1. A son of Perseus and Andromeda, and married to Hipponome, the daughter of Menoeceus of Thebes, by whom he became the father of Amphytrion and Anaxo. (Apollodorus. ii) According to Pausanias (viii. 14. § 2) his wife's name was Laonome, a daughter of the Arcadian Guneus, or Lysidice, a daughter of Pelops.
2. According to Diodorus (i. 14) the original name of Heracles, given him on account of his descent from Alcaeus, the son of Perseus.
3. A son of Heracles by a female slave of Jardanus, from whom the dynasty of the Heraclids in Lydia were believed to be descended. (The History of Herodotus I) Diodorus (iv. 31) calls this son of Heracles, Cleolaus.
4. According to Diodorus (v. 79) a general of Rhadamanthys, who presented him with the
island of Paros. Apollodorus.
ii relates that he was a son of Androgeus (the son of
Minos) and brother of Sthenelus, and that when Heracles, on his
expedition to fetch the girdle of Ares,
which was in the possession of the queen of the Amazons, arrived
at Paros, some of his companions were slain by the sons of Minos,
residing there. Heracles, in his anger, slew the descendants of
Minos, except Alcaeus and Sthenelus, whom he took with him, and
to whom he afterwards assigned the island of Thasus as their