1. A daughter of Boreas and Oreithyia, and sister of Cleopatra, Zetes, and Calais. She became by Poseidon the mother of Eumolpus, and in order to conceal the event, she threw the boy into the sea; but the child was saved by Poseidon.
2. A daughter of Daedalion, who was beloved by Apollo and Hermes on
account of her beauty. She gave birth to twins, Autolycus and Philammon, the former a son of Hermes and the latter of Apollo. She was killed by Artemis for having found fault with the beauty
of that goddess, and her father in his grief threw himself, from
a rock of Parnassus but, while falling, he was changed by Apollo
into a hawk. Chione is also called Philonis.