a son of Poseidon and Canace. He came from Thessaly to Sicyon, where he succeeded in the kingdom, as Corax died without leaving any heir to his throne. He carried away from Thebes the beautiful Antiope, the daughter of Nycteus, who therefore made war upon Epopeus. The two hostile kings died of the wounds which they received in the war; but previous to his death Epopeus dedicated a temple to Athena. (Apollodorus i)
A different tradition about Epopeus is related under Amphion.
Pausanias calls him a son of Aloeus, whereas he is commonly described as a brother of Aloeus. The temple of Athena which he had built at Sicyon was destroyed by lightning, but his tomb was preserved and shown there to a very late period.
Another mythical being of this name occurs in Ovid. ( Metamorphoses
by Ovid III)