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Ezekiel 30


1  The word1697 of the LORD3068 came1961 again unto413 me, saying,559

2  Son1121 of man,120 prophesy5012 and say,559 Thus3541 saith559 the Lord136 GOD;3069 Howl3213 ye, Woe1929 worth the day!3117

3  For3588 the day3117 is near,7138 even the day3117 of the LORD3068 is near,7138 a cloudy6051 day;3117 it shall be1961 the time6256 of the heathen.1471

4  And the sword2719 shall come935 upon Egypt,4714 and great pain2479 shall be1961 in Ethiopia,3568 when the slain2491 shall fall5307 in Egypt,4714 and they shall take away3947 her multitude,1995 and her foundations3247 shall be broken down.2040

5  Ethiopia,3568 and Libya,6316 and Lydia,3865 and all3605 the mingled people,6154 and Chub,3552 and the men1121 of the land776 that is in league,1285 shall fall5307 with854 them by the sword.2719

6  Thus3541 saith559 the LORD;3068 They also that uphold5564 Egypt4714 shall fall;5307 and the pride1347 of her power5797 shall come down:3381 from the tower4480 4024 of Syene5482 shall they fall5307 in it by the sword,2719 saith5002 the Lord136 GOD.3069

7  And they shall be desolate8074 in the midst8432 of the countries776 that are desolate,8074 and her cities5892 shall be1961 in the midst8432 of the cities5892 that are wasted.2717

8  And they shall know3045 that3588 I589 am the LORD,3068 when I have set5414 a fire784 in Egypt,4714 and when all3605 her helpers5826 shall be destroyed.7665

9  In that1931 day3117 shall messengers4397 go forth3318 from4480 6440 me in ships6716 to make 853 the careless983 Ethiopians3568 afraid,2729 and great pain2479 shall come1961 upon them, as in the day3117 of Egypt:4714 for,3588 lo,2009 it cometh.935

10  Thus3541 saith559 the Lord136 GOD;3069 I will also make 853 the multitude1995 of Egypt4714 to cease7673 by the hand3027 of Nebuchadnezzar5019 king4428 of Babylon.894

11  He1931 and his people5971 with854 him, the terrible6184 of the nations,1471 shall be brought935 to destroy7843 the land:776 and they shall draw7324 their swords2719 against5921 Egypt,4714 and fill4390 853 the land776 with the slain.2491

12  And I will make5414 the rivers2975 dry,2724 and sell4376 853 the land776 into the hand3027 of the wicked:7451 and I will make the land waste,8074 776 and all that is therein,4393 by the hand3027 of strangers:2114 I589 the LORD3068 have spoken1696 it.

13  Thus3541 saith559 the Lord136 GOD;3069 I will also destroy6 the idols,1544 and I will cause their images457 to cease7673 out of Noph;4480 5297 and there shall be1961 no3808 more5750 a prince5387 of the land4480 776 of Egypt:4714 and I will put5414 a fear3374 in the land776 of Egypt.4714

14  And I will make Pathros desolate,8074 853 6624 and will set5414 fire784 in Zoan,6814 and will execute6213 judgments8201 in No.4996

15  And I will pour8210 my fury2534 upon5921 Sin,5512 the strength4581 of Egypt;4714 and I will cut off3772 853 the multitude1995 of No.4996

16  And I will set5414 fire784 in Egypt:4714 Sin5512 shall have great pain,2342 2342 and No4996 shall be1961 rent asunder,1234 and Noph5297 shall have distresses6862 daily.3119

17  The young men970 of Aven205 and of Pi-beseth6364 shall fall5307 by the sword:2719 and these2007 cities shall go1980 into captivity.7628

18  At Tehaphnehes8471 also the day3117 shall be darkened,2820 when I shall break7665 there8033 853 the yokes4133 of Egypt:4714 and the pomp1347 of her strength5797 shall cease7673 in her: as for her,1931 a cloud6051 shall cover3680 her, and her daughters1323 shall go1980 into captivity.7628

19  Thus will I execute6213 judgments8201 in Egypt:4714 and they shall know3045 that3588 I589 am the LORD.3068

20  And it came to pass1961 in the eleventh259 6240 year,8141 in the first7223 month, in the seventh7651 day of the month,2320 that the word1697 of the LORD3068 came1961 unto413 me, saying,559

21  Son1121 of man,120 I have broken7665 853 the arm2220 of Pharaoh6547 king4428 of Egypt;4714 and, lo,2009 it shall not3808 be bound up2280 to be healed,5414 7499 to put7760 a roller2848 to bind2280 it, to make it strong2388 to hold8610 the sword.2719

22  Therefore3651 thus3541 saith559 the Lord136 GOD;3069 Behold,2009 I am against413 Pharaoh6547 king4428 of Egypt,4714 and will break7665 853 his arms,2220 853 the strong,2389 and that which was broken;7665 and I will cause 853 the sword2719 to fall5307 out of his hand.4480 3027

23  And I will scatter6327 853 the Egyptians4714 among the nations,1471 and will disperse2219 them through the countries.776

24  And I will strengthen2388 853 the arms2220 of the king4428 of Babylon,894 and put5414 853 my sword2719 in his hand:3027 but I will break7665 853 Pharaoh's6547 arms,2220 and he shall groan5008 before6440 him with the groanings5009 of a deadly wounded2491 man.

25  But I will strengthen2388 853 the arms2220 of the king4428 of Babylon,894 and the arms2220 of Pharaoh6547 shall fall down;5307 and they shall know3045 that3588 I589 am the LORD,3068 when I shall put5414 my sword2719 into the hand3027 of the king4428 of Babylon,894 and he shall stretch it out5186 853 upon413 the land776 of Egypt.4714

26  And I will scatter6327 853 the Egyptians4714 among the nations,1471 and disperse2219 them among the countries;776 and they shall know3045 that3588 I589 am the LORD.3068


1 καὶ ἐγένετο λόγος κυρίου πρός με λέγων

2 υἱὲ ἀνθρώπου προφήτευσον καὶ εἰπόν τάδε λέγει κύριος ὦ ὦ ἡ ἡμέρα

3 ὅτι ἐγγὺς ἡ ἡμέρα τοῦ κυρίου ἡμέρα πέρας ἐθνῶν ἔσται

4 καὶ ἥξει μάχαιρα ἐπ᾽ Αἰγυπτίους καὶ ἔσται ταραχὴ ἐν τῇ Αἰθιοπίᾳ καὶ πεσοῦνται τετραυματισμένοι ἐν Αἰγύπτῳ καὶ συμπεσεῖται αὐτῆς τὰ θεμέλια

5 Πέρσαι καὶ Κρῆτες καὶ Λυδοὶ καὶ Λίβυες καὶ πάντες οἱ ἐπίμικτοι καὶ τῶν υἱῶν τῆς διαθήκης μου μαχαίρᾳ πεσοῦνται ἐν αὐτῇ

6 καὶ πεσοῦνται τὰ ἀντιστηρίγματα Αἰγύπτου καὶ καταβήσεται ἡ ὕβρις τῆς ἰσχύος αὐτῆς ἀπὸ Μαγδώλου ἕως Συήνης μαχαίρᾳ πεσοῦνται ἐν αὐτῇ λέγει κύριος

7 καὶ ἐρημωθήσεται ἐν μέσῳ χωρῶν ἠρημωμένων καὶ αἱ πόλεις αὐτῶν ἐν μέσῳ πόλεων ἠρημωμένων ἔσονται

8 καὶ γνώσονται ὅτι ἐγώ εἰμι κύριος ὅταν δῶ πῦρ ἐπ᾽ Αἴγυπτον καὶ συντριβῶσι πάντες οἱ βοηθοῦντες αὐτῇ

9 ἐν τῇ ἡμέρᾳ ἐκείνῃ ἐξελεύσονται ἄγγελοι σπεύδοντες ἀφανίσαι τὴν Αἰθιοπίαν καὶ ἔσται ταραχὴ ἐν αὐτοῖς ἐν τῇ ἡμέρᾳ Αἰγύπτου ὅτι ἰδοὺ ἥκει

10 τάδε λέγει κύριος κύριος καὶ ἀπολῶ πλῆθος Αἰγυπτίων διὰ χειρὸς Ναβουχοδονοσορ βασιλέως Βαβυλῶνος

11 αὐτοῦ καὶ τοῦ λαοῦ αὐτοῦ λοιμοὶ ἀπὸ ἐθνῶν ἀπεσταλμένοι ἀπολέσαι τὴν γῆν καὶ ἐκκενώσουσιν πάντες τὰς μαχαίρας αὐτῶν ἐπ᾽ Αἴγυπτον καὶ πλησθήσεται ἡ γῆ τραυματιῶν

12 καὶ δώσω τοὺς ποταμοὺς αὐτῶν ἐρήμους καὶ ἀπολῶ τὴν γῆν καὶ τὸ πλήρωμα αὐτῆς ἐν χερσὶν ἀλλοτρίων ἐγὼ κύριος λελάληκα

13 ὅτι τάδε λέγει κύριος κύριος καὶ ἀπολῶ μεγιστᾶνας ἀπὸ Μέμφεως καὶ ἄρχοντας ἐκ γῆς Αἰγύπτου καὶ οὐκ ἔσονται ἔτι

14 καὶ ἀπολῶ γῆν Παθουρης καὶ δώσω πῦρ ἐπὶ Τάνιν καὶ ποιήσω ἐκδίκησιν ἐν Διοσπόλει

15 καὶ ἐκχεῶ τὸν θυμόν μου ἐπὶ Σάιν τὴν ἰσχὺν Αἰγύπτου καὶ ἀπολῶ τὸ πλῆθος Μέμφεως

16 καὶ δώσω πῦρ ἐπ᾽ Αἴγυπτον καὶ ταραχὴν ταραχθήσεται Συήνη καὶ ἐν Διοσπόλει ἔσται ἔκρηγμα καὶ διαχυθήσεται ὕδατα

17 νεανίσκοι ἡλίου πόλεως καὶ Βουβάστου ἐν μαχαίρᾳ πεσοῦνται καὶ αἱ γυναῖκες ἐν αἰχμαλωσίᾳ πορεύσονται

18 καὶ ἐν Ταφνας συσκοτάσει ἡ ἡμέρα ἐν τῷ συντρῖψαι με ἐκεῖ τὰ σκῆπτρα Αἰγύπτου καὶ ἀπολεῖται ἐκεῖ ἡ ὕβρις τῆς ἰσχύος αὐτῆς καὶ αὐτὴν νεφέλη καλύψει καὶ αἱ θυγατέρες αὐτῆς αἰχμάλωτοι ἀχθήσονται

19 καὶ ποιήσω κρίμα ἐν Αἰγύπτῳ καὶ γνώσονται ὅτι ἐγώ εἰμι κύριος

20 καὶ ἐγένετο ἐν τῷ ἑνδεκάτῳ ἔτει ἐν τῷ πρώτῳ μηνὶ ἑβδόμῃ τοῦ μηνὸς ἐγένετο λόγος κυρίου πρός με λέγων

21 υἱὲ ἀνθρώπου τοὺς βραχίονας Φαραω βασιλέως Αἰγύπτου συνέτριψα καὶ ἰδοὺ οὐ κατεδέθη τοῦ δοθῆναι ἴασιν τοῦ δοθῆναι ἐπ᾽ αὐτὸν μάλαγμα τοῦ δοθῆναι ἰσχὺν ἐπιλαβέσθαι μαχαίρας

22 διὰ τοῦτο τάδε λέγει κύριος κύριος ἰδοὺ ἐγὼ ἐπὶ Φαραω βασιλέα Αἰγύπτου καὶ συντρίψω τοὺς βραχίονας αὐτοῦ τοὺς ἰσχυροὺς καὶ τοὺς τεταμένους καὶ καταβαλῶ τὴν μάχαιραν αὐτοῦ ἐκ τῆς χειρὸς αὐτοῦ

23 καὶ διασπερῶ Αἴγυπτον εἰς τὰ ἔθνη καὶ λικμήσω αὐτοὺς εἰς τὰς χώρας

24 καὶ κατισχύσω τοὺς βραχίονας βασιλέως Βαβυλῶνος καὶ δώσω τὴν ῥομφαίαν μου εἰς τὴν χεῖρα αὐτοῦ καὶ ἐπάξει αὐτὴν ἐπ᾽ Αἴγυπτον καὶ προνομεύσει τὴν προνομὴν αὐτῆς καὶ σκυλεύσει τὰ σκῦλα αὐτῆς

25 καὶ ἐνισχύσω τοὺς βραχίονας βασιλέως Βαβυλῶνος οἱ δὲ βραχίονες Φαραω πεσοῦνται καὶ γνώσονται ὅτι ἐγώ εἰμι κύριος ἐν τῷ δοῦναι τὴν ῥομφαίαν μου εἰς χεῖρας βασιλέως Βαβυλῶνος καὶ ἐκτενεῖ αὐτὴν ἐπὶ γῆν Αἰγύπτου

26 καὶ διασπερῶ Αἴγυπτον εἰς τὰ ἔθνη καὶ λικμήσω αὐτοὺς εἰς τὰς χώρας καὶ γνώσονται πάντες ὅτι ἐγώ εἰμι κύριος


‎1 ‏וַיְהִ֥י דְבַר־יְהוָ֖ה אֵלַ֥י לֵאמֹֽר׃

‎2 ‏בֶּן־אָדָ֕ם הִנָּבֵא֙ וְאָ֣מַרְתָּ֔ כֹּ֥ה אָמַ֖ר אֲדֹנָ֣י יְהוִ֑ה הֵילִ֖ילוּ הָ֥הּ לַיּֽוֹם׃

‎3 ‏כִּֽי־קָר֣וֹב י֔וֹם וְקָר֥וֹב י֖וֹם לַֽיהוָ֑ה י֣וֹם עָנָ֔ן עֵ֥ת גּוֹיִ֖ם יִֽהְיֶֽה׃

‎4 ‏וּבָאָ֥ה חֶ֙רֶב֙ בְּמִצְרַ֔יִם וְהָיְתָ֤ה חַלְחָלָה֙ בְּכ֔וּשׁ בִּנְפֹ֥ל חָלָ֖ל בְּמִצְרָ֑יִם וְלָקְח֣וּ הֲמוֹנָ֔הּ וְנֶהֶרְס֖וּ יְסוֹדֹתֶֽיהָ׃

‎5 ‏כּ֣וּשׁ וּפ֤וּט וְלוּד֙ וְכָל־הָעֶ֣רֶב וְכ֔וּב וּבְנֵ֖י אֶ֣רֶץ הַבְּרִ֑ית אִתָּ֖ם בַּחֶ֥רֶב יִפֹּֽלוּ׃ פ

‎6 ‏כֹּ֚ה אָמַ֣ר יְהוָ֔ה וְנָֽפְלוּ֙ סֹמְכֵ֣י מִצְרַ֔יִם וְיָרַ֖ד גְּא֣וֹן עֻזָּ֑הּ מִמִּגְדֹּ֣ל סְוֵנֵ֗ה בַּחֶ֙רֶב֙ יִפְּלוּ־בָ֔הּ נְאֻ֖ם אֲדֹנָ֥י יְהוִֽה׃

‎7 ‏וְנָשַׁ֕מּוּ בְּת֖וֹךְ אֲרָצ֣וֹת נְשַׁמּ֑וֹת וְעָרָ֕יו בְּתוֹךְ־עָרִ֥ים נַחֲרָב֖וֹת תִּֽהְיֶֽינָה׃

‎8 ‏וְיָדְע֖וּ כִּֽי־אֲנִ֣י יְהוָ֑ה בְּתִתִּי־אֵ֣שׁ בְּמִצְרַ֔יִם וְנִשְׁבְּר֖וּ כָּל־עֹזְרֶֽיהָ׃

‎9 ‏בַּיּ֣וֹם הַה֗וּא יֵצְא֨וּ מַלְאָכִ֤ים מִלְּפָנַי֙ בַּצִּ֔ים לְהַחֲרִ֖יד אֶת־כּ֣וּשׁ בֶּ֑טַח וְהָיְתָ֨ה חַלְחָלָ֤ה בָהֶם֙ בְּי֣וֹם מִצְרַ֔יִם כִּ֥י הִנֵּ֖ה בָּאָֽה׃ ס

‎10 ‏כֹּ֥ה אָמַ֖ר אֲדֹנָ֣י יְהוִ֑ה וְהִשְׁבַּתִּי֙ אֶת־הֲמ֣וֹן מִצְרַ֔יִם בְּיַ֖ד נְבוּכַדְרֶאצַּ֥ר מֶלֶךְ־בָּבֶֽל׃

‎11 ‏ה֠וּא וְעַמּ֤וֹ אִתּוֹ֙ עָרִיצֵ֣י גוֹיִ֔ם מֽוּבָאִ֖ים לְשַׁחֵ֣ת הָאָ֑רֶץ וְהֵרִ֤יקוּ חַרְבוֹתָם֙ עַל־מִצְרַ֔יִם וּמָלְא֥וּ אֶת־הָאָ֖רֶץ חָלָֽל׃

‎12 ‏וְנָתַתִּ֤י יְאֹרִים֙ חָֽרָבָ֔ה וּמָכַרְתִּ֥י אֶת־הָאָ֖רֶץ בְּיַד־רָעִ֑ים וַהֲשִׁמֹּתִ֞י אֶ֤רֶץ וּמְלֹאָהּ֙ בְּיַד־זָרִ֔ים אֲנִ֥י יְהוָ֖ה דִּבַּֽרְתִּי׃ ס

‎13 ‏כֹּֽה־אָמַ֞ר אֲדֹנָ֣י יְהוִ֗ה וְהַאֲבַדְתִּ֨י גִלּוּלִ֜ים וְהִשְׁבַּתִּ֤י אֱלִילִים֙ מִנֹּ֔ף וְנָשִׂ֥יא מֵאֶֽרֶץ־מִצְרַ֖יִם לֹ֣א יִֽהְיֶה־ע֑וֹד וְנָתַתִּ֥י יִרְאָ֖ה בְּאֶ֥רֶץ מִצְרָֽיִם׃

‎14 ‏וַהֲשִׁמֹּתִי֙ אֶת־פַּתְר֔וֹס וְנָתַ֥תִּי אֵ֖שׁ בְּצֹ֑עַן וְעָשִׂ֥יתִי שְׁפָטִ֖ים בְּנֹֽא׃

‎15 ‏וְשָׁפַכְתִּ֣י חֲמָתִ֔י עַל־סִ֖ין מָע֣וֹז מִצְרָ֑יִם וְהִכְרַתִּ֖י אֶת־הֲמ֥וֹן נֹֽא׃

‎16 ‏וְנָתַ֤תִּי אֵשׁ֙ בְּמִצְרַ֔יִם ח֤וּל תחיל תָּחוּל֙ סִ֔ין וְנֹ֖א תִּהְיֶ֣ה לְהִבָּקֵ֑עַ וְנֹ֖ף צָרֵ֥י יוֹמָֽם׃

‎17 ‏בַּח֥וּרֵי אָ֛וֶן וּפִי־בֶ֖סֶת בַּחֶ֣רֶב יִפֹּ֑לוּ וְהֵ֖נָּה בַּשְּׁבִ֥י תֵלַֽכְנָה׃

‎18 ‏וּבִֽתְחַפְנְחֵס֙ חָשַׂ֣ךְ הַיּ֔וֹם בְּשִׁבְרִי־שָׁם֙ אֶת־מֹט֣וֹת מִצְרַ֔יִם וְנִשְׁבַּת־בָּ֖הּ גְּא֣וֹן עֻזָּ֑הּ הִ֚יא עָנָ֣ן יְכַסֶּ֔נָּה וּבְנוֹתֶ֖יהָ בַּשְּׁבִ֥י תֵלַֽכְנָה׃

‎19 ‏וְעָשִׂ֥יתִי שְׁפָטִ֖ים בְּמִצְרָ֑יִם וְיָדְע֖וּ כִּֽי־אֲנִ֥י יְהוָֽה׃ פ

‎20 ‏וַיְהִ֗י בְּאַחַ֤ת עֶשְׂרֵה֙ שָׁנָ֔ה בָּֽרִאשׁ֖וֹן בְּשִׁבְעָ֣ה לַחֹ֑דֶשׁ הָיָ֥ה דְבַר־יְהוָ֖ה אֵלַ֥י לֵאמֹֽר׃

‎21 ‏בֶּן־אָדָ֕ם אֶת־זְר֛וֹעַ פַּרְעֹ֥ה מֶֽלֶךְ־מִצְרַ֖יִם שָׁבָ֑רְתִּי וְהִנֵּ֣ה לֹֽא־חֻ֠בְּשָׁה לָתֵ֨ת רְפֻא֜וֹת לָשׂ֥וּם חִתּ֛וּל לְחָבְשָׁ֥הּ לְחָזְקָ֖הּ לִתְפֹּ֥שׂ בֶּחָֽרֶב׃ ס

‎22 ‏לָכֵ֞ן כֹּה־אָמַ֣ר׀ אֲדֹנָ֣י יְהוִֹ֗ה הִנְנִי֙ אֶל־פַּרְעֹ֣ה מֶֽלֶךְ־מִצְרַ֔יִם וְשָֽׁבַרְתִּי֙ אֶת־זְרֹ֣עֹתָ֔יו אֶת־הַחֲזָקָ֖ה וְאֶת־הַנִּשְׁבָּ֑רֶת וְהִפַּלְתִּ֥י אֶת־הַחֶ֖רֶב מִיָּדֽוֹ׃

‎23 ‏וַהֲפִצוֹתִ֥י אֶת־מִצְרַ֖יִם בַּגּוֹיִ֑ם וְזֵרִיתִ֖ם בָּאֲרָצֽוֹת׃

‎24 ‏וְחִזַּקְתִּ֗י אֶת־זְרֹעוֹת֙ מֶ֣לֶךְ בָּבֶ֔ל וְנָתַתִּ֥י אֶת־חַרְבִּ֖י בְּיָד֑וֹ וְשָׁבַרְתִּי֙ אֶת־זְרֹע֣וֹת פַּרְעֹ֔ה וְנָאַ֛ק נַאֲק֥וֹת חָלָ֖ל לְפָנָֽיו׃

‎25 ‏וְהַחֲזַקְתִּ֗י אֶת־זְרֹעוֹת֙ מֶ֣לֶךְ בָּבֶ֔ל וּזְרֹע֥וֹת פַּרְעֹ֖ה תִּפֹּ֑לְנָה וְֽיָדְע֞וּ כִּֽי־אֲנִ֣י יְהוָ֗ה בְּתִתִּ֤י חַרְבִּי֙ בְּיַ֣ד מֶֽלֶךְ־בָּבֶ֔ל וְנָטָ֥ה אוֹתָ֖הּ אֶל־אֶ֥רֶץ מִצְרָֽיִם׃

‎26 ‏וַהֲפִצוֹתִ֤י אֶת־מִצְרַ֙יִם֙ בַּגּוֹיִ֔ם וְזֵרִיתִ֥י אוֹתָ֖ם בָּאֲרָצ֑וֹת וְיָדְע֖וּ כִּֽי־אֲנִ֥י יְהוָֽה׃ ס


1 Et factum est verbum Domini ad me, dicens:

2 Fili hominis, propheta, et dic: [Hæc dicit Dominus Deus:
Ululate: Væ, væ diei!

3 quia juxta est dies,
et appropinquat dies Domini, dies nubis:
tempus gentium erit.

4 Et veniet gladius in Ægyptum,
et erit pavor in Æthiopia,
cum ceciderint vulnerati in Ægypto,
et ablata fuerit multitudo illius,
et destructa fundamenta ejus.

5 Æthiopia, et Libya, et Lydi,
et omne reliquum vulgus,
et Chub, et filii terræ fœderis,
cum eis gladio cadent.

6 Hæc dicit Dominus Deus:
Et corruent fulcientes Ægyptum,
et destruetur superbia imperii ejus:
a turre Syenes gladio cadent in ea,
ait Dominus Deus exercituum.

7 Et dissipabuntur in medio terrarum desolatarum,
et urbes ejus in medio civitatum desertarum erunt:

8 et scient quia ego Dominus,
cum dedero ignem in Ægypto,
et attriti fuerint omnes auxiliatores ejus.

9 In die illa egredientur nuntii a facie mea in trieribus
ad conterendam Æthiopiæ confidentiam:
et erit pavor in eis in die Ægypti,
quia absque dubio veniet.

10 Hæc dicit Dominus Deus:
Cessare faciam multitudinem Ægypti
in manu Nabuchodonosor regis Babylonis.

11 Ipse et populus ejus cum eo, fortissimi gentium,
adducentur ad disperdendam terram:
et evaginabunt gladios suos super Ægyptum,
et implebunt terram interfectis.

12 Et faciam alveos fluminum aridos,
et tradam terram in manus pessimorum:
et dissipabo terram et plenitudinem ejus
manu alienorum:
ego Dominus locutus sum.

13 Hæc dicit Dominus Deus:
Et disperdam simulacra,
et cessare faciam idola de Memphis:
et dux de terra Ægypti non erit amplius,
et dabo terrorem in terra Ægypti.

14 Et disperdam terram Phathures,
et dabo ignem in Taphnis,
et faciam judicia in Alexandria.

15 Et effundam indignationem meam super Pelusium, robur Ægypti,
et interficiam multitudinem Alexandriæ.

16 Et dabo ignem in Ægypto:
quasi parturiens dolebit Pelusium,
et Alexandria erit dissipata,
et in Memphis angustiæ quotidianæ.

17 Juvenes Heliopoleos et Bubasti gladio cadent,
et ipsæ captivæ ducentur.

18 Et in Taphnis nigrescet dies,
cum contrivero ibi sceptra Ægypti,
et defecerit in ea superbia potentiæ ejus:
ipsam nubes operiet,
filiæ autem ejus in captivitatem ducentur.

19 Et judicia faciam in Ægypto:
et scient quia ego Dominus.]

20 Et factum est in undecimo anno, in primo mense, in septima mensis: factum est verbum Domini ad me, dicens:

21 [Fili hominis, brachium Pharaonis regis Ægypti confregi,
et ecce non est obvolutum ut restitueretur ei sanitas,
ut ligaretur pannis, et fasciaretur linteolis,
ut recepto robore posset tenere gladium.

22 Propterea hæc dicit Dominus Deus:
Ecce ego ad Pharaonem regem Ægypti,
et comminuam brachium ejus forte, sed confractum:
et dejiciam gladium de manu ejus,

23 et dispergam Ægyptum in gentibus,
et ventilabo eos in terris.

24 Et confortabo brachia regis Babylonis,
daboque gladium meum in manu ejus,
et confringam brachia Pharaonis,
et gement gemitibus interfecti coram facie ejus.

25 Et confortabo brachia regis Babylonis,
et brachia Pharaonis concident:
et scient quia ego Dominus,
cum dedero gladium meum in manu regis Babylonis,
et extenderit eum super terram Ægypti.

26 Et dispergam Ægyptum in nationes,
et ventilabo eos in terras:
et scient quia ego Dominus.]

Next: Ezekiel 31