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Jeremiah 12


1  Righteous6662 art thou,859 O LORD,3068 when3588 I plead7378 with413 thee: yet389 let me talk1696 with854 thee of thy judgments:4941 Wherefore4069 doth the way1870 of the wicked7563 prosper?6743 wherefore are all3605 they happy7951 that deal very treacherously?898 899

2  Thou hast planted5193 them, yea,1571 they have taken root:8327 they grow,1980 yea,1571 they bring forth6213 fruit:6529 thou859 art near7138 in their mouth,6310 and far7350 from their reins.4480 3629

3  But thou,859 O LORD,3068 knowest3045 me: thou hast seen7200 me, and tried974 mine heart3820 toward854 thee: pull them out5423 like sheep6629 for the slaughter,2878 and prepare6942 them for the day3117 of slaughter.2028

4  How long5704 4970 shall the land776 mourn,56 and the herbs6212 of every3605 field7704 wither,3001 for the wickedness4480 7451 of them that dwell3427 therein? the beasts929 are consumed,5595 and the birds;5775 because3588 they said,559 He shall not3808 see7200 853 our last end.319

5  If3588 thou hast run7323 with854 the footmen,7273 and they have wearied3811 thee, then how349 canst thou contend8474 with854 horses?5483 and if in the land776 of peace,7965 wherein thou859 trustedst,982 they wearied thee, then how349 wilt thou do6213 in the swelling1347 of Jordan?3383

6  For3588 even1571 thy brethren,251 and the house1004 of thy father,1 even1571 they1992 have dealt treacherously898 with thee; yea,1571 they1992 have called7121 a multitude4392 after310 thee: believe539 them not,408 though3588 they speak1696 fair words2896 unto413 thee.

7  I have forsaken5800 853 mine house,1004 I have left5203 853 mine heritage;5159 I have given5414 853 the dearly beloved3039 of my soul5315 into the hand3709 of her enemies.341

8  Mine heritage5159 is1961 unto me as a lion738 in the forest;3293 it crieth out5414 6963 against5921 me: therefore5921 3651 have I hated8130 it.

9  Mine heritage5159 is unto me as a speckled6641 bird,5861 the birds5861 round about5439 are against5921 her; come1980 ye, assemble622 all3605 the beasts2416 of the field,7704 come857 to devour.402

10  Many7227 pastors7462 have destroyed7843 my vineyard,3754 they have trodden my portion under foot,947 853 2513 they have made5414 853 my pleasant2532 portion2513 a desolate8077 wilderness.4057

11  They have made7760 it desolate,8077 and being desolate8076 it mourneth56 unto5921 me; the whole3605 land776 is made6213 desolate,8074 because3588 no369 man376 layeth7760 it to5921 heart.3820

12  The spoilers7703 are come935 upon5921 all3605 high places8205 through the wilderness:4057 for3588 the sword2719 of the LORD3068 shall devour398 from the one end4480 7097 of the land776 even to5704 the other end7097 of the land:776 no369 3605 flesh1320 shall have peace.7965

13  They have sown2232 wheat,2406 but shall reap7114 thorns:6975 they have put themselves to pain,2470 but shall not3808 profit:3276 and they shall be ashamed954 of your revenues4480 8393 because of the fierce4480 2740 anger639 of the LORD.3068

14  Thus3541 saith559 the LORD3068 against5921 all3605 mine evil7451 neighbors,7934 that touch5060 the inheritance5159 which834 I have caused 853 my people5971 853 Israel3478 to inherit;5157 Behold,2009 I will pluck them out5428 of4480 5921 their land,127 and pluck out5428 the house1004 of Judah3063 from among4480 8432 them.

15  And it shall come to pass,1961 after that310 I have plucked them out5428 853 I will return,7725 and have compassion7355 on them, and will bring them again,7725 every man376 to his heritage,5159 and every man376 to his land.776

16  And it shall come to pass,1961 if518 they will diligently learn3925 3925 853 the ways1870 of my people,5971 to swear7650 by my name,8034 The LORD3068 liveth;2416 as834 they taught3925 853 my people5971 to swear7650 by Baal;1168 then shall they be built1129 in the midst8432 of my people.5971

17  But if518 they will not3808 obey,8085 I will utterly pluck up5428 5428 and destroy6 853 that1931 nation,1471 saith5002 the LORD.3068


1 δίκαιος εἶ κύριε ὅτι ἀπολογήσομαι πρὸς σέ πλὴν κρίματα λαλήσω πρὸς σέ τί ὅτι ὁδὸς ἀσεβῶν εὐοδοῦται εὐθήνησαν πάντες οἱ ἀθετοῦντες ἀθετήματα

2 ἐφύτευσας αὐτοὺς καὶ ἐρριζώθησαν ἐτεκνοποίησαν καὶ ἐποίησαν καρπόν ἐγγὺς εἶ σὺ τοῦ στόματος αὐτῶν καὶ πόρρω ἀπὸ τῶν νεφρῶν αὐτῶν

3 καὶ σύ κύριε γινώσκεις με δεδοκίμακας τὴν καρδίαν μου ἐναντίον σου ἅγνισον αὐτοὺς εἰς ἡμέραν σφαγῆς αὐτῶν

4 ἕως πότε πενθήσει ἡ γῆ καὶ πᾶς ὁ χόρτος τοῦ ἀγροῦ ξηρανθήσεται ἀπὸ κακίας τῶν κατοικούντων ἐν αὐτῇ ἠφανίσθησαν κτήνη καὶ πετεινά ὅτι εἶπαν οὐκ ὄψεται ὁ θεὸς ὁδοὺς ἡμῶν

5 σοῦ οἱ πόδες τρέχουσιν καὶ ἐκλύουσίν σε πῶς παρασκευάσῃ ἐφ᾽ ἵπποις καὶ ἐν γῇ εἰρήνης σὺ πέποιθας πῶς ποιήσεις ἐν φρυάγματι τοῦ Ιορδάνου

6 ὅτι καὶ οἱ ἀδελφοί σου καὶ ὁ οἶκος τοῦ πατρός σου καὶ οὗτοι ἠθέτησάν σε καὶ αὐτοὶ ἐβόησαν ἐκ τῶν ὀπίσω σου ἐπισυνήχθησαν μὴ πιστεύσῃς ἐν αὐτοῖς ὅτι λαλήσουσιν πρὸς σὲ καλά

7 ἐγκαταλέλοιπα τὸν οἶκόν μου ἀφῆκα τὴν κληρονομίαν μου ἔδωκα τὴν ἠγαπημένην ψυχήν μου εἰς χεῖρας ἐχθρῶν αὐτῆς

8 ἐγενήθη ἡ κληρονομία μου ἐμοὶ ὡς λέων ἐν δρυμῷ ἔδωκεν ἐπ᾽ ἐμὲ τὴν φωνὴν αὐτῆς διὰ τοῦτο ἐμίσησα αὐτήν

9 μὴ σπήλαιον ὑαίνης ἡ κληρονομία μου ἐμοὶ ἢ σπήλαιον κύκλῳ αὐτῆς βαδίσατε συναγάγετε πάντα τὰ θηρία τοῦ ἀγροῦ καὶ ἐλθέτωσαν τοῦ φαγεῖν αὐτήν

10 ποιμένες πολλοὶ διέφθειραν τὸν ἀμπελῶνά μου ἐμόλυναν τὴν μερίδα μου ἔδωκαν μερίδα ἐπιθυμητήν μου εἰς ἔρημον ἄβατον

11 ἐτέθη εἰς ἀφανισμὸν ἀπωλείας δι᾽ ἐμὲ ἀφανισμῷ ἠφανίσθη πᾶσα ἡ γῆ ὅτι οὐκ ἔστιν ἀνὴρ τιθέμενος ἐν καρδίᾳ

12 ἐπὶ πᾶσαν διεκβολὴν ἐν τῇ ἐρήμῳ ἦλθον ταλαιπωροῦντες ὅτι μάχαιρα τοῦ κυρίου καταφάγεται ἀπ᾽ ἄκρου τῆς γῆς ἕως ἄκρου τῆς γῆς οὐκ ἔστιν εἰρήνη πάσῃ σαρκί

13 σπείρατε πυροὺς καὶ ἀκάνθας θερίσατε οἱ κλῆροι αὐτῶν οὐκ ὠφελήσουσιν αὐτούς αἰσχύνθητε ἀπὸ καυχήσεως ὑμῶν ἀπὸ ὀνειδισμοῦ ἔναντι κυρίου

14 ὅτι τάδε λέγει κύριος περὶ πάντων τῶν γειτόνων τῶν πονηρῶν τῶν ἁπτομένων τῆς κληρονομίας μου ἧς ἐμέρισα τῷ λαῷ μου Ισραηλ ἰδοὺ ἐγὼ ἀποσπῶ αὐτοὺς ἀπὸ τῆς γῆς αὐτῶν καὶ τὸν Ιουδαν ἐκβαλῶ ἐκ μέσου αὐτῶν

15 καὶ ἔσται μετὰ τὸ ἐκβαλεῖν με αὐτοὺς ἐπιστρέψω καὶ ἐλεήσω αὐτοὺς καὶ κατοικιῶ αὐτοὺς ἕκαστον εἰς τὴν κληρονομίαν αὐτοῦ καὶ ἕκαστον εἰς τὴν γῆν αὐτοῦ

16 καὶ ἔσται ἐὰν μαθόντες μάθωσιν τὴν ὁδὸν τοῦ λαοῦ μου τοῦ ὀμνύειν τῷ ὀνόματί μου ζῇ κύριος καθὼς ἐδίδαξαν τὸν λαόν μου ὀμνύειν τῇ Βααλ καὶ οἰκοδομηθήσονται ἐν μέσῳ τοῦ λαοῦ μου

17 ἐὰν δὲ μὴ ἐπιστρέψωσιν καὶ ἐξαρῶ τὸ ἔθνος ἐκεῖνο ἐξάρσει καὶ ἀπωλείᾳ


‎1 ‏צַדִּ֤יק אַתָּה֙ יְהוָ֔ה כִּ֥י אָרִ֖יב אֵלֶ֑יךָ אַ֤ךְ מִשְׁפָּטִים֙ אֲדַבֵּ֣ר אוֹתָ֔ךְ מַדּ֗וּעַ דֶּ֤רֶךְ רְשָׁעִים֙ צָלֵ֔חָה שָׁל֖וּ כָּל־בֹּ֥גְדֵי בָֽגֶד׃

‎2 ‏נְטַעְתָּם֙ גַּם־שֹׁרָ֔שׁוּ יֵלְכ֖וּ גַּם־עָ֣שׂוּ פֶ֑רִי קָר֤וֹב אַתָּה֙ בְּפִיהֶ֔ם וְרָח֖וֹק מִכִּלְיוֹתֵיהֶֽם׃

‎3 ‏וְאַתָּ֤ה יְהוָה֙ יְדַעְתָּ֔נִי תִּרְאֵ֕נִי וּבָחַנְתָּ֥ לִבִּ֖י אִתָּ֑ךְ הַתִּקֵם֙ כְּצֹ֣אן לְטִבְחָ֔ה וְהַקְדִּשֵׁ֖ם לְי֥וֹם הֲרֵגָֽה׃ ס

‎4 ‏עַד־מָתַי֙ תֶּאֱבַ֣ל הָאָ֔רֶץ וְעֵ֥שֶׂב כָּל־הַשָּׂדֶ֖ה יִיבָ֑שׁ מֵרָעַ֣ת יֹֽשְׁבֵי־בָ֗הּ סָפְתָ֤ה בְהֵמוֹת֙ וָע֔וֹף כִּ֣י אָמְר֔וּ לֹ֥א יִרְאֶ֖ה אֶת־אַחֲרִיתֵֽנוּ׃

‎5 ‏כִּ֣י אֶת־רַגְלִ֥ים׀ רַ֙צְתָּה֙ וַיַּלְא֔וּךָ וְאֵ֥יךְ תְּתַֽחֲרֶ֖ה אֶת־הַסּוּסִ֑ים וּבְאֶ֤רֶץ שָׁלוֹם֙ אַתָּ֣ה בוֹטֵ֔חַ וְאֵ֥יךְ תַּעֲשֶׂ֖ה בִּגְא֥וֹן הַיַּרְדֵּֽן׃

‎6 ‏כִּ֧י גַם־אַחֶ֣יךָ וּבֵית־אָבִ֗יךָ גַּם־הֵ֙מָּה֙ בָּ֣גְדוּ בָ֔ךְ גַּם־הֵ֛מָּה קָרְא֥וּ אַחֲרֶ֖יךָ מָלֵ֑א אַל־תַּאֲמֵ֣ן בָּ֔ם כִּֽי־יְדַבְּר֥וּ אֵלֶ֖יךָ טוֹבֽוֹת׃ ס

‎7 ‏עָזַ֙בְתִּי֙ אֶת־בֵּיתִ֔י נָטַ֖שְׁתִּי אֶת־נַחֲלָתִ֑י נָתַ֛תִּי אֶת־יְדִד֥וּת נַפְשִׁ֖י בְּכַ֥ף אֹיְבֶֽיהָ׃

‎8 ‏הָיְתָה־לִּ֥י נַחֲלָתִ֖י כְּאַרְיֵ֣ה בַיָּ֑עַר נָתְנָ֥ה עָלַ֛י בְּקוֹלָ֖הּ עַל־כֵּ֥ן שְׂנֵאתִֽיהָ׃

‎9 ‏הַעַ֨יִט צָב֤וּעַ נַחֲלָתִי֙ לִ֔י הַעַ֖יִט סָבִ֣יב עָלֶ֑יהָ לְכ֗וּ אִסְפ֛וּ כָּל־חַיַּ֥ת הַשָּׂדֶ֖ה הֵתָ֥יוּ לְאָכְלָֽה׃

‎10 ‏רֹעִ֤ים רַבִּים֙ שִֽׁחֲת֣וּ כַרְמִ֔י בֹּסְס֖וּ אֶת־חֶלְקָתִ֑י נָֽתְנ֛וּ אֶת־חֶלְקַ֥ת חֶמְדָּתִ֖י לְמִדְבַּ֥ר שְׁמָמָֽה׃

‎11 ‏שָׂמָהּ֙ לִשְׁמָמָ֔ה אָבְלָ֥ה עָלַ֖י שְׁמֵמָ֑ה נָשַׁ֙מָּה֙ כָּל־הָאָ֔רֶץ כִּ֛י אֵ֥ין אִ֖ישׁ שָׂ֥ם עַל־לֵֽב׃

‎12 ‏עַֽל־כָּל־שְׁפָיִ֣ם בַּמִּדְבָּ֗ר בָּ֚אוּ שֹֽׁדְדִ֔ים כִּ֣י חֶ֤רֶב לַֽיהוָה֙ אֹֽכְלָ֔ה מִקְצֵה־אֶ֖רֶץ וְעַד־קְצֵ֣ה הָאָ֑רֶץ אֵ֥ין שָׁל֖וֹם לְכָל־בָּשָֽׂר׃ ס

‎13 ‏זָרְע֤וּ חִטִּים֙ וְקֹצִ֣ים קָצָ֔רוּ נֶחְל֖וּ לֹ֣א יוֹעִ֑לוּ וּבֹ֙שׁוּ֙ מִתְּבוּאֹ֣תֵיכֶ֔ם מֵחֲר֖וֹן אַף־יְהוָֽה׃ ס

‎14 ‏כֹּ֣ה׀ אָמַ֣ר יְהוָ֗ה עַל־כָּל־שְׁכֵנַי֙ הָֽרָעִ֔ים הַנֹּֽגְעִים֙ בַּֽנַּחֲלָ֔ה אֲשֶׁר־הִנְחַ֥לְתִּי אֶת־עַמִּ֖י אֶת־יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל הִנְנִ֤י נֹֽתְשָׁם֙ מֵעַ֣ל אַדְמָתָ֔ם וְאֶת־בֵּ֥ית יְהוּדָ֖ה אֶתּ֥וֹשׁ מִתּוֹכָֽם׃

‎15 ‏וְהָיָ֗ה אַֽחֲרֵי֙ נָתְשִׁ֣י אוֹתָ֔ם אָשׁ֖וּב וְרִֽחַמְתִּ֑ים וַהֲשִׁבֹתִ֛ים אִ֥ישׁ לְנַחֲלָת֖וֹ וְאִ֥ישׁ לְאַרְצֽוֹ׃

‎16 ‏וְהָיָ֡ה אִם־לָמֹ֣ד יִלְמְדוּ֩ אֶת־דַּֽרְכֵ֨י עַמִּ֜י לְהִשָּׁבֵ֤עַ בִּשְׁמִי֙ חַי־יְהוָ֔ה כַּאֲשֶׁ֤ר לִמְּדוּ֙ אֶת־עַמִּ֔י לְהִשָּׁבֵ֖עַ בַּבָּ֑עַל וְנִבְנ֖וּ בְּת֥וֹךְ עַמִּֽי׃

‎17 ‏וְאִ֖ם לֹ֣א יִשְׁמָ֑עוּ וְנָ֨תַשְׁתִּ֜י אֶת־הַגּ֥וֹי הַה֛וּא נָת֥וֹשׁ וְאַבֵּ֖ד נְאֻם־יְהוָֽה׃ ס


1 [Justus quidem tu es, Domine, si disputem tecum:
verumtamen justa loquar ad te:
Quare via impiorum prosperatur;
bene est omnibus qui prævaricantur et inique agunt?

2 Plantasti eos, et radicem miserunt:
proficiunt, et faciunt fructum:
prope es tu ori eorum,
et longe a renibus eorum.

3 Et tu, Domine, nosti me, vidisti me,
et probasti cor meum tecum.
Congrega eos quasi gregem ad victimam,
et sanctifica eos in die occisionis.

4 Usquequo lugebit terra,
et herba omnis regionis siccabitur,
propter malitiam habitantium in ea?
Consumptum est animal, et volucre,
quoniam dixerunt: Non videbit novissima nostra.

5 Si cum peditibus currens laborasti,
quomodo contendere poteris cum equis?
cum autem in terra pacis securus fueris,
quid facies in superbia Jordanis?

6 Nam et fratres tui, et domus patris tui,
etiam ipsi pugnaverunt adversum te,
et clamaverunt post te plena voce:
ne credas eis,
cum locuti fuerint tibi bona.]

7 [Reliqui domum meam;
dimisi hæreditatem meam:
dedi dilectam animam meam in manu inimicorum ejus.

8 Facta est mihi hæreditas mea quasi leo in silva:
dedit contra me vocem, ideo odivi eam.

9 Numquid avis discolor hæreditas mea mihi?
numquid avis tincta per totum?
Venite, congregamini, omnes bestiæ terræ:
properate ad devorandum.

10 Pastores multi demoliti sunt vineam meam,
conculcaverunt partem meam,
dederunt portionem meam desiderabilem in desertum solitudinis.

11 Posuerunt eam in dissipationem,
luxitque super me:
desolatione desolata est omnis terra,
quia nullus est qui recogitet corde.

12 Super omnes vias deserti venerunt vastatores,
quia gladius Domini devorabit:
ab extremo terræ usque ad extremum ejus,
non est pax universæ carni.

13 Seminaverunt triticum,
et spinas messuerunt:
hæreditatem acceperunt,
et non eis proderit.
Confundemini a fructibus vestris
propter iram furoris Domini.

14 Hæc dicit Dominus adversum omnes vicinos meos pessimos,
qui tangunt hæreditatem quam distribui populo meo Israël:
Ecce ego evellam eos de terra sua,
et domum Juda evellam de medio eorum.

15 Et cum evulsero eos, convertar,
et miserebor eorum, et reducam eos:
virum ad hæreditatem suam,
et virum in terram suam.

16 Et erit: si eruditi didicerint vias populi mei,
ut jurent in nomine meo: Vivit Dominus!
sicut docuerunt populum meum jurare in Baal,
ædificabuntur in medio populi mei.

17 Quod si non audierint,
evellam gentem illam evulsione et perditione, ait Dominus.]

Next: Jeremiah 13