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Hebrews 12


1 τοιγαροῦν καὶ ἡμεῖς, τοσοῦτον ἔχοντες περικείμενον ἡμῖν νέφος μαρτύρων, ὄγκον ἀποθέμενοι πάντα καὶ τὴν εὐπερίστατον ἁμαρτίαν, δι᾽ ὑπομονῆς τρέχωμεν τὸν προκείμενον ἡμῖν ἀγῶνα,

2 ἀφορῶντες εἰς τὸν τῆς πίστεως ἀρχηγὸν καὶ τελειωτὴν ἰησοῦν, ὃς ἀντὶ τῆς προκειμένης αὐτῶ χαρᾶς ὑπέμεινεν σταυρὸν αἰσχύνης καταφρονήσας, ἐν δεξιᾷ τε τοῦ θρόνου τοῦ θεοῦ κεκάθικεν.

3 ἀναλογίσασθε γὰρ τὸν τοιαύτην ὑπομεμενηκότα ὑπὸ τῶν ἁμαρτωλῶν εἰς ἑαυτὸν ἀντιλογίαν, ἵνα μὴ κάμητε ταῖς ψυχαῖς ὑμῶν ἐκλυόμενοι.

4 οὔπω μέχρις αἵματος ἀντικατέστητε πρὸς τὴν ἁμαρτίαν ἀνταγωνιζόμενοι,

5 καὶ ἐκλέλησθε τῆς παρακλήσεως, ἥτις ὑμῖν ὡς υἱοῖς διαλέγεται, υἱέ μου, μὴ ὀλιγώρει παιδείας κυρίου, μηδὲ ἐκλύου ὑπ᾽ αὐτοῦ ἐλεγχόμενος·

6 ὃν γὰρ ἀγαπᾷ κύριος παιδεύει, μαστιγοῖ δὲ πάντα υἱὸν ὃν παραδέχεται.

7 εἰς παιδείαν ὑπομένετε· ὡς υἱοῖς ὑμῖν προσφέρεται ὁ θεός· τίς γὰρ υἱὸς ὃν οὐ παιδεύει πατήρ;

8 εἰ δὲ χωρίς ἐστε παιδείας ἧς μέτοχοι γεγόνασιν πάντες, ἄρα νόθοι καὶ οὐχ υἱοί ἐστε.

9 εἶτα τοὺς μὲν τῆς σαρκὸς ἡμῶν πατέρας εἴχομεν παιδευτὰς καὶ ἐνετρεπόμεθα· οὐ πολὺ [δὲ] μᾶλλον ὑποταγησόμεθα τῶ πατρὶ τῶν πνευμάτων καὶ ζήσομεν;

10 οἱ μὲν γὰρ πρὸς ὀλίγας ἡμέρας κατὰ τὸ δοκοῦν αὐτοῖς ἐπαίδευον, ὁ δὲ ἐπὶ τὸ συμφέρον εἰς τὸ μεταλαβεῖν τῆς ἁγιότητος αὐτοῦ.

11 πᾶσα δὲ παιδεία πρὸς μὲν τὸ παρὸν οὐ δοκεῖ χαρᾶς εἶναι ἀλλὰ λύπης, ὕστερον δὲ καρπὸν εἰρηνικὸν τοῖς δι᾽ αὐτῆς γεγυμνασμένοις ἀποδίδωσιν δικαιοσύνης.

12 διὸ τὰς παρειμένας χεῖρας καὶ τὰ παραλελυμένα γόνατα ἀνορθώσατε,

13 καὶ τροχιὰς ὀρθὰς ποιεῖτε τοῖς ποσὶν ὑμῶν, ἵνα μὴ τὸ χωλὸν ἐκτραπῇ, ἰαθῇ δὲ μᾶλλον.

14 εἰρήνην διώκετε μετὰ πάντων, καὶ τὸν ἁγιασμόν, οὖ χωρὶς οὐδεὶς ὄψεται τὸν κύριον,

15 ἐπισκοποῦντες μή τις ὑστερῶν ἀπὸ τῆς χάριτος τοῦ θεοῦ, μή τις ῥίζα πικρίας ἄνω φύουσα ἐνοχλῇ καὶ δι᾽ αὐτῆς μιανθῶσιν πολλοί,

16 μή τις πόρνος ἢ βέβηλος ὡς ἠσαῦ, ὃς ἀντὶ βρώσεως μιᾶς ἀπέδετο τὰ πρωτοτόκια ἑαυτοῦ.

17 ἴστε γὰρ ὅτι καὶ μετέπειτα θέλων κληρονομῆσαι τὴν εὐλογίαν ἀπεδοκιμάσθη, μετανοίας γὰρ τόπον οὐχ εὖρεν, καίπερ μετὰ δακρύων ἐκζητήσας αὐτήν.

18 οὐ γὰρ προσεληλύθατε ψηλαφωμένῳ καὶ κεκαυμένῳ πυρὶ καὶ γνόφῳ καὶ ζόφῳ καὶ θυέλλῃ

19 καὶ σάλπιγγος ἤχῳ καὶ φωνῇ ῥημάτων, ἧς οἱ ἀκούσαντες παρῃτήσαντο μὴ προστεθῆναι αὐτοῖς λόγον·

20 οὐκ ἔφερον γὰρ τὸ διαστελλόμενον, κἂν θηρίον θίγῃ τοῦ ὄρους, λιθοβοληθήσεται·

21 καί, οὕτω φοβερὸν ἦν τὸ φανταζόμενον, μωϊσῆς εἶπεν, ἔκφοβός εἰμι καὶ ἔντρομος.

22 ἀλλὰ προσεληλύθατε σιὼν ὄρει καὶ πόλει θεοῦ ζῶντος, ἰερουσαλὴμ ἐπουρανίῳ, καὶ μυριάσιν ἀγγέλων, πανηγύρει

23 καὶ ἐκκλησίᾳ πρωτοτόκων ἀπογεγραμμένων ἐν οὐρανοῖς, καὶ κριτῇ θεῶ πάντων, καὶ πνεύμασι δικαίων τετελειωμένων,

24 καὶ διαθήκης νέας μεσίτῃ ἰησοῦ, καὶ αἵματι ῥαντισμοῦ κρεῖττον λαλοῦντι παρὰ τὸν ἅβελ.

25 βλέπετε μὴ παραιτήσησθε τὸν λαλοῦντα· εἰ γὰρ ἐκεῖνοι οὐκ ἐξέφυγον ἐπὶ γῆς παραιτησάμενοι τὸν χρηματίζοντα, πολὺ μᾶλλον ἡμεῖς οἱ τὸν ἀπ᾽ οὐρανῶν ἀποστρεφόμενοι·

26 οὖ ἡ φωνὴ τὴν γῆν ἐσάλευσεν τότε, νῦν δὲ ἐπήγγελται λέγων, ἔτι ἅπαξ ἐγὼ σείσω οὐ μόνον τὴν γῆν ἀλλὰ καὶ τὸν οὐρανόν.

27 τὸ δέ, ἔτι ἅπαξ δηλοῖ [τὴν] τῶν σαλευομένων μετάθεσιν ὡς πεποιημένων, ἵνα μείνῃ τὰ μὴ σαλευόμενα.

28 διὸ βασιλείαν ἀσάλευτον παραλαμβάνοντες ἔχωμεν χάριν, δι᾽ ἧς λατρεύωμεν εὐαρέστως τῶ θεῶ μετὰ εὐλαβείας καὶ δέους·

29 καὶ γὰρ ὁ θεὸς ἡμῶν πῦρ καταναλίσκον.


1  Wherefore5105 seeing we2249 also2532 are compassed about4029 with2254 so great5118 a cloud3509 of witnesses,3144 let us lay aside659 every3956 weight,3591 and2532 the sin266 which doth so easily beset2139 us, and2532 let us run5143 with1223 patience5281 the3588 race73 that is set before4295 us,2254

2  Looking872 unto1519 Jesus2424 the3588 author747 and2532 finisher5051 of our faith;4102 who3739 for473 the3588 joy5479 that was set before4295 him848 endured5278 the cross,4716 despising2706 the shame,152 and5037 is set down2523 at1722 the right hand1188 of the3588 throne2362 of God.2316

3  For1063 consider357 him that endured5278 such5108 contradiction485 of5259 sinners268 against1519 himself,848 lest3363 ye be wearied2577 and faint1590 in your5216 minds.5590

4  Ye have not yet3768 resisted478 unto3360 blood,129 striving464 against4314 sin.266

5  And2532 ye have forgotten1585 the3588 exhortation3874 which3748 speaketh1256 unto you5213 as5613 unto children,5207 My3450 son,5207 despise3643 not3361 thou the chastening3809 of the Lord,2962 nor3366 faint1590 when thou art rebuked1651 of5259 him:846

6  For1063 whom3739 the Lord2962 loveth25 he chasteneth,3811 and1161 scourgeth3146 every3956 son5207 whom3739 he receiveth.3858

7  If1487 ye endure5278 chastening,3809 God2316 dealeth4374 with you5213 as5613 with sons;5207 for1063 what5101 son5207 is2076 he whom3739 the father3962 chasteneth3811 not?3756

8  But1161 if1487 ye be2075 without5565 chastisement,3809 whereof3739 all3956 are1096 partakers,3353 then686 are2075 ye bastards,3541 and2532 not3756 sons.5207

9  Furthermore1534 we have had2192 fathers3962 of our2257 flesh4561 which corrected3810 us, and2532 we gave them reverence:1788 shall we not3756 much4183 rather3123 be in subjection5293 unto the3588 Father3962 of spirits,4151 and2532 live?2198

10  For1063 they3588 verily3303 for4314 a few3641 days2250 chastened3811 us after2596 their own848 pleasure;1380 but1161 he3588 for1909 our profit,4851 that we might be partakers3335 of his846 holiness.41

11  Now1161 no3956 3756 chastening3809 for4314 the3588 present3918 seemeth1380 to be1511 joyous,5479 but235 grievous:3077 nevertheless1161 afterward5305 it yieldeth591 the peaceable1516 fruit2590 of righteousness1343 unto them which are exercised1128 thereby.1223 846

12  Wherefore1352 lift up461 the hands5495 which3588 hang down,3935 and2532 the3588 feeble3886 knees;1119

13  And2532 make4160 straight3717 paths5163 for your5216 feet,4228 lest3363 that which is lame5560 be turned out of the way;1624 but1161 let it rather3123 be healed.2390

14  Follow1377 peace1515 with3326 all3956 men, and2532 holiness,38 without5565 which3739 no man3762 shall see3700 the3588 Lord:2962

15  Looking diligently1983 lest3361 any man5100 fail5302 of575 the3588 grace5485 of God;2316 lest3361 any5100 root4491 of bitterness4088 springing5453 up507 trouble1776 you, and2532 thereby1223 5026 many4183 be defiled;3392

16  Lest3361 there be any5100 fornicator,4205 or2228 profane person,952 as5613 Esau,2269 who3739 for473 one3391 morsel of meat1035 sold591 his848 birthright.4415

17  For1063 ye know2467 how that3754 afterward,3347 when he would2309 have inherited2816 the3588 blessing,2129 he was rejected:593 for1063 he found2147 no3756 place5117 of repentance,3341 though2539 he sought it carefully1567 846 with3326 tears.1144

18  For1063 ye are not3756 come4334 unto the mount3735 that might be touched,5584 and2532 that burned2545 with fire,4442 nor2532 unto blackness,1105 and2532 darkness,4655 and2532 tempest,2366

19  And2532 the sound2279 of a trumpet,4536 and2532 the voice5456 of words;4487 which3739 voice they that heard191 entreated3868 that the word3056 should not3361 be spoken to them any more:4369 846

20  (For1063 they could not3756 endure5342 that which was commanded,1291 And if so much as2579 a beast2342 touch2345 the3588 mountain,3735 it shall be stoned,3036 or thrust through2700 with a dart:1002

21  And2532 so3779 terrible5398 was2258 the3588 sight,5324 that Moses3475 said,2036 I exceedingly fear1510 1630 and2532 quake:)1790

22  But235 ye are come unto4334 mount3735 Zion,4622 and2532 unto the city4172 of the living2198 God,2316 the heavenly2032 Jerusalem,2419 and2532 to an innumerable company3461 of angels,32

23  To the general assembly3831 and2532 church1577 of the firstborn,4416 which are written583 in1722 heaven,3772 and2532 to God2316 the Judge2923 of all,3956 and2532 to the spirits4151 of just men1342 made perfect,5048

24  And2532 to Jesus2424 the mediator3316 of the new3501 covenant,1242 and2532 to the blood129 of sprinkling,4473 that speaketh2980 better things2909 than3844 that of Abel.6

25  See991 that ye refuse3868 not3361 him that speaketh.2980 For1063 if1487 they1565 escaped5343 not3756 who refused3868 him that spake5537 on1909 earth,1093 much4183 more3123 shall not we2249 escape, if we turn away from654 him3588 that speaketh from575 heaven:3772

26  Whose3739 voice5456 then5119 shook4531 the3588 earth:1093 but1161 now3568 he hath promised,1861 saying,3004 Yet2089 once more530 I1473 shake4579 not3756 the3588 earth1093 only,3440 but235 also2532 heaven.3772

27  And1161 this3588 word, Yet2089 once more,530 signifieth1213 the3588 removing3331 of those things that are shaken,4531 as5613 of things that are made,4160 that2443 those things which cannot be shaken4531 3361 may remain.3306

28  Wherefore1352 we receiving3880 a kingdom932 which cannot be moved,761 let us have2192 grace,5485 whereby1223 3739 we may serve3000 God2316 acceptably2102 with3326 reverence127 and2532 godly fear:2124

29  For1063 2532 our2257 God2316 is a consuming2654 fire.4442


1 Ideoque et nos tantam habentes impositam nubem testium, deponentes omne pondus, et circumstans nos peccatum, per patientiam curramus ad propositum nobis certamen:

2 aspicientes in auctorem fidei, et consummatorem Jesum, qui proposito sibi gaudio sustinuit crucem, confusione contempta, atque in dextera sedis Dei sedet.

3 Recogitate enim eum qui talem sustinuit a peccatoribus adversum semetipsum contradictionem: ut ne fatigemini, animis vestris deficientes.

4 Nondum enim usque ad sanguinem restitistis, adversus peccatum repugnantes:

5 et obliti estis consolationis, quæ vobis tamquam filiis loquitur, dicens: Fili mi, noli negligere disciplinam Domini: neque fatigeris dum ab eo argueris.

6 Quem enim diligit Dominus, castigat: flagellat autem omnem filium, quem recipit.

7 In disciplina perseverate. Tamquam filiis vobis offert se Deus: quis enim filius, quem non corripit pater?

8 quod si extra disciplinam estis, cujus participes facti sunt omnes: ergo adulteri, et non filii estis.

9 Deinde patres quidem carnis nostræ, eruditores habuimus, et reverebamur eos, non multo magis obtemperabimus Patri spirituum, et vivemus?

10 Et illi quidem in tempore paucorum dierum, secundum voluntatem suam erudiebant nos: hic autem ad id quod utile est in recipiendo sanctificationem ejus.

11 Omnis autem disciplina in præsenti quidem videtur non esse gaudii, sed mœroris: postea autem fructum pacatissimum exercitatis per eam, reddet justitiæ.

12 Propter quod remissas manus, et soluta genua erigite,

13 et gressus rectos facite pedibus vestris: ut non claudicans quis erret, magis autem sanetur.

14 Pacem sequimini cum omnibus, et sanctimoniam, sine qua nemo videbit Deum:

15 contemplantes nequis desit gratiæ Dei: ne qua radix amaritudinis sursum germinans impediat, et per illam inquinentur multi.

16 Ne quis fornicator, aut profanus ut Esau: qui propter unam escam vendidit primitiva sua:

17 scitote enim quoniam et postea cupiens hæreditare benedictionem, reprobatus est: non enim invenit pœnitentiæ locum, quamquam cum lacrimis inquisisset eam.

18 Non enim accessistis ad tractabilem montem, et accensibilem ignem, et turbinem, et caliginem, et procellam,

19 et tubæ sonum, et vocem verborum, quam qui audierunt, excusaverunt se, ne eis fieret verbum.

20 Non enim portabant quod dicebatur: Et si bestia tetigerit montem, lapidabitur.

21 Et ita terribile erat quod videbatur. Moyses dixit: Exterritus sum, et tremebundus.

22 Sed accessistis ad Sion montem, et civitatem Dei viventis, Jerusalem cælestem, et multorum millium angelorum frequentiam,

23 et ecclesiam primitivorum, qui conscripti sunt in cælis, et judicem omnium Deum, et spiritus justorum perfectorum,

24 et testamenti novi mediatorem Jesum, et sanguinis aspersionem melius loquentem quam Abel.

25 Videte ne recusetis loquentem. Si enim illi non effugerunt, recusantes eum, qui super terram loquebatur: multo magis nos, qui de cælis loquentem nobis avertimus.

26 Cujus vox movit terram tunc: nunc autem repromittit, dicens: Adhuc semel, et ego movebo non solum terram, sed et cælum.

27 Quod autem, Adhuc semel, dicit: declarat mobilium translationem tamquam factorum, ut maneant ea quæ sunt immobilia.

28 Itaque regnum immobile suscipientes, habemus gratiam: per quam serviamus placentes Deo, cum metu et reverentia.

29 Etenim Deus noster ignis consumens est.

Next: Hebrews 13