1. The personification of Persuasion (Suada or Suadela among the Romans), was worshipped as a divinity at Sicyon, where she was honoured with a temple in the agora. (The History of Herodotus VIII) Peitho also occurs as a surname of other divinities, such as Aphrodite, whose worship was said to have been introduced at Athens by Theseus, when he united the country communities into towns and of Artemis.
At Athens the statues of Peitho and Aphrodite Pandemos stood closely together, and at Megara, too, the statue of Peitho stood in the temple of Aphrodite so that the two divinities must be conceived as closely connected, or the one, perhaps, merely as an attribute of the other.
When Zeus ordered the creation of the first woman, Pandora, Peitho and the Graces put golden necklaces around her neck.
2. One of the Charites.
3. One of the daughters of Oceanus and Thetis. (Theogony of Hesiod 349 )
4. The wife of Phoroneus, and the
mother of Aegialeus and Apia.