One of the sons of Hippocoon. (Pausanias iii.; Herodotus v.; Apollodorus iii)
From Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and MythologyFrom Herodotus The History. The Fifth Book: Terpsichore
Another of the tripods has this legend in the hexameter measure:—
I to far-shooting Phoebus was offered by Scaeus the boxer, When he had won at the games- a wondrous beautiful offering.
This might be Scaeus, the son of Hippocoon; and the tripod, if dedicated by him, and not by another of the same name, would belong to the time of Oedipus, the son of Laius.
From Apollodorus Library Book 3.
Now Hippocoon had sons, to wit: Dorycleus, Scaeus, Enarophorus, Eutiches, Bucolus, Lycaethus, Tebrus, Hippothous, Eurytus, Hippocorystes, Alcinus, and Alcon.