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Isaiah 33


1  Woe1945 to thee that spoilest,7703 and thou859 wast not3808 spoiled;7703 and dealest treacherously,898 and they dealt not treacherously898 3808 with thee! when thou shalt cease8552 to spoil,7703 thou shalt be spoiled;7703 and when thou shalt make an end5239 to deal treacherously,898 they shall deal treacherously898 with thee.

2  O LORD,3068 be gracious2603 unto us; we have waited6960 for thee: be1961 thou their arm2220 every morning,1242 our salvation3444 also637 in the time6256 of trouble.6869

3  At the noise4480 6963 of the tumult1995 the people5971 fled;5074 at the lifting up4480 7427 of thyself the nations1471 were scattered.5310

4  And your spoil7998 shall be gathered622 like the gathering625 of the caterpillar:2625 as the running to and fro4944 of locusts1357 shall he run8264 upon them.

5  The LORD3068 is exalted;7682 for3588 he dwelleth7931 on high:4791 he hath filled4390 Zion6726 with judgment4941 and righteousness.6666

6  And wisdom2451 and knowledge1847 shall be1961 the stability530 of thy times,6256 and strength2633 of salvation:3444 the fear3374 of the LORD3068 is his treasure.214

7  Behold,2005 their valiant ones691 shall cry6817 without:2351 the ambassadors4397 of peace7965 shall weep1058 bitterly.4751

8  The highways4546 lie waste,8074 the wayfaring man5674 734 ceaseth:7673 he hath broken6565 the covenant,1285 he hath despised3988 the cities,5892 he regardeth2803 no3808 man.582

9  The earth776 mourneth56 and languisheth:535 Lebanon3844 is ashamed2659 and hewn down:7060 Sharon8289 is1961 like a wilderness;6160 and Bashan1316 and Carmel3760 shake off5287 their fruits.

10  Now6258 will I rise,6965 saith559 the LORD;3068 now6258 will I be exalted;7311 now6258 will I lift up myself.5375

11  Ye shall conceive2029 chaff,2842 ye shall bring forth3205 stubble:7179 your breath,7307 as fire,784 shall devour398 you.

12  And the people5971 shall be1961 as the burnings4955 of lime:7875 as thorns6975 cut up3683 shall they be burned3341 in the fire.784

13  Hear,8085 ye that are far off,7350 what834 I have done;6213 and, ye that are near,7138 acknowledge3045 my might.1369

14  The sinners2400 in Zion6726 are afraid;6342 fearfulness7461 hath surprised270 the hypocrites.2611 Who4310 among us shall dwell1481 with the devouring398 fire?784 who4310 among us shall dwell1481 with everlasting5769 burnings?4168

15  He that walketh1980 righteously,6666 and speaketh1696 uprightly;4339 he that despiseth3988 the gain1215 of oppressions,4642 that shaketh5287 his hands3709 from holding4480 8551 of bribes,7810 that stoppeth331 his ears241 from hearing4480 8085 of blood,1818 and shutteth6105 his eyes5869 from seeing4480 7200 evil;7451

16  He1931 shall dwell7931 on high:4791 his place of defense4869 shall be the munitions4679 of rocks:5553 bread3899 shall be given5414 him; his waters4325 shall be sure.539

17  Thine eyes5869 shall see2372 the king4428 in his beauty:3308 they shall behold7200 the land776 that is very far off.4801

18  Thine heart3820 shall meditate1897 terror.367 Where346 is the scribe?5608 where346 is the receiver?8254 where346 is he that counted5608 853 the towers?4026

19  Thou shalt not3808 see7200 853 a fierce3267 people,5971 a people5971 of a deeper6012 speech8193 than thou canst perceive;4480 8085 of a stammering3932 tongue,3956 that thou canst not369 understand.998

20  Look2372 upon Zion,6726 the city7151 of our solemnities:4150 thine eyes5869 shall see7200 Jerusalem3389 a quiet7600 habitation,5116 a tabernacle168 that shall not1077 be taken down;6813 not1077 one of the stakes3489 thereof shall ever5331 be removed,5265 neither1077 shall any3605 of the cords2256 thereof be broken.5423

21  But3588 518 there8033 the glorious117 LORD3068 will be unto us a place4725 of broad rivers5104 and streams;2975 wherein shall go1980 no1077 galley590 with oars,7885 neither3808 shall gallant117 ship6716 pass5674 thereby.

22  For3588 the LORD3068 is our judge,8199 the LORD3068 is our lawgiver,2710 the LORD3068 is our king;4428 he1931 will save3467 us.

23  Thy tacklings2256 are loosed;5203 they could not1077 well3653 strengthen2388 their mast,8650 they could not1077 spread6566 the sail:5251 then227 is the prey5706 of a great4766 spoil7998 divided;2505 the lame6455 take962 the prey.957

24  And the inhabitant7934 shall not1077 say,559 I am sick:2470 the people5971 that dwell3427 therein shall be forgiven5375 their iniquity.5771


1 οὐαὶ τοῖς ταλαιπωροῦσιν ὑμᾶς ὑμᾶς δὲ οὐδεὶς ποιεῖ ταλαιπώρους καὶ ὁ ἀθετῶν ὑμᾶς οὐκ ἀθετεῖ ἁλώσονται οἱ ἀθετοῦντες καὶ παραδοθήσονται καὶ ὡς σὴς ἐπὶ ἱματίου οὕτως ἡττηθήσονται

2 κύριε ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς ἐπὶ σοὶ γὰρ πεποίθαμεν ἐγενήθη τὸ σπέρμα τῶν ἀπειθούντων εἰς ἀπώλειαν ἡ δὲ σωτηρία ἡμῶν ἐν καιρῷ θλίψεως

3 διὰ φωνὴν τοῦ φόβου σου ἐξέστησαν λαοὶ ἀπὸ τοῦ φόβου σου καὶ διεσπάρησαν τὰ ἔθνη

4 νῦν δὲ συναχθήσεται τὰ σκῦλα ὑμῶν μικροῦ καὶ μεγάλου ὃν τρόπον ἐάν τις συναγάγῃ ἀκρίδας οὕτως ἐμπαίξουσιν ὑμῖν

5 ἅγιος ὁ θεὸς ὁ κατοικῶν ἐν ὑψηλοῖς ἐνεπλήσθη Σιων κρίσεως καὶ δικαιοσύνης

6 ἐν νόμῳ παραδοθήσονται ἐν θησαυροῖς ἡ σωτηρία ἡμῶν ἐκεῖ σοφία καὶ ἐπιστήμη καὶ εὐσέβεια πρὸς τὸν κύριον οὗτοί εἰσιν θησαυροὶ δικαιοσύνης

7 ἰδοὺ δὴ ἐν τῷ φόβῳ ὑμῶν αὐτοὶ φοβηθήσονται οὓς ἐφοβεῖσθε φοβηθήσονται ἀφ᾽ ὑμῶν ἄγγελοι γὰρ ἀποσταλήσονται ἀξιοῦντες εἰρήνην πικρῶς κλαίοντες παρακαλοῦντες εἰρήνην

8 ἐρημωθήσονται γὰρ αἱ τούτων ὁδοί πέπαυται ὁ φόβος τῶν ἐθνῶν καὶ ἡ πρὸς τούτους διαθήκη αἴρεται καὶ οὐ μὴ λογίσησθε αὐτοὺς ἀνθρώπους

9 ἐπένθησεν ἡ γῆ ᾐσχύνθη ὁ Λίβανος ἕλη ἐγένετο ὁ Σαρων φανερὰ ἔσται ἡ Γαλιλαία καὶ ὁ Κάρμηλος

10 νῦν ἀναστήσομαι λέγει κύριος νῦν δοξασθήσομαι νῦν ὑψωθήσομαι

11 νῦν ὄψεσθε νῦν αἰσθηθήσεσθε ματαία ἔσται ἡ ἰσχὺς τοῦ πνεύματος ὑμῶν πῦρ ὑμᾶς κατέδεται

12 καὶ ἔσονται ἔθνη κατακεκαυμένα ὡς ἄκανθα ἐν ἀγρῷ ἐρριμμένη καὶ κατακεκαυμένη

13 ἀκούσονται οἱ πόρρωθεν ἃ ἐποίησα γνώσονται οἱ ἐγγίζοντες τὴν ἰσχύν μου

14 ἀπέστησαν οἱ ἐν Σιων ἄνομοι λήμψεται τρόμος τοὺς ἀσεβεῖς τίς ἀναγγελεῖ ὑμῖν ὅτι πῦρ καίεται τίς ἀναγγελεῖ ὑμῖν τὸν τόπον τὸν αἰώνιον

15 πορευόμενος ἐν δικαιοσύνῃ λαλῶν εὐθεῖαν ὁδόν μισῶν ἀνομίαν καὶ ἀδικίαν καὶ τὰς χεῖρας ἀποσειόμενος ἀπὸ δώρων βαρύνων τὰ ὦτα ἵνα μὴ ἀκούσῃ κρίσιν αἵματος καμμύων τοὺς ὀφθαλμοὺς ἵνα μὴ ἴδῃ ἀδικίαν

16 οὗτος οἰκήσει ἐν ὑψηλῷ σπηλαίῳ πέτρας ἰσχυρᾶς ἄρτος αὐτῷ δοθήσεται καὶ τὸ ὕδωρ αὐτοῦ πιστόν

17 βασιλέα μετὰ δόξης ὄψεσθε καὶ οἱ ὀφθαλμοὶ ὑμῶν ὄψονται γῆν πόρρωθεν

18 ἡ ψυχὴ ὑμῶν μελετήσει φόβον ποῦ εἰσιν οἱ γραμματικοί ποῦ εἰσιν οἱ συμβουλεύοντες ποῦ ἐστιν ὁ ἀριθμῶν τοὺς τρεφομένους

19 μικρὸν καὶ μέγαν λαόν ᾧ οὐ συνεβουλεύσαντο οὐδὲ ᾔδει βαθύφωνον ὥστε μὴ ἀκοῦσαι λαὸς πεφαυλισμένος καὶ οὐκ ἔστιν τῷ ἀκούοντι σύνεσις

20 ἰδοὺ Σιων ἡ πόλις τὸ σωτήριον ἡμῶν οἱ ὀφθαλμοί σου ὄψονται Ιερουσαλημ πόλις πλουσία σκηναὶ αἳ οὐ μὴ σεισθῶσιν οὐδὲ μὴ κινηθῶσιν οἱ πάσσαλοι τῆς σκηνῆς αὐτῆς εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα χρόνον οὐδὲ τὰ σχοινία αὐτῆς οὐ μὴ διαρραγῶσιν

21 ὅτι τὸ ὄνομα κυρίου μέγα ὑμῖν τόπος ὑμῖν ἔσται ποταμοὶ καὶ διώρυγες πλατεῖς καὶ εὐρύχωροι οὐ πορεύσῃ ταύτην τὴν ὁδόν οὐδὲ πορεύσεται πλοῖον ἐλαῦνον

22 ὁ γὰρ θεός μου μέγας ἐστίν οὐ παρελεύσεταί με κύριος κριτὴς ἡμῶν κύριος ἄρχων ἡμῶν κύριος βασιλεὺς ἡμῶν κύριος οὗτος ἡμᾶς σώσει

23 ἐρράγησαν τὰ σχοινία σου ὅτι οὐκ ἐνίσχυσεν ὁ ἱστός σου ἔκλινεν οὐ χαλάσει τὰ ἱστία οὐκ ἀρεῖ σημεῖον ἕως οὗ παραδοθῇ εἰς προνομήν τοίνυν πολλοὶ χωλοὶ προνομὴν ποιήσουσιν

24 καὶ οὐ μὴ εἴπῃ κοπιῶ ὁ λαὸς ὁ ἐνοικῶν ἐν αὐτοῖς ἀφέθη γὰρ αὐτοῖς ἡ ἁμαρτία


‎1 ‏ה֣וֹי שׁוֹדֵ֗ד וְאַתָּה֙ לֹ֣א שָׁד֔וּד וּבוֹגֵ֖ד וְלֹא־בָ֣גְדוּ ב֑וֹ כַּהֲתִֽמְךָ֤ שׁוֹדֵד֙ תּוּשַּׁ֔ד כַּנְּלֹתְךָ֥ לִבְגֹּ֖ד יִבְגְּדוּ־בָֽךְ׃ ס

‎2 ‏יְהוָ֥ה חָנֵּ֖נוּ לְךָ֣ קִוִּ֑ינוּ הֱיֵ֤ה זְרֹעָם֙ לַבְּקָרִ֔ים אַף־יְשׁוּעָתֵ֖נוּ בְּעֵ֥ת צָרָֽה׃

‎3 ‏מִקּ֣וֹל הָמ֔וֹן נָדְד֖וּ עַמִּ֑ים מֵר֣וֹמְמֻתֶ֔ךָ נָפְצ֖וּ גּוֹיִֽם׃

‎4 ‏וְאֻסַּ֣ף שְׁלַלְכֶ֔ם אֹ֖סֶף הֶֽחָסִ֑יל כְּמַשַּׁ֥ק גֵּבִ֖ים שׁוֹקֵ֥ק בּֽוֹ׃

‎5 ‏נִשְׂגָּ֣ב יְהוָ֔ה כִּ֥י שֹׁכֵ֖ן מָר֑וֹם מִלֵּ֣א צִיּ֔וֹן מִשְׁפָּ֖ט וּצְדָקָֽה׃

‎6 ‏וְהָיָה֙ אֱמוּנַ֣ת עִתֶּ֔יךָ חֹ֥סֶן יְשׁוּעֹ֖ת חָכְמַ֣ת וָדָ֑עַת יִרְאַ֥ת יְהוָ֖ה הִ֥יא אוֹצָרֽוֹ׃ ס

‎7 ‏הֵ֚ן אֶרְאֶלָּ֔ם צָעֲק֖וּ חֻ֑צָה מַלְאֲכֵ֣י שָׁל֔וֹם מַ֖ר יִבְכָּיֽוּן׃

‎8 ‏נָשַׁ֣מּוּ מְסִלּ֔וֹת שָׁבַ֖ת עֹבֵ֣ר אֹ֑רַח הֵפֵ֤ר בְּרִית֙ מָאַ֣ס עָרִ֔ים לֹ֥א חָשַׁ֖ב אֱנֽוֹשׁ׃

‎9 ‏אָבַ֤ל אֻמְלְלָה֙ אָ֔רֶץ הֶחְפִּ֥יר לְבָנ֖וֹן קָמַ֑ל הָיָ֤ה הַשָּׁרוֹן֙ כָּֽעֲרָבָ֔ה וְנֹעֵ֥ר בָּשָׁ֖ן וְכַרְמֶֽל׃

‎10 ‏עַתָּ֥ה אָק֖וּם יֹאמַ֣ר יְהוָ֑ה עַתָּה֙ אֵֽרוֹמָ֔ם עַתָּ֖ה אֶנָּשֵֽׂא׃

‎11 ‏תַּהֲר֥וּ חֲשַׁ֖שׁ תֵּ֣לְדוּ קַ֑שׁ רוּחֲכֶ֕ם אֵ֖שׁ תֹּאכַלְכֶֽם׃

‎12 ‏וְהָי֥וּ עַמִּ֖ים מִשְׂרְפ֣וֹת שִׂ֑יד קוֹצִ֥ים כְּסוּחִ֖ים בָּאֵ֥שׁ יִצַּֽתּוּ׃ ס

‎13 ‏שִׁמְע֥וּ רְחוֹקִ֖ים אֲשֶׁ֣ר עָשִׂ֑יתִי וּדְע֥וּ קְרוֹבִ֖ים גְּבֻרָתִֽי׃

‎14 ‏פָּחֲד֤וּ בְצִיּוֹן֙ חַטָּאִ֔ים אָחֲזָ֥ה רְעָדָ֖ה חֲנֵפִ֑ים מִ֣י׀ יָג֣וּר לָ֗נוּ אֵ֚שׁ אוֹכֵלָ֔ה מִי־יָג֥וּר לָ֖נוּ מוֹקְדֵ֥י עוֹלָֽם׃

‎15 ‏הֹלֵ֣ךְ צְדָק֔וֹת וְדֹבֵ֖ר מֵֽישָׁרִ֑ים מֹאֵ֞ס בְּבֶ֣צַע מַעֲשַׁקּ֗וֹת נֹעֵ֤ר כַּפָּיו֙ מִתְּמֹ֣ךְ בַּשֹּׁ֔חַד אֹטֵ֤ם אָזְנוֹ֙ מִשְּׁמֹ֣עַ דָּמִ֔ים וְעֹצֵ֥ם עֵינָ֖יו מֵרְא֥וֹת בְּרָֽע׃

‎16 ‏ה֚וּא מְרוֹמִ֣ים יִשְׁכֹּ֔ן מְצָד֥וֹת סְלָעִ֖ים מִשְׂגַּבּ֑וֹ לַחְמ֣וֹ נִתָּ֔ן מֵימָ֖יו נֶאֱמָנִֽים׃

‎17 ‏מֶ֥לֶךְ בְּיָפְי֖וֹ תֶּחֱזֶ֣ינָה עֵינֶ֑יךָ תִּרְאֶ֖ינָה אֶ֥רֶץ מַרְחַקִּֽים׃

‎18 ‏לִבְּךָ֖ יֶהְגֶּ֣ה אֵימָ֑ה אַיֵּ֤ה סֹפֵר֙ אַיֵּ֣ה שֹׁקֵ֔ל אַיֵּ֖ה סֹפֵ֥ר אֶת־הַמִּגְדָּלִֽים׃

‎19 ‏אֶת־עַ֥ם נוֹעָ֖ז לֹ֣א תִרְאֶ֑ה עַ֣ם עִמְקֵ֤י שָׂפָה֙ מִשְּׁמ֔וֹעַ נִלְעַ֥ג לָשׁ֖וֹן אֵ֥ין בִּינָֽה׃

‎20 ‏חֲזֵ֣ה צִיּ֔וֹן קִרְיַ֖ת מֽוֹעֲדֵ֑נוּ עֵינֶיךָ֩ תִרְאֶ֨ינָה יְרוּשָׁלִַ֜ם נָוֶ֣ה שַׁאֲנָ֗ן אֹ֤הֶל בַּל־יִצְעָן֙ בַּל־יִסַּ֤ע יְתֵֽדֹתָיו֙ לָנֶ֔צַח וְכָל־חֲבָלָ֖יו בַּל־יִנָּתֵֽקוּ׃

‎21 ‏כִּ֣י אִם־שָׁ֞ם אַדִּ֤יר יְהוָה֙ לָ֔נוּ מְקוֹם־נְהָרִ֥ים יְאֹרִ֖ים רַחֲבֵ֣י יָדָ֑יִם בַּל־תֵּ֤לֶךְ בּוֹ֙ אֳנִי־שַׁ֔יִט וְצִ֥י אַדִּ֖יר לֹ֥א יַעַבְרֶֽנּוּ׃

‎22 ‏כִּ֤י יְהוָה֙ שֹׁפְטֵ֔נוּ יְהוָ֖ה מְחֹקְקֵ֑נוּ יְהוָ֥ה מַלְכֵּ֖נוּ ה֥וּא יוֹשִׁיעֵֽנוּ׃

‎23 ‏נִטְּשׁ֖וּ חֲבָלָ֑יִךְ בַּל־יְחַזְּק֤וּ כֵן־תָּרְנָם֙ בַּל־פָּ֣רְשׂוּ נֵ֔ס אָ֣ז חֻלַּ֤ק עַֽד־שָׁלָל֙ מַרְבֶּ֔ה פִּסְחִ֖ים בָּ֥זְזוּ בַֽז׃

‎24 ‏וּבַל־יֹאמַ֥ר שָׁכֵ֖ן חָלִ֑יתִי הָעָ֛ם הַיֹּשֵׁ֥ב בָּ֖הּ נְשֻׂ֥א עָוֹֽן׃


1 [Væ qui prædaris! nonne et ipse prædaberis?
et qui spernis, nonne et ipse sperneris?
Cum consummaveris deprædationem, deprædaberis;
cum fatigatus desieris contemnere, contemneris.

2 Domine, miserere nostri,
te enim exspectavimus;
esto brachium nostrum in mane,
et salus nostra in tempore tribulationis.

3 A voce angeli fugerunt populi,
et ab exaltatione tua dispersæ sunt gentes.

4 Et congregabuntur spolia vestra sicut colligitur bruchus,
velut cum fossæ plenæ fuerint de eo.

5 Magnificatus est Dominus, quoniam habitavit in excelso;
implevit Sion judicio et justitia.

6 Et erit fides in temporibus tuis:
divitiæ salutis sapientia et scientia;
timor Domini ipse est thesaurus ejus.

7 Ecce videntes clamabunt foris;
angeli pacis amare flebunt.

8 Dissipatæ sunt viæ,
cessavit transiens per semitam:
irritum factum est pactum, projecit civitates,
non reputavit homines.

9 Luxit et elanguit terra;
confusus est Libanus, et obsorduit:
et factus est Saron sicut desertum,
et concussa est Basan, et Carmelus.

10 Nunc consurgam, dicit Dominus;
nunc exaltabor, nunc sublevabor.

11 Concipietis ardorem, parietis stipulam;
spiritus vester ut ignis vorabit vos.

12 Et erunt populi quasi de incendio cinis;
spinæ congregatæ igni comburentur.

13 Audite, qui longe estis, quæ fecerim;
et cognoscite, vicini, fortitudinem meam.

14 Conterriti sunt in Sion peccatores;
possedit tremor hypocritas.
Quis poterit habitare de vobis cum igne devorante?
quis habitabit ex vobis cum ardoribus sempiternis?

15 Qui ambulat in justitiis et loquitur veritatem,
qui projicit avaritiam ex calumnia,
et excutit manus suas ab omni munere,
qui obturat aures suas ne audiat sanguinem,
et claudit oculos suos ne videat malum.

16 Iste in excelsis habitabit;
munimenta saxorum sublimitas ejus:
panis ei datus est, aquæ ejus fideles sunt.

17 Regem in decore suo videbunt oculi ejus,
cernent terram de longe.

18 Cor tuum meditabitur timorem:
ubi est litteratus? ubi legis verba ponderans?
ubi doctor parvulorum?

19 Populum impudentem non videbis,
populum alti sermonis, ita ut non possis intelligere
disertitudinem linguæ ejus, in quo nulla est sapientia.

20 Respice, Sion, civitatem solemnitatis nostræ:
oculi tui videbunt Jerusalem,
habitationem opulentam,
tabernaculum quod nequaquam transferri poterit;
nec auferentur clavi ejus in sempiternum,
et omnes funiculi ejus non rumpentur:

21 quia solummodo ibi magnificus est Dominus noster:
locus fluviorum rivi latissimi et patentes:
non transibit per eum navis remigum,
neque trieris magna transgredietur eum.

22 Dominus enim judex noster,
Dominus legifer noster,
Dominus rex noster,
ipse salvabit nos.

23 Laxati sunt funiculi tui,
et non prævalebunt;
sic erit malus tuus
ut dilatare signum non queas.
Tunc dividentur spolia prædarum multarum;
claudi diripient rapinam.

24 Nec dicet vicinus: Elangui;
populus qui habitat in ea, auferetur ab eo iniquitas.]

Next: Isaiah 34