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2 Timothy 3


1 τοῦτο δὲ γίνωσκε, ὅτι ἐν ἐσχάταις ἡμέραις ἐνστήσονται καιροὶ χαλεποί·

2 ἔσονται γὰρ οἱ ἄνθρωποι φίλαυτοι, φιλάργυροι, ἀλαζόνες, ὑπερήφανοι, βλάσφημοι, γονεῦσιν ἀπειθεῖς, ἀχάριστοι, ἀνόσιοι,

3 ἄστοργοι, ἄσπονδοι, διάβολοι, ἀκρατεῖς, ἀνήμεροι, ἀφιλάγαθοι,

4 προδόται, προπετεῖς, τετυφωμένοι, φιλήδονοι μᾶλλον ἢ φιλόθεοι,

5 ἔχοντες μόρφωσιν εὐσεβείας τὴν δὲ δύναμιν αὐτῆς ἠρνημένοι· καὶ τούτους ἀποτρέπου.

6 ἐκ τούτων γάρ εἰσιν οἱ ἐνδύνοντες εἰς τὰς οἰκίας καὶ αἰχμαλωτίζοντες γυναικάρια σεσωρευμένα ἁμαρτίαις, ἀγόμενα ἐπιθυμίαις ποικίλαις,

7 πάντοτε μανθάνοντα καὶ μηδέποτε εἰς ἐπίγνωσιν ἀληθείας ἐλθεῖν δυνάμενα.

8 ὃν τρόπον δὲ ἰάννης καὶ ἰαμβρῆς ἀντέστησαν μωϊσεῖ, οὕτως καὶ οὖτοι ἀνθίστανται τῇ ἀληθείᾳ, ἄνθρωποι κατεφθαρμένοι τὸν νοῦν, ἀδόκιμοι περὶ τὴν πίστιν·

9 ἀλλ᾽ οὐ προκόψουσιν ἐπὶ πλεῖον, ἡ γὰρ ἄνοια αὐτῶν ἔκδηλος ἔσται πᾶσιν, ὡς καὶ ἡ ἐκείνων ἐγένετο.

10 σὺ δὲ παρηκολούθησάς μου τῇ διδασκαλίᾳ, τῇ ἀγωγῇ, τῇ προθέσει, τῇ πίστει, τῇ μακροθυμίᾳ, τῇ ἀγάπῃ, τῇ ὑπομονῇ,

11 τοῖς διωγμοῖς, τοῖς παθήμασιν, οἷά μοι ἐγένετο ἐν ἀντιοχείᾳ, ἐν ἰκονίῳ, ἐν λύστροις, οἵους διωγμοὺς ὑπήνεγκα· καὶ ἐκ πάντων με ἐρρύσατο ὁ κύριος.

12 καὶ πάντες δὲ οἱ θέλοντες εὐσεβῶς ζῆν ἐν χριστῶ ἰησοῦ διωχθήσονται·

13 πονηροὶ δὲ ἄνθρωποι καὶ γόητες προκόψουσιν ἐπὶ τὸ χεῖρον, πλανῶντες καὶ πλανώμενοι.

14 σὺ δὲ μένε ἐν οἷς ἔμαθες καὶ ἐπιστώθης, εἰδὼς παρὰ τίνων ἔμαθες,

15 καὶ ὅτι ἀπὸ βρέφους [τὰ] ἱερὰ γράμματα οἶδας, τὰ δυνάμενά σε σοφίσαι εἰς σωτηρίαν διὰ πίστεως τῆς ἐν χριστῶ ἰησοῦ.

16 πᾶσα γραφὴ θεόπνευστος καὶ ὠφέλιμος πρὸς διδασκαλίαν, πρὸς ἐλεγμόν, πρὸς ἐπανόρθωσιν, πρὸς παιδείαν τὴν ἐν δικαιοσύνῃ,

17 ἵνα ἄρτιος ᾖ ὁ τοῦ θεοῦ ἄνθρωπος, πρὸς πᾶν ἔργον ἀγαθὸν ἐξηρτισμένος.


1  This5124 know1097 also,1161 that3754 in1722 the last2078 days2250 perilous5467 times2540 shall come.1764

2  For1063 men444 shall be2071 lovers of their own selves,5367 covetous,5366 boasters,213 proud,5244 blasphemers,989 disobedient545 to parents,1118 unthankful,884 unholy,462

3  Without natural affection,794 trucebreakers,786 false accusers,1228 incontinent,193 fierce,434 despisers of those that are good,865

4  Traitors,4273 heady,4312 highminded,5187 lovers of pleasures5369 more3123 than2228 lovers of God;5377

5  Having2192 a form3446 of godliness,2150 but1161 denying720 the3588 power1411 thereof:846 from such turn away.665 5128

6  For1063 of1537 this sort5130 are1526 they which creep1744 into1519 houses,3614 and2532 lead captive162 silly women1133 laden4987 with sins,266 led away71 with divers4164 lusts,1939

7  Ever3842 learning,3129 and2532 never3368 able1410 to come2064 to1519 the knowledge1922 of the truth.225

8  Now1161 as3739 5158 Jannes2389 and2532 Jambres2387 withstood436 Moses,3475 so3779 do these3778 also2532 resist436 the3588 truth:225 men444 of corrupt2704 minds,3563 reprobate96 concerning4012 the3588 faith.4102

9  But235 they shall proceed4298 no3756 further:1909 4119 for1063 their846 folly454 shall be2071 manifest1552 unto all3956 men, as5613 theirs1565 also2532 was.1096

10  But1161 thou4771 hast fully known3877 my3450 doctrine,1319 manner of life,72 purpose,4286 faith,4102 longsuffering,3115 charity,26 patience,5281

11  Persecutions,1375 afflictions,3804 which3634 came1096 unto me3427 at1722 Antioch,490 at1722 Iconium,2430 at1722 Lystra;3082 what3634 persecutions1375 I endured:5297 but2532 out of1537 them all3956 the3588 Lord2962 delivered4506 me.3165

12  Yea,1161 and2532 all3956 that will2309 live2198 godly2153 in1722 Christ5547 Jesus2424 shall suffer persecution.1377

13  But1161 evil4190 men444 and2532 seducers1114 shall wax worse and worse,4298 1909 5501 deceiving,4105 and2532 being deceived.4105

14  But1161 continue3306 thou4771 in1722 the things which3739 thou hast learned3129 and2532 hast been assured of,4104 knowing1492 of3844 whom5101 thou hast learned3129 them;

15  And2532 that3754 from575 a child1025 thou hast known1492 the3588 holy2413 Scriptures,1121 which are able1410 to make thee wise4679 4571 unto1519 salvation4991 through1223 faith4102 which3588 is in1722 Christ5547 Jesus.2424

16  All3956 Scripture1124 is given by inspiration of God,2315 and2532 is profitable5624 for4314 doctrine,1319 for4314 reproof,1650 for4314 correction,1882 for4314 instruction3809 in1722 righteousness:1343

17  That2443 the3588 man444 of God2316 may be5600 perfect,739 thoroughly furnished1822 unto4314 all3956 good18 works.2041


1 Hoc autem scito, quod in novissimis diebus instabunt tempora periculosa:

2 erunt homines seipsos amantes, cupidi, elati, superbi, blasphemi, parentibus non obedientes, ingrati, scelesti,

3 sine affectione, sine pace, criminatores, incontinentes, immites, sine benignitate,

4 proditores, protervi, tumidi, et voluptatum amatores magis quam Dei:

5 habentes speciem quidem pietatis, virtutem autem ejus abnegantes. Et hos devita:

6 ex his enim sunt qui penetrant domos, et captivas ducunt mulierculas oneratas peccatis, quæ ducuntur variis desideriis:

7 semper discentes, et numquam ad scientiam veritatis pervenientes.

8 Quemadmodum autem Jannes et Mambres restiterunt Moysi: ita et hi resistunt veritati, homines corrupti mente, reprobi circa fidem;

9 sed ultra non proficient: insipientia enim eorum manifesta erit omnibus, sicut et illorum fuit.

10 Tu autem assecutus es meam doctrinam, institutionem, propositum, fidem, longanimitatem, dilectionem, patientiam,

11 persecutiones, passiones: qualia mihi facta sunt Antiochiæ, Iconii, et Lystris: quales persecutiones sustinui, et ex omnibus eripuit me Dominus.

12 Et omnes, qui pie volunt vivere in Christo Jesu, persecutionem patientur.

13 Mali autem homines et seductores proficient in pejus, errantes, et in errorem mittentes.

14 Tu vero permane in iis quæ didicisti, et credita sunt tibi: sciens a quo didiceris:

15 et quia ab infantia sacras litteras nosti, quæ te possunt instruere ad salutem, per fidem quæ est in Christo Jesu.

16 Omnis Scriptura divinitus inspirata utilis est ad docendum, ad arguendum, ad corripiendum, et erudiendum in justitia:

17 ut perfectus sit homo Dei, ad omne opus bonum instructus.

Next: 2 Timothy 4