1, A son of Irus and Demonassa, and a grandson of Actor, is mentioned among the Argonauts. (Argonautica) According to others he was a son of Actor, and he is also called Eurytus. (Apollodorus i) When Peleus was expelled from his dominions, he fled to Eurytion and married his daughter Antigone but in shooting at the Calydonian boar, Peleus inadvertently killed his father-in-law, (Apollodorus iii)
2. A centaur who took to flight during the fight of Heracles with the centaurs ; but he was afterwards killed by Heracles in the dominions of Dexamenus, whose daughter Eurytion was on the point of making his wife. (Apollodorus. ii)
Two other mythical personages of this name are mentioned by
Apollodorus (Apollodorus. ii)
and Virgil, (The
Aeneid by Virgil Book V).