a son of Gaea, or of Zeus and Elara, the daughter of Orchomenus, was a giant in Euboea, and the father of Europa. (Apollodorus i. 4)
Instigated by Hera, he made an assault upon Leto or Artemis, when she passed through Panopaeus to Pytho, but was killed by the arrows of Artemis or Apollo, or, according to others, Zeus killed him with a flash of lightning.
He was then cast into Tartarus, and there he lay outstretched on the ground, covering nine acres, and two vultures or snakes devoured his liver.
His gigantic tomb was shown in aftertimes near Panopeus, and his fall by the arrows of Artemis and Apollo was represented on the throne of Apollo at Amyclae. (Metamorphoses by Ovid iv.)
"Not long afterwards he (Apollo)
slew also Tityus, who was a son of Zeus and Elare, daughter of
Orchomenus; for her, after he had debauched her, Zeus hid under
the earth for fear of Hera, and brought forth to the light the
son Tityus, of monstrous size, whom she had borne in her womb."
Apollodorus i