Itonias or Itonis, a surname of Athena, derived from the town of Iton, in the south of Phthiotis. ( Description of Greece by Pausanias Book 1. Plutarch, Pyrrhus)
The goddess there had a celebrated sanctuary and festivals, and is hence also called incolaltoni. From Iton her worship spread into Boeotia and the country about lake Copais, where the Pamboeotia was celebrated, in the neighbourhood of a temple and grove of Athena.
According to another tradition, Athena received the surname of Itonia from Itonus, a king or priest. (Pausanias ix. Scholiast on Apollonius Rhodius)
From Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and MythologyFrom The Mycenaean Origin of Greek Mythology
The myth itself corroborates this connection, for the goal of the expedition is the fetching of the golden fleece, the fleece is inseparable from the cult of Zeus Laphystius, and the original home of this cult is Mount Laphystion, south of Orchomenus. It follows that the cycle, that of the Athamantidae and the Argonauts, is connected with both northern Boeotia and southern Thessaly, and this is comprehensible if we accept Buttmann's conclusion that the Minyans inhabited not only northern Boeotia but also the seaboard toward the north, including southern Thessaly.
This conclusion is corroborated by cults and place names common to Boeotia and southern Thessaly. In addition to the cult of Zeus Laphystius, which was our starting point, that of Athena Itonia may be especially mentioned. Among place names the Phthiotic Thebes was mentioned above. There is a Coronea not only in Boeotia but in Thessaly also, situated on the northern slopes of Mount Othrys. Another Orchomenus in Thessaly is mentioned by several authors, and lastly, a Thessalian town Minya is known by an inscription. This is too much to be accidental and testifies to ethnical interrelations between the districts.