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Hebrews 3


1 ὅθεν, ἀδελφοὶ ἅγιοι, κλήσεως ἐπουρανίου μέτοχοι, κατανοήσατε τὸν ἀπόστολον καὶ ἀρχιερέα τῆς ὁμολογίας ἡμῶν ἰησοῦν,

2 πιστὸν ὄντα τῶ ποιήσαντι αὐτὸν ὡς καὶ μωϊσῆς ἐν [ὅλῳ] τῶ οἴκῳ αὐτοῦ.

3 πλείονος γὰρ οὖτος δόξης παρὰ μωϊσῆν ἠξίωται καθ᾽ ὅσον πλείονα τιμὴν ἔχει τοῦ οἴκου ὁ κατασκευάσας αὐτόν.

4 πᾶς γὰρ οἶκος κατασκευάζεται ὑπό τινος, ὁ δὲ πάντα κατασκευάσας θεός.

5 καὶ μωϊσῆς μὲν πιστὸς ἐν ὅλῳ τῶ οἴκῳ αὐτοῦ ὡς θεράπων εἰς μαρτύριον τῶν λαληθησομένων,

6 χριστὸς δὲ ὡς υἱὸς ἐπὶ τὸν οἶκον αὐτοῦ· οὖ οἶκός ἐσμεν ἡμεῖς, ἐάν[περ] τὴν παρρησίαν καὶ τὸ καύχημα τῆς ἐλπίδος κατάσχωμεν.

7 διό, καθὼς λέγει τὸ πνεῦμα τὸ ἅγιον, σήμερον ἐὰν τῆς φωνῆς αὐτοῦ ἀκούσητε,

8 μὴ σκληρύνητε τὰς καρδίας ὑμῶν ὡς ἐν τῶ παραπικρασμῶ, κατὰ τὴν ἡμέραν τοῦ πειρασμοῦ ἐν τῇ ἐρήμῳ,

9 οὖ ἐπείρασαν οἱ πατέρες ὑμῶν ἐν δοκιμασίᾳ καὶ εἶδον τὰ ἔργα μου

10 τεσσεράκοντα ἔτη· διὸ προσώχθισα τῇ γενεᾷ ταύτῃ καὶ εἶπον, ἀεὶ πλανῶνται τῇ καρδίᾳ· αὐτοὶ δὲ οὐκ ἔγνωσαν τὰς ὁδούς μου·

11 ὡς ὤμοσα ἐν τῇ ὀργῇ μου, εἰ εἰσελεύσονται εἰς τὴν κατάπαυσίν μου.

12 βλέπετε, ἀδελφοί, μήποτε ἔσται ἔν τινι ὑμῶν καρδία πονηρὰ ἀπιστίας ἐν τῶ ἀποστῆναι ἀπὸ θεοῦ ζῶντος,

13 ἀλλὰ παρακαλεῖτε ἑαυτοὺς καθ᾽ ἑκάστην ἡμέραν, ἄχρις οὖ τὸ σήμερον καλεῖται, ἵνα μὴ σκληρυνθῇ τις ἐξ ὑμῶν ἀπάτῃ τῆς ἁμαρτίας·

14 μέτοχοι γὰρ τοῦ χριστοῦ γεγόναμεν, ἐάνπερ τὴν ἀρχὴν τῆς ὑποστάσεως μέχρι τέλους βεβαίαν κατάσχωμεν,

15 ἐν τῶ λέγεσθαι, σήμερον ἐὰν τῆς φωνῆς αὐτοῦ ἀκούσητε, μὴ σκληρύνητε τὰς καρδίας ὑμῶν ὡς ἐν τῶ παραπικρασμῶ.

16 τίνες γὰρ ἀκούσαντες παρεπίκραναν; ἀλλ᾽ οὐ πάντες οἱ ἐξελθόντες ἐξ αἰγύπτου διὰ μωϊσέως;

17 τίσιν δὲ προσώχθισεν τεσσεράκοντα ἔτη; οὐχὶ τοῖς ἁμαρτήσασιν, ὧν τὰ κῶλα ἔπεσεν ἐν τῇ ἐρήμῳ;

18 τίσιν δὲ ὤμοσεν μὴ εἰσελεύσεσθαι εἰς τὴν κατάπαυσιν αὐτοῦ εἰ μὴ τοῖς ἀπειθήσασιν;

19 καὶ βλέπομεν ὅτι οὐκ ἠδυνήθησαν εἰσελθεῖν δι᾽ ἀπιστίαν.


1  Wherefore,3606 holy40 brethren,80 partakers3353 of the heavenly2032 calling,2821 consider2657 the3588 Apostle652 and2532 High Priest749 of our2257 profession,3671 Christ5547 Jesus;2424

2  Who was5607 faithful4103 to him that appointed4160 him,846 as5613 also2532 Moses3475 was faithful in1722 all3650 his846 house.3624

3  For1063 this3778 man was counted worthy515 of more4119 glory1391 than3844 Moses,3475 inasmuch2596 3745 as he who hath builded2680 the house846 hath2192 more4119 honor5092 than the3588 house.3624

4  For1063 every3956 house3624 is builded2680 by5259 some5100 man; but1161 he that built2680 all things3956 is God.2316

5  And2532 Moses3475 verily3303 was faithful4103 in1722 all3650 his846 house,3624 as5613 a servant,2324 for1519 a testimony3142 of those things which were to be spoken after;2980

6  But1161 Christ5547 as5613 a son5207 over1909 his own848 house;3624 whose3739 house3624 are2070 we,2249 if1437 4007 we hold fast2722 the3588 confidence3954 and2532 the3588 rejoicing2745 of the3588 hope1680 firm949 unto3360 the end.5056

7  Wherefore1352 (as2531 the3588 Holy40 Ghost4151 saith,3004 Today4594 if1437 ye will hear191 his846 voice,5456

8  Harden4645 not3361 your5216 hearts,2588 as5613 in1722 the3588 provocation,3894 in2596 the3588 day2250 of temptation3986 in1722 the3588 wilderness:2048

9  When3757 your5216 fathers3962 tempted3985 me,3165 proved1381 me,3165 and2532 saw1492 my3450 works2041 forty5062 years.2094

10  Wherefore1352 I was grieved4360 with that1565 generation,1074 and2532 said,2036 They do always104 err4105 in their heart;2588 and1161 they846 have not3756 known1097 my3450 ways.3598

11  So5613 I swore3660 in1722 my3450 wrath,3709 They1487 shall not enter1525 into1519 my3450 rest.)2663

12  Take heed,991 brethren,80 lest3379 there be2071 in1722 any5100 of you5216 an evil4190 heart2588 of unbelief,570 in departing868 from575 the living2198 God.2316

13  But235 exhort3870 one another1438 daily,2596 1538 2250 while891 3757 it3588 is called2564 Today;4594 lest3363 any5100 of1537 you5216 be hardened4645 through the deceitfulness539 of sin.266

14  For1063 we are made1096 partakers3353 of Christ,5547 if1437 4007 we hold2722 the3588 beginning746 of our confidence5287 steadfast949 unto3360 the end;5056

15  While it is said,3004 Today4594 if1437 ye will hear191 his846 voice,5456 harden4645 not3361 your5216 hearts,2588 as5613 in1722 the3588 provocation.3894

16  For1063 some,5100 when they had heard,191 did provoke:3893 howbeit235 not3756 all3956 that came1831 out of1537 Egypt125 by1223 Moses.3475

17  But1161 with whom5101 was he grieved4360 forty5062 years?2094 was it not3780 with them that had sinned,264 whose3739 carcasses2966 fell4098 in1722 the3588 wilderness?2048

18  And1161 to whom5101 swore3660 he that they should not3361 enter1525 into1519 his848 rest,2663 but1508 to them that believed not?544

19  So2532 we see991 that3754 they could1410 not3756 enter in1525 because1223 of unbelief.570


1 Unde, fratres sancti, vocationis cælestis participes, considerate Apostolum, et pontificem confessionis nostræ Jesum:

2 qui fidelis est ei, qui fecit illum, sicut et Moyses in omni domo ejus.

3 Amplioris enim gloriæ iste præ Moyse dignus est habitus, quanto ampliorem honorem habet domus, qui fabricavit illam.

4 Omnis namque domus fabricatur ab aliquo: qui autem omnia creavit, Deus est.

5 Et Moyses quidem fidelis erat in tota domo ejus tamquam famulus, in testimonium eorum, quæ dicenda erant:

6 Christus vero tamquam filius in domo sua: quæ domus sumus nos, si fiduciam, et gloriam spei usque ad finem, firmam retineamus.

7 Quapropter sicut dicit Spiritus Sanctus: Hodie si vocem ejus audieritis,

8 nolite obdurare corda vestra, sicut in exacerbatione secundum diem tentationis in deserto,

9 ubi tentaverunt me patres vestri: probaverunt, et viderunt opera mea

10 quadraginta annis: propter quod infensus fui generationi huic, et dixi: Semper errant corde. Ipsi autem non cognoverunt vias meas,

11 sicut juravi in ira mea: Si introibunt in requiem meam.

12 Videte fratres, ne forte sit in aliquo vestrum cor malum incredulitatis, discedendi a Deo vivo:

13 sed adhortamini vosmetipsos per singulos dies, donec hodie cognominatur, ut non obduretur quis ex vobis fallacia peccati.

14 Participes enim Christi effecti sumus, si tamen initium substantiæ ejus usque ad finem firmum retineamus.

15 Dum dicitur: Hodie si vocem ejus audieritis, nolite obdurare corda vestra, quemadmodum in illa exacerbatione.

16 Quidam enim audientes exacerbaverunt: sed non universi qui profecti sunt ex Ægypto per Moysen.

17 Quibus autem infensus est quadraginta annis? nonne illis qui peccaverunt, quorum cadavera prostrata sunt in deserto?

18 Quibus autem juravit non introire in requiem ipsius, nisi illis qui increduli fuerunt?

19 Et videmus, quia non potuerunt introire propter incredulitatem.

Next: Hebrews 4