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, 5392), “to close the mouth with a muzzle” (
), is used (a) of
“muzzling” the ox when it treads out the corn, 1 Cor. 9:9,
, “muzzle the mouth of,”
, “muzzle,” and 1 Tim. 5:18, with the lesson that those upon whom spiritual labor is
bestowed should not refrain from ministering to the material needs of those who labor on
their behalf; (b) metaphorically, of putting to silence, or subduing to stillness, Matt.
22:12, 34; Mark 1:25; 4:39; Luke 4:35; 1 Pet. 2:15. See
, 1699), a possessive adjective of the first person, often used as a
possessive pronoun with greater emphasis than the oblique forms of
(see below), a
measure of stress which should always be observed; it denotes (I) subjectively, (a) “what
I possess,” e.g., John 4:34; 7:16 (1st part); 13:35; 1 Cor. 16:21; Gal. 6:11; Col. 4:18 (1st
clause); as a pronoun, absolutely (i.e., not as an adjective), e.g., Matt. 20:15; 25:27; Luke
, “(all that is) mine,”
, “(all that) I have”; John 16:14, 15; 17:10; (b)
“proceeding from me,” e.g. Mark 8:38; John 7:16 (2nd part); 8:37 (here the repetition of
the article with the pronoun, after the article with the noun, lends special stress to the
pronoun; more lit., “the word, that which is mine”); so in John 15:12. Such instances are
to be distinguished from the less emphatic order where the pronoun comes between the
article and the noun, as in John 7:16, already mentioned; (c) in the phrase “it is mine”
(i.e., “it rests with me”), e.g., Matt. 20:23; Mark 10:40; (II), objectively, “pertaining or
relating to me”: (a) “appointed for me,” e.g., John 7:6, “My time” (with the repeated
article and special stress just referred to); (b) equivalent to an objective genitive (“of me”)
e.g., Luke 22:19, “(in remembrance) of Me” (lit., “in My remembrance”); so 1 Cor.
(1) This pronoun frequently translates oblique forms of the first personal
, “I,” e.g., “of me, to me.” These instances are usually unemphatic, always
less so than those under
(above). (2) For “my affairs” and “my state” see
. (3) In Matt. 26:12, “for My burial” translates a phrase consisting of the preposition
(“towards”) governing the article with the infinitive mood, aorist tense, of
, “to bury,” followed by the personal pronoun “Me,” as the object, where the
infinitive is virtually a noun, lit., “towards the burying (of) Me.” (4) In 1 Tim. 1:11, “was
committed to my trust” is, lit., “(with) which I was entrusted” (
, “to entrust”).
A. Noun.
, 4666), whence the name “Smyrna,” a word of Semitic origin, Heb.,
, from a root meaning “bitter,” is a gum resin from a shrubby tree, which grows in
Yemen and neighboring regions of Africa; the fruit is smooth and somewhat larger than a
pea. The color of myrrh varies from pale reddish-yellow to reddish-brown or red. The
taste is bitter, and the substance astringent, acting as an antiseptic and a stimulant. It was
used as a perfume, Ps. 45:8, where the language is symbolic of the graces of the Messiah;
Prov. 7:17; Song of Sol. 1:13; 5:5; it was one of the ingredients of the “holy anointing
oil” for the priests, Ex. 30:23 (
, “flowing myrrh”); it was used also for the purification