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1 Peter 3


1 ὁμοίως [αἱ] γυναῖκες ὑποτασσόμεναι τοῖς ἰδίοις ἀνδράσιν, ἵνα καὶ εἴ τινες ἀπειθοῦσιν τῶ λόγῳ διὰ τῆς τῶν γυναικῶν ἀναστροφῆς ἄνευ λόγου κερδηθήσονται

2 ἐποπτεύσαντες τὴν ἐν φόβῳ ἁγνὴν ἀναστροφὴν ὑμῶν.

3 ὧν ἔστω οὐχ ὁ ἔξωθεν ἐμπλοκῆς τριχῶν καὶ περιθέσεως χρυσίων ἢ ἐνδύσεως ἱματίων κόσμος,

4 ἀλλ᾽ ὁ κρυπτὸς τῆς καρδίας ἄνθρωπος ἐν τῶ ἀφθάρτῳ τοῦ πραέως καὶ ἡσυχίου πνεύματος, ὅ ἐστιν ἐνώπιον τοῦ θεοῦ πολυτελές.

5 οὕτως γάρ ποτε καὶ αἱ ἅγιαι γυναῖκες αἱ ἐλπίζουσαι εἰς θεὸν ἐκόσμουν ἑαυτάς, ὑποτασσόμεναι τοῖς ἰδίοις ἀνδράσιν,

6 ὡς σάρρα ὑπήκουσεν τῶ ἀβραάμ, κύριον αὐτὸν καλοῦσα· ἧς ἐγενήθητε τέκνα ἀγαθοποιοῦσαι καὶ μὴ φοβούμεναι μηδεμίαν πτόησιν.

7 οἱ ἄνδρες ὁμοίως συνοικοῦντες κατὰ γνῶσιν, ὡς ἀσθενεστέρῳ σκεύει τῶ γυναικείῳ ἀπονέμοντες τιμήν, ὡς καὶ συγκληρονόμοις χάριτος ζωῆς, εἰς τὸ μὴ ἐγκόπτεσθαι τὰς προσευχὰς ὑμῶν.

8 τὸ δὲ τέλος πάντες ὁμόφρονες, συμπαθεῖς, φιλάδελφοι, εὔσπλαγχνοι, ταπεινόφρονες,

9 μὴ ἀποδιδόντες κακὸν ἀντὶ κακοῦ ἢ λοιδορίαν ἀντὶ λοιδορίας, τοὐναντίον δὲ εὐλογοῦντες, ὅτι εἰς τοῦτο ἐκλήθητε ἵνα εὐλογίαν κληρονομήσητε.

10 ὁ γὰρ θέλων ζωὴν ἀγαπᾶν καὶ ἰδεῖν ἡμέρας ἀγαθὰς παυσάτω τὴν γλῶσσαν ἀπὸ κακοῦ καὶ χείλη τοῦ μὴ λαλῆσαι δόλον,

11 ἐκκλινάτω δὲ ἀπὸ κακοῦ καὶ ποιησάτω ἀγαθόν, ζητησάτω εἰρήνην καὶ διωξάτω αὐτήν.

12 ὅτι ὀφθαλμοὶ κυρίου ἐπὶ δικαίους καὶ ὦτα αὐτοῦ εἰς δέησιν αὐτῶν, πρόσωπον δὲ κυρίου ἐπὶ ποιοῦντας κακά.

13 καὶ τίς ὁ κακώσων ὑμᾶς ἐὰν τοῦ ἀγαθοῦ ζηλωταὶ γένησθε;

14 ἀλλ᾽ εἰ καὶ πάσχοιτε διὰ δικαιοσύνην, μακάριοι. τὸν δὲ φόβον αὐτῶν μὴ φοβηθῆτε μηδὲ ταραχθῆτε,

15 κύριον δὲ τὸν χριστὸν ἁγιάσατε ἐν ταῖς καρδίαις ὑμῶν, ἕτοιμοι ἀεὶ πρὸς ἀπολογίαν παντὶ τῶ αἰτοῦντι ὑμᾶς λόγον περὶ τῆς ἐν ὑμῖν ἐλπίδος,

16 ἀλλὰ μετὰ πραΰτητος καὶ φόβου, συνείδησιν ἔχοντες ἀγαθήν, ἵνα ἐν ᾧ καταλαλεῖσθε καταισχυνθῶσιν οἱ ἐπηρεάζοντες ὑμῶν τὴν ἀγαθὴν ἐν χριστῶ ἀναστροφήν.

17 κρεῖττον γὰρ ἀγαθοποιοῦντας, εἰ θέλοι τὸ θέλημα τοῦ θεοῦ, πάσχειν ἢ κακοποιοῦντας.

18 ὅτι καὶ χριστὸς ἅπαξ περὶ ἁμαρτιῶν ἔπαθεν, δίκαιος ὑπὲρ ἀδίκων, ἵνα ὑμᾶς προσαγάγῃ τῶ θεῶ, θανατωθεὶς μὲν σαρκὶ ζῳοποιηθεὶς δὲ πνεύματι·

19 ἐν ᾧ καὶ τοῖς ἐν φυλακῇ πνεύμασιν πορευθεὶς ἐκήρυξεν,

20 ἀπειθήσασίν ποτε ὅτε ἀπεξεδέχετο ἡ τοῦ θεοῦ μακροθυμία ἐν ἡμέραις νῶε κατασκευαζομένης κιβωτοῦ, εἰς ἣν ὀλίγοι, τοῦτ᾽ ἔστιν ὀκτὼ ψυχαί, διεσώθησαν δι᾽ ὕδατος.

21 ὃ καὶ ὑμᾶς ἀντίτυπον νῦν σῴζει βάπτισμα, οὐ σαρκὸς ἀπόθεσις ῥύπου ἀλλὰ συνειδήσεως ἀγαθῆς ἐπερώτημα εἰς θεόν, δι᾽ ἀναστάσεως ἰησοῦ χριστοῦ,

22 ὅς ἐστιν ἐν δεξιᾷ [τοῦ] θεοῦ, πορευθεὶς εἰς οὐρανόν, ὑποταγέντων αὐτῶ ἀγγέλων καὶ ἐξουσιῶν καὶ δυνάμεων.


1  Likewise,3668 ye wives,1135 be in subjection5293 to your own2398 husbands;435 that,2443 if any1536 obey not544 the3588 word,3056 they also2532 may without427 the word3056 be won2770 by1223 the3588 conversation391 of the3588 wives;1135

2  While they behold2029 your5216 chaste53 conversation391 coupled with1722 fear.5401

3  Whose3739 adorning2889 let it not3756 be2077 that3588 outward1855 adorning of plaiting1708 the hair,2359 and2532 of wearing4025 of gold,5553 or2228 of putting on1745 of apparel;2440

4  But235 let it be the3588 hidden2927 man444 of the3588 heart,2588 in1722 that which is not corruptible,862 even the ornament of a meek4239 and2532 quiet2272 spirit,4151 which3739 is2076 in the sight1799 of God2316 of great price.4185

5  For1063 after this manner3779 in the old time4218 the3588 holy40 women1135 also,2532 who trusted1679 in1909 God,2316 adorned2885 themselves,1438 being in subjection5293 unto their own2398 husbands:435

6  Even as5613 Sarah4564 obeyed5219 Abraham,11 calling2564 him846 lord:2962 whose3739 daughters5043 ye are,1096 as long as ye do well,15 and2532 are not afraid5399 3361 with any3367 amazement.4423

7  Likewise,3668 ye husbands,435 dwell with4924 them according2596 to knowledge,1108 giving632 honor5092 unto the3588 wife,1134 as5613 unto the weaker772 vessel,4632 and2532 as5613 being heirs together4789 of the grace5485 of life;2222 that your5216 prayers4335 be not3361 hindered.1581

8  Finally,5056 be ye all3956 of one mind,3675 having compassion one of another,4835 love as brethren,5361 be pitiful,2155 be courteous:5391

9  Not3361 rendering591 evil2556 for473 evil,2556 or2228 railing3059 for473 railing:3059 but1161 contrariwise5121 blessing;2127 knowing1492 that3754 ye are thereunto1519 5124 called,2564 that2443 ye should inherit2816 a blessing.2129

10  For1063 he that will2309 love25 life,2222 and2532 see1492 good18 days,2250 let him refrain3973 his848 tongue1100 from575 evil,2556 and2532 his848 lips5491 that they speak2980 no3361 guile:1388

11  Let him eschew1578 evil,2556 and2532 do4160 good;18 let him seek2212 peace,1515 and2532 ensue1377 it.846

12  For3754 the3588 eyes3788 of the Lord2962 are over1909 the righteous,1342 and2532 his846 ears3775 are open unto1519 their846 prayers:1162 but1161 the face4383 of the Lord2962 is against1909 them that do4160 evil.2556

13  And2532 who5101 is he that will harm2559 you,5209 if1437 ye be1096 followers3402 of that which is good?18

14  But235 and2532 if1487 ye suffer3958 for righteousness' sake,1223 1343 happy3107 are ye: and1161 be not afraid5399 3361 of their846 terror,5401 neither3366 be troubled;5015

15  But1161 sanctify37 the Lord2962 God2316 in1722 your5216 hearts:2588 and1161 be ready2092 always104 to give an answer4314 627 to every man3956 that asketh154 you5209 a reason3056 of4012 the3588 hope1680 that is in1722 you5213 with3326 meekness4240 and2532 fear:5401

16  Having2192 a good18 conscience;4893 that,2443 whereas1722 3739 they speak evil of2635 you,5216 as5613 of evildoers,2555 they may be ashamed2617 that falsely accuse1908 your5216 good18 conversation391 in1722 Christ.5547

17  For1063 it is better,2909 if1487 the3588 will2307 of God2316 be2309 so, that ye suffer3958 for well doing,15 than2228 for evil doing.2554

18  For3754 Christ5547 also2532 hath once530 suffered3958 for4012 sins,266 the just1342 for5228 the unjust,94 that2443 he might bring4317 us2248 to God,2316 being put to death2289 in the3303 flesh,4561 but1161 quickened2227 by the3588 Spirit:4151

19  By1722 which3739 also2532 he went4198 and preached2784 unto the3588 spirits4151 in1722 prison;5438

20  Which sometime4218 were disobedient,544 when3753 once530 the3588 longsuffering3115 of God2316 waited1551 in1722 the days2250 of Noah,3575 while the ark2787 was a preparing,2680 wherein1519 3739 few,3641 that is,5123 eight3638 souls5590 were saved1295 by1223 water.5204

21  The like figure499 whereunto3739 even baptism908 doth also2532 now3568 save4982 us2248 (not3756 the putting away595 of the filth4509 of the flesh,4561 but235 the answer1906 of a good18 conscience4893 toward1519 God,)2316 by1223 the resurrection386 of Jesus2424 Christ:5547

22  Who3739 is gone4198 into1519 heaven,3772 and is2076 on1722 the right hand1188 of God;2316 angels32 and2532 authorities1849 and2532 powers1411 being made subject unto5293 him.846


1 Similiter et mulieres subditæ sint viris suis: ut etsi qui non credunt verbo, per mulierem conversationem sine verbo lucrifiant:

2 considerantes in timore castam conversationem vestram.

3 Quarum non sit extrinsecus capillatura, aut circumdatio auri, aut indumenti vestimentorum cultus:

4 sed qui absconditus est cordis homo, in incorruptibilitate quieti, et modesti spiritus, qui est in conspectu Dei locuples.

5 Sic enim aliquando et sanctæ mulieres, sperantes in Deo, ornabant se, subjectæ propriis viris.

6 Sicut Sara obediebat Abrahæ, dominum eum vocans: cujus estis filiæ benefacientes, et non pertimentes ullam perturbationem.

7 Viri similiter cohabitantes secundum scientiam, quasi infirmiori vasculo muliebri impartientes honorem, tamquam et cohæredibus gratiæ vitæ: ut non impediantur orationes vestræ.

8 In fine autem omnes unanimes, compatientes fraternitatis amatores, misericordes, modesti, humiles:

9 non reddentes malum pro malo, nec maledictum pro maledicto, sed e contrario benedicentes: quia in hoc vocati estis, ut benedictionem hæreditate possideatis.

10 Qui enim vult vitam diligere, et dies videre bonos, coërceat linguam suam a malo, et labia ejus ne loquantur dolum.

11 Declinet a malo, et faciat bonum: inquirat pacem, et sequatur eam:

12 quia oculi Domini super justos, et aures ejus in preces eorum: vultus autem Domini super facientes mala.

13 Et quis est qui vobis noceat, si boni æmulatores fueritis?

14 Sed et si quid patimini propter justitiam, beati. Timorem autem eorum ne timueritis, et non conturbemini.

15 Dominum autem Christum sanctificate in cordibus vestris, parati semper ad satisfactionem omni poscenti vos rationem de ea, quæ in vobis est, spe.

16 Sed cum modestia, et timore, conscientiam habentes bonam: ut in eo, quod detrahunt vobis, confundantur, qui calumniantur vestram bonam in Christo conversationem.

17 Melius est enim benefacientes (si voluntas Dei velit) pati, quam malefacientes.

18 Quia et Christus semel pro peccatis nostris mortuus est, justus pro injustis, ut nos offerret Deo, mortificatus quidem carne, vivificatus autem spiritu.

19 In quo et his, qui in carcere erant, spiritibus veniens prædicavit:

20 qui increduli fuerant aliquando, quando exspectabant Dei patientiam in diebus Noë, cum fabricaretur arca: in qua pauci, id est octo animæ, salvæ factæ sunt per aquam.

21 Quod et vos nunc similis formæ salvos fecit baptisma: non carnis depositio sordium, sed conscientiæ bonæ interrogatio in Deum per resurrectionem Jesu Christi.

22 Qui est in dextera Dei, deglutiens mortem ut vitæ æternæ hæredes efficeremur: profectus in cælum subjectis sibi angelis, et potestatibus, et virtutibus.

Next: 1 Peter 4