [3212] for thou knowest [3045] my service [5656] which I have done [5647] thee.


 Et Laban lui répondit: Je te prie, si j'ai trouvé grâce à tes yeux; car j'ai deviné que YEHOVAH m'a béni à cause de toi.

 And Laban [3837] said [0559] unto him, I pray thee, if I have found [4672] favour [2580] in thine eyes, [5869] [tarry: for] I have learned by experience [5172] that the LORD [3068] hath blessed [1288] me for thy sake. [1558]


 Puis il dit: Fixe-moi ton salaire, et je te le donnerai.

 And he said, [0559] Appoint [5344] me thy wages, [7939] and I will give [5414] [it].


 Et il lui répondit: Tu sais comment je t'ai servi, et ce qu'est devenu ton bétail avec moi.

 And he said [0559] unto him, Thou knowest [3045] how [0834] I have served [5647] thee, and how [0834] thy cattle [4735] was with me.


 Car ce que tu avais avant moi était peu de chose; mais depuis il s'est fort accru, et YEHOVAH t'a béni depuis que j'ai mis le pied chez toi; et maintenant, quand travaillerai-je aussi pour ma maison?

 For [it was] little [4592] which thou hadst before [6440] I [came], and it is [now] increased [6555] unto a multitude; [7230] and the LORD [3068] hath blessed [1288] thee since my coming: [7272] and now when [4970] shall I provide [6213] for mine own house [1004] also?


 Et Laban lui dit: Que te donnerai-je? Et Jacob répondit: Tu ne me donneras rien. Je paîtrai encore tes troupeaux, et je les garderai, si tu fais ceci pour moi:

 And he said, [0559] What shall I give [5414] thee? And Jacob [3290] said, [0559] Thou shalt not give [5414] me any thing: [3972] if thou wilt do [6213] this thing [1697] for me, I will again [7725] feed [7462] [and] keep [8104] thy flock: [6629]


 Je passerai aujourd'hui parmi tous tes troupeaux; ôtes-en toute bête picotée et tachetée, et toute bête noire parmi les agneaux, et ce qui est tacheté et picoté parmi les chèvres; et ce sera mon salaire.

 I will pass through [5674] all thy flock [6629] to day, [3117] removing [5493] from thence all the speckled [5348] and spotted [2921] cattle, [7716] and all the brown [2345] cattle [7716] among the sheep, [3775] and the spotted [2921] and speckled [5348] among the goats: [5795] and [of such] shall be my hire. [7939]


 Et ma justice me rendra témoignage à l'avenir devant toi, quand tu viendras reconnaître mon salaire. Tout ce qui ne sera point picoté ou tacheté parmi les chèvres, et noir parmi les agneaux, aura été volé, s'il est trouvé chez moi.

 So shall my righteousness [6666] answer [6030] for me in time [3117] to come, [4279] when it shall come [0935] for my hire [7939] before thy face: [6440] every one [3605] that [is] not speckled [5348] and spotted [2921] among the goats, [5795] and brown [2345] among the sheep, [3775] that shall be counted stolen [1589] with me.


 Alors Laban dit: Eh bien! qu'il en soit comme tu dis.

 And Laban [3837] said, [0559] Behold, I would [3863] it might be according to thy word. [1697]


 Et le jour même il sépara les boucs rayés et tachetés, et toutes les chèvres picotées et tachetées, tout ce qui avait du blanc, et tout ce qui était noir parmi les agneaux; et il les confia à ses fils.

 And he removed [5493] that day [3117] the he goats [8495] that were ringstraked [6124] and spotted, [2921] and all the she goats [5795] that were speckled [5348] and spotted, [2921] [and] every one that had [some] white [3836] in it, and all the brown [2345] among the sheep, [3775] and gave [5414] [them] into the hand [3027] of his sons. [1121]


 Et il mit l'espace de trois jours de chemin entre lui et Jacob. Et Jacob paissait le reste des troupeaux de Laban.

 And he set [7760] three [7969] days' [3117] journey [1870] betwixt himself and Jacob: [3290] and Jacob [3290] fed [7462] the rest [3498] of Laban's [3837] flocks. [6629]


 Alors Jacob prit des branches vertes de peuplier, d'amandier et de platane, et y fit des raies blanches, en découvrant le blanc qui était aux branches.

 And Jacob [3290] took [3947] him rods [4731] of green [3892] poplar, [3839] and of the hazel [3869] and chesnut tree; [6196] and pilled [6478] white [3836] strakes [6479] in them, and made the white [3836] appear [4286] which [was] in the rods. [4731]


 Et il mit les branches qu'il avait pelées, dans les auges, dans les abreuvoirs où les brebis venaient boire, en face des brebis; et elles entraient en chaleur, quand elles venaient boire.

 And he set [3322] the rods [4731] which he had pilled [6478] before [5227] the flocks [6629] in the gutters [7298] in the watering [4325] troughs [8268] when the flocks [6629] came [0935] to drink, [8354] that they should conceive [3179] when they came [0935] to drink. [8354]


 Les brebis entraient donc en chaleur à la vue des branches, et elles faisaient des agneaux rayés, picotés et tachetés.

 And the flocks [6629] conceived [3179] before the rods, [4731] and brought forth [3205] cattle [6629] ringstraked, [6124] speckled, [5348] and spotted. [2921]


 Et Jacob partageait les agneaux, et mettait les brebis du troupeau de Laban en face de ce qui était rayé, et de tout ce qui était noir; et il mit ses troupeaux à part, et ne les mit point auprès des troupeaux de Laban.

 And Jacob [3290] did separate [6504] the lambs, [3775] and set [5414] the faces [6440] of the flocks [6629] toward [0413] the ringstraked, [6124] and all the brown [2345] in the flock [6629] of Laban; [3837] and he put [7896] his own flocks [5739] by themselves, and put [7896] them not unto Laban's [3837] cattle. [6629]


 Et il arrivait que toutes les fois que les brebis vigoureuses entraient en chaleur, Jacob mettait les branches sous les yeux du troupeau dans les auges, afin qu'elles entrent en chaleur auprès des branches.

 And it came to pass, whensoever the stronger [7194] cattle [6629] did conceive, [3179] that Jacob [3290] laid [7760] the rods [4731] before the eyes [5869] of the cattle [6629] in the gutters, [7298] that they might conceive [3179] among the rods. [4731]


 Mais quand les brebis étaient chétives, il ne les mettait point. En sorte que les agneaux chétifs étaient pour Laban, et les vigoureux pour Jacob.

 But when the cattle [6629] were feeble, [5848] he put [them] not in: [7760] so the feebler [5848] were Laban's, [3837] and the stronger [7194] Jacob's. [3290]


 Et cet homme devint extrêmement riche, et il eut de nombreux troupeaux, des servantes et des serviteurs, des chameaux et des ânes.

 And the man [0376] increased [6555] exceedingly, [3966] [3966] and had much [7227] cattle, [6629] and maidservants, [8198] and menservants, [5650] and camels, [1581] and asses. [2543]


 Or Jacob entendit les discours des enfants de Laban, qui disaient: Jacob a pris tout ce qui appartenait à notre père; et c'est de ce qui était à notre père, qu'il s'est acquis toute cette richesse.

 And he heard [8085] the words [1697] of Laban's [3837] sons, [1121] saying, [0559] Jacob [3290] hath taken away [3947] all that [was] our father's; [0001] and of [that] which [was] our father's [0001] hath he gotten [6213] all this glory. [3519]


 Et Jacob remarqua le visage de Laban; et voici, il n'était plus à son égard comme auparavant.

 And Jacob [3290] beheld [7200] the countenance [6440] of Laban, [3837] and, behold, it [was] not toward him as [8543] before. [8032]


 Et YEHOVAH dit à Jacob: Retourne au pays de tes pères, et vers ta parenté, et je serai avec toi.

 And the LORD [3068] said [0559] unto Jacob, [3290] Return [7725] unto the land [0776] of thy fathers, [0001] and to thy kindred; [4138] and I will be with thee.


 Alors Jacob envoya dire à Rachel et à Léa, de venir aux champs vers son troupeau.

 And Jacob [3290] sent [7971] and called [7121] Rachel [7354] and Leah [3812] to the field [7704] unto his flock, [6629]


 Et il leur dit: Je vois que le visage de votre père n'est plus envers moi comme auparavant; mais le Dieu de mon père a été avec moi.

 And said [0559] unto them, I see [7200] your father's [0001] countenance, [6440] that it [is] not toward me as [8543] before; [8032] but the God [0430] of my father [0001] hath been [1961] with me.


 Et vous savez vous-mêmes que j'ai servi votre père de toutes mes forces.

 And ye [0859] know [3045] that with all my power [3581] I have served [5647] your father. [0001]


 Et votre père s'est moqué de moi, et a changé dix fois mon salaire; mais Dieu ne lui a point permis de me faire du mal.

 And your father [0001] hath deceived [2048] me, and changed [2498] my wages [4909] ten [6235] times; [4489] but God [0430] suffered [5414] him not to hurt [7489] me. [5978]


 Quand il disait ainsi: Les picotés seront ton salaire, toutes les brebis faisaient des agneaux picotés. Et s'il disait ainsi: Les rayés seront ton salaire, toutes les brebis faisaient des agneaux rayés.

 If he said [0559] thus, The speckled [5348] shall be thy wages; [7939] then all the cattle [6629] bare [3205] speckled: [5348] and if he said [0559] thus, The ringstraked [6124] shall be thy hire; [7939] then bare [3205] all the cattle [6629] ringstraked. [6124]


 Dieu a donc pris le bétail de votre père, et me l'a donné.

 Thus God [0430] hath taken away [5337] the cattle [4735] of your father, [0001] and given [5414] [them] to me.


 Car il arriva, au temps où les brebis entrent en chaleur, que je levai les yeux et vis en songe que les béliers qui couvraient les brebis étaient rayés, picotés et marquetés.

 And it came to pass at the time [6256] that the cattle [6629] conceived, [3179] that I lifted up [5375] mine eyes, [5869] and saw [7200] in a dream, [2472] and, behold, the rams [6260] which leaped [5927] upon the cattle [6629] [were] ringstraked, [6124] speckled, [5348] and grisled. [1261]


 Et l'ange de Dieu me dit en songe: Jacob! Et je répondis: Me voici!

 And the angel [4397] of God [0430] spake [0559] unto me in a dream, [2472] [saying], Jacob: [3290] And I said, [0559] Here [am] I.


 Et il dit: Lève les yeux, et regarde: tous les béliers, qui couvrent les brebis, sont rayés, picotés et marquetés. Car j'ai vu ce que te fait Laban.

 And he said, [0559] Lift up [5375] now thine eyes, [5869] and see, [7200] all the rams [6260] which leap [5927] upon the cattle [6629] [are] ringstraked, [6124] speckled, [5348] and grisled: [1261] for I have seen [7200] all that Laban [3837] doeth [6213] unto thee.


 JE SUIS le Dieu de Béthel, où tu oignis un monument, où tu me fis un vœu. Maintenant, lève-toi, sors de ce pays, et retourne au pays de ta parenté.

 I [am] the God [0410] of Bethel, [1008] where thou anointedst [4886] the pillar, [4676] [and] where thou vowedst [5087] a vow [5088] unto me: now arise, [6965] get thee out [3318] from this land, [0776] and return [7725] unto the land [0776] of thy kindred. [4138]


 Alors Rachel et Léa répondirent et lui dirent: Avons-nous encore une part ou un héritage dans la maison de notre père?

 And Rachel [7354] and Leah [3812] answered [6030] and said [0559] unto him, [Is there] yet any portion [2506] or inheritance [5159] for us in our father's [0001] house? [1004]


 Ne nous a-t-il pas traitées comme des étrangères, puisqu'il nous a vendues, et qu'il a même mangé notre argent?

 Are we not counted [2803] of him strangers? [5237] for he hath sold [4376] us, and hath quite [0398] devoured [0398] also our money. [3701]


 Car toutes les richesses que Dieu a ôtées à notre père, sont à nous et à nos enfants. Maintenant donc, fais tout ce que Dieu t'a dit.

 For all the riches [6239] which God [0430] hath taken [5337] from our father, [0001] that [is] ours, and our children's: [1121] now then, whatsoever God [0430] hath said [0559] unto thee, do. [6213]


 Alors Jacob se leva, et fit monter ses enfants et ses femmes sur les chameaux.

 Then Jacob [3290] rose up, [6965] and set [5375] his sons [1121] and his wives [0802] upon camels; [1581]


 Et il emmena tout son bétail et tout le bien qu'il avait acquis, son bétail particulier, qu'il avait acquis à Paddan-Aram, pour venir vers Isaac, son père, au pays de Canaan.

 And he carried away [5090] all his cattle, [4735] and all his goods [7399] which he had gotten, [7408] the cattle [4735] of his getting, [7075] which he had gotten [7408] in Padanaram, [6307] for to go [0935] to Isaac [3327] his father [0001] in the land [0776] of Canaan. [3667]


 Or Laban était allé tondre ses brebis; et Rachel déroba les théraphim de son père.

 And Laban [3837] went [1980] to shear [1494] his sheep: [6629] and Rachel [7354] had stolen [1589] the images [8655] that [were] her father's. [0001]


 Et Jacob délaissa Laban l'Araméen, en ne lui disant point qu'il voulait partir.

 And Jacob [3290] stole away [1589] unawares [3820] to Laban [3837] the Syrian, [0761] in that [5921] he told [5046] him not [1097] that he fled. [1272]


 Il partit donc, lui et tout ce qui lui appartenait; et il se leva, et passa le fleuve, et s'avança vers la montagne de Galaad.

 So he fled [1272] with all that he had; and he rose up, [6965] and passed over [5674] the river, [5104] and set [7760] his face [6440] [toward] the mount [2022] Gilead. [1568]


 Et le troisième jour on rapporta à Laban que Jacob s'était enfui.

 And it was told [5046] Laban [3837] on the third [7992] day [3117] that Jacob [3290] was fled. [1272]


 Alors il prit ses frères avec lui, et le poursuivit sept journées de marche, et le rejoignit à la montagne de Galaad.

 And he took [3947] his brethren [0251] with him, and pursued [7291] after him [0310] seven [7651] days' [3117] journey; [1870] and they overtook [1692] him in the mount [2022] Gilead. [1568]


 Mais Dieu vint vers Laban, l'Araméen, dans un songe de la nuit, et lui dit: Garde-toi de rien dire à Jacob, ni en bien, ni en mal.

 And God [0430] came [0935] to Laban [3837] the Syrian [0761] in a dream [2472] by night, [3915] and said [0559] unto him, Take heed [8104] that thou speak [1696] not to [5973] Jacob [3290] either good [2896] or [5704] bad. [7451]


 Laban atteignit donc Jacob. Et Jacob avait planté sa tente sur la montagne. Et Laban tendit la sienne avec ses frères sur la montagne de Galaad.

 Then Laban [3837] overtook [5381] Jacob. [3290] Now Jacob [3290] had pitched [8628] his tent [0168] in the mount: [2022] and Laban [3837] with his brethren [0251] pitched [8628] in the mount [2022] of Gilead. [1568]


 Et Laban dit à Jacob: Qu'as-tu fait? Tu m'as trompé, et tu as emmené mes filles comme des prisonnières de guerre.

 And Laban [3837] said [0559] to Jacob, [3290] What hast thou done, [6213] that thou hast stolen away [1589] unawares [3824] to me, and carried away [5090] my daughters, [1323] as captives [7617] [taken] with the sword? [2719]


 Pourquoi t'es-tu enfui secrètement, et m'as-tu trompé, et ne m'en as-tu pas donné avis? et je t'aurai reconduit avec joie et avec des chants, au son du tambourin et de la harpe.

 Wherefore didst thou flee away [1272] secretly, [2244] and steal away [1589] from me; and didst not tell [5046] me, that I might have sent thee away [7971] with mirth, [8057] and with songs, [7892] with tabret, [8596] and with harp? [3658]


 Et tu ne m'as pas laissé baiser mes fils et mes filles! Tu as agi follement.

 And hast not suffered [5203] me to kiss [5401] my sons [1121] and my daughters? [1323] thou hast now done foolishly [5528] in [so] doing. [6213]


 J'ai en main le pouvoir de vous faire du mal; mais le Dieu de votre père m'a parlé la nuit passée, en disant: Garde-toi de rien dire à Jacob, ni en bien, ni en mal.

 It is [3426] in the power [0410] of my hand [3027] to do [6213] you hurt: [7451] but the God [0430] of your father [0001] spake [0559] unto me yesternight, [0570] saying, [0559] Take thou heed [8104] that thou speak not [1696] to Jacob [3290] either good [2896] or bad. [7451]


 Et maintenant, tu es parti, parce que tu languissais après la maison de ton père; mais pourquoi as-tu dérobé mes dieux?

 And now, [though] thou wouldest needs [1980] be gone, [1980] because thou sore [3700] longedst [3700] after thy father's [0001] house, [1004] [yet] wherefore hast thou stolen [1589] my gods? [0430]


 Et Jacob répondit, et dit à Laban: C'est que je craignais en moi-même que tu ne me ravisses tes filles.

 And Jacob [3290] answered [6030] and said [0559] to Laban, [3837] Because I was afraid: [3372] for I said, [0559] Peradventure [6435] thou wouldest take by force [1497] thy daughters [1323] from me.


 Mais celui chez qui tu trouveras tes dieux, ne vivra point; en présence de nos frères, examine ce qui est chez moi, et prends-les. Or Jacob ignorait que Rachel les eût dérobés.

 With whomsoever [0834] thou findest [4672] thy gods, [0430] let him not live: [2421] before [5048] our brethren [0251] discern [5234] thou what [is] thine with me, and take [3947] [it] to thee. For Jacob [3290] knew [3045] not that Rachel [7354] had stolen [1589] them.


 Alors Laban entra dans la tente de Jacob, et dans la tente de Léa, et dans la tente des deux servantes, et il ne les trouva point. Puis il sortit de la tente de Léa, et entra dans la tente de Rachel.

 And Laban [3837] went [0935] into Jacob's [3290] tent, [0168] and into Leah's [3812] tent, [0168] and into the two [8147] maidservants' [0519] tents; [0168] but he found [4672] [them] not. Then went he out [3318] of Leah's [3812] tent, [0168] and entered [0935] into Rachel's [7354] tent. [0168]


 Mais Rachel avait pris les théraphim, les avait mis dans le bât du chameau, et s'était assise dessus. Et Laban fouilla toute la tente, et ne les trouva point.

 Now Rachel [7354] had taken [3947] the images, [8655] and put [7760] them in the camel's [1581] furniture, [3733] and sat [3427] upon them. And Laban [3837] searched [4959] all the tent, [0168] but found [4672] [them] not.


 Et elle dit à son père: Que mon seigneur ne se fâche point de ce que je ne puis me lever devant lui; car j'ai ce que les femmes ont coutume d'avoir. Et il chercha; mais il ne trouva point les théraphim.

 And she said [0559] to her father, [0001] Let it not displease [2734] [5869] my lord [0113] that I cannot [3808] [3201] rise up [6965] before [6440] thee; for the custom [1870] of women [0802] [is] upon me. And he searched, [2664] but found [4672] not the images. [8655]


 Alors Jacob se mit en colère, et querella Laban; et Jacob prit la parole et dit: Quel est mon crime? Quel est mon péché, pour que tu m'aies poursuivi avec tant d'ardeur?

 And Jacob [3290] was wroth, [2734] and chode [7378] with Laban: [3837] and Jacob [3290] answered [6030] and said [0559] to Laban, [3837] What [is] my trespass? [6588] what [is] my sin, [2403] that thou hast so hotly pursued [1814] after [0310] me?


 Pour que tu aies fouillé tous mes bagages? Qu'as-tu trouvé de tous les objets de ta maison? Mets-le ici devant mes frères et tes frères, et qu'ils soient juges entre nous deux.

 Whereas [3588] thou hast searched [4959] all my stuff, [3627] what hast thou found [4672] of all thy household [1004] stuff? [3627] set [7760] [it] here [3541] before my brethren [0251] and thy brethren, [0251] that they may judge [3198] betwixt [0996] us both. [8147]


 Voici vingt ans que j'ai été avec toi; tes brebis et tes chèvres n'ont point avorté; et je n'ai point mangé les béliers de tes troupeaux.

 This twenty [6242] years [8141] [have] I [been] with thee; thy ewes [7353] and thy she goats [5795] have not cast their young, [7921] and the rams [0352] of thy flock [6629] have I not eaten. [0398]


 Je ne t'ai point rapporté de bêtes déchirées; j'en ai moi-même subi la perte. Tu me réclamais ce qui avait été dérobé de jour, et ce qui avait été dérobé de nuit.

 That which was torn [2966] [of beasts] I brought [0935] not unto thee; I bare the loss [2398] of it; of my hand [3027] didst thou require [1245] it, [whether] stolen [1589] by day, [3117] or stolen [1589] by night. [3915]


 Le hâle me consumait pendant le jour, et le froid pendant la nuit; et le sommeil fuyait de mes yeux.

 [Thus] I was; in the day [3117] the drought [2721] consumed [0398] me, and the frost [7140] by night; [3915] and my sleep [8142] departed [5074] from mine eyes. [5869]


 Voici vingt ans que je suis dans ta maison; je t'ai servi quatorze ans pour tes deux filles, et six ans pour tes troupeaux, et tu as changé dix fois mon salaire.

 Thus have I been twenty [6242] years [8141] in thy house; [1004] I served [5647] thee fourteen [0702] [6240] years [8141] for thy two [8147] daughters, [1323] and six [8337] years [8141] for thy cattle: [6629] and thou hast changed [2498] my wages [4909] ten [6235] times. [4489]


 Si le Dieu de mon père, le Dieu d'Abraham, et Celui que craint Isaac, n'eût été pour moi, sans doute tu m'eusses maintenant renvoyé à vide. Dieu a regardé mon affliction et le travail de mes mains; et il a rendu justice la nuit passée.

 Except [3884] the God [0430] of my father, [0001] the God [0430] of Abraham, [0085] and the fear [6343] of Isaac, [3327] had been with me, surely thou hadst sent me away [7971] now empty. [7387] God [0430] hath seen [7200] mine affliction [6040] and the labour [3018] of my hands, [3709] and rebuked [3198] [thee] yesternight. [0570]


 Et Laban répondit et dit à Jacob: Ces filles sont mes filles, ces enfants sont mes enfants, et ces troupeaux sont mes troupeaux, et tout ce que tu vois est à moi. Et que ferais-je aujourd'hui à mes filles, ou aux enfants qu'elles ont enfantés?

 And Laban [3837] answered [6030] and said [0559] unto Jacob, [3290] [These] daughters [1323] [are] my daughters, [1323] and [these] children [1121] [are] my children, [1121] and [these] cattle [6629] [are] my cattle, [6629] and all that thou seest [7200] [is] mine: and what can I do [6213] this day [3117] unto these my daughters, [1323] or [0176] unto their children [1121] which they have born? [3205]


 Maintenant donc, viens, traitons ensemble une alliance, et qu'elle serve de témoignage entre moi et toi.

 Now therefore come [3212] thou, let us make [3772] a covenant, [1285] I and thou; and let it be for a witness [5707] between me and thee.


 Et Jacob prit une pierre, et la dressa en monument.

 And Jacob [3290] took [3947] a stone, [0068] and set it up [7311] [for] a pillar. [4676]


 Et Jacob dit à ses frères: Amassez des pierres. Et ils prirent des pierres, et en firent un monceau, et ils mangèrent là sur le monceau.

 And Jacob [3290] said [0559] unto his brethren, [0251] Gather [3950] stones; [0068] and they took [3947] stones, [0068] and made [6213] an heap: [1530] and they did eat [0398] there upon the heap. [1530]


 Et Laban l'appela Iegar Sahadutha; et Jacob l'appela Galed (monceau du témoignage).

 And Laban [3837] called [7121] it Jegarsahadutha: [3026] but Jacob [3290] called [7121] it Galeed. [1530] [5707][1567]


 Et Laban dit: Ce monceau est témoin entre moi et toi aujourd'hui. C'est pourquoi on l'appela Galed,

 And Laban [3837] said, [0559] This heap [1530] [is] a witness [5707] between me and thee this day. [3117] Therefore was the name [8034] of it called [7121] Galeed; [1567]


 Et aussi Mitspa (poste d'observation), parce que Laban dit: Que YEHOVAH veille sur moi et sur toi, quand nous nous serons retirés l'un d'avec l'autre.

 And Mizpah; [4709] for [0834] he said, [0559] The LORD [3068] watch [6822] between me and thee, when we are absent [5641] one [0376] from another. [7453]


 Si tu maltraites mes filles, et si tu prends d'autres femmes que mes filles, ce n'est pas un homme qui sera témoin entre nous. Vois! c'est Dieu qui sera témoin entre moi et toi.

 If thou shalt afflict [6031] my daughters, [1323] or if thou shalt take [3947] [other] wives [0802] beside [5921] my daughters, [1323] no man [0376] [is] with us; see, [7200] God [0430] [is] witness [5707] betwixt me and thee.


 Et Laban dit à Jacob: Voici ce monceau de pierres; et voici le monument que j'ai dressé entre moi et toi.

 And Laban [3837] said [0559] to Jacob, [3290] Behold this heap, [1530] and behold [this] pillar, [4676] which I have cast [3384] betwixt me and thee;


 Ce monceau est témoin, et ce monument est témoin, que je ne passerai point ce monceau, en allant vers toi, et que tu ne passeras point ce monceau et ce monument, en venant vers moi, pour nous nuire l'un à l'autre.

 This heap [1530] [be] witness, [5707] and [this] pillar [4676] [be] witness, [5713] that I will not pass over [5674] this heap [1530] to thee, and that thou shalt not pass over [5674] this heap [1530] and this pillar [4676] unto me, for harm. [7451]


 Que le Dieu d'Abraham et le Dieu de Nachor, le Dieu de leur père, juge entre nous! Et Jacob jura par Celui que craignait Isaac, son père.

 The God [0430] of Abraham, [0085] and the God [0430] of Nahor, [5152] the God [0430] of their father, [0001] judge [8199] betwixt us. And Jacob [3290] sware [7650] by the fear [6343] of his father [0001] Isaac. [3327]


 Et Jacob offrit un sacrifice sur la montagne; et il invita ses frères à manger le pain. Ils mangèrent donc le pain, et passèrent la nuit sur la montagne.

 Then Jacob [3290] offered [2076] sacrifice [2077] upon the mount, [2022] and called [7121] his brethren [0251] to eat [0398] bread: [3899] and they did eat [0398] bread, [3899] and tarried all night [3885] in the mount. [2022]


 Et Laban se leva de bon matin, baisa ses fils et ses filles, et les bénit, et s'en alla. Ainsi Laban retourna chez lui.

 And early in the morning [1242] Laban [3837] rose up, [7925] and kissed [5401] his sons [1121] and his daughters, [1323] and blessed [1288] them: and Laban [3837] departed, [3212] and returned [7725] unto his place. [4725]


 Et Jacob continua son chemin, et des anges de Dieu le rencontrèrent.

 And Jacob [3290] went [1980] on his way, [1870] and the angels [4397] of God [0430] met [6293] him.


 Et Jacob dit, quand il les eut vus: C'est le camp de Dieu! Et il appela ce lieu-là, Mahanaïm (les deux camps).

 And when Jacob [3290] saw [7200] them, he said, [0559] This [is] God's [0430] host: [4264] and he called [7121] the name [8034] of that place [4725] Mahanaim. [4266]


 Et Jacob envoya des messagers devant lui vers Ésaü, son frère, au pays de Séir, aux champs d'Édom.

 And Jacob [3290] sent [7971] messengers [4397] before [6440] him to Esau [6215] his brother [0251] unto the land [0776] of Seir, [8165] the country [7704] of Edom. [0123]


 Et il leur commanda en disant: Vous parlerez ainsi à Ésaü mon seigneur: Ainsi a dit ton serviteur Jacob: J'ai séjourné chez Laban, et j'y ai demeuré jusqu'à présent.

 And he commanded [6680] them, saying, [0559] Thus shall ye speak [0559] unto my lord [0113] Esau; [6215] Thy servant [5650] Jacob [3290] saith [0559] thus, I have sojourned [1481] with Laban, [3837] and stayed there [0309] until now:


 Et j'ai des bœufs et des ânes, des brebis, des serviteurs et des servantes; et j'envoie l'annoncer à mon seigneur, afin de trouver grâce devant tes yeux.

 And I have oxen, [7794] and asses, [2543] flocks, [6629] and menservants, [5650] and womenservants: [8198] and I have sent [7971] to tell [5046] my lord, [0113] that I may find [4672] grace [2580] in thy sight. [5869]


 Et les messagers revinrent auprès de Jacob, en disant: Nous sommes allés vers ton frère Ésaü; et il marche aussi à ta rencontre, avec quatre cents hommes.

 And the messengers [4397] returned [7725] to Jacob, [3290] saying, [0559] We came [0935] to thy brother [0251] Esau, [6215] and also he cometh [1980] to meet [7125] thee, and four [0702] hundred [3967] men [0376] with him.


 Alors Jacob fut très effrayé et rempli d'angoisse; et il partagea le peuple qui était avec lui, et les brebis, et les bœufs, et les chameaux, en deux camps, et il dit:

 Then Jacob [3290] was greatly [3966] afraid [3372] and distressed: [3334] and he divided [2673] the people [5971] that [was] with him, and the flocks, [6629] and herds, [1241] and the camels, [1581] into two [8147] bands; [4264]


 Si Ésaü attaque l'un des camps et le frappe, le camp qui restera, pourra échapper.

 And said, [0559] If Esau [6215] come [0935] to the one [0259] company, [4264] and smite [5221] it, then the other company [4264] which is left [7604] shall escape. [6413]


 Puis Jacob dit: Dieu de mon père Abraham, et Dieu de mon père Isaac! YEHOVAH, qui m'as dit: Retourne en ton pays, et vers ta parenté, et je te ferai du bien;

 And Jacob [3290] said, [0559] O God [0430] of my father [0001] Abraham, [0085] and God [0430] of my father [0001] Isaac, [3327] the LORD [3068] which saidst [0559] unto me, Return [7725] unto thy country, [0776] and to thy kindred, [4138] and I will deal well [3190] with thee:


 Je ne suis pas digne de la moindre de tes grâces, ni de toute la vérité que tu as montré envers ton serviteur; car j'ai passé le Jourdain avec mon bâton, et maintenant je forme deux camps.

 I am not worthy [6994] of the least of all the mercies, [2617] and of all the truth, [0571] which thou hast shewed [6213] unto thy servant; [5650] for with my staff [4731] I passed over [5674] this Jordan; [3383] and now I am become two [8147] bands. [4264]


 Délivre-moi, je te prie, de la main de mon frère, de la main d'Ésaü; car je crains qu'il ne vienne, et qu'il ne me frappe, et la mère avec les enfants.

 Deliver [5337] me, I pray thee, from the hand [3027] of my brother, [0251] from the hand [3027] of Esau: [6215] for I fear [3373] him, lest he will come [0935] and smite [5221] me, [and] the mother [0517] with [5921] the children. [1121]


 Cependant, tu as dit: Certainement, je te ferai du bien, et je ferai devenir ta postérité comme le sable de la mer, qu'on ne saurait compter à cause de son grand nombre.

 And thou saidst, [0559] I will surely [3190] do thee good, [3190] and make [7760] thy seed [2233] as the sand [2344] of the sea, [3220] which cannot be numbered [5608] for multitude. [7230]


 Et il passa la nuit en ce lieu-là, et il prit de ce qui lui vint en la main, pour en faire un présent à Ésaü, son frère

 And he lodged [3885] there that same night; [3915] and took [3947] of that which came [0935] to his hand [3027] a present [4503] for Esau [6215] his brother; [0251]


 Deux cents chèvres et vingt boucs, deux cents brebis et vingt béliers,

 Two hundred [3967] she goats, [5795] and twenty [6242] he goats, [8495] two hundred [3967] ewes, [7353] and twenty [6242] rams, [0352]


 Trente chamelles qui allaitaient, avec leurs petits, quarante vaches et dix taureaux, vingt ânesses et dix jeunes ânes.

 Thirty [7970] milch [3243] camels [1581] with their colts, [1121] forty [0705] kine, [6510] and ten [6235] bulls, [6499] twenty [6242] she asses, [0860] and ten [6235] foals. [5895]


 Et il mit entre les mains de ses serviteurs chaque troupeau à part, et dit à ses serviteurs: Passez devant moi, et mettez de la distance entre un troupeau et l'autre.

 And he delivered [5414] [them] into the hand [3027] of his servants, [5650] every drove [5739] [5739] by themselves; and said [0559] unto his servants, [5650] Pass over [5674] before [6440] me, and put [7760] a space [7305] betwixt [0996] drove [5739] and [0996] drove. [5739]


 Et il donna ordre au premier, en disant: Quand Ésaü mon frère, te rencontrera, et te demandera: À qui es-tu, où vas-tu, et à qui sont ces bêtes devant toi?

 And he commanded [6680] the foremost, [7223] saying, [0559] When Esau [6215] my brother [0251] meeteth [6298] thee, and asketh [7592] thee, saying, [0559] Whose [art] thou? and whither goest [3212] thou? and whose [are] these before [6440] thee?


 Tu diras: À ton serviteur Jacob; c'est un présent qu'il envoie à Ésaü mon seigneur; et le voici qui vient lui-même après nous.

 Then thou shalt say, [0559] [They be] thy servant [5650] Jacob's; [3290] it [is] a present [4503] sent [7971] unto my lord [0113] Esau: [6215] and, behold, also he [is] behind [0310] us.


 Il donna le même ordre au second, et au troisième, et à tous ceux qui allaient après les troupeaux, en disant: Vous tiendrez ce langage à Ésaü, quand vous le rencontrerez;

 And so [1571] commanded [6680] he the second, [8145] and [1571] the third, [7992] and [1571] all that followed [1980] [0310] the droves, [5739] saying, [0559] On this manner [1697] shall ye speak [1696] unto Esau, [6215] when ye find [4672] him.


 Et vous direz: Voici même ton serviteur Jacob qui vient derrière nous. Car il se disait: Je l'apaiserai par ce présent qui va devant moi, et après cela, je verrai sa face; peut-être qu'il m'accueillera favorablement.

 And say [0559] ye moreover, [1571] Behold, thy servant [5650] Jacob [3290] [is] behind [0310] us. For he said, [0559] I will appease [3722] him [6440] with the present [4503] that goeth [1980] before [6440] me, and afterward [0310] I will see [7200] his face; [6440] peradventure he will accept [5375] of me. [6440]


 Le présent marcha donc devant lui; mais lui, il passa cette nuit-là dans le camp.

 So went the present [4503] over [5674] before him: [6440] and himself lodged [3885] that night [3915] in the company. [4264]


 Et il se leva cette nuit, prit ses deux femmes, et ses deux servantes, et ses onze enfants, et passa le gué de Jabbok.

 And he rose up [6965] that night, [3915] and took [3947] his two [8147] wives, [0802] and his two [8147] womenservants, [8198] and his eleven [6240] [0259] sons, [3206] and passed over [5674] the ford [4569] Jabbok. [2999]


 Il les prit donc, et leur fit passer le torrent. Il fit aussi passer ce qu'il avait.

 And he took [3947] them, and sent them over [5674] the brook, [5158] and sent over [5674] that he had.


 Or Jacob demeura seul; et un homme lutta avec lui, jusqu'au lever de l'aurore.

 And Jacob [3290] was left [3498] alone; and there wrestled [0079] a man [0376] with him until the breaking [5927] of the day. [7837]


 Et quand cet homme vit qu'il ne pouvait le vaincre, il toucha l'emboîture de sa hanche; et l'emboîture de la hanche de Jacob fut démise, pendant qu'il luttait avec lui.

 And when he saw [7200] that he prevailed [3201] not against him, he touched [5060] the hollow [3709] of his thigh; [3409] and the hollow [3709] of Jacob's [3290] thigh [3409] was out of joint, [3363] as he wrestled [0079] with him.


 Et cet homme lui dit: Laisse-moi aller, car l'aurore est levée. Mais il dit: Je ne te laisserai point aller, que tu ne m'aies béni.

 And he said, [0559] Let me go, [7971] for the day [7837] breaketh. [5927] And he said, [0559] I will not let thee go, [7971] except [0518] thou bless [1288] me.


 Et il lui dit: Quel est ton nom? et il répondit: Jacob.

 And he said [0559] unto him, What [is] thy name? [8034] And he said, [0559] Jacob. [3290]


 Alors il dit: Ton nom ne sera plus Jacob, mais Israël (qui lutte avec Dieu); car tu as lutté avec Dieu et avec les hommes, et tu as vaincu.

 And he said, [0559] Thy name [8034] shall be called [0559] no more Jacob, [3290] but Israel: [3478] for as a prince hast thou power [8280] with God [0430] and with men, [0582] and hast prevailed. [3201]


 Et Jacob l'interrogea, et dit: Apprends-moi ton nom, je te prie. Et il répondit: Pourquoi demandes-tu mon nom? Et il le bénit là.

 And Jacob [3290] asked [7592] [him], and said, [0559] Tell [5046] [me], I pray thee, thy name. [8034] And he said, [0559] Wherefore [is] it [2088] [that] thou dost ask [7592] after my name? [8034] And he blessed [1288] him there.


 Et Jacob nomma le lieu, Péniel (face de Dieu); car, dit-il, j'ai vu Dieu face à face et mon âme a été délivrée.

 And Jacob [3290] called [7121] the name [8034] of the place [4725] Peniel: [6439] for I have seen [7200] God [0430] face [6440] to face, [6440] and my life [5315] is preserved. [5337]


 Et le soleil se leva pour lui, dés qu'il eut passé Péniel; et il boitait de la hanche.

 And as he passed over [5674] Penuel [6439] the sun [8121] rose [2224] upon him, and he halted [6760] upon his thigh. [3409]


 C'est pourquoi, jusqu'à ce jour, les enfants d'Israël ne mangent point le muscle de la cuisse, qui est à l'emboîture de la hanche, parce que cet homme toucha l'emboîture de la hanche de Jacob, au muscle de la cuisse.

 Therefore the children [1121] of Israel [3478] eat [0398] not [of] the sinew [1517] which shrank, [5384] which [is] upon the hollow [3709] of the thigh, [3409] unto this day: [3117] because he touched [5060] the hollow [3709] of Jacob's [3290] thigh [3409] in the sinew [1517] that shrank. [5384]


 Et Jacob leva les yeux et regarda. Et voici, Ésaü venait, et quatre cents hommes avec lui. Alors il répartit les enfants entre Léa, Rachel, et les deux servantes.

 And Jacob [3290] lifted up [5375] his eyes, [5869] and looked, [7200] and, behold, Esau [6215] came, [0935] and with him four [0702] hundred [3967] men. [0376] And he divided [2673] the children [3206] unto Leah, [3812] and unto Rachel, [7354] and unto the two [8147] handmaids. [8198]


 Et il plaça en tête les servantes et leurs enfants; Léa et ses enfants ensuite, et Rachel et Joseph au dernier rang.

 And he put [7760] the handmaids [8198] and their children [3206] foremost, [7223] and Leah [3812] and her children [3206] after, [0314] and Rachel [7354] and Joseph [3130] hindermost. [0314]


 Quant à lui, il passa devant eux, et se prosterna en terre sept fois, jusqu'à ce qu'il se fût approché de son frère.

 And he passed over [5674] before [6440] them, and bowed [7812] himself to the ground [0776] seven [7651] times, [6471] until he came near [5066] to his brother. [0251]


 Mais Ésaü courut au-devant de lui, et l'embrassa, et se jeta à son cou, et le baisa, et ils pleurèrent.

 And Esau [6215] ran [7323] to meet [7125] him, and embraced [2263] him, and fell [5307] on his neck, [6677] and kissed [5401] him: and they wept. [1058]


 Puis il leva les yeux, et vit les femmes et les enfants, et il dit: Qui as-tu là? Et il répondit: Ce sont les enfants que Dieu a accordés à ton serviteur.

 And he lifted up [5375] his eyes, [5869] and saw [7200] the women [0802] and the children; [3206] and said, [0559] Who [are] those [0428] with thee? And he said, [0559] The children [3206] which God [0430] hath graciously given [2603] thy servant. [5650]


 Et les servantes s'approchèrent, elles et leurs enfants, et se prosternèrent.

 Then the handmaidens [8198] came near, [5066] they and their children, [3206] and they bowed [7812] themselves.


 Léa aussi s'approcha, et ses enfants, et ils se prosternèrent. Et ensuite Joseph et Rachel s'approchèrent, et ils se prosternèrent.

 And Leah [3812] also with her children [3206] came near, [5066] and bowed [7812] themselves: and after [0310] came Joseph [3130] near [5066] and Rachel, [7354] and they bowed [7812] themselves.


 Et Ésaü dit: Que veux-tu faire avec tout ce camp que j'ai rencontré? Et il répondit: C'est pour trouver grâce aux yeux de mon seigneur.

 And he said, [0559] What [meanest] thou by all this drove [4264] which I met? [6298] And he said, [0559] [These are] to find [4672] grace [2580] in the sight [5869] of my lord. [0113]


 Et Ésaü dit: Je suis dans l'abondance, mon frère. Garde ce qui est à toi.

 And Esau [6215] said, [0559] I have [3426] enough, [7227] my brother; [0251] keep that thou hast unto thyself.


 Et Jacob répondit: Non, je te prie, si j'ai trouvé grâce à tes yeux, tu accepteras mon offrande de ma main, puisque j'ai vu ta face comme on voit la face de Dieu, et que tu m'as accueilli favorablement.

 And Jacob [3290] said, [0559] Nay, I pray thee, if now I have found [4672] grace [2580] in thy sight, [5869] then receive [3947] my present [4503] at my hand: [3027] for therefore I have seen [7200] thy face, [6440] as though I had seen [7200] the face [6440] of God, [0430] and thou wast pleased [7521] with me.


 Accepte, je te prie, mon présent qui t'a été offert; car Dieu m'a comblé de grâces, et j'ai de tout. Il le pressa donc tant, qu'il l'accepta.

 Take, [3947] I pray thee, my blessing [1293] that is brought [0935] to thee; because God [0430] hath dealt graciously with me, [2603] and because I have [3426] enough. [3605] And he urged [6484] him, and he took [3947] [it].


 Et Ésaü dit: Partons, et marchons; et je marcherai devant toi.

 And he said, [0559] Let us take our journey, [5265] and let us go, [3212] and I will go [3212] before thee.


 Et Jacob lui dit: Mon seigneur sait que les enfants sont délicats; et je suis chargé de brebis et de vaches qui allaitent; si on les presse un seul jour, tout le troupeau mourra.

 And he said [0559] unto him, My lord [0113] knoweth [3045] that the children [3206] [are] tender, [7390] and the flocks [6629] and herds [1241] with young [5763] [are] with me: and if men should overdrive [1849] them one [0259] day, [3117] all the flock [6629] will die. [4191]


 Que mon seigneur passe, je te prie, devant son serviteur; et moi, je m'avancerai tout doucement, au pas du bétail qui est devant moi, et au pas des enfants, jusqu'à ce que j'arrive chez mon seigneur, à Séir.

 Let my lord, [0113] I pray thee, pass over [5674] before [6440] his servant: [5650] and I will lead on [5095] softly, [0328] according as [7272] the cattle [4399] that goeth before [6440] me and the children [3206] be able to endure, [7272] until I come [0935] unto my lord [0113] unto Seir. [8165]


 Et Ésaü dit: Je te prie, que je fasse demeurer avec toi quelques-uns des gens qui sont avec moi. Et il répondit: Pourquoi cela? Que je trouve grâce aux yeux de mon seigneur!

 And Esau [6215] said, [0559] Let me now leave [3322] with thee [some] of the folk [5971] that [are] with me. And he said, [0559] What [4100] needeth it? let me find [4672] grace [2580] in the sight [5869] of my lord. [0113]


 Et Ésaü retourna ce jour-là par son chemin, à Séir.

 So Esau [6215] returned [7725] that day [3117] on his way [1870] unto Seir. [8165]


 Mais Jacob partit pour Succoth; et il bâtit une maison pour lui, et fit des cabanes pour son bétail; c'est pourquoi, il nomma le lieu Succoth (cabanes).

 And Jacob [3290] journeyed [5265] to Succoth, [5523] and built [1129] him an house, [1004] and made [6213] booths [5521] for his cattle: [4735] therefore the name [8034] of the place [4725] is called [7121] Succoth. [5523]


 Et Jacob, venant de Paddan-Aram, arriva sain et sauf à la ville de Sichem, au pays de Canaan; et il campa devant la ville.

 And Jacob [3290] came [0935] to Shalem, [8004] a city [5892] of Shechem, [7927] which [is] in the land [0776] of Canaan, [3667] when he came [0935] from Padanaram; [6307] and pitched his tent [2583] before [6440] the city. [5892]


 Et il acheta, de la main des fils de Hémor, père de Sichem, pour cent pièces d'argent, la portion de champ où il avait dressé sa tente.

 And he bought [7069] a parcel [2513] of a field, [7704] where he had spread [5186] his tent, [0168] at the hand [3027] of the children [1121] of Hamor, [2544] Shechem's [7928] father, [0001] for an hundred [3967] pieces of money. [7192]


 Et il dressa là un autel, et il l'appela El-Elohé-Israël (le Puissant est le Dieu d'Israël).

 And he erected [5324] there an altar, [4196] and called [7121] it Elelohe-Israel. [0415]


 Or, Dina, la fille que Léa avait enfantée à Jacob, sortit pour voir les filles du pays.

 And Dinah [1783] the daughter [1323] of Leah, [3812] which she bare [3205] unto Jacob, [3290] went out [3318] to see [7200] the daughters [1323] of the land. [0776]


 Et Sichem, fils de Hémor, le Hévien, prince du pays, la vit, et l'enleva, et coucha avec elle, et lui fit violence.

 And when Shechem [7928] the son [1121] of Hamor [2544] the Hivite, [2340] prince [5387] of the country, [0776] saw [7200] her, he took [3947] her, and lay [7901] with her, and defiled her. [6031]


 Et son âme s'attacha à Dina, fille de Jacob, et il aima la jeune fille, et parla au cœur de la jeune fille.

 And his soul [5315] clave [1692] unto Dinah [1783] the daughter [1323] of Jacob, [3290] and he loved [0157] the damsel, [5291] and spake [1696] kindly [3820] unto the damsel. [5291]


 Et Sichem parla à Hémor, son père, et lui dit: Donne-moi cette jeune fille pour femme.

 And Shechem [7928] spake [0559] unto his father [0001] Hamor, [2544] saying, [0559] Get [3947] me this damsel [3207] to wife. [0802]


 Or, Jacob apprit qu'il avait déshonoré Dina sa fille; mais ses fils étaient aux champs avec son bétail, et Jacob se tut jusqu'à leur retour.

 And Jacob [3290] heard [8085] that he had defiled [2930] Dinah [1783] his daughter: [1323] now his sons [1121] were with his cattle [4735] in the field: [7704] and Jacob [3290] held his peace [2790] until they were come. [0935]


 Cependant Hémor, père de Sichem, sortit vers Jacob pour lui parler.

 And Hamor [2544] the father [0001] of Shechem [7928] went out [3318] unto Jacob [3290] to commune [1696] with him. [0854]


 Et les fils de Jacob revinrent des champs dès qu'ils apprirent la chose; et ces hommes furent affligés et fort irrités de l'infamie que Sichem avait commise en Israël, en couchant avec la fille de Jacob, ce qui ne devait point se faire.

 And the sons [1121] of Jacob [3290] came [0935] out of the field [7704] when they heard [8085] [it]: and the men [0582] were grieved, [6087] and they were very [3966] wroth, [2734] because he had wrought [6213] folly [5039] in Israel [3478] in lying [7901] with Jacob's [3290] daughter; [1323] which thing ought not to be done. [6213]


 Et Hémor leur parla, en disant: L'âme de Sichem, mon fils, s'est attachée à votre fille; donnez-la-lui, je vous prie, pour femme.

 And Hamor [2544] communed [1696] with them, saying, [0559] The soul [5315] of my son [1121] Shechem [7928] longeth [2836] for your daughter: [1323] I pray you give [5414] her him to wife. [0802]


 Et alliez-vous avec nous; vous nous donnerez vos filles, et vous prendrez nos filles pour vous.

 And make ye marriages [2859] with us, [and] give [5414] your daughters [1323] unto us, and take [3947] our daughters [1323] unto you.


 Et vous habiterez avec nous; et le pays sera à votre disposition: demeurez-y et y trafiquez, et acquérez-y des propriétés.

 And ye shall dwell [3427] with us: and the land [0776] shall be [1961] before [6440] you; dwell [3427] and trade [5503] ye therein, and get you possessions [0270] therein.


 Et Sichem dit au père et aux frères de la jeune fille: Que je trouve grâce à vos yeux; et je donnerai ce que vous me direz.

 And Shechem [7928] said [0559] unto her father [0001] and unto her brethren, [0251] Let me find [4672] grace [2580] in your eyes, [5869] and what ye shall say [0559] unto me I will give. [5414]


 Imposez-moi un grand douaire, et de grands présents, et je les donnerai comme vous me direz; mais donnez-moi la jeune fille pour femme.

 Ask [7235] me never so much [3966] dowry [4119] and gift, [4976] and I will give [5414] according as ye shall say [0559] unto me: but give [5414] me the damsel [5291] to wife. [0802]


 Alors les fils de Jacob répondirent avec ruse à Sichem et à Hémor, son père; ils parlèrent ainsi, parce qu'il avait déshonoré Dina leur sœur.

 And the sons [1121] of Jacob [3290] answered [6030] Shechem [7928] and Hamor [2544] his father [0001] deceitfully, [4820] and said, [1696] because he had defiled [2930] Dinah [1783] their sister: [0269]


 Ils leur dirent: C'est une chose que nous ne pouvons faire que de donner notre sœur à un homme incirconcis; car ce nous serait un opprobre.

 And they said [0559] unto them, We cannot [3808] [3201] do [6213] this thing, [1697] to give [5414] our sister [0269] to one [0376] that is uncircumcised; [6190] for that [were] a reproach [2781] unto us:


 Nous ne consentirons à ce que vous demandez que si vous devenez semblables à nous, en circoncisant tous les mâles parmi vous.

 But in this [2063] will we consent [0225] unto you: If ye will be as we [be], that every male [2145] of you be circumcised; [4135]


 Alors nous vous donnerons nos filles, et nous prendrons vos filles pour nous; et nous habiterons avec vous, et nous ne serons plus qu'un peuple.

 Then will we give [5414] our daughters [1323] unto you, and we will take [3947] your daughters [1323] to us, and we will dwell [3427] with you, and we will become one [0259] people. [5971]


 Mais, si vous ne voulez pas nous écouter et vous circoncire, nous prendrons notre fille, et nous nous en irons.

 But if ye will not hearken [8085] unto us, to be circumcised; [4135] then will we take [3947] our daughter, [1323] and we will be gone. [1980]


 Et leurs discours plurent à Hémor et à Sichem, fils de Hémor.

 And their words [1697] pleased [3190] [5869] Hamor, [2544] and [5869] Shechem [7928] Hamor's [2544] son. [1121]


 Et le jeune homme ne différa point de faire la chose; car la fille de Jacob lui plaisait. Or il était le plus considéré de toute la maison de son père.

 And the young man [5288] deferred [0309] not to do [6213] the thing, [1697] because he had delight [2654] in Jacob's [3290] daughter: [1323] and he [was] more honourable [3513] than all the house [1004] of his father. [0001]


 Hémor et Sichem, son fils, vinrent donc à la porte de leur ville, et parlèrent aux gens de leur ville, en disant:

 And Hamor [2544] and Shechem [7928] his son [1121] came [0935] unto the gate [8179] of their city, [5892] and communed [1696] with the men [0582] of their city, [5892] saying, [0559]


 Ces gens-ci sont paisibles à notre égard; qu'ils habitent au pays, et qu'ils y trafiquent. Et voici, le pays est assez étendu pour eux; nous prendrons leurs filles pour femmes, et nous leur donnerons nos filles.

 These men [0582] [are] peaceable [8003] with us; [0854] therefore let them dwell [3427] in the land, [0776] and trade [5503] therein; for the land, [0776] behold, [it is] large [7342] enough [3027] for them; [6440] let us take [3947] their daughters [1323] to us for wives, [0802] and let us give [5414] them our daughters. [1323]


 Mais ils ne consentiront à habiter avec nous, pour n'être qu'un seul peuple, que si tout mâle parmi nous est circoncis, comme ils sont eux-mêmes circoncis.

 Only herein [2063] will the men [0582] consent [0225] unto us for to dwell [3427] with us, to be one [0259] people, [5971] if every male [2145] among us be circumcised, [4135] as they [are] circumcised. [4135]


 Leur bétail, et leurs biens, et toutes leurs bêtes, ne seront-ils pas à nous? Accordons-leur seulement cela, et qu'ils demeurent avec nous.

 [Shall] not their cattle [4735] and their substance [7075] and every beast [0929] of theirs [be] ours? only let us consent [0225] unto them, and they will dwell [3427] with us.


 Et tous ceux qui sortaient par la porte de leur ville, obéirent à Hémor et à Sichem son fils, et tout mâle qui sortait par la porte de leur ville, fut circoncis.

 And unto Hamor [2544] and unto Shechem [7928] his son [1121] hearkened [8085] all that went out [3318] of the gate [8179] of his city; [5892] and every male [2145] was circumcised, [4135] all that went out [3318] of the gate [8179] of his city. [5892]


 Et il arriva au troisième jour, lorsqu'ils étaient souffrants, que deux des fils de Jacob, Siméon et Lévi, frères de Dina, prirent chacun leur épée, se jetèrent sur la ville en sécurité, et tuèrent tous les mâles.

 And it came to pass on the third [7992] day, [3117] when they were sore, [3510] that two [8147] of the sons [1121] of Jacob, [3290] Simeon [8095] and Levi, [3878] Dinah's [1783] brethren, [0251] took [3947] each man [0376] his sword, [2719] and came [0935] upon the city [5892] boldly, [0983] and slew [2026] all the males. [2145]


 Ils passèrent au tranchant de l'épée Hémor et Sichem, son fils; et ils prirent Dina de la maison de Sichem, et ils sortirent.

 And they slew [2026] Hamor [2544] and Shechem [7928] his son [1121] with the edge [6310] of the sword, [2719] and took Dinah [1783] out [3947] of Shechem's [7928] house, [1004] and went out. [3318]


 Les fils de Jacob se jetèrent sur les blessés et pillèrent la ville, parce qu'on avait déshonoré leur sœur.

 The sons [1121] of Jacob [3290] came [0935] upon the slain, [2491] and spoiled [0962] the city, [5892] because they had defiled [2930] their sister. [0269]


 Et ils prirent leurs troupeaux, leurs bœufs et leurs ânes, ce qui était dans la ville et aux champs;

 They took [3947] their sheep, [6629] and their oxen, [1241] and their asses, [2543] and that which [was] in the city, [5892] and that which [was] in the field, [7704]


 Ils emmenèrent et pillèrent tous leurs biens, et tous leurs petits enfants, et leurs femmes, et tout ce qui était dans les maisons.

 And all their wealth, [2428] and all their little ones, [2945] and their wives [0802] took they captive, [7617] and spoiled [0962] even all that [was] in the house. [1004]


 Alors Jacob dit à Siméon et à Lévi: Vous m'avez troublé, en me mettant en mauvaise odeur parmi les habitants du pays, parmi les Cananéens et les Phéréziens. Et moi, je n'ai qu'un petit nombre d'hommes; ils s'assembleront contre moi, et me frapperont, et je serai détruit, moi et ma maison.

 And Jacob [3290] said [0559] to Simeon [8095] and Levi, [3878] Ye have troubled [5916] me to make me to stink [0887] among the inhabitants [3427] of the land, [0776] among the Canaanites [3669] and the Perizzites: [6522] and I [being] few [4962] in number, [4557] they shall gather [0622] themselves together against me, and slay [5221] me; and I shall be destroyed, [8045] I and my house. [1004]


 Et ils répondirent: Doit-on traiter notre sœur comme une prostituée?

 And they said, [0559] Should he deal [6213] with our sister [0269] as with an harlot? [2181]


 Et Dieu dit à Jacob: Lève-toi, monte à Béthel, et demeures-y, et fais-y un autel au Dieu qui t'apparut lorsque tu fuyais de devant Ésaü, ton frère.

 And God [0430] said [0559] unto Jacob, [3290] Arise, [6965] go up [5927] to Bethel, [1008] and dwell [3427] there: and make [6213] there an altar [4196] unto God, [0410] that appeared [7200] unto thee when thou fleddest [1272] from the face [6440] of Esau [6215] thy brother. [0251]


 Alors Jacob dit à sa famille, et à tous ceux qui étaient avec lui: Enlevez les dieux étrangers qui sont au milieu de vous, et purifiez-vous, et changez de vêtements;

 Then Jacob [3290] said [0559] unto his household, [1004] and to all that [were] with him, Put away [5493] the strange [5236] gods [0430] that [are] among [8432] you, and be clean, [2891] and change [2498] your garments: [8071]


 Et levons-nous, et montons à Béthel, et j'y ferai un autel au Dieu qui m'a répondu au jour de ma détresse, et qui a été avec moi pendant mon voyage.

 And let us arise, [6965] and go up [5927] to Bethel; [1008] and I will make [6213] there an altar [4196] unto God, [0410] who answered [6030] me in the day [3117] of my distress, [6869] and was with me in the way [1870] which I went. [1980]


 Alors ils donnèrent à Jacob tous les dieux étrangers qu'ils avaient, et les anneaux qui étaient à leurs oreilles; et Jacob les enterra sous le chêne qui était près de Sichem.

 And they gave [5414] unto Jacob [3290] all the strange [5236] gods [0430] which [were] in their hand, [3027] and [all their] earrings [5141] which [were] in their ears; [0241] and Jacob [3290] hid [2934] them under the oak [0424] which [was] by Shechem. [7927]


 Ensuite ils partirent. Et Dieu frappa de terreur les villes qui étaient autour d'eux; et ils ne poursuivirent point les fils de Jacob.

 And they journeyed: [5265] and the terror [2847] of God [0430] was upon the cities [5892] that [were] round about [5439] them, and they did not pursue [7291] after [0310] the sons [1121] of Jacob. [3290]


 Et Jacob vint à Luz, qui est au pays de Canaan (c'est Béthel), lui et tout le peuple qui était avec lui.

 So Jacob [3290] came [0935] to Luz, [3870] which [is] in the land [0776] of Canaan, [3667] that [is], Bethel, [1008] he and all the people [5971] that [were] with him.


 Et il y bâtit un autel, et il appela ce lieu: El-Béthel (Dieu de Béthel); car c'est là que Dieu lui était apparu, lorsqu'il fuyait de devant son frère.

 And he built [1129] there an altar, [4196] and called [7121] the place [4725] Elbethel: [0416] because there God [0430] appeared [1540] unto him, when he fled [1272] from the face [6440] of his brother. [0251]


 Et Débora, nourrice de Rébecca, mourut; et elle fut ensevelie au-dessous de Béthel, sous le chêne, qu'on appela Allon-Bacuth (chêne des pleurs).

 But Deborah [1683] Rebekah's [7259] nurse [3243] died, [4191] and she was buried [6912] beneath Bethel [1008] under an oak: [0437] and the name [8034] of it was called [7121] Allonbachuth. [0439]


 Et Dieu apparut encore à Jacob, lorsqu'il venait de Paddan-Aram; et il le bénit.

 And God [0430] appeared [7200] unto Jacob [3290] again, when he came [0935] out of Padanaram, [6307] and blessed [1288] him.


 Et Dieu lui dit: Ton nom est Jacob; tu ne seras plus appelé Jacob, mais Israël sera ton nom. Et il lui donna le nom d'Israël.

 And God [0430] said [0559] unto him, Thy name [8034] [is] Jacob: [3290] thy name [8034] shall not be called [7121] any more Jacob, [3290] but Israel [3478] shall be thy name: [8034] and he called [7121] his name [8034] Israel. [3478]


 Et Dieu lui dit: JE SUIS le Dieu Tout-Puissant: augmente et multiplie. Une nation, même une multitude de nations naîtront de toi; des rois sortiront de tes reins.

 And God [0430] said [0559] unto him, I [am] God [0410] Almighty: [7706] be fruitful [6509] and multiply; [7235] a nation [1471] and a company [6951] of nations [1471] shall be of thee, and kings [4428] shall come out [3318] of thy loins; [2504]


 Et je te donnerai le pays que j'ai donné à Abraham et à Isaac, et je donnerai ce pays à ta postérité après toi.

 And the land [0776] which I gave [5414] Abraham [0085] and Isaac, [3327] to thee I will give [5414] it, and to thy seed [2233] after [0310] thee will I give [5414] the land. [0776]


 Et Dieu remonta d'avec lui, du lieu où il lui avait parlé.

 And God [0430] went up [5927] from him in the place [4725] where he talked [1696] with him.


 Et Jacob dressa un monument au lieu où il lui avait parlé, un monument de pierre, et il fit dessus une aspersion, et y versa de l'huile.

 And Jacob [3290] set up [5324] a pillar [4676] in the place [4725] where he talked [1696] with him, [even] a pillar [4678] of stone: [0068] and he poured [5258] a drink offering [5262] thereon, and he poured [3332] oil [8081] thereon.


 Et Jacob appela le lieu où Dieu lui avait parlé, Béthel (maison de Dieu).

 And Jacob [3290] called [7121] the name [8034] of the place [4725] where God [0430] spake [1696] with him, Bethel. [1008]


 Et ils partirent de Béthel, et il y avait encore un espace de pays pour arriver à Éphrath, lorsque Rachel enfanta; et elle eut beaucoup de peine à accoucher.

 And they journeyed [5265] from Bethel; [1008] and there was but [5750] a little [3530] way [0776] to come [0935] to Ephrath: [0672] and Rachel [7354] travailed, [3205] and she had hard [7185] labour. [3205]


 Et comme elle avait beaucoup de peine à accoucher, la sage-femme lui dit: Ne crains point, car tu as encore un fils.

 And it came to pass, when she was in hard [7185] labour, [3205] that the midwife [3205] said [0559] unto her, Fear [3372] not; thou shalt have this son [1121] also.


 Et comme elle rendait l'âme, car elle mourut, elle le nomma Bénoni (fils de ma douleur); mais son père l'appela Benjamin (fils de la droite).

 And it came to pass, as her soul [5315] was in departing, [3318] (for she died) [4191] that she called [7121] his name [8034] Benoni: [1126] but his father [0001] called [7121] him Benjamin. [1144]


 Rachel mourut donc, et fut ensevelie au chemin d'Éphrath, qui est Bethléhem.

 And Rachel [7354] died, [4191] and was buried [6912] in the way [1870] to Ephrath, [0672] which [is] Bethlehem. [1035]


 Et Jacob dressa un monument sur sa tombe; c'est le monument de la tombe de Rachel, qui subsiste encore aujourd'hui.

 And Jacob [3290] set [5324] a pillar [4676] upon her grave: [6900] that [is] the pillar [4678] of Rachel's [7354] grave [6900] unto this day. [3117]


 Puis Israël partit, et il dressa sa tente au delà de Migdal-Eder (tour du troupeau).

 And Israel [3478] journeyed, [5265] and spread [5186] his tent [0168] beyond [1973] the tower [4026] of Edar. [4029]


 Et il arriva, pendant qu'Israël demeurait dans ce pays-là, que Ruben vint et coucha avec Bilha, concubine de son père; et Israël l'apprit. Or, Jacob avait douze fils.

 And it came to pass, when Israel [3478] dwelt [7931] in that land, [0776] that Reuben [7205] went [3212] and lay [7901] with Bilhah [1090] his father's [0001] concubine: [6370] and Israel [3478] heard [8085] [it]. Now the sons [1121] of Jacob [3290] were twelve: [8147] [6240]


 Les fils de Léa: Ruben, premier-né de Jacob, Siméon, Lévi, Juda, Issacar et Zabulon.

 The sons [1121] of Leah; [3812] Reuben, [7205] Jacob's [3290] firstborn, [1060] and Simeon, [8095] and Levi, [3878] and Judah, [3063] and Issachar, [3485] and Zebulun: [2074]


 Les fils de Rachel: Joseph et Benjamin.

 The sons [1121] of Rachel; [7354] Joseph, [3130] and Benjamin: [1144]


 Les fils de Bilha, servante de Rachel: Dan et Nephthali.

 And the sons [1121] of Bilhah, [1090] Rachel's [7354] handmaid; [8198] Dan, [1835] and Naphtali: [5321]


 Et les fils de Zilpa, servante de Léa: Gad et Asser. Ce sont là les fils de Jacob, qui lui naquirent à Paddan-Aram.

 And the sons [1121] of Zilpah, [2153] Leah's [3812] handmaid; [8198] Gad, [1410] and Asher: [0836] these [are] the sons [1121] of Jacob, [3290] which were born [3205] to him in Padanaram. [6307]


 Et Jacob vint vers Isaac son père, à Mamré, à Kirjath-Arba, qui est Hébron, où avaient séjourné Abraham et Isaac.

 And Jacob [3290] came [0935] unto Isaac [3327] his father [0001] unto Mamre, [4471] unto the city of Arbah, [7153] which [is] Hebron, [2275] where Abraham [0085] and Isaac [3327] sojourned. [1481]


 Et les jours d'Isaac furent de cent quatre-vingts ans.

 And the days [3117] of Isaac [3327] were an hundred [3967] [8141] and fourscore [8084] years. [8141]


 (35-28) Et Isaac expira et mourut, et fut recueilli vers ses peuples, âgé et rassasié de jours; et Ésaü et Jacob, ses fils, l'ensevelirent.

 And Isaac [3327] gave up the ghost, [1478] and died, [4191] and was gathered [0622] unto his people, [5971] [being] old [2205] and full [7649] of days: [3117] and his sons [1121] Esau [6215] and Jacob [3290] buried [6912] him.


 Or, voici les descendants d'Ésaü, qui est Édom.

 Now these [are] the generations [8435] of Esau, [6215] who [is] Edom. [0123]


 Ésaü prit ses femmes parmi les filles de Canaan: Ada, fille d'Élon, le Héthien, et Oholibama, fille d'Ana, fille de Tsibeon, le Hévien.

 Esau [6215] took [3947] his wives [0802] of the daughters [1323] of Canaan; [3667] Adah [5711] the daughter [1323] of Elon [0356] the Hittite, [2850] and Aholibamah [0173] the daughter [1323] of Anah [6034] the daughter [1323] of Zibeon [6649] the Hivite; [2340]


 Il prit aussi Basmath, fille d'Ismaël, sœur de Nébajoth.

 And Bashemath [1315] Ishmael's [3458] daughter, [1323] sister [0269] of Nebajoth. [5032]


 Ada enfanta à Ésaü Éliphaz, et Basmath enfanta Réuël.

 And Adah [5711] bare [3205] to Esau [6215] Eliphaz; [0464] and Bashemath [1315] bare [3205] Reuel; [7467]


 Et Oholibama enfanta Jéush, Jaelam et Korah. Voilà les fils d'Ésaü, qui lui naquirent au pays de Canaan.

 And Aholibamah [0173] bare [3205] Jeush, [3274] and Jaalam, [3281] and Korah: [7141] these [are] the sons [1121] of Esau, [6215] which were born [3205] unto him in the land [0776] of Canaan. [3667]


 Et Ésaü prit ses femmes, et ses fils et ses filles, et toutes les personnes de sa maison, et ses troupeaux, et tout son bétail, et tout le bien qu'il avait acquis au pays de Canaan; et il s'en alla dans un autre pays, loin de Jacob, son frère.

 And Esau [6215] took [3947] his wives, [0802] and his sons, [1121] and his daughters, [1323] and all the persons [5315] of his house, [1004] and his cattle, [4735] and all his beasts, [0929] and all his substance, [7075] which he had got [7408] in the land [0776] of Canaan; [3667] and went [3212] into the country [0776] from the face [6440] of his brother [0251] Jacob. [3290]


 Car leurs biens étaient trop grands pour qu'ils pussent demeurer ensemble, et le pays où ils séjournaient ne pouvait pas les contenir, à cause de leurs troupeaux.

 For their riches [7399] were more [7227] than that they might dwell [3427] together; [3162] and the land [0776] wherein they were strangers [4033] could [3201] not bear [5375] them because [6440] of their cattle. [4735]


 Et Ésaü habita sur la montagne de Séir. Ésaü est Édom.

 Thus dwelt [3427] Esau [6215] in mount [2022] Seir: [8165] Esau [6215] [is] Edom. [0123]


 Et voici les descendants d'Ésaü, père des Iduméens, sur la montagne de Séir.

 And these [are] the generations [8435] of Esau [6215] the father [0001] of the Edomites [0123] in mount [2022] Seir: [8165]


 Voici les noms des fils d'Ésaü: Éliphaz, fils d'Ada, femme d'Ésaü; Réuël, fils de Basmath, femme d'Ésaü.

 These [are] the names [8034] of Esau's [6215] sons; [1121] Eliphaz [0464] the son [1121] of Adah [5711] the wife [0802] of Esau, [6215] Reuel [7467] the son [1121] of Bashemath [1315] the wife [0802] of Esau. [6215]


 Et les fils d'Éliphaz furent Théman, Omar, Tsépho et Gaetham et Kénaz.

 And the sons [1121] of Eliphaz [0464] were Teman, [8487] Omar, [0201] Zepho, [6825] and Gatam, [1609] and Kenaz. [7073]


 Et Thimna fut concubine d'Éliphaz, fils d'Ésaü, et enfanta Amalek à Éliphaz. Voilà les fils d'Ada, femme d'Ésaü.

 And Timna [8555] was concubine [6370] to Eliphaz [0464] Esau's [6215] son; [1121] and she bare [3205] to Eliphaz [0464] Amalek: [6002] these [were] the sons [1121] of Adah [5711] Esau's [6215] wife. [0802]


 Et voici les fils de Réuël: Nahath et Zérach, Shamma et Mizza. Ce furent là les fils de Basmath, femme d'Ésaü.

 And these [are] the sons [1121] of Reuel; [7467] Nahath, [5184] and Zerah, [2226] Shammah, [8048] and Mizzah: [4199] these were the sons [1121] of Bashemath [1315] Esau's [6215] wife. [0802]


 Et ceux-ci furent les fils d'Oholibama, fille d'Ana, fille de Tsibeon, et femme d'Ésaü: elle enfanta à Ésaü Jéush, Jaelam et Korah.

 And these were the sons [1121] of Aholibamah, [0173] the daughter [1323] of Anah [6034] the daughter [1323] of Zibeon, [6649] Esau's [6215] wife: [0802] and she bare [3205] to Esau [6215] Jeush, [3274] and Jaalam, [3281] and Korah. [7141]


 Voici les chefs des fils d'Ésaü: Fils d'Éliphaz, premier-né d'Ésaü: le chef Théman, le chef Omar, le chef Tsépho, le chef Kénaz,

 These [were] dukes [0441] of the sons [1121] of Esau: [6215] the sons [1121] of Eliphaz [0464] the firstborn [1060] [son] of Esau; [6215] duke [0441] Teman, [8487] duke [0441] Omar, [0201] duke [0441] Zepho, [6825] duke [0441] Kenaz, [7073]


 Le chef Korah, le chef Gaetham, le chef Amalek. Voilà les chefs issus d'Éliphaz au pays d'Édom; voilà les fils d'Ada.

 Duke [0441] Korah, [7141] duke [0441] Gatam, [1609] [and] duke [0441] Amalek: [6002] these [are] the dukes [0441] [that came] of Eliphaz [0464] in the land [0776] of Edom; [0123] these [were] the sons [1121] of Adah. [5711]


 Et voici les fils de Réuël, fils d'Ésaü: le chef Nahath, le chef Zérach, le chef Shamma, le chef Mizza. Voilà les chefs issus de Réuël au pays d'Édom, voilà les fils de Basmath, femme d'Ésaü.

 And these [are] the sons [1121] of Reuel [7467] Esau's [6215] son; [1121] duke [0441] Nahath, [5184] duke [0441] Zerah, [2226] duke [0441] Shammah, [8048] duke [0441] Mizzah: [4199] these [are] the dukes [0441] [that came] of Reuel [7467] in the land [0776] of Edom; [0123] these [are] the sons [1121] of Bashemath [1315] Esau's [6215] wife. [0802]


 Et voici les fils d'Oholibama, femme d'Ésaü: le chef Jéush, le chef Jaelam, le chef Korah. Voilà les chefs issus d'Oholibama, fille d'Ana, femme d'Ésaü.

 And these [are] the sons [1121] of Aholibamah [0173] Esau's [6215] wife; [0802] duke [0441] Jeush, [3266] duke [0441] Jaalam, [3281] duke [0441] Korah: [7141] these [were] the dukes [0441] [that came] of Aholibamah [0173] the daughter [1323] of Anah, [6034] Esau's [6215] wife. [0802]


 Voilà les fils d'Ésaü, qui est Édom, et voilà leurs chefs.

 These [are] the sons [1121] of Esau, [6215] who [is] Edom, [0123] and these [are] their dukes. [0441]


 Voici les fils de Séir, le Horien, qui habitaient le pays: Lothan, Shobal, Tsibeon, Ana, Dishon, Etser et Dishan.

 These [are] the sons [1121] of Seir [8165] the Horite, [2752] [2753] who inhabited [3427] the land; [0776] Lotan, [3877] and Shobal, [7732] and Zibeon, [6649] and Anah, [6034]


 Voilà les chefs des Horiens, fils de Séir, au pays d'Édom.

 And Dishon, [1787] and Ezer, [0687] and Dishan: [1789] these [are] the dukes [0441] of the Horites, [2752] [2753] the children [1121] of Seir [8165] in the land [0776] of Edom. [0123]


 Et les fils de Lothan furent: Hori et Héman; et Thimna était sœur de Lothan.

 And the children [1121] of Lotan [3877] were Hori [2753] and Hemam; [1967] and Lotan's [3877] sister [0269] [was] Timna. [8555]


 Et voici les fils de Shobal: Alvan, Manahath, Ébal, Shépho et Onam.

 And the children [1121] of Shobal [7732] [were] these; Alvan, [5935] and Manahath, [4506] and Ebal, [5858] Shepho, [8195] and Onam. [0208]


 Et voici les fils de Tsibeon: Ajja et Ana. C'est Ana qui trouva les sources chaudes dans le désert, pendant qu'il paissait les ânes de Tsibeon, son père.

 And these [are] the children [1121] of Zibeon; [6649] both Ajah, [0345] and Anah: [6034] this [was that] Anah [6034] that found [4672] the mules [3222] in the wilderness, [4057] as he fed [7462] the asses [2543] of Zibeon [6649] his father. [0001]


 Et voici les enfants d'Ana: Dishon et Oholibama, fille d'Ana.

 And the children [1121] of Anah [6034] [were] these; Dishon, [1787] and Aholibamah [0173] the daughter [1323] of Anah. [6034]


 Et voici les fils de Dishon: Hemdan, Eshban, Jithran et Kéran.

 And these [are] the children [1121] of Dishon; [1789] Hemdan, [2533] and Eshban, [0790] and Ithran, [3506] and Cheran. [3763]


 Voici les fils d'Etser: Bilhan, Zaavan et Akan.

 The children [1121] of Ezer [0687] [are] these; Bilhan, [1092] and Zaavan, [2190] and Akan. [6130]


 Voici les fils de Dishan: Uts et Aran.

 The children [1121] of Dishan [1789] [are] these; Uz, [5780] and Aran. [0765]


 Voici les chefs des Horiens: le chef Lothan, le chef Shobal, le chef Tsibeon, le chef Ana,

 These [are] the dukes [0441] [that came] of the Horites; [2752] [2753] duke [0441] Lotan, [3877] duke [0441] Shobal, [7732] duke [0441] Zibeon, [6649] duke [0441] Anah, [6034]


 Le chef Dishon, le chef Etser, le chef Dishan. Voilà les chefs des Horiens, les chefs qu'ils eurent dans le pays de Séir.

 Duke [0441] Dishon, [1787] duke [0441] Ezer, [0687] duke [0441] Dishan: [1789] these [are] the dukes [0441] [that came] of Hori, [2753] among their dukes [0441] in the land [0776] of Seir. [8165]


 Et voici les rois qui régnèrent au pays d'Édom, avant qu'un roi régnât sur les enfants d'Israël:

 And these [are] the kings [4428] that reigned [4427] in the land [0776] of Edom, [0123] before [6440] there reigned [4427] any king [4428] over the children [1121] of Israel. [3478]


 Béla, fils de Béor, régna en Édom, et le nom de sa ville était Dinhaba.

 And Bela [1106] the son [1121] of Beor [1160] reigned [4427] in Edom: [0123] and the name [8034] of his city [5892] [was] Dinhabah. [1838]


 Et Béla mourut; et Jobab, fils de Zérach, de Botsra, régna à sa place.

 And Bela [1106] died, [4191] and Jobab [3103] the son [1121] of Zerah [2226] of Bozrah [1224] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 Et Jobab mourut; et Husham, du pays des Thémanites, régna à sa place.

 And Jobab [3103] died, [4191] and Husham [2367] of the land [0776] of Temani [8489] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 Et Husham mourut; et Hadad, fils de Bedad, régna à sa place; il défit Madian, aux champs de Moab; et le nom de sa ville était Avith.

 And Husham [2367] died, [4191] and Hadad [1908] the son [1121] of Bedad, [0911] who smote [5221] Midian [4080] in the field [7704] of Moab, [4124] reigned [4427] in his stead: and the name [8034] of his city [5892] [was] Avith. [5762]


 Et Hadad mourut; et Samla, de Masréka, régna à sa place.

 And Hadad [1908] died, [4191] and Samlah [8072] of Masrekah [4957] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 Et Samla mourut; et Saül, de Rehoboth, sur le fleuve, régna à sa place.

 And Samlah [8072] died, [4191] and Saul [7586] of Rehoboth [7344] [by] the river [5104] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 Et Saül mourut; et Baal-Hanan, fils d'Acbor, régna à sa place.

 And Saul [7586] died, [4191] and Baalhanan [1177] the son [1121] of Achbor [5907] reigned [4427] in his stead.


 Et Baal-Hanan, fils d'Acbor, mourut, et Hadar régna à sa place; et le nom de sa ville était Paü, et le nom de sa femme Méhétabeel, fille de Matred, fille de Mézahab.

 And Baalhanan [1177] the son [1121] of Achbor [5907] died, [4191] and Hadar [1924] reigned [4427] in his stead: and the name [8034] of his city [5892] [was] Pau; [6464] and his wife's [0802] name [8034] [was] Mehetabel, [4105] the daughter [1323] of Matred, [4308] the daughter [1323] of Mezahab. [4314]


 Et voici les noms des chefs d'Ésaü, selon leurs familles, selon leurs lieux, par leurs noms: le chef Thimna, le chef Alva, le chef Jetheth,

 And these [are] the names [8034] of the dukes [0441] [that came] of Esau, [6215] according to their families, [4940] after their places, [4725] by their names; [8034] duke [0441] Timnah, [8555] duke [0441] Alvah, [5933] duke [0441] Jetheth, [3509]


 Le chef Oholibama, le chef Éla, le chef Pinon,

 Duke [0441] Aholibamah, [0173] duke [0441] Elah, [0425] duke [0441] Pinon, [6373]


 Le chef Kénaz, le chef Théman, le chef Mibtsar,

 Duke [0441] Kenaz, [7073] duke [0441] Teman, [8487] duke [0441] Mibzar, [4014]


 Le chef Magdiel, le chef Iram. Voilà les chefs d'Édom, selon leurs demeures au pays de leur possession. C'est là Ésaü, le père des Iduméens.

 Duke [0441] Magdiel, [4025] duke [0441] Iram: [5902] these [be] the dukes [0441] of Edom, [0123] according to their habitations [4186] in the land [0776] of their possession: [0272] he [is] Esau [6215] the father [0001] of the Edomites. [0123]


 Or, Jacob demeura au pays où son père avait séjourné, au pays de Canaan.

 And Jacob [3290] dwelt [3427] in the land [0776] wherein his father [0001] was a stranger, [4033] in the land [0776] of Canaan. [3667]


 Voici l'histoire des descendants de Jacob. Joseph, âgé de dix-sept ans, paissait les troupeaux avec ses frères; et il était jeune berger auprès des fils de Bilha, et auprès des fils de Zilpa, femmes de son père. Et Joseph rapporta à leur père leurs mauvais discours.

 These [are] the generations [8435] of Jacob. [3290] Joseph, [3130] [being] seventeen [6240] [7651] years [8141] old, [1121] was feeding [7462] the flock [6629] with his brethren; [0251] and the lad [5288] [was] with the sons [1121] of Bilhah, [1090] and with the sons [1121] of Zilpah, [2153] his father's [0001] wives: [0802] and Joseph [3130] brought [0935] unto his father [0001] their evil [7451] report. [1681]


 Or, Israël aimait Joseph plus que tous ses autres fils, car c'était le fils de sa vieillesse; et il lui fit une robe de diverses couleurs.

 Now Israel [3478] loved [0157] Joseph [3130] more than all his children, [1121] because he [was] the son [1121] of his old age: [2208] and he made [6213] him a coat [3801] of [many] colours. [6446]


 Mais ses frères, voyant que leur père l'aimait plus que tous ses frères, le haïssaient, et ne pouvaient lui parler avec douceur.

 And when his brethren [0251] saw [7200] that their father [0001] loved [0157] him more than all his brethren, [0251] they hated [8130] him, and could [3201] not speak [1696] peaceably [7965] unto him.


 Et Joseph eut un songe, et le fit connaître à ses frères, et ils le haïrent encore plus.

 And Joseph [3130] dreamed [2492] a dream, [2472] and he told [5046] [it] his brethren: [0251] and they hated [8130] him yet the more. [3254]


 Il leur dit donc: Écoutez, je vous prie, ce songe que j'ai eu.

 And he said [0559] unto them, Hear, [8085] I pray you, this dream [2472] which I have dreamed: [2492]


 Voici, nous étions à lier des gerbes au milieu des champs. Et voici, ma gerbe se leva et se tint debout. Et voici, vos gerbes l'environnèrent et se prosternèrent devant ma gerbe.

 For, behold, we [were] binding [0481] sheaves [0485] in [8432] the field, [7704] and, lo, my sheaf [0485] arose, [6965] and also stood upright; [5324] and, behold, your sheaves [0485] stood round about, [5437] and made obeisance [7812] to my sheaf. [0485]


 Alors ses frères lui dirent: Régnerais-tu donc sur nous? ou nous gouvernerais-tu? Et ils le haïrent encore plus pour ses songes et pour ses paroles.

 And his brethren [0251] said [0559] to him, Shalt thou indeed [4427] reign [4427] over us? or shalt thou indeed [4910] have dominion [4910] over us? And they hated [8130] him yet the more [3254] for his dreams, [2472] and for his words. [1697]


 Il eut encore un autre songe et le raconta à ses frères, et il dit: Voici, j'ai eu encore un songe. Et voici, le soleil, et la lune, et onze étoiles se prosternaient devant moi.

 And he dreamed [2492] yet another [0312] dream, [2472] and told [5608] it his brethren, [0251] and said, [0559] Behold, I have dreamed [2492] a dream [2472] more; and, behold, the sun [8121] and the moon [3394] and the eleven [6240] [0259] stars [3556] made obeisance [7812] to me.


 Et il le raconta à son père, et à ses frères; mais son père le reprit, et lui dit: Que veut dire ce songe que tu as eu? Faudra-t-il que nous venions, moi et ta mère et tes frères, nous prosterner en terre devant toi?

 And he told [5608] [it] to his father, [0001] and to his brethren: [0251] and his father [0001] rebuked [1605] him, and said [0559] unto him, What [is] this dream [2472] that thou hast dreamed? [2492] Shall I and thy mother [0517] and thy brethren [0251] indeed [0935] come [0935] to bow down [7812] ourselves to thee to the earth? [0776]


 Et ses frères furent jaloux de lui; mais son père retint ces choses.

 And his brethren [0251] envied [7065] him; but his father [0001] observed [8104] the saying. [1697]


 Or, ses frères allèrent paître les troupeaux de leur père à Sichem.

 And his brethren [0251] went [3212] to feed [7462] their father's [0001] flock [6629] in Shechem. [7927]


 Et Israël dit à Joseph: Tes frères ne paissent-ils pas les troupeaux à Sichem? Viens, que je t'envoie vers eux. Et il lui répondit: Me voici.

 And Israel [3478] said [0559] unto Joseph, [3130] Do not thy brethren [0251] feed [7462] [the flock] in Shechem? [7927] come, [3212] and I will send [7971] thee unto them. And he said [0559] to him, Here [am I].


 Et il lui dit: Va donc; vois comment vont tes frères et comment vont les troupeaux, et rapporte-m'en des nouvelles. Il l'envoya ainsi de la vallée d'Hébron, et il vint à Sichem.

 And he said [0559] to him, Go, [3212] I pray thee, see [7200] whether it be well [7965] with thy brethren, [0251] and well [7965] with the flocks; [6629] and bring me word [1697] again. [7725] So he sent [7971] him out of the vale [6010] of Hebron, [2275] and he came [0935] to Shechem. [7927]


 Et un homme le trouva errant par les champs; et cet homme l'interrogea, et lui dit: Que cherches-tu?

 And a certain man [0376] found [4672] him, and, behold, [he was] wandering [8582] in the field: [7704] and the man [0376] asked [7592] him, saying, [0559] What seekest [1245] thou?


 Et il répondit: Je cherche mes frères; enseigne-moi, je te prie, où ils paissent.

 And he said, [0559] I seek [1245] my brethren: [0251] tell [5046] me, I pray thee, where [0375] they feed [7462] [their flocks].


 Et l'homme dit: Ils sont partis d'ici; car je les ai entendus dire: Allons à Dothaïn. Joseph alla donc après ses frères, et il les trouva à Dothaïn.

 And the man [0376] said, [0559] They are departed [5265] hence; [2088] for I heard [8085] them say, [0559] Let us go [3212] to Dothan. [1886] And Joseph [3130] went [3212] after [0310] his brethren, [0251] and found [4672] them in Dothan. [1886]


 Et ils le virent de loin. Et avant qu'il fût près d'eux, ils complotèrent contre lui de le mettre à mort.

 And when they saw [7200] him afar off, [7350] even before he came near [7126] unto them, they conspired [5230] against him to slay [4191] him.


 Et ils se dirent l'un à l'autre: Voici ce songeur qui vient.

 And they said [0559] one [0376] to another, [0251] Behold, this [1976] dreamer [1167] [2472] cometh. [0935]


 Maintenant donc, venez, tuons-le, et le jetons dans quelque fosse, et nous dirons qu'une bête féroce l'a dévoré; et nous verrons ce que deviendront ses songes.

 Come [3212] now therefore, and let us slay [2026] him, and cast [7993] him into some [0259] pit, [0953] and we will say, [0559] Some evil [7451] beast [2416] hath devoured [0398] him: and we shall see [7200] what will become of his dreams. [2472]


 Mais Ruben entendit cela, et le délivra de leurs mains, et dit: Ne lui ôtons point la vie.

 And Reuben [7205] heard [8085] [it], and he delivered [5337] him out of their hands; [3027] and said, [0559] Let us not kill [5221] him. [5315]


 Puis Ruben leur dit: Ne répandez point le sang; jetez-le dans cette fosse, qui est au désert, et ne mettez point la main sur lui. C'était pour le délivrer de leurs mains, pour le rendre à son père.

 And Reuben [7205] said [0559] unto them, Shed [8210] no blood, [1818] [but] cast [7993] him into this pit [0953] that [is] in the wilderness, [4057] and lay [7971] no hand [3027] upon him; that he might rid [5337] him out of their hands, [3027] to deliver him to his father [0001] again. [7725]


 Et dès que Joseph fut arrivé auprès de ses frères, ils le dépouillèrent de sa robe, de la robe de diverses couleurs qui était sur lui.

 And it came to pass, when Joseph [3130] was come [0935] unto his brethren, [0251] that they stript [6584] [0853] Joseph [3130] out of [0854] his coat, [3801] [his] coat [3801] of [many] colours [6446] that [was] on him;


 Et ils le saisirent, et le jetèrent dans la fosse. Or la fosse était vide; il n'y avait point d'eau.

 And they took [3947] him, and cast [7993] him into a pit: [0953] and the pit [0953] [was] empty, [7386] [there was] no water [4325] in it.


 Ensuite ils s'assirent pour manger le pain. Et, levant les yeux, ils regardèrent, et voici une caravane d'Ismaélites qui venait de Galaad; et leurs chameaux, chargés d'aromates, de baume, et de myrrhe, allaient les porter en Égypte.

 And they sat down [3427] to eat [0398] bread: [3899] and they lifted up [5375] their eyes [5869] and looked, [7200] and, behold, a company [0736] of Ishmeelites [3459] came [0935] from Gilead [1568] with their camels [1581] bearing [5375] spicery [5219] and balm [6875] and myrrh, [3910] going [1980] to carry [it] down [3381] to Egypt. [4714]


 Et Juda dit à ses frères: À quoi nous servira de tuer notre frère et de cacher son sang?

 And Judah [3063] said [0559] unto his brethren, [0251] What profit [1215] [is it] if we slay [2026] our brother, [0251] and conceal [3680] his blood? [1818]


 Venez, et vendons-le aux Ismaélites, et que notre main ne soit point sur lui; car il est notre frère, notre chair. Et ses frères lui obéirent.

 Come, [3212] and let us sell [4376] him to the Ishmeelites, [3459] and let not our hand [3027] be upon him; for he [is] our brother [0251] [and] our flesh. [1320] And his brethren [0251] were content. [8085]


 Et comme les marchands Madianites passaient, ils tirèrent et firent remonter Joseph de la fosse; et ils vendirent Joseph pour vingt pièces d'argent aux Ismaélites, qui l'emmenèrent en Égypte.

 Then there passed by [5674] Midianites [0582] [4084] merchantmen; [5503] and they drew [4900] and lifted up [5927] Joseph [3130] out of the pit, [0953] and sold [4376] Joseph [3130] to the Ishmeelites [3459] for twenty [6242] [pieces] of silver: [3701] and they brought [0935] Joseph [3130] into Egypt. [4714]


 Et Ruben retourna à la fosse, et voici, Joseph n'était plus dans la fosse. Alors il déchira ses vêtements;

 And Reuben [7205] returned [7725] unto the pit; [0953] and, behold, Joseph [3130] [was] not in the pit; [0953] and he rent [7167] his clothes. [0899]


 Et il retourna vers ses frères, et dit: L'enfant n'y est plus; et moi, moi, où irai-je?

 And he returned [7725] unto his brethren, [0251] and said, [0559] The child [3206] [is] not; and I, whither [0575] shall I go? [0935]


 Et ils prirent la robe de Joseph, tuèrent un bouc, et trempèrent la robe dans le sang.

 And they took [3947] Joseph's [3130] coat, [3801] and killed [7819] a kid [8163] of the goats, [5795] and dipped [2881] the coat [3801] in the blood; [1818]


 Ensuite ils envoyèrent et firent parvenir à leur père la robe de diverses couleurs, en lui faisant dire: Nous avons trouvé ceci; reconnais si c'est la robe de ton fils, ou non.

 And they sent [7971] the coat [3801] of [many] colours, [6446] and they brought [0935] [it] to their father; [0001] and said, [0559] This have we found: [4672] know [5234] now whether it [be] thy son's [1121] coat [3801] or no.


 Et il la reconnut, et dit: C'est la robe de mon fils; une bête féroce l'a dévoré; certainement Joseph a été mis en pièces.

 And he knew [5234] it, and said, [0559] [It is] my son's [1121] coat; [3801] an evil [7451] beast [2416] hath devoured [0398] him; Joseph [3130] is without doubt [2963] rent in pieces. [2963]


 Et Jacob déchira ses vêtements, et mit un sac sur ses reins, et mena deuil sur son fils pendant longtemps.

 And Jacob [3290] rent [7167] his clothes, [8071] and put [7760] sackcloth [8242] upon his loins, [4975] and mourned [0056] for his son [1121] many [7227] days. [3117]


 Et tous ses fils, et toutes ses filles vinrent pour le consoler; mais il refusa d'être consolé, et il dit: Je descendrai en deuil vers mon fils au Sépulcre! C'est ainsi que son père le pleura.

 And all his sons [1121] and all his daughters [1323] rose up [6965] to comfort [5162] him; but he refused [3985] to be comforted; [5162] and he said, [0559] For I will go down [3381] into the grave [7585] unto my son [1121] mourning. [0057] Thus his father [0001] wept [1058] for him.


 Et les Madianites le vendirent en Égypte à Potiphar, officier de Pharaon, chef des gardes.

 And the Midianites [4092] sold [4376] him into Egypt [4714] unto Potiphar, [6318] an officer [5631] of Pharaoh's, [6547] [and] captain [8269] of the guard. [2876]


 Il arriva qu'en ce temps-là Juda descendit d'avec ses frères, et se retira vers un homme d'Adullam, nommé Hira.

 And it came to pass at that time, [6256] that Judah [3063] went down [3381] from his brethren, [0251] and turned [5186] in to a certain [0376] Adullamite, [5726] whose name [8034] [was] Hirah. [2437]


 Et Juda y vit la fille d'un Cananéen, nommé Shua; et il la prit, et vint vers elle.

 And Judah [3063] saw [7200] there a daughter [1323] of a certain [0376] Canaanite, [3669] whose name [8034] [was] Shuah; [7770] and he took [3947] her, and went in [0935] unto her.


 Et elle conçut et enfanta un fils; et il le nomma Er.

 And she conceived, [2029] and bare [3205] a son; [1121] and he called [7121] his name [8034] Er. [6147]


 Et elle conçut encore, et enfanta un fils, et elle le nomma Onan.

 And she conceived [2029] again, and bare [3205] a son; [1121] and she called [7121] his name [8034] Onan. [0209]


 Elle enfanta encore un fils, et elle le nomma Shéla. Et Juda était à Kezib, quand elle l'enfanta.

 And she yet again conceived, [3254] and bare [3205] a son; [1121] and called [7121] his name [8034] Shelah: [7956] and he was at Chezib, [3580] when she bare [3205] him.


 Et Juda prit une femme pour Er, son premier-né; elle s'appelait Tamar.

 And Judah [3063] took [3947] a wife [0802] for Er [6147] his firstborn, [1060] whose name [8034] [was] Tamar. [8559]


 Mais Er, premier-né de Juda, fut méchant aux yeux de YEHOVAH, et YEHOVAH le fit mourir.

 And Er, [6147] Judah's [3063] firstborn, [1060] was wicked [7451] in the sight [5869] of the LORD; [3068] and the LORD [3068] slew [4191] him.


 Alors Juda dit à Onan: Viens vers la femme de ton frère; prends-la, comme beau-frère, et suscite une postérité à ton frère.

 And Judah [3063] said [0559] unto Onan, [0209] Go in [0935] unto thy brother's [0251] wife, [0802] and marry [2992] her, and raise up [6965] seed [2233] to thy brother. [0251]


 Mais Onan savait que cette postérité ne serait pas à lui, et quand il venait vers la femme de son frère, il renversait son germe sur la terre afin de ne point donner de postérité à son frère.

 And Onan [0209] knew [3045] that the seed [2233] should not be his; and it came to pass, when [0518] he went in [0935] unto his brother's [0251] wife, [0802] that he spilled [7843] [it] on the ground, [0776] lest [1115] that he should give [5414] seed [2233] to his brother. [0251]


 Et ce qu'il faisait déplut à YEHOVAH; et il le fit mourir aussi.

 And the thing which [0834] he did [6213] displeased [3415] [5869] the LORD: [3068] wherefore he slew [4191] him also.


 Et Juda dit à Tamar, sa belle-fille: Demeure veuve dans la maison de ton père, jusqu'à ce que Shéla, mon fils, soit devenu grand. Car il disait: Prenons garde qu'il ne meure, lui aussi, comme ses frères. Et Tamar s'en alla, et demeura dans la maison de son père.

 Then said [0559] Judah [3063] to Tamar [8559] his daughter in law, [3618] Remain [3427] a widow [0490] at thy father's [0001] house, [1004] till Shelah [7956] my son [1121] be grown: [1431] for he said, [0559] Lest peradventure he die [4191] also, as his brethren [0251] [did]. And Tamar [8559] went [3212] and dwelt [3427] in her father's [0001] house. [1004]


 Et les jours s'écoulèrent, et la fille de Shua, femme de Juda, mourut. Lorsque Juda se fut consolé, il monta vers les tondeurs de ses brebis, à Thimna, avec Hira son ami, l'Adullamite.

 And in process [7235] of time [3117] the daughter of Shuah [1323] [7770][1340] Judah's [3063] wife [0802] died; [4191] and Judah [3063] was comforted, [5162] and went up [5927] unto his sheepshearers [1494] [6629] to Timnath, [8553] he and his friend [7453] Hirah [2437] the Adullamite. [5726]


 Et on le fit savoir à Tamar, en disant: Voici, ton beau-père monte à Thimna, pour tondre ses brebis.

 And it was told [5046] Tamar, [8559] saying, [0559] Behold thy father in law [2524] goeth up [5927] to Timnath [8553] to shear [1494] his sheep. [6629]


 Alors elle quitta ses habits de veuve, et se couvrit d'un voile, et s'en enveloppa, et s'assit à l'entrée d'Énaïm, qui est sur le chemin de Thimna; car elle voyait que Shéla était devenu grand, et qu'elle ne lui avait point été donnée pour femme.

 And she put her widow's [0491] garments [0899] off [5493] from her, and covered [3680] her with a vail, [6809] and wrapped [5968] herself, and sat [3427] in an open [5869] place, [6607] which [is] by the way [1870] to Timnath; [8553] for she saw [7200] that Shelah [7956] was grown, [1431] and she was not given [5414] unto him to wife. [0802]


 Et Juda la vit et la prit pour une prostituée; car elle avait couvert son visage.

 When Judah [3063] saw [7200] her, he thought [2803] her [to be] an harlot; [2181] because she had covered [3680] her face. [6440]


 Et il se détourna vers elle sur le chemin, et il dit: Allons, je te prie, que je vienne vers toi; car il ne savait pas que ce fût sa belle-fille. Et elle répondit: Que me donneras-tu, pour venir vers moi?

 And he turned [5186] unto her by the way, [1870] and said, [0559] Go to, [3051] I pray thee, let me come in [0935] unto thee; (for he knew [3045] not that she [was] his daughter in law.) [3618] And she said, [0559] What wilt thou give [5414] me, that thou mayest come in [0935] unto me?


 Et il dit: J'enverrai un chevreau du troupeau. Et elle répondit: Me donneras-tu un gage jusqu'à ce que tu l'envoies?

 And he said, [0559] I will send [7971] [thee] a kid [5795] [1423] from the flock. [6629] And she said, [0559] Wilt thou give [5414] [me] a pledge, [6162] till thou send [7971] [it]?


 Et il dit: Quel est le gage que je te donnerai? Et elle répondit: Ton cachet, ton cordon, et ton bâton, que tu as à la main. Et il les lui donna, et il vint vers elle; et elle conçut de lui.

 And he said, [0559] What [0834] pledge [6162] shall I give [5414] thee? And she said, [0559] Thy signet, [2368] and thy bracelets, [6616] and thy staff [4294] that [is] in thine hand. [3027] And he gave [5414] [it] her, and came in [0935] unto her, and she conceived [2029] by him.


 Ensuite elle se leva et s'en alla. Et elle quitta son voile, et se revêtit de ses habits de veuve.

 And she arose, [6965] and went away, [3212] and laid by [5493] her vail [6809] from her, and put on [3847] the garments [0899] of her widowhood. [0491]


 Et Juda envoya le chevreau par son ami l'Adullamite, pour retirer le gage des mains de cette femme; mais il ne la trouva point.

 And Judah [3063] sent [7971] the kid [1423] [5795] by the hand [3027] of his friend [7453] the Adullamite, [5726] to receive [3947] [his] pledge [6162] from the woman's [0802] hand: [3027] but he found [4672] her not.


 Et il interrogea les hommes du lieu où elle était, en disant: Où est cette courtisane qui était à Énaïm, sur le chemin? Et ils répondirent: Il n'y a point eu ici de courtisane.

 Then he asked [7592] the men [0582] of that place, [4725] saying, [0559] Where [is] the harlot, [6948] that [was] openly [5869] by the way side? [1870] And they said, [0559] There was no harlot [6948] in this [2088] [place].


 Et il retourna vers Juda, et dit: Je ne l'ai point trouvée, et même les gens du lieu ont dit: Il n'y a point eu ici de courtisane.

 And he returned [7725] to Judah, [3063] and said, [0559] I cannot [3808] find [4672] her; and also the men [0582] of the place [4725] said, [0559] [that] there was no harlot [6948] in this [place].


 Et Juda dit: Qu'elle garde le gage! Il ne faut pas nous faire mépriser. Voici, j'ai envoyé ce chevreau; et tu ne l'as point trouvée.

 And Judah [3063] said, [0559] Let her take [3947] [it] to her, lest we be shamed: [0937] behold, I sent [7971] this kid, [1423] and thou hast not found [4672] her.


 Or, il arriva qu'environ trois mois après on fit rapport à Juda, en disant: Tamar, ta belle-fille, s'est prostituée, et même la voilà enceinte par suite de sa prostitution. Et Juda dit: Faites-la sortir, et qu'elle soit brûlée.

 And it came to pass about three [7969] months [2320] after, that it was told [5046] Judah, [3063] saying, [0559] Tamar [8559] thy daughter in law [3618] hath played the harlot; [2181] and also, behold, she [is] with child [2030] by whoredom. [2183] And Judah [3063] said, [0559] Bring her forth, [3318] and let her be burnt. [8313]


 Comme on la faisait sortir, elle envoya dire à son beau-père: Je suis enceinte de l'homme à qui ces choses appartiennent. Et elle dit: Reconnais, je te prie, à qui sont ce cachet, ces cordons et ce bâton.

 When she [was] brought forth, [3318] she sent [7971] to her father in law, [2524] saying, [0559] By the man, [0376] whose these [are, am] I with child: [2030] and she said, [0559] Discern, [5234] I pray thee, whose [are] these, the signet, [2858] and bracelets, [6616] and staff. [4294]


 Alors Juda les reconnut, et dit: Elle est plus juste que moi, parce que je ne l'ai point donnée à Shéla mon fils. Et il ne la connut plus.

 And Judah [3063] acknowledged [5234] [them], and said, [0559] She hath been more righteous [6663] than I; because that I gave [5414] her not to Shelah [7956] my son. [1121] And he knew her [3045] again [3254] no more.


 Et à l'époque où elle devait accoucher, il se trouva qu'il y avait des jumeaux dans son sein;

 And it came to pass in the time [6256] of her travail, [3205] that, behold, twins [8380] [were] in her womb. [0990]


 Et pendant qu'elle enfantait, l'un d'eux donna la main, et la sage-femme la prit et y lia un fil écarlate, en disant: Celui-ci est sorti le premier.

 And it came to pass, when she travailed, [3205] that [the one] put [5414] out [his] hand: [3027] and the midwife [3205] took [3947] and bound [7194] upon his hand [3027] a scarlet thread, [8144] saying, [0559] This came out [3318] first. [7223]


 Mais comme il retira sa main, voici, son frère sortit. Et elle dit: Quelle brèche tu as faite! La brèche soit sur toi! Et on le nomma Pharets (brèche).

 And it came to pass, as he drew back [7725] his hand, [3027] that, behold, his brother [0251] came out: [3318] and she said, [0559] How hast thou broken forth? [6555] [this] breach [6556] [be] upon thee: therefore his name [8034] was called [7121] Pharez. [6557]


 Ensuite son frère sortit, qui avait à sa main le fil écarlate, et on le nomma Zarach.

 And afterward [0310] came out [3318] his brother, [0251] that had the scarlet thread [8144] upon his hand: [3027] and his name [8034] was called [7121] Zarah. [2226]


 Or, Joseph fut emmené en Égypte, et Potiphar, officier de Pharaon, chef des gardes, homme égyptien, l'acheta des Ismaélites, qui l'y avaient amené.

 And Joseph [3130] was brought down [3381] to Egypt; [4714] and Potiphar, [6318] an officer [5631] of Pharaoh, [6547] captain [8269] of the guard, [2876] an Egyptian, [0376] [4713] bought [7069] him of the hands [3027] of the Ishmeelites, [3459] which had brought him down [3381] thither.


 Et YEHOVAH fut avec Joseph; et il prospérait. Et il était dans la maison de son maître l'Égyptien.

 And the LORD [3068] was with Joseph, [3130] and he was a prosperous [6743] man; [0376] and he was in the house [1004] of his master [0113] the Egyptian. [4713]


 Et son maître vit que YEHOVAH était avec lui, et que YEHOVAH faisait prospérer entre ses mains tout ce qu'il faisait.

 And his master [0113] saw [7200] that the LORD [3068] [was] with him, and that the LORD [3068] made all that he did [6213] to prosper [6743] in his hand. [3027]


 Joseph trouva donc grâce à ses yeux, et il le servait; et son maître l'établit sur sa maison, et remit entre ses mains tout ce qu'il avait.

 And Joseph [3130] found [4672] grace [2580] in his sight, [5869] and he served [8334] him: and he made him overseer [6485] over his house, [1004] and all [that] he had [3426] he put [5414] into his hand. [3027]


 Or, depuis qu'il l'eut établi dans sa maison et sur tout ce qu'il avait, YEHOVAH bénit la maison de l'Égyptien, à cause de Joseph. Et la bénédiction de YEHOVAH fut sur tout ce qu'il avait, dans la maison et aux champs.

 And it came to pass from the time [0227] [that] he had made him overseer [6485] in his house, [1004] and over all that he had, [3426] that the LORD [3068] blessed [1288] the Egyptian's [4713] house [1004] for Joseph's [3130] sake; [1558] and the blessing [1293] of the LORD [3068] was upon all that he had [3426] in the house, [1004] and in the field. [7704]


 Et il laissa entre les mains de Joseph tout ce qui était à lui, et il ne prenait connaissance de rien avec lui, si ce n'est du pain qu'il mangeait. Or, Joseph était beau de taille, et beau de visage.

 And he left [5800] all that he had in Joseph's [3130] hand; [3027] and he knew [3045] not ought [3972] he had, save [0518] the bread [3899] which he did eat. [0398] And Joseph [3130] was [a] goodly [3303] [8389] [person], and well [3303] favoured. [4758]


 Et il arriva, après ces choses, que la femme de son maître jeta les yeux sur Joseph, et dit: Couche avec moi.

 And it came to pass after [0310] these things, [1697] that his master's [0113] wife [0802] cast [5375] her eyes [5869] upon Joseph; [3130] and she said, [0559] Lie [7901] with me.


 Mais il refusa, et il dit à la femme de son maître: Voici, mon maître ne prend connaissance avec moi de rien dans la maison, et il a remis entre mes mains tout ce qui lui appartient.

 But he refused, [3985] and said [0559] unto his master's [0113] wife, [0802] Behold, my master [0113] wotteth [3045] not what [is] with me in the house, [1004] and he hath committed [5414] all that he hath [3426] to my hand; [3027]


 Nul n'est plus grand dans cette maison que moi, et il ne m'a rien interdit que toi, parce que tu es sa femme. Comment ferais-je un si grand mal, et pécherais-je contre Dieu?

 [There is] none greater [1419] in this house [1004] than I; neither [3808] hath he kept back [2820] any thing [3972] from me but thee, because [0834] thou [0859] [art] his wife: [0802] how then can I do [6213] this great [1419] wickedness, [7451] and sin [2398] against God? [0430]


 Et bien qu'elle en parlât tous les jours à Joseph, il ne voulut point l'écouter pour coucher auprès d'elle, ni pour être avec elle.

 And it came to pass, as she spake [1696] to Joseph [3130] day [3117] by day, [3117] that he hearkened [8085] not unto her, to lie [7901] by her, [0681] [or] to be with her.


 Mais il arriva, un jour, qu'il vint à la maison pour faire son ouvrage, et il n'y avait là aucun des gens de la maison;

 And it came to pass about this time, [3117] that [Joseph] went [0935] into the house [1004] to do [6213] his business; [4399] and [there was] none of the men [0376] [0582] of the house [1004] there within. [1004]


 Et elle le saisit par son vêtement, en disant: Couche avec moi; mais il laissa son vêtement entre ses mains, et s'enfuit et sortit dehors.

 And she caught [8610] him by his garment, [0899] saying, [0559] Lie [7901] with me: and he left [5800] his garment [0899] in her hand, [3027] and fled, [5127] and got him [3318] out. [2351]


 Et dès qu'elle vit qu'il avait laissé son vêtement entre ses mains, et qu'il s'était enfui dehors,

 And it came to pass, when she saw [7200] that he had left [5800] his garment [0899] in her hand, [3027] and was fled [5127] forth, [2351]


 Elle appela les gens de sa maison, et leur parla, en disant: Voyez, on nous a amené un homme hébreu pour se jouer de nous; il est venu vers moi pour coucher avec moi; mais j'ai crié à haute voix.

 That she called [7121] unto the men [0582] of her house, [1004] and spake [0559] unto them, saying, [0559] See, [7200] he hath brought in [0935] an Hebrew [0376] [5680] unto us to mock [6711] us; he came in [0935] unto me to lie [7901] with me, and I cried [7121] with a loud [1419] voice: [6963]


 Et dès qu'il a entendu que j'élevais la voix et que je criais, il a laissé son vêtement près de moi, et s'est enfui, et est sorti dehors.

 And it came to pass, when he heard [8085] that I lifted up [7311] my voice [6963] and cried, [7121] that he left [5800] his garment [0899] with me, [0681] and fled, [5127] and got him [3318] out. [2351]


 Et elle mit le vêtement de Joseph auprès d'elle, jusqu'à ce que son maître vînt à la maison.

 And she laid up [3240] his garment [0899] by her, [0681] until his lord [0113] came [0935] home. [1004]


 Alors elle lui parla dans les mêmes termes, en disant: L'esclave hébreu, que tu nous as amené, est venu vers moi, pour se jouer de moi.

 And she spake [1696] unto him according to these words, [1697] saying, [0559] The Hebrew [5680] servant, [5650] which thou hast brought [0935] unto us, came in [0935] unto me to mock [6711] me:


 Mais comme j'ai élevé la voix, et que j'ai crié, il a laissé son vêtement près de moi, et s'est enfui dehors.

 And it came to pass, as I lifted up [7311] my voice [6963] and cried, [7121] that he left [5800] his garment [0899] with me, [0681] and fled [5127] out. [2351]


 Et dès que le maître de Joseph eut entendu les paroles de sa femme, qui lui disait: Voilà ce que m'a fait ton esclave, sa colère s'enflamma.

 And it came to pass, when his master [0113] heard [8085] the words [1697] of his wife, [0802] which she spake [1696] unto him, saying, [0559] After this manner [1697] did [6213] thy servant [5650] to me; that his wrath [0639] was kindled. [2734]


 Et le maître de Joseph le prit, et le mit dans la forteresse, lieu où les prisonniers du roi étaient enfermés. Il fut donc là dans la forteresse.

 And Joseph's [3130] master [0113] took [3947] him, and put [5414] him into the prison, [1004] [5470] a place [4725] where the king's [4428] prisoners [0615] [were] bound: [0631] and he was there in the prison. [1004] [5470]


 Mais YEHOVAH fut avec Joseph, et il étendit sa bonté sur lui, et lui fit trouver grâce aux yeux du commandant de la forteresse.

 But the LORD [3068] was with Joseph, [3130] and shewed [5186] him mercy, [2617] and gave [5414] him favour [2580] in the sight [5869] of the keeper [8269] of the prison. [1004] [5470]


 Et le commandant de la forteresse remit entre les mains de Joseph tous les prisonniers qui étaient dans la forteresse; et tout ce qui s'y faisait, c'était lui qui le faisait.

 And the keeper [8269] of the prison [1004] [5470] committed [5414] to Joseph's [3130] hand [3027] all the prisoners [0615] that [were] in the prison; [1004] [5470] and whatsoever they did [6213] there, he was the doer [6213] [of it].


 Le commandant de la forteresse ne revoyait rien de tout ce que Joseph avait entre les mains, parce que YEHOVAH était avec lui, et que YEHOVAH faisait prospérer ce qu'il faisait.

 The keeper [8269] of the prison [1004] [5470] looked [7200] not to any thing [3972] [that was] under his hand; [3027] because the LORD [3068] was with him, and [that] which he did, [6213] the LORD [3068] made [it] to prosper. [6743]


 Après ces choses, il arriva que l'intendant du roi d'Égypte et le boulanger offensèrent leur seigneur, le roi d'Égypte.

 And it came to pass after [0310] these things, [1697] [that] the butler [8248] of the king [4428] of Egypt [4714] and [his] baker [0644] had offended [2398] their lord [0113] the king [4428] of Egypt. [4714]


 Et Pharaon se mit en colère contre ses deux officiers, contre le chef intendant et le chef boulanger;

 And Pharaoh [6547] was wroth [7107] against [5921] two [8147] [of] his officers, [5631] against the chief [8269] of the butlers, [8248] and against the chief [8269] of the bakers. [0644]


 Et il les fit mettre en prison dans la maison du chef des gardes, dans la forteresse, lieu où Joseph était enfermé.

 And he put [5414] them in ward [4929] in the house [1004] of the captain [8269] of the guard, [2876] into the prison, [1004] [5470] the place [4725] where Joseph [3130] [was] bound. [0631]


 Et le chef des gardes établit Joseph auprès d'eux, et il les servait; et ils furent quelque temps en prison.

 And the captain [8269] of the guard [2876] charged [6485] Joseph [3130] with them, and he served [8334] them: and they continued a season [3117] in ward. [4929]


 Et tous les deux eurent un songe, chacun le sien, dans une même nuit, chacun un songe d'une signification particulière, tant l'intendant que le boulanger du roi d'Égypte qui étaient enfermés dans la forteresse.

 And they dreamed [2492] a dream [2472] both [8147] of them, each man [0376] his dream [2472] in one [0259] night, [3915] each man [0376] according to the interpretation [6623] of his dream, [2472] the butler [8248] and the baker [0644] of the king [4428] of Egypt, [4714] which [were] bound [0631] in the prison. [1004] [5470]


 Et Joseph, venant vers eux le matin, les regarda, et voici, ils étaient tristes.

 And Joseph [3130] came in [0935] unto them in the morning, [1242] and looked [7200] upon them, and, behold, they [were] sad. [2196]


 Et il interrogea ces officiers de Pharaon, qui étaient avec lui en prison dans la maison de son maître, et leur dit: Pourquoi avez-vous mauvais visage aujourd'hui?

 And he asked [7592] Pharaoh's [6547] officers [5631] that [were] with him in the ward [4929] of his lord's [0113] house, [1004] saying, [0559] Wherefore look ye [6440] [so] sadly [7451] to day? [3117]


 Et ils lui répondirent: Nous avons fait un songe, et il n'y a personne qui l'interprète. Et Joseph leur dit: Les interprétations n'appartiennent-elles pas à Dieu? Racontez-moi vos songes, je vous prie.

 And they said [0559] unto him, We have dreamed [2492] a dream, [2472] and [there is] no interpreter [6622] of it. And Joseph [3130] said [0559] unto them, [Do] not interpretations [6623] [belong] to God? [0430] tell [5608] me [them], I pray you.


 Et le chef intendant raconta son songe à Joseph, et lui dit: Je songeais, et voici, un cep était devant moi;

 And the chief [8269] butler [8248] told [5608] his dream [2472] to Joseph, [3130] and said [0559] to him, In my dream, [2472] behold, a vine [1612] [was] before [6440] me;


 Et ce cep avait trois sarments. Or, il semblait qu'il poussait; sa fleur sortit, et ses grappes donnèrent des raisins mûrs.

 And in the vine [1612] [were] three [7969] branches: [8299] and it [was] as though it budded, [6524] [and] her blossoms [5322] shot forth; [5927] and the clusters [0811] thereof brought forth ripe [1310] grapes: [6025]


 Et la coupe de Pharaon était dans ma main; et je pris les raisins, et je les pressai dans la coupe de Pharaon, et je mis la coupe dans la main de Pharaon.

 And Pharaoh's [6547] cup [3563] [was] in my hand: [3027] and I took [3947] the grapes, [6025] and pressed [7818] them into Pharaoh's [6547] cup, [3563] and I gave [5414] the cup [3563] into Pharaoh's [6547] hand. [3709]


 Et Joseph lui dit: En voici l'interprétation: Les trois sarments sont trois jours.

 And Joseph [3130] said [0559] unto him, This [is] the interpretation [6623] of it: The three [7969] branches [8299] [are] three [7969] days: [3117]


 Dans trois jours, Pharaon élèvera ta tête, et te rétablira dans ta charge, et tu mettras la coupe de Pharaon dans sa main, comme tu le faisais auparavant, lorsque tu étais son intendant.

 Yet [5750] within three [7969] days [3117] shall Pharaoh [6547] lift up [5375] thine head, [7218] and restore [7725] thee unto thy place: [3653] and thou shalt deliver [5414] Pharaoh's [6547] cup [3563] into his hand, [3027] after the former [7223] manner [4941] when thou wast his butler. [8248]


 Mais souviens-toi de moi, quand tu seras heureux, et use de bonté envers moi, je te prie; fais mention de moi à Pharaon, et fais-moi sortir de cette maison.

 But think [2142] on me when it shall be well [3190] with thee, and shew [6213] kindness, [2617] I pray thee, unto me, and make mention [2142] of me unto Pharaoh, [6547] and bring me out [3318] of this house: [1004]


 Car, certainement, j'ai été enlevé du pays des Hébreux, et ici non plus je n'ai rien fait pour qu'on me mît dans cette fosse.

 For indeed [1589] I was stolen away [1589] out of the land [0776] of the Hebrews: [5680] and here also have I done [6213] nothing [3808] [3972] that they should put [7760] me into the dungeon. [0953]


 Alors le chef boulanger, voyant que Joseph avait interprété en bien, lui dit: Moi aussi je songeais, et voici, j'avais trois corbeilles de pain blanc sur la tête;

 When the chief [8269] baker [0644] saw [7200] that the interpretation [6622] was good, [2896] he said [0559] unto Joseph, [3130] I also [0637] [was] in my dream, [2472] and, behold, [I had] three [7969] white [2751] baskets [5536] on my head: [7218]


 Et dans la plus haute corbeille il y avait pour Pharaon de toutes sortes de mets cuits; et les oiseaux les mangeaient dans la corbeille qui était sur ma tête.

 And in the uppermost [5945] basket [5536] [there was] of all manner of bakemeats [3978] [4639] [0644] for Pharaoh; [6547] and the birds [5775] did eat [0398] them out of the basket [5536] upon [5921] my head. [7218]


 Et Joseph répondit, et dit: En voici l'interprétation: Les trois corbeilles sont trois jours.

 And Joseph [3130] answered [6030] and said, [0559] This [is] the interpretation [6623] thereof: The three [7969] baskets [5536] [are] three [7969] days: [3117]


 Dans trois jours, Pharaon élèvera ta tête de dessus toi, et te fera pendre à un bois, et les oiseaux mangeront ta chair sur toi.

 Yet within three [7969] days [3117] shall Pharaoh [6547] lift up [5375] thy head [7218] from off thee, and shall hang [8518] thee on a tree; [6086] and the birds [5775] shall eat [0398] thy flesh [1320] from off thee.


 Et le troisième jour, jour de la naissance de Pharaon, il fit un festin à tous ses serviteurs, et il éleva la tête du chef intendant et du chef boulanger, au milieu de ses serviteurs:

 And it came to pass the third [7992] day, [3117] [which was] Pharaoh's [6547] birthday, [3117] [3205] that he made [6213] a feast [4960] unto all his servants: [5650] and he lifted up [5375] the head [7218] of the chief [8269] butler [8248] and of [7218] the chief [8269] baker [0644] among [8432] his servants. [5650]


 Il rétablit le chef intendant dans son office d'intendant, afin qu'il mît la coupe dans la main de Pharaon;

 And he restored [7725] the chief [8269] butler [8248] unto his butlership [4945] again; and he gave [5414] the cup [3563] into Pharaoh's [6547] hand: [3709]


 Mais il fit pendre le chef boulanger; comme Joseph le leur avait déclaré.

 But he hanged [8518] the chief [8269] baker: [0644] as Joseph [3130] had interpreted [6622] to them.


 Or, le chef intendant ne se souvint point de Joseph; mais il l'oublia.

 Yet did not the chief [8269] butler [8248] remember [2142] Joseph, [3130] but forgat [7911] him.


 Et il arriva, au bout de deux ans, que Pharaon eut un songe; et voici, il se tenait près du fleuve.

 And it came to pass at the end [7093] of two full [3117] years, [8141] that Pharaoh [6547] dreamed: [2492] and, behold, he stood [5975] by the river. [2975]


 Et voici que du fleuve montaient sept vaches belles et grasses, et elles paissaient dans le marécage.

 And, behold, there came up [5927] out of the river [2975] seven [7651] well [3303] favoured [4758] kine [6510] and fatfleshed; [1277] [1320] and they fed [7462] in a meadow. [0260]


 Et voici, sept autres vaches laides et maigres, montaient du fleuve après elles, et elles se tinrent auprès des autres vaches sur le bord du fleuve.

 And, behold, seven [7651] other [0312] kine [6510] came up [5927] after [0310] them out of the river, [2975] ill [7451] favoured [4758] and leanfleshed; [1851] [1320] and stood [5975] by [0681] the [other] kine [6510] upon the brink [8193] of the river. [2975]


 Et les vaches laides et maigres dévorèrent les sept vaches belles et grasses. Et Pharaon s'éveilla.

 And the ill [7451] favoured [4758] and leanfleshed [1851] [1320] kine [6510] did eat [0398] up the seven [7651] well [3303] favoured [4758] and fat [1277] kine. [6510] So Pharaoh [6547] awoke. [3364]


 Et il s'endormit et songea une seconde fois. Et voici sept épis gras et beaux poussaient sur une même tige.

 And he slept [3462] and dreamed [2492] the second time: [8145] and, behold, seven [7651] ears of corn [7641] came up [5927] upon one [0259] stalk, [7070] rank [1277] and good. [2896]


 Puis, voici, sept épis maigres et brûlés par le vent d'Orient germaient après ceux-là.

 And, behold, seven [7651] thin [1851] ears [7641] and blasted [7710] with the east wind [6921] sprung up [6779] after [0310] them.


 Et les épis maigres engloutirent les sept épis gras et pleins; et Pharaon s'éveilla, et voici, c'était un songe.

 And the seven thin [1851] ears [7641] devoured [1104] the seven [7651] rank [1277] and full [4392] ears. [7641] And Pharaoh [6547] awoke, [3364] and, behold, [it was] a dream. [2472]


 Et sur le matin son esprit était agité; et il envoya appeler tous les magiciens et tous les sages d'Égypte, et Pharaon leur raconta ses songes; mais il n'y eut personne qui les lui interpréta.

 And it came to pass in the morning [1242] that his spirit [7307] was troubled; [6470] and he sent [7971] and called [7121] for all the magicians [2748] of Egypt, [4714] and all the wise men [2450] thereof: and Pharaoh [6547] told [5608] them his dream; [2472] but [there was] none that could interpret [6622] them unto Pharaoh. [6547]


 Alors le chef intendant parla à Pharaon, en disant: Je vais rappeler aujourd'hui mes fautes.

 Then spake [1696] the chief [8269] butler [8248] unto Pharaoh, [6547] saying, [0559] I do remember [2142] my faults [2399] this day: [3117]


 Lorsque Pharaon se mit en colère contre ses serviteurs, et me fit mettre en prison, dans la maison du chef des gardes, moi et le chef boulanger.

 Pharaoh [6547] was wroth [7107] with his servants, [5650] and put [5414] me in ward [4929] in the captain [8269] of the guard's [2876] house, [1004] [both] me and the chief [8269] baker: [0644]


 Alors nous avions fait, lui et moi, un songe dans une même nuit; et chacun de nous reçut une explication en rapport avec le songe qu'il avait eu.

 And we dreamed [2492] a dream [2472] in one [0259] night, [3915] I and he; we dreamed [2492] each man [0376] according to the interpretation [6623] of his dream. [2472]


 Or, il y avait là avec nous un jeune homme hébreu, serviteur du chef des gardes; et nous lui avons raconté nos songes, et il nous les interpréta; il donna à chacun une interprétation d'après son songe.

 And [there was] there with us a young man, [5288] an Hebrew, [5680] servant [5650] to the captain [8269] of the guard; [2876] and we told [5608] him, and he interpreted [6622] to us our dreams; [2472] to each man [0376] according to his dream [2472] he did interpret. [6622]


 Et la chose arriva comme il nous l'avait interprétée: le roi me rétablit dans ma place, et fit pendre l'autre.

 And it came to pass, as he interpreted [6622] to us, so it was; me he restored [7725] unto mine office, [3653] and him he hanged. [8518]


 Alors Pharaon envoya appeler Joseph, et on le fit sortir en hâte de la prison; on le rasa, on le fit changer de vêtements, et il vint vers Pharaon.

 Then Pharaoh [6547] sent [7971] and called [7121] Joseph, [3130] and they brought him hastily [7323] out of the dungeon: [0953] and he shaved [1548] [himself], and changed [2498] his raiment, [8071] and came [0935] in unto Pharaoh. [6547]


 Et Pharaon dit à Joseph: J'ai fait un songe, et il n'y a personne qui l'interprète. Or, j'ai entendu dire que tu n'as qu'à entendre un songe pour l'interpréter.

 And Pharaoh [6547] said [0559] unto Joseph, [3130] I have dreamed [2492] a dream, [2472] and [there is] none that can interpret [6622] it: and I have heard [8085] say [0559] of thee, [that] thou canst understand [8085] a dream [2472] to interpret [6622] it.


 Et Joseph répondit à Pharaon, en disant: Ce n'est pas moi, c'est Dieu qui répondra touchant la prospérité de Pharaon.

 And Joseph [3130] answered [6030] Pharaoh, [6547] saying, [0559] [It is] not in me: [1107] God [0430] shall give Pharaoh [6547] an answer [6030] of peace. [7965]


 Et Pharaon dit à Joseph: Dans mon songe, voici, je me tenais sur le bord du fleuve.

 And Pharaoh [6547] said [1696] unto Joseph, [3130] In my dream, [2472] behold, I stood [5975] upon the bank [8193] of the river: [2975]


 Et voici que du fleuve montaient sept vaches grasses et belles, et elles paissaient dans le marécage.

 And, behold, there came up [5927] out of the river [2975] seven [7651] kine, [6510] fatfleshed [1277] [1320] and well [3303] favoured; [8389] and they fed [7462] in a meadow: [0260]


 Et voici, sept autres vaches montaient après elles, chétives, et très laides, et décharnées; je n'en ai jamais vu de semblables en laideur dans tout le pays d'Égypte.

 And, behold, seven [7651] other [0312] kine [6510] came up [5927] after [0310] them, poor [1803] and very [3966] ill [7451] favoured [8389] and leanfleshed, [7534] [1320] such [2007] as I never [3808] saw [7200] in all the land [0776] of Egypt [4714] for badness: [7455]


 Et les vaches décharnées et laides dévorèrent les sept premières vaches grasses,

 And the lean [7534] and the ill favoured [7451] kine [6510] did eat [0398] up the first [7223] seven [7651] fat [1277] kine: [6510]


 Qui entrèrent dans leur ventre sans qu'il parût qu'elles y fussent entrées, et elles étaient aussi laides qu'au commencement.

 And when they had eaten [0935] [7130] them up, it could not be known [3045] that they had eaten [0935] [7130] them; but they [were] still ill [7451] favoured, [4758] as at the beginning. [8462] So I awoke. [3364]


 Alors je me réveillai. Je vis encore en songeant, et sept épis pleins et beaux poussaient sur une même tige.

 And I saw [7200] in my dream, [2472] and, behold, seven [7651] ears [7641] came up [5927] in one [0259] stalk, [7070] full [4392] and good: [2896]


 Puis, voici, sept épis stériles, maigres et brûlés par le vent d'Orient, germaient après ceux-là.

 And, behold, seven [7651] ears, [7641] withered, [6798] thin, [1851] [and] blasted [7710] with the east wind, [6921] sprung up [6779] after [0310] them:


 Et les épis maigres engloutirent les sept beaux épis. Et je l'ai dit aux magiciens; mais nul ne me l'explique.

 And the thin [1851] ears [7641] devoured [1104] the seven [7651] good [2896] ears: [7641] and I told [0559] [this] unto the magicians; [2748] but [there was] none that could declare [5046] [it] to me.


 Et Joseph répondit à Pharaon: Ce qu'a songé Pharaon est une seule chose; Dieu a déclaré à Pharaon ce qu'il va faire.

 And Joseph [3130] said [0559] unto Pharaoh, [6547] The dream [2472] of Pharaoh [6547] [is] one: [0259] God [0430] hath shewed [5046] Pharaoh [6547] what he [is] about to do. [6213]


 Les sept belles vaches sont sept ans; et les sept beaux épis sont sept ans; c'est un même songe.

 The seven [7651] good [2896] kine [6510] [are] seven [7651] years; [8141] and the seven [7651] good [2896] ears [7641] [are] seven [7651] years: [8141] the dream [2472] [is] one. [0259]


 Et les sept vaches décharnées et laides, qui montaient après celles-là sont sept ans, et les sept épis vides, brûlés par le vent d'Orient, seront sept ans de famine.

 And the seven [7651] thin [7534] and ill favoured [7451] kine [6510] that came up [5927] after [0310] them [are] seven [7651] years; [8141] and the seven [7651] empty [7386] ears [7641] blasted [7710] with the east wind [6921] shall be seven [7651] years [8141] of famine. [7458]


 C'est ce que j'ai dit à Pharaon: Dieu a fait voir à Pharaon ce qu'il va faire.

 This [is] the thing [1697] which I have spoken [1696] unto Pharaoh: [6547] What God [0430] [is] about to do [6213] he sheweth [7200] unto Pharaoh. [6547]


 Voici, il va venir sept années de grande abondance dans tout le pays d'Égypte.

 Behold, there come [0935] seven [7651] years [8141] of great [1419] plenty [7647] throughout all the land [0776] of Egypt: [4714]


 Mais elles seront suivies de sept ans de famine; et toute cette abondance sera oubliée dans le pays d'Égypte, et la famine consumera le pays.

 And there shall arise [6965] after [0310] them seven [7651] years [8141] of famine; [7458] and all the plenty [7647] shall be forgotten [7911] in the land [0776] of Egypt; [4714] and the famine [7458] shall consume [3615] the land; [0776]


 Et l'abondance ne paraîtra plus dans le pays, à cause de cette famine qui viendra après; car elle sera très grande.

 And the plenty [7647] shall not be known [3045] in the land [0776] by reason [6440] of that famine [7458] following; [0310] [3651] for it [shall be] very [3966] grievous. [3515]


 Et quant à ce que le songe s'est reproduit deux fois pour Pharaon, c'est que la chose est arrêtée de Dieu, et que Dieu se hâte de l'accomplir.

 And for that the dream [2472] was doubled [8138] unto Pharaoh [6547] twice; [6471] [it is] because the thing [1697] [is] established [3559] by [5973] God, [0430] and God [0430] will shortly [4116] bring it to pass. [6213]


 Or, maintenant, que Pharaon choisisse un homme entendu et sage, et qu'il l'établisse sur le pays d'Égypte.

 Now therefore let Pharaoh [6547] look out [7200] a man [0376] discreet [0995] and wise, [2450] and set [7896] him over the land [0776] of Egypt. [4714]


 Que Pharaon établisse et institue des commissaires sur le pays, et qu'il prenne le cinquième du revenu du pays d'Égypte, durant les sept années d'abondance.

 Let Pharaoh [6547] do [6213] [this], and let him appoint [6485] officers [6496] over the land, [0776] and take up the fifth part [2567] of the land [0776] of Egypt [4714] in the seven [7651] plenteous [7647] years. [8141]


 Et qu'ils rassemblent tous les vivres de ces bonnes années qui viennent, et qu'ils amassent du froment sous la main de Pharaon, des vivres dans les villes, et qu'ils les gardent.

 And let them gather [6908] all the food [0400] of those good [2896] years [8141] that come, [0935] and lay up [6651] corn [1250] under the hand [3027] of Pharaoh, [6547] and let them keep [8104] food [0400] in the cities. [5892]


 Et ces vivres seront en réserve pour le pays, pour les sept années de famine qui seront au pays d'Égypte, afin que le pays ne soit pas consumé par la famine.

 And that food [0400] shall be for store [6487] to the land [0776] against the seven [7651] years [8141] of famine, [7458] which shall be in the land [0776] of Egypt; [4714] that the land [0776] perish [3772] not through the famine. [7458]


 Et ce discours plut à Pharaon, et à tous ses serviteurs.

 And the thing [1697] was good [3190] in the eyes [5869] of Pharaoh, [6547] and in the eyes [5869] of all his servants. [5650]


 Et Pharaon dit à ses serviteurs: Trouverions-nous un homme comme celui-ci, qui a l'Esprit de Dieu?

 And Pharaoh [6547] said [0559] unto his servants, [5650] Can we find [4672] [such a one] as this [2088] [is], a man [0376] in whom [0834] the Spirit [7307] of God [0430] [is]?


 Et Pharaon dit à Joseph: Puisque Dieu t'a fait connaître tout ceci, nul n'est entendu, ni sage autant que toi.

 And Pharaoh [6547] said [0559] unto Joseph, [3130] Forasmuch [0310] as God [0430] hath shewed [3045] thee all this, [there is] none so discreet [0995] and wise [2450] as thou [art]:


 C'est toi qui seras sur ma maison, et tout mon peuple obéira à ta bouche. Je serai seulement plus grand que toi par le trône.

 Thou shalt be [1961] over my house, [1004] and according unto thy word [6310] shall all my people [5971] be ruled: [5401] only in the throne [3678] will I be greater [1431] than thou.


 Puis Pharaon dit à Joseph: Regarde, je t'établis sur tout le pays d'Égypte.

 And Pharaoh [6547] said [0559] unto Joseph, [3130] See, [7200] I have set [5414] thee over all the land [0776] of Egypt. [4714]


 Alors Pharaon ôta son anneau de sa main, et le mit à la main de Joseph; et il le fit revêtir d'habits de fin lin, et lui mit un collier d'or au cou.

 And Pharaoh [6547] took off [5493] his ring [2885] from his hand, [3027] and put [5414] it upon Joseph's [3130] hand, [3027] and arrayed [3847] him in vestures [0899] of fine linen, [8336] and put [7760] a gold [2091] chain [7242] about his neck; [6677]


 Et il le fit monter sur son second char; et l'on criait devant lui: À genoux! Et il l'établit sur tout le pays d'Égypte.

 And he made him to ride [7392] in the second [4932] chariot [4818] which he had; and they cried [7121] before [6440] him, Bow the knee: [0086] and he made [5414] him [ruler] over all the land [0776] of Egypt. [4714]


 Et Pharaon dit à Joseph: Je suis Pharaon! et sans toi nul ne lèvera la main ni le pied dans tout le pays d'Égypte.

 And Pharaoh [6547] said [0559] unto Joseph, [3130] I [am] Pharaoh, [6547] and without [1107] thee shall no man [0376] lift up [7311] his hand [3027] or foot [7272] in all the land [0776] of Egypt. [4714]


 Et Pharaon appela Joseph du nom de Tsophnath-Panéach (révélateur de secrets), et il lui donna pour femme Asnath, fille de Potiphéra, prêtre d'On (Héliopolis). Et Joseph alla visiter le pays d'Égypte.

 And Pharaoh [6547] called [7121] Joseph's [3130] name [8034] Zaphnathpaaneah; [6847] and he gave [5414] him to wife [0802] Asenath [0621] the daughter [1323] of Potipherah [6319] priest [3548] of On. [0204] And Joseph [3130] went out [3318] over [all] the land [0776] of Egypt. [4714]


 Or, Joseph était âgé de trente ans, quand il se présenta devant Pharaon, roi d'Égypte. Joseph sortit donc de devant Pharaon, et parcourut tout le pays d'Égypte.

 And Joseph [3130] [was] thirty [7970] years [8141] old [1121] when he stood [5975] before [6440] Pharaoh [6547] king [4428] of Egypt. [4714] And Joseph [3130] went out [3318] from the presence [6440] of Pharaoh, [6547] and went throughout [5674] all the land [0776] of Egypt. [4714]


 Et la terre rapporta à pleines mains durant les sept années d'abondance.

 And in the seven [7651] plenteous [7647] years [8141] the earth [0776] brought forth [6213] by handfuls. [7062]


 Et Joseph rassembla tous les vivres des sept années, qu'il y eut au pays d'Égypte; et il mit les vivres dans les villes; il mit dans l'intérieur de chaque ville les vivres du territoire qui l'environnait.

 And he gathered up [6908] all the food [0400] of the seven [7651] years, [8141] which were in the land [0776] of Egypt, [4714] and laid up [5414] the food [0400] in the cities: [5892] the food [0400] of the field, [7704] which [was] round about [5439] every city, [5892] laid he up [5414] in the same. [8432]


 Et Joseph amassa une grande quantité de froment, comme le sable de la mer; tellement qu'on cessa de le compter, parce qu'il était sans nombre.

 And Joseph [3130] gathered [6651] corn [1250] as the sand [2344] of the sea, [3220] very [3966] much, [7235] until he left [2308] numbering; [5608] for [it was] without [0369] number. [4557]


 Or, avant qu'arrivât l'année de famine, il naquit à Joseph deux fils, qu'Asnath, fille de Potiphéra, prêtre d'On, lui enfanta.

 And unto Joseph [3130] were born [3205] two [8147] sons [1121] before the years [8141] of famine [7458] came, [0935] which Asenath [0621] the daughter [1323] of Potipherah [6319] priest [3548] of On [0204] bare [3205] unto him.


 Et Joseph nomma le premier-né Manassé (celui qui fait oublier); car Dieu, dit-il, m'a fait oublier toute ma peine, et toute la maison de mon père.

 And Joseph [3130] called [7121] the name [8034] of the firstborn [1060] Manasseh: [4519] For God, [0430] [said he], hath made me forget [5382] all my toil, [5999] and all my father's [0001] house. [1004]


 Et il nomma le second Éphraïm (double fécondité); car Dieu, dit-il, m'a rendu fécond dans le pays de mon affliction.

 And the name [8034] of the second [8145] called [7121] he Ephraim: [0669] For God [0430] hath caused me to be fruitful [6509] in the land [0776] of my affliction. [6040]


 Alors finirent les sept années de l'abondance qu'il y eut au pays d'Égypte.

 And the seven [7651] years [8141] of plenteousness, [7647] that was in the land [0776] of Egypt, [4714] were ended. [3615]


 Et les sept années de famine commencèrent à venir, comme Joseph l'avait dit. Et la famine fut dans tous les pays; mais dans tout le pays d'Égypte il y avait du pain.

 And the seven [7651] years [8141] of dearth [7458] began [2490] to come, [0935] according as Joseph [3130] had said: [0559] and the dearth [7458] was in all lands; [0776] but in all the land [0776] of Egypt [4714] there was bread. [3899]


 Ensuite tout le pays d'Égypte fut affamé; et le peuple cria à Pharaon pour avoir du pain. Et Pharaon répondit à tous les Égyptiens: Allez à Joseph; faites ce qu'il vous dira.

 And when all the land [0776] of Egypt [4714] was famished, [7456] the people [5971] cried [6817] to Pharaoh [6547] for bread: [3899] and Pharaoh [6547] said [0559] unto all the Egyptians, [4714] Go [3212] unto Joseph; [3130] what he saith [0559] to you, do. [6213]


 La famine fut donc sur toute la surface du pays, et Joseph ouvrit tous les greniers et vendit du blé aux Égyptiens. Et la famine fut grande au pays d'Égypte.

 And the famine [7458] was over all the face [6440] of the earth: [0776] And Joseph [3130] opened [6605] all the storehouses, and sold [7666] unto the Egyptians; [4714] and the famine [7458] waxed sore [2388] in the land [0776] of Egypt. [4714]


 Et de tous les pays on venait en Égypte, pour acheter du blé à Joseph; car la famine était grande par toute la terre.

 And all countries [0776] came [0935] into Egypt [4714] to Joseph [3130] for to buy [7666] [corn]; because that the famine [7458] was [so] sore [2388] in all lands. [0776]


 Et Jacob, voyant qu'il y avait du blé à vendre en Égypte, dit à ses fils: Pourquoi vous regardez-vous les uns les autres?

 Now when Jacob [3290] saw [7200] that there was [3426] corn [7668] in Egypt, [4714] Jacob [3290] said [0559] unto his sons, [1121] Why do ye look [7200] one upon another?


 Et il dit: Voici, j'ai appris qu'il y a du blé à vendre en Égypte; descendez-y, et achetez-nous-y du blé, afin que nous vivions, et ne mourions point.

 And he said, [0559] Behold, I have heard [8085] that there is [3426] corn [7668] in Egypt: [4714] get you down [3381] thither, and buy [7666] for us from thence; that we may live, [2421] and not die. [4191]


 Alors dix frères de Joseph descendirent, pour acheter du blé en Égypte.

 And Joseph's [3130] ten [6235] brethren [0251] went down [3381] to buy [7666] corn [1250] in Egypt. [4714]


 Mais Jacob n'envoya point Benjamin, frère de Joseph, avec ses frères; car il dit: Prenons garde qu'il ne lui arrive malheur!

 But Benjamin, [1144] Joseph's [3130] brother, [0251] Jacob [3290] sent [7971] not with his brethren; [0251] for he said, [0559] Lest peradventure [6435] mischief [0611] befall [7122] him.


 Et les fils d'Israël vinrent pour acheter du blé, au milieu de ceux qui venaient aussi; car la famine était au pays de Canaan.

 And the sons [1121] of Israel [3478] came [0935] to buy [7666] [corn] among [8432] those that came: [0935] for the famine [7458] was in the land [0776] of Canaan. [3667]


 Or, c'était Joseph qui commandait dans le pays, c'était lui qui vendait le blé à tout le peuple du pays. Les frères de Joseph vinrent donc et se prosternèrent devant lui, la face contre terre.

 And Joseph [3130] [was] the governor [7989] over the land, [0776] [and] he [it was] that sold [7666] to all the people [5971] of the land: [0776] and Joseph's [3130] brethren [0251] came, [0935] and bowed down [7812] themselves before him [with] their faces [0639] to the earth. [0776]


 Et Joseph vit ses frères, et les reconnut; mais il fit l'étranger avec eux, et leur parla durement, et leur dit: D'où venez-vous? Et ils répondirent: Du pays de Canaan, pour acheter des vivres.

 And Joseph [3130] saw [7200] his brethren, [0251] and he knew [5234] them, but made himself strange [5234] unto them, and spake [1696] roughly [7186] unto them; and he said [0559] unto them, Whence [0370] come [0935] ye? And they said, [0559] From the land [0776] of Canaan [3667] to buy [7666] food. [0400]


 Joseph reconnut donc ses frères; mais eux ne le reconnurent point.

 And Joseph [3130] knew [5234] his brethren, [0251] but they knew [5234] not him.


 Et Joseph se souvint des songes qu'il avait eus à leur sujet. Et il leur dit: Vous êtes des espions; vous êtes venus pour observer les lieux faibles du pays.

 And Joseph [3130] remembered [2142] the dreams [2472] which he dreamed [2492] of them, and said [0559] unto them, Ye [0859] [are] spies; [7270] to see [7200] the nakedness [6172] of the land [0776] ye are come. [0935]


 Et ils lui répondirent: Non, mon seigneur, mais tes serviteurs sont venus pour acheter des vivres.

 And they said [0559] unto him, Nay, my lord, [0113] but to buy [7666] food [0400] are thy servants [5650] come. [0935]


 Nous sommes tous fils d'un même homme; nous sommes gens de bien; tes serviteurs ne sont point des espions.

 We [5168] [are] all one [0259] man's [0376] sons; [1121] we [are] true [3651] [men], thy servants [5650] are no spies. [7270]


 Et il leur dit: Non! mais vous êtes venus pour observer les lieux faibles du pays.

 And he said [0559] unto them, Nay, but to see [7200] the nakedness [6172] of the land [0776] ye are come. [0935]


 Et ils répondirent: Nous, tes serviteurs, sommes douze frères, fils d'un même homme, au pays de Canaan. Et voici, le plus jeune est aujourd'hui avec notre père; et l'un n'est plus.

 And they said, [0559] Thy servants [5650] [are] twelve [8147] [6240] brethren, [0251] the sons [1121] of one [0259] man [0376] in the land [0776] of Canaan; [3667] and, behold, the youngest [6996] [is] this day [3117] with our father, [0001] and one [0259] [is] not.


 Et Joseph leur dit: C'est ce que je vous ai dit: Vous êtes des espions.

 And Joseph [3130] said [0559] unto them, That [is it] that I spake [1696] unto you, saying, [0559] Ye [are] spies: [7270]


 Voici comment vous serez éprouvés: Par la vie de Pharaon, vous ne sortirez point d'ici, que votre jeune frère n'y soit venu.

 Hereby [2063] ye shall be proved: [0974] By the life [2416] of Pharaoh [6547] ye shall not go forth [3318] hence, except your youngest [6996] brother [0251] come [0935] hither.


 Envoyez l'un de vous et qu'il amène votre frère; et vous, demeurez prisonniers; et que vos paroles soient éprouvées, pour voir si la vérité est avec vous. Autrement, par la vie de Pharaon, vous êtes des espions.

 Send [7971] one [0259] of you, and let him fetch [3947] your brother, [0251] and ye shall be kept [0631] in prison, that your words [1697] may be proved, [0974] whether [there be any] truth [0571] in you: [0854] or else [3808] by the life [2416] of Pharaoh [6547] surely ye [are] spies. [7270]


 Et il les fit mettre ensemble en prison pour trois jours.

 And he put them all together [0622] into ward [4929] three [7969] days. [3117]


 Et, au troisième jour, Joseph leur dit: Faites ceci, et vous vivrez; je crains Dieu.

 And Joseph [3130] said [0559] unto them the third [7992] day, [3117] This do, [6213] and live; [2421] [for] I fear [3373] God: [0430]


 Si vous êtes gens de bien, que l'un de vous, votre frère, reste lié dans le lieu de votre prison, et vous, allez, emportez du blé, pour subvenir à la famine de vos maisons.

 If ye [0859] [be] true [3651] [men], let one [0259] of your brethren [0251] be bound [0631] in the house [1004] of your prison: [4929] go [3212] ye, carry [0935] corn [7668] for the famine [7459] of your houses: [1004]


 Et amenez-moi votre jeune frère; et vos paroles seront reconnues véritables, et vous ne mourrez point. Et ils firent ainsi.

 But bring [0935] your youngest [6996] brother [0251] unto me; so shall your words [1697] be verified, [0539] and ye shall not die. [4191] And they did [6213] so.


 Et ils se disaient l'un à l'autre: Vraiment, nous sommes coupables à l'égard de notre frère; car nous avons vu l'angoisse de son âme, quand il nous demandait grâce, et nous ne l'avons point écouté; voilà pourquoi cette angoisse nous est arrivée.

 And they said [0559] one [0376] to another, [0251] We [are] verily [0061] guilty [0818] concerning our brother, [0251] in that [0834] we saw [7200] the anguish [6869] of his soul, [5315] when he besought [2603] us, and we would not hear; [8085] therefore is this distress [6869] come [0935] upon us.


 Et Ruben leur répondit, en disant: Ne vous disais-je pas bien: Ne commettez point ce péché contre cet enfant? Mais vous n'écoutiez point; et voici que son sang nous est redemandé.

 And Reuben [7205] answered [6030] them, saying, [0559] Spake [0559] I not unto you, saying, [0559] Do not sin [2398] against the child; [3206] and ye would not hear? [8085] therefore, behold, also his blood [1818] is required. [1875]


 Or, ils ne savaient pas que Joseph comprenait, parce qu'il leur parlait par le moyen d'un interprète.

 And they knew [3045] not that Joseph [3130] understood [8085] [them]; for he spake unto them by an interpreter. [3887]


 Et il se détourna d'eux pour pleurer. Puis il retourna vers eux, et leur parla; et il prit d'entre eux Siméon, et le fit lier devant leurs yeux.

 And he turned himself about [5437] from them, and wept; [1058] and returned [7725] to them again, and communed [1696] with them, and took [3947] from them Simeon, [8095] and bound [0631] him before their eyes. [5869]


 Et Joseph commanda qu'on remplît leurs sacs de froment, et qu'on remît l'argent de chacun d'eux dans son sac, et qu'on leur donnât des provisions pour le chemin.

 Then Joseph [3130] commanded [6680] to fill [4390] their sacks [3627] with corn, [1250] and to restore [7725] every man's [0376] money [3701] into his sack, [8242] and to give [5414] them provision [6720] for the way: [1870] and thus [3651] did [6213] he unto them.


 Ce qui fut fait. Puis ils chargèrent leur blé sur leurs ânes, et s'en allèrent.

 And they laded [5375] their asses [2543] with the corn, [7668] and departed [3212] thence.


 Et l'un d'eux ouvrit son sac pour donner du fourrage à son âne dans l'hôtellerie; et il vit son argent; et voici, il était à l'entrée de son sac.

 And as one [0259] of them opened [6605] his sack [8242] to give [5414] his ass [2543] provender [4554] in the inn, [4411] he espied [7200] his money; [3701] for, behold, it [was] in his sack's [0572] mouth. [6310]


 Et il dit à ses frères: Mon argent m'a été rendu; et en effet, le voici dans mon sac. Et le cœur leur manqua, et ils se dirent en tremblant l'un à l'autre: Qu'est-ce que Dieu nous a fait?

 And he said [0559] unto his brethren, [0251] My money [3701] is restored; [7725] and, lo, [2009] [it is] even in my sack: [0572] and their heart [3820] failed [3318] [them], and they were afraid, [2729] saying [0559] one [0376] to another, [0251] What [is] this [that] God [0430] hath done [6213] unto us?


 Et ils vinrent vers Jacob, leur père, au pays de Canaan, et lui racontèrent toutes les choses qui leur étaient arrivées, en disant:

 And they came [0935] unto Jacob [3290] their father [0001] unto the land [0776] of Canaan, [3667] and told [5046] him all that befell [7136] unto them; saying, [0559]


 L'homme qui est le seigneur du pays, nous a parlé rudement, et nous a pris pour des espions.

 The man, [0376] [who is] the lord [0113] of the land, [0776] spake [1696] roughly [7186] to us, and took [5414] us for spies [7270] of the country. [0776]


 Mais nous lui avons répondu: Nous sommes des gens de bien, nous ne sommes point des espions.

 And we said [0559] unto him, We [are] true [3651] [men]; we are no spies: [7270]


 Nous sommes douze frères, fils de notre père; l'un n'est plus, et le plus jeune est aujourd'hui avec notre père au pays de Canaan.

 We [be] twelve [6240] [8147] brethren, [0251] sons [1121] of our father; [0001] one [0259] [is] not, and the youngest [6996] [is] this day [3117] with our father [0001] in the land [0776] of Canaan. [3667]


 Et l'homme qui est le seigneur du pays, nous a dit: À ceci je connaîtrai que vous êtes des gens de bien: Laissez avec moi l'un de vos frères, prenez ce qu'il faut pour la famine de vos maisons, et partez;

 And the man, [0376] the lord [0113] of the country, [0776] said [0559] unto us, Hereby shall I know [3045] that ye [are] true [3651] [men]; leave [3240] one [0259] of your brethren [0251] [here] with me, and take [3947] [food for] the famine [7459] of your households, [1004] and be gone: [3212]


 Et amenez-moi votre jeune frère. Alors je connaîtrai que vous n'êtes point des espions, mais des gens de bien; je vous rendrai votre frère, et vous trafiquerez dans le pays.

 And bring [0935] your youngest [6996] brother [0251] unto me: then shall I know [3045] that ye [are] no spies, [7270] but [that] ye [are] true [3651] [men: so] will I deliver [5414] you your brother, [0251] and ye shall traffick [5503] in the land. [0776]


 Et comme ils vidaient leurs sacs, voici, le paquet d'argent de chacun était dans son sac; et ils virent, eux et leur père, leurs paquets d'argent, et ils eurent peur.

 And it came to pass as they emptied [7324] their sacks, [8242] that, behold, every man's [0376] bundle [6872] of money [3701] [was] in his sack: [8242] and when [both] they and their father [0001] saw [7200] the bundles [6872] of money, [3701] they were afraid. [3372]


 Alors Jacob, leur père, leur dit: Vous m'avez privé d'enfants: Joseph n'est plus, et Siméon n'est plus, et vous emmèneriez Benjamin! C'est sur moi que toutes ces choses sont tombées!

 And Jacob [3290] their father [0001] said [0559] unto them, Me have ye bereaved [7921] [of my children]: Joseph [3130] [is] not, and Simeon [8095] [is] not, and ye will take [3947] Benjamin [1144] [away]: all these things are against me.


 Et Ruben parla à son père, et lui dit: Tu feras mourir mes deux fils, si je ne te le ramène; confie-le-moi et je te le rendrai.

 And Reuben [7205] spake [0559] unto his father, [0001] saying, [0559] Slay [4191] my two [8147] sons, [1121] if I bring [0935] him not to thee: deliver [5414] him into my hand, [3027] and I will bring him to thee again. [7725]


 Et il répondit: Mon fils ne descendra point avec vous; car son frère est mort, et celui-ci est resté seul. Et s'il lui arrivait malheur dans le chemin par où vous irez, vous feriez descendre mes cheveux blancs avec douleur au Sépulcre.

 And he said, [0559] My son [1121] shall not go down [3381] with you; for his brother [0251] is dead, [4191] and he is left [7604] alone: if mischief [0611] befall [7122] him by the way [1870] in the which ye go, [3212] then shall ye bring down [3381] my gray hairs [7872] with sorrow [3015] to the grave. [7585]


 Or, la famine était fort grande dans le pays.

 And the famine [7458] [was] sore [3515] in the land. [0776]


 Et quand ils eurent achevé de manger le blé qu'ils avaient apporté d'Égypte, leur père leur dit: Retournez nous acheter un peu de vivres.

 And it came to pass, when they had [3615] eaten [0398] up the corn [7668] which they had brought [0935] out of Egypt, [4714] their father [0001] said [0559] unto them, Go again, [7725] buy [7666] us a little [4592] food. [0400]


 Et Juda lui répondit: Cet homme nous a expressément protesté et dit: Vous ne verrez point ma face, que votre frère ne soit avec vous.

 And Judah [3063] spake [0559] unto him, saying, [0559] The man [0376] did solemnly [5749] protest [5749] unto us, saying, [0559] Ye shall not see [7200] my face, [6440] except [1115] your brother [0251] [be] with you.


 Si tu envoies notre frère avec nous, nous descendrons en Égypte, et nous t'achèterons des vivres.

 If thou wilt [3426] send [7971] our brother [0251] with us, we will go down [3381] and buy [7666] thee food: [0400]


 Mais si tu ne l'envoies pas, nous n'y descendrons point; car cet homme nous a dit: Vous ne verrez point ma face, que votre frère ne soit avec vous.

 But if thou wilt not send [7971] [him], we will not go down: [3381] for the man [0376] said [0559] unto us, Ye shall not see [7200] my face, [6440] except your brother [0251] [be] with you.


 Et Israël dit: Pourquoi m'avez-vous fait ce tort, de déclarer à cet homme que vous aviez encore un frère?

 And Israel [3478] said, [0559] Wherefore dealt ye [so] ill [7489] with me, [as] to tell [5046] the man [0376] whether ye had yet a brother? [0251]


 Et ils répondirent: Cet homme s'est enquis avec soin de nous et de notre parenté, en disant: Votre père vit-il encore? Avez-vous encore un frère? Et nous le lui avons déclaré, d'après ces questions. Pouvions-nous savoir qu'il dirait: Faites descendre votre frère?

 And they said, [0559] The man [0376] asked [7592] us straitly [7592] of our state, and of our kindred, [4138] saying, [0559] [Is] your father [0001] yet alive? [2416] have [3426] ye [another] brother? [0251] and we told [5046] him according [5921] to the tenor [6310] of these words: [1697] could we certainly [3045] know [3045] that he would say, [0559] Bring your brother [0251] down? [3381]


 Et Juda dit à Israël, son père: Envoie l'enfant avec moi, et nous nous lèverons, et partirons; et nous vivrons et ne mourrons point, ni nous, ni toi, ni nos petits enfants.

 And Judah [3063] said [0559] unto Israel [3478] his father, [0001] Send [7971] the lad [5288] with me, and we will arise [6965] and go; [3212] that we may live, [2421] and not die, [4191] both we, and thou, [and] also our little ones. [2945]


 Je réponds de lui; tu me le redemanderas. Si je ne te le ramène et ne le présente devant ta face, je serai coupable envers toi à toujours.

 I will be surety [6148] for him; of my hand [3027] shalt thou require [1245] him: if I bring [0935] him not [0518] unto thee, and set [3322] him before [6440] thee, then let me bear the blame [2398] for ever: [3117]


 Car si nous n'avions pas différé, nous serions maintenant deux fois de retour.

 For except [3884] we had lingered, [4102] surely now we had returned [7725] this second time. [6471]


 Alors Israël, leur père, leur dit: S'il en est ainsi, faites donc ceci: Prenez dans vos bagages des produits les plus renommés du pays, et portez à cet homme un présent, un peu de baume et un peu de miel, des aromates et de la myrrhe, des pistaches et des amandes;

 And their father [0001] Israel [3478] said [0559] unto them, If [it must be] so now, [0645] do [6213] this; take [3947] of the best fruits [2173] in the land [0776] in your vessels, [3627] and carry down [3381] the man [0376] a present, [4503] a little [4592] balm, [6875] and a little [4592] honey, [1706] spices, [5219] and myrrh, [3910] nuts, [0992] and almonds: [8247]


 Et prenez d'autre argent dans vos mains, et reportez dans vos mains l'argent qui a été remis à l'entrée de vos sacs. Peut-être est-ce une erreur.

 And take [3947] double [4932] money [3701] in your hand; [3027] and the money [3701] that was brought again [7725] in the mouth [6310] of your sacks, [0572] carry [it] again [7725] in your hand; [3027] peradventure it [was] an oversight: [4870]


 Prenez aussi votre frère, et levez-vous, retournez vers cet homme.

 Take [3947] also your brother, [0251] and arise, [6965] go again [7725] unto the man: [0376]


 Et que le Dieu Tout-Puissant vous fasse trouver grâce devant cet homme, qu'il vous relâche votre autre frère, et Benjamin! Et s'il faut que je sois privé d'enfants, que j'en sois privé!

 And God [0410] Almighty [7706] give [5414] you mercy [7356] before [6440] the man, [0376] that he may send away [7971] your other [0312] brother, [0251] and Benjamin. [1144] If [0834] I be bereaved [7921] [of my children], I am bereaved. [7921]


 Ils prirent donc le présent, et le double d'argent dans leurs mains, et Benjamin. Puis, se levant, ils descendirent en Égypte, et se présentèrent devant Joseph.

 And the men [0582] took [3947] that [2063] present, [4503] and they took [3947] double [4932] money [3701] in their hand, [3027] and Benjamin; [1144] and rose up, [6965] and went down [3381] to Egypt, [4714] and stood [5975] before [6440] Joseph. [3130]


 Et Joseph vit Benjamin avec eux, et il dit à l'intendant de sa maison: Mène ces hommes à la maison, tue quelque bête et apprête-la; car ils mangeront avec moi à midi.

 And when Joseph [3130] saw [7200] Benjamin [1144] with them, [0854] he said [0559] to the ruler of his house, [1004] Bring [0935] [these] men [0582] home, [1004] and slay, [2873] [2874] and make ready; [3559] for [these] men [0582] shall dine [0398] with me at noon. [6672]


 Et l'homme fit comme Joseph avait dit, et il amena ces hommes à la maison de Joseph.

 And the man [0376] did [6213] as Joseph [3130] bade; [0559] and the man [0376] brought [0935] the men [0582] into Joseph's [3130] house. [1004]


 Et ces hommes eurent peur de ce qu'on les menait à la maison de Joseph; et ils dirent: C'est à cause de l'argent qui fut remis dans nos sacs la première fois, qu'on nous emmène; c'est pour se jeter, se précipiter sur nous et nous prendre pour esclaves, et se saisir de nos ânes.

 And the men [0582] were afraid, [3372] because they were brought into [0935] Joseph's [3130] house; [1004] and they said, [0559] Because of [1697] the money [3701] that was returned [7725] in our sacks [0572] at the first time [8462] are we brought in; [0935] that he may seek occasion [1556] against us, and fall [5307] upon us, and take [3947] us for bondmen, [5650] and our asses. [2543]


 Alors ils s'approchèrent de l'intendant de la maison de Joseph, et lui parlèrent à la porte de la maison, et dirent:

 And they came near [5066] to the steward [0376] of Joseph's [3130] house, [1004] and they communed [1696] with him at the door [6607] of the house, [1004]


 Pardon, mon seigneur! nous sommes descendus une première fois pour acheter des vivres;

 And said, [0559] O [0994] sir, [0113] we came indeed [3381] down [3381] at the first time [8462] to buy [7666] food: [0400]


 Et lorsque nous sommes arrivé à l'hôtellerie, et que nous avons ouvert nos sacs, voici, l'argent de chacun était à l'entrée de son sac, notre argent selon son poids; et nous l'avons rapporté en nos mains.

 And it came to pass, when we came [0935] to the inn, [4411] that we opened [6605] our sacks, [0572] and, behold, [every] man's [0376] money [3701] [was] in the mouth [6310] of his sack, [0572] our money [3701] in full weight: [4948] and we have brought it again [7725] in our hand. [3027]


 Et nous avons apporté d'autre argent en nos mains, pour acheter des vivres; nous ne savons qui avait remis notre argent dans nos sacs.

 And other [0312] money [3701] have we brought down [3381] in our hands [3027] to buy [7666] food: [0400] we cannot tell [3045] who put [7760] our money [3701] in our sacks. [0572]


 Et il dit: Tout va bien pour vous! Ne craignez point: C'est votre Dieu, le Dieu de votre père qui vous a donné un trésor dans vos sacs; votre argent m'est parvenu. Et il leur amena Siméon.

 And he said, [0559] Peace [7965] [be] to you, fear [3372] not: your God, [0430] and the God [0430] of your father, [0001] hath given [5414] you treasure [4301] in your sacks: [0572] I had [0935] your money. [3701] And he brought Simeon [8095] out [3318] unto them.


 Et cet homme les fit entrer dans la maison de Joseph; il leur donna de l'eau, et ils lavèrent leurs pieds; il donna aussi du fourrage à leurs ânes.

 And the man [0376] brought [0935] the men [0582] into Joseph's [3130] house, [1004] and gave [5414] [them] water, [4325] and they washed [7364] their feet; [7272] and he gave [5414] their asses [2543] provender. [4554]


 Et ils préparèrent le présent, en attendant que Joseph vînt à midi; car ils avaient appris qu'ils mangeraient là le pain.

 And they made ready [3559] the present [4503] against [5704] Joseph [3130] came [0935] at noon: [6672] for they heard [8085] that they should eat [0398] bread [3899] there.


 Joseph revint à la maison. Alors ils lui offrirent dans la maison le présent qu'ils avaient en leurs mains; et ils se prosternèrent en terre devant lui.

 And when Joseph [3130] came [0935] home, [1004] they brought [0935] him the present [4503] which [was] in their hand [3027] into the house, [1004] and bowed [7812] themselves to him to the earth. [0776]


 Et il leur demanda comment ils se portaient, et il leur dit: Votre vieux père, dont vous m'avez parlé, se porte-t-il bien? Vit-il encore?

 And he asked [7592] them of [their] welfare, [7965] and said, [0559] [Is] your father [0001] well, [7965] the old man [2205] of whom ye spake? [0559] [Is] he yet alive? [2416]


 Et ils répondirent: Ton serviteur notre père se porte bien; il vit encore. Et ils s'inclinèrent, et se prosternèrent.

 And they answered, [0559] Thy servant [5650] our father [0001] [is] in good health, [7965] he [is] yet alive. [2416] And they bowed down their heads, [6915] and made obeisance. [7812]


 Et, levant les yeux, il vit Benjamin son frère, fils de sa mère, et dit: Est-ce là votre jeune frère, dont vous m'avez parlé? Et il lui dit: Dieu te fasse miséricorde, mon fils!

 And he lifted up [5375] his eyes, [5869] and saw [7200] his brother [0251] Benjamin, [1144] his mother's [0517] son, [1121] and said, [0559] [Is] this your younger [6996] brother, [0251] of whom ye spake [0559] unto me? And he said, [0559] God [0430] be gracious [2603] unto thee, my son. [1121]


 Et Joseph se hâta, car ses entrailles étaient émues pour son frère, et il chercha un lieu pour pleurer; et il entra dans la chambre intérieure et y pleura. ses entrailles.

 And Joseph [3130] made haste; [4116] for his bowels [7356] did yearn [3648] upon his brother: [0251] and he sought [1245] [where] to weep; [1058] and he entered [0935] into [his] chamber, [2315] and wept [1058] there.


 Puis il se lava le visage et sortit; et, se faisant violence, il dit: Servez le pain.

 And he washed [7364] his face, [6440] and went out, [3318] and refrained [0662] himself, and said, [0559] Set on [7760] bread. [3899]


 Et on le servit à part, et eux à part; et les Égyptiens qui mangeaient avec lui furent aussi servis à part, parce que les Égyptiens ne peuvent manger le pain avec les Hébreux; car c'est une abomination pour les Égyptiens.

 And they set on [7760] for him by himself, and for them by themselves, and for the Egyptians, [4713] which did eat [0398] with him, by themselves: because the Egyptians [4713] might [3201] not eat [0398] bread [3899] with the Hebrews; [5680] for that [is] an abomination [8441] unto the Egyptians. [4714]


 Ils s'assirent donc en sa présence, l'aîné selon son droit d'aînesse, et le plus jeune selon son âge. Et ces hommes se regardaient l'un l'autre avec étonnement.

 And they sat [3427] before [6440] him, the firstborn [1060] according to his birthright, [1062] and the youngest [6810] according to his youth: [6812] and the men [0582] marvelled [8539] one [0376] at another. [7453]


 Et il leur fit porter des mets de devant lui; mais la portion de Benjamin était cinq fois plus grosse que les portions de tous les autres; et ils burent et firent bonne chère avec lui.

 And he took [5375] [and sent] messes [4864] unto them from before [6440] him: but Benjamin's [1144] mess [4864] was five [2568] times [3027] so much [7235] as [4864] any of theirs. And they drank, [8354] and were merry [7937] with him.


 Puis il commanda à l'intendant de sa maison, en disant: Remplis les sacs de ces gens d'autant de vivres qu'ils en pourront porter, et mets l'argent de chacun à l'entrée de son sac.

 And he commanded [6680] the steward of his house, [1004] saying, [0559] Fill [4390] the men's [0582] sacks [0572] [with] food, [0400] as much as [0834] they can [3201] carry, [5375] and put [7760] every man's [0376] money [3701] in his sack's [0572] mouth. [6310]


 Et tu mettras ma coupe, la coupe d'argent à l'entrée du sac du plus jeune, avec l'argent de son blé. Et il fit comme Joseph lui avait dit.

 And put [7760] my cup, [1375] the silver [3701] cup, [1375] in the sack's [0572] mouth [6310] of the youngest, [6996] and his corn [7668] money. [3701] And he did [6213] according to the word [1697] that Joseph [3130] had spoken. [1696]


 Le matin, dès qu'il fit jour, on renvoya ces hommes, avec leurs ânes.

 As soon as the morning [1242] was light, [0215] the men [0582] were sent away, [7971] they and their asses. [2543]


 Lorsqu'ils furent sortis de la ville, avant qu'ils fussent loin, Joseph dit à l'intendant de sa maison: Lève-toi, poursuis ces hommes, et quand tu les auras atteints, tu leur diras: Pourquoi avez-vous rendu le mal pour le bien?

 [And] when they were gone out [3318] of the city, [5892] [and] not [yet] far off, [7368] Joseph [3130] said [0559] unto his steward, [1004] Up, [6965] follow [7291] after [0310] the men; [0582] and when thou dost overtake [5381] them, say [0559] unto them, Wherefore have ye rewarded [7999] evil [7451] for good? [2896]


 N'est-ce pas la coupe dont mon seigneur se sert pour boire et pour prévoir? Vous avez fait une méchante action.

 [Is] not this [it] in which my lord [0113] drinketh, [8354] and whereby indeed [5172] he divineth? [5172] ye have done evil [7489] in so doing. [6213]


 Et il les atteignit, et leur dit ces paroles.

 And he overtook [5381] them, and he spake [1696] unto them these same [0428] words. [1697]


 Et ils lui répondirent: Pourquoi mon seigneur parle-t-il ainsi? Loin de tes serviteurs la pensée de faire pareille chose!

 And they said [0559] unto him, Wherefore saith [1696] my lord [0113] these words? [1697] God forbid [2486] that thy servants [5650] should do [6213] according to this thing: [1697]


 Voici, nous t'avons rapporté du pays de Canaan l'argent que nous avions trouvé à l'entrée de nos sacs; comment déroberions-nous de la maison de ton maître de l'argent ou de l'or?

 Behold, the money, [3701] which we found [4672] in our sacks' [0572] mouths, [6310] we brought again [7725] unto thee out of the land [0776] of Canaan: [3667] how then should we steal [1589] out of thy lord's [0113] house [1004] silver [3701] or gold? [2091]


 Que celui de tes serviteurs chez qui on trouvera la coupe, meure, et nous serons nous-mêmes esclaves de mon seigneur.

 With whomsoever of thy servants [5650] it be found, [4672] both let him die, [4191] and we also will be my lord's [0113] bondmen. [5650]


 Et il dit: Eh bien! qu'il soit fait selon vos paroles: celui chez qui on la trouvera, sera mon esclave, et vous, vous serez innocents.

 And he said, [0559] Now also [let] it [be] according unto your words: [1697] [3651] he with whom it is found [4672] shall be my servant; [5650] and ye shall be blameless. [5355]


 Et ils se hâtèrent de déposer chacun leur sac à terre, et ils ouvrirent chacun leur sac.

 Then they speedily [4116] took down [3381] every man [0376] his sack [0572] to the ground, [0776] and opened [6605] every man [0376] his sack. [0572]


 Et il les fouilla, en commençant par le plus grand et finissant par le plus jeune. Et la coupe se trouva dans le sac de Benjamin.

 And he searched, [2664] [and] began [2490] at the eldest, [1419] and left [3615] at the youngest: [6996] and the cup [1375] was found [4672] in Benjamin's [1144] sack. [0572]


 Alors ils déchirèrent leurs habits, et chacun rechargea son âne, et ils retournèrent à la ville.

 Then they rent [7167] their clothes, [8071] and laded [6006] every man [0376] his ass, [2543] and returned [7725] to the city. [5892]


 Et Juda, avec ses frères, vint à la maison de Joseph, qui était encore là, et ils se jetèrent à terre devant lui.

 And Judah [3063] and his brethren [0251] came [0935] to Joseph's [3130] house; [1004] for he [was] yet there: and they fell [5307] before [6440] him on the ground. [0776]


 Et Joseph leur dit: Quelle action avez-vous faite? Ne savez-vous pas qu'un homme tel que moi sait deviner?

 And Joseph [3130] said [0559] unto them, What deed [4639] [is] this that ye have done? [6213] wot ye [3045] not that such a man [0376] as I can certainly [5172] divine? [5172]


 Et Juda répondit: Que dirons-nous à mon seigneur? comment parlerons-nous? et comment nous justifierons-nous? Dieu a trouvé l'iniquité de tes serviteurs. Nous voici esclaves de mon seigneur, tant nous que celui entre les mains de qui la coupe s'est trouvée.

 And Judah [3063] said, [0559] What shall we say [0559] unto my lord? [0113] what shall we speak? [1696] or how shall we clear [6663] ourselves? God [0430] hath found out [4672] the iniquity [5771] of thy servants: [5650] behold, we [are] my lord's [0113] servants, [5650] both [1571] we, and [he] also [1571] with whom [0834] [3027] the cup [1375] is found. [4672]


 Mais il dit: Loin de moi la pensée d'agir ainsi! L'homme entre les mains de qui la coupe a été trouvée, sera mon esclave; mais vous, remontez en paix vers votre père.

 And he said, [0559] God forbid [2486] that I should do [6213] so: [2063] [but] the man [0376] in whose hand [3027] the cup [1375] is found, [4672] he shall be my servant; [5650] and as for you, get you up [5927] in peace [7965] unto your father. [0001]


 Alors Juda s'approcha de lui, et dit: Pardon, mon seigneur! Que ton serviteur dise un mot, je te prie, aux oreilles de mon seigneur, et que ta colère ne s'enflamme point contre ton serviteur; car tu es comme Pharaon.

 Then Judah [3063] came near [5066] unto him, and said, [0559] Oh [0994] my lord, [0113] let thy servant, [5650] I pray thee, speak [1696] a word [1697] in my lord's [0113] ears, [0241] and let not thine anger [0639] burn [2734] against thy servant: [5650] for thou [art] even as Pharaoh. [6547]


 Mon seigneur interrogea ses serviteurs, en disant: Avez-vous père ou frère?

 My lord [0113] asked [7592] his servants, [5650] saying, [0559] Have [3426] ye a father, [0001] or a brother? [0251]


 Et nous répondîmes à mon seigneur: Nous avons un père âgé, et un jeune enfant qui lui est né en sa vieillesse. Or, son frère est mort, et celui-ci est resté seul de sa mère, et son père l'aime.

 And we said [0559] unto my lord, [0113] We have [3426] a father, [0001] an old man, [2205] and a child [3206] of his old age, [2208] a little one; [6996] and his brother [0251] is dead, [4191] and he alone is left [3498] of his mother, [0517] and his father [0001] loveth [0157] him.


 Et tu dis à tes serviteurs: Faites-le descendre vers moi, et que je le voie de mes yeux.

 And thou saidst [0559] unto thy servants, [5650] Bring him down [3381] unto me, that I may set [7760] mine eyes [5869] upon him.


 Et nous avons répondu à mon seigneur: L'enfant ne peut quitter son père; et s'il le quitte, son père mourra.

 And we said [0559] unto my lord, [0113] The lad [5288] cannot [3808] [3201] leave [5800] his father: [0001] for [if] he should leave [5800] his father, [0001] [his father] would die. [4191]


 Alors tu dis à tes serviteurs: Si votre jeune frère ne descend avec vous, vous ne verrez plus ma face.

 And thou saidst [0559] unto thy servants, [5650] Except [3808] your youngest [6996] brother [0251] come down [3381] with you, ye shall see [7200] my face [6440] no more. [3254]


 Et lorsque nous sommes remontés vers ton serviteur mon père, nous lui avons rapporté les paroles de mon seigneur.

 And it came to pass when we came up [5927] unto thy servant [5650] my father, [0001] we told [5046] him the words [1697] of my lord. [0113]


 Ensuite notre père dit: Retournez nous acheter un peu de vivres.

 And our father [0001] said, [0559] Go again, [7725] [and] buy [7666] us a little [4592] food. [0400]


 Et nous avons répondu: Nous ne pouvons descendre; mais si notre jeune frère est avec nous, nous descendrons; car nous ne pouvons pas voir la face de cet homme, que notre jeune frère ne soit avec nous.

 And we said, [0559] We cannot [3808] [3201] go down: [3381] if our youngest [6996] brother [0251] be [3426] with us, then will we go down: [3381] for we may [3201] not see [7200] the man's [0376] face, [6440] except [0369] our youngest [6996] brother [0251] [be] with us.


 Et ton serviteur mon père nous répondit: Vous savez que ma femme m'a enfanté deux fils;

 And thy servant [5650] my father [0001] said [0559] unto us, Ye know [3045] that my wife [0802] bare [3205] me two [8147] [sons]:


 L'un s'en est allé d'auprès de moi; et j'ai dit: Certainement, il a été déchiré; et je ne l'ai point revu jusqu'à présent.

 And the one [0259] went out [3318] from me, and I said, [0559] Surely [2963] he is torn in pieces; [2963] and I saw [7200] him not since: [2008]


 Si vous ôtez aussi celui-ci de ma présence, et qu'il lui arrive malheur, vous ferez descendre mes cheveux blancs avec douleur au Sépulcre.

 And if ye take [3947] this also from [5973] me, [6440] and mischief [0611] befall [7136] him, ye shall bring down [3381] my gray hairs [7872] with sorrow [7451] to the grave. [7585]


 Et maintenant, quand je viendrai vers ton serviteur mon père, si le jeune homme, dont l'âme est liée à son âme, n'est pas avec nous,

 Now therefore when I come [0935] to thy servant [5650] my father, [0001] and the lad [5288] [be] not with us; seeing that his life [5315] is bound up [7194] in the lad's life; [5315]


 Il arrivera que, dès qu'il verra que le jeune homme n'y est point, il mourra. Et tes serviteurs feront descendre avec douleur les cheveux blancs de ton serviteur notre père au Sépulcre.

 It shall come to pass, when he seeth [7200] that the lad [5288] [is] not [with us], that he will die: [4191] and thy servants [5650] shall bring down [3381] the gray hairs [7872] of thy servant [5650] our father [0001] with sorrow [3015] to the grave. [7585]


 Car ton serviteur a répondu du jeune homme, en le prenant à mon père; et il a dit: Si je ne te le ramène, je serai coupable envers mon père à toujours.

 For thy servant [5650] became surety [6148] for the lad [5288] unto [5973] my father, [0001] saying, [0559] If I bring [0935] him not unto thee, then I shall bear the blame [2398] to my father [0001] for ever. [3117]


 Maintenant donc, que ton serviteur demeure, je te prie, esclave de mon seigneur au lieu du jeune homme, et que celui-ci remonte avec ses frères.

 Now therefore, I pray thee, let thy servant [5650] abide [3427] instead of the lad [5288] a bondman [5650] to my lord; [0113] and let the lad [5288] go up [5927] with his brethren. [0251]


 Car comment remonterais-je vers mon père, si le jeune homme n'est avec moi? Ah! que je ne voie point l'affliction de mon père!

 For how [0349] shall I go up [5927] to my father, [0001] and the lad [5288] [be] not with me? lest peradventure I see [7200] the evil [7451] that shall come on [4672] my father. [0001]


 Alors Joseph ne put plus se retenir devant tous ceux qui étaient là présents, et il cria: Faites sortir tout le monde. Et nul ne demeura avec Joseph, quand il se fit connaître à ses frères.

 Then Joseph [3130] could [3201] not refrain [0662] himself before all them that stood [5324] by him; and he cried, [7121] Cause every man [0376] to go out [3318] from me. And there stood [5975] no man [0376] with him, while Joseph [3130] made himself known [3045] unto his brethren. [0251]


 Et il éleva la voix en pleurant, et les Égyptiens l'entendirent, et la maison de Pharaon l'entendit.

 And he [5414] wept [1065] aloud: [6963] and the Egyptians [4714] and the house [1004] of Pharaoh [6547] heard. [8085] [8085]


 Et Joseph dit à ses frères: Je suis Joseph! Mon père vit-il encore? Mais ses frères ne pouvaient lui répondre; car ils étaient terrifiés de sa présence.

 And Joseph [3130] said [0559] unto his brethren, [0251] I [am] Joseph; [3130] doth my father [0001] yet live? [2416] And his brethren [0251] could [3201] not answer [6030] him; for they were troubled [0926] at his presence. [6440]


 Et Joseph dit à ses frères: Approchez donc de moi. Et ils s'approchèrent, et il dit: Je suis Joseph votre frère, que vous avez vendu pour être mené en Égypte.

 And Joseph [3130] said [0559] unto his brethren, [0251] Come near [5066] to me, I pray you. And they came near. [5066] And he said, [0559] I [am] Joseph [3130] your brother, [0251] whom ye sold [4376] into Egypt. [4714]


 Et maintenant, ne vous affligez pas, et n'ayez point de regret de ce que vous m'avez vendu pour être amené ici; car c'est pour la conservation de votre vie que Dieu m'a envoyé devant vous.

 Now therefore be not grieved, [6087] nor angry [2734] with yourselves, [5869] that ye sold [4376] me hither: for God [0430] did send [7971] me before [6440] you to preserve life. [4241]


 Car voici deux ans que la famine est sur la terre, et pendant cinq ans encore il n'y aura ni labour, ni moisson.

 For these two years [8141] [hath] the famine [7458] [been] in [7130] the land: [0776] and yet [there are] five [2568] years, [8141] in the which [there shall] neither [0369] [be] earing [2758] nor harvest. [7105]


 Mais Dieu m'a envoyé devant vous, pour vous faire subsister sur la terre, et pour vous faire vivre par une grande délivrance.

 And God [0430] sent [7971] me before [6440] you to preserve [7760] you a posterity [7611] in the earth, [0776] and to save your lives [2421] by a great [1419] deliverance. [6413]


 Et maintenant, ce n'est pas vous qui m'avez envoyé ici, mais c'est Dieu; et il m'a établi pour père à Pharaon, et pour seigneur sur toute sa maison, et gouverneur dans tout le pays d'Égypte.

 So now [it was] not you [that] sent [7971] me hither, but God: [0430] and he hath made [7760] me a father [0001] to Pharaoh, [6547] and lord [0113] of all his house, [1004] and a ruler [4910] throughout all the land [0776] of Egypt. [4714]


 Hâtez-vous de monter vers mon père, et dites-lui: Ainsi a dit ton fils Joseph: Dieu m'a établi seigneur sur toute l'Égypte; descends vers moi, ne t'arrête point.

 Haste [4116] ye, and go up [5927] to my father, [0001] and say [0559] unto him, Thus saith [0559] thy son [1121] Joseph, [3130] God [0430] hath made [7760] me lord [0113] of all Egypt: [4714] come down [3381] unto me, tarry [5975] not:


 Tu habiteras au pays de Gossen, et tu seras près de moi, toi, tes enfants, et les enfants de tes enfants, tes brebis et tes bœufs, et tout ce qui est à toi.

 And thou shalt dwell [3427] in the land [0776] of Goshen, [1657] and thou shalt be near [7138] unto me, thou, and thy children, [1121] and thy children's [1121] children, [1121] and thy flocks, [6629] and thy herds, [1241] and all that thou hast:


 Et je t'y entretiendrai, car il y a encore cinq ans de famine, de peur que tu ne périsses de pauvreté, toi et ta maison, et tout ce qui est à toi.

 And there will I nourish [3557] thee; for yet [there are] five [2568] years [8141] of famine; [7458] lest thou, and thy household, [1004] and all that thou hast, come to poverty. [3423]


 Et voici, vous voyez de vos yeux, et Benjamin mon frère voit aussi de ses yeux, que c'est moi qui vous parle de ma propre bouche.

 And, behold, your eyes [5869] see, [7200] and the eyes [5869] of my brother [0251] Benjamin, [1144] that [it is] my mouth [6310] that speaketh [1696] unto you.


 Racontez donc à mon père toute ma gloire en Égypte, et tout ce que vous avez vu; et hâtez-vous de faire descendre ici mon père.

 And ye shall tell [5046] my father [0001] of all my glory [3519] in Egypt, [4714] and of all that ye have seen; [7200] and ye shall haste [4116] and bring down [3381] my father [0001] hither.


 Alors il se jeta au cou de Benjamin son frère, et pleura. Et Benjamin pleura sur son cou.

 And he fell [5307] upon his brother [0251] Benjamin's [1144] neck, [6677] and wept; [1058] and Benjamin [1144] wept [1058] upon his neck. [6677]


 Et il baisa tous ses frères, en pleurant. Après quoi, ses frères s'entretinrent avec lui.

 Moreover he kissed [5401] all his brethren, [0251] and wept [1058] upon them: and after [0310] that his brethren [0251] talked [1696] with him.


 Et ce bruit se répandit dans la maison de Pharaon: Les frères de Joseph sont venus. Ce qui fut agréable à Pharaon et à ses serviteurs.

 And the fame [6963] thereof was heard [8085] in Pharaoh's [6547] house, [1004] saying, [0559] Joseph's [3130] brethren [0251] are come: [0935] and it pleased [3190] Pharaoh [6547] well, [5869] and [5869] his servants. [5650]


 Pharaon dit à Joseph: Dis à tes frères: Faites ceci; chargez vos bêtes, et allez, retournez au pays de Canaan;

 And Pharaoh [6547] said [0559] unto Joseph, [3130] Say [0559] unto thy brethren, [0251] This do [6213] ye; lade [2943] your beasts, [1165] and go, [3212] get [0935] you unto the land [0776] of Canaan; [3667]


 Et prenez votre père et vos familles, et venez vers moi, et je vous donnerai le meilleur du pays d'Égypte; et vous mangerez la graisse de la terre.

 And take [3947] your father [0001] and your households, [1004] and come [0935] unto me: and I will give [5414] you the good [2898] of the land [0776] of Egypt, [4714] and ye shall eat [0398] the fat [2459] of the land. [0776]


 Or tu reçois l'ordre de leur dire: Faites ceci; prenez pour vous, du pays d'Égypte, des chariots pour vos petits enfants et pour vos femmes, et vous amènerez votre père, et vous viendrez.

 Now thou art commanded, [6680] this do [6213] ye; take [3947] you wagons [5699] out of the land [0776] of Egypt [4714] for your little ones, [2945] and for your wives, [0802] and bring [5375] your father, [0001] and come. [0935]


 Et ne regrettez point vos meubles; car le meilleur de tout le pays d'Égypte sera à vous.

 Also [5869] regard [2347] not your stuff; [3627] for the good [2898] of all the land [0776] of Egypt [4714] [is] yours.


 Les fils d'Israël firent ainsi; et Joseph leur donna des chariots, selon l'ordre de Pharaon; et il leur donna des provisions pour le chemin.

 And the children [1121] of Israel [3478] did [6213] so: and Joseph [3130] gave [5414] them wagons, [5699] according to the commandment [6310] of Pharaoh, [6547] and gave [5414] them provision [6720] for the way. [1870]


 Il leur donna à tous des robes de rechange, et à Benjamin il donna trois cents pièces d'argent, et cinq robes de rechange.

 To all of them he gave [5414] each man [0376] changes [2487] of raiment; [8071] but to Benjamin [1144] he gave [5414] three [7969] hundred [3967] [pieces] of silver, [3701] and five [2568] changes [2487] of raiment. [8071]


 Il envoya aussi à son père dix ânes chargés de ce qu'il y avait de meilleur en Égypte, et dix ânesses chargées de blé, de pain, et de nourriture pour son père pendant le voyage.

 And to his father [0001] he sent [7971] after this [2063] [manner]; ten [6235] asses [2543] laden [5375] with the good things [2898] of Egypt, [4714] and ten [6235] she asses [0860] laden [5375] with corn [1250] and bread [3899] and meat [4202] for his father [0001] by the way. [1870]


 Il renvoya donc ses frères, et ils partirent, et il leur dit: Ne vous querellez point en chemin.

 So he sent his brethren [0251] away, [7971] and they departed: [3212] and he said [0559] unto them, See that ye fall not out [7264] by the way. [1870]


 Et ils remontèrent d'Égypte, et vinrent au pays de Canaan vers Jacob, leur père.

 And they went up [5927] out of Egypt, [4714] and came [0935] into the land [0776] of Canaan [3667] unto Jacob [3290] their father, [0001]


 Et ils lui firent ce rapport et dirent: Joseph vit encore, et même c'est lui qui gouverne tout le pays d'Égypte. Mais son cœur resta froid, car il ne les crut point.

 And told [5046] him, saying, [0559] Joseph [3130] [is] yet alive, [2416] and he [is] governor [4910] over all the land [0776] of Egypt. [4714] And Jacob's heart [3820] fainted, [6313] for he believed [0539] them not.


 Et ils lui dirent toutes les paroles que Joseph leur avait dites. Et il vit les chariots que Joseph avait envoyés pour le porter. Et l'esprit de Jacob, leur père, se ranima.

 And they told [1696] him all the words [1697] of Joseph, [3130] which he had said [1696] unto them: and when he saw [7200] the wagons [5699] which Joseph [3130] had sent [7971] to carry [5375] him, the spirit [7307] of Jacob [3290] their father [0001] revived: [2421]


 Et Israël dit: C'est assez; Joseph mon fils vit encore; j'irai, et je le verrai avant que je meure.

 And Israel [3478] said, [0559] [It is] enough; [7227] Joseph [3130] my son [1121] [is] yet alive: [2416] I will go [3212] and see [7200] him before I die. [4191]


 Et Israël partit, avec tout ce qui lui appartenait, et vint à Béer-Shéba, et offrit des sacrifices au Dieu de son père Isaac.

 And Israel [3478] took his journey [5265] with all that he had, and came [0935] to Beersheba, [0884] and offered [2076] sacrifices [2077] unto the God [0430] of his father [0001] Isaac. [3327]


 Et Dieu parla à Israël dans les visions de la nuit, et il dit: Jacob, Jacob! Et il répondit: Me voici.

 And God [0430] spake [0559] unto Israel [3478] in the visions [4759] of the night, [3915] and said, [0559] Jacob, [3290] Jacob. [3290] And he said, [0559] Here [am] I.


 Puis il dit: JE SUIS Dieu, le Dieu de ton père. Ne crains point de descendre en Égypte; car je t'y ferai devenir une grande nation.

 And he said, [0559] I [am] God, [0410] the God [0430] of thy father: [0001] fear [3372] not to go down [3381] into Egypt; [4714] for I will there make [7760] of thee a great [1419] nation: [1471]


 Je descendrai avec toi en Égypte, et je t'en ferai aussi infailliblement remonter; et Joseph mettra sa main sur tes yeux.

 I will go down [3381] with thee into Egypt; [4714] and I will also surely [5927] bring thee up [5927] [again]: and Joseph [3130] shall put [7896] his hand [3027] upon thine eyes. [5869]


 Alors Jacob partit de Béer-Shéba, et les fils d'Israël mirent Jacob leur père, et leurs petits enfants, et leurs femmes, sur les chariots que Pharaon avait envoyés pour le porter.

 And Jacob [3290] rose up [6965] from Beersheba: [0884] and the sons [1121] of Israel [3478] carried [5375] Jacob [3290] their father, [0001] and their little ones, [2945] and their wives, [0802] in the wagons [5699] which Pharaoh [6547] had sent [7971] to carry [5375] him.


 Ils emmenèrent aussi leur bétail et le bien qu'ils avaient acquis au pays de Canaan. Et Jacob et toute sa famille avec lui vinrent en Égypte.

 And they took [3947] their cattle, [4735] and their goods, [7399] which they had gotten [7408] in the land [0776] of Canaan, [3667] and came [0935] into Egypt, [4714] Jacob, [3290] and all his seed [2233] with him:


 Il amena avec lui en Égypte ses fils et les fils de ses fils, ses filles et les filles de ses fils, et toute sa famille.

 His sons, [1121] and his sons' [1121] sons [1121] with him, his daughters, [1323] and his sons' [1121] daughters, [1323] and all his seed [2233] brought he [0935] with him into Egypt. [4714]


 Et voici les noms des fils d'Israël qui vinrent en Égypte: Jacob et ses fils. Le premier-né de Jacob, Ruben.

 And these [are] the names [8034] of the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] which came [0935] into Egypt, [4714] Jacob [3290] and his sons: [1121] Reuben, [7205] Jacob's [3290] firstborn. [1060]


 Les fils de Ruben: Hénoc, Pallu, Hetsron et Carmi.

 And the sons [1121] of Reuben; [7205] Hanoch, [2585] and Phallu, [6396] and Hezron, [2696] and Carmi. [3756]


 Les fils de Siméon: Jémuël, Jamin, Ohad, Jakin, Tsohar, et Saül, fils de la Cananéenne.

 And the sons [1121] of Simeon; [8095] Jemuel, [3223] and Jamin, [3226] and Ohad, [0161] and Jachin, [3199] and Zohar, [6714] and Shaul [7586] the son [1121] of a Canaanitish [3669] woman.


 Les fils de Lévi: Guershon, Kéhath et Mérari.

 And the sons [1121] of Levi; [3878] Gershon, [1648] Kohath, [6955] and Merari. [4847]


 Les fils de Juda: Er, Onan, Shéla, Pharets et Zarach. Mais Er et Onan moururent au pays de Canaan. Et les fils de Pharets furent Hetsron et Hamul.

 And the sons [1121] of Judah; [3063] Er, [6147] and Onan, [0209] and Shelah, [7956] and Pharez, [6557] and Zerah: [2226] but Er [6147] and Onan [0209] died [4191] in the land [0776] of Canaan. [3667] And the sons [1121] of Pharez [6557] were Hezron [2696] and Hamul. [2538]


 Les fils d'Issacar: Thola, Puva, Job et Shimron.

 And the sons [1121] of Issachar; [3485] Tola, [8439] and Phuvah, [6312] and Job, [3102] and Shimron. [8110]


 Les fils de Zabulon: Séred, Élon et Jahléel.

 And the sons [1121] of Zebulun; [2074] Sered, [5624] and Elon, [0440] and Jahleel. [3177]


 Voilà les fils de Léa, qu'elle enfanta à Jacob, à Paddan-Aram, avec Dina sa fille; ses fils et ses filles étaient en tout trente-trois personnes.

 These [be] the sons [1121] of Leah, [3812] which she bare [3205] unto Jacob [3290] in Padanaram, [6307] with his daughter [1323] Dinah: [1783] all the souls [5315] of his sons [1121] and his daughters [1323] [were] thirty [7970] and three. [7969]


 Les fils de Gad: Tsiphjon et Haggi, Shuni et Etsbon, Éri, Arodi et Aréli.

 And the sons [1121] of Gad; [1410] Ziphion, [6837] and Haggi, [2291] Shuni, [7764] and Ezbon, [0675] Eri, [6179] and Arodi, [0722] and Areli. [0692]


 Les fils d'Asser: Jimna, Jishva, Jishvi, Béria, et Sérach leur sœur. Et les enfants de Béria: Héber et Malkiel.

 And the sons [1121] of Asher; [0836] Jimnah, [3232] and Ishuah, [3438] and Isui, [3440] and Beriah, [1283] and Serah [8294] their sister: [0269] and the sons [1121] of Beriah; [1283] Heber, [2268] and Malchiel. [4439]


 Voilà les fils de Zilpa, que Laban avait donnée à Léa, sa fille; et elle les enfanta à Jacob: seize personnes.

 These [are] the sons [1121] of Zilpah, [2153] whom Laban [3837] gave [5414] to Leah [3812] his daughter, [1323] and these she bare [3205] unto Jacob, [3290] [even] sixteen [6240] [8337] souls. [5315]


 Les fils de Rachel, femme de Jacob: Joseph et Benjamin.

 The sons [1121] of Rachel [7354] Jacob's [3290] wife; [0802] Joseph, [3130] and Benjamin. [1144]


 Et Joseph eut des fils au pays d'Égypte: Manassé et Éphraïm qu'Asnath, fille de Potiphéra, prêtre d'On, lui enfanta.

 And unto Joseph [3130] in the land [0776] of Egypt [4714] were born [3205] Manasseh [4519] and Ephraim, [0669] which Asenath [0621] the daughter [1323] of Potipherah [6319] priest [3548] of On [0204] bare [3205] unto him.


 Les fils de Benjamin: Béla, Béker et Ashbel, Guéra et Naaman, Ehi et Rosh, Muppim et Huppim, et Ard.

 And the sons [1121] of Benjamin [1144] [were] Belah, [1106] and Becher, [1071] and Ashbel, [0788] Gera, [1617] and Naaman, [5283] Ehi, [0278] and Rosh, [7220] Muppim, [4649] and Huppim, [2650] and Ard. [0714]


 Voilà les fils de Rachel, qui naquirent à Jacob; en tout quatorze personnes.

 These [are] the sons [1121] of Rachel, [7354] which were born [3205] to Jacob: [3290] all the souls [5315] [were] fourteen. [0702] [6240]


 Les fils de Dan: Hushim.

 And the sons [1121] of Dan; [1835] Hushim. [2366]


 Les fils de Nephthali: Jahtséel, Guni, Jetser et Shillem.

 And the sons [1121] of Naphtali; [5321] Jahzeel, [3183] and Guni, [1476] and Jezer, [3337] and Shillem. [8006]


 Voilà les fils de Bilha, que Laban avait donnée à Rachel, sa fille, et elle les enfanta à Jacob; en tout sept personnes.

 These [are] the sons [1121] of Bilhah, [1090] which Laban [3837] gave [5414] unto Rachel [7354] his daughter, [1323] and she bare [3205] these unto Jacob: [3290] all the souls [5315] [were] seven. [7651]


 Toutes les personnes appartenant à Jacob et nées de lui, qui vinrent en Égypte, sans les femmes des fils de Jacob, étaient en tout soixante-six.

 All the souls [5315] that came [0935] with Jacob [3290] into Egypt, [4714] which came out [3318] of his loins, [3409] besides Jacob's [3290] sons' [1121] wives, [0802] all the souls [5315] [were] threescore [8346] and six; [8337]


 Et les fils de Joseph, qui lui étaient nés en Égypte, étaient deux personnes. Toutes les personnes de la maison de Jacob, qui vinrent en Égypte, étaient soixante et dix.

 And the sons [1121] of Joseph, [3130] which were born [3205] him in Egypt, [4714] [were] two [8147] souls: [5315] all the souls [5315] of the house [1004] of Jacob, [3290] which came [0935] into Egypt, [4714] [were] threescore and ten. [7657]


 Or, Jacob envoya Juda devant lui vers Joseph, pour qu'il lui montrât la route de Gossen. Ils vinrent donc au pays de Gossen.

 And he sent [7971] Judah [3063] before [6440] him unto Joseph, [3130] to direct [3384] his face [6440] unto Goshen; [1657] and they came [0935] into the land [0776] of Goshen. [1657]


 Et Joseph attela son chariot, et monta à la rencontre d'Israël son père vers Gossen; et il se fit voir à lui, et se jeta à son cou, et pleura longtemps sur son cou.

 And Joseph [3130] made ready [0631] his chariot, [4818] and went up [5927] to meet [7125] Israel [3478] his father, [0001] to Goshen, [1657] and presented [7200] himself unto him; and he fell [5307] on his neck, [6677] and wept [1058] on his neck [6677] a good while. [5750]


 Et Israël dit à Joseph: Que je meure à présent, puisque j'ai vu ton visage, et que tu vis encore.

 And Israel [3478] said [0559] unto Joseph, [3130] Now [6471] let me die, [4191] since [0310] I have seen [7200] thy face, [6440] because thou [art] yet [5750] alive. [2416]


 Puis Joseph dit à ses frères et à la famille de son père: Je monterai, pour informer Pharaon, et je lui dirai: Mes frères et la famille de mon père, qui étaient au pays du Canaan, sont venus vers moi;

 And Joseph [3130] said [0559] unto his brethren, [0251] and unto his father's [0001] house, [1004] I will go up, [5927] and shew [5046] Pharaoh, [6547] and say [0559] unto him, My brethren, [0251] and my father's [0001] house, [1004] which [were] in the land [0776] of Canaan, [3667] are come [0935] unto me;


 Et ces hommes sont bergers, car ils se sont toujours occupés de bétail; et ils ont amené leurs brebis et leurs bœufs, et tout ce qui est à eux.

 And the men [0582] [are] shepherds, [7462] [6629] for their trade hath been to feed cattle; [0582] [4735] and they have brought [0935] their flocks, [6629] and their herds, [1241] and all that they have.


 Et quand Pharaon vous fera appeler, et dira: Quel est votre métier?

 And it shall come to pass, when Pharaoh [6547] shall call [7121] you, and shall say, [0559] What [is] your occupation? [4639]


 Vous direz: Tes serviteurs se sont toujours occupés de bétail, depuis notre jeunesse et jusqu'à maintenant, et nous et nos pères; afin que vous demeuriez dans le pays de Gossen; car les Égyptiens ont en abomination tous les bergers.

 That ye shall say, [0559] Thy servants' [5650] trade hath been about cattle [0582] [4735] from our youth [5271] even until now, both we, [and] also our fathers: [0001] that ye may dwell [3427] in the land [0776] of Goshen; [1657] for every shepherd [7462] [6629] [is] an abomination [8441] unto the Egyptians. [4714]


 Et Joseph vint et fit savoir cela à Pharaon, et lui dit: Mon père et mes frères, avec leurs brebis et leurs bœufs, et tout ce qui est à eux, sont venus du pays de Canaan; et voici, ils sont dans le pays de Gossen.

 Then Joseph [3130] came [0935] and told [5046] Pharaoh, [6547] and said, [0559] My father [0001] and my brethren, [0251] and their flocks, [6629] and their herds, [1241] and all that they have, are come [0935] out of the land [0776] of Canaan; [3667] and, behold, they [are] in the land [0776] of Goshen. [1657]


 Et il prit cinq hommes d'entre ses frères et les présenta à Pharaon.

 And he took [3947] some [7097] of his brethren, [0251] [even] five [2568] men, [0582] and presented [3322] them unto [6440] Pharaoh. [6547]


 Et Pharaon dit à ses frères: Quel est votre métier? Et ils répondirent à Pharaon: Tes serviteurs sont bergers, comme l'ont été nos pères.

 And Pharaoh [6547] said [0559] unto his brethren, [0251] What [is] your occupation? [4639] And they said [0559] unto Pharaoh, [6547] Thy servants [5650] [are] shepherds, [7462] [6629] both we, [and] also our fathers. [0001]


 Puis ils dirent à Pharaon: C'est pour séjourner dans le pays que nous sommes venus; car il n'y a plus de pâturage pour les troupeaux de tes serviteurs; car la famine est grande au pays de Canaan. Permets donc à tes serviteurs d'habiter au pays de Gossen.

 They said [0559] moreover unto Pharaoh, [6547] For to sojourn [1481] in the land [0776] are we come; [0935] for thy servants [5650] have no pasture [4829] for their flocks; [6629] for the famine [7458] [is] sore [3515] in the land [0776] of Canaan: [3667] now therefore, we pray thee, let thy servants [5650] dwell [3427] in the land [0776] of Goshen. [1657]


 Et Pharaon parla ainsi à Joseph: Ton père et tes frères sont venus vers toi;

 And Pharaoh [6547] spake [0559] unto Joseph, [3130] saying, [0559] Thy father [0001] and thy brethren [0251] are come [0935] unto thee:


 Le pays d'Égypte est à ta disposition; fais habiter ton père et tes frères dans le meilleur endroit du pays; qu'ils demeurent dans le pays de Gossen. Et si tu connais qu'il y ait parmi eux des hommes capables, tu les établiras chefs de troupeaux sur ce qui m'appartient.

 The land [0776] of Egypt [4714] [is] before [6440] thee; in the best [4315] of the land [0776] make thy father [0001] and brethren [0251] to dwell; [3427] in the land [0776] of Goshen [1657] let them dwell: [3427] and if thou knowest [3045] [3426] [any] men [0582] of activity [2428] among them, then make [7760] them rulers [8269] over my cattle. [4735]


 Alors Joseph amena Jacob son père, et le présenta à Pharaon. Et Jacob bénit Pharaon.

 And Joseph [3130] brought in [0935] Jacob [3290] his father, [0001] and set [5975] him before [6440] Pharaoh: [6547] and Jacob [3290] blessed [1288] Pharaoh. [6547]


 Et Pharaon dit à Jacob: À combien s'élèvent les jours des années de ta vie?

 And Pharaoh [6547] said [0559] unto Jacob, [3290] How [4100] old [2416] [3117] [8141] [art] thou?


 Et Jacob répondit à Pharaon: Les jours des années de mes pèlerinages sont de cent trente ans; les jours des années de ma vie ont été courts et mauvais, et ils n'ont point atteint les jours des années de la vie de mes pères, du temps de leurs pèlerinages.

 And Jacob [3290] said [0559] unto Pharaoh, [6547] The days [3117] of the years [8141] of my pilgrimage [4033] [are] an hundred [3967] and thirty [7970] years: [8141] few [4592] and evil [7451] have the days [3117] of the years [8141] of my life [2416] been, and have not attained [5381] unto the days [3117] of the years [8141] of the life [2416] of my fathers [0001] in the days [3117] of their pilgrimage. [4033]


 Et Jacob bénit Pharaon, puis il sortit de devant Pharaon.

 And Jacob [3290] blessed [1288] Pharaoh, [6547] and went out [3318] from before [6440] Pharaoh. [6547]


 Et Joseph assigna une demeure à son père et à ses frères, et il leur donna une possession au pays d'Égypte, dans le meilleur endroit du pays, dans le pays de Ramsès, comme l'avait ordonné Pharaon.

 And Joseph [3130] placed [3427] his father [0001] and his brethren, [0251] and gave [5414] them a possession [0272] in the land [0776] of Egypt, [4714] in the best [4315] of the land, [0776] in the land [0776] of Rameses, [7486] as Pharaoh [6547] had commanded. [6680]


 Et Joseph fournit de pain son père, ses frères, et toute la maison de son père, selon le nombre des enfants.

 And Joseph [3130] nourished [3557] his father, [0001] and his brethren, [0251] and all his father's [0001] household, [1004] with bread, [3899] according [6310] to [their] families. [2945]


 Or, il n'y avait point de pain dans tout le pays, car la famine était très grande; et le pays d'Égypte et le pays de Canaan étaient épuisés par la famine.

 And [there was] no bread [3899] in all the land; [0776] for the famine [7458] [was] very [3966] sore, [3515] so that the land [0776] of Egypt [4714] and [all] the land [0776] of Canaan [3667] fainted [3856] by reason [6440] of the famine. [7458]


 Et Joseph amassa tout l'argent qui se trouvait dans le pays d'Égypte et dans le pays de Canaan, en échange du blé qu'on achetait; et Joseph fit entrer cet argent dans la maison de Pharaon.

 And Joseph [3130] gathered up [3950] all the money [3701] that was found [4672] in the land [0776] of Egypt, [4714] and in the land [0776] of Canaan, [3667] for the corn [7668] which they bought: [7666] and Joseph [3130] brought [0935] the money [3701] into Pharaoh's [6547] house. [1004]


 Et quand l'argent manqua au pays d'Égypte et au pays de Canaan, tous les Égyptiens vinrent à Joseph, en disant: Donne-nous du pain; et pourquoi mourrions-nous devant toi, parce qu'il n'y a plus d'argent?

 And when money [3701] failed [8552] in the land [0776] of Egypt, [4714] and in the land [0776] of Canaan, [3667] all the Egyptians [4714] came [0935] unto Joseph, [3130] and said, [0559] Give [3051] us bread: [3899] for why should we die [4191] in thy presence? for the money [3701] faileth. [0656]


 Et Joseph répondit: Donnez votre bétail, et je vous donnerai du pain en échange de votre bétail, s'il n'y a plus d'argent.

 And Joseph [3130] said, [0559] Give [3051] your cattle; [4735] and I will give [5414] you for your cattle, [4735] if money [3701] fail. [0656]


 Alors ils amenèrent leur bétail à Joseph, et Joseph leur donna du pain, en échange des chevaux, des troupeaux de brebis, des troupeaux de bœufs et des ânes. Il leur fournit du pain en échange de tous leurs troupeaux cette année-là.

 And they brought [0935] their cattle [4735] unto Joseph: [3130] and Joseph [3130] gave [5414] them bread [3899] [in exchange] for horses, [5483] and for [4735] the flocks, [6629] and for the cattle [4735] of the herds, [1241] and for the asses: [2543] and he fed [5095] them with bread [3899] for all their cattle [4735] for that year. [8141]


 Cette année écoulée, ils revinrent l'année suivante, et lui dirent: Nous ne cacherons point à mon seigneur que l'argent est épuisé, et que les troupeaux de bétail ont passé à mon seigneur; il ne reste rien devant mon seigneur que nos corps et nos terres.

 When that year [8141] was ended, [8552] they came [0935] unto him the second [8145] year, [8141] and said [0559] unto him, We will not hide [3582] [it] from my lord, [0113] how that our money [3701] is spent; [8552] my lord [0113] also hath [0413] our herds [4735] of cattle; [0929] there is not ought left [7604] in the sight [6440] of my lord, [0113] but our bodies, [1472] and our lands: [0127]


 Pourquoi péririons-nous sous tes yeux, nous et nos terres? Achète-nous, nous et nos terres, pour du pain, et nous serons, avec nos terres, esclaves de Pharaon. Et donne-nous de quoi semer, afin que nous vivions et ne mourions pas, et que le sol ne soit point désolé.

 Wherefore shall we die [4191] before thine eyes, [5869] both we and our land? [0127] buy [7069] us and our land [0127] for bread, [3899] and we and our land [0127] will be servants [5650] unto Pharaoh: [6547] and give [5414] [us] seed, [2233] that we may live, [2421] and not die, [4191] that the land [0127] be not desolate. [3456]


 Et Joseph acquit tout le sol de l'Égypte à Pharaon; car les Égyptiens vendirent chacun leur champ, parce que la famine les y força; et la terre fut à Pharaon.

 And Joseph [3130] bought [7069] all the land [0127] of Egypt [4714] for Pharaoh; [6547] for the Egyptians [4714] sold [4376] every man [0376] his field, [7704] because the famine [7458] prevailed [2388] over them: so the land [0776] became Pharaoh's. [6547]


 Quant au peuple, il le fit passer dans les villes, depuis une extrémité du territoire de l'Égypte jusqu'à l'autre.

 And as for the people, [5971] he removed [5674] them to cities [5892] from [one] end [7097] of the borders [1366] of Egypt [4714] even to the [other] end [7097] thereof.


 Les terres des prêtres furent les seules qu'il n'acquit point; car les prêtres recevaient de Pharaon une portion fixée, et ils mangeaient la portion que Pharaon leur avait donnée. C'est pourquoi, ils ne vendirent point leurs terres.

 Only the land [0127] of the priests [3548] bought [7069] he not; for the priests [3548] had a portion [2706] [assigned them] of Pharaoh, [6547] and did eat [0398] their portion [2706] which Pharaoh [6547] gave [5414] them: wherefore they sold [4376] not their lands. [0127]


 Et Joseph dit au peuple: Je vous ai acquis aujourd'hui, vous et vos terres, à Pharaon. Voici pour vous de la semence, afin que vous ensemenciez le sol.

 Then Joseph [3130] said [0559] unto the people, [5971] Behold, I have bought [7069] [0853] you this day [3117] and your land [0127] for Pharaoh: [6547] lo, [1887] [here is] seed [2233] for you, and ye shall sow [2232] the land. [0127]


 Et au temps des récoltes, vous donnerez le cinquième à Pharaon, et les quatre autres parties seront à vous, pour semer les champs, et pour votre nourriture, et pour celle des gens qui sont dans vos maisons, et pour la nourriture de vos petits enfants.

 And it shall come to pass in the increase, [8393] that ye shall give [5414] the fifth [2549] [part] unto Pharaoh, [6547] and four [0702] parts [3027] shall be your own, for seed [2233] of the field, [7704] and for your food, [0400] and for them of your households, [1004] and for food [0398] for your little ones. [2945]


 Et ils dirent: Tu nous as sauvé la vie! Que nous trouvions grâce aux yeux de mon seigneur, et nous serons esclaves de Pharaon.

 And they said, [0559] Thou hast saved our lives: [2421] let us find [4672] grace [2580] in the sight [5869] of my lord, [0113] and we will be Pharaoh's [6547] servants. [5650]


 Et Joseph en fit une loi, qui dure jusqu'à ce jour, sur les terres d'Égypte: Le cinquième à Pharaon. Il n'y eut que les terres des prêtres qui ne furent point à Pharaon.

 And Joseph [3130] made [7760] it a law [2706] over the land [0127] of Egypt [4714] unto this day, [3117] [that] Pharaoh [6547] should have the fifth [2569] [part]; except [7535] the land [0127] of the priests [3548] only, [which] became not Pharaoh's. [6547]


 Israël habita donc au pays d'Égypte, au pays de Gossen; et ils y acquirent des propriétés, et ils s'accrurent, et multiplièrent beaucoup.

 And Israel [3478] dwelt [3427] in the land [0776] of Egypt, [4714] in the country [0776] of Goshen; [1657] and they had possessions [0270] therein, and grew, [6509] and multiplied [7235] exceedingly. [3966]


 Et Jacob vécut au pays d'Égypte dix-sept ans. Et les jours de Jacob, les années de sa vie, furent de cent quarante-sept ans.

 And Jacob [3290] lived [2421] in the land [0776] of Egypt [4714] seventeen [6240] [7651] years: [8141] so the whole age [3117] [8141] [2416] of Jacob [3290] was an hundred [3967] [8141] forty [0705] and seven [7651] years. [8141]


 Et quand le jour de la mort d'Israël approcha, il appela son fils Joseph, et lui dit: Si j'ai trouvé grâce à tes yeux, mets, je te prie, ta main sous ma cuisse, et use envers moi de bonté et de fidélité: je te prie, ne m'enterre point en Égypte.

 And the time [3117] drew nigh [7126] that Israel [3478] must die: [4191] and he called [7121] his son [1121] Joseph, [3130] and said [0559] unto him, If now I have found [4672] grace [2580] in thy sight, [5869] put, [7760] I pray thee, thy hand [3027] under my thigh, [3409] and deal [6213] kindly [2617] and truly [0571] with me; bury [6912] me not, I pray thee, in Egypt: [4714]


 Quand je serai couché avec mes pères, emporte-moi d'Égypte, et enterre-moi dans leur tombeau. Et il répondit: Je ferai selon ta parole.

 But I will lie [7901] with my fathers, [0001] and thou shalt carry [5375] me out of Egypt, [4714] and bury [6912] me in their buryingplace. [6900] And he said, [0559] I will do [6213] as thou hast said. [1697]


 Il dit: Jure-le-moi. Et il le lui jura. Et Israël se prosterna sur le chevet du lit.

 And he said, [0559] Swear [7650] unto me. And he sware [7650] unto him. And Israel [3478] bowed [7812] himself upon the bed's [4296] head. [7218]


 Or, il arriva après ces choses, qu'on dit à Joseph: Voici, ton père est malade. Alors il prit ses deux fils avec lui, Manassé et Éphraïm.

 And it came to pass after [0310] these things, [1697] that [one] told [0559] Joseph, [3130] Behold, thy father [0001] [is] sick: [2470] and he took [3947] with him his two [8147] sons, [1121] Manasseh [4519] and Ephraim. [0669]


 On le fit savoir à Jacob, et on lui dit: Voici ton fils Joseph qui vient vers toi. Alors Israël rassembla ses forces, et s'assit sur son lit.

 And [one] told [5046] Jacob, [3290] and said, [0559] Behold, thy son [1121] Joseph [3130] cometh [0935] unto thee: and Israel [3478] strengthened [2388] himself, and sat [3427] upon the bed. [4296]


 Et Jacob dit à Joseph: Le Dieu Tout-Puissant m'apparut à Luz, au pays de Canaan, et me bénit;

 And Jacob [3290] said [0559] unto Joseph, [3130] God [0410] Almighty [7706] appeared [7200] unto me at Luz [3870] in the land [0776] of Canaan, [3667] and blessed [1288] me,


 Et il me dit: Voici, je te ferai croître et multiplier, je te ferai devenir une assemblée de peuples, et je donnerai ce pays à ta postérité après toi, en possession perpétuelle.

 And said [0559] unto me, Behold, I will make thee fruitful, [6509] and multiply [7235] thee, and I will make [5414] of thee a multitude [6951] of people; [5971] and will give [5414] this land [0776] to thy seed [2233] after [0310] thee [for] an everlasting [5769] possession. [0272]


 Et maintenant tes deux fils qui te sont nés au pays d'Égypte, avant que je vienne vers toi en Égypte, sont à moi. Éphraïm et Manassé seront à moi comme Ruben et Siméon.

 And now thy two [8147] sons, [1121] Ephraim [0669] and Manasseh, [4519] which were born [3205] unto thee in the land [0776] of Egypt [4714] before [5704] I came [0935] unto thee into Egypt, [4714] [are] mine; as Reuben [7205] and Simeon, [8095] they shall be mine.


 Mais les enfants que tu auras engendrés après eux, seront à toi; ils seront appelés du nom de leurs frères dans leur héritage.

 And thy issue, [4138] which thou begettest [3205] after [0310] them, shall be thine, [and] shall be called [7121] after [5921] the name [8034] of their brethren [0251] in their inheritance. [5159]


 Pour moi, quand je revenais de Paddan, Rachel mourut auprès de moi, au pays de Canaan, en chemin, lorsqu'il y avait encore quelque distance pour arriver à Éphrath, et je l'enterrai là sur le chemin d'Éphrath (qui est Béthléem).

 And as for me, when I came [0935] from Padan, [6307] Rachel [7354] died [4191] by me in the land [0776] of Canaan [3667] in the way, [1870] when [5750] yet [there was] but a little [3530] way [0776] to come [0935] unto Ephrath: [0672] and I buried [6912] her there in the way [1870] of Ephrath; [0672] the same [is] Bethlehem. [1035]


 Et Israël vit les fils de Joseph, et dit: Qui sont ceux-ci?

 And Israel [3478] beheld [7200] Joseph's [3130] sons, [1121] and said, [0559] Who [are] these?


 Et Joseph répondit à son père: Ce sont mes fils, que Dieu m'a donnés ici. Alors il dit: Amène-les-moi, je te prie, afin que je les bénisse.

 And Joseph [3130] said [0559] unto his father, [0001] They [are] my sons, [1121] whom God [0430] hath given [5414] me in this [place]. And he said, [0559] Bring them, [3947] I pray thee, unto me, and I will bless [1288] them.


 Or, les yeux d'Israël étaient appesantis de vieillesse; il ne pouvait plus voir. Il les fit approcher de lui, et il les baisa et les embrassa.

 Now the eyes [5869] of Israel [3478] were dim [3513] for age, [2207] [so that] he could [3201] not see. [7200] And he brought them near [5066] unto him; and he kissed [5401] them, and embraced [2263] them.


 Et Israël dit à Joseph: Je ne croyais plus voir ton visage, et voici, Dieu m'a fait voir même ta postérité.

 And Israel [3478] said [0559] unto Joseph, [3130] I had not thought [6419] to see [7200] thy face: [6440] and, lo, God [0430] hath shewed [7200] me also thy seed. [2233]


 Et Joseph les retira d'entre les genoux de son père, et il se prosterna le visage contre terre.

 And Joseph [3130] brought them out [3318] from between [5973] his knees, [1290] and he bowed [7812] himself with his face [0639] to the earth. [0776]


 Puis Joseph les prit tous deux, Éphraïm de sa main droite, à la gauche d'Israël, et Manassé de sa main gauche, à la droite d'Israël, et il les fit approcher de lui.

 And Joseph [3130] took [3947] them both, [8147] Ephraim [0669] in his right hand [3225] toward Israel's [3478] left hand, [8040] and Manasseh [4519] in his left hand [8040] toward Israel's [3478] right hand, [3225] and brought [them] near [5066] unto him.


 Et Israël avança sa main droite, et la mit sur la tête d'Éphraïm, qui était le cadet, et sa main gauche sur la tête de Manassé. Il posa ainsi ses mains de propos délibéré, car Manassé était l'aîné.

 And Israel [3478] stretched out [7971] his right hand, [3225] and laid [7896] [it] upon Ephraim's [0669] head, [7218] who [was] the younger, [6810] and his left hand [8040] upon Manasseh's [4519] head, [7218] guiding his hands [3027] wittingly; [7919] for Manasseh [4519] [was] the firstborn. [1060]


 Et il bénit Joseph, et dit: Que le Dieu, devant la face duquel ont marché mes pères, Abraham et Isaac, le Dieu qui a été mon berger depuis que j'existe jusqu'à ce jour,

 And he blessed [1288] Joseph, [3130] and said, [0559] God, [0430] before [6440] whom my fathers [0001] Abraham [0085] and Isaac [3327] did walk, [1980] the God [0430] which fed [7462] me all my life long [5750] unto this day, [3117]


 Que l'ange qui m'a délivré de tout mal, bénisse ces enfants, et qu'ils portent mon nom et le nom de mes pères Abraham et Isaac, et qu'ils multiplient très abondamment sur la terre!

 The Angel [4397] which redeemed [1350] me from all evil, [7451] bless [1288] the lads; [5288] and let my name [8034] be named [7121] on them, and the name [8034] of my fathers [0001] Abraham [0085] and Isaac; [3327] and let them grow [1711] into a multitude [7230] in the midst [7130] of the earth. [0776]


 Mais Joseph vit que son père mettait sa main droite sur la tête d'Éphraïm, et il en eut du déplaisir; il saisit la main de son père pour la détourner de la tête d'Éphraïm, sur la tête de Manassé.

 And when Joseph [3130] saw [7200] that his father [0001] laid [7896] his right [3225] hand [3027] upon the head [7218] of Ephraim, [0669] it displeased [3415] [5869] him: and he held up [8551] his father's [0001] hand, [3027] to remove [5493] it from Ephraim's [0669] head [7218] unto Manasseh's [4519] head. [7218]


 Et Joseph dit à son père: Pas ainsi, mon père; car celui-ci est l'aîné, mets ta main droite sur sa tête.

 And Joseph [3130] said [0559] unto his father, [0001] Not so, my father: [0001] for this [is] the firstborn; [1060] put [7760] thy right hand [3225] upon his head. [7218]


 Mais son père refusa, et dit: Je le sais, mon fils, je le sais. Lui aussi deviendra un peuple, lui aussi sera grand; toutefois son frère, le cadet, sera plus grand que lui, et sa postérité sera une multitude de nations.

 And his father [0001] refused, [3985] and said, [0559] I know [3045] [it], my son, [1121] I know [3045] [it]: he also shall become a people, [5971] and he also shall be great: [1431] but truly [0199] his younger [6996] brother [0251] shall be greater [1431] than he, and his seed [2233] shall become a multitude [4393] of nations. [1471]


 Et en ce jour-là il les bénit et dit: Israël bénira par toi, en disant: Dieu te rende tel qu'Éphraïm et Manassé! Il mit donc Éphraïm avant Manassé.

 And he blessed [1288] them that day, [3117] saying, [0559] In thee shall Israel [3478] bless, [1288] saying, [0559] God [0430] make [7760] thee as Ephraim [0669] and as Manasseh: [4519] and he set [7760] Ephraim [0669] before [6440] Manasseh. [4519]


 Et Israël dit à Joseph: Voici, je vais mourir, mais Dieu sera avec vous, et vous fera retourner au pays de vos pères.

 And Israel [3478] said [0559] unto Joseph, [3130] Behold, I die: [4191] but God [0430] shall be with you, and bring you again [7725] unto the land [0776] of your fathers. [0001]


 Et je te donne une portion de plus qu'à tes frères, celle que j'ai prise de la main de l'Amoréen, avec mon épée et mon arc.

 Moreover I have given [5414] to thee one [0259] portion [7926] above thy brethren, [0251] which I took [3947] out of the hand [3027] of the Amorite [0567] with my sword [2719] and with my bow. [7198]


 Et Jacob appela ses fils, et dit: Assemblez-vous, et je vous déclarerai ce qui vous arrivera dans la suite des jours.

 And Jacob [3290] called [7121] unto his sons, [1121] and said, [0559] Gather [0622] yourselves together, that I may tell [5046] you [that] which shall befall [7122] you in the last [0319] days. [3117]


 Assemblez-vous et écoutez, fils de Jacob, écoutez Israël, votre père.

 Gather yourselves together, [6908] and hear, [8085] ye sons [1121] of Jacob; [3290] and hearken [8085] unto Israel [3478] your father. [0001]


 Ruben, tu es mon premier-né, ma force, et les prémices de ma vigueur, prééminence de dignité et prééminence de puissance.

 Reuben, [7205] thou [art] my firstborn, [1060] my might, [3581] and the beginning [7225] of my strength, [0202] the excellency [3499] of dignity, [7613] and the excellency [3499] of power: [5794]


 Bouillonnant comme l'eau, tu n'auras point la prééminence, car tu es monté sur la couche de ton père. Tu as souillé mon lit en y montant.

 Unstable [6349] as water, [4325] thou shalt not excel; [3498] because thou wentest up [5927] to thy father's [0001] bed; [4904] then defiledst thou [2490] [it]: he went up [5927] to my couch. [3326]


 Siméon et Lévi sont frères. Leurs glaives sont des instruments de violence.

 Simeon [8095] and Levi [3878] [are] brethren; [0251] instruments [3627] of cruelty [2555] [are in] their habitations. [4380]


 Que mon âme n'entre point dans leur conseil; que ma gloire ne se joigne point à leur assemblée; car dans leur colère ils ont tué des hommes, et dans leur caprice ils ont coupé les jarrets des taureaux.

 O my soul, [5315] come [0935] not thou into their secret; [5475] unto their assembly, [6951] mine honour, [3519] be not thou united: [3161] for in their anger [0639] they slew [2026] a man, [0376] and in their selfwill [7522] they digged down [6131] a wall. [7794]


 Maudite soit leur colère, car elle fut violente; et leur fureur, car elle fut cruelle! Je les diviserai en Jacob, et les disperserai en Israël.

 Cursed [0779] [be] their anger, [0639] for [it was] fierce; [5794] and their wrath, [5678] for it was cruel: [7185] I will divide [2505] them in Jacob, [3290] and scatter [6327] them in Israel. [3478]


 Toi, Juda, tes frères te loueront; ta main sera sur le cou de tes ennemis; les fils de ton père se prosterneront devant toi.

 Judah, [3063] thou [art he] whom thy brethren [0251] shall praise: [3034] thy hand [3027] [shall be] in the neck [6203] of thine enemies; [0341] thy father's [0001] children [1121] shall bow down [7812] before thee.


 Juda est un jeune lion. Tu es revenu du butin, mon fils! Il s'est courbé, il s'est couché comme un lion, comme un vieux lion; qui le fera lever?

 Judah [3063] [is] a lion's [0738] whelp: [1484] from the prey, [2964] my son, [1121] thou art gone up: [5927] he stooped down, [3766] he couched [7257] as a lion, [0738] and as an old lion; [3833] who shall rouse him up? [6965]


 Le sceptre ne s'écartera point de Juda, ni le bâton de législateur d'entre ses pieds, jusqu'à ce que vienne le SHILO (le Messie); et c'est à Lui que sera le rassemblement des peuples!

 The sceptre [7626] shall not depart [5493] from Judah, [3063] nor a lawgiver [2710] from between his feet, [7272] until [3588] Shiloh [7886] come; [0935] and unto him [shall] the gathering [3349] of the people [5971] [be].


 Il attachera son ânon à la vigne, et le petit de son ânesse à un cep excellent; il lavera son vêtement dans le vin, et son manteau dans le sang des raisins.

 Binding [0631] his foal [5895] unto the vine, [1612] and his ass's [0860] colt [1121] unto the choice vine; [8321] he washed [3526] his garments [3830] in wine, [3196] and his clothes [5497] in the blood [1818] of grapes: [6025]


 Il a les yeux brillants de vin, et les dents blanches de lait.

 His eyes [5869] [shall be] red [2447] with wine, [3196] and his teeth [8127] white [3836] with milk. [2461]


 Zabulon habitera au rivage des mers; il sera au rivage des navires, et sa côte s'étendra vers Sidon.

 Zebulun [2074] shall dwell [7931] at the haven [2348] of the sea; [3220] and he [shall be] for an haven [2348] of ships; [0591] and his border [3411] [shall be] unto Zidon. [6721]


 Issacar est un âne robuste couché entre les barres des étables.

 Issachar [3485] [is] a strong [1634] ass [2543] couching down [7257] between two burdens: [4942]


 Il a vu que le repos était bon, et que le pays était délicieux; et il a baissé son épaule pour porter, et s'est assujetti au tribut.

 And he saw [7200] that rest [4496] [was] good, [2896] and the land [0776] that [it was] pleasant; [5276] and bowed [5186] his shoulder [7926] to bear, [5445] and became a servant [5647] unto tribute. [4522]


 Dan jugera son peuple, comme l'une des tribus d'Israël.

 Dan [1835] shall judge [1777] his people, [5971] as one [0259] of the tribes [7626] of Israel. [3478]


 Que Dan soit un serpent sur le chemin, une vipère dans le sentier, mordant les talons du cheval, pour que celui qui le monte tombe à la renverse.

 Dan [1835] shall be a serpent [5175] by the way, [1870] an adder [8207] in the path, [0734] that biteth [5391] the horse [5483] heels, [6119] so that his rider [7392] shall fall [5307] backward. [0268]


 J'ai attendu ton salut, ô YEHOVAH!

 I have waited [6960] for thy salvation, [3444] O LORD. [3068]


 Gad! des troupes l'attaqueront; mais lui, il attaquera leur arrière-garde.

 Gad, [1410] a troop [1416] shall overcome [1464] him: but he shall overcome [1464] at the last. [6119]


 D'Asser viendra le pain savoureux, et il fournira les délices royales.

 Out of Asher [0836] his bread [3899] [shall be] fat, [8082] and he shall yield [5414] royal [4428] dainties. [4574]


 Nephthali est une biche élancée; il prononce d'élégantes paroles.

 Naphtali [5321] [is] a hind [0355] let loose: [7971] he giveth [5414] goodly [8233] words. [0561]


 Joseph est le rameau d'un arbre fertile, le rameau d'un arbre fertile près d'une source; ses branches ont couvert la muraille.

 Joseph [3130] [is] a fruitful [6509] bough, [1121] [even] a fruitful [6509] bough [1121] by a well; [5869] [whose] branches [1323] run over [6805] the wall: [7791]


 Des archers l'ont harcelé, lui ont lancé des traits et l'ont attaqué.

 The archers [1167] [2671] have sorely grieved [4843] him, and shot [7232] [at him], and hated [7852] him:


 Mais son arc est demeuré ferme, et ses bras et ses mains ont été renforcés par les mains du Puissant de Jacob, du lieu où réside LE BERGER, le Rocher d'Israël.

 But his bow [7198] abode [3427] in strength, [0386] and the arms [2220] of his hands [3027] were made strong [6339] by the hands [3027] of the mighty [0046] [God] of Jacob; [3290] (from thence [is] the shepherd, [7462] the stone [0068] of Israel:) [3478]


 C'est l'ouvrage du Dieu de ton père, qui t'aidera, et du Tout-Puissant qui te bénira, des bénédictions des cieux en haut, des bénédictions de l'abîme qui repose en bas, des bénédictions des mamelles et du sein maternel.

 [Even] by the God [0410] of thy father, [0001] who shall help [5826] thee; and by [0854] the Almighty, [7706] who shall bless [1288] thee with blessings [1293] of heaven [8064] above, [5920] blessings [1293] of the deep [8415] that lieth [7257] under, blessings [1293] of the breasts, [7699] and of the womb: [7356]


 Les bénédictions de ton père surpassent les bénédictions de ceux qui m'ont engendré. Jusqu'au terme des collines éternelles, elles seront sur la tête de Joseph, sur le front du prince de ses frères.

 The blessings [1293] of thy father [0001] have prevailed [1396] above the blessings [1293] of my progenitors [2029] unto the utmost bound [8379] of the everlasting [5769] hills: [1389] they shall be on the head [7218] of Joseph, [3130] and on the crown of the head [6936] of him that was separate [5139] from his brethren. [0251]


 Benjamin est un loup qui déchire; au matin il dévore la proie, et sur le soir il partage le butin.

 Benjamin [1144] shall ravin [2963] [as] a wolf: [2061] in the morning [1242] he shall devour [0398] the prey, [5706] and at night [6153] he shall divide [2505] the spoil. [7998]


 Tous ceux-là sont les chefs des douze tribus d'Israël, et c'est ce que leur dit leur père en les bénissant; il bénit chacun d'eux de la bénédiction qui lui était propre.

 All these [are] the twelve [6240] [8147] tribes [7626] of Israel: [3478] and this [is it] that their father [0001] spake [1696] unto them, and blessed [1288] them; every [0834] one [0376] according to his blessing [1293] he blessed [1288] them.


 Et il commanda, et leur dit: Je vais être recueilli vers mon peuple; enterrez-moi auprès de mes pères dans la caverne qui est au champ d'Éphron le Héthien,

 And he charged [6680] them, and said [0559] unto them, I am to be gathered [0622] unto my people: [5971] bury [6912] me with my fathers [0001] in the cave [4631] that [is] in the field [7704] of Ephron [6085] the Hittite, [2850]


 Dans la caverne qui est au champ de Macpéla, qui est en face de Mamré, au pays de Canaan, laquelle Abraham acquit d'Éphron le Héthien, avec le champ, en propriété sépulcrale.

 In the cave [4631] that [is] in the field [7704] of Machpelah, [4375] which [is] before [6440] Mamre, [4471] in the land [0776] of Canaan, [3667] which Abraham [0085] bought [7069] with the field [7704] of Ephron [6085] the Hittite [2850] for a possession [0272] of a buryingplace. [6913]


 C'est là qu'on a enterré Abraham et Sara, sa femme; c'est là qu'on a enterré Isaac et Rébecca, sa femme; et c'est là que j'ai enterré Léa.

 There they buried [6912] Abraham [0085] and Sarah [8283] his wife; [0802] there they buried [6912] Isaac [3327] and Rebekah [7259] his wife; [0802] and there I buried [6912] Leah. [3812]


 L'acquisition du champ et de la caverne qui y est, a été faite des enfants de Heth.

 The purchase [4735] of the field [7704] and of the cave [4631] that [is] therein [was] from the children [1121] of Heth. [2845]


 Et quand Jacob eut achevé de donner ses ordres à ses fils, il retira ses pieds dans le lit, et expira, et fut recueilli vers ses peuples.

 And when Jacob [3290] had made an end [3615] of commanding [6680] his sons, [1121] he gathered [0622] up his feet [7272] into the bed, [4296] and yielded up the ghost, [1478] and was gathered [0622] unto his people. [5971]


 Alors Joseph se jeta sur le visage de son père, et pleura sur lui, et le baisa.

 And Joseph [3130] fell [5307] upon his father's [0001] face, [6440] and wept [1058] upon him, and kissed [5401] him.


 Et Joseph commanda à ses serviteurs, aux médecins, d'embaumer son père; et les médecins embaumèrent Israël.

 And Joseph [3130] commanded [6680] his servants [5650] the physicians [7495] to embalm [2590] his father: [0001] and the physicians [7495] embalmed [2590] Israel. [3478]


 Et quarante jours y furent employés; car c'est le nombre de jours qu'on met à embaumer. Et les Égyptiens le pleurèrent soixante et dix jours.

 And forty [0705] days [3117] were fulfilled [4390] for him; for so are fulfilled [4390] the days [3117] of those which are embalmed: [2590] and the Egyptians [4714] mourned [1058] for him threescore and ten [7657] days. [3117]


 Quand les jours de son deuil furent passés, Joseph parla à ceux de la maison de Pharaon, en disant: Si j'ai trouvé grâce à vos yeux, faites entendre, je vous prie, à Pharaon, ces paroles:

 And when the days [3117] of his mourning [1068] were past, [5674] Joseph [3130] spake [1696] unto the house [1004] of Pharaoh, [6547] saying, [0559] If now I have found [4672] grace [2580] in your eyes, [5869] speak, [1696] I pray you, in the ears [0241] of Pharaoh, [6547] saying, [0559]


 Mon père m'a fait jurer, en disant: Voici, je vais mourir; tu m'enseveliras dans mon tombeau que je me suis acquis au pays de Canaan. Maintenant donc, que j'y monte, je te prie, et que j'ensevelisse mon père; et je reviendrai.

 My father [0001] made me swear, [7650] saying, [0559] Lo, [2009] I die: [4191] in my grave [6913] which I have digged [3738] for me in the land [0776] of Canaan, [3667] there shalt thou bury [6912] me. Now therefore let me go up, [5927] I pray thee, and bury [6912] my father, [0001] and I will come again. [7725]


 Et Pharaon répondit: Monte, et ensevelis ton père, comme il te l'a fait jurer.

 And Pharaoh [6547] said, [0559] Go up, [5927] and bury [6912] thy father, [0001] according as he made thee swear. [7650]


 Alors Joseph monta pour ensevelir son père; avec lui montèrent tous les serviteurs de Pharaon, anciens de sa maison, et tous les anciens du pays d'Égypte,

 And Joseph [3130] went up [5927] to bury [6912] his father: [0001] and with him went up [5927] all the servants [5650] of Pharaoh, [6547] the elders [2205] of his house, [1004] and all the elders [2205] of the land [0776] of Egypt, [4714]


 Et toute la maison de Joseph, ses frères, et la maison de son père; ils ne laissèrent dans le pays de Gossen que leurs petits enfants, leurs brebis et leurs bœufs,

 And all the house [1004] of Joseph, [3130] and his brethren, [0251] and his father's [0001] house: [1004] only their little ones, [2945] and their flocks, [6629] and their herds, [1241] they left [5800] in the land [0776] of Goshen. [1657]


 Il monta aussi avec lui des chars et des cavaliers, et le camp fut très considérable.

 And there went up [5927] with him both chariots [7393] and horsemen: [6571] and it was a very [3966] great [3515] company. [4264]


 Ils vinrent jusqu'à l'aire d'Atad, qui est au delà du Jourdain, et ils y firent de très grandes et extraordinaires lamentations; et Joseph fit à son père un deuil de sept jours.

 And they came [0935] to the threshingfloor [1637] of Atad, [0329] which [is] beyond [5676] Jordan, [3383] and there they mourned [5594] with a great [1419] and very [3966] sore [3515] lamentation: [4553] and he made [6213] a mourning [0060] for his father [0001] seven [7651] days. [3117]


 Et les Cananéens, habitants du pays, voyant ce deuil dans l'aire d'Atad, dirent: Voilà un grand deuil parmi les Égyptiens. C'est pourquoi on l'a nommée Abel-Mitsraïm (deuil des Égyptiens); elle est au delà du Jourdain.

 And when the inhabitants [3427] of the land, [0776] the Canaanites, [3669] saw [7200] the mourning [0060] in the floor [1637] of Atad, [0329] they said, [0559] This [is] a grievous [3515] mourning [0060] to the Egyptians: [4714] wherefore the name [8034] of it was called [7121] Abelmizraim, [0067] which [is] beyond [5676] Jordan. [3383]


 Les fils de Jacob firent donc ainsi à son égard, comme il leur avait commandé.

 And his sons [1121] did [6213] unto him according as he commanded [6680] them:


 Ils le transportèrent au pays de Canaan, et l'ensevelirent dans la caverne du champ de Macpéla, qu'Abraham avait acquise d'Éphron le Héthien, avec le champ, en propriété sépulcrale, en face de Mamré.

 For his sons [1121] carried [5375] him into the land [0776] of Canaan, [3667] and buried [6912] him in the cave [4631] of the field [7704] of Machpelah, [4375] which Abraham [0085] bought [7069] with the field [7704] for a possession [0272] of a buryingplace [6913] of Ephron [6085] the Hittite, [2850] before [6440] Mamre. [4471]


 Et après que Joseph eut enseveli son père, il retourna en Égypte avec ses frères et tous ceux qui étaient montés avec lui pour ensevelir son père.

 And Joseph [3130] returned [7725] into Egypt, [4714] he, and his brethren, [0251] and all that went up [5927] with him to bury [6912] his father, [0001] after [0310] he had buried [6912] his father. [0001]


 Mais les frères de Joseph, voyant que leur père était mort, se dirent: Peut-être que Joseph nous prendra en aversion, et nous rendra tout le mal que nous lui avons fait.

 And when Joseph's [3130] brethren [0251] saw [7200] that their father [0001] was dead, [4191] they said, [0559] Joseph [3130] will peradventure [3863] hate [7852] us, and will certainly [7725] requite [7725] us all the evil [7451] which we did [1580] unto him.


 Alors ils envoyèrent dire à Joseph: Ton père a donné cet ordre avant de mourir:

 And they sent a messenger [6680] unto Joseph, [3130] saying, [0559] Thy father [0001] did command [6680] before [6440] he died, [4194] saying, [0559]


 Vous parlerez ainsi à Joseph: Oh! pardonne, je te prie, le crime de tes frères et leur péché; car ils t'ont fait du mal; mais maintenant, pardonne, je te prie, le crime des serviteurs du Dieu de ton père. Et Joseph pleura pendant qu'on lui parlait.

 So shall ye say [0559] unto Joseph, [3130] Forgive, [5375] I pray thee [0577] now, the trespass [6588] of thy brethren, [0251] and their sin; [2403] for they did [1580] unto thee evil: [7451] and now, we pray thee, forgive [5375] the trespass [6588] of the servants [5650] of the God [0430] of thy father. [0001] And Joseph [3130] wept [1058] when they spake [1696] unto him.


 Et ses frères vinrent eux-mêmes, se jetèrent à ses pieds, et dirent: Voici, nous sommes tes serviteurs.

 And his brethren [0251] also went [3212] and fell down [5307] before his face; [6440] and they said, [0559] Behold, we [be] thy servants. [5650]


 Et Joseph leur dit: Ne craignez point; car suis-je à la place de Dieu?

 And Joseph [3130] said [0559] unto them, Fear [3372] not: for [am] I in the place of God? [0430]


 Vous aviez pensé à me faire du mal; mais Dieu l'a pensé en bien, pour faire ce qui arrive aujourd'hui, pour conserver la vie à un peuple nombreux.

 But as for you, ye thought [2803] evil [7451] against me; [but] God [0430] meant it [2803] unto good, [2896] to [4616] bring to pass, [6213] as [it is] this day, [3117] to save much [7227] people [5971] alive. [2421]


 Soyez donc sans crainte; je vous entretiendrai, vous et vos enfants. Et il les consola, et parla à leur cœur.

 Now therefore fear [3372] ye not: I will nourish [3557] you, and your little ones. [2945] And he comforted [5162] them, and spake [1696] kindly [3820] unto them.


 Joseph demeura donc en Égypte, lui et la maison de son père, et il vécut cent dix ans.

 And Joseph [3130] dwelt [3427] in Egypt, [4714] he, and his father's [0001] house: [1004] and Joseph [3130] lived [2421] an hundred [3967] and ten [6235] years. [8141]


 Et Joseph vit les enfants d'Éphraïm jusqu'à la troisième génération. Les enfants de Makir, fils de Manassé, naquirent aussi sur les genoux de Joseph.

 And Joseph [3130] saw [7200] Ephraim's [0669] children [1121] of the third [8029] [generation]: the children [1121] also of Machir [4353] the son [1121] of Manasseh [4519] were brought up [3205] upon Joseph's [3130] knees. [1290]


 Puis Joseph dit à ses frères: Je vais mourir; mais Dieu ne manquera pas de vous visiter, et il vous fera remonter de ce pays, au pays qu'il a promis par serment à Abraham, à Isaac et à Jacob.

 And Joseph [3130] said [0559] unto his brethren, [0251] I die: [4191] and God [0430] will surely [6485] visit [6485] you, and bring [5927] you out of this land [0776] unto the land [0776] which he sware [7650] to Abraham, [0085] to Isaac, [3327] and to Jacob. [3290]


 Et Joseph fit jurer les enfants d'Israël, en disant: Certainement Dieu vous visitera; et vous transporterez mes os d'ici.

 And Joseph [3130] took an oath [7650] of the children [1121] of Israel, [3478] saying, [0559] God [0430] will surely [6485] visit [6485] you, and ye shall carry up [5927] my bones [6106] from hence. [2088]


 Puis Joseph mourut, âgé de cent dix ans; et on l'embauma, et on le mit dans un cercueil en Égypte.

 So Joseph [3130] died, [4191] [being] an hundred [3967] and ten [6235] years [8141] old: [1121] and they embalmed [2590] him, and he was put [3455] in a coffin [0727] in Egypt. [4714]




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