1. A daughter of Lycaon, was beloved by Zeus, but Hera, out of jealousy, metamorphosed her into a she-bear, whereupon Zeus placed her among the stars, under the name of the Great Northern Bear. (The Georgics By Virgil) When Demeter invoked her, asking for information about her lost daughter, Helice referred her to Helios. ( Fasti By Ovid) Hyginus calls her a daughter of Olenus, and says that she brought up Zeus.
2. A daughter of Selinus, and the wife of Ion. The town of Helice, in Achaia, was believed to have derived its name from her. (Description of Greece by Pausanias vii. Eustathius, Scholiast on Homer's Iliad.)
3. A daughter of Danaus, mentioned by Hyginus. (Fab. 170.)
From Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and MythologyFrom The Iliad of Homer. Book VIII
Thus did he vaunt, but Queen Juno made high Olympus quake as she shook with rage upon her throne. Then said she to the mighty god of Neptune, "What now, wide ruling lord of the earthquake? Can you find no compassion in your heart for the dying Danaans, who bring you many a welcome offering to Helice and to Aegae? Wish them well then. If all of us who are with the Danaans were to drive the Trojans back and keep Jove from helping them, he would have to sit there sulking alone on Ida."