1. A daughter of Phegeus, and wife of Alcmaeon. As she disapproved of the murder of Alcmaeon, the sons of Phegeus put her into a chest and carried her to Tegea, where they accused her of having killed Alcmaeon herself. (Apollodorus iii)
2. The nurse of Orestes, who saved him from the hands of his mother Clytemnestra, and carried him to the aged Strophins, the father of Pylades. Other traditions called this nurse Laodameia.
3. A daughter of Leucippus and Philodice, and sister of Hilaeira and Phoebe, the wives of the Dioscuri. By Apollo she became the mother of Kriopis, and the Messenian tradition regarded Asclepius also as her son. (Apollodorus iii)
At Sparta she had a
sanctuary and was worshipped as a heroine.