902 Ancient India may be an exception.

903 Ethnog. of India, I, 95.

904 Exod. xxi. 7.

905 Rosenberg, Geelvinkbaai, 91.

906 Krieger, Neu-Guinea, 390.

907 Ibid., 165.

908 Pfeil, Aus der Südsee, 31.

909 Melanesians, 229.

910 Sarawak, I, 101.

911 Dajaks, 37.

912 Snouck-Hurgronje, De Atjehers, I, 73.

913 Bijdragen tot T. L. en V.-kunde, XXXV, 79.

914 Ztsft. f. Ethnol., XXVIII, 186.

915 Kubary, Nukuoro, 9, 12, 14.

916 JAI, XVIII, 291.

917 Austral. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1892, 704.

918 Globus, LXXXVIII, 164, after Joly.

919 Three First English Books about America, 237.

920 Globus, LXXXI, 4.

921 Spix and Martius, Travels in Brazil, II, 77.

922 Ethnog. Brasil., 231.

923 Grinnell, Cheyenne Woman Customs, 15; N.S. Amer. Anthrop.; IV, 13.

924 Paulitschke, Ethnog. N. O. Afr., I, 172.

925 Fritsch, Eingeb. Süd-Afr., 96.

926 Zimmer, Altind. Leben, 333.

927 Republic, V, 9.

928 Politics, VII, 16.

929 Rudeck, Oeffentl. Sittlichkeit in Deutschland, 181.

930 Temesvary, Volksbräuche und Aberglauben in der Gebürtshilfe in Ungarn, 12-14.

931 Ratzel, Völkerkunde, II, 59.

932 Eyre, Cent. Aust., II, 324; Spencer and Gillen, Cent. Aust., 51, 264.

933 JAI, XIII, 137.

934 Smyth, Victoria, I, 52.

935 Novara-Reise, I, 32.

936 Dawson, West Victoria, 39.

937 Austr. Race, I, 70.

938 JAI, XII, 329.

939 Ibid., XIX, 99.

940 Abel, New Guinea, 43.

941 Krieger, Neu-Guinea, 292.

942 Kubary, Nukuoro, 35.

943 Codrington, Melanesians, 229.

944 JAI, XXVIII, 11.

945 JAI, XVII, 93.

946 Austr. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1892, 621.

947 Waitz, Anthrop., V, 139.

948 Ratzel, Völkerkunde, II, 126.

949 Waitz, Anthrop., II, 441.

950 Smithson. Rep., 1871, 407; quoted, Bur. Eth., I, 99.

951 Ratzel, II, 769; Bur. Eth., XVIII, 289.

952 PSM, L, 100.

953 Ellis, Tshi-speaking Peoples, 234.

954 Globus, LXXXIII, 314.

955 Volkens, Kilimandscharo, 252.

956 Stuhlmann, Mit Emin Pascha, 38.

957 Ratzel, Völkerkunde, I, 104.

958 Hanoteau et Letourneux, La Kabylie, III, 220.

959 PSM, XLIV, 779.

960 JASB, I, 283.

961 Pickering, Formosa, 61.

962 Hopkins, Relig. of India, 531.

963 Mod. Hinduism, 431.

964 Humbert, Japan, 311.

965 Lippert, I, 205.

966 Geog., VIII, 24.

967 Aelian, Var. Hist., II, 7.

968 Moral Instinct, I, 134, 136.

969 Cf. Lecky, Eur. Morals, II, 20.

970 Weinhold, D. F., I, 91.

971 Germania, 19; Hist., V, 5.

972 Lecky, Eur. Morals, II, 27.

973 Nat. Hist., IV, 29.

974 De Ira, I, 15.

975 Lecky, Eur. Morals, II, 29.

976 Cod. Theod., V, 7.

977 Blair, Slavery amongst the Romans, 44.

978 Lecky, Eur. Morals, II, 23.

979 Polyptique de Irminon, I, 287.

980 Weinhold, D. F., I, 93, 96; II, 93.

981 Rudeck, Oeffentl. Sittlichkeit, 182.

982 Wellhausen, Ehe bei den Arabern, 458.

983 Chandler, Romances of Roguery in Spain, 30.

984 Lippert, Kulturgesch., I, 240.

985 Grimm, Deutsche Rechtsalt. 461, 487.

986 Ratzel, Völkerkunde, II, 511.

987 Nassau, Fetishism in West Afr., 159.

988 Vannutelli e Citerni, L'Omo, 448.

989 Ratzel, Hist. of Mankind, II, 468.

990 Ratzel, Völkerkunde, II, 22.

991 Lewin, Wild Races of S. E. India, 256.

992 JAI, XVIII, 384.

993 Ibid., XII, 93.

994 Spencer and Gillen, Native Tribes, Cent. Austr., 51.

995 JAI, XXVIII, 109.

996 U.S. Nat. Mus., 1888, 240.

997 Martius, Ethnog. Brasil., 274.

998 Hist. von Grönland, 197.

999 von Haxthausen, Transkaukasia, II, 35.

1000 Russian Ethnog. (Russ.), II, 445.

1001 Early Law and Custom, 23.

1002 Lippert, Kulturgesch., I, 241.

1003 Lippert, Kulturgesch., I, 325.

1004 Powers, Calif. Indians, 319.

1005 Ibid., 176; Bancroft, Native Races, I, 390.

1006 Ibid., 112.

1007 Ibid., 118.

1008 Smithson. Rep., 1885, Part II, 429.

1009 Bur. Eth., III, 274.

1010 Martius, Ethnog. Brasil., 126, n.

1011 Bur. Eth., XI, 178, 186.

1012 Ibid., VI, 615.

1013 Eskimo, 178.

1014 Martius, Ethnog. Bras., 126.

1015 Globus, LXXXI, 108.

1016 Eyre, Cent. Australia, I, 321.

1017 Dawson, West Victoria, 62.

1018 Codrington, Melanesians, 347.

1019 Geiseler, Oster-inseln, 31.

1020 Woodford, Head-hunters, 25.

1021 Sieben Jahre in S. Afr., I, 409.

1022 Kolben, Hist. Good Hope, I, 324; Fritsch, Eingeb. S. Afr., 334.

1023 Globus, XVIII, 122.

1024 Kingsley, West Afr. Studies, 566.

1025 Paulitschke, Ethnog. N.O. Afr., I, 205.

1026 N.S. Amer. Anthrop., III, 106.

1027 De Windt in N.Y. Times, May 10, 1897.

1028 Russ. Ethnog. (russ.), II, 578.

1029 Sieroshevski, Yakuty (russ.), 511, 621.

1030 Schrader, Prehist. Antiq. of the Aryans, 379; Zimmer, Altind. Leben, 327.

1031 Strabo, XI, 517; Spiegel, Eran. Alterthumskunde, III, 682.

1032 Herodotus, I, 216.

1033 Ihering, Evol. of the Aryan, 33.

1034 Mahaffy, Soc. Life in Greece, 229.

1035 Ethnol. in Folklore, 136.

1036 In the national museum at Stockholm is a large collection of flat clubs from all the churches in Sweden, the use of which is described with discretion. That the clubs were kept in the churches denotes that the act was put under religious sanction.

1037 Weinhold, D.F., II, 92.

1038 Thayer, Marvels of the New West, 231.

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