a son of Bias and Pero, and king of
Argos. He was married to Lysimache (Eurynome, Hygin. Fab. 70, or Lysianassa,
Paus.ii. 6. § 3), and was father of Adrastus, Parthenopaeue, Pronax, Mecisteus,
Aristomachus, and Eriphyle. (Apollodorus i. 9.) Hyginus
mentions two other daughters of his. He also occurs among the
Argonauts (Apollon. Rhod. i. 118), and his tomb was shown at
Argos. Being a great grandson of Cretheus, Antimachus in a
fragment preserved in Pausanias calls him Cretheiades. His own
sons, Adrastus and Mecisteus, are sometimes called