1. A son of Andraemon and Gorge, was king of Calydor and Pleuron, in Aetolia, and went with forty ships against Troy.
2. A son of Dionysus and Ariadne. He was king of Lemnos and married to Myrina, by whom he became the father of Hypsipyle and Lemus.
When the Lemnian women killed all the men in the island, Hypsipyle saved her father Thoas, and concealed him. (Apollodorus) Afterwards, however, he was discovered by the other women, and killed (Apollodorus i ii), or he escaped to Tauris (Hygin. Fab, 15), or to the island of Oenoe near Euboea, which was henceforth called Sicinus.
3. A son of Icarius and Periboea, and a brother of Penelope. (Apollodorus iii)
4. A son of Borysthenes, and king of Tauris, into whose dominions Iphigenia was carried by Artemis, when she was to have been sacrificed. He was killed by Chryses.
5. A son of Ornytus or Ornytion.
6. A Trojan who was slain by Menelaus.