1. A son of Oenomaus.
2. A son of Perieres and Gorgophone, and brother of Aphareus. He was the father of Arsinoe, Phoebe, and Hilaeira, and prince of the Messenians. He is mentioned among the Calydonian hunters, and the Boeotian town of Leuctra is said to have derived its name from him. ( Metamorphoses by Ovid VIII : Apollodorus iii)
3. A son of Thurimachus, and father of Calchinia, was king of Sicyon.
4. A son of Heracles and Eurytele, (Apollodorus ii)
5. A son of Naxus, and father of Smerdius, was king of Naxos.
6. The leader of a colony which Macareus conducted from Lesbos to Rhodes. (Diod. v. 81.)
7. One of the Achaean settlers at Metapontum. (Strab. vi. p.