A daughter of Amphion and Niobe. (Apollodorus III)
2. The beloved of Apollo, by whom she became the mother of Dorus, Laodocus, and Polypoetes. (Apollodorus I)
3. The name in some traditions given to the mistress of Amyntor. (Tzetz. ad Lye. 421 ; comp. Phoenix, No. 2.)
From Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and MythologyFrom The Iliad of Homer
My good friend, when your father Peleus sent you from Phthia to Agamemnon, did he not charge you saying, 'Son, Minerva and Juno will make you strong if they choose, but check your high temper, for the better part is in goodwill. Eschew vain quarrelling, and the Achaeans old and young will respect you more for doing so.' These were his words, but you have forgotten them. Even now, however, be appeased, and put away your anger from you.