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Polman, De Praedestinatileer van Augustinus, Thomas van Aquino en Calvijn, Franeker, 1936.
Pringl-Pattison, The Idea of God, London, 1917.
Rimmer, The Theory of Evolution and the Facts of Science, Grand Rapids, 1935.
Robinson, The God of the Liberal Christian, New York, 1926.
Scheibe, Calvins Praedestinationslehre, Halle, 1897.
Shute, The Fatherhood of God, Cincinnati, 1904.
Snowden, The Personality of God, New York, 1920; id., The Discovery of God, New York, 1932.
Steenstra, The Being of God as Unity and Trinity, New York, 1891.
Thomas, The Biblical Idea of God, New York, 1924.
Thomson, W. D., The Christian Miracles and the Conclusions of Science, Edinburgh.
Thomson, W. R., The Christian Idea of God, London.
Tolley, The Idea of God in the Philosophy of Saint Augustine, New York, 1930.
Warfield, Biblical Doctrines, New York, 1929; id., Calvin and Calvinism, New York, 1931; ibid.,
Studies in Theology, 1932.
Youtz, The Enlarging Conception of God, New York. 1924.
Zanchius, The Doctrine of Absolute Predestination.