Page 724 - Systematic Theology - Louis Berkhof

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Bates, The Harmony of the Divine Attributes, Philadelphia.
Beckwith, The Idea of God, New York, 1922.
Boettner, The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination, Grand Rapids, 1932.
Brightman, The Problem of God, New York, 1930.
Candlish, The Fatherhood of God, Edinburgh, 1866.
Charnock, The Existence and Attributes of God, New York, 1859.
Clarke, The Christian Doctrine of God, New York, 1923.
Cole, Calvin’s Calvinism, Manchester, 1927.
Comrie en Holtius, Examen Van Het Ontwerp Van Tolerantie, Amsterdam, 1753
Crawford, The Fatherhood of God. Edinburgh, 1866.
Dijk, Om’t Feuwig Welbehagen, Amsterdam, 1924; id., De Voorzienigheid Gods, Amsterdam,
Farmer, Experience of God, New York, 1929.
Fleming, Evolution or Creation. London.
Flint, Theism, New York, 1895; id., Antitheistic Theories, Edinburgh, 1906.
Girardeau, Calvinism and Evangelical Arminianism, Columbia, 1890.
Harris, God the Creator and Lord of All, New York, 1896.
Heim, God Transcendent, New York, 1936.
Hendry, God the Creator, Nashville, 1938.
Illingworth, Divine Immanence, New York, 1898; id., The Doctrine of the Trinity, London, 1907.
Kerr, A God-Centered Faith, New York, 1935.
Kuyper, A., Sr., De Engelen Gods, Amsterdam.
Kuyper, A., Jr., Van de Kennisse Gods, Amsterdam, 1907.
Mathews, The Growth of the Idea of God, New York, 1931.