Text from the Universal Library
Myths of Northern Lands
By H. A. Guerber
Narrated With Special Reference To Literature And Art. 1895
“Wake again, Teutonic Father ages,
Speak again, beloved primæval creeds;
Flash ancestral spirit from your pages,
Wake the greedy age to noble deeds.”
Charles Kingsley
The Beginning of All Things | Odin | Frigga | Thor | Tyr | Bragi | Idun | Niörd | Frey | Freya Uller | Forseti | Heimdall | Hermod | Vidar | Vali | The Norns | The Valkyrs | Hel | Ægir | Balder | Loki | The Giants | The Dwarfs | The Elves | Sigurd Saga | Twilight of the Gods | Greek and Northern Mythologies - A Comparison | Glossary And Index