Or Furrina, an ancient Roman divinity, who had a sacred grove at Rome. (Cic. de Nat.Deor. iii. 18.) Her worship seems to have become extinct at an early time, for Varro (de L. L. vi. 19) states that in his day her name was almost forgotten. An annual festival (Furinalia or Furinales feriae) had been celebrated in honour of her, and a flamen (flamen Furinalis) conducted her worship. (Varro de L. L. v. 84, vii. 45.) She had also a temple in the neighbourhood of Satricum. (Cic. ad Q. Frat. iii. 1.)
From Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and MythologyFrom The Letters of Cicero, Volume 1, by Marcus Tullius Cicero
On the 13th of September I was at Laterium. I examined the road, which appeared to me to be so good as to seem almost like a high road, except a hundred and fifty paces—for I measured it myself from the little bridge at the temple of Furina, in the direction of Satricum.
From Epochs Of Ancient History. The Gracchi Marius and Sulla by A.H. Beesley
Murder of Caius
Meanwhile Caius, who had neither armed nor fought, was about to kill himself in the temple of Diana, when his two friends implored him to try and save himself for happier times. Then it is said he invoked a curse on the people for their ingratitude, and fled across the Tiber. He was nearly overtaken; but his two staunch friends, Pomponius and Laetorius, gave their lives for their leader--Pomponius at the Porta Trigemina below the Aventine, Laetorius in guarding the bridge which was the scene of the feat of Horatius Cocles. As Caius passed people cheered him on, as if it was a race in the games. He called for help, but no one helped him--for a horse, but there was none at hand. One slave still kept up with him, named Philocrates or Euporus. Hard pressed by their pursuers the two entered the grove of Furina, and there the slave first slew Caius and then himself. A wretch named Septimuleius cut off the head of Gracchus; for a proclamation had been made that whosoever brought the heads of the two leaders should receive their weight in gold.