The Syrian Goddess

A Translation Of Lucian's "De Dea Syria" By Herbert A. Strong


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ABD-HADAD, Priest-King of Hierapolis, 27

Achilles, effigy of, 78

'Adad (see also Hadad), name of the god of Hierapolis, 25

Adargatis, name of the goddess according to Macrobius, 25

Adonis, myth of, 3; river, 47; sacrifice to, 46; wounded, the legend of, 48

Agdistis, goddess of the Phrygians, 1

Agenor, 44

Agriculture, Hittite god of, 8

Alexandria, Lucian at, 31; statue of, 78; the false prophet, 30

Aleppo, bronze figure of goddess from, 16

Altar, draped, 13; of brass, 77; pedestal, draped, 24, 73

Andromache, effigy of, 78

Animals, sacred, 78

Antioch, Lucian at, 30

Aphaca, temple of Aphrodite at, 49

Aphrodite, sacrifice to, 46; Syrian goddess embodies attributes of, 71; temple of, at Aphaca, 48

Apollo, a bearded, 74; oriental aspects of, 75

Archives of the Hittites, 4

Arms, the Hittite god of, 6

Artemis, Syrian goddess embodies attributes of, 71

Ashtoreth, 44; the goddess, 1

Asia Minor, attributes of the goddess in, 2

Askalon, connection with Atargatis, 26

Assemblies, sacred, 82

Assyria, used for Syria, 41, 42

Astarte, as a Hittite goddess, 1; of Phœnicia, 1, 16; the Phœnician, 43

Atargatis, 41; goddess of Hierapolis, 1 (see also Goddess); identified with Derceto, 52; resemblance to Kybele, 55; son of, 8; spelling and composition of the name, 21; the priest of, 27

'Athar, name of Ishtar in Syria, 1

Atheh, goddess of Cilicia, 53; name of Cilician goddess, 1

Athene, Syrian goddess embodies attributes of, 71

Atlas, statue of, 77

Attes, traditional founder of the shrine at Hierapolis, 55

Attis, in legend and religion, 3; priest, possibly represented in Hittite art, 8

Axe, the double, emblem of Bellona, 18; the, emblem of thunder, 5


BAAL, of Tarsus, 43; Kevan, suggested name of the god, 23

Bambyce, earliest name of Hierapolis, 41

Bellona, Roman goddess, identified with goddess of Comana, 18

Bird, consecration of, 33; in Hittite art, 14; symbol of the goddess, 13

Birth, goddess of, 16

Boar, wild, legend of, 46

Boghaz-Keui, Hittite god and goddess at, 7; sanctuary of youthful deity, 8

Bow, borne by Hittite deity, 6; in Hittite art, 14

Brazen statue at Hierapolis, 65

Bull, as counterpart of goddess on coins, 22; Europa sitting upon, 44; god, the Hittite, 10; Hadad leading a, 6; Hittite deity identified with, 6; replaces god in art, 10

Bulls, god seated on, 70

Byblos, Aphrodite of, 45; legend of Osiris at, 47; temple at, 45


CAPITAL, the, of the Hittites, 4

Carchemish, fall of, 17; sculpture from, 8; sculptures of the goddess at, 14

Castration, 3, 57, 65

Caves, the goddess of, 7

Child, on knee of goddess, in Hittite art, 14 Christianity, in the time of Lucian, 35

Coast of Asia Minor, Hittites advance towards the, 4 Cock (sacred), 82

Coins of Hierapolis, 20

Comana, the goddess of war at, 18

Combabus, legends of, 58, 60; statue of, 78

Commagene, 42

Communion scene in Hittite art, 13

Cones, sacred, of the goddess, 68

Conical obelisk, 45

Constantine destroys the shrine at Aphaca, 49

Corpses, unlucky to see, 85

Crœsus, of Lydia, 17


DEA SYRIA, the local goddess of Hierapolis, identified with Atargatis, q.v. (see Goddess), 16; seated and robed, 16

Dead, the goddess of the, 14

Deluge, legend of, 51

Derceto, image of, 53; in form of a fish, 55; the fish goddess, 52

Deukalion, the story of, 50

Distaff, carried by the Syrian goddess, 71

Dionysus, 73; assumes woman's dress, 56; legendary founder of the temple at Hierapolis, 57

Divination, 76

Divine, father and mother, 8; marriage, 7; Triad, 8

Dodona, Zeus of, 7

Doliche, survival of Hittite cult at, 17

Dove, in Hittite art, 24; symbol of goddess, 23; the, 73

Doves, in Babylonian art, 86

Draped, altar, 13; altar pedestal, 73

Drum, carried by Atargatis, 56

Dual cult, at Hierapolis, 12; of Hittite origins, to; substantiated on coins, 25


EAGLE, double-headed, 9; temple of the, 79; triumphing over lion on coins, 22

Earth, the fruits of, personified, 8

Earth-goddess in Greece, 7

Earth-Mother (see Earth-goddess), 7

Effigies of "Zeus" and "Hera" at Hierapolis, 70

Effigy of Apollo, bearded, 74; of fish-goddess, 54

Egyptian temples, 42

Eilithyia, statue of, 77

Empire, extent of Hittite, 4

Europa, 44

Exogamy, 47

Eyuk, double-headed eagle at, 9; goddess worshipped at, 14; Hittite sculptures at, 10


FASSILER, Hittite monument at, 67

Fates, the, Syrian goddess embodies attributes of, 71

Feast, the ceremonial feast in Hittite sculptures, 15; the Ceremonial, 13

Festival of the Pyre, 83

Fish goddess, 53

Fishes, holy, 54

Flood, the, legend of, 33, 50

Fraktin, Hittite sculptures of, 73; Hittite sculptures at, 13


GALLI, the, 19, 63, 79, 84; customs of the, 66

Garments on trees, 83

Girdle, the, 71, 72

Goats sacrificed to Hittite god, io

God of Hierapolis, identical with Hittite chief deity, i i; on coins, 22

God on bull throne, 23

God, the chief Hittite, 5; resembles Zeus, 7; dominant, to; fall of, 17

God, the youthful Hittite, 8

Goddess of Hierapolis, identified, 12; described by Lucian, 11; recognisable, 20; seated on lion, 21

"on lion throne, 23; two varieties of, 15; of War at Comana, identified with Bellona, 18

"the chief Hittite, resembles the Great Mother, 7; the leading Hittite, i

"the Hittite, seated, 10; seated and robed, 16; wedded, 19

"the Mother, survival of cult, 18; as goddess of the dead, 14

"the Nature, explanation of abnormal tendencies, 3; in Asia Minor, 2; in Babylonia, 1; worship long established in Asia Minor, 4

Gods, the minor Hittite, 9

Great Mother, the (see Goddess).


HADAD, name of Syrian deity, 5; of Hierapolis, 10; statue of, carried, 77

Hadad-Zeus, term describing the Hittite deity, 12

Hair, dedicated, 89; locks of, consecrated, 33

Hammer, emblem of thunder, 5

Heaven, Lord of, title of Hittite god, 5

Hecuba, effigy of, 78

Helen, effigy of, 78

Heliopolitan Triad, 26

Hera, goddess of Hierapolis called, 70; name given by Lucian to the goddess of Hierapolis, 11; offerings, 46; previously married, 7; Sancta, consort of Jupiter Dolichenus, 17; seen in a vision by Stratonice, 60; the Assyrian, 41

Hercules, of Tyre, 43; assumes woman's dress, 56

Hermes, statue of, 77

Hermocles, statue ascribed to, 65

Hierapolis, 42; bull-god on coins of, 10; central cult of Hittite origins, 12; coins of Atargatis at, 16; images in the sanctuary of, 11; name of the goddess at, 1; site of, 41; the shrine at, 49

Hierapolitan Triad, 26

High-priest, 79; the Hittite, to

Hippolytus, 63

Hittite, Chief Deity, 5; goddess, 1; dress, survival on coin, 27

Hittites, the, in history, 4; end of their domination, i6


IMAGE, of the god carried, 7, 76; of the Mother-goddess, 13 Images, votive, of the naked goddess, 15

Ionic dialect, 31, 32

Ishtar, the goddess, i; as goddess of the dead, 14; among the Mitanni, 10

Ivriz, Hittite sculpture at, 8, 43, 76


JUPITER Dolichenus, 17


KARA-BURSHLU, sculptures of the Hittite goddess at, 13 King-Priest, the Hittite, 10

Kizil-Dagh, Hittite deity carved on, 6

Kubile (Kybele) in Phrygian art, 14

Kybele (or Rhea), resemblance to goddess of Hierapolis, 26; in the West, 72; and Attis, cult of, 18; legends of, at Hierapolis, 55; Attis as a son of, 3


LAKE, sacred, at Hierapolis, 80

Libation, 79; in Hittite worship, 88

Lion, devouring bull, on coins, 22; emblematic of earth, 25; goddess seated on, 21; throne, on coins, 21

Lioness, goddess on, 9

Lions, draw effigy of Atargatis, 56; goddess seated on, 70

Lituus, emblem of Hittite priesthood, 10

Lord of Heaven, title of Hittite god, 5

Loss of Hierapolis, 41

Lucian returns to Samosata, 30

Lyre, in Hittite art, 14


MA, goddess of Comana, I

Mabog, Syrian name of Hierapolis, 41

Macrobius, describes the cult of the Syrian goddess, 20; describes the Syrian god and goddess, 25; quoted, 74

Malâtia, Hittite sculptures at, 6; local deity of, identified, 9

Mannikins of wood, 57, 68

Marash, sculptures of the Hittite goddess at, 14

Marriage scene at Boghaz-Keui, 7

Mated divinities in Cilicia and Phœnicia, 18

Mermaid, effigy like a, 54

Mirror in Hittite art, 14

Mitanni, treaty of Hittites with, 10

Mother-earth (see Earth-goddess).

"-goddess (see Goddess).

"of the gods, 25

Mount Lebanus, 47

Mumbidj, identified with Hierapolis, 41

Musicians, 79

Mylitta, name of Ishtar in Herodotus, 16

Myth of Ishtar and Tammuz, 3


NAKED goddess, 15

Nanai, goddess of Pre-semitic Babylonia, 1

Nature-goddess (see Goddess of Nature).

Nemesis, Syrian goddess embodies attributes of, 71

Nigrinus, the philosopher, 29

Nireus, statue of, 78


OBLATION scene in Hittite art, 13

Oracles, 76; at Hierapolis, 49

Osiris, legend of, at Byblos, 47


PAPHOS, pillars at, 67

Paris, effigy of, 78

Peregrinus, the impostor, 36

Phalli, ascent of the, 69; dedicated by Dionysus, 57

Philomela, statue of, 78

Phrygian goddess, 25

Phrygians in Asia Minor, 17

Pigeon, a golden, 73; emblem of Semiramis, 55

Pilgrimages to Hierapolis, 49

Pillar of altar, draped, 24

Pillars, pairs of, 67

Poem by Catullus, 3

Priestess, the high, 11

Priestesses, Hittite representations of, 9

Priesthood of Attis, 3

Priest-King, the Hittite, so Priests, 79; of the goddess, 18

Procne, statue of, 78

Prostitution, sacred, 19, 46

Pteria, fall of, 17


RAMMAN, incorrect rendering of name 'Adad, 5

Rams, sacrificed to Hittite god, 10

Red colour of Adonis River, 48

Religion in the East, 19

Rhea (or Kybele), resemblance to goddess of Hierapolis, 26; legends of, 55; Syrian goddess embodies attributes of, 71

Robed goddess, 55

Rome, Lucian at, 30



Sakje-Geuzi, goddess worshipped at, 14; Hittite walls at, 66

Sammuṙamat, identified with Semiramis, 52

Samosata, birthplace of Lucian, 29

Samsat, birthplace of Lucian, 42; Hittite remains at, 42

Sanctuary of Hierapolis, described, 70; represented on coin, 23

Sandan, possible effigy of, at Hierapolis, 76

Sandan-Hercules of Ivriz, 26

Sardanapalus, statue of, 78

Sceptre, carried by the Syrian goddess, 71

Selene, Syrian goddess embodies attributes of, 71

Semiramis, 52, 73; effigy of, 55; image of, 78

Senjerli, Hittite storm god at, 5; the Syro-Hittite city at, 66

Shaving of heads, 46

Shepherd origin of Attis, 3

Shrines, Græco-Phœnician, 45

Simios, lover of Atargatis, 26

Sipylus, Mount, image of the goddess on, 13

Sisythus (see Xisuthros), 50

Solomon, temple of, at Jerusalem, 67

Son of Atargatis, 26

Statue, brazen, at Hierapolis, 65; of the goddess carried, 76, 77

Statues, of the god and goddess of Hierapolis, 70; of gods, moved, at Hierapolis, 49

Stheneboea, 63

Storms, controller of, attribute of Hittite god, 5

Stratonice, legendary builder of temple at Hierapolis, 58

Subject-matter of the "De Dea Syria," 39

Suidas' life of Lucian, 29

Sun, Hittite god identified with, 5

Sun-god, a throne for the, 74

Survival of Hittite dress at Hierapolis, 27; of cult, 20

Swine, abhorrence of, 85; god, 86

Syria, coalition of the Hittites in, 16

Syrian cults impassioned, 16

Syro-Cappodocians, 17


TAMMUZ, relation to Ishtar, 2

Tarsus, bull-god on coins of, 10

Tattooing, 89

Taurus Region, submission of, 17

Temple at Hierapolis, described, 69; its sizes, 67; legends about the, 61; position of the, 66

Temples in Syria, 43

Teshub, identical with chief Hittite deity, 5

Text of the "De Dea Syria," 37

Thor's hammer, 5

Tower, head-dress of Atargatis, 56

Treaty with Egypt, 1

Triad, of Hierapolis, 26; the divine, 8

Tyre, Hercules of, 43


UNION of two deities, 8


VEDIC deities, 56 Vegetation, the god of, 76


WALLS, double, in North Syria, 66

Water, brought to the temple, 52

Wedded deities at Hierapolis, 11

Winged deity from Carchemish, 15

Woman in service of the goddess, 19

Woman's dress, Attes in, 56

Women in Hittite art, 81; in the temple service, 79

Women's dress, men assume, 66


XANTHOS, legend of Atargatis and her son, 26

Xisuthros, story of the flood, 51


YAHWEH, resemblance of Hittite deity to, 5

Yarre in Phrygia, image of the goddess at, 13


ZEUS and Europa, 44; as a god of agriculture, etc., in Greece, Io; as a bull-god, 44; god of Hierapolis called, 70; Hagios, 17; the Dodonian, 7; the name given by Lucian to the god of Hierapolis, 11

Zeus-Hadad, term describing the Hittite deity, 12