The first group of beings to come into existence at the beginning of the universe were the Protogenoi - First Born or Primeval and they form the very fabric of the universe and are immortal. The Protogenoi are the gods from which all the other gods descend.
The Protogenoi
Chaos The Protogenos of the lower air.
Phanes or Himeros The Protogenos of Procreation and the personification of longing love
Phusis The Protogenos of the origin and ordering of nature or Creation
Erebos The Protogenos of the mists of darkness.
Aither The Protogenos of the mists of light
Thalassa The Protogenos of the sea or its surface and a personification of the Mediterranean. Described as a daughter of Aether and Hemera.
Hemera The Protogenos of the day and the daughter of Erebos and Nyx and the sister-wife of Aither.
Nyx The Protogenos and personification of night.
Ananke The Protogenos of inevitability, compulsion and necessity.
ChronosThe Protogenos of time was the very first being to emerge at creation self-formed.
Gaia The Protogenos of Mother Earth. She emerged at the beginning of creation to form the foundation of the universe.
The Ourea the Protogenoi of the mountains, and according to the Theogony of Hesiod, children of Gaia and the Greek personifications of mountains. Each mountain was said to have its own god.
The Nesoi the Protogonoi, goddesses and the personification, of the Islands were said to have been Ourea cast into the sea by Poseidon with his trident or that their rocky forms broke off from Gaia and sunk into the seas.
It was believed that each island had its own deity that personified the island and that their parents were Gaia and Ouranos. Asteria, mother of Hecate who fled from Zeus, jumped into the sea and became the island of Delos.
Ouranos the Protogonoi of the sky or heavens, and known as the god of the sky.
Thetys the Protogonoi of the Sea, Beaches, Islands, Fishing, Harbours. She created the coral and silver and also represents the 4th month. She is also the Titaness of Nursing and Underground Flow of Fresh Water.
Oceanos is the Protogonoi the great earth-encircling, fresh-water river. Also he was the Second King of the Sea, water Element, shape shifting, psychism, personification of the sixth month. Okeanos was the eldest son of Gaia and Ouranos and was the unending body of water flowing around and encircling the world, bounding it on all sides.
Pontos the Protogonoi and personification of the sea, is described in the ancient cosmogony as a son of Gaea, and as the father of Nereus, Thamnas, Phorcys, Ceto, and Eurybia, by his own mother.
Tartaros the Protogonoi and
Tartaros was one of the first beings that emerged out of the
creation of the universe, that personified the great stormy pit
beneath the earth where the Titans were imprisoned. He was
probably conceived of as a great solid dome similar to Ouranos
(the Sky) but opposite to him and lying instead beneath the earth
rather than above it.