Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
E. Cobham Brewer From The Edition Of 1894

This letter is modified from the Hebrew (aleph = an ox), which was meant to indicate the outline of an ox's head.
among the Egyptians is denoted by the hieroglyphic which represents the ibis. Among the Greeks it was the symbol of a bad augury in the sacrifices.
in logic is the symbol of a universal affirmative. A asserts, E denies. Thus, syllogisms in bArbArA contain three universal affirmative propositions.
means first—rate — the very best. In Lloyd's Register of British and Foreign Shipping, the character of the ship's hull is designated by letters, and that of the anchors, cables, and stores by figures. A1 means hull first—rate, and also anchors, cables, and stores; A2, hull first—rate, but furniture second—rate. Vessels of an inferior character are classified under the letters Æ, E, and I.
“She is a prime girl, she is; she is A1.”— Sam Slick.
(See Able.)
= Aerated Bread Company.
A B C Book
A primer, a book in which articles are set in alphabetical order, as the A B C Railway Guide. The old Primers contained the Catechism, as is evident from the lines: —
“That is question now;
And then comes answer like an Absey book.” Shakespeare: King John, i, 1.
A.B.C. Process
(The) of making artificial manure. An acrostic of Alum, Blood, Clay, the three chief ingredients.
The device adopted by Frederick V, Archduke of Austria (the Emperor Frederick III. — 1440——1493).
Austria Est Imperare Orbi Universo.
Alles Erdreich Ist Oesterreich Unterthan.
Austria's Empire Is Overall Universal.
To which wags added after the war of 1866,
Austria's Emperor Is Ousted Utterly.
Frederick II of Prussia is said to have translated the motto thus: —
“Austria Erit In Orbe Ultima” (Austria will one day be lowest in the world).
Anno urbis conditæ (Latin), “from the foundation of the city" — i.e., Rome.
An Aaron's serpent. Something so powerful as to swallow up minor powers. — Exodus vii. 10——12.
Ab ovo. From the very beginning. Stasinos, in the epic poem called the Little Iliad, does not rush in medias res, but begins with the eggs of Leda, from one of which Helen was born. If Leda had not laid this egg, Helen would never have been born. If Helen had not been born, Paris could not have eloped with her. If Paris had not eloped with Helen, there would have been no Trojan War, etc.
Ab ovo usque ad mala.
From the first dish to the last. A Roman coena (dinner) consisted of three parts. The first course was the appetiser, and consisted chiefly of eggs, with stimulants; the second was the “dinner proper;” and the third the dessert, at which mala (i.e., all sorts of apples, pears, quinces, pomegranates, and so on) formed the most conspicuous part. — Hor. Sat. I. iii. 5.
I was taken aback — I was greatly astonished — taken by surprise — startled. It is a sea term. A ship is “taken aback” when the sails are suddenly carried by the wind back against the mast, instantly staying the ship's progress — very dangerous in a strong gale.
A small frame with wires stretched across it. Each wire contains ten movable balls, which can be shifted backwards or forwards, so as to vary ad libitum the number in two or more blocks. It is used to teach children addition and subtraction. The ancient Greeks and Romans employed it for calculations, and so do the Chinese. The word is derived from the Phoen. abak (dust); the Orientals used tables covered with dust for ciphering and diagrams. In Turkish schools this method is still used for teaching writing. The multiplication table invented by Pythagoras is called Abacus Pythagoricus. (Latin, abacus)
The angel of the bottomless pit (Rev. ix. 11). The Hebrew abad means “he perished.”
“The angell of the bottomlesse pytt, whose name in the hebrew tonge is Abadon.” — Tindale.
The evil spirit of the Camma tribes in Africa. A fire is kept always burning in his house. He is supposed to have the power of causing sickness and death.
means put at anyone's orders; hence, to give up. (Latin, ad, to; bann—um, late Latin for “a decree.”)
Abandon fait larron
As opportunity makes the thief, the person who neglects to take proper care of his goods, leads into temptation, hence the proverb, “Neglect leads to theft.”
The dart of Abaris. Abaris, the Scythian, was a priest of Apollo; and the god gave him a golden arrow on which to ride through the air. This dart rendered him invisible; it also cured diseases, and gave oracles. Abaris gave it to Pythagoras.
“The dart of Abaris carried the philosopher wheresoever he desired it.” — Willmott.
(2 syl.) means properly to knock down. (French, abattre, whence a battue, i.e., wholesale destruction of game; O.E. a beátan.)
Abate, in horsemanship, is to perform well the downward motion. A horse is said to abate when, working upon curvets, he puts or beats down both his hind legs to the ground at once, and keeps exact time.
Abatement in heraldry, is a mark of dishonour annexed to coat armour, whereby the honour of it is abated.
As inacessible as Abaton. Artemisia, to commemorate her conquest of Rhodes, erected two statues in the island, one representing herself, and the other emblematical of Rhodes. When the Rhodians recovered their liberty they looked upon this monument as a kind of palladium, and to prevent its destruction surrounded it with a fortified enclosure which they called Abaton, or the inaccessible place. (Lucan speaks of an island difficult of access in the fens of Memphis, called Abaton.)
(3 syl.). A dynasty of caliphs who reigned from 750——1258. The name is derived from Abbas, uncle of Mahomet. The most celebrated of them was Haroun—al—Raschid (born 765, reigned 786——808).
Abbey Laird
(An). An insolvent debtor sheltered by the precincts of Holyrood Abbey.
“As diligence cannot be proceeded with on Sunday, the Abbey Lairds (as they were jocularly called) were enabled to come forth on that day to mingle in our society.” — R. Chambers.
(An). An idle, well—fed dependent or loafer.
“It came into a common proverbe to call him an Abbay—lubber, that was idle, wel fed, a long, lewd, lither loiterer, that might worke and would not.” — The Burnynge of Paules Church, 1563.
It is used also of religions in contempt; see Dryden's Spanish Friar.
Abbot of Misrule
or Lord of Misrule. A person who used to superintend the Christmas diversions. In France the “Abbot of Misrule” was called L'abbé de Liesse (jollity). In Scotland the master of revels was called the “Master of Unreason.”
A name given by Sir Walter Scott to Clarty Hole, on the south bank of the Tweed, after it became his residence. Sir Walter devised the name from a fancy he loved to indulge in, that the abbots of Melrose Abbey, in ancient times, passed over the fords of the Tweed.
in Arabic = slave or servant, as Abd—Allah (servant of God ), Abd—el—Kader (servant of the Mighty One), Abdul—Latif (servant of the Gracious One), etc.
(2 syl.). George Monk, third Duke of Albemarle.
“Brave Abdael o'r the prophets' school was placed;
Abdael, with all his father's virtues graced ...;
Without one Hebrew's blood, restored the crown.” Dryden and Tait: Absalom and Achitopel, Part ii.
Tate's blunder for Abdiel (q.v.).
the father of Mahomet, was so beautiful, that when he married Amina, 200 virgins broke their hearts from disappointed love. — Washington Irving: Life of Mahomet.
Brother and predecessor of Giaffir, pacha of Abydos. He was murdered by Giaffir (2 syl.). — Byron: Bride of Abydos.
Persian fanatics, who think it a merit to kill anyone of a different religion; and if slain in the attempt, are accounted martyrs.
A maritime town of Thrace, said in fable to have been founded by Abdera, sister of Diomede. It was so overrun with rats that it was abandoned, and the Abderitans migrated to Macedonia.
A native of Abdera, a maritime city of Thrace. The Abderitans were proverbial for stupidity, hence the phrase, “You have no more mind than an Abderite.” Yet the city gave birth to some of the wisest men of Greece: as Democritos (the laughing philosopher), Protagoras (the great sophist), Anaxarchos (the philosopher and friend of Alexander), Hecatæos (the historian), etc.
Abderitan Laughter
Scoffing laughter, incessant laughter. So called from Abdera, the birthplace of Democritos, the laughing philosopher.
(3 syl.) A scoffer, so called from Democritos.
One of Herakles's friends, devoured by the horses of Diomede. Diomede gave him his horses to hold, and they devoured him.
The faithful seraph who withstood Satan when he urged the angels to revolt. (See Paradise Lost, Bk.
v., lines 896, etc.)
“[He] adheres, with the faith of Abdiel, to the ancient form of adoration.” — Sir W. Scott.
Abecedarian One who teaches or is learning his A B C.
Abecedarian hymns.
Hymns which began with the letter A, and each verse or clause following took up the letters of the alphabet in regular succession. (See Acrostic.)
Abel and Cain
The Mahometan tradition of the death of Abel is this: Cain was born with a twin sister who was named Aclima, and Abel with a twin sister named Jumella. Adam wished Cain to marry Abel's twin sister, and Abel to marry Cain's. Cain would not consent to this arrangement, and Adam proposed to refer the question to God by means of a sacrifice. God rejected Cain's sacrifice to signify his disapproval of his marriage with Aclima, his twin sister, and Cain slew his brother in a fit of jealousy.
Abel Keene
A village schoolmaster, afterwards a merchant's clerk. He was led astray, lost his place, and hanged himself. — Crabbe: Borough, Letter xxi.
(3 syl.) Abelians, or Abelonians. A Christian sect of the fourth century, chiefly found in Hippo (N. Africa). They married, but lived in continence, as they affirm Abel did. The sect was maintained by adopting the children of others. No children of Abel being mentioned in Scripture, the Abelites assume that he had none.
The impersonation of Abbeys and Convents, represented by Spenser as a damsel. When Una asked if she had seen the Red Cross Knight, Abessa, frightened at the lion, ran to the cottage of blind Superstition, and shut the door. Una arrived, and the lion burst the door open. The meaning is, that at the Reformation, when Truth came, the abbeys and convents got alarmed, and would not let Truth enter, but England (the lion) broke down the door. — Faërie Queen, i. 3.
A book said to have been written by Abraham as a commentary on the Zend and the Pazend. It is furthermore said that Abraham read these three books in the midst of the furnace into which he was cast by Nimrod. — Persian Mythology.
really means something gaped after (French, bayer, to gape). The allusion is to men standing with their mouths open, in expectation of some sight about to appear.
The propitiatory sacrifice made by an Indian rajah who has slain a priest without premeditation.
(Latin, ab, away from, and horreo, to shrink; originally, to shudder have the hair on end). To abhor is to have a natural antipathy, and to show it by shuddering with disgust.
Wife of Makambi; African deities. She holds a pistol in her hand, and is greatly feared. Her aid is implored in sickness.
A god of the Kalmucks, who receives the souls of the dead at the moment of decease, and gives them permission to enter a new body, either human or not, and have another spell of life on earth. If the spirit is spotless it may, if it likes, rise and live in the air.
The book of metaphysics in the Tripitaka (q.v.).
A lady's maid, or ladymaid. Abigail, wife of Nabal, who introduced herself to David and afterwards married him, is a well—known Scripture heroine (l Sam. xxv 3). Abigail was a popular middle class Christian name in the seventeenth century. Beaumont and Fletcher, in The Scornful Lady, call the “waiting gentlewoman" Abigail, a name employed by Swift, Fielding, and others, in their novels. Probably “Abigail Hill” the original name of Mrs. Masham, waiting—woman to Queen Anne, popularised the name.
Abimelech is no proper name, but a regal title of the Philistines, meaning Father—King.
An able seaman is a skilled seaman. Such a man is termed an A.B. (Able—Bodied); unskilled seamen are called “boys” without regard to age.
Able—bodied Seaman
A sailor of the first class. A crew is divided into three classes: (1) able seamen, or skilled sailors, termed A.B.; (2) ordinary seamen; and (3) boys, which include green—hands, or inexperienced men, without regard to age or size.
He fell aboard of me — met me; abused me. A ship is said to fall aboard another when, being in motion it runs against the other.
To go aboard is to embark, to go on the board or deck.
Aboard main tack is to draw one of the lower corners of the main—sail down to the chess—tree. Figuratively, it means “to keep to the point.”
An ancient military garment worn by the Greeks and Romans, opposed to the toga or robe of peace. The abolla being worn by the lower orders, was affected by philosophers in the vanity of humility.
(abominor, I pray that the omen may be averted; used on mentioning anything unlucky). As ill—omened things are disliked, so, by a simple figure of speech, what we dislike we consider ill—omened.
Abomination of Desolation
(The). The Roman standard is so called (Matt. xxiv. 15). As it was set up in the holy temple, it was an abomination; and, as it brought destruction, it was the “abomination of desolation.”
Abon Hassan
A rich merchant, transferred during sleep to the bed and palace of the Caliph
Haroun—al—Raschid. Next morning he was treated as the caliph, and every effort was made to make him forget his identity. Arabian Nights (“The Sleeper Awakened"). The same trick was played on Christopher Sly, in the Induction of Shakespeare's comedy of Taming of the Shrew; and, according to Burton (Anatomy of Melancholy, ii. 2, 4), by Philippe the Good, Duke of Burgundy, on his marriage with Eleonora.
“Were I caliph for a day, as honest Abon Hassan, I would scourge me these jugglers out of the Commonwealth.” — Sir Walter Scott.
(Dame) The French Santa Claus, the good fairy who comes at night to bring toys to children while they sleep, especially on New Year's Day.
Abortive Flowers
are those which have stamens but no pistils.
Abou ebn Sina
commonly called Avicenna. A great Persian physician, born at Shiraz, whose canons of medicine were those adopted by Hippoc rates and Aristotle. Died 1037.
called Father of the Virgin, i.e. , Mahomet's favourite wife. He was the first caliph, and was founder of the sect called the Sunnites. (571——634.)
Abou Jahia
The angel of death in Mohammedan mythology. Called Azrael by the Arabs, and Mordad by the Persians.
(in Mohammedan mythology). A fabulous bird of the vulture sort which lives 1,000 years. Called by the Persians Kerkes, and by the Turks Ak—Baba. — Herbelot.
Above properly applies only to matter on the same page, but has been extended to any previous part of the book, as See above, p. *.
In a straightforward manner. Conjurers place their hands under the table when they are preparing their tricks, but above when they show them. “Let all be above—board” means “let there be no under —hand work, but let us see everything.”
Above par
A commercial term meaning that the article referred to is more than its nominal value. Thus, if you must give more than #100, for a #100 share in a bank company, a railway share, or other stock, we say the stock is “above par.”
If, on the other hand, a nominal #100 worth can be bought for less than #100, we say the stock is “below par.”
Figuratively, a person in low spirits or ill health says he is “below par.”
Above your hook
— i.e., beyond your comprehension; beyond your mark. The allusion is to hat—pegs placed in rows; the higher rows are above the reach of small statures.
A charm. It is said that Abracadabra was the supreme deity of the Assyrians. Q. Severus Sammonicus recommended the use of the word as a powerful antidote against ague, flux, and toothache. The word was to be written on parchment, and suspended round the neck by a linen thread, in the form given below: —
also written Abraxas or Abrasax, in Persian mythology denotes the Supreme Being. In Greek notation it stands for 365. In Persian mythology Abracax presides over 365 impersonated virtues, one of which is supposed to prevail on each day of the year. In the second century the word was employed by the Basilidians for the deity; it was also the principle of the Gnostic hierarchy, and that from which sprang their numerous Æons. (See Abraxas Stones.)
His parents. According to Mohammedan mythology, the parents of Abraham were Prince Azar and his wife, Adna.
His infancy. As King Nimrod had been told that one shortly to be born would dethrone him, he commanded the death of all such; so Adna retired to a cave where Abraham was born. He was nourished by sucking two of her fingers, one of which supplied milk and the other honey.
His boyhood. At the age of fifteen months he was equal in size to a lad of fifteen, and very wise; so his father introduced him to the court of King Nimrod. — Herbelot: Bibliothèque Orientale.
His offering. According to Mohammedan tradition, the mountain on which Abraham offered up his son was Arfaday; but is more generally thought to have been Moriah.
His death. The Ghebers say that Abraham was thrown into the fire by Nimrod's order, but the flame turned into a bed of roses, on which the child Abraham went to sleep. — Tavernier.
“Sweet and welcome as the bed
For their own infant prophet spread,
When pitying Heaven to roses turned
The death—flames that beneath him burned.” T. Moore: Fire Worshippers.
To Sham Abraham. To pretend illness or distress, in order to get off work. (See Abram—Man.)
“I have heard people say Sham Abram you may,
But must not Sham Abraham Newland.”
T. Dibdin or Upton
Abraham Newland was cashier of the Bank of England, and signed the notes.
Abraham's Bosom
The repose of the happy in death (Luke xvi.22). The figure is taken from the ancient custom of allowing a dear friend to recline at dinner on your bosom. Thus the beloved John reclined on the bosom of Jesus.
There is no leaping from Delilah's lap into Abraham's bosom — i.e. , those who live and die in notorious sin must not expect to go to heaven at death. — Boston: Crook in the Lot.
Abraham Newland
(An). A banknote. So called because, in the early part of the nineteenth century, none were genuine but those signed by this name.
Abrahamic Covenant
The covenant made by God with Abraham, that Messiah should spring from his seed. This promise was given to Abraham, because he left his country and father's house to live in a strange land, as God told him.
(4 syl.) Certain Bohemian deists, so called because they professed to believe what Abraham believed before he was circumcised. The sect was forbidden by the Emperor Joseph II. in 1783.
Probably a corruption of Abron, meaning auburn. Halliwell quotes the following from Coriolanus, ii. 3: “Our heads are some brown, some black, some Abram, some bald.” And again, “Where is the eldest son of Priam, the Abram—coloured Trojan?” “A goodly, long, thick Abram—coloured beard.” — Blurt, Master Constable.
Hall, in his Satires, iii. 5, uses abron for auburn. “A lusty courtier ... with abron locks was fairly furnishëd.”
Abram—Man or Abraham Cove. A Tom o' Bedlam; a naked vagabond; a begging impostor.
The Abraham Ward, in Bedlam, had for its inmates begging lunatics, who used to array themselves “with
party—coloured ribbons, tape in their hats, a fox—tail hanging down, a long stick with streamers,” and beg alms; but “for all their seeming madness, they had wit enough to steal as they went along.” — Canting Academy.
See King Lear, ii. 3.
In Beaumont and Fletcher we have several synonyms: —
“And these, what name or title e'er they bear,
Jackman or Patrico, Cranke or Clapper—dudgeon , Fraier or Abram—man, I speak to all.” Beggar's Bush, ii. 1.
Abraxas Stones
Stones with the word Abraxas engraved on them, and used as talismans. They were cut into symbolic forms combining a fowl's head, a serpent's body, and human limbs. (See Abracax.)
Side by side, the breasts being all in a line.
The ships were all abreast — i.e. , their heads were all equally advanced, as soldiers marching abreast.
is not formed from the word bridge; but comes from the Latin abbreviare, to shorten, from brevis (short), through the French abréger (to shorten).
To set mischief abroach is to set it afoot. The figure is from a cask of liquor, which is broached that the liquor may be drawn from it. (Fr., brocher, to prick, abrocher.)
You are all abroad. Wide of the mark; not at home with the subject. Abroad, in all directions.
“An elm displays her dusky arms abroad.” Dryden.
When the Roman senate wanted a law to be passed, they asked the people to give their votes in its favour. The Latin for this is rogare legem (to solicit or propose a law). If they wanted a law repealed, they asked the people to vote against it; this was abrogare legem (to solicit against the law).
James, Duke of Monmouth, the handsome but rebellious son of Charles II. in Dryden's Absalom and Achitophel (1649——1685).
Absalom and Achitophel
A political satire by Dryden (1649——1685). David is meant for Charles II.; Absalom for his natural son James, Duke of Monmouth, handsome like Absalom, and, like him, rebellious. Achitophel is meant for Lord Shaftesbury, Zimri for the Duke of Buckingham, and Abdael for Monk. The selections are so skilfully made that the history of David seems repeated. Of Absalom, Dryden says (Part i.): —
“Whatever he did was done with so much ease,
In him alone 'twas natural to please;
His motions all accompanied with grace,
And paradise was opened in his face.”
means properly to hide; but we generally use the word in the sense of stealing off secretly from an employer. (Latin, abscondo.)
Absent “Out of mind as soon as out of sight.” Generally misquoted “Out of sight, out of mind.” — Lord Brooke.
The absent are always wrong. The translation of the French proverb, Les absents ont toujours tort.
Absent Man
(The). The character of Bruyère's Absent Man, translated in the Spectator and exhibited on the stage, is a caricature of Comte de Brancas.
A Captain Absolute, a bold, despotic man, determined to have his own way. The character is in Sheridan's play called The Rivals.
Sir Anthony Absolute , a warm—hearted, testy, overbearing country squire, in the same play. William Dowton (1764——1851) was nick—named “Sir Anthony Absolute.”
To run away or abscond. A comic American word, from ab and squat (to go away from your squatting). A squatting is a tenement taken in some unclaimed part, without purchase or permission. The persons who take up their squatting are termed squatters.
according to Fabius and Aulus Gellius, is compounded of abs and temetum. “Temetum” was a strong, intoxicating drink, allied to the Greek methu (strong drink).
Vinum prisca lingua temetum appellabant.” — Aulus Gellius, x. 23.
Abstract Numbers
are numbers considered abstractly — 1, 2, 3; but if we say 1 year, 2 feet, 3 men, etc., the numbers are no longer abstract, but concrete.
Taken in the abstract. Things are said to be taken in the abstract when they are considered absolutely, that is, without reference to other matters or persons. Thus, in the abstract, one man is as good as another, but not so socially and politically.
An empty Abstraction, a mere ideality, of no practical use. Every noun is an abstraction, but the narrower genera may be raised to higher ones, till the common thread is so fine that hardly anything is left. These high abstractions, from which everything but one common cord is taken, are called empty abstractions.
For example, man is a genus, but may be raised to the genus animal, thence to organised being, thence to created being, thence to matter in the abstract, and so on, till everything but one is emptied out.
means strictly, quite deaf. (Latin, ab, intensive, and surdus, deaf.)
Reduction ad absurdum. Proving a proposition to be right by showing that every supposable deviation from it would involve an absurdity.
A merchant of Bagdad, haunted every night by an old hag; he finds at last that the way to rid himself of this torment is to “fear God, and keep his commandments.” — Tales of the Genii.
“Like Abudah, he is always looking out for the Fury, and knows that the night will come with the inevitable hag with it.” — Thackeray.
Abundant Number
(An). A number such that the sum of all its divisors (except itself) is greater than the number itself. Thus 12 is an abundant number, because its divisors, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 = 16, which is greater than 12.
A Deficient number is one of which the sum of all its divisors is less than itself, as 10, the divisors of which are 1, 2, 5 = 8, which is less than 10.
A Perfect number is one of which the sum of all its divisors exactly measures itself, as 6, the divisors of which are 1, 2, 3 = 6.
Abus the river Humber.
“For by the river that whylome was hight
The ancien Abus ... [was from]
Their chieftain, Humber, named aright.”
And Drayton, in his Polyolbion, 28, says: —
“For my princely name.
From Humber, king of Huns, as anciently it came.” See Geoffrey's Chronicles, Bk. ii. 2.
A mountain in Africa, opposite Gibraltar. This, with Calpe in Spain, 16 m. distant, forms the pillars of Hercules.
Heaves up huge Abyla on Afric's sand,
Crowns with high Calpe Europe's salient strand.”
Darwin: Economy of Vegetation.
A sect of Christians in Abyssinia, who admit only one nature in Jesus Christ, and reject the Council of Chalcedon.
One who does nothing badly. It was a name given to Mercury or Hermes for his eloquence. (Greek, a , not, kakos, bad.)
The followers of Plato were so called, because they attended his lectures in the Academy, a garden planted by Academos.
“See there the olive grove of Academus, Plato's retreat.”Milton: Paradise Lost, Book iv.
Divided into — Old, the philosophic teaching of Plato and his immediate followers; Middle, a modification of the Platonic system, taught by Arcesilaos; New, the half—sceptical school of Carneades.
Plato taught that matter is eternal and infinite, but without form or order; and that there is an intelligent cause, the author of everything. He maintained that we could grasp truth only so far as we had elevated our mind by thought to its divine essence.
Arcesilaos was the great antagonist of the Stoics, and wholly denied man's capacity for grasping truth.
Carneades maintained that neither our senses nor our understanding could supply us with a sure criterion of truth.
The talent of the Academy, so Plato called Aristotle (B.C. 384——322).
Academy Figures
Drawings in black and white chalk, on tinted paper, from living models, used by artists. So called from the Royal Academy of Artists.
— i.e., Nova Scotia, so called by the French from the river Shubenacadie. The name was changed in 1621. In 1755 the old French inhabitants were driven into exile by order of George II.
“Thus dwelt together in love those simple Acadian farmers.”Longfellow: Evangeline.
Acadine A fountain of Sicily which revealed if writings were authentic and genuine or not. The writings to be tested were thrown into the fountain, and if spurious they sank to the bottom. Oaths and promises were tried in the same way, after being written down. — Diodorus Siculus.
The leafy ornament used in the capitals of Corinthian and composite columns. It is said that Callimachos lost his daughter, and set a basket of flowers on her grave, with a tile to keep the wind from blowing it away. The next time he went to visit the grave an acanthus had sprung up around the basket, which so struck the fancy of the architect that he introduced the design in his buildings.
A bill or note accepted. This is done by the drawee writing on it “accepted,” and signing his name. The person who accepts it is called the “acceptor.”
Accessory before the fact is one who is aware that another intends to commit an offence, but is himself absent when the offence is perpetrated.
Accessory after the fact is one who screens a felon, aids him in eluding justice, or helps him in any way to profit by his crime. Thus, the receiver of stolen goods, knowing or even suspecting them to be stolen, is an accessory ex post facto.
A logical accident is some property or quality which a thing possesses, but which does not essentially belong to it, as the tint of our skin, the height of our body, the redness of a brick, or the whiteness of paper. If any of these were changed, the substance would remain intact.
Accidental or Subjective Colours
Those which depend on the state of our eye, and not those which the object really possesses. Thus, after looking at the bright sun, all objects appear dark; that dark colour is the accidental colour of the bright sun. When, again, we come from a dark room, all objects at first have a yellow tinge. This is especially the case if we wear blue glasses, for a minute or two after we have taken them off.
The accidental colour of red is bluish green, of orange dark blue, of violet yellow, of black white; and the converse.
in music are those sharps and flats, etc., which do not properly belong to the key in which the music is set, but which the composer arbitrarily introduces.
(4 syl.) An Italian curse or oath: “Ce qui veut dire en bon francais, “Puisses—tu mourir d'accident, sans confession,” damné.” — E. About: Tolla.
in theology. After consecration, say the Catholics, the substance of the bread and wine is changed into that of the body and blood of Christ, but their accidents (flavour, appearance, and so on) remain the same as before.
Accius Navius
A Roman augur in the reign of Tarquin the Elder. When he forbade the king to increase the number of the tribes without consulting the augurs, Tarquin asked him if the thought then in his mind was feasible. “Undoubtedly,” said Accius. “Then cut through this whetstone with the razor in your hand.” The priest gave a bold cut, and the block fell in two. This story (from Livy, Bk. i., chap. 36) is humorously retold in Bon Gaultier's Ballads.
(3 syl.) The touch of a sword on the shoulder in the ceremony of conferring knighthood; originally an embrace or touch by the hand on the neck. (Latin, ad collum, on the neck.)
A loan of money, which accommodates us, or fits a want.
Accommodation Note or Bill. An acceptance given on a Bill of Exchange for which value has not been received by the acceptor from the drawer, and which, not representing a commercial transaction, is so far fictitious.
Accommodation Ladder. The light ladder hung over the side of a ship at the gangway.
means “heart to heart.” (Latin, ad corda.) If two persons like and dislike the same things, they are heart to heart with each other.
Similarly, “con—cord” heart with heart; “dis—cord,” heart divided from heart; “re—cord” properly means to recollect — i.e., re—cordare, to bring again to the mind or heart; then to set down in writing for the purpose of recollecting.
means to “come to the side” of a person for the purpose of speaking to him. (Latin, ad costam, to the side.)
To open an account, to enter a customer's name on your ledger for the first time. (Latin, accomputare, to reckon with.)
To keep open account is when merchants agree to honour each other's bills of exchange.
A current account or account current, a/c. A commercial term, meaning that the customer is entered by name in the creditor's ledger for goods purchased but not paid for at the time. The account runs on for a month or more, according to agreement.
To cast accounts. To give the results of the debits and credits entered, balancing the two, and carrying over the surplus.
A sale for the account in the Stock Exchange means: the sale of stock not for immediate payment, but for the fortnightly settlement. Generally this is speculative, and the broker or customer pays the difference of price between the time of purchase and time of settlement.
We will give a good account of them — i.e. we will give them a thorough good drubbing
means well and carefully done. (Latin, ad—curare, accuratus.)
(The) Calvin was so called by his college companions. We speak of an “accusative age,” meaning searching, one eliminating error by accusing it.
“This hath been a very accusative age.” — Sir E. Dering.
(1 syl.) The unit of cards or dice, from as, the Latin unit of weight. (Italian, asso; French and Spanish, as.)
Within an ace. Within a shave. An ace is the lowest numeral, and he who wins within an ace, wins within a single mark. (See Ambes—As.)
To bate an ace is to make an abatement, or to give a competitor some start or other advantage, in order to render the combatants more equal. It said that the expression originated in the reign of Henry VIII., when one of the courtiers named Bolton, in order to flatter the king, used to say at cards, “Your Majesty must bate me an ace, or I shall have no chance at all.” Taylor, the water poet (1580——1654), speaking of certain women, says —
“Though bad they be, they will not bate an ace
To be cald Prudence, Temprance, Faith, and Grace.”
Aceldama A battle—field a place where much blood has been shed. To the south of Jerusalem there was a field so called; it was purchased by the priests with the blood—money thrown down by Judas, and appropriated as a cemetery for strangers (Matt. XXVII. 8; Acts 1. 19). (Aramaic, okel—dama.)
(4 syl.) properly means men without a head. (1) A fraction among the Eutychians in the fifth century after the submission of Mongus their chief, by which they were “deprived of their head.” (2) Certain bishops exempt from the jurisdiction and discipline of their patriarch. (3) A sect of levellers in the reign of Henry I., who acknowledged no leader. (4) The fabulous Blemmyes of Africa, who are described as having no head, their eyes and mouth being placed elsewhere. (Greek, a—kephale, without a head.)
(3 syl.) The Arrow of Acestes. In a trial of skill Acestes, the Sicilian, discharged his arrrow with such force that it took fire. (Æ. 5, line 525.)
“Like Acestes' shaft of old,
The swift thought kindles as it flies.”
Achæan League
A confederacy of the twelve towns of Achæa. It was broken up by Alexander the Great, but was again reorganised B.C. 280, and dissolved by the Romans in 147 B.C.
in Indian philosophy means the All—in—All. The world is spun out of Achar as a web from a spider, and will ultimately return to him, as a spider sometimes takes back into itself its own thread. Phenomena are not independent realities, but merely partial and individual manifestations of the All—in—All.
(3 syl.) A fidus Achates. A faithful companion, a bosom friend. Achates in Virgil's Æneid is the chosen companion of the hero in adventures of all kinds.
“He has chosen this fellow for his fidus Achates.” — Sir Walter Scott
or Achmon, and his brother Basalas were two Cercopes for ever quarrelling. One day they saw Hercules asleep under a tree and insulted him, but Hercules tied them by their feet to his club and walked off with them, heads downwards, like a brace of hares. Everyone laughed at the sight, and it became a proverbial cry among the Greeks, when two men were seen quarelling — “Look out for Melampygos!” (i.e. Hercules).
“Ne insidas in Melampygum.”
According to Greek fable, monkeys are degraded men. The Cercopes were changed into monkeys for attempting to deceive Zeus.
The “River of Sorrows” (Greek, achos roös); one of the five rivers of the infernal regions.
“Sad Acheron of sorrow, black and deep.” Milton: Paradise Lost, ii. 578.
Pabulum Acherontis. Food for the churchyard; said of a dead body.
Acherontian Books
The most celebrated books of augury in the world. They are the books which the Etruscans received from Tages, grandson of Jupiter.
A cavern on the borders of Pontus, said to lead down to the infernal regions. It was through this cavern that Hercules dragged Cerberus to earth.
Achillea The Yarrow, called by the French the herbe aux charpentiers — i.e., carpenter's wort, because it was supposed to heal wounds made by carpenters' tools. Called Achillea from Achilles, who was taught the uses and virtues of plants by Chiron the centaur. The tale is, that when the Greeks invaded Troy, Telephus, a
son—in—law of King Priam, attempted to stop their landing; but Bacchus —caused him to stumble over a vine, and, when he had fallen, Achilles wounded him with his spear. The young Trojan was told by an oracle that
“Achilles (meaning milfoil or yarrow) would cure the wound;” but, instead of seeking the plant, he applied to the Grecian chief, and promised to conduct the host to Troy if he would cure the wound. Achilles consented to do so, scraped some rust from his spear, and from the filings rose the plant milfoil, which, being applied to the wound, had the desired effect.
(3 syl.) King of the Myrmidons (in Thessaly), the hero of Homer's epic poem called the Iliad. He is represented as brave and relentless. The poem begins with a quarrel between him and Agamemnon, the commander in chief of the allied Greeks: in consequence of which Achilles refused to go to battle. The Trojans prevail, and Achilles sends forth his friend Patroclos to oppose them. Patroclos fell; and Achilles, in anger, rushing into the battle killed Hector, the commander of the Trojans. He himself, according to later poems, fell in battle a few days afterwards, before Troy was taken.
Army: The Myrmidons followed him to Troy.
Death of: It was Paris who wounded Achilles in the heel with an arrow (a
Father: Peleus (2 syl.), King of Thessaly. Friend: Patroclos.
Horses: Balios (= swift—footed) and Xanthos (= chestnut—coloured), endowed with human speech.
Mistress in Troy: Hippodamia, surnamed Briseis (2 syl.). Mother: Thetis, a sea goddess.
Son: Pyrrhos, surnamed Neoptolemos (= the new warrior). Tomb: In Sigoeum, over which no bird ever flies. — Pliny. x. 29. Tutors: First, Phoenix, who taught him the elements; then Chiron the centaur. Wife: Deidamia. (5 syl.) De—i—da—my'—ah.
(pronounce A—kil—leez). The English , John Talbot, first Earl of Shrewsbury (1373——1453).
of England, the Duke of Wellington (1769——1852).
Of Germany, Albert, Elector of Brandenburg (1414——1486).
Of Lombardy, brother of Sforza and Palamedes. All the three brothers were in the allied army of Godfrey (Jerusalem Delivered). Achilles of Lombardy was slain by Corinna. This was not a complimentary title, but a proper name.
Of Rome, Lucius Sicinius Dentatus, the Roman tribune; also called the Second Achilles. Put to death B.C. 450.
Achilles of the West
Roland the Paladin; also called “The Christian Theseus” (2 syl.).
Achilles' Spear
(See Achillea.)
Achilles' Tendon
A strong sinew running along the heel to the calf of the leg. The tale is that Thetis took her son Achilles by the heel, and dipped him in the river Styx to make him invulnerable. The water washed every
part, except the heel covered with his mother's hand. It was on this vulnerable point the hero was slain; and the sinew of the heel is called, in consequence, tendo Achillis. A post—Homeric story
The Heel of Achilles. The vulnerable or weak point in a man's character or of a nation. (See above.)
Aching Void
(An). That desolation of heart which arises from the recollection of some cherished endearment no longer possessed.
“What peaceful hours I once enjoyed!
How sweet their memory still!
But they have left an aching void
The world can never fill.”
Cowper: Walking with God.
(See Absalom and Achitophel.) Achitophel was David's traitorous counsellor, who deserted to Absalom; but his advice being disregarded, he hanged himself (2 Sam. xv.). The Achitophel of Dryden's satire was the Earl of Shaftesbury: —
Of these (the rebels) the false Achitophel was first;
A name to all succeeding ages curst;
For close designs and crooked counsels fit;
Sagacious, bold, and turbulent of wit;
Restless, unfixed in principles and place;
In power unpleased, impatient in disgrace.”
Part i. 150——5.
God of flies, worshipped by the Cyreneans, that they might not be annoyed with these tiny tormentors. (See Flies, God of.)
The son of Faunus, in love with Galatea. Polyphemos, his rival, crushed him under a huge rock.
The crisis of a disease. Old medical writers used to divide the progress of a disease into four periods: the ar—che, or beginning; the anabasis, or increase, the acme, or term of its utmost violence, and the pa—rac—me, or decline. Figuratively, the highest point of anything.
Acmonian Wood
(The). The trystplace of unlawful love. It was here that Mars had his assignation with Harmonïa, who became the mother of the Amazons.
“C'est là que ... Mars eut les faveurs de la nymphe Harmonie, commerce dont naquirent les Amazones” — Etienne: Géographie.
Acoime tæ
An order of monks in the fifth century who watched day and night. (Greek, watchers.)
(3 syl.) A subordinate officer in the Catholic Church, whose duty is to light the lamps, prepare the sacred elements, attend the officiating priests, etc. (Greek, a follower.)
The herb Monkshood or Wolfsbane. Classic fabulists ascribe its poisonous qualities to the foam which dropped from the mouths of the three—headed Cerbërus, when Hercules, at the command of Eurystheus, dragged the monster from the infernal regions. (Latin, aconitum.)
“Lurida terribiles miscent Aconita novercæ.” Ovid: Metamorphoses, i. 147.
(Self—indulgence). An enchantress who lived in the “Bower of Bliss,” situate in “Wandering Island” She transformed her lovers into monstrous shapes, and kept them captives. Sir Guyon having crept up softly, threw a net over her, and bound her in chains of adamant; then broke down her bower and burnt it to ashes. — Spencer Faëry Queen, ii. 12.
(3 syl.) i.e., incontinence; called by Spenser the father of Cymochlës and Pyrochles. — Faëry Queen,
ii. 4.
“God's acre,” a cemetery or churchyard. The word “acre,” Old English, aæcer, is akin to the Latin ager and German acker (a field).
A duel in the open field. The combats of the Scotch and English borderers were so called.
Acre—shot A land tax. “Acre” is Old English, æcer (land), and “shot” is scot or sceat (a tax).
A Bob Acres — i.e., a coward. From Sheridan's comedy called The Rivals. His courage always “oozed out at his fingers' ends.”
Esoterical lectures; the lectures of Aristotle, which none but his chosen disciples were allowed to attend. Those given to the public generally were called exoteric. (Acroamatic is a Greek word, meaning delivered to an audience, to attend lectures.)
Same as esoteric. (See Acroamatics.)
means one who goes on his extremities , or uses only the tips of his fingers and toes in moving about. (It is from the two Greek words, akros baino, to go on the extremities of one's limbs.)
The citadel of ancient Athens.
Of course, the word is compounded of akros and polis = the city on the height, i.e., the high rock
(Greek, akros stichos) The term was first applied to the verses of the Erythræan sibyl, written on leaves. These prophecies were excessively obscure, but were so contrived that when the leaves were sorted and laid in order, their initial letters always made a word. — Dionys., iv. 62.
Acrostic poetry among the Hebrews consisted of twenty—two lines or stanzas beginning with the letters of the alphabet in succession, as Psalm cxix., etc.
Puzzles, generally in verse, consisting of two words of equal length The initial letters of the several lines constitute one of the secret words, and the final letters constitute the other word.
Also words re—arranged so as to make other words of similar significance, as “Horatio Nelson” re—arranged into Honor est a Nilo. Another form of acrostic is to find a sentence which reads the same backwards and forwards, as E.T.L.N.L.T.E., the initial letters of “Eat To Live, Never Live To Eat;” which in Latin would be, E.U.V.N.V.U.E. (Ede Ut Vivas, Ne Vivas Ut Edas).
and Opponency An “Act,” in our University language, consists of a thesis and “disputation” thereon, covering continuous parts of three hours. The person “disputing” with the “keeper of the Act” is called the “opponent,” and his function is called an “opponency.” In some degrees the student is required to keep his Act, and then to be the opponent of another disputant. Much alteration in these matters has been introduced of late, with other college reforms.
Act of Faith
(auto da fé) in Spain, is a day set apart by the Inquisition for the punishment of heretics, and the absolution of those who renounce their heretical doctrines. The sentence of the Inquisition is also so called; and so is the ceremony of burning, or otherwise torturing the condemned.
Act of God
(An) “Damnum fatale,” such as loss by lightning, shipwreck, fire, etc.; loss arising from fatality, and not from one's own fault, theft, and so on. A Devonshire jury once found a verdict — ” That deceased died by the act of God, brought about by the flooded condition of the river.”
A hunter. In Grecian mythology Actæon was a huntsman, who surprised Diana bathing, was changed by her into a stag, and torn to pieces by his own hounds. Hence, a man whose wife is unfaithful. (See Horns.)
“Go thou, like Sir Actæon, with Ringwood at thy heel.” Shakespeare: Merry Wives, ii. 1.
“Divulge Page himself for a secure and wilful Actæon.” Ibid. iii. 2.
Actian Years
Years in which the Actian games were celebrated. Augustus instituted games at Actium to celebrate his naval victory over Antony. They were held every five years.
Action Sermon
A sacramental sermon (in the Scots Presbyterian Church).
“I returned home about seven, and addressed myself towards my Action Sermon, Mrs. Olivant.” — E. Irving.
Active verbs, verbs which act on the noun governed.
Active capital. Property in actual employment in a given concern.
Active Commerce. Exports and imports carried to and fro in our own ships. Passive commerce is when they are carried in foreign vessels. The commerce of England is active, of China passive.
The sphere of activity, the whole field through which the influence of an object or person extends.
A taffeta, or leather—quilted dress, worn under the habergeon to keep the body from being chafed or bruised. (French, hocqueton.)
Female characters used to be played by boys. Coryat, in his Crudities (1611), says, “When I went to a theatre (in Venice) I observed certain things that I never saw before; for I saw women acte. ... I have heard that it hath sometimes been used in London” (Vol. ii.).
“Whereas, women's parts in plays have hitherto been acted by men in the habits of women ... we do permit and give leave for the time to come that all women's parts be acted by women, 1662.” — Charles II.
The first female actress on the English stage was Mrs. Coleman (1656), who played Ianthe in the Siege of Rhodes.
The last male actor that took the part of a woman on the English stage, in serious drama, was Edward Kynaston, noted for his beauty (1619——1687).
Acu tetigisti
You have hit the nail on the head. (Lit., you have touched it with a needle.) Plautus (Rudens, v 2,
19) says, “Rem acu tetigisti;” and Cicero (Pro Milone, 24) has “Vulnus acu punctum,” evidently referring to a surgeon's probe.
A person in the Middle Ages who attended armies and knights to sharpen their instruments of war. (Latin, acuo, to sharpen.)
Ad Græcas Calendas.
(Deferred) to the Greek Calends — i.e. , for ever. (It shall be done) on the Greek Calends — .e., never. There were no Calends in the Greek notation of the months. (See Never.)
Ad inquirendum
A judicial writ commanding an inquiry to be made into some complaint.
Ad libitum
Without restraint.
Ad rem (Latin) To the point in hand; to the purpose. (Acu rem tetigisti.) (See above, Acu.)
Ad unum omnes
All to a man (Latin).
Ad valorem
According to the price charged. Some custom —— duties vary according to the different values of the goods imported. Thus, at one time teas paid duty ad valorem, the high—priced tea paying more duty than that of a lower price.
Ad vitam aut culpam
A Latin phrase, used in Scotch law, to indicate the legal permanency of an appointment, unless forfeited by misconduct.
The Talmudists say that Adam lived in Paradise only twelve hours, and account for the time thus: —
The first hour, God collected the dust and animated it.
The second hour, Adam stood on his feet.
The fourth hour, he named the animals.
The sixth hour, he slept and Eve was created.
The seventh hour, he married the woman.
The tenth hour, he fell.
The twelfth hour, he was thrust out of Paradise.
The Mohammedans tell us he fell on Mount Serendib, in Ceylon, where there is a curious impression in the granite resembling a human foot, above 5 feet long and 2.5; feet broad. They tell us it was made by Adam, who stood there on one foot for 200 years to expiate his crime; when Gabriel took him to Mount Arafath, where he found Eve. (See Adam's Peak.)
Adam was buried , according to Arabian tradition, on Aboucais, a mountain of Arabia.
The old Adam; beat the offending Adam out of thee; the first Adam. Adam, as the head of unredeemed man, stands for “original sin” or “man without regenerating grace.”
The second Adam; the new Adam, etc.; I will give you the new Adam . Jesus Christ, as the covenant head, is so called; also the “new birth unto righteousness.”
When Adam delved and Eve span “Au temps passé, Berthe filait.” This Bertha was the wife of King Pepin.
When Adam delved and Eve span
Who was then the gentleman?”
Adam. A sergeant, bailiff, or any one clad in buff, or a skin—coat, like Adam.
“Not that Adam that kept Paradise, but that Adam that keeps the prison.” — Shakespeare: Comedy of Errors, iv. 3.
A faithful Adam. A faithful old servant. The character is taken from Shakespeare's comedy of As you like it, where a retainer of that name, who had served the family sixty—three years, offer to accompany Orlando in his flight and to share with him his thrifty savings of 500 crowns.
Adam Bell A northern outlaw, whose name has become a synonym for a good archer. (See Clym of the Clough)
Adam Cupid
— i.e., Archer Cupid, perhaps with allusion to Adam Bell, the celebrated archer. (See Percy's Reliques, vol. i., p. 7.)
Adam's Ale
Water as a beverage; from the supposition that Adam had nothing but water to drink. In Scotland water for a beverage is called Adam's Wine.
Adam's Apple
The protuberance in the fore—part of a man's throat; so called from the superstition that a piece of the forbidden fruit which Adam ate stuck in his throat, and occasioned the swelling.
Adam's Needle.
The yucca, so called because it is sharp—pointed like a needle.
Adam's Peak
in Ceylon, is where the Arabs say Adam bewailed his expulsion from Paradise, and stood on one foot till God forgave him. It was the Portuguese who first called it “Pico de Adam.” (See Kaaba)
In the granite is the mark of a human foot, above 5 feet long by 2.5; broad, said to have been made by Adam, who, we are told, stood there on one foot for 200 years, to expiate his crime. After his penance he was restored to Eve. The Hindus assert that the footprint is that made by Buddha when he ascended to heaven.
Adam's Profession
Gardening, agriculture. Adam was appointed by God to dress the garden of Eden, and to keep it (Gen. ii. 15); and after the fall he was sent out of the garden “to till the ground” (Gen. iii. 23).
“There is no ancient gentlemen, but gardeners, ditchers, and grave—makers; they hold up Adam's profession.” — The Clown in “Hamlet,” v. 1.
Parson Adams, the ideal of a benevolent, simple—minded, eccentric country clergyman; ignorant of the world, bold as a lion for the truth, and modest as a girl. The character is in Fielding's novel of Joseph Andrews.
is really the mineral corundum; but the word is indifferently used for rock crystal, diamond, or any hard substance, and also for the magnet or loadstone. It is often used by poet for no specific substance, but as hardness or firmness in the abstract. Thus, Virgil, in his Æneid vi. 552, speaks of “adamantine pillars” merely to express solid and strong ones; and Milton frequently uses the word in the same way. Thus, in Paradise Lost, ii. 436, he says the gates of hell were made of burning adamant:
“This huge convex of fire
Outrageous to devour, immures us round
Ninefold, and gates of burning adamant
Barred over us prohibit all egress.”
Satan, he tells us, wore adamantine armour (Book vi. 110):
“Satan, with vast and haughty strides advanced,
Came towering, armed in adamant and gold.”
And a little further on he tells us his shield was made of adamant (vi. 255):
“He [Satan] hasted, and opposed the rocky orb
Of ten—fold adamant, his ample shield
A vast circumference.”
Tasso (canto vii. 82) speaks of Scudo di lucidissimo diamante (a shield of clearest diamond).
Other poets make adamant to mean the magnet. Thus, in Troilus and Cresida, iii. 2:
As true as steel, as plantage to the moon,
As sun to day, as turtle to her mate,
As iron to adamant.”
(“Plantage to the moon,” from the notion that plants grew best with the increasing moon.)
And Green says:
As true to thee as steel to adamant.”
So, in the Arabian Nights, the “Third Calendar,” we read:
To—morrow about noon we shall be near the black mountain, or mine of adamant, which at this very minute draws all your fleet towards it, by virtue of the iron in your ships.”
Adamant is a (negative) and damao (to conquer). Pliny tells us there are six unbreakable stones (xxxvii. 15), but the classical adamas (gen. adamant—is) is generally supposed to mean the diamond. Diamond and adamant are originally the same word.
The spirit of the stormy Cape (Good Hope), described by Camoëns in the Lusiad as a hideous phantom. According to Barreto, he was one of the giants who invaded heaven.
Adamic Covenant
The covenant made with God to Adam, that “the seed of the woman should bruise the serpent's head” (Gen. iii. 15).
(3 syl.) A sect of fanatics who spread themselves over Bohemia and Moravia in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. One Picard, of Bohemia, was the founder in 1400, and styled himself “Adam, son of God.” He professed to recall his followers to the state of primitive innocence. No clothes were worn, wives were in common, and there was no such thing as good and evil, but all actions were indifferent.
according to the Parsee superstition, is a sacred fire less holy than that called Behram (q.v.).
Nowadays, at the present time (or day). So in Latin, Nunc dierum and Nunc temporis. The prefix “a"= at, of, or on. Simularly, anights, of late, on Sundays. All used adverbially.
Addison of the North
— i.e., Henry Mackenzie, the author of the Man of Feeling (1745——1831).
or Addixerunt (Latin). All right. The word uttered by the augurs when the “birds” were favourable.
is the Old English adela (filth), hence rotten, putrid, worthless.
Addled egg, better “addle—egg,” a worthless egg. An egg which has not the vital principle.
Addle—headed, addle—pate, empty headed. As an addle—egg produces no living bird, so an addle—pate lack brains.
Addle Parliament (The) — 5th April to 7th June, 1614. So called because it did not pass one single measure. (See Parliament.)
A big—wig, the great boss of the place. It is a Spanish word for “his excellency” (adelantar , to excel), and is given to the governor of a province.
“Open no door. If the adelantado of Spain were here he should not enter.” — Ben Jonson: Every Man out of his Humour, v. 4.
or Ademaro (in Jerusalem Delivered). Archbishop of Poggio, an ecclesiastical warrior, who with William, Archbishop of Orange, besought Pope Urban on his knees that he might be sent on the crusade. He took 400 armed men from Poggio, but they sneaked off during a drought, and left the crusade (Book xiii.). Ademar was not alive at the time, he had been slain at the attack on Antioch by Clorinda (Book xi.); but in the final attack on Jerusalem, his spirit came with three squadrons of angels to aid the besiegers (Book xviii.).
properly means one who has attained (from the Latin, adeptus, participle of adipiscor). The alchemists applied the term vere adeptus, to those persons who professed to have “attained to the knowledge of” the elixir of life or of the philosopher's stone.
Alchemists tell us there are always 11 adepts, neither more nor less. Like the sacred chickens of Compostella, of which there are only 2 and always 2 — a cock and a hen.
In Rosicrucian lore as learn'd
As he that vere adeptus earn'd.”
S. Butler: Hudibras.
A term applied to those who hold the real presence of Christ's body in the eucharist, but do not maintain that the bread and wine lose any of their original properties. (The word is from the Latin adesse, to be present.)
Adeste Fideles
Composed by John Reading, who wrote “Dulcë Domum.” It is called the “Portuguese Hymn,” from being heard at the Portuguese Chapel by the Duke of Leeds, who supposed it to be a part of the usual Portuguese service.
Adfiliate, Adfiliation
The ancient Goths adopted the children of a former marriage, and put them on the same footing as those of the new family. (Latin, ad—filius, equal to a real son.)
al (the slit—eared). The swiftest of Mahomet's camels.
The first purgatory of the Mahometans.
Followers of Melanchthon; moderate Lutherans, who hold that some of the dogmas of Luther are matters of indifference. (Greek, adiaphoros, indifferent.)
Macaulay: Essay, Burleigh.
good—bye. A Dieu, an elliptical form for I commend you to God. Good—bye is God be with ye.
The serpent with a thousand heads which sustains the universe. (Indian mythology.)
Adjective Colours
are those which require a mordant before they can be used as dyes.
Once written ajorn. French, à—journer, to put off to another day.
“He ajorned tham to relie in the North of Garlele.” — Longtoft: Chronicle, p.309.
Adjournment of the House
(See Moving the Adjournment.)
(The) Aben—Ezra, a Spanish rabbi born at Toledo (1119——1174).
Admirable Crichton
(The) James Crichton (kry—ton). (1551——1573.)
Admirable Doctor
(Doctor admirabilis). Roger Bacon (1214——1292).
corruption of Amir—al. Milton, speaking of Satan, says: —
“His spear (to equal which the tallest pine
Hewn on Norwegian hills, to be the mast
Of some tall amiral, were but a wand)
He walked with.”
Paradise Lost , i. 292.
The word was introduced by the Turks or Genoese in the twelfth century, and is the Arabic Amir with the article al (lord or commander); as Amir—al—ma (commander of the water), Amir—al—Omra (commander of the forces), Amir—al—Muminim (commander of the faithful).
English admirals used to be of three classes, according to the colour of their flag —
Admiral of the Red, used to hold the centre in an engagement. Admiral of the White, used to hold the van.
Admiral of the Blue, used to hold the rear.
The distinction was abolished in 1864; now all admirals carry the white flag.
Admirals are called Flag Officers.
Admiral of the Blue
A butcher who dresses in blue to conceal blood—stains. A tapster also is so called, from his blue apron. A play on the rear—admiral of the British navy, called “Admiral of the Blue (Flag).”
“As soon as customers begin to stir
The Admiral of the Blue cries, “Coming, Sir.”
Poor Robin, 1731
Admiral of the Red
A punning term applied to a wine—bibber whose face and nose are very red.
Licence. Shakespeare says. “Sir John, you are a gentleman of excellent breeding, of great admittance” — i.e., to whom great freedom is allowed (Merry Wives, ii.2). The allusion is to an obsolete custom called admission, by which a prince avowed another prince to be under his protection. Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico, was the “admittant” of the Emperor Napoleon III.
or Admonitioners Certain Puritans who in 1571 sent an admonition to the Parliament condemning everything in the Church of England which was not in accordance with the doctrines and practices of Geneva.
Daughter of General Kleiner, governor of Prague and wife of Idenstein.
Her only fault was “excess of too sweet nature, which ever made another's grief her own.” — Knowles: Maid of Mariendorpt (1838).
Son of the star—beam and god of light among the Rosicru cians. One of the names given by the Jews to Jehovah, for fear of breaking the command, “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord [Jehovah] thy God in vain.”
(4 syl.) The song about Adonis; Shelley's elegy on Keats is so called. See Bion's Lament for Adonis.
Feasts of Adonis, celebrated in Assyria, Alexandria, Egypt, Judea, Persia, Cyprus, and all Greece, for eight days. Lucian gives a long description of them. In these feasts wheat, flowers, herbs, fruits, and
branches of trees were carried in procession, and thrown into the sea or some fountain.
Abeautiful boy. The allusion is to Adonis, who was beloved by Venus, and was killed by a boar while hunting.
“Rose—cheeked Adonis hied him to the chase;
Hunting he loved; but love he laughed to scorn.
Sick—thoughted Venus makes amain unto him,
And, like a bold—faced suitor, gins to woo him.”
Shakespeare: Venus and Adonis.
Adonis of 50
Leigh Hunt was sent to prison for applying this term to George IV when Regent.
Adonis Flower
(The) according to Blon, is the rose; Pliny (i. 23) says it is the anemone; others say it is the field, poppy, certainly the prince of weeds; but what we now generally mean by the Adonis flower is pheasant's eye, called in French goute—de—sang, because in fable it sprang from the blood of the gored hunter.
“(Blood brings forth roses, tears anemone.) — Bion: Elegy on Adonis. See also Ovid: Metamorphoses, Bk. x., Fable 15.)
Adonis Garden
or A garden of Adonis (Greek). A worthless toy; a very perishable good. The allusion is to the fennel and lettuce jars of the ancient Greeks, called “Adonis gardens,” because these herbs were planted in them for the annual festival of the young huntsman, and thrown away the next morning. (1 Henry VI., i. 6.)
Adonis River
A river in Phoenicia, which always runs red at the season of the year when the feast of Adonis is held. The legend ascribes this redness to sympathy with the young hunter; others ascribe it to a sort of minimum, or red earth, which mixes with the water.
Thammuz came next behind,
Whose annual wound in Lebanon allured
The Syrian damsels to lament his fate
In amorous ditties all a summer's day,
While smooth Adonis from his native rock
Ran purple to the sea, supposed with blood
Of Thammuz yearly wounded.”
Milton: Paradise Lost , Book 1, line 445, etc.
Those Jews who maintain that the proper vowels of the word Jehovah are unknown, and that the word is never to be pronounced Adonai. (Hebrew, adon, lord.)
Adoption by arms. An ancient custom of giving arms to a person of merit, which laid him under the obligation of being your champion and defender.
Adoption by baptism. Being godfather or godmother to a child. The child by baptism is your godchild.
Adoption by hair. Cutting off your hair, and giving it to a person in proof that you receive him as your adopted father. Thus Boson, King of Arles, cut off his hair and gave it to Pope John VIII., who adopted him.
Adoption Controversy
Elipand, Archbishop of Toledo, and Felix, Bishop of Urgel, maintained that Jesus Christ in his human nature was the son of God by adoption only (Rom. viii. 29), though in his pre—existing
state he was the “begotten Son of God” in the ordinary catholic acceptation. Duns Scotus, Durandus, Calixtus, and others supported this view.
A disciple of Elipand, Archbishop of Toledo, and Felix, Bishop of Urgel (in Spain), is so called.
(2 syl.) means to “carry to one's mouth” “to kiss” (ad—os, ad—orare). The Romans performed adoration by placing their right hand on their mouth and bowing. The Greeks paid adoration to kings by putting the royal robe to their lips. The Jews kissed in homage: thus God said to Elijah he had 7,000 in Israel who had not bowed unto Baal, “every mouth which hath not kissed him” (1 Kings xix. 18; see also Hos. xiii.
2). “Kiss the Son lest He be angry” (Psalm ii. 12), means worship, reverence the Son. Even in England we do homage by kissing the hand of the sovereign.
God of the people of Sepharvaim, to whom infants were burnt in sacrifice (Kings xvii, 31). Probably the sun.
An Indian prince from the banks of the Ganges, who aided the King of Egypt against the crusaders. He wore a serpent's skin, and rode on an elephant. Adrastus was slain by Rinaldo. — Tasso: Jerusalem Delivered. Book xx.
(St.) represented, in Christian art, with an anvil, and a sword or axe close by it. He had his limbs cut off on a smith's anvil, and was afterwards beheaded. St. Adrian is the patron saint of the Flemish brewers.
in Dryden's Absalom and Achitophel, is meant for the Earl of Mulgrave.
“Sharp—judging Adriel, the muses' friend,
Himself a muse: in Sanbedrim's debate
True to his prince, but not a slave of state;
Whom David's love with honours did adorn,
That from his disobedient son were torn.”
Part I.
I am all adrift. He is quite adrift. To turn one adrift. Sea phrases. A ship is said to be adrift when it has broken from its moorings, and is driven at random by the winds. To be adrift is to be wide of the mark, or not in the right course. To turn one adrift is to turn him from house and home to go his own way.
properly means “to the right” (French, à droite). The French call a person who is not adroit gauche (left—handed), meaning awkward, boorish.
The table at which the flamens sat during sacrifice.
(4 syl.) The adherents of Lowe and Horsman, seceders in 1866 from the Reform Party. John Bright said of these members that they retired to the cave of Adullam, and tried to gather round them all the discontented. The allusion is to David in his flight from Saul, who “escaped to the cave Adullam; and every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him” (1 Sam. xxii. 1, 2).
The second branches of a stag's horn.
“In a hart the main horne itself they call the beame. The lowest antlier is called the brow—antlier; the next, roial ; the next that, surroial; and then the top.
“In a buck, they say bur, beame, braunch, advauncers, palme, and speilers.” — Marwood: Forest Lawes.
Four weeks to commemorate the first and second coming of Christ; the first to redeem, and the second to judge the world. The season begins on St. Andrew's Day, or the Sunday nearest to it. (Latin, ad—ventus, the coming to.)
(The). Satan. (1 Pet. v. 8.)
Advocate (An) means one called to assist clients in a court of law. (Latin, advocare.)
The Devil's Advocate . One who brings forward malicious accusations. When any name is proposed for canonisation in the Roman Catholic Church, two advocates are appointed, one to oppose the motion and one to defend it. The former, called Advocatus Diaboli (the Devil's Advocate), advances all he can against the person in question, the latter, called Advocatus Dei (God's Advocate), says all he can in support of the proposal.
Advocates' Library
in Edinburgh, founded 1682, is one of the five libraries to which copyright books are sent. (See Copyright.)
means the right of appointing the incumbent of a church or ecclesiastical benefice. In mediæval times the “advocacy” or patronage of bishoprics and abbeys was frequently in the hands of powerful nobles, who often claimed the right to appoint in the event of a vacancy; hence the word (from Latin, advocatio, the office of a patron).
A presentative advowson is when the patron presents to the bishop a person to whom he is willing to give the place of preferment.
A collative advowson is when the bishop himself is patron, and collates his client without any intermediate person.
A donative advowson is where the Crown gives a living to a clergyman without presentation, institution, or induction. This is done when a church or chapel has been founded by the Crown, and is not subject to the ordinary.
Advowson in gross is an advowson separated from the manor, and belonging wholly to the owner. While attached to the manor it is an advowson appendant. “Gross” (French) means absolute, entire; thus gross weight is the entire weight without deductions. A villain in gross was a villain the entire property of his master, and not attached to the land. A common in gross is one which is entirely your own, and which belongs to the manor.
Sale of Advowsons. When lords of manors built churches upon their own demesnes, and endowed them, they became private property, which the lord might give away or even sell, under certain limitations. These livings are called Advowsons appendant, being appended to the manor. After a time they became regular “commercial property,” and we still see the sale of some of them in the public journals.
The Holy of Holies in the Greek and Roman temples, into which the general public were not admitted. (Greek, a—duton = not to be entered; duo, to go.)
(2 syl.) Those who, in ancient Rome, had charge of the public buildings (ædes), such as the temples, theatres, baths, aqueducts, sewers, including roads and streets also.
(2 syl.) A fabulous king of Athens who gave name to the Ægean Sea. His son, Theseus, went to Crete to deliver Athens from the tribute exacted by Minos. Theseus said, if he succeeded he would hoist a white sail on his home—voyage, as a signal of his safety. This he neglected to do; and Ægeus, who watched the ship from a rock, thinking his son had perished, threw himself into the sea.
This incident has been copied in the tale of Sir Tristram and Ysolde. Sir Tristram being severely wounded in Brittany, sent for Ysolde to come and see him before he died. He told his messenger, if Ysolde consented to come to hoist a white flag. Sir Tristram's wife told him the ship was in sight with a black flag at the helm,
whereupon Sir Tristram bowed his head and died. [TRISTRAM.]
Æginetan Sculptures
Sculptures excavated by a company of Germans, Danes, and English (1811), in the little island of Ægina. They were purchased by Ludwig, Crown Prince of Bavaria, and are now the most remarkable ornaments of the Glyptothek, at Münich.
God of the ocean, whose wife is Rana. They had nine daughters, who wore white robes and veils (Scandinavian mythology). These daughters are the billows, etc. The word means “to flow.”
The shield of Jupiter made by Vulcan was so called, and symbolised “Divine protection.” The shield of Minerva was called an ægis also. The shield of Jupiter was covered with the skin of the goat Amalthæa, and the Greek for goat is, in the genitive case, aigos. The ægis made by Vulcan was of brass.
I throw my ægis over you , I give you my protection.
To sport an ægrotat. In university parlance, an ægrotat is a medical certificate of indisposition to exempt the bearer from attending chapel and college lectures.
(A — i), a common motto on jewellery, means “for ever and for aye.” (Greek.)
The cat. An Egyptian deity held in the greatest veneration. Herodotus (ii. 66) tells us that Diana, to avoid being molested by the giants, changed herself into a cat. The deity used to be represented with a cat's head on a human body. (Greek, ailouros. a cat.)
Æmillian Law
Made by Æmilius Mamercus the prætor. It enjoined that the oldest priest should drive a nail every year into the capitol on the ides of September (September 5).
Æmonia Æmonian
The hero of Virgil's epic. He carried his father Anchises on his shoulders from the flames of Troy. After roaming about for many years, he came to Italy, where he founded a colony which the Romans claim as their origin. The epithet applied to him is pius = pious, dutiful.
The epic poem of Virgil, (in twelve books). So called from Æneas and the suffix —is, plur. ides (belonging to).
“The story of Sinon,” says Macrobius, “and the taking of Troy is borrowed from Pisander “The loves of Dido and Æneas are taken from those of Medea and Jason, in Apollonius of Rhodes.
“The story of the Wooden Horse and burning of Troy is from Arctinus of Miletus.”
Æolic Digamma
An ancient Greek letter (F), sounded like our w. Thus oinos with the digamma was sounded woinos; whence the Latin vinum, our wine. Gamma, or g, hence digamma = double g.
Æolic Mode
in music, noted for its simplicity, fit for ballads and songs. The Phrygian Mode was for religious music, as hymns and anthems.
in Roman mythology, was “god of the winds.”
Æolian harp. The wind—harp. A box on which strings are stretched. Being placed where a draught gets to the strings, they utter musical sounds.
Æon (Greek, aion), eternity, an immeasurable length of time; any being that is eternal. Basilides reckons there have been 365 such æons, or gods; but Valentinius restricts the number to 30. Sometimes written “eon.”
In geology each series of rocks covers an æon, or an indefinite and immeasurable period of time.
Aërated Bread
Bread made light by means of carbonic acid gas instead of leaven.
Aërated Water
Water impregnated with carbonic acid gas, called fixed air.
Followers of Aerius, who maintained that there is no difference between bishops and priests.
the most sublime of the Greek tragic poets. He wrote 90 plays, only 7 of which are now extant. Æschylus was killed by a tortoise thrown by an eagle (to break the shell) against his bald head, which it mistook for a stone (B.C. 535——456). See Horace, Ars Poetica, 278.
Pronounce Ees—ke—lus.
Æschylus of France
Prosper Jolyot de Crébillon. (1674——1762.)
The Latin form of the Greek word Asklepios, the god of medicine and of healing. Now used for “a medical practitioner.”
plural of As or Asa, the celestial gods of Scandinavia, who lived in Asgard (god's ward), situate on the heavenly hills between earth and the rainbow. The chief was Odin. We are told that there were twelve, but it would be hard to determine who the twelve are, for, like Arthur's knights, the number seems variable. The following may be mentioned: — (1) Odin; (2) Thor (his eldest son, the god of thunder); (3) Tyr (another son, the god of wisdom); (4) Baldur (another son, the Scandinavian Apollo); (5) Bragi (the god of eloquence); (6) Vidar (god of silence); (7) Hödur the blind (Baldur's twin brother); (8) Hermod (Odin's son and messenger);
(9) Hoenir (divine intelligence); (10) Odur (husband of Freyja, the Scandinavian Venus); (11) Loki (the god of mischief, though not an asa, lived in Asgard); (12) Vali (Odin's youngest son); another of Odin's sons was Kvasir the keen—sighted. Then there were the Vanir, or gods of air, ocean, and water; the gods of fire; the gods of the Lower World; and the Mysterious Three, who sat on three thrones above the rainbow. Their names were Har (the perfect), the Like—perfect, and the Third person.
Wives of the Æsir: Odin's wife was Frigga; Thor's wife was Sif (beauty); Baldur's wife was Nanna (daring); Bragi's wife was Iduna; Odur's wife was Freyja (the Scandinavian Venus); Loki's wife was Siguna.
The Æsir built Asgard themselves, but each god had his own private mansion. That of Odin was Gladsheim; but his wife Frigga had also her private abode, named Fensalir; the mansion of Thor was Bilskirnir; that of Baldur was Broadblink; that of Odur's wife was Folkbang; of Vidar was Landvidi (wide land); the private abode of the goddesses generally was Vingolf.
The refectory or banquet hall of the Æsir was called Valhalla.
Niörd, the water—god, was not one of the Æsir, but chief of the Vanir; his son was Frey; his daughter, Freyja (the Scandinavian Venus); his wife was Skadi; and his home, Noatun.
Æson's Bath
Sir Thomas Browne (Religio Medici, p. 67) rationalises this into “hair—dye.” The reference is to Medea renovating Æson, father of Jason, with the juices of a concoction made of sundry articles. After Æson had imbibed these juices, Ovid says: —
“Barba comæque,
Canitie posita, nigrum rapuere, colorem.”
Metamorphoses, vii. 288.
Æsonian Hero
(The). Jason, who was the son of Æson.
Æsop's Fables
were compiled by Babrios, a Greek, who lived in the Alexandrian age.
Æsop, a Phrygian slave, very deformed, and the writer of fables. He was contemporary with Pythagoras, about
B.C. 570.
Almost all Greek and Latin fables are ascribed to Æsop, as all our Psalms are ascribed to David. The Latin fables of Phædrus are supposed to be translations of Æsopian fables.
Æsop of Arabia. Lokman (?). Nasser, who lived in the fifth century, is generally called the “Arabian Æsop.”
Æsop of England. John Gay. (1688——1732.)
Æsop of France. Jean de la Fontaine. (1621——1695.)
Æsop of Germany, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. (1729——1781.)
Æsop of India. Bidpay or Pilpay. (About three centuries before the Christian era.)
(3 syl.) Eagle —— stones. (Greek, aetos, an eagle.) Hollow stones composed of several crusts, one within another. Supposed at one time to form part of an eagle's nest. Pliny mentions them. Kirwan applies the name to clay ironstones having a globular crust of oxide investing an ochreous kernel. Mythically, they are supposed to have the property of detecting theft.
Ætolian Hero
(The).Diomede, who was king of Ætolia. Ovid.
Affable means “one easy to be spoken to.” (Latin, ad fari, to speak to.)
To love, to desire. (Latin, affecto.)
“Some affect the light, and some the shade.” Blair: Grave.
l'Affection aveugle raison
Cassius says to Brutus, “A friendly eye could never see such faults.” “L'esprit est presque toujours la dupe du coeur.” (La Rochefoucauld: Maximes.)
Again, “a mother thinks all her geese are swans.”
Italian: A ogni grolla paion belli i suoi grollatini. Ad ogni uccello, suo nido è bello.
French: A chaque oiseau son nid parait beau.
Latin: Asinus asino, sus sui, pulcher. Sua cuique res est carissima.
properly means to stand front to front. In savage nations opposing armies draw up front to front before they begin hostilities, and by grimaces, sounds, words, and all conceivable means, try to provoke and terrify their vis—à—vis. When this “affronting” is over, the adversaries rush against each other, and the fight begins in earnest.
Affront. A salute; a coming in front of another to salute.
“Only, sir, this I must caution you of, in your affront, or salute, never to move your hat.” — Green: Tu Quoque, vii. 95.
He who trembles to hear a leaf fall should keep out of the wood. This is a French proverb: “Qui a peur de feuilles, ne doit aller au bois.” Our corresponding English proverb is, “He who fears scars shouldn't go the wars.” The timid should not voluntarily expose themselves to danger.
“Little boats should keep near shore,
Larger ones may venture more.”
Teneo te, Africa (I take possession of thee, O Africa). When Cæsar landed at Adrumetum, in Africa, he tripped and fell — a bad omen; but, with wonderful presence of mind, he pretended that he had done so intentionally, and kissing the soil, exclaimed, “Thus do I take possession of thee, O Africa.” Told also of Scipio. (See Don Quixote, Pt. II. Bk. vi. ch.6.)
Africa semper aliquid novi affert. “Africa is always producing some novelty.” A Greek proverb quoted (in Latin) by Pliny, in allusion to the ancient belief that Africa abounded in strange monsters.
African Sisters
(The) The Hesperides (4 syl.) who lived in Africa. They were the daughters of Atlas.
or “Afrit.” The beau ideal of what is terrible and monstrous in Arabian superstition. A sort of ghoul or demon. Solomon, we are told, once tamed an Afrit, and made it submissive to his will.
The hinder part of a ship.
Fore and Aft. The entire length (of a ship), from stem to stern.
A throw of dice after the game is ended; anything done too late.
“Ever he playeth an after—cast
Of all that he shall say or do.”
Beware of after—claps. An after—clap is a catastrophe or threat after an affair is supposed to be over. It is very common in thunderstorms to hear a “clap” after the rain subsides, and the clouds break.
“What plaguy mischief and mishaps
Do dog him still with after—claps.”
Butler: Hudibras, Pt. i. 3.
After Meat, Mustard
In Latin, “Post bellum, auxilium.” We have also, “After death, the doctor,” which is the German, “Wann der kranke ist todt, so kommt der arztnei” (when the patient's dead, comes the physic). To the same effect is “When the steed is stolen, lock the stable door.” Meaning, doing a thing, or offering service when it is too late, or when there is no longer need thereof.
After us, the Deluge
“I care not what happens when I am dead and gone.” So said Mdme. de Pompadour, the mistress of Louis XV. (1722——1764). Metternich, the Austrian statesman (1773——1859), is credited with the same: but probably he simply quoted the words of the French marchioness.
An extra meal; a meal taken after and in addition to the ordinary meals.
“At aft—meals who shall pay for the wine?” Thynne: Debate.
in Dryden's satire of Absalom and Achitophel, is meant for Sir Edmondbury Godfrey, the magistrate before whom Titus Oates made his declaration, and was afterwards found barbarously murdered in a ditch near Primrose Hill.
Agag was hewed to pieces by Samuel (1 Sam. xv.).
“And Corah (Titus Oates) might for Agag's murder call
In terms as coarse as Samuel used to Saul.”
A passage of the Veda, the repetition of which will purify the soul like absolution after confession.
King of Argos, in Greece, and commander—in—chief of the allied Greeks who went to the siege of Troy. The fleet being delayed by adverse winds at Aulis, Agamemnon sacrificed his daughter Iphigenia to Diana, and the winds became at once favourable. — Homer's Iliad.
“Till Agamemnon's daughter's blood.
Appeased the gods that them withstood.”
Earl of Surrey.
His brother was Menelaos.
His Daughters were Iphigenia, Electra, Iphianassa, and Chrysothemis (Sophocles). He was Grandson of Pelops.
He was killed in a bath by his wife Clytemnestra, after his return from Troy.
His son was Orestes, who slew his mother for murdering his father, and was called Agamemnònides.
His wife was Clytemnestra, who lived in adultery with Egistheus. At Troy he fell in love with Cassandra, a daughter of King Priam.
Vixere fortes ante Agamemnona (“there are hills beyond Pentland, and fields beyond Forth"), i.e. , we are not to suppose that our own age or locality monopolises all that is good. — Hor. Od. iv. 9, 25. We might add, et post Agamemnona vivent.
“Great men there lived ere Agamemnon came,
And after him will others rise to fame.”
(4 syl.) or Aglaonice, the Thessalian, being able to calculate eclipses, she pretended to have the moon under her command, and to be able when she chose to draw it from heaven. Her secret being found out, her vaunting became a laughing—stock, and gave birth to the Greek proverb cast at braggarts, “Yes, as the Moon obeys Aganice.”
(4 syl.) A fountain of Boeotia at the foot of Mount Helicon, dedicated to the Muses, because it had the virtue of imparting poetic inspiration. From this fountain the Muses are called Aganippedes (5 syl.) or Aganippides (5 syl.).
(3 syl.) A love—feast. The early Christians held a love—feast before or after communion, when contributions were made for the poor. These feasts became a scandal, and were condemned at the Council of
Carthage, 397. (Greek, agape, love.)
(5 syl.). A somewhat disreputable association of men and women living promiscuously on a common fund, which existed for a time at Charlynch, near Bridgewater, in Somersetshire. (Greek, agape, love.)
Agape tæ
Women under vows of virginity, who undertook to attend the monks. (The word is Greek, and means beloved.)
(2 syl.) So called, says Pliny (xxxvii. 10), from Achates or Gagates, a river in Sicily, near which it is found in abundance.
“These, these are they, if we consider well,
That saphirs and the diamonds doe excell,
The pearle, the emerauld, and the turkesse bleu,
The sanguine corrall, amber's golden hiew,
The christall, jacinth, achate, ruby red.”
Taylor: The Waterspout (1630).
Agate is supposed to render a person invisible, and to turn the sword of foes against themselves.
A very diminutive person. Shakespeare speaks of Queen Mab as no bigger than an agate—stone on the forefinger of an alderman.
“I was never manned with an agate till now.” Shakespeare: 2 Hen. IV.i.2.
Daughter of Cuno, the ranger, in love with Max, to whom she is to be married, provided he carries off the prize in the annual trial—shot. She is in danger of being shot by Max unwittingly, but is rescued by a hermit, and becomes the bride of the young huntsman. — Weber's Opera of Der Freischütz.
(St.) Represented in Christian art with a pair of shears, and holding in her hand a salver, on which her breasts are placed. The reference is to her martyrdom, when her breasts were cut off by a pair of shears.
(3 syl.) or “American aloe,” from the Greek, agauos, admirable. The Mexicans plant fences of Agave round their wigwams, as a defence against wild beasts. The Mahometans of Egypt regard it as a charm and religious symbol; and pilgrims to Mecca indicate their exploit by hanging over the door of their dwelling a leaf of Agave, which has the further charm of warding off evil spirits. The Jews in Cairo attribute a similar virtue to the plant, every part of which is utilised.
(self—indulgence). The god who kept the porch of the “Bower of Bliss.” He united in his own person the two sexes, and sprang from the stone Agdus, parts of which were taken by Deucalion and Pyrrha to cast over their shoulders, after the flood, for re—peopling the world. (Spenser: Faëric Queene, book ii, 12.)
Ag—dis—tes in 3 syl.
Age as accords
(To). To do what is fit and right (Scotch law term). Here “Age” is from the Latin agere, to do.
“To set about the matter in a regular manner, or, as he termed it ... to “age as accords.”” — Sir
W. Scott: Redgauntlet, chap. 2.
Age of Animals.
An old Celtic rhyme, put into modern English, says:
“Thrice the age of a dog is that of a horse;
Thrice the age of a horse is that of a man;
Thrice the age of a man is that of a deer;
Thrice the age of a deer is that of an eagle.”
Age of Women
(The). Though many women are mentioned in the Bible, the age of only one (Sarah, Abraham's wife) is recorded, and that to show at her advanced age she would become the mother of Isaac.
“Elizabeth, the mother of the Baptist,” we are told by St. Luke, “was well—stricken in age.”
Age of the Bishops
(The). The ninth century. (Hallam: Middle Ages.)
Age of the Popes
(The). The twelfth century. (Hallam: Middle Ages.)
Age hoc
“Attend to this.” In sacrifice the Roman crier perpetually repeated these words to arouse attention. In the “Common Prayer Book" the attention of the congregation is frequently aroused by the exhortation, “Let us pray,” though nearly the whole service is that of prayer.
Varro (Fragments, p. 219, Scaliger's edition, 1623) recognises three ages: —
(1) From the beginning of mankind to the Deluge, a time wholly unknown.
(2) From the Deluge to the First Olympiad, called the mythical period.
(3) From the first olympiad to the present time, called the historic period.
Titian symbolised the three ages of man thus: —
(1) An infant in a cradle.
(2) A shepherd playing a flute.
(3) An old man meditating on two skulls.
According to Lucretius also, there are three ages, distinguished by the materials employed in implements (v. 1282), viz.:
(1) The age of stone, when celts or implements of stone were employed.
(2) The age of bronze, when implements were made of copper or brass.
(3) The age of iron, when implements were made of iron, as at present.
Hesiod names five ages, viz.: —
The Golden or patriarchal, under the care of Saturn.
The Silver or voluptuous, under the care of Jupiter.
The Brazen or warlike, under the care of Neptune.
The Heroic or renaissant, under the care of Mars.
The Iron or present, under the care of Pluto.
The present is sometimes called the wire age, from its telegraphs, by means of which well—nigh the whole earth is in intercommunication.
Fichte names five ages also: the ante—diluvian, post—diluvian, Christian, satanic, and millennian.
Agelasta The stone on which Ceres rested when worn down by fatigue in searching for her daughter. (Greek, joyless.)
(5 syl.) Cadmos, who was the son of Agenor.
Is man a free agent ? This is a question of theology, which has long been mooted. The point is this: If God fore—ordains all our actions, they must take place as he fore—ordains them, and man acts as a watch or clock; but if, on the other hand, man is responsible for his actions, he must be free to act as his inclination leads him. Those who hold the former view are called necessitarians; those who hold the latter, libertarians.
Agglutinate Languages
The Turanian family of languages are so called because every syllable is a word, and these are glued together to form other words, and may be unglued so as to leave the roots distinct, as
Frightened, as by a ghost; from Anglo—Saxon gást, a ghost.
The percentage of charge made for the exchange of paper money into cash. (Italian).
“The profit is called by the Italians aggio.”—Scarlett.
King of Sparta, who tried to deliver Greece from the Macedonian yoke, and was slain in the attempt.
“To save a rotten state, Agis, who saw
E'en Sparta's self to servile avarice sink.”
Thompson: Winter, 488——9.
To take the cattle of another to graze at a certain sum. The feeding of these beasts is called agistment. The words are from the Norman agiser (to be levant and couchant, rise up and lie down), because, says Coke, beasts are levant and couchant whilst they are on the land.
A cabalistic name of God, formed from the initial letters of Attâh, Gibbor, Leholâm, Adonâi (Thou art strong for ever, O Lord !). (See Notarica.)
The poorest man in Arcadia, pronounced by Apollo to be far happier than Gyges, because he was “contented with his lot.”
“Poor and content is rich and rich enough;
But riches endless are as poor as winter
To him who ever fears he shall be poor.”
Shakespeare: Othello iii. 3.
She is an Agnes (elle fait l'Agnès) — i.e., she is a sort of female “Verdant Green,” who is so unsophisticated that she does not even know what love means. It is a character in Molière's L'école des Femmes.
(St.) is represented by Domenichino as kneeling on a pile of fagots, the fire extinguished, and the executioner about to slay her with the sword. The introduction of a lamb (agnus) is a modern innovation, and play on the name. St. Agnes is the patron of young virgins.
“St. Agnes was first tied to a stake, but the fire of the stakes went out; whereupon Aspasius, set to watch the martyrdom, drew his sword, and cut off her head.”
Agnes' Day
(St.), 21st January. Upon St. Agnes' night, you take a row of pins, and pull out every one, one after another. Saying a pater—noster, stick a pin in your sleeve, and you will dream of him or her you shall marry. — Aubrey: Miscellany, p. 136.
(3 syl.) Ag—no—ites, or Ag—no—i—tæ (4 syl.).
(1) Certain heretics in the fourth century who said “God did not know everything.”
(2) Another sect, in the sixth century, who maintained that Christ “did not know the time of the day of judgment.”
(An). A term invented by Prof. Huxley in 1885 to indicate the mental attitude of those who withhold their assent to whatever is incapable of proof, such as the absolute. In regard to miracles and revelation, agnostics neither dogmatically accept nor reject such matters, but simply say Agnosco — I do not know — they are not capable of proof.
Agnus—castus A shrub of the Vitex tribe, called agnos (chaste) by the Greeks, because the Athenian ladies, at the feast of Ceres, used to strew their couches with vitex leaves, as a palladium of chastity. The monks, mistaking agnos (chaste) for agnus (a lamb), but knowing the use made of the plant, added castus to explain its character, making it chaste—lamb. (For another similar blunder, see I.H.S.)
Agnus Dei
A cake of wax or dough stamped with the figure of a lamb supporting the banner of the Cross, and distributed by the Pope on the Sunday after Easter as an amulet. Our Lord is called Agnus Dei (the Lamb of God). There is also a prayer so called, because it begins with the words, Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi(O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world).
He is all agog, in nervous anxiety; on the qui vive, like a horse in clover. (French, à gogo, or vivre à gogo, to live in clover.)
(4 syl.). Samson Agonistes (the title of Milton's drama) means Samson wrestling with adversity — Samson combating with trouble. (Greek, agonizomai, to combat, to struggle.)
A branch of the Donatists of Africa who roamed from town to town affirming they were ministers of justice. The Greek agon (an assembly) = the Latin nundinæ, days when the law—courts were opened, that country people might go and get their law—suits settled.
properly means contention in the athletic games; and to agonise is the act of contending. (Greek, agon, a game of contest, as well as a “place of assembly").
Agony, meaning “great pain,” is the wrestle with pain or struggle with suffering.
Agony Column
of a newspaper. A column containing advertisements of missing relatives and friends; indicating great distress of mind in the advertiser.
Agrarian Law
from the Latin ager (land), is a law for making land the common property of a nation, and not the particular property of individuals. In a modified form, it means a redistribution of land, giving to each citizen a portion.
The older spelling was Argemony, and Pliny calls it argemonia, from the Greek argemos, a white speck on the eye, which this plant was supposed to cure.
(A cure for) (See Homer.)
Sir Andrew Aguecheek, a straight—haired country squire, stupid even to silliness, self—conceited, living to eat, and wholly unacquainted with the world of fashion. The character is in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night.
Agur's Wish
(Prov. xxx. 8). “Give me neither riches nor poverty.”
or Ahashverosh. A title common to several Persian kings. The three mentioned in the Bible are supposed to be Cyaxares (Dan. xi. l); Xerxes (Esther); and Cambyses (Ezra iv. 6).
An alabaster vase found at Halicarnassus gives four renderings of the name Xerxes, viz., Persian, Khshayarsha; and the Greek, Xerxes; the Sanskrit root Kshi means “to rule,” Kshathra (Zend Ksathra), a king.
Ahead The wind's ahead — i.e., blows in the direction towards which the ship's head points; in front. If the wind blows in the opposite direction (i.e., towards the stern) it is said to be astern. When one ship is ahead of another, it is before it, or further advanced. “Ahead of his class,” means at the head. Ahead in a race, means before the rest of the runners.
To go ahead is to go on without hesitation, as a ship runs ahead of another.
or Achitophel A treacherous friend and adviser. Ahithophel was David's counsellor, but joined Absalom in revolt, and advised him “like the oracle of God” (2 Sam. xvi. 20——23). In Dryden's political satire, Achitophel stands for the Earl of Shaftesbury. (See Achitophel.)
(Prince). Noted for the tent given him by the fairy Pari—banou, which would cover a whole army, but might be carried in one's pocket; and for the apple of Samarcand, which would cure all diseases. — Arabian Nights, Prince Ahmed, etc.
This tent coincides in a marvellous manner with the Norse ship called Skidbladnir (q.v.). (See Solomon's Carpet.)
(Ezek. xxiii. 4, 11, etc.). The personification of prostitution. Used by the prophet to signify religious adultery or harlotry. (See Harlot.)
“The great difficulty in exposing the immoralities of this Aholibah is that her [acts] are so revolting.” — Papers on the Social Evil, 1885.
A granddaughter of Cain, loved by the seraph Samiasa. She is a proud, ambitious, queen—like beauty, a female type of Cain. When the flood came, her angel—lover carried her under his wings to some other planet. — Byron: Heaven and Earth.
or Ahrimanes The principle or angel of darkness and evil in the Magian system. (See Ormusd.)
“I recognise the evil spirit, sir, and do honour to Ahrimanes in this young man.” — Thackeray.
Aide toi et le Ciel taidera
(God will help those who help themselves). The party—motto of a political society of France, established in 1824. The object of the society was, by agitation and the press, to induce the middle classes to resist the Government. Guizot was at one time its president, and Le Globe and Le National its organs. This society which doubtless aided in bringing about the Revolution of 1830, was dissolved in 1832.
(2 syl.) A lady's headdress, consisting of feathers or flowers. The French call the down of thistles and dandelions, as well as the tuft of birds, aigrette.
To give aim, to stand aloof. A term in archery, meaning to stand within a convenient distance from the butts, to give the archers information how near their arrows fall to the mark aimed at.
“But, gentle people, give me aim a while.
For nature puts me to a heavy task;
Stand all aloof.” Shakespeare: Titus Andronicus, v. 3.
To cry aim. To applaud, encourage. In archery it was customary to appoint certain persons to cry aim, for the sake of encouraging those who were about to shoot.
“All my neighbours shall cry aim.”
Shakespeare: Merry Wives of Windsor , iii. 2.
An abettor, one who encourages. In archery, the person employed to “cry aim.” (See above.)
“Thou smiling aim—crier at princes' fall.” English Arcadia.
an element. Anaxagoras held air to be the primary form of matter.
Aristotle gives Fire, Air, Earth, and Water as the four elements.
a manner, as “the air of the court,” the “air of gentility;” “a good air” (manner, deportment) means the pervading habit.
in music, is that melody which predominates and gives its character to the piece.
Air one's opinions
(To). To state opinions without having firmly based them on proper data. To let them fly loose, like a caged bird.
To ventilate an opinion means to suggest for the purpose of having it duly tested. A conceited man airs his opinions, a discreet one ventilates them, as corn when it is winnowed; and the chaff is blown off.
Giddy, heedless. This word is now generally spelt “hare—brained;” but, by ancient authors, hair—brained. In C. Thomson's Autobiography it is spelt “Air—brained,” which seems plausible.
signifies (in the United States) the most direct and shortest possible route between two given places, as the Eastern and Western Air—line Railway.
(An) A balloon.
“Presently a north—easterly current of wind struck the air—ship, and it began to move with great velocity upon a horizontal line.” — Max Adeler: The Captain's MS.
Odin's throne in Gladsheim. His palace was in Asgard.
To give oneself mighty airs: to assume, in manner, appearance, and tone, a superiority to which you have no claim. The same as Air, manner (q.v.).
The plural is essential in this case to take it out of the category of mere eccentricity, or to distinguish it from “air” in the sense of deportment, as “he had a fine, manly air,” “in air was that of a gentleman.” Air, in the singular, being generally complimentary, but “airs” in the plural always conveying censure. In Italian, we find the phrase, Si da dell árie.
The white elephant, one of the eight which, according to Indian mythology, sustain the earth.
(pronounce ile) The north and south wings of a church. Latin, ala (axilla, ascella), through the French, aile, a wing. In German the nave of a church is schiff, and the aisle flügel (a wing). In some church documents the aisles are called alleys (walks), and hence the nave is still sometimes called the “middle aisle” or alley. The choir of Lincoln Cathedral used to be called the “Chanters' alley;” and Olden tells us that when he came to be churchwarden, in 1638, he made the Puritans “come up the middle alley on their knees to the raile.”
of beef. Corruption of “Naitch—bone,” i.e. the haunch—bone (Latin, nates, a haunch or buttock).
Similarly, “an apron” is a corruption of a napperon; “an adder” is a corruption of a nadder (Old Eng., næddre). In other words, we have reversed the order; thus “a net” is an ewt , “a nag” is an ög (Danish). Latin, eq [uus ], a horse.
the Greater. King of Salamis, a man of giant stature, daring, and self—confident. Generally called Telamon Ajax, because he was the son of Telamon. When the armour of Hector was awarded to Ulysses instead of to himself, he turned mad from vexation and stabbed himself. — Homer's Iliad, and later poets.
Ajax the Less Son of Oïleus (3 syl.), King of Locris, in Greece. The night Troy was taken, he offered violence to Cassandra, the prophetic daughter of Priam; in consequence of which his ship was driven on a rock, and he perished at sea. — Homer's Iliad, and later poets.
“Ipsa (Juno), Jovis rapidum jaculata e nubibus ignem,
Disjecitque rates, evertitque æquora ventis;
Illum (Ajax) expirantem transfixo pectore flammas
Turbine corripuit, scopuloque infixit acuto.”
Virgil: Æneid, i. 42, etc.
An Arabic word, meaning “Very Great.” Akbar—Khan, the “very great Khan,” is applied especially to the Khan of Hindûstan who reigned 1556——1605.
the giant whom Rustan slew. (Persian mythology).
The most malevolent of all the Persian gods.
U. S. America. The name of an Indian tribe of the Mississippi Valley, meaning “here we rest.”
A stone of great purity and whiteness used for ornaments. So called from “Alabastron,” in Upper Egypt, where it abounds.
in the Arabian Nights' Tales, obtains a magic lamp, and a has splendid palace built by the genius of the lamp. He marries the daughter of the sultan of China, loses his lamp, and his palace is transported to Africa. Sir Walter Scott says, somewhat incorrectly. —
“Vanished into air like the palace of Aladdin.”
The palace did not vanish into air, but was transported to another place.
Aladdin's Lamp
The source of wealth and good fortune. After Aladdin came to his wealth and was married, he suffered his lamp to hang up and get rusty.
“It was impossible that a family, holding a document which gave them access to the most powerful noblemen in Scotland, should have suffered it to remain unemployed, like Aladdin's rusty lamp.” — Senior.
Aladdin's Ring
given him by the African magician, was a “preservative against every evil.” — Arabian Nights: Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp.
Aladdin's Window
To finish Aladdin's Window — i.e. to attempt to complete something begun by a great genius, but left imperfect. The genius of the lamp built a palace with twenty—four windows, all but one being set in frames of precious stones; the last was left for the sultan to finish; but after exhausting his treasures, the sultan was obliged to abandon the task as hopeless.
Tait's second part of Dryden's Absalom and Achitophel is an Aladdin's Window.
(3 syl.) The sagacious but cruel old king of Jerusalem in Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered, book xx. This is a fictitious character, inasmuch as the Holy Land was at the time under the dominion of the caliph of Egypt. Aladine was slain by Raymond.
Alako Son of Baro—Devel, the great god of the gipsies. The gipsies say that he will ultimately restore them to Assas in Assyria, their native country. The image of Alako has a pen in his left hand and a sword in his right.
Large dogs, of various species, used for hunting deer.
“Skins of animals slain in the chase were stretched on the ground ... and upon a heap of these lay 3 alans, as they were called, i.e. wolf greyhounds of the largest size.” — Sir W. Scott: The Talisman , chap. vi.
King of Barca, who joined the armament of Egypt against the Crusaders. His men were only half armed. — Jerusalem Delivered.
An outcry made to give notice of danger. (Italian, all' arme, “to arms;” French, alarme.)
Alarum Bell
In feudal times a 'larum bell was rung in the castle in times of danger to summon the retainers to arms. A variant of alarm (q.v. ).
“Awake! awake!
Ring the alarum bell! Murder and treason!”
Shakespeare: Macbeth, ii. 3.
Alasnam's lady. In the Arabian Nights' Tales Alasnam has eight diamond statues, but had to go in quest of a ninth more precious still, to fill the vacant pedestal. The prize was found in the lady who became his wife, at once the most beautiful and the most perfect of her race.
“There is wanting one pure and perfect model, and that one, wherever it is to be found, is like Alasnam's lady, worth them all.” — Sir Walter Scott.
Alasnam's Mirror
The “touch—stone of virtue,” given to Alasnam by one of the Genii. If he looked in this mirror it informed him whether a damsel would remain to him faithful or not. If the mirror remained unsullied so would the maiden; if it clouded, the maiden would prove faithless. — Arabian Nights: Prince Zeyn Alasnam.
The evil genïus of a house: a Nemesis. Cicero says: “Who meditated killing himself that he might become the Alastor of Augustus, whom he hated.” Shelley has a poem entitled “Alastor, or The Spirit of Solitude”. The word is Greek (alastor, the avenging god, a title applied to Zeus); the Romans had their Jupiter Vindex; and we read in the Bible, “Vengeance is mine. I will repay, saith the Lord" (Rom. xii. 19).
A Roman legion raised by Julius Cæsar in Gaul, and so called because they carried a lark's tuft on the top of their helmets.
The Nile is so called by the Abyssinians. The word means “the giant.”
The long white tunic (Latin, albus, white) bound round the waist with a girdle. The dress is emblematical of purity and continence, and worn by priests when saying Mass.
A bone which the Arabs say defies destruction, and which; at the resurrection, will be the germ of the new body. The Jews called it Luz (q.v.); and the “Os sacrum” (q.v.) refers probably to the same superstition.
Alban (St.), like St. Denis is represented as carrying his head between his hands. His attributes are a sword and a crown.
St. Aphrodisius, St. Aventine, St. Desiderius. St. Chrysolius, St. Hilarian, St. Leo, St. Lucanus. St. Lucian, St. Proba, St. Solangia, and several other martyrs, are represented as carrying their heads in their hands. An artist's bungling way of identifying a headless trunk.
Turkey, or rather the region about the Caucasus. The word means the “mountainous region.”
Albanian Hat
(An). “Un chapeau à l'Albanaise.” A sugar—loaf hat, such as was worn by the Albanians in the sixteenth century.
Albano Stone
or Peperino used by the Romans in building; a volcanic tufa quarried at Albano.
Scotland. (See Albin .)
The white brethren. Certain Christian fanatics of the fourteenth century, so called because they dressed in white. Also the recently baptised. (Latin.)
The largest of webfooted birds, called by sailors the Cape Sheep, from its frequenting the Cape of Good Hope. It gorges itself, and then sits motionless upon the waves. It is said to sleep in the air, because its flight is a gliding without any apparent motion of its long wings. Sailors say it is fatal to shoot an albatross. Coleridge's Ancient Mariner is founded on this superstition.
(An) A chain from the waistcoat pocket to a button in front of the waistcoat. So called from Prince Albert, the consort of Queen Victoria. When he went to Birmingham, in 1849, he was presented by the jewellers of the town with such a chain, and the fashion took the public fancy.
(in Orlando Furioso) married Alda, daughter of Otho, Duke of Saxony. His sons were Hugh or Ugo, and Fulke or Fulco. From this family springs the Royal Family of England.
(in Jerusalem Delivered). One of the leaders of the Arab host which joined the Egyptian armament against the Crusaders. “A chief in rapine, not in knighthood bred.” (Book xvii.)
(4 syl.) A common name for heretics prior to the Reformation; so called from the Albigeois, inhabitants of the district which now is the department of the Tarn, the capital of which was Albi. It was here the persecution of the Reformers began, under the direction of Pope Innocent III, in 1209. The Waldenses rose after them, but are not unfrequently confounded with them.
A name at one time applied to the northern part of Scotland, called by the Romans “Caledonia.” This was the part inhabited by the Picts. The Scots migrated from Scotia in the North of Ireland, and acquired mastery under Kenneth M'Alpin in 843. In poetry Scotland is called Albin.
Gaelic, ailp; Keltic, alp, our Alps. Alpin is either Ailp—ben son of the hills, i.e., the hill country, or Alp—inn (hilly island), Albania means the “hilly country.”
“Woe to his kindred, and woe to his cause,
When Albin her claymore indignantly draws.”
Campbell: Lochiel's Warning.
A term originally applied by the Portuguese to those negroes who were mottled with white spots; but now applied to those who are born with red eyes and white hair. Albinos are found among white people as well as among negroes. The term is also applied to beasts and plants. (Latin, albus, white.)
Oliver Wendell Holmes, in the Autocrat of the Breakfast Table (chap. viii.), speaks of Kirke White as one of the “sweet Albino poets,” whose “plaintive song” he admires. It implies some deficiency of virility, as albinism suggests weakness, and possibly is meant as a play upon the name in this particular instance.
England, so named from the ancient inhabitants called Albiones. The usual etymology of albus (white), said to have been given by Julius Cæsar in allusion to the “white cliffs,” is quite untenable, as an old Greek treatise, the De Mundo, formely ascribed to Aristotle, mentions the islands of Albion and Ierne three hundred years before the invasion of Cæsar. Probably “Albion” or Albany was the Celtic name of all Great Britain, subsequently restricted to Scotland, and then to the Highlands of Scotland. Certainly the inhabitants
of the whole island are implied in the word Albiones in Festus Avienus's account of the voyage of Hamilcar in the fifth century B.C. (See Albin.)
“Beyond the Pillars of Hercules is the ocean which flows round the earth, and in it are 2 very large islands called Britannia, viz., Albion and Ierne.” — De Mundo, Sec. iii.
Son of the king of this island when Oberon held his court in what we call Kensington Gardens. He was stolen by the elfin Milkah, and brought up in fairyland. When nineteen years of age, he fell in love with Kenna, daughter of King Oberon, but was driven from the empire by the indignant monarch. Albion invaded the territory, but was slain in the battle. When Kenna knew this, she poured the juice of moly over the dead body, and it changed into a snow—drop. — T. Tickell.
Albion the Giant
Fourth son of Neptune, sixth son of Osiris, and brother of Hercules, his mother being Amphitrita. Albion the Giant was put by his father in possession of the isle of Britain, where he speedily subdued the Samotheans, the first inhabitants. His brother Bergion ruled over Ireland and the Orkneys. Another of his brothers was Lestrigo, who subjected Italy. (See “W. Harrison's Introduction to Holinshed's Chronicle.”
Albracca's Damsel
(in Orlando Furioso) is Angelica. Albracca is the capital of Cathay (q.v.).
A blank book for scraps. The Romans applied the word to certain tables overlaid with gypsum, on which were inscribed the annals of the chief priests, the edicts of the prætors, and rules relating to civil matters. In the Middle Ages, “album” was the general name of a register or list; so called from being kept either on a white (albus) board with black letters, or on a black board with white letters. For the same reason the boards in churches for notices, and the boards in universities containing the names of the college men, are called albums.
(3 syl.) A magistrate is so called in Spain and Portugal. The word is the Arabic al cadi (the judge).
Alcaic Verse
Alcaïcs. A Greek and Latin metre, so called from Alcoes, a lyric poet, who invented it. Each line is divided into two parts. The first two lines of each stanza of the ninth ode of Horace are in Alcaics. The first two lines of the ode run thus, and in the same metre:
“See how Soracté groans with its wintry snow,
And weary woodlands bend with the toilsome weight.”
(Order of) A military and religious order instituted in 1214 by Alfonso IX., King of Castile, to commemorate the taking of Alcantara from the Moors. The sovereign of Spain is ex—officio, head of the Order. A resuscitation of the order of St. Julian of the Pear—tree, instituted by Fernando Gomez in 1176, better known by the French title St. Julien du Poirier. The badge of the order was a pear—tree.
(in Jerusalem Delivered). The Capaneus of the Crusaders, leader of 6,000 foot soldiers from Helvetia.
(2 syl.). One of the dogs of Actæon. The word means “strength.”
(2 syl.) The hero of Molière's Misanthrope. Not unlike Shakespeare's character of Timon.
or Lady's Mantle. The alchemist's plant; so called because alchemists collected the dew of its leaves for their operations. Lady means the Virgin Mary, to whom the plant was dedicated.
Alchemy (Al—ki—me) is the Arabic al kimia (the secret art); so called not only because it was carried on in secret, but because its main objects were the three great secrets of science — the transmutation of baser metals into gold, the universal solvent, and the elixir of life.
A generic name for a first—rate carver in wood.
Pocula ponam
Fagina, coelatum divini opus Alcimedontis.”
Virgil: Eclogue, iii.36.
The personification of carnal pleasure in Orlando Furioso ; the Circe of classic fable, and Labè of the Arabians. She enjoyed her lovers for a time, and then changed them into trees, stones, fountains, or beasts, as her fancy dictated.
Alcinoo poma dare
(to give apples to Alcinous). To carry coals to Newcastle; sending cider to Herefordshire. The orchards of Alcinous, King of Corcyra (Corfu), were famous for their fruits.
The pseudonym of Rabelais in his Gargantua and Pantagruel. Alcofribas Nasier is an anagram of “François Rabelais.” The introduction runs thus: “The inestimable life of the great Gargantua, father of Pantagruel, heretofore composed by M. Alcofribas, abstractor of the quintessence, a book full of pantagruelism.”
mentioned by the Venerable Bede, is Dumbarton.
or Aldabelle (in Orlando Furioso). Sister of Oliviero and Brandimarte, daughter of Monodantes, and wife of Orlando.
Aldabella. A marchioness of Florence, who gave entertainment to the magnates of the city. She was very handsome, heartless, and arrogant. When Fazio became rich with Bartoldo's money, Aldabella inveigled him from his wife, and his wife, out of jealousy, accused her husband of being privy to Bartoldo's death. Fazio being condemned for murder and robbery, his wife Bianca accused Aldabella of inveigling him, and the marchioness was condemned by the Duke of Florence to spend the rest of her life in a nunnery. — Dean Milman: Fazio.
The sun in Arabian mythology. In astronomy, the star called the Bull's eye in the constellation Taurus. (Arabic al the, debaran.)
One of the seniors or elders. Now applied to a class of magistrates in corporate towns. In London an alderman is the chief magistrate in a ward appointed by election. There are also aldermen of the Country Council.
A turkey is called an alderman, both from its presence in aldermanic feast, and also because of its red and purple colours about the head and neck, which make it a sort of poultry alderman.
An alderman in chains, by a similar effort of wit, is a turkey hung with sausages.
(An) A burglar's tool; a crowbar for forcing safes. So called from the high rank it holds with burglars.
(An) A cant term for half—a—crown. An alderman as chief magistrate is half a king in his own ward; and half a crown is half a king.
Aldgate Pump
A draught on Aldgate Pump. A cheque with no effects. A worthless bill. The pun is on the word draught, which means either an order on a bank for money or a sup of liquor.
(in Orlando Furioso). Buovo's son, of the house of Clarmont, who lived in Agrismont Castle. He was brother of Malgigi and Vivian; all Christians.
(2 syl.) Leader of the second squadron of Arabs who joined the Egyptian armament against the Crusaders. — Tasso: Jerusalem Delivered.
Aldine Editions
Editions of the Greek and Latin classics, published and printed under the superintendence of Aldo Manuzio, his father—in—law Andrea of Asolo, and his son Paolo (1490——1597); most of them in small octavo, and all noted for their accuracy. The father invented the type called italics , once called Aldine, and first used in printing Virgil , 1501.
(Sir) Steward of Queen Eleanor, wife of Henry II. He impeached her fidelity, and submitted to a combat to substantiate his charge; but an angel, in the shape of a child, established the queen's innocence. — Percy's Reliques.
is the Scandinavian öl, called ealo in our island. Beer, written bere, even in the reign of James I, is the Anglo—Saxon beor, from bere (barley). A beverage made from barley is mentioned by Tacitus and even Herodotus. Hops were introduced from Holland and used for brewing in 1524, but their use was prohibited by Act of Parliament in 1528 — a prohibition which soon fell into disuse. Ale is made from pale malt, whence its
light colour; porter and stout from malt more highly dried. Beer is the general word, and in many parts of England includes ale, porter, and stout. The word ale was introduced by the Danes, and the word beer by the Teutons. Among London brewers beer means the dark form, called also stout or porter.
“Called ale among men; but by the gods called beer.” — The Alvismal.
a corruption of ale—bree. A drink made of hot ale, spice, sugar, and toast. Burns speaks of the barley bree (Anglo—Saxon brin, broth).
“Cause an aleberry to be made for her, and put into it powder of camphor.” — The Pathway to Health.
(An) A dagger used in self—defence in ale—house brawls.
“He that drinkes with cutlers must not be without his ale—dagger.” (1589). (See N.E.D.) Pierce Pennilesse says: — “All that will not ... weare ale—house daggers at your backes [should abstain from taverns].”
See Shakespeare Society, p.55.
a tapster. Ale—drapery, the selling of ale, etc.
“No other occupation have I but to be an ale—draper.” — H.Chettle: Kind—harts' Dreame , 1592.
Ale Knight
(An) A knight of the ale—tub, a tippler, a sot.
A yearly tribute paid to the corporation of London, as a licence for selling ale.
The pole set up before ale—houses by way of “sign.” A bush was very often fixed to its top. A tavern.
“A garland had he set upon his head
As great as it werein for an ale—stake.”
“I know many an ale—stake.”
Hawkins: English Drama , i.100.
The landlady of an alehouse or ale—stand.
One of the Furies, whose head was covered with snakes.
“Then like Alecto, terrible to view,
Or like Medusa, the Circassian grew.”
Hoole: Jerusalem Delivered, b. vi.
Alectorian Stone
(An). A stone said to be of talismanic power, found in the stomach of cocks. Those who possess it are strong, brave, and wealthy. Milo of Crotona owed his strength to this talisman. As a philtre it has the power of preventing thirst or of assuaging it. (Greek, alector, a cock.)
Alectromancy Divination by a cock. Draw a circle, and write in succession round it the letters of the alphabet, on each of which lay a grain of corn. Then put a cock in the centre of the circle, and watch what grains he eats. The letters will prognosticate the answer. Libanius and Jamblicus thus discovered who was to succeed the emperor Valens. The cock ate the grains over the letters t, h, e, o, d = Theod [orus]. Greek alector, cock; marteia , divination.
(in Orlando Furioso). One of the Amazons, and the best beloved of the ten wives of Guido the Savage.
To be on the watch. From the Latin erectus, part. of erigere, to set upright; Italian, erto, French, erte, a watch—tower. Hence the Italian starë allerta, the Spanish estar alerta , and the French être à l'erte, to be on the watch.
The lover of Liza, in Bellni's opera of La Sonnambula (Scribe's libretto).
(3 syl.) An ambassador from Egypt to King Aladine. He is represented as a man of low birth raised to the highest rank, subtle, false, deceitful, and wily. — Tasso: Jerusalem Delivered.
Alexander and the Robber
The robber's name was Diomedes. — Gesta Romanorum, cxlvi.
You are thinking of Parmenio, and I of Alexander — i.e. , you are thinking what you ought to receive, and I what I ought to give; you are thinking of those castigated, rewarded, or gifted; but I of my own position, and what punishment, reward, or gift is consistent with my rank. The allusion is to the tale about Parmenio and Alexander, when the king said, “I consider not what Parmenio should receive, but what Alexander should give.”
Only two Alexanders . Alexander said, “There are but two Alexanders — the invincible son of Philip, and the inimitable painting of the hero by Apelles.”
The continence of Alexander . Having gained the battle of Issus (B.C. 333) the family of King Darius fell into his hand; but he treated the ladies as queens, and observed the greatest decorum towards them. A eunuch, having escaped, told Darius of this noble continence, and Darius could not but admire such nobility in a rival. — Arrïan Anabasis of Alexander , iv. 20. (See Continence)
so Paris, son of Priam, was called by the shepherds who brought him up.
Alexander of the North
Charles XII of Sweden, so called from his military achievements. He was conquered at Pultowa, in Russia (1709), by Czar Peter the Great (1682——1718).
Repressing here
The frantic Alexander of the North.”
Thomson: Winter.
The Persian Alexander . Sandjar (1117.1158).
Alexander the Corrector.
Alexander Cruden, author of the “Concordance to the Bible,” who petitioned Parliament to constitute him “Corrector of the People,” and went about constantly with a sponge to wipe out the licentious, coarse, and profane chalk scrawls which met his eye. (1701——1770)
Alexander's Beard
A smooth chin, no beard at all. An Amazonian chin.
“Disgracëd yet with Alexander's bearde.” Gascoigne: The Steele Glas.
(in Orlando Furioso). Oronthea's daughter; the Amazon queen.
so Cassandra, daughter of Priam, is called. The two names are mere variants of each other.
Anything from the East was so called by the old chroniclers and romancers, because Alexandria was the depôt from which Eastern stores reached Europe.
“Reclined on Alexandrian carpets (i.e., Persian). Rose: Orlando Furioso, x. 37.
Founded by Ptolemy Soter, in Alexandria, in Egypt. The tale is
that it was burnt and partly consumed in 391; but when the city
fell into the hands of the calif Omar, in 642, the Arabs found
books sufficient to “heat the baths of the city for six
months.” It is said that it contained 700,000 volumes. An academy of literature by Ptolemy, son of Lagos, especially
famous for its grammarians and mathematicians. Of its
grammarians the most noted are Aristarchos, Harpocration,
and Eratosthenes; and of its mathematicians, Ptolemy and Euclid,
the former an astronomer, and the latter the geometer whose
Elements are still very generally used. From A.D. 323 to 640, when Alexandria, in Egypt, was the
centre of science and literature. The system of the Gnostics, or Platonised form of
Christianity. (4 syl.) Iambic verses of 12 or 13 syllables, divided into two
parts between the sixth and seventh syllable; so called because
they were first employed in a metrical romance of Alexander
the Great, commenced by Lambert—li—Cors, and
continued by Alexandre de Bernay, also called Alexandre de Paris.
The final line of the Spenserian stanza is an Alexandrine. “A needless Alexandrine ends the song, Which, like a wounded snake | drags its slow length
along.” Pope: Essay on Criticism, Part ii., lines 356——7. (4 syl.) A variety of chrysobery found in the mica—slate
of the Urals. So named from Czar Alexander II (1818,
1855——1881), because it shows the Russian colours,
green and red. (St.) Patron saint of hermits and beggars. The story
goes that he lived on his father's estate as a hermit till death,
but was never recognised. He is represented, in Christian art, with a pilgrim's habit
and staff. Sometimes he is drawn as if extended on a mat, with a
letter in his hand, dying. (father of all) The most ancient and chief of the
Scandinavian gods. Odin, father of the Æsir, or gods. (See Horse .) The good and bad genii of the Scandinavians. (home of the good genii). A celestial city inhabited by
the elves and fairies. (Scandinavian mythology.) An instrument for extracting balls. So called from Alfonse
Ferri, a surgeon of Naples, who invented it. (1552.) Astronomical tables constructed in 1252, by Isaac Hazan, a
Jewish rabbi, who named them in honour of his patron, Alfonso X.,
King of Castile, surnamed “The Wise.” to whom Tasso dedicated his Jerusalem Delivered, was
Alfonso d'Este, Duke of Ferrara. Alfonso XI of Castile, whose “favourite” was
Leonora de Guzman. Being threatened with excommunication unless
he put her away (as Leonora was in love with Ferdinando, a brave
officer), the king created Ferdinando Marquis of Montreal, and
gave him the hand of his mistress in marriage. As soon as
Ferdinando discovered who Leonora was, he restored her to the
king, and retired to a monastery. — Donizetti's Opera,
La Favorita. Werfrith, Bishop of Worcester; Ethelstan and Werwulf, two
Mercian priests; Plegmund (a Mercian), afterwards Archbishop of
Canterbury; Asser a Welshman; Grimbald, a great French scholar,
etc., invited over to England by King Alfred. (3 syl.) Son of Cambuscan, and brother of Cambalo, who
“won Theodora to wife.” It was in the “Squire's
Tale,” by Chaucer, but was never finished. (See
Canace.) “Call him up that left half told The story of Cambuscan bold, Of Camball, and of Algarsife, And who had Canace to wife.” Milton: Il Penseroso. is the Arabic al gebr (the equalisation), “the
supplementing and equalising (process);” so called because
the problems are solved by equations, and the equations are made
by supplementary terms. Fancifully identified with the Arabian
chemist Gebir. of Spenser, is meant for Grindal, Bishop of London in the
beginning of Elizabeth's reign. He was a Marian exile, and not a
very cordial co—operator with Bishop Parker. “The hills where dwelled holy saints I reverence and adore; Not for themselves, but for the saints. Which had been dead of yore. And now they been to heaven for went. Their good is with them go; Their sample to us only lent, That als we mought do so. “Shepherds they weren of the best, And lived in lowly leas, And sith their souls be now at rest. Why done we them disease? Such one he was (as I have heard) Old Algrind often saine, That whilome was the first shepherd, And lived with little gain.” Eclogue vii. The palace of the ancient Moors in Granada. The word is the
Arabic al—hamra (the red castle). Cousin and son—in—law of Mahomet, the beauty of
whose eyes is with the Persians proverbial; insomuch that the
highest term they employ to express beauty is Ayn Hali
(eyes of Ali). — Chardin. “You have as many aliases as Robin of Bagshot,”
one of Macheath's gang: he was Robin of Bagshot, alias
Gordon, alias Bluff Bob, alias Carbuncle,
alias Bob Booty. — Gay: The Beggar's
Opera. Alibi (elsewhere). A plea of having been at another place at
the time that an offence is alleged to have been committed. “Never mind the character, and stick to the alley bi.
Nothing like an alley bi, Sammy, nothing.” —
Dickens Pickwick Papers. (An), 1887. A clock which strikes one hour, while the
hands point to a different time, the real time being neither one
nor the other. Maitre Aliboron Mr. Jackass. Aliboron is the name of a jackass
in La Fontaine's Fables. (See Gonin.) The foster—sister of Robert le Diable, and bride of
Rambaldo, the Norman troubadour. She came to Palermo to place in
the duke's hand her mother's will, which he was enjoined not to
read till he was a virtuous man. When Bertram, his
fiend—father, tempted his son to evil, Alice proved his
good genius; and when, at last, Bertram claimed his soul as the
price of his ill deeds, Alice read the “will,” and
won him from the evil one. — Meyerbeer's Opera, Roberto
il Diavolo. Wife of Lord Richard, cursed with the “sleepless
eye.” Alice signed Urgan the dwarf thrice with the sign of
the cross, and he became “the fairest knight in all
Scotland;” when Alice recognised in him her own brother.
— Sir Walter Scott: The Lady of the Lake , iv.
12. (wing—drooped) A devil, in The Inferno of
Dante. and Sandie. Contractions of Alexander; the one being Alex' and
the other 'xander. The seventh heaven, to which Azrael conveys the spirits of the
just. (Mohometan mythology.) (An). A priory which owes allegiance to another priory.
A sub—priory, like Rufford Abbey, Notts, which was under
the prior of Rievaux in Yorkshire. the giant. Don Quixote attacked a flock of sheep, which he
declared to be the army of the giant Alifanfaron. Similarly Ajax,
in a fit of madness, fell upon a flock of sheep, which he mistook
for Grecian princes. The name by which the Arabs adore nature, which they represent
by a crescent moon. (in Jerusalem Delivered). One of the Christian knights.
Having discovered the armour of Rinaldo cast on one side, he took
it to Godfrey, who very naturally inferred that Rinaldo had been
slain. (See Gen. xxxvii. 31——35.) Sultan of Lower Bucharia. Under the disguised name of
Feramorz, he accompanied Lalla Rookh, his betrothed, from Delhi,
and won her heart by his ways, and the tales he told on the
journey. The lady fell in love with the poet, and was delighted
to find, on the morning of the wedding, that Feramorz was, in
fact, the sultan, her intended husband. — T. Moore:
Lalla Rookh. (the Divine decree). A particular night in the month
Ramadhan, when the Arabs say that angels descend to earth,
and.Gabriel reveals to man the decrees of God. — Al
Koran, ch. xcviii. The hypothetical universal solvent. The word was invented by
Paracelsus. Al Rakim (pronounce Rah—keem) The dog in the legend of
the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus. (Arabian, the path) The bridge over hell, no wider than
the edge of a sword, across which every one who enters heaven
must pass. (Mahometan theology.) Everything. “Our all,” everything we possess. “Our all is at stake.” Addison: State of
War. “One and all.” (Old English, ealle æt
somme, all at once, altogether.) “Now stop your noses, readers, all and some.”
Dryden: Absalom and Achiptophel. All without exception. “He invited all kind and sundry to partake freely of the
oaten cake and ale.” — Hall Caine. Horace says, “Non omnia possumus omnes.” German
proverb, “Ein jeder kann nicht alles.” All are not
equally clever. Or rather, “Be not surprised that I cannot
do what you can do, for we are not all exactly alike.” (April 1st). (See April Fool .) A game of cards; so called from the four points that are at
stake, viz. High, Low, Jack, and Game. To go on all fours is to crawl about on knees and hands
like a little child. It does not go on all fours means it does not suit in
every minute particular; it does not fully satisfy the demand. It
limps as a quadruped which does not go on all its four legs.
Omnis comparatio claudicat (all similes limp). “No simile can go on all—fours.”
Macaulay. The second summer, or the summerly time which sets in about
All—Hallows—tide. Called by the French,
L'été de St. Martin (from October 9th to
November 11th). Also called St. Luke's Summer (St. Luke's Day is
October 18th). The Indian summer. Shakespeare uses the term
— “Farewell, thou latter spring; farewell,
All—hallown Summer!” 1 Henry IV.i.2. (November 1st). The French call it. Toussaint , which
we have translated All Saints' Day. Hallow—mas is
All—Saints' festival. (Anglo—Saxon,
hálig, but
Hálig—mónáth was september, and
Hálig—doeg was simply a Holy—day) The Scotch tradition is, that those born on All Hallows' Eve
have the gift of double sight, and commanding powers over
spirits. Mary Avenel, on this supposition, is made to see the
White Lady, invisible to less gifted visions. “Being born on All—hallows' Eve, she (Mary Avenel)
was supposed to be invested with power over the invisible
world.” (See Sir Walter Scott: The Monastery,
chap. xiv.) He is all in all to me, that is, the dearest object of my
affection. God shall be all in all means all creation
shall be absorbed or gathered into God. The phrase is also used
adverbially, meaning altogether, as: — “Take him for all in all, I shall not look upon his like again.” Shakespeare:
Hamlet, ii. 2. A drama, by Murphy, borrowed from Destouches, the French
dramatist. that is put in a riven dish. In Latin, “Pertusum
quiequid infunditur in dolium, perit.” (It is no use
helping the insolvent.) All is not gold that glitters or glisters Trust not to
appearances. In Latin, “Nulla fides fronti.” “Not all that tempts your wandering eyes And heedless hearts is lawful prize, Nor all that glisters gold.” Gray: The Cat and the Gold Fish . (and) Betty Martin All nonsense. Joe Miller says that a
Jack Tar went into a foreign church, where he heard some one
uttering these words — Ah! mihi, beate Martine (Ah!
[grant] me, Blessed Martin). On giving an account of his
adventure, Jack said he could not make much out of it, but it
seemed to him very like “All my eye and Betty
Martin.” Grose has “Mihi beatæ Martinis”
[sic ]. The shortened phrase, “All my eye,” is
very common. The same in effect. Answers the same purpose. A familiar expression meaning, all over ill at ease.
“I feel all—overish,” not exactly ill, but
uncomfortable all over. The precursor of a fever, influenza,
ague, etc. or All Hallows. In 610 the Pope of Rome ordered that
the heathen Pantheon should be converted into a Christian church,
and dedicated to the honour of all martyrs. The festival of All
Saints was first held on May 1st, but in the year 834 it was
changed to November 1st. “Hallows” is from the
Anglo—Saxon hálig(holy). derived from the Spanish word seréna. In Cuba
the word is used as a countersign by sentinels, and is about
equivalent to our “All right,” or “All's
well.” The 2nd of November, so called because the Roman Catholics on
that day seek by prayer and almsgiving to alleviate the
sufferings of souls in purgatory. It was first instituted in the
monastery of Clugny, in 993. According to tradition, a pilgrim, returning from the Holy
Land, was compelled by a storm to land on a rocky island, where
he found a hermit, who told him that among the cliffs of the
island was an opening into the infernal regions through which
huge flames ascended, and where the groans of the tormented were
distinctly audible. The pilgrim told Odilo, abbot of Clugny, of
this; and the abbot appointed the day following, which was
November 2nd, to be set apart for the benefit of souls in
purgatory. All the fashion. Drapers will tell you that certain goods
“go off well.” They are in great demand, all the
mode, quite in vogue. “Her carte is hung in the West—end
shops, With her name in full on the white below; And all day long there's a big crowd stops To look at the lady who's all the go.” Sims: Ballads of Babylon (“Beauty and the
Beast,”). Said of a sharp—witted person. Not all there,
said of one of weak intellect. The one has all his wits about
him, the other has not. The exclamation of Burleigh, when Queen Elizabeth ordered him
to give #100 to Spencer for a royal gratuity. All to break (Judges ix. 53). “A certain woman cast a
piece of millstone upon Abimelech's head, and all to brake his
skull” does not mean for the sake of breaking his skull,
but that she wholly smashed his skull. A spurious form, owing its
existence to a typographical mistake. The to really
belongs to the verb; and in the last passage quoted it should be
read “all to—brake.” The to is a
Teutonic particle, meaning asunder, in pieces. It is very
common in Old English, where we have “To—bite,”
i.e. bite in pieces, tocleave, to—rend,
to—tear. All is the adverb = entirely, wholly. So
“all to bebattered” = wholly battered to pieces.
All—to—frozen. Here to—frozen is intensitive. So in Latin dis—crucior
= valde crucior. Plautus (in his Menoechmi , ii. line 24)
uses the phrase “dis—caveas malo,” i.e.
be fully on your guard, etc., be very much beware of. Gothic, dis; O. N., tor; Old High German,
zar; Latin, dis; Greek, de. “Mercutio's icy hand had all—to—frozen
mine” i.e. wholly frozen up mine). — Romeo
and Juliet (1362). “Her wings were al—to—ruffled and sometimes
impaired.” — Milton: Comus. (I am for). I am a Jack of all trades, can turn my hand
to anything, a good all—round man. Like a fish which can
live in salt or fresh water. “I am for all waters.” Shakespeare: Twelfth
Night, iv. 2. A maid of all work. A general servant who does all the
work of a house; at once nurse—maid, house—maid, and
cook. or Allah (that is, al—ilah). “The
adorable.” The Arabic name of the Supreme Being. “The city won for Allah from the Giaour.”
Byron: Childe Harold, ii, 77. Allah is most mighty. The cry of the Arabs. —
Ockley. The minstrel of Robin Hood's yeomen. He was assisted by Robin
Hood in carrying off his bride, when on the point of being
married against her will to a rich old knight. “Une querelle d'Allemand,” a quarrel about
nothing. We call pot valour “Dutch courage.” (See Allworthy .) Richard Allestree, of Derby, was a noted almanac maker in Ben
Jonson's time. “A little more Would fetch all his astronomy from Allestree.” Ben
Jonson: Magnetic Lady, iv. 2 (1632). (The) The Stock Exchange Alley. “John Rive, after many active years in the Alley,
retired to the Continent, and died at the age of 118.”
— Old and New London, p. 476. (Dies) (June 16th, B.C. 390), when the Romans were cut
to pieces by the Gauls near the banks of the river Allia; and
ever after held to be a dies nefastus , or unlucky
day. When the Spaniards first saw this reptile in the New World,
they called it el lagarto (the lizard). Sir Walter Raleigh
called these creatures lagartos, and Ben Jonson
alligartas. “To the present day the Europeans in Ceylon apply the
term alligator to what are in reality crocodiles.” —
J. E. Tennent: Ceylon (vol. I. part 2, chap. iii. p.
186. (the fruit of Persea gratissima) is a curious
corruption. The aboriginal Carib word for the tree is
“aouacate,” which the Spanish discoverers pronounced
“avocado,” and English sailors called
“alligator,” as the nearest approach which occurred
to them. DR. BETHEL OF ETON. “Didactic, dry, declamatory, dull, Big, burly Bethel bellows like a bull.” Eton College. CARDINAL WOLSEY. “Begot by butchers, but by bishops bred, How high his Honour holds his haughty head.” Hucbald composed an alliterative poem on Charles the Bald,
every word of which begins with c. Henry Harder composed a poem of 100 lines, in Latin
hexameters, on cats, every word of which begins with c.
The title is Canum cum Catis certamen carmine compositum
currents calamo C Catulli Caninii. The first line is
— “Cattorum canimus certamina clara canumqua.” Hamonicus wrote the Certamen catholicum cum
Calvinistis, every word of which begins with c. It is a curious coincidence that the names of these three men
all begin with H. In the Materia more Magistralis every word begins with
m. Placentius, the Dominican, who died 1548, wrote a poem of 258
Latin hexameters, called Pugna Porcorum, every word of
which begins with p. It begins thus: — “Plaudite, Porcelli, porcorum pigra propago.” Which may be translated — “Praise, Paul, prize pig's prolific progeny.” Tusser, who died 1580, has a rhyming poem of twelve lines,
every word of which begins with t. The Rev. B. Poulter, prebendary of Winchester, composed in
1828 the famous alliterative alphabetic poem in rhymes. Each word
of each line begins with the letter of the alphabet which it
represents. It begins thus: — “An Austrian army awfully arrayed, Boldly by battery besieged Belgrade; Cussack commanders, cannonading come, Dealing destruction's devastating doom; ...” Some ascribe this alliterative poem to Alaric A. Watts (1820).
(See H. Southgate, Many Thoughts on Many
Things.) Another attempt of the same kind begins thus: — “About an age ago, as all agree, Beauteous Belinda, brewing best Bohea Carelessly chattered, controverting clean, Dublin's derisive, disputatious dean ...” Lands which are held by an absolute right, without even the
burden of homage or fidelity; opposed to feudal. The word is
Teutonic — all—od all (property). is in opposition to Homoeopathy. The latter word is
from the Greek, homoeon pathos, similar disease; and the
former is allo pathos, a different disease. In one case,
“like is to cure like”; and in the latter, the
disease is cured by its “antidote.” The five Alls. A public—house sign. It has five human
figures, with a motto to each: Number - Figure - Motto (1) A king in his regalia I govern all. (2) A bishop, in his pontificals I pray for all. (3) A lawyer, in his gown I plead for all. (4) A soldier in regimentals I fight for all. (5) A labourer, with his tools I pay for all. Several of these signs still exist. Alls. Tap—droppings. The refuse of all sorts of
spirits drained from the glasses, or spilt in drawing. The
mixture is sold in gin—houses at a cheap rate. In A New Way to Pay Old Debts, by Massinger. in Fielding's Tom Jones, is designed for the author's
friend, Ralph Allen, of Bristol. “Let humble Allen, with an awkward shame, Do good by stealth, and blush to find it fame.” Pope: Epilogue to Sat. i. 135, 136. (the human soul), queen of “Body Castle,”
beset by enemies for seven years (the Seven Ages of Man).
The besiegers are a rabble rout of evil desires, foul
imaginations, and silly conceits. Alma conducted Arthur and Sir
Guyon over her castle. “The divine part of a
man,” says Spenser, “is circular, a circle
being the emblem of eternity; but the mortal part
triangular, as it consists of three things — blood,
flesh, and bones.” — Prior's Poem. A collegian so calls the university of which he is a member.
The words are Latin for “fostering mother.” “Expulsion from his Alma Mater.” — The
Collegian and the Porter. A suite of assembly rooms in King Street, St. James's
(London), built in 1765 by a Scotchman named Macall, who inverted
his name to obviate all prejudice and hide his origin. Balls,
presided over by a committee of ladies of the highest rank, used
to be given at these rooms; and to be admitted to them was as
great a distinction as to be presented at Court. The rooms were
afterwards known as Willis's, from the name of the next
proprietor, and used chiefly for large dinners. They were closed
in 1890 The Syntaxis—megiste of Ptolemy, translated by
the Arabians in 800, by order of the calif Al Maimon, and then
called Al—maghesti, i.e. “the megiste.”
It contains numerous observations and problems of geometry and
astronomy: It is very rare, and more precious than gold. a German. The French Allemand, a German, which, of
course, is the classic Alamani or Alamanni.
Similarly, Almany = Germany, French, Allemagne. “Chonodomarius and Vestralpus, Aleman kings, ... sat
them downe neere unto Argentoratum.” Holland: Ammianus
Marcellius. “Now Fulko comes ... And dwelt in Amany.” —
Harrington: Orlando Furioso , iii. 30. is the Arabic al manac (the diary). Verstegen says it
is the Saxon al—mon—aght (all moon heed), and
that it refers to the tallies of the full and new moons kept by
our Saxon ancestors. One of these tallies may still be seen at
St. John's College, Cambridge. Before printing, or before it was common: Solomon Jarchi in and after 1150 Peter de Dacia about 1300 Walter de Elvendene 1327 John Somers, Oxford 1380!! Nicholas de Lynna 1386 Purbach 1150——1461 First printed by Gutenberg, at Mentz 1457 By Regiomontanus, at Nuremberg 1472——3 Zainer, at Ulm 1478 Richard Pynson (Sheapeheard's Kalendar) 1497!! Stöffer, in Venice 1499 Poor Robin's Almanack 1652 Francis Moore's Almanack between 1698 and 1713 Stamp duty imposed 1710, repealed 1834. The Man i' the Almanac stuck with pins (Nat. Lee), is a
man marked with points referring to signs of the zodiac, and
intended to indicate the favourable and unfavourable times of
letting blood. I shan't consult your almanac (French), I shall not
come to you to know what weather to expect. The reference is to the prognostications of weather in
almanacs. It was in a sanctuary at Almesbury that Queen Guenever took
refuge, after her adulterous passion for Lancelot was revealed to
the king (Arthur). Here she died; but her body was buried at
Glastonbury. Washington Irving first made use of this expression, in his
sketch of a “Creole Village” (1837). “The almighty dollar, that great object of universal
devotion throughout our land. ...” — W. Irving:
Wolfert's Roost, Creole Village, p. 40. Ben Jonson speaks of “almighty gold.” Grey hairs. The Preacher thus describes old age: — “In the day when the keepers of the house (the
hands) shall tremble, and the strong men (the legs)
bow themselves, and the grinders (the teeth) cease because
they are few, and those that look out of the windows (the
eyes) be darkened ... and the almond—tree shall
flourish (grey hairs on a bald pate), and the grasshopper
be a burden, and desire shall fail ... when the silver cord
(the spinal marrow) shall be loosed, the golden bowl
(intellect) broken, and the pitcher broken at the cistern
(the pulse of the heart stopped).” —
Eccles. xii: 3——6. The place where the almoner resides, or where alms are
distributed. An almoner is a person whose duty it is to
distribute alms, which, in ancient times, consisted of
one—tenth of the entire income of monastery. (See
Ambry.) Gifts to the poor. Dr. Johnson says the word has no singular; whereas Todd
says it has no plural. Like riches, it is wholly singular
in construction, but is used both as a noun singular and noun
plural. Of course, it is Almos—ine, almos—ie, Almose,
almesse, almes, alms, the s is not the plural suffix.
Riches is the French richesse. Both words are singular,
but, as nouns of multitude, prefer the plural construction.
(Latin alimosina, Greek eleemosyne, from the verb
eleeo, I pity.) To live on the alms basket. To live on charity. Another's leavings; for alms consists of broken bread and the
residue of drink. It is also applied to the liquor which a
drinker finds too much, and therefore hands to another. Peter's pence, or Rome scot. Abolished in England by Henry
VIII. A house where paupers are supported at the public expense; a
poor—house. Also a house set apart for the aged poor free
of rent. “Only, alas! the poor who had neither friends nor
attendants. Crept away to die in the alms—house, home of
the homeless.” Longfellow: Evangeline, part ii. 5,
2. One who lives on alms. Counting your chickens before they are hatched. Alnaschar, the
barber's fifth brother, invested all his money in a basket of
glass—ware, on which he was to make a certain profit. The
profit, being invested, was to make more, and this was to go on till he grew
rich enough to marry the vizier's daughter. Being angry with his
imaginary wife he gave a kick, overturned his basket, and broke
all his wares. “To indulge in Alnaschar—like dreams of compound
interest ad infinitum.” — The
Times. Coleridge has been so called because he “dreamt”
his Kubla Khan, and wrote it out next morning.
(1772——1834.) Probably he had been reading Purchas's Pilgrimage, for
none can doubt the resemblance of the two pieces. A Hebrew word, Greek aloe. A very bitter plant; hence
the proverb, Plus aloes quam mellis habet , “(Life)
has more bitters than sweets.” The French say, “La
côte d'Adam contient plus d'aloès que de
miel,” where côte d'Adam, of course, means
woman or one's wife. Socotrine Aloes came originally from the island called
Socotra, in the Indian Ocean. or Longshoremen, that is stevedores (2 syl.), or men employed
to load and unload vessels. When Fernando, King of Aragon, was laying siege to
Granada, after chasing Zagal from the gates, he asked who would
undertake to plant his banner on the heights. Alonzo, “the
lowmost of the dons,” undertook the task, but was cut down
by the Moors. His body was exposed in the wood of Oxijera, and
the Moorish damsels, struck with its beauty, buried it near the
brook of Alpuxarra. Stand aloof, away. A sea term, meaning originally to bear to
windward, or luff. (Norwegian, German, etc., luft,
wind, breeze.) so the Chaldeans called their first king, who, they say, came
from Babylon. To the uttermost. (Anglo—French for à
outrance.) “A champion has started up to maintain à
l'outrance her innocence of the great offence.” —
Standard. The Adrian renegade, a Venetian by extraction, who forswore
the Christian faith to become a commander in the Turkish army. He
led the host to the siege of Corinth, while that country was
under the dominion of the Doge. He loved Francesca, daughter of
Minotti, governor of Corinth, but she died of a broken heart
because he deserted his country and was an apostate. The renegade
was shot in the siege. — Byron: Siege of
Corinth. A mythical “sacred river in Xanadu,” which ran
“through caverns measureless to man.” —
Coleridge: Kubla Khan. “I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last”
(Rev. i. 8). “Alpha” is the first, and
“O—mega” the last letter of the Greek alphabet.
A &hgr;. This is the only word compounded of letters only. The Greek
alpha (a) beta (b); our A B C (book), etc. The number of letters in an alphabet varies in different
languages. Thus there are: The Chinese have no alphabet, but about 20,000 syllabic
characters. Ezra vii. 21 contains all the letters of the English language,
presuming I and J to be identical. Even the Italian
alphabet is capable of more than seventeen trillion combinations;
that is, 17 followed by eighteen other figures, as — 17,000,000,000,000,000,000; while the English alphabet will combine into more than
twenty—nine thousand quatrillion combinations; that is, 29
followed by twenty—seven other figures, as — 29,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. Yet we have no means of marking the several sounds of our
different vowels; nor can we show how to pronounce such simple
words as foot (pull and dull), sugar (father and
rather), (gin and be—gin), calm, Bourges, Boeuf in
“Boeuf—gras,” oeufs, and thousands of
other words. We want the restoration of th to distinguish between
this and thin; a Greek ch to distinguish
between Church and Christ, two g 's (one
soft and one hard), two c 's, two o 's, half a
dozen a 's, and so on. Take a, we have fate, fat, Thames (e),
war (o), salt (au), etc. So with e, we have
prey (a), met (e), England (i), sew (o),
herb (u), etc. The other vowels are equally
indefinite. The Greek fable says that Alpheos, the river—god, fell
in love with the nymph Arethusa, who fled from him in affright.
The god pursued under the sea, but the nymph was changed into a
spring, which comes up in the harbour of Syracuse. “We have seen a moustachioed Alpheos, at Ramsgate,
pursue an affrighted Arethusa.” — London Review. (in Orlando Furioso). A magician and prophet in the
army of Charlemagne, slain in sleep by Cloridano. or “Arsinöe,” wife of Alcmeon. She gave her
spouse the fatal collar, the source of numberless evils. So was the necklace of Harmonia, and so were the collar and
veil of Eriphle, wife of Amphiaraos. etc. (See Alfonso , etc.) or “Elfenreigen” (the weird spirit—song),
that music which some hear before death. Faber refers to it in
his Pilgrims of the Night. “Hark, hark, my soul! Angelic songs are
swelling.” Pope also says, in the Dying Christian — Hark! they whisper; angels say, Sister spirit, come away.” (Alpu), in the game of Basset, doubling the stake on a
winning card. “What pity 'tis those conquering eyes Which all the world subdue, Should, while the lover gazing dies, Be only on alpue.” Etherege: Basset . (al—kefy). A famous enchanter, introduced into
the romances of ancient times, especially those relating to
Amadis of Gaul. Alrinach The demon who presides over floods and earthquakes,
rain and hail. It is this demon who causes shipwrecks. When
visible, it is in a female form. (Eastern mythology.) (An) The Alrunes were the lares or penates of the
ancient Germans. An Alruna—wife was the household goddess
of a German family. An Alruna—maiden is a household maiden
goddess. “She (Hypatia) looked as fair as the sun, and talked
like an Alruna—wife.” — Kingsley:
Hypatia , chap. xii. The Whitefriars sanctuary for debtors and law—breakers.
Cunningham thinks the name is borrowed from Alsace, in France,
which being a frontier of the Rhine, was everlastingly the seat
of war and the refuge of the disaffected. Sir Walter Scott, in
his Fortunes of Nigel, has described the life and state of
this rookery. He has borrowed largely from Shadwell's comedy,
The Squire of Alsatia. (See Petand.) (See Horse .) (in Jerusalem Delivered). King of Samarcand, who joined
the Egyptian armament against the Crusaders. “He was
supreme in courage as in might.” (Book xvii.) He
surrendered himself to Godfrey. (Book xx.) or Gold River (Thibet). So called from the gold which
abounds in its sands. (An), in Christian art. St. Stephen (the Pope), and
Thomas Becket are represented as immolated before an altar. St.
Canute is represented as lying before an altar. St. Charles
Borromeo is represented as kneeling before an altar. St. Gregory
(the Pope) is represented as offering sacrifice before an
altar. And the attribute of Victor is an altar overthrown, in
allusion to his throwing down a Roman altar in the presence of
the Emperor Maximian. Led to the altar, i.e. married. Said of a lady. The
altar is the communion—table railed off from the body of
the church, where marriages are solemnised. The bride is led up
the aside to the rail. My double or counterpart. In The Corsican Brothers, the
same actor performs the two brothers, the one being the alter
ego of the other. (Latin, “a second I"). One who has
full powers to act for another. a fatal contingency. Althæa's son was to live so long as
a log of wood, then on the fire, remained unconsumed. She
contrived to keep the log unconsumed for many years, but being
angry one day with Meleager, she pushed it into the midst of the
fire, and it was consumed in a few minutes. Meleager died at the
same time. — Ovid: Metamorphoses, viii. 4. “The fatal brand Althæa burned.”
Shakespeare: 2 Henry VI, Act i. 1. (Divine). The divine Althea of Richard Lovelace was
Lucy Sacheverell, called by the poet, “Lucretia.” “When love with unconfined wings Hovers within my gates, And my divine Althea brings To whisper at my grates.” The “grates” referred to were the prison grates.
Lovelace was thrown into prison by the Long Parliament for his
petition from Kent in favour of the king. Altisidora (in the “Curious Impertinent"), an episode in
Don Quixote. The plot of ground on which the Greeks held their public
games. Italian for “high relief.” A term used in
sculpture for figures in wood, stone, marble, etc., so cut as to
project at least one—half from the tablet. It should be
rilievo (3 syl.). a perfectionist; so called from a Spanish sect which arose in
1575, and claimed special illumination. (Spanish, meaning
“illuminated,” “enlightened"). or “Hark! Alvina weeps,” i.e. the wind
howls loudly, a Flemish saying. Alvina was the daughter of a
king, who was cursed by her parents because she married
unsuitably. From that day she roamed about the air invisible to
the eye of man, but her moans are audible. (Annot) servant of Dame Christian Custance, the gay
widow, in Udall's comedy Ralph Roister Doister. (in Orlando Furioso). King of Tremizen, in Africa. He
was overthrown by Orlando on his way to join the allied army of
Agramant. or M.A. When the Latin form is intended the A comes first, as
Artium Magister; but where the English form is meant the M
precedes, as Master of Arts. The hero of a romance in prose of the same title, originally
written in Portuguese in four books. These four were translated
into Spanish by Montalvo, who added a fifth. Subsequent romancers
added the exploits and adventures of other knights, so as to
swell the romance to fourteen books. The French version is much
larger still, one containing twenty—four books, and another
running through seven volumes. The original author was Vasco de
Lobeira, of Oporto, who died 1403. The hero, called the “Lion—knight,”
from the device on his shield, and “Beltenebros”
(darkly beautiful), from his personal appearance, was a
love—child of Perion, King of Gaul, and Elizena, Princess
of Brittany. He is represented as a poet and musician, a linguist
and a gallant, a knight—errant and a king, the very model
of chivalry. Other names by which Amadis was called were the Lovely
Obscure, the Knight of the Burning Sword, the
Knight of the Dwarf, etc. Bernardo, in 1560, wrote
“Amadigi di Gaula.” A supplemental part of the romance called Amadis of
Gaul, added by Feliciano de Silva. (3 syl.) One of the chief devils whose dominion is on the
north side of the infernal gulf. He might be bound or restrained
from doing hurt from the third hour till noon, and from the ninth
hour till evening. “Amaimon sounds well; Lucifer well.” Shakespeare: Merry Wives of Windsor , ii. 2. An American spirit, who had seven daughters. He broke their
legs to prevent their running away, and left them to people the
forests. (See Sibylline Books.) Amalthea's Horn The cornucopia or horn of plenty. The infant
Zeus was fed with goats' milk by Amalthea, one of the daughters
of Melisseus, King of Crete. Zeus, in gratitude, broke off one of
the goat's horns, and gave it to Amalthea, promising that the
possessor should always have in abundance everything desired.
(See Aegis.) the impersonation of love in Thomson's Spring, is Miss
Young, afterwards married to Admiral Campbell. A cruel giant slain by Guy of Warwick. — Guy and
Amarant, Percy's Reliques. Clement of Alexandria says — Amarantus flos, symbolum
est immortalitatis. The word is from the Greek
amarantos (everlasting). So called because its flowers
never fade like other flowers, but retain to the last much of
their deep blood—red colour. “Immortal amarant — a flower which once In Paradise, fast by the tree of life, Began to bloom; but soon, for man's offence, To heaven
removed, where first it grew, there grows And flowers aloft,
shading the fount of life... With these, that never fade, the spirits elect Bind their resplendent locks.” Milton: Paradise
Lost iii. 353——61. In 1653 Christina, Queen of Sweden, instituted the Order of
the “Knights of the Amaranth,” but it ceased to exist
at the death of the Queen. Among the ancients it was the symbol
of immortality. The best known species are “Love lies bleeding”
(amarantus caudatus), and “Prince's feather”
(amarantus hypochondriacus ). “Cock's comb” is
now ranked under the genus Celosia. A pastoral sweetheart. The name is borrowed from the pastorals
of Theocritos and Virgil. “To sport with Amaryllis in the shade.” Milton:
Lycidas, 68. (Ring of) same as Polycrates' Ring. Polycrates, tyrant
of Samos, was so fortunate in everything that Amasis, King of
Egypt, advised him to part with something which he highly prized.
Polycrates accordingly threw into the sea an engraved ring of
extraordinary value. A few days afterwards, a fish was presented
to the tyrant, in which the ring was found. Amasis now renounced
all friendship with Polycrates, as a man doomed by the gods; and
not long afterwards, a satrap, having entrapped the too fortunate
despot, put him to death by crucifixion. —
Herodotus, iii. 40. A first—rate violin; properly, one made by Amati of
Cremona (c. 1600). (See Cremona.) (Greek, the shadowy or unknown place), the chief city in
Utopia (no—place), a political novel by Sir Thomas
More. Rabelais, in his Pantagruel, had previously
introduced the word, and tells us that the Amaurots conquered the
Dipsodes (or Duplicians). a bridge in Utopia. Sir Thomas More says he could not
recollect whether Raphael Hyghloday told him it was 500 paces or
300 paces long; and he requested his friend Peter Giles, of
Antwerp, to put the question to the adventurer. “I cannot recollect whether the reception room of the
Spaniard's Castle in the Air is 200 or 300 feet long. I will get
the next aeronaut who journeys to the moon to take the exact dimensions for me, and will memorialise the learned society of
Laputa.” — Dean Swift: Gulliver's Travels. Not afraid with any amazement (1 Peter iii. 6), introduced at
the close of the marriage service in the Book of Common Prayer.
The meaning is, you will be God's children so long as you do his
bidding, and are not drawn aside by any distraction. No doubt St.
Peter meant “by any terror of persecution.” Cranmer,
being so afraid, was drawn aside from the path of duty. meant for Charles II, in Pordage's poem of Azaria and
Hushai. We are told by the poet, “his father's
murtherers he destroyed;” and then he preposterously adds
— “Beloved of all for merciful was he, Like God, in the superlative degree.” To say that such a selfish, promise—breaking, impious
libertine was “like God, in the superlative degree,”
is an outrage against even poetical licence and court
flattery. A horsewoman, a fighting or masculine woman. The word means
without breast, or rather, “deprived of a
pap.” According to Grecian story, there was a nation of
women in Africa of a very warlike character. There were no men in
the nation; and if a boy was born, it was either killed or sent
to his father, who lived in some neighbouring state. The girls
had their right breasts burnt off, that they might the better
draw the bow. “These dreadful Amazons, gallant viragoes who ...
carried victorious arms ... into Syria and Asia Minor.”
— J. E. Chambliss: David Livingstone (Introduction,
p. 24). In South America, originally called Maranon. The Spaniards
first called it Orellana; but after the women joined their
husbands in attacking the invaders, the Spaniards called the
people Amazons and the country Amazonia. (An) A beardless chin, like that of a woman
warrior. “When with his Amazonian chin he drove The bristled lips before him.” Shakespeare: Coriolanus, ii. 2. a practical joke played on greenhorns aboard ship. A tub full
of water is placed between two stools, and the whole being
covered with a green cloth, a sailor sits on each stool, to keep
the cloth tight. The two sailors represent Neptune and
Amphitrite, and the greenhorn, as ambassador, is introduced to
their majesties. He is given the seat of honour between them; but
no sooner does he take his seat than the two sailors rise, and
the greenhorn falls into the tub, amidst the laughter of the
whole crew. This fossilised vegetable resin is, according to legend, a
concretion of birds' tears. The birds were the sisters of
Meleager, who never ceased weeping for the death of their
brother. — Ovid: Metamorphoses, viii. line 270,
etc. “Around thee shall glisten the loveliest amber That ever the sorrowing sea—bird hath wept.” T. Moore: Fire Worshippers. Amber, a repository. So called because insects and
small leaves are preserved in amber. “You may be disposed to preserve it in your
amber.” — Notes and Querries. — W. Dowe.
“Pretty! in amber, to observe the forms Of hairs, or straws, or dirt, or grubs, or worms, The things, we know, are neither rich nor rare, But wonder how the devil they got there.” Pope: Ep. to Arbuthnot , 169——72. Amber—city, one of the towns of Jinnistan, or Fairy
Land. or Ambes—ace Two aces, the lowest throw in dice;
figuratively, bad luck. (Latin, ambo—asses, both or
two aces.) “I had rather be in this choice than throw
ames—ace for my life.” — All's Well,
etc., ii. 3. properly means both hands right hands; a double dealer; a
juror who takes money from both parties for his verdict; one who
can use his left hand as deftly as his right. strictly speaking, means “the going from house to house"
(Latin, ambitio, going about canvassing). In Rome it was
customary, some time before an election came on, for the
candidates to go round to the different dwellings to solicit
votes, and those who did so were ambitious of office. (Mary) An English heroine, who has immortalised her
name by her valour at the siege of Ghent, in 1584. Her name is a
proverbial one for a woman of heroic spirit. “My daughter will be valiant, And prove a very Mary Ambry i' the business.” Ben
Jonson: Tale of a Tub, i. 4. (St.) represented in Christian art in the costume of a
bishop. His attributes are (1) a bee—hive, in
allusion to the legend that a swarm of bees settled on his mouth
when lying in his cradle; (2) a Scourge, by which he
expelled the Arians from Italy. The penance he inflicted on the Emperor Theodosius has been
represented by Rubens, a copy of which, by Vandyck, is in the
National Gallery The food of the gods (Greek, a privative,
brotos, mortal); so called because it made them not
mortal, i.e. it made them immortal. Anything delicious to
the taste or fragrant in perfume is so called from the notion
that whatever is used by the celestials must be excellent. “A table where the heaped ambrosia lay.” Homer, by Bryant: Odyssey , v. line 141. “Husband and wife must drink from the cup of conjugal
life; but they must both taste the same ambrosia, or the same
gall.” R. C. Houghton: Women of the Orient , part iii. The choral music introduced from the Eastern to the Western
Church by St. Ambrose, the Bishop of Milan, in the fourth
century. It was used till Gregory the Great changed it for
the Gregorian. A library in Milan, so called in compliment of St. Ambrose,
the patron saint. the hero of Lewis's romance, called The Monk. Abbot of
the Capuchins at Madrid. The temptations of Matilda overcome his
virtue, and he proceeds from crime to crime, till at last he
sells his soul to the devil. Ambrosio, being condemned to death
by the Inquisition, is released by Lucifer; but no sooner is he
out of prison than he is dashed to pieces on a rock. Ambry a cupboard, locker, or recess. In church, for keeping
vestments, books, or other articles. Used by a confusion for
almonry, or niche in the wall where alms, etc., were
deposited. Now used for holding the sacramental plate,
consecrated oil, and so on. The secret drawers of an escritoire
are called ambries. (Archaic English almary, Latin
armarium, French armoire.) “Ther avarice hath almaries, And yren—bouden cofres.” Piers Ploughman, p. 288. Almonry is from the Latin eleemosynarium, a
place for alms. “The place wherein this Chapel or Almshouse stands was
called the “Elemosinary” or Almonry, now corrupted
into Ambrey, for that the alms of the Abbey are there distributed
to the poor.” — Stow: Survey. (3 syl.) is the Italian imboscata (concealed in a
wood). (French), a scape—goat. “He is the ame damnée of everyone about
the court — the scapegoat, who is to carry away all their
iniquities.” — Sir Walter Scott: Peveril of the
Peak, chap. 48. (3 syl.) “Friends of God;” a religious body in the
Church of Rome, founded in 1400. They wore no breeches, but a
grey cloak girded with a cord, and were shod with wooden
shoes. A model of conjugal affection, in Fielding's novel so called.
It is said that the character is intended for his own wife. A Chaldean hero, who reigned thirteen sares. A sare = 3,600
years. — Banier: Mythology, vol. i. Amenon is another hero of Chaldea, who reigned 12 sares.
Amphis reigned 6 sares. London, the end of Paternoster Row, where the monks finished
their Pater Noster, on Corpus Christi Day, as they went in
procession to St. Paul's Cathedral. They began in Paternoster Row
with the Lord's prayer in Latin, which was continued to the end
of the street; then said Amen, at the corner or bottom of
the Row; then turning down Ave—Maria Lane, commenced
chanting the “Hail, Mary!” then crossing Ludgate,
they chanted the Credo. Amen Lane no longer exists. in France, was a degrading punishment inflicted on traitors,
parricides, and sacrilegious persons, who were brought into court
with a rope round their neck, and made to beg pardon of God, the
king, and the court. Now the public acknowledgment of the offence is all that is
required. (3 syl.) The Egyptian Hades. The word means
hiding—place. The American Congress resolved (June 14, 1777), that the flag
of the United States should have thirteen stripes, alternately
red and white, to represent the thirteen States of the Union,
together with thirteen white stars, on a blue ground. General
Washington's escutcheon contained two stripes, each alternated
with red and white, and, like the American stars, those of the
General had only five points instead of six. A new star is now
added for each new State, but the stripes remain the same. However, before the separation the flag contained thirteen
stripes of alternate red and white to indicate the thirteen
colonies: and the East India Company flag, as far back as 1704,
had thirteen stripes. The Company flag was cantoned with St.
George's Cross, the British American flag with the Union
Jack. The Americans are rich in nicknames. Every state has, or has
had, its sobriquet. The people of: The eight states which retain the Indian names of the chief
rivers, as: Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Mississippi,
Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin. (See Horse .) A species of rock—crystal supposed to prevent
intoxication (Greek, a—methusta, the antidote of
intoxication). Drinking—cups made of amethyst were supposed
to be a charm against inebriety. It was the most cherished of all precious stones by Roman
matrons, from the superstition that it would preserve inviolate
the affection of their husbands. (See Amicable , etc.) Numbers which are mutually equal to the sum of all their
aliquot parts: as 220, 284. The aliquot parts of 220 are 1, 2, 4,
5, 10, 11, 20, 22 44, 55, 110, the sum of which is 284. Again,
the aliquot parts of 284 are 1, 2, 4, 71, 142, the sum of which
is 220. (Latin, a friend to the court). One in the court who
informs the judge of some error he has detected, or makes some
suggestion to assist the court. Amicus Plato, sed magis amica Veritas (Plato I love,
but I love Truth more) A noble dictum attributed to Aristotle,
but certainly a very free translation of a phrase in the
Nicomachean Ethics (“Where both are friends, it is
right to prefer Truth") (3 syl.) A form of the name of Eliam (friend of God).
In Dryden's satire of Absalom and Achitophel it is meant
for Sir Edward Seymour, Speaker of the House of Commons. (2 Sam.
xxii. 34.) “Who can Amiel's praise refuse? Of ancient race by birth, but nobler yet In his own worth, and
without title great. The Sanhedrim long time as chief he ruled,
Their reason guided and their passion cooled.” Dryden:
Absalom and Achitophel, i. 99——903. (3 syl.) The Peace of Amiens , March 27, 1802, a treaty
signed by Joseph Bonaparte, the Marquis of Cornwallis, Azara, and
Schimmelpenninck, to settle the disputed points between France,
England, Spain, and Holland. It was dissolved in 1803. An orphan adopted by a miller, and beloved by Elvino, a rich
farmer. The night before her espousals she is found in the bed of
Count Rodolpho, and is renounced by her betrothed husband. The
Count explains to the young farmer and his friends that Amina is
innocent, and has wandered in her sleep. While he is still talking, the orphan is seen getting out of the window of the
mill, and walking in her sleep along the edge of the roof under
which the mill—wheel is rapidly revolving. She crosses a
crazy bridge, and comes among the spectators. In a few minutes
she awakes, flies to Elvino, and is claimed by him as his beloved
and innocent bride. — Bellini's best opera, La
Sonnambula. A Quaker. The Scripture name has a double m, but in old
comedies, where the character represents a Quaker, the name has
generally only one. Obadiah is used, also, to signify a
Quaker, and Rachel a Quakeress. (3 syl.) Wife of Sidi Nouman, who ate her rice with a bodkin,
and was in fact a ghoul. “She was so hard—hearted
that she led about her three sisters like a leash of
greyhounds.” — Arabian Nights. (2 syl.) The name assumed by Cathos as more aristocratic than
her own. She is courted by a gentleman, but discards him because
his manners are too simple and easy for “bon ton;” he
then sends his valet, who pretends to be a marquis, and Aminte is
charmed with his “distinguished style of manners and
talk.” When the game has gone far enough, the trick is
exposed, and Aminte is saved from a mésalliance. —
Molière: Les Précieuses Ridicules. It was a prevailing fashion in the Middle Ages to change
names; Voltaire's proper name was Arouet
(1694——1778); Melancthon's was Schwarzerde
(1497——1560). The real names of Desiderius Erasmus
were Gheraerd Gheraerd (1467——1336);
Anacharsis Clootz was Jean Baptiste Clootz, etc. or Ammiral An early form of the word
“admiral.” (French, amiral; Italian,
ammiraglio.) (See Admiral.) (Richard) The gamester in Vanbrugh's drama called
The Confederacy. The Libyan Jupiter; so called from the Greek ammos
(sand), because his temple was in the desert. Herodotus calls it
an Egyptian word (ii. 42). Son of Jupiter Ammon. Alexander the Great. His father,
Philip, claimed to be a descendant of Hercules, and therefore of
Jupiter; and the son was saluted by the priests of the Libyan
temple as son of Ammon. Hence was he called the son or descendant
both of Jupiter and of Ammon. (The) the cornucopia. It was in reality a tract of very
fertile land, in the shape of a ram's horn, given by Ammon, King
of Libya, to his mistress Amalthea (q:v.) (the mother of
Bacchus). (3 syl.) Fossil molluscs allied to the nautilus and
cuttlefish. So called because they resemble the horn upon the
ancient statues of Jupiter Ammon. (See above.) (in Orlando Furioso) is Rinaldo. He was the eldest son
of Amon or Aymon, Marquis d'Este, and nephew of Charlemagne. Amoret brought up by Venus in the courts of love. She is the
type of female loveliness — young, handsome, gay, witty,
and good; soft as a rose, sweet as a violet, chaste as a lily,
gentle as a dove, loving everybody and by all beloved. She is no
Diana to make “gods and men fear her stern frown”; no
Minerva to “freeze her foes into congealed stone with rigid
looks of chaste austerity”; but a living, breathing virgin,
with a warm heart, and beaming eye, and passions strong, and all
that man can wish and woman want. She becomes the loving, tender
wife of Sir Scudamore. Timias finds her in the arms of Corflambo
(sensual passion); combats the monster unsuccessfully, but
wounds the lady. — Spencer: Faëry Queen, book
iii. a love—song, love—knot, love—affair, love
personified. A pretty word, which might be reintroduced. “He will be in his amorets, and his canzonets, his
pastorals, and his madrigals.” — Heywood: Love's
Mistress. “For not icladde in silke was he, But all in flouris and flourettes, I—paintid all with amorettes.” Romance of the Rose, 892. (The) Philippe I of France; so called because he
divorced his wife Berthe to espouse Bertrade, who was already
married to Foulques, count of Anjou.
(1061——1108.) One's self—love, vanity, or opinion of what is due to
self. To make an appeal to one's amour propre , is to put
a person on his metal. To wound one's armour propre , is
to gall his good opinion of himself — to wound his vanity.
(French.) A book exposing the begging impostors of Madrid, written by
Herrera, physician to Felipe III the character made thus, “&” = and. In the old
Hornbooks, after giving the twenty—six letters, the
character & was added, and was called
“Ampersand,” a corruption of “and per—se
&” (and by itself, and). A B C D. ... X Y Z &. “Any odd shape folks understand To mean my Protean amperzand.” Punch (17 April, 1869, p. 153, col. 2). The martyr Bradford, says Lord Russell, was “A per se
A” with them, “to their comfort,” etc. —
i.e. stood alone in their defence. son of Cecropia, in love with Philoclea, but he ultimately
married Queen Helen of Corinth. — Sir Philip Sidney: The
Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia. A council of confederate Greeks from twelve of their tribes,
each of which had two deputies. The council met twice a year
— in the spring at Delphi, and in the autumn at
Thermopylæ. According to fable, it was so called from
Amphictyon, son of Deucalion, its supposed founder. (Greek, amphiction&ebreve;s, dwellers round about.) Words strung together without any real connection. The two
pleaders in Pantagruel by Rabelais (book ii. c.
11——13) give an excellent example. nonsense verse, rigmarole. “A kind of overgrown amphigouri, a heterogeneous
combination.” — Quarterly Review, i. 50,
1809. Porson's “Three Children sliding on the Ice” is a
good specimen of amphigouri. is said to have built Thebes by the music of his lute, which
was so melodious that the stones danced into walls and houses of
their own accord. Tennyson has a rhyming jeu d'esprit. (either 3 or 4 syl.) The sea. In classic mythology, the wife
of Neptune (Greek, amphi—trio for tribo,
rubbing or wearing away [the shore] on all sides). “His weary chariot sought the bowers Of Amphitritë and her tending nymphs.” Thomson:
Summer. (1625——6). Le véritable Amphitryon est l'Amphitryon où l'on
dine (Molière). That is, the person who provides the
feast (whether master of the house or not) is the real host.
The tale is that Jupiter assumed the likeness of Amphitryon, and
gave a banquet; but Amphitryon himself came home, and claimed the
honour of being the master of the house. As far as the servants
and guests were concerned, the dispute was soon decided —
“he who gave the feast was to them the host.” (Amphrysia Vates) The Cumæan sibyl; so called
from Amphrysos, a river of Thessaly, on the banks of which Apollo
fed the herds of Admetos; consequently Amphrysian means
Apollonian. (Sainte). The jug or bottle containing oil used in
anointing the kings of France, and said to have been brought from
heaven by a dove for the coronation service of St. Louis. It was
preserved at Rheims till the first Revolution, when it was
destroyed. Moses. (Exodus vi. 20.) As when the potent rod Of Amram's son, in Egypt's evil day, Waved round the coast.” Milton: Paradise Lost , i. 338——40. in the satire of Absalom and Achitophel , by Dryden and
Tate, is designed for Heneage Finch, Earl of Notthingham and Lord
Chancellor. “Our list of nobles next let Amri grace, Whose merits claimed the Abethdin's (Lord Chancellor's)
high place — To whom the double blessing does belong, With Moses' inspiration, Aaron's tongue.” Part ii. The elixir of immortality, made by churning the milk—sea
(Hindu mythology). Sir William Jones speaks of an apple so
called, because it bestows immortality on those who partake of
it. The word means immortal. (See Ambrosia.) A lake in Italy, in the territory of Hirpinum, said to lead
down to the infernal regions. The word means sacred
water. Amuck To run amuck. To talk or write on a subject of which you
are wholly ignorant; to run foul of. The Malays, under the
influence of opium, become so excited that they sometimes rush
forth with daggers, yelling “Amoq! amoq !”
(Kill! kill!), and fall foul of any one they chance to meet. “Satire's my weapon, but I'm too discreet To run amuck and tilt at all I meet.” Pope: Sattires, i. 69——70. Something worn, generally round the neck, as a charm. (Arabic,
hamulet, that which is suspended.) The early Christians used to wear amulets called
Ichthus, fish; the word is composed of the initial letters
of Iesos CHristos THeou Uios Soter (Jesus Christ, Son of God, our
Saviour). (See Notarica.) Lady Adeline Amundeville, a lady who “had a twilight
tinge of blue,” could make epigrams, give delightful
soirées, and was fond of making matches. — Bryon:
Don Juan, xv., xvi. (The) Castor and Pollux, who were born at
Amyclæ. More silent than Amyclæ. The inhabitants of Amyclæ
were so often alarmed by false rumours of the approach of the
Spartans, that they made a decree no one should ever again
mention the subject. When the Spartans actually came against the
town, no one durst mention it, and the town was taken. i.e. a person assumes a false character with an ulterior
object, like Junius Brutus. Amyris was a Sybarite (3 syl.) sent
to Delphi to consult the Oracle, who informed him of the
approaching destruction of his nation. Amyris fled to
Peloponnesus and his countrymen called him a fool; but, like the
madness of David, his “folly” was true wisdom, for
thereby he saved his life. and Amylion The Pylades and Orestes of mediæval
story. — Ellis's Specimens. A nickname of the Baptist Dissenters; so called because, in
the first instances, they had been baptised in infancy, and were
again baptised on a confession of faith in adult age. The word
means the twice—baptised. A sect which arose in Germany in 1521. Anarcharsis among the Scythians. A wise man amongst fools;
“Good out of Nazareth”; “A Sir Sidney Smith on
Salisbury Plain.” The opposite proverb is “Saul
amongst the Prophets,” i.e. a fool amongst wise men.
Anacharsis was a Scythian by birth, and the Scythians were
proverbial for their uncultivated state and great ignorance. Anacharsis Clootz. Baron Jean Baptiste Clootz, a
Prussian by birth, but brought up in Paris, where he adopted the
revolutionary principles, and called himself The Orator of the
Human Race. (1755——1794.) The stone on which Ceres rested after searching in vain for
her daughter. It was kept as a sacred deposit in the Prytaneum of
Athens. A Greek poet, who wrote chiefly in praise of love and wine,
(B.C. 563——478.) Anacreon of the Twelfth Century. Walter Mapes, also
called “The Jovial Toper.” (1150——1196).
His best—known piece is the famous drinking—song,
“Meum est propositum in taberna mori,” translated by
Leigh Hunt. Anacreon Moore. Thomas Moore, who not only translated
Anacreon into English, but also wrote original poems in the same
style. (1779——1852.) Anacreon of the Guillotine. Bertrand Barère de Vieuzac,
president of the National Convention; so called from the flowery
language and convivial jests used by him towards his miserable
victims. (1755——1841.) Anacreon of the Temple. Guillaume Amfrye, abbé
de Chalieu; the “Tom Moore” of France.
(1639——1720.) The French Anacreon. Pontus de Tyard, one of the Pleiad
poets (1521——1605). P. Laujon.
(1727——1811.) The Persian Anacreon. Mohammed Hafiz. (Fourteenth
century.) The Scotch Anacreon. Alexander Scot, who flourished
about 1550. The Sicilian Anacreon. Giovanni Meli.
(1740——1815.) Anacreon of Painters. Francesco Albano, a famous
painter of lovely females. (1578——1660.) In imitation of Anacreon (q.v.). An event placed at a wrong date; as when Shakespeare, in
Troilus and Cressida, makes Nestor quote Aristotle.
(Greek, ana chronos, out of time.) (Greek) A domestic servant employed by the wealthy Romans to
read to them at meals. Charlemagne had his reader; and monks and
nuns were read to at meals. (Greek, anaginosko, to
read.) Dame Eleanor Davies (prophetess in the reign of Charles I) =
Never so mad a lady. Gustavus = Augustus. Horatio Nelson = Honor est a Nilo (made by Dr.
Burney). Queen Victoria's Jubilee Year = I require love in a
subject. Quid est Veritas (John xviii. 38)? = Vir est qui
adest. Marie Touchet (mistress of Charles IX of France =
Je charme tout (made by Henri IV). Voltaire is an anagram
of Arouet l(e) j(eune). These are interchangeable words : — Alcuinus and Calvinus; Amor and Roma; Eros and Rose; Evil and
Live; and many more. a tender—hearted, pious, meek, and loving creature,
granddaughter of Cain, and sister of Aholibamah. Japhet loved
her, but she had set her heart on the seraph Azaziel, who carried
her off to some other planet when the flood came. —
Byron: Heaven and Earth. The pine—apple (the Brazilian ananas). “Witness thou, best Anana! thou the pride Of vegetable life.” Thompson: Summer, 685,
686. (St.) Her attributes are a stake and faggots, with a
palm branch in her hand. The allusion is, of course, to her
martyrdom at the stake. A denunciation or curse. The word is Greek, and means to
place, or set up, in allusion to the mythological
custom of hanging in the temple of a patron god something devoted
to him. Thus Gordius hung up his yoke and beam; the shipwrecked hung up their wet
clothes; workmen retired from business hung up their tools, etc.
Hence anything set apart for destruction; and so, set
apart from the Church as under a curse. “Me tabula sacer Votiva paries indicat uvida Suspendisse potenti Vestimenta maris deo.” Horace: Odes (v. 13——16). Horace, having escaped the love—snares of Pyrrha, hangs
up his votive tablet, as one who has escaped the dangers of the
sea. He was like an anatomy — i.e. a mere skeleton, very
thin, like one whose flesh had been anatomised or cut off.
Shakespeare uses atomy as a synonym. Thus the hostess
Quickly says to the Beadle : “Thou atomy,
thou!” and Doll Tearsheet caps the phrase with,
“Come, you thin thing; come, you rascal.” — 2
Henry IV, v. 4. (5 syl.) of Salamis was changed into stone for despising the
love of Iphis, who hung himself. — Ovid:
Metamorphoses, xiv. 750. (4 syl.) A knight whose adventures and exploits form a
supplemental part of the Spanish romance called Amadis of
Gaul. This part was added by Feliciano de Silva. Helmsman of the ship Argo, after the death of Tiphys.
He was told by a slave that he would never live to taste the wine
of his vineyards. When a bottle made from his own grapes was set
before him, he sent for the slave to laugh at his
prognostications; but the slave made answer, “There's many
a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip.” At this instant a
messenger came in, and told Ancæos that a wild boar was
laying his vineyard waste, whereupon he set down his cup, went
out against the boar, and was killed in the encounter. (4 syl.) Inhabitants of parts of Berkshire and Wiltshire,
referred to by Cæsar in his Commentaries. That was my sheet anchor — i.e. my best hope, my last
refuge. The sheet anchor is the largest anchor of a ship, which,
in stress of weather, is the sailor's chief dependence. The word
sheet is a corruption of the word shote (thrown
out), meaning the anchor “thrown out” in foul
weather. The Greeks and Romans said, “my sacred
anchor,” because the sheet anchor was always dedicated to
some god. (The) in Christian art, is given to Clement of Rome and
Nicolas of Bari. Pope Clement, in A.D. 80, was bound to an anchor
and cast into the sea. Nicolas of Bari is the patron saint of
sailors. The anchor is apeak — that is, the cable of the
anchor is so tight that the ship is drawn completely over it.
(See Bower Anchor, Sheet Anchor.) The Anchor comes home , the anchor has been dragged
from its hold. Figuratively, the enterprise has failed,
notwithstanding the precautions employed. To weigh anchor , to haul in the anchor, that the ship
may sail away from its mooring. Figuratively, to begin an
enterprise which has hung on hand. (An) A watch of one or two men, while the vessel rides
at anchor, in port. An antiquated system of government. This phrase, in the French
Revolution, meant the monarchical form of government, or the
system of government, with all its evils, which existed prior to
that great change. A corruption of ensign — a flag and the officer
who bore it. Pistol was Falstaff's “ancient.” “Ten times more dishonourably ragged than an
old—faced ancient.” — Shakespeare: I Henry
IV, iv. 21. “My whole charge consists of ancients, corporals,
lieutenants, gentlemen of companies...” —
Shakespeare: I Henry IV, iv. 2. Having shot an albatross, he and his companions were subjected
to fearful penalties. On repentance he was forgiven, and on
reaching land told his story to a hermit. At times, however,
distress of mind drove him from land to land, and wherever he
abode he told his tale of woe, to warn from cruelty and persuade
men to love God's creatures. — Coleridge. (Daniel iii. 9). Jehovah. (3 syl.) The Palladium of Rome. It was the sacred buckler
which Numa said fell from heaven. To prevent its being stolen, he
caused eleven others to be made precisely like it, and confided
them to twelve priests called Salii, who bore them in procession
through the city every year at the beginning of March. “Idque ancile vocat, quod ab omni parte recisum est, Quemque notes oculis, angulus omnis abest.” Ovid:
Fasti, iii. 377. The character “&” is a monogram of et
(and), made in Italian type, & or Hand—irons a corruption of anderia, andera,
andela, or andena. Ducange says, “Andena est
ferrum, quo appodiantur ligna in foco, ut melius luceant, et
melius comburantur.” Farther on he gives anderia, anderius,
andellus, etc., as variants. Called “dogs” because
they were often made in the resemblance of dogs. The derivation
of anderons is not clear; Ducange says, “dicitur
andena, quasi ante vaporem, i.e. calorem,” but this
probably will satisfy no one. The modern French word is
landier, old French andier, Low Latin
andæus. A sword. So called from a famous sword—maker of the
name. (Sixteenth century.) “We'll put in bail, my boy; old Andrea Ferrara shall
lodge his security.” — Scott: Waverley,
ch. 50. a name commonly used in old plays for a valet or
man—servant. Probably a Merry Andrew is simply the
mirth—making Andrew or domestic jester. (See Merry
Andrew.) Similarly, Abigail is used in old plays for a waiting
gentlewoman. (See Abigail.). (An) A merchant vessel, probably so called from Andrew
Doria, the famous Genoese admiral. “I should think of shallows and of flats, And see my wealthy Andrew docked in sand.”
Shakespeare: Merchant of Venice, i. 1. (St) depicted in Christian art as an old man with long
white hair and beard, holding the Gospel in his right hand, and
leaning on a cross like the letter X, termed St. Andrew's cross.
The great pictures of St. Andrew are his Flagellation by
Domenichino, and the Adoration of the Cross by Guido,
which has also been depicted by Andrea Sacchi, in the Vatican at
Rome. Both the Flagellation and the Adoration form
the subjects of frescoes in the chapel of St. Andrea, in the
church of San Gregorio, at Rome. His day is November 30th. It is
said that he suffered martyrdom in Patræ (A.D. 70).
(See St. Rule.) The “adoration of the cross” means his fervent
address to the cross on which he was about to suffer.
“Hail, precious cross, consecrated by the body of Christ! I
come to thee exulting and full of joy. Receive me into thy dear
arms.” The “flagellation” means the scourging
which always preceded capital punishments, according to Roman
custom. St. Andrew's Cross is represented in the form of an X
(white on a blue field). The cross, however, on which the apostle
suffered was of the ordinary shape, if we may believe the relic
in the convent of St. Victor, near Marseilles. The error rose
from the way in which that cross is exhibited, resting on the end
of the cross—beam and point of the foot. According to J. Leslie (History of Scotland), this sort
of cross appeared in the heavens to Achaius, King of the Scots,
and Hungus, King of the Picts, the night before their engagement
with Athelstane. As they were the victors, they went barefoot to
the kirk of St. Andrew, and vowed to adopt his cross as their
national emblem. (See Constatine's Cross.) (The) The crew of H.M.S. Andromache. Similarly,
the Bellerophon was called by English sailors “Billy
ruffian,” and the Achilles the “Ash
heels.” (See Beefeater etc.) Androcles was a runaway slave who took refuge in a cavern. A
lion entered, and instead of tearing him to pieces, lifted up his
front paw that Androcles might extract from it a thorn. The slave
being subsequently captured, was doomed to fight with a lion in
the Roman arena. It so happened that the same lion was let out
against him, and, recognising his benefactor, showed towards him
every demonstration of love and gratitude. In the Gesta Romanorum (Tale civ.) the same story is
told, and there is a similar one in Æsop's Fables.
The original tale, however, is from Aulus Gellius, on the
authority of Plistonices, who asserts that he was himself an
eyewitness of the encounter. An automaton figure of a human being (Greek,
andros—eidos, a man's likeness). One of the most
famous of these machines is that by M. Vaucanson, called the
flute—player. The chess—player by Kempelen is also
celebrated. (See Automaton.) Daughter of Cepheus (2 syl.) and Cassiopeia. Her mother
boasted that the beauty of Andromeda surpassed that of the
Nereids; so the Nereids induced Neptune to send a seamonster on
the country, and an oracle declared that Andromeda must be given
up to it. She was accordingly chained to a rock, but was
delivered by Perseus (2 syl.). After death she was placed among
the stars. (See Angelica.) Ovid: Metamorphoses, v.
1, etc. (in Orlando Furioso). One of Logistilla's handmaids,
famous for her beauty. She was sent with Sophrosyne to conduct
Astolpho from India to Arabia. Over against; concerning. (Old English, on—cmn;
later forms, on—efen, on—efent,
an—'ent.) (French), a hangman or executioner. The “Place de
Grève” was at one time the Tyburn of Paris. Half a sovereign in gold; so called because, at one time, it
bore the figure of the archangel Michael slaying the dragon. When
the Rev. Mr. Patten, vicar of Whitstable, was dying, the
Archbishop of Canterbury sent him #10. The wit said, “Tell
his Grace that now I am sure he is a man of God, for I have seen
his angels.” Angel (a public—house sign), in compliment to Richard
II, who placed an angel above his shield, holding it up in his
hands. To write like an angel (French). The angel referred to
was Angelo Vergece [Vergezio], a Cretan of the sixteenth century.
He was employed both by Henri II and by François I, and
was noted for his caligraphy. (Didot: Nouvelle Biographie
Universelle [1852——66]). Angel of the Schools. St. Thomas Aquinas. (See
Angelic Doctor.) Angels, say the Arabs, were created from pure, bright
gems; the gems, of fire; and man, of clay. Angels, according to Dionysius the Areopagite, were
divided into nine orders: — 1) Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones, in the first circle. 2) Dominions, Virtues, and Powers, in the second circle. 3) Principalities, Archangels, and Angels, in the third
circle. St. Gregory the Great: Homily 34. “In heaven above, The effulgent bands in triple circles move.” Tasso:
Jerusalem Delivered, xi. 13. Angels. The seven holy angels are — Abdiel,
Gabriel, Michael, Raguel, Raphael, Simiel, and Uriel. Michael and
Gabriel are mentioned in the Bible, Raphael in the Apocrypha.
Milton (Paradise Lost, book i., from 392) gives a list of
the fallen angels. A favourite round game of cards, which enabled gentlemen to
let the ladies win small stakes. Five cards are dealt to each
player, and three heaps formed — one for the king, one for
play, and the third for Triolet. The name of the game was la
bête (beast). Angel was the stake. Thus we say,
Shilling—whist. “This gentleman offers to play at Angel—beast,
though he scarce knows the cards.” — Mulberry
Garden. Delightful intercourse of short duration and rare
occurrence. “(Visits) Like those of angels, short and far
between.” Blair: Grave, pt. ii. 586. “Like angel—visits, few and far between.”
Campbell: Pleasures of Hope, line 375. a Spanish cosmetic, made of roses, trefoil, and lavender.
Short for Angelica—water, because originally it was chiefly
made of the plant Angelica. “Angel—water was the worst scent about her.”
— Sedley: Bellam. Thomas Aquinas was so called, because he discussed the knotty
points in connection with the being and nature of angels. An
example is, “Utrum Angelus moveatur de loco ad locum
transeundo per medium? ” The Doctor says that it
depends upon circumstances. It is said, by way of a quiz, that one of his questions was:
“How many angels can dance on the point of a
pin?” Angelic Hymn The hymn beginning with Glory be to God on
high, etc. (Luke ii. 14); so called because the former part
of it was sung by the angel host that appeared to the shepherds
of Bethlehem. Daughter of Galaphron, king of Cathay, the capital of which
was Albracca. She was sent to sow discord among the Christians.
Charlemagne sent her to the Duke of Bavaria, but she made her
escape from the duke's castle. Being captured in her flight, she
was bound to a rock, and exposed to sea—monsters. Rogero
delivered her, but she escaped out of his hands by a magic ring.
Orlando greatly loved her, but she married Medoro, a young Moor,
and returned to India, where Medoro succeeded to the crown in
right of his wife. (Orlando Furioso.) (See Andromeda) something which completely changes affection. The tale is that
Angelica was passionately in love with Rinaldo, who hated her,
whereas Orlando, whom she hated, actually adored her shadow.
Angelica and Rinaldo drink from a certain fountain, when a
complete change takes place; Rinaldo is drunk with love, and
Angelica's passion changes to abhorrence. Angelica ultimately
married Medoro, and Orlando went mad. (Ariosto: Orlando
Furioso.) The speculum of Dr. Dee. He asserted that it was given him by
the angels Raphael and Gabriel. It passed into the possession of
the Earl of Peterborough, thence to Lady Betty Germaine, by whom
it was given to the Duke of Argyll, whose son presented it to
Horace Walpole. It was sold in 1842, at the dispersion of the
curiosities of Strawberry Hill. Certain heretics of the second century, who advocated the
worship of angels. (3 syl.) A branch of the Sabellian heretics; so called from
Angelius, in Alexandria, where they used to meet. (Dr. Hook:
Church Dictionary.) (See Michael Angelo .) Michael Angelo criticised Raffaelle very severely. “Such was the language of this false Italian
[Angelo]: One time he christened Raphael a Pygmalion, Swore that his
maidens were composed of stone: Swore his expressions were like
owls, so tame, His drawings, like the lamest cripple, lame; And as for composition, he had none.” Peter Pindar:
Lyric Odes, viii. (See Michael Angelo.) (The) A Roman Catholic devotion in honour of the
Incarnation, instituted by Urban II. It consists of three texts,
each said as versicle and response, and followed by the
salutation of Gabriel. The name is derived from the first words,
Angelus Domini (The angel of the Lord, etc.). The prayer is recited three times a day, generally about 6
a.m., at noon, and about 6 p.m., at the sound of a bell called
the Angelus. The Angelus bell (often wrongly called the Curfew) is still
rung at 8 P.M. in some country churches. “Sweetly over the village the bell of the Angelus
sounded.” Longfellow: Evangeline . Athenodorus, the Stoic, told Augustus the best way to restrain
unruly anger was to repeat the alphabet before giving way to it.
(See Danger.) “The sacred line he did but once repeat, And laid the storm, and cooled the raging heat.”
Tickell: The Horn Book. adjective of Anjou. John was not the last of the Angevin kings of England, though
he was the last king of England who reigned over Anjou. (4 syl.) The young wife of Marino Faliero, the doge. She was
the daughter of Loredano. (Byron: Marino Falero.) Orlando, who was Lord of Anglant and knight of Brava. A dead angle. A term in fortification applied to the plot of
earth before an angle in a wall which can neither be seen nor
defended from the parapet. (To) To buy fish at market. The father of angling, Izaak Walton (1593——1683).
Angling is called “the gentle craft”; shoemaking was
also so called. Probably there is a pun concealed in the first of
these; a common bait of anglers being a “gentle.” In the second case, St. Crispin was a
Roman gentleman of high birth, and his craftsmen took from him
their title of “gentle” (generosi). of the Broken Teeth, a giant “12 cubits in
height.” His face measured 3 feet across; his nose was 9
inches long; his arms and legs were each 6 feet; his fingers 6
inches and 2 lines; his enormous mouth was armed with sharp
pointed yellow tusks. He was descended from Goliath, and assumed
the title of “Governor of Jerusalem.” Angoulaffre had
the strength of 30 men, and his mace was the trunk of an
oak—tree 300 years old. Some say the Tower of Pisa lost its
perpendicularity by the weight of this giant, who one day leaned
against it to rest himself. He was slain by Roland, the paladin;
in single combat at the Fronsac. (Croquemitaine.) (The). Christian II, of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden,
was so called on account of his ungovernable temper.
(1513——1559.) Cross—grained; of a patchy temper; one full of angles,
whose temper is not smooth. Frithiof's sword, inscribed with Runic letters, which blazed
in time of war, but gleamed with a dim light in time of peace.
(See Sword.) [the soul of the world ], with the oldest of the
ancient philosophers, meant “the source of life”;
with Plato, it meant “the animating principle of
matter,” inferior to pure spirit: with the Stoics, it meant
“the whole vital force of the universe.” Stahl (1710) taught that the phenomena of animal life are due
to an immortal animal, or vital principle distinct from
matter. To go the entire animal, a facetious euphuism for “To go
the whole hog.” (See Hog.) Liveliness and animation arising from physical vigour. (The) They are ten: (1) Jonah's whale; (2)
Solomon's ant; (3) the ram caught by Abraham and
sacrificed instead of Isaac; (4) the cuckoo of Belkis; (5)
the camel of the prophet Saleh; (6) Balaam's ass;
(7) the ox of Moses; (8) the dog Kratim of the
Seven Sleepers; (9) Mahomet's ass, called Al Borak; and (10)
Noah's dove. The ant symbolises prudence; the ape, malice,
lust, and cunning; the ass, sobriety, or the Jewish
nation; the asp, Christ, or Christian faith; the
bee, industry; the camel, submission; the
cock, vigilance; the dog, fidelity; the fox,
fraud and cunning; the hog, impurity; the lamb,
innocence; the leopard, sin; the ox, pride; the
wolf, cruelty. Some animals are appropriated to certain saints: as the calf
or ox to Luke; the cock to Peter; the eagle to
John the Divine ; the lion to Mark; the raven to
Benedict, etc. The lamb, the pelican, and the unicorn, are symbols of
Christ. The dragon, serpent, and swine, symbolise Satan and his
crew. To Apollo, the wolf, the griffon, and the
crow ; to Bacchus, the dragon and the
panther; to Diana, the stag; to Æsculapius,
the serpent; to Hercules, the deer ; to Isis, the
heifer; to Jupiter, the eagle; to Juno, the
peacock and the lamb; to the Lares, the dog;
to Mars, the horse and the vulture; to Mercury, the
cock; to Minerva, the owl; to Neptune, the
bull; to Tethys, the halycon; to Venus, the
dove, the swan, and the sparrow; to Vulcan,
the lion, etc. (Symbolical). The ant, frugality and
prevision ; ape, uncleanness; ass,
stupidity; bantam cock, pluckiness, priggishness;
bat, blindness; bear, ill—temper,
uncouthness; bee, industry; beetle, blindness;
bull, strength, straight—forwardness;
bull—dog, pertinacity; butterfly, sportiveness,
living in pleasure; cat, deceit; calf, lumpishness,
cowardice; cicada, poetry; cock, vigilance,
overbearing insolence; crow, longevity; crocodile,
hypocrisy; cuckoo, cuckoldom; dog, fidelity,
dirty habits; dove, innocence, harmlessness ; duck,
deceit (French, canard, a hoax); eagle, majesty,
inspiration; elephant, sagacity, ponderosity; fly,
feebleness, insignificance; fox, cunning, artifice;
frog and toad, inspiration; goat, lasciviousness;
goose, conceit, folly; gull, gullibility;
grasshopper, old age ; hare, timidity; hawk,
rapacity, penetration; hen, maternal care; horse,
speed, grace; jackdaw, vain assumption, empty
conceit; jay, senseless chatter; kitten,
playfulness; lamb, innocence, sacrifice; lark,
cheerfulness; lion, noble courage; lynx,
suspicious vigilance; magpie, garrulity; mole,
blindness, obstinacy ; monkey, tricks; mule,
obstinacy; nightingale, forlornness; ostrich,
stupidity; ox, patience, strength ; owl,
wisdom; parrot, mocking verbosity; peacock,
pride; pigeon, cowardice(pigeon—livered);
pig, obstinacy, dirtiness; puppy, empty—headed
conceit; rabbit, fecundity; raven, ill luck ;
robin red—breast, confiding trust; serpent,
wisdom; sheep, silliness, timidity; stag,
cuckoldom; swallow, a sunshine friend; swan,
grace; swine, filthiness, greed ; tiger,
ferocity; tortoise, chastity; turkey—cock,
official insolence; turtle—dove, conjugal
fidelity; vulture, rapine; wolf, cruelty, savage
ferocity, and rapine; worm, cringing; etc. (The cries of). Apes gibber; asses bray;
bees hum; beetles drone; bears growl;
bitterns boom; blackbirds whistle: blackcaps
— we speak of the"chick—chick” of the blackcap;
bulls bellow; canaries sing or quaver; cats
mew, purr, swear, and caterwaul; calves
bleat and blear; chaffinches chirp or
pink; chickens pip; cicadæ sing; cocks crow; cows moo
or low; crows caw; cuckoos cry cuckoo; deer
bell; dogs bark, bay, howl, and yelp; doves
coo; ducks quack ; eagles scream; falcons
chant; flies buzz; foxes bark and
yelp; frogs croak; geese cackle and
hiss; goldfinch — we speak of the “merry
twinkle” of the female; grasshoppers chirp and
pitter; grouse — we speak of the
“drumming” of the grouse; guineafowls cry
“come back ”; guineapigs squeak; hares
squeak; hawks scream; hens cackle and
cluck; horses neigh and whinny ; hyenas
laugh; jays chatter; kittens mew; lambs
baa and bleat; larks sing; linnets
chuckle in their call; lions roar; magpies
chatter; mice squeak and squeal; monkeys
chatter and gibber; nightingales pipe and
warble — we also speak of its “jug—jug”; owls hoot and
screech; oxen low and bellow; parrots
talk; peacocks scream; peewits cry
pee—wit; pigeons coo; pigs grunt,
squeak, and squeal; ravens croak; redstarts
whistle; rooks caw ; screech—owls
screech or shriek; sheep baa or
bleat; snakes hiss; sparrows chirp or
yelp; stags bellow and call; swallows
twitter; swans cry — we also speak of the
“bombilation” of the swan; thrushes whistle;
tigers growl; tits — we speak of the
“twittwit” of the bottle—tit;
turkey—cocks gobble; vultures scream;
whitethroats chirr; wolves howl. means animation, spirit, as the fire of a horse, called in
Latin equi animositas. Its present exclusive use in a bad
sense is an instance of the tendency which words originally
neutral have to assume a bad meaning. (Compare churl,
villain.) “Animula, vagula, blandula, Hospes, comesque, corporis; Quæ nunc abibis in loca, Pallidula, rigida, nudula?” The Emperor Hadrian to his Soul. Sorry—lived, blithe—little, fluttering Sprite Comrade and guest in this body of clay, Whither, ah! whither, departing in flight, Rigid,
half—naked, pale minion, away? E.C.B. (Donna). A lady beloved by Don Ottavio, but seduced by
Don Giovanni, who also killed her father, the “Commandant
of the City,” in a duel. (Mozart's opera of Don
Giovanni.) in Dryden's satire of Absalom and Achitophel is
designed for the Duchess of Monmouth. Her maiden name and title
were Anne Scott, Countess of Buccleuch, the richest heiress in
Europe. The duke was faithless to her, and after his death, the
widow, still handsome, married again. “To all his [Monmouth's] wishes, nothing he [David]
denied; And made the charming Annabel his bride.” Part i. lines 33, 34. (An), an ultra—sentimental girl. Mrs. Hannah
Cowley used this pen—name in her responses in the
World to Della Crusca (R. Merry). (See the
Baviad by Gifford.) (2 syl.). One entire year's income claimed by the Pope on the
appointment of a bishop or other ecclesiastic in the Catholic
Church. This is called the first fruits (Latin,
annus, a year). By the Statute of Recusants (25 Hen. VIII.
c. 20, and the Confirming Act), the right to English Annates and
Tenths was transferred to the Crown; but, in the reign of Queen
Anne, annates were given up to form a fund for the augmentation
of poor livings. (See Bounty, Queen Anne's.) Sister Anne. Sister of Fatima, the seventh and last of
Bluebeard's wives. Anne's Fan (Queen). Your thumb to your nose and your
fingers spread. The Duke of Marlborough (1650——1722). was eldest of the three daughters of Sir Robert Laurie of
Maxwellton, born December 16, 1682. William Douglas, of Fingland
(Kirkcudbright), wrote the popular song, but Annie married, in
1709, James Fergusson, of Craigdarroch, and was the mother of
Alexander Fergusson, the hero of Burns's song called The
Whistle. William Douglas was the hero or the song “Willie was a
wanton wag.” (In). Wear not God's image in a ring (or
inscribe....), the 24th symbol of the Protretics. Jamblicus tells us that Pythagoras wished
to teach by this prohibition that God had an “incorporeal
subsistence.” In fact, that it meant “thou shalt not
liken God to any of His works.” Probably the ring, symbolising eternity, bore upon the special
prohibition. Day of the Annunciation. The 25th of March, also called
Lady Day, on which the angel announced to the Virgin Mary
that she would be the mother of the Messiah. the period during which a widow is morally supposed to remain
chaste. If she marries within about nine months from the death of
her late husband and a child is born, a doubt might arise as to
the paternity of the child. Such a marriage is not illegal, but
it is inexpedient. The year of wonders, 1666, memorable for the great fire of
London and the successes of our arms over the Dutch. Dryden has
written a poem with this title, in which he describes both these
events. (An), a halter. An anodyne is a medicine to relieve
pain. Probably a pun on nodus, a knot, is intended also.
George Primrose says: “May I die by an anodyne necklace,
but I had rather be an under—turnkey than an usher in
boarding—school.” or Unlikists. A sect in the fourth century, which
maintained that the essence of the Son is wholly unlike that of
the Father. (Greek, anmoios, unlike.) immediately, at once. The Old English an—on or
an—ane = at once. Variants, on one,
anone. “They knewye hym in brekyng of brede, and onone he
vanyste awaye fro hem.” — MS. Lincoln, A 1,
17. “Spek the lion ... To the fox anone his wille.” Wright's Political Songs. “For the nonce” is a corrupt form of “For
the—n once,” where the—n is the
accusative case, meaning “For the once” or “For
this once.” Right quickly. “He had in town five hundred knightes, He hem [them ] of [off ] sent
anon—rightes.” Arthur and Merkin, p. 88. Ansarian The Moslems of Medina were called Ansarians
(auxiliaries ) by Mahomet, because they received him and
took his part when he was driven from house and home by the
Koreishites (Kore—ish—ites). is the Old English and—swaru, verb and
swar—ian or swerian, where And is the
preposition = the Latin re in
re—spond—eo. (See Swear.) To answer like a Norman , that is, evasively. “We say, in France. “Answering like a
Norman,” which means to give an evasive answer, neither yes
nor no.” — Max O'Rell; Friend M"Donald, ch.
v. To answer its purpose, to carry out what was expected
or what was intended. Celsus says, “Medicina sæpius
respondet, interdum tamen fallit.” To answer the bell is to go and see what it was rung
for. To answer the door is to go and open it when a knock or
ring has been given. In both the last two instances the word is “answering to
a summons.” To swear means literally “to affirm
something,” and to an—swear is to “say
something” by way of rejoinder; but figuratively both the
“swer” and the “answer” may be made
without words. “... My story being done, ... She [Desdemona ] swore [affirmed ] 'twas
strange,... 'Twas pitiful, 'twas wondrous pitiful.” Shakespeare: Othello, i. 3. (To). To divert the direct question by starting another
question or subject. “"Hark you, sirrah,” said the doctor, “I
trust you remember you are owing to the laird 4 stone of
barleymeal and a bow of oats. ...” “"I was thinking,” replied the man more
Scotico, that is, returning no direct answer on the subject
on which he was addressed, “I was thinking my best way
would be to come down to your honour, and take your advice, in
case my trouble should come back.”” — Sir
Walter Scott: The Abbot, ch. xxvi. in Greek mythology, was a gigantic wrestler, whose strength
was invincible so long as he touched the earth; and every time he
was lifted from it, was renewed by touching it again. (See
Maleger.) “As once Antæos, on the Libyan strand, More fierce recovered when he reached the sand.”
Hoole's Ariosto, book iv. It was Hercules who succeeded in killing this charmed giant.
He Lifts proud Antæos from his mother's plains, And with strong grasp the struggling giant strains; Back falls
his panting head and clammy hair, Writhe his weak limbs and flits
his life in air.” Darwin: Economy of Vegetation. Antecedents I know nothing of his antecedents — his
previous life, character, or conduct. (Latin, antecedens,
foregoing.) Before the Deluge, meaning the Scripture Deluge. The lady—love of Abrocomas in Xenophon's romance, called
Ephesiaca. Shakespeare has borrowed from this Greek novel
the leading incidents of his Romeo and Juliet , especially
that of the potion and mock entombment. N.B. This is not the
historian, but a Xenophon who lived in the fourth Christian
century. Anthony (St.). Patron saint of swineherds, because he always
lived in woods and forests. St. Anthony's Cross. The taucross, T, called a
lace. St. Anthony's Fire. Erysipelas is so called from the
tradition that those who sought the intercession of St. Anthony
recovered from the pestilential erysipelas called the sacred
fire, which proved extremely fatal in 1089. St. Anthony's Pig A pet pig, the smallest of the whole
litter. St. Anthony was originally a swineherd, and, therefore,
the patron saint of pigs. The nickname of Dr. Vaughan, rector of St. Bride's, in
Bedfordshire. So called from his Anthroposophia Teomagica,
to show the condition of man after death. or the Man of Sin, expected by some to precede the
second coming of Christ. St. John so calls every one who denies
the incarnation of the eternal Son of God. The Modern Antigone. Marie Thérèse Charlotte,
Duchesse d'Angoulême, daughter of Louis XVI.; so called for
her attachment to Louis XVIII., whose companion she was.
(1778——1851.) Said to be derived from the Greek antimonachos (bad for
monks). The tale is that Valentine once gave some of this mineral
to his convent pigs, who thrived upon it, and became very fat. He
next tried it on the monks, who died from its effects; so
Valentine said, “tho' good for pigs, it was bad for
monks.” This fable is given by Furetière. Another derivation is anti—monos, (averse to
being alone), because it is found in combination with sulphur,
silver, or some other substance. Littré suggests isthimmit, and connects it with
stibium. [Greek, anti—nomos, exempt from the law.] One who
believes that Christians are not bound to observe the “law
of God,” but ” may continue in sin that grace may
abound.” The term was first applied to John Agricola by
Martin Luther. (4 syl.). A model of manly beauty. He was the page of Hadrian,
the Roman Emperor. “The polished grace of Antinöus.” —
Daily Telegraph. (of human beings) To Animals: Henri III. and the Duke of Schoenberg felt
faint at the sight of a cat: Vanghelm felt the same at the sight
of a pig, and abhorred pork; Marshal Brézé sickened
at the sight of a rabbit; the Duc d'Epernon always swooned at the
sight of a leveret, though he was not affected at the sight of a
hare. To Fish: Erasmus felt grievous nausea at the smell of
fresh fish. To Flowers and Fruits: Queen Anne, Grétry
the composer, Faverite the Italian poet, and Vincent the painter,
all abhorred the smell of roses; Scaliger had the same aversion
to watercresses; and King Vladislas sickened at the smell of
apples. To Music: Le Mothe de Nayer felt faint at the sound of
any musical instrument; Nicano had a strong aversion to the sound
of a flute. To Thunder: Augustus trembled at the noise of thunder,
and retired to a vault when a thunderstorm was apprehended. Witches have an antipathy to running water. “Some men there are love not a gaping pig, Some that are mad if they behold a cat.” Shakespeare: Merchant of Venice, iv. L (of animals). According to tradition, wolves have a mortal
antipathy to scillaroots; geese to the soil of Whitby; snakes to
soil of Ireland; cats to dogs; all animals dislike the castoroil
plant; camphor keeps off insects; Russian leather is disliked by
bookworms; paraffin by flies; cedar—wood is used for
wardrobes, because its odour is disliked by moths. Ants dislike
green sage. is a pope elected by a King in opposition to the pope
elected by the cardinals; or one who usurps the popedom in
opposition to the rightful pope. Geddes give a list of
twenty—four anti—popes, three of whom were deposed by
the Council of Constance. Founder of the Cynic School in Athens. He wore a ragged cloak,
and carried a wallet and staff like a beggar. Socrates wittily
said he could “see rank pride peering, through the holes of
Antisthenes rags.” The Wall of Antonine. A turf entrenchment raised by the Romans
from Dunglass Castle, on the Clyde, to Caer Ridden Kirk, near the
Firth of Forth under the direction of Lollius Urbicus, legate of
Antoninus Pius, A.D 140. (See Anthony .) The chief followers of the Frankish kings, who were specially
trusty to them. (Old German, tröst, trust,
fidelity.) “None but the king could have antrustions.”
— Stubbs: Constitutional History. “Go to the ant, thou sluggard, ... which provideth
her meat in the summer ” (Proverbs vi.
6——8; and xxx. 25). The notion that ants in general gather food in harvest
for a winter's store is quite an error; in the first place, they
do not live on grain, but chiefly on animal food; and in the next
place they are torpid in winter, and do not require food. Colonel
Sykes, however, says there is in Poonah a grain—feeding
species, which stores up millet—seed; and according to
Lubbock and Moggridge, ants in the south of Europe and in Texas
make stores. What are called “ant eggs” are not eggs, but the
pupæ of ants. In Egyptian mythology, similar to the Hermës of Greece,
whose office it was to take the souls of the dead before the
judge of the infernal regions. Anubis is represented with a human
body and jackal's head. It is on the anvil, under deliberation; the project is in
hand. Of course, the reference is to a smithy. “She had another arrangement on the anvil.”
— Le Fanu: The House in the Churchyard. Any—how i.e. in an irregular manner. “He did it
any—how,” in a careless, slovenly manner. “He
went on any—how,” in a wild, reckless manner.
Any—how, you must manage it for me; by hook or
crook; at all events. (Old English,
oenig—hú.) Poetical, pertaining to the Muses. The Muses, according to
Grecian mythology, dwelt in Aonia, that part of Boetia which
contains Mount Helicon and the Muses' Fountain. Thomson calls the
fraternity of poets “The Aonian hive Who praised are, and starve right merrily.” Castle of
Indolence , ii. 2. (French.) To the farthest point. The correct form of the
phrase. The buf foon ape, in Dryden's poem called The Hind and the
Panther, means the Free—thinkers. “Next her [the bear ] the buffoonape, as atheists
use, Mimicked all sects, and had his own to choose.” Part i.
39, 40. He keeps them, like an ape, in the corner of his jaw; first
mouthed, to be last swallowed (Hamlet iv. 2). Most of
the Old World monkeys have cheek pouches, used as receptacles for
food. To lead apes or To lead apes in hell. It is said
of old maids. Hence, to die an old maid. “I will even take sixpence in earnest of the
bear—ward, and lead his apes into hell.” —
Shakespeare: Much ado about Nothing, ii. 1. Fadladinda says to Tatlanthe (3 syl): “Pity that you who've served so long and well Should die a virgin, and lead apes in hell.” H. Carey: Chrononhotonthologos . “Women, dying maids, lead apes in hell.” —
The London Prodigal, 1. 2. To play the ape, to play practical jokes; to play silly
tricks; to make facial imitations, like an ape. To put an ape into your hood (or) cap — i.e. to
make a fool of you. Apes were formely carried on the shoulders of
fools and simpletons. To say an ape's paternoster, is to chatter with fright
or cold, like an ape. A famous Grecian painter, contemporary with Alexander the
Great. “There comelier forms embroidered rose to view Than e'er Apelles' wondrous pencil drew.” Aristo:
Orlando Furioso, book xxiv. A churlish philosopher, in Shakespeare's Timon of
Athens. “The cynicism of Apemantus contrasted with the
misanthropy of Timon.” — Sir Walter Scott. A—per—se An A 1; a person or thing of unusual
merit. “A” all alone with no one who can follow,
nemo proximus aut secundus. Chaucer calls Cresseide “the floure and
A—per—se of Troi and Greek.” “London, thou art of townes
A—per—se.” — Lansdowne MSS. the topmost height, really means the pointed olive—wood
spike on the top of the cap of a Roman priest. The cap fitted
close to the head and was fastened under the chin by a fillet. It
was applied also to the crest or spike of a helmet. The word now
means the summit or tiptop. (4 syl.). The Greek Venus; so called because she sprang from
the foam of the sea, (Greek, aphros , foam.) Aphrodite's Girdle. Whoever wore Aphrodite's magic
girdle, immediately became the object of love. (Greek
mythology.) A gourmand. Apicius was a Roman gourmand, whose income being
reduced by his luxurious living to £80,000, put an end to
his life, to avoid the misery of being obliged to live on plain
diet. (See Pig—Back .) in Egyptian mythology, is the bull symbolical of the god Apis.
It was not suffered to live more than twenty—five years,
when it was sacrificed and buried in great pomp. The madness of
Cambysës is said to have been in retribution for his killing
a sacred bull. means true to the plumbline, but is generally used to express
that self—possession which arises from perfect
self—confidence. We also talk of a dancer's aplomb, meaning
that he is a perfect master of his art. (French. à plomb.) “Here exists the best stock in the world men of aplomb
and reserve, of great range and many moods, of strong instincts,
yet apt for culture.” — Emerson: English
Traits, p. 130. The mystic number 666. (Rev. xiii. 18.) (See Number of
the Beast.) Those books included in the Septuagint and Vulgate versions of
the Old Testament, but not considered to be parts of the original
canon. They are accepted as canonical by Catholics, but not by
Protestants, and are not printed in Protestant Bibles in ordinary
circulation. The word means hidden (Greek, apokrupto),
“because they were wont to be read not openly. ... but, as
it were, in secret and apart” (Bible, 1539,
Preface to the Apocrypha). As the reason why these books
are not received as canonical is because either their genuineness
or their authenticity is doubtful, therefore the word
“apocryphal” means not genuine or not authentic. An ancient sect founded in the middle of the fourth century by
Apollinaris, bishop of Laodicea. They denied that Christ had a
human soul, and asserted that the Logos supplied its
place. The Athanasian creed condemns this heresy. The sun, the god of music. (Roman mythology.) “Apollo's angry, and the heavens themselves Do strike at my injustice.” Shakespeare: Winter's Tale , iii. 2. A perfect Apollo. A model of manly beauty, referring to
the Apollo Belvidere (q.v. ). The Apollo of Portugal. Luis Camoëns, author of
the Lusiad, so called, not for his beauty, but for his
poetry. He was god of poetry in Portugal, but was allowed to die
in the streets of Lisbon like a dog, literally of starvation. Our
own Otway suffered a similar fate. (1527——1579.) [Bel—ve—dear ]. A marble statue, supposed
to be from the chisel of the Greek sculptor Calamis, who
flourished in the fifth ante—Christian era. It represents
the god holding a bow in his left hand, and is called Belvidere
from the Belvidere Gallery of the Vatican, in Rome, where it
stands. It was discovered in 1503, amidst the ruins of Antium,
and was purchased by Pope Julius II. Apollodoros Plato says: “Who would not rather be a man
of sorrows than Apollodoros, envied by all for his enormous
wealth, yet nourishing in his heart the scorpions of a guilty
conscience?” (The Republic ). This Apollodoros was
the tyrant of Cassandrea (formerly Potidea ). He obtained
the supreme power B.C. 379, exercised it with the utmost cruelty,
and was put to death by Antigonos Gonatas. Master of the Rosicrucians. He is said to have had the power
of raising the dead, of making himself invisible, and of being in
two places at the same time. King of the bottomless pit. (Rev. ix. 11.) His contest with
Christian, in Bunyan's allegory, has made his name familiar.
(Greek, the destroyer.) (The). Julian, the Roman emperor. So called because he
forsook the Christian faith and returned to Paganism again. (331,
361——363.) [Latin, from the latter ]. An a posteriori
argument is proving the cause from the effect. Thus, if we see a
watch, we conclude there was a watchmaker. Robinson Crusoe
inferred there was another human being on the desert island,
because he saw a human footprint in the wet sand. It is thus the
existence and character of Deity is inferred from his works.
(See A Priori.) The badges or symbols of fourteen apostles. Andrew, a cross, because he was crucified on a cross
shaped like the letter x. Bartholomew, a knife, because he
was flayed with a knife. James the Greater, a scallop—shell, a pilgrim's
staff, or a gourd bottle, because he is the patron
saint of pilgrims. (See Scallop Shell.) James the Less, a fuller's pole, because he was killed
by a blow on the head with a pole, dealt him by Simeon the
fuller. John, a cup with a winged serpent flying out of it, in
allusion to the tradition about Aristodemos, priest of Diana, who
challenged John to drink a cup of poison. John made the sign of a
cross on the cup, Satan like a dragon flew from it, and John then
drank the cup, which was quite innocuous. Judas Iscariot, a bag, because he had the bag and
“bare what was put therein” (John xii. 6). Jude, a
club, because he was martyred with a club. Matthew, a hatchet or halbert, because he was
slain at Nadabar with a halbert. Matthias, a
battle—axe, because he was first stoned, and then
beheaded with a battle—axe. Paul, a sword, because
his head was cut off with a sword. The convent of La Lisha, in
Spain, boasts of possessing the very instrument. Peter, a bunch of keys, because Christ gave him the
“keys of the kingdom of heaven.” A cock,
because he went out and wept bitterly when he heard the cock
crow. (Matt. xxvi. 75.) Philip, a long staff surmounted with a cross, because
he suffered death by being suspended by the neck to a tall
pillar. Simon, a saw, because he was sawn to death, according
to tradition. Thomas, a lance because he was pierced
through the body, at Meliapour, with a lance. (See Evangelists.) According to Catholic legend, seven of the Apostles are buried
at Rome. These seven are distinguished by a star (*). ANDREW lies buried at Amalfi (Naples). BARTHOLOMEW,* at Rome, in the church of Bartholomew Island, on
the Tiber. JAMES THE GREATER was buried at St.Jago de
Compostella, in Spain. JAMES THE LESS,* at Rome, in the church of the Holy Apostles.
JOHN, at Ephesus. JUDE,* at Rome. MATTHEW, at Salerno (Naples). MATTHIAS,* at Rome, under the altar of the Basilica. PAUL,
somewhere in Italy. PETER,* at Rome, in the church of St. Peter. PHILIP,* at Rome. SIMON or SIMEON,* at Rome. THOMAS, at Ortona (Naples). (? Madras.) MARK THE EVANGELIST is said to have been buried at Venice.
LUKE THE EVANGELIST is said to have been buried at Padua. N.B. — Italy claims thirteen of these apostles or
evangelists — Rome seven; Naples three, Paul somewhere in
Italy, Mark at Venice, Luke at Padua. Abyssinians, Ardennes, St. Hubert. (656——730.)
Armenians, Gregory of Armenia. (256——331.)
English, St. Augustine. (Died 607.) St. George.
Ethiopia. (See Abyssinians.) Free Trade, Richard Cobden. (1804——1865.)
French, St. Denis. (Third century.) Frisians, St.
Wilbrod. (657——738.) Gauls, St. Irenæus (130——200); St.
Martin. (316——397.) Génilles, St.
Paul. Germany, St. Boniface. (680——755.)
Highlanders, St. Columb. (521——597.)
Hungary, St. Anastatius. (954——1044.)
Indians (American), Bartolomé de Las Casas
(1474——1500); Rev. John Eliot.
(1603——1690.) Indies (East), St. Francis
Xavier. (1506——1552.) Infidelity, Voltaire. (1694——1778.)
Ireland, St. Patrick. (372——493).
Netherlands, St. Armand, Bishop of Maestricht.
(589——679.) North, St. Ansgar or Anscarius
(801——864); Bernard Gilpin. (1517——1583.)
Picts, St. Ninian. Scottish Reformers, John Knox.
(1505——1572.) Slavs, St. Cyril. (Died
868.) Spain, St.James the Greater. (Died 44.)
Temperance, Father Mathew. (1790——1856.)
Yorkshire, Paulinus, bishop of York and Rochester.
(597——644). Wales, St. David.
(480——544.) The Twelve Apostles. The last twelve names on the poll
or list of ordinary degrees were so called, when the list was
arranged in order of merit, and not alphabetically, as now; they
were also called the Chosen Twelve. The last of the twelve
was designated St. Paul from a play on the verse 1 Cor.
xv. 9. The same term is now applied to the last twelve in the
Mathematical Tripos. Apostle of the Sword. So Mahomet was called, because he
enforced his creed at the point of the sword.
(570——632.) Prince of the Apostles. St. Peter. (Matt. xvi. 18,
19.) Spoons formerly given at christenings; so called because one
of the apostles figured at the top of the handle. Sometimes
twelve spoons, representing the twelve apostles; sometimes four,
representing the four evangelists; and sometimes only one, was
presented. Sometimes, but very rarely, a set occurs containing in
addition the “Master Spoon” and the “Lady
Spoon.” We still give at christenings a silver spoon,
though the apostolic handle is no longer retained. (The). A church creed supposed to be an epitome of
Scripture doctrines, or doctrines taught by the apostles. It was
received into the Latin Church, in its present form, in the
eleventh century; but a formula somewhat like it existed in the
second century. Items were added in the fourth and fifth
centuries, and verbal alterations much later. It is said that Tullo, Bishop of Antioch, introduced the Creed
as part of the daily service in 471. Christian authors born in the first century, when the apostles
lived. John is supposed to have died about A.D. 99, and Polycarp,
the last of the Apostolic Fathers, born about 80, was his
disciple. These three are tolerably certain: Clement of Rome
(30——100), Ignatius (died 115), and Polycarp
(80——169). Three others are Barnabas, Hermas; and
Papias. Barnabas was the companion of Paul, Hermas is a very
doubtful name, and Papias (Bp. of Hierapolis) is mentioned by
Eusebius. Polycarp could hardly have been a disciple of John, although
he might have received Christian instruction from the old
“beloved one.” A title borne by the Emperor of Austria, as King of Hungary.
It was conferred by Pope Sylvester II. on the King of Hungary in
1000. Dress. The ornamental parts of the alb, at the lower edge and
at the wrists. Catechumens used to talk of putting on their
apparels, or fine white surplices, for the feast of
Pentecost. Pugin says: “The albe should be made with apparels
worked in silk or gold, embroidered with ornaments.” Rock tells us — “That apparels were stitched on
the upper part of the amice, like a collar to it.” (An). Asking electors by their choice of
representatives to express their opinion of some moot question.
In order to obtain the public opinion Parliament is dissolved,
and a new election must be made. (4 syl.). Five divinities whose temple stood near the
fountains of Appius, in Rome. Their names are Venus, Pallas,
Concord, Peace, and Vesta. They were represented on
horse—back, like Amazons. The oldest and best of all the Roman roads, leading from the
Porta Capena of Rome to Capua. This “queen of
roads” was commenced by Appius Claudius, the decemvir, B.C.
313. (Newton and the). Voltaire tells us that Mrs. Conduit,
Newton's niece, told him that Newton was at Woolsthorpe, when,
seeing an apple fall, he was led into a train of thought which
resulted in his discovery of gravitation (1666). His mother had married a Rev. B. Smith, and in 1656 had
returned to Woolsthorpe. Her granddaughter was the wife of Mr.
Conduit, who succeeded Newton in the Mint. Newton was on a visit
to his mother. The apple of discord. A cause of dispute; something to
contend about. At the marriage of Thetis and Peleus, where all
the gods and goddesses met together, Discord threw on the table a
golden apple “for the most beautiful.” Juno, Minerva,
and Venus put in their separate claims; and not being able to
settle the point, referred the question to Paris, who gave
judgment in favour of Venus. This brought upon him the vengeance
of Juno and Minerva, to whose spite the fall of Troy is
attributed. The “apple” plays a large part in Greek story.
Besides the “Apple of Discord,” related above, we
have the three apples thrown down by Hippomenes when he raced
with Atalanta. The story says that Atalanta stopped to pick up
the apples, whereby Hippomenes won the race, and according to the
terms obtained her for wife. Then there are the golden apples of the Hesperides, guarded by
a sleepless dragon with a hundred heads; but Hercules slew the
dragon and carried some of the apples to Eurystheus. This was the
twelfth and last of his “labours.” Of course, the Bible story of Eve and the Apple will be
familiar to every reader of this dictionary. Apples of Istakhar are “all sweetness on one
side, and all bitterness on the other.” Apples of Paradise , according to tradition, had a bite
on one side, to commemorate the bite given by Eve. Apples of Pyban , says Sir John Mandeville, fed the
pigmies with their odour only. Apples of Sodom. Thevenot says — “There are
apple—trees on the sides of the Dead Sea which bear lovely
fruit, but within are full of ashes.” Josephus speaks of
these apples. Witman says the same is asserted of the oranges
there. (See Tacitus, Hist., v. 7.) “Like to the apples on the Dead Sea's shore, All ashes to the taste.” Byron: Childe Harold , iii. 34. The apple of perpetual youth. This is the apple of
Idun, daughter of the dwarf Svald, and wife of Bragi. It is by
tasting this apple that the gods preserve their perpetual youth.
(Scandinavian mythology.) The singing apple had the power of persuading any one
to anything. (Chery and Fairstar: Countess D'Anois.) Prince Ahmed's apple — a cure for every disorder.
This apple the prince purchased at Samarcand. (Arabian Nights,
Prince Ahmed, etc.) The apple of the eye. The pupil, of which perhaps it is
a corruption. If not, it is from an erroneous notion that the
little black spot of the eye is a little round solid ball like an
apple. Anything extremely dear or extremely sensitive. “He kept him as the apple of his eye.” —
Deut. xxxii. 3. (An). An apple so called from its being at maturity
about St. John's Day (May 6th). We are told that
apple—johns will keep for two years, and are best when
shrivelled. “I am withered like an old apple—john.”
Shakespeare: 1 Henry IV. iii. 3. Sometimes called the Apples of King John, which, if correct,
would militate against the notion about “St. John's
Day.” “There were some things, for instance, the Apples of
King John, ... I should be tempted to buy.” —
Bigelow: Life of B. Franklin. In the United States there is a drink called
“Apple—Jack,” which is apple or cider
brandy. A bed in which the sheets are so folded that a person cannot
get his legs down; from the apple turnover; or, more
probably, a corruption of “a nap—pe—pli
bed.” (French, nappe pliée, a folded
sheet.) Prim and precise order. The origin of this phrase is still doubtful. Some suggest
cap—à—pie, like a knight in complete
armour. Some tell us that apples made into a pie are quartered
and methodically arranged when the cores have been taken out.
Perhaps the suggestion made above of
nap—pe—pli (French, nappes
pliées, folded linen, neat as folded linen, Latin,
plico, to fold) is nearer the mark. It has also been suggested that “Apple—pie
order” may be a corruption of alpha, beta,
meaning as orderly as the letters of the alphabet. “Everything being in apple—pie order, ... Dr.
Johnson ... proposed that we should accompany him ... to
M'Tassa's kraal.” — Adventures in Mashonaland,
p. 294 (1803). The opening month, when the trees unfold, and the womb of
nature opens with young life. (Latin, aperire, to
open.) April Fool Called in France un poisson d'Avril
(q.v.), and in Scotland a gowk (cuckoo). In
Hindustan similar tricks are played at the Huli Festival (March
31st). So that it cannot refer to the uncertainty of the weather,
nor yet to the mockery trial of our Redeemer, the two most
popular explanations. A better solution is this: As March 25th
used to be New Year's Day, April 1st was its octave, when its
festivities culminated and ended. For the same reason that the “Mockery of Jesus” is
rejected as a solution of this custom, the tradition that it
arose from Noah sending out the dove on the first month may be
set aside. Perhaps it may be a relic of the Roman
“Cerealia,” held at the beginning of April. The tale
is that Proserpina was sporting in the Elysian meadows, and had
just filled her lap with daffodils, when Pluto carried her off to
the lower world. Her mother, Ceres, heard the echo of her
screams, and went in search of “the voice;” but her
search was a fool's errand, it was hunting the gowk, or looking
for the “echo of a scream.” Of course this fable is an allegory of seedtime. My April morn — i.e. my wedding day; the day when
I was made a fool of. The allusion is to the custom of making
fools of each other on the 1st of April. (An). A man newly married, who has made himself thus
“an April fool.” (An). Anovus homo, A man who has accumulated
money, and has retired into the country, where his money may give
him the position of a squire. [Latin, from an antecedent ]. An a priori
argument is when we deduce a fact from something antecedent, as
when we infer certain effects from given causes. All mathematical
proofs are of the a priori kind, whereas judgments in the
law courts are of the a posteriori evidence; we infer the
animus from the act. (See A Posteriori.) This is a strange blunder. A napperon , converted into
An apperon. “Napperon” is French for a napkin,
from nappe (cloth in general). Halliwell, in his
Archaic Dictionary, p. 571, gives Nappern (an apron)
North. Other examples of n attached to the following noun, or
detached from it, are an adder for a nadder (Old English,
noeddre); a newt for an ewt; a nag (Danish,
ög ); nuncle (Shakespeare), mine uncle; For
the nonce (this once), where n is transferred from
the preceding pronoun tha—n or the—n,
i.e. this—n (accusative case after “for"). (An). tenure held in virtue of one's wife. Tied to his mother's apron—string , completely
under his mother's thumb. Applied to a big boy or young man who
is still under mother rule. (French). Turning to quite another subject; à propos
de rien. [royal water ]. So called because it dissolves gold,
the king of metals. It consists of one part of nitric
acid, with from two to four of hydrochloric acid. or Acqua Tofanica. A poisonous liquid much used in
Italy in the seventeenth century by young wives who wanted to get
rid of their husbands. It was invented by a woman named Tofana,
who called it the Manna of St. Nicholas of Bari, from the
widespread notion that an oil of miraculous efficacy flowed from
the tomb of that saint. In Italian called also Aquella di
Napoli. Aqua Vitæ [water of life ]. Certain ardent
spirits used by the alchemists. Ben Jonson terms a seller of
ardent spirits an “aqua—vitæ man”
(Alchemist, i. 1). The “elixir of life” was
made from distilled spirits, which were thought to have the power
of prolonging life. (See Eau de Vie.) A sect in the early Christian Church which insisted on the use
of water instead of wine in the Lord's Supper. [the water—bearer ]. One of the signs of the
zodiac (January 20th to February 18th). So called because it
appears when the Nile begins to overflow. Rocks produced by the agency of water, such as bedded
limestones, sandstones, and clays; in short, all the geological
rocks which are arranged in layers or strata. (in Orlando Furioso). A knight in Charlemagne's army,
son of Olivero and Sigismunda. He was called black from
his armour, and his brother Gryphon white. While Aquilant
was searching for his brother he met Martano in Gryphon's armour,
and took him bound to Damascus, where his brother was. (3 syl.). Raymond's matchless steed, bred on the banks of the
Tagus. (Georgics, iii. 271——277; and Tasso,
Jerusalem Delivered, book vii.) (See Horse.) (The). Juvenal is so called because he was born at
Aquinum, a town of the Volscians. [Arrabesk ]. The gorgeous Moorish patterns, like those
in the Alhambra, especially employed in architectural decoration.
During the Spanish wars, in the reign of Louis XIV., arabesque
decorations were profusely introduced into France. (French,
“Arab—like.”) (The). The phoenix; a marvellous man, quite sui
generis. “O Antony! thou Arabian bird!” Shakespeare:
Antony and Cleopatra, iii. 2. (The). First made known in Europe by Antoine Galland, a
French Oriental scholar, who translated them and called them
The Thousand and One Nights (from the number of nights
occupied in their recital). They are of Indian, Persian,
Egyptian, and Arabian origin. Common English translations
— 4 vols. 12mo, 1792, by R. Heron, published in Edinburgh and
London. 3 vols. 12mo, 1794, by Mr. Beloe, London. 3 vols. 12mo, 1798, by Richard Gough, enlarged. Paris
edition. 5 vols. 8vo, 1802, by Rev. Edward Foster. 5 vols. 8vo, 1830, by Edw. Wm. Lane. The Tales of the Genii , by Sir Charles Morell
(i.e. Rev. James Ridley), are excellent imitations. A class of Arabian heretics of the third century, who
maintained that the soul dies with the body. The figures 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. So called because they were
introduced into Europe (Spain) by the Moors or Arabs, who learnt
them from the Hindus. Far more important than the characters, is
the decimalism of these figures: 1 figure = units, 2 figures = tens, 3
figures = hundreds, and so on ad infinitum. The figures i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii, viii, ix, x, etc., are
called Roman figures. The Greeks arranged their figures under
three columns of nine figures, units, tens, and hundreds, and
employed the letters of the alphabet. As there are but
twenty—four letters, a sansculotte letter had to be
introduced into each column. In the units column it represented
6, and was called episemon. In the tens column it
represented 90, and was called koppos. And: in the third
column it represented 900, and was called sanpi. Thousands
were represented by a dash under some letter of the first three
columns. Street Arabs. The houseless poor; street children. So called
because, like the Arabs, they are nomads or wanderers with no
settled home. Spinning and weaving. Arachne was so skilful a needlewoman
that she challenged Minerva to a trial of skill, and hanged
herself because the goddess beat her. Minerva then changed her
into a spider. “Arachne's labours ne'er her hours divide, Her noble hands nor looms nor spindles guide.”
Hoole's Jerusalem Delivered, book ii. [the partition]. A region, according to the Koran,
between Paradise and Jehennam, for those who are neither morally
good nor bad, such as infants, lunatics, and idiots. The inmates
of Al Araf will be allowed to converse with the blessed and the
cursed; to the former this region will appear a hell, to the
latter a heaven. (See Limbo.) (in Jerusalem Delivered), King of Alexandria, more
famed for devices than courage. He joined the Egyptian armament
against the Crusaders. of Achæa, in Greece, murdered Nicocles, the tyrant, in
order to restore his country to liberty, and would not allow even
a picture of a king to exist. He was poisoned by Philip of
Macedon. “Aratus, who awhile relumed the soul Of fondly—lingering liberty in Greece.” Thomson: Winter, 491, 492. (3 syl.). A Mede and Assyrian satrap, who conspired against
Sardanapalus, and founded the empire of Media on the ruins of the
Assyrian kingdom. (Byron: Sardanapalus.) A day set apart in Canada and the United States for planting
trees. (See Historic Note Book, p. 42.) Said to be so called because Judas Iscariot hanged himself
thereon. This is one of those word—resemblances so delusive to etymologists.
Judæ is the Spanish judia (a French bean), and Arbor
Judæ is a corruption of Arbol Judia (the
bean—tree), so called from its bean—like pods. [Arcades 3 syl.], both sweet innocents or simpletons,
both Verdant Greens. From Virgil's Eclogue, vii. v.
4. (See below , Arcadian Youth.) Byron's translation was
“blackguards both.” A shepherd, a fancy farmer; so called because the Arcardians
were a pastoral people, and hence pastoral poetry is called
Arcadic. An Arcadian youth. A dunce or blockhead; so called because the
Arcardians were the least intellectual of all the Greeks. Juneval
(vii. 160) uses the phrase Arcadicus juvenis for a stupid
fool. Asses. “April is the month of love; and the country of
Chastelleraud abounds with Arcadian nightingales.”
— Rabelais: Pantagruel . v. 7 (note). According to the Koran, there are four archangels.
Gabriel. the angel of revelations, who writes down the
divine decrees; Mïchael, the champion, who fights the
battles of faith; Azrael, the angel of death; and
Azrafil, who is commissioned to sound the trumpet of the
resurrection. Napoleon III. of France. (1808, 1852——1870,
died 1873.) The best archers in British history and story are Robin Hood
and his two comrades Little John and Will Scarlet. The famous archers of Henry II. were Tepus his bowman of the
Guards, Gilbert of the white hind, Hubert of Suffolk, and Clifton
of Hampshire. Nearly equal to these were Egbert of Kent and William of
Southampton. Domitian, the Roman emperor, we are told, could shoot four
arrows between the spread fingers of a man's hand. Tell, who shot an apple set on the head of his son, is a
replica of the Scandinavian tale of Egil, who, at the command of
King Nidung, performed a precisely similar feat. Robin Hood, we are told, could shoot an arrow a mile or
more. (The Court of). The most ancient consistory court of
England, the dean of which anciently held his court under the
arches of Bow church. Of course we refer to the old church, the
steeple of which was supported on arches. The present structure
was the work of Sir Christopher Wren. (3 syl.) according to the Paracelsians, is that immaterial
principle which energises all living substances. There were
supposed to be numerous archei, but the chief one was said to
reside in the stomach. Illnatured satire, so named from Archilochos, the Grecian
satirist (B.C. 714——676). (3 syl.). The name given by Thomson to the “demon
Indolence.” Archimagus is the title borne by the High
Priest of the Persian Magi. “"I will,” he cried, “so help me God!
destroy That villain Archimage.”” Thomson: Castle of Indolence , c. ii. [Hypocrisy ]. In Spenser's Faëric Queene
(ii. 1). He assumes the guise of the Red Cross Knight, and
deceives Una; but Sansloy sets upon him, and reveals his true
character. When the Red Cross Knight is about to be married to
Una, he presents himself before the King of Eden, and tells him
that the Knight is betrothed to Duessa. The falsehood being
exposed, Archimago is cast into a vile dungeon (book i.). In book
ii. the arch—hypocrite is loosed again for a season, and
employs Bragga—docchio to attack the Red Cross Knight.
These allegories are pretty obvious: thus the first incident
means that Truth (Una), when Piety (the Red
Cross Knight) is absent, is in danger of being led astray by
Hypocrisy; but any Infidel (Sansloy) can lay bare
religious hypocrisy. “Such whenas Archimago them did view He weened well to worke some uncouth wyle.” Spenser:
Faërie Queene, ii. 1, st. 8. Sometimes Spenser employs the shortened form
“Archimage.” The quantity of water removed by any body immersed therein
will equal in bulk the bulk of the body immersed. This scientific
fact was noted by the philosopher Archimedes. (See
Eureka.) An endless screw, used for raising water, propelling ships,
etc., invented by Archimedes of Syracuse. Appius says, “Fabrun suoe esse quemque
fortunoe.” Longfellow says, “All are architects
of Fate.” (The Builders.) Heretics of the second century, who held a number of idle
stories about creation, which they attributed to a number of
agents called “archons.” (Greek, archon , a
prince or ruler.) (2 syl.). A young Theban knight, made captive by Duke Theseus,
and shut up with Palamon in a prison at Athens. Here both the
captives fell in love with Emily, the duke's
sister—in—law. After a time both captives gained
their liberty, and Emily was promised by the duke to the victor
in a tournament. Arcite was the victor, but, as he was riding to
receive the prize of his prowess, he was thrown from his horse,
and died. So Emily became the bride of Palamon. (Chaucer: The
Knight Tale.) The story is perhaps better known through Dryden's version,
Palamon and Arcite. War steeds of Arcos, in Andalusia, very famous in Spanish
ballads. (See Barbed Steeds.) means the region of Arcturos (the Bear stars).
Ark in Sanskrit means “to be bright,” applied
to stars or anything bright. The Greeks transLated ark
into arkt(os), “a bear”; hence Arcturus
(the Bear Stars), and Arctic region, the region where the
north star is found. (Enoch). Mr. G. R. Emerson, in a letter to the
Athenæum (August 18th, 1866), points out the
resemblance of this tale by Tennyson to one entitled Homeward
Bound, by Adelaide Anne Procter, in a volume of Legends
and Lyrics, 1858. Mr. Emerson concludes his letter thus:
“At this point (i.e when the hero sees his wife
“seated by the fire, whispering baby words and smiling on
the father of her child") Tennyson departs from the story. Enoch
goes away broken—hearted to die, without revealing his
secret; but Miss Procter makes the three recognise each other,
and the hero having blessed his wife, leaves her, to roam
“over the restless ocean.”" Mrs. Gaskell's Manchester Marriage is a similar tale.
In this tale “Frank” is made to drown himself; and
his wife (then Mrs. Openshaw) never knows of his return. A boy or girl who sneaks about areas to commit petty
thefts. or Mars' Hill. The seat of a famous tribunal in Athens;
so called because the first cause tried there was that of Mars or
Ares, accused by Neptune of the death of his son
Halirrhothius. “Then Panl stood in the midst of Mars' Hill.”
— Acts xvii. 22. Aretine (3 syl.) or rather Pietro Aretino, patronised by
François I. of France. A poet noted for his
disreputable life and licentious verses.
(1492——1557.) “[Shakespeare] tried his hand with Aretine on a
licentious subject.” — Steevens. Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la, used by Guido d'Arezzo in the
eleventh century for his system of hexachords. Hexachord means a
scale of six notes. They are the first syllables of some words in
the opening stauza of a hymn for St. John's Day. “Ut
queant laxis re —sonare fibris,” etc.
Si, the seventh note, was not introduced till the
seventeenth century. Originally thescale consisted of six notes
only. (See Do.) “Auparavant on ne se servait que de six notes; et on
remplaçait le si au moyen de combinaisons
appelées nuances.” — Bou llet:
Dictionaire des Sciences, p. 1523, col. 2.) a miserly hypochondriac. He reduced himself to this dilemma:
if his apothecary would not charge less, he could not afford to
be sick; but if he swallowed fewer drugs, he would suffer in
health. (Molière's Le Malade Imaginaire.) A lamp with a circular wick, through which a current of air
flows, to supply oxygen to the flame, and increase its
brilliancy. Invented by Aimé Argand, 1789. (3 syl.) A giantess of unbridled licentiousness, in Spenser's
Faërie Queene, iii. 7. “That geauntesse Argantè is behight, A daughter of the Titans ... Her sire Typhoeus was. ...” Book iii, 7, st. 47. (3 syl.). A Circassian of high rank and matchless courage, but
fierce to brutality, and an ultra—despiser of the sect of the Nazarenes. He was sent
as an ambassador from Egypt to King Aladine. He and Solyman were
by far the most doughty of the Pagan knights. The former was
slain by Rinaldo, and the other by Tancred. (Tasso: Jerusalem
Delivered.) “Bonaparte stood before the deputies like the
Argantës of Italy's heroic poet and gave them the choice of
peace and war, with the air of a superior being, capable at once
of dictating their fate.” — Sir Walter
Scott. A political allegory by John Barclay, containing allusions to
the state of Europe, and more especially to France, during the
time of the league. (1582——1621.) (See
Utopia.) and Curan Argentile was the daughter of King
Adelbright, who, on his deathbed, committed her in charge to King
Edel. Edel kept her a close prisoner, under hope of getting into
his possession her lands and dominion. Curan, the son of a Danske
King, in order to woo her, became a kitchen drudge in Edel's
household, and Edel resolved to marry Argentile to this drudge,
but she fled away. Curan now turned shepherd, and fell in love
with a neatherd's maid, who turned out to be Argentile. The two
were married, and Curan claiming his wife's dominions, became
King of Northumberland, and put Edel to death. (Percy's
Reliques.) The Republic of the Argentine, or Silver River; in other
words, the Confederation of the Rio de la Plata. Argeo (in Orlando Furioso). Baron of Servia, and
husband of Gabrina. He is a sort of Potiphar. His wife tried to
seduce Philander, a young Dutch knight, and failing in her
effort, she accused him to her husband of adultery; whereupon
Argeo threw the “faithless guest” into durance. In
the course of time Gabrina implored the young captive to defend
her against a wicked knight who had assailed her virtue. He
consented to be her champion, and was placed in concealment.
Presently a knight drew near, and Philander, rushing on him,
dispatched him; but the supposed “adulterer” was, in
reality, Argeo himself, and Gabrina, being now a widow, was free
to marry her Dutch “Joseph.” (in Jerusalem Delivered). A haughty, turbulent knight,
born on the banks of the Trent. Accusing Godfrey and his brother
of having murdered Rinaldo, he induced the Latians to revolt. The
revolt spread to the Swiss and English, but Godfrey succeeded in
restoring order. Argillan was arrested, but made his escape, and
was slain in battle by Solyman. (Books viii. ix.) A ship sailing on an adventure. The galley of Jason that went
in search of the Golden Fleece was so called, from the Greek
argos (swift). The sailors of the ship Argo. Apollonios of Rhodes
wrote an epic poem on the subject. (Greek, argonaus.) A merchant ship. A corruption of “ragusea.” Ships
of the largest size were built at Ragusa in Dalmatia and
Venice. “He hath an argosy bound to Tripolis, another to the
Indies ... a third to Mexico, a fourth to England.” —
Shakespeare: Merchant of Venice , i. 3. [Argo ]. Slang or flash language (French). “Sans le (le mot d'argot) faire venir du grec
argos, e.g. comme l'on a prétendu avant nous, nous
y verrions logiquement undiminute du vieux mot argu qui
signifiait injure, reproche, et aussi ruse, finesse,
subtilité.” — Larchey: Dictionaire
d'Argot. Francisque—Michel, however, in his Philologie
Comparée , says, “L'ancienne langue
Française avait le mot argu, mais dans un sens bien
different, que l'on peut établir par les passages suivant
...” He then gives five examples. Jealously watchful. According to Grecian fable, Argos had 100
eyes, and Juno set him to watch Io, of whom she was jealous. (2 syl.) — of whom Thompson says, in his Autumn
(928——30) — “On thee, Argyle, Her hope, her stay, her darling, and her boast, Thy fond,
imploring country turns her eye — “ was John, the great duke, who lived only two years
after he succeeded to the dukedom. Pope (Ep. Sat. ii.
86, 87) says — “Argyle the state's whole thunder born to wield, And shake alike the senate and the field.” The followers of Arius, a presbyter of the church of
Alexandria, in the fourth century. He maintained (1) that the Father and Son are distinct beings; (2) that the
Son, though divine, is not equal to the Father; (3) that the Son had a state of existence previous to His
appearance on earth, but not from eternity; and (4) that the
Messiah was not real man, but a divine being in a case of
flesh. [A—ree—de—us ] in Jerusalem
Delivered, herald in the Christian army. The other herald is
Pindorus. A spirit of the air and guardian of innocence. He was enslaved
to the witch Sycorax, who overtasked him; and in punishment for
not doing what was beyond his power, shut him up in a
pine—rift for twelve years. On the death of Sycorax, Ariel
became the slave of Caliban, who tortured him most cruelly.
Prospero liberated him from the pine—rift, and the grateful
fairy served him for sixteen years, when he was set free. (Shakespeare. Tempest.) Ariel. The sylph that watched over Belinda. (Pope:
Rape of the Lock, i.) Ariel. One of the angels cast out of heaven. The word
means lion of God. (Milton: Paradise Lost, book vi.
371.) The Ram. The sign of the Zodiac in which the sun is from March
21st to April 20th. “At last from Aries rolls the bounteous sun.”
Thomson: Spring , 20. (4 syl.). “The prince of earth and air,” and the
fountain—head of evil. It is a personage in Persian
mythology, introduced into Grecian fable under the name of
Arimannis. Byron introduces him in his drama called
Manfred. A one—eyed people of Scythia, who adorned their hair
with gold. They were constantly at war with the gryphons who
guarded the gold mines. “As when a gryphon, through the wilderness ... Pursues the Arimaspian, who by stealth Had from his wakeful custody purloined The guarded gold.” Milton: Paradise Lost , ii. 943.6) One of the fallen angels cast out of heaven. The word means
a fierce lion. (MIlton: Paradise Lost, vi.
371.) A Greek musician, cast into the sea by mariners, but carried
to Tænaros on the back of a dolphin. Arion. The wonderful horse which Hercules gave to
Adrastos. It sprang from Ceres and Neptune, had the power of
speech, and its feet on the right side were the feet of a man.
(See Horse.) was privately married to Alessandra Benucci, widow of Tito
Strozzi; she is generally called his mistress. Ariosto of the North. So Lord Byron calls Sir Walter
Scott. (Childe Harold, iv. 40.) The wandering Jew of Grecian fable. (See Jew.) (4 syl.). Surnamed The Just. An Athenian statesman. “Then Aristides lifts his honest front, Spotless of heart; to whom the unflattering voice Of Freedom
gave the noblest name of “just.”” Thomson:
Winter, 459—61. The British Aristides. Andrew Marvell
(1620——1678). The French Aristides. Mons. Grévy, born 1813,
president of the Third Republic 1879——1887, died
1891. He was a barrister by profession. (See Hedonism .) The cold shade of the aristocracy — i.e. the
unsympathising patronage of the great. The expression first
occurs in Sir W. F. P. Napier's History of the Peninsular
War. The word “aristocracy” is the Greek
aristo—cratia (rule of the best—born). The English or modern Aristophanes. Samuel Foote
(1722——1777). The French Aristophanes. J.
Baptiste Poquelin de Molière (1622——1673). Aristotle of China. Tehuhe, who died A.D. 1200, called the
“Prince of Science.” Aristotle of the nineteenth
century. Baron Cuvier, the great naturalist
(1769——1832). Aristotle maintained that four separate causes are necessary
before anything exists: the material cause, the formal, the
final, and the moving cause. The first is the antecedents from
which the thing comes into existence; the second, that which
gives it its individuality; the moving or efficient cause is that
which causes matter to assume its individual forms; and the final
cause is that for which the thing exists. According to Aristotle,
matter is eternal. Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, laid it down as a rule that
every tragedy, properly constructed, should contain but one
catastrophe; should be limited to one denoument; and be
circumscribed to the action of one single day. These are called
the Aristotelic or Dramatic unities. To these the
French have added a fourth, the unity of uniformity, i.e.
in tragedy all the “dramatis personæ” should be
tragic in style, in comedy comic, and in farce
farcical. You must have come out of the ark, or you were born in the
ark, because you are so old—fashioned, and ignorant of
current events. The Spanish Armada. The fleet assembled by Philip II of Spain,
in 1588, for the conquest of England. Used for any fleet. A religious sect so called from Armenia, where Christianity
was introduced in the second century. They attribute only one
nature to Christ and hold that the Spirit proceeds from the
Father only. They enjoin the adoration of saints, have some
peculiar ways of administering baptism and the Lord's Supper, but
do not maintain the doctrine of purgatory. One of the prominent female characters in Tasso's Jerusalem
Delivered. She was a beautiful sorceress, with whom Rinaldo
fell in love, and wasted his time in voluptuous pleasure. Two
messengers were sent from the Christian army with a talisman to
disenchant him. After his escape, Armida followed him in
distraction, but not being able to allure him back, set fire to
her palace, rushed into the midst of a combat, and was slain. In 1806, Frederick William of Prussia declared war against
Napoleon, and his young queen rode about in military costume to
arouse the enthusiasm of the people. When Napoleon was told of
it, he wittily said of her: “She is Armida, in her
distraction setting fire to her own palace.” (Anti —— Calvinists), so called from James
Harmensen, of Holland, whose name, Latinised, is Jacobus
Arminius. He asserted that God bestows forgiveness and eternal
life on all who repent and believe; that He wills all men to be
saved; and that His predestination is founded on His
foreknowledge. Armory Heraldry is so called, because it first found its
special use in direct connection with military equipments,
knightly exercises, and the mêlée of actual
battle. “Some great man's badge of war or armory.”
Morris: Earthly Paradise, ii. 167. The place where armour is kept. “But the sword Of Michael from the armoury of God Was given him.” Milton: Paradise Lost , vi. 320. See also vii.
200. In the Bayeux tapestry, the Saxons fight on foot with javelin
and battle—axe, and bear shields with the British
characteristic of a boss in the centre. The men were
moustached. The Normans are on horseback, with long shields and pennoned
lances. The men are not only shaven, but most of them have a
complete tonsure on the back of the head, whence the spies said
to Harold, “There are more priests in the Norman army than
men in Harold's.” (The Royal). The three lions leopardised were the
cognisance of William the Conqueror; the lion rampant in the
second quarter is from the arms of Scotland; and the harp in the
fourth quarter represents Ireland. The lion supporter is in
honour of England, and the unicorn in honour of Scotland. These
two supporters were introduced by James I. William I. had only two lions passant gardant; the
third was introduced by Henry II. The lion rampant first appeared
on Scotch seals in the reign of Alexander II.
(1214——1249). The harp was assigned to Ireland in the
time of Henry VII.; before that time the arms of Ireland were
three crowns. The unicorn was not a supporter of the royal
arms of Scotland before the reign of Mary Stuart. Which arm of the service. Military or naval? The secular arm. Civil, in contradistinction to
ecclesiastical jurisdiction. “The relapsed arm delivered to the secular arm.”
— Priestley. Corruptions of Christianity. To arm a magnet. To put an armature on a loadstone.
A coat of arms. An heraldic device. A passage of arms. A literary controversy; a battle of
words. An assault at arms (or of arms). An attack by
fencers; a hand—to—hand military exercise. At
arm's length. At a distance. To keep one at arm's length is
to repel familiarity. In arms. A child in arms is an infant carried about in
one's arms. A city in arms is one in which the people are armed
for war. King of arms. A chief herald in the College of
Heralds. Here arms means heraldic devices. Small arms.
Those which do not, like artillery, require carriages. To appeal to arms. To determine to decide a litigation
by war. To arms! Make ready for battle. “To arms! cried Mortimer, And couched his quivering lance.” Gray: The Bard. Come to my arms. Come, and let me embrace you. To lay down
their arms. To cease from armed hostility; to surrender.
Under arms. Prepared for battle; in battle array. Up in arms. In open rebellion; roused to anger, as the
clergy were up in arms against Colenso for publishing his
Lectures on the Pentateuch. The latter is a figure of
speech. With open arms. Cordially; as persons receive a dear
friend when they open their arms for an embrace. [brave men ]. Albanian mountaineers. “Stained with the best of Arnaut's blood.”
Byron: The Giaour. Anglo —Saxon, ærn—monath, barn month.
The Anglo—Saxon name for August, because it was the month
for garnering the corn. of Melchthal, patriarch of the forest cantons of Switzerland.
He was in love with Matilda, a sister of Gessler, the Austrian
governor of the district. When the tyranny of Gessler drove the
people into rebellion, Arnold gave up Matilda and joined the
insurgents; but when Gessler was shot by William Tell, he became
united to her in marriage. (Rossini's opera of Guglielmo
Tell.) The partisans of Arnold of Brescia, who raised his voice
against the abuses and vices of the papacy in the twelfth
century. He was burnt alive by Pope Adrian IV. in the satire of Absalom and Achitopel, by Dryden and
Tate, is designed for Sir William Waller. But in the sacred annals of our plot Industrious Arod never be forgot, The labours of this midnight magistrate May vie with Corah [Titus Oates] to preserve the state.”
Part ii. Get ye gone, be off. In Cheshire they say, rynt ye,
witch ; and milk—maids say to their cows when they have
done milking them, rynt ye. (or 'roint) my
beauties; but it is doubtful whether this is connected with
the word in question. (4 syl.) in Jerusalem Delivered. An Asiatic king, who
joined the Egyptian armament against the Crusaders, “not by
virtue fired, but vain of his titles and ambitious of
fame.” The sword of Sir Launcelot of the Lake. (See
Sword.) “It is the sword of a good knight, Though homespun was his mail, What matter if it be not hight, Joyeuse, Colada, Durindale, Excalibar, or Aroundight?” Longfellow. tapestry. So called from Arras, in Artois, famed for its
manufacture. When rooms were hung with tapestry it was a common
thing for persons to hide behind it, especially the arras curtain
before the door. Hubert concealed the two villains who were to
put out Arthur's eyes behind the arras. Polonius was slain by
Hamlet while concealed behind the arras. Falstaff proposed to
hide behind the arras at Windsor, etc. a Roman lady, the wife of Cæcina Pætus.
Pætus being accused of conspiring against the Emperor
Claudius was condemned to death and sent by sea to Rome. Arria
accompanied him, and stabbed herself in the boat, then presenting the dagger to her husband, she said:
“Pætus, it gives no pain” (non dolet).
(Pliny, vii.) Her daughter Arria, wife of Thraseas, when
her husband was condemned to death by Nero, opened her veins; but
Thraseas entreated her to live, for the sake of her children. (plural arrières pensées), a hidden or
reserved motive, not apparent on the surface. the weasel, in the tale of Reynard the Fox. The broad arrow, thus =17=. A mark used by the British Board
of Ordnance, and placed on their stores. (See Broad
Arrow.) is araruta, the Indian word ara is the name of
the plant. There is no evidence of its being used to absorb the
poison of poisoned arrows in fleshy wounds. (in Jerusalem Delivered). The aged eunuch who brought
up Clorinda, and attended her steps. called by the Persians Kai—Ardeshir, and surnamed
diraz—dest (long—handed), because his right
hand was longer than his left. The Romans translated
diraz—dest into longi—manus ; the Greek
Arta into Arde (“noble"). (Sir) (in Spenser's Faërie Queene), is the
hero of the fifth book, and impersonates Justice, the foster
child of Astræa. In the previous books he occasionally
appears, and is called Sir Arthegal. It is said that Arthur, Lord
Grey of Wilton, was the prototype of this character. He was sent
to Ireland as Lord Lieutenant in 1580, and the poet was his
secretary. In book iv., canto 6, Sir Artegal is married to
Britomart, and proceeds to succour Irena (Ireland), whose
heritage had been withheld by the tyrant Grantorto. (See
Arthegal.) A showman, very cute, and very American The hypothetical
writer of the essays or papers so called, the real author being
Charles F. Browne. Being asked if his name was Artemus or Artemus, he wrote on
his address card: — Don't bother me with your etas and short e's, Nor ask me for more than you have on my card; Oh! spare me
from etymological sorties, And simply accept me as Artemus Ward; Which, however, leaves
the pronunciation of “Ward” doubtful. So called from Artesium (the Latin for Artois), in
France, where they were first bored. A young thief, a most perfect adept in villainy, up to every
sort of wicked dodge. (Dickens: Oliver Twist.) Uterine brother of Prince Arthur. Spenser, in his Faerie
Queene (book iii.), makes Britomart see his person and name
in the magic glass. She falls in love with the
looking—glass hero, and is told by Merlin that she will
marry him, and become the mother of a line of kings that would
supersede both of the Saxons and Normans. He referred, of course,
to the Tudors, who were descendants of Cadwallader. (See
Artegal.) King of the Silures, a tribe of ancient Britons, was mortally
wounded in the battle of Camlan, in Cornwall, raised by the
revolt of his nephew, Modred. He was taken to Glastonbury, where
he died. His wife was Guinever, who committed adultery
with Sir Launcelot of the Lake, one of the Knights of the Round
Table. He was the natural son of Uther and Igerna (wife of
Gorlois, duke of Cornwall), and was brought up by Sir Ector. He was born at Tintadgel or Tintagel a castle in
Cornwall. His habitual residence was Caerleon, in Wales; and he
was buried at Avalon. His sword was called
Excalibar or Excalibor; his spear, Rome (1
syl.), and his shield, Pridwin. His dog was named
Cavall. (See Round Table Knights.) These may be divided into six parts: (1) The romance of the San Graal. By Robert Borron. (2) The Merlin, which celebrates the birth and exploits
of King Arthur. By Sr Thomas Malory. (3) The Launcelot. Perhaps by Ulrich. (4) The search or Quest of the San Graal. It is found
by Sir Galahad, a knight of pure heart and great courage; but no
sooner does he find it than he is taken up to heaven. By (?)
Walter Mapes. (5) The Mort d'Arthur, or Death of Arthur. By (?)
Walter Mapes. (6) Sundry Tales, but especially the adventures of Sir
Tristan. By Luke Gast, of Salisbury. a hill near Edinburgh, is Ard Seir (hill of arrows),
where people shot at a mark. (Scotch). Conditions of sale at an auction announced by a
crier. (Roup is the Teutonic reopen, to cry out.) Albert Dürer; so called by his countrymen.
(1471——1528.) (4 syl.). Certain heretics from among the Montanists; so
called because they used bread and cheese in the Eucharist. They
admitted women to the priesthood. (Greek, artos,
barley—bread, and turos, cheese.) Degrees in Arts. In the mediæval ages the full course
consisted of the three subjects which constituted the
Trivium and the four subjects which constituted the
Quadrivium: — The Trivium was grammar, logic, and rhetoric. The Quadrivium was music, arithmetic, geometry, and
astronomy. The Master of Arts was the person qualified to teach
or be the master of students in arts; as the Doctor was the
person qualified to teach theology, law, or medicine. The heraldic device of the family is six swallows
(hirondelles), a pun upon the name. Arundel.
(See Horse.) A collection of ancient sculptures collected at great expense
by Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel, and presented to the
University of Oxford in 1667 by his grandson, Henry Howard,
afterwards Duke of Norfolk. They contain tables of ancient
chronology, especially that of Athens, from B.C. 1582 to 264,
engraved in old Greek capitals. Date of the tables, B.C. 263. (See Horse .) The parent stock of what is called the Indo—European
family of nations. They lived probably in Bactria, i.e.
between the river Oxus and the Hindu—koosh mountains. The
Aryan family of languages include the Persian and Hindû
with all the European except Basque, Turkish, Hungarian, and
Finnic. Sometimes called the IndoEuropean, sometimes the
Indo—Germanic, and sometimes the Japetic. Sanskrit, Zend, Latin, Greek, and Celtic are, of course,
included. Arzina A river that flows into the North Sea, near Wardhus,
where Sir Willoughby's three ships were frozen, and the whole
crew perished of starvation. “In these fell regions, in Arzina caught, And to the stony deep his idle ship Immediate sealed, he with his hapless crew ... Froze into
statues.” Thomson: Winter 934. in military drilling, means, Return to the position in which
you were before the last exercise. As you were before. was a term of address to all the gods of Gladsheim; as Asa
Odin, Asa Thor, Asa Loki, Asa Tyr, etc. “"That's all very well, Asa Odin,” answered Frey;
“but who, let me ask, is to undertake the feeding of the
human animal?”” — Keary: Heroes of
Asgard , p.73. Descended from the giants and received among the celestials.
He is represented as a treacherous malignant power, fond of
assuming disguises, and plotting evil. One of his progeny is Hela
(q.v.). (Scandinavian mythology.) (See Æsir.) Eldest son of Asa Odin, and the first—born of mortals.
(Scandinavian mythology.) A famous musician in David's time (1 Chron. xxv. 1, 2). Mr.
Tate, who wrote the second part of Absalom and Achitophel,
lauds Dryden under this name. “While Judah's throne and Sion's rock stand fast, The song of Asaph and the fame shall last.” Absalom and
Achitophel, part ii, 1063——4. One of Actæon's dogs. The word means
soot—coloured. (See Amarynthos.) Turned by Proserpine, for mischief—making, into an owl.
(Greek fable.) A giant conquered by Sir Bevis of Southampton. He was thirty
feet high, and the space between his eyes was twelve inches. This
mighty giant, whose effigy figures on the city gates of
Southampton, could carry under his arm without feeling distressed
Sir Bevis with his wife and horse. (See Giants.) “As Bevis of Southampton fell upon Ascapart.”
Shakespeare: 2 Henry VI., act ii. 3. Ascendant In casting a horoscope the easternmost star,
representing the house of life, is called the ascendant, because
it is in the act of ascending. This is a man's strongest star,
and so long as it is above the horizon his fortune is said to be
in the ascendant. When a man's circumstances begin to improve,
and things look brighter, we say his star is in the
ascendant. (See Houses, Stars.) House of the Ascendant includes five degrees of the
zodiac above the point just rising, and twenty—five below
it. Usually, the point of birth is referred to. The lord of the Ascendant is any planet within the
“house of the Ascendant.” The house and lord of the
Ascendant at birth were said by astrologers to exercises great
influence on the future life of the child. Perhaps Deborah
referred to the influence of the stars when she said “the
stars in their courses fought against Sisera.” (Judges v. 20.) or Holy Thursday. The day set apart by the Catholic and
Anglican Church to commemorate the ascent of our Lord from earth
to heaven. Formerly it was customary to beat the bounds of each
respective parish on this day, and many practical jokes were
played even during the first quarter of the nineteenth century,
to make the boys remember the delimitations: such as
“bumping them,” pouring water clandestinely on them
from house windows, beating them with thin rods, etc. Beating the
bounds was called in Scotland Riding the marches
(bounds). or Asclepiadic Metre. A Greek and Latin verse, so
called from Asclepiades, the inventor. Each line is divided into
two parts. The first ode of Horace is Asclepiadic. The first and last two
lines run thus, and in the same metre: — Dear friend patron of song, sprung from the race of kings; Thy name ever a grace and a protection brings ... My name, if to the lyre haply you chance to wed, Pride would high as the stars lift my exalted head. E. C. B. (4 syl.). Certain heretics who said “they were vessels
full of new wine” (Greek, askos). By new wine they
meant the Gospel. (Matt. ix. 17.) A very fashionable “meet,” run on Ascot Heath,
Berkshire (6 miles from Windsor). The best horses of all England
compete, and at a somewhat more advanced age than at the
“great classic races” (q.v.). or Sage. Hesiod, the Greek didactic poet, born at
Ascra, in Boeotia. Virgil calls him the “Old
Ascræon.” (Eclogues, vii. 70.) The fortress of the Asir or the Northern gods, the
Olympos of Scandinavian mythology. It is said to be situated in
the centre of the universe, and accessible only by the
rainbow—bridge (Bifrost). The word As means a
“god,” and gard an “enclosure,”
our “yard.” Odin was priest of Asgard before he
migrated to the Lake Logur or Moelar Sea or “Tree of the Universe.” (See
Yggdrasil.) The first Wednesday in Lent, so called from an ancient Roman
Catholic custom of sprinkling ashes on the heads of those
condemned to do penance on this day. The ashes were those of the palms burnt on Palm Sunday. The
pessimi were sprinkled with ashes, the less offending were
signed on the forehead with the sign of the cross, the
officiating minister saying, “Memento, homo, quia pulvis
es, et in pulverem reverteris.” The custom, it, is
said, was introduced by Gregory the Great. Presented to the University of Oxford in 1682 by Elias
Ashmole. Sometimes called the Tradescant, because it belonged to
the Tradescant family. The goddess—moon in Syrian mythology, called by Jeremiah
(vii. 18, xliv. 17, 25) “the queen of heaven.”
Goddess of the Zidonians. “Mooned Ashtaroth, Heaven's queen and mother both.” Milton: The Hymn. The highest god of the Assyrians. It had the head of an eagle
and four wings, but the body of a man. “Out of that land went forth Asshur, and builded
Nineveh.” — Gen. x. II. Asinus asinum fricat (Latin, “one ass rubs another"),
that is, we fraternise with persons like ourselves; or, in other
words, “Birds of a feather flock together.” The
allusion needs no explanation. [See Æsir .] The vulgar Ax is the more correct (Saxon, axian,
to ask). In assenting to Bills, the king used to reply, “Be
it as it is axed.” Chaucer says in the Doctor of
Medicine's Tale, “For my werke nothing will I
axe.” Launfal, 1027, has, “Ho that wyll there axsy
justus.” Other quotations could easily be added. and Embla. The Adam and Eve made by Odin, one from
ash—wood and the other from elm. (See Horse .) [the destroyer ]. The demon of vanity and dress, called
in the Talmud “the king of devils.” The Asmodeus of domestic peace (in the Book of Tobit).
Asmodeus falls in love with Sara, daughter of Raguel, and causes
the death of seven husbands in succession, each on his bridal
night. After her marriage to Tobit, he was driven into Egypt by a
charm, made by Tobias of the heart and liver of a fish burnt on
perfumed ashes, and being pursued was taken prisoner and
bound. “Better pleased Than Asmodeus with the fishy fume That drove him, though enamoured, from the spouse Of Tobit's
son, and with a vengeance sent From Media post to Egypt, there fast bound.” Milton:
Paradise Lost , iv. 167——71. The companion of Don Cléofas, in The Devil on Two
Sticks. (Chap. iii.) Asmodeus flight. Don Cléofas, catching hold of
his companion's cloak, is perched on the steeple of St. Salvador.
Here the foul fiend stretches out his hand, and the roofs of all
the houses open in a moment, to show the Don what is going on
privately in each respective dwelling. “Could the reader take an Asmodeus—flight, and,
waving open all roofs and privacies, look down from the roof of
Notre Dame, what a Paris were it!” — Carlyle:
French Revolution II., vi. chap. vi. of Magadha. In the third century the “nursing
father” of Buddhism, as Constantine was of Christianity. He
is called “the king beloved of the gods.” Evil genii of the Indians. a courtesan. She was the most celebrated of the Greek
Hetæræ, to whom Pericles attached himself. On the
death of Pericles she lived with Lysicles, a cattle—dealer.
The Hetæræ of Athens were, many of them,
distinguished for talents and accomplishments. Those of Corinth
were connected with the worship of Aphrodite (Venus). in the Maid's Tragedy, of Beaumont and Fletcher, is
noted for her deep sorrows, her great resignation, and the pathos
of her speeches. Amyntor deserts her, women point at her with
scorn, she is the jest and bye—word of every one, but she
bears it all with patience. The aspen leaf is said to tremble, from shame and horror,
because our Lord's cross was made of this wood. The fact is this:
the leaf is broad, and placed on a long leaf—stalk so
flexible as scarcely to be able to support it in an upright
position. The upper part of the stalk, on which the play mainly
depends, is flattened; and, being at right angles with the leaf,
is peculiarly liable to be acted on by the least breath of
air. Aspen leaf. Metaphorically, a chattering tongue, never
quiet. “Those aspen leaves of theirs never leave
wagging.” — Sir T. More. properly means “sprinklings” or
“scatterings.” Its present meaning is base
insinuations or slanders. “No sweet aspersion [rain ] shall the heavens let
fall To make this contract grow.” Shakespeare: The Tempest , iv. 1. Casting aspersions on one, i.e. sprinkling with
calumnies, slandering or insinuating misconduct. “I defy all the world to cast a just aspersion on my
character.” — Fielding: Tom Jones. The Dead Sea, where asphalt abounds both on the surface of the
water and on the banks. Asphalt is a bitumen. (From the Greek
asphaltos.) (See Azrael .) (See Golden Ass .) The ass on which Mahomet went to heaven to learn the will of
God was called Al Borak (the lightning). Ass. There is a dark stripe running down the back of an
ass, crossed by another at the shoulders. The tradition is that
this cross was communicated to the creature when our Lord rode on
the back of an ass in His triumphant entry into Jerusalem.
(See Christian Traditions.) Ass, deaf to music. This tradition arose from the
hideous noise made by “Sir Balaam” in braying.
Because Midas had no power to appreciate music, Apollo gave him
the ears of an ass. (See Ass—eared.) “Avarice is as deaf to the voice of virtue, as the ass
to the voice of Apollo.” — Orlando Furioso ,
xvii. An ass in a lion's skin. A coward who hectors, a fool
that apes the wise man. The allusion is to the fable of an ass
that put on a lion's hide, but was betrayed when he began to
bray. An ass with two panniers. A man walking the streets
with a lady on each arm. This occupies the whole pavement, and is
therefore bad manners well meriting the reproach. In Italy they
call such a simpleton a pitcher with two handles, his two
arms akimbo forming the two handles. In London we call it walking
bodkin , because the man is sheathed like a bodkin and
powerless. Our expression is probably a corruption of the French
Faire le panier à deux anses (“put your arms
akimbo” or “make yourself a basket with two
handles"). The ass waggeth his ears. This proverb is applied to those who
lack learning, and yet talk as if they were very wise; men wise
in their own conceit. The ass, proverbial for having no
“taste for music,” will nevertheless wag its ears at
a “concord of sweet sounds,” just as if it could well
appreciate it. Till the ass ascends the ladder — i.e. never. A
rabbinical expression. The Romans had a similar one, Cum
asinus in tegulis ascenderit (when the ass climbs to the
tiles). And Buxtorf has Si ascenderit asinus per
scalas. Sell your ass. Get rid of your foolish ways. That which thou knowest not perchance thine ass can tell
thee: An allusion to Balaam's ass. To make an ass of oneself. To do something very
foolish. To expose oneself to ridicule. To mount the ass (French). To become bankrupt. The
allusion is to a custom very common in the sixteenth century of
mounting a bankrupt on an ass, with his face to its tail. Thus
mounted, the defaulter was made to ride through the principal
thoroughfares of the town. Asses have ears as well as pitchers. Children, and even
the densest minds, hear and understand many a word and hint which
the speaker supposed would pass unheeded. Asses that carry the mysteries (asinus portat
mysteria). A classical knock at the Roman clergy. The
allusion is to the custom of employing asses to carry the cista
which contained the sacred symbols, when processions were made
through the streets. (Warburton: Divine Legaton, ii.
4.) Well, well! honey is not for the ass's mouth.
Persuasion will not persuade fools. The gentlest words will not
divert the anger of the unreasonable. Wrangle for an ass's shadow. To contend about trifles.
The tale told by Demosthenes is, that a man hired an ass to take
him to Megara; and at noon, the sun being very hot, the traveller
dismounted, and sat himself down in the shadow of the ass. Just
then the owner came up and claimed the right of sitting in this
shady spot, saying that he let out the ass for hire, but there
was no bargain made about the ass's shade. The two men then fell
to blows to settle the point in dispute. A passer—by told
the traveller to move on, and leave the owner of the beast to
walk in the ass's shadow as long as he thought proper. (The). Prop. 5, book i. of Euclid. This is the first
difficult proposition in geometry, and stupid boys rarely get
over it the first time without tripping. It is the ass's pitfall, not his bridge. If this be rightly called the “Bridge of
Asses,” He's not the fool who sticks, but he that passes. E.C.B. (Feast of). (See Fools .) Midas had the ears of an ass. The tale says Apollo and Pan had
a contest, and chose Midas to decide which was the better
musician. Midas gave sentence in favour of Pan; and Apollo, in
disgust, changed his ears into those of an ass. Assassins A band of Carmathians, collected by Hassan, subah of
Nishapour, called the Old Man of the Mountains, because he
made Mount Lebanon his stronghold. This band was the terror of
the world for two centuries, when it was put down by Sultan
Bibaris. The assassins indulged in haschisch (bang), an
intoxicating drink, and from this liquor received their name.
(A.D. 1090.) “The Assassins ... before they attacked the enemy, Would
intoxicate themselves with a powder made of hemp—leaves ...
called hashish.” — J. Wolff. or Essay. To take the assay is to taste wine to
prove it is not poisoned. Hence, to try, to taste;
a savour, trial, or sample. Holinshed says,
“Wolsey made dukes and earls serve him of wine with a
say taken” (p. 847). Edmund, in King Lear (v. 5), says to Edgar, “Thy
tongue, some say of breeding breathes;” i.e.
thy speech gives indication of good breeding — it savours
of it. Hence the expression, I make my first assay
(trial). “[He] makes vow before his uncle never more To give the assay of arms against your majesty.”
Shakespeare: Hamlet, ii. 2. A cup of assay. A cup for the assay of wine. To put it in assay. To put it to the test. The 74th Foot, so called because they first distinguished
themselves in the battle of Assaye, where 2,000 British and 2,500
Sepoy troops under Wellington defeated 50,000 Mahrattas,
commanded by French officers, in 1803. This regiment is now
called “the 2nd Battalion of the Highland Light
Infantry.” The first battalion was the old No. 71. [Spanish, agreement treaties.] Contracts entered into
by Spain with Portugal, France, and England, to supply her South
American colonies with negro slaves. England joined in 1713,
after the peace of Utrecht. A young ass, a simpleton (a Portuguese word). “Thou hast no more brain than I have in mine elbows; an
assinego may tutor thee.” — Shakespeare: Troilus
and Cressida, ii. 1. (Feast of the). The 15th of August, so called in honour
of the Virgin Mary, who (according to the Roman and Greek
Churches) was taken to heaven that day (A.D. 45), in her
corporeal form, being at the time seventy—five years of
age. This seems very improbable, if Christ was crucified A.D. 33.
It would make Mary survive her son twelve years, and to have been
thirty years old at his birth instead of about fifteen. Audacity, brazen self—confidence. “His assurance
is quite unbearable.” To make assurance double sure. To make security doubly
secure. “But yet I'll make assurance double sure, And take a bond of fate.” Shakespeare: Macbeth, iv. 1. Astagoras (in Jerusalem Delivered). A female fiend, who
had the power of raising storms, and whose partners were the
three Furies: Tisiphone, Megara, and Alecto. (3 syl.). Goddess of the Moon, in Phoenician mythology. “With these in troop Came Astoreth, whom the Phoenicians called Astartë, queen
of heaven, with crescent horns.” Milton: Paradise
Lost, i. 437——9. (3 syl.). The lady beloved by Manfred. In order to see and
speak to her, the magician entered the hall of Arimanes, and the
spirits called up the phantom of the young lady, which told the
count that “to—morrow would end his earthly
ills.” When Manfred asked her if she loved him, she sighed
“Manfred,” and vanished. (Byron: Manfred.) “Astarte, my beloved, speak to me.”
Manfred. ii. By some identified with Guildford, in Surrey. (in Orlando Furioso). An English duke (son of Otho),
who joined Charlemagne against the Saracens. He was carried on
the back of a whale to Alcina's isle; but when Alcina tired of
him, she turned him into a myrtle. He was disenchanted by
Melissa. Astolpho descended into the infernal regions, and his
flight to the moon (book xviii.) is one of the best parts of the
whole poem. (See Inferno.) It came upon them like a blast from Astolpho's horn —
i.e. it produced a panic. Logistilla gave Astolpho a magic
horn, and whatever man or beast heard its blast was seized with
panic, and became an easy captive. (Orlando Furioso, book
viii.) Like Astolpho's book, it told you everything . The same
fairy gave Astolpho a book, which would not only direct him
aright in his journeys, but would tell him anything he desired to
know. (Ariosto Orlando Furioso, book viii.) (See Ashtaroth .) Equity, innocence. During the Golden Age this goddess dwelt on
earth, but when sin began to prevail, she reluctantly left it,
and was metamorphosed into the constellation Virgo. “When hard—hearted interest first began To poison earth, Astræa left the plain.” Thomson: Castle of Indolence, canto 1. (The). The noumenon of a phenomenal body. This
“spirit body” survives after the death of the
material body, and is the “ghost" or “double.”
Macbeth's dagger was an astral body; so, in theosophy, is the
“kama—rupa” or mind body; and in
transubstantiation the veritable “blood and flesh” of
Christ is the astral body of the accidents “bread and
wine.” Man is supposed to consist of body, soul, and spirit. The last
is the astral body of man. The spirits of the stars. According to the mythology of the
Persians, Greeks, Jews, etc., each star has its special spirit.
Paracelsus maintained that every man had his attendant star,
which received him at death, and took charge of him till the
great resurrection. A poetical name of Mrs. Aphra Behn, born of good family in the
reign of Charles I. Her works are very numerous and very
indecent, including seventeen dramatic pieces. She died 1689, and
was buried in Westminster Abbey. “The stage how loosely does Astrea tread.”
Pope: Satires, v. 290. (See Diapason, Microcosm.) (The). The head of the chief rebel of Dublin, set on a
tall white—painted stake on the highest point of Dublin
Castle, where it remains till it falls to decay or is replaced by
the head of a greater rebel. The Irish say: “God send to
Dublin many more astronomers.” “His head is poled high Upon the castle here, Beholding stars as though he were A great astronomer.” Derrick . (1) Flamsteed, 1675; (2) Halley, 1719; (3) Bradley, 1742; (4)
Bliss, 1762; (5) Maskelyne, who originated the Nautical Almanack,
1765; (6) Pond, 1811; (7) Airy, 1835, (8) Christie, 1881. Sir Philip Sidney. “Phil. Sid.” being a
contraction of Philos Sidus, and the Latin sidus being
changed to the Greek astron, we get
astron—philos (star—lover). The
“star” that he loved was Penelope Devereux, whom he
called Stella (star), and to whom he was betrothed. Edmund
Spenser wrote a pastoral called Astrophel, to the memory
of his friend and patron, who fell at the battle of Zutphen.
(1554——1586.) means, literally, a place where pillage is forbidden (Greek, a
(negative), sulon, right of pillage). The ancients set
apart certain places of refuge, where the vilest criminals were
protected, both from private and public assaults. The goddesses of Asgard. The gods were called the Æsir,
the singular of which is Asa. Strain at a gnat (Matt. xxiii. 24) Greek,
di—aulizo, to strain off. Here “at” is
an error, probably in the first instance typographical, for
“out.” “Out” is given in the Bible of
1603, and has been restored by the Revisers. (2 syl.). Goddess of vengeance and mischief. This goddess was
driven out of heaven, and took refuge among the sons of men. “With Atë by his side come not from hell, Cry “Havoc,” and let slip the dogs of war.”
Shakespeare: Julius Caesar, iii. 1. or Atellan Fables. Interludes in the Roman theatres,
introduced from Atella, in Campania. The characters of Macchus
and Bucco are the foundations of our Punch and Clown. (See
Punch.) A deity with the upper part like a woman and the lower part
like a fish. She had a temple at Ascalon. (See Dagon.) so called because it embodies the opinions of Athanasius
respecting the Trinity. It was compiled in the fifth century by
Hilary, Bishop of Arles. In the Episcopal Prayer Book of America this creed is
omitted. (3 syl.) surnamed “The Unready” (i.e.
impolitic, unwise), thane of Conningsburgh. (Sir Walter Scott:
Ivanhoe.) Athenæum (the review so called) was founded by James
Silk Buckingham in 1829. It was named after the institution
founded by Hadrian, where works of art and learning were
dedicated to Athene. Plato, a native of Athens, was so called because his words
flowed with the sweetness of honey. The Modern Athens, i.e. Edinburgh. Willis says that its
singular resemblance to Athens, approached from the Piræus,
is very striking. “An imitation Acropolis is commenced on the Calton Hill,
and has the effect of the Parthenon. Hymettus is rather more
lofty than the Pentland hills, and Pentelicus is farther off and
grander than Arthur's Seat; but the old Castle of Edinburgh is a
noble feature, superbly magnificent.” —
Pencillings. Athens of Ireland. Belfast. Athens of the New World. Boston, noted for its literary
merit and institutions. Athens of the West. Cordova, in Spain, was so called in
the Middle Ages. (Scotch). A compound of oatmeal, honey, and whisky. (An). A notification sent to friends that the lady who
sends it will be at home on the day and at the hour specified,
and will be glad to see the persons mentioned in the card of
invitation. These “At homes” are generally held in an
afternoon before dinner. Light refreshments are provided, and
generally some popular games are introduced, occasionally music
and dancing. Not at Home. Not disengaged, or prepared for the
reception of visitors; not in the house. Strife. The squire of Pyrochles, and stirrer up of contention.
(Spenser: Faërie Queene , book ii.) (See Tommy Atkins .) Shoulders able to bear a great weight, like those of Atlas,
which, according to heathen mythology, supported the whole
world. “Sage he stood, With Atlantean shoulders fit to bear The weight of mightiest monarchies.” Milton: Paradise Lost, book ii. 305——7. Figures of men, used in architecture instead of pillars. So
called from Atlas, who in Greek mythology supported the world on
his shoulders. Female figures are called Caryatides
(q.v.). (See Telamones.) (3 syl.) (in Orlando Furioso). A sage and a magician
who lived in an enchanted palace, and brought up Rogero to all
manly virtues. An ocean, so called from the Atlas mountains. A mythic island which contained the Elysian Fields. The New Atlantis. An island imagined by Lord Bacon, where was
established a philosophical commonwealth bent on the cultivation
of the natural sciences. (See Utopia, City of the
Sun.) King of Mauritania in Africa, fabled to have supported the
world upon his shoulders. Of course, the tale is merely a
poetical way of saying that the Atlas mountains prop up the
heavens, because they are so lofty. We call a book of maps an
“Atlas,” because it contains or holds the world. The
word was first employed in this sense by Mercator, and the
title—page of his collection of maps had the figure of
Atlas with the world on his back. “Bid Atlas, propping heaven, as poets feign, His subterranean wonders spread!” Thomsom: Autumn, 797——8. in Buddhist philosophy, is the noumenon of one's own self. Not
the Ego, but the ego divested of all that is objective; the
“spark of heavenly flame.” ldquo;The unseen and unperceivable, which was formerly called
the soul, was now called the self, Atman. Nothing could be
predicated of it except that it was, that it perceived and
thought, and that it must be blessed.” — Max
Muller: Nineteenth Century, May, 1893, p.777. The hypothesis of Leucippus, Democritus, and Epicurus, that
the world is composed of a congeries of atoms, or particles of
matter so minute as to be incapable of further diminution. Of course it is quite impossible even to think of a portion of
matter which has not an upper and under side, with some breadth
and thickness. “According to Democritus, the expounder of the Atomic
Theory of matter, images composed of the finest atoms floated
from the object to the mind.” — McCosh:
Psychological Cognitive Powers , p. 23. That all elemental bodies consist of aggregations of atoms,
not united fortuitously, but according to fixed proportions. The
four laws of Dalton are — constant proportion, reciprocal
proportion, multiple proportion, and compound proportion. This has nothing to do with the atomic theory of Leucippus. It
merely means that gases and other elements always combine in
certain known ratios or units. The space occupied by a quantity, compared with, or in
proportion to atomic weight. The weight of an atom of an element, compared with an atom of
hydrogen, the standard of unity. Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, so called by Pope, because she
was the friend of Lady Mary Wortley Montague, whom he calls
Sappho. Herodotus says that Atossa, the mother of Xerxes,
was a follower of Sappho. The anchor is atrip when it has just been drawn from
the ground in a perpendicular direction. A sail is atrip
when it has been hoisted from the cap, and is ready for trimming.
The word is from the Norwegian and Danish trip, a short
step. A term in chivalry, meaning to strike the helmet and shield of
an antagonist so firstly with the lance, held in a direct line,
as either to break the lance or overthrow the person struck.
Hence to “attaint of treason,” etc. “Attaint was a term of tilting, used to express the
champion's having attained his mark, or in other words, struck
his lance straight and fair against the helmet or breast of his
adversary.” — Sir Walter Scott: The Monastery
(note). An ill—tempered. person, who mars all sociability.
Strictly speaking, the attercop is the poison—spider.
(Anglo—Saxon, atter, poison; cop , spider.
Our cob—web should be cop—web, i.e.
spider—web.) (The). Sophocles, the tragic poet, a native of Athens;
so called from the great sweetness of his compositions. (B.C.
495——405.) (The). The nightingale; so called because Philomel was
the daughter of the King of Athens. “Where the Attic bird Trills her thick—warbled
notes the summer long.” Milton: Paradise Regained ,
iv. 245——6. Attic Boy (The). Cephalos, beloved by Aurora or Morn;
passionately fond of hunting. Till civil—suited Morn appear, Not tricked and frounced, as she was wont With the Attic boy to hunt, But kerchiefed in a comely cloud.” Milton: Il Penseroso. Inviolable faith, the very opposite of “Punic
Faith.” (The). Xenophon, the historian, a native of Athens; so
called because the style of his composition is a model of
elegance. (B.C. 444——359.) in architecture, a square column of any of the five orders.
(See Orders.) Elegant and delicate wit. Salt, both in Latin and Greek, was a
common term for wit, or sparkling thought well expressed:
thus Cicero says, “Scipio omnes sale superabat
” (Scipio surpassed all in wit). The Athenians were noted
for their wit and elegant turns of thought, and hence Attic salt
means wit as pointed and delicately expressed as by the
Athenians. “Attic point,” wit. A knowledge of Attic Greek. Attics are the rooms in the attic storey, and the attic storey
generally is an extra storey made in the roof. In the Roman and
Renaissance styles of architecture the low storey above the
cornice or entablature is called the “Attic.”
Professor Goldstücker derives the word from the Sanskrit
attaka (a room on the top of a house). (See The
Transactions of the Philological Society, 1854.) Attic Storey. The head; the body being compared to a
house, the head is the highest, or attic storey. “Here a gentleman present, who had in his attic More
pepper than brains, shrieked: “The man's a
fanatic.”” Lowell: Fable for Critics (stanza
50). Furnished in the attic storey. Not clever, dull. Queer in the attic storey. Fuddled, partially
intoxicated. The most elegant and finished scholar of the Romans. His
admirable taste and sound judgment were so highly thought of that
even Cicero submitted to him several of his treatises. The English Atticus. Joseph Addison; so called by Pope,
on account of his refined taste and philosophical mind.
1672——1719.) The Christian Atticus. Reginald Heber, Bishop of
Calcutta. (1783——1826.) The Irish Atticus. George Faulkner; so called by Lord
Chesterfield. (1700——1775.) Heretics of the eighth century, who solemnised baptism with
the words, “I am the living water.” (Attin, a name of
Neptune.) The forbidden river, beyond which no pure Hindoo can pass. Attorney, Solicitor (French, atourner, to attorn, or
turn over to another). One legally qualified to manage matters in
law for others, and to prosecute or defend others, as the case
may be. A solicitor is one who solicits or petitions in
Courts of Equity on behalf of his clients. At one time solicitors
belonged to Courts of Equity, and attorneys to the other
courts. From and after Act 36, 37 Vict. 1xvi. 87, “all persons
admitted as solicitors, attorneys, orproctors. ... empowered to
practise in any court, the jurisdiction of which is hereby
transferred to the High Court of Justice, or the Court of Appeal,
shall be called Solicitors of the Supre...e Court.”
(1873.) Power of Attorney. Legal authority given to another to
collect rents, pay wages, invest money, or to act in matters
stated in the instrument on your behalf, according to his own
judgment. In such cases quod aliquis facit per aliquem, facit
per se. Warrant of Attorney. The legal instrument which confers
on another the “Power of Attorney.” Metamorphosed into a fir—tree by Cybele. See the
poem by Catullus, translated by Leigh Hunt. (French), “acquainted with” (lit. = in the current
[[of events]). To keep one au courant of everything that
passes, is to keep one familiar with, or informed of, passing
events. (French). Skilful, thorough master of; as, He is quite au
fait in those matters, i.e. quite master of them or
conversant with them. (French) In sober earnest. “We are not asked to take these narratives au grand
sérieux. They are rather sketches of the past,
illustrating what could have been done, and may be done again by
women. ...” — Notes and Queries (Notes on
Books, June 10, 1893, p. 459). (French). Literatim et verbatim; according to the
strict letter of the text. ldquo;In reading au pied de la lettre the story of his
[Buddha's] fatal illness supervened on a meal of dried boar's
flesh, served to him by a certain Kunda.” —
Nineteenth Century (June, 1893, p. 1020). (French). “Good bye for the present.” Literally,
till seeing you again. (See Dog .) The doctrine of Audeus of Mesopotamia, who lived in the fourth
century. He maintained that the Old Testament justifies the
belief that God has a sensible form (Gen. i. 26). [the nourishing power ], in Scandinavian mythology, is
the cow created by Surt to nourish Ymir. She supplied him with
four rivers of milk, and was herself nourished by licking the
rocks. (See Ymir.) Bör, the first man, was made by Audhumla licking salt
from the snow. Odin was the son of Bör. The breath of Audhumla was very sweet, but her milk was
bitter. Audley We will John Audley it, i.e. abridge it. A theatrical
phrase. In the eighteenth century one Shuter had a travelling
company which visited different fairs. It was his custom to
lengthen out his performance till a goodly number of newcomers
had collected on the open stage of his theatre, when a boy called
out John Audley, and the play which was going on inside
was brought to an end as soon as possible. (1759.) A country wench, who jilted William for Touchstone.
(Shakespeare: As You Like It.) The stables of Augeas, King of Elis, in Greece. In these
stables he had kept 3,000 oxen, and the stalls had not been
cleansed for thirty years. When Hercules was appointed to cleanse
these stables, he caused two rivers to run through them. To cleanse the Augean stables. To clear away an
accumulated mass of corruption, moral, religious, physical, or
legal. To reform wrongs almost past the power of man to
tackle. The chief standard of faith in the Lutheran church. So called
because, while the Diet of the German Empire was sitting at
Augsburg, in 1530, the confession of faith drawn up by Melancthon
and Luther was presented to Charles V. means properly the function of an augur (perhaps from avium
garritus). St. Pierre says: “The first navigators, when
out of sight of land, watched the flight of birds, as indications
of the shore, and with no other guidance discovered many new
islands.” From this custom (he says) arose the practice of
consulting birds before entering on any important enterprise.
(Studies.) The sixth month (beginning from March) was once called
sextilis, but was changed to Augustus in compliment to
Augustus Cæsar of Rome, whose “lucky month” it
was, in which occurred many of his most fortunate events. The preceding month (July), originally called Quintilis
, had already been changed to Julius in honour of Julius
Cæsar. London; so called by the Romans. “Oft let me wander o'er the dewy fields, ......or ascend Some eminence, Augusta, in thy plains, And see the country far diffused around.” Thomson: Spring, 102, 107——9. The best literary period of a nation; so called from Augustus,
the Emperor of Rome, the most palmy time of Latin literature.
Horace, Ovid, Propertius, Tibullus, Virgil, etc., flourished in
this reign. Augustan Age of English Literature. Beginning in the
reign of Elizabeth and ending in that of James I. For list of
authors, see Historic Note—book, p. 59. Augustan Age of China, France, Germany, Hindustan,
Portugal , etc., see ditto. A series of histories of the Roman Empire from 157 to 285,
ascribed to the six following authors: Delius Spartianus, Julius
Capitolinus, Ælius Lampridius, Vulcatius Gallicanus,
Trebellius Pollio, and Flavius Vopiscus. (The Second). Thomas Aquinas, also called the
Angelic Doctor. (1224——1275.) Friars or nuns of the Augustine Order, established in the
eleventh century in commemoration of St. Augustine, and in
imitation of the ancient order founded by him in the fourth
century. Those who believe, on the authority of St. Augustine, in
absolute predestination and effectual grace. That is, that
predestination is quite independent of man, and that grace has no
reference to preceding piety and moral conduct, but is vouchsafed by God's own absolute will. Whom He
would He did predestinate, and “whom He did predestinate,
them He also called” (Romans viii. 30). No proper name, but a mere title given to Octavian, because he
was head of the priesthood. In the reign of Diocletian the two
emperors were each styled Augustus (sacred majesty), and
the two viceroys Cæsar. Prior to that time Hadrian
limited the title of Cæsar to the heir
presumptive. Augustus. Philippe II of France; so called because he
was born in the month of August. (1165,
1180——1223.) Sigismund II of Poland. (1520, 1548——1572.) in Indian mythology, is the horse with a huge trunk, on which
Baly the giant rode. “Through these wide portals oft had Baly rode Triumphant from his proud abode, When, in his greatness, he bestrode The Aulay, hugest of four—footed kind. The Aulay—horse, that in his force With elephantine trunk, could bind And lift the elephant, and on the wind Whirl him away, with sway and swing, E'en like a pebble from the practised sling.”
Southey: Curse of Kehama, xvi. 2. and New Brig, of Robert Burns, refers to the bridges
over the river Ayr, in Scotland. After the establishment of Christianity, the heathen deities
were degraded by the Church into fallen angels; and Pan, with his
horns, crooked nose, goat's beard, pointed ears, and goats' feet,
was transformed to his Satanic majesty, and called Old Horny. “O thou, whatever title suit thee, Auld Hornie, Satan, Nick, or Clootie.” Burns. Edinburgh old town; so called because it generally appears to
be capped by a cloud of “reek” or smoke. The council of the Kaiser in the old German Empire, from which
there was no appeal (1495——1806) (Latin, aula,
a court). The name is now given in Austria to a coucil of Vienna
which manages the war department of the Austrian Empire. A game in which a wooden head is mounted on a pole. The fun of
the game is to knock the nose of the figure, or break the pipe
stuck in its mouth. This is to be done by throwing at it, from a
stated distance, a short club. The word aunt was anciently
applied to any old woman: thus, in Shakespeare, Puck speaks
of “The wisest aunt telling the saddest tale.”
—— Midsummer Night's Dream, ii. 1. A circle of light, emblematical of glory, placed by the old
painters round the heads of martyrs and saints. The notion was
derived from Exod. xxv. 25. Facies coronam aureolam
(“Thou shalt by thine own merits make for thyself a crown,
besides that of gold which God has promised to the faithful")
(Donne: Sermons). Strictly speaking, the glory confined to
the head alone is a nimbus, and only when it envelops
the entire body is it called an aureola. Du Cange informs us that the aureola of nuns is white,
of martyrs red, and of doctors green. The nimbus of
a Christ should contain a cross; of the Virgin Mary, a circlet of
stars: of God the Father, a triangle with rays; of a living
saint, a square without rays. “They say, who know the life divine, And upward gaze with eagle eyne, That by each golden crown on high, Rich with celestial jewelry, Which for our Lord's redeemed is set, There hangs a radiant coronet, All gemmed with pure and living light Too dazzling for a sinner's sight, Prepared for virgin souls, and them Who seek the martyr's diadem.” Keble: Christian Year . Auri sacra fames (the cursed hunger for wealth), applied to
that restless craving for money which is almost a monomania. Early morning. According to Grecian mythology, the goddess
Aurora, called by Homer “rosy—fingered,” sets
out before the sun, and is the pioneer of his rising. “You cannot shut the windows of the sky, Through which Aurora shows her brightening face.” Thomson: Castle of Indolence , canto ii. 3. Aurora's tears. The morning dew. The Southern lights, a similar phenomenon to the “Aurora
Borealis.” (Latin). The electrical lights occasionally seen in the
northern part of the sky; also called “Northern
Lights,” and “Merry Dancers.” (See
Derwentwater.) A rich, noble English orphan; left to the care of guardians; a
Catholic in religion; and in person. “A rose with all its sweetest leaves yet
folded.” Byron: Don Juan . xv 43. Same as Aurora Australis (q.v.). An ancient name of Italy; so called from Auson, son of
Ulysses, and father of the Ausones. “All the green delights Ausonia pours.” Thomson: Summer , 956. Auspices Under your good auspices , i.e. through your
influence, or the influence of your good name. In Rome only the
Commander—in—Chief was allowed to take the auspices
of war. If a legate gained a victory, he was said to win it under
the good auspices of his superior in command. “Auspex” is from avispex (avis and
spicio), one who observes the flight, etc., of birds. A wind pernicious to flowers and health. In Italy one of the
South winds was so called; its modern name is the
Siroco. (Greek, austeros, hot, dry). In England it
is a damp wind, generally bringing wet weather. “Nought but putrid streams and noisome fogs. For ever hung on drizzly Auster's beard.” Thomson: Castle of Indolence , ii. 78. Friars of the Order of St. Augustine. (See
Begging.) The thick under—lip, characteristic of the house of
Hapsburg. Derived from Cymburgis, daughter of Ziemovitz, Duke of
Masovia, and niece of the then King of Poland. Cymburgis was
noted for her beauty and unusual strength. [Latin, Either Cæsar or no one ], everything or
nothing; all or not at all. Cæsar used to say, “he
would sooner be first in a village than second at Rome.”
Milton makes Satan say, “Better to reign in Hell, than serve in
Heaven.” Milton. Par. Lost . i. 263. (See Six.) Gregory of Rimini. (Fourteenth century.) [An act of faith.] A day set apart by the Inquisition
for the examination of “heretics.” Those not
acquitted were burnt. The reason why inquisitors burnt
their victims was, because they are forbidden to “shed
blood”; an axiom of the Roman Catholic Church being,
“Ecclesia non novit sanguinem ” (the church is
untainted with blood). The craftiest of thieves. He stole the flocks of his
neighbours, and changed their marks. Sisyphos out—witted
him by marking his sheep under their feet, a device which so
tickled the rogue that he instantly “cottoned” to him. Shakespeare introduces him in
The Winter's Tale as a pedlar, and says he was called the
son of Mercury, because he was born under that “thieving
planet.” “Autolycus is no lapidary, though he drives a roaring
trade in flash jewellery.” — Pall Mall
Gazette. — plural, automatons or automata. Machines
which imitate the actions, etc., of living creatures. The most
famous are the following: — (1) The pigeon that
could fly, made, B.C. 400, by Archy tas, of Tarentum; (2) the
wooden eagle of Regiomontanus, the German, which flew from
the city of Koenigsberg to meet the emperor, saluted him, and
returned, 1436——1476; (3) the duck of
Vaucanson of Grenoble, which could eat and drink, and even in a
way digest food; its wings, viscera, bones, etc., minutely
resembled those of a living animal. Vaucanson also made an image
of Pan, which, at the beck of Syrinx, rose from his seat, played
on his pipe, bowed when applauded, and sat down again. He also
made an asp which, on being touched by an actress, in the
character of Cleopatra, flew at her breast with a malignant hiss.
Louis XV set him to make a human figure, but he died before he
had completed it. (Greek, autos—mao , I
self—move.) (See Android.) Pierre Droz and his son Louis were noted for their automatons;
so was Frederick of Knause (Vienna). The chess—player of
Wolfgang, baron of Kempelen, in 1784, created quite a furor in
Paris. Napoleon on one occasion played chess with this automaton.
(See Brazen Heads.) A coachman. He was the charioteer of Achilles. He is come to his autumn, i.e. to be hanged, to his
“fall.” A pun on the plan of “turning a man
off” by dropping the plank on which he stands. The drop is
the “leaf,” and autumn is called the
“fall,” or “fall of the leaf.” in Burmah, has marble quarries of which idols are made, and
only priests are allowed to trade there. (Symes, vol. ii.
p. 376.) “As on Ava's snore, Where none but priests are privileged to trade In that best
marble of which gods are made.” T. Moore: Lulla
Rookh, part I. (3 syl.) means properly something which goes downwards
(French, à val). The word is applied to a mass of
snow mixed with earth, ice, and stones, which slips down a
mountain side to the lower ground. Metaphorically, we speak of an
“avalanche of applause,” an “avalanche of
bouquets” showered on the stage, etc. An ocean island, where King Arthur resided and was buried. The
word means “Apple island” (aval , apple;
yn, island); and it is generally thought to mean
Glastonbury, a name derived from the Saxon glastn(green
like glass). (French, avant courrier.) A “messenger sent
before” to get things ready for a party of travellers, or
to announce their approach. Anything said or done to prepare the
way for something more important to follow, a feeler, a harbinger. (French.) The van or advanced guard of an army. The advent to earth of a deity in a visible form. The ten
avataras of Vishnu, in Hindû mythology, are by far the most
celebrated. 1st advent, in the form of a fish, 2nd, in that of a
tortoise; 3rd, of a hog; 4th, of a monster, half man and half
lion, to destroy the giant Iranian; 5th, in the form of a dwarf
(this Avatar is called Varumna): 6th, in human form, under the
name of Râma, 7th, under the same figure and name, to slay
the thousand—armed giant Cartasuciriargunan; 8th, as a
child named Krishna, who performed numerous miracles (this is the
most memorable of all the advents); 9th, under the form of
Buddha. These are all past. The 10th advent will be in the form
of a white horse (Kalki) with wings, to destroy the earth. “In Vishnu land what avatar? Or who in Moscow, towards the czar?” Browning. [Hail, Mary! ] [Ave, 2 syl.). The first two
words of the angel's salutation to the Virgin Mary. (Luke i. 28.)
In the Roman Catholic Church the phrase is applied to an
invocation to the Virgin beginning with those words; and also to
the smaller beads of a rosary, the larger ones being termed
pater—nosters. (2 syl.) White Lady of Avenel. A tutelary spirit in
Scott's Monastery. (The) The man who, in the Jewish polity, had the right
of taking vengeance on him who had slain one of his kinsmen. The
Avenger in Hebrew is called goël. Cities of refuge were appointed for the protection of
homicides, and of those who had caused another's death by
accident. The Koran sanctions the Jewish custom. Family feuds
have been a common hunting ground of poets and novelists. (Greek, a—ornis, “without a bird"). A lake
in Campania, so called from the belief that its sulphurous and
mephitic vapours killed any bird that happened to inhale them.
Poets call it the entrance to the infernal regions; hence the
proverb, The descent to Avernus is easy, but coming back again
is quite another matter, meaning that all bad habits are
easily acquired, but very hard to be abandoned. (St.) The patron saint of lunatics; so called from the
French avertineux (lunatics). The sacred Scriptures of the Magians, composed by Zoroaster.
Better known as the Zend—Avesta or “living word in
the Zend language.” Son of Erebus and Nox. (Spenser: Faërie
Queene.) A writer of fables in the decline of the Roman empire. In the
Middle Ages, a collection of fables used to be called Avynet, or
Esopet. (Latin) Divorced from marriage ties. A total divorce. A
divorce a mensa et thoro is a partial divorce. The divorce
a vinculo matrimonii is because the marriage was never
legal, as in the case of bigamy, or marriage within the
prohibited degrees; but a divorce a mensa et thoro is
because the parties cannot live together from incompatibility of
temper, in which case they may, if they choose, come together
again. Aviz An order of knighthood in Portugal, founded by Sancho
I, and having for its object the subjugation of the
Moors. The wise saw of Pittacos of Mitylene. (B.C.
652——569.) Avoir Martel en tête (French). To be distracted. Martel
is a hammer, hence distraction, torment, torture. French, avoir, aver or avier, goods in general,
and poise = poids (weight). Not the verb, but the noun
avoir. Properly avoir de poids (goods having
weight), goods sold by weight. We have the word aver,
meaning goods in general, hence also cattle; whence such
compounds as aver—corn, aver—penny,
aver—silver, aver—land, and so on. We have also the
noun “having, havings” = possessions. There is a common French phrase avoir du poids (to be
weight), with which our word avoir dupois has been muddled
up. “Pared my present havings [property] to bestow My bounties upon you.” Shakespeare: Henry VIII , iii. 2. “One of your having, and yet cark and care.” Muses' Looking Glass . Even medicines, as wholesale goods, are bought and sold by
avoirdupois weight. The reverse of a—lee.
“A—weather” is towards the weather, or the side
on which the wind strikes. “A—lee” is in the
lee or shelter, and therefore opposite to the wind side; as helm
a—weather. French, gauche, not dexterous. Awk means the left hand.
Hence in Holland's Plutarch we have “The awke
or left hand”; and again, “They receive her
awkly when she presenteth ... the right hand.”
(See Sinister.) In military language means recruits not yet fitted to take
their place in the regimental line. A squad is a troop or company of soldiers under a sergeant. It
is a contraction of squadron. A squadron of cavalry is the unit
of a regiment. Three or four squadrons make a regiment, and a
certain number of regiments constitute an army. In naval affairs
a squadron is a section of a fleet. “I'll pack up my awls and be gone,” i.e.
all my goods. The play is on awl and all. “To hang up one's axe.” To retire from
business, to give over a useless project. The allusion is to the
ancient battle—axe, hung up to the gods when the fight was
done. All classical scholars will call to mind the allusion of
Horace to a similar Roman custom. Being snubbed by Pyrrha, he
says, “He will hang up his axe upon her wall,” or
more literally, his “drenched garments on the
temple—walls of Neptune.” (1 Odes, V.
14——17.) (See Ask.) To put the axe on the helve. To solve a difficulty. To
hit the right nail on the head. To send the axe after the helve. To spend good money
after bad, or under the hope of recovering bad debts. He has an axe to grind. Some selfish motive in the background:
some personal interest to answer. Franklin tells of a man who
wanted to grind his axe, but had no one to turn the grindstone.
Going to the yard where he saw young Franklin, he asked the boy
to show him how the machine worked, and kept praising him till
his axe was ground, and then laughed at him for his pains. Divination by an axe; much practised by the ancient Greeks
with a view of discovering crime. An agate was placed on a
red—hot axe, and indicated the guilty person by its motion.
(Greek, axine manteia.) (Anglo—Indian) A native Hindû nurse or lady's
maid. “The ayahs, or nurses, are said to be the best in the
world.” — B. Taylor: Visit to India ,
chap. ii. p. 37. (3 syl.) Mahomet's second and favourite wife. He married her
when she was only nine years old, and died in her arms. Robert Burns, born near the town of Ayr.
(1759——1796.) The scape—goat; so called by the Jews, because the high
priest cast lots on two goats; one lot was for the Lord,
and the other lot Azazel or Satan, and the goat on which
the latter lot fell was the scape—goat. A seraph who fell in love with Anah, a granddaughter of Cain.
When the flood came, he carried her under his wing to some other
planet. (Byron: Heaven and Earth.) In Milton's Paradise Lost, Azazil is the
standard—bearer of the infernal host. According to the
Koran, when God commanded the angels to worship Adam, Azazil
replied, “Why should the son of fire fall down before a son
of clay?” and God cast him out of heaven. His name was then
changed to Eblis , which means “despair.” “Then straight commands that at the warlike sound Of trumpets loud, and clarions, be upreared His mighty standard; that proud honour claimed Azazil, as his
right, a cherub tall.” Milton: Paradise Lost , book i. 531——4. The young convert who joined “the creed and
standard” of the veiled prophet of Khorassan, in Moore's
Lalla Rookh. When he was witness of the prophet's infamy,
he joined the caliph's army, and was mainly instrumental in
defeating that of the veiled prophet. Marquis of Este, married Parisina, who fell in love with Hugo,
a natural son of Azo. The marquis ordered Hugo to be beheaded;
but no one knows what the fate of Parisina was. Azo, at any rate,
married again, and had a family. This Azo was in reality Niccolo
of Ferrara. (Byron: Parisina.) Zemira is the name of the lady, and Azor that of the bear, in
Marmontel's tale of Beauty and the Beast. Zemira entreats
the kind monster to let her see her father, if only for a few
moments; so drawing aside a curtain, he shows him to her in a
magic mirror. This mirror was a sort of telescope, which rendered
objects otherwise too far off distinctly visible. Azoth The panacea of Paracelsus, regarded by his followers as
“the tincture of life.” (3 syl.) The angel that watches over the dying, and takes the
soul from the body. The angel of death. He will be the last to
die, but will do so at the second trump of the archangel. “The Mohammedan doctors say that Azrael was commissioned
to inflict the penalty of death on all mankind.” —
H. Christmas. The wings of Azrael . The approach of death; the signs
of death coming on the dying. “Those who listen in the ... watches of the night for
the wings of Azrael.” — Besamt. The archangel commissioned to blow the trumpet of the
resurrection. (The Koran.) An indigenous people of Mexico who, in 1325, founded
Tenochtitlán. They were in the zenith of their power in
the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. When the Spaniards
arrived, their king was Montezuma; their supreme god was Taoti;
and Huitzilopochtli was the divine protector of their nation, to
whom they offered human victims. An old gipsy who stole Manrico, infant son of Garzia, the
Conte di Luna's brother. (Verdi: Il Trovatore.) Sky blue. Represented in royal arms by the planet Jupiter, in
noblemen's by the sapphire. The ground of the old shield of
France was azure. Emblem of fidelity and truth. Represented in
heraldic devices by horizontal lines. The fairy who owned what we call Holland Park. King O'beron
gave him his daughter Kenna in marriage when he drove Albion from
his empire. Albion invaded Kensington, the territory of King
Oberon, but was slain in battle by Azuriel. (Tickell.) (3 syl). The Roman Catholics are so called by the Greek
Church, because the holy wafers used by them in the eucharist are
made of unleavened bread. (Greek, azumos, unleavened.Alexandrian Library
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