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Job 7


1  Is there not3808 an appointed time6635 to man582 upon5921 earth?776 are not his days3117 also like the days3117 of a hireling?7916

2  As a servant5650 earnestly desireth7602 the shadow,6738 and as a hireling7916 looketh for6960 the reward of his work:6467

3  So3651 am I made to possess5157 months3391 of vanity,7723 and wearisome5999 nights3915 are appointed4487 to me.

4  When518 I lie down,7901 I say,559 When4970 shall I arise,6965 and the night6153 be gone?4059 and I am full7646 of tossings to and fro5076 unto5704 the dawning of the day.5399

5  My flesh1320 is clothed3847 with worms7415 and clods1487 of dust;6083 my skin5785 is broken,7280 and become loathsome.3988

6  My days3117 are swifter7043 than4480 a weaver's shuttle,708 and are spent3615 without657 hope.8615

7  O remember2142 that3588 my life2416 is wind:7307 mine eye5869 shall no3808 more7725 see7200 good.2896

8  The eye5869 of him that hath seen7210 me shall see7789 me no3808 more: thine eyes5869 are upon me, and I am not.369

9  As the cloud6051 is consumed3615 and vanisheth away:1980 so3651 he that goeth down3381 to the grave7585 shall come up5927 no3808 more.

10  He shall return7725 no3808 more5750 to his house,1004 neither3808 shall his place4725 know5234 him any more.5750

11  Therefore1571 I589 will not3808 refrain2820 my mouth;6310 I will speak1696 in the anguish6862 of my spirit;7307 I will complain7878 in the bitterness4751 of my soul.5315

12  Am I589 a sea,3220 or518 a whale,8577 that3588 thou settest7760 a watch4929 over5921 me?

13  When3588 I say,559 My bed6210 shall comfort5162 me, my couch4904 shall ease5375 my complaint;7879

14  Then thou scarest2865 me with dreams,2472 and terrifiest1204 me through visions:4480 2384

15  So that my soul5315 chooseth977 strangling,4267 and death4194 rather than my life.4480 6106

16  I loathe3988 it; I would not3808 live2421 always:5769 let me alone;2308 4480 for3588 my days3117 are vanity.1892

17  What4100 is man,582 that3588 thou shouldest magnify1431 him? and that3588 thou shouldest set7896 thine heart3820 upon413 him?

18  And that thou shouldest visit6485 him every morning,1242 and try974 him every moment?7281

19  How long4100 wilt thou not3808 depart8159 from4480 me, nor3808 let me alone7503 till5704 I swallow down1104 my spittle?7536

20  I have sinned;2398 what4100 shall I do6466 unto thee, O thou preserver5341 of men?120 why4100 hast thou set7760 me as a mark4645 against thee, so that I am1861 a burden4853 to5921 myself?

21  And why4100 dost thou not3808 pardon5375 my transgression,6588 and take away5674 853 mine iniquity?5771 for3588 now6258 shall I sleep7901 in the dust;6083 and thou shalt seek me in the morning,7836 but I shall not369 be.


1 πότερον οὐχὶ πειρατήριόν ἐστιν ὁ βίος ἀνθρώπου ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς καὶ ὥσπερ μισθίου αὐθημερινοῦ ἡ ζωὴ αὐτοῦ

2 ἢ ὥσπερ θεράπων δεδοικὼς τὸν κύριον αὐτοῦ καὶ τετευχὼς σκιᾶς ἢ ὥσπερ μισθωτὸς ἀναμένων τὸν μισθὸν αὐτοῦ

3 οὕτως κἀγὼ ὑπέμεινα μῆνας κενούς νύκτες δὲ ὀδυνῶν δεδομέναι μοί εἰσιν

4 ἐὰν κοιμηθῶ λέγω πότε ἡμέρα ὡς δ᾽ ἂν ἀναστῶ πάλιν πότε ἑσπέρα πλήρης δὲ γίνομαι ὀδυνῶν ἀπὸ ἑσπέρας ἕως πρωί

5 φύρεται δέ μου τὸ σῶμα ἐν σαπρίᾳ σκωλήκων τήκω δὲ βώλακας γῆς ἀπὸ ἰχῶρος ξύων

6 ὁ δὲ βίος μού ἐστιν ἐλαφρότερος λαλιᾶς ἀπόλωλεν δὲ ἐν κενῇ ἐλπίδι

7 μνήσθητι οὖν ὅτι πνεῦμά μου ἡ ζωὴ καὶ οὐκέτι ἐπανελεύσεται ὁ ὀφθαλμός μου ἰδεῖν ἀγαθόν

8 οὐ περιβλέψεταί με ὀφθαλμὸς ὁρῶντός με οἱ ὀφθαλμοί σου ἐν ἐμοί καὶ οὐκέτι εἰμὶ

9 ὥσπερ νέφος ἀποκαθαρθὲν ἀπ᾽ οὐρανοῦ ἐὰν γὰρ ἄνθρωπος καταβῇ εἰς ᾅδην οὐκέτι μὴ ἀναβῇ

10 οὐδ᾽ οὐ μὴ ἐπιστρέψῃ ἔτι εἰς τὸν ἴδιον οἶκον οὐδὲ μὴ ἐπιγνῷ αὐτὸν ἔτι ὁ τόπος αὐτοῦ

11 ἀτὰρ οὖν οὐδὲ ἐγὼ φείσομαι τῷ στόματί μου λαλήσω ἐν ἀνάγκῃ ὤν ἀνοίξω πικρίαν ψυχῆς μου συνεχόμενος

12 πότερον θάλασσά εἰμι ἢ δράκων ὅτι κατέταξας ἐπ᾽ ἐμὲ φυλακήν

13 εἶπα ὅτι παρακαλέσει με ἡ κλίνη μου ἀνοίσω δὲ πρὸς ἐμαυτὸν ἰδίᾳ λόγον τῇ κοίτῃ μου

14 ἐκφοβεῖς με ἐνυπνίοις καὶ ἐν ὁράμασίν με καταπλήσσεις

15 ἀπαλλάξεις ἀπὸ πνεύματός μου τὴν ψυχήν μου ἀπὸ δὲ θανάτου τὰ ὀστᾶ μου

16 οὐ γὰρ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα ζήσομαι ἵνα μακροθυμήσω ἀπόστα ἀπ᾽ ἐμοῦ κενὸς γάρ μου ὁ βίος

17 τί γάρ ἐστιν ἄνθρωπος ὅτι ἐμεγάλυνας αὐτὸν ἢ ὅτι προσέχεις τὸν νοῦν εἰς αὐτὸν

18 ἢ ἐπισκοπὴν αὐτοῦ ποιήσῃ ἕως τὸ πρωὶ καὶ εἰς ἀνάπαυσιν αὐτὸν κρινεῖς

19 ἕως τίνος οὐκ ἐᾷς με οὐδὲ προΐῃ με ἕως ἂν καταπίω τὸν πτύελόν μου ἐν ὀδύνῃ

20 εἰ ἐγὼ ἥμαρτον τί δύναμαί σοι πρᾶξαι ὁ ἐπιστάμενος τὸν νοῦν τῶν ἀνθρώπων διὰ τί ἔθου με κατεντευκτήν σου εἰμὶ δὲ ἐπὶ σοὶ φορτίον

21 καὶ διὰ τί οὐκ ἐποιήσω τῆς ἀνομίας μου λήθην καὶ καθαρισμὸν τῆς ἁμαρτίας μου νυνὶ δὲ εἰς γῆν ἀπελεύσομαι ὀρθρίζων δὲ οὐκέτι εἰμί


‎1 ‏הֲלֹא־צָבָ֣א לֶאֱנ֣וֹשׁ על־ עֲלֵי־ אָ֑רֶץ וְכִימֵ֖י שָׂכִ֣יר יָמָֽיו׃

‎2 ‏כְּעֶ֥בֶד יִשְׁאַף־צֵ֑ל וּ֝כְשָׂכִ֗יר יְקַוֶּ֥ה פָעֳלֽוֹ׃

‎3 ‏כֵּ֤ן הָנְחַ֣לְתִּי לִ֭י יַרְחֵי־שָׁ֑וְא וְלֵיל֥וֹת עָ֝מָ֗ל מִנּוּ־לִֽי׃

‎4 ‏אִם־שָׁכַ֗בְתִּי וְאָמַ֗רְתִּי מָתַ֣י אָ֭קוּם וּמִדַּד־עָ֑רֶב וְשָׂבַ֖עְתִּי נְדֻדִ֣ים עֲדֵי־נָֽשֶׁף׃

‎5 ‏לָ֘בַ֤שׁ בְּשָׂרִ֣י רִ֭מָּה וגיש וְג֣וּשׁ עָפָ֑ר עוֹרִ֥י רָ֝גַ֗ע וַיִּמָּאֵֽס׃

‎6 ‏יָמַ֣י קַ֭לּוּ מִנִּי־אָ֑רֶג וַ֝יִּכְל֗וּ בְּאֶ֣פֶס תִּקְוָֽה׃

‎7 ‏זְ֭כֹר כִּי־ר֣וּחַ חַיָּ֑י לֹא־תָשׁ֥וּב עֵ֝ינִ֗י לִרְא֥וֹת טֽוֹב׃

‎8 ‏לֹֽא־תְ֭שׁוּרֵנִי עֵ֣ין רֹ֑אִי1 עֵינֶ֖יךָ בִּ֣י וְאֵינֶֽנִּי׃

‎9 ‏כָּלָ֣ה עָ֭נָן וַיֵּלַ֑ךְ כֵּ֥ן יוֹרֵ֥ד שְׁ֝א֗וֹל לֹ֣א יַעֲלֶֽה׃

‎10 ‏לֹא־יָשׁ֣וּב ע֣וֹד לְבֵית֑וֹ וְלֹא־יַכִּירֶ֖נּוּ ע֣וֹד מְקֹמֽוֹ׃

‎11 ‏גַּם־אֲנִי֮ לֹ֤א אֶחֱשָׂ֫ךְ פִּ֥י אֲ‍ֽ֭דַבְּרָה בְּצַ֣ר רוּחִ֑י אָ֝שִׂ֗יחָה בְּמַ֣ר נַפְשִֽׁי׃

‎12 ‏הֲ‍ֽיָם־אָ֭נִי אִם־תַּנִּ֑ין כִּֽי־תָשִׂ֖ים עָלַ֣י מִשְׁמָֽר׃

‎13 ‏כִּֽי־אָ֭מַרְתִּי תְּנַחֲמֵ֣נִי עַרְשִׂ֑י יִשָּׂ֥א בְ֝שִׂיחִ֗י מִשְׁכָּבִֽי׃

‎14 ‏וְחִתַּתַּ֥נִי בַחֲלֹמ֑וֹת וּֽמֵחֶזְיֹנ֥וֹת תְּבַעֲתַֽנִּי׃

‎15 ‏וַתִּבְחַ֣ר מַחֲנָ֣ק נַפְשִׁ֑י מָ֝֗וֶת מֵֽעַצְמוֹתָֽי׃

‎16 ‏מָ֭אַסְתִּי לֹא־לְעֹלָ֣ם אֶֽחְיֶ֑ה חֲדַ֥ל מִ֝מֶּ֗נִּי כִּי־הֶ֥בֶל יָמָֽי׃

‎17 ‏מָֽה־אֱ֭נוֹשׁ כִּ֣י תְגַדְּלֶ֑נּוּ וְכִי־תָשִׁ֖ית אֵלָ֣יו לִבֶּֽךָ׃

‎18 ‏וַתִּפְקְדֶ֥נּוּ לִבְקָרִ֑ים לִ֝רְגָעִ֗ים תִּבְחָנֶֽנּוּ׃

‎19 ‏כַּ֭מָּה לֹא־תִשְׁעֶ֣ה מִמֶּ֑נִּי לֹֽא־תַ֝רְפֵּ֗נִי עַד־בִּלְעִ֥י רֻקִּֽי׃

‎20 ‏חָטָ֡אתִי מָ֤ה אֶפְעַ֨ל׀ לָךְ֮ נֹצֵ֪ר הָאָ֫דָ֥ם לָ֤מָה שַׂמְתַּ֣נִי לְמִפְגָּ֣ע לָ֑ךְ וָאֶהְיֶ֖ה עָלַ֣י לְמַשָּֽׂא׃

‎21 ‏וּמֶ֤ה׀ לֹא־תִשָּׂ֣א פִשְׁעִי֮ וְתַעֲבִ֪יר אֶת־עֲוֹ֫נִ֥י כִּֽי־עַ֭תָּה לֶעָפָ֣ר אֶשְׁכָּ֑ב וְשִׁ֖חֲרְתַּ֣נִי וְאֵינֶֽנִּי׃ פ


1 [Militia est vita hominis super terram,
et sicut dies mercenarii dies ejus.

2 Sicut servus desiderat umbram,
et sicut mercenarius præstolatur finem operis sui,

3 sic et ego habui menses vacuos,
et noctes laboriosas enumeravi mihi.

4 Si dormiero, dicam: Quando consurgam?
et rursum expectabo vesperam,
et replebor doloribus usque ad tenebras.

5 Induta est caro mea putredine,
et sordibus pulveris cutis mea aruit et contracta est.

6 Dies mei velocius transierunt quam a texente tela succiditur,
et consumpti sunt absque ulla spe.

7 Memento quia ventus est vita mea,
et non revertetur oculus meus ut videat bona.

8 Nec aspiciet me visus hominis;
oculi tui in me, et non subsistam.

9 Sicut consumitur nubes, et pertransit,
sic qui descenderit ad inferos, non ascendet.

10 Nec revertetur ultra in domum suam,
neque cognoscet eum amplius locus ejus.

11 Quapropter et ego non parcam ori meo:
loquar in tribulatione spiritus mei;
confabulabor cum amaritudine animæ meæ.

12 Numquid mare ego sum, aut cetus,
quia circumdedisti me carcere?

13 Si dixero: Consolabitur me lectulus meus,
et relevabor loquens mecum in strato meo:

14 terrebis me per somnia,
et per visiones horrore concuties.

15 Quam ob rem elegit suspendium anima mea,
et mortem ossa mea.

16 Desperavi: nequaquam ultra jam vivam:
parce mihi, nihil enim sunt dies mei.

17 Quid est homo, quia magnificas eum?
aut quid apponis erga eum cor tuum?

18 Visitas eum diluculo,
et subito probas illum.

19 Usquequo non parcis mihi,
nec dimittis me ut glutiam salivam meam?

20 Peccavi; quid faciam tibi, o custos hominum?
quare posuisti me contrarium tibi,
et factus sum mihimetipsi gravis?

21 Cur non tollis peccatum meum,
et quare non aufers iniquitatem meam?
ecce nunc in pulvere dormiam,
et si mane me quæsieris, non subsistam.]

Next: Job 8