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A. Verbs.
=$ "
, 2059), (cf.
, the Greek name of the pagan god
Mercury, who was regarded as the messenger of the gods), denotes “to explain, interpret”
(Eng., “hermeneutics”), and is used of explaining the meaning of words in a different
language, John 1:38 (in some mss.), see No. 3; 9:7 (“Siloam,” interpreted as “sent”); Heb.
7:2 (Melchizedec, “by interpretation,” lit., “being interpreted,” King of righteousness).¶
$ "
, 1329), a strengthened form of No. 1 ( , “through,”
used intensively), signifies “to interpret fully, to explain.” In Luke 24:27, it is used of
Christ in interpreting to the two on the way to Emmaus “in all the Scriptures the things
concerning Himself,”
, “interpreted” (
, “expounded”); in Acts 9:36, it is rendered
“is by interpretation,” lit., “being interpreted” (of Tabitha, as meaning Dorcas); in 1 Cor.
12:30 and 14:5, 13, 27, it is used with reference to the temporary gift of tongues in the
churches; this gift was inferior in character to that of prophesying unless he who spoke in
a “tongue” interpreted his words, 14:5; he was, indeed, to pray that he might interpret, v.
13; only two, or at the most three, were to use the gift in a gathering, and that “in turn”
); one was to interpret; in the absence of an interpreter, the gift was not to be
exercised, v. 27. See
$ "
, 3177), “to change or translate from one language to
another (
, implying change, and No. 1), to interpret,” is always used in the passive
voice in the NT, “being interpreted,” of interpreting the names, Immanuel, Matt. 1:23;
Golgotha, Mark 15:22; Barnabas, Acts 4:36; in Acts 13:8, of Elymas, the verb is rendered
“is … by interpretation,” lit., “is interpreted”; it is used of interpreting or translating
sentences in Mark 5:41; 15:34; in the best mss., John 1:38 (Rabbi, interpreted as
“Master”); v. 41 (Messiah, interpreted as “Christ”); see No. 1.¶
B. Nouns.
) (
=$ &
, 2058), akin to A, No. 1, is used in 1 Cor. 12:10;
14:26 (see A, No. 2).¶
# &
, 1955), from
, “to loose, solve, explain,” denotes “a
solution, explanation,” lit., “a release” ( , “up,”
, “to loose”), 2 Pet. 1:20, “(of
private) interpretation”; i.e., the writers of Scripture did not put their own construction
upon the “Godbreathed” words they wrote.¶
For “hard of interpretation,” Heb.
, see
$ )
, 1328), lit., “a thorough interpreter” (cf. A, No. 2), is
used in 1 Cor. 14:28 (some mss. have
# $0
, 1906), primarily a question or inquiry, denotes “a demand or
appeal”; it is found in 1 Pet. 3:21,
, “interrogation” (
, “answer”). See
: !
Some take the word to indicate that baptism affords a good conscience, an appeal
against the accuser.¶