The story of Burnt Njal, by Anonymous
Index | Next: Book 6 | Previous: Book 4
Book 5
- Chapter LXV. Of Fines and Atonements
- Chapter LXVI. Of Thorgeir Otkell's Son
- Chapter LXVII. Of Thorgeir Starkad's Son
- Chapter LXVIII. Of Njal and those Namesakes
- Chapter LXIX. Olaf the Peacock's Gifts to Gunnar
- Chapter LXX. Mord's Counsel
- Chapter LXXI. The Slaying of Thorgeir's Son
- Chapter LXXII. Of the Suits for Manslaughter
- Chapter LXXIII. Of the Atonement
- Chapter LXXIV. Kolskegg goes Abroad
- Chapter LXXV. The Riding to Lithend
- Chapter LXXVI. Gunnar's Slaying
- Chapter LXXVII. Gunnar Sings a Song Dead
- Chapter LXXVIII. Gunnar of Lithend Avenged
- Chapter LXXIX. Hogni takes an Atonement
- Chapter LXXX. Of Kolskegg was Baptised
Gunnar, and the sons of Sigfus, and Njal's sons, went altogether in one band, and they marched so swiftly and closely that men who came in their way had to take heed lest they should get a fall; and nothing was so often spoken about over the whole Thing as these great lawsuits.
Gunnar went to meet his cousins, and Olaf and his men greeted him well. They asked Gunnar about the fight, but he told them all about it, and was just in all he said; he told them, too, what steps he had taken since.
Then Olaf said, "'Tis worth much to see how close Njal stands by thee in all counsel".
Gunnar said he should never be able to repay that, but then he begged them for help; and they said that was his due.
Now the suits on both sides came before the court, and each pleads his cause.
Mord asked—"How it was that a man could have the right to set a suit on foot who, like Gunnar, had already made himself an outlaw by striking Thorgeir a blow?"
"Wast thou," answered Njal, "at Thingskala-Thing last autumn?"
"Surely I was," says Mord.
"Heardest thou," asks Njal, "how Gunnar offered him full atonement? Then I gave back Gunnar his right to do all lawful deeds."
"That is right and good law," says Mord, "but how does the matter stand if Gunnar has laid the slaying of Hjort at Kol's door, when it was the Easterling that slew him?"
"That was right and lawful," says Njal, "when he chose him as the slayer before witnesses."
"That was lawful and right, no doubt," says Mord; "but for what did Gunnar summon them all as outlaws?"[Pg 119]
"Thou needest not to ask about that," says Njal, "when they went out to deal wounds and manslaughter."
"Yes," says Mord, "but neither befell Gunnar."
"Gunnar's brothers," said Njal, "Kolskegg and Hjort, were there, and one of them got his death and the other a flesh wound."
"Thou speakest nothing but what is law," says Mord, "though it is hard to abide by it."
Then Hjallti Skeggis son of Thursodale, stood forth and said—
"I have had no share in any of your lawsuits; but I wish to know whether thou wilt do something, Gunnar, for the sake of my words and friendship."
"What askest thou?" says Gunnar.
"This," he says, "that ye lay down the whole suit to the award and judgment of good men and true."
"If I do so," said Gunnar, "then thou shalt never be against me, whatever men I may have to deal with."
"I will give my word to that," says Hjallti.
After that he tried his best with Gunnar's adversaries, and brought it about that they were all set at one again. And after that each side gave the other pledges of peace; but for Thorgeir's wound came the suit for seduction, and for the hewing in the wood, Starkad's wound. Thorgeir's brothers were atoned for by half fines, but half fell away for the onslaught on Gunnar. Egil's staying and Tyrfing's lawsuit were set off against each other. For Hjort's slaying, the slaying of Kol and of the Easterling were to come, and as for all the rest, they were atoned for with half fines.
Njal was in this award, and Asgrim Ellidagrim's son, and Hjallti Skeggi's son.
Njal had much money out at interest with Starkad, and at Sandgil too, and he gave it all to Gunnar to make up these fines.
So many friends had Gunnar at the Thing, that he not only paid up there and then all the fines on the spot, but gave besides gifts to many chiefs who had lent him help; and he had the greatest honour from the suit; and all were agreed in this, that no man was his match in all the South Quarter.
So Gunnar rides home from the Thing and sits there in peace, but still his adversaries envied him much for his honour.[Pg 120]
Now we must tell of Thorgeir Otkell's son; he grew up to be a tall strong man, true-hearted and guileless, but rather too ready to listen to fair words. He had many friends among the best men, and was much beloved by his kinsmen.
Once on a time Thorgeir Starkad's son had been to see his kinsman Mord.
"I can ill brook," he says, "that settlement of matters which we and Gunnar had, but I have bought thy help so long as we two are above ground; I wish thou wouldest think out some plan and lay it deep; this is why I say it right out, because I know that thou art Gunnar's greatest foe, and he too thine. I will much increase thine honour if thou takest pains in this matter."
"It will always seem as though I were greedy of gain, but so it must be. Yet it will be hard to take care that thou mayest not seem to be a truce-breaker, or peace-breaker, and yet carry out thy point. But now I have been told that Kolskegg means to try a suit, and regain a fourth part of Moeidsknoll, which was paid to thy father as an atonement for his son. He has taken up this suit for his mother, but this too is Gunnar's counsel, to pay in goods and not to let the land go. We must wait till this comes about, and then declare that he has broken the settlement made with you. He has also taken a cornfield from Thorgeir Otkell's son, and so broken the settlement with him too. Thou shalt go to see Thorgeir Otkell's son, and bring him into the matter with thee, and then fall on Gunnar; but if ye fail in aught of this, and cannot get him hunted down, still ye shall set on him over and over again, I must tell thee that Njal has 'spaed' his fortune, and foretold about his life, if he slays more than once in the same stock, that it would lead him to his death, if it so fell out that he broke the settlement made after the deed. Therefore shalt thou bring Thorgeir into the suit, because he has already slain his father; and now, if ye two are together in an affray, thou shalt shield thyself; but he will go boldly on, and then Gunnar will slay him. Then he has slain twice in the same stock, but thou shalt fly from the fight. And if this is to drag him to[Pg 121] his death he will break the settlement afterwards, and so we may wait till then."
After that Thorgeir goes home and tells his father secretly. Then they agreed among themselves that they should work out this plot by stealth.
Sometime after Thorgeir Starkad's son fared to Kirkby to see his namesake, and they went aside to speak, and talked secretly all day; but at the end Thorgeir Starkad's son, gave his namesake a spear inlaid with gold, and rode home afterwards; they made the greatest friendship the one with the other.
At the Thingskala-Thing in the autumn, Kolskegg laid claim to the land at Moeidsknoll, but Gunnar took witness, and offered ready money, or another piece of land at a lawful price to those under the Threecorner.
Thorgeir took witness also, that Gunnar was breaking the settlement made between them.
After that the Thing was broken up, and so the next year wore away.
Those namesakes were always meeting, and there was the greatest friendship between them. Kolskegg spoke to Gunnar and said—
"I am told that there is great friendship between those namesakes, and it is the talk of many men that they will prove untrue, and I would that thou wouldst be ware of thyself."
"Death will come to me when it will come," says Gunnar, "wherever I may be, if that is my fate."
Then they left off talking about it.
About autumn, Gunnar gave out that they would work one week there at home, and the next down in the isles, and so make an end of their haymaking. At the same time, he let it be known that every man would have to leave the house, save himself and the women.
Thorgeir under Threecorner goes to see his namesake, but as soon as they met they began to talk after their wont, and Thorgeir Starkad's son, said[Pg 122]—
"I would that we could harden our hearts and fall on Gunnar."
"Well," says Thorgeir Otkell's son, "every struggle with Gunnar has had but one end, that few have gained the day; besides, methinks it sounds ill to be called a peace-breaker."
"They have broken the peace, not we," says Thorgeir Starkad's son. "Gunnar took away from thee thy cornfield; and he has taken Moeidsknoll from my father and me."
And so they settle it between them to fall on Gunnar; and then Thorgeir said that Gunnar would be all alone at home in a few nights' space, "and then thou shalt come to meet me with eleven men, but I will have as many".
After that Thorgeir rode home.
Now when Kolskegg and the house-carles had been three nights in the isles, Thorgeir Starkad's son had news of that, and sends word to his namesake that he should come to meet him on Threecorner ridge.
After that Thorgeir of the Threecorner busked him with eleven men; he rides up on the ridge and there waits for his namesake.
And now Gunnar is at home in his house, and those namesakes ride into a wood hard by. There such a drowsiness came over them that they could do naught else but sleep. So they hung their shields up in the boughs, and tethered their horses, and laid their weapons by their sides.
Njal was that night up in Thorolfsfell, and could not sleep at all, but went out and in by turns.
Thorhilda asked Njal why he could not sleep?
"Many things now flit before my eyes," said he; "I see many fetches of Gunnar's bitter foes, and what is very strange is this, they seem to be mad with rage, and yet they fare without plan or purpose."
A little after, a man rode up to the door and got off his horse's back and went in, and there was come the shepherd of Thorhilda and her husband.[Pg 123]
"Didst thou find the sheep?" she asked.
"I found what might be more worth," said he.
"What was that?" asked Njal.
"I found twenty-four men up in the wood yonder; they had tethered their horses, but slept themselves. Their shields they had hung up in the boughs."
But so closely had he looked at them that he told of all their weapons and war-gear and clothes, and then Njal knew plainly who each of them must have been, and said to him—
"'Twere good hiring if there were many such shepherds; and this shall ever stand to thy good; but still I will send thee on an errand."
He said at once he would go.
"Thou shalt go," says Njal, "to Lithend and tell Gunnar that he must fare to Gritwater, and then send after men; but I will go to meet with those who are in the wood and scare them away. This thing hath well come to pass, so that they shall gain nothing by this journey, but lose much."
The shepherd set off and told Gunnar as plainly as he could the whole story. Then Gunnar rode to Gritwater and summoned men to him.
Now it is to be told of Njal how he rides to meet these namesakes.
"Unwarily ye lie here," he says, "or for what end shall this journey have been made? And Gunnar is not a man to be trifled with. But if the truth must be told then, this is the greatest treason. Ye shall also know this, that Gunnar is gathering force, and he will come here in the twinkling of an eye, and slay you all, unless ye ride away home."
They bestirred them at once, for they were in great fear, and took their weapons, and mounted their horses and galloped home under the Threecorner.
Njal fared to meet Gunnar and bade him not to break up his company.
"But I will go and seek for an atonement; now they will be finely frightened; but for this treason no less a sum shall be paid when one has to deal with all of them, than shall be paid for the slaying of one or other of those namesakes, though such a thing should come to pass. This money I will take into my keeping, and so lay it out that it may be ready to thy hand when thou hast need of it."[Pg 124]
Gunnar thanked Njal for his aid, and Njal rode away under the Threecorner, and told those namesakes that Gunnar would not break up his band of men before he had fought it out with them.
They began to offer terms for themselves, and were full of dread, and bade Njal to come between them with an offer of atonement.
Njal said that could only be if there were no guile behind. Then they begged him to have a share in the award, and said they would hold to what he awarded.
Njal said he would make no award unless it were at the Thing, and unless the best men were by; and they agreed to that.
Then Njal came between them, so that they gave each other pledges of peace and atonement.
Njal was to utter the award, and to name as his fellows those whom he chose.
A little while after those namesakes met Mord Valgard's son, and Mord blamed them much for having laid the matter in Njal's hands, when he was Gunnar's great friend. He said that would turn out ill for them.
Now men ride to the Althing after their wont, and now both sides are at the Thing.
Njal begged for a hearing, and asked all the best men who were come thither, what right at law they thought Gunnar had against those namesakes for their treason. They said they thought such a man had great right on his side.
Njal went on to ask, whether he had a right of action against all of them, or whether the leaders had to answer for them all in the suit?
They say that most of the blame would fall on the leaders, but a great deal still on them all.
"Many will say this," said Mord, "that it was not without a cause when Gunnar broke the settlement made with those namesakes."
"That is no breach of settlement," says Njal, "that any[Pg 125] man should take the law against another; for with law shall our land be built up and settled, and with lawlessness wasted and spoiled."
Then Njal tells them that Gunnar had offered land for Moeidsknoll, or other goods.
Then those namesakes thought they had been beguiled by Mord, and scolded him much, and said that this fine was all his doing.
Njal named twelve men as judges in the suit, and then every man paid a hundred in silver who had gone out, but each of those namesakes two hundred.
Njal took this money into his keeping, but either side gave the other pledges of peace, and Njal gave out the terms.
Then Gunnar rode from the Thing west to the Dales, till he came to Hjardarholt, and Olaf the peacock gave him a hearty welcome. There he sat half a month, and rode far and wide about the Dales, and all welcomed him with joyful hands. But at their parting Olaf said—
"I will give thee three things of price, a gold ring, and a cloak which Moorkjartan the Erse king owned, and a hound that was given me in Ireland; he is big, and no worse follower than a sturdy man. Besides, it is part of his nature that he has man's wit, and he will bay at every man whom he knows is thy foe, but never at thy friends; he can see, too, in any man's face, whether he means thee well or ill, and he will lay down his life to be true to thee. This hound's name is Sam."
After that he spoke to the hound, "Now shalt thou follow Gunnar, and do him all the service thou canst".
The hound went at once to Gunnar and laid himself down at his feet.
Olaf bade Gunnar to be ware of himself, and said he had many enviers, "For now thou art thought to be a famous man throughout all the land".
Gunnar thanked him for his gifts and good counsel, and rode home.
Now Gunnar sits at home for some time, and all is quiet.[Pg 126]
A little after, those namesakes and Mord met, and they were not at all of one mind. They thought they had lost much goods for Mord's sake, but had got nothing in return; and they bade him set on foot some other plot which might do Gunnar harm.
Mord said so it should be. "But now this is my counsel, that thou, Thorgeir Otkell's son shouldest beguile Ormilda, Gunnar's kinswoman; but Gunnar will let his displeasure grow against thee at that, and then I will spread that story abroad that Gunnar will not suffer thee to do such things."
"Then ye two shall some time after make an attack on Gunnar, but still ye must not seek him at home, for there is no thinking of that while the hound is alive."
So they settled this plan among them that it should be brought about.
Thorgeir began to turn his steps towards Ormilda, and Gunnar thought that ill, and great dislike arose between them.
So the winter wore away. Now comes the summer, and their secret meetings went on oftener than before.
As for Thorgeir of the Threecorner and Mord, they were always meeting; and they plan an onslaught on Gunnar, when he rides down to the isles to see after the work done by his house-carles.
One day Mord was ware of it when Gunnar rode down to the isles, and sent a man off under the Threecorner to tell Thorgeir that then would be the likeliest time to try to fall on Gunnar.
They bestirred them at once, and fare thence twelve together, but when they came to Kirkby there they found thirteen men waiting for them.
Then they made up their minds to ride down to Rangriver and lie in wait there for Gunnar.
But when Gunnar rode up from the isles, Kolskegg rode with him. Gunnar had his bow and his arrows and his bill. Kolskegg had his short sword and weapons to match.[Pg 127]
That token happened as Gunnar and his brother rode up towards Rangriver, that much blood burst out on the bill.
Kolskegg asked what that might mean.
Gunnar says, "If such tokens took place in other lands, it was called 'wound-drops,' and Master Oliver told me also that this only happened before great fights".
So they rode on till they saw men sitting by the river on the other side, and they had tethered their horses.
Gunnar said, "Now we have an ambush".
Kolskegg answered, "Long have they been faithless; but what is best to be done now?"
"We will gallop up alongside them to the ford," says Gunnar, "and there make ready for them."
The others saw that and turned at once towards them.
Gunnar strings his bow, and takes his arrows and throws them on the ground before him, and shoots as soon as ever they come within shot; by that Gunnar wounded many men, but some he slew.
Then Thorgeir Otkell's son spoke and said, "This is no use; let us make for him as hard as we can".
They did so, and first went Aunund the fair, Thorgeir's kinsman. Gunnar hurled the bill at him, and it fell on his shield and clove it in twain, but the bill rushed through Aunund. Augmund Shockhead rushed at Gunnar behind his back. Kolskegg saw that and cut off at once both Augmund's legs from under him, and hurled him out into Rangriver, and he was drowned there and then.
Then a hard battle arose; Gunnar cut with one hand and thrust with the other. Kolskegg slew some men and wounded many.
Thorgeir's Starkad's son called out to his namesake, "It looks very little as though thou hadst a father to avenge".
"True it is," he answers, "that I do not make much way, but yet thou hast not followed in my footsteps; still I will not bear thy reproaches."
With that he rushes at Gunnar in great wrath, and thrust his spear through his shield, and so on through his arm.[Pg 128]
Gunnar gave the shield such a sharp twist that the spearhead broke short off at the socket. Gunnar sees that another man was come within reach of his sword, and he smites at him and deals him his death-blow. After that, he clutches his bill with both hands; just then Thorgeir Otkell's son had come near him with a drawn sword, and Gunnar turns on him in great wrath, and drives the bill through him, and lifts him up aloft, and casts him out into Rangriver, and he drifts down towards the ford, and stuck fast there on a stone; and the name of that ford has since been Thorgeir's ford.
Then Thorgeir Starkad's son said, "Let us fly now; no victory will be fated to us this time".
So they all turned and fled from the field.
"Let us follow them up now," says Kolskegg, "and take thou thy bow and arrows, and thou wilt come within bow-shot of Thorgeir Starkad's son."
Then Gunnar sang a song.
Reaver of rich
Plundered will our purses
Though to-day we wound no
Warriors wight in play of
Aye, if I for all these
Lowly lying, fines must
This is why I hold my
Hearken, brother dear, to
"Our purses will be emptied," says Gunnar, "by the time that these are atoned for who now lie here dead."
"Thou wilt never lack money," says Kolskegg; "but Thorgier will never leave off before he compasses thy death."
Gunnar sung another song.
Lord of water-skates[26] that skim
Sea-king's fields, more good as
Shedding wounds' red stream, must
In my way ere I shall
I, the golden armlets'
Snakelike twined around my
Ne'er shall shun a foeman's
Flashing bright in din of
"He, and a few more as good as he," says Gunnar, "must stand in my path ere I am afraid of them."
After that they ride home and tell the tidings.
Hallgerda was well pleased to hear them, and praised the deed much.[Pg 129]
Rannveig said, "May be the deed is good; but somehow," she says, "I feel too downcast about it to think that good can come of it".
These tidings were spread far and wide, and Thorgeir's death was a great grief to many a man. Gizur the white and his men rode to the spot and gave notice of the manslaughter, and called the neighbours on the inquest to the Thing. Then they rode home west.
Njal and Gunnar met and talked about the battle. Then Njal said to Gunnar—
"Now be ware of thyself! Now hast thou slain twice in the same stock; and so now take heed to thy behaviour, and think that it is as much as thy life is worth, if thou dost not hold to the settlement that is made."
"Nor do I mean to break it in any way," says Gunnar, "but still I shall need thy help at the Thing."
"I will hold to my faithfulness to thee," said Njal, "till my death day."
Then Gunnar rides home. Now the Thing draws near; and each side gather a great company; and it is a matter of much talk at the Thing how these suits will end.
Those two, Gizur the white, and Geir the priest, talked with each other as to who should give notice of the suit of manslaughter after Thorgeir, and the end of it was that Gizur took the suit on his hand, and gave notice of it at the Hill of Laws, and spoke in these words:—
"I gave notice of a suit for assault laid down by law against Gunnar Hamond's son; for that he rushed with an onslaught laid down by law on Thorgeir Otkell's son, and wounded him with a body wound, which proved a death wound, so that Thorgeir got his death.
"I say on this charge he ought to become a convicted outlaw, not to be fed, not to be forwarded, not to be helped or harboured in any need.
"I say that his goods are forfeited, half to me and half to[Pg 130] the men of the Quarter, whose right it is by law to seize the goods of outlaws.
"I give notice of this charge in the Quarter Court, into which this suit ought by law to come.
"I give this lawful notice in the hearing of all men at the Hill of Laws.
"I give notice now of this suit, and of full forfeiture and outlawry against Gunnar Hamond's son."
A second time Gizur took witness, and gave notice of a suit against Gunnar Hamond's son, for that he had wounded Thorgeir Otkell's son with a body wound which was a death wound, and from which Thorgeir got his death, on such and such a spot when Gunnar first sprang on Thorgeir with an onslaught, laid down by law.
After that he gave notice of this declaration as he had done of the first. Then he asked in what Quarter Court the suit lay, and in what house in the district the defendant dwelt.
When that was over men left the Hill of Laws, and all said that he spoke well.
Gunnar kept himself well in hand and said little or nothing.
Now the Thing wears away till the day when the courts were to be set.
Then Gunnar stood looking south by the court of the men of Rangriver, and his men with him.
Gizur stood looking north, and calls his witnesses, and bade Gunnar to listen to his oath, and to his declaration of the suit, and to all the steps and proofs which he meant to bring forward. After that he took his oath, and then he brought forward the suit in the same shape before the court, as he had given notice of it before. Then he made them bring forward witness of the notice, then he bade the neighbours on the inquest to take their seats, and called upon Gunnar to challenge the inquest.
Then Njal spoke and said—
"Now I can no longer sit still and take no part. Let us go to where the neighbours sit on the inquest."[Pg 131]
They went thither and challenged four neighbours out of the inquest, but they called on the five that were left to answer the following question in Gunnar's favour "whether those namesakes had gone out with that mind to the place of meeting to do Gunnar a mischief if they could?"
But all bore witness at once that so it was.
Then Njal called this a lawful defence to the suit, and said he would bring forward proof of it unless they gave over the suit to arbitration.
Then many chiefs joined in praying for an atonement, and so it was brought about that twelve men should utter an award in the matter.
Then either side went and handselled this settlement to the other. Afterwards the award was made, and the sum to be paid settled, and it was all to be paid down then and there at the Thing.
But besides, Gunnar was to go abroad and Kolskegg with him, and they were to be away three winters; but if Gunnar did not go abroad when he had a chance of a passage, then he was to be slain by the kinsmen of those whom he had killed.
Gunnar made no sign, as though he thought the terms of atonement were not good. He asked Njal for that money which he had handed over to him to keep. Njal had laid the money out at interest and paid it down all at once, and it just came to what Gunnar had to pay for himself.
Now they ride home. Gunnar and Njal rode both together from the Thing, and then Njal said to Gunnar—
"Take good care, messmate, that thou keepest to this atonement, and bear in mind what we have spoken about; for though thy former journey abroad brought thee to great honour, this will be a far greater honour to thee. Thou wilt come back with great glory, and live to be an old man, and no man here will then tread on thy heel; but if thou dost not fare away, and so breakest thy atonement, then thou wilt be slain here in the land, and that is ill knowing for those who are thy friends."
Gunnar said he had no mind to break the atonement, and he rides home and told them of the settlement.
Rannveig said it was well that he fared abroad, for then they must find some one else to quarrel.[Pg 132]
Thrain Sigfus' son said to his wife that he meant to fare abroad that summer. She said that was well. So he took his passage with Hogni the white.
Gunnar took his passage with Arnfin of the Bay; and Kolskegg was to go with him.
Grim And Helgi, Njal's sons, asked their father's leave to go abroad too, and Njal said—
"This foreign voyage ye will find hard work, so hard that it will be doubtful whether ye keep your lives; but still ye two will get some honour and glory, but it is not unlikely that a quarrel will arise out of your journey when ye come back."
Still they kept on asking their father to let them go, and the end of it was that he bade them go if they chose.
Then they got them a passage with Bard the black, and Olaf Kettle's son of Elda; and it is the talk of the whole country that all the better men in that district were leaving it.
By this time Gunnar's sons, Hogni and Grani, were grown up; they were men of very different turn of mind. Grani had much of his mother's temper, but Hogni was kind and good.
Gunnar made men bear down the wares of his brother and himself to the ship, and when all Gunnar's baggage had come down, and the ship was all but "boun," then Gunnar rides to Bergthorsknoll, and to other homesteads to see men, and thanked them all for the help they had given him.
The day after he gets ready early for his journey to the ship, and told all his people that he would ride away for good and all, and men took that much to heart, but still they said that they looked to his coming back afterwards.
Gunnar threw his arms round each of the household when he was "boun," and every one of them went out of doors with him; he leans on the butt of his spear and leaps into the saddle, and he and Kolskegg ride away.
They ride down along Markfleet, and just then Gunnar's horse tripped and threw him off. He turned with his face up towards the Lithe and the homestead at Lithend, and said—
"Fair is the Lithe; so fair that it has never seemed to me[Pg 133] so fair; the corn fields are white to harvest, and the home mead is mown; and now I will ride back home, and not fare abroad at all."
"Do not this joy to thy foes," says Kolskegg, "by breaking thy atonement, for no man could think thou wouldst do thus, and thou mayst be sure that all will happen as Njal has said."
"I will not go away any whither," says Gunnar, "and so I would thou shouldest do too."
"That shall not be," says Kolskegg; "I will never do a base thing in this, nor in anything else which is left to my good faith; and this is that one thing that could tear us asunder; but tell this to my kinsmen and to my mother, that I never mean to see Iceland again, for I shall soon learn that thou art dead, brother, and then there will be nothing left to bring me back."
So they parted there and then. Gunnar rides home to Lithend, but Kolskegg rides to the ship, and goes abroad.
Hallgerda was glad to see Gunnar when he came home, but his mother said little or nothing.
Now Gunnar sits at home that fall and winter, and had not many men with him.
Now the winter leaves the farmyard. Olaf the peacock asked Gunnar and Hallgerda to come and stay with him; but as for the farm, to put it into the hands of his mother and his son Hogni.
Gunnar thought that a good thing at first, and agreed to it, but when it came to the point he would not do it.
But at the Thing next summer, Gizur the white, and Geir the priest, gave notice of Gunnar's outlawry at the Hill of Laws; and before the Thing broke up Gizur summoned all Gunnar's foes to meet in the "Great Rift".[27] He summoned Starkad under the Threecorner, and Thorgeir his son; Mord and Valgard the guileful; Geir the priest and Hjalti Skeggi's son; Thorbrand and Asbrand, Thorleik's sons; Eyjulf, and Aunund his son, Aunund of Witchwood and Thorgrim the Easterling of Sandgil.
Then Gizur spoke and said, "I will make you all this offer, that we go out against Gunnar this summer and slay him".
"I gave my word to Gunnar," said Hjalti, "here at the[Pg 134] Thing, when he showed himself most willing to yield to my prayer, that I would never be in any attack upon him; and so it shall be."
Then Hjalti went away, but those who were left behind made up their minds to make an onslaught on Gunnar, and shook hands on the bargain, and laid a fine on any one that left the undertaking.
Mord was to keep watch and spy out when there was the best chance of falling on him, and they were forty men in this league, and they thought it would be a light thing for them to hunt down Gunnar, now that Kolskegg was away, and Thrain and many other of Gunnar's friends.
Men ride from the Thing, and Njal went to see Gunnar, and told him of his outlawry, and how an onslaught was planned against him.
"Me thinks thou art the best of friends," says Gunnar; "thou makest me aware of what is meant."
"Now," says Njal, "I would that Skarphedinn should come to thy house, and my son Hauskuld; they will lay down their lives for thy life."
"I will not," says Gunnar, "that thy sons should be slain for my sake, and thou hast a right to look for other things from me."
"All thy care will come to nothing," says Njal; "quarrels will turn thitherward where my sons are as soon as thou art dead and gone."
"That is not unlikely," says Gunnar, "but still it would mislike me that they fell into them for me; but this one thing I will ask of thee, that ye see after my son Hogni, but I say naught of Grani, for he does not behave himself much after my mind."
Njal rode home, and gave his word to do that.
It is said that Gunnar rode to all meetings of men, and to all lawful Things, and his foes never dared to fall on him.
And so some time went on that he went about as a free and guiltless man.[Pg 135]
Next autumn Mord Valgard's son, sent word that Gunnar would be all alone at home, but all his people would be down in the isles to make an end of their haymaking. Then Gizur the white and Geir the priest rode east over the rivers as soon as ever they heard that, and so east across the sands to Hof. Then they sent word to Starkad under the Threecorner, and there they all met who were to fall on Gunnar, and took counsel how they might best bring it about.
Mord said that they could not come on Gunnar unawares, unless they seized the farmer who dwelt at the next homestead, whose name was Thorkell, and made him go against his will with them to lay hands on the hound Sam, and unless he went before them to the homestead to do this.
Then they set out east for Lithend, but sent to fetch Thorkell. They seized him and bound him, and gave him two choices—one that they would slay him, or else he must lay hands on the hound; but he chooses rather to save his life, and went with them.
There was a beaten sunk road, between fences, above the farm yard at Lithend, and there they halted with their band. Master Thorkell went up to the homestead, and the tyke lay on the top of the house, and he entices the dog away with him into a deep hollow in the path. Just then the hound sees that there are men before them, and he leaps on Thorkell and tears his belly open.
Aunund of Witchwood smote the hound on the head with his axe, so that the blade sunk into the brain. The hound gave such a great howl that they thought it passing strange, and he fell down dead.
Gunnar woke up in his hall and said—
"Thou hast been sorely treated, Sam, my fosterling, and this warning is so meant that our two deaths will not be far apart."[Pg 136]
Gunnar's hall was made all of wood, and roofed with beams above, and there were window-slits under the beams that carried the roof, and they were fitted with shutters.
Gunnar slept in a loft above the hall, and so did Hallgerda and his mother.
Now when they were come near to the house they knew not whether Gunnar were at home, and bade that some one would go straight up to the house and see if he could find out. But the rest sat them down on the ground.
Thorgrim the Easterling went and began to climb up on the hall; Gunnar sees that a red kirtle passed before the windowslit, and thrusts out the bill, and smote him on the middle. Thorgrim's feet slipped from under him, and he dropped his shield, and down he toppled from the roof.
Then he goes to Gizur and his band as they sat on the ground.
Gizur looked at him and said—
"Well, is Gunnar at home?"
"Find that out for yourselves," said Thorgrim; "but this I am sure of, that his bill is at home," and with that he fell down dead.
Then they made for the buildings. Gunnar shot out arrows at them, and made a stout defence, and they could get nothing done. Then some of them got into the out-houses and tried to attack him thence, but Gunnar found them out with his arrows there also, and still they could get nothing done.
So it went on for while, then they took a rest, and made a second onslaught. Gunnar still shot out at them, and they could do nothing, and fell off the second time. Then Gizur the white said-
"Let us press on harder; nothing comes of our onslaught."
Then they made a third bout of it, and were long at it, and then they fell off again.
Gunnar said, "There lies on arrow outside on the wall, and it is one of their shafts; I will shoot at them with it, and it will be a shame to them if they get a hurt from their own weapons".
His mother said, "Do not so, my son; nor rouse them again when they have already fallen off from the attack".
But Gunnar caught up the arrow and shot it after them, and struck Eylif Aunund's son, and he got a great wound; he[Pg 137] was standing all by himself, and they knew not that he was wounded.
"Out came an arm yonder," says Gizur, "and there was a gold ring on it, and took an arrow from the roof and they would not look outside for shafts if there were enough in doors; and now ye shall make a fresh onslaught."
"Let us burn him house and all," said Mord.
"That shall never be," says Gizur, "though I knew that my life lay on it; but it is easy for thee to find out some plan, such a cunning man as thou art said to be."
Some ropes lay there on the ground, and they were often used to strengthen the roof. Then Mord said—"Let us take the ropes and throw one end over the end of the carrying beams, but let us fasten the other end to these rocks and twist them tight with levers, and so pull the roof off the hall."
So they took the ropes and all lent a hand to carry this out, and before Gunnar was aware of it, they had pulled the whole roof off the hall.
Then Gunnar still shoots with his bow so that they could never come nigh him. Then Mord said again that they must burn the house over Gunnar's head. But Gizur said—
"I know not why thou wilt speak of that which no one else wishes, and that shall never be."
Just then Thorbrand Thorleik's son sprang up on the roof, and cuts asunder Gunnar's bowstring. Gunnar clutches the bill with both hands, and turns on him quickly and drives it through him, and hurls him down on the ground.
Then up sprung Asbrand his brother. Gunnar thrusts at him with the bill, and he threw his shield before the blow, but the bill passed clean through the shield and broke both his arms, and down he fell from the wall.
Gunnar had already wounded eight men and slain those twain.[28] By that time Gunnar had got two wounds, and all men said that he never once winced either at wounds or death.
Then Gunnar said to Hallgerda, "Give me two locks of thy hair, and ye two, my mother and thou, twist them together into a bowstring for me."
"Does aught lie on it?" she says.
"My life lies on it," he said; "for they will never come to close quarters with me if I can keep them off with my bow."[Pg 138]
"Well!" she says, "now I will call to thy mind that slap on the face which thou gavest me; and I care never a whit whether thou holdest out a long while or a short."
Then Gunnar sang a song—
Each who hurls the gory
Hath some honour of his
Now my helpmeet
Hurries all my fame to
No one owner of a
Often asks for little
Woman, fond of Frodi's
Wends her hand as she is
"Every one has something to boast of," says Gunnar, "and I will ask thee no more for this."
"Thou behavest ill," said Rannveig, "and this shame shall long be had in mind."
Gunnar made a stout and bold defence, and now wounds other eight men with such sore wounds that many lay at death's door. Gunnar keeps them all off until he fell worn out with toil. Then they wounded him with many and great wounds, but still he got away out of their hands, and held his own against them a while longer, but at last it came about that they slew him.
Of this defence of his, Thorkell the Skald of Göta-Elf sang in the verses which follow—
We have heard how south in
Gunnar guarded well
Boldly battle's thunder
Fiercest Iceman on the
Hero of the golden
Sixteen with the sword he
In the shock that Odin
Two before him lasted
But this is what Thormod Olaf's son sang—
None that scattered sea's
bright sunbeams,[30]
Won more glorious fame than
So runs fame of old in
Fitting fame of heathen
Lord of fight when helms were
Lives of foeman twain he
Wielding bitter steel he
Wounded twelve, and four
Then Gizur spoke and said: "We have now laid low to[Pg 139] earth a mighty chief, and hard work has it been, and the fame of this defence of his shall last as long as men live in this land".
After that he went to see Rannveig and said, "Wilt thou grant us earth here for two of our men who are dead, that they may lie in a cairn here?"
"All the more willingly for two," she says, "because I wish with all my heart I had to grant it to all of you."
"It must be forgiven thee," he says, "to speak thus, for thou hast had a great loss."
Then he gave orders that no man should spoil or rob anything there.
After that they went away.
Then Thorgeir Starkad's son said, "We may not be in our house at home for the sons of Sigfus, unless thou Gizur or thou Geir be here south some little while".
"This shall be so," says Gizur, and they cast lots, and the lot fell on Geir to stay behind.
After that he came to the Point, and set up his house there; he had a son whose name was Hroald; he was base born, and his mother's name was Biartey; he boasted that he had given Gunnar his death-blow. Hroald was at the Point with his father.
Thorgeir Starkad's son boasted of another wound which he had given to Gunnar.
Gizur sat at home at Mossfell. Gunnar's slaying was heard of, and ill spoken of throughout the whole country, and his death was a great grief to many a man.
Njal could ill brook Gunnar's death, nor could the sons of Sigfus brook it either.
They asked whether Njal thought they had any right to give notice of a suit of manslaughter for Gunnar, or to set the suit on foot.
He said that could not be done, as the man had been outlawed; but said it would be better worth trying to do[Pg 140] something to wound their glory, by slaying some men in vengeance after him.
They cast a cairn over Gunnar, and made him sit upright in the cairn. Rannveig would not hear of his bill being buried in the cairn, but said he alone should have it as his own, who was ready to avenge Gunnar. So no one took the bill.
She was so hard on Hallgerda, that she was on the point of killing her; and she said that she had been the cause of her son's slaying.
Then Hallgerda fled away to Gritwater, and her son Grani with her, and they shared the goods between them; Hogni was to have the land at Lithend and the homestead on it, but Grani was to have the land let out on lease.
Now this token happened at Lithend, that the neat-herd and the serving-maid were driving cattle by Gunnar's cairn. They thought that he was merry, and that he was singing inside the cairn. They went home and told Rannveig, Gunnar's mother, of this token, but she bade them go and tell Njal.
Then they went over to Bergthorsknoll and told Njal, but he made them tell it three times over.
After that, he had a long talk all alone with Skarphedinn; and Skarphedinn took his weapons and goes with them to Lithend.
Rannveig and Hogni gave him a hearty welcome, and were very glad to see him. Rannveig asked him to stay there some time, and he said he would.
He and Hogni were always together, at home and abroad. Hogni was a brisk, brave man, well-bred and well-trained in mind and body, but distrustful and slow to believe what he was told, and that was why they dared not tell him of the token.
Now those two, Skarphedinn and Hogni, were out of doors one evening by Gunnar's cairn on the south side. The moon and stars were shining clear and bright, but every now and then the clouds drove over them. Then all at once they thought they saw the cairn standing open, and lo! Gunnar had turned himself in the cairn and looked at the moon. They thought they saw four lights burning in the cairn, and none of them threw a shadow. They saw that Gunnar was merry, and he wore a joyful face. He sang a song, and so loud, that it might have been heard though they had been farther off.[Pg 141]
He that lavished rings in
When the fight's red rain-drops
Bright of face, with
heart-strings hardy,
Hogni's father met his
Then his brow with helmet
Bearing battle-shield, he
"I will die the prop of
Sooner die than yield an
Yes, sooner die than yield an
After that the cairn was shut up again.
"Wouldst thou believe these tokens if Njal or I told them to thee?" says Skarphedinn.
"I would believe them," he says, "if Njal told them, for it is said he never lies."
"Such tokens as these mean much," says Skarphedinn, "when he shows himself to us, he who would sooner die than yield to his foes; and see how he has taught us what we ought to do."
"I shall be able to bring nothing to pass," says Hogni, "unless thou wilt stand by me."
"Now," says Skarphedinn, "will I bear in mind how Gunnar behaved after the slaying of your kinsman Sigmund; now I will yield you such help as I may. My father gave his word to Gunnar to do that whenever thou or thy mother had need of it."
After that they go home to Lithend.
"Now we shall set off at once," says Skarphedinn, "this very night; for if they learn that I am here, they will be more wary of themselves."
"I will fulfil thy counsel," says Hogni.
After that they took their weapons when all men were in their beds. Hogni takes down the bill, and it gave a sharp ringing sound.
Rannveig sprang up in great wrath and said—
"Who touches the bill, when I forbade every one to lay hand on it?"
"I mean," says Hogni, "to bring it to my father, that he[Pg 142] may bear it with him to Valhalla, and have it with him when the warriors meet."
"Rather shalt thou now bear it," she answered, "and avenge thy father; for the bill has spoken of one man's death or more."
Then Hogni went out, and told Skarphedinn all the words that his grandmother had spoken.
After that they fare to the Point, and two ravens flew along with them all the way. They came to the Point while it was still night. Then they drove the flock before them up to the house, and then Hroald and Tjorfi ran out and drove the flock up the hollow path, and had their weapons with them.
Skarphedinn sprang up and said, "Thou needest not to stand and think if it be really as it seems. Men are here."
Then Skarphedinn smites Tjorfi his death-blow. Hroald had a spear in his hand, and Hogni rushes at him; Hroald thrusts at him, but Hogni hewed asunder the spear-shaft with his bill, and drives the bill through him.
After that they left them there dead, and turn away thence under the Threecorner.
Skarphedinn jumps up on the house and plucks the grass, and those who were inside the house thought it was cattle that had come on the roof. Starkad and Thorgeir took their weapons and upper clothing, and went out and round about the fence of the yard. But when Starkad sees Skarphedinn he was afraid, and wanted to turn back.
Skarphedinn cut him down by the fence. Then Hogni comes against Thorgeir and slays him with the bill.
Thence they went to Hof, and Mord was outside in the field, and begged for mercy, and offered them full atonement.
Skarphedinn told Mord the slaying of those four men, and sang a song.
Four who wielded warlike
We have slain, all men of
Them at once, gold-greedy
Thou shalt follow on the
Let us press this pinch-purse
Pouring fear into his
Wretch! reach out to Gunnar's
Right to settle all
"And the like journey," says Skarphedinn, "shalt thou also fare, or hand over to Hogni the right to make his own award, if he will take these terms."[Pg 143]
Hogni said his mind had been made up not to come to any terms with the slayers of his father; but still at last he took the right to make his own award from Mord.
Njal took a share in bringing those who had the blood-feud after Starkad and Thorgeir to take an atonement, and a district meeting was called together, and men were chosen to make the award, and every matter was taken into account, even the attack on Gunnar, though he was an outlaw; but such a fine as was awarded, all that Mord paid; for they did not close their award against him before the other matter was already settled, and then they set off one award against the other.
Then they were all set at one again, but at the Thing there was great talk, and the end of it was, that Geir the priest and Hogni were set at one again, and that atonement they held to ever afterwards.
Geir the priest dwelt in the Lithe till his death-day, and he is out of the story.
Njal asked as a wife for Hogni Alfeida the daughter of Weatherlid the Skald, and she was given away to him. Their son was Ari, who sailed for Shetland, and took him a wife there; from him is come Einar the Shetlander, one of the briskest and boldest of men.
Hogni kept up his friendship with Njal, and he is now out of the story.
Now it is to be told of Kolskegg how he comes to Norway, and is in the Bay east that winter. But the summer after he fares east to Denmark, and bound himself to Sweyn Forkbeard the Dane-king, and there he had great honour.[Pg 144]
One night he dreamt that a man came to him; he was bright and glistening, and he thought he woke him up. He spoke, and said to him—
"Stand up and come with me."
"What wilt thou with me?" he asks.
"I will get thee a bride, and thou shalt be my knight."
He thought he said yea to that, and after that he woke up.
Then he went to a wizard and told him the dream, but he read it so that he should fare to southern lands and become God's knight.
Kolskegg was baptised in Denmark, but still he could not rest there, but fared east to Russia, and was there one winter. Then he fared thence out to Micklegarth,[31] and there took service with the Emperor. The last that was heard of him was, that he wedded a wife there, and was captain over the Varangians, and stayed there till his death-day; and he, too, is out of this story.
[26] "Water-skates," a periphrasis for ships.
[27] "Great Rift," Almannagjá—The great volcanic rift, or "geo," as it would be called in Orkney and Shetland, which bounds the plain of the Althing on one side.
[28] Thorgrim Easterling and Thorbrand.
[29] "Frodi's flour," a periphrasis for gold.
[30] "Sea's bright sunbeams," a periphrasis for gold.
[31] Constantinople.