1. One of the sons of Aegyptus and husband of Sthenele. (Apollodorus. ii)
2. A son of Melas, who was killed by Tydeus. (Apollodorus i)
3. A son of Perseus and Andromeda, and husband of Nicippe, by whom he became the father of Alcinoe, Medusa, and Eurystheus. (Apollodorus. ii) He was slain by Hylas, the son of Heracles.
4. A son of Androgeos and grandson of Minos ; he accompanied Heracles from Paros on his expedition against the Amazons, and together with his brother Alcaeus he was appointed by Heracles ruler of Thasos. (Apollodorus. ii. Apollodorus i, who confounds him with No. 5.)
5. A son of Actor, likewise a companion of Heracles in his expedition against the Amazons; but he died and was buried in Paphlagonia, where he afterwards appeared to the Argonauts. (Apollodorus i)
6. A son of Capaneus and Evadne, belonged to the family of the Anaxagoridae in Argos, and was the father of Cylarabes; but, according to others, his son's name was Cometes.
He was one of the Epigoni, by whom Thebes was taken. (Apollodorus iii), and commanded the Argives under Diomedes, in the Trojan war, being the faithful friend and companion of Diomedes.
He was one of the Greeks concealed in the wooden horse (Hygin. Fab. 108), and at the distribution of the booty, he was said to have received an image of a three-eyed Zeus, which was in after-times shown at Argos.
His own statue and tomb also were believed to exist at Argos.
7. The father of Cycnus, was
metamorphosed into a swan. ( Metamorphoses
by Ovid II)