Project Gutenberg Etext of A Smaller History of Greece, by Smith
A Smaller History of Greece
From The Earliest Times To The Roman Conquest
By William Smith D.C.L., LL.D.
- CHAPTER I Geography of Greece.
- CHAPTER II Origin of the Greeks,
and the Heroic Age.
- CHAPTER III General Survey of the
Greek People. National Institutions.
- CHAPTER IV Early History of
Peloponnesus and Sparta to the end of the Messenian Wars, B.C.
- CHAPTER V Early History of Athens
down to the Establishment of Democracy by Clisthenes, B.C.
- CHAPTER VI The Greek Colonies.
- CHAPTER VII The Persian Wars.--From
the Ionic Revolt to the Battle of Marathon, B.C. 500-490.
- CHAPTER VIII The Persian Wars.--The
Battles of Thermopylae Salamis, and Plataea, B.C. 480-479.
- CHAPTER IX From the end of the
Persian Wars to the beginning of the Peloponnesian War, B.C.
- CHAPTER X Athens in the time of
- CHAPTER XI The Peloponnesian
War.--First Period, from the commencement of the War to the Peace
of Nicias, B.C. 431-421.
- CHAPTER XII The Peloponnesian
War.--Second Period, from the Peace of Nicias to the Defeat of
the Athenians in Sicily, B.C. 421-413.
- CHAPTER XIII The Peloponnesian
War.--Third Period, from the Sicilian Expedition to the end of
the War, B.C. 413-404.
- CHAPTER XIV The Thiry Tyrants, and
the death of Socrates, B.C. 404-399.
- CHAPTER XV The Expedition of the
Greeks under Cyrus, and Retreat of the Ten Thousand, B.C.
- CHAPTER XVI The Supremacy of
Sparta, B.C. 404-371.
- CHAPTER XVII The Supremacy of
Thebes, B.C. 371-361.
- CHAPTER XVIII History of the
Sicilian Greeks from the Destruction of the Athenian Armament to
the Death of Timoleon.
- CHAPTER XIX Phillip of Macedon,
B.C. 359-336.
- CHAPTER XX Alexander the Great,
B.C. 336-323.
- CHAPTER XXI From the Death of
Alexander the Great to the Conquest of Greece by the Romans, B.C.
- CHAPTER XXII Sketch of the History
of Greek Literature from the Earliest Times to the Reign of
Alexander the Great.
Many words in the printed text have accents, etc. which have been
omitted. Dipthongs have been expanded into two letters In this
Etext, printed text in italics has been written in capital