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Hosea 13


1  When Ephraim669 spoke1696 trembling,7578 he1931 exalted5375 himself in Israel;3478 but when he offended816 in Baal,1168 he died.4191

2  And now6258 they sin2398 more and more,3254 and have made6213 them molten images4541 of their silver,4480 3701 and idols6091 according to their own understanding,8394 all3605 of it the work4639 of the craftsmen:2796 they1992 say559 of them, Let the men120 that sacrifice2076 kiss5401 the calves.5695

3  Therefore3651 they shall be1961 as the morning1242 cloud,6051 and as the early7925 dew2919 that passeth away,1980 as the chaff4671 that is driven with the whirlwind5590 out of the floor,4480 1637 and as the smoke6227 out of the chimney.4480 699

4  Yet I595 am the LORD3068 thy God430 from the land4480 776 of Egypt,4714 and thou shalt know3045 no3808 god430 but2108 me: for there is no369 savior3467 beside1115 me.

5  I589 did know3045 thee in the wilderness,4057 in the land776 of great drought.8514

6  According to their pasture,4830 so were they filled;7646 they were filled,7646 and their heart3820 was exalted;7311 therefore5921 3651 have they forgotten7911 me.

7  Therefore I will be1961 unto them as3644 a lion:7826 as a leopard5246 by5921 the way1870 will I observe7789 them:

8  I will meet6298 them as a bear1677 that is bereaved7909 of her whelps, and will rend7167 the caul5458 of their heart,3820 and there8033 will I devour398 them like a lion:3833 the wild7704 beast2416 shall tear1234 them.

9  O Israel,3478 thou hast destroyed7843 thyself; but3588 in me is thine help.5828

10  I will be165 thy king:4428 where645 is any other that may save3467 thee in all3605 thy cities?5892 and thy judges8199 of whom834 thou saidst,559 Give5414 me a king4428 and princes?8269

11  I gave5414 thee a king4428 in mine anger,639 and took him away3947 in my wrath.5678

12  The iniquity5771 of Ephraim669 is bound up;6887 his sin2403 is hid.6845

13  The sorrows2256 of a travailing woman3205 shall come935 upon him: he1931 is an unwise3808 2450 son;1121 for3588 he should not3808 stay5975 long6256 in the place of the breaking forth4866 of children.1121

14  I will ransom6299 them from the power4480 3027 of the grave;7585 I will redeem1350 them from death:4480 4194 O death,4194 I will be165 thy plagues;1698 O grave,7585 I will be165 thy destruction:6987 repentance5164 shall be hid5641 from mine eyes.4480 5869

15  Though3588 he1931 be fruitful6500 among996 his brethren,251 an east wind6921 shall come,935 the wind7307 of the LORD3068 shall come up5927 from the wilderness,4480 4057 and his spring4726 shall become dry,954 and his fountain4599 shall be dried up:2717 he1931 shall spoil8154 the treasure214 of all3605 pleasant2532 vessels.3627

16  Samaria8111 shall become desolate;816 for3588 she hath rebelled4784 against her God:430 they shall fall5307 by the sword:2719 their infants5768 shall be dashed in pieces,7376 and their women with child2030 shall be ripped up.1234


1 κατὰ τὸν λόγον Εφραιμ δικαιώματα αὐτὸς ἔλαβεν ἐν τῷ Ισραηλ καὶ ἔθετο αὐτὰ τῇ Βααλ καὶ ἀπέθανεν

2 καὶ προσέθετο τοῦ ἁμαρτάνειν ἔτι καὶ ἐποίησαν ἑαυτοῖς χώνευμα ἐκ τοῦ ἀργυρίου αὐτῶν κατ᾽ εἰκόνα εἰδώλων ἔργα τεκτόνων συντετελεσμένα αὐτοῖς αὐτοὶ λέγουσιν θύσατε ἀνθρώπους μόσχοι γὰρ ἐκλελοίπασιν

3 διὰ τοῦτο ἔσονται ὡς νεφέλη πρωινὴ καὶ ὡς δρόσος ὀρθρινὴ πορευομένη ὥσπερ χνοῦς ἀποφυσώμενος ἀφ᾽ ἅλωνος καὶ ὡς ἀτμὶς ἀπὸ ἀκρίδων

4 ἐγὼ δὲ κύριος ὁ θεός σου στερεῶν οὐρανὸν καὶ κτίζων γῆν οὗ αἱ χεῖρες ἔκτισαν πᾶσαν τὴν στρατιὰν τοῦ οὐρανοῦ καὶ οὐ παρέδειξά σοι αὐτὰ τοῦ πορεύεσθαι ὀπίσω αὐτῶν καὶ ἐγὼ ἀνήγαγόν σε ἐκ γῆς Αἰγύπτου καὶ θεὸν πλὴν ἐμοῦ οὐ γνώσῃ καὶ σῴζων οὐκ ἔστιν πάρεξ ἐμοῦ

5 ἐγὼ ἐποίμαινόν σε ἐν τῇ ἐρήμῳ ἐν γῇ ἀοικήτῳ

6 κατὰ τὰς νομὰς αὐτῶν καὶ ἐνεπλήσθησαν εἰς πλησμονήν καὶ ὑψώθησαν αἱ καρδίαι αὐτῶν ἕνεκα τούτου ἐπελάθοντό μου

7 καὶ ἔσομαι αὐτοῖς ὡς πανθὴρ καὶ ὡς πάρδαλις κατὰ τὴν ὁδὸν Ἀσσυρίων

8 ἀπαντήσομαι αὐτοῖς ὡς ἄρκος ἀπορουμένη καὶ διαρρήξω συγκλεισμὸν καρδίας αὐτῶν καὶ καταφάγονται αὐτοὺς ἐκεῖ σκύμνοι δρυμοῦ θηρία ἀγροῦ διασπάσει αὐτούς

9 τῇ διαφθορᾷ σου Ισραηλ τίς βοηθήσει

10 ποῦ ὁ βασιλεύς σου οὗτος καὶ διασωσάτω σε ἐν πάσαις ταῖς πόλεσίν σου κρινάτω σε ὃν εἶπας δός μοι βασιλέα καὶ ἄρχοντα

11 καὶ ἔδωκά σοι βασιλέα ἐν ὀργῇ μου καὶ ἔσχον ἐν τῷ θυμῷ μου

12 συστροφὴν ἀδικίας Εφραιμ ἐγκεκρυμμένη ἡ ἁμαρτία αὐτοῦ

13 ὠδῖνες ὡς τικτούσης ἥξουσιν αὐτῷ οὗτος ὁ υἱός σου οὐ φρόνιμος διότι οὐ μὴ ὑποστῇ ἐν συντριβῇ τέκνων

14 ἐκ χειρὸς ᾅδου ῥύσομαι αὐτοὺς καὶ ἐκ θανάτου λυτρώσομαι αὐτούς ποῦ ἡ δίκη σου θάνατε ποῦ τὸ κέντρον σου ᾅδη παράκλησις κέκρυπται ἀπὸ ὀφθαλμῶν μου

15 διότι οὗτος ἀνὰ μέσον ἀδελφῶν διαστελεῖ ἐπάξει ἄνεμον καύσωνα κύριος ἐκ τῆς ἐρήμου ἐπ᾽ αὐτόν καὶ ἀναξηρανεῖ τὰς φλέβας αὐτοῦ ἐξερημώσει τὰς πηγὰς αὐτοῦ αὐτὸς καταξηρανεῖ τὴν γῆν αὐτοῦ καὶ πάντα τὰ σκεύη τὰ ἐπιθυμητὰ αὐτοῦ


‎1 ‏כְּדַבֵּ֤ר אֶפְרַ֙יִם֙ רְתֵ֔ת נָשָׂ֥א ה֖וּא בְּיִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל וַיֶּאְשַׁ֥ם בַּבַּ֖עַל וַיָּמֹֽת׃

‎2 ‏וְעַתָּ֣ה׀ יוֹסִ֣פוּ לַחֲטֹ֗א וַיַּעְשׂ֣וּ לָהֶם֩ מַסֵּכָ֨ה מִכַּסְפָּ֤ם כִּתְבוּנָם֙ עֲצַבִּ֔ים מַעֲשֵׂ֥ה חָרָשִׁ֖ים כֻּלֹּ֑ה לָהֶם֙ הֵ֣ם אֹמְרִ֔ים זֹבְחֵ֣י אָדָ֔ם עֲגָלִ֖ים יִשָּׁקֽוּן׃

‎3 ‏לָכֵ֗ן יִֽהְיוּ֙ כַּעֲנַן־בֹּ֔קֶר וְכַטַּ֖ל מַשְׁכִּ֣ים הֹלֵ֑ךְ כְּמֹץ֙ יְסֹעֵ֣ר מִגֹּ֔רֶן וּכְעָשָׁ֖ן מֵאֲרֻבָּֽה׃

‎4 ‏וְאָנֹכִ֛י יְהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֶ֖יךָ מֵאֶ֣רֶץ מִצְרָ֑יִם וֵאלֹהִ֤ים זֽוּלָתִי֙ לֹ֣א תֵדָ֔ע וּמוֹשִׁ֥יעַ אַ֖יִן בִּלְתִּֽי׃

‎5 ‏אֲנִ֥י יְדַעְתִּ֖יךָ בַּמִּדְבָּ֑ר בְּאֶ֖רֶץ תַּלְאֻבֽוֹת׃

‎6 ‏כְּמַרְעִיתָם֙ וַיִּשְׂבָּ֔עוּ שָׂבְע֖וּ וַיָּ֣רָם לִבָּ֑ם עַל־כֵּ֖ן שְׁכֵחֽוּנִי׃

‎7 ‏וָאֱהִ֥י לָהֶ֖ם כְּמוֹ־שָׁ֑חַל כְּנָמֵ֖ר עַל־דֶּ֥רֶךְ אָשֽׁוּר׃

‎8 ‏אֶפְגְּשֵׁם֙ כְּדֹ֣ב שַׁכּ֔וּל וְאֶקְרַ֖ע סְג֣וֹר לִבָּ֑ם וְאֹכְלֵ֥ם שָׁם֙ כְּלָבִ֔יא חַיַּ֥ת הַשָּׂדֶ֖ה תְּבַקְּעֵֽם׃

‎9 ‏שִֽׁחֶתְךָ֥ יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל כִּֽי־בִ֥י בְעֶזְרֶֽךָ׃

‎10 ‏אֱהִ֤י מַלְכְּךָ֙ אֵפ֔וֹא וְיוֹשִֽׁיעֲךָ֖ בְּכָל־עָרֶ֑יךָ וְשֹׁ֣פְטֶ֔יךָ אֲשֶׁ֣ר אָמַ֔רְתָּ תְּנָה־לִּ֖י מֶ֥לֶךְ וְשָׂרִֽים׃

‎11 ‏אֶֽתֶּן־לְךָ֥ מֶ֙לֶךְ֙ בְּאַפִּ֔י וְאֶקַּ֖ח בְּעֶבְרָתִֽי׃ ס

‎12 ‏צָרוּר֙ עֲוֹ֣ן אֶפְרָ֔יִם צְפוּנָ֖ה חַטָּאתֽוֹ׃

‎13 ‏חֶבְלֵ֥י יֽוֹלֵדָ֖ה יָבֹ֣אוּ ל֑וֹ הוּא־בֵן֙ לֹ֣א חָכָ֔ם כִּֽי־עֵ֥ת לֹֽא־יַעֲמֹ֖ד בְּמִשְׁבַּ֥ר בָּנִֽים׃

‎14 ‏מִיַּ֤ד שְׁאוֹל֙ אֶפְדֵּ֔ם מִמָּ֖וֶת אֶגְאָלֵ֑ם אֱהִ֨י דְבָרֶיךָ֜ מָ֗וֶת אֱהִ֤י קָֽטָבְךָ֙ שְׁא֔וֹל נֹ֖חַם יִסָּתֵ֥ר מֵעֵינָֽי׃

‎15 ‏כִּ֣י ה֔וּא בֵּ֥ן אַחִ֖ים יַפְרִ֑יא יָב֣וֹא קָדִים֩ ר֨וּחַ יְהוָ֜ה מִמִּדְבָּ֣ר עֹלֶ֗ה וְיֵב֤וֹשׁ מְקוֹרוֹ֙ וְיֶחֱרַ֣ב מַעְיָנ֔וֹ ה֣וּא יִשְׁסֶ֔ה אוֹצַ֖ר כָּל־כְּלִ֥י חֶמְדָּֽה׃


1 [Loquente Ephraim, horror invasit Israël;
et deliquit in Baal, et mortuus est.

2 Et nunc addiderunt ad peccandum;
feceruntque sibi conflatile de argento suo
quasi similitudinem idolorum:
factura artificum totum est:
his ipsi dicunt: Immolate homines, vitulos adorantes.

3 Idcirco erunt quasi nubes matutina,
et sicut ros matutinus præteriens;
sicut pulvis turbine raptus ex area,
et sicut fumus de fumario.

4 Ego autem Dominus Deus tuus, ex terra Ægypti;
et Deum absque me nescies,
et salvator non est præter me.

5 Ego cognovi te in deserto,
in terra solitudinis.

6 Juxta pascua sua adimpleti sunt et saturati sunt;
et levaverunt cor suum, et obliti sunt mei.

7 Et ego ero eis quasi leæna,
sicut pardus in via Assyriorum.

8 Occurram eis quasi ursa raptis catulis,
et dirumpam interiora jecoris eorum,
et consumam eos ibi quasi leo:
bestia agri scindet eos.

9 Perditio tua, Israël: tantummodo in me auxilium tuum.

10 Ubi est rex tuus?
maxime nunc salvet te in omnibus urbibus tuis;
et judices tui, de quibus dixisti:
Da mihi regem et principes.

11 Dabo tibi regem in furore meo,
et auferam in indignatione mea.

12 Colligata est iniquitas Ephraim;
absconditum peccatum ejus.

13 Dolores parturientis venient ei:
ipse filius non sapiens:
nunc enim non stabit in contritione filiorum.

14 De manu mortis liberabo eos;
de morte redimam eos.
Ero mors tua, o mors!
morsus tuus ero, inferne!
consolatio abscondita est ab oculis meis.

15 Quia ipse inter fratres dividet:
adducet urentem ventum Dominus de deserto ascendentem,
et siccabit venas ejus,
et desolabit fontem ejus:
et ipse diripiet thesaurum omnis vasis desiderabilis.]

Next: Hosea 14