1. A mythical king of Corinth, a son of Lycaethus. (Hygin. Fab. 25, calls him a son of Menoecus, and thus confounds him with Creon of Thebes.) His daughter, Glauce, married Jason, and Medeia, who found herself forsaken, took vengeance by sending Glance a garment which destroyed her by fire when she put it on. (Apollodorus i. 9.) Medeia's present consisted of a crown, and Creon perished with his daughter, who is there called Creusa.
2. A son of Menoecus, and king of Thebes. After the death of
Laius, Creon gave the kingdom to Oedipus, who had delivered the
country from the Sphinx; but after Oedipus had laid down the
government, Creon resumed it. His tyrannical conduct towards the
Argives, and especially towards Antigone, is well known from the
Oedipus and Antigone of Sophocles. Creon had a son, Haemon, and
two daughters, Henioche and Pyrrha.