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Matthew 25


1 τότε ὁμοιωθήσεται ἡ βασιλεία τῶν οὐρανῶν δέκα παρθένοις, αἵτινες λαβοῦσαι τὰς λαμπάδας ἑαυτῶν ἐξῆλθον εἰς ὑπάντησιν τοῦ νυμφίου.

2 πέντε δὲ ἐξ αὐτῶν ἦσαν μωραὶ καὶ πέντε φρόνιμοι.

3 αἱ γὰρ μωραὶ λαβοῦσαι τὰς λαμπάδας αὐτῶν οὐκ ἔλαβον μεθ᾽ ἑαυτῶν ἔλαιον·

4 αἱ δὲ φρόνιμοι ἔλαβον ἔλαιον ἐν τοῖς ἀγγείοις μετὰ τῶν λαμπάδων ἑαυτῶν.

5 χρονίζοντος δὲ τοῦ νυμφίου ἐνύσταξαν πᾶσαι καὶ ἐκάθευδον.

6 μέσης δὲ νυκτὸς κραυγὴ γέγονεν, ἰδοὺ ὁ νυμφίος, ἐξέρχεσθε εἰς ἀπάντησιν [αὐτοῦ].

7 τότε ἠγέρθησαν πᾶσαι αἱ παρθένοι ἐκεῖναι καὶ ἐκόσμησαν τὰς λαμπάδας ἑαυτῶν.

8 αἱ δὲ μωραὶ ταῖς φρονίμοις εἶπαν, δότε ἡμῖν ἐκ τοῦ ἐλαίου ὑμῶν, ὅτι αἱ λαμπάδες ἡμῶν σβέννυνται.

9 ἀπεκρίθησαν δὲ αἱ φρόνιμοι λέγουσαι, μήποτε οὐ μὴ ἀρκέσῃ ἡμῖν καὶ ὑμῖν· πορεύεσθε μᾶλλον πρὸς τοὺς πωλοῦντας καὶ ἀγοράσατε ἑαυταῖς.

10 ἀπερχομένων δὲ αὐτῶν ἀγοράσαι ἦλθεν ὁ νυμφίος, καὶ αἱ ἕτοιμοι εἰσῆλθον μετ᾽ αὐτοῦ εἰς τοὺς γάμους, καὶ ἐκλείσθη ἡ θύρα.

11 ὕστερον δὲ ἔρχονται καὶ αἱ λοιπαὶ παρθένοι λέγουσαι, κύριε κύριε, ἄνοιξον ἡμῖν.

12 ὁ δὲ ἀποκριθεὶς εἶπεν, ἀμὴν λέγω ὑμῖν, οὐκ οἶδα ὑμᾶς.

13 γρηγορεῖτε οὗν, ὅτι οὐκ οἴδατε τὴν ἡμέραν οὐδὲ τὴν ὥραν.

14 ὥσπερ γὰρ ἄνθρωπος ἀποδημῶν ἐκάλεσεν τοὺς ἰδίους δούλους καὶ παρέδωκεν αὐτοῖς τὰ ὑπάρχοντα αὐτοῦ,

15 καὶ ᾧ μὲν ἔδωκεν πέντε τάλαντα, ᾧ δὲ δύο, ᾧ δὲ ἕν, ἑκάστῳ κατὰ τὴν ἰδίαν δύναμιν, καὶ ἀπεδήμησεν. εὐθέως

16 πορευθεὶς ὁ τὰ πέντε τάλαντα λαβὼν ἠργάσατο ἐν αὐτοῖς καὶ ἐκέρδησεν ἄλλα πέντε·

17 ὡσαύτως ὁ τὰ δύο ἐκέρδησεν ἄλλα δύο.

18 ὁ δὲ τὸ ἓν λαβὼν ἀπελθὼν ὤρυξεν γῆν καὶ ἔκρυψεν τὸ ἀργύριον τοῦ κυρίου αὐτοῦ.

19 μετὰ δὲ πολὺν χρόνον ἔρχεται ὁ κύριος τῶν δούλων ἐκείνων καὶ συναίρει λόγον μετ᾽ αὐτῶν.

20 καὶ προσελθὼν ὁ τὰ πέντε τάλαντα λαβὼν προσήνεγκεν ἄλλα πέντε τάλαντα λέγων, κύριε, πέντε τάλαντά μοι παρέδωκας· ἴδε ἄλλα πέντε τάλαντα ἐκέρδησα.

21 ἔφη αὐτῶ ὁ κύριος αὐτοῦ, εὗ, δοῦλε ἀγαθὲ καὶ πιστέ, ἐπὶ ὀλίγα ἦς πιστός, ἐπὶ πολλῶν σε καταστήσω· εἴσελθε εἰς τὴν χαρὰν τοῦ κυρίου σου.

22 προσελθὼν [δὲ] καὶ ὁ τὰ δύο τάλαντα εἶπεν, κύριε, δύο τάλαντά μοι παρέδωκας· ἴδε ἄλλα δύο τάλαντα ἐκέρδησα.

23 ἔφη αὐτῶ ὁ κύριος αὐτοῦ, εὗ, δοῦλε ἀγαθὲ καὶ πιστέ, ἐπὶ ὀλίγα ἦς πιστός, ἐπὶ πολλῶν σε καταστήσω· εἴσελθε εἰς τὴν χαρὰν τοῦ κυρίου σου.

24 προσελθὼν δὲ καὶ ὁ τὸ ἓν τάλαντον εἰληφὼς εἶπεν, κύριε, ἔγνων σε ὅτι σκληρὸς εἶ ἄνθρωπος, θερίζων ὅπου οὐκ ἔσπειρας καὶ συνάγων ὅθεν οὐ διεσκόρπισας·

25 καὶ φοβηθεὶς ἀπελθὼν ἔκρυψα τὸ τάλαντόν σου ἐν τῇ γῇ· ἴδε ἔχεις τὸ σόν.

26 ἀποκριθεὶς δὲ ὁ κύριος αὐτοῦ εἶπεν αὐτῶ, πονηρὲ δοῦλε καὶ ὀκνηρέ, ᾔδεις ὅτι θερίζω ὅπου οὐκ ἔσπειρα καὶ συνάγω ὅθεν οὐ διεσκόρπισα;

27 ἔδει σε οὗν βαλεῖν τὰ ἀργύριά μου τοῖς τραπεζίταις, καὶ ἐλθὼν ἐγὼ ἐκομισάμην ἂν τὸ ἐμὸν σὺν τόκῳ.

28 ἄρατε οὗν ἀπ᾽ αὐτοῦ τὸ τάλαντον καὶ δότε τῶ ἔχοντι τὰ δέκα τάλαντα·

29 τῶ γὰρ ἔχοντι παντὶ δοθήσεται καὶ περισσευθήσεται· τοῦ δὲ μὴ ἔχοντος καὶ ὃ ἔχει ἀρθήσεται ἀπ᾽ αὐτοῦ.

30 καὶ τὸν ἀχρεῖον δοῦλον ἐκβάλετε εἰς τὸ σκότος τὸ ἐξώτερον· ἐκεῖ ἔσται ὁ κλαυθμὸς καὶ ὁ βρυγμὸς τῶν ὀδόντων.

31 ὅταν δὲ ἔλθῃ ὁ υἱὸς τοῦ ἀνθρώπου ἐν τῇ δόξῃ αὐτοῦ καὶ πάντες οἱ ἄγγελοι μετ᾽ αὐτοῦ, τότε καθίσει ἐπὶ θρόνου δόξης αὐτοῦ·

32 καὶ συναχθήσονται ἔμπροσθεν αὐτοῦ πάντα τὰ ἔθνη, καὶ ἀφορίσει αὐτοὺς ἀπ᾽ ἀλλήλων, ὥσπερ ὁ ποιμὴν ἀφορίζει τὰ πρόβατα ἀπὸ τῶν ἐρίφων,

33 καὶ στήσει τὰ μὲν πρόβατα ἐκ δεξιῶν αὐτοῦ τὰ δὲ ἐρίφια ἐξ εὐωνύμων.

34 τότε ἐρεῖ ὁ βασιλεὺς τοῖς ἐκ δεξιῶν αὐτοῦ, δεῦτε, οἱ εὐλογημένοι τοῦ πατρός μου, κληρονομήσατε τὴν ἡτοιμασμένην ὑμῖν βασιλείαν ἀπὸ καταβολῆς κόσμου·

35 ἐπείνασα γὰρ καὶ ἐδώκατέ μοι φαγεῖν, ἐδίψησα καὶ ἐποτίσατέ με, ξένος ἤμην καὶ συνηγάγετέ με,

36 γυμνὸς καὶ περιεβάλετέ με, ἠσθένησα καὶ ἐπεσκέψασθέ με, ἐν φυλακῇ ἤμην καὶ ἤλθατε πρός με.

37 τότε ἀποκριθήσονται αὐτῶ οἱ δίκαιοι λέγοντες, κύριε, πότε σε εἴδομεν πεινῶντα καὶ ἐθρέψαμεν, ἢ διψῶντα καὶ ἐποτίσαμεν;

38 πότε δέ σε εἴδομεν ξένον καὶ συνηγάγομεν, ἢ γυμνὸν καὶ περιεβάλομεν;

39 πότε δέ σε εἴδομεν ἀσθενοῦντα ἢ ἐν φυλακῇ καὶ ἤλθομεν πρός σε;

40 καὶ ἀποκριθεὶς ὁ βασιλεὺς ἐρεῖ αὐτοῖς, ἀμὴν λέγω ὑμῖν, ἐφ᾽ ὅσον ἐποιήσατε ἑνὶ τούτων τῶν ἀδελφῶν μου τῶν ἐλαχίστων, ἐμοὶ ἐποιήσατε.

41 τότε ἐρεῖ καὶ τοῖς ἐξ εὐωνύμων, πορεύεσθε ἀπ᾽ ἐμοῦ [οἱ] κατηραμένοι εἰς τὸ πῦρ τὸ αἰώνιον τὸ ἡτοιμασμένον τῶ διαβόλῳ καὶ τοῖς ἀγγέλοις αὐτοῦ·

42 ἐπείνασα γὰρ καὶ οὐκ ἐδώκατέ μοι φαγεῖν, ἐδίψησα καὶ οὐκ ἐποτίσατέ με,

43 ξένος ἤμην καὶ οὐ συνηγάγετέ με, γυμνὸς καὶ οὐ περιεβάλετέ με, ἀσθενὴς καὶ ἐν φυλακῇ καὶ οὐκ ἐπεσκέψασθέ με.

44 τότε ἀποκριθήσονται καὶ αὐτοὶ λέγοντες, κύριε, πότε σε εἴδομεν πεινῶντα ἢ διψῶντα ἢ ξένον ἢ γυμνὸν ἢ ἀσθενῆ ἢ ἐν φυλακῇ καὶ οὐ διηκονήσαμέν σοι;

45 τότε ἀποκριθήσεται αὐτοῖς λέγων, ἀμὴν λέγω ὑμῖν, ἐφ᾽ ὅσον οὐκ ἐποιήσατε ἑνὶ τούτων τῶν ἐλαχίστων, οὐδὲ ἐμοὶ ἐποιήσατε.

46 καὶ ἀπελεύσονται οὖτοι εἰς κόλασιν αἰώνιον, οἱ δὲ δίκαιοι εἰς ζωὴν αἰώνιον.


1  Then5119 shall the3588 kingdom932 of heaven3772 be likened unto3666 ten1176 virgins,3933 which3748 took2983 their848 lamps,2985 and went forth1831 to meet1519 529 the3588 bridegroom.3566

2  And1161 five4002 of1537 them846 were2258 wise,5429 and2532 five4002 were foolish.3474

3  They that3748 were foolish3474 took2983 their1438 lamps,2985 and took2983 no3756 oil1637 with3326 them:1438

4  But1161 the3588 wise5429 took2983 oil1637 in1722 their848 vessels30 with3326 their848 lamps.2985

5  While1161 the3588 bridegroom3566 tarried,5549 they all3956 slumbered3573 and2532 slept.2518

6  And1161 at midnight3319 3571 there was a cry2906 made,1096 Behold,2400 the3588 bridegroom3566 cometh;2064 go ye out1831 to meet1519 529 him.846

7  Then5119 all3956 those1565 virgins3933 arose,1453 and2532 trimmed2885 their848 lamps.2985

8  And1161 the3588 foolish3474 said2036 unto the3588 wise,5429 Give1325 us2254 of1537 your5216 oil;1637 for3754 our2257 lamps2985 are gone out.4570

9  But1161 the3588 wise5429 answered,611 saying,3004 Not so; lest3379 there be not enough714 3756 for us2254 and2532 you:5213 but1161 go4198 ye rather3123 to4314 them that sell,4453 and2532 buy59 for yourselves.1438

10  And1161 while they846 went565 to buy,59 the3588 bridegroom3566 came;2064 and2532 they that were ready2092 went in1525 with3326 him846 to1519 the3588 marriage:1062 and2532 the3588 door2374 was shut.2808

11  1161 Afterward5305 came2064 also2532 the3588 other3062 virgins,3933 saying,3004 Lord,2962 Lord,2962 open455 to us.2254

12  But1161 he3588 answered611 and said,2036 Verily281 I say3004 unto you,5213 I know1492 you5209 not.3756

13  Watch1127 therefore,3767 for3754 ye know1492 neither3756 the3588 day2250 nor3761 the3588 hour5610 wherein1722 3739 the3588 Son5207 of man444 cometh.2064

14  For1063 the kingdom of heaven is as5618 a man444 traveling into a far country,589 who called2564 his own2398 servants,1401 and2532 delivered3860 unto them846 his848 goods.5224

15  And2532 unto one3739 3303 he gave1325 five4002 talents,5007 to1161 another3739 two,1417 and1161 to another3739 one;1520 to every man1538 according2596 to his several2398 ability;1411 and2532 straightway2112 took his journey.589

16  Then1161 he that had received2983 the3588 five4002 talents5007 went4198 and2532 traded2038 with1722 the same,846 and2532 made4160 them other243 five4002 talents.5007

17  And2532 likewise5615 he3588 that had received two,1417 he846 also2532 gained2770 other243 two.1417

18  But1161 he that had received2983 one1520 went565 and digged3736 in1722 the3588 earth,1093 and2532 hid613 his848 lord's2962 money.694

19  1161 After3326 a long4183 time5550 the3588 lord2962 of those1565 servants1401 cometh,2064 and2532 reckoneth4868 3056 with3326 them.846

20  And2532 so he that had received2983 five3588 4002 talents5007 came4334 and brought4374 other243 five4002 talents,5007 saying,3004 Lord,2962 thou deliveredst3860 unto me3427 five4002 talents:5007 behold,2396 I have gained2770 beside1909 them846 five4002 talents5007 more.243

21  1161 His846 lord2962 said5346 unto him,846 Well done,2095 thou good18 and2532 faithful4103 servant:1401 thou hast been2258 faithful4103 over1909 a few things,3641 I will make thee ruler2525 4571 over1909 many things:4183 enter1525 thou into1519 the3588 joy5479 of thy4675 lord.2962

22  1161 He also that had received2983 2532 two1417 talents5007 came4334 and said,2036 Lord,2962 thou deliveredst3860 unto me3427 two1417 talents:5007 behold,2396 I have gained2770 two1417 other243 talents5007 beside1909 them.846

23  His846 lord2962 said5346 unto him,846 Well done,2095 good18 and2532 faithful4103 servant;1401 thou hast been2258 faithful4103 over1909 a few things,3641 I will make thee ruler2525 4571 over1909 many things:4183 enter1525 thou into1519 the3588 joy5479 of thy4675 lord.2962

24  Then1161 he which had received2983 the3588 one1520 talent5007 came2532 4334 and said,2036 Lord,2962 I knew1097 thee4571 that3754 thou art1488 a hard4642 man,444 reaping2325 where3699 thou hast not3756 sown,4687 and2532 gathering4863 where3606 thou hast not3756 strewed:1287

25  And2532 I was afraid,5399 and went565 and hid2928 thy4675 talent5007 in1722 the3588 earth:1093 lo,2396 there thou hast2192 that is thine.4674

26  1161 His846 lord2962 answered611 and said2036 unto him,846 Thou wicked4190 and2532 slothful3636 servant,1401 thou knewest1492 that3754 I reap2325 where3699 I sowed4687 not,3756 and2532 gather4863 where3606 I have not3756 strewed:1287

27  Thou4571 oughtest1163 therefore3767 to have put906 my3450 money694 to the3588 exchangers,5133 and2532 then at my coming2064 I1473 should have received2865 302 mine own1699 with4862 usury.5110

28  Take142 therefore3767 the3588 talent5007 from575 him,846 and2532 give1325 it unto him which hath2192 ten1176 talents.5007

29  For1063 unto everyone3956 that hath2192 shall be given,1325 and2532 he shall have abundance:4052 but1161 from575 him3588 that hath2192 not3361 shall be taken away142 even575 846 2532 that which3739 he hath.2192

30  And2532 cast1544 ye the3588 unprofitable888 servant1401 into1519 outer1857 darkness:4655 there1563 shall be2071 weeping2805 and2532 gnashing1030 of teeth.3599

31  When3752 the3588 Son5207 of man444 shall come2064 in1722 his848 glory,1391 and2532 all3956 the3588 holy40 angels32 with3326 him,846 then5119 shall he sit2523 upon1909 the throne2362 of his848 glory:1391

32  And2532 before1715 him846 shall be gathered4863 all3956 nations:1484 and2532 he shall separate873 them846 one from another,240 575 as5618 a shepherd4166 divideth873 his sheep4263 from575 the3588 goats:2056

33  And2532 he shall set2476 the3588 sheep4263 on1537 his848 right hand,1188 but1161 the3588 goats2055 on1537 the left.2176

34  Then5119 shall the3588 King935 say2046 unto them3588 on1537 his848 right hand,1188 Come,1205 ye blessed2127 of my3450 Father,3962 inherit2816 the3588 kingdom932 prepared2090 for you5213 from575 the foundation2602 of the world:2889

35  For1063 I was hungry,3983 and2532 ye gave1325 me3427 meat:5315 I was thirsty,1372 and2532 ye gave me drink:4222 3165 I was2252 a stranger,3581 and2532 ye took me in:4863 3165

36  Naked,1131 and2532 ye clothed4016 me:3165 I was sick,770 and2532 ye visited1980 me:3165 I was2252 in1722 prison,5438 and2532 ye came2064 unto4314 me.3165

37  Then5119 shall the3588 righteous1342 answer611 him,846 saying,3004 Lord,2962 when4219 saw1492 we thee4571 hungry,3983 and2532 fed5142 thee? or2228 thirsty,1372 and2532 gave thee drink?4222

38  1161 When4219 saw1492 we thee4571 a stranger,3581 and2532 took thee in?4863 or2228 naked,1131 and2532 clothed4016 thee?

39  Or1161 when4219 saw1492 we thee4571 sick,772 or2228 in1722 prison,5438 and2532 came2064 unto4314 thee?4571

40  And2532 the3588 King935 shall answer611 and say2046 unto them,846 Verily281 I say3004 unto you,5213 Inasmuch as1909 3745 ye have done4160 it unto one1520 of the3588 least1646 of these5130 my3450 brethren,80 ye have done4160 it unto me.1698

41  Then5119 shall he say2046 also2532 unto them3588 on1537 the left hand,2176 Depart4198 from575 me,1700 ye cursed,2672 into1519 everlasting166 fire,4442 prepared2090 for the3588 devil1228 and2532 his846 angels:32

42  For1063 I was hungry,3983 and2532 ye gave1325 me3427 no3756 meat:5315 I was thirsty,1372 and2532 ye gave me no drink:4222 3165

43  I was2252 a stranger,3581 and2532 ye took me not in:4863 3165 3756 naked,1131 and2532 ye clothed4016 me3165 not:3756 sick,772 and2532 in1722 prison,5438 and2532 ye visited1980 me3165 not.3756

44  Then5119 shall they846 also2532 answer611 him,846 saying,3004 Lord,2962 when4219 saw1492 we thee4571 hungry,3983 or2228 athirst,1372 or2228 a stranger,3581 or2228 naked,1131 or2228 sick,772 or2228 in1722 prison,5438 and2532 did not3756 minister1247 unto thee?4671

45  Then5119 shall he answer611 them,846 saying,3004 Verily281 I say3004 unto you,5213 Inasmuch as1909 3745 ye did4160 it not3756 to one1520 of the3588 least1646 of these,5130 ye did4160 it not3761 to me.1698

46  And2532 these3778 shall go away565 into1519 everlasting166 punishment:2851 but1161 the3588 righteous1342 into1519 life2222 eternal.166


1 Tunc simile erit regnum cælorum decem virginibus: quæ accipientes lampades suas exierunt obviam sponso et sponsæ.

2 Quinque autem ex eis erant fatuæ, et quinque prudentes:

3 sed quinque fatuæ, acceptis lampadibus, non sumpserunt oleum secum:

4 prudentes vero acceperunt oleum in vasis suis cum lampadibus.

5 Moram autem faciente sponso, dormitaverunt omnes et dormierunt.

6 Media autem nocte clamor factus est: Ecce sponsus venit, exite obviam ei.

7 Tunc surrexerunt omnes virgines illæ, et ornaverunt lampades suas.

8 Fatuæ autem sapientibus dixerunt: Date nobis de oleo vestro, quia lampades nostræ extinguuntur.

9 Responderunt prudentes, dicentes: Ne forte non sufficiat nobis, et vobis, ite potius ad vendentes, et emite vobis.

10 Dum autem irent emere, venit sponsus: et quæ paratæ erant, intraverunt cum eo ad nuptias, et clausa est janua.

11 Novissime vero veniunt et reliquæ virgines, dicentes: Domine, domine, aperi nobis.

12 At ille respondens, ait: Amen dico vobis, nescio vos.

13 Vigilate itaque, quia nescitis diem, neque horam.

14 Sicut enim homo peregre proficiscens, vocavit servos suos, et tradidit illis bona sua.

15 Et uni dedit quinque talenta, alii autem duo, alii vero unum, unicuique secundum propriam virtutem: et profectus est statim.

16 Abiit autem qui quinque talenta acceperat, et operatus est in eis, et lucratus est alia quinque.

17 Similiter et qui duo acceperat, lucratus est alia duo.

18 Qui autem unum acceperat, abiens fodit in terram, et abscondit pecuniam domini sui.

19 Post multum vero temporis venit dominus servorum illorum, et posuit rationem cum eis.

20 Et accedens qui quinque talenta acceperat, obtulit alia quinque talenta, dicens: Domine, quinque talenta tradidisti mihi, ecce alia quinque superlucratus sum.

21 Ait illi dominus ejus: Euge serve bone, et fidelis: quia super pauca fuisti fidelis, super multa te constituam; intra in gaudium domini tui.

22 Accessit autem et qui duo talenta acceperat, et ait: Domine, duo talenta tradidisti mihi, ecce alia duo lucratus sum.

23 Ait illi dominus ejus: Euge serve bone, et fidelis: quia super pauca fuisti fidelis, super multa te constituam; intra in gaudium domini tui.

24 Accedens autem et qui unum talentum acceperat, ait: Domine, scio quia homo durus es; metis ubi non seminasti, et congregas ubi non sparsisti:

25 et timens abii, et abscondi talentum tuum in terra: ecce habes quod tuum est.

26 Respondens autem dominus ejus, dixit ei: Serve male, et piger, sciebas quia meto ubi non semino, et congrego ubi non sparsi:

27 oportuit ergo te committere pecuniam meam numulariis, et veniens ego recepissem utique quod meum est cum usura.

28 Tollite itaque ab eo talentum, et date ei qui habet decem talenta:

29 omni enim habenti dabitur, et abundabit: ei autem qui non habet, et quod videtur habere, auferetur ab eo.

30 Et inutilem servum ejicite in tenebras exteriores: illic erit fletus, et stridor dentium.

31 Cum autem venerit Filius hominis in majestate sua, et omnes angeli cum eo, tunc sedebit super sedem majestatis suæ:

32 et congregabuntur ante eum omnes gentes, et separabit eos ab invicem, sicut pastor segregat oves ab hædis:

33 et statuet oves quidem a dextris suis, hædos autem a sinistris.

34 Tunc dicet rex his qui a dextris ejus erunt: Venite benedicti Patris mei, possidete paratum vobis regnum a constitutione mundi:

35 esurivi enim, et dedistis mihi manducare: sitivi, et dedistis mihi bibere: hospes eram, et collegistis me:

36 nudus, et cooperuistis me: infirmus, et visitastis me: in carcere eram, et venistis ad me.

37 Tunc respondebunt ei justi, dicentes: Domine, quando te vidimus esurientem, et pavimus te: sitientem, et dedimus tibi potum?

38 quando autem te vidimus hospitem, et collegimus te: aut nudum, et cooperuimus te?

39 aut quando te vidimus infirmum, aut in carcere, et venimus ad te?

40 Et respondens rex, dicet illis: Amen dico vobis, quamdiu fecistis uni ex his fratribus meis minimis, mihi fecistis.

41 Tunc dicet et his qui a sinistris erunt: Discedite a me maledicti in ignem æternum, qui paratus est diabolo, et angelis ejus:

42 esurivi enim, et non dedistis mihi manducare: sitivi, et non desistis mihi potum:

43 hospes eram, et non collegistis me: nudus, et non cooperuistis me: infirmus, et in carcere, et non visitastis me.

44 Tunc respondebunt ei et ipsi, dicentes: Domine, quando te vidimus esurientem, aut sitientem, aut hospitem, aut nudum, aut infirmum, aut in carcere, et non ministravimus tibi?

45 Tunc respondebit illis, dicens: Amen dico vobis: Quamdiu non fecistis uni de minoribus his, nec mihi fecistis.

46 Et ibunt hi in supplicium æternum: justi autem in vitam æternam.

Next: Matthew 26